#they really gotta nail this
fionapplespiano · 5 months
I'm excited that Marvel Studios is finally getting off their asses, and beginning to work on the live-action X-Men reboot.
But at the same time, remembered how much of a bloodbath the Fantastic Four casting was, and I can't help but feel like the X-Men is going to be even worse. Like I'm pretty sure the official casting announcement is going to cause World War 3 on the internet.
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its-your-mind · 1 year
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eeljawz · 7 months
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no escape!
!! minors dni !!
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ofantediluvian · 6 months
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The littlest things give Dove euphoria
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anintroverteddarling · 5 months
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okay I have drawn the twins! Elenois and Selenne. I... am bad at interpreting their hair because I know it's supposed to go curly like inward than outward so yeah, this is what I came up with in the end.
I was honestly after their makeup because putting make up on characters are definitely fun.
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glassedplanets · 1 year
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"You ain't here to fight," Grimmjow says, low. He applies pressure; Ichigo tips his chin up to relieve it, and feels the atom-fine point dimple his skin anyways.
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dazais-guardian-angel · 3 months
alright I've thought about it for a while, and I'm fairly confident that is in fact Bram, and that Aya isn't hallucinating/seeing an illusion.
The biggest thing casting doubt, aside from the obvious different outfit, is the fact that the chapter ends on this reveal, suggesting it could be a cliffhanger bait. However, BSD's cliffhangers always involve something terrible happening that gets rectified in the next chapter(s), to scare us before giving us back hope; there's never been a case of the other way around, where something good happens to get our hopes up, only to have the rug pulled out from us at the start of next chapter to show that we were foolish for hoping. Asagiri is never that cruel. He loves his death baits and his dangerous situation baits before letting us know that everything is okay, and he'd never suggest that it was wrong for the audience or the characters to have hope, when BSD is quite literally about having hope even in the most absurd situations.
But more specifically, just.... what would a fakeout like this accomplish? The only way I could maybe see it was if this is Fyodor, and we think Aya is safe but she's actually not, but there's no way it's him, because we see him with the singularity and Kunikida/Tanizaki at the same time as this, he's wearing Bram's outfit and not the one this person has, and we've established that he wants to protect Aya, not hurt her. Granted, he obviously doesn't care enough about protecting her since he let her escape and get hurt all on her own lmao, so that's exactly why I ask what would be the point of him suddenly showing up just to save her from the rubble, only to then just hurt her anyway? None of that is logical.
And then, if it's Akutagawa, then that means we had our emotions played with for a twist that is just.... mildly disappointing but also not outright bad for the characters? Disappointing because Bram isn't back after all, but also not a net negative because Aya is still being rescued by someone we know and trust. If that were to happen, Aya hallucinating Aku as Bram, I just can't see it happening as a chapter cliffhanger fakeout at all; it would just feel cheap and cruel, playing with our feelings (not to mention Aya's feelings!) regarding a character we want to come back, for a reveal that isn't really worth it and doesn't change the status quo (because she's still safe regardless if it's Bram or Aku).
Aside from the lack of narrative justification, I also believe that if Aya were to hallucinate Bram, she would see him exactly as she knew him back when he regained his body — I mean, she basically does see him like that when she's remembering his last moments with her in this chapter and in the previous one when she's yelling at Fyodor; sure they're just repeated panels as flashbacks, but they're still her memories of how she sees him. I was unsure for a while about the figure's identity, but it was seeing it pointed out that Bram no longer has his nails that was really the final nail in the coffin haha get it, it's a multilayered joke, please laugh- for me: why would Aya hallucinate Bram not only not in his own outfit, but with his body altered from how she knows it? There'd be no reason why she would, and no way she could. She's never seen him in a different outfit, with different nails. Note that every other instance we've gotten of characters hallucinating significant figures in their lives (Atsushi, Mushitarou, Dazai), they're always wearing the clothes they're most known for and what the person knows them to wear. There's no reason to assume this would be different for Aya, and that she'd imagine him wearing a completely random outfit from the one she associates with him, and randomly without his signature long black nails.
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This closeup panel of Bram's collar right when he first begins speaking pretty much proves my point. It's inconsistent with the new outfit (Aku's outfit) we see him wearing on the last page, but with the framing of this, with him being entirely in shadow in the rightmost panel when he first appears, it's clear to me that Aya can't see him clearly yet, so she's imagining him the way she remembers him. And then he gets closer/lifts the beam higher so that the shadow starts receding from him, and his feet and hands and different outfit become visible. The tone of this moment and the way it plays out is exactly as I've seen in numerous other visual media, where a character thinks they're on the brink of death and has lost all hope and is ready to accept it, before the slow, grand reveal of the person they thought they'd lost rescuing them, often with them posing a philosophical question to challenge their current despair or their belief that their loved one couldn't possibly still be alive, just as Bram does here. If you've seen enough movies and TV, you can probably imagine exactly the kind of scene I mean, and exactly how this moment would play out if it were animated I say "would" because it's never a given that Bones will adapt it with the right tone like I imagine.
This is framed as a triumphant, hopeful scene, of a knight coming to rescue his princess after he was thought to be dead. Aya has hurt her leg here, she's trapped, she's realizing she's about to die, and she's at last fully convinced herself that everything she so staunchly believed in was wrong and that everything she fought for all that time was for nothing; firstly, why would she suddenly hallucinate Bram if she had already lost all hope, but most importantly, why would the narrative have Bram defy death and return to her and challenge the idea that all her ideals and actions were meaningless, only for it to turn out that it isn't really him, when she misses him so bad? That just.... wouldn't be right at all, that's not the feeling this scene gives at all. This is their moment, Bram has to be the one to say these things to Aya with their history together, not anyone else, and I can't imagine Akutagawa saying something like what Bram says to her here, about royalty carrying out their pledge to protect someone without fail, even if he has inherited Bram's protectiveness towards Aya like Fyodor has. No, I'm 90% certain that is indeed Bram. It can't possibly be anyone else.
...And so, all that to say that yeah, I believe that Bram has Fyodor'd himself into Akutagawa's body, since he's wearing his outfit. We don't really know the extent of Bram's powers, but it's looking likely that he can bodysnatch any of his vampires for himself if something ever happens to him, or perhaps Aku might be special since he was the first vampire Bram created at the start of all this. Needless to say I'm not at all worried about Aku though; this is probably the beginning of why he ends up with that suit of armor later on, since Bram has his clothes... I just have no idea how we get to that point. But Aku will be fine, I'm sure; this may even be the only way he can come back from being a vampire.
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mentattea · 2 months
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the schemerrr
this is the hairstyle i cooked up for Prequel Novels Piter but i'll reuse it elsewhere bc i realized, those books don't deserve this drip
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koszmarnybudyn · 1 year
As someone with dyed green hair, I shall spread the truth of Hermie's hair (yes i know theyre a shape shifter and stuff but idc), their hair is a really pale mint rn and the roots are really showing (shes too busy to redye it :[. )
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coconut530 · 1 year
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This ep reminds me of this vine:
#Nevermore#Nevermore Webtoon#Webtoon#Just as a whole the ep was great — but those chains were amazing and really gave the ep a constricting feel which is cool#I like the panel where Monty’s cross is front and center; builds up to the final lines between them#It’s very strange to see Duke and Monty alone; usually he lets Lenore handle him and we don’t get to see how Duke deals with him#NO MONTY THAT’S A TERRIBLE IDEA TO LEAVE HIM THERE#Ohhhhhh and when he tugged the chains around his neck WHY YOU GOTTA BE SO RUUUUDDDEEE#LOVE LOVE LOVE the Cask of Amontillado callbacks my god they’re so on the nose and I love it “What a laugh…!”#Well Monty the horse kick doesn’t explain the tooth but it DOES explain why you’re dumb#Also saying that in the southern accent and stuff reminded me of Shane’s backstory from Shiloh (🐴)#Sucker punch from WHOOOO Monty?? Also how much do you remember we’ve only got one flashback from you#OF COURSE HE WAS AWAKE AND HEARD THAT well dude it’s TRUE#His black eyes scare me#STOP PUSHING HIM AND IMPRISONING HIM#OH GOD THEY’RE ALL IN ON IT#ADA’S NAILS ARE DIRTY FROM THE PLASTER#Gosh if Ada’s southern I swear she’s been saying a lot of southern slang lately#CALLED HIM A BASTARD YESSSSS#ADA THIS IS LIKE TWO HOURS AFTER HE TOLD YOU TO BARK LIKE A DOG WHY ARE YOU DOING HIS BIDDING AND PLASTERING DUKE IN#YOU’RE BETTER THAN THIS GIRL HOW MANY TIMES DO I NEED TO TELL YOU#WHY YOU KICK HER YOU IDIOT#AND AUGHHHH HOW HE PLEADS WITH WILL AND ADA WHILE MONTY MANIACALLY LAUGHS IT OFF#LIKE IN 50 WHEN HE LAUGHED AT LENORE’S SITUATION#BUT JEEZ THE WAY HE GRADUALLY LAUGHS HARDER AND HARDER IS DONE VERY WELL#AND LIKE#ANNABEL I TRUSTED YOU WHY DID YOU OFFER UP DUKE OF ALL PEOPLE WHY DID YOU COME UP WITH THIS PLAN IN THE FIRST PLACE IT IS#NOT GOOD AND YOU KNOW LENORE WILL DEFINITELY NOT LIKE YOU OR TRUST YOU AFTER THIS THIS IS WORKING AGAINST YOUR PLAN#YOU WANT SO BADLY TO GO RIGHT YOU AND LENORE NEED TO GET ON THE SAME PAGE BECAUSE YOU’RE SABATOGING YOURSELF#AND NOW WE ENTER THE DIVORCE ARC
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vulturebeetlesnake · 4 months
Seven (minus two) Sentence Sunday
Thanks for the tag, @takeyourcyanide ^^
"Don't you get enough of swinging around when Stein wields you?" Naigus teases. Happy colour rises in Spirit's cheeks. "I could never get enough of that," he purrs, and she shoves him, laughing. "But they're only in town for three days. You can't tell me you've never wanted to go to a carnival."
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astranauticus · 1 year
the rwd season 4 qna inspired me to start thinking about college au headcanons except a lot of these are gonna be really specific to my school and y'all are just gonna have to deal with that <3
Kyana feeds some of the school cats. she would feed all of them if she could
Dani smuggled Plug (the scrawniest black cat you've ever seen) into her dorm room illegally and somehow management hasn't caught her yet (based on a true story) (Kyana visits to see Plug all the time)
Finbar keeps an updated tier list of every canteen in the school with breakdowns of the best stalls/dishes for each
A senior from the school of engineering once said to me 'all the engineering people dress like rats cuz our classrooms don't have aircon' (context: tropics) anyway that's Dani
Kyana would probably be involved in a lot of freshman orientation events from second year onwards. she just likes talking to the new kids and giving them advice like she would be the kind of orientation group leader who'd get messages from her freshies asking about all kinds of random nonsense because she's made sure they know they can always contact her with questions
VR-LA is The Guy you go to for textbook pirating resources
(this is more of a 'wouldn't that be funny' but VR-LA is just Veerle's discord handle)
Docent is the name of VR-LA's old laptop that broke down so he gave it to Cassimere (computer engineering major he met once at a networking event) to fix except Cassimere got everything off the hard drive and then somehow managed to fuck it up Even More so he had to get a new laptop (and named it Emi)
Roy has gotten food poisoning from his dorm meal plan at least once (based on at least one true story)
The heap trio + Mandy would be those friends constantly playing majong in the dorm lounge and if all the majong tables are taken they just play in one of their dorm rooms on a towel to dampen the tile shuffling noises (it was Mandy's idea)
Every morning Dani goes to the drinks stall at her faculty and orders one iced coffee to the point where the stall owner starts preparing an iced coffee whenever they see her approach (based on my true story)
Roy would be one of those people who goes clubbing every other week and every time he tries to drag the rest of the heap trio and Egan almost always goes and Dani would go if she didn't have a good excuse but always begrudgingly. anyway Roy would always be the only one having a good time until Egan gets drunk enough to start having fun
Finbar actually uses the dorm kitchens instead of just buying canteen food and it always makes the hallways smell really good
Vhas also uses the dorm kitchen sometimes but like. one time i walked into the pantry on my floor and someone had left cut sweet potatoes and 2 eggs in an inch of water in a pan on the stove. that's Vhas
Kyana's constantly applying for overseas exchanges and international summer/winter school programmes. the world is large and she wants to see it!
Maxim's the definition of a hall phantom. you know he lives on your dorm floor because you pass him by in the hallways sometimes and literally nowhere else. sometimes you're not convinced that he actually exists
VR-LA and Maxim's friendship stems from them being from wildly different faculties (VR-LA's in STEM, Maxim's doing anthropology so arts/social sciences) but also having lots of weird interests they cant really bug anyone in their home faculties about
Elyse is in student government and every once in a while Finbar receives a series of angry texts about the newest idiocy she's had to put up with
MR-SN and AS-TR start a stargazing club together. other notable members include AS-TR's girlfriend E-DN, MR-SN's friend C-RA (the one who always volunteers to carry the heavy ass telescopes) and MR-SN's friend K-LB who he pestered into coming to fix one of the wonky scopes even though K-LB's actually in electrical engineering but he's the only engineering person MR-SN (an arts student) knows
oh and of course VR-LA joins because he genuinely just likes space (developing a crush on his club chairperson was not on his bingo card)
Kyana and E-DN were MMA sparring buddies at one point which is how she found out about the stargazing and joined immediately
honestly i can probably think of more but this post is fuckin long LMAO
#rolling with difficulty#'do not let the internet turn you into an american' i say as i make posts that can be understood by me and me only#i mean im not sorry about it this is my house#like my experiences are just gonna be extra incomprehensible because my countrys fuckin tiny so the target audience really is me and me onl#too bad! you think its hard to read my posts? i gotta live like this!#if i sound extra confrontational i got 5 hours of sleep for the whole week unfortunately so just know its all /lh more or less#really tempted to make some kind of business major joke for roy even though obviously the heap trio would all be in engineering#bc its just common knowledge in my school that business majors are the ones with the most free time to go clubbing all the damn time#and *also* theyre the faculty that dresses the best which also tracks??#didnt really nail down specific majors for everyone (besides the obvious ones like food science for finbar and mech eng for dani)#but i kinda like the idea of cs for VR-LA because of that 'programmers are real world wizards' joke and also.. projecting#cs with focus area in AI would even make sense bc of docent and emi. if i want to make the projecting Even Worse!#also if i ever do human designs for the old crew (doubtful cuz i find drawing robots more fun than drawing humans)#look up sally hansen hypnautical nail polish bc i wanna give human AS-TR that as a nod to her original design#didnt really get into the fashion of it all bc again i live in the tropics so nobody really dresses well here#the goal is to dress to not sweat more often than it is dress to look good#hands down my favourite line in the cqna was noir's i thermoregulate through my forearms#so in the middle of summer i still wear all black and just roll up my sleeves#like thats ME. except its summer ALL YEAR ROUND#walao#asto speaks
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plaguedoctormemes · 7 months
im glad my new years resolution this year is To Get Weirder because suddenly every time im like “ugh but thats so sudden, what if this stranger thinks im wierd 8^(“ i remember my resolution and suddenly i transform into a quirky neurotypical
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vanillaboyfriend · 4 months
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was watching this vod and this outfit...
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riderkaitlyn5 · 1 year
North, reading a bedtime story: And then the princess was able to forgive the beast for-
South: How come the princess can forgive so easily but you can't forgive me after I broke your favorite mug?
North: How bout you shut the fuck up and listen to the story
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missallanea · 1 month
@sillymuses || cont.
Oh, if only those ridiculous conspiracy theorists could be here tonight. She can already read the headlines in her mind : ALIENS DO WALK AMONG US. NOT TO WORRY, THEY'RE STUPID. How he had managed to make it this far was a mystery, as far as she was concerned, but... considering the sorts she ordinarily finds herself going toe-to-toe with, Demona has to think this is a pleasant enough change of pace.
An alien certainly couldn't be worse than dealing with the fae.
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"The only problem is... however will you discover the correct forest?" The prompting falls easily from her lips, even as her claws dance along the book shelves to the side of the room, quickly scanning over each one until finding what she had come for. The book is pried loose, tucked under her arm before she turns to look back to her strange little companion. "Though I'm certain someone as intelligent as yourself with come up with something."
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