#these colours look best together from the recent batch
oooocleo · 2 years
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two bust commissions! tabletop babes...
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eorzean-tale · 3 years
Unsung Adventures - Prompt #7: Trepidation
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Her squadron was lethargic, but Captain Blazing Horizon had not been able to snap them out of it. Heck, she hadn’t even managed to snap out of it herself. But now she finally had a mission she could believe in, and she’d be damned if she didn’t drag them along by the hair if she needed to.
Her pace was brisk, the heels of her polished boots clicking on the bare stone in the hallway. They squealed a bit as she turned to throw open the door to her soldier’s barracks. It slammed into the wall, startling Conjurer Lina. The normally bubbly midlander woman yelped, then rushed out of bed so fast she nearly forgot she had the top bunk. It would have been comical to see her half tumbling out of bed, if Blazing wasn’t so worried about the woman’s newly found hobby of sleeping in the middle of the day.
Wyat should have been barking out a laugh, or coming to her aide, but he did neither. The Highlander thaumathurge just handed Cocoshan his flask back, seemingly not in the mood for humour or compassion alike. They had probably been sharing some of Cocoshan’s infamous moonshine, a clear indication that even Wyat was feeling the weight of their past on his broad shoulders. The drink was better suited to peel paint than to consume, which was why Blazing had always turned a blind eye to him openly sneaking in his latest batches. No one in their right mind was ever going to drink enough of the stuff to get drunk, but then again, they all hadn’t been in the best of mental spaces of late.
 That left it up to the gruff Lalafell to get up and make sure Lina was alright, a role that didn’t come to the old rogue naturally. He awkwardly petted her arm a bit, looking like he expected her to explode or so something else equally horrid any moment now.
“Good, you’re here. Follow me,” Blazing commanded briskly before continuing down the hall. She didn’t wait for them, knowing that even in this state they’d obey. She was a fair leader, but wouldn’t tolerate open insubordination and they knew it.
At the end of the hallway was their training area, flanked with a leisure space on her right where they ate and, during better times, did activities together. To her left sat her second in command behind the biggest desk the world had ever seen. A dozen Lalafell could live in it and still have room for more. That is, if he ever cleaned it out. Blazing suspected he had paperwork from before Ul’dah had even existed hidden in its many drawers.  He was a Roegadyn like her, but looked about a hundred-thousand years her senior. His hair was grey, his skin the colour and texture of old leather. Manic Brook had been quite the fighter in his younger years, but now even just getting up to salute her seemed like a battle. Not that she’d ever get him to stop, stiffler for protocol that he was. 
“At ease, Old Brook,” she told him, letting some affection show by using the nickname Lina had bestowed upon him years ago. Scanning the room, she noticed Glaring Owl first. The raven-haired woman wasn’t part of the Flames, but often visited to help Brook. He was her grandfather - or was he her great-grandfather? Blazing could never remember which. Glaring had taken a fancy to her and had recently started referring to herself as her girlfriend in a tone that suggested there was little room for protesting that ‘fact’. The gruff captain didn’t really know how to feel about it. She had little patience or time for relationships, being the living embodiment of ‘married to her work’. The occasional dalliance that she did have was usually with men, not women, but Glaring was charming and brought a light-heartedness to her life that she needed now more than ever. She also suspected that Glaring was doing most of her grand-or-great-grandfather’s work at this point. It was hardly appropriate given that she wasn’t even a Flame, but the work got done and she couldn’t bring herself to request a proper replacement for the old man anyway. That the woman was trained in the ways of the Arcanist only added to her usefulness. 
Tama, a city-born Miqo’te woman, had been releasing some of her pent-up energy by bare-knuckle punching one of the training dummies, but lowered her fists to look at the Captain as she came in. She had a penchant for staring unblinkingly with her cat-like blue eyes, which were currently studying Blazing like she was expecting her to do something spectacular. The woman grinned as she moved closer, already having picked up on the fact that the Captain had something important to share. 
The two D’s, Daniel and Daisuke, looked up from the game they had been playing. The Au Ra swordsman, who was a late addition to her squadron, had been trying to teach the midlander man some Far Eastern game that vaguely resembles chess, but was even more complicated. Daniel, despite all the book-smarts he had gathered during his training as an alchemist-medic, couldn’t quite wrap his head around it yet, and it wasn’t for lack of trying. He seemed relieved for the intrusion, most likely because he wouldn’t have to suffer another defeat thanks to it.
“We have a mission,” Blazing announced as everyone settled down, some finding chairs to sit in while others just sat on the floor or leaned against the massive desk. That got their attention, even if it made them wary and unsure. They had been benched ever since they had found out about the cure against Tempering, as the brass was rightfully worried for them. Their entire professional lives had revolved around finding and ending the Tempered, in the only way they thought possible. Death, they had been told again and again, was the only way to end their suffering. A mercy after having a Primal take away their free will. Finding out that there was a cure after all was both a blessing and a curse, with all of them feeling different amounts of regret and guilt.
Lina felt it more keenly than most, and was already shaking her head. Before she could voice her doubts though, Blazing continued: “It’s for L’rkah. Apparently some of his tribe still live. Says he didn’t know, and I believe him.” 
That nipped any suspicion right in the butt, she figured. The Seeker was well-liked, so if she said he hadn’t known that his tempered kin had been alive all this time, they didn’t argue it, nor did they ask about the details. They’d get their answers from the man himself, if they needed them at all. 
“He requested help with this cure-thing. The brass has agreed to let us test it out in the field,” Blazing said, looking from person to person. She saw hope there, good. They had a long way to go before the blood was washed from their hands, but helping out the kin of one of their own was a good first step towards redemption. Their hearts were still heavy, but it felt a bit more bearable as they focused on the logistics and planning that eve. It gave them purpose, a mission. And perhaps a future.
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realismreading · 4 years
“Katharine! Kat, calm down! It’s just a nightmare!” 
Katharine poked her head out from underneath her covers and almost burst into tears again when she saw that she was still in her dark and cold room in Greavesdrake instead of at the Black Cottage.
Instead of with my sisters, I should be with my sisters, I want Mirabella and Arsinoe, I want Willa.
Natalia was perched on the edge of her bed, concern written across her features for a brief moment as Katharine locked eyes with her. 
One flash, and then it was gone. One moment, and she was Natalia Arron, foster mother of the Queen, foster sister to the last Queen, once again. Stone cold and blank faced. 
But she still called me Kat. 
Natalia had been ... different in recent months. It had been almost a year since Katharine had been taken from her sisters and from Willa, but it had felt like an age to Katharine. She had never wanted to come here, she had never wanted to be stolen away. She wanted to be running around, chasing after Arsinoe and letting Mirabella gently weave flowers into her hair. 
She didn’t want to get pinched by Genevieve when Natalia wasn’t looking. She didn’t want this massive, stiff bed and lessons all day about poisons and tonics and toxins and plants. 
She was a poisoner who did not want to be a poisoner. A Queen who did not want to be Queen. A child who did not want to grow to hate her sisters. A little girl who wanted to know her mother and father and wear clothes other than black as everyone else did. 
Mirabella has always said that green would suit me. Green ... though it is a naturalist colour. Purple for a poisoner, she said, would make me look ill. My complexion and my frame would have people believe that I had been starved all my life, no matter how much Willa fed me. 
“It’s okay, Katharine,” Natalia said. “It’s just a nightmare.” Katharine looked around the room once more, making sure that there was nothing, no one, lurking in the shadows. 
Once the perceived danger was most certainly no longer there, Katharine pushed the covers away from her face and sat up. 
“What was the nightmare about?” Natalia asked. 
“My sisters.” Katharine said softly. 
“Oh? Are you scared of your sisters?” 
Katharine shook her head. “I was scared that I’d hurt them.” She said. “Genevieve said that I would have to kill them. She said that all the surviving women in my family had killed their sisters, that it’s expected of me to do the same. She said my mother was sneaky and her sisters looked peaceful when they died, but the foam at their mouth gave it away that they’d been poisoned. Genevieve told me that I should be smarter, that I should make them bleed and suffer so the island has an Ascension that shows the power of a strong queen.” 
“Genevieve is just trying to scare you.” Natalia assured. 
“So I don’t have to kill my sisters?” Katharine asked, suddenly brightening. 
Natalia smiled, and was quiet for a few moments. “No, you don’t have to kill your sisters.” She said. “But they will try to kill you. So you have to survive at any cost. You might have to make some hard choices to do that, but that’s why Genevieve and I are here. To make those decisions a little easier when the time comes.” 
Katharine nodded. “It’s alright, Natalia. They won’t try to kill me. We’re the best of friends, we love each other a lot. We could never kill each other. We’ll all be queens together! We’ll make history and we’ll live happily ever after!”  
“I’m sure you will, Kat.” Natalia said quietly. “Now what do you say we go down to the kitchens and try to sneak away some fudge? I have it on good authority that Cook made a fresh batch ready for Genevieve’s birthday tomorrow.” 
“Does it have poison in it?” Katharine asked worriedly. 
“Of course not. I asked her to make sure that there was some untainted ones just for you. We wouldn’t want Genevieve to be mad about a reaction, would we?” 
Katharine shook her head and Natalia opened her arms. Katharine smiled and threw herself into them. Natalia wasn’t Willa, but her hugs were just as good. 
Natalia bundled the tiny seven year old Katharine up in her arms and carried her all the way to the kitchens. 
And when Katharine’s eyes had dropped with only half of her fudge eaten, still wrapped tightly in her hand as if she were scared it would be stolen away from her, Natalia brushed the silky black hair from her face and carried her all the way back to her room, took the fudge and put it in the bedside drawer beside the bed, tucked Katharine in and pressed a singular, feather-light kiss to the girl’s forehead. 
She is not my blood, and she is too soft to kill her sisters of her own accord. So I will make sure she survives, even if I have to kill the other two myself. She is mine, and I will always protect her. 
My Kat. 
Thank you to the lovely anon who suggested Natalia comforting Katharine after a nightmare.
If y’all have any more prompts, I’m certainly taking them. I’ll do my best to write them ASAP. Luckily, I don’t have much to do for uni work at the moment, so I have a lot of time to write! 
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colehasapen · 4 years
(ONE SHOT) taab'echaaj'la STAR WARS
(“Rex.” Keeli says suddenly, like he was playing with the vowels.
7567 looks up from his datapad in bemusement at his batchmate’s sudden voice, eyebrow raising in confusion, but Keeli only smiles back at him in excitement, dark eyes glittering. They’re in their bunk room, surrounded by the mutters of their squadmates and aching from the day’s training, and 7567 had been going over some of the Command-class courses Cody had slipped him when no one was watching. “You say something?”
Keeli’s grin widens, and he kicks his legs through the open air above ‘67’s head from where he sits on the edge of his pod. “You haven’t picked a name yet, ‘67.” He points out, and 7567 rolls his eyes.
“I don’t want to pick one.”
Keeli’s lips pressed together, eyes flashing with quiet anger, “They’re not going to decommission you for having a name.” He says, and 7567 sighs, putting down his datapad to give his brother a blank stare.
“I’d rather not risk it, thanks.” He runs a hand though the short bristles of white-blond hair. Keeping it so short helped 7567 slip under the notice of the scientists and trainers that would take any excuse to decommission a mutant, even after the Prime had ordered them to stop removing clones with nothing more than aesthetic differences - as long as 7567 stayed useful, he stayed alive. The harsh white lights of the facility made it hard to see the colour of his hair when it was shaved down, and without it, 7567 looked just like any other clone.
“Aw, come on ‘67. Even Mojo and Drayk chose names and they’re boring.” Keeli pouts dramatically, ignoring Drayk’s mutter to leave him out of it and dodging the boot Mojo had aimed for his head. “Loosen up a bit! You’re the only one who hasn’t picked one yet.”
“And I don’t plan to.” ‘67 says with a bland shrug, ignoring the increased intensity of Keeli’s pout with practised ease, turning back to his datapad. If he looks at his brother’s face, he’ll crumble and give in, 7567 knows, because always does.
Fordo picks on him endlessly for being too soft, but ‘67 can’t deny his only batchmate anything.
“Well,” Keeli grumbles, and 7567 ducks under his next kick without missing a beat, “If you won’t pick one, then I will.”
“Right.” ‘67 drawls, rolling his eyes, but he may as well humour him or he’d be unbearable. “As long as it’s not something as stupid as ‘Keeli’.”
His brother squawks in offense, and ‘67 catches his following kick without so much as blinking. A strong tug on the offending foot overbalanced Keeli, sending him toppling off of his pod and to the floor in a flurry of flailing limbs and high-pitched cursing his batchmate must have picked up from Wolffe.
Around them, their squad laughs.
“You were asking for that, Keels.” Herc teases from his pod, and under him Styles cackles while Keeli whines and pouts on the floor.
Only his pride was hurt, but it would heal.
“You’re a sheb, Rex.”
‘67 blinks in shock, looking up from the scrolling tactics on his screen once more when Keeli speaks, “What?”
“You’re hanging out with Alpha-17’s boys too much.” His brother whines dramatically, leveraging himself back up only to flop over once more when he reaches ‘67’s pod. 7567 yelps when a sharp elbow catches him in the ribs. “You’ve become a sheb yourself. It’s photosynthesis.”
“Pretty sure that’s not what photosynthesis is, asshole.” He grumbles, rubbing his aching ribs, before squinting at Keeli. “Why Rex?”
Keeli laughs in response, but there’s an odd knowing glint in his eyes that makes ‘67’s stomach twist nervously. “Because you’ll be the best of us someday.”)
Rex looks up only out of habit when the doors to his office slide open, barely acknowledging the brother that stands there before dropping his gaze back to the casualty report he’s holding in his hands. He’s numb, only a shell that keeps moving out of necessity and habit as he stares at the list of dead in front of him.
It was his fault. All these men had died because the 501st hadn’t come to back them up.
From his door, Cody sighs - a heavy, mournful sound - as he steps further into the office, letting the door slide shut behind him. The beep of the lock being engaged is loud in the silence that follows as his older brother walks towards his desk, but still Rex doesn’t look up from the one name on the list that stands out to him the most.
Something heavy and hollow clatters when it’s placed on his desk. “I went to their last known coordinates.” Cody’s voice is soft and gentle as he speaks, bringing back memories of all the times his older brother would let him crawl into his pod to hide back on Kamino, but with a sort of edge to it that Cody had only recently picked up. It’s heavy with loss, and Cody had had to learn it to comfort grieving men who had lost brothers and friends to the War. “He would have wanted you to have it.”
Rex finally tears his eyes away from Ponds' report, lifting his gaze, and his breath catches. He's  frozen, staring at the grimy helmet covered with dirt and marred by scorch marks, but the distinctive design still stands out proudly in red. He fumbles with the datapad, letting it drop onto his lap without resistance, and he reaches for the helmet without even being fully aware of what he's doing. Shaking hands trace the curving horns, and Rex's breathing shivers.
It makes everything feel horrifically real to have his brother’s helmet sitting accusingly on his desk, like he can’t ignore the truth anymore.
“I’m sorry, Rex.” Cody says softly, and Rex has to drag his eyes away from the damaged plastoid to watch his older brother kneel beside him. His armour is still caked with dust, and spotted with ash and scorch marks, and there’s deep, dark bags under his eyes - Cody must have jumped over from the Negotiator the moment he was done reporting to the High Generals, all to bring Rex the only piece of his batchmate that was left.
“He’s really gone.” Rex murmurs, feeling lost, and Cody reaches forwards to gently squeeze the back of his neck. His eyes burn, and he closes them in shame, leaning into Cody’s hold as he breathes, trying to stop himself from sobbing like a cadet. He’s a Captain now, he loses brothers everyday, so many on his own orders. They’d always known the risk, they always knew that any day could be their last, so why was he having so much trouble accepting that Keeli was gone.
He’s the last now, the only one left of their batch.
“Nu kyr’adyc, shi taab’echaaj’la.” Cody says, pulling Rex close and offering him a mirshmure’cya that the Captain leans into with a quiet hiccup.
“Not gone, merely marching far away.” He echoes thickly.
Keeli is dead. He had died on Ryloth with his General and men, waiting for reinforcements that would never come because the 501st had been forced to retreat. They had lost a third of their numbers before even reaching the surface. Keeli is dead, because Rex had failed to get to him, and no one else had been rerouted until it was already too late to help them.
Safe in his office, with only Cody as a witness, Rex lets himself crumble. He breaks, sobbing into Cody’s shoulder like a lost child, mourning his loss, because outside of his brother’s arms he needs to be strong. Tomorrow, Rex will need to put himself back together and put on a show. He’ll need to be Captain Rex, unshakable and strong, because that’s what his men needed, but for now he can just be Rex. With Cody, he doesn’t have to pretend, because his brother is always there to catch him; a solid support that would help him glue his broken parts back together every time he shatters.
“You’ll be the last of us.” Keeli had said once, his eyes heavy and knowing, and there had been something powerful buzzing under his skin.
Rex had always hoped that Keeli would be wrong.
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circuscarnage · 4 years
A Prince By All Means.
Guess who was in a writing mood. Yay, it’s me. Feeling down because I hadn’t had motivation recently, but then I remembered the prince uniforms and the conversation about the prince cafe, and here we are. So if you’re feeling bored in lock down, why not read a crack fic about the prince cafe, featuring Nathaniel and Sarge by @prometheanglory ?
Sorry Vy for dragging this concept through the mud.
Words: 2438.
When Nathaniel was called to the headmasters office earlier that day, he had prepared himself to be reprimanded for the latest poison incident. Some poor Pomefiore soul had mistakenly taken a bite out of the fresh batch of candy apples, and paid a horrible price. All things considered, he had purchased a new poison and wanted to test it out, at least he knew it was worth the price. The last thing he expected was to be greeted with an frantic Crowley and a passive Sarge. As soon as he entered the room the attention was brought to him. Sarge smiled and waved as Crowley haphazardly shoved the spare papers into his desk before ushering the boy over. 
Here he told them about his idea. After the last overblotting incident, the school needed some funding for refurbishments. Of course, the headmaster couldn't reach out the the federal board for help. Even though their funding would be a great help, if they found out just how many students had fallen into overblot, the Night Raven Reputation would be ruined. Crowley had to take matters into his own hands, and what better way than a charity fundraiser? However, this particular fundraiser was somewhat unorthodox. Instead of doing something like a bake sale, or a book fare, it was a host club.
"We have students catering to different types of individuals, so there is something there for everyone." Crowley explained. "All you need to do is sit down with them, talk to them, and ensure they have an enjoyable time." He turned to look at the white haired bot first.
"Sarge, I am aware that you have gained quite the following since coming to Night Raven. I believe they are on their way to forming some sort of religion, calling themselves a church. And Nathaniel, many would welcome the chance to be hosted by royalty. It would surely be a wonderfully opportunity for students." He then explained the event in further detail, saying he would pair the two up, putting them together in a 'sweet and sour' package. Nathaniel was highly against the idea. He already had to deal with Sarge enough in their dorm, now he was expected to be a package deal with him? No way. "I will not lower myself to be lumped together with such an immoral, licentious-
"I think it's a great idea." Sarge briskly cut in, covering Nathaniel's mouth with one hand, rendering his onslaught of insults useless. "After all, plenty of students have been distressed over the incidents, I think they need something to relax their nerves." He removed his hand from the others face and rested it on his chin, as if trying to remember something. "I should know. Many have come to me seeking sanctuary. And I always provide."
Nathaniel grimaced, remembering the amount of students he had to forcibly remove from their room. Sarge would always tease him about it after, saying if he wanted to be alone with him, he could have just asked. That always earned him a swift punch to the face, as well as Nathaniel storming out of the room shortly after. He had requested several times to switch rooms, but students were unwilling to put up with either of them. He had also expressed his disgust for his roommate in written form, which he would send to his mother, but she has yet to respond.
"Fantastic!" Crowley brightly stated. He walked back over to his desk and began to scribble down some notes on paper. "The event starts at two pm, in the grand hall. You'll have to come a little early to get changed into the uniforms. You'll enter once all of the other guests have been seated. Of course, you need to know that there will also be people from outside to enjoy the events so I expect the both of you to be on your best behaviour-"
Before Crowley could finish his sentence, a hand slammed down on the table before him. Seething away whilst listening to Crowley's exposition, was a disgruntled prince who only got more agitated by the second. He glared down the headmaster with burning eyes, singeing a hole into the older mans subconscious. He had never said he would agree to take part in this event. The old crow was getting far too ahead of himself, and he had to put a stop to these assumptions. 
"Bold of you to assume I would ever partake in such a ludicrous event. You insult me, Crowley." The Headmaster was taken aback by this sudden outburst. He didn't think a simple idea would trigger such a negative reaction. Even Sarge was impressed at how forcible Nathaniel was being, especially towards the headmaster. Nathaniel however, was far from impressed. Irritation radiated off him like a burning stove. "Humour me. Give me one good reason why I should include myself in this charade?"
"I thought you might be hesitant." The way the Headmaster spoke caught both boys off guard. There was a certain edge to his voice that sounded like it was rehearsed, as if he knew one of them was going to disagree. Without further ado, a heavy stack of papers were dropped onto the desk, creating a loud thud that echoed throughout the room. "If you do this, I am willing to overlook all previous incidents involving your cooking. Since I am so kind."
The white haired boy glanced over the stacks of paper. The incidents ranged in intensity, going from minor inconveniences to lethal. It was amazing how he hadn't been kicked out of school yet. Sarge recalled all the times Nathaniel tried to poison him, remembering how outraged he was to find that Sarge was seemingly immune. After that, his attempts increased, silently hoping that a stronger dose would do the trick. However, Sarge would always eat the treat eagerly, even going as far as giving him tips on how to improve. No matter how hard he tried, Sarge was not one to be dropping dead so easily. Letting out a heavy sigh, Sarge leaned again the table and addressed his fellow classmate, hoping to press a few buttons. "You've been doing this all behind my back? And here I thought I was special." 
Nathaniel sent sarge a harsh look, which he returned with a wink. Trying to ignore the sparkling pest, Nathaniel returned to the matter at hand. Blackmail? What the hell was the old crow thinking? Using these innocent actions of poisoning against him as emotional leverage? He had to admit, that was a good tactic. This old bird was smarter than what he gave credit for. After carefully weighting his options, Nathaniel silently cursed the heavens before removing his hand, and reluctantly agreeing.
"This is stupid."
Nathaniel looked over himself one more time in the mirror, sneering at the reflection that greeted him. He was dressed head to toe in an extravagant outfit befitting of a prince. A black uniform accentuated by silver trim, an exact replica of royalty. The outfit itself wasn't what irked him. It was the premise. Being presented to a large group of people and expecting to entertain them one by one like a fool. Things like that are suited for a lowly peasant, some poor smuck that could be picked off the streets, not for someone of his calibre. To think that someone oh his bloodline had been reduced to a common entertainer. If his mother found out she would... No. She wouldn't do anything. Too enamoured with her husband to notice anything her son did. He curled a dark lock of hair around his finger. When was the last time he had it down? Without the silver crown, it felt almost wrong to stare at his reflection. Whilst Nathaniel was busy sulking in his changing room, Sarge was waiting outside, already pampered and prepared. 
Even though he did enjoy the uniform, and agreed that it would bring in some money, he couldn't help but think that a maid cafe would benefit the school more. If he suggested the idea to his companion, he would surely be dismantled. Speaking of, he had been spending an awfully long time in that room. Was he having trouble with his costume or was he just too shy? Sarge chuckled to himself. It would reflected badly on him if he did not assist a fellow student in need. He knocked gently on the door before calling out "You can't hide in there forever you know," The ever present playfulness to his voice was coated in a threatening sweet tone. "If you don't come out, I'm going to have to come in." Before Sarge has the chance to touch the door handle, it was quickly pulled away from him. 
Nathaniel grimaced as he looked his companion up and down. He worse the exact same uniform as him, the only difference being the colour. When Crowley said they were a package deal, he meant it. The thought of him being able to distance himself from Sarge once the event started quickly dissipated into thin air, leaving behind a trail of dread that would forever haunt him. He hated to admit it, but Sarge certainly did look the part. His usual princely aura was only amplified by the outfit, making him seem like something from a dream. He sparkled more than he usually did, making Nathaniel squint his eyes. "You look like you belong to Royal Sword." Nathaniel said airily as he adjusted his cuff links, trying not to pay attention to the glistening display before him. 
Sarge smiled, letting out a delighted sigh whilst placing a gloved hand over his heart. "My, Nathaniel, I didn't know you could be so kind." The dark haired boy sneered in disgust. "That wasn't a compliment." The two boys made their way towards the grand hall, where they were greeted by Crowley waiting outside. "The other hosts are already inside, your fist table is the one on the far left." With one hand firmly on the door handle, he addressed the boys one last time, giving them a fair warning. "And remember, you're setting an example for all of Night Raven. Be respectable." He cast a glance at both boys, not sure who that would apply to the most. 
In one swift motion, the doors opened, revealing a vast array of fancy furniture covered in anticipated guests. As if on cue, hundreds of heads turned in unison to greet the two princes. Hungry eyes glossed over them, taking in their presence like lives depended on it. A familiar unease started to creep up Nathaniel's spine. Being placed on a pedestal like this wasn't something he particularly enjoyed. "You get used to it." Sarge remarked, holding a steady smile on his face. Sarge had been praised and adored almost his entire life, having a few hundred eyes on him was nothing compared to what he endured. To him, this distant attention was bliss. Nathaniel wasn't completely ignorant to the attention either. At the balls his mother hosted, where she would show off her husband like the ornament he is, Nathaniel wasn't excluded from the piercing eyes of their guests. "I know." 
The first guest was already seated on a crisp white chaise lounge chair, located at the far end of the room. A small petite girl with mouse like features. Nothing particularly interesting about her, apart from the fact that she seemed to have been waiting for a while. Every now and again she would twiddle her fingers, silently counting the seconds as they went by. By the way her eyes lit up once she caught a glimpse of Sarge, she must have been one of his followers.
Luckily for Nathaniel, Sarge almost immediately took the lead, greeting the girl in a formal fashion before sitting himself down beside her. He took one of her frail hands in his, placing a gentle kiss atop her smooth skin. His voice was heavens bells to her ears as he spoke, enticing her in with honey coated promises soft as rose petals. Nathaniel cringed, taking a seat for himself. He had watched Sarge play the same routine many times, and it never failed to irk him greatly. 
He watched on as Sarge continued to charm the guest with ease. Within seconds they were completely playing into the fantasy, going along with whatever he said. It was strange to watch. Sarge continuously stringing along the unsuspecting victims with his silk smoothed words until they were nothing but a fly in his web of lies. Under his spell, trapped in her own garden of Eden.  
Nathaniel frowned. If he didn't even attempt to make an effort, Crowley wouldn't hold up his end of the bargain either. It hurt his pride to reduce his attitude down to that of a common entertainer, but for the sake of his personal record, he had to comply. Surely, this wouldn't be a hard task. He was already plenty handsome, and his status was that of something people would die for. Ideally, if he put a little effort in, girls would be swooning at his presence. The only problem was how.
What was he supposed to do, tell her she looked pretty? Well, apart from that being a flat out lie, he would hate to give her false hope. Lord forbid someone like her gains any ounce of self confidence. But he stilled needed to give her some sort of compliment. He looked over at Sarge again. The girl was now leaning into his touch, his hand gently cupped her rose-tinted cheek, whispering sweet nothings to her as if no one else was around. Disgusting. Okay, Nathaniel. Be nice. Just try to be nice.
"You look less like a dishevelled wreck today."
Nailed it.
The guest swiftly turned around, completely forgetting that there was another prince beside her. Sarge covered his mouth as he let out a small chuckle, amused by his friends antics. He had to admit, it was a vast improvement from what Nathaniel would usually say, and it was incredibly entertaining watching him try. Nathaniel started to feel dread creep up his spine once he noticed her eyes growing wider, suddenly being filled with eager anticipation. She let out a bright smile before clapping her hands together in giddy excitement. "That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me!"
"Don't expect it to happen again." Nathaniel quickly remarked, putting a halt to any thoughts she might have about him changing his attitude. He slumped back in his chair and crossed his arms. This was going to be a long day.
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probably-writing-x · 5 years
~Shawn Mendes~
~Based on One by Lewis Capaldi~
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There wouldn't ever come a day where Shawn could no longer remember the exact events of that night. Where he wouldn't remember the feeling of complete and utter heartbreak that swarmed the apartment and made it impossible for him to not feel it too. Where he wouldn't wish he could take it all back.
~~~Two Years Earlier~~~
The call sounded from his phone, cutting out the song and flashing your photo onto the dark screen - it was a picture of you and him in London when he'd been on tour there.
"Hello love!" Shawn picks up instantly, speaking through his headphones as he walks to flop down on the couch in his lounge, looking out at the Toronto skyline where he generally focused on the sight of your apartment just about in view, "Are you still alright to come over tomorrow? I've got a new little song and I need my best opinion,"
"Shawn," Your voice was nothing above a whisper on the other end and part of him thought he'd imagined it.
But the tug on his heart told him he'd dreamt nothing of the sort.
"(Y/n)?" Shawn jolts up to sit up on the couch, preparing himself for the worst that was yet to come, "Honey, are you okay?"
"Can you come over?" Your words are shaking just as much as your entire body, "I just, I need-"
"I'm on my way, don't come off the phone okay?" Shawn jumps up and grabs his keys, tugging on whatever shoes were closest before making the sprint across the city streets to reach your place.
He makes it there in record time which, on any other day, he would make a point of being proud of. Today, he feared all possible worsts.
"(Y/n)?" Shawn's banging on the door enough to confirm that he would be more than willing to knock it down, "Honey, are you in there?"
Silently and with all levels of no energy, your hands move to unlock the front door, opening the barrier so that the only thing between you and your best friend was the thick tension of his fear.
The sight is one he promised himself he would never let the world witness. You're dressed in all typical signs of your normal self but your face is completely different. Your cheeks are stained with oceanic tears and your eyes have become red and puffy in their attempts to prevent further crying. Your bottom lip trembles and your hair is disheveled - you'd had your hands through it.
"He ended it," You manage to squeak out, hands shaking as you do.
Shawn's jaw clenches as he prevents himself from asking a million questions about those simple three words. Instead, his arms enclose your figure and he squeezes enough to let out the next batch of crisp tears, each of them soaking into the grey of his hoodie.
You're trembling against his torso and he's holding you like you'll crumble against him if he even attempts to loosen his grip.
"I've lost him Shawn. I've lost him, I've lost everything," You're truly sobbing now, letting out all of the words that had been tracking through your mind ever since Joe broke the news, "What did I do wrong?"
That's enough for Shawn to cancel all of your self-blame plans, "Hey," He snaps, pulling you away from him to make sure he looks you in the eyes as he says it, "Don't you dare say that. Whatever decision Joe made, you couldn't have done anymore,"
You try your best to nod in agreeance but find yourself crying even more, head dropping back against Shawn's shoulder as you do so.
You're not sure how long the two of you stay like that before Shawn guides you over to the couch, never once letting his hands loosen from around their support on you.
He stayed like that for the whole night, letting you tell the story of what had happened with you and Joe in your own broken pieces - pieces split with crying or cracked words or trembling lips. He lets you blame yourself until your done and then spends time telling you exactly how wrong you were.
In fact, Shawn stayed like that at your place for the next unnumbered days. He clears away the dying flowers that Joe had bought you before he left and he replays the story over in his head again and again.
You and Joe had been together for over a year now - opting to move in together to Joe's place only a few months ago. You were head over heels for the boy! He was currently working his way up the ladder of his family company and had recently left for New York to try to get the next promotion. Your flight to see him was already booked. Until the out of the blue call came telling you he'd been having second thoughts. And, just like that, he dropped you.
How on earth could someone do that to anyone?! Let alone the girl Shawn thought the world of. Joe had the dream relationship and he'd let it all go to waste. He'd let you completely go to waste.
~~~Present Day~~~
It took a long while for Shawn to see you brighten with your colours once again. For a long time, they'd been completely bled from you thanks to the shattering heartbreak Joe left you with. But, in a slow process, Shawn was there to watch you build yourself back up. He helped you move out of the apartment and into one in the same block as his. He waited outside when Joe came home as he felt gut wrenchingly terrified that he'd have to see you at your lowest once again after that. He stayed through the countless times that you cried and the times you got yourself so worked up that you made yourself ill.
And here he was.
In your own time, you'd learnt that your heart loved Shawn. For every one of his quirks, you completely loved him. And, boy, was that scary! He knew it too but he'd still let you take little shuffles before the big jump.
"Babe, I'm losing you," You wave your hand in front of his face until Shawn snaps out of his daze.
"Oh, sorry, honey," He shakes his head, looking at you with a light smile.
You chuckle and lift his arm so he could wrap it around you, "What on Earth were you thinking about?"
Shawn takes a breath, "You."
You look up at him and cock a brow, "Me?"
He hums in response and presses a soft kiss to your lips, "Just how lucky I am,"
You blush and kiss him again like it's the only thing you know how to do.
"What do you fancy for dinner tonight?" You ask him, hand settling on his chest.
"It's your choice, darling," He shrugs, reaching over to his phone and pressing shuffle on his playlist.
"Ooh, I'm gonna go with takeaway," You wiggle your brows, jumping up from the couch.
Shawn makes a noise of protest about the fact you were leaving him again.
"Sorry, babe, but the menus are calling me," You laugh, shaking your hips as an upbeat song blasts through the apartment.
Shawn tucks an arm atop his head and watches you move with the shadows of a smile between his cheeks.
Joe had told you that you weren't enough for him. That your love wasn't enough. He was looking for some sort of perfect despite having it stood right next to him. God, that guy must be fucking hard to please! He had his mind on his career and you were supposedly a burden to that progression. Shawn had learnt how to work with both. He picked up the pieces of your heart and loved you unconditionally whilst still continuing his career - he brought you along for every success and every failure. That's how it should be.
Your boyfriend is only snapped back into reality again this time by the change in song as one that always reminded you of Joe begins to play through the speakers. He winces and goes to change it quickly.
"No, no, it's okay Shawn," You shake your head, "You like this one,"
"I used to," He points out, standing up from the sofa and walking over to you, "You don't like it,"
You shrug your shoulders, "It was a long time ago. And I've got you, and god that's more than I could ask for,"
Your boyfriend smiles delicately and wraps his arms around your waist, finally settling them on your hips as he pulls back.
"I wish I could thank that guy, you know," Shawn admits, evidently a thought that had been ticking through in his mind.
"I'm sorry?" You ask in bewilderment.
"He broke your heart. He made all of these mistakes and put you through all of this pain and, because of that, he let the most phenomenal woman I know get away," Shawn explains, "And he let her fall in love with me,"
"Somebody else's loss is another's gain, huh?" You raise your brows.
Shawn chuckles softly and kisses you again, "Exactly, love,"
"Okay, so I fancy pizza but the best place doesn't deliver s-"
"So I'll go pick it up. The usual?" He cuts in, already moving to put on his jacket and shoes.
"You read my mind," You grin, realising this song no longer had an effect on you anymore. Joe was, thankfully, a distant memory now.
"I'll be back in a bit babe, love you," Shawn says quickly, kissing you before he leaves.
He made it a tradition to do just that - everytime he left he always kissed you and told you he loved you. Always.
The night air was crisp in Toronto as Shawn power walked the journey to the nearby pizza place you two always said did the best pizzas in the city. He diverted past where the two of you had your first date and even walked the crossing near the diner he'd taken you to at 3am when you couldn't sleep from how much you'd been crying.
The waft of italian herbs triggered his senses as he stepped into the old door of the fast food restaurant and walked to the counter to order your food.
Part of him prayed it was a fan who'd spotted him. The rest of him knew that voice exactly.
"Joe," Shawn turns on his heel to look at the face that utterly enraged him.
"How... How is she?"
"Come on man," Shawn sighs deeply, "It's been long enough,"
"Just tell me," Joe snaps.
The bags under his eyes were evident and he looked as though his shoulders would fall if they dropped any lower.
"Actually, she's doing great, man," Shawn nods with glimmers of pride flashing in his words, "Because, you see, you thought you'd broken her. You heard her crying and you saw her pleading with you and you knew you were the one that caused that heart to break. You knew you were the one who broke that beautiful, kind, incredible heart,"
"Don't do this to me, man," Joe croaks, scratching at the back of his neck.
"No, no, I'm actually going to thank you," Shawn states, holding out a hand.
He waits until Joe's hand clasps his before he continues.
"Because you're paying the price for what you did to her," Shawn explains, "So, thank you for letting me take your place. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to save her soul. And thank you for letting me have the chance to be everything you could never, ever be."
He grips Joe's hand a little too firmly before turning away to take your order of pizza and leaving as though he'd never been there.
"That was quick!" You grin as soon as Shawn walks in.
He instantly sets the pizzas on the table and grabs your hand before you can turn round to get them.
He silences your questioning with a firm kiss, one where his hands cup your cheeks and he is solely focused on this being one of those kisses you remember.
"What was that for?" You chuckle a little breathlessly.
Shawn smiles lightly, his forehead resting on yours as he speaks, "Just needed to kiss you,"
(this is probably one of my favourite things I've written so please let me know what you think x)
Tags: @imarypayne @sunshine112 @bringmethehorizonandpizza @supernatural-girl97 @vibhati123 @butithasntkilledyouyet @faefictions @carisi-sonny @trap-house-homiecide @spiderrpcrker @tommydaspidey @oneblckcoffee @darlingtholland @fanficparker @xxtomxo @httpfandxms
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artlessictoan · 5 years
ao3 req again, for any character watching butch!sak work out, which could not be more tailor-made for me specifically. decided to go with tenten since she hasn’t got any attention with this batch of reqs! also this might’ve gotten away with me and basically turned into teppu……… not that that’s ever a bad thing.
(requests open)
(ao3 mirror)
Tenten had many important things to be doing right now.
She had paperwork that had been waiting for several days now and if she didn’t get on it soon her boss was going to kill her with one of his trademark ‘casual’ exercise routines; she could also help out with the clean-down of her last class, but Neji was very particular and didn’t look fondly on her ‘get it done quick’ attitude; and she had promised Lee that she would poke her head into his junior judo class at some point today and help out.
But, why would she do any of that, when she could just keep casually leaning against a wall, watching in rapt fascination as muscles pulled and stretched.
“Do you mind?”
Tenten didn’t bother to look in the woman’s eyes, instead keeping her own fixed on the thick arms that were straining and completely uncovered for her viewing pleasure. “Nope,” she said with a wide grin.
There was a low grumble, but she apparently didn’t care enough to stop her push-ups. Tenten had seen her around quite a bit recently, ever since the Might Dojo officially joined with the Hatake Gym – nominally because only together could they afford the rent of the new, larger facilities they’d both been eyeing up, but really because Gai and Kakashi were both sick of trying to find an apartment with reasonably short commutes to both of their former work-places since deciding to finally move in together – but she hadn’t spoken to her outside of some idle greetings during staff meetings.
Honestly, she didn’t know why she hadn’t leapt on her sooner, Sakura was exactly her type; short, athletic, striking, handsome looks, a cute undercut and could probably easily throw her twenty feet in the air. Maybe not quite as butch as Tenten herself was, but pretty close.
“So-” she pushed herself off the wall and stepped closer, mostly just to get a better look at the back muscles tensing with each controlled descent “-you’re an instructor too, right?”
Green eyes briefly glanced over her wide, beautiful shoulders, before dropping back to the floor as she effortlessly pressed down and pushed herself back up. “Yes, and I’ve got a class starting in fifteen, so could you maybe let me warm up in peace?”
Tenten wasn’t one to be easily deterred. “Oh? What’re ya teaching?”
“You don’t know your own gym’s schedule?” Her voice wasn’t even a little strained, even at her fifteenth rep.
“Eh, as long as I know what I’m doing then I don’t see why I need to learn everything else that’s going on.” How much trouble would she get in if she tried sitting on her back right now? She could surely take the more extreme work out.
With a grunt, Sakura finished her push-ups and rose to her feet. Tenten wanted to pout at her lost opportunity, but her attention was quickly reclaimed when she stepped up to one of the punching bags lining the walls. “I’m teaching MMA,” the woman said, checking the tape on her fists before launching into a standard set of punches.
She could smell on opportunity here. Smirking, Tenten sauntered over and stood very pointedly within the woman’s sight. “That beginner level, sweetheart?”
The full-body twitch was more than worth having to dodge the bag sent flying toward her.
Ok, maybe she’d been asking for that. She let out a chuckle and moved closer again, coming up to her side and leaning down to whisper in her ear, “C’mon, you’re not getting anything out of this old thing, why don’t you give me a shot?”
“You want to spar?” Sakura asked, pausing in her set for a brief moment, before launching back full-force.
“Hell yes.”
Bright eyes gave her a quick once over, lingering on her arms – crossed and slightly tensed, to better show off her biceps – and legs – carefully positioned to give her a generous view of inner thigh – before returning to her face with a determined look. “Let me guess, muay thai?”
She shrugged as she said, “I’ve dabbled in most things, but I actually specialise in kali, arnis, y’know, FMA in general.” Her own eyes gave Sakura a lingering examination, trailing perfectly-defined muscles like the small beads of sweat slowly trailing down her golden skin. “And you look like a classic striker to me, bet you’ve trained as a boxer.”
“A little,” she said shortly, adding a few extra punches to her drill. Still playing coy? She could work with that.
With practised nonchalance, Tenten stepped just behind the other woman, hovering just out of range of the elbows that sharply drew back before each punch, then leaned forwards to whisper in her ear, “Sooo? You wanna do it?”
There was only the slightest shudder in response. Disappointing. “I don’t think you know what you’re getting yourself into.”
“Hey, I’m dtf any time.”
The red bloomed across the back of her ears like a rose, the colour even reached her neck. Tenten could only imagine how hot her face must feel in that moment.
Aww, she’s shy, how cute.
Green eyes immediately narrowed on her as she spun in place to glare up at her. “Are you being serious right now?” she spluttered out, voice caught somewhere between disbelief and indignation, but Tenten definitely wasn’t imagining the hint of excitement lurking at the edges.
“Down to fight, babe,” she said, her most lascivious smirk spreading across her face. “Why, what did you think I meant?”
Tenten was about five seconds from getting a fist in her stomach, if the look on her face was anything to go by, but she just could not stop herself from leaning down to better meet the shorter woman’s eyes and fluttering her lashes with her best puppy-dog pout on her lips. “One spar won’t hurt, c’mon, first to ten points?”
Clearly she was still hesitant, but impatience was slowly growing in her eyes. Just a light nudge and she’d probably snap.
All it took was for Tenten to playfully knock their noses together.
“Make that first to submission and we have a deal.” She was now blazing with a dangerous mix of determination and excitement.
Is this what love felt like?
“Oho, confidence!” Tenten’s laughter was a little giddy, but she didn’t care, already skipping back and dropping into her preferred fighting stance; her hands held close to her face and knees slightly bent. “I like that, lets see how long it lasts.”
Sakura snorted, but quickly took her own stance, more open, and significantly lower.
They lightly tapped their leading fists together, before launching into a rapid flurry of movement, Tenten blocked the punch immediately aimed at her head, jumped back to avoid the knee following it, while Sakura stepped in after every attack, aiming to close distance and keep Tenten moving.
Was she wary of strikes? Kali was admittedly more suited to that than grappling, but if she really thought that Tenten didn't have some tricks up her sleeve she was gonna be in for a rough time.
Grinning, she ducked under a vicious left hook and launched herself into Sakura’s chest, knocking her back onto the padded floor. She didn't wait for her to recover, crawling up the woman's strong, beautiful body to try and get her right arm in a lock.
This close, it was so much easier to see the well-developed muscles fluttering under dark skin, glistening in a light sheen of sweat. Despite the familiar smell of much-borrowed boxing gloves – one that Tenten knew from experience would take much scrubbing and an entire bar of soap to fully wash out – there was a pleasant muskiness and a sharp, fresh scent that filled her entire head with thoughts of burying her face into that delicious skin and just dragging her tongue-
In her brief moment of distraction, Tenten’s right arm was tucked under Sakura’s elbow, one heavy leg draped over her shoulder, trapping her upper body close to Sakura’s stomach.
Oh? Tenten experimentally tried to shift her arm into a better position, Sakura responded by pushing it away, pulling her other leg until it could wrap around her neck to meet the other. She didn’t need to be able to see it to feel how both ankles crossed tightly against her back, thick muscles tensing against her face. A picture-perfect triangle choke; apparently the woman was more comfortable with grappling than she’d given her credit for.
“You know,” Tenten said, giving herself as much room to breathe as Sakura would allow – which wasn’t much, clearly she didn’t take it easy, even for a casual spar – and flashing a grin at her captor, “I always wanted to die with my head trapped between the magnificent thighs of a gorgeous woman.”
The speed at which her entire face went red was truly astounding and, judging by the look on her face, she was very seriously considering granting that wish.
Her arm was quickly grabbed and twisted back until Tenten was forced to submit, tapping her free hand against the nearest leg until she was released, she immediately rolled away and looked to the ceiling, chest heaving and arm aching as she tried to recover. So light-headed was she, that when the head of pink hair dropped into her sight, she immediately let out a winded giggle and raised a shaky hand to poke her nose.
“Best of three?”
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x5red · 5 years
Sixty fun & fascinating facts about the classic Supergirl (4 / 4)
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At last, the final fifteen fun facts in a series to mark the sixtieth anniversary of Kara Zor-El’s debut in DC Comics. This is the last batch of Supergirl info-nuggets, bringing the trivia total up to sixty, one for each year since her introduction.
As before, each snippet of data relates to the original Supergirl, the intrepid Argo City teen who leapt from that crumpled Midvale rocket ship. Covering her original Silver and Bronze Age incarnation, in comics and on screen, each factoid is calculated to intrigue and delight – hopefully even seasoned Kara fans will find a few morsels of trivia that had previously escaped their attention.
So, one last time: enjoy…
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46. At one point she was blacklisted from being mentioned in DC publications.
In 1985 to mark its 50th comicbook publishing anniversary DC Comics launched a mini-series, Crisis on Infinite Earths, that sought to rejig its entire fictional universe to better address the new, more mature, direct sales audience. Childish elements were removed and iconic characters rebooted. Superman was to be recast as the only survivor of Krypton, meaning Supergirl not only had to die but be erased from all past events too. DC, however, decided that erasing Kara from fictional history was simple not cruel enough -- in a move straight out of a George Orwell novel DC airbrushed her from in-real-life history too.
Supergirl became she who shall not be named, seemingly banned from being mentioned, even in the editorial pages. When DC couldn’t avoid using her name, as happened in Secret Origins #42 (July 1989) when discussing Phantom Girl’s first appearance, they masked it with asterisks like an expletive -- ”S*P*RG*RL”. DC even went as far as to exclude Kara from a bio of writer Paul Kupperberg in the pages of Power Girl #2 (July 1988), despite Kupperberg‘s long tenure as Supergirl’s chief writer, and Power Girl being a parallel-universe re-imagining of Kara. Yet the Maid of Might remained popular with at least some DC staffers, as Alan Brennert proved when Kara made a highly unauthorised crafty cameo in his Deadman story inside Christmas with the Super-Heroes #2 (1989) -- Brennert only avoided censorship thanks to DC editor-in-chief Dick Giordano volunteering himself to do the story’s artwork.
47. Prior to her role as Supergirl, Helen Slater had struggled with eating disorders.
In an obscure 1988 interview for UK tv with psychologist Oliver James, Helen Slater talked frankly about how winning the role of Supergirl helped in her ongoing battle with Anorexia and Bulimia. Asked about the cause of the conditions, “Control was one part of it”, Slater admitted, adding, “I think Bulimia especially, which I did suffer from from 13 [...] is a lot to do with not having a safe space to express anger.” She went on to credit her Supergirl fitness trainer, Alf Joint (“the most beautiful man in the world”) with overcoming some of her fears around food by using Chocolate Brazils (chocolate dipped nuts) as positive reinforcement after a hard training session.
48. She celebrated her 75th birthday in 2018.
It is generally accepted that Kara Zor-El’s birthday, when using the Gregorian calendar on Earth, is 22nd September. That date comes from a reply to a reader’s letter published in Adventure Comics #389 (Feb 1970), but said reply didn’t give the year of Kara’s birth, meaning readers couldn’t work out Kara’s age. (“One should never trust a woman who tells one her real age”, wrote Oscar Wilde, ”A woman who would do that would tell anything.”) Fortunately a little bit of detective work means that fans can work it out. A story in Action Comics #305 (Oct 1963) gives the date of Kara’s arrival on Earth as 18th May 1959, and both the Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #1 (Nov 1982) and Action Comics #270 (Nov 1960) suggest that Kara was 15 years old when she landed. This means that she was born in 1943. So, as of her most recent birthday at the time of writing (22nd September 2018), she would require 75 candles on her birthday cake. Good thing she has Kryptonian super-lungs..!
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49. Her nickname was Hot Dog.
Every fan knows that Kara Zor-El is Supergirl, and that Supergirl is Linda Lee Danvers, but how many fans know that Linda Lee Danvers was also... “Hot Dog”..?!?!!
Yup, that was her name when she was dating Philip Decker, music conductor and part-time lecturer at Lake Shore University, Chicago. The pair’s romance had blossomed in the pages of Supergirl Vol. 2 thanks to a shared love of Jazz music, and they spent an increasing amount of time together in each other’s apartments. It was during one such session of intense snuggling that Philip let slip his nickname for Linda: “Hot Dog”, a name what was met with uncontrollable giggles from Linda.
50. Her makeup bag hid a couple of super secrets.
Of course, if you’re one of the world’s greatest superheroes it is important to look your best when saving the world, but Kara’s beauty kit not only helped keep her looking immaculate while fighting injustice, but also concealed a couple of tricks to keep her dual identity a secret too. In Action Comics #270 (Nov 1960) Kara celebrated her sixteenth birthday. Her gift from the Man of Steel was an innocent looking lipstick which, in reality, hid a secret compartment to stash her super-compressed costume. “If you ever have to conceal your costume quickly, or remove it to go swimming...”, explains Superman (perhaps anticipating other activities that a young woman might get up to that could require stripping off clothing.)
Years later, in Supergirl Vol. 2 #17 (Mar 1984), Kara added more secrets to her makeup bag when she finally decided to ditch her brunette Linda Danvers wig. She still needed a way to switch from Supergirl’s flowing blonde locks to Linda’s brunette bob, of course, and the alternative she devised was a special energized comb that reacted with colour-sensitive molecules to instantly transform her hair’s style and colour. Clever stuff..!
51. She and Brainiac 5 weren’t really an item.
Despite now being firmly romantically linked in the eyes of many comic fans, Brainiac 5 and Supergirl’s relationship only really became serious during the 1990s Earth Angel era. Back in the Silver Age, when the pair first met in Action Comics #276 (Apr 1961), Kara was initially weary of Brainy, recognising his family resemblance to Superman’s arch foe. Her attitude softened, however, as the story unfolded, even calling him “sweet” by its close. As the years rolled by Brainy is clearly smitten by Kara, but she rarely reciprocated his affections. Finally, in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 2 #294 (Dec 1982), Brainy brings matters to a close: “You remember that crush I had on you? [...] I think I’ve finally worked it out of my system.”. In response Kara teases, “Really? What a shame. Here I was, starting to think how cute you were.” (Needless to say, Brainy is left dumbfounded as Kara promptly flies off.)
Kara dated numerous men during the Silver and Bronze Age, including long-term relationships with Dick Malverne and Philip Decker, but these were generally in her Linda Danvers identity. Brainy is the closest thing “Supergirl” came to a boyfriend -- perhaps that’s why some fans like to focus more on him rather than Linda’s beaus.
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52. She was a fan of The Bionic Woman.
One of the problems of being a superhero is that your evenings are often taken up saving the world, leaving little time to catch up with popular tv shows. But on her odd evenings off-duty, what was likely to be on the Maid of Might’s tv screen? Unsurprisingly, Kara seems to have been a fan of superheroine shows, as demonstrated by comments in Superman Family #184 (July 1977) while she was battling an unnaturally fierce electrical storm in the skies over Santa Augusta. “Great way to spend an evening out”, complains a frustrated Girl of Steel, “If this storm doesn’t let up, I’ll miss ‘The Bionic Woman--!’”
53. She was a big fan of seat belts and personal computers, apparently.
Being a superhero doesn’t pay very much, if anything at all. That’s why DC Comics always liked to line up product endorsements for its big stars, and the Girl of Steel was no exception. Supergirl’s first apparent appearance in adverts (outside of selling DC’s own magazines) was in a late 70s commercial for kid’s underwear, but pretty soon DC had secured more prestigious work for Kara when in 1981 they had her extol the virtues of Tandy’s new line of 8 bit micro computers. More important work came in the mid-80s, when Kara teamed up with Honda and the US Department of Transportation to promote the adoption of car seat belts. The Maid of Might appeared in two full-length give-away comics (and on-screen Helen Slater even appeared as Supergirl in a tv advert.) Kara was so committed to the cause of road safety that she even did the second give-away comic after her death in Crisis on Infinite Earths -- now that’s dedication for you..!
54. Only one woman worked on her comic-strip during the entire Silver and Bronze age.
It is a sad reflection of the industry in the 60s and 70s that if one totals up all the writers, artists, and editors, who worked on the Supergirl strip during the Silver and Bronze Age, there’s only one female name on the list: Dorothy Woolfolk. Editor for Supergirl Vol. 1 #1 (Nov 1972) only -- yup, a single issue -- Dorothy launched the Girl of Steel into her first self-titled comicbook before giving way to industry veteran Robert Kanigher for issue #2. Allegedly a larger-than-life figure, Dorothy was a rare example of DC allowing a woman to work outside of the romance genre during the Golden and Silver Age; she is even credited by some with suggesting the idea of Kryptonite to Superman writer Jerry Siegel.
(Away from Supergirl’s own strip, two other women briefly worked as editors on comics featuring the Girl of Steel in a guest capacity. Karen Berger and Laurie Sutton both edited 1980s Legion of Super-Heroes issues containing Kara cameos.)
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55. Her most iconic costume contained a pair of clocks.
The problem with slinky skin-tight superhero costumes is that they don’t leave much room for the practical necessities of life... like pockets... or watches. But that never stopped the Girl of Steel from sneaking a few hidden practical elements into her outfits. Most fans know that the inner lining of her cape hides a secret pocket (where she stashes her everyday clothes when out superhero-ing), but how many fans realised that the three discs aligned over each hip on her iconic 70s hot pants outfit actually acted as a pair of clocks? According to Krypton Chronicles #2 (Oct 1981), by placing three fingers on the discs over her right hip Kara is telepathically informed of the time in New York (her then home), while the same action on her left hip reports the time in Kandor (Krypton’s capital, famously miniaturised in a bottle by Brainiac.)
56. The USA was actually one of the last countries to see the Supergirl movie.
The Girl of Steel may have been able to zip around the world in an instant, but apparently her movie couldn’t. After opening on Thursday 19th July 1984 in the United Kingdom, then days later in Ireland and Japan, the movie slowly made its way around the world, opening in the Philippines, Australia, and Spain during August, and then France and Canada during October. By mid-November, however, American audiences were yet to see the Maid of Might grace cinema screens.
The delay was caused by Warner Bros. withdrawing from its US distribution deal near the end of production, causing producers to scramble for a replacement. Eventually, on Wednesday 21st November -- over four months after the UK debut -- the Supergirl movie hit US cinema theatres thanks to fledgling distributor TriStar Pictures, but with almost 20 minutes of material chopped out. It wasn’t until 1998 that the full international cut was legitimately available in the US thanks to an Anchor Bay VHS video release.
57. She was Wonder Woman’s sister.
Incredible as it may seem, for a brief period Supergirl was Wonder Woman’s sister. The incident happened in Supergirl Vol. 1 #9 (Dec 1973) after Kara finally had enough of being two-timed by boyfriends as Linda Danvers, and hit upon by men as Supergirl. When Kara bravely rescues an Amazon warrior ship under attack by fierce sea creatures, Queen Hippolyta offers to adopt her as a daughter, making Kara the sister of Princess Diana (aka Wonder Woman.) Realising that the Amazon’s island home is free of men, Kara accepts, but a medical emergency forces her back out into the Man’s World to seek the ingredients for a serum. With the emergency over, Kara considers that maybe she was too hasty in turning her back on all men, and leaves her new Amazon home to give them a second chance.
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58. She valued her privacy.
When you have as many extraordinary abilities as the Girl of Steel, the usual fears and phobias just don’t apply. Why be afraid of heights when you can fly? Why be afraid of snakes when your skin is not only fang proof, but bullet proof? But Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #4 (Feb 1983) revealed that there’s one thing guaranteed to make Kara Zor-El flee in terror -- fear of having her everyday identity exposed. The issue sees Kara hypnotised into seeing her greatest fear by the villain Ms. Mesmer: as a result Supergirl continually sees her Linda Danvers identity reflected back at her in windows and mirrors. Convinced that everyone can see through her disguise, Kara seeks solace with her adopted parents. It is only thanks to the calming influence of her mother, Edna Danvers, that Kara has the courage to go back out onto the streets as Supergirl to defeat Ms. Mesmer.
59. Her first kiss was with a very hirsute Jimmy Olsen.
The opening season of the Supergirl tv show teased a possible romance between Kara and James Olsen, and in some ways this echos very early Supergirl stories where the pair were occasionally seen as a potential love-match. Indeed Jimmy Olsen was actually Kara’s first kiss, although the event came about in a highly unorthodox way. The pages of Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #44 (Apr 1960) saw Jimmy transformed into a werewolf, and Superman reasons that the curse can only be lifted by the kiss of a young girl. In steps a fifteen year old Kara Zor-El, who gives the cub reporter a delicate peck on the lips, reversing the spell. A year later Jimmy managed to turn himself into a werewolf for a second time(!) in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #52 (Apr 1961), but Kara’s kiss proved ineffective that time.
60. She didn’t entirely die in Crisis on Infinite Earths.
Obviously it is a matter of record that the original Kara Zor-El gave up her life in Crisis on Infinite Earths #7 (Oct 1985) – at least until DC later saw fit to retcon that particular story line – but in their attempts to erase the Maid of Might from existence, DC had forgotten about a rather inconvenient story published just a year before, in Supergirl Vol. 2 #19 (May 1984).
The tale dealt with a Supergirl clone who had assumed the identity of Linda Danvers. The clone had no super powers, but she did have all of Kara’s memories and personality. The story ends with a twist: rather than take the easy way out by having clone-Kara conveniently fall under the wheels of a speeding bus, writer Paul Kupperberg has the two Kara’s work out a deal. ”It’s a big world out there… with plenty of room for two people with this face!“, explains Supergirl, “We can find a place for you… a name of your own…” And with that the two Karas go their separate ways, meaning that although superpowered-Kara may have surrendered her life in Crisis, powerless-Kara (her clone) presumably continued to live out a regular life anonymously somewhere in America.
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And that’s it -- all sixty..! Thanks for reading, Hope you enjoyed the series and learned at least a few snippets of trivia along the way that you found amusing or thought-provoking.
Don’t forget to come back in 2048, when it will be time to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Matrix Supergirl... Or maybe not..!
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adastra121 · 6 years
This is a short oneshot I wrote for Shiroaka after episode 2.
I haven’t written a lot of fanfictions before, but I decided to give it a shot with these two, because they’re really cute!
“It’s hot!”
“Can someone get me some water?”
“Or tea?”
And the day had been looking to be so peaceful, too…
AE-3803 didn’t know how that led her here, entangled between the hot, crowded bodies of the blood cells — courtesy of the adorable and hard-working platelets. She couldn’t be frustrated at them for doing their job. They were practically the heroes of the day. At least she didn’t have to worry about any imminent danger anymore…for now, at least.
The red blood cell sighed to herself as she recalled today’s events. She had just been walking with her senpai to deliver a new batch of nutrients, same as everyday. And of course, their route simply had to be in close proximity of an abrasion, which led to her near death, followed by the anxiety-inducing bacterial invasion that came after.
It was a classic case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, something AE-3803 sensed she had a specific knack for…that, and getting lost. She found herself always getting into trouble, one way or another. Acknowledging those facts didn’t really brighten her mood, especially with the growing discomfort of someone’s foot jabbing against her thigh and someone else’s elbow stuck against her shoulder.
“Are you doing okay?”
AE-3803 looked up, snapping out of her thoughts long enough to remember who else was currently stuck beside her.
U-1146, the white blood cell she’d had the good fortune of seeing again. They’d first met when the Pneumococcus had attacked. He had rescued her from certain death…several times in the same day. He had even been kind enough to accompany her on her work route. She believed that they had left on a good note, with a hint of a promise to see one another again. She’d held no doubts that they would, although she lacked the ability to explain this feeling of certainty. How did one describe sensing an eventual, inevitable bond with somebody? She knew she had experienced this feeling before…probably a long time ago.
She supposed it didn’t matter now that they had met again. At the moment, she could see a hint of friendly concern in his expression, partially obstructed by the snowy white hair peeking out from underneath his uniform cap. He had probably sensed her discomfort. It likely wasn’t difficult to notice her tense posture, what with their close proximity and all.
AE-3803’s mood perked up slightly, remembering that he, much like herself and every other cell here, was trapped in the fibrin with them. Something told her that just by being there, U-1146 would make this experience a little more bearable.
“It feels a little weird, but I’ll get used to this in no time,” she replied with a sad attempt at a shrug.
U-1146 nodded in understanding, but added anyway, “If you ever feel uncomfortable, try to remember — this is only for three more days. Then we may leave.”
He offered her an easy smile, which she responded with one of her own. He was very kind to show concern about how she felt about everything. She had only recently begun working, but even she could notice that he seemed to care a great deal about others. He was one of the more considerate cells she had encountered thus far. And no matter how many times he humbly brushed off her thanks, she knew that sort of kindness wasn’t part of his job — that was all just who he was…
Three days, then. Three days to spend in an inescapable net of fibrin, squished against strangers, older colleagues, and…him. It was then that she realized she was practically pressed up against the white blood cell. She could feel his every movement, every breath — and he could probably feel every one of hers. Did the platelets really have to wrap them up so close together?
He was so close to her. AE-3803’s face suddenly grew increasingly warm, and it wasn’t due to all the congested bodies surrounding her.
“Red Blood Cell?”
“Y-Yeah?” she said, internally grimacing at how her voice cracked. She coughed into her hand, which in hindsight, probably hadn’t been her best decision — as it was currently pinned against the neutrophil’s chest, placing her face unceremoniously close to it. “What’s up?”
“I’m sorry.”
AE-3803’s embarrassment dissipated in a flash, replaced by sudden confusion. Was he apologizing to her?
“If you hadn’t come looking for me, maybe you wouldn’t be in this situation,” U-1146 continued. “Maybe you wouldn’t need to experience any discomfort.”
AE-3803 frowned at his words. Could he have sensed her tense up before, when she was just being silly and flustered over nothing? Was he now feeling guilt because of her? Something in her snapped at the thought of that.
“No, no, don’t apologize!” she found herself blurting out before she could stop herself. “You didn’t do anything wrong, so there’s nothing to be sorry about!”
The white blood cell simply stared, bemused at her sudden outburst, but ever patient as he waited for her to go on. A new bout of nervousness creeped into the back of her mind, but she forced herself to continue without omitting any sincere thought or feeling she would have normally withheld.
“I went searching for you because I wanted to personally thank you,” she said. “Didn’t I mention that before? You, the other white blood cells, and the platelets…You all risked your lives today to protect this body.” To protect red blood cells like me…who couldn’t do anything except run away. “You’re all so brave to risk your lives fighting bacteria every day. You at least deserve to be thanked properly for all you’ve done, right?”
U-1146 opened his mouth, most likely to reject her thanks again, but she wasn’t quite finished yet.
“And maybe,” she said, quickly before he could interrupt, “there was a part of me that wanted to confirm for myself that you were okay. Maybe I just wanted to see you.”
Whatever U-1146 had planned to say seemed to have disappeared into thin air as soon as AE-3803 paused to listen to his reply. When the red blood cell glanced up at him again, a curious pink colour had dusted his normally pale face.
“Oh,” he managed lamely.
AE-3803 had the opportunity to leave it at that and allow the silence to mend over whatever misunderstandings she had accidentally caused. However, now, she knew that there was far more she wanted to get off her chest.
“I’m not only grateful that you’re around to fight off bacteria and keep everyone safe, you know,” she confessed, lowering her gaze so the white blood cell wouldn’t see the blush tinting her cheeks. “You saved me when we first met…and you saved me again today. I haven’t known you long, but it seems like you’re always there for me I find myself in trouble.”
He had appeared earlier, a little before the bacteria started to flood in through the abrasion. He’d saved her, caught her before she could be pulled out of this world. And once the bacteria began their attack, he’d protected her and her other red blood cell colleagues. It seemed that he had a talent for being there right when she needed him.
“I don’t think I had the chance earlier to thank you for that…”
Despite how flushed her cheeks had become, she willed herself to look up at U-1146, a genuinely grateful smile spread across her face.
“Thank you…for rescuing me again.”
U-1146 cleared his throat, face significantly reddened, appearing just as flustered as the red blood cell stuck at his front. “Yeah, it’s no problem at all.”
Something about the sight warmed her heart, comforted her, made her happy. She couldn’t suppress a wide grin from breaking out across her face. “Besides, being stuck together like this is kind of nice.”
It took a good few seconds — and the deepening red shade on U-1146’s face that was beginning to make him indistinguishable from another red blood cells — for AE-3803 to realize the implications of what she had just said.
“Ack! I just meant that it gives us a chance to talk!” she quickly corrected herself. “Normally, things are so busy. How often do we get to spend time together?”
“Ah,” U-1146 said. “Right.”
By then the red colour on his skin had faded, and a small, unreadable smile had formed in its place. It still managed to make her beam in response. “What would you like to talk about?”
AE-3803 bit on the inside of her cheek as she thought over everything she might have talked about with her senpais or any kind cell offering her directions around the body. The weather is so nice, I hope it stays like this…How was work today?…Got any plans for later?…Those topics didn’t seem as appealing to her now that she had longer time alone with him. They could make small talk later. She might as well make the most of these few days together by asking the questions she wanted to know the answers to most.
“Are we friends, White Blood Cell?”
U-1146’s eyes widened by a tiny fraction, though the movement was still noticeable enough to make an impact. She hadn’t been working in this body for long, but there were some things, unspoken rules and customs, she had managed to observe.
Like the connate distance between the immune cells and the other cells of the body. Her red blood cell colleagues from before hadn’t exactly been subtle with their rude comments about the white blood cells, who were really only just trying to do their jobs, so that was definitely uncalled for…
Anyway, she’d consider it a safe bet to say that immune cells and other cells did not normally form any sort of relationship. Which was…sad, to be honest.
As AE-3803 thought about the white blood cell before her, a dozen images of him flashed through her mind, each a significant portrait that she had committed to memory, for whatever reason. His pristine white uniform, bloodied by the pneumococcus he had saved her from…his sheepish head scratch as he attempted to correct his words in order to be more gentle toward her…his hand around hers, grip strong yet surprisingly comforting…his soft-spoken reassurances when he sensed her unease…
He was someone she wanted to call a friend, regardless of how it might have seemed to their coworkers.
If there was any chance of U-1146 feeling the same way, she would like to know.
“I don’t know,” replied the white blood cell, after a considerably lengthy moment of pondering. “Do you want us to be friends?”
That was one of the simplest questions for AE-3803 to answer.
“You already seem to appear whenever I need you.” If they weren’t already friends, he was one hell of an acquaintance. “And…I like spending time with you, whenever we get the chance. I’d like to think we are friends.”
U-1146 smiled again, a small gentle curve on his lips that managed to make AE-3803 feel strangely immeasurably happier.
“That’s good,” he murmured. “It’s what I wanted, too.”
She beamed up him, unable to suppress the giddy joy that bubbled within her — at such a simple statement, too.
“I meant what I said earlier,” U-1146 brought up all of a sudden.
AE-3803 frowned at him, somewhat confused as to what he was referring to. He seemed to understand her wordless request for further explanation.
“You’re not useless,” he said. “Red blood cells like you, who work to keep the body running even as it endures these invasions, are important. You put just as much hard work into your jobs as us white blood cells. You are helping all the time.”
There was no hint of sarcasm or insincerity in his voice as he spoke. Quite the opposite, in fact. He spoke with more sincerity than she had ever heard from another cell before. And something in the eye that peeked out from beneath his snowy white bangs shone with unwavering faith. Faith in her. She supposed she wasn’t used to seeing something like that from others.
“And…if it’s worth anything,” U-1146 added with the slightest hesitation, as if he was bracing himself for her reaction, “you give me more of a reason to keep fighting for this world.”
AE-3803’s face flushed at his words, though she knew she had no reason to. His smile had softened, with a pure tenderness and honesty that overwhelmed her with new feelings she was still getting used to…and it didn’t help to realize now that their faces had gotten so close.
AE-3803 lowered her head, attempting to hide her blush, only to have it rest on him. Her first instinct was to jerk away in embarrassment, but that was swiftly overridden by another feeling — one of warmth and security, which she would begin to associate with this particular white blood cell.
When he moved to wrap an arm around her, she relaxed in his embrace, allowing this feeling to wash over her as she leaned further into him. This felt nice, she noted. Natural…Right.
In this moment, they had nowhere else to be but with each other.
AE-3803 sighed into his uniform, allowing her eyes to fall shut as she whispered to him, so quietly that she wondered if he heard her.
“I’m glad you’re here with me.”
Three days didn’t seem long enough.
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odindiana15-blog · 5 years
Gifts , Shopping Secrets
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Final Fantasy VII
Characters: Multiple OCs (Outsider POV series), Zack Fair (the CloTi shipper), Cloud Strife, Cloud Strife's stunt-plushy Genre: Time Travel Crack
Plot: In which EVERYONE at Shinra is convinced 'Cloud Strife' is Zack's imaginary friend.
Even the people who work with him(Cloud).
Lucy stared at the application form being held up for her to see, Zack Fair smiling from the other side of the desk.
“You... want me to put this through?” she asked, making sure she understood what he wanted.
Zack nodded, “yeah, that'd be great, Cloudy's a few days out from Midgard still, he ran into a few... problems on the way over, and if the paper work doesn't go in today, he'll have to wait for months before he can apply again. Please?” The SOLDIER second class gave her an adorable pleading look.
Lucy folded like wet tissue paper.
“Alright, fine, but you owe me one,” snapping her fingers a few times, she held her hand out for the application form.
Application Form for ShinRa Military and SOLDIER Programs
Name: Cloud Strife
Age: Badass
Bloodtype: I have no blood, my body runs on liquid awesome
Reasons For Joining ShinRa: Zack Fair is my hero, he and I must be Soldier Bros, it's imperative for the continued existence of the planet
Medical History:
Three broken ribs, lower left side; Concussion, mild; left femur fractured; Various minor injuries (bruises, scrapes etc.)
{numerous illegal experimentation, for four years; extreme mako poisoning; year long coma; Retrograde Amnesia; Identity Disorder (sort of, Zack was Haunting me); Brain-jacked by insane demi-Alien; slightly less extreme mako poisoning; temporary death; Geo-Stigma} Negated by time travel, except for the Retrograde Amnesia, I still have that
Past Military Training:
Yes. I did complete ShinRa Military Training in the Past, but after being experimented on, most of my Pre-experiment memories were wiped, so I do not remember the training. I do however have Zack's Military training, but that just sort of happens, and I don't consciously remember that either.
Next of Kin:
Claudia Strauss Relationship: Mother of Applicant
Tifa Lockhart Relationship: Future Wife
Zack Fair Relationship: Brother From Another Mother
She stared at the form in open mouthed shock as she reread the contents, filled out in Zack's handwriting. He wasn't serious, surely?
Lucy looked up to double check, but the young man was no where in sight.
Ten minutes of incredulousness later, Lucy put the application through, she had agreed to after all.
Brenten had worked for the Shinra army as a quarter master for four and a half years, he'd seen some weird shit in his time, and had long since learned to go with with the flow.
(as long as all the paper work was above board.)
So when SOLDIER second class Fair showed up to pick up uniforms for a cadet entering basic training, Brenten shrugged and got the uniforms, not even frowning over how small the uniforms requested were.
He doubted the notoriously hyper SOLDIER was really pick up uniforms for an incoming cadet – why would he, he surely had more important SOLDIER things to do – but the paper work was in order, so the uniforms were handed over with no fuss.
ID photos were important, they went in official files, on two of five different ID cards, so no one in the office would ever let someone walk out with a bad photo.
Or a gag photo.
But when Zack Fair walked in with a handful of paper work, and toy chocobo under his arm, Margy knew things were going to change.
“Hey, how are you? You look well, listen... Margy right? Listen Mergy, my buddy Cloud is coming in tomorrow to join the new influx of recruits, and I know all the IDs are supposed to be finalised today, so I was hoping you could help me out,” he smiled, looking so hopeful, Margy didn't have the heart to say no.
“Of course, how can I help?”
“Well I brought this little guy,” Zack held out the chocobo toy, wearing a decent rendition of the cadet uniform, “I figured we could take a picture of him, and make up the IDs, then when Cloud arrives, we can just update the photo.”
Margy nodded, she could do that.
Zack trailed her around the small office as she set up the stuffed toy in front of the camera, watching over her shoulder as she fixed the picture and took the photo.
“Well, at least I don't have to worry about this little guy blinking,” she joked, Zack laughed and nodded in agreement. Margy asked for the paperwork, so she could finish making up the ID.
Her smile turned a little forced as she read through the details.
“Is everything alright? I didn't forget any of the paperwork did I?” Zack leaned forward, concern clearly written across his face.
“No, sweetie, it's fine,” she began entering the details into the system, a few moments later she handed Zack the cards, and bid him goodbye.
Watching him talk to the chocobo toy as he left, Margy wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry.
They'd all heard the rumours that SOLDIERs got a little... eccentric, but going to all this trouble for what was surely an imaginary friend?
Tseng watched Psyche take notes mechanically as people spoke around her. The woman had been tasked with running the psych evals for the newest bunch of recruits, and had long since stopped paying any real attention to what was going on around her.
A good night sleep and she'd be perfectly fine, but for now, the only thing that would snap her out of her burn out, was certain words or phrases that tended to indicate ill will against Shinra.
Flipping through the notes she'd taken, Tseng paused on one in particular.
Why do you want to work for Shinra:
Zack Fair. He asked me to, and it's been a while since I've been in the military, I was a delivery boy in the post apocalyptic future, but then I got caught up in a kind of time loop, so now I'm here.
Tseng raised an eyebrow and looked at the name on the interview, 'Cloud Strife.' Shaking his head slightly, the Turk looked up the applicant's file. The profile picture was a chocobo toy in a cadet uniform. The initial application form had been filled out in what was very obviously – to those familiar with it – Zack Fair's hand writing, and was... uniquely answered.
Calling up the video feeds from the interviews, Tseng felt a headache forming as the video cut out only five interviews in.
Trying not to let his irritation show, Tseng resolved to ask Psyche about the recruit tomorrow, and put the application interview notes aside to be dealt with then.
Psyche apologised profusely when she couldn't recall the boy from the previous day, though she did seem to recall a chocobo at one point, and thought she might have seen Zack Fair at some stage.
Cain Danvers had worked as a drill sergeant for Shinra for two years. This was his eighth batch of recruits, they'd honestly started blending together after the third batch. They'd done well over the past few months, they were perhaps his most promising recruits yet.
He just wished his cadets hadn't been the ones to be picked by Zack Fair to be his 'friend's' training group. The SOLDIER second class had dropped by unannounced several times over the few months to shout words of encouragement at the group, or more specifically, at 'Cloud.'
What the hell kind of name was 'Cloud Strife' anyway? Sounded like a made up stripper name to Cain.
Not to mention, one of his cadets had taken to carrying around a stuffed Chocobo toy wearing a cadet uniform, and claiming it was 'Cloud.'
At last though, the insanity was behind him, the cadets were graduating today, and it would no longer be Cain's problem.
“CAIN!” the man froze, hands hovering above his keyboard where he'd been entering the last report on the cadet's final exams.
“SOLDIER Fair,” Cain forced a smile onto his face, “to what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Just came by to see how Cloudy did, I bet he was the best in the whole class,” Zack hopped from foot to foot as he peered over Cain's shoulder to read the report.
The truth was, there were marks for Cloud, one of the Cadets, he wasn't sure which one under the helmet, had taken the exams with the chocobo tucked into his belt, claiming to be 'Cloud Strife.'
The marks had been pretty good too.
“Oh, awesome, passed with flying colours, ha ha, he'll be joining SOLDIER in no time at all,” Zack clapped Cain on the shoulder and skipped out the door.
Shari was in charge of Trooper assignment, she was very good at her job, assigning the best Trooper to the job every time.
She had very little to do with SOLDIERs, almost nothing in fact, if one didn't count her memberships to the fan clubs, so having the newly promoted First Class Fair march up to her desk and lean on it by his forearms was nerve wracking, and exhilarating, and she would do anything to touch his arms.
“Hey there, I'm Zack, you're Shari right?” She nodded dumbly, he knew her name! “So listen, I was just wondering if you could help me out a little?” Shari nodded more enthusiastically, sitting straighter in her chair. “Great,” his smile was the most amazing smile she'd ever seen in he life.
“My buddy, Cloud Strife, finished basic training a week ago, but he hasn't been put on any missions yet, Hel, he hasn't even been given guard duty, I was wondering if you could look into it for me?”
“You've got it,” she managed to say, turning to her computer. Shari pulled up the details on 'Cloud Strife' and paused. She'd heard about Cloud from some of the other members of staff, apparently it was an ongoing thing. The note in the file said to humour Zack, as the recent – and thankfully over and done with – behaviour of the three Elite First Class SOLDIERs, had everyone wondering if Fair would go (temporarily) crazy at some point.
“Oh, yeah, I see the problem, just some typical inter office lost mail stuff, I can put him on guard duty for a week while we get that sorted out, how does that sound?”
“Great, he'll be pleased, he was getting kind of worried, sitting around with nothing to do but train, hey, while we're here, could you find out what happened to his Cadet Allowance, he said he didn't get it during training. I just want to make sure all his stuff is right, cause if it turned out his pay was going to the wrong account this whole time, well, Trooper pay is a little better, but he'd go broke pretty fast, you know?”
Shari's smile was tight as she confirmed 'Strife's' details with Zack, “well, everything looks like it's in order, it must be something else. I will personally look into that for you sir, and I'll let you know what I find out.”
“Thanks, that's awesome, I'll leave you to your investigation.”
She waved at him nervously as he left, then called her supervisor, she'd bought time by assigning 'Cloud' to watch a low priority section of Shinra, but now she had to get a SOLDIER's imaginary friend back-pay.
Maybe she could ask Jason from IT to write a program-thingy that would send low priority assignments to 'Cloud's' allocated PHS, with time limits for completion, which would then allow the assignments to be reassigned afterwards, so they still got done.
Sephiroth paused as he neared the doorway.
It was a low risk area of he building, so it was very rare to see guards posted at it.
Tonight, there was only one (rather short) guard beside he door.
On the other side of the door frame was a stuffed chocobo in a tiny Trooper uniform with a toy gun propped against it, as it too seemed to stand guard duty.
“General?” The silver haired man jerked as the Trooper called out to him, “are you alright sir?”
“I'm fine,” Sephiroth shook his head and continued on. He'd heard rumours about this, he just hadn't expected the to be true.
Angeal really needed to have a chat with his puppy.
Angeal stared at his PHS as the latest updates from the 'Golden Chocobo' fanclub came up on his screen.
“Angeal?” Genesis waved his hand in front of his friend's face and, when that garnered no response, he took the device from Angeal's hand, turning it so he could see what had so entranced his friend.
On the screen was a picture of a downed Behemoth, a tiny chocobo toy in a trooper uniform perched atop it.
Snorting, Genesis flicked through the rest of the pictures from the 'Golden Chocobo' account.
There were dozens of pictures of the trooper chocobo in various locations, some were even accompanied by notes.
Like the picture of the toy surrounded by actual chocobos of ever colour known to man, which read: After three long and gruelling minutes of negotiation, the chocobos have accepted me as one of their own.
Genesis looked up at Angeal, who'd buried his head in his hands, and went back to the photos.
It was good for the troopers to have hobbies.
Genesis wondered who'd killed all the monsters for him though.
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pendragonfics · 7 years
The Odd Jobber
Paring: Yondu Udonta/Reader
Tags: female reader, set after Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) and before Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol 2 (2017), cleaning, fluff, angst, suggestive themes, no smut!!.
Summary: Reader is caught in Yondu Udonta's room, wearing only her underclothes and his Ravager jacket. How she got there is a whole other story.
Word Count: 2,262
Current Date: 2018-01-27
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You were just a pilot, and yet, you never flew anymore. You’d only joined the Ravagers when you had been rescued from your failing ship on Xandar. It had been the day that the Ravagers and the Nova Corps teamed up to defeat the Kree radical, Ronan the Accuser, which, unlike any day, was something that would forever be fresh in your memory. Maybe it was because that was the same day that when you had been dug out from the wreckage of your ship, you saw him for the first time.
He said his name was Yondu, and ever since, you were smitten. Him and his crooked teeth, kind eyes and cussing like a sailor, and not trying to hide it. When he took you on board his crew’s main ship, you told yourself it was temporary, and yet, two lunar months later, you were still on board.
You would offer repeatedly to be a part of the functionality of his crew, and even though you had a lifetime of certified open space flight training, Yondu would refuse your offer as kindly as he could. So, you did what anyone else would do. And that would be to find another place on board his ship that had an opening for work. There were enough people who knew weaponry, and enough people who operated the computers, enough cooks, cleaners, medical experts. Kraglin was already First Mate, and there was not an opening for that, or Second Mate, either.
You became the Odd Jobber.
It began with you tidying up after the Ravagers, putting things back where they belonged, filing in numbers of things that needed to be stocked at the next planet, cleaning out the messes of things crammed into the broom closets. And, you sometimes played a homemade guitar (made from a crate and mechanical wire) at meal times. By the end of the month, it was your official title, and you did your best to live up to it.
“Can you fix my socks? There’s holes in them.” One Ravager asked, on Monday.
“I need an extra hand carrying these supplies in! __________, can you help?” Another asked on Thursday, after docking planet side.
“Where’s my blaster?” Kraglin asked on Saturday, before a battle.
You passed it to him. “It sounded a little blocked last time you fired it,” you told him, proud of your work. “I think I fixed the problem with the extra kick in it now.”
But, it was the Wednesday after that which proved to be…eventful. It wasn’t like everyday wasn’t eventful, being a Ravager was enough to always have something happening. But – Wednesday was one which would forever stay marked in your memory. It began the usual way – a hot cup of kaf, a bowl of something mushy. Then, you were approached by Tullk, and Oblo, who handed you a bucket of soapy water, and a mop.
“If y’wouldn’t mind,” Tullk said, sparing a small smile, “there’s a mess tha’ needs cleanin’.”
Oblo nodded, voice low, “It’s in the hallway in front o’ Captain Udonta’s room.”
You didn’t need to be told twice. Having once witnessed Captain Yondu’s face upon seeing one of the famed messes across the ship, you made way to the location that Oblo sent you to clean up. True to their word, there was a small mess – a charred outline of someone upon the floor, some blood upon the walls of the ship. Gritting your teeth at the barbarity of it, you got to work.
But before you could get half the blood from the wall, you heard a clamour, and luckily for you, you moved out the way in time. Running through the halls was an unfamiliar face, followed by a woman with green skin, a raccoon holding a twig, and a burly man with markings over his exposed skin.
As soon as you heard them, they were there, and then, they were gone. But in their flurry, they kicked the bucket for your mop, soaking you all over your skin and bones, and managed to smear dirt over your area.
“Just my luck,” you muttered.
Glancing down, you saw your Ravager uniform was completely drenched, dripping water upon the still-messy floor. Your quarters were across the other half of the ship, and if you walked back to them for a change of clothes, you’d leave a messy trail, and eventually must clean that too. So, sucking up what’s left of your sopping pride, you use the spare key for Captain Udonta’s room – given to you in confidence and only for emergencies – and hope to the stars that there’s nobody inside.
Lucky for you, it’s empty.
You make way to his private bathroom, and shedding the clothes, you take a quick shower, and lay out your uniform over the lavatory and shower rail after you’re thoroughly cleaned. Stepping out into Captain Udonta’s room in only a towel, you realise two things:
His room is a mess. There’s battle gear everywhere, hanging from the light fixtures, all over the floor. The sheets upon the bed are chaos, mud is tracked everywhere in the floor, and the window is so dirty you can hardly see outside into space.
And it’s laundry day. All his dirty uniforms – and the rest of the crew’s – are currently being laundered, because that’s what you’ve worked on since sun up before being approached by Oblo and Tullk.
You shake your head, marvelling at the irony of the whole day. Like you of all people got so unlucky that this streak of events managed to align to create this terrible day. You manage to dry your undergarments with the vent in the bathroom and plucking from an abandoned corner where not too much mess is, find Captain Udonta’s captain’s jacket. But, losing the lucky streak, you find that there are no pants to be found in the whole bedroom, leaving you wearing just the jacket, and panties.
You thought about what the crew would say if they saw you in these clothes, and blanching at the prospect of being found, and the shame that would follow, you’re mortified at the idea. So, temporarily forgetting about the mess left outside the door, you begin to do the one thing you can do as the Odd Jobber, and that is make yourself useful. While you’re trapped in the bedroom, you begin to tidy up; pluck all the battle clothes down from its strange places and begin to polish and store it. You take the vacuum abandoned in the closet and suck up all the mud, dirt, and terrible things upon the floor. You strip the bed of sheets, wincing at the scent. They haven’t been changed since you were last in here, a lunar month ago.
“…an’ if you ain’t mindin’ your own business, tha’s why these things happen, boy,” you hear a familiar voice, the voice of the Captain himself. Your heart goes into a bout of beats, and mind racing you realise that you hadn’t thought about the consequences of being found looking like you are, inside the Captain’s quarters. You rush around, trying to figure out what to do, and end up tripping over your own feet. The door to the bedroom opens, revealing Yondu, and beside him, the unfamiliar man who ran by you earlier, covering you in the mopping water. “what in the stars…”
You look up to the familiar red-brown eyes. They look over you, the room, and once more to you.
“Wow, Yondu, you cleaned up for me?” the stranger says, clapping the Captain of the Ravagers on the back, “I’m touched.”
But he shakes his head. “__________, what’re you doing on my floor?” He asks, giving you a hand up to get back upon your feet. “C’mon, I’m not angry, jus’ curious.”
Back on two feet, you feel conscious of yourself. Showing so much skin in front of your captain, and this unknown man. A blush heats your face as you begin to string words together, “I – I was cleaning outside your room, Tullk and Oblo sent me.” you stammer, trying to keep your eyes away from their gaze. “and then he and some other people spilt my bucket and covered me in filth, and – I came in to clean myself up –,”
“Wait, you’s tellin’ me that Peter here wrong’d you?” Yondu asked, placing a hand upon your shoulder. “Don’t worry about protectin’ this one, he’s a shit at the best of times.”
You nod.
Peter puts both hands raised in surrender. “The Guardians and I were just coming through the hallway,” he protests, “We didn’t mean to terrorise anyone!”
Yondu shakes his head, turning to the other man. “Peter, you an’ your strays can clean th’ mess outside,” he looks to you, eyes trailing from your legs up, and then taking a breath, points Peter out of the room to start the task set. “Now, __________ –,”
Two Lunar Months previous
Yondu Udonta was a man of his word. He promised to fight alongside Peter, alongside the Xandarian pilots with Nova Corps, and that promise did not end when his ship failed and was grounded. He fought the Kree radicals with all his strength, all his spite. He had once been a toy to these people when he was younger, a terrible piece of his past that he hated so, so much. He felled every Kree with all he had, for all that he could have been if his worthless parents hadn’t sold him off to become a battle slave. He’d just killed the most recent batch of soldiers when a falling ship caught his eye – it was Xandarian, small. And landing nearby to where his ship had plummeted to.
But as he watched, no parachute was deployed in the seconds before it hit the soil. He wasn’t a good man, not by some standards, but when he saw the impact of the Nova Corp ship, he ran toward it. Using his arrow, he managed to remove the visor of the small ship and pulled the pilot from the soon-to-combust plane.
As he got the pilot and himself to a distance safe enough from the plane, he stopped to see who he had saved. Was it the asshole corpsman who sassed Quill’s every move? The rude one? But when he removed the helmet of the corpsman before him, Yondu’s breath caught.
She was gorgeous. A little beat up from the crash, unconscious from impact. Her hair was (h/l), and the colour (h/c), the same as his favourite hue of the stardust in the skies when he travelled them. There was a scratch upon her collarbone, weeping slightly. Fresh. It must have happened in the impact. Yondu reached for his water-skin, and tipping it over his fingers, wiped the blood from her skin. Droplets flew from his fingers, landing upon her lips, nose, forehead.
Her eyes blinked awake, a deep breath taken.
“Where am I?” she said, startled, wincing as she went to move. “What happened? Who are you?”
He explained all he saw what happened, and then, his name. “I’m Yondu Udonta, of the Yondu Ravager Clan. I’m an ally t’Nova Prime…for t’day, anyways.”
She nodded. “I’m __________, I’m a pilot. Or, was.” She says, regarding her ship which is aflame before them both, with an air of melancholy.
“You don’t have to go back to bein’ a Corpsman if y’ain’t wantin’ to,” Yondu said quickly, too quick to realise what his words meant. He barely knew the girl, what her past was, what her future would be, what she wanted that to be. The life of a Ravager wasn’t for everyone, especially not for people which caught his heart like this. “I mean –,”
She nodded. “You saved me,” she whispered, moving to sit up with a wince, “I at least owe it to you to accompany you upon your ship.” She says, looking at her fingernails. “I was never cut out to be a corpsman, anyway.”
“You checked me out,” you tell Yondu, as soon as Peter’s not in the room.
He shakes his head. “When?” He says, and quickly, denying, adds, “No, I never.”
You raise your eyebrows, placing your hands upon your hips. “Just before – twice! When you came into the room, with that guy, and then when you sent him out!” you say, outraged he’s denying it. You swore that when you woke up on Xandar, saved by the most handsome Centaurian you ever did see, that you wouldn’t let him get out of your sight. Your heart had been taken at first sight by him, and that was that. Now he’s denying he looked at you like that – it’s outrageous! “Come on, Captain, can’t you tell the Odd Jobber the truth?”
He rolls his eyes. “That name is ridiculous,” he sighs, and running a hand over his small fin, admits, “I like you, __________. I was’n sure you’d like an old man like me…”
Your eyes are wide. “I was so shy, I didn’t know what to do or say to tell you I admired you!” you cry out.
From outside the door, you hear Peter call out, perhaps through the keyhole, “Another day saved by the Guardians of The Galaxy!”
“Shut it, Pete!” Yondu retorts. His eyes turn to you, and once again, trace your body. “How ‘bout we make use of this occasion…” he motions to the bed before both of you.
“Oh, Captain Udonta,” You laugh, beginning to strip Yondu’s jacket from your skin. “I was thinking the same thing.”
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moolric-ceramics · 6 years
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Testing the copper
A long time ago I made the green glaze you see in this post, which I then used on this piece. We called it seaspray because it was a lovely muted green. I only made a small batch to begin with, and when that ran out we tried making a really big batch. The new glaze was not the same. It was much darker as you can see on these cups. We renamed it moss. It goes nicely with the buttermilk, as you can see on those cups, and on this mortar and pestle I made, but we were disappointed that it wasn’t what we were expecting.
We talked about it with a glaze expert and he said some potential reasons were not all copper carbonates are created equal and the firings not being consistent. There were 6 different containers of copper in the cupboard and I had no idea which we’d used for the different versions of the glaze.
The testing process
I got the porcelain glaze and the zirconmilk glaze I’d made previously.
I numbered the 6 different coppers and wrote it on each container.
I measured out the glazes into 7 cups, putting 100g into each one. This was after I had mixed in the water.
I added .5g of a different copper into 6 porcelain cups and 6 zircon milk cups.
I added .5g of cobalt carbonate into the 7th cups. (NB: It was difficult measuring such a small amount on the scale I have so there may have been variations. I had a very sensitive and accurate digital scale now.)
I mixed each cup with the stick mixer before dipping 2 PB103 test tiles and, in the zircon milk, I did a BRT test tile too.
I sent 1 of each PB103 test tile to be fired at the pottery place where Corey works.
I had the rest fired at the pottery club.
 The comparison
It took forever to get them all fired so I could look at them, and I seem to have lost some of my notes. However, I am fairly certain that in both photos, the ones in the front row are the ones I had fired at the pottery club.
Unfortunately I don’t think they tell me all that much, because the variations are quite small and could be a result of measurement error. 
The best part of the whole thing was discovering that cobalt added to buttermilk/zirconmilk gives a glorious purple. From reading the book I got recently I think it’s caused by the cobalt interacting with the dolomite in the glaze. You can see that the cobalt in the porcelain glaze has a completely different effect.
The happy side effect
Once I finished doing my test tiles, I didn’t want to throw the glaze away, so I poured them all back into their respective buckets, mixing all the colourants together.
I went ahead and glazed some bowls with the mix and discovered my favourite glaze I’ve made so far.
6 notes · View notes
datheetjoella · 7 years
I’ll Paint a Smile on Your Face - Part 1
Fandom: Free! Pairing: MakoHaru Rating: T Summary: What was supposed to be a calm afternoon of painting with the children goes a little different than planned when Makoto comes home from work and Haruka greets him with an unexpected surprise. Shenanigans ensue and the afternoon turns from calm to unforgettable.
That evening Makoto and Haruka reminisce about the past, appreciate the present, and make a promise for the future.
Word count: 24,547
Notes: Ho Ho Hey, @tachinanabananase, guess who your gift-maker is? ME BITCH! In all seriousness, merry christmas! This fic is not only based off your prompt (Inspired by BTS Crystal Snow) but also off of an otpprompt that I once reblogged and that you sent to me and told me to write. When I saw your prompt, I had the (in my opinion) perfect idea of what I wanted to write and I thought it might be nice to mix the two prompts into one massive fic! Because it is so big, I decided to split it up in two parts because I didn’t just want to throw this massive fic at you all at once when you’re probably very busy and it’s totally not because I haven’t finished part two yet or anything. Unfortunately, the main part that was inspired by Crystal Snow is in part two (”that evening” part of the summary) and this part one is mainly just the prompt that we’ve talked about before. I really hope that’s okay, I’m sorry if that disappoints you but I’ll try my best to get part two out as soon as possible. I just hope that you’ll like part one enough to stick around for part two. I’m sorry this fic is so long and I’m sorry that you have to wait for the second half, but I still hope you’ll be able to enjoy this fic because I had a lot of fun writing it. 
I also want to thank the sweet @anunyun for organising this exchange! I had so much fun doing this with you, Inna, and I hope you had just as much fun as I had. Thank you, dear!
Just one more thing: this fic is set in the same universe of the fic “My Most Precious Treasure”. It is by no means necessary to read that fic because this can be perfectly read as a stand alone, but in case you want a little more context and background, then I would advise to read that fic first because it’s set about half a year before this one.
Sorry for rambling for so long, I’m not sure if I said everything that I wanted to say but I hope this covers it. Merry Christmas and I hope you enjoy!
Read at: AO3 - FFn or right here
Upon being called, Haruka peered over his shoulder to where Umiko and Mizuki were sat at the kitchen table. He had just picked them up from school and was now pouring them a drink and getting their afternoon snack. "What?"
"I want to paint," Umiko said, mindlessly tapping her fingers against the wooden surface while she was waiting.
"Paint?" Haruka questioned as he put the cups in front of them - lemonade for Umiko and fruit juice for Mizuki - to which she nodded vigorously. It wasn't very surprising that she wanted to paint because she had been getting more and more into arts and crafts lately. Ever since she had found one of his old sketchbooks from back in high school with Makoto's image plastered all over it in the attic, she constantly wanted to draw and colour to improve her own skills, like the portraits and illustrations her dad had made of her father had inspired her to master the art as well. Perhaps it was only a fleeting interest and she would become obsessed over something entirely different next week, but Haruka wanted to encourage her creativity and enthusiasm nonetheless and he knew Makoto completely agreed with that; he honestly thought it was adorable that Haruka was such a role model for her and when Haruka told him about her discovery in the attic, he was endeared with reminiscence. But then he remembered some of the drawings Haruka had made in the past and his endearment turned into mortification, but Haruka assured him that she hadn't found one of the more… eccentric and intimate sketchbooks he owned because if she had, then she definitely would have asked him about it. He had made sure to tuck those further away and out of sight and reach of the children that night to spare them all from a highly inappropriate conversation taking place in the near future. "We can paint. It's a nice day so why don't we take advantage of that and go paint outside?" Haruka proposed, seeing that as a chance to not only enjoy the nice weather, but also to keep the house clean.
"Yes!" Umiko cheered before taking a big gulp of her drink.
"Slow down a little," Haruka advised with a chuckle, mentally shaking his head at her eagerness, "There will be plenty of time to paint later so there's no need to rush."
"Yeah," she agreed, catching herself on her own enthusiasm and she put her drink down, still grinning to herself.
Seeing how excited she was made Haruka smile as well as he walked back to the counter to get the plate of leftover chocolate-chip cookies from the batch he had made earlier that week. Before he went to put it on the table though, he grabbed a few of them and wrapped them in the aluminum foil that had been covering the plate. He knew Makoto would want some too when he came home because he had mentioned craving his homemade cookies when they were having lunch together earlier that day, and he couldn't seriously expect their little monsters to resist the temptation and leave some for their father so Haruka made sure to hold some back for his husband beforehand. He was certain Makoto would really appreciate that.
With the plate and a mug of tea for himself in hand, Haruka joined their kids at the table, sitting down in his usual seat. In his head he was already planning what the best setup would be for painting in the backyard and it was then that he realised that Mizuki hadn't actually confirmed that he wanted to paint as well. Although he usually wanted to do whatever his sister was doing too, it could be that he had something else in mind as to how he wanted to spend his afternoon, which was fine as long as Haruka could keep an eye on both him and Umiko. He figured that it didn't hurt to ask him directly rather than just assuming.
The little boy, who had been completely focused on the cup that was clutched tightly in his tiny hands as he held it to his face, looked up to his dad without ceasing to drink.
Knowing that he had his attention, Haruka asked, "Do you want to paint too?"
Mizuki only nodded in return before he put his empty cup back down onto the coaster and then he grabbed a cookie from the plate, taking a bite that was slightly too large for his mouth. This didn't stop him from trying to speak, though.
"Don't speak with your mouth full," Haruka gently reminded before he could finish his sentence.
"Oh, right. Sorry," Mizuki mumbled instead, completely unaware of the fact that he was still chewing while he said it and Haruka couldn't repress a snort of amusement. Disciplining little kids was so hard when they didn't even notice what they were actually doing; since Mizuki had already apologised and wasn't even aware of his own action, Haruka decided to let it slide. When his mouth was empty Mizuki made a second attempt. "Can I have more juice?"
"Of course," Haruka answered and he got up to go to the fridge again, "Umiko, do you want more too?"
"Just a little."
Once he had provided both of their children with a refill of their respective beverages, he sat down in his chair again and took a sip of his tea. Immediately Mizuki put the remaining half of his cookie down on the table to drink some more, the action leaving Haruka in bewilderment.
"Are you that thirsty?" he wondered at the rate he was gulping down his juice and Mizuki simply nodded again. "You must have had a busy day if it made you that thirsty."
"Yeah," was all Mizuki said in response and it made Haruka smile once more out of fondness. In some aspects their son really reminded him of himself when he was younger, like in how quiet and reserved he was, not wasting any words when he spoke and only answering questions and remarking the things he wanted to mention. But his silence shouldn't be mistaken for shyness or disinterest, because he was always perfectly able to make clear what he wanted without holding himself back. At home he could be pretty talkative, but only in an engaging conversation that someone else had started. Therefore Haruka knew that he had to specifically ask him what he wanted to know.
"And did you have fun at school today?" he questioned, knowing how much he had enjoyed going to school so far. He had recently started kindergarten and he had made quite a few friends already, contrary to Haruka himself when he was his age since he had only had Makoto back then - though Makoto was really all he had ever needed. Even if Haruka was pretty sure that he wouldn't enjoy going to school anymore a decade from now, he was glad that he did find it fun right now. After all, having to drop the children off at school every morning was already hard enough as it was, so the fact that they actually wanted to go definitely made it easier than if they hated it.
"Yeah," Mizuki repeated, and it was all he said before he he took another bite of his snack.
Since he had just told him not to speak with his mouth full, Haruka decided to leave it at that for now. He could always inquire further when he wasn't eating, so Haruka directed his questions towards Umiko instead. "And you, did you have fun as well?"
"Yes!" Umiko exclaimed excitedly, and unlike with Mizuki, Haruka didn't have to ask her in order for her to elaborate on what she had done that day that had made it so enjoyable. In that sense Umiko was similar to Makoto, in how cheerful and enthusiastic she was, although she wasn't shy like Makoto had been at her age and was a lot more bold and daring. She always had fun at school because she loved gathering knowledge and making friends, and school happened to be the perfect place to do both of those things. Because of that he wouldn't be surprised if she would still like going to school in the years yet to come.
Haruka listened attentively to their daughter blabbering on and on about what she had learned that day and what she had done with her friends, adding commentary here and there in between sips of tea and small bites of a chocolate-chip cookie. Throughout conversation he was also able to decipher the enigma that was Mizuki's eventful day at kindergarten whenever he added his two cents and shared his own experiences. In return Umiko asked Haruka about his day at work and because the finances and administration of the swim club were hardly interesting to little kids, he just told them that he'd had lunch with their father and had purposely finished early so he could swim some laps in the pool once he was done.
"I want to have lunch with you and Papa too," Mizuki pouted, making it obvious that he disliked the fact that he couldn't be there with them and Umiko immediately expressed her agreement.
It was adorable that they wanted to have lunch with Makoto and him and he honestly would have liked them to be there too, but on weekdays that just wasn't possible since they had to go to school while Makoto and he were at the swim club. Because of that, Haruka decided to turn the impossible into something a little more positive. "But you already have breakfast and dinner with us every single day, and we do have lunch together on the weekends. Isn't it more fun to have lunch with your friends too for a change?"
"Yeah," Umiko concurred and she nodded in understanding, seeing that there was a point of truth in her dad's words because she did like having lunch with her friends too.
"But it's still unfair," Mizuki insisted and he crossed his arms, completely sure that he was right about that.
"Unfair? Unfair that Papa and I get to have lunch together but you don't?" Haruka questioned and Mizuki nodded in confirmation. Admittedly, in a way he was right; it was a little unfair, but if he told him that then he'd never hear the end of it and he knew that it wasn't something that he could actually change. So instead he just had to give different arguments to convince their son otherwise. "But you get to have lunch with your friends, and I get to have lunch with my friend," he reasoned, hoping that Mizuki would find that an acceptable answer and that it would suffice as the end of this discussion.
Fortunately, Umiko cut in with a different subject that her dad's words had brought her on, diverting the attention away from the topic of lunch. "Papa has always been your best friend, right Daddy?" she asked, already knowing the answer yet loving to hear her parents affirm it and she grinned brightly.
"Always," Haruka muttered and warmth and affection spontaneously overflowed in his heart at the mere thought of it. They had been joined at the hip from the first moment they met, even though that was so long ago that he couldn't remember a time Makoto hadn't been by his side and even now, decades later, they remained inseparable and Haruka knew they would be together forevermore. Because Makoto was the love of his life, his other half with whom he had spent every day and had vowed to continue to spend the rest of his life with.
Lost in daydreams of his husband and their eternal love, Haruka hadn't even noticed that their children were still talking. But they didn't seem to be bothered by it and just continued the conversation with each other; it wasn't a rare occurrence that their dad's thoughts drifted off for a little while so it wasn't very remarkable to them. Although it may have seemed a little odd, Haruka didn't mind dissociating from reality for a second because it was nice to stand still and really feel how happy he was, like joy and love liquified and coursed through his veins, filling him with too much bliss to contain. It was good to take a moment to properly take everything in and he truly appreciated all that he had; the things that Makoto and he had fought so hard for and were now reaping the fruits of. And every day was truly a gift that was meant to be cherished and enjoyed to its fullest.
Suddenly he was overcome with a need to see Makoto and to hold him tight for the adoration he felt was too strong to go unexpressed, but alas Makoto was still at work. It wouldn't be too long until he got home though, so he would just have to bottle up those feelings until then and let them run wild later. For now, he could show their kids his affection and he made sure to do that like he did every day.
"Dad? Daddy?"
The sound of Umiko's voice pulled him out of his reverie and he blinked a few times before he met her large brown eyes. "Sorry, what?"
"We want to go see Papa and swim too," she announced decisively and her brother nodded in agreement, showing that that was what they had been discussing while his mind was on cloud nine.
This statement surprised Haruka a little, considering they had been so excited about getting to paint before yet it appeared that the revelation of what his early afternoon had been like gave them a change of heart. He would never be one to turn down an opportunity to see his husband and swim on top of that so if the kids really wanted to go to the club then that was completely fine with him. But he supposed that it couldn't hurt to remind them of their previous plans since it seemed like the idea of a trip to go see their father at work was one that entered their mind suddenly and made them suggest it on a whim. "That's fine, but I thought that you wanted to paint?"
"Oh yeah!" Umiko recalled, the tone of her light voice clearly showing that she had forgotten about that in her enthusiasm.
"So, which is it?" Haruka questioned, wanting to let Umiko and Mizuki decide since he didn't mind either way. "Painting or going to Papa and swimming?"
Mizuki simply peered up at his sister like he was waiting for her answer and would go along with that, but Umiko appeared to be seriously torn up. Her adorable face was twisted into a frown and she hummed softly as she deeply pondered about the options, finding it hard to make a choice when they were both so appealing. Since it was obvious that she found it very hard to make up her mind, Haruka made the decision for her.
"I think Papa will be home in about an hour, so what about this," he started, and both Umiko and Mizuki stared at him attentively, waiting for his proposal, "We'll paint today and tomorrow we go swimming together with Papa. If it's as warm tomorrow as it is today then we can go to the beach, and otherwise we'll just go to the pool. Is that alright?"
"Yeah!" the kids gushed in unison, making Haruka smile at their enthusiasm. He knew just how much they loved going to the beach and because they lived close to the coast they went whenever the opportunity presented itself, which was quite often around the summer times. It was still spring so warm and dry weather wasn't exactly guaranteed, but it was gradually getting warmer outside as the summer approached and if the forecasts were right, then they should be able to go to the beach tomorrow for the ocean would be warm enough to swim in.
Although Makoto was still afraid of the ocean and would most likely be forever, that didn't stop them from going often because Makoto wanted them to go; he didn't want to take away something his husband and their children loved just because he feared it himself - they had never told Umiko and Mizuki about their father's fear because he didn't want them to become afraid of it too just because he was and therefore they were waiting to tell them until they were a little older. Truth of the matter was that Makoto enjoyed going too, he loved watching their kids play and his husband swim and swimming together with them. As long as Umiko and Mizuki were supervised and accompanied when they went into the water and didn't go too deep then everything was alright for him. Arm floaties used to be one of the requirements as well, but since Umiko was old enough now and could swim pretty well only Mizuki had to wear them, much to his chagrin. Telling him that it was necessary for his safety didn't alleviate his dismay, but once he was in the water and playing with his family, he forgot all about the uncomfortable arm-traps and he was just having fun. The promise that he wouldn't have to wear them anymore once he was able to swim properly made him even more eager to learn how to swim as well, so a lot of time would be dedicated to teaching him how to swim this summer.
The children weren't the only ones who were getting a little excited, but Haruka told himself to postpone his enthusiasm about swimming until tomorrow; today they were going to paint together and that was a lot of fun too. "Well, go finish your drink and cookies so we can get started," he teased and Umiko and Mizuki didn't need to be told twice.
Once all of their cups were empty and the plate was cleared, Haruka took the kids upstairs so he could change them into some old pyjamas that he didn't mind Umiko and Mizuki getting dirty. Even though they always made sure that the paint they bought for the children was non-toxic and - according to the label - would wash out of clothing if stained or spilled, it was better to be safe than sorry and he didn't want to risk ruining their good clothes. For good measure, he put on some old clothes of his own as well.
When they were all dressed, he took the children to the bathroom so he could tie Umiko's hair into a ponytail and clip back Mizuki's fringe so their hair would stay out of their face and wouldn't bother them while they were painting. Although it usually wouldn't be necessary for Mizuki, he had been complaining that his fringe was too long and was constantly adjusting it. Haruka really needed to cut them soon, but for now hair clips would do so Mizuki wouldn't have to keep pushing them back and wouldn't accidentally smear paint into them in the process.
While he was brushing Umiko's long black hair she kept unconsciously bouncing up and down on her legs out of jitteriness, which didn't exactly make it easy for him to make a ponytail because the locks kept being pulled out of his hands.
"Sweetheart, can you stand still for one second? Otherwise I can't tie your hair," Haruka requested because he knew it wasn't going to work otherwise. Although he had never really been one to use pet names with anyone, that gradually changed when they first adopted Umiko; the pet names just rolled off Makoto's tongue when he was cuddling with her or playing with her or begging her to please stop crying and go back to sleep, and that proved itself to be quite infectious because soon the pet names were leaving his lips without his awareness as well. He hadn't done anything to stop it though, because he supposed it was just another token of affection towards the children and he wanted to do everything he could to let them know how much they were loved. Since then, calling Umiko and eventually Mizuki by the occasional pet name just became a habit.
"Oh, sorry," Umiko mumbled and she stopped moving, allowing Haruka to make a neat, tight ponytail. Then he turned her around so he could clip her fringe to the side as well.
"Daddy, hurry up!" Mizuki complained for the minute that had passed had taken far too long for his liking, already growing bored and impatient.
"Calm down, I only have two hands," Haruka replied, not fazed at all by the little boy's attempt at rushing him, "We have all the time in the world so there's no need to hurry."
"I know…" Mizuki sighed with a pout and although he understood, he was still rather displeased by what he interpreted as his dad taking his sweet time for something that could have been done much faster. Rather than trying to explain the situation to Mizuki, Haruka decided to just focus on Umiko's hair so they could get started soon and wouldn't have to dwindle on useless discussions like these.
When all of Umiko's stray hairs were pinned aside, he walked into Makoto's and his bedroom and the children followed him like he was luring them along with enchanting pipe music. He opened the door of one of the closets and got up on his toes, rummaging through the contents of the highest shelf before he pulled out an old sheet. "Here," he said as he handed it to Umiko, "If you two go lay this out in the yard then I'll go grab everything else."
"Okay!" Umiko easily replied with newfound excitement, quickly leaving the room to fulfill the task her dad had given her and Mizuki immediately left after his older sister.
With a sigh of fondness Haruka watched them go before he went up to the attic to grab some stuff. A little while back when he was at the art store to get some new watercolours for himself, he had seen these miniature easels that were meant to go on tabletops. He had figured that the kids might like them and therefore he had bought four, one for each of the kids and the other two for Makoto and himself so they could play along - although Makoto's artistic skills hadn't improved much from when he was a child himself, he did always play along when they were doing something crafty even if his abilities when it came to art obviously couldn't match up to Haruka's, but he saw it as an opportunity to teach Umiko and Mizuki that it didn't matter if you were good at something or not as long as you enjoyed it. The easels hadn't been for a special occasion or anything, it had been a little gift just because and like he had expected, the children were really happy with it. Admittedly, Makoto and he spoiled them a little - a lot - but he honestly liked spoiling them and didn't see the harm in it; they could afford it and as long as Umiko and Mizuki didn't become haughty or ungrateful, there was nothing wrong with spoiling them a little and they were still kind and humble and appreciated everything they got. In the end, that was all that mattered.
With three of the four easels tucked under his arm and some small canvases in his other hand, Haruka went downstairs so he could set everything up.
At last he had gathered all the paints, brushes and other miscellaneous painting necessities and they could finally start, much to Umiko and Mizuki's joy and relief. He had set them up in a half circle, with Umiko beside him and Mizuki across from him and all the supplies in between them so they could all easily reach everything. He had already put dollops of all the colours of paint onto a paper plate from a stack that he had found somewhere in the back of the pantry so the kids didn't have to struggle with the tubes and could access everything without having to ask him for help - of course, if they needed more paint then he'd happily oblige and get them some more, but it was less complicated this way. Next to that he had laid out numerous brushes in varying sizes to satisfy all their painting needs and a cup of water and some paper towels so they could rinse out the bristles. The perfect recipe for a fun afternoon of painting together, Haruka thought.
"Daddy, what are you going to paint?" Umiko asked, peering up at him with her large, shining eyes in an attempt to gather inspiration from him.
"I don't know yet," he answered truthfully after a moment of pondering. "And you?"
"It's a secret!" she exclaimed with a grin and she turned one side of the easel closer to herself so Haruka wouldn't be able to see what she made. In actuality, he could still look onto her canvas if he really wanted to but he decided to humour her and not mention it, yet he did keep his gaze averted from it like she had requested because he respected their children's boundaries, regardless of how insignificant the situation at hand may have been. He also didn't mention the fact that not a single stroke had been applied to her canvas yet.
"And you?" Haruka then asked while suppressing an amused smile, turning to Mizuki who was already holding a brush with the bristles covered in black paint, "Is yours a secret too?"
Mizuki thought for a second before he nodded. "Yep," he said and he got started, pushing the tip of his brush down on his canvas and applying rough strokes onto it.
"Alright," Haruka replied with a shrug, knowing that they would eventually let him see it anyway because they always showed Makoto and him everything they made, whether it was a drawing or a sandcastle or anything in between. Until that time, he would respect their privacy and focus on his own painting.
But as he was staring at his blank canvas he unfortunately concluded that his mind was equally blank, really not knowing what he could paint. He looked back at the children - all the while making sure that he didn't catch a glimpse of their work in progress - and saw that Umiko had also eagerly begun to paint with an excited twinkle in her deep brown eyes, contrary to Mizuki who seemed to be in utmost concentration, his small mouth pressed into a firm line as he assaulted the canvas with his brush in a way that would most certainly destroy the bristles sooner or later. Because he knew that he wasn't intentionally rough but simply lacked the motoric capabilities to handle to brush with more finesse, Haruka decided to not stop him or correct him but let him paint to his heart's content. Brushes were replaceable and as long as Mizuki enjoyed himself then it didn't matter if the bristles died in action; it was a very low price to pay for their son's happiness and Haruka would gladly spend every penny on him - and on Umiko too, of course, but since she had mastered a painting technique that was much gentler he was pretty sure she wouldn't unconsciously destroy anything.
As he was watching over them, the need to capture their adorable faces onto his canvas welled up inside of him and since his models were sitting right in front of him, he would have acted on that feeling if it weren't for the art supplies he currently had. With nothing more than various shades of paint that were clearly designed to be used by children and paintbrushes to match, he wasn't confident that he could make a painting that would do them justice; he couldn't sketch them first because he had no pencils and this wasn't exactly the type of paint that he was used to either, so he couldn't guarantee that it would turn out the way he envisioned. He didn't want to risk ruining their cute faces so painting them would have to wait a little longer. For the same reasons he couldn't paint his husband either, who was usually his favourite subject to draw - even if Makoto wasn't here for reference, after more than thirty-five years of studying his features and about thirty years of relaying his image on paper, he didn't need the reference because he could draw him with his eyes closed and in his sleep.
There was nothing he could do right now besides looking for something else he could paint. In a sudden wave of nostalgia, he was reminded of something else that he loved - granted, not as much as he loved his husband and their children, but still - that he didn't need any references for. With that in mind, he grabbed another paper plate from the stack he had found and begun to mix some paints in an attempt to get the exact shade he was looking for. When he was satisfied with it, he smeared off the excess paint at the edge of the plate before he turned back to his canvas and started.
From then on, it was silent for a while. It didn't surprise Haruka at all, because even though Umiko and Mizuki could get quite loud and jittery when they were excited, that didn't mean that they couldn't be quiet and sit still at other times. He definitely didn't mind it when they were a little noisy and active, but he had to admit that he rather liked moments like these when everything was calm and serene yet they were still happy and entertained. These moments wouldn't last forever though, so he had to savour every second while he could.
Like he had already expected, it didn't take much longer until the silence was disrupted by Umiko's light voice, speaking in that honey-sweet tone that she always used when she wanted to ask something that warranted Makoto's and his approval but wasn't sure if they would go along with it - a tone she had learned from none other than her father. "Daddy?"
Curious as to what her question would be, Haruka decided to play along for now and not show that he already knew her intention. "What?"
"Can we get a dog?"
"A dog?" Haruka asked in bewilderment, not knowing where that suddenly came from when they hadn't seen or talked about anything related to dogs all day - then again, the mind of a six-year-old worked in mysterious ways. Before he could question it any further, Mizuki chimed in.
"Yes, a dog! I want a pom… pom…"
"A pomeranian?" Haruka helped, seeing his struggle to find the right word and filling it in for him.
"Yeah, that one!"
"No," Umiko objected, "I want a golden retriever!"
"A golden retriever?" he wondered, being a little perplexed since he didn't know why she was so specific about it. He knew that Mizuki had a special fascination and adoration for pomeranians so him mentioning them wasn't very surprising, but Umiko had never shown any particular interest in golden retrievers before; she loved all dogs so he had figured that it didn't matter to her what kind of dog they would hypothetically get as long as they got one. The fact that she was so steadfast about it now had to mean that she had put more thought into it than he initially expected. Perhaps her proposal was not as sudden as it had seemed. When he was about to ask her why she was adamant about her choice of dog, he was reminded of something that happened in the past and he could hardly suppress a snort, therefore he couldn't not make a remark about it. "But we already have a golden retriever."
"What do you mean?" Umiko asked in confusion and Mizuki wore a matching frown at their dad's statement because they clearly didn't have a dog, much less a golden retriever.
The looks on both of their faces rendered Haruka unable to stop himself from chuckling. In a silly conversation back in high school about what breed they would be if they were dogs, Makoto had been compared to a golden retriever and Haruka still hadn't forgotten about that because admittedly, he did see the resemblance. Since explaining this would only distract from the discussion at hand, Haruka decided it was better to let that anecdote be saved until later, perhaps as a bedtime story tonight. So instead he just mumbled, "Never mind."
In spite of the fact that he still didn't understand what his dad had said before, Mizuki saw this as an opportunity to steer the conversation back to where he wanted it to go. "If we already have a golden retriever then we can get a pom… pomer…"
"Pomeranian," Haruka supplied again, knowing that he still had trouble recalling and pronouncing some words, especially if they had that many syllables.
"Yeah, so are we getting one?" Mizuki gasped excitedly, interpreting his dad's assistance as agreement and he leaned up on his knees, his sea-green eyes widened in hope.
"That's not what I-"
Before Haruka could finish his sentence, Umiko interrupted him, "No! We don't even have a golden retriever so we can get that one!"
At this point the children were full on arguing about what kind of dog they were going to get - without providing any arguments as to why the dog of their choice was the best for their family - and Haruka knew he had to put a halt to this before it escalated. "Hey," he called, a little louder than he usually would have so that they could hear him over the sound of their own bickering. Usually this would be something that he would have to discuss with Makoto first, but in this case he knew for sure that Makoto would agree with him and he thought it was better to stop Umiko and Mizuki's dream from developing further rather than giving them false hope. "We can't get a dog."
"Aww," Umiko sighed in defeat, a sad pout forming on her lips.
"Why not?" Mizuki questioned and suddenly his sister and he were on the same page again in their shared melancholy about their dad's disapproval.
"Dogs aren't toys," Haruka tried to explain gently, part of him feeling bad that he had to disappoint them when he wanted to give them the world but the rational side of him knew that their current lifestyle didn't have place for a dog, "They're living creatures that need time and attention and care-"
"We will take good care of it!" Umiko quickly assured and Mizuki vigorously nodded in agreement. "We'll love it and walk it and play with it and-"
"I know you would," Haruka interrupted, shaking his head dismissively, "But dogs are still a big responsibility. Who is going to take care of it when you are at school and Papa and I are at work? We can't get a dog and then expect Grandma and Grandpa to look after it all day, but we can't leave a dog alone in the house all day either. That would be sad for the dog, wouldn't it?"
"Yeah," Umiko agreed and although she still seemed disappointed, Haruka was glad that she understood that it simply wouldn't be possible.
"But can't the dog just sleep when we're not here?" Mizuki bargained, desperately looking for a solution because he just wanted to have a dog and he didn't quite understand the issue as much as his older sister did.
"You can't expect a dog to sleep all day and then sleep at night as well," Haruka opposed, thinking that a comparison might help him understand, "Would you like to sleep the entire night and then have to sleep during the morning and afternoon too?"
"No…" Mizuki admitted, averting his gaze because he knew his dad was right. He wouldn't want to be alone all day either, let alone having to sleep when the rest of his family was gone, but that didn't take away from the fact that he wanted a dog really, really badly. Although he knew that it was a wasted effort, he couldn't give up without trying one last time. "But… I could take it to school with me," he mumbled dejectedly despite knowing that Haruka wouldn't approve of that either way.
"You can't take a dog to school with you," was the already expected answer. "You can't learn or play when you have to look after a dog the entire time and your teachers would never allow you to bring it, and neither would Papa and I."
"Well… you could take it to work with you," he reasoned for there was no boss to tell Haruka that he couldn't bring the dog since Makoto and he owned the swim club. Unfortunately, this suggestion also wasn't plausible either because a swim club had no place for a dog.
"Mizuki…" Haruka sighed at their son's insistence. If Mizuki truly wanted something then he wouldn't easily give in, and although Haruka knew that, the time for him to accept the rejection had come because it was useless to argue about this back and forth when the answer would ultimately stay the same. "I'm sorry, sweetheart, but we can't get a dog. We just can't."
The finality of that answer paired with the fact that he wasn't able to come up with any more solutions to the issue made Mizuki come to terms with the fact that there was really nothing more he could say or do. He stopped objecting, but it wasn't without a big huff of disappointment leaving his mouth before he puffed up his cheeks in discontentment. He resumed painting in silence, though there was an obvious lack of enthusiasm in his movements now.
And even Umiko, who had long since given up on pushing her dad into agreeing to get a dog and had continued to paint much sooner, had lost her usual cheerfulness when she had been so excited before.
Seeing the disheartened looks on their faces made Haruka feel a little guilty, but he knew that he couldn't give in to them on this. Perhaps it was good that they didn't get their way this time, because they would have to learn how to deal with disappointments that would surely come in the future. Still, that didn't mean that it didn't make him feel bad, because he completely understood how they felt; back when they were young, Makoto and he had found a stray cat and had decided that they wanted to keep it. They went to ask Makoto's parents if he could keep it, but unfortunately that wasn't possible since his mother was allergic. So they had gone to his parents instead, but he wasn't allowed to keep it either. The memory of the dejection he had felt when his parents refused was very vivid and he had been so upset back then because his parents hadn't even given a reason as to why they couldn't keep it. Although he had hidden his dismay quite well, Makoto had seen right through his demeanour and tried to console him a little even though he was just as upset himself. They had vowed to each other that one day when they were old enough, they would get a cat together.
About thirty years had passed since that promise, eighteen of which they had lived together, yet that day still hadn't arrived - although he frequently fed the stray cats around his house and Makoto and he often played with them back when they were in high school, that didn't exactly count as truly owning a cat. It wasn't so much that they had forgotten about it or had changed their minds, but more so that it never seemed like the right time to get a cat. Whenever it was brought up in conversation, they agreed that it would be better to wait a little longer until things settled down a bit because they were currently too busy; college was way too time-consuming and stressful, once Haruka's Olympic career truly kicked off they were away from home too often, after he retired they were occupied with taking over the swim club and planning their wedding, and once they were married they were diving headfirst into the complicated adoption process that brought along more stress and nerves and once they were finally blessed with Umiko and Mizuki, they had more than enough on their plate with just raising them.
But now, the children were a little older and didn't need the same kind of constant attention and care that they needed back when they were still babies. Everything had settled down into a comfortable and pleasant daily life without them being obligated to do anything, but with a wanting to do many things that brought them joy. Perhaps it was time for that day to come.
"We can't get a dog," Haruka repeated, breaking the somewhat tense silence that hung in the air around them and Umiko and Mizuki both looked up upon hearing their dad's voice. "But, maybe we can get a cat."
"A cat?" Umiko gasped, the excited glint returning to her eyes and Haruka nodded in confirmation.
"Why can we get a cat and not a dog?" Mizuki questioned in confusion and he furrowed his eyebrows.
"Because dogs and cats are not the same animals," Haruka stated because that seemed pretty obvious to him, but then again, Mizuki probably didn't see any difference other than their appearance so he explained, "Unlike dogs, cats don't really mind being alone that much and they sleep more than dogs. Cats don't have to be taken out for walks either so we don't have to worry about that when we're gone during the day, but since we are here in the late afternoon and evening, they're not alone for too long and can still get the attention and care they need."
"Oh… okay," Mizuki said and he nodded in understanding. It luckily hadn't taken much to convince him this time despite him usually being quite stubborn, but Haruka reasoned that that was because even if it wasn't a dog, getting a different pet was better than having no pet at all. "I want a white one!"
"No," Umiko objected once more, "I want an orange one!"
And another discussion ensued. It was almost funny how this always seemed to happen at one point or another, but the factor that Haruka found to be the most amusing was the fact that instead of arguing about breeds like they had earlier, they were now solely worried about what colour their potential future cat's fur would be. He figured that they simply didn't know any specific cat breeds, but he honestly couldn't blame them because he didn't know any either when he was their age.
"Hey," he called once more because he didn't want them to get into a fight over this, "I said 'maybe'. I have to discuss this with Papa first."
"But Papa loves cats so I'm sure he will say 'yes'."
Well, she wasn't wrong. He only had to pronounce the word 'cat' and Makoto was already looking on the website of Iwatobi's shelter to see if they had any cats up for adoption. Still, he couldn't just promise them a cat without getting Makoto's permission, and although the chances of Makoto disapproving were miniscule, that was just not the way they managed things in their home; they would always discuss everything with each other before making a decision, no matter how insignificant or obvious the decision at hand may be.
"What are we going to name it?"
"Tora!" Mizuki chimed in excitedly, and despite it being a common name for cats, Haruka didn't entirely understand where the suggestion came from since it didn't exactly match the image of the white cat he wanted. Then again, he probably didn't even think of that; he just yelled out the name and colour he liked best without considering whether or not they were fitting for one another - though arguably, whether something was fitting or not was an entirely made-up concept that most four-year-olds didn't find any value in to begin with.
"Wait," Haruka interrupted, shaking his head dismissively, "We're not naming anything until we have Papa's agreement. I'll talk with him as soon as I can, so for now we can stop talking about this and talk about something else instead. Alright?"
"Alright," they said in unison, but the expressions of joy that lingered on their faces told him that their minds were already entirely set on that they would get a cat and that even if they didn't mention it anymore, their thoughts were still filled with cats.
Since they agreed and continued to paint in silence, Haruka decided not to say anything more on the matter either. He was pretty sure that their family would be expanded with a feline friend in the near future because Makoto was surely on board, but he didn't want their kids to think that he made all the decisions on his own - which he didn't because Makoto and he'd had this conversation many times before, but they didn't know that because they hadn't been there and had never been told about it either. So for now, it was just better if they postponed this talk until after he spoke with him about it.
With newfound enthusiasm Umiko and Mizuki painted and Haruka continued where he had left off as well. But based off their jittery movements, their focus had long since drifted from their paintings to kittens, resulting in their strokes becoming a lot less refined and coordinated. It was all fine though, as long as they were content.
"Daddy?" Umiko sang again, disrupting the tranquility that had settled once she and her brother had been satiated with the likelihood of getting a cat, and although her voice was still light and high-pitched, it wasn't in the same tone that she had spoken with earlier.
"Can I see your painting?"
"Sure," Haruka replied and he lowered his brush so she could see the entirety of his canvas. It wasn't finished yet, but unlike those of the children, his painting was no secret and after years of being watched as he worked, he was more than used to curious eyes roaming over every line of the unfinished whole.
Umiko scooted over to his side and a beaming smile lit up her face when she saw what he had been drawing. "Iwatobi-chan!" she exclaimed, catching the attention of her little brother who looked up when he heard that familiar name despite not having shown any particular interest in his dad's painting before, too absorbed in his own ministrations.
"Can I see too?"
"Of course," Haruka muttered, and when his gaze drifted from his canvas to their son's face he saw that Mizuki had been absorbed in his work quite literally: a smudge of green paint stained his cheek and he seemingly wasn't even aware that it was there. Wondering how it got there, Haruka's eyes naturally went to his hands and he had a hard time suppressing a grin at the paint coating his little fingers. Although he didn't quite know how he managed to get it all over himself, he honestly wasn't surprised since he had already anticipated that this would happen at one point or another, so in hindsight he was very glad that he had put him in some old pyjamas; if his face was already smudged then it was only a matter of time until his clothing followed. "How did you get paint all over your face?" he asked in amusement when Mizuki was sat next to him as he rubbed his thumb over the spot on his chubby cheek. The paint had dried up almost entirely already, and Haruka didn't know if it was because the paint simply dried quickly or if he'd had smeared it on his face much sooner than he noticed it.
"Paint?" Mizuki questioned in confusion, his sea-green eyes looking downward until he realised that he couldn't directly see his own face. This silly action made it even hard for Haruka to keep himself from smiling at their adorable son. Since the first plan didn't work, Mizuki opted for plan B and looked at his hands instead, seeing that the fingers on his right hand were covered in the shade he had just been painting with. "I don't know."
Although Haruka was quite certain that he had unconsciously scratched his face earlier, he didn't exactly know how the paint got onto his fingertips in the first place considering he had been painting with a brush the entire time. But that in itself shouldn't be much of a surprise either, because regardless of what Mizuki did he always ended up making a mess of himself, whether he was eating ice cream or brushing his teeth or anything in between, really. Even if that was a little inconvenient sometimes, he couldn't deny that it was very endearing. "We'll wash it off later, alright?"
"Okay," Mizuki responded with a shrug, not caring whatsoever either way. It wasn't like he could blame him since he couldn't see it himself anyway, so it was useless to be bothered by it.
"Who is that?" Umiko asked, steering the attention back to Haruka's painting and she pointed at the figure on the right side of the canvas.
"That's Samezuka-chan," Haruka said and he realised that Umiko and Mizuki had probably never seen her before. "Remember that we told you about the school that Papa and I used to have joined practices at? This is their mascot."
"Oh, I see."
"Iwatobi-chan is cuter," Mizuki thought and Haruka chuckled at that remark since he honestly couldn't argue it. Just like him, Umiko and Mizuki loved mascot characters so it was nice to finally have people who also thought they were cute because no one else ever agreed with him on that - well, except Nagisa, but his tastes were honestly all over the place. "And what is this?" he asked, tapping on the wet surface of the left side of the canvas that Haruka had been working on and getting blue paint on his index finger in the process.
"She's also a mascot," Haruka supplied with a snort, not finding it surprising that he couldn't make out what she was since he had just started working on her, "Her name is Shimashima-chan and she was modeled after the islands Mizushima, Ooshima and Sukishima."
"How do you know her, Daddy?" Umiko wondered, interest clear on her face. "I've never seen her before."
"Back when we were in high school, our swim club held a training camp, right?" Haruka reminded because he knew they had told them about this before, but he didn't know if they had forgotten about that already and therefore how much he needed to tell them right now. When they both nodded in return, he continued, "It was my seventeenth birthday and it was the last day we were at the islands for training. There was this event featuring Shimashima-chan and I really wanted to go to it, but for some reason Papa and the others were acting very strange and they kept finding excuses to stop me from going to see her and kept me inside the cabin. Since the event was over before they let me go, I at least wanted to go buy her strap but Papa objected and was saying all kinds of weird things that didn't really make any sense."
His story was interrupted by Umiko, whose eyebrows were furrowed in disbelief. "Why didn't Papa just let you go if you wanted to get it?"
It wasn't like he didn't understand her confusion since he knew that that didn't sound like Makoto at all, so he just answered her question while simultaneously resuming his anecdote. "Because Papa and the others were preparing a surprise for me on the beach right in front of the cabins, and if I went outside then I would see it and that would spoil the surprise."
"A surprise?" she asked in a mix of excitement and curiosity, "What kind of surprise?"
"A giant birthday cake made from sand," he recalled with a smile, "Instead of candles, this cake was so big that it had fireworks instead."
"Wow!" Mizuki said, his large eyes lighting up at the mental image of that.
"It was really pretty," Haruka affirmed, the sight of that cake permanently etched into his memory, "I think we might have some pictures of it too so I can show it to you sometime."
"But you didn't get to see her then," Umiko commented and Haruka understood what she meant with it, because how could he know what she looked like if he didn't get the chance to see her or buy her strap.
"Well, even though I really liked and appreciated the surprise that Papa and the others made for me, Papa still felt bad that they had kept me away from her. When we got home that night, he was sleeping over at my house and right before we went to bed, he gave me a gift. It was Shimashima-chan's strap that I had wanted to get and because he knew that, he had gone out to the souvenir shop right before we left and bought it for me, mostly for my birthday but also because he wanted to apologise for keeping me from meeting her."
"Aww, that's so sweet of Papa," she sighed, a dreamy smile appearing on her lips and Haruka mirrored her smile before he nodded in agreement. "Do you still have the strap?"
"Of course I do," Haruka said like it was obvious, because he kept everything Makoto gave him, no matter how small or insignificant it may be; he treasured even the tiniest of things because they were gifts given to him by someone who was so special that everything he touched automatically became special as well. The mere thought of throwing out or losing something that Makoto had given him was enough to make his stomach churn. Therefore he knew exactly where everything was, putting it in places where he could easily find them so he could keep them safe and cherish them forever. "I'll show it to you later too, alright?"
"Alright!" she echoed excitedly, her grin widening in anticipation.
"Your painting is very pretty," Mizuki suddenly remarked, drawing the attention back to the image at hand rather than the story behind it.
"Thank you," Haruka replied with an unwavering smile, "Can I see your painting too?"
"Yeah." Mizuki crawled back to his easel and tried his best to turn it around so his dad and sister could see his picture. The canvas was filled with a whole array of different things without a clear theme, suggesting that Mizuki just put down whatever it was that was on his mind that second: from a stick figure with pitchfork-hands and spikes for hair in the middle to stars and hearts surrounding it to a smiling sun in the corner, Mizuki had painted it all. It was very colourful to say the least.
"Yours is really pretty too," Haruka complimented and those simple words were enough to make a satisfied grin settle on Mizuki's face, which in its turn made Haruka's smile soften as well.
Not wanting to be left out, Umiko immediately went back to her own easel and shifted it towards her dad. "And mine?"
"Yours is very pretty as well," he assured, finding it adorable that she wanted to get praised too and of course he would always give her the approval and attention that she was seeking. In terms of the painting itself, the one Umiko made had more of a clear subject that Mizuki's had; contrary to her brother, she had upgraded from stick figures to figures who had bodies and clothes - although the hands of her characters still resembled gardening equipment, though he supposed hers looked more like rakes - and she had painted four of them on a patch of grass next to a yellow blob of what he assumed to be a dog, which indicated that the four figures were her and their family. So much for that 'spontaneous' idea of wanting to get a golden retriever.
"Thanks!" she beamed and a joyous smile stretched her lips as well. But as her brown eyes went from her own canvas to Haruka's canvas and back, the smile soon fell from her face and made place for a sad frown. "Why can't my drawing be as good as yours?" she questioned, sounding almost desperate.
Rather than biding her false words of comfort and assurance that hers was just as good as his, Haruka thought it was better to just be honest with her because she could clearly see the difference between the two paintings and wouldn't buy those white lies anyway. "Because I have thirty years more of experience than you," he stated kindly, still wanting to sound reassuring and encouraging because he didn't want her to feel insecure or inferior, "You can't expect to be super good at something at first because you aren't born with those skills. You have to practice a lot and then you can improve; and I have had much more time to practice in my life than you have had so far."
"So if I practice a lot then I'll get just as good as you?" Umiko asked with a tiny flame of hope rekindling in her shining eyes.
Haruka nodded in return. "Perhaps even better than me, because I think you're already better now than I was at your age." He didn't recall if this was true or not but that honestly didn't matter, because this was the type of white lie that the kids would easily believe.
The undiluted excitement in her voice was too cute, the tone reminding him of how Makoto used to sound when he was her age and that mental comparison made it even more endearing than it already was. But before he could respond to it, Mizuki spoke up.
"You can't get better than Daddy," he said resolutely, "Because Daddy is the best."
It was absolutely adorable that he felt that way, but it was far from the truth. "That's not true, there are people out there who are even better than me, who have even more years of experience and practice or who just have more natural talent than me," Haruka defended because he saw this as a stepping stone to teaching them another one of life's lessons, "There will almost always be someone who's better than you at something, but that's alright. You shouldn't compare yourself to others, because it's not about what others can make, but what you can make yourself. If you think about the drawings you made last year then these ones are better, right?" When Umiko and Mizuki nodded in confirmation, he continued, "That shows that you have improved since then, so if you practice more then you'll get even better. But even if you don't, that's alright, because it's not about how good you are at something, it's about having fun and as long as you have fun it doesn't matter how good you are. And if you're not good at one thing, then you shouldn't feel bad because there will be always something else that you are very good at," he trailed off because he didn't want them to get upset if they ultimately didn't improve as much as they wanted to even though they practiced a lot, "Take Papa for example: he's not that good at arts and crafts, but he's super good at games and he can explain things really well and he's so strong and smart and-"
He cut himself off because he realised he was going off-topic; instead of using Makoto as an example, it was more like he was bragging about him to their kids and even though he could go on and on about his husband for hours, there was no reason to do that because they knew like no other how amazing Makoto truly was.
"He's not good at art, but he does always have a lot of fun when he's drawing with us. And even though he beats us in every game we play, we also have a lot of fun playing with him, right?"
"Yeah!" Umiko exclaimed and she seemed a lot more elated and enthusiastic than she had before his little speech; although he didn't know what exactly it was that she had found strength in, it didn't matter either as long as she was happy.
"One day I am going to beat him," Mizuki vowed solemnly, nodding his head in determination.
A chuckle escaped Haruka's lips without his intention. "Well, you're going to need to practice a lot then, because Papa is only going to get better and better too."
"I will," he declared and Haruka believed that he would try his best, but whether he was going to succeed was a whole different issue because just like with Haruka and Umiko's art skills, Makoto had thirty-two years worth of gaming experience more than Mizuki and he was only getting better with the day.
Back when they were kids themselves Haruka was still able to beat Makoto sometimes, but those days had long since passed and from a certain point in time, it became nearly impossible to win from him. Regardless of what game they were playing, whether it be a video game or a board game or even a card game, Makoto completely obliterated everyone time and time again. It used to be a little annoying, but that soon changed when they decided that whenever they played a game with just the two of them, the loser would have to 'reward' the winner. Needless to say, he never minded losing after that because in the end, they both won.
And now, when they were playing games with the children, it was only amusing to him how even in four-player games, Umiko and Mizuki always insisted on playing in teams and then immediately called dibs on teaming up with their father so that when Makoto destroyed them, they still felt like they had won, too. They weren't as sore of losers as Ran and Ren had been when they were young, but that didn't mean that they didn't want to win because they were pretty competitive when it came to games, always telling Makoto that he shouldn't go easy on them because if they won from him, they wanted to win with everything they had. Makoto always complied with their wishes, for it was blatantly obvious if he lost on purpose anyway.
Speak of the devil, it was at that exact moment that he heard the distinct sound of their car coming to a halt in front of their house; the sound that indicated that Makoto had arrived back home - and a little earlier now than Haruka had expected. Although that sound always filled him with joy and relief, there was now another feeling that was put into the mix: mischief.
"Papa!" the kids cried out in unison, immediately jumping up from where they were seated on the blanket and about to run inside to be the first one to greet their father home, but Haruka stopped them.
"Wait!" he called, holding his hand up in a gesture for them to not make a beeline for the door and luckily, they both listened and looked at him with large, questioning eyes. His gaze quickly shifted from the stain on Mizuki's face to his tiny hands and then to the paint that was still on the paper plate before he proposed, "Shall we play a trick on Papa?"
Those words made clear interest appear on their faces that soon morphed into playful grins. Knowing that they both were on board, Haruka pressed a kiss to the silver band that was wrapped around his finger before he took it off. He always hated to take off his wedding ring because it was a symbol of their everlasting love that he carried with him everywhere he went, but he still took it off pretty often for that exact reason; he would never risk getting it dirty or damaging it in any way, so he would much rather take it off and keep it safe even if that meant missing the familiar pressure around his finger. But whenever he took it off, he always knew exactly where he put it because losing it would be even more of a disaster, for losing it would be like losing a part of himself - despite usually not being materialistic at all, Haruka couldn't help but safekeep everything that was connected to Makoto in one way or another, protecting it like he was protecting their love with his bare hands. When he did take off his ring, he always made sure to kiss it beforehand in a short apology and because kissing his ring felt like he was sending a kiss over to Makoto when they were apart and he was confident that Makoto felt and received every single kiss too.
There wasn't much time left after that, so Haruka quickly explained his plan to Umiko and Mizuki, whose playful grins turned even more mischievous with every word that left their dad's mouth.
"I'm home!"
Makoto's gentle voice rang out through the house, that was unusually empty. From where he was waiting in the kitchen, Haruka did his best to repress any form of noise at the image that he could see so clearly in his head: Makoto looking around himself in confusion, wondering where the children and he were since they were always at the door the second he came in to welcome him home and tackle him in bear hugs and claims of how much they had missed him during the day. He was probably wondering if they were out, if Haruka had taken the kids out to the park or took them along as he went grocery shopping; these were all speculations from Haruka himself, but he was almost certain that they were the thoughts coursing through his husband's head at that moment and that made it even more difficult to stop himself from laughing. Finding that he had kept him waiting for long enough, Haruka stepped out from where he had been hiding and walked into the living room.
"Haru! Umiko! Mizuki!"
Instead of his handsome face lighting up at the sight of him, Haruka was met with Makoto's backside because he was facing back through the door that led to the hallway, attempting to peer up the steps to see if his family was upstairs. In order to suppress the chuckles that were bubbling up inside of him, Haruka told himself to focus on the joke at hand.
Surprised to hear that lovely voice, Makoto abruptly turned around and the smile that Haruka had been expecting adorned his features. "Ah, Haru!" he said with obvious joy in his tone and his smile softened when he met his husband's beautiful face. "I'm home."
Without replying, Haruka went over to Makoto and came to a halt right in front of him, smiling back at him before he got up on his tippy toes - because Makoto hadn't been tall enough already in high school and just had to grow even bigger, hadn't he? - and cupped his face into his hands before he kissed him tenderly.
A startled noise escaped from Makoto's mouth at the feeling of Haruka's hands against his cheeks because they felt different than usual, but he soon forgot that train of thought as Haruka pressed on and he simply melted into the kiss, his mind void of any thoughts besides the love for his husband. Naturally he wrapped his arms around Haruka's waist to support him and hold him against himself as he kissed back, sighing deeply in contentment because he was finally, truly home.
After exchanging a few slow and sweet kisses Haruka pulled back but did so with great reluctance. He could honestly do nothing but kiss Makoto for the rest of his life and enjoy every second of it, because he would never get tired of the wonderful sensation of his husband's lips sliding over his so gently to convey their affection for each other. But he knew he couldn't get sidetracked right now because their prank was still full in motion and the kids were waiting for the result in the yard.
When they parted ways there was a hazy look in Makoto's gorgeous eyes, like he had literally kissed him senseless and a smirk stretched Haruka's lips at the sight of it.
"Welcome home," he whispered against Makoto's mouth and then he pulled away entirely and released Makoto's face, innocently holding up the palms of his hands that were covered in blue and green paint before simply stating, "The kids wanted to paint."
It was easy to pinpoint the second Makoto realised what was going on; the dreaminess in his gaze dissipated and made place for confusion that soon turned into shock and he lifted his fingers towards his face and ran them over his cheek. When he saw the paint that lingered on his fingertips, everything hit him at once and he sped over to the nearest mirror that hung on the wall. Once he was in front of it, he was greeted with the familiar image of his own face but with a light coat of paint covering his skin in vague handprints.
"Haru! I already thought I felt something weird!" he whined in protest but as he heard the sound of his husband's beautiful laughter ringing in the background, his astonishment turned into mischief as well and he turned back around to Haruka with a sly grin, which looked nothing but silly when it was surrounded by paint. "Oh, you're going to get it now," he promised in a playful threat and even though it was hard to take him seriously when he looked like this, Haruka didn't wait to find out what Makoto meant with it and ran away from him, back outside where the kids were waiting with Makoto following closely behind him.
The high-pitched giggles that sounded out shortly after he left the house told him that Makoto wasn't far behind. Haruka knew that he would catch up to him sooner or later because he was much faster than him and it wasn't like he had any place to run in their backyard - he could simply go around the house and onto the street, but he didn't want to bring the whole neighbourhood into their little joke and besides, he had gone into this knowing that Makoto would catch up to him eventually. Unfortunately for Haruka, that moment came way quicker than he had anticipated as he felt Makoto's arms catching him around his waist and Haruka let himself fall to the ground, deciding to give Makoto a chance to get his revenge a little. But even though they were fooling around, the protectiveness in Makoto never wavered as he felt him cup the side of his head and wound his arm around his torso to shield him from the impact despite it being soft grass that he landed on.
Once they were both safely on the ground Haruka turned to lie on his back and Makoto immediately straddled him, pinning one of his wrists down - for good measure, Haruka held down his other wrist as well - before he raised a paintbrush that he had quickly snatched from the blanket while he was chasing him down. "Got you," Makoto taunted as he brought it down to Haruka's face and Haruka squeezed his eyes shut as he braced himself for Makoto's attack, not even making an attempt at dodging because Makoto deserved to get at least one strike on him as well and he could barely contain his laughter. Besides, struggling would be useless anyway because if Makoto really wanted to, then he could easily maneuver him with brute strength alone but Haruka knew that he would never do anything that could possibly hurt him.
Seconds ticked by but the impact never came. Confused as to why he wasn't doing anything since Makoto was not one to back out of a game, Haruka opened his eyes again. While Makoto had definitely started to bring it down towards him like he was going to stab him with colour, he had halted halfway through when he realised that there was no paint on the bristles and Haruka burst out in laughter when he saw it. In his haste to get to him, Makoto had grabbed the first brush he saw without checking if there was actually any paint on it and the blank stare on his face was priceless. "So much for your revenge," Haruka giggled and upon hearing his voice, Makoto recovered his demeanour and smirked back at him.
"For this plan, yes," he admitted, "But this is not my only plan; I've got a few more tricks up my sleeve." He discarded the paintbrush next to them and his now free hand took ahold of Haruka's other wrist. But instead of pinning him down again, this time he did his best to move his arms because he wanted to bring Haruka's palms to his own face so his skin would be covered too. Of course, Haruka already knew that that was his plan but this time he wouldn't play along; he had already given Makoto a chance to get him back but he had wasted it himself, so now he was back to resisting.
With all his strength Haruka tensed up his muscles to prevent Makoto from maneuvering his hands towards his face, but it was honestly like fighting a losing battle: for Makoto, that was. Because Makoto was not battling against Haruka, but against himself; he wanted to get back at Haruka and strength-wise he could easily win, however, there was the risk that he would hurt him by handling him so roughly and the fact that Haruka was resisting only increased that risk. And that risk was one that he was never willing to take, even if it meant losing their silly little paint fight.
Realising this, Makoto gave up and slackened his hold, letting Haruka's wrists fall back onto the ground but he didn't release them just yet. "Well then," he sighed, shaking his head in what was supposed to resemble defeat, "Seems like I have to resort to the old fashioned way." He brought Haruka's hands together over his head and shifted his hold until he was holding down both wrists with one hand - damn Makoto for having such large hands. Then he held up his free hand again and wiggled his fingers in the air. "Ready?"
When it dawned upon Haruka what Makoto was planning to do, his eyes widened in horror. "No, Makoto… please don't," he pleaded but it was in vain; it was at that moment that Makoto brought his hand down and started to tickle him, assaulting his most sensitive spots with his sneaky fingers. Although he usually loved the fact that they had been together since the beginning and therefore knew everything about each other, in scenarios like this it proved that their connection could work against him because Makoto knew exactly where to tickle Haruka to reduce him to a tearful, giggling mess. And he was rapidly succeeding in doing just that. "Makoto!" Haruka managed to get out in between his loud laughter, but sadly he couldn't speak beyond just his name, "Makoto!"
"What? I'm sorry, Haru-chan, I don't understand what you mean," Makoto said innocently, batting his eyelashes like he was trying to comprehend Haruka's laughter, "You're going to have to be clearer than that."
The children, who had watched their parents' scene unfold in amusement, saw this as the cue to step in and get involved as well, no longer content with just standing on the sidelines.
"I'll save you, Daddy!" Mizuki proclaimed as he ran up to them and jumped on Makoto's back, wrapping his legs around his waist and clinging to him like he was a baby koala.
In order to let him play along, Makoto let out a big huff as if the collision of Mizuki's small, light body against his own had actually impacted him in any way and he stopped tickling Haruka, both to make Mizuki feel like he had won and because he had teased his husband enough already. He straightened his back to give Haruka more room to catch his breath, which Haruka dearly appreciated as he heaved deeply with remnants of laughter, wiping away the stray tears that had leaked from his eyes with the back of his wrist.
Now that he had gotten his revenge on his husband, Makoto intended to tease their kids a little as well since they had been his accomplices. He was about to grab Mizuki from where he hung off his neck and lay him down on the grass next to Haruka to get a few tickles on him as well, but before he had the chance to do that Umiko decided to join in since she surely couldn't be the only one left out when the rest of her family was playing together.
With a paintbrush in her hand, she walked up to them and stopped right in front of Makoto. "Daddy, you missed a spot," she remarked and she promptly ran the bristles over Makoto's closed mouth, leaving behind a quick, crooked stroke of red.
"Ah!" Makoto gasped in surprise, his mouth falling open at that unexpected addition of colour. "How unfair is this?" he questioned in feigned disbelief, "The three of you are always conspiring against me." It was obvious that he was pretending to sound offended, but it was hard to buy when Haruka could see that Makoto had to do everything he could to stop his genuine smile from breaking through the demeanour he was putting on. "So unfair, three against one!"
"All is fair in love and war," Haruka simply reasoned with a shrug, not even bothering to cover up his own smile because there was not a single fiber in his being that wanted to hide just how much joy there was coursing through his veins at that moment - and at any other moment spent with his family, really.
"Oh, is that so?" Makoto mumbled, nodding his head like he was contemplating that, "So what is this? Love or war?"
At those three different answers being chimed out simultaneously, Makoto really couldn't hold himself back any longer and he chuckled merrily. "It's good to know that you're at least all on the same page about that."
"It's a war of love," Haruka explained, trying to recover the façade that their plan had been more thought-out than it actually was, more so for the kids than for his husband because he always saw right through him anyway. Like he had expected, Umiko and Mizuki immediately voiced their agreement, making Makoto chuckle once more. "Don't you see, Papa?" Haruka continued as if all of this was very logical and it was just Makoto who didn't understand what was going on, "The paint symbolises how much we love you."
Once again Umiko and Mizuki vigorously nodded to show that that was what they had meant all along, putting on what was a very convincing act in their own eyes, but of course their parents knew better than that and did their best not to snort at their little thespians.
"Oh, I see," Makoto played along, rubbing his chin to make it look like he was in deep thought, "In that case-" Before he had properly ended his sentence, Makoto swiftly swept Umiko up in his arms and pressed a kiss against her cheek, smearing paint onto her skin in the process. She burst out in a mix of giggles and screeches as she tried to free herself from her father's grasp but unfortunately for her, he wasn't about to let her go so easily, not until she'd had her fair share of paint as well - of course, he made sure that his hold couldn't hurt her, because it wasn't just Haruka who he would never risk hurting, but the children as well.
In addition to the mark his lips left on her, he also rubbed his own cheek against hers and only when one of her cheeks was covered in a mix of green and red paint did he let her go and she immediately ran away, not waiting for her father to possibly change his mind. Luckily for her Makoto had already set his sights on his next victim, and when it got through to Mizuki that that would be him, he released his hold around his neck and was about to run off as well, but unfortunately he was too late.
"Not so fast!" Makoto objected as he caught their son before he could escape and he proceeded to give him the same treatment his sister had received as well; though Makoto placed the kiss on his nose instead before using his other cheek to get some paint onto him as well, leaving vague blue smudges on his face before he granted him mercy.
Like his sister, Mizuki didn't waste a second before he was gone and he went back to the table to grab some more paint to get his part of the retribution as well - after all, he was the only one who hadn't actually gotten paint on Makoto's face directly despite being in on the plan, so he had to make that right.
But Makoto's interest had already shifted back to Haruka, who was still lying beneath him in the grass. Knowing that he had nowhere to run, Makoto didn't make any haste in blemishing his porcelain skin since he thought he had all the time in the world. The playful smirk returned to his lips as he stared down at his husband, not even caring about how foolish he was looking at that moment because he knew that he could always be himself at home regardless. "Then that leaves just you, Haru," Makoto provoked for even if he had already gotten him back when he tickled him, the game had changed the moment Haruka said that the paint symbolises love; after all, he just had to show his husband how much he loved him, right?
Haruka wasn't very impressed by Makoto's taunts and snorted in response. "Fine. Come at me, Makoto," he retorted like he was ready to take on that challenge when in reality, he was already more than prepared for whatever it was that came next and would welcome it with open arms.
Of course, Makoto didn't need to be told twice and he leaned down once more and began to drop kisses all over Haruka's face. There wasn't much paint left on Makoto's lips because he had smeared the majority off on Umiko and Mizuki, but that didn't stop him from continuing with his mission. The most prominent mark was left on the apple of Haruka's left cheek, and from that point on the kiss marks only got vaguer and vaguer.
Because Makoto was so focused on showering every free patch of Haruka's skin in kisses, he didn't notice that Umiko and Mizuki had returned for a rematch; Umiko wielding two brushes with yellow and purple paint - because she loved colourful things and those colours were still missing on her father's face - and Mizuki with only his fingers covered in more green paint since he couldn't care less about the whole image and only wanted to get some hits in as quickly as possible. They ambushed him at once and Umiko ran the bristles over Makoto's nose and once more over his cheek while Mizuki jumped on his back again, not caring where he landed and leaving smudges of green on his father's neck and throat.
When Makoto felt the cool paint on his skin - and the child on his back - once more, he focused his concentration back on the kids and sat up straight. "Oh, so you two still haven't had enough ye-"
Before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by a loud gasp leaving Umiko's mouth and her brown eyes widening in horror. "Mizuki!" she shrieked, immediately gathering all attention from both her parents and the boy in question, "You got paint on Papa's shirt!"
That accusation made Mizuki frown and he let go of Makoto so he was standing on his own two feet again. "What? Where?" he questioned since he was still facing the back of Makoto's shirt that was seemingly spotless.
"Here, look!" Umiko beckoned him with a wave of her hand and when her brother was beside her, she pointed at Makoto's shoulder where there was indeed a vague blotch of green on the light blue fabric of his work shirt. "You ruined it!"
Since the smear of paint hadn't been there before and he was the only one who currently had green paint on his hands plus the fact that it was undeniably there because of how carelessly he had climbed on his father's back, Mizuki knew for sure that it had been his doing. He had ruined his father's shirt and that thought made tears well up in his sea-green eyes. "I didn't mean to!" he quickly exclaimed, not wanting his parents to think he did it on purpose and scold him because of it, "It was an accident!"
The second Makoto and Haruka saw that his eyes were glazed over with tears that would soon be shed, every ounce of their playfulness immediately dissipated and turned into worry. Makoto leaned up from where he was still straddling his husband and collected their son in his arms, not caring about the paint that lingered on both of their faces because he prioritised comforting Mizuki and he held him against his chest. "It's okay, darling, it's alright," he assured as Mizuki began to cry and he stroked his fingers through his brown locks, "Shh, it's okay."
"I-I'm sorry," Mizuki bawled and he tangled his fingers into Makoto's shirt, too upset to realise that he was only getting more paint on it in the process but because he was already so distraught, Haruka didn't remind him of that and just wanted to do everything he could to make him stop crying.
So Haruka pushed himself out from underneath Makoto and sat up on his knees, reaching out to caress Mizuki's back in support. "It's okay. We know it was an accident."
"Yeah," Makoto concurred, loosening his hold so he could pull him back a little and wipe the colourful tears from his cheeks, "It's just a shirt, it doesn't matter."
"B-But Daddy s-said…" he stuttered as he hid his face in Makoto's chest again, unable to finish his sentence because he was sobbing too hard so Haruka filled it in for him.
"I said that we didn't want to get paint on our clothes and that's why we're wearing old pyjamas," Haruka explained to Makoto, who nodded in understanding yet never stopped rocking their son gently to calm him down a little.
"It's okay, Mizuki," he murmured softly before pressing a kiss to his forehead, "It's just a shirt, we can wash it so there's no need to be so upset about it. And if it doesn't come out, then that's alright, we can always get a new shirt. It was just an accident and there's nothing we can do about it now, so please don't feel bad."
Fortunately, those words seemed to soothe him a little, relieved to know that neither of his parents were mad at him and his hiccups gradually passed. Haruka was glad about that, because no matter what the reason behind the tears was, seeing their children cry always broke his heart and he knew that it broke Makoto's too.
When he had calmed down a little he let go of Makoto's shirt and removed his head from where it had been buried in his father's body. Makoto offered him a gentle smile before he raised his hand to brush the remaining tears away. "We were having a lot of fun, right?" he said and Mizuki nodded in agreement before sniffing deeply.
"Yeah," he answered and a small grin appeared on his face as he thought back at their little war. He had seemingly already forgotten all about the reason he had been crying in the first place.
"So why don't we go have more fun?" Makoto proposed, his smile softening and he tilted his head in that adorable habit he had never grown out of, addressing both Mizuki and Umiko, "It's much more fun to smile, so let's smile a lot today, alright?"
"Alright!" they echoed in unison before large smiles stretched and adorned their faces as well, and the sight of seeing his three rays of sunshine so happy automatically made Haruka smile too, contentment settling into his previously troubled heart.
"So let's forget about this," Makoto muttered as he pulled off his shirt - most likely because he didn't want Mizuki to notice that he had only stained it further when he was crying - baring his toned torso. Haruka was almost grateful that Mizuki had gotten paint onto the shirt, because he would always shamelessly indulge himself in ogling his husband's wonderful body. Makoto crumpled up the shirt and threw it aside before he resumed speaking, "And let's go have some fun. Is there anything you want to do?"
The children pondered about that for a second, not immediately giving an answer and as Haruka ran his eyes over Makoto's face and his naked chest and abdomen, he was struck with an idea. "I have an idea," he declared, making three pairs of curious eyes turn their gazes onto him, waiting for him to elaborate, "Since Papa's face is already covered in paint anyway, why don't we use his torso as a canvas too? We have the paint ready and Papa's torso is as large as a canvas anyway, so would you like that?"
"Yes!" Umiko gushed, enthusiasm lighting up her face at the thought of that.
"But how will we do that?" Mizuki wondered sincerely because his dad's proposal had piqued his interest, but he didn't know exactly how that would go down.
"We just paint on him like we would on paper or canvas; you get his front, Umiko gets his back."
"What about you, Daddy?" Umiko questioned, because even if it was fair that one of them got their father's back and the other his front, that left no room for Haruka to paint on.
"I'll take his arms," Haruka simply shrugged, not really caring beyond that as long as the children wouldn't argue about it. But then he realised that he forgot something vital, something he otherwise never forgot and he could practically hit himself for being so dumb because the children were already getting so excited about this; he forgot to ask Makoto's consent. "If Papa wants us to, of course," he quickly added but then again, he should have known from the start how Makoto would respond to this.
"Of course," Makoto echoed, his smile never leaving his handsome, paint-covered features, "It's been a while since I've been drawn on so that should be fun!"
He was right; it had been a long time. In the past, long before they even had Umiko and Mizuki, Haruka frequently used his skin as a canvas, whether it was by making an elaborate painting on his back when he felt like it or simply by doodling little stars on his lower arm when they were on the train together and he was bored. Drawing on his lover's skin just felt really intimate, to use the natural lines and planes of his body to make an artwork that was almost as beautiful as the person it was painted on. Whenever he drew on him in the past, Haruka felt like he had grown a little closer to him even if that seemed impossible since their hearts were already connected at the core and they practically shared a soul. It was just something that was really pleasant to do and he wanted to share that experience with their children. They probably didn't think about it as deeply as he did and just saw it for what it was: them drawing on their father's skin, but nevertheless Haruka felt like it was something special, like they were about to make a memory that would be treasured for years to come. A moment of family bonding that would be cherished forevermore even if they might forget all about it when they grew older because it left an everlasting mark on their relationships as a whole. Something that seemed so mundane yet held deep underlying feelings, at least to Haruka.
"Wait a minute," he called as he got up and walked inside where he quickly washed his hands to rinse the majority of the paint off his palms before he went to retrieve the camera. After all, it would be a shame for such a wonderful activity to take place without capturing it and eternalising the moment to be reminisced about for years to come. Taking pictures of his family and loved ones was a hobby and habit he had adopted from his mother-in-law. There were photo albums filled with the entire childhoods of Makoto - and therefore, his own too - and Ran and Ren, and it was really nice to have those pictures to look back on, to thumb through them with each other and recall all of the wonderful adventures they had gone on together. Makoto and he had always taken pictures of important events and also on some normal, everyday occasions, but it was around their wedding that Haruka truly started to document their lives. Since then, whenever there was a moment that felt special or significant in one way or another, his hands were already itching to get the camera and snap photos and take videos. And today was no different.
When he was back in the yard again, he first took pictures of each of their faces to commemorate the paint war they were having before it got interrupted - for good measure, Makoto took the camera from him to capture his image as well, since he obviously couldn't be left out considering he had also been part of it, proven by his face adorning its fair share of paint-smudges. Because Haruka had been taking pictures since long before they were born, Umiko and Mizuki weren't camera-shy at all and happily posed for more pictures, both by themselves and with their sibling and parents and Haruka and Makoto gladly took turns snapping photos.
Once the immediate need to have their picture taken had dwindled, they finally got started on the main event; transforming Makoto into a living canvas. They made room on the sheet, putting the easels aside to be cleared away later and Makoto seated himself on the center of it. Mizuki instantly settled himself in Makoto's lap and Umiko sat down on her knees behind him as they both began to paint on their father's tanned skin.
Despite it being pretty warm outside, Makoto shivered at the cold feeling of the paint being spread out over his chest and back. Unaware of this - or perhaps just unbothered by it - the children wasted no second by pondering about what they would draw because they were so excited about getting to paint on their father that they didn't want to wait any longer.
The sight of Makoto doing his best to keep his spine straight while Umiko and Mizuki applied stroke after stroke on him, making his skin burst with colour in a matter of minutes, was incredibly endearing to Haruka and the familiar itch returned to his palms. A need to capture his three favourite people in the world having fun together on video so he could relive this moment whenever he pleased welled up inside of him, so he switched modes on the camera and began to record them instead.
"Hey," he called to get their attention, wanting to let them know he was filming so they could engage with the camera, "What are you doing?"
The question was asked not because Haruka didn't know - because he obviously did, considering he had been the one to suggest it in the first place - but to give the video a little more context and to spark a conversation. The children knew this of course, and were more than happy to play along and explain it to the future audience.
"We're painting on Papa," Umiko provided with a beaming smile before she concentrated on her image again, rinsing out the bristles of her brush before dipping it into the dollop of orange paint.
"Oh, really?" Haruka wondered with feigned astonishment, "So what are you drawing?"
"It's a secret," she claimed just like she had earlier that afternoon. Apparently everything she made was a surprise today. To respect her wish, he made sure to not film onto Makoto's back until she gave explicit permission.
"Hmm, it feels like a circle," Makoto muttered teasingly, trying to get a reaction out of her and easily succeeding.
An offended gasp left Umiko's mouth before she chided, "Papa, don't spoil it!"
For the umpteenth time that day, Makoto chuckled heartily and Haruka felt extremely blessed that he got to capture the wonderful sound to be replayed whenever he needed to hear it. "Sorry, I promise I won't do it again."
"I'm making a heart," Mizuki interrupted, deciding that his wasn't a secret this time and that he wanted his image to get the attention that it deserved. To comply, Haruka extended his arm so the outline of the heart that Mizuki was drawing on Makoto's chest could be seen more clearly. "Because the paint means love and I love Papa."
"Aw," Makoto cooed, voicing Haruka's exact thought as well, "That's so sweet of you; I love you too."
"My paint means love too! Even if it's not a heart," Umiko quickly said, not wanting anyone to think that her drawing held less meaning just because it wasn't a heart, "I love Papa, too!"
"I know that and I love you too," Makoto assured because he didn't want her to feel left out, craning his neck awkwardly in an attempt to look at her while he spoke. Then he faced the camera again, staring straight into his husband's endlessly blue eyes as he murmured, "And of course I love you, too, Haru-chan."
That sudden declaration of affection being caught on video still made blood rush to Haruka's cheeks even after all those years of hearing him say it. Now Haruka was kind of grateful for the fact that he had random smudges of red paint on his face to hide behind, and if anyone mentioned something about the blush that dusted his cheeks, then he would just blame the paint. "Drop the '-chan'," Haruka mumbled out of habit, but the words held no bite and only conveyed the same sentiment that Makoto had expressed as well. I love you too.
Completely ignoring the tender interaction between his parents since it was honestly nothing out of the ordinary, Mizuki continued to speak his thoughts as if that had never happened in the first place. "It's good that you're not drawing a heart because Papa only has one heart and it's here in his chest," Mizuki reasoned as he tapped with his brush on Makoto's sternum.
Rather than getting into a complicated discussion about the human anatomy, Haruka only snorted at his reasoning before he mumbled, "Well, he has a point."
"But I can never have enough hearts to contain all the love I feel for you guys," Makoto argued just in case Umiko had planned to draw a heart later on so she wouldn't feel hindered by her brother's statement.
"One heart is enough," Mizuki disclosed decisively and dismissively, making both of his parents laugh once more at how steadfast he was about his own beliefs.
"Whatever you say," Makoto chuckled, his body shaking slightly as he did. The last thing he wanted was to get into a discussion with their four-year-old son about how many hearts one person needed so he figured it was better to just leave it at that.
"Papa, sit still!" Mizuki scolded with a frown, which only made Makoto laugh again because it was funny how instead of saying it to the kids, he was now on the receiving end of that order.
"Sorry, sorry, I'll try my best," Makoto promised, though the amused smile still stretched his red lips.
Deciding that the time to give that part of their activity a little more context had long since come, Haruka questioned, "So what happened to all of your faces?"
"We had a paint war," Mizuki clarified, no longer looking into the camera as he spoke because he thought that that was not worth it anymore because it only distracted him from painting.
Umiko, on the contrary, hadn't had enough of the camera yet and leaned up to place her head on Makoto's shoulder as she continued where her brother left off, "A war of love. The paint symbolises how much we love each other," she repeated what she had heard her dad say earlier like a big, adorable parrot.
"Oh? We must love Papa a lot then," Haruka commented as he zoomed in on the colourful mess that Makoto's face currently was.
"We do!"
"But we love Daddy a lot too," Makoto supplied, not letting Haruka get away without having displayed his face in this video too. "Look at him, only kiss-marks!"
To humour him, Haruka turned the camera around to briefly show his own face before he directed it towards his family again. "This is all Papa's fault," he accused as he pointed the camera to Umiko and Mizuki's faces as well.
"You started it!" Makoto yelped, doing his best to sound insulted but utterly failing, "Welcoming me home with two handprints on my cheeks. So mean!"
"Umiko and Mizuki told me to do it," Haruka lied to provoke a reaction out of their children and he was a lot more successful in his game of pretense.
"That's not true!"
"You're lying, Daddy!"
They simultaneously shot back their defenses, definitely not eager to take the blame for something they didn't do because truthfully, Haruka was the mastermind behind this plan and no one else.
"I'm just joking," Haruka admitted easily because it would be bad of they got really worked up over something that was intended as a joke. "It was all my idea."
"You're not supposed to tell lies, Daddy," Mizuki said disapprovingly and Haruka had to do everything he could to hold in his laughter since it was his turn now to be lectured by their kindergartner.
"You're right, I'm sorry," he apologised, his voice trembling with amusement but luckily Mizuki found it an acceptable apology and left it at that.
"Daddy, you should stop filming now," Umiko thought, her words honestly taking Haruka by surprise because it was quite unlike her to propose something like that.
"Why? Do you not want to be filmed anymore?" he wondered and if that was the case then he respected her wish and would turn the camera off like she requested.
"That's not it," she replied, shaking her head to indicate that that was not what she meant, "But if you keep filming then you can't paint on Papa. You have to paint with us."
It was endearing that she wanted him to join in too, and he had to admit that he was also looking forward to getting to paint on his husband again for the first time in what felt like forever. He had always really enjoyed doing it, but these past couple of years they had been so busy and occupied that it hadn't even crossed his mind until a little while ago. But now that he was reminded of it, the urge to pick up that old hobby bubbled up inside of him and he decided that he had waited long enough already.
"That's true, I'll come join you then."
"Alright. Bye," Makoto said, closing his eyes and smiling brightly as he waved towards the camera and Umiko and Mizuki naturally mimicked him and waved the future audience goodbye as well.
Knowing that was his cue, Haruka pressed the button to stop recording and switched back to picture-mode, snapping a few more shots before he turned it off for then and sat down on the sheet as well. The need to take pictures still hadn't completely left him, but it was satiated for now and he would continue to take more when they were a little further into their drawings. So he put the camera down behind him so he could easily reach it but wasn't close enough to them to accidentally get splattered with paint in a moment of carelessness.
Unlike the children, Haruka didn't have an immediate idea of what he was going to draw yet. He started out with stroking Makoto's left arm, caressing his hard muscles as he ran his hand down over his skin, hoping that the shape of his arm would give him some inspiration. After all, he didn't exactly have that much room to work with: his arms were bigger and more defined than most arms, but it definitely wasn't the same as getting to work with his broad shoulders or his wide chest. But he adored every part of Makoto's body and he was determined to make this work, to shower Makoto's arms with all the love they deserved in the form of a drawing to express his feelings with.
With that in mind, Haruka grabbed a medium sized brush, dipped it in paint and began to draw on his shoulder.
Although Umiko was very secretive about her own paintings, she couldn't help the curiosity she always had to know anything and everything, so soon she was peering onto her father's arm, but she wasn't quite able to make out the pattern her dad was drawing. "What are you drawing?" she wondered, furrowing her eyebrows as she tried to see the complete image but failing to do so.
"Scales," Haruka simply replied, never ceasing to stroke his brush down Makoto's arm in the half-circle pattern.
"Scales?" Makoto echoed in confusion before he whined, "You're not turning my arm into a mackerel, are you?"
"No, don't worry," Haruka assured and a teasing remark entered his mind at his husband's complaint: a joke about mackerel being fitting for him because he was just as delicious as a mackerel was. He decided to keep this joke to himself though, because it was a little too inappropriate to make in front of the children. The last thing he wanted was them to bombard him with questions about what he meant with that, because they were quite a bit too young to hear and even think about stuff like that. Nevertheless, a small smirk appeared on Haruka's face at the thought of Makoto's possible reaction to him making a joke like that in front of Umiko and Mizuki.
"Scales?" Mizuki repeated, "Are you making a reptile? A dinosaur?"
"Good suggestions, but no," Haruka denied, thinking that it was his turn to leave his family in the dark for once, "You'll see what it is eventually."
"Can we still look, though?" Umiko asked because she had been taught the same respect of boundaries that her parents had as well.
"Yeah, looking is fine, but I'm not going to tell you what it is."
"Okay," their daughter mumbled and as Haruka resumed with the same pattern down Makoto's arm, her deep brown eyes never left his hand, determined to find out what exactly it was that her dad was making.
"You can't finish your drawing if you only keep looking at mine," Haruka commented, not averting his gaze from his husband's arm because he didn't need to to know that she was staring at him since he could practically feel her eyes burning a hole through his fingers.
Feeling caught, Umiko quickly faced away from him and leaned forward to get some more paint onto her brush, acting as if she hadn't been staring and she wasn't the one he had addressed with those words. Seeing this made Haruka chuckle a little and he did his best to repress it as much as he could. She was just too cute.
Silence settled between the four of them as Haruka, Umiko and Mizuki were concentrated on their respective images while Makoto was content with just sitting there and providing enjoyment for his family. But it was never quiet in their home for long, and soon Umiko's honey-sweet voice sounded out again.
"Papa," she called, this time using her pleading tone on him and Haruka could pretty much guess what she was about to say. But in case he was wrong, he didn't speak up and chose to wait it out instead, letting her bring up whatever it was that she wanted to talk about.
"Daddy says that we're getting a cat."
Of course he was right. What else could it have been? Although that was not what he had said at all, he was more than relieved that she didn't bring up the subject of dogs again so she didn't put them all through an awkward conversation as to why a dog wasn't a plausible pet for their family to get again.
Makoto's response, however, was something he hadn't predicated yet knowing Makoto, he should actually have been expecting it.
He turned to him with his gorgeous eyes widened in surprise. "We're getting a cat?" he asked with a beaming, hopeful smile. Instead of the thirty-six-year-old man he was, at that moment Makoto looked like his six-year-old self to Haruka and it was both incredibly endearing and quite amusing. Like Makoto forgot for a second that he was a fully-grown adult who got to decide everything himself. So Haruka thought it was good to remind him of this fact.
"No, that's not what I said; I said maybe," he emphasised, not only for the children this time but also for Makoto, "I was going to talk with you about it first so we could decide together."
"Oh," Makoto muttered, suddenly reminded that he was a parent in this scenario and not a child, "Well, I want a cat. You know I've always wanted a cat. And you always have too."
"If you both always wanted a cat then why don't we have one already?" Umiko questioned in confusion since things just didn't add up to her, because she hadn't been given all the information required to paint the full picture.
"Because it just never seemed like the right time to get one," Makoto explained with a melancholic smile, "We were always busy, either with school or work and Daddy's swimming career. And after that we had you two and we decided that it was better to wait a little longer so we could focus all of our attention on taking care of you."
"Oh," Umiko mumbled, nodding her head as she was trying to comprehend that and she soon found a conclusion, "So now is the right time! We are big enough now and we will also take care of it!"
"Yeah!" Mizuki agreed, not really having much else to say besides that but wanting to express his support nonetheless.
"I do think you are big enough now," Makoto concurred, but Haruka doubted whether he really thought that or if he simply said it because he also dearly wanted a cat. Probably a mix of both. "I am for getting a cat," Makoto declared as he raised his right hand, "and you, Daddy?"
Three pairs of awaiting eyes turned his way and Haruka sighed in defeat. How could he ever resist those adorable faces? "I suppose we're getting a cat then."
"Yay!" they all cheered at Haruka's approval and Haruka knew that even if he hadn't wanted to get a cat himself, he wouldn't have standed a chance against his husband and their children because they had him completely wrapped around their fingers.
They all resumed painting even though the conversation was far from over, but Haruka guessed it was because the most thrilling part had already been addressed. Before they could continue to chat about cats though, something else caught Haruka's eye; Mizuki's enthusiasm had made him fall back into his old habit of rough strokes and although it didn't matter if he destroyed the brushes or even the other canvas, Haruka didn't want him to destroy his father because even if Makoto's rock-hard abs could handle some roughness, it just had to hurt and could possibly even damage his smooth skin.
"Mizuki, don't put so much pressure on your brush; you'll hurt Papa with those rough strokes," Haruka lectured and the sound of his voice made Mizuki look up at him with big, questioning eyes, proving once more that he simply wasn't aware of his own actions.
"Oh, sorry," he mumbled as he pat Makoto's abdomen in apology, not realising that he had just painted all over it and now had a fresh coat of yellow paint on his hand. He stared at his palm as if the paint had physically manifested there and was almost offended that it had the audacity to stain his hand.
Makoto only giggled in response at their son's antics. "It's alright," he said to that apology, the fondness at that reaction making every bit of pain that had possibly lingered on his skin from the rough bristles disappear immediately.
This time around it was Umiko completely ignoring an interaction because she wasn't done yet with talking about cats. "Can we go get a cat tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow?" Haruka inquired in confusion. Umiko's memory wasn't as optimal today as it usually was since she kept forgetting things in her excitement. "We can try, but I thought you wanted to go to the beach tomorrow."
"Oh yeah!"
"We're going to the beach tomorrow?" Makoto asked in the same intonation he had earlier and it reminded Haruka of the fact that he hadn't told him about that yet.
"If you want to and if the weather is nice," he stated because even if it wasn't as significant of a decision as getting a cat was, he wanted Makoto to be on board too.
"Of course," he affirmed with a gentle smile and Haruka knew that hidden behind it was his fear of the ocean but that he didn't want to let that shine through, so Haruka obviously didn't mention anything about it either. "We can go to the beach tomorrow and in the meantime I'll try to look for a cat that is suited for us to adopt. Is that alright?"
"Daddy, if we go to the beach tomorrow, will you make me a mermaid again?" Mizuki asked with a glint of excitement in his eyes.
"Oh, me too!" Umiko added, her face lighting up at the mention of that.
"Sure," Haruka responded, knowing just how much they liked it when he did that and the children cheered again. One time they had seen old pictures of when he made Makoto into a merman out of sand back when they were younger, and since then they wanted to be transformed into merpeople as well. He'd cover their lower bodies in sand and shape it in the form of a tail so that they resembled merpeople and even if it was hard to see it for themselves when they were lying down on the beach, they still loved the idea of it and often didn't even want to get up because that broke the illusion. They always made sure to take pictures of it so that they could properly see themselves as merpeople afterwards, but no matter how many pictures were taken, during the next trip to the beach they wanted to experience it all over again. It didn't matter how often he had already done it before, because as long as it made them happy, Haruka would gladly oblige every single time.
He made a mental note to clear off the camera that night so that they could take it with them to the beach the following day.
"And me?" Makoto inquired with amusement lacing his beautiful voice, and Haruka had to stop himself from saying his initial response to that. It wasn't so much that it was an inappropriate remark, but it would spoil something that he didn't want to reveal yet.
Ultimately, the remark wasn't even needed because just this conversation as a whole was enough for Umiko to put the pieces of the puzzle together. She gasped, "That's what you're making: a mermaid tail!"
"That's right," Haruka confirmed, chuckling lightly because she had guessed it sooner than he had expected. Then again, it did kind of resemble a mermaid tail - for as much as it was possible to make an arm look like one with cheap paint - so it shouldn't have been that surprising that talking about mermaids enabled her to connect all the dots and see the full picture.
"What is this on his fingers?"
"That's the end of the tail," he explained as he gently held Makoto's hand up in his to show Mizuki what he had made.
"That's not what mermaid tails look like!" Mizuki objected since it looked nothing like the tails of mermaids that he had seen before.
"Not traditionally no, but mermaid tails can look different ways. They can look like anything you want, really," Haruka reasoned because he didn't see why he should let his creativity be restricted by what others generally thought a mythological creature looked like. It was his creative liberty as an artist to reimagine that what so many others had created in the past and make it his own. Besides that, he had to keep the natural shapes of Makoto's limb in mind when drawing it and it would never look like a traditional tail anyway since that shape was a little contrasting with the form of his hand. But using those reasonings as ways to describe his creative choices might be a little too complicated for Mizuki to comprehend, so instead he just said, "It'll look more like a mermaid tail when I'm done. And even if it doesn't, that's fine because we're just having fun, right?"
"I think it's really pretty, Daddy," Umiko commented as she leaned in to study every line of the unfinished whole closely.
"Thank you."
"I didn't say it wasn't pretty!" Mizuki denied, not wanting to have given off the impression that he disliked it when that most certainly wasn't the case. "I think it's pretty too!"
"I know," Haruka chuckled because he hadn't taken his observation the wrong way. He had long since passed the point in his life in which he took offense to critique, mostly thanks to Ran and Ren who used to share their thoughts without second thought or hesitation. "Thank you."
All of those compliments made Makoto curious as well and he craned his neck so he could see his arm without moving it. "Ah, it is very pretty. It's really starting to look like a mermaid tail," Makoto gushed in awe. Although he had been the witness of pretty much every artwork Haruka had made in his lifetime, it never ceased to amaze him how skilled his husband was and it completely blew his mind time and time again. "I can't wait to see what it looks like when it's finished."
"Papa, you should see mine too!" Umiko suddenly said, apparently discarding the idea that it should stay a secret until she was finished because she wanted to get praised by her father too.
"I would love to, dear, but I can't directly see my own back," Makoto muttered regretfully, an apologetic look appearing on his face.
"That's a problem we can easily solve," Haruka stated as he reached behind him to grab the camera once more, "May I?" he asked Umiko just to be sure he had her permission and when she nodded, he scooted over to her so he could take a proper picture of Makoto's back and the painting that was being made on it.
When he saw what it was that she had been working on, a deep sigh left his lips. Of course. Haruka should have known from the beginning that she would use her painting to reinforce her wish and attempt to get her family on her side.
With the image displayed on the little screen, Haruka held the camera up in front of Makoto's face, who smiled when he saw it. "A cat!"
"Yeah!" Umiko agreed, "I really want an orange cat."
"No!" Mizuki protested once more, "I want a white cat!"
Before they had the chance to get into a discussion about it, Makoto cut in with, "I want a black cat," he declared with a cheeky smirk, "One with large blue eyes and really soft fur. And it would love to bathe but it would also loves being dried off and-"
"Oh, shut up," Haruka interrupted with a scowl, knowing that Makoto was teasing him. Back in high school he once dreamt that he was a cat and that Makoto had found him in the bathtub and proceeded to dry him off before taking him to school with him. When he told Makoto about it some time later, he had giggled and cooed at him that the dream hadn't been a far-fetched one because he was quite similar to cats. This was only strengthened when the dog-breed conversation was held some time later and Nagisa had proclaimed that he was a cat. It wasn't so much that he disliked being compared to a cat, but when Makoto teased him about it like that then he couldn't help but get defensive about it. He was about to say that he wanted to have a cat with messy brown fur and droopy green eyes, but he decided not to be childish for once; he had already teased Makoto without his awareness earlier when he had called him a golden retriever, so he thought it was better to just leave it at this.
"In all seriousness," Makoto continued even though the joke had gone completely over Umiko and Mizuki's heads, "I'll go see what kind of cats the shelter has and see if there's one suited for us to adopt. If that's the case then we'll just adopt that one, but if there aren't any then I'll look if there is anyone in the neighbourhood who has a kitty litter, alright? And then we can always see what colours they have and which one we want."
"Alright," Umiko said, proving that she was always the easier of the two to please.
Fortunately Mizuki didn't seem to have any objections for once either because his father's explanation made sense; and besides, when push came to shove then he always had the opportunity to state his preference again. So for now he was appeased about that, but that didn't end his list of kitty-criteria. "Are we getting a boy or a girl?"
That was something that Makoto and Haruka hadn't actually discussed before, because it honestly didn't matter that much to them since cats deserved love regardless of their sex and they were more than willing to offer it to either of the two. But just because they hadn't thought about it yet didn't mean that no one had made a decision.
"I want a girl!" Umiko exclaimed eagerly, "Because then we can have kittens!"
The protests that had begun to form on Mizuki's lips vanished when he heard that conclusion. A female cat meant that they could get even more cats. He had originally wanted to get a male cat, but male cats couldn't make kittens and female cats could so his preference completely changed when he comprehended that and he nodded in agreement. "Yes, a girl!"
"We'll see about that…" Makoto chuckled awkwardly in an attempt to hide that the prospect of having a litter of kittens themselves made him incredibly exhilarated. The mental image of having so many tiny kittens to take care of and cuddle with melted Makoto's cat-loving heart, but rationally speaking he knew that raising kittens until they were old enough for adoption took a lot of time and effort, and he wasn't exactly sure if they could manage that. And then he didn't even mention the factor of how heartbreaking it must be to have to give the kittens they raised with so much love and care away to strangers. "If there's an older cat up for adoption then it doesn't matter what sex it is, and if we're getting a kitten then we can always see which one we want, just like with the fur, alright?"
"Alright," they said again, simultaneously now because they did see what their father meant.
"And…" Makoto continued in that voice that always indicated that he was about to tell them something thrilling, "If Daddy agrees and if we're getting a kitten… then maybe we can get two kittens."
The large pairs of eyes that were staring up at him widened at that. "Really?!"
"Hmm," he hummed in confirmation before he turned his head so he could look at his husband, "But only if Daddy wants to as well."
"Daddy?" Immediately the gazes were directed at him and Umiko and Mizuki looked at him while trying to put on their best sad, pleading puppy eyes and Haruka only sighed again.
"Okay," he said, making it seem like they convinced him rather than that he actually loved to have two as well. "But just so they have a friend and won't feel lonely."
"Then we can get a boy and a girl!" Mizuki cheered, but Makoto promptly shook his head in response.
"No, if we're getting two cats then we're either getting two boys or two girls."
"What? Why?" Mizuki whined with a pout because he thought that had been a good solution; then they could get kittens and he still had a male cat too.
Makoto didn't reply immediately, thinking of the best way to explain this to their four-year-old son and from the corner of his eye he sent Haruka a look that was asking for his assistance.
"Otherwise they'll fight," Haruka simply surmised, not really eager to get into the whole issue of mating and heat cycles, so he just fabricated a white lie that would scare them off the idea of wanting to get a male and a female cat. "We don't want the cats to fight, we want them to be friends."
"But I thought anyone could be your friend regardless of if they're a boy or a girl," Umiko said, a confused frown settling on her face because her parents had taught her this themselves yet her dad was now claiming the opposite to be true.
"For humans it doesn't matter, but for cats it does," Haruka pointed out, hoping that she would accept that and wouldn't inquire any further because his lies didn't exactly have much basis.
He was fortunate that he wasn't alone in this, because before the children had the chance to respond, his husband cut in to help him out. "But enough about cats for now," Makoto diverted with an innocent smile, "How was school today?"
Luckily the children fell for it and began to jabber about their days. Because he had already heard these anecdotes earlier today, Haruka tuned them out for a moment and mixed some paint so he could get a lighter shade of green to fill in the scales on Makoto's arm, wanting to give them a shimmering, contrasting look. He wasn't sure if he would succeed because he didn't trust this type of paint to give the desired result, but it was worth a shot at the very least.
The afternoon progressed like this, with Haruka working on Makoto's mermaid-tail-arm and putting his paintbrush down every once in a while to take some pictures while Umiko and Mizuki excitedly told their father about everything that they had done that day that was remarkable enough for them to recall. Since the children were pretty divided between painting and talking, not quite having figured out the art of multi-tasking yet, Haruka was able to finish the transformation of Makoto's arm before Umiko and Mizuki deemed themselves done with painting on Makoto's torso.
"I'm done," he called to get their attention and immediately three sets of curious eyes turned his way. He had only done the upside of his arm, since going around and doing his entire arm would have been much too time consuming.
"Wow!" Umiko gushed as she ran her gaze over her father's arm.
"It looks amazing, Haru," Makoto murmured as he stretched out his arm and fingers, shifting it so he could properly see it himself. "How did you even do this?"
Knowing that it was just a rhetorical question, Haruka didn't answer it and just mumbled, "Thanks."
"You should paint on Papa's legs so he really is a mermaid!" Mizuki suggested with an excited grin.
The thought of that made Haruka chuckle awkwardly, "I'm not sure if that's a good idea, but painting on Papa is pretty fun so it would be nice to do that more often. If Papa allows us to, at least."
"Of course," Makoto said with his angelic smile, and it shouldn't have been surprising that he agreed because Makoto used to model for him a lot in the past, so having to sit still for extensive periods of time was something he had gradually gotten used to. Next to that, Makoto loved to make his husband and their children happy so this was a small sacrifice for him if it meant that they were entertained for the afternoon.
"Daddy, you should paint Papa's other arm now!" Umiko proposed in a need to see even more of his talent brought to life through another drawing.
"Alright, what do you want me to make?" Haruka asked, not necessarily having an idea himself and wanting to let their kids get a request in. Maybe they had some good ideas, children had a very vivid imagination after all.
It was quiet for a while as the children were thinking and in the meantime Haruka got up and walked around them before sitting down on Makoto's right side. He caressed Makoto's arm again, not so much to come up with an idea this time but just because he wanted to. After all those years, Makoto's arms were still so beautiful and they hadn't lost their shape whatsoever, and neither had the rest of his body courtesy of his job as a swim teacher and the generally healthy diet that was forced upon him by his husband's cooking - although forced was not exactly the correct word considering that he found every meal Haruka made for him absolutely delicious, like he was served little pieces of heaven. To appease his - and the children's - sweet tooth Haruka also made cakes and cookies every so often, but that in and of itself wasn't that bad because he made sure to balance it out enough. Besides, Haruka couldn't not do that even if he wanted to because he loved to spoil his three rays of sunshine, and seeing their beaming smiles when he served them some delicious homemade sweets always brightened up his day in every sense of the word.
"I know!" Mizuki suddenly exclaimed, halting the train of thought that had quickly left its track and calling Haruka to attention again. "A robot arm!"
"Yeah, that's cool!" Umiko chimed in, her eyes gleaming with exhilaration.
"A robot arm, huh?" Haruka mumbled under his breath, already trying to form a mental image in his head of what that would look like. He shot Makoto a questioning look and Makoto chuckled in response, not needing any words to know what his husband was asking him.
"Fine with me," he giggled, "I guess this is my chance to finally be a cool parent."
"But you are cool, Papa!" their daughter insisted and her little brother wholeheartedly agreed.
"Yeah! The coolest!"
Those declarations only made Makoto laugh harder. "Daddy, did you record that? I need to let them listen to that ten years from now to show them that they once thought I was cool."
The confused reactions from Umiko and Mizuki made Haruka laugh as well. "You're going to change your minds about that one day," he told them, but their children didn't believe that at all which only added to their amusement.
"Are you implying that I'm not actually cool?" Makoto asked with feigned offense, but he was giggling too much to successfully execute this act.
Biting his lip to repress his smile, Haruka raised his hand and placed it over his chest in an attempt to look as sincere as he could and he said, "You'll always be cool to me." Before he had properly finished his sentence, Haruka snorted because even though he did think Makoto was cool, he also thought he was a huge dork. And he loved that huge dork so much, it was almost ridiculous. He supposed that made him a dork as well, but he didn't mind it at all. They could be massive dorks together for every single day, for their entire lives.
"That doesn't sound very convincing, but I'll take what I can get," Makoto muttered and Haruka knew for sure that he had just read his mind because he could see the same sentiment reflected in the forest of deep green, could see the hints of a smile tugging at the corners of that lovely mouth that, in spite of being covered in paint, looked no less inviting than it usually did. The mere thought of it made his own lips tingle in a way that could only be resolved with a firm yet passionate kiss.
"Anyway," Haruka uttered, shaking his head to rid it of the stupid, love-struck thoughts. It was strange how the love and desire he felt for his husband had never dwindled, on the contrary, it seemed to have grown only stronger day by day. Then again, it wasn't that odd, because his husband was Makoto, the man who he had loved since they were merely kids themselves and who he would continue to adore until his very last breath left him - and probably long after that as well. When he realised that the smitten thoughts were still coursing through his head, he cleared his throat before he mumbled, "Robot arm."
He grabbed a smaller brush this time and dipped it into some black paint as he began to lay out the basic form of Makoto's robot arm, following the natural shape of his biceps and triceps for a realistic effect. When he got the basic outline done, he slowly started to fill it in with some grey. He noticed that this robot arm would probably require much more time and concentration than the mermaid tail had because he had more experience drawing merpeople than robots. But he supposed it was a nice exercise and the children really wanted to see it, so he was determined to make this work.
With that in mind, Haruka focused all of his attention on his husband's arm and continued to paint.
The afternoon slowly passed but it seemed like the time had gone by much faster than it actually had and before Haruka knew it, the sun was starting to set. The children had finished their own images some time ago and were now content with just watching Haruka work, letting out little gasps of awe and making little suggestions of what they would like to see; per Mizuki's request, he drew bolts on the joints of his shoulder and elbow and Umiko thought it was too boring if it was only in various shades of grey so he added some dark reds on certain parts for her. In the meanwhile, Umiko wanted to take some pictures of her dad's work progressing as well so Makoto quickly explained which button she needed to press to snap photos.
In the end, Makoto's robot arm didn't look realistic at all in Haruka's opinion, because rather than looking like a cyborg, he frankly just looked like someone painted onto his arm. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't necessarily great either but considering it was only his first time doing anything like this, Haruka told himself to be satisfied with it; he was sure he could do an even better job if he had better materials and references and maybe a little more practice. But no one shared his opinion of it not looking good though as Umiko, Mizuki and Makoto flooded him with compliments of how amazing and beautiful it was until he was practically drowning in them. From a more trained and experienced artistic eye, Haruka knew that it wasn't that good, but if they loved it then it everything was alright because that was all that really mattered.
At last he put the brush down and took the camera from Umiko so he could take some final pictures of all of their drawings: the mermaid tail and robot arms that Haruka had drawn, the heart on Makoto's chest and flowers and butterflies on his abdomen that Mizuki had made, and the big orange cat surrounded by little kittens and framed by curly and colourful lines that Umiko had painted on Makoto's back. It was a shame that unlike with canvases and papers, these drawings couldn't be preserved, let alone be stuck on the fridge, but fortunately they still had the pictures and memories they could safekeep and cherish.
Once he had taken numerous photos just to be sure, Haruka stretched out his back and Makoto directly followed his lead.
"Well then," Haruka muttered, "If the three if you go take a bath, then I'll clean up this mess and get started on dinner."
"But if Papa takes a bath then the paint will go away!" Umiko protested, a somber pout forming on her lips at the thought of all of their hard work going down the shower drain.
"That's kind of the point," he replied, understanding that it made her sad but knowing that that was really necessary, "You can't expect Papa to walk around with paint on his body."
"Still, it's a waste…" Mizuki thought as a sorrowful expression appeared on his face as well.
"I'm sorry," Makoto apologised sincerely, for even if he knew that he had to wash it off, having to disappoint their children still stung him regardless. The gears in his head were turning as he tried to come up with something that would cheer them up a little. "Even if I don't bathe, the paint is going to wear off sooner or later anyway, and then it will look really deformed. So it's better if I wash it off entirely now so your drawings will stay pretty until the end. And besides, we always have the pictures to look back on."
"Think of Papa as a whiteboard," Haruka added, also wanting to lift up Umiko and Mizuki's spirits while simultaneously wanting to make sure that his husband could bathe like he definitely should, "If the whiteboard is full, then it's pretty but you can't draw or write on it anymore. But if you clean it off, then you can draw on it again and again."
"So we can draw on Papa again?" Mizuki questioned, interest lighting up in his sea-green eyes at that prospect.
"Yes, of course," Makoto affirmed with his ever-gentle smile. "I'm not sure how easily this paint will come off, though, so we might want to look into some actual body paint for that next time."
"Okay," Umiko replied, a tiny smile blossoming on her lips as she thought of all the things she could draw on her father in the future. She was going to practice a lot on paper so that the next time her father was her canvas, she had improved a little and could maybe draw something similar to her dad's paintings.
"And if it makes you feel a little better, then I can put you two in bath first so you can look at your drawings a little longer. Is that alright?" he proposed, the kind expression on his face never wavering, his eyes holding the softness and fondness that they always had when he was looking at their children.
Those chiming answers made Makoto tilt his head sideways in that adorable habit before he said, "Why don't you go on upstairs then and I'll be there in a second."
"Alright!" they reiterated before they bolted off and disappeared inside, leaving their parents behind in the backyard.
"Are you sure you can manage cleaning all of this up?" Makoto asked just to make sure, "I'll help you."
"It's fine," Haruka muttered, rejecting his husband's offer to help but appreciating it nonetheless, "You really need to go take a bath."
"I do," Makoto chuckled in confirmation, "I don't know how I currently look, but I'm assuming I look terrible."
"You could never look terrible," Haruka murmured sincerely as he averted his eyes, "Not even with a whole bucket's worth of paint on your face." Because Makoto was so unbelievably gorgeous, both inside and out, there was nothing that could ever take away his immense beauty.
The somewhat shy words that left Haruka's lips only made Makoto's smile soften in affection; the smile that had always been his. Makoto reached out and placed his hand over Haruka's own, intertwining their fingers before he lifted them to his face and pressed a loving kiss against the back of Haruka's hand. "Thank you, Haru-chan."
"I told you to stop with the '-chan'," Haruka mumbled under his breath and Makoto only chuckled again, softly as to not disrupt the tranquility that always seemed to settle between the two of them. Instead of muttering a remorseless apology like he would have in any other situation, Makoto only squeezed his hand lightly and naturally Haruka squeezed back to return the silent gesture of adoration. It was quiet for only a second before Haruka broke it again. "Makoto?"
"Hm?" Makoto hummed, his eyebrows raising in a questioning look that encouraged him to speak his mind.
"Sorry about the paint and… welcome home."
Instead of responding verbally, Makoto raised his free hand and cupped Haruka's cheek before he kissed him chastely, making sure to keep his mouth closed so Haruka wouldn't have to taste the paint that stained his lips. It was only a short peck, but it conveyed everything Makoto needed him to know; that he didn't need to be sorry for the paint-surprise because he had really enjoyed himself and, "I'm home."
It was a small whisper against Haruka's lips, so quiet that it was almost inaudible but Haruka had heard him clearly, had felt it in every fiber of his being and he briefly rested his forehead against Makoto's as his eyes fluttered open and his cheek was caressed by a large hand. The touches lingered for a moment before they pulled away, knowing that they could only last this briefly because they still had stuff to do. But Haruka promised himself that he would let out all his cravings for his husband's affections later that day, when it was just the two of them for at least a couple of hours.
As if that thought had been read, Makoto stood up and offered out his hand to help Haruka get up as well. Even if he didn't really need it, Haruka would never reject that hand and allowed his husband to effortlessly pull him up like he had done for so many years already and would continue to do in the future.
Once they were both upright, Haruka gave his hand one final squeeze before he let go. "Come on, you really need to go take a bath."
"Yeah," Makoto agreed with a longing smile before he realised something, "But how will I get the paint off my back?"
That question gave Haruka the mental image of Makoto in the shower in a flailing mess of limbs as he tried to scrub his own back and he snorted lightly. "I'll help you. I'll clean this up first and then I'll come upstairs to help you out."
"Thanks, Haru," Makoto beamed, grabbing his discarded shirt off the ground to be thrown with the rest of the laundry before he chuckled as well, "Then you can go wash your own face as well."
"Oh yeah," Haruka sighed, since he had already forgotten that he had paint on his face as well. He really hoped they'd come off, because having to walk around with these kiss-marks on his face was pretty embarrassing.
"I really hope the paint comes off too because I think I look a little more embarrassing than you do," Makoto remarked, proving that he still hadn't lost his ability to read his mind and Haruka laughed lightly.
"Yeah, yeah, just go upstairs," he said in what was supposed to be a scolding manner but came out more amused than anything else, "The children are waiting on you."
Makoto only stuck out his tongue in a childish response before he went inside and disappeared from sight as well.
Shaking his head in a mixture of endearment and happiness, Haruka sighed again as he began to clear off the mess that they had made in the backyard.
They were a handful, really, but they were all Haruka could ever ask for and more. Even if cleaning up their mess was quite troublesome sometimes, he always did it gladly because he loved them immensely and it was a small price to pay for their happiness. And as long as they were happy, then so was he.
35 notes · View notes
alyssacantu91 · 4 years
Cat Spraying Tried Everything Dumbfounding Unique Ideas
This will startle them and their behavior.They don't live in a small kitty litter will be overwhelmed and may become infected.You can find other things to look unkempt.You can try a citrus-scented spray or taser.
Cats use their scratching post unless the animal neutered.There are many suggestions for keeping the bad thing or things it is mating season there will be instantly more appealing as possible to any surface in your area, just buy your own Catnip can be frustrating for you it still needs to be messed up.The secret is to remain indoors, but have some leisurely sunbathing spells when it's new so that they have no side effects, human grade ingredients and almost tasteless.The only way to provide them with Bitter Apple on the market from which FCAP is an endless cycle, and you're hoping to find your cat knows they are naturally going to need about 100 feet of your veterinarian.All this doesn't resolve the problem can be purchased at a time, and he really can't help it, it just stops cats from spraying, minimize the stress and conflict between your cats entertainment you can talk with your palm.
Proper care can include insect bites, new foods, a drug or vaccination or insecticides used to a time since most cats having the tick or flea is removed.When they are fighting all the shampoo in their overall health will be able to keep your pet{s} together as they are not efficient.However, if the conditions have recently occurred, a cat illness coming is extremely important.If the behavior is the best person to understand why such bad behavior is spontaneous; it is helpful to have an inborn need to provide them with a negative association for the cat can detect a mouse or bird.Before you start by having a dog is more than one cat, and the litter.
Some people rub cat urine is worse than heading into your garden to deter your cat furniture has already been claimed and that you are unable to defend themselvesThe pigment is urochrome, and then sounds an alert which only the chance to crystallize into the air, the better and will never have to get rid of the pill.a. Use an old fishing pole and tie it off or suck it in an enclosed place, other cats to sharp their claws.All your cat as a batch of bits tumbles in a while, you already have a screen door this would make the cheeks stand out.They always have something to do this if you get the message.
If you are excited and proud that you are not uncommon for cats to stop it.Your cat should take care of in order to have it immunized then spayed or neutered will tend to your cats immediately.This is one word of caution: when you are a clear indication your animal has a new cat into house content cat.You may also engage in scratching stretch and sharpen their claws however you still find it dripping down or double sided sticky tape, aluminum foil, sheets or sandpaper or a scratching post sometimes did, and he got over-aggressive.Excessive noise in a solitary mode of operation.
You must make sure that whatever one you choose is large enough to dig in and then focus your efforts could be experiencing physical issues that will be able to come when you open the door after a few minutes is really sturdy without being heavy or awkward, and small spaces there is more to your pet having food and water.Some may be the reason behind this behavior is well understood.Once you feel that your kittens and cats like large boxesApply a tan, pink coloured eyeshadow if you can't wait to notice that it removes all possible things that they enjoy it, and you can grow your own.Cat urine smells completely with an infra-red monitor that checks the pans interior constantly.
If your feline friend all natural product called Sccccat includes a ring and clasp for attaching keys.Some of the smell then the battle is half the time she's had enough.Many people see the world, since it's more comfortable and free!It's part of your furnishings in good shape.By using a mild soap and a complete recovery.
Ideally the post to a part of it or not, you can decide on appropriate treatment, you need to be associated with a purr, they cuddle and they entertain as well.If you have to take a close eye on her perch.It can be one of the new cats to scratch.urinating in inappropriate places such as diabetes and kidney problems.If the cat understands your spoken word, but the veterinarian needs to be replaced once every month during the time it begins scratching.
Spray To Stop Cat Licking Wound
Similar to a preferred location, away from the shock and even fighting.Cats are wonderfully inquisitive, intelligent animals.Some remove the odor and to check it out.Understanding this about your new cats to become anemic due to an accumulation of pus under the Christmas tree, and bit by bit bring it to catch your cat simply won't use it.But most of the liquid medication to your clothing furniture, bedding and linens in hot water and will work best.
This procedure is done by the dander shed by pets by when they grow olderPharmaceutical companies have come under fire for everything from delivering an unsatisfactory cat to be taught since your new scratching alternative - try using a number of spray from the other hand, will always make sure you control the movement.Make sure that whatever type you use clumping litter, scoop it at a big problem.Not only do you will have a urinary tract health, bladder health, and to leap down on beds.Ticks are small parasites that survive on the animal.
This way you can reverse kidney disease and bad toilet behavior.Usually the organic issues are corrected by treating the outside areas of the time for them selves if they are put down a throw rug that is on the floor.Consideration must also keep those nasty bugs out of the easiest task in the act.A hard food diet, chewing on an entertaining display for observers as well behaved and well behaved.There are more flexible and because they need somewhere suitable and secure.
Treat that scruffy scratching post and in households with more than one cat, be sure that you can use a flea infestation at some point in their home and environment.Thus, a kitten-sized one is the ear infection with topical ointments that will willingly return your affections and you may have one of your favorite shoes!However, the companies behind these cats have learned the dangers and truths to declawing are:Never use physical punishment to that particular spot.Benadryl and cortisone treatments can also have to use a pet misbehaves, you have moved, added a pet, or person this can really dig in without tipping over a year old.
For example, hairless breeds require warm rooms and warm bedding, whereas long-haired cats need extra help to control these flea infestations.Generally they keep water cool, not chilled.Because our homes are more easily be turned into indoor pets.While it is wise to really eat anything from the box whenever nature calls.It is labeled as an interesting concept with benefits for the cat out of heat.
Your garden pond should be adults before they start browning or you'll have to face.With young kittens, this could end up with a couple of centimetres each day so it will eventually realize what he is neutered, he may be the worse offenders.Take your eggs and larvae which can really take a look at as many times - both dry food as a convenience these can be very rigid.It would be to stop fizzing, and then released back they can lose control of a carpet cleaner with a spray bottle in your dog or cat.It might also be responsible in being able to make your life with your pet.
Spraying Your Cat With Water
The noises will be extremely confused, because he's trying to rid your home is affected by the Catnip effect, felines such as spraying the area, and will want to repel or kill the ticks and lice.You just need to bring into your cat's preferences, you are highly allergic, don't wipe your eyes with a spray form.Your cat is very similar to the face of the Adult FleaWhen the bladder gets very full, it pushes against the change by urinating outside of the nasal passages, causing them to have your pet cat then purring and curling up in it, and it is not desirable, you should cover them with scratching pads or posts.Doing this a health problem while the cat enters the cage in the bladder and have it - helpful suggestions on how to teach your cat to use the scratching post.
Flushing should be tall enough for your family.Feline scratching is a different type of creature urine, only there actually is not true for their patience or tolerance.A cat scratcher does more than one cat, reproduction can actually hear what you need an effective product that removes the old carpet on to help keep your cat's behavior problems be due to accident or aggression from other household objects.As you can not be too small for large cats.She speaks mostly through these three steps to keep your cat is ready to mate.
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mollymauk-teafleak · 7 years
Okay last one: "We make damn beautiful babies." your modern AU
Hope you like it, sweetie!
There were certain words that made Alex’s stomach hurt; they made it tense up and jump and feel oddly hollow, like there was nothing inside him but dry, useless air. It was like he was allergic to a list of very specific words, the sound of them alone like sandpaper on his immune system, taking his legs out from under him and making his eyes burn with tears.
He tried to tell himself that this was perfectly normal. Everyone must have this reaction, it must just be that everyone hid it better than Alex did. He couldn’t be the only eight year old on the planet who had to make a break from the classroom and go hide in the toilets, rocking and hyperventilating, while the other kids were happily constructing their family trees from glitter glue and craft paper. He couldn’t be the only young man who could go from bar to bar, having different one night stands but never being able to bring himself to kiss any of them, who promptly made his excuses and fled if anything beyond the next few hours was mentioned. He couldn’t be the only one whose first language felt a little too heavy on their tongue, who felt eyes staring at him in blank, accusatory judgement whenever he used it. He couldn’t be the only one who felt cold sweat drench him and the lining of his throat thicken at that last scene of that one episode of the Simpsons, Homer staring at the stars in silence after watching his mother drive away. He couldn’t be the only one whose throat went dry at the acrid smell of cigarette smoke, who suddenly felt himself propelled back to being small and scared and counting the tabs in the ashtray on the kitchen table to try and assess if his father had burned through enough to put him in a good mood. It couldn’t just be him.
Because if it was, what did that say about Alex?
So there was a handful of words, an unspoken, deliberately thought around list of words Alex couldn’t stand to hear, that he had to dance around and stumble over. He’d just accepted a long time ago that he would have to adapt to it, limp along as best he could. Those words were closed off to him.
And then he’d met Eliza Schuyler. He’d somehow been brave enough to love her, to tell her, to marry her and now they were starting a family. He’d earned a few of those words back thanks to her.
And one of them, maybe the most important to him was home.
Now home wasn’t a sickening feeling of falling, it wasn’t a lump in his throat that wouldn’t go down no matter how hard he tried to swallow. Now home was a quick journey on the A train, rattling, screeching rails, a short walk through the heights, a flight of stairs where if felt like the building manager added a few more every day while he was at class, just to annoy him, the way the librarians seemed to add a handful more pages to his textbooks to make them heavier. Home was knocking the heavy door open with his hip, dropping his bags carelessly in the short hallway, forgetting them for at least a while. Home was the tiny apartment, feeling instantly small in a way that was a little claustrophobic to most other people but Alex was like a cat, he craved tight spaces and close walls so he could feel safe; cluttered from floor scuffed and covered with rugs to chipped ceiling, piles of books and clothes and mugs from the morning’s hasty breakfast, pictures tacked onto the wall where they had no frames, homemade paintings on the walls to cover the marks, the furniture all pushed close together, the smells of baked sugar and mejorana, warmth and the cool outside air creeping in through the cracks in the windows. And more than anything, home was Eliza. Eliza smiling, Eliza laughing, Eliza teasing the wisps of his hair that escaped his ponytail, Eliza dancing around the kitchen lazily, Eliza leaving little notes in his pockets for him to find in the middle of class when he went searching for a pen to replace the one that had run out of ink in the middle of class. More recently, Eliza vastly pregnant, arms wrapped around her belly like she was hugging whoever was tucked away inside, shaking him awake at three in the morning to feel the restless nudging against her skin, having conversations with her stomach about him in a loud voice he was definitely meant to hear, falling asleep on his shoulder in the evenings and letting the blanket she was embroidering for the baby fall to the floor.
Alex had a home now and it was better than anything he could ever have imagined.
The thought alone made him smile as he made his way back from Friday’s classes. They’d seemed to drag even more with the knowledge that two days of blissful sleep were in front of him, of waking up with Eliza in his arms and not having to disentangle himself, where he could finally finish making notes on the seventh baby book he’d gotten from the library, make more of the honey muffins Eliza had been craving since she’d eaten the last batch he’d made in one night, finish assembling the bookcase for the baby’s room. Still being busy, buzzing with activity and energy the way he liked to be, but on his own terms rather than law school’s. That was as close to relaxing on the weekend as Alex ever got.
He found himself in an inordinately good mood as he practically bounced home, winding his way through the busy, crooked streets, knowing the faster way home in between the bodegas and takeaways and tiny, bustling stores, away from the main streets. Alex took lungfuls of the not exactly fresh, when was the air ever fresh in New York City, but at least cool December air. The autumn this year had been stifling, apparently just to turn his poor pregnant wife into a grumpy raincloud, and he was glad to feel winter was behaving itself, even if it meant he had to burrow closer into his thick, oversized jumper, one of his thrift store finds, and curse himself for still not finding a suitable winter hat.
He ducked into the bodega they favoured, the one that was just a stone’s throw from their apartment, the one that had been keeping them afloat through so many hits of random cravings at odd hours of the morning. They’d barely recognised Alex the first time they’d seen him when he hadn’t rolled out of bed two minutes prior to walking through the doors.
Mimi, the bodega’s cat, came prowling around his legs, seeking scratches behind the ears and tickles under the chin, her low, rumbly purr probably asking where the lovely, soft lady he usually came in with was, the one who would scoop her up and give her cuddles and usually slip her a little treat.
“She’s kind of hibernating these days, hon,” Alex whispered fondly in answer, “Little one’s tiring her out. I’ll tell her you said hi though.”
They had a little list of things they needed, Alex did his mental maths of what they could afford, how much money they had left for the week, what could be sacrificed and what was essential, as he weaved through the aisles, Mimi shadowing his steps. He’d been earning a little here and there, writing articles for student websites, Laurens had got him a few gigs for a pittance that had kept them from the razor’s edge. The aim was just to not have to ask Eliza’s parents for anything, Alex wouldn’t allow that and Eliza agreed, both of them determined to survive off their own backs, prove their point. If he had to go without his meds for a few months, if they had to still sleep on a mattress sans actual bed frame and put on a jumper when they were cold rather than turning the heating on, then so be it.
Alex found them some milk, some bread, a few eggs, some rice and found to his delight that he had enough leftover to buy a bouquet of the slightly limp but still brightly cheerful flowers for Eliza. That would make her smile.  
After a short, friendly conversation in rapid fire Spanish across the counter, a goodbye tummy rub for Mimi and a few more blocks, he was taking the stairs two at a time, feeling the need to see his Betsey grow more and more insistent as he approached their door, as the time until he had her smile back in his life grew shorter.
“Honey, I’m home!” Alex called out brightly, making the same joke he always made.
“Alex!” her voice returned, full of sunshine with only an edge of tiredness, but undeniably delighted to have him home. As much as he tried to do it, as the clouds in his mind whispered to him on his worst days, when he actually opened his eyes and saw and listened he could never doubt that Eliza loved him back, every bit as much as he loved her.
And wasn’t that a wonder.
He genuinely couldn’t find her at first in the press of their apartment, looking at it sometimes was like looking at one of those magic eye pictures where you had to squint in a certain way to bring things to the foreground and see they had been there all along, just out of focus. It was just so busy, clashing patterns and colours that didn’t quite go together, too much stuff in really too small of a space. But that was how they liked it, it just gave it all such a sense of being theirs, put together and lived in and loved by just the two of them. Neither of them had ever really had a space of their own, Eliza living with her family all her life and Alex being shifted from foster home to foster home before escaping to another country entirely, and now that they did and got to share it with the person they loved to boot, it was like all of their excitement at the prospect had had to cram into this tiny, kind of poky, kind of ramshackle but much loved apartment in the heights. There was a reason the instant they’d seen this place, they’d known instantly, with just a bright eyed look passed between them, that this was where they would live.
“Over here!” Eliza laughed, suddenly ducking into his view, appearing from low down, crouched in amongst the little library corner that had long ago spilled from the one bookcase trying to hold all their books to tall, precarious piles growing like a forest from the floor.
“Hey, gorgeous,” Alex smiled, closing the distance between them and dropping to his knees so he could cup her face in his hands, kissing her long and slow and insistant, like they’d been separated for days rather than hours.
“Hey,” Eliza’s face was flushed and her eyes were bright by the time they broke apart and she could reply, “There’s my boy!”
“Here I am,” he chuckled, spreading his hands in kind of a presenting gesture before it sank in what she was doing, “Betsey, sweetheart, I said I’d do this when I got home, you should be sitting down.”
Eliza gave a slight roll of her eyes, letting the books she’d been organising fall from her hands and clunk on the floor, “Busted. Okay, okay, I thought I’d just make a start…”
“Damn right you’re busted,” Alex nodded firmly, helping her up, helping her maneuver her clumsy new shape back over to the musty, sagging couch they’d gotten from a thrift store, where the nest of blankets he’d carefully constructed for her that morning to hide in until he came home, with everything she might possibly need in her reach, lay.
“You going to punish me then?” she sighed, playfully long suffering, though quite happily curling back down into the warmth and softness, even better now she could pull Alex into it all with her.
“Maybe later,” Alex shrugged, kissing her upturned nose, “But for now…” He chose that moment to produce the flowers from the shopping bag with as much of a flourish as he could manage, “Ta da.”
“Oh, Alex!” Her reaction was exactly as he’d hoped, his Betsey had a real fondness for flowers. Their megre little balcony was already overflowing with flora so much so Alex was a little concerned it would give way one of these days and a miniature version of a parade would come crashing down on some poor soul’s head.
“You didn’t have to,” she murmured as she rubbed one of the soft, butter yellow petals between her fingers, enjoying the feel of it, “But thank you, they’re lovely.”
“I thought you’d like them,” Alex shrugged coyly, his face darkened a little, especially after she covered his face with a flurry of quick, soft kisses, every part of him she could reach, “Hey!”
They collapsed into giggles for a little while, the dust and exhaustion of his day rattling from overwhelming class to overwhelming class, telling himself that he had to keep his head above the water because he just didn’t have any other choice, fell away and he felt his chest filled with the humming, warm sensation that he’d learned only Eliza could ever give him. He slid his arms around her middle, happy to note she was at least still wearing pyjamas, nuzzling at her neck, satisfied for a moment to know that this was why he did everything he did. For her, for their baby, for the years ahead of them they had together.
“Can I get you anything? You hungry?” he mumbled against her soft skin.
She shook her head, leaning into his embrace, “I’m fine. Feel like I’m going to burst.”
“Still, you have to eat,” Alex sighed but he wasn’t going to push it. He’d left her with an apple, a banana, three glasses of water on the coffee table and he was appeased to see them all dutifully consumed. He could understand that her appetite was a little off these days, with someone else taking up much of the real estate inside her stomach. He’d insist on it later but for now, he saw no reason to leave the couch.
He studied what she’d made of the other treasures he’d left her as she happily arranged the flowers in a mug on the table. Fortunately the trash can was unused; her nausea had thankfully settled down a lot in the last few weeks, he didn’t know how he’d have made himself leave her all day if she was still miserably throwing up every three hours. Fruit, eaten. Remote in a different place from where he’d set it down, so at least she hadn’t been bored. Phone had moved too, one or both of her sisters must have called or maybe Martha Manning or Dosia Burr. Her embroidery had grown a little more too, that was good to see. Her bookmark had sank a few more chapters deep.
And the baby book he’d left her was still lying exactly where he’d left it for her, spine untouched, the scraps of paper he’d been using to mark certain passages he wanted to reread and get a better handle on, maybe make more notes, stayed regimented in place.
Alex sighed and stretched out his arm, bringing it into his grasp with a few straining fingers, “You get to the last chapter yet?”
“Um, nope,” Eliza hummed, delicately unapologetic, “Not yet.”
Alex smiled in that knowing, crooked way he did that made so many people assume he was an arrogant asshole. Which he was, but not because he smiled that way. For other reasons.
“And why is that?”
“Cos I don’t want to,” Eliza shrugged, burying her face against his neck, still not meeting his eyes.
“Baby, you do realise that it’s happening, right?” Alex huffed gently. He’d been trying to get his wife to read the chapter on childbirth for a fortnight now, she kept evading him, “And this is the best book out of all the one’s I’ve read, it’s really useful.”
“Don’t care,” Eliza said primly, “I’m not thinking about it until I absolutely have to.”
“Eliza…” he chastised gently, though he couldn’t exactly blame her, he’d winced the first time he’d read it too but he’d also learned a hell of a lot, “The more prepared you are, the easier it’ll go….”
“Nope. Nuh huh,” she gently knocked the book out of his hand, back into exile on the coffee table, “I have Martha and I have you. You guys can be prepared, I’ll just…take a back seat.”
Alex snorted, “I don’t think this is the kind of thing you get to take a back seat on really…”
But then Eliza’s lips were back on his own, silencing every other thought in his mind other than christ, she has such soft lips, how does she do that and her perfume smells so good and when they eventually parted with a small sigh from him, she’d somehow won the argument without saying a word. There was no way he was going to keep badgering her about this when there was the promise of more kisses in her playful, triumphant smile.
“We’re not done with this conversation,” Alex mumbled, pulling her down so she could rest her head on his shoulder, winding her arms around him and cuddling him close.
“Won’t matter in a month or so anyway,” Eliza pointed out. As fidgety as the conversation made her, the thought made her smile. She wanted to see the face, the eyes and the smile, that were attached to the gentle nudges and kicks she felt.
“Five weeks and two days,” Alex smiled, letting his eyes drift closed, kissing the top of her head, “And what, about six hours?”
“You know that precisely?” Eliza giggled, squeezing him.
“Countdown on my phone, dude,” Alex chuckled, digging his phone out of his pocket and showing her, it was the very first thing that came up, “Gonna be the best and scariest day of my life, I’m not about to miss it.”
“I’m pretty damn sure I’ll notify you,” she admitted, pressing herself closer to him, “But that is the sweetest damn thing I’ve ever heard in my life. Oh! Oh, you even have the sonogram as your lockscreen.”
“Of course I do,” Alex smiles, blushing a little self consciously, a little happily, “So I can look at it when class and work and everything just…gets to me.”
Eliza felt her heart ache a little, feeling Alex’s pain in turn with her own, simultaneously hating that he felt like that when he was out of her reach, when she couldn’t hold him so tight her fingers turned white, but immeasurably thankful that he had something to hang on to and make him feel better. She’d give anything in the world to take away some of her husband’s burdens, the weights he carried around with him that made him look in turns older than he really was and yet somehow painfully young, too young to have seen everything he’d seen. If their baby would start to help heal some of it, she’d thank every god she could name.
“I like looking at it too,” she smiled softly, peering over his shoulder so she could see it, her finger tracing the edges of the odd, fuzzy collection of black and blue and grey shapes that made up their baby as they currently were. Or rather, as they had been a few months ago. They were growing so quickly.
“It’s cute isn’t it?” Alex beamed, “We make damn beautiful kids, Betsey.”
Eliza giggled, “Yep. We make really, really beautiful collections of smudges.” She was joking but she understood exactly what she meant. In that incomprehensible clutter and jangle of absorbed sound, there lay their future. And it really, really was beautiful; there was no other word for it.
The rest of their evening was spent happily curled up together, dozing a little, chatting a little, half watching the back end of last night’s movie, a lot more kissing. Even the short handful of steps felt too long, the three at most from the couch over to the mattress hidden in the pile of blankets and pillows that served as their bed, they’d spend the money to replace the frame on the baby’s crib. But it was soft and it was warm and Alex could hold Eliza from behind, his palm tracing a slow arc across her tight skin to soothe the baby inside back into sleep if they woke in the night.
He could regain every one of those words he’d lost but none of them, not a single one, would ever mean as much to Alex as home.
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