#they use they/them pronouns
lostryu · 10 months
could you imagine bitching about infighting and the lack of community here and then refusing to donate to and misgendering the creator of the lesbian flag just because they created a very valid boundary regarding lesbianism? Like holy shit you guys are the fucking problem!!!
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freejamtime · 1 year
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shamans gonna shaman
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digital-dahlia · 8 months
NEW HEADCANON: Kazu and Jeri are best friends
• I also headcanon that Kazu is Genderfluid so anytime they're having some crisis when identifying as a girl, Kazu goes directly to Jeri. Like fuck how Kazu is in canon, anytime that Kazu and Jeri are talking and Kenta tries to ask Kazu about it they're just like "You wouldn't understand, this is lady talk" But then the next day Kazu will identify as a boy and just be like "You're crazy, I never said that Kenta." And just try to gaslight him
• Jeri also picks out Kazu's outfits on a fem day because Jeri thinks that they have no sense in fashion. Like Kazu will try their best to pick something that looks good and Jeri will be like "That doesn't match. Let a professional do it" And she'll end up picking something even worse
• Kazu doesn't trust Kenta when it comes to relationship advice so Kazu always either goes to Jeri or Henry. When they ask Henry about it they actually get a good reasonable response on how to get Ryo to like them but then when they talk to Jeri its just "Walk up, Get on your knees, Beg for a kiss, Do it till he accepts" Because Jeri hasn't ever dated anyone either
• Jeri got Kazu into Hello Kitty. Like once Jeri got tired of Kazu talking about Digimon so she was just like "Let me show you some real shit" And pulled out a binder with a bunch of Hello Kitty stickers and it got Kazu obsessed
Thats it. (For now)
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sorssims · 1 year
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yastaghr · 1 year
jsyk, seam uses they/them pronouns!
oh, fuck! I forgot that, it’s been a while since I’ve read or seen anything with Seam’s pronouns in it. I didn’t mean to misgender him, but I know better than to assume someone’s pronouns. I’m going to be figuring out a way to use them in a story so that it will stick better in my brain.
Thank you for telling me about their pronouns! I appreciate it!
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Radish, me beloved.
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bluiex · 2 years
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I've decided to make my Trafficsona my actual minecraft character :D the bells on the jester hat will be the heart symbols of green yellow and red.. I'll draw them more later as yellow and red
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oceanatydes · 3 months
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obsessed w this new oc i created on hero forge
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"chat is a pronoun" has officially joined my list of internet linguistics pet peeves. "emojis are hieroglyphs" is welcoming them to the club.
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[ID: Tweets from Emily 'Soup Lesbian' Gwen (@theemilygwen) on twitter with the following text:
Well, just left a job interview crying because the hiring manager told me they liked my application but were disappointed that I didn't bother dressing appropriately. I tried to explain that I haven't been able to afford new clothes in years but I just couldn't handle it.
That comment and my reaction was one of the most mortifying moments of my life. I thought I put together a decent outfit for the job with what I had, and hearing her say that just destroyed me.
Anyway I'm still looking for work and struggling a lot. Even $5 would help pay for a meal. ko-fi.com/emilygwen
End ID]
Please help Emily Gwen, the creator of the lesbian flag. If you show me that you donated any amount I will draw you something. You can also support them by buying something from their Threadless store!
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answrs · 1 year
mom: complains about they/them pronouns being SO HARD to remember
me, barely refraining from telling her about the existence of neopronouns:
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nothorses · 2 months
after having an entire hour long conversation with my coworkers about what "degendering" is, and the importance of using trans people's pronouns when you know them- rather than always defaulting to "they/them" no matter what- and still getting "they/them"ed by people I trusted not to fucking do that to me, I have decided that the name and pronouns circle of introductions for new additions to the group will now include the very clearly stated boundary that they do not use "they/them" pronouns for me.
your move, cowards!
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The line between binary and nonbinary trans people is nowhere near as clean as some of yall think it is
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licollisa · 11 months
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In which life ditched Jerry
(full version)
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I thought it would be funny if Chara had some past grudge regarding Jerry, hence the mildly hostile narration in their encounter.
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gengarpng · 7 months
I do really appreciate bg3 having neutral pronouns/the ability to use whatever pronouns regardless of appearance but it's really amusing to me when enemies or npcs I never met gender my tav correctly it feels like this
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squidpedia · 13 days
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You’ll figure it out
(Please ask for permission before reposting onto other sites or dubbing, thank you!)
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