#they show up with a lot of my faves but i don't watch their solo content because they're. well. really annoying to me personally
astraltrickster · 8 months
I think that if you're queer it's very important to have at least one other queer person in your life - whether they're a casual acquaintance at work or in one of your hobby groups, or even just some public figure - who you find genuinely unbelievably fucking annoying but in such obviously petty ways that you can never forget that if anyone fucks with them you will be ready to throw down without a second thought
I truly believe this is crucial to help build an intuitive sense for the importance of community
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Jane Doe (Ride the Cyclone) Propaganda:
Great singing, also she’s literally wearing a doll‘s head bc she lost hers
do they have their soul or is it rotting somewhere with their head?
cool asf
She forgets her name after her death and has no story told in the production
She's so sweet and deserves the world. Her song (The Ballad of Jane Doe) is great.
the song goes so hard just listen to her song guys please
she literally died and her head was cut off so nobody could tell who she was PLEASE let her take one (1) W
BECAUSE SHE IS AMAZING. First she already won the tournament in the musical to regain life, as she won them over with her sad wet cat energy because she did not have a head and feared that she lost her soul. Second, she died on a roller coaster and lost her head, but stole her doll's head and thats very gender. Third, throughout the musical she is used as a vessel for religious allegory, she is an angel, she is jesus, she is a demon, she is forsaken but she is purity itself. Fourthly, she is is given the identity of Savannah with the greenest eyes after the other characters who died with her hold her a birthday party, and I think thats sweet because its probably some kind of meaning I cant see but auughfhfhh shes so cool
i mean her name isn't TECHNICALLY jane doe but we refer to her as such. she's so silly!! autism powers! i don't have a lot of propaganda tbh. i would've just been surprised had she NOT been submitted
She lost her head literally when the rollercoaster derailed. She wasn't able to be identified apart from the school uniform she was wearing.
Her name is forgotten, and so is everything about her. So she’s called Jane Doe. She’s very sweet and very creepy, but she doesn’t mean it
I LOVE HER! she died in a roller coaster accident and was decapitated, her body not being found. in the show, her head is actually just her doll’s head. the coroners couldn’t identify her, so she was dubbed a jane doe. in the game to be alive again, she ends up being voted, her name being revealed to be penny lamb. anyways she’s a little creepy and also quite silly and she does her funny little waddle like a porcelain doll (or corpse).
She deserves it! She lost her head she shouldn't lose this too.
Not convinced you didn’t start this tournament just for her tbh
They have a great song and a true air of mystery to them. They also have arguably the best song in the musical, The Ballad of Jane Doe! I would definitely recommend listening to it >:)
—She LOST her HEAD and had it replaced with a PORCELAIN DOLL —In all seriousness her story is really poignant. No one could identify her body so she arrives in the afterlife not knowing her identity and she spends the show vacillating between depressed and angry at her situation, leading to… —“The Ballad of Jane Doe”, specifically Emily Rohm’s version, might be the most haunting solo in musical theatre history.
John Doe (Malevolent) Propaganda:
Spooky gay eldritch disaster (am I doing this right?)
Could have chosen any name for himself and picked John because a kind person called him that :)
fractured piece of an eldritch god that shares a body with a private eye after being fractured. chooses the name John Doe after said private eye goes into a coma
Because he’s an eldritch god who wants to feel human and who overcame a lot of obstacles and dangers!!! He sincerely cares about the main character!!! And he chose a name himself! Isn’t he cute??? He lost his body, he almost lost his memory, he fought for his right to exist, he loves animals, he loves his friend Arthur and I love him!
Being an ass, friendship, spooky supernatural stuff, he’s got it all
My man heard the name John Doe, realized he didn’t actually have a name, and just. Took it for himself.
I LOVE HIM. MY SON. HE’S TRYING TO CHANGE AND BE BETTER AND :(((( He’s a fragment of the soul of the King in Yellow (god of trickery and suffering iirc??) that gets trapped in a book in our realm while the rest of the King stayed in his own separate realm. When a human named Arthur Lester opens the book they get linked and John gains control of Arthur’s eyes & kills his partner (oops!). They proceed to go on a quest to find a way of separating them because neither likes the situation, and at first John (or The Entity, which is what he’s called at first) just wants to trick and use Arthur, and control his entire body (through the first season he also gets a hand & a foot) even though he doesn’t remember being The King In Yellow at the time, but Arthur makes him change and become more human. His turning point is when Arthur is shot and falls into a coma for a month. They get treated at a hospital and while John waits for Arthur to wake up so they can carry on, the body itself still gets taken care of. The time John spends alone, contemplating on humanity & everything he’s seeing and learning from Arthur, as well as the way a certain nurse speaks to him every day (specifically, she greets him good morning and good night, despite the body being unresponsive, John still hears because he is an entity linked to the body) and calls him John (they didn’t have ID on when they were found so they were classified as John Doe), changes his outlook and plans for good, and he asks Arthur to call him John; from this point on he admits he cares for Arthur, looks for his wellbeing too, and in general attempts to be a better person and to live for himself. The rest of the podcast (ongoing!!) explores Arthur & John’s relationship, struggle to survive, adventures in the eldritch… All while tackling each of their issues with themselves and each other and watching them both grow. John in specific learns to be the person he wants to be, how sometimes you’ll take a step forward and two backwards; he can be cruel and manipulative sometimes but he still tries. Personally I love his journey, it’s very realistic and you can see he is trying his best, and how he wants to be better than he was as the King In Yellow, and how much Arthur has changed him and how much he cares about him because of that; and how he’s slowly growing into being his own person :) if it ends badly ill cry so hard but!!! he’s John Doe because that’s the name he was being addressed as, and he’s made it his, and being John means he’s no longer the King and that he wants to be different, and John can fail or make mistakes but it’s part of who he is now, and that’s what matters. I am So Normal About Him
JOHN DOE (Malevolent) SWEEP
OH MY GOD JOHN DOE MY BELOVED 💛💛 (watch me just not clarify that would be so funny ahah) John doe (Malevolent) 💛💛💛 my silly He's so funny he makes Arthur bump his head into a dock because he didn't say duck in time and then laughs at him 💛💛
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dearweirdme · 10 months
"From our side things look very different than they do from members' side. We only see what it's shown. And since the company has favoured Jkk moments over Tkk moments, that is what we see a lot. It feels unbalanced. But for the members, this is probably completely different. They have seen each other every day for hours at a time. They know what the real balance is like. So they don't judge situations the same as we do." Thank you! This is such an important point that a lot of people miss and I think fuels a lot of negative feelings people have. We as outsiders hyper focus on the ships and certain interactions, but that's such a small part of their lives. That anon making everything Jungkook does about how the fans see their relationships and by extension him being a bad boyfriend/friend because of it...I don't know if you have seen all maknae line solo stan communities but they all hate each other and project that hatred onto their faves as well, as in saying their fave actually hates the other members. Tae stans are dragging Jungkook constantly and using him as a punching bag during Tae's debut, there are definitely Jungkook and Jimin stans who think Tae feeds antis as well. It's all just bs fandom infighting and very little of it has to do with who they actually are and what their lives and relationships are like. And the fans take some of this stuff so seriously, spewing the most vile hatred and making threats against them for perceived injustices to the others through what are completely innocent and largely meaningless actions, and some turn their anger at the fans' behavior into anger at the members. It's a pretty messed up situation, and I don't know how I would navigate friend/relationships under that kind of scrutiny.
Also, thank you for actually mentioning one of my favorite Taekook moments and my number one moment if we're talking the kind that defy platonic explanation. The nape kiss at Citi Field gets largely overlooked and I'm not sure why, but one of the reasons it's so special to me is I was at that concert. It gives me some added context I think, because I can tell you that was not for the audience. I was in the stands and watching on the big screen monitors and all we saw was Tae and Jimin (and I have a theory that Jimin knew what Tae was planning) approaching Jungkook from behind, and then Jungkook looking kind of flustered and I was like "...what just happened?" 😂 It wasn't until I was back at my airbnb and talking to another friend who had been there when the first clips from the side of the stage started showing up on Twitter and we were going insane. They released a DVD/Bluray of that show, and you can confirm on there that the official cams did not catch that kiss and in fact you can see Tae watching the monitor and cameras as he approaches to make sure what he did cannot be seen. There's a very specific reason I think Tae did that, but I won't discuss it openly yet. Maybe someday. For me, that's the moment after two years of being a Taekooker where it went from 99% to a 100% for me that the relationship between those two is more than just friendship. The Bon Voyage season 1 cuddles/kisses still blows my mind as well. That really kicked off the Taekook drought in official content. That was the last year we saw just the two of them in a V Live together, and there not another one for four whole years and we all know they had chaperones in the room the next time. I've been thinking recently that if I was to make a Taekook top ten right now, those two moments and probably the "I love you" signs during the Chile concert where Jungkook was sick would be there...but the rest would probably be solo era/2023 because this past year has been full of hugely significant moments and I did not expect it. But looking back, it makes sense that in solo era, it is Taekook's bond that became more apparent than ever. Because they are involved in each other's lives in a very significant way that goes beyond members of the same band, or even friends.
Hi anon!
Thanks for the addition 😊.
I think they have a very complicated relationship with their fans in general, and with shippers especially. I don’t think they appreciate any shipping mentions in their lives for instance, not even the correct ones. It must be weird having people comment on your relationship and asking questions trying to bait you into giving a hint while you’re just there to talk about your music.
I really dislike what this has done amongst maknae line solo’s. It is also so weird to me to actually see fans talk about members hating each other. Hate is such a strong word, and is in general not actually a feeling people very often have about each other. So for fans to think any member actually hates another while there have been no signs of that is so out there.
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magical-oppas · 1 month
I was tagged by @481boxboxbaby thanks bestie <3
Who is your favorite driver?
Ohhh I can't really pick between Max or Carlos but if you put a gun to my head right at this moment my answer would probably be Carlos.
Do you have other favorite drivers?
Oh yes, I am very bad at "solo stanning" (that's a kpop term but you get what I mean)
My faves are Max, Carlos, Charles, Lando, Oscar and Yuki
Who is your least favorite driver?
Its just my personal preference to never answer this question because I just find it unnecessary to put it out into the world. Of course there are drivers I do not like and I do occasionally bitch about them, I just prefer to that privately to my friends :)
Do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well?
Both, its just in the nature of the sport isn't it? You have a team but there is so much talent on the grid that I feel like one does oneself a disservice by limiting it to only the two drivers on the team one cheers for.
If you like teams what teams do you pull for?
Ferrari. I'm really basic.
How long have you been into F1?
I have been properly aware of it since 2022 but I didn't start following it, as in watching every race, before 2023.
What got you into F1?
I have always loved sports. I'm a big football fan (the real one, not the American one) and I absolutely ADORE figureskating so I was already primed to love it.
The story is basically that me and my fiancé, then boyfriend, really wanted to have something to root for together. We both love football but I'm a Barcelona fan and he is a Real Madrid fan, you see the issue. So he said
"Babe, I think you would love F1. Check out this Netflix show so you are up to speed and then we can watch it together. I wont tell you what team we like, you will see that there really is only one correct team and driver to root for."
So I did. I gathered all my snacks and prepared myself for a binge watch. I fell in love with the sport around halfway into the first episode. I finished it and happily went to report back to my love. This is the exact conversation we had
"So, you picked the correct team and driver right?"
"Ofc! You were right it was so obvious. How can one NOT like Max? He is fantastic!"
"I like Lewis Hamilton."
The end<3
Do you enjoy fic/rpf?
I don't mind it. As long as people are not weird about it, like actually believe that their ships are true or tell drivers about ao3, I don't see the issue.
How do you view new fans?
I mean, I'm new. Can I really have an opinion on this?
If I can have one then it is that you are born knowing nothing. You have been new to everything in life at some point. It is just part of our journey as humans. Stop being mean to people for not knowing things.
If you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why?
HAAS. For shits and gigs you know.
Are your friends and family into F1?
Other than my fiancé I have two irl friends who really love it. My poor mother is forced to listen to my ramblings so she knows a lot but she finds the sport pointless.
And then obviously all of my online friends and my F1 mutuals on tumblr<3
Are you open to talking to other fans/making friends?
There is not a single question, opinion or random thought someone has sent me here on tumblr that I haven't cherished. If you are hesitating about becoming my friend here is your sign. Send me the message. Send me the ask. I promise you, I will never EVER find it annoying. If you can't tell by the length of this post, I really love to yap, and I really love to yap about F1<3
Tagging @1337wtfomgbbq @norribobs @charlalos
And if this just happens to be on your dash, you are now tagged by me<3
Of course there is no pressure to do this
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vammppyre · 8 months
intro to me xoxo
whaddup my name's Eli, im 19, and I never fuckin learned how to read.
Anyway, here's some surface-level blog shit before I get into the nitty gritty im (somehow) comfortable with sharing to strangers on the internet:
good omens
loki (series) & other mcu
supernatural (only through season 3! don't spoil pls x)
breaking bad (only through s2!! once again pls don’t spoil)
what we do in the shadows
the good place
dan and phil
taylor swift
boygenius & their solo music
my chemical romance
fall out boy
panic! at the disco (pre-brendon grossness)
foo fighters
pierce the veil
twenty one pilots
apple music profile
spotify profile
magnus chase
kane chronicles
carry on trilogy & fangirl
perks of being a wallflower
six of crows/shadow and bone
please don't intentionally spoil! haven't watched/read/listened yet:
dr who
our flag means death
chalice of the gods
trials of apollo
intro continued:
I'm nonbinary & lesbian, (still a little confused sometimes tho). I love reading, watching my fav shows, and doing all types of artsy shit--though I tend to impostor-syndrome myself away from it most of the time. it takes a lot of balls for me but I do post my art on occasion!
speaking of posting - here's some shit about that: I do post really sporadically, mostly reblogging things I enjoy, but occasionally pitching in my own stuff; if its my own art or words or whatever, i put all that under #vammppyre's posts, so if you wanna see all my og content, go there :)
a little more about myself: cats are my fave animal (I have a lot and grew up with them--they're the way to my heart lol); my fave colors are black, gray, and red; I love nerding out about my interests (why else would I be here lol); and I'm happy so long as I'm around a cat, a loved one, or doing one of my favorite things. On the other hand, I'm a very anxious person--the lexapro helps a bit lol, but I still have a hard time doing the things that scare me--even if that thing is something as little as making an important call, texting a friend I miss, or doing something I really need to do. I'm currently on my own journey to getting to where I can function again, and I'll definitely post about any major point in that for me.
one last thing I have to say - if you're a mutual and you wanna talk to me, do it!! chances are I've thought about it a lot and just don't have the guts. bonus points if you're from east TN or close to it--finding people with similar interests near me makes me ecstatic lol :)
to me, this thing is a diary filled with my handwritten entries, magazine clippings, lyrics, and quotes all from things close to my heart. enjoy <3
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truessences · 6 months
Ramblings: Tom Holland's career
I'm going to do a couple of other posts about Insomniac's Spider-Man 2, I played it the week it came out and I've just been watching clips and videos and I loved it. But anyway, this is about Tom Holland.
So, I've been of the opinion that while Tom is a fantastic actor, he keeps choosing projects (or his agent is) that he's either too good for, or the writing for them is less than stellar.
So here is a list of his films that I've seen. I haven't seen The Crowded Room but I heard it wasn't good but that Tom was good in it, which isn't surprising, story of his life I think.
The Impossible Lucas Bennett - First live action film, he's fantastic in this, should have been nominated. Made me cry.
How I Live Now Isaac - Weird little movie but he's good in it. Also made me tear up.
In the Heart of the Sea Thomas Nickerson - I forget about this one but he's fine it, the movie is fine.
Captain America: Civil War Peter Parker / Spider-Man - His Spider-Man debut and though he has a small part, he's great. Great debut.
The Lost City of Z Jack Fawcett - He plays the older version of the son and it's sad what's implied that happens to them but he's fine in this. His little mustache though had me cackling.
Pilgrimage The Novice / Brother Diarmuid - This movie is interesting and good and he's very good in it. Apparently while filming this, he and Jon Bernthal were sending in their tapes for Spider-Man and The Punisher lol.
Spider-Man: Homecoming Peter Parker / Spider-Man - Great solo film, felt like a John Hughes movie wrapped in comic book pajamas. I really love his suit, I guess we call it the "Stark Suit" since in the games, that's what it's called.
The Current War Samuel Insull - I don't remember him in this movie at all.
Avengers: Infinity War - Loved him in this, still wish he got to interact with Steve more than he did. I don't like the Iron Spider suit that much, but his scene with the snap was great, they knew who they had and capitalized on it.
Avengers: Endgame - Not in this one as much as IW, but I liked the scene where he has the gauntlet and he says "Hi, I'm Peter Parker" and Carol is like "Hey Peter Parker..."
Spider-Man: Far From Home - I feel like people are really hard on this movie, I love it. It was my fave Spidey movie for a while. I really loved the whole Mysterio thing. There are some things I might have wanted done differently but I overall loved it. I also love his Upgraded Suit and I liked how he used his intelligence to fight at the end.
Spies in Disguise Walter Beckett - I thought this was cute, it was fun and he does a great job with voice acting.
Dolittle Jip - the movie was not good and his role is small, but the voice acting was fine.
Onward Ian Lightfoot - Cute movie, made me tear up, the voice acting was really good. Love the brother relationship in this.
The Devil All the Time Arvin Russell - This should have been a mini series but he's good in it.
Cherry Cherry - Not a good movie but he's fine. He does despair very well lol.
Chaos Walking Todd Hewitt - Not a good movie, lots of potential, might have worked better as a tv series since it's a book series. Also, should have been made in the boom of YA dystopian movies or maybe now thanks to The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes coming out. But he's fine it.
Spider-Man: No Way Home - Great movie, really fun, the emotional aspects of this movie he does so well. Yes it sucks that none of the villains in this movie are HIS villains but it just goes to show that he needs to have his own Green Goblin, can you imagine the PTSD that would come from that?
Uncharted Nathan Drake - I actually very much like this movie, I watch it often on Netflix lol. It's probably a movie I've put on repeat. It's not great but it's not as bad as people were saying. I've only played maybe 2 hours of the first game so I'm not nostalgic lol. I think he's good in it, and it's the first time I looked at him and was like "oh... he's an adult" and was attracted to him lol. I think he's handsome but he always just skewed young to me but after this, I was like... oh that's a man.
A lot of his career is Spider-Man and maybe he doesn't like that anymore, maybe he feels like he's being stuck since his Non Spider-Man movies haven't been well received, but I don't think that's the case. I feel like he isn't stuck, he just needs to take this break he said he wanted to take, and reevaluate his choices.
And when he's ready, he needs to be in a Romantic Comedy (Rom-Com), like a pure Rom-Com. Also, let him keep his own accent, I know this man is British lol but I haven't seen him use his own accent in a movie in a while. He can be a college student, or a young adult just trying to find love. Put him and Zendaya in a rom-com together, capitalize more on their chemistry lol. But not really, I'm just kidding, I just couldn't think of anyone but Saoirse Ronan would be good!
Let him do a road trip brother movie with Jamie Bell, since they look so much alike. Or let him do an action drama with Jamie Bell lol. Or some kind of family drama movie with Jamie Bell. Do something with Jamie Bell.
I know he's going to be playing Fred Astaire soon, which that will be interesting. He'll be dancing, which we know he can do, and singing, which can he still do well? Not that Fred Astaire could sing so it doesn't really matter. But do a musical for fun, something light.
If he wants to do something gritty, then that's okay, oooooo he should do a horror film. That'd be interesting to see.
I think he needs to not worry about doing franchise things right now. Just let Spider-Man be the franchise, because Chaos Walking and Uncharted didn't turn out the way I guess they were hoping though I think Uncharted could get a sequel. Shoot for 2026 because then Tom will be 31 or so and people can stop complaining that he's too young.
But I just feel like, he's too talented to not act anymore. I want to see him in more things, I want to see him win. I think he wins as Peter Parker/Spider-Man even with his detractors, I like him a lot.
As for Spider-Man, after finishing Spider-Man 2 and how they handled the symbiote (which I have plenty to say about that too), I really want to see Tom Holland's Spidey tackle that storyline. They already set it up by Tom Hardy's Venom leaving behind a piece of the symbiote in Tom's world. Plus, with where we left him, he's pretty vulnerable I'd say. I think he would do it so well, I'm not sure how much more of Spider-Man he has in him, but I need at least one more trilogy from him *cries*. If the MCU and Sony were smart, which in some aspects, they're clearly not lol, they would give Tom another trilogy, or at least 4 or 5 more movies and in one of them, introduce Miles and then bam, a clear out for Tom to leave (they could even have another Peter from another universe appear who isn't Tom if they want to keep a Peter) and have Miles for a while.
But anyway, I wish the best for Tom Holland's career, he's too talented and he deserves some movie wins, that aren't Spider-Man. Rom Com I feel like is the best course corrector to do. Even if it just ends up on Hulu... like have ya'll seen Rye Lane?
But just some ramblings that I've had on my mind for a while.
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mooifyourecows · 2 years
moo i’m gonna need a list of your favorite kpop songs and groups because now i’m invested since i know you have good taste
Hmm well get ready for a long list then because I've got lots. I'll bold the songs (and artists) that are my TOP faves from the whole thing (because I know it's gonna be a daunting list) and put an asterisk (*) next to the songs that have amazing mvs on youtube that make the listening experience even better 🤌
Obviously I love all of mamamoo, but some notable ones that I listen to a lot by them are 'I Miss You', 'Taller than you', 'Diamond', and 'Hip*'
'Maria*' and 'I'm bad too (feat DPR LIVE)' by Hwa Sa
'bboom bboom' by momoland
'MUSE (feat Paloalto)' by Hannah Jang
'Cause I'm God girl', 'Flower Shower', 'Follow me (feat Wooseok)' and 'Red' by HyunA
'Gucci' and 'zoom' by Jessi
I like most of (g)i-dle's songs but some of my faves are 'oh my god', 'hann', 'latata', and 'senorita'
'Swim- virus edit' by youra
'A.M.A.F.' by saay
'Dont hang up' by suran (feat ph-1)
'Eight*' by IU
I pretty much love all of BTS but here are my all time faves from them: 'black swan*', 'mama', 'lie', 'friends', 'jamais vu', 'spring day*', 'so 4 more/2nd grade', 'trivia: seesaw', 'singularity*', 'answer: Love myself', 'outro: tear', 'anpanman', 'don't leave me', 'pied piper', 'first love', 'look here'
okay I will stop with BTS because I'm a bit biased toward them considering they were the group that introduced me to kpop in the first place lmao
Okay I lied I'm not stopping because now for the solo albums from bts members:
'tokyo', 'badbye', 'everythingoes', 'do you', and 'change' by RM
'Hangsang', 'daydream', 'blue side' by J-Hope
'People', 'so far away (feat Suran)', 'give it to me', 'the last', and 'interlude: set me free' by Agust D
And they're not on Spotify UNFORTUNATELY, but also: 'promise' by jimin and '4 o'clock' by V and RM
'If you' and 'fxxk it' by bigbang
'Zutter*' by gdragon and t.o.p.
'DOOM DADA' and 'Turn it up' by t.o.p.
'Whisper*' by VIXX LR (very homo mv for this one fellas)
'Hoodie', 'Tuxedo*', 'Damnra', 'Leopard (feat Solar)', and 'Brag' by Ravi (Ravi is also a big mint chocolate chip fan and even remixed one of his songs and turned it into a Mint choco anthem so he gets TRIPLE my respect for that)(also his voice is just so sexy that I told my partner that if his voice turned into a person I would happily cheat on him with it. He is okay with it)(literally the two Koreans I'm legit in love with are Hwa sa and Ravi and they've both been called "unattractive" by Korean standards so I guess I just have GREAT taste)
'HALA HALA' and 'pirate king' by ATEEZ
'Back Door*', 'Gods Menu*', 'Red Lights*', 'Thunderous*', and 'Maniac*' by Stray Kids (best way to consume stray kids music is by watching their MVs because WOW they're so good like wow WOW)
'Shine', 'Naughty Boy', and 'Do it for fun' by Pentagon
'Want*', 'Advice*', and 'Criminal*' by Taemin
'Nillili Mambo*' and 'Mental Breaker' by Block B
'Ko ko bop' by exo
'Love scenario' and 'rhythm ta' by iKON
'Clap', 'oh my', and 'call call call' by seventeen
'Hello', 'air', 'everyday' and 'fool' by WINNER
'Just right' by got7
'HOLUP!*' by bobby
'The 7th Sense*' and 'Baby Don't Stop' by NCT
'Any song', 'Daredevil', 'One-man show (feat Sik-K)', and 'Summer Hate' by ZICO
'Hocus pocus' by PLT
'Part time lover', 'OOO', 'Then', 'Stay here', and 'lost my way' by Gaho
'Manitto' by Villain
'Face' and 'lazy' by woosung
'Instagram*' by dean
'Fiance' by mino
On top of listening to kpop, I'm also really into k-hiphop and k-indie, so I'll give some recs for those too if you're interested in giving them a try
K-Indie (or R&B or however they would classify these types of songs that I feel don't exactly fit into kpop. If im wrong then shhhh im just going off vibes okay):
'Dancing in the Rain', 'EXIT', 'Cloud', and 'Say Hello Inner Child' by Rad Museum
'Comes and Goes', 'Settled down', 'Big Bird', 'Die Alone', 'Wi Ing Wi Ing', and 'Love ya!' by HYUKOH (literally all their songs are so good though, oh hyuk has a BEAUTIFUL voice)
'Its you', 'SEATTLE', 'MAMA DONT WORRY', and 'NO SENSE' by Sam Kim
'Your dog loves you' and 'Poem (shhh)' by Colde
'No one told me why' by ALEPH
'hawaii in seoul', 'lost in seoul', and 'Waves' by DNYDK
For K-hiphop:
'J2B' by YUMDDA (feat DEEPLFLOW, paloalto, The Quiett, and Simon Dominic)
'Siren remix (feat uneducated kid and Paul Blanco)' by HOMIES (Paul blanco's verse in this song literally MURDERS me every time)
'Feedback', 'Let's disco dance', 'Memoir (orchestral version)', 'Raw (feat Seungmin Kim)', and 'Rambo' by Gwangil Jo
'fine! (feat kid milli)' by punchnello
'vv 2' by GIRIBOY feat CHOILB, Hayake, Kid Milli, and Seungmin Kim
'115 (feat pH-1)', 'under the ground (feat dean)', and 'Wu' by nafla
'business boy (feat nongmill kim and BLOO)' by Huh!
'bodega' and 'UFO' by 99 God
'BESIDE', 'Dressroom', 'not ok (feat ski dash)', and 'IZZEN' by H!GHLY BASS (definitely an underappreciated artist and he deserves more attention)
'to all the uneducated kids too' by Olltii
'DOKI DOKI', 'YESSIR', and 'MAMA (feat bangkokboy)' by Ski Dash
'Wet (feat Jessi)', 'Bbung', '1 Week', 'Kari', and 'Yah, Nuh' by Flowsik
Aaaaand let's end it there 👌 hope you find something you like! I know a lot of these recs are pretty popular but there are some lesser known ones too that I think deserve way more love and attention 🖤
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barelysanereviews · 2 years
2022 Midyear Faves
To say that 2022 has been tough on me is an understatement. It felt like a putting out a series of wildfires, each one springing to life immediately after the last one died, wreaking havoc on my health (physical and mental), self-esteem, relationships, and finances in turn. But in the middle of that mess, I managed to find some shining lights in the darkness to keep me, as we like to say, barely sane.
(Side note: I recently went through our archives on a whim, and can you believe BSR started in May 2014??? What a ride it has been.)
We've already revealed ourselves to be kpop fans, so there's no point hiding it now. Unfortunately, kpop was one of the major natural disasters in my life this year as my favorite group disbanded around my birthday. Maybe I'll finally post my kpop journey on here as a tribute to them, but in the meantime, here are the songs I've clung onto to fill the void.
fromis_9 - DM
I've managed to chop up this song into bits that basically narrate my life, from the opening soliloquy "Hey you, 지금 뭐해?", to the very cathartic "Doesn't matter~~~!" every chorus, to the release of energy in that whistle note towards the end. It's just an oddly comforting bop that I keep coming back to, and I'm happy to say that I fell in love with the girls' discography in the process. Stream Stay This Way!
(G)I-DLE - Tomboy
I've followed Soyeon since Produce 101 (the curse/blessing that got me into kpop) and have stanned (G)I-DLE since their debut. I gotta say - Tomboy is a masterpiece. The way they came back with a shot heard around the world after losing a member and a year of solo activities is the cheffiest kiss. (6)I-DLE forever.
Honorable Mentions: VIVIZ - Loveade; Le Sserafim - Fearless; Taeyeon - INVU; and of course, NU'EST - Again
Love and Leashes (2022)
Though I watched last year's Let Me Be Your Knight for my bias, my favorite discovery of 2021 was Lee Junyoung. His character Taein was so endearing and charming, but a bit too similar to his previous roles. When I heard he was going to star alongside SNSD's Seohyun in a movie about BDSM, I had no idea what to expect. What I got instead was a weirdly sweet and loving film about two people learning to trust each other as they navigate their own preferences and desires. So excited for what he's going to do next, with or without barking.
Honorable Mentions: Turning Red, Minari
Do we still call it TV if we don't watch it on a TV?
Strangers From Hell
I actually watched more kdramas this year than I usually do to fill the void that Nu'est left behind, so I got to watch some of the more popular ones as they aired. But what can I say, I'll always be a sucker for a good dark kdrama. This one features one of my faves, Im Siwan, as he slowly goes insane from living in a rundown goshiwon whose inhabitants may or may not be murderers.
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Pretty Proofreader
One thing I love about jdramas is that they can make anything - from an underrated sport to an overlooked profession - sound rewarding and exciting, and this charming little story about a wannabe fashion editor who gets assigned to the proofreading department of her favorite magazine is no different. As a fellow optimist, I felt so represented by Etsuko. Satomi Ishihara's extra outfits paired with her uplifting smile got me through Covid.
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Honorable Mentions: My Liberation Notes, A Business Proposal, Spy x Family, Alchemy of Souls (ongoing)
I watched a lot of TV shows the first half of the year because ya girl was unemployed for a while. Here are my top 5 picks and some honorable mentions.
Our Beloved Summer
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I don't know why, but I got so obsessed with this show. Choi Woo Shik and Kim Da Mi had so much chemistry, and their characters just drew me in. The show is about two high school students--the top student (Yeon Su, played by Da Mi) and the bottom-ranking student (Ung, played by Woo Shik)--who are put together for a documentary. After getting to know each other while shooting the documentary, they fall in love and date for years. They eventually break up but are forced to reunite to do a sequel to the documentary, this time documenting their lives as adults. There was just something about the way the story was written, how well Woo Shik and Da Mi played the characters, and the summer vibe and visuals of the show. It just sucked me in. I rewatched scenes a million times and even did an ugly drawing inspired by a scene in the show. I look forward to seeing these two work together again.
My Liberation Notes
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I love a kdrama that follows a group of characters and really digs deep into each one. You would think that the romance in this would be highlighted more than the character arcs (because kdrama), but the show balanced the romance and the characters' growth really well. There were several moments in this show where I saw myself in the characters and it also made bold story choices. I knew this would be good because the show's writer, Park Hae Young, also wrote My Mister which I also really liked.
Moonlit Winter
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I found out about this film on IG, where I saw that Kim So Hye (of Produce 101 fame) starred in a film a few years back. I liked the aesthetics of this film, the slow pace, the quiet affection between the characters. It had the same vibe as Little Forest, and it also had that mother-daughter journey from miscommunication to friendship. The mother's story is heartbreaking and is not often told, and I liked how the film subtly subverted narrative tropes and let her story of yearning overflow.
Strawberry Shortcakes
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This one's a rewatch. I saw it years ago, and although I forgot about the title and most of the story, I found it interesting how I still remembered a few parts of it even years after. I decided to rewatch it this year to refresh my memory and see why the film stuck with me. Strawberry Shortcakes shows the inner lives of four Japanese women: a sex worker who sleeps in a coffin and has a singular obsession with a man she knows from high school; a stone-worshipping assistant whose innocence sticks out in a workplace that sells sex; a sleep-deprived, solitary artist struggling to succeed in a money-driven industry; and an office worker who's looking for love. It's rare to see a story that revolves around a group of women who live complex lives, and the film also makes notable choices in cinematography.
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The Soulmate Equation
Romance novels are perfect for me right now: not too deep, but enough to make me feel things and escape life. This one is really cute and has an interesting premise: Jess, a single mom and statistics expert, gets matched with River Peña, the cold-hearted creator of a dating app called GeneticAlly, which matches people based on their DNA compatibility. If you're looking for a lighthearted romance read, check this out.
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amazing-spiderling · 2 years
☕️ Favorite female character. And why
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Actual footage of me being blown away as I try to imagine every female character from everything that I have ever loved...
I admit, I was that snotty little kind of "not like other girls" kid (okay, but I do have the preschool class photo to back that up and it's hilarious) and I can't really remember ever reading a book or watching a movie and thinking, "Oh my gosh! She's just like me!" and playing pretend games where I was so-and-so. I *do* remember reading books in middle school like Phantom of the Opera and going "Christine what is your PROBLEM, I would have handled this so much better". XD This feels like maybe it was just as much my problem as it was the books I was reading, perhaps... Then again, so much media for the kids functioned on the formula of "four guys and the token girl" and that girl was just never that interesting to me. Things have gotten better, though! And more gals have crept into my list of faves.
But also, I'm a basic ass comic book girl, so you're gonna get two of my comic book faves, sorry.
First up is Gwen-65. I confess, I did not read her series until after reading Spider-Verse. (I didn't realize she got a solo series, even after ITSV. I just assumed she showed up once or twice, which to be fair, was the original plan for the character.) I went in during my peak Spideypool days because I wanted to know what was up with the lizard version of Peter and oops! That all happened before, we are throwing you in the deep water!
The thing I like about Gwen is that she's... kind of a mess, but in a loveable way. The Gwen we see in ITSV is only two years deep in being Spider-Woman, but she's more competent than Miles and even shows up Peter B. She's calm and collected and whip smart, which is great, and I could see why little girls watching that movie would love her- but it didn't *ping* for me.
Gwen in the comics, though? Oh man. She's doing her best to live up to her father's expectations, she's trying to hold down a job, she's trying to figure out what she wants in life while shouldering a lot of responsibilities and struggles other people can't appreciate. It's not that she's trying to be flaky, but other people genuinely don't know what she's going though 90% of the time. She gets annoyed, she gets *messy* and she certainly doesn't have all the answers. But she also grows and becomes more sure of her place in the world and *that* I find relatable.
Also, I would like to give a shout out to Gabby Kinney, clone of Laura Kinney, clone of Wolverine. She was such a breath of fresh air not just to that family tree but the mutant branch of Marvel comics in general, and I loved her friendship with Deadpool and desire to help others with a positive attiude. Also the fact that she dresses and acts her age and is just hella fun. What's not to love?
Additional shout out to Nanny Ogg from Discworld because in this house we respect older women who are living their best lives.
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obsessingmuch · 2 years
You've had a makeover! I like the contrast of the black and white dots to the rainbow ones. Did you find out if your person is okay?! I also did not realise I had ignored your questions. Please forgive my oversight :-(( I don't play fortnite anymore! My macbook Does Not Like it and I did download it onto the playstation but couldn't be bothered getting to grips with the controls so I gave up </3 But I did win a game once! Do you always do the classic 'gotta be the last one left out of 100' or do
you ever do that one where there's like two teams? Do you play solo or do you have fortnite friends? Other things I am into atm: sudoko, origami, and Taylor Swift. What are some subreddits you enjoy? i will say that I do spend a couple of hours a day on tiktok :/ but usually only when I go to bed and when I'm on my lunch break at work for some mindless entertainment. I don't feel good about it. But I get some chuckles every now and then. And there are always cute dog videos so who could say no?!
I'm glad it's not just me that's nostalgic for lockdown! Feels a bit weird to say that but I genuinely miss the one way systems at supermarkets and the like. I haven't seen any films on your two most recent lists (except for Mrs Doubtfire) but I have watched some youtube commentaries on the Vanessa Hudgens ones and got the impression that they weren't that great :/ Who are you watching on youtube these days? I did like Folklore and Evermore! I didn't love Folklore too much at first (as it came out when I wasn't listening to her all that much, and I don't really like soft-acoustic-y music so much) but it's really grown on me over the last couple of years and these days, she's all I listen to <3 From Folklore my faves are My Tears Ricochet and The Lakes, and from Evermore my faves are Champagne Problems, Gold Rush and Cowboy Like Me. Which album re-record are you most looking forward to? My other fave songs are Long Live, All Too Well, Out of the Woods, and Forever and Always.
I'm also very sorry for the amount of notifications you're about to get from me. BUT do you still follow Jedward and what they're up to?!
anon you are back!! I was wondering how long it would be until you replied again, if it would be weeks or months or years lol. I wasn’t expecting days! (I also didn’t know how long ago you sent the previous messages cos I had no timestamps in my inbox when I replied to them - when was it??)
I did have a makeover. the garrett watts sidebar image didn’t seem appropriate anymore so I just pulled my most random/non-fandom-related gif of mine out lol.
my person hasn’t posted since about 2019. I’m hoping they’re ok and just taking another tumblr break cos they’ve done that before.
and I forgive your oversight :D I understand the vibe of your macbook Not Liking It. mine didn’t either, so I installed Windows a couple of years ago and play from there (and also have the game graphics set incredibly low and my fans on an increased speed. it does ok tbh). amazing congrats on your win!!! I do have a couple of friends so usually play duos/trios - it’s very, very rare for me to play solos. I think I would get lonely and frustrated dying alone lol. on occasion I play squads with random fill friends (but sometimes those people are not so nice). maybe you need to install windows tbh and resume your fn career :D
subreddits, mostly I read AITA and relationships ones. so basically just people complaining about their life problems lol. how about you? which good ones am I missing?
youtube has been showing me tiktoks as youtube shorts so I have been spending lots of time on these for the past few weeks. currently the algorithm thinks I want to see a mixture of: engagement rings being handcrafted, a comedian lady who pretends to be an annoying mother/teacher character, a man cooking lunch for his wife, horses getting new horseshoes put on, golden retrievers, cakes being frosted, and tiktok fashion girls trying on clothes. what all things does tiktok show you??
the Knight Before Christmas was not good. BUT I did kinda like the Princess Switch ones lol. they were fun and easy to watch if you just want a happy albeit cheesy and I’m-definitely-older-than-the-target-audience-for-this movie and not a Serious Cinematic Marvel. 
youtubeeeeee I’m watching mostly hmmm. (edit: this was originally going to be a short list but it turned out longer than I expected): simply nailogical (esp. her podcasts), jammidodger and shaaba (highly recommend), molly burke, tom scott, ryland adams, hannah witton, jessica kellgren-fozard, carrie hope fletcher, louise pentland, vlogbrothers, a few fortnite youtubers, and the Cut and Jubilee channels. do you watch any of those? who are you watching?
I am a Bad Fan maybe cos I’m not getting the Taylor’s Version songs. I have all my music in iTunes so it’s not like I’m streaming and giving revenue for the old versions, but I like how the old ones sound for nostalgia and don’t want 2 of everything. but I have listened to some of the new ones to compare. and I have been getting any new ones that were previously-unrelated / From The Vault etc. sooooo I guess I’m not excited for any re-records specifically, but I will be interested to see how they sound. do you have the old or new versions?
jedward no lol. are they up to anything? occasionally I stumble across a tweet of theirs and I’ve noticed they now swear openly in tweets which I found amusing and not unexpected. and generally call out people for bad human rights / sexism / other isms. which I guess matches with 2011/12 jedward except now it comes with less sneakiness and more swears lol. 
this is such a long post. I hope my multitude of decimated followers have had a most enjoyable read :D
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wooahaes · 2 years
Ahh we all have that one professor who makes u go ??? The fuck ??? At least 5 times in 20 mins lol I get you
Also the nct thing was purely by accident lol aksnsksms I initially listened to boom by nct dream, thought I’d listen to a couple more songs, fell down the rabbit hole and now I actively Stan 20+ men 💀 yeah I did that to myself lol but fr nct has some weird shit but a LOT of bops like if you like slow ballad type of stuff I recommend from home and my everything but nct u or if u like smth cute Touch by NCT 127 is p well liked by most people I introduce that song to! And most of nct dreams older songs are p cute too! I feel like you’ve made a grave mistake letting me talk ab NCT because I could go on FOREVER aksnsksms also I totally get the mark + Haechan duo lol I have a particular fondness for mark because we share the same birthday lol plus he’s so cute I just wanna fucking SQUISH
I would LOVE to hear you talk about Shinee!! All of their music fuckin SLAPS I’ve been obsessed with Body Rhythm every since it came out and like I got into the fandom p late so I don’t know much but I think taemin is fucking hilarious like he is very much my pathetic lil meow meow
-Baby Teume
literally i love her but the way she runs her classes... headache inducing. im probably going to scrape past with a C unless she decides to drop our lowest grade (highly unlikely but very welcome)
... my confession is that i actually enjoy sticker lmao like ik its not great ig? but i can still vibe with it
i have made NO mistake asking u to talk abt nct!!! pls talk to me about nct whenever u feel like it lmao i love hearing abt other ppls groups and the stuff they get passionate about!! literally i love when ppl give me song recs even if i dont end up getting into them bc its a lil 'hey i thought u might enjoy this' and i think thats sweet <3
i learned that marks emojis are a tiger and a lion and im like omg... tiger... another tiger boy to add to my collection. AND lions too??? mark nct ill give u a kiss omg /j
omg... u will regret asking me abt shinee i love them SO much. im ignoring the fact taemin just showed up on my playlist (highly recommend all of the shinee members solo stuff!!! i can absolutely give recs for my fave from each member even tho minho has like two songs to him rn but theyre both good fdkhdshf)
i always say taemin is my bias (hes adorable AND funny like... king stop my expectations are too high-) but i think im truly ot5 because all of them are so important to me. they were the first kpop group i ever listened to forever ago (sherlock (clue + note) is a legend and i love her so much), and i think dropping off shortly after getting into them (which would have been around 2015 because it was the time view came out) and then picking them a little over a year ago was genuinely like... something that really helped me out of a shitty place + hurt because i had missed the news about jonghyun entirely. but even then, i think its made me appreciate him and everything he's done so, so much. i won't get sappy but i truly love jonghyun so much and i'm glad he's no longer hurting. it'll always piss me off when people reduce him down to his death and nothing else because he was such a good person.
moving on from that before i get too emotional... i genuinely just love shinee a lot. i watched one of the shinee world concerts (IV i think?) earlier this year and its amazing how talented they were and still are. shinee truly helped pave the way and inspired so many idols and i adore them. its also fun to just watch them interact, tbh. i don't genuinely ship anyone because i find that weird, but minkey as a (platonic) pair are my faves lmao they always bicker like an old married couple but you can tell that they do love each other and are genuinely close friends.
and jinki!!! onew my beloved!!! i love him so much. he has such a warm presence and GOD his vocals... i die every time... coincidentally love phobia just came up on my playlist lmao but still!! highly recommend listening to DICE if u haven't!! the entire album itself is good but the title track is soo good <3 i always feel like i forget he's the leader of shinee because they're all so close-knit, it feels like they're all on completely equal footing even if jinki is the one leading them.
i didnt rly get into my love for taemin but genuinely i adore him. he's so, so talented both vocally and dance-wise, i love to see the difference between his stage persona (typically his solo persona lmao taemin and his slutty slutty music... <3) when he's really just this very sweet catholic man who apparently only really interacts with his group mates and a few others outside of that. he's so funny and i honestly admire every live he did where he spoke english and messed up and accepted his mistakes? like. learning a language is hard enough, especially one as fucking weird as english, but he just seems to eager to try speaking english and accepts his mistakes. i think he definitely has a very good support network both in the people helping him learn english (job-wise) and in having someone like key there to correct him (and maybe rib him a little bit--but it's all out of love). also i still think its really funny he broke into keys place to leave him a birthday cake and then proceeded to steal one of his jackets. stole my heart at the same time smh
i will stop here bc i still have two questions left on my final but !!! i will absolutely give u shinee recs if you want!! shinee has SUCH a good discography with only a few songs that are... not good at all lmao. but every group puts out some bad songs sometimes, especially when they've been around for a long time! nothing wrong w that! + i'll probs throw in recs from each member's solo career because i genuinely love a lot of their solo stuff as well <3
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0fps · 24 days
star rail live 2024 concert impressions (for @friendlifyre hehe <3)
so overall i liked it but it's kind of clear that the main focus of the show were the xianzhou luofu and penacony areas and then everything else just really felt like an afterthought in comparison due to the lack of performances. which is a shame because jarilo-vi/belobog in particular has some of my favorite tracks
i also admittedly did not give a shit about any of the penacony stuff, kind of a combination of having 0 attachment to the region, not being my style in general, and also it didn't help that my attention span had dried up by that point. was having a great time during the xianzhou luofu part though that shit is extremely up my alley HAHA
music wise it was like. i liked the tracks i expected to like and in general i preferred most of the live versions because my main thing with hsr's soundtrack is they reaaaaaaaaaally like dubstep-esque sounds which i'm not a huge fan of. but when you perform stuff live with real instruments it adds a lot of character and idk. texture (?) that i really enjoy listening to especially if they commit to an instrumental solo or similar i looooooooove those
some more specific points:
sword dancing sequence was definitely one of my faves, the handoff between jingliu and blade's theme was sooooooooo good. i just wish it wasn't so in shadow during blade's part because you could tell the performer was going all in with facial expressions but you couldn't really see it, and some of the choreo itself was hard to see too
also obsessed with the battle theme right after with the DRUMS. absolutely in love with every instrument that was used here tbh loved this way more than the original
ugh wildfire was amazing of course. i would have been going crazy if i was in the crowd during that. jonathan steingard did an amazing job
disappointed with the godfather (?) part, it felt very flat. a lot of it was also because it suffered from the "afterthought" thing i mentioned earlier, in that it felt very intermission-like where you just watched some boring graphic on the screen and didn't really see anybody performing/playing the instruments. unfortunately most of the songs for herta space station and belobog got this treatment. but like i KNOWWW godfather can go harder than that
i don't want to dig on jake miller but that white night performance was. idk. it wasn't bad but kinda weak? imo he was one of the weaker vocalists and i also just prefer the chinese version ajfsdklafs but it might have also been his stage presence was kinda not there, he looked a bit uncomfortable up there or just like didn't really know what to do with himself? idk lol
fables about the stars is one of my fave osts so happy to see that's what they ended with, was very fitting too
two of my absolute favorite hsr songs of all time are huohuo and jing yuan's themes so i was really excited to hear them here, but because of how high the bar is i think i actually prefer their originals as opposed to the live versions. they were still really good though, and the jing yuan rendition was pretty fitting for him
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speakyskelly-1999 · 8 months
wehre the fuck did i get to in my list
checking list
ah yes sailor moon s
god okay
wait so how did i do these again
characters then plot
oh and this time homie (yes i'm looking at you brother) i'll keep it short
erm ye aso idk the
i'll look it up
ye ye
wait i'm totally not going off of like month old memory when mny memory is so fuuuucked at the minuet hahaha
oh i only finished it like 13 days ago
oh yea spoilers
a#this was gonna be short but like man there are so many characters i think they'll get like a line or two each sorry it's not in depth
i'm so tired
usagi: as based as ever. and usagi pilled. i mean like it was obvious she was the massiah once that plot point was brought up. they tried to goat us into thinging it was some one else like saturn but we see you show we see youuu
chibi usa: omg she's back. do i like the fact that she's back... yea you know what it's nice. it works it's fun. and then it hit me like a truck with her friendship with hotaru. chefs kiss. very adorable.
ami: wheres the screen shot of her having based oppinions about science. idk it's somewhere he on my laptop. oooh her swiming race with michiru aaaah. loved that episode. she's really cermenting herself as my fave like over all
rei: imma be real as of like rn i can't remember what she did bar like her episdoe with yuuichiru. like i know she did stuff i thought was based but i just don't remember
makoto: girlie be the third to turn bi
minako: girlie be the fist to turn bi hehehe. oooh and her solo epsiode this season very nice. gotta love her relationship with artimis
okay side note: they spend a lot of this season studying which i'm very impressed with
luna: vibing it up as usual. dosn't have much to do but i love her
artimis: stop doing cool/nice/funny things i want to ignore you. but i can't so good going my guy i know definatly acknoledge you're existance
side note again: it would be funny if this ends up being my longest sailor moon review simply becasue theres so many characters and i keep adding random stuff in it
mamoru: he exists. he keeps chibi usa alive at one point. he dons't have much to do. thank you for existing i guess.
haruka: hehe. hehehe. hehehe. i love how much of a bitch she is. she turns all the sailor soilders gay (bar the child cos she's a child). i love the fact that she chanlenges usagi's right to the throne at the end. i love her convistion adn thet fact that she isn't afria to get her hands dirty, and the fact that she loves michiru. i love the fact that revolutionary girl utena was inspire by their relationship. all four lesbians are totally not both my lock screena nd home screen. i love that she can drive even tho she shouldn't. okay it dose get annoying that they don't help the sailor soliders sooner but like it makes sense cos of the way the manga is set out. we're ignoring the fact that this is the longest character sestion totallty not because i was waiting for her for ages and she's like my fave or anything
michiru: she so pretty and calm. really is watch moment
soide note ye: so like it annoys me that both michiru and ami are technically water. well ami is water and michiru is the deep ocean. and like they even flavour ami's to be more mist and bubbles (ceaser) but like it annoys my brain in like a really dumb way
sestsuna: girlie. you be space and time. why is your attack death scream. oh it's because you can't use that to attack with cos you get into trouble. that's okay proceed with being a queen and slay your enemires. wait noooo not yourself
hotaru: ooooh she has issssssuuuuuuuuuesss. poor girlie. okay but like in all seriousness i really like her relationship with chibi usa it's adorable. her awakening as sailor saturn i thought was really cool. i love how she's just like a neuke pheonix it's very funny
Kaolinite: okay so errr she exists. almost figures out who sailor moon is but dosn't. then she dies. but then she's back cos the professer brought her back . honestly i thought she was a clone bt no. and then she gets jeaslous and dies again. cool. i mean i remember you exists which is more than i can say about other villains on this list but still
souichi: who? oh yea/ so this is both hotaru's dad and i'll also use this as the double up for the even alternate dimentional being that's enhabiting his body. gotta love an evil cooky scientist villain. very fun to play with. i really like his relationship with the first 2 of the witches 5 (the others had like one episode each i don't caer). and then like once he's just a normal dad again his love for his daughter is so cute.
Eudial: she's my favorite of the witches 5. girl just drives out of what ever she wants and slays the glasses look. her desperation to get the talisments that unlock the holy grail is so good. and she almsot did it too which is very impressive. also her death brutal. kinda my fave of all the underling villans they really did put a lot of time into her
mimete: the build up to her was more interesting to me than when she was actually the villain the sailor soilders were facing. she straight up kills eudial in cold blood but then just turns out to be a fam hog and have a crush on like every famous person
tellu: i semi forgot she existed. like i remember her episode cos it's such a good one to protray chibi usa and hotaru's frindship but like she didn't do much. but to be fair if her plan had worked it would have been game over so that was cool
viluy: god. like she gives us such a based ami episode but she's boring as fuck. her nano bots where cooler
ptilol: idk she splits into two
mistress 9: she wants to bring an evil force from an evil dimention to fuck up the world. to do so she inhabits hotaru's body and bids her time. her outfit was a slay
motoki: man has one episode give him more
naru: i know she turns up but like i don't rememeber
umino: umino
yuuichirou: dumbass see's rei with haruka and things theor dating. man get a grip
okay man: okay so i have this guy his own chatagory. which like technically he dosn't deserve man dosn't even have line but like/ i had no idea that this meme from from this show like
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and liike this was one of the best episodes. it was so stupid i loved it
errr cool so thats the end of the review
i'm very tired
i'm not doing a plot one
i mean i could it does make me remember the plot of each season like stupidly well but like idk
if i do one it'll be like ages away
oh yea so this season is the best by far
haha im exagerating
okay but like legit
this season is so far my favoirte
i think the pasing of it is done super well and it handles it's very large cast pretty well. it also finally has the lesbians whichi is a huge plus
like sailor moon dosn't get gay till this season and then everyone becaomes bi is so good
literally what i was wairting fir this entire time
so anyway now i gotta watch the film and then super s
i really just wanna watch sailor stars but i'll do it
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yuuana · 1 year
Music Monday #226: Lee Chaeyeon - Knock release: April 2023 genre: Kpop
What's a jagu to do when her stack of new releases is over 200 unprofiled songs? Spin a wheel and hope for the best. At the rate things are going, some of these are probably never getting profiled, but I'm not ready to give up entirely just yet! So! Let's get into it for this week's feature, yeah?
I freely admit that when it comes to survival shows, I'm mostly not a fan. I'm especially not a fan of any survival show produced by Mnet cuz you just know there's going to be shenanigans. Add in that Produce48 was in partnership with AKS (the company that manages AKB48) and IZ*ONE never caught my ear. And then they were disbanding in the middle of some contract disputes and I sort of expected that to be the end of that. I know, I'm a cynic.
A year and a half after IZ*ONE's disbandment, Chaeyeon made her solo debut and to be honest, I was underwhelmed. "Hush Rush" wasn't for me and the MV is kind of a wild ride with at best a tenuous connection to the lyrics of the song, and that's me being as generous as I possibly can on the read of it. So when a comeback was announced, I filed it away and didn't think about it again. Put the MV into playlists, watched it once, shrugged, and moved on. I had a lot on my mind in April, but here's the thing, "Knock" is the sort of song that will sneak up on you if you aren't careful. And since best practice for comeback streaming includes periodically playing a couple of Spotify's recent hits playlists (something I do periodically anyway to try to keep up with new releases), "Knock" kept coming up again and again. And dangit all if that heartbeat rhythm didn't worm its way into my head and even into a couple of my focus playlists.
The MV is, once again, at a bit of a disconnect with the song itself (this is not that uncommon a phenomenon in Kpop, especially if an artist is flirting with a lore). Our vampire protagonist from "Hush Rush" seems to have moved from her European castle to ... well, the exteriors are Seoul, but the interior spaces don't all fit with a vampire pretending to be a high school girl living alone. I don't know, it's a bit wild and some of the camera cuts are really distracting, but also just reading the lyrics, the song isn't meant to be all that deep anyway, so whatever. It's a fun dance number, who cares about anything else, right?
"Knock" is the title track off Chaeyeon's second EP, "Over the Moon," which is available to stream wherever you enjoy your kpop dance beats.
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synthetickitsune · 1 year
some of my thoughts about the (mostly?) recent comebacks that I've finally caught up on that nobody asked for because i'm lonely
iKON - Tantara: exactly what i expected the song to be and i mean it in the best sense possible!! i don't listen to ikon that often because their music is not really my style but maybe i'm changing my mind?? for some reason i really enjoy it lately. and i'll repeat myself later but bobby's so fun to watch when he's performing!!
iKON - U: i expected a lot of things but not that i'd fucking love this so much??? this is my jam now wtf, i listen to it every day, probably my favorite among everything i've listened to in this batch?? and bobby is always so fun to watch!! also jay omgggg i have no words to explain how i feel about this song but or how i feel about the feels that i have about it but it made me listen to the whole album and it's so good????
Oneus - Unforgettable: idk why but it made both me and my bestie cry :(( the ending :((( it makes me feel some deep longing and sorrow and idk why :(( on a lighter note - leedo with long hair??? asgkfjahsjfk not good for my mental health
Oneus - Erase Me: love the aesthetic and the look of it, and it's stuck in my head even if it's not among my fave cbs of theirs, speaking of which... i'm so glad that xion's styling is so mature the last few comebacks??? i mean i can't get used to it, don't get me wrong, but he looks so good and grown up??? also he has lines and i love his voice!!
Xdinary Heroes - Good Enough: i keep up with their cbs but i haven't heard a single b-side and so i never really heard them do a song like this and i'm shook?? it's really good?? idk the members (sorry) but the guy with the book/plant, whoever is singing that part, is so good???? i love him??? also life hack: don't watch this with your ex that's not really over the breakup, it makes things awkward lmao
Xdinary Heroes - Freakin' Bad: i love their title tracks, period, it's just really my vibe and their mvs are super cool
(G)I-DLE - Allergy: pouty soyeon?????? cute yuqi?????? yes plssssss???????? back to simpin' for women lmao... but srsly, it's cute and fun, and it's great for dancing around while cooking/cleaning
aespa - Spicy: you have no idea how much it pains me to say this is the aespa comeback that i've enjoyed the most?? like no hate to the girls, they're great, but their music is just not my cup of tea. also i finally kinda understand the hype about karina's visual?? like she's pretty but it didn't really hit me until the last part of the mv and tf?? i get it now i guess??
Le Sserafim - Unforgiven: honestly i think they're one of my fave ggs? definitely fave "newer" gg, and the visuals and everything in the mv?? the song is also fine, catchy (as always), but fuck me - the scene where she tore off her wing??? and chaewon???? back to being weak for women i guess lmao also i need !! the hoodie with the horns
BTOB - Wind and Wish: slayed as always what can i say lmao... btob's just really healing to me, and they're so silly and goofy omg i love them
AgustD - Haegeum: this is just what i needed for the action-filled scenes of my daydreaming lmao but i really love it - and !!! lore !!! i guess, i mean maybe i'm the only one because my army roommate doesn't see it that way but i feel like all his solo mvs form a storyline that connects?? and i like it?? at least my interpretation of it anyway. i love suga's solos always tbh, but the thing is - i think i like hope's solos more, they just match my taste better and idk they hit different and deeper??, but i always listen to suga's songs more for some reason??
AgustD - Snooze (ft. Ryuichi Sakamoto & Woosung): i haven't listened to the whole album yet but i mean my man's here i needed to hear it lol, and i'm so glad i did 'cause ???? it's so comforting??? and i mean i love the instrumental and woosung's voice is just perfect as always
Tempest - Freak Show: idk this group at all basically but the black-haired guy in all black really popped off??? i love me some circus themed mvs and songs <3
...also I won't talk about Giuk's solo album because this post would be even longer but I just wanted to say that EGO is mine ♡
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gyuworm · 1 year
I think I've just always been associated with them. Especially bc my hair is strawberry blonde lol✨️ strawberries & cream type aesthetic.
OH! That's a good question. I think it was during my pace? Hyunjin's part got stuck in my head and I ended up listening to more lol.
I don't think I had their names fully learned until their next album tho 😅 I am you. Maybe that's why get cool is one of my favorite mvs
I stan a lot of groups! My ult group is Seventeen. My faves are Twice, Ab6ix, Ateez, MCND, ofc Stray Kids, & a looot more but I'd be rambling on forever. Plus solo artists 😂😅✨️ What other groups do you stan? Also!! I see you like Alice in Borderland! It's one of my faves. Have you seen other kdramas?
~ 🍓
hiyaaa! omg ur so lucky i remember in middle school when everyone wanted to be strawberry blonde HAHA
my pace was actually the first video i watched of skz as well!! and then get cool [: i think it took me like three days to learn all of them but my sister was helping me!!
tbh the only group i actively consume content from is stray kids!! i also like BTS, ateez and gidle. i also really like this one group called 1team but the disbanded unfortunately ]:
im trying to learn TXT as of rn bc i like their new(er) music !! i tried to learn seventeen in the past but omg i was so overwhelmed bc of how many members there are HAHA same with NCT - i can only pick out a few of the members.
soo with kdramas i haven’t really watched that many!! i’ve watched alice in borderland and sweet home! i hope they make another season of sweet home bc damn the show ends on so many cliffhangers i was like 😦😦 i’ve also seen squid game of course and i want to watch all of us are dead soon! i typically go for more horror thriller shows snskdnd if you have any recommendations send them my way <33
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