#they largely tend to view us like younger siblings
chacerider-casual · 1 year
You had me hooked at Godzilla
Are there robots? Cus I remember reading robots somehwere
And these guys give me superhero vibes, do they have superpowers? Or are they like, power rangers but high tech
Fun fact! The original head of the company that makes Ultraman, Mr. Eiji Tsuburaya (may he rest in peace), was the special effects director for the original Godzilla, before he split off to create his own production company! (Yeah, Ultraman's been going a while... Off and on since 1966!) So there's a good reason Godzilla is an easy comparison to make, and it's not just because of all the kaiju!
There are robots sometimes! The big focus is on the titular Ultramen -- aliens made of light from a distant galaxy, (usually,) capable of being large or small, generally do-gooders and capable of fusing their life with a human host for mutual survival -- but there have been both robot antagonists and robot friends throughout the years. The current season, Blazar, is very new-viewer friendly and has a giant mecha-godzilla-esque mecha that our heroes pilot (starting from episode 3)! His name is Earth Garon and we all love him.
As for superhero vibes... Kinda! As I mentioned, Ultramen can fuse with humans for mutual survival - Ultras need intense solar radiation to survive more than a few minutes, which Earth's atmosphere unfortunately blocks, so fusing lets them hide in the human's body on Earth to survive long-term when waiting for kaiju to show up, and lets the human hide in the Ultra's body for combat! (Well, there's other situations too, because not all "Ultramen" are from the same place, and others find other solutions... but that's the most common way.) So the protagonist is usually very superhero-like, with a "secret identity" of sorts! (EDIT: ... And yes, Ultramen themselves typically have superpowers. The most basic is beam attacks, but there's been everything from healing powers to energy weapon summoning to CRAB MINIATURIZING BEAM to summoning black holes! They're a bit magical like that.)
But then there's usually a government Defense Team, or other human allies, who are trying to solve mysteries and save Earth themselves, with human technology! So that part's often more got Star Trek vibes than Power Rangers, I'd say, but they'll often have combining jet fighters or mecha and such, so a bit similar after all, lol. A big theme is humanity trying to find its own place in the universe and grow to protect themselves!
... Though, that's mostly in proper seasons. Zero's a bunch of movies, usually set out in space with very few humans (or human-looking characters) at all, so it's very much a larger-scale sci-fi superhero romp there. A bit more Star Wars than Star Trek, but still it's own thing and very fun!
... Ah, I talked too much again. Well, if you need any more rambling about my favorite series, I'll be around, lmao
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hibischush · 3 months
mayhaps some headcannons of what the bachelorettes / bachelors would be like as parents?
Aw man of course! I could probably go into more depth but this would be too long of a post lol 🌺
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You already know that Celine would make a great parent
She has experience with kids with her little sister Dell, and she takes care of her plant babies!
Celine would be the mom to have a bunch of activities planned for her children
Celine cares a lot for nature so she would take the kids to play outside in the garden and if they wanted to help her she'd happily accept
She would make those really cute bento boxes for her children using veggies from her garden
You all go on picnics often together 🩷
She'd also scrapbook her children's development and start a scrapbooking club with Reina
I think she would be happy with boys or girls!
And I think she would be happy with 2-4 kids
Okay...I'm not going to say that Juniper is a bad mom, but at first it's clear that she's highly inexperienced with children
She struggled a lot to adjust her lifestyle to accommodate children when they were young
Things got easier the more she communicated her struggles with you and the two of you worked through it
Once she has a few years practice under the belt she's a wonderful mom
She likes to take her children with her to gather ingredients for her potions (as long as it's not dangerous ofc)
She also takes them to the bathhouse and lets them play with Dozy and in the water
She definitely would be a boy mom
2 kids max
Oh my sweet Reina!! She would be an awesome mom!
She's so good with her younger siblings that she loves kids a lot and wants a large family!
That being said, she also wants to make sure that all of her children are taken care of and adult responsibilities or babysitting don't fall into the hands of her children
It's a given that she cooks a lot for both you and for your children
She includes them on cooking/baking prepping and once they get older they are honorary sous chefs
Maple and Luc loooove your children
They're often over helping with you two
Reina would also love to scrapbook along with Celine if she also had kids
Reina loves her big family, and she'd also be okay with any gender
3-5 children for sure
Out of all of the bachelorettes, I think Valen would be fine with not having children
So if you weren't thinking of having kids, she totally accepts that
If you do want children, Valen wouldn't deny you that either! And she would try her best to be the best mother for your child(ren)
She already knows a lot about child development and parenting
I hope she would as a doctor!
She's very serious and quiet in terms with how she interacts with her children but it's by no means intimidating. That's just how she is
She enjoys reading to them as she views it very important for their development (she also uses different voices for different characters-- she's quite good at it)
I think you both would be content with one child, but might warm up to having two
I think that Adeline would like to be a mother someday!
I honestly think she would want to wait until her parents returned so she could focus on you and your child(ren)
But I don't know if that's going to happen in game or not
Regardless, Adeline is a very attentive mother
She loves to educate her children and indulge in their interests
And Eiland fully transitions into the best uncle ever
He usually babysits for you two if you need a date night or something happens in town
She can be strict at times, but it's not helicopter parent strict. It comes from a place of love and worry not about control
Adeline would like 1 or 2 children, and doesn't care about what gender they are
Balor would love being a dad
That being said, he tends to get himself and your kids in trouble
Nothing life threatening! Just...using them to sell more items
And your kids 100% play into it and love it
They just think its playing
But he really is a great responsible dad!
He hates to go away to sell goods and buy more at the capital but when he comes back he he absolutely spoils you and the kids with gifts
Again he doesn't care about the gender of his children
I think he'd want at least 2 kids
March is very hesitant to become a father
He worries that his demeanor would scare or harm his children long term
But really he's just in his head because he would make a great father
He's super loving to you and to your children
He's similar to Valen where he's the quiet but caring father
March takes the kid(s) to the blacksmith's so you're able to work on the farm
The kids love playing with their uncle Olric and watching their dad work the metal
I also think that he would like to have his child(ren) take on the family business
I think he's more of a boy dad
But for mostly everyone on this list he will still love any daughter he has
Again at least 2 kids but he'd be fine with 3
Hayden has always wanted a big family
And being the owner of the ranch and the partner of a farmer...y'all need more hands
Hands that he will love and nurture ofc
He is super fun with his kids-- he adores them even more than Henrietta
When your children are old enough, they def are helping out with the farm/ranch (but he doesn't push his children to help if they don't wish to)
I also think he'd be the dad to learn how to fish to take his kids with him (even though Hayden doesn't like fish at all lmao)
He wants a big family and would be very happy with girls or boys
anywhere from 4-6 kids!
I think Ryis would be pretty neutral about having kids, not out of the "I hate kids" mentally but because he never really thought about it
He wanted to wait to find a great partner to have kids with
And he found that in you
And what a great father he turned out to be!
He is super responsive and patient with your children
He loves doing artsy things with him in his workshop like painting or drawing (carving wood too when they get older!)
Ryis would take them camping and fishing too lets be real
He also likes playing "house" with them and playing dress up
Unlike any other romanceables, I fully believe Ryis would be a girl dad (but again he would be happy with any gender)
2-4 kids
Another great dad
Kind of a hot mess when your kids were younger but he enjoyed every second of it!! (maybe I think it would be funny to see such a posh Eiland go from nice clothes, clean, brushed hair, and a spotless face to a pajamas constantly, messy hair and eyebags lol)
Just like his sister, he cares a lot about his children's education
Will constantly read to them and quiz them
He will take them to his dig sites (like a bring your children to work day lol)
He loves children's curiosity
Eiland would also include them in his spin off DND sessions like the nerd he is
Adeline is a fan favorite aunt of your children, and despite being very busy herself she knows that her brother sometimes needs alone time with his s/o
But lets be honest your entire family are nerds
Again, he wouldn't care about gender
2-4 kids :)
Bonus; Caldarus
They are a rock. But to be fair they would try
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Hope you enjoyed this! I tried not to get too carried away since this would be one long post.
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azurecatboy · 13 days
ffxivwrite: Reticent
hi hello yes I am still doing this. work's just been a fuck and I got sick (and still kind of am). I think it's from overwork and donating plasma despite said exhaustion.
Anyways. >> This one is actually pre-ARR, just barely pre-Calamity. And teases something/someone from Rhein'ir's past :3c
Enjoy some Byrne-Malaguld siblings~
oh and uh.. Slightest cw for self harm/dissociation
The bandages felt coarser than Rhein'ir remembered from the (many) times he had been injured prior. He brushed his left hand-the one not in a sling-over his neck, gently tracing one of the bandages across his throat.
Maybe the chirurgeons had used older bandages? Out of desperation?
If he was tended to by a chirurgeon instead of a conjurer, they were desperate…
An idle hum of thought had him wincing before he could finish making the sound.
He shook his head and sat up straighter on the cot with itchy bedding that he couldn't remember being brought to. Or who had brought him. He had woken up for the first time… Sometime before what felt like yesterday, to him.
Time was also a blur.
But he was in a large tent with seven other cots, all taken. A couple of the folks were in better shape than him, but everyone else seemed just about as worse for wear as he was. With one chirurgeon attending to the poor sod who got the worst of it, the chirurgeon's single assistant frantically trying to tend to all the rest of them and a few patient visitors who had managed to convince the medics to let them stay hovering around the tent, the noise level was toeing the line of Too Much.
Rough bandages.
Foggy head.
Itchy sheets.
Too much sound.
He sucked in a breath through his teeth, resting his hand on his thigh and digging his nails in. 
Trying to use the pain as an anchor, focus on it instead of everything else around him, holding his breath until his chest started to burn-
A hand coming down on his shoulder and giving him a gentle shake pulled him back to reality.
“Oy, cut that out.”
Rhein’ir loosened his hold, shaking the stiffness out of his fingers.
The hand moved up from his shoulder to run through his hair, the same voice telling him, “Now breathe.”
He did as he was told, breathing in deep. He felt scratching behind his ear and let out a slow, shaky exhale, repeating the process a few more times before opening his eyes. He hadn’t even realized he had closed them.. Finally, he looked up at the owner of the voice.
Dark skin, dark red hair and fur, orange eyes with slitted pupils. 
D’novah, Rhein’ir’s older sister.
His best friend.
“N-” he cut himself off with a pained hiss, grabbing at his throat again.
“C’mon, you daft sod,” she cuffed his ear then made her way around to the other side of the cot to better stand in view, “Use your hands, not your words.”
[Hand. Singular.] Rhein’ir signed, huffing a quiet laugh at the flat look his sister gave him.
“Don’t go gettin’ all smart with me when’re hurtin’ an’ I can’t deck you.”
[How did you find me?]
D’novah’s lighter expression gave way to a grimace. She looked like she desperately wanted to say something and the guilt in his sister’s eyes before she turned away from him unnerved Rhein’ir. They were always straight with each other, even if it hurt to hear in the moment. She bit her lip with her ears pinned back and tail twitching while a long, tense stretch of silence sat between them. Breaking it with a frustrated growl, she thrashed her tail and relented, “We got tipped off. By… Someone.”
When she looked back to him, waiting for his response, it became clear she wasn’t going to give him more than that.
Then he realized. [Wait. ‘We?’]
“Ah, yeah, me an’ Zurie.” she gestured at someone behind him, making Rhein’ir look back over his shoulder to see his eldest sister, Zurianne-an elezen with pale blonde hair-signing at the chirurgeon's assistant. When she realized she had her younger siblings’ eyes on her, she smiled at them and waved. She looked back to the medic, finishing up what she had been signing and handed him a bundle of herbs. She politely waved off his thanks then made her way over to the two miqo’te. 
Zurie rubbed at her younger brother’s back as she passed, coming around to his front so he could see her sign. [How are you feeling?]
Rather than use any real sign, Rhein’ir gave a sarcastic thumbs up.
D’novah snorted, “Really? Cuz I’d been meanin’ t’say that you look like chocoboshite.”
She cackled when his thumbs up changed into a much ruder hand gesture, making Zurie sigh.
[Rhein’ir. How are you, actually?]
His ears pinned back, hand still.
“C'mon. Y’know you can talk to us about anythin’ yeah?”
Rhein’ir sighed, but nodded.
[I’m supposed to be in the Adder’s vanguard right now. To Carteneau. With…] Rhein'ir held the sign for ‘with’ as if trailing off, staring at the tent wall behind his sisters. But he wasn't looking at it. Not really.
D'novah turned her head up and shared a look with Zurie, frowning. Something in her expression-in her eyes, specifically-seemed as if she were silently asking the eldest something.
But the elezen shook her head, instead holding one hand up with her fingers crossed. The redhead clicked her tongue, turning away and crossing her arms, tail thrashing once again.
Rhein'ir had hardly registered-let alone acknowledged-their exchange, worrying his lip with his teeth. His own tail was quivering in anxiety.
Something had happened, but he couldn't bring himself to tell them about it. No, not even them. Thinking back on it was working himself up something fierce, made his chest hurt and made it harder to breathe. How was he supposed to figure out how to put all of these thoughts and feelings into words-or signs? 
Watching Rhein'ir, Zurie's own heart hurt for him. She quietly stepped closer to her little brother's bedside. Rhein'ir had always been shorter than her, of course, but that day he seemed especially small to her. Younger than the twenty-and-one summers he actually was.
She tentatively sat next to him, on the side of his injured arm, minding it when she pulled him close and guided his head to rest on her shoulder. When he had settled against her with a sigh, she reached behind and rubbed at his back again. Then, very quietly, she started to hum a song that one of their mothers often sang to them, growing up.
The nostalgic tune was what brought D’novah's attention back to her siblings, ears perked up. As soon as she registered what was happening, she moved to sit on Rhein'ir's other side without hesitation. She settled against him, pulling her legs up and bunting her head against his in an aggressive show of affection before resting it on his shoulder, squishing her cheek with it. Then she threw her arms around his own free arm, hugging tight. 
Behind them, as they settled, their tails had found and wrapped around each other's.
Zurie, pausing her song, started to take a deep breath. Her younger siblings followed suit, then all three exhaled slowly, in unison
If Rhein'ir's breath had hitched, or if he sniffled at any point, no one acknowledged it.
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anxietytwist · 2 years
𝐌𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐦 “𝐌𝐚𝐞”
𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝟎𝟎𝟐
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ᴀɢᴇ➨ [𝚁𝙴𝙳𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝙳] ʜᴇɪɢʜᴛ➨ 𝟽'𝟸" (since they wear combat boots they typically stand at ≈𝟽'𝟻") ʙᴏᴅʏ ᴛʏᴘᴇ➨ 𝘔𝘶𝘴𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘳 & 𝘚𝘵𝘰𝘤𝘬𝘺 ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ➨ Nonbinary (They/Them) ᴏʀɪᴇɴᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ➨ Greyromantic Demisexual (it's really JUST 𝐀𝐫𝐢)
“𝘉𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘤𝘢𝘴𝘶𝘢𝘭” (Even off-duty, 𝐌𝐚𝐞 wears their mask)
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Current Arm:
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» Located on the top floor » NO trophy room (they don't see the point of collecting war baubles) » Calming dark & pastel colours/tones » King-sized bed (only 𝟷 side used ... for now) » Lots of fake plants 🪴 » Decorated with a large couch with fuzzy blankets & multiple plushie animals (AKA. “sensory heaven” apartment)
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ᴇᴀʀʟʏ ᴄᴀʀᴇᴇʀ➨ “𝘌𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘬𝘦𝘺 𝘜𝘌𝘎 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘭 𝘴𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘮𝘢𝘺 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘌𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘦... 𝘈 𝘴𝘯𝘪𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘴𝘯𝘶𝘤𝘬 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘭𝘢𝘺 𝘪𝘯 𝘸𝘢𝘪𝘵.” ᴍᴏᴛɪᴠᴇ➨ “𝘈𝘤𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴/𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴” ꜱᴜɪᴛ➨ Incinerator Mk 2 (upgraded from the “Terror” set... too many traumatic memories connected to it) ᴍᴀꜱᴋ➨ Inhuman, sharp, & angular ᴡᴇᴀᴘᴏɴ➨ Custom Energy Rifle
They have a very blunt demeanor, especially around strangers; the only people they're warm towards are their friends & family (😑-> “strangers” | 😌-> “friends” | 🤗-> “family”)
Both 𝐌𝐚𝐞'𝐬 suit & mask are 𝘣𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘵𝘦 (enemy combatants find it particularly unnerving when the blood of their comrades stains it red during combat)
They gladly took over the weapon training of the younger 𝗢𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲𝘀 (they were absolutely crushed when they had to later eliminate said “students” 🥲)
𝐌𝐚𝐞 tends to put themselves in the direct line of fire when protecting others, often functioning as a literal body shield (they don't care much for their personal safety due to survivor's guilt & self-loathing 😓)
Their hair comes down to 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴, & more often than not is 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘯 𝘶𝘱; it's texture is coarse
𝐌𝐚𝐞 rarely takes off their mask; only doing so when they're with someone they know they can trust, they're completely alone in their apartment, or when it's demanded of them by a superior (it's their barrier against the outside world & they feel naked without it)
Their pet name for 𝐀𝐫𝐢 is “𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆” (which is quite fitting since he makes them lovesick) 🥰
When it comes to their “remaining” siblings they're closest with 𝟶𝟶𝟿/𝐌𝐚𝐱 & 𝟶𝟷𝟹/𝐄𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐡 (+ 𝐀𝐫𝐢 of course, but their relationship is based on “romantic” love), they view them as true members of their chosen family (even back when they were all still children)
They're SO tired of war; they never enjoyed fighting to begin with (sadly the only way they'll finally be free, especially from the pointless conflicts of others, is when they're long dead 🪦)
Without their mask on 𝐌𝐚𝐞'𝐬 naturally high-pitch, gentle voice can be heard (the mask distorts it into a dark mechanical growl ... another reason why they prefer to wear their mask)
Their method of dispatching 𝐀𝐯𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐞 was to “𝘋𝘳𝘰𝘱 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘰𝘧𝘧 𝘯𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘥, 𝘳𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘻𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴,” they wanted him to feel hopeless knowing there was NO chance he'd survive 🥶 (much like the children whose lives he destroyed)
𝐌𝐚𝐞 has always been fond of children, even if most find them to be scary-looking (if it were possible they'd love to be a parent, in the future)
Despite his “betrayal” & the anguish it caused them, they know the moment they see 𝐀𝐫𝐢 again everything will be forgiven: it's impossible for them to picture a future without him in it... no matter what he's done or will do 🥺 (*cough* codependency *cough*)
𝐌𝐚𝐞 has a good relationship with 𝐌𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫, even though her “parenting” style was very clinical (& despite the love they hold for her, 𝐌𝐚𝐞 remains protective of their siblings whenever she's around... especially if poor 𝐄𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐡 is involved 😤)
𝐼𝐹: @theoperativeif
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talesgolden · 2 years
☘ : My muse’s relation with their family. (If they speak with each other and how much, if they are close or estranged, e.t.c.).  for ag :)
(Symbol-based Headcanons)
Oh, oh boy. Listen so this is the way it seems to me, right now, but it’s subject to change because there’s a lot of people involved ok? But [cracks knuckles] here we go
Agnieszka considers all of the Chernabog shards/vessels/whatever you want to call them her siblings. They are coarse, they are dark, they are different, and they are hers. Her family. Even when they are unkind to her, even when she is unkind to them. Even when they are fighting and clawing and biting and ripping at each other, that is her den of devils, and she would defend and rescue and protect all of them. Any one of them. Mostly they are stronger than her and don’t really need help or protection, but that’s ok too.
She has a more benign personality than several of the others, but nevertheless keeps a very us-and-them view of the world which... in all honesty, is fair, really. She’s not a human or even mortal. Any other person she could potentially become close with is far more vulnerable, far less understanding, and distinctly going to die, someday. Her siblings are strong, know her nearly better than she understands what she is herself, and will live alongside her evermore, until the skies go black and maybe even longer. They don’t rightly know, yet. She is really quite neutral towards outsiders, but her family, her siblings, are everything. There is no one closer, and it’s unlikely that will change. Even if she were to fall out with any of them, her siblings would still vastly outweigh anything else you put before her. She loves them, through all. The world she could take or leave, really, as long as she could keep her siblings.
While they’re all roughly of similar ages (as in all within five years of each other, as they were all created in the same span of threat) she has a distinct role in the overall dynamic of being a younger sister to everyone except Flea. This means, like most younger sisters, she is generally a bit coddled by most of the others, and simultaneously their biggest bother. She is more manipulative than outside eyes tend to see, and sometimes it works and sometimes it just annoys the others. Resident master-pouter: she has puppy dog eyes and she’s not afraid to shamelessly employ them to get her way! And she is something of a pester-er, with many questions and a habit of trailing along behind one of the others in the hopes of being included. She is dear, she is dastardly. No doubt there are times she annoys the others to high heaven, but when things get serious and she calls for help, they are swift to her side and protective to homicidal degrees. They can bully her, you absolutely cannot.
uhhhhh for the next part I’ve done some plotting with the others for dynamics between siblings, but also I’m just going to assert some of this by the seat of my pants/the vibes of what I think the dynamics are probably like. So they’re subject to a little change, when/if we get more into talking about it, but--- more specific sibling-by-sibling info under the cut:
Hella: The most distant dynamic, Helvetica is quite independent and, further, quite different from safety-seeking Agnieszka. They don’t spend very much time with each other at all. Nevertheless, big sister hung the very stars in the sky and can do no wrong. Every now and then Ag will go into phases of trying to emulate her chaotic eldest sibling. It generally doesn’t end well for anyone involved.
Kon: Oldest brother, meanest brother. For his half, Konstantin carries a largely apathetic attitude everywhere he goes. He bullies his siblings as indiscriminately as anyone else he’s ever encountered, and Ag is no exception to this. She frequently tries to appeal to him despite being repeatedly and often harshly shut down. Sometimes she bites back, but mostly it just makes her sad that he claims to want distance— she thinks he’s bluffing, because she thinks he doesn’t want at all. She thinks she can fix that.. somehow. She’s got time to figure it out, and in the meantime she’ll keep making puppy eyes.
Freyja: Classic big sister/little sister dynamic, taller-little-sister syndrome included, with a spin of being strangers to each other for many of their early years. Freyja is so smart! and strong! and knows everything about everything!! Ag wants to learn from her, and frequently asks questions, repeats the the answers, and generally takes Freyja’s word as the definitive truth of everything. They’re aren’t super close, as yet, but Ag wants very badly for them to be. (So much so it might be the main obstacle to them actually being close. It’s hard to build on something idealized.)
Gonzo: Perhaps the most human-minded of the siblings, Zo is very bound to his mortal shape and the lives of many humans, and for that he Jagna don’t have much in common. He is also, though, fun! and good about being straightforward and clear with her, if somewhat blunt in a way that can hurt her feelings sometimes. He frequently intervenes when Kon is being particularly nasty, and is also likely to try to cheer her up when she’s feeling low. They aren’t necessarily tight-knit, but definitely good with each other. Ag will bite you for messing with Zo (you will not like it.)
Yana & Alexei: The twins, terse and tangled, are the siblings Kat & Ag have known the longest and leaned on the most. Yana & Alexei are the ones who discovered what was going on inside the church’s orphanage. They freed Katja & Jagna from their childhood of torment. The four of them spent some time as a unit, during which Kat & Ag gained their names and a new understanding of who -what- they even were to have been targeted as they were by the lord judge who held them captive. There is also a sense of understanding the four of them have, as each pair knows something of what the other feels and experiences as bonded duos. Two sets of twos, in slightly different fonts. Voted most likely to huddle together and hiss secrets in each others’ ears. Though, as I said, it seems broadly true the others are defensive of Ag, Yana & Alexei (& Kat) in particular will absolutely end you in a myriad of creative and very painful ways if you so much as think of hurting or harassing Agnieszka.
Katja: Jagna’s other half in a very literal sense. Too much to go into, and yet as simple as that. Though they have split and spread since the time they were one and the same, they remain deeply entrenched in each other, and although all of her siblings are dear, the honest truth of it all is that Katja is on another level. When Jagna wonders if she would survive the loss of her sister, it is not a metaphorical question. Could she exist without Kat? Well. No one will ever know, because no one will ever hurt Kat. Jagna is sworn to it. It’s what she was born for.
Valeria: Most likely owing to their proximity in age, griping and snarling and squabbling are the best words to apply to the relationship between Valeria and Ag (and by extension, Kat— or perhaps, it’s Val and Kat who have problems, and Ag who gets towed into it.... it’s hard to tell.) It is, mostly, affection in an antagonism hat, a vitriolic sort of normal that simply defines them to each other. That’s Val, she’s stinky. Sometimes, though, it escalates into them genuinely trying to wound each other, both emotionally and physically. Regardless, whatever stage of snippish, they’ll happily turn on a third party in tandem, to rip them to shreds should they think they have any right to antagonize one or the other, or even just stick their nose into it. Afterwards, they’ll go happily right back to criticizing each other.
Flea: Baby brother, beloved. Outside of Kat, he’s the sibling Ag feels the most close to. Both of them are somewhat less bound to their mortal bodies than the others seem to be, more at home in stranger, wilder forms. They spend a lot of time together, away from the lives and world and worries of humans. They see less of themselves in people, more from their siblings. From each other. Flea is the only sibling (Kat included!) Ag has never once argued with. They are all of them monstrous one way or another, but Ag and Flea seem the most inclined toward the inhumanity of it. Though they rarely acknowledge it in words, they hold common ground in that they seem to be formed from the Chernabog’s basest parts: the Shadow and the Beast; the darkness and the hunger.
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navy-leader · 3 years
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Maikol post 2.0
More headcanons
Teen Michael
- He was very reckless so he gets injured a lot, also gets into a lot of fights
- He learned how to patch himself up from his mother. After she disappeared he's the one taking care of his sibling's injuries
- He is very tall even as a teen, he was the tallest amongst his friends
- Has bad acne, the type that grows on your neck, back and chest and pops easily
- He was 14 when the Bite of '83 happened
- He had to help around the house a lot after his mother lost most of her sight and especially after she disappeared
- He's witness to a lot of his family's worse sides (mostly his father lol) and that does things to a child's psyche. He tries to drive his siblings away from that
- He eats dirt
Security Guard
- His hair is his pride and joy and he mourns it every single day since he died
- He has gray hairs from stress (hes still fairly young around 19-23)
- Still has acne but its not as bad as when he was a teen
- Lost all his hair, his nose and an ear
- After getting his organs scooped out his body crumpled in on itself and the only thing keeping him up was Ennard
- The blood in his body drained out eventually so he doesn't bleed anymore
- Michael was conked out the entire time (he DIED) Ennard was controlling him so he didnt feel anything nor remember anything
Pizzeria Simulator
- Wears a party hat for the irony (Ennard wore a party hat)
- He has a lot of holes in his body so he's usually covered in bandages and gauze or whatever
- His motor skills fucking died cause i guess dying fucks you up neurologically
- His sense of taste is gone and he cant feel pain anymore
- Large gashes on his cheek after puking out Ennard cause metal
- Wears a wig
- Some of his teeth got knocked out and his lips got ripped up
- He can't close his mouth properly anymore so he drools
- There's still pieces of Ennard inside him which he gained control over and that's how he moves without bones i guess
- He stitched up most of the gash in his torso but theres still a hole in his stomach because its too big and he might rip more skin (which he cant regenerate)
- After a few decades of being (un)dead he adopted a nihilistic view on life (fluctuates between positive nihilism and negative nihilism)
General HC's
- He is left handed
- He is much older than his younger siblings, being atleast 8 years older
- He has hereditary dark circles from his father. Worsened by age and lack of sleep
- He sits like L from Death Note (or similar to it ig)
- He can grin like his father and he usually uses it to creep people out. He doesn't like smiling like that after the incident though
- He's anemic
- His flight or fight response is freeze. That's why he didnt move when he was getting scooped, and why he just sits there like an idiot when the power goes out
- He's mixed cause his mother is mixed, but unfortunately the white genes are much stronger. He was raised not to wear shoes in the house
- He learned a bit of ballet when he was younger from his mother (who was a ballerina) but it never got anywhere and hes forgotten most of it by now
- Queer but im not sure what exactly and very closeted, never comes to terms with it. His parents werent homophobic or anything but they never shown outward support either, and his enviroment werent the most supportive so he tended to follow the crowd (being in the 70's-80's and all)
- He dies a virgin
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animeomegas · 3 years
Omega!Bakugou headcanons
Anon: Pssssss imma need some more omega Bakugou like now no it make him jealous too because why not
Anon: hi! could you do some omega!bakugou x male alpha!reader? nsfw and sfw pls <3
nesting too pls!! idk why but I love the idea of nesting sjdjsnd, pregnant bakugou fluff would be lovely too <3
Anon: Hi I was wonder if you could do omega Bakugou sfw and nsfw please 🥺
(Hey, everyone!! Bakugou is very popular in my inbox! Okay, let’s write some omega!Bakugou headcanons <3 I have another request for pregnant!Bakugou, so I’ll add that part of the middle request to another post 😊 Also, I only write for a gender neutral reader. I hope you all enjoy~)
Warnings: N-sfw under a cut, suggestive behaviour multiple times not under the cut.
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Bakugou is not an omega who is big on nesting. He does nest and he’s very proud of his nest, but he doesn’t feel the urge to nest super often.
He doesn’t keep a permanent, all year-round nest, he’s kind of a clean freak so having to constantly clean all the blankets in his nest would drive his nuts.
He does nest during his heat and late term pregnancy, and also after periods of extreme stress, but not often outside of these times.
But if he knows his alpha likes his nests, he might build them for his alpha when they’re stressed, although he’ll claim he just felt like making it and it shouldn’t go to waste.
It’s not a very convincing lie.
His nest is not in a very popular style, mainly because Bakugou overheats so easily.
It’s a simple double mattress on a very low frame, with a couple of pillows and sheet like blankets that he normally uses as a base rather than a covering.
He has a black and red colour scheme that he thinks is the coolest thing ever, and he definitely has an All Might pillow hidden somewhere at the back that he threatens his alpha to keep a secret, it’s very cute.
He likes his nest to be in an easily defendable position, whether that be inside a large cupboard or wardrobe, or a small room with one door and a small window.
Bakugou also keeps a mini fridge by his nest, as a lot of omegas do, to store water and food, but what he has that a lot of omegas don’t, is a mini freezer too.
He keeps ice packs and ice lollies in there to help when he’s in heat because his temperature tends to get way too high.
Bakugou doesn’t like being vulnerable, so his nest is a sensitive topic for him.
It takes him quite a while to let his alpha into his nest, but he’s quicker to let them chill outside of it, holding his hand and keeping him company. He would probably let them outside his nest after courting for a year and knowing them for at least two years. When he lets them inside depends on a lot of factors, including how well they deal with him from the outside of his nest. It could be anywhere from three months to another year.
Bakugou has always wanted some pups, but in a removed and distant kind of way. After all, becoming the No. 1 hero was far more important than any of that ‘family’ nonsense.
He only really considers pups when he’s in a very committed relationship and at a comfortable place in his career. He’s not prepared to take time off at a vulnerable career moment, after all.
Bakugou wants two children, because, while he would never admit it, he always wished he had a sibling when he was a kid, so he wants to give that to his children.
But he’s very conflicted about it.
Firstly, two pregnancy leaves would be a huge blow to his career. Prime hero years and prime ‘having children years’ are the same years, so in a way, he has to decide how to balance these two priorities. He isn’t sure he wants to risk his career with that much leave so close together (heroes can’t be in the field while pregnant at all, so it would be a huge sacrifice.)
Secondly, he’s nervous about how useless he would likely feel while pregnant. He’s a workaholic and being confined to his house and losing control over his quirk would drive him nuts.
So, he doesn’t really know what to do. He doesn’t share any of his concerns with his alpha, but he does take their wishes into account too. If his alpha really wants two children, Bakugou does keep that in mind. But he’s not a push over. If he decides that two maternity leaves are too many, then it’s too many. It’s his body and he won’t let anyone tell him otherwise.
So, with all this in mind, Bakugou is fucking thrilled when he finds out he’s having twins.
Two pups for the price of one pregnancy leave?? Sign him the hell up!
Bakugou has twin boys, both alphas, and Bakugou just cannot believe his luck that all his problems just fixed themselves.
“But I don’t want to go!” came a defiant voice from the back seat of the car. Both you and Bakugou sighed, not keen on restarting the disagreement that had plagued the household for the entire morning. It had taken twice as long as normal this morning to get the twins dressed and in the car because of this very argument.
You could see Bakugou about to open his mouth to tell him that they had to, but you held up a hand to stop him.
“Why don’t you want to go, sweetheart?” you cooed at your oldest son.
“I don’t want you and daddy to leave…” whimpered your youngest son, answering in his brother’s stead.
Bakugou winced and reached a hand into the back and squeezed each of his son’s hands in turn.
“I know.” He said simply. You could feel his guilt, even though you both knew it was the best for all of you that the twins get used to nursery so that both you and Bakugou could go back to focusing on your careers. They would be fine, you tried to convince yourself. Millions of kids do this every year and it works out fine.
The nursery came into view, and you refocused your attention onto finding a parking space in the little car park on the side of the building. You could hear your sons shifting anxiously in the back and it pulled at your heart strings. You pulled into an empty space and turned off the engine. You and Bakugou shared a single look before moving to get your children out of the car with practiced ease.
“No,” your eldest son shouted. “I’m not going to go. I’m staying here!”
You had tried to take him out of the car seat, but he had refused to cooperate. You didn’t want to pull him out in case you hurt him. Bakugou came to stand behind you, your youngest son clutching his neck desperately.
“Let me talk to him,” he spoke softly, handing the younger twin over into your arms.
“Hey,” Bakugou said softly, leaning down to peer inside the car where his eldest son stubbornly sat with his arms crossed. “It’s okay to be scared to go to nursery, you know.”
Your oldest son visibly flinched and avoided looking at Bakugou in the eyes.
“I’m not scared, daddy. I just don’t want to.”
“Uh huh,” Bakugou said, eyebrow raised.
“I’m not!” Your son exploded. When he realised that he’d just shouted at his father, the colour drained from his face and his bottom lip started to quiver. Bakugou wordlessly held out his arms and his eldest son accepted the embrace just in time to burst into heavy tears on Bakugou’s shoulder.
“It’s alright,” Bakugou hushed. “I’m not angry at you.”
In your arms, your youngest son was watching his brother cry and letting out little whimpers into your neck. You rubbed his back soothingly and whispered that everything was going to okay.
Out of the corner of your eye, you realised another parent was staring judgementally at your family. Bakugou clearly also noticed because he bared his teeth as a warning and the parent quickly moved on. You scoffed at the idiot who thought it was a good idea to antagonise an omega who was looking after a distraught pup, let alone when said omega was a top ten hero.
“W-What if they don’t l-like me?” your eldest whimpered out.
“Here,” Bakugou wiped some of the tears away with his thumb. “How about this, you tell me if anyone is mean to you and I’ll sort it out, how does that sound?”
“But…” your son hesitated. “But what will you do?”
Bakugou grinned.
“I’ll make their parents regret doing such a shitty job at parenting.”
You gasped, halfway between scandalised and amused.
“Katsuki!” you reprimanded and smacked his lightly on the shoulder.
It did seem to cheer up your sons, though, who were now giggling at your antics.
“Daddy said a bad word,” your youngest twin giggled to you.
“He did,” you pressed your lips together. “And it was very naughty of him.”
Bakugou rolled his eyes and instead placed the pup in his arms on the floor, taking him by the hand. You did the same and slowly, you both made your way toward the school gate. The mood dropped, but neither of your children tried to resist.
You could see a teacher standing at the gate to escort the new students and you made your way over.
“Remember,” Bakugou said before you reached the gate, stopping you all for a moment. “We’ll be back in this many hours,” he held up three fingers. “Can you guys tell me how many this is?”
“One… two… three…” they both said together.
“That’s right! See? You guys are going to be the smartest ones in there,” Bakugou boasted, ruffling their hair.
“Careful,” you teased. “They’ll turn into you.”
“Are you saying I’m always the smartest person in the room?” Bakugou grinned back.
“No, I’m saying you always think you’re the smartest person in the room.”
“Oi!” he growled, knocking his shoulder with yours. The pups giggled again, seeming to be in higher spirits. You escorted them to the gate at the front of the playground and let the teacher introduce herself.
And with one final goodbye, your pups were off into the nursery and out of sight.
You and Bakugou walked to the car in silence, digesting what had happened and processing that your little ones were now old enough for nursery. You both slipped back into the car and began the drive home.
It was weird to think that your children were neither with you, nor at home waiting for you, but that kind of existential deep dive could wait until later.
Bakugou’s hand settled just a little bit too high on your thigh. For the moment, it was time to appreciate the novelty of an empty house.
I don’t think anyone would be very surprised to find out that Bakugou can get quite jealous on occasion.
In the early days of your relationship, he’s very nervous that his alpha is going to find a ‘better’ omega, an omega who is more traditional, and leave him for them. It takes a lot of bravery for him to leave himself vulnerable to being abandoned, and occasionally the insecurities seep through.
He hates the whiny, simpering omegas that plaster themselves onto the nearest alpha, and it makes him furious to see anyone doing that to you.
He has no subtlety, no brooding angst, he just threatens the other omega(s) away to their face, and then drags you somewhere private to cover you in his scent.
Later in the relationship, things change. He’s extremely confident that his alpha is his. Why would they ever leave him? He’s the best fucking omega ever!
Instead, he gets jealous if he isn’t getting enough attention because you’re spending too much time with someone else.
He doesn’t do this in a possessive way, it’s just that he doesn’t get a whole lot of free time and when his alpha spends that free time with someone else? Another omega? He’s pissed.
He gets surly and passive aggressive about it, and it’s extremely obvious.
The best way to fix it is to just give him lots of attention, he won’t behave like this is you have to leave for something important (he understands duty like the best of them), so it’s very easy to address.
Bakugou idly stirred a pot of miso soup as the radio in the kitchen blasted out whatever awful top 40 song it had picked this morning. He had only put it on to fill the silence really, which was the only thing this awful excuse for music was good for in his opinion.
He was making breakfast for the two of you as a kind of mini celebration. He had two days off in a row, the first time in a couple of months because of his crazy work schedule and he wanted to make sure he spent every moment that he could with his alpha. And so, here he was, getting up early to prepare breakfast for your both.
There was a lull in noise as the radio switched between songs, and in the few moments of silence, Bakugou could hear shuffling coming from the bathroom. He grinned. Perfect timing.
He put down the last plate and waited for you to come out, you should be here any second now.
 Fiddling with your shirt one last time you swung open your bedroom door, bag on your shoulder, finally ready to leave. You were interrupted momentarily by a delicious scent in the air. Bakugou must be cooking, so you followed the smell to the kitchen and walked in to say goodbye to him, vaguely sad that you were going to be missing his food, but he was probably only making himself something to bring to work, anyway.
And then you saw the elaborate breakfast spread your heart stopped. Had you forgotten an anniversary? Bakugou looked just as shocked to see you dressed up and ready to leave. However, his shock soon melts into frustration.
“Why are you all dressed up?” he growled, the excitement that had been on his face when you walked in now gone. “You said you weren’t working today.”
“I’m not,” you said quietly, confused as to why he was so upset. “Izuku messaged me while I was getting dressed and invited me for brunch, I was just going to meet him.”
Bakugou’s face screwed up at your words. He went to open his mouth but then stopped. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He was doing the breathing exercises that his therapist taught him for when he was angry. What had you done to make him this upset?
The relaxing exercises clearly weren’t working for him because he stood up from the table and stalked out of the room suddenly, shutting himself in your bedroom. You winced as the door slammed shut behind him.
Oh dear… you had made your mate so upset that he had shut himself away in your bedroom. Your stomach twisted itself into a knot. It was time for some damage control (and a quick check of the calendar to makes sure you hadn’t actually forgotten an anniversary or something.)
You shot a quick text to Midoriya, apologising for cancelling and letting him know that something had come up. He sent back a ‘don’t worry!’ message and about six smiling emojis. Well, at least he wasn’t also mad at you.
Fishing out a tray from the cupboard above the sink, you stacked it up with as much food from the table as you could, thankful that it appeared to still be warm, and carried it to your bedroom door.
“Katsuki?” you called out, knocking on the door with your foot. “I’m coming in, is that okay?”
There was silence. Well, silence was better than swearing, so you carefully slid open the door and moved towards the brooding lump on the bed.
“The fuck do you want?” he growled. “I thought you were going out to eat with Deku?”
You froze at his vicious tone. Was he jealous? Well, that was a lot easier to solve than forgetting an anniversary, at least.  With a smile, you slid the tray onto the bedside table and climbed on the bed behind you mate, letting out a reassuring scent. You wrapped your arms around him, ignoring how he tensed in your embrace, and whispered into his ear.
“Why would I spend time with Midoriya when I could be spending time with you, hmm?” you whispered, purposefully blowing hot air onto his neck. You revelled in his full body shiver. “The only reason I accepted plans with Midoriya was because I thought you were going to work.” You pressed as close to him as you could and placed a single kiss right behind his ear. Bakugou melted at the affection.
“Come on now,” you continued, a coy smile on your face. “Let’s not let this delicious breakfast go to waste.”
You reached over and scooped a little bit of rice onto your fingers before holding it up to his lips. Bakugou opened his mouth with only a small grumble in complaint, and you made sure to push your fingers a little deeper inside than perhaps absolutely necessary.
“I promise I’ll make this morning’s misunderstanding up to you.”
Bakugou’s scent is fairly sweet but still quite smoky.
When he’s upset/stressed, his scent is like burnt sugar, and when he’s very happy/excited, he smells like almost like a marshmallow roasting on a bonfire.
It’s a very pleasant scent but it does tend to divide people. Some love it, and others hate it.  Bakugou doesn’t care what anyone else thinks about his scent (except his alpha, but shh, that’s a secret!)
In his family, his father is an omega and his mother is an alpha and while they are happy together, Bakugou always promised himself that he would never end up in a relationship like that. He didn’t want some alpha bossing him around like his mother bossed around his father.
Bakugou finds meek alphas (and people) annoying, but he doesn’t like super aggressive alphas either. He’s attracted to people who exist in the middle of those extremes.
Bakugou knew he was an omega from birth, and it was something he was very insecure about for a long time. It was a big part of why he turned out the way he did as a child, he was making up for something that he viewed as a weakness by being as aggressive as possible.
His mother wasn’t great at making him feel secure in his secondary gender, assuming he would like certain things and pushing him in certain directions simply because he was an omega.
His father said that he was there if Bakugou had any questions, but he let Bakugou reach out to him instead of reaching out to Bakugou, and Bakugou was too proud to make the first move.
Bakugou ends up deciding that being an omega wasn’t going to stop him becoming the No. 1 hero. He decided that he could overcome being an omega.
It wasn’t until he was an adult that he actually started to accept being an omega was a part of him that he didn’t need to overcome, but that he could instead embrace and that it didn’t make him weak to do so.
When he does become a mainstream hero, he makes sure to always tell the omega children that he meets that they can do whatever they want and still be an omega.
N-sfw under the cut
Bakugou is a switch, mostly.
Oftentimes he switches multiple times in the same session, so his alpha needs to be quite the brat tamer to keep him from getting frustrated and trying to get on top so that he can control the pace.
He has a very high sex drive, and he likes to have a partner who can match him because he way prefers sex to masturbating.
It would be hard to find someone whose chest and nipples are as sensitive as Bakugou’s, and when he’s in heat, he can definitely orgasm just from his chest being stimulated.
Bakugou is also definitely a squirter, something which he was very shocked and embarrassed to find out.
Bakugou generally prefers slightly rougher sex. He gets bored when the pace is too slow and definitely scratches and bites (and is happy to receive the same in return).
When he’s in heat, Bakugou is a bit different.
He’s not a pillow prince by any means, but he is definitely a lot more passive than he is normally.
He’s not super loud, but he definitely swears a lot, even between waves of heat when he gets grumpy that he’s too hot and sticky. That swearing is a lot less sexy though.
Bakugou’s sexual side doesn’t really come out outside of his own home. He doesn’t like flaunting anything in public and can even get uncomfortable talking about sex with his friends, especially when they tease him with personal questions. He’s definitely a private person when it comes to sex.
Although that is not to say he isn’t confident in the expression of his own sexuality, much to opposite is true. He is definitely the kind of person to order some new toy or outfit on the internet every month to surprise his alpha.
He’s sexy and he knows it, so why not?
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Thank you sm! I love ur view of the Silm characters. As that is the case, any Maedhros headcanons?
no thank-yous necessary, it's really my pleasure! i'm just flattered that you feel so positively towards my interpretations :)
same format approach as before: tamer headcanons are above the cut and the grimmer/more graphic stuff is underneath.
he has pretty large age differences with most of his brothers, so his role tended much more towards the parental than the sibling-y.
at Valinor-era family functions, he was always designated caretaker for the younger crowd.
as a result, he found it a lot harder to make friends with his younger cousins because they tended to not really see him as a peer (he and Fingon originally got close because they both got the i-love-my-younger-siblings-but-sometimes-i-wish-i-were-an-only-child thing).
in fact, other than Fingon, most of his cousins don't really like him (authority figure, no fun, blah blah blah), which was kind of rough for Mae to deal with as a teenager.
he's the most into traditional scholarship out of all his siblings! pre-Beleriand, he was the kind of person who would write a dissertation for fun.
he originally wanted to go into academia or medicine, not politics.
he loves animals, though he's pretty quiet about it because it's kind of Celegorm's thing and Celegorm a. doesn't like sharing and b. it feels like intruding
he isn't charismatic or charming in a typical way. i think he's actually pretty shy and awkward! Maglor tries to coach him into being suave, but it never sticks. but he's funny (once you can get him past monosyllables,) and he's kind, and he's good-looking, which makes up for a lot in the eyes of Valinorean society
he starts putting a lot more effort into appearing "nice" and "approachable" post-Thangorodrim, because he has to counteract fear rather than extra attention based on how he looks.
he loves music and singing but isn't especially talented at it. he mostly just listens.
he adores children and wanted to have a family growing up
Nerdanel is his go-to parent for advice. he keeps consulting her in his head up to the end of his life.
post-Angband, he's almost completely blind in one eye and can't see in the dark from either one, due to parts of his eyes being removed as experiments and resulting infections. glasses don't help very much, but he wears them anyways in social situations to seem less intimidating.
he hoards food in secret for most of his adult life. he got so used to never having enough that he can never relax, even when resources are plentiful.
he feels responsible for his brothers swearing the Oath, as well as for their actions in pursuit of it, even the ones he had no part in. he's a relentless self-flagellator over almost anything bad that ever happens and will willingly take blame any time it's offered.
he makes health sacrifices in favor of trying to look "stronger" and provide more reassurance to his follower. he's always pushing past his physical limits (i.e. he almost never walks with a cane, he goes out on patrol more times than his soldiers, he purposely stays in rooms on upper floors so he has to climb stairs, etc.)
he honestly hopes he's going to the Void when he dies. he thinks he deserves it and it's what's best for the world, because he's obviously a cowardly, destructive, weak person and shouldn't be able to hurt anyone else.
the only promise he ever broke to Fingon was to not blame himself if Fingon died.
over the years in Beleriand, his relationships with his brothers gradually get worse and worse--they resent that he's kind of a broken record about everything being their fault, and he's afraid of hurting them by being too close.
anyways, i hope you liked these! feel free to share any of your own too! :)
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Because I'm a basic fool who has no self restrain, what do you think about England and France's relationship? 👀
No worries, I'm the same. IMO, these two are really fascinating - in my HCs, they were raised alongside each other with France taking an older-sibling role in England's younger life. For as far as England can remember, he's always percieved France to be the first thing he thinks of when it comes to success; Just something about how France functions, England longs to mimic and as a child, it was done quite adorably - such as mirroring their posture or copying them in lessons of embroidery when he was far too young to be left unsupervised (and there was that time he flung himself from the castle walls, all because he wanted to go home). France's perspective was that he was quite literally just a child. They were a child too and they were oft swamped with work and complex affairs, so to have this kid tagging along...I'd be lying if I claimed they weren't annoyed or frustrated, but they did genuinely care a lot for the kid. But France was oft stuck between being a kid and being a nation, which as you can imagine, led to a great deal of conflict when *England* started to act more like a nation. After Normandy was 'mysteriously' murdered, England started to feel more pressure to act less like a kid and started to pull away from France entirely. He felt like they were talking him down and France felt like England was just being childish. One thing led to another and suddenly, it was the hundred years war and England was fucking elated to be 'getting back' at France - who by comparison was just thinking it was a phase and England would eventually calm down and go back to being a good brother again. Cue burning of Joan. To be fair to England, he regrets it gravely and a large part of his phobia of fire comes from watching Joan burn and the consequent aftermath that was France cutting him off entirely, no longer viewing him as a brother, but as an enemy, a stranger (which coincidentally, Scotland did the same to him for quite some time, which says a lot about what exactly *hurts* England more than anything). France suppressed a lot of their feelings and put a lot more stock into being a nation, though I'd argue France is still perfectly more genuine to England than to any other nation, save for exceptions like Scotland. Nowadays, their relationship is still somewhat frosty - with England privately yearning for closer ties. They're amicable enough to go for drinks and France will often look out for him; They did not fight side by side during wars for no reason and there's no other nation that influenced England quite so much as France, to the point where they might as well be England's third oldest sibling. France, by contrast, does not see England nearly as closely, but deep down, they wish England would *stop* feeling so guilty. Honestly, the main thing that infuriates France about England is that England used to be more self-assured. They *miss* that. Both of them tend to bring out the worst in each other, in my opinion, but they also tend to encourage growth in one another. A painfully complex relationship, but hey, it's a complex history.
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whysojiminimnida · 3 years
Hello. First of all, I want to say that your blog has been my happy place. You are so smart and funny. Your posts make me laugh and think and change my perspective. Second, I’m a Jikooker. Not a minor nor an anti. Your recent post about haters sending you multiple asks made me understand why you can be defensive and cautious. It must be difficult for you. I didn’t truly realize it before that post of yours… Thank you. There is one thing I wanted to ask you for a very long time though… How is this an argument that 24-25 year old men can’t be attracted to minors? You know, that sick self-insert fic with V you wrote about and Jungkook with the dancer girl. I don’t say THEY are attracted to minors! But men? I WISH it was true. To me it is wishful thinking. I don’t know how to say it in English correctly. I was given to my |soon to be ex| husband of 11 years older than me at the age of 16. I was tiny, weighed nothing, only wanted to play Sims. It’s not America, Eastern Europe. Everyone around us was in awe. Not a single person in our large social circle doubted the age difference. Men are very much attracted to minors both physically and mentally. Mentally is probably the worst. To be honest, reading that men who like 18 year old girls are predators hurt so much that I consider leaving the fandom. I do agree that such men ARE predators. But this point of view is applicable in very few (better) societies. I want to believe that BTS are outstanding in every sense of word and won’t be interested in relationship with a minor. Including Jungkook. But most of the world won’t see a 24 year old man interested in a minor girl as a predator. It will be a freaking LOVE story. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry when I read about this. It’s just not an argument for me. I just hope that BTS won’t be like 90% of men… I tend to believe that Jimin and Jungkook are together, but if you ask me, I will say that a 24-year old man can totally be attracted to an 18 year old girl.
Hi anon :)
Thank you for sharing your story with us. It’s important that we learn cultural and societal differences so we can be better to each other.
The idea of you being given away makes me sad and angry for the girl you were then. That just have been very weird and kind of scary and I’m sorry you went through it. I’m glad you’re grown up now and able to end your marriage. Healing takes a long time but I feel confident that a smart, strong woman like you are can heal, if you feel that you need to.
Honestly I know it’s very possible and in many places it is normal for age differences of five, even ten years. And even in the US girls are allowed to marry as young as twelve with parental consent (in Massachusetts, anyway).
Thing is, anon, in the US, the same girl allowed to marry at 12 with her parent’s consent would be considered a rape victim if she had sex with even a 16 year old without marriage - because of the age difference. And because marriage is the one place girls can still be assaulted and kept as slaves legally.
I hope that your marriage didn’t feel abusive or awful to you. If it did, I hope you know that I don’t believe any of that was your fault, and that you can look for help if you need it. If you do want some resources for help as you start your life again, feel free to DM me and let me know the country where you live. I will help you find any help that you need.
But. Jungkook is not interested in Nain as a romantic partner. Age is a much bigger issue in Korea. Even a younger twin must use honorifics with their minutes-older sibling. More than three years’ difference in couple’s ages is unusual there. Six or seven is well outside the norm.
But that’s not really why Jungkook isn’t interested in Nain sexually. He isn’t into her like that because he’s gay and in a committed relationship. Even if he’s bi (which I doubt, but it could happen) he’s with someone (cough Jimin cough) and I just have never seen him express actual interest in a girl of any age. Ever.
So while it is possible and in many cultures acceptable for grown men to desire and even marry minor girls, that is not the norm in Korea. And even if it was, a guy has to be into girls in the first place. JK isn’t.
Again, thank you for sharing with us. I’m sorry if I made you feel weird at all. Here’s a hug if you want one. And if you don't want one that is totally okay too so just in case here's also Sasha Trusova giving the Olympics (and Eteri and also men in general) the finger.
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a hug for anon but only if you want it
AND because we all kinda feel like Sasha sometimes
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the "I don't care if I'm at the Olympics, just fuck all of you" finger. Sasha Trusova is a relatable queen.
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bubblefina · 3 years
King of Hearts chapter 2
Summary:  Reader and Tom meet during their years at Hogwarts, but as the years pass, a rivalry grows between the two of them, which leads from soft beginnings to tragic endings.
“Your hopes were cut short when the snake slithered past him and towards you, making your heartbeat that much faster. Had the snake sensed your fear and taken you as a threat? First time at Hogwarts and your journey was about to be cut short by a snake of all things.”
Pairings: Tom x f!reader
•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙*˚⁺‧.˚ *•̩̩͙ ✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙*˚⁺‧.˚ *•̩̩͙ ✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙*˚⁺‧.˚ *•̩̩͙ ✩
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Chapter 2: A Chance Encounter
The three of you had gotten off the train a little while ago and were on the way to Hogwarts through a boat ride.
The castle in front of you stood tall and proud, its giant doors awaiting the first years to enter and be sorted into their houses.
After walking some more, you and the other first years found yourselves in the Great Hall.
The hall was big. Decorated with candles that were floating in midair, older students sat at the long tables, clapping as the younger students walked inside.
The group of first years were ushered towards the front of the great hall, where the headmaster stood next to a group of teachers, and an old looking hat.
“Welcome to Hogwarts, it is wonderful to finally meet you after all this time. Before we can start our welcoming feast, we must sort you all into your respective houses. Now, we will call you up one by one, so there’s no need to rush.”
The headmaster stepped back from the spot he was standing in and walked towards the hat that was sitting on a lonesome chair and lifted it.
One by one, the first years were sorted into houses, the hall erupting with cheers after each sorting.
Not paying attention, you were admiring the elegance of the Great Hall. It felt so spacious and welcoming.
Your thoughts were interrupted when you felt a nudge to the side of your stomach. You looked to your right and saw Azalea slightly pointing to the stage.
“That's him, that was the boy I ran into at the station.”
You looked up and saw a boy that was about to be seated in the chair the sorting had been sitting in earlier. He looked small in stature, his hair was smooth and neatly combed over to one side, his clothes were all one monochrome color, consisting of dark blues and gray. His face looked blank, almost as if he had no thoughts at all, but his dark eyes shined whenever he looked up, the brightness of the candles reflected onto his eyes making them look rather innocent.
The hat was placed onto his head and hummed as it thought of the right house to place him in. It didn’t take the hat long before a gasp was heard, and the boy was sorted into Slytherin.
Cheers from a nearby table were heard as the boy got up and walked towards the table filled with green robes.
The surrounding whispers said that his name was Tom Riddle. Tom Riddle, what a simple name, simple yet mysterious.
After a few more children were sorted, it was your turn to climb the stage and sit on the chair.
The hat was placed on your head, and it did the same thing as it did with the other kids, hum and whisper as it thought of where to place you.
“Gryffindor? I sense some bravery in you, but you tend to put yourself down a lot, don't you?”
Heat rushed up to your face as you heard what the hat had said, the entirety of Hogwarts didn’t need to know everything about you.
“Hufflepuff? You value justice and loyalty, just like them.” The hat continued to hum upon your head, slightly spinning as it thought some more.
“Ravenclaw? I see some credible wit in you, along with your drive to learn and creativity.” It had felt like the hat was asking you what house you wanted to be placed in, but you didn’t know. Your dad didn’t go that much into detail about the houses at Hogwarts, so you were completely lost.
“Let’s see, Slytherin? Ambitious are you, with good leadership qualities.” Your eyes landed on the Slytherin table that was across the hall, some students narrowed their eyes at you, making you look away quickly.
It felt like you were in the chair for hours, the sorting hat was taking forever. The time was cut short however when the hat gasped and yelled, “Ravenclaw!” you sighed in relief as you didn’t have to be the center of attention any longer.
Climbing down the steps, you walked to the Ravenclaw table, where a girl welcomed you.
Her name was Vixie Leon. She was very friendly and introduced you to the other Ravenclaws that were around the table. You greeted them and went back to watching the sorting ceremony, now wondering if your friends would be sorted into the same house as you.
And as if Merlin himself was listening to you, they were.
Once the three of you were reunited at the same table, you squealed with glee.
The rest of the ceremony went well, and the students were finally able to eat and talk with each other.
After the welcoming feast, the prefects lead the first years to their house common rooms, so they could unpack and meet their roommates.
Ravenclaw’s common room was special because unlike the other common rooms that required a password or for you to tap certain areas of a barrel, the Ravenclaw common room required you to answer a riddle to get inside. 
There was a bronze knocker on the door in the shape of an eagle. Once the students were crowded at the entrance, the knocker spoke a riddle, “Imagine you are in a dark room. How do you get out?”
The boy prefect and girl prefect looked at each other, whispering possible answers before the boy spoke up, “Stop imagining.” The door creaked open, the view of the common room was open to the students, who all gathered inside.
The Ravenclaw common room was beautiful. It was located in one of the tallest towers at Hogwarts, the high arched windows allowing those who looked through them a view of many of the things Hogwarts was known for, including the Quidditch pitch and Forbidden forest. Banners of the Ravenclaw emblem were draping down from the walls. Each panel of brick between the windows was decorated with a small lantern that shined a bright yellow. There was a small globe that stood near one of the windows that was being spun by one of the students, a spell book out in the open that contained basic and some advanced charms, and a telescope that was pointing to one of the windows. On the ceiling is a reflection of the night sky, even during the day you can still see the stars and galaxies moving to and away from each other.
There is a large room that connects to the common room that serves as a library. Although smaller, it is said to have almost just as many books as the main library, but people doubt that. In the middle of the common room are a few tables that students can sit at and discuss with friends or work on their homework. On the right side of the room sat a few sapphire sofas detailed with bronze work. A few pillows with the Ravenclaw emblem were placed ever so neatly upon the sofas. 
The dorms were located behind an opening in the wall that was guarded by a statue of Rowena Ravenclaw. On the left were the boy dorms and on the right were the girl dorms.
You, along with Melissa and Azalea, headed up to the girl dorms and found a vacant room, well at least you were thinking it was vacant.
Inside stood a lanky girl, blonde hair that stopped right at her shoulders and fair skin that looked like it was slightly sunburned.
When hearing the door to the room open, she turned around in surprise, her blue eyes danced from one person to the next.
“Are you guys planning on staying here?” She asked.
“Well there are three free beds, so I will be staying here, not sure about you two.” Azalea picked up her luggage and threw it onto one of the empty beds. Her form being absorbed into the sheets of the bed as she laid down.
“I hope you don’t mind us being your potential roommates.” Melissa walked towards another bed and set her things down and sat on the mattress as she unpacked a few of her things.
“Oh, not at all! I just didn’t know people were going to come in so quickly,” The girl looked embarrassed, her clothes were scattered all over one of the beds and floor, “I’ll have my area cleaned up as soon as possible.” She scampered off and started to put her clothes into the drawers that were next to her bed. 
“I’m Naomi, by the way, Naomi Stems.” 
All three of you introduced yourselves after she did and talked through the night as you unpacked your luggage and put your things away. Naomi brought up that her mom was American, and her dad is from England. She almost ended up going to Ilvermorny, but her dad insisted that she go to Hogwarts because it was one of the best wizarding schools in the world.
The four of you talked through the rest of the day, and without knowing it, the sun was already setting outside. 
Melissa had taken out her wand and was demonstrating a spell she had learned in one of her dad's grimoires. It was a small shocking jinx, when cast, would send a spark flying to the person it was aimed at and slightly shock them. She had tried it on her younger siblings, who all cried when she was successful.
She cast the jinx, and it went towards you, stinging your wrist. It hadn’t hurt that bad,, but it still stung, you were laughing as you rubbed the area in which it had hit. Whilst rubbing, your heart stopped, the bracelet that your dad had given you was missing.
Quickly standing up from your bed, you were undressing your bed of its sheets and rampaging through your luggage trying to find it.
When the other girls tried to ask what was wrong, you simply told them that your bracelet was missing, and when they offered their help you said no.
Instead, you told them that you would retrace your steps since you got to Hogwarts and try to find it.
Leaving the common room, you headed out of the Ravenclaw tower and back to the corridors.
Walking to and from all the places you had visited, trying to think where you could have misplaced the small piece of jewelry.
‘Could it be on the Hogwarts express?’ the thought made your blood go cold, from what you could remember from your conversation with your dad, he said to never lose it, and here you are, a few hours later.
You reassured yourself by saying that you had it on during the sorting hat ceremony, you felt it on your wrist, so it must be somewhere in Hogwarts.
Would asking a professor be appropriate? Was there a lost and found system in Hogwarts? Would they even care if you lost your bracelet, it was muggle jewelry?
Trailing on the outskirts of the castle, you had no luck finding the bracelet. The sun was almost gone, only a few flickers of it’s light paved along the floor. Night was setting in, and you didn’t have much time left.
Even if you did have time, finding a small bracelet in a place as big as this would seem impossible.
On the verge of giving up, you began walking back to the castle. Maybe you could tell your dad that someone stole it while you were on the train?
Walking back in defeat, you were suddenly stopped when you heard a distant hissing sound.
Thinking it was just your imagination, you continued on your journey, but it happened again.
Curiosity got the better of you, and you turned your feet towards the source of the noise and tread along the grassy path as you made your way to a small area that was covered by trees.
You hide yourself behind a tree and peeked to see what was going on. Nearby, there was a boy kneeling down and holding his hand out to a snake. You watched him in action, he was doing what seemed like the impossible, he was speaking with the snake.
Both of them hissed back and forth at each other
Was speaking to animals common in the wizarding world? Your father never told you anything about something like that. Even someone like Newt Scamander, a famous Magizoologist, wasn't able to talk to animals directly.
The snake was slowly inching towards the boy's hand, and that's when you noticed something. Your eyes opened wide as you saw that the snake was gripping with its tail. Your bracelet was in the scaly grasps of the snake!
The gasp that came from your mouth was too loud, it alerted both the snake and the boy of your presence.
When he turned, and you saw his face, you recognized it. It was that Tom Riddle boy from the ceremony.
He stared at you for a few seconds before asking, “What do you want?”
There was no point in hiding behind a tree anymore, stepping out from behind your hiding spot you trailed carefully as you approached them.
“Funny story actually, the snake you were hissing at, it’s holding my bracelet.” you tried to act nonchalant as possible, but merlin your heart was beating like you were running miles.
The snake in question was not small, it was quite large, actually.
It had bright yellow eyes with black corneas, it was a dark brown to black color, with orange markings on its scales.
The boy, or rather Tom, looked back at the snake and noticed the bracelet, “It belongs to you?” 
You nodded in agreement, if he was speaking with the snake, could he possibly have the bracelet returned to you safe and sound?
That’s what you were hoping, at least.
Your hopes were cut short when the snake slithered past him and towards you, making your heartbeat that much faster. Had the snake sensed your fear and taken you as a threat? First time at Hogwarts and your journey was about to be cut short by a snake of all things.
Stepping backwards, you tried to distance yourself, but this only made the snake move faster.
And as if an unlucky presence was controlling you, a stone had just magically conjured itself behind you. Was it magic? Or was it your mind that was too focused on the snake to realize that you had something behind you that would undoubtedly lead to you being eaten that much quicker.
Falling onto your bottom, the snake took the opportunity and lunged towards you, causing you to hold your breath as it came, but it had stopped.
When you finally regained your conscience of the situation, you realized that Tom had hissed something to the snake, making it stop right in front of your legs.
Tom walked towards the snake and grabbed the bracelet that was entrapped between its tail, examined it and handed it back to you.
You reached for the bracelet and stood up, legs slightly shaking at the realization that the snake was still next to you, but not for long.
Tom walked away from you, and the snake followed, vanishing into the distance.
Once you had caught your breath, you yelled with all the voice you had left in you, “Thank you!”
He didn’t turn around, he just kept walking, and you did too, back to your dorm.
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 4 years
Summary: The McCall pack has gone camping but Reader and Stiles didn’t sleep because of the unexpected rain so Scott finds them in a hammock.
TW/CW: Stiles Stilinski x Reader.  
Requested?: Yes, a lovely Anon said, “Hi! I really liked Favorite Person, can you do promt 2 or 10? please, also with Stiles if you don't mind. Thank You :D"
Word Count: 477
A/N: I chose prompt #2 which is “Person A and Person B are on a hammock together. Person B is asleep on Person A’s chest who has one foot on the floor so they can rock the hammock in hopes of keeping Person B asleep.” Sorry about it being so short. I’m currently wishing I hadn’t gotten rid of my Amazon Prime account bc I really wanna go back and watch Teen Wolf again lol (even though I have yet to finish Supernatural or Fairy Tail -_-)  Don’t forget you can also request a prompt from list for whatever character from whichever fandom you��d like or you can request something of your own 😊 Anyway, love to all!
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Third Person POV
    The McCall pack decided to all go camping out on the Preserve for the weekend. The sunlight filters through the trees as Lydia whines about the unexpected rain that had fallen last night as she sits on large rock bundled up in a faux fur coat. Malia is absolutely in her element and has been laying on the damp, leaf strewn ground ever since she exited her tent several hours prior, even though Lydia keeps telling her that she’ll catch a cold if she doesn’t get up and put a jacket on. Mason and Corey are debating about who knows what in their seats on a mossy log. Scott and Derek are tending to a small fire as Alec and Liam gather twigs and other kindling materials from the surrounding area. Noticing that he hasn’t seen his younger sibling and best friend in a quite a bit, Scott looks up from the fire and looks around trying to catch their scents, with no luck due to the swirling wind.  
    Derek straightens up thinking something is wrong, “Please don’t tell me you smell a threat.”
    “No, I’m just looking for (Y/n) and Stiles,” Scott responds still trying to catch any sign of their location. Derek looks around as well before nudging the worried Alpha and pointing at a hammock that’s swaying gently behind the tents. Scott relaxes and smiles a bit before getting up to go check on them.
    The rustle of leaves alerts Stiles to someone’s approach as Scott comes into view with a grin plastered on his face. Stiles has one leg hanging over the side of the hammock, pressing his foot against the ground to keep the hammock swaying. (Y/n) lays on Stiles’s chest bundled up in one of his flannels and a leather jacket with a blanket thrown over them. The youngest McCall has their face buried in Stiles’s neck but Scott can see that they’re sound asleep.
    “Didn’t sleep last night?” Scott asks quietly as not to wake (Y/n) as he leans against a tree.
    Stiles yawns and nods, “The rain kept both of us awake.”
    “You should probably get some sleep too,” Scott says chuckling.
    “If I fall asleep then who will keep the hammock rocking,” Stiles replies with an air of sarcasm and drama.
    (Y/n) shifts the slightest bit as Scott rolls his eyes, “Alright, just let me know if you need anything then.
    “Coffee would be nice,” Stiles mumbles mostly to himself. A thermos is placed by his shoulder that (Y/n) isn’t snuggled up against so he thanks Scott before trying to figure out how to open the thermos with one hand. He finally sighs in defeat and asks Scott to come open it for him. Unable to hold his laughter, Scott returns to the hammock to open the coffee for Stiles before returning to the fire.
Taglist: @emiijemii
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vivian24l · 3 years
Day One: Family/In-laws
The Second Wayne Reunion
Damian tapped his fingers against the wheel.
“Anxious?” asked Raven.
“You know how last year turned out. I was surprised Father agreed to another reunion this year.”
One year ago, Dick had come up with the idea of having a family reunion. He had invited the whole Wayne family together under one roof once again. The results of the party didn’t end so well. Dick clearly wanted to make the reunions annual, because he once again invited everyone.
Damian took another left. They had to drive across Gotham to reach Wayne Manor. After getting married, he and Raven bought a stretch of land on the other side of Gotham. Together they designed their house and hired people to build it.
Damian let out a sigh. “That bastard, Grayson.”
“Language,” said Raven.
He glanced at the rear view mirror. Their daughter, Rashida, was asleep in the back. Although, she could be pretending. Rashida is an intelligent child, more mature than her actual age. However, she does tend to do dangerous things.
They pulled up at Wayne Manor at long last. Rashida woke up instantly.
“We're here!” she announced. The five year old got out of their car immediately to stretch her legs.
“Rae! Watch this!” shouted Mar’i. She flew up into the sky while Rae watched from the ground. Mar’i shot a green starbolt at a low cloud. The cloud lit up in green light before evaporating into thin air.
“Impressive,” commented Rae. She joined her cousin in the air. The two girls turned the clouds green and purple.
Sitting in deck chairs, Raven and Koriand’r watched the kids flying around.
“Did you teach her that?” questioned Raven.
Kori let out a laugh. “Of course not, Mar’i and Jacob discovered it. Speaking of Jacob, where is he?”
It was Raven’s turn to laugh. “I saw him with Jackson, they were building something out of Legos. How do you not know what your son is doing?”
“I’ve been very busy lately,” Kori defended herself.
“Hey sisters! Mind if I join you?” Stephanie didn’t wait for an answer, she took a seat in a chair across from Kori. “Cass and Babs will be here with the food in a few minutes.”
“Is Valkyrie joining us this year?” asked Kori.
“She sure is! Val better not drop out last minute,” said the blonde. “I can’t believe Dick allowed her to skip last year. I mean, like seriously? This is a family reunion and therefore Val can not be missing out.”
“She was on a mission,” said Raven. “Then again, you can’t blame her, this family can be quite a handful.”
“Makes me wonder how we are able to put up with them,” joked Stephanie.
“How’s the cooking going?” asked Raven.
Damian turned around to face his wife. “Fairly well,” he answered.
Raven nodded. She took in the scene. Pots and pans were on the stove. A large bowl of lettuce sat on the counter. Nearby stood a container of tofu, waiting to be opened.
“Where’s Richard? I thought he’d be cooking as well,” said Raven.
Damian let out a “tt”. He stirred the soup inside a large pot. “Grayson left an hour ago, he said something about napkins.”
“You do know that not everyone here is vegetarian, correct?” questioned Raven as she noticed that there wasn’t a single speck of meat in any of the dishes.
“I also know that they will have to pay for making me cook a meal for twenty people.”
“21, actually,” corrected Raven. “Valkyrie’s running late.”
“And there I thought she would skip like last year.”
Raven grabbed a spare apron. “I suppose it’s up to me to save everyone from eating tofu turkey tonight.”
“How heroic.”
“Mother? Father?” called Rashida.
“We’re in the kitchen, ibna,” answered Damian.
“What are you making?” Rashida stood on the tip of her toes and watched as Raven mixed together the stuffing for the turkey.
“Dinner. Would you like to help, love?” asked Raven.
“Actually I can not,” said Rashida.
“And why is that?”
“Mar’i and I are in need of some pots. We’re going to make popcorn the old fashioned way! But instead of making a fire, we’ll be heating it with our powers,” explained Rashida..
“Is anyone supervising you?” asked Damian.
“Of course, Uncle Jason’s helping us.” Rashida pulled a large pot out of the cabinet. “This will do perfectly,” she said. “Good luck on your cooking!”
“Should I be concerned that Jason is overseeing their popcorn-making?” asked Damian.
“You should have some faith in him,” said Raven.
“I think we’re done here,” said Raven.
Damian nodded. “This should be enough food for the whole family, including leftovers for everyone to take home.”
They have made a total of twelve different dishes, two-thirds of which are plant-based. Raven have also made five different types of pastries for dessert.
They left the kitchen to join the rest of the family in the living room. Selina was reading a book to her grandchildren. Rashida, however, was not with her cousins, she was throwing knives with her uncle. They took turns throwing from different positions, each time getting bullseye on the target board.
“Why couldn’t our daughter have some non-violent interests,” sighed Raven.
Damian smiled. “She’s the granddaughter of the first Batman and Trigon, and great granddaughter of Ra’s Al Ghul. And I should add that her adoptive grandfather also happens to be Superman. So I would say that throwing a few knives is perfectly fine.”
“I just want her to have a childhood full of peace and innocence, unlike ours,” Raven murmured.
“She is habibti, she is.” Damian held his wife close. They seated themselves on the couch and silently watched the scene before them.
The peace in the room could not be contained for long. Dick burst through the door holding a large bag.
“Guess what I got?” he sang.
Rashida didn’t even spare her uncle a glance. “A bag full of games,” she answered.
“Uh, yeah. Great guess, Rae,” stuttered Dick. It still intrigued him how she knew what was inside. Well she is her parents’ daughter.
Dick laid out the contents on the table. There was a wide variety of games from classic card games to Twister.
The doorbell rang as soon as he took out the last game.
“That must be Val!” Kori rose to answer the door.
A minute later, the said woman arrived in the room. She could’ve been a younger version of Cassandra, except her features are more sharp. The youngest of the Wayne siblings, Valkyrie was adopted at the age of thirteen. That was ten years ago.
She came just like her oldest adoptive brother, holding a large bag. All the kids, including Rashida, ran over to see what was inside.
“Alright, settle down first,” Valkyrie said. She pulled out four colorfully wrapped boxes and handed one to each of the kids.
Mar’i opened her box and gasped in surprise. “Thank you so much Aunt Val! They’re beautiful.” The twelve year old has received silver bracelets, similar to her mother’s, but with detailed markings on them.
When Jackson opened his box, his jaw dropped. Inside was a Build-Your-Own 3-Dimensional Holographic Projector. “Thank you Aunt Val!” said the eight year old.
Jacob’s gift was eight limited edition action figurines. “How did you-? How is this-?” The boy was so shocked to see eight expensive figurines, that were probably worth a hundred dollars each, in front of him.
“I have my ways, little one,” answered Valkyrie.
“Thank you so much,” he said, giving Valkyrie a big hug.
“Your welcome, and please I’d like some personal space.”
Rashida slowly opened her box. Inside was a white cloak. The fabric was quite unusual. It was soft, stretchy, thin, and light. Yet the fabric also felt strong, and sturdy. The bright ruby glowed in the golden clasp. Unlike Raven’s cloak, this one had sleeves. The hems and cuffs of the cloak were embroidered with intricate designs. Rashida slipped on the cloak, it fitted perfectly. “Thank you, Aunt Valkyrie,” said the five year old.
“There are no gifts for your siblings? Wow, how kind of you,” spoke up Jason.
Valkyrie smiled. “Of course not, only ones for the kids,” she pulled out two more boxes, “and the parents.”
Selina and Bruce gave her their thanks then  proceeded to open their gift. Silent received a full set of cat themed jewelry, while Bruce received a grey tie.
“I actually needed a new tie,” he said.
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talesgolden · 2 years
Character Outline
tagged: stole it from myself ! tagging: i support theft, this time largely because I don’t know who has/hasn’t done this one
Full Name:  Mahetabel “Hetty” MacPhaiden
Date of Birth:  15 April
Age: verse dependent, typically early twenties
Social Class: Working; but also, despite the fact that her family does not actively sail or raid, etc., she would be viewed as a pirate and, beyond this, as a result of having a racially mixed family, excluded from many ‘accepted’ social establishments.
Parents: Gavan & Irie MacPhaiden
Siblings: two younger sisters, Ferelith & Eilidh 
Height:  5′6″
Weight: no; Her build is average, a bit on the curvy side, and she is stronger than she looks, used to moving furniture around and lifting heavy objects
Distinguishing Features: The freckles & red curly hair single her out right away, and after that her accent (primarily Scottish with influence from her Jamaican mother) is pretty unique as well
Hair Color: Rich ruby red
Eye Color: Warm brown
What do they consider their best feature?: Her favorite feature is her hair for sure; she tends to leave it natural and sometimes ties away from her face or wrapped for protection, but mostly wears it loose and free because she likes the way it catches the light and bounces around when she moves and really loves the way it frames her face. She also really loves the way it reflects both her parents and in generally she just adores being fairly unique in terms of appearance. She and her sisters are recognizable and actually she quite likes that.
Style of dress/typical outfit(s): Mostly functional, an acceptable for a person of her age in her time. She has no desire to break from traditional norms here, and in fact quite likes being dressed Right for a setting/occasion. She doesn’t have a super wide closet (clothes are expensive) and she doesn’t have a lot of very fine fabrics/textiles (it just wouldn’t be practical, they’d get damaged) but she does aim to be put-together and wants to be viewed as a Lady, you know? She has a couple of nicer dresses for special occasions, but generally is going to be in well-tended working clothes.
Jewelry? Tattoos? Piercings?: Light on the jewelry, maybe a necklace or a bracelet, the occasional ring. She has some pieces she rotates through but they aren’t flashy, and mostly she saves them for special occasions. She has her ears pierced once, just traditional lobe piercings. She does not have any tattoos and isn’t likely to get any I don’t think.
Do they work out/exercise?: Nope. Her occupation is somewhat physically taxing, though, so she’s stronger than people might expect. She's no sword fighter, if you start trouble she can certainly hand it right back to you.
Level of Self Esteem: Moderate. She has her little world in her tavern, on Shipwreck, where she is self-assured. She knows her home and her community, the strengths and weaknesses, the accolades and dangers, and she moves through it with confidence. She’s comfortable fussing at pirate captains who start shit in her tavern, even throwing them out (with backup from her father (or Henry) of course.) If you were to take her out of her familiar surroundings, though, she’d second guess herself a lot more.
Known Languages: English, some Scots-Gaelic and Jamaican. Probably also the pidgin language common around Shipwreck.
How do they deal with stress?: Methodically. She might be having a meltdown internally, but externally she is very level-headed and steady, and good at compartmentalizing. Keeping focus and taking care of things one step at a time, as she can.
What do they do when upset?: She tends to get defensive and bossy, and very focused on being “right” instead of being kind or compassionate.
Do they believe in happy endings?: Yes. Tentatively, in a mildly guarded and realistic “they take work” way, but yes.
How do they feel about asking for help?: Accepting of it, generally. She doesn’t mind needing help with things in the least. Some things you only ask trusted people, though.
Optimist or Pessimist: Realist, she insists. (She quietly leans for optimism.)
Extrovert or Introvert: Introvert in the sense that people, eventually, wear her out, but she’s very friendly and likes creating social spaces for herself and others to enjoy.
Leader or Follower: Is there an option that’s like..... curator? Comforter? Home-base-runner?? I’m so stupid her like, official unofficial title is: Hearthkeeper. She’s not in any direct chain of command anywhere per se but she’s keeping things together, making sure there’s somewhere for the leader and the followers to land.
Makes decisions based mostly on emotions, or on logic?: She likes to claim that it’s logic, because she takes her time to think things through, but ultimately still tends to let her feelings lead her around.
Spontaneous or Planner: Planner, definitely. Capable of adapting, generally, but going to be cross about that her plans were dashed.
Thinker or Doer: I think...more of a doer? In every area except her romantic inclinations. She’s pretty practical, as a person.
Organized or Messy: Organized. Neat, even! (Neater than Henry, anyway.)
Worrier or Carefree: ....Planner? She isn’t carefree in the sense of not caring but she’s very prepared, and ready, and grounded. She doesn’t worry about things, per se, she prepares for what she thinks she needs to and then just. What comes, comes.
Artistic?: In a hands-on sort of way! She’s good at interior design, a decent seamstress, and good at hands-on crafts. No one in particular comes to mind but if it’s a like.... home-making sort of craft? She’s probably pretty good at it. She likes to decorate her spaces as her means of artistic expression.
Mathematical?: Not in an approach-to-life way, but in the sense that she’s good with numbers, yes! Very good at sums and book balancing and cost-tracking, etc. Her mental math skills are very good. She mostly applies it to maintaining the tavern, but if pressed could definitely apply it to like, general mathematics, etc.
Current marital/relationship/sexual status: Single. A bit cross about it.
Sexual orientation (is it something they question or a secret): I don’t know if it’s me or her who hasn’t figured this one out, actually, but... good question. I am almost certain she is some sort of sapphic but I’m not sure if that’s like, exclusive or not.
Views on sex (one night stands, promiscuity, etc): She is somewhat sheltered. Not exceptionally so, she knows the general functionality of things, but has no experience and a somewhat romanticized view of sex. She doesn’t have a strictly negative view of promiscuity, but it’s not something she wants for herself. She thinks sex should be saved for strong relationships you intend to keep, not as something flippant. 
Ever been in love?: Only with the idea of being in Love™
Do they fall in love easily?: No. She tends to romanticize people easily, but when it comes to actually building a bond and a relationship, it takes a lot.
Do they desire marriage and/or children in their future?: Yes to both... I think? To marriage, anyway. Children is a little more of a grey area.
Thoughts on public displays of affection?: She doesn’t mind them, but particularly gratuitous displays make her uncomfortable. She doesn’t like it when people in the tavern get handsy and wouldn’t like it at all if a partner did that kind of thing in public.
How do they show affection/love to their partner?: You know I’m really not sure. She’s never really had a romantic relationship.
Social Habits (popular, loner, some close friends, makes friends and then quickly drops them): She tends to make a handful of close friends and keep to that circle. She isn’t likely to branch out without encouragement from one of those pre-existing connections. She likes her world and the order its in.
How do they treat others (politely, rudely, keep at distance, etc)?:  She is very warm and friendly, as a general rule! Most people aren’t going to get very super close to her, but that’s not a cold barrier, just a slow build. She is somewhat quiet and keeps herself for herself and her friends, but she’s not shy or aloof. She’s good at listening and people often open up to her before she opens up to them; she’ll let them know when they’re trying to hard to get her to, as well.
Argue or avoid conflict?: She is more likely to mediate and see multiple views than to argue, but she’s perfectly comfortable speaking her mind. She prefers peace to conflict but don’t for a second think that means she’ll tolerate bullshit.
Dreams: So many romantic daydreams, but her practical (and generally known one) is to run the tavern, elevating and expanding it.
Greatest Fears: Being separated away from her family; in a similar vein, their home being destroyed. That whole the-eitc-might-end-everything from her youth left some concerns in her. Her family is vulnerable in any world but this one, with its defenses and intentional division from most of Western society.
Biggest Regret: .... get back to me some time? I’m not sure.
What they most want  to change about their current life?: Absolutely nothing except maybe we’re back to that romantic daydream. It would be nice to be In Love™, ok?
Hobbies: Reading, building her library, a little bit of sewing/seamstressing, cooking to a certain extent (it is, technically, an aspect of her job, but she enjoys it as well)
Indoors or Outdoors?: Indoors
Favorite Color: I don’t know if it’s an IC thing but I definitely associate her with peachy oranges and pinks, some soft yellows
Favorite Smell: Woodsmoke
Favorite and least favorite food: I’m not sure yet
Coffee or Tea?: Tea
Favorite type of weather: Rain, but the gentle kind. The storm in the distance, not right overhead.
Favorite form of entertainment: Books. Maybe Henry being stupid.
How do they feel about traveling?: ...Not.... particularly favorable? It takes a lot of on-the-fly energy and that’s not... really her thing. She likes building her nest, and decorating it, and maybe has a little bit of a hoarding tendency. Maybe in theory there are some places that sound lovely and interesting but home is here and safe and fulfilling, why leave it?
What sort of gifts do they like?: You mostly can’t go wrong, but bring her a book and she will fawn about it forever. Little books, big books, poetry books, fiction books, nonfiction histories. Books! Also traditional like. Flowers. She wouldn’t be mad about jewelry, dresses, etc.
Thoughts on drugs and alcohol: No particularly strong feelings on either. She’s been known to drink a bit, but typically keeps her wits. Seeing her drunk would be really rare; she deals with a lot of people who drink to excess and become some variety of nuisance in the process, and doesn’t love the idea of becoming that kind of presence to others.
Do they smoke? If so, do they want to quit?: She does not
Have they ever tried other drug? (which, what happened, consequences):  She never has but may have... sort of a passive interest? A background curiosity? A part of her that wonders very badly what it’s like, and could be persuaded to even if she also knows they’re generally not good for you and can be dangerous to explore.
Do they have any addictions?: Nope
Most important/defining event in life to date: I’m. unsure on this. A soft answer of when her father sort of... made an official show of bringing her into the fold of running the tavern?
Daily routine: Lots of work for the tavern, I really don’t think it would be interesting to list it tbh. She enjoys the work though! Likes being busy and keeping things in order, making this warm space for her family and others’ benefit. She also reguarly has errands to run around Shipwreck City, so she gets to go through the city and stuff, too.
Typical Saturday night: She is a reading-in-bed type, sorry. Every now and then Henry will convince her to go get into trouble, but mostly she has indoor activities she invests in. She is a simple girl (warm, complementary)
What is home like (messy, neat, sparse): Organized! The tavern is kept pretty neat (as neat as she can manage, given the regular clientele) and her space tends to be neat as well, though sometimes her projects-in-process get a little explosive, as she tends to leave things out in close reach when something is still going. Her family is not excessively wealthy, so they don’t have a lot in terms of finery and ornamental objects, but they’ve accumulated things living in one place and working to build it, so Hetty has begun to collect things.
Pets? if not, do they want any?: No pets I don’t think? though I think about there being a Tavern Dog sometimes. Relaxed and sleepy, but who also serves as a night time guard. That sort. She’s neither here nor there about pets.
Can they hold their breath for a long time?: She changes other peoples bedding as part of her occupation. (Yes.)
Do they know how to swim?: ..I........ Maybe not? She’s never really had a reason to learn, but also I feel like being so close to Henry might have introduced it? I dunno. Maybe a little but it’s not in her regular wheelhouse.
Can they cook (if so, how well and do they enjoy it)?: She can! She’s good at it, and frequently balances cooking with other tasks. When given the chance to slow down a bit, she likes to bake for fun as well.
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Linzin Week 2021 Day 4: Gaoling / Nobility
Note: Here is my contribution for Day 4: Gaoling / Nobility. I admit - this was a bit of a ramble, a ramble that I rather enjoyed as I tried to put into writing this plot bunny I had in mind. Hope you like it. (unedited as of posting time)
Pairing: Lin/Tenzin
Rating: Teen
One shot, AU
You may also read this in AO3.
Lin scrabbled around the room, lifting objects and crouching under furniture. Apparently, searching for clothes appeared to be challenging if they were strewn haphazardly the night before.
She crawled partially under the bed, taking care not to stay on the floor too long, to grab her shorts. Her top and underwear, meanwhile, she snatched from behind the lounge seat.
As she put on her underwear, she mused at how the past days went -her five days of independence in Ember Island.
It definitely was lovely, a nice escape from reality and the pressures of her life. She knew she had to make the most of it. It would not be long before the lackeys of her grandparents would find her.
Lin believed herself stealthy and crafty enough to escape Beifong manor undetected. She was proud to say that she did all that and managed to arrive at Ember Island without bribing anyone. She liked to think that she would have made a good criminal or detective if she were not born into the House of Beifong.
Poor Suyin. Her grandfather was sure to tighten security at home now. There was no way her younger sister would manage to have the same ‘liberties’ she had.
Lin snorted as she tied her hair up.
Not like there was a lot of freedom to begin with.
A groan came from the figure on the bed.
Lin hurried dressing up. It simply would not do to have to have that morning after conversation.
The man continued to slumber on, turning to his side, mouth open with a bit of drool at the corner of his lip.
She smiled at the view while she stuffed her other belongings into her satchel.
As much as she wanted for a repeat of the night before (and earlier that morning) and to run her fingers through his soft brown hair, the earthbender knew that her self-control would be tested. She was bound to end up not leaving at all. And that, she sighed at the memory of the pale wiry arms that were wrapped around her, would be catastrophic. There would have been no way for her to hide her identity if her family descends upon Ember Island.
After one final look, Lin Beifong slipped out of the hostel room of her technically three-night stand. She fled to the inn on the other side of the island to prepare for her trip back home.
It was unlike her to be reckless. But damn Agni, did she need this.
But, of course, her life being her life, her luck being her luck, little did she know that this act of rebelliousness would have its repercussions.
Tenzin bit his cheek to stop from furiously answering back. They were at the last leg of their diplomatic tour.
He scoffed.
More like the Search.
As in the Search for a bride.
Correction – the Search for His Bride.
It was quite tedious, honestly. They have been at it for more than a year now. His father descended from the Air Nomads but this was amount of time on the road was ridiculous.
He did not mind travelling, honestly. He enjoyed it. The feel of the wind while using his glider or the sight of the clouds while on Oogi… In fact, the misguided yet hopeful part of him saw to it that he travelled at least monthly to Ember Island, in a bid to recreate the blissful memories of a past vacation (or rather, in a bid to try and meet the earthbender again, though he failed at spotting her every time).
On the other hand, travelling with his parents meant having a retinue composed of his father’s main advisory council and security. It was fine – for the most part. Accompanying his father during his diplomatic visits around the world was unique, educational and inspiring.
What he hated was that the advisors tended to barge in at all times of the day, leaving no respite for the family when they were on the road.
Right now, for example, Abbot Yuji was going on about the status of the Northern Air Temple.
His father is the Avatar and the one of two of the last airbenders so it was expected that this was well within the territory.
What was grating was how Abbot Yuji started to describe the temple and the lovely female air acolytes that populated it.
Having an acolyte from your Air Temple married off to the family of the Avatar? Outstanding. Having an acolyte from your Air Temple married to the only single airbender? Priceless.
He was getting frustrated at the blatant -.
“Stop frowning, Tenzin.” His mother whispered to him, leaning at his side. “You know Bumi underwent the same thing.”
Oho but no, Bumi did not.
The thought made Tenzin frown deeper.
 Avatar Aang and Master Katara’s eldest son had gone ahead years ago and caused a scandal when he eloped in the Fire Nation capital. It was a love match.
Even Kya, the most free-spirited of the siblings, had discarded tradition, gotten engaged them wed to an air acolyte. It was also a love match.
Tenzin wanted the same, except, since apparently he was the only one left of his family bloodline to take over his father’s position in the Air Nation, it was close to impossible to form any lasting romantic entanglements.
There was a lot to take up, to get heavily involved in the Air Nation. To be fair, all of the children of the previously last airbender were equally exposed and poised to lead as part of their birthright. However, Bumi went on to be the consort of the Crown Princess of the Fire Nation. Then, just a few years ago, Kya agreed and, together with her wife, settled in the Southern Water Tribe to take up the mantle as the chosen heir of the late Chief, their Uncle Sokka.
That left him – Tenzin, the airbender.
The master airbender, his father would proudly introduce him – all shaved and tattooed. Despite the ceremony being a few months old, it all still felt fresh to him. It certainly felt odd to him to be shaven and so Tenzin had taken it upon himself to grow out a beard.
Anyone who would marry him would be part of the most powerful dynasties to date. His currently unmarried state was not due to the lack of prospects. And yet for some reason, his parents still saw it fit to keep going back to Gaoling.
Gaoling – which was the only city-state in the entire Earth Kingdom that had their nobles shun the Avatar and his family when they dropped by to visit last year.
Gaoling – where, coincidentally, was where they were a few miles in.
“Why do we keep going back here?” Tenzin turned to his mother once his father made his routine exit of the satomobile. Aang would usually leave the vehicle and go ahead of the convoy, using his glider to reach their destination earlier. “They don’t seem interested in meeting up with us anyway.” He was referring to the highborn family of the area.
Katara paused in the knitting she was working on. “Your father was almost betrothed to their daughter.”
This information took Tenzin aback. They all grew up hearing their parents’ epic love story. This was mainly why they had wanted the same for themselves. So, to hear that it was almost a different story was surprising.
Tenzin shook his head. “What happened?” He eyed the gates with the winged boar insignia the loomed nearer.
“Your father was going around at that time, seeking for support to campaign against the tyranny of the Fire Lord.” His mother tucked her yarn and work in progress in a weathered pouch. “It did not help his case that he had abandoned his role for years on, resulting in the Air Nomads being wiped out. There was a bit of bargaining and one of the conditions of Lao Beifong was to have the Beifong heiress wed Aang.”
Tenzin vaguely noted that the rest of their convoy turned left to the town proper while only their vehicle urged on forward.
The gong sounded from outside of the satomobile, announcing their arrival at the large ominous gate of Beifong estate.
“And then?” Tenzin prodded urgently as the gates opened and the satomobile crept slowly into the grounds of the Beifong family.
“Aang was weighing his options then when the younger Lady Beifong refused adamantly. We were turned away that same moment from the estate. In an unexpected turn of events, Toph Beifong saw it fit to defy her family and joined us. She became your father’s earthbending teacher.”
Tenzin’s eyebrows raised.
He had grown up to tales of his father’s bending masters. Only the blind earthbending master Toph, who became the world’s first metalbender, remained a bit of a mystery to him. For one thing, aside from the Monk Gyatso, he never met her. He only learned now that she has a surname.
There was a sense of anticipation now.
Maybe they will get to meet her in a few minutes?
Tenzin looked out the window. They were now parking in front of what looked to be a sprawling mansion. They have certainly made it further than they did in the last non-visit, where the guards did not even open the gates for them.
The metalbender was the stuff of legend. After having established a metalbending academy, Tenzin can find no trace of what happened to Toph Beifong.
So much was his anticipation that Tenzin did not notice the somber expression of his mother.
Lin sat in front of the dresser in her bedroom, silently watching as her grandmother’s maid finished tucking her thick black hair into a bun and placing the last strand of beads coiled around it. After ascertaining that she did not need any further help, the maid made herself scarce, stating she will be back once Lady Beifong called for Lady Lin’s attendance.
Lin blinked once at her reflection on the dresser mirror.
She did not feel like herself.
She tilted her head.
She did not look like herself either.
If she were to be honest, the last time she truly felt like herself was the reprieve she had during her stolen time in Ember Island.
Breathing deeply, she reached for a tissue. Methodically, the young woman wiped off one side of her face, then the other.
She blinked again as the angry red marks on her cheek became visible.
A touch of his wife on his arm and Avatar Aang knew what she was asking.
It was unusual for none of the Beifongs to be standing in attendance to welcome their visitors.
Aang tucked his wife’s arm into his and patted it. He nodded to his son to follow.
Various household staff bowed to them as Aang led them deeper into the manor. Tenzin looked around curiously, keeping himself within hearing distance of his parents.
“Lord Beifong is in bad shape; he has been since the fire that broke out in the estate last year.” Aang finally shared.
Katara gasped in dismay, gripping Aang’s arm tightly. “And Lady Beifong?”
“She’s doing the best she could. She is…coping.”
“And their grandchildren?”
Aang shrugged weakly, stating he had not seen the grandchildren of the Beifongs yet.
“Is this why they are now considering the proposal…?” Katara trailed off, tossing a quick glance at their son who was seemed to be preoccupied by the framed portraits they were passing.
The Avatar nodded. “I had hoped it would be a joyous occasion, but this is what we’re dealt with.”
Tenzin clutched the warm teacup, looking into the dark tea in contemplation with what he had learned so far.
He sat at his parents’ side at the formal tearoom of the Beifongs, a silent participant and observer. Across them, Lady Poppy Beifong sat demurely, seemingly fragile and with the graceful bearing of someone born into the nobility. The airbender found it hard to believe that this woman gave birth to his father’s tough earthbending master.
Pleasantries were exchanged at the beginning and a stream of maids served them tea and an assortment of light snacks. His father shared about the different festivals across the nations that they had attended recently while his mother told stories about the flora they encountered during their trips. Even he was called upon to talk about the developments across the reconstruction of the Air Temples. Lady Beifong calmly spoke about the renovations in their estate, to revive the areas that the fire had touched.
After some obscure statements that were traded among the other people in the room, Tenzin was struck by the realization.
Toph Beifong was dead.
For how long – Tenzin tried to recall of portraits in the hallway – it must have been a long time ago as all of the portraits and photographs were quite dated.
Oddly enough, grandchildren (Toph’s children?) were mentioned and yet there were no photographs of them.
Lin tapped her fingers somewhat nervously on the armrests. She tried to get engrossed in the book she was reading, but her mind was not into it.
A few rooms down, her future was being decided, so much for being a young woman of independent means.
 As expected, upon her return from Ember Island, Lin received the scolding of her life. Never mind that she was already in the twenties – running off on her own was unbecoming of a Beifong Lady.
Words were said. Lord Lao Beifong’s word was final and his granddaughter had no other recourse but to continue to submit to the duties of the Beifong heiress. The families that depended on their lands for a living were part of her responsibility. Both the Beifongs and their staff flourished under Lin’s attention. Lao was pleased with the profitability of their produce and in turn, with Lin. At least, until it became a Problem.
Once it became apparent, Lord and Lady Beifong cut down the number of their staff and security, locking once again the Beifong gates, unwelcome to any visitors. It was during this period when the Avatar and family had passed by for a diplomatic visit the year prior.
It was also in this situation, a few months later, did fire strike in the household. With the limited staff, it took a long time to get the fire under control. By then, her grandfather, who had been at the indoor arboretum at the time, had inhaled much of the smoke.
Lin and her sister had sought to pry open the gates of the arboretum that had gotten tighter during the fire. In a miscalculated move, metal shrapnel that Suyin fashioned out of her practice cables flew from her grasp and hit Lin as they both struggled to release their grandfather. Despite the blood dripping to her chin and Suyin’s teary apologies, Lin did not pause and endured the pain while working on metalbending the gates open.
They did succeed though Lord Beifong was not the same presence as he used to be.
Once assured that her grandfather would live, Lin endured one of the longest nights of her life.
 Since then, changes as to how the household was run were made. Since then, Lin took it upon herself to manage the estate as penance. After all, if it were not for her situation, her reckless behavior, there would have been adequate support in the estate to prevent the fire from spreading.
Bringing herself back to the present, Lin stopped her woolgathering as the knock on the door signaled that her presence was wanted by her grandmother and her visitors.
With one last look, Lady Lin stood to meet with her prospective in-laws.
Tenzin waited in tense silence with his parents.
He knew the drill – they had done this song and dance numerous times with other noble families around the different nations. Discussions about potential courtships between him and the daughter, eliciting information about familial expectations and loyalties… Nonetheless, not a single marital agreement came about.
One word from him and his parents would cease and back off from the negotiation or pursuing the potential bride.
Today, however, sitting in the opulent tearoom in the Earth Kingdom while waiting for Lady Beifong and her granddaughter, felt different. There was something in the air, a history that seemed to tie the two families. Or at least, the Avatar and his earthbending master (who, Tenzin learned had quietly passed during the birth of her second daughter).
Lady Beifong’s shoes echoed at the corridor, followed by a softer set of steps.
The door slid open.
Lin kept her head bowed as she greeted the family of the Avatar.
A Beifong lady keeps her eyes averted. So, she did.
A Beifong lady keeps silent until spoken to. So, she did.
She sat down beside her grandmother, hands crossed on her lap, vaguely paying attention to the discussion.
That was why she was surprised to feel a cool hand touching her scarred cheek.
“…Introduce you to my granddaughter.”
 Everything paused for Tenzin when Lady Beifong stepped aside to present the younger Lady Beifong.
 He caught sight of her face.
Her eyes. He will never forget those eyes.
 He went through the motions next, his body on autopilot as his mind brought up memories he frequently revisited.
 Those eyes which crinkled in laughter when he dropped her in the sea.
Those eyes whose pupils dilated in the dark as he gripped her thighs high.
Those eyes which rested on his without judgment while he whispered his fears of not being a good enough bender for his parents.
 Lin now sat before him, where he now found it easy to observe her.
Her face – her porcelain skin was slashed --- who could have done this, what could have happened?
He was barely aware of what he was doing, he reached out gingerly to touch –.
Lin looked at him aghast.
His parents and her grandmother faced them in alarm.
Lin stood up. “Excuse me, everyone, grandmother, may I be excused?” Without waiting for a response, she bowed and rapidly made her way out of the room.
“I-I-I,” Tenzin stammered, dazed. “I apologize I don’t know what came over me.” He motioned to follow. “I need to find Lin.” He bowed and went out as well.
It took them a few more minutes to recover from what happened.
And it took them several more to realize that they never did mention yet Lin’s name to Tenzin.
“Wait, Lin – I’m sorry – wait!” Tenzin managed to grab her arm when she turned at the end of the corridor.
Lin shrugged him off. “How dare you!” She gritted out, each word hard with controlled anger. “Just because I look like this,” She waved a hand in the direction of her scarred cheek. “I don’t fit the mold of the perfect debutant your parents might wish for you – you don’t have the right to -!”
“Lin, I’m sorry – and it’s… it’s me!” He placed his hand on his chest. “Tenzin, from the beach.”
“No, you’re not.” Lin stared at him.
“I’m Tenzin – from Ember Island, don’t you remember me?” He plodded on, almost desperately. Didn’t their encounter mean anything to her like it did for him?
“No, you’re not him.” Lin shook her head frantically. “Were you hired by grandmother? Suyin? This isn’t a funny joke.” Her voice rose a pitch with each sentence.
Then it clicked.
Damn – his hair.
Maybe Bumi was right – his personality came with his hair.
“No, Lin, it really is me – I – I’m a master bender now.” He raised his hands up, showing the tips of the tattooed arrows.
Lin took a step back, finally taking in the man who was her potential betrothed.
It couldn’t be…could it?
He did sound and look like the Tenzin she met last year…
Then it clicked that it was him.
How could she not have recognized him when she had retreated to thinking about their time in Ember Island as an escape…
 “Excuse me, Lady Lin? It’s his feeding time.”
Lin froze, almost regretting her instruction to the governess that she could interrupt whatever Lin was doing at any time. She swallowed thickly, ignoring Tenzin’s dumbfounded expression and plastered a smile on her face.
She turned to the governess who had been looking for her and reached out her arms to take the precious bundle for her.
“Hello, dear, are you hungry now?” Lin Beifong nuzzled the baby in her arms.
Footsteps clattered nearer to where they stood.
Lady Beifong, Master Katara and Avatar Aang came to a halt as they rounded the corner.
Lin, Tenzin and even the baby turned to face the new arrivals.
Tenzin leaned forward, gravitating towards the child, who blinked back at him with bright grey eyes.
“Sweetie,” Katara started cautiously. “Not to be anything but – don’t forget about propriety, don’t act too...familiar with them.” Her eyes darted towards the Beifongs and their staff, likely worried that any action might be turned against him and he would not escape the situation unscathed.
“I think I’ve done more than enough to be familiar with Lin, mother.” The airbender tickled the nose of the child, to the outraged gasp of Lady Beifong and the widened eyes of his mother.
Silence fell on the group.
The baby giggled as he rubbed his nose.
Lin and Tenzin shared a look of awe.
 Of all their trips to Gaoling, Avatar Aang could claim that this was his favorite.
The day he met his airbending grandson.
Avatar Aang and Master Katara’s children all grew up hearing their parents’ epic love story. This was mainly why they had wanted the same for themselves.
The eldest, Bumi eloped with his childhood sweetheart, the Fire Nation’s Crown Princess Izumi. It was a love match.
Their only daughter Kya married her air acolyte wife in a simple Southern Water Tribe ceremony. It was also a love match.
Their youngest child, Tenzin wed the mother of his child, Lady Lin Beifong of Gaoling. It was, as everyone concluded, also a love match.
Note: And that's the end~. Love it or hate it - let me know!
22 notes · View notes
shihalyfie · 4 years
“Dependable senior” Kido Jou
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Continuing my thread of analyzing the Adventure characters in detail, today we’ll be talking about Jou, Adventure’s most famous disaster character whom most of us have probably started feeling may actually be the most relatable character in this cast. It’s hard not to love him, honestly, given how earnestly he works so hard at everything and yet has an unfortunate tendency to dig himself into a hole.
Let’s just cut to the chase and talk about Jou!
Jou’s family background
Adventure is of course known for its overall focus on family backgrounds, but Jou’s is fairly different from the others’ for a lot of different reasons. We never meet Jou’s parents in the series itself, only in a drama CD, but we do meet his brother, Kido Shin -- and in fact, Jou’s the only Adventure kid to have siblings outside of the group (two, in fact, although we don’t meet Shuu until 02).
Jou’s family is what’s often called an “elite” family -- one that pushes for its kids and family members to have a certain degree of “high status” through their career. Even those in non-Asian countries will probably recognize that academic achievement measurement pressure is endemic to the culture in general -- especially since Japan has standard entrance exams go all the way down to high school level -- but it is especially prominent in the case of the Kido family, and Jou’s father has been pushing all three of his sons to become doctors, largely because he wants one of them to inherit his clinic. (While it’s not as extreme as Sora’s problem with iemoto position inheritance, Jou’s position of being in inheritance pressure is not entirely dissimilar.) It also means that just being any kind of doctor isn’t enough for him -- it’s got to be one of the “dignified and prominent” kinds of doctors (heavily implied to involve surgery, given the mention of blood).
In addition, while it’s not strictly said within the series itself, it’s implied that Jou is feeling a lot of pressure in terms of being the youngest of three sons, when the older two have a huge age gap with him. Jou is only in elementary school, while his second oldest brother is in high school and his oldest brother already a medical student! (By the time Adventure is over, both brothers are in national university, which is a really tough achievement.) Within his family, Jou really is The Baby compared to two high-achieving brothers who are already “well on their way to great things”.
In order to be on the path of becoming a doctor, Jou starts off the series, only in elementary school, in the “prep school track” -- or, what’s basically a constant cycle of getting into a good school so that he can get into another good school so that he can get into another good school (et cetera). Again, Japanese schools have entrance exams as early as high school, so this is something he’ll be setting on very early. I also cannot emphasize enough that for anyone who has to go through this process, it is absolute hell. I have never met anyone who actually enjoys doing this; it’s a means to an end. It’s very hard to have your heart into this unless you want the final goal that badly -- vague promises of status alone don’t do it -- and even those who do want it often end up demotivated and going through the motions with their will broken partway into it.
And, unfortunately for Jou, he’d already had a good reason to not want to do this from day one.
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Jou has severe blood phobia. (Formally called “hemophobia”, although I tend to avoid that term given that it’s one letter off from something else.) Shin even makes it clear in this scene from Adventure episode 38 that any doubts about Jou’s ability to become a doctor don’t have anything to do with his personality or abilities, but the fact is that this is, indeed, a very serious and concrete problem for someone who intends to become a doctor (or at least, again, the kind of doctor that his father wants him to be). It’s possible that Jou outright fainting at the sight of blood might be a bit of an exaggeration, but it’s definitely enough of a deterrent that he’s not feeling this whole thing at all, and convincing him to actually care about becoming a doctor is going to require a huge uphill battle. By default, the answer was already a huge, capital NO in giant letters before anything ever began. And yet, Jou continued to force himself to go through the motions.
It should also be made clear that while Jou’s father was pressuring him to become a doctor, he was also not trying to force Jou to become one. The drama CD where he appears had him actually outwardly encourage Jou to do whatever he wanted instead of forcing himself -- but it was also extremely clear that he was still personally very unhappy and dissatisfied with the idea of all three brothers not taking over his clinic. As much as the Kido brothers do seem to be concerned about their father’s disapproval, it’s less so out of fear of retribution and more that they just really worry about disappointing him. Hence, this is why Jou continues to follow the path even when he’s not really feeling it, and it’s important to understanding Jou as a character for the rest of this post: Jou has no personal interest in status or honor, but is motivated by his sense of duty towards other people. 
Even so, “because my father really wants me to” isn’t exactly very motivating in itself, and, all in all, Jou starts off Adventure very jaded about his future prospects, and rather demotivated and uninterested in them. But come the events of Adventure, Jou, the aforementioned “baby of the family”, gets recasted as the oldest in the group -- which becomes a huge factor in how he ends up changing his view of himself and his personal goals.
Jou in Adventure
Jou starts off the series assigned as Mimi’s camp group leader, but even Mimi senses an aura from him that he doesn’t seem very “reliable”. In this case, the word “reliable” doesn’t refer to his Crest name (which did get a dub name of “Reliability”) but rather various words that effectively mean “able to be counted on”. Which, at this early point of the story, Jou is decidedly not. Once the adventure gets off the ground, Jou easily succumbs to stress, and especially the stress and burden placed on him from being the oldest in the group.
If you’re wondering if that one-year difference between Jou and Taichi/Yamato/Sora really is that big of a deal, culturally speaking: yes, it is (especially when everyone’s at this young age), and Jou isn’t just being stickler about it. You can actually see an example of how this comes into play once they return to regular society in Adventure episode 29, when the kids are allowed to go to Hikarigaoka purely because “a sixth-grader” (Jou) is with them. This is the kind of responsibility that society normally imposes on him, and this is what he carries even into another world.
In fact, Jou’s aware even from the get-go that he’s not exactly cut out for that kind of role. From the Adventure novels:
Jou thought about it. He, too, felt sorry for the younger boy… but it would be over for his leadership if he went back on what he’d already decided. Give them an opening and they’ll soon be walking all over him. He just couldn’t have that. Jou was all too aware of his own often indecisive personality. ... When they heard what had transpired between her and Jou, Yamato and the others glared coldly in Jou’s direction. What was this, a dictatorship?
As a result, he initially rubs everyone the wrong way because, in their view, he’s trying to impose his will on everyone like some control freak, but as it turns out, being a control freak is actually part of Jou’s stress response.
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Said control freakishness manifests in Jou constantly spending the early part of the series by leaning back on “the rules of society” -- including the early series running gag of him insisting that there must be “adults” there, when this is clearly not the case to everyone else present -- because, for someone like him who easily gives into stress and anxiety and has a nasty tendency to become incredibly irrational, leaning on those “rules” is some degree of comfort to him. Now that he’s been dragged into another world, he’s desperately clawing at anything that can bring his sense of “reality” back -- hence why he keeps relying on the concept of “adults”, because the truth is that he himself isn’t actually that capable of handling the situation on his own, and he’s trying to convince himself that there’s Some More Reliable Thing Out There that they can fall back on.
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The infamous “egg scene” in Adventure episode 7 is certainly comedic when Jou overreacts to everyone harmlessly listing off things they like on their eggs, but things quickly take a turn for the dramatic when Jou practically has a mental breakdown over it. In the end, Jou so easily succumbs to anxiety that even little things like “being a little out of order” stress him out to no end. The world is easy to understand and explain when everything is in the right place, and chaos has a tendency to completely disorient him.
But on the other hand, it’s also in Adventure episode 7 where we learn that Jou’s control freak behavior isn’t because he actually cares about any kind of status or honor for being the oldest, but because he truly, truly feels responsible for everyone’s welfare.
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“Because I’m the oldest” is a statement that Jou means in the context of him having a duty to protect everyone -- beyond everything, the one thing that does make Jou passionate is how much he truly, truly cares about other people’s welfare, to the point he impulsively throws himself onto the Black Gear-controlled Unimon and tries to yank the gear out with his bare hands. In fact, said episode demonstrates that Jou can be recklessly self-sacrificial when he wants to be, because his failed attempts at dispute resolution lead him to conclude that he should be the one to take one for the team. For all it’s worth, Jou has the right idea when it comes to trying to take leadership, because he’s very much doing this for the welfare of others more than he ever cares about himself or the glory of the position -- it’s just that, being rather reckless, rather paranoid, and not very good at actually thinking straight, his way of going about it doesn’t tend to always land right.
But it’s undeniable that he cares, and he’s trying, and this leads to a shift in how the rest of the team comes to perceive him for the rest of the series now that they understand that his intentions really are for their sake, not because he’s trying to be a jerk about it.
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And that comes out to be the one most prominent trait about Jou for the rest of the series, especially in Adventure episodes 23 and 36 -- as much as an unpredictable loose cannon as he can be, he’s so loyal to his friends and determined to protect them that he would even recklessly throw himself into the line of fire for them. That’s the basis of his Crest, which is something that’s been translated half a dozen different ways, but all boil down to the same principle: he has a strong sense of duty and responsibility to other people, and will always make do on his promises to others or his desire to provide for them.
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After a few of their initial bad starts, the Adventure kids never treat him badly -- in fact, both Sora and Mimi respectfully call him “Jou-senpai” as if to acknowledge his position over them in school, something that’s stuck very well with the actual fanbase (more on this later). Of course, everyone tends to get exasperated at him or worry about whether he’ll actually pull through on anything he attempts, but the majority of the humor revolving around Jou in Adventure has very little to do with anyone insulting or tormenting him, and more that he tends to be so dramatic and high-strung that he kind of digs himself into a hole. (Like how he tries to angrily chastise everyone for spending their money on food in Adventure episode 30, only for the revelation that he’s starving himself to kick in and for him to sink into the exact opposite extreme.) Ultimately, everyone comes to understand that Jou’s working really hard for their sake, so they cut him a bit of slack.
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In fact, while Taichi initially complains about Jou sitting out of their trip to Shibaura to find the eighth child for the sake of entrance exam studies in Adventure episode 32, the kids strike a compromise by dumping all of their phone call work on him. Of course, this is a bit of “revenge” for him not accompanying them, but it is effectively the other kids respecting his right to sit out and not have to completely give up on his real life obligations even in the middle of the eighth child search, by allowing him to participate in the search in a way that’s more convenient for him.
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But despite diligently sticking to the motions, Jou doesn’t actually emotionally care about all of this. We even get a hint of this in Adventure episode 35 -- Jou gets what he calls “the worst grade in his life,” presumably due to all of the stress he’d been going through lately, having just gotten back from the Digital World and all. He also bounces back incredibly quickly, saying that he’ll have to call and inform his parents he’ll be back late.
In the end, Jou doesn’t really care about his grades or performance when it comes to cram school, even despite insisting on sticking to it, because he’s just not feeling it. He doesn’t even want to be a doctor all that much; he has no true motivation and no reason to care. (The only time Jou is ever portrayed as actually liking doing any kind of studying at all rather than doing it as obligation is when everyone’s listing off what they miss doing in Adventure episode 6, but it’s in a context where everyone’s talking about missing home, so it’s more of him missing his daily routine and what’s “familiar” to him than anything else.) He went through the motions, and was slightly disappointed about the grade, but the “ultimate goal” of becoming a doctor had no personal meaning to him, and so he shrugs it all off.
Jumping in physical danger to save someone’s life? That’s a no-brainer -- Jou would easily throw himself into the line of fire to do so, because he’s so passionate about protecting other people and taking responsibility for them that he’ll gladly sacrifice himself for anyone else in a heartbeat. But this whole thing about becoming a doctor and his future career is such a vague thing that he doesn’t even want that it’s arguably more of his “required daily routine” than it’s actually something he cares about all that much.
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And so, we finally meet Kido Shin, in Adventure episode 38 -- he’s the oldest of the Kido brothers, already a medical student, and, ostensibly, the one closest to their father’s goal of having doctor sons. Yet his first appearance indicates that even he doesn’t have it all together, either -- he sleeps in the closet (Jou didn’t even know about this!), and somehow just slept through all of his surroundings being kidnapped. So even one of Jou’s apparent models is a bit of a disaster himself -- and, more importantly, Shin leaves some advice with Jou that sticks with him for the rest of the series.
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Shin does not intend to be a doctor in the way their father wants him to be (remember, he specifically wants them to take over his clinic). This is Jou’s first time hearing about this, which is important because it means it’s the first time Jou is having such a major shakeup to his likely perception of Shin as a “prior example” -- and Shin knows this, because he promptly uses himself as an example of why Jou should also be free to choose his own path. Jou being the Kido family’s “baby” especially comes out in the novel, because Shin implies that he thinks Shuu would feel independent enough to not need any advice about this, whereas Jou definitely needs it.
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We don’t get follow-up on this until after they return to the Digital World, and Mimi witnessing a handful of deaths and eventually Taichi and Yamato falling out brings her to her emotional limit; Jou decides to take responsibility for her, and while part of it is presumably because he’s had charge of her as her camp group leader since the beginning, it’s also clear that the recent events in the Digital World are weighing on him in their own way, as are Shin’s words about finding his own path.
What he wanted to tell her was this: that he didn’t see any likelihood of co-existing with the Dark Masters, and that they had no other choice but to fight them. Even a neutral country like Switzerland had a military. They would be invaded by enemy countries without one. It would be nice and ideal if they used the nonviolent resistance approach as Ghandi did. But that didn’t mean it was okay to just be killed without lifting a finger… But not even he could find a good answer.
QUESTION: Under what circumstances is it okay to battle?
That sort of question would never appear on a school test, and he’d never once thought about it before…
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But on their way, Jou and Mimi encounter Ogremon and Leomon, and for the first time, Jou’s peripheral knowledge of medicine from his father starts having a practical use -- up until then, “becoming a doctor” had only been something that he’d been following for a vague sense of status that he didn’t even want, but here, Jou starts to see the connection between that goal and what it would mean for what he wants: to be able to help people right in front of him. Shortly after, when Leomon’s death turns out to involve injuries beyond that a sixth-grader can take care of with his limited supplies (”toilet paper won’t fix this!”), Jou is suddenly hit with a certain sense of reality: if Jou wants to truly help others, there is much more of a skillset he’s going to need to gather in order to do so.
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So by the time of Adventure episode 50, Shin’s words now weigh so much on Jou that he’s even dreaming about them, and he finally internalizes those words of “everyone taking their own path”. In short, this is Jou acknowledging that fighting isn’t the only way to meaningfully contribute -- after all, Mimi has a severe aversion to fighting or seeing more casualties and thus can better meaningfully contribute by gathering allies to work together, while Taichi and Koushirou are directly in the front lines.
Jou, ostensibly, decides to go off and find Yamato, but there’s another layer under this: Jou admits that he’s not very strong, so much to the point that he doesn’t think Gomamon will reach Ultimate, and feels like there should be “something only he can do”. The full answer to what Jou started touching on here, and what he ends up doing thereafter, is stated in explicit words in Two-and-a-Half Year Break:
When we were in the Digital World last summer, many of the Digimon got injured and died. I couldn’t do anything for them, even though I was a doctor’s son. I don’t want to ever feel useless again! Not when someone is hurt in front of me. The Digital World doesn’t have a doctor. They need someone who’ll be able to heal them. Even now, I carry around a simple first-aid kit just in case the Gate opens again. Because of it, my bag is always crammed. And my arms are becoming muscular. [laughs] Really! By the way, I have a problem. Of course, I’ll be doing regular doctor studies, but I’ll be treating Digimon, you know? Don’t you think I’ll need to study veterinary medicine too in order to heal them? 
And thus, Jou finds the all-important link that actually motivates him to want to become a doctor -- the one thing that had always been a constant about Kido Jou was that he could not leave people behind when they needed help right in front of him. Or in other words, he has a marvelous case of Good Samaritan syndrome (a whole eleven years before Kudou Taiki, at that!). “Feeling useless” is pretty much on the very, very top of the list of things he hates the most. And, by his own admission, “fighting” is not really his specialty, and he doesn’t even particularly like it himself.
But he wants to meaningfully contribute in some way, and now, here’s an option that isn’t fighting: he has the roots in a talent for treating the wounded and preventing casualties that way. All he has to do is hone it. And just like how Shin decided that he specifically wanted to be a doctor in a place where a doctor would be needed most, Jou also decides he specifically wants to be a doctor for the Digital World, because that is something he can meaningfully provide for instead of becoming a doctor for the status.
He’s still going to disappoint his father this way, but never mind that: he’s found something that he wants, and it’s his own path, like Shin told him to follow. And yes, that means even if he has to fight his own blood phobia to do so.
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And this becomes very important to how he’s able to confidently help bring Sora out of her darkness-induced spiel in Adventure episode 51, where she -- who has a problem with a compulsive tendency to burn herself out in helping others -- starts falling into despair because she caves to the pressure of having to save everyone. Yamato and Jou, together, simply re-shift her frame of mindset: it’s not that being a Chosen Child is about trying and failing to fulfill a particular duty, it’s that there’s a situation happening and they are actively making the choice to do everything they can. Because, really, Jou himself understands it best -- he’s never been someone good at doing things because other people tell him to, he’s someone who’s gotten this far because of his own personal sense of responsibility and priorities being so strong, and that’s why he’s capable of pushing on with his own path and what he wants.
02 and beyond
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Jou was, unfortunately, forced to sit out the events of Our War Game!, but as far as blaming him for it goes, it’s really hard to; he had no idea this was going on at all, and by the time the incident had hit climax, he was already in the test room and impossible to be contacted. (You can imagine he was probably quite upset about not having been able to help out afterwards.) As for why nobody tries to pull him out the way they do end up pulling him aside a few times in 02, it’s because this isn’t just a practice exam for prep school -- this is THE exam. Remember, this kind of lifestyle involves a chain of needing to get into a good school to get into a good school to get into a good school, and Jou is aiming for a national university like his brothers; this actually could impact the rest of his career, and given that the other kids respect how important this is to him, it’s also understandable that they’d be a bit hesitant to pull him aside from this.
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We’re first properly reintroduced to Jou in 02 episode 5. Unlike Taichi, Yamato, Sora, and Koushirou, Jou does not attend Odaiba Middle School, which means that, assuming that the Adventure universe Odaiba is like the real-life one in which Odaiba (Koyo) Elementary and Middle are the only schools on the island, Jou regularly spends his school and prep school days off the island and quite separated from the others. Instead, Jou attends a private middle school (hence why he had to take an exam to get in), presumably one that’s intended to help him on the medical school track.
But despite that, his first major scene in the series is to ditch prep school to go help Gomamon. For someone who doesn’t know Jou very well, this probably would seem appalling -- that someone so studious would be so willing to ditch at the drop of a hat -- but anyone who does know him well would probably not be surprised; after all, “being a doctor” is still a far-off dream, whereas Gomamon needs help now, and the number one thing Jou can’t stand is to leave people in need behind.
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Unlike with Taichi, Yamato, Sora, and Koushirou, who all have some degree of connection to the 02 juniors in some way (Taichi and Yamato being Hikari and Takeru’s brothers, Taichi and Sora having known Daisuke from the soccer club, and Koushirou having known Miyako from the soccer club), Jou is a complete stranger when he’s introduced to Daisuke, Miyako, and Iori, with Digimon-related work being the only connection they have to him at all. Despite that, the new 02 kids, being well-behaved juniors who really look up to their elders, immediately endear themselves well to him -- in fact (you can thank @takerusfedora​ for this observation), Miyako squishing Poromon in delight upon seeing him, and the context she usually does this in, hints that she might even see him as attractive. (Considering that he’s a prospective medical student from an elite family, this probably shouldn’t be too surprising.)
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While the fact he’s medical school bound isn’t explicitly brought up in the series itself, the fact he’s well on that path is already pretty evident by his actions, given that he comes stocked with heating pads and other medical supplies, just in case. Takeru comments on him always being prepared -- because he’s constantly thinking of other people and how he can be useful to them.
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This episode also marks the beginning of a particular relationship between Jou and Iori, which is quite an interesting one considering that we’re talking about the oldest and the youngest of the group of eleven (not quite twelve yet) Tokyo Chosen Children at this point. As many point out even within this episode, Jou and Iori have a lot in common, and it’s likely Jou sees a bit of himself in Iori -- someone who has a firm insistence on principles (even beyond the point of practicality), but also is protective of others and hates to see them hurt. Not only that, Iori had even gotten a similar lesson from his grandfather earlier in the episode about the importance of “making one’s own decisions” -- and so, the two share common ground in Iori having ditched his “duty” to practice kendo with his grandfather that day in order to help Gomamon, and Jou having done likewise via ditching his prep school classes. Because Iori will always have more kendo lessons, and this certainly won’t be the last prep school class Jou has, but these are effectively two kindred spirits who care so much about friends in need that prioritizing them over all else is non-negotiable.
Jou compliments Iori by calling him “dependable”, which is a huge compliment coming from someone who, at this point of the story, regularly attracts comments like “dependable senior”. 02-era Jou gets this kind of reference a lot in press materials and fan descriptions of him, because now that he’s matured a bit and isn’t as prone to making ridiculous, reckless decisions or being as emotionally high-strung, his on-point aspects like being very on-task and always keeping his word are much more visible.
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Well, that said, he still kind of starts screaming loudly as soon as he hears his dad is supposedly in trouble in the middle of his exam in 02 episode 16, so he’s still a little emotionally high-strung. But never mind that!
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As usual (especially since this is most likely a practice exam, one of many Jou will be taking for the next year), Jou doesn’t mind being interrupted all that much; it’s not like exams are any fun anyway, so of course Jou doesn’t really care about being pulled from it, especially when Daisuke and the others are literally suffocating to death at that exact moment.
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Unfortunately, for Iori, this entire incident is a convergence of things totally eating away at his psyche; he’s still blaming himself for everyone being trapped down there, he’s just placed a burden on Jou, and his grandfather had just said that lying is the worst thing that one could ever do, so now Iori thinks of himself a horrible, undeserving person. But Jou is someone who empathizes with being so stuck on “principles” that you forget the big picture, and reframes it in a way Iori can understand: lies are bad when they hurt people, but in this case, not lying would have led to much, much worse happening, and both Iori and Jou share that common ground of absolutely hating the feeling of standing by and doing nothing while others are in trouble.
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We also finally meet the third (or, technically, second) Kido brother in 02 episode 33, Kido Shuu -- and while we don’t see him interact directly with Jou (at least, not until the drama CD), what we learn about him contextualizes Jou’s situation even further: Shuu not only decided to leave the path of inheriting his father’s clinic, he’d also decided to ditch the medical school path entirely, switching to humanities because he was so fascinated by Professor Takenouchi’s work. That’s a pretty drastic shift, but, as Shin had said in the novel, Shuu is the type to be independent enough to do whatever he wants without Shin even having to advise him of this, and given that he made this decision less than a year after the events of Adventure, it was likely a huge motivator in Jou deciding that their prior “example” of being medical students wasn’t necessarily something he needed to follow when both of his own brothers weren’t even following that standard anymore to begin with.
And, much like with Jou, Shuu’s new chosen profession also brings him closer to the Digimon, except in an “understanding more about them” sense rather than Jou’s medical sense. So, just like Shin wanted, all three brothers found their own paths.
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In Diablomon Strikes Back, Jou is thankfully blessed with being much more available to deal with the conflict; he starts off stuck in a long line to register for high school in the midst of scrambled records, but comes to assist Daisuke and Ken with a bike as soon as he’s able. This movie being quite the comedic one, you get to see a bit of his disaster tendencies slip back in as he scrambles to help everyone -- but, as always, he’s doing his best.
A lot of people have also pointed out that the movie spends an awful amount of scenes depicting him in the company of the girl he borrowed the bike from, which has led to a few amusing extrapolations, but at the base level implies that he at the very least wanted to make absolute sure that her bike was safely returned to her once everything is over -- after all, Jou would hate to be responsible for someone losing a bike, or in debt to someone. He’s someone who fulfills his obligations, after all.
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By the time Jou actually is in medical school in Kizuna, he truly has become among the crowd too busy to participate regularly in Digimon incident tackling (similar to Sora and Mimi), but To Sora indicates that he’s still keeping tabs on everyone through their group chat and emotionally supporting them, and it’s made clear in both the short and the overall movie that the rest of the group is sympathetic to and understanding of how difficult life is to juggle with all of this. Not only that, much like how Jou stated back in Adventure that he was looking for a way to meaningfully contribute and help out besides just fighting, Jou plays an important role in using his position to tend to all of the Eosmon kidnapping victims.
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At least, until he ends up becoming a victim himself and is actually dragged into the fight -- and, now that he’s actually on the spot and the conflict is right in front of him, he approaches it with enthusiastic gusto, indicating that he’s still able to be as emotionally high-strung as ever.
We get more info on Jou in his Memorial Story short, “Kido Jou: Medical Student” (which takes place at some unspecified point before the movie), where we learn that Gomamon is still worried about how much that blood phobia thing might impact Jou’s career, and “tests” him by having himself and Agumon pose as mock victims. Jou, very tired and not in a mood to play, snaps at him (rather understandably, given that Gomamon is kind of being a bit insensitive here), but when Gomamon is injured, Jou immediately puts everything aside to help him, even through -- yep -- blood.
Again, it’s not entirely clear how severe Jou’s blood phobia was back when he was a kid, but it’s at least put on the table that Jou’s figured out a way to push past that in order to fulfill his dream, and especially when it involves a loved one being hurt in front of him. Jou tires himself out pretty badly with the work, but hey -- he used to jump recklessly into physical line of fire for his friends, so of course that kind of thing is nothing to him. (But he still apparently is a bit lacking in the confidence department.)
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Because Jou was lucky enough to be able to concretely decide on what he wanted to do as early as elementary school, Jou’s epilogue career is naturally the single most straightforward, and really just amounts to “you know that thing he wanted to do? He did it.” And indeed, he becomes the Digital World’s first doctor -- presumably not inheriting his father’s clinic, nor following a high-status expected path, but choosing to become a pioneer in a place he has a deep emotional stake in, in a place where he’s needed because there are no alternatives. And, of course, he’s depicted treating Ogremon, who was effectively Jou’s first “patient” all the way in Adventure, the first step in him realizing that this was his path, and his alone.
Jou occupies an interesting position in the Digimon fanbase in terms of memes, considering that there’s a fanbase meme of over a decade where anything relevant to him gets people spamming “JOOOOOOOOOOOOO” (with varying levels of Os). Being a comedic but lovable character who tries his hardest but repeatedly runs himself into a corner, he also happens to resonate much harder with the adults in the audience rewatching the series, because all of us as disaster adults can just so easily look at him and go “oh, that’s me.” He also seems to be inexorably tied to the word “senpai”, given that so many characters call him that (including the 02 kids, who never went to school with him); after a certain point it’s hard to dispute that he (especially in 02) exudes this kind of “dependable senior” aura, and, like with “Ken-chan”, the Japanese fanbase has a tendency to constantly use “Jou-senpai” all of the time to refer to him affectionately.
His Japanese voice actor, Kikuchi Masami, also holds the distinction of having been in nearly every Digimon TV series to date (the only exception, as of this writing, being Appmon), with him having been Jou (and Jou’s entire family of two brothers, his mother, and his father) in Adventure and 02, Dolphin and Grani in Tamers, Neemon in Frontier and Adventure:, Kurata in Savers, and Damemon in Xros Wars. (Him being the absolutely despicable Kurata in contrast to the endearing and lovable Jou has been cited as quite a shock to many.) There’s been many a joke about Kikuchi’s constant presence, but Jou is undeniably his most iconic role for the franchise, and you can also imagine it’s conversely gotten a lot of people to fondly think of him every time Kikuchi reappears.
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