#they even included these in the separate MV
12am-motivation · 1 year
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1moreff-creator · 9 months
Happy Birthday Eden Tobisa!
Turns out our favorite clock girly has her birthday on New Year's Eve! What a nice date for such a nice girl! Let's do a character analysis, fun facts, and songs!
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-We know relatively little about Eden's backstory. The most notable thing we know about her life before the killing game, apart from her fascination with clocks, is what is revealed in her chapter 2 secret: "Ever since you kissed her, you were afraid your sexuality would ruin your friendships." Which is pretty straightforward; she's canonically a lesbian and is worried it would negatively affect her friendships.
-Literally the only other thing we know about her backstory is that she lived in Japan for a small period of time when she was younger, before moving back to the US. This was revealed in a Q&A.
(... You know, I made a deranged theory in my Mai post that maybe the girl that Eden kissed was actually Mai. It wasn't very serious, since it was just a silly way to try to explain what the hell Eden's quote in the Mai page could mean. But... we know Teruko was in Japan for a while when she was younger, and it's theorized she knew Mai before being separated from her at some point. Combined with Mai's name being seemingly Japanese, it could imply Mai also lived in Japan at some point. And if that's the case, it's possible she met Eden there? To be clear, that's still an insane possibility, but I do find it a funny possibility, which is why I'm sharing it)
-Apart from that, Eden's defining trait is her optimism and her trust in others. She sticks to Teruko's side even after she starts pushing everyone away in CH 1, and confesses to her that she believes "not caring about others is the worst way to live." She's importantly not naive, she does know their situation is horrible, but still she constantly searches for an exit and tries to build good friendships with the others.
-This includes baking with Min, Rose and Teruko in CH1, inviting Teruko and Arei to make clocks on CH2, etc. Basically, she's awesome and nice and mature.
-Also she loves clocks. Regular Ultimate stuff, she can apparently spend hours and hours working and losing track of time.
-Although for such an optimistic character, her secret quote is quite ominous. "You can't go back, no matter how hard you try." We have zero clue what this means at the moment, but at least it does fit the symbolism of time always moving forward.
-Meanwhile, her quote in the Mai page is "She kept calling the number, even though no one picked it up." This is even more incomprehensible! Eden, what in the world are you talking about?
-Alright, David MV. She doesn't have a color in Color Theory, but her numeral is XII (twelve). Go to 1:48:28 in this video for an explanation. God it's so convenient to have that lol.
Alright fun facts!
-As stated, her birthday (December 31st) lands on New Year's Eve. Maybe representing new beginnings or change, which certainly goes well with her character. How nice!
-Like most of the cast, she's American and right-handed.
-She's one of the only characters with dyed hair. Her hair was originally just brown.
-Her favorite color is daffodil yellow, because it's happy, and her least favorite color is blue, because it's "kind of a downer color." Areden shippers in shambles.
-Her favorite ice cream flavor is honeycomb. I didn't even know that existed but go off queen.
-She enjoys cute fashion, but also enjoys wearing androgynous style clothing.
-She likes food which is fun to make or prepare. How nice!
-She's biracial; her mother is black and her father is Japanese. This is why she spent a bit of time in Japan when she was younger.
-Her name in kanji is 飛佐【とび ・ さ】楽【いーでん】. Gonna leave any actual meaning as homework, but it's worth noting her name was anglicized. I think that would translate to "Iden", but her mother liked the name "Eden", so they went with that instead.
Finally, songs that remind me of her!
-Positive Parade by DECO*27
-Gone Fishing by Ghost & Pals (friendship!)
-Aura by Ghost & Pals
-In Iolite by Ghost & Pals
-Magnet by minato
-Those Who Carried On by Ghost & Pals
-I'm Glad You're Evil Too by PinocchioP
And Happy Birthday! And a happy new year! Well wishes to all you Tumblr peeps. Take care!
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accio-victuuri · 9 months
marie claire cpns by xiao zhan 🤍
let’s start with this one first, i will definitely do a separate cpn analysis of wyb’s songs and the MV, god i hope there’s a music video and we’re not just hoping for nothing. lol. anyway, i started with pointing out the jewelry which turned out to not be that big of a deal as i thought it was. but that’s the reality of clowning. this post is about the shoot itself and the interview.
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as usual, all of these are speculations/interpretations of someone with a bxg lens on. 😎
starting off with the photo i used for this post. i’m sure most of us noticed the similarities between the shoot. tho the b&w were very few and that tank top! the long hair! can you believe, after all the hair disasters we’ve been through with this two— that we will get them in magazine covers with long luscious hair? in the year 2023? we are so blessed! i hope this trend doesn’t get banned or something cause i love it. here’s one more! they look so good! 💦💦💦
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we have also caught on the art director for their shoots is the same person. you can say that marie claire is not as personal as working on yibo’s single but the this is not the first time that this happened. and it’s one of those cpns that we think they recommend stuff to each other and that includes people and companies they can use for certain projects. ✌🏼
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there are elements of the plane and dreams, which are cpns we hade before but i won’t say much cause i think that’s really more of the magazine’s concept. i don’t think xz will have that much say on that and he only showed up their to shoot and interpret the concept the best way he can.
the meat 🥩 is truly in the interview. it’s a long one that talked about his career and personal life so let’s see what he said. 💭
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Xiao Zhan held up a handheld fan to dry the sweat from the filming. When the photographer signaled the start, he stepped forward, stepped back, walked again, and continued to retreat.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Is this the 380 yuan fan wyb gave you? It’s just too funny that it’s the first thing the interviewer wrote about.
What he shares is only his sincere daily feelings.
"Don't you think that the emotions between people have never changed? Old movies will always be read and watched, and old songs will always be listened to over and over again, because the emotions sung by truly classic works remain unchanged through the ages. Only sincerity can move people."
This really stood out to me, the message of sincerity. It’s something that both of them has talked about and especially WYB. Bobo was big on sincerity during Hidden Blade’s run and it’s nice to see the same thoughts come up in XZ’s interview. They really have the same view in life and it’s why they are loved by many. Also thinking about emotions that don’t change is so them. After so many years, their love remains strong.
Old songs? My mind immediately went to Wuji. Lol. because personally, that song will always make me feel the love!
Almost every time he shoots a movie, he has a routine: dreaming. I dreamed about memorizing lines, dreaming about acting against a director, or even dreaming about taking a math test, but couldn’t solve any of the questions on the paper, and then I woke up with a start.
Dreaming! The lyrics for Everything is Lovely 🎶 has the same thought as this. WYB saying he loves to dream.
Deep down in his heart, he does not regard himself as a qualified actor, but always puts himself in the position of a newcomer, with an attitude of learning and exploration. Therefore, every time he goes to a crew, he has the experience of starting all over again.
Another same outlook as WYB. They never see themselves as the best in the room, there will always be something new to learn. They are not afraid to look at things with fresh eyes and like a child.
As for what role he most wants to play, Xiao Zhan said: "I have been mentioning it for many years, a cute and charming villain, if I get the chance."
I’m adding it here cause at this point someone should cast him as this type of villain already 😂 WYB sort of got this with Mister Ye but I hope XZ gets his dream role!
Xiao Zhan seems to have a special sense of time. He is nostalgic. Whether singing in variety shows and evening parties, or listening to them in private, he always has a preference for old songs. They are memorable, rich in meaning, and give him space to think.
I have always seen this with XZ, how his taste leans towards the older stuff. It’s so interesting cause WYB has recently been into old rock songs. I wonder if they share songs and what their updated playlist is. WYB can now related to XZ’s old songs! Maybe this is an indirect influence.
During his spare time, he just works out and watches movies. He never regards watching movies as a task. He watches everything regardless of genre, whether it is popular movies such as popcorn movies or niche movies such as art films.
Yes. Yes. ZZ & WYB are not the only people in the world who loves to watch movies. But this little tidbit coming out when we just had that info about WYB watching a shit ton of movie. They don’t even have to be together, we had fake rumors before that they watch movies together even if they are apart. Whether that’s them on the phone/video while the movie plays or recommending movies then discussing it later. 🎬
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mariacallous · 6 months
Just shy of half past 1 in the morning, the MV Dali, a giant container ship, was sailing gently out of the port of Baltimore when something went terribly wrong. Suddenly, lights all over the 300-meter-long vessel went out. They flicked on again a moment later, but the ship then began to veer to the right, toward one of the massive pylon-like supports on the Francis Scott Key truss bridge—a huge mass of steel and concrete that spans the Patapsco River.
The Dali’s lights went out a second time. Then the impact came. The ship plowed into the support, with large sections of the bridge’s main truss section instantly snapping apart and falling into the river. It took just 20 seconds or so for the structure to come down.
Now, a major US port is in disarray, and several people who were working on the bridge at the time of its collapse are missing. A rescue operation is underway. President Biden has called the disaster a “terrible accident.” Ship traffic is currently stuck on either side of the crash site, and a major roadway through Baltimore has been cut off.
“It’s a dreadful tragedy and something you hope never to see,” says David Knight, a bridge expert and specialist adviser to the UK’s Institution of Civil Engineers. But commenting on footage of the bridge collapse, he says he is not surprised by the manner in which it crumpled.
Large steel structures may seem invulnerable, but steel, explains Knight, is relatively lightweight for its size. As soon as it is pushed or pulled the wrong way with enough force, it can fold like paper. In this case, the Francis Scott Key Bridge was a “continuous,” or unjointed, bridge that had a 366-meter-long central truss section. (Truss bridges use steel beams, arranged in triangular shapes, to support their load.) The central truss was made up of three horizontal stretches, known as spans, with two sets of supports holding these above the water. It was the third-largest structure of its kind in the world.
“When you take a support away, there is very little in the way of robustness,” says Knight. “It will drag down, as we saw, all three spans.” The separate approach spans remain standing. There is nothing in Knight’s view that immediately suggests any structural problem with the bridge. An engineering firm, Hardesty & Hanover, confirmed to WIRED that it performed an inspection of the bridge in 2019, and that other inspections have been carried out since, but did not provide any additional details on the state of the structure. WIRED has approached H&H for further comment. In June last year, the US Federal Highway Administration rated the condition of the bridge as satisfactory.
The immense force of the container ship impact should not be underestimated, adds Knight. Such vessels require a lot of power and time—perhaps many minutes—to come to a complete stop. The Francis Scott Key Bridge was completed in 1977. In more recent decades, bridge engineers have commonly incorporated defenses to reduce the potential damage by ship strikes when bridges are erected in similar locations, Knight says. These include hydraulic barriers and additional concrete around the base of bridge supports, for instance. However, even with such fortifications in place, heavy strikes can still cause devastating damage.
It is not clear why lights turned off and on again on the Dali, a Singapore-flagged ship built in 2015. “That is an indication of a massive problem,” says Salvatore Mercogliano, a maritime historian at Campbell University in North Carolina and a YouTuber who has analyzed the crash.
At the time of the accident, two pilots—mariners who board a ship to help it navigate particular stretches of water, including in and out of ports—from Baltimore were on board. The Dali was broadcasting its position publicly via the automatic identification system (AIS) and was traveling at a speed of over 8.5 knots. It then slowed to around 6 knots in the moments before the crash, according to AIS data.
Both pilots and all crew members on the Dali are accounted for. There are no reports of injuries, the ship’s management company, Synergy Group, said in a statement on March 26.
ABC News reports that the crew of the vessel made a desperate mayday call in an attempt to warn transport officials that the crash was about to occur. A report from the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, seen by ABC, says the Dali “lost propulsion” and that the crew were aware they had “lost control” of the ship. Maryland governor Wes Moore told reporters that, thanks to the mayday call, officials were able to stem the flow of traffic over the bridge, an intervention that he says “saved lives.”
Mercogliano says it is very difficult for ships of this size to make rapid adjustments to their trajectories. Video footage shows a sudden outpouring of smoke from the vessel’s stack, indicating a change in engine activity of some kind. What is particularly disturbing is that, in this case, the vessel ends up plowing straight into one of the key supports for the bridge, clearly off course. No information as to why this happened has become public.
Photographs of the aftermath show the bow of the ship pinned beneath fallen sections of the bridge. The anchor chain is visible, meaning that at some point the anchor was dropped, though it is not certain whether this happened before or after impact. The chain appears to be at an angle, however, which Mercogliano says could be a sign that it was dropped shortly before the crash and dragged for a brief time.
Lawyer James Turner of Quadrant Chambers in London specializes in, among other things, ship collisions. He says that there would have been no automated systems on board a merchant ship of this kind able to prevent the impact. Information from radar, AIS, and visual observations would have been available to the crew, however.
But data-collecting systems may now reveal exactly what happened. As on airplanes, commercial ships have data and audio recorders on the bridge, which are often a key source of information for investigators post-incident. “The master will hit a button and that ensures that the last two hours of audio recording are preserved, as well as all the data from the various parts of the ship, like the engine and steering and so on,” explains Turner. “That can be downloaded and queried.”
He adds that estimates of the ship’s speed at the time of the incident as recorded by AIS are likely “99.99 percent accurate.”
For now, the focus of responders will be on locating survivors from the fallen bridge. Two people have been rescued, one of whom is in the hospital. Six construction workers remain missing.
The disaster has come at a difficult time for shipping, with drought afflicting the Panama Canal and Houthi attacks striking multiple vessels in the Red Sea in recent months. Somali piracy is on the rise again, also. The grounding of the Ever Given in the Suez Canal is very much still within recent memory—it occurred a mere three years ago.
The Port of Baltimore insists in a statement that it has not been shut down—road vehicles are still operating within the port—however, all ship traffic in and out is suspended until further notice. AIS data reveals around a dozen commercial vessels at anchor outside the port, their entry now blocked by the stricken bridge and the Dali. It will take some time for the US Army Corps of Engineers to remove the steel pieces of the bridge, which present a significant threat to passing vessels, from the river.
“Whatever ships are in the port are now stuck,” says Mercogliano, who notes that Baltimore is an important port in terms of car deliveries and coal exports.
Overall, he argues, maritime operations are extremely safe today, though the volume and velocity of trade mean that when things go wrong it can be especially serious.
“We move goods a lot faster than ever before, and there’s very little margin for error,” he says. “When there is a mistake, the mistakes tend to be very large.”
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kanmom51 · 1 year
good morning. hibe released a note saying that BTS renewed their contract, and even made a donation to the Unicef ​​fund, however, when reading the note I realized that there is no extension date for the current contract, considering that the current one runs until 2025, and the note says exactly the same date. On the other hand, there are rumors that BTS has separated, there is a probable unrequited feeling of a member, who is supposedly part of the other ship, for JM, which has caused discomfort and dissatisfaction among the members and making this continuity impossible. I don't have concrete facts, but I analyzed some facts, including the visible discomfort of the hug between JM and Tae, at the launch of the latter's MV. This became clear, putting together the facts and JM's song that talks about breach of trust among other evidence, I would like to know your opinion on this. grateful
Hello @nut2019. I will give you my 2 cents on what you asked me.
Let's start with the contracts.
They have been renewed. Period.
There would not have announced it if this was not in the bag. RM would not have posted about it if it wasn't a done deal.
Well, the members that haven't enlisted yet have signed them, meaning RM, Suga, Tae, JM and JK.
Jin and Hobi can't sign at the moment given they are in the army, but again, this announcement wouldn't have been released if it was not a given they will sign as soon as they are released.
The current contracts are until end of 2024. These new contracts will come into effect starting 2025.
We are not given the deets about their content nor length, other than it was approved by the company board (which means there were terms there that needed special approval - this could be monetary but also have to do with freedoms given to them, like total creative independence and no company veto powers over their music or content - not me saying I know what is in the contracts, just mentioning several options that may need special approval).
Like I said, there is an extension start date - 2025. No end date. I am assuming they aren't releasing more info a. because there are still 2 members that need to sign, and b. just like their previous contracts, their contents will not be divulged.
Just answered an ask about rumours.
No rumours here.
I will just say one thing about the whole disbandment.
As in bullshit.
How these rumours start and who spreads them (well, solos and antis)... but why don't you listen to the members? Why choose to listen to these utters of nonsense when you have every single one of them saying they can't wait to get back together? That the plan is to get back in 2025. That they want to be together on stage together. Each and every one of them. With all the success of their solo paths, they still want and even need that connection and each other's presence together on stage. And now you even have RM posting about it as well, like the announcement wasn't enough.
Listen to them, not to some unsubstantiated rumours started by people that have agendas that have nothing to do with the 7 members best interests.
As for your hints about Tae, man is in a relationship. Not with JK. Not with JM. Ooh, her name does start with a J though.
Anyway, the drama people are looking for, being bored and all with no actual BTS content as of late, yeah, it's not happening.
And Face off, btw, not about Tae. Read the lyrics. Not a break up. Not about JK. Not about Tae. These men, they do have other friend circles outside of BTS. Friend/s that might have used and hurt JM, you know. Fame comes at a price. And growing up you at times discover that not everyone that calls himself your friend is there for you and not their own selfish reasons (latching on to fame and money is a thing you know). Sadly, JM most likely learnt that the hard way.
As for that hug at Music bank. Won't deny it felt awkward. But there are many other possible explanations as to why, and definitely not to do with any kind of non existent romantic triangle.
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yujeong · 7 months
Hello everyone. I'm currently losing my mind.
BOC released a new teaser for the final episode of DFF, in order to promote their live event for it and it gave me so many thoughts. In case you haven't seen it, it's this one on Instagram (they've also posted it on Twitter).
It's so trippy and cool and it gave us a lot of good shots of all the characters and what haunts them in regards to Non, but I'll focus on Tee and White, because I have my biases and that's so valid of me.
(I'll assume everything in the trailer is symbolic, like in the first trailer they had released and do my analysis with that assumption in mind.)
Long post ahead:
After we get a brief montage of moments we've already seen in the show with some beautiful background music (it's this one, I love it), we see the brothers and then we start seeing everyone's fears. We see Fluke being scared of the police catching him, we see Top being scared of a haunting, bloody Non chasing him in the forest and then,
we see Tee.
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Tee is holding Non's knife in his hands, looking arguably disgusted with it (with himself). The scene cuts to three consecutive visuals which you have to pause the teaser to see clearly. I tried my best here, apologies if the quality is bad.
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Tee feels guilt for what happened to Non. I think everyone can understand this by now. He observes the knife in his hands drowning in this feeling, and it creates the image of himself pointing the knife directly onto Non's stomach, who's wearing the T-shirt he wore the day he got drugged and taken away to Tee's uncle. It's very intriguing to me how Non seems to either be trying to stop him or urging Tee to stab him. We'll find out soon enough what's the case.
But the real winner is the two images after that.
Because they involve White.
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OK first things first, the shot is gorgeous. I love the colors and the framing and everything about it.
They're inside what seems to be a gaming room, which I'll assume is where they probably met, based on the Without Me MV BOC put out a few weeks ago.
(Notice how the color pallette is the same, too)
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Tee is wearing his school uniform (stuck in the past, stuck to Non), while White is wearing the clothes from the cabin (in the present, away from Non but not really). They already are in two different timelines, which is also evident by their positions - Tee is a few steps behind White in the visual.
What caught my attention, besides everything else, was those shiny things on the floor. I can't see them very well, but in my opinion, they're condom wrappers. They go all the way back, symbolizing the duration of the relationship between Tee and White.
The interesting thing here, to me, is how they stop just before Tee's body, and then reappear after him, in front of White, with some of them dipped in blood.
A lot of people, me included, think NonWhite is a possibility, which makes this choice here very interesting. I'll grab onto it with two hands and wait to see what will be revealed tomorrow.
Speaking of Non, I think it's fair to assume the blood on the floor is Non's blood, which makes White staring directly into it become another version of Non, narrative wise. Both innocent boys entangled in Tee's life, both suffering because of Tee. My good friend @wretchedamaranth told me it reminded them of this painting of Narcissus by Caravaggio: White is looking at himself, as if the blood has become a mirror.
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Which makes the next visual even more telling: blood separated by a thin line (it's almost blurred but it isn't, White becomes Non becomes White in Tee's eyes). On the right, the big amount is Non's, on the left, White's shadow is creeping into the shot.
It's White's blood. White is going to die.
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We get zero things on White besides this. Absolutely none. Does this mean White is indeed a bystander in all of this? Should we take the words of Fuaiz here at face value?
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(Source: DFF BTS Ep10)
Fuaiz could be talking about the scene we have seen, not what will come after. But he could just as well be talking in general about White as a character.
All I have to say is: Brace yourselves, fellow TeeWhite fans. We're in for a tragedy.
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spamsmcgee · 1 year
Bad But Good
-> Freakin Bad by Xdinary Heroes
Guanyu x K-band fem!reader.
Faceclaim: Blackswan’s Fatou
In which Y/N releases a more suggestive MV for her first single, featuring Formula 1 driver Zhou Guanyu. It has more mixed reception. However I’m not going to get into the more intense K-pop stan mentality.
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K-Band ODESSY’s Y/N releases controversial MV featuring suggestive scenes with Formula 1 Driver Zhou Guanyu.
Netizens say it is too early on in her career and it would be too bold of a move to release something so scandalous.
“We support any endeavors our artists decide to go through with” Berzerker Ent. CEO Yoo Sunghoon states. He declines to comment further.
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Showing up to the Hungary Grand Prix would definitely be a decision. Going as Alfa Romeo’s guest would be even more of a decision. Considering the media storm your new music video has struck up. Your company and Alfa Romeo saw it more as a business decision, you saw it more as a chance to experience a childhood dream.
You dreamt as a kid what it would be like on the grid walk, and then you stood face to face with Martin Brundle on said grid walk.
“So nice to see you Y/N,” he said into his mic before pointing it towards you.
“Yes sir, you as well. I’m so excited to be here” you leaned towards him, making sure your voice was heard over the crowds around you.
“I’ve seen your new music video,” he started, “I assume you’re here supporting Zhou?” He flashed a cheeky grin as he turned the mic back to you, you returned a grin of your own before speaking.
“Of course, he’s a good friend to me. And I do hope everyone has a good and safe race.”
That took up the time Martin had for you, before he moved on in search of Kevin Magnussen, and your manager led you towards where Alfa Romeo was setting up.
You were ushered in next to Guanyu, who didn’t pay any mind to you as he set himself up for the race. You watched the car, the drivers, mechanics, and marshals rushing around you.
Guanyu finally looked up, smiling as he recognized you. The two of you shared a quick, perhaps manufactured moment, as cameras around you went off in bursts before you were again ushered away and towards the garages.
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alfaromeostake Amazing race day! Thank you yourinstagram for coming to support us.
formulawhat I see what you’re doing.
ynfannn Putting a picture of Zhou on the post thanking Y/N?
formulawhat I’m a fan. Personally. 👀
yourinstagram Thank you for inviting me! It was a dream. Everyone was so sweet!
formulaonesnob Quit inviting these stupid celebrities! Doubt she’s ever even heard of F1
ynbbg normally I’d agree, but Dude her first predebut picture is of her with Michael Schumacher.
ffformula oh my god ynbbg Petition to get her a picture with Mick
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Inside the Alpha Romeo garages left you pretty well out of the public eye. No one gave you any attention as Guanyu pulled himself out of his car and made his way straight to you for a hug.
It felt normal. Everyone patting Guanyu on the back as they passed. Not a camera in sight to catch him taking his sweet time to let you go.
Once the two of you did separate, he gave your hand a quick squeeze before he left for his media obligations. You were shown to their hospitality room, also away from the public eye. The few photographers who did pass through never looked your way.
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yourinstagram Thank you so much alfaromeostake for helping a lifelong dream come true, being able to watch the race from the garage was surreal. And thanks again to zhouguanyu24 for all you did for me during shooting! Included is Schumacher circa 2004, because this gp is the anniversary of when I met him as a very small child.
alpharomeostake Can’t wait for next time!
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dearweirdme · 4 months
Hi Rain, I've seen some discussions about RM being bisexual because of this recent album. Specifically, in his song "Nuts," he says, "She's a pro rider" and then goes on to say, "He's a pro rider," which, you know, is basically talking about sex. So, I can honestly see where people are coming from. Especially since last year we saw him with that one guy a lot, and then mysteriously one day he decides to delete everything related to him on Instagram. But I digress.
So, my question to you is, why do you think Tae and JK aren't more vocal about their sexuality? The main consensus I've seen online for a while is that tkk (or any ship, really) can't come out or be more vocal because it could cause issues with the group or that Korea is still very homophobic. But then you have RM and Yoongi, who have been pretty vocal about liking both men and women... So, I just don't really understand it.
Hi anon!
I haven’t had the chance to do a deep dive into Namjoon’s lyrics yet.. so I can’t say much about my thoughts on those yet (doing some renovations on my house.. which are going very much Namjoon style 😂… and is quite time consuming..). From what I’ve gathered from the Minimoni interview is that Namjoon went through a lot. I think going through a breakup might have been part of that, but I also think it was probably much more than that. He mostly talks about struggling with being himself because of having been RM from BTS for so long. I think Namjoon’s struggle to get to himself and everything that entailed coming to that point is what the album is about. Maybe his sexuality is a part of that? But I don’t think that is the part that he felt the need to share the most.
So why aren’t Jk and Tae more vocal? I actually think Tae is sharing a lot. Maybe not through his lyrics, but to me the clear portrayal of queer couples in Fri(end)s was pretty huge, as was him wearing that pride Disney hoody. And there’s way more things that Tae has done that would/could indicate his feelings towards queerness all throughout the years. I think we should probably separate the idea that Tae and Jk coming out as a couple and them showing their individual sexualities are the same thing. I find the possibility of them (mostly Tae though) coming out as queer after enlistment much more likely than them announcing their relationship (and even then I don’t think it would be a hard coming out, but rather more freedom to incorporate queerness in their work (mv’s, songs). To me it’s more like a loosening of the restraints than total freedom I suppose.
In general though, I think what matters most is whether someone actually wants to share those parts of their lives. I don’t think either Namjoon or Yoongi have been clear about their sexuality in a way that makes it clear to a broader audience that they are queer. For instance, no media outlet has picked up on it (for as far as I know). I don’t think they have that freedom, but I also think they might be hesitant to make statements that huge at this moment in time themselves. The way Namjoon spoke in the Minimoni episode to me made clear that there’s so much he had to keep inside (not specifically about their sexualities, but possibly including that) it felt like a burden. Namjoon seems to have the strong urge to share some parts of himself that he could not share before as RM from BTS. He was representing the group as a whole and their songs and interviews also had to represent the group as a whole. I think there was little room for individuality. Now for some this was a struggle (Namjoon, Tae (I think), Yoongi (perhaps)) but I think others felt differently. I think Jk doesn’t feel the need to share his personal struggles and battles the way some of the other members did (at least not at this point in time.. can’t say how he would feel in the future). The way Jk spoke about Golden to me felt like he was keen to try out new things, to see what he could do and what he could accomplish, but I did not feel like Golden was his way of expressing his feelings and emotions and his own life story… neither did I feel that was something he was interested in doing but didn’t have the chance to. I think Jk very much wants to keep his personal life personal.
In general.. I don’t think we can assume that every queer artist also wants to share that part of themselves with the whole world. Sk being homophobic is a part of that ofcourse, but speaking about sexuality can also just be something a person themselves just doesn’t want to make public for all sorts of reasons.
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adhdtsukasa · 5 months
this is not supposed to be a serious thought (i think), just an observation i made while looping donketsu, but:
so, we have niigo and wxs, right? their event trailers were both at some point including jewels, gemstones or stuff like that — forgive me, i'm not a jewel person, but even if they're not exactly the same, they both fall into the similiar category. (more more jump also had a jem/gewel/things like these set in step by step, but they were not really assigned them [afaik. i didn't watch the teammate mv] nor they appeared in the trailer)
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(forgive me for adding the unfixed wxs ver i just think it's still funny)
for wxs it's donketsu, the song for curtain call and for niigo it's tricologe, the song for depths of despair. while these (i'll just call them gems for short alright) in fact are mentioned in tricologe and are even on its cover, there are no mentions of them in donketsu, they're just here to reference the set i guess. still! it's the trailer that matters.
i'm not gonna analyze the position of the gems here, it has been already done back and forth during waiting for curtain call and during waiting for depths of despair probably too, but the surroundings of the gems is important here: wxs gems are still vivid in shiny, yet they are in a dark place, with an hourglass behind (or next to?) them. niigo gems are rather... dull, but they're surrounded by light colors, with something that can be thought of as a broken glass behind them (ik it's not. but i like to interpret it as such). hourglass, a symbol of a time passing. broken glass, a symbol of a new opportunity.
the events where the gems were used are during events on pretty much opposite sides. curtain call is talking about the fear of separation, of having to part ways, of an approaching ending. and depths of despair is talking about the very beginning of niigo. there is no fear, there is a slight hope. slight, because they're still at the very bottom of despair, but a hope nonetheless — for kanade to save someone, for mafuyu to be saved.
rui in curtain call knows that his bond with wxs is coming to an end. kanade in depths of despair knows that her bond with niigo is only getting started.
gems for separation and ending, gems for closeness and beginning.
well, i don't have an conclusion for this. i just wanted to talk about it because i think it's pretty cool. take this as you wish.
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purgemarchlockdown · 1 year
The Intertextuality of Magic and Purge March
(CW: Child Abuse, Torture, Cults)
So, Intertextuality is defined as the relationship between two texts, and is usually used in literature to discuss the interplay and intersect between two (usually separate) works.
Now, Milgram isn't a book and since it's a Series the MVs are naturally interconnected with each other. But the Way those MVs connect and the nature of there relationship is fascinating to me and I'd like to talk about the way Magic and Purge March connect with each other, since I think the way the two MVs shape Amane Momose's story is really interesting and well-written.
A Lot of scenes, events, and objects in Magic can be mapped onto scenes in Purge March, and a lot of things that Did Happen/Are Involved aren't in Purge March but in Magic and vice versa.
For example, As people have noted, Amane actually has Two murder weapons.
The umbrella, which is presented in Purge March and not in Magic.
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And the taser, which Isn't in Purge March but Is in Magic.
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We already have an incredibly important detail that isn't included in Purge March but Is in Magic.
Except, this detail probably wouldn't have been noticed in the first place if it wasn't for Purge March Establishing that a taser exists in the first place.
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Purge March also does a lot of fun recontextualization of elements in Magic. See, the stagelight and the cat.
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Most people Assumed this was a literal stagelight (myself included) except Purge March doesn't have this light Anywhere. Which seems strange considering how important it is in Magic as the thing that causes the cat to be hurt in the first place.
The cat was also something taken as a stand in for a human that got hurt. Not a literal cat.
Except, not only is the cat a Literal cat, the the injury on the cat in Magic isn't even the same in Purge March!
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But wait there's more! Because Amane is paralleled with the cat
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So not only is the cat a literal cat, it is also a stand in! Just for someone we didn't expect.
While the stagelight is most likely just a metaphor, since Magic is a TV SHOW and a Tv show needs lighting. The Stagelight falling being a metaphor for how the cat lead to the destabilization of Amane's "ideal" reality. Purge March completely contextualizes one of the most important parts of Purge March.
Which leads to even more interesting implications and themes, since we can take the cat's death by her abusers as...a metaphorical killing of Amane Momose.
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Something that she does To Herself in Purge March.
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(Though The cat is also...multiple different metaphors stuck inside a girl and a cat but we do not have the Time to unpack all of that and it's not too relevant to this discussion.)
This is what really makes me love Magic and Purge March, it's their ability to recontextualize each other in interesting directions and the way information is hidden and obscured by the both of them. Only being able to be seen if you look at both of them together.
And while that is true for the other MVs I think it's the most prevalent in Magic and Purge March!
The way the lyrics interact with each other is also really interesting and how it helps show how conflicted Amane is about her situation and how she should Feel About it.
Even I can say "I'm sorry" Even I have hope I swear! I'm going to be a good girl now! That's it! ---------------- After you cry, repent, and kneel, it’s now your turn to say that hopeless “I’m sorry”
Not meaning to brag but I’m pretty happy I’ve made up my mind so they don’t make that face at me again ------------------------ If you become a bad girl, monsters will come out This is the magic that stops that from happening
It's inaccurate to call Magic Amane a less aware Amane because I'd argue she's Very Aware to some extent.
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This is a show she's acting in and she knows it. Magic is a plea in a sense, to her parents, to Es, to god to forgive her. That she Can Be a Good Girl. Not that she is, that she Can Be.
I won’t say “I’ve had enough” Will you laugh with me and forgive me?
While Purge March Amane is happily dealing out justice by destroying "sin." She's not presenting good girl as if it's something she isn't, she's presenting it as something she Already is.
We must not give into them, they are the ones that should be judged With pure, unsullied body and soul, let us preach all that is true and right
Sure she might have some weaknesses but she gets rid of them easily and efficiently!
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And these two Amane's are the Same Amane.
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That medal, the cape, the wings, the feathers- This the same Amane. This is the Ideal Amane. Just recontextualized and framed in a different light. Magic Amane is on the path to being a good girl while Purge March Amane is. This change in perception being a consequences of our "condemnation" of her actions in T1!
Amane is More Critical of herself, More Punishing, More Strict in Purge March. But also more sure of her own righteousness than in Magic.
However, Magic and Purge March both downplay Amane's pain in some way.
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Even with how sure she is of her own righteousness Amane still diminishes her own suffering.
You see my point- these two MVs are constantly discussing and interacting with each other and I just think that's cool.
I could talk about it more but if I did we would be here forever, plus I've already discussed alot of these points in different posts. I just wanted to talk about why I think it's so interesting.
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wist-eri · 1 year
rapid analysis of what some of the descriptions/footnotes possibly mean
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usually i wouldn’t put this on my main account, but since the other blog i would post it on is a little more in-detail on average, i decided why not (i think you know which blog i’m referring to)
so yep! i read some of the footnotes and added some personal analysis as to what some of them could mean. i’m positive the song used in the new DRDT MV will be “bungaku shoujo insane,” based on the similarity of the thumbnail as well as some specific footnotes, so a lot of my analysis will be based on that song and its lyrics
[1] In this situation, it is better to use full names over nicknames. Exclude our protagonist—he is not "that person." not sure what this means yet. we’ll have to see.
[2] Other examples include Drosophilia melanogaster and E. coli. don’t know if this is intentional, but drosophila is misspelled. (they wrote it as “drosophilia”) either way, both are often used in school experiments in order to develop a further understanding of genetics and genetic material (and how it’s transferred). 
[3] From Title 17 of the United States Code. referring to copyright laws in the United States. the reference may be more apparent in the released MV, similarly to some other footnotes—after all, the original “Bungaku Shoujo Insane” video has some moments where they simply show excerpts from famous texts. this may be one of them that’s featured specifically in the DRDT version of the MV
[4] The practice of avoiding the number four; it is most common in East Asia. This superstition arises from the fact that the number four can be read similar to the word "death" in multiple languages. self-explanatory.
[5] As the translation has been intentionally botched in many parts, it should not be considered accurate. this could be a separate author’s note to one of the texts referenced in the MV—we’ll have to see.
[6] (Prayer) no idea but i don’t feel like searching the bible for this one /hj (i think there might be a prayer written in text in the MV though)
[7] Seven is considered an auspicious number in many Western cultures. Let's just skip it. also self-explanatory.
[8] 'Tut, tut, child!' said the Duchess. 'Everything's got a moral, if only you can find it. excerpt from Alice in Wonderland. don’t know how important that’ll be in the future—could be referenced directly in the MV? 
[9] no respect for the classics smh hold on let me see if there’s a lyric mocking classic literature- 
[10] The Roman numeral for 10 is X. imagine there’s an X with a footnote and it’s just this
[11] I admit to lying. There is no one named OOOOO OOOOO. I am, and always have been, an only child. a lot of theories about this, but regardless of whether or not this statement is true, it could be a reference to diana chiem, arturo’s sister, david himself even (i’ll explain later), etc. either way, this footnote seems to be more about one of the characters in the DRDT cast than anything
[12] "Majority rule" is known to be the fairest method of making decisions for a group. That's why murderers never complained when we voted for them to die. just a random question, but you know what a majority vote is? /ref this may also be a reference to this lyric:
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rough translation + wiki info: to be, or not to be—i have no idea! but let’s decide, with a democratic method!
[13] 正 character that’s often used to represent something that’s “correct,” “right,” or “just,” speaking from experience. additionally, it’s sometimes used as tally marks in a few eastern countries (china, japan, etc)
[14] Hint: word length of 256 Hamlet’s soliloquy, which starts with “to be, or not to be—that is the question,” is exactly 256 words (at least, according to this source). Additionally, this soliloquy is also referenced in one of the lyrics in this song (see [12]—the first line is actually one of the more well-known Japanese translations of “to be or not to be.” additionally, a few lines from the text are actually shown in the MV at that point), so that may be what it’s referring to
[15] “Ignorance is bliss" is an idiom used to say that it is better to remain ignorant about certain harsh truths, in order to avoid causing oneself stress. The expression comes from a 1742 Thomas Gray poem ("Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College": "Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise." might be a stretch, but possibly a reference to this lyric?
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(rough translation: things like the meanings(?) behind art, you’d be happier not knowing)  (note: the word used for “art” here encompasses all types of media, which include dance, writing, etc.)
i feel like this is specifically referring to how it’s better to be ignorant of the meanings behind certain actions and words, than to be aware of the dark implications behind them. this is a stretch though. do what you will with it but i think this is referring to one of the characters and their actions + true meanings behind them *cough* david *cough*
[16] While it was originally intended to serve as a military march, today it is most commonly recognized for it's association with circuses and tomfoolery. the exact song that this footnote refers to is Julius Fučík’s “Entrance of the Gladiators.” This is a song that’s featured in Bungaku Shoujo Insane, and it can be heard in the interludes—in fact, this footnote is what pointed me to Bungaku in the first place
[17] Not a real word. Can't be found in any dictionary. this might be an actual translation footnote of the song, since it’s definitely not unheard of to have words in japanese that don’t have an english translation and/or words that don’t actually exist. whether that’s actually in the lyrics i don’t know but i’ll have to look into it
[18] A/N: soz not very good at drawing flowers lol!!! i find it weird how this one specifically has A/N (author’s note)
[19] A dialogue between two individuals that serves as a discussion of moral and philosophical issues. this is known as a socratic dialogue. not sure how this is important yet
[20] It is considered by many to be outdated, providing little-to-no insight on human nature. unfortunately i don’t know what this is referring to, but it will likely be made clear in the mv. my first thought was actually the enlightenment documents, since a lot of those discuss the inherent nature of humanity and how it’s “regulated” by society and government—but i’ve never heard it being called outdated, so that’s kind of a stretch.
someone said it could be an excerpt from one of Sigmund Freud’s works, which honestly, would make total sense-
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[21] Deriving from the Latin phrase "Et cetera" : meaning "and other (similar) things", "and so forth", or "and the rest (of such things)" : abbreviated to etc., etc, et cet., &c. or &c
also pretty self explanatory. however, i have no idea how this fits in the MV
[22] The rest is silence.
no idea about this one.
anyways if you have suggestions please feel free to reblog with them 🫠 i have no idea what’s going on and tbh 90% of this is me trying to grasp at straws
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phyriaxi · 9 months
Another ask separate from my rq, are there any artists or other influences that have inspired your art that you'd like to share?
ohh boy, this is definitely a question I can ramble about (apologies in advance for the long text!!)
Short Answer (a list of lasting artistic influences):
Movies/animanga: How to Train Your Dragon, Avatar (not ATLA, sorry) , Evangelion, Pinch Point (by VLANCAT), Land of the Lustrous, Tower of God, CSM, Tokyo Ghoul, 86 EIGHTY-SIX
Games: Arknights, Cytus II (rip art team..), Honkai Impact 3rd, Destiny 2
artists/illustrators/animators: Shilin, Ishida Sui, yasutatsu, WOOMA, par0llel, suzumesakiii, Dino_illus, liduke, ligton1225, Curie Lu, 96yottea, many many others... I could write nearly every Arknights illustrator as well and still not be satisfied ..
Music: classical music, Ado, KIVA, Eve (the MVs..!), i think i need to stop listing things now because it'll never end
Long Answer (rambling):
when it comes to art, i am definitely inspired by other visual artists, but i am also very inspired by the world around me as well as creators of other types of media. i'm extremely lucky to have grown up in a lively, diverse city with a wonderfully creative family, so the art and music of my family and environment plays a large part in my artistic preferences!! Something I have really wanted to integrate more deeply into my art is the contrast between new and old, grungy and refined... it reflects a lot of the conflicts that make up what I consider to be "me." Also, I just really like the vibe of chaotic industrial zones and rusty metal combined with a shining city in the distance, lol.
Regarding particularly influential media: pretty much anyone who's taken a glance at my blog will know immediately that Arknights is one of my biggest influences. it's basically all i draw nowadays... whenever I'm not thinking about Responsibilities and Adult Life i'm usually thinking about either Arknights or Ado (<3).
before Arknights, I spent a long time drawing fanart and fan-characters inspired by How to Train Your Dragon. Both the visual and musical aspects of that series still have a very dear place in my heart, even if I don't engage much with the community anymore. I actually only really started drawing not-dragons about 3 or 4 years ago at this point. Something I have been thinking about a lot recently is how I can go back to drawing more creatures alongside my humanoid subjects, since it's not something I've done very much recently.
Gradually I began to find more friends in the art community, and I think I'm very influenced by those people as well! It isn't a competition, of course, but being around people who are also pushing to improve is a big motivator when I am feeling low on passion. "I want to stand together with them at the top of world one day", is how I often feel. I really want to work on a collaborative project with other artists someday as well. Trying to build my skill is partially because I want to better express my ideas, but also because I want to inspire and be inspired by other creators. :D I think my art has been evolving at a pretty good pace recently because of these motivators.. the friends and regulars (including you, burstfoot!!) that visit my blog regularly here really motivate me too!!
and lastly, I'm at a point in my life where I feel that if I can't get this art thing off the ground, I will probably have to give up on pursuing it properly soon... so it's partially desperation that is inspiring me to change and try new ways of expression as well :,]
[ thank you for the ask!! ]
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temporalarts · 11 months
What exactly does Dallon / Subject A even do as part of the research(?) going on at Tellexx like think I know but I also barely understand it and that was also always the part that interested me (besides the whole general themes and symbolism involving Tellexx)
dallon (basically) in razzmatazz is a test subject to research time travel (he uses the fancy word temporal modulation, temporal meaning related to time separated from space and modulation meaning process of turning data into radio waves) and thought reform (actually a real studied systematic brain washing technique to change the way a person thinks used in cult settings. very interesting thing to research). he/idkhow were with TELLEXX's special projects division which includes the temporal arts research program he was in (during razzmatazz).
the leave me alone mv is also a showcase of how dallon/idkhow can time travel to sell investors of TELLEXX. its lab footage from TELLEXX that was supposed to only be seen internally/to investors which changed when srchprty found and released it.
these are also the tellexx documents that show more info from him signing into the program as a research volunteer
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chongmiz · 5 months
initially posted to main blog but i wanted to expand so
i think a good rule of thumb is artists don't need to disclose their medical history to "prove" their credentials. i understand how the fortnight MV and suicidal lyrics throughout ttpd can read as careless; i had some initial hesitation because i haven't stopped thinking of britney spears' memoir since i read it, and the lineage of women in her family being institutionalized against their will by and pumped full of lithium. but just because one blond pop star publicizes this doesn't mean every other should follow.
however, strong reactions to fortnight, in particular, must come from the discomfort of taylor's proud ownership of her songs as "about her life" (miss americana doc), but this wasn't even true of her discography at that point in time, before folklore; they've been about friends' lives, the kennedys, characters from books and film and tv, like she says about "death by a thousand cuts" and much of her older songs at NPR tiny desk. but taylor hasn't framed her music as narrated by characters since folklore and evermore, and she's never not appeared in a self-directed music video; i think she's only been a supporting role twice, in the ATW "film" and "i can see you."
i wonder if some more obvious buffer between her and the material might help its reception infinitesimally, like having an actor in the fortnight MV. then again, i'm reminded of pj harvey:
'Some critics have taken my writing so literally to the point that they’ll listen to 'Down by the Water' and believe I have actually given birth to a child and drowned her,' scoffed Harvey to Spin in 2005. It’s a curious trend: unlike her old pal Nick Cave, a man always left free to slip into the skins of murderers, sleazebags or demonic preachers because he’s playing characters, Harvey has often been shackled by folk desperate to bolt autobiographical meaning to her every song. 'It can be very frustrating, particularly when it seems almost preposterous that it could be autobiographical,' she told me in an interview for the Quietus in 2011, just before the release of Let England Shake. 'People don’t allow the metaphor, the imagery, all the things that you work with as a writer … standing completely outside, as the narrator of a story.' (The Guardian, 2015)
i don't bring in pj harvey for no reason. her late career has included incidental music for ivo van hove's west end productions, including all about eve starring gillian anderson and lily james. a few years prior, gillian anderson played blanche dubois in a streetcar named desire at st. ann's warehouse dir. benedict andrews. the ending of "hits different" (feeding into beginning of "fortnight") made me think of a streetcar named desire on first listen, which ends with blanche involuntarily committed after her brother-in-law assults her, her sister helpless to intervene. you might recognize the line "i have always depended on the kindness of strangers" that lana quotes somewhere on born to die, said by blanche to the nurses taking her away. i suppose early lana's midcentury nostalgia successfully separated lana from lizzy, and pj harvey did not start her career claming her lyrics as autobiography. unfortunately, taylor swift may never be allowed such estrangement because she doesn't seem to want it ("i hate it here"), even if her next directorial outing is something vastly more "period" than fortnight, even if she doesn't appear onscreen.
as much as people fantasize about her writing a musical one day, 1) "beautiful ghosts" was redundant to an already nonsense libretto and really just the ingenue version of "memory," so you're back to a ybwm madonna/whore binary, groundbreaking and 2) based on her music video treatments, i question her interest in writing in someone else's voice, as in a flesh-and-blood character with material context, not loosely-defined devices like betty and james
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kookiecrush · 11 months
People are saying that the 7 tattoo in the background of Jk's picture is Tae's one?
It definitely looks like it, anon, which is very interesting 🤔
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Why would he choose Tae's version when it's supposed to be about his own tattoos? And why would he have multiple inverted A's? Are they even inverted A's or were they V's all along because no other letters from his ARMY tattoo were included separately. I think the 7 and the V could be Jungkook's way of subtly incorporating Tae into his work, just like how Tae had the 3D graffiti at the end of his "For us" mv.
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snowball-doie · 24 days
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information: a collection of all the necessary information needed to read my Dream()scape fanfiction. I include NCT U lore theories and my own interpretation of NCT Dream lore. i'll update this post if any new information needs to be added based on my own thoughts or asks provided by the community!
series masterlist
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Spent 10 years in the facility. Was brought in when she was 12/13. She's the only girl in the facility. She was kidnapped by 7 Dream Prod when she was a kid. Her family lived on the streets. Part of the separate experiments that are performed on her and Jisung. She's only been to the medical room 3 times-- Each time because of Jaemin during sparring lessons. Because she was forced to ween off the pills for the doctors' entertainment, she is able to fight against the effects more-- But not to the same extent as Jisung. After escaping the facility, her worst fear is seeing Jisung tortured in front of her again.
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Part of the experiments that are performed on him and Sunja. Gains a tolerance for the pills because him and Sunja are forced to overdose and ween off of them so much. He's able to start fighting against the effects of the pills. He is able to manipulating the pill-induced dreams. Seems to be actively aware of what's going on and can even interact with things that the others cant (i.e in the Christmas MV, he was awake and picked up the bunny while the others were asleep). He's also the odd man out in all the dances and imagery in which they're supposed to be high on the pills or dreaming. (i.e. in Boom and Chewing Gum). Fell in love with Sunja first but didn't say anything due to his guilt caused by what the doctors made them do during their tests. Didn't want to break out of 7 Dream Prod. at first out of fear of being separated from the Dreamies... His breaking point was being cognizant during one of the tests and not wanting to hurt Sunja.
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LORE (summarized)
There are multiple universes with the Dreamies. Some of these universes are able to travel to others, hence how 7 Dream Prod. tried to kidnap Haechan, and the Dreamies recognized themselves in the music video they were watching on TV. We know that in one of these universes-- We'll refer to it as the Main Universe since that's where Sunja is from-- is where 7 Dream Productions has the Dreamies and others in a facility where they're forced to take pills in order to control them and their dreams. We also know from the NCT U dreams videos that all of the members have their own individual dreams, yet they are all connected to each other through said dreams. 7 Dream Prod. is able to go into their dreams to view them (Johnny did this in an NCT U lore video, and I think Lucas did too). Dreams are clearly important to the overall NCT universe, but the fact that the Dreamies are being kidnapped and tested on for it is what makes them unique in comparison to the other groups/members of NCT.
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Kidnapped by 7 Dream Productions in order to have their dreams tested on. Johnny and Lucas (probably other members too) were doing this in the Dreamies' universe. Each of their worst fears/traumas are used against them throughout the tests. Mark and Haechan are kept separate from each other. Jeno is a soldier who is unable to reach his full potential while listening to everything the doctors say. Renjun doesn't know who he really is because of the dreams. Jaemin and Chenle are fighters trying to survive in a "kill or be killed" environment. Jisung is kept separate from his brothers, he's forced to do things he doesn't want, and he's threatened with never seeing the Dreamies again if he acts out or even tries to leave. After escaping the facility, their goal is to get back home safe; But that's obviously difficult given the fact that they're being hunted by 7 Dream Productions.
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An organization started by the Dreamies in an alternate universe where they want to find out more information about the multiverse and how dreams impact it. Similar to Johnny and Lucas's tests, but they're taking a more aggressive approach in a desperate attempt to control the universe rather than help it.
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The purpose of the pills is that the doctors can control the subjects with one to two words (i.e. "Swallow" to take the pills), and to observe/control the subjects' dreams. Everyone has to take two doses of the pills every day. One with breakfast to control them throughout the day, the other with dinner to observe/control their dreams throughout the night. Taking the pills causes short term memory loss-- The boys have a hard time remembering what life was like before the facility, and Sunja remembers next to nothing. They can't feel a lot of pain on the pills. It makes them numb robots.
Every Sunday and Wednesday Jisung and Sunja are tested on by the doctors in the facility. They area forced to ween off the pills, forced to watch hypnotic/inappropriate videos, forced to participate in inappropriate behavior, etc. They're basically used as entertainment for the doctors (Not 7 Dream Prod.) 7 Dream Prod. does not know what is really going on during these tests because the doctors are lying to them, and so long as the doctors are reporting positive results to the testing, 7 Dream Prod. doesn't care.
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