#they like the broth a lot
scarecrow-in-a-hatake · 6 months
Don’t you worry about thankin me, honey. A gift is a gift, after all. And one can never have too many blankets. I’m just about done with the second one, in silver and leaf green. It’s smaller and would go perfectly on a couch or in a travel pack.
Also, I saw your post about your ninken! Now, I’m not too sure of ninja dogs but I grew up with heelers and I know they love a good treat. Come hunting season would they prefer home made rawhides or venison bones darlin? We’ve always got plenty of that to spare and no use letting it go to waste!
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I mean, too many to pack might be too many to have, but I guess.
If you're serious about the venison bones, that would be great. I don't let my pack hunt near the village because they can't tell the free deer from the Nara-protected ones, but I know that civilians can apply for permits. I can, uh, pay. For the trouble.
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fungusqueen · 7 months
I have a life-long goal to recreate (at home) the food I eat in restaurants. and one of the sub-goals of that big goal is to get good at making vegan ramen broth. there are three vegan ramens from 3 different restaurants I've been trying to recreate and tonight, I think I cracked the code. there is room for improvement, but it dawned on me that two of the three restaurants almost CERTAINLY use tomato, which I haven't tried in my homemade recipes before tonight. tonight I also added homemade almond milk INSTEAD of coconut milk and it definitely has the flavor profile I was looking for. I also added yellow squash to my broth and I think it helped balance out the other vegetables.
Overall I used:
Handful of shiitake mushrooms, cut in strips, added to the hot pan (without oil) to release moisture and cook. Then I added a generous amount of olive oil and...
One large white onion, two bulbs of garlic, one bunch of celery, four large carrots (all chopped) (salt added) -> cooked until reduced
Then I added water, brought it up to heat, simmered for about 30 min and added:
Two yellow squash (chopped), 6 campari tomatoes (blended in water), added ginger powder, more salt, pepper, soy sauce). Then simmered for an hour.
At the end I added sesame oil, homemade almond milk (almonds blended in water and strained), and chili oil
And for now, I think it's one of my most successful broths, without requiring homemade/store-bought vegetable broths or bouillon
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yugiohz · 11 days
alternative where bakugo and deku do find to each other again but only in their mid 20s (none of the dramatic stuff such as bakugo almost dying etc. happens so they have to figure things out at a more realistic pacing without any storytelling mechanisms lol). they reconciliate in their teens and bakugo mellows down a bit and they have a civil relationship, but bakugo still has a mean streak and short fuse that is a bit exclusive to deku lol, so they don't really hang out but 1. their parents are really close and 2. they do have a lot of mutual friends and 3. work in the same field, so they see each other pretty often and bakugo sometimes has to drive deku around and it pisses him off and deku feels a bit awkward and unloved and yeah. but then the drama catches up on them (i love angst) and sth bad happens and bakugo realizes that he really should get a grip and be not just civil but kind to deku because - he realizes that when his frontal lobe is finally developed - is his friend?? so bakugo takes their relationship more seriously and approaches it with mindfulness and they end up having the relationship they end up with in the manga because all roads lead to rome and this is my mind palace and even if i think that in a normal setting, it would realistically take bakugo much longer to change and become so vulnerable with deku, i want them to have a happy sappy friendship idgaf
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fisheito · 10 months
i wonder if yakumos grandparents gave him so much soup bc it's something that can safely be swallowed whole by a small child who doesn't have the full chewing instinct...... don't have to break out the crowbar to wrench the entire chicken out of your babys mouth when you have liquefied the chicken
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Gasp... brilliant... not only is soup an expedited form of warm... it is also (generally) choke free
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supercantaloupe · 2 months
the thing about being a good cook is that sometimes you feel like shit about getting told for the hundredth time to diet and exercise more by your doctor. and you go home and begrudgingly make a "diet" meal (more bc you haven't gone grocery shopping this week and are low on ingredients and also need to use up the zucchini that's about to rot in the fridge) and while it looks really ugly it ends up tasting really good.
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thepioden · 8 months
Made a pot of chili from a 2 lb. chunk of clearance bottom round roast and a gallon-bag of frozen tomatoes from a friend's mom's garden and y'all. It slaps.
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ereborne · 2 months
Song of the Day: August 8
“Big Black Car" by Gregory Alan Isakov
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megandzane · 1 year
I made stuff from tig archives for dietary exposure today. It was the crispy chicken stew , my dietician just made me add noodles so looks more like chicken noodle soup but it’s good
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rachelblairy · 8 months
settle a debate please :
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lesbianalicent · 1 year
have the girls considered going back to the plane and grabbing jackie's bones. like they could make broth out of those
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agave · 9 months
hey do any of you guys do neopets? I just made an account and I'm thriving honestly
add me @ kacheekaujus and maybe reply here and lmk what your username is!!
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tesl8n · 8 months
Making and canning broth is usually a full weekend project but I managed to cram it all into today, and wow I'm exhausted now lol
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capetowncapers · 10 months
Didn’t realize that I had frozen sweet potato swapped for my butternut squash I ordered for a grocery delivery (packaging looks the same and both are small orange cubes, so it’s surprisingly easy not to notice) and … how is a girl supposed to make soup in these conditions
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dashingwishes · 2 years
Do you guys like the soup in your noodle or no?
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jinmalos · 9 months
i always wanted to make a torna cooking zine...maybe someday ill get around to it yet...
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peridyke · 9 months
I really need to make some ramen soon cause all the vegetarian ramen I've ordered places is extremely lacking and I wanna make it lenny style...to clarify food options here are just generally bad I am positive there are plentiful restaurants that make amazing vegetarian ramen they just aren't where I live OTL
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