#they arent a nazi
woman-respecter · 9 months
"everyone i don't like is a nazi!" and "everything bad that happens is the holocaust!" things can be bad without being nazis/the holocaust. words have meanings. shut the fuck up
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araguaneys · 1 month
The worst is when another latino dehumanizes us as if they aren't the same or similarly mix of ethnicities as if they aren't also fucked, as if literally MOST if not all of us have a history of dictatorships from different political alinements and YES being fucked by western imperialism but also our greedy "leaders" and shitty politics, as if the left and right or center actually did all they could or helped anyone, as if it couldn't happen to them next...you are the most depressing of them all if you're not with us and you are the ones that sound like gringos.
It's time you all get educated and you see beyond the decisions of our governments and the past problems we've had because of them, or BEYOND THE XENOPHOBIA and migration crisis, all of latinamerica is filled with people of all races like you and me that deserve empathy and not to get abandoned by you all.
Lo quieren en español? dale pues.
Lo peor es cuando otro latino nos deshumaniza, como si no fueran la misma o similar mezcla de etnias, como si sus países no estuvieran jodidos támbien, como si literalmente la mayoría de nosotros no tuviéramos una larga historia de dictaduras de distintas alineaciones políticas, o SÍ no estuvieramos jodidos por el imperialismo estadounidense/occidental pero támbien nuestros "líderes" avaros y políticos de mierda, como si nuestras izquierdas o derechas o centros de verdad estuvieran haciendo todo lo que podrían o ayudaran de verdad, como si no les pudiera pasar a ustedes después... la falta de apoyo de uds son de lad que más me deprime, y son uds los que suenan como gringos.
Es momento de que se eduquen y vean más allá de las decisiones pasadas de los gobiernos o la historia de problemas que hemos tenido por ellos, O LA XENOFOBIA y crisis migratoria, toda latinoamérica está llena de gente como tú y yo de todas las razas que merecen empatía y que no se les abandone.
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hindahoney · 11 months
Some of you need to grow a spine and stop being scared to stand up for your fellow Jew. Stop being scared of being labeled a fucking Zionist. The people calling you that don't even know what it means anyway, and they will think you are one no matter what you say. So you might as well say it with your fucking chest.
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bisexualpussy · 1 year
white queer goy will bend over fucking backwards all day trying to explain to me, a Jew, how actually the holocaust was never about Jews at the start. How it was actually rooted in queerphobia and ableism, NOT solely antisemitism. As if the nazis didn't believe that Jews carried "unfavorable traits" and were generally viewed as dirty/subhuman. As if the nazis didn't believe that queerness was an idea introduced and perpetuated by Jews that was now "infecting" the wider populous.
Like shut the fuck up u sound dumb as hell when you say that the holocaust wasn't about Jews because Your Lily White Ass is experiencing oppression for the first time
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zvezdacito · 2 years
⚠️ CW: imperialism, colonization, genocide, rape mention
I honestly hate to make posts like these because the common response are Yana bootlickers invalidating my say in issues affecting me and harassing me😭
But since I've seen not much people bring it up yet. In cased you didn't know New Year's Cater is fsr in Taisho Era clothing, which was an era of Imperial Japan. Thus, fashion from that era is seen as a symbol and glorification of Japanese imperial colonization and brutalization of Koreans, Chinese and Southeast Asians.
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"Twst isn't the only game that does this though, I've seen lots of other media use it as an aesthetic fashion choice! You're overreacting/trying to stir up trouble" Yeah unfortunately this, along with Nazi imagery, are still very glorified in Japanese pop culture. Purposeful or not, it being downplayed as just a cutesy Japan aesthetic in popular exported media (their soft power), helps downplay the severity of what Japan did in this era and make it easier for the government to sweep it under the rug.
When it's brought up for popular anime like Demon Slayer by Korean, Chinese or even some SEAsian people, it's not usually heard because anime fans are so quick to shut us down or even joke about Imperial Japan being in the right despite all the cultural genocide and mass rape committed to spite us☠️ Like I said this only ends in harassment and mockery of us so I wouldn't be saying stuff like this just for fun☠️
They changed Trey's Vargas camp v-neck ingame after already releasing the promo image already so I hope they can fix this too😭
I hope if even not from me, you will at least share this information around for those who aren't aware and tell them how and why it's wrong. Hopefully if enough people bring it up they will notice and change it, if not, then at least do not roll for cater specifically ig😭 Other characters are wearing kimonos from eras without problematic implications on this scale afaik
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protectoratenova07 · 2 years
I will never not get annoyed over people saying that Brian/Grue joining the Heroes was the obvious and easiest choice out there. Admittedly, the WOGs expand more on it, but even with what we get from Arc 4 when he talks about his trigger event, I can't comprehend how anyone wouldn't see the reasons for him not wanting to join the government sponsored heroes.
Basing this off memory, but to sum it up, Brian goes to him moms house after getting a text from Aisha asking for help. He finds her in some poor condition ( I don't think he goes into detail and it may not matter if he did cause he's not telling the full truth here) and when he tries to take her back to his dad's, their step-dad gets in thew ay and doesn't let them leave. Brian proceeds to beat him up, take his sister back, and gets powers sometime in between.
Then, he, aisha, and their dad go to the police the very next morning. They explain what happened and Brian still describes how he almost got sent to jail. Only aisha backing him up and his step-dad missing an asshole anonymous meeting saved him. And he still got some months of community service. Like, in my opinion he did the right thing every step of the way and still almost got screwed over.
Sometime later, (not immediately cause he's 14 to 15 when he gets powers) he decides to try and take care of aisha by being a villain to get enough money/backing to do it.
That's all described in arc 4. Now we get into the WOGs. Again, basing this off memory, but I can try to find them later.
First, Brian lied about his trigger, a little bit. General event still happened, but when he claimed he didn't know who the man was besides being his mom's new boyfriend, he lied. He knew that man bc it was the same boyfriend who had abused him in the past. And his mom brought him back and let him interact with his sister. Add in his mom's other problems and his dad's ("I wouldn't describe him as abusive") there was a fair bit of emotions Brian was going through that he didn't share. But at the end of the day, every adult in his life failed him and his sister. He wouldn't be willing to extend his trust as easily.
Second, a different WOG described Brian getting into crime in a panic bc aisha had done something afterward that led to her needing to get bailed out of something with money (again, going off memeory) so even if he wanted to join the wards he'd be doing it with a record. Presumably he later decided he might as well go all in on it and get aisha into a safer environment than both his parents. He probably thought it may help with keeping her out of trouble as well if she wasn't around two people who didn't know how to raise kids (not that he did either, but he probably thought he couldn't do worse).
Third, by WOG he did actually consider the wards, but after researching them decided they wouldn't be worth it. Admittedly this was moreso bc of his own hangups with commitment. Bc telling the big organization your power and identity then trying to bail wouldn't really work out, but apparently it was still preferable to a career of crime. It's not like the Protectorate would actually have authority to take a child away from their parents anyway without major proof, especially if that kid isn't a parahuman themself.
Fourth, the undersiders were generally a low risk high reward chance until Taylor joined and brought them her bad luck. They operated for a year and only got into some mild skirmishes with Lung and them being escape artist didn't have an issue with him. Besides that, they made a shot ton of money on top of the 2grand their sponsor gave them.
Fifth, I don't think we ever learned what the time table was for Coil helping out with Brian getting custody, especially given how suspicious Brian was of their mysterious boss and his motives preleviathan. Maybe Coil admitted to knowing Brian's problems and offered a solution at the start. Maybe Brian opened up with it as a condition to him joining. Or maybe after a few months of getting 2grand a relatively easy missions Brian decided to trust the boss who hadn't screwed him and ask for the money to be given to him in a legal paycheck for better chance at custody. I say that last option bc Brian is supposed to be the careful pragmatic one who thinks about his choices and doesn't do the crazy option unless bug girl decides to go full throttle and he begrudgingly goes along. And giving his personal details and a sure fire way of blackmail isn't excalty the pragmatic choice.
Tldr: he has to have some pretty big distrust of authority cause shifty parents and probably shotty police and by WOG became a criminal in a panic before going full in on it. Cause he was, again, like 15 years old.
Now, the argument for him joining the wards is that the Heroes/PRT could have snapped their fingers and given everything Brian would want. And seeing the deal Madcap got I can definitely see the idea behind it, but there are a few problems with that. A) Brian wouldn't know shit about how desperate the Heroes are bc they don't advertise that. B) I'm not sure how much power they would actually have over taking kids away from unhealthy environments cause laws and shit would probably limit that. C) as stated above, he says he almost got jailed for hurting his step-dad so I don't see him liking authority at this stage, no matter how just he was in the eyes of the law for it. D) Brian's own issues and that he's a 15 year old so he won't see the world as a perfectly rational being.
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
this is entirely a good faith question: why can terfs not use moids as a response to incels who oppress women using femoids, but queer people can and do reclaim slurs used against us in our oppression? thank you if you answer (in regards to this post https://www.tumblr.com/genderkoolaid/714779055410577408/is-this-supposed-to-be-a-good-reason-for-using)
For one, "moids" is like. Very heavily racist. "-oid" was a common suffix used in race science, as a way of describing different races (mongoloid, negroid, caucasoid, etc.). It is deeply entrenched in the language of white supremacy and eugenics. The reason why misogynists use it is because those misogynists are also racists.
With queer, the point in reclaiming it is "yes, we are weird freaks, and we love being weird freaks- being a weird freak is a good thing." Reclaiming things like dyke, fag, tranny, tend to both be a way of coping with the trauma of those words, as well as describing the ways that oppression shape our identities (a lot of people identify as dykes or faggots specifically as a way of communicating an identity that exists in opposition to, and within the context of, homophobic society). These are terms we are using to self-describe as a way of empowering ourselves and depowering queerphobes
With -moid, they are taking purposefully negative language that was created for oppressive purposes and using it to... dehumanize groups of people. And they accomplish the goal of... sounding like fucking nazis.
And maybe, just maybe, the way they use nazi language and nazi memes (like soyjack shit) is part of the reason they have so many white supremacists in their communities. If you walk into a bar covered in swastikas and iron crosses, and the bar serves a number of nazis, the white goyische woman bartender telling you that actually they are reclaiming nazi symbols isn't gonna make you feel less like you are in a nazi bar.
edit: I wanna say that people shouldn't shame anon for asking this!!!! It's important to have a good understanding of WHY certain things are reclaimable and some things aren't, even if it seems obvious. Shaming people for asking these questions means that the only people giving these questions answers are assholes. Genuine, good faith questions shouldn't be shamed. Anon wasn't defending this behavior, they were asking a good question on why it's okay to reclaim some things but not others. Not asking questions to deeper your understanding means relying on whatever anyone else tells you to be true.
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shalom-iamcominghome · 6 months
My thoughts on jewish politics are nuanced and convoluted in many ways, but if somebody comes at me with the idea of categorizing my thoughts as being in line with the "good jews" or the "bad jews," you've just got to assume I'm not One Of The Good Ones.
#jewish politics#jumblr#jew by choice#jewish conversion#personal thoughts tag#caveat that i am not officially jewish yet and some of y'all (antisemites) still treat me with similar hatred and jew hatred#for some (many) antisemites i'm already too far gone and frankly i'm glad. i'm glad to face their hatred rather than concern trolling...#...or the infantilizing antisemitic 'let me save you from the jews 🥺🥺🥺'. it makes me sick to my stomach either way but at least...#...with the outright hatred you arent trying to bullshit me. i despise when people lie to me or put on façades or use platitudes to trick m#i have never been One Of The Good Ones and i'm not about to start now basically#and i would rather stand with others/other jews (again im in progress but i digress) than stand a second near antisemitism 🙏#like i know at some point i'm probably going to have to have more concrete opinions but now isn't the right time for that#i try to educate myself but i don't for one second want to encroach. in many ways i guess i'm waiting until i am a jew? i dunno 👍#felt i should make this clear in case i do start getting the same shit the jews/fellow jews-in-prgress i follow are#thank g-d i haven't had too much shit on this account but i have already been barraged by actual tumblr nazis who called me the k-slur so h#that happened a While ago (again thank g-d) but that still cemented in my head that i am... maybe ig Too Jewish to ever be safe ever again#if that statement makes sense
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wild-at-mind · 2 months
I still want to talk about protesting Pride, and I will, but to get off my chest now:
I dont think you need a tonne of presentations and complicated documents and academic language to talk about pinkwashing in Israel and use to justify bombing of Gaza. You can literally just say 'no nation or people deserves to be bombed and murdered because some people in that country/people are homophobic/queerphobic/whatever term your audience for the statement is using. Seriously if you say that you're disgusting.'
You can run the risk of being incredibly bogged down in this stuff, making it so much more complicated than it is. It's not complicated. I know this is an issue. I've had YouTube ads alluding to 'SOME countries who are homophobic and bad blah blah' without stating a country name outright but clearly designed to take progressive sympathies from Palestine. But it won't work and we know it won't. No need for like workshops full of academic slides that no one who doesn't already agree will do.
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revindicatedbyhistory · 8 months
umberto eco is a smart guy but everytime he talks about communism he turns into hnnah arendt its pretty annoying
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kideternity · 3 months
Whilst I don’t deny that Kamen Rider 71 is just like in general a very silly show in a lot of regards it seems very strange to me the idea that like it was ever like a Stupid show. Or like written stupidly. I would actually argue that KR71 is often times a very smartly written and earnestly written show. It’s very open about its anti-imperialist slash anti fascist themes and will through writing and production showcase its understanding of the harm those systems cause as well as slash in conjunction to that provide allegories to the real world methods it utilises to hurt people. And on a more general note it just takes the characters and plots for the most part Very seriously it takes their journeys and their actions Seriously. It doesn’t diminish or insult their emotions or their intellect or them just trying in the first place. There’s things you can and should criticise in various different aspects but I genuinely would not consider it a bad show at all which I feel like is common or was common for people who didn’t want to give Toku media a chance usually do slash did- like, arguments about how the Goofiness or Corniness Automatically Made it Bad in some way. Idk Im just saying words probably don’t consider me an authority on this but It’s how I feel
#kamen rider#kamen rider extravaganza hour#dinu yells into the void#dinu yells in the void#im fucking exhausted out of my mind so im just like saying wordssssss but like. fuckkk i dunno man#i feel like personally for years ive always seen people who arent toku fans especially people who were americans act as though toku media#was like. inherently a lesser form of media because its Silly and Its Overdramatic and Its Emotional#like acting like its ‘kiddie shit’#like they used their memories of stuff like power rangers to justify this belief too instead of actually watching to#*toku media#like very similar honestly to how people act about comic books like actual comic books and animation#and its like. when u actually give these genres or mediums a chance. you realise how sincere and talented a lot of it is#i was thinking about this because in this episode theres like a scene where shocker lieutenants dress up in costumes akin to the KKK clan#like its what im assuming the reference is and im just like. this is such a smart show. like it genuinely has a lot of smart writing when it#comes to their like nazi fascist villains. it doesnt shy away from taking it seriously or referencing irl hate groups#it makes me think of it compared to like mcu media which ppl ALWAYSS for years acted like the height of superhero cinema#and mcu shit is like. not only is it immune to genuinely caring about anything at least in recent years. but it also hated actually making#commentary and fucking sticking to it. like itd you an inch and ppl took a mile when therr wae no milr#fuckkkkkkk dont mind me . im just insane i think. i odnt know.#taking my insanity from being a american comic fan and bringing it over to my to#toku era. sorry
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goatpaste · 1 year
I'm rewatching part two and man they did Joseph so dirty. He would not pair up with literal Nazis because the Pillar Men are worse what 💀. They cannot be THAT bad.
Araki will make a species of non human advanced characters and make them out to be some greater pure evil
And take his protag who'd introduction was beating up racist cops and say he would team up with nazis because the pillar men are a qoute on qoute 'greater evil'
Like araki dude... you see how someone saying the race of people the nazis were conducting experiments on and have decided were a 'greater evil they need to put their efforts again to defeat for the common good' is WORSE right????
Like the nazis did nOT need to be this involved with this shit. You did not need to suck up to the fantasy magically powerful nazi bullshit that's been thrown around.
Joseph and speedwagon would NOT have gotten so close and chummy with nazis and literally fund them. The fucking 180 they took on Joseph's character sucks so hard
Like right up until joseph was literally telling everyone that santana probably isn't that bad and might be acting the way he was because the nazis were experimenting on him and he probably wants to leave. Then araki just threw that out the window to make sure that we knew the pillar men were the villians... over and over again
Like fuck dude I hate it so much, joseph mid santana fight and back would not do that shit
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sarcastic-salem · 2 years
TW Transphobia & Rape Mention
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So Rowling has finally lost her shit via a public meltdown on Twitter and shown her true colors. She posted this today insinuating that trans women are rapists. I thought it was fake at first cause this seems out of character for her. I mean, she’s usually a lot more subtle from what I’ve seen in the past. But its real — its really, really real. Its seem that she has opened some sort of charity for rape survivors that offers help solely to cisgender women.
I would recommend, especially if you are trans, maybe not checking out the link. Even though its there if you wanna see it. But its just fucking bad, guys. Like its really, really bad — the whole timeline is a mess of transphobic garbage. Its absolutely disgusting.
This woman needs mental help.
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chaiaurchaandni · 9 months
i find it sooo interesting that isis is now claiming responsibility for the recent bombings in iran that killed almost 100 people. like wow just when israel is facing criticism and is lashing out at other countries (bombing syria + south lebanon for months, now even beirut), that the one so-called 'islamic' militant group (that targets mostly other muslims but only targeted israel once and apologized for it + receives medical aid from israel) is now back in action. it's almost as if isis is a proxy of israel/usa-
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hussyknee · 1 year
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The 1975 saw a festival set cut short in Malaysia after frontman Matty Healy criticised the country’s government for its LGBTQ+ laws, and kissed the band’s bassist on-stage.
During their headlining set at the Good Vibes Festival in Kuala Lumpur on Friday July 21, Healy gave a speech calling out the Malaysian government for its hardline stance on gay rights.
“I made a mistake. When we were booking shows, I wasn’t looking into it. I don’t see the fucking point, right, I do not see the point of inviting The 1975 to a country and then telling us who we can have sex with,” said Healy.
He continued: “I am sorry if that offends you and you’re religious and it’s part of your fucking government, but your government are a bunch of fucking ret**ds and I don’t care anymore. If you push, I am going to push back. I am not in the fucking mood, I’m not in the fucking mood."
Healy later told the crowd that the night would not feature a set of their more “uplifting” material due to his frustration.
“Unfortunately, you don’t get a set of loads of uplifting songs because I’m fucking furious and that’s not fair on you because you’re not representative of your government,” he said. “Because you are young people and I am sure a lot of you are gay and progressive and cool. So I pulled the show yesterday and we had a conversation and we said ‘You know what? We can’t let these kids down because they’re not the problem’.”
He added: “But, I’ve done this before, I’ve gone to a country where, I don’t know what the fuck it is? Ridiculous. Fucking ridiculous to tell people what they can do with their that and that [points to groin and mouth] and if you want to invite me here to do a show, you can fuck off. I’ll take your money, you can ban me, but I’ve done this before and it doesn’t feel good and I’m fucked off.”
Fan shot footage showed that after his speech, bassist Ross MacDonald walked over to him and then the two began to kiss. After their seventh song, ‘I Couldn’t Be More In Love’, Healy told the crowd that they had to go, claiming the band had “just got banned from Kuala Lumpur”. The 1975 then left the stage.
Malaysian law criminalises sexual activity between people of the same sex, with its penal code criminalising “carnal intercourse against the order of nature” and acts of “gross indecency”.
This is not the first time Healy has spoken out against anti-LGBTQ laws in another country. In 2019, the singer kissed a male fan during a show in Dubai, defying strict anti-LGBTQ laws in the Arab state.
Footage of the moment showed Healy inviting the fan to hug him, before the pair shared a quick kiss.
Homosexuality is illegal in Dubai and is punishable with up to 10 years in jail.
Posting on Twitter after the show, he wrote: “Thank you Dubai you were so amazing. I don’t think we’ll be allowed back due to my ‘behaviour’ but know that I love you and I wouldn’t have done anything differently given the chance again.”
He added: “But who knows maybe they will let me back in let’s just wait and see."
CAN WE KILL THIS FUCKING GUY YET?? First the "ironic" Nazi salute to "dunk" on fucking Kanye, and now endangering queer people left, right and center?? HE KISSED A MAN ON STAGE IN SAUDI ARABIA AND THEN FUCKED OFF?? Is that poor dude even okay?? Did healy want to make him the target of a hate crime??? To be chased by police???? Now THIS???
He cheated a whole mess of people out of their money and pissed off and embarrassed a super religious conservative country where homosexuality is criminalized ON BEHALF OF "GAY RIGHTS??? Painting a huge target??? On Malaysian queer people??? And then fucked off?? Affecting not only his own fans but the festival staff and organizers, the vendors, the rest of the performers, future shows and festivals??? Because he didn't know what country he was booking shows in??
Edit: He just got the festival shut down entirely. The music festival that was one of the few arenas where young queer people and artists got to express themselves, and a whole lot of poor vendors were depending on for some income. Stories already surfacing about the indie performers in the line-up affected by the shut down, including one musician who was planning for it to be her comeback performance dedicated to her mother after her death. Other concerts already scheduled and paid for the coming days are also now imperiled. All this so he could launder his reputation as a racist antisemite using queer people.
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milfyspamton · 1 year
nazis should kill themselves i dont care
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