#they realized they have no happy ending for kara
simauita · 1 year
I fucking hate that they made Kara out herself to the world as Supergirl
I hate it
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natalievoncatte · 7 months
Lena didn’t mean to pry, she really didn’t, but Kara had to leave rather briskly to attend to that sinking cargo ship, and Lena didn’t feel like watching one of Kara’s old musicals without Kara herself; Lena probably wouldn’t have watched them at all, but she would watch just about anything to make Kara happy.
Besides, once she had a few glasses of wine, curling up with Kara beneath a blanket on her couch in her loft made it easy to pretend. Snuggling up against her human (alien) space heater made it easy to pretend. The way Kara never objected when Lena rested her head on Kara’s shoulder made it easy to pretend. The way Kara would naturally lean back into her and they’d end up curled around each other made it easy to pretend.
The way their legs tangled made it tough. The way their bodies folded together made it tough. The way Kara’s hand would always end up on Lena’s ribs made it tough, the presence of her lightly caressing thumb just below the bottom curve of Lena’s breast, threatening a lighting touch like a building thunderstorm that never breaks… that made it tough.
It made it tough to pretend.
Lena went to Kara’s kitchen island to open another bottle of a cheap rosé, the kind of drink that Lena was only allowed to like when she was with Kara (when she was herself, when she was just Lena) when she noticed something.
Kara kept a corner of her loft dedicated as a studio for her art. Lena had taken in Kara’s work without comment over the years, stealing a moment here and there to admire without really talking about it. Lena didn’t want to make it A Thing, not because she didn’t want to share things with Kara but because those little stolen moments felt too strangely intimate to give up.
(Like the time that Kara was changing and she was braless and Lena saw the broad, muscular, tanned expanse of her back, muscles bunching and twisting, sweeping curves and planes rising from the low waistband of skinny jeans that clung unmercifully to the most perfect ass imaginable. Times Lena didn’t think about. Not with the lights on.)
Throughout the years, Kara’s artwork had always quietly reflected the world they lived in. The first time Lena noticed a work in progress, it was abstract and hopefully, cheery and inviting. During the Reign crisis, Kara had been working on a landscape; Lena had thought it someplace imaginary, not realizing that Kara’s eerie and moody images depicted the home she’d lost, and the innocence that went with it.
When Lena had come back to her, when she came to confess and beg to come home, she’d seen broken frames and torn canvas, the stretched fabric ripped by the fury of the emotions vented onto it, those pieces that remained intact full of melancholy and loss.
Over time they had brightened again. Kara was working on a light, airy landscape from Krypton, an impressionistic promontory topped by a stirring crystalline temple.
She’d also been sketching. Her sketchbook was open, the quick charcoal half finished.
It was Lena.
Glass of wine in one hand, more than a little drunk, Lena let herself drink in the sketch. It was a figural study of Lena, passed out on Kara’s sofa after too much wine, probably not long ago. Another artist might have made it seem sad or even comedic, but this was a little melancholy, and even reverent. She made Lena something soft and delicate and precious with just a few feathered strokes of a pencil.
Hand trembling, Lena touched the page, dared to turn it. There was another piece, another drawing of her. Swallowing a little too much wine in a single gulp, she thumbed through the open sketchbook.
It wasn’t all her, but it was mostly her. Lena’s heart beat harder against her ribs as she realized she was looking at a timeline. One of the drawings was her in the Fortress, sorrow and rage twisting her features, but with a soft hint of pleading, the eyes heavy with broken hope. Tears welled in Lena’s eyes, at memory, at the fragile grief in the sketch, as if Kara had been punishing herself in the making of it, ripping her flesh open with graphite the way Kryptonite never could.
The earlier drawings were happier, and Lena dove into them. Her favorite was candid, rendered so lovingly that it bordered on photorealism. Lena sitting on a stool, a look of joy radiant on her face as she must have been seeing Kara arriving to surprise her at Noonan’s.
Lena couldn’t believe someone saw such beauty in her. The person that looked back at her from mirrors and selfies looked older than her years, tired, a frightened girl’s eyes in a jaded woman’s face. The subject of this image was radiant, open and full of joy and so young, lovely with an innocence and softness Lena never thought she had.
Some of them had an air of intimacy. Studies of Lena’s hands took up entire pages, and Kara seemed to be quite fascinated with the way the light fell on her cleavage.
She turned a page and blushed scarlet. This one was purely imaginary, and Kara clearly had a vivid imagination. Lena lay on a bed, open and vulnerable. Kara had added a flash of color with markers. Green for Lena’s eyes, touches of red for her lips and a pink flush on her chest… between her legs.
Wait. Kara has x-ray vision…
“You weren’t supposed to see that.”
Lena jumped, dropping the wine glass. Kara picked it out of the air without spilling a drop, gently setting it on the work table near her easel. She was still in her suit and she smelled like the sea, and there was salt water in her hair. She was shaking, but it wasn’t from the cold.
“Kara,” Lena breathed.
“I’m sorry,” Kara said, voice thick. “I’m sorry, Lena. I know it’s… if you want to go, I… I understand. I’m so sorry.”
Lena sucked in a sharp breath.
“Leave? Why?”
“I’ve been drawing you without your permission,” said Kara. “I know which one you just saw. I…”
“When did you make this one?” Lena asked, taking the book in her hands.
Kara swallowed. “I think about a month after we met.”
Lena’s heart was racing. She forced her hands to stay still, not to betray her. Her throat felt parched and her knees were weak.
“Do you really see me like this?” said Lena.
Tears glitters in Kara’s eyes, like moonlight scattered on a calm sea. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
“Why? You made me beautiful.”
Kara flinched, her mouth parting slightly, the tip of her tongue dragging across her lip so quickly that Lena would have missed it had she not been staring.
“I… I only tried to capture what was already there. You’re so lovely that sometimes I just want to stare at you.”
Lena set the book aside, and turned back to Kara. As she stepped closer, she smelled the salt water and diesel oil and her, and felt the heat of Kara’s body under her palms as she set her hands on Kara’s hips.
Kara was stone still, barely breathing. Lena met her gaze.
“I need a shower,” Kara blurted out.
Lena barked a laugh, and it turned into a gale of laughter as she pulled herself into Kara’s arms.
“Lena!” Kara scolded, “you’re getting your clothes all wet.”
Lena looked up at her.
“Go take your shower. Then get your pencils. Don’t worry about my clothes. I won’t be needing them.”
22. Art.
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fazedlight · 11 months
Stargazing (soft supercorp ficlet, post-6)
She’s always wanted to be in love.
Lena pulled the blanket around her shoulders tighter, as she glanced to the kryptonian opening up a thermos of hot chocolate. Kara passed the filled lid cup to Lena, as she tipped the thermos to her lips, taking a small sip. Lena pulled her own cup to her lips as Kara pointed up at the night sky. “Argo City is about there,” she said, Lena following her finger somewhere west. “And Rao is about there,” she continued, pointing farther south.
She’s always wanted to be in love.
Alex’s words rang in Lena’s mind. It had been a small, quiet conversation. Lena had counted herself lucky, that after everything - her betrayal, Non Nocere, Kara going to the phantom zone - that she had been able to find family in the end. That the people around her had forgiven her. That for the first time in her life, she found peace.
It had been a calm morning, her and Alex - the early risers - having coffee in the Tower, musing about life. The chat had inevitably landed on Kara, Lena finding herself constantly curious about what it had been like to grow up with an alien for a sister, a refugee who had struggled to adjust.
She’s always wanted to be in love.
And now Lena found herself gazing at the kryptonian, knowing that her expression would be revealingly wistful if Kara’s sights were not fixed to the sky as she rambled. Couldn’t she just fall for me? Lena thought, trying to chase off the melancholy.
It was the third Friday in a row where Kara had gently lifted Lena from the Tower balcony, taking her up to a flatter portion of the roof, the sky open above them. National City was a bit too bright to see anything as marvelous as the Milky Way. But the planets, Ursa Major, Orion’s belt - all shone brightly in the sky.
Kara rambled amiably about an old friend’s telescope, how she’d fly it over to the Tower next time so that they could see Saturn’s rings. Lena smiled softly, soothed by the sound of Kara’s voice, the gentle vibration that Lena could feel in her chest from their snuggled position. But it just itched at her mind - what is it that Kara wanted out of life? Had things changed?
Kara paused in her ramblings, smiling curiously at Lena. “Are you okay? Warm enough?” “I’m plenty warm,” Lena said, pulling her blanket in tighter. “Just thinking.” “About what?” Kara said, wrapping her arms around the human, as though to offer help in fighting away the cold evening.
Lena glanced up at Kara, uncertain if… this was a conversation they should really have. But with the warm blues staring back at her, with the itch in the back of her mind- “Alex said…” Lena found her voice faltering.
Kara rubbed at Lena’s back soothingly, as she tilted her head curiously.
“Alex said… you always wanted to be in love.”
Kara’s eyes widened. “Oh,” she replied, the word seeming to fall from her lips. “I- well.”
“Sorry,” Lena said, somewhat flustered. Why did I bring this up? “We can drop it, it’s a weird conversation.”
“It’s fine, Lena, it’s just - I am in love.” Kara’s eyes hesitantly glanced to the side, before meeting Lena’s face again. “I’ve been in love for years.”
Lena’s stomach plummeted, suddenly feeling anxious. “Oh,” she said. “But you’re… not with them,” Lena mulled contemplatively, her wistfulness tied up in some sadness. Because as much as she wanted Kara... more than anything, she just wished Kara could be happy. 
Kara’s gaze left Lena, turning her head back up to the stars. “It wasn’t until I was in love that I realized I didn’t have to be loved back.”
“Anyone would love you,” Lena said.
“Not anyone,” Kara replied, glancing down at the roof. “Sometimes, things aren’t meant to be.”
“Who are you in love with?” Lena asked, the words falling from her lips before she could think to stop them.
Lena didn’t miss the way Kara’s throat tensed, a nervous swallow as she resolutely avoided Lena’s eyes. “You know, Lena. You have to know.”
Something tentative bloomed in Lena’s chest. A yearning, a hope. A realization that washed over her. Oh.
It almost felt silly, in retrospect, Lena’s mind parsing through the relationship. Because she thought she had been obvious, with the Valentine flowers, and she had taken the hint when the reporter had emphasized that they were good friends.
But… flying to Dublin, and Paris, just to give Lena a treat? The sobbing confession, that explained the line that Kara could never cross. Risking the world, in a fight to save Lena’s soul. For a friend like you, there are no boundaries.
She didn’t speak. Instead, she lifted her hand to Kara’s cheek, gently turning Kara’s face to her own. Kara glanced nervously back, her eyes shifting slowly between Lena’s eyes, when the truth of what they had both been wrestling with began to wash over her too. A shy smile, a small laugh. After a moment, Lena found her eyes drifting to Kara’s lips.
Lena smiled again, noting as Kara’s tongue darted out, wetting her lips in subconscious anticipation. Lena leaned forward as Kara’s head tilted in, Lena closing the gap to press her lips against the kryptonian’s.
They savored the brief meeting of lips, knowing that soon would come a time for passion and desire - but not now, not yet. On this roof, beneath the planets and Rao and the open sky, they only shared their intent.
Kara pulled away slightly, eyes still closed as she tilted her head to the side, nuzzling against Lena’s cheek in a silent confession that finally gave Lena the courage to say what she needed to say. “I love you too.”
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 7 days
Just some thoughts on the new Steam trailers and promo stuff.
I just watched the Steam trailer announcement for the KH series...and they made it really het/S*kai focused. It's very gen/friendship focused as well, but they seriously somehow were even able to make the DDD section of the trailer very not gay and just very gen/friendship based.
Here is the Steam Announcement Video:
The two short KH is on Steam trailers on Utada's YT page are more for promoting the re-recordings of Hikari and Simple & Clean, but they are fairly het/S*kai and general friendship focused as well. Though, Hikari's promo works better with they lyrics, timing, and lyrical meanings than Simple & Clean.
(More under the Read More due to length).
Here are the two promos to compare. First, Hikari:
In this version we have the lyrics break down like this:
どんな時だっ��� (donna toki datte) - No matter when it is
From KH1 Sora to Sora in Castle Oblivion, just before battling Marluxia (who's in the background) from the KH2 OP
ずっと二人で (zutto futari de) - We'll always be together
From Axel in the DDD OP to the Time Station shattering around Ven from the BBS OP
どんな時だって (donna toki datte) - No matter when it is
From Aqua holding a frozen Ven and looking up at the blue "Kingdom Heart" in the sky (BBS OP) to the Back Cover stuff
側にいるから (soba in iru kara) - I'll always be by your side
From YX looking at the night sky out the window (KH3 OP) to Sora & Kairi sitting together from the KH3 ending
君という光が (kimi to iu hikari ga...) - The light known as "you"....
This last bit starts as the titles that are going to be released on Steam start to appear on the screen (there are spinning heart shapes that appear over the image, and those turn into the titles), which turns to a plain black screen and info on the release dates, games, etc.
The Simple & Clean take on this promo is definitely a bit more awkward timing and lyrics-wise. It doesn't work as well, though, both promos don't really highlight the bond between Sora and Riku like at all, but highlight the bond between Sora and Kairi, along with just gen friendships in general (which I like and don't mind).
Here is the Simple & Clean Re-recording + Steam promo:
I don't know. Obviously, they are focusing on the whole series as a whole, which makes sense and the more gen focused stuff for nearly all the characters makes sense and I like and appreciate that. But, it just feels weird to see/have so little of Riku and have the video end with the S*kai stuff, since that relationship is just so underexplored, underdeveloped, and often times just straight up ignored in a lot of the games/Sora's overall journey.
Also, while I'm a fan of Soriku, I don't really care for a number of the big theories out there that exist (some of which, like the whole aitsu thing, has been debunked, and I just find the whole "Sora forgot about Riku" theory to be a theory more so created to cope with the reality that the series is trying to push S*kai more now...even if there are a lot of issues with that from a writing perspective). IDK, but when I see stuff like this...when I played KH3...they all just kind of worked as reminders to keep my expectations in check. I might just be too burned by past media experiences, but a large part of me still believes that the closest we might ever get to canon Soriku is a realization and confirmation on Riku's part that he loves Sora, but S*kai still ends up happening because of "I want my lover to be happy" type trope stuff.
At the very least, I'm happy that we got largely gen and friendship based trailers and promos with all of this, instead of all of the imagery being like "potential het couples" type stuff, lol. But yeah, this is probably an overreaction, but KH3 is a game that really killed my love for the franchise and makes me very hesitant, skeptical, and cynical of KH4 along with the franchise going forward in general. So these promos just don't help at all with that.
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vox-ex · 7 months
morning + enchanted
supercorptober 2023
"you are full of cloudy subtleties I am willing to spend a lifetime figuring out." - Kafka
or Kara and Lena wake up after their first night together as a couple
(featuring the origin story of Gerald the cactus)
When Lena walked out in the kitchen that morning, there were a few things different about her apartment.
Some more so than others.
The cool air coming in through the open window that she usually left closed.
The smell of coffee mixed with the undercurrents of tea that she preferred.
Kara leaning against the counter, goofy smile peaking over the rim of her mug.
Very noticeable.
"Hi." Kara's voice was a little sleepy still, a little rough, but gentle, so, so gentle.
Gentle like her hands had been.
Gentle like her lips had been.
Gentle like her heart had been.
Lena walked over and took the mug from her hands, placing it on the counter so she could slip into the space in front of her, letting her hands settle on her waist as she pulled her closer.
Kissing her like they were still tangled in her sheets.
"Morning," Lena whispered against her lips, pressing the words into place with a smile before resting her forehead against Kara's.
""Mmm, Morning." Kara replied, grinning from ear to ear, fingers pressing into the small of her back.
Very, very noticeable.
Lena couldn't help but laugh at Kara's infectious smile.
She placed her hand on Kara's chest, fingers twisting in the fabric of her shirt, teasing the skin underneath as she pulled away.
Kara's smile only grew wider as she leaned in and kissed Lena again, chasing after her.
"I'm going to have to get ready, or else Jess is going to get suspicious when I'm late."
Lena said, breaking the kiss reluctantly.
Kara pouted, but allowed her to slip out of her grasp.
"Jess is already going to be suspicious. You're way too happy for a Thursday meeting with the Board." Kara said with a laugh.
Lena just shrugged and grinned. Taking the cup of tea Kara pushed towards her.
"I think it's you that should be more worried. She's probably going to give you a shovel talk when she figures out we're finally together."
"Okay, one, I'm a little impressed you know what a shovel talk is. Two, I have a plan for that already."
Kara lifted her coffee mug towards the end of the counter.
Lena arched her eyebrow and looked to where she was pointing.
A small cactus sat at the end.
A very not noticeable difference that had gone overlooked among all the others.
"A cactus?"
"A present," Kara said more enthusiastically. "For Jess. To you know, distract her. Maybe buy us a day or two before she realizes there is an Us. And also to you know..."
Kara waved her hand a bit between the cactus and herself, small drops of coffee spilling onto the white countertop.
"You're trying to, what, enchant Jess with a cactus?"
Kara's brow crinkled at the implication of Lena's word choice.
"Enchant sounds a little strong. She likes me...enough....maybe just show her I mean, you no harm."
"By giving her something prickly."
Lena watched her brow furrow even further.
"No, no, it's fuzzy...look at it." Kara walked over to the cactus, leaning down so she was eye level with it. "It's so cute."
Lena smiled and walked over next to her, leaning down to the same level so she could look at the cactus too.
It was cute.
And she didn't have the heart to tell Kara it wasn't actually as 'fuzzy' as it looked.
So she just turned and pressed a kiss into her temple instead.
"Well, I think you're cute."
Lena could feel the corners of her mouth lifting into a smile, her eyebrow raising up with it.
"That's not the word you used last night."
Her cheeks flush at the memory.
Very, very, very noticeable.
read and follow along on A03 too (see desk and heist for the Gerald 🌵 trilogy )
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lbulldesigns · 1 month
UPDATE (1 Month Later): AITAH For accusing my former best friend of trying to break up my relationship, and promptly ending our thirteen-year-long friendship?
Posted June 20th, 2021
TDLR: I (18M) allowed himself to get gaslit into believing that my best friend of 13 years was being toxic and possessive, and threw said friendship away without a second thought. And realized, too late, how stupid and rash I was being and now can't make things right because she ran away from home.
It's been a month since I last posted here, and have been getting comments asking for an update. I initially decided to not post here anymore, but figured that the people who showed genuine concern for Pow deserved an update.
Sorry for the silence, the past month has been emotionally taxing, to say the least, I'll try and keep this post short but fear it might be long.
So my last update ended with me at an Enforcers station with Pow's family, Van had managed to get hold of his best friend, who is also Pow, and Daisy's maternal uncle, to inform him and his wife about Pow's disappearance. The uncle appeared at the station shortly after getting off his flight, the two were on vacation and came home as soon as they found out Pow was gone, and went straight to the Enforcer at the front desk and just hands him a piece of paper.
I don't know what was on that paper, but suddenly the officer was super cooperative and calling the sheriff down to meet us.
There was a lot of back and forth between everyone, I honestly wasn't paying attention. But the uncle wasn't happy with how the whole situation was being handled, he was incensed with Van for not making sure Pow was where he expected her to be sooner, and was snappy with Daisy (for reasons I wasn't privy to).
He then turned his anger onto me and started interrogating me on how foolish I was and he wasn't pulling his punches, this man has a sharp tongue and a talent to hit where it hurts the most. He only stopped when his wife put a hand on his arm and just gave him a look, she then gave me a pitying look and he decided he was done with me then and there.
Long story short the sheriff stated that there was nothing they could legally do to search for Pow because she was 18 and had by all accounts left voluntarily, that they could put out a missing person for her in the hopes of performing a wellness check but considering she had gone home and taken some of her belongings and paperwork, the chances she'll hurt herself are slim and they couldn't waste resources looking for someone who doesn't want to be found.
We were confused for a second but then it was revealed that Cat, Daisy's GF, knows the sheriff (I didn't care to ask how) and had told her that her and Daisy had gone through Pow's room and found she had left her phone behind, as well as a note, and that some of her belongings were gone.
There was a lot of arguing going on at this point, mostly between Van and Daisy with him asking why she didn't say something to HIM earlier, but by this point I was checking out and only checked back in when Benny (my godfather) gently shook my shoulder to get my attention.
Everyone was looking at me, as if waiting for me to answer a question or something. Cat didn't say anything and handed Pow's phone to me, to show me something and what I saw made my whole body cold and numb.
There were chat logs between Pow and Kara, where Kara was being her "sweet self" and buddying up to Pow thanking her for her help with tutoring her for their science class. Apparently Pow was helping Kara with her studies because she was falling behind in science, and Kara was using this as an opportunity to become friends with Pow.
This would have been a good thing, except Kara was "helping" Pow realise her feelings for me, and encouraging her to confess her to me. She wasn't letting on that her and I were interested in each other, if anything she kept talking about me as if I were just an acquantance, a friend of a friend she says. I paid attention to the dates on every message and noticed when Pow finally decided to "take a leap of faith" and confess to me, was the same day Kara confessed she really liked me and asked if we could be offcial.
I felt sick and numb at the same time, I handed the phone back to Cat and then pulled my own out and unlocked it for everyone else to look through. I didn't say anything the whole time.
Everythign after that is a blur, everyone stood around talking but I didn't pay attention. Benny took me home but I didn't say anything. And when we got home, I just went to bed and didn't get out for a week.
Benny had called my school and told them that I was sick, and organised for my schoolwork to be delivered to my home so that I could catch up when I was feeling better. But I kinda just gave up on everything, my best friend was gone because of me and none of us could go look for her.
After a week, Clag (Pow's eldest brother) came into my room, took one look at me, sighed and then proceeded to fireman carry me out of my room and into the living room. Where Van, Daisy, and Zer were, to give me an intervention. They were worried for me and didn't want me to spiral further than I already was, Van told me that I made a dumb mistake but none of this was solely my fault, and that there were many contributing factors at play, and that giving up on everything wasn't going to help anyone let alone Pow.
I didn't fully believe him but a large weight had been taken off of my chest, Daisy said that she was there to talk at any point if I needed to and that she wasn't angry at me, she said that I was just as much a victim here as Pow, that the real person at fault was Kara.
I'll be honest I had completely forgotten about her at that point, and stupidly felt guilty for ignoring my GF before remembering that she was the drivng force behind everything. Suddenly I felt angry and sick all over again.
Zer noticed my change in mood and filled me in on what had happened at school, about how my friends and Kara had been planning on how to "get back" at Pow only for her to never turn up to school, and then I didn't turn up and wasn't picking up any of their calls.
She told me how she was in the girls toilets, hiding in one of the stalls trying to get hold of either me or Pow, when she heard Kara and her friends come in and listened to Kara bitching about how she couldn't get her "revenge" on that "blue haired bitch".
Kara had organised for half the school to meet up at the front of it, with half rotten tomatoes, ready to throw at Pow when she showed up. But she never did, and it spoilt the "fun" for Kara. One of her friends was being "comforting" and reminded Kara of the little gifts left in Pow's locker, Zer couldn't get a idea of what they emant because they were being vague.
One of the girls, apparently had an actual braincell and morsel of conscience, and asked if maybe Pow didn't actually know and if this wasn't a bit much. Kara actually groaned and said that "that was the point" and that everything worked out much better than she expected because of what a "simp" I am.
There are no words to describe how I'm feeling, even now. I want to say angry but that feels like an understatement, I probably shouldn't direct all my anger at Kara, I should never have been swayed, but the difference is that Kara had meticuosly planned this like a complete sociopath.
I wanted to get back at her, but I also did't want to be worse than her. So I did the only thing I could think of. I dumped her over text. I just said "I know everything. We're done" and then blocked her number, after saving screenshots of her messages. She never said anything obviously incrimidating, but I felt it was worth doing so anyway.
I also told Zer about the messages between Pow and Kara, and Zer just said "leave it to me". She also told me that she wanted to still stay friends, but that she wouldn't hold back in any ass whooping in the future if I got stupid again.
For now, Benny has organised for me to take an extended leave from school on the condition that I do all of my schooling online. He also organised with Pow's aunt for me to volunteer at the food drive and community centre she runs, I'm thankful for how much of a caring person she is. She adores Pow and is disappointed in me for my actions, but she's also a forgiving person and believes in second chances.
I'm sorry for the long post, this will be the last post I make about all of this. I wish that it could have ended with Pow coming home, and everything being well again but it isn't.
She's still gone, but knwing that she took money, clothes, and necessary paperwork with her makes me hopeful that she'll take care of herself. She's an incredibly intelligent person afterall, maybe one day I'll see her in collage or run into her on the street.
But until then, I'll work on myself. Better myself. And hopefully grow to be a better man, than I was a boy.
Thank you to everyone who simultaneuoly kicked some sense into me, and showed support throughout all of this.
Take care.
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inkedroplets · 2 months
fanfic writer questions
Thanks so much for the tag @sideguitars
1- How many works do you have on AO3?
Twenty. A good mix of one-shots and longer fics that I will finish someday...
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Supergirl but I've dabbled with Legends of Tomorrow and have a few unpublished fics for different fandoms that I might share
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
A Rich Girl With Issues (I swear I'm almost done with the last chapter. The flu kicked my ass but I'm finishing up. My weird Lena becomes a vigilante fic. I still am amazed that people like it as much as they do)
Maybe I'm Too Afraid to Admit It (Kind of cute Kara realizes she has feelings for Lena. I really don't know why this one resonated with so many people)
Somewhere You Can't Follow (My weird (and poorly written) Legends and Supergirl crossover. I would love to go back and actually rewrite large bits of this but the dialogue is on point, at least. Oh and Lena gets to see her mom again so that's a plus)
Denial is Not Just a River in Egypt (I have no memory of this place fic)
Nothing Gold Can Stay (My one and only kidfic but I love it to pieces)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I do and I don't. I'm a lot more offline than I was when I first started writing and if too much time passes, I feel weird about responding since I feel like I'm bothering people but I am trying to be better about it. Because I really do cherish each one
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably nothing I've posted yet would count but I do have one that I plan to post soon-ish that's so angsty I took a year to decide whether or not to share it.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think all of my one-shots have pretty standard happy endings. I think I'll say that either Rich Girl or Nothing Gold Can Stay will have the happiest endings (in my opinion) Wait (a little longer) and see
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I'll get the occasional weird comment. Nothing out of the ordinary. I did get a really rude bookmark once that kind of made me laugh. They hated the story yet still chose to bookmark it which is a choice.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I dabble in it. There's a snippet floating around somewhere on tumblr that I'm too lazy to find. I'll share it once I finish the first chapter. It's a bit out of my wheelhouse but its fun? Very different kind of writing than what I'm used to.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I write a lot of crossovers. I think when I write fic, I want to see something a little strange and unique that I can't find elsewhere. I'm working on a fic now where Kara meets Matt Murdock, that's not an interaction I ever envisioned myself writing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so? To be fair, I haven't ever cared enough to check. I don't think I'm popular enough to get a fic stolen xD
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have! Someone translated one of my fics into Russian. I was incredibly flattered that they liked it enough to do so.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, and I think it's mostly because I'm quite a selfish writer? I know what and how I want to write so collaboration is quite difficult. Maybe I still have some leftover trauma from all the group projects of my past.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
Supercorp, if that wasn't very, very obvious.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I'll finish them all!
16. What are your writing strengths?
I really don't know and that's not just me being modest. I don't really think I do anything particularly well?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Being succinct. Every ficlet wants to be a multi-chaptered story and every multi-chaptered story wants to be a novel
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I think if implemented well it can be a great addition. If it's merely tacked on, however... I feel it not only doesn't add anything to the story but it makes the reader aware that they're reading a story. A bit of the magic is lost in the clunky execution.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
On AO3 Supercorp but I've dabbled in fandom for years and years. There's ancient Xena fic somewhere in my mother's basement
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Probably has to be Rich Girl but I really am fond of Swear Not by the Moon, as well. I've really enjoyed expanding the scope of Supergirl's world a bit and watching the characters slowly grow over the course of the story
No-pressure tags, of course: I never know who to tag in these until I finish these but if you like @rustingcat @vox-ex @sazernac
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loveandleases · 9 months
I can’t believe it!!! Shame on you all for not asking the most fluff ask out there (minus the kiss one 😊) !!! What are the ROs love language 👀
We do need more fluff, don't we!? I'm shocked I haven't gotten that one yet. Below the cut~
❤️ Cam - Quality time. For Cam, knowing their partner wants to spend time with him means the world. Since many chose not to (hey parents). It could be simple things, just listening to one another about your day, watching a dumb show, thinking of what you did as kids and actually got away with.
💙 G - Words of affirmation. G hasn't had the best luck romantically. Ex-G only really considered themselves fortunate in one relationship...and we know how that ended. They still feel anxious around MC, and about love in general. So words of affirmation really calm them, reminds them they're cared for. Words of encouragement, little I love you, even just a simple text message from their partner can lighten up their day.
💚 Kara - Receiving gifts. She doesn't need something expensive, she doesn't need a limited edition item. For Kara, it's more the little things. A hair tie, to get her hair out of her face after a long day. A card, that tells her how much you appreciate her or how good she is doing. Small gestures really make her happy. Especially if it's something that can make her remember her partner later on. That includes giving her a hickey.
💛 M - Words of affirmation/Acts of service. So both work for our sweet M. Since their so oblivious to love, words of affirmation is something that makes them realize their partner is in fact in love with them, and cares about them. Like acts of service, show their partner is willing to help when they get overloaded with work, or when they forget to do something. This just shows they care, and M will begin to pick up on these things.
💜 Isaac - Quality time. For them, seeing their partner choose to be with them, be that just to help with a delivery or just to see them off, it means a lot to them. Isaac feels as though they can't get enough time with the people they care about. This is something they feel even more now that they've lost people. It doesn't have to be moments filled with words, or even doing the same thing together. Just time, be it small fleeting moments of the day, make them realize someone actually does care for them. Maybe this time, they'll stay.
🖤 Ardent - Physical touch. Looking at him you would think he's used to people touching him or wanting to. He's not, he's used to them staring and hates every minute of it. But there is something about someone wanting to touch him without thinking of it leading to something, that just softens him. A hug from behind, holding his hand, a small kiss on his cheek. It can be simple and innocent and it just makes him realize he actually is cared about, for more than just his body.
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coffeeshib · 9 months
Hi! I’ve recently visited your page again, after a longer tumblr break and saw your posts about people’s comments on your fics. It made me both sad and angry. Sad because they’ve managed to take away your joy for writing Supercorp and angry that people feel like they can type out any hurtful thought that goes through their head, for a thing that is absolutely free and made with so much passion and care. 😒🤬
For what it’s worth, I always loved the way you write both of them. AND the fact that you don’t ignore Kara’s trauma and struggles. “i’m spilling all my words (but you keep 'em to yourself)” will forever be one of my favorites. Thank you for the hours of joy and fun you have given us! I hope you know that for every entitled commenter there are ten times more people who love your works! 🫵🏻🤘🏻
ahh thank you so much, i appreciate this. i have to say, sc still has me by the neck, i do plan to finish that fic & maybe write some more but it won't be anytime soon. i had hoped that the fandom would calm down with the kara hate after the show ended but i was wrong, it still hasn't changed.
when you've been writing for sc for so long, the frustration builds up, & there have been many times where i felt like i needed to (& did) restrict myself when writing them. it stops being enjoyable when people are constantly calling kara 'stupid' & insult her in many different ways for not being the happy sunshine kara danvers who takes care of lena all the time.
personally i love reading & writing the reverse situation (lena who's being the patient loving one & also the shoulder for kara to lean on) because the show didn't give us enough of that. unfortunately, people don't respond well whenever kara is struggling with her issues & lena isn't the one who's being comforted.
i write what i like & that's what i'm always going to do, but this build up of frustration over the past years & always anticipating kara hate every fic/chapter killed the joy a lot.
i've seen some authors speak about this too & it's genuinely sad to see! people can like & dislike whatever but it's important to note that there are readers out there who don't realize that their personal feelings against kara also affect authors & their love for writing supercorp
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 4 months
A Christmas Miracle-Chapter 2
Fandom: Supergirl
Characters: Lena Luthor, Kara Danvers, Ruby Arias, Santa Claus, Streaky the cat, Lillian Luthor, Alex Danvers
Summary: After her last two breakups, Lena doesn't think there is love out there for her. However, will Ruby's wish to Santa make Lena a believer in miracles?
Chapter 1
Lena pulled up to her step mother’s house. She stared at the front door and sighed. She didn’t really want to trouble her stepmother but for all Lex’s faults, he wouldn’t dare attack her at his mother’s house. She got out of the car and went to the back seat to get Ruby out of her carseat. Once freed, Ruby sprinted towards the house screaming “Grandma!” Lena sighed and rushed after her. 
By the time she caught up with her, Ruby had rung the doorbell 12 times. Lena quickly scooped her up, held her and said, “You don’t have to keep ringing the doorbell.”
Ruby pouted and said, “I wanted to see grandma faster.”
Lena chuckled and said, “Don’t pout. I need you to put on that smile that grandma likes. We need to keep her blood pressure down while we tell her about today.”
Ruby beamed and exclaimed, “I will do my best!”
Suddenly, the door opened to a flustered Lillian whose face quickly changed to happiness once she realized who was at the door.
“Girls! I didn’t expect to see you this weekend. Come in,” beamed Lillian as she ushered the girls inside.
Lena and Ruby quickly came into the house. Once Lena placed Ruby down, she instantly made a beeline for Lillian and exclaimed, “Grandma!” Lillian kneeled down to Ruby’s level and Ruby jumped into her arms for a big hug.
As Lillian squeezed her tight, she exclaimed, “I can’t believe how big you have gotten.”
Ruby smiled and said, “Mommy says that I’m a growing weed.”
Lillian chuckled and said, “I think you are growing like a pretty rose that I can’t wait to see what you bloom into.” 
Lillian kissed her forehead as Ruby hugged her tighter. Lena smiled at the display. Sam and Ruby weren’t related to Lillian at all but she embraced them as family when they met almost six years ago. Lena had just started working at L-Corp. She was initially filling in for Lillian since she was recovering from having a knee replacement surgery at Lena’s penthouse and Lex was serving time for his umpteenth attempt at Superman’s life. Sam was an intern accountant  at the time and brought to her attention that money was being funneled out of the company into a shell account. 
Lena was initially surprised that none of the accounts found this sooner but began to realize that the majority of the department was corrupt and was being pay-rolled by Lex even though he was still in prison. Lena quickly got rid of most of the accounting department and replaced it with people that she trusted and placed Sam as the head of the department. They quickly became friends which is when she noticed that Sam and her three month old have been living out of her car for a couple of months. Sam’s boyfriend kicked her out of their apartment and she had been on her own ever since. Lena offered Sam and Ruby to stay with her and Lillian. It ended up being the best thing for everyone. Lillian had been bored being stuck in the house all day. She was used to being on the move and independent. However, having a baby in the house brighten Lillians perspective. She thought that Ruby was the cutest baby in the world and constantly volunteered to babysit her. When she got well enough, she would constantly take Ruby shopping for matching outfits. Ruby was the only baby she new that had designer baby clothes. Sam thought it was too much, but Lillian just smiled and said, “Well, grandmas are always supposed to spoil their grandchildren.” 
Sam was so touched by this because her own mother rejected her when she found out that Sam got pregnant without being married. Lillian and Sam bonded after that and now Sam is like a second daughter to Lillian. 
Lillian looked up to Lena smiling and said, “What bring you guys by today?”
Lena rubbed the back of her neck nervously. She didn’t want to blurt out the real reason they were here. She wanted to ease them into it. Luckily she smelled something that could help her stall.
Lena sniffed and said, “Whatever that is smells delicious.”
Lillian smiled and said, “Oh, I had made lunch for me and the bridge club. We had roast beef sandwiches and potato wedges along with cupcakes. I actually have some left over if you guys haven’t eaten anything yet.”
“Oh, cupcakes!” Ruby exclaimed as she raced for the kitchen. 
Lillian chuckled and said, “I am kind of a little hurt that she stopped hugging me once cupcakes became involved. “
Lena linked her arms in Lillians, smiled, and said, “You know that she will be cuddling with you before you know it asking you to read her favorite book.”
Lillian smiled and said, “Well, I have perfected the character’s voices after all.”
Lena rolled her eyes as she and Lillian headed to the kitchen. 
Lena watched as Ruby tried to go for a second cupcake. Lena sighed and said, “Ruby, you already have one. You don’t need another one.”
Ruby turned to Lillian with huge round eyes and a quivering pout. 
“Grandma, can I please have another cupcake?”
Lillian chuckled and said, “Of course dear. Anything for my favorite granddaughter.”
“Yeah!” exclaimed Ruby as she grabbed another cupcake. 
Lena shook her head and said, “Mom, you shouldn’t have given her the extra cupcake. She is now going to be bouncing with energy until she goes to bed.”
Lillian smiled and said, “That is not so bad. Besides, who could say no to that adorable face?”
Lillian patted Ruby on the head which caused her to smile as she bit into her cupcake. Lena smiled at the display of affection between the two. Lillian looked so peaceful and she didn’t want to ruin it. 
Lena sighed as she went to get another cupcake for herself. 
As she took a bite, Lillian said, “It seems like you have a lot on your mind. Did something happen before coming here?”
Lena sighed while putting down the cupcake. 
Here we go. 
She looked up at her mom with a passive look on her face and said, “Well, an incident did occur before coming here.”
Lillian looked up frowning and said, “Oh. I hope it was something too troubling.”
Read the rest on AO3
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chaotic-super · 8 months
Live With Me - Chapter 18
Tumblr media
Read it on AO3 here!
“I don’t think that’s going to work.” Cat huffs, watching as Kara fruitlessly squirms in her seat in an attempt at getting out of the too-tight cuffs as she strains against the zip ties holding her legs against the chair.
Kara sags in defeat. “There has to be a way out for us. We both know what will happen if we don’t, and frankly, I don’t want to see the inside of a coffin any time soon.”
“Obviously I don’t want that either but tiring yourself out in a futile attempt to break free from that chair isn’t going to help us, is it?” Cat peers over at her, exasperation clouding her features. “We might have to fight and scream and cause a ruckus at some point. We can’t do that if you’re in need of a nap because you’ve already been fighting some handcuffs for hours beforehand.”
Kara sighs as she tries to stretch out her wrists. A quick wiggle of her fingers tells her that the cuffs are definitely cutting off her circulation somewhat. Her fingertips are slightly numb and that’s pretty worrying. “I wish they hadn’t put these cuffs on so tightly. Can prolonged blood loss to a limb cause permanent damage?”
“Do I look like a doctor to you?”
Kara meets Cat’s eyes. Her words might be harsh but her worry is palpable. “Point taken. Do you have any ideas on how we could get out of here?”
The resounding shake of her head has Kara sighing a second time, and she indignantly throws her weight back into the chair to show her displeasure at the entire situation. As she does, a faint crack can be heard.
“Was that…?” Cat barely dares utter the words.
“I think I just broke the chair.” Kara’s mouth hangs open as she looks over at Cat wide-eyed.
Cat shakes off her initial surprise quickly. “Don’t just sit there then. Break the thing. If you can break it, you might be able to get up, and if you can get up, getting out of here will be a hundred times easier, come on.”  
In an attempt to recreate the effect she just had on the chair, Kara leans forward before shoving her weight back once more, but it’s tentative. She does it again, reserved because she’s afraid of falling backwards.
“Kara, for the love of God, please put your back into it, quite literally, because if I have to stay here longer than necessary because you’re afraid to chip a nail, I’m not going to be very happy.”
The sharp tone cuts through Kara’s worries and puts her back into the correct headspace, getting her to try a bit harder and come back to the realization that her need to get out of here is a lot greater than her fear of falling backwards.
First, she rocks forward as much as she can and then she shoves herself back into the chair with as much force as she can muster. It sends both her and the chair toppling over, and her face scrunches as she prepares for the landing.
Her arms hit the floor first with a dull thud, muffling the sound of wood on wood. She has to press her lips together tightly to stop herself from crying out and, in the process, inadvertently ends up biting down on her tongue. She winces as the taste of copper floods her senses, making her nose scrunch up.
“Are you ok?” Cat’s worried voice calls out to her.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m good.” Kara coughs, swallowing harshly and doing her best to ignore the pain in both her tongue and her arms from falling directly onto them.
“Can you get up?”
Kara tries her best, swinging her legs as much as possible to get her momentum to force her onto her side. Her feet are still attached to the legs of the chair but she has made progress. She’s managed to snap the back of the chair off completely.
 Pushing her arms back and wiggling as much as she can in an awkward sort of side shuffle, Kara manages to ditch the useless chair back, immediately giving her more room to move.
“What now? My legs are still trapped.” Kara strains to look back over at Cat, who is watching her closely, the cogs evidently turning in her head as she tries to figure out a way to get Kara off the floor and get the pair of them out of there.
“Uh…” Cat hesitates, and that doesn’t fill Kara with hope. If there’s one thing Cat Grant doesn’t usually do, it’s hesitate. “Can you reach your feet?”
With a bit more awkward twisting, Kara manages it, tapping her fingers against one of the zip ties to show she can. “Yeah.”
“Take your shoe off and bring it closer to you so you can get the laces out, then you’re going to thread it through the zip tie. Once you’ve done that, you need to create friction, pull it back and forth as quickly as possible, and it should snap. Got it?”
“Yes, I think so,” Kara grumbles, doing her best to ignore the aches and pains from being in such an uncomfortable position for so long.
From there, Kara attempts to follow the instructions she’s been given, the task achievable yet nowhere near easy to accomplish. She’s forced to wriggle and squirm to reach her hands around to her feet and contort her body in ways her joints don’t particularly appreciate.
“You look like a caterpillar that has been cursed by the universe to never turn into a butterfly. Hurry up.” Cat rushes her, aware that Kara has made a lot of noise and unsure if there are guards around or someone in the building who is supposed to be watching them.
“Thank you.” Kara grunts, forcing the lace of her shoes through the practically non-existent gap between her ankle and the chair leg.
As soon as it’s through, she starts trying to saw her way through the zip tie, her leg kicking against it to try and weaken it. It’s only on one particularly strong kick that she rips the zip tie down the leg of the chair and realizes that she could have just slid it off all the while without the added stress of trying to break it.
“Oh, I’m kind of dumb.” She mutters, sliding the other one off and forcing her shoe back on, minus the lace, which she just shoves deep into her pocket.
Now that she’s not attached to the chair, she flips herself onto her knees, using her hands as much as she can while still stuck behind her back. She clambers to her feet and steps towards Cat. “Ms Grant, I have an idea of how to get you off the chair, but it’s not going to be pretty.”
“I don’t care about pretty; I care about you getting me the hell out of here.”
Kara takes a deep breath before cracking on with her plan that she admits isn’t the best thought out but is the only one her brain is giving her in this pressing situation. They don’t have time for her to try and find another solution. She just has to try it and hope for the best.
Shuffling behind Cat, she turns her back to the chair before grabbing the top of it with her bound hands and slowly tipping it back, lowering Cat to the floor as gently as she can. Once she’s safely on the ground, she tips her onto her side as delicately as she can, which is not very.
“Hold on, I’m going to help you shuffle down to free your legs, and then I’ll help you off the back of the chair.” Kara murmurs, her hands scrambling to find purchase against Cat’s body to arrange her in a way that will make the escape possible. She’s never before wished that she was friends with David Blaine, but there’s a first for everything.
“Hurry up, we need to make this quick and we haven’t even touched on the handcuffs yet.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot about that part,” Kara whispers.
“You forgot?” Cat whisper-yells back at her.
Kara nods, focused only on getting Cat’s feet free, which isn’t too tricky. Once that’s done. Kara moves to get Cat out of the rest of the chair but falters and changes tactics. It will be easier to pull her up if she can see what her hands are doing.
Totally overestimating her flexibility, Kara attempts to pull her legs through her joined arms. There’s a struggle as she crouches down and tries to shimmy her wrists over her butt so she can kick her first leg over, and in doing so, she falls directly onto Cat, her face smushed against her stomach and her shoulder digging into her boss’ boobs.
“Ugh, can’t you do anything delicately? Jesus, Kara.” Cat can’t do anything to push Kara off her. Still, the sharp tone is enough to get her pulling herself together and trying again, this time a little further back from where Cat is lying so if she falls, it won’t be onto the woman that would totally file a sexual harassment claim against her with HR just to inconvenience her before revoking it after a day.
This time, Kara gets further. She gets her wrists over her ass and manages to get one leg through her arms. The problem comes when she can’t get the other leg through. She’s essentially now just stuck with her hands handcuffed between her legs. At least she can see them.
“That is entirely unhelpful, Kara. Now you’ll have to put your crotch next to my body, and I don’t appreciate that.”
“This is better. I can actually see where I’m grabbing you now.”
“I would prefer an accidental boob grab to having something Lena Luthor has spent too much time buried in lingering right beside my head.” Cat sneers.
Kara’s face flushes a deep crimson at the words, not expecting her boss to come out with something so lewd, yet somehow, she feels as though she should have expected it on some level. Making a choice that will most likely get her further away from the statement and the further tongue lashing she could potentially open herself up to, Kara stays silent, instead manoeuvring around Cat so she can hook her fingers into her armpit and drag her up and off the chair completely.
“Ok, now what do we do about the cuffs?” Kara asks.
Cat answers right away, a plan already formulated in her head. “I need you to pull out the hairpin in my hair and then pass it to me. I can get myself out of my cuffs and then I’ll get you out of yours. Ok?”
“You know how to pick the lock of government issues handcuffs?”
“I dated a senator once.” Cat offers up as Kara digs through her hair for a hairpin.
Kara’s face scrunches in confusion as she hands the hairpin over, her eyebrows furrowing and her lips pulling down as her nose scrunches up cutely. “Why would a senator—”
“Shut up. I have to focus.” Cat snaps, her face the epitome of concentration. It’s also the exact same face as the epitome of constipation but Kara doesn’t dare say anything. She doesn’t have a death wish.
It takes her a few minutes, but it works. Cat pulls it off, displaying the opened cuffs to Kara like a trophy with a smug smile before it drops with her eyes. She’s looking right at Kara’s hands with a level of disdain usually reserved for board meetings.
“I really wish you hadn’t put us both in this position.”
“I’m getting that.” Kara breathes, rolling her eyes.
“I’m going to kneel in front of you. Please remember I’m not your girlfriend, so if I see those hips so much as twitch in my direction, I’m going to leave you like that. Actually, I’m sure Ms Luthor would probably like that. You look like the kind of couple to be into weird shit.”
Kara’s jaw is practically resting on the floor at this point and settles for leaving it that way. At least then her tongue can’t get her into any trouble. Any more trouble.
Cat works away for a minute or two, her eyes laser focused while Kara looks anywhere other than at the kneeling CEO. She would like to erase this moment from her brain forever and feels much dirtier than it actually is because of the uncomfortable air left in the room from the comments made.
As the handcuffs unlock, Kara feels the rush of pain to her wrists as the blood flow is restored. She brings both hands up to her chest and tries to rub some of the feeling back into them.
All signs of her previous snark gone, Cat rests a tender hand on her forearm. “Are you ok?”
“I will be once we’re out of here and we’ve found Lena.”
“Then let’s go find her.”
That decided, they first take a look out of the lone window over on one side of the room, taking in the wonderous sight of nothing but a dirty alley and no way to get down from what is very clearly either the third or fourth floor. There’s no climbing or dropping their way down without breaking their ankles, and if anyone were to try it and fail spectacularly, it would be Kara.
Cat flicks her head towards the door. “That’s our only way out. We can’t get down.”
“That’s the way they’ll expect us to try and escape through, in any case. There might be a tripwire or something.”
“A tripwire?” Cat looks half disappointed and half amused at how Kara’s brain works. “I don’t think there’s a tripwire.”
“Wait,” Kara calls out softly as Cat starts making her way over to the door. “We might not be able to get down, but I think we can get up.”
“Please tell me that doesn’t mean what I think it means.” Cat folds her arms, her usual strong stance faltering from a mixture of exhaustion, fear and stiffness from being trapped in one position for so long.
Kara looks up and out of the window, judging carefully to see if her idea is feasible. “I think we can do it. We climb out, and I’ll give you a boost up. There’s a balcony right above us. If you can get up there and help me up once you’re there, we can get out through that room upstairs instead.”
“Do you think I’m stupid enough to try and climb out of a window to a balcony attached to a room that could be filled with a bunch of assholes that handcuffed us to chairs not too long ago?”
Kara shifts her weight, her hands wringing in front of her. She stretches out her back, cracking it softly. “No, but I am, and I think it’s our best chance. I’ve just got a gut feeling that if we go up there, it will work out for us. I can’t explain it.”
With a huff, Cat pins her with a look Kara has never seen before. “Then let’s follow your gut. Maybe it will lead you to a buffet on the way to Lena.”
“I care more about Lena than a buffet,” Kara argues, prising the window open as much as she can, grateful it’s old and only has a catch, not a lock that requires a key.
“Then today is the day hell freezes over.”
“Is now really the time for you to be making snarky comments? This seems like a time where you should be giving me time to think so we can make the best decisions possible.”
Cat sneers in response. “The best decisions possible? Kara, you just told me to climb out of the window and risk falling to my death.”
Kara’s nerves are fried and she can’t keep her mouth shut any longer. “Would you prefer a bullet instead? I’m sure that can be arranged if you really want that.”
“You’re spicy,” Cat complains, but there’s a hint of something in her eyes that Kara can’t make sense of, her brain too busy figuring out how to get them out of this mess to try and work out the inner workings of Cat Grant’s mind, a hefty task if there ever was one.
“No. I’m scared, and you’re not helping.” Kara answers. “Plus, my head is killing me.”
Cat had somewhat grown accustomed to the dried blood smeared across Kara’s face, but at the mention, it’s like seeing it for the first time all over again. “Let’s get out of here then. You need to get that looked at.”
“Exactly. So, do you want to climb up there or what?”
“No, but let’s do it. I once climbed a basketball player like my life depended on it. This can’t be much different.”
Kara climbs through the window first, keeping one hand inside to clasp onto the wall just above the window and keep her balance as she teeters on the thin window frame. She holds her other hand out in offering and sighs in relief when Cat takes it without a word, climbing out and facing Kara.
“Stand on my knee first and then work your way up to my hip. Then, I’ll brace my arm against my chest, you stand on my hand, and I’ll boost you up. It’s not that high up to the edge of the balcony. You should be more than high enough to grab the railing and have enough leverage to pull yourself up.”
Humming her understanding, Cat gets right to work. She’s not putting off the inevitable. If this fails, it doesn’t matter if she goes splat on the pavement now or in two minutes.
Kara grunts, doing her best to stay as still and as steady as possible as she’s used as a jungle gym. She has to give it to her boss, she’s actually pretty good at climbing. She’s scaling Kara like she’s nothing more than an average staircase. Impressive.
Cat grips the railing and starts pulling herself up. The metal railing is cold against her palms, the chipping paint helping her grip, something she needs because her palms are so sweaty. She tips herself over the edge as soon as she can, her heart thumping quicker than a hummingbird’s.
“Are you good?” Kara peers up as much as she can, her anxiety increasing now that Cat is out of sight.
She doesn’t get an immediate response, but then, through the gaps in the railings, two legs appear, swiftly followed by Cat’s sharp voice. “Grab on and get up here.”
Kara has a feeling that she’s either going to slip or break Cat’s legs, she’s not sure which it is. She wraps her hands around Cat’s ankles first, and a small part of her revels in the hint of stubble there. She’s found an imperfection in the Queen of All Media. Lena is going to love hearing about this later.
If she wasn’t determined before, she certainly is now that she’s got an image of Lena in her head. She has her head thrown back in laughter and a cheesy grin etched across her face. They’re at home and they’re safe. Kara’s going to get them home.
Climbing her way up to the balcony, her arms gripping Cat tightly and her feet scrambling for purchase against the wall, she almost slips as the unexpected sound of the door slamming open shocks her out of focus.
Someone is in the room they have barely stepped a foot out of and there’s no doubt that her legs are currently hanging right outside of the window right now. There’s no way they don’t know where she is.
“Get down, now!”
The voice is so demanding and strong that Kara has to fight every instinct that she has not to give in and obey, but they can still make it. She’s sure of that.
One final push and a little bit of dumb luck and she’s got her hands around the railings, Cat is standing up and she’s being pulled up onto the balcony fully.
It’s just a shame that by the time she’s safely on the right side of the railings, they’ve already been blocked onto the balcony by a group of agents.
“Hands where we can see them!”
Cat doesn’t fight them, and if Cat isn’t fighting them, Kara knows she sure as hell shouldn’t and follows suit.
“Catherine Grant? Kara Danvers?” One of them confirms – a woman with a stern face, heavily wrinkled despite looking moderately young.
“That’s us.” Cat answers for the pair of them.
“Agent Captyn, CIA.”
A badge is held up for them both to see.
“Agent C—”
“Spelt with a C-A-P-T-Y-N. No jokes at this time, please. We’re here to protect you in the name of national security. Follow us.”
A brief glance is exchanged between them before they shuffle in from the balcony. They’re a little shocked to see what has to be close to twenty agents in the room, some kind of office with a fancy desk and a large monitor in one corner.
“Agent Captyn?” Kara hesitantly tries to get her attention, not willing to risk tapping her on the shoulder. She’d like to keep all of her fingers; Lena would be upset if she didn’t.
Steely grey eyes meet hers. “Yes, Ms Danvers?”
“Have you found Lena?”
Those eyes soften just a smidgen. “We’re working on it, I promise. There’s another team out there right now on their way to a possible location.”
“Is it a hotel?” Cat rushes her steps to keep up with them, the pace a little too fast for her liking. She’s not one to be left behind in any capacity though. “That’s where I last saw her. We were initially taken there together.”
“It is.”
“Excellent.” Agent Captyn faces off with her, not liking the air of superiority Cat is exerting. “Now, we’re going to take you to a safe location and we’ll have someone look over your injuries, Ms Danvers. It looks like a possible broken nose from where I’m standing.”
Kara nods. “Yeah, they got me good. Where are they? The FBI guys sort of just left us there. Did they just leave after?”
“Either that or they got a tip that we were on our way. Our priority is your safety right now, Ms Danvers. All you have to worry about is following my orders and you’ll be back in National City before you know it.” She directs them to the fire escape and they start making their way down to where there are several non-conspicuous black cars and a few plain vans ditched haphazardly outside of the building. “Come on, you’re safe now.” She reassures them one last time.
Climbing into one of the cars, Kara feels Cat’s hand slide over her wrist. The pressure is grounding and helps calm her, but a sly glance over at the woman sitting on her left has her realizing that the touch isn’t for her. Even the mightiest of people falter under too much pressure and need a little reassurance.
Looking away to not make her self-conscious, Kara trains her eyes out of the window, the pain in her face now more evident since she’s got time to sit in the moment. She hopes that whatever doctor they set her up with gives her some pain meds because it’s getting less bearable by the second.
They have no idea whether these people are actually going to take them somewhere safe, but Kara finds that she doesn’t really care so long as she gets reunited with Lena. She needs to know she’s safe. That’s her number one priority.
Lena taps her fingers against the table impatiently. She was sure she wouldn’t be waiting long, but here she is, still waiting. At least a couple of hours must have passed, and she’s been alone ever since. It’s making her uneasy. She was so sure that she handled General Lane well and came out on top, but the longer she sits, stews, worries and waits, the less certain she becomes.
As much as she understands why she can’t have her phone with her, she wishes she kept it with her so that she could play one of the dumb games Kara insisted on downloading there months ago so she would have something to do in her downtime besides check her emails. She’ll never admit to Kara that she plays them occasionally, but she’s relatively sure Kara knows anyway. She always knows.
She sighs, weighing up whether or not to just put her head down and see if she can rest a little while she waits. It makes her feel awful that she feels she could sleep even though she doesn’t know where Kara and Cat are but she’s mentally and physically exhausted. She’s half ready for the government to just make them disappear at this point just so she can rest. Albeit, that would be a more extended rest than she would like. A nap is a nap though.
The door opens just as she’s about to throw caution to the wind and get some shut-eye. The person she was expecting isn’t the one standing there though. In place of General Lane, there’s instead a group of agents, guns drawn and in full tactical gear.
One steps forward and raises his mask. “Ms Luthor, follow me. We’re getting you out of here.”
“And who are you?”
“Say no more.”
He looks confused as she stumbles to her feet. “You don’t have any questions.”
“Not currently. Just take me to Kara and I’ll be happy. That is where we’re going, correct?”
“Wonderful, let’s go.”
Lena strides through the building like she owns the place, her fatigue and exhaustion pushed aside as she’s directed to a motel room by a couple of agents. They hand her the key and nod to door number twenty-seven. “You’re safe here. You’ll be well guarded, I promise.”
“Thank you.” She forces out, eager to get to her girlfriend. She slides the key into the handle and pushes it open, barely remembering her manners. “Good night.”
“Good night.”
She rushes inside, letting the door swing closed behind her.
The motel room is split into two parts, a living area and then a bedroom area. Given the quiet emptiness of the living area, she knows where her people should be.
Rounding the corner, she holds her breath, terrified that she’s not going to be there.
She is.
“Lena?” Kara’s voice is filled with excitement and relief, but that’s not what Lena’s focusing on. No, her eyes are instantly drawn to the bruising and swelling across Kara’s face. She has sutures across one cheek and her forehead.
“You’re hurt.”
“I’m ok.”
Cat clears her throat from where she’s sat in a massive terribly-patterned armchair, the thing practically engulfing her. “She’s not fully ok, but she got signed off by a doctor. As you can see, those assholes really did a number on her face. Believe it or not, this is much better than it was before.”
Lena’s feet draw her closer to Kara, even when her mind isn’t all there to direct her. Her body knows where to go, or rather, who to go to. As soon as she’s within reach, Lena’s hands cradle Kara’s face, turning it gently so she can get a better look. “I’m going to kill them.”
“That’s easier said than done. I think a lot of them have run back to wherever they hang their bad-guy masks at night. They ditched us at the office building where they were keeping as soon as they knew the CIA were getting close.”
“And the CIA came and let you out?”
“We were already halfway out by the time they got there. We would have managed it.” Kara brags.
“By ‘halfway out’, she means halfway out the window. We were in the process of successfully scaling the building when they arrived. It was all very dramatic and very impressive. I could have done without it though.”
The story is almost too much. Lena’s had enough for the day—more than. “I can’t take much more of an explanation tonight. Think we can save the story for tomorrow?”
“Of course.” Kara takes Lena’s hands from her face and gently guides her down to sit on the bed beside her.
“She says as though she hasn’t been fighting sleep for the past hour because she wanted to be awake when her girlfriend finally arrived.” Cat snickers.
Lena can’t help the fond smile that falls into place. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Kara nudges her. “Now, there’s three of us and one bed. How are we doing this? I don’t mind taking the couch so you can rest properly. I hear CEOs can be particularly grumpy if they don’t get enough rest.”
Cat raises herself up from the chair, straightening out her clothes as best she can despite them being heavily rumpled from the day’s events. “That’s quite alright. I’ll take the couch. I’ve been far too close to you today, and I don’t want that same experience with your partner. I don’t know if I’ll ever recover from being forced to be that close to your crotch. In fact, I might need therapy.”
“You’re not the only one,” Kara mumbles as Cat flounces off.
Lena pins her with a look of utter bafflement and Kara rushes to explain as she realizes that her boss just told her girlfriend that she was close to her crotch. That’s not something that any girl wants to hear about her girlfriend.
“I uh…I got my hands caught around my crotch.”
“I don’t know what that means.”
“It’s not as sexy as it sounds. I had my hands handcuffed behind my back and I tried to get them around to my front. I got caught like this.” Kara mimes out how she got herself trapped. “Cat had to pick the lock while I was like that.”
Lena nods slowly. “You’re a disaster.”
Kara is about to argue but loses the words as Lena practically dives onto the bed. “Come cuddle.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice.”
Read the final 2 chapters on Patreon here!
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fyonahmacnally · 10 months
I Wish it Was Me...
She sighs, leaning against the balcony railing and staring blankly into the deep midnight sky as she swirls the rich amber liquid in her crystal tumbler. Her eyes have been scanning the horizon for an unknown amount of time, replaying the evening in her mind. 
A part of her feels guilty for leaving so abruptly, but she couldn’t sit there and watch her smile and laugh at him any longer. She knew they were friends, but she didn’t realize they were that close. Intellectually, she knows she shouldn’t feel this way, but tell that to her heart. Plus, why him? Sure, William is an okay guy, but he’s just…boring. She shakes her head, blowing out a huff of frustration as she swallows the remains of the numbing elixir. The last dregs of her second glass of scotch go down more smoothly than the first. 
Releasing yet another defeated sigh, she tries to massage the brewing headache from her temples. She purposely didn’t drink at the bar because she planned on bringing Kara back to hers tonight, planning to finally tell the blonde how she feels. Her eyes close and the scene from the bar rudely reminds her of her place in Kara’s life. Again. Not that she isn’t acutely aware of living in the friend-zone for years. She just wishes her heart would get the memo. Her traitorous brain wanders again.
Meeting her friends at the bar has become a common occurrence for Lena. It’s an almost weekly affair, every Friday they meet up at Al’s for happy hour, dancing, pool, and catching up on the happenings of all their lives outside their superhero antics. Recently, these nights have ended with Lena snuggled in Kara’s arms at either of their apartments. They usually end up going to brunch the next morning and spending most of their weekends together. While she realizes she should put an end to it before she obliterates her own heart, she’s not known for her self-preservation. So, she just continues to be gluttonous for the punishment she knows is coming. Maybe the punishment just arrived in the form of one William Dey. 
The scene keeps playing over and over. Torturing her barely beating heart.
As she walks into the familiar bar, she’s greeted with a series of hellos and waves, but the one that nearly stops her in her tracks is the wide, toothy, cock-eyed smile from her best friend. She thought after 6 years of near daily doses of that smile that it wouldn’t steal her breath and release an entire zoo of butterflies in her stomach. Nonetheless, here she stands, still suffering from both. She feels the heat rush to her cheeks and desperately hopes the dimness of the bar hides it well. Her steps falter when she sees William parked in her chair next to Kara. A sick feeling settles into the pit of her stomach. Attempting to keep her composure, she takes the empty seat next to Nia and across the table from the blonde. When she makes eye contact with Alex, it becomes clear that she didn’t cover her reaction as well as she’d hoped, the telling smirk on the elder Danvers face all the evidence she needs. She rolls her eyes at the redhead and lets her eyes settle on Kara again, barely containing the scowl begging to display itself on her face. 
Everyone quickly falls into their usual conversations, Lena does her best to keep her eyes trained on whomever she’s talking to, but every time Kara laughs or giggles at something William says it pulls her attention away. Each time her eyes fall on the two of them, her chest tightens, her stomach ties itself further into knots, and a lump works its way into her throat. Eventually, Nia drags her onto the dance floor, obviously attempting to distract her from her pathetic pining and barely contained jealousy. 
“You should just tell her, you know.” Nia states bluntly, an affectionate smile gracing her lips. “I promise you, Lena, she doesn’t want him.” They both glance over to the table where the two people in question are throwing their heads back in laughter.
Lena scoffs, her nose scrunching and lip lifting in a scowl of disbelief and disgust. “Really? Tell that to both of their faces and body language, Nia.” She rolls her eyes and turns her back to the table, unable to bear watching them any longer. “Besides, why the hell would I tell her now? She’s obviously either dating him or will be soon. I can’t risk our friendship now.”
Nia rolls her eyes, these two idiots are more oblivious than she initially thought. For a couple of geniuses, these two are dumb. “She feels the same way, Lena. I’m guessing she’s more afraid than you are after your last falling out.” She watches as Kara’s eyes flit over to them, a crinkle of concern adorning her face and her head tilting like she’s listening to something. She rolls her eyes again as she wonders if these two will ever figure their shit out. “She keeps looking over here at you. My guess is she can hear your heart rate spike.”
Lena’s heart sinks, she still forgets that Kara can hear her heartbeat and it makes her feel even more anxious than before. She realizes at that moment that she needs to leave, there’s no way she can spend the rest of the night watching the two of them together. In her panic, she manages to ramble out, “I can’t do this. I need to go, Nia. Tell everyone I said good night.”
Without waiting for a response, she bolts for the door, putting as much distance between William, his distractingly white teeth, and his annoying accent as possible. 
Shaking away the thoughts in an attempt to erase her evening, she heads back inside to refill her glass. She tops it off and makes her way back out into the breezy evening, retaking her place against the railing. It’s clear to her now that she is going to have to find a way to move on from the blonde. It figures that when she finally gets the guts to confess her love for her best friend, she starts dating someone else. She sighs, again. It’s her own fault, really. As confident as she is in many aspects of her professional life, when it comes to anything personal, she’s a fucking coward. Now she’s going to live the rest of her life regretting being such a goddamn scaredy cat. She growls as she knocks back her third glass of scotch for the evening, starting to feel the effects swimming through her veins.
Just as she is about to make her way back inside for the night, the sound of a familiar voice calling her name startles her so harshly that her fingers release the tumbler. All she can do is watch it make its descent toward the cement. The anticipated shattering of glass never happens though. Kara’s deft reflexes capture the highball before impact and sets it on the glass top table sitting next to the open balcony door. 
“I’m sorry, Lena. I didn’t mean to scare you.” Kara says with a crinkle between her eyes. She pauses to look at the raven haired woman standing close to the door, her hand resting over her heart and a wide-eyed, dazed look on her face. “You left the bar so quickly and without saying goodbye. Then you didn’t respond to my texts. I was worried. Are you okay?”
The injection of adrenaline coupled with the three glasses of scotch give Lena a sudden surge of confidence. “I’m fine, Kara. You seemed to be enjoying your time with William so I didn’t want to interrupt just to tell you I was leaving.” She grabs the glass off the table and stalks back into the penthouse without saying another word, fully expecting the blonde to follow. 
And she does, Kara follows closely behind her, stopping on the other side of the island as Lena washes and dries the highball, placing it back in its place. Leaning against the counter across from her best friend, she raises her signature brow in question, making Kara shift nervously. Her shifting movement secretly makes Lena giddy, even if she won’t admit it.
“A-are y-you sure you’re o-okay?” She stutters, unsure what to make of Lena’s demeanor, her sudden aloofness. “We always spend Friday night together and have brunch on Saturday. Y-you left without me.” She pouts, trying her best to stay put instead of running to Lena’s side. 
“As cozy and close as you two were, I figured you’d spend the evening with William. Have brunch with him instead.” Lena scoffs. She shifts her eyes down to her nails, picking at a non-existent hangnail. “I didn’t realize you had become so…close. Also thought you would have told me that you were dating him. Best friend privileges and all.” Waving her hand as nonchalantly as she can, a deep frown settles onto her face, no longer able to contain the sadness.  
“Lena…wh-what are you talking about?” A look of bewilderment and utter confusion sits on her face as blue eyes scan glassy green. “W-William and I aren’t dating. We’re just friends. W-why would you think we’re dating?” Her face scrunches and her head tilts, cerulean eyes still focused on her favorite green.
Lena blows out a raspberry of frustration, unsure how to put her current emotions into words. “Kara, anyone that was around you or saw you tonight would have assumed the same thing. The smiles, the laughter…the touching.” She scowls again as she barely whispers, “He was sitting in my seat.” Barely able to hold back the tears stinging her eyes, she pushes herself off the counter and heads toward her bedroom. Not only needing distance, but to change into her pajamas. 
Kara follows her into the walk-in closet, uncertain where the conversation is going and why Lena is so upset, but definitely determined to figure it out. “I’m sorry, Lena. I-I, um, planned on shooing him out of your seat. I even told him he would have to move when you got there. Then you sat next to Nia and seemed like you were having fun so I figured you were okay with it.” She nervously rubs her hand along the back of her neck, biting her lip in worry.
She dips her head, sighing as her hands reach out for Lena only to drop back to her side, unsure of whether it’s okay to touch the skittish woman in front of her. Still, she takes a few steps closer before softly speaking. “Um, I missed having you next to me. I like being close to you. When you went to dance, I kept hearing your heart rate spike, but I looked back over again and you were gone.” She pleads with her favorite person, eyes boring into raven locks. “Please talk to me, Lena.”  
Lena pauses, her hands fidget with the joggers and t-shirt she pulled out of her drawer while she attempts to gather her swirling emotions. Her head and shoulders slump forward and she releases a quiet sniffle, the tears that were stinging her eyes slowly begin to fall. Trying to channel the remaining adrenaline in her system, she takes a shaky breath and turns to face the woman she has been in love with for years. “You don’t get it?!” She pushes the drawer closed and angrily stalks out of the closet toward the ensuite, leaving a startled and fish-mouthed blonde in her wake. 
Tripping over her feet to catch up, Kara stumbles into the bathroom to an eyeful of her half-undressed best friend. Her eyes immediately dart to the ceiling and her cheeks turn a rosy, heated shade of pink. “I d-don’t understand, Lena. Did I do something wrong?” Her head tilts like a confused puppy as her eyes migrate back down to a still partially dressed Lena. Blue eyes freeze on the sheer expanse of exposed ivory skin as her mouth runs dry and she swallows audibly. “I, um, want to, uh…” Her words trail off as her eyes roam, mentally caressing every full curve and every ounce of exposed soft skin. 
Some of Lena’s ire simmers when she catches Kara essentially ogling her nearly naked torso. She’s still frustrated and the tears are still flowing, but the way those darkened blue eyes are combing over her body ignites something decidedly different. She shakes her head, needing to get herself together for the conversation that is coming. She turns away from the blonde’s roving eyes to drop her bra and pull the t-shirt over her head. 
Crossing her arms and leaning against the counter, she levels fiery green eyes at Kara. “You want to… what, Kara?” A perfectly sculpted dark brow raises, a silent question that causes the blonde to gulp. “You stopped in the middle of your sentence to ogle me. Are you going to finish what you were saying?”
“I was – I di –” She blows out an exasperated breath, realizing she has no excuse. “I’m sorry. That was inappropriate. I was going to say I want to fix whatever it is, but maybe I should just go. I’ve obviously upset you and made you uncomfortable.” She blinks owlishly, trying hard to prevent the welling tears from falling. 
Lena starts to panic. She doesn’t want Kara to leave, that’s the last thing she wants. “No, please. Don’t leave.” She blurts out, reaching for the blonde’s muscular forearm, stopping her movement. “C-can we just get ready for bed and then talk? Please.”
Kara nods her head and heads out of the bathroom to grab the pajamas she keeps at the apartment. Once they’re both changed, their teeth brushed, and faces washed, they stand in front of Lena’s bed in awkward silence. Normally they would crawl under the covers together and curl into each other with a movie or documentary playing in the background. Right now, neither of them know how to broach the ginormous elephant hanging out in the corner. 
Finally, Lena sighs and drags them both into the bed, crawling up toward the headboard. They both sit with their backs leaning back against the frame, pillows propped behind them. She twists her fingers together, a long held habit that still surfaces when she’s anxious. “I’m not used to having to share you with anyone else.” Lena says, barely audible, but she knows Kara hears her. “When I saw William in my seat and…saw him touching you, I just – I was jealous.” Her voice tapers off on the last word and her cheeks heat, flushing a deep red at her admittance. 
Kara’s eyes go wide. She can hardly believe what she’s hearing. Lena is jealous? Of William? Why would she be jealous? Wait…her head whips to the side to look at her best friend. She can’t help but grin at the blush adorning pale skin. She does her best to stifle it, but to no avail. “You’re jealous of William? Lena, he and I are just friends.” She reaches out to stop the twisting and fidgeting of Lena’s hands, placing her palm over them. “This feels like more than that. Do you want to tell me what’s really going on? Please.“
“Tonight was supposed to be special. I-I wanted to tell you something important.” Her eyes sting with tears again, she pulls her hands away from Kara’s wiping tears away in frustration. “When I saw you with him, it, well, it upset me because... because I wish it was me.” She sighs, her hands twisting nervously again. 
The room gets eerily quiet, nothing can be heard but Lena’s rapidly increasing breaths. She waits for what feels like hours, likely only seconds, before she looks up to see teary blue eyes staring back at her. She immediately panics, thinking that she has ruined their friendship. Her tears start falling and she starts getting up. Maybe she'll pack up and move to the U.K. 
Just as she begins pushing herself off the bed, Kara’s hands pull her back. She still keeps her eyes glued to her own hands, desperately avoiding the blues of the woman she just confessed to loving. She wants to avoid seeing the rejection she’s sure is coming. 
Warm fingers settle under her chin, gently lifting until teary azure meets watery green. Instead of the rejection she anticipated, she sees soft affection. They smile, tears streaming down both their cheeks. 
“You thought I was dating William and you wished it was you?” Kara asks, her voice laced with hope. “You, you would want that? To be with me like that?” Hopeful, watery blue eyes stare into anxious, yet hopeful green.
“Yeah. Y-Yes.” Lena nods in confirmation, a look of determination firmly on her face. “Of course, I want to be with you. Why wouldn’t I? Darling, of course I wish it was me.” She lets out a wet laugh, unsure how her night started so horribly and has ended like this.
Kara leans forward, pressing their foreheads together as her own wet laugh escapes. “I wish it was you, too.” Her hands lightly rest on Lena’s tear-stained cheeks, brushing away the fresh ones as they fall. “I’ve wanted it for so long, but didn’t want to risk losing you.”
“You wouldn’t lose me, Kara. No matter what happens, you won't lose me. Not again.” She takes a shaky breath, her hands wrapping around the blonde’s wrists. “I planned to tell you tonight when we got back here, it’s why I didn’t drink at the bar. I wanted you to know it wasn’t influenced by anything else.” She leans back, green eyes bouncing between the blue galaxies staring back. 
“What does this mean, Lena? Are you saying…” Kara swallows the nervousness crawling up her throat. “Do you – what are you saying?” She runs her thumbs across the soft skin underneath Lena’s eyes, never taking her eyes off her best friend's face. 
Lena smiles, leaning into the touch, briefly closing her eyes to take in the moment. She opens her eyes again to stare directly into Kara’s, wanting to make sure the blonde knows how serious her next words are. “I am saying that I love you. I’m in love with you. I’m pretty sure I have been since the day we met.” She breathes out, her head swimming from how close they are, how close their mouths are. Her eyes glance down to pouty pink lips and back before she finishes speaking. “I’m saying that I want to be the one you miss, I want to be the last face you think of when you fall asleep. I want to be yours.”
A soft gasp escapes Kara’s lips, her eyes glittering with fresh tears, and her face breaking into a wide smile as she whispers, “Lena… I love you, too. So much. I want all of those things.” She sniffles, carefully rubbing their noses together, so close that their lips graze causing them both to gasp. She whispers against the soft skin of Lena’s lips, “I’m already yours. My heart has always been yours, I just didn’t really know it until I lost you.”
With the last word, their lips brush again and Lena surges forward, pressing them together fully. The first press is chaste and firm. The second is yearning and desperate, fueled by all the years of self-imposed resistance. By the time they break apart for air, Lena is straddling Kara’s lap with her hands buried in golden locks. Kara’s hands are underneath the back of Lena’s shirt, wide palms pressed firmly into the warm skin of her back. 
“I’ve wanted to do that for years. It’s sooo much better than anything my imagination came up with.” Lena grins against Kara’s slightly parted lips. “There are a lot of other things I’m willing to bet are way better as well.” She smirks and leans forward, pressing another kiss to the blonde’s lips. 
An adorable grin spreads across Kara’s face. “I think we should explore all those things, don't you?” She pulls Lena closer, kissing the underside of her jaw and down the column of her neck. “We have the whole weekend, after all.”
Lena tilts her head to the side, giving Kara more access to her neck. She’s getting lost in the sensation when Kara stops and giggles. Lena leans back, glaring at the woman beneath her. “What is so damn funny? It better be good since you stopped making out with me.” She raises an eyebrow at the blonde, causing her to clear her throat and stop laughing.
“I was just thinking about the bar earlier. Thinking about how if you had stayed, you would have known William and I weren’t dating.” She smiles and places a sweet kiss on the tip of Lena’s nose. A mischievous grin spreads across her face. “He and I spent most of the night talking about work. And you know, his new girlfriend.” She smiles as Lena’s eyes widen and her mouth gapes. 
Kara laughs much harder, barely contained.
“You better be glad I love you.” Lena sighs and shoves the blonde down onto her back. It only takes a few seconds to quiet that smug laughter as it is quickly replaced with soft moans. 
Lena smirks, that's more like it.
They spend the rest of the night getting to know each other in a whole new way.
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pupmkincake2000 · 11 months
I have a theory. Although… this is rather a headcanon, my favorite one and one of those that, in my opinion, might be canon. And it involves Hank and Connor.
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Everyone has heard about the theory of the Hyperuniverse (Multiverse), a hypothetical set of all possible real-life parallel universes.
The Multiverse theory proposes that there could be similar universes far beyond ours and that there could be higher dimensions that contain endless iterations of our type of universe and others that consist of more than three dimensions.
So what am I leading to? To the fact that Hank and Connor exist in each of these universes as a couple. According to the theory, such universes could be fundamentally different from each other, or they could be almost identical, and the difference will be only in some tiny details. How, for example, the game shows variability (Connor can listen to Hank and stop chasing Kara, or chase her no matter what).
And since Hank and Connor are more than soulmates to me, I believe that in each of these universes they become lovers. Sometimes it takes them longer to realize their feelings, sometimes they become lovers almost immediately.
(Yes, I understand that according to the theory, their union may not always have a happy ending, but I prefer to think only of those options where they do get their "happily ever after").
That is, they are so made for each other that nothing is able to prevent them from meeting each other and falling in love.
I believe that in most of these universes, Connor is still an android and their meetings with Hank can be both canonical or occur under other circumstances (just remembered my favourite fics written by Molias), but the result will be the same - they will fall in love and become lovers/husbands. The other outcome is just impossible.
Sometimes there are universes where both Connor and Hank are humans, sometimes only one of them is human, and one of the pair can be a completely different creature, but even in this case they will still be together. And this is an inevitable fact.
That is why the attraction between them in the game is so strong. That is why they do not exist without each other. And it's too obvious.
Their love is so strong, so inevitable... nothing would do them apart.
If in one universe they met as in a game, in another they will definitely meet even under different circumstances. Perhaps somewhere there are universes in which they have known each other since childhood (by the way, I have never seen anyone study this trope), fall in love and started relationships as teenagers, lived happily ever after and died being old (because there must be at least one universe where they just live a long happy life without any problems or issues)
I have a lot of ideas, yet I am too tired (being taking a lot of part-time jobs recently), so that's it for now.
The artist is here: https://twitter.com/MocHa85974102 (permission to share - recieved)
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Supercorp fics if you want some 3a.m. fluff/humour
where lamps go to die | WastedOn
When Lena finds out Kara and Supergirl are lovers, of course she’s happy for them. Ecstatic, even. She’s always sworn no one could be good enough for her Kara, but Supergirl comes close. Nevermind that Supergirl abandons Kara on dates, drags her onto dangerous battlefields for “the story,” and doesn’t seem to give a flying hunk of kryptonite that Kara is constantly being kidnapped to bring Supergirl down. No, Lena is thrilled.
The DEO stages a relationship between Kara Danvers and Supergirl to foil Cadmus. Lena doesn’t handle it as well as she could.
Extra! Extra! Read All About it: Lena Luthor cheats on girlfriend with Supergirl? | me
Before Lena can hand over her credit card, Andrea is giving the barista her own with a, “It’s on me.” She turns to Lena with a cheeky smile. “It’s the least I can do, you know, for stealing your girlfriend.”
“Excuse me?” Lena gapes.
“Oh.” Andrea’s teasing smile is replaced with a confused eyebrow raise. “You didn’t know?” she asks with a small frown.
“Didn’t know what?” Lena practically snaps, feeling her patience thinning.
She hears an "oh shit," somewhere to her right and realizes that half the customers are watching them with bated breaths. One woman near the back even has the audacity to take a few photos. Lena gives all of them her signature Luthor glare, and with a twinge of satisfaction on Lena's part, they advert their eyes and find their respective phones quite interesting.
OR: National City’s newest and hottest couple deal with their personal lives being broadcasted to the whole world.
An interrupted press conference | MyCatIsMyEditor
Lena's press conference for L corp's newest line get's an interruption thaat leads her to her answering some unexpected questions about her personal life.
this feeling in my chest | zor_elluthor (0gasstationcoffee)
Five times Kara saves Lena's life due to something pretty gay
Trust me to catch you (and I’ll dip you down) | me
Years later, when thinking about this moment, the details may be fuzzy.
She may not remember the time.
Or the day.
Or the conversation.
Had Kara’s hair been up or down?
Was she wearing her glasses?
What was that song called?
What had they been doing earlier?
But despite all this, Lena knows… she’ll always remember how it feels. The feeling of gliding across their apartment, laughing the whole way. The feeling of warmth in Kara’s arms. The feeling of knowing, just knowing… that she wanted to be with Kara for eternity.
The best thing of all is only just started | me
Lena barely has time to put the bracelet around Kara’s wrist before the blonde’s pressing her lips onto her girlfriend’s—finance’s. She almost falls back from the force of Kara crashing into her, but she quickly recovers and throws her arms around Kara’s neck. Lena isn’t sure if she is dreaming, but if so, she never wants it to end.
It wasn’t until much later when Lena re-told the story to her friends and family, that she realized it was perfect. Sure her hair was still dripping wet, she still had the goggles rung around her neck, Kara had a twig in her hair, and both their clothes were soaking wet… but Lena found that she wouldn’t have had it any other way.
musings from 504 | sapphic_luthor
“We got Supergirl’s mail again,” a voice calls from behind a massive, unidentifiable sculpture as it steps through the door. He sets the piece down just as the words leave his mouth, and then the dark-haired boy spins to face you, hand outstretched to drop a letter onto the countertop, and he breathes, “Oh, fuck.”
You look toward your new roommates, and register the panic on their faces. “Wait,” you say, but your mind is jumping to conclusions that your mouth is far too embarrassed to vocalize, so you find that you don’t have any follow-up. “Are you--” you start, but you know it’s true even before you ask. “Seriously?”
inspired by @jailerat and @eiwenmaclor on tumblr.
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casualsavant · 5 months
20 Questions
I realized that I hadn't done this yet. Thanks @nottawriter for the tag.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
26 total. 16 for Charlie's Angels (1976) and 10 Supercorp.
2. What’s your total AO3 words count?
377,451 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Primarily Supercorp now. Though it looks like I have more Charlie's Angels works, the lion's share of my word count AFAIK is Supercorp.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Deliverance (Part 4 of the Yearning Series)
Where Love Commands The Whole (Supercorptober 2023 prompt "Money")
Insensate No Longer (Part 2 of the Yearning Series)
Sensibility (Part 1 of the Yearning Series)
Found (Part 3 of the Yearning Series)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I respond to every comment that isn't outright abusive (I simply delete those). Though it takes me a while to do so because I tend to have incredible anxiety after I post anything and I need it to subside before I can respond. I am deeply grateful for the comments though.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I never leave things at an angsty ending. I suppose if you're talking about stories that form part of a series then "Insensate No Longer" has the most angsty ending as a single work.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
😅 All of them have happy endings. It's so hard to pick one but if I had to the epilogue of Deliverance would be my happiest because I put Kara and Lena through a lot!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yup. Some people don't know how to close a tab. 🤷🏻‍♀️
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yep. I think there are others who have done it much better but I sometimes like to have a big payoff after all the pining. So I guess porn with plot?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Nope. I like to stay in the Arrowverse and stick primarily to the Supergirl characters and setting.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Not yet, but hopefully soon.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Nothing has ever seized my mind and my heart like Supercorp. Usually I have an idea or two for a fanfic but it doesn't see the light of day, or I write until I've said what I needed to with that ship. Supercorp has been different.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I tried to do a PWP smut fic as a challenge but I think it's absolutely terrible. I don't know if I'll ever go back to it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Oh. That's an awkward question. 🤔
I've been told I'm good with metaphors and a few people have said they felt my characterization was natural.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
How much time do you have? 🤣🤣🤣
I struggle to keep my writing tight, which is why my stuff is generally longer than I thought it would be. I don't feel that I do comedy well. I am iffy about the smut.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Primarily this means Kryptonian / Kryptonese for Kara. I think it's great and it's a matter of when and how you use it. I do try not to overuse different languages too much for fear that it would break the flow of the reader.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Star Trek TNG (before the internet)
The X-Files (after the internet)
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
I would have to say "What If" (coincidentally also my shortest and least read) because of the economy of language. There are days I can't believe I wrote it.
Tagging but no pressure:
@mycatismyeditor @sssammich @rustingcat @chaotic-super
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tickle-my-hyperfocus · 5 months
My friend told me to post this tiny SC ficlet so here goes i hope you’ll take my little token of my love for this fandom and all you do for me with the beautiful things you all create.
Tumblr media
Tags: supercorp, confession, pining, one-sided., no happy ending in sight sorry
Kara took a deep breath, she could feel the adrenaline coursing through her, her vision darkening around the edges as her chest started feeling tight and she could hear her heart drum in her ears.
“Lena can I talk to you?”
Her own voice sounded weird and foreign, and kind of far away. She couldn’t remember what she had said, what she was going to say, yet she knew it was going to screw things up between them.
But as Lena turned to her and locked eyes with her, concern evident as she seemed to search Kara’s expression for an indication of what was happening, if Kara was ok, if she needed to do something to make sure she was ok, Kara knew it was too late to back out now. She had no choice but to keep talking. Literally, as she realized her mind no longer had control over what was about to come out of her mouth.
So in response to the slight tilt of Lena’s head she spoke, a little too loudly, a little too fast, a little off-kilter.
“Lena I don’t think I can, I need to tell you something, but please don’t hate me, promise me you won’t hate me, I don’t want to lose you please, ever I just —“ Her eyes locked with Lena’s and for a split second the thoughts in her head quieted down, she could breathe, oxygen was flowing to her brain again.
That was until Lena put a hand on her biceps and with a reassuring squeeze invited her to continue, with a softly spoken “Kara?”
Rao the way she said her name, so warm, so quietly, so full of love and Kara just wanted to wrap herself up in the two syllables falling off Lena’s lips and yell into the universe YES, YES I AM KARA. She had never loved her name as much as when Lena spoke it.
Her eyes fell to those lips, those gorgeous, soft lips, just begging to be kissed.
Kara closed her eyes and breathed to steady herself before losing control again and, while begging to please stop, to not say anything, to not risk anything of what they had, she blurted out:
“Lena I think I’m in love with you.”
She squeezed her eyes shut tighter, hoping that if she couldn’t see Lena’s expression she wouldn’t have to face the certain revolt, and hurt, and rejection that was certainly painted across her best friend’s face.
Her best friend.
Tears slipped through her lashes and down her cheeks as she realized she had gone and truly screwed everything up. She had lost Lena. She had lost her best friend. She had messed it up as she had messed up every friendship before this. By being too much, too intense, too attached.
Her shoulders tightened as she felt a sob part to build in her chest, burning its way up and making her lips quiver: flashes of their friendship flying through her mind at neck brake speed. Hugs, kisses on cheeks, laughter, Lena’s eyes when she spotted Kara across a room, the smell of Lena’s hair.
But as the first sob shook her body, she felt something.
Two hands cupping her cheeks, thumbs softly wiping away tears, arms pulling her into a hug, lips kissing her hair.
The warm, familiar smell of Lena invaded her senses and felt like a blanket of comfort and safety.
Lena’s breath on her ear and neck as Lena whispered softly into Kara’s hair.
“Don’t cry, shh, it’s ok. I’m here Kara. It’s ok love, I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.”
As Kara relaxed and took a deep shaky breath Lena pulled back to look at her, her hands still holding on to Kara’s shoulders.
“Kara, darling. I love you. I care for you so much. You are my favorite person. So even if I cannot love you back that way, and I wish I could, I really do. But even though I can’t love you the way you want, I would never leave you. I couldn’t bear to lose you. I am so sorry Kara, I am so sorry if I have made you think—. But I hope you can understand it wasn’t intentional, ever. I just- you confuse me. I don’t know how to- I had sworn to never trust anyone ever again, and you barged in and broke through all of my walls with a battering ram. Kara I don’t know how, but I couldn’t stop myself from loving you even if I tried. And believe me, I have tried. But I cannot love you like that. I can’t.”
Kara dropped her eyes and breathed in, composing herself.
“I know, I understand. I’m sorry Lena I shouldn’t have—“ And with that her eyes dart up to Lena’s face, a sad grimace crossing Kara’s before she takes Lena’s hands in hers, removing them from her shoulders, and looking Lena in the eyes. 

“I am sorry I overstepped your boundaries.”
And with a soft squeeze Kara drops Lena’s hands, looking into her eyes one more time before turning on her heel and walking out of the room. The door swings closed behind her.
It isn’t until the click of the lock that Lena realizes she’s gone.
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