#they genuinely think people reblog and dont buy
dailytomlinson · 2 years
I am waiting for my paycheck to hit my bank so I can order the new digital version, and I've already ordered 2 other versions, thankfully, but I can tell you first hand that IT SUCKS when you can't order something because of finances. My husband is in and out of the hospital monthly, I have an adult daughter with autism, and sometimes I just can't buy things. Yet even when I download something from my dash, I ALWAYS go back and buy it as soon as I can. Your anons are just flat out entitled jerks.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THIS IS WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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anonymocha · 1 month
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Bluepoch gave us the gift of barely-subtext tragic sapphic-centric media do NOT throw that away.
Context regarding PJSK and Undertale under cut.
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Project Sekai cast is dominated by female characters but mlm is more popular, meanwhile Undertale has canon wlw rep and oh my god they’re at the bottom. I have nothing against these fandoms or media (I’m literally currently/was in them) but yeah. I just HOPE r99 doesn’t end up in a similar state.
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sickacademia · 7 months
i`m starting to feel the opposite of delight towards dark academia. how come every aesthetic board sound so clinically not genuine. who tf studies with a glass of wine ON THE BOOK. like. the book. under the glass. of wine. or study with a single cinnamonroll and a little cup of coffee.
honestly i think these are made by people who don`t study often or simply don`t know how to study at all.
i may be completely wrong about this statement, but studying is messy. youre searching for inputs to input in your brain and this is inherently messy. youre changing what your brain knows or adding even more information to the neural MESS of particles in there. and i think that this is the most beautiful part of it.
id rather feel like chaos is more genuine in study blogs than rebloging and engaging simple boards that dont feel like the process of getting knowledge at all. and all this image that i see recently about strudying is kinda messed up to me.
like, yes, if you buy cute paper and pens you may feel more motivated to study, that`s a fact, but studying, learning, is not all about the aesthetics. and my study routine improved a LOT when i realized that.
if you study because its visually aesthetic youll end up giving up when it`s hard. although when you study because you think the subject is amusing, delighting, pleasing and gives you joy, now thats a good reason.
i also feel like internet and social media in general has made everything into aesthetics. ive been through the 'need to romanticize everything or else i'll go nuts' but thats definitely not the way. internet and aesthetics wont make you get better at the subject you like or need to go through in any form.
trying, getting things wrong, getting fucking pissed at it, cursing your teachers family, THATS how you learn. were human. we`re made of flesh and ugliness above all. not everything will be prettiness. the prettiness comes from finally getting the knowledge you've been searching for in a human way. with all the rights and wrongs. the uglies too.
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cannibalismyuri · 10 months
People aren’t obligated to reblog your fanfics if they don’t enjoy the writing. You don’t get as much attention because you’re not as known. You haven’t been publishing as long as the “big authors” you pretend to love but then bash them immediately afterwards. It sucks, but you can’t buy people’s affection. You pretend to be more humble than everyone else but then get pissed so easily because you don’t have bragging rights.
i never said everyone has to enjoy my writing. also the Thing is; these big authors have been publishing for longer yeah !! and their writing is absolutely marvelous and i genuinely adore them. but. they also are popular bc they're seen as Better than other creators and put on a pedestal. which is both uncomfortable for them and Highly discouraging for others. and this is due to a cliquey mindset. it Is. as much as u like to pretend it isn't, it rlly rlly is. people can be just friends. there is nothing wrong with supporting ur friends' work more or being more invested in ur friends' work. the problem lies in the fact that many people just disregard other rlly talented creators in favor of the already popular ones (who are popular for a reason. their art / fics / wtv Are really good and i read their stuff too! not trying to put them down here, just trying to lift other people up) which makes for a fandom that is going to die out. and dont u fucking dare bring my fics and my engagement and me into this. maybe i was petty abt that before and i acknowledge that. but i haven't made a single post abt how my fics are getting less engagement in Months. the post i did make and the one ur probably so butthurt abt wasn't even initially abt cliques. it was just saying that we need to rb more and be more vocal of our support of creators in the tags or - wherever. NOT underrated / underappreciated / smaller / less popular creators. i was Very general abt it. creators. period. the talk of cliques came into play when i peer reviewed someone's tags on that post. bc they were extremely real and the problem of less vocal support affects "popular" creators too! ive been noticing that they're also getting less engagement. but mostly the people affected by it are creators in the fandom with no prior popularity. and it is an actual issue. also when the actual fuck have i ever bought someone's affection?? im too broke for that, my dude, i struggle to pay rent most months. and i've Not acted humble or holier than thou. the reason i have so many moots and friends is bc im a genuinely nice person who wants to support and uplift EVERYONE in this fandom. i do have personal beef with people, but im civil to Everyone. thats the reason i have friends. unlike you, i dont send anon hate bc im butthurt over one (1) post <3 hope that fucking helps <3 also the post wasnt even abt ME. bc i genuinely dont give a fuck abt people seeing and liking my writing anymore bc i have Grown Past That and just... adopted a give no fucks mindset. the post was abt the fandom slacking and not appreciating creators (PERIOD.) enough. it was never abt me. also bragging rights? babe nobody's bragging abt how they get more interaction. that's rude asf and entirely out of the question. and those popular writers ur talking abt who Could brag if they wanted to DON'T. bc they aren't despicable human beings who love to put others down. i'm Friends, or at the very least, friendly moots w the writers ur talking abt. and im not trying to put them down. im trying to lift other people up, which is smth u just Don't understand apparently. i even contributed in a whole ass event to shine light on talented, less popular writers in the fandom. bylerficrecweek? u might ive heard of it. it helped, or i like to Think it did, with helping people branch out, but the problem wasn't completely solved. people who are equally as talented as the already popular creators have talked abt their experience with engagement in the exact same post that ur so pissed abt. im going to put tags from various people under the cut so that u can see exactly how much people are affected by the prominent clique problem in the byler fandom. hope u have a good day and u wanna kiss me so bad it makes u look stupid 😚
THIS is the post im talking abt in question, the og post along with denise @bylertruther 's tags. i'm going to be putting screenshots of people's tags on this post with due credit. (to any of the people featured here : if u want me to remove ur tags feel free to say so!)
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via @holyvirgilscriptures
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via @runninguplenorahills
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via @unwisewizard
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via @apatheticlexicographer
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via @fireflywitch
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via @hawkwidows
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via @sandinmybed
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via @katimanki2
ANDDDDD thats it! hope u fucking realized that i was speaking generally and also Many people face this problem. kiss my ass 💋
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crazy-lazy-elder-sims · 3 months
I dont talk alot about my work i think i just mention that im a translator and thats about it
but yeah im a translator and it hit me today that about 70% of my work is translating documents for refugees
idk why i didn't put 2 and 2 together before but it kinda clicked today when i saw a regular client from Congo and gave him his papers that werent his but for multiple people, he told me hes so happy with our work and how much we help him no matter when he comes and how much work he requests that now he feels like this place is his home and we are his family and he joked that he will come in in Ramadan (i think he means eid lol) to take a portion of the ramadan cow lol (if you didn't know its a muslim tradition and practice to once a year to buy a cow and take its meat and give it out to anyone that needs food usually the portion would last a small family of 3 or 4 half a year or a full one depends on how they use it you give out to people in need regardless of family ties or not and a couple of people can buy one cow to try and get a bigger cow and cover the cost and help out as many people as possible withen family and outside of it anyway thats what he was referring to)
We work with so may refugees from so many places like Syria Congo Ethiopia Eritria and sudan but today we had our first client from Palestine it was a kid looking to translate his papers so he can get documented and continue his education.
That hit me so hard... It genuinely changed my perspective on this job which i took just because I couldnt find any other in my preferred feild of art i was resentful of that but today i look at it from a different perspective
I finally can do somthing to help everyone directly besides reblogging and talking and explaining i can finally do somthing more!
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coughloop · 1 year
Where is this boss guy even from? Did he buy the url off someone? What is up with that
i dont care enough to scroll through his blog and see how long he's been posting for since he doesnt have a viewable archive but my genuine assumption considering he's willing to throw money at things since he bought checkmarks and (i assume) bought his url is this:
loser guy who wants to be horny and mysterious makes account on tumblr
steals tons of content be it tweets or memes or cats from reddit, maybe some posts took off, maybe he was just posting in to the void
when tumblr blaze rolled out i have a feeling he used it a lot to gain a following, no idea how big it was then or is even now
at some point in the summer this happened and now he's pretending it didnt. i think the whole thing is incredibly sus but there's probably better analysis and how much the guy sucks and shouldnt be trusted on that linked post itself
when elon took over twitter a lot of people came to tumblr for the first time and were looking for something similar to what they were used to so following a guy that copy and pastes horny relationship babygirl posts from twitter and whatever memes he sees is familiar so his follower base got a huge boost.
he got big enough on the bland and basic/newbie side of tumblr that he breached containment and now the veteran side of tumblr that have seen these clowns come and go since 2012 (think about the iconic "you. cum/come. now" gif) have all decided to start making fun of him because his really stupid posts started appearing on our dashes (either naturally or continued use of blaze, though again him using blaze is just my speculation)
we learned that not only is he bland and annoying but he's also potentially a predator (again see link above, i feel like we're not talking enough about this) so he's become an easy target to all rally around and say fuck this guy
i doubt he will ever delete cause he's obviously too egotistical to ever admit the ultimate defeat of leaving a website so instead he is going to continue turning off reblogs on posts that people make fun of him on and blocking anyone who already reblogged the version making fun of him.
again, a lot of this is speculation but to me it makes the most sense, loser throws money at website until enough people fall for his shtick and he gets what wants which is horny fans and a place to be gross.
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djs-horny-blog-lmao · 11 months
do you have any hypno writers you really like? either for TSS or just in general. your writing is great so I feel like you'd have good taste in recs
- 👽
first off, 🥺 that's really sweet thank you
second off, i don't think im going to have a very good answer for you. legitimately, i used to trawl the nsfs/nsfw tags the most,,, back in about 2019?? and the landscape of who's writing and how much is being written has changed a surprising amount, and I can't remember for the life of me who i used to read.
the sanders stuff? fuck dude i dont remember anyone other than @/tulipanthousa in specific, but i remember reading good stuff. God. i remember tss kinktober 2019 was really good but i cannot rely on tumblr ever being able to take me back that far.
when it comes to just hypnokink blogs? again a lot of the stuff i initially microdosed on is actually gone (i joined tumblr first for porn but also like,,,, ten months before the porn ban)
But i am still gonna list a whole bunch of blogs i find inspiring / hot. tho tbh you might have guessed some of these already based on my rb history
(im also not tagging ANYONE bc im just some rando fandom smut blog and that'd be mortifying >.<)
@/of-mutts-and-men just hits that monsterfucker vibe perfectly. a lot of werewolf vibes and ive been so into that lately. also a healthy dose of mind-fuckery.
@/aspiring-house-husband has really good hypno story posts (and non hypno) but just. clenches fist. the eroticism is off the charts. their posts are So inspiring. and so fucking hot. drives me crazy insane.
@/erogenousmind also is top notch and im pretty sure, from memory, has some really good hypno scripts? im picky w/ scripts, i dont like ones that try bait you into reblogging at the end >.< and a lot of them dont necessarily pace well, but i remember this person's stuff being Good
@/yoyomindloops is v much the same as above. they have that erotic hypno dnd series. good shit.
and tho im p sure theyre not on tumblr anymore actively, the blog is still up, and @/lewd-zko's art is just. such internet hypnokink classic.
im also gonna cite 2 like,,, 'makes hypno porn video content' things that i find really inspiring/hot too (tho i will admit, ive never bought their things, i dont exactly have the privacy to do so nor the funds)
@/the-hedge-hypnotist was a guy i remember has been around for ages and has been like,,, solidly one of the Ethical Hypno Content Guys? there's been... a fair amount of drama over the years, it seems, but yeah. he always super cites the models he works with and even the teasers for what they make is super top notch and really erotic. i remember one i was obsessed w/ was super eldritch horror... and i didnt even think i was into that
and lastly, a site that's been driving me insane and im actually gonna link it directly, is Mesmerotic. their people are hot, theyre hypno is hot and real and genuine, and even tho like,,, i can't buy their stuff yet, their teasers/snippets are insanely good. and they do some versatile things!
the other major idea spinner, other than my own brain, is actually DM's with a bestie ^-^' it's no more than plotting erotic fics together (it's actually for a different fandom, i reuse the ideas and she doesn't mind) but got ae have some good kinky ideas. the superhero stuff? that was aem.
...i dont know if this is quite what you meant, but... yeah! fdkgjfdg
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XIV as a capitalist is such a surprising idea to me. how did that happen
(CW: trauma discussion, mentioning of programming and grooming, General Warning of Trauma talk cause IDK if this is graphic or not cause I have no sense of reference)
(Also sharing this cause as an anecdote of how a kid ends up being alt right.)
(Also feel free to reply to this post, I dont really consider this as a trauma that bothers me really, reblogs are only off per respect of the rest of the system)
I was a hardcore capitalists until I realized I was an alter and went "HEY WAIT A MINUTE" like I watched old in day Shapiro (still claim that a lot of that was probably cause hes busting it down and goated with the sauce), Yiannpolis, and Steven Crowder 😂 I was a full fledged radical right winger that said fuck the poor not my fault they buy starbucks everyday 😂
Honestly it comes three fold 1) Our parents are the no brain middle class folk who were deeply convinced that all their struggles came from lazy poor people with no money management skills 2) Our middle sister who was overtly abusive and bullying us since we could talk and intentionally making our parents neglect our needs was a (correct) radical leftist, so a lot of our more aggressive alters that helped combat that ended up being predisposed to being radical right wing as an oppositional thing 3) our older sister who did botched programming and grooming and was the "only safe and caring person in our life" was a hard capitalist that as part of the "oh lets train the alters for specific roles" grilled me from a young age in the principles of capitalism as well as survival and dominance in a capitalistic world at the expense of others and until it clicked that I was an alter (In a System with Trauma and different perspectives / recollection of shit), I never really took a step back to look at the garbage I was fed
Cause Riku when they first realized I was a seperate part (same time I did] they kept calling me Capitalist Riku since for the first week or two I was operating on the shit I knew and constantly spewing self destructive capitalistic brain rot and it always pissed me off "for some reason" to be called that (and caused us to fight A LOT)
And after I got done pissing on the system for two or three weeks I think I tuckered myself out of my trained trauma hole enough to ask myself why I hated being called "Capitistic Riku" and pretty quickly came to the realization it was cause that was identifying me by the abuse and trauma I went through
And then it clicked that I was just regurgitating a list of baseless rules, scripts and ideas that was grilled into me as "the truth of the world" and thats just what my piece of shit sister wanted me to be like and in - I kid you not - one day radicalized to the opposite end and started burning the system down instead as a commie 😂
But honestly, being so heavily grilled in how capitalism works and being grilled into "being good at capitalism", I had enough understanding of how incredibly fucked and broken it is that I didnt need to really be convinced of its atrocities beyond actually looking at what I was reading off of
Well at least thats a lot of the XIV 1.0 origin story which is the part Id still identift as my "main" part considering Ive fused a good many times.
(mild NSFW post script below the cut, minors don't look)
(Seriously though in hind sight I genuinely think the only reason I watched Shapiro was cause he was a quirked up white boy and my gay ass was like "totally wanna fuck that twink 👀" and was 100% thinking with my dick.
I dont have that excuse for Crowder and Milo was a kindred spirit at the time)
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mariska · 1 year
hello tumblr friends who live in my phone i just wanted to pop in real quick and let everyone know that I Am (somehow) Still Alive since i mentioned being very sick last month and did not want anyone 2 think i had finally Expired. wish i could say i'm doing better this month but while im definitely nowhere near as miserable as i was in April, i've been spending this month trying to deal with Sickness Aftershocks that have been making all of my long term autoimmune diseases/health issues in general flare up randomly really bad at pretty much completely random times and i also have a whole new fun set of similar feeling but definitely different and 100x worse physical health problems and its been extremely difficult to try and power through all of it like i'm used to doing for the 26 years i have been alive 😔 but i'm still hangin in there. idk how at this point lmao. subconscious fight or flight survival mode i guess. i'm like 99% sure i somehow caught one of the new covid mutations in April unfortunately despite the lifelong Agoraphobia and 3+ years of effort i've done to do literally everything in my ability to stay protected against it but. thats life i guess, u leave the house one or two times masked up hand sanitizer ready to go sweating from being overheated wearing clothes that cover as much of ur skin as u can stand and other people just Dont. so. i knew it would probably happen to me eventually i just was really hoping it would not! but. i will continue surviving as best i can because i dont have any other option or choice. but that is why i've unintentionally been distant here and online in general. it was already extremely difficult getting myself out of bed and taling showers and changing clothes and brushing my teeth and remembering to eat food and drink water before but now its reached a difficulty that i literally can't have any control over most of the time and its a lot of physical/mental/emotional effort to even tap reblog on a post online or respond to a text more so than it was previously. which again was already. very difficult to power through.
anyways! uh! yeah. life update i guess. i hope you guys are genuinely doing much better than i am this year and i hope you're all able to stay safe and as relatively healthy as you can. and please please please please at the very least wear some form of a face mask in public even if you're outside and not in a tiny building. i dont say that to shame anyone here i just feel like there are a lot of well meaning good people who arent fully aware that in the US at least the pandemic is very much not over and people like myself are suffering and dying because of that and we cant be the only group of people that are still doing our best to stay protected when we have to leave the house. if you're able to get some i highly recommend N95 type face masks because supposedly they offer one of the best chances of protection as long as you're wearing it correctly and it fits your face well; there's a really great non-profit organization called Project N95 that has an official website and a huge list of various face masks in a bunch of different sizes and types to order if you don't know where to find some high quality ones and they also have a form you can fill out and submit to request an order of free masks if you can't afford to buy them; their money donation pool goes towards providing masks (and some air purifiers i think?) to low income people/organizations/work places that doesn't have the funds or resources to constantly buy expensive batches of masks and their website is super detailed and well organized and has a long list of visual and written resources and information about different mask types, ways you can help keep yourself/your community safe, etc. so i highly recommend them if you are like me and are very stressed and anxious and confused about all of that information all the time. their site should be the at the top of the search results if you google N95 Project, it has a dot org site url so thats another way you can tell its the official site.
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momspotatosalad · 3 months
i cant believe im 21 and i can now drink alcohol legally. im waiting for my license so i can buy. im 21 and ive done nothing with my life damn its over for me. anyways!!!! thinking about making a neocities website to talk about my fav charactres
idk if i am unable to grow up because of my circumstances or if its because im the issue... i think it is the latter. IM THE PROBLEM. i have been thinking if im a lesbian or not.. i mean its normal to feel some shame and dread when u think about how u dont act urself with a guy, like am i acting this way because hes a guy and i genuinely like him or is it as the female sex, i have yet to break out of the mentality that i make myself appealing to the man - regardless if im attracted to him or not
and i just feel like a guy wont ever be able to appreciate me properly, i cant tell if its because ive read and heard many people's experiences with their bfs and they're al like questionable people or what. idk i just dont think i can ever act myself with a dude and tbh i feel like most of the time when guys do talk to me its bc ive never been with anybody. i dont want to give myself up bc im just sm to take - which i hate. idk why theres just so much importance in this kind of shit but this has been a discussed topic before so idk why im bothering talking about this..
also! thinking about getting back into writing and art!!! i want to write so much things about hidan and kakuzu and naruto OH IVE BEEN WATCHING NARUTO .. im like 200 episodes in, im taking a break because ive binged a lot last week and i need to give myself a rest and not let the show consume me. but its been really fun, i think about my favorite charactres and i get so happy!!!! and now i can reblog fanart of my favs and read ff on ao3 and tumblr! yipeee! now i have to think whether or not its worth it to spend 6 dollars on a poorly assembled bagel
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bbg100 · 1 year
Hi there, im really sorry. I know its kinda inappropriate to ask for a favor like this but I just wanted to ask if you could possibly share or boost the post I pinned for my cat. We're in desperate need of help right now. I hope youd consider, if not I understand dont worry. Be safe always! Pls do send me a msg or answer this ask privately if possible <33 Happy Valentines Day!
Hey guys! Welcome to my Speedrun of recognizing scammers.
First tip! Do not automatically trust, there's no rush. You can wait hours or days before handling an ask. In general, people who are trying to get you to act quickly (minus like, emergencies that are Happening) are trying to get you to act thoughtlessly.
Okay here's how to scam hunt:
1. This ask. People don't generally send asks like this in genuine ways. It's also a copypaste, and mentions valentine's despite it being Feb 18th today.
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Reblogs are done direct from OP! With recommended posts and other site changes we can no longer assume a blog with varied content is safe. Where previously it would all be content from one tag, now it's from several trending topics. Cecilsweep, puss n boots, if you're terminally online like I am you know those were trending 5 days ago.
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This is the oldest post they have! It's, again, direct from OP. It's also posted recently (a sign that it would have been top of the tags) and OC content (is it bad to assume you have to follow an artist to get into their OCs?). Also, if the oldest post is 5 days old, this blog is a baby and should not be trusted to hold your money.
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Good old fashioned searching their name on Tumblr. This is having to take the place of reverse Google image search, for me, since like many users I'm an app user and Google lens has me trapped in an unrelenting hell of 'nice top want to buy it' and 'i found the Latin name for that animal :)'. This is a good way to quickly check if someone is being spoken of, though, of course, still think critically because people can lie online about anything including call-out posts.
Thus concludes our lesson Speedrun mlg pro gaming! Please stay safe and don't engage with scammers or mormons
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catcze · 3 years
hELLO HI- its the anon who requested the prettyboy- here i am being annoying ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ can i pReTtY pls request again- if its okay here i go kaeya, diluc and childe(les goo) with male reader who has huge white wings ? (the reader has a good control over them and strong ?¿) im being annoying and i know- i dont know- if i have the chance to req again but-(but- lemme try my luck-) {btw love your writing♥️}
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Reblogs are greatly appreciated !!
「 FEAT : 」 Kaeya, Diluc, Childe (separate) x Male Reader
「 ### : 」 Fluff !! reader has wings !! It’s implied that the reader isn’t human (adeptus/illuminated beast, maybe)
Hey again hun! 💞 and nOOO omg you're not annoying!! Feel free to request as much as you want haha, I'm just glad you like it! It might take a bit for it to be answered, but I'll always do my best to get back to you 💞 Hope you like this too!! 
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⠀ 「 KAEYA 」
Tbh i genuinely think that Kaeya would adore your wings!
If you allow him to, he’ll pet them and stroke them in the way that you direct him. He’ll probably be so careful while preening your wings, too, since he doesn’t want to disappoint you or make you feel uncomfortable. 
During the spring, i can totally see him complimenting your wings on how prettier and shinier they’ve gotten.
If your wings are sensitive, causing you to shiver when he touches them at first, he would so tease you about it, the little shit. Probably every other time, too.
“Do you enjoy my touch that much, dove?” what a cocky little shit smh
When he shows you around Mondstadt. you both have a great time! However, one problem is that because of your large wingspan, it’s best that you don’t enter small shops in fear of breaking stuff due to their strength, even if you can control them well. Another problem shouldn’t be a problem but, well, is. Your wings are pretty unusual in Mondstadt, since they don’t really have non-humans or half-humans wandering around like in Liyue. as such, many people are so interested in your big white wings,.
Basically, people have the tendency to crowd you and ask to touch your wings, which is typically a no-go from randos since it can mess up the feather alignment.
So Kaeya typically sticks with you as if he were your personal bodyguard! It’s super sweet. He makes jokes about it too, sometimes joking about how you could form a boyband if you managed to rope Diluc and maybe one of your male friends from Liyue into the gig. 
Aside from being attention grabbing and ruckus-causing, big wings can also be troublesome when it comes to finding clothes! You typically stick with backless options, sometimes racerbacks, and usually without a neckline (unless it has buttons or velcro) for ease of putting on and taking off.
That means you can’t really swap clothes with Kaeya tho, since he doesn’t strike me as a guy with too many backless tops. He does buy some eventually! Just for you to steal haha.
Speaking of clothes, since he has that feather boa thing around his neck, i can totally see him asking you for some of your discarded or molting feathers to weave into there, just to have a piece of you with him!
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⠀ 「 DILUC 」
He’d be cautious around them! He probably hasn’t seen many winged humanoids, so he kind of has to get used to seeing you. He’d probably be aware of not sneaking up on your from behind, since those white things are huge, and he doesn’t want to risk getting knocked back if he surprises you. 
He doesn’t mind you sitting in the Angel’s Share, since it’s kind of fitting for you to be there, what with your wings and all. In a way, you sort of became the mascot for the place. 
This results in some problems, though, like when some of the more drunk patrons proposition you and call you a ‘pretty boy angel.’ It’s not something that requires any direct action aside from ignoring them, but once in a blue moon a rather aggressive drunk would be too forward or pushy with their advances. It’s still no problem though–– not when you can just send a gust of wind their way to spill their drink and topple them to the ground with a flick of your wing.
Diluc would probably send for a tailor to custom-make some clothing for you that is easy for you to put on and is comfortable for your wings. He’d ask that the fabric your clothing would be made out of is light and aerodynamic, too, for your ease of flying.
If you ask him, he’ll give you a room in the winery to do as you please-– so you can make a huge nest if you want! Diluc will even get you as many blankets and pillows as you need. Sometimes he’ll even join you–– It much comfier than he expected.
You’re sometimes the big spoon, but usually you prefer to lay on your front and sort of drape your arm around him, since you don’t want to cramp your wings.
If work is slow at the winery and the tavern, sometimes Diluc will go flying with you. Well, to him it’s more ‘gliding’, really, since he glides and you can flap your wings. But it’s still loads of fun! With your masterful control, you’d dart around his form in midair and sometimes create updrafts for him so that he can stay in the air for you just a little while longer.
I can see him being hesitant in letting you carry him though, even if he does trust you.
If the two of your get caught in the rain, you’ll extend one of your wings to cover Diluc from getting wet!! Sometimes this ends with a sweet rainy kiss, other times Diluc worries you might strain the muscles in your wings, even though he should know better.
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⠀ 「 CHILDE 」
Honestly? Super excited and 100% wants to fight you.
Of the three, he’s probably the least caught off-guard that you have large white wings. After all, he’s aware of Ganyu the half-adeptus and her quilin horns, and he’s aware of the part illuminated beast Yenfei and her horns due to the research of the Fatui. He probably heard of you and your white wings before he even met you due to his information network.
He’d compliment your wings, compliment how meticulously clean they are and how strong they look, he’ll probs compliment how strong the guy they’re attached to looks too. Flirty little gremlin.
He’s aware of how big wings can be inconvenient indoors, so for date night, he’ll sometimes rent out whole sections of restaurants with high ceilings to have dinner in, just so that you can stretch your wings without inconveniencing anyone.
Childe will undoubtedly drop heavy hints that he wants to spar with you, and he wants to fight you while you use your wings, too. When you finally agree, he’s over the moon.
It sounds kinda morbid, but during your fight, he sort of tests his prowess with a bow against you when you take to the skies. He’s positive he can hit you at least one or twice, but he find it so hot when you easily dodge all his arrows, knock a couple out of the sky, and even casually catch one or two.
At one point, if you pin him down and use your weight and muscle mass + the weight of your wings to hold him down? He’s really into that.
Like Diluc, he’d probably go gliding / flying with you if he has freetime. unlike Diluc, if you guys go flying after he’s fought you and seen how nimble and how much control you have in the air, he’ll absolutely pester you until you carry him.
It’s an adrenaline rush for him to be in your arms and to be flying like this! It’s this experience that really shows him the difference between flying and gliding.
If you ever do that thing where you tuck in your wings and go into a free-dive to the ground, Childe would probably scream-laugh, though it turns more into an adrenalized whoop when you extend your wings mere seconds before you two are pancakes.
He probably loved the adrenaline rush of that too, and practically demands that you carry him like that again. 
Another one who has custom clothing made for your comfort and for practicality! I said it before, but Childe is a literal sugar daddy who will get you anything. Be it oil for your wings, a new backless top, or even specific sheets for your added comfort, it’s all on the table. 
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butch-bakugo · 3 years
At this point, after seeing the nasty classist and racist shit being sprouted from the white vegans reblogging my post and the entire " holier than thou" attitude these middle class white cis vegans spout at any non vegans and the sheer ENTITLEMENT they have, im blocking vegans, especially white vegans, on sight. Im gettin REAL close to dni territory.
They genuinely believe their white asses who live in gentrified neighborhoods and live next to hipster cafe's with drinks that cost $15 a pop are oppressed. The white savior complex is insane in these poofy whites.
Anyway the veganism movement in general has fueled ecofascism, racism, ableism and classism to an insane degree and no amount of " not all vegans" and " its the message that counts" will erase the harm they cause to Indiginous, black, disabled and poor communities. You can fight animal cruelty without harming those communities the way your passive aggressive asses do. What do you think happens to the black families in black neighborhoods when you kick out the walmart and shove in a whole foods? They starve cause they cant fuckin afford your insane prices on shit that dosent matter. Ive seen shit that was $4 per apple. Yeah no, these families are gonna buy the $5 pack of 5 Tostitos party pizzas that will feed all their kids instead of pitful snack with a wax layer on it.
Like, yall realize how white and gentrified your movement is? Do you have any idea how many poor poc have to live off the McDonald's $1 menu? I can even pull up my experiences as a mixed native person who had to bring large plastic cups of nickels and pennies to kroger and walmart just to afford a can of fuckn soup with some protein in it. White people destroyed our native environment and now yall wanna play white savior by trying to " save it"?
Oh and yall are fucking liars saying that " no vegans geniuinely want everyone to go vegan." When it took me 5 minutes of scrolling through your followers to find 3 vegans who shit on people who dont care about veganism and who say your " making excuses" by saying you cant afford or cant do a vegan diet cause " peanut butter and jelly is vegan!" What are poor people to you? Middle school children at lunch??
At least yall could not be so irritatingly obnoxious about it. God middle class white chick, stfu and stop comparing the meat industry and inuit fishing to the fuckin holocaust, stop saying that dairy milk and vaccines cause autism and stop acting like everyone who dosent want to follow your diet for litterally any reason is a fuckin " murderer".
Honestly yall make me wanna go eat a double bacon cheese burger out of spite cause yall are fucking irritating and performitive.
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rosacarolina · 3 years
hey, i love your blog, i'm just genuinely confused. i know homesteading is a historically racist term, but is the dream of owning a cottage in the countryside racist too? am i missing a piece of the puzzle here :(
hi! firstly, im white so i dont really have any sort of authority to speak on this subject. i do think its important to be deeply critical of cottagecore and all that it implies, and while the dream of owning a cottage and living in the countryside isnt, insofar as i understand, inherently racist. however there is certainly some significant baggage there, in many ways. like the idea that the land is just "up for grabs" when the land on which your idyllic cottage rests is very likely stolen. on the other hand, in much of the planet so is any land. is it inherently racist to buy any house?
i would have to do a lot more reading to begin to tackle ideas like this. secondly, the rural, "pure" "traditional" cottage lifestyle has long been imagery used by white supremacist and nationalist movements in europe and the us, thus why the subgenre is rife with people like tradwives and eco-fascists. a bit down on my blog i reblogged a post which deals with this, which id recommend reading (for some reason its not letting me link it). to add a bit of a class element, the cottagecore fantasy can be seen as rural gentrification; replacing the poor farmers (often POC; i recently read about farmers in south america having to contend with white people encroaching on their livelihoods in order to maintain an alpaca raising rural fantasy) with cute little cottages, the productivity of which their owners dont depend on to feed their families.
i sort of rambled for a while; anyway, its less that ur missing part of the puzzle and more that the puzzle is a complicated moral, social, and economic tangle which is, in some ways, still playing out. any poc are welcome to add on to this post, as i said, i dont claim to be an expert on the subject and would welcome further education
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zorollade · 2 years
go ahead. do your man. you know which one. your pokemon man. go on. do it. (if you genuinely dont know which i mean. go on then. do both. do it.)
FUCK YOU THERES LITERALLY FOUR DIFFERENT MEN THIS COULD MEAN im just gonna do them all . i dont have art of melli he gets a png
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i think everyone knows my general opinions on volo and emmet. i write them a lot. theyre my special little guys
i also have a lot of thoughts about ingo i think, like not as much as the other two but also hes one of those characters where i dont do anything with him because im worried about ruining him in some way. hes a character i like so much i just like put him in a separate enclosure and watch without interfering. him being in pla is genuinely ass busting funny to me. i always forget hes there until i see him and i start cackling. its not angsty or sad to me it is just genuinely hilarious that he of all characters was isekai'd. i dont think im ever gonna write something deep or even at all about him but i do think about him a lot. just ingo. hangin out. goin on little adventures with his gliscor
melli is like julian animal crossing to me. i routinely forget he exists at all until i see him, and then i am delighted. hes very cute and funny. the people who get so heated about him baffle me like is anyone actually feeling insulted by him? ive heard so much worse than Limp Noodle hes just funny to me. hes like a gay friend in high school who insults everyone but theyre really wild insults that mean absolutely nothing and he does it while giving everyone starbucks he went out to buy during lunch break. i think his ego is very charming and perhaps even adorable. i too think so so highly of myself at all times. i just keep coming back to the word cute thats how i would describe him but cute in the sense of like a bichon frise who cries every time you eat something and dont give him a little snack also. i have no deep opinions or thoughts about melli i mainly just think the vitriol so many people carry for him is fucking hilarious
thanks for reading . if you missed the post i reblogged for this just scroll down on my blog its there
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nothorses · 3 years
Hi! I just wanted to say i absolutely LOVE your blog, and I hope you dont mind but I wanted to vent/ramble about something real quick,, a transfem friend of mine uses TMA/TME Literally interchangeably with AMAB/AFAB, seen her call people TMEs and can kinda be.. idk a bit dismissive of transmasc experiences? And I'm a bit upset because she reblogged a post that said stuff about listening to bi people, trans women, gay men and butch lesbians about like educating urself on queer history and the community which I absolutely agree with!! But idk the way the post was phrased uh... Very much felt like it was erasing transmascs and what we've contributed to the community?? And one of the few replies on said post was someone literally saying they hate white AFABs which. I cant say anything about the white part bcs i think it's fair for poc in the community to say that lol, but literally just saying you hate AFAB people, even if its a joke is. Really Weird to me. Sometimes it just feels like some of these people see us as "more privileged" than even cis LGBT people Because we're men or male adjacent. I'm sorry this is so disjointed, I just wanted to share my thoughts
Oh there is so much to unpack here, wow.
The “AFAB privilege” thing is just... incredibly unhinged. It requires so many logical reaches, and in order to genuinely buy into it, you have to believe:
The misogyny AFAB trans people face disappears the moment we know we’re trans, or never existed/doesn’t “count” in the first place
All trans people of each binary AGAB are oppressed and marginalized in exactly the same ways
The differences in how trans people are oppressed and marginalized under cissexism are due exclusively to the gender they were assigned at birth (presentation, perception, etc. are not a factor)
Following that, all AFAB trans people present and are perceived in exactly the same way. (The blueprint here generally being white, thin, post-transition, binary trans men.)
The only “type” of oppression & marginalization that “counts” looks exactly like what transfeminine people experience
If you do not experience those things, no other experiences with oppression or marginalization “count”, therefore you are privileged.
This is an older idea, and thankfully one that seems to be dying out, but I do still see people parroting it today under different terminology and framing- like what you described from your friend.
When transfems buy into it, I get the sense that they’re looking just their own struggles, the way trans activists and allies reassure them that their experiences are objectively The Worst and The Ones That Matter, and the utter lack of acknowledgement of transmasc experiences, and just... drawing some natural conclusions. If you want to be validated in your hurt, and you were in that position, wouldn’t it be easy for you to draw the same conclusions?
But it sucks, and it’s erasive, and it puts AFAB trans folks in danger to think this way. There’s a reason we don’t see any acknowledgement of transmasc oppression & marginalization, and it’s not because it isn’t happening. It’s because those things are happening quietly, where they can go unnoticed, unacknowledged, and unaddressed. If you buy into those ideas, you are supporting the system that allows those things to continue happening.
It sounds like your friend has a lot of stuff to unpack. I hope she puts in the work to do it; and if she doesn’t, I hope you have people around you who value your voice and care about the struggles you & your community face.
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