#they can very well easily blacklist it
I have a little bit of an interesting question! I know you stated you like writing horror and NSFW, or at least you do not mind dabbling in them, so I'm curious to your opinion:
(Please, very important onto this, keep in mind that, when I ask about 'Yandere', while yes, I mean this lovesick, obsessed character who goes to kidnapping/harming others/threatening/killing etc extremes to get the object of their affection/obsession, there's many yandere types. I PERSONALLY like only a handful of them because I am very careful with TW (I do not like toxic relationships where the 'darling' is deprived of privacy, is mistreated, forced to do things, has hands laid on them, has their emotional well being messed up by demeaning words, etc, and I do not enjoy abuse depictions of the trope either, so I cherry-pick a lot (due to personal trauma). Yanderes are often portrayed as straight up abusive when they needn't be, there's delusional ones, lucid ones who do not want to feel the way they do, others who rather give themselves to the object of obsession/affection and would rather hurt themselves than ever upset them, others who lean more towards manipulation, etc.). I say this because TW are important and while this is 'just a question in a blog' I want to inform you that there is NO EXPECTATION for you to write abuse, toxicity or anything of the sort. While being WELL AWARE that yandere relationships WILL be unhealthy in nature, it is that kind of 'unhealthy possessive' vibe you can enjoy IN FICTION, and should NEVER allow in real life. Take care of yourselves ❤️)
Obviously, none of the characters are canonically yandere, but do you have any opinions on who could fit the bill? And how/what way/what category they'd fit into?
Please ignore this if it makes you uncomfortable in any way and even if you simply respond without any headcanons/just a little ramble, remember to put TW so people who blacklist yandere stuff or feel trigger by any of it continue having a safe space here! Love your blog and what you do! Keep up the amazing work, and congratulations on such endless artistic talent!!
I haven't done a whole lot with the Yandere trope. I have one unpublished fan fiction for another fandom entirely that involves a yandere character in an antagonistic role. I don't tend to romanticize it because of how problematic it can be.
So needless to say, ⚠️ trigger warnings ⚠️ ahead for this topic, some more than others (lookin' at you, Doffy).
I feel like Sanji could fit the bill of being the lucid, regretful yandere. He knows that his obsession with you could be problematic, but he just can't help it. He gets insecure and jealous easily, and may be inclined to threaten any other men that happen to get to close to his beloved, platonically or romantically. He wants you completely to himself. Would be apologetic about his behavior and feel sincerely guilty for it, but just unable to keep himself from doing so. He also feels his behavior is protecting you in a way from being taken advantage of, and that's the only justification he can make for it—even to himself.
Mihawk, while his confidence and ego mean he's not really the jealous type, would still be a worthy candidate. He wants you aware that you are his in every sense of the word. You, your love, your mind, your body, all belong to him. No one else. He may very well be violent about it, though not toward you—just toward anyone who dares challenge his ownership over you. Toward his lover, he would be particularly doting and gentle, treating you like a fragile and priceless work of art. He would be incredibly disinclined to allow you to go anywhere without him; and if he finds out anyone else is attempting to court your affections or, heaven forbid, hurt you, then their days are going to be numbered.
Next would be Crocodile. Getting more ⚠️triggery⚠️ here. Prime candidate for a possessive yandere. Even if he doesn't have much time for you, you're still his property. He'll expect you to have time for him, to adhere to his schedule and his whims. He'll have a list of rules that you have to follow—no speaking with other men without him present, no going out in public without him or a guard that he has personally assigned to you; this is as much for the sake of keeping you safe as it is to ensure that you don't do anything he would disapprove of. In exchange, he'll shower you with lavish gifts, and treat you like a princess when he is with you...but if you break the rules, there will be consequences.
And lastly, and by far the most triggery, Doflamingo. Congratulations, you've caught the attention of an absolutely sadistic and manipulative yandere! He values total control over all aspects of your life. But he's going to make you think you have some freedom at first. He'll pout a little if you want to go somewhere without him, but he'll allow it...on the surface, at least. Then he'll hire some thug or other criminal deviant to scare you right back into his arms, whether with idle threats or physical force. He'll make you feel like he's your only source of safety and comfort. Make you defend him to your concerned friends and family of your own volition, until you have absolutely no one left but him to turn to. He'll justify it by saying it absolutely is for your own safety, and he sincerely believes that to be true; even if he wasn't hiring people to frighten you, there's still every chance that you could be hurt or enticed to leave if you stray too far from his side, and he can't allow that. Whether he views you as a lover or just a plaything, no one else is allowed to touch you but him.
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ira-hydrangea · 2 years
Replaced Mc? Not Really... Never Part 3
Summary: Everything is now ready. Just one final strike before they can take the fruit of their hardworks.
Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 4
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Obviously with the rumors plan failed. Nobody believes Eva and now her reputation is at risk. So she changed her plans. To get rid of MC once and for all.
Since no one believes her, she just needs to make it so they will have no choice but to believe her.
Luckily, she has a puppet fit for that. There is this one boy that is naive enough to believe her no matter what. He is annoying but if can change your words then making him do your bidding will be an easy feat. Who else but Kalim?
"Eh? What do you need to do with that kind of flower?" Kalim asks surprised. Eva is meeting with him in his dorm.
Currently, Eva trying to convince Kalim to bring her the Moonlight Flower. It's a special flower that only bloomed once every year and the time for each flower to bloom is different. The flower has a beautiful blue petal with a red hue right in the middle. Almost similar to the lotus.
"I'm just curious~. This world has always fascinated me and especially the flowers. At least before Mr.Crowley found the way back, I want to see every magical thing in here. Can you please do it for me, Kalim?"
Kalim then stays silent for a while before smiling. "Sure~ I don't mind. Besides, MC never really sees that kind of flower too so I can also gift it to them."
Eva clenched her fist when hearing about Mc's name. What is so special about them? They are also the same magicless human as her yet why do people here always put them in the greater light.
"Thank you so much, Kalim~. And speaking about Mc, can you tell me more abou-"
"Kalim. Your father called and wished to speak with you on the phone as soon as possible." Jamil said while emerging from the shadows.
Eva didn't fond of Jamil. Sure, he is beautiful but in the end, he is just a servant to Kalim. What she wanted is to marry into a rich family in this world, preferably royalty so Jamil is on her blacklist.
"Oh? In that case, I'm sorry Eva but I need to go now. Don't worry, I will send the flowers to you tomorrow."
Eva waves her hands with an angelic smile toward Kalim before hardening her eyes and smirk.
"Yes... Deliver it to me soon, my dear sultan. And I would use it very well~"
The Moonlight Flower although beautiful, they have some composition to make it quite a strong poison. Not lethal but it is enough to convince anyone that the symptoms are very serious.
Eva planned to use that potion for her plan. She can make the potion on her own because she only needs to follow the books.
Now she can't wait for her plan to begin.
"Mc! Thank you for accepting my invitation to my small tea party!" Eva said with a beaming smile.
"Thank you for inviting me, Eva. I'm so excited to finally able to talk with another person from my world." Said Mc.
Eva then pulls Mc towards the seat. On the table, there were already so many sweets and tea that she prepared especially for today.
They talk for a very long time while laughing. When students see this scene, they would think that there both are old friends.
"So, Mc... You have stayed here longer than I, right?" Eva asked as she stirred her tea.
"Yep. I have stayed here for almost a year now."
"Oh! That would explain the fondness that most of the students have for you." Eva said and her face turn cold.
"And I truly despite it..."
"... Eva?"
"Mc, I really didn't like how you easily win the affection of the student without doing any effort. It's... Annoying... That's why." Eva then calmly sipped her tea before smiling back at Mc.
"I need to do this." With that, she suddenly coughed while standing up making the table turn around and spill everything on top of it. The sound immediately attracts the few students along with the dorm leaders as they immediately go to check.
There they saw Eva kneeling on her feet while Mc looked horrified. Before hearing a shout from Eva.
"I- I never intended to take away your friend's attention. B-but how can you *cough* be so cruel to poison me *cough* *cough*. I thought we are friends." Eva said as she collapse and Lilia immediately caught her. She smirks in her heart thinking that this finally works.
"N-no... I'm not-"
"Mc! How could you?! To think you would be this cruel to do something like this!" Riddle immediately shouts.
"No! You all get it all wrong! This is a trap!"
"ENOUGH! Mc, I'm usually very lenient towards you but this has already gone too far! You disappointed me too."
One by one the supposed friends of Mc starts to reprimand them as Eva smile victoriously as she watches the show from the side while snuggling towards Lilia. Until Ace can be heard laughing at the scenario.
"Pfft- I'm just can't Pfft- Bahahaha! Oh! To think this is the ultimate plan that girl can plan. Where did she even get this idea? A novel?" Ace laugh while Eva look confused.
"Ace... You are not supposed to laugh. And to think I spending so much time teaching all of you to act." Vil sighs desperately. Lilia then chuckled.
"... Wh-what is going on?" Eva look confused as she looked at Lilia but Lilia just looks at her coldly with glowing red eyes and drop her from his arms.
Sebek immediately runs towards Lilia with a sanitizer ready and a box of tissue. Lilia accepts it gratefully.
"Ha... To think I would touch something so dirty with my hands. You better pay for my hard work very well, my dear." Lilia said.
"Just what on earth is going on? *cough* Why are you all looking at me like I'm at fault? It's not me but Mc is the one that tries to poison me."
"Hey. It's kinda pitiful seeing her like this, right Cater?" Ace asks as he smirks towards 'Mc'. Eva watches with widened eyes as Mc start to change form toward one of the familiar students, Cater Diamond. He just give a peace sign towards Eva.
"Too bad, dearie~ But the one that you want to frame is currently sleeping safe and sound inside the Diasomnia. It's really a waste of your good acting though. But don't worry, you still have something very useful for us." Cater said with a smile. Eva just look at them dumbfounded before processing Cater words.
"What do you mean... Useful?"
This time Vil is the one that steps up and kneels to her face level. "You see, Eva... You have something that is needed to ensure our love Mc survival in this magical world. The poor one has been sick recently and needed a cure. This is why we need you. More specifically, your heart~"
Eva just slap Vil's hands away in fear. If that means that everything has been planned all along. Her arrival in this magical world has been staged just so MC can survive all along. So she is only a puppet? A sacrifice?
Eva starts to think about the worst possibility until she starts to cough again but this time, she let out some kind of weird black ink. She looks horrified.
"Ah... It seems the fruit will soon be ripe for us to pick." Lilia said with a smile.
"P-please! Anyone save me!" Eva then looks around to see every single student but can only get scared as every single student have this smile towards her.
Why? Why? WHY?! She just wants to have a happily ever after!! She was supposed to have it and live like a princess just like in the fairy tale. THE PROTAGONIST SHOULD HAVE BEEN HER! B-but why... She gets turned into a villain!
Her coughing starts to get worse. As more and more ink flows out from her mouth. Malleus then stood in front of her and with a smirk looking down at her.
"Be hateful my dear. Hate the fact that you easily fall for us and our story. And hate how you have been playing around just like a lamb."
That is the last time Eva remembers before the darkness consumes her. The last voice she remembers are...
"Don't worry we wouldn't kill you~ You can still live without your heart~"
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Okay. So the next part will maybe the last part of this AU. I'm will open a brain rot for extra chapters later. Hopefully, this is up to your expectations. AND THANK YOU FOR EVERY KIND WORD AND SUPPORT! Reading your comments always makes my days even better.
This is the taglist but I'm sorry if there is someone that still not getting tagged. I try to cross-check it so many times to make sure that none is being missed out.
Thank you for the support and maybe leave a comment and don't forget to reblog!
@ladykitsunesworld @shutsuyuri @lilqi @fancyhawk45 @probablynoposts @justakiro @blue-yucca @love-thanatopsis @sxftiebee @salty-salty @zlatolait-writes @feiktn @redrosetrappola @littlewitchwonderland @ilikefanfics4 @deemayaz @unre-lated @deessenya @viostar2095 @sumiko0-0 @clovers-anxiety @fluffimemes @celestialbluebed @deadflycomputerlogs @percea @mouchie @nadjababygirl @migirizuki @h3apm3ch4n151m @rebloging-everything @crazyyanderefangirlfan @mikkies @iameliseposts
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
I can forgive the angel shrine and the all the stuff he keeps in his room and all the nasty stuff Ren gets up to when they think of Angel for longer than 5 seconds but I have never gotten over his red room days, I am also very glad it hasn't been forgotten because it was an experience when I found out for the first time. Like Ren sweetie, I get that you're just a little bit unhinged but wild suggestion, how about we don't do that hmm.
I still love him though so you do you Ren, I guess.
✦゜ANSWERED: There are a few mentions of (brief, nondescript) gore, torture, and horror below; so I'll put it under a read more!! And as always, please be mindful of the tags (and blacklist them if you need to).
But LGDGJKJG Ya mans has gotta do something about all the spare organs and body parts lying around... ^^; I mean, his victims reeeally should've thought twice before saying crude and vile things about you online... And if showing his victims the real meaning of having an online presence (via red room torture streams) is the way to go, then so be it. Ren can easily make a quick buck out of it as well, so it'd be like killing (ha) two birds with one stone.
But please keep in mind that Ren's red room days were fleeting and extremely short lived. It barely lasted a year and he only did it to pass the time — and also because he was able to extract his revenge from those getting too close to you. Ren was already killing people for fun (...kinda??), so it wasn't too far out of his way to stream the process to those who were macabre and morbidly curious.
Also!! Their red room arc also canonically depends on the choices you make in the game as well!! So Ren could either be the #2 dark web streamer... Oooor he could simply be a dark web lurker who never acted upon his violent urges ^^
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eerna · 2 months
I like the analysis the anon gave on the hate Taryn gets in the fota fandom. I liked that they mentioned that the series is also mostly targeted towards teenage girls and yes!! I believe that’s also another reason why she’s mostly hated. I’m not trying to infantilize the younger readers of the series but they do tend to analyze and see things from a more superficial level, specially these types of topics like betrayal. Specially with the whole girls girl TikTok feminism going on (which I despise and I think it’s just another way for women to be awful towards other women in the name of feminism) to them what she did it’s like the worst thing in comparison to other awful things that happened on the books. I also agree that they don’t see her as whole character who’s also dealing with her own issues. That’s why it bothers me that the outcome of the “lost sisters” was more hatred instead of empathy because they just didn’t get it and definitely they didn’t get her as a character.
I also find funny that every time they present the argument of why they hate her it’s always the same one: “well she betrayed her sister” “she did it multiple times” (which in my opinion the second one is debatable) and I’m like dude we know we all read the series. 😅 meanwhile people who defend the character tend to give a well detailed analysis of why she’s a actually a good character and why the hate towards the character feels forced and even exaggerated. And now they tryna do the same with my girl wren too. 😩 leave her alone she’s been through a lot!!!
Yeah, younger readers tend to misinterpret more easily than older ones (saying as an ex young reader), but in this fandom specifically I'd say it's mostly older people being very vocal. I don't doubt the younger ones are also present, but I blacklist all the vocal Taryn haters and so far it was almost all people in their 20s-30s according to their blogs. I think the targeted demographic DOES contribute to the hate, though: readers of any age who mostly read and love YA are used to certain tropes and simplifications (imo it's why NA became so popular - it has the simple format of a YA book, but the smut of an adult book), so when they are faced with a complex situation, they simply don't know how to deal with it. When they see Taryn descending into the jaws of insecurity and loneliness in The Lost Sisters, they feel no empathy, because they don't think someone can do bad things based on those two stereotypical YA protagonist characteristics alone. Usually insecure, lonely girls are nice and get a ton of friends who love them and a boyfriend who makes them feel loved! They don't fall for a bad guy and ruin their relationships and make their emotional issues even worse!! It is SO easy for her not to do bad things, so why is she doing them????
And yeah, you are so correct that her haters act as if she is a girl we all know irl and they have to prove to everyone why she is a bad person. Like, we all know that she did some bad things. We won't stop liking her because you remind us she did them. And sorry, but if I saw a well put together character analysis explaining why a character did something bad, I would be ashamed to descend from nowhere, comment "I don't like her because she did something bad, also I have a sibling", and stop any possible discussion. And yet!! That seems to be the discourse surrounding her!!!!! Tiring, all of these people need feminism 101
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yawnderu · 9 months
non con means non consensual
no consent = rape
can you explain why you don’t think writing rape is an issue and that it shouldn’t go unreported? i’m curious
please be kind i’m genuinely curious as to why people think it’s ok to write about
This has been explained multiple times and— not to be rude, but you can easily do your own research. It's tiring explaining this over and over, but here we go again.
TW: talks of SA and rape.
If you think it's an issue, Tumblr and media gives you the options to blacklist words, tags, and even usernames, in case blocking is somehow not an option.
There are things called dark fics, which include topics such as dubcon, rape, and other things. The fact that an author writes about these topics doesn't mean you should report their content or account, it's actually very easy to avoid, and you're responsible for your own triggers and media consumption. Every single author who writes dark fics and I've seen in the COD fandom writes the trigger/content warnings at the beginning of their fics because we understand it's not for everyone.
I've explained this before, but as someone who used to get molested/SAd since middle school and until my late teens, writing about these scenarios helps me cope. Why? Because I get to have control over what I write and situations similar to everything that happened to me, and I get to pick which character is doing that, rather than all the people who did things to me.
Some rape and SA victims develop kinks related to it, and that's totally okay. The fact that we write things about it does NOT mean in any way, shape or form that we want this to happen to our readers or ourselves, it's simply a kink that oftentimes comes from being a victim ourselves. It's all a fantasy, a controlled environment where we can write these things and have control over it, unlike in our real lives.
You may not agree with these things being written and that's where the fact that you can easily avoid them comes into play. It's truly as easy as dismissing a post, blacklisting words/tags, and blocking the creator. Trust me, no creator will ever care that you block them. I have so many people blocked in here, including some of my mutual's mutuals or followers and that has never been an issue.
Dark fics are not for everyone and that's totally okay, but reporting a creator's account for writing a sexual fantasy with fictional characters is something way too extreme. We're not posting rape videos, we're simply writing things with fictional characters. If you're (in general, not only you) not mature enough to understand why dark media is created, you're likely not old enough to be in our blogs in the first place.
I hope that explained it well and pray that this will finally be the last ask I get about it.
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waterfire1848 · 4 months
omgomgomg i wanna ask one ship prompt!! okay okay
20. azula (college student) / katara (oceanograpy professor)
heated debate and maybe angry doing-the-nasty?????? 👀
Hello, @ragzonacamrencruise !! Here you go!
Modern AU setting and note that the sex scene isn’t explicit by any means but it is there so…don’t want to see don’t read
Katara set her belongings down on her desk, pushing her hair back which had fallen in her face when she leaned down. Her heart was pounding in her chest while she stood in front of the long table. Before her were four wide rows of seats, all of which had one long desk, in the shape of a half circle, from one end of the room to the other. The only space left on the sides of the room were for the stairs so students could walk up to the front of the classroom or the back.
Katara took a final look down at her phone. 10:20 am. Her class would be starting in about ten minutes. Her very first class on oceanography. Katara brushed her hand through her hair one final time. She really, really had to make a good impression on her students. The school had been nervous to hire someone so young, Katara was 24 having just finished grad school, but agreed while promising to keep an eye on her. There was no misunderstanding their tone: You screw this up and we fire you and blacklist you from teaching at every university.
That's why she was so nervous when the first student walked in and took her seat, choosing to sit in the front row. The woman had long black hair with golden eyes and wore a red jacket, black shirt and jeans. She took her seat then proceeded to pull out everything she needed.
"Excuse me. Should you be back there?" She asked, "The professor will get mad if she finds out you were messing with her things."
"I am the professor." Katara said, "My name is Katara South. You can call me Professor South." She smiled, but the student still looked confused.
"You're teaching this class? Are you like a teaching aid or something?"
"No. I'm 24. I got my degree and decided I wanted to teach what I learned at college so here I am." Katara said, "What's your name?"
"Azula Agni." The student said, "I'm a senior."
"Ah and why are you interesting in oceanography?" Katara asked.
"I'm not." Wow. She didn't need to say it so bluntly, "I'm just taking this class because I need an easy one." Azula explained.
"Easy? This is advanced oceanography." Katara told her, "It'll get pretty challenging." Azula scoffed, rolling her eyes.
"I'm not afraid of a few tests or pop quizzes." Azula grinned, "I'll probably end this class with a perfect A+."
"We'll see." Katara said, a smile growing on her face.
Was it childish to be feuding with a student? Yes. Did Katara care? No. Well, she kind of did because Azula could easily report her and get her fired but there was no way she was letting Azula know that.
Slowly, the other students began to fill the room and take their seats. Katara spent the first day telling the students a little about herself, the tests, paper and final they would be doing.
“I hope you all have a great semester in my class! If you ever have any questions or concerns or problems you can come talk to me at any point in time. I encourage you to come talk to me instead of suffering on your own.” Katara chuckled, “As someone who just graduated grad school I know how importance it is to get those moments to rest. I hope I’ll get to see all of you tomorrow for our next class!” The students all stood up and began to walk out.
Katara heard the students begin to whisper and talk as they walked out of the room. However, Katara couldn’t pull her eyes away from Azula. In all fairness, Azula was looking at Katara as well. Her golden eyes never left Katara’s blue ones the entire time she packed up.
“See you tomorrow, Professor.” Azula said, standing up and leaving the room
Azula wasn’t kidding when she said that she wouldn’t have a problem with the class. She was easily one of, if not, the best student in the class. Constantly turning everything in a day in advance, including paragraphs of explanations and arriving to class every day.
Then, one day, she didn’t show up. Katara definitely noticed her absence but it was to be expected. Students wouldn’t show up all the time. But when Azula missed every class, Katara grew nervous. She send over an email to her twice and received nothing.
Finally, Azula returned but she was different. She was quiet and missing her classic snark. When Katara put everyone in groups, Azula’s group came to her at the end of the class and told her Azula didn’t do any work.
“Azula. Can you stay here for a few minutes?” Katara called.
“Sure.” Katara waited for everyone to leave before she sat down next to Azula.
“Azula? What’s wrong? You missed class, you aren’t talking and you didn’t do any work in today’s group work.” She said.
“My apologies.” Azula said. Her breathing was weird, as if she was keeping herself from crying, “It’s been a…difficult time. I’ll be better next class.”
“Azula, I just want to know what’s going on. You’re the best student here. I want to know as much as I can so I can-“
“You won’t care. It’s just petty college stuff.” Azula scoffed.
“Do you think it’s been like a decade since I was in college? I was in my senior year three years ago.” Katara tried to add a little laugh to her voice but Azula remained quiet, “Please.”
“My friends blocked me on everything and they said they don’t want to talk to me. I…I don’t have any friends now.” Her voice was quiet but Katara could still hear the sadness in her voice.
“I’m so sorry, Azula. Is there anything I can do?” Probably not much she could do, even if she was a professor, but it seemed like the right thing to say here.
“Could I eat lunch in here?” Azula asked.
Katara blinked her eyes in shocked, “Umm sure. Of course you can.” Much to Katara’s surprise, Azula launched forward and hugged her. Katara found herself wrapping her own arms around the woman.
“Oh. I umm…I should get going.” Azula pushed herself away from Katara, got up and ran out of the room, leaving Katara a little shocked but mostly happy. She didn’t know why but it filled her with warmth to know she could spend more time with Azula.
The longer the months went on, the more Katara found herself staying after class with Azula for longer periods of time. Their conversations started with topics from class then fell into conversations about their own lives and experiences.
“No way! Is your brother Zuko Agni?” Katara asked. The two were sitting across from one another at a table in the classroom. They had started off talking about their own education, respectively, and the subject turned somehow to their brothers.
“Yes. My deepest apologies to you if you know him.”
“He dated my brother for a few months. They broke up when Sokka left after grad school.” Katara told her.
“Oh, I remember. He refused to listen to anything that wasn’t some sad and depressing breakup song. I thought I was going to lose my mind.” Azula groaned.
“If it’s any consolation I had to endure Sokka texting me 50 times a day asking if he made the right decision. One of the smartest people I know and one of the most indecisive.” Katara chuckled, "So, how are finals going?"
"Decent. Your final is looking to be my easiest." Azula said.
"Oh, really?"
"Yup. It'll be fun to easily ace this." Katara only rolled her eyes.
"Don't get cocky. The final might be harder than you think." Katara warned.
"You're a professor. Aren't you supposed to say that I'm such a good student and I'll have no trouble as long as I study?" Azula asked.
"All those things are true." Katara admitted, "But if you get overconfident then won't do as well on the final. I might have some tricks up my sleeve that you don't know about."
That was the moment both of them realized how close their were to each other. Azula moved her face forward while Katara moved back, making them both blush.
"I should get back to my room. You have my email if you have any questions about the final." Katara quickly said, grabbing her things and racing out of the room. Did Azula just try to kiss her? No. No, she had to have been imagining things. There's no way Azula did that, "She is pretty beautiful." Katara whispered.
"No." She shook her head as though that would get the thought out of her head, "No, Azula doesn't like you. Stop fooling yourself. You're acting like an idiot!" She snapped. Katara forced herself to continue doing her work and stop thinking about Azula. She only had a week left with the woman anyway before the last day of college and only three weeks until Azula graduated.
Katara would never admit it but she was sad when she posted those final exam scores. Not because the scores were bad, though there was one student who made her want to cry and scream when she read through their final, but because she would miss her class. Other professor's told her that it stopped being all that meaningful when she had been there for a few years, but, still, Katara couldn't help but find herself saddened when she send out everyone's final scores.
'Maybe there's another person you're sad you'll never see again.' Her brain supplied.
"Shut up." Katara mumbled. Though it was true, she was saddened that she'd never see Azula again, "That's just how things go sometimes. I need to accept that." She tried to speak in her most commanding voice, forcing herself to accept the fact that Azula had probably long forgotten about her as well.
Meanwhile, across town, Katara couldn't have been further from the truth when Azula opened her email to read her final exam score.
It was a calm day, a peaceful and quiet day. Katara was sitting on her couch, reading through a book when someone began pounding on her door. Confused, and a bit scared if she was honest, Katara slowly approached the door only to see Azula through the peep hole.
“Azula?” Katara asked, “What are you doing here? Is everything okay?”
“No! Because you took points off on the exam when I got the question right!” Azula walked into Katara’s apartment, allowing Katara to shut the door behind her.
“Excuse me?” Katara asked.
“Right here.” Katara looked at where Azula was pointing to see that she had the final exam up on her phone and was pointing to a specific equation, “I got the question right but you marked it as incorrect!”
"You are wrong!" Katara yelled.
"How do you study this stuff and not know that I'm right!?!" Azula yelled back, "Right here. You asked 'when did the first photosynthetic organism come into being?' and I said 'when the Earth's atmosphere and the shallow ocean first experienced a rise in the concentration of oxygen.'"
"And that's wrong!" Katara told her, "You needed to give me the exact name of what it's called. There are a lot of things you could have called it The Great Oxidation Event or Great Oxygenation Event or Oxygen Catastrophe, but you wrote none of that!"
“It’s the same thing!”
“Do you not understand how college works?! You had to write what the term was called! You didn’t and you lost points!”
“That’s ridiculous!”
“Deal with it! Accept your lost points and the fact that you rushed through the exam and didn’t read every instruction!”
“You’re the one who put instructions there meant to trip people up!”
“Or did you just not read because you thought my exam would be so easy?!”
By now both Katara and Azula’s faces were inches apart. Katara’s eyes momentarily fell down to Azula’s lips. Azula did the same then forced her eyes back to Katara. Only a second of silence existed between the two before they began kissing.
“I thought you didn’t want this?” Azula asked.
“And I thought you knew to read through instructions.” Katara grinned.
Katara brought Azula to the couch, causing her to fall back on the it. The two locked themselves into a makeout session that showed no sign of stopping. If anything it was getting stronger especially when the two began removing their clothing. Katara removing her shirt gave the okay for Azula to do the same.
“Can I?” Katara moved her hands to the back of Azula’s bra.
“Go ahead.” Thanks to years of experience, Katara undid the clasp with ease and tossed Azula’s bra to the side. One of her hands went behind Azula’s head for support and the other went to Azula’s chest.
“W-Wait.” Azula bit her lip to keep from groaning.
“What?” Katara sat back up, allowing Azula to use her free hands and remove her pants.
“Woah.” Katara whispered. She was beautiful.
A blush covered Azula’s face when she realized Katara wasn’t removing any other items of clothing, “Are-Are you okay with…us going there?” Azula asked, now suddenly feeling very self conscious and grabbing her shirt to put in front of her body.
Gently, Katara pushed her shirt away and kissed Azula, “Yes.”
Once again, the two girls were locked into kissing one another. Azula, having found Katara’s bra strap, also removed that and flung her bra to the floor. Katara’s pants weren’t far behind, leaving both woman completely naked.
“Ugh!” Katara moaned slightly when Azula pushed her body down so that she was under Katara’s chest, “God!” She bit her lip to keep from groaning too much, “Hey.” Azula pushed herself back up to be eye to eye with Katara.
“I can’t let you do all the work.” The woman grinned, kissing Azula once more.
“Tell me if I should stop.” Katara whispered, moving her hands below Azula’s waist.
To anyone outside the apartment, it was probably very easy to guess what they were doing based on the sounds from inside, especially Azula’s groans, but neither woman could bring themselves to care or even think about the neighbor’s opinions.
“I’m guessing this is good.” Katara smirked, using her free hand to push herself up a bit and away from Azula’s lips.
Azula didn’t even respond, just pulled Katara back down to her as if the woman sitting up meant she was about to leave forever. Katara was sure though that she heard Azula moan ‘don’t stop’. After a minute, Azula forced herself to stop kissing Katara, only clinging to her as the woman kissed her neck.
"Can we...god...move this to the bedroom?" She asked, trying as hard as she could to force down her groans.
"Of course." Katara smiled.
Sometime later, both woman found themselves naked and breathing heavily in Katara's bed.
"If I had known this would happen, I would have come over months ago." Katara turned on her side to face Azula.
“You liked me that long ago?” She asked.
“Of course. I found you incredibly beautiful when I first came to your class but I suspected we could do anything because of university policy.” Azula said.
“You suspected correct.” Katara confirmed, “I could have been fired for dating a student.”
Azula winced, “Wow. Really great we didn’t get together then.” She said, “But I am really happy this happened. Are you okay…I mean was this good…I-I mean-“
Katara cut Azula off by kissing her, “I think you’re smart enough to figure out if I want to date you.” She grinned.
Azula smiled right back at Katara, “I’m sure I’ll get this question right.”
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kwanisms · 2 years
Kinkuary 10 Wooyoung — begging // mommy kink
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➥ domme!Reader × sub brat!Wooyoung summary: Wooyoung bites off more than he can chew when he agrees to finally meet his online dom in person. wc: 6.4k warnings: afab reader, adult dialogue, alcohol consumption, sexual content (minors dni!): dom!Reader, sub!Wooyoung (and he's a brat), begging, mommy kink, teasing, use of pet names (baby boy, sweetheart, honey, etc) handjob, oral (m receiving), and I think that's all, pls let me know if I missed any! Permanent taglist: @yoonguurt @candidupped @dejavernon Kinkuary full taglist: @baldi-2 @wonderfulshinee @lacie220900 @sup-dallyboy @drunk-on-dk @violagoth @mixling-blog @dilfjohnny @fairylixie_0915 Ateez taglist: @2hodefender @babyhailey819 @foxylilbitch @rdiamond2727 @indigo35 @sanjoongie @moonlightsora @cixrosie @hwarmony @kangfication Strikethrough means I cannot tag you. MINORS WILL BE BLACKLISTED & BLOCKED. Join the taglist!
a/n: sorry this is so late, this is my first attempt at a true dom!Reader situation so please be gentle with me ;-; I hope you like it! Thank you to @ncteez for beta reading because Hon has a sub IDOL agenda. Please head over to her blog to read her works. She's incredible. I love you honeypot uwu as always, this is a work of fiction and all characters are not reflective of their respective irl counterparts. for entertainment purposes only. banner made by me. I do not allow reposts or translations of my works. All my works are ©️ kwanisms.
Wooyoung checked his phone for what felt like the hundredth time that night. To say he was nervous was an understatement.
He was beyond nervous. Almost terrified.
Wooyoung prided himself on keeping his public and private life separate which is why almost no one, except San, knew he was even doing this. 'This' meaning meeting you.
San was the only person who knew you existed in Wooyoung’s life. He couldn't even bring himself to mention your existence to Yeosang, even after you became such an integral part of his life.
When Wooyoung and you met, it was through instagram. He'd been scrolling through the app for hours, using his private account rather than the public Ateez one.
It was only when he was close to closing the app that he happened upon one of your posts and it instantly drew him in. Your account was set to public but he soon learned that this was your main account and that you had another more… private account.
Upon seeing the locked down account, he got curious, especially after reading the description. He sent a follow request, not thinking much of it. He never expected to receive a DM.
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That first conversation had him overwhelmed and intimidated but he felt a pull towards you. It was almost magnetic. The conversations after that went surprisingly well.
You managed to talk about a slew of things but it always ended back at sex although Wooyoung didn't mind. From what he saw on both your Instagram accounts, you were stunning. Exactly his type.
He was surprised how easily he folded under your command. He'd never been told what to do by a woman before and he actually liked being submissive to you. It filled him with a sense of pride when you called him "good boy" and told him he was being good for you.
He loved it and the feelings that came along with it.
Which is why he was so shocked when you asked him to meet you in person one day. You told him how you'd be in his part of Seoul for non domme related business and suddenly he was nervous but curious all the same. He suddenly wanted to know more. About you.
Like what kind of business you could have in Seoul.
After not much deliberation, he agreed to meet you. He only had one request for you.
He needed to be discreet because of his job as an idol.
Thankfully you didn't ask questions and instead understood the need to be discreet and private. You promised to find a place where you could meet privately and not jeopardize his career.
True to your promise, you found a small but very upscale place where the two of you could rent a private room and no one would bother you. It was perfect.
Wooyoung awoke early the scheduled day and took his time getting ready, thankful that San was going to cover for him.
"What are you telling them?" Wooyoung asked as he buttoned up the shirt he'd chosen, a black silky print long sleeve.
San glanced up from his phone, sitting on Wooyoung's bed.
"Some of your old friends are in town so you're going out to meet them and catch up," he answered, watching Wooyoung as he tucked the hem of his shirt into his pants and picked up his belt.
"And if they ask about girls?" San rolled his eyes. "You aren't a child anymore, Woo," he answered. "You know Joong and Hwa-hyung don't care about that." Wooyoung glared at his best friend.
"It's not Joong and Hwa-hyung I'm worried about," he replied. San cocked his head, imitating the way a puppy looked at their owner.
"Then who?" he asked as Wooyoung finished dressing and looked himself over in the tall mirror fixed the back of his bedroom door.
"Yeo-" Wooyoung started but jumped when the door suddenly opened and Yeosang appeared in the doorway.
The three stared at one another for a moment before Yeosang finally spoke. "You're dressed up all nice," he noted, looking his roommate over. "Where are you two going?" he asked.
San shook his head. "I've got a date with my computer tonight," he answered casually. Yeosang's attention turned back to Wooyoung. "And who do you have a date with?" he asked.
Wooyoung shook his head quickly. "No date! Just meeting up with some friends from Ilsan!" he replied. Yeosang stared at the younger man before finally nodding and moved to drop onto his bed.
"Okay, cool. Have fun," he said as he pulled out his phone and started tapping away at the screen.
Wooyoung glanced at San who shrugged. "Better get going," San said as he got up. "Don't wanna keep your friends waiting."
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Wooyoung chose to take a taxi to the restaurant rather than the company van to keep the managers or anyone else from asking questions if he didn't come home that night.
The restaurant wasn't exactly out of the way. It was in the heart of Hongdae but Wooyoung understood what you meant when you said everyone would be none the wiser.
The entrance was in a small alley off a side street with only a small neon sign that read the name.
Wooyoung adjusted his mask and pulled the door open, stepping into a small entryway where a counter stood. Behind the counter was a doorway with a black curtain hanging, blocking the view from where he stood.
The walls were a pale green with a cool tone dark brown trim. The floors were the same dark brown as the trim. Accents and decor ranged from brown to white to gold.
The curtain pulled back and a young woman whom Wooyoung could only assume was the hostess smiled at him as she stepped into the room. "Hi, do you have a reservation?" she asked.
Wooyoung hesitated. 'Shit.' He'd forgotten to ask you what name the reservation was under. He pulled his phone out, squeezing out an apology as he tried to quickly unlock his screen and pull up your direct message thread.
"I'm meeting a friend of mine here," he muttered softly as she started typing a message. "Perhaps it's under Rose-Jung?" the receptionist offered, looking over her book. "I only have one reservation under that name," she added, looking up at him.
Wooyoung put his phone away, nodding. "That has to be it," he said, sounding equal parts relieved and suddenly nervous all over again. He was about to meet you for the first time in real life. Ever.
"Right this way," the hostess said with a smile and gestured for Wooyoung to follow her. He walked after her, catching a glimpse of a large dining room off the hallway before he walked past it.
The hall was long and narrow with at least three sliding doors along the way. At the back of the hall was a smaller hallway leading to the bathrooms. Opposite this hallway was a narrow wooden staircase that bent at ninety degrees.
Ascending the stairs was surprisingly difficult due to the small space but Wooyoung managed to keep up with the hostess and upon reaching the top of the stairs, found himself facing another hallway.
The hallway the hostess led him down was dimly light and before long, she stopped at a door and slid the door open before gesturing for him to enter first.
Inside the room was empty save for the furniture. It looked less like a restaurant event room and more like a lounge. The table was a small four seater set towards the wall.
Against the opposite wall was a low black leather couch that looked remarkably comfortable. Sitting before the couch was a low rectangular black wood table with a traditional tea set waiting to be used.
The wall opposite the door was floor to ceiling windows with dark olive colored shades that were pulled halfway down the windows.
"Your server will bring water in just a moment and there are menus on the table," the hostess said, gesturing to the small table. "When the rest of your party arrives, I will bring them to you," she added.
Wooyoung thanked her and watched as she slid the door shut and left him alone in the room. He decided to take a seat at the table and look over the menu. His eyes scanned the options and he noticed the prices were not included on the menu.
He wondered if it was some sort of mistake. Maybe he got defective menus? What kind of restaurant wouldn't put the prices on the menus? He was about to get up to ask the hostess when the door opened.
His eyes widened as someone who wasn't the hostess stepped through the door. It was you.
Wooyoung couldn't believe his eyes. It was actually you. You were here, right now, in front of him.
"Sorry," you said softly. "I hope you haven't been waiting long." Your voice sounded exactly as it did over voice chat from the few times you'd called him. But seeing your face and hearing your voice together was like a dream come true for him.
"Please look over the menu and when you've decided what you'd like, you may use the phone here," the hostess explained, drawing both yours and Wooyoung's attention. You thanked her and watched the door slide shut before turning to Wooyoung.
He was much more handsome in person. His account was a blank one with a few posts but nothing that would give him away. It was only after messaging each other for a bit and asking him to send a photo that you saw his face for the first time but it was nothing compared to the real thing.
You noticed he'd dressed up for the occasion and it made you relax, knowing you weren't the only one dressed up.
He had worn almost exclusively all black. His shirt was a silky material with a tiger-like striping pattern. His pants were black leather and tight fitting, hugging his body and showing off his thighs. He wore a simple black leather belt and plain black dress shoes. You could tell he'd chosen everything carefully.
Wooyoung watched as you removed your jacket and hung it up on a hook by the door. He allowed his eyes to briefly wander, taking in your attire. He was relieved to see you had also dressed up.
He admired the way your black mesh dress hugged your body, showing off your figure. Under the mesh was a nude colored lining and the material bunched up in places. It was an off the shoulder dress with long sleeves, showing off your shoulders and neckline.
The bottom hem of the dress reached just past your knees. For shoes you wore a simple pair of red nubuck pumps with pointed toes and a single strap that buckled around the ankle. The color was so bright and vibrant against your skin that it made him wonder what you'd look like in bed with only the shoes on.
He was drawn from his thoughts as you took a seat beside him. He was surprised you chose to sit adjacent rather than across from him. "It's nice to finally meet in person," you said, your attention now focused entirely on him. Under your stare, he suddenly felt nervous again, something that must have shown because you offered him a very warm smile.
"I can tell you're nervous," you said, shifting in your seat to face him more directly. "But I promise, you don't need to be. Think of this like meeting with a potential client," you added. "It makes the situation much more relaxed." Wooyoung nodded slowly.
"Do you meet with clients often?" he asked, realizing this was the first time he was speaking in front of you. You smiled and nodded.
"Part of my job is meeting with clients," you answered casually. "And what is your job, exactly?" Wooyoung asked to which you purse your lips. "I thought we agreed on no personal questions," you said simply. Wooyoung frowned slightly.
"That was until I had to explain my need for discretion," he retorted.
A look of understanding crossed your features.
"That is true. I suppose I could give you a general explanation of my job," you replied, sitting up a little straighter. "I'm an event coordinator for the company I work for," you explained. Wooyoung waited for you to continue.
"I travel on behalf of my company to meet with clients and potential partners for events my company hosts." The way you conducted yourself as you spoke was impressive and made Wooyoung hang on to your every word.
"So like a party planner?" he asked, making you laugh. "What?" he asked, worried he'd said something wrong. "That's a very plain way of putting it but essentially yes. I'm a party planner," you said, giggles subsiding.
"What sort of events do you plan?" Wooyoung said, suddenly very interested in your job. "Mainly galas, charity events, and holiday parties but sometimes I'm called to plan special events for my boss," you explained.
Wooyoung listened intently as you spoke and it was refreshing to find a man who actually listened to you. Most wouldn't do so, instead commandeering the conversation to speak about themselves. Wooyoung was the opposite.
During the conversation you had reminded him to order whatever he wanted, food and drink was covered under your work expenses as she filed she was meeting with a potential business partner, citing his employment under KQ Entertainment.
"Will my managers be notified?" Wooyoung asked, looking equal parts terrified and anxious. You placed a hand over his on the table calmly. "No. The only employer that will be notified is mine. You don't have to worry," you explained.
Visibly relaxing in his seat, Wooyoung looked over the menu again. "So anything I want?" He asked, glancing back up at you.
You nodded in response. "Whatever you want. It's all covered under my business expenses."
Wooyoung's lips pulled into a mischievous grin. "Well, What about you?" he asked. You cocked your head curiously. "What about me?" you answered.
"I know you aren't exactly on the menu, but what if I want to eat you instead?" Wooyoung asked, setting the menu down on the table.
'Where did that come from?!' he asked himself. 'When did you get so bold?'
The shocked look on your face lasted only for a moment before a smile spread across your face. "Settle down there, tiger," you replied. "You'll need that energy later."
Wooyoung's pants suddenly felt a little tighter at the mention of 'later.' He was really doing this. Meeting his online sexual partner, the woman who could make him cum with just words alone was more than a dream come true and he'd be lying if he said he didn't have the tiniest crush on you now that he'd met you in person.
The both of you settled on your orders, picking out food and drinks using the phone to order as instructed. The drinks and appetizers arrived much faster and soon, you and Wooyoung had migrated to the sofa. You'd ordered an entire bottle of sake which came with a carafe, a warmer, and two small cups.
Wooyoung watched as you set up the warmer. He was intrigued by your knowledge of sake as he'd only had it a few times when visiting Japan on tour.
"So you just boil the water and put the carafe in it?" he asked as you poured some of the sake into the carafe. "Yes," you answered. "It's called a tokkuri," you added. "These cups are called ochoko."
Wooyoung picked up one of the small cups and inspected it. "These are like the ones we drank out of the last time we were in Japan," he said as he set it back down and watched you.
"Most drink from ochoko. Other cups have more professional or ceremonial purposes," you explained as you set the carafe into the pot of water and sat back against the cushioned back of the sofa.
The two of you sipped on your individual drinks and ate the appetizers, keeping the conversation light and flowing.
Finally you deemed the sake warmed enough to serve. Wooyoung had only ever had chilled sake, so this was a new experience for him. The warmth brought out the fruity flavor of the drink and he was surprised he liked it so much.
"Soju is supposed to be served cold and tastes weird when warm," he explained as you poured some more. "But this is really good."
You smiled, placing the carafe back in the pot of water. "I'm glad you like it," you replied, sitting back and taking a sip from your own cup. "I like sake both ways," you admitted, setting down your empty cup. "I think warm is my favorite though."
Wooyoung set his cup back on the table. "I don't think I could choose a favorite just yet," he replied. "But I do like both."
He was tempted to make a move. He wanted to do something; place his hand on your thigh, lean in closer, anything to show he was interested but you were much quicker.
"Perhaps we should order a chilled bottle," you said suddenly, leaning forward and placing your hand on his thigh. The sudden contact rendered him speechless. Your body was so warm and your lips within kissing distance, so why couldn't he move?
You leaned in closer, lips dangerously close to his ear before you spoke again. "Or perhaps we should forgo the rest of dinner and get right to it?"
He felt your fingers dig into his thigh, a whine threatened to escape him but you pulled away suddenly, removing your hand from his thigh as the door slid open. Your food had arrived at the worst possible time. Wooyoung felt constrained in his pants. Why in the world had he chosen to wear leather in the first place?
Not much conversation was held while you ate and sipped on the sake and your drinks. What little you did speak was spent talking about work. You'd finally gotten around to asking Wooyoung about his life as an idol. He tried to brush it off but you admitted to looking him up after learning his identity.
You noticed the way he blushed and squirmed in his seat when you complimented him. His singing, the way he danced, his looks, everything. It made him unbelievably flustered but also stroked his ego a bit. He was more than turned on by the time you ordered dessert. Whether or not you knew that was a different story.
One he did not know the ending to. At least yet.
"So," Wooyoung said softly as you signed the bill and put your business card away. "Now what?" You set the small tray on the table and handed him one of the mints. "What happens next is up to you," you answered, sitting back and looking at him.
"Up to me?" Wooyoung asked, feeling anxiety set in again.
"Mhm. If you'd like to end things here, we can do that. If you'd like to continue--"
"I want to continue," Wooyoung said hastily, then apologizing quickly for interrupting you.
Instead of being upset like he expected, you simply smiled at him.
"Then let's continue."
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The ride from the restaurant to your hotel wasn't exactly long but it was full of sexual tension. Wooyoung tried to keep his hands to himself out of respect for not only you but for the driver as well, so when you shifted closer, pressing against his side and running your fingers through his hair, he was not only shocked but also craving more: more of your touch, more of your warmth, more of you.
Upon arriving at the hotel, he followed you through the exquisitely decorated lobby to the smudge free silver elevators. Once inside the lift, he watched as you pulled your keycard out and waved it in front of the reader and pressed the button for one of the top floors.
The ride up was uneventful as you both kept your hands to yourselves but once you arrived outside your door, Wooyoung couldn't stop himself anymore. 'No more holding back.'
His hands found their way to your hips as you waved your keycard in front of the lock, letting out a small chuckle as you pushed the door open, Wooyoung following your movements so as to not lose his touch on your body.
Inside the room was dimly lit but Wooyoung glanced around briefly, taking in the rather modern furnishings. The back wall was entirely glass, looking over the city where the lights glimmered like stars.
Wooyoung barely had time to register it before your hands pulled him closer. He turned his head in time to watch as your head ducked into the crook of his neck, lips trailing up the side of his neck. “Unbutton your shirt,” you ordered.
Wooyoung pulled back and gave you a smirk. “And if I don’t want to?” He challenged. You raised an eyebrow before grabbing the bottom of his shirt and pulling it from his pants. You took his chin in your hands.
“Unbutton your shirt before I destroy it,” you commanded. Wooyoung’s eyes widened, fingers moving to undo each button slowly, almost as if he was putting on a show. You didn’t seem to mind or get impatient so he took his time.
When the last button was undone, you reached beneath the opened fabric, grabbing his waist and pulling him forward, mouth immediately descending onto his skin, kissing and nipping. Your lips trailed back up to his neck, stopping to bite and tease his skin. Wooyoung let out a sigh, tilting his head and giving you move access to his neck.
The feeling of your lips on his skin was heavenly. His hands moved to your hips, gripping the fabric of your dress. You pulled back, taking his hands off your hips. “Get on the bed,” you told him. He shook his head. “No,” he retorted, hands moving to your dress again. “This needs to come off,” he murmured, his lips finding your jaw and kissing along it as you fought his hands.
“On the bed now,” you ordered, pulling from his grip. You turned away to remove your earrings, moving to set them on the desk in the corner of the room. Wooyoung followed, his hands finding purchase on your hips and pulling your ass back against his crotch, his lips pressing to your shoulder, kissing and nipping at the skin. You pressed back against him, making him groan against your shoulder.
Turning in his hold, you placed your hands on his shoulders and pushed him back towards the bed until he fell back onto the mattress. He moved to sit up and you pushed him down. “Get up and I’ll stop completely,” you warned him. He looked up at you, propped up on his elbows and watched as you slowly started to remove your dress, sliding the stretchy material down your torso and past your hips.
The article dropped to your feet and you stepped out of it, leaving it on the floor as you walked toward the bed.
Wooyoung allowed his eyes to scan your body, taking in the strapless lingerie you wore under the dress. He would have never known.
It was a simple red lace set, matching the shoes you had taken off at the door.
You climbed onto the bed, climbing over Wooyoung and forcing him to scoot further onto the bed.
"Are you always like this?" you asked, straddling his lap as you tossed his shirt away. Wooyoung grinned up at you mischievously. "Not always," he admitted, letting his hands wander up your waist. "Just with you."
You grabbed his wrists just as they moved to cup your breast over your lingerie and pinned them above his head against the mattress. "How flattering," you replied sarcastically.
"What can I say?" Wooyoung asked. "You bring it out in me."
You shook your head, sitting back up and releasing his wrists. "Keep your hands there," you ordered. Wooyoung nodded silently and watched as you got up, walked over to your bag and pulled out what looked suspiciously like rope.
"Have you ever used the traffic light system before?" you asked as you walked back over to the bed. Wooyoung kept his eyes on the rope, shaking his head. "No," he finally whispered when he realized you were waiting for a vocal answer.
"It's simple," you started to explain. "Red means stop immediately, yellow means continue but use caution, and green means go. It's the most commonly used safe word in the BDSM community."
Wooyoung nodded again. "It sounds simple," he added as you climbed back onto the bed and straddled his lap again. You nodded in response. "So, I'll ask you for a color and you tell me your answer based on how you're feeling," you said, releasing the rope with one hand and moving to caress his cheek.
"I may be a domme, but I'm not mean. You behave and be a good boy and I'll reward you," you explained, watching the way he leaned his head into your touch. "Understand?" You asked. Wooyoung nodded but you tutted, moving to grab his chin. "Verbal consent, Wooyoung," you ordered.
"Y-yes," he breathed out. You took the rope in your hands again, holding it up for him to see. "So, color?"
His eyes lingered on the rope before he met your gaze. "Green."
You smiled and nodded towards his hands. "Give me your hands then." Wooyoung moved immediately, offering his hands to you. "Put your wrists together, palms facing each other, but keep your hands in fists. It's more comfortable that way," you explained.
He did as you instructed and watched as you took the black rope and started to wrap it around his wrists. He kept his eyes on his wrists, watching the way you wound the rope around his wrists carefully and surprisingly gently whilst keeping a firm grip. 
"You sure this is gonna hold me?" Wooyoung teased, that same devilish grin on his face. You knotted the rope and placed his wrists above his head on the mattress. "I'm certain," you replied, placing your hands on his chest and looking down at him under you.
"Unless I say so, keep your hands right there," you ordered.
Wooyoung playfully lifted his bound wrists, a cheeky giggle escaping him when you grabbed the roped bound wrists and forced them back against the he'd with one hand.
"Disobey me again and you won't get to cum," you warned dangerously. "I'll use you to get myself off."
Wooyoung's smile faded, replaced with a pout as you carefully scooted back, now hovering over his thighs as you started to undo his belt,  keeping your eyes on your hands. Wooyoung, however, kept his eyes on your face as you started to undo his zipper and unbutton his pants.
Sliding off the bed, you pulled his pants with you with surprising ease and discarded them on the floor before you were back on the bed in no time. Wooyoung watched as you moved slowly, you hands gliding up his thighs slowly, stopping occasionally to dig your red nails ever so slightly into his skin, making him squirm.
"Please," he suddenly whined. "I promise I won't do it again." 
Your hand moved over his crotch, palm resting against his obvious erection. "Promise you won't do what?" you asked, wanting to hear him say the words. "I promise I won't move my hands." 
You tutted again in response, slipping your fingers under the waistband of his underwear and pulling back a little before letting the elastic snap against his skin. He jumped slightly and whined again as your hands moved back down his thighs.
"Color?" you asked as he looked up at you.
"G-green!" he cried out. "P-please don't tease me, Y/N." You sighed, dipping your hand between his partially parted legs to cup him gently. He let out a soft moan at your touch but hissed when you pulled away.
Before he could protest, you were climbing onto him, leaning down to capture his lips in a sudden but searing kiss. He barely had time to register and enjoy it before you were pulling away and settling between his legs, forcing them apart to accommodate you.
You drew your attention back to his cock, confined to his underwear. He was definitely straining against the fabric, begging to be freed and that gave you an idea. You leaned over, pressing a short kiss to his stomach, enjoying the way the muscles tensed under your touch.
Kiss after kiss, you made your way from one hip to the other, stopping to leave a little bite mark which had him moaning, hands threatening to move but he kept his composure.
"Do you think you've been a good boy?" you asked, glancing up at him through your lashes. He nodded frantically. "I'm sorry I was a brat earlier," he rasped out. "I promise I'll be good from now on!"
You hid your smile as you slipped your fingers back under the waistband of his underwear and tugged them down, finally freeing his cock which stood proudly before you. "As I suspected," you said softly as you inspected his size and girth.
"What?" Wooyoung asked, watching your movements. "Your cock is just as pretty as you are," you commented, savoring the flush that formed on his cheeks, but even more when you rendered him speechless by taking him in your hand and testing the weight.
"I'm gonna enjoy having this inside me," you said in a low tone. "Do you want that, Wooyoung?" you asked, your tone taking on a velvety smoothness. He nodded frantically. "Yes, please," he answered. "I want that so badly!"
Your hand started to move, giving him a few slow strokes before you allowed a small amount of your spit to drop onto the head of his cock, your hand gathering it and using it to speed up your movements, stroking him faster. "Oh shit," you heard him curse.
"You think you've been good enough to be allowed inside me?" you asked, enjoying the way he squirmed, twitched, and moaned under your touch. "Yes, please, please," he whimpered as your hand continued to stroke him at a steady pace.
"Hmm," you murmured. "I suppose that's true. Despite your earlier… misbehavior, you have been exceptionally well mannered since then. I guess I can reward you."
Not allowing him a chance to speak, you leaned over, giving the tip of his cock a slow, deliberate lick, tasting his precum and giving him another quick stroke before keeping your hand wrapped around the base of his cock and taking the head into your mouth.
He let out a loud moan as your tongue teased the top of his shaft, fingers clenching tightly into fists and his nails pressing into his palms. "Oh shit, oh shit," he hissed as you sucked, pulling back and pulling him out of your mouth with an audible pop.
You continued to stroke him, faster this time. "You look so pretty like this," you purred, using your freehand to drag your nails across his chest and down his toned abdomen. "Please," he said hoarsely. "I wanna cum so bad." You tutted again, slowing your hand on his cock. "Only good boys get to cum," you reminded him.
"As long as you're a good boy, I’ll make you cum, honey."
You resumed your slow torture, taking him into your mouth again, working him up and dragging out his pleasure. You wanted to make him really beg for it.
"You're doing so well," you noted as you pulled him from the brink of orgasm for the third time. He was clearly frustrated, blinking away tears, cheeks burning, and chest heaving with each breath.
"Please," he whimpered again. "Please let me cum," he mumbled something under his breath and it forced you to halt everything.
"What did you just say?" you asked, not out of shock or anger, merely curiosity.
Wooyoung whined, burning with embarrassment of the words that just slipped past his lips.
You climbed over him, taking his chin in your hand. "Say it again," you ordered. He hesitated. Looking up at you, his initial thought that he'd somehow angered you disappeared. He only saw excitement on your face.
"Please let me cum…" he started, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath before whispering the next part. "Mommy."
Without a word, you took his lips in another searing kiss before pulling back and removing his underwear completely as well as slipping off your own.
You were back on him in seconds, slowly and deliberately dragging your wet slit over his throbbing cock. He was ready to explode and you knew you had to take this slowly if you wanted him to last long enough to get yourself off as well.
"You want this?" you asked softly, grinding against him and making him whine. "Yes," he moaned. "Yes what?" you challenged, making his face blush furiously. "Yes, mommy," he replied in a soft voice.
You pressed down on him further, dragging your clit against the underside of his cock. "You want mommy to fuck you, little boy?" you asked sweetly. "Is that what you want?" You couldn't help but smile at him when he nodded, blabbering out a jumbled mess of words that contained the word yes no less than ten times.
You lifted your hips, taking his now slick covered cock in your hand and lifting it to line the tip with your entrance. Before sinking down on him, you looked up to meet his gaze. "What color?"
His eyes dipped down to where your cunt hovered over his cock, the tip barely touching you before looking back up. "Green."
You sank down, taking him into your warm walls and bottoming out swiftly. The sudden intrusion was enough to have him moaning, nearly blowing his load in one go but he managed to hold back, nails pressing into his skin again.
You reached up to take his bound wrists and carefully undid the knots, unwrapping the black rope and tossing it aside. "You can touch," you said simply.
His hands moved in a blur, settling first on your hips, squeezing before sliding up your waist and then moving to cup your chest since he was interrupted before.
You took his hands and placed them on your waist before leaning forward to lift your hips, sinking back down on him slowly. You felt his fingers dig into your waist, eyes fluttering shut as you began to roll your hips. "Holy shit," he cursed and immediately apologized. You merely shook your head and focused on building a steady rhythm with your hips. This wasn't your first time being on top.
Wooyoung's hands moved to your ass, gripping tightly and urging you to move faster. "Patience, sweetheart," you cooed, continuing to drag out your movements. "Don't want you cumming too fast, do we?" you asked breathlessly.
"Please, mommy," he begged. "Please go faster. I want more."
You clicked your tongue. "Do you want me to stop?" you asked sternly. He shook his head. "No! Please," he cried out. "I'm sorry!"
"Then don't tell me what to do, baby," you replied, leaning over, palms on the mattress as you started to bounce on his cock. "I told you if you're good, I'll make you cum. So just listen and trust me," you added, pressing a short kiss to his lips.
Underneath you, he started to buck his hips, meeting your thrusts. "Does that feel good, baby?" you cooed, moving one hand to brush his hair back off his forehead which was covered in a layer of sweat. "Yes," he gasped, grip tightening and his nails digging into your skin. "It f-feels so good, mommy," he moaned.
"Are you getting tired, baby boy?" you asked, hand moving yo cup his cheek. He shook his head fervently. "No, never," he panted.
"Do you wanna fuck me, Wooyoung?" you asked suddenly, drawing his attention. "What?" he asked as you slowed to a stop. "I said," you repeated, taking his hands off your ass and placing them on your chest, sighing when he squeezed gently.
"Do. You. Want. To. Fuck. Me?"
Wooyoung nodded wordlessly, making you cock your head. "Words, baby. We use our words to communicate."
"Yes," he said quickly. "I wanna fuck you."
You climbed off him, his cock slipping out of you and confusing him until you turned around in your hands and knees, presenting yourself to him. "Then fuck me."
He was up on his knees quickly, grabbing your hips and sliding his cock back into you in what felt like seconds. "How uh…" he hesitated. "Yes?" you asked, peering over your shoulder.
"How hard am I allowed to go?" he asked, feeling very self conscious even though he was balls deep inside your pussy right now. You lowered your chest to the bed, fingers gripping the sheets tightly. "Surprise me," you replied with a smirk.
A switch flipped in Wooyoung when you said that last sentence. No one could stop him once he started, his hold on your waist tight as he thrust into you quickly. You let out a gasp at the sudden speed and strength he displayed. Looks were deceiving on his end.
The sound of his skin hitting yours filled the room, barely audible over his sounds of exertion. It was almost an animalistic way he was fucking you, cock hitting deep inside you and making your eyes roll back. "Remind me to never underestimate you again," you gasped as your walls tightened around him.
Wooyoung's movements were almost hated and you thought he was about to cum but instead he leaned over to speak softly.
"You really shouldn't have given me control," he said with an amused tone. You were about to ask why when you felt him strike your ass, causing you to cry out. "You know how bratty I can be, mommy," he said, resuming his unrelenting pace from before.
You moved to push yourself up but he placed his hand on your back and pushed you back down. "Nu-uh," he said teasingly. "You told me to fuck you," he growled.
"And that's exactly what I'm gonna do."
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awkwardcourage · 3 months
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due to the fact that i enjoy exploring some very dark themes in my threads, i've decided to make a tag spefically so that people can easily avoid this content. i will cw individual triggers still, but this is for threads that focus and explore in relative detail upsetting themes. i'm also adding on here my nsfw tag so that people can blacklist that as well
just when you think this shit can't get any more horrible | dead dove content themes included but not limited to: r*pe, SA, toxic relationships, stalking, child abuse, non-con, gaslighting, abusive relationships
with poise and willingness to improvise | nsfw themes: anything sexual or related to consensual BDSM
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honoringthehorrific · 22 days
I watched Alien: Romulus and here's what I thought!
As always friends Spoilers under the cut!...👽
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Gosh first can I apologize for not being as active recently? I've seen this movie 3 times and am just now getting to writing my review! Might as well torch me now! haha. Seriously though I'd like to stay active on this blog it's just hard to find stuff to talk about sometimes when I come away from these movies. I'd like to start this off by saying this is going to be a pretty glowing review. If you haven't seen Romulus, or any of the alien movies...What the hell are you doing here??? Get out! Go see it! If for some reason you cant get out and go see it please spare yourself spoilers until you can find it on streaming! This franchise from what i've seen so far is one of my favorites. If you love sci-fi, body horror, bad ass female leads, or slimy slithering creatures in general you should really give this one a chance.
I feel like a lot of people wanna talk about this so lets get it out of the way. Rook. The artificial person we meet when things start heating up. Obviously he is a CGI rendition of Ash's actor from the first movie Ian Holm. You may be screaming at me right now about ethics. How this took a job from an actor. How technology is bad because it's going to take work from actors. I hear you. I was on the fence about this too. In truth AI replacing human workers is a topic near and dear to my heart because it's something that worries me as an artist myself. However, Reading about how Alvarez got permission from Holm's widow. How Holm felt almost blacklisted from hollywood after so many years in the sci-fi and fantasy genres. It made my opinion of this soften. If that makes you disregard my review or even me as a person I understand. I'm happy I was able to give you my thoughts and that you gave me your time. Now, The CGI of Holm's face is....not the best? His eyes and mouth move strangely if you pay too close of attention however it was something I could easily ignore as the movie progressed. Overall however with the other effects I think this movie did very well! I loved the way the facehuggers looked and moved and we even got to see up close the egg laying...tube...thing? Forgive me I'm not well versed in facehugger anatomy. The chest burster actually having to work to burrow it's way out and the xenomorph's acid just all of it felt really great! I only very recently watched the second alien movie and I intend to watch the rest of the alien sequels in the near future so don't be upset with me! However it seems like if you've only seen the first two this one will make plenty sense. I've seen people complain about the pacing being really slow and the only thing I really have to say to that is...The first two movies, at least to me, felt equally as "slow." However I wouldn't necessarily say this is a slow movie! It kept me interested each step of the way. Usually I hate watching something that feels like it's dragging it's feet so I feel like if the movie were truly a drag someone with my attention span would have noticed. On the subject of noticing things this movie has a TON of fan service and nostalgia. There's quotes from the previous films, Visual references, and even a nod to the video game Isolation! Some people really lay on a lot of flack for that kind of thing but it's been 7 years since the last alien movie so it's kind of something I expected if that makes sense? Also If it's something I love, I'm usually a sucker for fan service! Yeah some of the quotes felt kinda off in the dialogue (Personally when Andy says he prefers the term artificial person, That felt like an off moment to me? I could be nit picking but it just felt like it didn't flow with the previous dialogue.) But over all I liked easter egg hunting on my second and third watch. In terms of characters there were some misses like Navarro where I really wanted to learn more about her but we don't really get the chance. We see and learn a lot about Andy and Raine's relationship as siblings but its hard to tell what the other's relationships are to each other until they outright say or are on their deathbeds.
Overall I liked the effects, the action, the pacing and the characters. It did fall flat in some spaces but honestly I think it's one of my favorite movies of the year next to Immaculate. 4.5/5 Facehuggers!
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sinswithpleasure · 3 months
Here's a fun scenario:
You're just a recently hired assistant professor at one of SK's prestigious universities. The kicker? It's an all-women's school. You're young, bright, filled with hopes and dreams of getting tenure and, with time, become a fully fledged professor.
However, at the start of the school year, trouble arises: you seem to be caught in a love triangle of sorts. Between who? Well, another professor and a student, of course.
Yet here's when things seem to get complicated. This one professor happens to be the head of your department, which means she gets to determine whether or not you get tenure. However, this professor lives a very lonely life: she's been single for many years. And it's not because she's devoted to her work; she's dated those below and above her social ladder. It's just that none of them have really understood her work and the circumstances that come with it.
But, if she were to date within the profession, and within the department, then it be an easy-going relationship. And despite being department head, she's not above to sleep with one of her junior colleagues in exchange for tenure.
And on the other side of things, you have a very mischievous student who's also taken an interest in you. Yet she's also a legacy student. And her dad is the university's top donor. And she knows this, using it to her advantage. Every time she walks on campus, she walks with an aura that everyone knows who the Queen Bitch is. You don't know if whether or not she was admitted because of her academics, legacy status, or daddy's money, or a combination of all three. All you do know is that she's taken an interest in your classes, or more accurately, you.
As to why she's taken a huge interest in you is a mystery in of itself. Maybe she just wants to use the power she holds within the university to make you bend to her will. She can easily get you removed and blacklisted from teaching ever again with just one phone call to daddy. Or maybe it's just the combination of your youthfulness, along with the authoritative nature that comes with being a professor, that makes you a forbidden desire to her. Besides, being her lover would also guarantee that you'd be lavished with gifts and money, which would supplemental the meager lifestyle and salary that you have already.
Who would this professor and student be exactly?
ugh this is SO tough—Nayeon's the student definitely, we're not going to be any less clear on that.
The professor HAS to be Taeyeon.
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Proper noun: Ceetee Pronouns: It/Its* Common nouns: Girlthing, Tranny, Doll Adjectives: Trans, Mixed-Race, Aegosexual, Polyamorous, Plural Verbs: Game Design, Shitposting, Flirting
🖋 Last edited: 5/20/24
Unreasonably proud of that stupid grammar joke. Anyway yes, I'm Ceetee. While I am plural, I try to avoid the use of first person plural pronouns, except when we are specifically talking about our experiences with DID/Plurality. We also do our best to conceal who is fronting at all times (you can read more about that in the links about gender and plurality at the bottom of this post).
I'm a dork with very VERY strong opinions that I am VERY VERY vocal about. If you do not share those opinions, that is perfectly fine and probably to be expected. Just know that I am very obnoxious about them, so you will see them a lot. I have a lot of confidence on my stances and it is very unearned! That said I'm always happy to actually discuss this stuff, and also perfectly understanding of people unfollowing over it! Never feel like you HAVE to follow me for whatever obligation. Curate your feed, damn it!
For the pronoun exceptions mentioned above, It/Its are my pronouns for most people. If you aren't willing to call me that, well, I can't stop you. Use whatever you want, but I will absolutely be judging you for it. Though there are some exceptions. For people I'm intimate with (Romantic partners and people I'm in a QPR with), my pronouns are It/She. If you work for my HRT clinic my pronouns are She/Her because like fuck am I risking my HRT just because my doctor doesn't understand my gender. If you are a coworker my pronouns are He/Him and also I don't have a tumblr, please block me immediately, for both of our sakes.
I have a NSFW sideblog. You can probably guess its name pretty easily. If you can't, I'm happy to give it to anyone brave enough to DM me or send me an ask off anon. In fact, you can ask me basically anything about my life and I'll happily answer. I'm a pretty open book like that.
I tend to ramble about various things. Usually when I do, I tag it as #text essay. Sometimes about gender and my views on it, but also just... stuff in general. Here is a list of some of the general stuff. Its usually just stupid pointless stuff, but its a good look into how my brain works.
The Darkspore Rant (Long)
Pokemon Picross Monetization Model
Movement in VR
Time is Fake as Hell
Fighters Should Have Magic
Where I Stand in Regards to AI Art
Identity stuff:
Bespoke Genders (Part 1)
On Detransition (Part 2)
Plurality (Part 2.5)
Plurality and Being Transgender (Part 3)
Fandom shit:
Pokemon Eggs, and the Fundamental Nature of the Pokemon Multiverse (Long)
List of FFXIV OCs (LONG. Its also a recap of 4 years of weekly FC RP)
Posts others have made but are very relevant to me and who I am:
Back When I Was A Boy (Not every trans femme used to be a boy, but I did and that is important to me)
The Scorpion and The Frog (I desperately need to get a tattoo of a scorpion and a frog. I can't read this without crying)
#text essay - As mentioned above, I use this for when my rambles go very very very long. The ones I like the most or feel are important enough I also add to this pinned.
#Zenos ♥ - For the FFXIV Character that I am super normal about (lying).
#dnd hate train - A tag that exists for blacklisting purposes at the request of a close friend. As a designer, I fucking HATE Dungeons and Dragons. I hate it a lot. And I talk a lot about how much I hate it.
#laugh rule - For that age old tumblr rule: "If it makes you actually genuinely Laugh Out Loud, you have to reblog it."
#peer reviewed tags - another, more modern tumblr rule. If I screenshot someones tags to share them, I add this tag to it.
#dudes rock - Essentially, just a bunch of guys doing stuff that is just 'boys being boys' in the fun sense and not the rapey sense, but also just a reminder that the world is better with these dudes in it, and a way for me to find happiness is the masculinity that made my childhood miserable.
#partner gushing - For when I am being GAY AS HELL about my partners, or reblogging something and going 'its because of one of them'
#talking to myself and #talking about myself - Conversations between me and my alters, and talking about my relationships with my alters, respectively. More details here.
I also just... ramble in the tags. A lot. I just add so much commentary in the tags. You will see A LOT of rambles.
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inorganicone2230 · 2 years
Purity (Finale Part 1 of 2) Yandere!Overhaul x Fem!Reader
Part 28 & Finale Part 2 of 2
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Summary: Overhaul meets a quirkless foreigner who holds some very interesting views on his way of thinking. The more time he spends with her, the more he wants to keep her and her purity for himself. And he has no problem with falling to the depths of obsession if it means getting what he wants.
Other Warnings: Trigger warnings, mentions of past domestic and physical abuse, blackmail, referenced kidnapping, referenced rape, referenced physical abuse/torture, emotional and mental manipulation, toxic relationship, gaslighting, forced pregnancy, VERY YANDERE!!! See tags for more…
Side Note: I do NOT and never will condone the actions committed in this and future chapters, please be mindful and respectful of the fact that all of this is purely fiction.
5 Years Later
Looking down at his phone to check the time, Kai nearly groaned when he saw that it was already well past 6pm and they were still nowhere near ready to see this latest deal closed.
They had been debating these negotiations with this new group for the last three hours and despite Kai and the Hassaikai’s incredibly generous offer, they still hadn’t found a mutually agreeable price or terms to settle on.
“Look,” The head of the group said, clearly annoyed that they weren’t giving into their, quite frankly, ridiculous demands. “I just don’t see what the big deal is; all we’re asking is for an undiluted sample of the product to see how it will respond to someone under the effects of a stronger form of trigger.”
“The problem is that it’s a risk and a liability that we’re not willing to take.” Hari said for the umpteenth time through gritted teeth. “It’s been nearly five years since we completed our finished product, and in that time, we haven’t seen a single successful copycat drug hit the streets, so as I’m sure you can imagine, it’s a record we’d like to see keep going for as long as possible.”
One of the men across the table, an enforcer with a temper worse than Mimic’s, slammed his fist on the table in outrage.
“Are you uptight assholes trying to accuse us of wanting to double-cross you?!”
Kai rolled his eyes at the pathetic display before speaking up himself.
“I believe what my second in command is trying to say is that it’s a risk we’re just not willing to take for anyone.” He tapped a gloved hand on the paperwork in front of him. “You’re not the first buyers to ask us for such concessions, and we’ve turned them all down, even groups that we’ve had good standing with for generations, so no, we’re not about to break that stance for a gang that’s only just barely made a mediocre name for themselves.” His golden eyes flashed bright, promising pain and torment for anyone who thought it a smart idea to question him and the man who opened his mouth to respond to the insult, wisely shut it. “So, you can either take what we have so kindly offered you, with a small discount as a show of our immense generosity, or you can leave this room and consider yourselves permanently blacklisted from our dealings and future negotiations.”
The men across from him all sneered with outright contempt.
“And here I thought the infamous Overhaul was supposed to be a tyrant without mercy, a monster disguised as a man.” The leader said, giving him a once-over that clearly said he wasn’t all that impressed. “Seems to me that all those stories are nothing but baseless rumors.”
“Is that so?” Kai asked, rather absentmindedly, and as if in answer, his glove, along with the stack of papers underneath his hand quickly became particles floating through the air. “Should you continue with this disrespectful posturing, I can just as easily do the same to your bodies and you can leave this room, and the world of the living, through the drains in the floor.”
The men opposite him and Hari suddenly looked far less confident and Kai’s blood thrummed with the promise of potential violence. He didn’t relish the mess that would inevitably follow, but after last night, he needed something to take the fucking edge off, and wiping these vermin permanently out of existence seemed a good enough choice.
In the five years since the birth of his and your son, Kazue, there had been a great deal of changes brought about by the boundaries he’d set for you and himself to follow. Most of the changes were in regards to his relationship with you and the children, and it most definitely took some getting used to it all in the beginning, especially during that first year.
Touching you had been like second nature to him by that point and there were so many times where he had caught himself reaching for you and had to physically leave the room for fear of breaking his promise to you. He was a man of conviction after all, and he prided himself on his sense of self control, but not being able to hold you in his arms or feel your lips and body against his own was pure torture for him. He’d gone so long despising even the thought of physical contact with others, but once he got a taste of it with you, he became addicted.
That’s why he tried so hard to stay as far away from you as possible in those early days, spending as much time around you as he used to proved to be too much of a temptation for him and he was determined to prove to you that he could be a man of his word.
One of the first changes he had tried to make in the beginning had been in offering to find another place for himself to sleep, especially once he moved you all up into the house above the tunnels, a suggestion you had, very surprisingly, turned down. Sadly though, he didn’t need to be informed that it wasn’t because you would have missed his presence beside you at night, but because you didn’t want to worry Eri by letting her believe there was animosity between the two of you. You would continue to share his bed in a strictly platonic manner and keep up the guise of being cordial with him, if only for the sake of the children and their stability. But beyond that, and raising the children together, you did much of everything without him back then.
Along with the loss of his intimacy with you, he ceased doing quite a lot with you during that time period; picking out your clothes for the day, bathing with you, making idle conversation with you, even just spending quality time with you in the same room, all of it came to a sudden halt. None of it was out of maliciousness on his part of course, it was just easier to stay away until he could get a grasp on his self control. A task that proved itself to be one of the most difficult of his young life.
And that’s roughly how the first two years had progressed.
You spent time with him, usually only when the children were involved, and life dragged on accordingly. And over time, he ever so slowly began to lose hope that anything would change the horrible circumstances of his own careless actions.
Until one event that set in motion a ripple effect, one that went on to ever so slowly alter the last three years, enough to restore that small ember of hope he’d been holding onto.
It was late, nearly three in the morning, by the time he slowly and quietly made his way through the halls of the ‘family residence’ and into the bedroom, silently praying that you and the children were already asleep and that he wouldn’t accidentally wake any of you up and have to explain his haggard appearance. Getting to spend time with you and his babies was usually the best part of his day, but not tonight. It had already been such an agonizingly long and hard day, one of the most difficult of his life, and he just didn’t have the drive or the energy to deal with anything else.
Unfortunately though, those prayers went unanswered as he quietly opened the door to find you still awake and sitting up in bed with a book in hand.
You looked up, your beautiful face as impassive as ever, and if you were at all surprised or concerned by his less than normal countenance, then you certainly didn’t show it, and he was far too tired and drained by that point to feel hurt by the minor snub.
“What are you still doing up?” He asked quietly, more out of habit than actual interest, as he trudged over to his dresser to pull out a clean pair of boxers and sleeping pants.
Since anything and everything sexual was now off the table for the two of you, he had conceded and begrudgingly, but understandably, started wearing some kind of sleepwear to bed. He found it uncomfortable most nights, as he was so accustomed to sleeping in the nude, but he found that as long as he was wearing something that at least left his lower body covered, like a simple pair of boxers, you didn’t feel the need to voice any complaints about it. Although, when this arrangement had first started, he was smugly pleased to see that you were just as uncomfortable as he was when it came to wearing clothing to bed. In the beginning you tried to wear the most unflattering pajama sets to bed in an effort to hide your body from him, but those attempts had lasted all of three months before you broke down and just started wearing the least revealing nightgowns and other sleepwear he’d previously purchased for you to bed at night. It certainly wasn’t something he was ever going to mention for fear of losing the stunning visuals they provided him with, and definitely not now that he was forced to take his pleasure into own hands… quite literally these days.
Under normal circumstances, he would have spent a few minutes talking to you and greedily drinking in the sight of you in a silky midnight blue night shirt and shorts, especially when he could clearly see the outline of your nipples straining against the delicate material, but the entrancing sight held nearly no sway over him this night.
He saw you shrug out of the corner of his eye and turn the page of your book, just as uninterested in him as you always were. “Kazue got a tummy ache after dinner tonight, so I sat up with him until it passed and he was able to fall asleep. I’m starting to think he might be a bit lactose intolerant, and it was the cream based sauce that did it.”
“I see…” Was his only response as he made his way into the bathroom to take a scalding hot shower, completely missing your wide eyed stare following him all the way to the bathroom and lingering long after the door had shut behind him.
And perhaps it was his complete and utter disinterest in the well-being of his son that tipped the scales in his favor that night and made you act so out of character, Kai thought to himself, because any other time you said such a thing, he would have been asking a whole host of increasingly concerned questions and rushing into the child’s room to see for himself that he was safe a well.
By the time Kai emerged from the bathroom over an hour later, his skin having turned a pinkish red and scrubbed so raw in places that he’d likely taken away a layer or two, the bedside lamp was shut off and you were nestled comfortably under the covers, though he could tell you were still wide awake. But still, he said nothing as he pulled back the covers and finally laid down. He was exhausted, both mentally and emotionally, and he felt it deep down in his bones, but he just couldn’t seem to get his mind to settle.
It also didn’t help that he could feel your gaze drilling holes into his back and adding to his already mounting tension.
You hadn’t said anything, but he could feel your questions hanging in the air all around him and the pressure of it made his already sensitive and scalded skin itch. He’d never had this kind of adverse reaction to you before and it terrified him to no small degree. He knew it was just the lingering effects from what had occurred today, but still, it wasn’t a feeling he’d ever wanted to experience where you were concerned.
So he answered your unspoken question, if only to try and make the itching go away.
“He’s dead…”
The two softly spoken words rang hollow in the quiet of the bedroom and while Kai knew he didn’t need to elaborate further on who he was referring to, you would already know, the floodgates were now open and he couldn’t stop himself from speaking further, even if there was no prompting for it from you.
“The underling assigned to care for him said that the readings on all his monitors were fine this morning, but when he came back to check on him during lunch…” He trailed off, his throat constricting around the words as he fought to keep some semblance of his composure intact, but against all his best efforts, a pathetic and broken sound, somewhere between a sob and whine, slipped out of him instead. He hated how weak he felt in this moment; he’d seen his own fair share of death and horrible things over the years, Hell!, he’d performed human medical experiments that could easily be qualified as torture, and on his own daughter of all people! And yet he’d never felt as grief stricken and misguided after coming to terms with those instances, not the way he did right now with this.
He knew it was bound to happen someday, Pops dying… but he never thought it would be so soon, and certainly not before he was able to wake him up and show the man everything he had achieved, not just for the Shie Hassaikai and the yakuza, but for himself.
And now he would never get that chance.
He would never get to tell him how much he honored and respected him, or how grateful he was to have been saved and raised by him, how he thought of him as a father, even if he’d never had the courage to call him by such a title in all the years he’d been under his roof. He’d never get to introduce you to him and hear him laugh when you inevitably called him out on his bullshit and sometimes poor behavior, or see him hold Kazue in his arms and try Eri’s spectacular cooking for the first time. He’d never again feel that strong hand on his shoulder, or hear his voice telling him how proud he was of him despite all his faults and mistakes.
But worst of all, is knowing how he’d never get the chance to beg for his forgiveness, and tell him just how sorry he was for what he’d done that last day they’d spoken, when he laid out the original details of his plan, before everything changed… before you had come into his life and changed everything.
When you failed to respond after a few moments, Kai began wondering if he had imagined you still being awake. Perhaps it had been wishful thinking on his part and his tired mind had simply wanted to believe that you were just the slightest bit worried for him. 
He was just about to roll over to try and sleep, and hopefully forget all about this for a little while in dreamless oblivion, when he felt a light pressure on his bicep, so light and tentative that, were his skin not so sensitive from the shower, he might not have noticed it right away.
The contact of your hand made him immediately go rigid, completely terrified that one wrong move would send you reeling back to the other side of the bed. He’d been so distracted that he hadn’t noticed you inching closer to his side of the bed until now, and he didn’t even know what to do with himself. Sure, there had been brief and accidental exchanges of touch since Kazue had been born, usually when passing the children to one another or when you got in close quarters with each other, but in all actuality, you hadn’t gone out of your way to touch him in years, and now, he didn’t have a single clue as to what to make of this. It wasn’t as if he was complaining about it, far from it, but he just didn’t know what to take it as.
He told you before that every future touch would be on your terms, and he wanted to keep his word on that front, and he truly didn’t know if this moment was meant to go beyond what was already happening. He didn’t want to misinterpret you touching him like this as more than what you were intending it to be, because for all he knew, you only meant for this to be a consoling touch to try and give him some small form of comfort during this difficult situation he was facing. So he would take what he could get and he would commit this feeling to memory and use it on days when the strain of not being able to touch you was at its strongest, he would use it as a reminder of what he was working so hard to prove to you.
Minutes passed, and after some time, he received yet another shock when he felt the slightest pull on his arm.
He barely noticed it at first, and when he did, he just assumed you were getting ready to take your hand back, but when your touch lingered, the pull becoming more insistent, he finally gave in and turned to face you.
You were laying on your side, a look of conflicted contemplation settled over your face and his eyes immediately zeroed in on the way you were biting your bottom lip, a clear sign you were deep in thought on a subject you likely considered very worrisome. Even with the tragedy of Pops’ death hanging like a morbid sheet over his head, Kai couldn’t keep his mind away from thoughts of how those perfect lips of yours used to feel wrapped around his cock, or even how they simply felt against his own. If things weren’t so strained and different between the two of you these days, he likely would have been inside you already, using pleasure and ecstasy to temporarily push aside the unusual feelings of sorrow and grief that were currently plaguing his mind.
As it stood though, that wasn’t even an option right now and he needed to get a hold of himself and gain back some semblance of self control.
“Was…” His voice sounded strained and thick, even to his ears, and he cleared his throat before continuing. “Was there something you needed, my love?” He asked cautiously, not wanting to make a big deal about this odd touch of yours and risk spooking you.
You didn’t respond though, in fact, you couldn’t even bring yourself to keep eye contact with him for longer than a few seconds. There was just enough light in the room for him to see that your gaze kept shifting around, and he wondered what was going on inside your head for you to be feeling so nervous and fidgety. It wasn’t a trait you often showed around him, not anymore at least.
Eventually, after a few more quiet moments of thought, you finally got your bearings back and decided to show him what you wanted, rather than expressing it through words, as you rolled over onto your back and opened your arms to him…
Kai was so shocked and stunned by this unexpected turn of events, that he didn’t know what to do with himself and he just continued to stare at you with wide eyes and an open mouthed expression adorning his usually carefully controlled features.
“Well…” You finally snapped at him quietly, although the words carried zero bite to them. “Are you going to come over here or not?” Your voice was barely above a whisper, as if you were afraid of being too loud for some reason.
But at your insistence, Kai moved without another thought.
Even three years later, Kai could still remember that night with perfect clarity.
He could still recall the warmth and softness of your skin, the feel of your arms wrapping around his back in an awkward, but still comforting embrace, he could even remember the way you’d smelled of lilies and eucalyptus as he’d buried his face in the crook of your neck and shoulder. But what he recalled the most vividly, was how he hadn’t felt the least bit judged for the tears that eventually started to fall, or for the quiet sobs that had shaken his body. And all the while, you had simply and silently held him through all of it, you had even stroked your hands up and down the length of his back once in a while.
You hadn’t offered him your condolences or any words of comfort, but what you did give him was so much more profound. The fact that you had chosen to set aside your own negative opinions and personal feelings for him and allowed him to have that moment of silence to grieve and let it all out, that mattered more to him than mere words could ever hope to convey. He couldn’t even remember the last time he’d cried over anything, he’d come very close to it a few times during the days surrounding Kazue’s horrifically premature birth, but the ability to shed true tears was something he thought he’d long since purged from himself.
And afterwards, during the following morning, when he’d slowly and silently pulled himself from your arms, savoring every last second he could soaking up your warmth and scent, before he allowed himself to give your cheek the lightest of kisses, he thought that would be the first and last time something like that would occur, that it was a one and done moment. He assumed you wouldn’t even want to talk about it, so he hadn’t brought it up at all and chose instead to keep it tucked away in his heart as a sort of keepsake memory.
But, to his still shocked and bewildered delight, you had offered him the same thing again that night… and the next night, and the night after that, until it became commonplace and a habit neither of you seemed willing to break.
And slowly, little by little, you started opening up to him more after that and Kai relished every moment of it.
He wasn’t delusional enough to think you had entirely accepted your life here with him, he knew that acceptance and complacency were two vastly different concepts, and you were still far from happy. But every time you let your guard down and touched him, or gave him a smile that wasn’t forced and strained for the children’s sake was still a win for him. It felt so much more rewarding and genuine, in a way forcing you never had. He still couldn’t bring himself to fully regret the actions he’d taken that had led him to this point, but now he could see the benefits that could be obtained through time and patience. It wasn’t easy by any means, there were still days where he found himself feeling resentful and bitter that he was having to work so hard for something that, in his mind, he still viewed as rightfully his, but a quick flashback to the awful day of Kazue’s birth was usually enough to snap him out of it.
Sometimes, the memories of that day were so terribly vivid that it felt like he was reliving it all over again and he could still hear the sound the back of his fist had made as it cracked against your face, or the sound of your heavily pregnant body hitting the floor. Those were the mild ones though, the worst came when he could see your blood on his hands and smell the coppery scent of it hanging in the air all around him.
It was so bad in the beginning that he often awoke from nightmares of it, gasping for breath and drenched in a cold sweat that even the heat of a blistering shower couldn’t fully wipe away.
But it was getting better with time, and as selfish as he knew it was, the main reason for that was because he had the assurance that you would never know or remember the exact details of what happened that terrible day. Even five years later, you never once gave him any indication to believe that the false memory he had planted in your mind was fading. It didn’t completely wash away the immense guilt he still felt over it, but had you been allowed to hold it over his head like he knew you most certainly would have, it would have eventually torn him apart from the inside out and made even looking at you and the children nearly unbearable.
“Are you listening to me you fucking asshole?!”
Something whizzed past his face and crashed into the wall behind him, pulling him from his musings and bringing his mind back to the present situation at hand.
Kai turned his head to see that it was the bottle of whiskey that had been sitting in the middle of the table, the amber liquid slowly trickling down the pristine white wall and forming a puddle on the floor, along with the broken shards of glass.
Having two children, especially when one of them was a very rambunctious toddler, had done a lot to help him develop a stronger tolerance for messes and disorder, but even so, having a full grown man throw such a childish temper tantrum in his presence was more than enough to make his brow twitch in irritation.
Kai shook his head in disgust. “I have to admit, this really is rather pathetic.” He said, turning back to face the group across from him. “ When my son was going through his terrible twos, he was still better behaved than you and your sorry lot.” And from somewhere behind him, he heard quiet laughter come from the men standing against the wall. Not a surprise really, his Precepts had all spent enough time around the boy these last five years and knew perfectly well how energetic he could be, thankfully though, for as much as Kazue took after Kai in the looks and quirk department, he had seemingly inherited your mellow disposition.
It took a minute, but once the insult fully registered, the man’s face turned an impressive shade of red for a few moments before a thought must have hit his pea-sized brain and a sinister smirk curled up the corner of his lips.
“A son, huh?” He said, easily taking the bait Kai laid out for him. “Gotta say, I never would have suspected that the feared Head of the Shie Hassaikai was a family man.” The morons behind him must have thought he was doing a remarkable job of it, since they all laughed right along with him, and spurred on by his men’s reactions, he unknowingly kept digging his own grave. “That must mean you have yourself a woman…” 
His words might have actually hit their intended mark, had Kai not already anticipated the response and prepared his temper for it accordingly. He didn’t exactly need a reason to take the fools out, he could have done so already and called it a day, but he was feeling generous at the moment and decided to allow the scumbags before him to think they could have been spared from his wrath if only they had left talk of you and Kazue out of it.
“I’ve heard how insanely high maintenance you are, so she must be one helluva ride in the fucking sack if she caught your eye.” He continued on, so convinced of his own superiority over Kai and his Precepts that he failed to notice the way his disrespectful words had very quickly drawn the ire of the loyal men standing behind the golden eyed leader. “Tell you what, you give me and my men a free pass with her, and we’ll call this whole situation a simple misunderstanding.”
Kai knew that such a remark was coming, but even then, the rage that consumed him was so blinding, so all consuming, that it almost caused his quirk to activate without conscious thought.
But surprisingly, it wasn’t Kai himself that reacted first, it was Hojo who slammed the side of a crystal fist against the back wall, the force of it cracking the cement and rattling the room hard enough that debris rained down from the ceiling in a few places.
“Keep your disgusting comments about the Lady out of your filthy mouths.” He said, his tone low and menacing. “If I hear something like that again, I’ll personally nail each and every one of you to the walls by your shriveled up balls and dicks.” Hojo’s eyes were normally shadowed, but right now, the crystals that formed them were bright and blazing with barely contained fury.
Silence filled the meeting room for a few short seconds before the leader of the soon to be eradicated gang spoke up again, this time with a bit of fear lacing his otherwise steady tone of voice. Kai didn’t know if it was overconfidence, or just plain stupidity that kept him from pissing himself, but the little fucker had some balls, that was for sure, and Kai was willing to give him credit in that regard at the very least.
“Are all of you Hassaikai pricks this sensitive when it comes to such little things?” He scoffed dismissively before meeting Kai’s gaze. “You disrespected us, and I only suggested it as an easy way for you to express your regrets, but if it’s too difficult to hand over your woman to us for a night, then I’m sure we can figure something else out to fix this situation.”
Kai was now thoroughly convinced; this moron's overinflated bravado and sense of self worth was heightened by nothing more than sheer stupidity. For him to think that Kai cared enough about making this deal happen that he’d be willing to bend over backwards to please them was just plain laughable. They had more than enough mules to push their product, they didn’t need these inconsequential nobodies, but enlisting a few extra hands never hurt.
It’s just a shame that some of those hands were a little too far reaching.
“Is that so?” Kai said quietly. “You must be quite full of yourself if you think that asking for permission to violate my wife is something I’m just going to overlook?” His voice was level and lethally calm, but the absolute disgust he felt could be heard in each word he spoke.
The moment the words registered in their pea-brain heads, all the men went as still as statues and noticeably paled. It would have been one thing if they had insulted a common whore or a bed warmer, but they didn’t, they insulted a powerful leader’s wife, and it didn’t make a lick of difference to Kai whether the fools knew that detail beforehand or not.
They tried to plead half-hearted apologies, then they begged, then they tried to run…
Then, the bloodletting began.
Kai slumped back in the chair behind his desk with an audible groan as Hari placed a glass of bourbon before him and took a seat across from him with his own.
“So, did you get it all out of your system?” The silver haired man asked him, hiding his insufferable and knowing grin with a well timed sip of his drink.
Kai glared, albeit half-heartedly. “And just what is that supposed to mean?” He asked, and picked up his own glass, downing the knuckles worth of liquor in one go
Kai’s disposition had mellowed out in the years since Kazue’s birth, Hari thought, and while he would never call the man soft or say he’d lost his brutal edge, he had certainly opened up and relaxed a bit more when it came to those within their inner circle. But even still, he knew better than to outright laugh at him. He could easily get away with a bit of heckling, but even he had his limits where Kai’s temper was concerned.
“You went into that meeting looking for any excuse you could to take out that pent up aggression of yours on them, that’s the only reason you allowed it to happen in the first place.” The second in command shot back. “So, which one of you was it this time?”
There was silence between them for a few more heartbeats before Kai spoke.
That one simple word carried so much weight to it that Hari could practically see it wearing his friend down.
“Well that explains it.”
Kai nodded in answer but didn’t elaborate any further. There was no need to, Hari already knew everything there was to know about the situation, about the little game you and he had been playing for the better part of the last two years.
It had truly been an accident, the day you had unknowingly walked into this very office, only to find him with his hand wrapped around his cock, and watching one of the many saved videos he had from the camera recordings of your old room down below. The volume had been reduced considerably, but there had been no mistaking the sound of flesh slapping against flesh, or that of your exquisite voice moaning and crying out his name.
You had stood in the doorway for only a handful of seconds before turning on your heel and leaving without a single word, but in that short span of time, Kai had seen the way your eyes lingered on his aching cock, had seen the way you licked your dry lips before biting the bottom one between your teeth. It was that image, not the one of you and himself together on the screen of his computer, that had sent him over the edge into a mind numbing orgasm.
But once the haze of pleasure had ebbed away and no longer clouded his sense of thought or reason, the panic had quickly set in. All throughout the rest of the day, he had been terrified that this incident would set back all the progress the two of you had made together so far these last three years. He had anticipated you getting angry and calling him a vile piece of shit at best, or giving him the cold shoulder at worst, what he hadn’t expected though, was that you wouldn’t do anything at all.
At first…
Nothing was amiss, you’d acted no differently than normal, and if he hadn’t known any better, he might have even gotten it into his head that he had imagined your appearance in his office earlier. He let himself think that perhaps you just wanted to pretend that it had never happened and you were showing him kindness by not bringing it up. So, as the night wore on, he’d relaxed more and more, and when the children were finally put to bed and fast asleep, he hadn’t given it a single thought when you said you were going to take a bath to relax before joining him in bed.
Until he saw you approach his closet, got a look at what you had grabbed from its contents, and realized that your real reaction was going to be so much worse for him than what he had originally built up in his mind.
Kai watched, his curiosity now thoroughly peaked enough that he didn’t dare ask what it was you were doing, as you made a beeline straight for his closet.
He kept his eyes trained on the entryway as you disappeared into an out of the way corner within the small space and began rummaging around. He strained his hearing, trying his best to figure out what you were looking for based on the sounds, but he couldn't be entirely too sure and gave up after a short while, resigning himself to just learning what it was when you finally emerged.
And soon enough, you did, but what you held in your hand was nearly enough to give him a heart attack, because there, dangling loosely from your grip, as if it were nothing more that a simple article of clothing, was one of the many toys he’d always kept stashed away in a trunk at the back of the closet. He’d kept them all, but after he moved you and everyone else upstairs to the main house, he’d made sure that you and he had separate closets, so you’d have a place to change clothes in private, and the trunk was placed in his, and somehow, you must have guessed that he’d do such a thing, because he had certainly never mentioned it to you.
He recognized it as one that he’d used on you fairly regularly; long and purple, it was shaped like a realistic cock, including ridges to resemble veins and complete with all the bells and whistles of a regular vibrator, it even had an attachment meant to help stimulate the clit. And whenever he used it on you back then, he always loved just letting it sit there inside of you, sometimes tucking your soaked panties around its base to help keep it in place so his hands could be free to pleasure you in other places, or stimulate himself while he watched and listened to you beg and plead with him to take it out or make the over-stimulation end.
He tried to keep you from seeing just how much the sight of you with that object was affecting, not just a certain key area of his lower body, but his mental state as well, but he highly doubted he was doing a very good job of it. He sometimes didn’t know how to act around you anymore now that he was striving to be less dominant and forceful with you. It was probably one of the hardest things he had ever done, and even now, after years of teaching himself not to react in a volatile manner when you did or said something that he didn’t approve of, it still ate away at his pride a little.
The idea of you pleasuring yourself was never a thought he allowed his mind to dwell on for too long, mostly because it was a subject that did nothing more than rub salt into the wound that was his still broken heart. All it did was remind him of those last words you spoke to him right before that terrible incident three years ago, when you said you always tried to think of someone else every time he forced himself on you. He knew you’d only said it to hurt him, but the comment most definitely hit its intended target, and every time the words unwittingly came to the forefront of his mind, it proved a challenge for him to keep himself from raging like a madman. He wanted so very badly to grab you and throw you down onto the bed, to fill you with his cock again and make you cry out his name like a prayer to the heavens, make you swear that you’d never touch yourself again unless it was to put on a show for him.
 These days though, those moments were growing fewer and farther between.
He knew that his dominant and forceful approach to intimacy wasn’t something he’d ever be able to completely erase from his personality, but he promised himself that if you ever choose to be intimate with him again, he would put forth every ounce of effort he could muster towards begin better, to being a man that was worthy of your willingness and acceptance. He’d told you before that if you ever choose to be with him like that again, that things would go right back to the way they’d been and you would have no one to blame but yourself for it, and while that statement had been true at the time, that was no longer the case for him.
But seeing you standing before him now, dressed in nothing but a black nightgown that hugged all your lovely curves perfectly and holding that toy in your delicate hand, he felt his self control hanging on by a very flimsy thread as he, very unrealistically, imagined you blessedly asking him to help you with it.
He was so distracted by the sight of you that he barely heard you when you spoke and he had to awkwardly ask you to repeat yourself.
You didn’t smile or react in any way except to hold the vibrator up in the air, as if it needed to be pointed out so he’d know what you were referring to, and repeat yourself.
“This one is waterproof, right?” You asked, your face a mask of bored indifference. “I remember you used it on me in the shower a few times, or was it a different one than this? There were a few purple ones mixed in there.”
Kai blinked at you in shock, because in the last three years, not a single word had been uttered between the two of you regarding your prior sex life. He hadn’t wanted to trigger you by making references to it, and he just assumed that you never brought it up because of fairly obvious reasons. It genuinely surprised him how easily you were mentioning it, and with such a straight face and bland expression. He guessed you were only trying to goad him into reacting as pay back for what you had caught him doing earlier, but he figured it was best to move it along quickly to avoid falling into whatever trap you were potentially trying to lay out for him. His patience and self control could only stretch so far after all.
He cleared his throat and forced his gaze to turn back towards the report in his hand, not that he was actually reading it anymore, but that was beside the point.
“It’s waterproof.” He said, perhaps a bit too tightly. “It’s been years since it’s been used though, so the batteries might be dead, and it’ll need to be thoroughly cleaned.”
He hoped that would be enough to satisfy you and you’d finally take it away from his presence, but the sudden buzzing sound told him he wasn’t that lucky and he gripped the paperwork in his hand all the tighter to keep himself in check.
“Sounds like it’s working just fine to me.” You said, clicking it through all of its different settings before it went silent once more and he relaxed ever so slightly. “If you’re asleep when I get done, I’ll try not to wake you up when I come to bed.”
And with that, you walked off, quietly shutting the bathroom door behind you and leaving him alone in relative silence, but the moment he heard the sound of rushing water filling up the tub, he scrambled to turn the bedside lamp off and go to sleep as quickly as possible. He hoped he might get lucky and you’d do whatever it was you wanted with that thing while the water was still running and spare him from the potential torture of having to hear anything, or better yet, maybe you wouldn’t do anything with it at all and you taking it in there with you was just for show.
The water shut off and he waited a solid ten minutes or so before he deemed it safe to finally relax and try to fall asleep like normal, but then it happened…
He heard the muffled vibrations of the toy and the sloshing of the water, and not even a few seconds later, his keen hearing also picked up on the unmistakable sound of your quiet little moans and gasps of pleasure.
He was lying on his stomach, with his hard cock pinned uncomfortably between himself and the bed, but he refused to move and relieve himself. Even as the noises you made grew higher in pitch and more erratic, he wanted to listen to them all, to absorb them all and use them for his own fantasies, and all the while, he felt utterly torn between praying that you’d stop, and never wanting it to end. He couldn’t stop himself from wondering if it was himself you were thinking of in there, if you were remembering all the ways he used to touch you and kiss you, if you were hearing his phantom voice whispering filthy words and dark promises in your ear, but most of all, he couldn’t help but wonder if you would end up feeling dirty and regretting it afterwards, if you were in fact thinking of him.
Eventually, your voice reached a pitch that couldn’t be misinterpreted as anything but that of someone reaching the peak of orgasmic pleasure and Kai found himself near to weeping in gratitude when all went quiet again before the sound of draining water filled the silence instead. He knew you would be coming out and climbing into bed at any moment and silently willed his aching cock and rising desire to calm down and lessen.
A few minutes later, after the water stopped draining from the tub, Kai heard the door quietly creak open and he listened intently while you padded across the carpeted floor and climbed into bed with him.
He was surprised when he felt you slide over and cuddle up to his back, having thought that you wouldn’t be comfortable with it tonight, but you dropped your arm across his waist and allowed your hand to rest on his stomach, dangerously close to the tip of still fully erect cock, but he certainly wasn’t about to make any complaints about it. These moments with you at night were bittersweet torture for him, but Kai wouldn’t end them for all the world, not when it was the only time he allowed himself the privilege of touching you for longer than a few scant seconds. Even if the puffs of your breath on the back of his neck made his hips and cock twitch, and the feel of your unbound breasts pressing into his shoulder-blades made him imagine rolling over-top of you and latching his mouth onto one of those sensitive little nipples through the nightshirt you currently wore.
Your voice cut straight through the fog of sleep that was beginning to cloud his senses and he shifted ever so slightly to let you know he was still aware and listening.
He felt you smile against the back of his neck and stiffened when you leaned up to breathe the words against the sensitive skin behind his ear. “I just thought you should know that we’re even for now.” And to his complete shock and surprise, you laid a quick, barely there kiss to that same little spot of skin. “That’s all.”
That night was the precursor to what would become this ongoing game between the two of you that had been playing out for nearly two years.
Kai hadn’t been able to get what you’d said out of his head for nearly a week afterwards, or rather, it was two words in particular that stuck with him so strongly.
‘For now.’
He might have overlooked it, had you not said it in that teasing and lilting tone of yours and concluded it with that little brush of your lips. 
So, he decided to test out this new theory of his, and the next time he felt the urge to pleasure himself, he made sure you would be fully aware of it.
He’d done it simply by taking a shower at the right time and leaving the bathroom door slightly ajar, and when he heard you enter the bedroom, he hadn’t bothered to try and contain the sounds of his pleasure or stop your name from rolling off his tongue. Knowing that you had been fully aware of what he was in the midst of doing, that you were just on the other side of the door, had heightened the intensity of his orgasm when he finally found release, enough so that he’d had to take a seat on the bench in the shower to catch his breath before drying off and emerging.
You’d taken a seat in front of the tv on the other side of the large room, watching some kind of documentary, but he’d been able to tell right off the bat that you hadn’t been paying a lick of attention to it. You’d kept stealing so many sidelong glances at him that it was almost comical, and when he flashed you a knowing smirk before climbing in bed that night, he knew without a doubt that you’d understood he’d done it on purpose.
Two days later, you’d done it again as well, letting him hear every little sound that escaped your mouth while you fucked yourself with your own fingers this time, and while he never once heard his name fall from your lips, he was confident this time that it was him that you were imagining, him, and no one else.
The two of you had been at it ever since, and over time, some unspoken rules had developed between you both, especially since it had escalated and moved from the bathroom to the bedroom where you both laid side by side.
For starters, while this was something that the two of you both participated in, it was never spoken about, either during or afterwards. Neither of you sought pleasure at the same time or on the same night, and though both of you knew that the other was always listening intently and sometimes even watching, it was always done under the guise of pretending to be asleep.
“So, what made this time so difficult?” Hari asked him casually, pulling him from his introspection on these events of the past.
It seemed to be a running theme for him today.
Kai gritted his teeth as a wave of arousal washed over him. “She let my name slip again.”
Last night had been your turn, and when he’d cracked his eyes open just bit to see your fingers pinching one perfect nipple and your hips rising off the bed with the force of your orgasm, he’d nearly broken one of those unspoken rules when you’d breathlessly whisper-moaned his name. It wasn’t the first time you’d done it, but even still, it hit him just as hard whenever it did slip out.
Sometimes, whenever he let himself dwell on the thought of it for too long, he felt like it might just drive him mad.
For fear of ruining what little trust and progress you had gained with him these last five years, he could never bring himself to ask why you couldn’t simply admit that you wanted to resume sharing his bed with him in every way that counted. Not just to sleep and rest in, nor as a ruse for the sake of allowing the children to believe they still had two parents who loved one another. You knew from experience that he could bring you more pleasure in bed than you ever could hope to achieve on your own, and you obviously still wanted him, if not emotionally, then physically at the very least, and he often wondered what would happen if he were to break down and ask you about it. But every time he started to open his mouth to do so, all those ghosts of the past would creep up his spine and remind him of all the horrible ways such a thing could backfire on him and the ramifications that would follow.
As Kai continued to silently stew in his own bitter musings, Hari couldn’t help but let his own thoughts wander in the same direction.
His own relationship with your sister was at a similar standstill, but for all the opposite reasons.
After that first night, when she came to him, drunk and seeking a way to help her forget about the temporary death she and the doctor had miraculously managed to pull you back from after the horrific birth of Kazue, it hadn’t stopped after that. It was like the dam that was her iron resolve had permanently cracked after that and she couldn’t bring herself to stay away from him any longer. And even though it was mindbogglingly amazing, the best sex he had ever had in all honesty, it just so happened to be the thing tearing him apart inside, because that’s all it was.
Just sex.
She came to him for it whenever Rappa wasn’t around, and sometimes even when he was and she just wanted a change of pace. But she never stayed for very long afterwards, not unless she was interested in going at it again for multiple rounds. Beyond that first night, she never slept in his bed, nor did she allow him to sleep in hers. Once in a while she would stick around and chat with him while she got her bearings back or while she took her time getting redressed, but she never stayed for too much longer than that
There were so many times he felt that he should just give up and accept that he’d never have her the way he truly wanted, but whenever she came to him, he couldn’t bring himself to ever turn her down. He kept holding onto the hope that she’d one day see what they could have together if only she’d give him a chance and open up more than just her body to him. He could give her so much more than Rappa ever could, and she knew that, but still she refused to give him the opportunity to prove it to her.
Hari never once tried to talk to Kai about this though, as the other man had more than enough stress and worry of his own to deal with. Not to mention, he felt like talking to him about the frequency of his own sex life would probably do nothing but make his boss dwell even harder on the continued lack of it in his own relationship with you. He couldn’t imagine what it must be like for him to share a bed with you every night, listening to you pleasure yourself so often right beside him, and not give into the temptation of touching you. He might not fully understand why Kai let this stalemate with you drag on for so long, but he couldn’t deny how much he admired the man’s level of restraint and determination to see his promise to you fulfilled.
Neither of them spoke much after that, and their once companionable silence soon morphed into morose brooding as each of them continued to dwell on the issues surrounding the women in their lives.
For those of you who aren’t aware, I set up a poll a few days ago asking whether or not I should split this finale into two parts, and while it was a close match, the majority said they wanted it split, so that’s what this is.
I apologize that this entire chapter was Kai-centric, I know a lot of people prefer to read entirely from the Reader’s POV, but I felt that an entire chapter/part from Kai’s perspective was necessary to get across the changes he’s gone through during the time-skip. 
We’ll be getting back to the Reader in the next chapter though and you’ll all get to see how she’s been fairing, rather than hearing about it secondhand from Kai. So I’m hoping to have Part 2 finished and posted in a couple of weeks, so please be on the lookout! 🥰
I hope you all enjoy this and please don’t hesitate to let me know what you think! Thank you for all the support!
And as always, I want to give a BIG thank you to my amazing friend @talpup for all the brainstorming and encouragement on these stories! I’m  sure I would have given up on this blog a while ago if it wasn’t for all of  their help. I highly encourage anyone who takes the time to read this to  go over to their page or their AO3 account under the sam name and  check out their works, especially Chaos and Lost Song. They are   two of my favorite BNHA fics of ALL TIME! And who has also started their own Yandere!Overhaul fic called Crossroads and is set in a 1920′s prohibition style era, it’s amazing and you need to check it out!
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breannastewart · 1 month
hi. i'm sorry to bother you with this, but your one of the main stewie blogs here and i just wanted to ask if you knew how to block out all the sexually explicit stuff about her on here besides just blocking every single account that comes up? that gets too tiring. or is this just the way it's going to be now? i personally want to enjoy content on here about her because it's easily accessible with a tag system and i like the pictures and gifs and regular posts. even the soft fics don't bother me as much. but i personally struggle with nsfw content for personal reasons and in some ways it's almost worth it to go back to twitter because this doesn't seem to be a thing with the fanbase on there? sorry if you don't want to deal with any of this but i just thought i'd ask. thanks. love all the work you do.
Hi, anon. I personally have tried very hard to not acknowledge any of this since it started happening, I avoided it even when I saw people on twitter apparently got a hold of stuff like that from here. but I too eventually had enough. I have started blocking accounts as well, but the extra step you can take is blacklisting any combination of words you need to. by either downloading an extension on chrome (if you use it) or there's an option on here called filtered tags, and you can add whichever tag you want to it. the downside of that unfortunately is, every other post you see in the tag sometimes can just then be "this post has been filtered, show me anyway" as an option, it won't disappear entirely, so I'm constantly reminded when I go check the general tag for content, I just mostly get that now, and then regular safe for work content or non reader fic content. unfortunately though I do think this is just the way it's going to be, yet another side effect of the game growing I guess lol. there was literally none of this for her until this season started. zilch, zero. and I have been on here for years and have gone through stewie fandom years where it was exciting if we got like, five new posts about her in the tag every few days. but all the new fans started coming in and I guess it attracted all this too. and I definitely take it back that I said I enjoyed all the new people thinking she's hot, if it's the super sexualized stuff I do NOT mean you actually. obviously I'm not pretending I haven't always found her super hot, but have always drawn the line at posting explicitly sexual content about her. I do not personally have the reasons why it must be upsetting for you, but I can empathize, especially given the me too story she shared with the public as well and how content like this can be triggering for people like you, perhaps. if anything, I'd also implore; STOP ADDING THE SMUT FIC TO THE GENERAL BREANNA STEWART TAG. do not tag it 'breanna stewart' and instead keep it in whatever these writing tags are that these people use, would be the better route. you keep it within your community of people who indulge in all that. there are personally people who just don't want to, and no; you shouldn't have to feel bad about that or be subject to someone telling you to just get over it. because I saw that when it got called out on twitter, too.
I hope this helps, anon. and if anyone has anything to say about it, I am giving a pre-emptive fuck off warning.
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crush3dmary · 1 year
Regarding Ritchie "Kiel" "Rox" "Mimo" "Lain" ryuuseini / mimoriru
So, at the end of 2022, I made a post on twitter about this particular user, who runs a merch store, abusing my personal info that he obtained from his store to doxx me and threaten to "ruin my life". You can find it here, as well as receipts and additional testimonies in the quote retweets from other people impacted by his actions.
Well, his art showed up completely unprompted on my dash, which tells me that since being called out, he has taken no accountability, changed his name, ran away to tumblr, and not only opened his store again but is trying to fandom hop to escape his sordid past. So if you're too lazy to read the twitter post, or if you got hit with my block chain, to summarize:
Ritchie and I were friends for over a year and a half. He cut ties because he didn't like a couple things I said or how I ran my server, which is fine. He's entitled to that. What he's not entitled to is to start a smear campaign DMing all my mutuals with very exaggerated accusations about me that he can't back up or accusing me of "stalking" and "harassing" him when I haven't contacted him since we cut ties in 2021. But that's all just friend group infighting. What matters is the literally illegal shit he did after and again, has taken no accountability for.
While we were friends, he said he had some leftover Zelos merch and he'd send it to me for free if I covered shipping costs, to which I said sure and gave him my address. Well, in September 2021, when his panel did not get accepted into Rappig Crossing's conline, he assumed I had used my connection to Maple Gel to get him blacklisted... when I had literally moved the fuck on at that point. I had nothing to do with whatever beef he had with them, but as a result, he went into a large Tales server and shared my personal information, made threats to get me kicked out of school and to "ruin my life", and encouraged the people in this server to "look up my irl credentials" to prove I'm not who I say I am or... something, which I can prove wrong easily. Receipts here.
People in Tales generally don't fuck with him anymore because people know he's shady but I have ygo:dm mutuals who unfortunately don't. If you're looking for merch there are better, more reputable creators who won't compromise your personal information as soon as they decide they don't like you. Take this information as you will, but Ritchie: I hope you know changing your name and hopping groups every time you get called out for something is an abuse tactic.
You can think I'm the literal devil all you want, you can say I'm dragging things out, but you intentionally and knowingly compromised customer information in order to threaten my safety over something you assumed and said yourself in the screenshot that you couldn't prove. You couldn't prove it because it was false, and you still went to such extreme lengths to put me in danger regardless. People have the right to be able to decide whether they want to support your business with this information in mind. I have the right to speak up when I believe I was wronged and the perpetrator has not only taken no accountability for what they did, but might go on to hurt someone else too.
In conclusion, if you're a pokeani/yugioh/tales creator who does merch, send me your info. I want to plug your shop.
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notagarroter · 5 months
One could easily not watch it, but any given day on tumblr would still become a tjlc shitshow, and I say that as a longtime fan. People aren't horrified at the thought of more Sherlock but at the fandom behaviors that weren't cool to actors or other fans. Has everyone in the fandom grown past that crap? Likely some have and some haven't. I'm happy never seeing that beast woken again by new content personally
I suppose I can understand that rationale... But having lived through the worst of the tjlc period, it was bad but I got very good at unfollowing and blocking people and blacklisting terms I found obnoxious, and that worked pretty well to keep the drama off my dash.
Idk, but I love Sherlock and I would put up with an awful lot to have a little more of it. Even if it meant going on a Tumblr hiatus for a while until the mess died down.
I understand not everyone is so passionate about it, but... Well, I suppose the good news is this decision isn't up to us in the slightest! It's not like tptb are putting it to a vote or anything lol, so we'll all just have to make do with what we get, or don't.
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bizarrequazar · 7 months
Hi. I have read some of your updates and may I ask what happened between Gong Jun and Zhan Zhehan? I don't speak Chinese and I am a fan of their drama Word of Honor. I am following Gong Jun's career in other productions but I have never seen or heard about Zhan Zhehan. I am not in a country where you can easily follow Chinese media. I understood from Zhehan's wiki english page that they had some controversy going on but the gist of it is evading me. I am just curious. Thank you for your time.
First of all, please check my FAQ for the explanation of why you never see recent stuff about Zhang Zhehan. In short, he was unfairly blacklisted by an industry organization and is currently pursuing a lawsuit against them, and he is staying out of public view while that is in progress. The blacklisting incident and its immediate aftermath is referred to as 813.
With regard to what has happened between Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan:
As far as can be seen through reputable sources (aka primarily Gong Jun himself), the two of them still have a good relationship and care very much for one another. While we have not had any confirmed interactions between them since 813 due to the aforementioned blacklisting and lawsuit (with Gong Jun as well being unable to talk about Zhang Zhehan without risking his own career), Gong Jun has often given hints that the two of them still see each other, has shown disapproval of people/groups that engage with the slander against Zhang Zhehan, and has never said or done anything against Zhang Zhehan despite his own career being so associated with Zhehan's. (A large part of why I do my update posts is to record these things, [this post] gives some highlights.)
If you have heard that there is some sort of controversy going on between the two of them personally, this claim primarily originated from the zhangzhehan_super3 Instagram and is completely unsubstantiated. The jist is that the Instagram account, which was previously Zhang Zhehan's, is currently in the possession of the industry organization Zhang Zhehan was slandered by, who are using it in part to further the slander against him. Gong Jun's continued quiet support of Zhang Zhehan is one of the main reasons that fans have continued to support the two of them, so the organization (CAPA) were quick to try to break the public's opinion of their relationship when they first reactivated the account. All of the claims related to this have been thoroughly debunked, and CAPA being the ones in control of the account is known concretely and backed up by a mountain of evidence. I have written extensively on this, and a full section devoted to it can be found in my masterlist.
You also mentioned Zhang Zhehan's Wikipedia page: unfortunately this is a case where your teachers' ranting about Wikipedia not being a reliable source is very right. The page has been monitored since 813 by an editor who is maintaining slanderous "information" on it while removing any attempts by others to correct this. This actually recently came up again because of other information that was discovered about the editor's unsavoury activities.
If you have any other questions or anything you would like clarification on, please don't hesitate to ask. 💙
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