#they actually originally were my splatoon oc
bombrushblushin · 6 months
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my friend got me to play new vegas a few weeks ago now and ever since then ive been Very Normal about it
more doodles under the cut‼️
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luckyashes-art · 2 months
la lala lala
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shout out to these losers (minus the green thang in the corner)
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transfizzy · 7 months
my ocs if they were apart of splatoon and had splattags :)
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charlie normandy - really tried and likes chirpy chips! he also uses the reef-lux mostly. is also married to dysnomia :) when dysnomia and him play together, he's usually in the back while dysnomia goes crazy LOL
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dysnomia normandy - married to charlie!! she doesnt play a lot of turf war but when she does she uses the dualies, mostly enperrys; and when she does she is playing with charlie. her banner (besides the title) is custom and has to play the normal banner when she does play bc they wont let her in with the banner she has
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norrix - very silly. she mostly plays turf war and tries to get venice to play with her so he can actually have fun outside of being a boring person. she uses the gold aerospray bc she likes to use booyah bomb 95% of the match
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venice - mostly plays salmon run and is stuck in grizzco;; rip. when he does have time he plays with norrix. he doesnt do much but his least favorite salmon run enemy is scrappers bc they get his clothes dirty (i know. hes weird)
thats it for this post :)) i may do more but. not sure
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cru5h-cascades · 1 year
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Finally got around to draw Annie and Kandi's new designs! Oh and here's their updated bios (their old ones were SOOOO outdated!):
Annie's bio (left)
Kandi's bio (right)
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splatoonpolls · 4 months
Talia Yareli by @gingergari vs Tami by @wyrm-in-a-closet
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Talia (age 24 (~16 in splat1), pronouns he/her) is from Calamari County! Her family consists of her mother, her older sister Moselle (28, a firefighter) that she looks up to a lot, and her younger sister Ren (18). He originally moved to Inkopolis to make a living as a pro battler, which he did for a few years with his roommate turned girlfriend Peri, maining both Dynamos depending on the kits given. Then Grizzco opened for business, and it turned out that they paid pretty well all things considered, and that they were both *really* good at it. (They also thought it was fun for the most part) Since they were consistently hitting the upper ranks of Profreshional, when Grizzco expanded to the Splatlands the pair were invited to relocate as Eggsecutive VPs to help support the branch and to help train up some new recruits. That's how Victoria (Eggs) and Fiorello (Safety) ended up joining them :] Speaking of nicknames, Talia has the worst name memory in the world and has a lot of trouble remembering the names of people and occasionally objects, so he gives them a nickname she remembers a lot better. (Peri is a nickname! But sometimes Talia falls back on pet names until he remembers either her nickname or actual name) He is very worried that he comes across as rude for it (or anything in general) so tries to be as friendly as possible. He was the one that gave Safety the life preserver gear as a gift! Talia is a huge fan of Big Man (finds that he relates to him the most) and did cry when he lost the leader splatfest :( Also cried when he was homesick and tried to get her favorite dish, clam mochi, at a Splatlands restaurant which turned out as you would expect. His favorite splatband is Sashimori. Talia is friends with my Agent 3, but does not know the truth about Grizzco.
An inkling born to ordinary parents who worked at Gone Fission power plant. However, a salmonid big run happened in the area, and because Grizzco didn't yet exist, it had to be abandoned, and Tami's parents were killed. Tami herself, who was also there, was badly injured and lost her right arm, was found by some salmonids, but because she was a young inkling the salmonids didn't know what she was and so instead of killing her took her home. She then spent almost her entire life growing up with the salmonids, and became a very skilled fighter, but also starting a band with a couple other salmonids. They make music that's like horrible to listen to and will overestimate you. Once she was 14, she joined the war on salmonids on the side of the salmonids. Over time Grizzco expands and poses a larger and larger threat to the salmonids, so Tami decides that she's going to go try and put a stop to it, because she's the only one who could make it to inkling civilation without being killed, although that doesn't change the fact she didn't know the language, culture, or anything. After spending several nights on the streets of splatsville, Tami is found by Tide, an octoling who's been living there for some time. Tide takes Tami under their wing, despite them knowing nothing about each other. Over the next few months Tide teachers Tami inkling language, has Tami participate in battles (where she fuckin rocks at it bc she's been literally trained for war), all while Tami searches for more info on Grizzco, but unfortunately nobody knows shit about it. Finally she happens across Cuttlefish and eventually falls into Alterna, where she has no idea what's going on until eventually wow Mr. Grizz is there. She fucking kills him and then just kinda leaves without really joining the squidbeak splatoon she just wanted to kill Mr grizz. Anyways then she and Tide probably go back to salmonid or something I haven't really figure this out. Sorry for the text wall
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onetoomanyyy · 2 months
my splatoon ocs :>
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These four are my oldest characters that I still use and think about, even though they’re only like - 2.5 years old loll.. they’re not the most deep and nuanced characters around but they’re fun :)
Robyn, Nikki, Kori and Marin make up Team Robyn (named after its leader), your average run of the mill turf war team. 
Robyn (he/him) is the team’s carefree leader/founder who tries hard to be cool but rarely succeeds. He’s a little dumb, but we love him for it. He’s the only member who doesn’t tend to worry too much about things, but that also means he tends to brush off things that actually do need attention. He takes a lot of selfies. He mains Sploosh-O-Matic.
Nikki (she/her) is Robyn’s adopted younger sister who he escaped the underground with after the events of Octo Expansion. (Oh yeah, I forgot to mention they’re octarians since these guys were created during Splatoon 2). Shes sweet and empathetic, but quite anxious and often worries about her place in the team. She prefers to keep her issues to herself so as to not bother other people. She often has her head in the clouds, daydreaming. She mains flingza roller.
Kori (she/her) is my favorite and it shows, as she has by far the most story to her. Shes snarky and sassy and often gets pretty aggresive during battles, but that passion is what makes her such a good asset to the team. She was actually on a different team, Team Cherry, before she met Robyn and Nikki, and needless to say that didn’t end so greatly and made her skeptical of Robyn at first. Originally she just offered to tutor him a bit, but of course she ended up joining in the end. Technically her headgear is the gas mask but I never draw her in it bc it’s hard to draw lol. She thinks S+ and X rankers are too pretentious, but she’s actually just salty that she can’t get out of S-. She mains .52 gal.
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Marin (he/him) was the final member to be created and also the final member to join. He used to be on the same team that Kori was, being the second in command before Kori replaced him. This, combined with the fact that the inciting incident for the team breaking up was Kori leaving them, made their first few weeks of him being on the team a little rocky. They still have a bit of a friendly rivalry. Marin is often the most reasonable voice among them and is usually kinda grumpy. He’s always the main strategizer of the team, as the rest of them don’t really care about that kind of thing. He mains hydra splatling.
I have a lot of art of them but it’s all rlly old so this is all you get for now. I’ll probably make another post later explaining Team Cherry and what happened with that :] thx for reading !!
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c4tb1t · 4 months
Actual intro
Haaiii chat :3 my name is Rena but u can also call me Senti or Teto...whatever u want tbh as long as it isn't mean and ik ur talking to me
How I look with any pronouns in bio
Low quality anime girl jpeg
I draw :3 I draw alot actually I just suck at posting it!!! I have an inconsistent style and it's my silliest art trait ig..I can imagine anything
I don't know my gender I'm just not cis. I love non men ♡
Interests, likes, and boundaries and disclaimers under cut
Special interests: drawing and animals
Interests(the major ones and most notable at least, no particular order): Madoka magica, Arknights, Hi3 and HSR, warrior cats, Touhou, Umineko, Higurashi, Furry community, splatoon, kemono friends, OCs(original characters),
Likes: Celinia Texas , Munching on yummy food, stuffed animals, nature, breakcore, jungle, dnb, atmospheric, electronic, whatever that genre is that has songs that sound like they were compressed and slightly bitcrushed and usually nightcore,, talking abt my ocs and interests,, writing(a little), Celinia Texas
Disclaimers:SOMETIMES MY POSTS R VERY NONSENSICAL if that's a problem uhh..sorry idk. I do have trouble understanding things sometimes and also understanding tone. Some of my posts may be on the darker sides of things! Especially my art! There's dark themes that may be potentially triggering or uncomfortable for some and I try to tag and warn it so please stay safe! Lmk if I miss a warning.
Alot of my art contains the following: Blood(occaisonal gore), artistic nudity, horror, and eyestrain.
Boundaries:please don't vent to me randomly , if you have any problems with me be nice about it with me and be gentle. I don't like being yelled at and you probably don't like yelling so keep it chill. I may block you if I don't like your vibes or if you're just annoying. Btw if you are under 16 I'd prefer if you didn't interact with me. At least not directly. Thank u for understanding !
I think that's it !! Hello everyone!
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Well it was a good finalfest this one, I'm glad team grandpas won this time. It's like an echo of the original Past vs Future, lol.
Unprofreshional Splat 3 nagging incoming, but first, I'll link my other stuff for anyone that stumbles on this blog.
Main Blog: @thegoldendoorknob
Twitter: Petitemask
Deviantart: Chibilightsage
OC Comic: Wishway
Comic Askblog: @wishwaycrew
First off- unfinished plotlines.
Had plans to elaborate more on Salmonid lore. In this verse, the apocalypse was partially mass natural destruction, and part zombie apocalypse via the Salmonids. Jones was originally a regular salmonid that was tested in a research lab before escaping and starting the whole death-of-humanity thing.
Also, there was a surviving human moonbase where the rich and famous lived. They gradually replaced parts of their bodies with mechanical parts to live longer than usual, but it took an expected toll on their sanity. That's what I was going to connect the Side Order plot to, initially.
T going evil for a bit bc of the aforementioned Jones thing.
I have a very write-as-I-go mentality with ask blogs so I could go to and from these kinds of ideas, but those were some of the core ones.
Ok long rant time sorry
So I've ran 2 other ask blogs in the past, and I came to recognize one of the things that can keep me in a fandom for over 7 years like Splatoon is engaging with the game itself. It's one thing to just scroll through the wiki pages 10 times over, but actually playing the games is what gives them so much staying power. Not only does it let me theorize about all the loose ends stated in the plot, but I can consider the fun and technicalities of how the gameplay can tie-in with the plot.
If I didn't play the games, I wouldn't be coming up with ideas like the Respawn March, Ink Eggs, Cuttlefish making zapfish doll batteries on repeat levels, the tentacle amps in Octavio's arena being another Octoweapon, human reanimation, moon colonies...
All of that wouldn't happen if I just read the wiki and called it a day. And that's why it kind of pains me to say Splatoon 3 just.. didn't give me any lasting material to work with. I did like deep cut (especially Frye) but they showed up like.. a whopping 2 times in the actual story, and there's no real lasting impression they make outside of their idol career or supplementary material.
-And that wouldn't be too big of a deal, because the opener of Splatoon 2 ALSO sucked, and gave us table scraps for plot, but I was still able to engage with the story because the new salmon run mode was fun to play, and I still had a little breathing room with the new players before the meta scene REALLY kicked in with X-rank.
I'm not even going to get started with X-rank, or it's little brother S-rank's introduction in 1, but during my time playing I definitely got hit by the hard shift from casual to pro gameplay between these games. Splat 3 was a game that felt like it was made with the purest intention to please pro gamers, but in doing that, it really alienated any casual players from sticking around.
I have a difficult relationship with the shift in meta, because I started with Splat1 back in 2015. Splat1 was extremely defensive, and almost completely dominated by chargers, rollers, and sloshers. You'll never guess what my 3 favorite weapons were in that title I ended up spending.. I think upwards of 5 months figuring out how to play the splat charger, because I ran a Cap'n blog, and Cap'n was a historic bamboozler main. What kind of blog would I be if I didn't at least try to learn grandpa's main? Lol.
So then comes Splat2, and because of all the heckling they were getting over the hyperdefensive gameplay, they decided to shift to a hyperoffensive meta instead. Heaven forbid we got another Moray Towers or triggerfish, so they started to crack down on the level design to make it harder to lock a game down for 3 minutes with one really good charger.
So, my matches got spawncamped by blasters and shooters instead ♡
Because of that, it kind of hurt to come from being a skilled A+ rank charger at the time back into a B- level nobody who sullies their characters. But my friends were still able to play Splat2, and wanted to play splat 2, so it wasn't that hard to deal with.
Splatoon 3, however, no one wanted to play. Within almost 3 months of it's release, my mutuals were already done with it, and if I wanted to engage with it at all, I'd have to play it through solo matches. So I was already running on fumes, and then the main plot involved characters I never played, and plot that only really benefitted human lore. So, this blog's activity continued to stagnate until I couldn't find it in me to let it spiral into my human plot any further.
But it's ok sage, they reassured, because Splat2 plot also sucked, but OE pulled it out of the ashes! Just wait an entire year, and we'll show you how good this dlc is going to be!
Nope! More characters that you don't play and an average story!
I don't have a lot of hope for my relationship with a 4th game, because 2 and 3 gave me a general idea of where they want to go with the series now. I've just fallen too far behind from 2015 sage to 2024 sage that I know that the gameplay is no longer made for players like me. It's made for official tournaments and promotional material, and nintendo is going to make that bank because it's the logical choice. 3 Regulars will probably have it easiest, there.
Realistically, the easiest way for me to return to the series is if they made the map terrain "fun" again, or at least fixed the matchmaking to better pair people with similar skilled rooms (I'll wait those 20 minutes if I can be put in the right room, dammit!). But for now.. I'm sorry to return to the original character hermit shell I lived in, but the lack of community outside of my 4 mutuals isn't strong enough to keep me here when the gameplay can't.
So.. I'm glad Splat3's grand festival ended this on a bang, because I can say nice things about that. It finally gave me a fully positive impression, it just took the end of the game's lifetime to get here. I feel a little bad at the lack of an OE reference outside of Acht, but that more or less confirms to me Tartar is probably pretty dead in canon.
At least BOTH GRANDPAS MADE IT TO THE STANDS! I've had to eat crumbs for years and they reward me with a slice of toast. Maybe 4 could give all of us grandpa fans the balanced breakfast they crave, who knows.
So I'll be on hiatus for a bit, y'all can send asks at your leisure and if the fandom bug gets me again, there's a chance I could probably answer 'em in the future if splatoon 4 actually slaps. I just wanted to lay these motivation problems out so there isn't any will-they won't-they confusion that I've gotten from many other abandoned or deleted blogs.
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slackerartist · 1 month
With having to create so many story stuff for many different characters, original story stuff like Doodle Madness, to existing stories like Splatoon with SplashInk and the Persona 5 AU, Another Story, but one story idea I haven't gotten to doing at all is for a show I have just rewatched a while ago, which is The Owl House, and for this story idea I have in mind which I have been working on for a short while, I would like to call it... Twisting Tides
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What even is Twisting Tides anyway? Twisting Tides is an Owl House styled story that would be taking place during the events of the main show itself, but it would mainly focus on the characters that I have created especially only in Twisting Tides itself.
What is the story to Twisting Tides? It essentially follows the same story and structure as the original show itself, but with a few twists and turns of course. Twisting Tides follows the story of Everest Anderson, a human from our own world as he accidentally gets put into another world, simply to give back a notebook to his long time friend, Luciana Cordell, who is revealed to not be a human, but revealed to be a witch from the Demon Realm!
With him being stuck in the Demon Realm however and not in his own, it’s going to take a lot of risk and turns for Everest to be accompanied in this whole new world, with him going to a new school while learning on how to use magic with his very own wand and spell book that he rightfully acquired to try and learn all the brand new magic spells, meeting new friends/enemies, and even exploring his very own origins to find out about his actual past life that isn’t in his own world however.
Will Everest eventually find his way back home in the Human Realm with the help of Luciana, Luciana’s own family and even his new found friends?
What will Twisting Tides include? In Twisting Tides it would feature different ideas from the show itself, both old and new, with those examples such as… -Stuff from the pilot, the pitch bible and even the Test Animation/Next Time On would be added into Twisting Tides, so expect different ideas for stuff, like on Luciana for example, she is loosely based on the version of Amity from both the pilot and pitch bible of the original show, and even the creepy Puppet Luz character idea to be used for Everest, if you've seen the test animation, you'll know why. -Owl House characters that were created by my friends would show up in Twisting Tides. -Twisting Tides would be going for the same route as Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake, think of what if The Owl House was rated TV-14 instead of the show's TV-Y7 rating. -Have different original locations that would expand in both the Human Realm and the Demon Realm, and even go beyond from the two realms with the new location called the Spiritual Realm. -Characters from the canon show would show up in Twisting Tides.
Will Twisting Tides suffer the same fate as other fan fictions like The Seventh Son by Cowboy Alchemist, or even the notorious Amphibia fanfiction, Loyalty Among Worlds by AdmiralDT8? Simply to answer that… ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! I’m putting all the safety precautions to make sure that I do not want to follow the same patterns as those fanfics are doing, I’ve known for creating different original ideas and even wanting to take existing stories to actually give them originality, and no I’m not going to ship an OC towards the show’s main character, Luz, since that 1. the ship with both Luz and Amity is already in the show, and 2. my character Luciana is to have a crush with Everest.
So yeah, guess that's about it, also won't be planning on making another blog account because of this, since I have three blog accounts made and will not plan on making a fourth one lol
Also no, I don't plan on making this into a webcomic on Twisting Tides, but instead, doing fake snapshots, more character art, writing stuff and might even do scene redraws since I'm known for doing those types of stuff.
And if you have made it this far from reading from top to bottom, congratulations, you get a cookie!
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Every so often I remember that these characters exist
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These guys also date back to around 2020-early 2021 and technically they’re Splatoon ocs and were originally intended to be so, but I later used them for a school project that kind of made it ambiguous so they could also just be their own thing. I’m a big fan of non inkling/Octoling Splatoon ocs bc I love how unique they can be!
I originally planned on adding them on my Art Fight profile and here was their WIP icon lol.
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I’m not sure how I’m gonna use these guys now but I do really like them so I may talk about them or draw them every once in a while!
Some fun facts about them:
-Francis and Spence are very good friends, they actually call each other “cousin” despite not being blood related. (Based on how sharks and rays are very closely related!)
-Spence kind of picks on Francis for having an “old person name”, but it’s all in good fun.
-Francis has been described as “A college student but without the college”.
-Spence is probably about the most average guy you’ll ever meet, it’s kind of insane.
-Sage acts like a grandparent to Sorrel, and lets him hang around the shop.
-Sage is actually really tall, but tries to stay coiled as much as possible to not intimidate others.
-Sorrel is very much whatever the equivalent of a Minecraft/Fortnite/Fnaf/FNF kid.
-Physically, he’s very parrot-like. I imagine that although flying fish are their own sentient species like everyone else, they still have the body types and movement of parrots.
-Has extremely limited powered flight, can maybe boost into the air a little bit but not much else. Mostly just glides.
-Thrasher is based on a playmobil seahorse, and actually relies on his tail more than his fins. He’s very chameleon/kangaroo-like. (I actually forgot which specific species of seahorse he’s meant to be but he’s based off a certain real one too).
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-The Electric Eel Guy hangs out in a bar often, probably knows Thrasher.
-Quite the practical joker, he and his buddies are often pulling pranks on each other, usually involving their own electricity. Others usually aren’t able to handle it as well though.
-Barracuda guy is a very fast runner, scarily so. Technically works maintenance but can run down anyone he spots trespassing.
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raidenloml · 3 months
3 from the askgane dor whichever characters u want >:]
ack!!!! ok so!!!
3. weapon of choice? any particular reason they chose their weapon?
(this is a perfect question as ive been playing more splatoon 3 recently so i actually have a feel for the weapons i want my characters to use hihi + ill just list all of the ones i currently have chosen weapons for!)
turns out, this post grew way longer than i thought it would so uh woe read more be upon you
Definitely Splatana Wiper as main and (Luna) Blaster as secondary, he has a quick and agressive playstyle so these are the weapons he usually goes for (also his aim is absolute dog with chargers and splatlings are a little bulky and slow for him, he can use shooters when needed but he doesnt find them interesting to play)
Probably sticks with a vanilla Splat Charger, likes to play support/backline but still pressures the opposite team quite a bit whilst staying out of fire himself. Other than his proficiency with his main weapon he probably has some practice in with other weapon classes as well. (This is because he works for Ammo Knights hihi)
I'd imagine him being kind of well known for his absolutely bonkers k/d ratio because of his high awareness playstyle but he would definitely have the dumbest deaths in practice :')
Zel is a HUGE fan of heavy weaponry like this woman is absolutely insane about them and practices every single one she can get her hands on but her main weapon of choice in battle would probably be a Dynamo Roller or a Nautilus when she's feeling extra silly... as for why its mainly because it helps her stay physically strong and uhhh lifting super heavy weapon in practice means she doesnt have to go to the gym often
Definitely shooter class weapons, probably sticks to something like an N-Zap, Splash-o-Matic, Splattershot and Splattershot Pro but is quite handy with a Squiffer when needed. I imagine at some point A4 and Link would switch roles just before a match to confuse the opponent (very silly behaviour)
BONUS!!!!!!!! These are characters which i havent really thought of in a competitive sense or havent developed yet
itll be very messy going forward mainly because i want to yap so hard about these little inkfish thumbs up
Fern doesn't really play that much but would probably prefer Dualies, not sure which but she'd probably switch it up sometimes
Brella 100% (i dont know how to explain it i just feel it in my bones) her Brella would probably be decorated to the max literally her pride and joy (also known as her favourite fashion accessory as she's too busy with her job to actually use it in battle :( boowomp)
Amber: (<- Arsenic's younger sister!!!)
Brella/Bucket, i haven't really thought of her in battle but she'd probably just mess around a ton lol
Ise Rotag:
Ise was originally the character that was Link's like future partner??? their story was really nice but he got replaced by Arsenic after i abandoned the two for a few months and decided to revive Link again (you will see Ise more btw i fucking love his design and cuntyness) FOR THE WEAPON! Probably an Inkbrush honestly this guy loves to be annoying and sneak up on backliners when they least expect it, plays very aggressively as well... also his name has a really funny origin and if youre able to guess it ill uhh idk good job
I have 3 other characters but they all dont have names so uhm yeah ill just go quickly through these
oc based on coroika, inkling, probably something backline, dont imagine them in battle often
waiter, octoling, grim blaster (or so me from 2 years ago wrote down)
shut-in, inkling, new squiffer (again according to notes left to their design drawings)
2&3 were together and 1 was a sona for shits and giggles but uh theyll come back someday!! i promise!!! like their designs and relationship dynamics too much!!! they might even be Ise's new teammates!!!
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holds out hands . may i hear your oc lore
since this is a sequel to this unanswered ask from my main
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ill give you my agents (and 2 related ocs) bc giving you all the ocs in one post will be really hard i have SO MANY. too many. ANYWAY sillies under cut!!!
lets start with 3 because thats where the timeline starts
heres a p old timeline drawing thingy that still holds up i think
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yeah just read through it. holds up. three is mostly the target of self projection lmao.
smore fun facts ab them:
they were team callie in the s1 final fest
they are wildly competitive
they sleep with an eyemask on bc the scrred eye glows in the dark (it bothers eight)
they value abilities over looks on gear so most their outfits are atrocious unless someone forces them to look good.
they can speak octarian
if they had a penny for every time they let an octarian who just got to inkopilis live with them theyd have two pennies. which isnt a lot but its weird it happened twice right?
which brings us to the next one which is actually an octoling oc i made back in like 2016??? def splatoon 1 era. shes been redesigned a bajillion times but the story is mostly the same. after the octavio fight she is also one of those octos who tried to get to inkopolis. this one was found by three who was like. i jave no idea what ur saying ur coming with the the old man totes knows octarian from his divorce. this n that and they teach eachother language and culture and its sweet and cool and they probabyl had some wlw stuff going on until 3 had a wholeass gender crisis
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this is her btw. the drawing on the right is more up to date. im still thinking of renaming her. ill never find a name that fits. her original name was marianna but thats too close to marina!!!!!
shes also a fashion designer! she likes to use traditional octarian or military designs in her clothes. her pieces are not meant for turf wars though. shes still in close contact with three, and they hang out a lot. she wants to get three to ask the squid sisters if they could wear some of her clothes on a splatfest. three forgets.
next up!!!!! agent 4. i have two of those. they independently became agent 4 and then unrelatedly also became college roommates.
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hash is more of a canon adjacent agent 4. poser, loser, really dramatic and really loud. kidna does whatever they want and also likes to leave graffitti on the kettles they clear. theyre also an only child. they also call marie mom jsut to annoy her. also their hairstyle is the bob in the front but the back is spiky/shaved. theyre a silly lil punk.
ikarus is a cynical asshole. and also a self centered poser whos set on looking cool for whoevers watching. he has 2 younger siblings and 1 older sister. hes from outside greater inkopolis, thinks hes better than the in city inkopolitans but behaves the exact same. he sucks i love him. he really looks up to n respects marie bc she reminds him of his elder sister. his fav brand is toni kensa
ikarus got the agent job first, n got rlly mad when they found out that theres another agent 4 bc he didnt show up enough nd marie just hired someone else. they share a uniform. they try to annoy eachother by puttinf the weirdest smelling stuff in the uniform b4 leaving it at the canyon. when talking ab em as agent 4 i like to use #4 for hash and n°4 for ikarus
the two also have a 3rd roommate
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she doesnt have a name though. and if she does i forgot it :(
the three actually make a pretty good unit in their apartement. hash and ikarus only find out theyre both agent 4 when its time for the boss fight and both of them show up to get it done with. theyre both very competitive. they end up fighting over it and hash wins. ikarus is on the truck w sheldon and marie and is yelling insults at the battlefield until marie shuts him up so she can sing.
thw three roommates also always do salmon run shifts together. if they fuck up on a wave they always blame it on the one freelancer. yes they also kiss.
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for eight i actually made this ref here recently!
theyve always been really fascinated with inklings and also were going to become an engineer before running off and landing in the metro.
they are very well spoken but also pretty shy. they try to make a good impression on people. finds it hard to trust others.
it took a while until he got used to sleeping in a bed. still sleeps with an eye open sometimes. its a habit.
theyre usualyl the one forcing three into at least okay looking clothes. oh also this tall loser likes to wear heels n platforms. hes literally taller than marina and still wears heels.
he actually started learning inklish back in octo valley from really outdated books. after coming to inkopolis hes been given a buncha annotated language books from marina (and from three, who still had the ones they used w the other octo girlie). but they still end up using some really old phrases and words that kinda leave some people perplexed.
oh also they're not THAT good at fighting (they were never a soldier) theyre smart and persistent though. still ended up severely in debt w pearl bc of the metro. pearl offered he can just work as stage crew for off the hook for a few tours or so and theyre good. he took the offer immediately bc bro barely got income to repay that all normally.
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luckyashes-art · 5 months
Do you have any OCs other than your Splatoon ones? I'd love to learn about them!
WAAA ‼️‼️ I do actually !! Though I have . quite a lot of them 💀💀
Other than Splatoon OCs I got uhh-- primarily D&D OCs/Characters, Homestuck OCs, and a few actual original characters JDHSFSD some of which I've doodled and posted about before !
I'll stick a few of em down in the read more so the post isn't immediately unbearably long 🗣️‼️
Hmm let's start off with some original characters
Evix (they/them) is one that I've actually been working a lot more on lately !! They're kinda like an undead creature and live on essentially a post-apocalyptic Earth centuries later (might make a whole separate post on all that eventually because they're a part of an original species I wanna make)
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Uhh then some original humans (w/ powers ofc) would include Anthony (he/him, one of my oldest OCs creation wise, in short a traumatized young adult with horrible anxiety and is struggling to get thru life 🗣️), Raymond and his niece Raven ( he/him & she/her, victims of loss of a brother and father (respectively), and they live in a world where ppl have elemental-based abilities !), and uhh Kacey (they/she/he, specifically with a c-- they're a cyborg (lost an arm) with no recollection of who they were (calls themself Kacey because of initials "K.C" branded on their robo arm (it stands for their actual name, Katya Cameron)))💥
[unfortunately not gonna doodle any of my other OCs so Evix can have special treatment LMAO]
Next up we got uhh some D&D characters !! [Who actually I have Hero Forge figures of so I'll add those]
Starting off with the first legit D&D character I've made, Glow of the Sun (aka "Sun" - she/her) 😼 Tabaxi Druid (Circle of the Shepard)!! After escaping the massacre of her tribe in the forest, Sun was taken in and mentored by a human druid named Sage (they/them)
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Another one I got would be Gale (he/they), who's more-so inspired by my first attempt at a D&D character (who then got scrapped). But basically he's an Air Genasi Warlock (Pact of the Tome) that was raised only by his father until he managed to contact his mother (who was a djinn (an air genie) !! so yea, his patron's his mom LMAO [His Hero Forge is outdated so please keep that in mind ☹️ ]
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Lets see ermm I also got !! A Dragonborn Artificer (Battle Smith) named Kai (real name Kazys) Tempest (she/her). Paralyzed from the waist down upon . hatching? She was left to be raised by her mother, which left the little dragonborn spiteful to show that she isn't useless. So she learned and became someone who creates things like prosthetics and kinds of aids to help others who may need it :D
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I'll then drop off a last D&D character for now (cuz I rlly do have a lot), but this one's a personal favorite !! Meet Bone (she/he/they/it [does not care]), my funny lil Goblin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) !! Abandoned by her tribe and miraculously raised by a pack of wolves, this feral lil goblin spends her days living a free and wild life while causing problems for adventurers and the like who cross her path :3
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Anddd onto the final stretch, we got some Homestuck OCs !! [Which btw I have models made by Xamag's Fantroll Creator (which I also edited a lil) so ermm]
Starting off with my personal fav, here's Arvenii Traket (she/her, Sign: Gemun, Derse + Breath). Goldblood with telekinetic psiionics, this smart(-ish) lil gamer is a hot-headed, anti-social introvert that enjoys things like cosplaying and programming 💥💥
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Obviously then gotta follow up with her moirail, Teikai Dregut (he/him, Sign: Lenius, Prospit + Hope) !? A very idiotic yet excitable Oliveblood that loves to run, talk, play tricks, and hang out with his bestie (they tend to take care of each other otherwise they'd constantly not do things like eat or shower 💀)
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What else uuuhhhh . How 'bout I drop Raiiko Ekneer (she/her, Sign: Scoriborn, Derse + Rage) !? A laidback, prideful brute of a Ceruleanbloodthat enjoys FLARPing and taking people's treasure/valuables 💥💥 Fun fact tho !! She used to FLARP with Teikai back in the day (he doesn't play anymore). Anyway she doesn't really have many braincells yet she managed to score a kismesis and moirail LMAO
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And then I think I'll drop off her kismesis cuz ngl I rlly wanted to show them together 😩but meet Valeri Krovet (she/her, Sign: Sagigo, Prospit + Space) !! This Indigoblood is yet another blue business woman who specializes and takes pride in creating custom weapons of high quality. Can be a little snappy, mainly due to agitation of being on high alert 24/7 (had a gnarly, violent experience when she was younger), but yea :3
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What if I was also silly tho and dropped the rest of my main HS OCs' lil models (i would talk abt all of them in more detail but thats A LOT of text ,) 🥴🥴
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I do also wanna mention that I have. Ancestors and Dancestors for these guys as well . AS WELL AS OCS THAT ARENT APART OF THE MAIN 12-- Thats a whole other thing tho
This took so long to type LMAO but I enjoyed it !!
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twinvenus · 2 years
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it was a really slow start this year... in january i didnt actually finish anything, all i have to show for that period is a single flight rising drawing -- i had another one, but it's now Lost Media (sadly) from when i got my new PC.
(more recounting under da cut! i've included a lot of unposted/unfinished sketches down here!)
march was a lot of desperate attempts to get back into drawing by sketching out little character designs i never posted, mostly wizards. that wizard right there is my favourite of the bunch. Fantastic energy from this creature.
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april is when i started getting into working on Gnome Lore that i have on my site, gnomes.neocities.org! gnomes are my special interest so the enthusiasm of learning about gnome mythology/history, and my own ideas for gnomes, actually got me COLOURING PIECES. incredible feeling.
this was the back end of my flight rising fixation, and included a few humanised sketches of my dragons Mirth and Gerana, pictured above. i was also getting really into WoW again at this time, so there were plenty of little wow-inspired sketches. + a bonus Jurgen from sam and max in the bottom left!
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the gnoments (gnome moments) carried on into the month of may as i designed other known mythological creatures. i also rehashed a beloved old DnD gnome OC called April and included her in that lore. love that lil gal.
during this month i got really into working on my neocities page, and so a lot of art i did was assets for that. you can see a majority of my May drawings over there on the lore page. :-)
june was a month of OC swag for me. i was totally inspired in the month leading up to ArtFight and put my heart into character design! from this beautiful month i got one of my new favourite pieces, shown there, of my ocs ZAP! APPLE and STEP KID. they're inspired by the band The Avalanches, specifically the album Wildflower. during this month i also created some of my newest and favourite OCs such as RANBOLIN, Beanie Boy, and Professor PJ!
during this i also did some new art for characters like irene, nadia, and D.A. Private Eye. i think a vast majority of this can be found in my "ocs" tag...
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and here it comes.... my traditional Best Month for art. i was popping off HARD this month even though i didn't do as much as last time. i am SO happy with everythign that came out of this year's artfight, deeply. here are some of my favourite pieces from that period:
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i was really into one-layer drawings this year. these were all done on two layers MAX, with the binary brush on sai. it really pushed me to be creative with my colours and detailing, and it's become one of my favourite ways to draw.
YOU MAY HAVE NOTICED. that the art for july features a certain Recurring Character. this is because in the month or so prior i had begun rewatching Naruto with my brothers. although the full-force naruto hyperfixation didn't settle in until months later this was the beginning of it. Rotating gaara in my mind always.
hmm... august got quite slow again. i might have been burnt out from going so hard in the other couple months. i have a few odd doodles from that month aside from the birthday gift to @l0gitex you see there, including THESE:
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i also started developing a naruto OC when some brainrot started to settle in. their name is kodama, after the tree spirits. i wanted them to be from konoha, you know, to match -- originally i wanted them to have that wood type stuff, but recently i've been thinking that something to do with funghi and mycelium networks might be really interesting, especially due to their connection with trees, and how kodama live inside trees. these were some outfit concepts but i think i'll change their colour palette to match konoha more. more blues and browns i think.
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the dawn of my BRIEF SPLATOON ERA! i haven't played since that month LMAOOOOO! anyways, i drew a few splatoon-related pictures in that time.
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birth of Blupi. as well as this September is the beautiful month in which i began to learn using Blender. here's a little ref drawing for the gaara model! (why do i keep doing stuff with gaara?????):
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i was so proud of how that model came out. i had some other models of OCs like tomato cloun and one of ranbolin i never finished rigging (i hate weight painting so much oh my god-)
man i wish halloween was like, anything here. during this month i started working again on my gnomes page so there were some more little designs done, visible on the lore page! specifically, the boggart and warren gnome were from October, as well as Awesome Rando.
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november was kind of an epic month for my OCs, actually! alongside my interest in naruto REALLY starting to fire up again i was redrawing and bringing back older OCs as well as bringing in beloved Clary! here are Ranbolin and Dee as well. <3 let's go girls
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beyond this the naruto brainrot had really settled in. so i began drawing my favourite characters: you know who. happy birthday Rock Lee!
OHHHHHHHH HERE WE GOOOOOOOOO!!!! DEPTHS OF HYPERFIXATION STRIKE!! i know i've posted a lot of art lately, and i'm so excited that i have -- i didn't know if i'd ever get this stoked again since earlier in the summer but i am so INTO IT RN!!!!!
check out this hinata wip:
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awesome thing about being fixated is i tend to finish a lot more of my drawings, it really carries my enthusiasm. so i'm hoping to have this picture finished soon! if not, many more will be finished in its place.
man if you read all of this ur a real one, thank you so much. i'm so excited to see what comes in art for 2023!!!!! MY wicked hands will concoct such bountiful imagery. I can feel it
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splatoonpolls · 5 months
Static & Specter by @princess--bongwater vs Talia Yareli by @gingergari
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Static and Specter are a frankenstein monster/scientist idol duo. Specter is really a zombie, and really was brought back to life by Static with the power of the big zapfish. It caused a power outage. Specter came from the Deep Sea Metro and was actually one of Tartar's subjects, and would've passed, but she was such an asshole he just decided to cut her up into little tiny pieces and throw her out a chute instead into the streets because he worried if he actually got her in there she'd make everyone else assholes too.
https://open.spotify.com/playlist/10Zd33Rdz9J1g36O8GyOqq?si=NtTsWDvkQuWH0sYnaim3Ww that's their Spotify playlist for you
Talia (age 24 (~16 in splat1), pronouns he/her) is from Calamari County! Her family consists of her mother, her older sister Moselle (28, a firefighter) that she looks up to a lot, and her younger sister Ren (18). He originally moved to Inkopolis to make a living as a pro battler, which he did for a few years with his roommate turned girlfriend Peri, maining both Dynamos depending on the kits given. Then Grizzco opened for business, and it turned out that they paid pretty well all things considered, and that they were both *really* good at it. (They also thought it was fun for the most part) Since they were consistently hitting the upper ranks of Profreshional, when Grizzco expanded to the Splatlands the pair were invited to relocate as Eggsecutive VPs to help support the branch and to help train up some new recruits. That's how Victoria (Eggs) and Fiorello (Safety) ended up joining them :] Speaking of nicknames, Talia has the worst name memory in the world and has a lot of trouble remembering the names of people and occasionally objects, so he gives them a nickname she remembers a lot better. (Peri is a nickname! But sometimes Talia falls back on pet names until he remembers either her nickname or actual name) He is very worried that he comes across as rude for it (or anything in general) so tries to be as friendly as possible. He was the one that gave Safety the life preserver gear as a gift! Talia is a huge fan of Big Man (finds that he relates to him the most) and did cry when he lost the leader splatfest :( Also cried when he was homesick and tried to get her favorite dish, clam mochi, at a Splatlands restaurant which turned out as you would expect. His favorite splatband is Sashimori. Talia is friends with my Agent 3, but does not know the truth about Grizzco.
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idoodle2draw-marquer · 8 months
Oh no my deepest apologies I adore your art especially your original content I just couldn't for the life of me remember how I came across you! I always assumed it was the splatoon content you make in general though I don't follow a lot of splatoon blogs to know if I saw a reblog of your stuff from there and came to your blog I love seeing your stickers of the month with the lot of character expressions, your original designs fan ocs or original characters altogether, and the lore of your characters I see sprinkled around I'm sorry,, I just got excited to realize how I found/followed you is all I remembered I was in some splatoon oc/salmonoid tags and found you and thought you were really neat especially looking through all your artwork I think your art style is especially sick (complimentary) and its only because I'm not on tumblr much have I been able to afford the time to dig down into your stuff I always wanted to commission you or donate to your kofi but I always felt I'd come off as rude because I wasn't sure what was acceptable to commission or how much a decent kofi donation would be if I tried but,, I came off as not just rude but offensive so I'm sorry about that, I take responsibility for how I came off initially I'm not here just for one single oc otherwise I wouldn't be following still I just found you because of him and when I remembered how I found you I got excited is all I'm sorry for saying it like I was ignoring the rest of your work
my apologies as well for misunderstanding your message ;_; i got so used to actual non-compliments due to being a multi-fandom artist and also having like the 1 sexy character among all my tacky designs haha [my veteran followers know who he is] i stopped answering inbox messages for a reason fjdgsgshfj
and apologies for putting you on the spot over it x,x!!
you'll be seeing more if him soon, he's been most of what i draw at work hehe
i appreciate you reaching out and explaining it- i feel bad for reading your initial message incorrectly! depression brain really loves to bring out the negatives in words and i've been struggling with it this winter season especially 💔
thank you for appreciating my work though, its fun to see how people find me and Snap is a delightful reason x) i love him so much
to make up for it here's a sketchpage of him i wasn't gonna post initially!
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to answer your question-ish thingy, i no longer take commissions but it means a lot that you would if you could!! donations are always appreciated but never necessary 🤍 apologies again, i know its disappointing to find you can't commission an artist you wanna, i simply don't have the time or will for it anymore ;3;
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