#they dont have to be fandom related i just need the animation to be a bop
currently in Hyperfixation Limbo (not wanting to do anything unless it relates to the current hyperfixation but not actually wanting to do anything pertaining to the source material)
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yes yes yes i know that sometimes the music IS a huge vibe for the scenario and its an absolute bop but. there's only so many edits you can make to the lyrics of the song within the animatic before you start losing me. even if the song is good if you have to write in new dialogue that i have to read within the animatic that has nothing to do with the lyrics of the song then i think you should just find a different song to do your animatic to.
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randompolykin · 4 months
Intro Post
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Welcome To The Storm.
i have been procrastinating making one of these for a while now so here you go.
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I don't know how people can post their names on here, or their ages. Like what :0 I could not do that. (So if you need to refer to me, you can do so by my username) I do feel comfortable telling you this stuff:
The labels I use to identify my gender identity are genderfluid, nonbinary, transgender, genderflux, xenogender, fluidflux, and specifically genderspirit. At least that's the basics.
When it comes to sexuality/romantic attraction I consider myself frayromantic and neptunic, I am also aceflux.
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I might reblog centaurworld, smg4, the amazing digital circus, wings of fire, or good omens related posts once in a blue moon.
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i am a polymorph
Catkin (black domestic and black panther, for type of panther Jaguar fits the best but a black panther on its own fits too)
Dragonkin (red western fire and eastern sky/water especially a tatsu)
Gray/part of a storm cloud, cloud
Military tank
Attack helicopter (I know, I know, but I'm serious /gen)
Wooden chair
Cryptid (in general but I do have a couple specific ones too and I bet the more I look into cryptids the list will grow)
Seraphkin (the type of angel)
bookstore and library kin
Old computer kin
Robotkin in general
A murder drone (from murder drones) not a specific one, just a murder drone
The concept of tea/tea as a whole
Glamrock Freddy Fazbear
a sprollie dog
a silver fox
Although there are certain theories on why I am certain kintypes that I prefer and even act like it's set in stone, in the end idk whatever so just keep that in mind. also this isnt. theres more kintypes probably.
and maaaaannnny kinsiderings
(circutypes are identitie(s?) similar to the label cladotherian or more so ambitherian, but instead of being exclusive to types of animals is a species, it extends beyond that. The creator @batsbolts-andfangs created it to describe being a bat therian, bat plushiekin and a bat (related?) fictional character. But basically it's a label to describe one nonhuman identity that extends to/ is made up of other nonhuman identities that are a interconnected. This label fits me two times
The first on is less sure/put together than the second one
Shadow being (maybe just shadows too idk)
This statue creature that's an original species might count idk yet
Questioning being a void but that might just be part of my fictotype.
A run-along
And now my second circutype that makes more sense!
Deer skull creature is what I consider the base name for it now what this includes is
A deer skull fictional character/monster the nowhere king (which is my profile pic!) which is from centaurworld
Two (OCs? Maybe just original species? I am still figuring out how these two identities work) that are deferent types of deer skulled original creatures
A leshen (and an ancient leshy) from the witcher (I have not interacted with the fandom or played the games, watched the show etc I just stumbled upon it looking for what this kintype was and it fit)
And questioning being a deer skull itself. If not then this is probably a para type or something?
I don't actually think I said all my kintypes but I dont care that much right now I need to get this post over with it's already two am
So here are my heart types:
Rainwing (it's a type of dragon from wings of fire)
Nightwing (also wof dragon)
Questioning these being kintypes
Edit, I currently consider my wof types to be both kintypes and kithtypes, its confusing and I have no energy to look deep into things but I don't feel I need to honestly.
And am just saying that being a zombie and a ghost is kith, because I don't want to deal with things. Every thing else I know is def a heart type except clown, I ignore that one
Edit, I am now counting zombie as a kin type
I am also questioning being the amazing digital circus and my neighbor totoro (as in conceptkin)
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Now onto other things you should know about me and some silly not as important but also interesting ones:
I am afraid of being wrong (mainly because I'm worried I am somehow hurting people by it)
I have trust/opening up issues
I struggle with imposter syndrome
I probably have undiagnosed anxiety of some kind but have yet to do research on it
I probably have long term depression. But I think ranting to Tumblr is helping a bit so RN I'm more on the emotionally numb side but still depressed I think.
I have associative synesthesia and the types I care to name are olp, grapheme-color and chromesthesia but I know of more things that are probably types with their own names that I have.
I'm a vegetarian (it's funny because a bunch of my kintypes are carnivores or really like eating meat)
I'm a furry and have this going on where I'm turning my animal kin and heartypes into furry OCs and fursonas but I haven't gotten far in it. I'm also questioning being my protogen oc
I'm a median system. But I don't really talk about that much here...
Uh I might post random art doodles idk tho.
Besides that mostly I'll post and reblog alterhuman stuff (mainly otherkin probably)
Also please ask me stuff!!! Curious on how I experience being an aesthetic? Want to learn more about my angel kintype? Etc, please ask!
Profile pic is my kintype, the nowhere king, with the genderfluid, frayromantic, and loveless aro flags. And my banner is light doodles of some of my kintypes
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When it comes to a tagging system I am trying to make one but most of my posts from before this one probably don't follow it anyway here it is (altho I might forget to tag a reblog as reblog sorry if I do)
Also all posts with swearing in them will be tagged with #tw swearing
I don't usually swear myself but I will reblog stuff that has swears in them
#reblog (these are simply reblogs. Can be of anything. These will not have me adding my thoughts in tags or replies)
#my reply (reblogs with my reply/my thoughts on it/ad ons, also might be tagged with #my ad ones (if it's adding on to what the poster is saying specific vs a reply of anykind))
#my reply tags(or my tag replies) (same thing but in the tags specifically. Add on version is #my tag ad ons)
#not ah related (not alterhuman related, includes reblogs)
#not ok related (not otherkin related, alterhuman related posts that are not otherkin related are included here)
#i am a mess of kinsidering (a ranty vent post about my lastest kintype to question or re-question or be confused over want to classify an identity as beyond otherkin, etc)
#silly post time (silly posts, not reblogs. This would be me making a post that says "nom nom nom garbage" and # it with therian and otherkin tags. Can be ah, ok, and not related.) (if not ah or ok related I will put those tags in)
#silly reblogs (me rebloging these types of posts)
#serious post (speaking up about an issue or trying to spread the word about something important etc)
#serious reblog (same as ⬆️ but a reblog)
#positivity spreading reblog (rebloging a positivity spreading post. can include #my ad ones posts)
#positivity spreading post (a positivity spreading post originally made by me)
#term coining yay (coined terms not by me but that I have rebloged)
#oh me terms yas (term coining posts by others that have a term I want to use/represent me)
#save (posts I want saved for any reason.)
#saving this to show my friend in case their ah (I'm pretty sure one of my friends I alterhuman but I'm not sure so I'll show them certain posts and see if they relate)
#storm talk (talking about being (apart of) a storm
#little grey cloud rambles (rambles as a little grey cloud)
#more about me
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That's all I can think of for now and it's already three am so I'm gonna add my user boxes and go to bed!
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43 notes · View notes
thank you so much, I shall answer these prompts NEOW
21: Fics you wish you could find more of?
Oooohhh more fics involving Gwen, that's for sure. When she's written right she's one of the strongest, most relatable characters imo, 'cause all she wants is for the world to be right and just and kind and everything wants to prove her wrong, but she won't back down from her views. I would also adore more Elyan, just in general. And complete rewrites of the show 'cause the one I'm reading right now is so good I might do one as well. Also modern au's where they're all like secret badass spies or smth, 'cause those are so fucking cool (i am accepting fic recs for ALL of this, please feed me y'all)
24: Everyone knows that fandom doesn’t like uther but what are your feelings about gaius?
I think 1) we need more concrete info about how he was when he was younger, but 2) i think he is severely complicated and wanted what was best of merlin and morgana, but failed the two while also giving them a ton of love. With morgana, he just didnt want her to pursue her power lest she become uther's next victim, cuz gaius cares for the pendragon siblings like his own. With merlin, he was just trying his best with his overpowered nephew, who alos has a destiny regarding his people's genocide's son, and he just doesn't know what to do half the time, kinda like merlin. I didnt like how he lied to merlin n morgana, how he gaslit her and how he made merlin hide and become so anxious abt his magic (and we see what that looks like season 5), but i get it. I really get it. I dont know what i wouldve done if one wrong move could mean the death of two kids he considers his own. I bet he was scared all the time and hated himself for it.
27: Modern Merlin headcanons, if any?
OH BOY. OHHHH BOY. So many. It really depends on what au i have for modern merlin, but I'll give you a few generals:
he's a teacher of sorts; i like the idea that he's kinda collecting magical anomalies and teaching them how to understand their powers and being, since he knows what its like to be afraid of urself, so he's a personal magic teacher. I also rly like my magic elementary school au, since its merlin teaching magic to a bunch of kids, which is adorable
he has officially one cat, a black one called Midnight, that accidentally became immortal along the way and now hes severally attached. I say officially since hes also friends with any other animal that he might come across and they recognise him if he passes them again. disney princess fr
he's figured out his gender and he can turn into a woman if he wants; she looks exactly like merlin, same height, same weight n muscles, the hair is longer cuz merlin likes it that way and her voice is deep and gorgeous
his favourite weapon is a staff or any long distance fighting weapon of the sort; also he looks cool as fuck fighting with it, but thats just a bonus
I'll stop here but i have SO MANY MORE
30: Side character death that makes you the maddest?
Elyan. There was, quite literally, no need for it. I was gonna say Lancelot, since we did not get enough of him, but his death made sense for his character. Elyan? What the fuck was that? It was just for pain and nothing else. What did it add to the story if not just a sad funeral scene and thats it? It just felt like they wanted him gone n found a way, and that pisses me off. I feel like him saving gwen and living would've given such a complex situation when she turns evil, 'cause what if she "confides" more n more in her brother, creating a rift between arthur n elyan, which then creates a rift between arthur n the knights, which would just isolate him further n make him suffer, which is what morgana wanted!! we couldve had protective brother elyan! I think i just wanted more knights in general.
Thank you so much for this ask, I yapped a fuck ton but it was funn
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yourlildolliewriter · 3 months
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Here you'll find all about me including what I write and what I don't write and a lot more! :3
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What I write!:
M! Reader
Cowboy m! Reader
Femboy m! Reader
Agent m!reader
Cop m!reader
Single dad m!reader
Assistant m!reader
Ftm m!reader
Basically any m!reader
What I dont write for!:
fem reader,anything related to fem reader. Just like. If it's a fem reader request I wont write for it. As we need more m!reader posts on here.
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I write for!:
Permission granted OCS ,COD, Criminal minds, Valorant, love and deepspace, Genshin, HSR, obey me, final fantasy,enstars, my OCS,non weird anime,tgcf
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I won't write for:
Weird anime, incest or stepcest, age gap, noncon, dubcon,weird relationships, killing stalking(ik it isn't requested on here but still.) the coffin of Andy and leyley, cheating, ybc, zoophila, grape (minus the g)
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Please don't interact with my page if your a:
-fem readers
-Andy and leyley fans
-people that read anything that's in my 'what I don't write for list'
-ybc enjoyers
-transphoic/homophobic people
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My pronouns are he/him
I run a character ai account
I'm in a lot of fandoms
I'm like... A booktok male, since that doesn't exist I think (I'M NOT LIKE THE ONES THAT READ SPICY STUFF A LOT AND ASKS IF OTHER BOOKS HAVE SPICE DW)
I like Halloween
My interests are a lot
I'm an introvert
I like listening to clocks ticking as it's calms me down:3
I LOVE to make playlists an Pinterest boards for my OCS!
I have a phone theme change addiction
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Character ai- @thisusereatsrocks
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lazari-returns · 6 months
love your work! i immediately thank u so much for continuing the story with lazari cuz i always thought the premise was neat when i was young- and now looking at it, it’s almost looking at mold… hope you do more with this blog! ^^
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The original I eat pasta for Breakfast means a lot more to me than it probably should. I know, it butchers Masky's character, there's a lot of sloppy amateur writing, lots of inconsistencies, and there's a buttload of anime fanservice. A lot of people will just write it off as bad fanfiction. Most people only ever revisit it for nostalgia and a few cool character designs.
But this series was the one warm spot in my otherwise pretty unhappy time back in middle school. Not just as a nice little escapist fantasy. "Oh I just wish Slendy would come and take me away from this life" but also just the unintentional themes of it. Despite being surrounded by killers, being forced to have to consume human flesh, going through hell, and still... somehow... finding a way to be all cutesy and happy. The fact that a creator saw all these horror monsters and wanted to make a found family themed story with these horror characters.
Those are themes I want to be in this story. themes that will be challenged, explored, and clung to. Yeah the original can be best described as an amateur fanfic, but fanfiction BUILT this fandom. Make as many jeff the killer horror series ya want, but most of em are based off the amateur fanfiction in 2011. This whole story im doing I had plans for since middle school and at that point it was just a creepypasta themed undertale AU. Obviously dont sexualize characters that are minors and age em up to specifically do so, and dont throw around ableist terms like "Psycho" if ya dont know how those disorders even work. But you need to make bad art to make good art. I grew up with I eat pasta for breakfast, and to my knowledge the creator left that series behind and is using the OCS for something non creepypasta related. So I wanna finish the story and show people what Lazari has been up to since then now that I grew up. They all mean and represent so much to me. If it weren't for it, I might have not finished the original Marble Hornets. A series I love now. These characters and creepypasta as a whole. Much like the Slenderman and the inspirational slenderverse he created. Creepypasta is art for everybody. The characters can go in tons of directions.
I hope people like mine.
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deadboystims · 5 months
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˗ˏˋ꒰ 🌱 ꒱ ) he / him ┊ billy , 17 ┊ autihd , gay , bpd ⚣
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🦀 ꒱ ) inbox : 0 - requests : CLOSED - divider
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🐛 ꒱ ) read rules & blacklist before requesting
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍁 ꒱ ) feel free to claim an anon sign off!
*rules & blacklist under cut ( keep reading ) divider : @kiyaedits
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# @deadboybilly @deadboyrbs @ccozies
# do not interact : terfs , kink/nsfw , ddlg & variants , proship & anti-antis , proana/anti-recovery , loli/shotacon , dsmp fans , zoophiles , exclus , radqueer , maps/pedos , procontact harmful para .
also : scott cawthon supporters/defenders , msi fans/listeners/defenders , endo sys , “narc abuse” believer
# claimed anons :
🎁 anon
✨🐀 anon
🧟 anon
📼 anon
🎐 anon
🌈 anon
🔥 anon
💗🎤 anon
🐺 anon
🐇 sys
🌌🌼 anon
🐲🌟🏹 anon
🐜🔎 anon
💎 anon
# request rules :
i’ll only take ship requests from fandoms i know/i’m in (check list below)
feel free to send in multiple requests but do it separately, do not do multiple requests in one ask, this makes it easier for me
be specific ! tell me what stims, colors you want, as well as anything u dont want ! i’m more likely to deny a request if u aren’t specific !
i have trouble reading typing quirks, if possible avoid using them / include a translation at least
search my page and see if i’ve done a board similar to what u want already! i’ll do requests if it has different/other specific stims for things i’ve already done tho!
my blacklist isn’t a moral judgement on all of these , some i just don’t wanna do
# long stimboard rules :
same as the above rules but,
i won’t do fandom requests
i’ll only take two at a time for my convenience
# blacklist :
dsmp - any & all members , qsmp
t0mmyinnit , jschl@tt , r@nboo , etc ( censored to avoid coming up in search )
south park , helluva boss , hazbin hotel , harry potter , the amazing digital circus
danganronpa , boyfriend to death , omori , fnf , the coffin of andy and leyley , ranfren
boyfriends ( webcomic ) , killing stalking , homestuck
hetalia , country humans
factkin , nsfw , proship , kpop
anything in my dni
# whitelist :
i’m very willing to do ( unproblematic ) niche media !!! don’t worry abt being too niche
anything in and out of my interest list, as long it isn’t in the blacklist
boards based off of names
otherkin, fictkin + therian boards
objectum related boards (sfw only. obviously)
pride boards, like sexualities, genders + xenogenders, etc
character lgbtq headcanons, as long it doesn’t go against their canon (lgbtq) identity
oc boards
music/album stimboards (with specific stims to include)
aesthetics and -cores
i’m willing to do (sfw) agere boards but only for fandoms i know/non-fandom requests
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# tags :
#stimboard - my stimboards
#request - requested stimboards
#not a stimboard - txt posts
#posted - replies to requests
#denied - request rejects or boards i need more info on
#my gifs - gifs i’ve made
#<3 - boards for my friends or boyfriend
#pride - lgbtqia+ related boards
#kin - kin related boards
#ship - ship related boards
#my favs <3 - favorite boards i’ve made
#sfw agere - agere boards
# trigger tags :
will not be censored (i.e. “bl00d” or “kn1fe”)
please filter out tags/content that trigger you
tags will be formatted as #cw (trigger) , but i will also provide a base tag as well
things i trigger tag : (fake) blood , bugs , knife , gun , snake , blade , scopophobia , flashing , fast moving gifs , horror , eyestrain , fake gore , weed , implied drug use
i do my best to tag everything with food with #food , sometimes i forget , sorry in advance
i am not responsible for your triggers if you refuse to use the filter features
while i do post agere content occasionally, this blog isn’t entirely safe for those who are regressed - be careful, filter out triggers
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list of my interests !! (not in most fandoms, just things i like)
bolded & blue = current hyperfixations/fav to make
# special interests :
fnaf ,
marine biology ( sharks esp ) ,
scream ( movie franchise )
i have spin jealousy unfort so while i won’t block u pls don’t claim to like these more than me etc etc,,
# shows :
craig of the creek , adventure time , good omens , bee and puppycat , supernatural , gotham , moon knight , total drama , spongebob , gravity falls , bluey , amazing world of gumball , clarence , steven universe , smiling friends , live action one piece , mlp (fim) , fionna and cake , star vs the forces of evil , impractical jokers , ed edd n eddy , teen titans go
# games :
DDLC , roblox , minecraft , kirby , thats not my neighbor , papa louie games
# general :
horror media , bugbo , monster high , sonic , cats , clowns , lps , pusheen , laceygames , rob zombie , horror movies , plushies , nerdy prudes must die
# color(s + combos) i enjoy..
blue , red , green , pink , yellow + purple , blue + brown , blue + green , blue + orange , blue + white , orange + green , green + yellow , pink + green
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# inbox :
# long stimboard requests :
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averagemafuyukinnie · 1 month
2 years and over 40k posts and I'm only making a pinned post now
TALK TO ME!!! i love talking even if im awkward
also pls tag me in things
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i can't fit everything in my bio so here we go
my names are kia, kyrie, neptune, and jack and i use he/it pronouns. also I'm dogkin. i have a pronouns page if you want more info
I'm a median system but i still know little to nothing abt it
my dc is averagemafuyukinnie
I'm a minor so don't be weird please!!! adults can interact tho it's fine. again just don't be creepy
i speak italian, english, some french, and I'm trying to learn spanish
i mainly post about project sekai, but I'm also in other fandoms such as:
in stars and time (I'm still on act 2 so no spoilers)
needy streamer overload
bocchi the rock
toilet bound hanako-kun (rereading the manga rn)
assassination classroom
doki doki literature club
pokemon (kinda)
vocal synths (vocaloid, utau, etc)
and probably more i forgot
some of my all time fav characters/ships are:
saki tenma
mafuyu asahina
ena shinonome
miu takagi
kasane teto
probably more
i also have a couple f/os but im not telling
non fandom related interests:
animals in general actually
idk i forgot. i like a lot of things
i also draw sometimes!!! you can find my drawings in the #kyrie art tag
i run @sakitenma-everyday as well as a few rp blogs: @hinomori-shihofficial @junior-high-mizuki-official @werewolf-enanan @transfem-saki-official @miu-takagi-official @honahona-ln @sup3rn0v4-mmj. i also have an agere blog
@r-e-g-u-r-u-s-u, @reeling-in-the-l1ghts and @ai-no-m4t3r1al are my parts' blogs
if you need me to tag anything feel free to ask, i tag with "#tw [thing]". if i forget to tw anything feel free to remind me. I won't tag caps or swearing bc i use them a lot
for me, please tag emetophobia, graphic gore, graphic sh and animal death. ny catchall tag is '#neptune look away' but the normal tags are ok too
while i do my best to use tone tags when necessary, I'd prefer them being used as little as possible when talking to me (or just dont use them at all)
dni if you're lgbtq+ phobic in anyway (especially terfs fuck off), sh/ed blogs, pedos/zoos, zionists, pusu supporters, anti-endos, and if you think transandrophobia isn't real
do not drag me into proshipping or toyakasa/toyasaki discourse or syscourse
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si0writes · 7 months
just realised i dont have a pinned post so here we go!! this will occasionally be updated (with this top part removed eventually LOL) whenever i adjust my blog's theme and if i ever need to update any info!! credits for blog theme (pfp, header, etc), blinkies and dividers used at the bottom!
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si0 | 19 | proshipper | dead dove author | my kofi my carrd | my anime list | my art account
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fandoms im into! (there's more but these are the ones i'm currently super engaged with atm (or are just shows im currently watching)!) hellaverse (hazbin hotel + helluva boss) fnaf black butler/kuroshitsuji genshin impact junjou romantica
yuri!!! on ice cult of the lamb
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dni/byf anyone is free to interact with me as i understand not everyone checks every profile before interacting (i know i don't always do it)! all i ask is that you be respectful of me and i will be respectful of you. i block freely, including but not limited to antis who act like they're hot shit and those who are against the ships i like (such as the ones listed below) to the point where i feel like sending a patch of grass to touch into their inbox(/j) please be aware that i ship sebaciel (black butler), fischl x neuvillette (genshin impact) and gravecest (the coffin of andy and leyley) amongst other things and that i love to explore darker themes in fiction, especially through writing dead dove fics! i also do not support or partake in harassing others for whatever they choose to do with fictional characters. this account is pro paraphilias (expanding on this, i don't support contact if it is harmful but if you're doing it in a safe environment (such as a roleplay in a kink environment or through fanfic/art, etc) then that's totally fine and you should do whatever you need to safely cope!), pro recovery and anti censorship!
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main f/os (i'm fine with sharing all my f/os!! pls feel free to block me if you share one and aren't comfortable sharing!) ♡ unrelated/non family romantic f/o ✿ related/family romantic f/o (selfshipcest) ♡ neuvillette (genshin impact) #si0; boiling water 🌊🔥 (neuvillette x vinivre guillotine) ♡ sir pentious (hazbin hotel) #si0; scarab snake 🐶🐍 (sir pentious x mutt) ✿ gaming (genshin impact) (no tag yet) ♡ vox (hazbin hotel) (no tag yet) ♡ scaramouche/wanderer (genshin impact) (no tag yet) ♡ tartaglia/childe/ajax (genshin impact) (no tag yet) ♡ zandik/dottore/the doctor (genshin impact) (no tag yet) ♡ dr. veritas ratio (honkai star rail) (no tag yet)
♡ mizuki (kamisama hajimemashita/kamisama kiss) (no tag yet) ♡ freminet (genshin impact) #si0; life mate 🦢🐧 (freminet x odette boulanger)
♡ yuri plisetsky (yuri!!! on ice) (no tag)
♡ hisoka morrow (hunter x hunter) (no tag)
♡ alois trancy (black butler) (no tag)
♡ aquamarine hoshino (oshi no ko) (no tag)
♡ wade wilson/deadpool (deadpool) (no tag)
♡ zhongli/rex lapis (genshin impact) (no tag)
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credits pfp + header ( screenshots from FNAF Security Breach ) sun divider ( link ) blinkies ( all made by me! link) (sebaciel shipper one was made in mspaint on my pc hence the quality as a placeholder until i find a better one!)
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electricprincess96 · 3 months
Asking out of curiosity, but why do ya dislike Damian Wayne? I ask this not in a acussitory manner mind, as my only exposure to Damian is in non comics material such as those animated movies he popped up in. More so curiosity cause he seems to be a very controversial character among the main comics fandom itself.
He is controversial. There are a few reasons, some I could change my mind on with better writing and others would take a lot more for me to get behind him. I'll start by saying if you're reading this and are a Damian fan don't continue, you aren't gonna like what I have to say so don't both hate reading for the sake of it.
Firstly the concept of the Bat Family for the most part up until that point was about Found Family. Let me be clear I'm not saying it was sunshine and rainbows and they all got along great all the time BUT it was about broken people finding each other and trying to work together to make a difference. The very concept of giving Bruce a blood son ruins that, you need only look at most Damian fans when the debate on who should be Bruce's successor comes up, they will always say Damian despite the fact he has shown NOTHING to prove he deserves it, their only reason is he's the blood son. While yes being both biological and adopted kids is a thing that exists and most real people can do it and it works most DC writers are not adopted parents and dont know the specifics of how you depict that balance and it shows. It reeks of weird blood purist, anti-adoption vibes that just aren't good. Like the rise in "bad parent Bruce Wayne" towards Jason and Tim and some of the others (not sure he knows Cass's name anymore) conveniently corrolates with demon brats creation. Coupled with the fact on more than one occasion writers have seemed to make it seem like Damian does indeed mean more just cause he's blood related. I just don't like it. I wasn't overly fond of Helena Wayne (although she was better cause she was from another world instead of the canon one) and I don't like Damian for the same reason.
Secondly he was forced as Robin. As I said in a recent post up until Damian the role of Robin had only really been changed when it was necessary. Jason was made Robin because DC wanted Robin to be a kid again but readers liked the storylines they were getting with young adult Dick Grayson so they promoted Dick from sidekick and created Jason Todd. Likewise when Jason died there was no Robin, Dick wasn't about to go back to being Robin and Jason was dead thus Tim was created to fill a role that needed filling. Even Stephanie was made Robin due to Tim being unavailable for a long period of time (i dont remember the specifics but i think it had to do with his family finding out about Robin) so even when she lasted not even a year, she was still filling a vacamcy instead of being forced into a role that was already filled. Damian however was just created. They had not taken the proper steps to develop Tim out of being Robin naturally (and before people come at me with "oh he had plenty of time" Dick Grayson got FORTT YEARS and Damian is coming up on nearing 2 decades so shut up) and thus his creation has directly led to the problem we have right now in DC were we have TWO Robins cause they demoted Tim back to being Robin when Red Robin didn't work out (and 3 batgirls but that ones Barbara Gordon's fault). Coupled with the fact his introduction came right after the revival of Jason Todd thus basically screeching to a halt any real meaningful development that plotline could have had because suddenly DC had a shiny new toy to play with. Damian's creation was a turning point for Batman comics and not a good one, because it contributed to the derailing of multiple characters arcs and plotlines and some have still not fully recovered.
Thirdly his character upon introduction was already redundant. He's a child raised by assassins.... OK well we already have Cassandra Cain. He's a Robin willing to kill and will really test the Bat Fams moral compass. OK well as I said we'd already revived Jason Todd and he was already taking the fight to the Bat on the no kill rule. Literally the only unique thing he had upon introduction was that he was a blood relation to Bruce which I personally do not think should mean anything. But DC starting from that point going forward started to have a horrible undercurrent of blood purity. The only thing I can think that he is semi unique on is being biracial but even then not entirely his since Cassandra is biracial as well AND they never do anything with him being biracial. Plus if they really wanted to they could have reconned one of the existing Robins to be biracial without derailing multiple other characters plotlines.
Fourthly. He's an obnoxious and annoying brat 90% of the time. Like I get it, being raised by Talia (although there's conflicting information on of he was actually raised at all since the timeline does not seem to add up for his age and at one point he was grown in an artificial womb and artificially aged but that's been retconned but the timeline still don't add up if he's not artificially aged somewhat. His back story is a mess I ain't gonna make heads or tails of it) will inevitably result in a very arrogant child afterall Ra's and Talia's egos rival Lex Luthors. BUT they want us to believe at times he can back that up. And I'm sorry I don't care how skilled you are as a child assassin, you are still a child. Like in the Animated movies he should not be able to beat Deathstroke in a straight 1 to 1 fight. He just shouldn't. Both are highly skilled assassins sure but Slade is like 6 times Damian's age, double his size and at least 3 times his weight. There is also the fact that his dark, brooding, arrogant, cruel character sort of worked when he was Dick Grayson's Robin cause it was flipping the established dynamics for Batman and Robin. But when he's Bruce's Robin it doesn't work, we no longer have that little bit of sunshine that Robin is meant to bring to Batman (and don't think I haven't noticed how Batman's character has got crueler and darker since Damian became his Robin) while Batman is meant to be a guiding hand for Robin to keep him on the right track.
Fifthly. For Damian's character arc to really work/make sense ot has to be acknowledged that Talia is not a good mother. At best she's deliberately raising him in a dangerous environment and at worse she is actively abusive. It's the only way you can justify half of his character traits and why he's even here in the first place. Here's the issue for all I dislike Talia as a character... I don't believe she's an abusive mother. One thing that seems to be consistent for Talia was that she did love her family. Talia's flaws for me are in her inability to choose a side and her entitlement towards Bruce and other men (well and the whole worldwide genocide of anyone not League of Assassins). Now I am more willing to accept this one as just being how new Talia is but I don't blame some of her fans who feel miffed about this however they do have to acknowledge that there's no real way to do his story without her either being an incompetent parent or a down right bad one (but don't worry Talia fans Bruce is also awful nowadays so she's not alone there....)
Now his arrogance and overall unlikable character can absolutely be fixed with good writing. I hated him in the Animated movies (kid you grew up in the mountains leaving to kill you SHOULD NOT BE LECTURING BRUCE FUCKING WAYNE ABOUT STOCKS) but I'm quite liking him in Boy Wonder where it's actually tackling his own sense of entitlement and showing that he needs to learn from his predecessors rather than acting like he's better than them purely because he shares dna with Bruce.
BUT the conceptual issues I have won't go away quite so easily. It's why if I'm asked if I could wipe one Robin from existence, it will always be him. He could be written wonderfully, he could get a comic run that is the best written thing ever and I will still always say him when asked that question. And I know I'm not alone on that.
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cwilb · 1 month
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⬆️ i don't really have a dni outside of this however with that being said i am a minor so heavily nsfw blogs also dni (if you post suggestive stuff thats fine as long as its tagged) and poppytwt/proshippers/anything like that will be blocked. in general i block any1 who makes me feel uncomfy and i get scared off easily so eerm yea‼️‼️
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header and pfp
boundaries (please read)
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HIYA!! im tumblr user cwilb, fka as featherduo and strawbeeduo! (large selection of names to pick from on my pronoun.cc listed above if u want more options!)
im a dsmp and (occasionally) a bursona blogger, insane about cpumpkinduo and anything related to minecraft. i love contradicting labels and xenogenders 🔥🔥
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stuff about my blog:
heavily dsmp focused (mainly cquackity) outside of bursonas and personal posts (i love to yap about anything and everything!!)
romantic cbeeduo, calliumduo, and queer platonic/romantic coded cquackcicle are posted about on here so if any of those make you uncomfortable for any reason here is your warning to block/ignore me /gen
i tag any stuff that needs a trigger/content warning as "cw [thing]" and/or "cw [thing] mention]", my suggestive tag is just 'suggestive' i dont reblog or post nsfw (for obvious reasons) but if a joke is funny im reblogging it even if it happens to be kinda freaky LOL. if im unsure how to tag something itll be tagged as "ask to tag". once again feel free to ask me to tag anything! :]
⬆️ also any discourse-y posts are tagged with "discourse" + if necessary cws for mentions of people if they really suck (ex; cw wilbur mention,)
i try and put alt IDs but a lot of the time im unsure how to word them + i am disabled so i dont always have the spoons to, however you can always ask me to add any!
my previous blog was @preyduo (moved to here since it got too much attention for my comfort LOL) and before that it was sootisite which i deactivated :b
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stuff about me:
I <3 MY BEST FRIENDS!!! /p they r literally my family for realsies go follow my brother
i am an aromantic acespec xenogender bi lesboy (i love contradicting labels and collecting xenogenders!!)
i am physically disabled and neurodivergent (many diagnosises that id prefer not to get into but i am an amnesiac and have elhers danlos)
ive been in the mcyt fandom since i was a little guy (og mcyt save me.. save me og mcyt /silly /ref)
i use tone indicators somewhat heavily (they are very helpful for me but you dont need to use them when messaging me as long as ur niceys if i need to ask what tone ur using /gen
dsmp is my spinterest!! (fave characters are cquackity, cniki, cschlatt, ghostbur, cranboo and ctommy)
some of the games i like include minecraft, slime rancher, tunnel town, animal jam, club penguin, roblox, and the sims 4! for shows i mainly just watch the same stuff over and over like gravity falls, mlp, and south park ^_^
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tagging system:
all of the main tags i use can be found under my blogs featured tags (my blog -> magnifying glass icon -> boom done), all are self explanatory
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kittzuxp · 1 year
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Intro post!!!
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About me
Hi hello, you can call me kittzu/kittz/dream/drem or dremzyzz. I use They/she/it/he or autoí/auth/autó/autós prounouns!! Also i am greek🇬🇷🇬🇷
I am a minor‼️‼️ DONT BE WEIRD.
My fav colors are black, red and lavender :3
My fav animals are cats, frogs and bats :33
Yk what. I. Am. Done with gender. Genderfluid, lesbian and aspec (probably aceflux, aegosexual and demiromantic) . If u don’t like it FUCK OFF WHAT R U DOING HERE
I can be pretty shy sometimes but always open to making new friends!! (・・;)
Dnis/ do not interacts: z00s,p3d0s, homophobes, transphobes, n3cr0s, TERFS, MAPS, racists, xenophobes, anti-therians, anti-furries, radqueers, proshippers, 'superstarights' etc and any hate groups in general.
Also @/guess-who-69 sorry
4 more info click here
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Fandoms & interests
I like reading (warriors) and drawing, but also browsing the tube. Oh and comics can't forget about those (currently reading homestuck)
I am in a loooot of fandoms but not really active in them cuz… most of them are dead..
BUT!! I have a couple of things that are currently rotting my brain (fandoms I'm hyperfixating on + active fandoms)
Brain rot real
Stardew Valley [foams at the mouth my brain is rotting]
Twomp/ the world of mr plant
Mob psycho 100
Homestuck [NEW!]
Ghost eyes
Sally face
The song of achilles
Ouk an lavois para tou mi ehontos (if you know this one lets get married/j)
Lacey games
Clan gen (warriors fan game by @/officialclangen)
Diary of a wimpy kid [doawk fanfics: Dysfunctional perspective, Rodrick's secret on the loader diper subreddit]
Unfamiliar (comic by lavendertowne pls go read it)
Webtoons(/tapas) [Jackson's diary, Castle swimmer, Your wings and mine <- go read these they're awesome]
Ramshackle [The webtoon & yt series]
God troubles me!
An extremely goofy movie
The Boiled One Phenomenon (PHEN-228 is my pookie ❤❤)
Salad fingers
Minecraft (the game)
Helluva boss
South park
Deltarune & undertale
The amazing digital circus‼️
Fionna and cake
Stranger things ☹️☹️ (I'm trying to not to associate the actors with the characters as to not ruin the show 4 me. I will be boycotting s5 tho)
Sonic prime
Sr pelo’s content in general [spooky month and the mokey series]
Saiki k
Good omens
YuB (a youtuber, please go sub to him he’a so silly)
Love, Sam (indie horror game)
Former yandere simulator fan. After the shit with yandev happen i don’t support any of his content anymore.
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Socials & tags
My discord is: forknifeistrash#1419
My wattpad: apersonyoudontknow7
My Ao3: Kittzuxp_the_pidgeon
My Artfight >ω<
Sideblogs: @lovrclan-gen @ask-lovechild-au-twomp
I don’t use it very often, but i’m also on the twompcord and clan gen server. I’m not active on the servers tho..
Tags i’ll use:
Kittzu's headcannons = pretty self explaintory, headcanon I made
Kittzu's Mr plant plushie = he's here!!!!
kittzu's argos plushie = i am legally forced to put this tag under the mr plant one.
kittzuxp = reblogs and posts (fast reblogs do not count)
Kittzu’s enderman plush (i have an enderman plush, if you want any related content, i’m sorry for advertising i just love ‘em so much)
Kittzu's creeper plush (i also have a creeper plush!!!)
Kittzu doodles = any of my art
Kittzu answers asks = do I need to explain?
storytime with kittzu = me sharing my memories and expiriences with the world. I want to leave a mark that i was here and that my existance is not forgotten. Philosophical much?
kittzu's ocs = working on a masterpost abt my ocs but there's this tag too
And then just general tags of any fandom i want the post to be abt
(I might tag your username if i don’t mention you in a post, so beware)
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[🔼by @/oxceen]
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vypridae · 3 months
9!!! 10!!! 11!! 12!! 13!!! or pick and choose <3
9. worst part of canon
ok the worst part of dgrp canon has to be the way they handle characterization, like especially with trauma. specifically in mind i have korekiyo rn, like they mega rushed his entire Thing and wrote it in a way that paints HIM in a terrible awful light when it very likely (or definitely) wasnt that at all, but the way it was written just fucks up so, so much. also the Danganronpa Repitition TM (flashbacks to
bsd uuuh oh my god i have to think about this one cuz i love bsd with a passion BAHAHA its hard to find flaws with that one (in part i havent consumed the media in forever), ik it might be just bc the series is still being written but its irritating that some things from like the first seasons are just not touched upon again? and maybe its because ihavent read the manga but like. did atsushi join the ada and suddenly the bounty on his head is just Gone? am i misremembering if they went back to that or not its been like a year since ive watched bsd i need to rewatch it but thats about all i can think of. im not even mad about the not killing any characters because fyodor is alive still
10. worst part of fanon
dgrp has a TERRIBLEEEE shipping fandom. i hated oumasai for the longest fucking time because i encountered this one rper way back when that like was a mega red flag SBGJKFDHGKA i hated them for a while after that (then they grew on me). you get shit on for liking, like, the more toxic ships in the fandom no matter your reasonings or whatever, and i feel like its just a really negative place to be a shipper that likes to explore bad dynamics (such as i)
i think the worst part of bsd fanon is similar. shipping sides of fandoms are ALWAYS bad i feel like, and there are a lot of people that will be like "skk is real fuck you for shipping anything else" or like "if u ship nikolai with anyone but fyodor i dont trust u" or something like??? its a fucking ship chill out its fictional it doesnt hurt anyone irl CALM DOWN
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
for bsd uh . only two surprisingly, and its two ships that i cannot physically make myself like?? thats all apparently
for dgrp i have uuh two and its literally also only two ships that i dont like BHASFKAHSK
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
for bsd am i allowed to say fyodor? idk if he necessarily counts as "unpopular" but i see way more hate of him than i see people liking him, but god fucking dammit i love him with my whole heart. hes so evil and those kinds of characters litearlly just make me gravitate towards them, hes so smart and cunning and you can do so much with his character, especially learning his ability oh my god? jhes so complex and i love him
for dgrp, i feel like every character is "unpopular" BAHSAJKAHk but for this i think i wanna go with chiaki. people hate chiaki because shes "boring" or at least they Did back when i first got into the series but shes so different in the game compared to the anime because the game shes based on her classmates' memories of her! shes only this "perfect" individual because thats how her entire class saw her, like she was made the class rep for a reason
13. worst blorboficiation
ok this one im trying to figure out what the fuck the definition is BAHAJSHFAJK from what im SEEING its like, the character that doesnt deserve to be liked as much as they are. (i dont think i answered this one correctly but shh its fine)
for bsd thats really hard for me to think of because i like literally every character but uuh if i had to say one ig i'd say uuh . maybe dazai? i feel like this is in part because people typically take away from dazai's entire complex everything because he's too complex for a lot of people (including me) to truly understand, like im not saying i understand him but i feel like a lot of people will take the wrong parts of him/exclude anything they dont like about him and go with that? if that counts but idk i still like dazai so i cant say that too much
for dgrp its the exact same situation with kokichi. they take his character, of which is incredibly complex, and dumb it down into the typical fandom woobification of "uwu baby who cant do anything wrong" LIKE!!! STOP!!! NO HE IS NOT!!! HE IS SO COMPLEX AND YOU'RE LIKING HIS CHARACTER FOR ALL THE WRONG REASONS!!! people that dont understand the complexity behind certain characters and are incapable of taking that as their blorbo and instead creating this silly incorrect version in their mind and making THAT their blorbo i just. thats not ur blorbo atp thats ur oc my guy
hazbin/helluva answers
9. worst part of canon
both of these shows are kinda not the best when it comes to being serious???? like there are some topics that shouldnt be joked about i feel like, and there are points in the shows that joke in relation to these topics. also theres not enough voxval but thats a criticism for another time
10. worst part of fanon
not even just the ships tbh, its liking any character thats either painted in a negative light or is just generally unpopular. the ships too but i could get to that another time. for EXAMPLE, me, i like valentino. a lot. he's one of my favorite characters. i feel like i cannot express the fact i love val because i will get called an ACTUAL rapist for saying it because "if you like val you condone his actions and thus are a rapist/terrible person/etc" when thats absolutely not at all how it works. i acknowledge that val is terrible, i understand that its bad, but i can still enjoy him as a character otherwise. his actions are what i dont like, ive never liked him (i actually hated him at first because of it but then i saw him being more silly in the series with vox and he grew on me), but you will actively get told to kys if you say that you even REMOTELY enjoy vals character
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
i have none for helluva but for hazbin i have four. three of which are for the sAME SHIP and one is another ship i dont like
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
MIMZYYYY dude she gets so much unnecessary hate. like, everyone sees her as annoying and terrible and i GUESS i can see where they're coming from but a. theyre in hell, everyone's terrible, b. people just see her as annoying because she interrupted hells greatest dad and they dont like that because they want their radioapple song or wtvr. i love her and no one can convince me otherwise
13. worst blorboficiation
ok THIS one i might actually be able to answer with the correct definition of blorboification. i feel like alastor gets way too much unnecessary love, and maybe thats just because i think hes too popular for being what he is but hes just not all that to me. like, hes a good character, yes, but some people like him to an extent that i feel like doesnt do him justice?? its like i said with uuuuuh the dgrp side of this question, they dumb down his character a lot and are just generally bad at making him ACCURATE to the point its irritating. (hey so yk how i said i could answer with the right definition of this i lied)
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cosplayprincess21 · 3 months
im so glad you appreciate moriarty too! i really hope the rest of the manga gets animated soon, cause it'd bring the fandom back!
anyways, i loved your aroace headcanons (thank you for them!) and was wondering 1. who your top three favorite characters are, and 2. do you have any headcanons for that character?
so top three favorite characters.
First and at the top is William. I feel thats such a basic answer but oh my gods do i love him and his whole "oh you're a rich asshole? ok time to suffer" mentality. I honestly do relate it to it hard as someone who is not the best off finanically and wants to make the world a better, i relate to him just a little to much. As for headcanons, one i have is that once a month he'll donate a good chunk of money to orphanges in need, since he himself was an orphan, and one who lived on the streets for a while, i can see him donating money to orphanages in need so the kids can have food and an education, toys and new clothes, and all the things needed to ensure they survive. Second is Iren Adler/James Bond. They are just such a fun character, i love how quick they are on their feet and how they just do not give a fuck about peoples opinions. I also love how when it comes to plans, they're just "ok bet". Not only do i personally headcanon them as non binary, or at the very least gender fluid, I just love how confident they are. Its the kind of confidence i want ngl Third has to be Sherlock. He is just so fucking chaotic its wonderful. I also love how he just saw William staring at a starecase and decided "thats it, this person can never escape me" he gives me the extroverted puppy to Williams introverted cat vibes if that makes sense? As for a headcanon i him as ADHD. I cant explain it, maybe its me being ADHD myself, but i can just see him as ADHD, its definitely one he masks, but the way he acts, the way his mind works, how he gets obsessed easily, it just screams ADHD to me. Anyways i hope you like these! if you're ever down to talk about more Moriarty The Patriot, please dont hesitate to send them in. I seriously love this series and am entering a rehyperfixation of it so i will happily talk about it whenever.
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fallenrain40 · 1 year
yip yip !!! <3
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Welcome to my blog! you can call me Autumn, Fallen, Wolf, or Dove! BEST FRENS BLOGS: @unofficial-crow @llama-li daily click reminder :3
main tags for organization!: #aroace foxes (self explanatory), #autumn's art (my art), #random posting or #random thoughts (tags I use for various things. they can be kind of spammy and venty so feel free to filter 'em out if you need to!, #coyote things (therian stuff), #others art (self explanatory), #lyrics posting (just me spamming lyrics from songs i like lol) :3 my toyhouse page is HERE my artfight page is HERE silly pronouns page is HERE sideblogs: @wolfwhisper-daily , @aroace-coyote , @misty-brightdawn-fans , @girlfluxjuno ... i have more but shhhhh 💫🌕✨ (updated 9/4/24) So yeah intro time! Pronouns: It/its atm. I'm aroacespec, genderfluid (greygender/nonbinary currently i guess?, also a ton of xenos bc i hoard them), and a coyote polytherian. also autistic and t1 diabetic so, yippee. and I probably have adhd, anxiety, and several other problems but we dont talk about that. other stuff I may post about include my interests: cartoons, fandom stuff, plushies, animal related video games, and therian stuff :3
🌟🌄🌟 my theriotypes: Coyote, Cryptid, Wolf/Werewolf, Cat (ragdoll and domestic shorthair). my fictionkin types: (Keeping these private for now) my otherkin types: Ghost. my heartypes: ??? questioning: Deer (Fawn??), Fox, Snow Leopard, Unicorn. Maybe another mythical creature as well. Probably several of my OCs. Possibly a storm, blizzard, and shadow conceptkin. Alien? Not all are listed here due to me being unsure enough to want to say anything about it. Also some are just a little odd. If some are removed, it does not mean I am not still questioning them, just not publicly.
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if you like any of my posts, I'd appreciate if you reblogged! <33
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bonus: inserting my main two sona's refs here- wolfwhisper on the left, autumn dove on the right.
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no-shxme · 2 months
Hi I saw you have TalEz on your won'ts for your commissions. Just curious can you explain why?
hi anon yEAH i can explain but like, to preface this, if you happen to like talez you're totally valid and dont feel like you have to dislike it or anything bc im gonna be a lil hater. people like what they like (and dislike what they dislike) and thats totally okay. this is just my own personal opinion. i wish i liked talez more bc its probably the most popular talon ship and im often starving, but i just dont and there's a couple reasons why.
i dont like the way its usually portrayed
im not the biggest ezreal fan.
imo there's better fits for both of them.
ugh this is going to be long so ill put it under the cut.
tbf, you dont NEED some complex reason to dislike a ship/character. like reason 2 is already enough for me to open and shut smth, but i do have complex thoughts about talez. and i am totally going to do a little hating below.
i think talez is so fucking anime that it lacks so much complexity. i dont really like anime. (i know thats a broad, loaded statement i just hate 99% of the tropes that pop up. not saying ive never enjoyed a shitty/tropy anime, but just--no) i think talez is broadly boiled down and portrayed by most fan-creators as 'edgy dark cloud + ball of sunshine' and i think thats so boring and lame for both of them. imo it reduces them to a really basic ship trope and there's nothing inherently WRONG with it, i just think its so boring. i look at popular fanworks and personally find it super reductive for both of them. it feels like talez happened bc at it's inception league needed an anime character ship. to be fair, you can reduce ANY ship to smth basic. talsett is just 'tall x short' but in comparison i think talsett has so much more complexity in theming. same with like, rhaayn for example. to me there's a lot more depth. i think the most depth you can get out of talez is related to ez's loss of family and talon's too + themes of belonging, but god. its not good enough.
talez is also usually portrayed romantically and i'm turbo aromantic and mostly romance repulsed and also hc talon as the same, so this already cuts out so much talez fanwork for me. :')
ALSO while we're at it, talon is such a bottom to me. even when he tops. and i hate him being portrayed as this like, idk, grim edgy SUPER TALL??? domineering top when he's like, as tall as katarina in the comic and was prolly malnourished bc he lived on the streets for years. tbh i would automatically like talez more if they were BOTH shortasses and switches as god intended. but noooo. i think if i literally just saw/read more ez topping talon then i'd be automatically more on board. but id also need an aromantic angle so its literally never happening.
i think when ezreal gets paired with talon both of their personalities get so fucked. his ass is not cuddling. ezreal is not some weak damsel or master of seduction either. i think a problem that not just talez creators but like, creators in general suffer from is erasing bad traits that characters have, unless they're 'cute.' talon has some cute bad traits, but he also has some seriously bad traits that loving or being loved wont fix. and ezreal is just reduced SO bad. so talez feels inherently ooc to me. fandom has done a number on him. there's nothin left in the pot. i think being with talon (in canon) is such an uphill battle and most of the time i dont see ezreal equipped to handle it in comparison to other people.
i dont really like ezreal. i think i've already made that clear before. he's fun to play and i like him on a surface level and ive got friends that really like him and thats totally fine but idk he's just not my blorbo. the only time i really like him is when he's with aphelios, where somehow my dislike of both characters cancel out. maybe i dont have room for him because i like talon too much, who knows. either way, often times when talez fanworks are created the focus is actually just on ezreal, and that annoys me as an ezreal disliker. (fanwork creators can create whatever the fuck they want ofc, godspeed do what makes you happy)
and my third point: there's better fits for both of them. i like ezphel and ezkayn more than talez. i think in canon there's a good chance talon might genuinely kill him. or ezreal might really overwhelm him and drive him away with his outward facing personality. and frankly there's a good chance ezreal also goes away bc talon is bad news and also doesn't have the charisma to keep him there. and ofc for talon i think talsett is the ultimate fit, or even talshan is right there.
THAT BEING SAID. i don't mind talez AS much if there's a third, though we still run into some of the same issues as above. like ive written talezsett before. thats nice! talezlux is okay too even if,, completely unfeasible... (i have strong opinions im sorry. as a crack ship its fun i think)
blah blah. i think i could like talez but i would have to write it myself. thats what it boils down to. there are ideas/concepts i like about them. ive juggled the idea of putting a talez fic on my to do list but i just dont think i'll write it in any way that actual talez fans would like, which means there's no point in writing it at all. i've plotted several, long and short, but i think everyone would hate it. talez isn't a strict 'won't write.' iirc it specifically says like: 'unless the idea goes hard' but no ones tried me pfppf, and im fine with it i guess.
there's more i can say but like, i dont want this to be too long.
the important thing to remember is that if you like talez... GOOD. im happy for you!! keep loving it, godspeed. these are just my personal reasons it doesnt click with me.
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