#these inbox messages really keep me going PHEW
jsprnt · 5 months
Americano PT. 9 | Jude Bellingham x Reader
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What happens if two individuals who absolutely despise each other are forced to interact after unforeseen events occur?
A/N: phew! this took me five million years and a bag of candy to write. remember when I told you to remember the house layout? 😉 Enjoy!
small mention: I absolutely love knowing you all are curious about the next chapter of this series. I appreciate and love all comments I get, and try to keep all my promises I make. but, trust I’m human too and need some away from writing. Though, when rude and harassing words are used in my inbox- the joy of writing this series gets absolutely sucked away. (If I’ve answered your message, this isn’t about your comment 🫶) so, please keep your rude words to yourself or I’ll turn off anonymous inbox messages and block you the next time :)
W/C: 4.016
part eight
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"I should've just taken a break to go on vacation."
Lina sighs, poking her salad with her fork, and guiding the mixture of greens and dressing up to her mouth.
"Didn't you take a trip to Paris last international break?"
Luis says, raising a brow at her words. He turns his head towards me, nudging me under the table.
"Can you believe her?" He asks, an exasperated chuckle leaving his lips. It causes me to jolt out of my half-asleep state, my eyes widening in surprise.
"What? Who?" I ask looking around and bring a hand up to rub the sleep out of my eyes.
I had rushed out of the house this morning, which meant everyone got the chance to admire my bare skin today.
Well, my stress-induced breakouts were on full display, but having some pimples wasn’t the end of the damn world anyway.
"Are you okay?" Lina joins in, placing a warm hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah, just dozed off- been sleeping horribly." I reply, eyeing my lunch with a grimace.
"Are those exams still keeping you up?"
"More like waking me up.. Do you know how many nightmares of failing an exam a person can take?” I say, my words coming out harsher and louder than I intended. My eye twitches in irritation, and I give them a crazy look.
"Woah, you have an attitude today.." Luis mutters, shifting away from me.
"Don’t piss her off.." I hear Lina say, nudging Luis.
"Never mind, I'm going back to work." I state, quickly putting my tray of food away and walking out of the cafeteria.
I mutter curses under my breath, trying to look as normal as possible to my coworkers when I pass them in the hallways.
Exam season was practically sucking the life out of me, and the added pressure of the upcoming Champions League home game against Napoli was multiplying the stress.
Thankfully, it was international break, which meant that my normal workload was cut in half. Some players not playing for in the national team had requested leave for vacation, so the training center was pretty quiet and empty today.
I only knew of injured players being here for their scheduled recovery appointments.
I finally get back in my office, sighing in exhaustion when I get to my desk. I plop down, rubbing my face to wake myself up further, before starting to work on some more content.
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"Why are you grinning like a creep?"
I turn to Luis, chuckling at his choice of words, and let go of the computer mouse.
"I just got a notification that said I passed my written exam." I beam, giving him a cocky look.
"Yeah, ninety-four percent..” I say, turning my head to look at the editing program. The training video we had just shot halfway edited already.
"You've been snapping at us for no reason, but I guess it was worth it- good job.." He says, shooting me a smile, and leaning in to give me a side hug.
"Yeah, sorry about that.." I apologize, fixing my wrinkled shirt. I move my hand towards the mouse again, cutting off a piece of blurry footage that we couldn’t use.
"It's fine, I guess it's payback for making you do random tasks back when you were a newbie.."
"You know, I haven't forgotten how you made me carry that heavy ass bag every morning..”
"I'm sorry, alright. You should've told me earlier that Ancelotti is basically your uncle."
I grumble at his words, jabbing his ribcage with my elbow, sending him a warning look.
"Stop talking and help me out with this.." I mutter, passing him the mouse.
He winces a little, rubbing his stomach, before snatching the mouse off of me with an attitude.
"Didn't know you were allowed to use your privilege to inflict such violence."
I roll my eyes, focused on the moving images on the computer screen. Starting to unconsciously pick at a fresh scab on my hand. Only noticing the damage I’ve done when I look down to see blood trickling down the back of my hand.
"Shit, made myself bleed.." I say, making Luis glance away from the dual monitors.
"Go to the physiotherapy room. They have a shit ton of bandages and bandaids.” He suggests, his hand going up to fix the curls falling in front of his eyes.
I nod quickly, getting up from my seat and walking out of the small, soundproof meeting room. I close the glass door behind me, hurrying over to the physiotherapy room.
I pass the glass panels facing the multiple pitches outside, the sun had been shining brightly this afternoon. Even though the sun had been setting quite early due to daylight saving time.
I knock twice when I arrive, only opening the door when I hear a loud 'come in' in response.
I clear my throat, realizing how silly it is to get a bandaid for a wound like this, but still walk in.
I'm greeted by the sight of first-team physiotherapist Iván, he smiles when he notices me, waving for me to come inside.
He was one of the nicest people working with me at Real Madrid. It would be especially fun when he would bring in his little two-year-old son with him. I couldn’t count on one hand how many times I had carried the cute boy around the training center in my free time.
"Oh, y/n. What brings you here?" He questions, shoving the white privacy curtain out of the way, only to reveal a shirtless Jude lying on the treatment table, his eyes opening to peer over at me.
The personalized shoulder brace he'd been wearing for the past couple matches, was taken off for obvious reasons, and placed on the other side of the bed.
I look away a moment later, feeling my chest tighten, internally wincing at the thought of Jude having a dislocated shoulder and still playing football. Despite all of the aggressive and offensive play we had gotten used to this season, he was handling it well- but I wouldn’t ever utter it out loud.
Because- who wants to inflate that ego even more? Or was that even possible?
"Hi, Iván.. Just wondering if you got a bandaid for me?" I avert my gaze to the physio, and raise my brows. I hold my hand up to show the wound, and smile when he nods in response.
"Yeah, just a second.." He shoots Jude a quick wink, washing his hands before coming over. He begins to rummage through the cabinet, flipping through a pack of bandaids before handing me one closest to my skin color.
"Here you go.. Do you need anything else?" He asks, eyeing the blood on my hand.
"Nope, only this. Thank you.." I smile, quickly wiping down the blood from my hand and gently placing the bandaid on my wound.
I throw the bloody wipes and wrappers in the dedicated trash can, turning around again when I’m done.
I make accidental and involuntary eye contact with Jude instead of Iván, who's already across the room busy with some paperwork. Probably documenting the progress of Jude’s injury.
My eyes automatically dart down to his shoulder, and unbelievably, my eyes slip to his chest, then to his-
I stiffen when I regain consciousness of what I’m doing, and look away with haste. I fight the urge to smack myself in the face, instead biting the flesh of my cheek when I notice him smirk at me.
"What are you looking at?" He questions, voice low and his cocky tone too obvious to ignore.
My eyes widen slightly when he speaks, and I take a step forward as if to say I’m not intimidated.
"Just- looking at your shoulder.." I say, cringing at the way the words leave my mouth.
"So, you’re worried about me now?"
I give him a look of disgust, a chuckle of disbelief leaving my mouth.
"You wish, Bellingham. I heard Ancelotti is confident in putting you in the starting lineup on Wednesday. You better put your best foot forward, and if we don’t end up winning..." I trail off, threatening him slightly with my tone. I then turn around and leave the room.
I couldn’t lie, being rude to him after he'd dislocated his shoulder and still played made me feel a little guilty.
Though, he had a huge gift of being the ultimate douchebag, even when he’d been having his 'decent' moments lately.
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“He’s only turned nineteen two- no three months ago, and he’s already scoring in the Champions League..” Luis gawks, grabbing the equipment bag out of my hand.
“I know, it’s so fun to see young players flourish..” I mutter, mentally recalling the interview I just did with Nico Paz. Since it was his first goal for Real Madrid, we had just done an interview in celebration.
“He is a year younger than you.. Is he really that young to you?” Luis teases, pushing me away when I pretend to kick him.
“What? Are you trying to undermine my accomplishments?” I question, trying to kick him again.
“Hey! See, this is how immature you are.. Step back, dude get off…” He says, and I scuffle with him for a moment, gasping when he tries to put me in a headlock.
“Okay, you always do this- stop everyone is looking..” I mutter, squeezing his arm.
“How fuckin’ childish are you?” I hear a familiar voice say. I snap my head up, Luis’ arm loosening as he immediately lets me go.
“As much as I want to be...” I state, my hand traveling up to fix my hair and clothes.
I hear Jude scoff, he gives me a nasty look before taking a step forward, but I notice him freeze in my peripheral vision when he hears someone calling out to me.
“y/n?!” The person shouts, and I look around for a moment before my eyes land on…
The guys from Naples?
What’s his name again?
“Chris?..” I say, my voice low and as enthusiastic as I can manage to pretend.
Fuck, I never even answered his DM’s..
Well, should I really give a guy who looks like trouble a chance?
My common sense says: NO.
I watch him bring an arm around my back, his hand resting on my shoulder blade when he hugs me tightly. Like we’ve been friends for freaking years…
“How have you been? Thought I’d see you here..” He beams, his hand going up to fix the fluffy mop of blonde hair on his head. Aussie accent undeniably mesmerizing like last time.
He is so pretty, but the kind of pretty that told me he was a full on man-wh*re..
“Hi? Good, what are you doing here?” I ask, trying to stop the grimace forming on my face. I lean in, taking a closer look at the badge hanging from his neck.
Surprisingly enough, it says ‘VIP’- I look up at him with a questioning look, waiting for him to explain.
“Oh- this.. someone I know gifted me this pass..”
Yeah, very believable.
He smiles nonchalantly, the skin of his cheeks denting as his dimples show.
I nod as if I understand, glancing at Luis, so he can get me out of this conversation.
“You’re the drunk guy from that night!” Chris suddenly exclaims, pointing at Luis.
Could this get even more awkward.
I tune out the stupid conversation they have, shuffling backwards only to bump into Jude.
Thankfully, not against his injured shoulder.
“Oh, sorry..” I whisper, not even registering his response before he’s rudely interrupted.
“Man- no way you’re the Jude Bellingham..”
I close my eyes in embarrassment, turning around to face Jude instead of both Luis and Chris.
I raise my brows at Jude, giving him a look only readable as ‘send this man away’..
He immediately plasters an all too good, fake smile on his face. Stepping behind me to greet Chris, and begins talking to him about the match.
I can only hear a jumble of both Brum and Aussie accents, it making me want to burst into a fit of laughter. Though, I manage to keep it in, looking at Luis to see if he’s still present in the conversation.
He isn’t, as expected. No surprise, he’s fidgeting with his damn camera again.
I stand there like a statue for the next two minutes, looking back and forth between the two accented men.
It’s a comical sight, especially when I can’t even understand some words.
I sigh in relief when Jude pats Chris’ shoulder, careful with his injury when he goes in for a handshake.
I watch Jude leave swiftly, his facial expression falters immediately, and his hand goes up to rip the shoulder brace off his body, harsher than I’ve ever seen him do before.
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"My brain is going to explode, fucks sake.."
I mumble, stretching my arms and legs. I get up from the dinner table in order to walk around the backyard for a moment. Trying to get some fresh air, even though it's past midnight already.
I loved studying at the dinning table way more than upstairs in my room. It felt less lonely- especially since my dad had been gone for a couple weeks now. His work and the case had taken an interesting turn, which meant that his stay had to be prolonged.
I didn't mind, in fact, I loved living alone. Except for when I heard random noises at night. It could've been a bird flying against the window, and I’d still be paranoid.
Since it was our day off, after winning 4-2 against Napoli yesterday- I thought I'd go ahead and continue cramming for my last exam I had in a couple days.
I yawn and stretch my limbs, looking up at the clear sky and stars. It had gotten so much colder since December was almost here.
My pajama shorts are not providing warmth, but I can’t be bothered to go up and change when I’m going back inside in a minute anyway.
I can hear my back cracking when I turn to stretch, making me chuckle. I was only twenty, but those hard ass chairs and sitting in them for long periods of time, made me feel like I was double my age sometimes.
I'm brought out of my thoughts when I hear my phone ring loudly from the dinning table. I jog back inside quickly, throwing my slippers off my feet and snatch my phone. Confusion settling on my face when I read the caller ID.
I immediately pick up, pressing the phone against my ear. Worrying about something horrible happening in the middle of the night.
"Dad? It's late, something wrong?" I say in one breath, left hand clutching the backrest of my chair.
"y/n, nothings wrong. I just need you to listen carefully..”
"Okay." I spit out, just wanting him to get to the point, my brain making up all types of things.
"It's concerning one of my clients. Something unexpected just happened, and he's going to have to stay over at ours for a while."
I pause at his words, frowning in confusion, even though he can’t see my face.
"What? So, you're calling me- because I need to let an unfamiliar guy into our house- so he can sleep here? Is it a criminal?”
I gasp, hand gripping my phone tighter.
“A murderer?! Dad! How can you-”
"-y/n.." He cuts me off, voice stern, but I’m able to hear the grogginess of his tone. He'd probably been sleeping before he was awakened.
"It's no stranger- it's Jude, okay? He's not safe in his own home- relating the case I took on. I offered for him to stay over out of concern for his safety. So, he's going to have to stay with- you for a while."
I stay quiet, taking in all of the information he's giving me. I can already feel a migraine creeping up on me, letting go of my chair to massage my temple with one hand.
"I have to get the guest room- ready?" I say, processing everything and trying to understand what I’m supposed to do.
"Yes, I know you two are- friendly. Please be understanding and responsible. I'll call you in the morning, just get him settled and go to bed. You got that, honey?"
"Yeah, I got it. Uh- I'll get the room ready.." I say, already walking up the stairs and into the guest bedroom.
"Good, again- I'll call you in the morning- good night, sweetie.."
I quickly hang up after saying goodbye, running around, and making the bedroom look presentable. I change the bedsheets and wipe the dust off the vanity with a swift motion. It takes me about ten minutes and a sweaty forehead, before the doorbell rings repeatedly.
I run down the stairs, almost tripping due to my haste.
I take a deep breath when I reach the front door, trying to collect my thoughts and feelings before swinging the door open.
Jude's house was unsafe to stay in, so he's staying here- right..
The front door squeaks when I open it. An exhausted-looking Jude entering my sight, his black suitcase is on the floor, to his right- looking like it’s about to burst at its seams.
Cold air greets my face and naked legs almost instantly, making me curse internally for not changing clothes earlier.
I was too stubborn for my own good..
"Hi- umh, come in?" I say, my voice hoarse as if I hadn't spoken out loud in weeks.
He nods awkwardly, mumbling something incoherent as he begins rolling his suitcase inside.
I motion for him to take his shoes off, which he promptly does without hesitation. I turn away, grabbing some house slippers for him to wear out of the shoe rack.
I throw them next to his feet, watching his eyes flicker up and down as he steps back for a moment.
"You alright?" I ask, worried about the lack of words he's using.
It was unlike him, whether we’re arguing about some stupid shit or I’m filming an interview- he always had something to say.
"Yeah, I'm fine.." He mutters, looking up and finally making eye contact with me.
"The bedroom is upstairs.." I trail off, reaching over to grab his suitcase, but he snatches the heavy luggage up with one hand, immediately making his way up the stairs.
I watch the muscles in his arm flex as I walk behind him. I stop dead in my tracks when I realize what I’m doing and practically start running up the stairs to catch up to him.
I walk ahead of him when we reach the top of the stairs, opening the guest bedroom door for him.
"This is your room, bathroom is there, and the laundry room is over there." I point, turning around to face him.
"Thanks.." His Brum accent is thick, and he looks at me like a lost man in crisis.
I clear my throat, unable to pick between being nice and acting like how we normally interacted.
"Are- do you want to go shower?" I mutter, raising my brows.
I only realize how wrong my sentence sounds the second it leaves my mouth. To cover my embarrassment, I clear my throat again, putting my hands behind my back.
"Yeah- I should.." He responds, and I step aside to let him in the bedroom.
"I'll be downstairs.."
I inform, running down the stairs the second he shuts the door behind him.
I rub my eyes aggressively when I walk into the living room area. Sitting on the couch, I wonder if this is some delusional fever dream.
Maybe it’s just a different genre of dreams, next to those nightmares I had about failing exams.
I mean- who can make this up?
I get up to my feet again, walk up to the fridge, and begin filling up a huge glass with water. I bring the cup up to my lips, and slowly sip on the cool liquid, hoping it will help me feel grounded again.
I exhale deeply when I'm halfway through the cup. Going for my last gulp of water again, I fill my mouth with the rest of the water. My cheeks almost exploding from the amount of water in my mouth.
Suddenly, I'm absolutely- fucking-scared shitless as I'm poked in between my shoulder blades. I turn around in a shift motion, accidentally spraying out the water in my mouth- onto a shirtless Jude's chest.
My eyes almost bug out of my head in shock. My jaw slacks open when I observe the aftermath.
He can only look at me with a blank face. I can’t detect any emotion in his face, but he’s probably equally as mortified as me.
"Shit- sorry.." I blurt, turning around, and grabbing a kitchen towel. I scramble for a second, and start to vigorously..wipe.. his..chest..
I only realize I'm rubbing on his chest like I’m giving him a damn massage- mid-wipe and freeze.
My body goes rigid and my hands are resting on his now dry, naked chest.
I look up at him, only seeing part of his face with help from the dim lights in the kitchen. My breathing slows down, and he looks down at me in return.
I can feel my heart pounding in my ribcage, and I'm sure anyone within meters of me could hear.
His skin is soft and warm underneath my fingertips-
"I- was going to ask how the shower works.." Jude whispers, his warm breath hitting my face. I can make out his brown eyes peering into mine, a series of unspoken and caged words behind them.
His words make me stop breathing for a moment. I remove my hands off of him at lightning speed, the kitchen towel falling to the floor mindlessly and I step back immediately.
"Oh- yeah, sure. Follow me.." I scramble a couple words together, my brain working overtime. I walk up the stairs again. Leading him into the bathroom, noticing he had left the lights on, his discarded shirt on the bathroom counter.
"Here- left is hot, right is cold. This is the best temperature.." I instruct, pointing when necessary and don’t dare to look up at him as he stands behind me.
"This button is for the radio and this one for the ventilation.." I say, pressing some buttons to show him how they work.
"Okay.." He breaths out, his warm breaths hitting the back of my neck. I can practically feel his eyes drilling into the back of my head.
I finally turn to look at him, dragging my gaze up to make awkward eye contact with him.
"Anything else?" I ask, voice low and I begin fidgeting with the hem of my shorts.
"Not really..” He replies, sentence dragged out by his accent.
"Umh- okay.. laundry hamper is there. I'll be in my room.." I trail off, pointing my thumb behind me, and walk out of the bathroom without saying anything else.
I quickly clean up the mess I - no, he caused in the kitchen. I wipe everything down properly and grab my laptop and stationary off the dining table.
I carefully lock the front door and windows on the first floor, setting up the alarm and going back upstairs.
I can hear some noise coming from the bathroom. I begin averting my gaze, just in case Jude walks out of the bathroom half-naked again.
I finally get into my bedroom, jumping into my bed. I try to distract myself with my phone until he's done with showering. So I can finally wash my face and brush my teeth after a long day of studying.
Only, this time- my phone doesn’t seem to be all too interesting. Not even those brainrotting and attention grabbing TikTok’s.
Nothing, and I mean nothing- could distract me from anything that had happened within the past thirty minutes..
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itshirohi · 3 months
𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕠 ℙ𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖!
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Long overdue but... hey, here it is! Anyway, here I'm going to list my socials, specific tags to help navigate the blog and other useful crap like that :> 𝐅𝐮𝐧 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭: 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐬 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐲 𝐦𝐞 :>
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● ʜɪʀᴏ / any pronoun works, I really don't care. ● Pixel & Digital artist (hobbyist). Making pixel art since 2020 and digital since 2023 ✌(long traditional art background though). ● I tend to hyperfixate on a LOT of things, sometimes at once so please bear with me lol. ● Main hyperfixations and fandoms I'm participating heavily in: Kengan/FOTS, Baki and DMC . ● I also love Bleach, Dragon Ball, OPM and JJBA. ● I have a *lot* of OCs so expect to see some content of that too I suppose. ● These days mainly focusing on fanarts and my current favorite fandoms. ● Probably won't reply to a "hi" message. Please, please PLEASE tell me your reason for reaching out to me in your first message or my brain WILL automatically mark you as a potential bot/spam/scam </3 ● I accept doodle request and asks! Depending on how well I feel at the moment you might even get a fully rendered drawing O_O ● Sometimes I take breaks from posting/ socials in general. It's usually because of health issues. If you leave something in my inbox or chat, I'll get to you whenever I feel well enough to do so! ^_^
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(Note: some older posts might not be tagged with these, sorry for that @_@) ● # Hiro's art - all my art posts. ● #Hiro's OCs - all my OC info and art. ● # Hiro's doodle asks - the drawings made for YOUR doodle asks! (open pretty much all the time, but it might take me some time to get to making them- I'm so sorry lol). ● # Hiro's rambles - any non-art related stuff, updates, etc. ● # Hiro's Kengan edits - this where you'll find my Kengan Ashura/Omega manga edits/animations. More coming soon! ● # AU! The Devil Weeps in the West - my DMC cowboy AU. I haven't forgotten about it, just don't really have as much time as I'd like to focus on it. More content (hopefully) coming soon!
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𝕄𝕪 𝕤𝕠𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕝𝕤:
● Tumblr - (main) you're here! :D ● Twitter - (pretty much abandoned) ● Instagram - (also kinda abandoned) ● Pixilart - (pretty active) ● My commissions - idk why you'd want that, but here you are. Keep in mind I haven't done commissions in ages and might be rusty lol
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𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔼𝕟𝕕!
Phew... This one's a long one. I hope I covered all the most important things. Aaaanyways... Congrats in getting to the end, you're a real superstar! ✮⋆˙ As a reward, grab this super rare, shiny variant of Eugene!
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slasherlouvre · 2 years
💕 Nymphie! 💕
Your response post to 'Knifey's' ask about someone being shared by all three Sinclair brothers sparked my very first 'hinge-poly' Sinclair thought today, so I thought you might hopefully appreciate me sharing the sexiness.
(NSFW thought under the cut)
Just imagine it - You're sitting in Vincent's lap with your back to his chest and your hands clasped behind his neck. Vincent hooks his hands under your knees, spreads your legs and keeps you open and vulnerable so that Lester, who's kneeling on the floor in front of you, can leisurely eat you out for the very first time.
Sweet Lester would be literally on his knees worshipping you with his mouth while Vinny's making sure you're unable to do anything but take it until his little brother is satisfied...
Also, this gave me butterflies in my ✨️𝒸ₒₒ𝒸ₕᵢₑ✨️
Can we talk about how strong Vincent is for a second?
This man impaled Paige in the head with a huge ass metal pipe he threw from several feet away (and through car glass), and with force enough to have her flying back and rebounding against that chain link fence 🥴
If you think you're too heavy for him, or worry he's going to strain himself from holding you open for Lester after a while, he is thrilled to prove your silly little thoughts wrong. He can keep you secure in this position despite any overstimulated thrashing in his grip for hours if he wants to. And he's more than pleased to have you gripping onto him tightly and crying aloud while Lester eats you out- he's a good big brother, afterall. He'll gently bite along the shell of your ears, and neck; his large hands leaving some very artful bruises on your thighs the next day 💓
I know in my heart Lester would eat you out like a man STARVED. He's not at all concerned about making a mess, in fact, he's looking forward to doing just that. When it comes to food, Lester's a bottomless pit, so he's going to thoroughly swallow every drop of your arousal with his typical insatiable appetite. And it being his first time doing so?? He's already a natural pleaser/body worshipper, so you can bet he's going to be especially keen on making you fall apart for him. The image of his mouth pulling away from you to smile and admire his work? Yeah, it'll make your heart race all the more. His stubble glistening with your juices, and unashamedly giving you plently of appreciative, sloppy kisses as Vincent continues to hold you up long after you've gone limp and completely blissed out 😋 Oh and if you squirt? Lester is officially obsessed, and will continue to eat you out with renewed vigor to make it happen again and again.
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DID YOU LIKE MY COUNTDOWN!? That was fun! I had fun. That was actually more fun than I thought it would be! There were too many good posts to name. It was very fun reading all your comments and theories.  Though side note: animal anon has no problem with people joining her BUT it must be animals and it must not mess with my countdown. No statues! Animal anon does animals, not statues. Side side note: can someone settle the debate of if that emoji is a hedgehog or a porcupine? Because I have no idea. Side note side note side note: sorry if you got multiple asks in a day...my system isn't perfected yet so sometimes I send two (or three) because I forgot I sent one and didn't want to accidently miss anyone (also sorry if i did miss you, still perfecting the system, no one has been animal anon blacklisted, i promise!)
Anyway, GUESS WHAT TODAY IS!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 It's been one year since I started animal anon! How exciting is that?! Phew, what a year we've had together! I mean what better way to start this second year than some chaos since that's how animal anon started to begin with! I will admit, it was slightly stressful coming up with something to meet the occasion of this event. I hope the countdown and this post live up to it. No, I'm not going to reveal myself just yet.. maybe that will be for year 2...😏😏. BUT I will give you some fun facts about me! So let's see; first, I'm from the Midwest (so not Canadian, but close so I do have a slight accent), but I currently live in the TriState area. Second, I am a MASSIVE theater nerd. No, seriously I have been to 21 shows since Broadway reopened in September and I'm actually going to my 22nd tonight. I don't know if this makes that fact better or worse, but I've really only been to about 12 different show because out of those 22, 10 of those are one specific show. Third, I am fluent in German and English. Though, I suck at writing in German, I never learned how to, so don't ask me to do that please. Fourth, my favorite color is red, so you can guess my favorite Taylor album (and coincidently also the show I've been to see 10 times on Broadway...). Fifth, I love to talk A LOT if you couldn't tell by the essays I send yall. And lastly, I can also confirm I am not Taylor...but I will say that I do share something very important with her... tell me your guesses down below as to what very important thing you think Taylor and I have in common, and I'll send some extra animals to whomever I see gets it right first!
So contuining on with my dissertation here, this week I have been trying to figure out a prompt to live up to this occasion. As I already mentioned, my system isn't perfect! And I've been thinking a lot about community lately and how that's been lacking for so many because of Covid. So what I want yall to do is if you get this dissertation of mine, please send a message, post, anon, whatever you want to at least 1 other blog (though you can do more), telling them something you like about them and giving them an animal emoji! That way we can keep spreading the love all day long to as many as possible! 🥰
As always, you are all brilliant, kind, worthy, beautiful and as this past week has shown, hilarious and unique human beings. No seriously, some of your posts had me kneeling over in laughter. If you would so like, you can tag #animalanon so I and everyone can read all your lovely posts! IM STARTING EARLY TODAY SO WE CAN PARTY ALL DAY LONG BECAUSE I LOVE YALL SO MUCH 🎊 🦥🦁🐯
animal anon, you have no idea how much happiness you bring to my inbox. every time i open my inbox and see you i get the biggest smile on my face. i cant believe it’s been a whole year!!!! i still remember the original chaos, you’ve mad spells think your taylor all over again. i’m gonna guess that what you have in common is december 13!! you share birthdays?!?!? alsooo, i too am a massive musical theatre nerd. haven’t been to see a bow on broadway but i do catch many tours. i am currently hyperfixating on moulin rouge and hadestown (also this hyperfixation has been happening since it opened lol such a great show). we need to talk more about broadway!! thank you for sharing more about yourself, you truly are a beacon of light in this fandom :))) i hope you have a great day today, we’ll continue to celebrate!!! 🐈🐰🐭🐹🦔🦊🐿🐻‍❄️🐼🐷🐄🐴🐸🐝🙉🐟
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winchest09 · 4 years
The Bunker Party - Debrief
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Hey everyone!
Our bunker party was an absolute blast. It was one filled with laughter, smiles and support and it warms my heart to see so many of your faces each time we do this. This party went in many different ways from fanfiction to urban dictionary - to seeing some of the SPN family’s best dance moves. It was a TREAT. 
6 and a half hours we were talking…SIX AND A HALF and again, I loved every single second. It was so nice to see so many gorgeous faces, and I’m so happy that so many of you joined us! The support from you guys for each other, the love in this fandom; I can’t express how much I adore it.
Me and @katehuntington​​​​ love holding these events and we are already planning the next live stream (date to be announced) but it will be in July. 
This is the lowdown for the The Bunker Party! Sorry it’s a little late, I’ve been ill! 
Below you will find:
Everyone who joined - their tags, what’s coming up fic wise and their masterlist.
A Challenge to join 
Blogs who want to help with your writing
Alpha? Beta? Omega?
Want a link breaker?
Fic & blog recs
So without further ado… *cracks fingers*
To everyone that joined…
You are the guys that make it the live stream what it is.  So below is a list of everyone who was on the chat last night accompanied by their masterlist and what they have coming up soon! In no particular order…
@katehuntington​​​: Kate is currently working on the next instalment of Ride With Me and All I Want. She’s been teasing us with little ideas that keep popping into her head too...
Her masterlist can be found HERE
@flamencodiva​​​: This babe is currently working on a multitude of things and we are super excited to see them come out. We have her brand new fiction ‘What could have been’ as well as Call of the Ocean and many others! 
Check out her masterlist HERE
@whatareyousearchingfordean​​​: Alex is currently writing the epilogue to her Jensen fiction Et Cetera AND she has decided her next fiction!
Firefighter Dean x OFC Marina. From what we’ve already heard…it sounds amazing! I won’t give away any plot points that we were told just yet but it’s one to be put on your watch list! 
Her masterlist can be found HERE
@superfanficnatural​​​:  This babe is currently working on the next chapters of The Bringer of balance as well as the next chapters of The Choice! Also still thinking about his knight of hell x demon dean fic which just sounds so good.
We’re living for it!
Go and give him some love, his masterlist can be found HERE
@emoryhemsworth​​​: This beaut has broken her lil hiatus and posted the sequel to Because of You. Piece by Piece is amazing and if you haven’t read it yet, i suggest you check it out. She’s also writing her first chapter of her series idea. 
Check our her masterlist HERE:
@malfoysqueen14​​​: This lovely lady is new to the Supernatural fandom and is trying her hand at writing fanfiction! Her first fic “White Flag” is Dean x OFC and it’s going in a very interesting direction! Worth a read!
She hasn’t yet got a masterlist but you can check out White Flag HERE
@waywardbeanie​​: This absolute gem of a woman has JUST posted her very first fanfiction and it’s an absolute DIAMOND. Dean. Letters. Fluff. Smut. It’s gonna tick all them boxes and it’s a must read!
You can find her masterlist HERE
@janicho88​​: This lovely lady has written some lovely stories already and has a few things on her list that are definitely worth a read! 
You can find her masterlist HERE
@soaringeag1e​​: This lovely lady has a lovely full masterlist of things for you to dig your teeth into! There are series, oneshots for Jensen, Dean, Jared, Sam, Misha, Castiel...
You can find her masterlist HERE
@smol-and-grumpy​​: Nat has such a juicy masterlist. We were thrilled she joined us on the chat. From Dear Dean to Light My Fire, you will find series that will make you smile, make you cry and will make you want to cool yourself down because they are that smuttastic. 
You can find her masterlist HERE
@manawhaat​​: This babe joined us for the first time this time and we loved having her! Below you can find her humongous masterlist of goodies for your reading pleasure. Her most recent works being an A/B/O oneshot called “Howl”
You can find her masterlist HERE
@crashdevlin​​: Another lovely new face this time to our chat and we are all enjoyed having you there! This babe is another writer with a very large expanding fic list. If you haven’t read any of her work yet, hop on to it! 
You can find her masterlist HERE
@jensengirl83​​: She is new to the chat this week and new to the spn world of writing. Yet she’s already got a few fics under her belt! Fancy checking them out?
You can find her masterlist HERE 
Me: I’m currently working on two series, Life for Rent and Man’s Best Friend! I also have a couple of Dean series being worked on in the background as well as a couple of oneshots…I have already posted two. One being called Pay Attention and the other called Wet Enough. 
My masterlist can be found HERE:
To the new writers/readers…
Remember guys - we’re all here to love and support you! My inbox is always open if you want to talk fics, want me to look over one etc.
@peaches007​​ @cherry3point14​​ and the few nonnies we had!
We love you, we thank you for reading and we thank you for all the support and love you give us constantly. Thank you for joining the chat and we hope you had an amazing time <3
Go and follow and give them some love!
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Ohhhh yes! 
We have two of them for you too! 
Firstly, the darling @flamencodiva​​​​ is holding a celebration in regards to reaching 1700 followers!
Not only is she hosting a character take over on her blog she’s also posted a writing challenge for all us writers out there! This challenge is still ongoing!
Check it out HERE
Secondly, the wonderful @deanwanddamons​​ & @impala-dreamer​​ are holding a joint challenge. The “I Do Understand That Reference” Challenge. 
Fancy guiding Sam, Dean or Cas through another French Mistake type event? Take a look at the movie list and get yourself signed up!
Check it out HERE
Need Help with your fic?
We’ve got you covered!
Need to has out a plot with someone?
The lovely @malfoysqueen14​​​ has offered herself up to be a plot buddy to anyone that needs it. Stuck on a plot point, want to talk through a story line with someone? Give her a message! She’s here to help <3
Need help with research for a fiction?
The most wonderful @waywardbeanie​​​​ has offered herself up to be a researcher for anyone who wants help with their fiction. She has been a die hard SPN fan forever and she’s like the Ellen of our live stream.
Need a researching buddy? Give her a message! She’s a doll <3
Alpha? Beta? Omega? 
On this livestream, the topic of A/B/O was brought up and we did discuss it in length and detail about what was involved. Now this may not be a genre for everyone and that is absolutely fine.
However for those that are interested in exploring this genre of fanfiction, we highly recommend you check out @kittenofdoomage​​‘s A/B/O universe HERE.
She’s broke it down and has gone into detail to explain it for those that wish to read and/or write it. 
We hope it helps! 
Fancy yourself a Supernatural Line Breaker? 
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We got you! 
Our fabulously talented @talesmaniac89​​ has drawn up so MANY supernatural themed line breakers for your free usage! 
She has two posts full already!
Check them out HERE and HERE
Give them a like, a reblog and please THANK HER if you use her work. She’s a good egg <3 
Fic & blog Recs!
In our live stream, we want to highlight what we’ve been reading and the amazing authors behind the words. So below is a list of all the fics that we recommend for some good ol fic binging!
Fic Recs
That Day Again by @jensengirl83​​
Summary: Dean tries to comfort the reader. 
Happily Ever Eventually by @crashdevlin​​ Summary:  Reader begins working on Supernatural. She makes fast friends with J2 and after months of flirting becomes something more to Jensen, whose wife is not usually the jealous type. When she gets a small part in a MCU anthology, she meets Tom Hiddleston and things get more complicated.
Fool For Love by @crashdevlin​​
Summary:  Y/n is an omega whose world was flipped upside down when she presented late. She was practically a hermit for years, only going out to socialize once a week. When the Winchester brothers walked into her life, it flipped her world again…but not really right-side up.
Stay by @evansrogerskitten​​
Summary:  Dean is the future Alpha of the Winchester pack, a wolf/human hybrid race that has roamed their land since the first howl under the moon. Dean is the ideal Alpha; strong, smart, and brave. There’s just one thing missing in his life - his future Second, the Omega he’s yet to find. Life for Rent by @winchest09​​
Summary:  Y/N can be anyone for a price. Her life is ruled by contracts, men and money. It’s all she knows; countless identities, seedy clients, and strict regulations. She has to obey the rules, but her past is full of secrets and her future is resting in the wrong hands. But will her next client be the same as the rest?
Et Cetera by @whatareyousearchingfordean​​
Summary: Jared’s younger sister agreed to help out for a few months when one of Supernatural’s makeup artists takes her maternity leave. Trying to juggle her new job and her burgeoning brand, she turns to Jensen for comfort. Can their relationships survive Jared finding out that his best friend slept with his baby sister? Ride With Me by @katehuntington​​
Summary:  Alternate Universe (AU) in which the reader is a horse rider who goes to a ranch in Arizona, owned by Bobby and Ellen Singer. She’s there to gain work experience, but then she meets wrangler Dean Winchester. A heartwarming series about a cowboy who falls for the girl, letting go of the past and the importance of family.
PHEW! I definitely think we have enough fics on here to last us for a few days if not weeks!…don’t you? ;) Please guys don’t forget to give these writers some love when reading their fics, comments, reblogs, asks. It means the world.
I think that’s it!
Thank you so much once again to everyone who joined the chat, we had 6 hours of laughs and i cannot wait to do it again. I’d appreciate it if you could share this to spread the love of the fics and authors on here!
Keep an eye out for the next date for our next livestream! It will be in a couple of weeks, date to be announced. If you guys have any idea’s or want something included, let us know. If you want to be tagged when we announce, let us know!
See you next time!
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brieflygorgeouss · 4 years
great here comes: (sorry @ everyone but we all love joanna and she needs to know) hi joanna, lovely!! phew, it's been a few stressful weeks but aHA if u think i'll ever leave: ding dong ur wrong. when u log into tumblr with stiff, bony fingers at 80 years old there'll be a message from me sitting in your inbox. i came for the writing and stayed for the writer 💓😌 i still haven't written that comment but i will when life is less of a dumpster fire. 😖
but! what i came to tell u is that i agree with the other anon. ur such a cool person, joanna. maybe not the "i skate and can pull off ripped clothing and smoking weed on the daily" cool, but you're so cool in a way you're oblivious to. you're so educated and well-spoken, but never arrogant or condescending because of it. i adore your mind and love listening to you talk, your thoughts, your ideas, your interests; they all sound so thought-out and mindful. also, you already know you're one of my favorite writers. ur stories give me comfort and i've actually laughed and cried and sobbed because of the words that you wrote. you're seriously one of the kindest people i know - you seldom get instantly mad at people, but rather try to reason with them or clarify in case of misunderstandings and you accept other opinions without having to agree with them. i admire how you managed to stay soft and full of love when you're presented with steel every day. the constant fear of underdelivering and disappointing is a very real and secretly harming one, because no one hears the constant strip of doubt and strive to get better! push harder! be worthy! that's running through your mind but u shoulder it and keep moving. you're practically atlas at this point because that's not "just living", that's putting armor on every day and fighting on so many fronts, all the while wearing a weight that's making you bone-tired, and you may not be winning right now but you're not losing either, and maybe that counts for something too. so what if on some days fighting is too hard? sometimes you need to comb the blood out of your hair and mourn your losses. sometimes, all you can tell yourself is that you've survived another day. and i admire that you don't stop the fight, that you always pick the sword back up and step back out onto the field. i know that people's online presence is a limited, condensed part of the actual whole, but the "you" that bleeds through your writing, your tags, your talk, your blog maybe is actually a brutally raw and honest side since the fear of losing someone by being yourself isn't as big in a group of mostly strangers as it is in real life. so i may not really know the whole of you, but who ever does, really? you seem oblivious to your quiet beauty - in looks (the first time i saw your pictures my mind went "that's not fair! talent and brain and beauty!!") as well as in mind and soul. you're so funny and lovely and the kind of person i'd leave a party with to go look at the stars and have an interesting conversation. you deserve the world and one day u'll get it, okay? okay. that's mostly what needed to be said, sorry for the long-ass rambling. i wish u a lovely night, dear, and am sending u a warm hug!! 💓 - wea. *mic drop*
i’ve read this like 20 times at this point and i’m literally in tears every time anon, i........can only say thank you i guess?  i really do not understand why you think so many wonderful things about me because i see myself very differently than you seem to see me, but, again, thank you. please let's leave a party together to go look at the starts and talk about everything and nothing, i feel like you’re a person i could really do that with and it would feel good and not forced for once, to be around someone and to get to know them. you have a beautiful soul!! all the best to you, love 💓 
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hes-writer · 6 years
Girls’ Night
Harry crashes girls’ night
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Summary: Harry doesn’t want Y/N to go to her sleepover
Warnings: fluff!
Word Count: 1.6k
Based on: Where she has a sleepover with her best friends but he gets clingy and drives over to them? Like idk I just got these I’m sorry 😂 @ynm1505
Harry walks into his and Y/N's bedroom. He sees her packing a small duffel bag with leggings and a plain t-shirt, some fuzzy socks, and slippers.
"Hey Har, can you get my facial stuff from the washroom?" She says without looking in the direction of the doorway where he was currently leaning all his weight on the frame. His crossed arms drop from his chest, mouth agape.
"How'd you know I was standing here?" He enters the room fully, feet dragging across the soft carpeted floor.
"Your footsteps are not as light as you think," She snorts, heading to the dresser with her make-up bag. Y/N begins placing her travel-sized make up in it before zipping it up once she was finished.
She turns around, seeing Harry's back set foot in the en suite bathroom on his way to grab her skincare routine. There were some noises echoing against the tiled room, a mutter of 'shit' from Harry, and the wall cabinet shutting fairly hard.
"H, you good?"
His lanky frame twists as he comes into Y/N's line of sight again, arms full with various bottles and cotton pads. He was panting exaggeratedly, walking as if he was carrying a heavy boulder.
"Phew, do you really need this stuff? It's just one night," He softly drops the items on the bed, Y/N giving him eyes of precaution invade something spills.
"Yes, I need to keep my skin clear," She grabs her facial toner first and then her face wash, making sure that each product was sealed tight before putting it in a clear ziplock bag.
"Baby, you're already so pretty though," He whines out, eyes gleaming with adoration while he plops on the bed, making the rest of her stuff roll towards him from his weighty.
Y/N only hums absentmindedly at his compliment, not really paying attention.
"Where's my night cream?" She questions, rummaging around her packed items but she's sure that she hadn't handled the white bottle.
"I dunno," Harry shrugs his shoulders innocently, lips going into a slight pout but she could see the indents of his dimples cradling his cheeks.
"H, I told you! I'm going to that sleepover," She rolls her eyes at childishness. "Besides, you're having your own guys night here anyway,"
He releases a deep breath, "But Y/N, I'm gonna miss you too much,"
"You're such a kid, Styles. You think hiding my night cream will make me not want to go?" Y/N places her hands on her pajama covered hips, shaking her down to hide her smile. "Think again, Clare and I use the same night cream. I'll just use hers,"
He gasps, large hands covering his heart, "W-wha? But Y/N ..."
Grabbing her hairbrush, she combs her hair of any tangles before dropping it in her duffel–the last item she needed. She takes her hair tie from her wrist, sloppily tying her hair in a ponytail on her head. She grabs hold of the zipper, the sound making its way into Harry's ears.
"Wait Y/N, I'll cancel guys night. We'll get pizza and watch movies!" Harry tries to change her mind, cutely might she add.
"That's what I'm doing over at Sarah's,"
He huffs incredulously, standing up to his full height. He maneuvers the duffel from her shoulder, placing it back in the bed and giving her a huge, warm hug—burying his head on her fresh scented neck, blowing hot air on it and tickling her. She giggles slightly, wrapping her arms around his lean frame.
The doorbell rings, indicating that the guys had arrived. He groans in annoyance, tightening his hold on her body.
"Okay, time to go!" She wiggles away from him, ducking when he tries to reach for her again. The weight of the bag makes itself known on her shoulder.
She bolts down the stairs, Harry hot on her tails as their footsteps thump against the wood. Y/N slips into her shoes, grabbing her keys and the fruit platter she was to bring over.
Harry opens the door to reveal Mitch and Nick; to name a few.
"Harry! What's up, man?" Nick greets excitedly. His arms in the air hold a six-pack of beer. Behind him was Mitch, quiet and timid with a Tesco bag full of chips.
"Hey Y/N," Mitch greets. "Sarah's right outside,"
She smiles gratefully at him, turning to face her boyfriend who was sporting a pout. The guys made their way into the living room to get comfortable, leaving her and Harry at the doorway.
"Well, I gotta go bubs. Have fun! Call me if you need anything"
She gives him a quick peck on the cheek, swiftly stepping outside the chilly night. She sees Sarah blinking her headlights, hand waving her over. Y/N opens the door to the car, tossing her bag in the backseat, putting her seat belt on.
"Ooh, thanks for putting on the seat warmer,"
"No problem, Y/N," Sarah says, putting the gear shift on 'drive'. "The others are at the house,"
Y/N nods, carefully holding the fruit platter when she hears her phone ring. She groans when she sees the caller ID, Sarah raises her brow at her, pulling out of the driveway.
"Hi Harry, why are you calling me?"
Through the phone, he says, "You said to call if I need anything,"
"And what do you need?"
"You," She bursts out in laughter at his cheesiness, the speaker on her phone belts Harry's whines of 'heeeeey'
"I'm hanging up now,"
Nick curses at the player on the screen for missing his shot, taking a swig of his bottle to soothe his throat. He looks over at Harry looking a bit glum, not really interacting with the rest of the boys and kept to himself.
"Ey, Styles what's wrong?" The rest of the boys pause their conversation, glancing towards Harry who had a crease on his forehead.
"I miss Y/N," He admits sadly, shoulders slouching even more on himself from where he was sat.
Nick chuckles slightly, finishing the bottle and place it on the wooden apothecary table.
"If you miss her that much, you should go visit her then," Nick says, meaning it as a joke. Mitch provides a 'yeah' along while Adam nods in support.
"You know what? I will," He stands up determinedly, bones cracking from not moving for a good two hours after Y/N left. He steps into the hallway, stepping into his Gucci shoes.
"Oi, mate I was kidding!" He hears him call out from the living room. Harry looks for his keys in the bowl beside the closet.
"Don't do anything stupid!" He yells back, opening the front door and locking it. He unlocks his car, putting the key in the ignition and waits for the heat to blast through the heaters.
Once it does, he steps on the pedal, preparing a mental map of Sarah's house. He whistles along the tune of the radio for about fifteen minutes until he sees the house come into view. He parallel parks as best as he could, walking up to the cute little pathway and pressing the button the doorbell. He puts his hands in his pockets, waiting for the front porch light to turn on.
The television continued rolling the end credits of 'The Notebook', Y/N stretches her limbs without sitting up, too comfortable in the position she was in.
"I needed that," Clare says, wiping the small tears escaping her eyes. She blows a puff of air from her cheeks.
"Wow, why can't Mitch be that romantic?" Sarah jokes with a slight chuckle, the rest of the girls laughing along with her.
Y/N stands up along with Sarah to refill the bowl of popcorn for their next movie. Alana, a friend, was given the job to choose the next movie. Sarah grabs the empty cans, aiming to put them in the recycling bin in the kitchen.
The doorbell echoes around the house. The girls look at each other wondering who that would be especially since it was ten in the evening.
"Did you order another pizza?"
"No, I didn't," Sarah answers, brows furrowing.
Y/N takes it upon herself to check who it was. She squints her eyes through the peephole, seeing Harry's frog face protruding because of the fisheye effect. She swings the door open,
"Harry? What are you–"
Harry engulfs her in a hug, walking with her inside Sarah's house while Y/N clicks the door shut. The couple continues to walk backwards, eventually entering the living room.
"This is a girls night," Clare says in a matter-of-fact tone upon seeing Harry's body towering over her friend.
"Yes, I know," He plops down on an empty spot, which was where Y/N was sat before she stood up. He tugs on her arm, pulling her downwards to sit on his lap. She puts her legs on top of the armchair, head resting just above his.
"I got the popcorn!" Sarah walls in with a bowl freshly filled, her voice wavering when she spots Harry. "And Y/N got a Harry, nice."
She sets the bowl down on the table, Alana placing the remote down as well after she plays the next movie. The screen turns black and the Netflix logo appears along with the 'duh dun' sound.
"So what are you doing here, H?" Clare asks, sipping on her new can of pop.
"Just missing my love," He cuddles his face into the side of her should, forearms digging tightly into her when he secures his hold. The girls 'awww' at his sweetness while Y/N blushes from the attention.
"Okay, but just this one time,"
He nods appreciatively, lazily giving a thumbs up with his free hand.
"Oh Harry," Y/N whispers, letting her hands play with his hair, feeling her tummy tingle with butterflies.
can anyone put that Netflix opening sound in words
if you like this, shoot me a message or drop smth in my inbox! ❤️😄
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Where to Find Steph (I-J)
Hey all! Bah, I took so long getting this post done for y’all... I was holding off until I got all the sites I wanted to get, and am still debating on others. Before I begin, I just want to reiterate and restate this: TUMBLR WILL STILL BE MY PRIMARY BLOGGING PLATFORM UNLESS EVERYONE IS GONE / MOVES ELSEWHERE AND MY ENGAGEMENT DROPS. I WILL notify if / when this happens. Tumblr will still be the place to contact me first for anything. I’m also using Twitter quite a bit now that I’ve figured it out, so that’s also the next best place.
So, below I will list all where I am, and what its purpose is planned for, and hopefully we can all be friends any of these sites!
TUMBLR: I am still @inevitably-johnlocked and @stephdrawsjohnlock here on Tumblr, and I will continue to engage on both of these sites as often as possible. The Johnlock Playlist is still ongoing, and I will continue to answer asks as I normally do. As well, fic recs and meta. Just anything you currently see that doesn’t get flagged will remain. If it gets bad, I will let y’all know when I will switch over somewhere else.
TWITTER: @inevitablyjohn1 – This is going to be my OTHER primary platform, where I will post notifications for “important” / “popular” posts on my tumblr such as fic rec lists and watchalongs, as well as promoting some of my classic posts and just reblogging random content. Also will be used to boost my art on stephdrawsjohnlock. I also want to use it as a “quick ask” sort of thing, so like an Ask Me Anything type thing, and random bits of advice. Essentially, I want it to become like my blog, but micro-ized, LOL. Basically, I use this a lot because it’s easily accessible on my phone and I can do play on it at work LOL.
ARCHIVE of our OWN: inevitably_johnlocked – I’ve been meaning to copy over all of my meta over here an age ago, and now it’s kinda too late... But whatever I can find I will repost here. Also, my own Tumblr ficlets are on here as well. I do like to write the occasionally thingy. I’m terrible at checking my inbox here though, so SORRY.
YOUTUBE: Inevitably Johnlocked – Official Home of what I hope to be someday the LARGEST Johnlock Playlist in the fandom. I’m adding new stuff every day and adding old entries. I’m also contemplating doing videos as well for my advice asks, if only to try to remain fresh and new. Don’t know yet.
PILLOWFORT.IO: inevitably-johnlocked – I haven’t 100% decided what to do here, but I think I will begin cross-posting fic rec lists, the giant Johnlock Playlist Masterpost if they don’t have a link limit on their posts and my art and meta on here. I’m still working around it so it’ll take me awhile to get myself sorted!
DREAMWIDTH: inevitably_johnlocked – Same as above; probably will use it to crosspost fic lists, Johnlock Playlist, and art and meta. I like the format of this site, but I don’t like how we can’t really reblog anything.
PICARTO.TV: stephdrawsjohnlock – Occasionally I stream my artwork. I never get people watching, but it’s the thought that counts, LOL. If/when I stream, I will announce it on my Twitter.
DISCORD: inevitably-johnlocked#8385 – I’m not on a lot, but I do check in from time to time :) 
RABB.IT: inevitably-johnlocked – Come watch movies with me :)
MASTODON: inevitablyjohnlocked – Not a huge fan of this platform, but should Twitter go down the shitter, here’s where you can find me.
HANGOUTS: inevitablyjohnlocked – If you used Google Hangouts, you can chat with me here! I have an app on my phone that works occasionally, and I try my hardest to keep up, but I’m garbage. But this is also my fandom email as well, so hmu.
FACEBOOK MESSENGER: I am on Facebook, but I only add people I know. Please message me for my FB if you’re interested. I use Messenger a LOT (it’s how I stay in contact with my family, so it’s always open). I also post random stuff on my facebook, but not much. Right now I’m doing a Tea Review, LOL.
SNAPCHAT: stephanieratte – I use it a lot because it’s on my cell phone, LOL. I don’t have many friends. And I like Bitmoji LOL.
A new deviantART for my Sherlock Art (I AM on dA as StephRatte, but I haven’t updated there since I migrated to Tumblr, and I lowkey use it as a portfolio).
Instagram for my art, but I hear theft there is nuts. I’ve been meaning to make one for ages, but I’ll see.
PHEW. I’ll add to this list should I remember anything else, but yeah, I really want to stay in contact with y’all so I hope to still see y’all after the 17th! <3
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moonraccoon-exe · 6 years
Oh no don't worry I wasn't upset. Well, not at you. I'm sending a separate ask to keep private but other than THAT, things are good. Foot is all better, Coctura is happy and healthy, I'm still with Coach, whose team just got silver in a competition btw. I think I just needed a break from social media in general, which is fine bc it gave me time to play LOTS of Red Dead Redemption 2. -Breakfast Girl
Lemme add a very  nice keep reading right here :3
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BG BUDDY IT YOU!!!!!!! ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
Omg BG buddy, thank you SO much for dropping another ask!! PHEW, I?m so sorry it’s taken me this awfully terribly long to say something. Holiday season has been sorta busy for me this year, which has been both pleasant and time consuming. Definitely enjoyable, though! It’s the first year my family decides to take the week, so I’ve been busy with that!! Sorry, but thank you for understandin and waiting :3
I’m glad to know that you weren’t upset at me! But also very sad to know that other thing you sent in the private ask. I did worry a lot reading it, but at the end you reassured me it was fine and it’s all back to normal and that’s such a giant, immense relief, you have no idea. I’m happy it didn’t get any worse and that things turned out alright!! Aahhh, makes me wanna hug you both ( ´ ▽ ` )
Your foot is all better now!!! HOOOOOOOOOORAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY AYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ BG Buddy I’m SO happy for you omg, in the meanwhile you were quiet, I was wondering about your foot a lot. It also happened that in a fic I’m currently writing someone is dealing with a broken leg, so I inevitably thought about you even more, ahaha. Aaah, I’m so happy and relieved to know it’s all okay now!! o(>ω
I’m SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hapy and blessed and lkasjdkladfja that you let me know about precious smol Coctura!!! *SQUEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK* THAT PRECIOUS ANGEL THAT DESERVES THE WORLD OMG I’M SO HAPPY FOR THE PRECIOUS FLUFF ;A; Happy and healthy..I mean, it’s you looking after her, so it really doesn’t surprise me. You’re a kind and good person so of course lil Coctura would be in such a wonderful state
YOU STILL WITH COACH, AAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! THAT’S SOOOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL!!! :’’3 Hgfhfghklnfghklfnh, I’m so happy that things are apparently working out between you two. It’s WONDERFUL! Means it’s been okay and that is a delight to hear. I’m so happy you both are alright, as in, both as a couple/friends and individually
Ooooh, yesyes, I understand the whole thing about needing a break from social media. Looking after yourself is important, and it doesn’t always  mean to do something, sometimes it means to leave something, even if just momentarily. And somehow, for some reason, social medias have this…energy? Or this thing that consumes your energy, it’s sorta…draining. I don’t know why,, it looks like a simple task, but yes, internet-ing can be exhausting…
I’m very, very happy and glad that you decided to take a break, buddy. It means you were aware you needed it, and it takes something to acknowledge it, even more to actually do it. Social medias can be so…addictive, even when you know you n eed a time away.
So congrats, BG buddy. Once more, you prove to be a strong and mature homan being who knows you need of  You, and you need to look after yourself. And you handled it nicely. Like always, I’m not just happy for you, BG buddy, I’m so proud.
You truly are one brave person, I hope you’re aware.
I’m happy to know that you did what you had to. I missed you terribly, but so long you were away to do best to yourself, then I can wait for years, still gonna be here when you’re back, and I’ll definitely be cheering you on. You is important, and I’m glad that you know that, and that you’ve worked so hard on taking care of You. So proud you’re so strong, so happy you’re better now. That’s my BG buddy. ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
OOOOOHHHHH!!!! Red Dead Redemption 2!!! I’ve heard FANTASTIC things about that!! (*°▽°*)  To be honest I missed a lot of the game world (never had any of the PS, and latest thing I had was a Wii), so I don’t think I ever heard about Red Dead Redemption 1? And if I did it didn’t seem important at the time. But now with the release of RDR2 I’ve heard WONDERS about it, everyone going nuts about its release, and it being a fantastic game!!!
I can’t say I know how much you’re enjoying it because I’m clueless on the game, but if you’ve been playing it lots, it means it must be lots and lots of fun to you!! And so epic and entertaining and aksjdakldgjadg omg BG buddy, that’s PHENOMENAAAAAAL!!!!! Games are always a fantastic experience, and one that seems to be so particularly epic? Gawd, I’m so happy you get to play lately, BG buddy!!! :3
Bg buddy, there’s not much more to say. I’m so, so, so happy to see you around again, and so happy to know things are going good. I’m happy that you did what was best to you, and I?m happy to see you wandering around again, and it’s, like always, my delight and honor to see you drop by my inbox. I missed you terribly, buddy, and it makes me happy like you have no idea to see you around again
I hope to hear from you again soon!! How are things going? I haven’t checked Endings in Reverse in a while.Gotta check it later! 
Meanwhile, I hope that you’re doing FANTASTIC, buddy! I’m sorry again for the awfully late response. I’ve been feeling very drained from asks, lately. Maybe it’s because of the two on going fics I’m writing, giganormous...so it really is only my fault, haha!!! But I’ll try to answer when I can, even if it’s by bits. And even when I don’t reply, I read all asks straight away as they arrive, so do feel free to message me if you ever feel like it, even if it takes me a while to reply
Buddy, I don’t know if you celebrate anything in these dates? But happy holidays. Merry Christmas, if that’s as you celebrate!! I wanted to reply to this before the 25th, but I failed ;w;Still, know that I’m sending you lots and lots of my warmest, luckiest, happiest, and most loving raccoonie hugs and vibes. Wishing you a very good rest of the year and a fantastically beautiful start of a new one, regardless of what you may or may not celebrate :3
Dear BG buddy, it’s a delight to be talking with you again!!!!
I hope you’re having a MOST FANTASTIC day or night, buddy!!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ
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domjaehyun · 2 years
omg woke up to 4 of my asks being answered CHRISTMAS CAME EARLY!! im gonna reply to all of them now hehe (not in order cause i forgot which ones came first)
1) if you ever write a cs major hyuck fic i will fall to my knees instantly. he’s been on my mind for the past couple days and i cant stop THINKING. college dream fics scratch my brain so well i love the way their dynamics are written :] pretty sure i had a dream about cs major haechan and music major mark fighting over a girl? but like the dream was in third person so it was like watching a movie IT WAS INSANE.
2) IM A MARVEL NERD. i was watching like 5 marvel shows at once and had the biggest smile on my face watching all of them 😭 i want to meet mark just so we can discuss his marvel theories sighhh
3) MADDY! she’s my role model… yeahh euphoria is a good show but i can see how not everyone can enjoy it! but i do recommend it if you want to see maddy be the main character of everyone’s lives 🤞
4) im feeling better nowww! allergies are gone and i just got done with my commercial shoot yesterday so im just really tired and lazy today 😭
PHEW hopefully thats everything! i hope you’re doing well today miss jewelll 💎 -☂️
HI LOVE sdsjklsd sorry i rly do let my inbox pile up 😭
1) i will consider it!!!!!!! it’ll have to happen after at least some of the works i’ve committed to have been published but i’ll def think some more about it :D and omg cute cute dream i love that !!!
2) omg i was gonna watch wandavision but idk if i have the attention span or the time rly 😭
3) she’s so pretty also idt i said that in the last message but she rly is!! i mean it sounds relatively interesting from what i know about it but given that i already dont watch tv shows, the ones i do watch have to be SUPER interesting to keep me attentive ghjfkdfjk
4) YAY glad to hear that and !!! how’d it go??
i’m doing well today :D i hope you are too!!
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Hello my dears,
[asap if you will tree]
phew okay so please please bare with me on this, it's going to be long and rambling and im sure it will jump back and forth a lot so you've had a fair amount of warning :p
im going to start off with the long "essay" posts from yesterday, just to kinda get my foot hold on things c: and guys please understand that in writing this i am really not trying to come off as rude or attackful or anything, and i apologize if i do or if i come off overly "unprofessional" it seems a lot of the time when i try to be super professional i come off as condescending or cold and when i try to be a bit more relaxed im just being silly or unprofessional.
"artists not doing anything for months and then getting to come back whenever they want, taking up a slot that could’ve been an active artist filled with energy and vigor to create instead."
I've seen this mentioned a lot ,, the whole slot thing. the thing is guys, that we don't have a set number of "slots" on staff ,, really we base what we think we need on how efficiently the staff we currently have is functioning. I know recently [the last month or so] things have been a little slow but you have to remember that it was the end of the year, many staff members [and heck people in general] we're busy with finals/vacations/family/the holidays and a whole slew of other things. Bringing in more staff during the holiday season because there a bit of a dip in activity doesn't really make a whole bunch of sense in my opinion because its just the natural ebb and flow of how things go, it happens every year. 
"nursery slots being weeks and even months overdue while dozens of personal work and things for other people get put out"
I'll be the first to admit ,, this is actually a bit of a problem ,, it doesn't happen with every artists but I do understand that sometimes owed work gets forgotten, especially when the artist keeps taking on more and more in an attempt to keep up with demand that the community has created. we are aware of this, and myself and Karmel have been discussing it for quite awhile and throwing ideas back and forth for a way to manage it ,, at the time I think we have a pretty solid solution and it after a bit more discussing and working out the kinks it should be able to be implemented fairly soon and shouldn't take too long to see the effects c: i do apologize to anyone that has been on the brunt end of having to wait. one thing you can always do though is message the artist directly to see whats up, and if you don't get an answer then you can always come to myself or Karmel [or if you're noticing something that you aren't a part of you can even submit it to us anonymously via ask or tumblr!!
"hardly anyone but a handful of artists having hm customs open almost constantly, and i’m sure we all know why that is, other than the few artists who genuinely can’t open slots right now."
HM customs have always been a bit of tricky situation since it was switched so that only offical team members could do them and I do apologize that it was never fully explored how to best impliment this system. in the beginning i dont think it was set up to handle a community the size of which we have and hasn't ever really been revised to help fix it. with that being said though we do have a fancy new thread you may want to check out !! its still in the works as all the artists find their spots but there are already several artists who have started using it if you would like to keep track. its called the <a href="http://www.chickensmoothie.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=87&t=3701780">Kalon Artist Alley</a>!! essentially every artist on the Kalon team has a post here and they will be able to detail what work they are open for, lay out what projects they currently have, and list any examples or prices [as they may apply] for their work! with this it should make it a lot more easy to find an artist that is open to HM customs and browse just who you might want to partner with!
"staff not responding even to help questions until it’s irrelevant or the other person completely forgot they even asked. not enough nursery artists who are actually active to compensate for the rise in kalon members looking for batches."
I do apologize for any questions that have went unanswered! Its really unfortunate that we've gotten this reputation, but I do swear to you that it is never intentional! Sometimes I so wish I could just show you guys a day in the life of the staff chat, it is honestly off the hook 24/7 with people chatting about all kinds of different business from questions to designs/growths/rule breaking and a whole slew of everything in between! And often times our inboxes are just the same, I know mine is! Things fall through the cracks sometimes in a community so big and id be willing to bet that more often than not we actually have discussed the question at hand and it may just be that the conversation rolled over to something new that distracted the original staff member handling it from responding to you and then never picked it back up. that is something that we will have to start working a lot harder on, but like i said, it is absolutely never intentional that we are forgetting responses. if you dont hear back usually within 72 hours it is absolutely okay for you to resend the message or to send it to a new staff member !!
"staff don’t have an obligation to be active since if they aren’t, they don’t get the activity rewards, but again, like i said in a previous point, artist activity is a serious issue that isn’t taken seriously enough, or at all. if people aren’t active but get on to post maybe one kalon every few months, that’s an issue and needs to be talked to with the person. if they can’t get on enough to post kalons more than every few months, maybe they should take a break and someone who can be more active can be brought in."
like you mentioned, i kinda touched on this one in the first response, however I would also like to point something else out. while i dont consider Kalons to be a business and myself and Karmel dont run them as such, even if you are looking at this from a real world employment there are actually a lot of different levels of activity that are acceptable!! normally you have full time ,, part time ,, and PRN [as needed] employees all working for the same company. my artists are just like that in a lot of respects and its completely unfair to say they dont deserve compensation for what they do when they are able to do it. they aren't taking up a slot from anyone else and they are still providing amazing designs and input into the community ,, heck a lot of the time when an artist is unable to make designs they are still active in the staff chat and in other areas that may not be their primary duty as an artist.
" staff apparently being too big to manage properly"
[cutting this one a little short]
you are absolutely right !! we have said this a lot and that's because we really do mean it !! and when we talk about staff being too big to manage we dont actually mean that all those names are just too much, we mean that the active people that we are currently managing is quite a lot !! looking back on our activity documentation for the last 6 months there has consistently been an average of 30+ active artists working !! and that not even including our mods or myself and Karmel ,, for two people who have adult lives off the internet that is a lot to manage and we are trying our absolute best while still not spreading ourselves too thin because then the issues that you have already expressed just become more exaggerated when we have to provide them with even less attention than we already do. and while we think that the staff we have right now is very strong and putting out a lot of work already [did you know that last month alone over 200 designs were put into the community just from the nursery and main adopts ?? and over the last 6 months over 2,000 designs were?] we have opened the nursery search again and may soon be opening the main artists search as well to alleviate some of the demand that you guys are throwing out there c: 
I'm not going to quote any of the last point as its quite long but to a degree I would like to agree, just in all honesty. I haven't been able to be a real part of the actually community for quite some time since becoming a co-owner and in that time from the position i am in I have seen a lot of stuff. I know that it may seem like no body cares but really I think the issue is just in a community this large in general it can be hard to find a foot hold. now im not making any excuses for those that go out of their way to ignore everyone or only talk to their friend group, but I do also know a lot of people that try their hardest to talk to new people or as many people as they can. i wish there were some easy clear cut way that I could address this and have it fixed in just a couple of days but the sad truth is that you are right, this is more than just what we as staff can tackle by ourselves and really takes the effort of the entire community but we are trying to promote it !! our events have shifted from just token grabs to be more development and cooperation based and often offer or require the interaction with community members that you may not know !! while I dont have any wonderful news for how we plan to fix it please know that we see the rift and we do want to fix it ,, if you or anything really has suggestions or just wants to talk about the experiences that made their introduction to the community better/worse i would honestly really urge you to come talk to me or any staff member. i promise you for all the anxiety it can cause to message one of us we are really just a group of massive dweebs and our side chat would definately prove that. we don't ever aim to make anyone uncomfortable or to be rude when responding to you guys and i apologize if it has ever come off that way when dealing with one of us with Kalon related things. one good thing about such a big staff is that if you have an issue with one of us you can always find someone else <3
Im sure i've missed some stuff and i know i had origianlly planned to address more than just the essay posts but its getting late for me and I have a really big day tomorrow ,, so if ive missed someone or you guys have anything else you would like to have addressed I would actually really urge you to send it on over to the Kalon tumblr. you can find it at kalon-adopts.tumblr.com [where this was submitted from] !! i vagued it earlier but yeah !! its brand spanking new and still under a lot of construction as far as  coding and the like goes but it is functional !! as much as i despise the premise of both of the confessions blog i have realized that Tumblr has become quite an ingrained part of the CS and Kalon community and I would love to continue engage with you guys over it. I know its not the same as the confessions blog but hopefully you will feel more at ease contacting us anonmously there or just sharing your views and opinions in general c: we plan to eventually link the blog on our CS pages once its compeltely set up so please keep in mind nothing explicit will ever be allowed to be submitted there.
ack so yeah here's my really long and drawn out submission that i promised earlier c: i hope you guys read a bit of it and maybe understand a bit more now. i know sometimes it can seem like the staff is being really quiet and maybe not doing anything at all but i can assure you that we are always abuzz and honestly we are just about everywhere listening to just about everything and in some way or another almost all complaints are brought up and discussed. we may not post or announce every little move we are making but i cross my heart and pinky promise that we are working tirelessly to try and improve this community for you guys and for ourselves ,, we love this species and we know that without each and every one of you there wouldn't be anything for us to love so we want to make it as friendly and functioning as we can. all i ask is that you give us a little understanding and patients and i promise you are going to see the positive outcome <3
[also please forgive any mistake its late for me and im tired and not the best at typing anyways lol]
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tbhstudying · 7 years
Don't let all the anons saying that your content has worsened bother you. I remember I use to be like that but when I started creating content, I soon came to understand that our content changes too and whether or not people like it should not affect it.
personally, i’m kinda glad that my content is shifting and changing and wildly different than what my first post used to be like because it shows that i’ve been growing and improving and changing ;u; ngl i’m still a bit unsatisfied with how some of my content turns out, but that just means that i’ll have to work harder to make the next one better! thank you for your support, anon :”)
an anon said:woah i really dislike all the hate ur getting. You are amazing and i appreciate you so much. I know ur smarter than to let them get to you but still hater anons need to find something better to do lmao ily have a nice day :^)
yeah, i know that i shouldn’t let it get to me, but tbh it did hurt a bit yesterday ;; i’m happy now because it seems as though everything is dying down (at least, based off of my inbox), and today will be a better day than yesterday was. thank you, anon!
an anon said:Hey Seo! I just saw your last anon and I am so sorry that this person said nasty and vulgar words to such a kind and great person like you. However, I'm so proud of the way you handled it! You're super awesome and I hope that you get the best of what life has to offer.
i mean, if that person wants to unfollow me, then by all means, they can ahahaha thank you thank you thank you for your kindness and your support ;u; i hope life is wonderful and thrilling for you too
an anon said:i fucking swear to god if another bitch ass hoe spreads hate on your blog i will fucking find them and slit their throats holy shit i am done w the amount of hate you've gotten bc i cannot phew, now that i've gotten that out, your blog is gr10! and i swear if someone makes a rude comment tell them to square up i will personally beat you into the ground i am a second degree black belt in taekwondo
aaaaa no need to go that far! i’m fine if they want to unfollow and leave hehe :”) thank you so much! and wow, a second degree black belt?!! that’s so stinking cool omg i want to see you kick those wooden boards now because it always looks so cool in the videos ahhhHHHH
@smallbeanstudies said:Hi Seo! I'm so sorry about all the hate and negative messages that you've been getting lately. You're a truly amazing person, and I hope that you're okay. I just love how you have the most inspirational content ever, yet you still are super modest about your abilities and what you do. Thank You for being a person who cares about helping others, and not the amount of followers you have. Thank You for everything you have done. I hope this finds you well. Have a wonderful day Seo! Keep it up!!!! :)
thank you so much! this really made me smile and aahhhh i’m getting teary-eyed :”) thank you so so much, and i’m glad that my response about the entire number thing made sense (i was worried that it wouldn’t haha) hope you have a lovely day!
an anon said:Wow, people are really getting salty about this whole drama thing. Anyway, I just want to say (as a fan of yours), I really admire your videos/posts! Keep being awesome
yep, i didn’t expect the drama thing to escalate so quickly haha thank you so much! i’ll do my best to continue making my content
@efflorescentstudies said:hey Seo just wanted to pop in to say that you're a pretty great and helpful person even though you're getting all this anon hate. All these haters can like.... go get a life or something, just because they're salty doesn't mean they have the right to insult you. I hope you're having a nice day, most of us love and appreciate you and everything you bring to the community ~love, Dani
ahhh thank you very much, dani! this is so kind of you to say asdfghjkl thank you thank you thank you!!
an anon said:i'm sorry you've had to deal with all of these rude anons!!! it's ridiculous as this is a community that supports one another and uplifts each other!!! i'm here for you
ahhh it’s alright ;; for every anon hater, there are always a thousand more lovely and kind people in this world
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giantess-dva · 7 years
A little update for my little fans !!
Hey microgamers !! Your favorite giant gamer girl here to give you a bit of an update about some . . . things lol !! I know I dont talk about the blog itself a whole lot but im sure youll forgive me ;) this is just some maintence kinda stuff sooooo consider it like the patch notes to a game XD
1. you guys are sooooo lovely and fantastic and i have like over 100 messages in my inbox left unanswered !! OMG you guys are too much !! but those messages are really really old now so answering them feels kinda weird !! alot of them are anons and stfuf so i dont even think the askers would see them lmao and the non-anon (nanon ?) asks are like, well, itd probably weird to answer them now !!! XD and since i get few asks everyday anyway i dont think theyll be missed !! or maybe ill answer them all for this years vore day ?? hehe i probably wont
2. i seriously L O V E all the asks I get <3 it means a lot !! but a busy idol like me can get a lil overwhelmed lol (i know its hard to believe) so two things about this . . . ONE. I’m probably not gonna answer some of the asks that aren’t really asking for my interaction X( I know that sounds rude but some of these asks already do the role playing for me !! where’s the fun in that, right ?? and if an ask is way too basic, like its something ive answered a thoussand times . . . . . . sorry !!! I have a lot of asks and want to give all my fans great content and attention !! :) . . . TWO. i think I kinda forgot what two was gonna be XD uhh yeah so if I end up ignoring an ask please dont take it personally !! it might just be that i wasn’t feeling creative enough to answer it !! trust me I always feel really bad when I leave an ask unanswered but I also don’t want to disappoint my fandom with low tier answer :( lol
3. I know most of you probably dont care lol but I figured some of you might be a little curious about what kind of D.va I am !! I’ve made references to being in Overwatch, haven’t I ?? “oh but D.va was never a part of Overwatch !! wtf !!” I know I know XD for some of you this might come as a surprise but . . . I’m part of Overwatch !! (trust me lol) specifically some stuff happens in the near future and Overwatch is formed again !! ALOT of new recruits joined and that was me !! Some of those new recruits are Pharah and Symmetra and Lucio , but also some of the vets like Reinhardt !! Buuuut its a bit more complicated than that and theres still a bit of fighting going on haha XD soooooo for the sake of the role playing parts you can just assume my canon is like , whatever !! Sometimes Mercy is a cute lil angel that I keep as a cell phone charm and sometimes im tearing up Hollywood looking to crush her !! lol this was weird to explain but its all true !! Please believe me !! ^_^
Okay phew that took me awhile to type up huh !!!! Im just really excited to be back to getting attention from you sweethearts and I’ve got BIG plans for the future !!! I hope you all are loaded up and ready !!
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cookinguptales · 7 years
Okay, so... This post has been a long time coming. Like, long enough that I’ve gone back and forth and made many posts about this over the past week. ahaha. On one hand, I feel bad bringing up things that happened so long ago, and that almost kept me silent for good. It makes me feel grudgey and petty and like I’m abusing my fandom platform. But on the other hand, I’ve had certain things happen lately that have led me to reconsider my stance of silently blocking people who make me uncomfortable in fandom. And god, despite blacklisting and blocking this guy, he’s been showing up on my dash like crazy lately due to screenshots and whitelisting. He’s all over karabita fandom, and at a certain point, I realized that that isn’t just uncomfortable for me seeing him everywhere -- it’s also a bit worrying considering the age of many people in this fandom, who are honestly really young.
Cut for length.
Last spring, I started writing in the karabita fandom, and it led to a lot of firsts for me. I’d never really had many followers on tumblr before, and I almost never got asks before my fic for this fandom started getting popular. So I really wasn’t sure about ask/request etiquette, and I didn’t always lay down the law like I would learn to do so later. Basically, I wanted to be everyone’s friend, I wanted to answer everyone’s @messages and reblogs and asks and IMs, and I didn’t want to say no when I got requests and asks that made me uncomfortable. I also tended to answer asks I had any kind of problem with privately, which is a decision I’ve since come to regret. I learned that answering them publicly may lead to some fandom friction, but it creates a public record of someone’s weirdness towards you.
I’ve definitely gotten some weird asks over the past year. A lot of them have been anonymous, so I never really knew who to avoid. But starting last summer, one person sent me a long string of bizarre asks, and they did it logged in. president-frankenstein. I answered most of these privately bc honestly most of them made me weirded out, frustrated, or kind of creeped out. At least one I found deeply offensive. (And yes, I still have copies of all of these in my inbox.)
There was a strong element of pushing me to do things I didn’t want to do. He approached me asking me to write Totty/Chibita, a pairing I’ve never talked about publicly bc frankly, it’s a very much hated NOTP of mine. I told him this, and he was like “oh, that’s fine!” (Phew!!) And then he asked me to read his Totty/Chibita fic. (What??) And like all these beginning asks were couched in very complimentary, almost obsequious terms (which also made me kind of uncomfortable, but that’s more my own issues) so I was like. “Well, that was weird, but I guess not a big deal.”
Things took a turn for the weirder when the guy sent me a long, detailed prompt (completely unprovoked, requests weren’t open or anything) for a Pacific War AU that included, along with myriad other things, romanticization of Imperial Japanese soldiers, historically inaccurate details that would aid in that romanticization, and romanticization of (non-canon) disability, all things that make me incredibly uncomfortable bordering on offended. (As most of my followers know, I am disabled IRL, and as for the Imperial soldier thing, well, I’d be equally upset to get a request to write a Nazi soldier romanticizing fic. Protip: war crimes aren’t sexy.) I went back and forth on how to answer this weird, unasked for message, especially because I was honestly kind of seeing red about the contents of the prompt. I eventually sent back a polite but very terse message saying that the content made me very uncomfortable and I under no circumstances wanted to write it. And at that point, I basically washed my hands of it and hoped it was over and he’d stop talking to me.
He apologized. And he kept apologizing. Here’s a tip for people who are apologizing: if you apologize and the person you’re apologizing to doesn’t answer you -- but you keep sending messages until you get a reply back? You care about assuaging your own guilt more than the actual comfort of the person you’re apologizing to. And I will tell you, my comfort level dropped from “low” to “basement level”. I honestly never wanted to talk to him again, but I did eventually send him a message like, yes, I got your apology the first time, I just didn’t want to talk to you anymore.
And then the thing happened that switched me from “I do not like a person in fandom” to “holy shit this person creeps me out”. As soon as I told him I didn’t want to respond to his asks, he posted photomanip fanart for a fic of mine plus a multiple paragraph tumblr post fawning over me. There were a lot of red flags in there, and I could probably break it down point by point (and did, when I contacted several friends and showed him all his messages like “am I right to be incredibly weirded out by this guy” bc I still always doubt my gut reaction) but here are the main things that automatically alarmed me.
Publicly implying closeness that did not exist. Referring to me by real name instead of pseud, acting like he knew what I intended for my fics (he was wrong, by the way), talking about how long he’d been a reader (not that long, actually), etc. Huge, huge red flag.
Actually, continuing that second point, the assumption that he knew what was going on inside my head was presumptuous, entitled, and a little creepy. Like he straight up said that he was sure that if had made the fic longer or if I ever continued the fic, I’d definitely include this headcanon of his. (He sent me asks related to this (again, incorrect) headcanon of his later on, and I did not answer them.) Like he just took it as a given that he understood what I really meant when I said things, which is always a bit alarming when someone already doesn’t seem to understand what you’re telling them.
Tagging me in his post and talking about how much he hoped I liked it (I DID NOT) but not actually directing anything in the post towards me. Making sure I saw something but not talking to me. He was just like. Self-admittedly talking to my audience and cutting me out of the loop. He posted it in all the fandom tags. It was weird and offputting and performative. And very, VERY public.
Now, some background and further explanation about why this upset me so much. I have, in the past, been stalked online. And no, these events I’m talking about now never came anywhere near that feeling of unsafety. But guys, this is absolutely something that the guy who ended up stalking me did to me repeatedly, often enough that I finally realized that doing this is manipulative, not complimentary. Here’s the pattern: Be friendly, upset me until I no longer wanted to communicate with him, then make a public gushing announcement about how wonderful he thought I was. This part is complicated. Part of it is bound up in the whole (deeply problematic) trope of “winning a girl’s esteem back through an OTT gesture” that’s popular in movies -- and that I have grown to hate -- and some of it is linked to female socialization. Above all else, be nice. If someone compliments you, even if it makes you uncomfortable, you’re a “bitch” if you don’t acknowledge it and say thank you. When you tell a guy that you don’t want to talk to him and he responds by making a VERY PUBLIC (again, posted to all fandom tags) post full of gushing praise, it is a manipulative move designed to put you in a position where you need to respond. The guy knew I respond to everyone who makes fanworks of my stories (or, uh, at least try to -- I’ve definitely forgotten during busy periods a couple times), and the guy knew that a socially acceptable response to a post like that is public acknowledgment. It’s a way of bribing you into talking to them again (that grand OTT gesture -- whether romantic or, as in this case, platonic -- that makes any girl forgive you) and a way of putting you in a social situation where you have to talk to them again. It’s a shitty thing to do to someone.
And let’s be 100% clear about something. Putting a woman on a pedestal is just another way of dehumanizing her. There comes a time when praise becomes deeply uncomfortable rather than complimentary, and this guy saw that line and fucking pole-vaulted over it.
I went back and forth on how to respond to this. I thought about privately contacting him, which was my usual go-to response when things made me unhappy online. I thought about reblogging it with a simple message to stop contacting me, publicly for once so people would finally know how I felt about all this. (There was a point when people were actually straight up “shipping” me with my stalker (their words), so I knew the dangers of letting the illusion of closeness hang out in public where people who didn’t know our private history would see it.) In the end, I just ignored it and hoped he’d get the fucking picture.
Spoilers: he didn’t. He contacted me several more times, asking for meta and fic again. I answered one ask, out of that sickly guilty feeling I always get when I don’t respond to fandom asks and because it actually was information that I wanted to convey to my followers, and then just...stopped replying to any. Honestly, I wish I hadn’t even replied to that one ask because I fear that it encouraged him. He stopped sending me asks for a little while, but then I started getting anon asks that -- well, obviously I can’t prove anything, but the guy’s asks were always pretty easy to pick out of a crowd, so I had my suspicions. In the end, I was getting stressed out whenever I saw him in fandom (and disagreed with like...100% of his headcanons and fandom thoughts) and I didn’t want to have to worry about if he really was sending me anon messages, so I blocked him. Like the last thing I need is paranoia. I barely ever block people on tumblr, so this was a hard decision for me. But yeah, after several months of weird messages, I blocked him.
Going forward.... idk man. idek what I want. After I blocked him, he couldn’t bother me anymore, so that was good enough for rme. I blacklisted his name, which unfortunately blacklisted a lot of fanworks -- he tends to get his groupie on with other fan creators in the karabita fandom, so he sends asks to people ALL THE TIME and so a lot of fanworks have his name in the post -- and for the most part didn’t see him all that often. But then a whole bunch of things (detailed in other posts) happened in short order and between my realization that resolving my stalker situation privately allowed him to flourish in fandom and the fact that suddenly I could not fucking escape this guy, I started considering going public with my own discomfort. I don’t want anyone else to find themselves in the weird, uncomfortable situation I was in.
At the same time, though, like I said... The guy’s username is in all kinds of fan content posts. After a couple of followers approached me privately to get the story on the guy who was clearly stressing me out, they asked me if I wanted them to stop reblogging posts that contained his asks, especially ones that have screenshots of the asks and therefore can’t be blocked. And part of me really doesn’t want to see those things, but even more of me believes that to be desperately unfair towards the people who make fanworks that just happen to be associated with him. So like. Don’t do that. Please do not make any callout posts or harass anyone involved with this, either. I 100% do not condone fandom dogpiling.
I guess I’ll just tell you the same thing I told the (new) friend that I saw, to my horror, publicly praising the guy who stalked me for years as “a great friend’. You can be friends with whomever you want, but just know the guy’s done creepy shit. It’s possible that p-f is just socially awkward, like many people in fandom, and he just legit did not get that he was freaking me out. (Despite me, at a couple points, telling him I was uncomfortable.) But I’ve learned the hard way that repeatedly forgiving people who are “socially awkward” can land you in situations where you feel unsafe, and that’s never okay.
So I guess now you know?? I’ve gone over the reasons I hesitated to make this post many times in other posts, and I’ll add one more thing. I blocked p-f. Unless he logs out or someone c/ps this for him, he cannot read this, and he cannot directly defend himself. I do worry over that bc it seems unfair. But at the same time, I’ve come to the point where I’m tired of just not talking about it and privately, politely trying to get people to stop when they make me uncomfortable in fandom. Other people deserve to have fun and feel safe in fandom, but so do I! The fic that a guy wants to read, or his feelings of guilt, or his desire to smooth things over and make me like him -- none of those things take precedence over my own sense of safety and comfort while playing around in a hobby, and the fact that he prioritized those things over my clear discomfort is the biggest red flag of all.
Also, I have him blocked for a reason. I will not be looking at or responding to any reply by him, and please do not try to ferry messages between us. I will block you, too, bc I will no longer be able to trust you to respect my boundaries. (Again, that’s something I had to deal with when I finally spoke up about the guy who’d been sending me upwards of 50 messages a day on like 10 different platforms, going to places I liked IRL to find “traces of me”, trying to become friends with my friends so we’d run into each other in social environments, and publicly planning play dates for our future children -- and it tore me to bits when I lost friends that way.)
thank you if you read all this, and I hope you have a good night.
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maritzaerwin · 4 years
How to Write a Follow-Up Email After Interview
Phew! All of your panic and anxiety are over. You have just finished your job interview and you can let out a big sigh of relief! But don’t get all too cozy just yet. There’s one more ordeal you have to follow-through to cement the good impression you’ve made  — send a follow-up email after the interview.
Why Interview Follow up Emails Are a Big Deal?
The small gesture of sending a quick thank you email after an interview can make a major difference in your odds of getting a callback.
There are several very clear reasons why you should always follow-up your interviews:
You show appreciation and re-confirm your eagerness to join the team.
Follow-up emails allow you to provide some extra information or share something you forgot to mention during your interview.
You can get closure and some extra peace of mind by asking the recruiter about your performance.
Lastly, you provide the HR with a quick reminder on your status — something the busy folks will always appreciate.
And no, sending a follow-up email after an interview does not make you look like a pest. On the contrary, it’s a courtesy most employers will genuinely appreciate!
When To Follow-Up After an Interview
This may be a bit of a bummer, but — there’s really no right or wrong timing. You’ll have to go in with your guts to decide when it’s the best time to follow-up on your interview.
But we do have several pointers that should help you zoom in on the right timing:
Sending a thank-you email can be done the same/next day the interview. In fact, 80% of HRs say they take thank-you notes into account when making hiring decisions. The same goes for a follow-up email after phone interviews. Keep both short and sweet. Recap the matters you’ve discussed, reconfirm your interest, and thank the interviewer for their time.
Go with the employer timeline. Most HRs will be the first to tell you when you can expect their decision. If you heard crickets from them within that time, take it as a sign to follow-up.
If else, send the first follow-up in two weeks after the interview — usually, that’s a good timeline for larger companies to make their decision.
With all the whys and whens out of the way, let’s move to the more exciting part of actually writing a kicker follow-up email.
How to Write a Follow-Up Email After Interview (Sample Emails)
So you already know that you can send several types of interview follow-up emails — a thank-you email and a general follow-up email. On top of that, you can follow-up to accomplish several different things:
Reconfirm your eagerness
Politely request an update
Bring up new information
Address some issue during the interview
Our team lined up several after-interview follow up email templates for all of these occasions. But before you swipe those, let’s recap some quick best practices of email etiquette:
Always set a positive tone with your email. Try to reinforce the reasons why you believe you are a good fit for the role on offer.
Keep your email short and on-point. Get to your purpose quickly and include a clear call-to-action in the end aka something you want the other party to do next (e.g. provide you with an update).
Include any valuable information that you didn’t get the time to pass on to your interviewer. You may have run out of time and failed to mention an example of where you demonstrated your skills as a team leader or how you devised a new workplace procedure that helped to improve productivity levels by 20%.
Clarify and answer any interview questions that you felt you didn’t answer very well. Interviewers know that job candidates get nervous during their interviews, so will understand if you occasionally stumble over an answer.
Sample Thank You Email After Interview
While as much as 80% of HRs value receiving a thank you email post-interview, only 24% of candidates actually go about sending one, according to the above-mentioned survey.
It’s a shame because thank you notes are easy-to-write and delightful-to-send. Plus, doing so helps to keep your interview fresh in the minds of the employer. Your email, popping up in their inbox, can act as a powerful memory jolt after a few days of back-to-back interviews.
This may be obvious, but it’s best to be stated: send a thank you email to the person you’ve had an interview with and the recruiter who set you up. If you forgot to make a note of the name of your interviewer on the day, you could look them up on the company website and find their contact email. CC both email addresses.
Now comes your letter:
Subject line: Re: Interview on Thursday 12th at 10 AM
Subject line: Thank you for my interview on 12th September
[HR Name], 
I’d like to thank you for organizing the interview for me on 12th September for the position of (insert the job title here). Meeting you in-person was absolutely delightful and I appreciated the intro you gave about the company. 
[Interviewer name, if different], it was very pleasant to meet you too. I hope that you found our conversation as productive as I did. 
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any further information from me. 
[Your Name]
Sending a straight-forward thank you message such as this and finishing off your email with an open offer for them to contact you for more information will show the employer that following your interview you are still interested in the job. It also keeps the lines of communication open between you and the employer.
Second Follow Up Email After Interview
After you’ve dispatched your thank you note, mark your calendar for the next interview follow up email — a more substantial reminder that could reinforce and support your job application.
A second follow up email after an interview can be a great avenue for resolving any issues you may have or merely ask about the status of your application.
Here are several samples you can use, depending on the occasion.
General Follow Up Email To Send in One or Two Weeks After the Interview
Let’s look at a sample email that you can tweak to match your case. This is a straightforward template that you can use where you felt everything went OK during your interview.
Use your follow-up as an opportunity to present any extra information that you feel is crucial to your recruitment chances:
Hello [Name],
I am following up concerning my job interview on (date and time) for the position of (job title). Please could you update me with your progress and let me know if there is any more information that you would like me to supply in support of my application?
Since we last spoke, I have also started looking into [software X] that your company is using for customer support and already completed an Intro training module.
Anyhow, I would like to confirm that I am still interested in the position and look forward to hearing back from you.
Once again – thank you for your time and consideration of me for this position with your company.
[Your Name]
Sample Follow Up Email Addressing an Interview Issue
If you feel that you didn’t give the best answer to some interview questions or suddenly remembered another interesting data bit, use your follow-up email to bring this up.
Hello [Name],
I hope everything is well at your end. I just wanted to follow-up on the status of my application for [job title].
Also, I remembered that during our interview on [date], you’ve asked me about how I was dealing with [some common problem] in my current role. Recently, I tried [an idea or solution], and it [created a positive outcome, backed by data]. 
Perhaps this is something we can also discuss during the next interview?
[Your Name]
Pro tip: Send your email as a reply to an already established email thread that you have with the employer. This means that you stand a better chance of getting your email opened quickly as it looks like a continuation of an established conversation rather than a brand new one.
Sample Follow Up Email Requesting an Update
Lastly, if a potential employer didn’t follow-through on their promise to update you on your interview within the pre-agreed timeline, it’s your sacred duty to follow-up. First of all, everyone deserves closure and you can get one. Secondly, things can often fall through the cracks and the busy HR may have just forgotten to update you on time. So if your goal is to politely nudge the other party, try this template:
Hello [Name],
Haven’t heard from you since our last interview on [date] for [job position]. I don’t want to rush your decision-making, but wanted to check-in if you have any updates regarding my application?
I’m still very much interested in working at [Company name] and feel confident that I could be a great asset to the team.
Look forward to an update from you.
Writing Winning Follow-Up Emails isn’t Rocket Science
The whole purpose of sending a follow-up email after your job interview is to emphasize your value to the employer and prompt them to update you with their decision. It’s a simple step many job candidates fail to make. So don’t be among those!
You now have the tips and templates for writing on-point and impactful follow-up emails for different scenarios!
This article has been originally published on March 11, 2019 and has been extensively revised and updated on September 8, 2020.
The post How to Write a Follow-Up Email After Interview appeared first on Freesumes.com.
How to Write a Follow-Up Email After Interview published first on https://skillsireweb.tumblr.com/
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kateemmerson · 4 years
I’m going against the grain - step away from all the online offerings
DATED 2nd April 2020 – amidst all the chaos I’m going against the grain here with a message from my heart to yours…
You do NOT have to say YES to every single thing, course, challenge, FB live or meeting request you see wafting past your nose online.
Step away!
PLEASE STOP SIGNING UP FOR EVERYTHING THAT YOU SEE ON OFFER ONLINE. Yes, including any of mine. I never suggest anything unless it also holds true for me!
Today is simply a short message – nothing to buy, click or sign up for. Phew, you can relax.
I have been working online, (with an old fashioned landline and Skype originally) for most of my 17 years as a coach, and right now everyone is naturally scrambling to get online. It’s pure survival out there to keep businesses going, I get it. But it also doesn’t mean YOU have to do it all!
While I believe most folk are offering services and products with good intention (lots of wonderful free stuff emerging, or very reduced prices – how wonderful) and we are all wanting to be of support to our communities, you do NOT need to be signing up for 10 different challenges or online courses right now.
Choose who and what you wish to support. Intentionally. My message today is to give you permission to say NO to all the noise out there. Otherwise, it’s only serving to ramp up potential feelings of heightened obligation, FOMO, guilt and “I just feel bad I’m not supporting them”.
Just this morning I told one of my very good friends that I would NOT be doing her awesome challenge (and it really is an awesome fitness one) as I have my own daily exercise/meditation routine locked in my body after traveling for 4 years. I also said that I am so proud of her and what she’s offering to her clients. Just not for me at this time. And then I breathed a bit deeper to have it OFF my list.
You see the problem is that you are probably replacing one busy-ness with another form. A different type of addiction. After all, you have been through and are facing, is that really going to cut it for you? All those things you have been wanting to do but blamed work or commuting, meetings or bosses for the reason you couldn’t nap every day, or garden or finish that book – so is staying BUSY BUSY BUSY by signing up to EVERYTHING on offer really what you need to be doing at this challenging time?
What if this (both marvellous and horrendous) time is more about finding a new set point, listening more (to self and others) going quiet, within, still, reflecting? Not just one looooong list of things to DO every day.
It’s about health, rest, family and connection. Staying safe above all else. Helping others where you can. Not contributing to all the noise. Shhhh – find that core of quiet inside.
Do you really need to know how to make pasta pockets filled with sea urchin and wasabi, or how to make yourself look like Kim whatshername?
This is a great time to UNSUBSCRIBE off channels, newsletters, courses and anything else you don’t read but clogs your inbox (including mine if I am not your vibe)
What if you are super cool just the way you are – enjoying more time to BE with yourself and your family (even if that means connecting virtually). Figuring out what really matters. Naps Reading Resting and staring out the window Figuring online food delivery (reality!) Dancing to silly songs Laughing Space – if you have the luxury of it! Doing what you feel INSPIRED to do – not tick off your list
I am encouraging you (and myself) to be super mindful of how many challenges we sign up for as each one requires so much commitment and vooma. Well to do it properly, doesn’t it? If you know me, I am always about quality over quantity and one done to maximum effort is better in every way that 5 half-a$$ed ones.
I am suggesting a maximum of three (max!!!) to keep body brain and heart strong. You could think of the categories you really do need support with – exercise/eating/energy OR creativity/mindset/inspiration/mental health OR business/brand/work or book goals.
Rather do less and do it properly Pick just one and make it matter OR three and nail them But not ten and feel bad!
Stay safe and sane Kate and reach out if you need to. Love Kate
I’m going against the grain – step away from all the online offerings was originally published on Kate Emmerson - The Quick Shift Deva
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