harrhellix · 4 months
This could have solved everything so quick.
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why-i-love-comics · 7 months
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Resurrection of Magneto #2 - "The Weight of the World" (2024)
written by Al Ewing art by Luciano Vecchio, David Curiel, & Jesus Aburtov
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fionapplespiano · 5 months
I'm excited that Marvel Studios is finally getting off their asses, and beginning to work on the live-action X-Men reboot.
But at the same time, remembered how much of a bloodbath the Fantastic Four casting was, and I can't help but feel like the X-Men is going to be even worse. Like I'm pretty sure the official casting announcement is going to cause World War 3 on the internet.
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chemicalarospec · 2 months
Okay so. Having watched those X-Men movies I noticed that Magneto and Grindelwald (sorry for referencing JKR's IP) are REALLY similar characters; they're both extremists advocating for their minority group, going against a pacifist former lover close friend who together with they were the two most powerful fictional-minority-people, and of Germanic origin.
I began to tell my family about this realization at dinner, and my mom agreed, noting "they both betrayed and fought against their good friend, like Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai-shek" 💀💀
me: "implying Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai-shek are doomed yaoi??" my brother: "I don't think she picked up on the innuendos..."
(For those who don't know, Mao and Chiang graduated from the same military academy in the same year. (not friends.))
But my dad also did not realize that the shipability was core to the relationships of the two fictional characters and said, "No, I think it's a valid comparison, same thing as Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant." (I think my family may have misinterpreted some signs at Fort Tejon??? I found a National Park Service page that says they met ONCE before the Civil War. Perhaps my dad simply meant to reference that the soldiers stationed at Fort Tejon before the war split up and fought for both sides, and got confused since Lee was mentioned at Fort Tejon (he did not actually say Grant's name, my brother suggested it).)
So that was family dinner 💀 Mao Zedong X Chiang Kai-shek and Robert E. Lee X Ulysses Grant, I GUESS. 🤷
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stalkerkyoko · 6 months
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hahah gay
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pickleslice · 1 year
this tournament of x round is so sad and loserly how have all my faves died
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chuplayswithfire · 6 months
I did not know rouge and mangeto where shippable poor gambit
oh they are SO shippable, they are so very shippable, but don't worry, this is part of the Rogue x Remy aka Romy process: drama you couldn't BELIEVE. Every Romy shipper I know is delighted by this latest wrinkle.
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bulbabutt · 8 months
One last ask. What will never stop frustrating me is them forcing this diet Mangeto/Professor X backstory onto Optimus and Megatron. It does not gel in the slightest with any of Megatron’s actions or motivations before or after its addition to the story. You can’t even say "they’re trying to say that changing the status quo is bad, boo them!" because they FORGOT they made Megatron wanting equality a plot point! It’s dropped as soon as the Orion Pax storyline concludes and is never mentioned again! He says himself he literally never knew what oppression was until Unicron kidnapped and brainwashed him in the series finale! Why even bother putting that in there when you could have just kept them as total strangers and nothing would change?!
they really didnt remember half the shit they wrote and it sucks cuz that could be suuuuuuuch a compelling backstory! in a better show. here its like great! sooooo different! and then they still talk to each other as if they are just. the regular optimus and megatron. WASTED.
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cheeramy · 1 year
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Yeah ok mangeto
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theorderofthetriad · 7 months
LOVE getting reminded how- in response of criticisms of the blatant antisemitism of the age of ultron movie making jewish characters Wanda and Pietro Maximoff fucking nazi volunteers- instead of pulling back or apologizing in any way marvel decided to double down and retcon the comics to make Wanda and Pietro no longer be Mangeto's children and that marvel is STILL fucking sticking to "tHeY'Re nOt mAGnEAtO'S kIds!" Disgusting, despicable, I want to commit violence.
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yonadave · 7 months
A Quick Guide for Writing Comics with Kabbalah - Don’t
A few months ago, Louise Simonson and Kireon Gileon compared the Phoniex’s White Room as the Jewish Kabbalah term Tiferet - תפארת. I was quite surprised, not just because I didn’t remember that was the title of Al Ewing’s Defenders Beyond issue 3, but also because it didn’t make sense. So after some comments on Twitter led me to read that issue, I still didn’t get why the White Room would be associated with Tifferet, of all the sefirot. This is not the first time that happened to me.
I was always confused when hearing X-fans talking about some common knowledge regarding how Morrison used Kabbalah to explain the Phoenix. Now, it’s been some time since I’ve read that run (which I did read again before writing this) so I must  have missed it. But you’d think I would remember something like that. The same thing happened with The Resurrection of Mangeto Issue 01, where others online noticed the Kabbalistic elements in the story while I didn’t. Obviously, many of the people I follow on social media and/or read and listen to their articles and podcasts are more fluent in X-Men comics than I am, but I can confidently say that I am more fluent in Kabbalah than they are. So how come I keep missing it?
The answer was clear once I read a thread about the Resurrection of Magneto and the symbolgies shown in the issue. The thread, by @arakkosuperstar made a lot of sense when it came down to explaining Ewing’s storytelling. But it didn’t make a lick of sense when it came down to Kabbalah. This makes sense, since I don’t think Ewing is even fluent in Hebrew and the 3 dialects of Aramaic that are needed just to understand basic Kabbalistic texts.
So let’s start with what Kabbalah is. Kabbalah is a general name for several Jewish mystic traditions. It literally means “being received” as those traditions are supposed to be moved on from Rabbi to student throughout the generations. But when we say the word Kabbalah today it is most likely referring to the teachings of Ha’Ari - Rabbi Issac Luria who was active in 16th century Safed (Tzfat) and, alongside Rabbi Yosef Karo, reshaped all of Judaism in modern times.In his teaching you will find terminology like The Tree of life, Sefirot, Ein Sof and others that come up in western culture (and Anime for some reason). If you ask most religious Jews they will tell you that you are not supposed to study Kabbalah until you are 40. But that is a rather late tradition that came as a response to two connected messianic cults in Europe. Before that, most traditions suggest learning it  only after you are 25, married, or “filled your belly with Talmud”. 
The main subject of Kabbalah is trying to study and maybe understand the divine as a religious act of warship. Some, Like Ha'Ari, took it to the worlds of theology, while others took it to the world of ethical codes of conduct. The Hasidic movement, founded by Rabbi Israel Ba’al Shem-Tov popularized the theological aspects of Kabbalah and applied them to the realms of human psychology. While trying to understand the decision making behind the use of Kabbalah in modern comics, I was introduced to the term Kabbalah magic, which is not a thing. The closest thing we have is “applied Kabbalah'' which comes down to amulets or invoking a specific aspect of the divine. A nice way to describe it is that the world was programmed and built using the Hebrew language and that is why we can input cheat codes. Yes, we are breaking the rules of the game, but only because the divine programmer put those options in the first place. 
The more I looked into the “Kabbalah” origins of these ideas I found out more and more about Hermetic Qabalah and how much it’s not Kabbalah. I found out about terms like Sefirot-Shakras-Tarot as if those things are the same. Since the religious act of worshiping  in Kabbalah is to study and seek to understand the divine, mixing these terms so bluntly is not only not accurate - it’s offensive. Using an outside, non-Jewish tradition in order to better understand Kabbalah is one thing, but mixing these religions up is just a brutal act of cultural appropriation.In that aspect, I actually liked that Exodus is the character that ‘explains’ the White Room as Tiferet, it makes absolute sense that a christian zealot from the middle ages will appropriate Jewish texts without understanding it. 
Other than being offended, I couldn’t stop thinking about how obvious it was that Ewing chose the wrong sefira. I mean, Keter (crown) the first sefira is right there. And once you choose the “correct” one, you could do so much more with it than just to use its name as a reference. What did we, as readers, get from using the term Tiferet? Does it expand the phoenix mythos in any meaningful way? No, because it’s a shallow use of something that I happen to hold very dear. But Keter? There is so much to do with it. You could call the white room the first spark of creation, which is a creative translation that goes really well with the fact we are talking about an emotional bird made of fire. It can explain why the white room is white, just like white light will become the entire color spectrum.
And then we have The Resurrection of Magneto issue 02, which in my opinion is one of the more Jewish comics I’ve read from a mainstream outlet in a long time. And it’s the same writer who failed before in doing the same thing - incorporating Jewish traditions into his texts… And I do think that it all starts from the choice of text. Instead of going to Kabbalah - an esoteric text that even most Jews aren’t familiar with, he uses basic, well known texts such as the Torah and Pirkei Avot from the Mishna. This choice also works from a narrative point of view since Magneto may have left the Jewish world as a child, but these are texts he would probably know. The sources are not name dropped, like Tiferet was used back in Defenders Beyond and Immortal X-Men/Jean Grey. Instead, we are left with the actual meaning of the words instead of the “cool factor” that Kabbalah has had in the last few decades.
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Well, Round 1 was a pleasure, and I'm excited for Round 2, which I'll set up this evening after work! In the meanwhile, take a look at our upcoming match-ups and plan your ballot!
I feel like it will be both easier for me to type, and screen readers to follow, if I describe the tournament brackets going forward in the post itself. It will be lengthy, so ID under the cut!
[ID: A 32-seed tournament bracket, with the winners from Round 1 highlighted in color and filled in for Round 2.
In Round 1, Frodo and Sam beat King Richard and Gareth. Charles Xavier and Magneto beat Tom Nook and Redd. In Round 2, Frodo and Sam will face off against Charles Xavier and Mangeto.
In Round 1, Izzy and Blackbeard beat Xehanort and Eraqus. Zelda and Link beat Quote and Curly Brace. In Round 2, Izzy and Blackbeard will face off against Zelda and Link.
In Round 1, Roy and Riza beat Te'ijal and Galahad. Joan and Sherlock beat Ada and Leon. In Round 2, Roy and Riza will face off against Joan and Sherlock.
In Round 1, Junpei and Akane beat Joyce and Jim. Q and Picard beat Red and Blue. In Round 2, Junpei and Akane will face off against Q and Picard.
In Round 1, Mulder and Scully beat Zenos and Warrior of Light. Ryuko and Mako beat Lelouch and Suzaku. In Round 2, Mulder and Scully will face off against Ryuko and Mako.
In Round 1, Mako and Raleigh beat Liquid Snake and Psycho Mantis. Edelgard and Hubert beat Diego and Gyro. In Round 2, Mako and Raleigh will face off against Edelgard and Hubert.
In Round 1, Silver and Flint beat Billy and Stu. Troy and Abed beat DJ Ocatvio and Cap'n Cuttlefish. In Round 2, Silver and Flint will face off against Troy and Abed.
In Round 1, Statler and Waldorf beat House and Wilson. Jesse and James beat Bacta, Leenik, and Tryst. In Round 2, Statler and Waldorf will face off against Jesse and James.]
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messeduphood · 2 years
Self promo. 
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roguearchives · 4 years
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“You’re too good at reading me, Magnus.“
“You can’t hide your heart from me, Rogue. God forbid you should ever have to try. And God forbid I should have so little faith in you as to be afraid of mere distance. Go. Do what you have to do.“
Source: X-Men: Legacy (2008) #260, by Mike Carey and Khoi Pham.
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stalkerkyoko · 5 months
I learned people thirst over mangeto in 97
well they always did but internet makes it open
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