#they arent creepy or gross or anything like that
blusical · 1 month
ngl gossip blogs are probably the worst thing about hockeyblr
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vaugarde · 8 months
for a romhack thats supposedly about darkrai, eots is reallyyyyyyyy obsessed with chatot. it also reallyyyyyyyy hates chatot.
#we gave the game an unreliable protagonist and narrator who is meant to be kinda terrible bc this is an ‘’off’’ take on the game#meant to feel uncanny and its supposed to be uncomfortable and creepy when the guild members reject you for your behavior#but god chatot is apparently sooooooo nasty and evil and lazy and corrupt we gotta introduce a whole new guy#just to back up the hero that yep!!! hes evil incarnate and nasty!!#the hero is unreliable except for when we wanna vent abt the characters we dont like#its not even that i like chatot and want to defend him it just feels so exhausting and weird#like i thought this was about darkrai why are you spending all these scenes talking about how chatot is horrible and mean#im sorry im not over brelooms backstory. its supposed to be unfair and gross and ik he didnt exactly deserve to get evicted or anything#but seriously???? it comes across like a teen throwing a fit that his mom asked him to do the dishes for one night#and then got upset when the dishes werent done the next morning and asked their mom why she didnt just suck it up and do them#i feel like a factor here is that people forget that the apprentices arent kids. even hero and partner while implied to be young can be seen#as young adults but everyone else comes across like an adult to me. so its not like theyre exploiting babies#echoed voice#it sucks bc other than this i like this romhack quite a bit! i think the stuff with hero is really interesting#i like the second timeline i like the uncomfortable changes i like how you actually make partner worse as an inversion to the vanilla game#but when the chatot stuff happens it takes me out of it. free my man he did some bullshit but not all that
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corvidares · 1 month
thoughts and feelings about fnaf: into the pit
(spoilers! talk of endings!)
so, while i enjoyed playing this game a lot, i am left feeling dissatisfied in a lot of ways, mostly in relation to what the hell just happened
on the side of things i LIKED:
the pixel style!!! good god this feels so perfect for fnaf. obviously we've always had the minigames in the retro style, and while fnaf has had a fine enough "look" for years, i really hope to see more stylization like this. the pixel art and animations are beautiful and full of character
there's a lot of visual detail, both in the sense of easter eggs (of course) and background clutter. fnaf games are always good at having gross settings, and this definitely does that. even the cloud of dust that pops up every time you jump in the ball pit is yucky, lmao
speaking of details, the sound design is also VERY good. it conveys a lot of what is not seen; the closer you get to a kid thats been captured by spring trap (pit trap? guys idk what to call him) the more you hear their cries and whimpers. of course, as always, sound is a part of the gameplay too, helping you know if spring trap is close and that you need to hide
the writing in terms of dialogue and such is good! i like that oswald is.. well, he's kinda dumb. rightfully so, for a kid! he does things that arent always logical, it takes him a hot minute to figure out that hes in the past, etc
its also genuinely distressing and sad to see him suffering, to see him try to tell his mom that something is deeply wrong, only to be brushed aside because (presumably) the possession magic is invisible to adults. to see his trauma get worse and worse as the days pass; nightmares, visions, straight up sleeping through his school day because he's been up all night! even his idle sprites are always sad and scared
the gameplay itself! the learning curve felt appropriate, i liked the strategy of using the noise makers, hiding, and the vents. fwiw i did play the "creepy" setting which is essentially easy mode. but i still died plenty, its not a complete cakewalk or anything.
the classic fnaf snark sense of humor is definitely here in this game, and i love it. the achievements? hilarious. the tips on the loading screens, jeff's entire character?? good stuff.
misc things i noticed:
for whatever reason, after night 1 i had a constant "bloody/strain" filter at the edges of my gameplay. not sure if this is like, random? game footage ive seen doesnt have it, and one even had a different filter. not sure what to make of it, it seems odd to just be a meaningless, randomized detail?
i got one glitch: after checking the cameras while the other kid is in security with me, oswald's sprite didnt reappear and i couldnt do anything. so i had to restart the game lol. not major, and i have no idea how common it is. otherwise everything was quite functional iirc
regarding the more critical side of things.. im mostly frustrated. now, i know fnaf, i know it never serves you answers on a platter. i know theres always an abundance of easter eggs and secrets (which i have tried to research, tho the game is still new). but upon finishing the game and seeing all the endings, i realized i didnt get answers about a lot of things i thought i would. for example;
where the hell is foxy??? the other core three are there and get added as enemies when you progress. his stage is present and some kids at the past party mention they miss seeing him. but he's not on ANY of the imagery throughout the pizzeria. in fact, we don't see him at all. if i didnt know who foxy was, i would only know his name. the only exception might be some empty masks in the backgrounds, but honestly i doubt it. this seems.. really strange to me. ill elaborate later
why did spring trap tie up oswald's dad? what was he going to do to him? did.. did anyone even die? oswald rescues everyone!
this is probably silly and i acknowledge that. but what was up with the giant spider jump scares..... i assumed itd be a new enemy or something but nah. THAT SPIDER WAS TOO BIG. WHY
what was oz's dad doing this whole time? was he trying to escape at some point? why is his shit all over the resturant?
onto just general critiques:
the gameplay did get a bit formulaic and sometimes fetch quests felt repetitive and/or like busy work. like why did i have to get five different sets of keys. bruh
the story has a lot of plotholes. and again, this is fnaf, these games have always looked like swiss goddamn cheese. but i can still be frustrated about it
for example, how is time passing in the past versus the present? IS it passing if we're not there? how do we affect the past? why does no one in the present acknowledge what happened here?? did spring trap get caught in this timeline? did anyone die? was oswald always a part of these events or did he change the timeline? this is presumably the first four/five murders, but a lot doesnt add up. is there a timeline where oz is one of the murdered kids? in the bad ending, he gets possessed, but not stuffed in a suit.
how does spring trap's possession even work? back then he was still alive and perfectly mortal... right? but then again, he supposedly strangles himself in the end, then leaps back to life to kill jeff? huh???
why is spring trap so animalistic? he doesnt seem human, and his eyes glow, which i dont think is something that suit can do (though i could definitely be remembering wrong)
speaking of which, i dont think the og four's eyes glow either, but they do in this game.
the "true good" ending does not make any fucking sense, first of all. second of all, considering the amount of work one would have to do to get it, it is extremely minimal. if i had done all that and only gotten a slight dialogue change as well as a "yay happy eating pizza at jeff's" scene i wouldve been PISSED.
also, speaking of not making sense, im sorry but oswald's lie to his dad about what happened is so obviously not true. why does he not question this at ALL? ESPECIALLY considering he has a fucking CHUNK OF HIS ARM BITTEN OFF. we see in jeff's ending that that shit bled a fucking lot! was his dad too concussed to call him on the obvious lie of "you fell and hit your head". and if he was, he would OBVIOUSLY NOTICE LATER THAT FIVE DAYS HAVE PASSED. AND THAT SOMEONE WAS WALKING AROUND PRETENDING TO BE HIM. WHAT (and dont say "oh he thinks he just lost his memory of those days" YOU DO NOT LOSE HUGE CHUNKS OF MEMORY UNLESS THERE IS MAJOR BRAIN DAMAGE OR TRAUMA. UH UH)
while talking to my gf, we came up with a couple theories.
one, she thinks its likely this game had more planned. and i agree - the missing presence of foxy is the biggest indicator, in my opinion, but theres other things too. for example, despite the fact that we're never able to enter the library or mill, both places have a map that can be pulled up when you press the map button outside those buildings.
the mill, especially, obviously has a ton of animatronic parts in the trash, and we all know that can be important... it seems to be too big a thing to be a simple easter egg, but what do i know.
another thing that feels way too big to be an easter egg is gabrielle; the girl who gives you a notebook with information about the animatronics (not foxy :( ) that provides hints for later. she mentions that her grandfather was a technician that worked with them back in the day. he never talks about it now though (the ONE acknowledgement we get in the present that bad shit went down!!!)
like.. is this henry? someone else? SURELY that is not a random guy. but it's a one and done interaction. i thought, when meeting her, that she would become a friend and ally, that we'd be able to learn more. the writing seemed to slant that way, but no. we're never able to talk to her again afaik
all this lends itself to the idea that the game was pushed. i can perfectly picture, like a year ago, someone telling the team "fnaf 10th anniversary is august 2024, get it out for then" and them having to cut stuff they had planned (but perhaps not developed, as afaik there are not missing assets showing foxy or the other things mentioned)
which is obviously a shame, and if thats the case i of course commend the team! this is a great game, especially if it was rushed. but this is becoming a pattern with fnaf games, and considering this is such a big successful franchise, that should not be the case.
anyway! overall, i truly did enjoy playing into the pit, and im very glad it was my first experience playing a fnaf game myself rather than watching a playthrough. and there are secrets that seem to be deliberately cliffhangers, in true fnaf game fashion. such as the photo that stuns spring trap, or the minigames.
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corens-relisten · 1 year
MAG 18 The Man Upstairs
even on the relisten, knowing Jonny doesnt do stuff like that, i thought this was abt God lol. probably on person, but idk.
OH THIS IS. THIS IS THE MEAT ONE, YEAH? omg yeah i remember this one. properly gross. it stuck with me, definitely longer than most of em did, but im not too sure why. wait, if i remember correctly, this one didnt have anything really supernatural, huh? just an old man stapeling meat to his walls. and floor. im just at... less than half the ep rn tho so im just guessing haha
spoilers now!
so. this is the Flesh and the Corruption, i think! its kind of obvious, bc. flesh and rot. its perfect for them. initially, i thought that combos like this werent possible, but thinking back, it should've been obvious.
anyway, i feel like carlile is a name to remember. hmm
oh?? martins home sick?? awe my poor baby. i cant believe its already started.
EDIT! something i figured id mention (and then forgot) is that jon seems. too invested? of course, we all know he does his little voices and gets in the mood of statement giving, but he specifically says something about his lunch. people arent usually that affected by just reading about gross stuff. even here, hes quite touched by the Eye, huh? already feeling what the statement givers feel. does that mean they suddenly get nightmares of him?
spoilers over
oh thats how its supernatural. the pile of meat had eyes. that opened. yup definitely creepy spooky and not possible! but, jon specifically says that "theres no evidence that it didnt happen" huh. hes letting his mask of skepticism slip.
anywho, my offering! im at work today, so i dont have any drawings i can really share, so heres comedy (not mine)
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this one's spoiler-free and hitting hard rn so!
anywho, have an amazing day!
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scentedchildnacho · 8 months
They were talking at lunch about mt Soledad meal and it's size so i admitted their serial killers their Helter skelters and they have been putting my name on mass murder lists like aids for years and that was the newest attempt at killing the poverty problem off its disgusting to get away with theft and so they start looking like a whole district to asylum
Anyway I was watching Tubi about happy marriages because Milwaukee police are very conservative that way I may look into date ing but I shouldn't practice or emulate it....its not an enjoyed hospitality compared to conservative values of respect hard work and decent benefits
Ive went on dates before and I didn't feel disrespected but I didn't feel loved and companioned and it's just boring compared to modernity and bloombury Virginia woolfe love is truly the greatest thing in society and everything ever achieved is about truly loving someone
People who finally hear an ambulance as a sign of hope and conflict ending is about someone who truly loved their family
Anyway....this couple on this happy marriage show explained they emigrated from Africa because the conflict was so bad they were dispersed from one another and their home communities.....and they explained the flights over head arent just drone sound bombs their going into rural areas and dropping explosions and the people here are doing the best they can having been forced up against the coast.....
But he just explained wanting to be around her mannerisms and disposition and she was just so greater then getting upset about conflict and just very detached and indifferent so rebel girls promised me I would be given this African ability so I'm glad my western consciousness was disrupted by that otherwise I would have hyper emotional expectations all the time ...
I saw him again and he explained the nurse wanted him to get his blood pressure medications.....so i said I never view anything as medical anymore though I am a crazy person....i believe in prayer and personal angels that kill those men for being gross dudes it's man and it can only be a gross car tel dude
My skin condition deteriorated here but God finally got rid of the city to my skin so that's healing.....and I get from the creepy dude bomb rush here these horrible depressive adrenaline anxiety panic rushes till i sink into depressive nothing do not be naive truly those gross disgusting weirdos like the flower hat guy and bald skin head freakshows do not be naive those things appear to just be a beater and truth is they envy anyone who has a soul and steal it because truthfully things that weird may not have anything but the worst here
But it's okay it's just a call to creationism....something very despiritualized infects the hare Krishna till I wonder if the indigenous children there need simple taking care of
That's me about the people's from India......their always in the migrant virtual media cage just very corporate something
I don't like how the states zones cities to where the Indians live if it's the Indians always already desolate and for militaristic expertise
Anyway I said leaving me with a cart to survive is so antiquated of women's rights that can't possibly happen this day in age and I really want to emigrate the way the African marriage did there was conflict so they were like I may have housing education and a decent life and just came here and did that so I need to take that attitude and go somewhere that will give that to me instead of a creepy rape hick nasty dude world
Then the outside security kept 🔒 ing a porta people couldn't piss in a urinal and someone could have gotten out of the storm and they kept locking it on people in need so God came with storm and smashed up their tent rain protection
They kept trying to force us into portas with urinals in them....so God kept smashing up their tent if Satan wins easy body organs
That's me about God as an existent their nasty worthless people that blame abstractions not themselves till it's look He is the storm God and that's all powerful instead of reefer
Did reefer make the hovering guards go away or did God....Storm God did
He said he would want to live in Europe....I said the Europeans are so far ahead as far as social engineering everything there uses less land or square acres to accomplish something simple but you walk in and never feel crowded or oppressed with too little space
You walk in and it's like spacious and accommodating
Their so far ahead about appropriating Asian ideas about rapid population growth
Well western culture isn't doesn't inherently conserve so more can be given to communal purpose like going out and celebrating
I wouldn't want to be a European union citizen though something about it is very difficult like she has to survive a gun shot wound before she could emigrate to London
Europe is very very very expensive that way you have to truly sacrifice everything to be truly welcome there that's Europe about being a nice place to live it's like a heaven
I thought about going to south America......but all of this will all start fleeing south
And the point is so nasty butt fuck druggy freak creep finally has to be apart of a meritocracy to be in people's lives and having to stay around here will just be more butt fuck homos always trying to to escape their own punishment by killing feminine kind
So I' think I will have to emigrate extremely or nasty fuck show will try to forcibly go to everything is coed smoke ville
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takeyourhands · 4 years
female f/os are so often not talked about in the community? like, so often all i see are male f/os being talked about, so, hey, shoutout to all the people with f/os who are female! platonic, romantic, familial-- all of them are valid!!
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whorangecassidy · 4 years
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prxshipluv · 3 years
🦋[Back again and here to tell you youre amazing and that your fictional ships dont determine who you are as a human being <3]🦋
🦋[Incest shippers are super cool, you arent harming anyone by shipping this stuff, its okay to like this in fiction and be repulsed by it irl <3]🦋
🦋[Age gap/minor+adult shippers are amazing and deserve the world, you arent hurting any minors by shipping this, we know its fiction and you are absolutely NOT a predator for this <3]🦋
🦋[Abusive/toxic relationship shippers are awesome and deserve to be happy, you arent condoning nor hurting vicitms by shipping this, its perfectly okay <3]🦋
🦋[Yandere shippers are so fuckin pog, this is abit specific but i have a soft spot for yanderes, and just know you arent harmful or being harmful to anyone for shipping yandere things <3]🦋
🦋[Shippers who turn wholesome ships problematic are so creative and fun, you arent a bad nor toxic/abusive person for doing this, youre wonderful <3]🦋
🦋[Shippers who turn problematic ships into wholesome ones are super lovely, i never understood the issue with this anyways but just know youre such a sweetheart if you do this <3]🦋
🦋[Shippers who age up characters for any reason are amazing, youre not weird for this at all <3]🦋
🦋[Shippers who age down characters for any reason are valid, youre not yucky or gross or disgusting for this, its fiction and your own mind/imagination, have fun with it <3]🦋
🦋[Selfship-proshippers who selfship with yanderes are pog, cause same <3 its ok to love them in fiction, you arent weird or creepy or anything, youre valid <3]🦋
🦋[Selfship-proshippers who proship with villains and/or non-human characters are valid and super cool?? Like wow, thats just so awesome???? Your f/o(s) are super rad, and they love you <3]🦋
🦋[Selfship-proshippers who selfship with abusive/toxic and/or familial characters are valid and cool, i know you wouldnt do such things to your irl partner and ik you wouldnt do such things to your family, dont worry, its okay <3 fiction doesnt determine how you are morally <3]🦋
🦋[Adult selfship-proshippers who self ship with a minor character are completely valid, theyre fictional and im positive you wouldnt like minors irl, you arent a predator <3]🦋
🦋[Minor selfship-proshippers who self ship with an adult character are valid, you arent dumb/oblivious/unknowing, and im positive youd know better irl, theyre fictional, and ive been in your shoes before, its ok <3]🦋
🦋[Selfship-proshippers who age up their minor f/os and/or age down their adult f/os are super valid and its perfectly okay to do so, its your f/o, they love you no matter what, have fun and enjoy them <3]🦋
🦋[We as proshippers know this stuff isnt okay irl, and absolutely dont condone it whatsoever. Whether it be for comfort, to cope, or for fun, just know its valid and that youre not a terrible person at all for shipping it. Ily, drink some water, eat something, get some sleep, and just take care of yourself. Youre worth it <3]🦋
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whatisgoingonpaul · 3 years
Looking at the deleted scenes
so my last post looking into a scene to hear what they said was a deleted scene and that honestly got me on a kick now about looking though them all. This one is mainly going to be just taking about them/details more then a what I heard post. So here we go.
1- fighting over rooms
This was in the script and the book but never made it into the film, Sam was in the room Michael wanted and they fought for it. So this scene is the context behind Sam bolting down the stairs “MOM PLEASE! Ma! You gotta help me!” “S o o n”
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Sam’s got a serious comic collection, which he organises(I see the hulk but no Batman)
Sam mumbling the song he later sings in the tub!! (Ain’t got no home)
“oh no no no, this is MY room. You, spidey and richie rich and the rest of the boys are outta here.” Michael I love you.
“My way or the highway bud” Sam I love you
Sam bites this man in the leg- Michael also notably mumbles ‘lil shit’ as his brother rushes away laughing
Y’all I am in LOVE they are literally just siblings
2- Kitchen that night
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This was also script/book. I mean duh because it’s a deleted scene. Basically just talking after dinner
Lucy has two big pictures of her mother ‘hi mom’
Sam is trying to fix the stereo but it keeps popping also Sam wearing the bandana! Cutie lmao
The stereo starts playing lost in the shadows (also like how when Dwayne hits it, it plays good times)
Michaels “sammmmmmm”
Michael just “I dunno if I’m going back to school” he dead ass went ✨I wanna drop out✨
Sam swoops in and starts dancing with Lucy it’s to cute I’m gonna explode
Sam and Lucy dragging him in , Sam straight up head locking Mike and Lucy’s dance is gonna
3- extension of Michael following star
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Honestly this should have stayed in. It gives star a bit more character and it also makes Michael slightly less creepy in his actions. THIS IS WHERE THE PHOTO OF LADDIE COMES FROM!
Star: are you following me?*laugh*
Michael, confidently: yea, I am
How star is laughing and smacking gum watching this dork
Laddie like :0 the whole time
The way she says “well, talk” In a half laugh
SAM ACTUALLY CUTS THEM OFF FROM THEIR CONVO WITH “moms here” that’s why she goes off
“She wants me , all of me” - Sam Emerson 1987
4- Michaels job
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Self explanatory, honestly I think this scene should have been kept in for little more past actually establishing that the movie is longer then a few days. Really it’s more like a few weeks
The drunk dude laying on the beach left over from the night before
Hhhhhhhh shirtless Michael hhhhhh
This kid is trying to read a comic in the ocean
Sam gets splashed by the surf nazis
Michael gets tricked by hair lmao
5- video store that afternoon
Weird note but Maria is called Marie? However in all media she’s called Maria??
Marie gives her little backstory, how she owes max
Max is busy during the day you see
Lucy is such a sweetie “there’s my boys! :D” “my sons my sons”
Michael trying to give Lucy his left over Christmas money and all that 🥺
Sams “bye mike!”
6- talking again
Second night extended talks
They used to come spend summers in Santa Carla
M: where’s your little brother?
S: hes not my little brother
The audio cut out :(
Grandpa asks Lucy about her boss “oh you know him?” “Oh I’ve seen him around”
“Yea if i knew I was gonna live this long I woulda taken better care of myself”
8- morning
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Sam watching the stuffed mountain lion
Nanook going after the rears of the stuffed hunting dogs- sir-
“Chill out Nanook”
Sam gets noosy and looks in on the Taxidermy and Grandpa chooses to gross him out lmao
“Nanook, this is my life , I come from a broken home. My mom works all day, my brother SLEEPS all day and my grandfathers possibly a alien who stuffs chipmunks” SAM I LOVE YOU
Sam sneaks a bit of grandpas weed
I’m going to sob I’m gonna sob it’s like a bit of the leaf! Sam baby never change
Grandpa walks in- Sam gets offended and tells him to stop with the Indian walk (this implies that he just straight up sneaks up on Sam non stop lmao I love him)
This blends into the “let’s go to town” scene
9- Michaels “morning after
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The video I’m watching titled it this and I’m losing my shit so I’m keeping it. ALSO AGAIN THE MAGGOTS AND THE BRIDGE SCENE ARENT ON THE SAME NIGHT. THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN KEPT IN TO ESTABLISH THAT
Michael not being able to lift his weights
“I can’t remember to much, not after the Chinese food that looked like maggots” Sam slowly putting down his apple lmao
“Hey mike, you think grandpas a alien?”
Mike “mom and I didn’t wanna tell you two early” lmao
Nanook and Michaels salty feet. I still don’t get this part
“That was some pretty funky Chinese food”
Mike just placing his full hand over sams face
Went over this last night
Max having thorn sit shot gun
His baseball cap that’s it just his hat
11- max and Lucy date pre phone call
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Again for  character development , like star. Like he doubles as a love interest and villain you think they’d leave the little parts with him in it in the movie
Max saying “I know what it’s like to be alone”
He says protecting mother in Latin(I think?) then English - NERD
“Lioness with her Cubs” she laughs THEYRE REALLY CUTE- STOP
“I think my mothering days are just about over” “well, they don’t have to be” SUBTLE
Max trying to show off with a fancy order shsisososososos
Max goes all out and spoils with the expensive order and Lucy is all !!! ☺️ no one touch me
They’re actually really cute and it makes me so mad they cut out moments like this for him and star? Because even with these they don’t get that much time but they get that much more character
13- Mike they’re here! Introductions
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Should have been kept simply because there’s a huge gap
“This guy looks more like a zombie”
“Should I run him though?”
Mike is so sarcastic
“David! It’s David isn’t it?! He’s the leader! David ansisosososoos” mikes deflated “yea”
In conclusion these all should have stayed in the film and I am still upset over this. Also if there’s any more or any one that I missed: gimme
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weeb-writor · 4 years
Bakugou Meets his Future Kids
Hiya! Long time no see! So I’ve been gone a while and today I was actually supposed to post the last part in the Aizawa mini series. That wont happen today because unfortunately even though me and my whole family have been super safe and only go to work and home I did test positive for Covid-19. I'm okay though just really drained and this was easier for me to finish. I'm hoping to have the Christmas fic up by the 28th at the latest, so sorry about that! For now I hope you can enjoy this! The kids do call reader mommy but there is no assigned gender! Anyone, any gender can be a mom!
Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
He meets his kids from the future in a troubling way
Words: 1896
It was supposed to be a normal day and it was for about 10 seconds. About 11 seconds in Bakugou had somehow been wrapped into a trip to the mall with most of the class. Bakugou prided himself on being a strong immovable boulder but when you asked could he come… lets say he had a temporary weakness. Now here he was at the food court as you all argued over what to eat.
“Is there a place that sells soba?” Todoroki asked.
“Even if there is, we aren't eating there! You always eat that!” Mina said, pointing at the boy who looked back a little deflated.
“I think we’ll be okay getting soba, his obsession with soba is super cute!” you said with a small laugh. This had Bakugou craning his neck. Only ever eating one thing was not cute, how could you think that!
“Like hell we are, Come on Y/n were getting a burger.” Bakugou said standing and pulling you away you didn't get far before you all heard someone crying and yelling. You and the rest of the class looked at each other once before you dashed in the direction of the cries. Arriving on the scene you see 3 kids surrounding a boy who was crying while one was holding back a girl who seemed to be crying in anger. 
“Hey what the hell is going on here?” Kirishima said in a scolding tone. The kids turn around and pale probably recognizing the group of soon to be Pro-Heroes.
“Nothing we should be going, later losers.” The kids said quickly scattering into the crowds at the mall. The girl quickly ran to the boy's side still crying.
“It's alright, you don't have to cry, I have a first aid kit if that helps.” You said trying to console the kids. At your voice both of the kids looked up at you before tackling you in a crushing hug, sobbing even more. You looked up at your class confused; they only shrugged at you.
“Mommy! I'm sorry, I took Hiroyuki from school and we followed you and then we got hit with that big scary guy's quirk and then we ended up here and we been here for like 2 days. I'm sorry!!” The girl cried, rubbing her eyes furiously.
“Uh um sweetheart, I'm sorry you got lost but my teachers will help you. We’ll find your parents I promise.” You said rubbing her checks.
“But you're our mommy.” The young girl sniffled.
“I'm not, you must be confused. I'm L/n.” You said, smiling at them as they seemed to tear up.
“That's not funny mommy, stop joking right now.” The girl said, shaking her head, more tears spilling from her eyes.
“Sorry kid they aren't joking, L/n doesn't have any kids.” Denki said, crouching to meet her eyes.
“Are you mad cause we didn't listen? Are you gonna send us away?” The girl said, beginning to cry even more.
“Stop making my sister cry!!” The boy said with tears in his eyes, the tears were short lived as explosion went off all around them. Everyone looked at Bakugou who was quietly watching
“It's not me, it's one of them.” He said with his teeth gritted. The class didn't have time to figure it out as the explosion stopped and they saw their teacher next to them.
“It’s always something with you guys. Hey kids I'm gonna need you to come with me so we can sort this out.” He said offering his hands to them which they didn't hesitate to take. The walk back to the school was relatively short and quiet. Now they were all sitting outside of recovery girls office waiting on some kind of news.
“I think i know what's happened. They kept calling you mom, right?” You nodded at her with a small smile.
“Well while I was trying to heal them I asked them some questions to make sure their heads were on straight. Their answers were very much incorrect to us but also not completely insane. For Example Dynamight, Deku, and Shoto are all top 10 heroes. The league of villains are no more and I'm dead. I examined their bodies and it seems they were hit with a time travel quirk from the looks of it. Not sure when it will wear off but my best recommendation is for them to remain under L/n and Easerheads care, I will check for any signs of it wearing off, every other day.”
“Huh? Is Easerhead their dad! Do you and L/n get married in the future?! That's kind of kinky…” Mineta said with a gross smile
“No, you creepy child. It seems they do like him though.” Recovery girl said with a sigh. You thanked her and went into the room.
“Hey, did recovery girl explain what happened to you guys?” You said as you approached them.
“Uh huh she said we went in the past to where you and papa were students. Like in the pictures on the walls.” The girl said.
“Mhm very good, so can you tell me your names? Then we can go hang out with my friends and eat something!” You said with a smile.
“Hiroyuki…” the boy mumbled.
“I’m Kaori!” The young girl cheered at you. You thanked them and guided you out the door and found your friends and teacher waiting. You led them to the dorm lunge where food was waiting on them.
“So which one of you have an explosion quirk?” Kirishima said as the kids were eating.
“We both do, kind of.” The girl said absentmindedly. “Mom says I make explosions from the heat of the food I eat, I like spicy stuff.” She said with a smile.
“Oh okay cool! But no spicy stuff for you.” Denki laughed at the girl who wasn't exactly happy.
“What about you, little guy?” Sero asked the younger one. The little boy looked at Sero before burying his face in his hands and shaking his head.
“Yuki, has a really cool quirk! Mom says he works like a gas stove! He leaks this stuff that's like propane! Then he can ignite it based on how he is feeling! Angry or emotional means bigger explosions! It comes from his pores or his hand.” The girl chimed in for her brother. He was upset at her words and ran to Aizawa.
“Sorry, we didn't mean to make you uncomfortable!” Mina said as she couched to the level of the boy who further hid his face into Aizawa legs.
“It's okay, kid, Bakugou has an explosive quirk, it's cool!” Denki said with his flashy smile.
“We don't care about that old man's quirk!” The girl said fresh tears on his face.
“What’d you say you little brat?! I’m not an old man!” Bakugou roared back to Kaori.
“You are a mean old man and I hate you! Its all your fault I'm stuck here without my real mom and papa! I hate you! I hate you so much Papa!” The little girl roared back before running back to you crying.
“Papa?” Kirishima echoed quietly.
“Kaori, you shouldn't yell at people or tell them you hate them it's a mean and strong word.” You said crouching down to her level and stroking her cheek.
“B-but it's all his fault. He said me and Hiroyuki were weak and and we couldn't do much because we're kids and it's best for us to stay out of Hero’s way! Like were burdens!” She said growing further agitated.
“And I was right, you followed your mom and you both got hurt when you shouldn't have been near the battle anyway.” He said with a frown.
“But that doesn't mean we are useless and can't do anything by ourselves! WE ARENT DUMB!” She yelled back at him.
“Future me didn't say you were dumb, he, I just want you to be safe. It's best for you and your brother to stay out of the way for now. However, that doesn't mean your a burden or dumb.” Bakugou said seriously. The little girl didn't say anything further and just threw herself into her your arms. Hiroyuki came from in between Aizawa’s legs and also threw himself at you.
“Okay enough mingling for today I guess, time for bed! I’ll be right back guys.” You said as you carried both kids off to your dorms with surprising grace. Once you were gone the group turned to Bakugou.
“Papa, huh Bakugou?!” Denki said with a chuckle.
“It's too surprising! I didn't even know you had a crush on L/N!” Mina said with a pout.
“Really? it was pretty obvious Bakubro had a crush though. Literal tiny explosions go whenever L/n is near.” Kirishima said with a cute head tilt.
“The hell they do.” Bakugou said angrily.
“No they do, I’ve had to stop them a few times now.” Aizawa said with his weird grin.
“I can't believe it though, they are so cute! Kaori is so much like you and I cant believe Hiroyuki’s quirk is so kickass!” Sero said rubbing the back of there necks.
“Well of course they got kickass quirks. With me and L/N as parents there’s no way they wouldn't!” Bakugou said flushed red.
“I'm just glad you cleared up everything with them. It would be pretty bad if they went back mad at the future you, or thinking something damaging like that.” Deku said with a sigh. Finally you were back with no kids, at least it looked like you didn’t have kids.
“So this parenting shit is pretty hard!!” You said as two figures came from behind your legs. They blushed before pointing to Bakugou and then back at your dorm.
“Use your words.” Bakugou said, cocking an eyebrow at the flustered kids.
“Story, Papa.” Hiroyuki slurred out.
“I'm sorry for saying I hate you… I didn't mean it.” The young girl said softly
“You better be, that's a strong word. Now let's go to bed.” Bakugou said nonchalantly as he picked up both kids and walked back to your dorm. The kids remained with you two for about a week and half. You learned lots like you and Bakugou have twins on the way and still want at least one more. Hiroyuki loves Aizawa because he is able to keep his quirk under control around him and they both have an addiction to cats. Bakugou is indeed amazing at everything except anger management. When they left it was during one of your cuddle sessions and boy did you cry like a baby.
“It’s been almost 2 weeks, where could they be?? What if they’re…” You said into Bakugou's chest.
“They’re fine, okay? Our brats are tough so wherever they ended up in time doesn't matter they’ll kick anyone's ass.” Bakugou said, trying to console you. You didn't get a chance to respond before you dogs went crazy at the knock at the door. You yelled for however it was to come in and you thought your mind was playing tricks on you.
“Don't worry they are just drowsy.” Aizawa said with the two kids in his capture weapon trailing behind him. Bakugou was the first to move and was on his knees, in tears in seconds.
“You idiots! Never, ever do that again.” He said hugging him like his life depended on it.
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lesberrian · 3 years
obey me with a teen cosplayer MC
MC is gender-neutral like always unless i get a request. also my bad for not posting anything for a while
Is used to all of it because of Levi
was not used to some of the gross comments you sometimes get because of it
if it was a demon, no one heard from them again. if it was a human, he had someone make their life miserable
Doesnt care when you go out in public in cosplay. He did have to get used to you doing it with Diavolo around tho
You have gotten him to cosplay on rare occasions. Even then he only uses his natural hair and minimal makeup
Secretly loved when he cosplayed as jumin han
Like the rest of his brothers, was no newbie to what cosplay is
gives you an easier time since your a kid (and he's favorite but shhhh don't tell goldie /j)
Gets you some gigs at his modeling company
When he sees how much he can make he starts doing photoshoots with you
when he hears how creepy some guys are at cons he becomes a bodyguard every time you go. 5$ to even get near and 20$ for a picture. he still needs to make money yall
uses that money to buy things at cons immedietly
after LOTS of convincing from the both of them, you've gotten levi and mammon to do trio cosplays
(pretend when you two met you were in cosplay)
Freaks out
He follows you on the human version of demontok
he doesn't post there so when you convince him to he blows up
Has you in all of his videos
Makes the costumes so you look just like the character
Unless you have your own design in mind... then he starts drafting the outfit
literally so supportive no matter if you look canon or not. feral cosplayer? omg yes hell do it with you a few times
Like the others, no gross comments are accepted and has had some peoples accounts deleted over it
I could write so much more and I just might he would have so much fun with a cosplayer MC
Doesnt really say much about it
does ask to see some of your videos/pictures
watches as you get into cosplay and makes videos, sometimes messes up you're videos and gives funny bloopers
your followers love him, I mean, he's a pretty blonde boy how can you not
only cosplays on certain conditions, like a follower goal in a week or a video that blows up
when he does he normally uses natural hair but isn't opposed to wearing wigs
researches the characters you cosplay so he can understand them fully
One word: makeup
if your a baby cosplayer and need help, go to him
if you arent or like how you do it, teach him how to your style
cosplays with you all the time, almost as much as levi
his followers were surprised with the cosplay content but ate it up
gained so many new followers on his first video
always makes POVS and goes live
takes you shopping for cosplay supplies almost every weekend, please don't ask where the money comes from
Kinda no opinion tbh
like he thinks its cool but he's not that interested
please beg him to cosplay ban, it'll be good for the econimy
if you succeed, people will love you forever
he does ask a few questions about what your doing sometimes like makeup or the character
Lucifer sends him with you during big conventions
either people avoid you because of him or a flock of people are around there's no in between
sometimes follows from a distance so you aren't crowed
didn't even know until he went to sleep in your bd while you were filming
"so... you're like levi."
Literally goes to sleep after
has not and will not cosplay because of the effort needed
"this is why I hate humans." he says after seeing comments or hearing some things people say to you
Also pls tell me if u want me to do the rest cast. i plan on doing it eventually but if u rlly like it ill do it sooner. and b4 requesting remember that 1. I'm a child and 2. i don't write romantic stuff for characters over 18 and men. (and obvi no nsfw stuff but that shld be a obvious thing)
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twopoppies · 3 years
Firstly No pressure to read any of the below it’s just a lil rant after I ended up on the wrong side of tumblr!! ( + I have ADHD and i forgot my meds lol so its a bit disoriented and all over the place) and no response necessary unless you want to!
Oh god I accidentally ended up on the wrong side of tumblr....never ever ever ever again, I went back so fastttt lol im laughing at myself rn for how quickly i clicked away from disgust
i ended up on a blog that stalks u and some other larries and says absolutely atrocious things abt louis (I can send u their @ if u'd like so u can block them) and fully bought the stunt bs happening rn and it was horrible obvs but like i just do not understand like it was so creepy gina and im just so disgusted bc why? yk?
like u were not joking abt anti's actually being obsessed with larries - like half this person's blog was talking abt you and amy and i was just so shocked cause why??? like mate come on what the actual f? get a life please?? (im quite new so im like just now realising how insanely weird and obsessed these anti's are)
Also it was just an overall eye opener for multiple things:
Starting with that 1. the way 1DHQ and 1D Management managed to alienate larries actually worked and i like knew but truly doing a proper deep dive and seeing multiple blogs hate on larries and like obsessively stalk us was insane?? Like they truly believe everything they’re being fed???
Side Note: Lowkey feeling very lucky to have had the education i have because even before i even joined this fandom i believed partially none of the relationships in the news bc like i knew abt this industry and how it worked yk? i mean its logic? i have so many mates that arent even in the fandom that know i am in the fandom and texted me when the articles started rolling out calling it out for what it was: A PR stunt
Hell someone i know whom i had never even talked abt fandom stuff/stunt stuff fully texted me making a joke out of it!!! like people who aren’t even in our fandom can see it and its just insanely surprising that if they can why cant the antis?? im just a bit shocked rn
both from 1. finding someone who actually believes in this stunt and 2. multiple blogs that fully commit their time to stalking u and other larries and once again i knew but fully seeing it
It made me realise that 1DHQ knew what the fuck they were doing when they were trying to alienate larries from the rest of the fandom, once again i am feeling extraordinarily grateful to have grown up with an education where i was literally taught to never trust anything and to always think things thru using logic - “does it makes sense to you? if not find out why, there usually a reason behind everything” my yr 9 english teacher used to say smth like that all the time and it just never left me bc she was always teaching us to judge everything and to take every piece of news we read entertainment or otherwise with a grain of salt and to always if we’re gonna give someone else our opinion or spread this information do our research (its what i am when i say i feel lucky to have had the education i have had)
Eye Opener 2: Anti’s are fully standing y’all u were 100% correct this is some next level stan behaviour if i’ve ever seen some, you’re famous gina!!
It is while surprisingly to realise that anti’s fully believe these things, more surprising to see how they treat larries bc why on earth would u treat any other human being this way??? like dont get me wrong they’re horrible ppl and i fully felt like sending them a message telling them exactly that but i would never bc i just dont want to make another person feel bad abt themselves even if they are that shitty of a person and it was very tempting
I just would like to understand why they feel the need to do this? like why hate on a whole other person? for what believing smth diff to u? having a difference of opinion? how tf are they gonna make it when they get a job??? like??? do u know how often i run into a person with a different opinion then me? it shouldn’t be that big of a deal! we should still be able to be friends with antis! but we’re not - not for lack of trying btw!! they’re just so mean and rude??? when i was in other fandoms when someone believed different things there was never this much hatred at someone for it!! hell there was barely any bc it was understood that it was normal to have diff opinions abt things and i just am truly fascinated by these ppl i swear they remind how stupid the human race can sometimes be not for what they believe (altho ngl a lil of that too) but for how they treat other ACTUAL human beings with different opinions to them
Eye Opener 2.5: Some people need lives, man like they proper do need lives and something to do maybe a hobby or smth? just like a life they need to get one of those and actual live it
and Eye Opener 3: I already felt this way but like even god damn stronger now you deserve a formal apology from both 1DHQ and the universe
and until we get that u deserve amazing things coming from the boys on your bdays to make up for it
Lastly Gina I hope you didn't read thru all that bc I couldn’t even read it over and thus sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes and I would also like to say that I love your blog and everything about you! you’re an absolute angel and one of the kindest ppl I have ever had the pleasure of well not meeting but stumbling across, you truly make this fandom a much much much better place with your presence (I shudder to think of it without u) that said if you ever need to take breaks or leave Im sure you already know but you should 100%
You first!!! Always! :)
Have a good day Gina, I hope its an absolutely amazing one!
Hi darling. LOL! Reading this was like talking with my kids when they don't take their ADHD meds. Lots of excited thoughts!! I loved it.
And yeah, that blog and their 4 followers are really... not well. But you're very right. 1DHQ made this fandom a breeding ground for people to hate larries and to think it's something Harry and Louis would both approve of. It's gross.
The gaslighting here is powerful, so thank goodness for fans like you who know to question what they're told and to look at things with logic and to do their best to see through their own biases.
Thank you for all the sweet words and your offer to kick butt (in your other message). I really appreciate it!
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doktorneek · 2 years
Moss creature here to say, let's focus on some positives. What are your fav things of bioshock 1 & 2? :)
just a few things off the top of my head cause if i sit down and think about it i will be writing a full on analysis lol
the worldbuilding in general is the main reason i like the first 2 games, i got obsessed with them super young before i was analysing games as games so just the setting and art direction and all these weird scary but believable concepts were something i loved a lot, i remember seeing the trailer for the first game on tv before we had the internet at my house so i had no way to look it up to watch it again so the memory of it was just mutating in my head as this scary underwater thing with a robot i was obsessed with wanting to see for ages, then when i saw the bio2 tv trailer i freaked the fuck out and spent like 3 days rewatching it on the internet channel on the wii bc i didnt have my own laptop lmao
how creative they got with making the science behind everything grounded, like the ghosts being hallucinations of memories stored in adam and the way plasmids arent just unexplainable superpowers
i love morbid scifi and transhumanism and body horror so the big daddies n little sisters were always one of my fav things just from anything, especially appreciate the big daddy process never being explicitly shown and we just get passive details like people being grafted into the suit/the voice modifier jack uses being this scary blender claw and all the stuff in point prometheus scattered about so ur imagination fills in the blanks
eleanor n delta as characters bc i love chars forced into rly tragic bittersweet situations… them especially in good playthroughs bc they both clearly love each other despite them initially being brought together through such horrible circumstances... charles and mark too
also tenenbaum my love my muse my everything i love that they let her be weird and gross and creepy and mean, eleanor too actually i was a weird annoying little girl eating crayons playing it and i was like wow she is literally me................
honestly… i kno people criticise the way they slotted lamb into things in bio2 but i think there was no better way to add anything as big as sofia. its the kindest and most respectful to the lore bio1 lays out as it could be and even tho it cut off a lot directions they could have gone with bio2 i love that they did as much with the concept of ryan trying to erase someone from raptures history as they could and played off that idea to give other characters interesting stories
the level design usually being a nice halfway point between a realistic layout for the locations that you can picture being lived/worked/walked around in as normal and a decent layout for gameplay in general
some of my fav ui design aesthetically, appreciate a game taking the effort to keep ui consistent with theme and art direction and i love the little instructional videos lol, same with some fallout stuff i love really obviously dangerous stuff being presented as a product with little mascots and logos and i love robb waters' artstyle for them and the achievements
theres a lot of instances of it through both games but stuff where mechanics and unavoidable gameplay necessities are woven into the plot, biggest example being the fact that bio1 essentially built its plot around the trope (? probably a better word for it but i cant think of it rn) of having a guide tell you to do things and you have to do them or you cant progress and that turning out to be a manchurian candidate deal where you were doing it because you were conditioned to follow orders, and that in itself being a huge plot point and it being written so tightly into the lore where it doesnt feel out of place because of the whole theme of genetic experimentation
theres obvs way more i could say but i dont wanna clog things with like 18 pages of stuff lol, ty for this ask though i do love writing about games i luv 💚
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deadscoutz · 3 years
The mind boggles at what kind of creepy loser:
-stalks someone's internet history for months just to find one or two comments of theirs on nsfw art of "bad ship" aka a consensual handholding fictional relationship between two fake cartoon characters
-stalks someone's 1000 person following list to find one (1) person who has "bad ships" then makes a performatively outraged "totally don't harass them just be mad with me and make death threats" post
-harasses non-english speakers into compliance because they don't know the stupid fucking asinine antiship/proship terms.
And the saddest part is this isn't even one instance, or one fandom. This is shit I see every month repeating over and over.
The most pathetic shit is people with "bad ships" or "bad kinks" of their own who join in on and enable harassment because they're afraid their shitty friend group will out them lmao. Or they think THOSE BAD PEOPLE deserve to be harassed, while them with their weird kinks arent THAT weird. Meanwhile they got their side account full of the same porn they talk shit about 🙄
It's not a matter of "it's just kids" cuz shitty kids turn into shitty adults unless you tell them they're being shitty. They're sending death threats to other kids too. And 75% of the time these kids are being taught by adults (who posit themselves as pure uwu safe for minors) to do this shit. And these adults constantly show kids weird porn "isnt this gross!!! Block this artist!!!" to get them to do their bidding. Creepy ass shit. Stop showing kids porn.
I wish people would put more effort into deplatforming assholes who advocate for real harm against real people. Like racist politicians, anti-trans hate groups, fuckass billionaires, all the child trafficking rings in hollywood. Anything, please. Put your fucking effort into real shit rather than stupid cartoon ship wars.
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yardsards · 3 years
how the FUCK do some ppl just be walkin around w their phones just fuckin naked no case no screen protector no nothing??? do you have THAT MUCH trust in your own motor control??? or are you just so rich and/or careless with money that the thought of replacing a shattered screen doesnt even faze you???
like i got a new (or. technically used but new to me) phone today and the case hasn't come in the mail yet and i am TERRIFIED. i feel like if i so much as breathe on it wrong it'll shatter into a billion pieces like the breakaway glass of a window of some poor unsuspecting office worker in an action movie that's supposed to look cool but really just leaves me concerned about how the hell you replace windows on a skyscraper like it's gotta be difficult right???
i feel like there's probably not much equipment built for that purpose because you don't reasonably expect a window on the goddamned 20th floor to get broken cuz it's not like little timmy from next door can accidentally lob a baseball through it like with a normal window. do you gotta rebuild the scaffolding that was there during construction? do you do some jerry rigged version of that weird harness thing that window washers use (do window washers even exist in real life in the modern day??? and if so is there a limit on how tall of buildings they clean?) but beefed up to support a fuckhuge pane of glass and at least 2 people to install it?
at that point it's probably easier to just track down the flying neon tights-clad asshole who decided that your window was an acceptable place to slam the evil dr. spiderfucker and demand he fly up there and fix it for you.
actually, do you think there are any superhumans who decided "nah, the whole hero thing just aint for me". and just used their powers to handle tasks that would be difficult for normal humans to do
like some lady with lightning powers just sayin "you expect me to bust my fuckin ass saving this city -for fucking FREE, i might add-" (sidenote, do you think any superheroes have a patreon??? like might be tricky if they got the whole secret identity thing goin on but you could prolly make bank) "and constantly getting injured because NO i'm not impervious or anything my powers are literally JUST lightning -and, y'know, medical bills arent fucking CHEAP and heroism aint got no insurance plan and the american healthcare system is a fuckin JOKE."
"and the whole time making some dickhead villain who calls himself some shit like roboclown form a personal vendetta against me. that he tries to make into a gross heteroerotic rivalry and he gets fixated on me and tries to figure out my secret identity- yeah, i'd have to make up some alter ego like a high stakes version of hannah montana, probably someth cliche like 'electra' (but not electra bc that just reminds me of sigmund freud and his idea of an electra complex. god. what a creep.)- so that he could hold my family hostage."
(edit: looked it up and apparently electra complex was made up by jung, not freud. freud rejected it, not because it's fucking creepy bullshit (which it is) but because he felt like the idea would make boys and girls sound too similar and we can't have that, now can we?)
"and i mean okay i don't technically have family cuz my parents died in some kind of obligatory backstory bullshit probably involving a laboratory accident that led to me getting my powers. and like, fuck marriage and kids. but roboclown or whatever could still hurt my dogs."
"you expect me to be a fucking hero and put up with that shit??? are you out of your fucking MIND? have you gone off your rocker, flew over the handle, or simply fell off the waggon? no. no. FUCK that. i don't care if you think it's my responsibility to be a hero i didnt ASK for this bullshit."
"i just use my lightning to generate electricity for the local power plant. only gotta work a couple hours a day and i make a FORTUNE. i have health insurance with dental and a 401k. no one forming grudges against me except oil tycoons. but like they could just bribe me to stop, it'd be much cheaper for them to bribe me than to hire an assassin ballsy and skilled enough to kill a bitch with electric hands so like. i'm not worried."
...anyway. if you don't have a phone case i don't fucking trust you.
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harrowharkboygf · 3 years
what if i say whiterose just for the drama O.O
(from this ask game)
oh this is what u meant by controversial shfjskg i see. okay let’s get into it!
why don’t you ship it?
hmmm like. i just don’t really see it ig idk. it’s not that i only like exclusively canon ships (that would be so boring shdjsjdks) but i do like a little canon basis yknow? some tension or flirtation or whatever, even if it’s just subtextual
and so with wr i could see it in volume 1 and maaaaybe in volumes 2 & 3 but after they became friends i just can’t see anything really Romantic, canonically or subtextually, abt their relationship. they’re good friends but there’s no yearning or flirtation there
also i’m sure ppl have mentioned this before but i feel like. hmmm im gonna choose my words carefully here bc i don’t wanna discourse with the rwby fandom at 8 something am on a wednesday but like. i feel like the wr fandom is a little,,,,, different than the bumbleby fandom. with bb there’s a majority of wlw (& most of the ppl who arent wlw know their place and respect boundaries and etc) and i dont super get that sense with the wr fandom which has soured my perception of the ship a little
(which is not to say that i think all ppl who ship wr are not wlw or weird/creepy/gross obviously !!)
why would have made you like it?
if there was any of the aforementioned yearning or flirtation or tension djfjgjdkgkfl
despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
i don’t love them together as a couple but i don’t want anyone to think i don’t love ruby and weiss’s friendship! i do !!! they really are best friends and partners and family and they love each other and i love that 🥺 i rewatched volume 6 recently and their little subtle arc of getting back into being partners & having fun together after being apart for so long is so cute!!! team rwby really is a family and they all love each other so much im :’)))
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