#but its for a fandom thats been dying for years
currently in Hyperfixation Limbo (not wanting to do anything unless it relates to the current hyperfixation but not actually wanting to do anything pertaining to the source material)
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bare1ythere · 6 months
Seeing all of your fandom friends start to move out of that interest and do other things has always been a bit painful for me but in my current fandom specifically its 10x worse because for every person that leaves NO ONE comes to replace their space. It just gets quieter and quieter and one day I think no one will be here anymore
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mantisgodsdomain · 8 months
Coming to Fun Realizations here as we scroll the BF Ao3 tag. The Bug Fables fandom on here... has genuinely gotten a whole lot less hostile since we first joined up? Like, it might just be that we're either blocked or been blocked by everyone who's started shit, but it's genuinely gotten a LOT nicer to be here in the years since we've joined.
We look at the Archive, and we see stuff that would've sparked up a whole shitshow and a bunch of vagueposts over nothing only a year or so ago just... passing without comment.
It's one of those things where we have to sit for a moment and wonder, like... some of our usual patterns of behavior to try and avoid discourse might be unnecessary. We've said shit we're accustomed to getting us at least one person getting mad in our comments or replies and it's passed with nothing. We haven't seen a bad faith take in the tag for months! It's a bit weird to realize!
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thompsborn · 11 months
me, 30 minutes ago: its 1 am and i should sleep <3
me, immediately after: refreshes tumblr, decidedly does not go to sleep
#i say this like its funny haha#but tbh it is mostly because i am so fucking. Devastated about the horrible shit happening to palestinians#i saw so many videos and pictures today of such horrible things that they’re suffering through right now#and im seeing it through a screen from my safe little bubble in my house and its still destroying me emotionally and mentally#i cant imagine the fear and horror they must be feeling in gaza#and the fact that they have probably felt this fear and horror for a very long time because of israel’s ethnic cleansing of their people#im in such a privileged position and the least i can do is spread awareness and i donated what i could and i have plans to reach out to my l#local government and encourage them to speak up and condemn the genocide of palestine and im looking for local protests and shit like#im gonna do what i can but i know i cant do enough as just a singular individual with low social impact and not a lot of money#but i’ll still do what i can no matter what#i wouldnt be able to live with myself knowing i sat back and said nothing while the palestinians suffered so much#which honestly i already did because i wasn’t educated about it prior to this past week and thats entirely my fault#i mean partially i know its western civilization not showing the horrors that israel has committed but i try to stay in the loop on things#and try to be aware of things happening in the world and i failed to become aware of this before now#i could have been doing more for years to try and spread awareness for palestine and i never did and i wish i could go back and change that#but i cant#but what i CAN do is speak up now that i know and spread awareness and refuse to let palestine go down without a fight#sorry this is a fandom sideblog i know ive been posting a lot on my main blog and i do need to go to bed and whatever#its just hard to sleep knowing that as i sit here safe and comfortable in my bed there are children families innocent people dying in gaza#and the world is actively and successfully trying to paint palestine as the bad guys#its fucking awful and despicable
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tsurangaconundrum · 8 months
panem dash simulator
peeniss4everlark Follow
officialsenecacrane Follow
me when i lie
districtfun Follow
i heard from my uncle who works at hunger games that they're only pulling from everlark shippers when they do the quarter quell
thats funny because when i was fucking your uncle last night he told me they're only pulling from bitchy district one stans
catohead69 Follow
we poppin the biggest bottles when cato wins
catohead69 Follow
theeclove Follow
okay but is anyone else pissed how the district 11 guy literally did favoritism for late districts or what
the careers literally did an alliance r u fucking kidding me i hope u get reaped
clearly SOMEBODY doesnt understand the strategy of the games
career-sweep Follow
PLEASE tag your hunger games spoilers. this is literally common sense the games have been going on for 74 years you should know better by now
#hunger games spoilers #SOOO pissed rn theres never been a live announcement and now i found out from fucking everlarks
maytheodds Follow
Yes I'm a 30 yr old hunger games watcher. I've been watching kids die since you were in diapers. You have NO idea the tragedies I've endured. Hunger games is escapism for many of us when I come home from a long day of logging the last thing I need is for some 13 yr old tribute dying in a high stakes competition that we ALL knew was high stakes starting a riot and destroying all the nations grain
lmao. get a load of this guy
girlalcoholic Follow
haymitch stans rise tf up
#yes girl get that salve #i would fuck that old man
cinnagirl3000 Follow
i wld nvr survive in thg fr baby im killing myself
#thnk goddddd im cap 😁 #i woulda stepped tf off that platform cinna its been an honor
caeserflickerwoman Follow
does anyone else think it was fucked that peeta invaded ceasar's space when he CLEARLY wasn't comfortable with being SNIFFED by a STRANGER
fuck you this is clearly so fucking capitol-centric no one in the capitol would ever be comfortable with any districtperson doing ANYTHING these days. it is capitol-boot-licking scum like you that holds the movement back. get BLOCKED idiot
butchjohanna Follow
Just something I've noticed I think we as a fandom have gotten WAY too comfortable using the phrase "get reaped" as an insult, when it's a very serious reality that many children live with and should not be taken this lightly. Some people online have had to put their names in more for necessities like bread or water and the absolute terror that grips a person waiting for their name to be called doesn't leave you even in adulthood. Please think before you speak
#many of you are not acting in a way that johanna would be proud of. get it together #reaping mention
starcrossedluvrs Follow
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once again asking the bsd fandom to use half a fucking brain cell and realize that atsushi not getting over 18 years of trauma after not being in the place where his trauma took place for a few weeks is not a sign of poor writing or him being “whiny” its literally only been weeks/months after a life time of abuse
yall fuckers will get inconvenienced and not get over it for hours or days, will go through break ups, toxic friends, etc etc and take months and years to get over it but god forbid it takes atsushi a bit longer than a few months to get over a lifetime of trauma and abuse
and the excuse thats he’s whiny doesnt fucking work becuz he’s literally not —- he doesnt compare his trauma to other ppl’s, he doesnt bring it up unprovoked, he doesn’t think hes suffered the most out of all people , he’s actually healing and moving on at a faster pace than the average person
bringing me to my next point, characters like aku telling him the past is unrelated to who he is, or dazai telling him to cry after the headmaster’s death arent telling him to hurry uo and move on, aku’s giving atsushi permission/encouragement that eventually atsushi /can/ move in, and that he’s more than what the orphanage and headmaster made him (as in abusing atsushi to do good didnt solely define who he is, his identity goes beyond the abuse) and dazai is allowing him to cry and express his complicated emotions at his guardian/abuser dying when atsushi is unsure on how to deal with it
atsushi is the mc so we get his ptsd flashbacks but if ur gonna bitch about atsushi not moving on, keep the same fucking energy for other characters
aku hasnt moved on, dazai hasnt moved on, none of them r fully healed its a fucking manga about characters starting to heal where the fuck r basic elementary reading comprehension skills
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baby-xemnas · 5 months
I love so much that “Bepo is Law’s weakness” is arguably canon. It’s not “Law’s weakness is cute things” like some ppl in fandom try to say since Law is pretty visibly unaffected by Chopper, little kids, all the standard “cute things” in OP. It’s literally just Bepo and his cuteness that has an effect on Law, and we see it in reaction to Bepo going “🥺” when Bepo was sick, letting Bepo hug him all the time, taking Bepo to Uta concert only bc he knows Bepo wants to go, etc. LawBepo is such a perfect ship, massively underrated ship frfr 🩷🩷🩷🩷
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there is this very good compilation pic from @/daily_trafalgar on twitter with a caption "law's reaction to cute things"
you mean barely a reaction
and then there is Bepo
Bepo is special he is spoiled and coddled and can do anything he wants with barely a word from Law. i do think Law is good with kids but Bepo is a grown man - his best friend
and as much as some lawbepo non-shippers want to see them as parent and child -you dont see someone YOU grew up with. YOU were children at the same time with - and grew up alongside each other as a CHILD. You just don't see them as that, it's nonsense. Yes he is like law's little brother but not a child
(i call him Law's baby like 20 times a day but that's in a way that a cute girlfriend is "baby")
Saying all this to say that "oh Law is weak to Bepo's cuteness because he is like Law's baby" (implying child) or even worse = when people call him a pet They grew up together - 4 year difference is forgotten about -you are peers - yes of course Bepo is both subordinate and looks up to Law as an stronger smarter leader etc. but thats not a parental dynamic at all.
its a very serious, rational and collected guy and his favorite guy who he spoils in big and little ways and have been spoiling him their whole lives...
i love that Law saved Bepo from getting his ass beat and dying alone and brought him home and they just stayed in that dynamic their whole life and both became adults but this "Bepo is precious and weak af and i love him" pretty much didn't change.
and Bepo is so comfortable with it. novel was Law focused so it never gave Bepo an "I'LL TO PROVE MYSELF TO YOU THAT YOU DONT HAVE TO PROTECT ME ALL THE TIME I CAN HOLD MY OWN" arc - and that would make sense for his character if there was time/desire to focus on him but because of those constraints Bepo bypassed that and i kinda love it? (you can call it another of many copes of mine idc) but him NOT having a standart "little brother" arc is awesome, Bepo is very comfortable in his role and when he speaks its always
"I'll do my best for you and help where i can because you are so amazing" there is zero of his own ego. He is comfortable in his "lower rank" role, he doesn't strive to be Law's equal he knows he can't be! Law san is the greatest!!
Law is happy with it too because he is a protector in nature (look at his bigass crew ;-;♥) so bepo being HAPPY to be protected makes him happy too. It makes Law feel strong and good, it plays on his ego in a positive way being looked up to and sought out as a protector - yes it's pressure (that Bepo does his best to elevate) but it's not negative and Law takes it happily, it's good to feel needed. And it all started with Bepo and they preserved that - Law is always strong and cool leader and protector and Bepo is always UUUU CAPTAIN 🥺😭🥺😭🥺😭
they are the best and i love them so much it's such a special dynamic and it makes Law's character so much better
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another fic of mine woah 😩
fandom; house md
can be interpreted as non slah or slah between house/wilson
summery; wilson is dying, being taken care of a person. but wilson cant remember who they are.
word count; 1.3k
tw; major character death.
a/n: i dont have ao3 so it shall not be put up on there. if it is notify me, ill say if i have given permission as if someone asks i probably will say yes.
this was based on the song "rises the moon - liana flores"
rises the moon.
days seem sometimes as if they'll never end.
its august. the 20th if we're being exact. coming to the close of summer and the opening of autumn, usually being my favourite time of the year. cozy sweaters, warm socks and scarfs, the perfect weather. usually sunny with a nice breeze. well, i wish i could enjoy it. instead, im stuck in bed, my breathing laboured and my body shaking. though, this year, summer was my favourite.. june. i really enjoyed that, when i could walk without aid and just, enjoy life. ever since mid july, ive been deteriorating quicker than an abandoned building, which has been agonising. i want the pain to go away, please. it hurts..
but i dont want to die.
from the bedroom, i hear the singing voice again, a soothing melody. their voice smooth and deep. i sigh softly, it being a sort of comfort for me, knowing at least someone was there and i wasn't alone. their humming and muffled singing drowns out the continuous beeping of the heart monitor besides me. they had stolen the machine after faking being ill in a walk-in clinic, once the doctor had done to complain to the dean about them being an ass, they smuggled the monitor and brought it back. the good ol' days hm? that day was probably the most ive complained and laughed for a long, long time.
a mass than sat on the bed, the weight shifting slightly on the mattress. i ket out an involuntary groan, my back being slightly unsupported.
"hey, i made some broth for you.. its 1, and i think you should at least try and drink it for me," they murmured.
the bowl, of what i assume was broth, was set down on the small table besides me. soon enough, long, lanky arms were wrapped around my middle, gently pulling me up to sit up. wait.. what time did they say again.. 1 was it? only.. 1?
the sun digs its heels to taunt you.
the rim of the bowl was scarcely pressed to my lips, the bowl being slightly hot. i signal them to tip it a little so i can take a sip. and so i do. and holy shit..
thats fucking amazing.
the warm, soupy liquid runs down my throat, a sort of feeling i dont get that often, especially being warm. the way he flavours mix together is phenomenal, the spices and the subtle beef. its flavourful, but not enough to freak my taste buds out, which happens all too often now.
"is it okay?" they ask, their voice soft and gentle.
i hum with a slight nod.
but after sunlit days, one thing stays the same:
rises the moon.
days fade into a watercolour blur.
its been.. maybe a week? my sense of time is so off, it could be a week for a few days.. lets say its been a few days - to make me feel better. im now slipping in and out of consciousness, which is concerning in itself. i dont know how long im out for at a time. theyve been becoming more and more worried about me. i mean, there was always an elephant in the room, hell even when i was first diagnosed. but, the elephant has been growing larger and larger than before, making it hard to ignore. we have to adress it sometime.
but its hard to breathe.
then im awoken by a coughing fit.
it shakes my whole body, racking everything as i shut my eyes tight, desperately trying not to wake them up behind me. but, of course they woke up, they always do. i tried to savour the two, lanky but muscular arms around my abdomen, as they were warm and comforting, but soon, all i could feel was pain.
"are you okay?" they ask, their voice still a bit groggy from sleep.
i hum, my voice still hoarse even though i barely made a sound.
this just reminds me of them, i swear something to do with an infarction to the leg. but i cant quite remember.. or remember them.. their face is slightly recognisable, but not by a lot at all. my memorys been wracked up.. pisses me off, i wanna know whos caring for me. i wanna thank them, using their name, recogising their face.
memories swim up and haunt me.
"hmm.. mm!" i hum, trying to catch their attention.
they run over, quickly turning me on my side and holding the bucket to my mouth. i start to cry as i retch, vomiting harshly into the bucket, they rub my back gently, mumbling words of encouragement and reassurance softly to me. finally, i stop. glancing down at the small puddle of bile and saliva, i frown slightly.
look into the lake, shimmering like smoke.
i look into their eyes. my, coffee like brown into their, ocean like blue. scared and helpless meet concerned and determined. they run their skinny, pianist fingers through my frail hair. they always wanted to care for me, secretly.
rises the moon.
"close your weary eyes, i promise you that soon the autumn comes to darken faded summer skys." they pause for a moment. "breathe, breathe, breathe."
almost immediately after hearing that, i start to cry, just a full on breakdown. they quickly embrace me, wrapping their arms around my middle. i dig my face into theit shoulder, tears still rolling down my pastey cheeks. its nice.
oh to be hugged like this again.
days pull you down just like a sinking ship.
its been a day? maybe.. i dunno anymore. it might've been 2, 3, 4 a week, who knows - not me thats fot sure. it might be september now, i last remember it was august, that seems like yesterday. them, my carer, whatever, i dont know their name anymore. i dont know who they are, i cant see.. its all blurry and fuzzy, so is my memory. i cant remember the last time i ate..
floating is getting harder.
"im sorry.." they mumble, their voice snapping me out of my thoughts - though it was barely above a whisper.
their thin fingers run through my hair again, gently letting it fall between the gaps and repeating.
oh, i forgot to mention, i also cant speak.. or breathe for that matter. i think the tumor - or tumors more like - have begun to press against my trachea and esophagus, making his hard to both eat and breathe. wheezing has become a normal, daily routine.
considering my condition,
i have tonight,
and thats it.
because of my fate, i keep repeating a phrase i once said to a child as they went through chemo. they had no parents, i was the best thing they had..
but thread the water, child, and know that meanwhile: rises the moon.
days pull you up just like a daffodil.
its the next day, i think. its really hard to just think. the weezings gotten worse, i feel awful, like horrendous. its awful... maybe i am ready to die. i can just subtly feek them holding my fraile hand, stroking their thumb over my knuckles. only barely. im scared, terrified more like. i dont even know who they are, but im scared for them.. they'll miss me definitely. what will they do when im gone? i dont know..
uprooted from its garden.
once again, i feel consciousness slip from underneath me. which is normal, very. but this wasn't normal.. i could still hear.
"they'll tell you what you owe," they mumble. "but know even so, rises the moon."
i try to smile, a small twinge of my lips. but nothing happens. i try to tell them i love them, but again, nothing happens.
"you'll be visited by sleep. i promise that the autumn comes to steal away each dream you keep." they choke back a sob.
"breathe, breathe, breathe." houses voice sobs.
they're house.
but its too late to tell him i love him.
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smooodles · 3 months
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good evening daet fandom. anyway i was going through my old scribbles and i found these that i did about a year ago.. where i thought about what a sequel to dust could look like: an unstable dust having to fight his other halves for control a lot more than in the first game. i think i posted a little bit about it a long time ago but i figured i'd post these too.
i just keep coming back to this little blue guy. its been over 10 years now i can't escape. for more ramblings go below the cut
i like the idea of jin when he shows up is a bit more.. like. not as willing to get things done and is a bit more of a pushover. like he was kind and willing to help but the extreme he was pushed to in order to avenge his parents is more of an exception and not the rule OR if you're not a fan of that jin interpretation i could see he over-corrects in his interactions with other people in fear of slipping into the person he became when he lost his village. plus if he gets angry he fears thats when cass can wrestle control from him and dust
cass is aggressive. he's angry. he lost the one person he probably cares about in this world and he plans to make it everyone's problem. fortunately ahrah has a mind of his own and whenever cass tries to use him in a way that's not self-defense he can just. stop in midair and cass can't do shit.
that doesn't mean dust never shows up, he just has less of a wrestle on the two souls than he had before because of the whole dying thing. it gets exhausting managing his emotions and two entirely unique souls yknow? him and jin do kind of team up to keep cassius from yknow. killing people but jin also doesn't have dust or cass's strength so in life-threatening situations he's kind of useless. and i think dust has a lot of strength and is resilient but he can only handle so much and he's one of three sharing a body. its probably mentally and physically exhausting.
anyway sorry if you read this far its almost 2 am and i dont really feel like proofreading too much. if u like this maybe i'll draw more and if you wanna send some asks about it you can
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rewritingcanon · 8 months
[jegulily] worse than jegulus but somehow less annoying idk how to explain it
dude this is so real! like it's hard to explain but it captures those feelings perfectly. like it is worse in a sense that it directly romantically connects an oppressed woman with her oppressor and that's gross, but it's also less annoying because of how fandom acts, they at least try to act like they don't completely erase Lily? I guess? so it's more palatable to 'see' rather than the complete erasure or demonization or downgrading that happens with jegulus, though you can still tell that she's treated like a third wheel and the lesser one in that poly and the only posts you see about the ship not working cause one of them feels like they don't fit in are always about Lily lol. but in the end both still bad in a sorta same way, cause they both only serve one character, Regulus irrelevant Black and that's it, they only exist for one character, cause neither James or Lily or their fans gain anything from these ships, they're both deliriously happy with each other and don't give a flying crap about the new twink of the month and don't 'need' him in their ships. yet still one of those camps is at least trying to fight the misogyny allegations while the other is just blatantly misogynistic.. so like there are layers and levels to the badness and annoyance here lmfao
im literally dying over “regulus irrelevant black” and “new twink of the month” because thats exactly how these new death eater babygirls feel to me all the time and we seriously need to retire the image. and i really said “idk how to explain it” and then you came and explained it perfectly.
it sucks because i do wish there was more love for polyamorous ships in fandom in general but did the popular had to have been jegulily?? youre also completely right about how jegulily shippers (from what i’ve seen) are mostly regulus fans, because the whole ship does seem to center around him in some way. it’s so funny how often lily would feel shoved into the ship absentmindedly when in reality the third wheel would be regulus. and there would be a third wheel in this scenario because canon lily and canon james wouldnt want to touch regulus within a ten foot pole. lily, who dumped her childhood best friend over his prejudices against muggles/muggleborns (that extended years of her having to look the other way) would want to voluntarily put herself in a relationship that could so much as entail the same sort of bullshit. james, who joined a whole ass war to defend the rights of the oppressed and had probs a million bitching sessions with sirius over how shitty his family was (including regulus) would want to date said character? mmm uh huh okay. fanon is getting out of control its time we curb stomp a lot of it.
ive yapped too much too long im not gonna even get into the jegulus part. it makes me too maddddd
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suffarustuffaru · 6 months
If you don't mind me asking but when did you first get into re:zero
yeah i dont mind at all :o ig yallre gonna hear my full origin story now haah. its my—my… ok id say tragic backstory but i dont think this is really that tragic LMAO. my humorous backstory? silly backstory?
anyway i got into rezero in summer of 2020!! this was months before s2 started airing and by around this time there was just s1, s1 directors cut may or may not have been out?? i forgor :<, but then s2’s first teaser came out right about now.
it was quarantine…. i was bored one day and wanted smth new to watch… and by then id only really briefly seen rezero—like you know that s1 promo poster with subaru standing there while surrounded by some of the main girls in s1 (beatrice felt emilia rem ram)?? yeah id seen that. in the back of my mind i kinda assumed the show was just another one of those abt a dude surrounded by his harem of girls or smth?? :< but then i learned the Real Premise is the time travel. via death!!!! and ive always loveddd angst and whump so i was like “NO FUCKING WAY I HIT THE JACKPOT” and eagerly looked into rezero some more to see if it was worth watching. and then i saw all the shit reviews on rz that never seemed to agree on if it was good or not…… and then gigguk’s video…… and then i saw mother’s basement on youtube make a defense of rezero s1 and i was like!!! ok fuck it im watching this show. i want the angst i want the complex time travel shit. i think id spoiled myself on a couple of subarus deaths by this point trying to decide if i should commit to rezero and then i started binge watching s1!! esp when i was like ok this is a good time to get into it s2 was announced right??
anyway i got hooked on rezero fr 👍👍 the first s1 emisuba lap pillow had me quaking in my boots ;-;;; and i was already invested from ep1 bc i liked the characters a lot already!!! i am simply BUILT DIFFERENT i loved subaru from day one!!! by the royal selection episodes ofc i was dying of secondhand embarrassment but tbh i grew even more invested in rezero after that!! i was and still am super impressed that the narrative had the balls to have subaru fuck up sooo so so bad there. like seeing that emisuba argument and the julisuba duel for the first time was crazyyy. the conflict was really good and the latter s1 development…. woagh.
and then you know i finish s1 and i immediately get to researching how to read, i read arc 4’s wn and bawl my eyes out from the sheer amount of rollercoaster both the emotions and Long Ass Novel gave me (yes i was bawling my eyes out at parent and child) (yes i was bawling my eyes out at choose me) (yes i was bawling my eyes out for all the suffering loops) (yes i was bawling) (i have no clue how i read all those pages fr like that arc is massive), i speedrun arc 5, i accidentally spoil certain bits for myself (arc 6 stuff), i read most of arc 6 in spurts, tune in every week for s2 (and bawled my eyes out seeing the s2 part 1 op for the first time) etc etc!! one thing lead to another and now i am here…….. three yrs in this fandom… nearly (?) a yr being active on rezero tumblr… HAH
also i made a reddit account back inn…. 2020 or 2021 bc i wanted to be a tinyyy bit active in rezero reddit (this was half a mistake btw. i think i have more balls of steel now but my younger self was sooooo naive. shaking them by the shoulders. this is an anime fandom!!!!!! and this is reddit!!! whatre u expecting???? i am less shy now on the internet thats for sure!!). anyway im still a tiny bit active on rz reddit now after not touching it for like a year. now i use my reddit account for spreading otto propaganda and slander /lh …../hj
but anyway ive never been active in fandoms until rezero and thats bc id usually lurk and a lot of my past hyperfixation medias were :< big fandoms :<<< but then. ok im a fanfic enjoyer and i didnt write much fanfic or publish fic at all before this fandom but then in 2020 after watching s1 i checked rezero’s ao3 page and *sniffles* *sobs* thERE WAS ONLY LIKE 2 PAGES ON THERE MAN….. A WHOLE DESERT…. yes and then one thing lead to another and now there is more fic and also ig id be considered an english fic writer elder maybe…… i started posting in like fall/winter 2020? and maaaan im one of the only ppl from that era whos still posting i think!!! ive seen the entire english fanfic scene pop up!! ive participated in a bunch of community events… sooo wild to think about. i feel old guys!!!
but now i have gotten more and more active in the rz fandom yes :3 its been fun!! rezero is very important media to me and ive met lots of cool people in my time here :) when october 2024 rolls around itll be s3 time (AAAAA HYPE HYPE HYPE) and like four yrs of me being in this fandom?? its wild but my lifes genuinely changed a lot bc of me getting into rezero!! met lots of cool people… made pals… gotten my writing and art out there and improved on it via. large amounts of rezero fanart HAH.. became more unhinged.. etc etc :D even got to meet one of my buddies i met via rezero irl 👍👍 more irl crossover events will happen i swear.
also gigguk in my eyes redeemed himself for his old rezero skit vid by making a glowing review for rezero s2 with his pals. i can forgive him i suppose :<<<
in conclusion: idk if i count as a fandom elder but i sure have a lot of my own fandom lore pfft :<<<
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latenightfoxhunt · 8 months
I feel like trigun maximum just hit that perfect sweet spot of bad DID representation done right. like yes the classic small system, blackout split, with one of them being the stereotypical crazy murderer but there's more to trimax before and after their introduction thats so important. they took all of the DID villain movie tropes, put them in a dying word + a murder cult, and shouted the same thing they've been shouting at everyone for the past 80 chapters: THEY'RE STILL HUMAN, THEY DESERVE A FUTURE!! the same volume they introduce him in is the same volume they get thrown on their redemption arc, because it wasn't DID that was his problem it was their abuser and the thing he made them do. trimax just hits you over the head with all the themes with one character and they're well written and well loved in the rest of the series. they get a cowboy hat and they both purse the cowboy way! the main take away wasn't that razlo needs to be put in a cage, it was hey this protector is trying his best, he has his own emotions, be kind to him. it was really refreshing to see in media and I didn't expect it to come from this.
im afraid that trigun stampede is going to miss the mark. not in a sense that I think they're going to change the ending, but how the story is building up is different. we haven't been shown several instances of the average joe having to kill for personal gain to survive on no man's land, so it makes livio and razlo feel like an individual crazed threat looming over the horizon. it also leans into the horror of episode 6 and 7 and ends up having a demonizing way of depicting disassociation. when wolfwood is in the cell pleading for him and livios just standing there with his eye mysteriously glowing, it gives me the ick. not that there can't be a narrative where both livios and wolfwoods feelings are being recognized in a meaningful way, its more that there's too much time given to ruminate in wolfwoods pov, that the audience is going to see them as threatening longer duration. manga readers know whats coming but a majority of viewers do not. [I did absolutely enjoyed wolfwood pulling him out of disassociation with smell the smell of smoke and calmly saying wake up old friend, it melted my heart. I also thought it was funny when livio shot himself but thats just me and a whole other tangent lmao]
do I think this is going to be better when the series is finished and everyone has all of the pieces? yes, absolutely. its just that the years inbetween their redemption undos what made trimaxs good
TLDR: trimax makes you feel like a fucking idiot for even doubting for a chapter that they were going to stray from their core theme of "everyone deserves a future" just because these guys are a DID system with blood on their hands. meanwhile tristamp finds its faults in the time it takes to get livio and razlo to their redemption arcs because it paints them to be a looming threat more than 2 dudes in a lot of pain.
other systems in the trigun fandom please tell me your thoughts + we should be friends
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starfruitsaturn · 2 months
Okay so, i haven’t posted about Underverse on this account despite being a fan of it for a while, but i just wanted to talk about it being canceled for a second
First of all, the show being canceled gives you no right to send any hate to Jakei, we were lucky enough to get the series in the first place, and any hate they get over wanting to stop the series only PROVES THEIR POINT ON WHY THEY WANTED TO STOP IT. Yes im disappointed to, I’ve been fixated on this for a really long time, and its sad to see it end, but you guys have got to have some sympathy.
Also jakei is definitely not wrong for this fandom being toxic as fuck, people are constantly just spreading hate to others, and overall, it just seems like in this fandom some people just enjoy being problematic. While i do not believe the majority of the fandom is like this, it still is enough to cause an impact to someone. This is just my opinion, but it shouldn’t matter if any of the AU’s are portrayed in a way that you don’t like or find “canon” these are all AU’s of a fucking indie game that came out years ago, why does it bother you that much? People are allowed to have fun and be creative with the AU’s (which in my opinion is the beauty of them, just getting to see everyone’s creativity) Also, to me Jakei didn’t even do a bad job writing the characters (but of course that’s just my view on it)
And for anyone complaining that “this will be the end of the Underverse and Undertale fandom as a whole” 1. Wtf? 2. No it won’t, while the series might be coming to an end, it dosen’t mean the fandom will, there are plenty of fan works and others series that have come out of Underverse or just the AU’s as a whole, wether thats fanart, fanfiction, comics, merch, and more. This isn’t the end of the fandom as long as people are still in it to keep it alive, there are plenty of other shows that ended that still have a fandom, why should this be an exception? Also claiming that this will bring down the Undertale fandom as a whole is just dumb. Even if the Undertale fandom isn’t as active as it was in the late 2010’s, doesn’t mean the fandom ever died. Sure i would agree that with Underverse being an ongoing series, it might’ve helped contribute to people staying in the fandom, but they’re plenty of people still in the Undertale fandom who don’t like Underverse or any of the AU’s.
Basically, Jakei, i hope you take a well needed break and step away from this fandom, you deserve it after some of the shit that had happened, I’m sorry and I hope your mental health improves.
Underverse fans, please chill out, you have no right to claim your fandoms dying or send any kind of hate or threats to the creator for wanting to step away from a problem that you caused.
Okay, I’m done talking now, sorry for yapping about this so much, i don’t actually expect anyone to read this-
(Also sorry for any bad grammar or anything, I’m kinda dumb and don’t feel like reading back through this)
Anyway, remember to take care of yourself 🫶
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olderthannetfic · 9 months
Re: https://www.tumblr.com/olderthannetfic/738859016693874688/why-do-some-popular-things-have-such-small & the person who replied to it in Another ask about Slay The Princess --
This answer was a facinating read as someone currently in the James Cameron's Avatar fan space -- i was only 8/9 when the first movie came out, and wasnt very into fandom Yet, but around the early 2010's when i Did get into it and went looking, there was almost Nothing to be found (and the few that Did exist were either short character studies written by some of the smartest people on the planet or troll fics), less than a 1,000 Total in the media tag on ao3 iirc?? And i remember feeling Fine with that, for the exact readon you both mentioned -- the first Avatar is a very well rounded film, no matter what everyone cares to say about it. It was Written to be a stand alone film, and bc JC is good at what he does, that Worked, and there truly wasnt much to write fic about besides Extreme au shenanigans or a few theoretic between-scenes, you know the type.
Then the second movie came out Last year and then the Game came out THIS and the fandom has just. Exploded. It's almost funny because so many of the younger fans, who were in it for x readering with the Sully kids, keep complaining about how "the fandom is dying 😭😭" in the tags the past few months and i just have to stare at it like pal just because we're not still shooting metaphorical fireworks about how much we loved the sequel and game doesnt mean we've all Moved On 😩 Im still Diligently mpregging the resurrected villain in my new longform crack fic thats probably going to be finished around the time the 5th movie comes out. Wee child you must Power through with us. Increase Your Fandom Stamina 💪😎🏃‍♂️!!!
But yeah it's just been Extremely interesting seeing how drastically things have changed, going from that completed, hard-to-write Wholeness from how compact the first film was vs the Flood of worldbuilding and lore and new characters we've been given (and have yet to Get, there may be some evil f/f fics beyond the horizon...) and how much the Sequel has contributed in the process of making Avatar easier to enjoy Casually, rather than as a "stereotypical", "extreme" strawman'd Avatar fan of yor (our elders who i respect most vehemently, for their help in understanding and writing the Na'vi conlang in all our fics 💪❤).
Even though the canon movies have a lot of problems, ive been luckiy enough to see the Fandom do what its always done best -- ive met wonderful people and Incredible artists while the life experience + background knowledge who can flesh out the areas of the concept that JamCam has yet to delve into, for whatever reasons he claims to have, and ive And others have felt moved enough by it all to start writing our Own incredibly self indulgent and sincere stories, within the same framework! Bc good lord it really is a sandbox. The moment you start diving into all the Implications of Avatar's universe, how the RDA is run, how Eywa works, etc etc etc.... jesus. ive lost so many hours of sleep reading real academic papers on Actual xenobiology (yes its a real thing, it both is And isnt what you think it is) for these movies, its nuts.
So some days like Now i just have to sit here like. Wow. We built this house And made it a home. and its Awesome. these asks made me want to gush about it 🥰 thats all! tysm!! Love this blog SO much, keep up the great work n have an awesome day everyone!!!
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non-plutonian-druid · 9 months
✨ Fic Writing Review 2023 ✨
thanks for the tag @littlerit!!!
Words and fics
I posted a tua oneshot Grace Through The Doorway In Time
and thats it!
ok rit i know you did say i should adjust it for art, i just thought it would be funny to do that first.
✨ Art Making Review 2023 ✨
Posted Art oh god
I kicked off the year by drawing Five and Lila in silly outfit submissions [1] [2] [3]
Delores as a mermaid in a crumbling ruin
Lemony Snicket au - Ben tied up in a closet
Redraw of a S3 promo poster
Five and Lila in that bathtub phone call x files scene
Tarot series - Death
Paranatural au - [1] [2] [3] [4]
Celebratory aroace Barbie
Comic fanart for alephnaught's fic Theory of Quantum Superposition
Five definitely just murdered someone with a chainsaw
Tarot Series bonus - Ten of Swords
Tarot Series - Judgement
Five and Lila run into each other for 0.2 seconds at the Commission water cooler
Baby Azula Mai and Ty Lee as centaurs
TUA centaur au - [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
Girl being abducted by a kelpie WIP
The Ben dying drawing that tumblr ate for some reason
Lemony Snicket au - the comic
OTGW au - Fei and Sloane
trick or treat WIPS: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [12] [13]
Voltron Gravity Falls au comic
OTGW au - Diego and Ben hide from Five
Paranatural au round 2 - [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Top Art By Notes
(probably the closest parallel to kudos is likes, but trying to figure that out feels hard)
s3 promo poster redraw - 840 notes
Death tarot card - 319 notes
bathtub x files scene - 273 notes
the first paranatural au post - 242 notes
Theory of Quantum Superposition fanart comic - 239 notes
Fandom Events 2023
@tua-masked-author !!!
Upcoming 2024
i joined the murderbot diaries new years gift exchange! so ill be making a gift for that!
i have an installment of the lemony snicket au that i think i finished like two years ago and never posted. i should proooobably post it
also, i did just finish a different installment of the lemony snicket au that yall can look forward to!
im either done or almost done with another short paranatural au comic
i will try to finish the tarot series. or failing that. ill try to at least make additions to it
im working on a post with regular canon five (doing this made me realize its been a MINUTE since i posted art of regular canon five. ive abandoned my boy) playing with mr pennycrumb
i have Another finished thing but im waiting for something else to be posted first. i dont actually have to, i just want to outsource having to write context
Rules and tags below the cut!
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass, just keep on scrolling.
i dont know how many people I'm supposed to tag but! @destinyandcoins @darbydoo22 @ford-ye-fiji @grammarpedant @blessphemy trying to mind palace all the people i know on discord, who write fic, what their ao3 username is to triple check they posted this year, and what their tumblr url is... (and also if any of you dont like these kinds of games, sorry, thats my bad!!)
lmao also i fucked up all the formatting for you guys, this is what these are supposed to look like
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jylesthejester · 28 days
[Also I recall @therummonster wanted to hear more about Raegen! His block of text is at the top :D]
1-Though they all may come from different universes they all know eachother due to multiversal travel.
2-I have made up certain species/things for some characters, if you have questions about them feel free to ask
3-I made a post covering Maxie and Stella in a way that gets most of their story across, so I will only be covering everyone besides them, if you want more of Stella and Maxie I will give you more, just ask.
4-Some smaller details might change later as I'm still working out stories for some characters
5-Theres a little inspiration from almost every fandom I've been interested in/actually in (TSBS, TMNT, LMK, etc) so if something sounds familiar thats likely why
6-My characters are unrealistically tall so most have the ability to alter their height if it's beyond a humans ability to be how tall they are.
7-Most characters have complex relationships that I'm not sure how to write all that well, so excuse me if I explain it horribly
Let's get into it :D
Raegen Caballero aka Radioactive :
Raegen Canallero was mentioned in my last post, to sum up their backstory, the non-humans and humans in his universe had a war where the humans flat out took the non-humans to scientific research facilities for testing, Raegen was a victim of this type of abdution, earning him the name Radioactive for the Radioactive poisoning his breath caused to humans. Raegen works for an organization called the Elements, which, obviously, consists of people with Elemental abilities, Raegan oddly being favored in this organization due to their awe inducing slight of hand and special abilities. Raegen wears a belt that has two drills attached to it with cords, making it easier for him to break into buildings. Raegen is often seen wearing a cropped jacket with shorts and blue boots, with, of course, the belt and some gloves. His eyes are green, and ones radioactive green with a lime colored pupil, the other eye is a deep dull green color with a blue pupil. Raegen is in a friend circle with their (before mentioned) sibling they lost. They just don't know it yet. If you want a good feel of his character, try to associate with him with "Drift away" from SU. Raegen is very easily manipulated, being forced to stay in a facility for a good portion of their development years. His name means "King(R) Soldier(C)". His hands are calloused from climbing, grabbing, and often touching rough surfaces. They live in the woods in a small shack, which is essentially a hide out for them, they keep all their possessions there. His lungs have developed to have a negative reaction to Radon (Radon is a radioactive gas that has no smell, colour or taste. Radon is produced from the natural radioactive decay of uranium, which is found in all rocks and soils. Radon can also be found in water. Radon escapes from the ground into the air, where it decays and produces further radioactive particles.) Which causes them to pass out soon after inhaling it, which their gas mask filters. Raegen has a lot of knowledge about chemistry and science. Raegens abilities include - Breathing toxic gasses, can consume toxic liquids(his lungs immediately processes it and makes his breath have the same affects/smell/taste as the toxin for a limited amount of time depending on how much of the selected Toxin they drink.), Teleportation, slight super hearing (can hear everything thats about in a 50 foot radius around him), height alteration. Raegen, whenever he has free time, goes to lost to time/dead dimensions and helps the souls in there pass on to the afterlife, allowing the dimension to finally Decay and the souls to Finally rest. Raegen once found an alive child in a dying dimension, and helped them out, giving them to Maxie and Stella in secret.
Celeste Kanth Novaflare :
Celeste is Maxie and Stella's biological daughter. She's about sixteen and helps around the casino at times, not being allowed to stay in the heart floor for long amounts of time. Celeste looks like both her parents in equal parts, her main color is blue, being a mix of green(maxie) and purple(stella). Celeste has abilities she hasn't yet learned to control, so she refrains from using them. Celeste knows how to use a bow and arrow. Celeste has a passion in Ballet and performing, both her parents attend all her Ballet performances. Celeste has the same half space type of face Stella has, with the constellations instead being blue but still connecting to make a spider web around the eye. Celeste's abilities include - Teleportation, elongation of limbs(from maxie), floatation, spawning weapons from the constellations(from Stella), being able to make a person blind for a selected amount of time in turn making them extremely sleepy, being able to spawn a cloud to ride on and or use for transportation, and being able to spawn limited Portals. Celeste is a eccentric child, being very nice and forgiving which gets them in bad situations at times. Celeste is homeschooled because most schools around wouldn't accept Celeste due to Stella and Maxies track record. Celeste could be called "spoiled", but shes very humble, she loves giving gifts. She's about 6'1 at the moment, she grew quickly which her parents were surprised but quickly adjusted to. Celeste has one best friend called Gelatin. Celeste has curly hair just like Maxies natural hair. Celeste has one green eye with a yellow pupil and one purple eye. Celeste is a germaphobe and is often cleaning or wiping down counters by her own will, cause she knows it's dirty. Celeste realizes if people are trying to manipulate her quickly, and catches it before they can go on. Celeste doesn't have a whole lot of backstory, since she just grew up being homeschooled by her parents and hasn't really experienced anything bad. She's very warm and welcoming to people in the casino.
Alix Caballero aka Lix :
Lix, after experiencing a similar situation to Raegens, was placed in a facility where she was kept against her will, as her abilities developed and she was given minimal amounts of food and water, clothing was white long pants and white long sleeved shirts, she was deprived from human contact and assumed her sibling was dead. After so many years, Lix got a chance to run out and took it. She quickly left the place, burning the walls down as she ran, helping everyone else in the facility escape. Lix eventually evolved to be a Harley-quinn type person. Lix is very sarcastic and rude to most, but at times, she can be funny. Lix's main colors are a light cyan Color, Grey, and black. Alix has naturally brown hair but dyed her hair to have some sections be Ice blue and others being Grey, and putting them up into spikey Buns. Lix's main weapon is a baseball bat, but she also knows a bit of magic next to her abilities she naturally has. Lix has a spikeball tail, she's unsure why it looks how it does, but it's there. Lix's abilities include - Pyrokinesis(blue fire), hypnosis with his voice, able to turn parts of his body/skin into a malubale kind of putty and can shape it into different things, Teleportation, super speed, and Kryokinesis/Cryokinesis(manipulation of ice). Lix talks in a very sarcastic and dramatic voice, mocking people most of the time. Lix has shark-like teeth, which also work like actual Sharks teeth to(grow back after falling out), do at times she'll pull a tooth out for an occasional trick or for scared/horrified reactions. After getting out of the facility, she built up muscle so she could protect herself not only with magic but also with just their general strength. Lix's seclaras have a light tint of blue, and it's noticeable from afar. Lix has visual snow and didn't know it until later on in life when he told some friends about it.
Palin Rockfeller aka Invert :
Palin grew up in a black and white universe, the universe slowly started to gain color(watercolor type colors) as time went on, though once they got the chance to leave the universe they took it, and never went back, due to this, the portal messed with their colors, making half of their body/clothes inverted, anything they wear becomes half inverted and goes back to normal after she takes it off. This didn't affect her much, so she lives with it and usually goes by the name "Invert.". Palin found a handful of friends in this new dimension and met a girl named Lila and her twin named Maya(both are down in this list, Lila is right below palin), Eventually Lila and Palin grew close and started hanging out with only eachother on weekends instead of the two of them with Maya, at some point Palin found Raegen and enjoyed talking to them so eventually added them to their friend group. One day, Palin was going down the street when she heard some screaming. She quickly located where it was from and went down a dim alleyway. This led to her finding Lila's body, She was shot in multiple different parts of her person, Palin took Lila to her place and hoped she could take care of her, since there weren't any local hospitals. Palin eventually realized Lila was going to die if she didn't do something, so Palin attempted to make her into a robot of sorts, but kept her personality and memories in her code, so she wasn't completely different(that's where I'll end the backstory). Palin likes making robots cause she has a passion for design, so she draws in her free time. Palin's abilities include - Being able to split objects into two of itself(one being inverted the other not), short range teleportation, being able to change other people's vision/their vision to see everything with inverted colors, being able to make something the opposite of what it is (eg: medical supplies becoming something that causes harm), being able to visualize words outwardly(like projection, she usually does this when reading stories to children). Palin collects powerful artifacts from across universes and keeps them safe. She has dark brown hair, green eyes, tanned skin, and half of her entire body is inverted.
Lila [Gear] :
Lila grew up in a good home, her parents and both her and her twin sister all were an 'ice family' in their universe, meaning all of them could manipulate ice. Lila's a twin sister to Maya. Some of the few memories she has are of Palin, Maya, and right before her death. Lila had some alteration in code from Raegen to kind of make her a bodyguard robot for Palin. Lila's main weapon is a hammer. Lilas abilities include - Cryokinesis, Super speed, decoding computers (by plugging them into her head), heightened senses, being able to sense when someone's(Mainly when Palin's) in danger, Scanning Wounds/DNA samples and finding how to take care of it/matches for the DNA. Lila has white skin, black hair with a cyan ombre, black & cyan horns, a halo, and black eyes with cyan pupils. Lila has a phobia of Clowns, so she can't hang around Inky for too long until her fear starts getting to her. Lila is like Molten from TSAMS or Jack from TSBS, she'll attack a set target/go after a set target unless Palin (In the TSBS case for this, Moon/Solar) tells her to stop. Lila is quite fond of Raegen, she doesn't remember him but enjoys his company. Lila's code evolves and learns constantly, just like how humans do, so her code can't be permanently hacked cause it's like manipulation to Lila, she'll eventually realize it and leave the person. Lila has a handful of favorite universes to travel to when she needs to clear her mind (Palin's universe, dreamcore-like universes, anything peaceful like that). Lila has artifical lungs and organs, so she can physically get sick, but it's like 10x worse cause her heightened senses cause her to succumb to the sickness more, so she usually acts dramatic and acts like she's going to die when she's sick. Lila loves jazz music and loves dancing. At times, she and Palin will dance to jazz music around the house they own. Lila can adapt parts of her body to become weapons and / or Sheilds, which helps a lot in fights. Lila has a passion for singing and music. She loves giving people vocal training/vocal classes. Lila loves trying to figure out what instruments were used in songs from movies/shows. Most of her main story is in Palin's section, so sorry I can't put it here :,3
Nova Starstruck :
Nova's actual name is flare, but that's been erased from their memories. Nova grew up in a dimension where everyone had shadows over their faces/bodies, making their eyes permanently white and stuck in place. Nova was chosen as a servant for a multiversal creator. They left their original dimension to pursue this job and new life. They go to various dimensions and note down anything they notice or anything important, making up names for the dimensions based on the notes. Nova has gone to various dead dimensions that usually end up in them just walking around for a bit, taking in the amount of Ashes and taking notes about what is there(that hasn't died yet) or what could've been there. Nova's very devoted to her work and tries to avoid making connections to anyone in the universes they visit. Nova dresses like a pastel Clown to make themself somewhat blend in at some points as a street performer. Nova is extremely tall and looms over anything or anyone they meet. Nova has red hair, a shadowed body/face, and white eyes. There are various other versions of Nova, they were one of the two options the Multiversal creator was going to chose, and the creator chose them for one significant difference, the ability for them to leave their life behind easily. Novas abilities include - Height manipulation(on themself), Illusion/Major image/Minor image, teleportation, a remarkably flexible neck(/ref), can know someone's name by looking at them,
Inky Inkwell :
Inky comes from a dimension called Geometricks where everythings made out of shapes. Inky is very docile and not intimidating. Inky carries candy in his pockets to give to children(upset children or just children who want candy). Inky was/is a juggler at their carnival ("Once upon your wildest dreams") and used Shurikens/Ninja stars in their juggling acts (at times also juggling both objects with Party favor in their hands). Inky's abilities include - Telekinesis, Shapeshifting, Teleportation, Disconnecting limbs, Making matter out of nothing, moving molecular structure, electrokinesis, human cloaking(being able to make himself look human). Inky doesn't talk much about his universe but it's suspected by others(Maxie, Nova, etc) that they left it forcefully. Inky looks legitimately like 2d animation when walking around, they dont have any shading though, so he's just flat colors and some outlines. Inky has Tear marks on his face(look at drawing on my profile if u haven't seen it ^^), when he's actually crying the tear marks turn green and yellow. Inky has a gap between their teeth(which are naturally off white). Inkys neck & waist frills are from the universe theyre now in, unlike the rest of their outfit. Inky keeps poloroids of their close friends (Their Carnival friends and Party favor), they haven't managed to get a picture of Nova yet. Inky's human form is pale with green hair and blue eyes. Inky loves the cuphead universe for the rubber hose artstyle it has. Inky has never been seen angry, they're either bored or happy. Inky can consume his juggling shurikens/daggers, it's a trick they've learned from some of the swallowing-sword's people in their old Circus.
Ricin aka John Doe :
It's suspected that he was the cause for his universes death.
Party favor :
Party favor is Inky's closest friend. Party favor is actually a monotonous nightmare-dream eater, though they've stuck around Inky because of the amount of nightmares they have, so Party favor gets to eat nightmares regularly. Party favor has extremely long pointed limbs and a very odd face when in their natural form, the form they're usually in is a compressed version of their form (I might have to draw their monstrous form sometime). Party favor didn't like much of the "Once upon your wildest dreams" crew but tolerated them since Inky got him a kinda-job-sorta at the place. Party favors abilities include - Confetti spawning, Mind manipulation, minor image/Minor illusion, Hallucinations, human cloaking (Same thing as inkys ability). Party favor likes using Sparklers as a distraction at times to get away from people. Party favor doesn't talk about the (now dead) "Once upon your wildest dreams" crew infront of Inky, which they're usually near/around, so they just don't talk about them at all. Party favor has various hats they wear at separate times. Party favors "Eyes" can also be a mouth, the middle of the X is where the mouth pops out of, like a demogorgon sort of.
Jimson aka Clementine :
Ricin is a dead, unidentified body. He died from a workplace accident and fell onto a pipe, busting his head open, before falling into a vat of chemicals, completely burning his skin and Eyeballs out of their sockets, no one was brave enough to get his body out of the vat so they gave him the nickname "Chemical vat John Doe". Ricin is a vengeful spirit and Haunts the company buildings, causing more workplace accidents (which bodies have been identified from), and trying to get people to figure out who he was, it upsets him that he just got the name "John doe" then they went on. Ricin's abilities include - Teleportation, Hallucinations, Portals. Ricin was smoking right before he died, so his spirit has a cigarette in its mouth, the fires unextinquishable. Ricin has purple hair, one green eye, one red eye, slightly tanned skin, and is wearing a black suit with a red tie. Ricin doesn't often make friends with other spirits. He's very rude and reclusive(like EaPs Eclipse!). He consistently tells any new spirits that the police aren't going to find their bodies, and they'll also be known as a John/Jane doe. The only person he sorta gets along with is Jimson(who isn't a spirit, but can see him). Ricin was supposed to get sent to hell, but his spirit escaped, keeping his soul in the factory(that's now been long abandoned [he died in 1920.]). Ricins soul is physically stuck at the factory, he can only go 150 feet away from it before being sucked back to it.
Jimson is a 2d-looking character, similar to Inky, except they're actually 3d. Jimson loves gardens and helps Kaede(an oc that's not on this list) out with his garden! Jimson can see spirits and often helps solve Jane doe/John doe cases, but also is a murderer of sorts. He uses dead bodies he finds for compost. Jimson has a sun mark and a rain-cloud mark under each of his eyes, his eyes are green and his hair is brown, his bangs are a somewhat-pastel indigo, his skin is tanned, and he dresses in overalls, short sleeved shirts, and boots. Jimson is very pushy, which often makes most people steer clear of becoming friends with them. Jimson convinced Ricin to tell them where he died so they could maybe help solve a case (from over 50 years ago? Yeah, good luck, buddy lol), he ended up not being able to help, but he could talk to Ricin better at the factory since Ricin's soul was stuck there, so they talked more. Jimson eventually would find that Ricin can possess an object they have, but I won't talk about that much yet :) Jimson can eat/consume/smell poisonous food/berries/flowers/etc, they have a immunity to it. Jimson quite literally sprouted out of the ground, which is why they have a sprout on their head. Jimson doesn't seem to have a mouth, but when they open their mouth they have teeth like a lamprey(if you guys know what that is, if you don't, Google it, they're pretty metal /pos). Jimsons abilities include - Geokinesis, ghost-seeing/spirit-seeing, being able to consume poisonous things, being able to suck out blood like a Vampire, can sense how far along a plant is to being done growing.
Lydia Summers :
Maya Chrome :
Lydia is the leader of the Elements(the organization Raegen works for). Lydia comes from a Fire family (like in Lilas thing, a fire family means a family that can manipulate/control fire). Lydia is very manipulative and overly pushy. Lydia is good friends with Maya from childhood. She has red-orange-yellow ombre hair, pale skin, fire-like eyes, a small crown on the top of her head, and a fire tail. Lydia dispises Lila a Lot, even though she's Mayas sister, Lydia never got along with her no matter what. Lydia's abilities include - Pyrokinesis, melting/welding/bending metal to her touch, being able to make her whole body fire. Lydia's hair spikes up in Flames (think like redson from LMK) when she gets mad. Lydia's clothes mainly are made out of non-flammable material, so she doesn't burn them. Lydia hates when she's not able to get in on any fights. Lydia is power-hungry, so she has most of the people under her control gather powerful multiversal weapons so she can use them all to rule the world (classic villian). Though Lydia's whole organization is about the main elements/Elemental powers(though there is one using electricity- shshshsh) she still put Raegen in the organization despite him not having any Elemental powers, he's just kinda the barbarian of the Organization (aka the only one like REALLY physically strong). Lydia grew up incredibly spoiled, in a wealthy household, which didn't help much with how power-hungry she got later on in life.
Relationships (main) [Relationships you guys should know about] :
Maya is Lila's twin sister, she doesn't know her sister died(technically) and thought she just went missing. Maya is incredibly reluctant to help Lydia with her goals, but does anyway since Lydia is her best friend. Maya admires the "Casino crew"'s (Maxie, Stella, Palin, Kaede, Gacey, etc[most I haven't wrote about here]) work, but knows they're a threat to the Elements organization, so knows she has to take them down at some point. Mayas abilities include - Cryokinesis, Teleportation, Water manipulation, minor Illusions. Maya has black hair with a light cyan ombre, light cyan horns and tail, cyan eyes, black diamond pupils, and pale skin. Maya respects most of the Element's people, mostly respecting Raegen for dealing with Lydia's bullshit most of the time. Maya loves fashion and includes it in her everyday outfits. Maya often wears a chrome belt on her outfits, liking the look it gives against her skin. Maya often leads buisness meetings since Lydia hates doing them. Maya's one of the kinder people in the Elements, most are insane or just need to go to a mental hospital or therapy. Maya is very gentle with people, and usually when talking to Karen's uses gentle parenting techniques.
Main Organizations/Companies/Groups :
Maxie & Stella - Married
Inky & Party favor - The consuming and the consumer/Being used and doesn't know and using them
Lydia & Raegen - Manipulative 'Relationship'
Maya & Lydia - Best friends
Jimson & Ricin - Friends with romantic tension/Ghost and annoying person they're attached to
Kaede & Jimson - Being helped and Helper/Friends
Gacey & Kaede & Lix - Love triangle with a lot of tension (AND I LITERALLY MEAN LOVE TRIANGLE. NOT A LOVE V.)
Party favor & Nova - Hates eachother but get along around one person(Inky)
Nova & Inky - Thinks they're friends(Inky) and Hates the other person(Nova)
Maya & Raegen - Knows they're both in a bad situation and bond over it
Lila & Palin - Creation and creator/Admires eachother deeply
Raegen & Celeste - Cool uncle and cool niece/Chaos embodiments
Lix & Raegen - Awkward but chill
Palin & Maya - Friends that distanced themselves from the other over time
Celeste & Inky - Besties!
More Oc lore that I'm going to write about :
Once Upon Your Wildest Dreams Carnival - Flare(ringmaster)
Elements - Lydia(owner/creator)
The Multiversal Casino - Maxie & Stella (Co-owners)
Special weapons/items in the story :
All of the 'Once Upon Your Wildest Dreams' Carnival characters' Lore.
Gelatin (another oc)
Weapons/powerful items that exist in the multiverse I've created.
The Code breaker chain/Multiversal Glitching Chain/Glitch chain/Multiversal breaker chain (it has a lot of names)
Eclipsical Staff
Color absorber pallette
Jingle-bell Scythe
Starstruck information orbs
Lmk if you want me to talk about the whole little multiverse I've made in my head more ^^ I really enjoyed typing all of this out :D I hope you all enjoyed reading it!
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