#they need to sneak around and steal from him and make deals to ask for his help
copypastus · 4 months
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But Keir must have known, too. And said simply to Rhysand, “I want out. I want space. I want my people to be free of this mountain.” “You have every comfort,” I finally said. “And yet it is not enough?” Keir ignored me as well. As I’m sure he ignored most women in his life.”
Wow Feyre, what a wild thing to say after leaving your ex over being locked up in a mansion.
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httpwintersoldier · 11 months
『 bloodhound. || mihawk x reader 』
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pairing: mihawk x f!reader words: lenghtyyyyy summary: your thievery catches the eye of a man who likes to take on every challenge that crosses him, only he did not know you were a bigger challenge than he anticipated. warnings: mihawk uses you. just assume the worst when reading my stuff. angst; smut; fluff.
You weren't a pirate, but somehow you got yourself a pretty little wanted poster. 10 million Berries, not bad! Not bad at all for someone who only committed a little theft.
Obviously by "a little theft" you meant stealing from the biggest banks and richest families - you just happened to like shiny things!
You got under the Marines' radar when you managed to infiltrate the base and steal some of their maps - yes, they weren't shiny or pretty, but the money you were about to get for them from the likes of Arlong and Buggy sure was. You made deals with good people and bad people alike, who they were mattered not to you - it only mattered that their money was real.
"You busy?" The Vice-Admiral's voice sounded in Mihawk's ear.
The man, who was sleeping, his hat covering his eyes, furrowed his eyebrows and groaned internally at the voice he now found annoying.
"I was, Vice-Admiral, but I find myself free now that you woke me." The man answered, an impertinent tone in his voice.
"I got you a new prey."
Interested in the way he described you (as a prey), Mihawk listened attentively to the instructions the Vice Admiral gave him.
"A thief? You woke me and are sending me out to sea, because of a little girl who stole some stuff?" Mihawk asked with a condescending tone.
"Not some stuff. Too much stuff."
The man rolled his eyes as he made his way to his small ship
"And the Marines are not able to catch her?"
"I think you will find the task harder than it seems, Mihawk."
With those final words, the Vice Admiral hung up, tired of Mihawk's judging and condescending tone. The man groaned, getting a little tired of these seemingly easy tasks the Marine sent him on - he was a Warlord, for fuck's sake, and the Marines used him to go after a measly thief...
You, on the other hand, rested on the shore of an island whose name you didn't care to learn. You hadn't robbed anyone or anything on it yet, so you wanted to enjoy the sea, the sand and the food while no one was looking for you (even though someone already was, you just didn't know it yet). You were very confident in your skills, constantly changing your look, attire and personality to make you harder to find or recognize. Few people ever suspected you, and so the confidence that you'd never be caught grew.
Obviously it didn't take Mihawk long before he was able to find you - all he had to do was ask around which islands had recently been tragets of many robberies and find the closest island that had yet no reports of such a thing happening.
"Have you heard? Dracule Mihawk is here! I'm sure I saw him, you can see his sword from miles away!" You heard someone whisper as you walked the streets of the island.
Your furrowed your brows at the information... Dracule Mihawk? What would a Warlord be doing in such a small island? Unless...
Your eyes widened in realization.
Maybe you weren't as careful as you thought, maybe you weren't as good as you thought, and maybe you weren't as "uncatchable" and untraceable as you thought. If he was able to find you within a couple days of setting foot on the island, Mihawk surely would be able to spot you.
Shit. Fuck.
You needed to sneak on a ship that very night and get the fuck out before the man found you. You kept cursing internally as you had to leave the island before even being able to steal anything - but it was either leaving empty handed or leaving tied up.
For the time being, you hid on the island's vast forest, where you were sure he wouldn't look, waiting for the moon to come out.
When the sun began setting in the horizon, you made your way out of the dense jungle and headed to the island's port, looking for the biggest and most crowded ship - the more people it had and the bigger it was, the hardest to spot you, the unsolicited company, would be.
"I had to admit, I thought the whispers of my arrival would ruin our encounter, yet here we are." You heard a male voice speak behind you, as you walked on the port's creaky wooden floors.
You slowly turned around to unfortunately find the man tasked with bringing you to the Marines. You smiled innocently and held your hands up in surrender.
"Sorry Sir! Think you got the wrong person, I'm just boarding now!"
Your lies didn't work on Mihawk, that just rolled his eyes at you.
"Boarding? No ship is boarding at the moment, as both of us can very clearly see. I know who you are girl, make this easier for yourself and give in."
You smirked and scoffed at the man.
"Can't believe the Marines sent a Warlord after me, am I that dangerous?" You said, placing a hand over your chest, pretending to be shocked.
Mihawk was a little surprised about your change in demeanor, but he (obviously) didn't show it.
"Neither can I." He said honestly, with a sigh that showed the utmost boredom "So let's make this quick shall we?"
Your eyes were set on his sword and necklace. They were intersting... Pretty and... shiny. Oh you wanted them, you wanted them bad. Especially since you didn't get to steal anything in the island. You knew you'd hardly be able to steal the big heavy sword, but the little cross on his neck? Child's play.
You switched your confident expression to a fake shocked, sad one and walked over to him slowly, with your wrists together in front of you - you pretended to give yourself in for the sake of getting closer.
Mihawk's confidence, boredom and belief that he was better than anyone and capable of outsmarting every opponent, as well as the fact that he underestimated you, were fulcral for your escape plan.
When trying to find a ship, you spotted a couple that had left not long ago and would be easy to swim to. For you, obviously, not for Mihawk that carried
The Warlord was not surprised you gave youself in, some people would do so in hopes to fall in the Marines' good graces and get better sentencing.
"Pretty knife you got there." You said, pointing to his sword
Mihawk furrowed his eyebrows and, while he was busy being offended you called Yoru a "knife", you grabbed the cross on his neck and dove into the water, furiously swimming towards one of the boats that had left not long ago, but was far away enough from shore for Mihawk not to be able to follow you.
"Fuck!" He yelled.
It was dark and the waves were wild, it was impossible to follow you with his sight, let alone physically. And he couldn't attack the ship - it was full of civilians.
When you reached a ship, you pretended to be a scared woman that had fallen overboard in another ship and they immediately took you in and offered you food and clothes, in an attempt to make up for the supposed trauma you'd told them about.
You were the number one thing on Mihawk's priprity list from that day on - he was obsessed with you. Any other targeted ordered by the Marine was ignored or done as a side quest as he looked for you - the woman that had stolen his necklace and worse, the one that outsmarted him.
On the other hand, you were giddy you were able to pull it off, and wore the necklace (hidden, of course, as to not raise suspicion) as a prize.
You wouldn't see each other for two months. You thought you were safe from his radar, but that couldn't be further from the truth. To be fair, you knew that if he was looking for you, he'd be at the big ball hosted by Kaya, and you knew it'd be risky to attend but you absolutely couldn't miss it - so many people to steal from, so much jewelry... A paradise to you.
So you did your best to disguise yourself: a dress far more revealing than usual, to take away attention from your somewhat recognizable face and a long, black wig with a fringe and two strands on each side that framed your face, hiding your features even more.
Mihawk refused to leave Yoru behind, even if it meant you'd recognize him in the middle of the crowd. He was determined to get you, no matter what means he had to use.
You waited a while before starting to swipe stuff - you wanted to give people time to get somehwat drunk. That would make it so they wouldn't notice their things vanish so easily and, as a bonus, they'd probably blame the loss of their items on the alcohol, and not on a thief. It was perfect.
You hid the sutff you had stolen on your pouch, in hidden places on your outfit and, in some cases, you wore the jewelry as if it was yours.
The party was cut short on your end when you saw a feathery had and a shiny sword walk in the big doors of the mansion.
"Oh... Shit." You cursed under your breath and scanned the room to find the best exit.
The stress and fear of the Warlord seemingly still following you made your brain momentarily stop, and you did not stop to think that someone hurriedly making their way out right as he walks in would be suspicious.
"Gotcha." He thought, with a smirk, as he spotted you making your way to the back.
Before you could get far, a large hand captured your wrist.
"Leaving so soon? Why don't we dance for a little, my lady." Mihawk whispered in your ear.
You had no time to reply as he spun you around and pulled you to his chest.
"You have something that belongs to me, Y/N." He whispered again.
To the unknowing eye, it would seem you and Mihawk were simply dancing to the song, but you were very much fighting, although not in a way that would alert the other guests that they were in possible danger.
"Why don't you come find it?" You suggested with a smirk, as the man spun you into his chest.
"There will be plenty of time to find it, trust me." His hands travelled your body, looking for the cross you had stolen, correctly assuming you kept it close, instead finding several compartments with jewelry "Is this all you've stolen tonight?" Mihawk asks, amused.
You chuckled.
"I was just beginning, until someone crashed the party."
Mihawk pulled you close once more.
"I doubt you're in the guest list, I'm hardly the only one crashing a party."
"So now what?" You asked with a scoff, looking up at his big, yellow eyes "You take me in and hand me to the Marines?"
Mihawk scanned your face - you were good. You had just been caught, yet you displayed no trace of stress, despair, panic... In fact, you looked confident. And Mihawk wasn't sure if that impressed him, agered him, or aroused him. For you to be so confident in the face of power and danger... that stirred up something in him that he wasn't sure how to describe.
"I'm not so sure. You've made this personal when you stole my belongings." He replied, with an expression you couldn't decipher.
"I also made fun of your pretty sword." You said with a giggle.
That was the turning point that had Mihawk swing you over his shoulder and carry you out. Some guests were far too drunk to process what had happened and the ones that weren't simply didn't care - they had free food and drinks, why should they care.
The man carried you out to the garden, to a secluded place surrounded by bushes, trees and tall flowers. There was a small gazebo in the center but it was far away enough Mihawk was sure no one would come snooping.
"That's it. Where is it!?" He asked, as if you had wasted his patience completely (which you had).
Mihawk not-so-carefully threw you on the ground and straddled you, making you groan when your head hit the hard wooden floor.
When he obtained no response, his hands began searching you, taking out every piece of jewelry he found - your pouch, your hidden pockets, your body.
"Hey!" You complained, gathering the jewelry others had worked so hard for (and you had worked so hard to steal from) as best as you could.
"Where is it!?" Mihawk growled, his face, centimiters away from yours, as his hands angrily gripped your thighs.
You knew you had no way out of it now, so you might as well succumb to his wishes.
Mihawk watched as you slid off the straps of your dress and pulled it down slightly, to reveal that his necklace was stored in your bra, between your tits. You giggled in his face, making him even angrier.
"You know what?..." The man began, taking his cross away from you and placing it down far away "You've caused me a lot of trouble... and most of all you made fun of me to my face."
His hand made its way from your thigh to your neck, gripping it slightly, before bending over to whisper in your ear.
"I think I've just found a way for you to pay for all the trouble."
For a second you thought he was going to kill you - even though choking wasn't his style, nothing was off the table, you thought. It was only when you saw a lustful glint in his eye that you understood what he meant.
"You like to fuck all of the criminals you find along the way?" You teased with a smirk.
Mihawk stood up and, as he did so, he gripped your hair and made you kneel in front of him.
"Can't wait to shut that pretty little mouth of yours." He says through gritted teeth, as he pulled out his cock and slapped it against your cheek a couple times.
You obidiently open your mouth as you look up at him with big eyes, and he shoves his lenght in your mouth. The man gathered your hair in a ponytail, making it easier to control you and fuck your face.
"Who knew you could be such a good girl? Hm?"
You could only moan in responde and grip his thighs for support. When you looked up at him again tears brimmed in your eyes, from how hard he was fucking your mouth.
When the man pulled out, you gasped for air, a string of saliva connecting your lips to his tip.
"Feel like talking back now, brat?" Mihawk asked, voice dripping in fake pity.
You opened your mark to hit him with a snappy remark, but he took the oportunity to shove his cock back into your mouth, efffectively shutting you up once more.
You gagged on his cock over and over, a tear rolling down your cheek and eyebrows furrowed in pleasure as he fucked your throat.
Mihawk's abdomen clenched as he felt himself getting closer and closer to climax, and just then he pulled away from your mouth.
The smudged makeup running down your face and swollen mouth alone would've been good enough to make him cum - oh how he loved putting brats in their place.
The man sat with his back leaning against one of the sturdy wooden collumns, and patted his thigh, signaling for you to sit on his lap.
"What makes you think I won't just run away." You asked with a broken voice, your throat a little dry from him fucking you.
Mihawk scoffed as you crawled over to him.
"I know you won't." The man responded in a cocky voice.
Worst part was that he was right.
As you straddled him, one of his arms wrapped around you, keeping you hovering over his cock. The man pulled up your dress and pushed your panties aside so he could access your pussy.
"Oh but you like being used, don't you? You like being a fuck toy, right princess? Just a hole for me to fuck?" Mihawk asked condescendingly, as he ran two fingers along your dripping folds.
You bit your lip as you heard those foul (and very true) words leave his lips.
"Answer me." He demanded through gritted teeth, delivering a harsh smack to your yes.
"I do- I love being used by you."
Mihawk chuckled, running his tip alolng your folds.
"I can tell, princess."
His tip found your entrance, and he had no mercy on you. He slammed you down on his cock. You gripped his shoulders, and your mouth fell open - although you were incapable of making a single noise.
The arm that was gripped around your waist controlled your movements as his hips slammed up against you, fucking you at an inhuman pace.
"Come on princess, don't you like being a brat? I dare you to try it now." Mihawk dared, whispering the last part in your ear.
"I- I won't be! Fuck- sorry!" You apologised between pants and moans, your eyes barely open.
"That's a good girl." He praised, nearly out of breath from fucking you.
"You feel good... so good." You admitted in a husky voice, earning a smirk from Mihawk and a spank that was meant to be a reward (and you took it as such).
The Warlord attached his lips to yours in an animalistic kiss, accentuating the fact that he was in control, he owned you in that moment.
You moaned incessantly into the kiss, mixing with his groans, as you gripped his shoulders.
"You look- you look so much better like this. Being obedient, with my cock deep in you."
The way you bounced on his cock became sloppy, as did his thrust, signaling you were both close to climax.
Mihawk bit and sucked your neck, marking you as best as he possibly could at that point.
"Fuck Mihawk I'm gonna cum!"
The hand that was not busy gripping your ass flew to your neck, choking you just the right way - in a way that almost made you cum.
"Did I tell you you could? Beg." He demanded through gritted teeth.
Your legs faltered at your command, but his hand held you up.
"Please, please Mihawk... I need to cum, please!"
Your high-pitched moan combined with the way you begged was enough to make him give you the green light.
You came on his cock, a loud whine and a call for his name leaving your lips. Mihawk grabbed your hips and snapped his against yours until ropes of cum filled you up.
The both of you stayed still, regaining your breaths and resuming the tension of the pre-sex moment.
Mihawk reached out to grab the cross that you had stolen from him and wrapped it around his neck once more, enjoying the familiarity of the item.
"I guess you gotta hand me over, hm..." You said, in a fake sad voice, trying to appeal to his soft side now that you had his dick in you.
He simply scoffed.
"You won't get sympathy from me, princess." The Warlord said, placing his hands on your ass "However, this world does need a few new wild cards, it's getting boring. And you have the right attitude, I think you'd have a lot more use beside me, as a student, rather than in a cell."
It was almost as if he was debating with himself about the theme as he exposed it to you.
Before you could speak, Mihawk anticipated himself.
"You'll have plenty Berry to buy your shiny paraphernalia..." He clarified, rolling his eyes.
"Well... Having your grumoy self as a teacher beats being behind bars... so I guess you got yourself a student."
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bella-goths-wife · 6 months
How do the Vees react to their pet playing favorites? Like, one moment they like Vox the most but next Velvette is the favorite?
How would the Vs react to pet playing favourites?
Warnings: abuse, Valentino, SA mentions, punishments but not specified
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I feel like Vox would be your favourite just by default
Favourite is used very loosely here, it’s more like he’s probably the one you could stand to be around for longer periods of time
And Vox already thinks he’s your favourite because he’s your main provider and soul owner, so he just assumes
But if you were to be outwardly showing favouritism to him then I think you’d gain a few more privileges then normal
Like if you started asking to schedule to work with him more, started being more receptive to his affection and you started asking to do stuff with him then he’d definitely be more open to letting you break rules
So he’d buy you more gifts or if he was especially pleased he’d take you with him to club openings or restaurants, just generally get you out the tower more and doing more things that a normal person would
He’d even let you drink or do certain substances, but he has to be around you to supervise
You’d just generally be allowed to get away with more, if you kept it going for at least a year you’d be able to score the ability to leave the tower by yourself
You’d have his drone following you around but you don’t need to know that
But if he saw you showing favouritism towards the other Vs then he’d be outraged
You made a deal with him, not them!
He’d give your leash an extra tug to show you who you belong to as a warning but if you still show favouritism to the others then he’s upping your workload and stealing you away from the other two on their days
Hes probably the best one to have as a favourite since he can gain you the most privileges and you could probably play into the daughter thing to manipulate him
Start calling him dad and your getting loads of perks, no matter how uncomfortable it makes you
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If you started having velvette as your favourite, it would be a massive ego boost for her
She’s always been jealous that Vox was the one to find you first and made a deal with you
It just wasn’t fair, she wanted to own you and have Vox pushed into her position of having to ask permission all the time
But if you started requesting to work more stuff with her or you just request to be in her presence more then she’ll feel like she’s high on an ego boost
Bonus points if you do it in front of Vox
If you started acting like velvette was your favourite then she’d be much less cruel to you and insult you less
She’d ask (demand) for you to hang out with her but it would give off vibes of an older sister asking a younger sister to hangout in a super awkward way
She’d take you to fashion shows and she’d invest more time into making you clothes that flatter you and would even dress you in a style that makes you comfortable
She’d also take you to parties, but she can’t allow you to drink since she needs voxs permission
She’d definitely sneak you drinks behind his back though
She’d sit with you in the mornings and do your hair and makeup and would commit to it no matter how early she has to wake up
It’d be almost sweet if she wasn’t complaining all the time
She’d still be semi cruel to you and would still punish you but at least now you’d have softer moments to look forward to
She’d even call out Valentino for his inappropriate behaviour, not that much but enough to make sure he’s not doing it when she’s in the room
But if she saw you favouring the other two instead of her she would not be happy
She’d be less upset then Vox because you mean less to her then you mean to Vox, but she’d still be angry
She’d mock you more and insult you all the time while your working for her, and she’ll give you an impossible workload
She’ll also make you abuse your power to the point that your tired and overworked and exhausted
She’d also be way quicker to punish you for the tiniest things
So it’s best not to show outward favouritism to any one in front of her
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You’d probably never ever ever ever choose to have Valentino as your favourite
He’s just so… him
But let’s say in some kind of delusional state you choose to show favouritism towards Valentino
He wouldn’t offer you very many perks if I’m being honest, he’d give you some gifts but they wouldn’t be stuff that you really enjoy because he doesn’t know you enough to know what you enjoy
He’d be more respectful of your boundaries if you showed outward favouritism to him since it would humanise you more in his eyes
But as I’ve established in previous fics, humanising you only makes Valentino aware of his actions and he hates that
So he may actually push you away if you start to bond with him
You’d see a more vulnerable side to him but that’s not always a good thing
You’d see him sob after his drug induced panics or his come down but you’d also see him angry and screaming in your face because something small inconvenienced him
All it would do is make you feel more scared of him for different reasons
You used to be scared of him because of how uncomfortable he made you, now your scared your gonna be pulled into a room with him any moment and he forced to comfort him from his sobbing or his angry rants
It would make you closer to angel dust though, since Valentino would “want his two favourite people to spend time with him”
You’d be able to have a public friendship with angel dust which would be nice if it didn’t put him at threat of Vox or velvette
You two would wait until Valentino passes out from drinking and then you’d both gossip and chat until he woke up
If you showed favouritism towards the other two then Valentino wouldn’t really care
Sure he’s obsessed with you but it’s in the same way he’d be obsessed with one of his favourite guns or toys, so he can share you with friends and not others
He just wouldn’t care because he doesn’t care for you very much
He also knows that there is nothing he can do since the other two would challenge him on his behaviour if he started acting worse to you
He’d be a bit peeved if it took your attention from him for too long so he would punish you but it’d be a minor one at best and all you’d have to do is spend a day stroking his ego
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We all know that deep down angel dust is your favourite in every scenario :)
Tag list:
@the-faceless-bride @lilyalone @buttercupfangirl @sparkleyfishies @fandomaddict505 @corvid007 @repostingmyfavs @idontreallyexistyet @perkypeony @aroomofmyown24 @hazbinhotelxreader @ivebeenthearchersstuff
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berrygoodjob · 2 months
May I pretty please request Sho, Haku, Jiro, Alan and Taiga reacting to an MC who loves to cook for/with them? I just think that would be so cute, and they would definitely take into account personal taste (cough taiga cough)
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Tokyo Debunker x Reader that cooks for them
Ft: Sho, Haku, Jiro, Alan, Taiga
Shohei Haizono
—he’s so happy
—like SO happy
—he’s gonna pretend it’s not a huge deal to him
—but he’s gonna weasel his way in and before you know it you two are cooking all your meals together
—he loves that you share a common interest with him
—he’ll nerd out and tell you all about the things he wants to cook or new techniques he just learned
—he knows how much effort goes into cooking for someone so he feels very special when you cook for him
—he loves loves trying any new recipes he finds with you
—you both judge it together
—he brags about it so much too
—once professor Hyde finds out tho,,, it’s over (he teased sho so much now your cooking dates are kept very private.)
Haku Kusanagi
—he’ll tease you just a little “ohh you did all this for me??”
—he’s so ready to call you his little housewife/house husband/ house spouse
—really he’s touched
—he’ll brag to suba and Zenji about it so much
—be prepared to be showered with compliments (he definitely wants you to cook for him again)
—he loves being the test subject for all the new recipes you want to try
—be warned he will try to taste test before it’s done
—he’s the kind that’ll sneak up on you when you’re focused and put his arms around you and just watch you work too
—he’s always asking if you have more for him if he sees you cooking
Jiro Kirisaki
—says he’s too busy to eat it right away
—he’ll get to it eventually (if he eats?? I know he has some tummy trubs)
—it’s cold by the time he does, but even then he can tell it’s good
—he’ll thank you for the meal next time he sees you
—he’s not fully sure if he’s supposed to return the favor or just thank you
—he really appreciates it though and wants you to know that
—he doesn’t really talk about it much to others, but he will lowkey humble brag to Yuri
—he comes to give you checkups a little more often than he needs to, just in case and as a way of repaying you (he just wants to see you again)
Alan Mido
—he’s stunned the first time
—poor bby doesn’t know what to do
—he’s touched really
—he’ll thank you and say you didn’t need to go through the trouble for him
—he’ll offer you some too just to be polite
—he thinks about you for the rest of the day and how he can return the favor
—he’s gonna try to make you something too,, he’ll ask Sho for advice and everything
—he’ll toss it before you come over though,,, cooking isn’t his strength
—he still really appreciates when you cook for him
—he starts getting a bit hopeful every time he sees you, wondering if you have more for him
Taiga Hoshibami
—ok I’m a little stumped here tbh
—does he even eat human food?? Or just raw anomalous meat?
—let’s just say you went and got some kind of anomalous meat (I won’t question how you got it,,,, maybe hunting?? Or asking rui for some to spare so taiga doesn’t have to steal??)
—he’ll be a little confused and definitely point his gun at you
—“who are you and what do you want?”
—you have to remind using his nickname for you
—he’ll still be a little on edge though and question why you’re bringing him food
—he’ll accept the food tho and make a big mess eating it in front of you (just to see how you react and if it scares you to watch him eat)
—he grows to appreciate what you do if you keep bringing him food and he always looks forward to your visits after
—seeing how taiga treats you and how you’re always safe from him, some of the sinostra students will try to do the same
—so far he’s chased everyone but you out
—you’re the only one allowed to see him in such a vulnerable position
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alexa-fika · 9 months
Kitchen Menace (Thatch x gn!child!reader x Marco)
A/N: If you guys wish to see a specific scenario to read then do send an ask to let me know, or you know… you can just stop and say hi 😉
Dividers by @saradika
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Marco sat at his desk as he meticulously went through the crew’s current analysis and checkups and made annotations on results he observed that struck him as peculiar and should follow up with his brothers. His concentration was broken as his door was suddenly slammed open. He quickly swirled his chair around to scold the intruder when he, the youngest crew member, ran in.
“Brother Marco! Help me, Brother Thatch is trying to get me!” The young child screamed, darting towards the doctor
Marco shakes his head and sighs, a chuckle escaping him.
“What did you do this time -yoi?”
“W-Why do you assume I did something! Someone could have done something to me!”
“Well, you have a tendency to cause trouble.” He casually responded, his attention now back on his papers
“Not true!” they huff a notable pout on their face.
Marco turns his sight from the papers at hand to Reader and frowns amusedly.
“And what about those broken plates I saw?”
“We went through pretty bad weather yesterday, big waves,” they reply with a nervous smile.
Marco stared at them for a few seconds before slowly returning to his papers.
“I don’t know which one is funnier, you trying to gaslight me or you lying to me,” He said in a calm tone of voice.
“Im not!”
“Sure, how about you tell me what happened, and I’ll consider helping you-yoi,” He said as he put his papers down and rested his head on his crossed arms.
“Now, what did you do this time that you are hiding-yoi?”
“Im innocent!”
“You’re on your own then if you din’ do anything, I’m sure you won’t need my help-yoi.”
“Okay! Okay! I may have sneaked into his kitchen.”
“Did you steal anything?” He said as he leaned to the side to rest his chin on one of his hands. His eyes were glaring at them, just waiting for them to answer.
“Sure did, got their hands on the pastries I was doing!” A voice says behind her
Reader squeals as they try to run away but are stopped as Thatch quickly picks them up.
“Where do you think you’re going, you little rascal? It’s time for some. payback,” he exclaims with a sly grin as he tickles them.
Hahaha! You’re mine now!
“Brother Marco, help me!” they scream between their joyous screams and laughs that echo around the clinic.
Marco looks at them with a slight grin.
“What exactly do you want me to do, hm?”
“Save me!”
He chuckles and shakes his head.
“You’re on your own.” He leans back in his chair and sips his coffee.
“Enjoy Your forthcoming”
“Haha! No one can save you now! I’mma tickle you till you pop!”
“Im going to tell Grandpa on you!” they scream, trying to wriggle away from him.
“You sure do run that mouth a lot,” he says, stopping his attack and narrowing his eyes.
“And I used it to eat all the yummy pastries, brother Thatch!” they tease.
“Oh, you wanna say that again? You wanna say that again?”
“They were so good, and brother won’t be able to taste them ’cause they’re all gone!”
“I have an idea of how to deal with you.”
They let out a small shriek as he suddenly throws them in the air, and they begin hysterically laughing as he continues to repeat the action.
“You are such a little menace.”
“But you love me!” they say, giving him a toothy grin.
I do love you, but you’re still a menace.
“Well, Brother Thatch and the others raised me, so…I had to learn it from somebody.”
Marco rolls his eyes.
“They’re not wrong,” he mutters under his breath as he sips his coffee.
They laugh as they hear Marco’s comment, hugging Thatch’s neck tight.
“Am sorry for eating the pastries; I was just hungry.”
“Awww. Apology accepted. How about you help me make some more? You can even be my taster.”
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First reader oneshot! Hopefully, there's more to come. I'm willing to try my hands at not only child! reading but romantic scenarios too, so let me hear your suggestions!
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callme-holly · 7 months
dating Johnny head cannons 🙏🙏🙏
𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 - i could write about Johnny for hours no joke. i love him with my whole heart <333
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 - 470 words
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 - johnny being a total sweetheart - read at your own risk people
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It took a little while for him to fully trust you. He won’t open up until he knows you're 100% around to stay and aren’t out to hurt him.
He’s actually the sweetest I can’t even
When you’re together, he will not leave your side at all. He’s afraid that you’ll disappear and leave him alone.
He also always has to be touching you in some way. Whether that's by holding hands, linking pinkies, or just standing super close together, he doesn’t mind, as long as he knows you’re there.
He’s not a huge fan of pda - he’ll hold your hand in public or rest his head on your shoulder but that’s it.
In private, he won’t leave you alone. He’s always cuddling with you or laying in your lap. You just make him feel safe and loved.
Play with his hair please.
If you want something, he’ll ask Dallas to steal it for you. Doesn’t matter what it is, if you point it out to him he’ll do anything to make sure you get it.
When you thank him, he’ll just look down at his shoes and shrug.
“It’s no big deal… You said you wanted it.”
Dates consist of sneaking into the drive-in, going on walks and talking until the sun goes down, and stargazing in the lot.
He will stay at your place most nights. He hates going home to his parents and you refuse to let him stay in the lot.
If you get cold while you’re out together, he will give up his jacket for you. It doesn’t matter if he’s only wearing a t-shirt underneath and he’ll insist that you need it more than he does.
You know he struggles in school so you always offer to help him. If he’s stuck on a question that he doesn't know the answer to, he’ll instantly come to you for help.
He constantly tells you he loves you just to make sure you never forget.
When he introduced you to the gang, they were all super surprised and happy for him.
Dallas is super protective of Johnny.
“If you ever hurt him, just know that you'll have me to answer to.”
It takes a lot to make him cry but when he does he’ll bury his face in your shoulder and just let you hold him. Rub his back, kiss his forehead, play with his hair and he’ll be asleep in no time.
He’s always hugging you from behind and pressing little kisses to your forehead. 
When you're at the Curtis house with the gang, he likes to cuddle on the couch with you and hold your hand.
The gang teases him for it but he doesn’t care. He knows they don’t mean any harm, they’re just happy that Johnnycake has someone who makes him happy.
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𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬!!
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I absolutely love Toby and I’ve recently discovered your account and I ADORE the way you write him. That last post was fuckin amazing btw, if it’s not too big of a deal, may I please get some headcanons of Toby being clingy with a reader who’s equally as clingy/affectionate? Like cuddling and following eachother around wherever the other goes. Toby is just so AGHHSHDDH I LOVE HIM
Aww im so glad you liked my last post!
Thank you so much for requesting!!
Clingy!Toby x Clingy!Reader
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Toby had a rough childhood, that's no secret
And as a direct result of that, he craves both physical and emotional intimacy
And now that he has you, all of those needs that he couldn't fill before, are constantly being met and more
When he wakes up, you are there, either acting as his pillow and playing with his hair, or tucked under his arms, with him holding you close
When he's working, you are there, helping him with his tasks and chores, sneaking kisses along the way
And when he goes to sleep, you are there, looking up at him happily, maybe pressing some soft kisses to his lips before closing your eyes and dosing off
It's one of the things he prides himself on, that no matter what, you are always there
You make him so happy, and he is certain that no one else has ever felt this good before
You follow each other around like lovesick puppies
It's quite cute, honestly
You could be watching tv when toby will get up to get a snack, and you will follow suite
Or if you decide to go out (for food, feneral shopping, etc) toby will be not far behind, asking you to wait for him as he ties his laces
Of course, there is space given (although, bery rarely do either of you want space)
If you wanted to just go out and hangout with some friends for a night, toby would betotally ok with that
But when you get home, be prepared to never escape the kisses
He'll kiss you on your face, ears, hands, arms, neck
Anywhere he can get his lips, really
Cuddling normally consists of Toby laying on you in some way, but if you wanted to lay on him instead, or maybe be in some sort of "neutral" position, he'd love that just as much
But if you are ok with him laying on you, boy be prepared
His favorites are: 1) laying on your stomach, his arms wrapped around your hips and your fingers in his hair, or maybe even rubbing his back
2) laying between your legs, playing on his nintendo 3ds or scrolling on his phone, with at least one of your hands on his shoulder so he can kiss you as he pleases
3) laying on your chest and listening to your heartbeat, he especially likes if you play with his hair in this position, as it never fails to lull him into sleep
What's yours, is his
And what's his, is yours
If your around his size (or even bigger than him he doesnt care) he will absolutely steal your clothes
His favorites to steal are tee shirts, because he can wear them wherever, whenever
Also, if he's put in a situation where he can't sleep with you (for example, an overnight mission) he would pull out one of your tee shirts (yes, he always has one on him) and wraps it around whatever he sleeps on, so that he can still feel some semblance of sleeping with you
You are the only person allowed to touch his snack stash as well
His only condition is that whenever you want something, you owe him a kiss
Which of course, is something you are happy to do
Most times you will sneak up to him, whispering a "boo" in his ear, and wrapping him in a hug from behind
He smiles, and kisses your nose, and in turn, you kiss his cheek and wave the bag of snacks in front of him
"Wanna go snuggle?" You ask him in a soft whisper, giving soft kisses to his shoulder
He nods with a "mm-hmm" and the two of you go up to his room, getting comfy in his blanket and scooching in close together
Toby would literally move mountains if you wanted him to
All you have to do is ask <33
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Reader being a vigilante or criminal and Batman sees him and is determined to make him part of his family but reader is very confused
Batman/fam and reader (platonic)
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I feel like one of the very best ways to catch Bruce’s attention is to steal something of his. Like passing him when he’s out as Brucie Wayne and stealing his watch right off his wrist or something like that.
Or if you’re feeling really bold, go Jason’s way and steal the tires right off the batmobile. But unlike Jason you actually succeed and make off with the wheels. Jason would have such a field day with this fact, and make the first comment about adopting you into the family.
Depending on your age it would take some more for Bruce to decide you needed to be part of the family. If you are a minor, he would immediately be more likely to just pick you up like a stray kitten and bring you home. This is especially true if you don’t have a very happy homelife.
If you are older, he does some more background checking, especially if you’ve done other crimes. To his joy you don’t deal with the rogues and mainly run solo, this has placed you in some hot water with some of the gangs and other criminals though.
He goes out of his way to keep an eye on you, and he’s honestly really impressed with how skilled you are without training. You are able to sneak under most people’s noses, even his own at times if he wants actively keeping an eye on you.
You are honestly so confused when Batman starts popping up near you, and at first you think hes gonna rearrange your ribcage like he does other criminals, but he’s actually? Asking if your, okay?? And offering you first aid???
You are even more confused when you get hurt during one of your attempts to steal from one of the rogues, and Batman brings you to a doctor? Just like that?? He even stays until you’re good to go, and you’re pretty sure he followed you home just to make sure you got home safe.
You probably end up going the vigilante way all on your own without batman’s help, because you are already on most of the gangs shitlist, so why not actually get them caught right?
Little did you know, Bruce was waiting for this very moment to swoop in and play great teacher and moral compass.
You honestly can’t say what happened. Because from one day to the next you have bats hanging around you when you go out as your own vigilante title.
Nightwings pretty cool, Red Hood tells you to just get used to Batman being like that, Red Robin is chill to be around, Robin definitely does not like you whatsoever, at least in the beginning.
After getting extremely hurt during one of your stakeouts, you aren’t brought to the doctor you have been brought to in the past. You pass out from blood loss and wake up in a medical ward, in a,,,cave???
Batman is there and he actually seems worried for you, and it honestly means something as the Bat has just somehow wormed his way into your heart and you into his. The whole Batclan piles around you as you have woken up, and one thing leads to the other and you learn their identities and move into the Manor
Congrats you’ve been adopted by Bruce Wayne and have become one of his many crime fighting children. He will definitely make sure you are better trained and have better gear when you go out form now on though.
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doitforbangchan · 2 months
Ooo, how do all the boys react to baby’s nest the first time? Are there some who have a complete pass to go in and out of it as they please? Are there some members who have to or choose to still ask if they can?
I figure Chan probably tends to ask every time just to be sure, he kinda makes all of the alphas ask esp since a nest is so important to omegas. I feel like maybe some of the betas have a full pass for it since baby knows they won’t mess it up or add/remove anything (even accidentally)
I had this somewhat angsty thought that when baby gets truly upset she goes to her nest bc she knows none of the boys would violate that space. Like maybe one day Chan says something that kinda sets her off, he didn’t mean it tho, and she storms off to her nest to be away from everyone and to calm down as best she can bc everyone else is out of the house so there’s no one for her to go and hide behind or with. Chan follows her to her nest and he’s so used to being let in he almost goes in after her but he hears her growl at him for the first time and he almost looks like he’s about to fall off a cliff the way he stops in his tracks, knowing it’s super invasive especially since he’s the pack alpha, still breaks his heart tho not being let in, but decides to sit outside the nest, pumping out calming pheromones as she sniffles and tries to calm down. He keeps asking if he can be let in when they make eye contact by just looking at the little divot where they all normally crawl in and she just doesn’t answer. Eventually she nods a little bit and he hops in so quickly he almost knocks some stuff over in it and oh boy would that be a lot to deal with right now. But then he gets to comfort her fully and stuff.
But I imagine how h e a r t b r e a k i n g it must be for some of them the first time baby doesn’t allow them in the nest or how nerve wrecking it is the first time they try to enter it, cause while she wants their approval of the nest they need hers just as much.
Ugh imagine if one of them says something that comes off a bit wrong or if they say it too slowly and baby just gets upset bc she doesn’t think her nest is good enough.
I need your pretty head to elaborate on some of this p l e a s e. Thank you babes.
- 🌙
Baby's nest is so important! I feel like she's been secretly taking little things from around the house that smell like the boys and stashes them in her room. It starts with things from common areas - like a throw pillow that changbin loves to nap with, or the blanket hyunjin uses during movie nights.
Then it would turn into baby taking things from their laundry baskets. She'd steal shirts and cotton shorts and anything soft really. Oh but then she needs more and starts going into their rooms and taking their pillows and sheets and stuffies. It would all go straight to her nest where whenever she's alone she goes and readjusts and snuggles within the huge scent pile.
I think she would be pretty lenient with all the boys- especially the softer of the betas *cough cough* felix han and hyunjin*cough* and they are all generally allowed in whenever they want and omega is present. She would not stand for a member being in her nest without her also there to make sure they don't fuck with it! Her nest is one of the only things she gets truly upset or territorial over so they better take it seriously
On the days leading up to her heat (or on days she's just feeling emotional and mean) she would deny everyone access unless they could provide a fully scented item that meets her standards to add to the nest 😤only then would they be allowed entry. and absolutely NO EATING IN THE NEST! baby almost bit innies head off for sneaking in some chips and he wasn't allowed back in for days 😢
honestly i think you kinda nailed that situation with channie. He would literally be so devastated if his normally sweet and gently omega denied him entry and growled at him?! nothing in his entire life would ever make him feel so terribly. he'd pace around in front of the open door, stopping every few seconds to see if she had changed her mind but every time he just sees the blazing glare staring back at him, inferno crossing over her eyes. eventually he grows desperate and starts trying to appeal to baby in other ways. he'll sit out there for hours, singing her favorite songs and reminiscing on how much fun that thing they did the other day was. really he's trying to remind her of happier times and pray she take mercy on him.
eventually baby can't take seeing her mate so distressed and she gives in, mumbling in the quietest voice ever that he can come in,,, if he promises to behave 🥴and brings her another stuffy to add to the nest
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yuurei20 · 3 months
Short Translation from Twst the second novel: Ruggie Escape (pt4/5)
"Ace and Deuce immediately look down at their own breast pockets—their magical pens are gone. ‘Your pens!’ Yuuya points to them, and they both stumble a step backwards in surprise."
‘That’s my magical pen!?’
‘And that means one is mine? When did you—!?’
‘But that’s absurd.’ Riddle murmurs in disbelief. ‘There was no hint of magic.’
‘Come on, now.’ Ruggie fingers the pens in his hand. ‘I don’t need magic for something for something this simple. I’m pretty good with my hands, you could say.’
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All he did was sneak his way into their pockets and steal their pens, then. In hindsight he had had plenty of opportunities, such as when they were walking down the hall and sitting on the bench.
And not a single one of them had noticed, despite the size of their group. It was a beautifully executed technique that leaves them feeling utterly deceived.
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Riddle opens his mouth, face flushed red with rage, but Cater quickly intervenes.
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‘What a sec, Riddle-kun! You were about to use your unique magic.’ Reading Riddle’s expression, Cater frowns. ‘You only just recovered from the blot—you can’t go overexerting yourself!’
Magestones are not required to use magic, but they do make it easier, as well as absorbing the blot produced by spell casting. Bereft of their magestones the four may be able to cast small spells, now, but attempting something as powerful as unique magic would be most unwise.
Especially for Riddle, who has only just recovered; there is no telling what consequences even the smallest amount of blot may have upon his body.
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‘Not really feelin’ up to getting collared, so I’m gonna make myself scarce.’
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‘Then it’s my turn!’ Grim instantly blocks Ruggie’s escape. His magestone, tied around his neck by a ribbon, gleams where it rests against his chest.
‘Take this!’
Three large, pale-blue flames erupt from Grim’s mouth one after another, aimed straight at Ruggie.
‘Got ‘im,’ Ace clenches a fist in anticipation. But Ruggie casually dodges the fireballs that barrel towards him and the flames, having missed their target, disappear in a sad hiss of sound.
‘What!?’ Grim exclaims, and Ruggie laughs in response.
‘Took you so long that I started yawning. All bark, no bite.’
With a skip in his step, Ruggie dashes away.
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‘All of you! You are to capture Ruggie Bucchi, through any means necessary!’
And with that, the group makes chase in the wake of Ruggie’s slim figure.
Despite Grim’s flames and the numerous spells cast by Cater, Ace and Deuce, they never so much as graze him. It may be the loss of control due to the loss of their magical pens, but that is not all: Ruggie is remarkably agile.
Not only is he quick on his feet, but he evades everything that is thrown at him without the slightest effort. Yuuya, too, runs as fast as he can, but there is simply no catching up with him.
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‘What’s this guy’s deal? He’s crazy fast!,’ exclaims Ace.
Despite stretching out both his hands Deuce is effortlessly dodged, again and again, nearly tripping over his own feet every time. Again he makes a grab and, again, he is cleanly evaded.
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‘How is he staying out of reach so easily?’ Deuce asks. ‘This is nothing compared to the back alleys of the slums,’ Ruggie remarks, hopping nonchalantly over a bench that trips up Cater and Riddle.
Cater casts a wind spell but Ruggie evades it with a backward flip, taking shelter in the shade of a tree."
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artdcnaldson · 2 months
you’ve really done it this time with step brother patrick i can’t believe my life…… heres some half baked thoughts from the past few hours may they bring u inspo/entertainment 🫶🏻
watched the gossip girl episode where blair gets drunk at the burlesque club and gets up on stage to do a strip tease- need to do that after a fight with “our” mother / douchebag boyfriend and have patrick get all huffy and protective and act like he’s a good guy that’s concerned about you as he pulls you off stage but frantically jerks off to it the second you’re tucked in and his bedroom door is shut
asking him to unzip your dress / put on a necklace for you and making eye contact in the mirror
i know family dinners get heated when it’s the holidays….need to steal a cake and escape to the kitchen pantry with him while your mother screams at your dad for bringing his college aged fiancée to dinner while her current husband sips his whiskey and plots a way to blame it on patrick somehow
need to kick him under the table and have him grab my foot and grind into it😁
i know he insists on using your bathroom for literally no reason. then doesn’t use it. like just stands there on his phone and stares at you through the door and you make eye contact then both go back on your phones saying nothing every time it happens. i DO think about that person that said that he would piss through your legs as you’re pissing like it isn’t a big deal doesn’t even really acknowledge it as u sit there mouth open and after 2 minutes you’re like USE YOUR FUCKING BATHROOM YOU HAVE YOUR OWN and he just laughs from his room
overhearing patrick’s dad yelling at him for hours downstairs when you’re in your room and knowing it must be bad when pat doesn’t even slam his door when he finally retreats to his room…..giving him an hour before you sneak in and wrap yourself around him, give him a lingering kiss on his shoulder and a squeeze as he slides his fingers in between yours. “sorry your day sucked.” “wasn’t all bad.” him giving a sneaky little side eye as you swipe your pinky down his nose and he nips at your wrist
knowing you’re completely fucked when you go to his room and mess around but end up like. making a fort and laughing at nothing all night and when you wake up with your legs tangled ur like whyyyyy could we not have just fucked now i LIKE this guy which is infinitely worse
this is after u kick him down the stairs bc he like. did that guy thing where they ram their thumb into a random soft spot on ur body. doesn’t deter him at all
I miss stepbrother patrick so bad rn </3 i need him, I need the chaos and the wanting <3
He gets under your skin so bad, he hates that you sneak into his room and steal his shirts and things. You like his CD collection, he thinks he’s actually fixing your shitty top-40 taste. You wear his shirts and hoodies and return them to his hamper smelling all sweet like your bath and body works perfume. When you sit on his bed with him and share cigarettes you ash them in a ceramic bowl you made in elementary school that you shaped and painted like a turtle. It ends up staying on his bedside table permanently.
And everyone knows that you two get close. Patrick’s dad doesn’t like it, he “knows his son too well” but what is she going to do? You aren’t even fucking you’re just… too familiar. Patrick sits on the edge of the bathtub while you’re taking a bubble bath, turns the pages of your book for you, talks about his day working at the country club. He gets you high for the first time, and your mom finds you with red, half-lidded eyes giggling over bowls of Mac and cheese while you watch bro comedies on the family TV. She doesn’t say anything. You hated her enough for marrying some old creep, didn’t you?
And god, holidays. Thanksgiving with his mom, his dad, your mom, your dad, your dad’s uncomfortably young girlfriend. You and Patrick delegated to the ‘kids table’ with his little cousins, picking at your plates until you steal a chocolate pie from the butler’s pantry and eat it together in the pantry. You steal a kiss, and it tastes sweet. Your hands both wander, but you don’t fuck. You just… blame it on the wine you’d both been drinking to get through the night. Not any of the rest of the tension.
And :(( Patrick’s bad days. When his dad lays into him and he feels fucking awful. He’s a bad son, he’s a disappointing tennis player, and wasn’t he raised better than that? Look at the bad influence he’s having on you. You give him space, but you sneak into his room, you curl up beside him on his bed, ask him if he’s okay. He holds your hand, lets you kiss his cheek. “Should I just kill your dad?” You ask, sounding so completely serious that he laughs, grinning as you look over at him. “You don’t have it in you.” It turns into a slap fight.
Hnnnnnhggg. Just late nights in Patrick’s childhood room. Playing Guitar Hero, yelling at each other because you keep fucking distracting each other during the solos, and that’s not fucking fair! Going to the country club and he tries to teach you to play tennis but gets frustrated. You drive him to go get lunch and end up wrecking your car and he never lets you live it down.
And yeah, it would be better if you’d just fucked, because now you really fucking love each other.
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xfgpng · 1 year
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— : [nsfw ] fingering, unprotected sex, fluffy, getting together, squirting, pet names + best friends to lovers
— : wc : 3.5k
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“you .. like him” kaori grins. she looks far too smug about this entire situation and it’s only making you angrier.
“i do not like him!” you snap, crossing your arms and turning towards the window of the café you frequented with your so called best friend.
“sure you don’t” kaori says, nodding solemnly and you know she’s mocking you again.
you wouldn’t even be having this conversation if it wasn’t for the fact that your high school crush turned annoying roommate had brought yet another one of his dates home.
they don’t have sex, it’s happened twice and you yelled at him for 3 hours straight because you had to study and the sounds kept you up right into the next morning.
the only issue now, is that the girls he brings over try to talk to you and ask too many questions about him. mattsukawa issei. they always fall for his laid back personality and that stupid smug smile he always has in place and it’s pointless because he never brings any of them back after the first time.
you’d feel sorry for them but you don’t. it’s not because you’re jealous because you’re not, he’s been your friend since your first year of high school and that’s it. you just don’t like having to deal with a new “girlfriend” every morning when you’re just trying to enjoy your morning tea and the soft, fluffy eggs issei always make for you.
“have you ever wondered why mattsun never settles?” she asks, reaching for her iced coffee and it’s ridiculous the way she insists on drinking cold drinks during the cold winters. you could barely feel your fingertips.
“no, i don’t think about mattsun’s love life” you say dryly, “as long as he pays his half of the rent and keeps making those fluffy scrambled eggs, i don’t need to know why he can’t keep it in his pants”
kaori laughs likes she knows something you don’t and if you weren’t in public, you’d jump over the table to ring her neck but you scoff, reaching for your own drink. something much warmer for the weather.
“i’m just saying” she shrugs, “maybe he already knows what he wants but he thinks it’s unrequited so he just wastes his time until he can eventually get over it”
“which seems impossible since he’s been pining since forever” she adds before you can tell her to shut up.
“i’m done having this conversation with you” you frown, “i can’t believe i paid for your coffee”
“you love me” kaori laughs and reaches to steal your half eaten muffin before you can snatch it from your plate.
you and issei have always been close. you would spend a lot of your free time with him and makki in and out of school and the three of you still did almost everything together.
when you got your apartment, you had been scared to live alone. it wasn’t that you couldn’t be independent or be on your own, you just didn’t think being so far away from the home you knew, all the way in tokyo, could settle your nerves.
he was the first person you spoke to about moving and it was around the same time he decided he liked the idea of staying in tokyo and moving on from your hometown and it’s how you two ended up living together.
makki still visited you both every other weekend and you’d often tease him about being a trust fund baby.
the problem was that you knew issei was good looking, he always had been but he grew into his looks the older you got and you hadn’t realised just how much until the first girl he brought home. you were a little taken aback but he insisted you meet her because he cared about your opinion more than he cared about anyone else’s.
and there was only so much you could say after the 4th girl so you’d purposely hide yourself in your own bedroom, grateful for getting a place that had 3 bathrooms. you rarely needed to sneak out unless you were hungry. it was a win-win situation for you but issei didn’t like that you were avoiding him so he’d bother you in your own bedroom despite having a guest over in his own and if you tried to lock it, he’d knock and make a noise until you inevitably gave in like you always did when it came to him.
of course you loved him and you knew that he loved you too. he was probably one of the most important people in your life and it’s why you would not acknowledge whatever feelings you had because it was easier than messing up years of a good, no, great friendship.
“maybe he’s doing it on purpose” kaori grins, after finishing your breakfast muffin.
“doing what on purpose?” you raise a brow, wishing the conversation about issei would just end. you both had a class after this but her mind was clearly focused on teasing you.
“you said it yourself, he’s not sleeping with them anymore” she smirks, “at least not in your apartment so why bring them over?”
“i don’t know kao, maybe he’s just bored” you shrug and even you know that’s bullshit. you were great company so if he really wanted to hangout, he’d bother you and makki.
“how do you know he’s not sleeping with them anyway?” she asks and even though you know she’s baiting you, you can’t help yourself.
“… well” you clear your throat, “he obviously knows what he’s doing..”
she grins, hiding her satisfied smile being her cup but you still see the glint in her eyes anyway.
“don’t start” you scoff, rolling your eyes, “i’ve heard enough things okay? let’s drop it”
“whatever you say sweetheart” she winks and you get up to leave before you end up in jail.
“you can’t leave without me!” she calls after you, “you’re my ride and my best friend in the whole world”
you ignore her as you walk towards your car. you’d never leave her despite how much she frustrates you but the thought is enticing.
the apartment is warm when you enter, the sound of his favourite playlist playing from the tv in the living room but the smell of food is always welcoming and you hold back a groan as you remove your shoes and place your bag on the couch nearby the door.
“oh, you’re early” he grins, “hi cutie”
you’re too tired to chastise him for the nickname. he’d just call you something else to get a rise out of you and your day had been long.
“yeah” you yawn, leaning your body against the door as you close your eyes for a moment. you really could use a hot bath or shower and a nap before dinner.
“aw my big baby” he coos, coming up to lift you up like he does when you’ve had a little too much to drink or when you fall asleep during movie night on the couch. you don’t even protest, hiding your face in the crook of his neck as he carries you to your bedroom.
“i need—”
“i know baby” he grins down at you, “i’ll run you a bath and then you can nap until dinner”
you hum, rubbing your hands over your face as you reach to put your phone on charge.
“need help undressing?” he teases and you kick his thigh, causing him to laugh as he walks into your bathroom.
you can’t help but frown at how domestic you both tend to be around each other. everything is so natural and you know you can be yourself around issei without the fear of judgement or rejection.
you’re starting to understand why your own relationships tend to fail before it gets too serious. you’ve been comparing everyone to him your whole life and it’s laughable.
“did you fall asleep?” he asks when he comes back to check on you.
“no” you roll your eyes but the way his face softens whenever he looks at you has your heart beating a little faster than normal. you could easily blame it on kaori getting into your head again, even if she was right.
“thank you” you say after a moment, “wasn’t it my turn to make dinner?”
“yeah but i got home early and i know you’re tired” he shrugs, “you can make it up to me when you’re doing your skincare routine”
“you just want to use my expensive products” you say but you can’t hide your smile even if you tried, “get out, i’m going to relax”
“don’t fall asleep in the bath” he warns and you glare up at him as you get closer to your bathroom door
“that was one time!” you frown. he also saw you very naked that day and you can’t get the image of the light dust of pink across his nose and cheeks. you knew he wasn’t celibate so him seeing you makes should’ve been normal but he blushed. you would’ve teased him then if you weren’t so embarrassed about the entire situation.
“enjoy your bath” he chuckles, leaning down to kiss your forehead before he’s walking back down the hall towards the kitchen and living room.
you try not to think about the way he always takes care of you like this. he always had and probably always would.
“do you want some wine?” he grins, leaning against the doorframe of your bathroom with your favourite wine.
“don’t you knock?” you frown but make grabby hands for the glass.
“you’re covered up with bubbles and besides, i’ve seen enough” he smirks and you glare at him.
“only because you’re a pervert” you add dryly, “thank you for the wine and making dinner”
“baby don’t thank me for the bare minimum” issei rolls his eyes, “you need to eat”
you don’t mention the fact that your shitty exes never cared this much for you. you didn’t exactly have the greatest track record with dating and you were starting to realise why.
“okay get out” you pout, “i need to get done”
“need me to scrub your back?” he asks softly and even though he’s obviously teasing you, you know if you said yes he’d do it.
“you can” you grin and turn away from him as you take a sip from the wine. it tastes perfect like always and you bite back an appreciative moan.
“you’re so spoiled” he scoffs but he’s rolling up the sleeves of his favourite sweater and leans beside the bathtub to reach for your soap. it was his favourite scent of peaches and cream because it often reminded him of you.
“yeah yeah” you yawn, tilting your head sideways so he can get your neck too.
“no dates tonight?” you ask after a moment. he hasn’t really been staying out late like he usually does and you haven’t seen anyone new around lately.
“i enjoy nights in with you too you know?” he frowns
“i know” you grin, “i’m just messing with you”
he kisses your nape before standing to his full height. he doesn’t want to think about how much he wants to climb into the bath with you.
“get changed and i’ll dish everything up for us” he smiles, “i’ll top up your wine”
“sounds good” you stretch, still not facing him, “but i’ll have a soda or something because i don’t wanna get drunk off wine”
he laughs and shakes his head. he knew how much of a lightweight you were when it came to wine.
the evening blurred after you ate. you weren’t as sleepy as you thought you’d be and you finally had a day off to just rest anyway so you’d have the day to sleep.
“ready for dessert?” he asks and you laugh, leaning your head on the backrest of the couch, “what did you get?”
“you mentioned wanting cheesecake the other day” he shrugs, bringing over the tiny dessert with a spoon, “i saw that new bakery you wanted to try and got it on the way home”
“you’re husband material” you grin and he laughs
“you did say you’d marry me” issei smirks
“i was a kid!” you scoff, “don’t even try it”
he flicks your nose before joining you on the couch. you had two one seaters and a loveseat that was just big enough for three people since issei insisted on getting a bigger one when you first found your apartment.
it didn’t matter how much space you had in your apartment, you seemed to gravitate towards each other.
“should we watch something?” you asks as he places your legs over his lap and keeps his freehand on your knee.
he reaches for the tv remote as you get comfortable and you can’t help but watch him as he scrolls through all the tv shows you told him about. he’s pretty, despite being rough around the edges.
he’s always been so tall and well built and you often said that he had broad shoulders so you had a place to lean on when you had a particularly shitty day. his hands were big and despite their intimidating appearance, they were soft to the touch and he knew how to be gentle when he needed to be.
“what are you thinking about?” he grins when he catches you looking at him. you’re not that shy to look away when your eyes meet.
“you” you say because it’s the truth.
“yeah?” he tilts his head sideways, “what about me?”
“your hands” you shrug, “i just think they’re soft, that’s all”
“oh?” he chuckles and runs his hand up your sides until he reaches your jaw, “soft?”
you nod as he grazes your lower lip with his thumb. he’s closer than he’s ever been to you, with your legs thrown over his lap and he could kiss—
he cuts your train of thoughts as he leans in closer, your noses touching as he looks down at your lips.
“can i kiss you?” he asks
“please” you say, already abandoning the cheesecake in favour of wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him closer.
his lips as as soft as you imagined them to be and you figured he’d be a good kisser but the way he gently kisses your lips before deepening the kiss is nothing like you imagined it would be.
it’s so much better and you can’t help the tiny moan when he wraps his hand gently around your neck to keep you in place.
“fuck” he whispers, pressing his forehead against yours, “i.. i’ve wanted to do that for a long time”
“why didn’t you?” you ask, just as breathless as he pulls you onto his lap.
“i would never want to ruin our friendship y/n” he says, “you know how much i love you, i can’t—”
“it’s okay” you shush him, kissing his forehead, “I wanted to kiss you too”
“so you do like me?” he grins and it makes you feel better knowing he would never try to make anything uncomfortable for you.
“you’re such a loser” you roll your eyes but your hands in his hair is too distracting and he really wants to kiss you again so he does.
“take me to bed” you say and he nods, lifting you up easily and carrying you down the hall to his bedroom.
you’ve been inside his room many times but never like this and you find that you’re not nervous about anything. all your thoughts are occupied with him and the way he kisses you and slowly removes your clothing.
he’s taking his time, mapping out the feeling of your body underneath his hands and the way you look laid out on his sheets, in his bed.
issei could never get over how beautiful you are and even if he’s seen you naked before, it was so different when you were like this and all for him.
he wants to tease you and take his time but he also knows that after your first kiss, there was no going back. he had to have you all the time.
for as long as you’d have him.
“spread your legs for me baby” he says as he removes his sweatpants and he smirks at the way your eyes travel down his bed down to his cock. he knows his hung and he’s never had a reason to feel insecure about his body but it felt more important what you felt about him than any of his one night stands.
he places his middle and index fingers in your mouth and instructs you to suck. he tries not to moan at how eager you are and how you moan for him as you maintain eye contact.
you were just too fucking perfect for him.
he kisses down your neck, sucking and biting the skin before he reaches down to your breasts and bites your nipple softly.
“issei” you whine, back arching into his touch.
he slides his fingers through your folds and groans appreciatively at how wet you are and it’s all for him, because of him.
“fuck baby, already?” he teases just to watch you try and grind against him. he keeps your body down as he slides his fingers into your pussy.
you’re so wet and warm and he kisses you to distract himself because he knows he needed to prep you properly. he would never hurt you on purpose, no matter how much he wanted to fuck you into his bed until you couldn’t walk.
“issei please” you gasp against his lips, “want you”
“and you’ll have me baby, just a little longer yeah?” he says softly adding a third finger just to watch your eyes roll back, loud moans filling the otherwise quiet room.
you was determined to make you cum first before he fucked you.
pressing his thumb against your clit, he watches your mouth drop open and body shake as you try to close your legs around his arm.
“shitshitshit” you cry out, grabbing onto his shoulder hard enough to hurt but he doesn’t mind. he wants to feel it tomorrow the same way you will.
he has condoms. he’s always been careful but when you grab his wrist and shake your head, he swears he almost cums then and there. he’s never fucked anyone raw but never in his life has he wanted to so badly as he does right now.
“shit baby, are you sure?” he asks and you nod, kissing the side of his jaw
“put it in” you whisper, “want you to cum inside me”
you were always the one to preach about safe sex but all that went out the door when it came to him. it wasn’t like you weren’t on the pill. you’ve thought about this moment enough times to know you wanted him to be your first.
you weren’t a virgin but you never let anyone fuck you unless they had a condom and sex never felt as good as it did in that moment. he was good with his fingers and hands but you needed him before you really did lose your mind.
“hurry issei” you beg so prettily for him, “fuck me”
he pushes into you slowly, wanting you to feel the way at he throbs and twitches and the way the vein on the underside of his cock brushed up against your gummy walls.
“you feel so fucking good” he groans, wrapping his hand around your neck. he squeezes just a little bit harder than before but it’s enough to have your eyes crossing.
your neighbours might file another noise complaint but issei was good at sweet talking his way out of things so you didn’t care too much.
“you feel how deep i am inside you baby?” he asks, pressing down your stomach with his free hand
“yeah” you nod, moaning louder when he fucks you deeper and harder.
the sound of skin slapping against skin only gets louder and the wet smack would embarrass you if you weren’t so fucked out already.
he knows you’re close, the way you squeeze around him. your body tenses up just before you’re cumming, squirting all over his abs and your own thighs.
“that’s it baby, give it to me” he grunts, holding you down as your body shakes. he’s not far behind, thrusting once, twice and then he’s cumming inside you.
it’s hot and warm and your legs squeeze around his waist tightly. he collapses forward but he’s careful not to crush you.
“jesus baby” he chuckles
“hm” you hum, wrapping your arms around his neck again but you’re too tired to move your body.
“give me 5 minutes and i’ll get you cleaned up again” he says, kissing your softly.
“i still want that cheesecake” you frown after a moment and he laughs, slapping your ass before getting up.
“like i said” he scoffs, “you’re spoiled!”
“yeah but you love me” you stretch, laying more comfortably on his pillows.
“yeah” he huffs and you can see the fondness in his eyes, “i do”
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tmzrkstan · 1 year
ZB1 as boyfriend things
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genre: fluff, romantic, relantionship.
*He´s not only your boyfriend but your personal caregiver;
*So concerned about you getting hurt physically or not that always has his arm around your waist and asks if you are good when you're out;
*If you working or doing something for school on your computer he is right there, his hand on your leg, probably working too;
*Even when you two can´t really act like a couple Jiwong will make your legs or hands touching where no one can see;
*The big reason beyond this is not only that he loves your touch, but wants you to know that he is there for you;
*You can be sure that this man would kiss your forehead 24/7;
*Words of affirmation every minute;
*Hypes you up in long speechs anytime he has a chance:
*Wants to make sure that you see how much you are capable and that he loves you no matter what;
*You can´t think of anyone else to talk when you're feeling bad and end up in long late calls (he also confirmes that you're not annoying him);
*If he sees or hears that someone has hurt you he will make sure that person gets visited by karma;
*It's impossible not to melt at the sight of him with a silly passionate expression looking deep into your eyes telling that he loves you;
*Completely sucker for finding places and discovering new things with you;
*Always sneaking out during free times, most of them testing different restaurants;
*Just the two of you giving more and making new memories;
*He just thinks it's great for keeping the relationship alive and fun;
*Always making sure you'll be comfortable exploring unknown areas;
*Making you shy it's his favorite hobby;
*Loves to kiss you unexpectedly and leave you completely surprised;
*Doesn't leave words out, knows very well when to whisper something dirty in your ear;
*But he sure prefers physical contact;
*Oh, just that funny smile he gives when he sees the effect he has on you!!!!!
*Simply spending time with you is enough;
*You both like to go out, but home dates are a favorite for practicality and safety;
*From enjoying a meal and watching something to lying in bed with him playing some melody on the guitar;
*For him it is more important to really be together paying attention to the other than the place;
*We don't even need to confirm again that he's addict to spoiling;
*But not only using his money and also giving you attention;
*From the outside, they might see him as someone who only cares about himself, but oh boy lovelicky attacks every day;
*Going to visit you with a gift in hand and holding you in his arms the whole time;
*If you start with "I wanted to..." he'll do it for you no matter what;
*And don't even think about complaining!
*His passion is to see you losing your mind after hours of him annoying you;
*Do little daily competitions with you always stealing and throwing it in your face that you lost;
*Makes you pay a bounty as a prize, that's how he gets your kisses;
*Even when he says raise the flag of peace, it's not over;
*Waits until you give in and you're hugging to whisper how he's better at something;
*All he wants is to hold your hand and cuddle all day;
*Has a lot of youthful energy but is calm and sweet in your relationship;
*Always tries hard to show that he loves you by doing something for you;
*But actually the physical contact already makes it clear;
*Runs to be loved in hugs when he's feeling low;
*Holding hands everywhere and not letting it go for anything that happens;
*The maknae here is used to receiving attention and care ALL the time so you have to deal with it;
*He won't ask you, but will make it clear that he wants you around;
*Pretend to be mad when you wear the pants in the relationship;
*Deep down he loves being taken care of by you, but he will never admit it;
*Pouts and sly moments happen every day in your relationship;
*Just a baby looking for comfort and love <3;
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Adoring Stands
Here’s another JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure fanfic! I love Mista with my whole heart, and I came up with this idea the other day and had to write it down. As always gif and characters are not mine, and if anyone would like to make a request, please feel free to ask!
Description: Guido Mista’s stand, Six Bullets, absolutely adore the reader, and they love to show the bullets affection in return. When Mista tries to rest after an exhausting mission, he is greeted by an adorable sight.
Warnings: cursing, mentions of fighting and violence from the mission, otherwise none (if I miss something though, don’t be afraid to point it out!)
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After a successful mission, the Bucciarati gang loved to go back to the Libeccio for a five course dinner. Bruno spared no expense when it came to boosting the moral of his comrades, and each person took their seat in their usual spots. Abbachio sat to Mista’s left, his headphones playing classical music as he drank from his wine glass. To Mista’s right was Y/N L/N, the newest member of the team, followed by Fugo and Narancia. Bruno and Giorno sat across from Y/N and Mista.
“Excellent work today, Y/N. I must say your fighting skills continue to impress me.” Bruno commented as he took a bite from his garlic bread.
Y/N gave a slight smile as they bowed their head in respect. “Thank you, Bucciarati, but the mission would have failed without the help from the rest of the team.”
“Come on, don’t be so modest! You totally kicked that stand user’s ass.” Mista playfully nudged Y/N in the ribs, and they returned the favor by punching him in the shoulder. Narancia snickered at Mista and Y/N’s antics, and the rest shared knowing looks. The chemistry between the two of them had always been present, and the others loved to tease Mista about when he would make an actual move.
“What are you laughing at, uomo idiota?” Mista asked as he glared at Narancia. 
The younger boy laughed even harder as he twirled spaghetti around on his fork. “It’s nothing, Mista. You’ll figure it out eventually.”
The group continued to eat in silence, or it was silent until Mista’s stand, Six Bullets, complained about their own hunger. They all tried to climb up onto Mista’s plate to steal some of his food, except for Number Five, who had been punched by Number Three and knocked back onto the table. Number Five rubbed his swollen gold cheek as he started to cry, but Y/N quickly scooped them up into their hand.
“Easy now, Number Five, there’s no need for tears. Number three may pick on you, but you are just as valuable as the other bullets. Here, I saved you a little something.” Y/N offered part of their tiramisu cake to Number Five, and the bullet squealed happily as it pulled the dessert off the fork. Number Five quickly shoved the coffee-flavored cake into their mouth before the others caught them in the act.
Number Five hurried back to the group, and they whispered to Number One the kind deed that Y/N had done, hoping to earn some brownie points with the leader of the group. Of course, this wasn’t the first time that Y/N had slipped the Six Bullets desserts or extra snacks on the side apart from what Mista gave them, but it still excited each of them every time.
One by one, the other bullets sneaked off to steal some tiramisu from Y/N, trying their best not to catch Mista’s attention, but he wasn’t a fool. “Y/N! I told you not to sneak extra snacks to these guys! The last thing they need is coffee, especially since I will be the one dealing with the aftermath.” Mista shook his head, but Y/N simply giggled as they looked towards the Six Bullets.
“Do you all promise me you won’t trouble Mista? I would appreciate it if you take it easy on him, and if you behave, I might be able to spare a macaron or two.”
“We promise, Y/N!” The bullets replied in unison, causing Mista to shake his head at them, but Y/N noticed the start of a smile on the Italian’s face. After lunch came to a close, the Bucciarati gang headed back to their secluded hide out to rest. Bruno told them that it would be better if everyone lay low for a while in case other enemy stand users were still searching for them. Fugo and Narancia sat down on the couch in the common room of their hideout since Fugo promised that he would help Narancia with arithmetic problems. Bruno sat at the table by the window drinking a cup of tea and recording the details of the mission. Abbacchio sat across from Bruno listening to Monteverdi, taking a moment to reach across the table and take hold of Bruno’s hand. The capo smiled at the gesture and rubbed his thumb against the back of Abbacchio’s hand. Giorno worked on trimming a bonsai tree that had been a basket a few moments earlier before he transformed it with Golden Wind. The atmosphere radiated with tranquility, that is until Mista started pacing the floor.
The flirty interaction between him and Y/N was not the first, and yet the more time that passed the more that Mista felt something growing deep in his chest. It felt warm and comforting, but at the same time it made his stomach twist into nervous knots. The others told him numerous times that the feelings he experienced each moment he stood beside Y/N was love, but Mista still had some uncertainty. What if Y/N flirted with him for fun? It wouldn’t be the first time someone played with his feelings and left when boredom took over. “I’m going to go lay down for a while. Maybe some rest will help clear my head.” Mista walked down the hall and opened the door to the room he typically slept in.
Mista expected to see an empty bed, but the sight in front of him made his heart leap with joy and astonishment. Y/N laid on their back, their favorite blanket tangled over their legs as their eyes remained closed. The Six Bullets were curled up on Y/N’s chest, also in deep states of sleep. Number Five snored lightly as they nuzzled into the soft fabric of Y/N’s shirt. Mista grinned from ear to ear at the sight in front of him, and he thought to himself that this moment was sweeter than the chocolate cake he had for dessert that afternoon.
Trying his best not to wake Y/N or any of the Six Bullets, Mista crept over to the dresser and sat his hat on the oak furniture, running a hand through his curly locks. He crossed over to the side of the bed that looked the most spacious and settled into the spot. Mista leaned over and lightly touched Y/N’s shoulder. “Hey, you’re hogging my bed, bellissima.”
Y/N let out a groggy mumble as they opened their eyes. Their chest felt heavier than usual, and as soon as they looked down to see what was causing the weight difference, they noticed that the Six Bullets were still snoozing away. “I’m so sorry, Mista,” Y/N apologized. “I thought you were busy, and these guys were ready for their nap, so I offered them a comfortable place to rest. It appears I dozed off myself.”
Mista brushed the back of his knuckles against Y/N’s cheek, causing them to blush. “No need to apologize, especially after the ass kicking you did during our mission today. You deserve the rest, and clearly my Six Bullets are in the same boat.” It was Mista’s turn to blush as he glanced away to look out the window. “They really seem to like you Y/N, adore you is more accurate, and they aren’t the only ones who adore you with all their heart.”
Y/N gasped at Mista’s confession, but they could feel their heart swell with joy from his sentimental words. Y/N had developed feelings for Mista months ago, but after so many failed relationships, they thought that it would be impossible for someone like Mista to reciprocate the feelings. They reached for his hand, and Mista turned back to face Y/N. “I think you should lay down and rest a while too, Mista. I would say that you look even more attractive when you are exhausted, but I wouldn’t dare lie to the person I’ve had a crush on for months.”
A chuckle rumbled from Mista’s chest as he reclined on the bed and wrapped an arm around Y/N’s waist, pulling them closer into his warm embrace. The Six Bullets seemed to enjoy the extra warmth from Mista’s sweater as well, and for once in a long time, Mista felt at peace. “I’m glad to hear that you would not lie to me, tesoro, because now that you have confessed your feelings too, I will be by your side for as long as I live.”
Tag list: @pansexualtimcurryvampireelf
Y/N hummed as their eyes drooped shut, sleep taking over once again. Mista fell into his own peaceful dreams, but none of them could compare to his current reality where his dream had already come true.
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lancermylove · 1 year
His Pet Peeves (HC)
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing: Hints of gn!reader with demon brothers.
Warning: None
Prompt: What annoys him?
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When someone tells him, "You look tired." He has six brothers that tend to get into trouble and get him into trouble. He works nonstop, has to entertain Diavolo's ideas, sometimes at 2 in the morning, has to deal with a sneaky sorcerer who is using any means necessary to get him to make a pact, and has to clean up after everyone. How else do you think he will look?
Being late. Lucifer values his time and dislikes it when others don't show up on time.
Being asked questions about his personal life. His life is his affair and not of a nosey stranger who has nothing better to do in their life.
When you spend too much time with Solomon. He doesn't trust the sorcerer and wants you to stay far away from him.
Mess in public spaces of the House of Lamentation. Lucifer is a clean man and dislikes it when his brothers or anyone leave a mess.
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When you leave his text on read. That is one of the cruelest things you can do to anyone. Do you have any idea how much stress it causes him? First, he will think he did something wrong and panic. Then he will pace around his room, trying to figure out his mistake. Finally, he will have a breakdown and come running to find you because he thinks you don't like him anymore.
People who one-up others. You are not the main character of other people's stories. Get over yourself!
When someone corrects his grammar. He's goin' to talk like this 'cause he wants to. If ya don't like it, don't talk to him. It's as easy as that, y'know.
The last week of October. Halloween means horror; during that time, everyone wants to watch horror movies and shows.
When he has to model with an attractive demon, especially in a couple-type photoshoot. He is always afraid of upsetting you.
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When he has headphones on, and someone wants to talk to him. If he wanted to talk, he wouldn’t be wearing them in The first place.
Spoilers. Nothing angers Levi more than spoilers - not only did you ruin the plot for him, but you also watched the anime without him. How can you be so mean?
People stealing his belongings. Yes, Mammon, he is looking right at you. Also, borrowing money and not paying it back. Mammon!
Slow internet. Makes him want to flip every table in Devildom.
When people tease or make fun of him for having a bathtub bed. He likes it and finds it comfortable.
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Interrupting him while he is talking. A conversation goes both ways, so wait for your turn to speak and let him finish his train of thought.
People who don't know what personal space is. Satan hates it when strangers invade his private space. Sometimes he dislikes it when some of his brothers get into his space. Lucifer, he is looking right at you.
Talking to him while he is reading. This is why he prefers to read in the quiet comfort of his room.
People who overshare either on social media or in real life. He doesn't need to know when people just used the restroom or got intimate with someone.
When you spend too much time with Lucifer, even if it's for RAD or a project. Yes, he's jealous, and he knows. He will either join you two or drag you away if you are having a casual conversation with Lucifer for an extended period.
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Not making eye contact when having a conversation with him. He’s beautiful, so if you talk to him and look elsewhere, Asmo will feel insulted.
The sound of bones cracking. It’s disgusting! He will never get used to it.
People touching his face with their dirty fingers. Do they know how much effort it takes him to maintain his skin? He absolutely cannot get any breakouts.
His brothers using his bathroom without permission. No one cause use his bathroom...except you.
People photobombing his selfies. The only people he wants to see in his selfies beside himself are you and his brothers - assuming he wants them in the photos.
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Leaving drawers and cabinets open. When he sneaks into the kitchen at night for snacks, Beel tends to run into the open drawers/cabinets and breaks them, which gets him into trouble with Lucifer.
People stealing his food. DON'T. TAKE. HIS FOOD, especially if he has his name written on it. He may or may not steal your food. Sorry, he can't help himself.
When Solomon says, he will cook. Metal, wood, and plastic taste better than the sorcerer's cooking.
People who wear food-scented perfumes. He has a hard time controlling his urge to bite them. Don't smell like food if you don't want him to bite you.
Waiting in line at restaurants. The smell is too tempting, and he might end up losing control of himself. He brings snacks with him just in case the line is long.
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People who see him sleeping and wake him up ask if he's asleep. No, he's completely awake; that's why he had his eyes closed and in dreamland. This is one of the quickest ways to make him angry.
People who can't sit still. Just seeing how much they move around makes Belphie feel exhausted.
People who make fun of or comment about his twin. He's the Avatar of Gluttony; of course, he will eat all the time.
When someone continuously plays with their pen. Stop clicking and unclicking the push-button!
Bringing up Lilith's name unnecessarily. Please stop reminding him and his twin of their past - in fact, stop reminding all his brothers of the past.
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sorrinslays · 3 months
More about the Belobog Roleswap AU
So, I decided to make this post because of @lesbianbootheng. Specifically, their reblog right here:
#hsr#role swap au#op i hope u know much i enjoy those aus and the fact u made one is So Cool to me#pls tell me u have more ideas bc dude? i’d love to hear em#and i hope ur comfy w/ me adding some ideas myself bc this sounds soo fucking cool dude like wtf#love the idea of clara and hook being assistants to the silvermane guards that’s so cool <3 it fits them surprisingly well#ALSO THE FUCKING NERD PELA BEING PART OF THE FIGBT CLUB?? idk that’s so funny to me idk why LMFAO#oleg being luka’s father is rlly cute i love that <3 my HEARTT#also svorg being slowly being aaprt of the landau family by serval fixing him and they start to consider each other as the other loved ones#serval is still a musician i hope she’d just be one of those underground artists (literally haha)#also love the fact cocolia/serval r a thing in this au that makes me so happy u don’t understand :3#their yuri is NOT doomed after all :3#also… bc this is a roleswap au imagine bronya as the new supreme guardian… can u see it?#how do u think she’d act as leader?#sampo + bronya would DEF need to reign her in haha#also. do u think geppie sees sampo interacting w/ hook/clara & thinks of lynx & wants to sob when he’s separated#bc I DO. i so fucking do
So here's some more insight on the lives of the characters!
He has this rule he set for himself that he doesn't steal from the less fortunate, guards and children. Those he does frequently steal from are nobles and since he used to be one (technically still is) he knows the obsolete worst ones. Sometimes, when he learns something particularly bad, he leaves an "anonymous" tip in Sampo's office.
He tried to grow a side business out of selling flowers. Since he's not a guard he has way more time to actually engage in his hobby, unlike his OG counterpart, he can actually keep a plant alive. However the business sadly didn't end up working out.
He does have "disguises" so he can get groceries without being chased around, although they are all kind of terrible. He doesn't know jackshit about makeup so he relies on hiding his face instead (hats, masks, sunglasses and the like). Almost all of Belobog knows this but they just kinda don't bother him cause the disguise is so bad it's sad.
Whenever Clara and Hook see Gepard in his "disguise" they try to get Sampo to arrest him cause "it's literally the guy you chase everyday, he's right here, just get him!!!!!" only for Sampo to pretend not to recognize him. Gepard goes through all five stages of grief whenever this happens.
He has accidently bumped into Luka sneaking into the restricted zone on numerous occasions and both kept it secret. They have even fought together in secret.
There are rumours of the "Phantom Shielder" amongst the guards, which is just Gepard. He keeps trying to help in the snow plains, since he feels guilty for adding to the workload of the guards by committing crimes. He believes it to the least he could do.
He is a supplier of automaton parts and the like for Oleg. Luka has a sneaking suspicion that's the case but since it's Gepard's most legitimate business venture, he doesn't bother reporting it. Oleg is, like, the closest thing Gepard has to a father figure.
As the Captain, he rarely has time to relax alone and anytime he does have the time he spends it in the far away snow plains looking for medicine for Cocolia. He sneaks away when he's supposed to be doing paperwork. Or he "loses track of time and stays on patrol for longer periods".
He has made deals with pharmacists all around Belobog, asking for "defect medicine" that cannot be sold to the public (because of such things as a wrongly colored bottle, wrong print, a small cracks etc.). Basically, he collects it without telling the pharmacists where it actually goes. They don't really question him and he brings it to Cocolia.
He has a house near the restricted zone, not because he wants to be "closer to the actions" as he tells people, but so that he can have more alone time. You need a good reason to be anywhere near the restricted zone or you have to sneak in, so his apartment is like a safe haven to him.
He doesn't have any tells when lying, contrary to popular belief. He has fake ones that he uses to trick Natasha. She believes him to be a bad liar because of this.
Anytime he has free time (which is not all that often) he is surrounded by children anywhere he goes. If you hear manic giggling across the streets you know Sampo has a day off. He will have at least two kids around him at all times and the parents have to practically peel them away from him.
Sometimes, whenever he spots Hook bothering Gepard while he's "in his disguise" he walks over and chats with Gepard just to fuck with him. It's incredibly entertaining watching the poor guy squirm as his voice cracks in ten different ways.
He actually knows if Luka sneaked in and disguised himself as a guard because there's a standard hair length soldiers in the restricted zone have to have that Luka does not follow. He never mentions it, just let's him do whatever since he believes Luka to be capable enough. He does like ordering him around just to fuck with him, seeing Luka flinch and do anything without making a sound or "deepening his voice" so that Sampo "doesn't recognize him" is very funny to him.
As much as he hates paperwork, he's infuriatingly good at it. So he's probably staying an intelligence officer for a long while. Seele told him as much after a meeting with Natasha. He had begged Seele to bring up his situation, arguing that he's healed now and can go back to the front lines. Seele, true to her word, did mention him, but Natasha shout down any conversation about him, stating he's "too useful as an intelligence officer".
He used to have a small crush on Sampo. He was impressed by his fighting and was asking the Captain for a spar for weeks before the other agreed. It's still unknown if he still harbors that crush. The crush doesn't necessary have to romantic, it's honestly up for interpretation.
He attends every funeral, celebration and memorial held in honor of the Silvermane Guards. It's based on respect but also a little bit of guilt on his part. He believes that if he hadn't lost his arm, he would've still been in the front lines and he could've stopped some of the death that happened in the snow plains.
Whenever he is cooped up in his office for long periods of times, Clara and Hook are tasked (by Sampo, as their "superior") to get him out. Usually, they steal an important document and have him chase them all over the city. By the time he gets back, the day is over and he is ordered to go home and rest.
During his days off, he helps Oleg around the workshop. Oleg has tried to reassure Luka many times before that he doesn't need to keep helping, although all of them were in vain.
He has tried getting new hobbies to distract himself, and one that he enjoyed more than he thought he would was crocheting and knitting. He made matching scarfs for Clara and Hook and Seele called him a granny. He challenged her to a spar after that (he lost).
Whenever Luka and Gepard sneak into the snow plains together, they get into "competitions". Basically, they try to kill more fragmentum than the other. Usually, it's a tie or one of them winning by a small precent (like one or two more kills).
Just like every other Supreme Guardian, she graduated in history. Although that's the case, she was always fascinated by human biology and the structure of the human body. She became even more interested after she met a man by the name of Vache, who told her he wanted to make a medicine specifically for people to be able to survive the bitter cold. After Cocolia banished Vache to the snow plains, Natasha brought him to Qlipoth Fort. He is still alive, even after the Astral Express' visit.
She really likes teddy bears, they used to be the only emotional support she had back when she was first selected to be the future Supreme Guardian. She had shared this information with Oleg, and since they used to be very close back in the academy, a lot of her stuffed toys were left at Oleg's place. So their absence during the Stellaron's manipulation helped her spiral quicker.
Vache lives in the lab of Qlipoth Fort and he is, basically, Stellaron 2.0. Since he also believes the Stellaron, he tries to pressure Natasha into following its plan. Natasha, isolated from any actually healthy influences, gives in and soon orders that result in more deaths than victories follow.
She and Oleg used to be very close, to the point that they even grew flowers together and used to babysit children together as a way to gain a little something something on the side. Whenever Luka reports to her, she asks about Oleg and how he's doing, every time she asks she has a wishful expression on her face.
Natasha was actually very suspicious of Sampo in the beginning, after all, before he joined the Silvermane Guards she hasn't heard a thing about him. She remained suspicious of him even after years, until the end of the Belobog arc. When he first made waves, she researched every little thing about him.
Oleg adopted Luka after his break up with Natasha, so when she first saw his last name she cried. She genuinely thought that she had missed a wedding or something.
Doctor handwriting. Even in another universe she couldn't escape the illegible doctor handwriting curse.
Used to go to the same elementary, middle and high school together with Luka. He was just a year or two younger than her. As a kid, she used to think he was okay, then during middle school she found him annoying and now it's a mix of two. However, he's probably the closest thing she has to a best friend and it's the person she trusts the most outside of Natasha.
She focuses a lot of her combat abilities. Since Natasha doesn't let her go on too many missions and she's not aware she's supposed to be the next Supreme Guardian (she is under the impression that she is just Natasha's adopted daughter) she doesn't think about the political situation or strategies all that much. She much prefers fighting the fragmentum.
Although technically she has a higher position than Sampo, whenever she gets overzealous during training or pushes herself too hard, she'll "be put in time out" by Sampo. Basically, she will be training and Hook and Clara pop out of nowhere, telling her how it's "time for a break, or else Sampo will put you in time out". She always tries to get out of it because she finds it stupid, but honestly dealing with Hook and Clara is a challenge in it of itself, so, unfortunately for her, Sampo's tactic works annoyingly well.
At first, she was struggling a lot in school, specifically with writing. When Natasha first caught wind of this, she sat down with Seele and they spent a whole evening just writing and Natasha helping Seele with school work.
For almost her whole life, Natasha and Oleg were together, so when Natasha turned distant and they broke up, she basically lost her parent. She visits Oleg's workshop every now and then, but they definitely aren't as close as they used to be. Now, unfortunately for her, the closest thing she has in her life that actively acts like a father figure is Sampo.
She regularly makes bets with soldiers in the front lines. Like, "oh, I bet Kyle can't headshot five fragmentum in a row". In general she is very friendly with them. Natasha is not a fan of that.
Luka asks her for a spar session almost any time he sees her. While it "annoys" her, she find comfort in the fact that she can tell him mood easily like that. She knows that if he's just fired up he gonna ask one or two times and if he feels bad for whatever reason, he's gonna be more persuasive.
To him, the Neverwinter workshop was something that would've happened one way or another. He always knew that at some point he would own a workshop, however, what he didn't expect was how soon it would happen. He imagined opening it in his late forties - early fifties after passing his Stellaron research to a younger researcher. He never expected to have the nasty break up with Natasha and getting kicked out of the Silvermanes like that.
A side hobby he picked up after losing his job as a researcher was sketching. Whenever the workshop goes through a slow period with no customers or any work to do, people can find him outside, sketching whatever he sees.
When Luka lost his arm, he was devastated. He was so scared for his son he soot out Natasha, asking if she can find a better position for Luka that doesn't endanger him so much. Although he feels guilty for taking the choice from Luka, he also prefers feeling guilty with a son than feeling guilty without a son.
Back when Luka used to be in the frontlines, he wanted to meet his superior (Sampo) just to be sure that the Captain was capable. His first impression of Sampo wasn't a positive one, but after hearing about his achievements in battle, anecdotes from other guards, seeing Luka's admiration of him and seeing him around the street playing with the kids, he backed off.
He still misses Seele, even though technically she's not his kid. Even though that's the case, he still makes sure to prepare birthday gifts for her and congratulate her on any achievements.
He teaches Hook and Clara the basics of engineering. Every week he dedicates two hours for them. It's actually one of his favorite past times cause it livens up the place and reminds him of back when Luka and Seele used to be kids.
He still thinks about his research, specifically the Stellaron. He really wants to continue studying it and oftentimes thinks about it. He has a lot of theories about it but can't test any of them out.
She met Serval when the Landaus first moved to the Underground. While all the siblings have a positive opinion of her and they generally get along well, she and Serval clicked almost instantly. Serval helped her a lot with the orphanage, then with the clinic and finally with Wildfire.
Even though the Underground's atmosphere is pretty depressing, Cocolia tries her best make it more homey, warm and, in general, uplift the people. There's a reason why the people of the Underworld trust her with more than just medical issues.
One of her attempts to make the Underworld more welcoming was plants. Although most of them require sunlight, she got Sampo to look for ones that can survive without it. And just like that the Underworld is full of plants (as much as it can be). Unfortunately not all parts of the Underworld have a flourishing flora, the unlivable parts (thanks to the fragmentum) don't have any.
While she is a doctor and a healer is general, if it comes down to it, she can hold her own in battle. She uses a bass guitar when fighting, the one that in the original Serval broke during her companion quest.
She and Bronya have a very strong bond. They spend hours talking about different ways to optimize Wildfire. Serval helps with that too, either as the face of Wildfire or by suggesting ways to update equipment or create new weapons. Whenever Sampo is present, his input is asked as well, although he mostly helps with strategizing and ways to get rid of the fragmentum.
The hardest choice she had to make was exile Vache. She was conscious of his downward spiral when he started obsessing over blizzard immunity but the human experimentation was kept a secret from her until Lynx mentioned hearing something about it. Needless to say when she found out she was heartbroken.
She is well liked by all the children, and she always has some sort of candy on her desk. It's either for children who are being treated or, at the end of each day, the most behaved kid gets two.
Although she didn't go to school, she knows the basics thanks to Cocolia and Serval. So now, her favorite hobby is reading. She has read as many books as she could get her hands on. Anytime she sees Sampo, she asks him to deliver her a book or two.
While she is part of Wildfire and she does fight against the fragmentum under Serval's command, whenever fragmentum activity is low, she is seen helping around Cocolia's clinic. While is mostly acts as a nurse following Cocolia's orders, she is still very skilled, to the point that other nurses sometimes call her "Cocolia 2.0".
She has learned the basics of engineering from Serval. It's a skill that comes in handy more often than not, from fixing up children's toys to helping fix equipment that was broken by the fragmentum.
The kids love her too. Whenever they get into trouble the first person they go to is Bronya due to her "not being an adult" (she is, she is just the youngest one working in the clinic so they assume she's still a teenager).
She has heard a lot about Gepard, but she has never actually met him since she wasn't adopted back when the Underworld and Overworld weren't separated. Despite this, she feels as if she had known him forever because of how often Serval and Lynx mention him. As if he's still here, with them.
She and Pela are good friends. Thanks to her, Bronya got into the Tales of the Winterlands. That series got her to wish to one day go to the topside and see the snow plains for herself. It's a wish she holds close to her heart.
She is close to Lynx as well, they spend a lot of time together due to her being the little sister of Serval. The two of them started reading Tales of the Winterlands together thanks to Pela and both of them loved it. They have spent hours talking about what they want to do in the Overworld.
She is a very important part of Wildfire not only because of her strength but also because of her great investigation skills and data collection. Thanks to her, Wildfire is not only able to catch troublemakers but also because she could predict future fragmentum activity based on the data she managed to collect.
She was the one who investigated Vache when Cocolia first heard of the rumours. She had come to Pela as a friend, asking for help, not as part of Wildfire. Pela accepted to look into it for free, and gave it her all. Let's just say the investigation wasn't all that pleasant.
She has created a fake identity that she uses to bet on herself. She is very strategic about it too. If she wins too many bets, she makes sure to stage a few loses to keep the attention away from her fake identity. She has made bank with that strategy.
Moreover, the reason she is still technically in debt is because the person she owes to is in the Overworld, so she had no way to reach him and she can't ask Sampo for help. She has a small box in her apartment that is the payment to her debt. She's not sure if there's any extra payment due to being late (although it's not really her fault) but just in case she keeps some extra shield.
Her closest friend is Lynx, they hang out together anytime Lynx isn't with Svarog. There's moments were they don't talk, Lynx just shows her picture as they cuddle on Pela's sofa and that's probably their favorite activity. However, anytime Lynx is in a talkative mood, the two of them theorize on what Gepard is doing in the Overworld.
She preforms in Mechanical Fever with Serval. It's a way for her to gain an additional income while hanging out with her friends (Serval, Lynx and sometimes Cocolia (when she's not busy with Wildfire and the clinic, which is pretty rare)). She is a drummer, her drumsticks are handmade and very sturdy (build by Serval) and she uses them when fighting as well.
She participates in a lot of food completions (like eating all 5 crabs that are in the game), but her favorites are the ones with spicy food. She and Serval were the ones with the biggest rivalry in a spice tolerance competition.
When she and her siblings first moved into the Underworld, they could only afford a one-bedroom apartment. She and Lynx shared the bedroom and Gepard slept in the living room. Soon, after Cocolia formed Wildfire, Serval go the opportunity to move. Now, she lives with Cocolia in a four-bedroom apartment, one for her and Cocolia, two bedrooms for Lynx and Bronya and the last one for Gepard.
While she is part of Wildfire, she also has her own "workshop" which is just her "experimentations" on automatons. She wants to create truly sturdy ones that can handle the fragmentum so that people don't have to risk their lives (and to also win in automaton fights shhh!!!!!).
While she doesn't like Svarog, she still helps him fix up a few things here and there, although she doesn't approve of the way they run their part of the Underworld she understands that he is an important ally. Plus, she gets access to better tools/materials.
She is still the lead singer/guitarist in Mechanical Fever. Most of her songs are about hope and a brighter future, it's her way of helping uplift the people of the Underworld. She is the most popular artist in the Underworld because of this.
When Sampo first arrived to the Underworld, she asked him about Gepard. More specifically, how he's been, if Sampo knows anything about him (whereabouts, health and the like). While he answered her questions, she asked if he could bring Gepard down, but he said "not yet". He did give her other reasons as well, but the "not yet" stuck with her.
Whenever Bronya and her go for patrols or missions together, they just talk. Like, they do get the work down, but they have insanely good coordination skills and synergy together that it's a breeze for them so it works more as a bonding moment rather than work.
The one taking care of most plants in the Underworld is Serval because they remind her a lot of Gepard and his love for plant life. On especially lonely nights she imagines his reaction to seeing how much the Underworld has changed since last time he was there.
The reason Lynx got so attached to Svarog was because he possessed a lot of knowledge about the outside world and he could answer a lot of her questions. He once even showed her a projection of how the aurora looks back in the snow plains.
Before meeting Svarog she had tried to go to the surface to, one, find Gepard and, two, to see the Overworld once more. She went pretty far, but she couldn't unlock the Furnace Core, so she had to leave before Svarog found her.
She once confided in Pela that she doesn't remember Gepard's face, that it's very blurry for her and that she feels very guilty about it. She is frustrated because she does care about him and Serval always gets a sad distant look when he's brought up, but whenever she is trying to imagine the three of the reuniting, she can't picture it.
She has tried reasoning with Svarog on multiple occasions, but the robot never changes his mind. She still hasn't lost hope whatsoever. After all, her dream, aside from reuniting with Gepard, is to visit the snow plains.
She knows basic engineering thanks to both Serval and Svarog. Although she is not very interested in it. She prefers learning about the outside world much more, but it's useful information so she doesn't argue.
Whenever she wants to get a few extra shield, she goes to the fight club to bet on Pela. If she is not participating, she follows Pela's betting advice. She almost always wins, but that's because she doesn't visit the club that often.
When she met Sampo, she had asked for pictures of the snow plains, since she learned he fights the fragmentum there. He obliged and now she has a whole pin board dedicated to those pictures in her room.
Hook and Clara
The two of them are a very big deal in their school. They brag that THE Captain of the Silvermane Guards has them as "assistants". At first, the other kids didn't believe them when Hook said that they work for Sampo until he comes pick them up from school one day (Fersman was busy).
While the two of them have their separate bedrooms, every night they have "sleepovers" which is basically them sleeping together in each other's bedrooms. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays they sleep in Hook's room and on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays they sleep in Clara's room. On Sundays they play rock paper scissors to decide where the sleepover will be.
Seele had to explain to them on multiple occasions that they are not official Silvermane Guards. Hook refuses to listen and Clara is just confused. Both insist that they are cause "uncle Sampo told us we are under his command!!!!!!!!! You're just jealous your boss isn't as cool as ours!!!!!"
While they get a lot out of following Sampo's orders, they are still not allowed in the restricted zone. They don't get it, and Sampo dances around the issue, ordering them to do things outside it like bringing lunch to Luka or something.
Both of them are really scared of Natasha. They've seen her once or twice in public appearances and whenever they bumped into her in Qlipoth Fort, and while at first she seems nice, something about her scares them. Most of the time whenever they see her they run to hide either behind Sampo or Fersman or Luka.
Once, Sampo had an infiltration mission but Hook and Clara kept wanting to hang out with them. Sampo noticed Gepard in his terrible disguise and told them to follow him. They ended up pestering Gepard all day instead.
Anytime there's a disagreement between them they solve it with a game of rock paper scissors. Even when doing homework. If one of them got a 7 as an answer while the other got a 100 they play rock paper scissors and list the answer as whatever the winner got.
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