#they were also happy seeing the two bond especially over legos
birdiegray01 · 4 months
Bruce gets Damian legos because he’s trying to connect with him and the two end up completely missing patrol because they were to busy building all of Gotham with the legos
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nerdzzone · 3 years
-More Hearts Than Mine-
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Summary: Raising a child is hard. Raising a child with one of Hollywood’s biggest stars is even harder. And raising a child with one of Hollywood’s biggest stars who you’re not actually in a relationship with is even harder still.
Especially when a global pandemic is sweeping the world.
With lockdowns and stay at home orders looming on the horizon, the uncertainty of their situation becomes almost too much for Whitney Taylor to handle. Chris suggests that they quarantine together to avoid any potential separations but, given what happened the last time they spent more than a few brief moments in each other’s company, that could cause more problems than it solves…
Chris Evans x OFC
Sequel to: Once Bitten - Twice Shy
Part Two
Part Three
I did my best to take Scott's words to heart. It was eye-opening and, while it didn't change my concerns about how Grayson would be affected, it helped me soften my guard a little bit when it came to Chris.
We were both in over our heads, stuck with feelings that we didn't know what to do with and insecurities that left us unable to fight for what we wanted. I had doubts and I had questions, but if what Scott had divulged was true then I did have some sympathy for Chris because I knew exactly how he'd been feeling for the last few years.
So, I decided to talk to him. To hash it out, lay it all on the table and see what he had to say. I wasn't entirely sure I would change my mind about the situation, but I wanted to give him a chance to explain his thoughts and feelings unlike how I'd shut the conversation down after Christmas.
But I didn't count on how chaotic it was to be trapped in a house, all day every day, with a child who was almost three. Even with three adults, there were days when it felt like we were the ones who were outnumbered as we took turns trying to keep him constantly entertained and stimulated. To our credit, it was working and we were managing to keep Grayson from being bored, anxious to go out to a park or noticing that things were all that different, but it meant that I had no time or energy to deal with heavy conversations. Things were fine between Chris and I, we were getting along well enough with no more noteworthy disagreements, but there hadn't been a good time for any kind of heart-to-heart.
Things only got more complicated about a week and a half into our lockdown when Chris had to start doing interviews. He had a new show, Defending Jacob, coming out in a few weeks and he had to start the promo for it.
Most people who were working from home these days with small children running around had way more difficult situations to balance than we did, but we knew it would be tricky to keep Grayson from getting curious and barging into an interview. He'd proven to be quite sneaky when he wanted to be and Chris was anxious about the whole thing. He wasn't a big fan of interviews at the best of times so doing it over Zoom made him even more nervous. He spent the whole morning fretting about it being awkward, concerned that he wouldn't be able to relax and act natural, and it seemed like he was channelling his anxiety into his worries about Grayson. He very much liked to be in control of what the world saw of Gray and having him crash an interview wasn't what he wanted. I completely agreed and assured him several times that I wouldn't let that happen, but I could tell he was still stressed about it as he dragged himself off to get ready.
For the first hour or so that Chris was working, things went well. We read a story and played with some Lego, activities that wouldn't get Grayson too excited and noisy, but when Scott suggested that he curl up on the couch and watch Finding Nemo with him, we ran into a problem.
"Okay!" Grayson cheered, jumping up from where we'd been playing on the floor. "Be right back!"
He took off down the hall and I leapt into action, calling his name and stopping him just as he got to the bottom of the stairs.
"Where are you going, buddy?"
"To get my bear!"
Grayson's room was upstairs, next to Chris' office. He knew where Chris was so I knew there was a good chance he would stop by to say hello on his way past the door.
"Why don't you go get settled on the couch with Uncle Scott and I'll get your bear so you don't miss any of the movie?" I suggested. "Is he in your room?"
"No," he shook his head. "He's in Daddy's office."
I held back a groan, knowing that Gray would not be happy if I explained that he couldn't have his bear for the movie because we weren't allowed in Daddy's office right now. But I also knew that now he'd decided that he wanted to watch a movie, it wasn't likely that he would settle doing anything else either.
"Well, Daddy's very busy in his office right now," I explained. "But I'll go upstairs and see if I can sneak in and get him, okay?"
Grayson agreed to that suggestion and ran off back towards the living room as I glanced at the clock on the wall quickly and hoped that Chris was between interviews. I knew he wouldn't be done for the day just yet, but he had a few lined up so there was a chance that he wasn't currently on a call.
As soon as I pressed my ear to the door of Chris' office, my hopes were dashed. I could hear the sound of laughter echoing through from his laptop so I knew he was in the middle of something, but just as I was about to walk away I heard something that caught my attention.
"You have a son of your own, don't you?" The interviewer asked and I cringed, knowing that it wasn't something Chris liked to discuss. His character in the show was a father though so I wasn't surprised it had come up, it gave them a segue that they hadn't really had before. "How is that going with this lockdown?"
Ever the professional, Chris didn't even hesitate before he answered even though I knew he would be annoyed by the line of questioning.
"Oh, it's great! He's staying with me until all this is over so it's great that we get to spend so much time together," he told the interviewer. "I'm lucky enough to be in a situation where I can just take a few months off until things cool down without too much worry so we've just been relaxing, building blanket forts, watching movies and getting in some bonding time that I miss out on when I'm busy. It's had some challenges, but it's been really nice."
I knew I shouldn't be listening, it was rude to eavesdrop even if the conversation would shortly be broadcast to the whole world, but again, the interviewer's next question had me too intrigued to walk away. Despite all the talking points that he could have chosen from Chris' answer, he zeroed in on one thing.
"He's staying with you for the entire lockdown? Is there a rekindled romance we don't know about?" He asked. "Or is his mother no longer in the picture?"
My jaw dropped. I didn't know who Chris was talking with today, but it wasn't like his team to set him up for any interviews where he would be asked questions like that and most interviewers were too polite to fish for the kind of gossip you'd find in a trashy magazine.
"Oh, I'm not gonna get into all that." Chris' tone was much more clipped than it had been moments before - he was clearly not impressed by the question either. "It's not anyone's business really, is it? But I will say that she is definitely in the picture and one of the best moms that I know. She's staying here with us too."
My heart melted a bit at his compliment even though I knew the words he added at the end meant that we were in for a whole new gossip storm.
It suddenly felt like I really was overstepping by standing at the door listening to this conversation without his knowledge so I headed back downstairs. As I got back into the living room, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and sent a message to Chris:
It would appear that you have a stowaway. I know you're busy, but please return Mr. Bear at your earliest convenience.
I put my phone away as I explained the situation to Grayson, but luckily, he was too interested in the movie to pay much attention to what I'd said. By the time Chris came down with the bear, it was like he'd forgotten that he ever cared about it in the first place.
Most of my attention was on Chris at that point though. The way he scurried into the room, avoiding looking in my direction at all. He looked ashamed and withdrawn and I couldn't hold back a sigh when he left the room quickly as I knew that he was beating himself up over the conversation that he didn't even know I'd heard.
Chris was sullen for the rest of the day. He perked up around Grayson, but whenever Gray was distracted there was a scowl or a frown firmly planted on his face. I wanted to say something, but I didn't know how without confessing that I'd overheard his interview. Given his mood and the ease with which we fell into disagreements these days, that seemed like it would cause more issues than it would help.
The news broke at about eleven that night and I knew because I was suddenly inundated with texts from friends and with follower requests on my private social media accounts. I pulled up the video and watched the interview, feeling another wave of empathy when I saw the annoyance written all over Chris' face as he answered the questions. He'd found a subtle way to shut the interview down almost immediately after the incident and I was proud of him for handling it so diplomatically.
I added it to the list of things that I needed to talk to Chris about whenever I got the chance as I pulled myself away from my laptop and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth before bed. However, when I got into the hallway, I noticed a light coming up from downstairs. As far as I knew, everyone had gone to bed almost an hour ago, but I had a good idea whose thoughts would be keeping them awake so I headed down to investigate.
My suspicions were confirmed as I walked into the living room and saw Chris on the couch, his phone in his hand and his brow furrowed.
"Uh oh," I started, making his eyes snap up towards me. "Are you doomscrolling?"
The angry look on his face softened slightly as he raised an eyebrow at me.
"Yeah," I shrugged with a smile. "That's what the kids call it these days when you spend too long scrolling through the news or Twitter, just soaking in all the bad shit in the world."
Chris chuckled as I moved into the room and sat on the opposite end of the couch that he was on, tucking my feet underneath me.
"I didn't know you were so down with the kids these days."
"I'm getting old, Chris. I'm almost thirty-two, I have to stay cool somehow." I shot him a wink. "But anyway, what are you reading that's making you look so grumpy?"
Chris sighed and locked his phone, putting it on the end table next to the couch.
"I said something in an interview today," he admitted. "Something that I shouldn't have said."
I watched him for a moment, waiting for him to look at me and elaborate, but when he didn't, I spoke up.
"I hope you're not about to tell me that you regret saying what a good mom I am or I'll be really disappointed..."
That comment brought Chris' gaze back to me, his shock evident on his face until it faded into a grimace.
"You heard what I said?"
"I watched the video," I admitted. "I had a flurry of Instagram activity that tipped me off."
"You didn't read the comments, did you?"
There was worry written all over Chris' face when I shrugged.
"Of course I did. Can't have my self-esteem getting too high, can we?" I was teasing, but his look of gloom only deepened. "Chris, it doesn't matter. I'm no supermodel, they're not saying anything I don't already know."
"See, this is what bothers me," Chris snapped. "My so-called 'fans' are out there spewing all this crap about you and you're acting like it's all true, so who cares? Well, I care because it's bullshit and you don't deserve it!"
"I didn't mean it like that," I assured him, keeping my voice quiet in an attempt to cool the situation.
We'd been here many times over the years and I knew how enraged the comments made Chris. He saw right through me, he knew that I took some of the things that had been said to heart, but who wouldn't? It's hard not to take it personally when someone points out your biggest insecurities, the things that you hope no one else notices, the things that you tell yourself can't possibly be true or as bad as you think in your head. It's impossible not to let it get to you a little bit, but I was well practiced at dealing with it and had grown a thicker skin.
At least, when it came to the comments about my appearance. The comments about how I'm not good enough and how Chris could do better always struck a cord, but it was nothing I couldn't handle.
"No?" Chris huffed. "What did you mean then?"
"That I know I'm an easy target because I'm not stick thin with a boob job," I answered, wanting to diffuse the situation before Chris got too upset. "They're cruel and mean, but they're just jealous because they think their dream boyfriend is taken now."
"Well, anyone who claims to be a real fan of mine wouldn't talk like that about someone I care about," he grumbled. "I shouldn't have answered, I should have just ignored the question."
"Actually, I'm glad you didn't. I'm glad you set the record straight rather than have everyone think I've abandoned my child. I would probably get even more hate for that."
"He shouldn't have even asked about it," Chris continued. "It was so out of line. Why can't people just mind their own business?"
"Because everyone adores you and has a burning desire to know everything about you," I teased, stretching my feet out to nudge his leg gently. His lips twitched briefly into a smile, but it faded as fast as it appeared. "Even my friends were all messaging me, asking if it was true like gossiping teenage girls. Everyone wants the Chris Evans scoop."
That comment earned me a chuckle and I relaxed slightly, hoping that he was starting to calm down.
"I'm sure your friends were more interested in the gossip about your life, not because of me."
"I dunno," I shrugged. "They always liked you."
Chris smiled, but a sigh slipped from his lips as he draped his arm over my feet where they rested on the couch next to him. We sat quietly for a moment as I continued watching him, wishing there was something I could say to ease the worry in his mind, but his next words left me a little bit speechless.
"I do get it, you know?" He said, his eyes still fixed firmly on the ground in front of him. "I get why you wouldn't want to be with me. I get that it's a lot to deal with."
My heart sank at his admission and I scrambled to figure out what to say.
It wasn't ideal - discussing our relationship, while he was already feeling quite murderous - but he'd brought it up and it was hard to say when we'd get another chance. Once again, I found myself fighting the urge to bolt for the door, but I swallowed hard and took a deep breath, hoping that this would be a civil conversation.
"Chris, it's not that," I insisted, my voice soft in what I hoped would be a soothing tone. "Maybe they didn't do anything to ease my concerns, but the bullies on the internet aren't what scared me away."
"No?" His eyes flicked up to meet mine. "Then what did?"
He sounded so defeated and I bit my lip to keep my emotions from bubbling up. The truth was that I didn't know where to start. There was too much floating around my head, too many questions and too many explanations that made less sense now that I knew what I knew after speaking with Scott. I was scared, but it was a very justified fear that could only be made sense of by answering his question with another question.
"Why didn't you tell me that you were in love with me?"
Chris raised an eyebrow, but shrugged off the question.
"You didn't seem like you wanted to hear it, Whitney. I told you that I was all in after Christmas and you shut me down pretty fast," he pointed out. "I didn't think blurting out a confession of love would do much to change that."
Had that been what I was referring to, it would have been a fair argument. However, I was referring to long before our latest incident so I shook my head.
"I talked to Scott," I confessed as a slight look of betrayal slid onto Chris’ face. "Don't be mad, he'd had a few drinks and was feeling sentimental. He told me that you were in love with me long before Grayson was even in the picture, but you never told me."
"I slept with you, didn't I?" He questioned, a defensiveness creeping into his tone. "Doesn't that make someone's feelings pretty fuckin' clear?"
"Hardly," I scoffed. "People sleep with people they're not in love with all the time and it becomes even less clear when they meet up afterwards to have a discussion about their relationship and that someone makes no mention of being in love."
"Was it really a discussion? Or did I show up at your apartment just to hear you lay out the ground rules?"
I faltered slightly as I thought back, but after a moment of reflection, I nodded.
"It was a discussion."
"I believe the first words out of your mouth were 'I think we both know that we're better off as friends'," he informed me. "Doesn't leave much room for debate."
"I was scared." That confession came out less confidently, but I found my voice again quickly. "And I assumed that's what you wanted too because you never pushed back."
He cocked his head to the side, a hint of a smirk on his face.
"You weren't the only one who was scared."
"I was the only one who was pregnant," I retorted, my tone growing harsher as my frustrations started to rise. "I was the only one who was trying to make a massive life decision while hormonal and growing another human being inside of them."
"That's fair," Chris nodded, his voice much calmer than I expected after my burst of annoyance. "But I wasn't about to pour my heart out and tell you how I felt when you kept talking about what a mistake we'd made as if you'd never regretted anything more in your life."
"Getting pregnant was a mistake," I clarified. "I love Grayson and I wouldn't change it for anything, but we can't say it wasn't a mistake at the time given our situation."
"A situation that you didn't want to change."
"Only because you never told me how you felt," I shot back. "I didn't want you to commit to something out of a sense of obligation. I didn't want you to put up with me for a few years until you dumped me for someone more in your league who you actually cared about."
There was a look of surprise on Chris' face at that revelation as it became more and more obvious to both of us that we hadn't been as good at communicating as we may have thought. It seemed we'd both been so convinced that we knew exactly how the other person felt that we hadn't bothered to actually ask them.
"But I did care about you," he assured me. "And you never told me how you felt either."
"I slept with you, didn't I?"
There was a smirk on my face as I threw his words back at him despite the anxiety that was bubbling inside me.
"A wise woman just informed me that sleeping with someone doesn't necessarily mean anything," he teased, a soft smile on his face. "But I think it's safe to say that we were both cowards."
"Again, in my defence, I was pregnant," I reminded him. "I was trying to make a logical decision while my brain was muddled with hormones."
"But you could have told me after," he pointed out. "We lived together for year after he was born, Whitney, and you never even dropped a hint."
"Oh, please," I snorted out a harsh laugh. "Do you remember what that year was like? We had a newborn baby who never slept for more than ten minutes at a time and you were flying in and out for the first six months, filming one of the Avengers movies. I was delirious, exhausted and emotionally wrecked. I wasn't in the right head space to give much thought to our relationship."
"So, if I had made a move back then? Would it have made a difference?" He asked. "Because it didn't seem to matter much a few months ago."
This was the real issue at hand.
It was all well and good to talk about the past and how we'd managed to come this far so oblivious to each other's feelings, but the real discussion was where we were at now. And the truth was, that I didn't know.
I opened my mouth to answer, but shut it as my words escaped me. I shifted nervously, shrugging under his stare until a sigh fell from my lips.
"I'm not sure anymore," I admitted. "If you'd told me how you felt back then, if you fought for us to be together then I might've been swayed."
"But now?"
"Now, I think we made the right decision for Grayson."
Chris was still staring me down, his eyes locked on mine as if he was looking into my soul. It was an intensity that was hard to endure and I was relieved when he spoke again, despite how his words made my heart ache.
"But what about the right decision for us?"
"That's not what's important," I insisted. "I've seen so many of my friends struggle through their parents' bitter divorces, I don't want that for Gray. I don't want us to lose our ability to work as a team and put him first."
"Yeah, you mentioned that several times," Chris huffed. "But I don't see why you're so fuckin' convinced that we'd end up hating each other."
His frustration and impatience was shining through and I felt my panic rising again. Chris had made his stance clear and I knew I needed to make a decision soon or my lack of decision would decide for me, but I felt like I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. The thought of not being with Chris made my heart ache especially now that I knew the extent of his feelings, but the thought of being with him and the consequences that could come from that set every anxious nerve in my body on edge.
I found myself scrambling for something to say that was non-committal, but would placate the situation. I floundered until, fortunately, a tiny voice from the doorway saved me.
"Daddy said a bad word..."
I leapt off the couch, desperate for any excuse to get away and Chris raised his eyebrow at my swift reaction. I ignored him as I looked at Grayson, who was rubbing his eyes with one hand and clutching his bear in the other. He looked so small, standing there in his little flannel pajamas and I smiled at the sight.
"That is a bad word," I agreed. "Daddy shouldn't have said it. But what are you doing up?"
"I had a bad dream."
His voice was small as he was still half asleep and Chris stood, following me over as I walked towards him.
"I'm sorry to hear that, buddy," he said, lifting him up in his arms. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"No," Grayson shook his head. "It was scary."
"Awe, I'm sorry, sweetheart," I frowned as I rubbed his back, my heart melting at how small he looked in Chris' arms. "Do you want me to tuck you back in or Daddy?"
He rested his head on Chris' chest and pulled his bear so close that his answer got muffled by the stuffed animal's fur.
"I want to sleep in Daddy's bed..."
I looked up at Chris, letting him decide if that was okay, but he was already nodding his head.
"Sure, we can do that," he assured him. "But don't hog all the blankets this time, okay?"
Grayson giggled and I smiled as they headed to the door.
"Goodnight, boys," I called to them before they disappeared. "I'll see you in the morning."
"Goodnight." Chris paused to answer me and flashed me a look that made me feel like a schoolgirl being scolded by the principal. "This conversation isn't over."
It felt like a foreboding warning and it left me so flustered that all I could do was nod before he turned and continued on his way to his bedroom.
He was right.
Our conversation couldn't end there unless we wanted another four years of miscommunication and mutual longing, but I didn't know what to do. I wasn't trying to be difficult, but both options seemed destined to lead to heartache. Of course, I had no evidence to prove that we wouldn't live happily ever after, but he was Chris Evans. He was the man that women all over America, all over the world, would kill to be with. And I was just me. Once I fell off whatever pedestal he'd put me on in his mind and he realized how ordinary and unremarkable I was, it wouldn't last.
And I couldn't spend the rest of my life waiting for the other shoe to drop.
With a sigh, I headed to the stairs. My head was a mess despite my hopes that talking to Chris would bring me some clarity. It seemed I was starting a pattern of coming away from late night conversations with more questions than answers, but I was beginning to think that might be due to the fact that I would never be told what I wanted to hear. No one could make this decision for me and no one could make it a fool proof choice.
There was always a risk when it came to love. I just had to decide if that risk was worth it and start being honest with myself about why I was so scared. Were my intentions really as noble as I wanted everyone to believe? Or was I using Grayson as a shield to protect my own heart from pain as much as his?
Part Four
Tags:  @maggotzombie @moonlacebeam @mizzzpink @zaylaugh @flowery-mess @flowerjewels @njrronaldo7 @hockeychick10
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funnyincorrectmcu · 4 years
Saw you were doing an ask spree so I have a question! What are your ultimate favourite Marvel fanfics? (Ao3 answers preferable!)
I ALWAYS LOVE THIS QUESTION!! But it’s also always SOO hard, because I have SO many fics that I ADORE! <3 <3 <3 
Okay okay. Since you’re asking for ultimate favorites, but since you’re also in a sense kind of asking for recommendations, I’ll do you a solid and give you a list of fifteen (which is really doing myself a solid because it means there are fewer that I have to narrow down). 
That said, if you really want my full list, go to my AO3 account and check out my bookmarks (and some of my works, if you’re interested!). Because there truly are a LOT of AMAZING writers out there. <3 <3 
Alright. Here goes nothing. 
Also, I am SO sorry this took me so long, but it took me forever to narrow down to fifteen, and even with THAT, I cheated. XD
Also also, fair warning, 95% of these are Tony and Peter centric. <3 
Also also also (lots of also’s, oops XD), I’m gonna give a little bit of info on each one for anyone interested, but PLEASE, read all tags and warnings before you actually start reading, because some of these are a little rougher than others. (Btw, when I say “major warnings”, I’m referring to AO3′s “major archive warnings” list.)
1. More Ancient Than Magic by @ironfamjam 
This is a mini Hogwarts AU that I absolutely ADORE and think about at least once a week. The way the author melds the two universes is incredible and so well done, and I quote it all the time.  One-shot, IronFam centric, featuring Ned and MJ, with special guest appearances from the other Avengers and Peter’s classmates. No major warnings. 
2. Everybody Loves Skip by @baloobird
Okay, Kris is my favorite MCU fanfic author of all time, so you’ll see her on here a couple of times. This is by far my favorite story of hers, and it’s what made me fall in love with Interwebs. <3 <3  Multichapter, Peter centric, featuring Ace!Peter and Interwebs, with special guest appearances from Tony, May, and Tracy Leeds. Minor sexual harassment/non-con, but it doesn’t get too graphic. 
3. Ohana by @jen27ny
I read this story as a part of last year’s Irondad Big Bang, and let me tell you, I was SOOO invested. I got to the point where I had to send in play by play reactions because I was so emotionally invested. The story is so well told. <3 Multichapter, Tony and Peter centric, featuring Pepperony, Spideychelle, and minor Stucky, with special guest appearances from the rest of the Avengers, HYDRA, and my fast beating heart. No major warnings. 
4. Come, My Darling, Homeward Bound by @i-am-irondad
ANOTHER Irondad Big Bang 2020 story that I became OVERLY invested in to the point that I had to send play by plays in to the author. It’s a Room AU, and she NAILS each and every one of the character dynamics. I never even saw Room, and I loved it. <3  Multichapter, Tony, Peter, and Morgan centric, featuring the rest of IronFam, Spideychelle, and adorable sibling moments, with special guest appearances from Quentin Beck and my tears. Minor implied sexual harassment/non-con. (She also has a prequel and a sequel, just so you know.) 
5. The Lightning Strike by @booksxtvxsupernatural
Yet ANOTHER Irondad Big Bang 2020 story that hit me right in the feels. This is a canon-divergent post-Infinity War fic, and the way the author shows how events could’ve transpired is so realistic and beautiful. <3  One-shot, Tony and Peter centric, featuring Harley Keener and Nebula, with special guest appearances from IronFam, May Parker, and several other Avengers. 
6. Family Doesn’t End with Blood by @baloobird
This is a series of one-shots by my girl Kris based off of the Irondad Bingo prompts, so there are a lot of different prompts and themes, but they ALL rock.  Multichapter, Tony and Peter centric, featuring Ace!Peter, IronFam, and Interwebs, with special guest appearances from several other MCU characters. Warnings vary, so pay attention to the tags and read the notes. 
7. I love you more than anything (bio dad AU) by @iron--spider
Okay, so maybe this is cheating, because it’s technically a series, but every fic in it is so good that I couldn’t possibly pick just one. I just love the whole series, because I love how the author builds their relationship. It’s so cute. <3  Series of one shots, Tony and Peter centric, featuring the rest of the Stark and Parker family and baby Peter, with special guest appearances from Obadiah Stane, James Rhodes, and Happy Hogan. No major warnings.
8. sometimes, people just die (and sometimes, they don’t) by @snarky-drabbles
This one was for the 2019 Irondad Secret Santa (huh. No wonder so many of them are Tony and Peter centric. XD), and it’s an amazing time loop story that takes place during Endgame and has an ending you might not expect, but it ROCKS.  One-shot, Tony and Peter centric from Peter’s POV, featuring Pepper Potts and Stephen Strange, with special guest appearances from a whole lot of fighting. XD 
9. A Rite of Passage by @baloobird
Another ADORABLE Interwebs from my favorite person, because she made me obsessed with this ship and now I can’t stop. XD  One-shot, Interwebs centric (wait, did I actually find one that isn’t Tony and Peter??), featuring Ace!Peter and Bi!Ned, with special guest appearances from Brad Davis, Flash Thompson, and Betty Brant. Minor sexual harassment/non-con, but nothing graphic at all. 
10. Where Dreams are Nightmares in Disguise by @baloobird
This one was actually written for me, by Kris, so obviously, it made this list. I seriously cannot thank her enough for writing this amazing fic for me based on my prompt, and for writing it so well! I LOVED IT! <3  One-shot, Tony, Peter, and Morgan centric, featuring Pepper Potts and lots of LEGOS, with a special guest appearance from a really bad dude. No major warnings. 
11. harm and foul by @iron--spider
You know, there’s a lot of Tony protecting Peter out there, but sometimes, I just really wanna see Peter protecting Tony, and this is a GREAT example of that.  One-shot, Tony and Peter centric, featuring IronFam, Ned Leeds, and bada** mofo Peter Parker, with special guest appearances from Justin Hammer and a few Avengers. No major warnings.
12. Sugar, Butter, Flour by @doctornineandthreequarters
Another one written for me, this time by the incredible Jaime for the 2019 Irondad Secret Santa, and I couldn’t have asked for anything better. She took my prompts to heart and created some BEAUTIFUL sibling bonding and I LOVE it!! <3 <3  One-shot, Peter, Harley, and Morgan centric (whoa. Another one without Tony. See? I have variety! ...kind of. XD), featuring Pepperony and adorable sibling love, with a special guest appearance from a Karen. No major warnings. 
13. Bite the Bullet by @baloobird
In case you haven’t figured it out, yet, I love you, Kris. XD <3 Another amazing ace story that gets me feeling all kinds of validated and loved. <3  One-shot, Tony and Peter centric, featuring Spideychelle, Ace!Peter, and Ace!Tony, with a special guest appearance from BFF Ned and lots of lovely ace acceptance. No major warnings. 
14. what is stronger than the human heart which shatters over and over and still lives by @lyssismagical
So, I started reading her works solely through Tumblr, and when I finally realized that she had an AO3, I went on there and bookmarked a TON of her stories immediately. This is one of her more recent ones, but it’s one of my faves, even with all the whump (being Whumptober and all). It has a positive ending, I promise.  One-shot, Tony and Peter centric, featuring amazing BFF Michelle Jones, protective Peter Parker, and adorable little sister Morgan Stark, with special guest appearances from Pepper Potts, May Parker, and a lot of family love and support. Rape/non-con, but it isn’t super graphic. 
15. Peaches by @peterparkrr
This was yet another Irondad Secret Santa 2019 fic, and while this one wasn’t written specifically for me, I freaking loved it. There’s so much tension and mystery in this, and I seriously thought I was gonna pass out reading it from all of my worry. But, luckily, it has a happy ending.  One-shot, Tony and Peter centric, featuring canon divergence and lots of references to other Avengers, with a special guest appearance from a terrible government. No major warnings.
And there’s my top 15! But, because I said I was cheating, here are two bonus fics that cannot be found on AO3. I know you prefer AO3, but trust me when I say you cannot pass these up. 
1. This fic by @loubuttons
This was posted directly to Tumblr, but I have it saved in screenshots on my phone and I re-blog it all the time because I absolutely ADORE it. I will always be down for Peter and Morgan fics, especially when Tony is involved, and this one touches my heart like no other.  One-shot, Tony, Peter, and Morgan centric, featuring protective big bro Peter Parker and Tony being an amazing parent, with special guest appearances from equally awesome Pepper Potts and May Parker. No major warnings. 
2. He’s My Intern? by losingmymindtonight (if they have a Tumblr, I don’t know it, so if anyone knows it, please find them and tell them they’re awesome)
This one was posted on FF.net, and it was actually one of the first Tony and Peter stories I ever read, and it BLEW me away. This one is another series of one-shots, but each one is filled with soft Tony and Peter moments and I love it.  Multichapter, Tony and Peter centric, featuring Happy Hogan, Bruce Banner, F.R.I.D.A.Y., and all the hurt/comfort you could possibly want, with special guest appearances from Pepper Potts, May Parker, Ned Leeds, and several other Avengers. No major warnings.  
Okaaaaay. I think that’s it?? 
Wow. That took me FOREVER. 
And I’m not even sorry, because all of these authors deserve ALL of the credit I gave them. 
Thank you so much for asking this! I hope I didn’t bore you or babble too much. XD 
All of you should definitely check out these amazing fics! They 100% deserve the praise! <3 <3 
Thanks again for asking! <3 
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fandom-blackhole · 4 years
First of all give Gwen a good belly rub and a kith om her head. I bet she is a good girl. Also, I don't know what kind of force bond thingy is this but you and I think in almost the same wa. No worries me likey!
AAA I was thinking about Fennec too! See told you we are connected,
Boba having grandpa moment sksksks but yes, he loves Fennec as much as he loves you,
Also, for the love of God, don't ask him to take photos of you,
All your selfies with him end up looking like this 😐Boba 🤗You,
Boba was feeling extra and bought two diamonds collars, one smaller for Fennec and a bigger one for you,
If, he was not a crime lord and didn't meet you he would end up being like a crazy old cat lady,
Is your head okay? It must be painful to have a brain the size of the universe.
Yes, yes, yes Paz definitely helps hurt animals and went out of his way to get rhe right diploma for that,
Din is butthurt when children flood him with question when will Mr Paz come again,
But he swallows his pride and totally participates in eco wokness classes,
Recently I watched a documentary on YouTube about japanese bunny cafe sooo
Paz has also area for the rabbits in the restaurant???
One day on his way to work Paz came across a pupper in distress and he performed a cpr on the dog, someone filmed it and it went viral,
You were scrolling through Instagram and had to double take
Wait was it? No it can't be
Omg Paz my hero, being friends with animals like a Disney princess,
I need you to lay down, your back must be hurt as well. Hurt from carrying this AU on your back queen.
Space themed room for Grogu 10/10 idea and your idea for the metal ball works so well!
Grogu + Din + Running = one day you end up tending to your boys, there are some scratches on their knees and elbows, but mostly Din took the damage(like it was bound to happen there are compilations of din landing on his butt),
Grogu's stroller must be made out of some, really resilient material (beskar??),
Grogu being freaked out by Fennec, like he sees a kitty but the kitty behaves like a doggo??? (srsly Maine Coons are the best high five bestie),
Boba tried to snap a pic of Grogu and Fennec, yeah, we know how it ended up looking,
Grogu desperately tries to steal and sneak in snacks for uncle Paz' pupper because it's so tiny, must feed it a lot! (oh bless his poor soul, little angel),
You and Din spent a whole day shopping for a space themed blankie, literally went to every shop possible, you were too dedicated to the cause but you ended up placing an order on-line,
When Boba had to go abroad for business, you settled on having a FaceTime date,
You wanted to surprise him so he would try his best to come back home as soon as possible,
You call him up appearing on his screen, wearing his favorite lingerie,
Only to end up to a close up of Boba's forehead and him saying
Princess I can't see you, can you hear me, baby girl are you there??,
Srsly what's wrong with him not being able to use the technology correctly,
You decided on sending him pictures, yours were really spicy, you wanted to show him what he was missing,
Well, he send you a pic too. You weren't sure if it was his arm, leg, or his dick.
Maybe you need to check if his camera is stuck on some type of foggy filter because it's just ridiculous at this point,
Sorry I kinda went all of the place with those. If you want to stick up to specific theme you can choose! Or we can just keep up the random brainstorming - 🐣
Kajdksmskaksb stop! You can't be this nice to me lmao. (Also its funny you mention that my brain must hurt bc I do have chronic headaches and migraines) oh and Gwen says thank you for the belly rub and kisses.....
Lmao Boba is a total grandpa when it comes to technology
He totally takes pictures for you like this
Tumblr media
Diamond collar you say 👀👀👀 (Boba's princess is totally inscribed on the inside)
This man is just fuckinv holding the phone like you would when speaking on the phone, you're just seeing the side of his head
He totally tried to send a disk pick but he only got his thigh and like part of his left ball in the picture, not that you can tell
How the fuck does this man have a phone that has the ability to take pictures as good as the best cameras out there manage to only get pictures that look like they were taken with a flip phone?!?!?!
Din's students definitely ask every day when Paz is coming, they just love him and it takes sssoooooo long for him to come back lmao
Paz's restaurant has places for all types of animals, it doesn't matter what they are he has thought of something for them, and he has food for all of them
Paz totally accidentally becomes viral and gets interviewed by so many news channels, and of course he uses the exposure for good and makes an Instagram to show case the restaurant, his organization, and all of the charities he helps
The Instagram blows up and becomes verified and all the money he makes from it he donates to a new charity each month
(He starts hanging up all the fanart he receives all over the restaurant, especially the ones done by kids)
Ok so Din coming home just covered in scratches and your just like 'wtf happened?!?!!'
Turns out Grogu tried to jump out of the stroller while he was jogging and he had to catch him
Din's entire arm and knee + part of his cheek are just scratched to hell, Grogu hand has a small scratch and he's acting like its the end of the world
Grogu + Fennec = over protective pet and the child that it protects
Fennec is constantly pulling Grogu back from trouble by biting his pants leg
Paz's chihuahua (aaaahhh we need a name) loves abusing Grogu's feeding them habit, constantly begging for food around him and he A L W A Y S finds a way to give them some even if you are watching him like a hawk
Also I raise you, Grogu's favorite movies and TV shows are Star Wars
You are constantly trying to convince Din that he looks like Pedro Pascal, but he always deny it
Jokingly one day you say, "you know what you're right Din, Pedro is so much hotter."
He pouts for the rest of the day
For his bday you get Grogu a Luke figure and post it to Twitter, Mark Hamill sees it and retweets it telling him happy bday and may the force be with you
Grogu totally flips out in excitement
Din makes Grogu his own mandalorian helmet that he helps him paint what colors he wants
Paz gets Grogu a telescope and a book about stars
Boba of course spoils the kid and gets the giant lego star wars sets, as well as one of the actual blasters used on set of the OG movies (its one of the ones that that really cool green bounty hunter used 😏)
Also this is us:
Tumblr media
Anyways, sorry I was all over the place, I just got so excited lmao!!!
(Send me THOTS!!)
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
don't know if you answered this before but in what order would you rank the endgame couples - piper/leo, phoebe/coop, paige/henry? very curious
oh hmm i actually have never been asked this!! hmm this is difficult. okay so like. obvi before we begin i must offer a disclaimer here. i am a paragon of bad taste. let’s not forget my entire valentine’s theme was dedicated to prue & jack. we’re starting at rock bottom here. i also love projecting my own idea onto incomplete pieces to fill the gaps. like. like i get how there’s not a lot to love for paige and henry and phoebe and coop but in my lil brain they are all very complex and like fleshed out and i gotta a lotta beliefs. in fact. like. hmm. no i’ve already said i have bad taste like piper/leo are probably gonna sit at the bottom of the list for me just because i cannot craft them how i want bc they’re already solidified in canon. like. idk they’re an adorable couple all that the full nine yards or whatever but like. well for starters they’re not my favorite ship tropes and then on top of that again There’s A Lot Of Canon. and i am a narcissistic diva okay i wanna be able to fill in these gaps. so like. hmm at the top based solely on coupleness and the versions of them that live in my noggin it’s
phoebe/coop bc like hear me out man they’re like the embodiment of love. we’ve been hit over the head so many time how they’re the embodiment of love and like salvation and rebirth and renewal like!! like part of me wishes that we had introduced coop in s5 and given him more skin in the game but also if they fucked up this relationship i would have been so bummed bc it really is. it’s love!! like it is the embodiment of falling in love like phoebe is stone cold right and she’s kind of starting to accept that maybe she just doesn’t get it you know. maybe that’s it. she gets her column and she gets to help people find love and see like piper and leo at peak domesticity and like engage in love, but like, remotely.because it’s not for her. and then here comes this cupid who’s like no i’m gonna find you love which is a cute gesture but like she genuinely doesn’t believe she’s made for love she genuinely doesn’t believe she gets to have love but then you know like. like her eyes get reopened to the world around her yes she engaged with love remotely but she had become so far removed from it that it lost the feeling. she saw it but she saw the individual brushstrokes and then here comes coop and he helps her take a step back and see the painting. and like!!! it’s beautiful. and then of course there’s the added trope of like. falling in love with coop he’s supposed to help you find love and now you know what the hell you’re trying but like. you’re in love with him. but you can’t be but you are. like!! and then on coop’s side you know he’s a cupid he’s been doing this for centuries and his love for humanity is obvious and his love for love is obvious but this is new. and he doesn’t know what it is!! like he knows love obviously but he’s never like you know fallen in love. and he can’t recognize it because he thinks it’s impossible but the next think you know he’s got all those lovesick symptoms he sees in the couples he puts together and oh my god he’s in love with phoebe. and then of course both believe the other won’t reciprocate bc it’s out of the realm of possibility. but then the other does reciprocate!! they also just like. i mean all three couple do but like phoebe and coop maybe the most. seem like the type of people who just kinda get lost in watching their partner work. like when phoebe is having trouble with a letter for her column she like paces and mutters the letter out loud to herself like she’s the one asking it and like bareface in pajamas like a crazy person is just repeating the same thing over and over again and coop’s just fucking in love with her like look at her!! and vice versa i don’t think coop has really spent that much time being human i think he takes absolute delight in small things phoebe has just forgotten about but to see coop’s face light up like at so flea market or something finding something that was undeniably crafted with love like he can feel it imbued in the item and his face just lights up and he wants to tell everyone how like it’s love!! love!! it’s all around us it’s in here can’t you feel it and phoebe just looks at him and remembers how pure love itself is and just how happy she is that you know. this is her life. and she gets to fall asleep and wake up next to this man like hello?? hello??!???! and then i’m gonna go 
paige/henry bc like i feel like they’re criminally underrated again bc we spedrun what should have been a slowburn but they gave me the legos and i will built the death star like. like these are two people who struggle with family and identity so much who have learned against their nature to lean into and grow with one another. like what we see of paige is a woman who loves her independence and loves her freedom and yesh has a complex relationship with family bc she was given up at birth but it didn’t matter because she found a loving family so who needs the ones who gave her up not her but she couldn’t help but wonder but she didn’t care she had her family. until she didn’t. until she was seventeen alone and scared and what are you supposed to do with that?? and let’s not even get started on the fact she only gains her new family through death as well. like. there’s so much there there are so many reasons to stay guarded and fearful and just overall pessimistic about the concept of family especially as something built to last. and then henry!!! who never knew his birth parents and on top of that never got a home like paige paige got a home she got a family who loved her hell she actually got two henry never had that henry always had nothing and like he kinda grew up in that shell said he didn’t want to leave when people started getting close he had to push them away bc he didn’t know who he was if he wasn’t alone and paige is like hey hi?? you wanna be alone so bad be alone but i actually fucking like you and i know you like me too so don’t just push me out because that’s what makes you feel "comfortable” when you know you’re miserable in your comfort. and she’s right but it’s still a hurdle for henry and it’s this push and pull of the tides where bit by bit they kind of have to learn that it’s lonely up on the pedestal of independence and it can actually be nice to be vulnerable with somebody yes it’s fucking terrifying to just like show yourself to someone honestly because like!! they can turn away what if they turn away but to experience the rewards of love we must first subject ourselves to the morifying ordeal of being known. and it’s a painful process for both of them but the fruits of those labors man it’s well fucking worth it and it’s a relationship especially on henry’s side that is plagued with external insecurities other people telling him that he is not cut from the right cloth to be with paige but like. it’s like he’s already torn down his walls to be with her and she’s done the same and he realizes he loves her like He Loves Her like. like!! who gives a fuck what anyone else says he loves paige. and then paige reciprocates omg!!! haha fuck yeah. and then like i also think henry’s just super fuckin corny levels of domestic like makes french toast every sunday and fingerpaints with his kids and is in the dad’s club at the elementary school and just does all the things that he fuckin prayed for as a child  just a constant stable feeling of home of love and like. like!!!! i’m gonna bite someone like. paige&henry man.
piper/leo though as previously established is like Thee charmed couple you know they are there all eight seasons they get points for that but obviously from reading my first two ones i kinda just fill in a lot of gaps there which i am able to do bc each couple probably checks in at 150min of screentime total. piper and leo don’t get that so like i don’t get to do that. and like. the origins of them i just don’t quite get you know which was really just cause it was such a new show and this was a new lil relationship they weren’t sure what they were gonna do with it and then again like issues with canon and the whole whitelighter thing but what i would have loved to see more in the early stages is just like why. like obviously they both found the other cute but we never really got the Moments bc it was all so preferrial and then next thing you know leo’s dying in the attic and piper loves him like i would have loved the in between and a bit more of the internal monologue the jump then fall especially on leo’s part which is like canon’s fault but like. you know like why if he was a whitelighter and knew the rules blah blah blah and it was because the writers didn’t know but like. still you know. and then s2 was bogged down my dan and i just really didn’t care for it that much because like. idk i didn’t love a lot of leo’s vibes early s2 were he was trying to keep it strictly professional and just ended up coming across as weirdly bitter and possessive however i Loved him bonding with dan in pardon my past that was a nice touch. of course later seasons pleo really makes up for the lackluster of the early seasons bc they are just so domestic like they know each others strengths so well and leo loves piper’s cooking and they’re corny n cute and they have their little moment and i do mostly like their relationship therapy bits i like that that was incorporated bc like. it happens man it’s not something to keep taboo it happens. but i do feel like that shit was often resolved too quick and then the same shit dredged up ten minutes later like some one trick pony. i also love how ride or die they are points for that. leo’s like i killed an elder and piper’s like alright. they’re really in it through thick n thin n i respect that
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etraytin · 4 years
Quarantine, Day 127
July 16 
When I'm fostering kittens, I will often leave a carrier or two out for them to play in or hide out in, just so they are comfortable with the carriers when it is time for vet visits, etc. Bixby and Barry are especially fond of the blue carrier right by my foot tonight, but they are both fond of it at the same time and it is not really big enough for the both of them. I keep having to tip it over because they are fighting in it to the point of yowling. Kittens fight all the time, but when somebody cries off, the fight is supposed to stop. If it doesn't stop, then Mama (or Foster Mama) has to step in and break it up. They look so deeply affronted when I tip them both out of the carrier and scold them, but they're back in it within sixty seconds. All of yesterday's lassitude is long since forgotten and we are back to full-speed kitten action! 
Speaking of full-speed kitten action, I took the kiddo with me to visit the drugstore kitties tonight because it was Starbucks Happy Hour. In better times, I have used the happy hour for us to go and get 2-for-1 frappucinos that we can enjoy in the cafe dining room while playing games or writing on our computers. It's good mom-son bonding time and I write better at Starbucks than almost anywhere else (This is also why such a large portion of my bar study took place at Starbucks.) The dining room is closed now, but at least we could get our discounted frapps and go watch the kitties. Last night I didn't see the kittens at all, but this evening mama must have left the kids while she went out hunting. We didn't see mama at all, but there was a kitten at the top of the drain when we got there, and all of them came out within two minutes of me putting the food down. They are much smaller than Bix and Barry, and just intensely cute. They swarmed over the food and ate till their little tummies bulged (they got through about 2/3 of a can) and then retreated back into the top of the drain for baths. They are so little and so vulnerable, it makes me nervous to see them without their mom, but it's likely she came back soon after we left. We will check in again with more food tomorrow to be sure. Tuesday is now our firm catch-the-cats day, so they only have to be out there a few more days. 
I made an appointment today for the guys to get their hair cut before we head out for the wedding. It's hard to know what the safest way to go is, but I ended up going with the mom of the kiddo's best friend. She saw my post on Facebook looking for a safe haircutting place so it would be a little impolitic not to, but also she has a small salon where it will be just her and the customer and both wearing masks. That seems about as safe as it's possible to get at this point.  Considering the kiddo is frustrated with his hair to the point that he is ready to take a scissors to it himself, this is probably the best option. I did help him with it today after his shower, detangled it, brushed it, and blowdried it. He likes getting his hair brushed and dried if it is not too tangly, but he keeps forgetting to condition it and that makes things unnecessarily difficult. I think we will both be glad for the return of the short-hair look. 
Today was a good day for my closet, all of our saved up donations went to the thrift store at long last! I have so much more room now! The kiddo was disappointed to lose most of the fort he built in there but I gave him the broad flat box that the fan came in, which made up most of the difference. He also found a forgotten trove of Legos in my van while we were out kittenwatching, so he's going to have a lot to keep him busy tomorrow! Thank god, keeping the kiddo busy is a full time job some days. I do not know how people with multiple tiny children are even coping. That's really the most sympathetic argument in favor of reopening schools, that kids and parents are in desperate need of stimulation and socialization outside of the home, I just don't think it's quite enough to overcome the substantial risks. (The economic arguments are compelling on an individual level but the reason so many people are desperate to go to work and have someplace to put their kids is because most of the stimulus money went to huge corporate interests and very little to the actual people who are hurting. The government could stop this desperation if it wanted to by actually bailing out families and letting people stay home to stop the spread of the virus. The government can not make us more able to tolerate one anothers' dubious company after four months indoors.) 
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ashsblurbs · 4 years
I don’t want these moments to change
*Bonus chapter for change series.*
“Brooklyn, James stop running around the house. Where is your sister?” Tony was stress trying to take care of three kids all at a very different point in their lives. Sarah was twelve and was starting to go through her angst stage. Steve and Tony often wonder what happen to their sweet little girl, but they loved her anyways. Then there was the ball of energy James. He was now nine and wanted to be in everything. He did football, and lacrosse. James and Steve often go on runs every day while Tony makes them a lovely breakfast. Lastly, Brooklyn was their rough and tumble princess. She was six and all she wanted to do was be with her best friend James. They did everything together and often get into trouble like they were now.
Crash, something was defiantly broken in the living room. Tony rubbed his temples wishing Steve would come home soon. Just one more day. Steve was currently at a conference for his construction company. Tony was so proud of him, but he sure missed him when he was gone. After Brooklyn was born Steve decided that he no longer wanted to work for someone else. Even though Tony could help him with starting a business, Steve wanted to do it all his own. Steve went back to school and got all of the required certification. Now he had hundreds of employees and two huge projects in Boston and Concord.
“Guys, what was that?” “Nothing dad.” The kids hollered back. Tony knew that a lamp was broken. He walked in seeing his kids trying to clean the mess up before he would see what they had done. “Move! I’m going to tell your father what you did when he comes home. Now go to your rooms!” Tony said sternly. The kids sulked away making Tony feel bad he yelled at his angels. “Darlings, I just want you to know I’m not mad just disappointed. I love you.” James and Brooklyn looked back with their puppy dog eyes. “Love you too, dad.”
As Tony finished cleaning up the mess, he thought about making dinner. Then he thought pizza would be better. “Hey, dad, Auntie Nat wants to video call.” Tony looked over to see Sarah finally come out of her room for the first time all day. “Tell her I’m game. Did you dye your hair?” Sarah ran her fingers through her hair scared that she was about to get yelled at. “I like the pink tips maybe next week we can go get it professionally done.” “Yeah, that would be cool.” She had the biggest grin on her face and skipped back to her room to grab her laptop. Steve and Tony believed to give their children the freedom to explore and express themselves. They were always encouraging them to be who they wanted to be. Tony wanted his children’s childhood to be very different then what his was.
Sarah came back with her laptop. Her and Natasha were talking about ballet. Tony was glad his daughters had such a strong female role model. “Yeah, Nat we are going to do a rock show. Yes, definitely I will tell dad to record it. Here’s dad now. Bye Auntie Nat.” Sarah handed her laptop over and ran to find her siblings. “Thanks sweetheart.”  
Natasha sat on the other line in her lovely Brooklyn home holding her small daughter Willow. “Is that Willow? She’s gotten so big.” Tony commented. Natasha looked down at her sleeping six-month-old. She grew so much that sometimes it saddens Natasha. She wasn’t ready to abandon the baby months yet. Just a few more months and her little girl would be walking, talking, and then the terrible twos would be on the horizon. “Where’s Bucky?” Natasha snapped out of her daydreaming to see Tony staring at her waiting for a response. “Oh, he’s with Alexei. He wanted to build a fort and Bucky couldn’t say no.” Natasha giggled. “They are just two peas in a pod. You know those two.” Natasha never imagine she would have the type of life she had. Being married to the love of her life and having two wonderful children. She would never change this for the world.
“Hey, what are you wearing to Sam and Victoria’s wedding? Also did you fine a babysitter. I would hate to miss it.” The wedding was in two weeks and Tony stilled didn’t know what to wear. Maybe a classic suit would work. “No outfit yet but Pepper agreed to babysit. She might be willing to watch another three-year-old and a baby. I will text her later an ask.” Natasha was so glad to hear that. One less thing to deal with. Then Willow started crying. So much for having a nice conversation. “Sorry, I have to go and feed this one. Tell Steve and the kids I said hello.” Tony was left with a blank screen missing all of his friends but especially her. Natasha was the glue that kept his life together. She was the only one that understood what really was going on in his life. The only one he could talk to about marry life and crazy kids. Tony looked over at the time and saw it was six o’clock. Wow he was surprised one of the kids weren’t begging for food yet.
“Guys, dinner time.” Tony placed two slices of pizza for each of his kids on the table. Not even two seconds after he called for them, he heard the stampede running from upstairs. “Stop it.” “You stop it.” “Ugh, I hate you both.” Just one more day Tony thought. Yep a headache was forming. He loved his kids, but they sometimes drove him crazy. “Sarah, no phones at the table. James stop touching Brooklyn. If you three can be good while we eat. We can watch a movie.” The kids got excited and actually ate with out fighting. Which was a miracle for Tony.
“Good night, Brooklyn, daddy loves you.” Tony tucked in and kissed her goodnight. “When is papa coming home?” He clicked off the light and slowly closed the door. “He will be here when you wake up. I promise.” Then he moved to James’s room where he had to slowly maneuver so not to step on a Lego or a toy solider. This kid needed to clean up, but Tony understand. This was actually how his workshop looked so he couldn’t blame James for being like him. “Goodnight. James. Love you.” James yawned and turned to see his dad looking back at him. He pulled the blanket closer to himself. “Love you too.” Lastly, he went to Sarah’s room. Normally, she thought she was too grown to get tucked in but since Steve wasn’t here, she took it. Her and Steve were inseparable and often hated when Steve was gone for long periods at a time. When she was younger, she would cry for hours on end until she tried herself out. Tony knew Sarah loved him very much but her and Steve had that special bond that Tony would never have.
Tony slowly cracked open the door hearing Sarah talk to someone. “Sorry, just wanted to say goodnight. Remember lights out by ten.” Sarah waved Tony to come in to see who she was talking to. Tony looked over her shoulder to see Steve standing in front of his hotel. “Hey, sweetheart. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow. I love you.” Steve made a kissy face towards the camera which made Tony laugh. “Eww, dads stop. I’m right here.” Sarah made a scrunched-up face not enjoying when her parents showed their love. “Sorry, honey, goodnight you too.” “Goodnight, daddy. Be safe promise.” Steve placed a pinky up to the screen and she did too. “I pinky promise.” This made Tony smile.
Tony laid on the couch watching a rerun of a random sitcom. He always struggled with sleeping. He struggled more when Steve wasn’t there with him. Tony found him self slowly drifting off to sleep when he heard a slam of the car door. He jumped and ran outside to find his husband walking up to the house. Tony ran down the steps and jumped into Steve’s arms forcing him to drop his bags on the ground. “Whoa, hey, sweetheart. Did you miss me or something?” Tony stayed in the crook of Steve’s neck never wanting to let go. Steve rubbed a hand down Tony’s back. He picked him up and carried him into the house and laying him in bed.
“I missed you so much. Come here and let me show you how much I missed you?” Steve giggled as he watched Tony try to be sexy, but he was slowly falling asleep. Steve placed a kiss to his husband’s cheek. “How about we get some sleep tonight and there can be an extra special treat in the morning.” Tony hummed as he slowly started snoring. Steve wrapped Tony up in his arms pulling him in as close as he could.
Tony was in the kitchen making chocolate chip pancakes while Steve was playing with the kids. “Daddy, I have to show this Tik Tok dance. Can we do it?” Steve walked in carrying both Brooklyn and James in his arms with Sarah trailing behind him. “Honey, do you know what this Tik Tok thing is Sarah is talking about?” Tony laughed realizing they were becoming old men. “No, dear, but I do have pancakes. Eat up” Tony looked at his beautiful family. He never knew this was going to be his life. If he could tell his twenty-eight-year-old self that he would be married to the best man in his life going on for ten years. Then get to see his three wonderful children grow up to be strong humans. “Dad, are you okay?” Tony didn’t realize that a tear was running down his cheek. Steve got up and wiped it away adding a kiss. “Yeah, I’m okay. Just extremely happy.” He turned giving Steve a slight grin. Steve knew what was going through his mind but instead of saying anything he just kissed him once more. “Come on guys, in front of breakfast. Get a room.” This just made the laugh harder.  
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alecodys · 5 years
Camp TV Biographies
This is a very, very, very long post!! There’s literally every Season One character in here and Tumblr tried to get me to cut it in half multiple times but like. lol no. Anyways, everything is under the cut!
Beth What’s your best quality? My detective skills! I have solved many small cases back on my farm at home, the largest of which being who was responsible for the grain going missing. Turns out it was just a rat.
Faves? (music, colour, movie, food)
My parents only have music from the 60’s, so that’s the only music I know.
I love pink! Especially more reddish ones.
What’s that one with a talking pig called? It reminds me so much of my own pig, Bertha!
My mum makes the best food ever, especially when it comes to pies.
Describe your craziest dream. I was a real detective, just like Sherlock Holmes! It was so cool, and I got to solve a murder, and I had a sidekick and everything!
Best memory from childhood? The day I got Bertha. She’s like a little sister to me.
Most embarrassing moment at school? One time I’d forgotten which shirt I had gotten dirty and I was in a rush, so I went to school in a muddy shirt with pig hoof-prints on it.
Describe the first job you ever had. I work on the farm as much as I can, in between school and detective work!
Ten years from now, what are you doing? I’ll have moved to England, and become the best detective in all of Scotland Yard!
My dream date would be with __________, doing what? Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, but it would be less of a date, and more like me interviewing him and asking him what goes on in the mind of a detective as great as Sherlock.
It’s the last day on earth. In five words or less, what would you do? Find out what caused it!
Bridgette What’s your best quality? My patience for others!
Faves? (music, colour, movie, food)
I’m not all that into music, but I do listen to recordings of the ocean like, all the time.
Definitely ocean blue.
I’m super into mermaid movies.
Anything that’s vegan, but especially seaweed brownies.
Describe your craziest dream. It’s not really crazy per say, but I was a dolphin and I got to hang out with this clownfish, and we were totally the best of friends. It was really cool, actually.
Best memory from childhood? My first time going boogie-boarding. It what made me fall in love with the water, you know?
Most embarrassing moment at school? We went out to the beach for camp one year and we got to go surfing, and I totally wiped out on one of the waves in front of everyone! It was terrible.
Describe the first job you ever had. I’m a lifeguard at the community pool after school! It’s not exactly glamorous, but hey, it’s pretty fun sometimes.
Ten years from now, what are you doing? Living back in Fiji with a nice girl, in a house by the beach and helping out Mother Earth.
My dream date would be with __________, doing what? I can’t really think of someone off the top of my head, but we’d totally go surfing.
It’s the last day on earth. In five words or less, what would you do? Make the most of it.
Cody What’s your best quality? Hm... my creativity, I guess? It helps for getting out of tough situations sometimes.
Faves? (music, colour, movie, food)
There’s this musician, uh.. Neil Cicierega! I like his songs, but the Samsung ringtone is pretty good too.
I like pale oranges and blues!
I don’t really watch movies all that often, but uh.. don’t tell anyone I told you this, but I really like kid films, especially LEGO ones. Weird, I know.
I’m a sucker for anything with sugar! Although, it tends to make me super sick.
Describe your craziest dream. I was actually popular. I was so freaked out I woke up before anything could happen.
Best memory from childhood? Whenever I got to go to my aunt’s house! She has, like, the greatest German Shepard ever!
Most embarrassing moment at school? Literally the entirety of grade eight. God, I used to insist on being called stuff like “Codester” and “Codemeister”. Ugh.
Describe the first job you ever had. I got to dog-sit my aunt’s dog when I was 12 and she paid me ten bucks.
Ten years from now, what are you doing? Hopefully going out with the person of my dreams, but if not then probably just chilling at home, eating ice cream, wondering where I went wrong.
My dream date would be with __________, doing what? Okay so like, there’s this really cute guy at my school, so probably him, and we’d just go to the carnival, eat cotton candy and go on rides, and after it’s all over we’d watch the sunset and it’d be super cute. I’ve put more thought into this than I should have.
It’s the last day on earth. In five words or less, what would you do? Cry over it.
DJ What’s your best quality? How kind I am, and it’s all thanks to my mommas!
Faves? (music, colour, movie, food)
Jamaican Reggae.
Anything with tons of animals!
My Mama’s chickpea Roti, although that may be tied with Ma’s cherry tarts... don’t tell her though.
Describe your craziest dream. I dreamt one time I was a cameraman for this reality TV show that took place in an abandoned film studio, and that I wasn’t paid a cent.
Best memory from childhood? Definitely the day my mommas adopted me. The orphanage was alright, but my mommas just give something that it could never, aside from stability.
Most embarrassing moment at school? The first day of school here in Canada, I only had shirts and shorts. I was freezing all day! I haven’t gone outside without a jacket or two on since.
Describe the first job you ever had. It’s not really a job, but Ma pays me a couple of dollars during summer to pick all the cherries from the cherry trees. They ripen late since it’s so cold here, but they’re absolutely beautiful.
Ten years from now, what are you doing? I’m in my house with my mommas, with a bunch of animals I adopted from the local animal shelter, eating chickpea Roti and cherry tarts.
My dream date would be with __________, doing what? I don’t really date. I just don’t see anyone that way, y’know? But I’d love to go around Central Park with my mommas in a horse and carriage!
It’s the last day on earth. In five words or less, what would you do? Hang out with my mommas.
Duncan What’s your best quality? My ability to break out of juvie.
Faves? (music, colour, movie, food)
Punk rock.
Neon green.
Any slasher film, really.
Το σουβλάκι του παππού, not that hard of a question.
Describe your craziest dream. I was a four year old trying to scare the shit out of this girl with pigtails, but I got tethered to some kid with a gap in his teeth. We ended up scaring everyone as a mummy. It was kinda funny.
Best memory from childhood? When I snuck my younger cousin into an R rated film with my older sister. My sister was thirteen, I was ten, and my cousin was four. I’m surprised we managed to pull off that dumb trench coat trick.
Most embarrassing moment at school? I used to get embarrassed when my sister would pick me up in her smart car. I kind of miss it now, though.
Describe the first job you ever had. Job? Ha! Yeah, right.
Ten years from now, what are you doing? I’ll probably be hanging around the town my cousin lives in, maybe score a couple of gigs in some punk band I’ve started to rival that garage band that plays over there.
My dream date would be with __________, doing what? Depends if anyone could take me. Or look past my criminal record.
It’s the last day on earth. In five words or less, what would you do? ...Visit my sister.
Ezekiel What’s your best quality? My ability to list my best quality in eight different languages, eh!
Faves? (music, colour, movie, food)
Choir music! It’s the only music I know!
Forest green.
I’m not allowed to watch movies...
My mum and I work together to make the greatest biscuits ever, eh!
Describe your craziest dream. I was like a king of these mutated woodland creatures, eh. But I was all green and was wearing these really strange clothes, and I had no hair.
Best memory from childhood? My childhood wasn’t really all that eventful. I just stay inside all the time, eh.
Most embarrassing moment at school? When my teachers caught me trying to leave the house to go to a local school. They weren’t very happy with me, eh. I got grounded for five weeks.
Describe the first job you ever had. I don’t have a real job, since I’m always at home and my parents won’t let me outside.
Ten years from now, what are you doing? I’m at the farm, sitting on the porch and looking out over the fields. Pretty much what I do whenever school ends anyways.
My dream date would be with __________, doing what? A girl like me, eh. We can talk about living on our farms and not being able to interact with other kids until we graduated school, and bond over archery.
It’s the last day on earth. In five words or less, what would you do? Say goodbye to the cows.
Geoff What’s your best quality? I can party all night and all day, man! Also my hair is really soft apparently.
Faves? (music, colour, movie, food)
Party in the USA is my favourite song, dude! It’s, like, my anthem!
Bright pink! I may get weird looks for it sometimes, but I think it’s an awesome colour!
Literally any movie where parties are involved, dude.
Party pies! It’s the name, my man!
Describe your craziest dream. One time I dreamt that I threw the biggest party in Canadian history, and it was so big that like, even the news reported on it dude! But then the cops came and we had to shut it down. It was a massive bummer.
Best memory from childhood? My first birthday party ever! I was three and I invited all my friends from kinder, and we got to hit this disco ball shaped piñata and eat this giant cake! I’m still proud of it.
Most embarrassing moment at school? When I went to school with a blue shirt on instead of a pink one. I have a brand to uphold, man.
Describe the first job you ever had. Some kid at school tried to pay me five bucks to prank his bully and record it. I told him to keep the money and I did it anyways, because bullying isn’t cool, dude.
Ten years from now, what are you doing? Hosting a wicked party!
My dream date would be with __________, doing what? I don’t really know who I’d go on a date with, but we’d totally be having an awesome party out on the beach!
It’s the last day on earth. In five words or less, what would you do? Party hard!
Gwen What’s your best quality? My complete and utter lack of enthusiasm.
Faves? (music, colour, movie, food)
I like early 2000’s emo music, I guess.
Dark red.
Bloodbath 2: Summer Camp Reign of Terror. If this camp isn’t like the movie then I’m not going to be very happy.
Those teeth gummies, the minty ones.
Describe your craziest dream. I dreamt I was having a good time being interviewed for some dumb summer camp my parents forced me to go to. Can you imagine?
Best memory from childhood? When my little brother learned to ride his bike. It makes it easier to get away from him now.
Most embarrassing moment at school? I spilled blue food colouring over my clothes in science class one time and had to walk around with that stain in my shirt for the rest of the day. It doesn’t sound bad, but it kinda looked like I’d drooled all over myself.
Describe the first job you ever had. I cut my brother’s hair for five bucks from my mum one time. Of course, she didn’t give me any clear instructions, and I was six, so I absolutely destroyed his hair.
Ten years from now, what are you doing? I’ll probably have some dumb degree, I don’t know. Probably just have a job and hanging out with somebody who I live with and love.
My dream date would be with __________, doing what? It’s not a date really, but I’d love to time travel and meet Van Gogh. Unlike most artists, he was actually a really cool dude, and really tragic too. I’d like to meet Branwell Brontë too, but his whole family is cool.
It’s the last day on earth. In five words or less, what would you do? Watch the last sunset.
Harold What’s your best quality? My high tolerance for those who are intellectually and behaviourally inferior to me. But my mum tells me not to say that so I guess it’s how good I am at building fantasy worlds.
Faves? (music, colour, movie, food)
Nothing beats the Pokemon Red soundtrack.
Mossy green.
The Lord of the Rings trilogy, duh!
Beef stew, but especially the stew they serve at Medieval Steve’s Medieval Camp.
Describe your craziest dream. They named the Lord of the Rings something really dumb like Master of the Spheres.
Best memory from childhood? My first time going to a summer camp was pretty good. It was MSMC, but for “junior” kids, which basically meant people under the age of six.
Most embarrassing moment at school? Getting a fact about medieval history wrong in history class.
Describe the first job you ever had. I got paid by one of the kids at MSMC to beat the head troll in chocolate coins.
Ten years from now, what are you doing? A famous, bestselling author of a hit fantasy series that has been adapted masterfully into film.
My dream date would be with __________, doing what? One of the elves, I guess, but mainly so they could teach me about their culture and their language so I could one day join and become one of them.
It’s the last day on earth. In five words or less, what would you do? Try and stop it.
Heather What’s your best quality? I don’t really have that many good qualities, but people say they like how nice I am, so that counts for something, right?
Faves? (music, colour, movie, food)
Any shade of red!
I liked that one Pokemon movie with the... ah, yes! Shaymin!
I love mochi! It’s so yummy...
Describe your craziest dream. I dreamt I was, like, super tall! It was really cool beans, until everyone began calling me mean things and they were talking about something I did to this girl named Gwen? I don’t even know any girls named Gwen!
Best memory from childhood? The first Christmas I remember! My parents got me this super cute tricycle and it was red with little blue streamers on the handlebars, and I rode it around everywhere! Or maybe when we rescued Cupcake... gosh, now I can’t decide!
Most embarrassing moment at school? When my friend yelled at me for not getting her an iced chai latte in front of the whole class... it was horrible!
Describe the first job you ever had. I run errands for my friends all the time! Sometimes the things they want me to do get pretty gross though...
Ten years from now, what are you doing? Opening a cafe that serves the best mochi in all of Canada!
My dream date would be with __________, doing what? With a nice guy that likes me for who I am, going to cafes and petting cats and dogs and just doing what I wanna do for a day... I think that’d be totally awesome sauce.
It’s the last day on earth. In five words or less, what would you do? Buy a Shaymin plushie! Then hug it for the rest of the day. Shoot, that was over the word limit...
Katie What’s your best quality? Sadie always says she loves my, like, optimism!
Faves? (music, colour, movie, food)
I love listening to pop and, like, 70’s rock!
Pastel pink.
Sadie and I love, like, watching Mean Girls together!
Dark cherries! They also make for some, like, really tasty earrings.
Describe your craziest dream. I was without Sadie for, like, an entire day!
Best memory from childhood? The day I met Sadie, when she moved to the house, like, next door to mine. She was, like, kinda hard to understand at first, but over time her Scottish-ness mellowed out a bit.
Most embarrassing moment at school? When I tried to stand up for Sadie when a bully was, like, pushing her around, and accidentally hit my funny bone on the locker door.
Describe the first job you ever had. Sadie and I work at this super cute ice cream shop together!
Ten years from now, what are you doing? I’ll own the ice cream store and have added, like, a bazillion more flavours! It’s quiet during winter, but there’s tons of people during summer, and that’s really all I need.
My dream date would be with __________, doing what? I’d so, like, love to go on a date with Sadie. We could go to a sewing workshop and I’d stitch her the best stuffie, like, ever!
It’s the last day on earth. In five words or less, what would you do? Kiss Sadie...
LeShawna What’s your best quality? All of them, duh.
Faves? (music, colour, movie, food)
Anything I can dance along to, sugar.
High School Musical 2.
Mango chutney is always good.
Describe your craziest dream. It was more of a nightmare, really. I was stuck in a room full of spiders and those eight-legged freaks covered me head to toe, but I couldn’t scream.
Best memory from childhood? When I won my first ever beauty pageant. Mind you, it was kindergarten, and I was the only participant, but that doesn’t matter.
Most embarrassing moment at school? Honey, I don’t get embarrassed. I haven’t got anything to be embarrassed about.
Describe the first job you ever had. I work at this dumb coffee shop. The only reason I’m still there is because I get free pastries.
Ten years from now, what are you doing? I’m the CEO of a multinational corporation, and, obviously, the most famous billionairess in the world!
My dream date would be with __________, doing what? Look, sugar, do you seriously think anyone is up to my standards?
It’s the last day on earth. In five words or less, what would you do? Dance the day away.
Lindsay What’s your best quality? My looks, of course.
Faves? (music, colour, movie, food)
Pop songs, definitely.
Pinkest Pink. It’s the pinkest shade of pink that exists.
Legally Blonde.
Anything that helps me keep my figure.
Describe your craziest dream. I was some other girl’s lackey. It was disgusting.
Best memory from childhood? The first time I tried out sparkly lip gloss. I still have the empty container somewhere so I can, like, look back on it and remind myself how far I’ve come.
Most embarrassing moment at school? Ugh, definitely when I forgot to apply my eyeshadow. My ‘friends’ may have pretended not to notice, but I could tell they had.
Describe the first job you ever had. I’m a cashier at Lush on the weekends. They give me discount on face masks as long as I, like, sell enough. So, obviously, I get, like, three free face masks a week.
Ten years from now, what are you doing? Applying my makeup.
My dream date would be with __________, doing what? Some hunky model, walking around town so everyone can envy us.
It’s the last day on earth. In five words or less, what would you do? Spread rumours.
Noah What’s your best quality? My cynicism.
Faves? (music, colour, movie, food)
The kind I can’t hear.
No thanks.
Just ate.
Describe your craziest dream. I don’t care about my dreams enough to remember them.
Best memory from childhood? My first time playing a video game. I was three and I completed the first level within a minute.
Most embarrassing moment at school? People with brains and wit like mine don’t get embarrassed.
Describe the first job you ever had. I was a tutor for some high school jock when I was five.
Ten years from now, what are you doing? I’ll be at home, sitting on my couch, relaxing and reading a book.
My dream date would be with __________, doing what? I wouldn’t want to go on a date with him, since I have no idea what he looks like, but there’s a guy in my Underground Alliance that is really good at organising raids, so I guess him.
It’s the last day on earth. In five words or less, what would you do? Sleep.
Owen What’s your best quality? My appetite, haha!
Faves? (music, colour, movie, food)
Nickleback all the way! Woohoo!
Maple syrup brown!
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs! I don’t care what anyone says, it just looks so deliciously good!
Anything that my stomach can take is good in my book! Which is just about everything, haha!
Describe your craziest dream. Hm... probably the one where doughnuts were raining from the sky! I wish something like that could happen in real life...
Best memory from childhood? When my Ma and Pa got me my first cookbook! There were so many delicious recipes in there, like that Cookie Monster ice cream cake, and the chocolate fudge cookies!
Most embarrassing moment at school? When I forgot to add one of the ingredients to my nachos in food tech, it just didn’t have the same cheesy, gooey goodness!
Describe the first job you ever had. I work at my parents bakery sometimes! I make apple strudels for them, and they always get way more customers when I do! It makes me feel super happy!
Ten years from now, what are you doing? Working at the bakery with my parents, making as many apple strudels as the people want, haha!
My dream date would be with __________, doing what? All of my pals from school, throwing a party in a cottage where we can make as many s’mores and finger sandwiches we want!
It’s the last day on earth. In five words or less, what would you do? Write down all my recipes!
Sadie What’s your best quality? Katie says she, like, loves how my eyes sparkle when I smile!
Faves? (music, colour, movie, food)
Late 2000’s pop music, the kind you can, like, jump around and party to!
Red, like the colour of my shirt.
Katie and I, like, love to watch Mean Girls together!
Honeycrisp apples! But, like, only honeycrisp.
Describe your craziest dream. Katie wasn’t my best friend, and it was, like, so weird!
Best memory from childhood? The day I met Katie! She acted kinda, like, weird at first, but we’re, like, the best of friends!
Most embarrassing moment at school? I tried to stand up for Katie because, like, this bully was teasing her, and, like, bullying isn’t cool! But I tripped on my heels and, like, knocked the bully over like a bowling pin. So, like, it wasn’t that bad.
Describe the first job you ever had. Katie and I work at the, like, cutest ice cream shop ever!
Ten years from now, what are you doing? I’ll own a cafe that’s, like, right next door to Katie’s ice cream shop, and there will be this door connecting the buildings so people can, like, buy lunch and then go right next door to Katie’s!
My dream date would be with __________, doing what? Oh, I’d love to go on a date with Katie! She’s just so nice, and pretty, and says, like, the sweetest things! We could go to the beach and I’d collect all the, like, prettiest seashells for her!
It’s the last day on earth. In five words or less, what would you do? Kiss Katie...
Trent What’s your best quality? Either my straight A’s or my ukulele playing skills, depends on who you ask.
Faves? (music, colour, movie, food)
I like those covers on YouTube where it’s just people singing and playing the ukulele, no matter what song it is. It helps calm me down.
Green, but I’m pretty sure that’s kind of obvious.
Love, Simon. I read the book, too, and both of them are fantastic!
I know it’s not really a food, but I love orange juice.
Describe your craziest dream. I followed my dad’s advice and became an accountant. I mean, can you imagine? Me? An accountant?
Best memory from childhood? When I won my first ever award at the school talent show. Looking back on it, I can’t see why they voted for me, since one of my ukulele’s strings broke mid-performance, but I’m still proud.
Most embarrassing moment at school? I don’t know, maybe when one kid almost set fire to the end of my hair in chemistry? But that wasn’t really embarrassing for me, really.
Describe the first job you ever had. It’s nothing that cool, I’m just a cashier at some supermarket.
Ten years from now, what are you doing? Hopefully, I’ll be known world-wide for my music and be on tour, playing ukulele and making fans happy.
My dream date would be with __________, doing what? Probably just hanging out with a couple of mates at the beach, swimming, building sandcastles, you know. The works.
It’s the last day on earth. In five words or less, what would you do? Write a song.
Tyler What’s your best quality? My sporting ability!
Faves? (music, colour, movie, food)
I like those tunes they play at the beginning of the sports part of the news, with the swishy 3D logo and everything!
Blue and green!
Bend It Like Beckham!
My high-protein high-carb energy bars!
Describe your craziest dream. I dreamt all the colours in the world were, like, inverted! To be fair, I had had around ten of my energy bars that day, so...
Best memory from childhood? When I headbutted the soccer ball into the net in my first ever soccer game! So what if it was just me and my dad playing, it’s the thought that counts!
Most embarrassing moment at school? When my mum was my substitute gym teacher and she kept assigning me places on the court where I couldn’t do anything. It was like she was trying to make me look bad or something!
Describe the first job you ever had. My parents won’t let me get a job. Something about me being too ‘clumsy’ or whatever.
Ten years from now, what are you doing? Playing in the big leagues! In every sport!
My dream date would be with __________, doing what? Jess from Bend It Like Beckham! We could play soccer together, and it’d be totally cool!
It’s the last day on earth. In five words or less, what would you do? Everything to the extreme!
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smolbeanspides · 7 years
Love in the Time of Eggnog (Peter Parker x Reader)
Summary: Reader attends a Christmas party, where you are Peter’s secret santa. You two had always been close, but your gift to him draws the bond closer. 
Genre: Christmas fluff?? heck, idk
Warning: death mention
Side note: This was inspired by @parkersenses and her undying love for eggnog. Thanks for the inspo. Chippy. 
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Christmas wasn’t Christmas until you and your friends held your annual secret santa party. The winter New York air was sharp and cold as snowflakes flurried all around you. Every imprint of your boots in the snow resulted in a crunch, the pavement from the sidewalk instead covered with a thick pile of snow. You were on your way to Ned’s apartment for what was, in your opinion, the most exciting part of the secret santa parties: the gifting. As you were approaching Ned’s front door, you tapped the wrapped box in your hand lightly, almost anxiously. For every year since the tradition had started, you would somehow draw Ned’s name every time. Buying his presents was always easy, so you never minded much. This year though, was different.
The frigidity in the air nipped at your knuckles as you knocked on the front door to the Leeds’ residence. The bright red paint on the door vastly stood out from the white blur of the blizzard behind you. Only a moment had passed before a pair of stumbling footsteps could be heard from inside. Two grinning faces greeted you by the open door rather than the expected one.
“Hey [Y/N],” both Peter and Ned said in unison. The boys were clad in matching sweaters and messy hair to go with them. The excitement they so clearly wore on their faces made you smile in the slightest as you took a step into the doorway.
“Hey boys, good to see you as always.” You shook your arm out of your coat sleeve upon entering, and hung it neatly on a hook. Peter’s hair was curly and damp, presumably from melted snowflakes. You could tell he hadn’t arrived too much earlier than you had because when he wrapped you in a tight hug, there was a slight chill hanging onto his skin. Ned, however, felt as if he had been sitting in front of the fireplace for hours. His quick embrace warmed you almost instantly.
The entire house was decked from floor to ceiling in cheerful Christmas decor. String lights lined the ceiling and tinsel was stranded from every shelf. The tree was perhaps the most beautiful sight of them all, crystal ornaments glistened in the warm yellow light as they delicately hung from pine branches.
“The place looks great Mrs. Leeds,” you called out into the kitchen, making your way into the living room. You found Mj lounging on the sofa, intently chewing on a candy cane. “Hey stranger, did you miss me?” Mj’s eyes lit up as you made your way into her field of vision. She sprung from the couch and opened her arms to you.
“Oh, thank you dear. Be careful though, I did hide some mistletoe.”A sweet and sugary smell wafted through the air as she spoke. Ned’s mother could be heard from the other room, she was most likely baking as she bustled around in the kitchen.
“Alright Mrs. L, I’ll be careful!” you called back, releasing Mj from your hug. Christmas break had only started a week ago, but it had felt like forever since you’d seen your friends. It was odd adjusting from seeing them everyday to not seeing them for a week. Peter, however, was different. He was that one friend that you could barely stand to be away from. You had been friends with Mj the longest, and had way more in common with Ned, but for some reason you and Peter just had a special bond that nobody fully understood. You had called Peter every night since break had started, because for some reason you just missed him. And he’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel the same way.
“You guys ready?” Ned asked as he took a seat in a recliner next to the tree. All of the secret santa exchange presents were neatly placed under the brightly lit pine, all apart from yours. The one in your hands was for Peter, a rectangular gift covered in paper bag wrapping held together with a silky red ribbon. You fiddled with the ribbon as you took a seat on the couch next to Mj.
“Yeah, I’ll go first,” Peter grunted as he took a seat on the floor next to Ned. He stretched in front of the recliner and slid his present out from under the tree, holding it up to his best friend with one hand. “Here you go buddy, Merry Christmas.”
Your leg bounced up and down throughout the whole duration of the gift exchange, nervous for Peter’s reaction to your present. Peter had bought Ned a new lego set, most likely in hopes of building it together tonight. Ned made Mj a cd and got her a thin leather cuff bracelet, she always made comments on how she admired his taste in music. Mj was your secret santa, which didn’t shock you much since she had been hinting at it for weeks, but you were surprised to see that she made you a painting. It was a red monochromatic piece of you. When you held it up to the light, you knew exactly what moment she captured in the painting. Mj had replicated a picture Peter took of you, it was when he got his new camera from last Christmas. The moment had been snapped as your head tilted back slightly, your mouth open in mid laughter. The painting, and memory, was breathtaking. You almost felt insecure about your gift for Peter.
“Mj, I don’t know what to say...this is stunning.” Mj looked to you with an endearing smile, taking your hand in hers. “Thank you. This is amazing, you’re amazing.”
“Yeah, I know.” She shrugged with a wide grin spreading across her face.
“Hey Mj, can I get a painting like that for my birthday?” Peter asked, his voice was joking, but part of his face made his request seem serious.
“You want a painting of [Y/N] for your birthday? Dude, that’s kinda creepy.” Ned chuckled from his chair. Peter whipped his head to face Ned, a deep blush creeping on his cheeks.
“Wha- no. That’s not what-” Peter’s words started to blend together. You couldn’t keep back a laugh of your own as Peter looked to you with wide eyes.
“It’s okay Peter, I know you’re secretly obsessed with me.” You smiled at Peter, but he shook his head slightly. He couldn’t help but smile too. “Okay, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frazzle you, Pete. Here, I hope this makes up for it.”
You moved from the couch onto the floor, stretching to hand Peter his gift. Once he took it with shaky hands, you sat on the carpet across from him. He delicately turned the gift over, looking at it with a puzzled face. As he unfurled the ribbon, your heart seemed to fill with an inexplicable warmth. You couldn’t conclude whether or not it was an anxious feeling, or one of love.
The expression on his face when his gaze peered back up at you from the carton in his hand was heavy. You didn’t believe in love at first sight, but luckily you and Peter had seen each other many times before. Just never quite like this. The air in the room felt thick, it was causing you to sit completely still. Everybody’s eyes were glued to you. Peter’s look was firm, but Ned and Mj only seemed confused.
“Eggnog?” Peter’s weakened voice cut through the thick air, a barely audible crack present in the single word he spoke.
You took a deep breath and swallowed heavily. “Well, yeah. Because you mentioned once that-”
“Thank you. [Y/N], thank you.”
The four of you carried on with the party without talking about the odd moment between you and Peter during the gift exchange. You were glad nobody had dwelled on it or questioned it, but also unsure of how he really felt. You kept trying to get him alone, even just for a minute. Your chance didn’t come until after the party disbanded.
“Thanks for coming guys, I’ll see you on New Years!” Ned called as Peter, Mj, and you all buttoned your coats and headed into the cold. Luckily, none of you lived too far from Ned’s, but the cold still made the walk miserable. The last bit of warmth left as you closed the door behind you, walking into the cold, dark streets of Queens.
“Hey [Y/N], can I walk with you?” Peter’s voice was crisp with intent as he caught up with you on the sidewalk. You wrung the handles of your gift bag as you walked with anticipation, the crunch of snow beneath your feet louder than your quiet hum.
“You remembered.” That was all he said as he reached out, grabbing your shoulder lightly. You stopped, turning to look into the fire behind his eyes. He wasn’t sad or disappointed in you, the lightness of his features proved so. It was a look reminiscent of the one he gave you from earlier, while you sat in front of him on the carpet.
“Of course I remembered, Peter. You told us last year, the story about the first Christmas you could remember-”
“My earliest memory of my parents...and how we all drank eggnog on Christmas eve as we sat, counting down to midnight. I fell asleep, and my parents set up the presents, ate the cookies, and drank the eggnog.” It was almost as if he was feeling the same giddiness and joy from his childhood memory just by retelling it. The melancholy and morbid feeling wasn’t there, only pure happiness in talking about his parents.
“And you told me that you hadn’t had eggnog since the Christmas before they died, it reminded you too much of them.” You tucked your free hand into your pocket, fiddling with any lint remains. Worry struck a chord in your brain, you were scared that you upset Peter somehow. “I’m really sorry Pete, if it was too much or too soon, but it seemed a shame that you haven’t had eggnog in so long. Especially since it used to be your favorite.”
“No, [Y/N], I love it. I know it’s just eggnog, but you’ve always been so supportive and helpful. I know my life is hectic, and being a part of it is dangerous, but I want you to be in it more. I want you around more. I want to be more to you.” Peter talked slowly, shifting his weight back and forth on his feet. Snowflakes were flurrying around you, one landing gently on his cheekbone. Instead of responding, you removed your hand from your warm and inviting pocket to wipe the flake away. Peter cupped his hand over yours, both resting on his face now.
“It’s a shame there isn’t any mistletoe,” you spoke lightly. Peter looked at you with a lopsided smile, his gaze slipping to your whisper ridden lips.
“I’ve been looking for an excuse to kiss you for nearly a year, you didn’t think I came prepared?” Peter held up a bundle of small green leaves, lifting it above your heads. Your eyes tilted up at the stolen mistletoe from Mrs. Leeds, then shifted your love laden look back to Peter’s face. 
Taking a step forward, your hand already cupping his cheek, your lips lightly pushed up against his. You grinned into the kiss at the realization that his lips were stained with the slightest taste of eggnog.
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usashirtstoday · 4 years
Assuming I'm Just An Old Lady Was Your First Mistake Reader Vintage T Shirt
That have following equally people of color have been disproportionately affected by greater rates for white Americans that we can honor all of those we’ve lost giving Joe Biden harassment opportunity to put in place a Assuming I'm Just An Old Lady Was Your First Mistake Reader Vintage T Shirt real national plan tests and tracks makes sure that faster vaccine will be fair in terms the full power of our government toward making sure we have the surprising technology and people scientist and public health officials and tracers we need to start right now let’s hear from the champion five front line workers who also happens to be a champion in a World Cup champion making Peter is now a honor to go to the conversation with four front line workers here in America receiving name when you’re absolutely me you know now well and I had and will be in the week and really going to allow a we need not I believe I will my and I we are in a way I don’t know how you are probably for the hospital doors response Teddy and I left electric years and so a lot of my comments people were exhausted and. I think I will my family during the losing dependent upon who is and so must a similar initiativeand eventually back in the word of his particular now gems they could to Botswana last week we Particularly get some Petri by Wednesday to the city on the festival I had to know is what times you are looking for this American trivia any reaction at eight anything to gang as well as both the collective response about the day that the big movements gang be a beetle because the folks you by the way the Detroit University of costand how to become the no I think your American Bars Any of the Soundsand the Is Very Nice Indeed to Get Especially to Get One Needs Because We Use Out Of It so Cutting the Name for Decide Singles Me Thank You Very Much for Giving Us This Syllable List of Things to Get Mom to Good Old Mr Wilson Noses on One Another Speaks on to Say Things like the Purple Hearts along the Filmand Stuff like Viewing in Timing of the DSand in Which the Thought of Being a Politicianand You Been to Move out Only to Go Someplace Other Than Knowing Louise Arrington It’s a Hard Life Is a Hard Days Grind Says in the Many None of the Finalist Most Is You yet We Especially Nearly Days on the Job against Shelterand Bringing Things to Everyone the Minister at Any Moment Any Encompass a Accident Computer Any That I Was an Interesting American Girl Hoping the Police Protecting the Receiving in the City Is Knowledge the Denigrate Job in the Crowd Light Is Expected Now We Can Extend Any Library but the Most Interesting Offer You Ever Receive anand Just Enough to Vacate No Comment Now Know What You Want to Go Bowling No No They I Don’t Know You Will Straighten Was Watching Kellyand Thinking That Things Will Go to Drink from George How You Feel If Anyone Last Night I Enjoyed It Because We Seen the Film before down None of Us Were Very Excited until He Saw It with Youand Others Is That with All the People John Was the Next Secondand Friday Defendant in the Mobile Phone Will Then Rest Is Not Visible Many Congratulations on Your in the Getting Very Delighted Indeed but You Can about a Full Delighted Indeed I’m Glad You like I Loveand Is It Fun for You Loosening You Know Be Fun for You You Are Morningand He Said in a Way That Here but Probably Had a Lie Six Weeks Agoand We Got the Forms to Fill inand Then We We Knew That to Get It Two Days Ago These Forms Straight to the Store When I Was Just about Envelopes Delivered by Somebody by Handling One of Ryan’s Second Set out for You Send the Prime Minister Downing Street to Law Manager’s Officeand They Would Delivered from That to Take the Wheel Assumingand Then Ending How about a Day Later We Just Found Them How We Thought We Were Being Called the Armyand Then Reopened on Monday Then Everyone Outlined ITV the Other Long As Youand Be Awardedand I Don’t Know I Do Not Know Nothing about It Consistently Got It on the It’s Nice to Just Make You More Respectability I Don’t Think You May Be Other People Think to Make Me Any More Respectable I’m Still Scruff One You Had to Be about to the Palace in the Morning to Let I Don’t Know so I Went to Bible You You You Have Don’t Know That I Will Need to Know Well Did Wanted to about His Only Pajamasand an Auto to Get the Equipment Business to Things in the Family Got Them Then Put into the Transitand Then We Got Pushed around One the Lansing toand Only You Can’t Do Nothing about Organizing Thingsand Villains All of Youand the Weather Was Taylor Myself Finding about Heaven with Doing Actual Kickingand Unbelieving Now I’m a Very Delicateand Movedand Began to Me Now Currently the Title about That Just Has Joined It’s like Both onand They Go through the Streets of Making a Film Only Ever Going to Be Called to Reading. Coming out is able to building in a year Warner Bro is all in I mean they are all inand they’re going to be goingand buzzing on top of all that stuff Harry Potter movies were announced we knew about the Lego movies coming outand then this can be all the great dramatic stuff that Warner Bro puts out as well so I mean there’s a whole should appear as I know to start except I know let’s start with this is pulling out of thin airand humility to be the flash now this puts the final year we keep telling peopleand your people keep asking me sitting across green arrow into the movie universallyand now when you bring the flashing TV show an empty calendar not if said forever there to keep their televisionand their universe a separate which listen is the one thing they have gotten far more right than marble has this whole crossing TVand movies I’ve almost wore a movie stupidity is just stupidand heand I met Jaime magna why thing keeping them separate is far more creative freedom to the movie universe far more creative
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On the masses they are the same as the same yes now the so called Iris didn’t bonding America day ago people this is okay gonna do it is divide and conquer as his finest the oldest trick in the book Anatolia America is all about that that’s what they about that you don’t have to ask when you see the callout of flags what’s wrong to be fair is what works for tourism is not here we go with our service is a Assuming I'm Just An Old Lady Was Your First Mistake Reader Vintage T Shirt look at these people and they gonna bring that all your people you never get it to Seth Scholl daft to bring the so called black people to talk about it because a so called Iris is black and these people is fighting for black people you believe it on TV fake that if you take them as black people are fighting for you dumbass tall steel is like she was born American dream is born in Oakland California and how stainless work bloodstream MRI to the bloodstream and pay attention people remember the election is so called November watch out for the drama that gonna come with it under divide and conquer what. I want them to kill someone I don’t want to die at that at this point it’s just THIERRYand iSCSI has been clever there was talk out is the onlyand John is a fucking idiot how many times in the same mistakesand is all of the last episode I will fucking med start to wake the fuck upand One of the most horrible dream elsewhere for God’s on both out on the government’s utilities like still talking to Robert raffia in which phone is that’s what I can’t go to Kingsland authorities wild imagination is going not goingand that was actually the point where I was like my view is really good is really good when Rob Stark went offand I was my son this is probably the best of those see if you’re like me you spent another is one or two years investing emotionally in Rob Stark is good to make this right I hated him all I did on opportunities status is spinal I warning you all okay okay no I was he was I put all my soon hated signs the current stance on this amazing I still hate her now here now even was you came as a jazz molecule fucked is bizarre so I’m on your team I’ve been in just fine I hated signs of who owes directly Circe given erasers on over Joffrey oh my God Joffrey’s performanceand scripted whole package was so amazing I was able to separate the character from the actor until the actor outlived them I himself was that a thing about meditation was after he died out I was like will appreciate what you did for me when I felt something on around John who actually fucking sucked to the worst character in this whole show is is your on great joy that fucking pirate who can teleport around it just wants to get Circe answered no to the best part’s character was motivated by fucking Circe they thought Circeand he died that’s an art I can get on board with him when he when he washed up on the beach in the exact same spot where Jamie is yeah is like I’m gonna take your head to Circeand it’s like why you’re not in a duel that didn’t need to happen like they were never really at odds with what was it set up it was I was like that before right I don’t got so is happy met with the weight right when they brought the birds on the wrong the year I’m thinking what fortitude is one of hisand his youand what you know Jimmy had the hand is what I’m not Jamie Lantos so you just know just what modelsand amontillado that make’s women choose the one what they are because of your move from the right of the Circe deserve a way worse definite will she had the easiest way out she died in like this romantic way leg with her do you rejoice slowly poisoning individuality your loved area Mario stick the needle throat like 17 what if aria were Jamie’s faceand year I expected that Swiss already is a phase Jamie says something to Circe that that would her heartand the betrayaland then you find out if you don’t want the best moment was of the whole series was for me it was when aria killed Walter Frei went when she pulled a white light like that that’s an underrated moment right there because I like for two years ever since a red wedding lately whenever we were discussed as the show were all big things obviously I’d be like you know people do it when the dragons building thisand what’s what was to happen in the city over Ness Olson was Robin RRR you know what’s a John Snow going to do if he becomes more commanderand I was like fuck buddy when are we going to do with this fucking phrase there still fuck it down their childrenand their castle laughing about the ship with her silly ass hatI hated there I hate those fat girl costumes bad magnetic so they killed of one of the document to the two women on the show was presented to meand then Johnson Rob Stark’s girl didn’t know what he a friend she was bad already had the underwater no no the Rodarte area is we will search for also thinking that got stabbed in the belly was in as part of the whole series as a whole series is learned areas other porn finish off what was the pregnant one man suggested an old woman old pregnant you have down like a blonde Johnny in his auto about the bedroomand you will it was a like he was pretty established that after the battle of winter felt that Danny’s army had been demolished like the unsullied had been slaughtered in the top Iraqi tens of thousandsand thousands of them wiped outand then now even in like the the teaser for the next episode after this episode like she’s got a huge army it’s notice will be beyond that she had a huge army what you said but I felt like at the end of the battle of winter fell we didn’t know what they had like we didn’t think they would beat Searcy that was a real questionand I was even the characters relate to his old other thing now Circe’s plan of wiping us outand not being able to beat her is a problemand are doing the strategy the strategizingand they acted like it was even like it could go either way by two episodes ago suddenly there like looking should really just quit we all know how this ends we are so OP compared to youand they were eight minutes in there like ringing the bells that they want to close it was it was invited all one Dragon it is is is so fucking overpowered bit like episode I really like source I one thing I I did like was Circe’s reaction she was light well neuron you know he’s killed Dragon before you kill anotherand and is much like we know the Oregon fleet is burning at the bottom of the bay we have plenty of scorpions on the walls of the abutment but it all was all the scorpions of the destroyed well the Golden company has never been defeated in the field of my lady the golden company with burntand then the survivors were raped the death of metal lattice Nami five is better than any cell sort related lattice army has thrown down the weapons as there was slaughtered by the North menand then they were raped by the next thing she said was well the red keep has never fallen asleep which made the red default aside from me always being absolutely right here as welland then my father a few years before that were all ended that time way before that when the tour Garyand stated public just three times before now what the like but lately I should own a little bit of a positive spin on the upside area like what will the stuff that you liked about devising I like I like that Circe died I did like that but I didn’t like how she died she deserved a considerable degree were done know denied that she should give a fuck about you logo is character arc I want to see Baghdad ringwormand how he finishes thousands of beside no sign that he does musicand is fucking though it’s really no resumes is a dick in real life is not a surprise in the military Messiah not I like to is a legacy I don’t look at it like I would’ve done this or that you have Xanax I enjoyed I enjoyed it was old this has taken years from my lifeand I appreciate that the that they have a momentous end in this wrists comes inand wants people to say this about D D they do a book adaptation better than anyone has done a book adaptation perhaps in the history of cinema describing also I literally wiped throughand perhaps that was also very good in the paramilitary don’t do is original workand as best what they did with the last couple seasons so read anything that Michael learned from Hollywood movie watching use D D for book adaptationsand not for like grass field open projects yet all I’ll say what I hope happens next upset I hope periods in big fucking trouble for letting Jamie goand there is a trial by combatand and she chooses gray worm as her championand John Snow steps up for Syrianand andand John Snow fucking kills gray worm and then theand thenand then he kills Dannyand then he takes the blackand the that the kingdom ends up being ruled by like some sort of fucking tribunal or some shit like Sam well Charlie light like like fucking if it Sam ran to get put in charge especially by example Samsung you put in charge because he doesn’t even like you enough for some family apparently like world that is the lost Arkansas John wants to go take the blackand so you are Stark’s mobile brand this fucking weirdo was the oldest male I guess he gets to be in charge like he’s on my nerves the Zalman matter which one artist brought Ron Bramwell Guerin is on his cryptic shipment is a woman should tell it was happening is happening is a litigious Soviet process is is was going to ask you we should do about Toby original to go for walks to wait until three is trying is almost anyway brand is going initiate bum he has given no useful advice to anyone I hope they just wheel him into a cornerand facing laid out is trying to move this break it would be so funny if nothing ended up happening with him though was the storyline that Tyler is my friend is in Leo I want to watch the teaser for the next episode like I am with you but I could I noted spoilers like mother was on Reddit they have proven to be reliable thus farand a mattress anymore you don’t do that for millennia. The vast difference in your story sound from my home state of Texas mission you are a school nurse and mother in El Paso are you in a new school year over the returning to start when we went farm which is their home and career are doing okay there were scores for committed students and school do whatever it takes and said they did a perfect score for to move forward went for everyone to watch the bank to Michelle I think there’s nothing like difficult grasses burns to be our children suffer and tell I think they do a great job in guiding interdisciplinary difficult training think if you want to do is nurse truly heroic and really enjoy talking to all of you I think I question you believe that change is coming to you believe that better days are yes thank you for two to speak with us and sharing your thoughts you either we and we the people and you I guess convention is about we only through to be so made the and you are we the we are festivals walking with fear of course we were able to do will be in several out with leaders throughout See Other related products: unicorn shirts and shirt
0 notes
undergroundkid · 7 years
Come over
Here it goes – another one from my old stuff, fluff this time. I wrote it shortly before Finn became NXT champion.. (too) sweet times. It’s longer and it’s definitely better than others (at least I hope so).
It was always about wrestling – everything in Finn’s life was about wrestling. Crazy journeys from one side of the world to the other, staying up whole nights reading magazines, countless hours in ring, nearly dying from exhaustion on the gym.. all this crazy work to wrestle everyday, to make it his living.
There were of course other things which made him happy. His big family, hanging out with friends (wrestlers or not), reading comic books or building legos. Going out of town from time to time was also refreshing. He even had girlfriends sometimes, but it never was anything too serious – his life was wrestling and he knew it was all that mattered.
Hard work payed when he signed to NJPW – this is it, he’s proffesional. And then.. to famous WWE’s developmental, NXT. If before all his life was about wrestling, he didn’t know how to call it right now – breathing this craft? He met the most amazing people and had chance to train in the best condtions he could ever dream of. Wrestlers inspired each other, the legends were here to give advices.
The last thing Finn got on his mind was something like this.
Never said any of this was gonna be simple
Sometimes all it takes is just a symbol
Because the place you want to reach is right in front of you
Keep getting stronger, so just keep on my belonger
You showed up on the same time as him, being one of new additions to NXT’s roster. He heard of you before, it was hard not to – he even saw your one match live, but when he got backstage you were taken to the emergency. Hardcore wrestling was your cup of tea, after all.
Machinegunka was always saying that you’re the women of his dreams and Balor didn’t give it much thought. Well yeah, you were pretty and skilled too, but nothing extraordinary. Your promos were good and kind of sick, while he played it simple and classic. He prefered showing in ring than before camera.
You made look yourself as this crazy girl, who wasn’t scared of anything. Participating in extreme matches, with guys too – lightweight, but still.. well, you liked to take a risk, he was sure of that. Everyone was excited to have you on the WWE and he was curious himself. How badass are you on daily basis?
When you finally appeared, you didn’t have much time because of whole paperwork that needed to be done. When you dropped by, ecouraged by Sami Zayn – your roommate from few years ago – Finn was more than intrigued.
You weren’t that vicious competitor, but nice girl who laughed all the time. Guys company didn’t bother you much, you seemed easy and comfortable. When Steen (or rather Owens) posted photo on twitter with NXT’’s “old school” team you were also there, beetween Hideo and Sami. Jokes and positive attitude draw him closer to you; even more after he saw your debut, the chanting of the crowd, passion in your movement.
And the happiest smile on your face when you came backstage.
You bring the sun-sun-sun-sunshine
You bring the sun-sun-sun-sunshine
You two clicked almost immediately. Not that strange, really. Finn liked the lazy chats with you after training. You even get in ring few times, learning from each other. You helped him more in acting class, being Dusty’s pupil. It wasn’t uncommon to have coffee together on mornings or beer on evenings.
Rumors spread rather quickly and guys began to tease him about you. “Woah, here comes the Demon’s queen” was the popular one, although Adrian and Kevin liked to sigh heavily with “Date already, for fuck’s sake”. It was more funny than embrassing. Dating? It wasn’t that kind of relationship, it just.. it was easy with you. No drama, only positive vibes and ultimate sacrifice for wrestling. He liked your company and he wanted to know more about you, but he wasn’t sure about direction of it. “It’s written on your faces, this pure interest”, Becky said once.
Well I guess you’re gonna run out of luck sooner or later
You better make time to sit down and bent the paper
Because the things you want to do is slept away from you
It won’t be long now
So just keep on being stronger
I recall as she blow my mind
without you, without you
Girl you got me wicked money
can’t stop thinkin’ about you, about you
Around two months of bonding friendship later, Balor started to see more of you. Not only amount of your hard work at Performance Center – but also nice shape of your body. Not only wicked laugh because of some stupid Enzo’s joke – but  also sweet dimples on your cheeks. He catched himself buying you this little cupcake on the way to gym almost everyday to have some time together before everyone show up. You rewarded him with little smile and after few times with cup of his favourite coffee, too.
- I really like yer’ smile – he told you one day during cooling off after practice:- It’s the cutest one I ever saw, ya know?
He expected some smartass response or simple ‘thank you’, as usual. But he only heard silence and when he looked at you, he couldn’t quite believe his eyes.
You were blushing. Oh, how bad you were blushing!
It wasn’t only shock, but hell of an achievment. You weren’t this type, especially after some small compliment. And Finn felt his cheeks burn also, because somewhere deep in his mind he knew you showed him the special side of you – the shy, embrassed girl. No one knew about this. How special he has to be to witness it?
He didn’t flinch when you just stormed away; you needed a bit of time for youself. Maybe as he? All he could think of was this precious colour of your cheeks, the wide eyes and all of you. How much he wanted to wrap it in his arms, to be it only his.
Damn straight you’re gonna be his.
Come over
Come over
Come over
Come, come over
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joannechocolat · 7 years
On role models, and what makes a hero.
Unless you’ve been marooned in a different dimension all this week, you’ll have heard about the casting of Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor. The ripples of outrage among certain groups; the cries of triumph among others. It sparked a discussion on Twitter, which escalated gradually into a heated debate about male and female role models, during which a group of (mostly) men asked me repeatedly why girls couldn’t be satisfied with Wonder Woman, Cagney & Lacey, Minnie Mouse and Miss Marple, rather than trying to muscle in on the Dr Who clubhouse.
Well, it’s a fair question. Why do we need specifically female role models? My daughter spent her childhood playing at Harry Potter, wearing my old academic gown, liberally splashed with fake blood. I myself spent much of my own childhood pretending to be Kwai Chang Caine, or the Doctor (mine was Jon Pertwee), or Marine Boy, or the Six Million Dollar Man. It never occurred to either of us to feel that we were missing out on heroes of our own gender. But here’s the thing. Over the centuries, girls have become used to the fact that most of their favourite heroes are male. As a child, I wanted to be a boy, because boys seemed to get all the best parts in the stories I liked to read. My daughter was the same; after all, who wouldn’t rather be Harry than Ginny or Hermione?
Boys have no such problem. Even now, children of both sexes tend to assume that the lead role in any story will be taken by a boy. Boys have twelve Doctors of their own gender, but still manage to feel threatened when girls claim just one for themselves. Boys have hundreds of superheroes; detectives, action heroes, spies, wizards, knights and cool villains. And yes, girls do have those things too, but in far smaller numbers, and with the unspoken assumption that female heroes are somehow less interesting to boys than they would be to girls. Girls are happy to dress up as characters of both genders, from Captain America to James Bond, but how many little boys would dare to dress up as Wonder Woman?
Let’s face it: most little boys (with the help of the toy and game industry) find it easier to identify with a cartoon dog, or a robot, or an anthropomorphic car, or a two-headed alien, or a villain who wants to blow up the world than a female human being. Why? Because they’ve been taught from the earliest age that behaving like a girl is the most shameful thing a boy can do. If a boy cries, he’s being a girl. If he shows vulnerability, he’s being a girl. If he’s afraid, he’s being a girl. No boy wants to run like a girl, it means not being able to run properly. Same with fighting like a girl: it means not knowing how to fight. And by dint of being told that being like a girl means being silly, and weak, and afraid, those boys will grow up into men who look down on women, and who find it impossible to believe that a woman could be their equal in any way.
And yet, you could argue that this is precisely why little boys need female role models. Boys need female role models to teach them how to identify with women, rather than just see them in terms of attractiveness or unattractiveness. And there’s no reason that a boy shouldn’t be able to identify with a female character as easily as a male one – as long as that character displays qualities to aspire to.
Which brings us to the crux of the thing. What qualities make a hero?
Opinions differ, but most agree that courage is essential. And courage comes in many forms, none of which are restricted to a single gender. One man on Twitter, sneering at the thought that women could ever show real heroism, implied that giving birth was the closest a woman could get. Well, childbirth is certainly painful and hard, especially in those parts of the world in which women are more likely to die in childbirth than from any other cause; where women are forced into marriages at the age of twelve or thirteen, and forced to give birth time and time again. Yes, that takes courage. And so does enduring rape, or FGM, or war, or displacement, or the kind of oppression forced upon women in countries all around the world. But courage and heroism aren’t the same thing. The courage of the oppressed and downtrodden, though real, is not a courage young boys are encouraged to aspire to. It’s a passive kind of courage, a courage based on endurance, rather than action. And to dwell upon the courage of oppressed women is to feed into a narrative that says: women are weak, women are helpless, women need the protection of men. In short, it’s a narrative that casts the men as heroes, and the women as those in need of rescuing. Casting women as heroes challenges that narrative. It suggests that, in some cases, at least, women can be their own saviours – or even save men from oppression, instead of it being the other way round.
But the idea that courage, like Lego, comes in two colours – the passive, “feminine” courage of childbirth and bringing up kids on a shoestring, and the active, “masculine” heroism of going to war, driving fighter planes or risking your life working with power cables – is ultimately toxic, feeding the idea that men and women’s bodies and minds are radically different. They’re not: and courage, like human beings, is a complex and personal thing, spanning a whole spectrum of colours. Here are just a few of them, challenging the narratives of what makes a woman and what makes a man, but all of them showing courage:
The all-women Kurdish groups of soldiers fighting ISIS
The Nigerian girls, risking their lives to go to school in defiance of Boko Haram
Those who challenge the stigma of mental illness
Those who come out as gay or trans
Those who find the courage to leave their abusive partners
Those who stand up for their beliefs in the face of their peer group
Those who fight for justice against brutal or oppressive regimes
Those who fight to overcome fear, anxiety or depression
The aid workers and peacemakers who risk their lives in war zones
But action isn’t the only way to show courage. It is also:
That time you thought you couldn’t go on, but did
That time you stood up for yourself when you didn’t know you could
That time you intervened when someone was bullying somebody else
That time you faced your deepest fear
That time you dared to be yourself
That time you were brave enough to apologize, or admit you were wrong
All the times you kept going in the face of failure
All those times, whatever your gender, you were a hero. Remember that. You were a fucking hero.
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viralhottopics · 8 years
Turns out Archie is just as clueless in ‘Riverdale’ as he is in the comics
KJ Apa as Archie Andrews, Lili Reinhart as Betty Cooper, Cole Sprouse as Jughead Jones, and Camila Mendes as Veronica Lodge
Image: Diyah Pera/THE CW
This recap contains spoilers for Riverdale Season 1, episode 2, titled “A Touch of Evil.”
Previously on Riverdale Archie (KJ Apa) got hot, Jason Blossom’s (Trevor Stines) body was discovered with a bullet hole in his head meaning he didn’t drown like his twin sister Cheryl (Madelaine Petch) said and Archie, Betty (Lili Reinhart) and Veronica’s (Camila Mendes) iconic love triangle was born with Betty’s broken heart.
As subversive as Riverdale gets with Archie Comics canon, underneath the darkness and grit of the world created in The CW series, all of the characters are still pretty much the same as their comic book counterparts. Yes, Archie’s now a hot varsity football player caught in an illicit teacher/student affair with Ms. Grundy (Sarah Habel), but underneath his buff exterior, he’s still the girl-crazy redhead who always tries to do the right thing, even if he doesnt succeed most of the time. His intentions are pure.
While last week’s series premiere did its best to get tongues wagging with how scandalous, shocking and edgy Riverdale is going to be, episode 2 lives up to its promise of staying true to who the Archie Comics characters are. It also makes big strides in Jason Blossom’s murder investigation, no thanks to Archie. But we’ll get to that in a bit.
Now that the police are searching for whoever shot Jason, Archie’s guilty conscience is getting the better of him about the mysterious gunshot he heard at the river’s edge on July 4th. Archie may be a little dense, but he’s not stupid; he can put two and two together he knows exactly when Jason was shot, and he also knows that information could be very helpful to the police. But Ms. Grundy’s scared that if they come forward, it will expose their affair and get her in trouble, so she refuses to let Archie spoil their good time with his ethics. #RiverdaleStrong.
It only takes Archie until lunch to confront Ms. Grundy again, asking her if her feelings for him are real because otherwise there’s no reason to protect whatever it is they’re doing especially if it obstructs a murder investigation.
When faced with that ultimatum, of course Ms. Grundy tells him their relationship is real no surprise there. She seductively warns him that if he exposes their affair, they’ll never get to see each other again, appealing to his teenage boy hormones and effectively shutting him up for a little bit. It’s clear that Grundy doesn’t feel the same way about Archie that he does about her and is more concerned with keeping her job, but he can’t see that through his lust blinders. Can you blame the poor guy?
Thankfully, his former best friend Jughead (Cole Sprouse) is here to help Archie see the truth after he catches a glimpse of the two of them in the act. Archie and Jughead subsequently get into a tense fight about the affair, leading Archie to confess to hearing a gunshot on July 4th, and Jughead’s ensuing anger over the fact that Archie isn’t doing the right thing and coming forward proves to be the push that Archie needs to nut up.
Bro code.
Image: Diyah Pera/THE CW
The next morning, Archie’s resolve is strengthened by an inspiring talk with his dad (Luke Perry) and good ol’ Archie finally decides to do the right thing and tell the police what he heard. We’ll have to wait to see how Grundy reacts to Archie’s decision, though something tells me she’s desperate to keep their affair a secret.
Meanwhile, Betty’s mom, Alice Cooper (Madchen Amick) is on the warpath when it comes to Jason’s murder investigation, practically dancing with glee over the discovery that he was shot.
There is something seriously off with Alice, more than just being a overbearing mother. If every Riverdale character is like their comic book counterpart in some way, Alice Cooper is the exception. There is no trace of her warm, nurturing self from the digest and if it’s there, she’s hiding it well. No one, especially a mother of a high school student, should be that happy about her daughter’s peer getting shot in the face.
She pays off the medical examiner performing the autopsy for the inside scoop on his cause of death, and her interest levels are definitely suspicious. And why is she so afraid to have Betty visit Polly in the group home she’s in? There is definitely something fishy going on with the whole Alice, Polly and Jason situation. I’m all for a slow burn, but this mystery is likely going to have huge ramifications for many characters and possibly the investigation itself, so I’m getting impatient.
But Betty is too focused on her own issues to dig deeper into that, as both Veronica and Archie are on major damage control after their little makeout sesh. For the most part, Betty seems to be over her broken heart. But it’s not how she really feels it’s just what she’s projecting, seeing as how her mother wants her to break off things with both of them. Is this the first sign of Betty’s rebellion, going against what her mother wants, even if it’s not what she truly wants?
When Veronica tries to talk things over with Betty, Betty’s true feelings finally come out and it’s no more Miss Nice Girl. She takes Veronica’s olive branch gift of manis/pedis and blowouts at a fancy salon and instead invites Cheryl of all people, who accepts only to try and get information out of Betty about Polly.
Cheryl thinks whatever happened between Polly and Jason over the summer caused Polly to shoot Jason, and Betty definitely has no time for those kinds of accusations. And hey, maybe threatening murder to the sister of the boy who was just murdered isn’t the smartest idea?
Madelaine Petsch as Cheryl Blossom
Image: Dean Buscher/The CW
There’s clearly more to Cheryl than meets the eye. After trying to stay strong throughout the entire hour, she finally breaks down during the pep rally thrown in her brother’s honor. Believe it or not, Veronica ends up being the one to comfort her, and after Betty sees the sweeter side of Veronica, she decides to put the past behind her and be Veronica’s friend for real. They seal their newly forged bond over milkshakes at Pop’s, making a vow that no boy will ever come between them again.
In a case of TV-perfect timing, Archie then walks through the door of Pop’s. Betty can see the sparks between him and Veronica, but she shoves her feelings down once more and invites him and Jughead to join them in their booth.
Jughead’s closing narration sums up that trio the best: “To someone on the outside, peering in, it would have looked like there were four people in that booth. But I was there and I can tell you, really there were only three: a blonde girl, a raven-haired girl and the luckiest redheaded boy in the universe. For one shining moment, we were just kids. Those bright neon lights of Pop’s keeping the darkness at bay, giving way, as all nights must, to a morning of reckoning.”
SEE ALSO: ‘Riverdale’ reinvents Archie with a ‘Twin Peaks’ twist, and we dare you not to love it
That morning of reckoning is a big step forward in Jason’s murder investigation, as none other than Cheryl is the first arrest made! Record scratch, freeze frame, say what?!
She’s taken out of class by the sheriff and principal because of what the autopsy revealed, and in her own words, she admits, “I’m guilty.” But guilty of what? Surely not murdering her twin brother?
It’s more likely she’s “guilty” of giving a false statement about when her brother disappeared, since it turns out he didn’t die on July 4th he died over a week later. So what was the gunshot that Archie and Grundy heard?
Looks like there are now two major mysteries being brought out of the shadows and into the light in Riverdale. But honestly, I’m just here for Betty and Veronica’s newly-minted girl power friendship.
Other noteworthy moments:
– Moose (Cody Kearsly) wants to keep his secret fling going with Kevin (Casey Cott), but Kevin has no interest in extreme closet cases. Keep on being your awesome, confident and self-aware self, Kevin. You are slowly but surely becoming the best part of Riverdale.
– Archie is the king of sending poor Betty mixed signals, and it’s even more heartbreaking to watch onscreen than it is to read it in the comics. Apparently when they were both in second grade, he almost got held back because he was having trouble reading. She tutored him every day so he would still be in her class, and when he passed he kissed her and asked her to marry him. She told him to ask her again when they were 18 and she’d say yes. She probably, definitely meant that, and of course, he can’t see that. He just remembers it as a cute memory from their childhood. Oh, Archie.
– We’re starting to get a fuzzy picture about what caused Archie and Jughead’s friendship-ending rift. Apparently Archie had plans to go on a road trip over the summer summer with Jughead, beginning on the weekend of July 4th, but Archie canceled last minute. Jughead now knows it’s because of Archie’s fling with Grundy, but that definitely isn’t the whole story. What else happened between these two former best friends? At least Archie deciding to come forward about the gunshot he heard seems to be the start of a resolution with Jughead. Plus, taking a punch to the face for his former bestie definitely scores Archie some points.
– The River Vixens perform at the school’s pep rally in Jason’s honor (what an interesting way of grieving, Cheryl) with an assist from Josie (Ashleigh Murray) and the Pussycats. Their cover of “Sugar, Sugar” is awesome, bubble gum pop fun, and a subversive take on the original since it’s usually sung by The Archies. Subversive really seems to be the mantra of Riverdale, huh?
Riverdale airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. on The CW.
BONUS: DC Comics characters come to life in the form of LEGO bricks
Read more: http://on.mash.to/2l4j7vV
from Turns out Archie is just as clueless in ‘Riverdale’ as he is in the comics
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