#they need to be read by my mutuals. or anyone really please babes
I’m going to be sappy for a moment since I stumbled on old posts and I just have to be sappy okay? It’s my purpose.
It’s interesting to see how I was using tumblr to see other blogs (before I posted) and see their content and make sure they knew I loved them and their work (writings or art or anything) years ago, and how I am now. I post a lot, write a lot, talk to friends a lot, show my support a lot, and use tumblr as my safe space. I talk about my issues or something that crosses my mind (on my main blog and my other blogs), or about what’s happening in my life, and I get to talk to friends! I talk to people happily and actually connect about our interests, and I don’t just stay in the background.
It’s so funny to look back at my old posts and see how I was SOOO excited to get 19 followers and said how I believed my blog was just gonna be a random one no one would follow. I reblogged it YEARS ago (like 2018) and said how I had 300+ then.
Guys. I was that excited and I wrote PARAGRAPHS.
And now I have 1,262. Me in 2018 would’ve been so excited and freaking out about how many I have, and writing even more paragraphs about how thankful I am…so I’m going to. I never expected to ever hit 1k, or anywhere near it. I use tumblr to screech about the things I love and I’m so grateful that out of these 1,262 people, I have found friends and though we don’t know each other irl, it still makes my day when I see your name come up in my notifications. It adds a boost to my day, and I know I’m making someone else’s day better too. I love posting about my interest and learning that someone else likes my opinion and likes my own work, too. And seeing their little add-on’s too! It’s so great! It’s nice to have people to talk to and have them listen and then add on to the things we love. I love being able to show my appreciation even if I’m just another number to another blog.
Anyways, mutuals I love you all and I’m happy you’re following me and I hope you’re happy to follow me as well :)💙.
And even if we aren’t friends/mutuals but you’re part of the 1,262, I love you very much as well and seeing your name pop up makes me happy, and I hope I make you happy, random scroller on my blog.
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eternalbuckley · 1 year
My heart chose you. - evan buckley
SUMMARY: Look at this wonderful request.
word count: 3,311
genre: fluff, comfort | gn!reader, queer!reader, bipoc!reader and plus-size!reader friendly
warnings: a tiny bit of angst, sexual comments about reader + explicit language, cat calling (once?), disgusting men, use of y/n a few times, buck is readers first boyfriend/kiss/etc., established relationship, slight description of how buck met readers parents for the first time, readers mum accuses buck of only using reader, mention of alcohol, use of pet names (babe, darling, [my] love), insecure buck, mention of thunderstorms, english is not my first language, hardly proofread — if i forgot something, please let me know!
a/n: Thank you for this awesome request! I had so much fun writing it and I hope everything fits perfectly. This is the first request I’ve ever done and I hope you all will like it as well!! Happy reading 🫶
disclaimer: please do not repost or try and take ownership of my work or post this anywhere without my consent. do not translate my work and post it anywhere — i give you no permission to do that. i only post my stories here, so if you find my work anywhere else please let me know! reblogs, likes and comments are appreciated and welcomed!
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The topic 'love' was never an easy one for you. You were sure you never even felt what real love felt like, you always ran away from it whenever you felt it would start to get too intimate with possible partners. You weren’t even sure if you ever loved anyone, maybe you had crushes before but not too deep. Sure, you had a few people you texted with before but it wasn’t just it. You never got to the point to go on a proper date with them. The reason why you ran away were your parents. It was always hard for you while you still lived with them. You had to listen to their constant arguments about every tiny bit they weren’t on the same page with their opinions. You spent a lot of time in your room and tried to ignore their voices. You were scared that you could end up the same way with your partner.
That was until you met the infamous Evan 'Buck' Buckley. He immediately stole your heart the first time you saw his smile directed towards you. Buck and you met through your mutual friend, Eddie. You knew Eddie through Shannon. You wouldn’t say you were really close but you were close enough that he invited you to one of the dinners at Athena's house with the whole 118 and her family. That‘s where you also met Buck within everyone else that is important to him.
Buck and you didn’t talk for the first few hours, only sending each other a few glances. Until he approached you with the smile you fell for. He made you laugh and he liked your laugh. The chemistry was there between you. You just wouldn’t have expected to fall for him. The more you got to know him in the following months, the more you fell for him without realizing it.
Once he asked you out on an official date, things worked out well for you. From opening up to him and trusting him with the things that matter to you the most up to having your first kiss with him. You didn’t want to run away anymore, you wanted to stay. To stay with Buck and he felt the same about you. He deeply cared for you even way before you officially started to be in a relationship or officially dated. Buck wanted to make you as happy and comfortable as you‘d ever feel. He fully understood your way of life and why you ran away from love. And he understood how it was to have struggles with your parents, that‘s why you both knew how to comfort each other even more.
You understood each other. Everyone who would see and watch you would immediately notice the love that was lingering between you. You knew each other so well and knew what the other one needed. It felt like you were in sync with each other. The whole 118 admired both of you and once you and Buck announced that you two were together, they supported you both. Secretly they already knew but wanted you to officially say it out loud.
Of course, this relationship came with a few insecurities. You were scared you‘d do things wrong since it was your first relationship and Buck not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed. But neither of these happened. Buck was excited to be your every first. From your first proper date, first kiss, and everything else. You were strong together. Especially once you moved in with him.
Two years later, the big day was there. Buck wanted to propose to you. Trying to plan it perfectly. He asked Bobby and Athena to help to pick out the perfect ring for you, the price didn’t matter to him. And he knew it wouldn’t matter to you as well, as you‘d even take a sugar ring. You made a few jokes before about it, the first time you did Buck realized he definitely wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. He couldn’t imagine his future without you. You were the love of his life. And he was yours.
The moment he was kneeling in front of you with a box, you knew what would happen. You already knew your answer. You could never say no to Buck. Over the years you were together with Buck, your insecurities and fears of having a relationship like your parents had washed away. You even were ready to marry, as long as it was Buck that would stand at the altar with you.
The whole scenery was perfectly decorated, just like how you liked it. After all, Buck knew you and seeing how you admired everything, made him proud of himself. And happy as well. After he asked you, "Do you want to marry me, my love? And spend the rest of your life with someone like me?" You didn’t answer him and just fell down on your knees to kiss him. He immediately realized what it meant and the biggest smile appeared on his lips. Tears built up in both of your eyes and after he put on the ring on your finger you shared many more kisses and laughter.
"You‘re unbelievable, Buck." You whispered against his lips.
"I love you."
A few weeks later you announced your engagement to the rest of the 118, who of course supported you. After you found out that Bobby and Athena helped Buck to pick out the ring, it meant even more to you and made you more emotional. You knew how much they both meant to Buck and you were so happy that Buck has found his family. Maddie seemed to be the most excited one in the whole group. She always had the fear Buck would never find the perfect match for him until she met you and immediately knew how happy you made him. You got along with her very well and you were already planning to ask her to be your bridesmaid. You just didn’t know when to ask her but there will still be enough time to figure that out.
Telling your parents about the engagement was not the easiest part on the other hand. They were not very fond of Buck himself. Especially your mother. The first time they met him they were distant, your father not that much though. Your father just warned Buck about him leaving and hurting you. Or else it wouldn’t be pretty for Buck. That was everything your father said about it. Your mother on the other hand openly told Buck that she already knew that he would leave her soon anyways as soon as he slept with you. You defended him but it was useless against her. Everything she said had to be right, she would never say anything wrong. Even though her ‚prediction' never came true.
They tried to show their happiness but you knew it was hard for them. You didn’t even want to imagine them at your wedding, especially since they weren’t able to stay in the same room for five minutes without fighting. You weren’t sure if you wanted them to be at your wedding anyways.
"Babe, have you already checked the e-mails?" Buck shouted from the kitchen table.
He was currently on his laptop while you were getting ready for dinner at Eddie's house. You haven’t seen him and Chris for a few days now and Buck already told you how Eddie would tell him the whole time about how much Chris misses you.
"I haven’t. Is there anything in for me?" You fixed the clothes you were wearing and came down the stairs. You both shared your mail app on the laptop.
Buck looked up and admired you. You were breathtaking.
"Don‘t stare," you chuckled and slightly swatted his arm while passing him to get a glass of water.
"I can’t resist, darling. You‘re too beautiful you know that," he smiled and looked back at his laptop. "There‘s just this one here for you."
You got over to him and leaned against his side to look at the e-Mail. While you were reading it Buck started to play with your fingers. It was an invitation from one of your old classmates in college, people you didn’t really want to meet again in your life. It was not like you disliked them but you were at a whole different point in your life than you used to be in college.
"Just delete it," you told him while he still played with your fingers.
He looked up to you but your eyes were glued on the screen. "You sure?"
You sighed. "I don’t know if I want that, Buck."
Buck pulled you into his lap and you leaned your head against his shoulder. "It’s okay. You don’t have to if you don’t want to, you know that?" He tried to reassure you. You just nodded your head and didn’t say more.
At the same very evening, you told him you‘d decided to go to this party with your old classmates. He asked you if he should come with you but you told him he didn’t have to. Buck wasn’t feeling good about that, he was worried. He saw how unsure you were about going to this party earlier that day. He didn’t say anything more but he knew he would go with you anyways. He didn’t want to let you go there alone.
Two days later he was standing in the hallway, waiting for you. He hasn’t told you yet that he was going with you but you already assumed it would lead to it. And you didn’t mind, instead, you were happy that he didn’t listen to you this time. He smiled at you when you came down the stairs, looking beautiful like always.
"What are you doing?" You asked him after you took his hand, which he had extended to you.
He smiled at you. "I‘m going with you to that college party."
You smiled back at him and kissed his cheek. "I love you so much."
He held your hand the entire time while you walked down to his jeep. The car drive was quiet but nothing you or Buck had to be worried about. Once you got into the location you were greeted by two of your old roommates that were already a bit tipsy from the alcohol. They offered you and Buck a glass but you both declined. You were not in the exact mood to drink and Buck had to drive.
Both girls were already swooning over Buck and asked you many questions about him. Who he was, how you met and if you‘re together. Once they discovered the ring you were wearing, they hugged you happily. And maybe they let out a few screams. You laughed at their reactions. Buck in the meanwhile was watching you from a few feet away. It already has been two hours since you two were there and he was happy to see you feeling more comfortable than you used to be in the beginning.
A guy came up to him, smelling like alcohol but only because someone else threw a glass on him on accident. "How di’ you do it mate?"
"What do you mean?" Buck was confused.
The guy nodded in your direction, in that exact moment you were talking to the two girls from earlier. "Them. How did you get them out of their zone? D‘you have superpowers or somethin‘." He laughed but Buck didn’t know what he meant.
The guy noticed the confused look on Buck's face and sighed. "The whole time in college I tried to gain the attention of Y/N but nothing. Nothing ever happened. I mean… Look at them. They‘re fuckin‘ hot as ever and all the things you‘re able to do with them. Things no one ever had the chance to do in college, man. Even the others had no chance. The guys call you the superhero, bro. You‘re a legend for having them in your bed."
Buck slowly nodded his head and looked back at you. He now questioned why you chose him if you apparently could have anyone. Sure, he knew your whole story but how did he get to be the lucky one and get to experience the love you had within you? But on the other hand, the words of this disgusting guy next to him made him stiffen his body and Buck got angry about how this guy talked about you.
"Kind of disappointing that I‘m not the lucky one and chose you instead though. They‘re probably so good in bed, huh? Wish I could have the chance to experience tha-" The guy mentioned and immediately held up his hands after Buck quickly looked at him, not pleased, "Hey come on, man! I was just joking." He didn’t even finish his first sentence.
Buck knew it wasn’t just some sort of joke but he didn’t want to cause any drama and let this guy go back to his friends. Now it was Buck who didn’t feel very comfortable, knowing he probably has the attention of all the guys that were standing a few meters away from him.
A few moments later you approached him with a big smile but that quickly vanished once you noticed his stiffness and stern look on his face.
"Babe, is something wrong?" You carefully caressed his cheek and looked at him. You were worried.
"Don’t worry about me, enjoy your time, love."
You shook your head. "I wanted to go home anyways but what happened? Did someone say something to you?"
His eyes wandered to some of the guys that were standing at the bar and you knew who they were and sighed. You took his hand and were ready to leave.
"Ignore them. They’re assholes. In college, they wanted to get in bed with everyone including me. But I never gave them any attention and they despised that," you mentioned.
"Hey Y/N!" One of the guys called over and waved at you. Which caused you to roll your eyes.
Even after all these years, they were still behaving like children. They never grow up and you don’t want to know how many people they tried to hook up with.
"One of them still wants you."
You quickly looked over to the guys that were still kind of looking over to you and Buck. "Let me guess.. A bit taller than you? Brown eyes and a buzz cut that looks weird on him?" You looked back to your boyfriend and disgust was written in your face.
Buck nodded his head. "Yeah. He told me about the fantasies he has about you." He looked angrily to him.
"That‘s Connor. The biggest jerk I‘ve ever met," you took his hand, "Let‘s get out of here. I can’t fucking stand them. They’re still as horrible as they used to be." You walked out with him.
You still held his hand while you were walking over the Bucks jeep. "Back in college they always tried to get me in bed, after a while they started to place bets on who would be the first one to win me over," you sighed, "Especially Connor."
Buck sighed and nodded his head and went in to hug you after you got to his jeep. You immediately hugged him back and kissed his cheek. Both of his arms were strongly around you, signaling he really needs this hug in that moment. After a few moments, he let go of you.
"Let‘s get away from here." You both said at the same time and ended up chuckling.
You both got into Bucks jeep and immediately drove home. Back home you both changed into your pajamas and got into your bed. You both didn’t talk about the encounter again but it didn’t leave Buck's mind at all. Even after you already fell asleep, he was still wide awake. Connor's words didn’t leave his thoughts. Buck was thinking about why you chose him. Out of all the people that live on earth, why him? How was he the luckiest person to have you?
It was already 3 am and Buck was still wide awake, staring at the ceiling. He didn’t even realize it started thundering. He only did when you cuddled into his arms - you always did that while thunderstorms because you felt the safest in his arms.
"Buck…?" You mumbled, still sleepy, "Why are you awake?" You yawned.
He kissed the side of your head while you snuggled into him even more. "I‘m fine don’t worry about me. Go back to sleep, babe." He whispered, hoping you‘d fall asleep again.
"Something is on your mind. I can tell," you noticed the sternness in his voice even when you were sleepy. That only awakened you more.
He sighed and put his arms around you. "I‘m just thinking about some unnecessary things."
"Nothing is unnecessary. Tell me what‘s on your mind. Is it still from the party?"
Buck shook his head, "Not really. I just.." He hesitated, "Wanted to ask you something."
You turned around to turn on the lamp on your nightstand, "What is it?" You looked at him, the light wasn’t very bright but you still were able to see his thoughtful face.
"Why me?"
You raised your eyebrows. "What do you mean, Buck?"
He looked into your eyes. "Why did you choose me? Out of all the people, why me? Am I that special?" Buck was feeling insecure.
You snuggled up to him again and kissed his arm. "Because it was my heart that chose you above everyone else." You intertwined your fingers.
"I love you, Buck. I fell in love with the person you are. The first time we met at Athena's place and the very moment you looked over to me with your wonderful smile I just knew I had to get to know you," You smiled at him which he returned, "I guess I just knew you would mean a lot to me and you absolutely do. I‘ve never felt so comfortable and seen like I do with you. Getting to know you and slowly building a friendship and not realizing that I was falling for you created the relationship we have today and will have in the future. I couldn’t be happier. You understood me, no one ever did that before and you were always there for me, Buck. My heart is completely filled with you and will always be yours. I don’t care about what anyone else ever said about you or will say, you‘ll always have my heart in your hands."
Buck had tears in his eyes and pulled you to him to kiss you deeply. You kissed him back and smiled against his lips. His hands were on your cheeks and he kissed you multiple times.
"You‘re perfect, did I ever tell you that?" He looked into your eyes again, his hands were still on your cheeks.
You pretended to think about it but smirked. "Hmm… Only a few times?"
He chuckled and kissed you again. You both got back into a comfortable position and snuggled against each other.
"I just noticed that I never thanked Eddie for basically dragging me to the dinner at Athena’s place." You whispered after a few minutes and chuckled, "We should do that. Without him, I probably would have never met the love of my life."
Buck chuckled and kissed the side of your head. "We definitely should thank him. Guess he‘s the best accidental matchmaker to exist."
You giggled and instead of sleeping Buck and you ended up talking a bit more until you happily fell asleep in each other’s arms.
He truly was your safe place and you were his. It were you and him against the world.
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dizzybizz · 1 year
I need your Sampard headcanons, if you have none that’s cool ignore this ask, BUT IF YOU DO LEGALLY YOU HAVE TO SHARE THEM
anon- i don't think you know what you've signed up for with this ask
my headcanons are all incomprehensible to myself so o7
this is brain rot at its full saturation..........
gepard being honest to a fault and that flustering tf out of sampo..., , , , 🥺
like,, sampo will jokingly make a silly comment about gepard liking him and gepard will respond with something like "of course i do? why wouldn't i??"
it's a constant cycle: sampo joking -> gepard responding honestly -> sampo getting flustered -> it hits gepard after some confusion that it was in fact a joke -> and they're both useless and flustered together, absolute losers <3 -> repeat
anyone being genuine and nice to sampo would destroy him
he'd crumble
like- he'd collapse like a house of cards in a gust of wind
they're both touch starved and clingy but really awkward about it
"i need to cuddle so bad!! but i would sooner die than be the one to suggest it!!!!!!"
they get over it once they realize it's a mutual feeling
then it's just collapsing on eachother whenever
i kinda just want them to cry and have a breakdown together, cry and hug it out and just like talk
they both need a good cry,,, 🙏
gepard. yotasuke takahashi. just saying things that sound so romantic without so much as a glance at the other person,,, like:
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sampo asks serval to please talk to her brother about thinking before speaking, she leaves him on read
idk what to tell you, they're just losers
they're that "relationships should be 50/50, he cooks us dinner and i sit on the kitchen counter and look pretty" post
sampo entering the kitchen: what's cookin', good-lookin'
sampo gets gepard one of those "kiss the cook" aprons
they're the kind of couple where they're seeing eachother through a shoujo romance lens but to outsiders they're just so unbelievably unbearable
can't flirt to save their lives.
i really just imagine them to be the biggest losers together, they're made for eachother, they're pathetic, they're disasters
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gepard runs cold!! sampo can't stand it!!!
who's the big spoon and little spoon? yes
pet names? pet names.
sampo uses them obnoxiously and calls gepard everything he can come up with
darling, babe, baby, sweetie, cutie pie, angel, my little captain, hotstuff, handsome, my one and only, knight in shining armor, prince,,, etc
gepard just defaults to calling him honey or something
gepard names one of his plants koski
sampo is very honored
but also so worried, considering gepard's track record with the lifespan of his plants
he makes it his mission to keep koski alive
sampo loves pulling on gepard's cheeks
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amethystwrytes · 4 months
About Me/M. List
💜Amethyst is the name. (She/Her)
💜Playing it cool since 1989
💜I love about a billion different kinds of music, but this blog honestly is just a KPop worship station for me. You’ll see a lot of BTS, like A LOT, but also plenty more groups mixed in the stew.
💜I don’t like interacting with minors. I can’t stop them from finding and consuming my content, it’s the internet and it is what it is BUT I really don’t need nor do I want to know that they’re all up in my biz. So all I ask is that if you’re under 18, please don’t interact ✌🏼🫶🏼
💜I don’t plagiarize material and am very much not a fan. Every story listed below is mine, from my silly little brain, and I need you to respect that. Intellectual property is a thing, so please do not copy, repost, or translate my stories (as if you’d want to tbh🤭) as your own or without explicit permission. And honestly just don’t do it to anyone, because eventually someone will realize and then the internet will just tear your ass up and nobody wants that. Ick.
💜Despite those last two bullet points I’m actually really chill. I love to chat about pretty much anything but I am pretty introverted until I feel comfortable with someone, then it’s hard to shut me up 😂. So if we’re moots and you’re wondering why I’ve never reached out - it’s probably because I’m scared of you and think I’ll annoy you to no end. Maybe I’m not that chill actually 🤔😂😂😂
💜Requests? You can send them to me at any time, but I can’t promise I’ll write it. Still, it’s fun to read and create scenarios with one another so feel free to hash it out in my ask box or through DMs!!
💜Need a Beta Reader? Hi🙋🏻‍♀️ I’d be more than happy to read through and try and help you. Not to toot my own horn but I do have a dusty lil English Degree in a box somewhere and I used to work in the uni library and help edit term papers 💅 DM me anytime for help.
💜When I write random things that are on my mind, personal, non KPop or dessert related I use the tag “amethoughts” - if you have no interest in those thoughts then you can block that tag if you’d like to.
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1. “If I Had Asked” — Jungkook x Gender Neutral Reader. Summary: Jungkook wants to catch up at a mutual friends birthday party. Genre: Romantic. Hurt. Comfort. Fluff. Exes to lovers. Oneshot. Rating: E for everyone babe. There’s some alcohol and marijuana but I mean, nothing weird or crazy happens.
2. “Hard to Handle” — Jungkook x Female Reader. Summary: You’re starting to want a little more from your FWB buddy. Genre: Romance. Smut. F2L. Oneshot. Rating: 18+.
3. “Imaginary Games” — Taehyung x Female Reader. Summary: The only thing that could make a destination wedding - in which you're the maid of honor, who has to give a speech in front of a crowd, who has to wear a dress that cost you a pretty penny that you'll never wear again - worse is the fact that your cheating ex is the best man. Genre: Romantic, Smut, Exes to Lovers, Smidge of Hurt. Oneshot. Rating 18+.
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1. “Of Course, Professor” — Minho x Female Reader. Summary: The law professor everyone is scared of generously offers to help you with your school work. Genre: Smut. Romantic-ish. Basically just porn with a hint of plot tossed in. Oneshot. Rating 18+. [Bonus Drabble. Also 18+.]
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givemea-dam-break · 1 year
guide to givemea-dam-break
✧ hello my loves! i'm eden, the owner of this hellhole of an account! this is a guide for my blog to make life easier for you all <3
about me
✧ she/her <3 ✧ i am scottish and i will take my chance to tell anyone that because it's the biggest flex a person can have ✧ i'm a classical studies major and currently in my second year of uni! ✧ i am a very easily bored person, so if anyone wants to be mutuals/needs someone to message purely for shits and giggles, my messages are always open! i need friends. ✧ i become very easily obsessed with books/shows/movies and will not be able to focus on anything else until i've written a million fics about it lmao
main blog points
✧ complete masterlist (i write for more than just the characters listed here, these are just the ones i've got existing fics for) ✧ my favourite fics written by some of the amazing authors on this app can be found under my tag #eden's fic recs
✧ obsessing over percy jackson and avatar the last airbender ✧ in the midst of uni assignments lol ✧ reeling over some new books i read recently
other places you can find me
✧ i’m now on ao3! you can find me at gold_rush24 <3
✧ music. i could talk about music for days. please let me. i beg. ✧ favourites include 5 seconds of summer, noah kahan, white ivy, gracie abrams, taylor swift, etta marcus, and faith zapata ✧ books. literally any kind of books. please send recommendations. ✧ writing. i'm currently in the process of planning/writing my own book but my attention span is atrocious. ✧ star wars. me oh my, i'm obsessed. ahsoka is my favourite character! ✧ i like to draw and paint, and i think i'm pretty okay at it!!
thank you for checking out my blog!
✧ i hope you like the shit i post, and the amazing things i reblog from the wonderful creators on this app!
just before you go
✧ using the last part of this post to please ask you all to support the writers on tumblr by reblogging with tags! it helps us a lot more than just liking our work, and we really appreciate it! ✧ ok bye love u babes
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sherrachan · 1 year
(Apologies to petermonkeebff, you have nothing to do with this. Deleted it in the reply form, original post with the tags here.)
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Gee thanks for having this pop in my tags after my hiatus, Tumblr. @frankenfishen​ I wasn’t vague posting, it was quite directed knowing you’d see it. If you want it even less vague, here you go.
You deeply hurt and dogpiled on a friend of mine (also queer btw, way to punch down) who was just doing her mod job and I had feelings on the matter. You have yet to answer the question of if you ever saw or understood the original context that was being moderated, in which the meme using the word in question was being used quite definitively as a slur by people tagging things who sure as hell wouldn’t be on your side. If it was you talking about yourself, especially given the cultural differences between the US and UK around it, I don’t even think there would have been an issue.
No one actually gives a shit what you call yourself outside of a moderated space where we got complaints from people that didn’t want to see it (again, because it was a hateful meme, not you reclaiming your identity.) If you really want totally free speech where anything goes no matter how anyone feels about it in a social media space, go hang out on 4chan and see how that goes for you. If you’d bothered doing anything besides ding dong dash manifestoing your exit, it might have warranted an actual talk about it, but you seem determined to paint this narrative around what happened that doesn’t fucking line up with the truth.
Also, I’m not really sure what part of this I was supposed to be owned by, but no the words do not personally offend me, and assuming it’s what I think it is, in what universe am I straight or feminine? You know absolutely nothing about me. Every single thing from beginning to end with this whole stupid matter is you making extremely broad (and wrong) assumptions in your quest to pound social justice into the faces of the first people you smell blood on, allies or not. Please direct all that energy at people actually running the world and not a small Discord where we try to make everyone feel as comfortable as possible. If you’d brought your grievances to the mods in the first place, they would have done the same for you. Lastly, don’t call me babe. And grow up a little, please. (Mutuals please don’t add your 2 cents, no need to make Franken feel dogpiled on)
EDIT: You know I can’t read your final words if you block me right after right? I guess I will never know.
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sugoi-writes · 5 months
FUCK. I WROTE PART NINE AND HAD IT ALL READY TO GO AND THEN MY KID GOT HER HANDS ON MY PHONE AND CLOSED THE APP. THANK LUCIFER I HAD THE FIRST HALF SAVED AS A DRAFT BUT STILL. OTL sending this separate because I was paranoid she'd do it again and I would have to write the second part a third time 😭 also realizing I forgot to put my sig at the bottom of Pt.9
..... Annnnd of course, after pressing send I remember that I forgot to rewrite the part where reader chokes Alastor when they cum. just shoot me holy motherfucking shit
At some point I'mma just make these into a full blown PWP fic. It seems like they get longer with each installment 🤣 (I'm sorry btw, I always feel kinda bad whenever I leave long messages in anyone's inbox 😫
It's a fitting pet name Hunny Pun! You're the queen of puns and you're so so SO sweet like a Honey Bun! is that icing or Alastor's jizz on you??? ... im so sorry i'll see myself out again 😭 CAN'T FIND AND KISS ME IF I FIND AND KISS YOU FIRST BABES~! ❤️❤️❤️
I can't hold on to my anonymity anymore guys so I'mma be making Pt.10 my reveal post~ it's killing me that I can't leave rabid fangirl messages on your works like you all do here for me! I really did wanna wait until I got the Smutmus Holy Trinity complete or at least in the revision stages but just- GAH! I NEED YALL TO KNOW HOW AMAZING I THINK YOU ARE. Beautiful beautiful minds, inside and out i can't even-!
Seriously though, I can't even begin to express how grateful and happy I am to have met any of you! And there are no words in the English dictionary (or any at all really) that I could use to describe what I feel about how accepting and supportive you've been! I could NEVER thank yall enough for helping me to find the joy in writing again. I love all three of you so much and I'm honored to call you friends!! 🥺🥰💋
- ☄️❤️ Smut Santa
False Alarm for the Next Part!! And honestly, thank God, the vibe is still not charged HAH--
Oh no!!! I'm so sorry that happened to you!! I had a similar experience when writing my part 2 to my Nun! Alastor fic. Fun fact: had to re-write it 5 times because I kept forgetting to save it. ;;_;; hhhh my baby fever is so bad I'm crying, but man, KIDS! What a little stinker 🥹❤️
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Also, my ask box is usually super empty? Like, you could LICK the floor with how neat and empty it is? I LOVE messages? Even better if they long like Alastor's girthy fucking co--
We--We were- when we??? ALASTOR GETS--??? MY HANDS AROUND HIS???
*Danny.Exe has experienced an Error*
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☄️❤️Anon... babycakes. At this rate I'm gonna do more than fucking kiss you. I think we're past that now. And if you keep calling me 'Hunny Pun', or similar pet names, I'm just gonna jump your bones--
Hug you!!!! I meant hug you!!!
GUYS CODE TREAT, CODE TREAT, THE ANON VEIL IS DROPPING!!! ITS DROPPING DHDHDJDHDJ-- You will never gain a mutual as fast as you will then I SWEAR
☄️❤️!!! Smut Santaaaaa! 🥹😭❤️ Your mind is a beautiful, smutty, enchanting place!!! Knowing that you've been religiously cranking this out, while also having a kiddo... Seriously, how do you do it??? If anyone deserves the praise rn, 🎵it's you??? It's you, ITS ALWAYS YOU!!🎵 ❤️❤️❤️
Don't push yourself too hard! Please? ❤️ I will treasure these rare, scrumptious little treats for as long as I have brain cells left ❤️ I will call you friend until you tell me to quit or I lose my voice for good. And even then, my lips will keep moving and repeating the same thing until I'm blue in the face. ❤️❤️❤️ you are such a sweet, sweet, soul, and I can feel your vibes, and they are so wholesome! I can't wait to meet the person or sexual fiend behind it all! I feel like I speak for us all, and not just the main 3, but EVERYONE: everyone who has read your posts love you to bits. And they love your work to bits. Best believe when you publish your first work, we'll be there. En masse. And we will be EAGERLY returning the love you surprised us with.
Thank you for all that you do. On this post in particular, you deserve a foot rub, a forehead kiss, and a hug that lifts and spins you off your feet! 💗💗💗
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Have a blissful, best of days you can have, dear! You deserve it! 💗
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duckybarnes1917 · 2 years
Your Eyes Outshine The Town...Chapter 10
Bucky Barnes x Black Female Reader
18+ ONLY
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*Tumblr is not letting me add links to the prev or next chapters. Please see the masterlist pinned to my page for the rest of the story!*
Summary: After you discover some bad press from the night of the musical, Bucky suggests an all day Christmas movie marathon to make you feel better. But when you wake up...he's nowhere to be found.
Warnings: Sexism, racism. Nothing else really.
4 Days Before Christmas
The next morning you woke up to the smell of bacon, eggs, pancakes, and coffee. Glad to be in your own bed now that Sam and Yelena were gone, you burrowed further under your blanket and hugged Bucky’s pillow to your chest, inhaling his familiar scent. 
When you felt the bed dip under Bucky’s weight, you peeked up at him from under your blanket. “Hey–”
“Don’t,” Bucky held up his hand and kissed your forehead. “Don’t call me anything other than Bucky–my dick needs a break from you.” 
You buried your face in his pillow as you shook with laughter. 
“I’m serious!” Bucky pulled the blanket down to give you his best ‘I mean business’ face. 
“Fine, Bucky.” You rolled your eyes but gave his nose a quick kiss. “Breakfast smells good,” you yawned and got out of bed to stretch. 
Bucky groaned, making you turn to face him again. 
“What now?” 
“Can you please put some clothes on–I can’t look at you right now.” Bucky playfully put his hand over his eyes, but the image of you in cheeky white panties and his red henley would forever be burned in his mind. 
“Oh my god, you’re ridiculous,” you laughed as you locked yourself in the bathroom. You yelled through the door, “you can open your eyes now!” 
“Thank god,” Bucky sighed. “Come eat when you’re decent.” 
“Is this appropriate enough for you, Mr. Barnes?” You posed in the bedroom doorway. 
Bucky turned around in the kitchen and appraised you. You were wearing jeans and a sweater, but you still looked too sexy, and the way you called him Mr. Barnes was doing something to him. 
“Oh, Jesus. You are the problem here, Buck, not me. Perv.” You teased as you kissed his cheek and took the plate he had made for you. 
“It’s not my fault that you look sexy all the time, and everything you do or say drives me absolutely insane.” 
“The feeling is mutual, babe.” You sat at the table and sipped your coffee. 
Bucky sat next to you, his plates piled with significantly more food than you had on yours. When you opened your phone and started scrolling, Bucky turned his attention to the tv. 
You ate in a comfortable silence for a bit until you scoffed at something on your phone. 
“What is it?” Bucky asked. 
“Look,” you showed him a news article about the opening of the Rogers musical. However, this particular article was less about the show and more about the famous attendees. 
“Doll, I told you not to look at this stuff….” Bucky sighed as he read the caption under the picture of the two of you. 
“They basically called me ghetto and said I was a slut,” you huffed as you took the phone back. 
“That’s not what it says. I loved the dress; who cares what some Internet person thought about it?” 
You groaned and stood up from the table. “This happens every time, Buck! You don’t get it.” 
Bucky frowned; you were really upset about this. He hated that you had to experience that part of his world, a part that he loathed more than anyone. 
“I’m sorry, doll. I shouldn’t have made you wear the dress.” 
You sighed frustratedly and sat back down across from him. “That’s not the point, Bucky. The dress was great, you loved it, I loved it–if you had shown up with a skinny white woman wearing it, they would have printed something way different.”
Bucky furrowed his brows. “What do you mean?” 
You grabbed his hands, trying to remain patient. “Bucky, my body–there’s a lot about it that some people don’t find–acceptable. Especially for someone who looks like you….” You paused, waiting to see if he was catching on. 
“You mean, they print these things about you because–because you’re black?” 
You nodded, gripping his hands harder. “You don’t see it; when we walk around–people sometimes stare, not because of you necessarily but because I’m with you.” Your shoulders slumped slightly. “I don’t mind it, I’m used to it–truly it doesn’t bother me. But, this–printed for everyone to see and judge and–”
Bucky moved to pick you up out of your chair as you started crying. “I’m so sorry.” Bucky kissed your temple as he carried you to the living room chair and held you against his chest. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know. I wish I could do something–can I?” 
You shook your head and wiped your tears. “It just pisses me off–makes me feel like shit. And we were so careful not to get our picture taken last night, and people just don’t care–like we’re not real people to them. And–” you were starting to hyperventilate now. “I can’t have my face plastered all over the Internet, Bucky! People want me dead, and now all they have to do is go online and see where I am at all times!” 
“Woah, take a breath, doll. I got you.” Bucky held you tighter, and when you had calmed down slightly, he spoke again. “What do you mean people want you dead?”
You hid your face in his neck. 
“Just–um, the Power Broker, I assume.”
“I’m not going to let anything happen to you. Let me make you feel better, yeah?” Bucky rubbed the small of your back. 
You nodded. 
“You know, I think you’re the most gorgeous, strongest, in general, most perfect person in existence.” 
You chuckled, “I know, Buck. You make me feel beautiful and special every day.” 
“Because you need to know.” Bucky kissed you. “What do you want to do, love? Do you want a bath? Do you want to have a movie day? I could order your favorite foods...we could go out of town, take a day trip and just explore?” 
“God, I love you.” You gripped his t-shirt and pulled him into a fierce kiss. “I like the idea of a movie day. Sweats and pizza and all day cuddles.” 
“Sounds perfect,” Bucky said as he kissed you again. “You know what we should do? We should build a fort and watch movies out here.” 
You sat back and looked at him like he was crazy. “How old are you again?” 
“Come on, it’ll be fun.” Bucky pulled you back to his lips so he could plant kisses along your jaw. 
“Okay,” you smiled, already feeling so much better. “I’m in. You move the furniture, and I’ll go grab all the blankets and pillows I can find.” 
Bucky grinned and kissed you again. “Get to work,” he joked as he smacked your ass playfully. 
“Hey, don’t start doing shit like that if you’re trying to take a sex break,” you teased as you went to the bedroom. 
“Yeah, we’ll see how long that lasts.” Bucky watched you walk away, licking his lips at the sway of your hips. 
“Get to work, Barnes! I can feel you staring!” 
Bucky laughed as he got up and moved the furniture around the living room. You and Bucky maneuvered Bucky’s mattress out of his room and onto the living room floor. You then created a cozy fort out of blankets and pillows. Bucky grabbed plenty of snacks as you started the first movie, Home Alone.
A few movies into the marathon, after arguing about whether Mean Girls was indeed a Christmas movie, and after eating a whole pizza, Bucky fell asleep with your fingers running through his hair. 
You looked over at him, his pink lips slightly parted as he slept peacefully. Your heart was so full, you thought it might burst, and you were crying again–this time from happiness. You had never loved someone as deeply as you loved Bucky. You could do the craziest shit together and then have such tender moments. You trusted him with your body and soul, and as you gazed at him now, you knew there would never be anyone else. He was it for you, your soulmate, if you believed in that kind of thing. 
You sniffled and tried to stop crying so you wouldn’t wake him up. You grabbed your phone and opened a message to Sam. 
“Ask Sarah if we can stay with her for a bit? I want to bring Bucky home after Christmas.” 
Sam’s response was almost immediate. “YES!!” 
You rolled your eyes as you typed. “Actually ask her, Sam. I don’t want to show up uninvited!” 
“Okay, okay. I’ll have her call you. But you know she’ll say yes.” 
You smiled and locked your phone, already picturing Bucky lounging on Sarah’s back porch with a glass of iced tea. 
The apartment was dark when you woke up alone in the living room fort. You had passed out at some point during It’s A Wonderful Life ; the credits were still rolling on TV. 
“Bucky?” You called out, but when you received no answer you crawled out of the fort to look for him. 
You flicked the living room light on and noticed his jacket and shoes were gone. 
He must have gone to pick up dinner. 
A note on the kitchen counter confirmed your suspicions; he was going to your favorite Indian spot. Your stomach growled, and you grabbed your phone to shoot him a text. “Are you almost home? So hungry!” 
You frowned when you received no response. 
Maybe he’s on the subway–it is pretty cold. 
You chewed your cheek as you stared at your phone. After ten minutes with no response, you called him and got his voicemail. 
Okay, calm down. There’s no reason to panic. 
A knock at the door made you breathe a sigh of relief. 
“Did you forget your key–Ozenik?” You blinked your eyes rapidly as if to clear your vision. 
“May I come in?” 
“Wha–what are you doing here?” You stepped aside and let the old man in. 
Before he could answer, your phone rang, Bucky’s smiling face on the screen. 
“Oh, thank god, just a second, please have a seat.” You motioned for Ozenik to make himself at home as you answered Bucky’s call. 
“Hey, are you okay? Where–” 
“Doll,” Bucky’s labored voice cut you off. “Don’t–it’s a trap.” 
“What? Buck–Bucky, tell me where you are!” 
The last thing you heard was Bucky grunting before a woman’s voice came through the phone. 
“Bucky can’t talk right now,” a familiar German voice crackled through the phone, and you froze in your tracks. “Hello, Daisy.” 
You hadn’t been called by that alias in years…not since Stephan. “Hanna?”
“You killed my brother.”
You stood over the kitchen sink, taking slow deep breaths. You were trying to convince yourself not to punch Stephan’s obnoxious sister, Hanna, right in the mouth. You and Stephan were supposed to be celebrating his mother’s 70th birthday, but Hanna seemed determined to ruin the party for everyone. 
“Can I get you anything?” Manfred, Stephan’s butler, asked gently. 
“How about vodka and a bottle of happy pills?” You smiled and pulled yourself together just as Hanna and Sofie walked into the kitchen. 
“Oh, there you are, dear,” Sofie, Stephan’s mother, had already taken a strong liking to you and started fussing over you, fixing a few out of place hairs. 
“Sorry, I just needed some air.” You smiled politely, catching Hanna’s envious gaze. 
“Mother, why don’t you go back to the dining room? I think the cake will be out soon.” 
“Actually–there’s no cake,” you looked back at Sofie hesitantly. 
“No cake?! You throw my mother a birthday party, and there’s no cake?!” 
“Shush!” Sofie reprimanded Hanna and took your hand. 
“I’m sorry, I just noticed that you really liked the pastries I had last time you were here and thought you would enjoy that instead.” 
Sofie’s face broke into a delighted grin as she turned back to Hanna. “See, this is what you never got right. You never pay attention to me. Not like Stephan.” She turned back to you to kiss your cheeks. “You seem to be the daughter I always wanted.” 
You stood frozen, locked in an angry stare with Hanna as Sofie made her way to the dining room. 
Hanna stalked toward you as soon as Sofie was gone. Her stringy blonde hair was professionally blown out for the occasion. Her face was tight with botox. Her fake puffy lips painted a light shade of pink and still not as enticing as your bare ones. 
“You listen here, you fucking cunt, I don’t know what whorehouse Stephan dragged you out of, but I’m on to you. You think you can just come in here and steal my brother? You think he actually gives a shit about you? You think any of this–” she waved her arms wildly around the massive kitchen, “is going to be yours one day?!” 
Your fists were balled up so tightly you felt a trickle of blood run down your palm. 
“No, he’s not gonna marry you–when he’s done having his fun, he’ll find someone else and someone else, and you’ll be nothing. My mother won’t even remember your name in a few weeks.” 
You took a deep breath before deciding that you didn’t give a fuck anymore. Before Hanna could get another word out, you had her pinned down, her face pressing into the marble countertop next to the blender. 
“Don’t make a sound,” you whispered in her ear as you pulled a small knife from under your dress and ran it across Hanna’s neck. “You make any noise, and I swear I will cut every piece of plastic out of you.” 
“I knew it; I knew something was wrong with you,” Hanna huffed, fighting against the hold you had on her wrists. “Fucking crazy bitch–Stephan!” 
You rolled your eyes as Hanna continued screaming, but her calls went unanswered. You shushed her. “Here, let me try.” You cleared your throat before calmly calling Stephan’s name. 
He waltzed into the kitchen, pausing only briefly when he saw what was going on. 
“What seems to be the problem, Schatz?” Stephan picked up a piece of cheese from the appetizer platter and leaned against the counter. 
“Why don’t you ask her?” You let Hanna go and hopped up onto the counter next to Stephan. 
Stephan wrapped his arm around your waist tightly and raised his eyebrows, waiting for Hanna to speak. 
She looked between the two of you, her cheeks puffing with anger, and Stephan knew he’d be getting a lecture later. But for now, Hanna settled for knocking the cheese platter to the ground and storming out of the party.”  
“What–I didn’t kill Stephan. Hanna, just listen–”
“Shut up! It’s your fault he’s dead!” Hanna paused to steady her voice. “Now, you’re going to pay with your life or Bucky’s. I really don’t care anymore.” 
“Don’t touch him,” you growled. “Let him go, and I’m yours.”
“Aww, see, that just makes me want to hurt him more.” 
You gripped the kitchen counter as hard as you could, trying to keep a clear head. But when you heard Bucky start screaming in the background, you lost it, grabbing the closest thing to you, the toaster, and throwing it at the wall. 
“Fucking bitch, I’m going to kill you,” you muttered more to yourself than to Hanna as you pulled the largest knife you had out of the knife block on the counter. 
“That sounds more like the Daisy, I remember. The one my brother loved.” 
You angrily scrawled the address Hanna gave you onto a napkin and stalked toward the front door. 
Ozenik cleared his throat from the dining table. “Miss?” 
“Shit, I’m sorry, I have to go–Bucky’s in trouble, I can’t–” 
“I know. That’s why I’m here.” 
You turned to him, “what?” 
Ozenik stood up from the table. “Helmut asked me to keep an eye on you. It sounds like you need some help. Yes?” 
You nodded; of course, Helmut hadn’t let it go. 
“Surely you have more weapons than a kitchen knife.” 
You looked down at the large butcher knife in your hand and then back at Ozenik. 
“I don’t need anything other than this.”
Very well,” he shrugged, clearly used to these dramatics, “I have a car waiting.” 
You nervously chewed on your cheek as you sat in Ozenik’s car. You tried not to think about how Bucky had been taken or what they could possibly be doing to him that he hadn’t been able to fight back. They must have been watching you closer than you thought; they waited until Yelena and Sam were out of the state to make their move. 
You fumbled for your phone quickly dialing Yelena’s number, and as soon as she answered, you cut her off. “They took Bucky–I don’t have time to explain just–Yelena, listen!” You took a shaky breath. “I’m gonna send you the address, and you have to get in touch with Clint–I don’t know anyone else! Okay, fine, call whoever, I trust you. I don’t know what I’m up against here–thanks.” 
You hung up the phone and tapped your fingers on the console impatiently. 
“He’s going to be okay–I’ve seen you in action.” Ozenik tried to calm you down, but all you felt was an overwhelming roiling, burning anger in your veins. 
“I know. I’m done pulling my punches.”
Don't forget to reblog! 😉
*Tumblr is not letting me add links to the prev or next chapters. Please see the masterlist pinned to my page for the rest of the story!*
Taglist: @delaber @mannien @raindrcpsangel @cjand10
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suugrbunz · 1 year
Hi! firstly I've to say that I love your blog sm :'))
I wanted to ask you if I could send you a ship request :3 for band of brothers and the pacific :)
I'm around 170cm (5'5"), kinda pale, brunette-ginger hair to the shoulders, blue eyes, average weight, half italian half ukrainian.
I'm an INFP with just a couple of friends, I find hard to keep small conversation, preferring deeper ones. also I consider myself a really loving, romantic and calm person, not into parties or whatever. As I'm finishing classical studies I developed a huge passion for the Divine Comedy and history. I'm really great at cooking and I'm into handcrafting, traveling (preferably by train), taking pictures, playing the piano, watching films and cats.
I love pleasing people (in a good non-toxic way) by trying in any way to be as helpful as possible. my love language is a mixture of all of them but mainly acts of service. I often feel as people don't really understand me, so I tend to keep quiet all the time, but ending up venting on my diary. I believe my biggest dream is to get married to a loving man and start my own family :) <3
I had to set this up seven times because Tumblr kept glitching. I have a basic outline for my ship posts if everyone hasn't noticed. Every time I'd have it set up, it just wouldn't save. I'm not angry at anyone I just somehow found the worst glitch. And I need to express that information. However, I wanted to originally state that, “This took me a bit of time because I was attempting to figure out how to set up two ships in one post. I am a bit particular about how my posts appear, especially my ships.”
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꒰ I ship you with . . . Richard Winters εïз ꒱
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Your first meeting was by chance, you two had accidentally backed up into each other at a small gathering hosted by a mutual friend. Initially, he was apologetic for his clumsiness.
The apologies seized as he appeared a little awestruck by you. Though, he wasn't sure how to handle that. His face was red and he nodded as you accepted his apologies and explained it was just a simple accident, no need for so many apologies.
need i say when he initially fell in love? I think it's obvious babes.
By the end of the little party (?), he had decided to ask you on a date. Just a restaurant date, it was a place he had gone to a few times before. It was one of his favourites.
Your first kiss was (shockingly) initiated by him!! One night he couldn't help but kiss you, it was such a perfect moment. You two had gone to a dance ?? sockhop ?? together.
He kept you close most of the dance, you didn't really have to interact with anyone but each other. As a song draws to a close, he pulls away from you. Only to press a kiss to your lips.
I could picture Richard reading you stories when you're tired
or helping you cook/cooking with you.
He'd buy cute DIY projects for you two.
Annie's Song by John Denver (my mother used this as a lullaby for me, it's such a sweet song.)
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꒰ I ship you with . . . Eugene Sledge εïз ꒱
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You two met in a bookstore, he saw you from afar and was fairly interested in the books you had held in a stack. For a minute, he finds it hard to approach you.
Obviously, he is an introverted individual and that introversion can turn into shyness around someone he fancies.
He felt a crush develop around the first time you met... Though, a crush isn't love.
Love developed after a few dates. He wasn't sure how to go about confessing, so he wrote a note. After dropping the note off at your house, he booked it. (I feel this in my soul)
Your first date was at a movie theater, really simple and calmed his anxiety. He was fearful about talking to you again now that a hangout is labeled a date.
Being quiet and enjoying each other's presence was the perfect way to handle his overwhelming emotions for you.
Your first kiss was on the forehead ... After a few dates. A few dates after that, he gave your lips a rather delicate kiss. His arm gently wrapped around your waist.
He writes you poems and letters... It's so sweet. Anything he cannot verbally communicate is perfectly communicated in writing.
The song I assign you two would be Like Real People Do by Hozier.
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zhongrin · 1 year
I am glad ya are <33 and yes I am!! (Help;; already fainting at the thought of Baizhu and- 🏃💨)
This your man?
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This sounds great ngl IFJEISVEIEOSBSB
imagine merman Zhongli whoa-;; ❤️
And oh, I understand now OFBSKKSBSJ we stan hoarder Zhongli <33
I always ask ppl before I send them drabbles cuz I don't wanna make anyone uncomfortable 🥹 and dw, I only send drabbles when I feel like it - won't pressure myself <33
HELP FODHSHSISJSHSJ Baizhu makes me a mess already enough, and my love for Baizhu isn't comparable so Nawh, only Baizhu it is ❤️
Ahh I ✨ see ✨
I would say he kinda is (my bestie even hcs him as a very jealous type omfg), but he doesn't need to worry - he is the only one for me ❤️
Umm I wanna ask what language these pet names are, I doubt they're English, are they? Care to translate? 🤸💞
And cjdjsvwksojaja read this post before I write this ask here! And idjfbsj ITS SO CUTE. HELP. MY ZHONGRIN HEART.
I'm kinda shy when it comes to collabs and matchups and stuff heh;; I only feel kinda comfortable when it's from my mutuals 🏃💨
Omg Rin you're a menace for calling Alhaitham "babe" just to fluster him, and I absolutely love that, 10/10 <33 ❤️
Nodnod yes yes for me Alhaitham seems like the type of guy who doesn't use pet names that much cuz he thinks your name is already so beautiful<3 💞
Mmm I would call Baizhu often "my sunshine" cuz he brightens up my life day by day just by simply existing <3 not too often "Bai" though (cuz I for myself get flustered by it ????? HELP DONT JUDGE ME DKDJBSKSOA) and only if it gets serious or sum then I call him by his name heh (when I am totally lovestruck then I even call him "my everything")
But Baizhus pet names for me um.. I brainrotted with my bestie bout it and she said he would totally call me "my angel" - cuz 1. I often get called that by my friends, 2. she said he would surely see me like a gift from the Gods themselves - like an angel yk? 🏃💨 (Flustering myself rn OFHDJWJWB), sometimes also "my dear", or when it gets serious "Dresvi" or when he is real bold and when he wants to see me becoming a blushing mess for the whole day - then by my real name heh. (Maybe even with a "my" infront of it)
My favorite dates? Honestly every date I get to spend with Baizhu, doesn't really matter where or when <33 but for a proper answer: spending time together on our favorite spot, often watching the sunrise / sunset, stargazing - or a picnic on it.. maybe even taking a stroll around Liyue Harbor or sum heh (I'm a simple person 🤸❤️)
What about you, dear Rin? <333 💞💞
(hELP Rin I also enjoy reading your answers sm, it's so cute how ya are gushing about your hubby's!! Please continue <33 and my asks make you smile?? OMG HELEOSHJSJ I am so so glad aaaaaa 💞💞❤️❤️💞💞🤸)
baizhu and ayato fighting over the adorably blush dresvi.... hehehe both has their own attractiveness and will woo you with different ways methinks. ayato sees baizhu giving you flowers and he goes off to send you ten large bouquets straight to your doorstep. baizhu sees ayato kissing your hand as a goodbye greeting and now he does that AND offers you his arm so he can escort you everywhere <3 oh fair maiden, who will win your heart? ;)
that's my man alright look at him isn't he majestic. he hides in his hidey hole most of the time, it's v cute i swear i'm not insane
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look at how derpy he is????
also hsldkfjslkdjf merman zhongli.... ouffffhhasjdklajsd he hoards pretty shells and rocks and gives me gifts. how can i not love him 😭
jealous baizhu makes sense bc i think he would have this innder fear of not being enough for you and he's afraid you'll find someone better ;w; pls reassure him and give him all the pats and kithes and reassurance <3
ah yes some of them are indo and chinese hehe
'xiànɡ ɡonɡ' means 'hubby' / 'husband'. 'yang' is shortened form of 'sayang' which, translated to english it's like 'darling' or 'dear'!
'lǎo pó' means 'wife', and 'tiánxīn' is a chinese pet name, kinda like 'sweetheart'. 'nik' is... how do i describe it uh it comes from 'nonik' which is a cute way to call a female young girl, but it also can be used as a cute nickname for a guy to call a girl (my dad calls my mom that irl hehehe)
ah i see, no that's totally understandable!! do whatever you're comfortable to do! and i'm always happy to gush over our selfships anyway hehehe
yk what, al haitham would probaly tease me back by calling me a petname BUT from a different language. like ancient sumerian or something (that 20 languages fluency is coming in handy). and he would refuse to translate it for me bc he's secretly a menace >:T
...... does that mean when you say goodye to baizhu you'd say "bai bai bai"? ...... g-get it? bc bai sounds like bye and- /is shot
calling them by their full name when it's serious is such a nice trope hahahah (if i call zhongli "rex lapis" he immediately knows it's serious hsldfjklsdj)
"my sunshine" "my angel" "my dresvi" omggggg i also can see him calling you 'my flower' or 'my violetgrass' (ykyk bc it's his ascension mats hehehee)
NO BC SAMEEEEE i feel like with zhongli he would drag me out to nature a lot (i'm an indoor person most of the time but i love tagging along with my friends if they want to go outside and explore nature) so yes!! strolls in liyue plains and by the docks or seashores would be something we do a lot!! that, or us visiting teashops or eating outside while listening to storytellers or operas... otherwise if i really really don't want to go out that day, we'd just cuddle at home and cook together in the kitchen hehe
with al haitham, there's a lot of indoor dates lol if sumeru has a book cafe with a good coffee, we'd both frequent that place every week lol he would be reading and i'd be either reading along with him or occassionally feeding him food while he's reading about complex physics things lol
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theringers · 3 years
burnout pt. 1 - max verstappen
summary: a quick drink at the hotel bar with a stranger….
a/n: a small piece of this came to me in a dream and the rest was inspired by the burnout album by anarbor
pt 1/? - not sure how many but I have 3 written already
not smut …. yet lol
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warnings: not much tbh, alcohol, making out, some may call this fluff?
The hotel bar was the ideal place for your sister and you to spend your evening. You were in town for a wedding last weekend but decided to stay for the week to relax and recharge, this time without your extended familiar breathing down your neck.
“I’ll take another martini please,” your sister asked the bartender, pointing to her almost-empty glass.
“I’ll have one of those as well.” You added.
Your sister looked confused. “You? Drinking?” You weren’t usually one to drink but one martini wouldn’t hurt. You were on vacation anyway and work would be right where you left it when you returned at the end of the weekend.
“I mean, happy Friday.” You laughed.
“Everyday is Friday when it’s vacation,” your sister replied. You nodded in agreement with her. Her phone began to buzz on the bar between the two of you.
“Oh, shit. I gotta take this.” Her boyfriend was calling. She grabbed her phone and walked away from the bar towards the entrance of the hotel.
“Two Lemondrops,” the bartender said, setting down two martini glasses filled with a beautiful yellow color.
You smiled and thanked the bartender. It may have been too early for drinks, but that didn’t matter. It was exactly what you needed.
Work had gotten extremely hectic at home and you needed a week to recharge your batteries.
The first sip of the martini was bitter and tart, but eventually mellowed out. You puckered your lips. The bartender looked at you confused. “Don’t like it?” He asked.
“I do,” you laughed. “I’m just not a huge drinker. I usually go for wine if I do.”
The bar was relatively empty, so you were taken back when the seat next to you became occupied. “I’ll have whatever she’s having,” the man said. You turned to look at him and admired his chiseled cheekbones quickly before he turned to smile at you.
“You can honestly just have this one,” you said, pointing to your right at your sisters full drink and empty seat. “My sister ordered it but then her boyfriend called. They’re going through some stuff so I wouldn’t expect her back any time soon.”
You picked up the glass along with the cocktail napkin it sat on and placed it in front of the stranger.
“That’s really nice of you, thank you…” he slowed, waiting for you to fill in your name. You gave him your name with a smile and asked his.
“I’m Max. Great to meet you.” He takes a sip of the martini and makes the same face you did at the first taste of the liquor.
You laughed at him. “What’s so funny?” He looked confused.
“I reacted the same way.”
“Not a huge drinker either?” He asked. You shook your head. “I usually can’t because of my job, but I’m off this weekend, thankfully.”
“I’ve just never been a big fan. What do you do for work?” You took another sip of your drink, trying to get it down. Each sip was less awful than the last.
“I drive cars.” You looked at his outfit, fully decked out in Red Bull Racing merchandise from head to toe.
“Ah, I see. That seems like any little boy’s dream job. You must love it.”
“It was my dream job, so you’re right about that. My dad was a driver as well so it’s all I ever knew.” He was finishing the drink at double the speed you were. “How about you?”
“I’m an engineer,” you smiled. You always felt a sense of pride telling people you were an engineer.
“No shit, that’s so badass.” The exact reaction you wanted. “I’m surrounded by engineers on a regular basis at the track. None of them as beautiful as you, though.”
You could feel your cheeks heat up, a combination of Max’s compliment and the alcohol starting to hit your body.
“That’s sweet of you to say. I’ve been in engineering long enough to know that they’re probably all men so at least I know you’re not lying to me.” You let out a soft giggle.
“I would offer you to come work with me but it would be unethical for me to crush on my engineer.” He winked and immediately turned back to the bartender, motioning for another round for both you and him. “You better finish that one up because there’s another one coming.”
You looked down at the half empty martini glass and shrugged. “I’ll get there.”
You peeked out the sliding glass doors of the hotel entry and saw your sister still deep in conversation. It wasn’t long until you and Max had finished three drinks together.
His company was pleasant and unlike anyone you’ve ever spent time with. He was witty, smart, and sweet.
“Before we get even drunker than we are now, do you want to go watch the sunset on the roof? I heard it’s beautiful up there.” He asked you.
“I would love that.” You smiled. You were ready to ask the bartender for the check before Max beat you to it and put all the drinks on his, including an extra for your sister for whenever she got off the phone. You asked the bartender to let your sister know where you went when he returned and he agreed.
The two of you made your way towards the elevators. As the doors opened, you went right to the wall and leaned up against it, making sure you were balanced. Max conveniently stood right next to you and curled his arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his body. He looked down at you, a significant distance between your faces due to your short stature. “I had a lot of fun with you tonight.” He said.
“Me as well. It’s almost felt like a breath of fresh air.” He smiled at your response. You could definitely agree with Max. The two of you got on so well and there was never a moment of doubt or awkwardness in your conversation.
You looked up into his eyes as he closed his, moving closer to you and pressing his lips to yours. Immediately, your hand found those cheekbones you had been admiring earlier as you kissed him back.
Your lips moved together in sync for a few more seconds before he pulled away. “I’m sorry if that was too forward-“ you stopped him.
“Not at all,” you grinned and he leaned in once again, wanting to taste you again.
You both tasted citrusy and sweet from the drinks you had consumed. His tall figure towered over you and you felt safe with his arm around your shoulder.
He pulled away again, letting his tongue glide against his bottom lip. “I’ve been thinking about doing that for the last few hours.”
“Well, I’m really glad you did.” It seemed that the what you had been feeling for Max these last few hours was mutual.
The elevator dinged and you stepped out onto the stone-floored rooftop, practically empty.
You admired the beautiful city skyline and cotton candy colors of the sky.
“Wow,” you said in awe. Your jaw hung open as you stared out. Max’s gaze was directed right at you. Nothing better than watching a beautiful girl admire something she loves. He had no idea you loved sunsets, but he took a wild guess and was wildly right. Must not be a coincidence, you thought.
You were snapped out of your admiration by a dinging sound coming from your phone. A text came through, and you read what was on your Lock Screen. “Hey babe. Hope you had a great week. Can’t wait to see you when you get home. Love you!”
next part
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snacc-noir · 4 years
Hello! For your prompt thing, maybe 3G? 👉👈 Please and thank you! 💜💜💜
3. “Babe! There you are!” “B-babe?”
G. Enemies AU
Adrienette I love u sm I was hoping someone would pick this combination
One of the many hair-pulling qualities of Adrien is his knack for surprises.
He’s the human (that’s still up for debate) embodiment of cold showers and other unpleasant sensations, like the moment when you run off to transform into Ladybug and the golden mop of hair and hostile glance is there—
And he’s always there, lurking in the corner of the locker room or somewhere during an akuma attack, withering at Marinette like their reoccurring inauspicious meetings are her fault;
like it’s his attempts to save the city that have been thwarted.
The audacity.
It’s the core of their not-so-friendly rivalry -- the evil reoccurring coincidence that drives Marinette (9/10 times friendly person and secretly Ladybug Marinette) insane. In fact, she doesn’t think there‘s anything left for the God-sculpted creation (he‘s hot - Insufferable, but hot. Her pride isn’t that loud) to do that can add to her ‘Why Adrien Agreste is a Nuisance’ list.
Oh, but how wrong she is.
“Babe! There you are!”
A second. A long second; a second where there’s confusion, conclusion, and confusion again. Marinette’s once-coolly leaning figure rests on the outskirts of their indoor basketball courts, hanging jaw formally chewing gum.
But now instead of watching a fanmade video about Chat Noir, she’s watching Adrien approach her with a beguiling smile (there’s no way that’s directed at her) and Miss Bustier a step shorter.
He slings an arm around her shoulders like he’s (never) done before, and she’s too frozen to react. “Sorry, I didn’t tell her we were doing this,” he tells their teacher, ignoring the gobsmacked expression to his left. “Look, Marinette, we’ve been caught.”
“Caught is right.” He construes the origin of her volume to match his sick role-play. “Miss Bustier keeps noticing us leaving together during akuma attacks and coming back at the same time from the same spots. Not to mention,” he says with a grin she had believed was saved to taunt her - then she realises that may as well be what he’s doing, “leaving for the bathroom at the same time—”
He winks.
Marinette looks up at him, disgust pulling the corner of her mouth. The confusion wears off and her thoughts sprint. Her lashes tremor at Miss Bustier as she reads her, but there’s only so much you can gage from a thin smile and clasped hands.
Then Adrien’s words catch up.
That’s her running off to be Ladybug.
That’s all her crafted lies and scheduled escapes so she can capture akuma with her dearest partner.
And Adrien’s been confronted about his tag-alongs to her escapades — and veiled it by the synthetic guise that they’re dating.
Oh he is not going there.
His fingers are clipped to her waist, the soft pressure flaming her senses as he presses them in warning. She notices the way his lean figure is taped to her in their mutually loathed side-hug.
Then he re-freezes her by lowering his head, pushing back the dark lock of hair near her ear and hovering his lips in a gesture that jolts her heart up her throat. There, beside her skin, a warm, threatening whisper slices through her:
“Watch yourself. This benefits you.”
She swallows.
“Marinette, you can tell me,” Miss Bustier finally speaks. “I understand that your occasional arguments might cause a dent in your relationship. I actually confronted Adrien with my theory because I want to help you both overcome this negative tension. I know you work so well together.”
She has no idea.
The Marinette stills. If she denies this nightmare, what’s left to make of their eerie timing in running off and coming back? How else can she explain walking out of a closet two minutes after Adrien?
Although she doesn’t understand Adrien’s reasons, there’s no way she’s about to unravel her superhero secret.
“Uh—” Marinette starts, “—Yes, I, um, we just didn’t want anyone to know. Especially since we’ve been pretty rocky since the start.”
Miss Bustier nods, a sympathetic look warming her face. She rubs Marinette’s shoulder and smiles.
“And that’s okay! I know you two have a lot of potential to make this relationship work, and I’m here for you!” Her joy blindsides her to the two grimaces before her. “You know, after I got into yoga I did a lot of training for relationship therapy for all kinds. I promise not to inform your other classmates if we can get you two sorted with some sessions.”
This literally can’t get any worse.
Adrien’s grip on her waist squeezes, eliciting her to jerk a little closer in his side. They force tight smiles back at their teacher.
“That would be really great, actually. I think we need it,” Adrien says politely. “Right, babe.”
She stifles the cough. “Yeah, uh, sweetie.”
“That’s wonderful! I know it’ll be worth it. Those arguments will be gone in no time!”
Marinette squints, relapsing what on earth just happened as their teacher waltzes away. There aren’t even eyes on the other side of the court looking their way. It’s just her, Adrien, and their lack of distance.
She jumps away.
“Why’d you tell her that?!”
“Hey, I was saving your butt, too,” he snaps. “Why do you even follow me everywhere in the first place!?”
“You follow me.”
“That is not true! I have reasons for where I go!”
“Oh yeah?” She rises on her tiptoes, threatened by their height difference. “Well so do I!”
“Name one!”
“You name one!”
They fall into a terrible silence. Their jaws harden and their posture tenses. Their gazes entwine like an impossible knot.
A second. A long second.
“Whatever,” he breaks the tension, “see you at couple therapy.”
As Adrien - beautifully detested Adrien with his model walk and lean grace - struts away, Marinette sobers, clears the heat in mind, and glares him down.
She will find out his reasons. And she will prove they’re as insignificant as the way her heart swells at his attractive grin he throws her direction.
Honestly. The audacity.
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Hi Claire, thank you for interacting with me on tumblr! (I'm newly active as a writer so I don't have many mutuals so far^^)
Could I request a match-up (sfw and nsfw is fine for me)?
I'm 8w9 INTP sp/sx Leo , my height is 153cm and I have a petite body ( but big 🍈🍈 >> putting this if you want to write nsfw )  i'm more to the cute-hot vibes than beautiful-modest lady vibes. My hair is wavy and have ash brown color with purple highlight.
My social skills? Fine I think. I weirdly get along with a lot of people (everyone kinda knows me) but I never talk to them first. Even though I have a lot of friends, I only have one close friend ( tragic right:") )
My personality is rude—blunt in the rude way(?), I do whatever I want to because I seek freedom of expression, LOVE debating about certain issues, and surprisingly I'm quite a wise person. But, I have no jam. Right, I couldn't make any jokes since I usually use the wrong tone in my voice :( I prefer to keep my joke inside my imagination or write it down somewhere. I always try to dominate my man, but I want my man to dominate me too ( do you get what I mean here? 😭 ) I love to be alone too. I HATE loud voices, reptiles, and crowds. I'm not the type of person who easily shows my love to anyone. I think because I have a really high pride *sigh
I'm working as a graphic designer. Which somehow makes me currently don't have any interest. But I love listening to music (pop-rock and r&b) 
I'd like BSD and Tokyo revengers match up, please🥺  if you don't mind??
Thank you, Claire! I wish your both of your pillow side cold tonight 💕 (I'm sorry if this is too long to read*cry)
My dust bunny, I'm finally here for you! I looked forward to write for you since I received your request cause you're definitely super cool! So forgive me being late and welcome to my parlour loyal customers' circle, love you!!!
Warnings: Smut, Public Sex, Oral (giving, receiving), Femdom
Bungou Stray Dogs: Chuuya Nakahara
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I promise that I didn't choose Chuuya for your height, but he loves that your lower than him, he feels like he can protect you, even if you don't need it.
Talking about physical attraction, I somehow image you with fashion and cool outfits and always with make up on, Chuuya goes nut when he sees you like this.
You're his stress reliever, it's difficult for him to get angry with you cause he loves you a lot and just a hug or laying in your boobs while caressing his hair, calms him down.
Dates with Chuuya consist in shopping and dinner outside, the few times, he's free. Despite this he prefers indoor dates where you talk about all and nothing.
He's touch starved, so expect him to cling to you as soon as he changes into home clothes.
Being clingy with him means that you finish in a make out session, wheter it being in the kitchen, on the couch or bed isn't important.
Chuuya is obsessed with oral, he likes to lick you and overstimulate but also receive: "Babe I need you" deep down you know he doesn't need, he wants you, especially your pretty mouth around his cock.
I consider him a service dom with some kinks: face fucking is a must, he can't help himself he loves seeing your teears while the tip hits your throat.
Sex with him with him is definitely needy and aggressive, you're his stress reliever, and pouding hard all the right points to make you scream definitely relax him, especially when he cum all over you.
Outside the bed is a total gentleman with you, he loves surprising you with flowers and a card where he says "Can't wait to see you tonight".
When he does things like that you definitely sends him a photo of your boobs and sexting becomes normal, "mmm I can wait to see those tits fuck my cock" he says while in his office smirking.
Sometimes if he can't resist the urge, he comes to your work with lunch, but this ends up always with him fucking you in the toilet.
In conclusion beside being so damn sexy together, you're also really romantic sensual, and we love this!!!
Tokyo Revengers: Manjiro Sano
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Mmm well and here I come back with short guys with your same zodiac sign! But it's not this the reason why I match you with Mikey, I like you with bossy guys with cool vibes.
Your relationship with Mikey it's a quite a rollercoaster, he's the one that always calls you for doing crazy thing and you enjoy it.
Speaking seriously you're definitely the fresh air breeze in his life that helps him forget all of the anxieties or dark impulvisity.
The dark urges shows up a lot during sex.
Mikey is definitely a switch in my opinion, he loves when you dom him, from jerking him off and stop when he's going to cum to edging him and riding him during lazy mornings. He loves everything you do to tease him when he's in a good mood.
It happens a lot that when you decide to punish him and edge him, he cums without touching his cock, he just needs your voice and commands to bust the nut and cum all over the bed and stomach.
When the dark impulsivity shows up he's definitely the kind to just look at you dead in the eyes and order "Get naked", obliging to him you do it and when he gestures you to put yourself on his lap, he starts finger fucking you aggresively and makes you scream you in tears and pleasure.
When he's going to fuck you, he just puts you in missionary and he starts to move without giving you a warn, nore giving you the time to accomodate his size.
Hard thrusts and black eyes stare at you like you're his prey, if he says to you watch him and you don't do it cause you're dumb as fucked, expect him to turn aggressively your head and block you while he continues to fuck you and he cums groaning in pleasure.
Mikey is someone so difficult to handle to his sudden change, sometimes it seems to take care of a kid, but you love him and watching him smile definitely rewards you for everything.
I finished baby!!! Hope you love this 😊😊😊
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potter-imagines · 4 years
Smoking 🍃 w/ Your Boyfriend Fred Weasley...
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader  Prompt: Thought this was an interesting idea since I think we can all agree the Weasley Twins were def dealers lol
 (I’m still on vacation I just had this one in my drafts so I finished it up)
Warning: mature, sexual, weed, smoking, swearing, probs more.  If mentions of drugs makes you uncomfortable or you just don’t like it, don’t read this please! as implied by the title, this is literally all about what smoking with Fred Weasley would include 
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-      Okay lets face it
-       Everyone and their owls know Fred and George Weasley were the best, most trusted, ‘flower’ dealers in Hogwarts 🍃🍃
-       You knew this before you started dating Fred
-       It just came as a bonus after getting together
-       Fred and George are almost always a little high
-       They sell carts, wax, edibles and flower
-       Like they’ve got it all, and the best quality
-      Their edibles are only for the brave; half the time you get an out of this world high, and other times, your skin is bright pink for a week from their trick
-       Lee Jordan also helps them with sales, the three of them are by far the biggest stoners in your year- probably in the whole castle
-       Seeing as most Slytherins’ did lines in the bathroom and in their dorms, Fred and George hardly sold to Slytherins
-       Most of the money the twins make goes towards saving for their dream joke shop
-       But Fred loves to buy you gifts when he has the chance
-       Like flowers, a bracelet, butterbeer, candies, books, etc.
-       He adores spoiling you
-       Fred never makes you pay if you wanna pick up from him
-       But he usually prefers you smoke with him or him and George
-       “You’re just so adorable when you’re high, sweetheart, I don’t wanna miss a thing. Plus, I’m scared you’ll tweak like a minx if you’re alone.”
-       Munchies galore
-       You guys will smoke late at night in their dorm with Lee
-       George is the designated snack man and will sneak into the kitchen before your smoke session
-       Lee shoves towels under the door and closes the vents
-       You would probably be the one enchanting the room so the smell doesn’t get out, but Fred really couldn’t care if anyone smelled it
-       You’ll usually smoke out the window, then trudge over to Fred’s bed and plop onto of him
-       “Jeeze, I think someone took one too many hits.”
-       Fred, George, and Lee will mess around, laughing loudly as they pass a blunt amongst the group
-       If it’s your first few times smoking, you’d probably just sit in Fred’s lap on the ground, staring off at the floor
-       Fred loves to tease you when you’re high
-       “Earth to Y/n- come back to us please.”
-       “Lovie, you’re eyes, they’re bloodshot as hell!”
-       Lots of kisses
-       You guys don’t make out too much after smoking as it’s nearly impossible for the both of you
-       Dry mouth is a bitch
-       Fred is vvv handsy when high
-       Like he needs to be touching your skin somehow
-       Whether he places you on his lap with his arms around you
-       Or laying together in his bed
-       Or holding hands on your walk back to the castle after smoking in the forest
-       Likes to pinch your butt when you’re walking up the stairs
-       He doesn’t really like when you’re high in public
-       He can tell when you’re nervous and start getting fidgety, so he’ll ask you to go on a walk with him to calm you down
“Angel, let’s go to the lake, yeah? Think you could use some fresh air, love.”
-       Fred will help you if you’re using a bong
-       “Here, love, just breathe it in until I tell you to stop and I’ll lift the top.”
-       Whoever coughs first is labeled as a ‘little bitch’ according to George
-       Fred scolds Lee and George when they try to make fun of you for coughing
-       Like will murder them with his eyes and slap ts out of George’s arm
-       “Leave her alone… you know she doesn’t smoke as much as us… it’s completely normal, darling.” “Merlin’s sake, Fred. We’re just teasing her, mate. I think you could use the hit next him, maybe it’ll calm your hormones.”
-       George and you will have heated life debates
-       “No, George! Dinosaurs were here before people!” “That is not true, Y/n. Humans ruled the earth before those vicious stompers came roaming about. The dinosaurs- or should I say dinomurders- they killed all of humanity! They stomped on them, trapped the kids in those jeeps trying to eat them and ruined the kid’s fun and made destroyed the theme park-“ “George… that’s Jurassic Parks. It’s a fucking movie, you git.”
-       Fred likes to wrap his Gryffindor tie around your head and putting his sweaters over you “Aw, you look so cute, darling. I love seeing you in my clothes but my favorite thing is seeing you with nothing on at all.” “Fred! You can’t say that in front of George and Lee-“ “Oh believe me, Y/n. We sleep only feet away from you two- we’ve heard a lot worse. A lot worse.”
-       You guys will just lay around laughing for most of the night
-       You favorite times were when Fred and George would start talking about their childhood and sharing hilarious stories
-       George likes to mess with Fred when he’s high
-       For example
-       He’ll throw his arm around you and lazily lean into your side
-       Fred would watch closely from only a few feet away
-       George would then whisper into your ear, causing giggles to erupt from your chest
-       Which makes Fred jerk in annoyance
-       The weed didn’t help control his jealous- it magnified it if anything
-       Typically, he wouldn’t care since he knew George and you were extremely close friends
-       But Fred always got a little more… horny and possessive when the weed hit his bloodstream
-       Fred would pout until you noticed him and would comfort him
-       “Freddie, what’s wrong, bubba? You look so sad, aww.”
-       His jealously would diminish the second you moved away from George to his side
-       He loves when you hold his hand
-       Your favorite thing to do when high is play with his red, vibrant hair or when he would stroke and pet yours
-       Fred likes to attempt a braid in your hair
-       But he just ends up twisting two strands of hair in a coil then wrapped your black hair tie at the end
-       The gleeful, proud look on his face afterwards melted your heart so much you couldn’t tell him he failed miserably at a braid
-       You guys will place bets on who will slump first
-       It’s usually you or George
-       Fred and Lee will stay up until morning talking about life, school, quidditch, life goals, and anything else
-       Nights that you did get high with Fred in his dorm, he’d always insist that you sleep in his bed
-       He didn’t like taking the risk of you walking alone to your dorm room and risk getting caught
-       The last thing he wanted was you in trouble when he could’ve prevented it
-       You guys like to sneak into the kitchen after hours and make edibles together
-      Preferably marshmallow bar edibles or cookies
-       You liked to bring things with you for your smoke sessions with the twins
-       Like coloring books
-       A blanket, since Fred only sleeps with two which just seems criminal
-       A water bottle !!! this is a must
-       And some vanilla cherry Chapstick, Fred’s favorite
-       Fred’s favorite spot to smoke in along the Black Lake at night
-       Coming here with Fred will usually end with the both of you swimming in the lake
-       Whether it’s because he pushed you, you pushed him, or it was decided in the moment mutually that midnight was the perfect time for a swim
-      You liked smoking out by the lake as it was relaxing and fun with Fred
-       But you much preferred his dorm- it was the safest option by far
-       Fred loves getting high alone with you
-       Typically in his room as your roommates didn’t want people constantly in and out of the room as where Fred, George, and Lee were used to it
-       They made a handful of sales from their dorm room
-       Like a sinful amount 
-       It was by far the easiest way
-       Fred would light some candles before you arrived
-       A variety of sweets and snacks were sprawled against his bed
-        And warm fuzzy socks laid out for you 
-       He’d pack the bowl, then open the window
-       A blanket was thrown across the ledge so you could sit more comfortably
-       “What a gentleman!”
-       After smoking, Fred would carry you back to his bed
-       Most nights, you guys would just cuddle and whisper to each other
-       Fred never misses an opportunity to kiss you
-       On your lips
-       Forehead
-       Cheek
-       Nose
-       Neck (which will usually lead to something else with this boy)
-       Anywhere
-       Continuously giggling all night
-       Fred and you share your high thoughts
-       “But, just hear me out here. Is there another word for synonym?”
-       “Babe, who do you think came up with the alphabet? And how the fuck did they put the alphabet shit in alphabetical order.” “Darling, I am way too baked to even remember what fucking goes in an alphabet.”
-       High sex
-       Fred makes you feel so comfortable
-      Compliments you profusely 
-       Lot of laughing
-       He lovesssss going down on you when you’re both baked
-       Cause you make the cutest little noises, euphoria taking over your sense
-       He can stay down there for hours just basking in your sweet moans
-       Favorite is missionary so he can see every reaction gracing your face
-       Is only brave enough to try new sex adventures when he’s either high or drunk
-       Discovers that you both very much so enjoy his hand wrapped around your neck as he thrusts into you
-       And when you get on top
-       His touchy side comes out the most in these moments
-       Sloppy sex
-       But still vvvv fulfilling and pleasurable
-       He’ll whisper in your ear as his pace quickens
-       “You look so beautiful, sweetheart. So pure but so dirty just for me.”  
-       “Merlin, you’re bloody breathtaking with my fingers in your mouth, angel.”
-       “Freddie, you feel so good.”
-       You both finish within a matter of minutes, never lasting long when in this state
-       “…That was the best sex I’ve ever had, ever.” “Fred, lovie, you say that every time we have sex.”
“Cause it just keeps getting better and better!”
-       Cuddling for the rest of the night
-       Always making sure you’re dressed before George or Lee turn in for the night
-       Fred would fall asleep first when it was just the two of you
-       He talks in his sleep, nearly every hour he’d mutter something
-       In an odd way, you found it comforting
-       Especially when it’s your name he’s mumbling
-       Falling asleep in Fred’s arms
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teklarn · 3 years
𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓻𝓮 𝓷𝓸𝓽 𝓶𝔂 𝓫𝓸𝔂𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭 - 𝓴. 𝓫𝓪𝓴𝓾𝓰𝓸𝓾 (𝓹𝓽.4)
character(s): katsuki bakugou x gn!reader (x eijirou kirishima) 
a/n: y’all it makes me so happy how many people like my work oh my gosh i’m so motivated when enthusiasm shows tytyty <33 
𝕣𝕖𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕤 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕘𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕝𝕪 𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 !!
summary: bakugou x gn!reader. they have feelings for one another but have no idea how to express them, however y/n has someone pining for their attention. 
genre: angst 
warnings: mutual pining, cussing, aged-up to third years, love triangle, romantic tension, one-sided pining, jealousy, toxic kirishima (ok but like he’s hot tho), slowburn romance, not proofread 
word count: 2423
- - -
part 3 , part 5
you twiddled your thumbs in front of the poster. a halloween party? next month? it’d come as a surprise how fast the holiday was coming up. 
your stomach filled with butterflies, however, it sunk when you remembered what had happened last night. 
the little fight you had with kirishima. how it seemed like he suddenly hated bakugou, who was one of his best friends. you didn’t want to believe that kirishima could have had feelings for you. perhaps he was just protecting you. 
you sighed. you truly didn’t want to fight with either of them. maybe kirishima was right. he did know bakugou better than you, but to your knowledge, bakugou had never had a relationship. 
maybe kirishima was trying to say that bakugou would be toxic in the sense that he would never pay attention to you. perhaps he would be too focused on becoming the number one hero. 
whatever. it didn’t matter now. 
the poster listed that it was going to be a costume party, and dressing up was mandatory. you were good friends with mei hatsume from the support group, so she would be going all-out for the season. you wondered if she’d be able to whip something up for you, too. 
you had a few minutes left before class started, surely she should be available for a little bit of chatter. besides, mei hatsume never turned down a new project. 
turning, you started your way to the support classrooms just to be stopped, come face-to-face with the one person you’d been trying to avoid all day. “i don’t want to talk right now, kirishima,” you snapped. perhaps you were being a bit harsh, but he was the one trying to control you, was he not? 
“then don’t talk, y/n. i’ll talk.” 
you shoved past him, clutching your books to your chest. “no.” 
“just hear me out, okay? last night was...i didn’t mean to seem-” 
“seem what? possessive? rude? like an overprotective, jealous boyfriend?” 
“in no way was i trying to come across as any of those, trust me y/n.” 
you continued on your way to the support classes only to find him standing before you again. You sighed, tightening your grip around your books. “what.” you commanded him, you didn’t ask. 
kirishima let out a sigh of his own, letting his arms fall to his sides. “can we just...talk? we’re friends, and we’ve always communicated well with each other.” 
“communication was out of the question yesterday, wasn’t it?” you attempted shoving him away to continue on your way, but he caught your shoulder, finger pads digging into your skin possessively. 
“please, y/n.” 
you looked down your nose at him. “fine. say what you so badly want to get out.” 
“listen, i-” 
the bell rang, and students went rushing back into their classrooms. you shrugged, victorious. “looks like the bell isn’t on your side either, kirishima.” 
you heard him sigh in defeat, but did not look back.
there was something about the way kirishima was suddenly looking at you that bakugou didn’t like. at all. his pencil snapped in his grip, chips of wood and led flying into the air. 
speaking of kirishima, what was up with him lately? everything was suddenly about you. he was always around you. sure, throughout the years, you two had gotten closer, but kirishima looked just about ready to abandon bakugou’s ass on the side of the road. 
as usual, aizawa would be a bit late. in about ten minutes, the man would come wandering in, bags hanging low under his eyes, and instruct the lesson before falling back into his much-needed slumber. 
that was when bakugou would interrogate kirishima. but first, he needed to talk to you. needed to be sure he was on the winning side before anything happened between kirishima. 
bakugou walked over to your desk, tugging at your sleeve to get your attention. 
“hm?” you looked up from your notebook. “yes, bakugou? do you need something?” 
“yeah,” he replied, scratching the back of his neck. “you saw the poster too, right? the one about that stupid dance.” 
“well, i don’t think it’s stupid. it looks fun! don’t you think?” 
he drowned himself in your eyes. “mhm.” 
“so, did you still need something?” 
“got any costume ideas in mind?” 
you feigned surprise. “katsuki bakugou? are you saying what i think you’re saying?” 
he licked his lips. gosh, the way his name rolled off your tongue sounded the way honey tasted. “don’t push it.” he grinned. “still considering it.” 
“well, if you’re thinking of going, you definitely should. i’m buying tickets with mina and kaminari if you’d like to tag along.” 
“tag along?” he let out a breathy chuckle. “i’ll be the star of the show if i ‘tag along’, you got me?” 
you gave him a side smile. “mhm. but you do realize how hectic it’s gonna be there, right? i mean, you’ve got to pick something that...pops, y’know?” your fingers sprung out to add emphasis. 
“whether i wear some stupid costume or not, i’m still going to be the star of the show. you got that?”
you knew he was only teasing. if it’d been the bakugou from before, he would have most likely meant it, however, you knew how he openly teased you now. strangely, it was only you who he was so open with. 
bakugou smirked, leaning down to raise your chin with his fingers. “i’ll go if you go.”  
he had your heart pacing rapidly. “mhm.” 
“use your words.” 
“yes, i think i’ll go.” 
“you think?” he taunted. 
“i will go.” you cleared your throat. “bakugou.” 
“good.” his gentle fingers let go of your chin and he wandered back to his desk, eyeing you from there for a moment before flicking open a textbook and reading. 
you diverted your eyes back to your notebook, hands shaking as you wrote down the date. you scribbled down your name three times in the top right corner just to look busy. 
adjusting your elbow, you did your best to make it look like you were merely leaning your cheek on your hand in a bored manner. gosh. you could still feel his eyes burning into you, demanding. serious. gorgeous and blood red. 
kirishima was right about you having feelings for bakugou. however you sat there conflicted for a little while. 
bakugou had just approached you in a similar manner as kirishima. did kirishima..? 
no, you two were only friends. 
you shook your head, still doing your best to conceal the stupid grin crossing your cheeks. 
everyone knew that telling other people if you were just friends with someone after they asked, one person had feelings for the other at least. it was another thing asking yourself that. 
- - - 
it was just a week before the dance, and you still had yet to choose a costume. mina and kaminari had offered you a few of the costumes she’d worn at previous halloween parties, but none had appealed to you. 
you wanted something fresh. wanted something that you’d feel like you would have fun in. 
“wouldn’t dressing up as a pirate be really, i don’t know. i just feel like it’d be super super hot in the gym.” 
mina rolled her eyes. “well duh, you look hot in everything, y/n.” 
you scoffed. “thanks, but i’m not sure about that.” 
“kirishima seems to think so,” kaminari teased from inside the change room. all three of you were currently at a thrift store trying to find matching costumes. 
you rolled your eyes, disregarding the fact he couldn’t see. “don’t bring him up. please.” 
“what happened between you two?” mina asked, slipping the costume back onto its hanger. she slipped it back into its spot on the rack and began sifting through new clothes. “you guys just suddenly stopped talking.” 
you shrugged. “he’s just been...off lately. you know? i don’t know how else to explain it. but ever since that incident where he broke bakugou’s nose-” 
kaminari peaked out from the curtain, jaw dropping. “he broke bakugou’s nose?” 
you waved him off. “yes, now let me finish. kirishima did this thing where he just...he acted all protective in private and then tried to apologize for it the next day. he kept telling me stuff like bakugou wasn’t good for me and everything.” 
mina blinked, jaw dropping to the floor. “honey, what?” 
she and kaminari exchanged shocked glances before she popped a hip out and put her fist to it. 
“bestie, honey. you really are oblivious, aren’t you?” 
you let out an exasperated breath. “he told me that, too! he pinned me to the wall and was like, oh, you’re so oblivious.” you imitated his voice, puffing out your chest to mock his stockiness. 
“baby, baby! do you hear yourself?” mina shook you, taking you by your shoulders. “what the heck? are you blind? he’s down bad for you!” 
“bad? if he had feelings for anyone, not just me, i think kirishima would be a little more considerate.” 
“but it’s bakugou,” kaminari chirped in. “he knows he won’t win if he doesn’t get you now.” 
“please, bakugou doesn’t win at everything.” 
mina raised an eyebrow. “but you already have feelings for bakugou, so technically he’s already winning.” 
you pursed your lips. “i guess, but if kirishima really had romantic feelings for me, he’d be less of an ass about it.” 
“is he going to the dance?” kaminari closed the curtain, rustling around to change back into his clothes once more. 
“i’m pretty sure.” you began sifting through clothes with mina. “bakugou said he’d go if i went. so i’m guessing kirishima is going to be there, too. bakugou and he are never apart.” 
mina slapped her thigh in disbelief. “do you hear yourself, babes?” she wore a stupid grin. “i haven’t seen those two together since...i don’t know, not for the past month. they’re fighting over you, whether you realize it, whether they realize it.” 
kaminari let out a false moan. “oh to have those two fighting over me.” he came out of the change room dressed in his own clothes. 
“did the costume not fit?” mina asked. 
“my fat ass is too fat for it. i’m too hot to be a pirate.” he posed, mimicking aoyama. 
“your ass is flatter than a pancake, kaminari.” 
you chuckled, but couldn’t help thinking about what mina was saying. as your two friends began chatting away, you lost yourself in your thoughts. 
the three of you sat down for dinner at a cheap restaurant. mina and kaminari had bought a matching costume set, and you were still left without one. the two had left for the bathroom, leaving you sipping your own drink alone. 
your chest sank into your stomach when a familiar head full of red, the roots beginning to darken, stepped into the restaurant. he ordered what you’d guessed. 
he waited for the meal to be prepared for take out, rocking back and forth on his heels and whistling softly. 
thankfully, you felt someone rest a hand on your shoulder. you turned, expecting to see kaminari or mina attempting to save you. instead, you found a strange man. he looked to be around your age. you vaguely recognized his face. perhaps you’d seen him around yuuei before. 
uncomfortable, you shoved his hand off. “please go away.” 
kirishima blinked slowly when his eyes found you. you did not attempt to hide your annoyance. 
you wanted to tell both of them to go away as the man started flirting with you. it should be expected. this wasn’t the best place to be hanging out, either. 
you heard footsteps rushing up, and soon, a hand clamped around your wrist. you cried out as kirishima pulled you out of your seat. 
“do you have an issue?” he demanded, eyes boring into the man’s. 
the man licked his lips. “you seem like you have an issue, here.” his words slurred grossly. “we were over here minding our own business.” 
“they don’t want it.” kirishima snapped. 
“kirishima, i can handle this myself. you tried to shove off his grip. he let go, knowing that this wasn’t truly how he wanted to approach you. 
“see?” the man said. “they’re fine.” 
“get out of here.” 
“kirishima, what’re you-” 
the man put his hands up in surrender and wandered out. 
you pushed kirishima back. “what the hell?” 
“fine. be mad at me, but he was invading your space.” 
your brow furrowed. “you’re one to talk! do i need to put some kind of restraining order on you? you keep following me everywhere.” 
“not anywhere! this was a coincidence.” 
you shook your head. “it’s pointless trying to argue with you. you’re so toxic!” 
kirishima tongued the inside of his cheek. “think what you want, y/n. i could see you were uncomfortable, anyway.” 
“no, kirishima. i don’t need your saving. i don’t need you to swoop in and pretend like you’re my hero. you’re not. don’t talk to me again unless you’ve grown the hell up.” 
as if on queue, the bell rang and kirishima’s packaged dinner was presented in a paper bag. he gave you a good, long hard stare before taking his dinner and leaving. 
your chest heaved with anger. you wanted to make him angry. if he felt romantic feelings towards you, you wanted to make him jealous. 
you gave mina and kaminari a text that you’d be going home early. it was only a half-lie. you ran to hatsume’s dorm and knocked loudly. she opened the door without hesitation and grinned widely at the sight of you, already knowing you needed something. 
kirishima was obviously so damn jealous of bakugou, wasn’t he? mina was right. he wouldn’t be able to compete. and you were going to make sure he knew that. 
the blaring lights, the music louder than bakugou’s explosions. students disguised as their favorite characters. 
it was hectic, you were right about that. 
kirishima stood beside him. they’d both decided to dress in their hero costumes. the tension between them was still unspoken. they felt like strangers. 
their eyes scanned the crowd, and bakugou’s landed on you first, kirishima following closely after. 
he couldn’t help the warm, victorious feeling in his chest as he glanced to the side at kirishima’s expression. 
kirishima’s chest caved in. you’d dressed in...who had made it? 
“they’re dressed as...you,” he said, aghast. 
bakugou grinned, watching you dance under the lights in your own rendition of his hero costume, that orange x crossing your chest oh-so-nicely.
- - - 
tags: (if you want to be tagged in future parts, let me know!!) 
@heizenka @misssugarless 
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ashdumpsterpile · 4 years
For the gays. (And @damcrows who’s been dead for the past 24 hours. Rest in peace babe. Read some gay fic. Deny the inevitability of canon. <3)
the end, but the start (of all things that are left to do)  by @ajkal2
Jon wakes up.
aka. mag200 tore out my heart
(Very smol, very short, very spoiler. Def recommend for anyone who just finished the podcast.)
remind me how to smile by @tamerofdarkstars
Jon is probably fine, just hiding out somewhere while the whole murder thing blows over and that's... fine. Martin is fine with that explanation. Really. He's got plenty to distract himself - like listening through the entire What the Ghost episode library, for example. Or watching Georgie Barker's Instagram livestreams.
(Yea this was in the last rec list, but you don’t understand THE ADMIRAL GIVES CUDDLES)
Chamomile by Dribbledscribbles
Whatever the ex-tea was, if it really had ever been that last bag of chamomile Martin claimed he’d found tucked in the back of the cupboard, it was fast now.
Martin had tried catching it, chasing it, blocking its way with shoebox lids and plates and an upended footstool, but the thing was just too quick. Jon knew as well as Knew that he might have left off the attempts completely if not for the creature’s preferred game.
The game was, See How Many Times I Can Push Martin Towards Cardiac Arrest Before He Comes at Me with The Broom.
(Scottish Honeymoon Era. Adorable and weird. A vampire gets harassed.)
hey stranger by @ennuijpg
It’s a late night Tesco run, how eventful could it be? It’s not like Martin is going to run into his boss who’s wearing something absurdly different from usual and get the most acute form of whiplash possible from seeing him, right?
(Martin runs into Jon at the grocery store and has an existential crisis.)
roses roses, roses. by @judesstfrancis
Rose scented laundry detergent. Running into Jon in the breakroom. Running into Jon on his way back to his desk. Rose scented detergent. Running into Jon. Roses. Jon. Roses, roses, roses. 
(Canon enemies to friends to lovers au-ish. Martin POV. Very pining much sweet.)
go softly by doomcountry
And there is nothing else besides this. 
(More hurt/comfort than fluff. Scottish Honeymoon Era. Mild eye mutilation.)
Not Alone by @backofthebookshelf
After the coffin, Daisy and Jon are both fragile. They hold each other up. 
(Post-buried Jon&Daisy starter pack. Very hurt/comfort.)
trust my love by antlsepticeye
“you… you’re real, aren’t you?” jon whispers, the fog slowly dissipating from his mind. “it is not a trick?”
“i’m here,” martin says softly, reaching up to grab jon’s hand that was resting on his cheek, intertwining his fingers with jon’s and squeezing. he moves jon’s hand to martin’s chest, resting it over his heart. “you’re alright. i’m alright. take your time, love. let’s just take some deep breaths, okay?”
reaching out by Athina_Blaine
By the time things settled, when Martin had finally managed to crack through his cold shell, feel some of his old self returning to him in bits and pieces, they had found their little routine.
One that had the two of them sleeping in the same bed, making breakfast, going to the mart. Where Jon reached for his wrist while they slept, and Martin luxuriated in the gentle warmth of his fingers.  
But not one where Martin reached back. One that had Martin kissing Jon awake or taking his hand over the breakfast table, because ... Martin never had the courage to try. And then it never became a part of the routine.
And Martin desperately wanted it to be.
Martin and Jon have an important conversation.
(More Scottish Honeymoon Era for the soul. Hurt/comfort/fluff.)
Belabor by @janekfan​
Jon's given the position of Archivist and is falling apart at the seams. Tim and Sasha are upset and playing games. Elias is overbearing and manipulative.
And poor Martin is stuck cleaning up the mess.
(THEE first fic I ever read for tma. Season 1, hurt/comfort/fluff, and hints of Jmartin. janekfan is the absolute master of seasons 1-3 hurt/comfort. This is my favorite, but pls check out the rest of their fics.)
tea, blankets, and a damnable stubborn attitude by ivelostmyspectacles
“Are you really gonna stay here and pester Jon all evening?”
“I’m not pestering him,” Martin retorted, sounding vehement if not busy going through the cupboards. “I’m heating up soup.”
“Oh, you might as well make him another cup of tea while you’re at it.”
“Oh, good idea.”
Jon shot Tim a withering look.
(The one where Jon is ill, Martin makes tea and they watch doctor who together. Fluff 1000%.)
A Kind Hand by @voiceless-terror
Jonathan Sims was adjusting just fine, thank you very much.
In which a minor workplace spill causes Jon to realize that he might have friends.
(Ah yes, the other master of seasons 1-3 fic aka voiceless-terror being my other fav author in the fandom. This one is also season 1 hurt/comfort/fluff.)
A Weather In The Flesh by @cuttoothed
"There is a span of years where Jon doesn’t touch anyone other than the occasional hand shake. It’s not so bad. He’s never been someone who’s needed physical affection."
Jon has never been any good at making people want to stick around.
(More touched starved Jon! Much hurt/comfort!)
Something Old, Something New by @cirrus-grey
Months have passed, and everyone is doing better than they were. Daisy and Basira are getting married, Melanie is feeling her old self, Georgie is as much herself as she has ever been, and even Jon has stabilized on his wild fall away from humanity. Everyone is doing better.
Well. Almost everyone.
(Daisy/Barsira wedding! Melanie is a bitch and we love her! Jmartin dance! Post-canon (almost) everyone lives!)
The Weight of Love by @voiceless-terror
Jon is a restless sleeper. Martin attempts to adjust. 
(The fic where Jon is literally me and Martin attempts to sleep for 1k words.)
The Art of Conversation by @voiceless-terror
"Do you ever stop talking?"
Jon has a complicated relationship with words. Difficulties come and go.
(Jon has adhd and Martin is in love.)
Novelty by @backofthebookshelf
Jon experiences A Sexual Attraction; Martin has A Concern. They figure it out.
(Any fic that explores the ace spectrum is a 10/10. We stan all ace interpretations of jon on this blog.)
Half a Hug by Dathen
I know you weren’t going to hurt me, I trust you, he said again and again. And then a different kind of fear shone through, hollow and echoing: “Please don’t stop touching me."
Or: Life is hard when you're touch-starved but have trauma related to your closest friend.  Spoilers through TMA 132.
(Honestly bless every author who saw jon&daisy and was like. They’re siblings. No I will not elaborate.)
the loneliness never left me (but i can put it down in the pleasure of your company) by Athina_Blaine
It was about Martin making Jon feel safe, treasured, and loved. And it had been so, so long since anyone made him feel that way.
And, in the face of it all, Jon was starting to flounder.
(At this point I just need to make separate rec list for Scottish Honeymoon Era.)
you can watch me corrode by scarletfish
"So, how long have you been pulling this shit then?"
"I… excuse me?" Jon’s indignant, certain she can’t mean what he thinks she means.
"When was the last time you ate?"
(Georgie decides Jon and Melanie need a normal day off. Jon learns that he and Melanie have more in common than he thought.)
(Look, Melanie isn’t my favorite person in tma, but she and Jon are like THE SAME PERSON and I adore fics that elaborate on their relationship.)
Out of the Wind, In From the Cold by @ostentenacity
There are two bedrooms in the safehouse, and two beds.
For a moment, Jon considers asking to share, but decides against it with a wince. “I really loved you,” Martin had told him. Loved. Past tense. And Martin doesn’t exactly have a lot of choices right now in terms of company; it would be cruel to demand he play at feelings he no longer has just to make Jon happy.
(For a moment, Martin considers asking to share. But he dismisses the idea with a shake of his head. Jon has already done so much for him. Martin isn’t about to ask for more, especially not when it’s something he doesn’t really need. He has his right mind back, and he has Jon’s friendship. That should be enough for him. It’ll have to be.)
Jon thinks that Martin doesn’t love him. Martin thinks that Jon doesn’t love him. They do not, of course, discuss this. Unrequited love is already awkward enough, right? No need to dwell on it.
I Do by @voiceless-terror
“I, um- this was supposed to be a lot more romantic, I swear.” Martin looks down at the dirty bar floor. “I had it all planned out, I-I was going to take you somewhere nice, and then we’d go for a walk in the square- I’ll still do it!” He hurries to explain, as if that’s the most pressing part of this situation. “It’ll be really nice, I’ve already hired a photographer-”
In a fit of protectiveness, Martin proposes to Jon.
(Everyone lives, Martin accidentally proposes and Jon is crying in public.) 
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