#these were two different concepts that showed up on my feed and i’m combining them lol but
akkivee · 2 years
i’ve been thinking about it since i saw a few tweets about it but i really like the idea that ichijiku’s speakers are also gates to a colosseum and she’s unleashing a beast on the warrior in the ring. it plays off the drbs which is why i like it but it’s also got mad beast tamer vibes, like how her motto calls men beasts and puts a spin on the beauty and the beast trope lol
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mybg3notebook · 3 years
Astarion Analysis
Disclaimer Game Version: All these analyses were made up to the game version v4.1.101.4425. As long as new content is added, and as long as I have free time for that, I will try to keep updating this information.
“Morals are all well and good, but power always wins.” 
“If all I want is shallow praise? Hardly, there is also gold, sex, revenge, quite the list, really. But failing any of those, I will always settle for shallow praise.”
The majority of sources used for this article are in the game itself (including Astarion-solo playthroughs) and the dev’s notes and datamined information provided by pjenn. Astarion as origin is (almost) not taken into account since it’s not finished and is highly unpolished. 
The itemised list will show some instances of approval or disapproval as seen in the game. To make the reading of this article easier and shorter, you can skip them since they are basically the proof I use to sustain the introductory concept of each block. 
We can infer a lot of Astarion by analysing what he approves and disapproves of. Sometimes, we can even lightly infer some information from his neutral reactions, but let’s be honest: this way of analysing a char is pretty poor since it leaves everything to speculation. Neutral reactions can only be analysed by contrasting the same situation in other contexts, and seeing what other options Astarion approves or disapproves of. With these considerations in mind, we can proceed to describe this character.
Disclaimer: this is a meta with my personal interpretation of the character, sticking as much as possible to the facts and leaving little to “desires” or “projections” of what I want him to be. If I do so, I will state it explicitly in the text for the sake of analysis honesty. I want to be clear about what is canon (facts shown in bg3 EA), from what’s personal interpretation with little proof.
Also, this list is extensive, gathering as much as I could in my many playthroughs, but I’m sure it’s not absolutely complete. Some details may have escaped to me, but honestly, I believe they will be easily fit in these blocks once the pattern has been seen.
Understanding Astarion by enumerating his reactions
Astarion is usually seen as a character whose behaviour is the embodiment of “randomness”, and after several Astarion-solo playthoughts, I began to see the patterns that showed little randomness in my opinion. 
We can say that he likes gratuitous cruelty and murder. He has a special taste for animal cruelty too. He is greedy, but mostly if it leads to murder or to make little people suffer. Sometimes this greedy side comes from the fact that he doesn’t like to “work for free”: most quests should have a reward for him to be neutral to them. Accepting them without asking anything in return tends to earn a disapproval. He is more reticent to humiliate or outsmart NPCs that may be potentially stronger and more powerful than him. 
[[1]] Situations showing his greed:
He supports the robbery of the fishermen that were helping the mind flayer (MF) after the crash. 
Astarion supports stealing the “magical” ring from the tiefling kid (Mattis). This could be seen also as a gesture of outsmarting a person or mere trickster behaviour (see below).
He supports asking for compensation from the deep gnome we saved at the windmill.
He agrees to force Tulla (dying gnome in the myconid camp) to give you her magical boots.
Denying Baelen the scrolls because “they don’t come cheap”.
He approves pickpocketing Mirkon while being lured by the harpies.
[[2]]Situations displaying plain murder or violence:
He supports joining Lae’zel against the tieflings if you persuade them to free her, since this means killing (which is always an entertainment for him) creatures he considers lesser.
He supports killing Gimblebok and his gang near the Jergal ruins if you avoid any attempt of persuasion. This can be shown as a demonstration of power. (see below)
He supports killing Kagha without trying to persuade her or change her ways, not because he thinks Arabella’s death was an aberration (he enjoyed the show, as his approval and later comment confirm it) but simply because he enjoys murder.
He supports attacking the goblin camp. It’s a great spectacle of murder combined with his personal dismiss towards goblinoid races.
He approves of joining Minthara and massacrating the tieflings. It’s another great spectacle of murder, but in this time, of weak people (He detests weak creatures, and despises Tieflings in general).
He approves of killing Lae’Zel in the scene where she attacks Tav during the night, out of fear of turning into MF.
He approves of killing Rugan in the hideout. 
Still related to this level of violence and cruelty, he supports learning more about Shar once Shadowheart explains Shar’s teachings, all about violence and death, fighting against the illusion of safety.
He approves killing Ellyka, the tiefling spying on the Gith patrol, if Tav is a Githyanki (true or disguised as) and chooses “Attack.”
He approves of helping Glut in massacring the whole Myconid colony.
He approves of sacrificing one of the companions to the fish-people who worship Booal.
He approves fighting the fake god Booal because it’s a massacre; where there is bloodshed, there is Astarion’s approval. 
For the same reason he approves killing the Githyanki patrol: pure bloodshed.
[[3]] Situations of gratuitous cruelty: I understand that a lot of people confuse this trait of his personality as a “trolling attitude”. There are different archetypes of tricksters in DnD, and he is not particularly the silly-funny one (e.i. Jester in Critical Role), but the cruel-funny one. His “pranks” don’t cause annoyance or silly troubles, they usually end up in murdering the person he is pranking, or causing them great pain. What he considers “funny” is always related to a lot of blood and suffering. Examples of this:
He disapproves of diffusing the situation between Aradin and Zevlor after the first goblin attack. He is “missing” his show. This situation is also related to enjoying humiliation of others (see below).
After letting Arka kill the goblin and take her revenge, Astarion will approve the comment that refugees are desperate and they will do anything. He is enjoying the show of despair of weak creatures. And he is also expecting for some of them to become survivalist beasts.
He approves of telling Kagha that you enjoyed the show of Arabella’s death as an answer to her question about if she is a monster.
He also approves of telling Arabella's parents that Kagha will release their daughter when the Rite of Thorns is completed (while Arabella, in fact, has been killed by Kagha's snake). This is another example of Evil Trickster, a prank with a really dark taste. This also shows that Astarion likes to give false hopes [One of the most iconic characteristic of Cazador]
He approves of telling the tiefling kids training with Wyll that they are going to die, inspiring that despair he enjoys to see in weak creatures. (see below)
He approves of breaking Alfira’s teacher’s lute, leaving the tiefling heartbroken because that had been the only memento she got from her teacher, and could not finish her tribute song.
Astarion approves of interrupting the goblinoid couple having sex, which he considers disgusting. After killing them, Astarion will support the idea that it was funny. Another example of Evil Trickster where the prank ends up with the death of the pranked one. But we also know Astarion despises goblinoid races.
He approves of killing Crusher after humiliating him.
He supports Tav who volunteers to torture Liam at the goblin camp.
He supports of laughing at Lorin (the elf trapped in Ethel’s house) after pretending to be the monster he sees (psychological torture). This example can be part of the list of humiliation too.
He states that seeing Mayrina’s horrified face after resurrecting her husband was funny. Another example of false hopes [One of the most iconic characteristics of Cazador] On the contrary, if Tav kills the undead afterwards, Astarion will disapprove, since he missed the “fun” of seeing Mayrina tortured. 
He enjoys every state of Abdirak’s torture upon Tav. This can be seen as a fine bloody show he is enjoying, or as a way to put Tav in a humiliating situation (as he approved the dung-smearing or the foot-kissing instances)
Using the leader gnoll Flind to attack her own gnolls earns his approval. Asking her to devour herself increases approval once more. This situation could also be seen as enjoyment of animal cruelty (since gnolls are considered animals by Astarion too) but also as the reflection of Astarion’s inner desire of becoming a Master of bending wills.
 Probably the most innocent prank so far we saw, he approves of doing Baaa at the redcaps in the Bog.
[[4]] As I said previously, he suports any form of animal cruelty:
He approves of kicking and killing the squirrel Timber in the Druid Grove. According to the dev’s notes, he is “shocked and annoyed” because “you stamped a squirrel to death when he could’ve eaten it.” (DEN_General_Squirrel)
He supports prodding to death the bird that Nettie was healing during the dialogue (you need Speak with Animals for this).
He supports freeing the Owlbear cub at the Goblin Camp, and feeding it later, because he wants to bite the owlbear cub eventually (he uses the word “delectable” to describe him, and when the owlbear escapes, Astarions states “You‘ve scared off the little snack.”)
When we find Halsin in his bear form, Astarion will have two instances of approval: the first one when Tav tells the goblin kids that throwing stones with sharp edges would hurt the animal more, and then when Tav themself joins the goblins in throwing rocks at Halsin. 
We can also add the confrontation with Flind, the Gnoll leader, as another example of animal cruelty since he approves a smart yet twisted way of killing her by double-using the tadpole. First to command her to attack the gnolls, and then to devour herself. However, since Gnolls are considered aberrations lore-wise, this point could be left aside in this particular case. 
If we take into consideration that Astarion sees Goblins, Kobolds, and Gnomes as animals, killing them always increases his approval. This happens when we kill, out of the blue, most goblin NPCs, or simply attack the camp. (Datamined content) He will also approve of killing slave gnomes in Duergar Encampment (place you find after the boat). All these moments can be also seen as “animal” cruelty if we take into account Astarion’s perspective.
He approves of killing Priestess Gut in the Goblin Camp. It could also be interpreted as his usual dismissal towards goblins (he sees them as animals), since he never believed that she could help them in the first place. Or this approval can fit perfectly fine the cruel, murderous aspect of Astarion. As I said, many approvals overlap different aspects of Astarion, but all seem to fit his patterns either way. 
I suspect that the reason behind this particular kind of cruelty comes from those two hundred years of torture, in which he had to drink animal blood. Considering he was such an unfair magistrate, directing his rage against the ones who are not the root of the problem seems fitting. 
[[5]] Astarion is filled with racial bias and prejudices. 
He only sees elves and humans as the only creatures capable of thinking. (Scene after the bite)
However, he has strong biases against a particular ethnic group of humans: Gurs. He thinks they are all cut-throat, and probably would approve the rest of stereotypes that Gandrel added in that scene. (Scene of meeting Gandrel)
He mocks halfling and dwarf Tavs, who he thinks are naturally weak, until they prove him wrong. (Stargaze scene for short-sized Tav)
He supports the idea that tieflings have demonic powers just because of their heritage. (Speaking with the Grove halfling seller). During the party, he compares the lives of the tieflings with the lives of the goblins as something of similar value (which we know he considers as animal).
He sees goblins, kobolds, and gnomes as animals. (Scene after the bite)
After killing the goblinoid couple which was having sex, if Tav choose to say that the situation made them scrub their eyes, Astarion would add and extra “dehumanizing” comment against gnomes. “I’ve seen worse. Gnomes can be… ughh.” (Scene of interrupting sex)
[[6]] He finds pleasure in humiliating people or in outsmarting them, especially if they are trying to outsmart Tav. He dislikes weakness and loves to humiliate weak people in particular.
He approves telling Lae’Zel to say “please” when we met her again in the cage, humiliating her. 
He disapproves of diffusing the situation between Aradin and Zevlor after the first goblin attack. We know he is “missing” his show where one of them is being humiliated.
Astarion approves of telling Elegis that she is pathetic for being scared of a few goblins. Once more, humiliation due to weakness. 
He disapproves of telling Arabella's parents that the Druids overreacted when speaking in the Druid Grove’s stairs. He is disapproving for defending a weak and silly creature who was not smart enough to survive on her own. 
Astarion supports stealing the “magical” ring from the tiefling kid. This is another situation of humiliation of a weak person and outsmarting them. This could be considered a prank of a more silly-funny trickster doing an innocent prank.
He approves of telling the tiefling kids that they are going to die.
He feels disappointed when Lae’Zel did not kill Zorru, the tiefling that she forces to kneel and confess where he saw the Gith patrol. He approves the psychological torture of the interrogation.
He enjoys interrupting the goblinoid couple having sex. This is an example of the prank cruel-funny trickster. This “prank” ends up with the goblinoid couple being killed.
Astarion approves of smearing dung in the guard's face at the goblin camp entrance. The show of seeing someone being humiliated is satisfying.
He supports booing and humiliating Volo off the stage in the goblin camp. 
He supports licking the goblin’s foot (It could also be considered a prank).
He supports kissing the goblin’s foot while stealing the ring. This situation puts two things he enjoys in the same place: the humiliation experienced by Tav and how the Crusher was outsmarted in the process. Astarion will approve if Crusher is the one humiliated and forced to kiss Tav’s foot. 
He approves of laughing at Lorin (the elf trapped in Ethel’s house) when the elf is scared of Tav who pretends to be the monster that’s torturing him.
Humiliating “low people'' is an important aspect of Astarion’s personality, since it’s a small petty pleasure he can have now, when during the last two hundred years it had been done to him. Humiliation has to do with power as well, another symbol tight to Astarion’s personality. Through humiliation Astarion can taste a little bit of power, that power he lacked for two hundred years. That power that, if his backstory is not retconned in future versions or in the full release game, he had before turning into a vampire, abusing those groups he considered less.
[[7]] If we think in power, we also have to think in manipulation. And of course, Astarion is a great master of it. Sometimes the events that stand out his taste for manipulation overlap with the ones displayed in the humiliation section.
Since the moment we meet Astarion, we know he keeps working in turning himself into a pleasant and useful companion for Tav. Astarion knows he has bigger chances to succeed and survive staying with this group. A lot of his “neutral” behaviours respond to this goal: he doesn’t want to enrage Tav to the point of being kicked out of the party, it’s not about a hidden gentle side inside he is showing with an apathetic neutrality, it’s, once more, raw preservation and survival. During the first scenes of the game, when we don’t know he is a vampire, Astarion tries to avoid taking a position in the situations we face: he is just feeling the ground all the time: with Sazza and with Arabella’s death is clear. He doesn’t judge hard, he is testing Tav, he is trying to understand their mind, and acting as pleasant as he can according to what he sees. It’s a natural use of manipulation to guarantee his survival in a group of strangers. During the bite scene—when this façade finally ends—he is truly nervous of being killed for his vampiric nature, and tries to convince Tav of keeping him in the group using arguments that go from seduction to practical usefulness. 
The scene of stargaze also shows his usage of seduction as a manipulative tool to guarantee his survival (he weponises seduction and sex). Although he says mostly the same, he reacts very differently in tone depending on Tav’s approach. If Tav is wary, Astarion will act encouraging their ego and enumerating several feats, while getting uncomfortably closer. If Tav is already interested in Astarion, the elf will use softer manners to keep the seduction into a more intimate tone. This is a scene of a predator tasting his future prey as well (Dev’s notes are pretty clear about his manipulation). In this scene, also, Astarion is light-headed because he has not drunk blood in a while, and has “his head foggy” (something we can repeat during his origin as a personal tag). Exact words he will use as a narrative hint during the bite scene. Therefore, this scene has little of “Astarion falling for Tav”, and has everything of vampiric hunger combined with a raw sense of survival and usage of seduction to guaranteed it.
(potential interpretation) He approves when he is persuaded into sharing his dream with Tav. In any other character, we usually would understand this as an approval for caring about the character himself. In that scenario, failing the approval doesn’t cause a penalty (unless the character understands this failure as prying, as it happens with Shadowheart). In Astarion’s case, when you fail this persuasion, you are penalised with a disapproval. We can understand this in the same way we see it with Shadowheart: this is his annoyance for prying into his personal business. But there is another interpretation in this disapproval: he recognised a bad execution of persuasion as a manipulative attempt, and Astarion is in particular very sensitive to manipulations and mind games (see point [12]). 
Most of his “romance” is manipulation as well, keeping in mind the first point of this section: he becomes pleasant for Tav, using whatever shape he needs, so he can survive (this is especially noticeable with a good-aligned Tav). Astarion has weaponised seduction and sex without any hint of subtetly for the player (As the Dev’s notes say: “For Astarion, this is a game of power - one he’s played many times before in the taverns of Baldur’s Gate, trying to lure people back to his master. He’s an old hand at seduction, very self-assured at first, but the player might not go along with the script he expects them to follow.”) We can assure that Astarion will find more satisfaction in having “fun” with a high-approval Tav rather than a low-approval Tav.
If Tav is not evil enough (and therefore has a low approval), Astarion will need to be the one inviting Tav to have sex (to be sure the control is still in his hand, still pushing for “catching” Tav). If a low-approval-Tav invites Astarion, he will decline saying that he “has standards'', implying he needs to be the one controlling the situation (he is basically playing “hard to catch”. Astarion already knows that he “caught” Tav in this scenario since Tav was the first one showing their interest). If Tav is evil-like (and has enough approval), Astarion will not only weaponise sex, he may express some degree of personal desire in having “fun” with Tav. After all, evil characters can like one another. In this case, he would accept Tav’s invitation for more hedonist reasons such as personal pleasure and not mere survival. Still it’s always present the layer of using this situation as a manipulative tool to have control on Tav.
Approves persuading Crusher without a fight, understanding it as an approval earnt for the good manipulation tool used. Of course this scene is combined with the natural approval that Astarion gives when outsmarting creatures he considers lower or animal-like (See point [6]). 
Successfully persuade Lae'Zel to "play along" when meeting the Githyanki patrol, and pull off the deception.
I personally found funny that Astarion, without the intention of the writer, is so good in his manipulations, that he broke the fourth wall and ended up manipulating a good amount of players as well into believing him. 
[[8]] He supports revenge in all its forms and degrees, which is not strange since it’s his main motivation against Cazador.
He approves of letting Arka kill Sazza in the cage as revenge for her brother’s death.
He approves of the attack against Nettie when she poisons Tav.
He approves of telling Edowin's siblings to find the beast that attacked him as a way to avenge the True Soul.
Astarion approves of Arabella’s mother killing Kagha at the party.
He approves of helping the Sovereign to take revenge against the Duergars that killed their young. However, it’s not clear if Astarion approves the revenge itself or the method proposed, which is, according to his own words, “a bit genocidal” and therefore more entertaining for him (we need to remember he enjoys the display of murder and violence in all its forms, [2,3]). 
He approves of helping Glut in massacring the whole Myconid colony, since according to Glut’s words, they saw Glut’s circle being killed by the Duergars and did nothing, so Glut is looking for revenge. 
[[9]] He doesn’t like to get involved in anyone’s problems unless you can obtain a benefit or a reward for it (this is directly connected to his greed aspect [1])
He approves of telling Mayrina’s brothers that they are on their own, and actively disapproves if Tav agrees to help them find Mayrina.
He approves of declining to help Halsin in killing the Goblin leaders.
He disapproves of helping Wyll to save the Tiefling refugees in the Grove.
He disapproves of helping Zevlor.
He disapproves of finding evidence that confirms that Kagha is working with Shadow Druids. He will additionally disapprove again if, after exposing her, Tav asks her to change her ways. From Astarion’s point of view, Tav is basically meddling too much in the Grove’s problems for free, and ruining all the instances where murder could happen. 
He also disapproves if Tav agrees to help the two Zhentarim humans that are attacked by gnolls without asking for compensation.
He approves of not getting involved in the rescue of the Duke when Tav speaks with Florrick
[[10]] Despite having been a slave, he lacks of empathy for those who shared his fate and, instead, he supports slavery:
If we take into consideration what Swen said about his background in one of the first playthough he showed, we know that Astarion, as a magistrate, used criminals as food for local vampires, and in an attempt to outsmart them, he began to sell them into slavery (we can see in this brief background that Astarion has been greedy and cruel before turning into a vampire).
Although he disapproves paying for Oskar, the painter in the Zhentarim Hideout, he does it because of the money. When Tav buys the painter and demands him to stay silent because “slaves should speak when they are spoken to”, Oskar will think this is a joke (which is not the case, since none of those options has, in this patch at least, a (performance) tag). When Tav reinforces the idea that this is not a joke, and Oskar is now a true slave, only then, Astarion will approve. 
When seeing one of the servant Duergars of the Myconite Colony, Astarion will comment on how useful they are, and how Underdark drows should learn about these creatures, since these slaves are more efficient than the standard ones. If Tav brings awareness about the contradiction that those thoughts cause coming from an ex-slave, Astarion will justify his thinking saying that they are husks without mind, claiming that his feelings “may be different, had they been conscious beings. Or maybe not.” He emphasises in this dual possibility. And we can be sure that he certainly would not care slavery on conscious creatures, as we confirm it later with Oskar (A human who is not a Gur, and therefore, a creature that Astarion consider thinking acceptable beings). 
(Datamined content) When reaching the Duergar Encampment, once Nere is rescued, there is approval for killing the slave gnomes when the True Soul orders it. One can interpret that Astarion minds little for these slaves because they are gnomes, and therefore, animals.
[[11]] He looks for power and dominance, to have control over others and also as a way to guarantee his own freedom. 
In the discussion after every dream, Astarion supports the use of the tadpole's power in every opportunity, dismissing their effects. He is thrilling for the ability of bending everyone’s will (curious note, this is one of Cazador’s characteristics most hated by him)
He approves of letting the Koa-Toes bow before them as the Booal's chosen. This scene can be understood as a typical prank of a trickster, but also as a taste for being adored as a master/entity with more power. This scene shows that he and Tav are placed in the “Master” position. This reinforces the idea that Astarion wants to be a Master/Cazador, eventually. (Check post about Astarion and Power 1 and 2)
If Tav claims that the worship to them as True Souls can be useful after letting Edowin’s siblings leave, Astarion will approve. He shows in every instance more delight for having Cazador’s powers, making emphasis in the mind control ability, again.
Astarion approves of keeping the Necromancy of Thay tome. As we see later in his scene, he believes that there is something powerful hidden in it that may help him against Cazador. He wants to muster all the power of any kind he can.
Astarion approves of sparing Auntie Ethel’s life when she surrenders during battle because she will grant them power in exchange. He wants to muster all the power of any kind he can.
[[12]] Astarion is particularly sensitive to mind control. His expressions and the tone of his voice against any type of mind control are filled with feral ire (video here): 
He is angrily affected by the movements of his worm in his own head, 
He screams against Ethel’s control when using the mask, 
The insults at the harpies when he is lured, 
The way he is annoyed by the telepathic spores in the Underdark, 
He disapproves failed attempts of persuasion (understood by his character as failed, obvious attempts of manipulations). 
And, potentially, this is the reason why he disapproves of Priestess Gut cleaning Tav’s mind.
[[13]] Because he likes power, he also likes the demonstration of power whether his own or his allies’, therefore he likes most intimidation options in general
He approves of intimidating Gimblebok and the gang near the ruins. 
He approves of intimidating or provoking both Aradin and Zevlor at the Druid Grove.
At camp, when discussing preferred methods of death, he approves if Tav tells him "If I die, I'll take you with me." (after first picking "Try it and I'll spill your guts") . He also approves if Tav chooses a method of death (decapitation, knife, poison). Both options show resolve, strength, and freedom in deciding one’s fate. Since Astarion died at the hands of strangers, he values the freedom of choosing how to die. He will disapprove picking the option of letting others decide your death.
He approves if you intimidate the mirror into allowing passage.
[[14]] He is a survivalist character, and therefore, a lot of his approvals are related to elements that will guarantee his life, such as looking for his own freedom, the acceptance of his vampire nature, and the encouragement in looking for strong alliances or keeping alive strong individuals that can be useful as allies. 
He approves of being accepted with his vampire nature and allowing him to feed on Tav’s blood. He keeps approving if Tav defends him during the exchange of opinions in the camp. 
He approves if he has permission to feed on enemies. 
He approves of killing Gandrel. This approval is also mere raw survival.
He approves if during sex, Tav allows him to drink their blood. 
He disapproves of promising Nettie to take Wyvern Poison if you feel symptoms of the Tadpole, since it goes against his survival instinct.
When Lae’Zel is killed by the Gith patrol, he will state in banter that it was a waste since Lae’Zel was a powerful/strong specimen, so clearly he is lamenting the loss of a powerful ally. 
Despite appreciating his freedom, he has explicitly stated that he “would choose servitude over oblivion any day”, showing how extremely survivalist he can be.
[[15]] He likes to find a solution to their tadpole problem using unconventional ways, or at least, using options that may lead him to the twisted solution he needs (which is not exactly being cured of the tadpole, but to control it, he certainly needs more exceptional means)
He approves of telling Auntie Ethel about the tadpole in the Druid Grove simply because she “looks lunatic”.
At first, Astarion disapproves of Raphael's invitation to remove the Tadpole, claiming that he would not change one master for another. However, when the situation starts looking dire, he will approve of the idea, because anything “may be better than Cazador” adding later that he “would choose servitude over oblivion any day.” 
A bit contradictory when he was the first one claiming that Raphael used mind games similar to Cazador’s, games they know they have won before starting.
[[16]] He has a “soft spot” for helping people to escape their masters or killing/rejecting people that can be seen as Masters. However it’s requirement that those escapees could be seen by Aastarion as strong and capable creatures. He would mind little for creatures he sees as underlings. (Weak concept, seeing it with squinted eyes)
He approves of helping Karlach to get rid of the Tyr followers, since they are in fact working for Zariel, Karlach’s previous master. With all what Karlach explained about her past, she certainly qualifies as a strong person who is trying to get rid of her master.
He disapproves of Tav who tells Raphael that they would do anything to remove the Tadpole. This is probably resounding in Astarion: his past bad choice when he was at death's door due to the Gur attack and Cazador appeared to “save” him. He knows that going to that extent has poor results.
Astarion approves of Tav if they say that they won’t become Raphael's pawn (conversation in the camp after the encounter with Raphael). It’s true that when the other options narrow, Astarion starts to consider the possibility of changing a vampiric master for an infernal one.
This post was written on April 2021.
→ For more Astarion: Analysis Series Index
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What are your thoughts on Near and Mello (Death Note)? You don’t seem to like them as characters
I was about to say that I don’t necessarily dislike them, but, honestly, I do. I really really do.
And hey, look at that, I get to offend an entirely new fandom. 
To be honest though I’m not even sure where to begin.
I suppose I’ll start with the concept of the orphan heirs to the title of L.
Wammy’s Dog Fighting Arena for Boys
Death Note is a fantastic and brilliant anime, however, every once in a while more general anime tropes sneak through and cause it to fall flat on its face. We have L, who for reasons is a sugar addicted man child (well, I actually have thoughts on L, who I quite like, but my theory is that he is the way he is because he’s a jackass who fully intends to be that off putting).
The Wammy orphan bit is the worst of this. We have an orphanage of... children competing for the title of L, an anonymous detective that Watari made up. These children are all super serial geniuses who are even weirder and less socially adjusted than L. Just, kill me.
Even the premise for why they exist is bad. The authors’ in the Death Note guide admit that, when they realized they were going to kill off L, they realized they had a major problem. They didn’t want a repeat arc with another L as a nemesis, SO THEY BROUGHT US TWO Ls, THAT’S COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!
Why I call it anime derp is that the whole ridiculous Wammy’s concept is never addressed. Wammy’s existence, the little we do know of L’s backstory, makes Watari the level of skeevy reserved for manipulative Dumbledore.
The man uses these children and pits them against each other in a high stakes intellectual environment where they stake their entire worth on their still developing intelligence.
In canon, we see what this has done to Mello, L, Matt, and Near. All of them are completely messed up human beings and they either die or never get better. L is an utter jackass who cares very little about justice. Mello becomes an actual gangster and uses the Death Note to make hits on rival gang members (not to mention Sayu, but we’ll get into that). Matt also becomes a gang member and kidnaps multiple women. Near cannot function, at all, in society and when we catch up to him ten years later in that hilariterrible one-shot he’s gotten even worse.
If we’re taking LABB as canon then you have Beyond Birthday who becomes a serial murderer and lights himself on fire in a desperate, insane, attempt to show up L. We have reference to A who killed himself under the pressure of trying to become L. 
We can presume there’s been other orphaned children, who had nowhere else to go and no one to protect them, that Wammy just destroyed so that he could have Batman.
Death Note, however, never touches this with a ten foot pole.
Instead these are our weird and quirky band of heroes who are so weird because... it’s anime and we like weird! Weird means you’re a super genius! Yay genius orphanage!
So, right at the very idea of Wammy’s existing, they already have to win me back. Mello and Near do not win me back.
Mello is a Thug
We’re supposed to feel very bad for Mello, he’s always been second to Near and this messes him up, and he leaves to try and find his own path. I’d say god bless him, you go Mello, except his own path turns out to become a gangster.
Mello’s not a remotely good guy.
Just because he’s pitted himself against Light, and tells us he’s sticking it to Kira and Near at the same time, does not make him remotely good. And that’s what irks me about him, Mello is a great skeezy character, but the story actively wants me to think he’s the hero.
It’s sort of like trying to convince me that Kylo-Ren is secretly a great guy. It’s really hard to sell me on that when we watch Mello in real time and, more, why are we even bothering? Let Mello be the scumbag he is.
First, Mello steals a weapon of mass destruction and immediately begins using it. It’s not about solving the Kira case for him, or at least, it’s certainly not about stopping Kira. It’s about showing up Near, L, and all those who never believed in him. 
That Mello, first, not only steals the notebook from the government, but then gets it into the hands of gangsters, AND THEN USES IT TO ASSASSINATE HIS RIVALS. Well, suffice to say, you do you Mello.
More, this is a guy who tortures, murders, and probably rapes multiple people to get this to happen. Mello’s attempts to retrieve the notebook start with the kidnapping of Japan’s head of the police force. He then kidnaps Light Yagami’s younger sister and... Something very bad happens to Sayu.
We never get confirmed what happen, we don’t see much of her in captivity or much after, however immediately after the events we see her in a wheelchair. At the end of the series, Sayu is catatonic and barely able to express emotion.
It’s highly implied she was raped.
With the kidnapping of Takada, regardless of what you think of her... Nothing good was going to come of that. Mello resorts to the tactics of terrorists just so he can prove he’s a big man.
Further, Mello’s brilliance is never really that brilliant. Yes, he gets the notebook (though notably does not hold it long and loses his name in the process). However, his big win at the end is supposed to be him having realized Mikami would mess up were he to kidnap Takada. He had no guarantee of this, frankly, I think he was just kidnapping Takada in an act of desperation. Because that’s what Mello does when he runs out of ideas: he kidnaps people close to Light Yagami and sees what happens.
This gets both him and Matt brutally killed.
Near’s a Moron
Near is so weird and so maladjusted, my god, and he’s such a pretentious ass. He’s just... knock off L in every way. Which, granted, is kind of what he’s supposed to be. Except that the story never capitalizes on this. 
We see hints of it, Near trying desperately to live up to L’s name and mantle, but it never really delves into it.
More, what we do see of Near’s plans...
I really want to go into the one-shot epilogue, because that said so much about Near, but I’ll resist.
Instead I’ll note that L was 13 days from proving Light’s guilt. It takes Near and Mello combined five years, and Mikami’s dumb ass, to get to the same place. And even then, they nearly all died if Matsuda had been a worse shot.
Near has no idea that he’s nowhere near as brilliant as L. Instead, he gives us the world’s most hamfisted, frustrating, lecture at the end of the series where he tells us that Light was so stupid and that together he and Mello triumphed over evil.
Good for you, Near, I’m so happy for you.
I Just Don’t See the Point of Them
The second half of Death Note, in general, is a slough. It’s not just me saying this, you ask the majority of the fanbase, and they’ll admit it all goes downhill with L’s death.
I think the authors desperately wanted to avoid writing the dystopian politics of what would happen if Light won unopposed. They wanted a detective thriller, the trouble was, that story ended with L’s death.
So they try to feed us the same, but worse, story twice, and it just doesn’t work.
Personally, what I’d rather have seen is Matsuda and company slowly but surely realizing Light is Kira and Matsuda, in the end, having no choice but to assassinate him as they just cannot get any proof. It’s a very different story, but it would have been such a good story of betrayal that, again we sort of got hints of, but never really confronted.
Alternatively, keep Naomi Misora alive, and have her be the spearhead of brilliance we need. As it was, I am eternally sad/amused that she was killed off because she was too damn smart for the series (the authors admit she figured everything out too fast and as a result had to be eliminated).
Just, please, not genius orphan children. 
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heraldofzaun · 3 years
what are your thoughts on viktor and being neurodivergent? though like, obligatory disclaimer that if riot ever did come out and say that "hey! viktor is canonically [something]" that would be catastrophic but i think it is a little bit of fun for consideration
Oh! Well I like to think he's autistic, which is partially because I am too. (Of course in canon it would be catastrophic because haha, oh man, look at how they've treated Blitzcrank's biographies ever since they gave him an updated one. There's some coding in there, alright, and I am... not a fan...)
I’ve posted a lot of long posts recently (this is no exception) and this is also on a kind of tricky subject, so I’m readmore’ing it.
So anyways, while I have to admit that some of the reason why (my) Viktor is autistic is because I am - I think that you can make a general semi-convincing argument. Or I'm so wrapped up in my own interpretations that I can, at the least. Anyways, from here on out when I say Viktor I mean my personal take. Your mileage may vary on applying this to other interpretations.
(Also, thoughts on new lore Jayce's being kind of coded to be like, a stereotypical autistic dude? (If you have any I mean.) I don't like that Riot is doing it, of course, but I've seen a few good rehabilitative takes on it in fandom. @hamartio's Jayce springs to mind, because their Jayce has been developed over the years and also written by someone who like. Cares. Anyways, I have my own personal Jayce ideas that rely on his old lore so he's not really an asshole there, at least in those regards, so I don't really have many thoughts on new Jayce. I think new Viktor is... pretty coded as well, but it’s also insanely stereotypical. The whole “always working, always wants certainty, gets into automation not because he (primarily) wants to help those injured by catastrophes in Zaun but because the catastrophes interrupt his work” thing makes me uncomfortable. Maybe I’ll write sometime on why the rewrite of his lore fails, in my opinion, to hit upon the same themes of his first - would that be of interest to folks? Anyways, this parenthetical is too long.)
I think that autistic Viktor is cool and makes sense, somewhat because of the fact that the ways he goes about solving his problems are, er, unorthodox. (Of course I am not saying that the GE is because he’s autistic, because that’s stupid. This is why I’m kind of squirrely about talking so openly about what I think Viktor’s got going on, and why I don’t really trust if a non-autistic person headcanons him as autistic. There’s a lot of room for that headcanon to just reinforce the “autistic people are supergeniuses with no emotions that work based off of Facts and Logic” trope, and I hate that.) Since a lot of autism is about feeling adrift from/at odds with neurotypical society, I think that Viktor’s general solutions and also his idealistic leanings in the face of everything Zaun is tracks for that. Roboticization makes sense as a way to stop suffering and death, because it’s more achievable than individual feats of immortality through magic or whatever. Viktor doesn’t really get why people would be so opposed to it - he’s made it clear that while he dislikes his own emotions and wants them gone, he doesn’t expect others to cast off theirs. (Maybe he expected that when he was in the thick of his emotional pain, mostly because he couldn’t imagine others choosing differently than he at the time, but not in the current day.)
Of course, externally, when the scary cyborg man who admits to cutting off his own limbs says “no, being a robot is cool, you can keep your emotions even”, any Zaunite (or any person) is going to interpret that as “he is definitely lying”. Viktor doesn’t quite make that leap. (I have thoughts on the whole Theory of Mind concept and I don’t mean to say that Viktor can’t empathize - he does, and does too much - with others, but I think that in this instance he just can’t quite understand sometimes why people don’t believe him.) He also doesn’t quite get why people would be so attached to the bodies that they’re currently in, especially if he can make a mechanical replica. Or why people might want to die and pass into non-existence after a life well lived. (To him, personally, there’s always more to do. Also he’s terrified of death but that’s another topic.)
I also think that Viktor’s empathy is of the hyper- rather than hypo- kind, partially because I feel like outside of self-advocacy groups the mere concept of autistic hyperempathy is seen as like... impossible? It’s also because he generally seems to be kind of an emotional guy in canon before Stanwick, what with the lore saying that “almost no trace of the original man remained” in reference to Viktor reemerging as someone without emotions. That, combined with the fact that he was described as having a “hope to better society” before everything went down, kind of makes me believe that he was a naive idealist type. (Again, not that autism makes you naive, but...) But yes, hyperempathy. Hence "no pain, no wars, no suffering, no death” being part of his ideology for the Glorious Evolution. He gets pretty ripped up about people being hurt, and it’s really only gotten worse over the years as he’s grasped the full scope of pain in the world.
Personally, I write pre-Stanwick-incident Viktor as someone who is still somewhat awkward with expressing emotion, but it’s not due to him not having them. It’s due to the fact that the ways in which he naturally expressed them and in which he interacted with the world were just... seen as odd/different/etc. (I don’t think Runeterra has an autism diagnosis or particularly excellent psychology, even in Piltover and Zaun, so he just gets the “you’re a weird dude” treatment for his entire life.) Stimming or smiling a certain way or talking a lot about his interests or, you know, the general autistic existence is weird to most people around him, as it unfortunately is in real life. So he’s more reserved until you actually know him, because he’s just masking all the time. (Fun fact about my Viktor: he’s pretty expressive under that actual mask of his. It helps to not have to micromanage expressions all the time when he isn’t experiencing a bout of flat affect due to [gestures vaguely at everything else going on with his mental state], although he sometimes feels poorly about not being able to manage himself. But that’s his issues, and I think it’s good for him to show emotion.)
Side note - Stanwick was able to do such a number on Viktor due to: a) Stanwick being very charismatic and manipulative, on top of being an actually smart man and scientist - he’s really a great example of a “good Zaunite”, in the sense of being good at being what the culture rewards, b) Viktor actively dealing with the death of his parents and Stanwick being an older adult who’d treated him kindly and had never seemed put-off by Viktor’s oddities, and c) Viktor not realizing that he’d get backstabbed, because yes he knows that that happens in academia but Stanwick’s nice. Whether or not the outcomes would have been the same if Viktor were more competent at being “a good Zaunite”... well, probably not. Viktor ended up where he did because of who he is.
(Secondary side note: Viktor has a very strong and very black-and-white sense of what’s right and wrong, as well as general black-and-white thinking. You can see how that would have... not helped in the situations he was put through.)
This is getting kind of rambling, but I guess the point of this is that Viktor’s wanting to remove his emotions may be cloaked in the language of them being “inefficient” or “unhelpful”, which would feed into autistic stereotypes, but it’s really more of a matter of them being too painful and raw for him to process. He feels too much and hurts too much, and no amount of positive emotions in the world will (in his mind) make up for the pain he’s felt and will feel. So it’s better to not feel anything at all, isn’t it? At least then you aren’t overwhelmed by it all.
Viktor just hasn’t fit in with Zaun for all his life, really. Not as an odd child who can tell you all about science-fiction and techmaturgy, not as an odd and reserved teenager/young adult, not as a bright young doctoral student still dealing with grief but trying to make the best of it, and... not as the Machine Herald. But now he’s given up on trying to fit in, for better or for worse.
(Other miscellaneous and less serious autistic thoughts on him: generally a pretty fixed diet, partially due to being autistic but also due to what’s easily available in Zaun + what agrees with his stomach. A fan of weight and pressure - I like to think that the reason his outfit is like that is that he finds it comforting, and also that he has a weighted blanket or two around. Special interests of general techmaturgy, robotics, and science-fiction. He can talk for hours about any of those, and has. Both his parents were mildly spectrum-y, his mother a little bit moreso, so they just kinda assumed that him being him was out-of-the-ordinary and a bit strange but not something “horribly wrong”. Oh! And his third arm, which is under a little less conscious control than the rest of him, still stims sometimes when he’s working or otherwise not paying attention to it.)
This was very long and jumped around a lot, because I find it hard to give a convincing paragraph-by-paragraph argument about exactly why I think that Viktor is autistic, or rather why I headcanon him as such. But hopefully it was interesting! I just have a lot of thoughts on him, as well as the general state of autistic-coded or perceived-as-autistic-by-individuals (both allistic and autistic) characters in media and so it’s very hard to do anything concise without branching out into discussing other topics.
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fostersffff · 3 years
Finished Season 4 of Castlevania: the Netflix, and thus the whole series! And I’ve got a lot to say!
Here’s the biggest observation for this season: I get the impression that they didn’t originally plan for this to be the final season. It feels like, at the start of Season 3 they believed they were going to have two more seasons, and then maybe by the time they started wrapping that up they were told they’ve been cut down to just one more, so they had to speed of the pace of Season 4 dramatically to make sure they could still hit the ending. I have no actual evidence to support this- I haven’t read any interviews or official comments to that effect- just a gut feeling based on aspects of the plot:
Biggest support of this is how quickly Saint Germaine is just like “ok I’m evil now”. He immediately submits to the random woman who tells him he’s gotta be evil to find his lady love, there’s one scene of him murdering a guy, and then he’s all-in on being a villain, complete with “I AM A GOD WHO FUCKS” monologuing.
In addition to Saint Germaine’s heel turn feeling half-baked, the Dracula’s resurrection plot in general really doesn’t feel all that important until the finale. Varney is a comic relief character, which in hindsight was completely intentional, but Ratko and Draken are just huge fighter dudes who weren’t involved with Dracula’s court during Season 2, but are very into bringing him back for reasons that are never clearly explained besides the assumed “it’s Dracula so we gotta”. Additionally, the way major characters like Hector and especially Isaac treat the resurrection plot don’t help, although it makes perfect sense that they both do what they do.
The things that happen in Targoviste, and the way they happen, also contribute, especially because there’s no satisfactory resolution to it. Trevor and Sypha start to help the people organize and rebuild, and then get whisked away to the Underground Court. They barely have time to react to the fucked up shit going on down there before they teleport to the castle to kick off the finale. More time to let hostilities between them and Zamfir bubble up before the reveal of the Underground Court, along with a more satisfying build-up to Trevor collecting the components of the Super Holy Dagger would have been good.
Season 3 ends with Alucard in Hector in very bad places: Alucard has just been betrayed by the twins vampire hunters, which has brought out a misanthropic streak, including him leaving them on pikes, and Hector has once again been duped into an even deeper submission than he was in as Carmilla’s prisoner at the end of Season 2. Trevor and Sypha’s vignettes establish that roughly a month and a half have passed, which was apparently enough time for Alucard to basically get over his trust issues, enough to help the villagers, and Hector to not only cope with the reality of his situation but also finally develop into a character on par with every other major character in terms of competence.
Carmilla and Isaac’s stories didn’t feel rushed like everything else I’ve mentioned, but following the train of thought that there was originally going to be more episodes, both of them could’ve stood to have more time and events to get to their final forms.
So, Death: I don’t know how I feel about Death as portrayed in this series. On the one hand, this interpretation technically not being Dracula’s right hand as he is in the games, and instead being an independent actor that stands to benefit from Dracula’s rampage and thus serves the same capacity as a right hand, is incredible. On the other, the fact that Death’s true personality is actually just Varney fucking blows. The design for Death is also not my favorite, because it reminds me just a bit too much of Castlevania Judgment, but Malcolm McDowell being the voice actor is really cool. In conclusion, Death is a land of contrasts.
On that note, “no it’s not Death Death, it’s an entity that calls itself Death that feeds on death and is an elemental spirit- or force of nature in other words- but is distinctly different from the personification of the concept of-” just fucking say “yeah for all intents and purposes it’s the Grim Reaper”. Coming up with a semantics explanation for why vampires get fucked up by crosses to explain the cross subweapon is fun, don’t undercut your final antagonist by trying to rationalize it into something less fantastical.
I already said that I liked the motivation behind Death, but also the execution of “I’m going to bring back Dracula wrong on purpose” and the way he accomplishes that is the best it’s ever been.
I thought Varney hopping over the stream of holy water was a fun cap on the argument about whether or not vampires can cross over running water from Season 2, but was in fact clever foreshadowing, since Death isn’t a vampire. Good stuff!
I think it’s just because I’ve been focusing a lot on animation quality over the last few months, but I noticed they started using 3D models a lot more this season. I imagine it was a matter of practicality considering that there are more action setpieces in this season than the other three combined. I think this is ultimately a good thing, because they do a very good job of masking the fact that they’re using 3D most of the time because it still looks very good, unlike some of Netflix’s other 3D action projects, and if it makes life easier for the animators without sacrificing quality then that’s a win for everyone.
Didn’t think much of it at first, but I’ve really come to appreciate the term “night creatures” as a catch-all for monsters in this series. It’s generic enough to encompass everything regardless of design difference, but more unique than just ‘monsters’ or ‘demons’.
I had heard someone make a joke about a character wearing Artorias Dark Souls’s armor for a scene because fuck you, but holy shit, Striga really does just wear Artorias Dark Souls’s armor for a scene because fuck you.
When Saint Germaine first shows up, his lines sound really low quality compared to Alucard and Greta, and then that issue goes away after that episode. I imagine that it was pandemic related, but clearly Bill Nighy was either able to get into a studio or eventually got a better home setup- couldn’t you just have him re-record those lines?
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I’ve talked so much about how Carmilla’s design in this series is The Best™ because they masterfully adapted a single sprite with no animation from a 1987 video game into a fully realized design, and this frame in particular struck me as perfect. This is the best this character has ever looked and likely will ever look.
I love how optimistic and positive the tone of everyone’s ending is. Ranging from the unexpectedly beautiful and uplifting resolution to Isaac’s story, to the foundation of a town that fundamentally accomplishes what Lisa hoped for at the very beginning of the series, it’s all nice way to go out. Even Lenore choosing to commit suicide, while not necessarily optimistic or positive, is at least on her own terms.
Dracula and Lisa also having a happy ending is nice. It doesn’t really make any sense, and it makes me wonder what Richter’s call to action is going to be in the next series, but I think they were right to have the series end with the same two characters it opened with.
Unfortunately, I’d say Season 4 is the weakest of the series, but they did everything they could to make sure they provided an explosive finale and a solid ending. This was a damn good show and without a doubt the best thing to be associated with Castlevania in over a decade. Not that it had much competition there, but still!
As a final note on the nature of Castlevania as an adaptation: I can certainly understand why certain people don’t like this series. If you’re looking for Castlevania: The Video Game: The Animated Series, you’d walk away disappointed because of how many things were changed in adaptation, how much they were changed, and that so much is just made up from whole cloth. But an animated series isn’t a video game, and while an eight episode series where each episode is a different stage of non-stop fight scenes, complete with a big boss fight at the end sounds like it could be cool, if that’s what I really want I’d probably be better served just playing a game.
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roseyful · 3 years
Mars Red: Edge of the Nightmare - Review
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Now, my Tumblr has been a bit quiet lately (been queuing a lot of things so then it wasn’t too quiet during my absence), but it has been for a good reason; last month I was approached [on my private twitter account] and asked if I would be able to playtest a game and write a review, and of course, being someone that enjoys games, especially those that follow an otome style, I had to say YES.
So its proud to say that after a while of playing the game, I finally get to write this review.
Now before I get into the game itself, I would like to take the moment to give appreciation to the team for being so helpful during my time of playtesting the game and before that, as not only would they let us know when there was an issue and the date had to be pushed back, they were so polite and helpful whenever I would run into a problem. That’s something you’d want to see in a gaming company and I’m so glad that my first experience with this company is one with positive results. I personally found no issues with the team themselves, and I do hope they keep this up after the release. Thank you favary for being so lovely and patient with me, and other beta testers.
Mars Red: Edge of The Nightmare was the game that they asked for me to play, however when I originally looked at their website, I couldn’t help but notice that the concept was originally one of a ‘Sound Theatre’, and while I couldn’t figure out what that was, I eventually was lead down a rabbit hole and ended up looking at the other things that Bun-O Fujisawa has worked in. Very interesting stuff, just like the game. However, it’s best to look at his other stuff in your own time.
Please note: I will be keeping this spoiler-free for the sake of letting people go in with no idea of what’s going on besides what I mention and on the website.
The game is set in the early twentieth century in Japan, or better known as the Taisho, in which the website also says ‘[is] influenced by Romanticism’, in which vampires rule the night, as they could only feed off blood and those that stepped into the sun would surely die. Keen senses, incredible physical abilities, and yet they were still vulnerable. You see that very early on with the main character that we play as; Yutsufusa Yuki, a vampire whom became one against his will.
I will be honest, I did not like Yutsufusa when I first started playing, as I felt like he was a bit too willing to die, but that is something that you can overlook when you get further into the story. Yutsufusa is obviously one of the youngest in the group, due to the fact he wears the more ‘modern’ [at the time] clothing out of everyone, well, there is someone else who wears similar clothing but he’s human.
You control Yutsufusa throughout the game, influencing his voices and living his life through his eyes, him acting as the reader insert as you learn about the other characters and begin to grow a bond with them. While the story is a bit slow at first, it does start picking up around the middle-end of chapter 1 and the beginning of chapter 2 after you play the prologue, as you begin to assist “Code Zero” in their work to rid the world of vampires that wish to feast on humans..
Be mindful that there is an anime, however, Yutsufusa does not appear in it, as it focuses on the other main characters, so if you have watched the anime already be sure to remember that they’re either two separate timelines or different points in time. I do not want to confuse anyone with this.
The main cast is quite an interesting bunch, as it covers a wide range of personalities, and sometimes even time periods as you play through the game and unlock things; you might say you might learn a bit of history from it if you end up looking up some of the references I’ve found in the game. This is a great reflection on the idea of ‘immortality, and even has moments where said immortality leans into a few jokes (such as knowledge of birds).
If you’ve played games such as ‘Ikemen Revolution’, you may be familiar with the ticket system. Every day you’re allowed a certain amount of tickets to progress through the story, however, if you run out of tickets and you must read more, then you’re able to progress the story via using ‘amber’, the game’s currency that you can use for different functions. However, this is not needed, as every day your tickets will be replenished. I personally found myself not even needing to use my amber, as I would always wait for the next day. There are mini-stories that you can get if you finish a chapter within a certain amount of time, but I personally don’t find them to progress the story a lot after I read the first one I got. Then again I had other things to occupy my time while I wanted as well. If you wish to reread chapters, you get a bonus third option of currency; coins. Coins can be used to reread chapters in the place of amber or tickets, which means that you can grind out coins via the exploration option in order to see more options (looked at a bit later).
I personally found the story to be engaging, between the use of minigames (or investigations, covered a bit later), it broke up the reading with fun activities that progressed the story.
Is the game an Otome?
No! I was shocked as well when I saw the all-male cast since I was wondering if I was playing a boys love game, but in the end, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that this is actually a detective game. While it may carry the usual look of an otome, with the story and choices of how you speak influencing the endings of chapters, the game more feels like one of finding new friends and solving kick-ass investigations than finding romance. It’s refreshing.
This is especially true between the minigames in which helps influence the story that is all very unique in their own way and do not seem repetitive once you get into the flow of how they work.
The minigames come forward in two forms; investigation, interrogation, and infer. Investigation sounds exactly how you’d expect, as you have to poke around and look at things, which you can review in a little notebook that sits in the top right of your screen in the case you need to review what you’ve looked at. When I was first launched into this section for the first time, I had a little trouble remembering exactly what I needed to look at (as I was given a set of things to tap), however, I do have to thank the team for thinking ahead and adding the option to be able to watch ads in order to see what you need to do. This was one of the two times I’d have to watch ads, as they don’t shove them in your face every few seconds like most mobile games do which is rather nice. Sometimes you gain information or items that you have to use later, so it’s a good idea to keep track of what you look at.
Interrogation acts as a question-based information gathering, in which you talk to NPCs in order to gather information to use in the investigation. Like Investigation, these points are put into your notebook for later.
Infer takes the first two investigation segments and combines the information, as you now get interrogated by one of the main characters, and you must respond back with the proper information in order to make sure that this segment is successful. You are able to read back on the notes from the other segments at this point by pressing the button with the book icon in the upper right corner, as this aids you in selecting the right answers. When I first came to this section, I did feel under pressure due to it, but it was interesting to see the negative answers from the character if I got it wrong.
Exploration is another part of the game, that while outside the story, there are parts that require a certain amount of story points in order to clear ‘point blocks’. This is where you get the coins from and frankly is good to use once you have finished using all your tickets for the day and want to use the rest of the time to grind coins. During the exploration, you set up 2 characters, a place, and a set [in real life] time of how long you want them to be out and about. Depending on the number of points earned, you may earn something called a ‘mummer’, which reveals more about the characters you chose to send out, and even get dialogue of the characters interactions (which can be pretty funny in itself) that shows the dynamic of the two characters- are they friends? Are things tense? You get to learn more by sending them out together.
As an artist, I was incredibly pleased with the art of the game, as the characters do not look the game, there are different body types and ages (from teen to elder), you never had to look at the same face twice for two characters. I will be honest, I do wish the characters were a bit more ‘animated’ with their expressions (such as body movement when they’re feeling certain emotions), however other than that, the sprites are magnificent.
The backgrounds are also really interesting to look at and even tell so much story before you even start investigating within the investigation sections. The design team also needs props, because while a few characters are wearing similar outfits, they’re all wearing them in different ways which shows their character and even the way they probably fight. Though I will say I am a bit biased towards Takeuchi, then again, I really enjoy fun and loud characters in general, and his hair is interesting in a sea of mostly black, purple, silver or blonde hair. Maybe will make a fanart of him in the future if I learn to draw his eyepiece. (on that note, please release the full sprites for us artists to reference, we’d love you eternally for it haha).
Oh no, it’s a-
Yes, its a bit of a gacha game, however, you do not need to actually play the gachas in order to progress through the game; it mostly just unlocks bits of story for those that want to have extra stories, or just want that extra dose of dopamine (haha, me). As someone who plays gacha games ever since they turned 13, I was glad that this game isn’t actually gacha centric, and thus is very free-to-play friendly due to this.
Who would I recommend this for and would I recommend it myself?
Personally, I think this is a game that suits the niche of those that enjoy a good mystery and even play those ‘find an item’ games, mixed in with those that enjoy reading otomes and history. Maybe even someone that enjoys theatre since there’s a character that does theatre. Would I personally recommend it? Yes, I would. The game is very interesting and engaging, the staff behind the game are so lovely.
Once more, here’s the game’s website link ❤️: https://marsred-game.net/en/
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elkian · 4 years
I was gonna do a “missing the point”-style meme but I’m honestly not sure that would even work tho so:
Harry Potter and My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia have similar issues with introducing and then immediately ignoring ENORMOUS issues re: ableism.
I think these two series in specific come to mind bc it’s ableism within a specific empowered community, and in both cases the series are pretty well-known and the community (Wix/Heroes) are immediately identifiable to many audiences.
[WARNING: Discussions of ableism, child harm, and abuse on multiple levels.]
What’s the problem?
[This post got stupid huge SO here is a tl,dr for all you lovely people who understandably have no time for this.
TL, DR: Both Harry Potter and Boku No Hero have a bad tendency to implement or imply a level of disability regarding unempowered people in empowered societies. They then continue on to completely disregard important conclusions to these implications, such as how heavily it is implied that these unempowered people (Squibs) are so ‘worthless’ to those societies that their very deaths are merely a byline rather than an actual tragedy.
This is especially troubling in MHA/BNHA when so many other political and worldbuilding considerations HAVE been planned out, and seems to be less-discussed in the fandom as a whole, so that’s a much larger chunk of this post.]
That’s your tl, dr!
Here’s the Harry Potter angle:
HP has a bit that I’ve seen people discussing already: Neville’s magic was discovered when his uncle dropped a literal child a potenial lethal distance. 
Neville activating his power and surviving is celebrated, and then JKR immediately glosses over the glaring issue this has introduced: the heavy implication that a Squib dying from this incident would have not have been mourned or even really commented on.
The few adult Squibs (and isn’t that a whole new slice of wonderful /j) are generally disliked and ridiculed for some reason or other. Now, while obviously there are plenty of places where the Venn diagram of “disabled” and “asshole” intersect irl, when your ONLY presentation of a disabled character or group is, every time, an asshole or a fool or both, boy! That’s bad!
Neville (who is generally presented as magically, physically, and mentally weak and often treated as comic relief) is a bit better via the POV Character constantly having positive interactions with him, but this is still a mess. Yes, Neville canonically is not a Squib, but it’s not subtle that he’s on the cusp OF being a Squib, and that is a key element of ridiculing him in many situations (also the whole trauma thing multiple times, like if I really get into it I could do a whole double-size post of how Neville was done dirty or nearly dirty by JK all the time but this isn’t that post).
This isn’t even the point of this post. Let’s move to MHA/BNHA
Hero Academia has differing but honestly even worse issues. And I’m aware that different countries handle ableism and accessibility in different ways, but if you think too hard about it this is an absolute clusterfuck.
What is the problem now?
Squibs! Or rather, the main character of the series, Midoriya Izuku.
Deku (a nickname meaning “useless”! Imparted after his disability is recognized! hilarity!!) is also born without powers. Even worse in some ways, he is born without powers in a world where the overwhelming majority of the global population has some kind of empowerment. I can’t recall if it’s outright stated or only implied that someone with a functionally useless (and hoo boy, usefullness to society is its own post nope not today i do not have that much energy) Quirk is still more of a person than a Quirkless human.
That sink in? Okay, let’s move on.
In a narratively not-uncommon turn of events, Deku gains power. This is partially a product of, and directly tied to, his own work and determination, as well as his willingness to help even when physically outmatched.
To an American audience (NOT the intended audience though I wouldn’t doubt it if Horikoshi meant to have international appeal more or less from the start), this is a deeply satisfying narrative. Who doesn’t love an underdog story? And we even learn that the strongest hero of all time (til this point, anyways) was ALSO born Quirkless!
However, from here, things take a nosedive.
The key problem is a combination of story progression and overall thought put into worldbuilding. Horikoshi’s efforts may not be the MOST thorough, but he has put a great deal of work and thought into his creation (he at least understands the concept of implications and sometimes plans accordingly, looking at you JKR). However, that tied with story progression and personal repercussions actually works to the detriment of the matter.
Especially given recent turns of events.
 What I mean by this is the current state of events re: two particular recent/recent-ish plot arcs.
First, Quirk Removal, and second, Endeavor’s comeuppance.
Quirk Removal/Loss was the start of my realization to what the narrative was doing regarding Izuku’s Quirklessness and the state of being overall.
This arc was a perfect time to bring up Midoriya’s past! A lot of Western works certainly would have done so! And yes, it may be bordering on done-to-death, but many elements of Hero Academia put new twists on common themes and cliches; it wasn’t unreasonable to hope that he might do it again.
Instead, little to NOTHING is discussed during this time! In fact, iirc I’d go so far as to say Midoriya straight-up never considers his past at any point during this arc!? If I’m wrong then it obviously made little impact.
NOW, not every disabled character needs to incorporate their disability and/or skills gleaned from living with it in every narrative. In fact, it would get tedious and questionable if they did (note: this does NOT mean ignoring/forgetting the character is even disabled when convenient. Like, I’d like to think that’s the obvious point of this post but... *gestures at tumblr*). 
But the complete lack of it here feels really weird. Like, almost hollow. I think Midoriya makes some kind of suggestion to Mirio of his former Quirklessness at the end of the arc, but nothing that made any kind of impact.
Let’s move on.
Now, the problem with Endeavor’s arc is not the arc itself. Or, rather, it’s the fact that Endeavor’s Comeuppance is pretty good.
This is a problem because someone else should be getting this exact same arc, yet the issue is never even RECOGNIZED, let alone addressed.
Endeavor’s abuse of his wife and children, all in the name of creating a Heroic legacy, is publicized and tanks his popularity. The general public is now aware of what he’s done to the people closest to him, which aside from giving him a more correct reputation, means they can’t trust him to protect them if they can’t trust him to protect his own family.
This isn’t the goal of this post and I’m no expert regardless, but up to this point (around chapter 290) this was handled in an interesting way. Endeavor is humanized and often shown interacting with people in a way that, while often domineering, isn’t always aggressive or abusive. He runs a Hero Agency for crying out loud! But abuse in the real world often isn’t constant, nor happening to everyone in contact with the abuser. So this is a surprisingly good lead up to the reveal, where you can understand how most people never realized this was an issue.
But here’s my main point. Let’s examine some traits and actions that come up:
physically abusive to a child (often dangerously so) to the point of permanent trauma and severe scarring in some cases
target of abuse was weaker (physically and/or regarding Quirk power)
often abused victim emotionally/psychologically, bringing this weakness up again and again
own immense power led to rising in the world of Heroics
comrades, fellow Heroes, UA teachers etc. not aware of prior abuse issues
Who does this sound like?
Endeavor, who has a whole fucking arc dedicated to this reveal and repercussions?
Or Bakugou?
Reminder: This isn’t a hate post. This isn’t a character post, or even an abuse post. This is about ableism.
Bakugou exhibits many, many traits and actions that Endeavor was literally just punished for. So why does the treatment of these characters in-universe differ so drastically?
Two primary reasons I can think of, which feed into each other:
1) Bakugou was a child (still technically is a minor, remember! Still a first-year high schooler!) when this started. This doesn’t mean he’s strictly innocent, but it’s an important point, because it leads us to
2) Bakugou Katsuki’s abuse of Midoriya Izuku is socially accepted.
Reminder of the audience’s first encounter with Katsuki. The very first page with him is him and his grade-school posse picking on a kid that Izuku is trying to protect. His posse is showing off their Quirk powers and mocking Izuku’s lack thereof.
Then we flash forward to late-middle school versions of the kids. Bakugou, in front of a fucking teacher and entire class, is verbally, physically, etc. abusive to Izuku. He trashes his stuff, threatens him, tells him to kill himself (which, as Izuku notes later, is a fucking felony in Japan too).
No one stops him.
No one criticizes him.
We don’t even get a shot of like, some more ‘regular’ students being like “man Bakugou’s kinda fucked up but we’re too scared to do anything about it” NO. NO. Everyone more or less either backs Katsuki up or straight up doesn’t care.
Remember that this started when Katsuki and Izuku were four. Remember that Katsuki’s power is absurdly dangerous, ie. LITERAL. GODDAMN. EXPLOSIONS.
Izuku has scars. He probably has hearing loss! He may have gotten at least one concussion which can cause serious neurological issues and open him up to further risk!
He could have died.
THIS is the point of the post. THIS is the value placed on Quirkless people in this society.
And yet. Despite Endeavor’s comeuppance. Despite All Might and Izuku’s blatant ‘value’ to society through Heroics. Despite so many other political implications and quandaries address in the Hero Academia series.
Nothing. Nothing. Nothing about this is addressed. The nearly-lethal ableism towards Quirkless people in this society is never ONCE brought up properly once Izuku receives One For All.
There is so much potential here! There is so much worth talking about! And yet we’ve moved into what feels very much like the Final Battle without it being addessed, despite numerous, numerous opportunities for a meaningful conversation about it along the way.
Mirio losing his power! Hell, Mirio’s powers’ drawbacks (and pretty much every Quirk’s drawback! if acknowledged properly!) border on a disability-analogue, and even more when Yuga’s laser comes up, and yet again and again we fail to truly engage with the matter in a meaningful way.
At this point, even if it comes up in the finale, I’m going to be disappointed in this particular aspect of the series due to the complete and total shut-down it’s been given so far.
What the FUCK, Horikoshi?
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sepublic · 4 years
Belos’ Deterioration
           Honestly I’m VERY fascinated by the implications of this fanart by @thedemondeity. Coupled with how Belos seems to have a rather deteriorated state to him, the implications of his connection to the Titan, and his unusual form of Magic… I’m going to go ahead and summarize my thesis here; I think Belos’ own body could lowkey be a magical construct similar to an Abomination, one that he regularly uses up to fuel his hybrid glyph-bile magic, while relying on the magical bile of others to constantly uphold and replace his used-up flesh. Belos was once flesh and bone; But after using up his entire body to fuel his magic, he’s become a Theseus Ship paradox, having more or less grown a new body made from magic that is constantly being used up and replenished, and is thus not all that tangible, cohesive, nor natural.
           To start, let’s go with the idea that Belos doesn’t have a magical bile sac. Either it’s because he’s a human, a witch with a disability, and/or some other third party, I’m not sure; But regardless, the results are the same. What if to get around his inability to perform bile-magic, Belos learned glyphs from none other than the Titan itself, just like Luz is doing! Though I imagine his lessons with the Titan were a lot more straight-forward and face-to-face than Luz’s, especially since Belos may be having an adverse effect on the Titan in the present; Even so…
           I’ve speculated and analyzed in the past on how magic works, and generally seeming, this show seems to take cues from Equivalent Exchange from Fullmetal Alchemist (which Luz would be a fan of according to Dana Terrace herself); To get magic, you need to sacrifice a ‘fuel’ source in return. When it comes to glyphs, this is usually pieces of paper and whatever medium they’re drawn on, and possibly the very magic/nature of the Boiling Isles itself. I imagine even air would serve as a useful fuel for a Fire Glyph; Different materials resonate more with different spells, essentially. An Ice Glyph carved into the snow could be much more potent than another Ice Glyph of the same size, but drawn on a piece of paper. The efficiency and strength of glyphs could also be reliant on a witch’s intimate knowledge and study of them…
           Regardless, not all fuel sources are created equal, it seems- Magic Bile seems to be a far more efficient, readily-available source of energy to create spells from, and it was early Witches who realized the usage of their bile sacs that spawned the current, bile-based magic that spawns glowing circles from thin air, that we see today. It’s magic coming more from the user’s body, than the surrounding nature itself; I could see some stuck-up snobs dismissing Glyphs as being weak and ‘dependent’ on the Boiling Isles, while bile-based users are more ‘independent’ and draw actual strength from themselves… Essentially, it’s a bunch of dumb, ableist rhetoric.
           If Belos lacked a magical bile sac, and serves as a parallel to Luz –who has a disability metaphor going on in her relationship with magic- then what if he was someone who grew up in that sort of elitist environment? Told that glyphs were lesser, that Witches who took advantage of their bile sacs were the future; And all others were to be left behind in the dust. It’d be an environment talking about hierarchy, about how there are those who are born with a literal, innate inclination towards magic moreso than others; And that THOSE witches are naturally more powerful and superior to the rest.
           After all, it’s worth noting that there seems to be various residents and denizens on the Boiling Isles that can’t cast bile-magic; But what about glyphs? Glyphs aren’t reliant on one’s body whatsoever. Going off-topic, but what if the abelist shift in attitudes towards bile-magic as being the only acceptable form, was in-part done to oppress those beings without bile sacs? I imagine that having access to magic grants you more opportunities; So what if an artificial hierarchy was enforced to set bile-users above those who only had access to just glyphs? And with the discouragement of glyphs, amidst the move towards more efficient bile-circles… It could’ve contributed towards society forgetting about glyphs; And thus resulting in a large number of the population unable to cast spells because they don’t know about glyphs, and thus set at a disadvantage while those with bile sacs have more opportunities.
           Given what this show has to say about artificial hierarchies, ableism, lower-class people having less access to educational opportunities, etc…. I think it’d be an interesting concept. And that gets us back to Belos- As someone who can’t cast bile magic, because he lacks a bile sac. As someone who may have been raised in an ableist environment that derided his usage of glyphs, or at least made it feel inadequate compared to bile-magic, which seemed to be embraced as much more efficient. Perhaps Belos didn’t start off knowng glyphs, perhaps this was after they were forgotten, and THEN he met the Titan and learned; But I can see Belos being mocked for his usage of glyphs. I could see the current power structure even seeing his glyphs as a threat that could upturn the hierarchy by giving magical access to those without bile sacs; And that could’ve made Belos become demonized alongside his glyphs.
           And/or, Belos recognized that some forms of matter served as better fuel for Glyphs, than others… If Bile was the ideal fuel for Magic, what of the body itself? Getting into some Body Horror territory and speculation here (which is to be expected when Belos is the subject here), what if Belos carved/tattooed glyphs across his body? We’ve all discussed about what would happen if a glyph was drawn on oneself and activated- Would this take a physical toll on oneself? In this scenario, I imagine that it would- Though through this knowledge of Glyphs, Belos didn’t immediately sacrifice an entire limb nor a chunk of skin; Instead, he distributed the loss across his entire body, losing nutrients and cells here or there, instead of having all of the damage concentrated wherever the glyph was located.
           Why would Belos do this, if he could just rely on his surroundings as a fuel source? Amidst the potential ableist rhetoric I’ve speculated about; Perhaps one’s flesh and nutrients, used to sustain one’s very own life, serves as an even more potent source of magic than your typical dirt, paper, wood, etc. It’s not as good as magical bile; But it serves as an adequate substitute, and is more easily applied across all glyphs, providing stronger spells than typical nature. Given Belos’ parasitic, downright cannibalistic motifs… I wouldn’t be shocked if he sacrificed a few people in the past for his own spells, before turning his glyphs unto himself and using his own body as a reliable, ‘independent’ source of energy.
           One or two glyphs here or there, which take nutrients and flesh across the entire body instead of from a single concentrated spot; It can be a bit draining, but not too life-threatening, right? You can just recover by having a good meal and rest… But if you’re Belos, who is possibly power-hungry, or up against adversaries? You need to be casting a LOT of spells, in rapid succession; And quickly the damage and toll on your body begins to add up, until your flesh becomes necrotic and you decay, feeling the starvation of your glyphs. It’s not enough to just eat normal food to replenish and heal your wounds, now; You need something a little bit more potent…
           And so- Belos turns to Magical Bile. His body doesn’t have the ability to directly convert it into magic, he lacks the sac and proper physiology; But he CAN cast magic in a more indirect sense. Belos began consuming the bile of others, usually palismans, to enhance his recovery and growth, as his body began to heal; Magical Bile could be incredibly nutritious, after all. And from this replenished flesh, Belos then sacrifices it to continue casting spells, before restocking on magical bile, etc. It’s like his own body is a coffee filter, an incredibly worn-out rag that is the process for his very unorthodox way of casting magic; A damaging process, but one he stubbornly sticks towards. Because unlike his counterpart Luz, he never truly learned to accept magic that was different in a way that specifically accommodated him; Belos still wanted to cast magic the way other witches normally did.
           Perhaps he transplanted a magical bile sac at some point, or took advantage of a potential connection to the Titan. Either way, as Belos rose to power; I can see him having a trusted ally, such as Kikimora and/or the Healing Coven Head, cast Healing Magic to help feed his recovering, collapsing body. But alas, Belos’ condition is a unique one cast upon himself; And the consumption of magical bile, combined with the clumsy application of Healing spells towards his own injuries, and… Let’s just say that his cellular growth was accelerated to a point where it was no longer beneficial. To a point where it just left Belos with MORE flesh and cells, and thus an even hungrier appetite… What I’m saying is, Belos basically gave himself magical cancer and tumors in his attempts to heal and replenish from all of the body-matter he sacrificed for his spells.
           So you’ve got a body that’s constantly decaying, only to replace itself with cancerous masses of flesh and tumors; Belos’ body is beginning to warp and distort, and I can see him making alterations to himself to become more powerful. Maybe replacing limbs and organs with lab-grown ones, or even body parts stolen from others! And as Belos’ power and authority increases, he gets hungrier and hungrier; And he sates this appetite by consuming more bile, but it just leads to more cancerous tumors that demand even more of him. It’s a self-feeding, never-ending cycle, a positive feedback loop; And it results in the horrifically messed-up, deteriorated mess of a monster that we see today. No doubt so disgusting and decayed and torn-up, that Belos wears a mask and armor; Both to hide his appearance, but possibly to literally hold himself together!
           Belos’ body is constantly falling apart, being torn apart; And then reassembled at a whim. His experience with this makes it easy for Belos to literally dissolve and reform here or there; And it leads to Belos knowing intimately how to create those fleshy, veiny constructs that he attacks his enemies with. He’s a scientist and an experimenter, and Belos himself was his main test subject; And that meant he suffered the most from the trial and error of discovering how to become more powerful. Perhaps his magic manifests as spheres instead of circles, because it’s dual-natured; Relying on glyphs AND bile, amidst Belos’ own body. I’m not entirely sure where his more technological staff comes into play, if it’s merely the result of his constant experimenting and toying around, or something else; Perhaps his staff is more a conduit for himself, than a separate Palisman! Either way, his spells manifesting as a blood-red would take on a whole new meaning, considering what Belos is sacrificing to fuel them…
           It’d really recontextualize his exhaustion, his need to drain bile from palismans- And it leads to the idea that Belos doesn’t have a lot of stamina. He can summon power and spells in terrifying bursts, and his unusual nature and knowledge make him seem all the more intimidating- But in a drawn-out battle of attrition, Belos is a witch who lacks substance. Manage to survive the first few waves of attacks, get Belos to tire himself out- And one can land a quick and decisive blow, maybe even victory! Perhaps it wasn’t just Belos’ arrogance that allowed Luz to damage him…
           This of course all speculative, and almost entirely baseless- But it’s definitely a fun ‘fuel’ for thought! I’m mostly just enamored with Belos as someone who has this impermanent presence, and as a potential parallel to Luz- And what this could entail, amidst his unusual form of magic and Belos’ obvious body horror at play here. If so much of his current body and flesh has been replaced with new cells, spawned more from magical bile and Healing Spells than anything tangible like food or water; Perhaps it’s a Theseus Ship paradox. Where so much of Belos’ current body comes from a magical source… And as a result, it’s not very tangible. Regular glyph-spells retain their form when attacked by a Greater Basilisk; But bile-based magic seems to be reduced back to its base components, or at least into a digestible one for these creatures.
           If a Greater Basilisk were to attack a tree, it’d be… A regular tree, getting torn up. But a tree spawned by the bile of a witch? I imagine that tree would almost instantly disintegrate, explaining how that one Greater Basilisk was able to so easily devour Amity’s Abomination and Willow’s plants. It all comes from magical bile, and thus lacks substance- At least compared to glyphs, which spawn their magic directly from pre-existing nature. Perhaps the Greater Basilisks weren’t just enemies to Belos’ reign, nor competitors for bile; Perhaps their unique feeding abilities served as a direct weakness to the Emperor himself. If a Greater Basilisk attacked him, perhaps Belos’ entire body would literally just dissolve, being made more of magic than actual physical substance and stuff found in nature; And this major weakness of his could’ve caused Belos to spearhead genocides against the Basilisks, under the additionally-credible pretense of protecting witches.
           And, if Belos is also constantly using glyphs, as well his connection to the Boiling Isles and the Titan itself, to sustain him? Then if he were to go to Earth, where Luz’s glyphs fell apart- The results might not be so pretty… Not that Belos is much of a looker himself, in general. He’s like an Abomination that’s constantly melting and trying to hold itself together; So Belos poured himself into the person-shaped mold that is his armor. And I suppose that’s both ironic/appropriate, given Belos’ insistence on making others conform to a specific mold within his Coven system…
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urlocalbunny · 4 years
breeding kink - aaron. (eng. ver.)
if you have issues with topics such as ruts, knotting and all that jazz don’t read. This not ABO considering i don’t like the whole concept, so if you don’t like ABO but don’t mind the rut thing, it’s safe y’all.
as promised, if one (1) person asked for it, i’d deliver bc i have a lot of free time in my hands today.
there might be a lot of mistakes as i didn’t write for a year and decided to combine this with a half-asleep translation.
warnings: smut, breeding kink, hybrid!aaron, biting, oral, knotting
enjoy this 2,684 words long nasty smut.
     Eloise was walking through the halls from side to side, trying to find out how she was supposed to calm the nerves in the manor. In the last few days, Aaron has been acting like a caged wolf. Walking around in the manor, a bit more stressed out, usually baring his long fangs and even growling. From time to time.
 Her sweet, patient boyfriend was usually easy to understand when it came to his feelings, but right now the only person who seemed to understand the situation was Beliath, who decided to shut his big mouth as soon as Eloise needed help except for a sentence without any details.
 “Many peculiar aspects come with the baggage of being a hybrid’s chalice when he’s a werewolf, my darling!” He said, shaking his hand in dismissal.
  Yet, everything started to be made clear when Eloise decided to take a jog. The bond with her boyfriend was making her feel like she was under confinement, so she decided to take a walk in the nearby forest. She also wanted to give him some space, therefore, knowing that her vampire would feel like he was outside if she went out for him, the girl took a thick comforter he gave her and planned to do exactly that.
 “Good evening, Eloise! What brings you here?” Raphael greeted her from the kitchen’s door frame, where he was having a conversation with Vladimir while he was in the garden. It was the night before a full moon, she noticed, and that thought worried her.
 “Good evening, Raphael. You seem excited! I’ll take a walk in the forest.” She looked at Vladimir from the corner of her eyes and caught him waiting for his good evening. If she squinted, the girl could think he blushed when he got caught. “Good evening, Vlad!” She said happily, finally. “Aren’t you, um, afraid of the clouds going away tonight?” She asked, a bit embarrassed.
 “With this cloudy weather, I don’t think so… But it is almost full moon… And yet…” He changed his position on the bench, preparing to say something he thought he shouldn’t. “You and Aaron should talk. He has been behaving weirdly. He is acting strangely before due time and his lack of cooperation is not making me happy.”
 Raphael nodded “It is true that the way he is carrying himself is not one of the most delicate ones no matter how hard I try to tell him so, as always. He even growled at me earlier tonight.” Raphael said, making the girl’s eyes widen. “It was a loud noise. Didn’t you hear it?”
 “I was asleep, I believe… But why would I hear it?” She asks.
 “You see, I was by your door to take back the book you said would be there earlier. That is where he found me. One could say he was walking around your room.”, He mused “But it is true that, if you allow me to say so, I think he did not like to see me near your door, but I do not think I gave the wrong idea, given that you were both reading the book together, no?
 "Raphael, you are babbling again,” Vladimir warned, a small smile on his lips.
 “Oh! Pardon me. I lose track of how much I can talk from time to time”, he chuckled briefly “I did not mean to get in your way.”
 “You guys never get in the way,” she said, patting both of their backs lightly — earning a scowl from Vladimir — and jumping the steps.
 “As I said, I’ll take a walk in the woods and I’ll be back later. I think you’re right… I thought Aaron needed space, but it didn’t work out as I planned. Anyways, see you later!
 They waved briefly and after a while resumed their conversation while she kept walking. The wind whipped her skin hard, but she still felt a hellish heat. For a moment, she worried about Aaron and thought about coming back.
 Eloise was never a fan of the dark. She still was not, but there was no fear of finding something uncalled for anymore because, at the moment, the creature in the dark was her.
 Even like this, her senses alerted her of a presence. A familiar one, that made itself knows with a growl close to her as soon as she slipped her shoes off and unfolded the comforter on the grass.
 "Uh… Aaron?” She should’ve said she paid attention to what he said, but the sight was far more interesting. Aaron partially left the shadows in the path, uncommon striped cotton pants hanging from his hips. “Where are your jeans? And the rest of your clothes? Are you okay? I’ve been knocking on your door!”
 “It doesn’t matter how much I get dressed, you coming outside to laugh with Raphael and Vladimir got me cold and annoyed.” He growled, an ominous glint in his golden eyes. She knew he didn’t mean what he said and he was in the middle of turning. His fangs were out and his nails we’re sharpened, but he looked, in a peculiar way, like he had the situation and Eloise under his control.
 She stepped back, leading him into coming out of the corner he was hiding in totally.
 He did it. The thin layer of sweat and his rapid breaths didn’t go unnoticed by his girlfriend, that was trying to get closer slowly but surely.
 “My love, what’s happening to you?” She asked, laying her soft hands on top of the hybrid’s dark chest. He made a growl vibrate under her fingers. Eloise, however, didn’t feel endangered, he was just trying to say something but failed. Looking closely, she realized his ears were now two fluffy balls made of brown fur. She then tried to caress them to lessen some of the lover’s tension. He leaned against the touch, but the growling didn’t stop.
 “You aren’t in pain, I would feel it too…” She mumbled, touching him to check anyways. He arched against her hands to get more friction. “Raph told me you even growled at him earlier today!”
 The sentence had the wrong effect over the wolf, and she felt that when a soft tail wrapped around her upper leg and he made a small cut in the back of one of her hands, licking her blood right after. Eloise shivered. She really enjoyed it when he did this on another… Circumstances.
 “Raphael, huh?” He repeated sarcastically, which was strange for him and sniffed the air around her. “His and Vladimir scents are so strong in you…” He growled, “you’re my mate, my beloved, not theirs.” He simply said, shoving her softly so that she would be sitting on the blanket. She backed up on it slowly, teasing him, while he put himself in all fours and tried to cage her under him. She felt, then, the first strong sensation they’d share: hunger.
  It was not just some silly bloodthirsty hunger. Aaron was hungry for something, yes, but it wasn’t food. Beliath’s voice rang in her head.
  “Many peculiar aspects come with the baggage of being a hybrid’s chalice when he’s a werewolf, my darling!”
 She wouldn’t understand why he said that like she didn’t know already. But now, she realized what the godforsaken incubus was talking, coincidentally, of one of his favorite ways of feeding: sex.
 Ripping the first piece of clothing he found, in that case, her dress, and earning a surprised yelp, Aaron looked her in the eyes as he said the words “I’ve been trying to get away from you since it has begun, but you just smell so fucking good… It’s almost like you’re fertile too, isn’t it, my beloved?” She blushed. He could smell her this much all the time? What about the others?
 But the way he said it made it clear for her: Aaron was in a rut. Maybe months ago, not having a partner made it easy to suppress and forget, but now that they were always together, it was probably hard. She caressed his face lovingly.
 “I see why you’re saying such weird things then.” She pulled him closer and kissed his forehead under him. “Does it hurt?”
 “Yes.” He said, looking embarrassed now “I don’t mean to sound jealous when you talk about the guys, it’s just not all me who’s talking right now, I- 'm sor-” she shook her head for him to stop and he did.
 “But Beliath said that nobody but him can have children, so-” his loud growl confirmed that it would be better if she did not mention other men around him right now. “He said vampires can’t…”
  Aaron smirked, then laughed. It was just as unusual as his behavior. It was venomous, full of bad intentions… Extremely arousing.
 “And here I thought you knew just how much I’m different from the others,” he said as he ripped the last piece of clothing she had in her body, hinting at how many times they had been together like this. She gasped “We’re you trying to knock me up?!” He nibbles her earlobe then, making the shivers in her body worsen.
 “Hmm, I could have, I always felt like I should, but it’s not my decision, I didn’t have your consent. You’d look marvelous, though.” He caught her chin in his now black and sharp nails. “But unlike Beliath… I can give you a whole family if we do it twice.” He held the back of her neck with the right but of harshness, licking a stripe of skin from the base of her neck to her chin, and gave her a sly smirk. Where was the blushy and romantic Aaron? She didn’t know, but she wasn’t going to complain. This felt like he was holding back on her most of the time, just to make her comfortable, just so that she wouldn’t be… Scared? She felt like tonight, this should be about letting him do his thing. Show him she was not afraid of anything.
 There was not a lot of room for talking and thinking anymore. Aaron rolled his hips covered by the pants on top of her bare pussy, making her wail and curl her toes. The lack of stimulation she created when she started talking to him backfired. His growl mixed into it, being interrupted when he started to kiss her mouth. Weirdly, slowly at first, then it got needy, fervent like he wanted to devour her. Their tongues played together and she bit his lower lip. His mouth then dived into her shoulders, biting, licking, and kissing in between “I love you’s”, then lowered into her breasts, playing and complimenting her a bit too much for her sanity. She pulled him back and gave him a searing kiss, hooking her thumbs on his pants, pushing them down urgently.
 She moaned softly and opened her legs as wide as she could, spreading herself for him to see. She just wanted him to take her as hard as he possibly could. Aaron didn’t waste a second and stood at eye level with her sopping entrance. It was familiar for him, but now, it was more tempting, looked even tastier.
 He started licking greedily but he didn’t lack any skill, holding her hips in place while he feasted upon her. Eloise moaned loudly into the forest. His tongue lapped up her inner thighs and got back to business, licking and slurping as his life depended on it, making her keen in pleasure as she stroked his head.
 “Aaron… Aaron, please, I need more.” She pleaded, looking at him with a pained expression. He didn’t answer, but careful of his nails, he rubbed circles around her bud quickly, while his tongue worked in her right hole. When she was almost touching pure bliss, he completely stopped and looked at her with his pupils blown wide.
 “No. No, no, no, please just-Ah!” The feeling of Aaron burying himself to the hilt inside her was blissful, painful, arousing. However, something was different. Eloise usually struggled to accommodate all of him, but she definitely felt the pressure of something that would be just the beginning of her problems. Looking down, she realized that when he was halfway transformed, he didn’t have just cute ears and a fluffy tail: Aaron had a knot.
 "Is that- is that supposed to fit inside me?!“
 Her boyfriend was too far gone in pleasure to answer clearly, but he said something like "I’ll stop… Eloise… no need to…” And she took his half-words for it.
 Without wasting any time, he moved slowly but surely just waiting for her. He pushed her knees to her shoulders and held there with bruising strength. After a few minutes, he seemed to come back to his senses.
 “Hmm, I’ve been waiting so long to breed you like this… I can’t believe I tried to stop it.” He kissed the top of her head as he sped up. Eloise felt the know prodding lightly at her entrance, making a sloppy noise as he pushed harder and harder, making her cry out and claw at his strong back. His strokes we’re deep as to not pull out in any circumstances like he was really trying hard to breed her. She pulled him against her.
 “I’m not wasting a drop, don’t worry.” She said between deep breaths to see what he would say, but the snarl she received only made her chuckle and then keen again as he sped up. 
 “Do you think you can- fuck, stop squeezing, love, stop squeezing, not yet!” He hissed as his hips snapped harder against his will. “Do you think you can take my knot now? I don’t want to hurt you.” She smiled tenderly at her love, seeing his usual self seeping through.
 She wanted to say yes, wanted to say she’d do anything just to have him cumming inside her over and over, but she was just too lost in the way he dragged inside her, so harsh and strong and deep, she almost missed the way his hips stuttered and pushed harder as he said that. That would definitely throw him over the edge.
 Tears stained her face as she mumbled incoherent things and pushed upwards, being soothed by her vampire saying “not yet, it won’t fit” and asking her to wait. But she just could not stop crying softly as he rocked back and forth.
 “Please cum inside me. Give it to me, please.” Her weak whisper in his ear made him growl as he pushed all the way in, knotting her at once. She shouted the wave of pleasure and the dull stinging was taken by the wind as her first orgasm barreled through her. She tried to stop wailing by biting hard into Aaron’s shoulder. He growled her name out almost angrily as he milked her for all he was worth, yet, he didn’t stop.
  "I love you so much“ he cried out.
  She was still too far gone to answer, relishing on the feeling of his weight against her, his nice scent mixed with hers, the sweat and blood she took from the bite, the stretch, his beautiful eyes, and the way he just wouldn’t stop fucking her, his delicate nose and his lips, his red hair and his dark skin littered with scars. Everything made her vision blurry again, making her arch her back and chant his name like a prayer like she was momentarily obsessed. Having him cum inside her was just too much.
 She loved him, that’s all her mind could muster. And by the way, he smiled broadly at her and nuzzled her cheek, she knew he heard her calls for his name and the many things she absolutely loves about him in her head.
 Eloise rested as he cradled her in his arms, but soon the silence was broken.
 “You know this isn’t over yet, right?” He asked, now fully blushing as his tail swayed and his ears hung lowly from his head. His face was blushy.
 “Thank god! I thought you’d never say anything.” She laughed, pushing him down and sitting on top of him.
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elcorhamletlive · 5 years
fandom: MCU (Post-Avengers) relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Bruce Banner & Clint Barton & Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark & Thor, Nick Fury & Avengers Team, Maria Hill & Avengers Team, Nick Fury & Tony Stark tags: POV Outsider, Fluff and Humor, Team Feels, Truth Serum My fic for the Holiday Exchange, for talesofsuspense! Summary: “Look, I’m not thrilled by the prospect of spending my day here either," Nick said, "but there’s no postponing this. We can’t give them a chance to combine stories.”
“Right,” Hill said. “And I’m sure they’ll all be very…cooperative.”
“Hope you didn’t have any dinner plans."
Hill’s sigh mirrored his own so much it was unnerving. “Okay.” She leaned forward and pressed a button on his desk. “Send in the first one.”
Hill flipped through the pages, making the already thin folder appear even smaller. “Not much of a starting point,” she said.
Nick leaned back in his chair. “No,” he agreed. The report from Stark’s A.I. was very brief, and the rest was just what the scavenging team managed to comb through from the quinjet debris. “The press will not be satisfied with that. And there is a key part missing. We deliver this to the Council, they laugh in our faces.”
Hill raised an eyebrow at him. “So our job is to make the folder thicker?”
“Our job is to understand what happened,” he replied. “So we can deliver them something slightly more coherent, and they can feed the reporters whatever they want.”
“And you think this will work?” Hill gestured to the room around them. Across the desk where she was sitting, on a perfect diagonal view from Nick’s eye, there was a single, empty chair. “Seems like a criminal interrogation.”
“Maybe it is,” Nick said. He wasn’t sure if the superficial report was an intentional cover up or just plain sloppiness – both were equally likely when you had people like Romanoff or Stark in the middle of an OP – but at the end of the day, it didn’t matter. There was a hole in the story, and the World Security Council didn’t deal with holes. “Look, I’m not thrilled by the prospect of spending my day here either, but there’s no postponing this. We can’t give them a chance to combine stories.”
“Right,” Hill said. “And I’m sure they’ll all be very… cooperative.”
“Hope you didn’t have any dinner plans,” Nick quipped.
Hill’s sigh mirrored his own so much it was unnerving. “Okay.” She leaned forward and pressed a button on his desk. “Send in the first one.”
“There isn’t much to tell,” Romanoff said, and, if Nick wasn’t sure there was something being hidden before, now he did. “I believe JARVIS sent you a detailed account, didn’t he?”
“Depending on what you consider ‘detailed,’” Nick replied. The report had extensively covered the material damage to the quinjet, as well as the information pertaining to AIM’s plan and how it related to it. It was just lacking in the “explanations” department, and it seemed to jump in key time periods between events very hurriedly. Either Stark’s robot was a shit storyteller, or the human factor (specifically the “what the fuck were your team of freaks thinking to let something like this happen, director?” factor) had been strategically avoided.
And there was the matter of the tapes. The security footage recovered from AIM’s quinjet seemed to cover just about every angle of the battle - that is, up until a point right where everything just faded to static before it returned just in time to record the crash.
“This is standard procedure,” he continued as Romanoff’s eyes studied him attentively. “Which, I’d like to stress, is actually a kind way to go about it.” Romanoff quirked an eyebrow at him. “The Avengers initiative isn’t the most popular plan SHIELD has ever come up with, agent. To the world, you might be celebrities, but a lot of people on the inside see you as - how did Banner put it? Oh, yeah - a time-bomb.”
Romanoff smiled. “We’ve made it work so far.”
“Only barely,” Nick said. Romanoff didn’t deny it, nor could she - ever since they had all decided to stay at Stark’s tower, after the battle of New York, Nick had kept his eye close on their performances, be it on the field or with the press, and though the initial animosity seemed to have lessened, they were still a far cry from a synchronized, united team.
The Council had been against them moving in together - there was just too much potential for the proximity to make things go south again - but Nick had argued in favor, and they ultimately decided to allow it. Nick himself knew he was making a risky bet, but at the end of the day, he figured a bunch of anti social people on the edge of normal society had a better chance of making it as a team if they could at least learn how to deal with each other on a friendly basis. And Stark putting the damn A on the tower was as close as he’d ever get to admitting he wanted the company, so Nick didn’t want to deny him it. Hill had a laugh at his expense, then, saying he was getting old and soft.
None of them knew about any of this, of course, and they would never find out. But if Nick Fury made a bet, he wanted to ensure it’d pay off, and crashing a quinjet belonging to one the world’s largest weapons manufacturers in the middle of rural property of the some of the richest people in America was far from a reward, especially while keeping potentially vital bits of information in the dark. That wouldn’t do, and he was determined to get the full picture of what had gone down, whether they liked or not.
“Why don’t you start at the beginning, agent?” Hill suggested.
Romanoff’s eyes blinked astutely before she smiled. “Of course,” she said, much more kindly than Nick would have anticipated. “It started at the fair.”
“I wouldn’t normally have come,” Dr. Banner said, straightening his glasses. “The events we get invited to, they're… not my usual scene.”
“Too many reporters?” Nick asked. He knew Banner wasn’t the press’ favorite target - Stark and Rogers, both recipients of huge celebrity fame way before anyone added superhero worship into the mix, were tied up for that position - but he also knew the Avengers in general were the go-to topic for any gossip show running out of material. The fascination with them pendulumed from healthy curiosity to obsessive speculation way too often for Nick’s liking.
“Too many people,” Banner said, with a nervous smile. “The other guy doesn’t like crowds. But AIM said they were interested in having me and Tony speak. ‘The science bros.’” He made air quotes. “Or something. And, well, it was a nice idea to hang on a science exposition. I looked through the flier, and there were some interesting exhibits.”
“The whole thing was just a blatant rip off of the Stark Expo. But you know how it goes – imitation, flattery, yadda yadda.” Stark leaned back in his chair and propped his feet up on the desk as if it was his office. “So, we get the invite, and, not going to lie, I was a little curious. Pep said we should make an appearance, smile a little, make niceties – but, well, you know me.”
Nick raised an eyebrow, unimpressed by the display. “We do?”
Stark smiled. “I don’t like to do things halfway. I’m just not built for it.” He shrugged. “So I decided to come, and I thought it would be good if everyone else came too, and that we should try out some of the exhibits together – team bonding, you know? Sometimes it’s nice.”
“Stark wanted to show off,” Barton said, taking a sip of his water. “He thought there was no way Hammer’s people could organize something on that scale, and he wanted to drag us all there to see it because he was sure it would end up being a huge mess.” He sighed. “I guess at the end of the day, he wasn’t wrong.”
Rogers’ jaw clenched so hard Nick thought he’d pull a muscle. “Everything went normally. We got there, took some pictures, got inside… Nothing out of the ordinary.” He looked at Hill. “But, like I said, this is all in JARVIS’ report.”
“Right,” Nick replied. He tilted his head to get a better look. Rogers was as tense as a wood board, and his effort to not let it show made things a lot worse. “I have to say, Cap, I was a little surprised to not get the usual report coming from you.”
Rogers shifted on the chair. “Tony—” He cleared his throat. “We, uh, we thought JARVIS would make one more quickly.” His eyes turned towards Fury, defiant. “From what I understand, every piece of information the Council needs should be in that file.”
“Need and want are two very different things,” Nick said. Rogers took a deep breath, and Nick couldn’t help but frown. “So, you guys started to mingle, right?” he asked, wanting things to get back on track. “That was when you decided to go to Hammer’s stand?”
“Yes. He… invited us.” He paused. “Well, Tony, at least.”
“Right,” Nick said. “But you also ended up going, right?” Rogers gave a reluctant nod. “Why?”
There was a moment of silence, and Rogers said, “It seemed like it could be an interesting experience.”
“Stark dared him to do it,” Thor stated bluntly. “Said Steven was probably too scared to lose to him.” He smiled, amused. Nick was fighting against the urge to underestimate him, but boy, was it hard. “It reminded me of some of my disputes with my brother, when we were both younglings and daring ourselves to attempt to steal Heimdall’s helmet.”
“Well, that’s a nice thing to hear about two adults who are constantly in charge of saving the world,” Nick deadpanned.
Thor looked at him disapprovingly. “They are worthy warriors,” he said. “They just… get a little wrapped up in their blind spots, sometimes.” Nick and Hill stared at him questioningly, and Thor looked away, coughing on his hand. “Uh, well, where was I? Right – the stand.”
“It was a silly concept – melt stuff with our new laser project, whoever melts the most wins, woohoo! - but I’ll admit it seemed like it could be fun. It took place in a separate room, though, and they were only letting two people in at once.” Stark straightened his tie, looking away from Nick for the first time since he walked inside the office. “So me and Cap decided to try it out.”
“Why just the two of you?” Hill asked, precise as a whip.
Stark stayed focused on his tie. “Well, I wanted to check out what was so great that Hammer was showing off in public. As for Cap, who knows? You should probably ask him.”
“So it was a spontaneous thing?” Nick pushed. “You didn’t ask him to come along?”
Finally, Stark looked at him. For a second, his expression was downright defiant. Then it all melted away in a shrug. “I might’ve. I wasn’t driving back home, you know? So I had a few drinks, and I was saying a lot of things, and maybe I asked if he wanted to try it out.”
“We heard you dared him,” Nick countered. Normally he wouldn’t put the cards on the table like that, but something in Stark seemed to favor a more direct approach.
Stark’s expression didn’t change. “Again, I might’ve. What’s life without a little challenge, right? But, still, if you want to know why he came in the stand, you should probably ask him.” His eyes darted towards the window, avoiding Nick and Hill. “Maybe he just… needed a distraction. He hates those things.” Nick tilted his head, noticing the strange thoughtfulness in his voice, but as soon as it came it was gone, and Stark was rambling at rapid fire speed again. “Anyway, I suppose this is where I get to the gas, right?”
Hill turned a page of the folder. “This is where the truth serum got them, right?”
Barton gave them a lopsided smile. “Stark would blow a fuse if he heard you calling it that,” he said. “But, yeah. Exactly.”
read the rest on ao3!
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thatlittledandere · 4 years
Media hyperfixation: Boueibu! 📌, ✨, 🎶, 💕, 🏳️‍🌈 and 💎
📌 how did you find your hyperfixation?
Tumblr. Someone I originally followed for... Sailor Moon I think? posted an edit with the SC in flower crowns. Shortly after there was a promo post of sorts (you know those “omg watch this and here’s why” lists). It looked hilarious, and I watched the first two episodes on a whim. I knew I would love it within five minutes.
✨ what draws you towards your hyperfixation? what is interesting about it?
I fell in love with the humor. Aside from that, I love how the the monsters and their complexes or problems that lead to them being turned into monsters set a theme for the episode, and the DC’s idle talks are always around the same subject. And especially in s1 all the loveless felt so real! Comically exaggerated of course, but deep down they dealt with realistic issues. I saw myself in many. And I love how, at the end of the day, the most important form of love that Boueibu promotes is self love! Some of Yumoto’s speeches seem to contradict each other, and they do, because the show acknowledges that there is no catch-all answer to the question of happiness and self-fulfillment! Everyone has different needs! It’s neat!! Man, do I have a lot of thoughts about s1 loveless.
🎶 if your hyperfixation has songs/an ost, what is your favorite song from it?
Full of bangers and bops, here’s a non-comprehensive list: I refuse to rank the op-ed’s. Never Know and Why So Cool feed my emo soul. Narukoryu-kabu de Moukeru Houteishiki (god I hope I got that right) has swing. Brother Lover Rapper is RAP. IT’S BOUEIBU AND IT’S RAP. WHAT MORE COULD I WISH FOR? LITERALLY?? IT COMBINES TWO OF MY PASSIONS. Sync a Think is an ioryuu anthem. Does your ship have an official anthem?? I could make my brother listen to Idols no Shinjitsu and he would like it blissfully unaware that it’s from an anime OST (has anyone figured out what the lyrics are yet..?)
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
I’ve rambled about Ibushi enough tolast for a life time but who cares! Who am I if not THE Ibushi stan? You enabled this.
I still don’t know WHY I fell for him so bad but doesn’t matter. First anime character I called my husband. Unfailingly loyal, polite and patient but not without snark, passive-aggressive at times, knows when to pull punches and when not to, great backstory for his molluscophobia, deep velvety voice, tall dark and handsome, best oneliners, observant (contrary to what a popular fandom meme would have you believe). Criminally underused. You know there’s something amiss when a character SHINES in the side canons but could be completely removed from the main canon with minimal consequences to the story.
🏳‍🌈 do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you?
At this point I can’t NOT see Yumoto as autistic. He has a “unique way of thinking”, he has special interests (animals), the cuddling is a sensory thing (he needs some kind of physical contact a lot), he stims (remember when ioryuu were giving each other the silent treatement and Yumoto, to quote Atsushi, “resorted to repetitive movement” and was so engrossed in it he didn’t even notice right away that Wombat was removed from his arms), he has routines (again, a certain number of cuddles), he minmaxes at school (zeroes in Japanese due to the aforementioned “unique thinking” but can allegedly tell the area of a shape by looking, so clearly he excels at geometry), he has trouble catching some social cues and conventions. That boy is autistic, y’all.
I have my sexuality and gender headcanons as well, but nothing so “important” I wouldn’t be able to adjust different interpretations for fics or whatever. Like my Ryuu is always 100% bisexual babeyyyy but if someone prefers him as gay that’s right-o, I’ve talked about ace Ryuu before, and I can even deal with him being honestly straight (bonus points if Io is still in love with him. One-sided pining train here we GOOOOO). I generally headcanon Io as demisexual, but have written him as gay as well. Is En gay or pan? Why can’t we have both? I’m flexible. But Yumoto is autistic, amen.
💎 are there any fun facts or trivia that you would like to share?
In s2 ep1 the DC talk about hourglasses. Ryuu seems to think saunas often have them, to which Io mentions he has a friend with a Finnish sauna in their home. First of all, this indicates Io has friends outside the Defense Club, which I still cannot believe after four years. Pics or it didn’t happen, Io. Secondly, and this is where I’m actually going with this, Finnish saunas do not have hourglasses in them. Why the hell would they? Not saying you CAN’T or SHOULDN’T but why WOULD you have an hourglass in a sauna?? I’m Finnish. Pretty much every Finnish home has a sauna. So does each swimming hall, usually more than one on both men’s and women’s sides of the showers. My family are sauna enthusiasts even by Finnish standards. I do consider myself an authority on this. I’ve been to, who knows, dozens of saunas in the 24 years I’ve lived on this Earth. Never seen an hourglass in my life. I’ve asked around, neither has anyone else I know. This unimportant throwaway line BOTHERS ME. Sauna is an integral part of Finnish culture. If you had to sum up the entirety of Finland in one word or one concept it would be sauna. You can’t just go around making lies. Sure there are saunas in many other countries and cultures as well and naturally they vary, but what the hell. What the shit and fuck. Look me in the eyes. I’m not joking.
media hyperfixation asks I promise to chill if you send in any more
#anon#asks#about me#'lots of thoughts about s1 loveless' and lots of gripes about s2 loveless lmao#they were much more... idk mundane? trivial?? superficial??? what's a good word#maybe it speaks about the villains as well. the beppu brothers are kind of uuh simple#not stupid definitely but they've got this one-track mind#('and the sc didn't?' ok ok ok yes they did. but i like them more lmao)#but honestly. 'i'm insignificant.' 'my self-worth is tied to other people.' 'i'm excessively self-conscious.'i have no control over my life#vs 'i want to get christmas off'#i know i know i'm oversimplifying#it's not just about having to work on holidays or not getting chocolate on valentine's day or not getting into art school#all of these do cause or stem from deeper issues#but they feel so much more situational than deep-rooted#it's a different perspective and not inherently better or worse. this is a personal preference. but i practically worship s1 loveless#what was the deal with happy kiss... i haven't thought about it as much. i've only seen it once#one dude didn't want summer vacation to end... another one's dad was a compulsive treasure hunter... one was the world's worst small talker#i think i've answered this meme before but whatever. never too much boueibu. and opinions change and wordings change#also i hate to admit it but in the anime ibushi is practically irrelevant#akoya and kinshiro are the characters and he's just there because two antagonists is not enough#and the sauna thing... i know it's not that deep. i know. it's a throwaway line with no significance to anyone else but me#but to me? boy does it have significance#finland mentioned but at what cost...#you can't just say whatever#i am about to start an international conflict. i am dialing japanese prime minister's number as we speak#edit: fixed the 'yesss' i couldn't make it look the way i wanted on desktop#the fuck's up with that
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keenerordeath · 4 years
Endgame Timelines
(except I don’t cry at the end)
Disclaimer: I have never read the comics, I am basing everything off of what I've seen in the MCU films and fans online that know more about the stones than I do. Add in my limitless optimism and you get this monstrosity!
What would happen if Tony hadn't been the one to snap away Thanos and his army? Would Peter Parker, the only other avenger with a Stark original nanotech suit, be the one to snap instead?
Let me show you what I think would have happened if Tony survived Endgame and Peter Parker saved the universe.
Below the cut:
what could happen to peter parker
how tony fixes everything
how I think the stones should all be returned after endgame
Peter Parker and the Gauntlet
Of course, something to address immediately would be Peter's probability of survival. We've seen Tom Holland's Peter Parker lift a fallen building's debris from himself and swing away afterwards. Since Peter hasn't been shot, or severely impaled, I don't have much of a reference to go by in terms of healing and regeneration, and he's certainly not on par with Deadpool in that department. BUT, I do have reference of Infinity Snaps from the Hulk, Tony, and Thanos himself. Hulk is strong, sure, and isn't all that fazed by radiation, since that was what created him. However, he was easily beaten by Thanos, and was injured just by wearing a gauntlet that held all six stones. The snap completely destroyed his arm. For Thanos, wielding the full gauntlet only caused a surge in energy but his body was intact. The snap itself left his arm injured but not completely immobile. The arm doesn't reach that point until snapping a second time to destroy the stones. To an average human like Tony, the snap cost his life. But we KNOW all this. What we don't know is how it translates to anyone other than these three.
 As a mutant, where does that leave Peter on the spectrum? Does using the stones leave a wound that will never heal, destined to be that way by the rules of the stones? Nothing is for free, right? My theory is that Peter would have a different experience. Do I want to see him in pain? Hell no. While our reality is that Spider-Man must move on in a universe without Tony Stark, I can't help but dream up endings a little more happy. So, what if? What if the one who will recover the easiest from using the stones is our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man?
 I would venture that the kid would be in intensive care under Helen Cho's watch. This woman has worked with super soldiers like Steve Rogers, created the cradle from Avengers: Age of Ultron. The avengers trust her with their lives. Tony wouldn't want anyone else to take care of Peter, because she would be the one to keep him alive. Not to mention, Peter heals quickly. The biggest issue may be understanding his metabolism well enough to administer antibiotics, pain killers, and other nutrients that his body would need to support his mutated healing abilities.
 Peter is in the hospital and Tony needs something to keep himself occupied while waiting for his kid to wake up.
Tony Stark and the Plan to Return the Stones
Anthony Edward Stark is not going to sit on his ass if there is a problem that needs solving. With everyone back besides Vision and Natasha, he's got a team that can execute the return of the stones perfectly. Even one thing out of place and alternate timelines are created.
Tony gets Dr. Strange to rewind time on the compound. It would be great if that could go back to not being rubble, you know?
Then he gets to work, getting the rundown from everyone.
What state were all the stones in when they were taken from the past?
What was Steve doing in 2012 after he left Loki and the others in the tower?
Where did he get the Pym particles from at the base?
When did Clint wake up with the soul stone in his hand?
Where was Natasha's body after she became the sacrifice?
Where did Rhodey and Nebula leave Quill?
Would it be so bad to leave the power stone on Morag now that Thanos cannot reach it there?
Will Gamora of 2014 want to go back to her own time or stay here?
Will Gamora want to stay if they manage to get her back alive from Vormir? Two Gamora's?
Where was the hammer before Thor summoned it?
What do they have to do to get the Aether back into Jane?
 He has a lot of questions, a lot of witnesses and resources, and a need for a distraction.
First thing he needs to do? Get as much information about the stones from Dr. Strange as possible.
any theories involving the actual powers and abilities of the stones are suuuuper yada yada-ed in some places because I have a very basic understanding of biology, atomic composition, time travel, neurological functions, artificial intelligence, etc. - they're flimsy in some places and I'm not sure how to fix that
Can the pocket universe in the Soul stone be accessed? Does it hold only Nat and Gamora's souls? Would they need their bodies to return the souls to? Would it just be easier to collect their bodies from Vormir and turn back time on them, too? Would their souls even be in their bodies anymore, or would they just be husks? Would taking their bodies back to the present create an alternate timeline that prevents their new alternate selves to be able to retrieve Nat or Gamora? Is it important enough to them to screw with another timeline like that? Will they have their bodies restored once they're puled from the stone?
Now, my understanding of the stones stems from the movies and an explanation I came across on Quora while researching the stones.
"To combat [their] weaknesses they all feed into each other and make each other more powerful. Also as a general weakness they will destroy most mortals without the use of a vessel (Infinity gauntlet, Ronan's hammer Etc) The Time stone makes each stone's effects permanent as well as permeate time. The Reality stone makes the others affect the world itself as opposed to just an aspect of the universe. The Power stone's raw power acts as a battery for the rest of them and amplifies their power. The Soul stone gives power over the souls of everyone the user comes across. The Space stone makes the effects of the other stones universe wide. The Mind stone allows the user complete control of the minds of everyone in the universe."
Another tidbit about the Soul stone that I found was this:
"Allows the user to steal, control, manipulate, and alter living and dead souls; as well as animate the motionless. The Soul Gem also acts as a gateway to an idyllic pocket universe. At full potential, when backed by the Power Gem, the Soul Gem grants the user control over all life in the universe."
Can't make an omelet without cracking a few eggs. With the combination of the Power, Time, Space, and Reality stones they get Natasha and Gamora out of the Soul stone. It is a stretch, considering Hulk said he had tried to get Natasha back. I think maybe using the Soul stone puts up a bit of a roadblock. How well can the Soul stone resist the effects of the other stones when it isn't being used, then? Say you use the Space stone to move the women out of the pocket universe? (Maybe it is possible to rebuild or reshape them to how they used to be by using the Space stone, same concept as Thanos changing the Aether to the Reality stone using the Space and Time stones). Using the Reality and Time stones to solidify their existence in that time and space in the universe, they could bend reality to make it so. The Power stone will juice up the other three, surely allowing them to push past boundaries they couldn't on their own. And if it takes a little tinkering with a juiced-up Soul stone to get them both fully restored, then so be it. Whatever it takes to get them back.
Now… vision is an incredibly complicated puzzle to solve. What IS left after the stone is removed? If Shuri had been allowed enough time, what would have changed for Vision? My gut tells me that his best chance lies in the hands of Shuri and Dr. Strange. Vision has just been hooked up to Shuri's tech in Wakanda. Five years later she still has the scans she made, still remembers what she had to do. So Dr. Strange takes them back to right before Thanos' General attacks Shuri and her guard, taking Vision with him. Instead of letting that play through, Strange pauses time, leaving himself and Shuri to find what made Vision tick, remove the stone and see what is left, what they need to substitute in as replacement for the Mind stone. They gather all the information housed in Vision's body. Every piece that came from Jarvis, Stark, Banner, Thor, Ultron, the Mind stone. How can that be recreated to be able to house Vision's memories and consciousness, again? Restoring him to minutes before Thanos took the stone from his head is the end goal. Once Shuri has all the data she needs, they turn back time on Vision, leave him back on the table, and resume time before jumping back to their present. They'll need the cradle again, some more vibranium, some help from Helen Cho and Thor's lightning. Would complete reconstruction and an upload of consciousness work without the stone? Obviously, the flying and the strength and all his other powers from the stone would be gone, but is it really so bad to have a chance at being normal?
They have their lost family back now. But they cannot rest yet. What else do they need the stones for before they can send them back to where they came from?
Can they be used to heal Peter? Have they already weakened themselves from using them so much? Is there anyone else that can wield them and help to restore what was lost after half the population vanished and everything became overwhelming to maintain? The plan for returning them was set, they're left with a lot of time to use the stones for some good. Can Captain Marvel offer more help to others in the universe? Surely, Earth isn't the only place that desperately needed help in the aftermath. I assume she will do what she can, holding more hope than in canon, since losing Tony left most of them… less than motivated to get back into hero-ing.
Danvers did what she needed to with the stones. Time to start their return plan.
All the stones need to be returned to how they looked when they were taken.
Thanos used the Space and Power stones to change the Aether from its weird wiggly form into an actual stone. Great, let's undo that. Should we use the Time stone or the Space and Power stones? Either will work? Dope, done and done, moving on.
The scepter and its case are around the compound somewhere, Vision doesn’t need the stone anymore, let's pack it in there. Same with the weird orb thing Rhodey brought the Power stone back in. Let's get those packed and they'll be ready to go.
Mjolnir: check. Aether: check. Scepter: check. Power Orb: check. Space, Soul, and Time stones: check, check, check. (Dr. Strange will be hanging onto that Time stone until the last mission, though)
Now we know from Avengers: Endgame that each capsule of Pym Particles will give you two jumps. They can go from the present to the past, then the past to the present. After that they have to refuel. With that established, my estimate would be that they would need to use AT LEAST 19 capsules, not accounting for spares in case of an emergency.
So, Hank Pym, mind making those? We need them to fix our time travel mess. Thanks, pal.
Back in Time, Right on Time
Tony doesn't need everyone to make this go smoothly. He can work with a smaller pool of people.
Clint is not going back, not to Vormir, not to anywhere. He will stay in the present with Nat and his family.
His blue meanie, Nebula, is staying with him. He will not subject her to the pain of sharing her network with another Nebula from a different time, not again.
Tony himself will not be leaving. He will be right here, coordinating everything. Some of them will be leaving at the same time. Others have multiple trips they're going to make. No one makes a second jump until they have checked back in with him. They'll restock their suits, get some food and rest, gather the things they need to return, and venture back out.
No Avenger is going to be sent back to a time that will trigger bad memories from their pasts.
Many candidates and teams were dismissed pretty early. They're abilities may have been ideal, but if their personalities did not mix well, Tony could not risk the messes that incompatibility could cause.
 For this to work, the best chance of success for the return of every stone and avoiding any offshoot timelines will require these Avengers: Captain Rogers, Thor, Dr. Strange, The Wasp, Mantis, Scarlet Witch, and Ant-Man. Stay tuned because we're going to need one surprise extra along the way, but more on that later.
To know where to go first, Tony first had to figure out who messed up the worst, and needed the most stones to complete the mission.
 Loki's Vanishing Act
Let's start with Loki taking the Tesseract in NYC 2012. It is essentially a surefire way to change pretty much everything we know about the MCU. So how is Tony going to fix that Royal Whoops? Well, it's not going to be easy. To ensure that Loki and the Tesseract are sent back to Asgard with Thor, Tony will send the Wasp and Ant-Man to keep the Tesseract close to a collapsed Tony Stark and Thor, and away from Loki, Endgame Tony and Scott, and the slimy Alexander Pierce. If anyone besides Thor got the Tesseract then, Tony and Steve would never go to the army base even further in the past. Best not to mess with that.
 Really? Hail Hydra?
Now that Loki is once again in custody of the Avengers, we'll follow Captain America taking the Scepter from NYC in 2012.
(Enjoy the layout of this one, because there's so much to it I don't want to make this into more of a story than a presentation. You'll take all my bullet points and you'll like them, damn it.)
Triggers for alternate timelines:
Tricking Hydra into thinking he was their ally
Prematurely informing his 2012 self of Bucky being alive
Removing the Mind stone from the scepter (this one couldn't really be helped, you're okay Steve)
Conclusion: a seamless return without creating any alternate timelines will be enough to give me a migraine. (Tony probably had one, too, after learning everything Steve said to get his way to the scepter and out of the tower)
 So, how does he plan to fix it? By sending the Wasp, Scarlet Witch, and Mantis.
Elevator Mess
Upon arriving at Stark Tower in NYC 2012, Hope shrinks the scepter, along with Wanda and Mantis. Their job is to follow Steve Rogers and clean up after him.
One "Hail Hydra" later, Hope carries Wanda to where she can erase the memories of all those in the elevator. Captain America is not with Hydra, he never entered that elevator, and he never took the scepter.
Last step here is to take the scepter they've brought and leave it exactly where Cap took the original from.
America's Ass
The reason Cap even had to fight himself is because Loki escaping disrupted the timeline, pulling 2012 Cap from search and rescue and back to the tower to hunt down Loki.
With Loki secured, Wanda has to manipulate 2012 Cap into still believing that Loki got away. After disabling his communications, they send him on his way.
His "I have eyes on Loki," never reaches anyone, and once they've fallen and Steve has knocked 2012 Cap unconscious, Wanda goes about erasing his memory of learning about Bucky. (Does Wanda get a video of "that's America's ass," to make fun of him with later? It's a mystery, truly, we'll never know)
Search and Rescue
They leave after returning 2012 Cap to the ground floor and waking him up (Thanks Mantis, I love you), sending him to resume search and rescue as if nothing had happened.
 Ghosts of the Past
When Tony brings up Vormir, Steve volunteers. He won't let Clint, Banner, or Quill go. He was close to Natasha, spent the last five years with her. He wanted the chance to rid them of the stone that tried to take her from them. He knew that the other three didn't need the pain that would hit them should they see the place where the women they love had almost been lost to them.
What no one accounted for was Steve knowing who had been guiding people to the stone all this time. Facing Red Skull was not what Steve had expected. If it weren't so terrifying to see him again it would be almost comical. But there was nothing here to fix. He'd watched as Clint's craft took off, returning back to the others with the stone and without Nat. He handed the Soul stone off, tapped the device on his wrist twice, and went home.
 Frigga Knows All
Steve doesn't talk about the last mission, so they move on to the next one. Tony sends Wanda and Steve to Asgard with Mjolnir and the Aether. They can't change that Thor told his mother the truth, but they can stop the Asgardians chasing Rocket and erase their memories of the raccoon. Disruption handled, Wanda goes to return the Aether to where it resided inside Jane. A very unfortunate place for it to be, but she knew she couldn't make any changes. So she returned it and left to find Cap, who had found where Thor pulled the hammer from and put it back. Rocket and Thor had gone back, and now Cap and Wanda could, too.
 The God of Mischief
All of the Avengers were familiar with the Tesseract. Turns out it was just a cosmic cube used to contain the power of the Space stone. Interesting twist, for sure. But Thanos crushed the cube, and without it, they couldn't get the Tesseract back to Howard Stark's labs. At least the Pym Particles were a simple mission.
(Buckle up, I'm bringing back the bullet points)
Triggers to alternate timelines:
SHIELD suddenly having the Space stone rather than the Tesseract
Hank Pym losing important pieces of his research
 Army base employee reporting Tony and Steve to bunker security
Conclusion: only the best of the best could twist this situation back to where it needs to be.
Tony's plan went something like this:
Saving a god
Thor and Dr. Strange go to retrieve Loki from the wreckage of the Asgardian ship
They work together to gather all those lost onto a nearby planet.
Once all the Asgardians have been found, Dr. Strange turns back time on the ship and on those gathered, bringing them back.
Using the Time, Space, and Power stones, Dr. Strange opens a portal that takes the Asgardians and their ship to the present in Norway, where the rest of their people reside.
Thor returns to the present, knowing Valkyrie was already in Norway, prepared to receive everyone.
Fooling a King
Dr. Strange keeps Loki with him, being the only one they've known to be able to contain Loki and see through his tricks. Loki doesn't give him any reasons to contain him, though.
An extra quantum realm suit and some Pym Particles given to Loki, and they jump to a time well before Loki had even learned he was the stolen prince of Jotunheim.
Together, they take the Tesseract from Odin's vault and hide it away.
Loki disguises himself as a young Thor and "confesses" to breaking the Tesseract, presenting the Space stone to Odin.
The Space stone is soon contained once again in a cosmic cube, an exact replica of the Tesseract Thanos had crushed, and returned to the vault.
Not wanting to risk anything, they replace the hidden Tesseract, retrieve the repaired cube, and jump back in time once more.
Returning Particles
Dr. Strange opens a portal in the basement of the bunker, watching as Howard Stark and "Howard Potts" leave the room.
The Tesseract is returned to the container Tony took it from and they were quickly through the next portal
Steve Rogers was gone and Hank Pym had yet to return
The capsules of Pym Particles were placed in the empty space left by Cap.
Mission complete, Loki and Dr. Strange returned to the Avengers Compound.
  Can't Really Fix This One
There was one alternate timeline that Tony would never be able to fix, not that he would ever want to. The Thanos from 2014 brought his army and his daughters with him to end the Avengers of the present and take the stones for himself.
But once he and his armies were snapped away, there was no one to return back to 2014. They were gone. Nebula had no idea if Gamora had vanished along with all the others on the ships that brought her to a different time. Well, if they ever run into her, they'll offer her the chance to go back to the time she left, should she wish to return.
All that could really be done was send Wanda and Mantis to put the orb back in the temple, give Quill back his lockpick, toss him in front of the temple and wake him up. Maybe he would run into this Korath guy he mentioned, maybe he won't, considering he was a lackey to Ronan, one of those Thanos used to do his bidding. A Thanos that was no longer there. Either way, Quill wasn't just left for dead. He may never meet Gamora, but he still had other adventures to go on, other people to meet.
 It's Finally Over
The Ancient One was taking down Chitauri before Hulk showed up. Steve would follow her attack patterns and range, because once Hulk showed up to get the stone, she would be distracted, and the Chitauri she would have stopped would continue on into NYC.
After Hulk had left with the Time Stone, Steve immediately approached the Ancient One and handed her the stone. They shared a look of understanding, she turned to rejoin the fight, and Steve left the rooftop to return home for the last time.
and they all lived happily ever after, the end, happy hanukkah, goodnight - Rallow <3
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stolethekey · 5 years
it’s your love i’m lost in
read on ao3
for @ofbuttsandbombs (and @b99fandomevents)
a combination of the prompts “kevin and raymond renew their vows” and “an MCU post-snap au”
The precinct is quieter these days. 
It still takes Amy by surprise, sometimes; there are mornings on which she strolls through the elevator doors half-expecting the lively hubbub of a precinct two-and-a-half years gone, mornings where the sight of a half-empty bullpen sends a familiar wave of pain crashing through her chest.
She thinks her subconscious is manufacturing hope. Rosa says it’s a coping mechanism of some sorts, because dealing with the unending despair day-in and day-out would render them completely useless. It makes sense, in a way – it feels scientifically impossible for her to get out of bed some days, and yet she’s been on time every single day since the NYPD had mandated its employees to return to work.
Captain Holt had tried his best to extend her time off, but he could only do so much, and she’d wanted to work, anyway. Being at home is no better than being at the precinct; his presence is still everywhere, and at least at work she can distract herself with the missing people who actually have a chance of being found.
And if she refuses to even look at the eternally empty desk across from her – well, who could blame her?
She doesn’t need to look at the surface of it, now coated with two-and-a-half years’ worth of dust and grime, to feel as if it will crush her, to know that it is a terrible reminder of the void that exists in her bedroom, in her car, in her life. It’s the same emptiness that has overtaken her fridge, save for the one expired bottle of orange soda that she refuses to throw out. It exists everywhere, now; it hovers around the desk Rosa glances at every so often, the one still sporting the Det. Charles Boyle nameplate. It’s palpable every time Terry starts to speak and then hesitates briefly before continuing, as if he is waiting for a certain assistant to interrupt him in a scathingly sarcastic voice. 
Even Hitchcock and Scully are quieter now.
It’s a small solace that both of them are still here, Amy supposes – so many duos were ripped apart by the snap, and the fact that the most consistent partnership in the Nine-Nine was spared is strangely comforting.
In any case, the precinct has been quiet for two and a half years, and it’s going to be quiet for however many years Amy has left at it.
Every day looks the same, now, and for the foreseeable future, every day is going to look the same.
Ordinarily, the sheer unendingness of it all would be enough to send her into a depressive spiral that would leave her bedridden for days, but the practical side of her knows that if that starts it will never end. Sometimes, giving into that slippery slope sounds more than inviting, but her therapist says it’s important to at least try.
So she tries, and she manages to find comfort in the little hints of normalcy that surface sometimes. She laughs when Hitchcock accidentally feeds Scully a tube of toothpaste. She helps Rosa get her knife out of the wall after a particularly rough interrogation. She rolls her eyes when the scent of Terry’s mango yogurt reaches her desk.
It’s not much, but it’s enough to keep her going.
Every day looks the same, and she wants something different as much as she fears it.
Maybe that’s why a thrill runs down her spine when Kevin shows up at the precinct one day, his eyes dancing with an uncharacteristic apprehension.
She chews her lip nervously as she eyes Holt’s closed door, and as it opens to reveal a slightly-worried Kevin she lets her pen drop to her desk.
“Santiago,” Kevin says softly, a slightly wavering smile toying at his lips. “Would you come in here for a second?”
She stands, making her best attempt at a confident posture, and strolls toward the office, exchanging a brief, confused glance with Rosa on the way there.
“Captain,” she says, forcing some cheeriness into her voice. “You wanted to see me?”
“Yes,” Holt says, gesturing at her to close the door. “I wanted to ask a favor.”
“A favor.”
“We know the last two and a half years have been long and hard, and that you’ve been through a lot–“
Something in her stomach clenches. “What is it, sir?”
Kevin clears his throat and she turns toward him as he steps forward, looking uncharacteristically uncomfortable. “Well, uh – you may remember that before – um, before everything happened, Raymond and I were talking about doing a vow renewal.”
She nods.
“We – er, well, we thought that – um, since some time has passed, and, uh, well–“
“We still want to do it,” Holt interrupts, shooting a reassuring smile at his husband.
“Oh,” Amy says, a curious emotion creeping up her shoulders. “Um, sorry, that’s great, but what do I have to do with that?”
Kevin taps a finger on the desk, looking even more uncomfortable. “Raymond thinks you would be a good person to, er, give a speech at the ceremony. And I am inclined to agree.”
“Oh,” Amy says again. “Um, that’s a huge honor, sir–“
“You do not have to accept,” Holt says, watching her carefully. “I promise I will not think less of you. And if I were in your position, I’m not sure I would want to either. We simply – I have a lot of respect for you, Santiago, as an employee, as a mentee, and as a friend. And it would be an honor to have you speak.”
She hesitates, her hands kneading the fabric of her blazer, and glances at Kevin. He gives her a small smile.
“Please don’t feel obligated to, really – we’re asking as friends, and we would completely understand if you don’t want to –“
“I do,” she says quickly. “I do want to, don’t get me wrong, I just – may I have some time to think about it?”
“Of course,” Holt says gently. “Take all the time you need.”
 “You don’t have to do it,” Rosa says later that day, taking a swig of her beer. “Holt won’t like you any less.”
Amy shifts in her seat, eying the neon Shaw’s sign that hangs over the bar. “I know, but part of me wants to. If he’d asked me to do it three years ago, I would’ve lost my mind. There’s no way I’d even consider turning it down.”
“So do it.”
“But things are different now, you know? People are – people are gone, and the concept of love doesn’t feel the same anymore, and I don’t know if I have it in me– ”
 “So don’t do it.”
“You are so unhelpful; do you know that?”
Rosa shrugs. “It’s your decision.”
“Yeah, and I’m asking you for help."
The beer bottle hits the table with a thud, and Rosa sighs. “If you want my honest opinion–”
“I do.”
“Then I think you should do it.”
“Okay,” Amy says slowly. “Why?”
“That support group you go to – it’s all about moving on, right? About making sure Thanos doesn’t get the satisfaction of ending our lives, too.”
“I mean, yeah, but–”
“Part of moving on is living like you would have without tragedy. And without tragedy, you would’ve screamed ‘Yes!!’ before Holt could even finish his sentence.”
“Yeah,” Amy says quietly. “But…there is tragedy. It happened. And ignoring it just seems wrong, somehow.”
Rosa looks at her, an uncharacteristic softness in her gaze. “Jake would’ve wanted you to do it.”
Amy’s jaw clenches. “That – that’s not –”
“Yeah, it is,” Rosa says flatly. “If Jake was here, would you be sitting here right now, forcing me to have this conversation?”
“I – well, that’s beside the point, isn’t it, since he isn’t here, and–”
“No, it’s not,” Rosa interrupts. “If he was here, you’d be celebrating with him, and he’d be equally as excited for you as he would be about getting to see his dads hold a wedding ceremony.”
Amy’s hand tightens around the stem of her wine glass.
Rosa notices, of course, and her voice is gentler when she speaks again. “I’m just saying, you shouldn’t be afraid to do it because you think you’re disrespecting his memory, or the love you had and lost. If anything, you standing up and celebrating love in defiance of everything that’s been taken from you is an act of incredible courage. It would honor his memory. And he’d be so proud of you for it.”
Amy hesitates, but the more she stares at her drink the more she notices that the queasiness in her stomach is fading.
“I–yeah, okay,” she mutters. “Okay, I’ll do it.”
Rosa grins. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” Amy breathes, a smile starting to make its way onto her lips. “Yeah. I’m gonna do it.”
 The ceremony is small and intimate, and as Amy stands at the front of the room, looking out into the faces of her mentor and friends, she feels a small rush of pride at the family the Nine-Nine has managed to build.
“Ask anyone at the Nine-Nine, and they’ll tell you that Captain Holt and Kevin have a bond that is as unbreakable as they come,” she starts, and the sight of everyone’s smiles is surprisingly calming. “And I think we’ve seen that to be true. The snap broke apart so many couples, but it couldn’t touch them.”
There is a collective, subdued intake of breath, and Amy’s jaw tightens slightly.
“I know it’s hard to talk about, and it may seem inappropriate on a day like this, but I think it’s important to acknowledge. Because this is more than a celebration of love. It’s a celebration of a determination, a celebration of defiant joy in the face of a world that laughs at you and says you will never be happy again.”
Terry’s eyes start shining in the front row.
“I lost my husband, Jake, that day. And his best friend, Charles.” She pauses. “Charles was spared a Jake-less existence, and there are times I think he was the lucky one. But I realize, now, that it does not do to dwell on what might have been when what we have, what is, is still so beautiful. Tinged with pain and loss, maybe, but still beautiful.”
She smiles. “That’s been the theme of the entire Holt-Cozner relationship. Finding love, despite everything telling them that they cannot. Being confronted with danger, with fear, with risk, but making the incredibly brave choice to love anyway.”
The pride and love in Holt’s eyes seem to be igniting a fire within her, but it is not the roaring flame she is used to; instead, it is warm, safe, and comforting. A hearth, rather than a blaze.
“Thank you, Captain, and thank you, Kevin, for everything. You have taught me so much since Captain Holt first walked through the doors of the Nine-Nine, both police work-related and not, and this is perhaps the most important lesson of all. Love really, truly, does persevere, and we are all stronger because of it.”
“So thank you. And congratulations.”
She steps back from the microphone, Rosa mouths proud of you from the front row, and as the room explodes into applause, Amy feels the emptiness lift a little.
When she steps off the elevator the next day, the bullpen is humming with energy – Rosa is perched on Terry’s desk, handing him a container of yogurt, Holt is talking to a few beat cops next to the break room, and Hitchcock and Scully are loudly debating the virtues of extra cheese on a meatball sub.
It’s not quite the comfortable bustle of years past, but it’s closer, and for the first time in a long time, there is a smile on Amy’s face as she settles into her chair.
And if she spends the entire afternoon cleaning the dust and filth off the desk across from her – well, who could blame her?
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michams · 5 years
VIXX “Scentist” analysis based on “Perfume”, by P. Suskind PART I  - The MV (1/2)
“Scentist” is definitely one of my favorite songs/ music videos/ concepts in kpop so last year, when I got to know it was based on a book, I went after and read it. Since then I’ve been wanting to share an analysis focused on more direct references to Suskind’s story.
In “PART I” I’ll be giving my thoughts on how the Music Video is related to the book. Since it turned out quite long, there will be two posts.
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Some considerations i. This analysis does not really explain the story in the MV itself, since it has a lot more factors involving stuff (apparently) specifically made for Vixx. There are many interesting theories posted by other Starlights though.
ii. I didn’t originally read the book in English, so I’m using my own translations – which can differ from other editions.
iii. This is somewhat a personal interpretation; one could read the same book and have different opinions. Feel free to tell me your thoughts about it  :^)
iv. As referred before, English is not my first language. Feel free to let me know about any mistakes.
v. Mind that this analysis contains SPOILERS of the book.
vi. This post makes reference to sensitive subjects (such as violence), like the book itself.
The structure of the analysis I decided to follow the plot of the book rather than the sequence shown in the music video and I divided the whole analysis in parts.
The book “In the XVIII century France, Jean-Baptist Grenouille is a young man with a sublime gift – an absolute ability to perceive odors. He doesn’t have any smell himself. Obsessed with capturing scents, one day he smells an fragrance that will take him into a disturbing search for the world’s most powerful perfume – one capable of dominating people’s hearts.”
The novel is divided into four parts: in the first post (1/2) I will talk about the 1st and 2nd, and in the second (2/2) about 3rd and 4th.
                                                          * * * FIRST PART In the first part of the novel, we get to follow Grenouille’s birth and youth. When he was born, he almost died, however he was found out and taken care of by different people before being sent away to a sort of orphanage. As a kid, he went through many illnesses and accidents, which left many scars – but he was very resistant.
The boy had a late and slow development process. By this time he was conscious of his outstanding ability for smelling and began to build his inner aromas library, combining them to create new ones. He mostly shut himself from the world and avoided interaction.
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[Image 01 - 0:56 sec]  This can be a representation of the young Grenouille, lost in his thoughts and imagination regarding what he smells.
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[Image 01.2 - 1:36 min] The lenses some members use are the color in which the boy’s eyes are described: a tone between grey and opal-blue.
When he was 8 years old and the convent ceases from sending money, he was exchanged at a tannery. He was supposed to do the heavy work and quietly subordinates himself to his boss’ orders.
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[Image 02 - 0:39 sec]  I associate this to the unique way Grenouille had to view the outside world, always on the look for the finest, undetectable smells.
“He is very greedy and takes in any sort of smell; he wished to posses all kinds the world had to offer.”
In a night of celebration, during a firework show, he felt a really soft aroma – one he had never sensed before and superior to anything he had ever known. He felt an urge in his heart to posses that scent. He is confused when he’s led to a girl, since he didn’t think a human could smell to anything good. He ends up killing her, only worrying about not missing the scent.
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[Image 03 - 1:41 min]  I like to associate this scene to the night he first feels that special scent. Leo is seen with his eyes closed, which relates to both Grenouille conducting himself in the dark and being pulled by the scent, allured by that sensation.
“This is when he understands his fate is to be the greatest perfumer of all times.”
When delivering suede, he meets an old traditionalist Italian perfumer – who had  great knowledge, but not much natural talent – and tells him he wishes to be his apprentice. He proves his ability by making a perfume. At first, the man was horrified by his non-methodical ways but is suddenly dumbstruck by the smell. Grenouille frenetically created many scents everyday. This is when he learns appropriate methods to work, how to use formulas and the first techniques for isolating essences.
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[Image 04 - 0:51 sec] This would represent Grenouille making perfumes by measuring the ingredients, noting and starting to view them as formulas.
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[Image 05 - 0:52 sec] [Image 06 - 0:32 sec]  The images showing flowers in a sort of liquid makes reference to the process of extracting their essences.
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[Image 07 - 0:55 sec] [Image 08 - 0:27 sec]  Here, Hongbin watches and waits as the drops of essence (usually oils) get collected.
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[Image 09 - 0:34 sec]  I associate this scene to the fragrances Grenouille creates combining mentally the smells he knows; Hongbin and Hyuk would be the representation of his work in a kind of “inner laboratory”.
He began tracing a scheme on how he would use that knowledge in the near future plans. He starts experimenting. However, when failing to obtain essences from objects and other unusual materials, he stopped and fell deadly ill. Only after being told there are other methods, he recovers. They get to an agreement so that he would be permitted to go. With his title of auxiliary and new skills, he begins a new journey.
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[Image 10 - 1:13 min]  Although I was confused by the car, I generally associate it with Grenouille’s journey and travelling (which will keep on in the future, as we will see); at this point, it would represent him leaving the city.
                                                          * * * SECOND PART This is the period when Grenouille’s seclusion takes place. The farther he walked from Paris the better he felt and his nose became more sensible the more he got used to nature. It became unbearable to have any kind of human smell around him, it was disgusting. He began walking only at night. He goes to the most isolated place in the kingdom, the peak of a 2000 meters mountain. He finds a faint stream of water, small animals and plants to feed himself with, as well as a cave; at its bottom, there were a tight place he felt had never been touched by a living being – he laid there and only left for basic needs. He would get lost for days in his inner empire, filled with the smells in his memory.
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[Image 11 - 0:05 sec] [Image 12 - 1:38 min]  This would be the moment Grenouille finds and enters the cave.
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[Image 13 - 0:04 sec]  I associate this with Grenouille reaching the bottom of the cave and feeling at ease by setting in that place.
He fell into a deep sleep (almost as if hibernating), and created whole settings making use of smells of the things he wanted to be a part of his perfect kingdom, where he reigned supreme. He felt home in his purple castle.
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[Image 14 - 0:25 sec] [Image 15 - 0:46 sec] [Image 16 - 0:46 sec]  This represents Jean-Baptist during his sleep inside the cave, dreaming of his kingdom and palace.
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[Image 17 - 2:30 min]  Here, the boy representing Grenouille appears again, this time wearing his crown, as he rules his inner kingdom built of smells.
In his purple salon, resting on a sofa, he asks imaginary servers to bring him volumes from his scents library and bottles of the finest smells to drink. As he did so, he was delighted by pleasure and peace. He drinks the girl’s aroma for last. Drunk, he falls asleep.
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[Image 18 - 1:21 min]  Serving as a background throughout the MV, Ken stands in front of the scents storage, which Grenouille savors as drinks by bringing them back from his memory.
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[Image 19 - 1:18 min] [Image 20 - 2:09 min]  The representation of the aroma drinks being served.
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[Image 21 - 2:25 min]  N, as Grenouille, appreciating one of the memories (possibly the girl’s scent, judging by his reaction).
The outer world was completely hostile to him. He stayed like this for 7 years. However, one day a catastrophe happened in his fantasy. While sleeping in the salon, slowly, a cloud of smell began to take over the place. It was his own smell, but the boy gets desperate finding out he couldn’t feel a thing.
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[Image 22 - 1:38 min]  This could a be representation of Grenouille observing and reflecting over the mist taking over his fantasy.
He screamed terribly, destroying the walls of his kingdom. Even scared by the uncertainty of not being able to smell something, when he is sure there’s no odor, he puts his clothes rags on and leaves.
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[Image 23 - 0:52 sec]  The crashing glass could represent the destruction of the palace when Grenouille is taken by the fear of not smelling himself. (Note: I also considered whether this scene was related to Grenouille’s frustration when he fails to obtain the essences, during his period working for the perfurmer, specially taking to account the sequence it’s shown along in the MV).
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[Image 24 - 2:46 min]  I associate this to Grenouille once again considering going out of the cave into the outside world, as Hyuk is seen bathed by exterior light.
Grenouille looked terrible; he tells people he had been robbed and kidnapped, being kept captive for 7 years in a cave. He is then taken to to a Marquis who dedicated his life to science and led a study on the relation between the proximity to earth and vital energy. He is invited to the Marquis’ castle and showed off to the academic community in Montpellier. Grenouille was fed and groomed. It was the first time he was addressed as monsieur and the first time he saw himself in a mirror.
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[Image 25 - 1:26 min]  Grenouille sees himself in the mirror. We can associate this to the impression he causes in himself; somehow a boy looking at a man, with many hidden goals deep inside. He describes the image as a “(…) figure disguised as a person (...)” - he thinks all that was because of the clothes and makeup (rather than the Marquis curing him or a change of character).
Making use of some excuses, he gets to use the laboratory of a local perfumery and makes a fragrance to spray himself with and smell “like a human”. Walking around to test its effectiveness, for the first time, people finally noticed his presence (in a very natural way).
“He understood he could overcome what he just did and create a perfume able to make people love him, fall on their knees for him without knowing the reason why. He wanted to dominate their hearts. The omnipotent God of aroma.”
References used:  - Book: Perfume, the story of a murderer; by P. Suskind (2007 ed., Editora Record). - 빅스(VIXX) - '향 (Scentist)' Official M/V (YouTube). - Film:  Perfume, the story of a murderer (2006).
To be continued...here!
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cthulhubert · 5 years
Thoughts, not even a review, of Terra Ignota
recently finished Will to Battle.
(Book 3 of Terra Ignota, preceded by Too Like the Lightning and Seven Surrenders. The sequel and finale, Perhaps the Stars, is expected in 2021.)
So I wanted to post some thoughts, not even a review, really.
The take away is that despite many of its major, fundamental features leaving me cold or even actively repulsing me, I overall very much enjoyed reading it.
This is perhaps a higher recommendation than unalloyed praise. The more I like something, the more I complain. For one thing, it's a kind of eustress: the perfect thing has no flaws to catch interest; for another, if I just plain dislike something, I wouldn't spare much thought on it to begin with, much less linearize so many of them into words.
So my mostly negative venting (consisting of immediate and thorough spoilers) beneath the cut
So right off the bat: I HATE the genius serial killer trope; and I detest SFF trolley problem analogs.
I was so irritated by the one-two punch of these big reveals in the first book that I actually let my hold on Seven Surrenders and read several other books in the interim. (I knew I'd be back though, I put a new one on both 2 and 3 next.)
Mycroft Canner... one who believes themself "free" merely because they can kill. It reminds me of something that's stuck in my mind for a long time: a guy calling other peoples cucks because they used alarm clocks to wake up. "I can't believe you let a machine boss you around."
Because I otherwise liked the writing so much, I kept trying to dredge up another layer of meaning to the treatment of Mycroft as torturer-rapist-murderer. For instance: "Oh, so many people around him being sympathetic and liking him is actually the narrative sneakily reminding us that the core trait of serial killers like this is a manipulative personality, which his savant abilities would only feed." Carlyle Foster even brings this up specifically in the scene where we first learn the specifics of Canner's crimes, but of course, their portrayal in that scene (which, reminder, is literally by Mycroft) is of one hysterical and unreasonable.
Palmer did achieve one of most author's highest goals in emotionally transporting me to one of their scenes, but it just really made me wish I was in Carlyle's shoes. To react with, rather than panic, the cold disdain merited by a creature so broken it is wrong about the ways in which it is broken. To spit on them and denigrate their feelings of uniqueness and specialness, arising both from the murders and from their oh so pitiable martyrdom and servitude now. "If only we could mercifully lobotomize away your personality and still use the savanthood modules so unfortunately stapled to them."
Mycroft: "Everybody seems to have one murder they thought was the worst. I thought yours would be []" Me instead of Carlyle, snidely: "Is that a fun game for you, that speculation?"
(In another scene, the Major's sympathy to Mycroft and Saladin as "fellow killers" somewhat raised my hackles; my experience is military people expressing exaggerated disgust for "civilian" killers, perhaps as a way of mental separation between their acts. Though the revelation that the Major is Achilles, with an ancient's attitudes, perhaps ameliorates this.)
As for OS... if you've invented prophecy, there will be heaps upon myriads upon multitudes of miraculous ways to reshape the world before you reach a best value intervention of cold-blooded murder. I was, at least, amused by considering the linear combination of this limitation between the author and the characters. Palmer was quite clever in making sure that the mystical demographic math must be facilitated by humans (and the very odd set-set humans at that).
I admit I hold this philosophy a bit more strongly than my time investment in the fields merit, but I see it this way:
In physics, infinite, friction-less planes in perfect vacuums occupied by inelastic, spherical cows are a useful tool. They approximate things that are theoretically possible, absent the various extra forces.
In ethics, and in any system that is so truly complex, everything you remove makes for a completely different system. None of the elements are basically orthogonal to the circumstances the way air resistance is to a bullet.
These philosophical sorts of thought experiments are, at best, emotional exercises. They are not simplified tools to build a foundation for more complex issues, they're figments born of the phantasmal conditions possible only in the interior of the brain, and too much work with them will only foul both logic and intuition with garbage data.
As for what merely fell flat:
While I deeply enjoyed so much of the speculation about cultural changes brought about by technology, and travel technology specifically, the "no proselytizing" law felt quite forced. I can definitely believe such a law would be passed after the Church Wars described, but holding so strong for centuries?
There are all kinds of supernatural thoughts and beliefs people accept, and there simply isn't a neat threshold between those and religion. Even in the counterfactual world where there was one, it would be quite concealed by the sophistry that's metastasized through the entire discussion space around it.
I can think of a dozen questions off the top of my head that they'd have to decide. And while flipping a coin or an attempt at a definitional framework could answer them, it couldn't do it in a way that's strong enough to stand the test of time. Imagine Laurel/Yanny, the Dress, or if a hot dog is a sandwich, but with material-security level of investment in them!
I'm areligious (to put it... mildly) but for personal, psychosocial reasons, when I sit down to eat I spend a moment in mindful gratitude towards the plants and animals that gave their life for mine. Is that religious? Are ghost hunter shows illegal because they're proselytory for any animistic religion? Would acupuncturists be able to work, or is that a daoist superstition? Could my neighbor's still paint the ceiling of their porch haint blue? Are scientists allowed to register trials for psychic powers? Can schools teach the arguments for dualism?
That doesn't even get into the subjects that, in real life, yank out all the stops on linguistic-conceptual inventiveness! Europe has had a pestilential outbreak of sophistry around head scarves! Would the Alliance ban them for being religious garb? If so, would they ban clothing that covers the ankles as Calvinist religious garb? Or that covers the nipples? (Oh wait, showing the nipples is of significance in some religions! can't allow that!) Should they ban clothing that contains unmixed fibers for being a religious display!? They don't seem to do any of these things, but that's just as much a choice about the First Law as doing so.
Someone proposes personhood begins at conception; I claim that this is fundamentally a supernaturalist belief. Is one of us in violation of the first law? If a hive outlaws birth control, how are they investigated for whether this is a cultural or religious condition? What happens when, I dunno, a Cousin run campus has somebody that wants to put Intelligent Design in the biology textbooks? Most people (well including the people pushing it) know that it's religion wrapped in plausibly deniable words. So is that proselytizing, or is someone pointing it out proselytizing atheism?
Speaking of, there's a pretty good correlation of peace and prosperity with movement to non-religioun. It honestly doesn't seem like sensayers should have much work.
But we meet Bridger and his miracles right at the beginning of the book, before we know a thing about the Church Wars etc. And it's obviously a central tension of the story, intended to be coequal with the brewing war, and yet it quite failed to rouse my interest. The book would've been stronger without it.
Perhaps this *is* just a me thing, since my mind has held miraculous intervention as a solved problem for most of my life. If I were convinced of an event's miraculous character, the most parsimonious explanation is in the vein of, "We're in a simulation that's only been running for a week or so, either as a game or as an experiment, and now we're running under different rules than the ones our (artificial) memories imply." The probability of that happening is too low to waste time processing any other ramifications or possibilities ahead of time.
There is another, related layer of enjoyable consideration, which is of course the reliability of the narrator and his evidence. In Will to Battle, our author is revealed as explicitly delusional, suffering regular, presumably PTSD (and/or anti-sleep drug) related hallucinations. I wish I'd had the patience to do a very close read, or to do a second read—especially given the revelation that 9A edited some of the delusions out of the first two books. Diegetic skepticism is a regular part of the narrative. And there are lots of "rhymes" in the text to mundane circumstances. We're told Bridger looks like Apollo and Seine, and shown the artificial, parentless children, Ganymede and Danaë (crafted to be such a degree of hyperstimulus that among other things, Ganymede has an entire school of art dedicated to him). We're shown that perceptions are malleable, with Thisbe's "witchcraft" and Cato's magician like showmanship. We're constantly exposed to griffincloth and know that just its presence at JEDD's assassination spread skepticism. We're told that scientists proclaim Achilles to have Ancient Greek DNA and an adult's bone structure, but we're also constantly shown an incredible variety of artificial animals and related wonders, and told Apollo was a great scientist.
And yet, over and over the narrative rebukes skepticism. 9A endorses most of what Mycroft has written, and if we go so far as considering them (along with, eg, the officialese headings and warnings) as Mycroft's delusions too, we're at the point where we have to step back so far that the unreliable narrator is actually this "Ada Palmer" character, who is writing about things that don't exist in a year we haven't reached yet!
I was bothered that nobody who learned about it seemed ready to express the proper amount of disgust at the extra-incestuous politics of the world leaders, and honestly find it simply hard to accept that their consortium worked so altruistically.
Finally, ultimately, the central themes of the novel, about peace and war and complacency seem awfully poorly considered for the current era, where voting age children have never known a world without an official war, and the just grown generation is the first since the industrial revolution to be poorer and less healthy and more stressed than their parents. Not just this novel, but the world in general seems to be sorely missing the concept of the important qualitative differences between distress and eustress.
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dailytechnologynews · 5 years
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The Coming Age of Imaginative Machines: If you aren't following the rise of synthetic media, the 2020s will hit you like a digital blitzkrieg
The faces on the left were created by a GAN in 2014; on the right are ones made in 2018.
Ian Goodfellow and his colleagues gave the world generative adversarial networks (GANs) five years ago, way back in 2014. They did so with fuzzy and ethereal black & white images of human faces, all generated by computers. This wasn't the start of synthetic media by far, but it did supercharge the field. Ever since, the realm of neural network-powered AI creativity has repeatedly kissed mainstream attention. Yet synthetic media is still largely unknown. Certain memetic-boosted applications such as deepfakes and This Person Does Not Exist notwithstanding, it's safe to assume the average person is unaware that contemporary artificial intelligence is capable of some fleeting level of "imagination."
Media synthesis is an inevitable development in our progress towards artificial general intelligence, the first and truest sign of symbolic understanding in machines (though by far not the thing itself--- rather the organization of proteins and sugars to create the rudimentary structure of what will someday become the cells of AGI). This is due to the rise of artificial neural networks (ANNs). Popular misconceptions presume synthetic media present no new developments we've not had since the 1990s, yet what separates media synthesis from mere manipulation, retouching, and scripts is the modicum of intelligence required to accomplish these tasks. The difference between Photoshop and neural network-based deepfakes is the equivalent to the difference between building a house with power tools and employing a utility robot to use those power tools to build the house for you.
Succinctly, media synthesis is the first tangible sign of automation that most people will experience.
Public perception of synthetic media shall steadily grow and likely degenerate into a nadir of acceptance as more people become aware of the power of these artificial neural networks without being offered realistic debate or solutions as to how to deal with them. They've simply come too quickly for us to prepare for, hence the seemingly hasty reaction of certain groups like OpenAI in regards to releasing new AI models.
Already, we see frightened reactions to the likes of DeepNudes, an app which was made solely to strip women in images down to their bare bodies without their consent. The potential for abuse (especially for pedophilic purposes) is self-evident. We are plunging headlong into a new era so quickly that we are unaware of just what we are getting ourselves into. But just what are we getting into?
Well, I have some thoughts.
I want to start with the field most people are at least somewhat aware of: deepfakes. We all have an idea of what deepfakes can do: the "purest" definition is taking one's face replacing it with another, presumably in a video. The less exact definition is to take some aspect of a person in a video and edit it to be different. There's even deepfakes for audio, such as changing one's voice or putting words in their mouth. Most famously, this was done to Joe Rogan.
I, like most others, first discovered deepfakes in late 2017 around the time I had an "epiphany" on media synthesis as a whole. Just in those two years, the entire field has seen extraordinary progress. I realized then that we were on the cusp of an extreme flourishing of art, except that art would be largely-to-almost entirely machine generated. But along with it would come a flourishing of distrust, fake news, fake reality bubbles, and "ultracultural memes". Ever since, I've felt the need to evangelize media synthesis, whether to tell others of a coming renaissance or to warn them to be wary of what they see.
This is because, over the past two years, I realized that many people's idea of what media synthesis is really stops at deepfakes, or they only view new development through the lens of deepfakes. The reason why I came up with "media" synthesis is because I genuinely couldn't pin down any one creative/data-based field AI wasn't going to affect. It wasn't just faces. It wasn't just bodies. It wasn't just voice. It wasn't just pictures of ethereal swirling dogs. It wasn't just transferring day to night. It wasn't just turning a piano into a harpsichord. It wasn't just generating short stories and fake news. It wasn't just procedurally generated gameplay. It was all of the above and much more. And it's coming so fast that I fear we aren't prepared, both for the tech and the consequences.
Indeed, in many discussions I've seen (and engaged in) since then, there's always several people who have a virulent reaction against the prospect neural networks can do any of this at all, or at least that it'll get better enough to the point it will affect artists, creators, and laborers. Even though we're already seeing the effects in the modeling industry alone.
Look at this gif. Looks like a bunch of models bleeding into and out of each other, right? Actually, no one here is real. They're all neural network-generated people.
Neural networks can generate full human figures, and altering their appearance and clothing is a matter of changing a few parameters or feeding an image into the data set. Changing the clothes of someone in a picture is as easy as clicking on the piece you wish you change and swapping it with any of your choice (or result in the personal wearing no clothes at all). A similar scenario applies for make-up. This is not like an old online dress-up flash game where the models must be meticulously crafted by an art designer or programmer— simply give the ANN something to work with, and it will figure out all the rest. You needn't even show it every angle or every lighting condition, for it will use commonsense to figure these out as well. Such has been possible since at least 2017, though only with recent GPU advancements has it become possible for someone to run such programs in real time.
The unfortunate side effect is that the amateur modeling industry will be vaporized. Extremely little will be left, and the few who do remain are promoted entirely because they are fleshy & real human beings. Professional models will survive for longer, but there will be little new blood joining their ranks. As such, it remains to be seen whether news and blogs speak loudly of the sudden, unexpected automation of what was once seen as a safe and human-centric industry or if this goes ignored and under-reported— after all, the news used to speak of automation in terms of physical, humanoid robots taking the jobs of factory workers, fast-food burger flippers, and truck drivers, occupations that are still in existence en masse due to slower-than-expected roll outs of robotics and a continued lack of general AI.
We needn't have general AI to replace those jobs that can be replicated by disembodied digital agents. And the sudden decline & disappearance of models will be the first widespread sign of this.
Actually, I have an hypothesis for this: media synthesis is one of the first signs that we're making progress towards artificial general intelligence.
Now don't misunderstand me. No neural network that can generate media is AGI or anything close. That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that what we can see as being media synthesis is evidence that we've put ourselves on the right track. We never should've thought that we could get to AGI without also developing synthetic media technology.
What do you know about imagination?
As recently as five years ago, the concept of "creative machines" was cast off as impossible— or at the very least, improbable for decades. Indeed, the phrase remains an oxymoron in the minds of most. Perhaps they are right. Creativity implies agency and desire to create. All machines today lack their own agency. Yet we bear witness to the rise of computer programs that imagine and "dream" in ways not dissimilar to humankind.
Though lacking agency, this still meets the definition of imagination.
To reduce it to its most fundamental ingredients: Imagination = experience + abstraction + prediction. To get creativity, you need only add "drive". Presuming that we fail to create artificial general intelligence in the next ten years (an easy thing to assume because it's unlikely we will achieve fully generalized AI even in the next thirty), we still possess computers capable of the former three ingredients.
Someone who lives on a flat island and who has never seen a mountain before can learn to picture what one might be by using what they know of rocks and cumulonimbus clouds, making an abstract guess to cross the two, and then predicting what such a "rock cloud" might look like. This is the root of imagination.
As Descartes noted, even the strongest of imagined sensations is duller than the dullest physical one, so this image in the person's head is only clear to them in a fleeting way. Nevertheless, it's still there. Through great artistic skills, the person can learn to express this mental image through artistic means. In all but the most skilled, it will not be a pure 1-to-1 realization due to the fuzziness of our minds, but in the case of expressive art, it doesn't need to be.
Computers lack this fleeting ethereality of imagination completely. Once one creates something, it can give you the uncorrupted output.
Right now, this makes for wonderful tools and apps that many play around with online and on our phones.
But extrapolating this to the near future results in us coming face to face many heavy questions, and not just of the "can't trust what you see variety."
Because think about it.
If I'm a musical artist and I release an album, what if I accidentally recorded a song that's too close to an AI-generated track (all because AI generated literally every combination of notes?) Or, conversely, what if I have to watch as people take my music and alter it? I may feel strongly about it, but yet the music has its notes changed, its lyrics changed, my own voice changed, until it might as well be an entirely different artist making that music. Many won't mind, but many will.
I trust my mother's voice, as many do. So imagine a phisher managing to steal her voice, running it through a speech synthesis network, and then calling me asking me for my social security number. Or maybe I work at a big corporation, and while we're secure, we still recognize each other's voice, only to learn that someone stole millions of dollars from us because they stole the CEO's voice and used to to wire cash to a pirate's account.
Imagine going online and at least 70% of the "people" you encounter are bots. They're extremely coherent, and they have profile images of what looks to be real people. And who knows, you may even forge an e-friendship with some of them because they seem to share your interests. Then it turns out they're just bundles of code.
Oh, and those bot-people are also infesting social media and forums in the millions, creating and destroying trends and memes without much human input. Even if the mainstream news sites don't latch on at first, bot-created and bot-run news sites will happily kick it off for them. The news is supposed to report on major events, global and local. Even if the news is honest and telling the truth, how can they truly verify something like this, especially when it seems to be gaining so much traction and humans inevitably do get involved? Remember "Bowsette" from last year? Imagine if that was actually pushed entirely by bots until humans saw what looked like a happenin' kind of meme and joined in? That could be every year or perhaps even every month in the 2020s onwards.
Likewise, imagine you're listening to a pop song in one country, but then you go to another country and it's the exact same song but most of the lyrics have changed to be more suitable for their culture. That sort of cultural spread could stop... or it could be supercharged if audiences don't take to it and pirate songs/change them and share them at their own leisure.
Or maybe it's a good time to mention how commissioned artists are screwed? Commission work boards are already a race to the bottom— if a job says it pays three cents per word to write an article, you'd better list your going rate as 2 cents per word, and then inevitably the asking rate in general becomes 2 cents per word, and so on and so forth. That whole business might be over within five to ten years if you aren't already extremely established. Because if machines can mimic any art style or writing style (and then exaggerate & alter it to find some better version people like more), you'd have to really be tech-illiterate or very pro-human to want non-machine commissions.
And to go back to deepfakes and deep nudes, imagine the paratypical creep who takes children and puts them into sexual situations, any sexual situation they desire thanks to AI-generated images and video. It doesn't matter who, and it doesn't have to be real children either. It could even be themselves as a child if they still have the reference or use a de-aging algorithm on their face. It's squicky and disgusting to think about, but it's also inevitable and probably has already happened.
And my god, it just keeps going on and on. I can't do this justice, even with 40,000 characters to work with. The future we're about to enter is so wild, so extreme that I almost feel scared for humanity. It's not some far off date in the 22nd century. It's literally going to start happening within the next five years. We're going to see it emerge before our very eyes on this and other subreddits.
I'll end this post with some more examples.
Nvidia's new AI can turn any primitive sketch into a photorealistic masterpiece. You can even play with this yourself here.
Waifu Synthesis- real time generative anime, because obviously.
Few-Shot Adversarial Learning of Realistic Neural Talking Head Models | This GAN can animate any face GIF, supercharging deepfakes & media synthesis
Talk to Transformer | Feed a prompt into GPT-2 and receive some text. As of 9/29/2019, this uses the 774M parameter version of GPT-2, which is still weaker than the 1.5B parameter "full" version."
Text samples generated by Nvidia's Megatron-LM (GPT-2-8.3b). Vastly superior to what you see in Talk to Transformer, even if it had the "full" model.
Facebook's AI can convert one singer's voice into another | The team claims that their model was able to learn to convert between singers from just 5-30 minutes of their singing voices, thanks in part to an innovative training scheme and data augmentation technique. as a prototype for shifting vocalists or vocalist genders or anything of that sort.
TimbreTron for changing instrumentation in music. Here, you can see a neural network shift entire instruments and pitches of those new instruments. It might only be a couple more years until you could run The Beatles' "Here Comes The Sun" through, say, Slayer and get an actual song out of it.
AI generated album covers for when you want to give the result of that change its own album.
Neural Color Transfer Between Images [From 2017], showing how we might alter photographs to create entirely different moods and textures.
Scammer Successfully Deepfaked CEO's Voice To Fool Underling Into Transferring $243,000
"Experts: Spy used AI-generated face to connect with targets" [GAN faces for fake LinkedIn profiles]
This Marketing Blog Does Not Exist | This blog written entirely by AI is fully in the uncanny valley.
Chinese Gaming Giant NetEase Leverages AI to Create 3D Game Characters from Selfies | This method has already been used over one million times by Chinese gamers.
"Deep learning based super resolution, without using a GAN" [perceptual loss-based upscaling with transfer learning & progressive scaling], or in other words, "ENHANCE!"
Expert: AI-generated music is a "total legal clusterf*ck" | I've thought about this. Future music generation means that all IPs are open, any new music can be created from any old band no matter what those estates may want, and AI-generated music exists in a legal tesseract of answerless questions
And there's just a ridiculous amount more.
My subreddit, /r/MediaSynthesis, is filled with these sorts of stories going back to January of 2018. I've definitely heard of people come away in shock, dazed and confused, after reading through it. And no wonder.
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