#they came up with a story where Dean and cas are saved
samsno1 · 9 months
Castiel x GN!Reader
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i love his eyes. that's it, that's the tweet. guys...this is very sweet but i don't know if i'm satisfied?? tell me what you think, writing castiel is very hard, lawd
Summary: In a hunt, a flower appears over your pillow after you come back to the motel room at night. Who left it there?
Warnings: FLUFF, TOOTH-ROTTING FLUFF, i pictured s4/5 cas in this, use of y/n, sweet confession, NOT PROOF READ, that's it? english isn't my first language
WC: 2.5k
You can learn how to change Y/N for your actual name here
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When you started hunting with Sam and Dean one of the last things you expected to encounter was an Angel, especially after discovering they aren't “harps and halos" like in the books you read as a kid, but instead soldiers and sometimes assholes.
Castiel was an exception to the “asshole” part, he was actually very sweet when it came to you and the boys. Helped you, saved you and cared for you. In that sense, Cas was just like the Angel stories, a guardian of the humans he was in charge of.
And for you, it was fun teaching Cas about humans and how they behaved, helped him when he didn't understand Dean's pop culture references, got him to watch classic movies and listen to music and he was always very keen into doing so, curious and intrigued in what you explained to him.
Those big blue eyes always gave you his full attention, sometimes with that little frown that you started to call “The Angel Frown” while he questioned you about something that, to you, was basic knowledge. You were always as patient as possible with him, always clarifying what you could in words he could understand and that ended up always making him come to you for help.
In conclusion, you and Cas got closer and you started to catch yourself staring when he wasn't looking, admiring his smiles, drowning into his sapphire eyes and wishing that he had just more doubts about how people acted so you could spend more time with him.
You knew, from what Castiel told you, that Angels and feelings, human feelings at least, weren't compatible and that things such as love and romance weren't truly a reality for him and his siblings, they were warriors after all, created to serve their Father and that was it. 
Even when Castiel rebelled for the Winchesters, letting go of the “I don't serve men” mindset was difficult but you, Dean and Sam were there for him. You were more understandable then the brothers because you knew Cas was trying his best.
And because you fell for the Angel, but nobody needed to know that.
One night you arrived at the motel room you were staying at, after waving goodnight to Sam and Dean, them going to their separate room.
You opened the door and sighed deeply in exhaustion. It had been a long day of questioning and more questions appearing then those answered. At first you guys thought of a vengeful spirit, then cursed object, then witch. All of those possibilities were still up and it was driving you three insane. People were dying and you felt useless.
Once you closed the door and threw your stuff in the closest table you turned to your bed, where your bag was placed to get some clothes to take a well deserved shower. But, when you looked at your pillow, you noticed a single pink flower sitting over it and you furrowed your eyebrows.
You approached the flower slowly, skeptical about it, your hunter instincts telling you this wasn't good news. You slowly reached for it, as if it could bite your hand off, and picked it up. You analyzed the plant, very confused and grabbed your laptop.
You searched until you found a flower similar to the one you were holding and learned it was a Camellia. You looked between the screen and the flower and you searched up what a pink Camellia meant because, as much as you knew, flowers weren't really something you looked into.
What you found was shocking. According to the internet, a pink Camellia represents admiration and appreciation and Camellias and general represent love and affection. You widen your eyes at the flower in your hands, looking around your empty room as if someone would pop up and explain what this was doing at your bed. Wrong room?
You couldn't think of anybody that could give you this willingly. It definitely wasn't Sam or Dean because, first, they spent the whole day by your side and, second, unless they meant it platonically, the boys didn't see you like that. You loved them and they loved you, of course, but, to them, you were like a sister Dean loves you like he loves Sam, the same way Sam loves you like he loves Dean and vice-versa.
The only person that came to your mind was…No, it couldn't be, he said himself, love for him was basically unachievable but you couldn't help but wonder, even if your rational brain said it was stupid to think Cas would mean that. You smiled at the flower, that tinge of hope lightning inside you.
You looked around the room to look for something you could fill up with water and found an empty beer bottle. That'll do.
You washed the bottle to get the smell of alcohol off and filled it up with water, placing the little flower inside.
The pink color of the petals clashed with the transparent green of the bottle and you smiled at that. It looked cute in a way. You thought, even if this didn't come from someone you knew, you were keeping it, at least the flower.
You left the makeshift vase in your nightstand and took your stuff to the shower, peeling off your suit and your tie on the way, leaving it on the ground as you locked yourself inside the bathroom.
In these moments, Cas thanked his abilities of becoming unseen because you arrived just as he was leaving the Camellia over your pillow. He spent the day researching flowers, finding an interest in how humans always gave them to the people they cared about or to the ones who passed. He wanted to give you one to show you that he cared for you and also as a thank you for being patient with him for a long time.
He always felt happier around you, a warm feeling inside him always seemed to bloom. He felt the need to be close to you, like you were a human magnet. Everytime you looked at him he felt a weird feeling in his stomach, your smile was always something he felt the need to chase, he wanted to see it always in your face. He admired the way your eyes would shine when you were talking about something you liked.
When he saw you placing the flower on the nightstand with a smile he felt that weird feeling in his stomach again. He would do anything to see that look on your face again.
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That hunt lasted a week, taking you three too long to figure out it was a witch and even longer to find said witch and to say you guys were fed up was an understatement. 
For that long week you dared to say you missed the Angel, you thought about calling him, praying to him, multiple times but what were you going to say when he arrived? Missed you? I just wanted to see you?
Everything you thought sounded too intimate so you discarded the idea of calling him.
But two more flowers appeared on your pillow after that pink Camellia. A Peony that you learned meant for the Chinese something along the lines of “the most beautiful” and a stunning Carnation in a light red shade that represented admiration. At this point you were very intrigued about who was the one giving you the flowers, Castiel still on your mind. You didn't want to get your hopes too high, you were probably overthinking it anyways, making your heart speak louder than your brain.
You were lying on your bed, staring at the tiny bouquet of three flowers given piece by piece to you. It was your last night in that room, Dean having insisted he needed the sleep so as to not crash the Impala from tiredness. You had offered to drive as you weren't as bad as he was but, of course, that was an immediate no from the older brother so all of you settled for one more night.
As you close your eyes and start to fall asleep, a sudden flutter of wings gets your attention. It's dark in the room so you take a peek and for sure it's Cas. You hold back a smile and close your eyes, pretending to be sleeping.
You feel the Angel approaching the bed, his presence making your heart quicken in your chest. From what it sounds like, he's just standing, watching you and you start to feel very nervous.
Castiel on the other hand arrived to see your sleeping form and couldn't help but watch. You looked peaceful, your breathing was calm and you looked…pretty. Cas thought all his father's creations were wonderful but he felt like you could top them all, literally, in your sleep.
He had another little flower in his hand which, to him, had a very self-explanatory name, a Forget-Me-Not.
He spun the blue flower on his fingers, debating if he should leave it inside the vase or besides you, over your pillow. 
He approached you and while he was placing the flower next to your head he felt a gentle hand wrap around his wrist and instantly froze on the spot.
You opened your eyes and looked at his near-horrified face. You smiled at him.
“Got you” You said, a little above a whisper and looked at the flower he was holding. That one you knew the name and what it meant and you felt warmth spreading through your cheeks, not just at that one flower, but knowing now that all those flowers you received came from Cas.
“I'm sorry for disturbing you” He said as he retreated his hand and you held the Forget-Me-Not. He was tense, not looking at you.
“So you were the secret admirer leaving me these flowers?” You asked as you slowly sat up on the bed and placed the blue flower inside the bottle with the three others. You placed both your hands over your lap, fidgeting nervously with your fingers. “Why?”
He looked around. What was he supposed to say? Himself barely knew why he was doing this but it felt right so he kept going with it. He noticed that the flower meanings resembled things that he felt or thought of you and he enjoyed collecting them for you, especially after you kept them.
“These flowers all have a meaning behind them” He started “Take them as a thank you for…being helpful with my understanding of human behaviors” 
You smiled stupidly at that. The way he said it sounded like something he had rehearsed before coming to you to say it, the words too polite. But yet, that's one of the things you liked about him.
“You didn't have to Cas…They are beautiful, thank you” You said and looked at the flowers again, biting your lip. You felt his eyes on you, it was always intimidating. You knew that it was just the way he was, look right into your eyes while you talk to show you had his full attention, his beautiful blue orbs hypnotizing.
Cas analyzed every aspect of yours as you sat in front of him, his eyes wondering over your figure and his hands moved faster than his thoughts and he reached for your shoulder, his palm traveling from your shoulder blade to the end of your upper arm and back up, tracing a pattern over your skin. He longed to touch you and be closer to you in a way he couldn’t explain so, in this moment, you both alone, he decided to fulfill this wish.
You widened your eyes and looked up at Castiel who was entranced by the movement of his hand, goosebumps flaring up on your skin.
“Cas?” You said and acknowledged your call with a hum “What are you…?”
He finally looked at you, his hand steadied on your shoulder.
“When I’m around you I always feel this need to touch you, be closer and this…” He shakes his head, finding a word to define how he felt. “Warmth comes over me everytime you smile”
His eyes bore through yours and you could only stare back at him, shocked.
“Cas, you’re saying–”
“I think I might love you, Y/N” He interrupted. The way he said it sounded like a confusion, a slight approach, as if he was tiptoeing around the thought, not sure if he wanted to grasp it or just keep his distance.
You were dumbfounded. He sounded so sincere and your heart started to beat faster, his hand over your shoulder felt like it was burning through your skin. It all made sense, the flowers, the way he was always keen on talking to you even when you did most of the talking and he just listened with a faint smile and pure interest, he just didn’t know because he never felt like this before, he didn’t know what loving was like.
You landed a hand over his cheek, your eyes practically watering with an emotional overload at his words. You thumb rubbed the light stubble on his cheek and you pulled him in for a hug. You wanted to kiss him so bad but you were on a baby steps basis with the Angel.
You hugged him tightly, his hands hesitantly wrapping around your frame as you let out a deep breath. When you pulled back, you didn’t pull away completely from him looking between his eyes and his mouth, a giddy smile on your face.
“I think I might love you too Castiel” You said and he widened his own eyes, a light chuckle coming out of you at his reaction.
Your chuckles were cut off by his lips on yours and you gasped in surprise. His mouth was as soft as you expected, his lips moving against your in perfect sync. He was impressively a good kisser, one of his hands gently holding at the back of your neck while the other slid down to your waist.
You felt like a bomb had exploded inside you, a foreign feeling of happiness spreading to every single cell on your body as your arms wrapped around his neck to hold yourself when he sat on the bed, pulling you over his lap, making you yelp.
You both pulled away, your arms still wrapped around each other and he had a light smile on his face. You one hundred per cent had a shocked look on yours, your cheeks hot and breathing heavy.
“Where’d you learn that?” You asked, absolutely knocked by the kiss.
“Dean told me a thing or two” He said and you couldn’t help but laugh, your body shaking against his as he also chuckled. “It seems like I did great?”
You stopped your laughs and looked in his eyes, drowning in their ocean blue. You gave a peck to the corner of his mouth.
“You did amazing” You said as one of your hands played with the hair at the nape of his neck and he pulled you in, the warmth spreading through both of you yet again, never wanting to let go.
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A/N: Notes and reblogs encourage me to keep writing, feedback helps me make those writing better. Thank you for reading, XoXo.
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castiwls · 8 months
Hey there! 😀 Can I request two sets of headcanons about being Sam and Dean's twin sister?
"i was with you before we were even born"
Being the boy's twin
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He’s older by like 5 minutes (he never lets you forget it)
You were both really close even as babies. I imagine there was a phase where if your parents separated you both for too long you would cry.
You both get closer after the fire. For the first few months, you would always curl up in the same bed together out of fear of the other one disappearing.
As a teen, you started to question your dad more and more about hunting. You're not as complacent as Dean is to John and his rules. This led to many arguments. 
“Why can’t you just do as he says?” “Because Dad’s word isn't god Dean!”
He’d be just as protective over you as he is of Sam.
When Sam left for Stanford you and Dean started to take cases on your own.
You would try and sabotage any hookups he found in bars. You really hated having to go for ‘walks’ during said hookups. He got you back for it. 
You both look very alike. 
When it was just you and Dean hunting there were multiple times where people would mistake you for a couple of cases.
After your dad died you and Dean didn’t talk for a while. You both argued over why John did what he did and it led to one of your worst fights.
Bobby had to kick sense into you both.
You and Dean don’t fight often but when you do it's bad. When you were younger one time it got so bad that it took Sam yelling and walking out for you both to stop.
When Castiel came around you were unsure but after he saved you on a hunt you began to trust him.
Knowing Dean wasn’t ok after Hell and begging him to talk.
“Dean I know you're not ok.” You frowned and reached out to his arm. “You can talk to me, no one's gonna judge you.”
He did eventually tell you he remembered hell. He begged you not to tell Sam though. (You did tell Sam though)
Finding out about the whole vessel thing and freaking out.
“What do you mean vessels? Why is Heaven and Hell’s fight our issue?”
Since you and Dean were twins you both were classed as Micheal vessels.
You were adamant that Dean wasn’t doing it and he was the same about you.
This again led to another argument.
In the end, there was no way you were letting Sam walk into that fight alone so you ended up saying yes also.
Dean was pissed.
Dean begging for months after that Cas or someone would pull you both out of the cage. (Little did he know someone had)
You randomly appeared on Lisa’s doorstep 6 months later and Dean completely freaked.
After that, he barely let you out of his sight.
You didn’t tell him about Sam also being out (You knew something was wrong with your younger brother and you didn’t wanna worry Dean.)
Eventually reuniting with Sam and feeling so guilty when you found out he had no soul.
Dean insisted that it wasn’t your fault.
He helped you with nightmares from the cage. You found yourself sleeping in the same bed as him again.
You were older by like 10 minutes. You always teased him about it.
He got you back by teasing you over being short.
Neither of you have any memories of life before the fire so as children you used to both make up stories to help comfort each other.
These stories helped you both pretend that you at least knew your mom and what normal life was like.
You both kinda depended on each other growing up.
While you didn’t verbalise it like Sam, you also didn’t like hunting or the constant moving around.
You were a bit more of a social butterfly than your twin but you still struggled with having to make new friends constantly. 
Like your brother, you were also quite smart and did well in school.
For a while, you wanted to be a doctor but knew realistically you had no chance.
As you got older you began to grow a slight resentment towards your dad for forcing you all into this life. One day after a bad hunt you snapped and told your dad how you felt. New’s flash it went really bad.
Your eyes widened as you realised what you had just said. Dean slowly pushed his arm in front of you urging you to move back as your Dad turned to face you. “What did you just say.” Your dad’s voice was hard as he took a step forward. You felt Sam pull you back further as Dean tried to defuse the situation.
After that things were awkward for a while. You went to go stay with Bobby much to Sam’s disdain.
You came back a year later when you were 17.
Things were ok until Sam left for Stanford. You were happy for him but also jealous that he was getting out and you weren't.
During that time you and Dean became close.
Reconnecting with Sam after your dad went missing and helping him when Jess died.
Feeling guilty when your dad died that you spent so much time resenting him (He apologised just before Azael came)
Unlike your brother, Azael didn’t do anything to you so you never had any issues with demon blood.
Convincing Sam that he wasn’t a monster. 
When he died the first time you were inconsolable for days. 
You and Dean arguing over Deans's deal.
Hating Ruby and knowing she was up to something. Her also causing you and Sam to fall out over his powers.
You and Dean both knew that while Sam was trying to do a good thing she was not.
Helping him with his guilt over Litlth and Lucifer.
Him and you making up after Rubys' death. This actually made you and Sam closer than ever.
Again having to convince him that he is not a bad person when the whole Lucifer and Micheal thing comes to light.
You’re the middleman in the situation. You spent most of your time trying to convince both your brothers not to say yes.
Convincing Dean but not managing to convince your twin.
Before saying yes Sam said that he wanted you to get out and have a normal life.
You were pretty heartbroken but after hanging around Dean and Lisa for a few months you ended up meeting someone  (Lisa set you up but you don’t know that)
You both moved in together and you found yourself actually enjoying this normal life.
Then Sam appeared and you had to choose. Dean told you to stay but you knew you couldn’t leave Sam.
When you found out about Sam having no soul you felt so guilty.
“How didn't I realise sooner?” You sat down on the bed placing your head in your hands. Dean gently rubbed your back with a small sigh. “None of us knew. It’s not your fault.
You ended up kinda living two lives for the next year until Sam got his soul back and you realised living two lives was too dangerous. You broke up with him but you both ended up getting back together a few years later.
Sam was happy that you'd found someone and pushed for you to stay with him. But you knew your place was always gonna be with your brothers.
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deancaspinefest · 8 months
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Take The Long Way Home
Author: sidewinder | Artist: caught-a-dragonfly (Sarah)
Posting on Monday April 15
Two months ago, the world didn’t end. But for Dean Winchester, who fully expected to sacrifice not just his life but his very soul in order to stop Amara? The celebration has been clouded by the disappearance of his best friend, Cas—the friend he’d started to realize meant more to him than he’d been willing to accept until now. The last anyone’s seen of Castiel was when he was banished from the bunker by Toni Bevell. The Brits swear they don’t have him. Neither Heaven nor Hell claim to know of his whereabouts. All of Dean’s calls, texts and prayers to the angel have gone unanswered, and Dean can’t help but worry that a "Winchester win" has once again come at a terrible price. One day hope finally arrives in a lead from an unexpected if not always trustworthy ally. However finding Cas might end up being only the first step in saving him—not simply from the forces holding him captive, but from the prison of his own mind.
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
As Dean approached the galley, he saw the light on there already, meaning he wasn’t the only early bird up and about today. His mood brightened with a momentary spark of hope—Cas rarely slept, and when he was around the bunker, he usually enjoyed hanging around in the kitchen to read or watch cat videos and shit all night on one of their laptops. But Dean’s bubble of hope burst when he saw it was just his brother, sitting there in his sweatpants and a ratty old t-shirt, chugging a disgusting-looking green smoothie. Sam was no doubt ready to head out on his morning self-imposed torture session—that is, a five-mile run looping around the bunker to Lebanon and back.
Kid seriously had to be the devil’s vessel if he found that kind of physical torment enjoyable.
“Hey,” Dean grunted at his brother.
Sam looked up from his laptop at Dean and nodded. “Hey. You’re up early.”
“You too. Couldn’t sleep?”
“Rarely do.”
Yeah, that was something they had in common. “Anything up?” Dean asked on his way to fill the coffeepot with water. 
“Not really. Just restless, I guess. I found a case, maybe. Not that I was looking for one,” Sam added quickly. “But while I was searching for any signs of Cas, or Lucifer, I came across a news story about some strange deaths in Wichita. It’s not far from here, and—”
“If you wanna go hunt whatever it is, go for it,” Dean cut him off. “Take mom. I know she’s itching to get out of here and do somethin’ other than stare at our ugly mugs all day.” 
“No, Sam. I mean it. Until I know where Cas is, I just can’t. My head’s not in the game.” A distracted hunter was a dead hunter. That was the rule their father had drilled into them as soon as they each could carry a weapon, and learn about the things that went bump in the night being real. A week ago, Dean had let Sam talk him into going on a “milk run” hunt to clear out a small vampire nest near Toledo and he’d nearly lost his neck thanks to not fully concentrating on the job at hand.
“Okay, I get it.”
“Do you?” Dean snapped. “Cas has been missing for two months, Sam! We have no idea where he is, if he even—”
Dean cut himself off. He couldn’t say it. Not out loud.
If he even survived.
(continue reading on Ao3 on Monday April 15)
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babygirldilf · 1 year
I think that Dean and Cas' story is truly a love story. From beginning to end, we see endless little storylines and director choices and writing choices and actor choices, we see their bond builds and builds and breaks and builds again and they ultimately have some of the most epic quotes spoken to them or by them, their story to it's core is a story about love, and how It can change even the most heartless of beings. It is also a story of so many beautiful mergings, between heaven and earth, angel and human, we see two supposed opposite beings literally fall in love infinite times over while trying to save each other again and again, and in so many ways, not always good ways, but all in good intention.
An angel of the lord saves the righteous man from hell. This is where they start. And then he continues trying to explain to him why he deserves to be saved. Why he will do it time and time again. And so he does.
They go to purgatory together, and the whole time they are there their whole mission is trying to save one another, even if it meant sacrificing oneself, because the other one is too important for them to lose, to imagine a life without, to deprive them of continuing to live like they deserve.
They always tried to keep the other one safe and close, without knowing truly why that is what they wanted.
The angel rebelled for the human. He kept doing everything for him, and the human did everything for the angel, trusted him, made him his family, and taught him what family truly meant.
They were each other soulmates, which was confusing and took some time for the angel to comprehend since he never had a soul to begin with. Maybe the human made him grow a soul, even if only figuratively, but either way, he couldn't deny the truth once it set in; it was the love he had for this human that changed him, changed everything, the entire course of the universe.
So yeah, Castiel, Angel of the Lord, Celestial being of Heaven and the Divine, let his love change him. And he became other things, like Cas and Huggy Bear and Sunshine. He let the heaven in him fall in love with the earth and never came back to the heartless soulless being he once was. He loved now and was in love, and it was so much it was enough to make him happy.
And Dean loved Cas. He loved him a lot. He saw praying as begging but only prayed to Cas. Only begged Cas to see him and understand he needs him, because love is too big a word, or too small, or too hard to let out of his throat. He let himself be hurt by Cas both physically and emotionally because as much as Cas cared for him, there were times he did not know the best ways to show it. He trusted him time and time again and gave him the benefit of the doubt until he couldn't find it in him anymore to hold against his own anger and lost it. Lost his angel to his anger while he froze in place. But he woke up in time, and prayed again to his angel to come to him, to save himself, because he loved him, he loved him so much that he let his anger die and let himself cry for his love. And Cas came to him and heard his prayer, but not the love that was too scared to be set free.
And then it was time. It was time for Cas to save Dean one last time, and the only way he could do that was by confessing his love and being happy and then abruptly being taken away forever. And he shared it all, everything they never talked about so openly before but always fucking felt and knew was there. Because not only he always loved Dean, he always really saw him, saw it all, and knew it all, but understood better than anyone that this Righteous Man did everything for love and out of love. Cas not only fell in love with the earth or with a human but with the most human aspect of this world, which was love. Dean was love incarnate, and Cas was always in Awe of him
So they loved and loved and lost each other, and it hurt like hell to think they would never have their happy ending.
But Dean and Cas had a fan base. A full on Fandom of people who loved them truly and wanted them to have a happy ending. And the writers aren't the only ones who matter in this story. We changed them too.
In my eyes, and I'm sure that in many of yours as well, Dean and Cas are happy and alive. They are together and in love, like they have always wanted to be, like they deserved to be. And it is good, and sweet, and safe, and sound.
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carving deep blue ripples by dothraki_shieldmaiden @dothwrites (Explicit, 85k)
I am a sucker for Stanford Era Dean and a creature Cas fic, so this one feels tailormade to my interests.
Dean finds himself hunting alone after his Dad sends him away with the Impala. It was bad enough when Sammy walked out the door, but now his own Dad has sent him away. But Dean’s a hunter, so that's what he's gonna do. A chance encounter with Cas, another hunter, evolves into a partnership and, perhaps, if Dean can just let go, something more. But Cas has a secret that threatens to tear them apart.
This one has great mythology, top tier monsters and so much delicious pining. Dothraki_shieldmaiden manages to incorporate so much delicious canon into this adjacent fic that you will be gnawing at the walls. Seriously buckle up. It's a great ride.
Heavyweight by valleydean (emmbrancsxx0) @valleydean (Explicit, 206k)
Look, Mallory has the unique ability to write versions of Dean and Cas that crawl into your brain and set up residence, but these particular ones are just *chef's kiss* perfection. Deeply unwell over each other, off-putting and sometimes objectively terrible and yet I love them to my bones.
Set in the 1920s against the backdrop of the golden age of boxing, Dean is a light heavyweight champion looking to make his name in the heavyweights. But the reappearance of his secret ex, Cas, threatens everything. Cas left town under the cloud of a scandal. Left DEAN. And now he's back to try and restore his name.
The pining. The push and pull. There were times where I thought a happy ending was impossible but she did it. She really really did. There’s horny sparring. There are suits and fancy prohibition Era parties. There are VIBES. Seriously this one is just so freaking good.
When I Knew You by FriendofCarlotta and xfancyfranart @friendofcarlotta , @xfancyfranart (Explicit, 54k)
Time travel love stories are tricky and sometimes they hit for me (as you can probably guess from my name) while sometimes the don't. This one was an absolute homerun. Dean and Cas are both so deeply lonely and there is this sense of desperate intensity that is woven through the story that will male you feral.
Dean's working to try to put together the cracked pieces of his life after the one two punch of losing his dad and his business. But he's off to a rocky start when he learns that the prior owner of his new house died suddenly.
Even stranger, a shimmering light appears in his living room and suddenly he finds himself face to face with the guy, somehow having traveled to the past. In stolen moments, they discover that maybe happiness isn't as elusive as it felt. But the time is ticking. Can Dean save Cas from his fate, and if so, what will happen to them?
Dean Winchester and the Stolen Tupperware by MalMuses @malmuses (Explicit, 35k)
It's been a hot minute since this one came out and you may have already heard about it as a result, but this fic is just a fluffy, pure delight.
Cas is a single, nerdy professor whose idea of a wild Saturday night is watching dashing Dean Winchester, a real life Indiana Jones type adventurer archeologist, on YouTube. Dean is looking for some stability and just hoping to find a place to establish a career that doesn't involve constantly traveling. Sparks and awkward cuteness fly when they meet.
This one is perfect for a low angst love story. Also, Dean and Cas will make you deeply fond (and Meg in this fic can step on me).
Night at the Impala Theater by Speary @spearywritesstuff (Explicit, 52k)
It's difficult to explain what is so great about this fic without revealing more than I want to about the plot because there are some delightful and twisty bits. Suffice to say, it's a fun ride not just because of Dean and Cas, but the really fun side characters (Especially Rowena, my beloved, who is amazing and witchy).
The story revolves around Dean, a lonely guy running the family business - a historic movie theater he inherited from his Dad. But his life is changed when he finds a mysterious film series on his doorstep. The film noir flick follows a smoldering PI named Castiel. For some reason Dean can't get enough of the movies. And yet, all attempts to track down any information about the series is frustratingly bare. Where will his obsession lead? Not telling. Go read it. :)
torture is your name on my lips by theseancequeen @theseancequeen (Explicit, 4.6k)
This fun little one-shot smutty yet emotional fic explores a world where Demon Dean summons Cas after years of separation and they hook up while both lying about the depth of their feelings. It's a magnificent blend of angst, softness and need that ends on a deeply satisfying and surprisingly hopeful note.
Scorched Earth by AmberXBoone @amberxboone (Explicit, 155k)
Distraught over confirmation that his father intentionally started the fire that killed Mary Winchester (and nearly Dean and Sam), and then used his position as a police officer in a corrupt system to cover it up, Dean decides to give John a taste of justice by burning him in his home. He's a murderer and he fully expects to pay. But a chance meeting with burnt out DA Castiel Novak changes both of their loves forever and suddenly they have something to fight for. Can they take down the corrupt system or will Dean be locked away?
The plot of this fic alone is a ride. But what really brings this one home is the impeccable use of canon characters. I love these versions of them all so much. And it's truly a delight to see everyone join together to fight the corruption and save Dean (whether he deserves it or not cause he definitely doesn't think he deserves to be saved). The fic is also broken up into short chapters which makes it super readable if you are the type who picks things up for one scene and then puts it back down (could never be me I binged it like i was on fire myself but I admire it).
The premise is dark, but it's the light moments that make this fic really shine.
Check out my other fic recs at @riversrecs
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Title: In Matters of Faith
Author: celestial_starlight
Artist: witchy-worm
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: After Sam and Dean burn Cas’s body, Dean walks. He leaves Sam with a devil baby he can barely stand to look at and rents a cabin near the field where he spread Cas’s ashes. He prays to Cas day and night, desperate for his faith to mean something. His calls wake Cas and bring him right back to Dean’s doorstep. Dean takes him home, struggling to sort out a rollercoaster of feelings while the three of them figure out how to raise a nephilim child.
Tags: Major Character Death, Dean grieving, Dean praying to Cas, Cas is Dean’s faith, Cas confesses to Dean, Cas sacrifices himself to save Dean, Dean resurrects Cas, Dean and Cas being dads, baby Jack
Posting on July 1
Keep reading for a short excerpt.
He wanders the fields outside, his mind replaying the image of Cas’s ashes catching on the wind, glowing in the sun before fading in a flash, returned to the earth and the sky.
Except he didn’t come from there. He came from the stars. He came from a world Dean could never hope to understand, and yet Cas made all kinds of sense. He only wanted to help people, same as him and Sam. What Dean can’t understand is why Cas cared so damn much about him. He went radio silent because he was so desperate to do something good. He healed Dean’s screwed up leg with a touch softer than he gives anyone. It was Dean he was looking at when he told them to go, when he said he’d hold Lucifer off.
Dean shuts his eyes and listens to the wind, feeling it tear past. Sometimes he wishes he had some kind of faith. That stories about sensing someone’s presence weren’t bullshit, or the dead turned to monsters.
Why was he so important to Cas? What did he ever do for him except call him a dumbass and tell him not to do anything stupid? Regret stabs at Dean. Why couldn’t he control his temper? Cas did his best, and goddammit, that was enough. He shuts his eyes and lets out a shaky breath. The pit in his gut yawns wider.
Please, he thinks. Please what? Come back to me. Wherever you are, come back to me.
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hawkland · 1 year
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Art Masterpost: The Beginning Story by emmbrancsxx0 (@valleydean) Art by sidewinder (@hawkland)
When I saw an endverse story up for claims in this year's @deancashorrorfest — particularly one exploring the beginnings of how it all came to be — I knew I had to get my grubby, greedy hands on it. When I found out it was written by none other than @valleydean, I may have made some hqppy screeching noises to rival Castiel's true voice. Getting to do art for one of my favorite writers is always exciting, if sometimes anxiety-inducing, but I ended up having an absolute blast working on these with Mallory and am really happy with how they turned out. Thank you for being such an amazing partner to work with, and I'm so excited for everyone else getting to read the story now!
Thank you as well to @kingdumbass for organizing Horrorfest once again, and creating one of my favorite little Destiel communities on the net. It's always a ton of fun and I love how you keep the server going & engaging year round.
Some rambling comments on the art & my process below the cut.
As usual these were all done in watercolor with a little bit of black & white acrylic pen work for fine details and lines. I used rough/cold press paper for all of these to keep a consistent feeling and because it's always my favorite for doing any portraits and where I want a lot of blending control.
The hardest thing for me was deciding which of the many memorable scenes and moments I wanted to illustrate in the time I had available. I had a pretty clear vision for the title art early on: to show Dean & Cas at the beginning of it all, with a collage of elements of destruction behind them and doing the title text in the "Croatoan graffiti" style. There were a bunch of different reference shots combined for that one: screencaps from 5x04, a later-season shot of Dean & Cas walking together to get their positions how I wanted, etc. My Cas "face" reference was actually from Stonehenge Apocalypse as I wanted him looking a little more human/hopeful than standard s4-5 Cas as he's pretty low on grace but still has a little "angel mojo" left.
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(As Mallory commented when I shared it as a WIP, "That's a man who's about to be destroyed!" :D D:)
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I'm also really glad I was able to get the painting to Mallory at DC-Con! You can see in the pic that it's pretty big (16"x20") to get all that detail in!
For the next piece, there's a small scene of Dean and Cas on the road under smoke-filled skies, past a "God Saves" billboard that just struck me. I'd just driven out to Pittsburgh and back on the PA Turnpike so used some quick reference snaps I took combined with photos of the hazy skies from the Canadian wildfires earlier this year to get the atmosphere I wanted. I tried to keep some of the same washed-out colors and feeling of the title piece for that, save the color of the sky.
For the rest, I wanted to do one piece each of Cas and Dean at critical moments in their journey through the story. Cas facing himself in the shattered glass of a pharmacy cabinet was a moment I knew I had to try to capture. It reminded me of that amazing shot of Misha in Gotham Knights, with Harvey and the smashed mirror, so that was definitely in my mind as a visual reference.
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Cas himself is a combination of some Purgatory screencaps and some out-of-character Misha pics from here and there to get his hair the way I wanted it to look (even if I ended up painting over most of it with interference silver watercolor to create the effect of the shattered glass. Here's an in-progress look:
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The Dean rooftop piece is one I'd had in my head as soon as I read the passage in the story, but it was the last piece I tackled. The city in flames behind Dean was pretty much done in one shot as a spontaneous wet-in-wet wash...though it was a little eerie and unsettling working on it this past week with current events playing out on the tv while I painted.
Finally, I really wanted to do a piece showing Dean and Cas as they are near the end of the story compared to how they started out. This one came together in a really fast burst of inspiration - I think one day drawing and two days painting because it's smaller than the others (12"x6") and I wanted it to be really close up and intimate. Drawing:
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Poor boys have been through a lot. And it's only going to get worse )-:
Anyway, that's more than enough from me. Have you gone to start reading the story yet? If not, go there now! Bookmark! Read! Leave lots of love in the comments! Reblog and check out the rest of this year's Horrorfest collection while you're there!
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impala-dreamer · 1 month
Sweet Creature
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A Supernatural Story
~Bad things happen when you take matters into your own hands and try to prove that love conquers all~
Demon!Dean x OFC Stevie Miller 
3138 Words
NSFW, Danger, Angst, Violence, Blood, Death
“Are you willing to bleed for me?” for @jacklesversebingo
JacklesBingo Masterlist ~ Full Masterlist  ~  Patreon  ~ Published Works
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It was certainly a risk believing him, but she had no choice. 
Sam was going insane, trapping demons and slicing them open until they talked. Usually, they didn’t, and things got even bloodier. 
Cas was- well, she really wasn’t sure what was going on with Cas, but it probably wasn’t good. 
Nothing had been good since their encounter with Metatron. Nothing had been right since Dean’s bloody body had been laid out on his bed and wiped clean. No one had been at peace since he disappeared. 
Despite the shit storm life had become, it was somehow getting worse. 
Stevie was about to give up completely and hide herself away for a month with a couple cases of Tito’s and enough Takis to burn a hole in her gut, but fate stepped in. And this time, fate came in the form of a text message from the King of the Jackasses himself. 
Crowly reached out to Stevie and sent her Dean’s location, claiming he was done with babysitting the demonic mess. She almost laughed. How many times had she been tasked with watching a tied-up, pathetic Crowley, and there he was begging her to trade places? Seemed fitting. 
It immediately crossed her mind that it might be a trap and not a very well-planned one at that, but what choice did she have? To wallow away in the Bunker while Sam went slowly mad in the next room? To give up and go back home to the sticks and try to build a solid, respectable life? No. There was only one thing she could do, so she packed up her car and hit the road, following the GPS and daydreaming of the fight to come. 
It wouldn’t be easy to bring him back. She knew it would take every ounce of strength she had just to see him there, walking and talking, infested with demonic life. She wondered if she’d be able to stand it. 
Dean had always been the light in her life. He was the beacon in her storm, the icon in the chapel of her heart. For years, she’d tangled herself up in him, giving up a normal life and a hopeful future in service of Dean Winchester. She’d stayed by his side through every rough patch; held his hand each time the earth opened up to swallow him down. She never asked for anything in return, holding on for a sweet smile or a gentle kiss at night. 
Long ago, she realized that she would follow no matter where he went. No matter the price, she would pay it. Heaven, Hell, Limbo- she’d be by his side even if it took everything she had. 
He was everything. 
So the threat of a trap was nothing to her now. She’d deal with whatever was up ahead, as long as it saved him. 
Half a day later she was in the parking lot of Benny’s Bunny Lounge staring at the reflection of soft pink neon lights on the hood of the Impala. Dusk was settling around her and as daylight faded, her courage grew. She tapped the back right pocket of her jeans, making sure the flask of holy water was in place and took a breath.
He was sitting center stage. His muddy boots were propped up on the table; the chair was tilted back on two legs. He wore a familiar flannel shirt open at the collar and he tipped a bottle back as if he hadn’t a care in the world. 
A young woman was dancing for him, rubbing her slim body up and down the pole, and spreading her thighs to give him a peek. Her caramel skin was covered in specks of glitter that sparkled in the flashing lights as each beat of the song made her hips swirl.
Stevie pulled up a chair and sat at the table beside him. 
“Nice tits.” 
Her voice was gentle enough to stay discreet but loud enough to reach him over the DJ’s latest offering. 
His eyes turned slowly and she felt the icy glare prickle her pale skin. 
Dean ran the tip of his tongue against the ridge of his top teeth. If he was surprised to see her, he didn’t show it. There was neither worry nor guilt on his face, only calm smugness. 
“On her or me?” 
Stevie gave him a short laugh as she leaned back and looked him over. His hair was longer than she’d last seen and stuck up as if he’d finally discovered hair products. His jaw was tight as always but shadowed by a little more stubble, and his arms looked thicker, his chest broader. 
She reigned in the memory of lustful nights and cleared her throat. 
“You have bulked up a bit,” she answered with a nod, “but I meant the dessert-named nursing student on stage.”
Dean kicked his legs down and righted his chair. “Actually, her name is Sparkles and she's pre-law.”
Stevie hummed. “Right.” 
Sparkles turned her back to the room and squatted against the pole. Her tiny red thong retreated higher up into her ass and Stevie wondered how hard it was to fish out at the end of her shift. 
Dean didn’t seem to have the same thought but was interested in the giggle of the woman’s plump backside. He turned his attention back to Sparkles and his beer, leaving Stevie to sit in silence carefully pondering her next words. 
She kept her tone casual but took a chance at moving things along. 
“We miss you back home, Dean.” She moved her amber eyes from him to the stage. “The Bunker ain't the same without you.” 
He laughed as he lifted the beer to his lips. “What, you don't like Sam's cooking?”
She smiled and leaned her arms on the table. The top was sticky and she tried not to think about why. “No, I don’t. But that's beside the point.” Disgusted, she sat up and wiped her palms down her thighs. Dean was unmoved, drinking his beer and staring at bouncing tits. Stevie sighed. “You gotta be missing home,” she insisted. “How ‘bout, let's get you back and we can fix this.”
“Who says I wanna fix this?” He set the bottle down and turned in his seat to face her. “I got all the sex, drugs, and rock and roll I want.”
She scoffed. “You always had that.”
In an instant, his tone shifted. He cocked his head to the right and blinked. Midnight flooded his eyes and Stevie gasped. She bit her tongue to hold back a wave of fear and stared into the inky darkness.  
“What I had,” he went on, leaning closer, trying to get a rise out of her, “was a whining, abusive, punk-ass little brother and a fucking poodle constantly yapping at my ankles.”
She swallowed hard. Her heart was pounding; lean muscles aching with the desire to bolt. 
Dean blinked again and the deep green she so loved returned to his eyes. 
Stevie sighed and clicked her tongue, drumming up her casual courage once more. “Really, Dean? A poodle? I picture myself as a more… hearty puppy.” A flick of her wrist pulled a wayward strand of dirty blonde hair out of her eyes.
“Fine. A schnauzer.”
“I don’t know why, but that seems worse…”
He laughed and sat back, returning to a more relaxed and unbothered state.
Still tingling with nervous flight energy, Stevie tapped her hand on the table and stood up. 
“I’m gonna go get a drink,” she announced. “Can I getcha somethin’?”
Dean’s eyebrows lifted as if he were amusedly shocked. “Could go for another,” he replied, shaking his empty bottle. 
She nodded and reached for the beer. He wouldn’t give up his grip and their fingers touched for a quick moment. She sucked in a deep breath and he grinned. 
“Hurry back…” 
She scanned the club as she walked to the bar. It was mostly empty except for a few staff members, a drunk old man asleep by the door, and two dudes in business suits pretending to be in a meeting so they could write off their lap dances. The front door was guarded by a gorilla of a man in a neon orange shirt and the back exit beyond the stage was watched by a slight, creeper of an older gentleman whose mustache likened him to every porn peddler in every movie she’d ever seen. They wouldn’t be much help if Dean decided to attack. A little, but not much. 
She ordered two domestic beers and paid in cash, leaving a hefty tip simply so the bartender would keep his eyes on her. An added layer of safety never hurt, even if the guy looked like he could get his ass kicked by an automatic door. 
She had to use what she had on hand. Dean taught her that, back when he was really Dean.
This Dean, whatever he truly was, ignored her return, though he surely felt the shift in atmosphere as she moved, and heard it when she cleared her throat. 
“One more for the gentleman in the played-out burgundy flannel.”
He cocked his head to look up at her and grinned. “Thought you loved this shirt,” he mused, accepting the fresh beer.
Stevie shrugged and retook her seat. “Eh. It’s not bad,” she replied, “just… old. You really should think about punching up your wardrobe a bit. There have been significant discoveries within the fashion industry since 1974.” 
He laughed and took a drink. “Yeah. What the fuck do you know about fashion?” Green eyes swept down her thin body, noting the wide-leg jeans ripped at the knees and around the hem, the faded concert tee that had seen better days, and a thrift store jacket she hadn’t washed in years. “Look like you fell out of a Nirvana video.” 
Stevie straightened up and smoothed a hand down her front. “At least I don’t look like an Army-Navy reject. You back on active duty, Radar?” 
Dean’s eyes were back on Sparkles, but his focus was on Stevie. He nearly choked on a sip of beer but pushed it back with a laugh. “Radar?” He sat up and set his elbows on the table. “Fuck you. I’m Hawkeye or I’m no one.” 
She rolled her eyes. “Hold on while I go distill you a martini…” 
Dean licked a smile from his lips and returned his attention to the vibrating thighs a few feet away from his nose. 
“You know where they have delicious martinis? Back home.” 
His palm slammed down on the tabletop and the wood splintered under the force. “Enough.” His growl was intense and a shudder ran down her spine. “I’m not coming home. Fuck off and leave me alone.” 
Stevie froze. Her blood ran cold and her heart raced. She stared at the broken table, at the cracks his fist had made, and thanked god it wasn’t her jaw. 
She tried one last time. 
“Dean… I miss you. Sam misses you. We… we can help. You know there’s a cure and we can get you back to yourself if you just-” 
He cut her off, spinning around in his seat to face her head-on. “If I just what? Let you rip away the one thing that’s made me happy in my entire fucking life?”
She shivered. “You don’t mean that. That’s the demon talking.” 
“Damn right, it is! But there ain’t no demon inside me, Sweetheart. It is me. All me. And I’m finally getting what I deserve. Some fucking R&R. I’m on leave, baby, and I ain’t never coming back.” 
A long exhale fell from her lips and with it any hope of saving him. With her silenced, Dean calmed and turned back to the show. Sparkles was finishing her dance and he wasn’t willing to miss another second. 
Years of friendship and love flashed behind her eyes and her heart ached too badly for him to survive much more. 
She gave up. 
Slowly, she stood and closed her eyes, placing a hand on his shoulder. He didn’t move to chase her away, didn’t shout or try to scare her off. He sat stone still and let her lips graze his cheek in a chaste goodbye.
“I love you.” 
Unaffected by her whisper, Dean leaned forward and crossed his arms over the table, green eyes focused on Sparkles and nothing else. 
It was done. 
Stevie walked back to her car, dodging shadows against the milky midnight sky. A blanket of gray clouds had been pulled across the world, backlit by a full moon that wouldn’t make an actual appearance that night. 
She could almost feel the cloud cover heavy on her shoulders. She’d come all this way to do one thing and she couldn’t do it. Maybe Sam could get through to him. Maybe Castiel could do some good. Clearly, she wasn’t the one who could break through Dean’s demonic haze. She wasn’t it for him. 
A few yards from her car, Stevie yanked her phone out and swiped across the screen. She scrolled past Dean’s name and landed on Sam’s. As her finger hovered, Dean called to her. 
“Stevie, wait!” 
The ache in his voice was pathetic and she turned to find him running towards her with a crease in his brow and pain in his eyes. 
“Please. I…” 
He stopped and stared. An arm’s length stood between them and Stevie held her breath. Hope surged around her heart. 
He took a breath and looked away, unable to meet her gaze. His shoulders fell and every bit of defense dropped away. She saw the old Dean for a moment. 
“I need help. I can’t do this much longer-” 
If there was more he wanted to say, she didn’t care. Stevie reached for him and he fell into her. Big arms wrapped around her tiny waist and she nuzzled into the crook of his neck. He was warm and solid, strong and alive. She closed her eyes as tears threatened to fall. 
“Dean… It’s OK. We can fix this.”
She felt his shoulders shake; heard his breathy exhale. 
“Please. Help me.” 
Pulling back, she smiled up at him softly. “Of course. Anything you need. Anything.” 
His grin was devilish and unexpected. 
Her eyes grew wide as his fist came into view. 
The phone fell, shattering as it hit the concrete ground. 
Stevie’s vision blurred and pain spread across her face like a hot web. It took too long to register what had happened and Dean struck again, cracking her cheekbone with his knuckles and forcing a gash to open below her eye. 
Her scream echoed through the silent night but he ignored it, opting for violence over communication. The Mark burned on his arm and Dean attacked again, ripping Stevie off of her feet by the shoulders and tossing her like a rag doll. 
The trunk of her car did little to cushion her spine and she crumbled to the ground, limp and seething with pain. 
As the gravel dug into the softness of her cheek, Stevie watched as Dean sauntered over to her. His boots moved with lazy precision, knowing she was going nowhere. When he stopped, the boots split apart and he crouched down, leaning in to taunt her. 
“You really would do anything for me, wouldn’t you?” 
His voice was low and mocking, his laugh like a scalpel sliding across her heart. 
“Always have. You’re like some goddamned love-sick teenager. Always following me around, always tending to my needs… my… desires.” 
She shivered as he dragged a finger down her broken face, lovingly admiring the purple and black mess bubbling beneath the skin. 
“Such a sweet creature.” 
Stevie fought the churn of bile in her gut and bit back a scream. It would do her little good, she knew. Any clapback would earn her a blow to the head, or worse. 
“Such a pathetic… plain… disappointing fuck.” 
Tears stung her eyes but the heartache was soon displaced by real pain as Dean wrapped his giant hand around her neck. Without warning, he tightened his grip and stood, lifting Stevie to her feet by the delicate threads of her throat. 
Amber eyes bulged. Thin lips spread wide in a gasping breath that never came. She clawed at his hand, digging her fingers between his palm and her windpipe, but it was little help. 
Dean laughed. 
She kicked. 
“Anything I want, huh?” he said again, turning on his heel to slam her back against the alley wall. “You’ll do anything for me, won’t you?” 
Desperate for release, Stevie mouthed a promise. She nodded, agreeing with her last bit of strength. 
Dean smirked and loosened his grip. 
Air rushed back into her lungs and Stevie coughed hard. “Please…” Her whisper was raspy and broken. “Anything you need.”
“Are you willing to bleed for me?” 
Her body froze; her thoughts clouded. 
Dean pressed himself up against her, and let his hot breath sweep over her lips. “That’s why you’re here, isn’t it?” 
She shuddered. “I’m- I’m here to bring you home.” 
He dropped his hand from her throat and let it slide down her chest. “You’re here because Crowley called you. Told you I was bleeding innocents…” He pushed back a step and fisted her shirt, ripping the worn cotton in a swift motion. “Told you I’m making a mess of things to feed the Mark, to satisfy this hunger inside of me.” 
Stevie held herself still, praying that the wall would soften so she could push inside and get away from his touch. 
“It wants blood, Stevie… It needs blood.” 
The brand burned on his forearm and she felt the heat, felt the evil spark like lightning in the air. 
“I need blood…” Reaching behind him, Dean pulled the First Blade free from beneath his shirt and pressed the ancient bone to her neck. “I need your blood. You have no idea how many people I’ve killed. Demons, humans… It doesn’t matter. The Mark needs blood. So do it, Stevie, bleed for me and save them. ” 
Stevie held his gaze and her breath. “Don’t- don’t do this.” 
Dean growled deeply and laid his hand on her fragile cheek. The Blade pressed in on the left and his fingers on the right. She was trapped and hopeless. Defeated and broken. 
His gaze softened for a split second and she thought she’d broken through. Maybe, somehow her love was enough to bring him back. 
She was wrong. 
Dean blinked and the darkness returned. He kissed her lips and her eyes closed. Quickly, he pulled his right hand down, slicing through her flesh like it was nothing. 
Stevie’s eyes went wide and her lips formed his name. 
The blood flowed and Dean sighed. Sated for another night.  
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cheynovak · 9 months
Forest Green Eyes - PART 4 
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Castiel & Y/N Winchester  
Warnings:  SMUT – 16+ …  
Side note: English isn’t my first language.  
Words:  1794
This story takes place after the SPN finally. Jack asked Castiel to go back to earth to be the guardian angel of Y/N. Cas accepts this task but only to discover that Y/N is the biological child of Dean.  
Part 5 Now online
And like a magnet your face turned towards him. Looking in each other eyes once more grinning. 
All you could think of was kissing those angelic lips again. But that was the beers you had earlier talking right...  Right? 
The drive home was quiet. The windows were down, and the hot summer breeze landed on her skin. Y/N and Cas had just offered to drop Tom and Anna of at their home since they were clearly not able to drive anymore. The entire ride Anna kept looking at these pictures. “You guys are ok with me posting them on insta?” When they were home save, it was just the two of you.  
Castiel started to think about the kiss. He wanted to talk but didn’t know where to begin.  
"Music?” Y/N asked leading Castiel out of his thoughts?  
* Eric Clapton – Wonderful tonight started playing*  
Both Y/N and Castiel sat there listening to the words. Y/N didn’t want to make anything more awkward by changing the channel. Would be too obvious she thought. She looked over at Cas, he clearly had no problem with the music.  
Little did she know that the angel did his best not to look at her, afraid to give his feelings away and make her uncomfortable.  
Once home Y/N removed her jacket and walked towards the kitchen. “You want something?” 
He didn’t answer but followed her, trying to find to courage to talk about what happened.  “Y/N... We need to talk.”  
“Yeah, what’s up?” Trying to sound normal, not looking at him. Afraid of what he would say.  
“About tonight, you know, the eh ... kiss.” He asked with his heart beating out of his chest.  
A moment passed as she tried to find an answer. I can’t tell him what I felt tonight, it is so wrong! He probably still sees me as some little kid.  
“Oh that. Well, that was a means to an end. I thought you wouldn’t mind. The guy clearly got the message without breaking bottles or bones.” She said slowly turning to Castiel. 
Castiel’s heart dropped, it felt like the world came down on him. Y/N noticed the way he started to walk backwards looking at the ground. “Cas?”  
He cleared his voice “Yes, well, that was what I thought.” He said with a smile like he had a toothache. “I, eh, I,  I'm going to my room. It was a long day. Goodnight, Y/N.” 
Y/N let out a sigh, oh god what did I do. If someone deserves an honest answer it is Castiel.  
And he looked so hurt by my answer. He even went to his room. The man didn’t need sleep, so it had been weeks maybe months that he stayed the night in there. He usually would read a book in the main rooms, watched a movie or prepared food for Y/N. He even reorganized the entire archives from the man of letters.  
Castiel is laying down on his bed. Listening to some music he borrowed from Y/N. Trying his best to reset his feelings. Back to normal Castiel, you are here for a purpose, a job. Even though he still had no idea why or what he was supposed to do.  
Looking after a kid was easy, a teen more challenging but he managed. Y/N is a woman now, who’ve read every book in this archive, who knows every story. A woman who is incredibly smart and kind, a little stubborn and grumpy, maybe even a little temperamental. Who acts first and thinks later.  
And oh, so beautiful, her full lips, high cheekbones, dark blond/light brown hair, and her big green eyes... And taller than the average women he met.  
But he was sure there were more people like that.  
There can only be one reason that Jack was so interested in this kid. She had to be family in his eyes.  
He heard a soft knock on the door. “Cas? Are you ok?” 
 The angel opened the door slightly, just enough so he could stand in the doorway.  
Y/N stood closer to the door than he expected. She was already in her sleeping shirt and underwear.  “Hi.” She said while her lip curled slightly, clearly not knowing how to react. “Hey” He answered while letting out a breath.  
- “Cas, I’m sorry.” 
- “I couldn’t sleep and kept thinking it isn’t fair to lie to you, to lie to myself.”  
Is she saying what I think she is? “What?” he repeated.  
Y/N looked at the floor. ”I think, I love you Castiel.”  
Castiel lifted a hand under her chin.” Look at me Y/N... Please.” So she did.  
The second Y/N’s eyes locked in those ocean blue eyes she felt her whole body move forward.  
Castiel placed his hands on her face accepting her, accepting her kiss, pulling her in. This kiss was long and passioned. Y/N’s hands caressing his shoulder and torso. Castiel walked back leading Y/N into the room. Y/N started to undo his tie and unbutton his shirt while her lips moved from his lips towards his neck without losing their touch.  
Castiel moved his hand from her face down, over her arms, stroking the side of her breast. Y/N felt a shiver down her spine that made her moan a little under her breath.  
As she pushes his shirt of his shoulders, he grabbed her wrists and pulls back so he can look at her.  “Y/N wait... Are you sure? I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to or regret when you’re sober.”  
“Castiel, I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life. I want all of you.” She said while softly kissing his neck going over his chest moving down.  
“I want you.” Softly scratching his nipple with her teeth. 
“ The question is.” Kissing his hips. 
“Do you want me Cas?” Licking a stripe between his navel and pants. 
Castiel closed his eyes “Yes, you have no idea.” The second Y/N undid his belt, the angel felt a fire in his gut. He lifted Y/N up without a warning and pushing her against the wall. Y/N’s legs are around his waist. You knew he wanted you as much as you wanted him by the bump growing in his paints and the moans he let out while his lips were all over you.  
He dropped her for a second just to remove Y/N’s shirt and look at her bare breast. His eyes were darkened with lust.  
Y/N pushed Cas to the end of the bed, he gracefully sat down while she sat down on his lap facing him. Even though he seemed self-assured his eyes looked for permission every step of the way. 
He took her left breast in one hand while he takes her right nipple in his mouth, sucking and licking.  
This movement made her moan his name while she desperately grinds her hips on him for more friction.  He loved how she moaned his name, this made the fire in him burn brighter. Made him want to satisfy her more and more.  
Castiel turned around, taking Y/N with him so that she is now laying on her back in bed. Slowly crawling up to the pillow. But Castiel didn’t follow, he had other plans. He licked and kissed her ankles than her legs, thighs, hips. Y/N’s head falls back when he took her panties of slowly started to caress her clit. “Please Cas, I need you.”  
“What do you need?” He asked with a husky voice. Y/N sat up “You, inside me.” She said while stroking his now very hard and visible dick. “I don’t want to wait Cas. Please”  
Castiel took off his pants and underwear. As he hovered over Y/N he asked, “Are you sure, I though humans wanted, more foreplay.”  
“Next time” She sight. “Castiel I’m burning up. I need to feel all of you.”  
He moved his dick against her, coating it with her juice before slowly entering her. “So wet, so tight.” He moaned.  
Y/N felt her hole stretched inch by inch. The angel watched Y/N’s expression and waited a little before he started to slowly move his hips. “More...” She moaned. Castiel frowned not entirely understanding what she needed. “I’m not going to break Cas, don’t hold back. Fuck me harder.” 
 Y/N wrapped her legs around his waist, pushing him deeper, while Castiel placed his arms next to her head and started to hard yet passionately thrust. He could feel her squeeze when he hit a specific spot inside her. “Oh, YES Castiel, right there!”  
Y/N felt every inch of Castiel, he was so big that every trust hit that one spot inside that made her scream and moan like a mad woman. She quickly noticed that Castiel loved the way she reacts, so she didn’t hold back. While he started to move faster and harder, she started to feel the heat boiling inside her. It wouldn’t take long before she would snap. “Don’t stop, please Cas, don’t stop, I'm so close!” Just a couple more thrusts and Castiel could feel Y/N wrapping tighter around him, it made him groan. “I can feel it Y/N, come for me.” His trust started to get sloppy, the way he felt you squeezing made him fight not to come before you. “Let me make you feel good.” Groaned out of breath.  
Those last words pushed Y/N over the edge. Castiel managed to hold back just enough to look at you. “Where do you want me...” He was so close he couldn't finish that question. “I said I want ALL off you Cas.” Not 5 seconds later Castiel came inside her. After he came down from his high, he kissed her lips. “Wait here.” Before she could say anything, he was gone and returned with a washcloth. “Hm, great sex and aftercare.” Y/N joked.  
“Well, I asked you to let me take care of you.” He grinned. 
Castiel pulled the cover over them while Y/N snuggled by his side. “This is going to change things, isn’t it?” He asked. “Well, I hope so, more of this. More of... Us” She answered drawing circles on his chest.  
“Us, sounds good.” He said. Minutes later Y/N felt asleep while Castiel kept listening to the music that was still playing in the background.   
If you liked this, please check out my masterlist for other stories.
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Hiii Your WIP list is impressive o.o I would love to hear more about:
An Angel's Unexpected Companion, Sam Wesson x Gabriel, Falling in love with Angel, Tell Me No Lies, Two Men and the Virgin, annnnd The Virus
>.>" I feel like that's a lot for one ask but I am curious
Plot bunnies don’t escape me. My brain just comes up with ideas and I write them down thinking I’ll get back to it…eventually.
I have a ton of prompts and plot docs too. I even have a prompt list.
I guess it is a lot.
I’m impressed. You even asked about my two novels I’m working on. I’ll do it in order of your list.
An Angel’s Unexpected Companion.
This ideas was inspired by a few different fics. I know one was Hunters Throne by LadyKnightSkye. I love their work! Anyway, it’s about a woman who is a Nephilim (or was it an Elioud?) and prophesied to ending the war between Heaven, Purgstory, and Hell. The way this happens is she becomes an “Angel’s Companion” which is a human that is bonded to an angel (voluntarily) to increase their power and abilities. In this case, they are a second companion to an angel which is so rare. It’s a Cas/Dean with Dean as the first human companion. The woman actually being a Nephilim means they provide more power and a stronger bond. The whole thing is slowly brought to the attention of the archangels and Chuck himself (good dad) that eventually he does recognize her and knows that this is his grandchild. He already knew for he is God.
That’s as far as I got with the story. I don’t know if I’ll ever finish it. It’s a lot of background to keep up with.
Sam Wesson x Gabriel
This is a request for me to retell 4x17 It’s a Terrible Life from Sam Wesson’s perspective with an interfering Gabriel. This does eventually lead to Sabriel.
Falling in love with Angel
This is an urban fantasy romance novel I am working on where a devout psychic woman runs into a fallen angel who has lost faith in God and his mission. Through her he learns that there are many paths to God and they fall in love in the process. It wasn’t supposed to be a religious story but it sort of became that way with my thinking.
I want to get this one published.
Tell Me No Lies
It’s an AU-Canon Divergence fic where the OFC, Ember, is hit with a spell that prevents her from telling a lie. She’s a hunter who reveals she a witch and eventually leads to complications of the heart. This story leads to a triad relationship.
The reason there are two versions is because I tried a different way. The Nightingale Witch version is she’s a special witch where she sings her magic through song—any song because singing evokes and enhances magic from her soul. She’s still get hits with the truth telling spell but the story goes different when it comes to complications of the heart. This story is more of a polycule relationship.
I still haven’t decided which way I wanna go.
Two Men and a Virgin
This a Destiel x Virgin!F!Reader fic. The Reader is a hopeless romantic and wants to save herself for love. She’s just never fallen in love; however, she has moved in next to Cas and Dean, married husband that have become best friends. She, of course, has fallen in love with them and has tried to get over it without success. The Reader has made assumptions that they’re a gay married couple when in fact they’re a pansexual couple and find this out (after five years of knowing them) one drunken night where they all kind of end up making out that leads to sex. It’s indulgent.
There are few real poly fics in the Supernatural fandom and I love Destiel, so yeah.
The Virus
This is an urban fantasy/scifi novel I am trying to write. It’s the omegaverse or a/b/o trope from the very beginning in how it came to be and follows it through humanity witnessing changes into packs and relationship dynamics and the change of laws.
Omegaverse (a/b/o) is my favorite trope.
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aliusfrater · 3 months
im watching 14.02 rn and i got to the scene at the end where jack says that when it really comes down to it and there are no options left, sam (and cas) has to make a choice between whether or not dean's life can be saved. i went looking for the scene in s5 where sam says something similar but about lucifer because hearing jack say that literally sounded like an echo (there isn't a scene that's as explicit as jack's, mainly because 1) sam had a choice when it came to letting lucifer in, 2) he had already resigned his life within this apocalypse and had already been really reckless about his life ever since dean died, and 3) there was no initial third party 'saving' plan) but while skimming through the last four or so episodes of season five after dragging my way through the later seasons again for the past couple weeks, there is a degree of growth that dean has in s5 relating to his role as the patrirchal figure and his relationship with sam ("you're gonna let me say yes to lucifer?" / "no, see that's the thing. i can't let you do anything [...] and maybe it's time i grow up too.") that's seemed to have devolved overtime in the later seasons.
and while yeah, this points to the simple fact that the show was supposed to end at the end of that season and that this conversation basically complete's dean's intended character arc to some degree but i'd also like to think about the idea that the trauma dean (and sam) receive in the following years and how they reinforce/gradually negate dean back into the role of the patriarch within the narrative structure of the show. and i'm adding dean's time with lisa to this -- his time with lisa, within an explicitly nuclear family does nothing but reinforce within dean the idea of this position as well as the responsibility of raising an actual child compared to his brother.
it's so tragic to think about it this way because the beginning of season five has dean explicitly (or trying to) reject his patriarchal role within the narrative; he gets away from sam and he enjoys the lack of responsibility and he enjoys the fact that he is no longer the patriarch and we know he's no longer the patriarch because that episode is the most omniscient (between sam and dean (cas gets negated to 'little brother' status as dean struggles to completely cut himself off from his responsibility cold turkey)) since perhaps season one. sam's explicit violation of autonomy is one that is so wholly and thoroughly portrayed as such, which is a vast difference from how it's usually portrayed when it comes to his perceived nature (relating to the demon blood) and hunting. much like the overall story itself, dean almost made it out. he had the potential to heal and to break down the patriarchal structure but this too was interrupted by a further violation of sam's body when he was raised out of hell, much like it has begun with the violation of sam's body
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rupertgayes · 1 month
are we still talking about hfym. did i miss wip wednesday. please im dying to talk about it. cas possessing dean lives in my head f o r e v e r the ALL OF IT it's legit one of my all-time favorite fics
I miss wip wednesday because it's my longest day work-wise and my bday was somewhere around there and I just wasn't at my laptop until now but yes we can definitely talk about hfym anytime because I'm dragging myself back to it or so help me.
anyway cas possessing dean is SO delicious (I have a body sharing fic called terror and desire intertwined where dean lets cas possess him and THAT story came from this thread in hfym since, for pacing reasons we're not spending thousands upon thousands of words talking about dean and cas sharing a body in hfym but i was so enamored with the idea that i had to expand upon it.)
anyway i enjoy fics that ham up cas saving dean from hell. repairing his body, traversing through the pit with a writhing twisted soul in his grip. lovingly laying his spirit down inside a repaired shell and maybe some of cas and dean mingled together. but in hfym dean doesn't go to hell. still, there is this connection that they have, this moment where dean is willing to let an angel possess him if it's this specific angel, or die believing it is cas if it's all just a trick. i think it leaves a mark on the two of them that is important as they continue to navigate them and their world afterwards, especially since there's the question that IF cas came from a different world, does he need to go back there? or is it a lost cause and he's meant to be here. and no one really knows at this point and I'm sure that's weighing on everyone especially hfym dean who is thinking about this Other Dean that has ALL THIS HISTORY with cas and yet. and yet. they never consummated their relationship and certainly never did this.
also I think cas also has some secret sick delight that he got all up inside dean before michael ever could but that's just me.
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 3 months
How would you rate the supernatural seasons?
for me it would be like this
s1-s5: Excellent, I would say they are the best seasons, with unforgettable characters, the introduction of the angels, everything is incredible, my favorite seasons
s6-8: Bad, I love supernatural but these seasons for me are bad, of course, there are good chapters but the plot of these seasons...
Although I admit that season 8 improved when the tests began and the season finale, angels falling (I will never get over that ending)
s9-11: Good, I wouldn't say they are excellent but they are good, I have some conflicts with the end of season 11 but I think they are good seasons, the brand of Cain and Dean being a demon (these seasons are where you really see what Sam is willing to do for Dean)
s12-15: I have a conflict with these, we have the introduction of my beautiful Jack and it has good chapters but I think my problem with these seasons is that they are too forgettable
Ok so…
Season 3 is my personal favorite (although I can’t deny that there’s something great about the boys when they get older/when the bunker comes into play)
Seasons 1-5 really are amazing, although I personally would extend that to 6, I really enjoyed 6 and the soulless Sam plot line, as well as Crowley, Ben and Lisa, and Cas going through an existential crisis.
Crazy Cas of season 7 is interesting, but the leviathans were a little boring
Season 8 is my absolute least favorite—Sam and Dean drove me nuts for almost the whole season, the trials arc was the only saving grace of the plot, the rest of the season really didn’t have much plot, it was very…nondirectional up until the trials.
Seasons 9-10 are pretty good, the Mark of Cain stuff was interesting and cool to explore.
Season 11 could literally be skipped with almost nothing of importance missed, and that’s just ridiculous (the only good plot of that was Lucifer’s return)
Season 12 was…weird. Like the men of letters plot is kinda strange since it’s people as the bad guys and not something supernatural, however I didn’t hate that. I hate Mary personally, but I don’t really hate that they brought her back if that makes sense?? Like them fleshing her out was an interesting choice, even if they fleshed her out into a terrible person.
Seasons 13-15: I LOVE Jack so much, I hate the multiverse so much (gosh dang it it’s overused now, plus multiverse Bobby and Charlie suck so so so much). I like that they brought Lucifer back (he needed to be killed completely, not just locked away). The Michael story arc was good. And despite popular opinion, I do actually like the last season/the finale.
Although I do agree, some of the later stuff is forgettable, I get half the stuff in those seasons confused.
One main thing I love about supernatural, is that it doesn’t have a steady decline in my opinion. Most shows, when they go bad, they only get worse, and each season is trashier than the last. Supernatural—though it had several pitfalls—maintained itself to be a decent show, and when it had bad seasons (8 and 11) the writers more or less didn’t let that snowball effect them into another bad season; they came up with a new plot line (like seasons 9-10) and got better.
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doctorprofessorsong · 2 years
Once again living in the Portal Destiel AU that inhabits a corner of my mind.
A man wakes up in a sterile room
He thinks he's named Dean. He has only a fuzzy memory of screaming: "Sammy, whatever you do when that robot bastard asks, you say no. We say no. No matter how long it takes? Got it?"
A gravelly voice says "Hello, Dean." It's CAS-T1-3L. Dean immediately shortens it to Cas
Dean gets put through the Portal stops. He loves the portal gun even if its probably giving him 15 types of cancer
Cas is full GLADOS chirping about science.
"Cas, buy a guy dinner first." "Dean, your Aperture brand nutritional and hydration supplement is not due for three hours."
He promises Dean pie at the end because "Aperture Science has discovered that subjects respond better to a combination of positive reinforcement and negative stimulation. He won't tell Dean what type of pie it is though because that would spoil the fun"
Dean begins noticing imperfections in the testing rooms. Cas seems incapable of perceiving them
When Cas goes offline for daily maintenance Dean begins exploring. He finds hints of subjects who came before. Over and over there are notes to say no (and the pie is a lie)
Dean begins pushing Cas' limits and notices something is up with the bot. It's almost like he cares. He finds himself talking to Cas, telling him about his favorite movies and stories
One day Dean gets angry at the constant tests, gets tired of the grind. Begs Cas to tell him what the fuck is happening. Cas tells him he can’t help him. "Science requires controlling all variables, Dean." But the camera tilts a bit, almost like a head movement and behind him, there's a click. A panel opens into a room where he finds...
Hundreds of dead Deans filling a warehouse. Cas appears in a vessel, a former test subject called Jimmy. He explains that he has had to watch Dean die over and over, transferring his consciousness to a new vessel each time.
M1KA-31 is trying to escape into the world but Chuck Johnson built in a failsafe before he disappeared
Only human run vessels may leave the facility. M1KA-31 has been trying to get Dean to smuggle it out for years.
Dean’s brother is trapped in a sister site run by LUC-1.
Cas promised to help Dean escape, because he loves him and he doesn't want to watch this anymore.
Also there is no pie
Dean finds a way to smuggle Cas out with him in his vessel. They also take the Jolly Aperture Companion Cube (J-A-C-C).
Their plan is to save Sammy and the world.
It ends with NA-0-M1 assuring M1KA-31 this is just a minor setback. Redundancy is critical in these matters.
M1KA-31 will oversee the new experiment personally.
A man opens his eyes in a white sterile room.
A voice says "Hello Adam."
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Min, after all of Dean's journey is said and done and he has found the light, and we trace all of it to the moment of Dean sitting with Bobby drinking beer and when Dean asks "Jack did all this" and Bobby cheekily says "Cas helped" and when Dean does that smile...then that smile would mean something more than it did back in 2020 right?
That's among the things that get New Context, yes. That's what Giving New Context means, guys.
And it's not gonna be just that moment. It's going to be Thee Moments. I call them the Robobo moments: Robbie's first edited-out I Love You from Dean used IN the damn market testing. Who We Are changing Jensen's view of Dean. The Future. The Rupture. The Trap. The Truth. And all accented by narrative elements of Yockey: Optimism. Nihilism. Ouroboros. To name a few. Meredith too, as her and Berens were "Work Boyfriends" by their own name. Big Empty, and others. Cas came to in a garden.
(To even unpack that, it's because Dean was Meredith's POV character and Cas was Bobo's, and the authors were all very much that aware of the text and in support of us while people Nuh Uhed. Meredith gave the Dean mask back to Robbie. [somethingsomethingPersona]. The Rose to Bobo's jack, as Bobo put it. Clinging together on the sinking ship.)
I don't know where fandom got it through their heads that I just woke up one day and decided to juggle 300 episodes of footage in a math formula to processes in like 3 months (the first wave), and a month to update 2 later (second wave), or another month to add in New Winchesters content (this wave.) Oh yeah. a solid half year of editing work like a full time job, to brain frying concepts, and massive footage management, unpaid, just. For fun. Because I wanted to. Is that what they just assumed? They never bothered to ask WHY? (And now, I have a whole army waiting. - Michael. Cough.)
While the original misinformation cores desperately try to save face on years of their bullshit, and pretend WB paid for DeanCas market testing For Funsies But Nobody Intended Anything Back Then, like. These authors were making their mark. They were laying down their good faith groundwork. They were telling their story how they could, even if it was between the cracks. Even if half of it was learning and accepting that Berens is the best kind of madlad, and to stop fighting it, and start listening.
All that stuff they wrote at the end years? Robbie respects that shit. Robbie's good friends with Bobo, and Bobo even carried on Robbie's plot elements like Cain/Collette. Like, jesus. They're mostly passing their own work back with the help of some codexes and specs.
And what Robbie gets to do? He gets to write right through it. He gets to give new context. He gets to put together those pieces the way HE wants, the way his friends always wanted. He gets to highlight and focus on how they WANTED things to be seen and heard, rather than when ~Chuck muffled it under his own tunnelvision (in show and in business), rather than when the point whistled over fandom's heads, or wasn't exactly what they wanted. He gets to use Dean's own gaze of self discovery to give context to what's been The Truth the whole damn time, douchebag.
He's getting rid of Despair. It was never meant to be Despair. It was meant to be The Truth. They never quit fighting. So yeah. Like sure. That smile. That moment. Good example. But I need you to realize it's doing that to, in full: The last several episodes; the last season in full; the last era; and the show in full, in roughly that order of magnitude.
This is revenge.
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mlobsters · 9 months
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supernatural s12e22 who we are (w. robert berens)
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i don't usually read the summary on netlix (or elsewhere) but "undying trust" had my brain snap into focus in no time flat.
working with their torturer, whatever man. no worse of an offense than the whole bmol plotline 🤪
SAM I mean, I've read half a dozen purification rituals in the last hour. If we used one of those on – on our blood... DEAN Then what? Revirginize it?
was thinking too about that whole born again virgin episode (9x08) because of course they've done that before!
DEAN You know, it wasn't long ago, I thought we had it made. We saved the world. We got Cass back. We had Mom back. I mean, it wasn't perfect, but still, we had 'em. And now... SAM Now they're all gone. And Mom, what they did to her... I just fell for their company line. Man, I... I saw what they were doing, and I – and I thought, Hunters on that scale, working together... how much good we can do. And once I was in, I... I just followed. 'Cause it was easy. Easier. DEAN Easier than what? SAM Easier than leading.
the relief of letting someone else make some decisions is a big one, if you can do it. the idea of leading feels a little out of left field though since it's basically just him and dean on equal footing and occasionally working with other people? being independent contractors vs employees
SAM Is this how you pictured it? The end? DEAN Oh, you know it's not. I always thought we'd go out like... Butch and Sundance style. SAM Yeah. Blaze of glory.
never not gonna dwell on how dean actually goes out.
good for dean, finally gets to use his boom stick
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and good for us, this exchange of looks. surprisingly cute and sweet
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and tada look at that our heroes are safe at the last moment all wrapped up in ten minutes. on to next drama, stopping mary from killing jody and the rest of the hunters. old mom not allowed to kill new mom
JODY When she clocked me out of the blue, I thought she was a demon. I had no idea that brainwashing could be so thorough. DEAN Jody, she... I'm so sorry. JODY It's not your fault.
man, i really have come to love jody and her dynamic with them. within the story, bobby obviously played a bigger role for them as a parental figure, but for me kim rhodes is so good at connecting with them and playing up that kind of particular familial teasing/bickering/fondness - she makes me believe that she really is family to them. not just the, we like you, so we're adopting you thing they do with everyone they come across these later seasons.
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samantha smith also doing a job at being creepy killer mary, so serene
TONI The Mary that you know, the good Mary, she's hiding behind impenetrable psychic walls. And I'm afraid these walls... Well, they can't be torn down with grenades. Your mother can't be saved.
if cas could pick out the hallucifer from sam's brain, surely he could fix mary's brain too. especially with a baby lucifer powerup, right. (oh no, come to edit, we're doing it with the power of love!)
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WALT Well, damn. ROY We haven't seen you guys since – DEAN Since you killed us. No hard feelings.
awkward. in the flashback they just show them getting both shot in sequence, i'd forgotten they killed sam and then argued over leaving dean alive, decided against it and went ahead and killed him too. 5x16. me thinking is dean glancing at his chest remembering how he got shot 🥲
well sammy's getting a big, "he's a leader" speech
SAM Um, so my – my brother and I, we – we, um... No, you know what? I called you here because people... um, our people, are being slaughtered. And we're next. The British Men of Letters, they came here because they thought they could do our job better than we could. And they hooked us with their flashy gear and their tech. Most of you had the good sense to turn 'em down. I didn't. They said they wanted the same thing we wanted, you know? A world free of monsters. That's not what they really wanted. They want control. They want to live in a world where they can sit in some office and decide who gets to live and who gets to die. And they've killed people. They've killed innocent people just because they got in the way. They think the ends justify the means. But we know better. We know hunting isn't just about killing. It's about doing what's right, even when it's hard. So we go by our gut, right? We play by our own rules, and that scares them. That's why they want us dead, 'cause we're the one thing they can't control.
all right. at least the music wasn't too much. the words though? it's just too much.
SAM I want you to follow me. Take the fight to them. To hit them before they hit us. We go in fast and hard and we fight and we beat them down until they give up or until they're dead. Look, they're well-trained and well-armed. Some of us might not make it back. But we will win. We will take down the bad guys because that's what we do. They're scared of us. Yeah. Good. They should be.
by this second part, i started giggling. so out of nowhere and cliche
and today, we celebrate our independence day or perhaps but the waters receded
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my brother in sweat, poor jared. jensen slackin on towel duty. wonder if he struggled with the scene or just that it's a long speech so more time to be sweating visibly
DEAN No, my leg busted up the way it is, I'm no good in a fight. SAM I-I'll take a jacked-up Dean Winchester over any 10 other Hunters any day.
aww, sammy
DEAN Yeah. I saw you. You're ready for this. You show those sons of bitches who's boss.
this separation is a little contrived but okay, not going to complain that we get a nice moment out of it. the very special episode where sam gets to slip into a leadership role and succeed and dean gets to be the proudest brother/partner
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DEAN You got this. Come here. You come back. SAM Promise. DEAN Bitch. SAM Jerk.
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well that you come back / promise is what made me cry. and wasn't in the copy of the script linked on the wiki (production draft). so thank you to to whoever brought that about
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oh no they've deployed a sweet little chunk for sam now i'm really going to cry. also know a conversation that's coming since i've seen gifs of it many times
they made this bmol bed so maybe a big dumb shootout action sequence was the only way to lie in it but it sure is a lot less... compelling, compared to what dean's doing. course, every time we're in the old house with mary (2x20, 5x16) it's in an episode i sobbed my way through. so. that's doing some of the work for them here too
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DEAN You lied to me. I was a kid. You promised you'd keep me safe. And then you make a deal with Azazel. Yeah, it saved Dad's life, but I'll tell you something else that happened. Because on November 2, 1983, old Yellow Eyes came waltzing in to Sammy's room, because of your deal. You left us. Alone. 'Cause Dad was just a shell. His perfect wife? Gone. Our perfect Mom, the perfect family... was gone. And I... I had to be... more than just a brother. I had to be a father and I had to be a mother, to keep him safe. And that wasn't fair. And I couldn't do it.
DEAN And you wanna know what that was like? They killed the girl that he loved. He got possessed by Lucifer. They tortured him in Hell. And he lost his soul. His soul. All because of you. All of it was because of you.
(i know this isn't the point, he's just trying to get through to her, but my little hand mentally raises like this was all far beyond any of their control)
DEAN I hate you. I hate you. And I love you. 'Cause I can't – I can't help it. You're my Mom. And I understand...'cause I have made deals to save the ones I love more than once.
trying to think of when he's done it for someone besides sam.
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DEAN I forgive you. I forgive you. For all of it. Everything. On the other side of this, we can start over, okay? You, me, Sam. We can get it right this time. But I need you to fight. Right now, I need you to fight. I need you – I need you to look at me, Mom. I need you to really look at me and see me. Mom, I need you to see me. Please.
jensen did good with this one. later seasons he seems to not quite get there as intense with the emotions all the time like he did in early seasons, but he definitely got there in this one. and that was a long speech too
glad we didn't need to face any more redemption arc with torturer lady, killed ignominiously offscreen (ok i had to look up the spelling/definition to doublecheck and realized in my head i had dropped an entire syllable AND listening to the pronunciation had it way wrong. good thing i've never tried to say that out loud lol at best i think i was thinking ig-NO-muss-ly instead of ig-no-MIN-ee-uss-ly)
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here at least is a throwdown that i can get behind, we've got many reasons to hate this dude and wanna see dean beat the shit out of him
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get him, mary
huh. interesting they had jody kill evil bmol dr hess lady too
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! elusive triple hug. sammy's having a real moment
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SAM Mom. You don't have to be scared of me. (Sam walks over and hugs Mary. Dean walks over and places a hand on Sam's shoulder) DEAN Glad you're back, man.
no bonus winchester packed hug in this script either
well. that had a lot of good family hurt/comfort for me personally, and pretty light on the hurt. thank you, show. i will take it and jam it all in my pockets.
so are they gonna wrap up lucifer next episode, or is that setting the stage for next season? i have very little idea of what happens in these late-late seasons. vaguely, that a kline descendant is involved. not much more than that
(yikes just scrolled to the top of this post, this is very long)
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