#they also get equal merch treatment
astro-meh · 2 years
one fun thing about droid husbands is that as an intp that whines and complains a lot i relate and project a fuckton at both of these idiots therefore both of them are getting equal treatment and distribution of self-indulgent headcanons
like you're getting lactose intolerance, you're getting transient insomnia, you hate being touched and so on
it's magnificent.
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utilitycaster · 6 months
🔥 about each member of the mighty nein (instead of sending you a million separate asks lol)
Fjord - this is actually the only character from all of Critical Role where if someone does not like that character I am immediately done with anything they have to say. Ashton and Vex are my favorites from C3 and C1 respectively but I get not being particularly into what they're doing even if I disagree, but like, if you don't like Fjord you either have no understanding of the idea of characters being defined by their settings and narratives and vice versa and therefore you have no media analysis statements worth hearing; or you made a snap judgement based on like 20 minutes of campaign 2.
Beau - I wish the circlet had gone to Veth; I liked Beau's arc a lot but she started as one of my favorites and was later surpassed by a number of other characters and I think it was in part because I liked her getting things the hard way and also doing more with the Cobalt Soul and Dairon than she ultimately ended up doing.
Caleb - I think I kind of covered it with my post about his trauma recently, namely, I think he's a fantastic character and Liam did a great job and also whenever someone acts like Caleb is objectively correct at all times or should have murdered everyone in the assembly it's a MASSIVE red flag.
Veth - weirdly unpopular in this fandom but I like her more as a halfling. Also, I actually think arcane trickster was a phenomenal fit for Sam mechanically even though he wants more spells and would love to see him do another 1/3rd or half caster.
Jester - I feel I've covered my main one repeatedly (people LOVED to talk about her agency and the second she kissed the wrong person she was suddenly a stupid baby girl who didn't know what was good for her) so I think my other one is that as with all of Laura's characters she is much more fun, especially early on, if you lean into the fact that she does say a lot of shit that makes people really uncomfortable or annoyed instead of trying to turn this into a SHE LOVES SO HARD AND NO ONE LISTENS because both can be true, your love can come out in ways that people are very annoyed by, this is how cats feel all the time actually, and so much of Jester's arc is figuring out how to share this love in a way that other people can appreciate without losing her own personality in the process.
Caduceus - I've also covered this a zillion times but I will say it again, Caduceus deflected so many attempts to check in with him and he does not want to like, fix Molaesmyr, he was not neglected, he was built out to be a character who was more of a low-key support guy and Taliesin did an incredible job with that.
Molly - honestly my unpopular opinion remains that I simply found him very well built and a great concept and also irritating as hell, and the Nein's response to him was valid but the fandom's post-death lionization was very tiresome. I'm genuinely not sure the party could have bonded the way they ultimately did if someone who was throwing around "enthrall" like that were still around.
Kingsley - now, while I don't mind if you dislike Kingsley, acting like Kingsley and Molly are the same character is actually equal to the not liking Fjord thing; that's an instant "this person's interpretations of media are so bad I am blocking so as to not accidentally see anything they have to say."
Yasha - I'm not sure I have any unpopular opinions? I do think she is at times underappreciated but I also think specifically she is, like Caleb, a victim of the terrible and weirdly common fandom idea that the only way to move on from abuse and horror is by killing everyone and everything that hurt you rather than rejecting violence and finding your own path and your own meaning.
Essek - sticking specifically to his role in the Nein, again, I love Essek and he is a member of the party and also he is an NPC and acting deeply offended that he doesn't get the same treatment in terms of comic books or merch or appearances in one-shots is very childish.
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doodlegirl1998 · 9 months
Hello! I'm here to ask your opinion on a certain future seeing man named Nighteye.
Not only is he one of the many adults that failed Izuku by teaching him squat on his work studies, but he's a special kind of scum by actively TRYING to make Izuku feel insecure enough to give up OFA and pass it on to Mirio instead!
Like, dude! Seriously!?
Imagine being so butthurt over not being able to choose who the next successor of OFA should be (Even though it was ultimately All Might's decision), that you take your frustrations on the person you're supposed to train.
Couldn't be me!
And sadly, much like Bakugou and Aizawa, he never gets called out for this and is treated like a wonderful person who died for a worthy cause.
Fuck Nighteye I swear.
Hi @theloganator101 👋,
Absolutely fuck Nighteye. I never, ever liked this guy and despise how the narrative tried to treat him as a 'troubled but good guy' coupled with the manipulative redemptive death when actually he was a nasty piece of work.
Let's go over real quick exactly why I hate him, you actually covered some of it already;
His treatment of Izu in his workstudies. You covered this already but I'll add my 2 cents - work studies are meant to help the hero student whereas Nighteye does nothing of the sort for Izuku. Mirio helps Izuku more (the one good thing that came from this is Mirio and Izu being good friends but Nighteye has squat to do with that.) Nighteye actively undermines Izuku (when the poor kids confidence was already on the damn floor) and tries to force him to give up OFA to Mirio.
His treatment of Mirio - while I can buy that Nighteye cared for Mirio to a degree, this isn't some benevolent mentorship no matter how the narrative tries to paint it now. Nighteye looked at Mirio and saw All Might 2.0 - a young version of All Might he could manipulate and mold to his own wims. That is vile. What's more vile is that Mirio is never given the courtesy of finding this out. He's left with this, wrongfully benevolent memory of Nighteye laughing while Mirio remembers the good times of his mentorship with him which feels ick to read when you know Nighteye's true intent with Mirio.
His treatment of All Might - I always got the vibe that instead of treating All Might as a friend and an equal, Nighteye seemed to treat AM as a thing he wanted to own. The key examples of this are; trying to dictate to AM when he should retire (could be read as concern on it's own) then leaving as his sidekick when AM refuses to do as Nighteye wants. As well as trying to dictate who gets OFA next, not respecting that All Might CHOSE Midoriya. Then lastly all the AM merch Nighteye owns doesn't come off as innocent fanboying like Izuku. It comes off like Nighteye is trying to own All Might's visage when he can not own the actual man. *Shiver* (I have no idea why so many fics paint Midoriya as a creepy AM fan - guys Nighteye is right there.)
To conclude, Nighteye always came off to me in how he acted as a Narcissist, in how he treated Izuku, AM and Mirio. So to then have the narrative give him a 'redemptive death' to also write out his foresight really left a sour taste in my mouth. To make matters worse I don't think he actually apologised to Izuku ever...
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musiconanironingboard · 10 months
3 April 2023: Nine Steve Forbert albums:
Streets of This Town (Geffen, 1998)
The American in Me (Geffen, 1991)
Be Here Now: Solo Live 1994 (Rolling Tide, 1994)
Mission of the Crossroad Palms (Paladin/Giant, 1995)
Rocking Horse Head (Paladin/Revolution, 1996)
Here’s Your Pizza, Steve Forbert and the Rough Squirrels (Paladin, 1997)
Evergreen Boy (Koch, 1999)
Live at the Bottom Line, Steve Forbert and the Rough Squirrels (Koch Progressive, 2001)
Good Soul Food: Live at the Ark, Ann Arbor, Michigan/June 3, 2004, Steve Forbert featuring Mark Stewart (Rolling Tide, 2004)
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On March 25, I saw Mississippi-born singer-songwriter Steve Forbert perform in Milwaukee and bought nine albums at his merch table. Less than two weeks later I found another batch of nine albums, this time on eBay and with almost zero duplication from the previous batch of nine. Nine must be the magic number when it comes to Forbert (though forty is the ultimate Forbert number, as he literally has forty albums floating around in this world and I love saying “Forty Forberts!”).
This eBay lot was incredibly affordable and I snapped it up the second I saw it. It’s a good mixture of standard albums and oddities, and it helped me complete a big chunk of my Forbert needs. They’re all in great shape, and only one (Evergreen Boy) is a cutout.
Below we see the front covers of the nine albums, in the same order as the stack pictured above, left to right in two rows. 
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A few notes on these: 
The fourth album from the left on top, Mission of the Crossroad Palms, is the third copy I acquired in a nine-day period; it’s the only duplicate in this batch, and you can read the saga of why I have three in the link above in this post as well as here. Strangely, the copy in the batch pictured here is a UK import; everything else is a standard American copy.
Fifth album from the left on top, Rocking Horse Head, I was amazed to learn features several members of Wilco as his backing band (sans Jeff Tweedy)! Jay Bennett, the controversial Wilco member who seemed to save and torture the band in equal measure, appears to be the musical director here. I can’t wait to find out what this sounds like.
First up on the bottom row, Here’s Your Pizza, appears to be Forbert’s final release with major-label distribution. I also bring this one up because when it came out my brother and I mercilessly made fun of it for its title and cover. We went through a stretch of time in the ’90s where we derided so many things we later came to understand and embrace. It may be a goofy cover and album title, but curse the ignorance of youth!
Third from left on the bottom, Live at the Bottom Line, was inexplicably released on vinyl for Record Store Day sometime in recent years. There must be a reason, but without context it seems strange for one of his numerous latter-day live albums to get the RSD treatment, especially when none of his classic-period studio albums have gotten attention.
Below is a terrible, reflective shot showing the back cover of the nine albums, in the same sequence as above. 
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I slowed down on my Forbert acquisitions considerably after this, but there is one more batch to come (it’s less than nine).
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here4theheartbreak · 10 months
I think I've loved every single hairstyle on Mingi. He has such a great face, it seems to work with everything — I like his shorter hair, his longer hair, his mullet, and everything in between!
You know, I never even considered that those little polaroid albums could be photocard holders! It's such a good idea.
Omg! That's soooo many albums!! An actual MOUNTAIN of albums. I bet you were excited when they all arrived! I would've been losing my shit. Ohhhh, I have the limited All to Action, too! You did well to get that as a surprise! 🍀
Your K-pop centre looks amazing! Full, yes, but amazing~! I think it'd be SO easy to have an entire room bursting with merch! Collecting kpop stuff is so dangerous... for your finances AND your sanity. I would spiral so fast. 😭🌀💸
I got the tarot deck from a Kickstarter, they're by an artist called Bana! They're very pretty! Although, they're a bit big. I think the normal/glossy decks are smaller/the usual size. But I saw the word 'holographic' and I couldn't resist. It was like I was having a flashback to collecting shiny trading cards as a kid. So, now I have to shuffle them with the widest hand stretch known to man. But it's worth it~!
That deck you have is super cool! I love dark and mysterious things! Why not add a little drama, and a little spooky mystique, to a reading? Waittttt, there's a Star Trek deck?? Thinking about it, I suppose there's probably a few at this point. TOS is one of my comfort shows! And I also adore the alternate original/kelvin films! ✨
If you haven't already, I hope you watch Lucky Oppa! Woosanhwa are so comfortable and relaxed on that show. The vibe is great. It's wholesome. They're eating well. They're surrounded by a soft pink aesthetic. I loved everything about it. There's also an episode with Wonho... which somehow has the opposite vibe?? He seems so nervous/shy!
Exactly! NO ONE is asking for the queer community to get any special treatment. All anyone wants is to be treated the same, to be treated equally, without any conditions. Queer hosts/fans/friends should be communicated with in the exact same manner that cishet hosts/fans/friends are. It's not a big ask.
One Day at a Time is such an amazing song!!! (I think they're all amazing, obviously, but you get it! It's important to me AND it's amazing!) I played it in my mom's car the other day... and she turned it down to talk, I was so OFFENDED. 😂 Good lil Boy!! That's a great one. I'm gonna be SO interested in what you choose in the end. There really is SO MUCH choice. 😂
I've recently discovered a similar shop to the one you mention! It's a few hours from here. But they're a queer, inclusive, body positive tattooist and the energy seems great!
Oh, you're so right! I've never really thought about it but Joong ALWAYS looks amazing with unnatural hair colours! And I think San does too?? Pink, red, blue. They all looked stunning on him! Though, I have to admit, the pink still has me in a chokehold. 😭😂
OMG. Wooyoung looks so TINY in that picture? And adorable?? I love him so much. 🥺
Talking of men looking tiny... have you seen this picture of Hongjoong and Mingi that's doing the rounds? It reminds me of that one stage where Joong appeared behind Seonghwa, with that backpack, looking like the smallest man in the world. 🥺💖
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Did you see the kcon check in mission where Yunho had to hug everyone??Jongho was NOT getting hugged that day. 🐻 Him and Joong really said no thank you. be gone. 😂 Meanwhile, there's nothing that would improve my mood faster than a Yunho hug! 🤷‍♀️😂
I absolutely love the polaroid flip books. These ones hold 96 pcs each. The only thing is that if you have baseball card or Japanese sleeves they won’t fit - just a hair too big. But I found American Standard sleeves (56x87mm) work perfectly — Ryker and Ultra Pro both make good, sturdy ones in that size (I prefer DragonShield but couldn’t find the right size V_V).
Kpop is such a money drain, you’re entirely right. And I just learned OnlyOneOf is finally putting out a nightstick. Super excited but please I need to save money (I also need to get Ateez’s summer phonebook but I might wait until my friend gets hers in - she bought two and is selling one so I might snag that instead since I don’t need the pobs.) I finally got the blue and yellow Movements in, so my Ateez albums are complete — now just need to hunt for pcs for each of the albums.
I love holographic cards lbvs - they are so pretty - I may look and see if there’s a way to get them in the US now that the kickstarter has ended 🤔 And yes! They have a TNG one - which is the one I want, TNG and DS9 are my two favorite series; and they also apparently have a TOS one.
The TOS Deck
TNG Deck
I don’t personally care for the Kelvin films >.< - I’m a sucker for the og; I like TOS and as I said above, TNG and DS9 are my two favorites (Quark brings me so much joy, the little troll, I l love him) and I really am enjoying SNW …. Definitely have a crush on Pike and Spock, as well as Ortega.
I will definitely watch it! I have been watching some non-kpop stuff lately that I needed to catch up on lol - so I will have to watch it here soon! I adore Wonho 😭 I miss him - will have to watch that too.
Yesss, I like pink Joong but I have a particular soft spot for his Cruella de Ville hair from Guerrilla ngl, esp with the ponytail.
Omg he looks so TINY. I know it’s an optical illusion but it’s hilarious; they have bookend rappers - the tall big one and the tiny lil one lol.
I have seen that video of Yunho, I howled. Jongho and Joong both were ready to throw hands when he came for them 😂 Poor Hwa just looked confused and then resigned like, well, this is my life now.
Oh my god WATERBOMB. I hung out with my friends yesterday and we spent a solid like 3 hours talking about it, did you see them?! Idk what gave them the frickin’ right to act out like that but they need to be stopped. Mingi and San especially!?!?!? Like guys please, I am not your strongest soldier here. I simply cannot. (And then with Taemin performing today - It’s been a… Tense weekend lmao
But these finally came in, I am delighted. Displaying them on my desk is not enough, I need them with me at all times, they are so cute 😭
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chanelfunnell · 1 year
the Blackhawks tanking again with Pride and Russians
i dobt get it. Too pushy and showy to promote Pride at any cost. Think of stupid bankrupt Silicon Valley Bank missing anything about risk assets operations but all about equality and rainbow colours problems and parties. So with the Blackhawks.
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You hardly remember names and faces of the players on the roasterit's nonstop changing due to non stop trades and recently huge injury list you got there are new Russians because huge drama involved again. No way like in the case of Russian player weeks ago who said he will not wear Pride jersey and he did not but played the match.
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Ok so don't wear it and play nhl game and so Khudobin starring in the net. Or refusing to start for the game linked with Pride at all. Why will we bow to two Russians and all team will not wear a jersey for Pride then?
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Human rights or just a simple thing like their colleague before Pride moment no jersey but playing the game. Because participantion in Pride game is also seen as a crime regarding logical reasoning of the Blackhawks.
Are there any new rules for VIP such as druggie Prince Harry and his hushy cushy treatment landing smooth foray into USA as non talented man without a qualification and any special skills and just as 3rd husband if below average dclist show girl and once nhl pyckbunny boiler Rachel Meghan Markle who is just US citizen but lives to produce with stupid UK aristo titles.
Not like tech tycoons in Silicon Valley peddling this overhyped promotion of our lesbian and gay friends are not a bunch of dope and crack heads, right ? the witch hunt about trans gender and 30+ sexes you have never heard about and you need to memorize them just any new Blackhawks or Icehog on the roster is also over the top.
The Blackhawks have no proper jerseys to sell as a proper merch right now. It is like a belackyard sale . I miss even McCabe and injured Blackwell. Shall we trade The Blackhawks back office with CEO, please?
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madame-mimsy · 3 years
Theory Behind the Reward Tier Levels in Janus’ Corridor.
Has someone done this, already? Probably. But nothing says mental exhaustion like procrastinating on schoolwork by over analyzing the levels of tiers in Janus’ Corridor of Stored Rewards.
So with the release of the amazing art by James von Hollen (@ignoreitforever on Instagram) of each of the tiers (and the honestly delightfully terrifying images of Janus ripping through a wall like the Shining), I’ve had some thoughts on what the levels mean in relation to them because I am a Fander and we cannot leave well enough alone gdi.
See, at first I liked the idea going around that Janus was just giving tiers based on people he liked, as he’s stated that he prefers Remus over the others in livestreams. But the thing is, he obviously does NOT like Virgil, so that doesn’t quite fit to me. And the idea that it’s just giving preferential treatment to the Dark Sides made sense to me, until the new images came out and we had padlocks galore.
Instead, my theory is that each tier is based on how deep into the secrets he’s promised in his Corridor you go. The further along the more he WANTS to keep them secret, and thus the more money it takes, meta-wise, to pry those secrets loose, and why there is no Janus level tier. There’s no way he’d want to reveal everything he knows, no matter the amount. He (Janus) even got downright angry when people tried bugging him for spoilers in streams.
So instead he has the tiers listed by how willing he is to make that Side “public” or not. (Longwinded theory under the cut)
So first we have the Logan tier: the Federal Education Budget 
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From the Snake’s Own Mouth:
“Ohhh, so you decided to share with us? Then, I suppose I can share with you.”
Honestly, this startled me because of the fact that it looks so arcane and mystical, which doesn’t match how I imagine Logan at all. My friend @onnastik​ pointed out that the creature on the right, surrounded by sigils, is the demon Baur, who among other things is said to “teach natural and moral philosophy, (and) logic...” which fits the bill pretty perfectly. 
Speaking of a bill, the name for the tier fits Logan perfectly, too, to me. The Federal Education Budget is not only the budget used in the American system to make sure kids have free education until the highschool level, but is also part of the college loan system. It signifies public education, and that’s why I feel that Logan is the lowest, and thus most accessible, tier. Janus considers him bland, safe for public consumption, and maybe even wants to put up a front of logical intelligence first and foremost, to make even the broadest view of Thomas seem as intelligent as possible. 
And look at how much the basic tier gives! That’s a huge amount for just the lowest tier, and gives you plenty to enjoy. That fits the ideal of something like a broad education system, and gives a very open feel. Logan’s tier is literally an “Open Book” of all sorts of delights.
And with that horrible pun, we move to Patton’s tier:  The Monthly Allowance.
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From the Snake’s Own Mouth:
“That not enough for you? Fine. I'll give you everything from that last tier, PLUS...”
For all that it is creepy as heck, the fact that Patton’s tier is also a pun is perfect. The candles heat must surely make this... heartwarming. And the addition of blooper reels in the rewards, and the commentary, feel more personal than Logan’s open tier. Which is why I don’t think Patton was the first tier.
Patton wears his heart on his sleeve too much for Janus’ tastes, I bet. All of those emotions just out there where anyone could see? Those bloopers that showcase how imperfect Thomas and the crew are? Yikes. That is definitely something a certain snek wouldn’t want to be the most public option, though, at the same time, Patton’s gentle qualities and general love of the fandom also mean he’s a good symbol to push closer to the front of the Corridor, and doesn’t need to be as hidden as some of the others.
Also the fact that Patton’s tier has a sticker as a reward is absolutely perfect and you can’t tell me otherwise. Can’t you just imagine him going “Thank you so much, kiddo! Let’s watch some bloopers and play with sticker books! I’ll get the cocoa”? He’s the good goofy dad and stickers are fun. Bloopers and being silly are fun. It’s perfect for the sweet lad.
Then we have the illustrious Roman’s tier: A Prince’s Ransom.
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From the Snake’s Own Mouth:
“You want more? Really?? … You can only half tell, but I’m blushing over the fact that we’re worth this much to you. How about, everything in that last tier AND...”
Hooo boi there’s suddenly a lot more to unpack here. This is in no way an insult to the lovely Crew as a whole, but doesn’t it feel like this tier has more bribery going on than the last two? More self-centered reasons to join? It’s not just your name in the credits like Patton offered: it’s your name as a writer. That T-shirt (which I 100% leaped at when I saw this because holy heck it’s so pretty), and of course the mysterious Writer’s Room.
This tier feels very creative as well: look at all the stuff about influencing the show, the art of the shirt, etc. This is all about being showy and creative like our wonderful prince. But it’s not the first tier, even though Thomas is very much a creator. Why? Why is the tier for the showiest, flashiest Side just randomly tucked in the middle, not even the highest for show?
Because Janus doesn’t want Roman to be the first thing everyone sees. Our sweet boy is definitely eye-catching, but he can also be vain to the point of pompous, even annoying. And his fragile ego isn’t something that Janus likely wants to show off. Janus’ statement about “blushing” and “being worth that much to you” even feels like it matches that pride and ego. 
And that fragility is in the crown’s design, too. At first glance it seems fine. Very fantastic, with Roman’s sun symbol in lovely display. But a longer look reveals cracks, broken sections and fissures. And a slight, odd green shine, too. Hmm.
No, Roman couldn’t be made the first tier because of his pride, but his is also the last tier to not have any outright locks on it...
The Strange Dark Son’s tier: OK, Now You’re Making Me Feel Guilty...
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From the Snake’s Own Mouth:
“PLEASE, don’t give us any more money! I don’t know what we could possibly do with it! But alright… since I like you, you can have everything in the last tier, and I'LL THROW IN...”
“Now you’re making me feel guilty” is absolutely what I would expect Virgil to think about someone giving him money because they enjoyed Thomas’ content. He’d freak out, and want to make sure to do something equally nice in return, to say thank you. Hence the thank-you video. 
NGL I can also imagine him panicking and rushing around his room to pick up a random mug and just thrust it out at the gifter in return too, before hiding away in an anxious mess, but anyway. xD
The artwork for this seems to very much be in homage to the Annabelle Doll: a supposedly haunted ragdoll, kept locked in a case at an occult museum.
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Something interesting about this doll’s story, though...
Wiki: “According to the Warrens, a student nurse was given the doll in 1970. They said that the doll behaved strangely, and that a psychic medium told the student that the doll was inhabited by the spirit of a deceased girl named "Annabelle". The student and her roommate tried to accept and nurture the spirit-possessed doll, but the doll reportedly exhibited malicious and frightening behavior.”
Huh. Who else do we know that when confronted with too much coddling responds by lashing out?
And this is the first tier with a lock. The glass is chipped (from inside or out?) but the lock is holding. The doll is inert and doesn’t seem likely to do anything unless disturbed, if it matches the original story. Which seems to fit Virgil relatively well. Sure, he’ll make you anxious (maybe those cracks are where the influence leeches free), but doesn’t seem intent on outright harm. Also the cracks and the creepy living doll cabinet as a whole made me think of spider webs and our boi’s Halloween decor, so I thought that was excellent, honestly.
This tier is hidden behind Roman’s shining pomp. It’s outright locked away, as if to keep it from seeing the light of day. The Dark Side tiers both seem this way: hidden from prying eyes by the splendor of the first few tiers.
And the most hidden one of all... Gross Profit.
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From the Snake’s Own Mouth:
“Oh you bougie rascal, you! Your generosity is seen and I truly thank you for it… but a few kind words from me aren't enough, I'm sure... so how about, you get everything from the last tier ALONG WITH...”
Firstly we have exclusive tier level gifts that Janus won’t even reveal. Meta-wise, this is likely more because the team has to decide what those gifts ARE, and how to safely ship them, but the way it sounds in the description not only feels super secretive, but also very much like Remus to me, as well. I’m pretty sure any and all gifts from him are a surprise in some way. Whether that is pleasant is debatable, but it’s still a surprise!
The highest tier also looks to have the highest security. Look at that sturdy, metal bound chest and huge padlock. Not only that but it also has chains wrapped around it to hold it shut, and even then, the contents are actively seeking to escape, like our delightful trashman would. Even the shuggoth-like appearance matches his presence as a shifting, terrifying and likely quite gloopy entity, capable of squeezing even where he’s not wanted.  Even the green fabric below looks stained with mud or blood or something equally as upsetting. The image does a great job of showing how hard it is to contain Intrusive Thoughts, as a whole, and is likely a main reason Janus drinks so much “juice” on his birthdays. 
Unlike the last image, this one is outright trying to break containment, and oddly, it almost seems like someone left a golden key in easy reach for just that purpose... A key which also looks rather oddly shaped, to me.
It’s hard to tell from the angle, but it doesn’t look like the eye is a simple circle, but that it has a point, like a heart almost. Or even the ornate letter D from the Corridor logo?
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I can’t be sure of that, but what I can definitely be sure of is the sheer amount of lock, key, and chain symbolism our Snekky Fren has to his name.
While Janus has no tier, the entire SITE has his symbol, like a brand. 
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Every post, the icon, the about page, it’s there. And the snake isn’t trapped by the lock, but guarding it. It looks to have a green highlight around where a chip is (hmm), but other than that, it looks quite solid, and well-guarded by watchful creatures that never blink.
The shape of the lock looks like it could be heart-shaped as well, like that golden key allowing the Remus tentacles to wriggle free.
They also do a heckin blep and honestly what could possibly be better? 
So yeah, that’s my way overly long ramble about the tier levels and what I think they mean. Maybe if I’m not too lazy I’ll do one on the pictures of Janus playing peekaboo with my nightmares on the about page. 
God but this art is amazing and y’all need to go preesh the artist holy heck. 
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Survey #368
“whatever doesn’t kill you, is gonna leave a scar”
Have you ever bought a YouTuber’s merch? My favorite shirt is the Day of the Dead design by Cloak, which is Markiplier's and jacksepticeye's clothing brand. Mom's friend/former co-worker also got me a Ninja Sex Party shirt because she knew I liked them. There are SO MANY YouTubers I wanna support by buying shirts. Do you think oatmeal tastes better when made with water or milk? Milk, 110%. Have you ever left a note in a library book? No. What time of day do you prefer to wash your hair? Morning. Has anyone ever spread lies about you? Yes. Have you ever taken a photograph with a celebrity? If so, did it turn out the way you wanted, or do you wish you could retake it? No. If you could move out of your home country permanently, would you? If so, where would you go? If it didn't mean being so very far from my family, I would love to move to Canada. Is there a celebrity that everyone else seems to love, but you find totally overrated? Why is it that you don’t like them? I legit don't know who's considered currently popular, and I especially don't know who they are as people. If you could volunteer for any charity, which one would you choose? Do you think it’s more important to help humans, or are animal and environmental charities equally important? Something relating to animals, and I think they're both equally important. Do you prefer holidays where you relax, or actually do things? I like a mix. Something chill, but you still do some stuff as a family. Do you think that after we die our spirit is still alive? Yes. Has anybody ever told you that you could be a model? Someone has mistaken me for a model in a picture I once took. It was one of the most flattering things I've ever heard, haha. Do you use different kinds of moisturizer for different body parts? ie. hand lotion for your hands, face cream for your face. Or do you just use one moisturizer for all body parts? Yes. Have you ever felt like you were someone’s rebound? No. Has anybody ever broken up with you over something really pathetic? What was it? Have you ever been dumped in a disrespectful way? (eg. through text, through a friend..) I have 100% been dumped in a very cowardly and disrespectful way; after dating Jason for nearly four years and being very serious, he broke up with me very abruptly over Facebook Messenger. His reason was valid, but at the same time, he NEVER talked to me about it. Apparently my depression was dragging him down. If he'd fucking communicated it, I would have explored new treatment options so goddamn fast. But no, he decided to snap his fingers and disappear. That's exactly WHY it was so traumatic, I think: it was so unexpected and sudden. Did you have a lot of role models as a kid? Animal enthusiasts like Steve Irwin and Jeff Corwin for sure. Do you feel like anyone looks up to you? Why or why not? God no. I'm just... not someone to aspire to be like. What was the last thing you found offensive? I'm not sure. Who is the nicest person you know? My mom. Do you feel safe in your country? I feel safe in NC, rather. Like I don't expect an atom bomb or terrorist attack or something in this obscure area. In the U.S.A. itself, sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. America is definitely not loved by every other country. Do you feel safe where you live? Not in this city, no. Have you been falsely diagnosed with something by a bad doctor? Yup. Did y'all know I apparently have ADHD? I know, shocking. Have you ever had a doctor refuse to treat you? No. Name the strangest game you’ve ever played (video game or real game): The first Silent Hill, probably. It took a lot of reading to get it. Do you know anyone who has been struck by lightning before? No. Which cartoon character would you want to keep as a pet? Does Stitch count? Or a Pokemon. Do you like marshmallows? Yes. What is your favorite flavor of candy cane? I really like the Jolly Rancher candy canes, I think they are? Have you ever fostered an animal? No. Do you still take hot showers when it’s hot out? Not as hot, but not cold except on very extreme occasions. When writing $ sign, do you draw one line through the S or two? Two. What animal have you always wanted as a pet but couldn’t have? I'm thankful that my parents were pretty open-minded to what pets I really wanted, but one I was never allowed to have was a ferret because of how messy and smelly they are. List three people you’ve had crushes on: Jason, Sara, and Sebastian were probably my biggest crushes. Have you ever thrown up from cramps? No, but god have I felt close. List three people you had a hard time forgiving. Jason, Colleen, and my dad. Who is the most spiritual person you know? Probably my sister's mother-in-law. Would you ever start a vlog? God no, I'd bore people to tears. Are your dreams coming true yet? I mean, I guess in some ways with my mental health. In my deepest depression, what I have now was a dream, even though current me is very discontent with it. Most of my dreams, though? No. Do you struggle with depression? I've been diagnosed with severe depression since 7th grade. Are you haunted by your past? A few things won't leave me alone. What medical conditions do you have? Just a lot. There are even more that are up for debate. I've talked about my diagnosed conditions enough. Do you use a Magic Bullet? No. What does your apron look like? I don’t have one. What are your favorite spicy foods? Hot Cheetos, Takis, hot wings, jalapeno pizza... Man, I love spicy food. Which do you like better: being an adult or being a kid? Being a kid. Were you excited to be a teenager on your thirteenth birthday? I had very mixed feelings. Did you feel insecure in high school? Shit, I still do. Would you ever be friends with someone who was suicidal? What the FUCK is this question? No fucking shit I would be. Someone being suicidal in no way affects who they are as a person. Who was the biggest bully in high school? I don't think there really was one. What was your favorite class in high school? Art. Would you rather have a daughter or a son? If I wanted kids, a daughter. Have you ever written to an advice columnist? No. Have you ever had a doctor not believe what you told him? Maybe? I did however have an employee at the ER the first time I went try to pry out of me that my self-mutilation was for attention, and it wasn't until I insisted about a dozen times that it wasn't that he believed me. It's odd looking back that I got REALLY attached to him during that stay, knowing now that it was absolutely horrible and extremely unhelpful for him to do that. If you’re female, would you feel uncomfortable having a male gynecologist? I would absolutely refuse to have a male one. Do you like Lisa Frank? Yeah, like can you talk about aesthetic. What gives you nightmares? Boy, I wish I could tell you, given how much I have them. Were you ever hospitalized as a child? No. Did you get senior pictures taken? No. What color is your bicycle? I don’t have one. Did you ever have to take home a fake baby in health class? No, thank fuck. Would you rather wear ivory or white on your wedding day? What color will your bridesmaids wear? I'd rather wear black. I think red will be the bridesmaids' color. Would you rather have a swimming pool or trampoline? I want a swimming pool so damn badly so I could exercise my legs without worrying about sweating, and I can stop and rest whenever I want, unlike going walking or something. I don't think my knees could handle a trampoline. Do you think babies are cute? Some, sure. But a lot, not really. Do you dream about the future a lot? Yeah. Do you think about your past a lot? Way too frequently. How good are you at living in the moment? I'm trying to get better at it. Have you ever questioned God’s existence? Yeah. Vanilla frosting or chocolate? Chocolate. What’s your favorite foreign cuisine? I've actually been exploring Italian pasta lately. I'm not a big fan of foreign food that I've tried, though. Have you ever moved to another state? No. Did you do anything productive today? No. .-. Can you say the alphabet backwards? No, actually. Do you like flowers? Of course; does anyone not? Have you ever thought you were gonna die? I didn't care if I did or didn't. What kind of mood are you in today? I was honestly really depressed through most of it. Just health stuff was really getting to me. I just woke up from what was honestly like a four-hour nap and I feel all right, I guess. What are you craving right now? I REALLY want Domino's jalapeno pizza. Is there anyone you would seriously punch right now if you had the chance? No. What is worse, physical or emotional pain? Definitely emotional. Have you ever walked in on somebody doing something… questionable? When Dad still lived with us, I think he might have been watching... you know... on TV when I came into my parents' room for something. Idk for sure though. I didn't ask, and I don't want to know. If you were to make videos on YouTube, what would they be of? Oh god, idk. I don't want to make any. What I'd have most fun with would be reptile education, but I 1.) have literally one snake, 2.) am not extremely educated on a good number of them and don't want to be misleading, and 3.) I would run outta content fast. So, leave it to Snake Discovery, haha. Posting pictures of yourself in a bathing suit on the internet - ok or not? Yes, it's okay????? If you're talking about me personally though, you won't see me dead in a bathing suit picture. Do you typically laugh when somebody falls down? No, I gasp and see if they're okay. What is the most disturbing movie you’ve ever watched? Paranormal Entity. The ending is... a lot. Your opinion of Katy Perry, please? I like a couple of her songs. If you could say anything to your Mom right now… what would it be? "Thank you for absolutely everything."
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Let’s Talk About Pokemon - The Dragon Type
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You would think a type with the prestige-type status it once had would be one of the rarer in the game. And indeed there was a time where Dragons once made a very tiny percentage of the Pokedex. Heck, the type was even rarer if you discount Legendaries and Pseudo-legendaries, with there once only being four of those despite being on the fourth generation. Then Gen 5 happened, which had an aim to make sure all 17 types were more or less equal in population. This meant bumping up Dragon's numbers quite substantially. The more the series went on, the more Dragon has more or less become a much more regular type. One with still special treatment enough to usually be reserved for Legendaries and Legendaries of the Psuedo variety, but a much more regular type nonetheless. By now, its population is about the same as Electric or Fire.
Dragon's aesthetic has also changed tremendously over the years. Back in the day, and all the way up to Gen 5, the only real outlier weirdos in the dragon club were Vibrava and Altaria. These days?
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NOW look at em! Something weird happened. Like overnight, the Dragon type had very suddenly became a lot more varied and considerably more weird and willing to stretch the definition of what counts as a “dragon.” And y'know what? I'm all for it.
Of course, back in my late kid and throughout my teenage years, Dragon was one of my favorite types because what's cooler than a really big lizard??? (Might I add, back in my “Yu-Gi-Oh replaced Pokemon for a couple years” phase, I of course thought Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon was the single coolest monster design in the entire damn world.) These days I'm somewhat more indifferent to them. If I loved it before, I probably still at least like it now, but my enthusiasm for the type has petered out a bit.
Almost like on cue, as I got a bit older and god a bit more tasteful as I started taking character design more seriously as a form of art I was interested in, the Dragon type started getting more interesting as well. Suddenly we have a gross seahorse that's a dragon, a gross snail that's a dragon! Even a BAT and a WEIRD...TAPEWORM THING... that was a dragon! Maybe with the inception of the Fairy type introduced to nerf Dragon's dominance over most of the other types, they also felt the need to make Dragon just. Another one of the gang. But it'd get boring to have this type of almost exclusively lizards suddenly start inhabiting large chunks of the Pokedex, right? What if we made other animals with SLIGHTLY more dragon-esque features to diverse the type?!
Well, I'm digging it. Maybe not enough to have Dragon back on as one of my favorite types, but I'm certainly more enthusiastic to see new Dragons pop up again. Especially if they're willing to call a tall three-headed tree of all things a DRAGON, too.
Besides, back in the day, dragons looked quite a bit weirder as well. More like lizardy rats that... had wings, I suppose. The concept of a dragon being an exceptionally large winged lizard (often with elemental powers for good measure) was a more recent cultural development, relatively speaking. Either way, if Dragons continue to be neat, I'll continue to call em neat. Sounds like a fine deal to me!
Top 10 Favorite Dragon Types:
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Of course early Pokemon didn't have much to like, but at the same time, a loooot of them were very traditional dragon designs.
Bottom 10 Least Favorites:
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Eh. The only ones I dislike to any capacity is Dragonite and the two (three) Megas. The rest are kinda just. Cool, if rather generic Dragons. It's often the mid-evos of the Pseudos that I forget about.
The Cutest:
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The Coolest:
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The Prettiest:
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...I only got so many to work with here, alright? Actually let's have that as an extremely broad entry on my Wishlist. More “Pretty” dragons, please. That's a pretty underutilized aesthetic in Pokemon, so far.
Weirdest/Most Unique:
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Most Inventive Use of the Type:
...Is pretty much the same as the “Weirdest/Most Unique” section. I'm sure as later generations come out and I'll inevitably come back to these to update them, I'll have more Dragon types to mess around with.
NOTE: These Type Wishlists were written out before any news on new Pokemon from Sword and Shield. The Pokemon revealed over time will not affect these wishlists. Just to present them unaltered despite spoilers and in the interest of getting the wishlist out there, and to see which items on said wishlists get fulfilled by Sword and Shield!
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A Hoarding Dragon:
Having hoards of treasure is like, one of THE defining personality quirks of at least European dragons, so I'm just surprised we've not gotten something along those lines just yet. Gems, gold, metals. Hell, I'd even take one that hoards in-Universe Pokemon merch. Or a dragon that, in one way or another, IS its own hoard.
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A Star-Dragon:
That's pretty specific, I know. Especially since we've got actually a couple of Dragons that fell from some form of outer space in both Kyurem and Guzzlord. But neither of those are really space-THEMED. I'm talking a stellar-themed Dragon. This goes with my wishes for more “pretty” dragons from earlier, minding how much beautiful imagery there's to draw from in space.
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A Cockatrice:
These chicken-lizard hybrids are ripe for the Unorthodox Dragon crowd. And even with myths about them going on about their gaze either being able to kill or turn whatever they look at to stone. You could PROBABLY form a neat unique move around that.
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A Qilin:
I just can't quit with the deer-creatures, man. I don’t know if I’ve brought it up here before, but I’m currently in an extremely early stage of making my own catch-all-the-monsters-type game of my own. And boy howdy it is AWFUL having five or so good ideas for deer monsters but within reasonability, I gotta narrow it down to just one. BAH.
Anyway, qirin are the specific term for the Chinese dragons you see with the more antler-like horns. Some interpretations of which go one step further until they are outright just deer-shaped dragons. Which I would be entirely down with seeing in Pokemon.
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An Uroboros:
Man, I actually had quite a few more requests for Dragon type than I thought I would've.
My last entry on this wishlist is an Uroboros. A cross-culture icon you may recognize as the serpentine creature that eats itself, representing different things depending on which culture you ask. In some, it's about the cycle of life and death. To others, the passage of time. Whether you take these cultural relevancies to heart or not, there's still plenty of cool things you could do with an Uroboros and its weirdly wheel-shaped body.
That and it’s a symbol relevant to alchemy too. And for whatever reason, Pokemon is laying it on thick with the alchemy symbolism lately. So uroboros is perfect!
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thisguyatthemovies · 5 years
Title: “On the Basis of Sex”
Release date: Dec. 25, 2018 in limited release; Jan. 11, 2019 in wide release
Starring: Felicity Jones, Armie Hammer, Justin Theroux, Kathy Bates, Sam Waterston, Jack Reynor, Cailee Spaeny, Stephen Root, Chris Mulkey
Directed by: Mimi Leder
Run time: 2 hours
Rated: PG-13
What it’s about: A young Ruth Bader Ginsburg teams with her husband Marty to challenge gender discrimination by arguing a case before the U.S. Court of Appeals.
Title: “RBG”
Release date: In theaters May 4, 2018; on disc/streaming Aug. 28, 2018
Starring: Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Gloria Steinem, Nina Totenberg, Bill Clinton, Orrin G. Hatch
Directed by: Betsy West and Julie Cohen
Run time: 1 hour, 36 minutes
Rated: PG
What it’s about: A documentary look at the life and career of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her rise to pop culture and feminist icon  
How I saw them: Ruth Bader Ginsburg is at the center of the perfect storm, and she is glad to be there. Last year was the 25th anniversary of her appointment to the Supreme Court, which made her just the second woman to serve on the nation’s top court. But even before the silver anniversary, Ginsburg, a tireless champion of gender equality from the moment she entered law school in the male-dominated 1950s, was making the slow climb to an unusual status for a Supreme Court justice – pop culture icon. Whether or not the existence of “Notorious RBG” mugs and action figures (seriously) seems frivolous or inappropriate for someone of her standing matters little to her meme-producing fans, who tend to be young, feminist and liberal. Then Ginsburg’s hero-worship reached the stratosphere and beyond as #MeToo and Time’s Up happened right around the time Donald Trump was elected. Ginsburg is seen as the anti-Trump, and her supporters now openly root for the frail, 85-year-old, three-time cancer survivor to beat the odds and live forever, or at least for another two (or six) years so that Trump can’t swing the Supreme Court even farther right.
So, it’s not surprising that the documentary “RBG” and the narrative “On the Basis of Sex,” both about Ginsburg and her career, have been well-received and mostly critically acclaimed. The two movies, which don’t dare to even attempt to question Ginsburg or her rabid following, preach to a choir that would never tire of being preached to.
The better of the two films, by a lot, is “RGB,” which is more of an overview of Ginsburg’s life and career than “On the Basis of Sex,” a narrative film that focuses on a single case that Ginsburg used as a gateway to systematically take on a system of discrimination against women.
“On the Basis of Sex” is the story of a young Ginsburg (Felicity Jones), from her time in law school in the 1950s up through the early 1970s. After being turned away from job after job at law firms (apparently because she is a woman and Jewish), Ginsburg started teaching law at Rutgers and began focusing on women’s rights. Then, her husband Marty (Armie Hammer), an accomplished tax lawyer, brought to her a case in which a man caring for his elderly mother was not allowed a tax exemption because men weren’t deemed to be caretakers by law. Ginsburg saw this as her opening, figuring if she could convince an all-male appeals court that it was wrong to discriminate against men, it would only make sense that discriminatory laws against women also were wrong.
Directed by Mimi Leder and written by Daniel Stiepleman (Ginsburg’s nephew), “On the Basis of Sex” has good intentions but does not seem to match its tone with the importance of the material. The film mostly plays like an underdog sports movie (think “Rudy”), one in which the bad guys (in this case, the old white man establishment) are exaggerated to the point of being cartoonish, we are reminded time and time again of the countless obstacles our heroine must overcome, and the outcome is never in doubt. These movies rely on the audience to root for the underdog, and that is easy to do with Ginsburg. But they also need a big finish, and the final, monologue-heavy court scene doesn’t quite land its punches. Before it is a long collection of scenes in which Ginsburg pushes to get the ACLU involved and battles to even get the case heard, but this stretch moves slowly and takes the wind out of the sails of a movie that wasn’t much beyond breezy to begin with.
Ginsburg’s importance and popularity get a more deserving treatment in “RBG,” a documentary by directors Betsy West and Julie Cohen, and co-produced by CNN (in case you didn’t already know where a movie about RBG stood politically). West and Cohen have assembled a film that relies heavily on the presence of the real-life Ginsburg and interviews with some key players during her career. “RBG” emphasizes the support she got from her husband, who was diagnosed with testicular cancer when the couple still were in law school. Ruth Bader Ginsburg helped her husband finish school while also staying on top of her courses and helping take care of their young daughter. We learn that during long stretches Ginsburg would go on no more than two hours of sleep a night.
“RBG” is at its strongest as Ginsburg begins taking on discriminatory laws, utilizing actual recordings of her arguing cases. We also see her charming a nation during her televised Supreme Court confirmation hearings, which resulted in her being approved 96-3. Imagine that kind of lopsided outcome in today’s political divisiveness.
The documentary seems to gradually shift in tone, though. It shows Ginsburg enjoying (and even participating in) opera. It examines her odd-couple friendship with fellow Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, whose political views were in direct contrast with Ginsburg’s (NPR’s Nina Totenburg is shown saying she would never have friends who are “right-wing nutcases.”). Then we get to the “Notorious RBG” hero worship, with young women talking about their RBG “merch” and the growing popularity of RBG memes. It’s almost hard to fathom how Ginsburg went from fighting injustice in law school and in the highest court in the land to having her image on coffee mugs and T-shirts, other than to say it’s a sign o’ the times.
“RBG” is not a critical examination of Ginsburg, and it doesn’t dig deep for a documentary. The closest it comes to questioning Ginsburg (other than an opening batch of insulting sound bites from the usual conservative suspects) is the inclusion of when she publicly criticized Trump (and later apologized) during his candidacy for president, a no-no according to Supreme Court decorum. Of course, taking on Trump only further endeared her to the growing army of supporters, and for them no filmmaker could ever diminish Ginsburg’s superhero status.
My scores: 61 out of 100 for “On the Basis of Sex”; 88 out of 100 for “RBG”
Should you see them? “RBG” is well worth your time, especially if you enjoy documentaries, and is a thorough if idealistic examination of one of the most important figures in U.S. history. See “On the Basis of Sex” (but wait until it is streaming) if you want a more Disney-esque version of one of the most important moments early in Ginsburg’s career.
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unsuccesscr · 6 years
💐 lets go with them Tododeku headcanons here chief. (hxroics)
Send 💐 and a ship name for a few headcanons I have about it!
- Izuku is basically a dog and Shoto is basically a cat and these are just Facts
-They spend a lot of time cooking together, mostly it’s Izuku’s idea to help Shoto deal with the shitty way Endeavor treated meals while he was growing up. They try making new things together and there’s no pressure to be Perfect. Obviously the first few times it stresses Shoto out, but he gets used to it.
-On that note the first time Shoto meets Inko Midoriya he understands Immediately where Izuku gets it from and she insists on treating him like her own (even without knowing the full story a mother Knows)
-Izuku hates Endeavor and he’s not a big fan of Rei, either, especially after Shoto finally loses sight in his left eye during their third year. He has sympathy for what she went through but it doesn’t excuse what she did.
-Izuku makes a number of gadgets to help Shoto with his impaired vision. These mostly boost his other senses to make up the difference. Sensory gloves, hearing enhancements, etc. As well as motion detectors on the left side of his suit so he can ‘see’ opponents coming from a distance.
-They both have a lot nightmares associated with their various encounters with villains not to mention past abuse and will call each other up in the middle of the night to listen to the sound of the other’s voice until they fall asleep. Eventually they just start sleeping with their phones on. Although by their third year they end up sharing a room.
-mostly because everyone is sick of them falling asleep on the couch and hogging it
-Shoto is the only one (aside from Bakugo, who….hates Izuku) who doesn’t treat Izuku like he’s fragile. Their classmates tend to scold him for going all out against Izuku (quirkless prejudice runs deep man. also it’s hard not to want to take care of Izuku he’s such a Mess) but Shoto’s treatment of him like he’s an equal is one of the many reasons Izuku fell for him in the first place. Plus it’s not as if Shoto comes out of their sparring matches unscathed, either.
-Shoto is very traditional and Izuku is mostly neutral decor wise (aside from Needing his All Might merch) so when they do move in together after graduating from UA they move into a traditional style home
-Izuku doesn’t come from money and so he has relatively cheap tastes. In food, in clothes, in coffee. He teaches Shoto his Commoner Ways and Shoto takes great joy in charging $183 worth of mcdonald’s to his dad’s credit card. because he gets to screw his dad over and treat his boyfriend.
-Shoto isn’t much of a texter but Izuku will send him messages anyway, just because he knows the other will read them. Pictures of stuff that reminded him of Shoto (especially cat pictures) and sweet little messages to take care of himself.
-A lot of the time they spend together doesn’t actually involve active interaction, they’ll just sit and do homework together or train while enjoying each other’s company. 
-Izuku is a big fan of Zombie movies and so they watch them together. Izuku will talk a lot about the tenuous science behind a Zombie outbreak while Shoto wonders how all these characters lack common sense. 
-they’re not Super Big on physical touching although they will hold hands while walking to class and there is definitely kissing. but they both have a lot of boundaries and it takes a lot of time to get past them
-Shoto is the second person to join the Plus Ultra hero agency, with the first being Izuku himself. Having been affected first hand by Endeavor’s pursuit to be no. 1 he definitely supports the rankless system Izuku advocates for and plays a large role in the more practical aspects of how the agency runs.
-Izuku is more for pet names than Shoto, nothing too bad but he calls him Sho-chan pretty much exclusively after they become Official. ‘babe’ is reserved exclusively for exasperation i.e “babe don’t”. Shoto will call Izuku by his first name and occasionally by ‘Izu’ but that’s about it.
-The first time Izuku meets Fuyumi and Natsuo he introduces himself as Shoto’s boyfriend. This is before they’re dating, and he wants to Die.
-Izuku keeps every note Shoto ever writes him in a box and he re-reads them when he’s having a particularly bad day.
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vexillist · 2 years
For Which It Stands
                I want to tell you from the very beginning that this is a blog about flags, top to bottom, hoist to fly. It is about every aspect of flags. It seeks to cover topics vexillogical, vexillographic, and vexillistic in general. This includes flag history, flags at present, and flags as they may exist in future. The Vexillist is every bit as interested in ties to heraldry as it is in the Thais who took umbrage over Lady Gaga’s treatment of their flag in 2011. It is related to flags, like, by blood or by marriage.
               So, if a dive this deep has any courage in its convictions, any introduction ought to start with a flag. What better than a flag explains where one is coming from? A flag is, at its best, an expression of a distinct identity and a celebration the things that form and inform that identity. It is also often a statement of aspiration, a description of the signified entity not simply as it is, but also as it imagines itself becoming. The Vexillist exists for those people who understand flags as an ancient, artful, and intimately human medium. The Vexillist exists for people who see flags as a way of connecting to a large and diverse world of things and ideas. The Vexillist imagines feels its fantasy as a brand of poppy internet journalism that seeks to create original, informative flag-related content while also working to feature a variety of the excellent content already available on the subject with full citations. The Vexillst aspires to be a formidable and fashionable digest of the best vexillology has to offer online. The flag I have designed is my best effort represent these ideas within cherished conventions. Simply put, the flag is the mission statement, and the mission is flags.
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               The flag of The Vexillist is square for several reasons. First and foremost, The Vexillist intends to consider all flags on generally equal footing. It is a given that not every flag discussed on these pages will be equal in its notoriety, history, or significance to an equal number of people. Some flags, by every reasonable metric, are more important than others, but every flag is of equal interest to this publication by its very definition.
               While the second motive for going 1:1 may be more practical than poetic, it is still very flaggy and very much on purpose. The flag of The Vexillist may someday be sewn from bunting and hoisted high, but right now? It's mostly the profile picture on everything. It's the first thing I've posted on our accompanying Instagram. It's the easiest thing to scale up and down. It's an easy thing to position on other objects for screen printing in a dream scenario where other people want cheap Vexillist merch. As stated in the legendary Good Flag, Bad Flag, "[u]ltimately, a flag's design should reflect its intended use." Since it may never fly from any literal flagpole, its design should be catered to the digital world in which it exists. It’s more URL than IRL, and that’s okay.
The colors are borrowed, and that's nothing to be embarrassed about. I hate that I'm going to make so many references to GFBF, because I understand some of y'all already passed the 101. I promise we'll be getting deeper into it all going forward. Nevertheless, the final of those "Five Basic Principles of Flag Design" is "Be Distinctive or Be Related." Often, new flags designs are a simply a reworking of one or more other, older flags. They trade on the features of the flags you already know to tell you some new, concrete information about a flag you are seeing for the first time. They are optical allusions.
For example, the American Flag is so deeply steeped in reference to the British Empire, that the British East India Co. was known by an identical design, which was “probably just coincidence.”1 Their similar morphology is just the result of their parallel evolutions. This often manifests in the selection of colors. The colors I chose are those same ones found in the famous five-ringed symbol of the Olympic Games, for the same intended reason. Pierre de Coubertin, who designed that logo in 1913, explained that at the time of its creation, “the six colours [including the flag's white background] combined in this way reproduce the colours of every country without exception." While an exception or two has since developed, these six colors still form the basic palette of flags the world over. While some noteworthy exceptions2 to this scheme have since developed, they still cover a lot of ground without becoming comprehensive to the point of cacophony.
Pattern and Charge
As already mentioned, the canton-and-stripes format may not have been independently invented by the United States. That basic pattern is not any more necessarily a reference to the USA than any more than writing in English might be. On the other hand, I don’t see much value in trying to hide my accent. So, yeah, I made my flag a canton with stripes because ‘Merica. It’s not that I’m particularly fond of the American Flag, nor do I wish to further the notion in some minds that national flags are the only flags that matter. Still, I think it appropriate I acknowledge my American perspective. It is likely to influence the ways in which I perceive and discuss anything, including flags. I consider the reference a kind of caveat or disclosure. It is probably, e.g., my experience coming from a country with a famously fraught fixation on its own national flag that leads me to my next point.
Despite the robust, sometimes overwhelming contribution of national flags to the discourse, they are not the only flags that matter. The past 150 years have generated an ever-growing body of flags that exist wholly apart from state-sanctioned authority. These flags have been sewn and flown by usually ordinary people to stand for their language, their ethnicity, their politics, and their love. They are often the product of artists whose deep understanding of how successful flags work led them to create designs that pushed the boundaries of our visual vocabulary. To honor their inclusion, and to incorporate something personal from my own experience, I have tried to manipulate the pattern to include a second reference. By including a comparatively wide range of bold colors and arranging them in broad strips, I have hoped to also evoke the iconic rainbow of the Pride Flag of the LGBT community and its many offshoots.
Finally, the chevron-esque ‘V’ charge I’ve placed in the canton is the obvious Bat-Signal to all who love flags. It’s shorthand for vexillum, the Latin word for a flag, as well as the related pursuits of vexillology and vexillography. It is an unambiguous citation of the way that device has been used by many of the world’s largest and most influential vexillilogical organizations, including NAVA, of which I am a member.
Felt cute, might delete later.
1.       Alfred Znamierowski and Stephen Slater, The World Encyclopedia of Flags and Heraldry (New York: Fall River Press, 2009), 117
2. Qatar is an easy example, and an interesting story for future discussion.
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seokjins · 7 years
"jungkook gave nothing during performance" that's a fucking lie and you know it. why are you hyung line stans so bitter and so fucking petty? bad mouthing jungkook for the number of fucking hearts in a vlive??????? are you serious??????? WHO THE FUCK CARES ABOUT THAT. why can't you appreciate all of bts equally??? and what i mean is STOP BLAMING MEMBERS FOR WHAT FANS DO. there shouldn't even be "hyung line stans" and "maknae line stans", that's so stupid. jfc grow up
first, have u even been in my dance tag ??this isn’t me hating on jungkook. i’ve been dancing for thirteen years and i know what i’m talking about when i say that he gave nothing during that performance.
he was tired and it was a bad run which is fine by my standards bc bts relies heavily on him during tour, but he shoudln’t have that many people fawning over him instead of hobi and gushing about his dancing like they KNOW what they’re talking about. he missed a huge eight count during his solo that both jimin and hoseok DE👏LI👏VE👏RED👏 jungkook looked like he didn’t know the choreo at times !!!! his dancing was all internal !!!!! no stage presence!!!
2) we’re bitter and petty bc we have a right to be. i’m not hating on any members, but i’ve been around in stan culture for a longass time and i’ve experienced stuff like this across all fandoms and ur weed aunt is tired of this. maknae line stans are easily three times the size of hyung line fandom. most of them are immature and only have eyes for their bias, and while i definitely agree that there shouldn’t be a split in the fandom, it must be noted that hyung line stans are trying to make up for the disparity, not dig the trenchlines deeper
maknae line doesn’t need more support. the hyungs do. how many birthday projects does taehyung have? how many fansites? how many people screaming for maknae performances compared to the others? the WINGS tour sold out of solo maknae merch while seokjin and namjoon had the most left over. people routinely ask hoseok during his vlives where the other members are, even to the point where he doesn’t broadcast by himself anymore and also gets these comments while he’s in the bts+ chatroom. it isn’t about “supporting bts as a whole” anymore, it’s about delivering the respect that the hyungs deserve bc they routinely get pushed aside for the more popular members. 
the reason i’m so vocal about these issues is beacuse i know what it’s like to be pushed into the back. i know what it’s like to dance in the last row, farthest from the audience, do your best but get stunted for people who are prettier and younger and more popular. it’s awful when people say they love your ballet company….just not YOU, but rather some other girl in the front
hoseok is CONSISTENTLY shortsighted for his dancing abilities and namjin are always called out. as someone who’s been pre-professional for six years, it annoys me to no fucking end when fans who have NO DANCE EXPERIENCE or ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY experience try to speak over me! like fuck you! you don’t know anything except saying negative stuff about hyung line and trying to pass it off like you know what you’re talking about! newsflash! you don’t!
stop trying to parade around with your “chest pumps” and “isolations” and your 1 hour hiphop class you take on saturday nights or the 1MILLION dance studio videos you binge on during the weekends and expect that to make up for over a decade of experience. that’s just rude to 1) professional dancers 2) me, a bitch 3) hyung line, who are already too good for u
i can only imagine how it feels to be in a fansign and have dedicated “ARMYs” who manage to purchase enough albums to attend, but then ignore a member bc they aren’t their bias. namjoon has even said “now that you’ve talked to me, you can go talk to [your favorite] in the group” …. isn’t that one of the saddest things you’ve heard? what the fuck? how is that even ok? 
hyung line, hoseok/namjoon/seokjin, in particular are fucking AWARE that they have the least amount of fans. they can see it in the crowd. you can hear it during concerts. during the hyyh epilogue tour, people should’ve been chanting seokjin’s name, but instead it was mixed in with a ton of fans screaming for yoongi and taehyung. namjoon has about 2 fansites compared to maknaes’ 200. people are DISAPPOINTED when they get their photocards and namjoon apologized to fans who received his when they opened their albums
hoseok watches youtube videos: reactions, their own M/Vs, stages, performances, etc. he knows, for sure, that his solo stuff isn’t as popular. he’s seen the view counts and all the comments. maybe he’s not fluent in english, but he seems to understand most of what people are saying, and it’s not like you need translations to read the comments that are literally just “JIMIN 😍😍😍” or “OMG TAETAE” or “KOOKIE 💞💞”
i can’t believe it’s a struggle to get BME to 10m (we didn’t make it in time for hoseok’s birthday) and kim namjoon, who gained international recognition for his mixtape by renowned rappers in america during a period of time where bts was barely even peaking in the charts & finally put his foot out their in the music industry on his own & is a lyrical n musical genuis & set the bar That Much Higher in an industrialized music world where krappers aren’t ever rappers before they become trainees & take the mocking that he got from both korean fans and underground rappers for joining bighit and debuting & wrote/performed lyrics in eng..a language he taught himself….. rhyming them w KOREAN and hasn’t even gotten his M/Vs to 10m either??
the problem isn’t hyung line stans who don’t appreciate the whole group (they, in fact, are more likely to be ot7 supportive compared to maknae stans, let’s not forget), but it’s “fans” who don’t bother respecting the other members. hobi and namjin all know they’re unpopular compared to the rest. why can’t you be nice enough to give them something special bc maknaes have an overabundance of this treatment?
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storytellerxxxx · 7 years
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Here’s me avoiding all responsibilities and totally ignoring that it’s almost been 2 months :D
As (many?) of you may know I went to both NYC shows, general admission for the first day and VIP for the second day!! I was going to do a write up in the following days after but I was still pretty overwhelmed then and have pushed it back till now, whoops. Warning, long post ahead as I gotta fit 2 days in somehow HAHA
So keep reading if you wanna know how I kissed Toru’s cheek, ran into them and got selfie + sign with Toru :D
All photos are mine/taken by me.
Since it was middle of summer this time, I could actually wait out in line and not die of freezing like back in January so I arrived at the venue around 9:20. Surprise, there was already a short line (that totally didn’t change much for the next few hours tbh lol) VIP and general admission lines were separated much later in the day like a few hours before opening time so everyone was just chilling till then. 
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This was a banner someone had made and everyone in the line in the morning had signed! It was gigantic and pretty fucking cool, they gave it to them during M&G. 
Around 10-11 their bright orange bus arrived in the front of the venue but none of the members came with it. Around noon Ryota was the first to make his appearance and walked in alone. I went to get lunch and during the time I was gone, Ryota and Michelle walked past the line :)) At some point after that a camera crew came out to record the line, they had us all stand up and they filmed everyone cheering lol Ryota walked in again later with Toru at around 3 and Taka did as well soon after I think (I missed the record button on my phone for Taka, good job me). By then the line for VIP and general admission had been split. I was at the very front of the GA line. I’ll complain talk about the line splitting and staff when I get to day 2. But anyway, camera man followed them inside. Michelle and Jamil walked in a bit after them with giant bags of food I think, Michelle is so beautiful :’) 
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So yeah, then we got in and I got a spot in what I guess was like the third row between Taka and Toru. Palisades was the first opener, I didn’t listen to any of their stuff beforehand bc I wanted to experience them live first and let me just say, I totally fell in love with them. They played songs off their self titled album that was released earlier this year along with an Unsteady by X Ambassadors cover (which was amazing and I really want a studio version). Fun fact, Brandon (the second vocalist and bass player) held onto my friend’s hand for a moment during that :’) The lighting for their set was really dark so barely any nice pics :(( 
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Here’s Lou, the lead vocalist! Super nice and chill guy btw
After Palisades was Set It Off...not much to say about them from me tbh I don’t really like them but their song Hypnotized is fun and catchy. Cody (I think that’s the singer’s name?) went into the crowd and disappeared at the end, I got to touch his hand from all the shoving.
AND THEN, what everyone had been waiting for, ONE OK ROCK! I won’t say much about the songs as I really don’t have as much to say as the January show bc this isn’t the first time hearing them live. I remember pointing out that Taka did seem to struggle a bit with I was King but he was on point for that this time. I had hoped that they’d have Listen and owt on the setlist but sadly they didn’t. 
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Toru was on fire. His arms are so nice. 
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So beautiful.
After Chester’s passing, I had already imagined oor doing some sort of tribute for him and they met my expectations that day with the One More Light cover. It was a moment that can’t be described easily, the first performance they did of it. There was sense that everyone was either holding their breath or singing along softly, paying full attention to Taka’s raw voice.
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One More Light replaced Hard to Love and led into Take What You Want, which had (around) a minute of silence. Toru looked quite emotional at the beginning, I remember the people around me asking if he was crying (which he wasn’t). I wish I could say it was totally quiet but it wasn’t someone yelled the next few lines of the song like 3 times even though everyone was shushing him ://
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The Osaka bros rocked it out together for a moment during a song that I totally forgot, oops. (hello pics from my phone and someone else’s hand right in front of me LOL) Again, was not on Ryota’s side of the stage and didn’t see him much being how short I am :’)) same with Tomo, but he was rocking it back there.
For the encore, Taka actually came down to Toru’s side to crowd surf, and I ended up touching his arm/shoulder LOL so. much. pushing. Everyone wanted a piece of Taka haha
No picture at the end this time but when they were waving goodbye and stuff, Tomo was the last one to leave the stage and he knocked into Toru’s mic stand, knocking off all the remaining picks...Security gave them out but I was too far away cries
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After the show, we met Palisades by their merch! Was still so hyped from the concert and probably a mess but everyone was so nice. Told them we would be seeing them again tomorrow and they were excited. Lou called me sweetie HAHA Brandon is adorable
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What is this?, you may ask. Well, it’s Toru’s feet LOL 
So long story short, our group was still outside then and everyone else had left already. We were about to walk past the doors of the venue when Ryota and Michelle just came out. I was so shocked, I did some small wave and like quietly squeaked out Ryota I think. His hair was in a ponytail! Not was it only him, Toru, Tomoya and Jeff came out right after them. They told us they were going to get food and we didn’t stop them for pics or signs, just waved and said hi. And that’s how we ran into oor minus Taka, amazing.
Got there at around 10-11 bc I was dead from the day before. Same deal with waiting in line and stuff but none of oor walked by that day. Lou (of Palisades) did walk by the line at like noon or something and then walked back past us again bc he went the wrong way, that was hilarious.
Soo I had VIP second day and when they split the lines, the person let the VIP from the front of the line move to the VIP section (which was like around the corner) BUT they cut us off and then had the VIP from the back of the line go. It was so bullshit, thankfully most of my group had made it into the first cut. The asshole guy also yelled at everyone basically that they need to stop complaining bc “everyone will get the equal time and treatment.” He told this to those, like us, who had been waiting hella early that were now next to people who had just joined the line. They also had two security scanners but the guy only used one on the other side of our group + the other really early group. 
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(pic from day one, on day two we were on the outer side but the guy only used the right side. smh)
VIP was the same as always, show ID, get laminate. The laminates were a lot nicer this time :)
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Went in and lined up for M&G, we were like the second group in the line lol Jeff explained how it would work, did a demo in which he had us pretend he was about a foot shorter to be Taka and had us cheer as he walked in, I think I was more laughing than cheering at that LOL but apparently we were ahead of schedule so they started really soon after that, like oor just randomly walked in right after. 
Meet and greet experience, many thanks to my friend for recording my turn for me :’) 
Hugged Ryota and said hi, moved onto Taka, hugged him and then we just kinda held each other’s arms and then he held my hand bc I spontaneously decided to thank them for the Chester tribute and that it was beautiful and that I would have seen them the next week in NJ. Yeah. 
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I did not notice at the time but Toru was intensely staring me down the whole time, amazing.
Then I hugged Toru and Tomo, I did not bump my head against Tomo’s shoulder like last time :)) Tomo is so happy and smiley, he’s so precious.
I went back to the middle for the pic and I said “Toru?” and he looked down (hello I am smol) and I asked if I could give him a kiss on his cheek (This was Anna (@shajichan)’s idea okay) and there was like an awkward second of just us staring at each other before he was like “sure.” He bent his knees so that I could reach him :’)) I was still on the tips of my toes :’)) 
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Ryota was off in his own world the whole time so idk what he was thinking when he saw us tbh LOL and Taka’s hand had actually been around my waist from the moment I went back to the middle :’))) Being that close to Toru was an experience. 
ANYWAY, I bought merch while we were waiting after the M&G. The merch for Ambitions is so...lol but I had to get something at least
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The signed album from VIP as well. Not included in pic is the wristband bc I forgot I was still wearing it, smart me.
Since we were basically at the front of the VIP, I got a spot on barricade right in front of Toru. Let me just say this spot was magical or something bc I was not pushed once, had room to step back if I wanted to and I was cold. Magical I say.
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Show was like the same except 250x better bc I was front row this time. There’s vids of like Toru being rude throughout the whole show on my ig if you want to see what went down. 
Maybe it was being so close and being able to see them so much clearer but I was way more emotional during One More Light than on the first day. I’m pretty sure Julen has pics of me trying to cover my face with my phone during it :)) The silence in TWYW was completely silent this time, it was so perfect. Taka was also doing some mic tricks during MLF, like throwing it up and catching it, twirling it..etc really nice to see that again after so long since his wired mic tricks :((
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Taka came out with a beer for the encore, surprising everyone I think LOL no crowd surfing this time sadly. 
We went to Palisades merch table again afterwards, actually buying stuff this time. I got their album and shirt and gave their merch guy a $10 tip LOL
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Album was signed later outside by Lou and Brandon!! We were waiting for them bc they had to clear the venue so we couldn’t take pics or have time to talk to them inside. While waiting outside, we met Palisades photographer/Brandon’s friend, Geremy, who was only doing photography for Palisades but oor was so amazing that he borrowed an AAA pass to shoot them the whole time :D
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So sweet.
Ryota and Michelle actually came out and walked right behind me when I was talking to Geremy and my friends... but I caught Toru when he came out! Totally missed Taka even though he was like right next to me as well at some point
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My signed phone case :’)
And that’s about it for the two days. Writing these reports are fun lol I am broke but those 2 days were fucking awesome and I hanged out with the best people, really want to do it again soon :D
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So DC undid everything our fandom invested in for the last 5 years. They lied and connived and cut and paste to give old fans bizarrely a Frankenstein Superman mish mash as the definitive Superman in Rebirth. The guy is not the pre nu 52 or Nu 52. But he takes history. The Rebirth Superman team hijacked even our nu 52 Clark’s uniform...though Jurgens clearly did not like our Superman and then dragged Azzarello’s Diana in though Rucka killed her as a lie...to...I can only assume all this is just to spite our shippers. Nothing makes sense. All of Soule’s  work undermined so Jurgens, Tomasi, Johns and Rucka can be set their table. It is interesting to note they “cherry picked” stories...”the best” according to Jurgens and discarded what “does not work”. 
Our couple’s Vol 1 has great Amazon reviews, and won an Excelsior Award. It has spun off much merch. More than their classic status quo could ever have. It has animation. Does not work? The eff you say!!!???
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 I think these people have a bizarre idea of what works. And it’s pretty telling that they kept their stories. Johns said back to basics ...he did not care  how...but he keeps his runs. The ego of these creators and treatment of their colleague’s work and customers ...  words fail me. Gotta feel for Charles Soule and Tony Daniel. 
But I shouldn’t be shocked. I mean ending nu52 and making it as part of the multiverse is too gracious. Gotta get jabs and insult the fans they made money off. And keep making money off. Nu 52 Lois did not even deserve to end up with nu 52 Clark. They’re different versions that had no romantic development. Diana poor nu 52 Diana. Made into a mad deluded  woman so Lois and Clark can be forced in. 
DC has done some pretty shitty things but this convoluted mess that keeps changing at a whim, destroying good runs so these hacks can claim stewardship is worse than a ten year old writing fan fic. I’m sorry but stand back and look at these Rebirth stories for Superman and Wonder Woman. THEY MAKE NO SENSE.
But I know this they can NEVER kill ClarkxDiana. NEVER. Our fandom is expanding and the world outside of comics also sees them as the epitome of a relationship of equals. They are an ingrained part of pop culture. We’ll keep shipping and sharing our love of them with fans.
So screw you, DC. Superwonder for Life!!! Vote with yr wallets. Don’t give yr hard earned money to the comics division to let them disrespect you as a customer. If there is AU story by a team that have a good story to tell, cares for our couple ( unlike Tomasi) and not hampered by mandates...then support. Supporting merchandise is good but the irony is DC are hypocrites using our couple yet refusing to let them be a couple in canon. Make yr voices heard too. Dissatisfied as a customers (for good reason too)...let them know as they take our silence for indifference. 
Keep shipping proudly. 
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pavellantrash · 7 years
On the ME:A patch announcement
I wanted to make another post about the whole me:a mlm romance thing. I had been posting a lot pre-release about how concerned I was about the lack of indication about mlm romance options in me:a and when we realized the full extent of how bad things were once the game came out I was devastated. I had pre-ordered andromeda months in advance and seriously considered returning it. I powered through the game regardless and romanced both Reyes and Gil. Gil’s romance in particular, depressed the hell out of me and throughout my playthrough I would talk to my husband about how sad and angry I was that we were still dealing with shit like this. I made a post relatively soon after stating that I wouldn’t be purchasing any more mass effect games or mass effect related merch. After the latest (1.08) patch announcement and the fix for both Hainly Abrams and Jaal I wanted to say how happy and thankful I am to Bioware and the group of people who have been tirelessly vocal in the #makejaalbi tag. Despite the fact that it sucks that we had to ask for this, I’m really happy to see some real change, and frankly justice, done for the mass effect franchise and fans. Me and my trans and queer siblings have had a rough go of it, particularly the past couple months and Bioware games have always been a reprieve for me. In the future, particularly for DA4 I really hope there won’t have to be any kind of fight to get equal treatment. I also hope that in the future we get playable trans characters and trans squadmates/romance options (pls bioware). Anyway. Thanks to everyone that’s been on this journey with me. Special shoutout to @elidoo and @choosyfruit whose feeds have kept me sane throughout this process. 
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