#they both actually have a buff in getting on each other's nerves
ghost-proofbaby · 7 months
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“Do not,” he whispers to her in a low tone, face still impassive as he presses himself just close enough so that she’s the only one that can hear him, “Get involved in this. Unless, of course, you’re going to swing on one of the poor saps. In that case, I fully support you, my dear.” 
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summary: when the party finally encounters a proper fight, aruna only has one thing on her mind: save astarion. and if she finally starts to piece together a few things about herself and her magic, well - that can't possibly hurt, can it?
wc: 5.3k+
warnings: continued memory loss, fighting, spoilers for the game (play by play description of scenes from emerald grove in act 1), aruna and astarion can't decide if they'll play nice with each other or not lol
a/n: this fic is about to be just a constant cycle of aruna taking a spray bottle to astarion as her weird way of trying to keep him alive truly
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Aruna is beginning to believe the tadpole in her head was the least of the inconveniences she’d had to encounter on her journey.
When they’d left camp for the day, they’d have a very straightforward objective: discover a form of civilization, find a healer, and get the damned worms out of their heads. 
Simple. Easier said than done, but certainly simple. 
Or so she thought. 
It starts when they’re wandering the trails of the wilderness leading out of camp. They’re not going towards the beach this time, she promises Shadowheart that much, but what they come across is far worse than having to face off with anymore intellect devourers. 
Actual people. Tieflings, Gale identifies, who had a familiar githyanki held high above them in a cage. 
Aruna would never say she has a bleeding heart based on her choices so far on their journey, but she still doesn’t hesitate to decide to help the githyanki. Shadowheart confirmed she was on the ship, with much distaste, and made it clear she wasn’t keen on helping her. Aruna didn’t care. Astarion also seemed less than pleased at the prospect of helping, but his hands were twitching for his daggers, and she realized he’d only kept his mouth shut due to the clear opportunity for a fight to break out. 
Gale had been the only one on her side as she’d approached the situation. 
One painful merging of her tadpole to the githyanki’s (although, notably less painful than her connection with Gale, and certainly less agonizing than that with Astarion) and a failed attempt at diffusing the situation in hopes for no blood to be shed later, Astarion got his wishes. A fight. That they’d won, quite easily. Whether it was thanks to Gale’s quick trigger of his magic or Astarion’s flashing daggers was up for debate (it wasn’t really – she just couldn’t bear to boost either man’s ego by saying as much out loud.)
Lae’zel. The githyanki’s name was Lae’zel, and Aruna didn’t hesitate to dismiss her in the direction of their camp, much to everyone’s disdain. 
Aruna didn’t care. She had an end goal in mind for the day – she was going to find a healer, daylight be damned. 
“I still don’t trust the gith,” Shadowheart is continuing to complain at her side as they trek further along these paths. There are paths. Leading somewhere. And those tieflings had mentioned something about a grove. There had to be civilization somewhere nearby, “I respect your choice, but I’ll continue to sleep with one eye open with her at camp.”
“Be my guest,” Aruna mutters, growing tired of the complaints. 
She gets it – she has no former memories on how ‘distrustful’ githyankis are, but Shadowheart has made it abundantly clear they shouldn’t drop their guard around her. She got it about ten damning sighs and wistful comments ago. 
“And how are we to trust all her talk of purification? What if it’s nothing more than a trap, luring us in to lead us to certain death?” Shadowheart tsks, voicing a lingering concern that Aruna already had. But that bit of information that Lae’zel had offered was the first real lead they had on getting rid of the tadpoles, and she wasn’t about to dismiss it as Shadowheart was, “We simply can’t tr-”
“I’d hate to interrupt, but may I have a word with our fearless leader? I’ll only be a moment, I swear.”
Astarion had been lingering towards the back of the group for most of their walk. Quiet, occasionally humming to himself and smirking at others' comments here and there. Less out of real amusement, Aruna senses, and more in a belittling way. 
But suddenly, he had picked up his pace and fallen into step on Aruna’s left, leaning over and looking to the cleric who had been complaining endlessly on her right. 
Shadowheart, surprisingly, takes the hint well. 
The moment she’s fallen back to join Gale instead, probably still airing her superficial issues, Aruna is shooting a glance in Astarion’s direction. “If you’re here to say you also don’t trust Lae’zel, please just- save it for when we’re back at camp, please.” 
She doesn’t think her headache could handle anymore. 
“What? Oh, no,” Astarion scoffs, scrunching his nose for a moment, “I could care less about the gith. I just knew if Shadowheart’s yapping was getting on my nerves, you must be in desperate need of a break.”
Yapping. It was a cruel way to put it, but it still made a smile nearly break on Aruna’s face. 
“What was it you needed to discuss, then?” she asks, a little less on edge now. 
“As I said, it just seemed as though we all needed a break from talk of the gith.”
That was… oddly kind. Even if Astarion had clearly done it in part for his own sanity, Aruna found herself appreciating the gesture regardless. 
They walk in silence for a while. Only a few mutters escape from Gale and Shadowheart from behind them, but Aruna chooses to block them out. With Astarion at her side now instead, she was able to better focus on leading them somewhere useful. Somewhere with answers, somewhere with a healer-
She should have known the peace wouldn’t last. 
Shouts sound up ahead, but the entire group’s view is entirely blocked from a large hill. 
“That doesn’t sound good,” Astarion notes the obvious, offering a quick side glance, as if observing Aruna’s own reaction to guarantee it aligned with his own. 
And it did. Well, sort of. “We should check it out.”
The entire group stares at her as if she’s finally grown tentacles. 
“We’ll be careful about it, obviously-”
“Obviously,” Astarion cuts in sarcastically.
“-But I have a feeling wherever that yelling is coming from, is… is…” 
Civilization? A step in the right direction?
“A healer,” she finally settles on it, which only makes everyone’s faces twist even further at her, “The shouting must mean people, and the more people, the higher likelihood of a healer.”
That seems to convince them all well enough. 
They creep up the hill and easily break off into natural pairings – Astarion stays at Aruna’s side as they find a hiding place in bushes near the hill’s peak, Gale and Shadowheart find a safe spot behind a tree on the opposite side, a bit further back. 
In the clearing below, Aruna spots the commotion easily. Three people – seemingly human – banging on a large wooden gate covered in vinery. At the top of the gate, there stands multiple tieflings, all arguing besides a large wheel that Aruna can only presume opens the gate.
And she can finally hear the words being shouted.
“Open the bloody gate! Goblins are coming!”
She feels Astarion tense beside her, clearly hearing what she had. Goblins. She can’t exactly visualize them, her memory predictably failing her once more, but she doesn’t have to wait long before the horde shows themselves. 
A large group. Foul creatures of all kinds, not just these goblins, are snarling in the direction of those humans. 
Finally, as if seeing were truly believing, a tiefling begins to open the gate. But Aruna already knows it’s far too late before the arrow that ends him has flown through the air – they had hesitated, and it just cost one of their own their life. 
The gate drops, despite the humans efforts to hold it up. The tiefling falls, a scream echoing from someone nearby. 
And amongst it all, as Aruna’s heart begins to race at the action, a realization strikes her. 
She hadn’t been sure of what to do with that in the last day, when they weren’t in danger. When it was nothing more than brains with legs and small bickering amongst the camp so far that posed the most threat, Aruna couldn’t comprehend why she was supposed to save the elf that clearly had an upper hand with his skilled hands and sharp daggers. 
But here, watching the beginnings of a battle unfold, she understood. 
Maybe this was it. Maybe this was the danger. 
Astarion is hardly a breath of a step ahead of her, crouched into a thicker part of the bush. Closer to the action – closer to the danger. Her hand flies out to land on his bicep without another thought.
“What are you-” he turns to look at her, clearly startled, but she’s determined.
He gets on her nerves. He’s impossible to read at times. She’s pretty sure he’d betray her the moment a better option of safety arose. But the letter said to save him, so save him she shall. 
“Get behind me,” she commands in a low voice, leaving no room for argument.
He still finds the space to argue. Of course he does. 
“Excuse me? I am not-” he begins to hiss at her, but he’s cut off when one of those wretched goblins have climbed to the top of the hill. 
They were only looking for higher ground, but Aruna isn’t quite as well-hidden as the rest of them. 
“Well, well, well,” the goblin snarls, “Thought yourself sneaky, did ‘ya?” 
She only sees Aruna. Not Gale, not Shadowheart. And most importantly – not Astarion. 
Her hands fly to her daggers just as the goblin reaches onto her back and produces a bow. At the sight of it, Aruna’s stomach plummets. She can hardly wield her daggers against brains – better than someone who’s never held a weapon a day in their life, but not by much. And her daggers are for close fights; that bow will end her life without the goblin having to take so much as another step towards her. 
Aruna has the disadvantage here; Aruna is going to die here. 
She still lets her shaking fingers wrap around the hilt of her dagger, deciding it’s better to go down with a fight rather than simply lay here and die, but then-
The goblin hardly had the time to string her bow, an arrow not even properly secured in it, when two daggers are easily cutting through the skin of her neck. 
Aruna hadn’t even noticed Astarion move, as if he had blended in with shadows she hadn’t seen existing on this hilltop. One moment, he’d been beside her, and now he stood behind the goblin, holding on for an extra moment before he let the lifeless body drop. 
“You expect me to believe I should allow you to protect me,” he nearly spits out, looking at her less in anger and more in disbelief, “When you just nearly got yourself killed.”
“I had it under contro-” she starts to argue back, but she cuts herself off when she looks over his shoulder. Most of the goblins and other creatures are focused on the four humans below, a new helping hand having joined them as he blasts his foes with red strikes that resemble lightning, but across the way stands a goblin with his eyes narrowed right at Aruna and Astarion. He’s quick, his arrow firing off in their direction just as Aruna notices him, “Duck!”
For once, Astarion doesn’t argue. Thank the Nine Realms. 
He drops to the ground with perfect timing, the arrow narrowly missing his back before it pierces the ground just beside Astarion’s splayed hand. 
In his shock, Aruna makes an easy decision. 
Fuck the daggers. 
Her magic still burns in her veins, humming gleefully as she calls to it with an outstretched palm and her focus set on the goblin that had sent the arrow in Astarion’s direction.
It’s the only thing on her mind as she recalls incantations that had fallen from Gale’s lips just the day prior, and she repeats them effortlessly, “Tormentum.” 
In an instant, three red spheres burst from her palm in a straight line, heading straight to the goblin.
They hit him without miss, in the center of his chest, back to back. 
Just as Astarion is rising back to his full height, he witnesses the goblin fall to her magic. His neck nearly snaps with the speed in which he looks back to her, “You have magic? Bloody Hells-”
She ignores his outburst, quickly slipping herself in front of him on the cliff’s edge, making herself all but a meat shield for the quick-footed elf. Most attention continues to evade them, but she’s able to spot the next goblin that has set his sights on them before he has a chance to draw his weapon in their direction. This time, as she outstretches her hand in his direction, she decides to shout a different spell.
She’s more confident this time, power thrumming through her as the familiar bolt of a flame flies from her fingertips and heads straight for their enemy. Her aim is less on par, but it doesn’t matter – even when the flame hits the goblin’s legs rather than chest, the sparks of the magic catch fire to everything around it, effectively burning the goblin to nothing more than ash and bone. 
She can’t tell if her heart is racing with exhilaration of using her magic – magic she knows for sure now that was never learned nor gifted to her by some deity, but is hers entirely – or if it’s from the fear of keeping Astarion safe. 
And he’s making the latter exceptionally more likely when one of the creatures that resemble a distorted wolf finally looks up to them with bloodlust in its eyes, and he’s quick to step out from behind her. 
“No,” she gasps, turning to him just long enough that when she looks back, the animal is already clambering up the stones, nearly arriving to them, “Astarion, do not-”
All at once, it feels as though she loses control of her magic. As though it’s reached such extensive heights that her grasp on it slips, and between that and her swirling emotions, she has no control over what happens next. 
Her mind is a mess. Between the power, the worry of this being what she was meant to be saving Astarion from, the anxiety of him no longer being behind her so that she could fool herself into thinking she might be capable of shielding him – it’s a mess. 
Not a single incantation has to fall from her lips when the magic erupts from her, turning the innocent plants around them into enchanted greenery. Viscous vines, glowing as they ensnare both the creature clambering up to them and Aruna. 
They should have ensnared Astarion too. She thinks they’ve done as much until she watches him dart down to where the animal is one step below, and his daggers find deathly purchase in its fur. 
Blood splatters about the vines that Astarion is still able to avoid somehow, and when he pulls back, the creature falls just as limply as that goblin did. 
He looks up at her, small spatters of the blood marking his cheeks, a smug grin painted across his face, “As you were saying?” 
Damn him. Damn him to the deepest depths of the Hells, and back. 
“I… You…” she can’t finish her snappy comeback, can’t even formulate a proper thought as a sudden drain from her use of magic hits her all at once. The snarling vines still encase her lower half, and her headache blooms so painfully that she fears she might lose consciousness from it. 
The grin is short-lived when he realizes what is inevitably about to happen once her own self-made trap lets her go. 
He’s at her side before the vines have even finished retreating, catching her just before she tumbles over the edge of the small cliff. He yanks her backward, leveraging himself behind her for a moment so that she’s flush his chest before he spins. Suddenly, roles have been reversed. Astarion has become the meatshield, and she doesn’t even have the energy to fight it. 
“Gale,” his voice is stoic as he nearly carries her, “Shadowheart. Be dears and take over for us on the front lines, yes?” 
There’s not much more fight to be had. Between the goblin and creature Astarion had taken down, and the two goblins that Aruna’s magic had fell, the fight is mostly left up to the humans below.
Gale and Shadowheart listen to Astarion regardless. 
He manages to get them to the tree where the other two had been hiding with ease, finally maneuvering her so that she’s leaning against its bark. When she slides down to sit on the ground, it leaves biting scratches that she feels the sting of, even through her clothing. 
“I’m fine,” she gasps out, a clear lie when the edges of her vision were still spotted, “I’m fine, just let me-”
When she goes to stand, he’s quick to press two cold palms on each shoulder. Had he always been so cold? 
“Not so fast, my magical friend,” Astarion tuts, crouching to be eye level with her, “I’m sure the wizard will suffice in ending the bloodbath. He can walk without a helping hand.” 
“I’m fine,” she repeats herself, but it sounds like she’s trying to convince herself more than him. 
At the edge of the hill, Gale is firing off magic missiles, just as Aruna had been. 
Astarion’s entire face goes hard, and she realizes that this may not be a fight she’ll win. His sarcasm is venomous as he says, “Ah, yes. You’re currently the picture of health – impossibly pale in the face, too weak to stand on your own, eyes so dazed I highly doubt you’d be able to tell me how many fingers I’m holding up. Shall I go on?”
Her silence is his answer.
“Now, I’m far more concerned with the fact that you have magic. And lots of it, if we’re to go off of your little display with the vines. When exactly were you planning on sharing that with the class?” 
“Gale and Shadowheart already know,” her vision is finally fully coming back to her, entirely focused on Astarion’s face, centimeters from her own, “It’s not my problem you were more concerned with insulting my mapping skills last night rather than asking more personal questions.” 
“You wound me. Is there nothing more personal than sharpening charcoal for someone who’s deficient with their own daggers?”
“Go to Hell.”
Gods, they were going to end up fighting each other, letter be damned, before she ever figured out the truth behind her mysterious savior quest. Maybe the true meaning was for her to avoid burying her daggers into his chest. Save him from her, it seems. 
Astarion only smiles at her, leaning back, creating distance as his palms fall from her, “I’ve already been, my dear. Can’t say I enjoyed it.”
She rolls her eyes, and it worsens the pounding in her temples, but it’s worth it.
At the most opportune of times, Gale and Shadowheart return back to their sides. Gale is the epitome of worry as he kneels beside her where she continues to sit against the tree trunk, and Shadowheart’s eyes are already examining her for wounds.
“Are you hurt?” Shadowheart’s words come out harsh, but only with concern.
“Never been better.”
“She could have killed us both with those enchanted vines,” Astarion says, although no one certainly asked him.
“I might have some salve back at camp for any rash from the vines-”
“She could have gotten us all killed.” 
Shadowheart is ignoring Astarion with ease as Gale lifts each of her arms methodically, flipping them as if to assure that there really isn’t any injury. 
“That wasn’t my intention,” she whispers, being the only one to acknowledge Astarion even though his anger is clearly directed at her, “I just- I don’t know why my magic did that.”
Gale’s eyebrows shoot up at that, “Did what exactly?” 
Astarion’s glare is hard to ignore, but Aruna manages as she swallows hard and chooses to focus on the wizard offering her far more kindness for the time being.
“I was using incantations – just, I guess I knew them from you, hearing you use them during the fights yesterday. But then, suddenly, I just… I just…”
“Decided that enchanted vines were the solution.”
“I don’t know how I did that, Astarion.” 
She really, really doesn’t. That surge of magic had ripped from her unpredictably, tearing out of her veins as if she couldn’t stop it if she tried. She doesn’t even know what incantation could conjure those dangerous plants.
“Interesting,” Gale murmurs, leaning back on his heel. He looks far less concerned than Aruna feels, “Very interesting, indeed.” 
She’s beginning to recognize that look – the look of a hungry mind. She’s starting to believe that every time it crosses Gale’s face, it’s actually just spelling out trouble for her. 
“You’re not going to elaborate on why it’s all so interesting, are you?” she asks with a sigh, deflating in defeat.
He shakes his head, a smile still on his lips. “Not a chance – not here, at least. Perhaps it’s a better conversation to have at camp.” 
Her eyes dart up to Astarion first, against better judgment considering he still looks to be fairly irritated, and then to Shadowheart. Eventually, though, her line of sight wanders to that gate covered in vines. Normal vines, not magical. 
Whatever that gate was protecting, she’d bet all two gold pieces in her pack that it was a civilization. That there was a healer. 
Her problems could wait.
“Fine,” she says, digging the heels of her palms into the ground and beginning to stand. She doesn’t miss the way Astarion flinches, hands twitching as if readied to catch her despite his angry facade. “Keep your secrets, o’ wise old wizard. For now, I think we have a healer to find.” 
Gale frowns, but over his shoulder, she can see Astarion lose the fight against his amusement in her words. 
At least he still finds her funny, even after she nearly ‘got them all killed’, as he had so eloquently put it. 
Emerald Grove. 
It’s an interesting place, to say the least. 
When they approach the gate (after carefully descending down the hill, during which Astarion’s hands continued to stay near Aruna in case of any more fainting episodes), the tiefling manning the wheel above opens it without question for them. They fall into a formation eerily similar to the one they’d approached the fight in – Shadowheart and Gale bringing up the rear, and Astarion sticking to Aruna’s side. He keeps a little distance, but hardly much.
She’s sort of glad that it’s him, of all the companions, that’s choosing to be her shadow. As they walk through the short tunnel to properly enter the grove, he’s the only one to breathlessly laugh as she jokes, “Think we’re about to get a hero’s welcome?” 
She likes his laugh. Painful to admit, but she can’t deny that her heart swells with a specific type of pride when she hears it fall from his lips, even in a whisper. 
Besides, it’s far more encouraging than Gale’s, “I sincerely hope you know what you’re doing.” 
She doesn’t respond to that comment. She doesn’t know what she’s doing. 
One of the tieflings she’d caught sight of fighting during the battle stands just uphill of the entrance, face to face with one of the humans. An obvious new fight is taking place. 
She can feel Gale falter in his steps behind her as she approaches, even Shadowheart slowing in her faithful following. The only person who sticks by her side is Astarion. Probably just eager to see if they can make it worse, really. 
“There are children here, you fool!” 
The tiefling is furious. And it almost frightens Aruna for a second, until she feels that reassuring presence of the elf that had just saved her life at her back. If things go south, she’s sure Astarion will be the first to draw his weapon. Whether it’s for her safety or not, she’s quickly learning that it might benefit her to have a dagger-happy friend on her side. 
“We was running, for our lives.” 
The human is red in his face, voice breathless, still clearly recovering from the fight outside the gate. If Aruna was wise, she’d hang back and not interrupt this argument.
Wisdom isn’t her forte, she guesses. 
“You led them straight to us. And you let them take the druid, too. Unbelievable!” 
Druid? Had the goblins taken any hostages? By the looks of the bloodbath outside, it hadn’t seemed like there were any survivors to take a hostage. 
Astarion closes the space between them even further as she steps up to the plate. She could ask about the druid, point out her astute observation, but her quick tongue works faster than her mind does. 
“One fight just ended, and the two of you are already picking another one?” she questions, eyeing both of them in disbelief, “Relax.” 
Astarion snorts at that. Ever so helpful. 
“Tell that to the dead at the gate,” the tiefling snarks back in a low tone, his glare hardening further on the human before him. 
“Shut it, horns. I’d be lying dead at the gate next to the goblins if you’d stalled any longer.” 
And- well, the human has a point. Aruna has no idea what dynamic is at play here, but the human would have been dead if everyone inside the safety of the gate that had chosen to aid them had put off intervening any sooner. 
She’d also be dead, possibly. Astarion as well. The thought alone sends a shiver of fright up her spine. 
“My duty is to this camp,” the tiefling anger grows to palpable levels, enough that Aruna is carefully taking the slightest step back. 
Unfortunate for her, her shadow seems to be getting more comfortable with impossible closeness. It’s a small step that would’ve gone entirely unnoticed, but her foot finds purchase on top of his as her back brushes in near collision with his chest. She’s quick to glance over his shoulder, expecting some sort of reaction, but he’s still as stone. If her stepping on his foot has caused him even the slightest bit of pain, she can’t see it as his focus remains entirely on the fight in front of them. She even glances down to see that his palm is already hovering over the hilt of one of his daggers. 
Yes, indeed. Having a dagger-happy friend on her side was going to be very beneficial. 
“God forbid you risk your precious tail,” the human sneers, and Gods, she notices all the jabs he’s making endlessly at the other’s race. Low blow after low blow, she’s starting to wonder if these two men even have any sort of alliance to begin with, “But I shouldn’t be surprised. Foulbloods ain’t known for courage.” 
She has no memory nor reason to feel defensive over tieflings. She’s unaware of the deeper history at play. But as far as she knows, tieflings are nothing more than another race in this world that she’s being forced to relearn. Horns and tails, sure, but foulblood? 
It’s as if Astarion can feel her defensiveness beginning to boil beneath the surface. 
“Do not,” he whispers to her in a low tone, face still impassive as he presses himself just close enough so that she’s the only one that can hear him, “Get involved in this. Unless, of course, you’re going to swing on one of the poor saps. In that case, I fully support you, my dear.” 
It’s certainly a tempting idea. Part of her wonders how it would feel to crack her knuckles against the face of the human, to wipe the indignation right off his face. But he has a point. And so does the tiefling. She can’t just pick a side – she can’t just choose given what she knows of the situation.
Aruna is well aware that Astarion’s insistence for her to not get involved is probably to avoid him having to carry any extra load, to have to come to her rescue if her punch doesn’t land. He couldn’t care less about the entire ordeal. It’s not his problem unless Aruna makes it his problem. 
If she doesn’t swing, however, she knows one of the men before her will. She can see it easily in their faces. Both twitching with anger, both buzzing with hatred. She needs to diffuse the situation, and quickly.
In her most persuasive tone she can muster, she interjects, much to Astarion’s disapproval, “More violence won’t bring back those you lost. Stop and think.”
She ends the plea in a bit more desperation than she means to, but only because her mind has begun to run a mile a minute in considering what a fight breaking out between the two might mean.
More danger. More fighting. More possible situations in which she’s supposed to save Astarion. 
“You’re right,” the tiefling’s eyes flicker to her as he sighs, and she’s realized that her words have worked, “There’s too much at stake.” 
“Worried about your precious hides. The both of you.” 
Her words have worked on the tiefling. Not the human, clearly. 
She braces herself as the fight begins to feel just a little too inevitable, and out of reassurance to herself, she decides to glance back down at Astarion’s hand by his dagger. It’s no longer just hovering – he’s fully made contact, fingers curling eagerly around the leather grip. He’s tense as ever, but not with the same anxiety that Aruna is. His tenseness is simply readiness. It dawns on her momentarily that whoever wrote that note to her, whoever tasked her with saving him, is an absolute idiot. It’s becoming abundantly clear with every moment they spend together that Astarion is the one more equipped to save her than she is him. 
She’s so caught up in the thought that she misses the resolution of the argument, some exchange of words that unexpectedly lead to both men walking away. And embarrassingly, she only notices when Astarion’s fingers release his dagger, flexing for a second, before wiggling as if taunting her.
“See something you like?” he practically purrs, suddenly too close for comfort.
She jumps, stepping forward into the new empty clearing before them and giving herself a little space to simply breathe. Shadowheart looks entirely unimpressed when Aruna looks to their companions for help, and Gale only shrugs. 
She spins to face Astarion head on now, trying to even her breathing, “Never. Someone just has to make sure you don’t go on a stabbing spree for your own entertainment.” 
“Oh, mother may I?” he taunts, stepping forward and making her effort of space entirely useless. He’s fast to unsheath a dagger, twirling it in his hand, blade flashing in the sunlight. She knows he’s not going to do anything with it, though. Not when his face melts into something a little more serious, a little more genuine, “You do realize we’ll never find a cure to our little…. problems if you try to involve yourself in every fight we come across?”
Yes. “It might do us well to have a few favors to call in. Just in case.” 
“I highly doubt either of those men would offer us a favor for your interjection.” 
“Guess we’ll just have to find out, won’t we?” 
The tiefling is hanging back, not far off from there, and she senses he’s only staying back for the time being due to the way Astarion still holds his blade, carelessly letting it wave around during their conversation. And she’s starting to sense it’s purposeful on Astarion’s part. 
He presses his lips together tightly as he looks down at her, garnet eyes flashing momentarily before he simply gives in. He’s picking his battles to win the war. “I suppose we will. And I do suppose you’re wanting to talk to that tiefling now, aren’t you?” 
She answers wordlessly with a smile as he sheaths his dagger. He’s learning quickly.
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onepiece-polls · 1 year
One Piece Shipping War - Round 2 Side B
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Propaganda under the cut.
Propaganda for Smoker x Law:
Their interactions on punk hazard are just hhhhnnnggghhhh. First they fight against each other and then they have to team up! The sexual tension is through the roof 👀 and they fight so well together too 👀 also law LITERALLY stole smoker's heart?? Sorry for being incoherent that's just what they do to me
I read it in a fic and it was compelling also it would be cool if they both knew rocinante
Law literally stole Smoker’s heart during the Punk Hazard Arc - they saved each other during the Punk Hazard Arc even if they were enemies - classic “Enemies to lovers” energy - perfect matching personalities (INTP x INTJ) - the thrill of a forbidden love between a marine and a pirate.
They have. SUCH a divorcee dynamic listen. - Law literally stole Smoker’s heart in the Punk Hazard arc. - Even though they were enemies, Smoker fought against Vergo and stole Law’s heart to give it back to him, hurting himself A LOT. - at the same time, Law saved Smoker from Vergo and gave Smoker’s heart back even if he didn’t have to. - the way Law smiles when fighting against him and getting on Smoker’s nerves (a lot of tension here hehe). - Smoker’s a marine and Law a pirate, what’s better than a forbidden relationship? - their personalities match perfectly (INTJ and INTP).
SUCH a divorcee dynamic. - we all love a forbidden romance between marine and pirate - the way they interact with each other on Punk Hazard is at the same time easy but full of tension, they clearly have some familiarity w each other - ...and then later they manage to work together seamlessly despite those tensions and differences, and Smoker trusts Law to pick up the slack where he can't. And Law DOES follow through - after the battle Law TELLS Smoker what he's planning next - yeah it's all purposeful for his plans but it's such a clear and obvious manipulation. And yet Smoker does exactly that. - the guy sent to Dressrosa is Issho (which ok Sakazuki says he sent BUT what a funny coincidence still that it's the one guy who's most likely to help Law rather than hinder hmmmm) - when Doffy shows up after Law&co have left and demands to know things Smoker just straight up stonewalls him and lies to his face, with the full knowledge that it may cost him his life. Which yeah, Smoker hates pirates, but he doesn't actually have any reason to do that - if he really didn't care he wouldn't mind siccing the two warlords on each other and watching them destroy themselves so he at the very least must agree with Law if not outright want to help him - delicious narrative parallels! Bc fundamentally they're two sides of the same coin: both are absolutely driven by their personal moral codes and care DEEPLY about people and things. Law may be driven largely by more self-centered goals and focus his good on the smaller circle he chooses to surround himself with, while Smoker is drawn to more lofty pursuits of greater good and helping even those he will never meet or even know of, but at the core they share very similar ideals and values - and ykno. Law LITERALLY punches Smoker's heart out of his chest - also Law is a scrawny-ass twink and you cannot tell me he doesn't have a thing for buff dilfs who could bench press double his weight.
Propaganda for Law x Robin:
Their intelligent goth energy combined would be off the charts
Their backstories parallel each other perfectly! Home destroyed, hunted from a young age saved by a kind marine. Spoilers ahead: They're working together to figure out what the history of the Will of D is, and what happened in the void century! She was the only person Law trusted enough to reveal his middle initial! Also, they could do horrible things together if they decided to use their devil fruits as a team. So many limbs in places they shouldn't be.
Smart, sexy, sleek, intelligent, empathetic, humorous, *might get flustered on occasion*, hobbies: riling up Usopp. Terrific and morbid sense of humour. Just *get* one another. Very close to one another in both age and height!
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lucidfallacy · 21 days
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Spencer Reid x Reader 18+ (Part One)
If there's one thing that pisses me off, more than absolutely anything, it's chasing after an uninterested man. Actually, uninterested is an understatement, I think he straight up hates my fucking guts. I suck my teeth, precisely painting on the last flick of eyeliner in my tiny apartment's bathroom mirror. Out of Control by She Wants Revenge echoes down the hall from my living room speakers, filling in the silence. Well, that concludes my spooky bops playlist I so perfectly curated. The chill bohemian vibe of my place and the three-wick bergamot candle burning on the coffee table are doing little to calm my nerves as I prepare for the annual BAU Halloween party. This is my favorite time of the year, my favorite holiday and I refuse to let boy genius ruin it for me.
The whole aesthetic of fall is right up my alley. The crimson and gold leaves line the city's parks, haunted houses, flannels, and cozy coffee dates. When was the last time I even went on a 'cozy' coffee date? I roll my eyes, open the cabinet mirror, and begin deciding on which perfume to waste tonight. Why do I even care if I smell good? My fingers instinctively land on my one hundred dollar bottle of YSL's Black Opium that I only save for special occasions. It works well with my skin chemistry, what can I say? I spritz myself across my neck, hair, and wrists.
As I close the mirror, I give myself one final look over. I'm wearing a long white bloodied dress with a black bow tied at the waist. I thrifted a matching black choker and long white satin gloves. My long raven hair is slicked back to give a wet illusion. I even have the whole sultry but natural makeup look going on and honestly some killer eyebrows. I've been dying to dress up as Jennifer from Jennifer's body since I was a teenager. Being a horror buff, I always find myself leaning toward the cult classics when it comes time to dress up each year for All Hallows Eve. I can only imagine what everyone else on the team is wearing. Penelope is going to show out for sure. She's the one who suggested we go bar hopping before the actual party, after all, so she must have something to show off. Spencer will probably dress up as Edgar Allen Poe with a stuffed crow perched on his shoulder, or some goofy shit. I think it's going to be just us girls bar crawling tonight though. JJ, Emily, Penelope, and I. The four musketeers. I've become endearingly close to each of them over the past year and it's insane how much they've taught me as a special agent. Penelope even threw some coding into my training for good measure.
Spencer likes to call it a fluke because I may be only 24, but I personally worked my ass off to get here. I have my Masters in criminal justice from the University of Pennsylvania and I minored in sociology, so I definitely fit the bill. What does his overqualified ass have? Like 4 bachelor's degrees and a Ph. Ds in math, science... blah blah fuck you, Dr. Reid. In my opinion, the testing speaks for itself. I scored only a point below his entry test scores with everything considered, but thanks to my physical capabilities I at least one-upped him there. There's plenty of room at work to be the 'smart kid' in class but for some reason, my presence and opinions only bother him. I had an idyllic impression of Spencer before joining the force after reading about him, thinking we were going to be besties. I even attended one of his psychology lectures a couple of years ago at my campus. But unfortunately, we are both participating in this never-ending game of cat and mouse, enjoying pissing each other off. And I hate to say it, but I really do love to see him mad. Some sort of weird switch flips in me when I get under his skin. The way his pupils dilate in those alluringly tired brown eyes. I mean, even Morgan calls him 'pretty boy.'
My phone buzzes around on my cluttered bathroom countertop with text messages from our girl's group chat. I catch it before it falls off.
Group Chat: Coffee Whores
Penelope: C'mon bitches lets go! Meet you at the Tipsy Pumpkin in 30min~
JJ: Just dropped off Henry and Michael, headed over in a bit :) <3
Emily: The Tipsy Pumpkin has a margarita flight I've been dying to try. Good pick girly ;)
Me: * Sends bathroom mirror selfie *
Me: What's the verdict ladies? Too much or not enough?
Penelope: ANNND you look hot. Next question-
Emily: I fear I am underdressed lol
I smile at my phone as I exit the bathroom continuing down the short corridor to make a pit stop by the living room, but I quicky forget why. Out on the balcony, my plants are flourishing, but I'll have to bring them in soon. I can feel the chill of October and the unmistakably smoky scent of an Autumn's night filtering in through the cracked sliding door. Below, downtown Washington's bustling streets are filled with more eccentric nightlife than usual. Trick or treating ended around 8 pm, so it's the adult's turn to have a little fun. It's nice to have nights like these with the team, I mean we pull almost 80-hour work weeks constantly if not traveling. But they all have families, children, and people who miss them when they're gone. And the only 'person' I have is my father, who was put away for a long time, hopefully forever. I would even testify for it. I may have inherited his love of horror movies and tattoos, but thankfully not his sick proclivities for slaughtering women. The case is still ongoing, so I'm trying to butt out of it until the Pennsylvania FBI unit needs my input.
My phone rings, snapping me out of my spiraling thoughts over family drama. No caller ID? Usually, I decline these types of calls, but the FBI loves to keep their privacy. Maybe it's them.
Me: This is special agent L/N how can I help you?
Caller: Ah, special agent L/N... I like that
Me: Um, yes, and who might I be speaking to?
Caller: Miss L/N do you like scary movies?
Me: I'm sorry- what
Caller: Jennifer's body huh? You're really pushin' it. Going out looking like that-
My rapidly beating heart jumps up into my throat as I smash the big red hang up button. I stare at the black screen, wide-eyed. What. The. Fuck. I can't even block them because it's an unknown number. His voice was characteristically deep and gravelly like they were purposely concealing their true self. Take a deep breath L/N. In... out. I know I'm a profiler and this is a stupid, stupid decision, but I'm considering this a prank call. I giggle nervously to myself. Yeah how many other women are dressed up as Megan Fox tonight I mean come on, she's hot. Dude thinks he's Ghostface or some shit, ha. If he really wanted to scare me the fucker should've hidden in my closet with a pair of my pink panties on his head. I slide my hands over the sides of my dress as I collect myself. I'm not going to let Spencer OR some weird coincidence ruin my perfect night. Looking over at my kitchen stove, I see the time is now 8:32 pm. Oh shit, everyone is waiting on me. Walking over to my entryway I slip on a pair of black kitten heels before slipping my phone inside my stitched satchel bag and heading out the front door. Still, I can't help but double-check my deadbolt.
"You're fine, everything is fine," I remind myself under my breath as I walk towards the elevator and press the glowing call button.
The wait feels excruciatingly long as the elevator ascends to the 5th floor. My building is old, still carpeted with 80s-styled red stained rugs and peeling wallpaper. I never thought of it as eerie until this moment. The metal doors slide apart with a ding and as I step onto the lift, my anxieties don't settle. My mind is still plagued by impending doom, but I'm sure that's just the three cups of coffee I sucked down earlier talking. Yeah, I pre-gamed the pre-game. Caffeine makes the alcohol hit harder, studies show. It wouldn't be a good night unless I wake up tomorrow with a torrential hang-over. Wrestling with embarrassing memories of puking in Penelope's toilet before being tucked into a makeshift bed on her couch. The elevator doors squeak open to reveal the lobby and I practically skip out, excited for the comfort of being around friendly strangers in the street.
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earlgreygirlfriend · 2 years
Sunnflower Headcannons 🌻
You can check out my last Sunnflower post here detailing a list of good Ao3 fanfiction as well as Youtube animatics!
✦ Basil thinks Sunny looks good in suits. "Time to buy more suits," Sunny thinks to himself.
✦ Basil: Three words. Say them and I'm yours. Sunny: Three words. Basil:
✦ Basil's love language is physical touch and Sunny's is quality time. Cue Basil getting flustered as hell when Sunny tries to hold hands and cuddle, and Sunny being a bundle of nerves whenever Basil and him are alone together doing enjoyable things
✦ basil fell first sunny fell harder
✦ Idiot / Flustered Idiot dynamic
✦ Basil likes Catmaid Sunny, so Sunny got cat ears and a maid dress just for him
✦ Sunny thought Basil looked so cute in a flower crown that he made Headspace! Basil wear one too
✦ Buff Basil from carrying bags of dirt and gardening work all day, can actually pick Sunny up
✦ Basil hoards Sunny's sweaters and also loves snuggling with them
✦ Sunny wears sunflower-themed jewellery and Basil wears white-tulip earrings
✦ Basil internally gushes at how cute Bedhair! Sunny is
✦ Sunny researches flower meanings for Basil before he gets him any flowers and therefore, usually, the flowers are sappy af
✦ Sunny drew stars around Basil's scars
✦ Basil: Truth or dare? Sunny: ..truth. Basil: how many hours of sleep have you gotten this week? Sunny: Sunny: Dare. Basil: Go to sleep. Sunny: pouts I don’t like this game.
That secret ending with them smiling at each other shows that they can get better. I have hope for both of them ♡
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mekochansblog · 1 year
Fuck school pt.3
Five Hargreeves x reader
going back to school you didn't expect to be called to the principal's office, also wtf does this blonde bitch want!
slight cussing.
Tagged: @shwort319 @thirteen2003fan @slut4sluttybooks
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When you and Five went home early from the school, Luther gave you both a scolding, which was funny to you to see, big Luther giving your 19 year old who’s mentally in his 60s husband a scolding. Five of course didn’t give two flying fucks about it, once you both made it to your room you both didn’t left the room until the next morning. Of course you both still had to go to school since you both are now enrolled at the school. Walking towards the school you thought about yesterday and how you put the girl in her place. Well it was fun and now everybody knew not to mess around with you and your husband.
You looked at Five and smiled, that goofy and love struck smile that you usually have when you look at your husband. You could not think, could not do anything but drink him in, each breath he took, the soft movements of his lips when he would respond to you. Five felt a gaze on him and only looked at you. His eyes were unwavering, green flecked with gold. A surety rose in you, lodged in your throat.
‘I will never leave him. I will be his, always, for as long as he will let me.’ You thought while you looked at his face.
Five smiled at you and grabbed your hand and pulled you to him so he could give you a kiss. You giggled in the kiss and grabbed his tie that he had on. The man wanted to wear a suit to school, which made you ask why he responded with ‘Sweetheart it’s school at least let me look nice.’ Only your husband will want to wear something that you finally made him get out coming back, for him to just want to wear it for fun. You playfully rolled your eyes and just grabbed his hand and pulled him to the school that was in front of both you guys. You noticed that mostly everyone was looking at both and whispering to each other. You gave a glance to Five but he just had his normal face so you decided to ignore it too. If your husband was ignoring whatever was going on then so can you.
What made your blood boil was when the bitchass blonde came walking like what happened yesterday didn’t actually happen. She smirked at you and then walked past you and your husband. You side-eyed her and rolled your eyes. Five dropped you at your class like he did yesterday, you smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek and went to sit in your seat. Now the class that you had was history which you almost knew about everything. From the Peloponnesian war to the Iraq war. Five always said you were the history buff and he was just the hands on deck person. It was why you both went so well together. The teacher thought she knew everything until you kept correcting. When the teacher let you do the talking you noticed that a boy was staring at you. It didn’t bother you since everyone was staring at you since you were the one giving the lesso while the teacher also took notes like a student.
When the bell rang you went back to your desk and started grabbing your journal. When you felt a hand grab your shoulder, you grabbed and twisted it and turned to see who it was. Turns out it was the boy that was staring at you. You let go and he grabbed his hand and started massaging it; guess you grabbed him a little too tight.
“I’m sorry, but you shouldn’t just grab anyone like that, you’re lucky I didn’t break your arm.” You said while you gave him a small smile. He blushed and started stuttering. You lightly touched his shoulder and reassured him to calm down. He started blushing and stuttering trying to make a sentence. You tried to be patient, you really did but this boy was really getting on your nerves for not saying anything. You sighed and slowly started walking away when he actually said something that made you stop and look at him with wide eyes.
“I like you, will you go out with me on a date?” He said while pulling on his fingers from the nerves. You looked around just to make sure he was talking to you or someone that was maybe behind you. You saw no one at all behind you and then turned around to look at him. You sighed and thought how you can kindly say no. You open your mouth but someone beats you to it.
“She’s actually married to me, for your information.” You turned and smiled, you knew who it was just by his voice. You walked to your husband and held his arm. You looked at the stuttering boy and went back to your husband. You can tell by the way he clenched his jaw and had his deep stare that he was pissed as hell. Well it was natural for him not to when some boy was asking his wife on a date.
“Sorry but as you can tell I’m happily married.” You told him he nodded his head and stuttered a sorry and ran out of the door. You turned to face your husband, him facing you slowly looking at you, you gulped he had a way to make your heart flutter and your pussy pulse. You grinned at him and gave him a peck and started to leave the room when you heard the teacher come in. You looked at him and he mentioned to both you and Five to follow him.
Walking out of the classroom you saw the same blonde ass bitch smirking. You knew she was the one that called the teacher thinking she did something. You smirked back and flicked her off and stuck out your tongue. She scoffed and flicked her fake burnt hair. Heading to the principals office made you think of what the fuck you did wrong. Was it because you fought the bitch? Oh well you might as well just get out of this shit.
The principal made you call your ‘guardians’ so you called all of your siblings in laws. Once they came in they started asking a bunch of questions. You and Five gave each other a side eye look and just rolled your eyes. The principal mentioned how he heard Five say you both were married and that you both were young about it.
Klaus blurted out “they have been married for like 30 years!” Everyone stayed silent. I sighed and just got up, everyone looked at me, you decided to just leave and never came back, what’s the point. Everyone also got up and slowly walked.
“Bye have fun fucking that blonde bitch!” You said out loud since she was right there.
You smirked and laughed and walked hand and hand with your husband, you looked at him and whispered to him. “Let’s go have more fun at home.” You smirked, he smirked back and started running away from his family while they screamed to wait.
Yeah fuck school. Never again.
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duhragonball · 6 months
Neon Genesis Evangelion 06
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Last time, Shinji went to go fight another one of them pesky Angels, but it kicked his ass before he could even get out of the elevator. I'm a little fuzzy on just what happened, but judging from the looks of him, I'd say it showed him some dirty magazines and it gave him a nosebleed so bad that he passed out.
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With Eva Unit 01 out of the way, the Angel moves into Tokyo-3 and starts drilling into the city.
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While Shinji receives medical attention, Misato assesses the situation. The Angel (that big octohedron there), has an "AT Field" to protect it from conventional weapons, just like the other Angels we've seen before it. Unlike the other Angels, it's attacking the NERV base directly. In ten hours, its drill will penetrate the underground shielding and compromise the base. And if it senses any threat within a certain range, it blows it away with the same pornography laser that took out Shinji.
Misato can't help but admire the thing. They can't drop a bomb on it because of the AT Field, and they can't send an Eva because the pornography laser would destroy it before it ever got close enough to attack. The one thing going for them is that the Angel is just sitting there in one spot while it drills. And that gives Misato an idea.
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Basically, she wants to snipe the thing with a really big gun. The Japanese Self Defense Force has a positron cannon, and with enough power, she thinks it could be strong enough to kill the Angel in one shot. I'm not clear on whether this would penetrate the AT field or just hit the Angel so fast that it wouldn't have time to activate the AT field. But where will they get enough juice to power this operation? Misato plans to divert power from the entire nation of Japan. Eva Unit 01 will be repaired before the drill breaches the base, so at midnight she'll have Shinji take the shot.
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But Gendo Ikari is in command, so she has to clear all this with him. "Can I stare judgmentally during the operation?" "Yes, sir." "Then you may proceed."
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She even gives it a cool name: Operation Yashima. I looked it up, and this is an ancient name for Japan, so I guess this is in reference to how she plans to use the entire country's power grid to make this work.
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The only downside to the plan is that Suzuhara and Big Rigg Mahoney won't be able to play video games during the blackout, but that's war for you.
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Rei brings food and orders to Shinji as he finally wakes up from the devastating effects of the pornography laser. He's still shaken from the experience, while Rei acts like this is just another day at the office. She even says she can pilot Unit 01 if he chooses. That isn't actually an option, but they don't know that part of the plan yet. Mostly, Rei doesn't want Shinji to report for duty in the buff. Well, now they've both seen each other nude, so I guess that's a bit of trivia I didn't know before.
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Since there's no video games during the blackout, Big Rigg Mahoney and the gang all hang around near the hillside where the Evas come out. I'm not sure how any of this works. Eva 01 came out of the same elevator it always uses and got shot, so I guess this is like the back door or something? How would the kids know about it?
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Both Evas, Units 00 and 01, head for a temporary base near their sniper position. There, Misato gives them their orders. Shinji will take the show with Unit 01, because he has better control over 01, and that means he'll be able to acquire the target more easily. Meanwhile, Rei will protect Shinji with Unit 00. This makes sense, because they're still having issues with 00. It will activate and Rei can pilot it, but apparently it's still not ready for combat. The Angel's pornography laser can melt right through the Evas, but NERV has prepared a large shield which ought to be able to resist the pornography laser for seventeen seconds, long enough for Shinji to take the shot.
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So everyone knows what to do. Japan shuts down to give its energy to Shinji. Rei reassures Shinji by promising to protect him no matter what. Then she says "goodbye" before they get in their robots, because I guess Misato ordered her to say something fatalistic before the mission.
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And Pen-Pen? His orders are to pray. Let's just hope he picked the right religion. Not one of those stupid penguin faiths, that's for sure. Antarctica was the first casualty of this apocalypse, so that should tell you how much Penguin-Zoroastrianism is worth.
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At midnight, they start powering up the gun. Everything seems to be going okay. Be vewwwy vewy quiet. Shinji is hunting angews.
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But just as he takes the shot, the Angel shoots its pornography laser at him, and the two beams seem to interact with one another somehow? Shinji's gun misses, and his Eva is damaged but still functional. I guess the Angel detected the power buildup in the gun, even from a distance. Shinji can try again, except the positron cannon has a cooldown period, and the Angel knows where he is, so it won't miss again.
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But Rei's here to save him with that shield of hers. The only problem is that it's only good for seventeen seconds, and no one expected the Angel to draw a bead on them like this. Now it's just going to keep shooting until they're both dead, so if Shinji can't make the second shot, he won't get a third try.
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But he pulls it off! The beam shoots right through the core, which is the thing you have to attack to kill the Angel, so that puts a stop to the pornography laser and the drill.
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And just in the nick of time, as the drill had just reached the interior of the NERV base. Looks to me like the Angel was targeting their Bass Pro Shop pyramid. I guess that makes sense. It's a big diamond, so maybe it was naturally attracted to another geometric shape-- wait.
Was the Angel trying to fuck the base? Is that what this was all about? Rot in hell, you perverted alien monster.
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Meanwhile, Eva 00 is badly damaged, and Shinji removes Rei's pilot tube to see if she's okay.
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Actually, Unit 01 looks pretty badly melted too.
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Shinji struggles to open the damaged hatch... which seems oddly familiar. Waaaaaait a minute!
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Oh, he's doing the thing that his dad did in the other thing! It's poetry. It rhymes! As before, Rei has survived. Maybe she's hurt, but it's hard to tell with her.
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He tells her not to act like she has no one else, which is what she said before they got in their robots. It's a lot like how Misato showed Shinji that he has something to live for in this city. Also, needless to say, Shinji coming to check on Rei is a lot like when Gendo did it, and that moment touched Rei so much she kept his broken glasses as a momento of it.
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Rei admits that she has no idea what to say or do in this situation, so Shinji suggests she smile, and she does. I'll just say it: it's kind of creepy when she does that.
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And that's it. This is the best episode so far. I think my only complaint is that they spent a lot of time talking about what they were going to do, then doing what they talked about doing, so it was a lot of scenes of preparation to set up this one climactic moment. But it's a sniper operation, so it makes sense, and more importantly, it works.
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Mostly, though, I like how this episode showcased Misato's contribution to the NERV Agency. Up to now, it seemed like the sole option for defending against Angel attacks were the Evas, which basically reduced NERV to providing logistical support to their only effective weapon. But this episode threw a curveball at them and Misato rose to the occasion to find an alternative strategy. I kind of understood that she had to be capable of this sort of thing, but the first five episodes made it seem like it would never matter. So this was a good thing all around.
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thefreakydeaky · 1 year
After the Thrill is Gone
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Part One
Negan Smith x Reader
Daryl Dixon x Reader
Modern AU
Summary: From the first moment you laid eyes on Negan you were inexplicabley drawn to him. The passion between you is hot and only grows more intense the longer you see each other. There is only one problem, you're both married to other people.
Warnings: Dark Fic , Stalking, Stalker behavior, Smuttyness, Adult Language, I'll add more warnings as I post, so please check the warnings for updates on each chapter.
You spoke into your phone in a low voice trying hard not to be overheard.
"You know we can't."
"Can't or shouldn't?" Negan challenged.
You took an anxious breath.
"He'll find out."
"We'll be careful. He will never know." He insisted.
You chewed your lower lip nervously.
"Only to talk, right?"
"Yeah, just to talk." He assured you.
You let out a weak shuddering breath.
"Meet me at the place we used to meet tomorrow at eleven thirty."
"I'll see you there." He promised and hung up.
The next day, you wore the gift Negan had given you when he'd seen you last, a white summer dress with pink flowers dotting it. You slipped into a pair of buff colored sandals and left through the back door.
He texted you the number of the motel room. When you reached the motel, a bleak ugly thing with it's walls of dirty white stucco and fading orange doors, you walked along the sidewalk under the awning. You checked the numbers as you passed, your heartbeat quickening the closer you got to number three.
You knocked on the door. The door seemed to part from the frame slowly, almost spookily since you couldn't see who was standing behind it. You took a step into the room and then another and another.
"Negan?" You called softly.
You heard the door close behind you and jumped. You turned and there he was, in his black leather jacket and grey tshirt. Those beautiful amber eyes were watching you.
He came close to you, leaned down and gave you a kiss, a gentle little peck.
"Hello there, Babygirl. Wasn't sure you were gonna make it."
You swallowed to wet your nervous throat.
He pinched the sleeve of your dress.
"This looks beautiful on you. I knew it would." He rubbed the material between his finger and thumb, but didn't touch you.
"You said you wanted to talk. Well, I'm here. So let's talk." You had to muster up every ounce of confidence you had to say the statement, because you knew him and any sign on weakness he saw, he'd pounce on it.
"Mhmm." He took your hand in his. " Why don't we sit." He led you to the bed.
Careful not to sit too close, you brushed your hand down the back of your skirt and sat down on the tan and orange blanket.
"Tell me why you think we should end our... relationship." He hadnt let go of your hand.
You cleared your throat.
"You're married-"
"So, are you." He interrupted.
"-and if we get caught-"
"We just have to keep being careful, Babygirl. No one will find out."
"-it will hurt people."
His thumb rubbed soothing circles on the back of your hand.
"We won't get caught. As long as we stay careful and neither one of us gets sloppy, they'll never know."
The sigh you emitted grated on his nerves. You could tell by the way his jaw tightened.
"The way I feel about you...it's getting worse. I think about you all the time. I miss you so bad it aches. We can't go on like this. We'll never be-"
"How do you feel about him?"
You looked away guiltily.
"Do you love him?"
"I...well, yes, but-"
"I love her. I don't think either one of us would ever actually leave them. Not for all the world, not even for each other."
You sat there in the quiet for a moment, soaking in his words. Weighing whether or not they were true.
"So what real danger is there in seeing each other if we both know and accept that nothing will come of it?"
You peered into his mesmorizing whisky colored eyes. In their depths you could see he was every bit as addicted as you were. One of you had to do the right thing.
You stood up.
"This is the last time I'll see you." You bent and took a sweet kiss from his lips, drinking from them the last sip of the intoxicating drug that plagued you.
"Good bye, Negan." You said with finality and went out the door.
You saw Daryl putting his gun in the safe you kept in your bedroom. You frowned, confused by why he would have taken it out in the first place, but you didn't ask.
"Honey?" You called from the doorway. "Dinner's ready."
He shut the little door and stood.
"What'd you make?"
"Some of that bass you caught last weekend and rice and potatoes."
He laughed softy.
"The kids aren't gonna wanna eat none of that."
You put your arms around him as he came closer.He was getting better at not tensing up when you hugged him, something your marriage counselor had suggested he work on. You were happy to see some improvement.
"Well then, it's a good thing I made them nuggets and mac and cheese."
He leaned forward and kissed you. His lips pressed and molded to yours.
"Mmm, you look nice." He told you, in that gruff voice of his, his hand slipping down your skirt and copping a feel of your ass.
You smiled at him, holding the guilt tightly between your teeth so it didn't make you reveal your secret.
"Thank you, Honey. Just felt like dressing up today."
He was a breath away from kissing you again when the sounds of feet running through your mobile home distracted you both. You turned and saw your middle child chasing after your youngest at the end of the hallway.
"Hunter! How many times I gotta tell you not to be runnin' through this house?" Daryl chastized.
Your three year old daughter came running to you, Nintendo Switch in hand, her wild curls bouncing with her every step. You reached down and took her into your arms.
"Millie took my switch." Hunter complained.
"Shouldn't leave things where she can grab 'em." Your husband reminded him.
Daryl plucked the game out of your daughter's hand and gave it back to Hunter.
"Nooo!" She protested, kicking her feet.
"Shh..." You hushed her, patting her back and followed your family to the living room.
"Alright, y'all it's time to eat." Daryl said tiredly. "Go and sit at the table."
Hunter and Wyatt went and got cups to serve themselves juice. You and Daryl began serving the kids macaroni and cheese. You gave a nugget to your whining three year old to distract her while you placed nuggets on plates. Then you sat her down in the chair next to yours and set her small plate in front of her. Daryl gave the boys their plates.
Then you each served yourselves the fish you had baked. Daryl got a couple of beers from the fridge for the two of you. Then you sat down to eat.
"How was school?" Daryl asked.
Wyatt launched into a story about how he had gotten in trouble for something that wasn't his fault.
"School just started last week and you're already in trouble?" You tried not to sound as disappointed as you felt.
"It's his fault! He talks to me like I'm dumb."
"What, some friend of yours?" Daryl asked.
"No. Coach. I didn't do anything wrong. I just talked to him like he talks to me." He shrugged.
"Now don't be doing that. When you mess up you gotta take responsibility. You can't be blaming it on other people. That ain't right."
Wyatt hung his head.
"But they want me to stay in detention after school all week."
"What does Mom always say?" Daryl prompted.
"If you can't do the time, don't do the crime." Wyatt replied, rolling his eyes.
"That's right. Your actions have consequences. If you didn't wanna be in detention you shouldn't've acted up."
"Yeah." Hunter put in.
"Hunter." You said in warning.
"Yes, Mom?"
"Be nice to your brother."
"But Mom!"
"But Mom nothing. Be nice." You told him.
He sullenly chewed his nugget.
"Ran into Ma at the Valero by the shop. She had Millie with her." Daryl remarked.
"Oh, the baby was acting up and I had some errands to run. I asked Ma to watch her for a bit.
"What errands?" Daryl's green eyes were on you, watching you so intently, it made you uncomfortable.
"I had to stop by the bank to make sure that hold from Amazon didn't go through and I had to go to Walmart to pick up some milk. Just a few little things like that."
"Oh." He turned his attention back to his food.
You fought the compulsion to come clean.
That night after you put Millie to bed your phone rang. You heard from the other room and quickly made your way to the charger to stop the ringing.
You heart squeezed painfully in your chest at the sight of the screen. Negan never called you during the evening. He knew not to. Why was he calling you? You answered the phone. You went to the kitchen for some privacy.
"I need to see you."
You sighed.
"I meant what I said. You shouldn't be calling me." Your thumb moved toward the end call button.
"You didn't give me enough time to tell you my side of things."
"I am sorry you feel that way."
"I need...to see you, Babygirl and I know you want to see me. We can meet up Friday morning. Can you make that?"
"I'm sorry, but I can't. Please don't call me again." You said and hung up. It hurt you to say no, but you had to do it. It had to be a clean break for both of you otherwise you wouldn't be able to stop.
A mere thirty seconds later your phone rang. You checked the screen and couldn't believe it. Negan was calling again. You put the ringer volume on mute and set your phone down to charge.
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lilyblackdrawside · 2 years
Most people know that the gamepress Arknights site has a lot of interesting takes on operators (newer ones in particular) that boil down to “not as good as older operator X, not 'worth the investment’”. It just is what it is, I say to myself, but one article in particular gets on my nerves and that is the one on Fartooth. It can be summed up as follows: - Infinite range is too niche to be useful - Not as good as Schwarz
and it misses most of her points.
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There is this little bit about her S2 and the contradiction is right there. I hope the author wrote the sentence about the sometimes troubling Deadeye targeting, then stepped away from the computer for an hour and wrote the next one about the skill not buffing atk without rereading what they wrote.
The point of S2 isn’t for Fartooth to deal amazing damage to high-def enemies, it’s to let her deal high dps to medium and low def enemis for which her targeting helps, as the article ends up pointing out. But with it unwittingly doing so it also misses the point. Having someone who can globally filter out small trash units is something that outside of Fartooth can only be done by Ambriel and sometimes you have strong enemies that eat up block counts and muddle targeting that allows small fry to escape. These situations aren’t common, that’s correct, because if they were it’d be incredibly annoying.
They do get her S3 somewhat right in that it exists to deal with elite or boss enemies but once again focus too much on her “global range”. Fartooth doesn’t need to shoot across 20 tiles to be valuable, all she needs is an enemy that is at least 5 tiles ahead of her and outside of Integrated Strategies there are plenty of stages where this applies. Elite and Boss enemies tend to idle at spawn for a while and if this spawn happens to be in a direct line for Fartooth she will be a great asset. My best recent example is Degenbrecher in her Extra stage. Fartooth absolutely demolished her for me all the while dodging all of her abilities by sitting on the other side of the map (or really just 5 tiles away). There are very few means of dealing hard-hitting burst damage from long range. It’s a similar case to Ifrit. Ifrit only needs one tile and Fartooth only needs to be 5 away.
The comparison to Schwarz is also just misleading. I can’t make a call on who actually deals more damage (it probably is Schwarz, or she should be since she has to be closer to the target), but that’s also not the point. They complement each other. Schwarz with at least Mastery 1 on S3 has 4 tiles range. If Schwarz can’t reach, then it’s the perfect target for Fartooth and if Fartooth can’t get far away enough then Schwarz steps in. Or sometimes you can fit both! There is never a situation where more Snipers won’t solve the problem and they even buff each others’ attack! Do not pit two bad bitches against each other!
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josiebelladonna · 2 years
why are all the men in the green druidess’ fics always portrayed as really shitty.
i mean, aside from frankie bello, they’re all depicted as these shitty, shallow, one-note meat sacks who treat her heroine like garbage and their relationship is always borderline abusive. from the “running from something her past” trope in like loving the dead, and turns out that something was joey; “something happened in my past”, yeah he was poisoned, that’s what happened. which leads to peter turning into a total asshole (or not? the little piece of what i was shown of this latest chapter of that fic, it seemed totally harmless to me) and leads her heroine to nikki sixx—and from the little bit i saw with life after death, that’s not really the best idea.
all the men are really shitty and her heroine is an idiot (re: “first time you get bit, it’s not your fault. but the second time you go in for a petting, you knew.”) 
i mean, i get it if that’s the point. but it gets weird after a time, though, especially when i think about how she sits in my memory. no, not weird. disconcerting.
it gets really disconcerting really fast, knowing this mean person is taking the personae of musical men (who also happen to be dark-haired which is… very unsettling) and depicting them as horrible people. yeah, rpf is just by use of their image, but it confirms my descriptor of her fics as “mean-spirited”. they’re paranoid and overly clean in diction, they get on the nerves really quick, they’re quite problematic in a sense that she shamelessly copies, and they’re mean-spirited, in an ethical sense and in a sense of gender roles. add to this: holy shit, has that trope been done to death. i already don’t really like it to begin with, either: it’s just dumb and i don’t find it very entertaining. the biggest example of this trope that people point to is wuthering heights, but even that’s inaccurate because catherine knew that her love of heathcliff was wrong, but because of institutionalized racism and the fact heathcliff was an outsider. and then, after being treated like dirt for most of his life, he became an abuser in his own rite and you stop sympathizing with catherine and you see the big picture (and you instead feel bad for nelly having witnessed all this). it’s a book about generational trauma and how it’s inherited through the generations, and not only has this been completely discarded, but it’s been watered down and lost in translation so much through wattpad fanfictions that it’s troubling. (really, you read wuthering heights for the “romance”, i’m going to ask you if there was something in your past if you think catherine and heathcliff are a dream couple.)
i’m glad i’m taking the loren bouchard approach with my testament fics and the conflict comes from outside. it’s not just with dead man walking, either: i look back at fever and yeah, sam and alex started out not liking each other, but they warmed up to each other and alex eventually showed his kindness to her, and then they became friends followed by best friends and then at the very end, she confessed her love to him and he tells her he’s loved her since the moment he saw her, he just never knew how to admit it to her. what major conflict happens throughout that fic primarily comes from outside, driven home by the fact it was just the two of them at one point. yeah, they both slip—they both hold a lot inside, and there’s the scene where alex takes great umbrage to the fact sam drew him in the buff without his knowledge, but he realizes that there’s actually nothing wrong with it. 
but it was never anything like… “peter/joey/nikki, what’s wrong?” “THERE’S NOTHING WRONG, GET OUT!” *cries* “oh, baby, i’m sorry, come back” for chapters ad nauseam until she finally tells him to fuck off and yet she’s still heartbroken (you know, now that i write it out, i don’t get why people on wattpad are so enamored by this because it’s so uncomfortable, and more so when it’s just the same fic over and over again at its core. and it’s super on-the-nose, too, like i remember reading the silence and there was a whole section that basically spelled out the entire plot of the fic without a shred of creativity to it). flowers for alexander has the alleged affair between florence and eric but they reconcile and their relationship is mostly wholesome. the real tension is with eric and alex, and also alex and francine: a gay angle and an unrequited thing, too. and with the sci-fi stuff going on in the background, too.
like blood from a stone has the pressure of the royalty and the arranged marriage trope as well as the whole soulmate trope.
eerie inhabitants has the vampires and the things the sisters have to deal with: lily and abby are otherwise partners in crime, because they kind of have to be, their home life blows and the end of the world might happen without their knowing.
in fact, iirc, now it’s dark was like this, too: joey and lars were different à la men in black but they accepted each other because they had to, and they grew and had an arc that way.
blood & chocolate, love is not enough, and—gonna spill the beans a bit—black moon are just about awakening. alex awakening to himself in tandem with my own awakening (with the latter two, it’s through jay, q, and christine). whatever internal conflict there is, it’s always like… “my true love is elsewhere”, or “my friends and i are facing titanic challenges from the outside and i have to leave my bullshit at the door because we have each other”, or “i want to overcome sexual anxiety so i can be at peace”, or “my love left in some irreversible fashion and i’m alone but there are too many questions and this other person seems to get me about that.” there’s always a theme of unity in my fics. i like the loren bouchard/buddy movie approach because it’s fun, but there’s nothing fun about the druidess’ writing, though.  i can only hope that her intent is in a better place.
understand: i don’t want to compare myself to her because it’s ridiculous, but it’s hard not to when i look at her stats in comparison to me and i can’t help but ask questions and be a serious critic for a second.
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relaxxattack · 2 years
like im thinking about how that one time it got pointed out that rose is considered “fashionable” when she literally put on a goth nightgown and tied a scarf around it. and dave is considered “messy/undignified” when hes the guy who immediately alchemized like 5 different suits and worse them all even though it was sweltering.
and then im comparing that to how rosemary are always getting portrayed as ‘refined dignified lesbian moms’ when kanaya is the awkwardest character in the whole comic, wore her pajamas to her first date; and rose got blackout drunk from nerves over that very event (and yet dave was still the one who had to tell her it was even a date). rose kissed kanaya for the first time and immediately fell down a flight of stairs.
meanwhile davekat take years to get their shit together, but once they do they HAVE it together, theyre both comfortable and sweet with each other, and dave takes the first fucking opportunity to give john a whole spiel on his thoughts about comphet and heteronormativity. for fucks sake, karkat vantas is the universe’s biggest romance buff. he’s obsessed with traditional dates and love stories. what about that screams “oh theyre the absolute opposite of rosemary, instead of being refined and dignified they fight over pizza and throw chips at each other”.
like im not saying they DONT fight over pizza! im sure they DO because they think it’s funny and they also hate each others guts! and im not saying rosemary DONT do each others makeup or outfits.
im just saying like... we should get rid of the idea that rosemary are smart or dignified and ‘know what theyre doing’. rose played pretend at therapist the same way dave played pretend at being an internet coolguy. theyre both just actually idiots irl. and if anyone is gonna give your fave the gay talk it would be one of the striders, not rose. rose will just make fun of you for your gayness without being helpful in the slightest.
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yuujispinkhair · 2 years
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Sweet like birthday cake
You come home to the taste of birthday cake on Yuuji's tongue and the sight of powdered sugar in Sukuna's hair. Pairing: Sukuna x Reader (female) x Yuuji Genre: Birthday fic, fluff, College AU Word Count: 1.7k Warnings: 18+, Sukuna and Yuuji are twin brothers in this story. Reader is in an established relationship with both of them. (Not twincest, though. The brothers only share reader). They all go to college and live together. Nothing explicit, just some suggestive stuff, kissing and feeding each other cake. All characters are of age. This story is 18+. Minors don't interact. I wrote this for my sweet friend @sukunassoulmate ! Happy birthday, babe!! I wish you all the best and lots of love and fun! Yuuji and Kuna send all their love and kisses! I hope you enjoy this little story, and it can make you smile! Love youu 💗
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"Happy birthday!!!"
Yuuji's excited greeting is the first thing you hear when opening the door to your apartment before you get engulfed in a cloud of glittery confetti, and your boyfriend beams at you and pulls you against his buff chest.
You laugh when his strong arms wrap around you, and he kisses the top of your head and says once again:
"Happy birthday, sweetie. I know I already said that about ten times today, but I'm excited to celebrate with you! How was your day? Are you hungry? Do you want to take a relaxing bath? What do you need?"
Yuuji's so cute. You smile against his broad chest and lift your head to look up at him while wrapping your arms around his muscular body.
"Thank you, baby. My day was stressful, but it's ok now that I'm home with you."
Yuuji blesses you with one of his sunshine smiles, and his hand cups your chin to tilt your face further up so he can press a sweet kiss to your lips.
You sigh happily and melt against your sweet boy, opening your lips to lick against his silky tongue and let him take your mind off your day at college, effectively distracting you with his sweet and sexy kisses that make the butterflies in your stomach flutter uncontrollably.
Yuuji is always so sweet and gentle, moving his soft lips slowly against yours, flicking his tongue tenderly against yours. A kiss that is a tender caress so full of love and affection. He tastes like vanilla and strawberry, you realize, and it makes you smile against his mouth because it fits him so well.
Was he baking?
You pull away when you have to breathe again, and Yuuji makes that cute needy noise in the back of his throat that he always makes when he doesn't want to let go of you just yet. He follows your mouth with his and presses more little kisses on your lips, making you giggle.
But you manage to pull away enough to smile up at him and ask:
"You taste like birthday cake, baby. Is there by any chance some cake waiting for me in the kitchen?"
Yuuji's honey eyes sparkle mischievously, and he laughs that happy laugh that always makes your heart beat faster.
But before he can answer, you feel a second pair of strong arms wrap around you from behind and a muscular body pressing against your back.
"Welcome home, princess. There is cake in the kitchen. The brat spent the whole day preparing it. He was getting on my nerves so much with his panic attacks and meltdowns all the time. Idiot!"
Your smile grows wider as you lean back against the boy behind you. Sukuna. He's Yuuji's twin and your other boyfriend. Sukuna is always acting so tough and loves to tease his brother. But you can hear the affection in his low voice, and you know by now that he is actually a good guy deep down.
You laugh when Yuuji complains loudly:
"Hey, stop exposing me! And it was only one meltdown when the cake filling went out, and I didn't have any ingredients left. Don't listen to him, (y/n)! Also, Kuna was the one who went to the grocery store to buy more ingredients, and he even helped me decorate the cake!"
You laugh and let your head fall back against Sukuna to look up at him.
"Aww, I would have loved to see you baking with Yuuji. I bet it was adorable."
"I'm not adorable. I looked very hot. I am sexy at anything I do."
"Oh, shut up! You were wearing a Hello Kitty apron and had powdered sugar in your hair. That was hardly sexy."
"Definitely sexier than you!"
"Guys, you are both very sexy and cute! No need to fight. Now please show me the cake? I'm really hungry."
The excited sparkle is back in Yuuji's eyes at your words, and his warm hand wraps around yours to tug you along to the kitchen. You smile when Sukuna takes your other hand and gives it a gentle squeeze as he follows behind you.
They both make you so happy. When you first moved in with them, you didn't expect to ever be like this with them. Sharing hugs and kisses and holding their hands. Your two boyfriends who are so different and yet so alike when it comes to loving you and making you feel at home.
The three of you arrive in the small kitchen, and Yuuji stops so abruptly at the door that you and Sukuna bump into him, but Yuuji is so solid that he doesn't even budge. Instead, he turns around with a grin on his handsome face.
"I have to light the candles. No peeking! Kuna, you know what to do!"
And suddenly, the twins are a heart and soul and work together in perfect sync. Sukuna presses against your back, and his large hands cover your eyes, making you squeal lightly, but he holds you in place, and his velvety voice is purring into your ear:
"Stay here, babe. You know how Yuuji gets when we mess up a surprise. So be a good girl for me, ok?"
Of course, you won't complain because it feels really nice to feel Sukuna's muscular body against your back, and the gentle but hot kisses he trails all over your neck make your pulse quicken.
You moan softly when his warm lips wander up further, and he gently turns your head so he can kiss your lips.
Sukuna's kisses are always more demanding than Yuuji's. He doesn't waste time but instantly pushes your lips apart, deepening the kiss and sending sparks of desire through you when you feel his pierced tongue lick into your mouth.
You can't help but lose your mind a bit when your favorite bad boy kisses you like that. You play with his tongue piercing, eliciting a soft groan from him that makes you already fantasize about what the three of you will be doing after eating your birthday cake.
"Ok, let's go!! Blow the candles, sweetie!"
You blink in surprise when Sukuna pulls away from you and takes his hands off your eyes at his twin's excited yell.
Oh, you absolutely want to blow something, but it's not just the candles on your birthday cake. A chuckle escapes your lips at the pun, and your gaze meets Yuuji's, who seems to read your mind because he winks cheekily at you before his large warm hand takes yours once again and pulls you into the kitchen.
The birthday cake is a masterpiece. It has two layers, in two different shades of pink, and is decorated with lots of sugar pearls and red hearts, and to your biggest delight, there are three little figures on the top. Unmistakeably you are in the middle, and your two pink-haired boyfriends are on each side of you and kissing your cheeks.
No wonder Yuuji spent the whole day in the kitchen! You feel happy tears gather in your eyes, but before you can start crying for real, four strong hands steer you towards the kitchen counter where the birthday cake is standing, and the twins tell you at the same time:
"Happy birthday!"
Yuuji adds: "I love you so much, cutie."
While Sukuna's slightly lower voice says: "I love you, princess."
Happiness washes over you. You are so grateful for those two amazing guys and all the love they give you. You know how lucky you are. Having one of them as your boyfriend would already be incredible but dating both of them is like winning the jackpot.
You lean down to blow the candles while Yuuji cheers you on loudly, and Sukuna laughs softly. Your eyes close as you try to think of a birthday wish, but you realize that you already have anything you need. And so you only wish for things to stay the same. Just you and your two boyfriends, that's all you want in life.
Once you're finished, you turn to the twins with a happy smile.
"Thank you so much! You're so cute! I love you both so much!"
They beam at you. Even Sukuna is wearing a warm smile on his face. It makes them look so alike despite their slightly different style.
Sukuna throws an arm over his brother's shoulder and pulls him against his side.
"Yuuji did most of the work. Excellent job, brat. I'm proud of you."
An amused smirk finds its way back onto his handsome face before he adds:
"I was just there to look sexy in my Hello Kitty apron. One of us had to do that job too."
"Ok, maybe you looked a little bit sexy in it, but so did I! But also, nah, you helped a lot, Kuna! You did all the shopping for the cake, and you measured all the ingredients for me. Thank you for your help, bro. Without you, I wouldn't have been able to finish the cake in time."
It always makes you feel so warm when the two brothers get along so nicely.
You reach out to ruffle their pretty pastel pink hair and get on your tiptoes to kiss both of them on the cheek. To your amusement, there's still some powdered sugar in Sukuna's hair.
"I know you both looked very sexy while baking. And the cake is so pretty! Thank you for doing all that work for me and making my birthday so special!"
"This wasn't even the birthday special yet. There are still several hours of your day left, princess. We're gonna spoil you all night, birthday girl."
"Yeah, we'll take good care of our sweet girl. And you know I really love cake, not just birthday cake but the other type too."
The matching cheeky grins on their faces make you bite your lip. They are so perfect! You can't help but press your thighs together at the thought of the sweet night that they have planned for you.
But first, you'll make sure to try your birthday cake and also feed some of it to your boys because they deserve it too after spending all day shopping and baking for you.
You swipe one finger over the cream topping and bring it to your lips, closing your eyes in pleasure when you taste the delicious mix of vanilla and strawberry. Yuuji really outdid himself with the recipe!
You realize there's still some cream stuck to your lips, but before you can lick it up, Yuuji and Sukuna are already both leaning closer to you, eyes fixed on your lips, and you know that the cake-eating will get very messy from this point on.
The next twenty minutes are spent licking cake filling off your boyfriends' tongues and fingers, sharing kisses that taste like strawberry and vanilla, and the promise of a night full of the sweetness that only the Itadori twins can give you.
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Thank you so much for reading! I wrote this spontaneously for Yel's birthday, and I hope it turned out well! The Itadori twins own me! I really love modern AU's, and the thought of Yuuji and Sukuna being twins makes me so happy somehow. I hope you enjoyed it too! Now I want to eat cake!
Please let me know what you think! Comments and reblogs would be very appreciated.
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seokjinsonlyone · 3 years
this what i think bts love language is
a/n: this just my thoughts besties i ain’t do no formal type of research or nun just let my lil imagination sprint 🥸🤪
physical affection/words of affirmation
okay so i said physical affection for one bc like he seem to like initiate contact with people around him a lot
like in interviews he be having his hand on whoever next to him thigh or like when he be performing if it’s someone next to him he throws his arms around them a lot
not to mention like whenever jimin or jk or whoever start feeling up on him he never rejects it or makes a face or anything like yoongi does he just accepts it
like there’s so many stage clips where jimin will come and rest his chin on joon’s shoulder and he just lets him
or jk will just start touching on him some way grabbing his arms or sumn and it doesn’t phase him at all
another example is like on day 2 of sowoozoo when tae randomly came and linked arms with him and hobi during mikrokosmos hobi was like 🥴🥴 but joon was just 😌
and then there was that magic shop muster moment when jk was talking about how much he loved joon and how he was his beginning you know as president of the joon fan club does and namjoon couldn’t help but to go over and give his number one admirer a hug you know the moment
same thing with compliments he lowkey be eating them up
like you know how whenever hobi gets complimented he be like “😶 don’t say those things” joon don’t do that
like when they was asked to take their jackets off during the butter shoot and namjoon was like yeah okay and everyone started hyping him up and he was just 💁🏼‍♂️😜
and again on day 2 sowoozoo when he pushed his hair back from his forehead and everyone went OHHHHHSWJJSJS SEXY NAMJOON and then he decided to murder us all by tilting his head back on top of that adding insult to injury i would insert the picture but for my mental health i will not
and again whenever they talk about him being such a great leader he never shies away from it doesn’t cringe always accepts it so you know it must mean a lot for him to hear those things
aside from that tho he’s such a poetic person
like he is definitely involved in an intimate affair with language so there’s no way he wouldn’t appreciate you verbally telling him how he makes you feel
like just think about how many times he’s said he wants to sit down with each army and listen to their story
that being said if this was your man i think you’d definitely have to both show and tell him how you feel
like if he was about to head out for work you definitely got to kiss him before he leaves
and if you on the phone with him the last words you’re saying are i love you
and he’s definitely gonna cherish it each time always gonna have that cute little smile dimples caved in his cheeks bc you love him and he feels it
acts of service/words of affirmation
alright so ngl the reason i said acts of service for seokjin is like almost 100% based on his reaction to tae setting up that birthday event for him where he had his friends send him messages
he talked about it for WEEKS like he was genuinely so moved that i just like he has to love it
and then there’s like how much he bothers jk to like do simple stuff like i’m specifically thinking about that one moment in bon voyage 4 when he was sitting down at the table and called jk to help him up
and then there’s also little things he does for others like when he peeled tae’s tangerines for him or when he offered to feed yoongi bc he was driving or how he always offers bites of his food before even gets a chance to taste it
now i say words of affirmation bc he always searching for a compliment
my minds going to when jk hurt his foot and jin was pushing him in the wheelchair and kept feeding him lines to say about how he was such a good hyung and how he loves him
or in the behind the scenes for the boy with luv video and he kept tryna get tae to compliment him for being witty
and my boy never misses a chance to introduce himself as worldwide handsome
even though he does a lot of those things jokingly there are moments when he’s serious too about giving compliments and shy when he receives them like in those be interviews when he called jk a singing genius and jungkook was talking about how he had the most range and he got all ☺️☺️
or that moment from in the soop when he was comforting yoongi about like not having regrets and when yoongi told him he wanted to be like him just those kinds of moments let me know words are important to him
which just made me remember how hard he tries with his lyrics and how important they are to him like when he was writing awake and he talked about how he kept getting rejected but he was super insistent bc it was important for him to sing the words he wrote and don’t even get me started on moon i just-
anyway jin done said many times he is a man of the present so if you’re with him you gotta actively show/tell him
if you’re at the store pick him up some gummies
if you know he’s got a long day ahead of him maybe pack him some snacks to take with him in the morning
if his hair looks nice tell him
send him messages throughout the day even if he can’t respond immediately
he claims he’s a man of the present but whenever he takes a moment to reminisce the past he’ll look back and know just how much you care about him
quality time/acts of service
listen as much as this man loves spending time alone the time he spends with others means a lot to him
like how he always go fishing with jin even tho he ain’t particularly fond of it
or how like in in the soop he had made plans to play games with jimin and did so extensively
also from in the soop when he had spent most of his day outside reading but then he had heard everyone starting to make the theme song and immediately ran to get his equipment to record and what not
not to mention his poem from the end of that one run episode where they went on like a mini trip or whatever and he was like “what a relief that we have seven members. what a relief that we have each other.”
like being all together is important to him
like i just think about that one scene from one of they movies ion remember which one but they were all gathered around the table and it was when he had told them how he actually hurt his shoulder and they was talking about how they was worried about jk and how he need to come out his room and it’s not even the content of the scene but just like the fact that he ain’t have to be there but he was
and also can’t neglect to mention how he whined for y e a r s about how ain’t nobody come to visit him on set when he was filming the videos for his first mixtape like mans wouldn’t let that go and then how touched he was when they made appearances on his daechwita set even if he couldn’t express it properly
and how he begged for them to make cameos in the video and how happy he was when jin and jk did
and he doesn’t ever forget to mention whenever him and hobi hang out he’s like yeah we went for a drink and dinner and talked and blah blah
he loves it when people make an effort to be around him
now acts of service i got this all on a whim okay like… listen… we all been there we have all watched an ideal type video on youtube don’t lie okay
and up there it be like he want someone to bring him food in the studio and take care of him and stuff like that and in this case the math maths
you really can see that in how he treats others
like just the other day i saw a gifset somewhere and the boys were like yeah yoongi always takes care of us he don’t make eye contact tho
not to mention how he always cooks for them when they go on trips
and even though he ain’t give seokjin his song yet we know it’s coming! eventually!
and whenever they be ganging up on jungkook yoongi always the first one to be like “stooooppp you gon make him cry”
my baby just always be doing little things for others to show he cares okay 🥺
so if you got with my baby you gotta take care of him 🥺🥺🥺
he really needs someone that understands him bc he not gonna say anything
if you’re all hanging out together make sure you’re by his side so he knows you want to be there with him
if he’s busy stuck in his studio drop by even if you just end up laying on the couch he’s gonna appreciate you just being with him
and bring food my baby getting buff he need all the veggies and protein he can get
receiving gifts
i really had to think about this one but once i connected the dots yeah it makes total sense
like he looooves shopping loves getting stuff so when other people give him stuff i know he just 🥰🥰🥰
hobi lights up when he gets gifts they don’t always have to be big but i know he very much appreciates them
like how in the army corner store festa video when asked to bring something meaningful to them he brought those figurines which was the first gift a fan gifted him
which makes me think about how those limited edition figurines dropped and hobi was like i need to get one for namjoon and then namjoon was like i need to get one for hobi and so they ended up with like two of them or something like that
also from festa in the little photo booth mission every time he won a prize he was like yaaasss omg and was thinking of ways to put it to use like when he got that picture frame he immediately stuck them film strips in it he probably got it hanging in his room or in his studio by now tbh
and i think it was on the canada run bts episode where jk bought him those slippers and he was super happy
even when they were in hawaii and him and jin were hungry on the bus and he asked jin for gummies like ofc jin had to get on his nerves first but when he finally gave him his snacks he went from 😐 to 😚
or how he still has that change purse that namjoon bought him in malta (probably still got the money in there too tbh)
speaking of malta got me thinking about how tae went out of his way to win hobi that flamingo bc he said he’d never seen one and when tae gave it to him he went parading it around telling everyone that tae won it for him and then said he was gonna put it in his studio
and he got that chicken leg pillow they gave him from you quiz on the couch in his studio
and i think it was from the 2020 winter package he was so happy when jin bought him those ugly little troll elf things with the hat you know what i’m talking about
and he commented like three times when jungkook drew that picture of him for his birthday
and we know mans be giving gifts too
like how he got yoongi that coffee truck on the set of daechwita
and when they were on the speak yourself tour and he went out shopping on a day off and bought jin a sweater or something
and how he slaved through like 2 or 3 lives making bracelets for the members and then gave it to them on the bang bang con live
and the most devastating one of all when they had to give each other gifts i think it was on the run episode with all the water games but i could be wrong anyway and like most of them gave each other gag gifts like their merch or whatever but hobi gave jimin (and the rest of the members) a cd for his song promise it had a little photo book in it and everything 😭😭😭
so like whoever gets with this fine specimen gon have to throw a few dollars together to make sure this man is kept
not really i’m sure he doesn’t expect you to sell your car for a gucci peacoat or your soul for a rolex
but if you did decide to save up for some time to get him a little extravagant gift i know he’d more than appreciate it
more often than not though it’d be the little things that got to him like if you bought a simple t shirt from the store but then kinda like upcycled it drew little doodles on it wrote “i’m your hope” somewhere on it there would definitely be a picture uploaded of him on weverse or twitter wearing it
or if you decided to compile the pictures of you two together into a scrapbook or something he’d keep it somewhere accessible like in a drawer in his desk in his studio and flip through it with a little smile on his face when he’s missing you
and even if it was something even smaller than that like say he mentioned in passing that like idk he was out of eggs or something and you bought him some he just might marry you
physical affection/quality time
the first thing that comes to mind with this for jimin is how he comforts his boys
like there’s so many behind the scenes clips from tour where like jk or tae will be upset with their performance and crying and jimin would be the one to come up behind them and hug them and wipe their tears
same concept for that one moment in bon voyage 3 when they told him that tae was crying and he just kinda hugged him and wiped his tears and hovered around him to make sure he was okay
or when they left hobi at the gas station in bon voyage 4 and then went back to pick him up he still hugged hobi even as he was laughing evilly
also in bon voyage 4 when they went on that helicopter tour and they was on the mountain and him and tae tackled each other and was rolling in the snow
and he is just like always in jk arms like he just jumps on him for no reason like in that video where lee hyun is acting as one of bts’ management
also in the behind from i think when they were practicing for the 2019 bbmas i believe at some point jungkook was holding that man spinning him in circles or sumn like that
and there’s also that one comeback show when him and tae were in the comic book cafe and they were just cuddled up together looking at tae’s phone practicing english i think
and on that one joon live when him and tae crashed and just caused a whole lot of commotion i’m pretty sure at one point they were cuddled on the couch and then jimin told tae his breath stinks and tae proceeded to open his mouth over the air purifier
anyway clearly he is a man with hands
but he also is someone who loves to spend time together it’s important to him
like i just think about how when they had their “break” back in 2019 he talked about how he just traveled the entire time and he went with various friends and family
and i’m pretty sure it was bon voyage 3 when they were doing their friendship trips and trying to make fresh pairings or whatever he was like i don’t think there’s any surprising pairing with me and it’s like… that’s true
like you got minimoni, minimini, jikook etc… all tried tested and true man gets around his band
and he’s the main one who’s always like “yeah bro we should live in the dorms until we’re 50”
and he always talks about how he can’t be alone and how he’s always gotta be doing something with someone
and his lives!!! his lives!!!! when he spends time with us it’s always so intimate and personable
like you can’t tell me that i ain’t have dinner with him and jin after a show in the hotel room and we drank off camera even after the staff told us we couldn’t 😤🤚
there’s also that time he went live and someone said they had some kind of condition and then he took it upon himself to look it up and try to find treatments
just liiiike whenever he goes live every minute counts bro and yes this is me trying to summon him bc we ain’t had a solo jimin live since october and i know they super busy but i miss 😓😓😓
so for this mans i just feel like you just gotta really be with him
just like he makes every second count you have to as well
like he’s gonna want to have your full attention and you’ll definitely have his he’ll be obsessed with you tbh
however he doesn’t always have the time and his schedule definitely isn’t the most accommodating so he’s gonna want someone to put in the effort
but as long as you make sure he knows you’re all in he’ll always meet you halfway
words of affirmation
now this one has been stated explicitly multiple times and he’s admitted it himself
specifically during let’s bts in their segment within the segment and namjoon was like taehyung the kind of person who grows from compliments
and i ain’t even got the right words to express how i feel about the smile he couldn’t help when hobi had them all tell tae that they like him
not to mention the story he told during the festa video last year about how he always tried his very best to get hobi to praise him and how disappointed he was when hobi didn’t get it
and i may be tripping but didn’t like earlier this year he didn’t post on weverse or twitter for like a month or so because he wanted to keep seeing us say how much we miss him???
and in bon voyage season 2 when they had to write letters to each other and he wrote his to jimin and then cried when he read it
there’s also a moment in bon voyage 4 when he and rm were about to sleep in the same space and he asked joon if he could cuddle him and joon was like 🥴🤚 how bout no and tae was like you do like me right? and rm was like yeah of course but let’s not cuddle bro
also in that weverse magazine interview they did he talked about how depressed he got when they weren’t able to perform and he only felt happy for a while when he was able to communicate with us
and in turn he’s very verbally supportive as well
like at that one fan sign they was talking about bon voyage and they asked army which season they liked better 1 or 2 and someone said 1 and taehyung was like “😐 now why would you say that bc namjoon won’t even in that” even though really it was only like 1 or 2 episodes he missed out on
and like he’s always hyping seokjin up like when they were doing the map of the soul 7 comeback live and jin was talking about how he wasn’t a good dancer and taehyung was like 😡 don’t say that bc it’s not true you’re good and you always been good
and in the let’s bts thing again it was important for him to let jimin know that he likes him best like they really are best friends y’all 😭
and when he talks about how much he loves suga’s raps
and that moment in the soop when he set up a date for him and jungkook to talk out whatever tension they had or whatever
and how during those individual be interviews he had hobi flustered when he complimented his passion for music
and he always be saying like the most comforting stuff on weverse letting army know he’s there as a source of comfort at all times even when he can’t be
like this man is literally the creator of borahae meaning that we’ll love and support each other for a long time
so if you get with tae communication is key!!!
you gotta tell him how you feel about him
if you’re out and about and see something that reminds you of him? tell him. if you like his hair that day? tell him. if he does something that pisses you off? tell him. if you miss him? tell him. if you love him? tell him.
like y’all gon talk about everything and nothing at all some days you’ll be discussing aliens and parallel universes other days you’ll be like discussing the future of your relationship
and ya know he a busy man so you not always gon be having long and drawn out heart to hearts so i think he’d love it if you just sent messages throughout the day something that let him know you were thinking of him even if it’s just a picture of a possum you chased down or if you spammed him with tiktoks you thought he’d like
he’d be looking at his phone like 🥰🤳 thinking about how much he loves you
physical affection
now this lil menace right here is touchy
always down for a cuddle
like on the canada episode of run when they were about to pick out rooms and he was like firmly latched onto hobi on the couch while they waited
and when they were practicing home for the magic shop muster and yoongi sat in the arm chair and immediately jk sat in his lap and tae sat in his lap
or how in in the soop after they were done eating he just went and latched onto jin’s back
and how tae had went to go wake jk up that one time and they ended up falling asleep
or how jk had went to wake up jimin that one time and they ended up falling asleep
there was just a lot of jk cuddles going on in in the soop so i’ll move on
let’s talk about the pool water debate run episode where in the end jk decided to latch onto jin’s back yet again
i’ll take this moment to mention the jinkook moment that lives in my head rent free for no valid reason it’s from the life goes on countdown video where they were reading the post cards and he was wearing that big pink sweatshirt and jin was wearing that pink and black bomber jacket and jk just grabbed jin’s arm and held onto it and played with it and when he was done he just threw it away i… i think about that moment a lot there’s an entire section in both my head and heart dedicated to that moment anyway continuing on
i’ll talk about that time they were backstage for a show and they had them blow up mattresses and suga was minding his business resting and jk just rolled up and moved his legs and laid beside him and then hobi decided to pile on top
and whenever they’re on stage he’s always the most delighted when joon would suggest a hug he’d be the first one over there nose scrunched up giggling he loves it
there’s also many instances in interviews and lives where he just can’t keep him hands to himself
just like that last butter live when tae ended up with a crown of forks thanks to mr kook
and he never misses an opportunity to feel up joon
which makes me remember that time he kissed namjoon on the forehead
and he is just always carrying jimin for some reason
so in conclusion… physical affection
and if he was your mans you’d be on the frontlines of receiving all he has to give
not necessarily in public or around a lot of people but in a space where you both were comfortable yes
you’d just have to accept that when you’re standing around he’s going to give you a shoulder/neck/back massage for no particular reason
and he will latch onto you in different positions for extended periods of time
and you gotta do the same! like that’s your man! go give him a hug! a kiss! let him know you love him
cuddle up to him while y’all chilling watching tv
hold his hand while y’all talking
just like grab onto him and never let him go
he’ll be hoping you don’t
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onepiece-polls · 1 year
One Piece Shipping War - Round 1 Side B
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Propaganda under the cut.
Propaganda for Smoker x Law:
Their interactions on punk hazard are just hhhhnnnggghhhh. First they fight against each other and then they have to team up! The sexual tension is through the roof 👀 and they fight so well together too 👀 also law LITERALLY stole smoker's heart?? Sorry for being incoherent that's just what they do to me
I read it in a fic and it was compelling also it would be cool if they both knew rocinante
Law literally stole Smoker’s heart during the Punk Hazard Arc - they saved each other during the Punk Hazard Arc even if they were enemies - classic “Enemies to lovers” energy - perfect matching personalities (INTP x INTJ) - the thrill of a forbidden love between a marine and a pirate.
They have. SUCH a divorcee dynamic listen. - Law literally stole Smoker’s heart in the Punk Hazard arc. - Even though they were enemies, Smoker fought against Vergo and stole Law’s heart to give it back to him, hurting himself A LOT. - at the same time, Law saved Smoker from Vergo and gave Smoker’s heart back even if he didn’t have to. - the way Law smiles when fighting against him and getting on Smoker’s nerves (a lot of tension here hehe). - Smoker’s a marine and Law a pirate, what’s better than a forbidden relationship? - their personalities match perfectly (INTJ and INTP).
SUCH a divorcee dynamic. - we all love a forbidden romance between marine and pirate - the way they interact with each other on Punk Hazard is at the same time easy but full of tension, they clearly have some familiarity w each other - ...and then later they manage to work together seamlessly despite those tensions and differences, and Smoker trusts Law to pick up the slack where he can't. And Law DOES follow through - after the battle Law TELLS Smoker what he's planning next - yeah it's all purposeful for his plans but it's such a clear and obvious manipulation. And yet Smoker does exactly that. - the guy sent to Dressrosa is Issho (which ok Sakazuki says he sent BUT what a funny coincidence still that it's the one guy who's most likely to help Law rather than hinder hmmmm) - when Doffy shows up after Law&co have left and demands to know things Smoker just straight up stonewalls him and lies to his face, with the full knowledge that it may cost him his life. Which yeah, Smoker hates pirates, but he doesn't actually have any reason to do that - if he really didn't care he wouldn't mind siccing the two warlords on each other and watching them destroy themselves so he at the very least must agree with Law if not outright want to help him - delicious narrative parallels! Bc fundamentally they're two sides of the same coin: both are absolutely driven by their personal moral codes and care DEEPLY about people and things. Law may be driven largely by more self-centered goals and focus his good on the smaller circle he chooses to surround himself with, while Smoker is drawn to more lofty pursuits of greater good and helping even those he will never meet or even know of, but at the core they share very similar ideals and values - and ykno. Law LITERALLY punches Smoker's heart out of his chest - also Law is a scrawny-ass twink and you cannot tell me he doesn't have a thing for buff dilfs who could bench press double his weight.
Propaganda for Doflamingo x Law:
Okay this one's fucked up, i know, but i can't help but feel like doffy wants law for more than just him being his corazon (and for his powers). If things had gone just SLIGHTLY differently in the past, law would've probably been manipulated into being his right-hand man (and maybe more)
*shoots you as an expression of love*
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sugamamacustard · 3 years
Pairing: Alpha! Issei Matsukawa X Omega! Reader, Alpha! Satori Tendou x Omega! Reader
Genre: Fluff!
Request: can i request matsukawa and tendou w an omega that’s afraid to ask them to scent something for them? 🖤
Summary: Alpha's are scary creatures. Going up to them is scary, and honestly, you were never sure you would ever be able to look one in the eye. Unfortunately, your omega was dead set on one particular alpha-- one who seemed so much more intimidating than any other alpha you had seen before.
Author’s Note:  Nonnie you really said-- let me pick custard's husbands.
Requests: Closed!
Buy me a coffee?
**✨=1000 followers special!**
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Issei Matsukawa
➵ Matsukawa Issei; a strong, tall and proud third year alpha. Part of the starting line-up of Seijoh's volleyball team.
➵Unfortunately, he was also the object of your inner omega's (And begrudgingly your own) affections.
➵ It wasn't like you weren't friendly with him, but he was just so much bigger than you!
➵And honestly, you were just...scared?
➵ He'd never done anything to make you fear him, as he was just a giant teddy bear of a man, but you just couldn't really explain it.
➵ In actuality, you were scare of most of the third year boys-- despite being a third year yourself.
➵ They were just so tall and buff! You couldn't help it!
➵ This didn't help with the fact that there was some obvious chemistry between you and Matsukawa.
➵ Even the teacher could see it
➵ However, you just...couldn't find the courage to ask him to scent something for you to begin the courting process.
➵ You understood that volleyball practice took up a lot of time so him giving you a gift was out of the question.
➵ Meaning it was up to you.
You had been trying for days to work up the courage to talk to Matsukawa.
It hadn't been easy, a number of things stopping you-- the number one factor being your own nerves. You would be talking with him, having an incredible time before your omega would remind you that you need to ask and you would malfunction.
Honestly, it was almost a problem at this point. He was always super understanding when you excused yourself but you felt terrible about it.
You just wanted to get it done and over with! You wanted him to hold you in his arms already! To love and cherish him, make sure he's okay after practice.
But your goddamn nerves just wouldn't let you!
Groaning, your tensed your shoulders at the clang that came when your forehead smacked on the cool metal of the lockers. In your hand was a crumpled shirt, one you had been trying to ask Matsukawa to scent for the past however long.
"It's not even that hard?!" You groaned, smacking your hand against the same locker. "It's four words, for heaven's sake. Just 'please scent this Matsukawa', not that bloody difficult!"
You huffed, still cringing at the sound of the metal echo in the empty hallway-- well, the presumably empty hallway.
"About as difficult as saying 'Please be my omega'."
You chirped in surprise, whipping around to face the tall alpha. He was smiling down softly at you, one brow raised as he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed and duffle hanging by his side. "Matsukawa-san, I- uh,"
He held up a hand, getting up and walking over to you. He gently pried the shirt from your grip before rubbing it against his scent gland, wrapping his unoccupied hand around your waist and leading you out the front.
"Issei, I'm your alpha now, aren't I?" He smirked, nuzzling your temple with a laugh as your cheeks erupted in red. "Come on, pretty thing, let's go get you some food."
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Satori Tendo
➵ Now Satori is...a lot.
➵ He's energetic and eccentric.
➵ And just... a lot.
➵ Not in a bad way, of course, but (Sorry, this is custard's personal HC) he needed someone to balance him out.
➵ Someone to take refuge in. To hold him close when he has anxiety attacks (Another personal HC of Custard's is that Tendo has severe anxiety and I will take this with me till the day I die).
➵ He needed the shy and small omega that was you.
➵ At this point, if wasn't a matter of if it was when you two would become official as you both balanced each other out perfectly.
➵ Your mellow attitude calmed his other-worldly one.
➵ His brash and straight-forward nature made up for your shy and easily-overwhelmed one.
➵Honestly, ya'll cute.
➵Satori likes you a lot, you like him a lot, unfortunately, the only issue?
➵ Satori cannot, for the life of him, do anything (another Personal Custard HC) that requires nimble fingers.
➵ (The personal HC is that he was super clumsy with his hands and fingers until his adulthood when he learned to channel it into chocolate.)
➵ So things like beading necklaces or bracelets was kind of out of the question for him.
➵ Meaning if was left to you.
"You can do it. You can do it. You can- I can't do it-" You groaned, turning away from the entrance to the gym, wringing your sweater between your sweaty hands.
You knew Satori was in there.
You knew when it came to you, he wouldn't bat an eye at stepping out for...hell the rest of practice.
You knew that this was practically a formality, as he already treated you like his omega. Feeding you, scenting you, caring for you around your heats and helping you prep before giving you space.
He was honestly perfect for you. Just as you were for him.
Growling to yourself you faced the gym doors once more, breathing in and out slowly. You could do this! This was Satori. He promised to always hold you and value your feelings.
You could do this.
Stepping forward, you stumbled back as the door poked open-- happy ruby eyes gleaming as they saw you. You snorted, covering your mouth with a hand. Satori took this as a good sign, waggling his fingers in a greeting as his eyes scrunched meaning he was smiling.
You waved back, smiling as well. When his eyes turned into small squints, analyzing your figure you became self conscious, shuffling slightly. The alpha picked up on this, soon slipping out of the gym completely, closing the door behind him. He sauntered over to you, towering over you as he held his hands behind his back.
"Hey little omega, how are you? Come to visit the lil' ol guess monster?" He teased, a twinkle of something in his eyes.
You nodded, not trusting your words before thrusting the article at the confused alpha. He caught it, barely, holding it for a second before it clicked, the smile returning to his face.
"Damn. And here I was, thinking I finally got the upper hand on you." He chuckled, quickly disappearing into the gym before reappearing once more, this time with a woken necklace. He bashfully handed it to you along with the, newly scented, sweater.
"Guess you'll always be a mystery to me, huh Paradise?" He laughed, holding to his chest like he always promised too.
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catcze · 3 years
Pros of getting Kokomi
V easy to build, healing go swish swish
Her + Zhongli = immortality
She doesn’t need to crit bc she’s got drip
You’ll only ever die again if ur brain cells stop working
Supports the dog boy grind by hiring one lmao
Cutie pie fish princess baby girl who deserves a proper nap
Watch her entrance scene. Watch it.
Actually a walking statue of the seven /srs
Kokomrades are so sweet to each other lmao
Can be whatever u want— support? Dps? Attck buff? Yuh
W the clam set, your enemies die from your sheer presence lmfao
Cute idles
Mf have u seen her island?
Her character theme,,,, I’m crYING /pos
When you get her, the pyro cube becomes the easiest fucking boss to take down. Kokomi can literally rip that thing apart in seconds. That thing ain’t shit when faced against the fish princess. 
Walks on water like Jesus
Get used to getting frozen after u E lmfao </3
Frankly, if you’re looking for high damage I don’t recommend pulling for her. Like, fr, know what to expect when you commit to pulling her, ok?
People are so,,, unnecessarily mean towards Kokomi? I dunno why some people need to constantly shit on her just because she can’t crit
Oh my god and don’t even get me STARTED on that time when people were came into Gui Niang’s (Kokomi’s CN VA’s) stream and whole harassed her for being the reason Kokomi wasn’t selling well. The sheer fucking nerve.
Not the best hydro applier for vaporize teams, tho she’s still usable.
She needs SPECTER MATS and thats for both her and her moonglow too fuck
That’s literally the worst part man I’m sorry those specters suck ass
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bohica160 · 3 years
Chris's First Time
Soooooo this is my first actual fanfic >< There is a g/n version at the under the read more. Which i’m still trying to get better at writing. If I knew how to write for male reader and feel confident it wouldn’t suck, I would have. I apologize for that :c Suggestions are welcomed, but please go easy on my weak heart.
Side note, this is bby Chris before he got all buff/swollen/muscular/ thicc.
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗMinors gtfo, this isn't for youᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
You and Chris met during the mansion incident. He found you quietly walking down the hallway to the study, careful with every step. The moment you felt a presence behind you, you whipped around, a handgun pointing at him unsure of his motives. It took you a little bit to warm up to him. He would do most of the shooting since you have only shot a gun a handful of times before, but you still tried your best taking down enemies. You both watched each other's backs. You helped patch Chris up after safely escaping from Lisa worried he would be in worse shape by the time you made it to the medical storage room.
After the mansion, he found himself checking in on you from time to time. His small check-ins turned into staying for dinner, to watching movies late into the evening, to the two of you falling asleep on the small couch of your apartment. The rest was history.
You straddle his lap on the living room couch. His hands on your hips, thumbs rubbing soothing circles under your shirt. You held his face, lips melting into each other. The kisses were soft and slow. You brushed your tongue against his bottom lip asking for entrance. He welcomed the warm muscle as you explored his mouth. As your tongues mingled with each other, soft groans were bubbling up from Chris's chest. His hands moved further up under your shirt. One at the small of your back while the other was barely touching the clasps of your bra. You begin to suck on his tongue and roll your hips into him ever so slightly.
He unconsciously rutted his pelvis up into you, feeling the outline of his growing erection. He was the first to break away, a string of saliva connecting you two. Heavy breaths filled the air as you two gazed into each other's eyes. You knew Chris was still a virgin, not wanting him to feel pressured or uncomfortable. Sure he's had a couple dates here and there. Furthest he's gone was just a steamy make-out, but other than that he has no experience. He's not naïve though. He’s watched his fair share of porn. He has some sort of idea on what women want. Thinking Chris was at his limit, you gave him a reassuring smile and gave his forehead a quick kiss. "I'll go get us some water.” You moved to get up, but Chris's arms trapped you against him. You tilted your head to the side and gave him a confused look.
He focused on a particular spot on your shirt, avoiding eye contact with you. Cheeks turning a darker shade of red. He opened his mouth only to close it right after. "I- … I want to go further with you". Stunned by his words, your brain slowly tried to process a couple more times before you cleared your throat. "You know we don't have to. I'm fine with waiting, Chris." Bringing your hands back to cup his face, tilting his head up enough to look into those steely eyes. "I promise I'm fine with just this". His brows furrowed letting out a sigh. "I want you.” He said with a husky tone, bringing his face closer to yours. “Are you sure?” you asked just above a whisper. He nodded, staring into your eyes and trailing down to your lips. He leaned in just barely brushing your lips. You nudge your nose against his with a teasing smile. "Use your words." Feeling his chest tighten, trying to capture your lips again, you pulled back just enough for him to miss. "Positive".
You bit your lip, feeling your cheeks heat up once more. You grabbed him by the front of his shirt and pulled him in, smashing your lips on his. The kisses became more sloppy and urgent. His hands shook slightly from nerves. Without breaking the kiss you placed his hands on your bosom, giving him a content hum when he started to squeeze them. Your lips trailed down his jaw to his neck, giving a few experimental licks over his pulse. He inhaled sharply, feeling his pants grow tighter by the second. You release your lips from his skin.
You lifted up your shirt, throwing it somewhere behind you. He traced his finger tips over the lace edges on the cups of your bra. He placed soft kisses over your exposed skin, lightly sucking creating pink marks. He wrapped his arms back around you, trying to unclasp your bra. You tried to hold in your giggles and you helped him slip your bra off, nipples hard from the cold air. He pinched and folded each bud while focusing on your face for your reactions. He leaned his head in as he gave one a couple kitten licks. A soft gasp passed through your lips, egging him on further, sucking and lightly biting the bud. You tried your best holding in your moans but the warmth from his mouth and all the attention started to make your head foggy.
He looked up at you with admiration. “Want to go to the bedroom?” he asked with lust laced in his words. You nodded while you looked down at him with lidded eyes. “Use your words..” He said, giving you a small smirk. You rolled your eyes, shaking your head. “I see how it is.” You responded with a smile. Climbing off his lap, you reach out for his hand, and lead the two of you to your room.
You walked backwards until the back of your legs hit the bed. You quickly pulled off your shorts and panties, moving yourself to the middle of the bed. He stood at the end of the bed breathless, taking in your naked form. The feeling of uncertainty bloomed in your chest causing you to bite your lip. “Um… Chris?” You called out, bringing him back to earth. He blinked a few times “S-sorry I-.... You’re just so beautiful” Your face turned completely red as you looked away from him. He took this moment to strip himself of all his layers. Hearing the zipper come undone, you looked over at him in the corner of your eye. Your mouth started to water seeing his thick cock. Noticing you staring, he scratched the back of his head with a nervous laugh. “Sorry if I’m not tha-” Quickly crawling to the end of the bed you cut him off with a stern look, “You better not finish that sentence”. You slowly reached out to touch his length, softly grasping it. You rubbed the pre beading at the tip, giving a few strokes while littering his pelvis with kisses. He whispered your name, cupping your cheek, running his thumb over the soft skin.
Looking up at him, locking your eyes on each other, you opened your mouth and ever so slowly ran your tongue up the length of his cock. His jaw hung loose, cock twitching in your hand. Once you made your way up to the tip, you wrapped your lips around his girth, bobbing your head at a slow pace. His brows knitted together, groaning out a ‘fuck’. His chest heaved, trying his best to hold himself back from thrusting into your mouth. Removing your mouth, you backed up to the middle of the bed. “Come here sweetie.” You beckoned him towards you, leaning back on your elbows, legs slightly open.
He ran his hands up your legs, stopping right at your inner thighs. He looked up to you for guidance. Giving him an affectionate smile, you placed your smaller hand on his, bringing up closer to your dripping cunt. He ran a finger down your folds. “You’re so wet.” He said with a groan. He pushed one of his thick fingers into your heat, curling his finger. “Mmm… k-keep going.” You arched your back, looking for more friction. The sound of your wet pussy filled the small room. Your mewls and gasps went straight to his cock. He inserted another finger, the stretch making you throw your head back. Setting a steady pace as he watched your tight hole suck his fingers in. Your walls flutter around his fingers, coating them in your arousal. You feel a knot from pleasure building fast in your belly. “Baby… rub my clit.” Keeping his steady rythm, he placed his thumb on your bundle of nerves. Seeing the whites of your eyes, he added a little more pressure with the pad of his thumb.
Your legs shook, releasing a strangled moan, as he brushed against the spongy spot that had you squeeze his fingers harder. “R-right there!” You say looking up at him with glassy eyes. He brought his other hand to your breasts, twisting and pinching your peak. Squeezing your eyes shut as the knot in your belly finally snapped. Your mouth opened with a silent scream, as you gushed around his digits. He continued his ministrations, helping you ride out your orgasm.
Watching you come undone had his member throbbing and weeping. Bringing his fingers to his mouth to lick them clean as you looked at him with lidded eyes. “Baby..” You whined with a small pout. Giving you a gentle smile as he positions himself between your legs. He looked down watching as he rubbed his tip against your entrance, rubbing over your sensitive bud. He pushed the head through the tight ring of muscle, swearing under his breath. Holding in your whimpers as he slowly buried his length to the hilt. He stilled there trying to stop himself from cuming on the spot. “Shit y-you're so tight”. His head hung low as he took in deep breaths filling his lungs with air. You took this moment to adjust to the stretch from his fat cock splitting you open. "You okay?” he asked, peeking up at you sounding worried. You nodded your head and brushed your knuckles against his cheek. “How are you doing big boy?” You ask him in a teasing tone. He chuckled lightly, before turning his head to kiss your knuckles. “Really good.” He sputtered.
You wiggled your hips a little, indicating for him to move when he was ready. He gave small shallow thrusts at first, slowly increasing the speed. He pulled out further and further after each thrust. His balls slapping your ass with every thrust. You could already feel the pleasure building up. Each of his groans sent heat pooling into your pussy. You grabbed his face with both hands, making him look at you. Swallowing each other's breaths, pressing your foreheads together as his thighs slammed into you. “I-... shit… I’m gonna.” He choked out. Giving his lips a peck you nodded. “M-me to”. Your gummy walls started to flutter around him, as he continued to pound into you. He pressed his lips to yours, tongues massaging each other. His hips started to stutter, feeling his heavy balls tighten up.
Your skin heated up, feeling yourself almost at your peak. He gave you a couple brutal thrusts before the knot in you snapped, causing you to let out a choked sob and had you seeing stars behind your eyelids. Your legs wrapped around him as they shook, trying to milk him for all he had. Opening your eyes, he looked into yours, and you knew exactly what he was thinking. “Inside.” Was all you could say before the muscles in his abdomen tensed up. He released a deep moan as he painted your insides. Shooting rope after rope of cum, emptying everything he had inside of you. You both panted as you came down from your climaxes, trying to catch your breaths. He shuddered as he slowly pulled out his sensitive shaft. You whined at the sudden feeling of being empty. He nuzzled his nose into your neck planting kisses. “I love you.” He murmured against your skin before giving in to sleep. You combed your fingers through his hair, giving the top of his head a kiss. “Love you too, Chris.” You closed your eyes focusing on the rhythm of his heart beat against your body.
You and Chris met during the mansion incident. He found you quietly walking down the hallway to the study, careful with every step. The moment you felt a presence behind you, you whipped around, a handgun pointing at him unsure of his motives. It took you a little bit to warm up to him. He would do most of the shooting since you have only shot a gun a handful of times before, but you still tried your best taking down enemies. You both watched each other's backs. You helped patch Chris up after safely escaping from Lisa worried he would be in worse shape by the time you made it to the medical storage room.
After the mansion, he found himself checking in on you from time to time. His small check-ins turned into staying for dinner, to watching movies late into the evening, to the two of you falling asleep on the small couch of your apartment. The rest was history.
You straddle his lap on the living room couch. His hands on your hips, thumbs rubbing soothing circles under your shirt. You held his face, lips melting into each other. The kisses were soft and slow. You brushed your tongue against his bottom lip asking for entrance. He welcomed the warm muscle as you explored his mouth. As your tongues mingled with each other, soft groans were bubbling up from Chris's chest. His hands moved further up under your shirt. One at the small of your back while the other was between your shoulder blades. You begin to suck on his tongue and roll your hips into him ever so slightly.
He unconsciously rutted his pelvis up into you, feeling the outline of his growing erection. He was the first to break away, a string of saliva connecting you two. Heavy breaths filled the air as you two gazed into each other's eyes. You knew Chris was still a virgin, not wanting him to feel pressured or uncomfortable. Sure he's had a couple dates here and there. Furthest he's gone was just a steamy make-out, but other than that he has no experience. He's not naïve though. He’s watched his fair share of porn. He has some sort of idea. Thinking Chris was at his limit, you gave him a reassuring smile and gave his forehead a quick kiss. "I'll go get us some water.” You moved to get up, but Chris's arms trapped you against him. You tilted your head to the side and gave him a confused look.
He focused on a particular spot on your shirt, avoiding eye contact with you. Cheeks turning a darker shade of red. He opened his mouth only to close it right after. "I- … I want to go further with you". Stunned by his words, your brain slowly tried to process a couple more times before you cleared your throat. "You know we don't have to. I'm fine with waiting, Chris." Bringing your hands back to cup his face, tilting his head up enough to look into those steely eyes. "I promise I'm fine with just this". His brows furrowed letting out a sigh. "I want you.” He said with a husky tone, bringing his face closer to yours. “Are you sure?” you asked just above a whisper. He nodded, staring into your eyes and trailing down to your lips. He leaned in just barely brushing your lips. You nudge your nose against his with a teasing smile. "Use your words." Feeling his chest tighten, trying to capture your lips again, you pulled back just enough for him to miss. "Positive".
You bit your lip, feeling your cheeks heat up once more. You grabbed him by the front of his shirt and pulled him in, smashing your lips on his. The kisses became more sloppy and urgent. His hands shook slightly from nerves. Without breaking the kiss you placed his hands on your chest, giving him a content hum when he started to squeeze them. Your lips trailed down his jaw to his neck, giving a few experimental licks over his pulse. He inhaled sharply, feeling his pants grow tighter by the second. You release your lips from his skin.
You lifted up your shirt, throwing it somewhere behind you. He placed soft kisses over your exposed skin, lightly sucking creating pink marks. Your nipples hard from the cold air, he pinched and folded each bud while focusing on your face for your reactions. He leaned his head in as he gave one a couple kitten licks. A soft gasp passed through your lips, egging him on further, sucking and lightly biting the bud. You tried your best holding in your moans but the warmth from his mouth and all the attention started to make your head foggy.
He looked up at you with admiration. “Want to go to the bedroom?” he asked with lust laced in his words. You nodded while you looked down at him with lidded eyes. “Use your words..” He said, giving you a small smirk. You rolled your eyes, shaking your head. “I see how it is.” You responded with a smile. Climbing off his lap, you reach out for his hand, and lead the two of you to your room.
You walked backwards until the back of your legs hit the bed. You quickly pulled off your shorts and panties, moving yourself to the middle of the bed. He stood at the end of the bed breathless, taking in your naked form. The feeling of uncertainty bloomed in your chest causing you to bite your lip. “Um… Chris?” You called out, bringing him back to earth. He blinked a few times “S-sorry I-.... You’re just so breathtaking”. Your face turned completely red as you looked away from him. He took this moment to strip himself of all his layers. Hearing the zipper come undone, you looked over at him in the corner of your eye. Your mouth started to water seeing his thick cock. Noticing you staring, he scratched the back of his head with a nervous laugh. “Sorry if I’m not tha-” Quickly crawling to the end of the bed you cut him off with a stern look, “You better not finish that sentence”. You slowly reached out to touch his length, softly grasping it. You rubbed the pre beading at the tip, giving a few strokes while littering his pelvis with kisses. He whispered your name, cupping your cheek, running his thumb over the soft skin.
Looking up at him, locking your eyes on each other, you opened your mouth and ever so slowly ran your tongue up the length of his cock. His jaw hung loose, cock twitching in your hand. Once you made your way up to the tip, you wrapped your lips around his girth, bobbing your head at a slow pace. His brows knitted together, groaning out a ‘fuck’. His chest heaved, trying his best to hold himself back from thrusting into your mouth. Removing your mouth, you backed up to the middle of the bed. “Come here sweetie.” You beckoned him towards you, leaning back on your elbows, legs slightly open.
He ran his hands up your legs, stopping right at your inner thighs. He looked up to you for guidance. Giving him an affectionate smile, you placed your smaller hand on his, bringing up closer to your entrance. He licked one of his thick fingers before pushing into your heat with a groan. He curled his finger into you, causing you to tilt your pelvis into him for more friction. “Mmm… k-keep going.” You instructed while arching your back. The sound of your wet hole being stuffed filled the small room. Your mewls and gasps went straight to his cock. He inserted another finger, the stretch making you throw your head back. Setting a steady pace as he watched your tight hole suck his fingers in. Your walls flutter around his fingers, coating them in your arousal. You feel a knot from pleasure building fast in your belly. Seeing the whites of your eyes, he added a little more pressure with the pad of his thumb.
Your legs shook, releasing a strangled moan, as he brushed against the spongy spot that had you squeeze his fingers harder. “R-right there!” You say looking up at him with glassy eyes. He brought his other hand to your chest, twisting and pinching your peak. Squeezing your eyes shut as the knot in your belly finally snapped. Your mouth opened with a silent scream, as you gushed around his digits. He continued his ministrations, helping you ride out your orgasm.
Watching you come undone had his member throbbing and weeping. Bringing his fingers to his mouth to lick them clean as you looked at him with lidded eyes. “Baby..” You whined with a small pout. Giving you a gentle smile as he positions himself between your legs. He looked down watching as he rubbed his tip against your entrance. He pushed the head through the tight ring of muscle, swearing under his breath. Holding in your whimpers as he slowly buried his length to the hilt. He stilled there trying to stop himself from cuming on the spot. “Shit y-you're so tight”. His head hung low as he took in deep breaths filling his lungs with air. You took this moment to adjust to the stretch from his fat cock splitting you open. "You okay?” he asked, peeking up at you sounding worried. You nodded your head and brushed your knuckles against his cheek. “How are you doing big boy?” You ask him in a teasing tone. He chuckled lightly, before turning his head to kiss your knuckles. “Really good.” He sputtered.
You wiggled your hips a little, indicating for him to move when he was ready. He gave small shallow thrusts at first, slowly increasing the speed. He pulled out further and further after each thrust. His balls slapping your ass with every thrust. You could already feel the pleasure building up. Each of his groans sent heat pooling into your groin. You grabbed his face with both hands, making him look at you. Swallowing each other's breaths, pressing your foreheads together as his thighs slammed into you. “I-... shit… I’m gonna.” He choked out. Giving his lips a peck you nodded. “M-me to”. Your gummy walls started to flutter around him, as he continued to pound into you. He pressed his lips to yours, tongues massaging each other. His hips started to stutter, feeling his heavy balls tighten up.
Your skin heated up, feeling yourself almost at your peak. He gave you a couple brutal thrusts before the knot in you snapped, causing you to let out a choked sob and had you seeing stars behind your eyelids. Your legs wrapped around him as they shook, trying to milk him for all he had. Opening your eyes, he looked into yours, and you knew exactly what he was thinking. “Inside.” Was all you could say before the muscles in his abdomen tensed up. He released a deep moan as he painted your insides. Shooting rope after rope of cum, emptying everything he had inside of you. You both panted as you came down from your climaxes, trying to catch your breaths. He shuddered as he slowly pulled out his sensitive shaft. You whined at the sudden feeling of being empty. He nuzzled his nose into your neck planting kisses. “I love you.” He murmured against your skin before giving in to sleep. You combed your fingers through his hair, giving the top of his head a kiss. “Love you too, Chris.” You closed your eyes focusing on the rhythm of his heart beat against your body.
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