#they wanna be pissed at me and hurt my feelings bc my poor
hagravenholm · 1 year
It’s just insane to me
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thelovelylolly · 7 months
Hobie gotta beat a mf up cause they stared being a misogynistic asshole to his girl🙏🏽🙏🏽
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Summary: You start your dream job as a journalist, only to have a sexist co-worker and your boyfriend won't let that slide. Warnings: a misogynistic man (icky icky), fem! reader (she/her pronouns used), not proof read bc im tired, let me know if i missed anything :) Notes: hobie would NOT let that behavior slide period
You loved your job. It was your dream since middle school to be a journalist at one of the top news companies. It was everything you wanted, and more. You had the freedom to investigate what you wanted, when you wanted. You had control over how your stories looked in the paper and online, and you weren't as censored as other places were. It was perfect, except one thing.
Your co-worker, James, wasn't the most...welcoming to you or your ideas. You preferred stories about everyday people doing good things in your community, or focusing on local and small businesses. He thought that your stories weren't as gripping or enticing as they needed, and told you to try harder.
At first, you thought it was just because you were a new employee. But when his targeted critiques didn't stop, you realized it was something else. He wouldn't say the same things to your male counterparts. He also didn't respect your assistant, a sweet girl who needed a job during college. He treated her like garbage, which pissed you off even more.
You had a meeting with all the journalists to get updated on what everyone was investigating and reporting on. When you stood up and explained what you were doing, a simple piece about a bakery owned by a sweet lady and her girlfriend, James rolled his eyes and leaned over to his buddy to whisper something.
"I'm sorry, James, but I'm talking right now. You whispering is distracting me and getting me off track, I'd appreciate if you'd stop," you said calmly, trying to call him out as well.
He sighed dramatically. "Oh, I'm sorry, sweetheart. Didn't mean to hurt your precious feelings."
You wanted to slap him, but you took a deep breath and went back to what you were talking about.
You kicked your door shut behind you and dropped your things next to it. "Hobie, I'm home!"
You walked into your living room where Hobie was on the couch, tuning his guitar. He looked up and smiled, immediately setting his guitar aside and going over to you.
"Hey, love, how was work?" He asked, pressing a kiss to your cheek and giving you a hug.
You grumbled and hid your face in his neck.
"That bad, huh?"
You pulled away from him, pacing up and down the room. "It's my god damn co-worker! He doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut! All he does is criticize me and belittle me, along with the other women in the office, but not with the guys! That sexist piece of shit! It's just...I hate it and I can't do anything with causing a HR nightmare, and I don't wanna lose this job, Hobie. It means so much to me and I…I just can’t lose it.”
You stop and wipe the frustrated tears that had slipped down your cheeks. You look at Hobie and give him a wobbly smile. “‘M sorry, didn’t mean to explode on you like that.”
“Don’t apologize, babe. You’re frustrated, I get it,” he replied, walking over to you and running his hands up and down your arms soothingly. “How ‘bout we order your favorite take out, yeah?”
“And we can watch my favorite movie?”
“Anything you want, love.”
On his patrol as Spider-Man, Hobie kept his eye out for your…problematic co-worker. He didn’t know what the guy looked like, but he could figure it out. He swung by your office and took a look inside.
There was only two people left, a man and a woman. He was at his desk, sipping some drink and yelling at the poor woman who was just trying to organize some files. He eyed her like a piece of candy and yelled at her for putting the papers in the wrong place. Then, he stood up and grabbed his things before heading to the door.
Hobie swung down to the front doors of the building and waited for the man to walk out. A few minutes later, the man strolled out on the phone.
“Exactly, Tim. I don’t get why she got hired. She just does some stories with zero…what’s the word, content to them? I don’t know, it’s just a matter of time until she gets hit with reality. She even had the nerve to stand up to me-“
“Pardon me, mate,” Hobie said, catching the man’s attention.
The man froze at the sight of Spider-Man, hanging up the phone. Hobie glanced at his badge and saw his name.
“James, is it? Well, I heard you were giving the women you work with some grief.”
“W-what do you want?” James stuttered.
Hobie started to back him into a corner. “You know how Spider-Man believes in…fairness and what not?”
“Well, I believe your attitude isn’t very fair to your co-workers.”
“Listen, man, I don’t know what you’ve heard, but I-“
Hobie didn’t let him finish, giving him a shove back to cut him off.
“Consider this your warning, James,” Hobie said in a low tone. “Stay away from my girl, and you won’t see me again.”
With that, he swung away, leaving James shaking like a leaf.
The next day, when you got home from work, you immediately went to Hobie. He was in the kitchen, fixing some dinner for the two of you.
“Hey, babe, how was work?” He asked, putting his spoon down and going to you to give you a kiss on the cheek.
“It was…good. James didn’t bother me at all, or any of the girls, actually. It was weird, but I’m not complaining.”
Hobie hummed and went back to his cooking. You tilted your head to the side, confused at his reaction. You hopped up onto the counter next to where he was working.
“Hobie…did you do something?” You asked.
“What? Nah, I don’t even know this guy,” he answered.
"Hm, okay," you said. You hopped off the counter, gave him a kiss on the cheek, and went to get changed.
Hobie smiled to himself, knowing that James wouldn't mess with you anymore.
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noeasyisnoisy · 2 months
ep 10
who tf are these people
ykw good for you emerie
“YOUR responsibility” hemlock is setting her up for something 
omg those poor kids :(
why is bro smirking like that HELP
oh my god they’re gonna take that child.
poor baby omg MY HEART
i have a soft spot for kids i’m sorry 
“when i’ll be going home.. can you find out for me?” IM IN PUBLIC IM GONNA START CRYING STOP
i don’t trust this green kid
omg he just wants to go home IM GOING TO SOB
“i was following protocol” = “good soldiers follow orders”
why did i know his name would be jax
am i psychic or have we heard it before and i’m js forgetting
nala se 💔
“there is nothing i can do” YES THERE IS BE SO FR
ngl i’m kinda surprised tarkin doesn’t know abt the project
omg what if (if he’s tech) she snaps him out of it.
“how many others like this have you captured?” oh honey you have no idea
i can’t stop thinking about the baby and his mother and THIS IS REALLY SAD
“we just wanna go home” STOP.
i’m rooting for you emerie
ep 11
where are we
oh my god phee. (i remembered the convo w maybe tech)
i’m trying so hard not to get up my hopes that it’s tech rn.
what did he grab 🤨
tbb’s location or smth maybe??
sneaky bitch
maybe tech’s ship reminds me of padmé’s ship a bit
not exactly but kinda similar? maybe it’s js the general shape
pabu’s gonna be gone
oh god are they gonna leave right before pabu’s attacked 
i’m currently bawling my eyes out
notice how the island is completely in the dark
god i love lighting
holy fucking shit.
hunter knows
ok this music slaps though
maybe tech feels like tech but the voice (accent, tone, everything) is SO different
my heart hurts omg
“i’ve barely done anything yet” first of all BE SO FR second yep oahu is a goner
ok but protective crosshair hits different every time
if they kill batcher.
why was hunter taking out that trooper kinda..
maybe tech no. 
she’s smart but it’s too risky
she’s grown up so much holy shit
“then you never should’ve come here in the first place” I THOUGHT HE WAS GONNA KILL EVERYONE OMG
crosshair your hand better not start shaking.
ITS BACK (it might’ve been back for a while but i didn’t notice it)
update: i rewatched and that hair is NOT wet 😔
oh my god hunter’s gonna be PISSED
i’m crying again
omega what do you know
is she meditating
ok so my final thoughts are i am HURT and still crying WHAT THE FUCK JENNIFER
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theghostbunnie · 5 months
A concept I was yapping about in a server a few months ago I think I should share here copy n paste style bc I kinda cooked w it
Nurf thinking him and Ered were good friends but Ered veiwing him with the same closeness she views the rest of the campbell kids like "yeah we're all friends" but he's like but I thought *we* were friends together, like Nerris and Harrison and Preston? Like Max Nikki and Neil? Like -
"Dude you're just listing parties of three,"
"I'm listing people who were *closer* Ered"
And she's just secretly awkward like wtf do you want from me? What do you want me to say? You were..a different kind of annoying than the rest sometimes, maybe less? Constantly trying to challenge me to bets n shit was atleast entertaining?? I'm not gonna poor my heart out to you just because you ask me to. Wanna go have therapy in the open woods for children to laugh at??? Wanna make a big blow out scene??
But she doesn't actually SAY any of that she just thinks it and gives him absolutely nothing to work with and Nurf just feels more alone than before, literally all he wants is a friend and the one he thought he had apparently didn't view him to the same extent and it makes him feel so shitty.
And maybe he could chalk it up to "Ered's just like that" but if I may be really silly and say in this concept she's become friends with Tyrone n Mitchell already Nurf just feels straight up *replaced* and takes it out on those two FREQUENTLY keeping his real feelings as to why he's being a dick a secret for once.
He goes to punch somebody else and it's a whole monologue first how this is bc of his dadBut he just *insults* these guys and doesn't even laugh at his own words like he usually does after.
And it doesn't even!!!!! Effect them!!! And it pisses him off worse!!! Even using the most petty tactic he still can't get any of them to hurt like he does and it's so frustrating.
Mitchell n Tyrone (I'm picturing this was a years worth ongoing problem or they were already in a HS AU)) pick up on something being off and finally get Ered to give some information and like girl no wonder the guy has been a total angry piss baby I'd feel terrible too if the one person who was the most regularly talking to me and sitting with me all summer only saw me just as important or lack there of as everyone else.
"You're saying it like I hate him, I don't, but I am getting irritated with this whole thing.. I'm not gonna start being MORE of his friend because he's throwing a fit"
Tyrone's like "but he's really not..? He's been leaving you alone now if you hadn't noticed, and mostly just saying the odd insult to us."
Mitchell: "You don't have to be his friend if you don't want to be that's your right."
Ered: "THANK you. Finally someone says it."
Mitchell: "But he gave you *his* friendship for a very long time and you did sort of spit on it. There's kind of a obvious reason he respected you enough to never make you a target"
"Because I'm technically top dog and he's two notches away from bottom dog, socially atleast."
"Because he *cherished your companionship,* Ered. He's pretty fuckin' equal opportunist if you haven't noticed."
Ered, starting to realize: "..............crap" bc!! Damnit Nurf is a sweetie under all his layers and she knows that and the guilt of hurting him is kinda weighing.
Ered leaves to go talk with him and Tyrone and Mitchell have what I think is a little funny interaction where Mitchell light heartedly is making a comment on the exchange they just had.
" 'top dog' no way she just said that, what is this, prison?? Did I wake up in *prison*?"
Tyrone, just as confused, speaking over him agreeingly: I know I know
And Nurf's just sitting in his room when his mom announces he has a friend here and he's like 'whuh' and Ered just. Steps in and stands there.
".. what do you want.?" Bc when she DOES talk to him to hang out, it's something she wants to do, *he's* stopped initiating things. And Ered has multiple people she's "not really close with but she calls over to do specific hobbies with" since she has so many hobbies.
"Just here to talk."
Okay now she has his attention did somebody fucking die what
"I haven't been a good friend to you." She states it pretty neutrally and flatly like everything she says
Nurf's just looking at her. Girl it is a Thursday afternoon on god's green earth he is trying to do his homework rn. Half of the awnsers atleast.
She doesn't even say sorry. That was just the statement she knew was true now. "If you would like,,.. I can be a better one." She looks over once then nods her head simply.
"You're offering to be my friend just straight up like that?" Is this kindergarten.
"Feel free to decline, man." She shrugs, still neutral.
"No,no I'm not saying that" he puts his pencil down. "Can I just get an honest awnser why I wasn't one to you before?"
Ered sighs. "Promise not to tell?" Speaks a little quieter.
And he is listening SO HARD!!!!!!!
Ered inhales rlly slowly, sticks her hand out to reintroduce herself.
"Meredith Miller.
__Everything I do is to protect myself.__"
He just makes a little bit of a face like go on elaborate on that for me he is so confused and so intrigued and by what he's ASSUMING so far should he be offended.
"You're alot better person than you were back then, people don't give you enough credit for that."
The simultaneous embarrassment of remembering his hardcore bully era and the flattery of a genuine compliment like that being so rare from Ered to anyone.
"And I couldn't trust you that well then as I think I could now. Most of my friends sort of just learn this out themselves slowly but you're not going to unless I spell it out I guess. I'm not a vulnerable or open person, like, at all? Everything I do is to hide I'm flawed. Even *capable* of flaw. I build a reputation, so when I do make little mistakes, or have little quirks, people think I'm doing it ironically, or something, so people just *always* have the best assumptions of me. I abbreviate words over text I don't know how to spell off the top of my head and people think I'm just being cool. I still like how Capri moon tastes and people think I'm just too cool to even care what I have to drink because I'm so above judgement."
"So you're just.. constantly pretending?"
"No, ..sort of."
"I do it so I *can* be myself without it tanking how people veiw me, an actual genuine image of what I am I just work hard to make sure people are *nice* about it. Most of them atleast." Like a safety net built from a good reputation.
"Bigger mistakes though.. people turn on me.
And you were always turned against everyone, dude"
"It's fine. We've all got our methods." She understands his behavior comes from a really similar place.
"Nothing I said leaves this room." Pats her hand to his doorway twice as she walks out of it. "See you around."
Ered sort of stops herself mid-way going out the front door. "...Sure!" And is a little surprised he already wants to chill with her
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Okay this happened a couple years ago and I'm mostly over it but I Need to know who was in the wrong in this scenario once and for all.
So me (24F) and my sibling (25NB) have always had a tumultuous relationship. We both grew up in an abusive household and had undiagnosed mental issues growing up so we were always fighting. I don't wanna get into the nitty gritty of it all, just wanna set up some context for our relationship. Just trust me when I say it was BAD on both of our ends.
Fast forward to Feb 2021. We're both moved out of the house and have a slightly better relationship. We talk on the phone and text and only see each other a couple times a year. We're currently in a fight (I don't remember why. Something about me not living up to their expectations? Idk it was a while ago) so we haven't talked in a bit. I'm having a tough time bc it's almost been a year into the pandemic so I'm severely depressed and severely poor. My school just took $200(? again it was a while ago) out of my account due to a fuck up with textbook rental returns. They thought I never returned them bc my friend returned them for me and so they posted them under her account. I make a donation post on here to try to get rent money bc I know I'm not gonna be able to fix this mess before it's due. It gets like. idk 30 notes tops. I think I get $50, almost all of it from friends.
A couple days later, my friend tells me someone is accusing me of scamming on my post. I check the notes and my sibling is accusing me of lying about the book rental issue saying that I purposefully didn't return the books (I made a joke about this to them months before bc I didn't know how I was gonna return them with no car during a pandemic, hence my friend doing it for me) and that I'm making this all up to take money from people, specifically black people bc its black history month. I guess in their head they believed that me making my post took attention away from other people's donation posts? Idk. It's probably important to note that we're both white. Anyways, I was completely fucking floored at this. I was also kinda pissed that they said this in the notes of my post instead of over text and hurt that they would immediately come to this conclusion instead of trying to clear things up first. We end up having a stupid fight in the notes of my post and we block each other.
We haven't talked since then. Apparently this was the straw that broke the camel's back. I don't regret going no-contact. The only reason why I'm asking this is bc I know they still believe they're in the right about this and there's always going to be this small part of me that worries they might be right.
So uh. Yeah. TLDR aita for asking for money during black history month
(Hey E if you're seeing this feel free to tell your side of the story in the notes. Maybe this'll be an eye opener for one of us)
What are these acronyms?
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paranoidpoltergeist · 2 years
Starscream is genuinely such a tragic character because as much as he's just kinda crazy every iteration has something that just makes u feel so bad for him.
IDW Starscream is something I couldn't scrape the surface of if you gave me 107 days. G1 Starscream's is not only mainly just used for comic relief the poor guy, but he lost his partner who then turns around and in his eyes betrays him. I mean Skyfire had every right to go "what in the fuc" and dip but the fact he went with Starscream in the first place tells me that somewhere along the way something happened to make him go coocoo.
In prime he was seemingly manipulated into joining the Decepticons and then constantly talked down to. From my perspective it honestly just seemed like Starscream was after praise or recognition which he never gets, now if this is because Megatron's a dick or because of the dark energon idk. I mean he kept the Decepticons afloat the entire time Megatron was gone chasing what was by all accounts a myth and did more then we saw Megs do THE ENTIRE SERIES. He managed to kill an Autobot, we never actually see any casualties and they've got a steady flow of energon.
I mean even in RID his main goal was to just kill Megs and tbh if I'd been beat down over everything I did, even if it was wrong bc I personally thought it was the right way to go about it, I'd be majorly pissed too. Yeah he wants control of the Decepticons but(and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong it's been a very long time since I've watched prime) I only remember him actually attempting to kill Megatron once or twice. Sure he was self serving but just bc he wants respect.
Bayverse Starscream was just the saddest thing I've ever seen. He could breathe and Megatron was drop kicking him off a building, didn't even get to be the treacherous sic jeez💀
Dude the WFC Trilogy was so wild idek how to word it so kind of a take on his character as a whole here. It was weird and characterizations were way off but I actually liked Starscream. He was still the guy we know and love but with a neat twist. He still had that tragic feeling to him especially getting traumatized and all but Dinobot telling him everything he went through wasn't an excuse to hurt other people was just *chefs kiss* bc it's really not. As tragic as Stars character is it's not an excuse for him to hurt the people around him. I mean no matter how bad I can feel for Prime Screamer he still used and manipulated everyone around him(Knockout for one). This is in no way me trying to justify or make him a good guy, a character can be tragic while still being a bad person. Somebody get him in therapy lol.
Oh man and don't get me started on the Unicron Trilogy Starscream. Probably the most tragic of them all, poor guy did not deserve any of Megatrons abuse. Allow me to let him speak for himself "I tried to gain favor from you, but nothing was ever good enough. No matter how many battles I fought, you always found fault." He really just wanted recognition, he literally sacrificed himself just so Megatron could get it through his thick head he needed to team up with the Autobots, and I recently had someone point out to me Starscream probably could have done some damage to Unicron with Swindle but he knew he was gonna die and he didn't wanna drag his mini-con down with him. Just ow.
Animated Screamer was just wild idek what he was on I can't defend him lmao bro opens the show trying and almost succeeded in killing Megan. I'd comment on Cyberverse if I could but I haven't actually got to watching that yet whoops. I feel like I remember seeing a clip of him talking about wanting the respect he deserved which honestly could have been his ego talking or really sad idk, but back to what I was originally saying.
Almost every time he shows up and you pay him any attention besides comic relief he's a super tragic character and it's not only what makes him one of my favorite but it makes me sad when I see people completely disregard everything but whats on the barest of surface levels. I feel like that's all Micheal Bay did he remembered Star being comic relief and so thats all he was. He's like an onion for lack of a better analogy, got a million layers, might make u cry, and you either love him or hate him. He could be such a compelling interesting character like with IDW but no one wants to look below the surface AND I GET IT 9/10 were literal children's shows so they're forgiven but Micheal Bay is on my hit list for that one.
edit: bro if this makes absolutely zero sense I literally wrote and posted this at 3am and then just scheduled it at a normal time for reasons I'm not actually 100% on so sorry💀
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lotus-pear · 6 months
GOD I LOVE KNKDZ SM I wanna hold them and treasure them like literally they could be so precious they have so much potential and ik we have to wait a few more months but I'm sooo fuckin excited to see if they have a reunion if they don't I'll probs cry from stress or smth like even if someone doesn't ship it they're partners istg they are soo important and I hope we can see more of them in action cuz kunikida has been crying (canon) from stress and trying to bring shit together, like he was really working on gathering the members together again and like poor bby I feel so bad he needs a warm hug, also I feel like getting your hands cut off and your ideals crumbling in front of you was traumatic like he's ok now physically but I feel so bad and dazai is being fucking shot and falling of an elevator while defeating fyodor and walking it all of like ??? I need a sick fic with knkdz and the ada in general he deserves that and I hope so fucking sooo FUCKING much that they get a fuckin reunion like this is all I can talk and think abt now I keep repeating myself, I hope atsushi, dazai and kunikida get one bc I miss their trio so idk what is happening now that s5 is over and the Manga is catching up in a few months bc we saw that they're fighting again like oh fuck ngl I hope dazai gets hurt more so more sickfics or maybe Canon sickfics like in it actually fucking happens in the series but whatever in the end I want the ada to be safe again and destress a little bc oh my god this was their biggest fucking mission in their life and its been going on practically since the guild but whatever I have so so so so so so high hopes for the future and the rise of knkdz (I also ship skk but knkdz is my no. 1 and need way more of them) I hope knkdz will rise and conquer we have to get our fucking game up us knkdz advocates we have a DUTY anyways love ya ur so hot for that knkdz vs skk rant its fucking unfair pls pls pls pls post more knkdz I'm going feral its my last will to live I will kms if the Manga doesn't have them I will defenestrate asagiri I will find him trust me I fucking will anyways anywho anyfuckingway thank you for being a part of the knkdz cult we can soo win we just have to wait for asagiri and like OMG I just had SUCH a dopamine rush like I practically almost jumped bc IM SO EXCITED to see them YOU DONT UNDERSTAND I LOVE THEM SO MUCH PLS PLS PLS ASAGIRI PLS DONT DO THIS TO ME I CAN HEAR THEM I CANNN HEAAAAAR THEM PLS PLS PLS DONT PUNISH ME I WANT MORE KNKDZ I WILL FUCKING COMBUST anyways ur so cool and ur art is fuckin awesome have a great day and new year hopefully full with happiness, success, change, and kunikidazai
REAL OMFG‼️‼️ bitches forget that kunikida has been partnered with dazai for two entire years, only one less year than dazai’s partnership w chuuya (before ur like noooo it was seven!!!!! that doesn’t count. chuuya and dazai met at fifteen and didn’t even get partnered that year. it was only during the events of stormbringer when mori realized the only counter to chuuyas corruption was dazai’s ability and he made them go on missions together like they did during the arahabaki incident and they became known as double black. dazai left the mafia when he was eighteen due to oda’s death)
anyway knkdz have also had to trust each other with their lives time and time again and kunikida values this trust more than anything, always relying on dazai even if dazai pisses him the fuck off. dazai says himself that the ada is home to him when talking abt it to sigma, AND WHAT IS HOME BUT A PLACE FILLED WITH HAPPINESS AND THOSE WHOM YOU LOVE DEARLY AND WOULD DO ANYTHING TO PROTECT
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booksandpaperss · 9 months
some ramble-y thoughts on men's social isolation and women's safety bc this has been on my mind for a bit
I do think it's really sad how men end up feeling so isolated bc of various social expectations as well as people being cruel, but as a fem presenting person I have to say that you can't just expect women and anyone who is fem presenting to just "start being nicer". ive seen a few posts on Tumblr essentially stating that but I have to reiterate it is about safety. I literally cannot afford to stop looking at men with caution and assumed violence until I get to know them really well bc if I stop that could genuinely cost me me life. its true that most men I see probably are not predators and im sure it hurts to be perceived that way, but I have no way of being able to tell who is and isn't going to harm me. I have to assume the worst because it is the only way I can stay safe.
it sucks, it really does, for all parties involved. I have so much sympathy for the men who are genuinely kind and would never hurt me that feel isolated, it isn't fair, and I myself certainly don't enjoy the *necessary* fear that the random guy im passing on the street could see me and decide to hurt me, but this is the reality of the world. there is no easy solution, but what certainly isn't a solution is expecting women to start being kinder to men they dont know because once again: that could genuinely cost someone their life.
The best solution right now I think is to continue to try to deconstruct misogyny and gender roles, and that takes time, patience, and understanding.
I have also seen the notion on here that men feeling isolated socially is misandry, but the reality is that misandry is simply not real on a systemic scale. men feeling isolated is a direct result of the patriarchy and a side affect of misogyny. a lot of things on this website that are perceived as misandry are either not real problems or they are but they're just the impacts of misogyny and the gender roles that come with it.
But it is very surreal to be walking alone at night, clutching my pepper spray and glaring whenever a man I don't know is near me, making sure to stay next to the street and make it obvious I know exactly where I'm going and still feeling the fear that it might not be enough and something horrible could happen to me anyway, only come back to Tumblr and see people saying misandry is just as prevalent as misogyny and women need to start considering how it feels for men to be looked at like they're predators. Touch grass seems like an applicable statement here.
oh and obligatory piss on the poor tumblr disclaimer: I know I am using binary terms so before any of you get on your high horse about it, I myself am non binary. I am not actually a woman, but I certainly look like one and therefore deal with misogyny. I fully understand that trans men and genderqueers of all kinds as well as even feminine cis men also fear for their life on the street so dont even think abt getting on my ass about that. oh and if any of you try to call this a terf post consider yourself blocked with a recommendation to get a refresh on what terf actually means instead of just throwing around the term when you see any post trying to talk about misogyny :D
final disclaimer bc I wanna cover all my bases due to Tumblr reading comprehension: im aware topics like this are very nuanced with lots of layers, please dont act like im obligated to cover all that in a random Tumblr post of all things, I cannot possibly cover everything nor am I obligated to. I simply wanted to remind ppl that actual lives are at risk and fem presenting people constantly and regularly fear for their life bc I feel like that gets left out a lot in conversations like this on here. <3
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asterssunzephyr · 11 months
TP&TS!Nature Wives angst, maybe? 👀👀👀
THERES SO MUCH I COULD GIVE YOU OH MY GOD?? They are the main couple after all(..One of the only ones, actually. Looking at Desert Duo & ShadowBeans being split up bc one is dead.. then looks at NW & FH.. hm..)
CW: Alcohol, Bars
Implied gay thoughts about your best friend's best friend
Implied Flower Husbands
Implied Bisexual Ren
Implied Gay Thoughts™️ about tp&ts!Gem from tp&ts!Shelby
"You hurt Jimmy, why are you in my house."
"To talk to you-"
"Talk?! What is there to talk about, Shelby?!"
"A lot! I didnt- I didnt mean to hurt him!"
"Then why did you?!"
"I dont know!"
"Bullshit! Get out of my house. Get out, and dont return."
"Out. and give me the key back."
"Dont. You dont get to call me that anymore, leave."
He stared at her, at the way she still looked so ethereal while pissed at him, but gave the key up with a sigh. They had no right to stay here, not at 2 in the morning when Katherine probably just got back from the heroes base after working with Gem all night.
Okay, she didnt know if that last part was true but from how tense and stressed Katherine looked, Shelby assumed!.. They walked to the door and took one last look at the love of their life, friend, enemy her and left.
That night was spent in the closest bar to Katherines house since she didnt want to go half way across town to the small apartment in Boatem.
"What are you doing this far across town."
They shot their eyes up to the person who slid into the booth across from them. Brown eyes and blonde hair; Jimmy. Why was he in this bar?
"..I wanted to talk to Kat, she didnt wanna hear it. Didnt want to walk all the way back to Boatem at 2 am."
A sip of the liquor in the glass and Shelby finally looked the taller in the eyes.
"I get that," A sip from his own glass, "Scott dragged Gem and I here."
"Gem's here?"
"She is."
Shelby looked for the hint of a lie, but knew better. Jimmy would never lie about Gem's location, not when he cared about her like he does.
Another voice, and an arm around her shoulder. Scott, and Gem sliding into the booth on the other side next to Jimmy.
Now, Shelby knew 3 things about themself and their feelings:
1. They're hopelessly in love with Katherine
2. They liked women, and honestly women only
3. Feelings are confusing
One thing he didnt know, however, was to stop staring at Gem who currently looked outright beautiful. Now, she is one to lie quite often, but if shes calling someone beautiful, it's because she means it; well, gods be damned does Shelby mean it.
Apparently, Gem hasn't noticed the staring to they quickly focused on their hands and the drink in it before downing the rest of the glass and calling for another.
See, for a long time, Shelby's known about their feelings for women and how its nothing how Ren felt for women, or men. She's always struggled with feelings, and for a long time coming to terms with being asexual was a lot; dont get the poor guy wrong, hes hopelessly in love with Katherine and knows it, but goddamn does Gem look great.
He focused back in on the conversation when his 2nd, 3rd, fourth drink arrived and took a slow sip out of the glass. Just now, had Shelby realized, Katherine was there and glaring daggers from the end of the table. They made eye contact and Shelby knew she was in trouble, apparently so did Scott with how fast he moved to let Katherine take his place next to the short villain friend.
"How many have you had."
"She's had four."
"You were keeping track?!"
"I have to drive Scott and Gem home, of course I have. Weve been here for two hours, Shelby."
"Two hours?!"
Shelby winced at Katherine basically yelling next to them. Yep, big trouble.
"Thats it, come on."
"Where are we going?"
"My house, so you can sober up and sleep."
"Im not drunk!"
"Do I look like I care?"
"Well- No, but-"
"No. Cmon."
Shelby stumbled out of the booth as Katherine dragged them and he waved bye to the trio who just waved back; Scott with a "knowing" smirk.
"Are you fucking stupid?!"
"Going to a bar, alone, at two in morning?!"
"Like going to boatem wouldve been any better?"
"Not-.. Not what Im saying."
"I just needed to clear my head, Katherine."
"If you wouldve said something-"
"You wouldnt let me! You were so pissed off at me that you wouldnt let me speak!"
"So were both in the wrong!"
"What have I done?!"
"Gods be damned youre an idiot."
"I tried to talk to you! You wouldnt let me!"
"Then you shouldve told me to shut up!"
"And risk being punched in the face?! Look, Its happened once before and I dont take too kindly to having a busted lip!"
Katherine rolled her eyes and threw a hoodie, a yellow one, at them and stormed off. Shelby simply took this as a sign to go take a shower before Katherine sends her back outside.
They both go to sleep angry that morning:). Gem, and Scott, wake up with hangovers btw LMFAO
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sasukimimochi · 1 year
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Chapter 1, Promise
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 (You are here).
Chapter 2, You Are My Home (Coming soon...)
To see warnings, go to part 1. No warnings for this part.
However, this post is best read in some sort of dark mode; sorry light mode users ; u ; It's still readable but it is best done on a colored or dark theme bc i added something nice. ❤
Mood song for Part 1 Mood song for Part 2 Mood song for Part 3 Mood song for Part 4 Mood song for Part 5
Ch 1, Part 5:
· ✦ Familiar ✦ ·
Lan Wangji had been working on the search and rescue mission for many years. Frankly, as he wasn’t able to actually go through the gates of hell, he found these searches to be pretty piss-poor. A party of angels would be kicked out very fast if he tried, so it was best to just search the outskirts despite his beliefs that it would do no good.
It was never fruitful. He searched all the earth that he could reach, and even some he probably shouldn’t have been. He questioned himself on why he tried so hard, when he couldn’t even remember the face of this man…but…
“You didn't say that to my shixiong did you?! He died in such a pitiful way and you didn’t even reunite here?! Are you telling me you…you-?!”
Lan Wangji held his forehead and grimaced, fluttering down to land atop a large stone in a mountain glade. His head hurt so much since he started this mission, but he felt strangely passionate about the project. 
The words that purple-clad angel had spewed at him in anger left him feeling quite…shaken. He felt like he’d done something grave, despite not being able to control the situation. Should he have asked Baoshan Sanren to remove the spell even if it wasn’t safe? He felt like his skin was crawling at the mere thought of keeping it any longer, but at the same time he did understand the risks.
Nightcrawlers were fierce parasites- one opening and they would immediately sink their teeth into your psyche like you were their favorite snack instead of a living being. Apparently when he’d first arrived in heaven, he was infected within the first few weeks he was there because of his state.
If it wasn’t for Baoshan Sanren’s abilities and her doctor, he’d probably be dead shortly after he’d arrived.
He sighed, shaking his head. Why was he thinking about all this right now? He had to continue the mission.
However, just as he was turning to leave, he felt an unusual but familiar bristling sensation crawl up his back. He turned his head, eyes narrowing as he very carefully inspected his surroundings. Had he just imagined it?
His ears gave a subtle twitch as a nearby flute played, and it felt like something grabbed him in the chest and yanked hard. What was that melody? It was so familiar…like he…
Like he was the one who wrote it.
He jumped into a glide, moving nearly in silence from stone to stone as he approached the tune.
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When he finally heard the sound loud and clear, it drifted away. Unfamiliar blues met his own morning frost, wide and startled.
He felt uncomfortable and comfortable.
He hated and loved.
He felt nothing and everything.
He felt lost and yet…
“Wei Ying?” The name spilled from his lips as if he’d said it a thousand times, without even knowing if this was the man he was looking for.
The other’s eyes glistened and although he was most definitely a demon, one of Lan Wangji’s natural enemies, he couldn’t help but rush over in order to hold the demon as he cried. He bawled, clutching the angel’s robes as if he were a child instead of a grown, fully realized demon.
Lan Wangji found that he couldn’t pull himself away anymore.
remember this chibi comic? ヾ(•ω•`)o
See other COI/MDZS content here on my masterpost. ❤
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pretentiousactress · 1 month
fallout 1 rant
god i hate trying to find content of other people also struggling with fallout 1 but all you can see in comments is just people shitting on the person struggling bc "lol skill issue you're supposed to find this thing in x y and z how do you not know" when A-there is a ONE HUNDRED PAGE MANUAL to the game that's just... a literal walkthrough in place of a proper in game tutorial. but this manual is stylized in it's writing, is a pain to realize exists (i only discovered it on accident bc i was in the game files trying to fix a bug), isn't scanned properly (several pages are the wrong orientation or just off), and long as hell. If you had the physical copy back in the day, it made sense, it was something to read and skim while on the ride home from the store and the game downloaded. B-the game is buggy as hell. Some quests or obvious dialogue are broken bc of bugs C-piss poor in-game direction for the player. you NEED to have read the manual to get the most out of the game, or even play. i feel like the game relies on that so much to do it's heavy lifting the game itself suffers for it, in a way.
I'm really struggling with quests bc the quest tracker is shit. Local area maps gives you no info other than like.... a vague floor plan. The game wants you to barter with some random NPCs that aren't merchants at times just bc they want you to encounter the function.... but barter is slapped onto everyone, even when they have nothing. Choose the wrong stats or anything in the beginning? you're shit out of luck make someone new. Exploring a dungeon is exhausting bc lootable objects blend into the background.
Some stuff i've only discovered by chance, either in game or someone mentioning it in passing, or watching a streamer play the game and see him interact with stuff. You literally cannot play this game without some sort of outside help LMAO. if you could, congrats!
i've finally found a proper walkthrough i think that will finally help me. It tells info straight forward. My first time playing i couldn't even leave the vault without dying bc of bad resources bc of my bad build. I personally HATE builds and crafting one, so since then i've just tried only following examples. I think i eventually got out before but then I also couldn't figure out how to enter a location bc NOTHING WOULD SAY just click the lil green triangle in the game when you enter the green bubble (and even later when i tried looking up help). I've gotten the farthest i've ever gotten recently, after finally figuring out how to enter locations but god my own brain suffers from its own pitfalls. Took me forever to figure out how to even enter vault 15. reading dialogue HURTS bc my eyes strain against the saturated green text on dark green for so long. thats not just a this game issue tho it's also a problem for me in modern fallout games if the text is too saturated i will not read terminals and i try to spend the least amount seeing it. Also not a fan of the fat jokes against one npc but it's a product of its time and just another me problem.
sucks hard bc i really want to like the game but with everything compounded makes it such a boring slog other than like... the few easter eggs and fun encounters i came across traveling between towns. I'll probably end up relying on watching Jabo's playthrough of it but im gonna give it one last go. properly adjusted setting from the start and properly following a walkthrough. not gonna patch the game with a fan patch just bc i dont care about it enough to put in the effort LMAO
hopefully i can eventually enjoy the game properly myself this way on my final attempt. I wanna like the game and have fun so bad but i might just have to accept it's not for me.
jesus im glad i never actually streamed playing this game bc i would have just felt so insecure with all my struggling and it doesn't help just how *mean* fans of old fallout are. Not all of them, but it's sad how it seems like the nice ones are the minority.
i just hate struggling in games if i'm the only one playing. I'm happy to struggle with others in a multiplayer. struggling on my own is what i already do irl im not dealing with that shit in a game that's helping me escape lmao
as shitty as bethesda games can be, they worked several miracles getting fallout into a format that's just far more accessible, easier to get started and understand, and still make sense. Bethesda know best how to make a genre of a game just... more casual and easier to digest. Not everyone's cup of tea, sure, esp depending on the genre (not a lot of people like starfield but i love it. a lot of people love most space games and i hate them LMAO). New Vegas, everyone's beloved, i don't think would have been loved by so many if it wasn't bethesda general easy to consume format with og fallout creators (tho maybe just fallout 2). best of both worlds.
if bethesda didn't snatch up the IP, fallout would have died in the 90s LMAO. but sadly, i just think a lot of people would have preferred that. it is what it is. people be wildin.
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im-a-goddamn-cat · 11 months
⚠️ the walking dead: dead city season 1 episode 6 spoilers ⚠️
watched the finale of s1 of dead city earlier and omg, what an amazing ep!!! 💕
negan lying to ginny about her being just a debt that he has to pay, poor ginny. 😭 she seems so hurt by it. he did it to keep her safe tho and she is now at the bricks. 💕 but i wonder if he was telling the truth about killing her dad or if that was a lie too to get her to leave? not sure. my mom actually predicted that (the killing) tho haha. also i love that maggie finally gave ginny the dino back. 🥺💕
the neggie in this ep was so fucking good. 🥺💕
i loved the conversation between negan and maggie when they were at that window and maggie talked about what she wanted to see in new york like negan did in ep 1. 🥺💕 also their smiles in this scene, so cute. 🥰
omg, the fight between negan and maggie was wild! i loved it so much. 😍 i love seeing them get along but i also love watching them fight. 🤭 also when maggie was slashing at negan and negan was like "stop, we don't have to do this." 😭 he didn't wanna hurt her. 💔 also um... when negan was holding the knife on maggie and how close he was to her and??? whoa... hot. 😳🥵 also i loved what negan said to maggie afterwards. i especially loved that he said that they make a badass team. 🥰
when maggie was handing negan over to the croat and she looked so distraught, like she didn't wanna let him go. 😭 i think she was starting to feel guilty about the whole thing. 💔 also the way negan slowly lowered the knife she was holding, maaan. 😭 and the looks between negan and maggie in that scene. 🥺😭
poor hershel, he feels like maggie doesn't pay attention to him bc of her obsession with negan/revenge. 😭 poor maggie, she loves her son so much and she tries her hardest but she's struggling so much. i love that maggie told hershel that she has to finish this thing with negan and that she wants to let it go. 💕
also hershel rejecting the hat made me sad. 💔 ngl i laughed when he saw it and was like "whoa, a souvenir for being kidnapped, thanks." 😂💀
the scene in the ambulance when the croat was reminicing about old times with negan, omg. 💀 also what he was saying to negan as they were going to meet the dama lmao; he's really goofy, i love him.
omfg, the dama cut hershel's pinky toe off. 💀 negan seemed PISSED at that. also seems like hershel and the dama bonded or something? hmm. 🤔 also the dama trusting negan and giving him the "keys to the kingdom" or whatever, damn. 👀 but holy shit, she's threatening hershel to get negan to work for her. 😭
the dama is really cool and interesting tbh, i love her. she and the croat are awesome villians!
i love that pearlie lied to protect negan. he realized that some things are not black and white and that negan wasn't a bad person. 💕 but holy shit, the leader or whoever she was wants to know about the methane?! guess they want it for their community. i wonder how that'll go. 👀
the final shot of negan and maggie's faces together was so fucking good. *chef's kiss* 😘🤌
amazing season finale for an amazing show!!! 💕 i can't wait for season 2!!!
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haejjoon · 1 year
sumi... i was so confused by that palace awakening. and when she did finally reawaken, it felt stripped of so much more meaning because nothing changes! even haru's double awakening had a change, and that's just her gaining a bit more confidence and something more personal to fight for. not, say, learning she's an entirely different person.
also, sumi being way too nice to maruki the whole time- idk what your thoughts are on him but i spent most of his palace run absolutely livid about how messed up he was and wishing the other thieves (besides akechi) were more actively frustrated instead of "aw he's trying, shame he's in over his head poor guy" sorta thing. and that's a bit of an extreme take- but that's how it felt sometimes. especially with sumi.
when i learned he took her cooking skill away from her in that flashback? that was the most devastating moment for me. not learning who she was, (in large part cause i was confused), but to know that she was a fantastic cook. it made that moment i spent with her hurt, because that was the strongest real characterization and FLAW sumi had besides "sweet honor student gymnast". i wish she got to rediscover herself again. the game never really gives us that. (but also i never finished her confidant, so. if that was there, rip)
if anything, as someone who never fully came around to vanilla akechi, third sem made him so much better in my eyes Because he seemed to be the only one who truly got the infuriating part about maruki.
YES YOU GET IT UGH sumi just feels very wishy washy during the third semester because she's never..... given any rage. she's still polite, just quieter. it's like atlus just went "surprise surprise your favorite cute kouhai has clinical depression :( u can help her tho bc ur Special :)"
THE COOKING THING PISSED ME OFF TOO LIKE... she was her own person before being lobotomized by maruki she had interests other than gymnastics!!! and then she lost all of that because of an offhand comment she made about feeling guilty about what was essentially an accident.
it also makes me wonder if the reason why her confidant feels so boring is because of maruki's involvement? don't get me wrong a lot of the other confidants have issues with arcs and storytelling and all that but with sumi i was just... what's happening. why are we doing this. she's cooking, okay, oh she's shit at it, uh huh... what's... what's the point of all this???? even with ann and makoto, two of my least favorite confidants hands fown, there's a conflict and resolution . sumi's entire social link feels like a glorified date.
so that makes me think that an in-lore reason for such a strange confidant could be that maruki erased every single facet of her identity besides (kasumi) and (gymnastics)? she doesn't do ANYTHING except if it relates to the sport. interesting thought.
vanilla akechi was my favorite just because i loved how bratty he was, how infuriatingly pretentious he came off as. honestly if he just remained princekechi i'd still love him; there's something about how annoying he is that makes me wanna eat him whole. but then third sem swooped in and knocked all that out of the water and made him even Better and ugh hes awesome
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kachimera · 1 year
Leon, Mathias, Sara, Hector, Isaac and Dracula for the bingo <3
(@viralvava also asked me for Mathias ) *cracks knuckles*
Leon: no bingo :)
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Listen he's not a bad dude, just a little insane and messed up by circumstances  (see next character) (also ppl pls remember he's a darn knight he has a body count let him be mean). Questioning on the ruthless bc while he is ready to do what's right no matter what and bc he's to be feared when he's pissed he's still a good hearted guy who will try to help others he aint in it for misery, and on family dinamics bc i dont think it's very healthy to be an orphan.
Mathias: double bingo :D
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YES THIS IS THE MAN I WAS THINKING OF. MY POOR LITTLE MEOW MEOW. Why are you so fucked up. Why can you control others emotions but not your own. Why do you make your problems everyone else's problems so disasterously. I wanna dissect him and see how a person can end up like this. Also getting pissed off at god for stuff is a mood so interesting in a messed up way. And im sure his alchemist family inheritance played on this disaster too. They had to inhale mercury at some point at least.
Sara: no bingo
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BEST GIRL. My bby. In life she was someone sweet and good, maybe with some issues like ppl pleasing or insecurity and frustrated over ppl taking advantage of her generosity (a mood), but overall good mental health. And then circumstances happened (see character above). She gets kidnapped, dies at the hands of her own fianceé after begging him to do it, is turned into a weapon, murder ,  learn how they've been betrayed, more murder, see Leon pass away, take care of the belmonts for generations, plenty of murder, finally kill the bastard responsible for it all, m u r d e r, kill said bastard multiple times, deal with some of her kids getting possessed. All that mixed up with general vampire madness and the sheer frustration of getting fucked over so unfairly and damm you end up messed up. She's the well meaning but deeply hurtful matriarch of the clan now. Don't let me rant abt her or i wont stop help-
Hector: bingo! (Kinda)
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He's a fun guy to think abt bc, he was born "cursed", is hated or used by others and his destiny kept dragging him around. (For example, did he really have much choice in moving into Drac's castle when he was a hated child that would have been burned by fellow humans?) But he isn't an innocent little baby, he becomes powerful and prideful and commits atrocities- so, how much of his bad parts are his and how many are from him? At least until he, wether for pride or regret, decides to make a choice of his own to leave the castle and finally makes peace with humans and gets a pretty wife. And when someone (see character below) ruins his peace and his dark fate tries to drag him down again, he realizes this and overcomes it. Idk i had a point i swear. Anyways he hot
Isaac: Double bingo! (Kinda)
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Problematic badass pathetic hoe 10/10. Like Hector he has a terrible fate but he instead clutches onto it and makes it his purpose. God rejected him so he finds a god in Dracula, humans were cruel to him so he makes cruelty his method. He lost Hector and then everything so he makes Hector lose everything. He's always on this fine line of being wronged and wronging others, he never fully gets what he wants, he keeps spiraling down and down and its 👌
Dracula Triple bingo combo! (Kinda but shhhh)
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Ah yes the previous asshole but rip and rotten. He's had time to soak in his dark powers, turn Death from his ally into his husband confidant, assimilate vampire madness to compliment his neurosis and just become a proper bastard. And then Lisa appears and he feels love again, remembers his humanity, and has his own son (all of this with some general fucked up-ness but he legit cares). And then he sees her die at the hands of humans and just loses it. Any grip he had over the powers of chaos is just gone, he lets himself fully fall into madness and makes his suffering everyone else's suffering (like before but amplified to a thousand ) and through this he loses his son, his generals, and with each ressurection, himself. To resume: Utter fucking nuclear disaster that learned n o t h i n g and will learn n o t h i n g (until Soma).
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andvys · 7 months
Tattoo Kiss part 20
- NOOOO, Steve was really mean towards Y/N, I think they should stay just as friends
- Eddie doesn't do things wrong, he's a sweetheart
- Plans with Robin, Chrissy and Eddie... Double date?
- "Eddie is always on time when it come stop you" He is the best
- "The fear that he will pull you back in is too big" I don't want Steve hurting Y/N again.
- "I'm sorry sweetheart" Yes, he should be
- It's kinda sad bc now he is alone
- Eddie's mad??
-"Angry that you ignored his calls, angry to see him again" AHHH! I don't want Eds to be angry!
- But he's sad too, let me hug him, poor Eddie Bear!
- "But you and Eddie are just friends, right?" Unfortunately :(
- "Steve is coming too" WHY? Eddie is gonna be ultra pissed now!
- "Can I talk to you sweetheart?" Idc that he's pissed, I'm gonna melt, he's so cute!
- Eddie's a soft boy, for us!
- The "He's just my friend" sounded either as Y/N talking to her mom or a partner
- NOOO, I don't want Eds to put on a mask, he's safe with Y/N
- "You take Eddie's hand in yours" I love it!
- Eddie and Steve share a look... Of annoyance (Enemies to lovers, but with reader bc she loves them both)
- "You only craved McDonald's once a month" What? Is it bc of her ED? Or her period?
- Robin and Steve working together at Scoops Ahoy, this is gonna be good!
- "I don't want to date him" because she wants to date Eddie, right? Just kidding, maybe
- "Eddie is holding a bag of popcorn in one hand, throwing some at Steve with the other" Again, Enemies to lovers with Steve, Eddie and including Reader!
- I love when Eddie calls Y/N sweetheart!
- Obviously, Y/N loves Eddie!
-AHHHH! ROBIN SPOIKED THE BEANS, or whatever people say!
- Poor Eddie!
- "She kissed Steve and Billy?" Poor Eddie, please let Eddie and Reader kiss I beg you!
- My boy is suffering! I hate Steve! This is his fault!
- I hope that there's a chance for Eddie and Reader too
- "You are not his girlfriend, your heart is his" I wish Y/N was
- "He is already losing you" No he is not!
- Mean Eddie! OMG!
"You are hurting today" NOOOO
-No, Eddie's not like Steve!
- I don't want Eds to be angry at Reader, don't do this to me, please!
- "I need fries now" Y/N is me at this point
- Ok, so both Eddie and Chrissy know about Y/N's ED, but they hadn't talked with her about it? Why?
- Y/N is clueless about her feelings for Eddie, I want her to realize about them
- "But you haven't eaten all day" uhhh, that's bad
- "Suddenly, Eddie feels even worse than he did before. He let his anger control him, all fucking day" Poor Eddie!
- Eddie feels like he's not good enough or something m? I just wanna hug him!
- "She pushed me away when I kissed her and I think we all know why" but she doesn't know, omwell she's realizing things
- "Do you hate me Eddie?" MY HEART! THAT HURTS SO BAD!
- "He can feel you clinging to him" Yeah, I would do that
- "No baby, you didn't do anything wrong" Eddie x Y/N endgame or Steddie x Reader endgame, like Eddie is just so sweet and he just cares for her, not that he will always show it in the right way, and of course he loevs her, he will get mad too, but I think he also tries to protect her and that he maybe realize that she's affected by the kiss with Steve too
- "Will you stay with me tonight?" Aw, I hope you'll write something about their slumber part, or they and what happened after this line!
-Maybe, if Y/N and Eddie kiss, he will be happy again, and she would realize her love for Eddie, just saying... (But no pressure tho!)
I liked this chapter, and Eddie comforting reader was so sweet!
oh my god, I didn't even think of the 'double date' when I was writing the part about them all going out together 😂
Eddie and Steve having an enemies to lovers thing would be kinda fun, ngl
And she always craves McDonalds on her period, Steve remembers that from when they were still together, that's why he knew.
You want an Eddie x reader kiss now, huh? 😌
I'm so happy you liked this chapter! Thank you for the review! 💕
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joonsytip · 1 year
first of all i love ur pfp and tsd and PHEW- selfish indeed! Your writing is amazing so i hope you dont take this as a critique of that bc it's just the Characters i wanna gossip abt heheh. I'm the anon from waaaay back who was team dk and now ive decided....im team OC. maybe in the future when reader has a chance to properly look at dk then yes but hannie is NOT it for her oh my gooooood like i felt like i was rlly watching a drama like, jeonghan 😭 how did you make this poor girl suffer for 2 years bc of ur own complex. Reader wasn't faultless bc she did keep approaching and shoulve put her foot down sooner but tbh jh was too wishy washy with his actions and made it seem like he purposly was trying to go out of his way to hurt her and then oh a week later, he's in love???. I like the cheol part when he gave advice like cheol and jihoon were the MVPs along w chae but srsly. The cheol part gave us more insight into jeonghans side but bro just bc u have some deep hidden repressed feelings doesnt mean u get to treat oc like that thinking its cute. Tsundere is cute, straight up rudeness isn't. Cheol was so right when he put things from reader's perspective like how are u gonna treat reader like a bug for 2 years then turn around and say u love her. Noooooope, its a no from me 😭. I respect what jihoon said the most like reader can be persistent as much as jh wants to get his redemption. Reader hit the nail on the head when she said he doesnt love her, he only loved being pined after, because thats exactly what it is from her perspective because jeonghan seriouslyyyyy fucked up instead of being honest to his feelings or aware. At this point im so pissed off w jh (the fictional one hehe) and i just want reader to be happy. The friendship dynamics in this are the absolute fucking best !!!!!! Seriously the office culture and dynamics in this MADE the story and i lived for it. I just want reader to transfer and live her hot girl life while jeonghan pines and lives in a puddle of regret. He's gonna need to show a lot more sincerity. Right now he's just trying to prove himself, as jihoon said he's just trying to redeem himself by doing all these flashy things that are just making reader question him more and make her feel like shes being mocked. As cheol said, he needs to put himself in her shoes like the underdeveloped eq jh has in this 💀. Goes from i hate you to i love you in a week and wonders why his sincerity didn't reach. i sweaaaaar he frustrates me like nobody else ughhhh the way you made his flawed character was so good like u had me feeling so much anger over a fanfiction 😆. It balanced out so nicely like the cluesless jh and cheol who sees the bigger picture and wants his friends happiness and then reader who is passionate in her love and jihoon who is really mellow but sees everything for what it is. Then we got the trouble makers and office clows along with the dependable friends and bff hao. Hsjsjs soooo many good character, this was such a good cast!!!
I like healing loves and loves that complete you, jh feels more like a puppy crush that makes ur heart race, the kind love that breaks ur heart and u have to learn from- and thats ok! For example, she has a great attraction to jeonghan and went crazy when he wore the red top (goddamn i would too, that chic office wear????) Like jh excited her but a love like dk feels more like home, you know? What i would tell reader if i could is that life is sooo much more than that boy you think is ur first and last love. Sometimes what u really need is ur friends and to enjoy your youth bc this aint it and in my humble opinion jeonghan is not it for her. I know they'll end up together bc its a x jeonghan and this is a fictional world but i took this way too seriously bc i got invested LMAO. Felt like i was in the damn office with soonyoung fighting the copy machine and texting boo seungkwan from the rival office next door about all the drama just to hear his hot takes 😂 I wanna have a sad bitch party with reader and chae and just blast 'you're not sorry' by taylor and then bust her out in a hot outfit for a revenge type plot LMAOOOO the way im sucked into this fanfic you would not believe hahahha. Like reader shows up at the og office after her transfer looking like jeonghans dream girl and she gives him the same treatment he first gave her 😤 the reversallll!! Oh my god and she brought her new coworker, hottie kim mingyu who anyone can see from a mile away is a literal 😍 around her like theyre giving puppy gf x puppy bf and jeonghan is feeling the heat hehehe. As u can see im fucking delusional and ive continued this scenario like its my own life in my head for so many different scenarios LOL.
Thank u for writing and listening to my ramble<333
Gosh. First of all, ANON WE SERIOUSLY NEED TO TALK???? I really loved how you laid out your perspective about the storyline and the character, specially the protagonists.
I do get where your thoughts are coming from and tbh it's a real tough deal to make Jeonghan get his redemption arc coz redem. arcs have always been difficult.
And the way you continued the storyline after the part 2, it's so satisfying actually???
Thanks for dropping by and please keep rambling on me from time to time, I love it! 😂🫶
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