#they made up for it w the 200th but still
flying-ham · 7 months
The fact that the 100th ep of spn is supposed to be silly fanservice and they STILL cast 90% male actors for the convention is fucking insane. five seasons in and yall still couldn’t accept that your fanbase was primarily female?? embarrassing
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verysanebsdfan · 2 months
So I really loved your ciel , tokito, and killua x doll reader
So I was wondering if you could do one of a reader who is a absolute angel and looked like one but also has a blood manipulation nen so basically a demon nen and similar to the doll one she says some stories that sometimes disturb our lovely assassin
And also one where reader is very similar to misa misa from death note !! She's a famous model w kira as her nen and she joined the Hunter to try and see what else she could do!!
I assume only with Killua then?
Either way i made this two separate stories, after its done i will link it here too if i remember. Also my hxh oc from 2021 had blood manipulation nen...
You can find the second story here
Also to the nen, i imagine you could both make weapons and stuff (make it not liquid using the iron in blood or smth) and move the blood, idk how to explain it but, when the blood is circulating in your oponents body, you can move it (while its still circulating) and consequently move the body of your oponent.
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✩ Okay so to start very uhh originally, you guys met at the hunter exam, so you travel with Gon and him.
✩ Maybe you met during the third phase since you fell into the same room as them
✩ Of course they didn't really trust you at first, since it is the hunter exam and they should be cautious, but when you got stuck in the room for 50 hours, you bonded, since you were the same age as Gon and Killua.
✩ Killua was really impressed by your fight from before, very much wondering how you did what you did. I mean, it was obvious your oponent wouldn't just jump from the platform by himself...
✩ Of course he asked you about it, but you just responded with a smile and a wink
✩ So, after the hunter exam and saving Killua from his creepy ahh family, you went to the Heavens arena and met Zushi and Wing. When Wing gave them the vague and quite incorrect description of nen, that is when it clicked, and he asked you about your abilities.
✩ And you just responded with your angelic smile. Why was he feeling all tingly tho? (¬ ͜ ͡¬)
✩ When you got onto the 200th floor, you actually stood through Hisokas nen, oopsies a mistake, and just went to sign up for a match since you were bored by all those weak people in lower floors.
✩ Now, when Killua and learned the basics of nen and stuff, he invaded your room and started asking questions...
"So i just can...even stop their heart and stuff...i mean, it will beat for a little bit but the blood wont circulate...and then they will pass out and die...If the blood and oxygen supply is cut off, muscle cells of the heart begin to suffer damage and start to die so..." "That's terrifying, you can kill anyone...but can you also, i dunno, help people who are about to bleed out" "I am working on it, but i cannot do miracles, i am not a god nor an angel (debatable)...If the blood gets on the ground as well and i were to put it back inside the persons body, i may very well just kill them...I have yet to learn how to separate blood and bacteria....i mean it is the same as taking out a toy from pool of blood, but just really small...then another problem is getting it into veins...and if i were to stop the bleeding, i might acidentally stop the whole blood circulation, im no doctor though"
✩ And you are just saying it as if you didnt kill people like that...however it is very respectable
✩ And then in Yorknew city he confesses yipee...and then you meet the Phantom troupe😍
✩ Now, Killua sually really worries about you, i mean, you are an angel basically...and people are pigs, predators...animals...but luckily you can protect yourself SO!!
Idk what to say anymore...not happy with this at all
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infinity train book four
episode one: hey this is cool i think theyre not straight and i like ryan
episode two: cool kez is a bitch no wait is she idk
episode three: Oh look haha rango. (Why did Ryan flirt with the cat Why did he blush at judge morpho's transformation What) Also I actually y rlly liked this episode not my favorite but
episode four: Cool they're fromcanada I'm going to Kick Min
episode five: Min Shut Up oh NO RYAN DONT FALL OFF A CLIFF oh look Min saved him MIN STOP Oh look Min learned ☺NO MIN APOLOGIZE DUMBASS ☹
episode six: look At Ryan Got a Guitar Ryan Why Are You Changing Clohtes Right Now Now ok go ON stAge pop off ryan!!! Oh MIN W nvm min is sad I love min 🙂 chicken choice judy :) oh look they addressed racism against asian ppl didn't think they'd do it they look so calm in the re min with his stylophone and Bryan with the guitar that actually sounds like an electric guitar not plugged in?? But nice they friends/partner s now ☺
episode eight: Ryan communication PLEASE you cnt fix your relationship problems by playing music sheepishly but at least you had enough contact with min to send him a demo of my ouvre butPLEASE man you're killing m e also more proof he made up the nnyc thing not just deleted dialogue mmm parental neglect o do not c RY WHAT DO YOU MEAN TYOU DIDNT TRUST HIM NOW RYAN IS THE ONE CRYING CAN I BE ADDED TO THIS LIST GHUFENJDQNI "I DIDNT MENAN TO LEAVE YOU" NOOO BRO MY LIFE IS OVERWAIGT No itsf ine I think they made up hopefully because min saved ryan from the thing haha woop
episode nine: Who th e hell is jeremely. Hold the fuc who is Jeremty "welp its their problem now lalala I'm a Bell! 😠" says ryan. Oh oh he's not messing around that get out was , really forceful man ok jeremy. Likes hats. Woah did you just say fifth?!?!!?!?! Ryan is laughing menacing;y and I'm scared for his mental health 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
episode rten; Ryannnnn you have to eat something you're not allowed to just give up Ryan . TRYan you're not garbage. Ryan-
Yes ryan Min still wants to play with you :) )) )) )))) he wasn't rushing you he was rushing himself jiwdugyqwoiojwdhewji . Man I love this show I hate it when shows get canceled oops time to listen to train to nowhere for the 200th time. No joke. I am not. I also they're not straight that wink when they were performing was not a friend thing.
hate yo say it this was yer another post that I was going to send to somebody y this site is a lifesaver I think that person would have killed me oj the spot
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softinkshadows · 4 years
drunken wrong room encounters w adultrio (x female reader)
Disclaimer: contains some lime-y content! HISOKA
The elevator at Heaven’s Arena dinged softly as its doors opened to the 200th floor. Flushed with a giddy smile on your face, your heart was full from the night’s festivities. Today you scored your 4th win on the 200th floor, and took to a nearby bar afterwards to celebrate. Being one of the only female fighters on the floor, you were swarmed with many fans; you smiled to yourself remembering  the cheers and ruckus from everyone at the bar, hands offering you yet another shot, loud hooting when you downed them all as you found yourself happily egged on to take one too many drinks. Thankfully the corridor was well-lit, if not you’d have trouble finding your way back to your room. You turned the door handle, going inside.  Did I forget to turn off the bathroom light? you wondered absentmindedly, kicking off your shoes. The room smelled a little different - sweeter? There was a scent of damask rose, but you brushed it off. You hummed a small tune as you started to undress yourself for the night, stripping yourself of your pants and outershirts (a little dirtied from the fight earlier) and laying them over the armchair at the room desk, finally only clad in a fitted neoprene tank top and underwear. You sighed a little, steadying yourself with the desk in order to stand up straight when you felt a rush of heat behind you. Strong arms pinned your hands to the desk as you felt the immobilizing weight of another body leaning against you from behind, the scent of roses now wafting heavily close. In your disorientation you felt the texture of a soft bath towel against your butt. “Eh?? Who the hell -” your protests were cut short as the strong limbs flipped you around, maintaining their grip on your wrists. “My, my, it seems like someone went into the wrong room.” A voice purred. You were spun around to face none other than the strongest fighter at Heavens Arena. His striking red hair fell in a damp tangle around his face, still dripping wet from the shower. Your eyes followed the thin trickles of water, as it fell onto his bare, sculpted torso. “Hi-hisoka!” you gasped aloud both in shock at in the embarrassment of the man who was barely clothed and leaning over you on the desk. You felt your face flush with warmth, your head still spinning from the effect of alcohol. He moved closer, golden eyes glinting with mischief, until his face was barely inches away from yours. “I saw your fight earlier, you were.. good,” he emphasized the last word, his lips curling into a smirk. The slight suggestiveness, his piercing eyes, the proximity of his body were enough to make you more flustered, as a strange heat began to pool in your abdomen. “Wait- wh-what is thi- I’m gonna kill y-you,” you stammered incoherently. Hisoka leaned towards your ear. 
“Would you like me to... stop?” he whispered, biting on your ear lobe. “A-ah!” you gasped, feeling a tinge of arousal creeping between your legs. He moved downwards to breathe lightly against your neck. “Yes...” he began, using his tongue to delicately trail your skin, travelling the length from your collarbone to your ear, “or no?” His tongue flicked your ear again. His fingers laced with yours, body pressing into you, the sensation of his tongue making you tremble as you felt the heat between your legs grow. “N-...Ye-..yes,” you struggled to form your words, your mind clouded with a feeling of confusion, irritation and pleasure, along with that heady scent of damask rose.  “Very well.” You heard a chuckle before you felt the world spin a little. Everything was a blur; you being carried bridal style - the lights and airconditioning of the corridor - another door opening and closing - the softness and familiarity of your own bed. You felt exhaustion begin to wash over you, barely making out Hisoka’s chuckled words before he closed the door. “As for a fight... I’ll do you anytime. Come to me when you’re ready, or when you want your clothes back.” ILLUMI “Y/N, are you sure you don’t want me to walk you back to your room?” Leorio asked, being the gentleman that he was. It was the 287th Hunter Exam, and you managed to clear the 4th round. Now all the participants who passed were on the airship headed from Zevil Island back to the Hunter’s Association building, and you and Leorio had taken to celebrating with rounds of indulgent drinking. “NAH IM OKAY!” you exclaimed exuberantly, even though you were clearly wasted. “Thanks for, y-your hard work todayyyyyyy, Leoleo!” “It’s Leorio!!” he yelled back, irritated but stifling a laugh, before walking towards the other residential wing of the blimp.  “Room 16...17...ah 18...?” you clambered around unsteadily, before finding the door knob. The room was dark save for a rectangular window on one wall, letting in some shafts of moonlight. The bed looked incredibly inviting after a long and tiring day, especially with the physical strain of the last exam round. White soft sheets and a thick fluffy duvet heaped on the large bed. At least there were some perks for getting this far, you thought. Standing by the side of the bed, you stretched your body in exhaustion and satisfaction. “Tsukaretaaaaa~ (trans: I’m so tired~~)” you breathed, removing all your clothes in one fell swoop, letting them fall noisily to the floor. You weren’t going to bother with a shower now, you could deal with that tomorrow. Now, you just needed some quality rest before you’d be raring to go for the last exam round the day after. You pulled the soft duvet up to your chin, ready to drift into deep sleep. Next to you, on the other side of the bed, something stirred. A soft, displeased voice grumbled, “Hisoka, what is it this time...” Someone got up and was now above you, legs on either side of your waist, forearms bent at right angles and pressed to the bed to hold themselves up. “I thought we agreed...” Illumi trailed off, looking down at the person he thought was in his bed, before realizing he had made a mistake. For a moment, he was stunned. “Huh?” “Haah?” You responded, in a drunken drawl. Through your flushed cheeks, and slightly blurred vision, you saw a beautiful man with deep raven-coloured eyes. Long black hair fell silkily down to the pillow, cascading like a veil over your head. You were vaguely aware of his arms on both sides of you, and the proximity of his body to yours, but it didn’t feel intrusive. There was almost a feline lightness to his features and limbs. You were certain that you’d never seen this man before, at least throughout the hunter exam, and you were so sure that you were dreaming. Illumi turned his head to look at the discarded clothes on the floor, before turning back to you. “Ah..” He then realized the state of you resting in his bed, and his eyes wavered a little, his heart leaping just a bit faster than usual. What should he do? How did years of assassin training not prepare him for this? At this point you had made a move to sit up slightly, the duvet falling a little further around you below your chest. “Um...”  his nimble fingers picking up the duvet to cover your chest, a faint blush dusting his pale cheeks. Enjoying every moment of what you were certain was a dream, you reached up to gently twine your slender fingers in his black hair. “So soft....” you remarked as you felt the strands, your eyes dazzling with awe and inebriation. Your hands made your way to his face, and your fingers moved along his brows, nose, before resting on his cheeks. “So soft~~” you squished his cheeks gently, giggling a little. W-wh-what was that? In a flash, the man above you moved away, and your hands grasped only at air. You sulked out loud a little before falling finally into slumber, letting out a small snore. At the other end of the bed, Illumi was awake, staring at the wall with a strange tingle in his chest, his ears unmistakably red. CHROLLO You’d just about had it. Seething with anger, you pressed your floor button in the hotel lift, leaning back to the wall with your arms crossed. You knew you would have to meet unsavoury people in your job as a reporter, but nothing had readied you for tonight’s event. This gala was attended by the supremely, grossly overpaid upper class, another fundraising event to line the pockets of yet another private trust. The pitiful looks they gave you, their derogatory comments...! Thankfully as part of the job you had a suite in the hotel that hosted the event, and you exploited the complimentary flow of alcohol too... You noticed your suite door ajar, and caught a glimpse of a service cart. Hmph, at least there’s additional room service too, you thought, pushing the door open to enter. The hotel maid caught a glimpse of you, cheeks red from all the wine and champagne, stumbling a little into the suite. Her eyes glanced over towards the master bedroom and back at you, turning embarrassed as if having understood something, before leaving the room hurriedly. 
“ANNOYING RICH PEOPLE!” you yelled to yourself, flinging your shoes near the doorway before collapsing on a large leather sofa. You looked out of the down to floor windows at the glimmering lights of the city, floating hazily before you. You felt one of your dress straps fall past your shoulders, and your black evening gown was already hitched up past your knees, but you didn’t really care. A sound of soft footsteps approached before you saw someone looking down at your lying figure. His black hair fell close to his shoulders, there was a funny cross tattoo on his forehead, his grey eyes piercing and inscrutable. Ah, you remembered him from the gala too, although he was alone most of the time, interacting only with a few select people. Now he had half unbuttoned the vest of his 3-piece suit, and was in the process of loosening his tie. His voice was gentle, but contained a trace of amusement. “Miss, I’m afraid you’re in the wrong room.” “NO YOU’RE IN THE WRONG ROOM!” you yelled in drunken stupor, not even making sense anymore. You sat up disheveled. “PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE ALL THE SAME, LOOKING DOWN ON OTHERS, USING PEOPLE LIKE THEY ARE TOYS AND THEN THROWING THEM AWAY. DO YOU EVEN HAVE ANY HUMANITY?” you ranted, not realizing that he had taken a seat on the sofa near you. He propped his head up with one hand resting on the armrest, his eyes twinkling and he gazed at you. Even with his loosened tie, and a dress shirt tucked out, there was something alluring about him, drawing you deeper into an abyss. You couldn’t tell if it was dangerous or just seductive. You didn’t even hear the words you were saying. “AND DAMN YOU AND YOUR GOODLOOKING FACE.” He chuckled to himself, before looking back into your eyes with his steely grey ones.  “And how shall people like me be punished?” he asked softly. You found yourself climbing into his lap, your tousled hair now falling a little out of your bun, you knees between his, as you leaned close to his face. You felt the heat of his body below yours. “LIKE THIS.” Without warning, you raised your hand, and gave his forehead a quick and powerful flick. He didn’t even blink, although his eyes registered some kind of shock. Then Chrollo burst out into a small laugh, running his fingers through his hair. So amusing, he thought to himself. Perhaps I can enjoy myself tonight.
Feeling a little mocked, you continued, spurred by embarrassment, “Y-YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS WITH PEOPLE LIKE YOU? NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY, YOU’RE JUST... EMPTY!” 
Before you knew it, suddenly you were on you back, and Chrollo’s hands gripped both of yours, pinning you down hard. Your words had struck a nerve. Surprised from the movement and his reaction, you were speechless, your cheeks now a little warmer when you realized the position you were in, your dress now hiked up almost to your waist. “Perhaps I can prove you wrong,” he whispered, leaning so close both your lips were almost touching. Chrollo knew, from all the women that threw themselves at him throughout the gala, that any of them would immediately take this chance now. He was craving a little release after all, and by this point, no one would refuse.  Then, you stared at him, face red with a mixture of anger and embarrassment, and stuck out your tongue defiantly like a child. With your hands pinned above you, you looked away, pouting. S-so cute! One of Chrollo’s hands flew to shield his face momentarily to stifle a laugh, and a discernible blush covered his cheeks. He stood up from the sofa and straightened out his shirt, walking into the bedroom before returning with an extra duvet. By then, you had dozed off asleep, and he glanced at your weary form. Such an amusing, vulnerable creature. He chuckled, laying the duvet gently over you. “Sleep well tonight, my dear. I’ll be with you in the morning when you wake.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: I wanted to write the last Chrollo-only one for the previous situation, but somehow this floated into my mind. I found myself internally screaming when writing the Illumi portion becos Hiso-Illu just dropped so casually I’m like... sometimes I’m glad I have this brain 
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glapplebloom · 3 years
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My 200th Revisted Review. I wanted to do a video but I just don’t have the opportunity to do so. But I figure why not review a great fan series.
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My Tiny Pony was made by the Youtube Channel Double W Brothers. You may know them for their other numerous Pony Animations or their most recent video (at the time) Teeny Tiny Undertale where they try to kill you by too much adorableness in Kid Toriel. So I’m going to review the entire My Tiny Pony series (even though together they probably don’t reach 15 minutes).
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The first episode features Twilight Sparkle in name only. Sadly, while it is adorable to see her do everything in this short, its very unlike Twilight. It is like if you had a pet that wanted a cookie in your pocket. With this one, you can tell the animation is drawn more traditionally compared to later installments. And one thing continuing throughout the series is how everything is told in music and animation. No dialogue at all. Despite that, still easy to follow.
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Episode 2 improves on the original by bringing in Pinkie Pie. While Twilight wasn’t really Twilight, this Pinkie is definitely Pinkie. Complete with cartoony anctics that wouldn’t make sense in any other context. Twilight also improves as we see her in a book fort reading a book, showing the Twilight we know. But Pinkie makes a good pet as she’s affectionate and playful. 
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Almost four years later, we get the next part as Rainbow Dash enters the picture. You can tell the animation is different from the first two, as they look to have moved on to what I presume is flash. But it is still adorable, especially when Rainbow Dash hugs the owner’s finger and not letting go. She’s as playful as Pinkie Pie, but in her own unique way. 
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Now for my favorite episode of the series: Rarity. I do call her best Pony for a reason and this is just another example. Despite being a Tiny Pony, her full character is on display. From wanting to help out artistically, to her over dramatic nature, and right down to her fashion sense. She’s going to make everyone fashionable one way or another.
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Applejack shows us their morning routine in the next episode. How she has to wake up the owner one way or another (guy gets knocked out of a window twice and is still asleep, but a small peck on the cheek is enough to wake him), how they both enjoy coffee, and how Applejack eats an apple. It is definitely adorable how she cuddles to the apple slice and rocks herself. And of coure, putting on Applejack’s hat.
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Before the final one, there’s a video called “About My Tiny Pony” where Discord explains why its taking a while. Basically, animation frame by frame takes a lot of work and while they probably have some shortcuts here and there, it definitely takes a while so its understandable. To make it up for me, they shoot Discord and have Angel Bunny attack him. 
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And the final episode (for now) has us learning he gets a box with a Pony magically. And this one he has to earn her trust as she’s so afraid of her new surroundings she tries to escape. Even hurts herself and nearly gets herself killed. But the owner proves his worth and Fluttershy is now part of the Pony Possee.
Overall, this is a great series especially to watch with kids. The music and animation will keep them entertained as well as yourself. I highly recommend it. Also not canon with GLAB.
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
so you know how the 100th episode is supposedly about paige but like really it's about cole and wanting to be with phoebe again instead of like being about the charmed ones... well i just realized the 150th ep is mainly about leo and like secondarily about piper and pleo... so like you think if there had been a 200th ep it would have been about henry + paige/henry... like this show be like we gonna focus on the love interests instead of the main characters for the big milestone eps
100th episode my detested,,,,,, plugging my au for the 10,000th time. but now that u point it out, like. yeah. they really both were p relationship focused whether that was establishing that they are meant to be no matter what (leo finding his way back to piper w his mind wiped) or a really weird excuse to drop a plot you've been running for two and a half season (what happened to us, we used the be so in love / maybe it's just not meant to be like girl what. girl we have been here for literal years and the best reason you can come up with to finalize getting rid of cole's character was idk maybe it just wasn't meant to be r u joking. i don't even like phole but like goddamn was that stupid. i'm sorry this is such a tangent but why does phoebe smoke now? and her and cole Both have affairs like clearly phoebe's off the deep end so i don't even really know what's going on there but cole Also having affairs like. like you're telling me this only started to break off from canon in s4 when they were Obsessed with each other in s4 they got married in s4 to someone they hate each other and are in a loveless marriage and sleep with other people because they're empty inside? really? That's The Best You Could Come Up With. piper going awol murder machine shure i'll allow the leather's a little much but it's what 2003 so whatever. but phoebe doing. whatever the hell she was doing in centennial charmed. it literally make no sense. i'm still talking about this after her family was ripped apart after seeming stable for the first time in so so long you're telling me she would abandon piper for cole and then not even like like cole? like this woman would be desperate for a family for love for support for something to call her own and hold onto and know it'll be safe know it won't leave her if anything we should have seen freaky codependent phole not this neutered lackluster indifferent mess. 😡😡😡)
anyway. relationships! tbh tho. would have Loved a good paige/henry backstory ep. bc like. we just vaguely teased henry's backstory and it's literally so fucking interesting like the implications he was abandoned at birth or maybe he was orphaned either was he grew up in the system that failed him over and over again and has like trouble getting close to people because of it and then somehow ended up as a parole officer like trying to help kids who are probably in identical situations to the one he was in like. there's So Much To Do There. but specifically, if i am doing Thee Paige/Henry Centric ep. it is a blast 2 the past in which the couple both have to confront their anxieties around parenting, ending w the reveal that paige is pregnant w twins. or starting w the reveal idc. but i am. really fascinated i've talked about paige and motherhood before but i think like. for anyone who like. has/had good parents but still you know. were either like an evil little shit or just you know fucked up and miserable so on and so forth people who have made their mother cry in the kitchen like. there's something really fascinating there because like. how do you now as a mom try to protect your own child from the pain u went through. because goddamn it seemed like your mom did everything right and yet you were still awful. so how like. how are you supposed. god if you're as good as her which seems like a reach your kid still might be like you and and what if you're not as good as her. what if everything you try to do only backfires and blows up in your face more you know blah blah blah that good old fashioned anxiety. piper and phoebe don't have this because they didn't like. have a mom. but paige did and she had a really good one who never actually got to see her get better and those scars run deep!! aaaaaaaaaa!!!! i really like mom!paige it's something i really like to think about because i think like while she's great with kids she's great with babies she's great with toddlers she's great at connecting with students with charges with parolees i think she really struggles being a mother to her own children for all the aforementioned reasons. so it could be fun to break that down While we also a) get henry's tragic backstory bc we always need more of that and b) henry's own views of parenting and also just more of their relationship headcanon rite now henry gets really into astrology so he can help paige with spells and the like because he hates feeling like he's powerless and can't help his wife so he finds all the ways a mortal can help <3. but yeah i think henry secretly like doesn't even fully realize it has a whole lot of anger stored up in his heart bc i do think he was abandoned at birth and you know paige kinda got closure on that you know she literally got to meet both parties and you know they gave her away to literally protect her from unspeakable wrath vis a vis the elders so there's that but for henry it's like. like he was their son. and they just. they left him. they didn't even leave any way for him to find them again because like. they just didn't fucking care, i guess??? like. what. what could be the reason what could drive them to do that and you know paige whose parents Had Reason are like i'm sure your parents had reason but imo. they didn't. and i think that's a wound henry really pretends like he doesn't have. so we're def tearing that open in ep 200. that and then just like. how much henry wants a family <3 how much he wants to take em to six flags and make french toast on sunday morning and fly kites in the park like he wants to give his kids the childhood he wished so so bad he could have had. bonus round after traveling back through time to pick at scabs til they bleed, we end with a quick flash forward into the future where everything works out <3
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crazywritingbug · 4 years
hiiii:)) i’ve been reading your stuff recently and have fallen in love with your writing🥺❤️. here’s my ask:) raph knitted his so a blanket and she carries it around everywhere, she uses it at her house, she uses it at the lair. like, everywhere. she brings it on the couch and probably lays in raphs lap:) you can go any direction u want, but if u could make it fluff that would be amazzingg❤️ w luv
Okay so this is the first ask I have every gotten and I am thrilled over it! I just hope that I fulfilled it well! Also sorry it took me so long, I just wanted it to be as good as possible!
Raphael X Fem!Reader
Raph almost had to do a double take when Y/N sat on the couch beside him, notebook and pen in hand. Her being in the lair was nothing new and he would never complain about it, but he was surprised by the blanket she wrapped around herself. 
He’d made it.
It had been his Christmas present for her and the only thing he’d knitted that he’d ever given away. If it wasn’t for how amazing Y/N was, he doubted he'd have given it away in the first place.
“Everything alright Nounours?” Y/N’s accented voice broke through his thoughts. “You look surprised to see me.” Even if he wasn’t embarrassed by how he’d been staring, the nickname alone would have had him blushing. She’d given all of them nicknames, so why did his heart still race? After all, she called Leo “General” which was better than “teddy bear”.
“Yer, uh...yer using the blanket.” He muttered, looking back to his magazine. “I didn’t think ya would.”
Y/N tilted her head. “Why would I not? You made it for me and I love it.” Raph didn’t know what to say to that. What could he say when just the sound of her French accent had his mind spinning? He was falling and falling hard. 
“I’m gonna go get something to eat.” He stood, tossing the magazine onto the table. He hightailed it out as casually as possible. Why couldn’t he just face her? She wasn’t some beast, she was gorgeous, sweet, and incredibly smart, so why did he lose his mind around her?
Why couldn’t he just tell Y/N that he loved her?
The red blanket was an increasingly common sight, and Raph loved it. At least until he found her waiting on the rooftop, wrapped in the blanket. He knew something was wrong the instant he caught sight of the tears lingering her e/c eyes. 
“Y/N?” The worry rose in him. “What’s wrong? Are ya-” He fell silent as she closed the distance between them, hugging him tightly. Raph wrapped his arms around her, uncertain as to what he should do. Mikey was the comforter. Raph was the one who’d kill who’d hurt her. He’d teach a lesson to whoever had caused his goddess to hurt.
“What’s wrong?” He asked it after several moments.
“Mama says we’re moving back to France.” She whispered it as she stepped back, swiping at her tears and Raph’s heart plummeted. France? She was moving back to France after what? Six years? He’d never thought she’d go back, not even when she’d mutter to herself in French every time something about the US surprised her.
“What? Why?” He could barely keep his voice from shaking. What if he never saw her again?
“She thinks America is too unsafe.” Y/N tugged the blanket tighter around her. “Especially after the Shredder last year.” Raph had seen the worst of humanity and knew that her mom had a point, but he would never let anything happen to Y/N. He’d die first. But how could her mother know that?
“Ya could stay..live with us…” He suggested it, half hopeful. But he knew better. She was too loyal. She wouldn’t leave her mother, not like her dad did. “How long do ya have?”
“Two days…” Y/N spoke softly. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to get away to see you or your brothers before then…” She sniffed, the blanket slipping down around her shoulders as she looked up at him. “I’m going to miss you nounours.” That was when he cracked. It was now or never. He had to tell her.
“I’m gonna miss ya too,” He couldn’t help but reach out and wipe away an escaped tear. “I love ya Y/N…” She stared up at him, eyes wide. Had he screwed it up? Should he have just kept quiet? Waited for another time? Would there have been another time?
“Nounours,” She stepped closer, “I love you too” He felt a smile flicker over his face even as he kissed her. She tasted of tears, vanilla and something entirely her. Raph did everything he could to memorize this feeling of holding her close, of her hands sliding over his arms to the back of his neck. He tried to memorize the feeling of her because if their first kiss was to be their last, he didn’t want to forget anything about it.
“Ya sure?” Raph followed after Master Splinter, asking for the “200th time”. “I’d just go and make sure she’s okay.” He knew he was dangerously close to ending up in the hashi, but after two years he couldn’t care that much. He just missed her.
“You are not going to France!” Splinter exclaimed, storming into the dojo. Raph glared at the door that was shut in his face. Standing there, he tried to swallow his anger. Why couldn’t Splinter just try to understand? Or trust him enough to let him go find Y/N? He’d be gone for a week, two tops.
“Well, I hope you did not already buy a ticket.”
Raph stiffened. He knew that voice. The accent was thicker, but it was just as beautifully musical as ever. Slowly he turned around to see her standing there, a small smile on her lips. Was he dreaming? How was she there? 
“Y/N?” It came out a bit more high pitched than he meant for it to and she laughed. That was when he knew he wasn’t dreaming. The memory of that sound could never be as beautiful as the real thing.
He closed the space between them in an instant, wrapping her up in a hug.
“Yer back!” He said it as she laughed. “Yer really back! When? How? Why?” 
“One question at a time Nounours,” She looked up at him with a look in her e/c eyes that had him melting. Every question left his mind with that smile. All that mattered was she was back.
“I missed you…” He whispered it, glad that for once Leo had told him to stay home from patrol. He leaned into her touch as she cupped his cheek. Then he noticed what she had wrapped around her shoulders. The red blanket he’d made her, she still had it. He’d never thought that he’d say goodbye to her with that blanket wrapped around her, or say hello to her with it. 
“I missed you too…” She muttered before he captured her lips in a kiss.
Tags: @missbeautyandherbeast @akari180 @ @bluesakurablossom @raphlife @marimo-punk @msmcsmutt @gruffle1 @sweetkitty1966 
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
hunty x hunty we back bitches!!!!
ok so tbh we’ve BEEN back ive just been slacking on posting my liveblogs. n e ways
ok so ngl we DID watch these eps like a month ago so bear w/me here as i try to remember things hvbhdkjfhsk
ok so they show up at heavens arena and i CALLED IT its that building thats in the opening (thats probs p obvs but still lol) 
killua casually mentioning that he was here for TWO YEARS previously like jesus kid ur life is wild
ruth and i spent like this whole time trying to guess if killua knows what nen is lmao and i was like ok im sure theres nen at heavens arena how could he NOT have come across it but also WHO KNOWS
i love how easy is is for 2 twelve year olds to join Death Tower Fight Club lmao 
i mean tbf killua was here when he was literally 6 
seeing killua and gon dunk on people by 1 hit koing them was great lmao 
the fact that killua spent all his previous earnings on snacks....king 
ZUSHIIIIII hes baby and hes so precious i love him already. baby boy baby. theres like a 0% chance hes evil or something bc hes so baby and hes named ZUSHI it reminds me of zucchini for some reason 
ok when zushi uses nen (im assuming?) and killua was like oh shit illumi can do that....bro i CALLED it illumi totally has nen and its MIND CONTROL NEN or something. i still dk how nen works tbh
wing is slightly sus and im worried he might be evil. but also probably not mostly cause i dont thnk this arc is that long but WHO KNOWS 
wing when zushi starts nen-ing it up during Fight Club: HEY NONE OF THAT NOW [spray bottles him] 
i love that gon and killua are both like well that was weird. ok guess we’ll just str8 up ask zushi abt it lmao 
when the subs popped up as Ren ruth and i were like nooooo freakin way the subs mistranslated nen. but it TURNS OUT that nen has OTHER components like ten and ren and uhhh the other ones too. jesus 
i mean i knew this shit was gonna b detailed but Still 
ok but ren is literally just weaponized vibes. vibe check 
[vibes rlly hard] GET REN’D ON 
as i was watching wings explanation i was like hmmm this seems incomplete. and then immediately killua said that same thing...vindication!!
ok when wing uses nen on that book page and slices the soda and gives a big explanation abt why he wasnt totally truthful w/gon and killua and zushi is just like .....ok but that was my soda :( and i was gonna read that book :( :( or w/e hvsjdfuahbsjjfdnka i love him SO MUCH....BABYYYY
totally off-topic but lemme talk transformers rl quick ok so in the tf idw comics drift is all edgy and then he meets a guy named Wing who shows him all the spiritual/religious stuff and drift becomes a space hippy (its been a while okay) and now im like yo is that guy a hxh ref? cause wing is kind of a weird name for a transformer and the spiritual ‘aura’ stuff is similar. idk if that has any basis lmao i just made that connection. anyways moving on 
i love how it took killua 2 yrs to get to the 200th floor and now he and gon get there in like 3 days or w/e
200th floor time! uhm is that receptionist lady like. Good
as soon as the rancid aura appeared i was like UUUUAHGHHGHGHGHHHH I KNOW WHO THAT IS!!!!!!!!!! TRASH CAN ASS HISOKA 
i kinda figured he’d be here...im curious if gon will succeed in doin the Big Punchy here 
hisoka using his rancid vibes to drive them back....fuck on outta here nasty ass 
i love how gon just. loses his domestication whenever hisoka is around. gon is literally so nice to EVERYONE he meets EXCEPT for hisoka (and illumi). god i love him best boy. he has a gr8 vibe detector and can tell that hisoka is nasty and evil 
wing: ok FINE ill teach you The Real Deal Nen 
the fact that 8 yr old killua just peaced out at floor 199 or w/e and was like Fuq the 200th floor im out. and of COURSE the 200th floor is The Nen Zone(tm) so he just left, blissfully unaware of nen LMAOOO
and now he HAS to register to fight or he’ll be banned from heavens arena...Ls 
i keep wanting to call it the tower of heaven....get out of my BRAIN f*iry t*il 
ok uhhhh lets stop here 
actally i cant rlly do this part bc its been so long so ider what i thought of ripppp. im gonna try to stay up to date on my liveblogs (we’re on like ep 45 now lol)
1 idea: so gon is gonna successfully punch hisoka and then hisoka will unfortunately NOT go away for whatever reason and will become a nuisance (even moreso than he already is) rather than an Actual Threat 
tune in next time for more HUNTY x HUNTY 
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whats your favorite movie and why
I hate “what’s your favorite x” kinds of questions because like, y’all know there are hundreds of thousands of movies out there, right? Y’all really gonna expect me to pick just one?
I always watch Labyrinth when I’m bedridden. No idea why, it’s not exactly a “when you’re sick” movie, it’s just what I’ve always done.
Howl’s Moving Castle is my favorite animated movie. It’s just one of those movies where I’ve always really really wanted to know more about the world it takes place in, but at the same time I don’t want there to ever be a sequel because I think it would ruin the magic.
High Fidelity is my favorite movie about love because it’s also really just about music. Great soundtrack. I love John and Joan Cusack. It’s one of the two films that Jack Black is actually pretty good in (School of Rock being the other). Grosse Pointe Blank is also pretty great, with a great soundtrack as well, but I like High Fidelity better because it’s more grounded in reality I guess.
The Way He Looks is my favorite gay movie, mostly because it’s like the only gay movie that I didn’t think was too gay or stereotypical or any of that. It didn’t feel like the ugly twink falling for the gorgeous hunk or w/e bs I usually see in gay movies. Plus it’s just super cute because one of them is blind which, I don’t know just makes the love more special.
Pride & Prejudice is I guess my favorite period movie, if you can call it that. Like 35% of the reason I like it is because I love Kiera Knightley, then like 15% because Bingley and Darcy are hot, of course, and 50% because the actual movie itself is great. Book was good too, though admittedly I’ve forgotten most of it when compared to the movie, it’s just been ages since I’ve read it.
I’m obligated to say the Harry Potter franchise mainly because I’ve seen them each a couple hundred times growing up. It is, however, a franchise that the older I’ve gotten and the more I’ve watched it recently the less I seem to like it. It’s not even just that the fans or JK are annoying, it’s just like I’ll watch one movie for probably the 200th time and just now recognize a glaring-ass plot hole in the entire series, and I don’t know it just kills it for me. Still looking forward to more Fantastic Beasts though. I like Eddie Redmayne (too lazy to google his name don’t @ me).
If you held a gun to my head and made me pick a favorite Marvel movie, I’d probably say Spider-Man Homecoming. With the exception of say, Loki who I really consider to be less villainous and more self-serving, I would say Michael Keaton’s Vulture was one of the better, if not the best Marvel villain, and we all know how much shit Marvel gets for their shitty villains in the MCU. Thanos was okay. I liked his performance, for sure, I just didn’t care much for the adaptation they went with. I’d have preferred Mistress Death. Heck, I was really banking for even like a tie in with Hela from Thor or something buuuut nope. Guardian’s of the Galaxy was a close-ish second but only because of it’s dope soundtrack. I could take or leave the actual movie itself.
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aitaikimochi · 6 years
Boku No Hero Academia “The Two Heroes” The Movie FULL Detailed Plot/Summary from Anime Expo
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Twitter user Eikosenpai has posted on her Twitter a super long and detailed summary from the Boku No Hero Academia “The Two Heroes” movie premiere from Anime Expo 2018! She sent me the transcription of her super long summary, which was separated as several tweets containing pictures of her summary. I will personally be watching the movie in August when it comes out in Japan and will write my own report, but this is a pretty detailed one from Claudia. Enjoy~
Some things to note, the movie is set before Bakugou gets kidnapped, so All Might still has his hero form. The movie begins in Vegas where a villain attacks and steals $10 million. A car with a family is about to get hurt when All Might comes just in time to save them. All Might then assures them to not worry because he has arrived!
Dave is introduced during the fight and drives a very flashy red sports car to get him closer to the fight. Dave Shield is All Might’s partner in crime in the States. All Might fights the villain and ends the fight with the iconic Detroit Smash! After the fight, all of the people watching the fight do not know who All Might is yet and Dave introduces him as “He is a student exchange student from Japan, and he is a hero.”
A little background of Dave, he is the ones who made All Might’s hero outfits the Young, Bronze, Silver, and Golden Age! He has a daughter named Melissa Shield.
This whole scene transitions into the present All Might in his weak form and he is sleeping, which means he was dreaming of the opening scene. He wakes up by Deku calling his name as they are about to arrive on I-Island! They are taking a private jet which allows All Might to be in his weak form until they arrive.
I-Island is an exclusive island that scientists reside and All Might has been invited by Melissa to attend the I-Expo that is held to surprise Dave! The island is HUGE with a lot of heroes roaming around that is almost like Disney mascots in Disneyland that you can take photos with. I-Island’s setting is basically a theme park but a hero park.
When All Might and Deku arrive at the island, everyone recognizes All Might and scream ‘All Might!’ and rush over to him and crowds him. The scene switches to Deku who is being completely stuck and moving like seaweed in the ocean from how many people there were.
Right after they manage to get away from the crowd, All Might’s face is covered with red kiss marks. Then, Melissa comes jumping on a pogo stick yelling All Might’s name and is first introduced. Melissa is introduced as Dave’s daughter and is amazed that Deku is a student at U.A. and explains that she jealous because she is quirkless. Melissa takes Deku’s hand and realizes that he has major scars on his hand.
Melissa then takes All Might and Deku to meet Dave and Dave is very surprised that they have arrived. Upon their arrival, Dave was speaking with his assistant Sam.
Melissa and Deku leave Dave and All Might to view more of I-Island and All Might can finally turn back into his real form as he had to put up his strong front up until now. Dave is shocked by the shape All Might is in.
Melissa takes Deku around to see all types of heroes items in what looks like a bat cave (lol) and they are getting along very well! Suddenly, Ochako comes out of nowhere and clearly sees Melissa and Deku getting along and is drawn literally with this face ( - u - ) It was very clear she was not too happy about this “date.”
* I remember Deku saying something along the lines of ‘She’s a friend’ and Ochako going like ‘Ahhh…’ *
Ochako is introduced with both Jirou and Yaoyorozu who Deku is very surprised to see. All of them decide to go to a cafe. All the girls are talking on one table as they get to know each other. Deku is by himself and when his drink arrives (it is an All Might Drink that definitely looks like it can be sold at a cafe in Japan in the future LOL), Denki and Mineta are introduced as waiters!
The two of them are working as part-timers during the I-Expo and they are very excited for making money and meeting girls (as usual). When they introduce Melissa to them and both Denki and Mineta, but mostly Mineta, are very excited to see such a pretty girl…
Iida conveniently comes running in and says his family was invited to I-Expo as well, but no one could get so they told Iida to go instead. Deku then asks why the other girls of Class 1A are not there, and Yaoyorozu explains with a scene of the girls all playing Rock, Paper Scissors with Tsuyu, Mina, and Toru losing. Mina was yelped at how sad she was that she lost, Tsuyu threw up a peace sign
There is a loud explosion sound and Deku looks concerned. Turns out Bakugou was the reason for the explosion as he is fighting in an area with Kirishima! They both are competing to try to destroy as many bots as they can as fast as they can.
Bakugou sees Deku and rushes over and starts yelling stuff like “WHY ARE YOU HERE?” aka the usual. Bakugou explains that he was invited to attend I-Expo because he won the Sports Festival and he invited Kirishima to come with him.
Everyone tells Deku to try his shot at the arena battle to try and beat Bakugou as he was currently in the lead for most kills. Deku agrees and is uses 6% of One For All (I think it was 6% but not completely sure). Melissa recalls the scars on Deku’s hand and correlates it to how Deku’s power is too strong for his body.
After Deku finishes his round and finished in 2nd place behind Bakugou. Suddenly, Todoroki uses a gigantic ice move that kills a ton of bots that immediately plummets him to 1st place. Bakugou angrily goes up to Todoroki like ‘WHY ARE YOU HERE?’ which Todoroki responds with ‘Oh, Bakugou.’ Bakugou then retorts like ‘DON’T IGNORE MY QUESTION!’
The arena scene switches to Dave and All Might in his lab and Dave is running tests on All Might. His monitor shows that All Might’s One For All power is depleting at an extreme rate that Dave suspects can’t be just from All For One’s attack. All Might thinks to himself that he cannot tell Dave he gave Deku One For All or else it will endanger both Dave and Melissa.
There is a reception party that will be held later that night and Iida informs all of them that they must attend or else it will tarnish U.A.’s reputation. He orders them to be very very punctual and suddenly runs off to prepare. The scenes pan to them getting prepared but mostly of Bakugou’s room.
Bakugou is lying on his bed and is complaining how he does not want to attend the party as its a hassle and boring. Kirishima is in his room (shirtless btw) and tells him otherwise and that it’ll be fun! Kirishima also tells Bakugou he brought them suits so they will be dressed to impress basically.
** Both Denki and Mineta are invited by Melissa to go to the reception party, but I do not remember when this scene specifically is set in between. I just remember this scene happened SORRY! **
Later, Melissa invites Deku to her room and she mentions to him that she saw how he was holding back power for his body to handle to which we made him a special gauntlet to use! The Full Gauntlet is a support she made for him that will balance his power with his body so it does not overpower him.
They all meet up again ready for the reception party and Deku is running a little late. Ochako comes in and Deku compliments her and she waves embarrassed like how she does in the anime (really cute)! Yaoyorozu and Jirou arrive with Jirou hiding behind Yaoyorozu because she was embarrassed since she doesn’t wear dresses usually. Denki compliments Jirou and Mineta creeps on them which then Jirou hits them and Denki says ‘But I complimented you!’
All Might is down at the reception already and is about to make a toast when the scene switches to someone hacking the security system.
There is a short scene with Kirishima and Bakugou in their suits walking down a hallway and they are lost. They also can’t tell their classmates that they’re lost because Kirishima left his phone in the room.
Suddenly, the security system is hacked and is warning everyone on the island that there is a bomb. The villains come in to the reception party where all the pro heroes and All Might are in and they tie them all up. Dave is captured because he knows the security system and the villains take him away.
When the security system informs people that there is a bomb, there is scenes that cut to Tsuyu, Mina, and Invisible girl that shows them having a sleepover. They all are alarmed of the news when Invisible Girl brings out a deck of Uno cards since there is time to pass (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)?)
There are also scenes that show Tokoyami seeing the news too (he was with someone else, but I dont remember who!). Sato was in a room with Sero when the news broke out.
Now, Deku, Melissa, Todoroki, Iida, Ochako, Yaoyorozu, Jirou, Denki, and Mineta are now stuck in a room because the hacked security system blocked all entrances. They now all have to decide what to do. Iida says that they should all escape as All Might wants them to do, but Deku refuses and states that he “wants to save.” Ochako agrees with Deku and they all start agreeing to fight back and take over the security system. Mineta freaks out that they all are agreeing and only agrees because everyone else is all while crying.
** During this time, Deku sees All Might down in the reception and they have like a telepathic conversation where All Might tells Deku to leave, but Deku says he will not. All Might recognizes Deku’s willpower to save everyone and allows him to go and take back the security system. All Might will have to endure his hero state until the security system is restored. **
Melissa tells them that the security system is located on the 200th floor and they all have to run up flights of stairs when they were only on the 30th floor! They manage to get up to the 80th floor when Mineta opens a door which alerts the hacker that they are running and not captured.
The hacker tries to close the walls on them, but Todoroki uses his ice move to keep the wall from closing which gave Iida an opening to use Full Throttle to break down all the other walls.
They all manage to get to a wide open area that is filled with plants. Imagine a greenhouse, but the size of whole building. They all hide amongst the plants to blend in as two bad guys know that they are all hiding. The villains yell out ‘We know you’re here’ all while everyone is thinking ‘DO NOT FIND US!’
The villains suddenly say ‘We found you,’ but they did not find the main gang, they ran into Kirishima and Bakugou. Both of them think that the villains are regular adults which Kirishima then apologizes and says that we are just lost. One of the villains tries to hit Kirishima which Bakugou instantly tries to deflect, but Todoroki is faster and uses ice to deflect the attack.
The fight continues with Todoroki, Bakugou, and Kirishima while the rest of them escape to try to get to the security system. They escape to a dead end where the only opening is through an air vent that the only person who can fit is…Mineta. Mineta immediately does not want to do it because he’s afraid, but Denki convinces him by saying that the girl’s will all praise him and love him for saving them!
Of course, Mineta immediately starts climbing the vent yelling “HAREM! HAREM! HAREM! GIVE ME LOVE!” He manages to get to the top and opens the door for them all to which he says something along the lines of give me all the praise.
The scene switches back to the fight with Todoroki, Bakugou and Kirishima where they all have to team up to fight the two villain henchmen. Kirishima gets hit and he gets blasted to a wall. Bakugou uses Howitzer Impact on a villain and his sleeve rips which the villain thinks is stupid. But this distraction created an opening for Todoroki to defeat the villain.
After they have defeated the two bad guys, Kirishima is seen still stuck to the wall and says he can’t get out. Bakugou immediately says “Are you stupid, just undo your quirk and you can get out.” Kirishima says, “Oh!”
After Kirishima undos his quirk, Bakugou looks away from Kirishima and says sheepishly, “Kirishima, thanks.” Kirishima looks up at him and smiles a huge grin and says “Don’t mind!” ** I’m sorry in advance but I really can’t remember if Kirishima or Bakugou blushes for those asking! **
The scene switches back to the main group where they are now stuck and surrounded by bots that the hacker sends out. Denki steps up to the plate and uses his power to kill the bots. He goes up to 2 million volts to which right before he uses it, Jirou says “but that will make you…” he switches to his derp face and Jirou ends with “dumb.” The bots then tie up Denki in his derp phase.
Deku now uses the new support Melissa made for him and he uses 30% of his power completely scratch free! The support is a success, but he can only use the gauntlet two more times as it has a limit.
During this scene, Ochako Iida, Jirou, Yaoyorozu, Mineta, and Denki agree to fend off the bots for Deku and Melissa to escape to make it to the security system. Yaoyorozu makes cannons that they use but she has used her quirk too much that she cannot do much else. Mineta also uses his quirk that his head starts bleeding.
Ochako has to use her Zero Gravity quirk to have Deku and Melissa fly away from the fight to make it to the security system. As Ochako uses her quirk on them and they start floating, bots are about to hurt Ochako when…Bakugou and Todoroki come and save her! Kirishima says “You guys make a good team” to Bakugou and Todoroki that Bakugou denies immediately.
Deku uses his Detroit Smash move which was successful and then they fall to the ground. She falls on top of Deku with Deku’s hand near her waist (and everyone in the audience said ‘oooo’). Melissa is hurt on her arm and Deku patches her up before they head into the security room.
Dave and his assistant Sam are both in the security room. A drawer in the room is open and contains a device in a case that Sam holds. Sam congratulates Dave on the success and Dave says that the plan was a success as well. Melissa and Deku both hear this which Melissa immediately says ‘Papa, this is a lie right?”
Dave created a device that enhances a heroes quirk, however, his research for the device was cut short while it was being developed because an executive board forbid such a device. After the committee denied his invention, Dave’s assistant, Sam, told Dave that we can try to get the device back by creating a plan to physically take it back.
The plan was to hire fake villains during I-Expo so that it would look like they are the ones stealing the device, when in actuality, they would be giving the device back to Dave. Dave explains that his main goal for taking back the device was just to save All Might. He says that “he’s doing it for All Might.”
The main villain, Wolfram, enters the room and Sam takes the case towards him. Dave is shocked because it turns out that Sam hired real villains instead of the fake ones they planned to hire. Sam backstabs Dave because he says he put just as much time and effort into the device that he wanted money for his efforts. Sam hands the case to Wolfram and in return, Sam is shot because Wolfram says he does not remember making a deal with him (classic bad guy).
Wolfram is about to kill Sam, when Dave runs and takes the shot instead. Dave is shot on his arm and Melissa tries to run to him but gets thrown to a wall. Wolfram holds back Deku by using his quirk that allows him to manipulate metal. Dave is captured by Wolfram and taken away.
Wolfram explains to Dave that he plans to have him mass produce the device for him as they are about to board a helicopter. Melissa manages to revert the security system back to normal and All Might is shown freed and he is ready to fight. Deku manages to save Dave on the helicopter for a second, but Deku loses his grasp and falls off the helicopter. Deku is upset with himself that he can’t manage to bring the helicopter down to save Dave, when All Might comes to the rescue!
All Might comes flying in and literally EXPLODES the helicopter (I legit thought like I guess All Might kills Dave LOL). Somehow he has Dave safely on the ground, and All Might looks pretty weak.
Suddenly, Wolfram is back but in a much stronger form because he put on Dave’s device. Wolfram grabs Dave and he is now in between walls of metal. His quirk has been enhanced exponentially as he fights All Might. All Might is showing signs that he is at his limit when Todoroki and Bakugou come to help!
Wolfram manages to capture All Might and he is being restricted by his arms and legs by huge pillars of metal. Wolfram explains to All Might that he did not plan this all by himself, he had the idea and help from All For One…
** When Wolfram explains that All For One helped him, the music turns to the same creepy music with the opera singing woman in the anime. I got chills **
While All Might is being held, HUGE rocks of metal and debris all crash onto All Might. (I don’t remember how All Might got out of that debris mess cause I was too concentrated on how intense the battle was. BUT Deku and All Might both manage to get back on their feet and fight!)
The fight turns for the better as Deku and All Might finally team up as the two heroes! They use their One For All quirk to the best of their ability and it is one epic fight. There is a scene where All Might is running with Deku right alongside him and they are running with the same speed and style that Melissa and Dave (I think?) takes note of. They can see how in sync they are with the most powerful quirk.
Their epic finishing movie is a DOUBLE DETROIT SMASH WITH PLUS ULTRA! (This fight scene was really well animated.)
Wolfram is defeated and the sunrises over the debris filled I-Island. The separated Class 1A reunites after the fight.
** I have a note that Todoroki smiles at Bakugou but I don’t remember what led up to that smile and im pretty sure Bakugou smiles. But, I’m not 100% sure, sorry!!!! **
The last scene shows Dave and All Might talking with each other while the students are up above on a higher ground. Dave and All Might talk about how Melissa will be a great scientist and how Deku is on the way of being a hero. Dave tells All Might that he knows that Deku is the one who he passed One For All to and says that he has the “light of a hero.” This is said while the scene pans over Deku and Melissa smiling.
THATS THE END OF THE MOVIE! There was no extra scene at the end because they will show the scene when it hits theaters. Thank you for reading the whole thing if you did and sorry if some parts are confusing! I know I am missing some scenes and transitions but I tried my best and hope you enjoy the movie when it comes out! Thanks~
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heretoreadmyfics · 6 years
I Do Adore - A Sanders Side Fanfic
A/N: Hello! I'm here for all your fanfic needs! I made this Tumblr in the first place to read, but over complications on my program I used to share my fanfic on, I moved to Tumblr to write! But anyways, I’m Heretoreadmyfics. You may call me The Fandom Dolphin. I thought of it because I jump in and out of fandoms like a dolphin. I’m mostly a Sanders Side writer, and will probably move my most popular fanfic, Like Little Puzzle Pieces, to here as well. 
This fic is based off a song called I Do Adore by Mindy Gledhill. So credit goes to her for the idea!
This is a Prinxiety fanfic, it’s fluffy in the beginning but gets angsty in the middle. By the end though it’s tooth rotting fluff
Also this is my 200th post! *Insert party poppers here* Woo!
TW: Hiding, Confessing love, nagging thoughts, and crying.
AU: Human!AU and HighSchool!AU
Pairings: Romantic Princxiety and background Romantic Logicality
 Virgil had been crushing on Roman for a long time.
And that was why he was here. He finally worked up the courage to confront him and tell him his feelings. Patton, his best friend, had been telling him since December to tell him his feelings but no matter how much he walked towards that front door, he kept turning back.
Patton had finally convinced him by coming with him, with the small price of Virgil having to sing, with him in the background playing ukulele.
After much convincing, he finally did it, which was perfect since Prom was coming up.
“Come on! It’ll be fun! I went with Logan last time! It’ll be fun with you two there!!” Patton protested, he was determined to have Virgil there, since he had never gone in the whole 3 years he had been there at the school, and Roman always went even if he didn’t have a date, mostly for the fruit punch. 
And after 2 months, It finally worked.
Virgil’s heart was pounding and with Patton behind him, it made him even more nervous. ‘What if he messed up’ ‘What if he said no’ ‘What if he avoids me and hates me after this’ His thoughts wouldn’t stop nagging him, no matter how much Patton pushed him. But the one thing nagging him the most was the question ‘What if he says yes’ ‘What if he did love me’ What would he do.......
He gently knocked on the door, secretly hoping Roman wouldn’t come. When he did Patton immediately started strumming, giving Virgil no change to run, hide, or stop and think.
He awkwardly smiled and started singing. “Everything you do it sends me, higher than the moon...”
When he finished, Virgil seemed to be crying, and before anyone could say anything else, he ran.
He couldn’t stay, it would make him panic even more.
He ran straight to his house, the only place he knew that Patton and Roman couldn’t find him. If he hid behind a bush or something else like that they would find him, but he needed space.
Logan, his brother, was reading on the couch and of course it scared him a little bit when Virgil just burst through the door, locked them, and slumped down in a pile of sweat.
“What happened this time...” Logan has seen this before, Virgil would do something a little too brave, then come home and hide.
After a long sigh from Virgil, he finally started “...Patton convinced me to confess to Roman..”
“Ah.. That explains it.” Logan seemed puzzled for a second. “Well, go upstairs, if they find you here they’ll bust the door down. Plus you’re covered in sweat.” The man gestured upstairs.
“Well o—“
“VIRGIL” the knocks on the door were HARD. Virgil bolted up the stairs, and Logan was left with everything else.
He unlocked the door and opened it, blocking both Patton and Romans view inside.
“What do you want” Logan sighed, seeing the annoyed, yet somewhat love struck popular boy, and the bubbly, yet confused, by who Logan was dating.
“We just want to know where—“ Patton starts but gets cut off by Roman, “WHERE’S VIRGIL! I NEED HIM RIGHT NOW.”
Romans voice was stern and commanding, trying to get threw Logan blocking the way inside.
“Sorry but I’m afraid you need to go. Virgil needs some alone time right now.”
Virgil peers from the stairs, seeing to what mess was going on from the doorway.
“WELL I DON’T C— VIRGIL!!” Roman ran, trying to get threw Logan, yet again, but this time, it worked.
Roman ran to Virgil, who was mortified and ran to his room, locking the door RIGHT in his face
“Sorry about him,” Patton apologized, which only made Logan blush a tiny bit. “It’s.. fine. Come in.”
“VIRGIL PLEASE I’M TRYING TO TELL YOU SOMETHING!!” Roman yells, at this point not really caring to how this could ruin his reputation. WHICH IS A BIG STEP FOR ROMAN.
“ROMAN!” Patton called up, sterning his voice and promptly ran upstairs.
Virgil and Roman continued to fight behind the doors that Virgil WOULD NOT FOR THE LIFE OF HIM unlock.
Patton tried to stop it nicely, asking them to stop politely, but when they wouldn’t stop, Patton yelled “STOP” at the top of his lungs.
Even Logan was startled by this.
“Ok. Virgil open the doors” he commanded, restraint in in his voice still there.
Virgil opens the door a tiny bit
“All the way.”
He opens it all the way
“Roman, don’t run into his room.”
Roman stays put
“Ok. Roman, places.”
Roman adjusts a tiny bit
“Ok. Go”
And with this Roman immediately switches from annoyed to theater brat. Immediately starting to sing. No restraint in his voice. Pure, perfect, singing.
He starts singing to the part of Be More Chill where Christine (under the SQUIP) confesses to Jeremy. (Part of the song “The Play”)
“You’re the guy I am so kinda into,”
He steps forward
“Guy I am totally into..”
He steps closer again
“This feeling is new...”
He smiles
“Virgil~~~ I. Love. You...”
Blushes from the two exchange, heart beats can be heard from a mile away, in which everyone didn’t know if it was Patton fluttering about this or the other two’s blushes turning into candy hearts.
And then...
Everything stopped for a moment.
“You do know that’s part of a song about people being changed from being under drugs right?”
“Ah i’m jokin’ with ya, Roman. I was the one who ACTUALLY came normally instead of bursting my door open.”
“You are right about that, Virgil Phoenix Anderson”
“Though really, that is the whole premise of the musical Roman Kingston Prince.”
“When did you know mine”
“God I hate you”
”Love you too.”
“And they’re already acting like a married couple...”
“....Can we get ice cream?”
“Patton its snowing outside.”
“Snow cones?”
Tag(s) [Tell me if you want to be added.] :
@fandersfic-prinxiety @el-rezet
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seenashwrite · 6 years
Master Post: Other Goodies
Stories sorted by Original Works, Other Fandoms, and more!
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*~* Kindly do not reblog this subpost - please reblog the Main List 😊 *~*
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O R I G I N A L   W O R K S
Non-SPN short stories
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The marionette shop is full of activity at night, this was nothing new - then she arrived.
Boredom fuels the fires of adventure, even for those who may seem to be living a most fantastical life.
KISS (18+)
The definition of “kiss” depends upon the person.
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F A N D O M    S P A M
Short stories from fandoms other than SPN
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Star Trek [current cinematic universe]
The Enterprise picked up a hitchhiker after a recent stop. Not as cute as tribbles. Possibly still better than Carol Marcus.
Avengers / Marvel
A member of the Avengers reflects upon a post-battle celebration gone wrong.
REACH (Teen & Up)
Avengers / Marvel
Some things are beyond even the strongest reach.
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T H E    U N C A T E G O R I Z A B L E
Where things that can’t go anywhere else will live
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My Christmas Love
An epic review of the most fanfic-y movie that ever graced the screen, the most horrendous of the Hallmark movies with the most horrendous female lead you’ll ever encounter - but you’ve encountered versions of her before: she’s a Whyenne for the record books.
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Master posts for challenges I've designed & hosted - some stories by me, some by you
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300 Followers + Three Little Words
The #Nash300 results, hilarity to fluff to heart-grabbers, from a self-imposed prompt, which - in some cases - devolved in the most awesome of ways.
Archer Meets SPN: Nash’s 200th Follower Challenge
The #Nash200 celebration fics, all using crazy quotes from the hilarious TV show Archer. Get ready. You’re not ready. But try to prepare yourself. Spit-take warning is off-the-scale.
Tell Me A Story In Only Six Words
The #Nash’s 6 for 666 results, to celebrate my 666th follower.
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All sponsored by insomnia & made purely to bring you joy by the Sh*tty Vid Department, this is what happens when the ol’ hard drive here at NashHole, Inc.©℗™ Headquarters needs to be purged of gifs & footage.
Unless it’s noted with ye olde “*” to indicate we managed to get it in the quality ballpark of widescreen/HD, they are ideally viewed on your phone - they were made that way on purpose, so you may have some on-demand Pocket Winchester©℗™ wherever you may be.
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vellichxrr6782 · 3 years
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— fated to be doomed.
character[s] — xiao. theme & genre — angel & demon au, angst, major character death, forbidden love, slight fluff. summary — the angels and demons are at war. when an angel saves you, a demon, from a cruel fate, and you do the same in return, neither of you expect to fall in love. you didn't want anyone to find out, but a secret can only be kept for a while. when the cat's out of the bag, you and xiao find yourself playing a dangerous game with the main consequence being death. cw/tw — blood, war, injuries, death. word count — 2.4k words. a/n — no i swear ill stop writing major character death i swear i swear um also happy 200th post to meeee [half of them were reblogs lmao] @noirkkat thank you smm for the advice darling <333 mwah ily
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the angels and demons are at war. they fall from heavens, they fall from grace, they fall from death. but you never expected to fall in love.
it was a world of cruelty, of hatred, of discrimination. the good against evil, but truly, were either of them good?
taking away innocents' lives and spilling the blood of people who still had homes to go to, were they truly good?
both sides were evil. they always were.
you were a demon. the enemy of angels. and they were yours. you never wanted this. you never wanted to live each day in the fear of it being your last. that wasn't called living. that was called surviving. and you weren't doing so well either way.
it was another morning. for you to slave away or hide in fear, praying, begging to the gods above, if there were any; to live another day.
this morning, although, was a bit different from your other ones.
you stepped out. it was for lunch, yes. you didn't have dinner last night, neither breakfast, so maybe you could find some berries or fruits to eat.
what you didn't want to find, was an angel.
you lowered your thorny wings, threw on your rags and stepped cautiously outside the protective bubble of your home. you uttered a small prayer and walked into the forest beside your rural home.
you stepped on the grass, walking deeper and deeper, until the safe home you'd made was out of sight.
as you bent over to pick some berries, a small rustling noise made you freeze, fear overtaking your senses. "w-who's there?" you said, shaking, holding a branch for protection.
the rustling came from the front now. you whipped your head back and forth, and after a few seconds, you made a run for it.
it was too dangerous, you didn't want to take any risks. so you ran as fast as your nimble feet could carry you.
but, unfortunately, you weren't fast enough. the figure chasing you had caught up to you, and stood right in front.
you looked up to meet eyes with a dashing stranger.
he had bright deep amber eyes, dark hair, and a small diamond mark on his forehead.
but most noticeably; he had angel wings. big, white, majestic wings that were as tall as him. they arched back, defensively standing as he observed your small figure.
his eyes immediately flickered to your large horns and sharp thorned wings. a demon. a pest.
you closed your eyes tightly, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. fear filled your body as you shivered.
this was it, this was the end. you were going to die.
all because you wanted lunch.
you waited for a sharp spear to impale you, or to be thrown against the wall and treated like a slave. instead, the impact never came.
hesitantly, you opened your eyes.
rather than the glare of hatred you were expecting, you saw...warmth in his eyes. peace. home.
the man breathed heavily, leaning against a tree. he clutched his stomach tightly, wincing.
"leave. before they find you." he breathed out, his voice barely a whisper.
"u-uh- " before you could thank him for sparing you, he collapsed on the ground. you gasped, eyes widening.
he exhaled, groaning softly in pain. your breath hitched as you saw him lay sprawled on the ground. you looked around. muffled noises, maybe of demons who were hunting him down?
whatever may it be, there was no way you'd let someone who spared your life, die mercilessly.
you slung the angel on your shoulder. his heavy wings fell to his sides. you used all your strength, took a deep breath and took off, holding onto him tightly as you flew through the air.
the smell of blood and rotting corpses filled your senses, making you want to throw up. it was sick.
the man had saved you from being killed, by warning you beforehand that you should run and hide before they found you. you were eternally grateful.
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the angel opened his eyes slowly, groaning. his head was throbbing, but the pain near his stomach had subsided. he looked around cautiously, wings raised defensively; ready to attack if he needed to.
he whipped his head to the side when he heard the door creak open. you walked in, with a cup of water in your hands. you smiled.
"you're awake now!" you sat down beside him, still maintaining your distance.
he silently stared at you, as if he were trying to process what was happening. "...why did you save me?"
"because i wanted to."
your smile. it was bright. as an angel, xiao had lived in the heavens, where the sun's light reached every corner, every crevice. he was used to the sunlight, but your light...
it was a bit jarring for him.
"you...you didn't have to do this. i'm an angel." xiao sighed, getting up. before you could warn him to be careful, he winced in pain and fell back down.
"you have been stabbed, please let me take care of you momentarily...!" you helped him lie down. your touch was so warm to xiao. it felt so...nice.
he held your hand, perhaps still tired from the injury to think straight.
"don't..do this. you'll regret...it." he mumbled those words before he dozed off, resting his wings.
"i won't regret it." you grinned, running a hand through his hair. you wouldn't regret it, right? not if it's with him.
but now, looking back at it all, maybe you should've let him go. maybe you shouldn't have kept him beside you.
maybe you shouldn't have been stupid. maybe you should've never loved him.
because you did.
and you regret it.
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"oh. there you are." you said, stepping out of your home to approach the boy, who's name you learnt, was xiao. he was one of the angel's knights, the conqueror of demons, was what they called him.
alas, every conqueror gets sick of his title at some point.
xiao stared at you, leaning on his polearm as if it were an armrest rather than a weapon. he gave you a hum. you sat down beside him and he did the same.
he looked up at the sea of stars, the luminous moon shining down on the cursed land.
according to xiao, he had participated in mass killings. rather, he was forced to. he hated, despised, even, the way that the angels would brutally murder the demons, or the way the demons would rip apart innocent angels. he wanted solace, peace, silence. he wanted a home, not a bloodbath. eventually xiao had enough, so he had a change of heart when he saw you and decided he wouldn't let you die.
the wind was strong on that night. xiao couldn't help but feel drawn to you. why was that? wasn't his natural instinct telling him to keep distance and be alone?
if that was so, why did he long to be held in someone's arms?
xiao was a demon in the guise of an angel. his white heavenly wings were stained with the blood of innocents, his eyes were full of melancholic grief, an empty abyss devoid of emotion, and his hands were that of mass slaughter.
despite all of that, his bruised heart still beat with great intensity and passion.
xiao had no home. no place, or no one to go back to when he was running away from the world. he was a wanderer.
and now, this wanderer was stepping into unknown territory. your heart.
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weeks passed by. xiao would leave for heaven as soon as he recovered. it was weird, but you didn't want him to go.
you were happy he's doing better, you were happy he'd trusted you. but you couldn't help but feel...bittersweet.
it was preposterous to think you'd gotten attached so quickly, right? to an angel, nonetheless.
if that was so, why did your heart decide to beat quickly around him? why did your mind deny everything? why did your hands long to intertwine with his? why did your lips want to touch his skin?
you told yourself. you wouldn't act on these feelings, but when the time came for xiao to leave, you held his hand. you kissed his cheek. your heart was racing and your mind didn't deny anything.
you were in love.
and xiao didn't say anything. he mumbled a thank you, and left. you were a bit disappointed, honestly.
well, that was until he came back, the next day. flowers in hand. albeit they were crushed, you still accepted them with a big smile.
it was rather odd to xiao. how you were the one with large dark horns protruding out of your head, and thorny wings dragging behind you as you walked. you weren't a demon at all. you were the kindest, prettiest, softest, and most loving person he'd ever met.
why was he the angel? xiao was terrible, ruthless, he was heartless, wasn't he? then why did he have majestic angel wings?
"you have a heart, xiao." you hummed, blowing on the soup you'd prepared. "it's rather bruised and battered, but it still works."
"i suppose." he mumbled. "but...my heart beats only for you."
you froze, a wave of embarrassment rushing through your body. "d-don't say all that...! i'm blushing now."
"it's the truth. i felt empty before i met you." he whispered, caressing your cheeks. you could see it in his eyes, he was hesitant to speak. "but when i'm around you, i feel...something. i don't know what it is, but i like it."
xiao had never spoken like this before. it felt foreign to him. to feel this, to say this, to look at someone like they're your world. but with you, xiao felt safe. he felt like he could say anything and you wouldn't mock him, or yell at him.
you would love him. loved the way he wanted to be.
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xiao held you in his arms that night. he was rather hesitant at first, but he gave in later.
it was a cold night. so you both lay by the fireplace, soaking in the warmth of the fire, and the warmth of each other.
no matter how hard you tried, you were unable to shake the unsettling feeling in your heart. you felt like you were being watched.
"i'm scared." you whispered, watching the dying embers of the flame that kept you warm. "what if someone finds out about us?"
you both were a secret. in the dead of the night, he would come to you, and in the morning light of dawn, he would leave. if they found out, both of you would be killed mercilessly.
you were a wretched, but lovely secret.
xiao gave a small smile, running his hands through your hair. "they won't. trust me, they won't lay a finger on you. i'll protect you even in my dying breaths."
and that's where he was wrong.
they would find out. a secret can only be kept for so long.
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your door slammed open. you slurred, rubbing your eyes tiredly.
"xiao, darling, is that you?"
xiao ran in, saying, "w-we have to run. now." you raised a brow, but somehow, deep down, you already knew what was happening. this was what you were praying wouldn't happen. this was what you begged wouldn't happen.
xiao grabbed your hand, running with a distressed look on his face. he couldn't take you outside, it was already crawling with angels trying to kill the both of you. he instead, took you deeper inside your home, locking the doors behind you.
"x-xiao, what's wrong?!" you gasped, running behind him. you already knew what was wrong.
he then opened his mouth to say the words you'd been dreading to hear most.
"they found out."
you both never had a chance.
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faced with a wall, with no place to go. you both were trapped in your own little home, which was being torn apart by angels and demons.
they screamed and wailed, for you were a sinner.
and if to love was a sin; then maybe you were.
you felt as if you were on the edge of a cliff. small pebbles would shake and drop into the dark abyss behind you. if you moved a little more, you'd fall. well, at least you would fall alongside him.
"you were a dream. thank you for everything." you whispered, tears threatening to spill from your eyes.
"you were the dream. i am nothing but a nightmare." xiao spoke, cradling your face with his bruised hands. you sank into his touch, cheeks burning from the adrenaline rushing through your veins.
"and i wish i could've saved you." you wrapped your arms around him, gritting your teeth.
"you already did. loving you felt like home."
you longed for silence. for peace, even if it was ephemeral. you longed to be safe. to be alright.
"c-can you kiss me, one last time?" you asked, tears spilling from your eyes. xiao wiped them away, nodding.
and his lips came crashing onto yours, as your fingers interlocked. the sun and moon aligned, and felt like the world was on your side for once. except the moon was alone tonight. except the world wasn't on your side at all.
"i'm sorry. for everything." xiao sighed, basking in your warmth for the last time.
"and i'm sorry too." you mumbled, touching foreheads. "even after i'm gone, will i still be your angel?"
xiao smiled, a genuine one. "you'll be my goddess." "and will i be your demon?"
"my god." you chuckled.
they were a few steps away now. any second, xiao would be holding your corpse, and you, his. with a deep exhale, you closed your eyes.
this wasn't the romantic fairytale you were expecting. but you were happy it happened.
you were happy xiao happened.
xiao looked at you fondly. he didn't believe in miracles, but you were one. you were the biggest gift ever given. you were, and always will be, his everything.
he looked at you like you were his world, and you were. xiao's eyes lidded and he was tired, but he took in all of you. before it was all over.
before he left this cruel world, he leaned in, smiling. you were the one thing he wanted to see before he died.
"i'll be yours until every star in the sky comes crashing down."
and his eyes closed.
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published on; 22nd december, 2021 writing belongs to @/vellichxrr6782 on tumblr.
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togachipblog · 5 years
Bike Chips:
As a little boy growing up in New Jersey, I often accompanied my parents on various vacations to Atlantic City prior to the time of legalized gambling.   While my Dad attended meetings, my Mom and I would often go to the famous boardwalk in the morning to rent and ride bicycle built for two, i.e., a tandem.   When I woke up on April 9, 2007 and started to read my hometown newspaper, the Albany Times Union, online, I came across the following front page article entitled "Invention that empowered women’s rights, better roads celebrates its 200th birthday" and learned that 2017 is the bicentennial of the bicycle ( whole new meaning to bi bi). It got me thinking about the relationship between bicycles and potato chips.   Read the article by clicking here.  
There are at least three interesting connections between the bicycle and the potato chip:
First, a company named Vintage Maine Kitchen uses an antique bicycle on as its marketing logo.   See the photos.  
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The attached article dated November 1, 2015 that was sent to me by Emily A.Schroeder of the Maine State Library describes the company.   The Freeport (also home of L.L. Bean) based company was founded by Kelly Brodeur, a culinary arts graduate of Johnson & Wales after she came up with the idea to produce a chip made from Maine potatoes that contained neither MSG or other processed materials.   They are cooked in sunflower oil and flavored with Maine sea salt.  They also come in Maine Maple flavor.  Her concept is to transform the chip from a throwaway side item to a main (no pun intended) food item.   Check out their website at
and their Facebook page at
.  Watch this television spot about the company:  
Read more about the company at:
http://bangordailynews.com/2015/12/22/living/food/maine-grown-potato-chips-as-simple-as-it-gets/ http://www.mainebiz.biz/article/20160905/CURRENTEDITION/308319994/vintage-maine-kitchen-in-freeport-cooks-up-old-fashion-potato-chips http://www.chewboom.com/2015/11/02/these-new-maine-potato-chips-are-all-about-big-flavor/ http://www.theforecaster.net/freeport-couples-potato-chips-get-back-to-basics/
Second, when a bicycle wheel is not perfectly round and beings to get out of alignment, it is called a potato chip configuration.  See the video. 
Finally, the longest potato chip manufacturer still owned by the original family got its start just down the street from the most famous bicycle shop.  From the Dayton History Books Online Facebook Page:Daniel W. Mikesell was an innovator and entrepreneur who began with a food business down the street from the Wright Brothers’ bicycle shop, where he made and delivered “Saratoga chips,” as the potato chip was originally called. In the early days, the whole family helped out in the making of the potato chips, which were delivered by bicycle. As the business grew, delivery was done by horse and buggy, and then Mr. Mikesell acquired the first Ford delivery panel truck in Dayton. He persevered through setbacks caused by the 1913 Dayton flood and a fire two years later to grow the company, visiting county and state fairs to introduce people to his product, first thought of as picnic food. Once potato chips began to be seen as a year round treat, he concentrated on finding innovative ways to produce them. Eventually the company began to use the name Mike-sells, and has continued to grow, serving the Miami Valley region for over 100 years.found at: https://www.facebook.com/129402137124623/photos/pb.129402137124623.-2207520000.1418604152./830734723658024/?type=1&theater.
See the photo of Daniel W. Mikesell driving his truck in front of his place of business.  
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If you know of any other connections, please leave a comment on my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/TogaChipGuy/
Enjoy: "On the Boardwalk in Atlantic City" by Dick Haymes:
"Bicycle Race" by Queen": 
"On a Bicycle Built for Two" by Nat King Cole: 
The Toga Chip Guy
0 notes
camelliacats · 7 years
Soldiers of Love
Another oneshot, but done to celebrate my 200th fic on FFN. -w-
Fic: "Soldiers of Love" [FFN] [AO3]
Pairings/Characters: various (all kinds of ships, with a surprise narrator)
Rating: light T (for language)
Words: ~6,700
Additional info: romance, slash, femslash, angst, cross gen, Next Gen era, 1st person POV
Summary: A look on love as we ask ourselves that question: Is it really worth it?
                What is love but a passing, flimsy, oft unattainable thing?
                I've asked myself that from time to time, wondering what relationships are sturdy, like elder wood, and which ones are so easily breakable, like…like… Oh, damn, what's so fragile? Besides glass. Oh! I know! Those earrings Victoire got for her tenth birthday. They were made from really soft silver wire and were in the shape of unicorns, and I wanted them, and, well…they broke in a small tiff we had. But that doesn't matter. I've looked through family history and the past of those around us and I've come to see a pattern:
                Love is a broomstick ride, uphill one minute and downhill the next.
                Once upon a time, there was a voluptuous, enchanting barmaid by the name of Madam Rosmerta. She still owns the Three Broomsticks to this day. But, back in the day, no one knew about the times when she went outside into the light of the real world.
                Back then, a distant relative of mine, Sirius Black, had bad blood with his younger brother, Regulus Arcturus Black. Quite a fancy, awe-inducing name, no? But he was anything but. Regulus was a tool of his parents' devices, and he really didn't have a hold of his own life. He was little more than a doll, and the only support he had was from his family's house-elf, Kreacher, and from his so-called "friends" who were pretty much all Death Eaters or Death Eaters-in-the-making.
                He was shadow and couldn't ever be touched by the light. Or so he thought.
                Towards the end of his Hogwarts life, Regulus grew increasingly desperate. He began clawing for the remains of a human life as his Dark wizard future encroached upon him. He was the youngest recruit the Dark Lord had ever taken on at that point, and he was sure to be the best lackey Voldemort had ever had. Regulus probably didn't know the words "fun" or "warmth" at the time.
                Light, enter stage left.
                According to the ever-lovely Rosmerta, she reached out to him because he was compelling. She'd never made a connection with a student before, but she was drawn to his character and inner strength, something which apparently he often joked was his "best bout of acting." It had been platonic at first, but—as all good love stories do—it changed, evolved into something beyond silly "I love yous" and "Me, toos" and the rest of that mawkish crap. Regulus found love with her; Rosmerta found love with him. It wasn't just an evolution. It was a revolution.
                Then he decided he'd hinder the Dark Lord, make up for his past actions.
                Rosmerta asserts that she understands his line of thinking, but she wishes he hadn't gone alone. If he hadn't… Maybe he would've survived.
                Maybe Rosmerta wouldn't still be a barmaid.
                But he did, and he at least kind of got somewhere… I mean, it was decades later when Uncle Ron destroyed the real Horcrux locket, but still. Regulus made a difference. He just made a difference twice in Ros' life—he'd gotten her to love…and he'd gotten her to feel despair.
                You see, Regulus made it out of that notorious cave. He made it back to Hogsmeade. He made it to High Street. He…he made it to Rosmerta's arms. With his last breath, he told her he loved her.
                Regulus died in Rosmerta's arms. Rosmerta has never loved another man since.
                That is real love.
                Too depressing? Okay, then I'll show you a case of fleeting attraction.
                Before Regulus had registered as a big blip on Rosmerta's radar, Sirius had been experiencing funny feelings of his own. Feelings for his best mate. Feelings for—you guessed it—Remus John Lupin. And, yes, I mean the late wizard who was also Teddy's father.
                Remus and Sirius… Sirius calls it a phase. It took a lot of heckling and cajoling to get the truth out of him, but he eventually told me. It goes like this:
                When Sirius boarded that mahogany train when he was eleven, the first friend he made was James Potter (the original one, not to be confused with my equally mischievous cousin, James Sirius Potter). He and James just clicked. So when waif-like Remus Lupin entered their compartment…needless to say, Sirius was unimpressed.
                But then they were all sorted into Gryffindor. That changes everything. Your Housemates are for life, mind you, and they become closer than even your siblings.
                Ha. Those two became a whole lot closer than siblings.
                So, yeah, the chemistry was there from the beginning and it remained, even after making friends with portly (and later, deceitful) Peter Pettigrew and forming the Marauders. Even after James, Sirius, and Peter discovered Remus was a werewolf. Even after innumerable relationships and bad break-ups on Sirius' part with damn near every witch in the school. Even after innumerable detentions from innumerable pranks played on innumerable students.
                There was one "prank," however, that could never be tolerated.
                It's no secret that Sirius Black hates Severus Snape. He always will. Snape may be dead, but Sirius will always hate him, even though Harry told Sirius about the truth behind Snape's actually heroic actions. Sirius is lucky to be alive; a tumble through the Veil and a rescue after the war when Uncle Harry and Aunt Hermione broke the Veil, and he's as good as new. And his mind is the same as it always was—he and Snape will never mesh.
                He took it too far, though, when one year he was severely irritated by Snape. I tried asking Sirius why, but he doesn't even remember. All he knows is that he felt blind hatred for the greasy-haired teen.
                Sirius hated Snape. Sirius knew Remus was a werewolf. Snape didn't know, but he had his suspicions.
                Have you added two and two yet?
                On this particular evening, Sirius taunted Snape and provoked him, prodding for information about Remus' nightly whereabouts. Sirius said he would show Snape the answer to all his questions, and, for some reason that we'll never know, Snape trusted Sirius enough to leave the castle on the night of the full moon.
                Remus had transformed already and was rampaging as usual. Unlike usual, he was more aggravated that night. James and Peter could do little to contain him, and Sirius didn't seem to care much. He honestly thought that once Snape crossed paths with werewolf Remus, it would be a riot.
                He almost cost Snape his life.
                In the end it was James who saved Snape, something which Snape would forever begrudge him, as Snape had always loved Lily Evans, who later married James and had Harry, but you know that story. When Remus healed and returned to his sane mind, he tore into Sirius. James had done so already, but it meant something completely different coming from Remus.
                Remus had always had a strong effect on Sirius. Part of it was because he was quiet or silent. Many times all he had to do was send Sirius a look—hurt or disappointed—and Sirius would strive to make things right. It was a non-magical kind of magic that only Remus could work on him, and it never bothered Sirius. It was how he later figured they loved each other.
                But attempted murder does a lot to ruin a relationship.
                After the "prank," Remus and Sirius remained mates. They always would. Friendship could never be broken between them. But any chance of a real, loving relationship between them disappeared with that night's daunting, shining Moon. I'm sure that Sirius still feels a tiny pang in his chest when he sees the full moon these days.
                All right, so that was almost as depressing as the last. But my next example is anything but. I like to call their love…"valiant."
                Enter William "Bill" Weasley and Fleur Delacour. No one could have ever predicted them. I doubt even that old loon Trelawney could have foreseen them. But happen they did.
                The first time Fleur entered the picture, she was competing against Uncle Harry in the Triwizard Tournament. She was quite good with her magic, and she was and always has been most captivating. She was a wow-er in the event, and she completed her tasks gracefully…even if she didn't complete all of them.
                A funny thing often crosses my mind when it comes to their history: Why did she fall for Bill and not for Charlie? I mean, Uncle Charlie has a lot going for him, and technically they met first. He was with the dragons for the tournament's first task. But I suppose poor Uncle Charlie just wasn't up to her standards.
                So the tournament ended, and Fleur finished school, and…what would she do next? I don't think she ever really thought about it. One thing she knew was that she wanted to get a job here and improve her English. Good thing, too. Her accent is so bloody thick it's a miracle anyone can understand her. Bill manages to, but I think he used a spell or something to learn French so he can get what she says.
                One thing led to another, and Fleur came to work at Gringotts. She interacted with Bill, and apparently he helped with her language skills, but we all know they were really dating. Both of them say it was an instant attraction…but that attraction didn't extend to all of the other Weasleys.
                Seeing how Fleur meshes so easily with the family now, it's hard to consider how Grandmam Weasley and Aunt Ginny could've hated her so. Nowadays, anyone who looks at Fleur would think that she had always been a Weasley matriarch, somewhere deep down inside her…in her blood. Of course, as always, a war changes people.
                Funny how Grandmam Weasley ever thought she had a foot to stand on when she proclaimed that Bill and Fleur were rushing in to things when they got engaged and were pretty much ready to tie the knot towards the beginning of the second war. Grandmam Weasley had rushed in to marriage, too, with Grampa Weasley, way back in the days of the first war. Hmm, would that be the pot calling the cauldron black, perhaps? Yeah, I thought so, too.
                But what it all comes down to is that adjective I used earlier—"valiant." Most thought that Fleur was with Bill for his good looks. Hey, it was an observation. They're beautiful people, and beautiful people look great together. However, no one really saw them when they were together and deeply immersed in conversation or in each other. No one had really witnessed the electricity between them.
                Oh, boy, though—sparks of another sort flew when Bill was marred by Greyback.
                Most of the family thought Fleur would flutter away in the wind now that Bill was no longer good-looking. Which is bullshit. For two reasons. First, as Fleur so vehemently and pointedly stated, Fleur loved him for every other part of him besides his looks and—well, the woman did say she would be pretty enough for them both. My second point is that calling him ugly after the attack is ridiculous. Honestly. Go look at him. Those scars add character. I haven't once heard a witch say "ew" to him. All I see are scores of witches whose faces burn red and hearts pound in their chest, and you know what they say? "Is that the war hero, Bill Weasley?" Trust me, those scars are far from maiming.
                Good thing, too. Because it was only a few months after that that Fleur and Bill married, and, one war and a few years later, Victoire was born, and everything just kept rolling in motion.
                Oh, and if you didn't catch it by now, I haven't called them aunt and uncle. It's because I'm proud to call them Mum and Dad. Their love means the most to me, and, to this day, it's still as fresh as when they first met in that goblin bank.
                So would you like to hear of a love story almost as juicy? One not riddled with clichés, as most people might think? All right, then, let me take you a few years back in my lifetime.
                By this time, James Sirius Potter and his brother, Albus Severus, had finished Hogwarts. Lily had about one year to go, I think…yeah, I'm a bit crap with timelines, but so what? The point to demonstrate is that Aunt Ginny and Uncle Harry had weathered and survived a lot, and it was getting to that point where… Well, things weren't as fun anymore.
                That was how it looked to the family. James told me different, though. "Oh, you know Dad," he'd said. "He was always so caught up in his work. As if he really had any time for his family." James had never—and probably never would—forgiven his father for all the times that he should've been home. Uncle Harry had been home to see only Al get his Hogwarts letter, you should know. That was how "caught up" he was with the Auror Office.
                Here's where I'd like to remind you that Sirius is alive. I wasn't lying earlier when I said that Aunt Hermione and Uncle Harry had broken the Veil following the war. It had been a last-ditch attempt to rescue Sirius, and luckily that worked. Sirius popped out looking not a day past the age he'd been when he'd been pushed through the Veil by Bellatrix Lestrange's Stunning Spell. However, two years in the Veil had helped him to grow up, maturity-wise. Poor bloke…
                Anyway, let me finish painting the picture for you: Uncle Harry's a dick, Aunt Ginny's fed up with a life that's grown up and is practically out of her hands, and Sirius is alive. Are you raising questions yet?
                It's not as though Aunt Ginny had no feelings whatsoever for Sirius Black. Recall that back right before Sirius got lost to the Veil, when Uncle Harry had taken his friends to the Ministry to "save" Sirius, Aunt Ginny had told Harry that she cared for Sirius just as much as he did. Fact. No, really. They had made friends while stuck at the Burrow and Grimmauld Place while everyone else did stuff for the Order of the Phoenix. Ginny couldn't do anything then because she was so young. Sirius couldn't do anything then because he was an outlaw.
                Perfect match, no?
                But they didn't really get to know each other then. Contrary to popular belief, they weren't best mates since they were left behind. Friends, sure, but bosom buddies? Nope. It wasn't until after the Veil rescue when Ginny and the others could learn more about what made Sirius Black tick.
                When Uncle Harry was younger, he lived with his awful Muggle relatives. After the war, he moved into Twelve Grimmauld Place. Once Sirius was rescued, both of them lived there—it was a promise fulfilled about five years after it'd been made.
                After Aunt Ginny grew up and finished school and started playing Quidditch professionally, Uncle Harry had found time to get his feet on the ground. One thing led to another, yadda yadda, Ginny spent more and more at Grimmauld Place, blah blah, and then Ginny and Harry did what everyone expected and married and had kids and it all seemed like the perfect fairytale.
                As James and Al and Lily grew up, Sirius played a helpful, babysitter role, and it supposedly helped Aunt Ginny and Uncle Harry find time to themselves. Not entirely true… I asked all three kids what role they saw Sirius as having played in their lives, and all of them answered the same way: "Our dad."
                And no one's ever told Uncle Harry that little Lily Luna actually called Sirius "Daddy" first.
                So back to the story. With almost all the kids out of school, Aunt Ginny faced more and more time to herself…and with Sirius. Truly, he'd been there for her all those years. They'd become real friends during this time, and, now both well into their adult lives, a mutual attraction that was more than platonic formed.
                Nothing happened until Lily was out of school. Aunt Ginny felt confused and a little guilty about her feelings, and Sirius thought the kids could better handle things once they were, basically, adults. Sadly for him, he could've started really chasing Ginny earlier as James, Al, and Lils had long ago accepted him as their real father figure. But when Lily did finish Hogwarts, Sirius did his damnedest to make life fun and exciting for Ginny. Honestly, if Uncle Harry noticed, he didn't care. It was almost as though having a wife and family had been a phase for him, just as Remus had been a phase for Sirius (who, for the record, never liked any boy besides Remus, so finding love with a witch was normal for him, as he'd fallen for Remus' personality and not his gender).
                It was last year when, after three years of quiet love, Ginny and Sirius told the family of their relationship. To which most of us laughed. Hey, most of us had guessed it already. Aunt Ginny's kids were the happiest I'd ever seen them, actually…
                Uncle Harry was nowhere to be found. Aunt Hermione and Uncle Ron said he was holed up at his office. Go figure.
                See how juicy it was? Told you so. The Boy-Who-Lived had outlived his stay. He was better as the best Auror of our lives than as a husband and father.
                I'm sure one of these days we'll be legally calling Sirius "Uncle Sirius"—and I don't think even Grandmam and Grampa Weasley will object.
                Now let me tell you about the "Ginrius" of my generation. There once was a little girl named Lily Luna Potter. She had two older brothers and a huge family made up of people who dearly loved her. Lily really had the world in her palm.
                But one star was missing from her perfect sky.
                Theodore Remus Lupin had grown up to be a strong boy. He was now a strong Auror, though not as absorbed in his work as his godfather, our Uncle Harry. Teddy hadn't let it affect him, the fact that his parents, Remus and Tonks, had died before he'd known them. Uncle Harry and his Grandma Andromeda had raised Teddy well. Teddy had always been a charmer.
                He'd charmed the heart right out of Lily. Even at a young age, Lily had always known that Teddy was number one in her heart. When Lily wanted to be picked up, she called out for "Taddie." When she needed a playmate, she asked where Teddy was. When something made her sad, she cried on Teddy's shoulder. It was a sibling relationship, and yet it wasn't. There was something that…bonded these two together.
                For a moment, it appeared as though the bond had been broken when Teddy dated my sister, Victoire. But they didn't last long. Teddy was a prince and Victoire was a fleeting fay. Passion united them, but it also broke them. They clashed much too often to work. They could never work things out. But one thing that Teddy worked out was that he needed a princess.
                Lily had always been his princess, though.
                When Lily was fifteen, she made her move on Teddy. She figured he needed to know of her real feelings by then, so she put herself out there, regardless of whether he returned her feelings. It was torture for her, while he recovered from the shock and mulled over the situation. But finally, in her last year of school, Teddy admitted he felt the same way, and they've been going strong ever since.
                Oh, James and Al put Teddy through the ringer. They had to; Lily was their baby sister. But they approved of him. He was the only one of Lily's boyfriends they've ever approved of, and I hope for Teddy's sake that that doesn't change. Because when Lily tells Teddy and the others the surprise she and the last Lupin are expecting now, four years later, and Teddy has been too timid to put a ring on her finger…
                Oh, yeah. The fireworks are going to be hilarious. I don't think even Sirius will be joking when he learns about his surrogate daughter's, ehm, "plumpness."
                Funny. Aunt Ginny fell for a godfather. Lily fell for a godson… Won't it be funny, if Lily has a daughter? That girl's future is bound to be interesting.
                So I think I'll sum up Lily and Teddy with one notion to stir your imagination—they were always soulmates. And I've never thought of anyone else in such a way, either.
                There's a dark side to soulmates, though, something that skews such a definition. For those who enjoy a good tale of seizing what you want, you'll appreciate the story of one Daphne Greengrass and Lucius Malfoy.
                How is this possible, you may ask? Wasn't Lucius Malfoy married to Narcissa Malfoy? Didn't they lead a perfect life, everything considered following the war?
                Oh, how much you have to learn, my dearies.
                As mentioned before, bad deeds really strain a relationship. Once they were cleared of charges following the second war, things became very tense in the Malfoy household. I recall Scorpius telling me once that his grandparents were like ice sculptures: beautiful to look at but cold to the touch. Even during Scor's parents, Draco and Astoria's, courtship, Lucius and Narcissa had played polite but never nice. But it was actually at Astoria and Draco's wedding where Lucius met the pretty Daphne.
                Scorpius says his aunt was reluctant and cautious of his grandfather at first. It was like a game not of cat and mouse but of spider and fly. Lucius lured her in, intrigued by her smart mind and her dismissal of her presumed pureblood cares. Daphne also stood up to him. This wasn't to say that Narcissa didn't, but Daphne's character was so much more compelling and playful and…intimidating.
                Lucius had his very first challenge.
                With Lucius, he only had to throw around his family name to get whatever he wanted. It had always worked for him, and he'd come to depend on it continuing to work. But when Daphne Greengrass was not impressed by him, he had to learn how to catch a woman for real.
                He had to become the gentleman had he always given the impression of being.
                This was new territory, certainly. Not only did Lucius have to use half a brain, but he also had to develop the real, human emotions that had lain dormant, unused deep inside him. Did you know? Daphne was the one to get him—Lucius Malfoy!—to say those three little words: "I love you."
                Who knew that a little wallflower witch could've brought a "great" wizard to his knees?
                It's interesting, though… Lucius had never played with Daphne's heart. If anything, Scorpius said that Daphne had nearly toyed with Lucius', for she had dragged her feet so long before trusting him in the least bit.
                Well, the fruit falls far from the tree, as Scorpius has no room to talk.
                Scorpius isn't as innocent as he first comes off. When you take a look at his love life, you see that he's a bit of a mastermind. He can manage two hearts at once.
                First it was Lorcan Scamander. Scor had had his eye on the twin for a long time. He liked Lorcan's mind and the haughtiness that surprisingly came along with it. He'd always appreciated blond locks similar to his, but Scorpius really liked the chase Lorc gave when Scorpius initially started after the Ravenclaw.
                Tsk. Typical Slytherin.
                What makes Scorpius even more of a typical Slytherin is that he went after not only Lorcan, but he even chased my cousin, Freddie! And poor Freddie fell head-over-heels for him. Merlin, it was pretty bad… Scorpius had once shown a little interest in him, and then Freddie had forever pined after the Malfoy. An even greater strain on things? Freddie and Lorcan are best mates…and they're both in love with the same wizard.
                I'm not really sure what's running through Scor's mind or heart. I'd love to know. He has them both wrapped around his little finger, as much as Lorc would hate to admit it. I once tried asking Scor why he goes between the two, and he gave me a grim smile as he answered, "They have in them what I'm missing in me." So damn cryptic. I tried asking Lorc and Freddie why they wouldn't leave him; they know about the other's relationship with Scorpius, for Godric's sake. But both of them said—mysteriously—the same thing: "I can't just stop loving him because someone else does."
                Oh, Fate…how you fuck with us so.
                Well, let's move on to something a little less scandal-ridden. Like my cousin, Molly, and her office romance.
                Molly is so uptight and concerned with the "right thing" and the rules. She was a bookworm, a bitch, and now she's a bloody good Obliviator. She had two failed attempts at romance—Theodore Nott and Zacharias Smith (of which the latter is currently engaged to one Parvati Patil)—before finding comfort and peace with Michael Corner, an old schoolmate of Uncle Harry, Aunt Hermione, and Uncle Ron's.
                Molly had made friends with Nott and Corner at the Ministry. Nott worked as an Unspeakable, and Corner worked in the Office of Misinformation, which often dealt with creature cover-ups. The three had been inseparable to a certain degree. But things took a turn for the worse when she fancied Smith.
                She went after him for a while, but Smith told her he couldn't be with her. His heart belonged to Parvati. This sent Molly running back into Nott's and Corner's arms, but more so Nott's. He tried being for her what Smith couldn't…but the old hurt was too much. The hurt that had appeared when she'd originally told Nott and Corner to stop being jealous of each other because she'd never choose between them. Well, she had. But, in Nott's book, it was too late for her to rectify things.
                Aunt Hermione told me that Michael Corner had been a very stubborn, very proud boy when they were kids. Molly even confessed to me once that his stubbornness could be irritating.
                What anyone had failed to realize, though, was that Michael was possible of great empathy and care. He had never let his feelings for Molly wane, and he was the only one who had remained by her side through the Smith and Nott fiascos. He knew how she felt, to love and not be loved…
                After they had been together for a while, Molly said to me that she wished she could have been as smart about people as she was about books. Then she would've realized sooner just how rightly her hand fit in his.
                Molly doesn't know it yet, but Michael just bought a lovely solitaire-cut opal before the big date they have tomorrow. Opals are Molly's favorite gem. I'm sure she's smart enough to know this real man from one of fiction.
                Sweet… Very sweet. It's not to say that others aren't. But all this talk about my relatives getting together with our parents' and aunts' and uncles' former classmates brings to mind one relationship that screamed "scandal" for close to a decade.
                By now you must've heard of Victoire Apolline Weasley. Who hasn't? Vic leaves her mark wherever she goes. Merlin knows she left her mark on Hogwarts.
                Ha, that has a double-meaning, and I bet you didn't even notice.
                But yes, she left her mark on Hogwarts. For a little bit (as mentioned earlier), Victoire dated Teddy, but that didn't last long. Part of the reason was because she just didn't work with him. The other part was that she had her eyes on one somewhat-available Herbology professor…
                Neville Longbottom.
                Okay, I know, I know, who the hell ever thought they'd be together? But let me tell you—Neville is no gangly, awkward teen. He's not a wizard who's as unsure of himself as he is sure the sky's blue. He is a beaten-down man who found companionship with a girl who happened to find love with him.
                After the war, Neville did a stint as an Auror before teaching Herbology at Hogwarts. He married Hannah Abbott, the landlady of the Leaky Cauldron, and they had a son named Frank. All seemed well for the Longbottoms.
                Except for the lack of love in the house.
                Frankie was always loved. His parents cared about no one more. They just didn't care very much about each other. Neville tried to make it work, he really did, but Hannah didn't like the deflated feeling she got whenever she was around him. So she left Neville for an old Housemate, and Neville got Frankie and a divorce.
                It stung a lot. Neville's classes were tense during that period right after his divorce. But he made the best of it.
                Victoire broke up with Teddy in her sixth year. It had been a long time coming, and, honestly, both were happy to return to a platonic friendship. Around this time, though, it was a year after Neville's divorce, and Victoire struck up an odd but nice kind of friendship with the Herbology professor.
                Somewhere along the line, my sister got it into her mind that Neville was appealing in a more than merely interested way. Vic says that those were the first days when Neville made her heart pound, but she just blushes now if you tell her that he obviously still does that now. It was also quite obvious that this was a kind of love at first sight.
                Victoire's always been a bit pushy. It's just how she is. It's part of the nature she inherited from our mother, who was very similar when she was that age. Victoire could get herself in and out of trouble with her charms and attitude…except with Neville.
                They actually conveyed their feelings to each other during a spot of detention, which is hysterically hilarious. Who ever heard of a love confession during a detention?! But that's just how Victoire and Neville work. They're what you'd call an "unconventional couple." Things just work at their own, odd pace. For example, once Vic was older and they started actually dating, it took Neville something like fifteen dates before he finally kissed her! Of course, take that with you to the grave; Vic would kill me if she knew I'd shared that with anyone else, ha.
                But yeah, they work in their own special way. It was bad when they went public to the family alone. They were met with a mix of approval and disgust. I still don't think Mum and Dad have ever settled with the fact that the only person in the world who could ever get Victoire to settle down is Neville…but it's true. It's Neville. Victoire might be a multitude of negative emotions and unappealing characteristics on her own, but Neville balances all that out. He's…her human Ritalin.
                Yes, Vic, I say that with all love intended. No, really!
                Obviously if the family felt strange about them, so did our friends and colleagues. They waited a few years after Victoire finished school, so as not to raise suspicion. I mean, Victoire did not want to have to repeat any classes in which she'd certainly gotten the marks she deserved (she's a Ravenclaw for a reason). Luckily they passed under McGonagall's radar, and they had clear sailing out of others' storm of criticisms. Some people (a few of Vic's now ex-friends) rebuked Victoire for her actions. Others (our mates, the Scamander twins, for example) were just in amazement that a) she'd gotten away with such a relationship (ahem, friendship) during her schooldays and b) that she and Neville made it work.
                Victoire and Neville… They take things slow, but they're rock-solid. It's an enviable quality, and I'm happy for my sister. It's good that their "scandal" calmed down.
                One scandal wasn't as lucky.
                James is a very capable person. You have to be to look after two younger siblings and your mother when your father isn't in the picture all that much (though, yes, Sirius has always been a great help). James was good in school, though a tad lazy, and he values his friends…
                And he thought he could value the family enough to understand him when he found love.
                Understand that James never had much trouble finding girlfriends before. In fact, he'd been a bit of a heartbreaker when he was younger, reminiscent of Sirius himself. But as James went on through school, he had fewer and fewer dates. Al never thought much of it. "Are you kidding?" he told me. "James needed to focus on his marks! He's smart, but—damn—he's a slacker when he's got no motivation. In fact, if it weren't for that bit of cajoling, he wouldn't have passed Muggle Studies in sixth year."
                The "bit of cajoling" to which Al was referring came from the Muggle Studies professor, Justin Finch–Fletchley. He said James had talent for understanding Muggles and their creations and even convinced James to take his N.E.W.T. class—which, I might add, James passed the following year. But during James' sixth? James was bored…and a little angry with his father… Professor Finch–Fletchley bogged him down with extra lessons to bring his Muggle Studies marks up, but Professor Finch–Fletchely also realized James needed something else: a mate. Sure, James has his mates Troy and Curt and Lania, but Justin brought new aspects to the word "friend," and he also brought new thoughts to James' mind.
                One little drama and fight later, James realized he felt more than friendly towards his teacher. The feeling was mutual.
                "It was hell getting Jus to say anything about his true feelings to me," James answered me when I asked one day. "As pleasant as I can be"—we both snickered at that—"and as sweet as he can be, we were both so bloody pigheaded about…saying we liked each other. Student and teacher, wizard and wizard… It was a platter of trouble served freshly hot. But I know I couldn't help it. I'm glad he didn't want to help it, either. Otherwise we never would've gotten to where we are today."
                Yeah, tell me about it. That had only been his sixth year. For his seventh, he and Justin had a horrible time because of a few misunderstandings that weren't worked out until it was almost too late. But they worked through their troubles—similar to how Victoire and Neville work, really—and many, many months later they told the family. It was damn near catastrophic. I… Hell, the reactions just by his parents and siblings were bad enough. I was in shock; I don't think any of us expected James, of all people, to turn out to be gay. Though, he says it isn't so much being gay as it is about loving someone who happens to be a wizard, a male, like him.
                The loves that happen… The reactions to them… They can both be wondering or terrifying. Even if things are fine for the couple, it can never be perfect. There will always be a bit of anxiety, of fear, for anyone and everyone has the option of changing his or her mind whenever he or she feels like it. Vic and Neville… James and Justin… They're the best examples of it, if you ask me.
                And now you must be asking, "So which sibling are you? Are you Louis? Or…" Heavens, no. No, I'm not Louis, bless our little brother's soul. I am Dominique Gabrielle Weasley, and I understand all of these people's loving souls best. I understand their worst fears best. I understand their pain.
                I've told no one, not one single soul—not even my sister—that I am in love with a former teacher and current wedding boutique-owner and witch…
                Pansy Parkinson.
                Godric, don't bother patronizing me or tearing me to pieces. Harbor your own judgments in your soul, whether you argue that Pansy cannot be matched with anyone or that two women ought not to be in love or engaged in any kind of non-platonic physical activities. Who are you to judge when you know so little? So I'll share that little with you, and maybe you'll start to understand what I've been trying to get across all this time, about love being that bloody broomstick ride.
                Victoire and Neville were planning their wedding. Victoire refused any type of wedding planner, so she was running around doing practically everything by herself. When it came to her outfit, she trusted "Garland Boutique," the place where she could have her dress, veil, shoes, reception dress, and jewelry made all in one stop. Little by little, I collected my sister's items, trying them on before she could (but don't tell her that!). When it came to the dress…I didn't try it on. But it got me itching to try a wedding dress on, myself.
                Pansy picked one for me and helped me into it. We both stared at my reflection, thinking… I could see in her eyes the ideas that had been stirring in my mind for a while. Maybe her fingers on my skin would feel better than this cloth. Maybe her hand in mine would feel better than the world's best set of diamonds. Maybe her eyes ought not to look at anything other than me ever again.
                It wasn't a love at first sight, but it was that electric shock that travels down your spine and tugs at your navel, giving you that scary feeling that you're either about to vomit or burst into a hyper fit of giggles. Any girl in love (or like) is bound to know that emotion.
                Now…it's been a few years. I'm horrified of what my family might say. I'm sure Mum and Dad have already labeled Louis their last hope, but they certainly will consider him as such if I ever tell them that their "single" daughter isn't so single. I fret often about the reactions… Sometimes I have nightmares that I'm cut off—I don't care about the financial aspect, since I can support myself working at Beauxbatons, but the emotional part of it… I never want to lose my family.
                As proud as Pansy is, I know that when I crumple in her arms, crying, or when I wake up screaming from one of those nightmares, there's fear that seizes her, too. Only every now and then can I see it in her eyes. Most of the time I feel it in how her body tenses against mine, or how her arms tighten involuntarily around me. She seems to fear that my family will strike down her door and take me away… I don't like that thought, either.
                But I'm more scared that her fear will get the better of her, and I'll lose the best thing that's ever come my way.
                So, what is love but a passing, flimsy, oft unattainable thing? Is it something like that? Or is it something more, something not skin-deep but soul-deep? It isn't just that single glance or that one shock. It's not the idea that this person completes you, but the idea that you are more whole, that you are better because you have their strength and brains and good qualities added to yours. You are two separate entities who come together as a single, great being. You fight anything that comes your way and know it makes you all the better for having fought it, even if you didn't win it.
                Love is a broomstick ride, uphill one minute and downhill the next. You may not be able to win the race, but it's how you ride it out that counts, my fellow Soldiers of Love.
Well. :O I'm…so proud of this. I'll try to keep this A/N short so you can let the story sink in. Merlin… The point of this fic was just to use my favorite pairings to celebrate my breaking 200 stories…and somehow it turned into a thought-provoking piece, even for me. I'm super happy with it, and I hope you walk away feeling empowered (urgh, that sounds cheesy…), too.
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave an anon/unsigned review via the FFN link or comment via the AO3 link at the top of the post, especially if you enjoyed this!
2017 note: I…am still v proud of this 7yo oneshot. Tho I know sometimes people don't like stories that feel like a "list of pairings," I like the storytelling aspect of this story, especially in Dominique's voice. It lends a v different feel to my work, v different from other things I wrote before it and everything I've written since. Tbh…this fic leaves a lasting impression of me, and I'm glad I wrote something like this once. -w-
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roominthecastle · 7 years
1. Wtf?!? 200th episode??! When did that happen?! Anyway I gotta say I am a bit bored with s9b. Nicky's ep was great but everything else... Idk, this new guys are kinda... meh. Which is strange cause I felt really connected to the whole team by 1x4-5. Even Warrick, though I didn't particularly like him, but I always appreciated him and dynamics of them all. And now I can't even say a couple of words about Riley (just learned her name the previous ep), she seems completely bland, like a cut-out.
2. And this Ray dude? Everyone is running around him like he is some kind of genius and I don’t get why?? Am I supposed to care about him? (this is getting away from me sorry) He got the first name in credits so he is supposed to be a lead but all I can see is that they use everyone to prop this guy. He gets these “revelations” even though last seasons Nick or Greg or even Hodges would have cracked the case half an episode ago by sheer unrelentingness and professionalism. Whatever did they do
3. without his insights and neverending wisdom. Oh and then he gets to be the wisest man to ever wise (completely uncalled for most of the time). I mean his whole character is a big joke! A doctor getting squeamish? Can’t find the time to eat?? How did you go through med school?? He is walking around with two giant cases until they gave him an office his first week? Guys been here for more than a decade and everyone had found a place for their stuff. He gets treated like he’s a new Griss and
4.  he deserved it how exactly? And wow this rambling has turned into a rant and omg I didn’t realize how frustrated I was with this. I didn’t understand Grissom’s fascination with him either but i figured he was just being polite to a fellow academic, not that they would so blatantly shoehorn him down my throat. He is not even bad or anything, but WHY is all the focus on him?? And omg I’m SO sorry if I’m offending you or anyone, this is all imho of course, and perhaps I sneezed and missed some
5. important development, or he’ll become someone truly awesome, anyway sorry for ranting! But for now I really miss Griss, Sara and Warrick, I really fucking miss Sophia, I miss the original characters who could brake a case by lunch time without looking for any guidance
I am SO sorry for blowing up your askbox yesterday! It’s kinda hard for me to stop if I get going but still, uncalled for. I don’t even know why it irked me so much, I’m watching 9x21 and the last couple of eps he’s been completely normal character (I even liked him for a second, when he was referencing some ancient Greek philosopher, dude’s smart I can’t help it…). I guess the clumsy introduction of a character made my dormant non-conformist rear its head and word-vomit everywhere. Apologies)
There’s no need to apologize, anon. I am sorry it took me this long to respond.
I went through this exact same “grieving process”, and the new characters - esp the ones you think are replacing the favs you lost - are always the best targets when you are… well, emotional. It’s okay. This is great, actually. It means the previous 9,5 seasons were def not a waste of your time. Also thank you for making me laugh. I wasn’t laughing at you ofc but at the chain-rant you ended up having. It is quality, my friend. I always love a good rant.
To be honest, I have v little memory of S9b. I did watch it but all I remember is this sinking feeling that “okay, this is now a different show and it is nobody’s fault, really, but I can’t stick w/ it anymore”. So I quit and have yet to see 99% of those episodes btw S10 and the finale.
Which means * drumroll * that you are now ahead of me in CSI watching. ;) So if you feel like it, pop back in and let me know how you like it. I’m toying w/ the idea of maybe finally catching up.
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