#they hate to see a sexy girlboss winning.
ahistorart · 2 years
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“Magic is a cancer in the heart of our land, just as it was in the time of Andraste. And like her, we are left with no choice but to purify it with fire and blood.”
a very happy birthday to @mirandaputsherbestbuttforward
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feanoryen · 10 months
What you're favorite female Targ says about you
(For simplicities sake, I'll only mention the ones who have the last name Targaryen but I'll be skipping out on ones we don't know enough about from Daenerys of Dorne to Egg's daughters.)
Daenys - You hyperfixate on long dead characters who did 1 important thing that changed the history of the world.
Visenya - You want to bed her AND you want to be her at the same time. You heard "dark, sensual, unforgiving" and found it the sexiest description ever. You almost see her as a goddess rather than a person, you practically worship her.
Queen Rhaenys - You love a women with duality. You respect House Targaryen's matriarch for having hobbies, having fun with pretty boys, & burning entire armies. You also hate the Dornish.
Rhaena the Black Bride - Fat chance you aren't straight. You think she should have been Queen regnant (you'd be 100% right) & you're a Maegor & Jaehaerys's anti. You have a soft spot for sexy sad women
Alysanne - You love a girlboss who can manage motherhood & a 9 to 5 job. You also appreciate how she's the only Targaryen who fought for SEVERAL WOMEN's rights, not just her own.
Aerea - You're a rebellious teen who had a rough upbringing. Her death broke you because you know she deserved so much better.
Septa Rhaella - Are you sure your favorite character isn't just Rhaena?
Alyssa - You also want to ride 2 dragons (Meleys & Baelon).
Maegelle - You love a good nun.
Daella - You're want someone to take care of you for your whole life, except unlike Daella, you're not scared, you're just lazy.
Saera - You love a girl who serves cvnt (quite literally). You're the biggest Jaehaerys hater.
Viserra - You're incredibly pretty and incredibly petty. You know how the world hates to see pretty girls winning.
Gael - You probably have a helicopter parent.
Rhaenys the Queen who Never Was - You're a feminist & you love girlbosses. You 100% hate Jaehaerys and you have 0 love for Viserys I who you think she should have been Queen instead of.
Rhaenyra - You're a feminist & you were 100% the favorite child growing up. If you have a step-parent or half-siblings, you definitely hate them.
Helaena - You're probably a show enjoyer first & foremost. You probably simp for Aemond who you ship her with.
Baela - You might be a tomboy but not the "not like other girls" type of tomboy. You probably like at least 1 sport though & you're definitely a girl's girl.
Rhaena of Pentos - You love pretty aesthetics & Barbie was probably you're favorite movie of 2023.
Jaehaera - You hyperfixate on tragic minor characters. Bonus points if you're neurodivergent.
Naerys - You're either a sad catholic girl or you hyperfixate on tragic female chracters.
Daena - You love baddies who don't take anyone's shit. You might have grown up in a toxically religious household.
Septa Rhaena - You think Baelor the Blessed was the best Targ King.
Elaena - You like a woman with a brain.
Queen Rhaella - You hyperfixate on tragic female characters.
Daenerys - You love a bad bitch (affectionate) and you will not apologize. You also genuinely have good taste & hated GoT season 8.
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popstart · 5 months
Am I the only one who feels like the way this fandom talks about female characters is always so like???? Omg girlboss but also a girlfailure I support women’s rights AND wrongs she was robbed!!!! Idk it’s always the same few phrases lol I don’t get it.
OHHHH I AGREE SO HARD💀 seeing the same 3 phrases used to describe the female characters bc they think its a diversity win. ok.
Female character is independent or strong etc -> omg shes suuuuch a girlboss teehee🙈 step on me. other weird and annoying sexual comments bc girlbossery is sexy (or something) and thats the only appeal female characters are allowed to have for a lot of people Female character is kinda cringe sometimes and doesnt succeed at everything -> omg my silly girlfaliure girlloser shes so sillystupid i love her Female character has dimension -> omg??? shes like a girlboss and a girlfaliure at the same time???
ignoring the fact i hate so many things about tacking on the prefix girl to random shit as something that feels like a negative connotation (or something degrading), there is 0 critical thinking people have for female characters and its like. ok man. people come up with 600 random headcanons and backstory elements for every single male character they like but designate the female characters they like to "oh ummm shes a girlboss so i like her😊" AWWEEESOMEEEEE. LOVE TO SEE IT🥴
and to people that dont see that or say that doesnt happen....... it does. i see it with my own eyeballs every damn day. eg; in fanon noah has 8 (or 9? i forget) girlboss sisters and is an expert hacker and speaks 300 languages and knows everything and makes 0 mistakes and is always calculated all the time and has 20 boyfriends while in canon he got kicked out of the opportunity of 100k dollars because he was reading and hates everyone and plays video games all day and is a massive schmuck for 1 single person that being emma. sorry noah fans thats just how it is. headcanons are fine but it gets to the point where its like hey guys what are we doing here.
and ok whatever. say we all stop talking about noah bc god knows he did nothing to deserve it. where do we go from there? the amount of people i see saying they wish there was more f/f in fandom they just dont wanna write it or people that say they wish they wrote f/f more its just too hard has me :I i think it really just proves how little fanon there is for female characters. since generally fanon is what fandom bases its fanfiction and general characterization on and f/f famously contains only women, it makes sense that if its "hard" to write for f/f pairings it means that people just dont care enough about the women to make wide spread fandom interpretations of them.
and it reaaaaaally sucks. total drama has what i consider a pretty good cast of diverse female characters. And sure, a lot of the time the show doesnt do them justice (they were robbed as many many MANY people say) but a lot of them have so much potential and all of them have at least SOME potential. but ofc, due to how theyre treated in the fandom, no one really cares about them outside of them being paired up with men. and even worse, people will just straight ignore them outright a lot of the time because they 'get in the way of their mlm ship' or some bs.
am i saying its inherently misogynistic to write mlm ships? HELLLLLL no. im just saying that the heavy apathy or visceral anger many many many female characters get unless theyre paired up with a man or because they 'get in the way of' a mans love for another man is quite frankly laughable when you consider what actually goes on in the show. this shit was made for kids, these people are kids. its just so weird just how obsessed people can be with a fictional character to the point of these overblown reactions to other characters of the same god damn show
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skittidyne · 7 months
mass effect tag game!
showing up a month late but tagged by @messydiabolical, thank you! (not tagging anyone because looks like the entire server got tagged by you lmao)
blanks here, and my answers below the cut!
I am a fan since: Favourite game of the series?: MShep or FShep?: Earthborn, Colonist or Spacer?: Biotics or Tech: Paragon or Renegade: Favourite Class: Favourite Companion: Least favourite Companion: My squad selection: Favourite In-game romance: Other pairings I like: Favourite NPC: Favourite Antagonist: Favourite Mission: Favourite Loyalty Mission: Favourite DLC: Control, Synthesis or Destroy: Favourite Weapon: Favourite Place: A quote I like:
I am a fan since: oh boy i actually can't remember?? WHOOPS Favourite game of the series?: mass effect 2 baybee MShep or FShep?: FEMSHEP ALWAYS Earthborn, Colonist or Spacer?: colonist because i love me a tragic backstory Biotics or Tech: TECH YOU WILL PRY THE TACTICAL CLOAK FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS Paragon or Renegade: i'm a baby when it comes to making fictional characters mad or sad so paragon... except for the funny renengade ones. and THAT WAS FOR THANE YOU SON OF A BITCH Favourite Class: infiltrator by far! Favourite Companion: THIS IS SO HARD. UM. legion...? Least favourite Companion: ALSO REALLY HARD. uhhhh jacob i guess because he's comparatively so boring compared to everyone else hhhhhhh BUT I DON'T ACTUALLY DISLIKE HIM My squad selection: TEAM SEXY SNIPER. thane/garrus/legion mix usually, and then we suffer accordingly on missions. Favourite In-game romance: i'm a thanemancer first and a skitty second Other pairings I like: listen shepard deserves any and all pairings. but i greatly enjoy shakarian and whatever miranda/femshep is called. SHOULD'VE BEEN ALLOWED, BIOWARE. they hate to see a girlboss (me) winning (lesbians). i also waffle over what andromeda ships i like on any given day... but vetra is babe Favourite NPC: probably aria! she's so fun Favourite Antagonist: HMMMM. i think sovereign just for how cosmic horror the reapers were allowed to be in me1. the kett had potential but. uh. only potential. Favourite Mission: OH MAN uhh i DO really like thane and kasumi's loyalty missions... Favourite Loyalty Mission: WHOOPS see above Favourite DLC: is anyone choosing anything except citadel WAIT ARE WE COUNTING KASUMI AND ZAEED OH NO. I LOVE THEM. Control, Synthesis or Destroy: they all suck! but i like to make a case for control!shepard so i'll say control! Favourite Weapon: the abomination of a fuck huge ass sniper rifle i made in andromeda. also liam's double omniblades IT SHOULD'VE BEEN ME Favourite Place: ao3's fixing of mass effect canon crimes A quote I like: i can only remember meme ones...
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maoam · 2 years
I'm starting to wonder if there was any need for me to panic at the release of this novel. Whenever I see a panel, sasuke looks as if he is ignoring suckura 98% of the time (I mean he does in canon but i thought they would change that in this novel, at least a bit), the prisoners seem to show more interest in her than he does, he always seems displeased or even... annoyed? (Maybe its the way they draw his expressions that make him look like that) Suckura acts more like a 14 yr old girl than a mature woman (Shes not mature in canon but you'd think that they would write her to be good in her own novel). On top of that, Suckura is drawn ugly a lot of the time (I'm not saying this cause of my hate for her, I genuinely think she looks bad).
If a novel like this got released for my ship I would not consider it a win. Isn't she meant to be a mature, smart, sexy girlboss that takes no rubbish from anyone? Why is she acting so ridiculous? Why is sasuke not showing much emotion towards her? Like i said before, i thought this novel was to make them look good? Like yea, the whole novel is rubbish but i thought they would show sasuke caring for his 'wife' more than he does in canon, in this novel his expression towards her is always indifferent. They don't act like a couple in their own novel. And they're drawn ugly on top of that. I think sasuke said some rubbish like 'do a married couple need to be with each other all the time?'. Like HUH? Doesn't sound like you miss her.
It's not really a win for ss is it? It just made suckura look dumb (displaying the uchiha crest and going 'omg, he must'av used earth style jutsu to make this', like girl WHAT?), immature (sasuke was injured and she wants to play peekaboo), and the whole thing just makes them even look more like they're not in love (On sasuke's part anyway). The way she was blushing when she received the ring reminds me of a schoolgirl getting her first kiss, not like a couple that have been with each other for a long time that care and love each other ( and the way sasuke just gave it to her and was like 'wear it', no smile or emotion, reminds me of my mom when she buys me clothing I don't like but still says 'wear it'. He also looks freaked out when she holds her hand up to view it).
Sorry, this was a mouthful. Me freaking out of the release of this rubbish had been for nothing, in fact, it dragged ss through the mud even more.
I also don't get why they make Sakura so unlikeable in it.
She insults Tsunade in it (which is not out of character for her but again, I thought this manga would try to make her look better).
She is dumb and wears the Uchiha crest undercover.
She acts like a little girl, actually worse. She's blushing like crazy over the ring made out of dirt. Like isn't she already married to Sasuke anyway... why is she acting like he's senpai?
She's playing peek-a-boo with an injured Sasuke, like hello? Even if she were a teenager that would be cringy.
Also it still doesn't change the fact Konoha wives do wear wedding rings, so Esaka just did not do her research or she tried to bullshit.
And again I don't know if the artist just doesn't know how Sasuke is supposed to look when happy or what, but it does look odd. Sasuke is looking at Sakura like she's a weirdo (which she is, but again I thought this was supposed to make SS look good).
The manga makes Sasuke look like he's being held hostage or something. Like he looks like 😐 or like there's no life in him lol. And Sakura does look kind of ugly, I agree, and I don't even think she looks ugly in the original manga. But in this manga she just looks cringe.
I mean it's not canon and if I was a fan of Sakura I wouldn't want it to be canon because what?? It will make people mock her more if anything.
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man-worm · 2 years
Cock and sexy ripped people were Khorne’s domain before Slaanesh showed up, and pussy and sexy curvy people were Nurgle’s, and that’s why they both hate to see a girlboss win.
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fandom: black butler, ship: merthur, character: elias bitchard, and also like some bonus ones that u feel like doing
001 | Black Butler:
Favorite character: Ciel Phantomhive tbh, he's rude and fucked up and I like him so much!! The amount of analysis my bestie and I have poured into him and the choices made in the manga and anime and how this is foreshadowing and that is a hidden message,,, Lau is a runner up as my fav tho cause he's hilarious and vibing at all times and I love that for him!!
Least Favorite character: Claude Faustus my behated, hit him with my car ass motherfucker
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Hmm idk if I have 5 ships, but we will figure this out
SebAgni - they are so fun and the fact Sebastian respects Agni is so funny considering Ciel is so bothered by Soma. They simply vibe together and I think they should have gotten to hang out more. Pour one out for Agni 😭😭
Cielois - Idc if Alois is from a non-canon season, he's an icon and it would be so fun and amazing if Ciel and Alois could get over the fact Alois tried to kill him one (1) time and live in Phantomhive manor together and kill Druitt and whoever they want <3
Will x Grell - Grell is a girlboss and it's funny how much she bothers Will; she simps for many characters but I like her with Will the most. Is this decision influenced by the Wil and Grell season 2 OVA? Mayhaps
Lau x winning at whatever he's up to - nothing more to say here, I just hope Lau manipulate mansplain manwhores his way to the top
Othello x vibes - he's doing a great job at his grim reaper forensic nonsense, king deserves a breakthrough and a coffee or 10
Character I find most attractive: *picture my aroace ass giving a blank face here* Lots of conventionally attractive characters but none specifically come to mind lmao, a lot of them are pretty
Character I would marry: Lau, we can be so cool and sexy together
Character I would be best friends with: Soma or Lizzie! They're both fun and energetic and I think we would have a great time dressing up and running around London getting into trouble
a random thought: Manifesting School Arc manga to be animated...or the musical to be subbed where I can get to it *grabby hands*
An unpopular opinion: Sebastian is a fine and well written character and deserves good things! and I think the end of the manga will be him sacrificing himself for Ciel and ending the contract that way, because he cares about Ciel. He didn't plan to care about Ciel in the beginning, but oops, you have acquired a son and you like him so much. The tragedy of Ciel having planned to die all this time but now having lost someone he cares about and who cared about him? And having to live on despite that? *chef's kiss*
My Canon OTP: none?? I don't ship anyone who's actually together in canon rip
My Non-canon OTP: Cielois, see above for my ramblings <3
Most Badass Character: Obvious answer, but Sebastian! He kills people and is iconic while doing it. His LookTM straight out of being summoned in the ritual was also fun, love the high heels his demonic form apparently has. The fact he can kill the shit out of people with fucking silverware is v badass
Most Epic Villain: The Circus Troupe are fun, and I'm counting them as a villain collectively. This doesn't include Baron K*lvin, he's another hit with my car ass bitch. Joker, Dagger, Beast, Doll, Jumbo, and Peter and Wendy are all fun though and I do like that they cause problems and kill people. Unfortunately Sebastian and Ciel were just better at causing problems and killing people. Rip the most to Doll though, you were the best
Pairing I am not a fan of: Ciel x Sebastian 🤢 he's a child worsties
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Alois. I don't really love his ending in season 2 - he, Hannah, Claude and the triplets all merge into one consciousness or something?? It's stupid and I hate that Claude is included in anything. I think Alois should have also been able to become a demon with Ciel if they wanted to go that route, or simply have him not die and get therapy but still continue being evil if he wants he's allowed
Favourite Friendship: I really like the friendship between Bard, Finny, and Mey-Rin! They all bonded and are all soo stupid together they're great. Also adding Snake to their mix is fun, even though everyone is lying to him,,, oops 😬
Character I most identify with: Lizzie I think! She's sweet and badass and wants what's best for Ciel, even if she doesn't completely understand what's going on or how he changed from what she remembered as a child. I love that she's super good at sword fighting, and I want to be that good as well!! Next step is sword fighting classes lmao
Character I wish I could be: I love most of the characters but honestly I don't want to be any of them lmaoo; they're all suffering or in danger in various ways and I just want everyone to feel better and so would not like to be in that situation <3
002 | Merthur:
When I started shipping them: Season 1 episode 1 tbh. They have great chemistry and bother each other a lot but also genuinely care about each other which is so important!
My thoughts: Oooh you are not ready for my thoughts on them. Just got done doing a rewatch of Merlin BBC with my bestie and we suffered and exalted together
What makes me happy about them: The way they are willing to sacrifice themselves for each other! Merlin drinks poison for Arthur and Arthur ignores his father and places himself in danger to save Merlin's life, who his father dismisses as a mere serving boy and Arthur's like he's more than that!! to me!! and I just
What makes me sad about them: Girl the everrrryything 😭 the tragedy of Merlin doing all he can to prevent Arthur's death at Camlann but all he does just makes it happen. The tragedy of Merlin becoming so jaded over the course of the show, with how trusting and happy he was in season 1 and how unwilling he was to trust or give Mordred a fair chance in season 5 - especially when it came to the girl Mordred loved. The fact that Arthur never found out about Merlin's magic until it's too late!! That Merlin spends the whole show worried Arthur will hate him when he finds out, and does his best to ensure magic won't return to Camelot and advises Arthur not to trust magic,,,, ough agggh the agonies!!
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: no magic AU or modern AU. Yeah I know the show ends showing Merlin still around in modern day waiting for Arthur, but I don't care! I want them to be around in Arthurian times and causing and solving problems. Throw in angst as needed, but don't put them in a place without magic or in modern day. I also tend to avoid major character death - I'm usually not opposed to it if done right since angst is a good time, but since it happened irl in the show I can't handle it in fic
Things I look for in fanfic: I never say no to a good magic reveal fic!! Especially if it takes a minute for Arthur to forgive Merlin for not saying anything and he's mean about it and makes Merlin feels bad and then feels bad later when he gets over it and Merlin is sad and they work on themselves together. Hurt/comfort type stuff!
My wishlist: That Merlin's magic gets revealed to Arthur sooner than canon and that Arthur comes to terms with it and magic is accepted in Camelot, that Merlin dates Arthur and Arthur dates Gwen and Gwen dates Morgana <3 Also that Uther dies choking on his own blood. Not related to Merthur but also still related to them cause his Huge Bitch disease prevented them from being happy
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Merlin with Gwaine and Arthur with Gwen! Gwaine and Merlin are so sweet actually, and we see how good Arthur and Gwen are in canon
My happily ever after for them: Merlin is court sorcerer/magical advisor to Arthur, also maybe his royal boyfriend, and they rule Camelot in peace and happiness. Morgana is happy with Gwen and Mordred is vibing somewhere to, maybe with his gf if we want to continue pretending he's straight
003 | Elias Bouchard:
How I feel about this character: absolute bastard, commit as many war crimes and murder as you would like, you are so fun and so cool and it's great when you bother everyone else and sound smug abt it
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Peter Lukas and also Jon. Both are great concepts and I think that fear monsters should harm people together but also kiss kiss fall in love
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Elias, Simon Fairchild, Peter Lukas, and M
My unpopular opinion about this character: I'll be real with you besties, Melanie was kind of annoying and I had fun when he traumatized her on screen in podcast <3 also he should have won the end of the world it was great that he caused the apocalypse
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I would have loved to get more backstory on Jonah Magnus, or somehow hear statements from the people he hung out with in ye olden times in their own voices! It would also have been neat to hear his own thoughts/feelings on living through a ton of shit - invention of electricity, the car, the airplane, the internet! I would love to hear if he thinks everything is cool and better now or if he's a crotchety old bitch about it and is like "back in my day 😤"
Favorite friendship for this character: Lmao he doesn't have friends!! Best I can do is his friendships in the 1800s where he was prob just using everyone so he could open his funny little eye temple <3 but I will say I liked the statement from him about Barnabas Bennett , so I'll say I liked their 'friendship' 😏
My crossover ship: I don't have many crossover ships, and I can't honestly think of any I'd have for Elias. He's perfectly fine being evil and terrible with Peter or Jon
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ladystrallan · 2 years
Once Upon a Time season 3B thoughts
I’m rewatching OUAT and I wanted to share some of my opinions on each season!
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- Aurora and Philip are back
- Yes snow has long hair again!
- I’m not a fan of the pixie cut
- Ugh walsh
- He’s ugly and his eyebrows are weird
- Rumple is gone :(
- Did his body go back to the enchanted forest or???
- Omg Neal’s apartment
- People probably think that hook is LARPing in the park
- Omg the intro of outlawqueen
- Help! My boyfriend turned into a flying monkey!
- “Henry lend him a hand” lol
- The iconic red jacket!
- I love her omg
- “I don’t care if the lollipop guild is protecting her” lol
- Ohhhh Regina and Emma are working together
- “I sealed it with blood magic” foreshadowing
- My girl Zelena is so gaslight gatekeep girlboss
- Omg he turned into a flying monkey
- “What was that thing?” “Don’t look at me I’m a doctor not a vet” dr whale is so funny
- Rumple really gets around
- Cora, Regina, Zelena
- That’s a whole family
- Yikes she’s got rumple
- Zelena I love you but you’re sinking my ship a little
- Rumple’s gone mad!
- He looks hot with facial hair
- Ooh shaving with the dark one dagger
- Zelena’s outfits are so slay
- “I love him, all of him” awwwwww
- Killian and Neal bromance
- AAAAAA that is so nightmarish
- Neal morphing into rumple
- “I love you papa” I’m crying :(
- Rip
- I hate seeing rumple defeated
- But Zelena is such a girlboss
- I’m conflicted
- That intro was cool
- Rumple can’t even go to his son’s funeral :(
- Unpopular opinion: Zelena has a more tragic backstory than Regina
- “This isn’t the wild west” “No dear it’s the wicked west” iconic
- Zelena is so powerful slay
- Lol the blindfold
- Fifty shades of gold
- Gotta look fab for the big fight
- “Isn’t it obvious? You were born” slay
- “I have that effect on women” rumple you are so funny
- The boys and I bought you a prostitute
- Get her belle!
- Ooooh they’re gonna consummate the marriage early
- For the séance, if the person died of natural causes what would be the murder weapon and who would be the murderer? God???
- Oh no she’s pregnant
- Omg it’s leopold
- Oh that’s what Cora has against Eva
- Wow rumple that was a sexy way to get back the dagger
- “Never on the first date dearie” lol
- Not an outlawqueen fan because I don’t like either of them
- Flying monkey jumpscare intro
- “The name’s grumpy not stupid” lol
- “Rumple bumple isn’t here” rumple the poet
- Belle: rumple look at me this isn’t you
- I forgot that the heart splitting happened this season
- Omg Neal sent the message
- I think it should also say baelfire on his grave
- Awww Zelena could have had something good with those witches
- “No one is taking your seat Zelena” DOROTHY IS LITERALLY SITTING IN IT
- She’s melting!
- Noooo that’s so scary looking
- Why did I think the time travel spell worked?
- Maybe it does later idk
- Oh no rumple swindled belle
- Oh I guess it did work then
- Lip bite
- I just realized that Regina is a horse girl
- She literally has horse stuff everywhere
- Do people in the land without magic think that belle is Australian?
- Captainswan mission
- I love this
- Woah he traded his ship for her
- Outlawqueen is about to get ruined lol
- “Sometimes the best teacup is chipped” This is so adorable omg
- Omg this is so funny because I don’t like Robin or Regina
- Ooh it’s Elsa
- Memorable lines: “Wicked always wins”
How I feel about the characters this season
Love: Zelena
Like: Rumple, Belle, Emma, Hook, Neal
Neutral: Aurora, Philip, Henry, Snow, Charming, everyone else
Dislike: Robin, Regina, Glinda
Hate: Walsh
Season rating: 9/10
My girl Zelena was so slay this season. Everything about 3B is just so good! Zelena is a great antagonist and character in general and the flashbacks with her are amazing. I also really liked captainswan time travelling. The only thing I didn’t like was Rumple being defeated basically the whole time but that wedding at the end saved it!!!
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gontagokuhara · 24 days
HELLO CONNORLIZABETH BAZ FREAKING WRITES surprisingly it is not drunk anon coming at ya... its ya girl Cider checking in and thanking you for responding to my last ask! It's been a minute (I started nursing school and I'm already uhh😍 slaying grades wise but not slaying mental health wise, I didnt get to respond to the ask but I'm gonna read it now!) but I have so much inspiration for reading/writing recently and it's making me feel pretty happy!😊 I thought I should send some good vibes your way and let you know that you've still got that lesbian swag 👊🏾 like jesus I left for two seconds and you've already forgotten your lesbian swag??????🙄🙄🙄 Life will work out and your toxic yuri situation may very likely have an unexpected ending! And if you feel like you're doing your best then it truly is what it is💔 Anyway I know you'll do well regardless and hope you have a great rest of your day👍 I AM MANIFESTING THE MOST PERFECT BEAUTIFUL HOT SEXY FUNNY BUTCH TO CURRENTLY STALK YOUR SOCIALS AND FALL IN LOVE AND SHOW UP ON YOUR DOORSTEP AND PICK UP WINNIE AND START LIFTING HER LIKE A WEIGHT. Now I'm gonna take a nap bc my head hurts bad and I was TOO awkward today in class so I need to take a catnap BYEEEEE
CIDER MY BELOVED ❤️❤️❤️ i’ve been sitting on this ask for a few days i HAVE seen it i HAVE been rereading it when i need girlboss lesbian swag and you DELIVERED ‼️‼️ i am feeling better mostly Thankfully this toxic yuri is very much in the past i was just unexpectedly prompted into having Emotions over it u hate to see it tbh…..but we move on HOPEFULLY TO A BEAUTIFUL GORGEOUS DREAMY BUTCH (or a pretty femme Love wins ❤️) and in the meantime we grind on pointy objects ‼️
good luck in school beloved i am actually as we speak en route to help my sister (pointy objects co-founder, god among men) move into her dorm……and then i’m hopefully gonna get close to finishing up the chapter because to be completely real with you i am COOKING 😏 and am sooooo excited u have no idea genuinely writing this chapter has been so fun. there were Reasons i abandoned pointy objects in college however and Time is certainly one of them so i Completely understand </3 especially when ur in NURSING!!! my college was majority nursing it is NAWT easy but i believe in u so much its UNREAL!!!! u got this babe and u know me and pointy objects will be here when the right time arises ❤️ i love u have a good week!!!! MWAH
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satans-knitwear · 3 years
Me: The Concord just had absoloutly no right being THAT sexy.
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lolabangtan · 2 years
thinking about stay!jk away at a swimming competition, thinking about his noona and touching himself. he thinks about how soft and warm his her hands are and how much he craves her touch. maybe his noona calls when he gets to the edge and she asks him to show her what he’s doing while he’s away. he’s shy at first but he sees how entranced she is and she tells him how pretty he looks with his hand around his cock.
Jungkook masturbates. A lot. It's like a hobby to him, a pastime. Most times he doesn't even do it out of arousal but because it's a routine for him.
So, the first time he touched himself thinking about her, it was weird. Remember that chapter. Since then, Jungkook always kind of thinks of her when he does. Whether is just picturing her face or full on playing a porno in his head, it does the trick very well.
And the first time she couldn't come with him to a competition was after she graduated and took on an internship. Being a junior and having a girlboss gaslight gatekeep bread winning girlfriend has proved to be pretty satisfying to him, but it also means they have less time to be together. The spring tournament being proof of it. It feels so lonely with all his friends gone off college even if they still see each other as often, but it's weird. It's gonna take him some time to get used to it.
It’s midnight, he’s gone to bed but can’t fall asleep, his cock too hard to ignore it. It all started when Jungkook let his mind wander towards thoughts, thought of noona and her pretty eyes, pretty smile, pretty hands. Her pretty, sexy body that plays him like a fiddle and can have him writhing on the bed in minutes.
He misses every part of her so much that touching himself is not enough but hates that he’s not able to endure it like a grownup.
But his hand goes to grab his phone anyways, and Jungkook looks for her contact. She might be asleep already, it’s Tuesday after all. Surprisingly, she does pick up the phone, answering with a sultry tone that lets him know she wants him too. Once Jungkook gets over the jitters, he lets her voice guide him through his climax, and maybe he’d never choose this over actual sex, but it was pretty hot on its own.
Jungkook was just lucky she didn’t decide to deny him this time.
Oh, all the things they could do.
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lepidopteragirl · 2 years
tbh, as much as i love hating and being a hater, i think /r tntduo in the nevadas era is rly interesting and if i wasn't a toxic karlnapityolo i think their dynamic would rot my brain So Much. however i do unironically strongly dislike ''right person wrong time'' soft pogtopia era ctnt so fucking much. obvs niki's birthday party happened lol, clearly they have a smth.. going on if you want to read it like that, and while i think it could be fun to look at that like that, i personally don't rly think that kind of hurt/comfort, sitting on the roof heart to heart kind of thing really works with them mostly bc, for lack of a better word, i don't think cwilbur really respects cquackity as an equal rly in s1/manburg era. he calls quackity schlatt's bitch for fuck's sake. (and perhaps this is a little bit fair given how swag2020's victory got started off, but i also am a toxic quolo and i feel like reading the whole story cq pays farrrr more he's got narrative consequences than his narrative crimes and it makes it hard for me to get upset w him also he's my special little boy i don't even care, okay?)
cwilbur has that bossy older sibling thing (/aff) going on where he very much sees his position towards a lot ppl during s1 as a leader, older sort of for lack of a better word authoritative figure who knows better than most everyone. (obvs cwilbur mental illness plays into this but it is also kinda not good lol) and im sort of scared to touch this bc i fear it will erupt into the most horrid rancid discourse to grace this fine earth, but the fact that cquackity is a few years (five i think actually lol) younger than cwilbur absolutely plays into this too. im not gonna sit here and go oh no fictional age gap bad bc i gen do not care about how it makes their relationship "toxic" or not lol. (also rpverse tnt my beloved are the only version of ctnt that wont be just a little but toxic imo tbh, the toxic-ness is where the fun comes in lmao.) however, it very much affects how the two of them interact in s1. it doesn't necessarily make their dynamic Bad or #Problematic or one of them using the other etc i don't think, but i do think it's why pogtopia era tnt content that starts w ''these two make out/fuck sometimes but they're both sad and somehow let down walls to take care of each other'' doesn't really work like it does in the las nevadas era. (which even as the worlds most toxic karlnapityolo i v much enjoy if ppl do it right) part of the issue i think is that some ppl transplant their s3 dynamic back into s1 and treat it like its the same, and i don't really think it works.
to me, its that huge change in the dynamic between s1 and s3 that makes nevadas era tntduo so intriguing. its part of what makes the " i don't think about you" line so hot sexy etc imo, the shift from cquackity being so Young in so many ways and then coming back face to face with cwilbur and being able to stand toe to toe with him now. (i am am not immune to girlboss cq.) its cquackity reinventing himself, he's not the little boy who wasn't worth cwilbur considering as a real candidate, one who would never be worth enough to be a real leader of lmanburg. he's not schlatt's bitch anymore, hes no one's bitch. he's not the naive ditz that stood on a hillside at sunset with cwilbur and was told he was too weak, too scared, too soft to do what's needed to get power. but he's better, he's better than that too, there are no walls around las nevadas, and he'll even offer wilbur a job as his vice when he wasn't even let in the gates of wilbur's nation. hes winning and by god will he make sure wilbur knows it. love her shes soooo crazy omg
(is it perhaps not that healthy mental state no it is not but he is like elle woods but withso many more problems he is moving to a brand new city and teaching himself how to die and so long to the person you begged him to be he's down he's dead etc i love characters sooo much)
also if i have to pick up one more rly good s1 cquack character study that suddenly springs ''then wilbur and quackity fucked in pogtopia'' im going to become the joker slash serious
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vrisrezis · 3 years
What uh..... What would happen if someone was trying to hurt/fight the matsus and their s/o just dropkicks said individual? How would they react? And when I say drop kick I mean the individual in question goes flying-
You would probably see them in outer space from how hard s/o kicked 'em-
Osomatsu is just thankful he’s not the one getting dropkicked by you for once (probably.. he’s the worst he deserves a dropkick)
Karamatsu is screaming.. crying… moaning.. throwing up.. but on a serious note he’s all over you that day
Choromatsu has hearts in his eyes! Wow you are so sexy you go honey! Dropkick some hoes! They hate to see a girlboss winning.. or boyboss
Ichimatsu can finally breathe thank god confrontation scares the shit out of him. Just gives you a hug and a “thanks”
Jyushimatsu sighs in relief, “thanks babe!” And hugs you and gives you like a million kisses because he’s so grateful.
Todomatsu just stares at you for a good couple minutes, “babe I was about to get him exposed on Twitter what the fuck”
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people who stan shigure because he’s sexy: hatori is RIGHT there
people who stan shigure because he’s evil: yeah? so is kyo’s father. where’s ur excuse
people who stan shigure because he’s evil AND sexy: so are ren and akito sohma, but you HATE to see a girlboss winning
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madeyoumyvillain · 3 years
Although I say I love Aleksander because he's hot and evil and sexy,this man genuinely makes me tear up. I love him. No,you don't get it. I love him. I have immense respect for this man and how driven and determined he is even at his worst. He deserved better,and this is a hill I'm willing to be buried alive on.
The fact that when he was a child,who was almost murdered by children his own age, decided to make this world a better place for others like him so NO ONE has to go through that,is said to be his "villain origin story" is so fucked up.
Respectfully,that's not a villain. That's a child who knows nothing but fear. Fear of living. Fear of being caught. Fear of disappointing his mother. Fear of not living upto his potential. Fear of forgetting his own name. This child was almost murdered by his own kind,but it did not make him angry. It made him understand. It made him realise that the helplessness of his people is the reason why they take such desperate measures. And he promises himself that he will make sure no other person his kind has,no matter how weak or strong,will ever go through the same circumstances. This isn't a villain origin story,it's the birth of a revolutionary, tired of being scared of merely existing.
Alot of people in this fandom say Aleksander is a fascist. Who's gonna tell them that a man fighting against the majority who allow his people to be murdered is not a stand-in for Hitler? He is the oppressed minority here,not the oppressor. He's not the one killing innocent people for existing. (Read a book,y'all)
The Grishas face state sanctioned violence,are sold as slaves, treated like lab rats and experimented on,burned at stakes like witches for simply existing. And Aleksander is a man who's seen centuries of this. He is someone who's fighting wars on three different fronts. This man is the only one in those books trying to break the status quo and bring down the monarchy. If you stop siding with the oppressed minority just because their methods don't fit into your boxes,you are siding with the oppressor. Of course he's going to be brutal,he did not turn into what he is in a single day. He was a child who strived for peace and centuries later,he's an immortal who's tired of fighting the "right way". He is the only person who fought for the Grishas. Alina joined hands with the same monarchy that ignored the violence against Grishas and Nikolai is pretty much the woke,white saviour,a product of the same monarchy. Even if it's called The Grisha Triology,it's heavily anti-Grisha and does nothing to ease their suffering. The narrative that "killing=bad" is shoved down our throats multiple times. In itself,it's a pretty centrist take. Aleksander was NOT a supremacist,he was NOT a fascist. They did not care about his motives,they just saw him as evil because those methods didn't cater to their ideals. So they killed him,destroyed the Fold,one piece of protection for the Grishas and called it a day. What about Shu Han experimenting on Grishas, Fjerda burning them on stakes and Kerch selling them as slaves? Bad guy gone,Fold gone,time to fulfill my cottagecore dreams<3 Also,Zoya becoming the Queen of Ravka doesn't solve anything. Assuming this gives off the same vibes as "Oh,a Black President,racism solved!!!" NO. Girlboss-ifying Zoya isn't the answer, especially when people have such strong hatred towards Grishas. It needs to be eradicated from the grass root level and will take years to happen.
The flashback in the show,where the king's soldiers repeatedly shoot arrows at him no matter how many times he told them he did not want to harm them and then seeing Luda being killed immediately while he kept on begging,makes his behaviour totally understandable. "But there has to be another way,right?" Try telling this to the centuries old man who has used any method possible. Served several kings and won them wars to get on their good side hoping it would make things easier for his people. His methods are shown to be brutal now because he's been trying for a long time and nothing else worked.
Given the present day scenario and minorities all over the world facing systemic oppression and their lives being threatened, Aleksander did NOTHING wrong. We can take into account the BLM and Stop Asian Hate movements. If you do not fit into their boxes of activism and protests,they claim you're the wrong ones. They do not work for your betterment,but they keep on demonizing you and belittling your cause. In the same way, Aleksander was leading a rebellion against the persecutors,while the Good Ones™ only cared about his methods and reminding us how evil he is, not giving a single fuck about his motives,or the geopolitical situation. At the end of the day,they win. Because it's easy to kill the rebel,easier than helping him in his cause and taking away the suffering of his people. If Alina and the rest of them really wanted to be the heroes of this story then they shouldn't have made killing the only man who gave Grisha a sanctuary and was trying to improve their situation as their main goal if they were going to do nothing after their woke victory moment. I have absolutely no idea how they're going to acknowledge racism against Grishas in the show and kill the only person striving to stop it without recieving backlash for it.
TL;DR: If a revolutionary man came to me, asking for help to make this world a better place for OUR people,stop their oppression and bring down the ones who use our people for their benefit but do not bat a fucking eyelash when they're killed,I would've helped him. No matter how evil or corrupted I'm being framed as. RIP to Alina Starkov,but I'm built different. (I'll also like to fuck him but we're talking about serious stuff rn and y'all already know I'm a whore for him)
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lastoutpost · 3 years
i meaaaaaaan doesn't sam's shitty attitude technically peak in season 4...
no. drinking demon blood was sexy and good actually and he didn't do anything wrong that season. here's YOUR red flag 🚩 for hating to see a girlboss win. Dean's attitude, on the other hand.....
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