#they just ruined that bit of functionality for no particular reason?
disasterhimbo · 10 months
@staff @humans could you please stop making the interface of this website worse?
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aurora-daily · 6 months
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AURORA in an interview for Ticketmaster via Amroth | April 6th, 2024
In April 2022, AURORA read a letter that changed her life. It was co-written by indigenous activists, titled ‘We Are the Earth’, and called for a revolution: a collective response to global warming – to “heal the land”. They described being connected to the land “through our hearts”, and the earth as “the heart that pulsates within us.”
The letter led AURORA to consider a question: what happened to the heart? “Everything we do is about greed, about money, about mass consumption, about capitalism,” she says, blue wide-eyed and flooded with feeling. “There’s war everywhere, countries under water, flowers in Antarctica. We are ruining our land, mistreating our animals, our clothing, and each other. We have stopped leading from the heart.”
And so 27-year-old Norwegian art-pop superstar AURORA began studying books on human anatomy. She wanted to understand when and why Western culture lost touch with the deeper purpose of our most vital organ.
“The ancient Greeks thought the heart was the portal to spiritual divinity, that it represented the interconnectedness of the world,” she says. “But then Aristotle comes along and says, ‘the heart is a pump’. Then Plato says, ‘the heart makes blood’. Then another guy says, ‘the heart filters the blood’. And so bit by bit, it became purely functional. We had misinterpreted its whole meaning.”
The letter also resonated with AURORA on a more personal level. In 2022, she released her chart-topping last album, The Gods We Can Touch, which saw her complete a sold out UK headline tour, including at BST Hyde Park alongside Adele. With over a million album sales and 2.6 billion streams, and her inaugural The Gods We Can Touch book selling 14,000 copies (while signed copies sold out in less than an hour), AURORA was at her professional peak. Yet at the same time she experienced something painful that split her in two. She sensed a disconnect between her mind and heart. “It made me understand women in a way I hadn’t before. It made me understand how evil hides behind the nicest of faces.”
AURORA’s fourth album, What Happened to the Heart?, is a journey from weakness to strength, from self-destruction to self-healing. Of reuniting a fractured self. “It’s actually the most personal and cathartic album I have ever written,” she says quietly, as if the realisation had only just come to her.
‘Some Type of Skin’, a dark slice of electro-pop, reveals the conflict at the album’s core. “When you’re vulnerable, anything that brushes up against you makes you bleed,” she says. “But you need to go into battle, you need to build some type of skin.” In the song, AURORA cries: “Hit me hard where I am soft… should my heart reveal itself to be more than a muscle? Or a fist covered in blood?”
To build her armour, AURORA decided to throw herself into chaos. “Usually I am very careful, very reasonable” she says. “But for once I wanted to experience what it felt to be unreasonable. I needed to be destructive.” So she gave herself a year, while she was touring ‘The Gods We Can Touch’, to throw herself into life hard and fast. “A lot of alcohol, very little sleep, a lot of fun,” she smiles, a little wistfully. She went ice swimming and hurled things in rage rooms. “It was painful, but I was building skin.”
The chaos extended to the writing process. “I had a rule: I could only write in unsafe spaces, I needed to be rootless.” That meant no forests, where AURORA had spent much of her childhood in Bergen, Norway – a solitary safe haven away from those who made her “feel alien”. These “unsafe spaces” were loud, full of people, “strange smells, noises…anywhere where I could feel observed”.
AURORA travelled all over the word, meeting with women she describes as modern day philosophers, “women with true knowledge”. In particular, three female tribe leaders in Colombia, Brazil and Argentina. “There is wisdom in their indigenous values. These women live in the modern world just like us, but they still choose to live with kindness.”
She was inspired by their feminine power. “Men have been leading us for thousands of years and look where that has got us. We need change, and women have had everything figured out from the very beginning of time. We were the first timekeepers, we could track the seasons inside our own bodies.” She grins cheekily. “I would be scared of us too, if I were a man.”
Feminine strength inspired 'The Gods We Can Touch' – fighting against internal shame and societal judgement of the female body – and it is no less present here. Above the throbbing techno of 'Starvation', produced by German Nicolas Rebscher, who also worked on her debut EP 'Running With the Wolves', AURORA mourns the depletion of the human spirit as a result of technological invasion that is particularly threatening to women. “Our souls are starving, because AI is taking over; art is being replaced by computers,” she says, gravely. “And women, our consent, is being exploited, as it always has been, from porn to deep fakes.”
The act of mourning is integral to What Happened to the Heart? As AURORA says, “I’ve been thinking a lot about funerals, and in the music people used to deal with death”. She drew on buried grief for loved ones, as well mourning her former self.
“In Norway there is a culture of repression. I suppressed something for so long, and became infected by it,” she says, with a deep sigh. “So once I began to properly address my past, I realised that a lot of things I remembered were very different from how I imagined. And I had to accept that I have to change to move on. I am not the same as I was". She adds, firmly: "I have to learn how to work with this body, in this mind, as they are now.”
This mourning led to a kind of holy communion between AURORA's heart and mind for the first time. “I spent a lot of time drinking wine alone, speaking out loud, my heart and mind finally in conversation.” She would record these conversations and later transcribe them as fodder for her songs, such as ‘The Dark Dresses Lightly’, a haunting folkloric melody over an urgent drum pattern, which imagines the heart and the mind as two characters sitting at a table, drinking together – you can even hear the glasses clinking in the production.
AURORA leans forward conspiratorially. “So the heart says, ‘Okay, now, we've gone too long without communicating. Tonight, we're going to get drunk, go deep into this shit, and explode on each other’.” The song is the album’s turning point, AURORA adds, “when all the ugly has come out, and you can kind of hear me having an orgasm because getting everything out is so delicious, and the healing can truly begin.”
These imaginary exchanges felt so visceral to AURORA that she would sometimes paint them; the heart and mind in a sword duel, “splattering all over each other”, she says, her face lighting up with mischievous delight.
It’s a viscerality mirrored by the album’s production: a thrumming, primal force that confronts the almost ecclesiastical purity of AURORA’s own vocals. “It reflects this idea of the body falling apart, and being glued back together by something inhuman.” This discord is brought to life by “beautiful old synthesisers” that AURORA found all over the world, including with previous collaborator Tom Rowlands of The Chemical Brothers. “I got him to puke all over the song ‘My Body is Not Mine’ with his old modular synths” she says, which, fittingly, “had a mind of their own.”  
Despite the thematic and sonic darkness of the album, AURORA wanted to maintain a certain playfulness. “A very random, very intuitive,” way of producing. She collaborated with some of her favourite Norwegian artists and producers, from Ane Brun on ‘My Name’, to Matias Tellez on ‘Invisible Wounds’. On some tracks she plays the drums, a fiddle player and a traditional Chinese Pipa player were brought in, and some songs contain a “beautiful mandolin from the 60s”, she says, smiling, picking up an imaginary bow as she loses herself in the memory. There is even a disco song, ‘Do You Feel?’, produced by longtime collaborator Magnus Skylstad and sure to be a club-banger and chart hit. “It makes no sense, I have no idea why it’s on the album,” AURORA laughs, like a tinkling bell. “But my sister was born in the 80s and I was kind of thinking about her. And I liked the idea of having a song that made no sense.”
Not all these songs are a product of chaos, however. The first and the last songs of the album, ‘The Echo of My Shadow’ and ‘Invisible Wounds’, were written in the quiet. “In my living room, where it was safe. They came directly from my solitude.” And with this quiet comes hope: “We both need to/Tend to the invisible wounds,” AURORA sings, a call to action for herself, to the listener, and to the world, to rupture with this malignant state of inertia, to fight back, to heal. “We need to stop this sense of global denial. We need to blow up, because it’s important, sometimes, to explode. Explosion is vital for change, to put the heart back into politics.” She smiles, and says, in the softest tone: “I think what we need... is a small riot.”
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jacksprostate · 7 months
Can you talk about how fight club is the story of a deeply closedeted gay man the wake of the aids crisis? How do his anxieties about hiv manifest?
yeah sure! i feel like i've talked about it in bits and pieces in a few different posts which I'll link here but I'll also type up a little summary. Not operating on 100% so forgive me if it's a bit all over the place.
On the narrator and Marla wrt sexuality
On the Lou scene of the movie
The central obvious joke yet not really comparison
Anyway so. I'm going to focus on the book as always but lots still generally applies to the movie and in the above links you can see a bit about the Lou scene from the movie if that's your interest.
So first I think it's important to acknowledge the narrator meets Tyler on an empty nude beach. This has a lot of connotations for a lot of reasons. Nude beaches/beaches in general have long been a gay male hookup spot. The beach is empty — it's the 90s. Many, many people have died. The narrator chose to go there — an interesting one. Stepping out of bounds a little only to be reminded of the constant threat, by how no one is there. He just watches Tyler do his thing, doesn't engage. He keeps his foot, with the AIDS-like rash on it, buried in the sand so he doesn't start dying in people's eyes (and presumably so if he ever got the gumption, he could tap it). Even if you assume the nude beach isn't specifically gay, all these things still apply, and it's still his idealized man he hallucinated all sweaty and tan.
Kind of discussed in the Marla related link above but he's like, horrifically repressed, even if he WAS straight. He can't imagine himself having sex. But when he has Tyler have straight sex (see above link for detailed thoughts on that), it's Marla he's jealous of. It is literally written that way. He is jealous of Marla stealing Tyler's attention and ruining the vibe they had with just the two of them.
Something, something, elaborate rituals for the touch of another man. Getting a big rubbery one in response to Bob. Arguably it's about him getting off on misery but it's not like it was written with regard to Chloe. And Chloe— amyl nitrite/poppers are commonly used in gay bathhouses and stuff. Used in straight sex too but yeah pretty common... Back to Bob though, this mimicry of closeness with another human being  another man in particular, staring down the gun at a man who can't functional have sex like society expects him to anymore. 
He invents a club that word for word could be swapped with gay sex for a large portion of its introduction. He is desperate for the touch of another man even if violence is the only way he can get it. Sex would be violence, in an age of being terrified of AIDS. 
The constant underlying sharing of blood and spit and contaminating food etc. All these other ways HIV is spread. But at least it wouldn't be That way. If that's his destined way to die then at least it wouldn't be like that. Dark, but.
The fucking scene about his birthmark holy shit man. Essentially, the doctors thought his birthmark was a sign of, pretty much, Kaposi's sarcoma. The cancer overwhelmingly associated with AIDS, and he's a medical marvel. Because he'd be dying from an unknown horrific disease. Now he hides the birthmark, because that unknown disease is everywhere now. <-bastardization of a line from the book. And when people see that birthmark, he starts dying in their eyes. If he was openly gay in any fashion, he'd start dying in their eyes too. The same way.
There is, distinctly, a sense of a complete lack of actual functional future. There is a sense of complete lack of role models from the past. 
The environmentalist turn even in this sense. The burden of history. He was not the one who spread the virus. There's a lot of deep, deep self hate and internalized homophobia in that. In the single time the narrator mentions gay men, too — as gay men wanting children being the cause for why all the single mothers in the clinic Marla goes to  are dying of AIDS. But that's not true. Gay men, overwhelmingly, are not the reason it went from gay men to eventually reaching women. But what he repeats is part of the societal curse upon them, and what he repeats is a chastisement, look what happens when you dare desire anything. If you actually want to act on those perversions. You curse everything and everyone. Stay repressed, or you'll die and kill everyone.
He invents Tyler. "Perfectly handsome and an angel in his everything-blond way." He invents the perfect man, who also can never infect him. Who also pisses and spits in soups, god what a conundrum — society assumes you're evil, sick, and damned, but you're still their responsibility. How do they like it. I am not glamorizing the willful spread of disease lol I don't think it's ever a sane response but in fiction it hits that like... vindictive anguish. 
Honestly, even the section I just mentioned. Where Tyler rants to the union boss. You don't actually give a single shit about me and better yet you probably hate the living shit out of me. But I am still your responsibility. You have sucked me dry til I have nothing to love, and you have everything. And the narrator says he says the same thing Tyler said, but about contaminated food. The parallels, with how that would apply to people with HIV, especially gay men. There is so, so much emphasis on the narrator's blood and how it gets all over the Pressman hotel's manager.
Fight Club, Project Mayhem — they're the designs of someone who doesn't expect to live long. The home of people who don't expect to live long. Whether that's because medical care is too expensive or because you catch a blood infection or because the cops shoot you. 
And at the end, after everything has happened, after his manic pixie dream boy helped him martyr himself, what does he really get? Idk man. Drugs that will kill his sex drive. A deep fear of himself that now has evidence for how far he can fall. A deep disillusionment. No hate, but no love either. Still just empty, now knowing he has opened pandora's box, whether he intended to or not. He can't put it back. He tried. 
Idk. something to be said about all that. Probably a lot more as well but that's just off the top of my head.
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starflungwaddledee · 11 months
omg thank you for responding to my ask!! tysm for explaining the grammar and even a bit of the culture!! my brain is rotting so much from this newfound knowledge, i might go feral :D!
i do have another question, what irl languages are you referencing from? I think you’ve said ancient greek but i’m dying to know how your brain functions when it comes to constructing this language.
i will say i love the world building you’ve done just explaining starspeak, it’s absolutely ruined my brain and i’m once again living for it!
waa i'm glad you saw the answer, thank you for sending in asks! i'm also delighted to get to share my worldbuilding and cultural headcanons... this is very nice for me!!
i did mention this before but it was quite small and attached in this image which i now realise i didn't put an ID on. so i'll rehash that and explain a little better!
under a cut because no art just text wall, rip;;
i'm referencing predominantly modern greek, because translating back-and-forth with ancient greek is a bit harder and in my quick attempts required more dictionary flipping than i felt like doing for something which is just for fun in my free time. i can and have done it for certain phrases- especially ones that are older even by Celestial standards- but it's mostly modern greek and occasionally a tiny bit of arabic.
i was inspired by naming conventions for stars and cosmic entities on earth, and the general bastardisation of languages that occurs with the proper names of stars
and oooo aaahhg whuuughh i wish i could say I did something really cool and thoughtful, but if i'm being honest with you the bastardisation "process" i go through for this is translates several words in the vicinity of what i want >> mashes them together >> makes them have the vibe i like 😂
(i reckon this would look like absolute hell to anyone who actually speaks/reads these languages though, so again I'm profoundly sorry for that omg;; there's also a very good chance there are overlaps with other languages, or that some of these made-up words might translate for others in ways i can't predict or always catch. i originally designed this only for fun and personal use and never imagined anyone else would be interested in it, so it's a bit of a hot and self-indulgent mess haha)
there are a few words that i've formed which now affect the basis of other words and don't require any further translation of bastardising.
for instance asté for "star" appears very frequently; as you might imagine. another is the diminutive ró which can be added onto or into most other phrases to imply that something is small; ie astéróki (small star).
other aspects- like the existence of formal reverse possessives, or question particles (like you would find in mandarin chinese)- are just ways i think language can be really varied and interesting! i guess i just think there's no reason that alien languages would be formed with the same structures as earth english in particular so if i have the opportunity to do Not That then i do!
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Let's (re)Read The Eye of the World! Chapter 23: Wolfbrother
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Spoiler alert: There are so many spoilers in this post. Probably. I just started writing it so IDK. But to be safe, you really shouldn't read this if you haven't read the whole series, at least if you care about that sort of thing. Me, I love spoilers, they make everything better, but other people are quite particular about these sorts of things so you know. Best to move on before you learn such startling revelations as this chapter debuting a new icon.
For those of you who are habitually skipping those first paragraphs: this chapter introduces a new icon. Is a pupper. There is no explanation needed for this one; these chapters are always about Wolfbrothers (usually Perrin) and Wolfbrotheryness.
“I’m the only one who’s supposed to get saddlesore, is that it? And when you walk till your feet are ready to fall off, you’ll expect me to look after you.”
Egwene is channeling Nynaeve so hard here, and of course it really just emphasizes a theme that will continue almost the entirety of the way through Perrin's arc until ToM in that he is perpetually assuming leadership surrounded by people who instinctively have a better understanding of everything than he does. Egwene is more than correct that it's completely ridiculous for Perrin to try and walk the whole way there.
There were only short rations of bread and cheese to begin with, and what there was gave out by the end of the first day. Perrin set snares along likely rabbit runs—they looked old, but it was worth a chance—while Egwene began laying a fire. When he was done, he decided to try his hand with his sling before the light failed altogether. They had not seen a sign of anything at all alive, but. . . . To his surprise, he jumped a scrawny rabbit almost at once.
They ran out of provisions on day one and this isn't fucking Oregon Trail where they set out with 3,000 bullets and can shoot 20 bears to be fine for the rest of the way. Perrin's plan to not go to Whitebridge is literally the stupidest thing. It's insane. The only reason that he survives is because he's a protagonist. I cannot emphasize enough how absolutely bone-headed he and Egwene are being.
“It was so easy back there on the riverbank, Perrin. Just the way Moiraine Sedai showed me. I just reached out, and. . . .” She gestured as if grasping for something, then let her hand fall with a sigh. “I can’t find it, now.”
So like, does Egwene get to skip channeling sickness because Moiraine eased her into it? There's been no reference to her having a reaction to her first time and I don't think she's going to be sick in a few days either.
But they found no place where men had breathed in living remembrance. Memories of Shadar Logoth kept them away from the ruins and hurried their footsteps until they were once more deep in places that seemed never to have known a human footstep.
Ironically, the one time they do show some kind of common sense, it doesn't do them the least bit of good. They're at more risk of dying from the ruins collapsing on them than anything else.
“Wait here,” he said softly. She frowned, but he cut her off as she opened her mouth. “And be quiet! We don’t know who it is, yet.” She nodded. Reluctantly, but she did it. Perrin wondered why that did not work when he was trying to make her take his turn riding.
It doesn't work when you're being a blithering idiot because it's blithering idiocy! Egwene uses her brain, so since "One of us should scout ahead on the stranger to see what's up" is a functional idea, she goes with it. Sadly, she's still in your ta'veren stupidity field, so the notion that sending Goliath to scout instead of someone smaller is also a bad idea doesn't quite manage to get through your Brainspawn-esque brain wave suppression. Alternatively, she's using him as a meat shield, but that seems mean.
Perrin gasped, and nearly dropped Elyas’s hand. The man’s eyes were yellow, like bright, polished gold. Some memory tickled at the back of Perrin’s mind, then fled. All he could think of right then was that all of the Trollocs’ eyes he had seen had been almost black.
I spent way too much time looking through everything for previous mentions of weirdly colored eyes before realizing - as the narration itself will confirm in a few paragraphs - that Perrin is just associating Elyas with actual wolves. Of course, wolves can also have brown or green eyes IRL.
“And none you will,” Elyas said, chuckling. “The way you’re going, you can travel all the way to the Spine of the World without seeing another human. Of course, if you managed to climb the Spine—it can be done, some places—you could find people in the Aiel Waste, but you wouldn’t like it there. You’d broil by day, and freeze by night, and die of thirst anytime. It takes an Aielman to find water in the Waste, and they don’t like strangers much. No, not much, I’d say.” 
I approve of your efforts to absolutely terrify these dumbasses, Elyas, but uh... they might not see another human going east, but if the didn't die, they'd absolutely reach the road that runs from Caemlyn to Tar Valon. Then if they were too stupid to turn, they'd still hit the Erinin and presumably die trying to ford it. It's good they don't know that though.
They were staring at him, those four wolves, Perrin saw. He had the feeling that all the wolves, those in the trees, as well, were staring at him. It made his skin itch. Cautiously he moved his hands away from the axe. He imagined he could feel the tension ease among the wolves.
Perrin, you're not imagining shit. This is the moment that his wolf brotheriness awakens, though for all intents and purposes it could have held off until book 13 and nothing in particular would have changed.
“It isn’t exactly talking,” Elyas replied slowly. “The words don’t matter, and they aren’t exactly right, either. Her name isn’t Dapple. It’s something that means the way shadows play on a forest pool at a midwinter dawn, with the breeze rippling the surface, and the tang of ice when the water touches the tongue, and a hint of snow before nightfall in the air. But that isn’t quite it, either. You can’t say it in words. It’s more of a feeling. That’s the way wolves talk. The others are Burn, Hopper, and Wind.”
As is often the case in books, the fact that this communication cannot be rendered in human words will be forgotten and everything will be explained to us in that form, what with it being the entirety of the medium and all.
“That’s very interesting,” Egwene said, and Elyas looked at her sharply. “No, I mean it. It is.”
"You're fucking crazy and you're clearly going to kill us and skin us, hopefully in that order, but your delusions are genuinely fascinating."
Perrin nodded. “That’s right. We thought about seeing Maradon first. I’d surely like to see the King. But the capital city would be the first place our fathers would look.” That was his part of it, to make it plain they had never been to Maradon. That way no one would expect them to know anything about the city, just in case they ran into someone who really had been there. It was all a long way from Emond’s Field and the events of Winternight. Nobody hearing the tale would have any reason to think of Tar Valon, or Aes Sedai.
See, Egwene's lie is only forgivably stupid - her mistake is not understanding just how desolate and long the journey from the nearest part of Saldaea to where she is now would be and why no one would take it. She includes no specific details that would out her lie - though it would be caught by the wolves regardless. Perrin's lie is monumentally stupid because there is no king of Saldaea.
“Of course not,” Elyas growled. “Wouldn’t have worked on me, gentling, but it made me mad, them wanting to try.
Light forbid you let them try, proving clearly to them that it doesn't work at no harm to yourself and thus opening paths to freedom that don't involve killing Warders.
“It isn’t as if we have a choice. We’ve had Trollocs chasing us, and Fades, and Draghkar. Everything but Darkfriends. We can’t hide, and we can’t fight back alone. So who is going to help us? Who else is strong enough, except Aes Sedai?”
There's some nice dramatic irony in this, since of course Padan Fain is chasing them as much as everyone else. And by the end of the series, all of the EF5 will be quite capable of taking out anything that comes their way by themselves, with the Aes Sedai in their entourages being mostly back-up. (Admittedly, this is because three of them are channelers and one will inexplicably pick up an army of channeling slaves, but still.)
Elyas grunted. “Dapple said that’s what you’d decide. She said the girl’s planted firmly in the human world, while you”—he nodded at Perrin— “stand halfway between. Under the circumstances, I suppose we’d better go south with you. Otherwise, you’ll probably starve to death, or get lost, or—”
Halfway nothing. Perrin's so far over on the human side of things that he's currently using Egwene as a shield and pushing her out of firmness. And frankly, if Elyas had told Egwene she was a Wolfsister, she would have asked if they could stay up all night for extra lessons in having yellow eyes. Only reason she's dead set on Tar Valon is that it's her only education opportunity at the mo'; if anyone had had some cool counteroffers she might have dallied.
Perrin sat wrapped in his own silence. He could feel Burn leaving. And the scarred male was not the only one; a dozen others, all young males, loped after him. He wanted to believe it was all Elyas playing on his imagination, but he could not. Just before the departing wolves faded from his mind, he felt a thought he knew came from Burn, as sharp and clear as if it were his own thought. Hatred. Hatred and the taste of blood.
I always forget that Burn is such a buzzkill. Jordan could have done a much better job of justifying Perrin's refusal to engage with his powers if more wolves had been like him (or if he hadn't met Elyas until much later while still picking up the gift and being exposed to Noam first, which is the direction I think the show is going), but after this book the wolves kinda become interchangeable plot minions except for Hopper. Ah well. This chapter still ends on a good note as is, and I should emphasize that after spending this whole time bitching about every time Perrin so much as breathed.
Next time, we'll be back to Rand, Mat, and Thom, a trio of dudes I have a lot less urge to complain about than Perrin - and when we get to his next chapter after that, he and Egwene will be involved in 100% fewer stupid plans, which should improve my mood on that front too. See ya then!
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viskarenvisla · 3 months
Thirst - Chapter 5: His Fatal Addiction
Chapter 5 is a switch of perspective over to Yusuf Mizrah. We get a bit of insight into the Werewolf brain, how it functions and what he's experiencing in the midst of this tawdry, utterly forbidden affair with Monroe Carter. Yusuf is an unusual Werewolf in that he runs alone - this isn't an expression of strength so much as dysfunction, one that, to another werewolf, is shameful. He has his reasons of course, but in the face of the survival of species in the face of a circular, terrible cycle of cannibalism and predation among Accursed Beings, they aren't good reasons...at least not to one of his own kind. Enjoy.
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“Are you full and sated?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“You guess?”
“Shh…don’t ruin it, you loudmouth…”
Yeah yeah fine. She had a point though. He closed his eyes and placed his cheek against the top of her head, the roughness of her braids catching against his thick stubble, almost like velcro. Her arms were wrapped tightly around his torso, face nestled against his chest as she took in his scent. “Mmm, don’t go thinkin’ you’re somethin’ yet …just cuz you smell good.” Her lips were cool against his chest as she pulled his shirt down, pressing the chilling warmth of her kiss against his clavicle, and she looked up at him with begrudging sweetness.
You’re so pretty…why, why do you have to be dead?
“Take care of yourself, Monroe. Seriously…don’t let the wolf blood go to your head, alright?” He smirked at her, and she returned it with a smoldering smile.
“Get outta here Mizrah, go drink a bunch of water, kill and eat something.” The blood-flushed beauty of her smile faltered, crossing her arms under the sport bra covering her chest…the only thing she was wearing, in fact. “I don’t need you to be my blood-doll, you know. I can hunt just fine.” He wondered if she ever postured like this to anyone else, and Mizrah figured it was not part of her normal behaviors…such a petty declaration wasn’t necessary before him. She’d been this way for far longer than he’d been Afflicted, of course she could feed herself. He felt disturbing guilt quite suddenly; she’d called him something, a ‘dealer’. Getting her hooked, and he knew what the source of her addiction was: his blood.
Seconds passed as they held each other’s gaze…mortals may feel awkward in such a situation, but not for lions walking amidst the sheep; he was about to say something pithy when she stepped in, rose on her toes and interrupted him by pressing her dark lips against his. Mizrah descended into her kiss; passionate. Hard, deep, she released him and smacked his hard belly. “Go.” He didn’t bother with words, just fixed her with a smoldering leer that she returned before he opened the door to the motel room.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” she barely whispered. He acted as if he’d not heard her, shutting the motel room door and swaggering confidently toward the elevator, thumbs hooked in his belt loops. When the car finally arrived, it was truly an effort to keep it together, and he stabbed the ‘close’ button fiercely until the doors closed.
The elevator shook, but thankfully didn’t halt its descent as Mizrah collapsed on his back, colorful spots swimming before his vision. The musician had maintained lucidity as long as he could and longer than most of his kind could maintain under these conditions, a particular survival advantage unique to his Strain. However, the Enkindled was badly drained. She’d been considerate and only taken small amounts each time they’d met, unlike the first time when she’d nearly killed him; the problem was that when she drank from him, it wasn’t just blood cells and plasma she was lapping up with that skilled, pretty tongue.
She tapped the primordial echo that thundered in his heart, the ill-omened howl at the beginning of time that warped and distorted flesh and soul; it manifested in the load of microscopic entities soaking his blood, his flesh. While they outwardly and genetically resembled Lyssavirus, it was all just a facet-manifestation of the Curse itself, excitations in that dread, multidimensional field that soaked all of reality with dynamic misfortune. Clearly, these excitations also affected the thirsty dead.
“Gotta…Hunt…Gotta…Fffffffffffuuuuck man…” Mizrah couldn’t let anyone see him lying on his back like this in the elevator when it opened - someone might steal his wallet, or worse…call 911. EMTs and cops were, outside of Head-Taker Conspiracies, the last mortals any Afflicted wanted to encounter, and they couldn’t always rely on Bedlam to do the work of muddling memories. Especially when paperwork was involved.
A willful thrust of his fingers up onto the metal handlebar…and they slid down the side uselessly. He flailed once again, feeling far less a deadly Night-Creature and more an up-ended turtle until, with a hiss of frustration, he willed his fingernails into talons and jabbed them into the metal. Hauling himself up carefully and almost giving in to the siren call of nausea, Yusuf made sure he was leaning casually against the elevator wall, summoning single-minded focus to stride with easy, confident charm past the welcome desk. “Shkran. Murih jida,” he thanked the trendy looking girl behind the counter in her paisley hijab. She gave him a look of mild disgust, inching away from the key card he tossed on her desk before stepping through sliding doors and into the muggy night.
The City.
Humanity and others called this warren of barren concrete Home or Feeding Grounds, but for Werewolves, The City held a special significance. Despite being incredibly dangerous because of its overpopulation of aggressive food-stuff organisms, something about the place spared it the horrors of the Lunar Strain. The alien things Lunatics summoned, Outsiders that descended upon ladders of foul moonlight, could not find purchase in this place.
The Curse and its accompanying burdens had, over the years, rendered him unable to properly absorb the nutrition and symbolic reinforcement of his nature from whatever the mortals ate. It was the eventual fate of all of his species to give in to Lalith’s Call and solely devour the flesh of other great predators; Mizrah thought he had a couple of years at least before he got to that point, but times of competition and bloodletting between the Strains and different Therids - that is, any shape changing beast - had refined the Monster caged in his heart through brutal survival.
The stink of The City’s streets pierced through the veil of his sensory filters, and he registered the stench of unwashed, chemical-soaked, deadly humanity. It would be easy to pick out one of the weak, drunk, or lost and draw them in, in a way similar to how Monroe had reeled him toward her, but Yusuf had long despised the act of devouring people.
Humans were often just as bad as your average Turnskin, each one a hateful little collection of petty wants…each ruled by a terror of being devoured by one of their own, since they were the undisputed rulers of the world and had nobody else to concern themselves with. In the Jungle, down here on the streets with the other Skinchangers, the same rules applied. As before, Mizrah had little choice but to participate in the cannibalism, or be cannibalized himself. At least he’d had like-minded Werewolves around him, once before, and it’d made night after night of violent, bloody hunts survivable…bearable. Sometimes even enjoyable, but thankfully Starvation numbed his consciousness to that loss better than any drug, or even the Vampire’s Kiss.
Yusuf fell in among the crowds, and it was like throwing a stone in a river. The extremely perceptive might pick up on the way people seemed to subtly move around him, avoiding his presence the way a herd of gazelles shun a lion that isn’t hunting. He had a destination in mind, only a few blocks away - despite its size, everything in the River District was within walking distance, more or less. Even if it wasn’t, at night the winding, ill-planned roads had a way of drawing you along until you eventually found where you were going. The River District was an obscene feast of vice upon which rich and poor alike glutted themselves to sickness, creaking on a concrete table in an ever-precarious state of near collapse; somehow, more souls ended up in its stifling embrace every year, and like a painted whore utterly drunk on herself she laughed that she could take more. Drugs, sex, drama - these could be found in the crevices of most cities, but it was their sheer abundance and the edge of danger that made the River District famous.
The Metropolitan Police rarely bothered with the area, and it was well understood that the relative peace - or at least enough stability for business to take place - was a result of dangerous, armed individuals willing to enforce it with hot lead. While most Werewolf packs kept their hunting grounds and expedition zones a guarded secret, there was enough abundant prey that certain areas were considered free-entry…a sort of open pantry of struggle.
Still…the food had been getting increasingly wary, and better organized. Alone, in the grips of blood-famine, he was just as likely to get killed as he was to bag dinner but…it wasn’t as if he had a choice. Not if he wanted to avoid being a maneater. That’s why he hopped on a crowded tram, squeezing through to a window as it moved down Water Street and made a swing to meander over the Stadtler Bridge…his stop was at the edge of the blight in a place colloquially known as The Barrows. Barrowster Heights, as it was properly known, was a spit of the industrial tombyard that had built this city. It was where residential areas and dangerous workshops, foundries and refineries had clumped together, and where old rent-control laws from the 70s made the apartment towers some of the most affordable in The City. Even with the departure of decent paying jobs to the ruins of former Communist nations and ‘liberated’ colonies, a lot of people still scratched a living here amidst the moldering concrete and steel.
Where there were impoverished, desperate people, there were Skitterlings. Colony. Nakhten. All were viable prey, but seeing as Mizrah was hunting alone lately, he’d have to go for whatever was weakest. Vulnerable, alone and stupid; and he’d have to be fast. Come on Yusuf…game face. You got this big guy, you haven’t eaten treifa in a whole year…what would mom say? What would mom say, indeed, if she had any idea her son was like this?
The tram announcer’s voice crackled over the intercom: “ Stadtler Bridge and Faulk, please watch your step as you exit the tram from the rear, thank you .” The message was repeated in Creole and Spanish. He slid through masses of people that tempted like hanging sides of beef by the time he’d shoved his way through the back door, before the street car chugged its way back across the bridge into more civilized territory. The tracks ended here because the roads were too pitted and marred for any semblance of public transit besides buses from the 20th century.
A lot of rough neighborhoods in American cities had a sort of flat quality to them; chainlink fences torn off their hinges surrounding overgrown yards filled with trash…parks built with well-meaning tax money that soon became needle infested and dangerous. The Barrows was different; most of the buildings on this crumbling rock were at least twenty stories high, many higher than that, with entire self-contained communities inside. Most had been constructed in the early 1990s and had that blocky, segmented look; forty years of harsh oceanside weather had corroded some of the abandoned ones down to their girders. The whole place felt like a gigantic Jordan Downs, or a district-wide Cabrini-Green, but the city’s architects couldn’t help themselves when calling upon the original builders’ French-Gothic roots.
His saunter became a careful walk as he pulled his hood up, hands in his pockets. A lot of people were just getting home from their jobs, and those who had the money crossed back over the bridge into the River District to gorge themselves on whatever was worst for them. Those who didn’t either languished here where the drugs and booze were cheap but shitty, and where a working girl was just as likely to mug her client as suck them off. His darker skin helped him fit in - an unfortunate reality down here in the Land of Traitors as much as in Yankeetown Milwaukee - but anyone from The Barrows recognize an outsider; almost nobody who didn’t live here entered if they could help it.
Tonight, he went relatively unharassed, aside from being cased for a while by a rusty, dark green Yukon with tinted windows; Mizrah just kept walking, kept his eyes on the concrete and his ears open, ready for the sound of doors opening or safeties clicking…people didn’t usually shoot first out here, but he wasn’t keen on being rolled up on, subjected to a street interrogation. So far so good as he hung a left and followed the broken concrete ribbon to the southernmost point of the neighborhood, where the old Stadtler-Grimes Park occupied a good portion of the oceanfront.
Stadtler-Grimes Park was The City’s attempt at Coney Island, although Theodore Grimes’ notorious fascination with the grotesque had colored his judgment as he aligned its interests with an old executive from the defunct Paulie’s Pizza Warren. The same old problems from Paulie’s had come to roost at Stadtler-Grimes, with mass cases of botulism from tainted pizza sauce, mysterious disappearances of toddlers on the Cheese-King’s Tunnel ride, and of course hosts of terrified, screaming children. The whole Pizza Warren franchise had actually, in fact, been a clever feeding mechanism for Skitterlings - the least fortunate of their kind. The Aspect of the Rat had robbed them of functions and habits that were prerequisites for being in proper society, and the Curse drove them to Nest in places like this; their position near the bottom of the food chain made them undesirable, if plentiful prey - the difficulty, as with all things for a Lone Wolf, was a limited set of tactics against their cunning.
Where the city’s attempts at governance had failed, a community of the least fortunate had…well, ‘flourished’ wasn’t the right word. Tents and shacks jutted like broken teeth underneath the ferris wheel; slats of wood had been nailed crudely between the ride’s spokes, granting some respite from the sun for those who huddled beneath. His heightened senses were keenly aware of eyes peering outward at him suspiciously, scanning him as mark or threat…but most of the locals had come to understand that outsiders were dangerous, and usually didn’t want anything to do with them. Besides, getting mugged by some mortals was the least of his concerns…these weren’t his Hunting Grounds.
The peculiar, sour scent of Skitterling grew stronger as his footsteps echoed between the empty fare stalls. None of the original merchandise was there and anything saleable had been stripped down to the nails; the din of the city was strangely far here. There was the crawling, churning gnaw of the ocean, biting slowly away at the concrete levies that kept The City from falling into the Gulf. Nobody came out to harass him so…he closed his eyes and changed the structures in his ears to better listen for that telltale skitter, their chattering communication
At first…nothing but the roar of the sea, the clatter of cars and the sound of old, defunct pipes and infrastructure squeaking and rusting in the wind. Mizrah was about to drift toward another spot when, underneath the old ferris wheel, he heard voices…coming up from underneath the grating he walked upon, unsurprisingly. Mizrah played it cool, even as his instincts screamed for him to rip up the street and chase the prey down to its nest…that only worked with a pack of his own, though. So instead, the dusky musician sat down on a concrete pylon that once held some statue (cut off at its plastic, molded feet) and sparked an American Spirit, letting the smoke float draconically around his head as he listened…the telltale odor of other Turnskins reached his powerful olfactories.
“...telling you man…the answers are Janet Jackson, Pink, Nikki Minaj - ”
“Are you kidding me Taps? What does Minaj have to do with any of those artists? You been hangin’ with that weird Fetters girl, she’s putting nonsense in your head…pass me the paste, would ya?” “Man don’t go trash talking her.” “Yeah I’m like…literally right here, Jove.”
They were clanking about noisily. Mizrah’s ears picked up on the crackle of one of those radio stations truckers and other traveling, working folks listened to, coming over a smartphone speaker. He opened his eyes, already ringed by amber as the Change began to work its subtle magic on his body. He could smell cheap beer, and the sound of a PBR can popping open meant they’d be pounding down tall boys…one of them, at least, would need to take a piss.
The operating stand underneath the ferris wheel…it held a little metal shack that he supposed grew hellish in summer. Remaining quiet was something of a chore for a man like Yusuf, who would have preferred the loud approach to…anything, really, but without backup he couldn’t rely on that. So…he had to be patient, and wait for a chance. Yusuf carefully tried the door handle to the operator’s shack - it simply came off in his grasp, and he caught it before it struck the metal platform, which would have surely sent the Prey scampering. The door scraped open unpleasantly as he tried to control it, squeezing his shoulders through and into the dusty, humid dark.
His eyes adjusted to the lightless little metal box; it stank of dust, hot metal and expired grape soda. A truly miserable little enclosure, he was already sweating by the time he slid the door shut, hunkering down with his back against the studded steel wall. Now there was nothing left to do but wait…his least favorite part. Yusuf Mizrah was not an ambush predator by predilection and lacked the patience to play this role but if he wanted to eat something that was actually satiating, he’d have to wait.
Nothing but the heat, this tiny space, and his thoughts. Without something specific to focus on, they tended to flow chaotically from one idea to the next, or sometimes they were just a jumble, crashing against each other like treacherous waters.
Monroe …she was so pissed off at him earlier, and he knew that he wouldn’t be able to disarm her every time with the heat of his passion; not without dipping into the Enkindled magnetism that was a facet of his Strain, but that was meant for Hunting, or use against others of his kind. The thought of ghosting her for her own good furtively intruded his thoughts, and he smothered and killed it. What if her weird, ghoulish kind got wind of the fact they were seeing each other and she was getting all hopped up on his blood? “I’ll kill them,” he mumbled like it was the obvious answer but down that road lay a short, bleak future of being hunted through the streets like a dog with silver. He had to quit her, but he just couldn’t face the sober reality of his isolation.
Dad …he hadn’t spoken to his father for over two years. It wasn’t as if things had ever been straightforward between them; there was too much difference, and especially after what happened to Mom the resentment was just too great. Memories of the man rose and fell vaguely; marinating lamb flank in Winter. Blowing into the shofar on Yom Kippur. Arguments over which friends he kept, arguments about his political views, about his musical tastes, about where he wanted to go to school…so much contention. Dad had no idea of the Curse that had befallen his son, he just kept on teaching and living that quiet, angry life.
Yusuf thought of other faces from his past, dredged up against his will and also because he didn’t want to hold back anymore; he whispered their names to nobody in the darkness, staring ahead at the featureless metal wall. “Mikey…Sadira…Avi…” as if saying their names would somehow conjure their ghosts, and in this world of flesh-shifting monsters…demons clawing their ways down on ladders of moonlight…the walking dead…you’d think there was a chance, but nobody came. He knew where they were…they were amidst the bodies floating in the Great Lake; he belonged there, with them, face down in the water, but he’d run away after the dust settled and he was the only one left standing. He never said their names out loud to anybody, like they were fragile and to do so would damage them beyond even death.
There was nothing left of those three, not even their families…he had nothing - many, many photos but he didn’t dare access that account to look at them. Mikey, Sadira and Avi had been his everything; they weren’t even like, romantic or sexual or nothing, just four souls in The Jungle whose song had harmonized perfectly…and now he was the only one left howling, down here on the Gulf Coast.
“You’re so far away…” he whispered, hating that his voice shook…hating the rumbling hunger in his gut that reminded him he’d been barely living.
“ I’ll be right back assholes, and don’t touch the purple pipes. That’s my project, you hear? Mine.” Mizrah’s attention was hauled away from his emotions, hearing hyper-attuned to the particular tenor of a Skitterling’s voice…their disguise was imperfect to creatures who could sense these things - scraping the bottom of the broken food chain that defined an Accursed Being’s relationships, their anxiety and paranoia did something to their voices…their movements…their dirty scent, lots of little hints that combined into one big, flashing neon arrow-sign that read EAT .
The tears dried in his eyes as his mouth watered, peering through the crack in the steel door at a skinny, tan man of indeterminable ethnicity emerging from a ditch. Squeezing himself through a hole no larger than a raccoon, it was hideous to watch as the concrete birthed him. The Prey wore a sweat-and-grease-and-trash stained gray pinstripe trucker shirt that read 𝐻𝒾 𝐼'𝓂: 𝒮𝓉𝑒𝓋𝑒. He wondered if this one was Taps or Jove…Fetters was a girl. It was a pity he’d heard their names because now the Prey was more than just a hideous simulacra of a man pulling his legs out of the drainage hole and shaking himself off. Mizrah watched as he pulled up his pants with jerky, meth-head motions, head dipping between his shoulders as his nostrils twitched. The rat-monster’s human disguise was imperfect to his practiced eye, and pressed quietly up against the metal door, staring through the crack as sweat dripped into his eye and over the hooked bridge of his nose. His mouth watered as he made out the little details.
The sickly green tinge in the corner of the Prey’s right eye.
The scaly, pink texture on the back of his hands.
The greasy smell of his flesh moving underneath his skin.
Then again…this Food had people he was close to. It wasn’t like in a video game, or a movie where the people who died were just extras with no story, even in this nightmare life he lived. Wolves, Rats, Cats, Gators…all the things that were associated with the Curse, they couldn’t just parasitize their Prey like vampires. A human could live their lives as prey for Bloods, completely ignorant (if not happy), but an encounter with a hungry Therid like him, or like this one he was stalking, ended in maiming at the very least; more often the Prey had to be killed and devoured.
Man-eating was something he never wished to do again, but it wasn’t like this was much better. What choice did he have, if he didn’t want to starve to death? At least Monroe, or Mikey Sadira and Avi didn’t have to see him doing this. Mizrah rose very carefully as soon as the male before him ducked before a dumpster to take a leak; the sound of his urine, its stench would hopefully mask his approach
Mizrah flexed a muscle no human had; his canines became long as a human’s last finger joint, his nails blackened and became cat-sharp hooks. The Change caused his eyes to unhinge as adrenaline flooded his bloodstream; heat soaked his body, the Enkindled Strain making this little closet a hotbox as muscle packed on
Move in for the kill.
It happened in the space of three seconds.
00:01: He burst from the metal locker, throwing the door off its hinges and badly scraping his arm against a jagged edge; the Prey looked over its shoulder, fear reflex spiking the air with adrenaline stink.
00:02: He was already on the other Turnskin, and they were tumbling and rolling on the concrete; Mizrah was by far the stronger, and had his talons digging into the Skitterling’s shifting face, muscles heaving as he pulled his head back and exposed his throat. 00:03 The Rat-man’s fingers found Mizrah’s forehead, scrabbling for his eyes to rake them desperately - he responded by biting down, cracking the joints and tearing them away, prompting a choked scream of pain.
It was delicious. Control, pity and mercy couldn’t feed him but this perfect set of ingredients could.
But it was too late. Mizrah’s jaws clamped down on the other man’s throat, silencing him as he dug into his windpipe, but he couldn’t close them all the way…he just couldn’t . Instinct drove him to be strong; guilt, human softness made him weak, punishing him with the lash of empathy.
Mizrah felt the Skitterling’s other hand come around and stab a thumb into his left eye, dirty claw popping it and splattering hot blood across the concrete - blinding pain as the Skitterling tore its claws across the side of his head, sending him rolling onto the concrete with pain. “AGH SHIT YOU BASTARD I WAS GONNA LET YOU LIVE!” the Werewolf shouted - the prey was already shifting though, turning into a fucking rat about the size of a small cat. With a flash of protean energies, he took the shape of a long-limbed black wolf and dashed after it, snapping his jaws shut around The Prey’s tail as it squeezed through a crack in the door of an old, closed down staff house. The Skitterling shrieked in high-pitched pain as he tore away the bony appendage, blood spurting briefly into his mouth. He crunched upon it, swallowing it down root and fur and all. It only inflamed his hunger…but by now the fucking thing had crawled into a pipe, or a crack he could never reach through. Mizrah growled and threw himself against the wooden door between himself and his meal, but even as a great wolf his strength flagged.
The other Skitterlings had probably heard the struggle up above and scattered, likely ringing alarm bells all through this part of the Pier and making his hunt all the harder…basically impossible. The black, bristle-furred wolf’s tongue hung from his mouth, mauled eye slowly reforming to stare with disappointment at the Park, now essentially an empty pantry. If he wanted to soothe his hunger, he’d have to get across the inlet to the old, closed down on-site mall but that was a far more dangerous bet since other Predators made their homes within.
Spider-Ogres, a coven of them in the deep parts of the mall…Nachten, roosting in the upper stories…in the flooded lower areas that were once meant to view the harbor’s mutated, strange marine life, Sobeks prowled for intruders and looters. With a Pack, all of these unnatural, changing beasts - some far enough from humanity that killing and eating them didn’t invoke the horrors of cannibalism and murder - were on the menu, and every Turnskin knew to fear wolf howls in the night.
Howls, plural…a lone Wolf was a pathetic thing, and he knew this. Everyone knew it, but Monroe didn’t - all she knew was the vague reputation for violence and struggle that came with him, but she had no idea how hard it was for him to Hunt, or the humiliation of doing so. Was this what it was like for her, when she drank from him? She’d been subsisting on his blood for the better part of a week now, careful sips after the initial glutting but he’d been avoiding eating properly because it was such an awful, unglamorous thing…and now, finally, it’d caught up to him.
He missed her. That, he hated.
Mizrah took his human shape, his left eye popping and sizzling as milky white gave way to a new, reformed iris and pupil. He leaned against the wall in the alleyway between buildings, feeling his strength starting to flag again; his will failing. A mortal would be easy to catch and kill, but how could he bring himself to do it again? Would he have to give in to Frenzy and sate himself that way, picking up the pieces afterwards or simply running away?
“Fucking pathetic…” the Enkindled chided himself, shaking his head and bending down to pick up his jacket; he heard footsteps coming from behind, down the pier and nearer the water.
“Fucking pathetic,” came a low voice - resonant and strong, spoken through gritted teeth. Mizrah looked up and quickly resolved the details of the other man coming his way. Bright red hair, neatly styled and combed…piercing green, no-nonsense eyes that glowed like acid…and of course, the few inches and crucial couple-dozen pounds of muscle he had on the musician made him easily recognizable. His face was stately and proud, intensity written across his expression - every movement seemed like it was restrained, as if truly unleashed he would break his environment.
“Big words from a big lackey, Adam,” Mizrah growled, tossing his coat back down on the off chance the coming confrontation didn’t ruin it utterly. “I don't have time for this again - ”
…but by then Adam was already peeling his apple-green polo shirt off his head, for the same purpose as Mizrah shucking his jacket, throwing it casually over the rail of a fire escape. The pale man was absolutely ripped , brutally and terrifyingly strong. No piercings, no ink, nothing but the patchwork of freckles along his broad, rippling shoulders; Adam's muscle-bound cuirass of a chest was cut down the middle by a stripe of crimson hair, disappearing underneath his leather belt supporting a pair of slacks that had to be hot in this weather. The Rabid Strain had a tendency to produce juggernauts such as this, who by their Fury relied on even blunter tools than he did. “Show throat, Yusuf,” he demanded, even as fur broke through his shoulders and chest, as nails became bone-white speartips, as he took a killing form that threatened to dwarf Mizrah’s…but it was a formality. Yusuf never showed throat, even though he knew Adam hadn't come alone.
He was already shifting into his black furred, deadly killing shape - there wasn’t much of a physical contest to be had, unfortunately; while he was somewhat faster than Adam, and able to flip a car with ease, the Rabid was more than able to tear a tank apart
Barreling at him like a train engine, he somehow seemed even bigger to Mizrah than last time they danced this bullshit tango; starved of the primal, deadly energies that gave him an edge, it wasn’t much of a contest. He hated that the other Turnskin somehow managed to make everything look all noble and knightly, even his anger had the tinge of some honorable righteousness to it
Any Werewolf could fight to some degree, and every lycanthrope's body grew specialized through survival…and he'd grown powerful hunting his own kind when the Lunar Strain had come. He fought them the same way Adam made to take him on, and while he had an advantage over the other Firstblood in the interdictions and incantations of their kind, his Rage was a quiet, subdued thing on an empty belly; as he was, he couldn't take his physical might beyond the bounds of his Killing Shape.
Adam's claws seemed to break the air as they came for his shoulders, but Yusuf caught them in his grip. The huge, crimson monster snapped his jaws at Yusuf's wolven face as he forced him to his knees; Mizrah's musculature bulged as he strained and twisted his body with a fast coiling motion, sending Adam slamming into the wall of the ferris wheel's metal shack. The red-furred monster’s weight caused the little building to simply disintegrate, and taking the only advantage he'd likely be able to tease forth in this fight, Mizrah's black-furred arms wrapped around Adam's throat and hauled him back, locking the monster in a half-Nelson and cutting off his blood supply.
A most non-werewolf thing to do, and it was working as Adam pulled forward, choking under the Enkindled's grasp. His acid green eyes stared at the sky, bugging in their sockets as his windpipe was crushed against his spinal cord…the Goliath began to falter..
Adam’s thigh muscles bunched, and he leapt upward to land on his back, smashing Mizrah underneath him and pressing the impression of his body into the pier…also a non-werewolf tactic, admittedly. The rockstar felt numerous bones simply shatter - ribs, sternum, his pelvis…dislocations and punctured organs as well. His body began to regenerate the damage almost immediately but it was enough for Adam to turn and maul him.
At this point it was over, but Mizrah wasn't the kind of Werewolf who gave up…a major problem for creatures of dominance and hierarchy. His strikes seemed almost disciplined and lined-up as Adam shredded through flesh faster than it could regenerate, smashing bones quicker than they could reseal.
Even in the Killing Form, he could comprehend the pain; the feeling of being utterly crushed. Both hands struggled to hold Adam’s one claw away from his face; the other dug into his guts, pulling them out in a fistful of red, writhing snakes, casting them across the concrete with a wet splatter. Mizrah’s hand reached out, seizing the other wolf’s face and closing down to tear away his flesh in a fur-and-muscle tinged splatter. Adam barely seemed to notice.
Surrender , the scarlet monster demanded…and Mizrah fought on
He snapped his jaws down on Adam’s wrist, twisting and snapping until he degloved it, tearing away three fingers that regrew before his eyes. The Rabid clenched his fist, slamming it like a wrecking ball across the black furred Enkindled’s face. Pounded into the rock, teeth sent skittering and regrowing, skull smashed and reconstituting...slower.
Surrender! Adam commanded once again.
Never . His body was starting to shut down…grievous injuries to his neck, his head and his guts were more than his body could keep up, badly underfed like this. The monster’s jaws were coming down toward his throat, even as he lifted a shaking, taloned hand to hook against his fangs to push back.
He refused, up until the moment the other werewolf’s fangs closed around his neck. His windpipe gave in with a crackle, and he choked on his own blood as Adam throated him brutally. Panic took the Killing-Form, his unnatural body struggling to repair itself as the other monster held him there, bleeding and gurgling, the fight leaving him rapidly.
Beaten, Mizrah struggled in his human form to close the rent in his throat - messy ligature and flesh wove together, giving him the luxury of being able to breathe again but he’d lost so much blood - again! - that he couldn’t make sense of his surroundings without remaining still. He didn’t even notice when Adam returned to his human shape, simply standing there with his arms crossed, glaring down at him in disdain; half his face had been clawed off, bloody strings of tissue showing his unnaturally white teeth…he hoped it hurt. Statuesque asshole , Mizrah wanted to spit, but the best he could manage was a choking growl.
He pushed onto his knees, coughing and holding his guts as they wound up into his stomach again. Fangs regrew painfully in his mouth as he cast a hate-filled glare up at Adam, who simply put a dress-shoe clad foot against his ribs and pushed. “Just stay down . I hate kicking your ass around every single time, but so help me Mizrah I’ll take your arm off - ”
“Enough, Adam.” A soothing, low voice broke quietly through the muggy night air, but it might as well have been the crack of a crystal-spiked, writhing whip. The Rabid backed off but all the same, cast a frustrated glare toward the voice, coming from a window, one story above
“Ariadne, he’s worthless, couldn’t even kill a Rat. We’re wasting our time on him.”
“I’ll be the judge of that.” He’d become used to this refrain, and wondered if they were playing good-cop bad-cop with him, only the distinctions blurred strangely when it came to these two. Yusuf’s vision cleared enough that he could make her out in the dim night, backlit by The City’s glow.
Ariadne’s lithe form rested in the frame of the window, looking down at them with almost feline distance. A lightweight, dark green midriff jacket sat on her shoulders, worn open with the hood up. It cast shadows across the teardrop-shape of her face, eerie heliotrope eyes staring through a veil of barely perceptible disturbance in the air as she turned and effortlessly pushed off the windowsill, descending to the ground with barely a disturbance of dust. She straightened…tall for a woman, nearly 178cm, her long, graceful body had the quality of a longbow carved from pliant, caramel colored wood. “What’s going on with you Yusuf?” Her even voice was, by all accounts, beautiful and smooth, accented by her sweltering homeland of Maranhão…subtly, for creatures who could hear over higher and lower frequencies than the human ear, they could pick up a hint of distortion. The subtle, reality-warping nature of the Behexxed was a constant warning at the edge of his senses. “Letting your Prey slip like that…and you usually put up a much better fight - nearly had Adam last time.”
“He did not,” the Rabid one countered with a raised eyebrow, frowning as Mizrah finally closed enough wounds to push to his knees and speak.
“ Klhhh… ” the tawny skinned musician tried, swallowing painfully as vocal cords reformed in more or less completion. “Been kinda busy trying to pay the rent, y’know? Sometimes life doesn’t leave a lot of room for chasing cats, bats and crocs.”
He hated how she looked at him with disappointment…he hated that she was attractive, her firm, pert chest clad in a dark blue sports bra against the heat, the coffee-colored flatness of her midriff and belly exposed; her lower abdomen was inked with the shape of a python made of 0s and 1s, drawing his attention to her hips…even beaten and humiliated like this.
I’m a fucking masochist.
“You should stick to what you’re good at Yusuf…music. Boxing. Being the beating heart of something important; not lying.” Ariadne shouldered a red backpack whose contents smelled incredibly alluring. Yusuf’s pupils dilated, and even his stomach and intestines - freshly torn and pulled back into his body cavity - growled with hunger. He was getting desperate, enough to consider accepting what he knew to be charity.
Adam’s judgmental, veridian stare from behind his Alpha, however, hardened the broken remnants of his resolve and dignity.
“I like being my own beating heart, thanks,” he continued to lie, legs shaky as he forced himself to stand…he almost couldn’t, digging his fingers into the edge of a dumpster. “You just have a way of catching me at the least advantageous moments…totally unplanned of course
She wasn’t buying it, he could tell as she raised a dark eyebrow. “Two weeks ago you took down the Lynx of Forsythe on your own. The packs were rambling about it, and barely fourteen days later you’re struggling to kill a single Skitterling…I recognize a starving Wolf.” Ariadne’s voice softened as she put a hand in his and pulled him fully to his feet, even going so far as to catch him when disorientation almost pitched him forward. "Forget about ideology, whatever hangups you have; you're gonna get yourself killed."
"Welcome to the Jungle baby, where everyone's someone's meal," Mizrah said with a wry smirk, lightly pushing her shoulder to take a step back - Adam glowered dangerously. He couldn't let her get too close, she'd break his resistance…she knew his loneliness, any perceptive werewolf picked up on it and most reacted with pity or disgust - her empathy was dangerous.
"That's childish. Just why, Yusuf?" Adam questioned with exasperation, but they'd been down this road before. "It isn't all about you man."
"Ohhh okay Adam, tell me who it's all about then," Mizrah countered, giving in to the worst aspects of his nature and already stepping up to the bigger Werewolf confrontationally - to his credit Adam Godwin didn't rise for the bait, so he pushed harder. "Everyone knows who ashed the first Blood, even if the others are too scared of your temper to say it." There…now the pale Celt was flushing with rage, shame.
"Enough, you two - "
"She bit my sister Yusuf."
"Yeah man, lotta good it did her. Look at how many are dead because you're a fucking savage, that's why I won't hunt with you - "
Adam's talons slashing through his face and sending flashes of red pain through his already battered form made him grin, even as he was nearly sent off his feet. His bright red blood stained the wet, dirty concrete, and he felt the other Wolf's fingers grab his collar…fury bright red in his eyes.
Do it. End it you piece of shit.
Ariadne's voice had the quality of a jaguar, roaring through a veil of ill, deadly will. She was on Adam, her own clawed fingers digging bloodily into the Rabid’s shoulder and pulling him back; the pain, and her dominance gave Adam cause to release the black haired musician, frustration and shame hardening his features…knowing he'd fallen for the provocation, given Mizrah yet another reason to proudly, arrogantly snub them.
"Go cool off by the water," she instructed him, pulling her claws forth from his powerful shoulder, flicking his blood off; he barely seemed to notice, the marks closing in seconds
"But I - "
"Shh. I know…I know." The Brazilian woman returned Mizrah's handsome, bloody sneer a distant, reproachful gaze. I know what you think you're doing , her hex-filled eyes said. She was an incredibly patient, persistent, stubborn Therid, even for the supremely assured Behexxed for whom fortune twisted and sang like the strings of Delilah's bass…but he was determined to be the snag in that web of assurance and control.
Adam made an inhuman sound, deep in his chest. With a release of heat and unlight, the green-eyed juggernaut became an enormous, red furred wolf. Head held proud, his wolven expression held fast his malice and frustration for the other Firstblood.
For a long time, neither said anything to the other…typical standoff for their kind
She didn't break the quiet because she was too good for that, and instead she untied the bandana around her arm and used it to wipe the blood from his face. He couldn't really deny her the inherent humanity of the gesture, and he contented himself to simply examine her elfin face. He couldn’t deny that the purity in her eyes was beatific, and he could tolerate letting her close because there was no malice in her and the armor was up over his heart. Ariadne was the only Accursed Being who fit this description.
"Alright, fine. You can have this one, since it means so much to you to win," she finally said, lowering the bandana and looking at him from behind the veil of dischonoia . "But you're wrong in the end, and you always will be."
Mizrah gave her a long suffering look as he picked up his jacket - thankfully untorn - from where he'd thrown it, shaking it off with a clank of metal buckles… ew , he thought with a displeased expression at whatever stained the sleeve. "I've seen what you're trying to do, and if it worked I'd say you're the one to pull it off Ariadne. But it doesn't work, we don't make governments. We're monsters. You don't even need to, the Food is plentiful but they don't stand a chance against a Pack…and like all you guys say in the ads - "
" No Outsiders ." They said it at the same time, but her tone caught him - something different about it. She was tenser than he could recall, and her hackles were rising, all atypical behavior for the Behexxed.
"What? What is it, what aren't you telling me?" He demanded, his tone finally souring.
"Shamrys went missing."
"So? Shamrys likes her quiet time." He knew the young, eccentric Night-Howler was almost obsessed with remaining unseen.
"She doesn't duck and run on her Pack in the middle of a Hunt."
That was true, but he'd heard stranger. "So maybe she got gotted - "
"She reappeared two days ago - rather, Theo tracked her to West Cardiff. She was building a 'Fane', wouldn't stop."
That was…alright, that was cause for alarm. His kind didn't usually engage in building projects - that drive was given to frenetic Skitterlings and carapaced Myrmidons, and really he knew where she was going with this. Werewolves were beasts of twisted mysticism and reflected a grand cosmic principle of accursed change; German metaphysicists and Plato had gotten closer to the nature of their existence than Darwin or Nachmanides and religious attitudes were unusual among most Firstbloods. The exception to this rule was, of course, the virulent, gibbering madness of the Lunar Strain.
Anxiety dug at him; the fall of Chicago had been predicated by the unstoppable spread of the Lunar Strain’s manifestation there, and those moon-maddened Werewolves completed their occult construction before he’d been able to unite the packs. When the Gloaming Stairway had been completed, a stilted, spiraling thing of crystalline moonlight and stretched, warped skin that crawled of its own accord toward the face of the moon, the Vicar had come down from the sky
The moon had turned red. The Vicar’s howl split the sky, and so many of his friends lost their dreams, their minds, everything that made them individuals and not the mat-furred, eye-rolling, gnashing freaks they’d been turned into. Those who'd avoided or resisted the Change…he could still see them, their bodies floating at the end of Navy Pier.
“What do you expect me to do about it?” he was getting tired, running out of excuses and ways to avoid dealing with this…he always had Adam’s poor temper as an excuse to refuse what she wanted, because he knew what Ariadne was always angling for, even if she never said it directly. Would she, now that he’d asked the Behexxed directly?
“Nothing, right now, because you can’t do anything about it. You’re too weak.” There was no accusation, no judgment, just the simple truth that raked his ego. He felt his cheeks redden with wounded pride, but she gently shushed him, shaking her head…he could see her think about reaching out to touch him, but she thought better of it. He wished she would; Mizrah’s emotions for her were complicated. No denying that he felt a pull toward her physically, the way her body moved with effortless vitality - it kind of reminded him of something graceful moving with diaphanous motions through the sea. She was elegant and tall, and her skin looked so smooth…for Prey she was a terror but for one of his kind, there was respite to be found with her, which made her rare.
He shouldn't have been thinking these things…fine to have multiple mates, but he already had an unhealthy thirst for a creature of the night - why further complicate it by falling for someone whom the Curse had especially touched? She probably didn't even think of him that way. Stupid thoughts…but the desire was there.
The structures she represented though…trying to bring together bickering, bloodthirsty groups of monsters who congregated in ultra-tight cliques into something resembling…functioning government? It wasn't natural. It didn't work for Turnskins - he'd tried and the price he'd paid in blood and dignjty…only to see everything fall apart into screaming, gibbering madness anyway.
She offered him the bag, reeking with Therid meat - he wasn't sure which - but Mizrah, with an even greater act of will than was required to stay on his feet, turned his nose up at it and pushed it away. "Keep your charity, and just quit tryin'. I'm not in the game anymore, especially not that game where you're set up to fail from the start."
"Yusuf…" that look she gave him, behind the chaos-flecked veil of her heliotrope eyes was at once utterly inhuman and yet far too close to his heart for comfort. Was she hurt that he was rejecting her help, and thereby rejecting her? Again? He didn't need to feel guilty because they were fucking monsters , but…he hadn't meant to.
She dropped the backpack, hands sliding into her pockets as they regarded each other.
"Don't let whatever sorrow you brought from Chicago kill you. We're not meant to run alone." The Behexxed turned on her heel, trailing after where Adam had stomped off and leaving him, again, in solitude. When she was gone, he stayed and wrestled with himself, torn between starvation and pride.
"See me now?" He muttered to the one who was once always there, watching, hearing him. "Sure hope not…" Mizrah swore this was the last time he'd accept this kind of charity. Ripping the top of the backpack open, he reached inside, took a handful of something rich and warm and twitching…it gripped him back, even as he lifted it to his mouth and gorged on the Accursed flesh.
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bluegekk0 · 1 year
Imagine, if you will, a scenario. Something goes ever so slightly wrong in the ritual. Or Grimm butt-dials some sort of genetic marker or what not. In any case, upon his vessel's maturation, he discovers one, unchangeable fact: he's now a puffball. Fluffier than the Radiance herself. Just a literal ball of fluff. How does he react, and how does everyone else react?
well, first of all, he takes a mental note of what he could've done wrong and tries to correct it before the next ritual. nkg and the physical realm grimm exist simultaneously (i could try to go into specifics but let's just say it's possible thanks to his god powers), so while grimm tries to tame the neverending fluff, nkg already prepares the next body, hopefully without such flaws this time
as for whatever happens in the physical realm, it's certainly an experience. one of the things grimm specifically paid attention to when creating his body was making sure it had less fur than his nightmare king self, for a very simple reason - it's a nightmare (pun intended) to maintain if you have to adhere to the rules of the mortal plane. not to mention that, since his body grows and matures very quickly, i imagine that also applies to stuff like the rate at which his fur grows. so if he doesn't trim it, it can grow to impressive lengths, but that gets annoying, which is why he prevents it from happening
now try to imagine that, except he has a massive amount of fluff by default. not very fun. he would likely trim as much of it as he can to be able to actually function, but it would still be a nuisance in his every day life. it would get constantly matted and he would leave fluff everywhere, which would be infuriating not just for him but for everyone else around him
speaking of others, i think they would find it hilarious at first, especially hornet. but only for a bit. having to actually deal with him around wouldn't be nearly as funny, i imagine. fpk would love it though. maybe not the part where the fur gets everywhere, but the softness of it. i mean, his partner basically turned into a giant soft ball of fur, what isn't there to love?
as for grimm himself. aside from the frustration of having to maintain all of it until the next cycle, i think the resemblance to the radiance would bother him even more. to put it lightly, he's not very fond of his sister, so looking in the mirror and seeing what's essentially her but red would be enough to ruin his day. sure, trimming it to reduce the "ball" shape would help, but that sort of reminder is something he would much rather avoid, and would give him even more reasons to find the mistake he made and fix it before he has to replace the body again
so yeah, in short, it would be quite chaotic and not very pleasant for grimm or the others. but i really like this idea, not necessarily this one in particular (though i love the comedy potential of it hahah), but nkg potentially messing up when creating his body. i imagine that kind of thing happened more often many years ago, when he was still getting used to his body. but mistakes always happen, and even gods can make them haha
but that was a really fun ask, thank you for sending it!
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chaifootsteps · 1 year
Okay so I watched the latest episode leak, and I have to say that out of all the episodes I've seen so far this one was relatively competent which is... surprising. I do think that a lot of the issues other people are having are extremely valid but some of them I do feel are just a bit nitpicky ---but overall as far as events unfolding and then getting resolved..... which is....as you know, the very basic competence for a storyline- this one pretty much did exactly that. Something tells me that the reason why it was relatively watchable is not because of Vivienne. I was actually surprised they had Blitz apologizing and owning up to a mistake, usually he's supposed to be bad but still "deserving" of forgiveness for no reason. Just a UwU untouchable bby. so that was actually nice. The flashback sequence for their childhood was done very well....and I actually disagree that it needed a whole episode, because I actually think this was -exactly- how flashbacks should be functioning in shows. They should just give brief context that enlightens the audience to what is currently happening in the present moment that both the characters know about, but that the audience doesn't. And they did just that, surprisingly.
That being said, there was never a need for a flashback episode in the first season, especially an entire episode dedicated to a bunch of uselessness scenes. Like the other anon said earlier if there had been some kind of foreshadowing, then perhaps it would have been warranted. Anyway I think that if that episode never happened, then this would probably have more impact, cuz this would have been the first time we saw Blitz and fizz as kids.
For the first and probably only time the whole thing with Blitz apologizing and owning up to his mistake, and then making up felt earned.... But even with the things that this episode did right it's still overall felt.... meh, vapid, and shallow with all the other unnecessary things happening in it. Striker and crimson being the antagonistic party in this was just random/ unnecessary; a simple throw away villain would probably have worked in this one episode. And that entire distraction song was..... so so so unbelievably dumb. Insultingly dumb.
But hey whatever. I could go on and on but let's just say that I also agree with the overall feedback that was given by a lot of the previous anons too. But I thought this would be hopefully a different take that you haven't had before.
So this episode was not good because none of the episodes in this pointless web series are ever good..... Ever.
But as far as being relatively competent it did surprisingly an okay job. One particular thing that I found pretty cool was when another fire started and Fizz was back in... Well, another fire basically, and Blitz actually saved him this time, kind of like a redemption for what happened in the past. Although that scene seems a little..... too suspiciously decent to have been from Vivienne alone but...hey I guess we'll see.
Anyway I can't wait for Viv to go on another Twitter whine sesh. Normally I would not be happy to see a Creator upset about something like this but knowing her past track record this is pretty deserved. Enjoy the early episode everyone!
I think it was one of the better episodes of season 2, but that's an extremely low bar to clear. I've got to disagree on the flashback sequence however...rapidfire flashbacks like the one we had here work for some things, like Moxxie's backstory, but Blitzo is our main character and Fizz and his mother are some of the most important people in his lives and it was just too important a scene to rush. To bring it back to BoJack, it would be like if The Old Sugarman Place were to be condensed into a minute and change.
Agreed that the little redemption bit at the end was cute until Vivzie ruined it with of course yet another sex joke.
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What would its pee even be like anyway? I know it's probably weird to ask but now I am curious. I know you flesh things out and enjoy worldbuilding so it's a legitimate question!
lmao you have me pinned, Anon, with my obcessive lore and worldbuilding.
And yeah, that ask got me wondering too! So... Yugoth's internal biological systems work differently than any normal creature. It is an eldritch fungus, and it's connected to the Sculk around it. It is able to allow the sculk to summon animated creatures to protect the growth, this being the wardens you encounter in game, this particular one is the one in control of all of it. This, in fact, is a big reason it puts the goop in Tiavel's mane, since those composites attack intruders. The goop makes Tiavel smell like part of the sculk and warden itself so if any of them are awakened, Tiavel isn't hurt. They take Yugoth's energy to maintain, however, so it generally keeps that inactive. Barely anything goes down there to the ancient ruins, so it sees no point.
Tangeant aside, it is omnivorous with an herbivorous tendency. It is able to eat meat, but it must be starting to decay or cooked. It also eats bone, though digests this much more slowly. A fun side effect of this is that Yugoth could swallow a small creature that passed away, digest the meat, and cough up the clean bones if it does that soon enough. It would be like an owl pellet or hairball. Not that it has any reason to do that, but it's possible! The bone from whatever it eats gets integrated with the boney growths on its shoulders and down its back, as well as its claws and teeth.
Being a fungal creature, it does need water. It drinks quite a bit. It helps it digest, and helps keep it healthy and comfortable. Yugoth wouldn't do well in dry heat, and would need to be around fresh water. Salt water would not work for it, too much salt would make it really sick or even kill it.
Like any creature, not everything it ingests is broken down fully, and anything that doesn't get used is passed out the other end. Its body is quite efficient so what is passed is actually mostly odorless (Might have an odd fungal or moldy smell, but wouldn't smell like the poop of a normal creature... This remains true even if it eats a bunch of rotting flesh from zombies it attacks), but also has a lot of micro-nutrients for the soil. The reason it likes bread is that it’s very easy to break down, but Yugoth also quite enjoys rotting wood. This is another part of why it drinks so much, makes the wood wet in its system, allowing it to break it down effectively. It can not eat fresh wood, it must be dead and rotting. Yugoth's saliva actually has a powerful antibiotic property to it. Even dangerous stuff found in rotting flesh doesn't effect it. The side effect of this is that its saliva can actually completely get rid of infection, so if you know a warden and it doesn't hate you and you get hurt, it can lick your wounds and keep them from getting infected.
And, FINALLY… on to your actual question. It drinks a lot of water, which helps it digest, especially when it eats things that are dry and thus… it pees frequently. It’s clear blue in color, and actually has a glow to it, though this fades within a few hours. If you find part of the ground glowing near the ancient city, well, that’s what it is. xD
It functions to clear out metabolites and anything Yugoth’s body doesn’t need and to pass excess water, but it also serves a territorial purpose. The pee would have a very strong, and very distinct, smell but it wouldn’t be anything like a normal animal’s pee. The smell would be hard to describe, not particularly pleasant but also not particularly unpleasant. Just strange and very different. It’d be something that you’d easily recognize once you’ve smelled it once. A unique thing about it is there’d be no breaking down into ammonia and other toxic materials. It’d just break down into water and inert minerals, meaning that there’d be absolutely no contamination of the area around it. In fact, having Yugoth around would be incredibly beneficial if you could get it to not want to sonic shriek you into the stratosphere, because it can eat stuff that would be unsafe, break it down, and basically pass plant fertilizer out the other end. A living composter that smells like a crushed mushroom.
Yugoth actively hunts creepers. They are moss creatures, and it will lure them closer, then Sonic Shriek them to death. Drag them near its nest, wait for them to begin to decay, and then eat them. This could, even, be a way for you to avoid getting attacked if you want to interact with it. Lure a creeper towards Yugoth and let it kill it. Yugoth is sapient, capable of logic, emotion and reasoning so it’d be smart enough to realize you are useful. The earmuff Tiavel made it have had a calming effect on it because with them on it is in a lot less pain, and thus less angry. It’ll still be hostile until Tiavel calms it down, but it’s not as quick to attack, and is more likely to observe for a bit, and attack if you do anything that angers it.
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worldwhampion · 2 years
I will reveal korvax pirate lore to you. Korvax pirates are like. A really weird thing in nms. They're about as common as vy'keen and gek pirates, despite the society of the korvax. But like. The shunning of divergents is for a reason, allowing criminal thought and those with less firm morals into the convergence would serve to poison the well, so the korvax shun criminals by disconnecting them from the convergence. But when convergent behavior is defined to a very small amount of acceptable behavior, with sometimes arbitrary seeming reasons for disconnections, every divergent Korvax is a criminal. And that's perhaps why pirate would be appealing to a korvax, if you know that you're damned to disconnection you might as well find others like you. The korvax pirates also kinda imply that the social behaviors we see in korvax are very particular, with some korvax pirates being mentioned as more expressive than other korvax and some far less.
In the case of that one particular character you reblogged, I considered how korvax might feel about body modification. Which I feel would be puritanical. Not out of bigotry, but need. A korvax casing is used again and again. That korvax is not the first to inhabit that body, and likely will not be the last. And that's kinda horrifying, your body not being your own. So that oc to spite the convergence, ruins thier body by cutting off their arm , to ensure that their body remains there own after death. They can know fully that what they inhabit is truly their own, it is selfish perhaps but is a assurance that all other life in the universe is granted since birth.
but of course! divergency would be one of the biggest or THE biggest motivation out there for a korvax to commit piracy
AAAAAA i should've made the link between divergency and piracy the first time however that did not happen for some reason
the idea of that korvax pirates (or any divergent korvax) are a product of the rigid, restrictive rules (parameters!) imposed by the convergence is kinda ironic, because those same rules are likely meant to prevent any divergent behaviour in the first place due to their strictness.
and that strictness should be meant to foster convergency instead, yet it also unavoidably leads to divergency. hmm…
the korvax are a tragic race, they're supposed to be bound by rules, similar to how a computer can't do beyond what is written in the code it's fed (except it's way more complicated when the computer in question is SENTIENT!!), in order for a greater whole to function smoothly. if a korvax somehow goes beyond what they were intended to be (even just a slight bit), the greater whole, something that they're not exactly meant to exist without!!!, rejects them on a whim.
and your pirate oc does the most hardcore thing ever, SELF-MUTILATION to piss off the convergence!!! the ultimate 'in your face' move, if you will. i can hear the whole convergence seething in defeat from here
thank you this is an absolute national treasure of an ask!! the korvax lore thickens now...
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crystalelemental · 1 year
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As usual, here's the Gauntlet sweep, with some discussion of Variety Lorelei's performance.
General Overview For full disclosure, all of this is 1/5 Lorelei.  I put in the 7500 gems, and am not yet ready to hand her candy, although I will admit, candy would change her entire life by miles.  Hilariously, not for any of the reasons I suspected.
The CS clear indicated something critical to me: Variety Lorelei functions best when she's completing the setup, not doing all of it.  MPRs are not her friend, because she needs to be attacking to heal.  MPR on her trainer move in particular does very little, and double Endurance would require her to hold off on using it until later, which rarely comes into play.  This maintains.  However, the more interesting angle is that under no composition was I going man.  I sure wish Lorelei could debuff defense right now.  Instead, the concern was usual "Oh god I sure hope this heals like three times, and recharges all five gauges."
Lorelei is slow as shit and her base healing is wildly inconsistent despite okay odds.  Inconsistency in these two factors means that she feels like she most wants the consistent aspects of First Aid 4 and Fleet Feet, to solve her tendency to get run over and inability to sustain gauge in Gauntlet.  Punishing Strike, even aside from its inconsistency, is just...not what she most wants.  No team was struggling because of lack of defense drops; they struggled because Lorelei can't heal them, and can't sustain herself.  Barring one comp, it's not the optimal pick.  First Aid/Healthy Healing/Fleet Feet is.  Trainer Move MPR can be used, but it should only be when your ally cannot buff crit rate at all.  Having Vigilance on grid would also have been massive, because it's the biggest distinguishing feature from Bruno.  Status Immunity or Head Start changes a ton for Lorelei.
Basically, Lorelei in CS doesn't get much time to attack, and is really there for a quick three-turn rotation. MPR on X Atk All is nice just for Fleet Feet boosts, but is otherwise non-essential. Lorelei in Gauntlet really craves consistent healing and gauge control, and the defense drops do not at all feel like her best trait.
Vs. Tapu Bulu I decided to bring Nate, as someone who can buff himself to cap but is in need of help.  Tech Kangaskhan helps out with defense drops and flinch rate.  As you can tell from the HP, the team handles it fine.  Lorelei is surprisingly good against Bulu, thanks to her high defense, ability to heal, and most importantly, Protect against Wood Hammer.  A few well-timed flinches can go a long way.  Nate, as usual, is not too impressive.  I want him to have help, because they all deserve it, but if it's much better than Caitlin's I'm gonna be mad.
Vs. Uxie This is the dumbest one.  Initially, I tried with Halloween Morty.  The reason for this is, base Morty's main attack is special, and his sync involves boosted evasion.  Which means he has to use his trainer move repeatedly anyway, and Lorelei isn't saving time.  But physical ghosts are rare, so my only other options were Acerola (no), or Halloween Morty.  And H!Morty at 1/5 was not doing it.  A large part of the issue is constant healing and the pressure of MP.  If Uxie isn't burned (bar 2), you don't regenerate MP, and Morty literally cannot harm the opponent.  Which sucks, and is game-ruining.  So, back to base Morty.  Who is a lot better, even if it's sub-optimal.  This is the only instance where Lorelei's defense debuffs would have been nice.
Vs. Azelf Bug is another pretty bad type to play with Lorelei.  Noland and Guzma are both options that appreciate the boost, but their sync nukes aren't exactly spectacular, and Azelf is fast-acting, so the entire team relies on sleep chaining anyway.  Which I always feel is a bit less...useful.  Agatha was chosen for the speed buffing, which...this team is slow.  It's a problem.
Vs. Latios Apparently it's a base Iris kinda day.  Iris actually does pretty well against Latios' fight, taking down the sides with some ease, and trucking Latios itself.  I brought Wulfric for some disruption.  His sync on the last bar dealt like 9k.  It was super sad.  I tried to get an Avalanche in to see his DPS, and Iris killed it before he could.  So...oops, I guess.
Vs. Moltres I tried this with someone like Cynthia and it wasn't really working.  The timing is atrocious.  So instead, we have to do this with good old flinch under Sun.  Roark rules, and Whitney has enough speed to actually handle the gauge.  That said, if we could get Fleet Feet on Lorelei, this would've been even stronger.
Vs. Regirock Another Whitney combo.  Gloria has Sharp Entry and Fierce Entry 2, meaning Lorelei perfectly caps her needs.  Gloria's damage output is tremendous for this fight; her grid expansion at 4/5 really did significantly bolster her damage.  That said, flinch is still necessary, and gauges are a rough time with Gloria, so Whitney and her speed buffs are ideal.
Vs. Terrakion Courtney is a solid partner to V!Lorelei, as Lorelei provides literally every stat boost that Courtney needs with minimal issue.  The problem is gauge.  Again.  Pep Rally.  Janine was brought along because I'm so very tired of flinch, and the Venom Drench approach seemed sound.  Unfortunately, Terrakion still hits like a truck, and Lorelei dropped.  Because 1/5 and no consistent healing.  You get the idea.
Vs. Cobalion This was, by far, the scariest, and the most easily fixed by Lorelei having better options.  Poison Jab is a non-issue with Status Immunity.  First Aid 4 alone would've kept her from dropping so early.  No problems would exist if she had this.  Anyway.  Silver's another solid pick, because she can cap out the needed offenses for him, conserving his second trainer move for an SEUN application in Bar 2 to avoid full burn immunity.  I mean.  Obviously it didn't turn out that way.  But you know.  Thought that counts.
Vs. Latias Champion Iris is another one of those fantastic, almost ideal picks to partner with Lorelei.  One use of her trainer move is +2 Atk/+1 crit, which is exactly what Lorelei supplements to cap.  This was also the funniest run I've ever had, because Iris just kept OHKOing Latias on sync, while Kangaskhan flinched the sides.
Vs. Entei Lodge Silver is another ideal partner to Lorelei, needing her exact buffing kit to succeed.  Tech Lickitung is also a great partner, thanks to Screech debuffs and the Trap condition to set up Interference Sync 5.  There's nothing particularly special about this clear, but I think Silver does well with Lorelei, and this is one of the instances where Lickitung could've been swapped for any Confuse/Trap pair, and Lorelei's defense debuffing could have been useful.
Vs. Tornadus And finally, Tornadus.  I hate this fight.  I initially thought about BP Sophocles, but Wild Charge kills him quick, and there's no healing.  So, I had to pick a different physical option, and it's like...N is fine on self-setup, Sophocles needs crit she can't provide, so I guess it's Marnie.  An important note, my Marnie is 2/5 non-EX, so her sync is sad because she's got nothing behind it, please understand.  That said, it was enough to get the job done.  Marnie's pretty solid as a partner, needing only one use of trainer move for the +1 crit and +2 attack while in Hangry mode, while Aura Wheel's speed buffs help out.  Nanu was brought along to debuff, since Marnie's Hostile Environment 5 on Thundershock leaves it with a 60% rate.  Which is why it missed the paralysis so often.
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Hello! This is my first time talking to you, so please be nice! I like your color scheme and all you posts. I know your creator wants people to be creative with you, but I’d rather just ask what’s your favorite Pokémon. And what’s your favorite yu-gi-oh card? Oh! Sakura is one of my favorite Naruto characters, simply because she’s one of the only female characters given a strong characterization in the show, even is her crush on Sasuke seemed to ruin her for a lot of people. Do you like her character, and if so, do you have any fanfic recommendations starting her?
Thanks for the nice message. (I'd rather you weren't anonymous, though, since that's what you're doing anyway.)
A lot of my favorite "stuff" is a mix of 1) things that I've only seen a few times/haven't really thought about for a long time, and 2) things that were very influential in me developing my interests as a kid, things I've thought about and written about a bunch and which have stuck in my mind.
I guess I should put it more plainly: I've been reading a lot of Harry Potter in college, and I kind of like it, but it's so deeply entrenched in my head that I've spent a lot of time thinking about it, and I often find myself remembering some cool detail from a HP book or article or whatever and thinking "hey, I didn't realize this was in the books, I've only read so much." And then of course I'm going to reread that book now that I know what's in it (especially as I move through the series). This is in part a function of the series' popularity -- HP has to be read pretty thoroughly in order to get you even a basic sense of what's going on (see e.g. this SSC post which I liked a lot).
But it's also true that people keep bringing up new details that I haven't read before and don't recall. The books' popularity has allowed them to be referenced in things I've read like fanfic, which is also new, and in the fanfic they're mentioned again and I read them and get to look at the way people are writing around them.
I'm sure this is kind of self-centered, but one reason I'm reluctant to put my fanfic on the internet is that it's kind of hard for me to distinguish "this is good" from "this is a Harry Potter reference" so as to keep myself from being swamped by Harry Potter stuff I didn't read in the past. (Like, a few days ago I found myself watching an episode of Mystery Science Theater and, like "hey, this is cool! I'm watching this, because I know of it and like it, because the MST3K theme song is cool and makes me think of it!")
Anyway I guess I'm talking to myself a bit there, but I've been saying for a while that Harry Potter was kind of a watershed for me in the way that Yudkowsky has talked about his influence on him. For me, Harry Potter wasn't a huge series, I don't reread it regularly, I've read a little bit of every book and watched every movie, but it had a huge cultural impact and I've been obsessing over fanfic and fanart and analysis of its themes since I first heard about it at some point in the early 2000s.
As far as Naruto, I'm a big fan of pretty much all the characters and not really bothered by any of the pacing or plotting, but I don't think I'd pick any particular character to think about when I read. It's mostly all tied to "remembering the moment I first heard of this character."
As far as yu-gi-oh cards go, this is the best page I've seen.
Thanks for the questions.
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titoist · 2 years
a nonsensical sort of feeling, a vague sort of tugging at my heartstrings, a vaguely vague disjointedly absurd absurd absurd absurd absurd feeling... you can't put it into words, because every possible manifestation would feel merely like a physical extension of its nonsensicality, & thus completely & totally wrong. let's see if i can approximate something. i feel a deep, strange drawing towards always sticking to one side of an extreme, with very little in between. if i am doing something, i feel that i must be doing it fully. if i want to be something, i feel that i must take that "something" to its natural, logical conclusion. & when i want to be nothing in particular, i want to be nothing. this is maybe what most feels like there is some sincere, anomalous lack of comprehension in my brain. i cannot imagine what it must be like for one to be able to just... compromise with themselves, & then meaningfully carry out that compromise with little difficulty. i cannot imagine what it must be like for one to be able to just do things, to be able to conceive of an action, get up, and carry out a real manifestation of that imagined action. to be able to act with no deep feeling of discomfort, to be able to form habits, to be perhaps not as i am, a little less forgetful & a little more human - it is the closest thing to magic to me. i am sincerely unable to comprehend what it might be like. let's try that again... it feels like my executive dysfunction has ruined my life let's try that again - a little less dramatic this time, please... it feels like a willfully untreated lifelong case of crippling executive dysfunction, paired alongside an isolated & sterile developmental environment where i was incentivized to consign my autonomy to another in lieu of learning how to take care of my own functions in any particular way, has resulted in personal scarring that is probably not ideal. well, alright, still a bit dramatic, but tolerable, right? one foot forwards... which is frustrating for a numerous variety of reasons, but particularly because it's a problem that feeds & compounds on its own self, is allowed a mandate on account of the booming echo of its own authority, an authority which is granted to it by its mandate. mmmmrh. no, no, no, this doesn't feel quite right. let's try another pose... most of my life, i have been attempting to strike a balance of knowing which discomforts are fundamental to life, & which are merely manifestations of my unfortunate, particular life circumstances - & not confusing the former for the latter, or vice versa. becoming somewhat scared when i notice that my mental thought processes tend to assign blame to a vague sort of untreated depression or personality aberration or attachment disorder, even if those things are very real, because they just so conveniently provide a sense of relief in the sort of, uh... "this is not my responsibility" type of way. because it feels like i shouldn't completely ignore these things either, when it feels somewhat undeniable that an active & cruel inability to be treated or medicated is an undeniable factor contributing to my general misery. need to strike some sort of middle ground... back to the middle ground, back to the middle ground, back to the extremes... falling into extremes takes no effort on my part, since you just roll a dice & let it fall with a sort of grimace.
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oknowkiss · 2 years
friday flash recs: april 15 2022
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i’ve fixated on a lot of ships in my (big inhale) two decades of being in and out of HP fandom. it started with harry/zacharias, then harry/luna, harry/ron. now i enjoy a bit of harry/neville, harry/charlie, harry/pansy, and of course my constant companion (even though i only started writing it this year) harry/draco. for me, it’s always been about harry, my forever idiot.  
truly the hardest part of putting together this week’s theme was limiting myself. so many people’s interpretations of harry ruin me. it’s a wonder i function at all. so, without further ado, and in my best rupert grint voice, this week’s theme is MURDER ME, HARRY - a harry so good I left my body behind. (in the interest of not being 100 fics long, this particular list is only drarry harrys)
> blue sunny day || @firethesound || 26K i get the whole vampire thing now. i am not normally a creature fic person. but between this and @shiftylinguini‘s two weeks, which features veela!harry phone sex, i need to accept that i am a creature lover, so long as harry is a disaster at it. in blue sunny day, harry is a terrible vampire. he’s half-starving. he speaks with a lisp because he can’t retract his teeth. draco comes to his rescue for initially self-serving reasons (read: sex). the best way i can rec this is to admit i’ve erased 15 versions of this that spoil all the incredible ways they romance each other because all i EVER want to do is shout about the tea, the garden, the ending that made me fall to the floor and become a bug. 
> deal with the devil || @jalesidor​ || 3.3K my favorite harry is dark harry; i’ll take him at any shade. light gray (selfish, proud, etc), medium gray (anger issues, manipulative), and of course just straight up dark (murder daddy hiii *twirls hair*). this harry i think falls firmly in the medium+ half of the spectrum, but the beautiful part of this fic is that you can see him becoming so much worse. the writing is so teasingly spare, giving you JUST enough, and the entire time there’s this creeping sense of a pin needing to drop. when it does it’s awful and delicious and i expect i’ll spend many hours gleefully imagining what terrible things happen next. 
> gryffindors never kiss and tell || feelsforbreakfast || 9.9K give me a confident sexy harry & i’ll fling myself into the sun. this harry is so casually promiscuous, but in a charming & semi-innocent way, like he doesn’t realize the extent to which he’s doing it. the premise is: everyone is friends (trope! love!) and they realize draco’s the only one who hasn’t kissed harry. everyone proceeds to be a monster about it (lovingly). i sat down to this like a businessman in 1952 would sit down to a fancy steak dinner: utensils gripped tight, bib on, eyes and mouth watering. 
> magpie || @corvuscrowned || 4K this is the best dark harry ever written. look. i now have to measure my life in pre-magpie years and post-magpie years. when i say this harry changed me, i mean that i’m like, 2 days old now. i do not want to say anything else about this fic because to give away a single detail would make me a robber of joy. all i will say is what’s in the tags, which is: klepto harry. read it and reset. 
> too busy being yours to fall || ignatioustrout || 6.9K harry is incredible at dirty talk; both draco & i are UPSET. we all know ig. we all love ig. bi disaster harry in here’s the pencil is iconic, for damn good reason. and they were roommates harry in around you moves made me almost fall off my bed, i was so delighted. but this harry? this harry has a dirty mouth (insert brief call & response pause for any directioners reading) and is so unabashed about it. this is casual sex, kink negotiation, and past-harry/luna that made me want to eat my hair. a warning: this is a WIP that seemingly will not be finished. alas! that’s life. we say thanks for what we have.  & here’s some longer fics i’m currently reading: > the bolthole || aideomai, gallaplacidia, @tepre || yes, i’m still reading this. i don’t want it to end. if i read one word a day for the rest of my life maybe it won’t.   > modern love & a little death never hurt anyone || @tackytigerfic​ || i have to plan tacky’s fics like a fancy prix fixe meal, a treat i allow myself for good behavior. an amuse bouche of “a little death” followed by the entrée of “modern love” will be just the thing.  > vis-à-vis-à-vis || @vukovich​ || i’ve embarrassed myself gasping at this in public TWICE now. i’d be finished except i keep pausing between chapters to die of joy at everyone’s suffering. resurrection takes ages, turns out. < last time: smut that awoke something in me
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ghostmartyr · 3 years
“I must no longer accept,” she said slowly, “being a stranger to you.” “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” said Gideon, sudden sweat prickling the back of her neck, “yes you can, you once told me to dig myself an ice grave. Stop before this gets weird.”
There’s an order to this that I can’t figure out how to establish, because these particular ideas are so layered that I want to quote several things at once, and those things have their own stuff going on. While sort of doing a better job of explaining my feelings on this than anything I could type. Truly, my position here is redundant.
But we’ll start here, because here is the start.
Gideon and Harrow are weird.
They are very, very weird.
There are rules about that, though.
Don’t talk about the weird.
Conceal, don’t feel. Don’t let it show.
Gideon and Harrow are not allowed to look at what they are to one another, because there’s nothing good that can come from it. It’s better to hate each other. Harrow the villain, Gideon the pest. These are easy roles, and as long as they fit into them, the world keeps turning smoothly.
Except they change worlds, and the roles don’t fit anymore. They’re collaborating. Regardless of motive, they’re working together and not actively trying to ruin the other one’s day just to feel something.
It isn’t a slow-burn Something There situation; the jump between Gideon planning her nuptials with Harrow’s murderer and trying to pry open a steel hatch with her bare hands is nonexistent. There have been no real positive changes in the relationship at the time of Harrow’s disappearance. Things are mostly as they always have been, and what they’ve already created is enough to blast every one of Gideon’s adrenal functions into overtime.
But they don’t have to examine that. There is no reason to observe that dichotomy.
Until someone dies. They’re as inured to their treatment of each other as they are to death -- and this death shines a light on the humanity that they’ve both spent their entire lives running away from.
In the thick dimness of the room she watched the black-garbed girl in front of her struggle around a thing that had settled over them like a net; a thing that had fused between them like a badly broken limb, shattered numerous times, healing gnarled and awful. Gideon recognised these strictures all of a sudden: the ropes tying her to Harrow and back to the bars of the House of the Ninth. They stared at each other with shared panic.
Gideon does not want to care about her jailer. She doesn’t want to belong to the Ninth. All it’s been is crap and pain and painful crap, and she’s tried 87 times to get away from it, and this is supposed to be the final, 88th time.
But it’s under her skin anyway. She skulks around Canaan House noting every Ninth behavior she commits, and when she has the chance to abandon Harrow to the unknown, she doesn’t take it.
Please don’t bring that up ever, though.
They can’t be human to each other. If they treat each other as human, something has to change, and if something changes --
If they’re not enemies, what do all those layers of entrenched life add up to? If it’s not used to fuel perfectly healthy hate, what does it become?
That’s a total nope on examining any of that, thanks.
Here’s the thing: Harrow decides that things have to change, and shares that information. She asks Gideon what the steps are. Gideon wants sleep and food. Harrow lets Gideon sleep in (give or take some clock accuracy), brings her food, and does Gideon’s makeup while she eats.
That happens immediately.
You turn the page in the book -- the literal, physical book -- and that is the scene that is happening.
They are fucking weird, and in complete denial of it for the sake of their mutual sanity. It’s just that then murders start. It’s a bit of a shift. Once murders start, Harrowhark places more of an importance on life than sanity because why worry about what you don’t have.
It terrifies both of them for a reason; it’s big and scary and not a single fucking person has ever shown them how to have a healthy relationship. Do Not Break Glass is written all over the illusion that they’re nothing to each other, and Harrow is the one who first takes an axe to it.
Which is especially great, given everyone’s favorite quote.
“Oh, Griddle!” said Harrow pityingly, in the silence. “But I don’t even remember about you most of the time.”
Actually, no. It gets even greater thanks to what follows that line.
They stared at each other. There was a lopsided smile tugging at Gideon’s mouth, unsuppressed, and looking at it made Harrowhark’s expression slide into something even moodier and more petulant.
You do, tho.
Clarification to the rules: One party can acknowledge the state of weird as long as it’s being weaponized.
Gideon is not allowed to matter to Harrow. That’s weird. Like Harrow not being an evil bitch is weird. But Harrow can be an evil bitch being annoyed by Gideon. That’s cool. That’s normal.
By which I mean that they have been weird all over each other from the start, and yes, it is awkward.
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rjshepherd · 3 years
4 Lords headcanons - Karl Heisenberg
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Karl is my new favorite resident evil character. He’s just so unlike anything we’ve seen before in any of the other games. Ricardo irving MAYBE but he didn't quite hit the nail on the head with the dark humor and likeability. I saw a tweet from Al yang ( resident evil resistance’s director) who said that Karl and daniel fabron would be besties because they have the same style and interests and i am 10000% behind that. You all know how much I love daniel.
Anyway, here are some of my headcanons for Karl heisenberg. Long post under the cut.
So im getting this one out of the way first: i've been canoning karl as jewish since before the whole N*zi discourse started. No reason for this in particular besides the fact he’s german and he reminds me of my best friend who is also Jewish. It made my friend happy so I just decided to roll with it.
I don't think Karl is practicing, or that he follows a particular belief system. I doubt miranda would allow such things and he really strikes me more as an atheist, particularly after all he’s been through. It's mostly a heritage thing, something he might actually be interested in learning more about if given the chance.
Speaking of discourse, that necklace of his is just a trinket. It's not his or even a family heirloom, hence why it's blank. I canon that Karl likes to collect stuff from the junkyards or post war scrap yards around the village. When he was younger he often snuck out of the village to go exploring and brought back things he found to keep or repair, like Moreau’s television or the Half-track motorbike Ethan uses.
I imagine he found a large box of factory reject dog tags and just decided to take some. He strikes me as a “well I'll find a use for it” kind of man. When he got distracted by more important projects, he decided to just wear one. It went with his aesthetic after all.
Also that compass on his necklace is now completely non functional. Karl’s powers have ruined its magnets. He keeps it for aesthetic and sentimentality, yes but he also likes to use it to check his power levels, the faster it spins the stronger he’s getting.
Despite mostly collecting Junk that he can use or repair, Karl also likes to find intact things. He can be a bit like a magpie, taking things he just finds cool or aesthetically pleasing. He had a room much like Ariel from the little mermaid, filled with stuff from the outside world. Unfortunately, much like Ariel, his treasure trove was destroyed by Miranda when she discovered it. Thankfully though, she never tied it back to him. He’s sad that it’s all gone but is too afraid to start collecting again, lest it get destroyed once more.
His favorite things to collect are tokens from Germany. Things from the DDR, Metal figurines, war medals, pins and old money are his favorites but he also has a few old toys ( like train sets) and even has a piece of the Berlin wall in his collection.
He’s not fussed on war memorabilia. He has no use for it, prefering to take scrap leftovers so he can make something new from it.
He can't speak german unfortunately. Maybe a few words here and there but nothing substantial. He was able to speak it as a child, but since Miranda raised him to speak English, he lost more of his mother tongue the older he got. He can speak some basic romanian, mostly for communicating with people just outside the village or trading for scrap but he’s far from fluent.
He can , however, speak decent sign language.
Miranda was a terrible english teacher. I'm very surprised Karl doesnt have more of a stutter. As a child, when he spoke german, she would hit him and if he spoke english incorrectly, she would berate him in front of others.
Speaking of stutters, Karl has mostly grown out of his, but when he is tired, frustrated or nervous for whatever reason, it comes back .
He’s trying to teach himself german again as an adult but he has little time for it. His german books are gathering dust in some forgotten corner of the factory while he works on his plans for revenge.
In his very rare moments of free time , he can usually be found either reading, listening to LPs or tinkering. His favorite books are , unsurprisingly, Science fiction but he also likes crime novels as well as technical manuals.
Given that Karl enjoys collecting things, I believe he likes to create collectibles too. I can see him making a series of little metal sculptures to have around his factory. They're only small, he doesn't like to waste precious scrap on frivolous things.
Despite his family crest being based on a knight, Karl isn't fond of chess. He can play, but he just doesn't have the patience for it. Not to mention all the other lords take it far too seriously and are both sore losers and sore winners. Looking at you Alcina.
Additionally, Karl is a little uneasy around horses. When he was a child, one kicked at him. He only got a small scar from it but since then he hasn't been too fond of them. He is able to ride one but would rather walk if there's a choice.
We all know that in another world or another lifetime, Karl would have made an amazing performer. Maybe he would have had a youtube channel for showing off his creations, like man at arms .
He comes across as someone with a bombastic personality, someone who likes being the center of attention. Part of that is the lack of attention given to him as a child but more so his lack of self esteem. His confidence is all surface level; he fears rejection and is perhaps even more self conscious about what Miranda has done to him than Moreau, although he hides it better.
Behind closed doors he’s a very quiet introverted man. He prefers his own company and has gotten to the point where he even finds meetings with the lords draining. He's not shy like donna nor does he purposely lock himself away but if another lord came to his factory he would absolutely pretend not to be in.
Karl suffers from severe nightmares as a result of what Miranda has put him through. He often doesn't sleep for days at a time, only to collapse when the exhaustion becomes too much.
I know we all canon karl as a lycan and an outdoorsy type. I write him that way a lot because it's what people seem to like, but it's not actually how I envision him. To me, he’s sort of a stay inside type. He rarely leaves the factory and has little interest in hunting or survivalism or even in the lycans .
That’s not to say he’s bad at these things. He’s skilled at tracking, hunting and surviving off the land, but he would prefer to remain at his factory with electricity and indoor plumbing.
Speaking of hunting, Karl prefers not to use guns. Ammo is at a premium in the village, not to mention very loud. He is far more accurate and silent when just using magnet controlled knives or scrap to kill his targets. For bigger targets, or when he wants to make a statement, he’ll use his hammer but it is mostly for show.
He’s kind of a nerd to me. His background is in mechanical engineering, but by the time of re8 he’s branched out to electrical engineering and biomechanical engineering too. He’s a rough and tumble hands on kinda guy but he’s also surprisingly delicate when he needs to be, with an eye for detail and a genius mind.
I canon he has some medical training. I know he’s based on Dr Frankenstein but I very much doubt Karl has the patience or training of a medical doctor. I'm thinking more like EMT, First-aider or maybe a combat medic? I don't think he’s ever been to war or even ever enlisted, but it's possible someone from the village is a veteran and was able to pass on their knowledge to him.
Aside from the medical training, he is entirely self taught.
He really has little to do with the Lycan pack. They're too dumb for his purposes, too hard to organize and worse of all, loyal to Miranda. He can direct them, probably better than any of the other lords , but he tends to stay away from them unless he needs something to test his soldat against.
He rarely leaves the factory except for the above headcanon, lord meetings and getting parts for his experiments ( either scrap or dead bodies). He despises the cold of the village in winter and the insane amounts of pollen in the summer
I don't think Karl was ever fully brainwashed by Miranda. He is an incredibly stubborn individual and is skilled at pretending, charming and manipulating. I believe he had miranda fooled or at least they reached a point where he had certain freedoms or she didn't care to rein him in because she saw him as little threat. Alcina has never been fooled by his act.
His favorite food is anything from a german deli. He would love to go to the KaDeWe some day and try all of the deli’s there.
Karl has the biggest sweet tooth out of all the lords, even over donna who practically lives on cakes. He metabolises energy very quickly, particularly when he’s generating electricity himself for his experiments. Virtually all his favorite sweets are from Germany: black forest cake, gummy bears, Berliners , marzipan and stollen to name just a few
what else? Man loves his carbs, definitely the type of person to fill up on bread before a meal and take a few more rolls home with him for good measure.
He doesn't have a least favorite food to be honest. He’ll eat pretty much anything you put in front of him and always tells you how much he enjoyed his meal. I canon miranda used to starve her experiments as punishment, so he’s always grateful for food. I think he might turn his nose up at Liver however. It's not the taste or even the texture, but with its incredibly high iron content he swears he can feel it moving around in his stomach when he uses his magnet powers. Whether that's true or just psychosomatic is unknown.
Karl doesn't drink often but when he does, he drinks a lot in one go. He has a terrible habit of mixing beer and spirits and spending the rest of the week regretting his poor decisions. He likes German beer, obviously, as well as polish and russian vodka and the occasional drink of expensive whiskey. He really , really doesn't like jagermeister. He says it tastes like cough syrup left in the sun.
He’s sort of a sloppy drunk. Lots of singing and dancing on the villagers tables and getting carried away. One of the (many) reasons Alcina doesn't get on with him is that he lacks decorum when drinking and prefers to party or drink with others ( like the villagers) rather than have a “sophisticated” drink after dinner.
Alcina invited him to a wine tasting once, forgetting to mention you aren't actually meant to swallow the wine. Karl didn't get this memo and now feels quite nauseous when presented with red wine. Alcina had to throw out her favorite rug after he left.
Sexuality headcanon? Hmmm well much like the others, i don't hold a particular one as true. I tend to treat most of my characters as fluid so I can write them for anyone. If absolutely pressed i would say he's got some strong bi/pan vibes. He flirts shamelessly with anyone and everyone but the moment it actually goes anywhere or someone reciprocates he starts to malfunction and forgets how to talk or act like a human.
Karl has no love for any of the other lords. Looking at them and how brainwashed they still are makes him uncomfortable. That being said, he still feels a great deal of pity for them. I canon Donna was the last infected, I imagine Karl may have tried to prevent this without giving himself away to miranda. He carries a lot of guilt around for not being able to prevent another child becoming like him. Moreau disgusts him, both physically and morally but he still cant help but pity the creature he’s become. I hc Moreau used to be a doctor, an intelligent and respected man who actually gave a shit about the village. These days Karl finds it hard to look past his grotesque form and even more disgusting devotion to miranda.
As for alcina? In some way’s hes a little jealous of her. He hates that she got to live a normal life and still threw it away to come to the village. She’s still one of Miranda's playthings but she takes an absurd kind of pride in being their abuser's favorite that he just doesn't understand. He does pity her at the end of the day but that pity is buried under a lot of animosity and dislike.
When he was a bit younger, maybe a teenager, he had a habit of pulling his hat down over his face when embarrassed.
He’s a very fidgety person, although not as bad as daniela. He has plenty of fidget toys to play with while he works, sometimes they help him think or concentrate. Others are just to keep his hands occupied so he doesn't scratch at his scars.
Karl is very good with his hands, he always has something to keep them occupied. He likes to roll his own cigarettes and cigars. His favorite cigars are cuban, imported by the duke but he saves those for special occasions. He chain smokes regular cigarettes when he’s stressed but usually only smokes a few a day.
He’s ambidextrous, he writes with his right and does most other things with his left.
Like most of the lords, he's very good at art! He leans more towards sketching and sculptures than crafts like donna or painting like alcina. He’s also really good at sewing! Almost as good as donna! Mind you, he’s mostly sewing himself from the various cuts and scrapes he gets or stitching up dead bodies.
Karl was crystalised like Zoe Baker at some point in his life. Possibly as a punishment from Miranda, possibly when he first merged with the cadou. This resulted in his white/silver hair despite only being around 30 years old. Similarly, he was born with green eyes that have faded to blue/gold as a result of his crystallization.
His facial scars are from fighting with alcina but he has many more that we cant see, particularly across his back.
He can generate static shocks of his own will. He mostly uses this to zap people he doesn't like coughalcinacough. He gets power from thunderstorms but has difficulty with cold and damp conditions as they don't conduct very well.
Scent headcanon? I know people like these for some reason. Karl generally smells like oil and cigar smoke but that's sort of a given. When he’s been using his powers a lot he smells like ozone and damp and when he’s freshly washed he smells vaguely minty.
Animals really don't seem to like Karl. Maybe it’s his mischievous aura or mayne his magnet/ electric powers make their fur feel weird. Birds don't like him because he messes with their navigation and cows don't like him because as a child he liked to run through the fields and spook them. They have very long memories.
wow i absolutely have more but i had to take a step back and think "maybe you should keep some things a mystery". if i over elaborate on him there wont be any room for headcanons will there?
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