#they panic and without even thinking use dark magic to bring them back... bc they can't imagine living in a world without them...
forffax · 8 months
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newww ocs <3
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mandoalorian · 4 years
hiii could you do a drabble with Din?? I was thinking he doesn’t know you have anxiety yet and you’re having a panic attack and he doesn’t rlly know how to handle them?? I thought #16 would be perfect bc protector Din is like “I will fuck up whatever is making you feel like this” (surprise bucket head, it’s their own brain)
Melting Dew [Din Djarin x GN!Reader]
Prompt no.16 “Who hurt you?” — thank you for the request!
Warnings: mentions of anxiety, panic attack, body dysmorphia, food mention, domestic!Din, Din and reader have pre-established relationship.
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 2000>
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Din wasn't meant to be back for at least two more hours. The farmers market was about a three mile walk away from where he'd parked the Razor Crest, and he'd taken Grogu with him this time, who was sure to preoccupy Din whilst you were unable to accompany him. You'd spent the past week beaming at the thought of returning to Naboo, and craving the delicious, juicy taste of their native sourberries. Last night, before you fell asleep in Din's arms, you excitedly told him how you were going to purchase enough sourberries to last the entirety of the upcoming bounty hunting season. Din jokingly rolled his eyes at your comment and pressed a chaste kiss into your forehead, always finding your love for the simpler things in life extremely endearing.
Din Djarin spent the majority of his life a lone warrior. But upon meeting you and rescuing Grogu, it seemed like that all changed— and quickly, too. Now he was providing for the little green bean he called 'son', and you, the most beautiful, interesting and equally important person he'd ever laid his eyes on. Your appearance was soft, delicate, and your features were doe-like. In a galaxy filled with hatred and war, you were the epitome of hope and innocence. How could he not love you? He admired your attitude and excitement for life, and he adored the way you cared for Grogu unconditionally, like he was your own child. You were unlike any other person he'd ever met before. You were as pure as melting dew.
So of course he was protective over you. You, Din and Grogu had scowered the most dangerous depths of the galaxy and you all had your fair share of abuse from Imps, crime syndicates and immoral scoundrels. But there were people out there who tried to hurt you. However, they could never even get close to drawing a knife to your neck. Din was always one step ahead. Messing with you was no game. He hadn't let a single one of them live.
You'd awoken early this morning, quietly slipping out of bed and padding over to your closet in search for an appropriate outfit for the day ahead. You picked out a white tunic and embroided belt, along with some brown boots; but strangely enough, none of it seemed to fit. This was your favourite outfit and you wore it on practically all your days off. You loved the flow of it, and the way it hugged all the curves and accents of your body. But today... something wasn't right. The stitched tunic was tight around your arms and boxy on your shoulders, and as you looked in the full length mirror, your heart sank in your chest. The boots made everything worse. The belt didn't hang on your body correctly. And hell, it wasn't even just the clothes. There was something wrong with your hair today too— and your skin had broken out— and the dark circles that graced your under eyes had become significantly more prominent. You felt completely and utterly disgusting. There was no other word to describe it.
You heard Grogu stir from the quarters and you knew it wouldn't be long until he and Din woke up. You felt so embarrassed. So ashamed. The Mandalorian was an esteemed bounty hunter, best in the Guild, and also your husband— but Kriff, if he seen you like this... he'd shove you off his ship and make the jump to hyperspace within seconds! Panic filled you and the palms of your hands became clammy. He couldn't see you like this. He couldn't.
Just as you anticipated, you heard Grogu's garbles, signifying that the child was now awake and ready for breakfast. Din groaned something incoherent and you glanced over to him as he shuffled amongst the blankets. Your mind was still racing. If he saw you like this, he would for sure leave you. You had to hide. But where?
You bolted to the other side of Din's quarters and into the Refresher, turning on the shower and discarding the clothes that had made you feel so monstrous on the floor. Din heard the screeching noise of the Refresher and thought it was strange you were showering so early. The water was always particularly cold on a morning, and you knew this. Nevertheless, he shrugged it off and headed over to grab some pots and pans. He was preparing bone broth for breakfast.
When you didn't join the duo, Din left a bowl of broth for you in the cockpit of his ship. After he finished washing the dishes, he knocked on the Refresher door. "Cyare, are you alright?" he called, his voice rife with concern.
"Y-yes, I'm okay." you lied through gritted teeth. You were sat on the cold tiled floor, a towel hugging your body as you shivered uncontrollably.
"I was going to leave now... for the farmer's market. The walk is quite far so I wanted to set off early. Are you still coming?" Din asked curiously, his gloved hand nervously tracing the details of the steel door.
"I think I'll skip today, but have fun with Grogu, and stay safe." You tried to sound as optimistic and normal as usual, but behind the closed door, a silent tear slipped down your cheek. There was a brief silence and you had considered maybe Din had already left. But then you heard his modulated voice again.
"Are you sure everything is okay?" He knew how much you'd looked forward to going to the farmers market. It was all you had been talking about for the past week. Sourberries.
"I'm fine!" you forced a smile, even though he couldn't see.
Din wasn't convinced, but he knew better than to push you. If you said you were fine, so be it. He believed you. He had no reason not to trust you when you'd been nothing but honest to him since the very day you met him, all those moons ago.
Once you were sure he was gone, you pulled your pajamas back over your head, and climbed into bed. You felt safe, and free from any judgement. You were all alone. And that meant you could cry. So, you did. You sobbed for what felt like hours. You laid on your side and clutched the thin blanket tight to your chest, almost like you were hugging it for comfort. Your whimpers echoed against the interior of the Crest and this was the only time you had been thankful for Din and Grogu not being around.
Until you heard the entrance to the Crest shoot open, with that all too familiar whizzing noise. Dank Farrik— they were back early. They were back and you weren't even dressed. Your eyes were red and puffy, your hair was sticking up in places. You were, to put simply, a mess. But you felt like you were no less of a mess than what you were when you had worn the white tunic and embroided belt this morning whilst they were still asleep. You sunk under the covers of the bed and tried to hide from them. You prayed to the Maker that perhaps Grogu would help you out and use one of his magical force abilities to make you invisible. Then you'd never have to face the oncoming conversation with Din. The conversation that was inevitable.
"Cyar'ika?" Din asked, putting Grogu down on the floor and approaching you hesitantly. Thankfully, Grogu was more preoccupied with the little silver beskar ball he'd always play with. It came from one of the many levers on the Razor Crest. Din gently pulled away the blankets, revealing your tired glazed eyes and your tear stained cheeks. "Oh, my love. What... what happened?"
You didn't answer, feeling a swell of guilt erupt in your stomach. Din removed his helmet and placed it on the nightstand, and your heart jumped at the mere sight of your husband. His dark eyebrows were furrowed together in bewilderment and his honey colour eyes raked your body. "Who hurt you?" he asked, his voice dropping an octave. It was low and gravely; and you knew he was very serious. "Cyare... did something happen? Did someone-"
"No." you cut him off quickly.
No? Din's mind couldn't compute that answer. There was clearly something very wrong, and Din had to find out what exactly it was. Someone must've done something. You were fine yesterday. Had someone been on the ship while he and Grogu were out?
"Whoever or whatever it is— I can fix it. I will hunt them down cyare, you hear me? They won't know what hit them. I can-"
"Din stop," you pleaded with weak gasp, bringing your hands up to hide your face. You felt nothing but shame. "It's not... it's not like that. It's me."
Din's expression changed almost immediately. His face softened, his perfect plush lips parted slightly at your confession. He sat on the edge of the bed and took your hand. "What do you mean?" he quizzed quietly, although he had an inkling he already knew what you meant.
"I got up early this morning, excited to venture out to the farmers market with you and Grogu. Excited to go sourberry picking. But when I got dressed, it was like... something just hit me. I can't put it into words but I just felt so... so... ugly."
Once again, Din's brain simply could not compute your revelation. Ugly? You? How could you possibly feel that way. You shared the likeness of an angel. How could it be?
You swallowed and continued. "And then I got afraid. I got so scared that you'd see me the way I see me, and you wouldn't want to be with me anymore. That you'd run away from me and leave me behind." you shrugged helplessly. Now the tears were beginning to free fall.
"I could never, ever, think that of you, riduur. I love you so much. How could I possibly leave you? Without you, my life would end. It would be meaningless." Din revealed, his chocolate eyes glossy as he cupped your face with his large hand. His thumb traced the height of your cheekbone and you found yourself subconsciously leaning into his touch.
"Don't say things like that," you whispered, shaking your head. "You don't need me around... you already had everything under control before me."
"But nobody to make me smile. Nobody to make me laugh. Nobody to bring me joy... or show me the pleasure of how to love, and be loved in return." Din huffed, pressing his forehead against yours. "Next time you feel this way, please don't hide it from me. Whatever you're going through, we go through it together. Okay?"
You sniffed before finally nodding your head in affirmation. "Okay Din."
Din leaned in and pressed his lips against yours, the curve of his nose bumping into your cheek as he manouvered his body carefully over you. "So beautiful, and all mine." He purred lovingly before licking a stripe over your lower lip. You moaned wantonly and interwined your fingers in his curly brown locks of hair.
It was moments like this that you cherished forever. The sweet touches and soft murmers that made you void of all worry and insecurity; because in that moment, all that mattered was you and your riduur.
Permanent taglist: @paintballkid711 @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @luvzoria @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal @wonderfulfluffer @kiwi-the-first @pedroepascal @castiel-barnes @honeymandos @rocketqueen @ladycumberbatchofcamelot @dybalalover10 @girl-obsessed-with-things @elena-myth @moth-guillotine @pedro-pascal-love @hayley-the-comet @pinkninja190 @maxiarapamaya @autumnleaves1991-blog @artsymaddie @harrys-stan @kennedywxlsh @cripplingmoon @cheekygeek05 @mrschiltoncat @rye-flower @theamuz
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nyaagolor · 3 years
may we please get the mirror world headcanons?
heck yes u may
Most of it will be under the cut bc I talk a lot
I like to think the Mirror World is a reflection of the regular world (I call it Prime World for convenience's sake), and by reflection I mean opposite. It's not opposite in a "good v evil" way, just in the sense that a mirror world counterpart is the inverse of their prime world self, for better or for worse. For example, Noddies in Prime World sleep for most of their lives, while Mirror Noddies barely ever sleep and are constantly alert. Instead of a Sleep Ability, they give Panic, aka the Kirby equivalent of slurping down 15 espresso shots in a row. The mirror world counterparts are no better or worse than the prime world, just different!
Headcanons for all the mirror world counterparts of the Star Allies (or at least the ones I've thought abt) are under the cut :3c
Shadow Kirby (Skirby): Where Prime Kirby is reckless, bold, and overconfident, Skirby is reserved, cautious, and kinda pessimistic. They're no weaker or meaner than Prime Kirby, but seem a bit shy and non-confrontational because they always want to scope out the scene before they launch into anything. Some might call it cowardly, but Skirby thinks it's pragmatic. Much like prime Kirby, though, he's the hero of Popstar and is usually the planet's last defense against whatever eldritch horror comes their way. He deserves a break, though, since unlike Prime Kirby he's not surrounded by friends to help him out
Shadow Dedede (SDDD): He started off as a good king, always being diligent, professional, and responsible in contrast to Prime DDD's self-serving, goofy ways. He wanted what was best for the mirror world, but life didn’t make it easy. The mirror dees, rather than the loyal helpers we know from the prime world, were backstabbing jerks who were loyal to no one but themselves. SDDD tried so hard to be a good king, but had no one to help, no one to pull him out of a slump, so he just slipped through the cracks and got worse. Bitterness and anger consumed him until he started looking out for himself and himself only. He became a tyrant, turning into an iron-fisted, merciless ruler whose laws were enforced through violence. DDD got better with the help of his friends, but SDDD got much, MUCH worse as a result of his isolation and loneliness. Also he has a battle axe instead of a hammer bc I think it's cool
Dark Meta Knight (DMK): He's basically the antithesis of a knight: he's willing to work for anyone no matter how rotten they are; he always plans on backstabbing them later, cares about no one but himself, never plays fair, and is a lazy, rude jerk. He likes spicy foods instead of sweets, challenges children to duels WITHOUT offering them a sword first, and is deathly afraid of heights, despite having wings. He was in the process of creating a land-razing tank called the Halberd, but his crew betrayed him and cut up his wings and mask so now he isolates himself out of anger and fear. After being with the Star Allies, he's made some friends and realized the value of teamwork-- also he likes teaching Adeleine swears. With Dark Mind gone and the Mirror World still a bit of a dump, DMK would much rather hang out in the prime world and get on Meta Knight's nerves. He tries his best to protect the two (2) people in the mirror world he does tolerate, though (it's skirby and sddd).
Mirror Bandee: Hates SDDD with a passion. In fact, he's attempted to assassinate the king at least 26 times, but fails both because SDDD is way smarter than him and also Mirror Bandee is a sniveling coward who runs at the first sign of danger. His repeated failures have made him more of a scaredy cat, so no one takes him seriously anymore. He has a knife and ties his bandana around his "mouth" like a scarf, but it doesn't help to make him more intimidating. His repeated attempts to kill the king (and more recently Skirby and DMK, who hang out with SDDD) have become a constant in their lives and weirdly enough they don't mind his company.
Mirror Marx: I always assumed that Prime Marx was a noddy with Mirror instead of sleep. Well Mirror Marx is the opposite-- instead of having Panic like the regular hyperactive Mirror Noddies, he has sleep. He didn't show up for the events of Amazing Mirror bc he was snoozin. Because of this, he never got the Nova's powers, never tricked skirby, and never did anything evil. In fact, unlike Prime Marx, Mirror Marx cares too much about everyone's feelings, is always kind, and doesn't have a mean bone in his body. He's the glue holding the mirror world together bc not even the worst of villains want to hurt him. He's just so darn CUTE
Mirror Animal Friends: Imagine the animal friends. Give them angry expressions and sunglasses. Now make them part of a gang. Yeah that's it. The Animals are no friend of skirby's and would sooner maul the poor kid than ever lend him a paw (or flipper or wing). The forest bows to their whims and they rule it like your typical mafia boss. They're jerks.
Mirror Daroach: See these posts.
Dark Taranza: Hoo BOY he's bad. He's real bad. He rules over Mirror Floralia (Sporalia?) which is underground and filled with nasty creepy crawlies. He hates getting his hands dirty and will do anything it takes to get more power and luxury so long as he doesn't have to put himself in danger. He only cares about one thing, and that's himself. What about Queen Sectonia, you ask? She was the original queen of Mirror Floralia, but Dark Taranza mind-controlled her into his puppet to do his bidding. When the people finally snapped and declared war on the tyrannical queen, it was her they shattered, being none the wiser that Dark Taranza was the one pulling the strings. He still has a box of her shards in his castle, just in case he needs a new puppet to play with. He loves jewels and machines, all things inorganic. The imperfections of flowers? Not his style.
Mirror Magolor: Quick tangent here: Mirror Lor Starcutter, rather than being a ship to BRING people to paradise, is a sort of pocket paradise, a little virtual reality magic... thing. It can also be easily modified to only open from the outside. That's important for later. Anyway, Mirror Magolor is brutally honest, but also rude, unfriendly, impulsive, and incredibly violent. He hates machines and will start punching a lamppost if he accidentally walks into it. Scrappy little dude. He would actually rather claw his ears off than be friends with another living being. He just likes brawling and destroying ancient artifacts and that's it. Well one day he tells the mirror crew he wants to go get this thing called the Master Crown so he can destroy it. SDDD, Skirby, Mirror Bandee and DMK realize hey, that'd be nice for us to have, let's join him and then betray him at the last minute. As soon as they get there, though, the crown ends up choosing Mirror Mags as a host before anyone can do anything. Oops! The others manage to shatter him... but then the crown pulls his shards back together and attacks them again. Realizing he's both totally lost it and also immortal, the others lock Mirror Mags inside the Lor as the crown erodes the last of his humanity. Consumed by blind rage and the crown's power, Mirror Magolor just lashes out at anything that moves, biting and clawing at whatever he can reach like a feral cat. There's like a 80% chance he has rabies.
Sorry to Susie, Gooey, Adeleine, and all the non-Star Allies crew, I haven't thought abt them yet
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griffnoir · 3 years
i had this idea for a fic that i just wanted to share bc i thought it was neat and i know i will never write it under the cut : regulus black and severus snape, young and not that desperate, team up to defeat voldemort (for better and for worse)
- we are in 79. regulus goes to retrieve the locket, happy to die a sad and heroic death BUT kreacher brings him back to grimmauld place against his orders. he is dying... because of a potion... kreacher knows someone who knows shit about potions... regulus lives au! severus gets kidnapped by a nasty house-elf :/ he def had better sundays but that’s fine: he helps his fellow death-eater bc it’s what one does (everything for the cause!)
- regulus heals. regulus isn’t so happy about it (one cannot even kill oneself in this economy) then the conversation goes: reg : hey do u wanna know something that will get u killed? sev : no. reg : so the dark lord has made this thing called an horcrux... :D sev : T.T fuck why would u say that to me
- severus had doubts(tm) about this death-eater thing. this is the tipping point. so they are here, 18 and 19, one braincell between them, deciding after multiple identity crisis that they will kill the dark lord or die trying (they have better faith in the dying part but that’s ok they have nothing to lose) - they both know too much so this is a sort of race against time reg : i guess we could go to dumbledore sev : lol we are not THAT desperate
- they don’t go to dumbledore ://
- it is very important to me that they can’t fucking stand each other on the best of days. like: severus is severus, the little rat(affectionate) but i always thought of regulus as a mix between sirius and draco, plus whatever u want (this is not a good mix). the guy is pampered, rich, posh and a bloody nuisance of a person (also a dedicated blood supremacist); severus isn’t a Black so for once in his life he is actually the well-adjusted one - this doesn’t augure well for their enterprise
- do they succeed? yes. how? dumb luck. also they have a “they didn’t know it was impossible so they did it” type of thing going on. regulus’ superpower is the fact that he is rich, has connections and that nobody suspects him of anything. severus’ one is pure spite and the hogging of the braincell; they both think they are the brain behind this operation and that they are superior to the other in the ways that count (actually they are both just clowns)
- one of the only thing they share is the ultimate goal of killing voldemort; also, they both have somebody on the other side they don’t want ending up dead, so there is that; moreover they are both stressed out of their minds (the self-medication is strong and it could become a problem)
- they have to juggle their public life, their death-eater life and their hunting horcruxes life. it gets complicated :(
- grey-ish moral decisions are made, but hey! one has to do what one has to do
- how do they find the horcruxes? perhaps with the help of dark magic? through inside knowledge? a bit of both? regulus could know where is the diary/ the cup; if u know what u are looking for, nagini is an obvious answer; the ring can be found with minimal research on tom riddle; the diadem can be a lucky find (one could call it an educated guess lol)
- regulus learns that he can actually stand up for himself without his family weighing in and that his whole worldview is in fact a giant with feet of clay. severus that he can lead his life without idly surfing on the consequences of his bad decisions and can change things for the better by acting on them. that’s great. they are doing great. they are fucking terrified for their lifes.
- they end up begrudgingly respecting each other. are they friends? loaded question. perhaps.
- in this au, severus does also report the prophecy to the dark lord, then panics when the potters are brought up. sev and reg pass the information to the order one way or another and this just speeds up their research
- they kill nagini on the sly: it’s a shitshow of epic proportion, but they get away with it bc uh... who would think them able of such a feat? it’s def an highly-trained task force or something. sad that the snake got in the way though :/ (there is no more horcrux, the dark lord is mortal once more)
- who kills voldemort? neither of them. it would be cool, but no. the obvious choice would rather be dumbledore, and why not, in an impressive duel for the ages. personally i would prefer someone from the order, why not one of the youngsters: sirius? remus (a fucking win for the werewolves if it’s the case)? if we are only in 80, why not a peter who has not yet turned traitor lmao? if it’s one of them it’s just totally anti-climatic
- hell yeah! voldemort is trully, trully dead! the one who killed him is hailed as an hero and everybody lived happily ever after! severus and regulus will never have to speak to each other again!
- no.
- the hunt for the death-eaters begins: names are being dropped left and right. regulus doesn’t even go to trial bc he throws money at his problems; severus is not so lucky and gets rounded up in the most stupid way possible, also he thinks he deserves azkaban bc he did some shady shit and likes the martyr vibes reg, who has outgrown his suicidal tendencies: shit i need to save this punk’s ass since he won’t do it himself
- are regulus and his money enough to exonerate severus? perhaps. living with the morale high ground of having brought down the dark lord could be enough to rebuild a decent life for themselves; would they have closure? in a bittersweet way they could
- if it’s not enough, regulus being THAT desperate, he would go to the biggest bully of the playground aka dumbledore. a dumbledore ready to believe that voldemort would be coming back, until this scrawny (almost) 20 years-old goes “nah, we took care of that for you, you are welcome! also, since the whole wizarding world has a debt for us or something, could u pls bail my colleague? friend? out that would be great” albus : ... what?
- i just want a fun reveal; in the future to have regulus talking to his brother, severus to lily (at least for one good talk, i don’t ask for much), just to have that closure pls :’(
- 10 years later or something rita skeeter digs up the whole convulated story it’s glorious. nobody wants that
i don’t have anything else but it was fun to think about
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🎃 𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖍 🎃 |
↪ ✦ old habits die hard ✦
this chapter pairing; vampire!jun x reader
genre&warnings; vampire!jun, softdom!jun, blindfolds, spanking, fingering, marking, soft aftercare bc vampire jun is kind and caring!!!!
notes; vampire!jun strikes me as someone who’d be playful yet super caring and makes sure you’re comfortable before anything else 😩😩...also i’ve noticed that i’ve unintentionally made each chapter, like, alternate time periods so far kfhksdh that was not part of the plan and it’s not gonna follow that pattern but omg kfjhdkjfh😭😭 i’ve written almost half of monster mash and didn’t even notice til now lmaooooo 🤣 as always, thank you for all of the love and interest! see you all tomorrow~! 💕👻 🎃 
word count; ~3000
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x
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ooh, and the sugar turned bitter
ooh, and the summer turned to winter
but i still want your love;
ooh, they can tell me i’m a sinner
ooh, but they can’t call me a quitter
i won’t give you up;
old habits die hard!
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You find yourself trapezing through the dense forest; racing the sun that disappears behind the horizon.
Jun just had to pick such a difficult place to find.
Not that you could blame him.
Most of the townspeople shunned you too; once they found out you were hanging around Jun and his kind. ‘It’s shameful’, they said, ‘He’s just using you.’
Their nosy stares and whispered rumours were growing to be too much, even for you.
Jun would never treat you that way. You were sure of it.
A twig snaps somewhere close to you and you realize the sun’s going down much quicker than you anticipate; hurrying through the tangled vines and dense bushes. In truth, you weren’t necessarily sure if you were heading the right way at all and you’d already restarted your route after three other failed attempts.
The panic floods your body when the twig snapping get closer and you realize you hadn’t brought anything to defend yourself with.
“Is--Is someone there?” You ask, voice shaky and barely above a whisper.
You’re met with silence, almost eerily so, as the forest seems to go absolutely quiet. “Hello?”
A chill runs up your spine as you’re suddenly reminded that the forest was home to more than just vampires, but other magical creatures who called the forest their home. And here you were, a measly human with no weapons or means of protecting yourself.
Maybe this hadn’t been the brightest of ideas now that the sun was almost completely down.
You let out an ear piercing scream as you already start to bolt; not caring where your feet took you. “Hey! Damn it, don’t run!” Jun grabs your arm before you can get any further, tugging you towards himself as he sighs. “It’s just me!”
“Why on earth are you scaring me!? In a forest no less!?” The blood rushes to your face which makes Jun laugh, eyes rolling when he licks his lips. Of course.
“No reason. You know, I was watching you since the second time you restarted your route.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
The male shrugs, “Wanted to see how determined you were to find me.”
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Jun walks with you, hand in hand, through the large overhanging trees. “We’re almost there. And by the way, why were you even out here looking for me? It’s late and you could’ve gotten hurt.”
Your lips press into a tight lipped smile, eyes focused on the small clearing that was up ahead. “I…” You hesitate; you didn’t know what you were doing either, you just knew you had to see Jun.
“Let me take a wild guess, the townspeople were staring again, weren’t they? Whispering about how ‘mingling with the creatures is unbecoming of you.’ right?” You exhale softly, wrapping your arms around Jun’s as you lean into him. “Something like that, yes.”
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence as he guides you through the forest and into the clearing; an old brick mansion coming into view as you step further out.
“Wow… Is this where you’ve been… hiding out?”
Jun chuckles, peering down at you. “Something like that. It’s not much and it hasn’t been kept up for human... inhabitants. There’s enough space for a garden though, perhaps to grow some vegetables?” He clears his throat, hoping you catch what he’s trying to say. “But I think with time and a little effort, we can… figure out how to fix it up for, well, us.”
You grip tightens up on his arm, head tilting up to meet his stare. “Jun… are you sure?”
His dark red pools are soft and gentle, even in the moonlight.
“I mean, you risked your safety to come find me about four times. And if I’m being honest, I quite missed you too. It’s lonely out here and a little too dilapidated for my liking.”
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When Jun gets you into the mansion, it’s a quick and fleeting tour around the deteriorating grounds before he turns to you, eyes twinkling as he tugs you up the stairs.
“It’s the only room that’s… intact. I’ve been using it as my personal bedroom.”
He opens the door and pulls you in, letting it slam shut behind you as he tugs you into his chest. “There’s a bed and… well, that’s all we really need, right, sweetheart?”
The two of you share a laugh just as Jun tilts your head up towards him. He leans in close, lips ghosting across your own and you feel your eyes flutter shut as you wait for Jun to kiss you.
It never comes.
Jun’s laugh is breathy and warm against your face and you shyly open your eyes to find his own crimson ones looking at you teasingly.
“But you know, sweetheart, I do have to punish you.”
“W--what? Why, but I didn’t--” Confusion crosses your features as he pulls away; blood going cold when he steps closer to the bed. He takes a seat on the edge, hands neatly folded in his lap.
“Oh, I know, your pretty little head is so confused, huh? But do you remember what I told you before? At the lake, after we’d met for the third time. It was the only rule I ever gave you.”
‘Do not ever trespass into the forest without my permission or my knowledge.’
“Ah, ah, no buts. Now come over here, baby. Over my lap.” The blood rushes to your face again as you curl your fingers into your dress, nodding shakily as you step closer to Jun. You quietly slip your shoes off as he scoots further onto the bed. Nervously, you situate yourself over his lap; ass in the air as you brace yourself on your hands and knees.
“Just a few, okay? I promise I won’t be too harsh on you, sweetheart.”
He lifts your dress, letting it bunch up around your waist. His cold hands ghost across your exposed skin as you tremble; already biting your lip at the moan that threatens to spill from you.
Jun can already sense the way you already seem to get aroused just by being propped over him. “Hmm, what is that pretty head of yours thinking, huh? I can smell you getting wet already.” You groan in response, balling your hands into the sheets underneath you.
“Nothing, just… anxious.” He hums in response, bringing his hand down onto you ass as you yelp.
“Guess I should keep you on your toes then, shouldn’t I?”
He soothes the skin; wide palm massaging the red mark blooming onto you. The slight sting bleeds into pleasure as you whine quietly, hoping that Jun doesn’t notice the blood that rushes to your cheeks and the arousal that pools in your lower half.
It’s quiet for beat before Jun brings his hand down onto your skin again, this time a little harder as you mewl his name.
“Sweetheart, this isn’t much of a punishment if you like it, you know.” Jun quips.
He brings his hand down onto your ass one last time; eyebrow quirked when you start to rub your thighs together. 
“We’ll just have to try something else, okay?”
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You’re thankful that Jun knows you like the back of his hand when he doesn’t tie your arms to the bedposts.
He’d tried it once before; deciding it wasn’t for you or for him when he saw the fabric burns on your wrists from how hard you’d been tugging on your restraints.
But you do whimper when he ties the silk around your head, effectively cutting off your vision before he positions himself between your legs.
“Everything okay, sweetheart?”
“Mm… Mmhmm…”
He eyes the wet patch of fabric on your panties, fingertips already pressing into it, a second later. “O-oh!” Your thighs threaten to clamp shut; instead tightening around his waist as he teases you through the fabric.
“It must feel even better now that you can’t see, huh?” Jun pinches your clit through your panties and you can’t help the choked sob that falls from your lips. “J--Jun…”
“Mm, I know, sweetheart.”
He takes pity, placing both of his hands on your panties before he tears the material right off of your body. “I need to prep you still, so be patient.” You nod in response, brows furrowing.
The idea that you couldn’t tell when he’d start touching you had your breath stopping momentarily. You part your lips to speak but you feel Jun’s cold fingertips gliding through your wet folds almost as if he knew what you were going to say. “Ah, Jun…” He gathers the wetness on his fingertips, bringing it up to your clit as he starts rubbing soft and slow circles on the nub.
“You know, it’s going to be a little difficult to get around town once they know you’re copulating with a vampire.” Jun comments teasingly as he positions a finger at your entrance. He sinks the digit in, thrusting it in and out when he feels how wet you are around his finger.
“I---I don’t c-care… They can, ah, s-say all they wa--want…” You retort. “Jus’ want y-you…”
Jun smirks at this, even if you can’t see it. “Should we give them something to look at then, sweetheart?”
He quickly adds another finger, somewhat impatient himself. You nod at his question, moaning out loud when he starts to scissor and curl his fingers into your tight warmth.
“Please, Jun, hurry! I’m so---”
“Shh, I know. Me too. Patience.”
He leans down, lips ghosting across your clavicle as you shiver. You feel his lips on you a second later, already sucking on the skin to leave blooming love bites all over. He keeps his fingers deep inside your pussy, adding his thumb to your clit as you cry out his name.
“Oh g-god, Jun, I---mmph!”
His lips are on yours, swallowing up your moans as you suddenly cum on his fingers; hips canting up as you try to meet the flicks of his wrists.
He groans against your mouth when he feels your walls fluttering around his fingers; salivating at the way your blood smells even sweeter now that you’d already had one orgasm.
Jun pulls away, grinning when he thinks about it.
How much sweeter could your blood get if you came just one more time?
Your stuttered breath brings him out of his thoughts, pulling his fingers from inside of you as you moan at the sudden emptiness. He gives you only a moment to catch your breath before he’s positioning the head of his cock at your entrance.
“J-Jun, ah, I’m---I’m still s-sensitive…”
He teases your hole with the head of his cock; noting the way you raise your hips and try to grind against him. “Oh? So you want me to stop then?”
You bite your lip, already imagining and craving the way his cock filled you up so perfectly. “No, I want you inside of me, now.” He laughs boisterously, shaking his head at the way you flip flop your feelings.
“You’re the queen of the house now, I suppose.”
He sinks his cock into you, a groan on his lips when he feels how wet you are around his cock. “Ngh, sweetheart… I don’t think I’m going to last very long…” He mutters; already starting a rhythmic pace when he feels your walls clamping down onto him.
“M-me too… But--but it’s okay… I wanna feel you.” You gulp, “And--and I wanna… feel you f-feed. It’s been a-a while, hasn’t it?” Your voice is soft and small to Jun’s ears and he feels his cock throbbing at the mere idea. It wasn’t that he’d never fed from you before, either; it was just that he tried to supplement his feeds from different sources so as to not wear you out.
It’d been a good long while since you’d offered yourself. Granted, part of that was because of his own decisions.
“Are you sure, sweetheart? I don’t have to if you’re not up for it.” He offers gently. Jun knew your limits as much as he craved you.
“N-no, I want you t-to… It kinda makes m-me feel, hah, g-good too…”
The blush eats away at your cheeks and you moan loudly once Jun angles his thrusts perfectly to tap your g-spot. “Oh, god, right t-there!”
Jun leans over you again, however this time he tugs at the loose knot on your blindfold; tossing the material off. “You’ve been so good for me, sweetheart. I think you deserve your vision back, hmm?” He kisses your cheek once before he pulls away.
His lips fall into a gentle smile; the complete opposite of the way his hips seem to piston into you quicker. “Jun, I’m---I’m so close…” Whispering, you let your eyes readjust to the soft moonlight filtering in through the windows. A sheen of sweat covers Jun’s skin, lips parted in shaky breaths when he feels himself getting close to cumming as well.
“Mmh, sweetheart, I’m g-going to feed, okay?” You nod feverishly in response, tilting your head to the side to give him space.
Jun leans in, lips on your skin as he sucks more love bites onto the column of your throat. Your eyes flutter shut by reflex, soft moans spilling from your lips at the feeling.
“Now they’ll really know you belong to me. And so will the other vampires and creatures that dare lurk anywhere near our part of the forest.” His words are slightly muffled against your skin; barely audible between your moans that grow louder and the sound of his hips snapping into you.
He feels your walls tightening around him, a tell tale sign that you were close to an orgasm.
“J-Jun!” You cry; tension snapping in your body at the same time that Jun draws his fangs out and sinks them into your neck.
There’s a rush of sensations going through your body as your toes curl behind his back and your mouth falls open in a silent scream. Your walls flutter around his cock and the subtle pain of his fangs digging into your skin as he feeds from you melds into pleasure when he cums too; cock throbbing inside your pussy as he cums inside of you.
His eyes roll back at the absolute pleasure that washes over him.
Jun was right, after all; your blood tasted even sweeter after two orgasms.
He draws his fangs back in a few moments later, tongue lapping at the wound until it seals over. You mewl in response as you ride out the remnants of your orgasm, soft breaths the only thing you can muster at the fuzziness that takes over your body. 
Jun’s hips grind against you as he peppers small kisses all over your throat and clavicle; adding more blooming marks to your skin as you whine.
“Ju--Jun ‘m really sen--sensitive now…” Mumbling, you try to fight off the sleep that threatens to take you; arms and legs feeling like dead weight.
“You did so well for me, baby. Thank you.” He slides his cock from your pussy, watching the way his cum spill to the sheets underneath you.
“Let’s get you cleaned up, hmm? And maybe find some new sheets somewhere around here, if we can.”
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Jun draws you a warm bath; thankful that the grounds were abundant with fire wood and a working water pump.
He carries you to the bathroom wrapped in the soiled bed sheets -- a sheepish smile on his face when he lets you down onto your feet.
“I’m sorry, love. I can’t say I was expecting you today otherwise I would’ve prepared a little better.” You smile warmly in response, “Jun it’s okay, really, it’s not a big deal.”
He holds your hand as you step into the warm water, making sure you didn’t slip or fall. “I know, I just… I haven’t really had a chance to fix this place up, is all. Figured it’d just be me.”
Jun pulls up a small stool, sitting next to you outside of the tub as he gently starts massaging your tired shoulders. “Your neck is also quite pretty with my marks all over it now though, I will say.” He laughs teasingly, tilting your head towards himself until he can press a chaste kiss against your lips.
“Speaking of…” You mumble as you pull away slightly, “Regardless of what the townspeople say, I’m not too keen on going around with all these blotches on my neck, Jun! Your bite mark is the least of my concerns!”
He rolls his eyes, kissing you once more before he pulls away to grab the soap to wash your hair. “No worries, sweetheart. I know this might be hard to believe, but I’ve a friend a little ways away. Name’s Seokmin. He’s a warlock and quite the unsuspecting fellow. Must be his smile, although I’ll admit he’s quite charming in his own ways. I’ll have him go into town and get some things for us in the meantime. Maybe some seeds and herbs from his garden, as well.”
You quirk a brow at him, watching the way he collects bubbles on his hands before he brings them to your hair. “Since when were you so chummy with the enchanter types?”
Jun snorts; fingertips massaging your scalp as you moan and lean into his touch.
“Seokmin runs my errands around town and I play along with his little experiments. It’s all about balance out here, sweetheart. But don’t worry, you’ll get used to it.”
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318 notes · View notes
exoticarmyofcrowns · 4 years
sing for me | kth
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pairing: taehyung x fem!reader
summary: you have been living with your roommate for well over a year and the unresolved sexual tension between the two of you finally comes to a head
genre: romance, smut (VERY 18+ not for the littles), roommates au
warnings: masturbation, vouyerism??, fingering, thigh riding, attempted dirty talk, breath play, slight power play???, excessive use of the word “baby” and other pet names, kinda awkward discussion of feelings thrown in bc my characters never shut up when i want them to get it on sorry
word count: ~6.6k
a/n: hello~ um... i have no explanation for this. i am like half ashamed and half proud of this??? idek man. all i know is that i couldn’t have done it without @sugaerie​ so thank you so much my queen i love uuuu
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You step through the door of your apartment, feet practically screaming with relief as you kick off your shoes.
Work was really kicking your ass lately. Add that together with the stress of grad school and you had a deadly concoction not even your favorite tea and copious amount of ibuprofen could protect you from. Your job as a cashier was pretty easy, you can’t lie, but constantly standing and running around the store did a number on your poor feet. Thank god you had weekends off—a perk of having worked there so long you practically had the manager wrapped around your pinky when it came time for scheduling—so you could sleep in for once.
Tossing your keys on the counter, you spare a glance at the clock above the stove as you walk into your small kitchen. It’s about a quarter to midnight. You figure Taehyung is still out with his friends, hitting up one of the bars downtown.
You sigh heavily at the thought of your roommate. Not because anything wrong with him. Taehyung is nothing short of incredible. He’s sweet and kind, always greeting you with the most adorable boxy smile that makes you feel like the only person in the universe. People gravitate toward him just as easily as he draws them in, a natural warmth that instantly puts others at ease in his presence. He’s generous and thoughtful, never missing an opportunity to surprise you at work with a coffee or just to see you. Those shifts are your favorites and maybe you’re a little spoiled because you often find yourself glancing at the entrance more often than not, trying to see if you can spot his dark, curly head from your register.
Not to mention Taehyung is incredibly stunning. Long dark curls frame his face in the most intimidatingly beautiful way it’s often hard to look away from him. He’s got piercing dark eyes that can stare right into your soul but that also crinkle beautifully at the corners when he smiles. His fashion sense is killer, obscure brands and fabrics lining his closet almost like a museum. You’re not sure how but he can wear just about anything and still manage to look like he just stepped off a runway.
He works as a freelance photographer and has quite the sizeable following on social media. He’s passionate about his work and it shows in the quality of his photos. You know next to nothing about photography but even you can see that the beauty and skill with which he wields his camera is nothing short of magical. Commissions are not hard to come by for him, though you’re more than positive it has just as much to do with Taehyung himself as it does his beautiful portfolio.
No, there is absolutely nothing wrong with Taehyung.
Only that he’s perfect and you have a massive crush on him.
Exhaling tiredly, you run a heavy hand down your face. Anyone else would be ecstatic about having such a wonderful, attractive roommate but you know things like this can only end in disaster. More than anything, Taehyung is your friend—your best friend, you would argue—and involving feelings into your relationship can only end poorly. The whole roommates thing just adds another layer of complication that is better left alone. You don’t shit where you eat, after all.
But it’s difficult. Taehyung is just so nice and likeable it’s unreal. You often find your thoughts wandering to dangerous places when you both are curled up on the couch together during movie nights, blankets and pillows and snacks scattered all over the living room, while he curls his body around you without a second thought. He’s naturally tactile, you try to remind yourself in an effort to calm your racing pulse but then he’ll laugh at something happening in the movie, his cheeks plumping up adorably, and you know you’re a lost cause as you feel your heart melt all over again.
It’s getting increasingly difficult to ignore your feelings for your roommate and you know something has to give eventually. In the last couple of weeks, there seemed to have been a shift in the air whenever you were around each other. Taehyung was still your adorable and playful friend but the hugs seemed longer, the touches more tender and lingering. You even think you’ve caught him staring at you a few times, a strange new darkness simmering beneath the chocolate irises.
Flushing with embarrassment and shame, you bury your face into your hands. Of course not. You’re just being ridiculously optimistic. You pull out a clean glass from the cupboard and fill it with water from the sink, hoping to dampen the butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
Cleaning up, you decide to pamper yourself with a long hot shower complete with a nice sugar scrub and an in-shower face mask. You even spring for a shave, already excited for the feel of your sheets against the smooth, moisturized expanse of your legs. It’s the little things.
You hum lightly under your breath, already feeling the residual tension from the week bleed out as you gently massage your favorite lotion into your skin. Finishing up, you feel much more relaxed and so wonderfully clean you can’t help the smile that graces your lips as you move to head back to your room.
It’s faint, so faint you think you imagine it but it still makes you freeze as you step out of the bathroom. Glancing down the short hallway that leads to your room, you blink for several seconds and wait to see if you hear it again. When nothing happens, you feel your heart resume its normal pace before rolling your eyes at yourself and continuing on to your room.
This time it’s unmistakable and you can’t help the way the sound of your name makes you jump in fear. Now you’re in full-on panic mode and you anxiously scan the apartment. Your eyes catch on the faint light emanating from Taehyung’s room and you relax slightly. How had you not realized he was home already?
Your relief quickly morphs into confusion. Why would Taehyung be calling for you? Did he need something? Was he hurt? Stifling your self-induced panic, you quietly make your way over to his door. Despite having been in his room multiple times before, something feels off now. Almost like you shouldn’t be there. You can’t quite put your finger on it but something about the whole situation has you on edge…
You shake it off. It’s fine. You’ll just casually peep through the slightly ajar door and make sure everything is okay before marching off to bed to enjoy your evening in. Simple as that, right?
Whatever you thought you were going to see past the small opening of his door doesn’t hold a candle to the image that will undoubtedly be burned into your memory forever.
There, laying casually on his bed, is Taehyung. That in and of itself is not out of the ordinary. Except for the fact that he is naked save for the boxers he normally wears to bed, with a hand pulling desperately at his painfully red length.
It’s suddenly hard to breathe, air catching so violently in your throat you nearly choke audibly. Slapping a hand over your mouth and nose, you will yourself to calm down enough to take in the scene before you. Taehyung’s long legs are splayed almost elegantly across his sheets, deliciously thick thigh muscles clenching and unclenching from his ministrations. His hand glides skillfully over his cock, alternating between slow, languid tugs and fast, unyielding strokes. He throws his head back before tucking his chin in briefly, tongue flicking out to wet his lips before he sucks his bottom lip into his mouth. A hiss of pleasure melts into a throaty groan and heat pools rapidly in the pit of your stomach.
A voice in the back of your mind screams for you to get away while you can. You shouldn’t be here. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve lusted after your roommate, how long you’ve wanted to push him against any flat surface and have your way with him or let him have his way with you. It doesn’t matter that you want to do couple-y things with him too, like hold his hand and kiss those soft, pink lips because you are roommates—friends—and a fling like that could only end in disaster, especially when he doesn’t feel the same way. It doesn’t matter and you have to leave now before—
“___,” Taehyung groans once again, hands caressing up his lean stomach and you’re distracted by the way his muscles ripple with the attention. “Are you just going to stand there or are you gonna come help me?”
Something between a squeak and a cough leaves your throat in that instant and you wish the floor would open up and swallow you whole. You can’t bring yourself to move for a good second but Taehyung lets out another low moan and your feet move of their own accord into the bedroom.
If you thought he was beautiful before, he is absolutely glowing in the soft light of his bedside lamp. A light sheen of sweat coats his skin and you are overwhelmed with the urge to lick a stray bead that travels down his neck. Your breath is coming out in short pants and you try to subtly squeeze your thighs together to ease the ache. This does not go unnoticed.
“Hello, darling.” The words leave his lips in a low purr and a shiver zips down your spine. He’s smirking at you, hands still gripping his length but his pace has slowed significantly as if giving you a show. He seems perfectly comfortable despite the lack clothing, completely unfazed by your blatant staring. Like he wants you to look at him and only him. The thought has your face burning.
“T-Tae, what are you doing?”
“Isn’t is obvious, sweetheart? Surely I don’t need to spell it out for you, hm?” A particularly wet pass over his dick has him sucking in a gasp and you find you can’t look away. Your tongue darts out to wet your lips and Taehyung fixates on the motion, pupils blown wide and darkening further.
“Although you haven’t picked up on my blatant flirting so maybe I should.”
That snaps you out of your reverie. “Flirting?” You hate the way your voice sounds so weak and vulnerable but it can’t be helped.
“I haven’t exactly been subtle, ___. I’ve been—fuck—I’ve been trying to drop hints for the last few weeks now, hell, the last few months but you never n-notice.” He tugs at his bottom lip with his teeth again before releasing a heavy sigh.
Your head is spinning. This Taehyung is so different from the one you’re used to—yes, he’s still the same incorrigible flirt, but where he is usually giggly and playful he is now sensual and downright sinful. You think back over the past few weeks, the lingering touches, the casual hugs. Taehyung has always been touchy but they had felt charged with something else entirely. It’s good to know you hadn’t been making that up.
“I…” You truly don’t know what to say for yourself. “I didn’t know,” you murmur, feeling very very small all of a sudden.
Taehyung immediately stills at your tone and misinterprets it as discomfort.  “Oh. Oh god, ___, I’m so sorry.” Wrenching his hand away from himself, he scrambles on the bed, looking up at you with earnest, remorseful eyes. The waistband of his boxers snap shut in his frenzy and you almost mourn the loss of the desire-tinted skin. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, I just thought that maybe you…maybe you felt the same?”
You’re so taken aback by the complete 180 he’s made that your response gets caught in the whirlwind of your thoughts, This is more like the Taehyung you know, kind and considerate, and you almost forget the situation you’re in. Almost.
“N-No!” you stammer, eager to assuage his uncertainty. “I mean, yes, I-I…” You close your eyes tightly. “I do…feel the same.”
The way Taehyung looks at you after your stunted confession has your heart auditioning for a marathon and goosebumps prickling across your skin. You may as well have just hung all the stars in the sky with the amount of adoration swimming in his warm irises.
“I’m glad,” he grins brightly at you and you can’t help but smile back. You bite your lip out of habit and the smile fades from his face as he watches you.
Swallowing thickly, he rasps, “___, c-can I kiss you? Please.”
The desperation in his voice is not something you expect and a jolt of electricity zings down your spine. Dazed, you nod. That’s all Taehyung needs before he practically launches himself to his feet to grab you by the waist and pull you to him. His hand—the other hand that was not touching himself—cradles your face as he bends down to brush your noses together. A moment passes, Taehyung staring into your eyes to give you room to pull away. When you don’t, he smiles briefly to himself before surging forward to connect your lips.
The kiss is soft and warm, exchanging only the slightest bit of pressure as if you both are worried that you’ll frighten the other. Which is ridiculous, you think, since you have yet to run away. You bounce up on your toes to alleviate the reach for Taehyung and kiss him harder. He hums appreciatively as he nips at you, the sound tingling from your lips and down the length of your body. You shiver in his hold and move to wrap your arms around his neck to pull him impossibly closer. The distance disappears between you two and you feel his arousal poking at your stomach. You break the kiss to look down between you, bottom lip trapped between your teeth.
Glancing up at Taehyung from beneath your eyelashes, you marvel at how positively wrecked he looks. He’s still damp with sweat but his mouth is slightly swollen from your kisses and his eyes are so blown out they’re practically black with desire. You feel yourself clench hopelessly as the blood rushes loudly in your ears.
“Can I—Can I watch you?”
You’re just as surprised as Taehyung is to hear those words leave your mouth but you’re not quite thinking straight, not when he looks like that and you finally have him in a way you never thought you would. It’s overwhelming, to say the least, and you want to savor every moment together.
Taehyung doesn’t seem to be faring much better, the request making his breathing turn heavy as he leans down to rest his forehead against yours. “Are you sure, ___? Are you absolutely sure? Because once we start, I don’t think I can stop.”
Peeking up at him coyly, you respond, “Who says I’ll want you to?”
A beat. Then, Taehyung squeezes his eyes shut and practically growls at your words. His arm tightens around your waist and crushes your body to him as if trying to mold you together. You love it.
“Then sit back and enjoy the show.” His lips quirk into a lascivious smirk before crashing your mouths together once again. This kiss is different than the previous one, not one bit of hesitation lingering now. Taehyung’s tongue licks along the seam of your mouth insistently and your legs turn to jelly as you open up for him.
The kiss is over too soon but before you can mourn the loss of his lips, he pushes you down onto the bed and resumes his spot against the pillows. Tugging on his boxers, Taehyung pulls them down to discard them somewhere behind you. Heat pulses through you at the sight of his exposed flesh and your thighs rub together once again.
Taking himself in hand, Taehyung spreads his legs and begins a torturously slow pace. “You have no idea how long I’ve dreamt of this.” All the air in your lungs leaves you at the confession. You can’t even think clearly, much less think up a semi-coherent response, but he doesn’t seem deterred by your silence.
“I’ve always—shit—I’ve always wanted t-to kiss that pretty little mouth of yours, ravage it until you can’t think. Your mouth, your neck, anything I could get my lips on.” Your eyes eagerly take in the sight of the milky substance beading at the tip of his cock and making his passes even messier.
“Ah, fuck, I-I wondered what kind of sounds you would make. If you would gasp and sigh or if I could make you scream.” He twists his wrist as he glides over the head of his length and he gasps out loud, his breathing rough and ragged and oh so lovely.
“I’ve thought about what it would take you to make you beg for it.”
A whimper escapes your lips before you can stop it and heat blooms across your cheeks. Taehyung stills for a moment before resuming with a smirk.
“Oh? Does my baby like the sound of that? Of me making you beg for my cock?” You nod, stunned and aroused beyond belief. It’s as if your brain has short-circuited and all you can think about is the fantasy that Taehyung so beautifully illustrates for you.
“Dirty girl,” he chuckles, tonguing the corner of his lips. “I should have guessed at what a desperate little thing you’d be. Asking me to stroke my dick while you watch.” He tuts playfully, eyes never leaving yours.
Breathing has become steadily more difficult and you’re acutely aware of the dampness between your legs. You want nothing more than to relieve the ache but you’re so transfixed on the beautiful man laid out in front of you that you can do nothing more than squeeze your thighs together.
“Look at you,” Taehyung’s eyes rake down your form, taking in your lust-darkened gaze and heaving chest before lingering on the apex of your tensed thighs. “I bet you’re dripping, aren’t you? So eager to take my cock that I could just slip right in if I wanted to, hm?” Again you nod, fingers twitching as you grip the sheets beneath you. He laughs lowly and the sound washes over you and settles deep in your stomach.
“God, I bet you’d taste so sweet on my tongue. I would spend hours just buried between your legs if you’d let me. Every time you prance around the apartment in those scraps you call shorts, I just want to bend you over the couch and fuck you until you can’t walk. Would you like that, baby girl? Want me to sink my cock into that sweet cunt of yours? Make it mine, over and over again?”
You’re practically panting now, desperate sounds ripping themselves from your throat as Taehyung stares at you intensely, hand never faltering on his swollen erection. He seems to take pity on you because in the next moment, he murmurs a deep, “Come here, baby.”
Snapping into action, you nearly stumble over yourself in your haste to be close to him. He smiles, fondness flickering in his eyes beneath the lust at your eagerness. You crawl forward until you are settled on your knees between his legs. A feeling of shyness settles over you—absurd, given the circumstances—and you find yourself unable to meet his gaze. A hand winds around your waist and pulls you to him, forcing you to straddle one of his thighs. You feel a finger slip under your chin to coax you into looking at him. When you do, Taehyung offers a sweet smile.
“You still with me, sweetheart?” You go to nod but Taehyung clicks his tongue. “I need to hear you say it, ___.”
“Yes.” You’re proud that your voice doesn’t shake. “I want you, Tae.”
The finger on your chin turns into a forceful grip as he crashes your mouths together once again. It’s messy and desperate and you can’t help the loud moan that Taehyung swallows gleefully. You welcome his tongue into your mouth and when you give it a pointed suck, he lets out an answering groan low in his throat.
“You’re going to be the death of me,” he pants against your cheek, planting wet kisses down your jaw and to the length of your neck. His lips meet the collar of your shirt but before he can even ask, you’re wrenching it off your body and onto the ground.
Taehyung seems at a loss for the first time since you’d walked into his room and you revel in the swell of pride that overtakes you. He can’t help but ogle greedily at the newly-exposed skin and you feel powerful knowing that you have his undivided attention.
Shaking himself out of his daze, Taehyung places a gentle kiss right above your heart before slowly making his way lower. The gesture is not lost on you and you find yourself melting further into his touch as your hand wraps around to tangle in the hairs at the nape of his neck. You can feel two hands ghost up your sides to tease the undersides of your breasts and you inhale sharply, chest pushing up into his mouth. Taehyung breathes a laugh onto your skin before cupping the soft flesh and placing almost reverent kisses upon their stiff peaks.
“Tae, please,” you whimper, eyes squeezing shut at the onslaught of sensations he is inflicting on you.
“Hmm, I like hearing you beg for me.” His tongue flicks against your pebbled nipple and you cry out, unable to hold back anymore. “My desperate baby girl.”
“T-Tae, ah, please don’t tease.”
“Don’t tease?” He punctuates the question with a sharp squeeze. “But you’ve been teasing me for well over a year, no? Walking around the apartment practically naked, with nothing but a t-shirt or these poor excuse for shorts.” Taehyung’s hands leave a lingering pinch before gliding down the length of your torso to the hem of your sleep shorts. Hooking a finger inside, he snaps the elastic back in place and you gasp. “No panties?” He asks in wonder, eyes fixed on your lower half.
Swallowing, you murmur, “I-I don’t usually wear them to bed.”
He lets out a throaty groan. “Fuck, you really—” He cuts himself off with another sharp exhale, head tipping backward as he squeezes his eyes shut as if in pain. Something nudges the side of your thigh and you look down at forgotten length between you, swollen and nearly purple. As if in a daze, you reach for the turgid flesh and let the tips of your fingers graze the head tentatively. Taehyung’s eyes snap open to look at you in shock and you freeze.
“Do that again. Please.”
You can hardly deny him when he looks so fucked out beneath you and your hand begins a tentative pace, stroking his dick like you had witnessed him do earlier.
“That’s it, atta girl,” he groans into your shoulder, kissing the skin almost absentmindedly. “Such a good girl for me.”
Your stomach plummets at his words, inner muscles clenching almost painfully. You’re so turned on your shorts are most likely unsalvageable but seeing Taehyung so wrecked and because of you makes it all worthwhile.
Keeping up the pace on his cock, you don’t even notice your hips begin to lower onto his thigh and rock down against him until he sits up from where he’d begun to slouch in pleasure, leg knocking up into your dripping heat.
“Fuck, baby. Look at you, grinding on my thigh like that.” His words send your heart stuttering in your chest. “Your poor little cunt has been neglected, hm? You’ve been such a good girl for me, stroking my cock and getting me ready. I think you deserve a reward.”
Taehyung grips your hips with bruising force and helps you grind harder onto his leg. The drag of your shorts against your swollen clit is a little too harsh but the sheer dampness of the fabric makes the glide much easier.
“I can feel you dripping onto my leg. You’re soaked, baby.” You’re delirious at this point, incoherent noises spilling from your lips as you work yourself over Taehyung’s thigh. It’s not long before you feel the pleasure mounting within you, hips pistoning back and forth even faster.
“That’s it, baby girl. Use me. Make yourself cum on my thigh. Get yourself nice and ready for my cock.” His hands run soothingly across your skin, sending your nerves on fire. You whine as you feel your orgasm approach with each pass of your hips.
“Come on, babe. Give it to me. Let me feel you cum all over me.”
With a strangled cry, you buck against Taehyung uncontrollably as you finally release all over his leg. You curl into him, hands tangling into his hair and tugging in order to keep yourself grounded. Your hips gradually slow as you ride out your high and you find it a struggle to catch your breath. The two of you stay like that for a few moments, letting the aftershocks wash over you.
“Oh, ___,” Taehyung murmurs in wonder. Almost sheepishly, you peek up at him from beneath your eyelashes to see him staring at you with such unadulterated reverence and want that your heart skips a beat. “You did so well, baby girl,” he rasps, lips ghosting over your face tenderly.
Face warm, you try to redirect the attention to him and begin placing gentle kisses along the length of his neck. Taehyung tilts his head back, eyelids fluttering prettily at your ministrations. Smirking to yourself, you trail your hand teasingly down the length of his chest to make your way down to his dick but he stops you with a firm hand around your wrist. Before you can even open your mouth to question him, he’s already flipped you over onto your back.
“Hmm, still so eager for my cock.” He nips playfully at your bottom lip, laughing when you move to chase him. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, we’re getting there. I have to get you ready first.”
Two of his fingers brush the swell of your mouth and you open immediately to take them in. Taehyung inhales sharply as you give them a pointed suck, eyes narrowing slightly to let you know that you will certainly pay for that later. The thought sends a shot of arousal to your core.
Taehyung removes his fingers and wastes no time in bringing them to the apex of your thighs. He makes quick work of your soiled shorts and suddenly, he’s all you can feel. A single digit swipes the length of your slit to circle around your clit, eliciting a hiss from the both of you.
“Oh, baby, you’re so wet,” Tae groans, in a trance. “All for me.”
He wasn’t really speaking to you but you nod anyway. “Yes, Tae. All for you.”
Eyes snapping to yours, he sinks one finger into your weeping heat and watches your face for any signs of discomfort. You tense slightly before relaxing and sending him a reassuring smile as a signal that he can continue. He pumps his finger in and out, letting you get used to the sensation before gently slipping in another. Scissoring the digits, Taehyung furrows his brows and bites his lip as he forces himself to be patient.
You, on the other hand, are having a much harder time controlling yourself. Soft whimpers escape you with every pump of Taehyung’s fingers. One particularly potent curl has you gasping for air as an animalistic growl tears itself from your throat, hips bucking harshly upwards.
“Gah, Tae—please,” you pant, hands flailing wildly for something to hold onto before settling on his hair.
“Anything, darling.” Taehyung inserts yet another finger and you begin to really feel the stretch, so much that it nearly becomes uncomfortable. A small noise of discomfort makes the man above you pause but he mouths at your temple reassuringly. “I know, baby, I know. But I have to make sure you’re ready for me.”
Right then, he curls his fingers just as he did before and you’re seeing stars again. He places adoring kisses along your jaw before dipping for another taste of your mouth. You eagerly accept him, opening fully to him as your hips roll along with the rhythm of his fingers.
Breaking away, you pant, “I’m ready, Tae.”
“Are you sure?” Looking deeply into your eyes, he must find what he’s looking for because he nods lightly and kisses you breathless. He reaches over to his nightstand and rummages in his drawer. The crinkle of a wrapper hits your ears, making your face warm slightly as the reality of the situation hits you full force. You were really doing this. The fact that the man that you’ve pined after for so long is here with you—actually likes you—is so surreal you’re not quite sure how to process it but you’ll be damned if you didn’t enjoy every second of it.
Once he has rolled the condom on, Taehyung moves upward to cup your face between his hands. “Before we begin, are you absolutely s—”
“Tae, I swear to god if you do not get inside me in the next three seconds I will flip us over and do it myself.”
Taehyung blinks before chuckling. “There will be plenty of time for that, sweetheart. But for right now…” His smile turns sinister, prompting anticipation to swirl deliciously in your stomach. “I’m calling the shots.”
He takes himself in hand and rubs the tip up and down the length of your folds. Your eyes flutter when Taehyung collects your pooling arousal, making a complete mess of you.
When he pushes in, your mouth drops open in a silent gasp. He’s big—of course he is—bigger now that he’s entering you and you can’t deny that the stretch is more than welcome. You glance up at Taehyung’s face and are pleased to see that he looks just as wrecked as you feel. He locks eyes with you, dark irises burning with lust but also something deeper. Something…soft and warm. The thought sends your heart pounding in your chest.
As he bottoms out, Taehyung makes sure to probe your face for any signs of discomfort. He doesn’t find any and tentatively thrusts into you, eyes never leaving yours as he does. You gasp, nerves tingling as a whine tears itself from your throat, soft and breathy.
“That’s it, angel,” Taehyung pants in your ear. “Sing for me. Let me know just how good I make you feel.”
You clench helplessly, reveling in the low grunt it earns from the man above you. He begins to pick up the pace, hips snapping fiercely against yours so that the only sound is the harsh slap of skin against skin mingling with your eager breaths.
“Such a tight little cunt, even after you’ve already cum once.” His voice is even raspier with the force of his thrusts and you practically keen at the sound. “I wonder how many times I can make you lose it.”
You sob, hips rising desperately to meet his. “P-Please,” you cry, unsure what it is you’re asking for but it doesn’t matter because he props himself up to get a better angle, looking down at your writhing form.
“Such a desperate little baby.” He punctuates the pet name with a particularly harsh snap of his hips and your eyes roll into the back of your head. You can already feel your second orgasm rising within you, all you need is a little push.
“You know,” Taehyung begins, concentrating his thrusts to a slow roll, “I’ve always been curious about one thing.”
Before you can ask what it is, you see his hand snake between you, gliding across your stomach, between the valley of your breasts, to settle at the base of your throat. Your eyes widen of their own accord, breath stuttering as you realize the intention. Taehyung’s eyes hold a silent question and you nod, albeit a bit desperately, prompting him to wrap his long fingers steadily around the lowest part of your neck.
“Fucking filthy,” he whispers in awe, gaze alternating between your face and the sight of his hand wrapped around your pretty neck. He thinks he could watch this forever. Squeezing experimentally, Taehyung watches with utter delight at how quickly you fall apart under his grip. Your hands scramble to claw at his arm, not to pull it away but to keep him locked in place.
“Poor baby just wants to be choked and fucked senseless, is that it?” You nod jerkily, pleasure fogging your mind and making you delirious. You couldn’t talk even if you tried but the way your hips buck up into his needily tell him all he needs to know.
“So honest,” he chuckles, increasing the pressure slightly. “Good girls get what they want.” Taehyung pulls his hips back, so far that only the tip remains inside you, before snapping back in full-force. The pace he sets is brutal and you can feel his hip brushing relentlessly against your clit.
“T-Tae,” you gasp, stomach tightening as a particularly well-timed thrust has you seeing stars. “C-Close.”
“Is baby girl gonna cum?” You nod frantically, eyes focusing and unfocusing on his face. “Come on, baby. Give me one more. I know you can do it. My desperate. Little. Slut.”
Taehyung tightens his grip even further and that’s the end for you. A scream lodges itself in your throat as the coil in your lower stomach snaps, sending you spiraling into the most powerful orgasm you’ve had in a while. Taehyung releases his hand from your neck abruptly, the rush of air prolonging your pleasure to the point you think you might pass out.
Above you, you hear Taehyung groan gutterly at the vice-like grip your walls have trapped him in. “Fuck, princess, I can feel you squeezing. You’re gonna make me cum.”
Still breathless, you fight against the fog clouding your brain. “Please, Tae. Cum inside me, please. I-I want it so bad.”
“Such a filthy little thing,” he stutters, breaths sounding labored in your ears as he gets closer to his own climax. “Gonna f-fill you up so good. Make this cunt mine.”
“I’m yours,” you gasp, tightening your muscles one last time around him. That seems to be the end for him because before you know it, Taehyung is moaning into your shoulder.
“All. Fucking. Mine,” he growls as he snaps his hips, once, twice, before stilling inside you.
It seems to last hours but Taehyung eventually collapses onto his forearms, careful not to crush you under his weight. You both take a minute to catch your breath, enjoying the feeling of closeness that follows. Eventually, he pulls back, carefully slipping out of you to tie off the condom and toss it in the wastebasket. You wince but relax immediately after, snuggling further into the soft down of his comforter.
Taehyung smiles adoringly as he makes his way back to the bed, heart flipping at how cute you look in his bed. Almost as if you belong there. He hesitates as he gets to the edge, fearing for a moment whether or not it was alright to join you. Those fears are put to rest as you blink sleepily up at him, arms tiredly reaching for him. Relieved, he snuggles in next to you and gathers you in his arms. It’s silent for a moment as you both enjoy being wrapped up in each other.
“Since when?” you finally break the silence, tracing mindless patterns across his chest.
Taehyung inhales sharply. He knows exactly what you mean. Still, he feigns ignorance. “What?”
You close your eyes for a moment, burying your face further into his chest. “Since when have you liked me?”
“Since when have you liked me?” he shoots back and you pinch the skin on his ribs. He yelps before you both dissolve into a fit of giggles.
“I asked you first,” you whine, risking a glance up at his face. Taehyung is already staring down at you fondly, warm gaze melting into your own.
“Since the very first moment,” he whispers softly. You almost laugh, except his face is deadly serious. It’s suddenly hard to swallow around the lump in your throat. You stare at him in wonder—the delicate brush of his eyelashes against his cheek, the soft sweep of his sweat-dampened hair over his forehead, the gentle curve of his lips as he smiles at you. You clear your throat, glancing away as a pleasant warmth settles over your cheeks.
“That’s not an answer.”
He laughs breathily in your ear and you fight a shiver. “Okay, okay. Well the first time I realized it was the day you had come back from your shift after you had switched managers.”
You balk. “Are you serious?” You remember that day. Management had decided to move your favorite supervisor over to the men’s department while you remained stuck in shoes. The new guy was awful—condescending, incompetent, and downright unpleasant. You had come home that day with three different bottles of wine and all the take out you could afford and practically forced Taehyung to drink with you and listen to your misery. The guy was eventually fired but the whole experience had left you with a bitter taste in your mouth.
Tae chuckles as he thinks back to that night. “Yes, I’m serious. You were about halfway through the second bottle and were practically screaming curses at the guy. It took you all of 30 minutes after dinner to fall asleep right there on the couch, somehow still complaining about that dickwad.” You snort, hand shooting up to cover your face in embarrassment. “As you talked, I realized…I could listen to you forever. And then you fell asleep, cuddling so cutely into my shoulder, and I knew I was a goner. Even though you snore.”
Your eyes, which had started watering at his heartfelt confession, widen before you regain your composure enough to hit his chest. “I do not snore.”
Taehyung winces playfully, knowing full-well that you don’t but enjoying teasing you all the same. “So, yeah. I’ve liked you for a while. And I had an inkling you felt the same.”
“Oh, yeah? What gave it away? The fact that I practically hopped on your dick?” you tease.
“Well it certainly didn’t hurt.” He winks at you and you have to stifle the urge to giggle like a schoolgirl. “But it was little things. Like how you’d blush at a compliment or if I hugged you just a bit too long. I couldn’t be sure though. Not until tonight, I guess.”
“Well,” you shift upwards, his confession instilling a confidence in you that you hadn’t known you possessed, “in case I haven’t made it abundantly clear: I like you very, very much, Kim Taehyung.”
He’s silent for a single, nerve-wracking beat before the most brilliant smile lights up his face and for the second time that night, you find yourself breathless.
“And I like you very, very much, too, ___.”
Taehyung kisses you then, slow and sweet, and you’re left thinking that you never want to be anywhere else.
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© exoticarmyofcrowns 2020
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dreamiesdotcom · 4 years
of inked pages and adventures | n.jm
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Summary: Jaemin plays rock-paper-scissors, loses, ends up being dared to spend one boring hour every day in a boring library, and finds love in a person who's spent more time behind a book than under the Sun.
Word Count: 1975
a/n: so I tried to give y'all a fic with a happy ending bc some people yelled at me after slow akshdjdj
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Of course, as to most of Jaemin's life-changing decisions, it starts with losing rock-paper-scissors, a dare, and Lee Donghyuck.
The second rule to life is to never listen to Donghyuck sober. Renjun kinds of disagrees with that, but in his defense, listening to sober Hyuck got him a boyfriend, after all — but in Jaemin's case, it's only given him headaches and careless adrenaline. Jaemin stands true to his words: the second rule to life is to never listen to Donghyuck sober. The first rule is to never listen to him drunk.
Everybody knows how terrible some people are at following such rules, and unfortunately, Jaemin is one of those people. Right now, he momentarily hates that.
It's nothing wild, per se, just strange — normally, the dares are either risking your life, reputation, or morals. Today, they've chosen for him to suffer; "Go and read books for at least an hour in the library. You can't fall asleep."
So here he is, standing in this dimly lit room full of books. He takes one of them blindly, dragging himself to a table in the farthest corner, and doesn't realize it yet that someone is already sitting there. You looked at him with an exhausted gaze, but as your eyes catch at the book's cover, they quickly brim with life.
"Psychology? Interesting."
"What?" he says, pouting a little, used to talking to people. Normally, it would make most people melt — your still expression doesn't change, so he tries a joke. "A handsome guy can't read psychology now?"
It doesn't work, but the barest hints of a smirk tugs at the sides of your lips, and you shake your head as if to say no.
"It's not everyday a cute boy reads the same books as I do."
Red stains his cheeks and in his panic, he keeps his eyes on his book. He feels distracted, kind of heady, a little lost; butterflies seem to soar in his stomach, a feeling he's only ever caused, not experienced. It sucks for him that he doesn't know what to do about it — because what do you do when you've met someone for the first time, and they told you such things like that, and your stupid heart won't calm the fuck down?
What kind of first meeting, right?
The first week was nothing compared to the first day. He learned to stay comfortable with this kind of silence, the type that's somber and kind of lonely; the one that makes whispers reverberate inside the room, almost haunted. He's grown familiar with some books, be it the ones that smell like fresh paper and ink or the musky ones with sweet undertones, both scents lingering around the room.
He learned how to exist in silence. For days, surely, he missed the noise even if the loss was just for an hour, being used to Donghyuck chattering the time away and Renjun calling him out on it. The quarrels were always there, and as much as back then, all he wanted was for it to stop, right now he wants nothing but for someone to speak.
But as days pass by, he starts to see its charm. He starts to grow fond of the small talks. More specifically, he starts to get used to the way all the words that needed to be said are laid out like exposed cards, no guessing of intentions or games. They're just words that mean exactly as they should, and that's all that Jaemin needs. Certainty. Assurance. Truth.
He looks up from his books, scanning the cover of yours. "You got a classic now?"
"Exams," you say, shoulders rising slightly. Your eyes don't lift from the sentences, but he's certain you've stopped reading. Only then does he notice the heaviness in your eyes, the invisible wall you've put up around yourself against everybody else.
"Shouldn't you be reviewing by this time?"
Amusement fills his gut, and he shakes his head a little. You go back to reading and he tries to do the same as well, but for a reason or two, he couldn't focus — under the warm library lights and beside the strange person he's shared counted words with, he flourishes like a rose in a full-blown spring.
To be true, Jaemin no longer has to spend an hour in the library. It was a silly dare, and it's over, and he can go back to going to parties or hanging out with his best friends. He doesn't even really like reading; to be fair, they're interesting. He just doesn't feel them as hard as people like Renjun does.
He can go back to his old ways now, to the lively nights and tiring thrills. In fact, he could've done so weeks ago — but these days, as if a habit, his feet take him back to the street he spent a month getting to know, walking to a place he spent hours trying to understand. There was a dull something about the library that makes him breathe.
It's not the books. It was never the books — he's heard of these magical things, the way they bring you to different places and timelines, each time a different person with a different story. He's heard of the spark they have and the addicting scent of ink on paper. He's heard it all, and that's pretty much it — he never got to experience the entertainment they seemed to hold for a special kind of people. He's seen a glimpse of it, though, in the reflection of your eyes; the way they gloom when something bad happens, the way they shine when something good does. He finds bits of magic there, alongside the wanderlust glittering behind your lids.
And if the books couldn't take him to an adventure, your eyes do.
"Why're you staring?"
Why was he staring?
"Poetry, huh?" he hides his nervousness with a grin. He rests his chin on his palms, staring at you as if he was in a reverie because he is. "Cute."
You run your fingers at the spine of the book, tracing the delicate covers with equally as delicate fingers, a heavy sigh hanging on your lips. "They're mostly free verses about world tragedies."
He couldn't help but grimace, "Oh, damn. That's hardcore."
Something in the proud smirk on your smile screams rebelliously regal, and he somewhat struggles to look away.
The first time you two meet outside the library, it's at a convenience store and you were pretty much half-awake. Jaemin points an accusing finger at you, "What're you doing here?"
"Buying coffee."
"At 4am?"
"Dude, you're doing the same thing?" you ask, amused. "Just let me pass."
And just like everything with Jaemin, it begins with a straightforward question: "Wanna walk together?" You can't really pinpoint who asked first, just that you both wanted it, and that you both spent minutes walking in circles until you decided on going to the park. It's a silent trip, something he's not used to, but either way, it's something he liked. The emptiness of the streets, the gloaming of midnight.
By the time you've reached the park, it's already five a.m and what's left to the darkness is the lingering scent of nighttime, fleeting around the breeze and cold touches. The shiver this phantom gives you is shortlived, the sun starting to make itself known through first warm rays. The foggy image of the street ahead stains golden, and to watch the town rouse awake stirs in your gut something oddly specific yet unnamed.
You let out a dreamy sigh.
"I just want melodrama, is that too much to ask?" you kick at a rock. "Can't a person just run in an empty hallway looking fancy as hell? Can't a person just scream angrily at the world as they hold their dying lover in their arms?"
Jaemin momentarily chokes on his coffee, eyes widening in horror. "Can't a person just what?!"
You laugh, a pleasant sound comparable to tinkling bells you'd probably hear when you enter a fantasy land. It's not a delicate laugh, nor is it a careless one; it's just a laugh, beautiful even if it's obvious that you didn't let your guards down. His heart swells in adoration.
Jaemin doesn't go to the library after that morning.
He's heard of the different ways some people fall in love; his friends didn't do it much, but whenever they do, it had been interesting. Donghyuck only experienced it once before he declares he's given up on it; it was young love, the kind of love that's what you knew it to be at the moment. Jaemin calls it the first kind of love, the one that's hard to forget.
Renjun's was a difficult kind. It longed for people who didn't want to love anymore, hearts that had been closed to the world after it tried to break it. Jaemin understood it as the kind that waits — through the pain, after most everything.
Jeno's was the most simple. He didn't understand a single bit of what he tried to say, but Jaemin called it the most simple because it's the hardest to understand; the in denial kind, the complicated kind, the thing most people feel.
This one, he hasn't heard of. He hasn't been warned about it, either; it came without notice, no alarms. It came blindly, and it looked nothing like what he thought love should look like. Every wall he's built crumbles down, and he ignores the fact that you've known each other for short months and barely even knew each other's names. This one, he calls a tunnel. To him who's quite confused, it's as if a deep, dark, and chilly tunnel; maybe a museum of realizations and you come out of it feeling like something's not quite right of yourself.
Once he accepts it, he finds himself here again, in that same table. After his long absence, he expected some anger, he expected coldness. Instead what he gets is softness, an empty seat directly in front of yours, and a very emotional string of words: "It's been lonely without you."
Jaemin doesn't think much before he speaks and it's one of the flaws that he didn't really mind because all he's said are nice words. He kind of rethinks that thought as he lays both arms on the table, resting his cheek on one and them dreamily staring at you; "You're gonna be the death of me."
There's no books this time. Instead, papers scatter uselessly, notebooks opened and pens of different colors rest wherever. Somewhere inside his brain, he almost hears Renjun scoff at how he's blatantly not studying despite having everything he needs to review, but he doesn't mind that. He sets his eyes on you, focused on jotting down important terms and their meanings. Under a trick of the light, he sees angel wings spread behind you.
Your stare shifts to him, and he basks in the sunshine it never fails to make him feel. You glow like fantasy and the admiration surges straight to his head, skipping his logic and rushing for his feelings; he thinks of you as a person who was never meant to be human — such etherealness simply couldn't be meant to be mortal.
"I kind of fell in love with you and I just won't stop falling," he mutters, eyes closed. "You're gonna be the death of me."
"Are you trying to ask me out on a date?" you laugh, and he shoots up, sitting straight. Red flushes his cheeks again, much like the first day, but this time he couldn't look away — your hand rests atop of his, warm against each other. "If so, then yes."
"Take me on a date first." you say, slower this time. "and then hopefully, many more."
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secret-engima · 5 years
hey, @secret-engima​, hear me out: what if GILGAMESH became Glaucus' Shield? Like, after the two Murder Brats jumped into the Tempering Grounds and Glaucus has to fish them out, the man takes a moment to chew GIL out for endangering children like that, he SAW that last swing and it was aimed unacceptably close to a vital area, what even is he doing STILL haunting the damn Tempering Grounds anyway when the next worthwhile opponent won't be for literal decades (ie. Gladio)
So Gil is clubbed over the head with the idea that he doesn't actually have to follow 200 years of habit and, like. Ardyn's moved on, is living a life, and Gil KNOWS what's coming and that there's no value to holding his post, killing off idiots, once these people leave bc Cor was the only worthwhile opponent for literal decades. He can... he can take a VACATION.
....He has no idea what to do with a vacation, so he falls back on EVEN OLDER HABITS and is like well let's play Shield for a LC then. And maybe, MAYBE he'd pick Ardyn, but there's just. So much history there. That wouldn't... that wouldn't WORK, it would hurt them both just to try.
Which leaves just one LC available (arguably, bc Titus would absolutely fight him for the position but the brat's too young still. Maybe in a few years). And, Gilgamesh KNOWS what's up with Glaucus-once-Cor-Leonis, might be the only person in the world who DOES know, and that's//
*and that's... that's something I think Glaucus might really need. Just. Someone to help him remember who he WAS,
(Also, the thought of Ardyn and Gil wandering around being terrible at self-care and utter bemused by the world amuses me. Also Besithia would probably be an Utter Scientific Glee)
Me: *deep breath*
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-It starts after the Murder Children are idiots and Glaucus has to come rescue them. Titus and Cor have never been more humbled, confused, and terrified than watching Glaucus snark at a 2k year old potential eldritch abomination and GET AWAY WITH IT. Glaucus actually makes Gilgamesh shuffle in shame when he lectures about how close he came to actually HURTING two of Glaucus’s kids. How dare.
-Then Glaucus takes a long, hard look at Gil and abruptly tells him to take a vacation. It’s not like the world is gonna end if he leaves the Tempering Grounds for a decade or so (Titus and Cor are a Fear™, don’t tell the monster to LEAVE it’s hideout and roam the world Glaucus!!). Gil stares at Glaucus in a stunned silence, Glaucus grunts and walks away, lecturing the two murder children.
-Gil thinks ... long and hard on Glaucus’s words.
-In the end decides it’s a moot point because when he was first cursed to this place he did try to leave a few times but he couldn’t. His curse wouldn’t let him. Pity though ... a vacation had sounded ... nice.
-That’s right around the time Ifrit shows up.
-Now, Ifrit doesn’t like humans, even after giving Glaucus his Blessing for the time-travel thing. He tolerates a few of them, even finds Glaucus and his group funny, but on the whole doesn’t like them. Know what he does like? Screwing over Bahamut. And when Glaucus mentioned Gilgamesh’s curse situation within Ifrit’s earshot (ie said it aloud at all because Ifrit tends to watch them from afar like his only tolerated cable tv channel), Ifrit got IDEAS.
-So Gilgamesh is in his Tempering Grounds, minding his own business and being broody bored when there’s a rush of fire and Ifrit the Infernian is standing there looking ... cunning.
-“Mortal.” Ifrit intones.
-“Not really,” Gilgamesh snarks because he’s a walking suit of armor cursed to live until the Chosen King comes, what’s Ifrit gonna do? Curse him again?
-Ifrit just grins “How would you like to change that?”
-Excuse him?
-Anyway after much smug talking from the Infernian, much sarcasm from Gilgamesh, and some severe bending of the rules of curses with a little shapeshifting magic thrown in for flavor, Gilgamesh kinda- blinks and finds himself outside the Tempering Grounds. In the sunlight.
-For the first time in 2k years.
-Yeah there might have been a panic attack or three. Especially because he now had lungs with which to HAVE a panic attack again. Ifrit had granted him a human form (one-armed and with a scar on his back just like the missing arm of his armor and the rend Titus had made) which technically Ifrit shouldn’t have been able to, except apparently he can just this once because he’s not bothering to use a human disguise and he was GOOD at this kind of magic while the rest of the Astrals were too busy being holier than thou to bother learning human-friendly enchantments.
-Gilgamesh sets off into the wilds, quickly figures out he has forgotten how to maintain an eating or sleeping schedule and he’s probably gonna go into a coma or something if he travels alone. So with a dry smile (that feels so good he HAS FACIAL EXPRESSIONS AGAIN. WOOT.) he sets off for where he can feel the magic of the time-traveling Sword.
-A week-ish after Ifrit shows up, so maybe 2-3 weeks after the Murder Children do their thing, Glaucus is having some “me time” out in the forest (happily murdering things to bring back to camp later without having a nattering crowd on his heels, he loves his idiots and Regis’s group, but sometimes they’re ... a bit much) when all the hairs on his neck prickle. He looks up and sees two red eyes glowing faintly in the shadows.
-The figure steps out wordlessly, hand away from his sword. One arm is missing and the man stands at a massive 7′6″, his eyes are a dark red that glints in the low lightning, his shaggy brown hair is pulled back into half-tail to keep it out of his face, which has scars on the right side from some old fight.
-Glaucus lowers his sword, but doesn’t ease from his stance, “I didn’t know you could look human, Gil,” he says almost flippantly.
-“Had a little help from your pet Astrals,” Gilgamesh retorts, his smile tugging at his scars. His posture is relaxed and non-threatening and almost ... uncertain. Like he isn’t sure what to say or how Glaucus will react.
-Glaucus just looks at him thoughtfully before snorting, “My gang of idiots is not the best place for a vacation.”
-Gilgamesh is blunt and open, “I’ve forgotten how to sleep when the moon rises, when to eat so I won’t pass out. I cannot die until the Chosen King comes into his own, but it is still unpleasant. I also...” he hesitates, “I do not remember how to function without a purpose. To fight. To guard the Grounds. To await the Last Shield. Without them ... I am lost.”
-“So you came to me.”
-“You are the only Lucis Caelum without a Shield.”
-Glaucus sneers “A Sword doesn’t need a Shield,” he scoffs, “and isn’t Ardyn more your speed?”
-Gilgamesh winces, “I have made my apologies,” and hadn’t that been a dramafest when Glaucus dragged the newly purified Ardyn to the Tempering Grounds for Gilgamesh to apologize to him, “but we will never stand united as a Shield and a King. I have broken his trust once, he does not give it a second time. Not in the way he would need for me to be his Shield. Besides,” and now Gilgamesh smiles ruefully, “For all his bite, the young Drautos is more a Shield than the Little Lion will ever be.”
-Glaucus flinches at the far off memory, of promising to be Regis’s second Shield, of protecting him no matter what only to fail. But Gilgamesh did not mean the words as an insult and the man makes a point. For all his recklessness and snark and fury, Titus is protective. His instinct is to kill on behalf of something rather than just to feel the adrenaline in his veins. He is protective of Ardyn, and Ardyn listens to the boy. Glaucus sheaths his sword and flexes his hands, “I don’t know how to have a Shield,” he admits softly, “you know I’m not ... natural.” Not a natural LC, not a born one, a time-traveler added to the line for the sake of the future and nothing more.
-“Neither am I,” Gilgamesh shrugs, “it is nothing to be ashamed of. You have the instincts to forge a Shield Bond imprinted in your very magic. I will swear fealty, and you will command me.”
-“Doesn’t that take trust?” Glaucus points out, “You’ve tried to kill me once before, and I know what you did to Ardyn.”
-A pause. A weighted reply of, “it takes trust. The trust that I will fight by your side and be strong enough to watch your back, that I will voice my opposition but obey your every command. The trust that there is no secret you can hold that will turn me away from you.” The last part is meaningful, pointed.
-They stand there in the increasing gloom of dusk for a long time. A former Leonine Sword and a Cursed Shield.
-Then Glaucus laughs, rough and wild and bloody. His eyes spark silver-bright as his magic reaches out and angrily, possessively tangles around Gilgamesh. It carves away the old, tattered, withered bond he once held with Somnus, a blade cutting away a rotted limb, then coils into place. A silent demand for loyalty, a silent acceptance of all Gilgamesh is and has done. Gilgamesh kneels and swears fealty to a new king, a old lion with glittering claws, and in the quiet of twilight, Glaucus names him Gildas, Gilgamesh’s old name from before he was the Mystic’s Shield, his current name of blood and trials and terror, both cast aside in favor of the new one. A new start.
-Gildas rises and follows Glaucus back to camp.
-While the rest of the groups stare in surprise at the massive, one-armed giant of a man Glaucus comes back with, Ardyn stills. Gildas and Ardyn stare at each other for some time, long enough for Titus to bristle protectively, not quite recognizing Gildas as the unarmored and once-more human Gilgamesh. Then Ardyn smiles, sad and understanding and ... forgiving, and pats the Haven in welcome, “Come, friend, introduce yourself to us and enjoy a meal.”
-Gildas dips his head, submission and gratitude all in one, “I am Gildas,” he rumbles, “and-”
-Glaucus interrupts, a slight, possessive lion���s growl in his voice, “He is my Shield.”
-The camp erupts into chatter and questions and shouting save Ardyn, who just smiles sadly and shuffles over to make room for an old once-friend. They will never be what they once were, will never trust each other like they once did, but Ardyn has always been too forgiving of a soul when the scourge did not turn him bitter, and he knows that Gilgamesh has been trapped in the Tempering Grounds for two thousand years with only the voices of the dead to keep him company as he awaited the Chosen King, just as Ardyn was trapped for two thousand years with only the screaming of the daemons to break the silence. In Ardyn’s mind, Gilgamesh has been punished enough.
-Better to forgive and move on in this new time, than to hold onto grudges two thousand years gone.
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inukouga · 4 years
ok LISTEN....kagukik vampire & vampire huntress au:
kagura’s the vampire. she was turned by naraku (he deceived her by glamorizing being a vampire and offering her powers + immortality and she accepted unaware that it would all come at a Great cost: her freedom) and is part of naraku’s small ragtag group of vampires who were also turned by him. there’s like, an order/council of vampires and all these vampire politics going on but long story short naraku did a very Bad thing and broke one of the Rules™️ that you’re not supposed to break under Any circumstances so he’s been ostracized from vampire society but the order still keeps a close eye on him.
kikyo’s the vampire huntress. she became a huntress after a certain vampire (naraku) killed her parents when she was little. she only has her little sister kaede left and often leaves her in the care of other ppl in their village when she goes vampire hunting. eventually she becomes one of the most skilled vampire hunters around and gains quite a bit of notoriety
naraku’s observed her since she’s started her quest for vegeance and is fascinated by the sheer amount of hatred she has for him/by the darkness in her. he develops an obsession. he’s tried to turn her a couple of times but each time he’s tried he barely manages to escape with his life. as years go by and time after time that naraku escapes her grasp kikyo only grows more and more determined, so he goes into hiding and plans her demise from the shadows while also planning to take down the order/experimenting with dangerous dark magic to have more vampires under his control
he assigns kagura to watch her so he can know of her whereabouts without taking the risk himself. asks her to watch for the right moment when kikyo is at her weakest and to bring her to him, but to not turn her. he wants to turn her himself (i could go more into the reasons why but i dont want this to become an essay sfhhds)
kagura obeys and the first few times she spies on kikyo she finds herself confused as to why naraku’s so obsessed with her (though she does acknowledge that kikyo is quite skilled and efficient at what she does) but this only serves to fuel her initial curiosity, and she knows that she’s supposed to be scared but...she’s fascinated and ok maybe she finds kikyo’s combat skills more than a little hot tbh
they eventually get involved in a game of cat and mouse (except the question of who’s who remains) and keep either running into/barely missing each other
even after that first encounter kagura finds herself seeking kikyo, and kikyo at first really does try to get rid of kagura but for some reason she eventually finds herself letting her go or ignoring her altogether (but she never lets her guard down. not for a second)
at one point when they’re fighting and kikyo has kagura pinned to a wall with a stake right above her heart (she’s not really going to kill her, at this point it’s part of their little dance/intricate ritual they do everytime they meet each other) kagura flirts with her to try to catch her off guard and gain the upper hand (tbh she’s wanted to flirt w kikyo for a while now) and kikyo is taken off guard at first but then she Flirts back, and kagura, after a brief moment of gay panic, quickly realizes that she does not have the upper hand At All (maybe kikyo is the cat and she’s the mouse bc jfc)
after this kikyo flirts with kagura every time they meet, and after a few more moments of Gay Panic where kagura just doesnt know what to do when kikyo’s looking at her with half lidded brown eyes with long af lashes and dangerously stroking the column of her throat with the tip of one of her wooden arrows?? kagura begins to flirt back and there’s always coy teasing and banter every time they run into each other from then on.
at one point they’re unexpectedly opening up to each other, when kikyo asks kagura why do you obey naraku? and kagura tells her the truth; that she’s been looking for a way to defeat him and free herself and the others in her group ever since he tricked her. that this is the first time that she’s ever voiced these thoughts aloud, because she’s scared that he’s somehow listening in. that her mission was supposed to bring kikyo to him since the very beginning.
kikyo considers this for a moment. then she asks kagura why she hasn’t brought her to him when, throughout the time this Thing between them has been going on, kikyo’s been vulnerable tons of times. kagura asks “why do you think i havent?” and stares right at her intently and kikyo sees everything kagura’s not saying aloud in her eyes
and of course kikyo’s been aware of kagura’s feelings for a while now, but it hasn’t actually hit her until then and it makes her realize that she feels the same (there’s a period of time where kikyo takes a while to come to terms with the fact that she’s actually fallen for a vampire, and she tries to avoid kagura but no matter how hard she tries she cant)
they both confess to each other (without really saying it outright) and they cant spend too much time with each other in fear of naraku finding out about what theyre doing (spoilers: he already knows but is willing to let it go on so he can use it to his advantage) which makes them cherish the few moments they do have a lot more
they work together and plan to defeat naraku together secretly, unaware that he’s one step ahead of them
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ninvic-rbs · 5 years
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Day 22
Boy i’ve been waiting for this one. So i decided to do some really weird aus, meaning ive been rewatching some stuff and hallucinating lol. Okay so in order you have the bbc version of sherlock (10/10), the greatest showman (10/10) and money heist (11/10, strongly recommend). And then an old reapertale doodle bc ive seen literally zero reapertale grillster fanart and its so aesthetically pleasing i just had to
And as a little extra i guess, i wrote this thing for @silverskye13‘s bodyguard au, which has been pretty active lately, so lets keep the ball rolling. Please keep in mind that 1. i don’t really write and 2. this is the first time i try to write in english, so any feedback is appreciated. Enjoy, i guess
Gaster bent down to reload for the third time already. In his frenzy he almost fell out of his seat, or maybe that was the way the car was moving. Normally they wouldn't really have to run away, with Grillby being able to either kill or scare the others enough to be left alone. But whatever gang was so adamant on capturing the doctor had quickly figured out that normal magic attacks wouldn't get them anywhere. So now, the people on the car chasing behind them were wielding bright orange water guns. Which looked about as ridiculous as one might expect, but had proved efficient; if the way Grillby was hunched and clutching his chest with one hand was anything to go by. The elemental was driving, and he had given Gaster his gun and he was trying to lose them. It was the first time he was shooting with anything that wasn't his blasters; and he was quickly realizing that he had really bad aim when shooting with his hands and not his soul. Between that and how small the targets actually were from the distance, he hadn't hit a thing in the last ten minutes. He was getting frustrated, which didn't mix well with his growing anxiety for the elemental. Grillby looked like he was in agony; most of his shirt completely soaked and sticking to his body. From where he was, Gaster could see almost half of his face had been completely put out. And he wasn't even allowed to pass out. "How's that going?" Gaster could barely hear him above the howling of the wind around them. The elemental sounded tired. "I can't hit them! They're moving too much!" "S'a bunker nearby. We need some time... try to aim for the tires." The skeleton immediately lowered his aim. Even thought the target was considerably bigger, it still took him a few attempts before the tire exploded and the car suddenly started made a sharp turn right and out of the asphalt. That was such a good idea! How had he not thought of that before? He decided to blame his panicked state. Before he sat back down, he saw the vehicle come to a stop and the monsters inside immediately get to work on changing the tire. The skeleton knew it wouldn't stop them for long, but hopefully for long enough. He decided to focus his efforts now on helping the elemental as much as he could, before he realized that he had no idea how to heal that sort of thing. The only thing Grillby had had to recover from before had been exhaustion. How did you tend to a put out fire?! Should he pour gasoline over him? He didn't know! "Grillby, how can I heal this?" He asked, his anxiety for the other's life making his hands shake. "How can I heal you? What do I need?" He wished he could just use green magic. "Just... anything flammable. And liquid. That normally... works..." he was getting weaker. Suddenly, the car screeched to a stop, almost throwing Gaster off his seat. Before he had time to react, the elemental had already opened the door on his side and was painfully getting out, carrying the small bag that contained his belongings. The skeleton quickly followed him, remembering to pick up his own bag. When he caught up, he noticed Grillby could barely walk. Without thinking, he put his arm around the other's and let him use his body as a crutch; although the elemental barely noticed. "Are you okay?" which was a stupid question, of course. "Yeah" he slurred, as if it was fooling anyone. "S'not too far, but we can't leave the car near the entrance." Gaster nodded. Although they were only walking for a total of three minutes, it felt like a small eternity. The skeleton's anxiety at an all time high; constantly looking over his shoulders and checking if the gang had managed to catch up, and trying to keep Grillby steady; even if his walking speed was declining and he put more and more weight on Gaster as they advanced. When they finally stopped, the elemental slumped to the ground, and the skeleton would have thought he had passed out if it weren't because he had started digging around some bushes. Just when the skeleton was about to ask what he was doing, he heard the sound of metal, and in a few seconds a small hatch had opened before them on the ground. It was dark inside; the only discernible thing a ladder leading down to it. "You go first, s- Gaster." The skeleton wanted to argue, but he knew from experience it wouldn't get him anywhere. So he just nodded and climbed down as fast as he could, almost falling once. It wasn't as deep as it had seemed, and he still couldn't see any light switches or anything of the sort. But that didn't worry him right now; as he was looking up and anxiously waiting for the elemental to get to the floor so he could work on healing him. As Grillby started climbing the ladder down, he stopped a second to close the entrance behind them; and the mechanical whirring that followed assured the skeleton that no one was going to follow them down there. Slowly, Grillby made his way down. But when there were only two steps left he collapsed, and he would have fallen to the floor if it weren't for Gaster's lighting fast reflexes in grabbing him with blue and yelping in surprise. "Oh, no. No, no, no, no...!" he murmured in a panic, moving the elemental and settling him on the first surface he saw; which happened to be a couch in the nearest room. "What's... wrong?" Grillby's voice was barely a whisper. The skeleton quickly looked at him, only to have his soul-wrenching fear grow when he noticed that the elemental looked barely conscious. "Nonono, don't fall asleep! You hear me?! Hey, Grillby, c'mon, stay with me!" "...t hurts..." Gaster almost wanted to cry. He had never seen the elemental in such a weak state, and he had to act quickly if he wanted to keep him alive; because a quick stat check confirmed the alarming rate at which Grillby's life was fading. He prayed to every god he had ever heard of that there was some alcohol in the bunker. "I know, I know, I'm going to fix that. Just... stay here. Try not to move, and don't fall asleep." He had already turned around to leave when he felt a weak hold in his wrist. "P-please don't leave... it's cold... I'm scared, Gaster..." came an almost inaudible plea. The skeleton's soul could have broken right then and there. He felt a knot on his non-existent throat when he spoke again. "I'll be back in a minute, okay? Don't worry, I'll be right here if you need me." He softly let go of the elemental's hand and took off running without wasting another precious second. He quickly realized that the bunker was a bit more like a subterranean house than a refuge. It had too so many rooms; it was probably thought out to be lived in for at least a couple of months. He hoped they didn't have to stay that long. Without stopping for a second, the skeleton stumbled somewhere he suddenly realized was the kitchen. He almost fell twice in his rush to open every single cupboard; his hope growing when he found most of them were full of either nonperishable food or utensils. He finally found what looked like a minibar next to the fridge and immediately grabbed the biggest bottle he saw, which turned out to be whiskey. Within the next three seconds he was already back by Grillby's side, feeling a wave of relief when he didn't see only dust on the couch but still rushing to open the bottle, knowing how close the elemental actually was to it. The way his hands were shaking made him take a few more seconds than necessary. "H-hey, Grillby, are you awake?" Gaster was sure he wasn't, but he seemed to wake up at this. When he saw the open bottle, he took it without a word and started downing it desperately. The skeleton blinked, and before he could react the elemental had already drunk more than half of the liquid. He separated the bottle from his mouth and for a few seconds his flame flared up in deep blue colors before settling back down on reds and oranges that were duller than their normal color, but worlds better than how it had been before. And upon checking his stats, Gaster sighed a breath of relief at his slowly growing health. He sat on the couch next to Grillby's legs, suddenly feeling all the exhaustion of the day hit him at once. He could have fallen asleep right there, but he couldn't bring himself to leave the elemental just yet. The elemental that, when he looked up again, he realized was staring at him, even if groggily so. He immediately became worried again, and quickly asked; "Is everything okay? Does anything hurt?" But Grillby only continued staring. The skeleton was about to check his stats again when he finally spoke. "You shouldn't have to... do stuff like this. I'm sorry I'm so bad at my job." He was said it slowly, his voice barely a whisper. He looked like he was falling asleep. After a small pause, the elemental added, his voice even lower; "I wish I could make you happy." Gaster suddenly froze. He didn't know how to react. What had Grillby meant by that? Was that about his job? But he only had to keep him safe, nothing else. And he wasn't bad at it; Gaster was alive, wasn't he? But that other phrase... was... was that...? But there was just no way that was what was going on here... right? He felt his face grow hotter. But, if not that, then what had he meant?   "B-but that's not your job" was the only thing he could blurt out after a few seconds. Not that it was important, since, he noticed, the elemental had already dozed off. The skeleton wasn't sure what to do for a couple of seconds. Eventually he sighed and settled back down, getting as comfortable as he could. He tried not to think about what had just happened as he finally let himself drift off to sleep; the soft crackling of the fire next to him the only sound in the room.
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idk-my-aesthetic · 5 years
past, present, future
aka mal, evie, and carlos on magic, their parents, and the isle
this is actually a repost of this bc freaking tumblr deleted all my text when i tried to change on tag on the og post so i had to delete it bc it started glitching. sigh. 
*jay is getting his own fic which is why he’s not in this, more info below
***comment on the mal part i use a weird combo of the live action remake maleficent and the og one. Its like maleficent was still queen of the moors but she was actually evil and not all sympathetic like she is in the live action movies…. 
TW!!- obvious discussion of child abuse in semi-graphic detail for the majority of the fic, and a breif s*lf h*rm refrence. It's only a sentence or two long, a general ref/description ig, basically has to do w/ evie freaking out if ppl think she is ugly/a failure bc of her mom’s abuse. 
To Mal, magic was her blood. It was her history, her lineage. She was a fae, birthed to continue her mother’s legacy. Created to reclaim the throne her mother lost in her madness and cruelty, to conquer their lost land, to live up to the expectations put upon her at birth. Her magic was but an extension of that, her birthright, everything she was supposed to be, everything she would one day become. 
Using it was both terrifying, and liberating. She was evil, something she’d known for years, but she feared becoming like her mother. A fear she had admitted only once, whispered to three others in the dead of night. 
There was a difference in their evil. Her mother’s was unnecessary, powered by delusions of grandeur, random cruelty brought about for her own amusement. Mal saw her own evil as practical, an armor she would use to protect herself, and later her crew. She would use it to get them food, make enemies too afraid to attack them, keep them all as well and alive as she could. She could use her evil, and the fear it caused, to get whatever she wanted, whatever they needed. It gave her power.  
Evil was power. 
Power was safety. 
(Though, could you truly call a child seeking protection evil?)
She knew she would one day have to complete the tasks her mother set out for her, but she refused to do them like the woman herself would. She refused to turn to unneeded cruelty, to hurt those she cared for. She would reclaim their homeland on her own terms. 
She would be her own kind of evil, different from her mother’s, even if they used the same magic, read the same spellbook, had the same blood. She would burn her mother's legacy and build her own, build herself from the ashes and leave her mother behind as nothing more than a faded memory, forgotten in her daughter’s shadow. And she would rise from the beaten depths of the Isle, bringing those most important with her, and give them the lives they deserved. 
(That was her dream, fueled by Carlos’s invention and their new ability to steal magic from the barrier. To free them all, and give a better life to those she loved. It would come true, one day soon, different than she ever expected. Though she was right that she would reclaim her birthright on her own terms, those terms have nothing to do with the evil she now thinks she is.)
(She will learn she was never truly evil to begin with. She will make her magic truly her own, completely untainted by her mother’s wishes. She will reclaim the lost moors, and she will fill it with the love and light her mother destroyed, those she loves by her side.) 
To Evie, magic was a tool. She had no real feelings to it, like how a writer feels no fondness for pens, nor a painter for brushes. She used alchemy books to mix beauty products for her mother, keeping the old woman preoccupied with something else, allowing Evie precious moments of freedom from her mother’s “love”. The word was so mutated in the queen’s mind, as if her unending barrage of insults was the same as Mal’s soft smile, Carlos’s beautiful rambling, Jay’s protective arms. 
The best use for her magic was concocting healing brews, things she could give to her gang to save them even a bit of pain. A cream to clear the bruises on Carlos's chest, small packets for Jay to trade so he need not steal while injured, a bite of apple to save Mal’s life. Things to protect the three most important people in her life. 
(Though, she had a hidden use for these healing salves too. A secret mix to hide scars, to blend discolorations in with the rest of her skin. She used it only when she truly needed, the others would easily tell if every scar she once had disappeared. But, if she ended up bleeding in the middle of the night, scratching at her skin and sobbing because her mother was right she was so ugly and useless and worthless, and said scratches disappeared before morning, well, no one would ever need to know they ever existed.
Because, truly, what right did she have to complain? What gave her the right cry and sob because her mother said something cruel? The others had parents who beat them till they bled, how could her mother’s words ever compare? Even if her mother screamed until her voice was raw, even if she repeated that Evie was ugly and worthless until the girl could do nothing but believe it herself, even if she forced her to avoid even the small amounts of food they could scrounge up, weakinging her to the point of fainting, possibly death if the others hadn't shoved food in her hands and forced her to eat, as if hurting herself would make her more beautiful. 
Even if the Evil Queen, known for her own effortless beauty and even more effortless cruelty, hammered that lesson into the child’s head. That beauty is pain and the only way to have worth is to hurt and you must hurt to be loved, and if you are not in pain you are not beautiful you are not trying hard enough you are failing and they will all leave and you will be left with nothing but pain and your own ugliness.) 
So, Evie was thankful for her magic, thankful she could heal those she loved, and hide things that would hurt them. Thankful she could keep her mother’s suspicion away, when the old woman’s view shifted from seeing Evie as an extension of herself to seeing her daughter as a competitor, someone who was out to betray her and take her place. A gift could appease the woman, at least for a bit, reminding her that the child before her had hair too light, skin too dark, lips too pale to be the girl the queen despised. Not that the queen wouldn't try to change that, pushing the child to look more beautiful than the girl who bested her, then punishing the child for being more beautiful than herself. 
Her mother’s erraticy gave Evie some odd mix of both hatred and jealousy for her half sister. Her mother wanted her to be more beautiful than Snow White, going as far as to try and even bleach her daughter’s skin, forcing Evie to be the subject of dozens of ill advised experiments to make the girl “beautiful”. Evie hated her sister for the standard she set, for leaving her on the Isle, for their mother’s obsession. But she was desperately jealous of her, desperately wanted to be just as beautiful, partly so her mother would leave her be, but more so she would never lose the love she held so dear. 
She feared that more than all, more than death itself, losing those she loved. 
She’d heard tales of true love since birth, heard the idea scoffed at and hated. Told it was something for Aradon royalty, something she would never have, should never want. And yet, despite all that, despite the evil in her, the evil surrounding them, she had it. Had it with three incredible people she loved more than anything. But she knew she wasn't as beautiful as the princess in auradon, knew she wasn't as good as them. What if she lost it? What if the most important people in her life left, because she wasn't beautiful enough to be worthy of their love? 
(One day, she will learn that beauty is not worth. One day she will learn her three-turned-four lovers would never leave her, least of all over something so meaningless. She will learn that she is beautiful because she is kind, and that those who love her do so for her mind not her body. And she will learn that she need not live to please them, that they will always exist as pillars of support in her life, but she will be able to go and become her own person, do what she wishes without worrying if what she wants would make them dislike her, make them want to leave. She will be able to grow and heal with them, work with them to build a life for themselves and a safe world for the other children like them. One day she will speak with her sister, using the cup bought just for her, something she will have done a thousand times before. And she won’t be cured, the memories of her mother’s voice will always haunt her, but she will have people who love her back home, and wedding rings comfortably heavy on her fingers, and kids to pick up later from school, and the knowledge that the lost children of the Isle are free, and the memories will be pushed away with ease. 
One day she will use her magic to help her heal, not hide her pain. 
That future may be far away, too far for her to see where she is now, trapped on the Isle, believing lies about love and herself. But it exists, and it’s waiting for her.) 
To Carlos, his magic was inconsequential. As far as he was concerned, it didn’t exist. The only evidence of it was a flash of pain, quick, white hot burning in his chest when he pulled pure magic from his device on accident. And when he blinked the stars from his eyes, when he managed to pull breath into his lungs again, when he finally quelled the panic rising in his chest, he forced himself to ignore what had just happened. He made himself believe that the pain, the sudden surge of power, the overcoming sense of dread, was some kind of fluke, some byproduct of the barrier. Pure mortals must not handle magic well, he decided, and let the memory fade to the back of his mind. 
Because it was easier. It was easier to let himself believe that he had no magic, to deny the obvious in front of him. It was easier to ignore the instinctual feeling that this magic was his, that there was something darker about it, darker than the magic of the barrier or Mal’s spells. 
It was easier, because to accept it would be to face it. And to face it would mean he would have to use this magic, this magic that felt so instinctually wrong, yet so much his.
The magic felt evil, and even on this Isle of the forgotten, where evil was revealed in, evil was celebrated, he feared becoming evil himself. Because to him, there was very little true evil on the isle. The evil belonged to the adults, the ones banished for their actions. Jafar, Maleficent, the Evil Queen. His mother. 
The other children may see themselves as cruel and evil, but he saw the truth. They were neutral, survivors in this abandoned wasteland. Born with evil inside them, and countering it with enough good to turn their black hearts gray. Protecting each other, caring for others, helping in the backhanded way you only understood if you grew up in a world where kindness brought pain. 
And yet, despite the fact that any impartial party would tell you they were all the same, he saw himself as different from the rest. He could see the good they did, see them balance the scales to keep themselves from falling into evil. But no matter what he did, it never felt like enough. He felt as if he was teetering on the edge of a cliff, held up by nothing more than a fraying rope. And if he accepted this magic, it would slice straight through, sending him to his doom. 
(He was too close to see the good he did. His mother’s screaming of how he was so horrid to her, how he brought her so much pain, how much she wished he was a good son confused him. He saw himself as bad, and saw that as an easy descent into evil, an easy descent into becoming those who had hurt him and those he loved.) 
(He didn’t want to be evil, evil like Maleficent who would snap Mal’s bones with cold eyes. Evil like Jafar who’d beat Jay for bringing one to few things home. Evil like the Queen, who’d lie and scream and dim the brightness of Evie’s smile. Evil like his mother, who would hurt and hurt and hurt and never stop as long as it got her what she wanted, never feel remorse for the pain she brought.)
So he did with his magic what he did with his other problems, forget. Forcing them to the back of his mind, focusing on the immediate, focusing on surviving day to day. And you can’t blame him, not really. On the Isle every day is about making sure you live to your next, and that you can bring a handful of others with you. 
And it may not have been his fault, but in doing so, in pushing aside the pain it brought and forcing himself to forget, he created more problems for himself. Because his magic would not go away, same with how pretending his mother didn’t exist didn’t simply make her disappear. 
(One day, he will be forced to face this magic, to accept it as part of himself. It will bring him pain he doesn't deserve, but he will overcome it, four others by his side. He will realize that the evil he felt was nothing more than a reflection of his own fears, that he could never truly become evil. Because he didn’t want to be, won’t want to be, will never find joy in causing others pain. The things that will make him happy are bright days and small animals and unconventional dates and the laughter of children trying chocolate for the first time. 
He will realize he could never be evil, never turn into those who hurt him. Never become his mother. And he will face his other problems, the ones so buried he hadn't thought of them in years, and he will overcome those too.) 
im trash so i didn’t bother putting the italics in. it takes 20 minutes im sorry....
edit: i wnet back and added them uwu 
jay’s getting his own fic which is basically one of these^^ but longer w/ fully written scenes lol. and uhhhh idr what i put in my a/n before but this is related to my other works/part of a series so please check out my ao3 ily  https://archiveofourown.org/users/Blue_Pluto
edit: so i felt like i needed to give more info ig?? i gave carlos magic bc im using it as a metaphor in my d1/d2/d3 rewrites, which uhhh part of are posted but not really the magic parts yet.... trust me for rn lol,,,, ty for reading!!! 
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jaggedwolf · 5 years
For the meme! The tscosi hogwarts au ficlet. I think the entirety is around 500 words.
You are probably correct, haha. The ficlet is here
“Looks like your admirer’s here for the show again,” said Brian. The only indication of a direction was a quick dart of his eyes in the direction of the broom shed at the opposite side of the field. Then he went back to his Ancient Runes reading like he hadn’t said anything at all. He was only a fourth-year and he studied like it was him who had O.W.L.S to take this year. Well, only if it was Ancient Runes.
In which I forgive myself for the recurring awkward sentence structures/flows that happen with ficlets, because the whole point is that I write them with little thought and for fun. Also, will find a way to translate Brian being a linguist into any universe. 
Sana rolled her eyes. She ran her wand over her broom, finishing up the last layer of the new enchantment. “Not an admirer. Honestly, she’s probably been showing up to see Krejjh make another attempt at the Wronksi Feint.“
See: adapting Sana tinkering with her flying device. And my fervent desire to see Sana and Krejjh be adrenaline junkies together, because it’d be so good.
“I’m telling you Captain Tripathi, this time’s the charm.” Krejjh grinned, already floating in the air on their own broom. “And then we’re gonna crush you Hufflepuffs this year.”
Sana raised her eyebrows. “As long as our Seeker doesn’t literally get crushed. Though, honestly, he should know better by now than to follow you into a dive like that.”
Krejjh and Sana would be friendly opponent captains and you can’t convince me otherwise - they are good sports! I think Krejjh in this AU only addresses Sana as “Captain” when it’s fun trash talking time.
The Gryffindor team had Krejjh, sure, but no other stand-out players. And as great a Seeker they were, Sana had a feeling that Krejjh mostly thought the responsibilities that came with the Captain title were 1. Be really good at Quidditch 2. Schedule practices. So, Sana wasn’t too worried about Gryffindor this year. She swung a leg over her own broom, ready to take off. 
I imagine having Krejjh as your sportsball team captain is very fun and inspiring and exhilarating! But not particularly consistent! (In Krejjh’s defense - I also picture this being their first year as captain. Sana, while also a fifth-year, has already had a year under her belt, because she’s just Like That and the ‘puffs recognize a good thing when they see it.) 
Sana is very ready to win this year :)
“Also, she hasn’t been watching Krejjh at any of these practices. Mostly you.” Brian said out of nowhere.Krejjh’s grin grew wider. “Jeeter. Were you concerned I had an admirer?”“Wha-no,” Brian sputtered. “Sometimes I finish the work I bring with me before you guys are done, so I started trying to figure out why a third-year would skip Hogsmeade weekends to watch you two.”
Are these two already dating in this ficlet??? They don’t know either, pal. I just like the idea of Brian doing his homework in the stands while Sana and Krejjh practice (in addition to their regular house practices, mind you). Brian’s also bad at letting inconsistencies lie. 
“That is a good point about the weekends.” asked Sana, glancing over at the broom shed. It stood far enough away that sound didn’t carry, but close enough that Sana could spy the corner of a red-edged robe peeking out from behind one of its walls. “Krejjh. She is in your house. Any ideas?”
As may be very obvious, I went with everyone’s primary houses from my sorting post. 
“Sorry, fellas, I’ve only really passed by her at meals and the common room.” Krejjh shrugged, now slowly looping around Brian and Sana on their broom.
Krejjh in any universe: mmm jock brain flying good (stole this phrasing from @shrimpeggroll​). They’re not really paying attention to random tiny third-years. (Sana, however, you may note, already knows Arkady’s name.)
“Maybe she wants to talk to a prefect? I haven’t heard great things about the Gryffindor ones this year,” Brian ventured.
Sana frowned at him, and then sighed knowingly. “Violet?”“Yeah,” he said uneasily. “I think she’s okay now, though? Even if the prefects weren’t much use.”She hadn’t seen Brian’s new third-year shadow recently, so that was good news. An implied subplot of lonely Muggle-born Violet possibly getting hassled by some Gryffs while the Gryff prefects didn’t do much. It’s resolved, so she isn’t constantly trailing Brian anymore. Also, c’mon, isn’t the image of fourth-year Brian taking third-year Violet under his wing the cutest - bet those nerds spend a lot of time the library. 
“It’s going to get dark soon.” Krejjh had transitioned from horizontal loops to vertical ones, their expression looking like that of the world’s most impatient child.
“Sorry, let’s get going.” Sana shot up into the air without a beat. The wind rushing past her face, the feel of the new charms she added, the familiar quick gain in altitude were all the only things on her mind. Nothing about the team or O.W.L.S. She’d missed this. She leveled out at the top of the hooped goal posts, waiting for Krejjh to catch up so they could do their usual race. Sana took in the view. Brian was watching Krejjh’s ascent into the sky with rapt attention, as always. More and more of the red-edged robes behind the broom shed creeped out till Arkady herself was leaning on the front of the shed. Couldn’t make out much of an expression from this angle and altitude.
These two just like flying :D 
Sana was midway through going over her knowledge on the Patel family when her broom jerked. And then jerked again, and again. Sana gripped tightly with one hand as she went anything that could have gone wrong with how the new enchantment interacted with the broom’s magic, simultaneously reaching for the wand within her sleeve. Always good to have a quick way to undo things.The wand slid into her hand and then just as quickly out of it, latching itself to the broom of it’s own accord. What? The broom stopped a jerking for a brief moment and Sana tried to scrape the wand off of it as well as guide the broom down. Neither attempt seemed to do anything.The broom dove.
I fully confess action/description is the weakest aspect of my writing, haha. And yeah, Sana’s aware of the risks of her messing with the magic a broom already has, but she’s gonna do that anyway.
She held calm even as the bright green of the field rapidly came closer, going over everything she knew about the field’s cushioning charms and crash landings.Then the broom stopped so suddenly she lost her grip, flying head over heels off of it. She was still really high off the ground. Not good. Wind rushed past her as she fell, and out of the corner of her eye she could see Krejjh changing course to fly towards her, but Sana had a feeling even Krejjh couldn’t close this gap.
Sana: realistic and not prone to panic even as she’s about to crash into the ground. 
“Arresto Momentum!” yelled a voice she didn’t recognize, and suddenly instead of plummeting she was floating downwards instead. Sana swallowed a gulp.
Way to save the day, kid. (Who again, you might note, Sana has never heard, thought she knows of her family.)
Arkady wasn’t by the broom shed anymore, instead she was right on the field, arm outstretched and wand pointed right at Sana. Arkady was breathing heavily, and also…scowling? At Krejjh? Who had finally reached Sana and flew next to her as she slowly came to a stop on the ground.Sana turned to Arkady. “Oka-”“I thought Gryffindors were supposed to be all ‘honorable’ and ‘chivalrous’, what’s so honorable about hexing someone’s broom to hurt them?” interrupted Arkady, shifting her wand from Sana to Krejjh, her oversized robes swinging a little as she did.
Arkady hates a hypocrite, even more so as a kid. (Has perhaps witnessed some of the Gryffs-behaving-badly nonsense that Violet dealt with? Will latch on to suspicion at the clearest potential suspect?) Also has hand-me-down robes bc the idea of the Patels as a scrappier version of the Weasleys in this AU makes me cackle with glee. 
“What? Sana tries out new enchantments all the time, and sometimes they go a bit wonky. I don’t even know how you hex a broom,” said Krejjh, looking confused.“Krejjh wouldn’t hex my broom,” Sana leveled a look at Arkady, wondering what on earth she had to do with anything, and also what level of house baggage they were dealing with. “But something did grab my wand away from me, which is making me thinking that a side-effect of my enchantment isn’t the right answer here.”Brian ran up to them, panting. “Is…everyone…okay?”
Sana’s firm but honest about her assessment of the situation. Poor Brian, he just had a gazillion different heart attacks at witnessing all of that happen in the sky, realizing too late to do anything himself.
Arkady paid no notice to him, still pointing her wand at Krejjh. “I’m not saying you did it. That’d be stupid. Having the Captain do it, even if you have regular access to her broom since you hang out. I’m saying you got your teammates to.”A rare flash of anger crossed Krejjh’s face. “I wouldn’t-”“I heard them talking about sabotaging the Hufflepuff captain, I followed them, and I saw them break into the broom shed.” Arkady’s scowl deepened.
What a tiny distrustful spy! Weirdly effective! (Krejjh does not appreciate the suggestion that they would hurt Sana. Also, they play fair, how else can glorious victory be an accurate assessment of one’s skill and talent?) 
“Dude,” said Brian, “that’s not really proof Krejjh told them to do anything.”Arkady deflated a little. “You saw all that, and decided stalking Sana and Krejjh’s practices was the best plan?” continued Brian.Arkady dropped her wand arm, muttering something indecipherable.
Brian’s here to point out Arkady’s ridiculousness. Arkady talked over her plan with absolutely no one. Just went full speed “Make sure unsuspecting Hufflepuff captain doesn’t get hurt”.
“What?” asked Sana.“I didn’t have any proof,” grumbled Arkady, crossing her arms. “I didn’t know how to figure out what they did or undo it, and I figured it’d make sense for them to activate the charm in one of these sessions instead of the Hufflepuff team practice because there’d be higher chance of you getting injured with only one other flier.”Brian’s jaw dropped. “Okay, I know she saved your life, but I’m a little scared of this third-year now.”
I don’t know that I’m a fan of this Brian line anymore - I just wanted to communicate how truly thrown by this level of quidditch conspiracy and paranoia he was.
Arkady glared at him. Sana shook her head, and smiled at Arkady. “So, this is a mess. For the record, Arkady, you could have told me.”Arkady squinted. “Why would you have believed me?” “Why wouldn’t I have?”Arkady kept squinting at her, saying nothing.
Sana is pretty impressed. Arkady has no words for Sana-patented honesty and openness XD.
“Pals, I don’t know about you, but I am starving!” said Krejjh. “What do you say we grab some food from the kitchens, and then our new friend and I can discuss who exactly I need to have a little Captain-y chat with?”“Sounds good to me,” said Sana.“I’m in,” said Brian.They turned to Arkady, whose arms were still crossed and expression was still suspicious. “I am kind of hungry.”
Yay friendship and conspiracy-cracking and food! And uh, Hufflepuff Prefect and Captain Sana Tripathi may have gained a new tiny shadow. It’s fun to think about an AU where Arkady being the last to join the gang.
Also fun to think about - Krejjh looking at Brian-Violet and Sana-Arkady, and going: when do I get a underclassmen trailing me when is it my turn. (Somewhere, in the Slytherin dungeon, second-year RJ sneezes.)
Finally, I like the idea of Sana’s prefect partner being Park. What a pair, y’know? Golden girl Sana alongside Park who is…Very Tired. 
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laryna6 · 5 years
Once Upon A Time universe where when Mr. Gold obtains Henry for Regina some kind of shenanigans involving his love for Bae makes him instantly fall for the baby despite not being awake - it’s attributed to the curse memories of losing a son.
So he convinces Regina that it’d be easier to do the adoption if she had a husband, and she’s amused by the thought of Rumple in her power, so they get non-romantically fake married. And Rumple spins the yarn to make baby blankets and clothes and all kind of things for Henry, and Regina is just vastly amused by how Rumple is goo and willing to do anything for the baby and also pretty grateful to have someone to sit up with the baby in the middle of the night and also cook breakfast. She gets to have power over Rumple and that makes her accept him as part of this family.
She does keep poking at him, asking about his curse memories to check that his real ones haven’t come back, and an incident involving putting the moves on him to see if that was part of his motivation for this family thing leads to her eventually figuring out that his ex-wife was abusive, although she’d not quite sure if this is a fabrication of the curse to make him miserable or some curse version of Cora? Mr. Gold also tells her about losing his son and blaming himself, which she figures is why Henry gives her such a handle on him.
When Henry gets the book, he’s able to figure out that Papa is Rumple because of the spinning - he gets new sweaters every year. It’s impossible to see him as evil though. When Regina sends him to therapy she also sends her husband, telling herself it’s because it’s hilarious to think of proud Rumple spilling his deepest darkest secrets to some bug.
When Henry brings Emma, Mr. Gold has a conversation with Regina begging her to let Emma stay, because Henry wanted this and it’s better for him to feel wanted by his birth mother - a child shouldn’t have to think that any of their parents didn’t want him. Regina is mollified by Emma not buying into the curse idea, and it touches some issues about ‘if only Cora had a heart and started to love her the way Emma is learning to love Regina’s son (as Henry deserves).’
Awake!Rumple steers the therapy sessions towards asking Jiminy how to reconnect with an estranged son, since he has this resource here, and also how to be a better person because experienced prosthetic conscience. He also lets Henry know he’s awake because he doesn’t want Henry to have to think he might be crazy. So there’s father-son bonding as well as Henry-Emma bonding about the Operation. Regina and Emma bond over Henry, there are moms-son outings.
Because Regina has two additional morality chains and Graham is Emma’s friend, she locks him beneath the hospital instead of killing him. Rumple tells Henry about Baelfire and gets hugs and someone telling him it’ll be alright.
Emma gets an offer to move in with Regina, Mr. Gold, and Henry, but she’s kind of starting to develop feelings for Regina and Regina is married (they tell her later that it’s just for adoption purposes) so she lives with Mary Margeret instead. So Regina gets to hear that Snow feels terrible for pining over a married man etc. and plans out letting them go on some dates so that it will be more of a wrench when David gets his memories back and goes back to Kathryn etc.
Mr. Gold still loses his temper with Moe French, but this makes Regina get paranoid that he’s awake, made more intense/near panic because she doesn’t want to lose the relationship they’ve had for years, where she’s had him always there for her and her son, and she doesn’t want to hear him mock her for it/use it against her/hurt Henry by leaving them/any number of things. Also, if he finds out about Belle...
Jefferson releases Belle to motivate Gold to make the savior hurry the hell up and break the curse/turn him against Regina. Rumple is just so hurt that Regina, who he’s come to care for platonically as the mother of the second child he’s raised, hates him enough to do this to Belle just to hurt him.
Before that Rumple wasn’t pushing for the curse to be broken, telling himself it’s because it’s fated to happen but also because the therapy is preparation for finding Bae (and also happy), but now he needs to get Belle her memories back.
He brings Emma to Belle and tells her Regina did this, and then sends her down under the library to confront her with a dragon/make her believe.
Emma, who by this point has really started to love Regina for giving her son the childhood she wishes she could have had, among other things, is just like... it’s not healthy for Regina to be like this, so secretly miserable and full of hate. She kisses Regina wishing to break the curse to free Regina from all this, from having to be the villain, and the curse breaks.
Rumple immediately moves out of the house and files for divorce, but tells Emma and Henry he’s giving Emma his blessings and also when a mob shows up for Regina he threatens to kick their asses. He books a lot of sessions with Dr. Hopper because finding Belle and everything really threw him for a loop and he wants to have it together when he finds Baelfire to minimize the odds of fucking it up.
Family session with Henry, Rumple, Regina, Emma and Belle. Henry meeting Belle and saying that two moms is great, three is even better!
Rumple still nearly has a panic attack at the airport because Baelfire is just that stressful to him, but Belle, Emma and Henry are all there, he’s surrounded by family. Rumple doesn’t practically lead with casting magic on Baelfire thanks to Dr. Hopper’s advice, and Baelfire finds out about Henry but that’s really not the only reason he comes to Storybrooke.
Henry meets Tamara and is ‘sweet, four moms!’
Snow’s opinion of Rumple is shaped by the town having gossiped about the scary Mr. Gold transforming into a doting father who is sometimes seen knitting in his shop or waiting to pick Henry up.
Emma is very fond of Rumple because he adores her son/she’s seen the cinnamon roll he was at home with Henry and Regina and he’s also badass, good protector for her son, 10/10 would recommend as babysitter. So she accepts magic lessons from Rumple because he wants to learn how to protect Henry and Regina goes with her and Rumple teaches her stuff he didn’t before and apologizes for manipulating her and says he’ll try to make sure she gets her happy ending to make up for it. So magic bonding and Belle is also there listening and learning about magic and seeing Rumple being happy. 
Rumple and Regina are able to joke about Snow being Regina’s mother in law. 
Once Baelfire is in Storybrook he’s convinced to do sessions with Gold and Hopper so he doesn’t have to talk to his father without someone there? Rumple is happy with that because someone to keep him from fucking up. Baelfire ends up bonding with the Charmings in the Badass Normal group and opens up to them more because they’re not on Rumple’s side like everyone else is. He asks them about their interactions with Rumple and the three of them talk re. how they feel about him being so close to Emma/Henry. Baelfire gets to feel like someone is on his side. 
Baelfire starts going to Dr. Hopper for solo sessions because he doesn’t want to fuck up with his son the way he got fucked up. He’s also been talking to Henry, who’s been trying to convince him that Rumple is the dad he knew. When Tamara betrays him, Rumple doesn’t kill her and he has a large found family to show him that he’s still loved/make him feel a little less like he’ll inevitably lose every relationship he has. 
Baelfire also gets to feel listened to bc. Hook - Emma seeing how different Rumple is about him, and Baelfire telling her about the kind father Emma tells him she’s seen with Henry, versus what the curse turned him into. 
Rumple promising he will let Belle break the curse now that he’s found Baelfire, but then they need to rescue Henry from Pan and Baelfire finding out that Rumple also got abandoned by his father for power.
Hook coming on to now adult Baelfire instead of Emma because he can see the resemblance to Milah, and Baelfire knowing that Milah was not a good person (and Regina possibly getting annoyed with something Baelfire says about Rumple and telling him she originally sent Rumple to Dr. Hopper because he was a victim if spousal abuse). Baelfire and Hook taking a long time to actually get together because of Baelfire not liking the guy and not wanting to be a substitute for the mom who ditched him, but adventures keep happening and they gradually grow closer once Hook stops wanting to kill Baelfire’s papa/there is UST. 
So eventually Henry gets three dads, three moms, grandma Snow and grandpa Charming. 
Uncursed!Rumple and Belle being research and potions people, which Henry can help out with; Snow, Charming and Baelfire being Heroes - with Hook also being a direct combat type; Emma and Regina being light and dark direct/combat magicians. Rumple has access to a lot of sources of True Love, so he brews more potions and can use one for a power-up if someone comes to attack Belle and Henry. 
Snow and Charming + Belle and Rumple have babies, and during threats those babies are of course left with Rumple and Belle and Rumple is the one to primarily take care of them while Belle looks up from whatever she’s working on and smiles to see him so happy.
Regina can’t have kids, but Emma can and Regina kept Daniel’s body, so eventually Rumple brews up something and Emma gets pregnant with a baby with Daniel’s genes, a child of two of the people Regina loves most. After that they adopt older children, who have been in the system awhile, and a lot of those kids end up bonding with Baelfire and Hook more but that’s fine, it’s all one family.
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queen-scribbles · 7 years
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World State:
--Warden Trinne Amell, romanced Alistair, left Anora queen, Alistair stayed a Warden, OGB, Trinne killed the Archdemon, still alive(Happy Ending sans Harvey AU, I guess xD)
--Evi Hawke, red personality, warrior, romanced Anders(rival path), very pro-templar, executed Anders, recruited Seb, sided w/templars endgame
       -o- -o- -o- -o-       -o- -o- -o- -o-       -o- -o- -o- -o-       -o- -o- -o- -o-
For this AU, Trinne told Jowan to run from Redcliffe, rather than conscripting him to the Wardens(wouldn’t wish this life on her best friend or something). She lets him out of his cell and tells him to run after he goes in the Fade to fight the demon and free Connor bc it’s clear that’s not going to buy him much mercy and she couldn’t live with herself if she just lets him get killed/made Tranquil. So he does the aiding refugees things, changes his name to Levyn to avoid the templars looking for him. Also, new name for a new start. (basically, I like having him fight the demon to count as his Harrowing, and also needed him to run so voila)
About a year post-Blight, after the Archdemon, Mother, and Architect are all dead and the darkspawn threat starts to die down, he gets tired of running. But what else is there for someone like him? The average civilian doesn’t recognize the scars on his hands and arms, but a templar probably would. He goes anywhere near a Circle, he’s as good as executed.
So he makes do as a (sort-of)hedge mage, trading help for whatever people can afford to pay. Sometimes this means food or clothes or learning new skills instead of money. He’s fine with that. One family was so poor his “payment” was a flower crown made by their six year old daughter. He keeps a couple of the flowers long after they dry out, pressed between the pages of a book to help him remember on bad days that he can be both good and good for something in spite of his mistakes.
After the Chantry Explosion in Kirkwall, he gives up using magic entirely(had already been saving it for emergencies only), and settles in a small, out of the way village(Chilltread) near the foothills of the Frostback Mountains. It’s remote, has no templar presence, and the people are kind without being nosy. He tells them he got in trouble at home and had to leave(which is true enough), and they don’t pry.
Chilltread is quiet and hard to reach enough the Mage-Templar War doesn’t really touch them, and news takes so long to get there the first they hear of the Conclave is when the delegation from the Ostwick Circle passes through. They make it sound important enough to pique Levyn’s curiosity and he asks if he can go with them. He’s starting to go stir-crazy staying in one place and this seems a good excuse to leave for awhile but come back. They agree, long as he brings his own provisions/gear and pulls his weight. He’s willing to do that, and so leaves with them when they depart the next morning. When one of the escorts asks his name and he says Levyn, the man chuckles and turns to a nearby mage in the delegation. “What were you sayin’ about your name not bein’ common, Trevelyan?”
The mage in question, dark haired with pale green-blue eyes, scoffs and makes some comment about how one nobody from a backwater Fereldan village sharing his given name does not make it common. They press on, already running slightly behind desired schedule and with three more days’ travel ahead of them. That evening when they make camp, Levyn Trevelyan apologizes to Levyn the Nobody for his attitude. “Today was not a good day, for many reasons, and  had me all out of sorts. My humblest apologies for disparaging you.”
Levyn brushes it off(“I am technically a nobody, so you’re not wrong”) and they chat for a while. Trevelyan waxes eloquent about both his family and the Ostwick Circle, while Levyn is a little more vague. Lots of ‘you wouldn’t have heard of that place’ and ‘I haven’t done anything spectacular, really’ dodging.
It gets colder the higher into the mountains they go, and the next(last) village they pass through on the way to Haven(even smaller than Chilltread), Levyn trades a good chunk of his provisions to a villager for warmer clothes. He can deal with being hungry, has before. But the cold is wicked this high up, and he can’t stand it. (acquired: starting armor :D)
They’re among the last to arrive at the Conclave, which suits Levyn fine; less time around a large number of templars. He is, of course, not important enough to actually be included in the talks, but there’s plenty of gossip to be heard from servants, mercs, and guards. It gives him a pretty clear picture of where things stand and how ugly the Mage-Templar War has gotten. Trevelyan is included in some of the meetings, but doesn’t want to discuss them when he’s free, preferring to talk about his family or the friends still at Ostwick’s Circle, all of whom he clearly misses.
Being so wary of people--especially Chantry-affiliated people--Levyn spends a fair bit of time wandering the temple halls, wondering what parts Trinne saw when she was here.
And then comes the explosion.
Running, things chasing him, the woman, climbing… something, a cliff, maybe? Or stairs? The bright flare of light and rubble under his feet and then a cell and angrily hissed words.
“Tell me why we shouldn’t kill you now.”
      -o- -o- -o- -o-       -o- -o- -o- -o-       -o- -o- -o- -o-       -o- -o- -o- -o-
Turns out, when he stumbles out of the Fade, he stayed (semi)conscious just long enough to say his name was Levyn before passing out entirely. Since the Ostwick delegation didn’t add him to their roster when he joined them, the only Levyn to find is Levyn Trevelyan. So they assume that’s him and run with it.
It hits him almost as soon as his head clears what happened, but Cassandra sounds a hairs-breadth from killing him on the spot, and he’s terrified she will if she knows he’s Levyn-the-nobody-apostate instead of Levyn-with-noble-family-ties. So he plays along, he figures just long enough to fix this and leave. Sidesteps Varric’s guess about where he’s from with “What is this, an interrogation?”
By the time they seal the Breach and he’s no longer in immediate danger of execution, he’s ‘Herald of Andraste’ and in too deep to stop lying about who he is. Everyone thinks he’s Lord Trevelyan of Ostwick, and the nobody from Chilltread village is just another tick mark on a casualty report. (not that anyone cares) So he decides to play the part. He’s good at pretending to be someone he’s not, after all. And he can’t think of a pleasant outcome if he tells the truth.
Has something of a panic attack when he sees Cullen in the War Room. Only person in the whole Inquisition who might recognize him(he thinks). But it’s been a decade since Kinloch Hold, and they’ve both been through enough hell Cullen doesn’t seem to recognize him. He’s still anxious about talking to the man the entire game bc what if he remembers?!
Leliana thinks he looks vaguely familiar, but can’t put her finger on why until mid-late game, and keeps her deduction to herself. Part of why she’s so protective Josie when she thinks there’s maybe something starting there
He’s also wary of talking to Cassandra in the walking-on-eggshells sense, given the first impression of brazen righteous fury he got from her. (They’ll eventually be friends, but it’s gonna take awhile)
Goes with the ‘Not sure I’m chosen’ route(but does believe in the Maker) bc he can’t keep that bit of his true self from peeking through. He’s been trying so hard to atone for his mistakes for years, but still can’t believe Andraste would choose someone like him as Her Herald. (still not doing great in the self-confidence department)
Really likes Mother Giselle. Is petrified Chancellor Roderick will find him out and blow it wide open to discredit the Inquisition.
Has another near-panic attack when Cole shows up, bc oh BOY is keeping him around flirting with disaster. But help is help and can he really turn him away?
Tries his best to come off as quiet and reserved rather than overwhelmed. Inner monologue more
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Josephine is a breath of fresh air. Someone who’s not tied to the Chantry, so he doesn’t feel like he has to be as guarded around her. She’s kind. She’s strong. She’s gracious. He feels like he can relax around her more than anyone else in the Inquisition. (Not so much he tells her everything right away, but more than around Cass or Cullen for example. Or Leliana, who treats him like a riddle she’s trying to solve.)
Still deciding whether to do CotJ or IHW bc it’s either walking into the templar stronghold or walking into Redcliffe, and I”m not sure which would be worse for him. One has templars(+the envy demon glitch), but the other has a host of bad memories/guilt and higher odds of being recognized as the blood mage who poisoned Arl Eamon. (At least, in his mind. It’s been ten years, the only one who might recognize him is Connor.)
Gonna sacrifice Hawke in HLtA bc Alistair is still in a relationship with Trinne and there’s no way Jowan would do something so devastating to his best friend(sister, really) as sacrifice the man she loves.
Really embraces the concept of “Whatever we were before, we are now the Inquisition” bc leaving his past far, far behind him sounds fucking fantastic.
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liveshaunted-moved · 4 years
Headcanon Dump; Morgan
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morgan’s hair is magically chamred to look blonde, only those in the charming household know their hair is naturally blue.
morgan sided with chad & audrey with the whole ‘ben is love with mal’ thing
their powers are  Geokinesis,  Necromancy, Fairy Magic,  Umbrakinesis,  Thermokinesis ( basing powers on pjo / nico’s ablilties )
they have a skull birthmark on their inner left wrist, looking like a tattoo
once, as a baby, sneezed and turned into a black dragon
knows that they’re adopted, and doesn’t care about their birthparents. as the charming’s are their parents
morgan swears a lot. there is a swear jar in the charming household. most of it is morgan.
morgan is very protective of those they care about and will do anything to protect them
they are VERY GOOD at holding grudges, it comes from both parents.
morgan is more powerful then mal, and NO you can not fight me on it
morgan will hold mal responsible for what she did to audrey and chad and ben. morgan would expect a full apology from mal to; ben, to audrey, to chad, before morgan would ever consider forgiving mal for what she did.
morgan understands spells and understands that ben wouldn’t want to harshly / hurt mal, even though mal did spell him - they understand that, and only wants ben to apologise for hurting audrey, to audrey
when i say morgan would kill someone who hurt chad, i mean that literally. you do not hurt their family. they would kill someone if those who they care about are that badly hurt
morgan would absolutely adore persephone. they meet the goddess once, and loved her. was sad they never saw the pretty lady again
despite never having been in water, or an ocean or flying morgan has a fear of those. the only way they feel confident in the air is if they’re in their dragon form. that is it.
morgan loves persephone, and persephone is one of their favourite goddess ( as state in another headcanon ), mainly because of the time when i headcanon morgan meeting the goddess. they went and looked up goddess of flowers, or asked their mother to help them. and that was how they learnt about the greek gods, and started to believe in them. and started to pray to them.
morgan absolutely loves flowers and totally one year for an art project for school did it on persephone’s garden & hecate’s cave
morgan would be the kind of person to spoil their partner in affection and small gifts. a flower almost every two days, or a little note here and there
morgan practices hellenism, their favourite gods/goddess are, heacte, persephone, hestia, hermes & dionysus
due to not knowing where they came from, or who their parents are - there for not knowing what they are. morgan self identifies as a witch, despite the stigma that auradon has about witches. only those close to them know of this.
morgan HATES bullies, they understand not getting along, they know the difference between not getting along and bullying. so if morgan ever finds out that mal bullied, because that is what mal did, evie and carlos, and any of the other isle kids, morgan will flat out have an animosity towards mal.
i don’t think morgan would ever get along with mal, personally. this may end up thread to thread dependant, portrayal to portrayal dependant. but my general stance is that, morgan isn’t a huge fan of mal due to what mal has done to those close to them. hurting chad and audrey and tricking / spelling ben, that doesn’t sit right with morgan, nor does manipulating jane
morgan has a dragon form, it’s black and when they were four years old, their dragon form was already at five feet big.
by the time they reach the age of twenty three, their dragon form will be at it’s biggest which will be nearly thirty feet in length or potentially sixty
fire can be fired out of their mouth, it is a dark blue, with a lighter blue smoke
eyes are a fiery blue colour, a glowing blue almost
despite being adopted into a high royal family, morgan totally campaigns for sidekick & isle kids rights
morgan truly only has control over their magic, because fairy godmother can only teach them so much, fgm can’t teach morgan about controlling the dead, controlling anything that comes from hades. fgm can only do so much, and taught morgan breathing exercises to use when one of their powers that are more found with hades pops up.
they can’t bring in a god, bc that would get the charming’s and some of auradon questioning why they need someone like that to teach this kid.
morgan is the type of person, much like give gifts & little notes and flowers, to be very affectionate.
they, will always be the kind to kiss you on your forehead, cheek, back of the head, knuckles. anywhere and any kind. romantic? platonic? yes. because they feel like everyone deserves to feel loved
morgan has nightmares of them drowning & of falling from the sky / being struck by lightning. they have no idea where it came from.
even when in dragon form, while they might be less afraid of flying there still is that bit of fear within them
morgan has their own 3d printer, and, yes, they don’t let chad use it. it’s a little magically enhanced.
morgan loves their family more then anything. okay. no matter what universe, not matter what. their family is their life. and once they start calling you family, that’s it, you’re their family. it also doesn’t have to be by blood
morgan setting up a spell that allows them to know when people are having a bad day, or night, or a bad dream? more likely then you think. they would work hard on this, and even harder when the vk’s come over. it is finally mastered and every time they walk down the corridors of the dorms, they have their hands out - speaking the spell, and at every room they find someone having a bad day or nightmare, they magically pop in something like random flowers, or sweets into the room, or a cup that is magically filled with the person’s favourite drink.
them working on something specifically for nightmares, and always carrying around a few calming potions, that help calm someone down enough that they can sleep again. that them working on how to minimise nightmares, but realising they can’t but they can make something for after.
morgan just wants to help everyone. them setting up an ‘underground’ shop where they ‘sell’ their calming potions, their potions to help after nightmares. they don’t ask for much in return, because all they really want, is for everyone feel good.
morgan uses magic outside of their lessons with fairy godmother. it’s never anything major, or noticeable. and it’s always to help out others.
when that shit that went down with uma&mal at the ball? morgan noticed right away that ben was under some form of spell. they’ve been studying magic their whole life, they know a spell when they see one. and kind of why they won’t blame ben fully for his actions because they noticed he was spelled. and why they really won’t get along with mal because that seemed like a spell of maleficent then a trick of the evil queen or jafar.
morgan also then sympathies a bit with uma, because they see the way uma is reacting to mal. and they see that uma’s reason for spelling was different to mal’s ( at time spell was used )
When in the presence of a god, morgan will call them Lord/Lady *name of god/ess*, and yes this is included Hades.
the fire of morgan’s hair actually burns out fairy godmother’s charm on their hair. and often has to get the magic topped up, almost every six months. so morgan’s ‘haircuts’ are them going to fairygodmother for a touch up of magic. the spell was not taught to morgan
you know what,morgan’s hair is actually naturally blue not purple, purple is mal, morgan isn’t mal & is more hades in the sense of a lot of things
morgan is the kind of person to hate when people put people down, especially when it comes to appearance ( and things that can’t be changed ), which is why they like to always say things that are uplifiting. and if a partner, will leave / give positive notes in lockers, with flowers or chocolates.
it has been once said that, because of morgan’s helpful nature ‘are you sure you’re chad’s sibling? you sure you’re not adopted’ to which, they reply ‘i AM chad’s sibling, and i AM adopted.’ all with a hitched eyebrow and arms crossing against their chest.
morgan is so full of love, but will fight anyone who hurt those they care about.
morgan knows how to fence, play tourney, and is actually very sporty. but .. like doesn’t play for the school
morgan doesn’t know how to swim, and honestly refuses to go into big bodies of water. it honestly scares them. them even going to the cotillion? HUGE step tbh. but boy did they run out when uma fled into the sea bc they did not want to be in the water, so they uh…magically transported themselves back to their dorm room where they ended up having a panic attack by themselves. bc her mind told them that the boat was going to tip, or that mal and uma would fight hugely and that’s make the boat tip. it uh… scared them too much.
morgan’s main verse, has morgan storming off after the proposal, to a spot where they like, but can still see the vk’s coming in. this is how they transformed into their huge dragon form without hurting any of the ak’s. they were in an area where they couldn’t hurt anyone
zeus is morgan’s least favourite gods. mainly because most of their fears are things he controls. heights ( the sky ), thunder & lightning.
you think the core four were the first people to take fgm goodness class? you’re wrong.  morgan’s been taking it since they started school. they don’t know why, but it’s a class they have, and only after ben’s call to bring over the core four did they stop taking it.
morgan’s irrational fears are irrational to everyone but them, and the charming’s and fgm. because one day when morgan was seven, they acciddently shadow travelled, after thinking hard about their father, but the thought was ‘DAD’ not king charming specifically. they had just wanted their father, and then the shadows took them over, sending them to the isle but because of the barrier - morgan bumped into nothing and started falling into the water, screaming their head off before finally turning into their dragon form a few feet above the water.
they don’t understand why the thought of ‘dad / father’ sent them that close to the isle. fgm saved them, and brought them back to their home. now when they think of it, it sends them to the right person, and they end up at king charming’s feet or anywhere near him.
morgan has found it’s better to picture a face rather then a name
morgan is taller then chad. not by much, but they are taller
the charming’s uh… have been told they need to keep morgan as calm as possible. because once when, after their first magical out burst, got angry at another kid, their hair went up in flames, scaring the kid and fgm had to come in and like… wipe the kids memories of it bc morgan’s parentage can not be found out
after the events of d3, i think morgan would start to wear their hair out naturally in the sense of not going to fgm for the charm that colours their hair to match that of the charming’s
while they might be upset with ben, they still care about him. morgan is upset with ben for letting it drag on, and waiting for the ‘right time’ to say he wasn’t spelled anymore. ben is still someone they care about
Morgan keeps every gift given to them
morgan is very neutral, most of the time they are nice, and loving and wanting to spread love to everyone, but if you hurt one of their friends / family, they will be OUT FOR BLOOD. you do not want to harm anyone they love, this is why morgan does NOT like mal. especially if mal hasn’t apologised in three years!
morgan’s goodness classes came in hand with their magic controlling lessons, both of which were done in private, compared to the ‘public’ way that the core four’s class was given
due to the way they were born, morgan ages differently, this is why they put it down to when they’re in their thirties and still look like they did when they were twenty, and everyone ele clearly looks older - but then, everyone starts dying as they grow older, and… morgan takes a huge while for them to realises that maybe, just maybe they won’t age anymore. even longer to realise what that means.
morgan would often train with chad and loves/d whenever they could play sports together, but either way, morgan still would never try out for any school teams
you know what morgan would find extremely calming? someone painting on their back.
if morgan is dating or friends with someone who is an artist, musician, actor, sports player, author you bet your ass morgan is there to hype them up. they will be promoting them all the time.
no matter the verse, when morgan wants to be a parent - they will not carry the child. that is something the are certain on. if their partners is female and they have a donor, they will let their partner take on the pregnancy, but morgan will not. otherwise, morgan is adopting the children.
so more then likely, when morgan becomes a parent, it’s through adoption.
i think, one of the reasons morgan doesn’t like mal, aside from my other reasons written in bios and headcanons, is that mal, someone who grew up with no magic and was probably told that upon entering auradon that magic wasn’t allowed - but still used it and essentially got away with it scottfree ( from the adults ) because she grew up on the isle and doesn’t know better. and morgan knows in her bones that mal knew what she was doing, that while plans switched - they were all her doing, and she didn’t have to do them, but she still did.
whereas morgan, who grew up in auradon, and told to hide their magic and their powers all their life get’s scolded if they are caught using their magic; despite morgan being the one trained in magic because morgan has to go to magic classes ( unknown to them, set by adam ) so they can control them
morgan can be very morally grey, while, having grown up in the charming’s household, under the influence of Ella - morgan get’s their kindness from their mother. their temper and ability to hold grudges are from their biological parents - and they know this.
morgan has a HIGH pain tolerance
never ever call cinderella, cinderella in front of morgan, it is ELLA. morgan will come for your life if you don’t fix it, or ignore morgan telling you that it is ella
morgan offering isle kids, free magic lessons. to help them learn control of the thing that now flows through them!!!!!!!
her asking fgm for a classroom when more kids keep coming, and making it an official class
the kingdom making magic feel welcomed and not something to be ashamed of!
morgan would throw a halloween party & would invite everyone
morgan is 100% about the platonic ‘i love you’s’ and making sure everyone they know and care for, knowing that they love them. the idea of someone they care for not knowing that? they hate it.
sometimes they say it with their love language ( homemade gifts & cards ), or they’ll flat out just say it or text it etc
morgan loves lunch dates, they mostly love lunch dates with their friends. lunch dates to them, are more reserved for their friends more then they would a romantic partner
morgan’s main love language is giving gifts ( mostly selfmade ) and just time spent with the person.
has adhd
morgan for the most part is out by the time they’re fifteen. first as non-binary then as pansexual, first said bisexual but later felt pansexual was a better term for them.
here is the thing, morgan loves everyone and has respect for everyone but, once you loose the respect it is very hard to ever get it back.
so king adam, fairy godmother, belle have lost their respect. mal lost it and will never get it. ben is on thin ice due to morgan knowing he was under a spell ( and my personal hc is that ben does apologise to audrey, so morgan is on okay terms with ben, but it’s not were it use to be )
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I made some asks! Have fun!
1. Are you more emo, scene or punk?
um i think emo but only in music taste, i dress quite casual and stuff like that
2. Favourite band?
right now paramore!!
3. Any New Year's resolutions?
ye several, for example seeing at least 10 artists live, some different drugs and have over 800 songs on my playlist,, i like to keep my resolutions as actually possible goals, so that’s that
4. Favourite music video?
ooh maybe hard times? call me basic but i love it.. or like the short video of forest by tøp, where he walks on a street, ye that ones special too
5. Favourite song?
nooo don’t make me choose i love so many?? but like turn it off, graveyard whistling, ouch, avalanche, sudden desire, let’s go (khalid), ribs and like teen idle be kinda hitting rn ngl
6. Panic! At The Disco or Fall Out Boy?
um old panic, i don’t listen to fall out boy as much as i used to
7. Favourite album?
fight me but vessel and the black parade hasn’t got any bad song, and they will always have a very special place in my heart,, but right now? like nothing but thieves’ self titled, after laughter, amo and melodrama
8. Do you own a pair of fingerless gloves or skeleton gloves (or the combination)?
no but i wish i did
9. Do you own any band merch? If so, from what bands?
some, from tøp, paramore and bmth, but i only use my purple paramore hoodie
10. Got a jacket with pins?
i had one but then i took of my pins so not anymore i guess
11. Have you got dyed hair? What colour?
ye i dyed it black a few months ago, so it’s black/brown-ish rn
12. Any hair dying or haircut plans for 2020?
absolutely i’m going to cut it really soon, and i’ll probably dye it quite soon as well
13. Crush on any band member?
uh hayley williams i’m free on wednesdays please h it me up on a wednesday what are you doing next wednesday i’m free on wednesday hayley please
14. Killjoy name?
oo i haven’t thought of one yet
15. Are you into The Used?
16. Do you want any tattoos? Of what?
i’ve got one small, but i’d like a few more, like a matching with my sister and stuff but i don’t know any other specifically, just that i want it
17. Can you play any instruments? Which?
mm i’m actually quite good at piano, been playing a few years now
18. Favourite My Chemical Romance song?
oof there’s so many slapping songs, but like one from each album would be honey this mirror isn’t big enough, helena, teenagers/disenchanted, sing/planetary go,, and i am aware that’s basic but like there’s a reason why just those songs have become popular? they’re so damn good (and don’t at me with sing hate, it is a masterpiece and do not deserve the slanter i see on the tl)
19. Do you think Twenty One Pilots are emo?
as a former tøp stan myself can i say quite firmly that they’re definitely emo, but we need to re-evaluate what emo actually means, bc like in terms of the 00’s emo music? no, they’re not emo. they’re not like the emo trinity (lol), BUT they’re the perfect description of a modern emo band? so, no tøp isn’t emo in the old fashioned way, but yes they’re emo in a newer context,, and their stans are definitely emo i mean like come on
20. Are you into Taking Back Sunday?
21. Do you wear any make up?
yeah but just casual, i’m always so amazed by people who wear lots of cool makeup every day, i could never
22. Do you have black painted nails?
lol ye always
23. Have you got any band posters? Of what bands?
mm i’ve got one with paramore that i like, and one with blackbear which is only because i likes the color schemes of it, i don’t listen to him otherwise
24. Do you want any piercings?
not right now
25. What's your opinion on All Time Low? Sleeping With Sirens? Pierce The Veil?
they’re cool i guess but i’ve never looked into them any further
26. Do you think it's just a phase or that you'll be emo/punk\scene forever?
oh the music will always live on with me, but how i think and express myself around the subject “being alternative/emo/pop-rock/whatever” will probably change as i grow into another phase of my life,, and like i’m okay with the thought of living my life in phases, and i’ll probably not be too ashamed of my current self a few years from now
27. Favourite magical/mythical creature?
i don’t really know any :(
28. Are you into Black Veil Brides?
29. Do you like any newer emo/scene/punk bands? Which?
no not really i’m a quite boring music person in the sense of that i only listen to like the same five bands for a whole year,, so all the bands i’m listening to currently are releasing new music, but were created a while ago
30. What's your favourite music genre besides emo/punk\scene?
probably indie rock
31. Are you into Mindless Self Indulgence?
32. Favourite Fall Out Boy song?
uh like i’m a slut for folie so like 27 or the shipped golden standard, but dance dance has always been a personal favorite
33. Are you mostly into the so-called "emo trinity" or "emo quartet" or do you listen to a lot of other bands too?
sigh i listened to both the trinity and the quartet a lot in 2018, i was a big fan of this whole trinity/quarter thing, but now do i just occasionally listen to some of them, but they’re definitely the roots of my emo path in this life
34. What's your opinion on Waterparks? Palaye Royale? I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME?
ooh idkhow are both emo/alt/pop-rock and quite new!! i forgot them earlier in this post! ye i love idkhow and their music, but i don’t really listen to waterparks or palaye royale
35. Are you into Bring Me The Horizon?
sure as hell am baby, love them
36. Favourite solo project by a emo/scene\punk band member?
right now is hayley williams solo project petals for armor a huge favorite of mine
37. Are any of your friends IRL emo/scene\punk?
um like kinda yes? or some of them have got the style but not the music, and some have got the music but not the style, so i guess it all adds up to a yes
38. Are you into drawing? If so, show some of your art!
ah i really wish i was creative but unfortunately am i not
39. Favourite colours and colour schemes?
red+black or pastel colors, i shift a lot based on mood, but my go to color schemes are dark blue and black bc i’m always comfortable in them
40. What are some of your favourite lyrics?
damn such a good question, i’ll make a separate post for it and continuesly update it with new lyrics!!
41. The Black Parade or Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge?
sorry but i’m a tbp fan, and you can’t convince me otherwise,, like i love revenge a lot but the black parade just hits different y’know?
42. What's your opinion on Paramore? Green Day? Blink-182?
well my biggest obsession right now is paramore so in short; i absolutely am in love with hayley, taylor and zac, the whole concept of paramore and of course their music+other content, even though they’ve gone through rough (or should i say hard) times
and i’ve listened some to green day, they’re really great and i like them, but there’s too much to get into and i’m not ready to be that much of a huge green day stan yet (will probably never be either) but i can absolutely casually enjoy their music and jam with their songs, without having to get into it any deeper
and for blink-182, i feel like they’re a bit too far away from my preferred genre right now, i will maybe listen to them in the future, probably not, but you never know anything for sure
so that’s all,, i love answering questions like this even though no one will ever read it and i’m cringe i know alright but it makes me feel happy so i’ll keep doing it
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