#these were fun to answer!
agent-darkfest · 6 months
Arabian knights: Other than wish granting, what powers do Sun and Moon have
Metal Rock AU: How do Sun and Moon (and maybe Eclipse if that's okay) react to fangirls at meet and greets? How do they react to fan boys? (I don't know if fanboys and fangirls have a difference in behavior lol)
Ooooooo, fun questions! These are gonna be interesting to answer! And questions for my Metal Rock AU as well!? How exciting!!!
Ok, so… this is gonna be a bit long, so I’ll put it under the cut.
Arabian Knights AU: Besides the ability of "wish granting" (I’m working on a comic to elaborate on the term, the Jinn actually refer to it as "granting favors"), Sun and Moon do have other abilities! So Sun and Moon are both Marids which are Jinn that have powerful magic and have been known to transform into Giants. However, Sun and Moon come from different tribes, so they naturally have different types of abilities. Sun’s tribe is known for the ability to shapeshift into any living creature, except animals that take flight. Moon’s tribe is know for the ability of flight and speed. In addition, the Jinn are more connected to the natural world so they have the ability to manipulate the elements. Another innate ability is that they are invisible to humans unless they show themselves. So let’s say that what might be two Marid Jinn giants fighting in the desert, to us it may just look like a violent sandstorm. But one thing to remember is that as a Jinni or a Djinn, their power is bound and limited.
Now, for the other half of the ask.
Metal Rock AU: So what’s interesting is that Sun and Moon were originally theater bots, so they LOVE performing for an audience. However, when it comes to one-on-one interactions with people it’s a little more complicated since they are currently Daycare Attendants and spend most of their time interacting with kids, not adults (their AI has not learned how to do this very well yet). Thankfully they have the glamrocks to give them a few tips on how to deal with the fans. But the way I see it, Sun enjoys the attention of the fans, he likes heavy stimulation so having a lot of fans wanting to interact with him (autographs, photos, interviews, etc.) would make him very happy. However, if they get too wild he starts getting overwhelmed and his anxiety starts kicking in, he’s good at riling people up and expending people’s energy (mostly kids), but not calming them down. I imagine at a meet and greet he would be really happy, but if a fan tries something, he may start getting nervous and panicking. Now, Moon also enjoys the attention of the fans, but he tends to be more laid back. He is also very good at crowd control since he has a very calming effect on his fans. However, there is always a chance a few fans may go wild and cause a ruckus, which in turn may trigger his security protocol. Either way, they both try to do work around their AI protocols to deal with the fans better, it’s a learning experience for them. Also, let’s not forget they both have the Stage Manager to save them from any mishaps. :)
As for Eclipse… he comes later in the story and has the combined knowledge of what both Sun and Moon have learned. So he is actually the best with his fans. However… there appears to be some kind of g̸̞̋l̷̲̚ĩ̸͚ť̸̫c̷͚̏h̵̞̕ in his system that is causing some issues… but I’m sure it’s nothing serious. :)
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rosemirmir · 26 days
5, 6, and 11 for the fandom asks if you don't mind
something you see in fics a lot and love
I love whenever I see OOO writers incorporate bird behaviors with Ankh, its always delightful.
something you see in art a lot and love
Whenever Kamen Rider fanartists color the eyes of riders to make them based off their suits, thats the good stuff!!
if you're a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
Art wise I'm really proud of the recent Gotchard sendoff art I did! I spent a lot of time on it. I also am still really proud of the art I did surrounding Minato's backstory.
Fic wise I'll go with a different answer than what I normally go with, and say I'm still really proud of The Weight of It All, which is another thing I made around Minato's backstory and trauma.
(Ask Game)
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cityandking · 8 months
3, 5, 19 for dai, minah and vesper!
thanks my dear! // oc ask meme: roots edition
3. How did your OC feel the first time they left home? Why did they leave?
DAICHI — he felt nervous, definitely, but also a little proud. he was sure that the leavetaking was the right decision. it was when he was stationed at the northern garrison, so it was a part of his training and he'd known it was coming—he was nervous for the change in routine and structure and work, but he also knew what to expect and was looking forward to the chance to work and help and (im)prove himself. he even had a good couple months of routine before things went. well. you know. MINAH — felt miserable when she left home for the first time, alone and afraid and confused and overwhelmed. she left out of fear, and because she couldn't stay. VESPER — the first time vesper left home was when she was about eight or nine and her family moved from their countryside home to live in the family estate in Ostwick. her uncle had died and her father inherited his title, and vesper remembers the grief of it—not for her uncle's passing as much, because she hadn't known him well, but because her father was angry about the burden and nobody wanted to go and she missed the greenery and the space in the high stone city walls. even as a girl she'd known that the move—from country to city, from space to walls, from freedom to responsibility—was a cumbersome and unwelcome change, but she'd had no choice but to bear it. a lot of things in her life got worse after that move. the magic was the cherry on top.
5. What did your OC think their life would be like when they grew up? Has it lived up to that expectation?
DAICHI — dai thought he'd do his time at the garrison and move back to Skysong Keep and perform his duties and see his father on leave and go where the Skysinger sent him. it was a very simple, structured life, and he was content with it. it has... really truly not lived up to that at all, but he's grateful. that life seems such a small and sad thing now, and he's glad he's had the chance to learn and see and do more. MINAH — her life was meant to be a simple thing, lived according to her family and society's expectations. she'd get married, she'd be a good wife and eventually mother, she'd do her part to take care of her family and her community. it was going to be a proper, dutiful life. everything changed when the fire nation attacked her father died VESPER — vesper didn't think a lot about it, truth be told. she knew there were expectations placed on her as the daughter of a noble house, but when she was young that didn't really solidify into any specific kind of expectation. then her magic manifested and she knew she'd end up in a tower eventually, or on the run—but either way, not quite noble anymore. she gave up on deciding her own future in any meaningful way a long time ago. (the circle ended up being more palatable than she had expected, though she never loved it. the inquisition was a surprise)
19. What traditions or stories does your OC carry forward from their childhood to the rest of their life?
DAICHI — his father told (or read) him stories growing up, probably some mix of drow tales and folklore and battle exploits, and I think there's a bit of romanticism in there that has rubbed off on dai, even if he doesn't entirely realize it. there are a few smaller ones he picked up from his father or soldiers in camp as a boy—the way to be grateful for a meal, the right way to sit when he prays, how to fix his hair. it's all little things. MINAH — minah has honestly done her level best to shake off the stories and traditions of her childhood, but there are probably a few marcher superstitions she practices in an idle, reflexive sort of way. she also probably knows a bunch of handclap games actually. VESPER — when her family moved to ostwick and everyone got kind of miserable, she took to hanging out in the kitchens with their elvhen cook, and vesper picked up so many tales and stories and traditions from that old elf. she remembers most of them; it was the start of her interest in the more esoteric and historical stuff that she spent a bunch of time with in the circle. listening to solas' stories takes her back, a bit. it's nice.
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holopossums · 2 months
hi, hope your doing great :D what about 1, 8 and 32 for the tmnt ask game
Hello! I'm doing alright, thanks for your good wishes c:
TMNT Ask Game
1.) What was your first exposure to TMNT?
I'm a 4Kids!er, which means that my first exposure was the 2003 show. At the time I was more interested in other franchises like Transformers and Sonic, but I did catch some of 03 on TV. I really didn't pay much attention though and always got the turtles mixed up because I was a dumb kid and couldn't remember the color-coding. But it holds a special place in my heart for nostalgia reasons.
8.) Which turtle is usually your favorite?
This one is easy! In most iterations it's Raph. Something about being a snappy, cynical guy with anger issues resonates with me (or is at the least very entertaining). In Rise Raph's case, being protective and older sibling-like also resonates with me.
32.) What was the first thing you've made for TMNT?
Art-wise, it's this. Strange how my style and understanding of how to draw has evolved so much. It's wild looking at it now.
Writing-wise, technically I started doing TMNT roleplay on Discord years ago, but I can't share those. So my first instance of writing I put out to the public is my Radiant Souls fic that I started a year ago and is ongoing.
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honeyjars-sims · 1 year
Ask game! #12, 13, and and 28
Thanks for the ask!
12. A lot of people talk about what’s NOT in the sims 4 that they wish was, but what is your favorite feature that IS in the sims 4 (from base game or a pack)? I think what separates TS4 from the previous franchises for me is the ability to multitask. I remember being amazed that you could watch TV, eat dinner, and have a conversation at the same time the first time I played.
13. How long have you been playing the Sims and how did you get into it? I started with the first Sims game not long after it was released. My brother and I shared a computer and liked playing games together, so we decided to try The Sims. The novelty wore off for him pretty quickly, but I was hooked. Some of the Sims I made back then were early prototypes for some of the Sims I play today!
28. How do you choose your sims’ traits, aspiration, and/or career? I either go in with a clear idea of what a Sim's story will be or I figure it out when I'm making them in CAS. Then I figure out what traits go best with their story. The aspirations and career are usually based on the traits I give them. Sometimes I start out with a plan but end up in a completely different direction, even after playing with a Sim for a while (Bonnie, Solomon, and Chantal were all very different characters to start with).
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choicesmc · 7 months
you can answer for any of your ocs, how many ever times you'd like ^^
you know how sometimes superheroes have the most mundane, most common weaknesses? like superman's got his kryptonite, aquaman's got 'lack of water', you get the idea. so if your character is somehow a superhero of sorts (or just someone with powers, prowess, etc, needn't be all "sci-fi-y") what is the silliest weakness you can come up with for them? and how does it affect their everyday life? for eg, do they have to concoct a complicated morning routine because they're allergic to alarm clocks? what if they are fatal/have a weakness to the material their tyres/tires are made of, so if their car breaks down somewhere, they'd have to rely on an overcomplicated way to get to work/school/home etc?
the world's destroyed, your character goes through a massive career/life change from what they were before to being the designated city planner (think of it as a Sims situation). besides the obvious - constructing houses, etc, what is the first project they get to first? maybe something related to their old career/life? maybe something whimsical like a detailed amusement park? a giant utility store? also in the process of constructing their fav structure, how does that look like? do they take any inspirations from their favourite structures? do they go for simplistic designs or do they wish to experiment more (given it's a Sims-esque situation where infinite resources are available at their disposal)
thank you so much for answering!! <3
oH, EASY. Rams’ ability would be turning back time. No sweat. Only do it every four hours after a nice nap, though.(Defined as lasting 30+ minutes in length of uninterrupted sleep.) Which is frustrating. Now co has to make sure to sleep every night for at least 30 minutes. Co has to plan around co’s time restraints. Club activities? Nah, gotta make sure to take a nap. It literally just forces co to have a semi-healthy sleep schedule 😭
Fiona is so illusionist coded so that’s what he is. An illusionist. Downside: can’t illusion-up anything that already exists. So another Fiona? Nope, that exists. A tank? Considered to already exist. Where it gets funky is what counts as ‘already existing’ like current Fiona can’t be conjured but Fiona-if-I-never-went-to-law-school can! Tanks are out of the question but dragons are cool! (though not ones that ‘already exist’ like Ancalagon from LOTR) Fiona’ll have a fun time figuring out what’s covered and not covered and I think it’ll fascinate him and also drive him insane (no worries, he’s used to it —it’s just physics in a nutshell)   
Q2  RIN 
Gods Rin as a city planner is literally god sent. First things first would be housing (ofc) but next? Community centers. Everyone would have nice access to a local community center. Libraries are peppered everywhere and the public transport system would run like a well oiled machine and could take you everywhere no matter how far away it is. Basically, Rin’s ideal city would be really accessible without a car. 
Circling back to the community centers, Rin would pour so much into them. They’d have activities for all age groups and not just young children + elderly people. The floor plan would be pretty open, large windows, lots of natural light –that sort of thing. Though the building would only be a small part of it, there’s the outside properties and here Rin gets to have lots and lots of fun. 
Firstly, the landscape would be native plants. That means St Augustine grass will no longer exist in her city. That stuff can stay out of her life for good. Food forests? Also great. Great stuff that she’d like to incorporate on the premises. Something like a community garden would also be good but she has problems with how most are run and would have to tinker with the idea a bit. 
(honestly Rin would reshape society from the bottom up. Like she does not like the current state of things.)
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punch-love · 1 year
🌾 🌨️ 🍓 👒
🌾 book you would / have writ(t)e(n) fanfic for
I really want to write fanfiction for The Hollow Kingdom by Clare B. Dunkle aaand the first book I ever wrote fanfiction for was Warrior Cats when I was fourteen. I got my first taste of niche internet fame and got overwhelmed and never logged back into those accounts. I don't think I even posted on fanfiction.net and instead used niche fanfiction blogs to upload my stuff. I had my friend beta for me. I wrote a lot of comedy scripts.
🌨️ book you hate
I have a pretty stern "if I don't like this, I'm not finishing it" policy when it comes to books, so I'm trying to think of the last book I really, truly hated. I wouldn't say I hated it necessarily, but I was very disappointed by The Orc Prince trilogy. I love orcs and the forced/arranged marriage trope, but man, were the characters blah and the trope was so watered down. I DNF'd it pretty quickly into the second chapter when I realized what I would be getting into.
🍓 worst thing you've done to your characters
This question reminds me of talking about my OCs with my friends when I was fourteen lol I don't really get into the whole "I'm so sadistic to my characters >:3" mindset anymore but I think probably letting them suffer the natural consequences of their actions.
👒 nicest thing you've done to your characters
I am pretty strict on my "happy endings only" policy when it comes to long work especially so, probably the mutual assurance that things are going to get better.
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heartlessfujoshi · 1 year
thanks for the tag @harleyshahas
Last song(s): Last song I listened to was this killer arrangement of the third movement from Beethoven's Moonlight sonata by 8-bit Big Band which you can find here. Before that, though, I've been listening to random mixes of Citypop, as I really love that genre of music. Currently watching: There is too much that I'm watching. New shows - Harley Quinn, Only Murders in the Building, and WWDITS. When I don't have a new episode of something to watch, I'm working my way through another rewatch of 'Schitt's Creek'. I'm up to s4 now. Will probably finish Rebels s4 in prep for Ahsoka which comes out very soon. Like I said - way too much lmao. Currently reading: I was reading Wolves of Calla by Stephen King, but was getting a little bored by the end of the 2nd act, so I switched to rereading Kuroshitsuji. I'm up to the Weston Arc now (gah I can't wait to see it animated next year!). Current obsession: Good Omens 2. 100%. I cannot get enough of both Aziraphale and Crowley. These two both make me happy and break my heart at the same time. It's nice to have something like this again, as it's been a bit since I felt this way about a fandom.
Okay, if you want to play, cool. Don't worry if you don't! I'll tag: @xbittersweet-nostalgiax @herzblutrose @clinic-crew @lavendartwine and @lockescoles
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bestdressedchuuya · 1 year
for the anon ask thing- what's your favourite piece of clothing that you own? for an additional question- what's you favourite accessory?
Oooh both good questions! Favourite piece of clothing is a little tricky... for now I'll say my Silent Hill 2 Dog Ending t-shirt, but my mp100 sweater, and my plaid lumberjack shirt are both top contenders 🤔🤔 (I would attach pics, but all three of them are in the laundry right now lmao)
As for fave accessory... there's a few pairs of earrings I really like but I've gotta go with my watch. It's a Bulova that my parents got me as a high school graduation gift back in 2015, and I wear it pretty much every single day. It's by far the classiest thing I own and I'm really proud of it :)
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It might be hard to tell in the pic, but the dial has a slight iridescent mother of pearl thing going on, which is very pretty to look at ♡
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lavenderleahy · 2 months
3 things ask: Favorite book? Favorite comfort food? Favorite piece of clothing that you'll never get rid of?
1. Never ask a reader their favorite book!! There's too many to choose from! I'm going to answer this in categories so I can share more than one ;)
Sci-fi: Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
YA: The Toll by Neal Shusterman
Easy/comfort read: The Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis
Classic: Sense & Sensibility by Jane Austen
Makes me cry: The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
Fantasy series: Mistborn (Eras 1 and 2) by Brandon Sanderson
2. Mac & cheese. I'm lactose intolerant but have thankfully found a good dairy free alternative.
3. I have a button-up knitted jacket that I think I purchased in 7th or 8th grade? Like 15 years ago. I don't wear it super often anymore but I always find myself needing it eventually, so it will always stay in my closet.
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wammbam · 5 months
#8, 11, and 19 for the ask meme please?
8. what project(s) are you currently working on?
currently there are about 3 starts wips in my drive! the top of my list is the drag au i have set up (it was second in my poll, so ill be working on that until im ready to post) idk if this counts as a project or not but @seth-franklin-rollins and i have been trading omegaverse snippets back and forth a lot so thats all mulling around in my brain. (joepunk and beyond honestly) so there might be more of that? stay tuned? let me know what y'all think?
11. do you have specific playlists for writing fics?
i have a few! i posted the playlist i have for drag seth and i have a overall bcc playlist. i tend to group far more broadly than by fic, so there are a lot of moods in each (my bcc playlists extends to songs that relate to people like danny or even the shield, so its not just one ship or idea when i make playlists
19. give us a small teaser from one of your wips.
heres a bit of bondage bcc cause ive honestly had it in my brain for months and haven't had the energy to do much with it
bryan gives him a mean smack to the stomach for his fidgeting. the tingle of it makes a sharp noise escape around the leather covering his mouth, which is followed by a deep groan when he feels a finger trail down the underside of his dick.  “i like how he gets.” it’s cruel. but bryan is almost always this side of mean when they do this, so yuta only closes his eyes at it. doesn't whine or move like he would if he was three orgasms in and had a dick in him.
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marsipain · 27 days
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Norwegian Mikus :)
Left is Miku as a russ and right is Miku in a bunad!
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nidbaesenpai · 21 days
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Dare you say this love could just save you
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sisaloofafump · 7 months
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I think about this quote everyday. You're right Arthur, they ARE best friends and it IS kind of adorable
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morskijez00 · 1 year
Hugh! 📂📂
Can do!
Hugh's actually gotten a little better at handling spicy food- not by much, and if he over does it again he's still just as liable to black out for a bit. But eating spicy food with his brothers has increased his tolerance, at least a little.
And... after the events of his lore game (and honestly some other games did not help this) Hugh's gotten a slight fear of heights. Or rather it's the fear of himself (or someone close to him) falling from a high place. Normally isn't an issue, but if the edge of a cliff seems unstable he'll pretty nervous about going too close. Though being with someone else does help a lot.
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blackfire5561 · 2 months
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Been thinking about Gavinners album covers lately
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