#they arent high hopes but they're there
mistyechoes · 9 months
I just spent like a full hour talkign to myself about my tmnt iteration jesus christ
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yeahdefnot · 8 months
My hopes to see the next pjo episode are not high given that it looks like disney forgot to pay the electric bill when filming the last two episodes
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it's fat tboy season fuckers I just dropped 50 bucks i dont have on shorts because all the ones I own aren't sexy enough
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d4rkpluto · 6 months
𝔰𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔱𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔲𝔰 𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔣𝔦𝔯𝔰𝔱 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢
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♇ people with sagittarius ascendants are seen as people with charisma, humour and wit, they're usually seen with a smile on their face, even if they could have a planet like saturn, pluto or an asteroid like lilith in their first house, there is still a smug essemce they carry. sagittarius ascendant people are seen as those who are generous, noble and understanding, but they can also be people who are arrogant, mean and too straight-forward.
♇ their self-identity involves them being explorers, people who have devotion to something they think is higher than them, and being people who are moralistic. even if there could be other sag ascendants with low morals, the one with the high morals sometimes have a moral high horse. they sometimes see themselves as judgement, looking upon and over people and critiquing other people's behaviours. their self-identity includes them being people who learn what the world is trying to teach them, they usually see themselves students of the world.
♇ the impression they make on others is being people who move with the wind, even if they can be people who question what life is supposed to give them, at the end they usually have the status of "it is what it is" and continue moving on with life. the impression they make on others is that they are individuals who are enthusiastic, expansive and philosophical.
♇ on one hand, their personality includes them being people who are intelligent, comical and being individuals who are spontaneous, though they could have the characteristics of being mean, pretentious and having high stands for everyone around them.
♇ the planetary ruler of sagittarius being jupiter shows that you would sometimes be deemed as a lucky person, even if you might not feel lucky, to people who do not know you, they might think the world works truly for you. you being someone who is able to get whatever you want, this can attract jealousy from other people. with jupiter being the ruling planet of your First House, you are someone who might have something big about you? could be a body party or a personality trait.
♇ when it comes to the appearance, i have described in the ascendants and their beauty post, that those with sagittarius in the first house have fairy/elf essence, being people who "might" have a horse face structure, but it could also be deemed as a chiselled face structure, especially if they pucker their face, it is a motion they do a lot. those with sagittarius ascendants have darty eyes and majority of the time arent that tall, but their figure seems tall. they usually do have really nice legs, and sometimes it is toned, i have noticed that much sag ascendant women have big chests.
♇ their personal ambition involves them wanting to become a better version of themselves, or see themselves in a rank that is better or different than the one they live in now. they might devote themselves to a belief, or could be the type of people who want to move from where they current live, as stereotypical as it sounds, sagittarius ascendants do like to travel and do hope to travel the world and learn about cultures that are different than theirs. some of them also could have the personal ambition of becoming known to the point of worship.
♇ as it comes to strengths and weakness, people with a sagittarius ascendant tend to have the strength that means them being people who are aspiring, cheerful and wise, could be people who strive for personal-growth. on the other hand, when it comes to their weaknesses, they can be people who are rude, lazy, and might think they're better than other people around them.
♇ moving on, they project their personalities to be people who are helpful and fun, even though they dont care that much about what other people think, they still like to have the feeling that other people do like them. so like libra placements, they sometimes do tend to people please, especially if they have a libra midheaven. on the other hand, they could project their personalities to be people who are all knowing, could sometimes behave like they're a guru.
♇ when it comes to how they view the world, they view the world as something to conquer, they're like pirates with how they want to explore the world and seas. and they can be people who usually view the world as half full than half empty, even if they can get into depressive states, with the scorpio in 12h, the jupiterian essence aids them to come back to their feet and move on.
♇ the first house rules the idea of self-image, sagittarius ascendants think themselves to be people who are above others, especially when it comes to under-developed sagittarius ascendants, and this could sometimes lead them into being people who are offensive than others. seeing themselves as people who can do anything without any consequences. yet on the more good side, they have the self-image of being people who are cheerful, and could think of themselves to be people who are future-oriented, seeing nothing but what could be for them. being individuals who are enterprising and influential, another indicator to why they could sometimes think they're better than others. but people do usually tend to be inspired by everything they do.
♇ lastly, the first house converses about the impact they have on other people, and as i have mentioned in the paragraph before this one, sagittarius ascendants are influential people, example, adriana lima, paris hilton, kim kardashian and princess diana. the impact they have on other people is to want to live their life or want to conquer the goals and ambitions they have set for themselves. another way they could inspire people is because they live life to the fullest and appear as free. people would want to follow the steps they have done to live the same life.
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do you have any advice for players who are interested in ttrpgs that arent d&d but can't find dms? i can get my friends to play news systems when i run them but sometimes i want to play! but my other dm friends just want to keep running ultra homebrewed barely recognizable versions of 5e
Yeah! There are a couple of approaches I'd recommend in this case.
Since you have other DM friends, you could go with the classic quid pro quo. If there's a specific type of game they're interested in being a player in, or a specific character they're excited to play, you could offer to run a game for them in exchange for them running a game that you'd like to be a player in. Usually this should be limited to games that are relatively fixed in scope. Neither of you is going to want to commit to running an unbounded campaign, but something that's gonna be half a dozen sessions or less feels more reasonable.
With the type of DM who runs 5e-in-name-only this is definitely high risk, high reward. On the one hand, the experience of running another game might show them the joy of running a game that doesn't need to be completely rewritten to do what they want, and you could gain a DM friend who is happy to run other systems. On the other hand, they might just completely house rule and homebrew whatever new system you persuade them to run, so that it's that game in name only as well, which is a disaster. And that's assuming you can persuade them to try at all, even with the bribery of running something for them.
The second approach is what I have called the Grinch technique: if I can't find a reindeer, I'll make one instead. I am regularly converting players to GMs, it is my not particularly secret agenda when I run games.
I find the biggest thing I can do to make this happen is to just be very frank about what I find to be the tools of GMing. Players often have a very grandiose view of GMing: the GM who preps tirelessly and meticulously plots a story and knows every detail of the world. I am very clear that I don't do that. I prep scenarios with a fragile status quo, and I react to how players interact with it. When it comes to obstacles, I don't make solutions, I make problems, and then I just handle how the players approach them. Most of what I do is reacting.
I tell this to all my players, in part just to calibrate their expectations, but if players show an interest, I'll invite them further in. I'll tell them about what documents I maintain over a campaign, what my prep notes look like, little techniques I've learned to make GMing easier. And I'll tell them about games I think they'd be interested in. And when I feel like they're really starting to see how everything I do is really not that difficult, I'll start nudging them in the direction of GMing.
The last approach is to just find online spaces dedicated to this kind of thing. I prefer playing in person to online, which is why I recommend the other two first, but the third approach is definitely easiest. @anim-ttrpgs runs a great book club discord for running indie games that you can check out if you're interested in that! Dedicated discords for the game you're interested in playing almost always have a looking for group channel as well.
Hope some part of that helps.
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electraslight · 7 months
fave bevin headcanons ??? ik u probably have answered this and dgaf but I love them and love hearing ur ideas and opinions they're always so great ☹️❤️‍🔥( im a lurker so I apologize for the lack of interaction !!!!! )
hiii taking a break in my no tumblr run to prosteleytize abt bevin, here are some loose headcannons
-kevin had a running joke going for a bit where he would not let ben out of the car until he gave him a kiss on the cheek aka Kiss Tax especially when people who weren't ben gwen and kevin were also in the car. he thinks the way ben gets mad about it is very funny, but it kind of backfires on him because ben stops getting mad and just does it and now every time he drives ben somewhere he gets a kiss. hes considering making the ride tax something more embarassing, like kissing with tongue.
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-kevin sleeps with such a wide berth that he will somehow be on top of someone during any nap, even if the person is sitting feet away. the only one who's ok with being snored and drooled on is ben, because he is constantly cold and appreciates a bro snuggle
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-ben and kevin do that scoobly do shit when theyre scared (a la jumping into each others arms n high pitched screaming)
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-u may at this point be like 'hey these aren't bevin headcannons this is just them doing mildly gay best friend stuff' and to this i raise u this: i feel like, if ben and kevin were to ever aknowlege their feelings for each other, they wouldn't be the type of ppl to 'date'. theyre kind of beyond dating at this point, arent they? their relationship isnt really defined by human terms, as theyre both distanced from a lot of human social norms (kind of teetering on the brink of human and alien) and also theyve been through so much shit it would be weird to suddenly go through the human rituals of 'hold hands and go to resturants and introduce him to the parents blah blah blah'. they're more than that, and the way they go about being in love is kind of the same way they're friends, still joined at the hip and ragging on each other, still getting into fights and willing to kill and die for each other. its like being best friends and being 30 year married people at once. theyre sure theres some alien word for it, but they dont really care. ben is kevins and kevin is bens, and thats how they roll. and they make out with tongue. duh.
(clarifying for ppl w no reading comprehension: they are in gay homo love but they dont put labels like 'boyfriend' or 'dating' on it bc once youve held another boys hand and made the choice to destroy your body to save him twice + your lover learned what it meant to be a hero from u and you are a symbol of hope for him and he is for u you cant really just be like 'heres my bae' now can you. relationship anarchy win.)
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shepherds-of-haven · 5 months
I'm a new player here and I've been trying to find some info on this through the tags but I wanted to ask: are hunter birth rates low in general or is more that people arent having 100% hunter kids? Idk why but in my mind I've been comparing them to pandas 😂
Hi there, that's a good question! The problem is multi-faceted, but simply put, Hunter birth rates aren't that high compared to other races, but not necessarily due to fertility reasons, if that makes any sense.
Here's a visual representation of pure-blooded Hunters who are capable of having pure-blooded Hunter kids:
⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤  But consider that many of these will enter service as initiated exorcists, and of these, some won't survive the rite of passage (which takes place around 15) and others will be killed in the line of duty before they settle down, marry, and have kids:
Now consider that, of the ones who do marry, some won't marry other full-blooded Hunters, meaning the kids they do have won't manifest Hunter powers (which is actually the main concern here, not necessarily that the Hunter people will necessarily go extinct, numbers-wise, but that their powers will dwindle out of existence over time):
And then consider that Hunters have a shorter lifespan than most other races, with old age, illness, and death beginning to occur in the 50s and 60s, meaning the period of time they even have to settle down, raise healthy kids, and protect them until adulthood is drastically shortened, especially if they also want to pursue their own careers and livelihoods, requiring they either start having kids pretty young (which not many Hunters naturally want to do unless pressured to do so) or meaning many Hunter kids are left orphaned young, which also affects their own survival slightly:
So all of those factors kind of come together to make it difficult to maintain a burgeoning population of pure-blooded, full-powered Hunters who inherit grace (again, not necessarily that people with Hunter blood are in decline). It should be noted that when two Hunters do start trying for kids, their fertility and reproductive rates are normal! It's just that the circumstances and odds leading to such a coupling (and the fact that more and more Hunters to fall in love with don't have full blood or grace with each passing year) are kind of stacked the opposite way, unless you make it your life's goal to have pure-blooded Hunter kids. That's why Halek faces such enormous pressure to marry Moonsilk and have kids: her clan is one of the last that have the high-born, pure Hunter blood that would suit Halek's line and would guarantee full-powered Hunter children, but it comes, of course, at the cost of Halek feeling like he doesn't have the luxury of falling in love with whomever he wants, since this urgent need has been impressed on him from an early age.
Hope that all makes sense! It would be hilarious if their problems were more panda-orientated ("we'll just show them videos and demonstrations of how to have sex! someone put on white wigs so they can learn, they're just clueless on how to do it") though lol!
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twobirdsflytogether · 2 months
I am simply rambling and throwing ideas, with the ever existing hope of a writer seeing and going "hm, yes. Yoinking this idea"
I need more Wednesday fics where Wednesday has bird habits/features, maybe even the ability to shift. Maybe the more bird characteristics came about after crackstone™, being truly a raven
Give her wings and feathers, collect shiny things, have a silly soft moment with Enid (and/or with Bianca) of them doing her hair and affectionately calling it preening. Subtly gifting small snacks to her intended throughout the day (providing food is a very common courtship thing and something ravens do). Learning to mimic other people's voices, a skill she'd utilize to get out of trouble or get her 'flock' out of trouble.
I know theres a few bird Wednesday fics, but there is never too many bird-ified character fics.
Lean into the 'black cat' typing, make her a werecat, maybe hit her with the double psychic and shifting. Have that line Enid says in the start, the "this kitty's got claws" be responded with a very annoyed "you're not a cat" from Wednesday as she brings out her own claws. Add another layer to their conversation on the balcony, of truly not understand why being a 'lone wolf' would feel bad as cats arent typically pack animals. Have silly little moments where she's just sitting really high up and people trying and failing to get up to her/find her, cause cats like being higher. Also obligated mention of silly catnip shenanigans.
Maybe she got turned into a werecat over the break, coming back to nevermore and having to learn to navigate these new abilities and instincts. Maybe add some extra trauma, of finding her stalker over the break and they're the one who turned her.
Would she be bound by the moon like the wolves or would her shifting be voluntary? Add a layer to the voluntary, have it be necessary for her to shift at least once a month.
I dont think I've ever seen a werecat Wednesday fic
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IF YOU write for hazbin x helluva boss could you do a oneshot stolas x raven!reader whos family only recently became royals and are treated as lesser by the other royal families. the ravens arent as fancy as the other families and dont really care about all the royal stuff so they're kinda looked down upon. they meet at some meeting or you can decide. and make this take place after season 2 episode 9 so blitzo and him have broken up at least for now. thank you a ton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I write for everything. That's why it takes me so long to write because I get a request, watch the entire show/consume the entire source material, then I start writing until I get a new request and the cycle continues. I am the Sisyphus of fanfiction. One must imagine forgetmyname happy. Anyways. Thank you for the request. I needed an excuse to watch season 2 of Helluva Boss. And shoutout to my favorite mutual for inspo for this I lowkey stole major plot elements from your story please forgive me. They're a better writer than I am so if you're interested in reading the inspiration for the latter half of this fic check out this. Also this isn't particularly romantic, just two straight guy cool guy besties (peak reference).
If the parties weren't bad enough, the meetings were. Was being a royal really worth it? Sure, immortality, woo. How nice it is to spend the next ten thousand years sucking up to other pompous avians.
Despite your less-than-enthusiastic outlook on royalty, being the youngest of your brothers made you the prime target for all the busy work one could hope for.
That's why you found yourself here. Due to your family's relative youth in terms of royalty, you're positioned to the very far end of an uncomfortably long table seating representatives from all the royal houses in hell.
What a bunch of pricks.
The etiquette that your parents had drilled into you from such a young age- you truly believe they conceived you to be the perfect little delivery boy to turn errands for them- is the only thing keeping you in your seat and this stuffy cape and outfit on your body.
After a wait that could have lasted from 15 minutes to 15 years, the host of this meeting finally makes his entrance. As much as you like to pride yourself in your blasé attitude, being in the presence of King Paimon is enough to shut you up and sit you down.
"Welcome everyone please stop your yammering and listen to me. God when did there get to be so fucking many of you." Paimon announces as he makes his entrance.
"As I'm sure a few of you know hell is currently experiencing some unfortunate economic... blah blah blah"
Could this get any more boring? As you fight to keep your eyes in focus you notice someone standing by the door behind you. It's one of Paimon's sons. Stolas. Long time no see. You and Stolas used to be close, but the weight of royalty split you two apart.
Wow, he looks just as bored as you. I guess being Paimon's son would mean you get dragged along to a lot of borin- "You! Raven boy. Not to be rude or anything but what do you people even do?" Your internal monologue is cut off by Paimon. You don't respond for a beat, internally laughing at how Paimon literally doesn't know who you are or what your family does but you still have to be at this stupid meeting.
"We keep the humans out of hell, Your Highness." You respond dryly. It takes you a second to even notice that you've responded. The line is so ingrained into your lexicon that it practically says itself.
"Right! That's the totally important job I gave your very... snicker... esteemed family." Paimon snorts out, barely containing his mocking laughter. A handful of other representatives stifle laughs at your expense.
Oh, the joys of being a Corvus Arcana. The least royal royal family in hell.
"Yes well, you're dismissed. You're needed for other important tasks. Prince Stolas will direct you. Thank you for your time." Paimon says with mock sincerity.
Oh. Stolas. Yes. You know Stolas. You're flooded with memories of the two of you back at the old "Center for Princes to be" It was a glorified daycare, really. You two got up to a lot. He taught you a lot about the starts, and bugs, and everything he read about. You taught him how to make spit balls and get out of trouble you put yourself in.
You rise from your seat, flipping your cape as you walk to the door. In royal etiquette flipping your cape at someone is somewhat rude. Exactly what you wanted.
The conversation behind you restarts as you reach the door. Stolas is waiting for you with a nervous smile on his face, almost like he's got bad news.
"Ah, I remember you! I didn't know it was you who my father was talking about! Let's head out, shall we?" Stolas remarks oh so professionally. He's looking right at you, using his eyes to try and convince you he's excited about your new task, but you know him well enough to tell he'd rather be anywhere else right now.
"To what do I owe the pleasure?" you respond sarcastically. Both of you know you were chosen for this because of your less-than-stellar family image.
"Ah! Well! You see- You were chosen for your... unique skills and inspired professionalism! Yes of course!" Stolas sputters out trying to respond without admitting that you were chosen because you're the trailer park trash of the royal family.
A smile creeps onto your face at the owl's half-baked response. He was never the most socially perceptive, even in his youth. You follow the tall owl out of the meeting room and down some of the winding hallways of Paimon's manor.
"Well hopefully my 'inspired professionalism' landed me something to do besides sitting in that room. How bad could it be? As long as it's not something stupid like stacking boxes." You respond lackadaisically. You look to Stolas for a reaction but he seems fully focused on looking at some dusty old paintings on the wall.
Then you round a corner into a freshly moved into bedroom. So fresh that boxes are strewn about. You look up at Stolas who's scratching the back of his head and looking anywhere and everywhere but your direction.
"No way. It's stacking boxes." You state dumbfounded.
"If it's any recourse I will be helping you unpack. That's our mission. Isn't that... heh... fun?" Stolas replies. You look him up and down. Both of you know how stupid this is.
You just sigh.
Twenty minutes later you're unpacking boxes. Your cape is discarded on the bed, the effort of moving boxes with both magic and your birdy body causing you to break a sweat, and as promised Stolas is helping. You can't help but sneak glances at him. He really has changed a lot since you were kids. He's a lot taller for one thing. Besides the obvious physical change, he seems to never have really put himself together. You can tell he's struggling.
Ruffled feathers, quick to anger, and somewhat mopey. To an average royal this would seem pretty normal. Royals aren't known for their vigor and lust for life. To you, these are signs that he's not doing so hot. Struggling to lift a white cardboard box labeled "FRAGILE!" the tall owl is surprisingly human- well, demon? Humanized? He seems a lot more likable than the rest of the royals.
You decide to break the silence. "So tell me. What's a big important bird like you doing unpacking boxes with lil old me?" It's almost self-deprecating the way you look down on yourself.
"Me?- Ah of course he means you- My father brings me along as a secretary of sorts to his meetings when I'm available." Stolas responds while trying to not trip over a box of pillows as he places knickknacks he got out of a box around the dresser.
You snort at his response. "I have a secretary but she doesn't unpack rooms." You banter at him. This seems to irk Stolas. "Yes well since my divorce it seems my father can't resist the urge to assign me silly tasks as if I were some child in need of a distraction." Stolas snaps at you. He drops his volume at the mention of his divorce, which has surely affected how he is perceived by the other royals.
Despite how peeved he sounds by your comment, it sounds more like he's disheartened than truly upset.
You had heard of his divorce. You didn't care. Your family was never huge on the whole arranged marriage thing. You weren't even married yet, which for a prince of your age was unheard of in most other families.
You smile, half sympathetically, half filled with schadenfreude. "Join the club." An uncomfortable silence fills the air after your response. Stolas was aware of how your family is treated. It seemed silly to complain about being assigned trivial tasks like unpacking a room to a Corvus Arcana. It's sort of like complaining about a paper cut to a man missing both his arms.
"I apologize," Stolas says.
"For what?" You respond quizzically. "For how the others treat you. Merely because your lineage is young does not justify the lack of respect or meaningful assignments they've received from the other royals." Stolas says.
The uncomfortable silence fills the air once again. Stolas had always been the only person to treat you like a true royal. Back in the day, he was the only one to play with you, share with you, or even really acknowledge you. You two unpack in silence. After another ten minutes of unpacking you finally can't take it anymore.
"This blows. Wanna ditch this stupid "assignment"?" You stretch your arms and let the box you were carrying fall to the ground with a thump. Stolas looks at you dumbfounded.
"Ditch? Like... 'play hooky'? No... I could never! I'm much to old for that type of behavior now." Stolas seems aghast at the idea of offending his father. You turn around and grin at him. "Oh like anyone's gonna miss us! There's a million servants around here that can unpack this dumb room. Let's ditch this. Or are you gonna tell me you're having a blast?"
"That's not the point. I can't just leave!" Stolas retorts.
"You're an adult now. Plus King Paimon clearly doesn't care what we're up to. No one's checked on us. C'mon, we used to do this all the time. It'll be like back then when we used to sneak away from the nannies at daycare." You rebuttal. You can see Stolas fighting with himself over what to do.
The look on Stolas' face is priceless. There's nothing quite like a royal trying to decide if it's worth doing something considered "non-royal".
"I suppose it's okay to leave unannounced... I read something about the human country of Ireland and how its people say goodbye without saying anything and-" Stolas realizes he's rambling. "Ah well... yes. I guess I'd like to leave."
You shake your head in mock surprise at his overly introspective response. "Follow me."
You two walk in silence for a moment. You're spending the quiet time considering your current circumstances. You and the prince of the Ars Goatia are playing hooky from a meeting neither of you were really invited to. Huh. Interesting spot you've found yourself in.
Conversely, Stolas is trying his best to keep his cool. He's not so used to just leaving these types of things. You two have also not spoken much since you were young. There was never any bad blood or anything, being a royal is just time-consuming.
Stolas follows closely behind you as you walk out of the castle. "So... if you don't mind me asking..." Stolas begins, waiting for your confirmation to continue. After a quick nod from you, Stolas furrows his brow, contemplating his words before speaking, "Your..." He pauses, searching for a diplomatic way to phrase it. "casual demeanor seems almost at odds with your status as a royal. It's always been quite intriguing, I must say. Most other royals tend to carry themselves with a certain..." He gestures with a hand. "formality, shall we say. Your informal manner is indeed a rare sight." Stolas asks you.
The owl's attempts at not offending you are admirable. "Well. My family is much younger than yours, as you know. While your family and all the others gained power at the very start of hell my family rose to power a short three hundred years ago. To put it bluntly, we don't really do all the royal stuff." You respond, trying to explain your family's situation.
"I see... fascinating." Stolas offers. The two of you make it out of the castle without another word.
You two find yourselves behind the castle. You hop up on a small ledge to see over the hedges. Stolas, being tall, can see over just fine.
"Well. The world's our oyster." You say. The night is fresh upon you and the city shines spectacularly below you. You look up at Stolas with a mischievous grin. "How quickly would your dad notice if his fancy schmancy car went missing?"
Stolas snickers at your question. "We'll just have to find out I suppose."
I don't really like how this turned out but I also feel like I say that after everything I write. I'm also pretty rusty (and slightly intoxicated). Life has been up my ass for like two years so that's where I've been. Once again, massive props to freakyfrye for a lot of inspiration behind this. I had no clue where to take it but I read their story and it was great! Worth checking out. Anyways I hope you enjoyed.
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destinysbounty · 7 months
GASP you have an “The Island” rewrite idea? TELL US EVERYTHING—
The Ninjago comics have some great ideas of other things that could have happened (like a boat race over lightning waters, a motorcycle escape from baby dragons, more on Misako’s pre-special adventures on the Island, etc.) but I’m so curious about your rewrite ideas :D
When we first got the trailer for The Island, I lowkey thought they were gonna take the "Misako goes missing and Lloyd tries to find her" premise and use it to at least briefly touch on their relationship. Which I was...cautiously optimistic for. Lord knows how badly Misako needs an actual character arc.
So that's the core of what I'd do with an Island rewrite. Use that plotline the facilitate a narrative about the past complications of their relationship, as well as Lloyd's fear of being abandoned/left alone.
For a long time, I've had this scene idea in my brain of Misako and Lloyd being lost in a labyrinthine cave full of strange glowing stone, and she explains that the reason she'd been seeking out the island is because of rumors that this very cave had the power to reveal secret information. However, the danger of the cave is that few people are ever able to leave it alive, as it traps most who enter. She reluctantly hoped the cave could tell her where she went wrong, what she did wrong - she did everything she could to prevent the Final Battle, but it happened anyway. She wanted to know if there was anything at all that she could've done to change that, or if her family was doomed from the start. This is also why Wu joined her for this expedition - he wanted those answers too.
As they walk through the cave in search of a way out, Lloyd asks more about her motives: how she knew he was the Green Ninja, why she left Lloyd at Darkleys of all places, and most importantly why she never came back for him even to visit. She explains herself, with the stones and stalagmites of the cave glowing as they reflect memories from her past. And finally, they have a little bit of closure from this conversation. It is then that they learn the cave only lets you leave once you have accepted the truth of the information you sought, hence why so few people ever escape - most people cant reconcile the harsh truths this cave confronts them with. Misako accepts that there was nothing she could have done to prevent destiny and Lloyd works through some of his abandonment issues, prompting the cave to set them free so they can go join the rest of their friends in the big climactic battle.
Idk. I may also include a scene like that in another fic or something. We'll see, I guess.
Also, I'd probably change the uh. Troublingly stereotypical human sacrifice depictions for the Keepers. And also just like, give Mamatus more of an actual character and personality. Maybe the islanders arent the villains but allies! Perhaps the rewrite focuses more so on Ronin as an antagonist - while also providing more in-character rationalization for his actions. Because while I do like the idea of Ronin as a villain, it feels a bit odd to have him go from a morally grey ally who at least sympathizes with the ninja even when he's not on their side, to a generically roguish villain. Let's dive into what prompted him to pursue such a high-scale crime!
Also, the keepers and Wojira talk may also prompt more discussion about some creation mythology and lore, Wojira's past and reign of terror before the FSM and Nyad came along, to really hammer in why they're so afraid of her. This would add some more setup for Seabound, as well as preemptively establish Wojira as a truly terrifying threat.
I can't say I have a thorough outline for what exactly the rewrite would look like, mostly just a few loose ideas here and there, but that's the general gist of what I've got so far!
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sunnyfoxsstuff · 1 month
Hey Hope y'all alright >:) i dont rlly have anythin to Say so imma hop onto writing hehehe
Chapter 2: New day, New body
The Sun rised up shi qingxuan hadnt even Seen the hour's pass by he decided to stay a little bit longer thinking how nice and relaxing the environnement around him, not long After he sadly Heard yelling's and arguing's from a far annoyed he of course got up and walked in the direction of the noise
"why are you two yelling for in such early hour's?!" He say's obviously annoyed and quickly remembering that he is a soul that no one Can see him yet, however one of the two man looks at shi qingxuan crossing his arm's and rolling his eye's continuing with "he started it why shouldnt i argue?"
Suddenly hearing a reply made him look down at his hand's and here was hand's, his hand's they were pale almost white, he couldnt believe it he changed while star gazing and didnt even felt it, without a moment to think about it the other man stared at him while both of the two were glaring at eachother's and started fighting again
With that said shi qingxuan didnt want to stay here either and deal with these two anger ball's "well i dont really Care who started what the Sun has barely rised up and you're already yelling right in the morning can't you think 'bout the other's sleeping potentially around here?"
With that said he walked away back in the direction of puqi shrine visibly happy and smiling finally having his New form even if he didnt know how he got it to manifest
After a little while of walking he remembered ghost's have ashes which is their weakest spot knowing he himself was now one of them he guessed he had ashes too he just didnt know where yet, so he searched in the most obvious place on him he could think of, his pocket and ofc for sure there it was, in the form of a water wave mixed with a air breeze it almost had the shape of a ring but not enough for him to put it on his finger and even if he could he wasnt suicidal
Now with his new body and ashes in one of his pockets of his old clothes he continued his way over to puqi shrine, After an hour he finally made it over,
from a far he could see two familiar silhouette's walking over to puqi shrine too so he made a run for it and grabbed both of their shoulder's with a cheerfull greeting "hey mu qing! Feng xing! What are you guy's doing here? It's been a while!", surprised they both look back to see the former windmaster they could tell something about him was..different they just couldnt put their hand's on it, even so they answered back
FX:"hi shi qingxuan, what are you doing here? Last Time we Heard new's of you from xie lian he said you were badly sick." Staring at him with his arm's crossed
MQ:"yeah! And your injuries. They're healed?" Looking at his used to be sprained ankle with a judging look
"ah- ahah-" laughed and smiled after a bit nervous not really knowing what to say but still stayed straight looking at both of them "well yeah but i thought i could Come visit xie lian, beside's im not feeling ill anymore and well my injuries are doing ok even if the sprained ankle do still hurt a bit"
With that said it did not make any of the two stop their stares as they just knew something wasnt adding up
MQ:"your suspicious." Glaring kind of menacingly
FX:"yeah. Last time you took atleast 3 day's to get to the royal capital from here, but you dont look exhausted, or even-" stopping suddenly hearing a door open
All 3 of them looked at the door seeing xie lian stand in the doorway looking at them confused and walking down the stair's
XL:"uh- hey guy's? What are you all doing here?" Confused looking at them when he suddenly see's a familiar figure he haven't Seen in two whole week's and went over greeting his friend "qingxuan! Why are you here ?! Arent you sick still? Im glad you came but if you're sick i would rather have known you stayed at the capital, you really looked awfull back there throwing up anything you'd digest to even have a high fiever !" He say's a bit on a strict ton grabbing shi qingxuan's face looking for any ill sign and even putting his hand on shi qingxuan's forehead
Shi qingxuan grab's xie lian's hand wrist and pull's it away from his forehead smiling brightly waving his hand up and down "pfft-! This illness naaaaa! i beated it up! Im all good I just thought i could Come visit you my friend, and i dont look awfull!" Putting his fist against his thighs with a pouting look
XL:"well- i mean- if you want i got fresh clothe's you could take a bath and change up" hesitating to Say any more word's not wanting to upset his Friend on his look
SQX:"ooo! Really? I could? I do haven't showered ever since i left here, sure! But i'll repay you!" Smiling and confident
With that said xie lian brought all three of them inside boiling some tea and giving the clothes to shi qingxuan which he imediatly went over to the shower,
XL:"and dont worry you Can take your Time!" He said yelling a bit
Confused mu qing and feng xing looked at xie lian with a raised eye brow
FX:"so? You look like you Saw something"
MQ:"yeah! Spill the tea your highness!"
XL:"Can you please lower your voice? Gosh, and yes i did, when i looked at shi qingxuan's face up close something wasnt right he look too pale and not to mention his ear's they're a bit point just like hua cheng's ear's but smaller" he say's obviously concerned about shi qingxuan fidgeting with his finger's, he didnt wanted to be right about his theory, he did not want to know that his friend died back there out of his illness, an illness he didnt even helped even though he could've went back there visit daily.
Imma stop there as my creativity is running out for now but i love what i wrote and i Hope you all did too! Soon chapter 3 potentially either he xuan's point of view or continuing on shi qingxuan's point of view and seeing hua cheng with his gege ! ;)
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Cw: nsft, overstimulation, eating the hamato boys out, worth noting in all of these they can either be dubcon, or assume theres a safeword, or assume that the genetically engineered supersoldier killing machines arent throwing u across the room be they dont want to. Apologies for neglecting Donnie a bit I'll write about him more throughly in the future <3 my favs fluctuate depending on the day. Also pain/impact play on genitals bc :3. And crying. Mwah
Im just saying it would be fun to eat one of their plump tail slits out until they're sobbing and pushing you off and squirming to get away because it's too much they can't cum anymore
I feel like Donnie? Would put up a fight and try to brat probably smack you at least once before you smack his pretty cunt and shove him back down, he'd ultimately go nonverbal and let out those choked throaty moans and high pitched ah! He does, trying so hard to stay still, eventually breaking and arching his back, wrapping his thighs around you, tapping and signing 'too much no more please mama/daddy' or whatever he can think of to appease you. If you call him a good boy and praise him for being brave though he will try so, so hard to not struggle. He wants to be praised and good and has SUCH a huge mommy/daddy kink and praise kink because of yes. You can train him so easily with flattery and cooing over how beautiful and obedient he is, what a good job he's doing, how you're so proud of him for being so brave!
Mikey would be giggly at first i fully believe that if he's approached by somebody unless he feels patronized he doesn't bother bratting or pushing them away, he's happy to take physical care and affection. He's letting out the sweetest little moans with his warm, raspy voice, making little jokes, playing with your hair. Then he cums.
And you don't stop.
So he's laughing and thanking you but saying that's enough, he's a bit sensitive now. You ignore him, burying your face deeper into his chubby slit, lapping up his slick like it's your favorite meal. It probably is. His hands tense, his fingers curl into your hair and he tries to tug you off. His laughter fades, replaced by his breath hitching, his pretty eyes tearing up, and he managed to stay pretty still for the first round but now he has all that pent up energy and is overstimulated so he's squirming under you, arching his back, crying out your name.
Your hands are going to leave marks from how tightly they're gripping his soft thighs, forcing them to stay open as he squeals and whimpers under you, his hands yank on your hair, pulling you closer in hopes the counterpressure will help. It doesn't. He sobs, tears running down his cheeks as he tries to look down at you and beg for mercy, before throwing his head back to cum a second time, a third. He probably sobs something about you being mean, how this is NOT nice. You take a break for a few seconds to ask if it feels good when you make him cum over and over. He glares down at you with all the spite in his adorable little self and says no. You inform him that you know he's lying, and good boys don't lie if they want to be listened to. Honestly, he should know better. Healthy open communication is important. You make him describe how it feels out loud as you make him cum four more times, biting or sucking just a bit too hard on his poor clit when his voice breaks and trails off into nonsensical moans. Eventually he slips up and calls you something embarrassing, something he's been holding back for months. You make him cum one last time, scoop him up into your arms, and carry him off for a bubble bath and lots of cuddles and hydration.
(I imagine he is SoooO stubborn about admitting he wants to call you any type of mommy daddy sir maam ect be if baby boy hates anything its being seen as just little and being patronized but he'll make an exception bc a: hot and b: if u actually respect him he'll let that guard down)
Leo has so many damn fronts he puts up he almost loses himself. As with everything regarding Leo, getting him to be vulnerable is so fucking difficult. You have to be open, let him in, be gentle, and when you do push him to be honest, don't let up. You need an answer out of him. It doesn't need to be the answer you want. But you need an answer.
He won't give it to you. He hums and jokes and dances around it. You eventually decide to just get it out of him. He's kicking his feet, reading a comic book on his bed when you pull his shorts down, nip at his tail, tease him for wagging it so hard already, flip him over, and start eating him out lazily.
He's happy to tease back at first, smug, bright cheery tone ringing out as he chatters endlessly, even as he gets close and cums he's talking. His moan is too much like a porn star, practiced. Performative. It sounds a bit different the second time.
Third time and he's laughing nervously, pushing you off as best he can. You grab his waist, pull him further into you. His quips fracture into whimpers and breath hitching.
You are goddamn determined to make him cry. You need an answer, sure, but he needs emotional release more. You let his thighs squeeze around your head, his hands are slapped when they try to pull you away, so he grabs the sheets and writhes under you, rutting his hips up into your mouth despite himself. It takes so long to get him to cry, cumming hurts at that point. Your face and the bed are drenched with his slick, your tongue shoved in as deep as it'll go as he actually moans, actually cries out, as tears finally make their way across his gorgeous crescent markings.
He went limp a few orgasms ago, now he just twitches under you, whimpering your name. You haven't asked in a week, but you get the answer you want. You eat him out awhile longer, just to make sure he gets enough emotional release, then sit up and pull him into your arms, kissing his markings and wiping his tears, pulling a blanket over both of you as you rock gently. The euphoria he feels after crying is more than worth it, he thanks you over and over before falling asleep in your arms.
(V self indulgent sorry all. Also leo walks in but it isnt test dw cuties i wont terrorize yall with that here)
Raph is amicable to whatever you want, very raised eyebrow, 'huh okay i'll try it' with a wry smile. He loves eating you out, fucking you, domming is kind of expected from the partner that's three times as big.
The first time you guide him to lie down on his back, he assumes you're going to have him drop so you can ride him, the (or if he's trans like yours truly, he's just confused, looking up at you with the sweetest puzzled smile, it's a weird angle to be eating you out but okay then.) He reaches to pick you up and help you sit on his face, excited to bury his snout in you, or reaches down to make himself drop. You kiss his hands, gently place one of them on the back of your head, and lick up his slit with your broad tongue, drawing a yelp out of him, before your bury your face in his cunt, soft thighs tensing around you already, he's scared of crushing you so he holds them open. You finally get to hear him whimper instead of grunt, the dirty talk and low voice he usually feels obligated to use is gone, high pitched whines taking it's place. He falls apart immediately, hands flitting between his thighs and your head, scared of hurting you, the fear leaves as you hum into him and he cums hard, forcing you deeper into him, thighs pressed against his hands as he rides out his orgasm. You have to check on him before continuing because he's sobbing so damn loud, it takes a minute to figure out he's saying "no, more please" as in 'no, i'm fine, please, please keep going.' You oblige, and no matter how much he wants it it's a lot, he's fighting the urge to push you away, squirming and panting under you no matter how slowly and gently you take it, poor sensitive boy. He's literally screaming by the fourth orgasm (Leo portals in, takes one look, snorts, portals right back out). Eventually he pulls you off, crying 'no more no more' then regretting it, you tell him he tastes so good, there's so much slick left dripping from his pretty cunt, can't you just clean it up? He holds his thighs open, trembling, soothed by your words as you take breaks to explain how this is so good for you, he's being such a good boy letting you be selfish and taste him as long as you want. Raph doesn't know what to do when you offer to do things for him, it feels weird, he doesn't like it. But he'll do anything for you. And if you making him cum until he screams makes you happy, and is actually for you, he'll let you do it forever. When he's a trembling mess, near passing out, you promise you'll be right back. You walk out and return with snacks, drinks, and a warm washcloth and towel. He's cleaned up, dried off, cooed over and brought his favorite plushies, you watch whatever he wants on his laptop under a million blankets and cover him in kisses and praise as his tail wags.
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year
tell me about daensa. i like it conceptually but never really got beyond that. show me ur vision
to me daensa is a wonderful endgame ship🫶 it can be two girlboss BAMF #queens girlslaying in their girlempire together (fun and fruity) or it can be cottagecore dream like imagine that barbie movie the diamond castle where they're living in a cottage together in pretty dresses. i think its sweet and fun and they should be best friends. i would also accept toxic yuri so long as they arent fighting over who's prettier or who gets jon snow that is so lame side note unrelated i hope d&d suffer in hell
MY daensa though is specifically modern au (i kno i know im sory🫶) again its an endgame ship to me and especially a uni or post-grad ship. i like sansa having various intense lesbian experiences throughout her life (childhood jeynsa, high school sansaery, maybe mya for university) and then she goes to essos to study in myr as an international student (its a fresh start too🫶)
and for dany she's either a princess or. okay so you know how in europe post-ww1 a bunch of monarchies/duchies/whatever got overthrown by republicans and the kings/princes/electors/whatever went into exile. and their idiot children are raised like They Stole Our Palace and Your Blood Is Pure etc. and they either end up drug addict socialites, in epstein's black book or having their coup thwarted by interpol.
so that can be what the targs are like but dany is normal<3 she's escaped viserys she's escaped her insane family and she's ready to go to university and become a philanthropist<3 and the universe gives her a bisexual awakening in uni as a 'sorry for all that shit you had to go through'. and she and sansa can date and become famous philanthropist lesbians<3 i like dany becoming president of some place and she gets a sexy redhead uni professor wife. this is my daensa<3
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neonfretra · 3 months
just read your nhl teams opinion post and I'm laughing my head off. sharkies clean sweep <3 <3 <3
COMPLETELY valid reason to dislike the devils, dw 'bout that (though if you ever need an infodump about them I come armed and ready!), but I will just say... macblack my beloved demon shark needle dodger... you are FAR from the only devil who's been stiffed by the terrible medical staff. imagine being sponsored by a hospital and having the worst concussion spotters in the league. radio-for-a-head is sputtering static right now I HATE THE DEVILS MEDSTAFF SO FUCKING MUCH THEY KEEP OBVIOUSLY INJURED PLAYERS IN GAMES AND IN THE LINEUP FOR NO FUCKING REASON AUGHHHHH
but I like how you looked at the entire east and went "who cares, experience shork". I aspire to be like this.
I also wish I could forget the Leafs. I also aspire to be like this.
um. in lieu of any like. actual content have pictures :]
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timo mimo......... grabby hands............... it is possible that I named my blåhaj after him..................... they're the same picture your honor!!!
but I like how you looked at the entire east and went "who cares, experience shork". I aspire to be like this.
i need you to know this line has put me in honest to god, genuine tears from laughing. oh my god i didnt even realize. like i have the standings pulled up and goin down the list i literally only care for THREE teams (the bolts, the sens, and the pens) for their proximity to the sharks. INCREDIBLY humbling. read me like an open book. im returning to this ask when im not lightheaded oh my god
ok multiple parts to this response because im goin point by point. i yap a LOT. not sorry, hello <3
the art!
OH... those wings are DELIGHTFUL!!! i love how nicely you simplified them, especially with a pen hell?? very very elegant, i hope you get a major minor obsession with angels ^_^
the devs & injuries in the nhl
how they handle injuries drive me UP THE WALL. like i personally assume teams start actin like this when theyre in hopes of playoffs when in reality its like . BABY. WE ARENT GOIN TO BOSTON. PUT THE STICK DOWN.
to make this about the sharks (you read my rankings, you know im like this) i constantly joke about the sharks being the healthiest team in the league cause all our players are out. like christ we have second most missed games on a per player basis at 459 man games lost to injury, second to vegas!
but i think its straight up because playoffs are SUCH a pipe dream for 19-wins-total san jose sharks that we dont HAVE the same pressure to play with torn muscles or broken bones. there is a reason why mackblack CAN have his 72 hours of purgatory (3 day long fever) out compared to teams who are noted to have locker room wide sickness and still getting in board battles. i think we should expose mackblack to them kinda players before the preseason so he builds an immunity to whatever they got. yeah im basically trying to vaccinate him SORRY i am getting distracted
YES, i will disappointed beyond words when the sharks start gettin better at hockey
and its like that that i cant really say its a DEVS thing now, its tradition to see what horrific injury a player played through in their locker cleanout like a more morbid new years countdown. do not want to imagine the consequences of the culture as perpetuated by both staff and players on long term health. lord. and people get mad about mark stone takin time off.
in the same ravine, different vein, hohhh boy they were NOT joking we have gotta separate leagues and medical care. nothin good has come of a doctor workin in the best interest of your team that wants you on ice ASAP and not in the interest of keeping you healthy and able to play and to live a decent life after playin. league worst concussion spotters is a HIGH bar. lird.
but in the same breath what can you do about a mess of on ice spotters? unless you plan on bringin your family doctor as a plus one. which is an absolute wild thought actually. wag jacket for my medical practitioner <3 rhinestone directly INto my open injury <3
sponsored by a hospital too... irony is rollin in its grave hello a whole rotisserie chicken of it
the devs, but more normal
wait oh god i gotta be SO honest with you when i was raggin on the devs i had you in mind as like. THEE friend of mine that roots for em and debating on how impolite itd be to drag your team. and then i remembered we both root for vgk <3
would you believe me when i say i followed them a bit? yeah i was mostly lookin for kahkonen, i do miss him though id call it a bit bad mannered of me to clearly only root for a team for one player LOL
do NOT look at vgk. or tbl. or dal. dont even look at ME.
does it actually count if im also lookin at timo meier? two players thats gotta count for umm something. two things even? because hes an exshark. yeah. oh god it really is a sharkies clean sweep. beloved stereax you have unwound me like the noble helicase. you got me checked out and in like a library book. you broke me down to my barest components. what do i even do with myself right now???
i will NOT say more lest i embarrass myself more than i have already
LOVE that you named your blahaj after him, thats very cute <3 i am endlessly enamored by the photo you chose of timo mimo, why are you so hat boy!!!
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hey isnt a blahaj also a shark
PLEASE feel free to tell me bout the devs, im sure knowin more about the team will not make me itching to throw down with their managements poor decisions any more ^_^
getting a little less normal, a little more embarrassing now
okay i need to be so honest with you. and myself. mostly myself. i was SO surprised to learn media has an eastern conference bias. what the hell is a traditional hockey market.
bringing shame to my family name by discussing the leafs
should i not be tryin to remember them if youre tryin to forget LMAO
you wanna know something more humiliating than regularly forgetting the leafs. i confuse them with MULTIPLE teams when i do remember them. NEAR EVERY BLUE TEAM. the bolts. the nucks. the sabres, when i do remember them. the blues.
visibly sweating and shaking as i stare at a wall and try to recall every bit of trivia i know about the leafs RN. if you root for the leafs i probably owe you financial compensation
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ponett · 2 years
Hi serious question, could you pitch me on chainsaw man? I want to know things about it that ARENT “Makima’s Hot, I hope that teenager gets with her.” But thats all Normie Anime Fans say and I know its more than that.
i'll avoid explicit spoilers here, but it's hard to fully explain why it's so good without explaining where exactly it's going. right now the anime is still very early in the series, so your average anime watcher who hasn't read the manga and just saw that this was the big series of the year is probably just going "oh, this is a show about denji wanting to get laid." people often hear that and jump to comparisons to the Horny Guy in every other shonen jump series
but in reality chainsaw man is worlds apart from that, even early on. denji's typical teenage horniness is played for laughs sometimes, sure, but it's not a series of tired cartoon gags where he tries to grope the girls and then gets bonked on the head. it's a story about a teenage boy who longs for human connections, but he doesn't understand them because he's had just about the most fucked up life imaginable, having to raise himself in extreme poverty and fight tooth and nail to survive. it's about denji learning to navigate meaningful human relationships and explore actual intimacy after a childhood where he was never shown even the most basic kindness, as well as the many ways in which those desires can be used against him by others. instead of just relying on wacky anime tropes, the story explores both very heartfelt and very dark and traumatic shit in a nuanced and earnest way. because of this (and the extreme gore) it's ABSOLUTELY not a series for everyone, but with the right people it really resonates
again, it's hard to give specifics on how compelling denji's arc is without giving away WHERE this story goes, but trust me when i say i would not love chainsaw man as much as i do if it was just another flavor of the month borderline-ecchi show about a guy trying to score with some girls that people on myanimelist convince themselves is high art
also the fight scenes whip ass and in the manga especially they're some of the most visually creative i've ever seen. so there's that too
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s0ckh3adstudios · 7 months
OKAY so ive been very aggressively thinking about this for like a week, and now that goldstar's boss phase designs are out i feel ts high time to share it
SOOO ive been thinking about the whole "father's execution" soundtrack (i think thats what you called it?? yes i scrolled through the entire tag ever since i found this au im a little insane), and well i don't exactly have the composing chops to make it, i can still at least imagine how it would sound!
since this is a swap au, i assume that means everyone's respective leitmotifs would swap with their roles. people seem to associate clover (in this context rover) with either the "justice" or the "enemy retreating" motif, but theres also the bassline from the yellow soul phase in your best nightmare. i feel we could rule out usage of "enemy retreating" since thats def more a no mercy route related motif, and rover didnt do any killing, they're the one that got killed (SORRY 😭). but, i feel i'd swap the ketsukane/kanako motif with justice, since it's also very prominent in showdown! at one point, really reinforces that starlo and rover are family :]
as for the other motifs, obviously showdown will be a prominent one, and forlorn (which is actually already in a mother's love, believe it or not! its hard to pin down but theres a hint of it) would also be prominent. mo has his own mo-tif (ha), so we know it swaps with protocol. fireheart's motif is a bit harder to pick out, seeing as the ketsukanes all share a single motif, but i can pretty freely assume that fireheart and kanako arent related in this au for obvious reasons. maybe the other half of the ketsukane motif would play there?? not sure, haven't thought too hard on that one yet.
OKAY IM SORRY THIS IS REALLY LONG im just a little bit insane over this au! hope this was a good/interesting read though !!
I always wonder how A Father's Execution would sound like godddd it'd be so good AND THESE ARE SUCH GOOD POINTS/DETAILS. Don't worry I'm insane over this AU too and I appreciate you for it THIS WAS SUCH AN INTERESTING READ YESS
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