#they are the most beautiful found family ever
orphicosmo · 2 days
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Posted on :10 june , 2024
Divider credits : animatedglittergraphics-n-more
By ængel💄
Disclaimer: mature content // dont fight with me if you disagree
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Moon square lilith - a lot of people be underestimating them, don't , they are the perfect epitom of 'you should be afraid of little me ' these people know your secrets , a lot of people try overpower of them by spilling their secrets , they'll seriously fuck you up , do not touch their wounds , they are going easy on you , these people are good debaters they have no mercy imo .
❁ Jupiter square/trine asc - i know you all are tired of taking on unnecessary drama for others , somehow people always involve you in their shit , a lot of people be trauma dumping on them for no reason , run you'll are not therapists .
❁ We dont talk about 12h sun's charm enough - you'll be making us crazy, these people are so emphathetic , sensual , and magnetic , literally oozes sex appeal
❁ Saggitarius dominants give off golden retriever vibes as well as "i'm better than you vibes" - because these people are big achievers , they dont stop at nothing, a lot of people think they are two faced but they be just projecting, also why you all friends with everyone? Stop rn
❁ Sagittarius moon attract people who want something out of them , they want them to do most of the work , sagii moon are really smart people tho , they know what you are plotting against them and they're usually aware, YOU just dont know it ,sag doms will never break their connections , they play you , you dont play them , nah .
❁ 7h suns - you all be attracting jealously by just being yourselves, a lot of people literally try to bring them down and its mostly their own family and friends, you guys are drop dead gorgeous tho its hard to tie them down , gives me butterfly vibes .
❁ Saturn + jupiter dom childerens are trophy kids sadly , how does it feel to parent yourself?
❁ 12h saturn - first of all you guys are intimidating second you'll be looking edgy in a sexy way , third it's not your fault you all be triggering lack of accountability in authority figures , literally the most empathetic people ever .
❁ Libra chiron & lilith Libra- my gosh the beauty they have is UNMATCHED , these people will always be famous for their looks more than their personality, i said what i said .
❁ Did anyone noticed how aqua sun/ rising people are internet gorgeous? Nobody stands a chance against them
❁ Scorpio moons - have clout , a lot of people are curious about them , the reasons you all are misunderstood is because YOU GUYS DO NOT OPEN UP, stop internalizing your trauma
❁ Anything that touches cancer degree or cancer house /4h out of the world , unattainable beauty and intelligence, these people are overachievers , you don't know shit about them , they are analytical and good at reading you
❁ Lilith in sixth house - being sexualised for your body , i have seen a lot of people be simping over them like its not okay its kinda creepy how others be fantasizing about them .
❁ Jupiter in 11th house - people thinking they have everything THEY need in their life
❁ Pluto in 8th house - fuck boy /girl energy , dont quote me ...its just you guys look like you have so many options
❁ Uranus mc - found in most online famous people, their persona is relatable, someone who rightfully critise others , someone who's def gonna speak to any injustices , gives off warrior vibes
❁ Lots of Libra retrograde houses - princess+ victim syndrome , confused energy
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❁ Moon in 6th house - gives off saviour vibes , if you are a man with this placement you won . These people have masculine energy & they look like everything is under their control.
❁ Mars in 4th house - control freaks , home was literally a war zone , was and is right about most of the things , gives off daddy vibes, probably has a sharp tongue , intimidating at first glance , very overprotective and possessive of their things & people.
❁ Libra placements and their never ending obsessions with collecting creepy stuff 😭 you guys are prone to get sick easily because they attract attention easily .
❁ N. North in 5th house- stop being chronically online 24/7 , we know you have a secret account, you guys do shit talk in a sarcastic way
❁ Aries sun's and their sexual appeal is too high , you all can arouse others easily also they have good teeth & their facial structure is attractive i dont know but something about their smirk .
❁ Mercury in 8th house - friends who casually make sun of their trauma , dark jokes , can charm others pant off .
❁ Mars 8h + jupiter 8h - stalkers , literally will find out your life history , they go all in or none at all . Super intriguing.
❁ Venus dom 🤝 others mistaking your kindness for flirting, people hitting up on you even if you are married, others having no sense of boundaries, criticise for your natural talents, discouraging behaviours from others , others using you for their own gain.
❁ Pluto 12th - has known every dark things that happens behind close doors , they have natural fbi talent, they have tons of secret account for sure , doesn't post easily, do not overshare easily , randomly waking up fron nightmares , have to tolerate others stalking them and obsessing over them and their achievements
❁ Scorpio 11th house - let me tell you a secret , your friends do compete with you , they are insecure and knows you are gonna get far .
❁ Sun sextile mc /conjuct ascendant - you all have notice how people be staring at you its cause they admire you and has heard about you from someone.
❁ Venus trine Lilith - people want you ,they masturbate to you , sorry
❁ Venus trine mars - androgyn beauty , delicate movements, attractive eyes ,soft body , sensitive skin
❁ Moon square pluto - you all be saying they dont have control over their emotions? Have they ever even showed emotions ? These people get wrongly accused the most , they are either " i heal others because i have been hurt " or " i fuck others because i have been hurt " - nothing. In. Between.
❁ Cancer /pisces /Virgo moon - give them space ? You all be all up in their space its disgusting how people are like leeches with them , you guys should be rude and bold , set those boundaries bae
❁ Leo placements - pissing people off because you guys are irreplaceable, they will always leave their footprint, they take up all the attention and are literally accused of being a pick me or an attention seeker most of the times , unforgettable people .
❁ Capricorn moons get attached to their lovers easily , its hard for them to forget those people who once were close to them or those who wronged them ,they get revenge by being the best version of themselves.
❁ Mercury 12h - accidentally being a motivational speaker lmfao 😭👍🏼 Literally validating people's emotions
❁ Mars in 12h men 🗣️ are the best in bed , unforgettable experience , they know how to pleasure you , their sensuality speaks for itself, very forward , you are lucky if you have them .
❁ Taurus Lilith/2nd house - their rights are violated by their family , they were sexualised as a child , they attract all the genders easily ,its disgusting how some of them has faced s/a at an young age , they were probably the most physically beautiful childeren .
❁Scorpio Lilith/9h - not feeling safe around people, being on guard , feeling paranoid, attracting aggresive obsessive people , people thinking they own you .
❁Scorpio moons make good chef
Cancer moons are so nice & understanding
❁Earth moons are sensitive to light and loud noises
2nd house is your childhood and how you were as a child
❁ Aqua 2h - may not remember a lot about their childhood , they have friends from other countries online the most , they are very smart with technology , others trusted you easily , prob adopted pets , they were disciplined children's ,they were mature than most adults , they have calming voice .
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❁ Capricorn/Scorpios have the best dark themed aesthetic.
❁ Fire signs 🤝 lots of childhood friends
❁ Neptune 1h people are idealised a lot .
❁ 29 degree people are others favourite , has mental maturity, good at many things , insecure , constantly looking for self development , is good at grooming themselves , glowy dry skin .
❁ Mars in taurus/ gemini people be giving passive aggressive energy lol
❁ 10 degree on venus - you all are not gonna have an easy love life ,your lovers will teach you a lot in this lifetime,you guys will be unforgettable to your lovers , you give off " i'm high maintenance vibe" .
❁ toppers have gemini , libra and virgo placement full stop .
❁ N.node in saggitarius gives off - your best friend vibe , its like these people are so chill ,they'll vibe with you , they have the worst road rage tho , can't underestimate their power over others .
❁ Aries moon - do one thing right 😭 they be too bossy .
❁ Cancer placements - others be putting unrealistic expectations and beauty standards on them , just stop , they are traumatised by your projections , they are not dumbo cutie cry babies who cant do shit for themselves its embarassing how others be describing cancer placements as sensitive creatures the way people talk about cancer placements reminds me of renainnance period where everyone just thought women was dumb creatures who dont stand up for themselves. Yikes .
❁ Libra moon unhealed 🤝 victimisation , bitcy ass , jealousy , unsolicited advice , making people uncomfortable, literally pick me's .
Scorpio moons be romanticing their anti social behaviour too much .
10h saturn - your dad is socially influencial
Venus dom- look like they are from well off family , artistic people , revellious , entertainer's.
Water + fire placements unhealed = victimisation at its core , attachment issues .
Leo sun's being people's friend crush . You all are too cool fr
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💋thank you for reading bae
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veturiusofserra · 3 days
when you know, you know | s. r.
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𑁤 synopsis: in an interview she opens up about how easy it is to be loved by Spencer, sharing the story of how they met and how his love inspired her music.
𑁤 pairing: spencer reid x singer!reader
𑁤 words: 1.090
𑁤 disclaimer: This was 100% inspired by something my bf said a while ago, and I love the song. I hope you will enjoy it too <3
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“As we reach the close of our conversation, one thing’s bugging me. In your song “Margaret,” there’s this line ‘when you know, you know.’ Like, how do you just know someone’s the one? I’ve been through my share of relationships, yet I haven’t experienced that kind of thing you sing about. In your song, it’s all so clear-cut, like you can predict the future. It reminds me of a kid believing in the tooth fairy – sweet idea, maybe not quite real. But that’s probably what makes the song so good. It talks about this perfect love where everything just clicks, and all your worries disappear. Maybe that’s what I’m still looking for, or maybe it’s just for some lucky people. Either way, your song paints such a strong picture of love that it makes me wonder if I’ll ever have a ‘Margaret’ of my own.”
“It’s funny, right? The answer everyone gives is so simple: “you’ll just know.” Like love hits you like a lightning bolt, destiny calls, happily ever after guaranteed. But maybe that’s the problem. We get this picture-perfect idea of love from movies and books, and then we miss the real thing when it’s right under our noses. We set these high expectations, these checklists of what “the one” should be like. And if someone doesn’t tick every box, we write them off. It’s like searching for a flawless diamond, forgetting that even the most beautiful gems have tiny imperfections. Because guess what? We all mess up. You make mistakes, I make mistakes, everyone does. Maybe that’s what makes a real connection so special – accepting someone, flaws and all. Speaking of which, there’s this story I wanted to share with you.”
“We're all ears!”, the interviewer and the crew smile with waiting faces.  
“For the longest time, I believed I was destined to give love, but never receive it.  Maybe because... well, let’s be honest, I can be a bit self-absorbed, lost in my own head and neglecting others. But even with the no love life mantra, there was always this yearning for a family, a deep desire for children I could call my own. The ‘what ifs’ terrified me, though. Would I be a good parent? Would they be happy? Could I provide for them? Eventually, I resigned myself to a life of music, making people happy through my art, having a few friends, maybe a tragically young death – you know, the artist’s curse. 
Then, I found him. We both know Penny, but run in different circles. He’s in law, I’m an artist – about as different as you get, except for maybe a shared love of fancy vocabulary. We met at Penny’s birthday party, and while he claims it was love at first sight for him, I just thought he was the most handsome man I’d ever seen. But that was it. He was too shy to introduce himself, and I was sworn off men at the time. Funny how fate works, right?  We never crossed paths before, but after that night, it seemed like everywhere I turned, there he was. That’s when I decided to take a chance, and boy, I was so scared!
All those stories about soulmates and butterflies? They weren’t for me. Anxiety had been my constant companion for as long as I could remember. Butterflies just meant another battle brewing in my head. What I craved was peace, a steady hand to anchor me until I was ready to set sail. So, I built a friendship with him. We shared secrets, dreams, and vulnerabilities. He turned out to be a brilliant mind, a walking encyclopedia with an IQ of 187. Yet, he never made me feel inferior. He found humor in my quirks, and we seemed to complement each other perfectly. The more time we spent together, the more his words resonated: “We were designed for one another.”
And then, it hit me. Love. Deep, unexpected, and all-encompassing. It felt effortless, a perfect fit. But fear gnawed at me. It was all so new, so unfamiliar. Just as I was drowning in uncertainty, Penny, our mutual friend, reached out. She had something to show me – “Margaret.”
“She wrote it?” she asked, intrigued.
“Well, she started it,” I clarify. “Inspired by him, she penned the first lines that night after the birthday party. She couldn't shake the image of his longing gaze, a sight she’d never witnessed before. It felt sacred, a raw glimpse into his heart. The initial draft, rough around the edges, went something like this: ‘just writing for a friend. My shirt's inside out, and penmanship is messy. He met her on the rooftop, and she wore white. He said, ‘I think I’m in trouble.’ He saw flashes of the future.” A gentle smile graces your lips. 
“Seriously, that’s adorable.”
I nod, a blush creeping up my cheeks. “Right? Her words sparked inspiration within me. I wrote the rest, my mind consumed by-”
“By him.” she prompted, leaning in.
“He made love feel simple. Loving me was effortless for him, a stark contrast to the struggle I’d always imagined. It was like breathing, a natural and easy rhythm. He helped me discover the light that had been hiding within me all along.”
“There’s a saying,” the interviewer began, “to be loved is to be changed.”
I smiled. “I prefer a different one: to be loved is to be known. Because maybe, just maybe, he saw the affection within me all along, the part I couldn’t quite see myself.”
“You are indeed full of affection,” she said warmly. “Thank you for sharing this story with us.”
“Thank you for listening. I know it's a cliché, but there truly is someone out there for everyone. You never know what tomorrow holds, but deep down, a tiny spark ignites within us, guiding us towards that love. Trust it.”
“That wraps it up for our interview with the lovely Y/n! But before we say goodbye, there's one more message for her. Can we play it, Jonah?” A nod later, the studio fills with the sound of a familiar voice.
“Hey there, love. Just wanted to say congratulations on the album! You poured your heart and soul into it, and I’m incredibly proud. But hey, can you come home soon? Two days feels like an eternity without you. Miss my other half. Love you tons, sweetheart. And everyone listening, stream Ocean Boulevard! Dex says hi to mom, too.” A meow erupts in the background, eliciting a laugh from you and the studio crew.
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thoughts? or prayers idk
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newtthetranswriter · 3 days
Could I request Gojo x male reader where the reader is a ballet dancer who is a part of the Zenin clan but ran away when they were in high school and Gojo doesn't see him again till adulthood and Gojo falls in love all over again and reader never stopped being in love and they reconnect
Dancing with Curses
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Word Count: 3822
Paring: Satoru Gojo x male Zenin Reader
Warning: talks of Gojo’s past arc, the Zenin clan is trash, Canon typical violence, possibly ooc Gojo, let me know if I missed anything
A/n: Hello again, I truly did enjoy writing all of your requests. They gave me just enough information to feel free with creating the story but still having a base to work off of. Anyway I hope you enjoy and as always remember to hydrate or diedrate.
    Y/n Zenin may have been lucky enough to be born with a decent cursed technique but the fact that he had made it clear he was not interested in following the tradition of being a sorcerer, made it so he was looked down upon by the whole clan. For years he tried to fight the system but as the time for high school approached, Y/n was forced to make a choice. He decided that he would follow his family's wishes for just long enough to get enough money to escape the world he grew up in. For him going to Jujutsu High was just a stepping stone to reach his goal, he never expected to add another item to the list of things his family hated him for.
   As previously mentioned, Y/n just wanted to save enough money to escape from the world of Jujutsu, he never planned to catch the eyes of Satoru Gojo. Apparently Gojo had been enamored with how graceful Y/n was with his technique and how he was able to mix Jujutsu with ballet seamlessly.  Y/n on the other hand had felt Gojo’s eyes on him, and he would be lying if he said he didn’t see the beauty in the user of the six eyes. But Y/n knew that if he let himself fall or grow attached he would be further trapped in this dark world. So Y/n put his emotions in a box and distanced himself.
   Finally after almost three years of dealing with the chaos and horrors of the world Y/n left. Having one of his underclassmen die in the line of duty, followed by one of his classmates turning against them, Y/n was done. He couldn’t handle the thought of spending anymore time watching people die for no reason, or seeing people who were once all about protecting turning to murder. So he gathered his belongings and left in the middle of the night. Leaving the world of Jujutsu behind, almost completely. 
   Being an outcast from a young age Y/n knew the signs of the Zenins pushing kids out of the inner circle. And even if it was still early and there were a few years left for her technique to develop, Y/n had a gut feeling Maki would need someone on her side. So before he completely wrote off the Zenin clan, he wrote Maki a letter. The girl was barely 4 but was able to understand the simple contents of the letter. Y/n had simply explained that he was always there for her if she needed anything and asked her to not share the existence of the letter with anyone. He also left his new phone number, telling her to call if she ever needed anything. After leaving the letter with his young cousin he left.
   When it became clear to the Zenin clan as a whole that Y/n had up and ran away, they decided to act like he never existed. Writing his disappearance off as a blessing to not have to deal with him ever again. While most of the Jujutsu world moved on from the sudden loss, Satoru was unable to follow their lead. He spent the better part of five years looking for him. Unfortunately for him, Y/n did not want to be found and managed to hide himself well. Satoru eventually gave up.
  Fast forward eleven years, and Y/n had put very little thought into the world he left behind. He took his freedom and did what he wanted. He became a professional dancer, letting his worries wash away. It was a relief to not think about death and curses everyday. But alas all good things come to an end at some point.
  After a particularly tiring performance Y/n felt his phone buzz in his pocket. Seeing that the id indicated it was the one person he kept in touch with, he answered. “Hey, Maki what’s up? Is everything ok?” He asked, concerned. Even though Maki was only four when she got the letter from Y/n she respected his wishes and managed to keep it secret all these years. The reason Y/n became concerned was that when Maki got a phone they agreed she would only call if something was seriously wrong, otherwise she would text monthly just to check in.
  The calm teen’s response nearly startled the man. “I know you said you would never return to Jujutsu High, but we need all the help we can get.” Maki explained, there was a hint of worry in her voice and Y/n knew that something was seriously wrong if Maki was asking him to come back. Before Y/n could ask for more information, Maki continued. “Some crazy guy declared war on Jujutsu Society and even though we have Gojo on our side everyone seems worried. There has been an influx of Sorcerers on campus and even Gojo seems concerned. I normally wouldn’t ask for you to come back but if Gojo is worried wouldn’t that mean having all hands on deck be the best course of action.” 
  Y/n took a moment to think about what Maki had told him. If someone declared war on Jujutsu Society then no big deal, curse users are stupid. But if said person had Gojo worried about it then there was only one person who could be leading this fight. Knowing that fact led Y/n to make a choice he never thought he would. “If it’s bad enough for Gojo to be worried, then having as many sorcerers as possible is a good idea. I’ll be there in the morning.” He knew he would likely regret going back to his old life but he knew the reality, it’s almost impossible to leave the Jujutsu world and stay gone.
   “Thank you, I know you hate all of this but I’m sure you’ll be able to leave again when everything is done.” With that Y/n said a quick goodbye and hung up the phone. If he was really going to be returning to Jujutsu Society, he knew there was a very slim chance of ever getting out again, that is if he even managed to survive the impending war. 
   The next day as he promised Maki, he made his way to Tokyo. When he reached the path leading to the hidden highschool, he paused. Debating actually entering the barrier that protected the school and alerting everyone of his presence or just turning around and telling Maki he couldn’t help out. But before he could chicken out and run away again, he felt the presence of familiar cursed energy. Looking up at the stairs that would seal his fate of being part of this fight stood the one person he hoped he could avoid, Satoru Gojo.
   It was clear that Gojo had changed since Y/n last saw him, having swapped out his usual dark sunglasses for white badges wrapped around his eyes, his hair was also longer and stood up with makeshift blindfold in place. Seeing the white haired male sent feelings Y/n had long suppressed bubbling to the surface.
   It wasn’t any better for the Strongest Sorcerer. He couldn’t believe his eyes, even if he knew that his cursed technique is never wrong, his heart had a hard time believing that the Y/n Zenin was standing in front of him. Gojo had so many questions, like why did he run away, why didn’t he say anything, and most of all why is he back. Snapping out of his thoughts, Gojo moved down the stairs quickly, taking two at a time with ease thanks to his long legs.
  “What are you doing here?” It came out harsher than he intended, but with recent events and the bubbling of long forgotten feelings, Gojo couldn’t help it.
  Shaking his head to clear the fog, Y/n took in the tall man in front of him. “Well hello to you, Gojo. For the record I’m only here because Maki said that someone declared war and it had even you worried. And knowing you only one person could make you worried about a silly threat. So here I am, isn’t better to have extra hands on bored than facing Geto with fewer people.” Y/n answered, accidentally letting it slip that Maki had been able to contact him all this time. “Now that I’m here, would you mind telling me what exactly Geto is planning.”
   Ignoring the request for information about the situation, Gojo focused more on the mention of his student. “Since when has Maki been able to contact you, she was like four when you left. Why would she call you for help?” When Y/n had left after the worry of what happened had passed, Gojo had been angry, and now that anger was showing itself all over again.
   “Yes Gojo, Maki was four when I left. But you forget I was also raised in the hell scape that is the Zenin house. I also know what it looks like when those douchebags start making a child an outcast. When I left I gave her my phone number and told her if she needed me she could call. And you would never guess what happened. She saw that her teacher was worried over some psychopath declaring war on the people she cares about and called someone she trusts to ask for help. I’m not here for anyone but her.” Y/n clarified, and it was clear from his tone that he truly meant it. He was only coming back to the world of curses to help his young cousin. Not giving Gojo a chance to respond, Y/n brushed past him heading up the steps into the base of Jujutsu Sorcerers.
    Gojo was left stunned by his own stupidity. The only guy he can remember ever truly having feelings for was right in front of him, and instead of expressing his joy of seeing him again he stuck his foot in his mouth. Watching after Y/n as he left, Gojo began thinking of ways to apologize for what just happened and ways to hopefully convince Y/n to stay even after they beat Geto.
   On December 24th, Y/n opted to stay at Jujutsu High with Maki and Yuta as a line of defense just in case. Afterall he wasn’t technically a member of Jujutsu Society so it’s not like the Higher ups could actually tell him what to do. He also had a bad feeling about them sending everyone except a couple Assistant supervisors to the front lines. If Geto had asked Yuta to join his cause wouldn’t that mean he had an interest in the boy. So when the veil was lowered over the school, Y/n jumped into action.
    He knew he didn’t stand much chance against a special grade like Geto, but he couldn’t just let the lunatic kill a young sorcerer. Y/n’s technique had only earned him the status of Grade 1 back in highschool, but that was eleven years ago and this would be his first fight since he left. He could only hope he still had the strength to hold off the Curse User long enough for help to arrive. 
   His own fight with Geto didn’t last long before a new contender entered the courtyard where the two adults were exchanging blows. Having also noticed the veil, Maki opted to join the fight. So now it was two on one, the two Zenin outcasts vs. the special grade Suguru Geto. The cousins were able to hold off Geto for about thirty minutes before Geto got the upper hand. The younger of the two had been severely injured, having likely multiple broken bones and severe cuts leaving her half conscious in a pool of her own blood. The older of the two was not much better off. Y/n had sustained a few broken ribs, one of which he wouldn’t be surprised to find out if it was digging into his lung as it was becoming difficult to breathe. But he was still able to stand and so he was still able to fight.
  There was a brief moment that allowed Y/n to catch his breath, and that was when Geto paused, announcing a hole was made in the barrier. He seemed confident enough that whoever it was would be too slow and he could beat Y/n and take Yuta before they arrived. Y/n took in a few deep breaths, sensing the cursed energy of two people approaching fast. Seeing that Geto wasn’t reacting to it, Y/n waited until the wall exploded next to the long haired man before striking again.
  Unfortunately even with the added help of Panda and Toge, they were still unable to beat him. When they turned their backs on Geto to check on Maki, the curse user took the chance to take out the oldest of the group. Striking Y/n in the back with curse, Geto managed to force the broken rib that was already threatening to puncture one of his lungs right through said lung. The force of the blow knocked what little air Y/n had in his chest out, and now with the loss of function in one of his lungs it was nearly impossible for Y/n to catch his breath. The two first years who were still able to fight tried to fight back but were unsuccessful.
  Y/n fought to stay awake and even tried to warn Yuta who had appeared on the scene to run away, but alas with barely any oxygen getting into his body, he could barely make a sound. He was fading in and out of consciousness and couldn’t help but wish for Shoko to be there to heal his wounds. Slowly suffocating was really fucking painfull. The last thing he remembered before blacking out completely was Yuta using Rika to move the four injured sorcerers to safety and applying his own reversed curse technique to them. As the world faded Y/n silently thanked Gojo for not executing the young special grade.
   Unlike the other three who woke up soon after Yuta beat Geto, Y/n was still unconscious three days later. While Yuta had been able to heal the majority of the injuries y/n had sustained, it seemed Shoko was needed for some of the more intense ones. When word got to Gojo that Y/n was injured and that even after Shoko had been able to treat his wounds was still asleep, Gojo was worried. He spent as much time as he could spare sitting by his bed in the infirmary. 
   Gojo spent the time thinking. Debating on how to thank Y/n for risking his life for the young sorcerers and trying to decide if it would be a good time to tell him he loved him. Yeah Gojo had officially decided that he loved Y/n Zenin, it wasn’t just a school crush. Having spent eleven years apart and suddenly seeing him again reminded him of everything he loved about Y/n. Even though he admitted to himself that he loved him, he couldn’t help but think that maybe telling him would be a curse to the man who clearly just wanted to escape the world of Jujutsu. 
   Caught up in his own reminiscing, he failed to notice that Y/n had started to wake up. He only noticed when he heard the quiet groan from next to him. Looking over he could see Y/n squinting his eyes at the light from the open window, and trying to take in his surroundings while still laying flat on the bed. Gojo quickly stood up, closing the blinds to darken the room, and then moved to help Y/n sit up. “Here let me help you sit up.” He said, causing Y/n to look at him bewildered. “I know I was rude the last time we talked but I was worried when they said you still didn’t wake up after both Yuta and Shoko used rct on you.” Gojo explained quickly.
   Taking a moment to process the words said to him, Y/n looked around the room. Seeing a glass of water on the bed side table, he quickly took a drink before speaking. “How long have I been asleep? And what happened to the kids, is everyone okay?” He wasn’t that worried about himself, his main concern was whether or not the young sorcerers had made it out of the battle alive.
   “Everyone is fine. Well, everyone on our side, that is, the kids are all okay. They’re taking a few days to relax before getting back to training. As for how long you were asleep for, well it's been about three days.” Gojo informed him. “And before you ask, Geto won’t be a problem anymore.” His tone of voice shifted from glad to something lingering with sadness.
  Picking up on the change of tone Y/n understood what he was implying. “I’m sorry for your loss, I know you were really close before everything. But it’s great to hear that the kids are okay.” He said truthfully. Taking a moment to think of what to say next, one thing popped into his mind and he couldn’t shake it. “Why are you here? Shouldn’t you have some important mission that only the Strongest can deal with?” Y/n asked, trying to switch the subject.
   Having spent three days thinking over and planning for how to speak his mind didn’t prepare him for what he was going to say.  “Um, I just wanted to express my thanks for you risking your life to protect the first years. If you hadn’t decided to show up or stay behind while we all went to the front line, who knows what would have happened to those four. I mean sure Panda probably would have been ok, but the others might not have been so lucky.” Gojo thanked him. 
   Y/n nodded along, but that didn’t fully answer his question. Gojo was there when he woke up, if he just wanted to say thank you then he could have done it after someone else told him Y/n was awake. “I think they would have been just fine. Maki is a strong fighter and Toge has a great understanding of his technique. And Yuta has a surprisingly great understanding of cursed energy for someone who just learned about curses a few months ago. But the strength of your students aside, Why are you here? And don’t say it’s just to say thank you. You were here when I woke up, if you just wanted to thank me then you could have gone about your day and then thanked me when someone told you I was awake.” He confronted the white haired male.
   Gojo scratched the back of his head trying to decide if he should say he just happened to stop by to check on him right before he woke, or if he should tell Y/n the truth. Realizing he had been quiet for too long and that if he did lie Shoko would probably rat him out either way, he came to the conclusion that honesty was the best policy. “Well, I’ve kinda been here the whole time. Like I said before I was really worried when Shoko told me you hadn’t woken up after being treated. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” He explained. Watching as Y/n’s face shifted from confusion to shock, Gojo couldn’t stop himself from talking more. “And I know this is probably a terrible time to bring this up, especially with how I reacted when you showed up the other day. But I really care about you Y/n. When you left back in highschool, I thought something terrible happened to you and I searched for you for years. I eventually figured that if you went through the struggle of leaving with out a trace there was probably a reason and so I stopped looking. But the worry turned to hurt and anger and I guess seeing you suddenly and hearing that you only came back for Maki’s sake, made that anger bubble up again. I understand you left for a reason and you probably want to leave as soon as possible after all this life is hell for anyone. But I do want you to know that you mean a lot to me.” This was the first time Y/n had seen or heard of Gojo letting his emotions out in such a clear way. Gojo was always calm and only really expressed deep emotions when fighting or teaching, so having him say all of that really shocked Y/n.
   Y/n took a few moments to process everything Gojo said, before making the second life changing decision of the month. “While I left because this life is taxing and full of hardship, I don’t know if I can abandon it again. I wouldn’t mind sticking around and helping teach the next generation of sorcerers.” Y/n explained. “This isn’t a permanent situation though and I will have some requirements that need to be accepted before I commit to it. After all, I can't leave the ones I care about to fight alone if I’m able to lend a helping hand.” he finished making his intentions to at least stick around for a short while clear.
   Even though Gojo was happy to hear that Y/n was going to stick around, he was confused by the wording of the last sentence. “Wait you said ‘the ones’  you care about, I thought you came back for Maki.” He couldn’t help but ask.
   Y/n just laughed before responding. “You’re right I did come back for Maki. But there are more people here that I care about than just her. Now I may have just woken up from a three day nap, but I’m exhausted so if you don’t mind I’m going back to sleep.” With that Y/n layed back down rolling to face away from the tall sorcerer.
   “Who else do you care about here? I’m confused.” Gojo really wanted answers.
   Y/n responded even though he was half asleep. “That’s for me to know and for you to figure out Satoru.” And with that Gojo was left as the only one awake in the room.
   He sat in silence processing what he had been told. And when he registered that y/n had not called him Gojo but used his first name for the first time, he couldn’t hide his smile. Deciding to let Y/n rest in peace he left to inform everyone about Y/n’s decision to consider staying at Jujutsu high for a while.
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neos127 · 9 hours
Could you please write a story about a foreign exchange student, featuring any member of ENHYPEN, who stays at your house and gradually falls in love with you? Personally, I can see this happening with Ni-ki, but feel free to choose whichever member you like! thank you! love <33
international love
nishimura riki x gn!reader; genre. fluff, strangers to lovers and slight slight angst wc. 1.6k cw. a lot of time skips! i didn’t want to make this too long
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riki was sure this was the most awkward meal of his life. his host parents were sweet, trying to make conversation and make the boy feel comfortable. their daughter was nice as well, but riki wasn’t sure why you seemed so weird around him. he knew that his awkwardness when it came to you was because he thought you were pretty. riki had only met your parents online before he came to your country, simply knowing that they had a daughter but not knowing what she looked like. imagine riki’s surprise when he saw your face for the first time.
he had a few crushes back in japan, but he was positive that you were the most beautiful girl he has ever seen in his life.
later that night, riki was getting ready for bed in the guest bedroom. he felt a bit home sick and sighed as he looked out the window, taking a mental note of the differences in the view. riki sat down on his temporary bed with a slight pout, missing his room already.
“can i come in?” you asked, knocking on riki’s door. the boy jumped up from his bed, his heart racing at the sound of your soft voice. as soon as he opened the door, you stepped back in surprise, nearly forgetting how tall riki was.
“hi. i-i just wanted to make sure that you were doing okay. or if you needed something that my parents might’ve forgotten to give to you.” you spoke up, nervously playing with your hands. riki bit back a smile, finding you to be very adorable.
“no…don’t worry im okay.” riki replied, giving you the most awkward thumbs up. you let out a chuckle before nodding your head. the two of you mumble ‘goodnight’ and you race back to your room. you heart pounded against your chest as you closed your bedroom door, face heating up as you replayed the conversation.
when you had found out who was coming to stay with your family for your school’s exchange student program, you instantly tried to find the boy on social media. when you did you were stunned, noticing how cute he was but also how talented. he posted many dance videos with his friends and older sister and he was really good.
so meeting him in person completely caught you off guard. had he seemed as tall as he was in the pictures? why was he even more gorgeous in real life? you felt silly about your feelings, trying to bury them down and simply be friendly towards the exchange student. he was new to your country and you didn’t want to scare him.
little did you know, riki felt the same way you did.
. . .
halfway through the school year, you and riki became close friends. he had met many people during his stay, a lot of girls and boys desperately wanting to befriend the boy because of how cool and handsome he was. but riki only really cared about hanging around you. you became his best friend— and the girl he secretly had a crush on.
you learned a lot about him and his life in japan as he warmed up to you. he would spend many nights with you under the stars, telling you how much he loves being in japan and how the city life is really fun. he would teach you different words and phrases in japanese and even made you promise to come visit him when he inevitably goes back.
and unfortunately when that dreaded day came, no feelings had been shared. riki had cried all night, similar to the night he first came to your country when he thought that he had made a huge mistake.
his eyes were red as the two of you embraced at the airport and you simply cried against his chest. your parents had already said their goodbyes to the boy and went to find food to give you two privacy.
riki had been a better friend to you than anyone you had ever met in your city, he understood you and never took your friendship for granted. the boy was understanding about your feelings and kept your life filled with laughter and fun—but unfortunately he lived in a completely different country and he wouldn’t be by your side as you went off to college.
“i’ll come visit you…i swear.” you cried, squeezing the boy harder. riki nodded, his hand still on your held as he held the back of it.
“i lo-i’ll um, i’ll miss you. i’ll be waiting for you.” riki mumbled, his words having more meaning than you understood at the time.
“we’ll talk, okay?” you asked, trying to wipe all your tears away once you pulled back. riki smiled, gently wiping the remaining tears from your cheeks before softly poking your nose.
“of course. i’ll see you soon.” he replied, giving your hand one last squeeze before backing away. with a sigh he grabbed his suitcase and gave you one last look before turning around. you began to cry again, attempting to hide your sobs as much as possible. you watched him until he rounded a corner of the airport— and then he was completely out of your sight.
. . .
riki hadn’t left your mind. you stalked his socials at night before bed, updated him on your day and even looked through the many pictures you two took together. a part of you felt upset that you hadn’t made a move on him. there was definitely a spark between you two, you were just too scared.
but as a couple years passed and you finally saved up to take your big trip to japan, you realized that you were tired of being scared. if riki had waited for you like he said he would, you were positive that you weren’t going to let him go this time.
“what are you doing right now?” you asked on the phone once you arrived. you were sitting on your hotel bed and staring out at the tokyo skyline, your stomach knotting with nerves. riki simply thought that you were calling him before you went to class like always, not knowing that you were in japan. you wanted to surprise him, hoping that he’d be happy to see you after so long.
“sitting at my favorite park- the one i told you about a couple years ago. it’s such a pretty night, i wanted to appreciate it and take some pictures. i’ll send them to you.” riki explained and you could practically see the smile on his face.
“enjoy yourself, riki.” you smiled, already typing the address into your phone’s gps. you had remembered the name of the park, wanting to visit ever since riki told you how beautiful it was. finally getting to see it with the boy you were in love with definitely had to be some sort of dream.
you kept pinching yourself on the way there, wondering how you happened to get so lucky with riki. he was the best person to ever walk into you life and it was painful not being able to see him or touch him for so long— you were practically jogging to the park as your desire to see him grew.
once you walked past the entrance, you wandered the place, searching for a tall boy with dark brown hair— different from the blonde style he had when you first met him.
“y/n, what the hell?” a deep voice spoke, causing you to gasp and turn around in surprise. you were met with the boy you were looking for, who seemed to have grown even more since you two last saw each other.
“what are you doing here?” he chuckled when he saw your surprised expression, his wide smile hard to contain. he never expected you to visit him so soon, but when he saw you wandering around his favorite place to get away, his heart began to beat out of his chest and all the feelings he harbored for you came rushing back even stronger.
“i wanted to surprise you.” you whined, your next words getting caught in your throat when riki pulled you into a tight hug.
“i’m still very surprised. and so so happy. i missed you so much, my y/n.” riki mumbled, taking in your scent and realizing that you still used the same perfume. the smell was nostalgic and comforting, it made him feel complete again.
“please don’t ever leave me.” he begged, still hanging onto your body while the two of you rocked back and forth in each others arms.
“i’m going to have to go back to [your country] eventually.” you sighed, burying your head into his hoodie.
“no, please stay with me. i mean it. i love you too much to let you go again. you could move in with me, we could be roommates. we can figure out the details since i know you’re not in school right now.” riki rambled, causing you to abruptly pull away and look at his face. he didn’t want to meet you eyes until you forcibly grabbed his face.
“you’re in love with me?” you asked timidly, the sound of your heartbeat filling your ears.
“definitely. i’m so in love with you that it hurts.” riki replied, dramatically clutching his chest and stumbling backwards. you giggled, feeling like the same lovesick eighteen year old that first met riki.
“i love you too, riki.” you spoke up, a big smile on your face. riki smiled as well before quickly scooping you up into his arms and kissing you. it didn’t last very long considering that the two of you were practically smiling into each others mouths.
“so you’ll consider staying?” riki asked, moving to place a few kisses along your neck and face. you giggled, running your hands through his fluffy hair.
“well when you ask like that…”
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monjude · 3 hours
Summer Storm, Summer Love
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Y/N and Jude had been close friends ever since they met through mutual connections at Real Madrid. Their bond grew stronger over time, both of them secretly harboring deeper feelings for each other. They often hung out, sharing stories, jokes, and dreams. This summer, they found themselves on a joint family vacation in a beautiful coastal town in Greece, a getaway that promised relaxation and fun.
The stunning landscapes of Greece provided the perfect backdrop for their vacation. With its crystal-clear waters, picturesque villages, and ancient ruins, every day felt like an adventure waiting to happen. From exploring the narrow, winding streets of quaint towns to enjoying the delicious local cuisine, Jude and Y/N made the most of every moment. The shared experiences only deepened their connection, each laugh and shared glance adding to the unspoken bond between them. The vacation felt like a dream, but neither had yet found the courage to confess their true feelings.
One evening, after a long day of fun, dark clouds began to gather ominously on the horizon. Y/N noticed the impending storm and felt a familiar sense of dread. She had always been terrified of thunderstorms, a fear that lingered since childhood.
As the family gathered in the living room of the large vacation home, the first rumbles of thunder echoed through the house. Y/N's anxiety grew with each rumble, and she found herself glancing nervously out the window. Jude, who was sitting next to her, noticed her unease.
"Hey, you okay?" he asked softly, leaning closer.
Y/N shook her head slightly. "I really don't like thunderstorms."
Jude gave her a reassuring smile. "Want to hang out in my room? We can watch a movie or something to distract you."
Grateful for the offer, Y/N nodded. "I'd like that."
They excused themselves and headed upstairs to Jude's room. He set up his laptop on the bed, selecting a light-hearted comedy to lift her spirits. They settled in under the covers, the sound of rain beginning to patter against the windows. As the movie played, the storm outside grew louder, with flashes of lightning illuminating the darkened room.
Jude noticed Y/N flinch with each crash of thunder and gently took her hand. "It's just a storm. I'm here with you."
His touch and words provided a comforting anchor, and Y/N felt a bit of her anxiety ease. She leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder. They continued watching the movie, Jude occasionally making silly comments that drew giggles from her, distracting her from the storm outside.
When a particularly loud crash of thunder shook the house, Y/N squeezed Jude's hand tightly. He turned to her, his expression soft and understanding. "Do you want to talk about something else? Anything to take your mind off the storm?"
She smiled gratefully. "Tell me about your favorite football moment."
Jude launched into a story about a thrilling match he played when he was younger, his eyes lighting up with passion as he recounted every detail. Y/N listened intently, finding solace in his voice and the way his enthusiasm made her forget her fear.
As the storm continued, their conversation flowed effortlessly. They talked about their families, their hopes for the future, and shared funny anecdotes from their past. Y/N felt a warmth spreading through her, not just from Jude's physical closeness, but from the genuine connection they shared.
Eventually, the storm began to subside, but neither of them moved from their cozy spot on the bed. The movie had long since ended, but they remained wrapped up in their conversation, enjoying the easy companionship they had always cherished.
"Jude," Y/N said softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you for being here with me. It means a lot."
"Of course, Y/N," he replied, his voice equally soft and tender. "I'd do anything for you."
Their eyes met, and for a moment, the air between them felt charged with something unspoken, an electric tension that neither could ignore. Jude hesitated, his hand lingering in the space between them, then reached up to gently brush a strand of hair from her face. His touch was light, almost reverent, and it sent a shiver down her spine.
"Y/N, there's something I've been wanting to tell you," he began, his tone serious yet filled with a nervous energy.
Her heart raced, pounding so loudly she was sure he could hear it. She searched his eyes, seeing the vulnerability and hope mirrored there. "What is it, Jude?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly with anticipation.
He took a deep breath, his hand still resting against her cheek. "I've had feelings for you for a long time," he confessed, his words coming out in a rush. "You're more than just a friend to me. I didn't want to risk our friendship, but I can't keep it to myself anymore. Every moment we spend together, every laugh we share... it's made me realize how much you mean to me."
Y/N felt her breath catch, emotions swirling inside her like a storm. The weight of his confession settled over her, and she felt a mixture of relief, fear, and overwhelming happiness. She reached up, placing her hand over his, feeling the warmth of his skin against hers. "Jude, I feel the same way," she admitted, her voice cracking with emotion. "I've liked you for so long, but I was afraid to say anything. I didn't want to ruin what we have."
A look of pure relief and joy spread across his face, his eyes shining with unshed tears. "Really?" he asked, his voice barely more than a whisper.
She nodded, a smile breaking through the tears that had begun to form. "Really," she confirmed, squeezing his hand gently.
Jude let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding, a wide smile spreading across his face. "You have no idea how happy that makes me," he said, his voice filled with emotion.
He leaned in slowly, giving her plenty of time to pull away if she wanted, but she stayed still, her eyes locked on his. When their lips finally met, it was like a promise, a confirmation of everything they had just confessed. The kiss was gentle, filled with the tenderness of unspoken words and the promise of a new beginning.
As they pulled apart, their foreheads resting against each other, Y/N felt a sense of peace and happiness wash over her. "Jude," she whispered, her eyes still closed, "I'm so glad you told me."
"Me too," he replied, his voice equally soft. "I don't want to hide how I feel anymore."
They spent the rest of the night talking, laughing, and simply enjoying each other's company. The storm raged on outside, but inside, they felt a warmth and peace that came from finally being honest about their feelings.
As the night wore on, they eventually fell asleep, Y/N curled up against Jude, feeling safe and loved. The storm had brought them closer together, and they both knew that this was just the beginning of something beautiful.
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reaper2187 · 2 days
Clorinde x female reader
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The city of Fontaine sparkled with an effervescent charm as the evening lights reflected off the shimmering water channels. It was a city of elegance, innovation, and the perpetual hum of the Court of Fontaine's judicial proceedings. Among the many elegant buildings was the office where Clorinde, a renowned duelist and enforcer of justice, worked alongside Y/N.
Clorinde, with her striking presence and unwavering commitment to justice, had always been an enigma to Y/N. They had worked together for several months now, but Y/N often found herself admiring Clorinde from a distance, unsure of how to bridge the gap between them.
This evening, the office was unusually quiet. Most of their colleagues had left early, leaving Y/N and Clorinde to finish up some last-minute paperwork. The soft glow of the lanterns cast a warm light over the room, highlighting Clorinde's focused expression as she reviewed the documents.
Y/N took a deep breath and decided to break the silence. "Clorinde, do you ever get tired of this work? The constant trials and duels?"
Clorinde looked up, her piercing blue eyes meeting Y/N's. For a moment, there was only the sound of the fountain outside and the rustling of paper. "It's demanding, yes, but it's also fulfilling. Each case, each duel, is a step toward ensuring justice. What about you, Y/N? How do you find it?"
Y/N smiled, feeling a bit more at ease. "It's challenging, but I enjoy it. There's a sense of purpose in what we do. Plus, having someone as dedicated as you to work with makes it all the more rewarding."
A hint of a smile played on Clorinde's lips. "Thank you, Y/N. Your dedication doesn't go unnoticed either."
The compliment sent a flutter through Y/N's chest. She had always admired Clorinde's strength and dedication, but moments like this made her feel a deeper connection. "Clorinde, do you have any plans for the evening? I was thinking of taking a walk by the waterfront. The view is beautiful at this hour."
Clorinde seemed to consider this for a moment before nodding. "That sounds nice. I could use a break from the paperwork. Shall we?"
As they stepped out into the cool evening air, the city's beauty took their breath away. The reflection of the lights on the water created a magical atmosphere. They walked side by side, the silence between them comfortable and companionable.
Y/N felt a surge of boldness. "Clorinde, I've always wondered, what drew you to this line of work? Why choose to be a duelist and enforcer?"
Clorinde glanced at Y/N, her expression thoughtful. "I come from a family with a long history of dueling and upholding justice. It's in my blood, you could say. But more than that, I believe in the principles of fairness and protecting those who can't protect themselves. What about you, Y/N? What drives you?"
Y/N took a moment to gather her thoughts. "I suppose it's a sense of duty and the desire to make a difference. Seeing the impact of our work, how it helps people, that's what keeps me going."
They continued their walk, the conversation flowing easily. Y/N felt a growing warmth between them, a sense of connection that went beyond mere colleagues. As they reached a quiet spot by the water, Clorinde stopped and turned to face Y/N.
"Y/N, there's something I've been meaning to tell you," Clorinde began, her voice soft but steady. "I've come to value our time together, both at work and outside of it. You're not just a colleague to me. You're someone I care about deeply."
Y/N's heart raced. "Clorinde, I feel the same way. I've admired you for so long, not just for your skills and dedication, but for the person you are. I didn't know how to tell you."
Clorinde took a step closer, her eyes searching Y/N's. "I'm glad you did. I've wanted to say something for a while now, but I wasn't sure if you felt the same."
Y/N felt a smile spread across her face. "Well, now you know. And I'm glad you told me too."
Clorinde's expression softened, and she reached out to take Y/N's hand. "Would you like to spend more time together, outside of work? Get to know each other better?"
"I'd love that," Y/N replied, squeezing Clorinde's hand gently. "There's so much more I want to learn about you."
As they stood there, hand in hand, the world seemed to fade away. The connection they had built through months of working together had blossomed into something beautiful and new. The future, once filled with uncertainty, now seemed bright with promise.
The sound of the fountain mingled with the soft murmur of the city as Clorinde and Y/N shared a quiet moment by the water. In that moment, they knew they had found something special in each other, something worth cherishing and nurturing.
As they continued their walk, the conversation turned to lighter topics. They shared stories, laughed, and discovered more about each other's interests and dreams. The bond between them grew stronger with each passing moment, and by the time they returned to the office to collect their things, there was a new understanding between them.
Y/N looked at Clorinde, her heart full. "Thank you for tonight. It was perfect."
Clorinde smiled, her eyes shining with warmth. "Thank you, Y/N. I look forward to many more evenings like this."
As they parted ways for the night, Y/N felt a sense of joy and anticipation. She knew that this was just the beginning of something wonderful, and she couldn't wait to see where it would lead.
In the heart of Fontaine, amidst the trials and duels, two souls had found each other. And together, they would face whatever challenges came their way, their hearts united in purpose and in love.
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cinamun · 2 days
hi! okay—first off? the masterful way in which you’re able to invoke such thoughtful conversations with your storytelling is everything to me. every update of TFA feels like a character study of people we’ve all encountered at some point in our lives! it’s beautiful, really.
secondly! with that being said, i wanted to pick your brains a bit about indira! i don’t know if you’ve ever talked about this before, but regarding our girl’s preference for non-exclusive relationships—how much of it would you attribute to her personality, and how much could be considered a trauma response?
considering all that she’s been through, given her own experience with an overly (wrongfully) possessive man in her life that overstepped SEVERALLLL boundaries [+ having to witness the aftermath of what elijah…rip…did to hope] i just always got the vibe that those things collectively made her very wary of wanting a man to ever feel that comfortable with having a ‘claim’ to her. which is understandable! but the idea also makes me very sad for her; since so much of her current mindset towards dating seems like more of a trauma response than anything.
like yes! as a 21 year old myself, i get the idea of wanting to be free and wanting to date around! but is indira really dating? or is she just entertaining people to avoid looking deeper at a bigger problem/fear that she has, and isn’t willing to overcome at this current point in her life? both things are valid, but i just wanted to hear your take as the storyteller because indira is SUCH an interesting character to me, and i’d love to get a deep-dive on her mindset because i relate to…well…almost all of her story 😭 and i’ve found that my own take on dating has shifted drastically due to my experiences with men in the past. where indira is avoidant but still interested in pursuing SOME form of intimacy/companionship, i’ve staunchly sworn off sex and use dating apps as a means to test the waters to ‘see if i’m even ready to date’ … and i’m not. which almost always leads to me getting overstimulated and ghosting after a day or two of light conversation, lol. so this could easily just be me projecting! but either way, i’d love to hear your thoughts!)
Good morning friend! If we aren't taking a deep dive at the human condition, what are we even doing? lol I very much enjoy picking apart our behaviors and why we do the things that we do. Why not put these pixels in Situations™ and then pick it apart in the replies and asks and sometimes DMs?
About Indira...
She is her mother's child and her wanting to date with no strings attached is part of her personality. Indira is healthy, she's happy, she's wealthy and she's beautiful. Why can't it just be that she has no desire to be anything more than what she wants? If a man sleeps around, we don't question it most times. But as soon as we saw a grown, independent, emotionally stable Dira sleep with two men while telling them exactly what their role was, we decided she was foul and something must be 'wrong'.
I find that fascinating!
Why can't it just be that Indira is having fun and living life? Why can't it just be that she is young, carefree and likes big dicks and big wallets?
Having said that, we have yet to hear from Dira how the experience with Rahul and Ryker may have shaped her as an individual (not just who she sleeps with). We saw bits and pieces about how Elliot's demise impacted her and certainly it wasn't a positive impact. Luckily, Dr. Carter, the family therapist, took turns with each of the Drake children after The Tragedy on the Pier™. She didn't have to go through it alone and worked hard in theraphy to develop healthy boundaries and work through the trauma.
Needless to say, there is so much more to come with her. We've only caught glimpses because the story has gone in a few different directions since her debut in Tomarang as a brand new young adult. I do hope you stay tuned for what is to come!
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killuaightning · 11 months
oh god. I just finished one last stop, and I loved this book so so much. this truly is one of the most beautiful things I've ever read, and I'm a little sad that it's over.
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maarigolds · 1 year
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"What happened?!"
"Fought off a load of thugs, fell down the catafalque hole, battled a bunch of ghosts. You know, the usual sort of thing"
The main trio in Lockwood and Co. (2023-)
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redstreetsahead · 11 months
Damirae academic rivals. that’s its that’s the post.
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pierregaslays · 22 days
exactly a month without my mum and today we got the chance to say goodbye. the funny thing is, it was cloudy all morning but as soon as it was over and we all went outside the sun started shining and yeah, it was beautiful 🤍
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bbq-potato-chip · 1 month
i'm feeling sad over the penis poop fart joke anime unironically. god
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kabii-kins · 2 years
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It was at this moment he started making wedding plans
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littleoceanbabe · 1 year
ted lasso has been a fucking phenomenal show but if the writers completely fuck it up in the last episode i may have to quit cold turkey. or i will just pointedly entirely ignore the series finale and rewrite it myself.
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arscriptura · 2 years
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Angela Lindvall and Erin Wasson, photographed by Mark Holgate for US Vogue November 2004 
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