#they were walking together in malfoy manor’s gardens
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sundrop-writes · 8 months
if Draco walked in on you changing...
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Word Count: 1360
Harry Potter Masterlist
Warnings: I have no clue when this could fit onto the general Harry Potter timeline (and tbh I don't think it does); this features the 'arranged marriage' trope; the reader is a rich pureblood (but there is no indication that the reader looks down on muggleborns the way that the Malfoys do); there is no mention of which pureblood family the reader is from, so there is no indication of her race; the reader is mentioned to be afab/has breasts and wears dresses; mentions of house elves/use of house elf labor; Draco is very cocky and entitled in this; there is some dubious consent because Draco looks at the reader while she is undressed without her consent, but she doesn't fully care; Draco calls the reader 'darling' and 'love'; the reader's parents are discussing the arranged marriage with the Malfoys without her consent; passing mention of the reader and Draco having kids together; the reader is definitely attracted to Draco and denying it. I believe that's everything.
A/N: Can you tell that I'm obsessed with the arranged marriage trope when it comes to Draco?? Yes? No? (Well you're gonna be able to tell that even more if he wins the other poll - which he probably will, and that oneshot about him is the one that I post.) I just love the idea that because he's not the best person, the reader would be forced to be in proximity to him, and she would bring out his more likeable side over time. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this! Eventually, I want to do this trope/reaction with all the characters that I mainly write for. (And maybe more, like Neville and Ginny.)
The past week of your life has been nothing but a hectic chaos, and you were simply trying your hardest to get through it. 
Your parents had travelled such a long way to ‘catch up’ with their old school friends, the Malfoys, some fellow purebloods that they hadn’t seen since graduating Hogwarts when they were all teenagers. This meant you had been a ‘guest’ at Malfoy Manor for the past week - seven straight days filled with nothing but fake smiling, bragging about your accomplishments, in detail (for your parents’ sake), being shown off like you were some trophy out of their case. You hated it. 
You didn’t think you could handle sitting through one more evening dinner or afternoon tea, hearing them all wax poetic about the ‘good ole days’ while their insufferable son stared at you from across the room. But, as you kept telling yourself, you could go home soon. You could soon go back to your regular life, your own house with walls that weren’t decorated in depressing dark shades - a place with a sprawling rose garden that you missed so dearly. 
Tonight, you just had to get through dinner. 
And then, you could fake some kind of illness and be left alone in the large, comfortable (if entirely dark and dreary) guest room that they had put you up in for your stay. 
Currently, you were racing around that room, wearing nothing but your black stockings and heels, and your jewellery, looking for your perfume bottle to spray some on your neck and chest before you put on your dress and attempted to go through the hassle of zipping it up on your own. You knew that the Malfoys had house elves that you could call upon, but you were really only comfortable with your own elf, Peplum, being the one to dress you. And she was back home because your mother and father didn’t allow her to travel. 
You finally found the perfume bottle and sprayed a few good pumps of it over your neck and breasts, and put one on your inner wrist for good measure. Then you took a moment to bask in the scent because you found it so enjoyable - a nice moment of calming peace from the annoyance and mental strain you had been put through during the past week. 
When you heard the door creak on its hinges, you thought you had been mistaken. 
“My goodness, what do we have here?” 
The sound of someone speaking caused you to jolt, practically jumping out of your skin, and you rushed to cover yourself - the only available covering being your own arms. You turned your back to the door, wrapping your arms around yourself to keep your chest covered, knowing that you looked entirely foolish wearing black tights that went up to your waist, black underwear, and heels - with nothing else. 
Naturally, Draco thought that you looked like a sex dream come to life. 
He could think of nothing sexier than a woman wearing black stockings. So naturally, seeing you topless while wearing those - it caused a stir in his pants that he had to concentrate on for it not to turn into a troubling hardon. He did wish that you weren’t wearing the underwear, though. 
“Don’t cover up on my account.” Draco smirked, shoving his hands into the pockets of his pantsuit (partially as a measure to hide any stirring of his cock). And then he simply continued to stand there, not taking his eyes off the round curve of your ass for even a moment. 
When he spoke again, it was only then that you knew who was there, and any shock pulsing through you at the fact of someone just waltzing in faded away in favour of pure annoyance grinding against your nerves. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You barked, glaring over your shoulder at him. “Knocking was invented for a reason!” 
Draco always found your anger attractive. He found that he liked you angry and topless even better. 
“It’s my house. I don’t have to knock.” He shrugged, sounding as entitled as ever. 
You sighed so hard at this it practically came out as a growl under your breath. Even if you liked the heat in his eyes as he looked you over, even if you found him to be somewhat attractive - that pattern of entitlement made him impossible to put up with. 
You had grown up pureblood, and definitely wealthy, but you absolutely had more humility than someone like him. 
“That is so not true!” You screeched back, entirely insulted by this notion. “Knocking is a basic courtesy that your parents should have taught you!” 
“Whatever.” Draco sighed, seeming entirely unconcerned with the social faux pas of walking in on you partially dressed - he didn’t rush to apologise or even bother to look away. “When we’re married, it won’t matter. I’ll get to look at my wife as much as I want,” 
He said these words with a filthy greed grinding against the back of his throat, the expression on his face disgustingly satisfied. He raked his eyes across your body once again, drinking in every bit of you like he was truly entitled to you. 
You turned around then, your neck aching from craning to look at him. You still had an arm covering your breasts, but his eyes definitely stuck to the puff of your cleavage that was leaking out around it. You would have yelled at him, called him a pig for staring so hard - but cared less and less about his staring as you got caught up on his words. 
“‘When we’re married’?” You echoed back, the words entirely strained on your voice. “Are you okay? Have you been snorting the Floo Powder or are you usually this out of touch?” 
Draco chuckled then, and titled his head slightly as he looked at you - it was distinctly condescending, like how someone might look down at a small child. Like he thought you were the one who was truly out of touch. 
“Darling, are you really that daft?” He asked slowly. “Do you really not know what this trip is for?” 
“What?” You croaked. 
Now, you were truly confused. 
“Our parents didn’t just feel like ‘catching up’ out of the blue. They’re trying to come to some sort of agreement. They’re match-making us. You know - bonding two powerful pureblood families.” He explained. 
“Oh… oh god.” You sighed. It all made perfect sense. The ‘hush hush’ lunches that you weren’t allowed to sit in on, the insistence from your mother that you ‘bond’ with Draco, her questions about if you wanted to have children or not when you thought that was distant years in your future. “I am gonna kill them!” 
You moved to storm out of the room, wanting to give your parents a stern talking to for not warning you about this. But - 
“You’re still naked, love.” Draco chuckled. 
You felt a flush of heat run through you - you wanted to say that it was from embarrassment, and not the wonderfully teasing nickname, and his cutesy tone. But you had other things to focus on than your non-attraction to Draco Malfoy. 
“Ugh.” You turned back around sharply and grabbed your dress off the bed, and after you stepped into it and aggressively pulled the straps up over your shoulders, you struggled to reach behind you and even begin to pull the zipper closed. 
You froze instantly when you felt Draco’s cool fingers brush against the skin of your lower back as he grabbed onto the zipper and then nimbly did it up for you. His touch was surprisingly gentle, and you told yourself that the shivers down your spine were from his cool touch, and not because of any underlying (very annoyed) attraction toward him. 
“Might not be so bad.” Draco breathed against your neck, causing more goosebumps to form on your skin. “Being married to you.” 
You felt an argument bubbling under the surface - but you saved that energy for the ensuing fight you were bound to have with your parents. Instead, you simply scoffed and rolled your eyes in response.
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urwhorecrux · 3 months
hi! could you pls do hp boys headcanons for spending their birthday with them💗 thankss
ft. harry potter, ron weasley, cedric diggory, neville longbottom, & draco malfoy.
warnings. fluff, mentions of death?
a/n. these r short but rn im working on an actual fic :o
masterlist. / my prefrences. / ask me something <3
growing up he didn't get many gifts and overall the whole day was never about him, so this day wasn't always his favorite until he got to hogwarts. even then- he still didn't see the importance of it.
over the summer he stayed with the weasley's, you were able to spend much more time with him there as molly insisted you were always welcomed.
you woke next to him, softly running your fingers through his mess of fluffy hair. "Happy birthday love" you smiled, pressing a soft kiss against his lips as his eyes softly locked with yours.
you woke him up with breakfast in bed, along with leaving small little gifts everywhere he went. at one point he almost insisted you're gifts were to much for him, but you knew it was your day to spoil him and make him feel truly special.
though it landed on a school day, you still managed to shift your attention completely toward him. you spent the morning alone together in the kitchens, having a private breakfast made by the elves.
you walked happily together to all your classes, spending as much time as possible between classes, and at lunch settling down together by the black lake.
you convinced fred and george to set up a small common room party after school along with a towered cake made by the elves.
you wake him with breakfast in bed, something simple yet so meaningful to him. you both spend the day in bed, nuzzling into each other's necks as you whisper little loving words.
later through the day, you take him through the city, where you spend the day in the park watching everything around you, and later in the night a dinner in downtown.
though you spent the day at his manor around his family, it was still one of the best things you could ever ask for. he loved seeing you over the breaks and loved it even more when you visited him.
you surprised him with a small silver locket, one with his favorite picture of you both inside.
you both agreed to meet somewhere where you'd find peaceful, yet not to crowded. with that, you both agreed to meet at a small town, which was surrounded with gardens and small cafes.
throughout the day you held each other closely while roaming through the town, imagining an ideal life for the two of you here.
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draco-dormiens · 11 months
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draco x fem!ravenclaw reader / postwar au series
warnings: swearing, angst, description of an injury, sleep problems, heartbreak, self depreciation
wc: 4400
taglist is now closed - i’ve officially run out of tags! thank you all ♡
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Chapter Twenty: The Malfoys, The Greengrasses and The Girl Inbetween
Draco wakes with a numb feeling, a few blissful moments of nothingness in his mind until the throb of his knuckles piece the evening back together. He looks down himself, realising he was still in his shirt, his white and green satin bed sheets now stained with blood from the cuts on his hand. He grumbles softly, muttering how he must have just fallen asleep, exhausted from such an eventful night. Sitting on the edge of his bed, he remembers, from start to finish, just how bad last night went. He runs his hand through his hair, momentarily forgetting about the damage he had done. Hissing from the sudden strike of pain in his fingers, he looks over the spectacularly purple bruise forming over his pale skin.
"Shit," he mutters to himself. His head was pounding from the constant pressure. Draco tried to picture the events as they unfolded, but the one thing he could not forget was his mother's scheming. The fury he felt began to bubble once more as he made his way to the sink of his private bathroom, washing the cuts with warm water, biting his bottom lip to stand the pain. He hadn't realised how hard he hit the cold stone. It was surprising that he hadn't broken anything. Dabbing his hand gently with a soft flannel, he made his way back to his bed to find the box of first aid underneath it. As a lover of potions and brewing things, Draco often dabbled in medicine whilst he was home. It was time he could be alone, away from his parents and their insufferable need to redeem themselves. The manor's garden was home to some fascinating plants, many of which had healing properties, and Draco whipped up a salve for things such as cuts and bruises one afternoon when his parents were away. It worked wonders, but in typical Draco fashion, he kept his little invention to himself. Being as gentle as he could, he smeared some of the cloudy white paste over the cuts, bracing for the sting. Once that was done, he lay back down, still in his shirt from the night before. 
As the salve did it's job, he began to think of you, of course. He wonders if you got any sleep last night, what you might be doing right at this moment, and if you were just as confused as he was. The taste of you was enough to make him feral, the feeling of your body against his, the way your mouths moulded as if missing puzzle pieces. It was all so right, and then Pansy walked in, knowing exactly what she was doing. He places his good hand over his eyes, wishing to Merlin she was just a bad dream, but Pansy had in fact seen him embracing you, and now he had to make sure she kept her sour face shut. He thinks on it, wonders why it's so important to him to keep his true feelings from his mother, and then realises how messed it up all seems. Draco had become so accustomed to being controlled, his initial reaction was to make Pansy swear not to speak a word, even though his heart has promised itself to someone else.
But Astoria's words rang true in his mind.
There was little time, it would seem, for the two of you to remain close. Since his parents had been in cahoots with Astoria's, it was very much looking like the rest of his life had been arranged for him. How convenient, he thinks sarcastically. Time was not on his side, and neither was anyone else, for that matter. Only you. The one person he had to tear himself away from. With effort, he rises from the bed to sit at the edge again, a solemn, sinking feeling setting in as he comes to realise what he must do next. Draco felt so helpless, so lost, and most of all, cowardly. Then he thinks to himself, if the tables turned, would you be brave enough to defy your parents for what your heart wants?
He thinks the answer is yes. He is simply, as everyone has always thought, a coward. A hopeless, spineless coward. 
After some difficulty, with his head feeling as heavy as lead and his hand throbbing like it was constantly tied up in twine, he showered and felt a little more human after it. Breakfast was long over, of course, but the real feast was in the kitchen. He heads towards it, as a familiar brown haired girl rushes past him, head down and sniffling. It takes him a second to register that it was in fact Astoria, but when he turns to ask if everything was alright, she had disappeared. Thinking better of getting in her business, he continues to the kitchen, as Astoria hides behind a suit of armour to avoid speaking to him. She peers after him, a pang of guilt in her chest. 
Draco helps himself, thinking how you would scold him if he hadn't eaten, and then makes his way towards Ravenclaw tower. Surely, that's where you will be. If not, Granger was his back up. He wasn't sure what he would say yet, he just wanted to see you for now. Halfway there and the nerves set in. It would be the first time you had spoken since that kiss. He tries and fails to make a fist in an attempt to ease some of the pressure. Up ahead he sees the giant wooden doors that lead to the stairs heading up to Ravenclaw tower. Of course, he cannot walk through it, but was willing to wait until a cooperative Ravenclaw wanders by. He'd stood, perhaps half an hour or more, when the door creaks open, and out walks a sixth year. 
"Excuse me," he calls after her, and the look in her face is extremely cautious once she realised who was speaking to her, "do you know if Y/N Y/L/N is around?"
She observes him carefully before answering.
"And if she is?" the girl answers, looking ready to defend you if necessary. The look in her eyes is rather cold, as if she was angry at him for some reason. 
"I'd like to speak with her," Draco responds politely, "would you be able to collect her for me?"
The girl scoffs bitterly.
"I think not," she raises an eyebrow knowingly, "she's very upset right now."
Upset. Draco's protectiveness kicks in immediately.
"Who upset her?," Draco's voice lowers an octave, "was it Chambers?"
The girl seems to ease up a little when the concern he's displaying seems genuine. She sighs.
"She's inside, but I doubt she'll want to see you," the girl says, "she's locked herself in her dorm room. Best to wait until she's ready to face the world."
She turns to leave.
"Wait," Draco calls once more, and the girl stops to spin in his direction, "can you at least pass on a message for me? Please?"
The evening rolled by achingly slow. You were sure your body had become somewhat numb, unable to feel a single thing. Astoria's words circled your mind, over and over again, the way she begged you to put an end to your relationship with Draco. All your tears had been spent when the room finally darkened to the point you needed candle light to see. You lit a few lamps, and then sat on the edge of the bed. You had pondered for some time about Astoria's plea, and if you were willing enough to believe her story, and even more willing to do what she said needs to be done. You would like to think it was for the greater good, but then something nasty tells you that she just wants you out of the picture. Either way, what was to come seemed inevitable, and you had no power to stop it. Standing, you move to look in the vanity mirror, wiping your cheeks of dried tears and then splashed cold water on your face in the bathroom sink. Once you looked a little less lifeless, you figured you should do something about the ever growing grumble in your stomach when a very soft knock came from your door. Upon opening it slightly, you see Emilie standing there, looking a little sheepish.
"Emilie," you croak, and then immediately clear your throat, "can I help you?"
"Well, I was going to wait until I saw you, but you never left your room," she says, giving you a thin smile, "I ran into someone on my walk, and they asked me to give you a message." She hands you a small piece of folded parchment, and you take it from her gingerly. Emilie takes your prolonged silence as a cue to leave you be, "I guess I'll see you around. Night, Y/N."
You heard her footsteps retreating, but your eyes were on the folded paper. "Thanks," you mumble, and then close the door, ultimately locking out the cold corridor air. You lean against it as you unfold the secretive little note, to see very familiar writing.
I think we need to talk. I'll be in the little wood outside of school tonight at 7. 
Makes a change, right? 
D x
The last few tears trickle down your cheeks as a weak smile graces your features.
Just outside of Hogwarts was a small wood. Not the Forbidden Forest, just a small, unassuming group of trees that stood firmly in place. Pine trees, you believed. You could smell them from a mile away, and as you edged ever closer to the wood edge, your chest felt tighter with each step. Why he had chosen this location, you were unsure, but when the trees came closer, you could see a little flicker of light. Gut instinct told you to follow it, and so you did. As the small flicker of orange light grew larger against the thick tree trunks, a clearing came in to view, and there you saw a blanket on the ground, a few candles, and Draco at the centre. He looks up when he hears footsteps, a giant smile across his pretty face.
"Hi," he says, standing, "I'm so glad you made it."
"Hi," you repeat back, looking a little awestruck at the view, "what's all this for?"
Draco swallowed thickly. Since you locked yourself away for the day, it had bought him some time to think about what to do. He decided that if he was to be wed to Astoria, then he was going to be selfish. He was going to spend one more night with you, and he didn't care how self centered he seemed. 
"I just thought we deserved some quiet time, away from everything," said Draco, crossing the small space to stand before you, "to be together."
"I-I don't understand," you stutter, "I thought you wanted to talk... about, you know."
He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Well, yeah, but I just figured this was nice," he mumbles, then clears his throat, "but, uh, yeah we probably should. What, uh, part do you want to talk about?"
"Are you serious?" you spit, not intending to sound so cruel, "how about the fact we kissed and Pansy walked in on us? Or how about Astoria, she's a big topic as of late."
Draco sighs, throwing his head back and closing his eyes.
"I don't want to argue with you," he said wearily, "I only wanted to have a nice evening together."
You feel slightly guilty. He's laid out such a nice area for you, lit candles, chosen a fluffy blanket for you to sit on. Maybe it can wait...
"Sorry," you mumble, and he returns his gaze to you, "a lot going on at the moment."
He moves to brush his fingers over your hand. You allow him. His fingertips send jolts through your body, and you ache to feel his touch once more. He takes your hand in his, squeezing lightly, as your eyes lock. He's so handsome, with the dim light framing one side of his face. You squeeze back, as he leads you over to the blanket, gesturing for you to sit. You do so, and he joins, as close as he can get. Once more he takes your hand in his, and you notice briefly how he keeps the other hand covered by his sleeve. He begins to draw comforting circles against your skin. It was quiet, until his soft voice broke through the pleasant evening air. 
"That kiss," he whispers, and you look up at him, his face dangerously close, "meant everything to me, you mean everything to me."
"Please, just," he stops you, biting his tongue before speaking again, "let me say this. I need to."
You remain quiet.
"You're the first real friend I've ever made," he goes on, and you feel the very last string in your heart snap, "and the first girl that, well, that I've..." he hesitates, looking at you for reassurance. You want to hear it, of course you do, but with the near future and Astoria lurking over you like a bad omen, you couldn't allow yourself to hear it. You fear it may be the straw that finally breaks the camel's back.
"Don't," you croak, and his eyes fill with both hurt and confusion, "don't, Draco. You can't say it."
"I know," his grips tightens, and you can almost feel the fury radiating off him, "but I need to, before-"
"Draco," you say in utter seriousness, standing up from his embrace. You can't look at him, the face you had been dreading was staring right back at you. You weren't ready for it to happen so quickly, but fate had decided on this moment, "you don't need to explain. I know what's going to happen. Astoria has told me everything."
"Huh?" he sounds, now standing to try and face you. You abruptly turn away, "told you what, exactly? Did she upset you? Is that why you were in your room all day?"
You stifle a sob into your jacket sleeve, and took a deep breath before facing him. His eyes were calling for you, begging for you to come closer. It was a pain you wish to never feel again.
"I know about the dinner, the engagement, everything," you mutter miserably, "it's too late, Draco. We've run out of time."
He goes to speak but seems lost for words. His eyes are glossy against the orange hew of the candles. Such a pretty place for such a solemn conversation. Draco wasn't ready either, he hadn't thought it through. He was perhaps being a little naive for thinking he could have one more night with you, but there were no words coming to him. No way of telling you he could no longer be in your life. It was breaking him, but hearing it come from you seemed to break him more than anything ever could. 
"I see," he breathes, "you don't wish to spend another moment with me, do you?"
"That's not it, Draco," you cry softly, "I'd spend every waking moment with you, but I am not the women for you, we've known that from the very beginning. Don't act like you thought things would change... we always knew, didn't we?"
"So, that's it, then?" he snaps, "you don't even want to say goodbye? Have one more moment together, after everything?"
"What's the point?" you stress, feeling like your body might collapse under the weight of your melancholia, "I can't take it anymore, Draco. I can't. I can't keep dragging this out just for the heartache to hurt even more. After seeing Astoria... I... I'm done, Draco."
He chokes on his own sob, but quickly stifles it. He hadn't prepared himself for what it would feel like when he finally lost you, but it had driven him to a dark place in his mind, and when he wanted to, Draco could cut to the bone. Right to the bone.
"Fuck it, then," he spits nastially, "I don't even know why I did all this shit," he launches the blanket and furiously kicks the candles as far as possible, "I really thought we'd at least get a nice goodbye, you know? But fuck me, right? Fuck all of this. And fuck you, Y/N. As if this is how you want to leave things."
"Draco, please," you sob.
"No, it's done. You've made it clear. Just go." He turns from you, rage filling every crevice of his body. He feels like he might implode. The hurt he feels is like nothing he's ever experienced before, and he wants to rip it out of his chest and stomp all over it. 
If this is love, he doesn't want it.
You remain quiet for a moment, looking around at the destroyed evening. It wouldn't be right for you to entertain it, that's what you tell yourself. Draco is heaving, you can see from how rapidly his shoulders rise and fall. The ache in you is unbearable.
"I will cherish you," you then mutter, not knowing if any words will give him peace, but you try anyway, "always. Take care of yourself, Draco."
You couldn't stand it another minute, and dash before he can say anymore. It was done. You'd cut the tie, and along with it severed every piece of hope you had. As you climb the hill back to the castle, tears trickle down your face silently. You had nothing left to feel now, all you had was the empty void Draco left behind. Empty, hollow and broken, you head for the solitude of the same four walls you had seen all day. When Draco finally turns, you're not there, and the forest is now dark and lonely.
Just like he's always destined to be. 
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One month passes.
He wakes in a sweat for the fourth time that week. Ever since you left the woods that night, Draco suffers the same recurring nightmare. He's watching through a window, as you marry a faceless man. He's shouting, banging his fists against the glass, but no one hears him. Not even you, and as the unknown man leans in to kiss you Draco wakes, shooting up in his bed, dripping with sweat. Then, your soft, sad voice trickles back in; I will cherish you, always, and he lets out the most awful sob. His heart was breaking, every day, every minute, every hour. Every time he saw you across a room, the hall, the corridor, the courtyard. He broke a little more each time. 
And he could see it in your face too.
He was so foul to you. Said such awful things, and now he can never take it back. He can never make it right. When his alarm clock blares not only a few hours after his last nightmare, he slams his fist down on to it, cracking it slightly. He has no desire to show up for his exam today, but he has to. His education is the only thing he's ever had control over, and he needed it to get a good job and make his own money. He drags himself, like he has every morning since, to his private bathroom to see the delightfully dark circles under his eyes. He makes little effort, throwing on whatever he can find. The letter his mother sent regarding the engagement sits on his desk, opened, with a little velvet box next to it. Inside sits a stunningly silver ring, with a huge green emerald embedded within it. A family heirloom, and worth a small estate, it sits waiting to be placed on Astoria Greengrass's finger in a few weeks time. Draco avoids even touching it. Astoria accompanies him to most exams now, and he doesn't quarrel about it. He simply lets her talk. Sometimes you sit the same exam, and when you're sitting in front of him, he spends more time ogling the back of your head than he does writing answers. 
He skips all meal times, and only goes to the kitchens late. He doesn't spend time outside the common room unless he absolutely has to, and only turns up for Quidditch practice and matches. He doesn't look for you in the crowd, he doesn't get his hopes up. Draco lives for whatever is planned for him and nothing else. Sleepless nights turn into sleepless days, then weeks, until he's so tried he falls asleep at his desk studying. He doesn't even know how he gets through exams, he just drinks barrels of coffee and hopes for the best, drowns himself in Quidditch practice and spends as much time whizzing around the field as he can. McGonagall has offered him some time to talk, but Draco refused politely. Even she can see he's a shell now. 
Hermione tries to coax you out of your dorm after exams. She asks you to the tearoom in Hogsmeade, she asks you to play chess, even just a walk. Each time you decline politely and crawl under your covers, or sit and study at your desk until your hand aches from writing. You, too, have the same recurring nightmare, but instead it's you watching Draco live his life with Astoria as his wife. You go to meals to satisfy Hermione that you're eating, but longly look at the place he always used to sit. You watch Astoria with her friends, and refuse to smile back at her. You go to your exams and go back to your dorm. That's all you have the energy for. That's all that's worth doing lately. Every night before you sleep you hear Draco's harsh words, see him turning away from you as you broke him one final time. And, to top it all off, you've been invited to Ron's for a pre graduation dinner at the same time Draco is proposing to Astoria. How on earth you were supposed to sit through that, you had no idea, but you were determined to try for Hermione's sake. Your parents wrote to you, having no idea what was going on, and you replied like everything was rosey. You zone out in the library, dread seeing him at examinations, and sob into your pillow so much you need a new pillowcase. 
Nothing is right, everything is wrong, and the storm outside your bedroom window rages on and on and on as you scribble notes on parchment. This whole time you've only ever been the girl in the middle. The Malfoys, the Greengrasses, and then you. A powerless, hopeless excuse of a fling, it would seem.
Only four weeks left until you graduate, and yet you've never felt so miserable in your whole life.
Across the castle, at the Gryffindor common room, Hermione wraps a jumper around her shoulders and heads out of the portrait hole. She marches her way down the tower, through the corridors, down and down until she reaches the dreary, dark hallways of the dungeons. She ignores the whispers of passing Slytherins, and makes a beeline for the snakes common room. When she arrives, she's met with a stone cold wall. Irritably, she sighs, and looks for any Slytherin in sight. She paces between the dimly lit corridors, an ever present dripping from the lake above driving her insane. How students live down here is beyond her. Most students wander off as she approaches, and just when she thinks her luck has run out, Malfoy enters the corridor she's wander up. He's windswept, holding his broom and looking absolutely exhausted. She runs, not wanting to shout his name, and grabs hold of his arm from behind, pulling him to the side.
"What the- Granger? What the fu-"
"Do not use that tone of voice with me, Malfoy," she tells him, her voice and eyes cold, "I'm simply here to say a few words."
"What could you possibly have to say to me?" Draco shakes his head lightly, "whatever it is, save it."
He goes to leave, but her death grip returns to his arm again.
"Four weeks," she tells him sharply, "that's all the time at Hogwarts we have left, and then we graduate."
"I'm aware of the timeline, Granger," Draco drawls. 
"Shut up and listen," she snaps at him, and his eyebrows raise, "you have four weeks before we leave here for good. Four weeks until you've run out of time to do what's right," Draco stares at her with black bags under his eyes and a complexion like a ghost, "Ron is holding a pre graduation dinner. Same day you're supposedly proposing to Greengrass. Don't look at me like that, Y/N tells me everything," she waves a dismissive hand at his sudden urge to tell her to keep out of his business, "if you have any brain cells left, you'll show up at that dinner. You've never been a coward, Draco Malfoy. Don't start now."
Hermione lets go of his arm, and her words spark something small in his chest, but it dies before it can become anything more.
"Not a coward?" he scoffs, "then why am I marrying Greengrass in a few weeks?"
"Malfoy," Hermione stresses, "turn up at that dinner. Its your last chance. If you don't, then I'll assume you've gone ahead with whatever this madness is. It's not too late. I know Y/N loves you."
She can see how thickly he swallows at those words, as if he's having trouble digesting them.
"D-did she say that?"
"She doesn't have to," Hermione smiles weakly, "and as her friend I can't bare to see her this way, especially when there's a way to fix this. You're not like them, Malfoy, you can pretend all you like but you know it too," she places a comforting hand on his arm, "I'm not trying to tell you what to do. I'm trying to help, the both of you."
For once he's thankful for her sharp tone and bossy attitude. If there was even a glimmer of hope, he wanted to take it, but after the way he left things he feared there was no way back. Not to mention how his parents might treat him. He was in far too deep now.
"Thanks, Granger," he mumbles, removing her hand from his arm gently, "but I'm in too deep. I've made my bed, right? Besides, she won't want me after how I spoke to her. Believe me. All I've ever done is run from what was right. I can't change that now."
"Thanks for coming down here," he says as he walks away, "and if you can, please tell Y/N that I'm sorry. Not that she wants to hear it."
Hermione calls for him one last time, capturing the attention of passing students. Sharing a rather thin smile with them, she shuffles back into the wall. Maybe she had just made things worse, but she had to try. As she leaves the damp, cold atmosphere of the dungeons, she hopes, prays, that Malfoy isn't as stupid as she thinks he is. 
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disclaimer: i do not own hp or any of the characters in this story
if your name is bold - i either couldn’t tag you or i’ve hit the tag limit :( sorry lovelies ♡
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grimwolf · 4 months
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Only a Fool for Diggory.
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genre : draco x reader
summary : y/n, a fourth year at hogwarts, catches cedric diggory’s eyes during the triwizard tournament. but that’s not the only one who has eyes for you. after several years of just being friends, draco malfoy sets out on a mission to find you and confess. except, you’re nowhere to be found and your friends are worried.
warnings : cursing, crying, mentions of s/a, blood, fighting
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Y/n was friends with Draco for years. They’d met on the train to Hogwarts in her first year. She was one year younger than the pale boy and that was attracting for Draco Malfoy.
They’d go on for the next three years, being stuck together. Pansy was overzealous for awhile before finally letting go of her jealousy and welcoming Y/n as one of her own. Turns out, they had much more in common than they realized. Blaise enjoyed her company too, although he’d never admit it- he kind of liked Y/n. He wasn’t sure if it was simply platonic or something more, but his best friend loved her. That was something Draco and his posse kept to themselves.
He didn’t always know. It was summer break, before his fourth year, Y/n- her third. His family hosted their annual gala to raise money for some wizard charity. His father allowed him to invite a few friends of his, Y/n being that very few. Her parents came along as well, even though her family was half-blood.
Two hours into the gala, Draco and Y/n had snuck off into the Malfoy Manor Maze, just behind the gardens. It wasn’t until the pair had chased one another through the brush that Draco had seen her real beauty. Her laugh was like wind chimes, loud but graceful. Her smile, glistening like the midnight moon. Her eyes, oh her eyes, he couldn’t get over how they dazzled underneath the illuminated night sky. He could’ve sworn they were stars, blending into the indigo above them that night. He was in love and he didn’t have shame in the thought that she was half-blood.
So you could imagine the sheer chaos that ensued in the boys dormitory, their first night of their fifth year.
“Who does that himbo think he is!?” Draco sneered. Blaise, Theo and Lorenzo all sat in their respective chairs/cushions, snacking on something they snatched from Honeydukes earlier today.
“I don’t know man. Why don’t you go up to Y/n and found out from her what’s going on?” Theo exclaimed. Once again, the boys sat here in the dorm listening to Draco complain about his relationship problems. Except, Draco wasn’t in a relationship..
“I can’t, Y/n will see right through me. She’s so smart.” Draco looked off into the distance, imagining his admiree and her luscious locks.
“Mate, you need to work up the courage to just ask her already.” Blaise pitched.
“Yeah cause I’m tired of hearing about this.” Theo sighed, rubbing his temples.
Blaise lowers the book he was reading, “You never had problems with the other ones. Just act like she’s the same.”
Draco rolled his eyes as he walked to his bed and collapsed. “It’s not the same, you know that.” He mumbled through the pillow.
The whole reason they were here in the first place was because of you. Well- specifically you and Cedric Diggory, who was a whole seventh year. After the first dinner of the year, you bumped into the Hufflepuff. After many, “Sorry my bad, I’m clumsy” talk, he began flirting with you. It had gone on for a few days before finally coming to a close when you were asked by the brown haired man, to attend the Yule Ball as his date. It was an honor for you but for some bizarre reason, couldn’t say yes right away.
That’s what Draco didn’t know..
You were heading to bed when an envelope made of parchment, flew under your door. Pansy was still in the common room, probably making out with Theo. So it couldn’t be her. You reluctantly bent over and picked it up. The seal on the back was carved with an elegant “D”, surrounded by miscellaneous leaves and vines. It was a golden wax, yellow shimmers glistening under the candle flame in your room.
As you speculated who it was from, you were proved correct when the signature on the bottom was his. You had seen it before on another note he gave you in the Great Hall.
Dear Beautiful,
Meet me in the Astronomy Courtyard at 10. I have a question surprise for you.
Signed, Diggory
You traced your fingers over the words a few times before glancing to the grandfather clock in the room. It was a quarter till 10 already. After sitting and contemplating for a few minutes, you finally mustered up the courage to get dressed.
You opened your door carefully, not to make any squeals in the hinge. You placed one toe after another across the stone floor and snuck down the stairs to the common room. The only light came from the enchanted fireplace. In the corner, by the small library was Pansy and Theo, doing their usual business.
You slid through the stone door leading out into the dungeons. Taking one last breath, making sure you were safe, you hurried to the location of your superior.
It was easier than you thought getting to the courtyard. Only thing keeping you from being perfect was the chill sneaking into the castle. You were only wearing a black long sleeve top, with a sweet heart neckline- tucked into your black mini skirt. The small slit on your right leg not helping. Your black doc marten loafers clicked across the cobblestone as you made a bolt for the corner that would finally lead you to your destination.
You carefully treaded the long hallway before being abruptly pulled by a large pair of hands: one over your mouth and the other around your waist. You tried to scream and wail for help, but this persons palms were tightly covering your jaw. Your eyes scanned the new scenery around you quickly.
Then that scent hit you. Tuscany and a small hint of dittany. It was him.
You pulled away at the same time he let go resulting in you falling to the ground hard. You felt a sting in your left knee, knowing you had scraped it against the stone. As you looked up through small tears, the golden boy bent down to help you up.
“Are you okay?” He asked, concerning. You broke your hands away from his, brushing off your skirt. You were a little aggravated… or more like angry with Cedric’s actions. He didn’t need to grab you, nor be so forceful. You’d have no issues coming into this abandoned classroom with him if he’d just asked.
“I’m fine.” You hissed. Cedric was taken aback by your tone but nonetheless ignored it and carried on.
“Here, come here.” He walked closer to you, giving you no time to prepare for liftoff. He wrapped his palms under your skirt and lifted you onto the nearest desk. You, being shocked by the abrupt close touch, felt a chill run up your spine. Cedric bent down, observing your bloodied knee. He touched it, causing a hiss from your throat.
“Sorry. It looks like it was just a small surface burn. I can get some dittany from the greenhouse if you want to-“ You cut him off.
“No that’s okay Cedric, I’ll be fine.” You smiled softly. You sat there for what felt like ages before he finally got up and sat on the desk across from you.
“So what was this surprise you had for me?” You pondered. He raised his brows, seemingly confused by what you said before a light bulb went off and he stepped closer to you again, a little too close.
“It’s about the Ball..” he started. You breathed out, getting off the desk and walking toward the back of the classroom, looking and fidgeting with the dusty objects.
“I already told you, I’m not sure yet.” You exclaimed. Cedric laughed. You turned around. “What’s funny?”
“Nothing beautiful. Just that you think that’s what I was asking.” He said. You scrunched your brows. “I believe I don’t understand.”
Cedric walked slowly to you as he explained his cause. “I know you’re still thinking about it. I was going to let you know that if you do decide to go with me, my friends and I are throwing an after party when we’re done. Think you’d enjoy it..” By the end of his words, he was towering over you, looking into your orbs. You felt your heart begin to race as he lifted his right hand to tuck back a strand of your hair. He then brushed his fingers, delicately across your cheek and then your exposed collarbone.
“You’re so lucky.” He whispered. You blinked, “What do you mean?” He leaned in closer to you, just inches away from your lips.
“You’re so lucky that you hold beauty. Beauty that every guy who roams these halls, wanna have for themselves.”
His words took you by surprise.
“But they don’t get to. Not a single one. Wanna know why?” He asked.
You looked up into his dark eyes, unreadable. They were very dark. Your heart began beating faster. “W-Why?”
He leaned into your ear and guided his hands down your shoulders, landing on your wrists.
“Because I’m the only one who gets to touch you Y/n.”
Pansy was walking up to her dorm, Theo holding her hand as she guided them up the stairs. As she opened the door, fully expecting her best friend to be reading a book with the candle lit, she noticed how wrong it was.
Y/n’s clothes placed sporadically across the floor, the candlelight blown out but fresh as the wick was still hot and the smoke evaporated. Pansy called out, “Y/n? You in here?”
No answer.
“Y/n? If this is a funny joke, you can stop now.” Pansy laughed short, Theo joining in per Pansy’s instructions.
No answer.
The raven haired girl dropped her lovers hand and rushed into the dorm, looking around for Y/n. Her movements becoming quicker and quicker as she hopelessly looked. Theo stood in the doorway, madly confused.
“Maybe she’s just roaming the halls.” He pitched. Pansy paused her searching and stood up to shout at Theo.
“Except Y/n doesn’t roam the halls! She stays inside and reads, reads, reads. She studies when it’s raining, she keeps that damn candle lit until she knocks out completely because she enchanted it to do so!” She ran her hands through her hair as Theo tried to calm her down.
“I know my best friend. She wouldn’t just disappear!” She huffed out. Theo looked around, an idea sprouting in his mind.
“What if she went to the boys dorm?” He asked. Pansy looked up through small tears. She nodded, convinced it wouldn’t hurt to look.
The couple burst through Draco and Theo’s dorm door, awaking Blaise on the bean bag. Draco laid in the same spot he was in when Theo left, face plastered into the pillows. Lorenzo was making paper planes and enchanting them to fly around the high ceiling. (He already had seven above the group.)
“Y/n’s missing.” Pansy cried. Draco shot up from his spot and straightened his hair. Blaise’s attention rose as well, worry replacing tired on his face.
“What do you mean?” He asked in a rush. “Like she’s missing from her room? The entire castle?” Lorenzo asked.
“No. She’s not in our dorm at all, her candle is no longer lit and her clothes are everywhere. Almost like someone broke in.” She jumped to the nearest worst case scenario, causing Draco to grab his shoes and put them on.
“Was there anything else in you guys’ dorm that was out of the ordinary?” Draco asked in a hurry. Blaise and Lorenzo followed through, grabbing their shoes and coats and heading out the door with their friends.
Pansy opened their dorm room, looking around for anything else that could be out of place. The slytherin’s salvaged through belongings, bookshelves and other possessions around. It wasn’t until Blaise found a note, written in starch black ink, laying on Y/n’s nightstand.
“Guys, look.” Pansy rushed over, snatching the letter out of the boys hand. She skimmed over it quickly, sighing in her own discomfort at the thought of you meeting up with him alone during this hour.
“She’s with Diggory.” Pansy stated. Draco’s attention shifted to the letter and grabbed it next. His blood boiling and heart shattering all while being consumed by worry, he crumbled it up and tossed it in the bin. “C’mon, we gotta find her.” He rushed.
The boys followed their leader but stopped when Pansy stood in place. “Why? She’s just with a hufflepuff. It’s not the worst thing!”
Draco turned around, “she should’ve been back by now.”
“You never know, maybe it takes Diggory a few minutes to-“
“Shut up!” Draco shouted. Then it clicked with the pug faced girl. All the moments between them, their rendezvous in the astronomy tower, their shared snickers during class as they passed notes.. no reason Malfoy was so possessive around you, he only cared for you.
“Oh I see it now. You fancy my best friend!” Pansy clapped her hands, giggling at Draco’s obvious embarrassment.
“Be quiet, she was my friend first!” He shouted back.
“You guys- Y/n is literally alone with a seventh year. We gotta go find her. Merlin knows how active seventh years are.” Blaise stated.
Pansy’s eyes dazed, understanding what he meant.
The group searched through the halls, whispering and calling for Y/n quietly. It was well after curfew, prefects roaming the halls and teachers beginning their conquests into personal matters.
“Y/n! Where are you?” Pansy shouted. Theo shushed the girl, reminding her again about what would happen if they were caught.
Meanwhile, Draco was running through every corridor, busting down every door and yet he couldn’t find you. Maybe you and that Diggory went somewhere else. That was something the icy blonde didn’t want to think about. He just hoped you were okay.
They kept looking for a few more minutes before finally giving up. Your friends were at the end of the astronomy hall, tired and hungry. Draco, reluctant to leave, stood there looking at the wall. Pansy turned around, looking at the boy.
“I know how you feel..” She mentioned. “I’m worried about her but I also know she can handle herself. She’s a brilliant witch.”
Draco looked down at his shoes, for no particular reason, he just couldn’t get his mind off the worst case scenario.
“You’re right. She doesn’t need me does she?” He asked. Pansy gave a weak smile, trying to make him feel better. She now knew the great lengths her childhood friend would go for the girl she loved. She cared for Y/n, always did, particularly on a level she isn’t sure everyone understood.
“C’mon, we’ll see her in the morning. I’m sure she’s okay.” Pansy guessed. She wasn’t one-hundred percent convinced about what she was telling Draco, but it was enough for him to feel better. Draco began walking after the group when her voice, muffled, rang through their ears- especially Draco’s.
Draco’s head turned sharply in the direction of her call. Pansy and the rest of the boys followed suit, trying to catch up. Another scream echoed from a locked door to Malfoys left.
Pansy ran to the door, trying to push it open. Blaise kept calling her name making sure she was still alive. Draco came through them, telling them to move. With a quick motion of his wand, the door blew open to pieces, a cloud of dust and smoke shielding their view.
Rustling could be heard, followed by Y/n’s voice and Diggory complaining about how “difficult Y/n was being.”
The smoke cleared, leaving Draco with the ghastly sight. You were pinned against a desk, Diggory being your captor. A midnight meet-up turned criminal as you continued struggling. The hufflepuffs hand sneaking up the pleated skirt you were wearing and the tears leaking from your ducts was all Draco Malfoy needed to let go.
“Depulso!” Cedric was thrown into the brick wall by Malfoy. Pansy ran to you, taking her coat off and wrapping it around your body as you collapsed to the ground. Bruises laid on your neck from his lips and red marks spread your thighs where his grip dug into your skin.
You were stuck in a daze, not even noticing the blood spread across the ground in front of you from the brutal throws from Draco. Blaise continued to try and pry his friend off but failed.
Muffled shouts and curses were thrown at Cedric as Pansy and Theo walked with you to get out of the room. Lorenzo, budding in to carry Draco off of the seventh year, got a hit himself. After convincing their friend to finally open his eyes and let it go, he obeyed.
Cedric laid, unconscious, unsure of whether or not Draco’s blows killed the poor guy. But Draco didn’t care. He smiled as the sight of that douche in his own blood, he deserved it, he thought.
It was one in the morning as Pansy sat on the edge of the tub in the girls bathroom, brushing through her best friends hair. Y/n sat in the tub, knees cradled to her chest as she tried focusing on anything else besides the events in the last hour. Pansy wasn’t sure what to say, she wasn’t sure what to do. She only knew that she needed to be there for her, so that’s what she did.
Y/n was already pruny and her body already washed. She just couldn’t get out of the tub. Draco sat on the other side of the door, waiting for her to be finished so he could apologize for his actions- for not being there sooner, for looking the other way this whole time and not being honest with her.
He sat on the floor, legs stretched out with his back against the wall. His hands bloodied, his grey wool sweater covered in a mix of Malfoy and Diggory blood. His hair was a mess as was his heart. He just wanted to know if she was okay. If she was even the slightest bit calm so he could see her.
As if on que, Pansy opened the door. Draco stood up quickly, his face full of worry.
“She’s out of it. I can’t tell if she’s tired, shocked or both. But she said you can come in. Her back is turned so just stay on this side of the tub.” Pansy explained. Draco nodded and pushed the door open slowly.
He wasn’t prepared to see the small bruise on her back or the swelling on her neck from that bastards poison. He felt the rage coming to fruition but pushed in back down for Y/n’s sake.
He walked slowly, careful not to frighten her. He sat down next to the tub, looking at her hair. It was long, shiny and soft. He knew because he’d never forget the time she fell asleep on his lap on the train to Hogwarts. He ran his fingers through her hair as she slept so she wouldn’t have nightmares.
“Did you get him?” Y/n asked quietly.
Draco’s head turned up to her, he could see the side of her face and didn’t even bare to look further. He was confused by the question, not sure what she meant.
“Draco? Did you get him?” She asked louder.
“I-I’m not sure what you mean-“
“Don’t play dumb with me. Even through my dazed mind I could see the darkness take over inside of you. I saw how hard you punched him, how hard you fought.” She answered.
Draco looked away, back to the floor. He breathed heavily, wondering what she wanted. Was she happy? Was she mad at him for doing his duty? He knew he took it too far but he also knew if he didn’t, Diggory wouldn’t have taken no for an answer.
“I don’t understand—“ She cut him off again. She turned her entire body, revealing her frontside to him. His eyes widened, looking away quickly as to not harm her anymore than he did.
“What’s wrong? Can’t look at a woman when you know you want to! Every man does it! Thinks they can stare all they want huh?” She shouted at him. Her eyes shedding tears every word, her muscles showing through her neck as she strained her voice. Draco couldn’t understand.
“I wouldn’t look at you if you didn’t want me to!” Draco yelled back.
“Oh c’mon! Like you haven’t thought about it, just like he did! Like he tried to!”
Draco’s eyes began to water, hating to see her like this.
“He tried taking something away from me! How he touched me- how he kissed me-“ Y/n trailed off, looking away and crying some more before turning back to the blonde.
“I’m not him Y/n!” Draco pleaded.
“What if you hadn’t gotten there in time?! What if he kept going- bound my down by a jinx or even worse? What if he rap-“ Draco cut her off by taking his shoes off and climbing into the tub.
Y/n kept crying, thinking of the worse case scenario even more. Draco sat down and grabbed her body, indulging her into comfort. He cradled her back and forth before Pansy walked in with a towel. The raven haired girl, draped the towel over Y/n’s small frame and sat on the edge of the rub crying slightly.
“I got you.. I’m not letting anything happen to you. I will be here until you tell me not to.” Draco kissed the top of her head. Her breathing beginning to calm down. Pansy rubbed the crying girls back, hoping to take away some of the pain.
“I will too. I’m not letting you alone anymore. Even if you’re peeing, I will sit there and hold your hand.” Pansy smiled to herself. A small giggle was heard from the poor girl. She lifted her head up out of Draco’s chest. He lifted his hand up and wiped the tears away with his thumb and index.
“There’s our pretty girl.” Draco said softly. Y/n smiled, sniffling her nose before turning around the Pansy and looking up at her.
“I’ll take you on that Parkinson.” Y/n joked. Pansy laughed in response and fell into the tub as well to hug her best friend. Draco sat there, now realizing he was soaked in soapy dirty water.
“Um, can someone grab me a towel?”
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song rec :
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Celestial Beings
Chapter Five: Small Freedom
Characters: Reader, Molly Weasley, Sirius Black, Lucius Malfoy, Fenrir Greyback, Remus Lupin, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley
Summary: Nightmares lead to simple dreams, and (y/n) finally gets out of her cell.
Word Count: 3,565
Warnings: Mentions of Blood, Child abuse, Trauma dreams, mentions of torture, drowning
Reminders: @rainychaosmiracle
“Fear, despair, anger, hatred. Simple, easy-to-manage emotions.” a disembodied voice lectured. “But only if you have the strength to do so. Otherwise, you’re no better than those mud-bloods and half-breeds. And what would your father say if he saw you like this?”
(Y/n) looked up, a broken mirror showing a small, bloodied child. Tears streamed down her face as she tried to scream but no sound came out. She tried to stand, to move anything other than her head, but to no avail. Her limbs felt like lead, too heavy to lift.
“Poor (y/n), can’t even stop sniveling for a moment, can you?” Lucius appeared behind her in the mirror in a puff of black smoke. His hand grabbed at the back of her neck, squeezing tight. “Look at yourself, the mess you’ve made! You’re a failure! Incompetent, foolish, nothing more than a cockroach to be squashed beneath someone’s foot!”
The scene changed as he threw her to the ground, the black room turning into the gardens at Malfoy Manor. It was nighttime, a full moon illuminated the sky as she made her way through the hedge maze. The sound of a twig snapping behind her made the hairs on her arms stand up, fear rushing through her veins. She whipped around only to be met with the snarling face of Fenrir Greyback. His face contorted in an expression of wicked pleasure, hands grabbing her arms and pulling her towards him, close enough that his putrid breath was searing her nostrils.
“Lookie here, my favorite chew toy.” He growled, claws digging into her flesh. “Now come on, be a good little bunny and run. I want to have some fun.” he pushed her towards a path, causing her to stumble into the green walls to catch herself. She turned to run, but then everything changed again.
This time she was in a quarry with Lucius, on a boat in the middle of the water. He was covered in water and she was gasping for air, her hair wet, hands tied behind her back. He hoisted her up over the edge, throwing her beneath the water, and watched as she sank. She tried to use her feet to swim up, but they had been tied together as well. Her lungs felt like they were on fire, that they would explode, her head was pounding.
Sirius jumped when he heard it, (Y/n)‘s scream. She was thrashing in her sleep, eyes shut tight. He scrambled out of his chair and tried shaking her awake.
“(Y/n) wake up!” He started to shout as he shook her. “(Y/n), you’re safe! (Y/n)!”
She woke up after a few more seconds, pushing Sirius away like he was the one causing her nightmares. She looked around the room, getting her bearings. She looked at Sirius who was as pale as a ghost, his eyes wide.
“Sorry, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to push you.” she apologized, clenching her fists. “Had a bad dream, I thought you were… someone else for a second.”
“Are you okay?” Sirius questioned, taking in a few deep breaths. “You were thrashing around, screaming like you were being killed.”
“I’m fine, just a bad dream is all.” (Y/n) assured, trying to get her breathing under control. She rubbed her face, helping to calm herself. “I feel so, so stupid for scaring you like that. I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.”
“Hey, no it’s okay.” Sirius gave her a comforting smile. “I get them too, it just happens sometimes.”
“No, I should be better than that. I need to be better than that.” (Y/n) stood up and walked over to her desk. “I’m not supposed to be scared anymore, I’m supposed to be scary.”
“It’s human to be scared, it’s a normal reaction.” Sirius told her. Remus and Molly both rushed into the room, looking sleepy and confused.
“We thought… didn’t someone scream?” Molly asked, curlers in her hair still. Sirius pointed at (y/n), who was unfolding her piece of parchment and scribbling something else down.
“I’m fine, he’s fine, no one is seriously injured.” she said in a monotone voice. “I may have pushed him though, and judging by how he keeps rubbing his elbow he’s gonna have a bruise or two.”
“What the hell happened?” Remus demanded, frantically looking between (y/n) and Sirius. “Someone explain something!”
“She was having a nightmare, a terrible one by the looks of it.” Sirius admitted. (Y/n) glared at him, picking up a light book and throwing it towards him. “Merlin’s beard! They aren’t going to think you’re weak or whatever!”
“Stop telling people things about me! I’ve had enough of you lot all whispering around me, treating me like I’m as fragile as a pixie’s wing!” (Y/n)‘s face was red, whether from embarrassment or anger no one was certain. “I never said it was a nightmare either, just a bad dream! That’s all it was, a bad bad dream that I’ll never have to live through again.”
“(Y/n), Sirius is right, it doesn’t make you seem any more weak.” Remus sighs exasperated. “Throwing a book like a toddler however…”
“Remus Lupin, you’re not helping!” Molly shushed him, lightly slapping his arm. “You two boys go finish whatever you need to finish, wake up the boys and have them start too. Go on, hurry it up!” the older woman commanded, waving the two men out of the cell.
“I’m fine, you can go too if you want.” (Y/n) lied, wiping a few stray tears from her eyes. “You’ve still got your, erm what are those exactly? It’s on the tip of my…Curlers! Go and take them out, before your hair gets all tangled and whatever.”
“Oh my hair’ll be fine, dear.” Molly snapped her fingers and the curlers vanished, her hair falling down around her face gently. “Now be honest with me, I won’t tell the boys either, what’s wrong?”
“Mrs. Weasley I truly want to tell you, but I’m in enough trouble as is.” (Y/n) looked the woman in her eyes. “I just can’t risk anymore retribution from, You-Know-Who. Or Lucius. I can’t.”
“Oh honey…” Molly ran over and hugged the young woman tightly, gently petting her hair down. “Honey, I know it’s hard to come to terms with, but I don’t think he would act any differently even if you escaped and figured out all of our plans. Telling us about your bad dreams hardly seems consequential.”
(Y/n) had very rarely experienced anything close to the caring nature of Molly Weasley. Narcissa Malfoy was the closest thing she had had to a mother, and her priority had always been her own son. The small act of kindness that Molly had given her was more than enough to cause her to burst into tears, sobbing uncontrollably. She let herself feel everything she had been bottling up over the past month and a half or so.
“It’s okay, let it out honey. Just let it all out.” Molly assured her softly.
Neither of them knew how long they were like that, but by the time (y/n) stopped a younger redhead girl and a curly-haired brunette were at the door with breakfast. The brunette knocked on the concrete wall, startling the two women.
“Sorry to interrupt, Mom, but we brought breakfast.” the redhead said, holding up two plates of eggs and toast. “Sirius told us to bring them down for you.”
“That’s alright Ginny, dear. Just set them on the chair next to the door.” Molly pointed at it. “And Hermione, will you be a lamb and grab up the dishes I left here last night? I meant to do it this morning but I’ve been a bit busy.”
“Of course, Mrs. Weasley.” the brunette smiled, nervously glancing at (y/n) as she gathered the dishes. “Profes- sorry, Remus and Sirius also told us to tell you that they should be finished by lunch. The twins are double-checking a few of the spells and Ron is testing from outside.”
“Thank you, girls. Will you two tell Sirius and Remus to come and get us when they’re ready? I imagine (y/n) might want at least her books to be brought up with her.” Molly smiled, still partially hugging her.
“With?” (Y/n) clarified, confused at the plans. “You mean that you’re all actually letting me out of this room?” she sniffled lightly, rubbing her face clean of any tears or snot.
“Did you think we were lying?” Molly asked, looking at her. “We were being honest when we said we could find a way to give you some freedom. It’s not a lot, you’ll mostly be moved from one small cage into a much bigger one, but it’s the first step.”
“Mom, are you sure about this, especially with Har-”
“Yes Ginny, I am. Tonks will also be coming shortly too, next week I think.” Molly cut her daughter off abruptly. “Besides, the entire Order has taken a vote, we came to an agreement and this is what that is. I understand your reluctance, but that is no way to behave in front of (y/n). Now go on back upstairs, both of you. Hurry up!” she called after them, listening for the sound of their footsteps to have dissipated. “Sorry about that, she’s just overly cautious.”
“It’s fine, I’m just still trying to understand why you’re all letting me out in the first place.” (Y/n) said, taking the plate Molly handed her. She took a bite out of the toast, face grimacing slightly. Molly followed suit, politely spitting the chewed-up toast out onto her plate.
“Either Ginny hasn’t ever listened to a single thing I’ve told her about cooking, or Ron made breakfast, in which case I wouldn’t eat the eggs if I were you. He can cook dinner pretty well, but he’s always struggled with breakfast.” Molly set her plate to the wide and chuckled. “Now, how are you feeling?”
“I don’t know.” (Y/n) admitted, pushing the plate of food toward the end of her desk. “I’ve never really been good with my own feelings, not that I was ever given the chance to be. Lucius maintains the idea that emotions are the same thing as a poison dagger, they’ll kill you if you touch them.”
“I wish I could say I was surprised by that, but it is fairly obvious to anyone who meets him.” Molly starts folding the pile of clothes (y/n) had in the corner. “And I’m sure your father is even worse, Lucius is a coward and truly only follows whatever You-Know-Who tells him.”
“Yeah, that’s pretty true.” the younger woman concedes. “I guess, what I’m trying to say is I can’t tell what I’m feeling. I think I’m feeling a lot of things all at once, and they’re all not mixing well. I just wish that I was strong enough to… I don’t know, do what I want instead of worrying about what my father had planned for me.”
“So do something small first.” Molly yawns. “If telling us how you’re feeling is still too out there for you, start small and work your way up. Start with a small want, something easy that if he found out wouldn’t result in whatever various torture method he would think up.”
“Even small acts would cause that.” (Y/n) groaned, head resting in her hands now. “Every mistake, no matter how small, results in the same thing; punishment.”
“Well then, if it’s all going to end the same way, why not just do it anyways?” Molly asked, eyeing her. “I don’t mean to sound pushy, but if talking about how you’re feeling and also divulging secrets gets you the same level of punishment, why bother?”
“I-I don’t…I guess I’ve never really thought about it. It’s just what I’ve always done.” (Y/n) opened the book she was reading from the night before. “I’ll think on it. Thank you, Mrs. Weasley.”
“I’ll be right back, I’m just going to run these up the stairs and set them by the door. Is that okay?” Molly held up the pile of folded dirty clothes. (Y/n) nodded, turning the page of her book.
Molly quickly made her way up the stairs, giving (y/n) some time to think alone for once. The Weasley woman opened the basement door and set the clothes right outside it. She caught a glimpse of Ron and waved him over.
“Will you put these in the laundry room, dear?” Molly smiled sweetly. “I don’t want to leave her down there alone for too long.”
“Course I can.” Ron looked tired, his hair uncombed and wild. “Mom, how do you all think this little idea is going to work?”
“I’m not sure…” Molly answered honestly. “Hopefully there will be very few issues, although with how their imprisonment started, I doubt it. I think we’re all going to have to be very patient for a while.”
“Does that include her?” Ron hissed, eyes narrowing at the steps. “She’s his daughter after all, I don’t really see how-”
“Ronald Weasley!” Molly exclaimed. “If I find out you’re causing any undue issues with her, or helping along everyone’s paranoia I will put you in your own cell for a month, see how you react.”
“I didn’t mean it like that, I just-”
“Just what? Go put those in the laundry room and finish helping Sirius and Remus. Go on! And if you so much as-” Molly was wagging her finger at him.
“Step a toe out of line, yeah I know, Mom.” he finished glumly. “I’ll be on my best behavior, swear it.”
“Oh, you better! Make sure your brothers and sisters know it too, I will not be having any of you upsetting the delicate trust she has put into us so far.” Molly said, shutting the door to the basement and continuing to mutter to herself as she returned to the room.
After a few hours of very little small talk, mostly Molly trying to start a dialogue, and (y/n) finishing the book she was reading, Remus appeared in the doorway, his hair ever so slightly ruffled. He smiled at Molly, looking excited about something.
“Sirius is finishing the last touch-up of her room, and then we’ll be ready. He even got Kreatcher to help some.” Remus beamed.
“I’m right here!” Sirius called from the stairs. Everyone in the room heard a ‘thud’ sound, followed by a string of curse words. Sirius appeared beside Remus, his hair pulled into a loose bun. “Ignore that, I didn’t fall.”
“Sure, you gracefully laid down suddenly, right?” Remus joked.
“Well, are we ready, Moony? Got to take down the barrier before she can, you know, go upstairs.” Sirius held up his wand.
“Course I am.” Remus faked being offended. They shut the door, and from the outside took down the barrier. (Y/n) watched the walls turn to regular concrete, no longer glowing a blueish hue. Remus opened the door and stepped in. “Now, before we bring you up I’m assuming you have questions?”
“Rules?” (Y/n) asked, looking between him and Sirius.
“No sharp objects unless supervised by Sirius, Molly, or myself. There are rooms that you won’t be allowed into, a few have barriers on them, but not all. No trying to hurt, scare or kill anyone. No asking Kreatcher for anything, unless someone is dying.” Remus listed off about ten more rules, and Sirius was counting them on his fingers. There was a total of twelve rules.
“Sounds reasonable. How far is my room from here?” she turned to gather her unread books.
“It’s in between my room and Remus’s. The second floor of the house, so two floors above us.” Sirius told her.
“And last question for now, how many people live here?” (Y/n) raised an eyebrow.
“Currently, eight of us, nine including you,” Molly affirms. “My husband stays sometimes, usually for about a week before he has to head back home for work, but you won’t see him for a while. Right now it’s the three of us, the girls that you met earlier, and three of my sons. I’ll introduce you later today.”
“If that’s all, would you like to actually leave this room, or would you prefer to keep standing there?” Sirius asked, grabbing her books out of her hands.
“Fine, can you just, give me a second? I didn’t actually believe you when you guys were talking to me.” she took a deep breath, straightened her shirt up, and popped her knuckles. “Okay, I’m good now, just needed to mentally prepare a bit more.”
Remus carried her sleeping bag and blanket, along with her pillow and her box of graphite. Sirius was barely managing all the books, only dropping a couple up the stairs. Molly was following behind (y/n), breakfast plates in one hand, her other holding onto the railing.
Remus opened the basement door leading to the very back of the kitchen. (Y/n)‘s eyes squinted, not use to the amount of light pooling in from outside. Molly must’ve noticed, waving her wrist and the curtains drawing close.
“You all really put some effort into these barriers, huh?” (Y/n) chuckled. “The ones downstairs were simple but meant for a smaller space so it worked, these are intricate. Kind of pretty to be honest. Although I might suggest double-checking the floo network, there’s about three different ways I could get in still.”
“We’ll get right on that then.” Remus made a mental note. “Well, this is the kitchen, you probably won’t be in here often.”
“He’s trying to say that he thinks you might poison us given the opportunity.” Sirius jokes. “Can we hurry a bit? My arms are starting to give out with these books.”
“I am wanting to see my room, we can do the tour afterward.” (Y/n) suggests, earning a grateful smile from Sirius.
“Of course, let’s go before Pads topples over.” Remus heads towards a door opposite of where they came out of, and up the stairs taking a left on the second floor. Everyone else followed him, Sirius falling behind momentarily. “This is my room.”
Remus had pointed toward a dark grey door, the constellation for Lupus on it, just missing a single star. He pointed towards one further down the hall, tucked away in a corner. It was pure black, partly scratched at the bottom, and had the image of a giant star on it along with a nameplate that read ‘S.O. Black’.
“I feel like that one is fairly obvious, but it’s Sirius’s. Which makes this one,” Remus stopped at a dark green door, golden shooting stars on the top half. “Yours. We repainted it, hopefully, you won’t mind the colors.”
(Y/n) opened the door, revealing a very sizable room. There was a queen-sized canopy bed along the left wall, an ancient dresser across from it, two large windows with a bench for a ledge, and a chair on either side of the bed. The walls were a marbled juniper green, with gold as the accent. The bed itself was a sea foam green, the canopy black with tiny cascading golden stars.
“It’s beautiful…” She looked in awe, slowly walking over to the windows. While she could still see out of them, the barrier spells impeded her sight slightly, making it look like frosted glass that had a red tint to it. She pressed her hand against it, watching the barrier change shades, going from a normal red to a dark intimidating maroon.
“So you like it then?” Sirius asked, setting down her books on top of the dresser.
“Very much so, it’s way better than my room at the manor,” she admits, turning around to face them all. “Would it be possible though to get a bookshelf in here? It would be perfect next to the window, right by the dresser.”
“I’ll see what I can find.” Sirius seemed pleased with himself. “Now, it’s lunchtime and everyone is going to be downstairs in the dining room soon, did you want to join us or stay up here for a little bit?”
“If it’s alright, I think I would like to be in here for a while. I don’t think I can handle too much all at once, you know?” (Y/n) sat down on the bed. It was incredibly soft and pillowy. “I’ll come down for dinner though, don’t want to make the kids any more nervous than they probably are.”
“That’s alright.” Remus nodded, setting her stuff in the chair closest to the door. “Completely understandable, you’ve gone from a small cell to a newly furnished room, just take it in for a bit. If you need anything just come find one of us, we’ll probably be meandering about after lunch.” he smiled softly. Molly waved goodbye as she left to go get lunch ready.
(Y/n) pulled out her piece of parchment and grabbed a graphite pencil, shutting the door partly as she sat down on the bench. She smiled softly to herself before unfolding the paper. She quickly wrote down the words “Maybe they aren’t horrible.” She folded the paper back up, sticking it in between the mattresses of her bed.
~~{𝘌𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘍𝘪𝘷𝘦}~~
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marylily-my-beloved · 1 month
Good Luck Babe! (Based on Chappell Roans song bc yes.)
Getting ready for Narcissa’s wedding, Lily doesn’t know why she was invited, it was obvious enough that Narcissa wanted to see her once more, since she told her to come disguised as Alice’s sister. 
Turning herself into a brunette she asked Alice “Darling, do I look like your sister?” 
“Yeah, well pretty close to her anyways, I love the dress you picked too Lils. Very revenge at the wedding, well this is exactly what it is, correct?”
“Yeah Alice I know, I’m going to Narcissa’s wedding, my girlfriend who didn’t even break up with me before marrying fucking Lucius, I’m ready to see her.” 
“Poor you Lily honestly, you know I hate to say it but I told you so. She’s a Black, well a Malfoy now, but a Black nonetheless. Nothing like the Blacks you know, Sirius and Andromeda.” 
“You know what, I’m happy she’s getting married. Good riddance. No more girlfriend for me, now I can focus on more important things, like the war.” 
Alice replied walking towards Lily, “Ok Lily, whatever you want to believe, but it’s ok to be sad you know?”
“I know Alice, it’s just that now she’s barely worth my time.” Lily put on her dress, “Now I’m really ready, should we go?”
“Yeah Lils! We should be perfectly on time, you know how punctual Black’s are, we might as well be late.”
They apparated to the wedding venue, which was also the Malfoy Manor garden. When they arrived Lily immediately saw all the decorations and all the people. Lily and Alice walked around the venue, searching for Narcissa, but instead of her they found Lucius. Choosing to be polite, Lily went up to him. 
Lily said, “Congratulations on the marriage Lucius, Narcissa really is nice, is she not?”
Lucius replied, sounding unbothered, “Yes she is, thank you.” And walked away looking pissed. 
Lily was confused, who wouldn’t want to marry Narcissa, an idiot called Lucius apparently. Continuing to search for Narcissa on her own, yet unable to find her, she started searching for Alice.
Finding Alice, Lily went right back to her, and she was busy greeting Regulus, surprisingly. She went up to them, and Regulus didn’t even know who she was. ‘Better like that’ Lily thought, giving him a small wave before he left. 
As the wedding continued, they continued mingling, still not seeing Narcissa. Lily felt infuriated, why would Narcissa invite her if she didn’t get to see her anyways. She was preparing to leave, whether Alice wanted to or not, until Alice poked her arm.
“Lily, look! Narcissa’s right there, and now I’m not gay like you, but damn, she looks good doesn’t she?” Alice exclaimed 
Lily replied, seeming frustrated, “Yes, yes she looks pretty amazing, but let’s go up to her c’mon.” 
Lily practically dragged Narcissa by her dress sleeve, bumping into multiple people on the way to Narcissa. Finally getting to Narcissa, Lily was about to say something before Narcissa was ushered away, all fancy in her wedding dress. 
She briefly made eye contact with Narcissa before looking back to Alice, feeling defeated.
“At this rate we’ll never get to talk to her, even briefly.” Alice groaned, frustrated with their situation.
The wedding started, everybody sat down, Lily and Alice went to go sit next to Regulus, waving at him and then ignoring him to look over at where Narcissa was. 
They sat through the whole wedding together, and Lily was gasping for air when Narcissa walked towards the aisle. Lily thought ‘Holy shitty shit crap fuck, I never knew Narcissa would look so hot in a ballgown dress. Man, I wish she would kiss me instead of Lucius.’
The wedding finished and the after party started, and they both started following Narcissa.
Finally having caught up to her, and she was alone, Lily felt relieved. She walked up to Narcissa, motioning to Alice to leave them alone. 
Lily said, “Hi Narcissa, how are you doing? Are you finally gonna break up with me? Or were you waiting until after your husband goes to Azkaban?” She was obviously fed up with life at this point. 
Narcissa looked hurt, and it hurt Lily a bit too, but that wasn’t the main point, Lily was just waiting for her reply. 
Narcissa replied, “Hello Lily, I want to apologize for this, I didn’t know this would happen until I was told to send invitations to any pureblood. I really wanted to talk to you, but I didn’t have much time. I don’t want to break up with you, but you know I have to, I’m so fucking sorry.”
Lily replied, frustrated, “Let me just tell you this ok, I’m sorry too, and I love you. I’ll miss you so much, but don’t forget what I’m gonna say yeah? Just let this be the one thing you remember about me.”
Narcissa nodded, giving Lily the permission to speak to her mind. Lily said, “When you wake up next to him in the middle of the night with your head in your hands and you figure out that you’re nothing more than his wife. Don’t forget that I told you so, don’t forget your first love. Ok babe? Good luck.” Lily then left, rejoining Alice and flooring back to her flat. —
Years later, Narcissa awoke from her and Lucuis’s shared bed with a gasp. Lucuis wasn’t in bed, and she had this feeling that something had happened to Lily. All these years and she could never forget that fiery red hair, and Lily’s stare was engraved into her brain.
She thought about what Lily had said on her wedding day, and knew just how right she was. She heard Lucuis come in, telling her, “The Dark Lord is gone, this mudblood named Lily Evans managed to kill him as she died.” and everything else was static.
Lily was dead, Lily was dead, Lily was dead. Lily was dead, and Narcissa might as well have been an accomplice to her death. She apparated away, going to the graveyard near Lily’s old place, and she sat there and cried, cried and cried. Lily had told her so, what was she expecting? Lily told her so, and Lily was always right, even after her death.
@cressthebest finally wrote it!!
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halloworhorecrux · 26 days
Okay, I got it. Also TW/ Violence implied and otherwise
Narcissa kills Lucius in fourth year after the Quidditch World Cup with the help of Lady Zabini.
Now, she spends the rest of time searching for ways to help Alice and Frank get their minds back. She is good at Occlumency but shit a legilimency, so she spends more time in Severus's quarters until he helps her.
This gives her a chance to save Draco from Moody, who she is like, " That man is shady as shit"
Kidnapps him only to find Barty Crouch Jr.
Now she is relentless.She uses him to find out everything that they did to the Longbottoms.
They do have crucio damage and a curse on their minds.
Narcissa is able to go reverse the damage and get back Aurors Frank and Alice Longbottom
It hurts, seeing Alice and Frank together. But she brought this on herself.
They are able to get out more secrets from BartyJr.
Alice is very against having a POW because that's basically what Barty is now, but Frank is like we need to do this. I didn't lose out on watching my son grow up so he could fight the same evil I tried to get rid of.
Severus, Frank, Alice, Narcissa and Moody make plans to kill Tom Riddle with all the information they gather.
So when the final task comes, they have all the horecruxes and are able to kill him. (Harry isn't a horecrux because im trying to be quick)
Moving on a year, Narcissa walks around the halls of Malfoy Manor she has decided she doesn't want to live here anymore. This isn't and hasn't ever been her home.
Stepping out onto the path leading to the gates of Malfoy Manor, she sees someone waiting for her.
Alice, is that you? Has something happened? Is it the children?
No, no it's just I heard you were leaving.
"I- Yes, I - There is nothing for me here. Sirius says Draco and I may stay with him over breaks. I accepted. But I need to find a place for me now,Draco is at school for another two years, and then he will be off."
"Find a place for you? There is a small smile at the corner of her lips."
"Yes, a place for me."
"That's good. That you are looking "
"It's just that I remember someone once saying that a flower place could be anywhere, under any sun. It just needs to be cared for tenderly and with love"
Narcissa sniffles because she did say that
Alice moves forward. " I don't know if you remember, but I have a pretty green thumb. I like to watch my garden bloom under my hands. It's still the easiest thing I have ever done. To watch as my flower blooms."
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blissyooo · 2 years
For The Love Of Weasleys
Part 5: Way Back Home
"So, what's the story, Harry?" Ron asked impatiently. "What's been happening?"
Harry laid out everything about Dobby, the warning he'd drilled in his head that it wasn't safe to go back to Hogwarts anymore, the missing letters the elf had stolen and the fiasco about the floating cake. There was a long, shocked silence when he finished.
"Very fishy" Fred mumbled, car soaring in the night air under his control.
"Definitely dodgy" George agreed.
"So he wouldn't even tell you who's plotting all this?" You voiced your question as you fold your jacket, making sure the quill and wand were still in the locked pocket.
"I don't think he could" Harry replied, "Every time he got close to letting something slip, Dobby started banging his head against the wall."
Fred and George exchanged looks at the rearview mirror.
"Do you think he was lying to me?" Harry asked, apparently noticing the twins.
"Well," Fred started " house-elves have magic of their own, but they can't usually use it without their master's permission. I reckon old Dobby was sent to stop you from coming back to Hogwarts. Must be someone's idea of a joke. Can you think of anyone at school with a grudge against you?"
"Yes" said Harry and Ron instantly,  didn't even skip a single beat. – Downsides of being well known, you have a big target in your head.
"Draco Malfoy" Harry explained. "He hates me."
Ah – the bratty kid with the bleached colored hair and two looming goons who looked hungry all the time.
"Draco Malfoy?" George's brow furrowed. "Must be Lucius Malfoy's son, I've heard Dad talk about him, he was a big supporter of YouKnowWho-"
You tucked the jacket close and leaned in to listen better, the atmosphere in the car growing heavy along with your breathing.
"-and when You Know Who disappeared" continued Fred, craning his head back to look at you. "Lucius Malfoy came back saying he'd never meant any of it. Load of dung really, Dad reckons the Malfoy was part of the inner circle."
You've heard about these rumors regarding the Malfoy's before, it wasn't exactly a lowekey talk of a single town but it didn't seem to affect them though, they still walked about all high and mighty.
Fred tapped his fingers on the wheel in a smooth rythm as he stirred to the right path. You peered at him through the corners of your eyes, just in case he dozes off.
"Whoever owns Dobby must be an old Wizarding family, a rich Wizarding family." He emphasized.
George fiddled with the wood on Harry's trunk. "Mum always wanted a house elf"
And like puzzle pieces that go together, Fred continued. "All we got is a lousy ghoul in the attic, much too depressed to have a civil conversation and the pesky gnomes in the garden-"
"Hey, we had fun with those!" You interjected and he gave you a wink.
You crossed your arms, the chill from outside seeping into your skin. "Eyes on the road, dummy"
He swiveld back in an instant, cheeks perking up. "Under your command"
You mumbled something but doubted anyone heard it, goosebumps rose up your arms when an especially cold breeze slithered inside the car, good thing your cheeks were warm.
You shifted in your seat and pressed yourself even further to the window – noticing how everyone got guiet, and the little smile they tried to hide. You wrecked your brain for the topic you so tentatively interrupted, eager to start it up again.
Aha! Dobby's kind!
You cleared your throat before speaking, "Big old manors and castles usually have house elves" You had one long long ago, way back when the elders in your family still ruled – They were kind of nice, always let you sneak a pastry or two.
Judging by the fact that Draco Malfoy usually had the best of everything, his family must be rolling in wizard gold.
"Malfoy strutting around a large manor, sending his family servant to stop Harry from going back to Hogwarts sounds exactly like the sort of thing he would do." Ron scowled as he imagined their young nemises, all proud and shiny.
"Anyway, I'm glad we came to get you, Harry" said Ron. "I was getting really worried when you didn't answer any of my letters. I thought it was Errol's fault at first"
A wave of chuckles spread throughout the car – good old messenger Errol didn't mess up after all. After that little incident the day prior, you guessed he's still on business.
"Who's Errol?" Harry tipped his head curiously.
"Our owl. He's ancient. It wouldn't be the first time he'd collapsed on a delivery-"
You broke into laughter, furiously shaking your head for them to continue.
Ron tried to get the words out as his cheeks stretched in a grin. "So then I tried to borrow Hermes-"
"The owl Mum and Dad bought Percy when he was made prefect" Fred clarified from the front. "But Percy wouldn't lend him to Ron"
Ron nodded along, "Said he needed him."
"Percy's been acting very odd this summer" George frowned, resting his arm on Harry's wooden trunk. "And he has been sending a lot of letters, spending a load of time shut up in his room."
"Most people would, if their minds are– Let's say engaged with someone" It was satisfying to see the gears turning in their head as a seed of what might possibly be truth was planted in their mind.
"And there's only so many times you can polish a Prefect badge. . ." You added mindlessly.
They collectively chuckled when George's brows shot up. "You're driving too far west, Fred" He pointed at a compass on the dashboard.
Fred twiddled the steering wheel and blinked the haze of sleep in his eyes. – You were still quite far from the Burrow, and the shade of black slowly flushed into a deep blue outside, in the great distance on the horizon, a shade of pink dusted the clouds.
"So, does your dad know you've got the car?" Harry asked, by the look on his face, he might have guessed the answer already.
"Er, no," said Ron, "He had to work tonight. Hopefully we'll be able to get  back in the garage without Mum noticing we flew it"
Harry was now practically kneeling to peek over his seat. "What does your dad do at the Ministry of Magic, anyway?" 
"He works in the most boring department" Ron shrugged, "The Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office. It's all to do with bewitched things that are Muggle-made, you know, in case they end up back in a Muggle shop or a house. Last year, some old witch died and her tea set was sold to an antiques shop. A muggle woman bought it, took it home, and tried to serve her friends with it. It was a nightmare – Dad worked overtime for weeks."
"Why? What hppened?" You asked, what could a bewitched tea set possibly do? Other than burning your tongue. . .
"The teapot went berserk and squirted boiling tea all over the place, one man ended up in the hospital with the sugar tongs clamped to his nose-"
You bit back a chuckle and Harry was frozen shocked, wide eyes and all.
"-they had to do Memory Charms and other stuff to cover it up" Ron continued and my eyes twitched, good thing Mrs. Weasleys tea set was kind enough not to puke tea on me.
Harry shrank back his seat, "But this car-"
Fred laughed a good hearty one. "Yeah, Dad loves everything to do with muggles. Our shed's full of their stuff. He takes them apart, place spells on it, and puts them back together again– It drives Mum mad."
George chuckled. "Including this car" He peered over to the windshield. "That's the main road" He pointed outside. "We'll be there in ten minutes or so. . .It's getting light out."
A faint golden glow painted the horizon to the east, surrounded by a blush of pink and the silhouette of mountains beyond. You stretched your legs into the cramped space in front of you as Fred brought the car lower, lining up with the dark patchwork of fields and clumps of trees that waved at us every breeze of the wind.
"We're a little way outside the village" George turned to Harry. "Ottery St. Catchpole."
Lower and lower went the flying car and the beams of the brilliant sun was now gleaming through the silhouette of trees, shards lighting up the road. You smiled up at it when a jolt slammed you back.
"Touchdown!" Fred exclaimed, you all jumped in your seat with the slight bump as you skidded to ground in a dramatic chorus.
You massasged your neck and cracked your knuckles. "Real smooth, Freddie"
He winked, "That's called an adventure, Y/n"
The car landed next to a beat up garage made up of random wood and iron on the Wesley's yard. Harry looked up for the first time with wonder at the Weasley's home and you couldn't help but reminisce about the time where you was in his position.
Your young mind was blown by its several stories high, warm in tone and colour. Rooms jotted out on each side where it was supposed to be a straight line making it appear as if it had been added from different times, like those wooden rectangles you and your cousins used to play. Only the crooked rooms were held up by magic. Four chimneys were perched on top of the red roof and a lopsided sign stuck in the ground near the entrance read; THE BURROW.
Around the front door lay a jumble of rubber boots and several fat brown chickens pecking their way around the yard.
Ron looked down. "It's not much"
Harry grinned. "It's wonderful"
That Privet Drive had big houses– identical, same coloured, bland houses and they all paled in comparison to a real home. After a few seconds of gawking, we all hopped out of the car.
"Now, we'll go upstairs really quietly" Fred gave us a pointed look. "Wait for Mum to call us for breakfast. Then, Ron, you come bounding downstairs going 'Mum, look who turned up last night!' and she'll be all pleased to see Harry and no one needs to ever know we flew the car." Fred's gaze stayed a few seconds longer on each of you, making sure you got the memo.
With a nod, you sneaked inside the house. Fred, George and Ron's hand on the clock pointed home and you smiled fondly at their faces. It was quiet as you poured in the first floor, with the faint scent of freshly baked bread. "You think we can have some of this?" Ron whispered from behind as you walked past the table.
"Yeah, they'll never know" George replied.
You peered over your shoulder as the three of them grabbed a piece of fresh baked bread from the stack on the table. – Now how would Mrs. Weasley interpret that when her children were supposed to be asleep.
Fred strode up to your side, eyes of warmth and honey lit up as he cut the bread in half and offered you the bigger portion.
"Ever the gentleman, Fred Weasley"
"Anything for my lady"
You stared at him like a deer on headlights and he stared back, expectantly. You cleared your throat and plucked the smaller half ignoring his protest and spun around, biting down on the soft pastry before a contagious smile spread on your face.
Ron who hummed about how good it was froze, skin turning into a nasty pale colour, eyes fixed on the glass window. The rest of you wheeled around, a serious looking Mrs. Weasley was marching across the yard, scattering chickens out of her way. For a short, plump, kind-faced woman, it was remarkable how much she looked like rabid tiger.
"Ah," said Fred as he attempted to hide behind you.
"Oh, dear," George gulped.
Mrs. Weasley barged in, the door didn't put much of a fight as she came into a halt in front of you, hands on her hips, staring from one guilty face to the next.
"Morning mum" Fred beamed, in what he clearly thought was a jaunty, innocent smile.
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sacredsnape · 2 years
unconditionally | part two
read part one here
chapter fifteen
you and snape spent your summer together doing various activities together, like reading and going mushroom hunting. snape even taught you how to brew some new potions, making great use out of the mushrooms and other items you and him had collected.
you and him spent your time divided between your place and his; you had a small yet comfortable house in london, which your parents would be keeping an eye on while you lived with snape at hogwarts during the school year. they weren't fully aware of what you and snape had going on, but you knew that you'd tell them eventually.
at spinner's end, all you and snape did was read and then discuss what you read before spending the rest of the day cuddling. however, snape was a lot more comfortable at your place than he was at his which was understandable.
you and snape sat in your garden one afternoon, eating the strawberries that you two had just picked from the fruit patches that tou had. you only had about a week left of vacation before you had to report to the ministry; snape was on edge about you going.
"i'll be fine," you promised him as he picked the green leaves off of the top of the strawberry he was about to eat. "i'll be working alongside other aurors and we all know the best defensive spells out there."
"i'm just worried," he admitted, holding the strawberry up to his mouth before he ate it. he appreciatively savored the strawberry, considering he's never really been a fruit eater and also couldn't afford them growing up.
"i know and that's understandable, but i promise you that i will be fine. you already have enough to worry about. i don't want you to become overwhelmed," you honestly informed him.
snape pouted and reluctantly nodded, deciding to listen to you and trust you that everything would be okay.
you started your job as an auror during the first week of july; around the same time, snape kept having to go out more and more to do whatever he was doing, which raised your suspicions. you had no idea what he could be doing, but you just hoped that he was safe.
you and your fellow aurors quickly began the tedious and dangerous task of eavesdropping on a death eater meeting in order to gather information on voldemort's plans.
you all apparated to malfoy manor one particular frigid evening, hiding behind shrubs as you all carefully made your way towards the manor.
you always had the feeling that draco malfoy's family weren't good people, and being at malfoy manor to spy on the death eaters only confirmed your suspicions.
nymphadora tonks, one of the more advanced aurors and the only other female on your team, nodded at you to walk towards the window on your side.
you nodded and walked towards it, a loud buzzing filling your ears. you bit your lip, figuring that one of the death eaters had cast the muffliato charm. you silently performed the the counter spell and then stood on your tiptoes, delicately pressing your ear to the window. black curtains covered the window, preventing you from seeing inside.
the conversation inside was muffled due to the window, yet you caught traces of a familiar voice that made your stomach drop.
you slowly stepped back, staring at the window in disbelief. why would snape be at a death eater meeting? he told you that he had defected from the death eaters…unless he lied to you.
your grip around your wand angrily tightened, huffing as you stepped back from the window.
"what happened?" tonks asked you in a hushed voice as you brushed past her.
you ignored her, feelings of anger, betrayal, and sadness coming to life inside of you. why would snape lie to you? you knew that you were going to have to confront him about this no matter what.
you didn't get home until about two in the morning, having worked one of your later shifts. you locked your front door just as snape apparated into the living room.
"hello, y/n," snape warmly greeted you with a smile. "how was work?"
you turned to face him with a nasty glare, marching up to him and demanding, "why were you at malfoy manor tonight?"
snape's smile fell, his face going pale as he tried to explain why he was thwrw but you angrily continued your rant.
"you lied to me, didn't you!? you never defected from the death eaters!" you shouted at him as you balled your hands into fists. the lights in your house flickered due to your anger and snape's eyes widened. "you knew that i was becoming an auror and thought that you could be slick and continue to be loyal to voldemort behind my back!"
"no, y/n! let me explain!" snape pleaded as you stomped past him into your bedroom. you were about to slam the door behind you when snape stopped you, firmly holding the door open. "i'm a double agent for dumbledore and voldemort, y/n! i still have to report to death eater meetings so voldemort doesn't think i'm betraying him!" he exclaimed at you. "i never lied!"
you raised an eyebrow at him, closely analyzing his words before you softly asked him, "how can you live like this?"
snape walked past you, joining you in your bedroom as he miserably sat down on your bed. he was suddenly crying and you instantly went over to hug him.
"i don't know," he whispered in a broken voice. "i switched sides after he killed lily. i don't know how i'm even still alive."
"oh, sev. i'm so sorry," you soothed him as you gently caressed his face. "i..i didn't know. i'm so sorry for lashing out on you."
"it's okay, i promise. i was scared to tell you since i didn't want to lose you again," he solemnly confessed as he slowly ran a hand up and down your thigh.
"you wouldn't have lost me because of this. i would've stayed and supported you. you're so brave for being a double agent," you comforted snape, kissing him. "you will never lose me ever again, i promise."
snape feebly smiled at you, breathing shakily as he securely held onto you like he was afraid of letting you go.
you and snape stayed sitting like that until the two of you decided to go to sleep. you laid on top of snape as his arms unwaveringly stayed wrapped around your body.
chapter sixteen | nsfw ahead. (soft dom snape, praise kink, oral (f receiving) handjob, fingering, physically unprotected sex that's magically protected by a spell, multiple orgasms)
you didn't want to get up the next morning, too comfortable in snape's embrace to even move.
snape eventually did get you to move though since he had to go to the bathroom, but he wrapped his arms around you again the moment he returned.
"now i have to go to the bathroom," you laughed as he hugged you.
"i'll carry you," he offered, carrying you to the bathroom so the two of you could get ready for the day together.
you had about an hour until you had to get to work, so you and snape returned to bed for the time being.
snape felt extra clingy this morning, seemingly unable to keep his hands and lips off of you.
"i missed you so much," he quietly said as his lips brushed against your ear, sending chills across your skin. "i was so scared that i was going to lose you last night."
"i'm here," you whispered in response, wiping a stray tear from his cheekbone. "and i'm here to stay."
snape smiled, pressing a small kiss to your neck. you threaded your fingers in his hair, finding the black color of it so beautiful and elegant. you knew that his hair could be greasy, mostly because he struggled with his hygiene at times, but you loved his hair nonetheless.
snape leaned up to kiss you then, the two of you sharing breathy giggles between every few kisses. snape brought himself closer to you, his legs resting in between yours.
heat began to pool at the pit of your stomach when snape grabbed your hips and held you in place below him, almost like he was claiming you as his with his kisses. you felt something growing and moving against your inner thigh and your breath hitched.
"hey," you breathlessly said to snape, licking your lips.
"hey," he replied, kissing your jawline a few times.
"my insides feel…hot," you wheezed, not sure if you were even making sense.
"huh?" snape raised his eyebrows. "what do you mean?"
you exhaled a long breath and nervously explained, "you know…in that kind of way."
snape thought for a few moments before he let out a long "ohhh," smirking before he slyly asked you, "and why do they feel hot, darling?"
you squeaked, lightly digging your nails into snape's arms and boldly replying, "because i can feel your hard on poking my inner thigh."
"you weren't supposed to feel that!" snape gasped.
"how could i not? did you get hard from just kissing me?"
snape groaned and shook his head, rubbing your hip bone and nodding shamefully.
"how cute," you teased as snape rolled his eyes. "you know…"
"what do i know, y/n?"
you shook your head. "nothing. i- i was just going to ask if you wanted to…possibly continue?"
snape gulped, staring at your flustered expression and thinking. he hasn't has sex in years and the last thing he wanted to do was not perform good enough for you and disappoint you.
"i haven't done it in years and-" you cut snape off by pressing your lips to his, telling him that you haven't done it in a while either.
this helped snape feel more at ease and he timidly replied, "i don't want to accidentally hurt you."
"i'll let you know if you do, but i doubt you will," you kindly promised him. "as long as you're comfortable, that's all that matters to me."
snape felt like crying out of joy; he still couldn't quite wrap his head around how someone could be so perfect.
snape nodded, his hands reacting before his mind could. he slowly undid your maroon auror robes, his breath quickening with each article of clothing that came off.
"i got it," you told snape as he struggled to undo your pants. his hands were shaking with both excitement and nervousness, so he sat back and fiddled with his hands while he watched you remove your pants.
snape nearly drooled as he gazed down at you, his eyes taking in every detail of your body. you still had your bra and underwear on, but snape wasted no time getting those off of you as well.
before snape pulled down your underwear, he slowly dragged a finger up your clothed slit, drawing a whimper from you.
"you're wet," snape plainly stated as he maintained intense eye contact with you. "very wet. all this from just kissing me?"
you let out a long, shaky breath, biting your lip as you began to massage your right breast to stimulate yourself. your left hand clenched the sheets, your back arching when snape finally took off your underwear and pressed his finger to your exposed wetness.
"sev," you whined, wiggling your hips around a bit. snape used his free hand to hold your hips still, giving you a stern look.
"no moving, doll. i want to pleasure you," he mumbled, in a daze of lust as watched his finger run up and down your slit before he began to rub slow circles into your sensitive clit.
"fuck," you sighed, rolling your head back onto your pillow as your eyes fluttered close. "that feels amazing."
"so pretty," snape dreamily said, relishing in the blissful sounds leaving you. "you're doing so well for me, sweetheart."
you moaned loudly at the praise, your eyes opening when you heard snape laugh.
"what?" you breathlessly asked him, your chest rising and falling with each heavy breath you exhaled.
"you like being praised, don't you?" snape questioned as he increased the speed on your clit, his other finger teasing your entrance.
you quickly nodded. "mhm, i like it a lot," you admitted as you clawed at the sheets, desperate for more. "when you called me- called me a good girl that one time, and a clever girl that other time- that really did something to me."
snape smiled down at you, saying nothing as he slowly inserted his finger inside of you.
you let out a small cry of surprise; it didn't hurt, but it was a strange yet euphoric pressure inside of you.
"is that okay?" snape asked as he leaned down to kiss your forehead. he was breathing hard, already riled up from just teasing you.
you wordlessly nodded, looking up at him with pleading eyes. snape quickly pecked your lips before gently thrusting his finger in and out of you, continuing his movements on your clit.
"sev, holy shit," you gasped, reaching for the hand that he wasn't using. he intertwined his fingers with yours, kissing your cheek as he continued to move his finger in and out of you.
you couldn't help but squirm, every nerve ending in your body feeling electrified by the pleasure snape was giving you.
"you're so good," you praised snape, your words making him groan. he was desperate to get inside of you already, but he wanted to take his time with you and get you as ready as possible for when he finally did get inside of you.
"need you," you mumbled into his ear, gripping the ends of his hair. "need you inside me, please."
snape's eyes widened; it was like you had just read his mind. "are you sure, y/n? are you ready?"
you nodded without hesitation, moaning out his name as you felt a blissful pleasure begin to build in your lower abdomen.
snape felt you clench around him, smirking; he wasn't quite finished with you yet and wanted to make you cum around his finger first.
"are you close, love? i can feel you squeezing my finger," snape commented, watching as your thighs began to shake around his hand.
"yes, gosh!" you cried. tightly squeezing snape's hand. your body was pulsating with pleasure, your orgasm coming closer with each swift thrust of snape's finger
you dissolved into lust as your orgasm rocked your body. your hold around snape's hand tightened, using it as an anchor as you came undone underneath him.
snape watched you cum, his lips parted and his eyes wide. he's never seen anyone so beautiful before, and his aching cock in his pants was practically screaming at him to get on with fucking you already.
once you had come down from your orgasm, you took a deep breath that was soon replaced by a moan when snape suddenly laid down on his stomach and placed his head between your thighs.
snape flicked his tongue at your clit in a misguided attempt to clean you up; all he was doing was conjuring up another orgasm. your thighs clamped around his head and you tugged on his hair, reaching your climax a few short moments later. this orgasm was much more gentle and came in waves, yet it still left you breathless and begging for more.
"sorry, i just wanted to make you cum again," snape chuckled, sitting up and leaning forward to kiss you; you could taste yourself on his lips which only deepened your arousal. snape sucked on your bottom lip before pulling away, leaning down to kiss all over your body. he kissed from your moles to your stretch marks, leaving extra kisses on the small scars you had from injuries inflicted throughout your lifetime. snape wanted to worship your body and make you feel as good as possible because he knew that it was what you deserved.
"i wanna see you," you whispered to snape as you watched him sit back on his knees to admire you. "please."
snape bit his lip, his fingers hesitating on the several buttons of his coat. he had a lot of scars on his body that represented everything he's been through and he was insecure about them.
however, snape didn't want to let his insecurities ruin this moment, so he undid his coat and presented himself to you.
you sat up on your elbows, observing every detail and scar on his skin. you smiled softly up at him and fully sat up, coming level with his chest. you kissed his skin as you cooed, "you're so beautiful, sev."
snape's cheeks flushed red, stroking your hair and then kissing the top of your head. "not as beautiful as you, though," he grinned. you pulled back to look at him, your smile only growing as you placed your hands on his waist.
"may i?" you politely asked him as your fingers ghosted over the buttons on his pants. snape quickly nodded, licking his lips as he watched you slowly undo his pants. as you did, you leaned forward to lovingly kiss his dark mark, causing snape to smile.
you tugged his pants down his slender thighs and snape kicked the rest of them off, now only being left in his black boxers. you placed a hand over his pulsing length, drawing a small whimper from him.
you ran your hand up and down his clothed length, just now realizing how long and thick it was. you pulled down his boxers, gasping when his hard cock smacked against your breasts.
"you're so big," you admired as you wrapped a hand around snape's shaft, pumping him slowly. his cock was hot and heavy in your hand, the tip glistening with pre cum.
snape keened under your praise, fisting your hair and shuddering at your movements. you began to pump his length, kissing across his skin and the short, dark trail of hair leading down to his pelvis. you looked up at him through your lashes as you stroked him, watching the way he bit his lip and hearing the way he moaned.
"gosh, princess," he sighed, stroking your face. "you're such a good girl. my good, sweet girl."
you rubbed your thighs together, feeling new wetness gather between them. you were desperate to suck him off, but decided to save it for another time since you were yearning for him to be inside of you.
"i want you now," you told him as you let go of his cock, giving the tip a long swipe with your thumb. snape whined at that, nodding quickly and laying you down, nearly knocking you off the bed from his excitement.
"woah there, sev," you giggled, holding his face in your hands as you admired his face. "don't send me flying off the bed now."
"sorry," he laughed, nudging your cheek with his nose. "i'm just really excited."
you kissed him, fumbling for yours and his wands that were laying on the nightstand. snape raised his eyebrows, confused as to why you were grabbing them.
"we have to cast the birth control spell," you explained as you handed snape his wand. "it's quite easy to cast, actually. we must kiss the tips of each other's wands as we say null pregnagia. gold sparks will shoot from our wands and we'll suddenly feel very warm, but the birth control lasts for 24 hours. i still want to develop it further in order to make it last longer, but for now this will do."
"you're so sexy when you're talking about what you've invented," snape said bashfully, grabbing your wand and raising the tip to his lips. you grinned and did the same with his, the two of you kissing each other's wands and saying, "null pregnagia."
gold sparks emitted from the wands, a sudden, strong warmth spreading all across your body. the sparks disappeared after a few moments along with the warmth and you hurriedly placed the wands back on the nightstand, grabbing snape by his hips.
"i'm ready now," you told him with a smile as you wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him closer to you.
snape nodded and smiled back at you, holding your hips as he began to slowly push himself inside of you, exhaling a moan with every breath.
you held him close to your body, gasping when he was finally inside. he was throbbing inside of you, his body shaking.
"you okay?" you gently asked him, your eyes traveling down to look at where his hips met yours.
"yeah," he answered in a strained voice, clenching his jaw. "you just feel really good."
you knotted your hand in his hair, kissing his jawline and saying, "you feel really good too, baby."
snape's heart soared at the nickname you had just called him, smiling to himself as he spread your legs, watching as his cock began to slide in and out of you.
"does that feel good, beautiful?" snape moaned to you, hungrily kissing your neck and collarbones.
"yes, it feels so good," you whined, rolling your head back. his mouth was hot on your neck and you roughly tugged on his hair when you felt him suck on your skin.
snape moaned softly at the feeling of you tugging on his hair and you smirked, doing it again.
snape moaned louder this time, gripping your waist and pulling you closer to him as he began to thrust faster.
"more," you begged, tightly holding onto his shoulders. "please please please," you pouted between kisses, hearing snape groan against your mouth.
he sat up on his knees, grabbing your legs and hooking them around his waist. he gently lifted them up before delivering one swift, hard thrust into you, hard enough that your breasts bounced from the force of it.
"you're so gorgeous," snape praised you, his eyes darting between your breasts and his cock sliding in and out of you. "look at you, all submissive and breathless underneath me."
you cried out in ecstasy, snape's words alone further fueling your arousal. you grabbed onto his hands and held them, looking up at him with lust blown eyes as you moaned lewdly for him.
"yes yes yes," you deliriously chanted as snape continued to fuck you. "right there!"
"right there?" snape breathed as he angled his hips to thrust into the spot that practically had you trembling with pleasure. you frantically nodded, throwing your head back and feeling snape lower your legs to lean down, his lips finding their place on your neck.
"your pussy is so perfect angel, and you're taking me so well," snape huskily said, bringing an arm around you to pull you chest up to his. your hard nipples brushed against his sweaty chest, your back arched against his arm. "you're going to be a good girl and cum for me, right?"
"yes!" you cried, clawing at his back. "please, sev. i'll cum for you."
snape pressed a firm kiss to your cheek, panting against it as his hand slid down between your bodies to rub at your clit. you tightly clenched around him and snape hissed, his thrusts beginning to falter slightly.
"i'm so close," you gasped, your lungs burning with every harsh exhale you took. your climax was rapidly approaching, your pussy continuing to tightly clench snape's cock.
"i know, baby. i know. I can feel it," snape mumbled as he repeatedly kissed your cheek. he pulled back then, staring intensely at you as he lustfully stated, "i want you to look at me while you cum, sweetheart."
you obediently nodded, your eyes widening as the first peaks of your climax hit you, sending small shockwaves through you before your real climax finally came.
you practically sobbed with pleasure, whimpers and moans of snape's name filling the room. it felt like your body and pussy were being split open in the most euphoric, blissful way, and you've never cum so hard before in your life.
tears sprung to your eyes, so overwhelmed by how amazing snape's cock felt that you barely noticed him cumming.
snape came with a loud, long groan, thrusting a few more times before his hips stilled. he fully pressed his hips to yours, whining softly as he came inside of you.
snape held himself up, preventing himself from collapsing on top of you as he kissed you all over your face.
"that was amazing," you breathed, giggling under his touch. "you were amazing."
"you did such a good job, angel," snape hummed as he slowly massaged your stomach. "you came so pretty for me as well."
you blushed, hiding your face in his shoulder. snape kissed the side of your head, slowly pulling out and settling himself between your legs, breathing slow and steady as he held you.
"it's a shame we can't go for round two," you frowned as snape reached for his wand. he cleaned the two of you up with a simple wave of his wand, grinning down at you and replying, "next time we can."
you slowly kissed him, sighing happily. you wanted to stay in bed with snape instead of going to work, but you knew that fudge wouldn't like that.
"does your body hurt at all?" snape worriedly wondered as you and him sat up in bed.
"not at all. you didn't hurt me in any sort of way," you promised him as you leaned forward to kiss his nose. "all you did was give me the most pleasure i've felt in a while."
"i'm so glad," snape mumbled as he nuzzled his nose into the crown of your head, kissing it afterwards. his arms found their way around your waist, keeping them there even when you tried to get out of bed to get dressed.
"i'll see you later, remember?' you reminded snape as he looked up from buttoning his pants, frowning; he didn't want you to go and just wanted to hold you and cuddle you for the rest of the day.
"but later is so far from now," he grumbled as you and him walked into the living room.
you smiled at him, kissing his lips and cheeks before telling him, "if you're going to a death eater meeting today, be careful, okay?"
"i will be careful. i promise," he reassured you, giving you a big, warm hug before the two of you apparated to where you each needed to be.
chapter seventeen
you felt much more at ease now knowing that snape hadn't been lying to you. you knew that him being a double agent was extremely risky and hoped and prayed that he'd be okay and that no one would hurt him.
as the summer went on, you and snape saw each other less and less. you were very busy at work and snape kept having to report to voldemort. this put a strain on your relationship with him, but you and him didn't argue about it; you two would just treasure the moments you two did have together.
as part of your mission to become more involved in defeating dark wizards and preventing the tragedies caused by dark magic, you joined the order of the phoenix, a secret society devoted to opposing voldemort and his followers. snape joined immediately after you did, which excited you since it meant you two would be seeing each other more often.
you and your team heard about harry being expelled from hogwarts because he cast the patronus charm in the presence of his cousin, a muggle, after dementors had attacked them. this prompted you and your team to go collect harry from privet drive and take him to 12 grimmauld place, where he would be safer. order of the phoenix meetings were also held at 12 grimmauld place.
you ran straight into snape when you all arrived, smiling up at him before you kissed his cheek. harry did a double take when he saw that and snape gave him a cold glare, nodding at him to keep on walking.
"i missed you so much," you mumbled to snape as you and him walked into the dining room with the others.
"i missed you more, darling," snape replied, leaving a quick kiss on the top of your head before the two of you sat down next to each other at the table.
sirius black, one of snape's old bullies, sat down across from the two of you, nodding in your direction and completely ignoring snape.
"so, it's true then? you and snivellus are together?" he asked, sounding a little shocked as he looked between you and snape.
"don't call him snivellus," you firmly told sirius, feeling snape's hand tighten around yours. "you should let go of that nickname, you know. it's not very nice."
"well, in my defense, i never thought someone would want to date sniv-" sirius couldn't finish his sentence as snape had abruptly stood up with his wand drawn, pointing it at him.
mrs. weasley gasped and hastily began to motion for snape and sirius to sit back down. "now, now. you two mustn't fight!" she scolded them, watching in shock as sirius drew his wand as well.
"watch that mouth of yours, black, or you'll regret ever being born," snape spat, approaching him and pressing his wand to his chest.
"sev!" you exclaimed, roughly grabbing his arm and pulling him away. snape turned to look at you with furious eyes as sirius jeered in the background, "you're lucky your lady is saving you, snivelly!"
snape flipped sirius off just as you dragged him out of the room and up the stairs. "i'm going to teach him a lesson," snape fumed as you led him into a bedroom at the end of the hallway. "who does he think he is?"
you frowned and gently kissed snape, trying to calm him down. "just ignore him, okay? stay here until you've calmed down."
snape rolled his eyes and nodded, plopping down on the bed in the corner of the room and crossing his arms over his chest with a loud huff.
you returned to the dining room, quietly sitting down. tonks sat down next to you, giving your leg a reassuring pat.
"anyways, shall we get started now that the drama with "sev" is over?" sirius asked everyone. you grabbed your wand from the inner pocket of your robes, clutching it tightly. you didn't have a problem with stunning sirius if he kept up with his smartass remarks.
the meeting commenced, snape joining about ten minutes later. he sat down on the other side of you and definitely seemed calm now. his hand never left yours during the meeting except for when he'd get up to go to the bathroom or stretch. he was still a bit shaken up over what happened with sirius earlier, especially because he had been worried that you would've scolded him.
he tried not to overthink about you and your feelings for him too much, but it was a trauma response of his. he did, however, want to work on battling his overthinking and develop a healthier mindset. most of all, he wanted to become the best version of himself for you.
you offered to harry to take him to his hearing at the ministry since you wanted to provide him with extra protection in case anything went awry.
the day of his hearing, you and harry entered the ministry via telephone booth and headed down into the bustling crowd moving throughout the atrium.
"you're going to be okay, harry," you promised him as the two of you walked down the long, dark hallway leading to the courtroom. "just stay calm and remember that you had every right to cast the patronus charm, as it was literally a life or death situation."
harry silently nodded, giving you a fearful look before he walked inside the courtroom. you waited for harry, watching lucius malfoy walk by with cornelius fudge. they were speaking in hushed voices and abruptly stopped their conversation when they saw you.
"may i help you?" you indignantly asked them. mr. fudge raised his eyebrows at you. "no, not at all, miss y/l/n," he nervously replied. "have a good day now."
him and lucius quickly left after that and you breathed a sigh of relief; although mr. fudge was your boss and the minister, you felt a lack of respect for him solely because he refused to believe voldemort had returned and ridiculed anyone who tried to convince him otherwise.
dumbledore appeared a few minutes after harry had gone in, greeting you before he made his way into the courtroom to testify for harry. while you waited, you headed to your office to sort out a few things and review some of the files you had on known death eaters.
you smiled when you saw the little note that snape had left you; in the note, snape wrote about how beautiful you were and how much he adored you. you pocketed the note for safe keeping and decided to write a note for him as well, planning to drop it off in his office at hogwarts once the term started.
much to your joy, harry left his hearing innocent and free of all charges. he seemed a bit frustrated, though.
"dumbledore completely ignored me when i called his name after the hearing," he explained after you and him had departed from the ministry.
"i'm sure he'll talk to you soon, but he shouldn't have ignored you. being ignored hurts a lot," you replied as you gave harry a sympathetic look.
harry nodded and smiled a little at you, thanking you for joining him at the ministry.
"of course, harry. i wouldn't have wanted you to go alone," you grinned. "i'm glad you aren't being expelled."
"me too," harry said. he then smiled smugly, adding, "since when did you and professor snape start seeing each other?"
you blushed, swiping your metrocard as you and harry walked through the turnstile at the subway station. "for a while now. he's quite sweet, you know."
"sweet? professor snape?" harry asked, genuinely surprised. "i mean, whatever floats your boat, i guess."
you laughed quietly and shook your head, knowing very well that many people are still surprised by your relationship with snape. what mattered the most though is that you were happy.
chapter eighteen
you quickly grew accustomed to living with snape at hogwarts; you couldn't join the others in the great hall for meals, so snape would always save food for you and bring it to you.
you deeply missed teaching defense against the dark arts, and your longing for the position only grew stronger when dolores umbridge started teaching the subject.
"y/n, please stop me before i poison her. she's absolutely dreadful. the two of you wear pink and her office is even pink like yours was. i heard that her patronus is apparently a cat just like yours, but she's nowhere near as sweet and loving as you are," snape complained to you one evening.
"harry told me that she was at his hearing. him and i are positive that she sent the dementors after him," you said as snape laid his head in your lap. you stroked his hair slowly and untangled the little knots in it as well. "did she do something to you?"
"yes, she did. she had to quite blatantly and rudely point out to me that i was unsuccessful in applying to the defense against the dark arts post," he pouted as he looked up at you. "i wish you were still teaching the class. i heard that she's not even teaching defensive spells."
"how could she not be teaching defensive spells? voldemort is back! how could she be so…so stupid?" you said in an exasperated voice.
snape raised a hand to touch your cheek, leaning up to kiss you afterwards. "i know she doesn't believe that he's back," he whispered against your lips.
"then i'm going to do something about this. she's practically risking the lives of her students by not teaching them what they need to know," you confidently said. "she won't get away with this."
you approached professor umbridge the next day, giving her a wide, fake smile and greeting her.
"hello, i am y/n y/l/n, an auror at the ministry of magic," you said as you reluctantly shook her hand.
"oh, you work at the ministry? y/l/n…your father is head seer, correct?" she replied, clearly faking the sweetness in her voice.
"he is. you know, as an auror, i firmly believe in the importance of properly educating young wizards and witches defensive spells and techniques," you calmly stated. "your impractical teaching style will only prove to be insufficient."
umbridge blinked at you several times, letting out a pompous giggle and shrilly replying, "you do not have the authority to speak on the educational guidelines that the ministry has instituted. by criticizing my teaching style, you are criticizing the ministry of magic and the minister himself. as a ministry worker, you should know better!"
"no, dolores. i don't need to know better. you're the only one who needs to know better," you stiffly said, holding your head up high. "i worked as the defense against the dark arts professor last year, and i will not tolerate seeing my old students struggle to defend themselves against voldemort!"
an awful, cold silence filled the corridor. a group of students had been walking by, stopping in their tracks to watch the drama unfold.
snape walked by just then, stopping behind you and placing a hand on your back.
"severus, please escort her from the premises!" umbridge shrieked, clenching her fists. "she has disrespected the ministry of magic and is babbling nonsense about the dark lord being back!"
snape gave her a sour look, nodding slowly before taking you out of the corridor.
you lightly pinched his upper arm once you two were out of sight, hissing at him, "you should've left me there! i was going to give her a taste of her own medicine!"
"you could've lost your job by arguing with her! she would've reported you to fudge," snape snapped. "i don't want you to risk losing the job that you love over her stupidity."
you clenched your jaw, thinking of what to say next. "thank you for your concern, sev, but i am going to fight for what is right."
and with that, you walked away, calculating a plan to stop umbridge.
much to your luck, harry and his friends began to organize a student-led group called dumbledore's army, where students would learn the necessary spells to defend themselves.
you risked everything, including your job, to help the students out. you would sneakily join them in the room of requirement and observe them, admiring how good of a teacher harry was.
"professor- i mean, miss y/l/n," neville longbottom said during one of the DA meetings. "how are you still allowed here in the castle if you're not teaching here anymore?"
"well, dumbledore pulled some strings and i have been allowed to reside with professor snape in his room," you explained. neville's eyebrows shot up into his hair, having been unaware that you and snape were together.
"blimey," ron mumbled from your left. "dumbledore must really like you to let you stay here."
you smiled at ron and said, "i guess he does."
snape learned of you helping dumbledore's army and he fully supported your decision. because of his current double agent status, he couldn't show too much loyalty to dumbledore or he'd come off as suspicious to voldemort and his followers. to suffice, snape supported the DA from afar.
"you know, what you're doing is so insanely risky," snape gently reminded you. "although, i do enjoy taking risks.'
"i can tell," you gulped, feeling snape press his body against yours. he had asked you to meet him in his potions storeroom to assist him in finding a specific ingredient he needed for a potion. five seconds later and your search turned into a heated makeout session.
snape smirked at you and dipped his head into your neck, kissing your skin and holding your waist. you tugged his hair just how he liked it, gasping when you felt him grip your thigh and hoist your leg up his side.
the door suddenly swung open and snape rapidly pulled away, accidentally backing into the shelf behind him and knocking over several bottles of ingredients, their contents spilling all across the floor.
there stood the weasley twins, their jaws practically on the floor as they stared at you and snape. you awkwardly fixed your skirt and blouse, looking away.
"fifty points from gryffindor for coming into my storeroom!' snape shouted at the twins as they ran away. "you should be glad i was in here to prevent you two fools from stealing anything!"
snape slammed the door shut, breathing heavily as he shakily told you, "if they tell anyone about what they saw, i will rid gryffindor of every last point."
of course, they did tell people, which led umbridge to put up a new educational decree that boldly stated, "all public displays of relationships between adults are hereby prohibited."
"we weren't even doing it in public! we were behind closed doors!" you huffed as you flopped onto yours and snape's shared bed. "honestly, is she going to leave anytime soon? like, before the term is over?"
snape stared blankly up at the ceiling before looking over at you. "unless someone kidnaps her or sacks her, she won't."
matters got even worse when umbridge attempted to sack professor trelawney. this resulted in a big shouting match between you and umbridge in the courtyard. professor mcgonagall stood proudly by your side and helped you stick up to umbridge before dumbledore came to save the day. you were shaking with fury, nearing losing it when fudge came down to hogwarts to take hagrid to azkaban.
"tonks and i are considering starting a strike," you angrily told snape as you paced around his office. "the ministry is becoming involved in things they shouldn't be, and fudge severely lacks common sense."
snape stopped your pacing, standing behind you to slowly rub your shoulders. "relax, y/n. you're going to give yourself a heart attack if you keep stressing out about these things."
you felt ypur shoulders relax when snape began to massage them, smiling. "i guess i do need to relax, then. i'm just…scared of a war happening."
the movement of snape's hands halted and they dropped from your shoulders. his hand graced your waist as he walked around you to face you, grabbing your face in his large, warm hands and whispering, "even if a war does happen, i will keep you safe and make sure that no one lays a finger on you."
you firmly hugged him, feeling the warmth of his body cover you like a blanket. "i'll protect you too, just like i always have."
chapter nineteen
unfortunately, dumbledore's army was discovered by umbridge and you and the students involved were taken in for questioning.
snape burst into umbridge's office the moment he heard the news, his wand out and ready in case he needed to use it.
"do not hurt y/n," snape warned umbridge in a dangerously low voice, his wand pointed at her. "or the others either."
harry was sat in a chair by umbridge's desk, a harsh slap being delivered to his face as umbridge grilled him for answers.
"are you threatening me, severus?" umbridge offendedly asked snape. "most of all, are you defending y/n? her father is head seer at the ministry and has been contributing to these baseless rumors of the dark lord being back."
"because he is!" you and hermione cried simultaneously. crabbe gave your arm a particularly painful twist and you stomped harshly on his foot, causing him to curse and stumble backwards, letting go of you.
you took your wand out and joined snape at his side, aiming it at umbridge. "my father, along with many others, have been trying to warn everyone about voldemort being back, but you're simply too ignorant and incompetent to acknowledge that!" you shouted at umbridge.
"i sound like snape," you thought as you watched umbridge's face contort in utter shock and disgust at your words.
"he's got padfoot!" harry suddenly exclaimed. "he's got padfoot at the place where it's hidden!"
"padfoot? padfoot? what is padfoot? what is he talking about?" umbridge demanded as she glared at you and snape.
snape inhaled a short breath before dryly replying, "no idea."
"what's hidden is dumbledore's secret weapon!" hermione suddenly exclaimed. "i know where it is, we'll show you!"
umbridge hesitated before agreeing, practically shoving ron, barry, and hermione out of her office. you threatened the slytherin boys holding the other students hostage, promising them that you'd use a hex on them that would cause them to projectile vomit every thirty seconds for three days straight.
you didn't feel good threatening students, but in this case it has to be done.
you, snape, and the others quickly left umbridge's office, the slytherin boys being roughly grabbed by their hair by snape and scolded before snape gave them all a month's worth of detention.
"you're starting to turn into me," snape remarked as you and him hurried down the stairs to the dungeons. "you know, when it comes to threatening people."
"i've never done such a thing before. it felt oddly empowering, especially in this dire of a situation," you sheepishly said.
snape laughed quietly and then frowned, opening the door to his office. you walked in and turned to face him. "is everything alright?"
"not really. i just remembered something unpleasant," snape answered as he sat down at his desk. you instantly sat down on his lap, cradling his face as you waited for him to tell you.
"when i was giving harry his occlumency lessons," he began, referring to what he had been recently doing outside of his classes. "he looked inside of my mins and saw the day james bullied me down by the lake. that was the same day you and i had our falling out. i got very angry and told harry to leave. i keep getting reminded of james, y/n. i don't like it."
"i'm so sorry to hear that, baby," you sympathized, kissing his temple. "i know how it feels to relive your worst memory, so i completely understand how you feel and how hard it is to process those emotions."
"what is your worst memory, if you don't mind me asking?" you heard snape ask as you continued to kiss his face.
you pulled back and hesitated before truthfully replying, "the day we had our falling out. when the dementor attacked me, that memory was all i could see, all i could hear. it was fresh in my mind like it had just happened yesterday."
snape gently grabbed your chin, lowering your face to his so he could kiss you. his lips lingered on yours before he pulled away to mumble, "you won't ever have to relive that memory again, nor will you gain a similar memory. i promise you that i am here to stay."
time and time again snape has promised you to stay, and each time it made you feel even more special and important to him. you completely trusted snape's words and were assured that he would never lie about such a thing.
chapter twenty | nsfw ahead. (oral, m receiving)
you and the order apparted to the department of mysteries in the midst of a battle between the death eaters and dumbledore's army. your dad and the other seers had luckily escaped in the nick of time.
"avada kedavra!" you heard a death eater shout from your left, causing you to duck and dodge the spell. you fired back at them with the stunning spell before running over to help luna lovegood.
"stay down!" you urgently told her as you deflected another killing curse. "i'll take care of them!" a second beam of bright green light shot past you and luna, striking sirius black.
you spun around to see bellatrix lestrange standing on the other side of the room, smiling menacingly at you before leaving.
you heard harry shout out sirius' name and then began to sob, watching as remus lupin held him back. you suddenly began to hear faint whispers coming from the veil in the center of the room, slowly realizing that you had just witnessed your very first death.
harry broke free of lupin's grasp and ran out of the room, his wand secure in his hand. you and the order continued to fight back, your eyes straying over to the veil every now and then.
voldemort actually ended up appearing in the atrium, battling dumbledore and fleeting when the minister appeared.
finally, fudge would believe that voldemort was back, yet that didn't guarantee the safety of everyone.
from that point forward, things quickly took a turn for the worst.
death eaters began to terrorize and attack the muggle world, which resulted in you and your dad sending your mom into hiding for the time being. it was hard saying goodbye to her not knowing when you'd see her again, but it was for the best as she was a muggle and at high risk of being killed.
to help get your mind off of your worries, snape took you to spinner's end one rainy afternoon to help him gather some books. he wanted to bring some more of them to hogwarts, especially his favorite ones.
"this book here is about-" snape started to explain to you, being sharply cut off by a loud knocking at the front door. snape's fingers tightened around the spine of the book and be quickly ushered you upstairs without a word.
you peered down the staircase and watched as bellatrix and narcissa malfoy walk in.
"i-i know i mustn't be here, as the dark lord himself forbade me to soeak of this," narcissa nervously told snape.
"if the dark lord has forbidden it, you are not to speak," snape calmly said, his eyes wandering over to bellatrix, who was touching his dark curio.
"put that down, bella. we mustn't touch what isn't ours," snape sternly told her.
bellatrix looked back at him and slowly placed it down, walking across the room with a roll of her eyes.
"i'm aware of your situation, narcissa," snape said as he looked back at narcissa.
"you? the dark lord told you?" she replied, raising her eyebrows at him.
"of course, narcissa. over the years i have played my part well and have been able to deceive the greatest wizard of all time."
you smiled to yourself knowing that snape was referring to voldemort and held back a laugh when bellatrix assumed he was talking about dumbledore.
"i need draco to be protected, severus, in case he does not follow through with the dark lord's orders," narcissa anxiously said to snape. "he's my only son."
you took a small step down the stairs to hear the conversation better, your heart jumping when the step creaked underneath your foot.
bellatrix quickly turned around and faced the stairs, her eyebrows raised. "is someone here, severus? i heard the stairs creak," she said as she took a few steps towards the staircase. you held your breath, gripping the railing. "is it that y/l/n girl? you know her father is a seer and-"
"i know, bellatrix," snape tightly said. "no one is here. now, narcissa, how could draco be protected?"
"with an unreadable vow, perhaps?" bellatrix answered for narcissa as she backed away from the stairs. you slowly exhaled a relieved breath and kept still, listening closely.
"that would be the best option," narcissa said. "can you do it with me, please? i want you to swear to me that you will protect my son, severus."
snape bit his lip and nodded, extending his hand towards narcissa. narcissa took his hand and bellatrix took out her wand, reciting a list of duties snape had to follow in order to protect draco.
"if draco fails to carry out the dark lord's orders, will you yourself carry out the deed the dark lord has ordered draco to perform?" bellatrix softly asked as she slowly, almost seductively, ran her wand across snape's shoulders. you glared at the back of her head from where you stood, jealousy stinging at your heart.
"i will," snape quietly said. a soft glow covered his and narcissa's hands after be spoke those final words, the unbreakable vow officially being made.
"i have faith in you," narcissa told snape as her and bellatrix went to leave. "don't let me down."
and with that, they left. snape silently stood there for a few moments before he waved his wand towards the door wormtail was behind, locking it. he then made his way upstairs, grabbing you and pulling you with him into the hallway.
"i am possibly going to have to do something that i won't be proud of," snape informed you as he held onto your shoulders.
you nervously bit the inside of your cheek and nodded. you didn't have a clue what snape might have to do, yet you had a strong feeling that it wasn't going to be good.
"alright…" you quietly said. "also, how does bellatrix know about us? you do know out relationship being out in the open potentially puts us at risk for being harmed, right?"
snape's hands fell from your shoulders, swallowing before he said, "everyone knows, y/n. our relationship hasn't been a secret for a while now. we must continue to protect each other and ourselves."
"but who has been telling people about us?" you impatiently asked him, hearing wormtail bang against the door downstairs as he yelled to be let out.
"students. professors. they tell each other and tell their families, and things just spread," snape calmly answered. "voldemort might even know, but if he does, he hasn't asked me about it. however, if he even thinks about hurting you, i will teach him a lesson of his own."
you sighed loudly and brushed past snape, heading back downstairs to continue looking through his books.
the new term started with a few changes around hogwarts; horace slughorn, your potions professor when you attended hogwarts, took over the position while snape was finally able to teach defense against the dark arts.
"unlike umbridge, i will actually be teaching my students magic," snape told you as he showed you his notebook full of carefully written out lesson plans.
"wow, these are very good," you said in complete awe. "they're even better than mine."
"my work could never match to yours, darling. you're the cleverest ravenclaw that i've ever met, remember?" snape said as he laid his wand on his desk, taking out a small wand polishing kit.
"your work is still very brilliant, though. you're incredibly smart. you've created your own spells before, you shouldn't be so modest," you replied as you watched snape carefully began to polish his wand.
"modesty is the highest elegance, y/n," he replied, running a cloth up and down his wand.
you grinned at him sna said, "you're right about that one."
as time went on, you rekindled your bond with professor slughorn; he had been your favorite teacher at hogwarts and you were once a member of the slug club, along with making it to his shelf.
"why don't you come to my christmas party? you can even bring severus along with you," slughorn told you with a wink.
"that sounds lovely, thank you. i'll let severus know," you kindly replied, making a mental reminder to tell snape about it later.
"a party? absolutely not, y/n."
"are you sure, sev? it'll be fun!"
snape frowned at you; you had just told him about the party and he was very opposed to it.
"i can't stand parties," he grumbled. "or big events. or socializing with anyone who's not you."
"i'm going to be there and you'll be able to socialize with only me," you giggled, holding his hands in yours.
snape absentmindedly ran his thumbs across the top of your hands and sighed, reluctantly agreeing to go to the party.
snape wore his usual black to the party while you opted for a simple long sleeved maroon dress and black pumps. you did your makeup to finish the look, leaving your hair down and pinning a few strands back.
"you look absolutely gorgeous," snape smiled as you and him entered the party. "i might faint."
you giggled to yourself and began to greet the other party goers, seeing in your peripheral vision that snape was shrinking away into a corner.
"i am going to ignore everyone else here and focus on you and you only," snape let you know as you grabbed two small, snowball shaped pastries from neville, who was going around with a silver platter offering food to the guests.
"sounds good to me," you said as you raised the pastry to snape's lips. he slowly opened his mouth and you placed it onto his tongue, watching him close his mouth and begin to chew.
"what's it taste like?" you asked him.
"like vanilla and sweet cream," he said, a smile playing at his lips. "i don't usually enjoy sweet stuff, but this has changed my mind."
you took a bite out of your pastry, your eyes fluttering at the creamy, delicious taste. "i could go for about ten more of these," you laughed. "but i want to save room for a midnight snack."
you wiggled your eyebrows at snape and he rolled his eyes as he said, "i'm not going to nail you in the middle of this party."
"i know you're not. that's why we have a bedroom," you smirked, licking at the powder that covered the exterior of the pastry. snape watched the way your tongue flicked against it, zoning out before he noticed harry and cormac mclaggen disappearing behind a curtain.
"i'll be right back," he quickly said before walking away. he returned five minutes later with vomit on his shoes, seething, "mclaggen decided to expel his dinner onto my shoes."
"oh goodness, I'll take care of it," you hastily said ad you grabbed your wand from the black crossbody bag you wore. you cast a spell that quickly cleaned up his shoes and snape thanked you, giving mclaggen the dirtiest look possible.
"there's a mistletoe over there," you pointed out to snape. the mistletoe hung on the other side of the room, its green leaves moving and growing every time a couple stepped underneath it to kiss.
"i don't want all of these people watching us kiss, but i certainly don't mind doing it over here," snape coyly said as he took you behind a curtain, pressing his lips to yours the second the two of you were out of right.
"you know, i really wouldn't mind dropping to my knees for you right this moment," you told snape, kissing him back.
"patience, doll. you may fulfill your desires once we leave," snape huskily reminded you.
"fine, but before we leave i'm getting more of those snowball looking pastries."
after draco was dragged into the party by filch and snape dragged draco into a corridor and scolded him and told him that he was protecting him, you and snape finally made it back to your room.
"draco is starting to annoy me," snape huffed as he undid the buttons of his sleeves. "he's a brat."
you walked behind snape, wrapping your arms around his waist and mumbling, "maybe i can help you relax? you know, take the edge off?"
snape felt his cock twitch in his pants and he quickly nodded, backing up to the bed and sitting down.
you grabbed a pillow from your side of the bed and placed it on the floor, sinking to your knees. the plushness of the pillow provided your knees with comfort as you undid snape's pants, smiling up at him.
"i've been dying to suck your cock, sev," you sighed as you completely rid him off his pants and underwear.
"then do it," he whined, digging his nails into his palms. he hissed when you grabbed his cock, not waiting a moment to press your lips to the tip.
"as you wish, handsome," you said before you took the head of his cock into your mouth, lewdly sucking.
snape let out a loud whimper, a noise you've never heard from him before. he watched you with pleading eyes, whining out your name as you took more of him into your mouth.
"do you like it when i suck your pretty cock?" you teased him, swirling your tongue around the head before licking a thick stripe along it.
"yes, y/n. fuck, your mouth is magic," he gasped as he rolled his head back, his eyes screwed shut.
you grabbed his shaft, licking all the way from his balls to his tip a few times, moaning softly to get him even more aroused.
"i love your cock so much," you giggled, choking slightly when you tried to fit more of him. "it's so thick and so, so pretty."
"please don't stop, baby. you're so good at that," snape begged, his cheeks pink and his mouth letting out the most erotic sounds you've ever heard from him.
you took as much as you could, bobbing your head eagerly. you maintained eye contact with snape the whole time, and it aroused him so much that he began to gently buck his hips up into your mouth as he gripped onto your hair.
you took in all of the sounds, especially the ones of snape whimpering your name and the sloppy sucking noises coming from you. drool and pre cum were dribbling down your chin, your eyes wide as you drew the most seductive sounds from snape.
"i'm nearly there, angel," snape warned you as he let go of your hair, watching it gracefully fall onto your shoulders. "where- fuck- where can i cum?"
"in my mouth?" you replied, kissing around his tip. "or anywhere you'd like."
snape nodded, fisting the comforter as his thighs began to spasm. he was so painfully close, and if you kept bobbing your head like that, he'd-
"y/n!" snape cried as he came, filling your mouth with his warm cum. the earthy yet salty taste of his cum filled your mouth, some of it spilling past your lips before you proudly swallowed.
snape flopped onto his back after coming down from his climax, breathing heavily. you stood up and crawled on top of him, kissing his nose and saying, "you're so pretty when you cum."
snape deeply flushed red, nibbling on your bottom lip and laughing. "i nearly imploded from that orgasm alone."
"it makes me happy knowing that i can give you such pleasure," you said as you ran your hands up and down his chest.
"yeah," was all snape could say as he tried to breathe normally, slowly kissing your cheek. he undid his cloak from his coat and wrapped it around the two of you, relishing in the pure happiness of that moment.
being with you made snape consider that maybe the world wasn't so bad after all.
chapter twenty one
you eventually did find out what snape had to do that he wouldn't be proud of.
he killed dumbledore.
naturally, you were angry at snape at first, asking him how he could do such an inhumane thing.
"dumbledore had asked me to kill him! he was dying anyways and wanted me to do it, but i can assure you that i never wanted to!" snape yelled at you in the middle of your argument.
you were about to say something else when snape suddenly apparated away, leaving you to cry alone in your room. you didn't know how to feel; what snape had done was indeed immoral, but since dumbledore had asked him to do it, you were torn between deciding if snape's actions were right or wrong.
you were alerted of death eaters on the loose and instantly went straight to the ministry so you could get ready. you didn't see snape until a few days later, and to say it was awkward was an understatement.
"i believe you," you meekly told him. "that dumbledore told you to kill him. i-i was just in a state of shock at first."
"i would never lie about such a thing," snape replied, sounding offended. "but i thank you for acknowledging and understanding the truth and not hating me."
"i'd never hate you, sev."
"i often worry that you might because of the things that i've done."
"you have no reason to worry. i only hate people who have repeatedly done me wrong or others wrong and made no effort to change or better themselves," you softly told snape as you approached him. "and although you may think your efforts are not noticeable, they are. i have noticed you trying to better yourself little by little, and i am so proud of you."
you hugged snape before he could say anything or back away. he rested his chin on your head and said, "i'm doing it for you, y/n, to show you that i'm not a bad person."
"i know you're not a bad person. i want you to acknowledge that as well. if you were a bad person, i would've told you," you answered with a sigh. "just remember that your flaws don't determine who you are."
snape really, really wanted to remember that, but it was difficult. he, however, wasn't going to stop trying until he succeeded. he was, after all, a a very ambitious slytherin who wouldn't stop until he got what he wanted in one way or another.
he then suddenly realized that he had already gotten something that he's always wanted; someone who accepted him for who he was and stood by him through the ups and downs of life. snape greatly took that as a sign that one day he'd have the happy future he's always dreamed of; one with you by his side.
chapter twenty two
after dumbledore's death, snape became headmaster, which a lot of people didn't like.
snape was far less lenient with he students than dumbledore was and made sure that no one was acting out of line. the last thing he wanted was for a student to die while he was headmaster.
snape attended countless death eater meetings while you worked hard at the ministry, the two of you risking your lives everyday.
the only moment of peace that you and him would get was at night when he'd hold you close as you two sat at the reading nook in the library, gazing out the window at the hogwarts grounds.
"the nights have been very quiet recently," you remarked as you leaned against snape's chest, playing with his fingers. usually, you'd hear students giggling and goofing around in the corridors after curfew. now, it was dead silent in the castle. there was now an unnerving silence that reached every corner of the castle, as if all the joy and laughter had been stripped from the corridors.
snape nodded, stroking your hair and sighing. he was extremely stressed from his duties as headmaster and continuing to pose as a death eater.
he cursed quietly when his dark mark began to burn, easing you off of his chest. "i have to go gather the students in the great hall," he told you as he stood up. "before voldemort comes and gets me himself."
"alright, just be safe," you said to him as he left the library in a hurry. you decided to go join your team outside of the castle, where they were all keeping an eye out for any signs of danger.
"i'm sorry to say it, but we're about to infiltrate your boyfriend's meeting in the great hall," tonks told you as the other members of the order joined the crowd outside the gates.
"why?" you asked her as harry, ron, and hermione passed by you, harry taking the lead.
"because he killed dumbledore, and we need to go call him out on what he's done," tonks replied as she looked at you. "does it not bother you that snape killed dumbledore?"
you bit your lip, the truth of that evening's events on your tongue, waiting to be spoken. before you could say anything, harry opened the doors to the great hall and you all walked inside.
snape immediately spotted you, a look of utter shock on his features.
"how dare you stand where he stood? tell them how it happened that night!" harry shouted at snape. "tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you, and killed him!"
snape drew his wand at harry and the crowd gasped, moving out of the way. mcgonagall moved harry away and drew her wand out as well, angrily staring at snape before she cast an offensive spell at him.
you tried to run towards them but tonks held you back and you struggled against her grasp, watching in disbelief as mcgonagall called snape a coward before he fled.
"he is not a coward!" you yelled as you finally got out of tonks' grasp. mcgonagall turned to face you, raising her eyebrows.
"i understand that you're seeing severus, y/n, but don't try to stand up for him!" she furiously told you.
"last time i checked, no one was allowed to tell me who to stand up for," you snapped at her. "i am going to defend snape until my last breath!"
you then ran out of the great hall, heading to the courtyard and watching the sky darken as the dark mark appeared in the clouds. shadowy figures shot through the sky, landing on the other side of the courtyard. a few explosions sounded through the air, screams of panic from those still inside following.
professors mcgonagall and flitwick hurried outside, followed by mrs. weasley and several other adults and students. some of them gave you an angry look while others smiled at you. professor flitwick retrieved his wand from his jacket, looking around at the others before pointing it at the sky and proceeding to cast the shield charm to protect hogwarts.
you mimicked his actions and the others followed. you watched as a large, glowing dome came together from the charm and covered hogwarts. you turned around to look at the castle, your heart sinking as you experienced sudden nostalgia.
hogwarts was your home and you were going to lose it tonight if voldemort and his followers got through the protective shield.
behind you, you heard big, heavy steps, turning around to see the stone statues that usually stood outside the great hall marching towards the entrance of the courtyard.
once the protective dome had been successfully cast, you hurried inside the castle, getting students outside and hiding those who were too scared to fight. you hid them down in snape's office, barricading the door with his desk and bookshelf with the help of a few students. you knew that that would keep them safe for only so long, but it was all you could do.
you ran back outside just to see dark magic attempting to penetrate the dome. you waited with bated breath, gasping when the dome gradually began to break. in the distance, several fires burned and you watched in horror as the quidditch pitch was set aflame.
you felt someone push past you; it was draco and his friends, heading into the castle. followed shortly behind them were harry, ron, and hermione, anger evident on their faces.
you were panicking, on the verge of a nervous breakdown as you headed back inside once again. you didn't know where snape was and desperately wanted to find him so you could know that he was safe.
you situated yourself inside, fighting off the death eaters who came in. you acted as a human shield for the students who cowered behind you, wildly waving your wand around as you cast defensive spell after defensive spell.
you heard the familiar screech of an owl overhead, looking up to see gizmo. he quickly flew towards the courtyard, being hit by the killing curse seconds before he could get outside.
you angrily looked over at the death eater who had murdered your owl; it was a nasty looking man with the most menacing smirk on his face. you stunned him, watching him smack into the wall behind him and hit his head against it.
the castle rumbled from the force of the explosions outside and screams ripped through the air. all you could see were the bright beams of colored light coming from wands and people running and ducking behind the quickly forming rubble of the castle.
the courtyard was an apocalypse; charms and spells clashed and people died before your very eyes. everyone behind you was suddenly pushing to get outside as the castle continued to crumble around you. you were shoved outside by a student who you had been shielding, nearly tripping over the corpse of another student that laid by the foot of the stairs.
you screamed when the giant troll standing in the courtyard suddenly swung at you. you ducked and quickly got onto your hands and knees, hurriredly crawling along the perimeter of the courtyard as you tightly held your wand between your teeth.
"miss y/l/n!" you heard a female's voice scream from your left. you looked up to see harry, ron, and hermione standing there, their faces covered in ash and sweat. "you need to come with us!"
you stood up, stumbling towards them as hermione securely grabbed onto your arm and led you out of the courtyard.
"where are we going!?" you loudly asked the trio over the noise of the battle behind you.
"to the boathouse!" ron yelled in response. "snape is there!"
you followed them away from the courtyard and down a long exterior staircase that led down to the water.
the four of you quietly crouched down outside of the boathouse, wands at the ready. you were shaking with fear, struggling to see inside through the foggy glass.
"you have performed extraordinary magic with this wand, my lord, in the last few hours," you heard snape tell voldemort. you were so tempted to just burst inside and save snape, but you thought better of it and kept still.
"although i am extraordinary, the wand resists me," voldemort replied in his breathy, sinister voice.
"there is no wand more powerful," snape calmly replied, taking a small step back from voldemort. "tonight, when the boy comes, i'm sure that it will not fail you. it answers to you and you only."
hermione looked over at you, grabbing your hand and soothingly squeezing it. you were suddenly crying, feeling so hopeless as you listened to snape and voldemort discuss the wand.
"does it, severus?" voldemort impatiently asked snape. you heard the soft hiss of a snake, seeing the shadowy outline of a large snake curl around voldemort's feet. "where does the wand's true loyalty lie?"
snape didn't reply for a few moments before he timidly said, "with you, of course, my lord."
"the elder wand cannot properly serve me as i am not its true master. it belongs to the person who killed its last owner, which is you, severus. you killed dumbledore," voldemort quietly explained as he slowly approached snape. your breath hitched, squeezing hermione's hand so tight that she pulled away.
"while you live, the elder wand cannot truly be mine," voldemort continued and you sprung to your feet. hermione and ron pulled you back down, motioning at you to stay quiet. you could barely do it, though, soft sobs leaving you.
snape heard the sobs, recognizing them as yours. his eyes widened and voldemort took no notice to the sound, too focused on getting ready to kill snape.
"you've been a good and faithful servant, severus," voldemort quietly said. "but only i can live forever."
"my lord-" snape began, letting out a choked noise seconds later. he collapsed, his body hitting the wall you and the others hid behind.
"nagini. kill," voldemort softly ordered his snake. the snake hissed, lurching at snape several times, sending his body banging against the wall each time.
you barely waited until voldemort and nagini had left to run inside, harry, ron, and hermione following after you. there laid snape, blood spilling from his neck as he weakly looked up at you.
"sev!" you cried as you dropped to your knees next to him, quickly taking off your jacket and pressing it to the laceration in his neck.
"y/n…" he mumbled, his breaths becoming more ragged with each passing moment. you bawled, holding onto him tightly and soaking his robes with tears. snape began to cry as well, looking over at harry.
"take them, please," he begged harry, pointing at his tears.
"hurry, give me a flask!" harry exclaimed to his friends. hermione dug around in her bag and retrieved a small flask, handing it to harry. you tearfully watched as harry held the flask up to snape's eye, collecting his tears.
"you're gonna be okay sev, you're gonna be okay," you sobbed as you held your jacket against his neck, watching it become soaked with his blood. "you're not going to die. you're going to survive, and- and we'll run away together from all of this."
snape tried to smile at you but couldn't, in too much pain to even blink. his hand came up to your face, slowly wiping away your tears with his thumb.
"harry," he then whispered, the life from his voice quickly slipping away. "take my tears to the pensieve."
harry nodded, watching as snape took a long look at him before he uttered, "you have your mother's eyes." you heard his heartbeat gradually begin to fade and you only cried harder, begging him to stay alive.
"y/n," he softly said. "you'll be okay…" he trailed off, his eyes glazing over.
the sudden cry of a bird sounded overhead, fawkes the phoenix swooping in. you gasped and moved out of the way, watching in awe as the bird nudged your jacket to the side with his beak and began to cry, his tears dropping onto snape's wound.
snape had been a second away from taking his last breath, being jolted back to full life when fawkes' tears began to magically heal him.
"oh my god, oh my god," you bawled, your arms staying secured around snape. "he's going to live!"
"not for long," hermione bleakly said as fawkes continued to cry. "nagini bit him. i assume her venom is extremely lethal, but the wound closing will aide in him surviving since it'll stop the bleeding."
"then he needs to go to the hospital," you said as you wiped your eyes with the back of your hand. "i'm going to take him right now."
"but the hospital wing was destroyed," ron carefully told you.
"then i'm taking him to st. mungo's. he's not going to die to that stupid snake," you firmly said, grabbing snape's face and holding it in your hands.
"focus on me, my love," you whispered to snape as his wound completely healed. "we're going to apparate, okay?"
snape barely nodded, breathing in slowly. you gave fawkes a gracious pet before you and snape apparated from the boathouse.
chapter twenty three
you and snape apparated onto the first floor of st. mungo's. snape's face was white and he was trembling; thanks to fawkes' tears, the venom wasn't moving as rapidly through his bloodstream as it would have if fawkes hadn't appeared. however, the venom could still easily kill snape.
a green haired healer turned your way when the two of you appeared, rushing over.
"professor snape!" the healer gasped, not wasting a moment before getting snape into the nearest room. "what bit him!?"
"a snake. voldemort's snake, to be exact," you replied, fresh tears forming in your eyes. "how do you know he was bitten?"
"i could tell by his appearance," the healer answered as they eased snape onto the bed in the room. they rummaged through a cabinet to the left of the bed, extracting three small bottles of brightly colored liquids. "professor snape was my potions teacher at hogwarts in my fifth year. my family and i moved here from america two years ago because my mom is a traveling nurse. i previously attended ilvermorny."
you watched the healer gently open snape's mouth, making him drink the liquids. snape choked a bit and then gasped, swallowing and stilling on the bed. he was breathing slowly, his eyes looking between you and the healer.
"i was top of my potions class," they continued. "snape showed me how to brew those anti-venom potions that i just gave him. i'm cecil, by the way. cecil mossmoth. head healer here at st. mungo's."
you smiled at cecil and said, "i'm y/n, y/n y/l/n. ex defense against the dark arts professor at hogwarts and current auror at the ministry of magic." you were holding snape's hand. snape looked over at you, his lips parted. he tried to speak but no noise came out.
"that laceration is going to scar, and he'll have trouble speaking for a while," cecil pointed out. "i can tell it was closed, but by the looks of it…was it deep?"
"very. voldemort cut his neck," you sadly recounted. "snape would've died if it hadn't been for dumbledore's phoenix, fawkes."
"ah, dumbledore. such a shame that he died," cecil said as they collected a bottle of water for snape from the fridge in the corner. they opened the cabinet again, pulling out a small yellow pill bottle.
"he'll need to take three of these every four hours. they'll help regulate his breathing and maintain his blood flow," cecil explained, handing you the bottle. you nodded, placing it on the bedside table.
"you know, you took a big risk by apparating here," cecil observed as they looked down at snape. "he could've been splinched. although the wound was closed, apparaition is a powerful force. that's how i got this scar on my face," they pointed to the large scar running from their forehead all the way to the left side of their mouth.
you silently nodded, sitting down on the edge of the bed. you didn't let go of snape's hand, watching him drift in and out of sleep.
cecil frequently came in to check on snape and struck up a conversation with you.
"what's your house?" they asked you as they helped you give snape his pills. snape shuddered after swallowing them, pouting at the bland flavor.
"ravenclaw, you?" you replied, gently tipping the water bottle against snape's lips so he could drink.
"hufflepuff," cecil smiled at you. "do you know luna lovegood?"
"yes, i do. she reminds me of myself when i attended hogwarts," you softly replied. "she's very kind."
"she sure is. she's my partner, actually. i'm a year older than her," cecil happily replied.
"that is so cute. snape is my partner," you said, which caused cecil to gasp.
"really? so the rumors were true then! i never really paid much attention to the rumors, but now i know the truth," they chuckled.
cecil kept you company and kept a close eye on snape, monitoring his condition. you were worried sick for those at hogwarts still and hoped that voldemort would be defeated.
snape slept for a majority of the day and you never left his side. you slept in the chair by his bed, being awakened when cecil came running in to tell you that voldemort had been defeated.
you grinned widely and fist pumped the air. "jokes on you, moldy voldy. severus is still very much alive," you spitefully thought.
harry, ron, hermione, and luna came by a few hours later to visit. luna quickly went up to cecil, kissing their cheek before saying hi to you.
harry solemnly stood by snape's bed, watching him sleep. "i saw his memories in the pensieve," he quietly told you. "you were in them. i had no idea that- that my dad did such bad things to the two of you. i need time to process everything, but one day i would like to have a talk with snape about it all."
you gave harry a small hug, sighing to yourself. you knew that you and snape had a long road ahead of the two of you, but you were ready to overcome any obstacles that you and him might face.
after the battle of hogwarts and snape's full recovery and discharge from the hospital, he was immediately charged with the murder of dumbledore.
you went to testify in court for him, telling the wizengamot all about how voldemort had originally ordered draco malfoy to do it and how snape made the unbreakable vow.
the jury thoroughly debated the issue and eventually dropped all charges; however, they banned snape from stepping foot inside of hogwarts ever again, therefore resulting in a permanent ban on him teaching there.
snape was completely okay with this; he didn't want to teach anymore anyways.
you and snape moved to dorset and bought a cottage there. the two of you became more in touch with your muggle roots and began to grow various plants, fruits, and vegetables, and even got a few chickens.
snape got a job in the st. mungo's pharmacy, continuing to utilize his brilliant potion making skills. when he wasn't working, he went to therapy, which took a lot of persistent coaxing from you.
your mom became his therapist and opened up her practice to wizards and witches, as she knew all about the horrors of the battle of hogwarts and wanted to help those who were traumatized.
snape was very opposed to therapy at first since he didn't want to be a burden, but once he actually started going, he felt less bitter about the world. he was gradually learning to love and accept himself and heal from his past trauma and regrets.
you became the minster of magic while your dad retired from his position as head seer, moving to dorset with your mom to be closer to you and snape. you officialy made muggle born discrimination illegal and made hate crimes against muggle borns punishable by up to five years in azkaban.
you weren't playing around and didn't want another war to occur, and vowed to do anything to protect the vulnerable.
for a while, it was just you and snape. the two of you were busy with your own endeavors and didn't put much thought into ever starting a family.
this all changed, though, when you and snape were at the muggle grocery store one day buying things for dinner.
in front of your cart was a mother and her baby in the checkout line. the baby faced you and snape, attentively watching snape and waving her little arms in the direction of the dangly potion shaped earrings that he was wearing.
recently, snape had gotten more in touch with his feminine side and began to paint his nails (black, of course) and wear earrings and do his hair in a man bun or a half up, half down ponytail. he was definitely a lot more comfortable with himself now and it made you very happy to see.
snape smiled at the baby, making a funny face at her. the baby giggled and bounced in her mother's arms, making little grabby hands at snape's earrings.
snape continued to play with the baby until she left with her mother, a giddy smile on his face.
"i think i want a baby," he abruptly told you that night in bed. "i gave my students hell at hogwarts but i would never do that to our child. actually, my therapy sessions have been teaching me how to forgive myself for giving my students hell."
you laughed softly and pressed your lips to his cheek. "i've been wanting a baby too," you admitted. "i know that it's something that you secretly desire, since you want to start your own family that will show you the love that you never got growing up."
"you sound just like your mother, y/n."
"and that's a good thing, sev."
snape smiled at you and peppered your forehead in kisses, brushing your hair out of your eyes and whispering, "i love you."
you froze, your eyes widening. snape loved you. he finally loved you. you had fallen back in love with him not too long ago, and hearing this made you feel euphoric.
"i love you too," you giggled as you nuzzled your face in his neck, being mindful of the long scar there.
snape hugged you to his chest, giving himself a mental high five. it had taken him many, many months of therapy to finally move on from his lily related trauma, and he felt extraordinarily proud of himself for finally allowing himself to love you.
snape's patronus even changed after he healed from his trauma; it changed to none other than a bat, and you were pleasantly surprised when you saw it for the first time.
another pleasant surprise was when you later found out you were pregnant - with twins.
"twins," snape said in disbelief as he looked at the ultrasound photo. the photo moved, showing your babies moving around. "and it's a boy and a girl too. how crazy is that?"
by the time the babies arrived, snape was nearly bursting at the seams from excitement. the babies were fraternal twins - the girl being named eleanor elise snape and the boy being named cecil elliot snape. they looked like a combination of you and snape; they had his hair and nose and had your eyes and face shape.
eleanor meant "shining light" it was a very beautiful name. she also took your middle name. cecil was named after the st. mungo's healer who had ultimately saved snape's life.
in fact, there ended up being two cecils at yours and snape's wedding; you and snape only invited your parents, cecil, luna, ron, hermione, ginny, and harry.
harry and snape had discussed his memories with each other and harry slowly forgave snape; it was a long and tiring process for the both of them, but they were able to move past their bad memories with each other.
by the time eleanor and cecil were old enough to attend hogwarts, they both expressed their concerns over possibly being sorted into slytherin.
"your dad and i know that slytherin has a bad reputation, but your dad was a slytherin and ended up becoming a great wizard," you reassured your kids. "no matter what house you two are sorted into, your dad and i won't judge you."
like you, eleanor was sorted into ravenclaw, and like snape, cecil was sorted into slytherin. cecil was freaked out at first but eventually grew to love his house and value slytherin's traits.
you felt like eleanor was a carbon copy of you; she excelled in all of her classes and became involved in leadership and quidditch. cecil became a potions genius and him and snape would often geek out over a specific potion together.
watching your kids grow up made you sad; you vividly remembered bringing them home from st. mungo's and how snape would hold them every chance he got. he would read to them every night and make sure that they had the nicest clothes so the other kids wouldn't bully them. he'd teach them defensive spells to use in case they were ever in trouble and remind them to not take anyone's crap. snape gave them everything that he never had as a child; the biggest thing was love.
snape loved his life. he loved you. he loved his kids. he seriously could not remember the last time he was this happy.
ultimately, it was the unconditional devotion, understanding, and compassion that kept you two together through all of the hardships.
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dr4cking · 3 years
His Mother’s Garden.
masterlist taglist
draco malfoy x reader | smut | enemies to lovers
a/n : this is so random bye :”
"y/n, come down here for a minute, darling. i have something to tell you" y/n sighed slowly getting up from her lovely bed as she heard her mom called her to come downstairs.
"yes, mother?" her mom greeted y/n with a big smile while her father sitting on the couch, y/n feels like she was going to be interrogated, she grabbed a bottle of water and drink.
"sweetie go pack your stuff and dress nicely, we're going to stay at Malfoy Manor for 3 days." she felt as if her breath got taken away somewhere when she choked on the water, her mother worriedly run to her and smack her back.
"pardon me, mother. but i think i've misheard about what you just said" y/n's mother just chuckled at her daughter's reaction.
"no darling, you heard it right, we're going to stay at their place"
"but why so sudden, mother? you know i hate their son" y/n whines loudly thinking about how awkward it is to spend the day with the malfoys.
"well i met narcissa earlier in gringgots, its been so so long, you know we're very close when we were young, and your dad here is working at the ministry with lucius malfoy too, darling. so we really have to catch up" her mother explained it with her bubbly energy, she did tell y/n how she and narcissa were basically best friends in their time.
"but why do we have to literally stay there? we could've just hung out there and then go back home" y/n frowns, taking a seat beside her father.
"of course not, narcissa is the one who suggested the idea and it would be rude of me to reject it, now dont be a baby and do as i say its only for three days, honey. this is the end of the discussion or we're gonna be late" her mother cupped her cheeks smiling so wide and give her a little kiss on her right cheek before taking her hand and shoved her to go back to her room.
she goes to her room, started to packing while blabbering about her mother, she picked a pleated skirt and putting on a knit sweater, she put on a light makeup and grabbed her sneakers, she doesnt want to dress up so much because she didnt want to go in the first place.
she takes her bag with her going downstairs seeing her parents already waiting at the front door, she huffed.
"ah, finally the (your surname)'s here! y/m/n, who is this lovely lady, is this y/n? oh my god, you've grown up" narcissa said as she hugs y/n after she hugged her mother greeting her family, y/n smiles and nod turning the gesture politely.
"lucius, draco! hurry, come here."
both of the platinum blonde-haired men appeared at the door, lucius greet y/n's father, giving y/n a small nod, but draco stayed behind his parents, just looking up and down at y/n smirking making her rolled her eyes at him.
the malfoys lead her family in, showing their room for their stay, the house elves taking their things. as y/n wanted to follow her parents, a hand grabbed her wrist stopping her steps.
she looks up only to meet the boy she loathed so much in their school. draco lucius malfoy.
"not so fast y/l/n" draco pulled her closer, a smirk still plastered on his lips.
"get your filthy hand off of me, ferret. i’m not in the mood." y/n snickered yanking her hand back.
"ooo, feisty. listen y/n, i just want to make a peace for awhile. at least can we try to be civil? i dont want to ruin our parent's moment, and besides that, you're staying in my house, i dont want it to be awkward." draco rubbed the back of his neck staring at her.
"ugh fine, whatever draco" y/n turns and run to follow her parents not wanting to talk to draco for any longer, leaving draco behind who just rolled his eyes at her behavior.
the day goes on so fast, their parents talked and chatted all day, leaving draco and y/n no choice but just to listened and joined their conversation, they both wonder if their parents ever get tired, as the night finally came, everyone already going to their rooms.
y/n wake up from her sleep groaning, she took a look at the clock, it was 2 am.
she rubbed her eyes, her throat feels so dry, she decided to go downstairs to grab a drink before going back to sleep.
"what are you doing at this hour, y/n?" y/n turns around from the refrigerator finding draco who stood behind her with his grey sweatpants. merlin's beard, he looks hot.
"cant you see im drinking, idiot"
y/n close the refrigerator and started to walk back to her room wanting to avoid draco as fast as she can but she only made three steps before draco pushed her against the refrigerator trapping her making y/n let out a squeal.
"you’ve got a big mouth, dont you sweet thing?" draco smirk seeing her flushed face, he pressed his body closer to her making her cheeks heated.
"d-draco i-"
"sshh, cat got your tongue now, hm?" draco rubbed his thumb on her bottom lip, tugging at it making y/n shivered at his touch.
"oh i see you like this, yeah?" draco leans into the crook of her neck, his hot breaths against her neck got y/n to rub her thighs together and draco placed his knee between them keeping her thighs apart.
he starts to pressed kisses along her neck causing her breath hitched, her panties are dampen when she takes a look at his lower part and his hard on brushed against her heat, she let out a soft moan and quickly pushed draco away from her.
"i- i should go" y/n runs to her room, cursing herself, draco behind her just chuckled deeply, satisfied at her reaction, but now he got some problem to take care of.
the next day came, y/n didnt get so much sleep after her last interaction with draco, just thinking about it makes a blush appeared on her cheeks, she threw away the thought of touching herself last night.
she quickly made her way to the bathroom and took a shower.
she just finished showering, putting on a bathrobe and letting off the towel on her head, but as she looked at the mirror, she screamed.
why is her hair green?!
only one name crossed her mind, she runs downstairs to get her target with anger bubbling up inside her.
"draco lucius malfoy! you better come back here! turn my fucking hair back to its color!" y/n yelled, running as fast as she can, catching draco who already ran away from her, without stopping his laughter.
"dont worry y/n, you look good with g-green" draco was panting heavily still laughing, he was still running but stopped at his mother's garden hiding behind it, hoping that y/n didnt catch him here. a smile never leaving his face.
but before draco could react more, he got tackled to the ground, y/n was hovering above him, her wand on his throat, threatening him.
she keeps talking but all he could think about was how hot y/n look on top of him, her new hair color still wet enough to drip the water down to his face, her top of the robe is low enough to show him her cleavage.
he quickly made his eyes back up to her, he would lie if he said this didnt turn him on.
"draco did you hear what i said? turn my hair color back!" y/n pushed his chest back down but her face redden as she realizes what was she doing right now, she quickly gets off of draco but only to be flipped over by him.
y/n was about to say something but got cut off by draco silencing her mouth with a kiss, he kissed her harshly, y/n was still in shock but not for long she melted into the kiss, she wrapped her arms around his neck deepening the kiss, they're practically swallowing each other faces, tongues fighting over the dominance, moans coming off from their lips without breaking the kiss.
memories of last night coming back to their minds.
"fuck- you're so fucking hot. do you want this y/n?" draco said as he pulled away, breathing heavily.
"yes, yes please, draco" with that, draco attached his lips to her neck, sucking and biting making a mark of his.
y/n rolled her hips on his crotch grinding against him making him let out a soft grunt, he pulls away to admire his work and he goes to untie her robe but not before he asked her permission, she nodded vigorously.
draco untied her robe making her body fully exposed in front of him, he moaned softly at the view and his lips instantly latching onto her nipple sucking and pulling it between his teeth softly making the girl squirmed. his other hand grabbed her breast squeezing it, he was amazed at how her breast fit perfectly in his hand.
y/n tugged at his shirt signaling she wants it off, draco gets the hint and takes it off, she pulled his sweatpants down making his hard cock slapped up to his stomach. she whimpered at his size wondering if it gonna fits in her.
draco groaned at the feeling of her hand pumping his cock up and down, her thumb playing at his red swollen tip, precum already oozing out of it. he stopped her hand before he cums right there.
he spreads her legs wider making the perfect view of her glistening cunt in front of him, he licks his lip, started to kiss her thighs before going to her core making her body jolted out.
"draco.. please, do something" draco smirk, he loves how he gets y/n to beg him, she sounds so hot, begging suited her.
he licked up her slit before sucking on her clit, he moaned at her taste, sending vibrations to her body, y/n gripped his hair tightly moaning his name over and over again as draco's tongue thrusting in and out of her hole.
he then inserts two fingers in her and pumping them inside of her fast, curling them inside, his tongue still licking her cunt lapping up her juices, y/n already a moaning mess.
"yes! draco right there! right fucking there.. oh god im gonna-"
of course.
of course he pulled out, right before y/n could ever reach her high leaving her whining and glared at him in anger, draco chuckles looking at her face.
"stop being so fucking greedy, y/n. you only allowed to cum when my cock is buried deep inside you" draco pumps his cock tapping it against her cunt, lining his tip up and down at her clit, y/n gets impatient but draco pushed her hips down to stop her from moving.
he slowly pushed in his entire length inside her, both of them cant help but moaning each other’s name out loud, inch by inch filling her inside. draco stopped to let her adjust as he fully inside her. he wants her to feel every part of him. y/n wrapped her legs around his waist, nodding at him to move.
"god- you're so tight y/n, i cant barely move. do you know how long i've been wanting to have you under me" draco's breath tickling her neck as he buried his face on her neck, slowly picking up his pace as he thrusts in and out of her.
"yes- fuck.. harder draco i want it rough and fast, please" draco was shocked at how y/n think her tight little pussy could take him rough and fast, but he obeyed anyway.
he grabbed her legs, putting them on his shoulder and begin to thrusting harder, rough and fast like she wanted making her cried out at the angle.
"fuck! you're such a slut y/n, letting me fuck you senseless in my mother's garden, dont you scared at the thought of getting caught, hm? oh i bet you would love that, right?" y/n only could mutter a low 'yes' as draco keep pounding at inhumanly pace making her whole body shake.
"what is it? i cannot hear you, my little slut" draco gripped her throat with his hand, pressing their foreheads together as he stared deeply into her soul not even stopping his thrusts.
"y- yes draco im your slut, i'd love tha- g- god please.."
"stop stuttering." draco's hand move down to twirling her nipples in his fingers and pinch them lightly making her yelp.
draco and y/n stopped their activities for a minute, staring at each other in horror, draco smirk down at her while she stared at him in confusion.
he starts to move again, snapping his hips harder, making y/n gasped, he quickly put his hand over her mouth. draco was thankful that the bushes hiding their ungodly activities perfectly.
"yes, mother?" draco said casually as if nothing was happening right now, he quickens his thrust, going deeper and harder into her while a tear rolled down on y/n's face at the feeling of the knot in her stomach tighten and she had to hold her moans.
"what are you doing there, draco?" narcissa asked as she cant found her son anywhere, only hearing his voice.
"im doing some school stuff mother, i'll be quick and head inside" draco answers holding his moans between his words feeling he would cum any sooner, he hoped his mother take the hint and leave already.
like draco expected, narcissa gives him an 'okay' before going back inside the manor but not without the hesitation in her voice but she left anyway.
"fuck.. you almost got us caught y/n" draco chuckles as his hand left her mouth, a loud moan suddenly escaped her lips.
"you're insane draco, why didnt you s- stop- oh my god.. gonna cum"
y/n cried out she cant even finishing her sentence as draco brings his hand down on her clit, rubbing in circles, getting her closer to her high, his other hand going back to choking her, he leaned in to capture her lips to hold his own high, he wanted her to cum first.
and within seconds, y/n came undone, it hit her hard causing her legs to shake, her eyes screwed shut seeing the stars all she could remember was his name when she moaned it out loud.
draco look down at his cock covered with her juices milking him, he moaned loudly and with the last thrust he collapsed on her, spurting out all of his warm thick cum inside her, painting her walls white making the girl moaned too feeling so full.
he moaned her name into her ear sending butterflies to her stomach as he rides out their orgasms. draco pulled out slowly making y/n winced, their mixed liquids dripping down to their inner thighs.
"merlin. that was so fucking hot, y/n" draco said reconnecting their lips, kissing her with passion and emotion this time.
"that was more than being civil, draco" y/n laughs making draco join her laughter too. he starts to dressed himself back up.
"there i thought we were enemies" draco said as he cleaned her up and tying her bathrobe back.
"oh we are, i still hate you" y/n poked his cheek making draco laughed.
"didnt seem like it 5 minutes ago" draco said as he captures her lips on his again as he finished cleaning her.
"round 2 in my room tonight?" draco asks as he pulled away. y/n smirked at him.
"only if you turn my hair color back" and he pulls out his wand from his pocket and swished it turning her hair back to its natural color.
both of them heading back to the manor, feeling excited and new. they stopped at their parents already waiting for them to show up in the living room with a mix expressions worn on their faces making draco and y/n blushed madly.
"im glad we decided to stay." y/n's mother breaking the silence making the room filled with laughter.
tagging : @dracoscum :( @hellounicorn @onyourgoddamnleft @whoreforgeorgeandfred @turn-to-page-394-please @youreso-golden @dracmalf0y-dm @f4iryluvy @arzfia @slut4dracoo @alexthealexthealex
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December ♕ D.M.
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Disclaimer: I do NOT own Harry Potter or it’s characters, only this prompt.
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Reader
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, and Minimal Smut.
Word Count: 1060
A/N: This is my entry to @harryssmommy’s writing contest!​
A hum escaped the parted lips of Draco Malfoy as he looked out over the gardens surrounding his home, or lack thereof. Malfoy Manor was magnificent, the greenery surrounding it spectacular, but it had never felt like home. It was especially prominent during this time of the year when he returned from Hogwarts to dark entryways and quiet halls. There were no red, green, silver, or white decorations littered about and there were no stockings hung from the fireplace in the sitting room. There was an absence of life, of happiness, of love and he hadn’t noticed it until he met (Y/N) (Y/L/N).
She was enchanting to say the least, so full of life and light that it left him wondering why she’d ever developed an interest in him. He wasn’t anything like her, he bullied and belittled people, he flaunted about as if he were spectacular, and he had chosen the wrong side in the approaching war. She was kind to everyone, regardless of blood status or lineage, something that surprised him seeing as she’d come from a family as wealthy and powerful as his own. She was humble, charitable, and the epitome of perfection. It was no surprise the two had ended up together, at least not to their families. However, to their friends, classmates, and professors it had been quite the shock. 
“Don’t worry about them,” She had told him at the beginning of the month, her painted lips curved into a breathtaking smile. She had been dressed in an emerald cloak, the fabric doing little to shield her from the December air. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes bright, and he could still recall the smell of the perfume she’d sampled in Gladrags Wizardwear. It smelled like Christmas, she had said, but he hadn’t known what that meant. Christmas was a foreign concept to him, his family had never celebrated it. But the holiday meant everything to the (Y/H/C) girl, so he’d simply agreed. 
“You know I never do.” He had retorted, reaching his gloved hand down to entwine his fingers with her own. He tugged her into his side to hopefully supply a bit more heat as they walked through Hogsmeade in search of the perfect gift for her Mother, another concept he didn’t quite understand about the upcoming holiday. Why buy one another presents when you could do that year round?
He lifted a glass of Firewhisky to his lips as he brought himself back from the memory, grimacing at the way it burned his throat. It didn’t burn nearly as badly as the loneliness he felt without (Y/N) though, so he shrugged it off and turned to pour himself another glass. 
“You aren’t old enough to be drinking that, you know.” An all too familiar voice cut through the darkness, heightening his senses and causing him to nearly drop the expensive bottle he’d grabbed. He squinted his eyes to see if her voice was just a figment of his imagination, or if the woman he loved was actually visiting him on Christmas Eve. He highly doubted it, her family had many traditions and one included a feast on December 24th. 
“I know you’re not really there,” He told the darkness, his eyes glazing over as it hit him that he was truly alone this holiday season. His Mother and Father had left for a meeting in France, not bothering to let anyone but the House Elves know. He set the bottle of alcohol down, deciding he’d had enough if he were beginning to get auditory hallucinations. He stepped back in to the comfort of his room, the only place in the Manor he felt like he belonged, and sat on the edge of his bed. He didn’t bother to lay down or cover his ice-kissed skin, he just sat there in the silence and allowed himself to be consumed by the feeling. 
“But I am here, Dray.” Her voice came again, this time much closer. He swore he could feel her hands on his shoulders, but he wrote it off as yet another hallucination. He was just lonely and perhaps a bit tipsy, there was no way (Y/N) was in his bed touching him. His brain didn’t except that logic however and he lifted a hand of his own to cover the spot he swore hers was. He inhaled sharply as palm curved around that of another person’s, his heart beginning to beat more rapidly as he used his free hand to reach for his wand.
“Lumos!” He called on the charm he’d learned in his first year, his eyes widening at the sight of the very person he wanted to see most. (Y/N) was sitting on top of his bed, her eyes lit up in laughter, and the smile he swore could light up a room stretched across her red painted lips. She wore a red wrap dress, the material clinging to her like a second skin, and her feet were bare. 
“Surprise,” She said with a giggle as she pushed herself up to her knees so that she was eye level with the platinum blonde who held her heart. She placed her hands on his chest as she allowed him to process her appearance, his arms wounding around her waist eagerly. He bent his head down and connected their lips, putting every ounce of love and passion he had into it. She returned his affection happily, allowing him to move her so that she was lying on her back.
“I missed you so much.” He told her between kisses, the sentiment making her heart warm. She didn’t understand how anyone could leave behind this man, how anyone could doubt him. She’d known him all her life, but had only gotten to know him over the last six months, and he never failed to take her breath away. 
“I missed you too, Dray.” Her voice came out full of air as his lips moved down her jawline and neck, leaving marks along the way. She felt him smirk against her skin, the feeling alone making her pull her bottom lip between her teeth. He was everything she could’ve ever wanted in a partner, in a man, and she allowed him to show her just how much he missed her the remainder of the night. 
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heliads · 3 years
An Over-Influence of Pansies
You and Draco have been close friends for a very long time. You almost thought that you could have a chance to be something more until the start of the new school year brings Pansy Parkinson back in force.
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The train station creaks and rattles around you. You can hear snippets of a hundred conversations, dozens of hellos and goodbyes and promises to write soon. Despite the chaos unfolding around you, you’re still only paying attention to one person: the boy in front of you, the one with platinum blond hair and eyes just as bright. 
Draco Malfoy scratches the back of his head self-consciously as he stands there, unable to come up with anything new to say after multiple hours spent together in a train yet still unwilling to give this up and go back to his family. He settles at last for a sheepish sort of smile. 
“Well, I’ll see you this September, alright?” You grin. “Don’t get too bored without me.” Draco chuckles in spite of himself, then, upon glancing around quickly to see if his parents are in sight, quickly conjures up his usual image of haughty Slytherin once more. “I wouldn’t dream of it.” He pauses a moment, then sighs. “I’ll miss you, Y/N.”
You take a half step forward. “I’ll miss you too, Draco. Promise. Autumn will come soon enough, and then we’ll see each other so often you’ll get sick of me.” Draco’s eyes are warm when they linger on yours. “I doubt that could ever happen.” You see his shoulders stiffen as his gaze catches on a couple farther down the station- the older Malfoys are here at last.
It’s strange, seeing this transition in him. All of a sudden, his spine straightens as if it’s a marble column. His smile disappears, his eyes grow cold. There’s a boy you know somewhere in his face, but you’d only be able to see it if you searched for it. You know this is your cue to leave, having gone through the same thing many times before in the past school years, and nod at him one last time. “See you then, Draco.”
Just as you’re about to go, Draco’s hand flies out and wraps around your wrist, trapping you in place. You glance up at him in surprise. Draco looks about as startled about this as you are, but he doesn’t take his fingers away quite yet. “Just- write to me, okay? The manor gets quiet after a while.” You smile at him, if not because you’re shocked by this offer or just to remind him what it’s like to have someone be truly happy to see him. He’ll need to remember it over the summer.
“Of course I will. Only if you write back, that is.” Draco smiles back, albeit hesitantly as his eyes flicker from you to his parents. “As soon as I can.” Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy are drawing too close; it’s time for Draco to let you go, although neither of you quite want it to happen. You do it for him, gently unwrapping your hand from his. “Goodbye, Draco.” He nods. “Goodbye, Y/N.”
You can feel his eyes on you as you walk away. You don’t envy him the task of trying to stay in a house with Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy over the summer break. Even the few minutes you’ve been forced to spend with them over wizarding family meetings has been absolutely dreadful, and usually ended with you and Draco making a quick escape as soon as possible to an empty room or balcony where you could talk for the rest of the night.
That’s how you’d met Draco, actually- not through your shared Hogwarts House, but through your parents. Both were fairly upstanding wizarding families, and seeing as there were only so many kids your age at those sorts of get-togethers, it was practically inevitable that the two of you would talk to each other at some point. Your mother had been delighted that you’d gotten close to Draco, especially due to his family name and inheritance.
In truth, you’d intended to stay as far away from Draco Malfoy as you could, ever since your parents started not-so-subtly encouraging you to befriend him for his status. However, he’d grown on you, and before you knew it, the two of you were meeting up in gardens and terraces during wizarding family galas so you could avoid the preening and gossiping of everyone there. He’s been your friend for a very, very long time. It’s only been a short while that you wish he could be something more to you.
That was an accident too, wasn’t it? If you were smart, you never would have gone and fallen for Draco Malfoy. There’s no chance that you would ever be more than a friend to him, and even if you did, the threat of breaking up and ruining your friendship would be too much to bear. What would you do at the wizarding gatherings then, when all you had of him was a quiet glance across a crowded room instead of a hand pulling you through the throngs of people until the two of you were alone and could finally relax?
However, you think that you just might have a chance with him. Draco has been acting differently towards you as of late; he stumbles over words when he usually spoke without issue, he glares at his friends whenever they brush a little too close to you. If you try hard enough, you might even be able to fool yourself into thinking that he might return your feelings.
This is what keeps you up almost the entire summer, this possibility. Draco keeps to his word and writes practically every other day, as do you. Sometimes, the letters are barely more than a couple of sentences, a hello and a goodbye and a few words regarding what the other had last written. Other times, your owl or his arrives at its destination burdened by several pages of cramped handwriting detailing a trip or discovery that was simply too exciting to keep to yourself.
Needless to say, when September finally rolls around, you’re feeling pretty confident about the way your relationship with Draco might turn. As per tradition, you meet up with Draco and his friends in the train car so you can be out of view of any prying parents, so you bid a cheery farewell to your family before climbing aboard. You glance from compartment to compartment, searching for that happy flash of emerald to indicate that your Slytherin friends have arrived.
At last, you see a familiar shock of platinum hair, and smile to yourself. Your hand reaches for the latch of the door and you pull it open. It takes a moment for you to fully realize what’s going on in the compartment, and you freeze slightly on the threshold, feeling your smile run away from you like teardrops.
Draco is here, yes, but he isn’t alone. He is lying down on one of the padded benches lining the compartment, his head in Pansy Parkinson’s lap. His eyes have flickered shut, and he appears to be the picture of complete and utter relaxed bliss as her fingers gently card through her hair. Something strikes through your heart like a knife; you almost think you’ll start bleeding then and there.
Draco sees you at last, although you’re not sure how- he seems fairly distracted by everything to do with the dark-haired girl leaning over him. He nods in greeting but doesn’t get up. “Y/N, good to see you! Anything new happen over summer that we didn’t talk about?” You manage to shake your head, and put your luggage away before gingerly taking a seat on the opposite side of the compartment next to Blaise Zabini.
You incline your head as surreptitiously as you can towards Draco and Pansy, who have gone back to whatever they were doing before. “How long has that been a thing?” Blaise shrugs. “No idea, but I’m not entirely sure I like it. I expect to be vomiting over the Great Hall tables if they keep this up.” You laugh quietly before you catch yourself. “Sounds like a plan to me.” The longer you sit, the harder it is to force your smile. So much for Draco having feelings for you after all- he seems unable to think about anyone except for Pansy.
That’s how it goes for the next few days, and then the next, and the next. You don’t know what happened- before the summer, Pansy had been Draco’s friend, sure, but they’d never been that close. Now, it’s practically impossible to catch one without the other. You’ve done your best to discreetly interrogate Blaise about it, but he seems just as confused about it as you are. You can’t question him too often, anyways, because you have a feeling that he’s starting to get suspicious about just why you need to know the details of whether Draco Malfoy is single or not.
You do your best not to let it get to you, but it’s hard. At least now you can truly admit it yourself: you do love Draco, and having to see him constantly intertwining hands or smiling with Pansy cuts like a blade. You didn’t realize how nice it was to have him to yourself last year until it was all gone. Could he really have moved on from you so easily, if he ever truly paid attention to you at all?
The worst part is that you don’t even have someone to hate. Pansy has been your friend for a long time, and she looks genuinely happy to be so close to Draco. She isn’t even being malicious, so you can’t see her as an enemy. All the same, when she casually mentions all the times she went over to Draco’s house so they could spend time together during the summer, you swear that you’re going to start seeing red. Draco has never extended an invitation for you and just you to come over to his house, saying something about how he doesn’t want to force you to spend time with his parents lurking all the time. It appears that this concern doesn’t extend to Pansy, or maybe it solely had to do with you being in his house.
You try to push it from your mind, but it doesn’t work. It feels like every time you enter the Slytherin common room you see them together, cuddling in an armchair near the fire, and every time you go to class you see them giggling in the back of the room. Eventually, the only thing you can do to stop this relentless hurt from piercing your chest is to find ways to stop seeing them.
Thus begins the latest chapter of your relationship with Draco, one that you never thought would happen: a time when you avoid him as much as possible. You sit with other friends during meals, or make sure Blaise is in between you and the new couple. You choose a desk on the opposite side of the classroom from Draco, because wherever he goes, there too is Pansy. You go to bed and get up earlier so you don’t have to walk with them to breakfast, and you head out after class before they can call to you so you don’t have to be a third wheel to their clasped hands.
You don’t know how long this terrible game of separation is going to go on. If it has to, it might continue forever. You’ve tried to ease back into things, but every time you allow yourself to walk with Draco and Pansy, you can’t seem to drag your eyes from the way they glance at each other with their hearts in their eyes. It’s like watching a building erupt in flames- it hurts so much to see, like you can feel the smoke clogging up your lungs, but you feel unable to look away.
In the end, the one to break your enforced elusion is not you but Draco. You’re not sure that it could have happened any other way. Draco is so used to getting what he wants that he would put a stop to whatever he didn’t like. Can you fault him for that? Can you fault him for anything except the worst sin of all, which is that he didn’t love you in the way that you love him?
He catches you after class, waiting in the hall. You thought you’d managed to beat him into the corridors, but he neatly turns out after you, walking briskly along beside you. Draco raises an eyebrow at the way your pace starts to quicken. “Trying that hard to avoid me, then? Can I ask why?” The sarcastic remark escapes your throat before you can pull it back. “How about you ask Pansy? I’m sure she’d love to hear you talk.”
Draco frowns. “What does that mean?” You shake your head, trying to dislodge the bitterness from your chest. “Nothing. I should go.” You try to walk away, but Draco reaches out a hand, wrapping it around yours and pulling you into an empty alcove of the corridor. The gesture is so familiar from wizarding galas and after-class discussions that you let yourself go along with it before you remember that you’re supposed to be trying to get away from him.
Draco, confident that he can keep you here for at least a little longer, folds his arms across his chest. “What’s this about, then? What’s wrong with Pansy?” You sigh. “Nothing. She’s a wonderful girl.” Draco tilts his head to the side as if analyzing you for secrets only he can read. “Y/N, I’ve known what that look meant ever since we were five. Something is obviously the matter. Are you going to tell me or do I have to figure it out myself?”
You manage a weak grin. “What if we just chalked it up to not enough sleep and let it go?” Draco shakes his head. “Absolutely not. Come on, Y/N, you’ve been running the second I enter a room for the past few weeks. Can’t I know why?” You scoff without meaning to. “I’m surprised you noticed.” Draco frowns. “So you have been avoiding me? Why?” You cast a longing glance to the hallways leading away. “Look, it’s nothing. Can I just go to class?”
When you look back at Draco, you’re surprised at the look in his eyes. The usual arrogance has melted away into this mix of confusion and pain. In your trying to protect yourself, could you have hurt him instead? “Y/N, I thought we were friends. Is it something I did?” His voice drops. “Or is it just me?”
You shake your head. “It’s not you.” His gaze turns pleading. “Then what is it? I miss you. I shouldn’t have to say that when we go to the same school, but I do. What can I do to fix this?” Your voice is sharper than it’s supposed to be. “Nothing. It’s just- Draco, I loved you. I still do. I was stupid enough to think that I had a chance with you when I should have known better, and I went and broke my own heart when I realized that you liked Pansy instead. That’s it, I swear. Just let me go.”
Draco’s head snaps up, and you think you’ve truly done it now. He just wanted a friend, right? He’ll hate you for telling him, hate you for ruining the friendship. You take advantage of his surprise to start moving away, but he reaches for you again. This time, his hands are not gentle but firm, unwilling to back down. A second later, he kisses you. 
You feel like the ground has just fallen away beneath your feet. When he breaks away, you stare at him. “What- I thought you liked Pansy.” Draco shakes his head. “Not like this.” You shake your head slightly. “Then what was the point of all that? I mean, even in September on the train, you were practically on top of each other.” He has the grace to look embarrassed. “I wanted to see if you had feelings for me. I didn’t realize that it would make you less willing to spend time in our presence.”
You swat him on the shoulder. “You could have just asked me if I liked you, you utter dolt-” Draco cuts you off with another kiss, and grins at the heat starting to rush to your cheeks. “What’s that about me being an utter dolt?” You fight the urge to swat him again. “Shut up and kiss me again.” He does so with a laugh.
harry potter tag list: i don’t need to make you jealous bc we’re already madly in love @rogueanschel​, @cameronsails​, @chaoticgirl04​, @aleksanderwh0r3​, @neewtmas​
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loving-lucissa · 2 years
eeeek request time!!
can i please request lucius proposing to narcissa, and he’s so so nervous so he gets rodolphus to help him practice and narcissa and bellatrix both walk in on them and are like huh?!
scene: lucius is on one knee and rodolphus is covering his mouth with both hands, in shock (he’s pretending to be narcissa)
a/n: I actually had so much fun writing this and I can only hope that I did the idea justice.
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“Lucius, what are you doing here?” Rodolphus asked, rather shocked to see his best friend being led into his private study by a house elf, “You looking for Cissy? She and Bella just left, actually. Something about shopping, I wasn’t invited so–”
“Oh, no, I came to see you, actually.” Lucius said, his normal, confident voice was replaced with one filled with anxiety and uncertainty. He stood almost awkwardly in front of Rodolphus, wringing his hands together. Rodolphus just stared at him. Normally, he would have made some joke about the Malfoy heir being so flustered, but he hadn’t seen Lucius like this in very a long time.
“Are you dying?” He asked, eyes narrowed, trying to figure out why Lucius would come to him like this.
“What? No!” Lucius yelled, annoyed that that would be his friend’s first thought, “I-I want to ask Narcissa to marry me.”
Rodolphus’ face broke out in a massive smile. He stood immediately, and walked around his desk to clasp Lucius on the shoulder, “Congrats, mate! Cissy’s gonna be so excited!”
“Don’t congratulate me, she hasn’t said yes yet.” Lucius chuckled, feeling a little better after hearing Rodolphus’ reaction.
“Of course she’ll say yes! Cissy’s been in love with you since you two were kids,” Rodolphus assured. He quickly ordered the elf to bring them a celebratory drink, something wickedly expensive from his personal collection. He gestured for Lucius to take a seat in one of the chairs in front of the fireplace, before taking the seat adjacent, “So how are you going to ask her?”
“I don’t know. I mean, I always sort of knew I wanted to marry her but I never really thought much of it until last night. We were walking around the gardens at the manor and everything just seemed perfect, like the sun was setting and she looked beautiful just standing there, smiling at me and I got this sudden feeling that that’s what I wanted the rest of my life to be, just moments like that with her…but I don’t even know how to begin asking her. I want it to be private and romantic and just…perfect.” Lucius sighed, raking his fingers through his long, blonde mane. “How did you ask Bella?”
Rodolphus gave a lopsided smile as he recalled the memory, “We were sitting at a table, out on the patio. I asked her what she was doing for the rest of her life and when she was just the perfect amount of confused, I slid the ring across the table towards her. Then she laughed, called me stupid, and handed the ring back to me. I thought she was outright rejecting me, but then she asked me to put it on her finger…I think that was the happiest day of my life, honestly. Well, other than actually marrying her, of course.”
Lucius slumped back in his chair, looking up at the ceiling, “That would never work on Cissa.”
“No, I think you were on the right track. Private, romantic, and perfect is more Narcissa.” Rodolphus looked across at his destitute looking friend, “Look, why don’t you practice on me?”
Lucius scoffed, “Yeah, right.”
“I’m serious! Just pretend I’m Narcissa. Propose to me.” Rodolphus stood, swaying a bit until he took a very feminine stance and shook his brunette hair dramatically away from his face. He tilted his head up and looked at him through hooded eyes, batting his eyelashes for added effect and took on a high pitched, womanly voice, “Why, Mr. Malfoy, it’s so lovely to see you today.”
Lucius couldn’t help but let out a laugh, “Narcissa doesn’t sound like that.” Rodolphus shot him a vicious glare, which caused him to stand, but not without a considerably loud sigh. “Narcissa,” he began, reaching out and taking a hold of Rodolphus’ hands, “You are the most beautiful, most wonderful person I have ever met. You’re more than everything I’ve ever dreamed about and I promise that I will spend the rest of my life comforting you when you’re sad, celebrating with you when you’re happy, and working incredibly hard every day to give you the life that you deserve.”
“Oh Lucius,” the mock Narcissa swooned, bringing his hand up to cover his mouth as Lucius dropped one of his hands and got down on one knee.
“Narcissa Black, will you–”
Both men’s heads snapped at the sound. Standing in the doorway was Bellatrix and Narcissa, looking very shocked at the scene in front of them. Quickly trying to cover, Lucius reached down and began tying Rodolphus’ shoe laces, hoping they hadn’t heard anything that he had just said.
“Uhh…Lucius was just helping me out. My shoe was untied.” Rodolphus floundered, struggling to maintain this new lie.
“He was helping you out? That’s why he’s on his knees for you?” Bellatrix jeered, looking between the two of them.
Lucius immediately stood, realizing how compromising this position looked and he didn’t want to give Bellatrix anymore ammunition in which to tease him with.
Rodolphus moved towards his wife, with the intention of asking about her shopping trip, but was interrupted by the elf returning with a very expensive bottle of goblin-made whiskey and two iced glasses. The creature set the tray on the coffee table in the middle of the room before bowing very low and leaving the room in a hurry.
“Now, why would you waste a whiskey like this on Lucius?” Bellatrix asked, raising an eyebrow at her husband.
Lucius was about to open his mouth with some sort of excuse, but Rodolphus was quicker, “It was actually for you, my love. Lucius asked me how married life was and I was trying to explain to him how life changing it is to be married to a stunning woman such as yourself. I thought it only appropriate to raise a glass in your honor. Naturally, only the most expensive would do.”
Lucius waited with baited breath, hoping Bellatrix would buy Rodolphus’ story. She seemed to study him for a bit before flinging herself into his arms, to which he was more than happy to spin her around and give her a quick, yet passionate kiss. Bellatrix called for more glasses and made note of how sweet and thoughtful her husband was. Narcissa looked like she bought it as well, looking at her sister and brother-in-law with an almost jealous look in her eyes. Looking at her, Lucius could only hope that when the time came, he could make Narcissa just as blissfully happy as her sister. She truly deserved the world and he was going to do everything in his power to give it to her.
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ghostdrew22 · 3 years
Waves || Draco Malfoy
Requested: No

Pairing: Draco Malfoy x fem!reader

Warnings: none really, just so much fluff I think my heart almost exploded

Summary: Draco continuously finds himself breathless at the amount of love he holds for you because his love for you comes in waves.
WORDS : 1480
“Y/N, do we have to do this?” Draco groans as you drag him through his mother’s garden.

“Yes, I promised your mother that I’d check on her garden everyday while they’re gone.”
“I don’t think she took you seriously when you said that.”
“Seriously or not, I’m doing it.” You say sternly as you stop in front of the daisies to water them- spritzing them with water carefully and attentively to ensure that no one flower gets more love than the other.
He watches you in silence and admiration- adoring how considerate you are with one of his mother’s most prized possessions- and an immense surge of love for you overcomes him without warning. The sun makes your eyes twinkle gently and your yellow dress just makes you look positively radiant. He gulps and sits down on a nearby bench to ground himself- trying to resist the urge to beg you to marry him on the spot- but you mistake his disorientation for frustration and turn to him with a sigh.
“If you really hate this so much then you can return to the Manor, I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
He almost laughs at how wrongly you’ve interpreted the situation and smiles up at you brightly, “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be right now.”
“Are you being sarcastic?” You furrow your eyebrows at him- confused at how quickly his demeanor has changed- and he shakes his head softly in response.
“No, I want to be right here with you.”
“Too bad.” You turn away from him with a mischievous grin and walk further away as you approach the roses.
“Why?” He furrows his eyebrows.
“I was already used to the idea of you being gone.” You look behind you and catch his gaze with a smirk, “Your voice is a bit annoying after some time.”
Draco leaps out of his seat immediately and you yelp and drop the water as you start to run away from him. Your giggles fill his ears as he trails a few paces behind you- following you as you run into the meadow that’s behind the Malfoy Manor- and he has to struggle to focus on his steps instead of the rapid beating of his heart at the beautiful sound.
“I’m sorry!” You cry out as you start to run down the declining meadow and toward the river that runs at the bottom.
“Too bad!” He shouts back- using your own words against you- and you can’t help but laugh out as you reach the bottom and turn behind you to look up at him.
“Come on, you know you want to forgive me.” You pout up at him- squinting your eyes at the sun in your eyes- as he stands at the top of the little hill and stares down at you.
His breath hitches in his throat at the sight of you standing there. Your hair tied up and exposing your collarbone to the sun’s rays, your bright smile shining up at him, your frame melting into the nature that surrounds you-from the tall weeds of unkept grass to the tiny purple flowers that are sprouting from the ground. It’s all too much for him and he has to sit down on the ground quickly before his knees buckle from under him.
Alarm consumes you and you quickly run back up the hill to find out what’s wrong with him. “Dra-“
“Marry me.” He blurts out before you can even finish asking him what’s wrong and your eyes widen in shock.
“What?” You ask with a laugh and he takes a deep breath before repeating himself.
“Marry me.” It’s not a question, nor is it a demand, it’s more of a desperate plea and you can tell by his tone that his throat is dry- almost if the words have been sitting on the tip of his tongue and running back down into his lungs for so long that they’ve rubbed his throat raw.
“Where’s this coming from?” You ask with a furrow of your eyebrows as you plop yourself down next to him.
Your knees bump against his and he sucks in a large amount of air at the contact. It’s such a simple movement but it has all the hairs on the end of his neck standing up like he’s a tiny schoolboy- he may as well be when you’re around… You touch him and it makes him immensely giddy- as if you haven’t touched each other a million times before, as if you haven’t touched each other more intimately before. Not that it’s ever any better when you two are tangled in between the sheets together- a mixture of love and limbs tied together so perfectly that it always makes him feel as though you two were made for each other.
“I’ve been wanting to ask you for months. I’ve tried to keep it in but nowadays my love for you is always overflowing and the words are just banging against my head all the time.” He answers you honestly- not afraid to pour his heart out anymore after months of keeping it in.
“We’re just 16, we still have school an-“
“I know… I know…” He cuts you off and looks down in embarrassment- suddenly realising how ridiculous it was of him to bombard you with such a request. “It was stupid of me to bring it up, I’m sorry.”
You drop a few fingers below his chin and bring his face back up to look into your eyes and smile, “I never said I wouldn’t marry you.”
“I love you so much, why wouldn’t I marry you?” You pull him toward you and crash your lips together. He releases a happy sigh and melts into you- bringing his own hands up to cup your face.
Kissing you is like fire to him- it burns bright and furious and courses through his veins until all he can think or feel is your lips against his own- he’d do it forever if he could. There is nothing he hates more than when you pull away from him and he often finds himself feeling embarrassed at how quickly he jumps to chase after your lips- like you’re water and he can’t live without you. And maybe that’s the fact of the matter, he cannot live without you. Because he could have everything- money, good grades, house elves at his beg and call- but it would mean nothing if your laugh wasn’t the sound filling his ears every single day, if your touch wasn’t the one burning itself into his skin every single night.
“I love you.” He breathes out against your lips- not stopping too long to speak and immediately resuming the kiss.
Sometimes he forgets, just how much he loves you, but you always do something that reminds him before he can stray too far away from his adoration for you. In simple terms, his love for you comes in waves- filling him up all at once, repeatedly, and at a force so harsh that it almost always knocks the air out of his lungs. It’s when you read to him before you fall asleep, when you hold his hand on the way to breakfast, when you insist on hyping him up before Quidditch games, when you tell him terrible jokes that he can’t resist laughing at just because you tell them, when you make continuous effort with his friends and family, it’s every single thing you do.
“I love you.” He breathes out again as another wave encapsulates him. His love for you fills him up in every way possible, like it’s climbing up his lungs until they’re full and he can no longer breathe. His love for you is intoxicating, suffocating really, but it’s so exquisite that he wouldn’t want to have it any other way. What good is oxygen when all he wants to breathe in is the scent of you forever?
“I love you.” He whispers one last time as you both pull away and rest your foreheads against each other- eyes locking and breathless pants meeting inbetween you both.
“After school,” You start after a few minutes of regaining your breath, “After we graduate let’s get married, right here in this meadow.”
“Y/N, I would marry you in an abandoned basement, all I care about is that we’re both there.”
Your heart wrenches at his words and you pull him for another short kiss- much to his dismay- before telling him again, “I love you so much.”
And there it is again, a wave of love for you that’s so strong it makes him close his eyes and take a moment to breathe. The waves are relentless- they’re every single moment he gets to spend with you and he can never get enough of them. You’re intoxicating and every single time he thinks that he’s felt all the love he could possibly feel for you, another wave crashes against him.
I simp so hard for this man. Please leave me requests because I need something to keep me occupied while I wait for universities to get back to meeeeee.
I’m probably going to write something for one of the Weasley’s soon because argh I love them all and would not hesitate to let any of them rail me-
anyway that’s all...
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Late night talks
A/n: Post battle of Hogwarts but still 7th year Draco. Mainly fluff with implied sex
"I want to go outside." Draco sighed as he rolled over for the 9th time that night. It had been a few weeks since the couple stopped having the nightmares the war left them with, but now Draco was falling into a pattern of insomnia. He was very resistant to the idea of falling asleep and kept his loving girlfriend up for hours at night.
Not that she minded in the slightest. Seeing him all cozy and relaxed in his pyjamas was all she could think about during the battle, it was the only thing that kept her going.
"Please, Y/n." He begged once more. While she couldn't see his face in the dark bedroom, she could easily imagine his pouting.
"Why not?" The girl in bed next to him agreed as she slipped the covers off her body. Draco pulled the covers off his half of the bed and jumped out. "Can you grab me a sweatshirt?" She asked as she put on some shoes.
The overnight temperature wasn't low in summer, but she wanted to make sure she didn't catch a cold. Y/n had been staying with the Malfoy's since the battle, although Narcissa and Lucius spent a lot of time away doing volunteer work. They were still riddled with guilt which left the younger couple alone most of the summer.
Draco threw her a 'Slytherin Quidditch team' crewneck sweater from his closet. She slipped it on over her pyjama top. Draco was so much bigger than her that it hung until her mid-thigh. He admired how much the green knit suited her, even more than him.
"Let's go then, Dray." She told him, holding out her hand for him to take. He laced his fingers around hers and squeezed. It was something he had been doing since they started dating in 5th year.
They walked to the patio door and finally outside. The full moon made the garden brighter than normal and their shadows danced on the grass. Once they'd walked around for a few minutes, Draco took a seat on the grass. Thankfully it wasn't wet so Y/n sat next to him.
"Do you see that one?" Draco asked as he tried to draw a constellation. He continued when she nodded. "That's Draco." He was beaming with pride for his namesake.
Y/n rested her head on her boyfriend's shoulder. Draco wrapped his arm around her waist, drawing her into his warm body. "It's almost as pretty as you." She told him. It was no secret that he was very good-looking.
He grinned as she ran her hand through his blonde locks. They sat together in silence as they watched the sky.
"Do you ever think you want kids?" Draco finally spoke. Her attention flicked back to his strong jawline and warm eyes. She recognised the blush on his cheeks she hadn't seen in a while.
When she finally spoke it was soft. "Yeah, with you." It was something she was sure of. Something she had been sure of since the first time he told her he loved her.
His face instantly lit up. "There's nothing I want more than a family with you." He agreed.
"Would you want to carry on the family tradition?" She asked him. He thought about it for a moment before nodding. "Got any ideas?"
He thought about that question for a moment as well. "Eltanin is the brightest star in the Draco constellation, I like that."
"It's pretty," Y/n commented.
"I do have more," Draco said. She nuzzled further into his arm, encouraging him to continue. "Scorpius has been my favourite for a long time. It's the name of the Scorpio constellation. Or Leo for a boy." Y/n nodded and urged him to continue. Listening to him talk about their future made her ecstatic. "Estella isn't a constellation but it means 'star.' Phoenix is another constellation that sounds pretty." He listed off a few more before stopping. "I don't want it to all be about my family though, do you have any thoughts?" He asked her.
Y/n smiled at the caring boy before answering. "Ophelia. It's not a star but it's a moon of Uranus." She replied.
"Have you done some research, sweet girl?" He asked, making her blush bright red.
"Yes." She sheepishly admitted. "I've known I've wanted this for a while."
Draco beamed at her confession. "You're so perfect." He told her before leaning down to touch their lips together.
She pulled away before continuing to talk. "Venus is nice, again it's a planet but it's also a God. I like Ascella, it's the brightest star in Saggitarius." Draco started giggling causing Y/n to frown. "What?" She insisted.
"With all these ideas we're going to have to have, like, 7 kids." He explained.
"8." Y/n corrected him.
Draco playfully scoffed at her. "I'm not the one who has to actually have them." He reminded her.
"True, but you are the one who's going to have to be up with them at night." Y/n reminded him, causing both of them to burst into a fit of giggles. "And get me whatever I'm craving, muggle or not." She added.
Draco pretended to think about it before nodding. "Deal." He held out his hand for her to shake.
She shook it before putting her lips back on his. Draco deepened the kiss quickly.
"Wanna get some practice in now?" Y/n asked as she swung her leg over his waist.
Instead of his usual eagerness, Draco shook his head. When she frowned he explained. "I've got to at least ask you to marry me first."
Y/n grinned, widely, only inches from his lips. How someone could be so kind and handsome was beyond her. "I'd say yes if you asked right now." She told him.
"Not going to do it out here when you're trying to seduce me." He teased lovingly.
She scoffed and hopped off his lap, standing up. "Fine, I'm going back to your bedroom, alone." She grinned at him, knowing it would quickly get him excited up.
Y/n was right, Draco got up off the grass and pulled her into him. She wiggled out of his grip and started running back to the manor. Draco let her get a few seconds headstart before running after her.
"I'm going to get you!" He yelled as he reached the patio door, now only a few steps behind her. She just laughed back at him as she ran upstairs while he locked the door.
Once he reached her room she was nowhere to be found. "Y/n, I know you're in here." He sang as he walked around the room.
The bulge in the curtains went unnoticed until she jumped out at him, wrapping her legs around his waist. Effortlessly he spun around the room with her latched onto him.
"Hi." She murmured, only a few centimetres away from his lips.
"Hey, pretty girl," Draco replied. "Ready for that practice now?" He asked her.
As soon as she nodded he let her fall onto the bed before resuming his position on top of her. As he ran a finger through her hair he couldn't help but smile. "You're so beautiful."
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