#but also can break all his bones no problem and get no consequences
copypastus · 4 months
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But Keir must have known, too. And said simply to Rhysand, “I want out. I want space. I want my people to be free of this mountain.” “You have every comfort,” I finally said. “And yet it is not enough?” Keir ignored me as well. As I’m sure he ignored most women in his life.”
Wow Feyre, what a wild thing to say after leaving your ex over being locked up in a mansion.
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Reasons why Tim Drake should be Chronically ill/ have chronic pain (In DC canon):
1) The spleen problem
Tim...literally doesn't have a spleen. What does the spleen do? Well, according to NHS inform:
It fights any invading germs in the blood (the spleen contains infection-fighting white blood cells). It controls the level of white and redblood cells as well as platelets (small cells that form blood clots). It screens the blood and removes any old or damaged red blood cells.
This means that aside from the usually-accepted side effect of infection risk, Tim may also be anemic due to not having enough red Blood cells. Alternatively, he may experience intense bleeding or bruising due to the lack of platelets.
2) The Clench
The clench was a version of the Ebola plague that spread across Gotham during Contagion. They call it Ebola Gulf A. Of course, Tim is one of the people infected. Now, the Clench is obviously a fictional disease. But! People who have survived Ebola experience the following long-term side effects: Tiredness, Headaches, Muscle and joint pain, Eye and vision problems, Weight gain, Stomach pain and loss of appetite.
Tim could be experiencing any of these side effects. Or multiple of them.
3) All the injuries
Tim gets injured a lot. Like. A lot. I went back to a few comics and like:
Car crash. Hits head on steering wheel hard enough that he's obviously dazed and loses consciousness. Almost gets strangled. Gets locked in a freezer with dwindling air supply and passes out from lack of oxygen. That's all just from one comic.
Then the stabbing that loses him his spleen. The batarang to the chest. The slit throat. The whole getting kicked out of a skyscraper window thing. Being shoved off a mechanical dinosaur. Getting stabbed with a katana. Kon breaking his arm while mind-controlled. And those are all just off the top of my head.
Point of the matter being:
Every time it rains, Tim should be feeling each bone break and scarred injury. Rain can also trigger headaches and migraines.
He should have anemia and he should be bleeding a whole lot / bruising a whole lot more than the average person.
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aftgficrec · 1 year
oooof i neeed long and angsty preferably newer ones like i need to entertain myself for a bit <3 it's okay either incomplete or complete works!
Well, friend, what kind of angst are you looking for?  Heavy angst, mild angst, emotional/physical angst, angst with a happy ending?  This fandom delights in angst!  I think we’ve probably got a bit of everything here for you, even if it isn’t all brand new, including some excellent fics for other pairings than Andreil.  Take your pick! - S
A small selection from previous posts: 
Long angsty Andreil here
Long dark Andreil here
‘Oakland’ and ‘Lifeline’ here (since updated)
‘Birds of a Feather’ (recently updated), ‘Innominate’ (since updated) and ‘Die Free or Die a Failure’ (now complete) here
‘Scared to Live (But I'm Scared to Die)’ here
‘Stranger To Stay’ (since updated) here
‘Inked Truths’ series here
‘Joseph’ series here
‘not your homeland anymore’ here
‘North Star’ (now complete) here
‘L’Amour parle en fleurs’ here
‘Black As Is The Raven, He’ll Get A Partner’ here
‘I Will Always Choose You’ (now complete) and ‘Comeback’  here
‘Not Damsels, Not Knights’ here
‘Make A Believer Out Of Me’ here
‘Pause and Restart My Heart’ series here
‘The Bones of You’ here
‘Back to the Start’ here
‘Sixteen hours’ (jerejean) here
‘Aurora’  (jerejean)  here  (part 1 of Rhapsody: Exile series - part 2 is also complete, part 3 in progress)
‘The Heart and the Knife’ (Matt/Aaron) here
Purely in order of (currently) longest to shortest:
Deals With Devils by ToadlilyAUs [Rated M, 142394 words, incomplete, last updated June 2023]
Neil is on the run with his mother for three years before his father catches up to them. And after finally being handed off to The Ravens his life is never the same. After three more years of brutal training and abuse at the hands of Riko and Tetsuji, his life is changed yet again on the day Kevin Day runs away to the foxes, leaving him and Jean Moreau behind to suffer the consequences. Six more heinous months after that, in the summer before his long promised debut, he's finally allowed to leave the nest...but he's still anything but free. As the list of friends and allies grows, so too does his list of problems. How much of himself is he willing to give away to keep the people who matter to him safe? And how many lies and secrets can he stack on top of one another before his house of cards comes crumbling down?
tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: violence, tw: blood/gore
don't break the glass by cracklingamber [Rated E, 103707 words, complete, 2023]
Part 1 of the glass series
“Who even are you?” Neil blinked at him with those perfect, blue eyes. Andrew became very aware of Neil’s weight at that moment and dropped him. Neil bounced back on the bed and yelped. “I’m the guy who is going to go take a shower and you’re the guy who is going to wait patiently for Kevin to come tend to your needs,” Andrew said. He gestured down to Neil’s blanket covered body. “Whatever this is, is above my pay grade.” [AFTG Crime AU that takes place in Baltimore where the Foxes and Raven's are opposing gangs. Neil escapes the Nest and falls for Andrew, but Riko will do anything to get him back. Kevin and Aaron tumble headlong into a secret relationship and Jeremy Knox fixes a very broken Jean Moreau.]
tw: violence, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced drug use, tw: explicit sexual content
NB: fanart by by @/masslowart on instagram
Not Yours To Bleed by Coffeexandxangst [Rated E, 90858 words, incomplete, last updated June 2023]
The Pros were never in the cards. Not for an ex-medicated alleged psychotic with a dysfunctional family and an Exy career he’d rather not have. But even if it wasn't his first choice, no matter what happens, it can’t possibly be worse than that one fucked up sophomore year when he stood toe to toe with the Yakuza-and won. At least, that’s what Andrew thinks until a familiar face shows up. Another Raven!Neil AU. Or, the one where the boys don’t meet until the Pros.
tw: rape/noncon, tw: violence, tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: panic attacks, tw: dissociation, tw: eating disorders, tw: torture, tw: nightmares
I can feel you under my skin by ConventionalExy (Conventionals) [Rated E, 82619 words, incomplete, last updated April 2023]
Part 5 of the Our body series, part 1 here; part 3 here
Neil's second year brings changes. Things slow down and continue softer than they have ever been in his life, Andrew's at his side and they are working on being able to not be together 24/7, he can play Exy to his heart's content, he has a home, a family, a soulmate. He also has Jack and Sheena getting on his nerves, papers to write, Aaron's trial coming closer with each passing day, paranoid habits to break, ghosts to fight when he closes his eyes at night and real-people things to consider like bank accounts and taxes and so. much. more. He also has Andrew, their roof, their bond, their kisses, their touches and the promise of a future that is theirs, to grow and play and live. But things are never that easy for Neil Josten, are they?
tw: violence, tw: depression, tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: suicide attempt,  tw: kidnapping, tw: torture, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: nightmares
turn out the lights by cielalune [Rated M, 70349 words, incomplete, last updated June 2023]
Part 1 of the dark side of the moon series
"What do you think it means to be alive, Andrew?” “What?” "To be alive. Is it just to eat and breathe? Just survive? Because that’s what I’ve been doing my whole life, Andrew, and it doesn’t feel like enough. But I don’t know how to do more. We’re supposed to find meaning or something, right?” See: stupid fucking questions. Like Andrew hadn’t been wondering the same thing his whole life. “Yeah. Yeah, we are.” A The Last of Us AU of AFTG. Set five years after the breakout of Cordyceps, Andrew is tasked with bringing an enigma of a man across the country, who also may just happen to be the cure for humankind.
tw: violence, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: minor character death, tw: panic attacks, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: body horror
The Sun Still Rises by mordax [Rated E, 66087 words, incomplete, last updated June 2023]
Somewhere on the road, Mary Hatford gets pregnant with her second child. When she passes, she leaves behind not only Neil, but his toddler brother. Survival is difficult without also raising a kid. Worn out and desperate, Neil still somehow ends up at Palmetto, only this time, he brings his four-year-old brother with him.
tw: violence, tw: anxiety, tw: panic attacks,  tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, 
NB: find fanart for this fic by @elidanus on Twitter here
I No Longer Feel Things (I Know I Should) by Major_816 [Not Rated, 59095 words, incomplete, last updated Feb 2023]
Part 2 of the Paralyzed series, part 1 here 
Neil's back in Palmetto with the Foxes' triumph over the Raven's, time to see how much damage has been done. ~ “Yes.” He didn’t remember the car ride back. Were they back? He was in a car. Yes. He remembered bits. Things scattered, Remembered- Eighty percent. A bullet. Blood splatter and Riko’s expression. Watched until eyes fogged over with death. Did he watch that long? Must have. His mother used to say- He blinked. ~ The long-awaited Scared to Live sequel
tw: abuse, tw: violence, tw: rape/noncon, tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: torture, tw: panic attacks, tw: dissociation, tw:  self harm, tw: ptsd, tw: anxiety attacks, tw: eating disorders
Longing Distance by F_C_B [Not Rated, 57545 words, complete, 2023]
Post-canon short thought experiment. Andrew moves away to join his new team, Neil stays in Palmetto. How will being suddenly separated affect their relationship? Andrew's POV. Not Nora-note/canon accurate and might break your heart if you let it.
tw: depression, tw: major character injury
Broken Symmetries by puddlejumper99 [Rated M, 53648 words, incomplete, last updated Feb 2023]
Reasons Neil had Died He cried too much as a baby, and his father made him stop He cried too much as a baby, and his mother tried to muffle the sound, and in her terror she silenced him for good His father wanted to hurt someone, and Neil was nearby The runners came for his mother, and they found him instead His mother hid him in a shack and left him alone as the heat soared They tried to run, and his father caught them They tried to run, and the runners caught them They ran, and they ran, and they ran, and they were still running and it didn’t matter, because his father would not stop, and he picked them off in one world after another until there was nowhere left to hide Reasons Neil had Lived He didn’t know, but there were eight
tw: violence, tw: torture, tw: temporary character death, tw: injuries
No More Fucks To Give by Wrotethis [Rated T, 53269 words, incomplete, last updated March 2023]
Part 1 of No More Fucks Land 
Neil rolled over and stared up at the ceiling. He’d get to play exy, eat regularly, and sleep somewhere with heating- presumably. Not a bad way to spend his last months. And hey, maybe his mother would come back from the dead and kill him herself if he went to Palmetto. Little victories. What if Neil gave up completely on making it through the year when he went to palmetto? What if Neil just did not give a single fuck? Maybe things would turn out better.
tw: violence, tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: nonconsensual drug use, tw: implied/referenced eating disorders
If Only I Were Enough by Lostintheuniverseslies [Rated M, 33189 words, incomplete, last updated June 2023]
After Andrew moves to Colorado to start his professional Exy career, he intends on everything being okay between him and Neil. But when his self-destructive tendencies tell him that he doesn't need Neil Josten in his life, everything goes to shit. Things between them seem unrepairable and he's not so sure he wants to even try. But when Neil gets into a dangerous car wreck, Andrew finds himself back at the junkie's side with a deadline to fix things or walk away forever.
tw: depression, tw: violence
Already Gone by Nina_reads1804 [Rated M, 31856 words, incomplete, last updated June 2023]
Neil was the pervasive lie Andrew had foolishly allowed himself to indulge and been unable to shake. A person who would stay? Fairytale. It wouldn’t last. Forevers didn’t exist for him. With graduation on the horizon, Andrew makes the hard decision to leave Neil before Neil can leave him. But after a year, Andrew starts to wonder if maybe he was wrong. Maybe he can have it all.
tw: depression, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced self harm
Sometimes I Think the Way We Met Happened Too Fast by andrewiel [Rated E, 25094 words, incomplete, last updated April 2023]
Neil and Andrew break up, but can never stay far apart.
tw: explicit sexual content
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unwillingpuckbunny · 1 year
hello and welcome to e shouts. today's topic: the florida panthers stupidity in the playoffs
by now most, if not all, of you will know that matthew tkachuk was allowed to play game 4 of the stanley cup finals with a broken sternum and i have never been so angry or disappointed (although chicago getting first and therefore bedard is a close second)
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now it's been speculated that this is only a hairline fracture not an entire break which is why he was still allowed to play but this is still unacceptable and shouldn't have been allowed to happen
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some would say that 'playoffs are different' but having players on the ice whilst they're in immense pain and an incredibly vulnerable position to create a further, more impactful (as if a broken bone isn't already a bad enough) injury is irresponsible at best and negligent at worst.
how tkachuk was allowed to even think of playing in game 4 is inconceivable to me and definitely shouldn't have been allowed to occur
sources have said that brady had to help him out of bed after his pregame nap and teammates had to help him get dressed for the game. i think this should go without saying but IF A PLAYER CAN'T MOVE PROPERLY BY THEMSELVES THEN THEY SHOULDN'T BE PLAYING A HOCKEY GAME
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how the coaches, medical staff and upper management allowed this to happen is beyond me and they shouldn't be able to walk away from this season and this incident (as well as the wider injuries other panther players injured through the playoffs who also still played) without any consequences.
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no person who had a hand in allowing matthew onto that ice for that game should have to face consequences for allowing him to step onto that ice and potentially caused him to worsten this injury
every person beyond the ice in that organisation should want the best of their players and that doesn't involve allowing them to play with injuries, especially those as severe as broken bones
now this issue of allowing injured player (back) onto the ice isn't localised to the panthers. a recent example of this is when morgan barron of the winnipeg jets was allowed to return to the ice after receiving over 70 stitches to his face as a result of an accident on the ice when, during a scrum, his face was sliced open by laurent brossoit of the vegas golden knights (oh look full circle) earlier in the playoffs.
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this is a league wide issue that needs to be tackled before a player causes permanent injury to themselves or others due to them playing with an injury.
this could be a possibility with some of the injured panther players who are set to be out from 2-6 months depending on their injuries and this could have a knock on effect for the new season and potentially even further in the future.
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further care needs to be taken to ensure player safety - both physical and mental - and coaches and upper management should have more of a focus on their players rather than winning the cup - some things are just more important than a trophy and a ring.
sorry for the rant it's something i'm very passionate about. the nhl has a unique culture where playing through injuries is glorified and if this culture continues it will perpetuate the belief that the team will always need you - even of you are severely injured - and this can and will cause more harm than good. (just look at the number of ex nhl player crippled through the mis-use of pain medicine to continue playing to help their team)
to learn more about the nhl's problem with pain medication i recommend this documentary: W5: The high cost of painkiller abuse in professional hockey - YouTube
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vexic929 · 6 months
For the headcanons for an AU, one where Zoom breaking Barry's back has some more lasting consequences?
oooooh absolutely!!!
first of all it takes way more than a pep talk and a couple days to get Barry back on his feet, I know he has super healing but we're talking a potential spinal cord injury here which is significantly worse than a broken bone, so Barry's in EoWells' wheelchair for an extended period of time which has to have it's own trauma since it's something of a representation of EoWells
getting into the science part of it, on a normal human a spinal cord injury can range from taking ~3 months to heal to being completely irreparable depending on the severity and how it's treated, usually with PT, OT, and/or orthotic intervention - judging by Barry's original recovery time I'd guess he probably had a less severe injury but that's no fun so for more lasting consequences I'm gonna say his injury in this AU is probably irreparable on a normal human
stem cell therapy and electrical stimulation are newer options for spinal cord recovery but I'm also going to say, due to his specific metahuman biology, stem cell therapy isn't going to be particularly effective, I definitely think Caitlin would try this though (and then Barry just gets more frustrated when it doesn't work)
meanwhile Harry and Cisco still manage to rescue Caitlin and get Grodd through a breach so at the very least they've got that bit handled
so now we have Barry several weeks in absolutely vibrating with frustration and nervous energy and probably horrifically depressed because Central City NEEDS The Flash and it feels like Zoom has actually broken him for good (and also Patty has to find out he's paralyzed at some point which DEFINITELY proves to her that he's The Flash because EVERYBODY saw Zoom take him down)
Barry makes progress slowly but the moment he can KIND OF run he decides that's all he needs to start heroing again, this turns out to be a bad call and he probably ends up hurting himself further much to both his and Caitlin's irritation - he still manages to stop Turtle tho and Harry still kills Turtle but now Harry has a problem because Barry hurt himself again and can't run so his plan to steal some of Barry's speed and get Jesse back is in jeopardy
Caitlin and Cisco design an orthotic brace that Barry can wear in his Flash suit if he's gonna keep being stupid about it and Barry runs enough to get Harry the bit of speed he needs, Barry is too slow to save Iris from being stabbed by that rogue flying car part but he FULLY blames himself for pushing himself too hard and doesn't suspect Harry's involvement at all
I'm actually unsure if he'd go to Earth-2 without Caitlin, I think Caitlin would insist on him either staying or her coming with them as his doctor to make sure he doesn't completely ruin all of their progress in this case
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meowww-ffxiv · 5 months
Mordred disliked mentioning it, so no one mentioned it, but his health had never been good.
Asthma was common enough, even among those who risked their lives for gold like adventurers. For the first few years that Theodore knew Mordred, it wasn't even that bad. His triggers were specific -- cold fronts, and noxious gasses. So long as they avoided those things, or Mordred had ample warning and could cast his bubble-head filter spell, he was fine. He was careful with physical exertion and always carried medicine on him. His health was therefore tacitly declared to be his own problem and no one else's.
But then there had been the Bloody Banquet. The Dragonsong War. Ala Mhigo. Doma. Battlefields crawling with the dying and the screams of warmachina. Stress and crying made Mordred's lungs seize. Y'shtola, her senses heightened since her Lifestream strip, pressed her hands on his back and said quietly, "There is scarring in your lungs."
"From the fire," Mordred rasped. He already knew.
The fire?
"Calamity. When everything burned."
There are scars elsewhere too, Theodore thought. Under Mordred's skin, on the tapestry of his memories. But these were the ones made self-evident when one traveled with him for years and watched him unable to stomach or even smell roasted meat, watched him wash his hands until they were bleeding-raw. Mordred liked fish partly because it was his preference, partly because it smelled nothing like red meat or people or the horrific, metallic bitterness of Garlean machines' combusted fuel.
Mordred didn't say this to anyone either. He most certainly didn't say this to Theodore. It was just that, sometimes his soul wept and Theodore managed to catch the notes with his Echo.
The breaking Light gouged something else out of him; his body reacted to large fluctuations of aether far worse and far more dramatically now, as though his very flesh and bones remembered the searing invasion of that deluge of Primordial Light. Mordred inevitably went down with a high fever after every occasion where he needed to expend a large amount of aether. He had the reserves -- the question wasn't about his reserves. But rather how his body reacted whenever he set about using them.
The backlash also existed when Mordred transposed the flow of his mana to quicken its recovery, or from the Umbral phase to the Astral phase.
He told the Scions all this very calmly. And, for Theodore's and Estinien's benefit, who were not learned scholars, he added, "I can no longer use black magic without consequences." A sigh. "I'm not going to be as strong as I was before."
The room was silent. Not because they were especially worried about Mordred losing out on perhaps one-tenths of his sheer power, but rather because they had known him long enough to realize that for him to tell them about what amounted to a disability for him was significant. This person, who held his shattered innards together after battling Shinryu above the Ala Mhigan Quarters, and went untreated for hours just so he could reassure his comrades and affirm their victory, before finally collapsing.
Eventually, Alisaie said, "Thank goodness we are all here, then."
"Maybe we can even get a shot in edgewise, if the Warrior of Light can be compelled to hold back a tad like this," Thancred added, tone light.
Mordred stared at them.
Then he heaved a long, long, relieved sigh.
After, when it was just him and G'raha, he went to Mordred's side and sat with him, and said, "It feels good, does it not? To look around yourself and realize that you are among good friends."
"They already are," Mordred replied. "But I just thought... I think too little of them. I was worried that they'd feel nervous to hear that I'm wearing down. Like some weathered old pillar. But we've been holding this sky up together for years. It was me who patronized them."
G'raha chuckled dryly. He glanced out the window, his red eyes faraway. "Chessamine's mother thought the same of me when I first fell sick, in the Crystarium's earlier years."
Mordred tilted his head, thinking for a moment. "I can still use black magic, but--" he began.
"No," G'raha cut him off firmly.
"Fine. But arcanima is alright. The built-in arrays actually make it much easier to regulate the aether I'm expending." Mordred fiddled with his tail, trying to suppress the sulk from being scolded. "And white magic is, ironically, the best for me. Amdapori practices fortify the caster as they use their spells."
"That is all well and good," G'raha agreed, "but, Mordred."
"So long as you understand that there is nothing you must do where we cannot help, that's the most important thing."
G'raha looked at him, expression placid and firm, leaving no room for doubt. There was none of the usual blushing nor skittering, not even the gentleness he always afforded Mordred, no matter the topic at hand.
Mordred thought of the young man who teased him in that arduous, cross-country fetch quest. He thought of the pouting and arguing about being allowed to go on the Crystal Tower's expedition, how Rammbroes had brutally shot G'raha Tia down, saying he was no fighter. How G'raha had sulked yet had agreed to in the end -- he had known his limits.
He thought about power bought with blood prices. Power, and agency, and the ability to change one's fate. The Crystal Exarch's sparkling neurosis. The Crystarium and all it had cost to raise that place up from the stasis of despair, brick by brick.
"Alright," Mordred said. "I will be counting on you."
G'raha smiled, with such warmth it brightened his heart.
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msfbgraves · 5 months
Terry is the hardest one for me to pinpoint in a Hogwarts House. I keep going back and forth between Slytherin and Ravenclaw, but I tend to lean Ravenclaw. Then again, I see Slytherin and Ravenclaw as complimentary of each other, just as I see Gryffindor and Hufflepuff being complimentary of each other. So who knows?
I don't like Daniel in Slytherin, he's a Gryffindor soul to me; he's hot-headed, acts firsts and thinks later, brave to the point of recklessness (though it has toned down from his younger days), and he's not hardworking enough to be a Hufflepuff. Though he's very kind and sincere and affectionate.
Kreese as a bad!Gryffindor is brilliant and I love it; he's not a Slytherin, he just comes off as one. I also love Chozen as a good!Slytherin.
Johnny is 100% a Gryffindor, he is too highly reckless and brazen for a Hufflepuff. Also red-blooded--act first, think later, face the consequences following almost always. Robby reminds me of Chozen, so another good!Slytherin. Miguel I have no idea, but definitely not Ravenclaw. Amanda is another good!Slytherin for sure, cunning, clever, ambitious, and cut-throat. If she wasn't, I'd also put her in Ravenclaw for her usual clearheadness and rationality. (Then again, I also see her as being the female, softer version of Terry so...)
Even in the books they acknowledge that the Sorting is far from absolute nor should it be. It's less about somebody's absolute traits than where someone's head is at the moment of Sorting. Harry, in the first year, almost being sorted into Slytherin, and going to Gryffindor at his own request is a prime example. It's completely possible then that people indeed fit into more houses than the one that they're placed at. So is Terry a Ravenclaw if he wants to be? Maybe! He seemed to have left that ambition pretty much behind when he was with Cheyenne, instead spending most of his time on intellectual and artistic pursuits. And sure, sure, we can sort Johnny in Gryffindor I don't think he's half as reckless, naturally, as Daniel is. There are other Gryffindor traits he does not show, and are supposedly part of what Gryffindors are known for: standing up to authority, which he doesn't do even when his life hangs in the balance. He lets Kreese take Cobra Kai without so much as a fight! When Kreese is choking him he tries to, as is customary in sports, submit to him, while he has every reason to know that Kreese will not listen to that. His first instinct still stays to follow the rules of a fight, not break them. He doensn't stand up to his sensei, not without help, we see this time and time again. And chivalry? No. Johnny isn't chivalrous. He does not try to help Miguel when he meets him, he has no problem taking on Anoush, who he knows is weaker than him and in no position to fight back, at work! Now Kreese also does not have a chivalrous bone in his body, but I feel that this might be an overreaction to what he thought, in Vietnam, chivalry would get him. He has saved Terry many a time, we've known this since the third film. To me it really reads as if all Johnny's recklessness was a learned behaviour in Kreese's image. Learned very well, I grant, but it's not consistent. It feels to me like this is something he has learnt he has to do to deal with problems, but not something he does if he gets to call the shots completely. Like no Gryffindor would let Daniel take on a whole hockey team by himself. That's not what they do.
Maybe I'm wrong and the whole chivalry angle is simply propaganda, but Johnny does not jump into action when the going gets hot outside of his control. Yeah, him going to Terry without any second thought on what he's dealing with, very Gryffindor. But that he has sought and thinks he can control. But when things get really, primally dangerous, he always bails. Can't care for Robby? Exits. Can't be there for Miguel? Exits. Sensei wants him to hurt Daniel? "Yes, sensei." Kreese steals his dojo? He runs. Daniel needs his help beating someone up? "Cool off, man."
So, I don't know, he might have fit in Gryffindor, too, but at his core I see a boy who is extremely loyal, kind of risk averse, (definitely emotionally) a hard worker, who likes his comforts - he's never happier than having a drink and some pizza together - and who needs someone to follow.
Now they say Hufflepuffs and Slytherins get on very well, which you can see in Johnny being Amanda's bestie! When Amanda says, "Johnny, let the grownups do the talking", he sits back without a single moment's protest. And he gets on very well with Chozen too! It's far easier for him being friends with them than with Daniel.
But who knows, maybe being around Gryffindors would have made him a little more chivalrous, and then he would have fit that house. Still, he stays back quite easily, while Daniel can't stop himself Getting Into Situations. The second he can, still beat from two days before, he needles all the Cobras. Johnny didn't start that. Instead of just leaving him be, he exposes Chozen's trickery. He almost kills himself trying out a new karate move. Terry reappears and he's like a pissed off chihuahua, the first time he sees Mike Barnes after about 40 years he's like "Hey! And another thing!" as if they'd been fighting seconds ago.
I just love my Hufflepuff!Johnny trying to mimic a Gryffindor too much to let him go, Nonnie 😍
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owlf45 · 2 years
Hi owl, did you ever have problem with making your character made mistakes? Or maybe made them do something wrong? Because i currently have this problem i like Izuku too much and i just couldn't let him made mistakes eventhough i know its part of growing up, but i dont know why i just can't do it? I dont know whats wrong with me,
Oh yeah absolutely. I was dealing with this all the time. Especially a couple years ago, I was a perfectionist little shit who cringed in second-hand embarrassment whenever a character made a really stupid mistake/decision. I'm not going to assume your age but I will say it gets easier when you're older to embrace that shit.
I'm going to put a TL;DR with advice up here because I can never shut the fuck up and write a normal amount of words to anything. So here:
TL;DR: If the scene where the mistake is made is too hard to write, write the aftermath. (The mistake is important, but the fallout is usually more so). Using humor/minimizing the amount of time you spend on the consequences of an action can help. Characters can make mistakes without the scene being embarrassing. If you hate the embarrassment of a stupid decision/mistake, rewrite it so it's not making you feel yucky about your writing. Realize that mistakes are not inherently moral/representative of your character being a shithead, and mistakes are sometimes unavoidable (AKA, Izuku broke the laws saving Iida from Stain. A mistake, but not one that was truly in his control). Shit happens. Shit happens! Shit happens. Mistakes happen, it doesn't have to be a big deal.
There's a lot of conflict in the original series where the characters do the right thing, but they get in trouble because they don't listen to the rules. I find that you can still create conflict and acknowledge that characters shouldn't be the ones doing x, y, z (there's a very popular trope where Izuku and his classmates' adolescence comes into play—AKA, they're children, they should leave certain shit to the adults/professionals, even when the pros aren't enough).
It also helps if a character you're really attached to genuinely feels like there's no other option in a situation. Especially with Izuku, he doesn't necessarily try to break the rules. He just values the lives and safety of others over himself and over the law. So yeah, he's going to save a kid he sees is injured and break like, ten laws in the process and probably 3 bones, but that doesn't mean he's bad or wrong, he just doesn't ask for permission because there's not enough time. (Think the Stain fight). It's a mistake, but maybe it's an unavoidable one.
Also, mistakes are not necessarily moral. They don't have to be catastrophic or a reflection of being a bad person. When writing your scene, just remember: shit happens.
If writing the mistake itself is too hard, instead, skip it. Just write the aftermath.
Like. Okay. Example time. Izuku wasn't communicating well with Katsuki on the field because he got frustrated, and the previous night he had a dream about them as kids promising to be hero partners and it got him too deep in his head. And because Izuku wasn't communicating well, because he was out of it, someone got hurt, and the villain escaped. That's a hard scene to write. So I wouldn't write that. I would write the scene after that. Like this:
Izuku's in the locker room, sitting with his head bowed towards his knees. He hasn't moved an inch since he landed there an hour ago. His ears are still ringing from the villain's quirk. No one's dead. But it was close. It hasn't been that close in years.
A locker slams beside his head. Izuku startles.
"So are you going to explain what the hell that was about?" Katsuki says. Oh yeah. He's pissed. Of course he's pissed. Katsuki was yelling on-scene and Izuku had reached up and turned the earpiece off because his head was spinning. He didn't hear that the villain had a partner until it was too late.
And then after this snippet ^^^, they duke it out because of course they do.
At the end of the day, characters make mistakes because they're human, but as a writing tool, they make mistakes to reveal a deeper problem. Izuku doesn't communicate with Katsuki some days because they haven't worked out all the issues in their relationship. Izuku tries to go vigilante as a 12-year-old because he wants to help people more than he cares about his own life. Izuku doesn't argue with his teachers when they tell him off, he just nods his head and goes right back on his self-destructive bullshit because he didn't have a very constructive relationship with his teachers in middle school.
Or maybe a character says the wrong thing to a person who needs help, because they don't know enough about the person/situation. Or maybe a character is an immature child and fumbles a very important conversation with a Very Important Adult. Shit happens. It doesn't have to be a big deal to your characters. Also don't make yourself feel yucky over your writing just because you're trying to shoehorn in some kind of mistake that doesn't progress the plot or character arc.
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qvissvmi · 10 months
I reincarnated as a side character in my favourite novel to prevent the villain’s death!
Chapter 1
Cicilia and I wandered through the busy streets. The lanterns were decorated with festive flowers, traders announced their goods every time we walked by and cheerful folks danced on the market place. It was the kingdom’s founder day when the king blessed this land with freedom and independence. This celebration lasted for a whole week.
„Stay close to me, sweetie.“
We stopped at a small shop in a deserted back alley. Who would ever find this? The owner should seriously consider moving the location if he wants to make profit.
„I have some business here with the shop owner. Can you wait here for me?“
„No problem.“
„It won’t take long!“ Cicilia shouted from the back as she followed the owner.
I inspected the shop out of boredom. Some necklaces with colourful stones, several jars with preserved monster limbs and bones and lots of potions in display. It seemed like this shop sells magical items.
Suddenly I heard shouting from the outside.
„Leave me alone! I don’t have your belongings!“
„Don’t fucking lie, you little brat! I’ll make you pay with your body, when I get you!“
My blood pumped faster as I heard the panicked steps and angered stomps rushing by the door. I scanned the shop for anything helpful. In the end I grabbed some potion bottles and leave in a hurry. There was no time to think. My body moved on its own. I swore to myself that I will live this life without regrets so this is what I want to do right now.
„Give me back the diamond of omnipotence!“
„I tell you I don’t have it! Please listen to me!“
Diamond of omnipotence? I’ve heard that before.
„Finally caught you, thief!“
The girl tried to free herself from the man’s grip to no avail.
„I wonder if you hid it under your clothes…“
„Don’t touch me!“
Wait a minute, I recognize this scene. But this is not the time for that!
„Hey! Over here, catch!“
As the man turned around, a potion bottle broke on impact with his face making him scream in pain and stumble back. I took the girl’s hand and run away with her.
I was on the way to work until a reckless idiot rammed into my car. Surprisingly, it was a painless, quick death. I don’t remember much of it. To my surprise, it didn’t end there. I woke up in another woman’s arms. Even though I was already looking forward to finally rest from all the stress… is that how the afterlife works? Maybe this dream is a great opportunity for me to do all the things I never had time to in my life. But I’ll really miss my phone, hah…
I’ve been looking forward to read the manga version of my favourite romance novel. It’s about the cheerful heroine Hanna Sapphiere who caught the attention of the duke Marius Hartner with her peculiar but precious behaviour. However, it turns out that she is hiding her curse of her ancestors which prevents her from reciprocating the duke’s feelings. She will pursue love someday, but she and her partner will suffer a tragic end. The curse will continue with their child without fail.
The one who casted this curse was a powerful, resentful dragon who loved a human woman. The dragon was hunted for his blood and its healing abilities. The woman who was Hanna’s ancestor took care of that dragon because of her genuine kindness. But that dragon couldn’t accept the fact that she didn’t love him back. He punished her and her whole bloodline for that „betrayal“.
"If she ever dares to love anyone besides me, they will suffer the consequences!"
Hanna doesn’t want her child to suffer like she did. To break the spell, the heroine seeks out a famous mage named Orion and eventually becomes good friends with him. Until then, she will abstain from catching feelings for the duke. However, little did she know that Orion who was willing to help actually possesses the dragon’s blood and is also falling in love with her. The strong emotions of the dragon in his blood will slowly overtake him which forces Hanna and Marius to kill their best friend before he loses his control over his powers. I could never get over this ending and cried several nights.
„My poor babies didn’t deserve that! They were such a nice trio. Orion was even willing to give up his love for Hanna for the happiness of his beloved friends. It’s just too cruel, huhu…“
There were other plot points about the kingdom’s politics and more, but honestly I was only interested in the trio’s dynamic.
„Now that I live inside my favourite novel’s universe, I should have paid more attention to it…“, I thought to myself after saving the girl from the creep. After we ran, my adoptive mother Cicilia already was looking for me.
I live with her in a forest cottage outside the capital. She is incredibly knowledgeable in medicine and herbs which she has been teaching me since I was little. Literature and simple algebra were also a part of it. Although some things are outdated for me because I knew better from my previous life. She disliked it when I tried to correct her, but still listened when I did. Sometimes I forgot that a child can’t and isn’t supposed to do some things adults do, so Cicilia scolded me pretty often.
„Why didn’t you call for me?? You could have gotten hurt!“
As always, her scolding was pretty intense but she didn’t take as long as she usually does. Perhaps it’s because the girl shaking right beside me was still holding my hand tightly.
Cicilia sighs. „Anyway, I’m glad you’re both safe. Are you okay, sweetheart? What is your name?“
„My n-name is…Hanna. Hanna Sapphiere“
There was no doubt about it. In that moment the heroine of my most loved novel was at my side. In the original plot she would get assaulted by that man which would explain her fear of touch later. That scene was also a flashback introducing the „diamond of omnipotence“ that will be an important plot point for breaking Hanna‘s curse.
“T-thank you for saving me…”
Hanna then bursted out in tears, maybe from relief or shock. I smiled softly at her in hopes of calming down her nerves.
“I only did what I thought was right.”
I never liked that scene. It only made my blood boil so I feel proud preventing it. I wondered how much this would affect the future though…
“My rascal can be pretty reckless but I admit that she did well.”
Yes, please acknowledge my good deed!
“But no need to ride on your high horses now.”
I pouted.
“This was very dangerous. Please leave this to the adults next time, okay?”
“How should I pay you back? Those potions seem expensive….”
Hanna who has calmed down a bit fiddled with her fingers looking at the ground.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart! I explained the situation to the shop owner already. Just let us escort you back home.”
“Oh…that’s not necessary, Lady Cicilia. I don’t want to inconvenience you any further.”
What Hanna actually meant was that her home was an orphanage and didn’t want to admit that to us. Her background story always hurt to read. Now that it became a reality it’s even more heartbreaking.
“If you want to return the favor…then why not be friends with my daughter Renee?”
“Eh?”, puzzled I look at Cicilia.
“We live in the woods away from the nearest town so she doesn’t have a lot of opportunities to make friends. It doesn’t help that she’s a bit different from her peers either.”
“I am fine the way I am, thank you very much.”
“Yes, yes. Anyway, what do you say, Hanna? Can you do this for us?”
“Um…I’m not sure if i’m good enough…”
Cicilia gave Hanna her best puppy eyes expression.
“…but if Renee is fine with it…”
“I don’t mind.”
“Huh? A-are you sure?”
“As long as you treat me right, you can be my friend.”
In truth, I knew that Hanna in the novel is the nicest person you could meet. Although I wasn't sure how much of the novel translates to this dream. It was better to observe the events unfold without bias. It’s possible that I might have changed the course of the plot already too. Besides, who wouldn’t want to be friends with the person you have always looked up to? I won’t let this opportunity pass!
“You can come to our cottage sometime! I could show you some cool things you can do in the woods!”
Amused and surprised by my enthusiasm she responded, “Hihi, okay then. I look forward to it.”
There it is; her warm smile just like the novel described. It could melt away all your worries at one glance. A desire to hug her dwelled up inside of me. But I barely managed to hold back. Ah, I hope I can keep her safe this time.
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gentrychild · 3 years
the au ask: uh, not sure how this works, but, let's say an au where the slime incident never happens?
Anon, no! I have about five AUs for that! You could at least tell me if you want it to be angst or crack!
More seriously, it's such a fun prompt because it avoids All Might telling Izuku he can't be a hero without a quirk, which is the start of so many vigilante/villain/quirkless Izukus.
But since I am a benevolent writer, I will not talk about the AU where Tsuyu and Mineta dies, then Iida, then Kota, then Mirio, Eri isn't saved, and so on.
Okay, it got really long so it's under a Read More.
All Might arrests the Slime villain before he gets in the sewers so neither Izuku nor Bakugou are attacked by him. The problem is that it also means that All Might never meets Izuku, never break his little heart, and Izuku never has the chance to prove his worth to All Might so no OFA.
Life goes on. Izuku still wants to become a hero. However, since his homeroom teacher told his entire class that he wanted to go to UA, his entire class, led by Bakugou, has decided to make his life a living hell over it. Constant taunting and people laughing at him.
It takes its toll on him.
He still doesn't doubt that a quirkless hero can exist but the more days, weeks, months pass, the more he keeps thinking of how easier it would be if he had a quirk.
A dangerous thought. One he usually doesn't allow himself to think because why whine about what is impossible to have? But one boy can only take "What a useless quirkless Deku like you do?" before he starts to get haunted by strange thoughts. Cough... urges... Cough.
It also makes him eager to prove himself. Maybe that's why he intervenes that evening when he sees a villain trying to hurt someone. Except that once the civilian he helped is running to call a hero, he is reminded that he is a smol child made of only skin and bones and that the guy in front of him is about to bash his head in.
He tries to protect himself, his hand grabbing the villain by the head and in this moment, as he is sure that he is about to be killed, he thinks the one selfish thought that he ever thought:
"It's unfair... that this quirk belongs to someone like you... instead of me."
And just like that, Izuku takes a quirk for the first time.
The villain runs in terror and Izuku runs (in the other direction) in confusion. Soon, it's pretty clear that he apparently had the ability to take and give quirks (thank you, Mom, who has volunteered to try the villain's quirk. Though it's strange how she keeps trying to call someone on her phone these days. But it's probably not important.) Which is a very cool quirk.
Izuku now has to pass from "No quirk at all" to "Can have whatever quirk he wants", which is quite dizzying.
He is so fired up for the UA exam, five months from then. Ridiculously happy bean.
Meanwhile, Mirio gets OFA because no successor showed the self sacrificial spirit that could have inspired All Might and both GT and Nighteye kinda pressures him into choosing a successor ASAP.
This has disastrous consequences as OFA is way too powerful for Mirio and starts to put an insane strain on his body. One month later, while fighting a villain (he has his hero license), he collapses on the side of the road, black lines all over his body as the quirk is killing him.
Izuku finds him and calls an ambulance ASAP but Mirio is is really bad shape. He asks him what happened and Mirio, half delirious, tells him that his quirk is killing him.
Izuku is very "????" but he can help! He can take the quirk away! But Lemillion would be quirkless! He can't take this decision! But Mirio can so he asks.
Mirio is half conscious. Completely in pain. He didn't even want that quirk. He likes Permeation. So, half delirious as he was, he might have mumbled something like "Take that thing out of me."
Izuku does, realizes that Mirio has two quirks so he leaves him the one that doesn't feel as heavy as a freaking dwarf star. Lemillion immediately starts to stop looking like he will drop dead any moment from now and the ambulance arrives, taking the hero student away.
Since Izuku doesn't have the All Might telling him that OFA is a good quirk, he acts like a sensible person: this quirk doesn't feel normal and it apparently kills its user. So he waits about 20 seconds before getting rid of it. He finds a nice and sturdy lizard, who, unbeknownst to everyone, becomes the 10th user of OFA.
The quirk comes back to Izuku.
Quirks aren't supposed to do that.
The freaking quirk is cursed. Izuku accepted a cursed quirk.
I cannot begin to describe how Izuku doesn't trust OFA in this AU. He doesn't use it. He intensively dislikes it. He tries everything and more to get rid of it but no matter what living organism he selects, the damn thing keeps coming back.
Meanwhile, Mirio wakes up from the hospital alive :) then remembers he gave a host-killing-quirk to a smol child. O.O
Panic ensues.
All Might realizes that whoever took OFA put his hand on Mirio's head, the same way AFO does. So it was probably AFO with a fun new shapeshifting quirk.
More panic ensues.
Meanwhile, AFO, alive indeed and who has been watching Mirio wastes away and enjoying the hell out of it (though he would have preferred it had happened one generation sooner) is furious that Yagi 2.0 isn't dying anymore because it means OFA passed to someone else! And since everyone in the OFAteam is quite panicked, they apparently lost the quirk he gave his little brother!
He gets so upset about it that he somehow misses the hundred of phonecalls from his wife.
So AFO and All Might alike are looking for someone with OFA but since Izuku just isn't using it, they aren't finding it.
Meanwhile, the Vestiges went from "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH, SOMEONE WITH AFO!!!! AHHHHHH!" to "What do you mean: You don't want to use us? We're not good enough for you???"
So OFA is doing the quirk equivalent of a cat purring and showing its belly so it can get some pet.
Izuku: "You know what? I know it's a trap but since I don't want to outright call a quirk evil, I will give you one chance to prove to me you're not a cursed power that wants my death."
Cue two broken legs.
Well, that's it. Izuku gave that nasty quirk the benefit of the doubt. He is never using it again. And since the damn thing is trying to contaminate his other quirks, he is vaulting it forever!
The irony is not lost on First.
The day of the entrance exam arrives and Izuku does quite well with his good, non cursed quirks, thank you very much.
And as he is leaving, he sees Lemillion! He is happy to see him in good health! He waves at him!
Meanwhile, Mirio spent the last five months trying to find that awful quirk he lost. He was half convinced he had given him to the Symbol of Evil and had trouble seeing the problem because if OFA would eat AFO, where was the problem? He is wondering if he condemned a kid to death. He Is Going Through A Lot.
He wants to say so many things, ask so many questions. And the one thing he manages to blurt out is "GET HIM!"
Tamaki and Nejire immediately shoulder slam a small child. They didn't even hesitate.
That's the story of how the Mighty team found OFA again.
Izuku loves hanging out with All Might but not even him can convince him that the quirk isn't cursed.
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sserpente · 4 years
Raw Desire
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Synopsis: Something is wrong with him. Something none of the Avengers, including Thor, understand. When Loki turns into his Jötun form unwillingly and begins to act in a very primal and aggressive way, their solution for the problem is to lock him up in a cell below the compound until it’s all over. It’s a disease, perhaps, one which only Frost Giants can develop. Only Loki is not sick. Loki is in heat--and his Jötun body will not rest until his most carnal desires have been satisfied...
Words: 9176 Warnings: Jötun!Loki, smut, fluff, symptoms of addiction
A/N: You wanted some Jötun!Loki, I wanted some Jötun!Loki... so here we go. Enjoy, everyone! 😏
Additional NSFW Warnings: breeding kink (a little bit, anyway), Loki is in heat (kind of, duh), lack of aftercare (at first...)
His antagonising scream tore through the entire compound. You flinched, alarmed. Loki. The heart-breaking sound of pain tugging at your nerves was followed by a loud thump—like a heavy metal door falling shut, locked for good. It had come from the cellar, where the Avengers stored weaponry and ammunition; along with provisory but secure prison cells of Wakandan technology for criminals until they could be handed over to the authorities.
When you reached the source of the rousing noise, you almost knocked straight into Thor. His muscly back resembled a thick fleshy wall that would break your bones if you collided with him with too much force and speed.
“What happened?” Out of breath, you moved around him—facing the culprit of the commotion. The eerie flickering camera right outside the cell door showed Loki knocking his fists repeatedly against the metal door. His knuckles were already bloody from the repeated impact, yet the door would not budge. Much more concerning, however, was his appearance. Loki’s skin—every inch revealed to the naked eye anyway—was blue, his otherwise enchanting blue eyes sparkling with mischief of a deep blood-red. Countless, unique and fleshy lines formed a complex pattern on his arms and the back of his hands, even his face and neck. Your lips parted, both in shock and surprise at what your eyesight had revealed to you.
“He’s losing his fucking mind.” Tony responded for Thor before the Thunderer could even open his mouth in defence. He came tramping into the room as mad as you had never experienced him, tapping away on a tablet in the process. “I told you it was bad idea to bring him back here, Point Break! What were you thinking?”
“Can anybody tell me what is going on?! Why is he… like this? Is he in pain?”
“In pain?! He almost killed Nat. If Wanda hadn’t interfered…” Tony did not finish the sentence—regardless, the threat of what consequences there would have been for the God of Mischief was clearly audible.
“This was unlike him. He had no reason to…”
“No? He pounced on her like a… like a…”
“Beast?” Bruce added matter-of-factly. His hands were in his pocket when he approached the scene and patted Thor on the back in an attempt of providing comfort.
“Maybe… maybe this isn’t his fault, Stark. I know my brother, he’s never acted like this before!” The God of Thunder roared in defence, his arms crossed.
“Yeah,” Tony retorted sarcastically. “You know your brother so well he even tried to kill us all. Three times. No. This man is evil. Look at him!”
Petrified, you risked another peek. Loki was downright animalistic, his fists still working the metal cell door. He was getting weaker, worn out—like the fire in his red eyes was slowly being extinguished to make way for weariness. There was something primal in his behaviour; something raw. You would be ignorant to deny it scared you.
“Tony,” you began, forcing your voice to cease the shaking, “What happened? Why did he attack Natasha? Was he hurt?” Your sudden concern for him was going to give you away. No, not sudden. It had always been there, hidden just beneath the surface of your heart. You had only kept it a secret because… because what?
Loki did not know you had been harbouring romantic feelings for him for a significant amount of time now. Dark, tall and mysterious, he matched not only your type but had hopelessly captured you with his melancholic and lonely nature, the grief in his stunning blue eyes. You refused to believe that Loki was evil, that he had ever truly wanted to harm his brother; and you were desperate to be his friend… and even more than that. But the God of Mischief had hidden his heart behind such a hard shell that you were worried you might never get him to open up to you.
You would by no means describe yourself as an altruistic person—but there was a both enamoured and depraved part of you which desired, longed, for him to like you back.
“Talk to me.” You stated, tilting your head when he flung his dagger at one of the battered punching bags in the training room.
“What?” He sounded almost scornful when he spun around to gift you an incredulous look.
“Talk to me, Loki. I want to know what’s going on in your mind. I thought I was… you are always so distant. You disappear in here every other night, you snap at everyone trying to speak to you. You look nervous, like something is trying to break out of you.” Like you are trying to get rid of monstrous amounts of bottled up energy, you added silently. “You seem so restless. What’s wrong?”
“What concern is that of yours?” He spat.
“See! That is exactly what I meant.”
Loki growled. “What do you want from me, (Y/N)?” You flinched when he used your full name as opposed to the nickname everyone called you by.
“Why? Why are you screaming at me, I’m just trying to help! Don’t you get it, Loki? I care about you. And I care about what you think, even if I am probably the only one in this bloody compound who does.” Now that was unfair. But it was also the truth. “Why are you pushing me away? Let me in…”
Desperately, you moved forward in an attempt to reach up and cup his face, only for him to grab your wrists and pull them away harshly.
“Let you in? All I have ever received in return for ‘letting someone in’ was hurt and hatred. Give me one good reason for why I should open up to you,” he mocked, releasing your hands as if they would burn his fingers if they lingered on your skin for too long. “Tell you about my sorrows.” Sorrows. He had sorrows.
“I am not them.” You simply said. “Not any of them. I am not Odin, not Thor, none of the Avengers.”
Blinking, you snapped out of your memory. You had had this tragic conversation only two nights ago. No matter what you had said, he would not tell you what was on his mind. Now you knew.
“Something is wrong with him.” You interrupted the discussion, one you had not paid any attention to, by silencing them with a loud and determined voice.
“You don’t say?”
“No, Tony, you don’t understand… Loki is… he is Jötun. Thor, has he ever voluntarily turned into his Jötun form?”
The God of Thunder thought about it for a moment—then, he shook his head. “No.” You gave him a meaningful look. “So… you think it has something to do with his species?”
You nodded slowly and swallowed.
“Then we keep him in here until he is better.” He concluded. Your eyes widened.
“What? Thor, no… you can’t keep him locked up in there! What if he doesn’t get better on his own? Are you going to incarcerate him forever?”
“That would be an improvement.” Tony tossed in bitterly.
“We have to help him.”
“We? (Y/N)…” Bruce remarked almost tauntingly.
“You’ll find us upstairs. We need to let the others know about… whatever this is.” Tony added. You gnashed your teeth when he and Bruce turned to leave. For an awkward moment, it was eerily still—right until another one of Loki’s screams tore through the uncomfortable silence. You flinched once more. He was howling in pain.
“You think it might be a disease only Frost Giants can get?” Thor asked with concern in his deep voice at last.
You shrugged apologetically. “Maybe…”
“Loki and I were going to return to Asgard next week. I shall ask around, one of the healers should be familiar with Jötun diseases.”
“Go as soon as you can. Your brother is in pain, Thor, can’t you hear that?”
The God of Thunder nodded absentmindedly. But if no one was going to do something about Loki’s suffering—whatever it was—immediately, you would do it alone. So you did what Loki would do first. You dug up his books.
Loki’s room was neat, tidy. The green bed had been made—there was not a single wrinkle in the fabric and the desk was all clean, not giving thin layers of dust only visible in the direct sunlight a chance. The books he had brought from Asgard, old, thick, yellowed and heavy, he had stored on a bookshelf higher than you could reach.
Sucking in a determined breath, you moved the desk chair in front of it. The polished wooden floor to your feet complained with an ear-piercing shriek as you did. Determined, you climbed up to study the titles. All of them were written in Nordic Runes, making you realise that your research would end up being a lot harder than you had initially assumed. You could not speak a word of Old Norse, let alone read those Runes. Never mind that… you needed answers—and Loki needed your help.
It took you two hours to go through the titles and have them translated via a website you had had to pay for (using Tony’s credit card details—desperate times called for desperate measures) to use its allegedly reliable services.
Then, finally, after what felt like half an eternity, you found a suitable page-turner. It was titled Mythical Creatures and Species across Yggdrasil—at least, that was what the website you used told you.
Eagerly, you opened the book searching frantically for the chapter on Frost Giants and began sucking up all the information you could get. The more you read… and the more you compared Loki’s symptoms to the described behaviour of Jötuns in the book, the more aghast you became. One thing was for sure. Loki was not sick. Loki was aroused.
Terror-stricken, you bookmarked the page, grabbed your phone and jumped to your feet, abandoning the pile of books on Loki’s floor. You needed to speak to Thor right now.
He was about to enter the bathroom when you found him, once again almost knocking into his broad form.
“I… I found something.” You choked out.
“I found something… about Loki. Thor… he is not ill, not really, he is…” Biting your lower lip, you pushed the God of Thunder into the bathroom, shut the door behind you and sat down on the edge of the bathtub. “He is… aroused.”
“What?” He roared, blushing. “What do you mean he is aroused?”
“Look… I found this book, I…”
“You speak Old Norse?”
“No! I used… I used a translator. Thor, listen, please. It says here that to ensure their continued existence, male Frost Giants, every one-thousand years, experience the primal urge to copulate with females of their kind. Much like wolves or elves, this ‘heat’ usually begins with restlessness, extremely aggressive and possessive behaviour, unusual amounts of pent-up energy as well as an extreme hunger and loss of appetite at the very same time. Loki hasn’t showed up for lunch, dinner or breakfast and… he has been spending extraordinary times in the training room downstairs in the middle of the night lately. He barely sleeps, it seems.”
“Go on…”
“How old is Loki, Thor?”
“He is a little over one-thousand years… old.” He looked up in shock when he realised.
“That’s why he is in his Jötun form, Thor. He can’t control it, it’s not his fault, it’s… in his nature. God…” You had read it all, yet you were still working on processing it.
“This… it would explain why he tried to attack Nat. So… he is not in danger then?” Thor probed.
“No, not necessarily but—“
“So we can just wait until it is over.”
You frowned. “Until what is over?”
“His heat! If what you are saying is true and Loki’s behaviour derives from his heritage… if he cannot control his reactions, we have to keep him locked up and wait. We can’t have him ravish all the females in the compound.”
“But… he is in pain.”
An urgent knock on the bathroom door interrupted you.
“Hey, are you having a soap party in there? Other people need to use the bathroom too!” Closing the heavy book shut again, you rolled your eyes.
“There are at least three other bathrooms in this compound, Tony!”
“What are you two doing in here anyway?” He asked as he opened the door and leaned against the threshold when he spotted you two sitting on the edge of the bathtub.
“(Y/N) found out that Loki is… uh… in heat.”
“In heat?!” Tony repeated. “Like a cat?”
“No! It… has something to do with the procreation cycle of Jötuns. It… is in his nature.”
“Hey… language.” If you hadn’t recognised his voice, you would know it was Steve who joined your heated discussion. “What’s going on here?”
“Loki is in heat, like a cat.” Steve frowned.
“No, he isn’t! Not like a cat, this is…” Thor stood again before you could finish your sentence.
“It’s for the best, (Y/N). Down there, he’ll be save from getting himself into trouble.”
“Thor, wait! Loki is suffering! Soon, he will…”
“We can’t risk it, (Y/N)! He almost raped Natasha!” Tony barked. “And if you go near him, I’ll lock you up too. I’ve seen what he’s capable of, (Y/N). I will not let him hurt you.”
“He… he wouldn’t do that. He wouldn’t.” You chirped. No. Loki would never deliberately take a woman against her will. If he did… no! Loki had in incredible amount of self-control and composure; and you knew how much he despised his own heritage. He would fight this—for as long as he could.
“Besides…” Tony added. “It wouldn’t be so bad if he got a taste of his own medicine.”
“Stop blaming Loki for your PTSD, Tony. That was Thanos’ doing and you know that.” You growled darkly. The billionaire paused for a moment.
“He is staying where he is,” he concluded then. “Until he’s gone back to normal.”
But you did not want to wait. You couldn’t. You had read about the symptoms in detail. In the book it said that moodiness and aggression were only the beginning. If Loki did not act on what his Jötun body demanded from him and… released, then soon, excruciating pain would torment his loins. Masturbation appeared to be out of the picture. You nibbled on your lower lip. This thought of yours invaded his privacy on a truly shameful level, yet you were certain that if sexual arousal had already been plaguing him for a significant amount of time before this outbreak of his, he would have tried to lay hand on himself already and learned it did not provide the necessary relief.
Sooner or later, he would no longer be able to suppress his erection—and it would not disappear until he… sheathed himself inside a female to fill her with his seed. Under different circumstances, the idea of him claiming a woman… you, in such a possessive manner would have aroused you tremendously yourself. As of right now, however, Loki was in agony. The pain, if ignored for too long, would only get worse—it could last up to months and even then the denial of sexual release could result in permanent damage to his loins and even his potency.
But there was no cure either. No potion or spell to contain a male Jötun’s heat which Thor could have forwarded to Asgardian healers.
It was past midnight when you stopped reading and translating—too appalled by how much more Loki would have to suffer if nothing was done about his… condition. The only way to make it stop… was to act on it.
Your lips parted in realisation. You liked him, very much so—and you found Loki incredibly attractive, dreaming of his hands on your body, even. Perhaps you could help him after all. You were not Jötun but… would his body really make a difference? This most primal part of him wished to mate with a female—and although you had never seen a female Jötun, you doubted they looked much different than you did down there.
You had to wait another thirty minutes until the lights in Tony’s lab finally went out and you could sneak through the compound and downstairs to the cells—and once you had made sure that Vision was nowhere to be found, you switched off the security camera for Loki’s cell and approached the thick metal door.
It was quiet. He had stopped screaming. There was no banging against the walls either. Yet when you unlocked the door and slipped inside, his appearance, cowering on the floor and leaning against the cool wall with bare feet, startled you to the core. Loki’s raven hair was completely dishevelled, his knuckles bruised and covered in dry blood. His Jötun appearance was downright intimidating and close up, even more fascinating. He was breathing heavily, the thin shirt he had been wearing underneath all of his armour torn in several places, revealing blue skin and in his dark leather trousers… there was a remarkable bulge.
You shivered slightly when his red eyes met yours. Slowly, he tilted his head. “What are you doing here?” He growled hoarsely but weakly.
“I… I want to help you.”
The God of Mischief snorted. “You cannot help me.”
Mutely, you shook your head. “I can. Loki… I… I know what’s happening with you.”
He snorted once more. “So do I.”
“Let me help you.” Taking a deep breath, you moved closer to him. He reacted immediately. Loki jerked, greedily, as if to grab you and pull you on his lap. He could barely stop himself. Yet you were convinced that he would not hurt you in this state… much. A wave of courage rolled over you—you were doing this for him; and you wouldn’t be doing it if you did not like him in this way. Regardless of what he thought of you after, if he could even imagine being with a mortal like that… you longed to stop his pain.
“Leave.” He said quickly when you kneeled down next to him, timidly resting your palms on his thighs. “No… I said… leave… while you still can.” You did not. In fact, you ignored his rather sincere warning. Slowly, to not tickle the sleeping dragon, you reached for the buttons of his leather trousers and began undoing them until he grabbed a hold of your wrists to stop you. He was ice cold.
“Have you… lost your mind?” Loki was cut off by a loud hiss escaping his lips when your fingertips brushed against his erection. He was large—much larger than he would be in his Aesir form, you presumed, and his cock too was blue and covered in dozens of ridges.
“It won’t go away on its own,” you whispered. “You know it won’t. It’s okay.”
Braver this time, you stroked him again, creating more skin on skin contact. Loki was still holding on to you tightly but made no move to stop you. The touch of a female… it must have been bringing some sort of relief already. Coming here had been the right decision.
“Loki…” You murmured. Finally, your hand closed around his incredibly hard cock entirely and you began to jerk him off—gently at first, only to pick up speed when his breathing grew even heavier than it already was. Defeated, he dropped his head against the wall, revealing his blue neck to you. “Please let me help you.” You repeated. “It’s okay. I trust you.” Upon those words, Loki’s eyes widened barely noticeably. Perhaps it was all he had needed to hear to lose his self-control and composure entirely.
Growling like a wild animal, he suddenly started at you, pushing you back firmly so you lost your balance like a beetle on its back, wrapped his ice cold hands around your ankles and pulled you into him. Your back collided with the floor, knocking all air out of your lungs. You gasped for air all the while Loki busied himself with your clothes. Any layer of fabric was too much. He wanted you naked for him. His sheer strength petrified you when he tore at your pyjamas and ripped them to pieces until they were scattered all over the cell. You trembled—but it wasn’t the icy temperature of his blue skin that made your limbs shake so much. It was, so you realised when your widened eyes fell on his massive erection, now fully springing free from his tight trousers, your own arousal growing into dizzying heights. This, whatever it was, excited you—maybe even way more than it should.
Once more, the God of Mischief grabbed your ankles, forcing your legs open. Your heart skipped a beat when he laid his blood-red eyes upon your bare pussy. Your lower lips must have been glistening with your juices in the artificial light of the cell. Loki growled, his long and cold fingers gripping your ankles so tightly you could already feel the bruises forming. Eagerly, he positioned himself between your legs, the tip of his hard and ice cold cock teasing your clit. A moan escaped your lips, urging him on. The fire in his eyes had returned, like your body had set his ablaze.
He spread you even further for him, your nails digging into the metal floor beneath you—and then he claimed you for his own. Inch by antagonising inch, he split you apart, sheathing himself so deep inside of you all air was knocked from your lungs yet again. He was ice cold and he was much larger than the average man; and you were beginning to understand that yes, female Jötuns were anatomically different than humans. Human women were not made for taking such long cocks… so why did every single powerful thrust of his feel so good?
Loki pulled out almost completely, with only the tip remaining inside of you, only to plunge back inside only the fraction of a second later, fucking you furiously. Your tight and wet walls appeared to mould around his manhood, gripping him tightly, asking for more despite the almost unbearable coldness against your most intimate parts. No longer were you in control of your arms. They reached up, palms gliding over his bare chest and enjoying the coldness under your fingertips. Fascinated and aroused at the very same time, you traced every single ridge on Loki’s body while he was fucking you senseless, until your eyes rolled to the back of your head, unable to take the pleasure. His long manhood his spots inside of you which you had never known even existed. He leaned down, at last letting go of your ankles, instead taking a hold of your wrists to pin them both down right above your head and pressing his body so tightly against yours that your clit kept rubbing against his pelvis with every single stroke. You moaned, stricken by ecstasy, and arched your back as you kept moving your hips up to meet his thrusts.
Aroused, you looked down, watching how his blue cock kept sliding in and out of you, spreading your lips as they enveloped him welcomingly.
Loki groaned, his attention steering towards your breasts as they bounced with each of his rough thrusts. Hungrily, he lowered his face, his cold breath ghosting over your mounts, and sucked your right nipple into his mouth—hard. He nibbled, suckled pulled and bit until the already hardened nub was throbbing with pleasure and need and he repeated the same blissful procedure with your left nipple all the while he kept rutting into you uncontrollably.
“Loki…” You wondered if, in his current state, he would be able to speak. As of right now, he indeed reminded you of a wolf who would annihilate anything standing between him and his subject of desire, his prey—you.
Your toes curled, the promising and numbing sensation growing in your lower abdomen having you scream his name over and over again. You could already feel yourself clenching around him, your body urging him on to mark you with his seed and impregnate you and when he finally released himself into you, burying his cock as deep inside of you as was physically possible and coating your walls with his load, he triggered your own release.
You came with a loud moan, feeling him twitch against you as your pussy contracted around him again and again until you collapsed underneath him, spent and tired from his vigorous fucking. Loki, on the other hand, didn’t even think about letting you be. Unceremoniously, he pulled you on his lap so you came to snuggle up against his cold and naked chest, your face hidden in his neck. He supported himself by leaning against the metal wall, his cock still resting deep inside of you.
“How… are you… feeling?” You breathed out, barely able to keep your eyes open. Being taken thoroughly by a Frost Giant had been a lot more exhausting than you had initially assumed.
He was panting, his eyes almost shut. His erection inside you, however, was still very prominent and nowhere near ebbing down.
“Better… soon.” He growled into your ear. Soon? A high-pitched scream escaped your lips when he sank his teeth into your neck and bit down hard enough to make you squirm on his lap. You could still feel his ice cold sperm dribbling out of you and coating his own cock when he grabbed your arse and began moving you up and down his cold rut, forcing you to ride him.
“Oh… fuck…” You choked out. You were tender already, sensitive to the touch. This was too much, too soon. Yet Loki was too caught up in his pleasure and urges to give you a break. He took you several more times that night, eliciting orgasm after orgasm after orgasm from you—until you were on the verge of passing out.
You awoke with a hunger unlike one you had never experienced before. Irritated, you crawled out of bed—using the toilet but skipping your morning routine to get to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast. It was only seven. Loki had not… released you until half past six. There was no way your body could have drawn enough rest from this meagre hour of sleep.
Be that as it may—for now, you were hungry. Quietly, you tiptoed into the kitchen, ignoring the sweet ache and tenderness between your legs and resisting the urge to cup yourself through your pyjama bottoms. The white and bright light of the fridge blinded you when you opened it and reached for a package of juice and one of those pre-packed turkey sandwiches Tony kept buying. Unceremoniously, you then closed the fridge with your butt and sat down at the kitchen table to eat. And you kept returning to the fridge until Steve joined you in the kitchen to have a cup of coffee and then go for a run. When had you ever been this hungry before? Was it because of the aggressive sex you had had with Loki? Jesus…
You blushed when Steve asked you how you had slept—and you were rather grateful you had been smart enough to switch off the security cameras before… helping Loki out. He had still been in his Jötun form when you left at long last but he had looked content and… satisfied, in the most carnal manner possible. You would wait until the rest of the Avengers were up to check on him, to not raise any suspicion.
So when Thor staggered into the kitchen with a shit-eating grin on his face, you nearly jumped from your seat.
“Good morning!” He yelled—clearly in a very good mood. He managed to scarf down an entire package of fruit loops before you couldn’t take it anymore and aggressively scratched your fork over your empty plate until the room went awkwardly quiet.
“Didn’t you forget something?” You asked him heatedly. The God of Thunder frowned.
“No! I did flush the toilet this morning, (Y/N).”
Rolling your eyes, you stood.
“Loki. Loki is still one level below you, locked up in a cell, in pain, while you are enjoying your breakfast.” You hoped though, sincerely, that he was no longer in pain.
“(Y/N)… we spoke about this, there is nothing we can do. Down there, he can’t hurt himself or anyone else. I told you I’m going to Asgard soon, I will speak to—”
It was in this moment that your plate broke in half. You had, subconsciously, used your fork to stab it so forcefully it fell apart like a rotten apple. Eyes widening, you mumbled an apology.
“Sorry… I just… no one should be suffering like this. You all heard him last night.”
Bruce gave you a gentle smile. “You’ve always had a big heart for everyone, huh?” You nodded quickly. They did not need to know about your feelings… or the arousing ache between your legs. Your heart was racing. You took a deep breath, hurrying out of the kitchen without cleaning up behind you. Instead, you immediately locked yourself in the bathroom and turned on the tap to splash some cold water on your face. The icy temperature calmed you once it came in contact with your skin, reminding you of him—if only for a moment.
You were shaking. What on Earth was wrong with you? You took a quick shower to wind down, threw on an oversized sweater and then headed downstairs to the prison cells. A glance at the monitor of the security camera made you let out a relieved breath. Loki had indeed gone back to his Aesir form—and he did no longer seem to be in pain. It was, so you wondered, very unusual, however, to not complain and wreak havoc so the Avengers would let him out but then again… would they truly believe him if he told them he had overcome his heat?
With another deep breath, you opened the cell door and slipped inside.
“You were not supposed to see me like this last night. No one was.” He said quietly before you could even open your mouth, not bothering to make eye contact with you.
“Did you know? What was happening to you?”
“Yes.” He snorted, a bitter smile spreading on his thin lips. “I believed I would be able to control it.” Finally, he looked up, his blue eyes locking with yours. “Did I hurt you?” Your lips parted in surprise. Slowly, you shook your head.
“No… I mean… it was quite pleasurable… for me as well… actually.” You choked out sheepishly.
“Hmm… that I could tell,” Loki gave you a light smirk. “Thank you.” He said then—and for the first time since you had met him, you sensed true honesty and sincerity in his smooth voice.
“I’ll leave the door open.” You returned his smile; the planes in your belly flying loops.
“We are… keeping this between us, are we not?” He hastened to ask when you turned around.
“Of course.” After all, no one needed to know you had let Loki mate with you to regain control over his loins.
It was five days after your intimate encounter with Loki when your constant shaking became worse enough for him to notice—and if that wasn’t bad enough already, your body had begun to sweat; a lot. Day in and out, you had to change your sheets as if your bed was your personal sauna—or your personal hell.
You felt like you had been hit by a bus, like an extremely nasty form of the flu had you in its steel grip tightly, unwilling to let you go. Sleep, however, to get some rest and recover, would not come either. Two hours per night at most, three if you got lucky. And instead of getting better, it became worse.
He had been restless ever since. It could not be. After all, it had also never… or had it? Growling to himself, he locked the door to his room, enjoying the quietness and most of all, utter privacy.
Not a soul in the nine realms was aware he was still in the possession of the Tesseract. So when he produced it out of thin air—his large hand momentarily surrounded by a green mist—he made sure to hurry and quickly teleported himself back to Asgard. Heimdall would never open the Bifrost for him if he wasn’t accompanied by Thor.
He was worried about you and his surprise about these particular circumstances was remarkably low. When he closed his eyes, he could still taste your hard nipples on his tongue from when he had suckled on them. He remembered how warm your body felt against his when he had cradled you in his lap and the thought of your tight cunt around his throbbing cock stirred arousal in his leather trousers if only he indulged in reminiscences for too long. Most of all, however, he was unable to forget the sincere smile on your face when you had freed him from the cell the next day… and the mesmerised gaze you had met him with when he had ravished your sweet quim over and over again.
With another deep breath, he disappeared in an ice cold cloud of smoke.
Sneaking past the guards and into the palace library—the one place he had spent hours on end in growing up here, hiding away from Thor, his friends and the world, reading and hoarding knowledge—was pathetically easy. He knew exactly what to look for, what lecture would confirm his worrying suspicions. Once he found what he had been searching, he sat down on the windowsill—another usual spot he found comfort in—and began his research. He had known about the impact of a male Jötun’s seed on his female counterpart, of course; for even though he despised his own race, he, as opposed to Thor, had paid attention during their private tutoring lessons as children. The heavy book in his hands, however, made him, the God of Mischief and Trickery, hold his breath. What Loki had not known was that the repercussion of a male Jötun’s seed did not just occur in Jötun females. It applied to any species—including humans. However, the chances of survival for weaker lifeforms were alarmingly low.
Abandoning the book, he hurried out of the library and into the city. There was someone he needed to speak to.
“With all due respect, my prince but you are not welcome here.” Loki rolled his eyes. He knew it would not be fun, exactly, to seek out his ex-partners and ask about their well-being long after he had left them. The man opening him when he knocked on Sigyn’s door, a woman he had been engaged with for several years in his youth, was about as tall as Thor—his right hand decorated with a golden ring. Husband. Just great. And, judging by his obvious dismay of finding him on his doorstep, she must have told him about their shared past.
“I need to speak to your wife. Urgently. That is an order.” Sigyn’s husband growled, clenching his fists but stepped aside regardless. Loki made sure not to pay any attention to the furniture and his surroundings. Toys were scattered all across the living room, hinting that Sigyn had become both wife and mother in his absence. Her face fell when she spotted Loki standing in the middle of the small room—truly like he would even have preferred Helheim over being here of all places—as pale as a ghost.
“Loki… I mean… your highness. What… brings you here?”
“I need to ask you a few questions.”
“Um… by all means. Sit down. Would you like some ale?”
“No.” Sigyn pointed at the rectangular kitchen table and then sat down opposite of him. Her hands were folded on the surface of the polished wood.
“It is good to see you.”
“Likewise… Now this will sound odd,” he began unceremoniously, ignoring her husband towering above him with his arms crossed. “But I have to know how you fared after we separated. Not… emotionally. Physically.” He emphasised.
“Physically? That is indeed odd. Oh, I… um… let me see, it’s been such a long time. I had quite an appetite after you left,” she laughed, clearly uncomfortable with his presence. Loki sighed.
“An appetite. What more than that?”
“Nothing out of the ordinary. Except… yes, of course! I fell ill a few days after. The healers never found out what my body was rebelling against. It lasted for a few months. Tiredness, insomnia, attacks of sweat and I could not stop shaking. Why do you ask? Did you… did you experience it too?”
“No,” he replied quickly, a nauseous feeling spreading in his guts. You were showing the exact same symptoms. Symptoms of addiction. “You said it lasted for a few months?”
“I am sorry, your highness but is there a point to this interrogation? My wife has to feed the baby.”
“We’re almost done.” He barked, glaring at Sigyn’s husband from the corner of his eye.
“It did,” Sigyn confirmed. “But then it never returned.”
“Thank you. That will be all.” Loki took a deep breath and stood, resisting the urge to massage the bridge of his nose to clear his thoughts. It was only when he turned on his heel to leave this way too harmonic place that he noticed Sigyn’s husband had left the door open for him. He rolled his eyes.
“Loki! I-I mean, your highness…”
“Loki is fine, Sigyn. We have seen each other naked, after all.” Beside him, he could practically hear her husband gnashing his teeth. He smirked.
“I understand you do not wish to share with me what troubles you but whatever it is, I hope everything will turn out to be alright.”
Loki gave her a smile. It was as honest as he could muster in this tense situation. Sigyn had always known when he was being plagued by dark sorrows, even before he learned about his true parentage. Much like you. You too had been able to tell he had been unwell, both physically and mentally. He swallowed thickly.
“Thank you, Sigyn.”
He had to see Amora, too. They had not exactly gone separate ways peacefully but if she had experienced the same symptoms as Sigyn after their break-up, he had to get back to you immediately. And he had to tell you. The truth, a luxury given his nature, was the very least you deserved.
“Where have you been?” Thor roared as soon as he entered the kitchen to pick up one of those cold drinking chocolates you had introduced him to a while back—the ridiculous amount of sugar would help you, if only for a moment. The presence of Tony, Nat, Bucky, Steve and Thor, leaning against the counter or sitting at the kitchen table, he ignored as best as he could. He would have preferred to be alone now.
Loki quirked his eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. “Asgard, given that you were unwilling to get help yourself.”
“How? Heimdall wouldn’t…”
“There is a lot Heimdall does not know, brother.” Thor grumbled something he did not understand but it sounded awfully like a curse word in Old Norse.
“Whatever. Have you seen (Y/N)? Her room is down the same hallways as yours, has she left her room lately?” Tony barked at him.
“As far as I am concerned, she has Vision bring her excessive amounts of food, for she is too weak to come to the kitchen herself. No. I have not seen her around.” He replied nonchalantly, with false disinterest. This time, so it seemed, however, his choice of tone, equalled shooting himself in the foot.
“We need to get her to the hospital. None of the medicines I gave her worked even a little bit—and I contacted the best doctors I know.” Loki suppressed a scoff. As if a hospital full of human ‘doctors’ would be able to help you. The only one who could… was he.
“For Fuck’s sake, she has been feeling ill ever since…” Tony’s face fell. “Ever since we locked up your brother.” Belligerently, his gaze wandered over to Loki again. “Okay, Reindeer Games, what did you do to her and don’t even try to lie to me!”
“You do assume, automatically, that I have something to do with it?” He mocked. Tony clenched his fists.
“Loki,” Thor added calmly. “Do you… know something?” The God of Mischief sighed. If he told them, what little trust they had in his capabilities as an Avenger would vaporise like smoke. It mattered not. In fact, he could not care less if any of those self-proclaimed heroes even liked him. Yet if he spoke the truth… surely they would do anything in their power to keep you away from him—which was exactly what they could not do if they wanted you to survive and feel better again as much as he did. He could just take care of the problem on his own… sooner or later, however, they were bound to find out about their intimate encounters, and he was beyond keeping secrets like that. If he wanted to make love to you, then he would, may the Norns help him.
“It is… my seed.” He choked out reluctantly.
“Your… what!? Your… yeah, no, I can’t say that out loud without throwing up… is making her sick!?”
“The seed of a male Jötun is causing… an addiction. Withdrawal will make her weak and ill.” Loki looked up grimly. “Frost Giants live in strictly monogamous relationships.”
“What, like penguins? How did she even come in contact with… did you… did you rape her? I swear to God, I will kill you.”
“I did not lay a finger on her.” Loki replied darkly.
Tony threw his hands up in the air. “So how did your happy juice get inside of her in the first place then!? How did that happen, I wonder?”
“She came to me voluntarily, Stark!”
“But you knew? If you knew it would make her sick, why didn’t you stop her, you selfish asshole!?”
“How!? How, Stark!? Resisting the urge to mate in heat is like attempting to suppress a sneeze. It’s impossible. Don’t bother your pathetic human mind with things you do not understand.”
“Loki…” Thor began warningly. The God of Mischief ignored him with a hostile growl.
“(Y/N) would never do that.” Tony said then.
“Perhaps you do not know her as well as you thought you do.”
“You little shit, I will…” Tony jumped from his chair as if stung by an adder, prompting Loki to draw one of his daggers seemingly out of nowhere when he started at him. Both Natasha and Steve barely managed to hold him back.
“Leave it, Tony. This is Loki. He is just trying to provoke you.” Nat appeased.
Just this one time, however, they were wrong. Loki did, in fact, care about you. It was just he had not realised that until you had willingly offered your body to him when he had been in pain. Glaring at them darkly, he rose from his chair.
“I am going to fix this.” He spat. It almost sounded like a threat. “Not for you. I could watch you drop dead to my feet without so much as blinking. But for her.” Fuming, he stormed out, his right fist still clutching at his dagger in a desperate attempt to calm himself down. And as of right now, Thor knew better than to stop him.
He needed to see you. Remorse and guilt were eating him up from the inside out—and it wasn’t just the fact you had helped him in spite of everything he had done to Midgard only a few years back. It was… you were… Loki closed his eyes for a brief moment. You were his.
When he knocked on your door, there was no response. Now there was a chance you were asleep, yet he somehow knew better than to leave and try again later as to not startle you. After all… he was going to make you feel better.
He slipped inside, locking the door behind him with magic so you would not be disturbed. The sight of you almost broke his heart. You were trembling, buried under a pile of blankets, pale and weak.
“(Y/N)…” He spoke with a quiet voice, approaching you slowly. Your eyes opened when you heard his voice, your weak body barely managing to turn over to look at him. A cough escaped your lips before you could answer him.
“How are you feeling?”
“Terrible.” You tried for a laugh but could only manage another cough. With a straight face, he sat down on the edge of the bed so he was able to bring his palm to your forehead. You were incredibly warm, yet the sweat made your skin cold to the touch. His heart skipped a beat. Suddenly, he was worried you only had a few weeks left until your body gave up fighting the withdrawal. He would not, ever let this happen.
“I brought you some cold drinking chocolate.”
“Oh…” You chuckled weakly. “Thank you. Is that the only reason you came?”
“No,” he laughed. “I came to check on you.”
“An eye for an eye, huh?” Your eyes fell shut when you smiled.
“Hmm… I’m afraid it is a little more complicated than that.” He purred. You never noticed how his eyes fell on your crotch, even if it was covered by a bunch of blankets. Slowly but determined, he slid his left hand under the layers of fabric until he found what he was searching for. With skilled fingers, he began to massage your clit until he felt you responding to his attentive touches. You arched your back, your sex growing wetter and wetter fast—like your body knew exactly what would follow. Licking his lips, he scooped some of it up to spread all over your quim and create even more friction. You were squirming by the time he removed the blankets entirely and positioned himself between your legs, careful not to shift all of his body weight onto you.
Was he going to… did he… could he possibly… reciprocate your feelings? Your heart skipped a beat, butterflies awakening in your belly. If only you could…
“Loki… Loki, I… I really want to do this again too but… not now, I’m… I really don’t feel well.”
“Shhh…” He would ponder over your words later. You wanted to do this again too? Had it not just be compassion and pity that had driven you to offer him your most intimate parts for relief? And what if you refused him now? You had to trust him. So he shut you up by pressing his lips against yours, capturing them in a passionate kiss and then, once again slowly but determined, removed the blankets and peeled your pyjama from you until he had you naked—fine, he had helped with magic; and he was certainly too impatient to remove his own clothes, so instead contented himself with freeing his growing erection from his trousers only.
A whimper escaped your lips when you caught sight of his arousal, his tip—not blue but the colour of flesh this time—pressing against your entrance. He slid inside you to the hilt with almost no resistance, your warm pussy welcoming him in. Loki moaned when your walls gripped him tightly; it was like your body already knew his release would make it feel better. Only this time, he was in control. This time, he would take his time and make gentle love to you—right until you began to tremble underneath him for entirely different reasons.
Your eyes fell shut when Loki started moving, retreating almost completely only to plunge back deep inside of you fast and passionately. You were too weak to buck your hips, as much as you would have loved to. And despite your weariness, he felt incredible. You were unable to decide which form of his you liked better.
You kissed him again when his nose brushed against yours and his breath tickled your lips, bathing in the intimacy between you. But when he slid his hand down to where your bodies were united to pamper your clit all the while speeding up, hungry for his release, you stopped him, albeit gently.
“I… I don’t think I can, I’m too… but I… it’s okay.” You murmured. “Cum.”
It was a request he could not resist, not any longer. Thrusting forward a few more times, his release was beginning to overwhelm him. He groaned into your ear, his hot breath brushing against your cheek, and let his climax consume him. He was throbbing against your walls, his seed—surprisingly warm and not as cold as it had been the first time—filling you to the brim and until you could feel it dribbling out of you again. Loki stilled, turning you over so you both rested on the mattress on your sides, with his slowly softening cock still inside of you and one of your legs draped over his hips. One heartbeat passed, then another and another. And just like that… you felt like you had been reborn.
“How… I feel so much better.” Loki kept silent. Remorse was sparkling in his blue eyes. Avoiding your curious gaze, he looked down, with a start fascinated with the blue roses on your bed sheets.
“You did fail to read all of it, did you not?” He stated quietly.
“What… what do you mean?”
“The book you took from my shelf. I looked it up when you got worse. It wasn’t until I left for Asgard that I realised why our… sexual encounter is making you ill.”
“I… wait… Does that mean you believe it has something to do with you? I mean… what we did? Is it… I’m not pregnant, am I!?”
“No. You are not.” He smirked at you weakly. “That, I would have sensed already. No… I’m afraid it is a little more complicated. Frost Giants live in strictly monogamous relationships. They never… switch their partners once they mated during their first heat. If they do…” Loki took a deep breath. “It appears that the seed of a Frost Giant triggers some sort of… addiction for their female partner. They develop a carnal craving for their seed which forces them to keep returning for… more.”
Biologically speaking, this was a downright bulletproof way of ensuring the survival of a species—the Jötuns’ own bodies turning against them and demanding sex. The gravity of his words, however, hit you only a moment later. So this was why you had been feeling so sick lately. You were showing signs of… addiction. Your body had become addicted to Loki’s seed. You swallowed thickly.
“I-is there… is there a way to stop this?”
“I went to speak to my former partners back on Asgard—which, to be frank, does not just sound like a disaster. But I needed to know if they experienced any symptoms similar to yours when we… separated.” You ignored the painful sting in your heart when he said ‘former partners’. Of course Loki had had sex before, had perhaps even been in love. He did not strike you as the type of Norse God who was unexperienced in the art of love making. After all, he had more than just proved this to you. It mattered not, not now.
“And… did they?” You probed nervously.
Loki nodded seriously. “They were both bedridden for months, plagued by uncontrollable trembling and sweating. Their appetite increased, they ate twice as much than they usually would without ever feeling truly full… and they barely slept anymore, tossing and turning for most of the night. Amora added she became increasingly violent as well. They, of course, believed it was a virus which would pass, eventually.” Terrified, you remembered how you had broken your plate in the kitchen the night after your lovemaking. It all made sense now.
But you did not dare ask what this meant. When dreaming of having a relationship with Loki, you had not imaged a partnership out of physical and sexual necessity which would feel like a chore to him; like an obligation now that you had helped him out, after all.
“But they were Asgardian.” He suddenly said, pausing to let his words sink in. “You are human. You are mortal. I am uncertain you would survive…” If I stopped having sex with you. Is that what he had meant to say before he stopped himself abruptly?
Taking a deep and shaky breath, you gathered all of your courage, as weak as it may be.
“This is all my own fault, Loki.”
“It is not—“
“N-no, let me speak. It’s my fault. You couldn’t help it. And I came to you on my own accord. But…” You swallowed. “Even if I had known, I still would have helped you.”
The God of Mischief frowned when you reached for his hand and held it—but it was a downright vulnerable expression.
“Loki… I’m not going to expect you to keep having sex with me if you don’t… I mean…” It was then he began to smirk cheekily.
“And if I do?” Loki had truthfully speaking always been a puzzle—always keeping his deepest thoughts and feelings all to himself. Until now. So he did reciprocate your feelings.
“Y-you do?” His smirk widened.
“It… does get better after a while, once the pair is more acquainted to each other’s bodies,” he continued. “And they are then able to spend more time apart without any signs of withdrawal showing. Ultimately, however, once the male Jötun claimed her, the female is bound to him… if he decides to keep her.”
Despite your weakness, you raised an eyebrow. “That sounds pretty sexist, Lokes.” Loki looked up. His heart jumped when you gave him a nickname.
“Sexist? No. Dominant? Yes.” He growled darkly.
“You’re right. It’s probably not sexist given that male Frost Giants go into heat.” You giggled in response. Loki tickled your sides for that remark, making you wriggle around on the bed. If your hunch was not deceiving your love-drunken mind, then the God of Mischief had just begun to court you.
“Loki?” You mused, raising your voice in a shy manner.
“I think I feel fit enough now to have an orgasm.”
The God of Mischief laughed—as heartily as you had never heard him laugh before. “Do you now?”
Next thing you knew he was already on top of you again, covering your naked body with tender kisses.
A/N: Check out my blog to find more Imagines and take a glimpse at my first (to be) published novel! If you enjoyed this story, I would appreciate it so much if you supported me on Kofi! ko-fi.com/sserpente ♥  
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prof-peach · 3 years
Hi there I've been a breeder for a couple of years, I've been looking after quite a few dragon type but now I have a shiny Garchomp on my team and it's my first time caring for one completely on my own.
I know Garchomp can sometimes struggle in the winter so I'm trying to figure out what could help it out and what I should prepare for.
Any other advice on Garchomp would also be appreciated!
Their shiny nature will not affect anything, so thats not important here, UNLESS you or the original breeder did a bad job and picked two mons who don't genetically click so well. I doubt you'd do that, but if the pokemon is sickly, then things may need tailored care. If it's healthy otherwise, no issues. So it's a bit of a misconception that Dragon types suffer in the cold, Garchomp especially have a bit more tolerance for the cold, they fly real high, where its pretty bitter, and then dive down at sound barrier breaking speeds, meaning they rush through some real freezing air. They have also been noted roaming high altitude mountains through snow and sleet, without too much issue, usually the older and larger the individual, the more they can tolerate the freezing conditions. Weather, though extreme in some locations, is not often a big deal to this species, they have temperature regulation akin to fire types, but not as hot, obviously, so while the ice will slow them down a bit, and the cold in some locations may even push a few species to hibernate, this particular pokemon should be just fine. If they are very small or very young, they may become more docile and lazy during colder months, again, nothing unusual, plant types hibernate a lot, this is not really that different, and healthy to do if they want to. Some species will sleep for several days, wake for one or two, then return to a cosy space to sleep until the warmer weather. Again, this is more common in younger individuals, and so with time it will become less prominent.
If they seem more comfortable, i'd advise getting, or making, some kind of clothing accessories, keep their necks warm if you want to battle during winter, so scarves and the likes are great. Flying is fine for short bursts, but thats what this species does anyway, so you shouldn't have problems with that. The tail can stiffen up a bit, so knitting it a snood-like cover to help may prove useful if they seem to be sluggish in the air, especially turning sharp corners. There is a huge difference between sub-zero conditions, frostbite inducing blasts from ice pokemon, and the average winter time in a relatively ordinary location. If you lived in the arctic circle, or the depths of Russia, i'd be concerned, and suggest more severe things, but as a breeder, you probably aren't in a location thats hugely cold all year round, otherwise heating those eggs would be super expensive, and caring for young would become troublesome. Obviously correct me if i'm wrong here.
Health wise the species have a high tolerance for illness, tend to get a fair bit of tooth trouble if they consume bones and such, and can be known to need help after battles, should things get out of hand. They do not know their limits at times, and so they fight hard, and they fight without consequence. This leads to some quite substantial wounds, which if gained, need cleaning, treating, potentially a stitch or two at best, but otherwise, not a lot of fussing.
Pokemon exist without us, without care and fussing, without medicine, shelter or provided meals, they're capable of surviving great things without so much as flinching, and have more chance of walking through a blizzard unharmed than we do. Relax a little, provide blankets, straw, cushions, some even enjoy coals, depending on the heritage, make a cosy den for them in a sheltered position if you haven't already, and if you're not fighting with them, you can stand to reduce feeding a bit. Some dragons don't like to battle in the winter, so listen to them, talk about what they want and need, if they express a want for a more plush life, then sure, go for it, invest in heaters and custom clothing, thermal blankets, whatever. But a lot of dragons are tough, their hide is thick, their blood runs hot, their body fights infection as if it was nothing. They survive centuries in the wild, untouched and untamed, so us humans can really only do so much, before it's more a comfort for us than them. Things to watch for: burning temperatures, painful throat when using blast attacks, swollen painful nail beds, changes in eating habits, mood swings, lameness. If you notice any of the above, go to a pokemoncentre or professional.
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linkspooky · 4 years
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In the sense that Enjdeavor, Hawks, and Jeanist all embody the failures of the hero system. The first clear sign that all three people who were set to inherit All Might’s Legacy would fail in doing so, is that none of them really understood what kind of hero was in the first place. 
Endeavor only ever saw All Might’s Strength, and thought All Might’s genuine desire to save people was just him playing to the crowd. Hawks thought Endeavor’s desire to surpass All Might was heroic, and what made him a better hero because he didn’t give up when everybody else said it was hopeless, but we the audience know Endeavor gave up early and took it out on his family instead. Best Jeanist thinks what’s most important of all isn’t saving people but rather “The Image” of Heroes to the public. Except, the only reason All Might was a hero obsessed with image is because he wanted even those he could not reach to be able to live in peace and save themselves. 
The top three heroes are all lacking in what All Might had, in that none of them actually believe that Heroes should save people. Enji believes in strength above all else, Hawks in sacrificing one’s self for the faceless masses, and Best Jeanist in the image of heroes to the public. 
It’s really showing that the option of “Saving Dabi” did not even occur to them once, despite the fact that they are completely willing to give a helping hand to the man who made Dabi.
The current number one, two and three heroes are all obsessed with All Might’s Legacy, however all of them are failures to All Might’s Legacy as well because they don’t understand the underlying ideal of heroes saving people. All three of them represent the failures of hero society, which is why they aren’t shown being overly concerned at hero society’s victims. Even when it’s revealed that one of hero society’s greatest villains Dabi, was actually one of hero society’s greatest victims too, created by one of their own, their beliefs barely change.
1. Enji Todoroki 
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Enji was never concerned with saving others being the job of a hero. His one and only focus was just to be the strongest. He even has a shallow view of All Might’s ideals and goals because of this. He thinks the reason that All Might won number one was because 1) his all powerful strength and 2) his popularity with people. 
Enji never once mentions that All Might became the hero he was, because his number one priority in every situation was to save as many people as he could. Because, Enji doesn’t view it as the job of heroes to save others. 
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Toshinori worked so hard because he genuinely wanted to be the shining light for others. He didn’t become the number one hero because it was his own personal dream, but rather because it was others needed of him. All Might isn’t a perfect hero either, but there’s still a difference between someone who wanted the number one spot because he genuinely thought it would save the most people, and someone who wanted the number one spot because he wanted to be the strongest.
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Even after Endeavor’s supposed revelation where he saw Shoto being gentle with flames, rather than forceful and violence, Enji became the exact same kind of hero he was before. 
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Think of the way Enji fought Shigaraki, burning him alive. He made several attempts to kill him during their fight, even though the rule is heroes absolutely must not kill, that’s what makes them different from villains. Heroes prioritize the safety of people, and saving civilians, except for Endeavor apparently. Endeavor as a hero is the exact same kind of hero he was before, and the flaw with that is if he had fought Dabi the same way he had fought Shigaraki.
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He would have burned his own son alive. Enji isn’t even concerned in the least with saving people, even when the person most in need of saving is his own son. He sees villains as an absolute evil for him to punch and beat up in order to prove his own strength. The only way Enji knows how to be a hero is violently taking down crime and no one has ever challenged this, even though it’s the exact attitude that led Toya to his death.
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Enji, only ever taught Dabi how to turn up the heat, because Enji wasn’t actually that concerned with his son’s well being. Toya was only worth something to him when he was strong, so Enji only ever taught Toya how to be the strongest hero and nothing else that a father should teach his son. Even now, Enji doesn’t let go of this idea of his that he has to be the number one hero, and being the strongest hero will solve all of his problems. 
Endeavor has used playing hero again and again as an excuse to run away. Now that Hawks is giving him another chance to be hero, he’s enabling him to run away again. 
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It’s incredible how still even after the reveal, it’s always Toya who has to pay for the consequences of Endeavor’s mistakes. Toya is left alone to burn to death and spends the rest of his life covered in burns forgotten by his father, and it’s Endeavor who gets the unconditional support and love Toya needed as a child offered to him, just because he happened to be a hero. If he was a villain he would have just been locked up.
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Endeavor is framed as the hero who does not give up, and yet, he very easily runs away and lets Toya take the blame for the majority of his actions. If Toya had been able to carry his dream he would not have abused Shoto. If Toya had not died that day he would not have doubled down even harder on Shoto. Toya’s the reason they could not come together as a family. It’s never Endeavor’s actions, it’s always, somehow, Toya who is blamed, and Toya who is burned as the consequence of Endeavor’s actions. Now, Toya is the one who needs to be stopped when Enji is just as guilty. 
I’m not saying that Enji should not be given a chance to get better, but why is the good side of Enji’s actions expressed over and over again and not Toya’s? Toya is trying to reform all of society. Toya is trying to hold his dad accountable for abusing him and neglecting him to the point that he died. That’s murder. Someone who lets their children die because they couldn’t be bothered to supervise them can be charged with involuntary manslaughter in a court of law. Enji has killed too, but rather than admit to his own flaws it’s must easier to cast Toya s the villain that needs to be stopped and himself as the hero that needs everyone’s support. 
Toya deserves the same chance that Enji got. 
2. Hawks
Hawks only saw self sacrifice in All Might’s actions. He saw someone harming himself over and over again for the sake of others, and that’s probably why he admired Enji’s pursuit of strength more because it was the opposite of him. 
If Enji is the extreme result of the attitude that villains can’t be saved, only stopped by putting themselves down with violence, then Hawks is the extreme result of self sacrifice. Hawks seems like the ideal hero on paper, he would do anything, and give up any part of himself to save a faceless stranger just like All Might. However, Hawks also has decided that he has the right to sacrifice others as well.
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Hawks is self-destructive. That’s the extreme end of self sacrifice. However, unlike All Might who took the burden entirely on himself, Hawks will choose others to sacrifice as well. If Hawks sees himself as a tool for the greater good he will extend that to others as well. If Hawks sees himself as a bad victim who turned his back on their parents, he extends that to others as well. 
So basically, Hawks’ number one problem is with himself. He can’t reconcile his past. He feels guilty for being abused by his parents. He feels guilty for not forgiving the same abusive parents. He puts everything he has into being a hero, and yet, he doesn’t feel like he himself is a hero. Hawks’ only way he knows to feel good about himself is to continuously sacrifice himself for the sake of others. 
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Because he learned when he was young the only way to be good was by sacrificing himself to protect others. He only received the help he needs because he showed he was “one of the good victims” but deep down internally he feels like he’s the bad one, for not being able to do anything for his mother, for not reaching out to her. 
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Hawks can’t see himself as a victim and it messes with the way he sees other victims as well. He divides them into good and bad, and then tells himself that he’ll offer to help the good ones, the ones willing to improve. Hawks’ represents Hero Society’s own willingness to throw the bad victims to the dogs. 
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It’s specifically Hawks who Twice calls this out on. So we have a number one hero who thinks the only way to deal with villains is to violently suppress them, and the number two hero that thinks the only people who deserve to be saved is the ones he deems as “Good” or “Trying to be better.” 
It’s all because Hawks has this really self destructive idea of what kindness is. That kindness is somehow destroying yourself for the sake of others, that it’s being overly forgiving and not holding any resentment at all. 
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It’s like how Deku acts like forgiving his father is a kind act. However, at the same time implying that holding onto resentment would be an unkind one.
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Even though the reason Natsuo won’t forgive is because Toya is dead, and Enji never showed any apparent remorse for it, and didn’t try to fix anything. Even though one son died because of Enji’s training, and then Enji just decided to train the one remaining son he had left a thousand times harder. Natsuo is attempting to hold his father accountable for his actions, but Deku acts like blanket forgiveness would be the kind thing to do.
Even though Deku himself is willing to overlook all of Enji’s past abuse of Shoto, and his murder of Toya, but at the same time stresses how unforgivable Toya and Shigaraki are. 
Deku just saves people in a self destructive way. He breaks his bones to save others, thus mirroring Hawks who just saves people without genuinely thinking through who needs to be saved. They save people, because that’s the way they hurt themselves to prove how useful they are. However, neither of them actually goes through the trouble of thinking who genuinely needs saving, and that’s why they’re able to carry such a false double standard. Enji needs help because he’s trying to be better, whereas Toya’s not trying to be better. Ignoring the fact that you know, Enji tries to be better by just, forgetting everything he did in the past and sweeping his past actions under the rug, whereas Toya is still suffering from the scars of Enji’s abuse, permanently on his body. 
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However, between Twice a person willing to die to protect his friends and act of complete selflessness, and Enji who can’t even bring himself to think that maybe he should try to save the son he let burn to death on a mountain peak which one do you think was trying to be better? Enji who spent ten years, even after Toya had already died to his training, training up Shoto instead even harsher. Enji who referred to Toya as “a failure” and “almost perfect” when talking to Shoto about his death. 
“I’m going to help anyone trying to be better” is just an arbitrary line that Hawks draws.
That’s even the critique that Twice levelled at Hawks. Hawks doesn’t care because he never actually tried to see the good sides of the other people, but Toga was someone who comfotred Twice and understood him. Toga was someone who made the league feel like home. Hawks labels Twice as the only good one, because he just didn’t bother to see what was good about the other villains. Yet, at the same time he strains himself to see the good in Endeavor, to the point where he constantly apologizes for Endeavor’s actions and sweeps them under the rug. Endeavor is a good man who is just misunderstood in Hawks’ eyes, who just went wrong somewhere, but Hawks can’t ever offer up the same sympathy to the worst victims of society. Who lash out and hurt other people in the same way that Endeavor did, except Endeavor’s is excusable and there’s isn’t because...??? 
 Hawks is in denial, because he refuses to look at the good sides of the villains. Twice didn’t choose to accept his offer of help, so obviously he didn’t want to be better, therefore Hawks is perfectly justified in putting him down. Notice though how Hawks mentioned prison time for Jin, but not for Enji (neglecting a child to the point where they burn to death is... still a crime). 
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Hawks is still in denial about himself. He thinks he’s offering people a helping hand. However, from Jin’s perspective we see how manipulative he is. Hawks didn’t offer Jin a hand, he held him at gunpoint and told him to surrender and betray his friends. Hawks is just lying to himself, because he didn’t go out of his way to save Jin, he ruthlessly manipulated him, and then betrayed him. He’s not framed as a hero trying desperately to save a villain, but rather a friend betraying another friend who trusted him. Because, Hawks does not just sacrifice himself. He’s the extreme result of self sacrifice. Self sacrifice turns into self destruction. Self denial. Hawks sacrifices other people. He forces himself to dirty his hands, because he believes this is the only way he can be a hero. He’s too weak individually, so he has to manipulate, pull strings, and even kill in order to achieve the results he thinks will save the most people. However, by doing that he ignores the suffering of the victims right in front of them.
Not only that, but he ignores what contradicts his simple black and white narrative. Enji was trying to be better so he deserves help and support, Twice didn’t want to be better so Hawks revoked his offer of support away. 
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He’s willing to give support to a man who abused his family for no good reason, and who continues to evade any consequences or legal punishment for his actions, but then insists that Jin who was pushed to his actions by poverty and not wanting to starve to death just did not want to be better. He’s like, so unaware of what the problem actually is with society, he can’t possibly think why Enji leaving his own son to burn to death might have left his son a bit miffed. Enji is just a person who made a few missteps along the way but genuinely wants to be good, Dabi is just a selfish person who doesn’t want to be better, so says Hawks. 
Nevermind how hard Toya tried to be a hero, and how he never gave up on earning his father’s love. Nevermind how hard Twice tried to be helpful to other, and how much he loved the people around him he was willing to sacrifice his life. Twice’s last action was to save his two closest friends. Enji’s actions are always just to beat up villains to prove how strong he is. Enji is never concerned with anyone. Hawks does want to save people, but he never thinks about the people who need to be saved.
Therefore, heroes are always good. Even when heroes do bad things, Hawks contrives some way to not hold them responsible for it ever. Well, Enji isn’t like that now. Well, we don’t need to announce that Enji was an abuser, because that will just upset the public. 
The actions of Enji are apologized for over and over again. Because rather than holding him accountable for his actions. Instead of pushing him to actually fix his mistakes, it’s better to keep sweeping the problem under the rug. Because, as is repeated again and again heroes don’t save people. When a hero fails to save someone, rather than trying to fix that mistake it’s easier to blame the person who didn’t get saved. 
Even if it was your own son that you left to burn to death. That is somehow miraculously alive.  That has given you a second chance to save the person you should have saved that day by just, showing up, and actually acting like a father for once. 
Enji will just choose his job over and over again. Because heroes don’t actually have a responsibility to save people. Being hero is just a job. Enji, Hawks, Jeanist they consider it a profession, not a responsibility. Which is why all three of them are willing to blame Dabi for his own actions, but not Endeavor for his. Which, just proves Dabi right. 
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Heroes aren’t actually concerned with saving people. Heroes don’t think about who is most in need of saving, and who the real victims are. Heroes just protect their own. 
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Enji, Hawks and Dabi are all murderers. They have all killed someone in pursuit of their goal. Not only did Enji murder a child by neglect, he also tried to kill Shigaraki several times over, and even tried to murder Pop Step in vigilantes. Hawks killed Twice in pursuit of a goal. 
However, Hawks and Enji need to be supported, whereas Toya needs to be stopped. Because they are heroes, and Dabi is a villain. But sure, watch Dabi continually burn his own body over and over again and push himself to the very limit so he can achieve a society where another hero will never get away with abusing his family like Enji did his, and say that he doesn’t want to be good. Watch Toya burn himself over and over again as a child just trying to be a hero because he thinks it’s the only way to earn his father’s love, because he genuinely looked up to his father and wanted to be just like him, and insist that Toya just stopped trying to be better, that he was just a jealous child, that he was never good. 
Jeanist isn’t a fully developed character so I’m not going to talk about him as much, but he represents the attitude that heroes “only pretend to save people” because they fuss ove image, rather than doing the actual work of helping victims.
The thing is someone who is genuinely trying to be better would listen to Dabi’s words, to Shigaraki’s words. However, Jeanist, Hawks, Enji all think of themselves as the hero, therefore they assume they are good and that their actions are good. 
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Whenever someone contradicts this, they just flat out ignore any criticism. Heroes don’t save people. Heroes just protect their own image as heroes, because they assume that’s what is necessary for peace. Even now, Hawks and Jeanist aren’t focused on the innocent people suffering from the victim break outs, but rather taking down the man out to ruin their reputations. 
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They pretend to see those they haven’t protected. Even when that person is Endeavor’s own son, his pain gets swept under the rug, because the image of Endeavor as a shining hero is far more important than the responsibility he has to help his own son, that’s in pain and need to saving. 
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goldenkamuyhunting · 3 years
Ramblings and crazy theory time about GK chap 308 “Both alike”
So it’s again time to say goodbye to someone… or not?
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In case you don’t know, the quote is from the real Hijikata Toshizou… but I think the spirit of the fictional one will also live on in the hearts of all of those who loved him.
But, as usual, I’m running ahead so again, back on the runaway train to hell we go.
After a quick summary of where’s who...
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...we go back to how Hijikata, thinking he’s slashing down enemies, is actually cutting down the bear’s face. He doesn’t kill it but the bear still is smart enough to understand the wisest choice against this old man with an antique sword is to run away as fast as his legs can carry him.
However, in doing so, the bear pauses a moment to bit Shiraishi’s head in a not fatal way because… humor.
Okay, who knows me also knows I’m not really fond of this running gag, especially in this case because the gag feels out of place with Ushiyama lying on the ground and Hijikata with his skull split (not mentioning the bear’s bite should have done serious harm and instead it’s just handled as a light napping).
But whatever, maybe it’s just me and everyone else loves a gag here to tone down the drama, besides, credits when it’s due, Noda uses it as an excuse for Shiraishi to notice that Tsurumi, who evidently walked OH SO SLOWLY after receiving the quiver from Tsukishima, has FINALLY walked through the whole train car and is now jumping on the 2nd car.
Why he took so long and what he was doing in the meantime is up to everyone’s speculation.
Okay, he probably wasn’t really doing anything, this is just a request of suspension of disbelief on Noda’s part for the sake of the plot… so… whatever.
I guess I’ll put it here because it’s a place as good as any other.
This whole runaway train to hell arc has alternated A LOT between asking us to suspend our disbelief when the characters were doing something cool (like Ushiyama disposing of a car filled with men of the 7th or grabbing a hand grenade seconds before it would hit him) or ‘funny’ (Shiraishi being bitten by the bear and remaining relatively unharmed) or time related (characters walking oh so slowly or oh so very fast so they’re in the right position when it’s more convenient for the plot) and realistic consequences of wounds for the main characters (like, yeah, death, loss of limbs, loss of consciousness), after an arc which actually relied a lot on realistic war (fort Goryokaku was all about people realistically dying out of consequences for attacks with very little space for the rule of cool).
Now… both the rule of cool and realism are something that can be very enjoyable in a story and make it great, the rule of cool adding it an epic feeling and a sense of amazement while realism adding drama and inner reflection.
The scene of Tsukishima being fine after having been slammed left and right and having a hand grenade tossed above his head is no better or worse than the scene of him being all of sudden unable to move his arm due to… what? Another hand grenade? Ushiyama tossing him away? I’m not really sure, probably it’ll get fixed in the volume.
But I personally have problems when I’m asked to believe, for example how, one moment, Tsukishima is the Tsukinator, and therefore has a titanium skeleton and the next he’s just a mere human and his bones can break.
Mind you, it’s not that I don’t understand why Noda is doing it. Characters have to die but, before doing so, he’s trying to give them a moment of pure coolness. I get this, but still it leaves me upside down.
It’s my personal flaw and you might not share it but this part of me is going to come up in this meta so consider yourself warned.
Anyway, back with the story.
Tsurumi opens the quiver, pulls out the arrows (which might turn useful later for our main characters as they fall on the roof and, likely remain there) and the land deed, which he scans briefly.
Then, while Ogata is turned on the opposite direction, tells Ogata to use him as bait and snipe Sugimoto and the others, who will be climbing up there.
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We don’t get Ogata’s reply, if he agrees or if he comes up with another plan, or if he tosses Tsurumi off the train since now he has the land deed. Everything is possible.
Anyway, honestly, since Ogata is turned away from him, I would expect Tsurumi to pocket the land deed and then hand him the quiver, use Ogata to get rid of Sugimoto and then get rid of Ogata, because I trust Tsurumi the same way I’ll trust a hungry shark not to eat me if I were to swim right in front of him, as in, not even a single bit and I REALLY HOPE Ogata remembers he used not to trust Tsurumi as well and hadn’t been completely retconned into someone who swallows all Tsurumi says hook line and sinker.
Really, it’s bad enough he’s giving Tsurumi his back.
Meanwhile the bear has run back into the 2nd car in which the valiant 7th division soldiers are still alive but can neither scare/stop/kill the bear and mostly just try to escape from it because not everyone can be Hijikata Toshizou and scare a bear off with a katana.
I’ll be honest and admit I was hoping the bear had done a short work of all the remaining soldiers in the 2nd car (and of the soldiers in the 1st car as well) but no, he has spared quite a bunch.
Why? Plot reasons.
So the surviving soldiers, since the bear has left them alone, thinks they can now go attack Sugimoto, probably hoping the bear has done a short work of him and they won’t have much to do, and find themselves facing Hijikata.
At this point though, the soldiers have remembered that HEY, THEY HAVE RIFLES IN THEIR HANDS AND KNOW HOW TO USE THEM so they start shooting at Hijikata, who could handle just fine having his skull split in two but, after a couple of shoots, he’s starting to feel a little worn out.
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Okay, no, I get the split skull is also not helping, never mention the previous wounds and so on (previous wounds that previously didn’t so much as slow him down or make him feel faint) but this is again another abrupt moving from the rule of cool to realism and, as said before, I don’t take them well.
Besides since up until now the soldiers hardly shoot, we could have done without them shooting at Hijikata and have him merely falling on his knees after making the bear escape.
Instead Noda wanted them to be there and shoot him so that Sugimoto moves past Hijikata and the latter has fallen on his knee, and Hijikata, looking at him, sees his younger self ahead of himself and then realizes the one he’s seeing is actually Sugimoto who’s now the one slaughtering the soldiers.
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So, in the middle of the massacre, Hijikata calls Sugimoto back to entrust him his sword, claiming it’ll be of use to him, the soldiers (there were quite a bunch alive in the 2nd car) conveniently disappearing/stopping to shoot/going back/whatever so that Sugimoto can go take Hijikata’s sword without being riddled with bullets. And yeah, for this to work we’re back at suspending our disbelief and accept the soldiers wouldn’t conveniently attack in a clue moment.
Whatever. Back to the plot.
Now Sugimoto was a judo guy, not so much a kendo one as far as we know, but I wouldn’t be surprised if, as Hijikata said, the sword would be useful to him just the same (and hey, maybe since we’re at it, with a little use of the rule of cool he can use it even better than Hijikata to slice Tsurumi to bits), though, hopefully, Sugimoto wouldn’t use it merely as an object he throws at people or that slams on people’s head like one would do with a wand while the sword is still in its scabbard. But well, I wouldn’t be surprised if he were to do it either.
Anyway Hijikata tells Sugimoto they’re alike, they’re two men who are willing to give their life for what’s right, so he’ll pass on Sugimoto the debt he has to repay in hope the gold and the land deed will save the Japanese and the Ainu.
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I guess Hijikata is discounting the time he used Sugimoto as a bait in Abashiri and the time he tried to kill Sugimoto in Sapporo as unimportant.
Sugimoto (evidently agreeing Hijikata’s past betrayals were unimportant and that he wasn’t distrusting of him and interested to kill him until Asirpa forced him to partner with him in Sapporo) accepts the sword and walks away...
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...since, apparently, no more soldiers are coming even though in the 2nd car there were supposedly still a bunch alive… but I guess they decided that between the bear and Sugimoto this was a good time like any other to take a break from duty and… I don’t know, do a crossword puzzle?
Really, the damn bear left so many of them alive, why they aren’t attacking?
Or did Hijikata and Sugimoto managed to murder them all while we weren’t looking? I don’t know.
Said all this, yes, it was a running theme how they were similar, and I know some fans even theorized they could be related so yes, what Hijikata is saying makes sense from the story’s perspective, this arc even lampshaded it HARD when Hijikata said Sugimoto follows the Bushido.
On a personal note I feel Sugimoto and Hijikata were more morally gray characters when the story started and now they’re painted a tad too white for how they’ve been through the story but whatever, it might be just me… or it’s just that we’re at the end and Noda thinks the final fight will work better if we forget that it’s dark grey versus light grey and think it’s pitch black versus shining white.
Anyway, as Sugimoto walk away, we can see Asirpa deeply upset at the idea Hijikata too is going to die and, again, liquefying.
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I wonder if the whole liquefying thing is symbolizes the tears she can’t shed and that she’s keeping bottled inside herself as, from when it started with Ariko’s supposed death and the discovery Boutarou died to, she still has to cry, which is pretty unhealthy.
It’s true though that Asirpa never cried for her losses through the story. In Abashiri she only quickly shed some tears for her father (and Sugimoto) being shoot but, when Ogata joined them, although she seemed to scream and fall...
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...but her eyes were dry and the same applied to when she saw Kiroranke dying, though, back then, she didn’t liquefy.
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...not when he died nor later on as Shiraishi buried him under the ice.
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She has cried when remembering her father’s words and when meeting Sugimoto again… but not when losing Kiro.
So the liquefying might symbolize this, a pain she keeps bottled inside herself and that now needs to come out.
Or it might represent her losing parts of herself.
From when she has escaped from Tsurumi she has kept on seeing people she knew dying left and right, which is traumatic, so maybe Asirpa is losing herself. We’ll see.
Meanwhile Nagakura and Kantarou get on the train and find Tsukishima and Koito being conveniently unconscious.
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Really, Tsukishima, how far were you thinking to go in such state? But okay, up until moments ago you were into the Tsukinator mode so maybe you assumed you won’t run out of battery if you were to join Tsurumi.
Whatever, Nagakura reaches for Hijikata while Kantarou checks on Ushiyama, claming he doesn’t believe it. There’s no mourning for Ushiyama and I wonder if the ‘I don’t believe it’ might refer to him being still alive because yes, I’m still in denial for Ushiyama’s death.
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Call me a fool, I don’t really care.
Anyway Hijikata entrusts his regrets to Nagakura, who this time has managed to reach him and be at his side as Hijikata, slowly, dies.
Hijikata claims although they had lived in interesting times, he was hoping he finally would live in even more interesting times and that the springtime of his life was only just beginning… because yeah, Hijikata totally doesn’t know his own age and possibly feel even younger than Sugimoto and it’s such a shame he’s dying...
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And in a way this old man is an example to us all because he lived his life always looking toward the future and living it to the fullest. He didn’t stop thinking ‘I’m old, I’ve done my share, let’s pass the ball to someone else’, no, he continued fighting for what he believed, for Japan and to repay his debt.
Hijikata finds a shame that his life has to end now, but he’s smiling as he says so, leaning against his old friend and this tells us he clearly never meant to die in a glorious last battle as Nagakura feared.
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No, Hijikata really wanted to keep on living, to keep on going, to keep on running for Japan.
So maybe it’s Nagakura the one who longs for death… which worries me as Nagakura is the last person on the wrong side of the road of survival so yeah, I don’t expect him to survive till the end but I’d like a break from all those deaths.
Still, Hijikata dies and Nagakura and Kantarou mourn him and, with them, us fans.
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It’s the death of a great character who was with us from the start and I’m sorry about it. I get that the idea is that this ‘golden kamuy’ they chased after is cursed, possessed by some sort of evil spirit and leading people to death as Makkanakkuru said in Vol 2 but… it’s still sad to see beloved characters after beloved characters to abruptly lose their plot armors and leave us.
The scene though, switches and, although Tsurumi said he would work as a bait for Sugimoto, it’s Ogata who’s all alone on the roof of the 2nd car (which was confirmed also by a scene shown during Hijikata’s death in which Ogata was on the roof and Tsurumi was nowhere to be seen).
Well, all alone but not for long, as the soldiers of the 7th divisions in the second car who yes, are still alive (and no, the thing doesn’t please me at all) are, instead than attacking Sugimoto, busy to somehow encouraging the bear to climb up the roof. How they persuaded him to do so instead than run inside the 1st car is up to anyone’s speculation.
Ogata, worried the bear would reach him, shoots him in the head, which, of course, does to the bear minimal harm. So, only now he remembers how Asirpa told him bears had thick skulls and that he shouldn’t aim for the head...
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...which really, was something I wanted him to remember so bad that I’m glad he finally does. Too bad it apparently served nothing so the fact he remembered didn’t really feel as useful.
In fact it’s kind of too late, because, before he could shoot  the bear, Sugimoto stabs him from behind (while Ogata is holding the rifle in the wrong way so I take Noda will have to redraw this scene or mirror the image… but more likely he’ll redraw it).
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While the bayonet apparently went through Ogata, there’s actually only minimal loss of blood involved so it’s possible Ogata only got his arm stabbed. Of course Sugimoto might aim to merely push Ogata in the bear’s warm embrace instead than personally murder him so he didn’t really aim at giving him a fatal wound.
Tsuurmi, who was meant to play bait for Sugimoto, is, OF COURSE, nowhere to be seen.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he escaped with the land deed and left his men, the bear, Ogata and Sugimoto’s group free to murder each other while he reaches a safe shelter with the land deed.
Sugimoto instead, has just proved he’s the Speedy Gonzales of “Golden Kamuy” because while it took hours for Tsurumi to cross a car, Sugimoto could climb up to the roof and cross a car the moment Ogata turned his eyes away from the direction he was coming from.
On a personal note, unless Noda is going to speed run through a lot of explanation or just cut it all, I don’t think Ogata is going to die in the next chapter. There are too many loose threads still tied to Ogata, and the wound he got from Sugimoto doesn’t seem serious (though, of course, this is always a matter of plot armor, if Ogata dropped his own, he can easily get killed by a paper cut, if he is still holding it instead Sugimoto can’t murder him not even if he were to walk over him with a steamroller).
Anyway we’ll have to wait for the next chapter but, sure thing is, I strongly doubt Ogata is going to die for such wound as the one Sugimoto gave him. If Noda wants to kill him, he’ll need to have Sugimoto inflict something more substantial.
Now… people know I like Ogata as a character so of course I’m going to be sad if he dies… but I’m not sure I managed to drive home the fact I like him as a character because he’s interesting.
So if his time has come I can accept him to die… but not him to become uninteresting.
Ogata has been with us from chap 4. It’s before Shiraishi and Tsurumi were introduced.
He was involved in many plot points that were left hanging and caused a lot of people to bang their head trying to figure out things about him. If all this is going to turn into loose threads and all we will have is chap 304 or something else along the line of chap 304 (which was a goddamn mess by the way because it seemed to retcon scenes from the manga for no real reason) I’m honestly not going to like it.
Yeah, I know some will prefer if Ogata is a random bad guy for the sake of being a bad guy and that Noda can’t make everyone happy but handing a character like this feels such a goddamn waste!
Though yeah, I saw Noda tossing away Vasily and Sofia so it can happen. I just absolutely don’t want to believe Noda, who previously took so much care in developing Ogata, will handle him the way he handled Vasily, someone he should have killed long ago but kept around for only God knows why.
So, really, I hope Ogata will return on being interesting, making sense with the previous scenes in which he was involved and be given a satisfying conclusion to his arc. I’m fine if he dies afterward, okay, no, fine is a big word, I’ll be distraught but I’ll cope as long as his story will make sense. If it’s another chap 304, just call me out.
Anyway, that’s it, that’s the end for this chapter, let’s stay tuned and see you in the next!
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inhuman-obey-me · 3 years
Payback's a Murder
Word Count: 2k Description: Mammon may be the Avatar of Greed and may constantly try to con his brothers, but others who try to do the same will find themselves at the wrong end of his murder. Part of the A Demon's Nature series. Finally got back to this, so here we go with Mammon's turn! Note: Mulciber is a demon mentioned in John Milton's Paradise Lost. He served under Mammon and was an architect. Can also be found on AO3 here. content warning: blood, body horror, torture via the sharp ends of birds
The Avatar of Greed often found himself in trouble, whether it be because he stole personal belongings to sell or tried to cheat someone out of cash or … well, there were a lot of ways. Call him reckless, but when he saw an opportunity to make some cold, hard Grimm, he wasn’t about to pass it up!
But if someone tried to cheat him out of something? That wouldn’t do. Few dared to try it if they knew just who they were dealing with, but that didn’t stop some from trying anyway. They always regretted it afterwards.
The real issue, however, was if someone tried to cheat his brothers out of something. After all, he was the only one allowed to rip them off (that was his justification, anyway). The moment he finds out someone else tried to play confidence demon with any of them, it was a one-way ticket to the Great Mammon’s Beatdown Extravaganza.
He was walking by Leviathan’s room earlier when he heard a loud crash, some swearing, and a slight rumble under his feet. After some door breaking, tackling, and forcing his hotheaded brother to not summon Lotan, he found out what had made him so upset. Apparently, there was some demon running around with elaborate schemes swindling others -- well, nerds -- out of their money. He went on to explain something that Mammon did not at all understand -- as was usual when he got into his otaku rambling. If his brother had not been so upset, Mammon would have commended the guy for knowing how to target and hit a jackpot.
After some additional pestering, Mammon managed to get a rough description of this third-rate demon and realized he had a pretty good idea of just who it was. It was someone far closer to him than he’d like to admit.
So now here he was, leaning against the bar at one of the Devildom’s many clubs, drink in hand as he monitors the floor. If he was right, he would see the other cozening demon somewhere here tonight, so now it was just a waiting game. As Lucifer had told him repeatedly, You have to show that you’re Number Two. He planned to make that very clear tonight.
He felt the pulse of the bass vibrating through his body as the DJ amped up their music, more and more demons flowing into the space as the prime clubbing hours arrived. A few who noticed Mammon acknowledged his presence, some whispering about how he seemed to look way more serious than normal. The Avatar of Greed, not partying the night away already? Strange.
His patience was just about to run out when he caught a glimpse of just the demon he was seeking out. Hair as orange as a flame, he wasn’t too hard to spot amongst the crowd of more muted succubi surrounding him. Mammon downed the rest of his drink in one go, wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his jacket as he made his way to his target.
“Mulciber. Already getting started, huh?”
“M-Mammon?!” He seemed startled to see the other, but cleared his throat as he regained his cool composure. “It’s good to see you, man! Why don’t you join us all for a drink?” The succubi around him giggled, one daring to lean towards Mammon in an attempt to latch onto his arm, but he quickly placed a hand up to stop her.
“No touchin’, sweetheart.” He shot her a look that made her immediately back away, a pout on her lips. “And that’s a nice offer, Mulcey, but I was hopin’ I could talk to ya real quick in private.”
Mulciber could tell that no was not an option in this conversation, given the serious look in the Avatar’s eyes. “Oh, uh, sure. Sorry ladies, I’ll be back soon. Gotta take care of business!” He gave them a wink as they continued on to the table for their party. Clearing his throat again, he turned back to his superior. “So, what’s shaking, boss?”
Mammon just gave him a smile before nodding his head towards a side door, motioning to accompany him there. The lesser demon complied, following him outside to a side alley. The night air was brisk, causing a shudder to run through Mulciber’s spine. At least, he hoped it was the weather that was making him feel like this …
“I heard ya got up to another scheme.” Mammon fiddled with a lighter, flipping the top off and on with his thumb and a jerk of his hand as he spoke. Click, click, click, click. “Wanna tell me about it?”
“Oh, uh, yeah, totally!” Mulciber nervously replied, wondering why Mammon seemed so interested. Did he want a cut of the check? Fishing for ideas for his own next get-rich-quick scheme? Or --
Oh no.
He suddenly remembered that one of the victims of his scheming had been the very Avatar of Envy. He hadn’t thought much of it at the time, delighting in the fact that he was even able to rip off a Greater Demon. Meant his plan had to be pretty genius, right? But now … now he was starting to realize that he may have just made a big mistake.
“Hm? Ya haven’t said a word, Mulcey-boy.” Mammon turned to face him, tucking the lighter into his pocket. He took a step towards the other, who immediately took a step back -- only to be met with a hard brick wall. “Or didja have a moment of realization?”
“L-Listen, Mammon, I’m sorry! I didn’t know at the time, I swear!” Mulciber brought both his hands up, as if that would stop the other from approaching him.
“Oh? ‘Cuz your face says differently, buddy.” He bared his fangs, the usual gradient in his eyes now glowing a furious gold. There’s a malicious grin on his face as he takes a step back, and then he begins to … whistle?
Mulciber does not like where this is going. He’s heard that tune before and it makes his hairs stand on end. “Look, man, please, I’ll do whatever I have to do to make it up to you!” There’s already desperation in his voice, which almost makes Mammon laugh.
“Glad to hear it. Then ya won’t have a problem with what’s about to happen next, yeah?”
It starts in the distance, a noise that made it feel as if your eardrums were being pierced by a thousand shards of glass. It grows louder and louder, closer and closer. An omen.
Mulciber shrinks against the wall, his grey eyes wide in fear. He knows running is pointless -- the other demon would quickly catch him, and leave him even worse for wear as repercussion. “P-please, Mammon, sir, don’t do this … “
“Didn’t you just say ya’d do whatever ya have to do?” Mammon shakes his head, his wings stretching out wide as if to entrap the lesser demon where he stood. “And you really think suddenly pullin’ out the formalities is gonna get ya any mercy here?”
The flapping of numerous wings now filled the air, a large murder of crows circling in the dark sky above. Their bone-chilling caws and cries rain down upon them as the birds eagerly await their master’s command.
Mammon lunged forward and grasped the other’s jaw, his claws digging into flesh as he brought his face threateningly close. “Pretty ballsy of you to think messin’ with any of us was the right move.” He growled, a rumble in his throat. “Looks like someone needs remindin’ of his place.”
“I-I wasn’t thinkin’ at the time! C’mon, you know how that is, don’t you? I was just thinking of making some big bucks, I didn’t mean to go and step out of line--” Mulciber frantically rambled, trying to ignore the searing pain he was feeling from Mammon’s grip.
“I’m sure that was the case, Mulcey, sure!” If it wasn’t for his mocking smile, the Avatar would have nearly sounded genuine. “But that doesn’t mean you can escape the consequences, ya’know?” He let out a tsk, watching as blood dripped from where he had pierced the other’s skin.
He let go of Mulciber, taking a few steps back as he shook his hand as if to clean it of the ichor. There was no denying the glee he was feeling from this -- it had been a while since he decided to flex his abilities and powers on another. Looking up to the sky, he whistled out another tune, causing the crows to descend.
“He’s all yours.” He commands them in a language only they could understand, and in a flash the black-feathered birds rush in to attack. Their squawks mix with Mulciber’s shrieks as they begin to peck at him with their beaks and scratch him with their claws. Mammon fishes out the lighter from his pocket once more, grabbing a cigarette from the box he had on him with his other hand. Leaning against the opposing alley wall, he lights up and takes a slow drag, watching as the flurry of feathers pulverize his inferior.
The crows tear at Mulciber’s flesh, their sharp beaks riddling his body with small cavities and painting him with his own blood. He continues to cry and scream, though it’s obvious he’s losing energy by the second as they grow weaker in intensity, his body slumping towards the ground. Perhaps he had learned his lesson? Surely, he’s just waiting for it all to stop now, right?
Mammon takes a glance around, humming in delight as he catches sight of a discarded iron pipe. He drops the remains of his cigarette to the ground, stomping it out before retrieving his now makeshift weapon. It feels cool and light in his hand, and he gives it a small toss in the air before catching it again with a satisfied smile.
“Alright, alright. You all can leave him alone now.” Mammon commands his murder once more, followed by another whistle to let them know they could go back to doing whatever they were doing before now. One of them flew over to Mammon, perching on the metal rod in his hand, looking up at him with a puffed up chest in pride as blood stained its beak.
“Yes, who’s my good lil’ birdie?” Mammon cooed, scratching the crow under its chin. “Go get yerself cleaned up, okay?” It cawed in delight before flying off to join the rest, who were fading back into the dark night sky. The Avatar of Greed shook his head fondly before turning his attention back to the matter at hand.
Mulciber lay crumpled on the ground, though was making efforts to sit upright as he gasped for breath. His body hurt all over, as if every inch of him had been pierced with needles. He feebly looked up to meet Mammon’s gaze, a whimper leaving him as he noticed the rod in his hand.
“What? I couldn’t let my birds have all the fun, now could I?” Mammon grasped the rod firmly in both hands before swinging it down with a deafening crack as it hit the other, who let out another sharp cry of pain.
“Hm, perhaps just another for good measure.” Whack. Another wail.
“Okay, okay. One more.” Whack. Another splatter of blood.
Content at the shuddering and sniveling mass that was left, Mammon kneeled down to get close to Mulciber’s ear, his next words full of menace. “Ya really should have stuck to the building business. Keep that in mind in the future, ‘kay?”
Mammon stood up and let the iron rod clatter to the ground, its hollowness ringing into the night. He made his way back inside to order another drink, ignoring the whispers and stares from the others in the club. It was doubtful that Mulciber would make an appearance here after what had happened for a while.
He knocked on the bar counter, getting the attention of the bartender. “Give me a glass of your finest whiskey. Put it on Mulciber’s tab.”
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rivendellsstuff · 3 years
𝐀𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 | ❝In despair, he condemns his desires. Regretted, he know the consequences would be eternal and all he wanted was you. Your fiery personality, bright lips and soft skin.❞
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2310;
Genre: friends to lovers;
𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫: Mentions of canon-typical violence. The first chapter is set before the events of the first season. Friends with benefits — so, it'll be eventual smut (like, a lot!)
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: English isn't my natives language, so if you spot a misspelled word or anything else, feel free to let me know.
Some men's whish the glory, others crawl like snakes by power and there is those who live like rats in the system. However, there is a exception — and his names is Levi Ackerman. Emerged from the underground, by dust and blood, forged as a weapon at an early age and steeped in pride, he raised as humanity's strongest soldier. He carries a doctrine, imbedded in his bones: he serves to humanity, the balance and the freedom of mankind. If there is a threat, he is the man who can fight against it, ranging from cruel people to evil titans.
He was born in cruel times and did his best to survive in the Underground. He found a glory he wasn't looking for. Something many wish to through their lives, but which, for him, was irrelevant. They all bleed, they all are stuck on the Walls and share the same ended chapter: the death. The final outcome is not defined by possessions, achievements or privileges in life. The only difference was that could get death any easier and painless. Levi was not a hypocrite: he would rather a peaceful death, lying on his bed, instead of being eaten by a titan.
He rather — and is all what it is. It wasn't like if he had any choice. The Ackerman's family were designed to protect the people and to fight. They were cursed with a power. Some people could say it is a miracle in dark times. Others would argue that mans were corrupted, cruel and too ambitious to deal with that awakened power. Well, Levi knows, that no everyone were worthy to possess such ability — Kenny, that asshole, was one of them.
However, there was kind strange situation. An only exception, an affliction that hung over through the heart and maddened his mind: you.
Desire wasn't a word enough to define how he feels close to you, a fearless female warrior, who destroy each barrier he has built over the years, causing delirium with the thought of you hurt. Levi knew he would have taken a checkmate just by desiring you.
But when it all starts? He couldn't say with sure. Maybe, when he, Farlan and Isabel were recruited by the Survey Corps, and you were the only one who spoke to them without undriveable mock and trial. You, besides Erwin, didn't seem to care where they came from. As deeply loyal as you were to your comrades, you didn't depend on your interactions with them for take a direction — you were content to follow your own passions and desires without input from anyone else.
Maybe it started when he saw you in battle or an a argue with a member of Military Police Regiment. Fear is not in yours's vocabulary when you are on the battlefield or when you are speaking her mind to others.
As their partnership grew, he'd find some similarities between you, but also many differences.
You, just like him, has little patience for any form of prose or riddles when you are communicating with others. You speak bluntly and without pretense, and expects others to do the same, prefers to get to the point and doesn’t seek to romanticize your expectations or intentions. You also are focused on the present issues and what role you can play in protecting the people that you love, what can prevent you from seeing the future results of your present actions and, unlike him, does result in some impulsive and risky — yet brave— actions.
All these little things over the years, made him fall in love with you, and Levi had ways to say it without saying "I love you".
Like that night.
He wasn't hiding his disgust face when handed you a cup full of that steaming, black liquid; the simply smelling coffee could make your stomach turn, but still, he prepares a cup for you every night.
As the second in the command, you have spent several evenings together conducting the next advances of the squadron. So, there you are, sitting next to him, eyes focused on the paper, turning the pen between your fingers and... biting your lower lip.
Occasionally, almost instinctively Levi raises his eyes to you. Being so close of you was it's a unique feeling. The smell of your perfume as stunning, and his throat closes around the words he would like to say. The tension that has been brought in was too dangerous for someone like him.
Fucking woman, fucking lips. Fuck you!
''Is there a problem?'', you inquired making eye contact for the first time that night. He couldn't say if there was perversion when you wet your own lips, but Levi felt his muscles become tense and contracted when you made it.
Levi responded with a faint whimper before observed: ''You shouldn't be drinking so much coffee at this time. You look like shit when don't get sleep''.
Lie. Fucking hell, you're always beautiful, but no way he'd say what he thought.
You rolled your eyes. ''It's you who did'', you put forth.
''I wasn't in the mood to put up with a brat attitude from you.''
''Brat? You know that we have about the same age, don't you?'', your gaze traveled from the figure sat in front of you to the window, confused as to why you would be embarrassed about his presence. You took in a breath before adding: ''Anyway, don't want sleep.''
There was a pause for a few seconds. You and he eyed each other.
''Why?'', he asks, authoritative one.
You shrugged and shook your head firmly. ''It doesn't matter.''
''If it doesn't matter, why would I have asked that?''
"Cause you're snooper”, you smirked.
''I'm not a snooper, brat."
He felt his heart begin to quicken when you carried the pen to your lips and start biting.
"Yes, you are a horrible snooper old man, bossy and with an astonishing mania for cleanliness."
"Old? You know we have about the same age”; he repeats. His eyes drifted back to your face, noticing your gaze had shifted again to the woods beyond the window. "And you're avoiding the question", he softly says (at least as softy as he could be), interrupting your rampant thoughts. "Are you alright?"
Levi watches in silence as you'd shoulders slump.
"I can't sleep. My mind has the scary capability of being evil, although I always thought that one day it'd get better", you're voice was low and flat, quiet and a little sad as you spoke to Levi, who seemed to know what are you exactly referred to and only nodded at your words. "I feel guilty. All the time."
Even in the darkness the room held, your eyes find his greys one like the starlight's.
''Are you afraid of your dreams, too?'', you asked, never expecting the humanity strongest soldier to have any fears.
'Yes'', he said quietly.
You nodded with hesitation, his words repainting in your head as you struggled to forma a sentence to answered.
Levi was used to such sadness, he had month's — no, years — to griever over the deaths of his mother and friends. Death was not uncommon thing in his life. His childhood who should be carefree, playing in the sun, was like a living nightmare, learning to fight in the darkness of Underground. Later, when he left the place to join the Survey Corps, he accepted to live in that never ending tragedy that people had sadly grown used to. Death was more common in that job than anything else, and he knows how badly it fuck with his mind.
“I’m beginning to think we’re a lot alike… you and me. We’re both strange cast, who’ve learned to fight when we’re backed into a corner'', you began weakly.
''Well, we’re backed into a corner now. Two fucking insomniacs”, he shook his head, thinking about your words. He didn't seem to like the way your voice sounded sadder. You raised your eyes to him again as he slowly spoke: ''You're not alone''
You answered a tiny smile onto your lips. Levi felt his cheeks burn and opposite glanced to your empty coffee cup, thinking that he'll able to always tolerate your strange addiction.
A few second later you both went back to work, and Levi was left with words stuck, temptation planted in the mind and a sure thing for him: the insomniac nights would become better by you.
【 ━━ 】
Inside Wall Sheena, guests were arriving, among them five members of the Scout Regiment - consisting mostly of commanders - walked through the gates, exuding self-confidence, bitter to participate in that boring and stupid meeting.
Little lies, little social sacrifices to feed what kept the Scout Regiment going: funding.
It was not necessary to be an expert in politics to see beyond the traditional veil of those events, to perceive the intentions of certain parliamentarians, very sadistic. Knowing it was part of your job to relate to these kinds of people annoyed you.
For one minute, you saw out of the corner of your eyes, the first on your command. The man of grey eyes used a black suit that fits perfectly. Be present in an event with so many politics didn't seem to his liking. Was kind of hard for all of you play nice one with all this tension in the air.
You've never felt the feeling of fear and tension like that inside the Walls before.
''Stop frowning before you break your face''
'It would be so sad, and you would cry for being depriving of that beautiful face''
''Oh, fuck yourself'', he says, angrily.
''If you watch''
You smirched at his expression as he looks up to you, after seeing your face, he turns away.
''Watch your words, brat''
''Or what, old man? What will you do to me?''
He looks back up at you.
''I could break you habit of drinking coffee, put you to clean all the HQ or even to help Hange with the experiments. The three together seems good, by the way''
You roll your eyes.
''You're mean''
'You're annoying'', he replied. ''And you know, if you keep rolling your eyes one day their going to get stuck like that''
''Are you trying to be funny?''
His little grin showed up making you roll eyes into a smile. He was terribly bossy and annoying, but you like that about him.
You took the glass of wine to your lips and raised your eyes to hit his. Levi hovered over you, making you felt that flame into your heart once more. Your eyes tailed down to Levi's lips then back to his eyes. You could feel your heart beating recklessly.
Fucking grey eyes, fucking black suit. Fuck you!
You felt a thumb on your cheeks, making them burn.
''You look...'', he started whispered and slightly caress your cheeks. Your body started to get hot under his soft touch. ''... beautiful. You look beautiful''
You were speechless.
You liked the sudden ardor, of the dangerous attraction, of folly and frivolous with provocative sins. Liked and thought how the taste of his lips would be: the indomitable, the irresistible, the powerful and sin.
He slowly dragged his hand down to my thorax wrapping his hands around it. A soft gasp escaped of your lips.
''You know... If you want dance, it'll not rude to ask'', you try to say. ''The song is awful, but I'm not a demanding partner''
''Only if you don’t step on my foot''
His prepotency make you smile.
''Don’t be a bad partner and there will be no mistakes'', you retorted, making him raised one of the eyebrows. ''That's how a men should behave next to a woman''
He took you in his arms, abruptly, making the bodies collide with intensity. You gasped, very close to Levi's ears, who felt the hairs stand on the back of his neck. Leading you through music, in no second was the look averted, in a battle for unknown control.
You and Levi explored a unique experience.
He stares burned deep into your body. His touch on your skin made your body tingle.
Fuck, control yourself. Don't get turned on by him!
He didn't say anything, just left you hold into him. You could feel your body burning around him. What was he doing to you? It felt like a spell. The effect of sin, of desire. You should get rid of that, all you needed least were distractions in the workplace and ruin the friendship, trust and partnership that you two took so long to build.
However, both keep looking to each other longer than friends should. Longer than friends should...
He could saw you lost inside your mind. Slowly, he pulled down his fingers, lazily touching the skin of your exposed back by the dress. Levi's vision was blinded by the desire his image represented. The surroundings smelled wine and fruits, intoxicating his sense. The ears, doomed to hear the political bullshit. His tact could burn by touching you. His taste? It was dangerous, because wanted to discover the taste of your lips and body.
But not now, not here.
You are his friend — the only who was left. In despair, he condemns his desires. Regretted, he knew the consequences would be eternal and all he wanted was you. Your fiery personality, bright lips and soft skin.
To hell all of that. When you both got back, he'll fucked you, every way that he can thinking off. He wants to pound into you, slammed into you and give the best night that you ever have. He wants to kiss every inch of your skin.
''Good girl'', he whispers next to your ears. ''But I'll show you how true men should behave next to a woman when we get back''
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