#they will invent and solve the. just the absolute weirdest problems
borrelia · 1 year
good morning time rise and grind at that hater mill bc i cannot be silent any longer (is never fucking silent). i dont. care about tails. beyond being important to sonic, he is completely uninteresting to me. like i like nine's pak legs and the way his arc is moving but like. i look at knucklees or smthn and scream and yell and throw up . i look at tails and im like okay. well hes an engineer ✅ moving on.
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nunalastor · 2 months
I present unto thee this persistent thought:
Things Angel Dust does to keep creeps away from the other residents.
(Warning for talking about creeps of the non-literal predatory kind)
Charlie's willing to let people go a little too far before she retaliates. To prevent creeps from getting too close to her to begin with, Angel will slip something into the creeps' drinks. By the time they wake up, Angel has already made sure Alastor and Lucifer know that someone was casting predatory looks at Charlie. If they're crazy enough to creep on Lucifer's daughter, they're not going to listen to reason.
All Angel has to do, most of the time, to get a creep off of Vaggie is offhandedly mention that she has a girlfriend who would really appreciate it if they backed off. This being Hell, the possibility of a possessive partner setting their sights on you is a bigger threat than annoying an Overlord. Most Overlords, at least, will only kill you once. If that doesn't work, leveling a blessing-tipped gun at their face usually does the trick. When all else fails, actually go get Charlie. He hasn't had to resort to that last one yet.
Speaking of the possessive partner card, he can play that himself in regards to Husk as of four days ago! Not that any creeps have gone after Husk, and if they did then Husk would probably dismantle them himself. But Angel still keeps an eye out around new faces, just in case.
Niffty attracts the weirdest creeps. They tend to back off relatively quickly though; if Niffty doesn't scare them off on accident or they don't flee when Angel picks her up protectively and glares in their direction, then they run screaming when Angel suggests Niffty introduce her newest "bad boy" to Alastor. The only time the creep didn't run at the mention of Alastor, the creep ended up eaten and Alastor made Angel's favorite pasta that night for dinner (without demon flesh, thankfully).
If someone's crazy enough to creep on Lucifer, there's no saving them. They were clearly braindead to begin with. Letting Charlie know results in a show deserving of popcorn as Charlie absolutely rips the creep apart and then hands the broken body to Alastor. The only request she makes is that he add the creep's screams to his broadcasts. Angel thinks Alastor finds it funny, because he never refuses her.
Protecting Alastor from creeps is where things get complicated. He hates being seen as weak, so Angel can't be direct about it. He also has to ignore Vox since Alastor has made it very clear that dealing with the TV Overlord is his job. (Angel tries to squash the uneasy feeling he gets when he thinks of what Vox might do if he ever got his hands on Alastor. He doesn't succeed.) What Angel can do, however, is insert himself right between Alastor and whatever creep is pushing their luck. Angel can also invent problems for Alastor to leave the room to "solve." It might take awhile, but Husk, Vaggie, or Lucifer (most often Lucifer, which isn't as surprising as it should be after the sexual jokes incident) will catch on. Or the creep will attack Angel. Sooner or later, the creep will find themself facing the wrath of Lucifer and/or Charlie and never be heard from again.
Angel may not have the most skills, but he knows how to spot when someone desires someone else. And how they plan to go about it. What sort of friend would Angel be if he just stood by and let them get taken advantage of?
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melinaajamie · 3 years
35 Questions for Fanfic Writers
Thanks @bachint for tagging me! I’ll try to provide you with the best answers I can come up with ^^
1. From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!) Probably three stars, maybe four? Yeah, four. I know it seems arrogant but aside from the occasional “OMG EVERYTHING I WRITE IS CRAP!” that ever writer experiences from time to time, I usually like what I’m writing and especially how I write ^^
2. Why do you write fanfiction? Bc I love exploring the universes and characters I love further. Ehy accept the canon as it is? ;D
3. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works? Puuh, that’s a hard one? Maybe that I like to kill a bunch of characters? :D Naah, it’s probably the length of what I write. Once I get started I can’t seem to stop.
4. Are there any writers that inspire you? Since I study literature and read a bunch of books for it, absolutely. It can be any book from any author I read. But Arthur Conan Doyle inspires me a lot, Simon Beckett and Paulo Coelho.
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of? My Professor Layton fanfic “The Cogs of Time” ^^
6. What element of writing do you find comes easily? The start. I hear a lot of people say this is the hardest and in some ways I agree with them. But I usually just start writing and go with the flow. Or I immediately have the beginning of a story/chapter in my mind once I start thinking about it.
7. What element of writing do you struggle with most? Writing believable dialogue between parents and their kids. I’m fine as long as the kids are little (let’s say up to 8, maybe 10), but then I’m stumped.
8. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write? Like in general or specific characters? I can write any characters as long as they are not parents. Then I have a bit of a problem.
9. Which character(s) do you find most difficult to write? Ah. Okay. Tying in with (7) here, parents (:
10. What’s your favorite genre to write for? To write for? Hm... probably adventure, crime fiction/detective fiction and Young Adult? I don’t know, I like a quite realistic approach that can and will take a dark turn.
11. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most? About the world. About what’s wrong. About relationships that took a wrong turn, about things that are almost right, about figure skating (big fan!), about growing up, about changing.
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about. Currently, I’m absolutely excited about my Layton Brothers; Mystery Room fanfic “A Game of Murder”! I’m SO close to the ending and I can’t wait to solve the murder and finally reveal the killer! Everyone will hate me XD
13. First fandom you ever wrote for? Disney’s “Frozen”
14. What’s your favorite fandom to write for? That changes according to my current obsession. At the moment, my favourite fandoms are Professor Layton and Pokemon.
15. What’s the weirdest fandom you’ve ever written for? Weird in what way? I don’t believe in that concept, sorry :)
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)? Does murdering characters I and the audience love count? Then it’s that XD
17. A trope you’ll never, ever write for. Probably more of a genre but romance. If romance is the main plot/trope I’m off. If it is a sub plot that’s interesting AND supports the story in some way, I will take a look.
18. Wildest fic you’ve ever written? Probably also “Cogs of Time”. So much death in the end that no one expected, so much heartbreak. I admit, I indeed was a bit of an asshole with that last chapter XD
19. Do you prefer canon-compliant, AUs, or something in-between? I like giving the canon a little twist and AUs ^^
20. Gen fic or shippy stuff? Gen. If it’s shippy, then it’s usually just something short. Like I said, I’m not one for romance.
21. Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!) That also depends on my current obsession. At the moment, that would be LayClaire and Lemmy (both romantic, both Professor Layton) and Lucifendi (platonic and romantic, Layton Brothers; Mystery Room). And any Pokemon couple for friendship ^^
22. Do you listen to anything while you write? MUSIC! Always!!
23. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas? independent ideas. But I often find myself including a line I’ve read as a prompt somewhere or making it the theme of a chapter.
24. One-shots or multi-chaptered works? Multi-chapter works.
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic?Tell us about them! I have dreamt about my fics being movies or TV series, but spin-offs? If I want a spin-off I write it :D
26. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try? So far, nope. As Margaret Atwood once said, “The paper basket is your friend. It was invented for you by God.”
27. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received? Someone saying I made their day with my writing :) I love to make people happy!”
28. How well do you handle criticism when it comes to your writing? It does hurt but I know people want to help so I try to be open to it and look back into the part that was given critic.
29. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out? I always do that when I have to write interaction between parents and older children. I always feel like it’s very stiff but my friends say it’s okay. Well.
30. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst? MERCILESS ANGST ALL THE WAY.
31. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them! Yep! I once created a Professor Layton OC whom was the dead (well, we never really got to know if she was indeed dead, she has just vanished) daughter of a character. She was instead just kidnapped by the criminal organisation her father was fighting and trained to be one of their soldiers. I never write the fanfic but it never left my mind. Might do that one day :)
32. Summarize a random fic of yours in 10 words or less. “Let’s play my favourite game. A game of murder.”
33. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process? That I put as much effort in as I can to make it as good as possible fir you guys!! And that I usually do a lot of research and put the most effort into the tiniest things to make it realistic and add another layer to make it a shade darker ;D
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of. I’m really proud of this but it’s not a fanfic. I hope that’s okay. I can’t really think of one thing that I’m proud of bc there are many. It’ from the book I’m currently writing.
He let go of him so suddenly that the cold hit him like a brick. Mikhail gasped for air, needed a few seconds until he could open his eyes again. The view was heaven-sent. Vasja was standing above him, the gaze of his icy blue eyes troubled yet so piercing and captivating that Mikhail found himself sitting up without another thought as if someone had turned him into a puppet. At times, he felt as if Vasja was the great puppet master who made Mikhail’s entire world dance as he liked. And he loved dancing for Vasja. The gaze of his icy blue eyes contrasted with his ruby red hair which surrounded his face like a bloody halo; it made his snow white skin glow even more. He remembered the feeling of Vasja’s hair between his fingers, as soft as velvet, as clouds, as a mild breeze o fair on one oft he first days of spring. He reached out for Vasja but he was quick to grab the boy’s hands and place them low on his stomach. A shudder ran down Mikhail’s spine when he felt Vasja’s finger travel across his arms until they cupped his face. He lifted it so Mikhail had to look at him. „You know the rules, right, Micky?“
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want! Like, it’s so amazing?? You get millions of words for FREE and the authors don’t get ANYTHING but STILL we have this amazing community who keeps writing and reading and commenting... It’s just AWESOME!! I’m so glad I discovered fanfiction bc the community is so awesome and I always wanted to give some canons a good twist or just think of new things with characters I love!!
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yfere · 5 years
Shipping Calculus! Live updates from C2E64
They say that fire exposes a person’s priorities, but we here at the lab believe that a gaggle of overly friendly moaning demons can also do the trick. Thank you to @softazelma, @fyeahthominho, and @alarnia for helping with data entry! Masterpost here.
+500 to The Mighty Nein/Totally Not Anachronisms. Beau invented the phrase “Don’t shoot the messenger,” and also ravioli, with her hidden chef talent. Caleb, having wheeled and dealed with the rich assholes of the Empire, naturally invented the game of golf during his year at the Academy. And Moro watched only half of the first season of Stranger Things. Don’t spoil her, okay?
+150 to Caleb/Astrid/Eodwulf “FOR FUTURE REFERENCE, JESTER, I’ll have you know that Eodwulf who I have never mentioned to you and who was not mentioned in the letter was buff and muscular and strong and so talented whoops that’s not even a physical description anymore but did I mention he was impressive? So if Marion Lavorre meets a black haired blue eyed incredibly eligible and attractive and gifted heartthrob of a man that’s the one you’re looking for BEWARE.” Okay, Caleb. Gone are the days of being content with all the love being directed at Astrid, I see. All right.
+0 to Jester/Beau Well, if an indirect kiss involves drinking from the same water glass, is it an indirect flirt if you both flirt with the same person? Moro became the unlikely receptacle of both these gal’s affections this episode, between Beau’s loud and enthusiastic appreciation of Moro’s criminal hustle, and Jester making sure Moro knows that Jester thinks she’s cute (and that she’ll kill her for lying to them). Beau as usual hyping up Jester’s awesomeness to everyone (in this case Caduceus) who will listen. Shockingly, this episode Beau seems to have acquired the ability to actually fool Jester into thinking she’s fine, which resulted in point loss and meant Caleb instead had to pick up the slack to gracefully get some help for the poor beat up monk. (For him, that’s +6 to Caleb/Faking Injury for Friendship)
-30 to Fjord/Shortcuts Just as when Captain of the Ball-Eater, Fjord is ALL ABOUT running into clear danger if it means shaving one or two days off of a trip. Into the eye of the storm! Into Ground Zero of the Calamity! We care for speed here, not safety!
+18 to Caleb/Jester and speaking of Caleb having a Thing for strong people, how he continues to single out Jester as the Strongest Woman, who even is Yasha, which creates a perfect combination of #ItPaysToBeADamselInDistress and #LovesToBeAKnightInShiningArmor between the two of them, as Caleb begs for assistance getting a horse on his moorbounder of COURSE Jester can do this alone, Jester squashing Caleb adorably and staying there for….a length of time while at Moro’s (I guess Caleb is the type to have people sit on his face huh), and Caleb very effectively pulling his “Oh no, I am so weak and delicate I must have a fainting couch to rest upon for a spell” to Jester’s delighted crowing over how weak he is. Caleb as usual thinking Jester’s out-of-the-box thinking with an aerial view is The Best Thing Ever. Jester wanting to get in on the Healing Caleb Action Caduceus has been hogging with a Cure Wounds, what do you mean Fjord is injured too? (#ItReallyDoesPayToBeADamselInDistress). Caleb’s Worrywarting directed at full strength at Marion Lavorre. +4 to Yasha/Cockblocking for Jester bringing Yasha in on the horse moving action. Point loss for Caleb’s Worrywarting creating Jester Worrying and making her lose sleep. Nein! Not okay!
+17 to Beau/Yasha because as we all know mutilating corpses with Beau is a sure way to her big gooey heart. Also, Beau adopting a Striking Pose after striking the enemy dead, and the Gay Power of that alone probably making Yasha’s rage drop, as she struggles to pick her jaw up off the floor and reorient towards combat.
-10 to The Mighty Nein/The Neighbors as they apparently carry a couplea severed heads in plain view all across town on their way to the Xhorhaus before storing them. According to the local Mighty Nein Neighborhood Watch, this is only the third or fourth weirdest thing they’ve done.
+24 to Caleb/Caduceus as Caduceus continues as always to think Caleb is the solution to all problems always with his cool magic and his alarms, though +5 to Cockblocking for both Jester and Beau who tragically remind him that there are other people out there who can also do things. The slip into nearly calling Caleb “Mr. Clay” instead of “Mr. Caleb” is of note, and someone needs to investigate what he’s been writing in those hearts in his journal pronto. Caduceus making Caleb his #1 priority in battle, #ItPaysToBeADamselInDistress, with his ray of enfeeblement, healing, attacks, and physically standing over the wizard in a defensive stance to protect him! Batting away attacking bats (while Caleb crawls around collecting guano!). Points taken away because poor Caduceus forgets for a moment that the next brightest thing after his own pink hair is Caleb’s. It’s still romantic if you’re saving people from trouble you sent their way, right? Right? Points gained for asking if Caleb is okay after the fight, and for them both being very dark, between advocating for decapitation and threatening Moro and her employee with decapitation, simmer down a second Caleb.
+10 to Caleb/Vulture Culture. Between Frumpkin’s new shape and getting Those Good Spell Components, our dear Caleb, covered once more in gore and shit and Death, is his happiest self. Hopefully he didn’t ruin his new fancy threads.
+2 to Beau/Hosting as Beau practices Manners and Decorum with a “no, sir” to the attacking demons (#CustomerService). Some mixed messages by following this up with pummeling them to death, but An Effort Was Made.
+4 to Caduceus/Nature as he found a new mushroom! Which will definitely not be a bad mushroom in any way.
+90 to Caleb/Cat-Shaped Creatures. There’s the usual spying Frumpkin rigmarole, but it says something about your love for cats when you’re willing to forgive, nay, even love, suspiciously dog-like behavior of gross licking for affection—so long as it’s coming from a cat. Caleb cleverly disposing of troublesome corpses and feeding his favorite members of the M9 at the same time. Caleb also adorably taking Jannick out for a little run on the Fields of Death, and all the Moorbounders coming in clutch as fighting machines (with some wonderful light-based assistance from Caleb, Support Catster Extraordinare), and somehow remaining unscathed during battle.
+45 to Fjord/Jester. Lips. Made. Contact. With. A. Cheek. That is very cheeky of you Fjord, if I do say so myself. Jessie is said, not once but twice, and Jester gets to be her true #LovesToBeAKnightInShiningArmor self as she saves Fjord repeatedly by murdering the demons attacking him, only getting slightly annoyed that he gets in trouble immediately after she saves him the first time. Seriously though, the amount of Goopy Feelings Jester has for saving this poor man….well, #ItPaysToBeADamselInDistress. Point loss for poor Jester failing to look as cool as the knights in the novels as she falls flat on her face with the handaxe strike, but she makes up for it by pounding the creature to death with her spiritual weapon instead, that was totally intentional. Point gains for Fjord being very Pleased with anything and everything Jester got up to, Jester pumping up Fjord’s accent and impersonation skills, contributing to Corpse Interrogation with her own Disguise Self, and the Excellence that was the fake Insta-Death spell the two of them threatened Moro with.
-8 to Nott/Yeza “Tell Veth I love her” does not make up for fucking ditching your husband without a word, Nott, you absolute asshole. Please talk to your spouse.
+13 to Caleb/Fjord/Jester In another great week for this triad, they all prove to be Excellent at Delivering Deceptive Threats, though Caleb is as per usual a little too serious about his contributions (though the other two are uh a bit more on the serious side as well this is a Bloodthirsty Throuple) The Epic Triangle Of Saving Each Other, as Jester rescues Fjord and Fjord hustles to rescue Caleb, followed by Jester’s healing action. Fjord taking joy in Jester falling on top of Caleb, and the both of them being very good about letting the Totally Actually Injured And Not At All Faking dramatic wizard take a short rest for Beau.
+1 to Fjord/Caleb. Most of their points this week were more applicable to Caleb/Fjord./Jester, but the instant “Moro, you got to die” when Caleb Can’t-Switch-Tasks Assassin Wizard suggests it is still very fun. Fjord sort of leaps to Caleb’s suggestions this episode, the ultimate yes-and-man.
+6 to Fjord/Detective Work as he steers the party clear of the Bad Tar Pits, they might have landed in quite a sticky situation otherwise
+20 to Critters/Detective Work, as the cast very loudly run through the Totally Natural Conclusion to the clues provided in the last ep, they Definitely Solved This Themselves, they had No Help From The Internet.
+14 to Fjord/Caduceus. Fjord offers to “loom” over Caduceus’ shoulder and points out that he looks “fleek” like damn, Caduceus, the boy is making an effort for you! As usual they are On The Same Wavelength and good cop/bad cop Moro and co. like pros, no discussion or even a conspiratorial glance required, they know what the jig is before anyone else. Fjord advocating for sending Moro money because that was Caduceus’ plan, no one is allowed to argue. Also being excellent interrogators of corpses together. Fjord is a huge fan of Caduceus’ magical food powers, #MagicalCrush, would “not turn down” Caduceus’ healing, and he kills some bats Cads was slapping around. Unfortunately without the bats Caduceus proceeds to slap a bunch of points out of the ship by saying he “doesn’t care.” That is cold.
+7 to Jester/Caduceus as they do a little awkward dance on the steps to make it around each other, and spending hours annoying everyone else in the party by talking about Cleric Things. Caduceus being impressed over Jester totally lying about being able to talk to dead horses, and Jester going wild over HOW COOL the Corpse Interrogation was. The Clerics Cuddling for comfort when the enemies first attack, since that was definitely what Jester and Caduceus were doing no questions here. Points taken away because Jester’s enthusiasm for Corpse Interrogation sort of glosses over how Caduceus “feels dirty” over the whole affair, they are apparently not too compatible in this area.
-5 to Nott/Yasha as Nott makes a sincere and successful effort to apologize to Yasha for sticking her like a pincushion and trying to be Nice and Supportive with memory games to help Yasha remember the “drow.” But points are drained away into the negatives as Nott goes a little too hard with the interrogation over Yasha having potentially killed people to make orphans (“that’s a cool name” and “Orphie” is terrible and does not make up for this nonsense), and Yasha’s well-received but still terrible allowance of Nott’s alcoholic predilections. They are a wonderful trainwreck to watch.
-20 to The Mighty Nein/Names. As of right now, there appears to be one (1) member of the Mighty Nein in Caduceus Clay who did not at some point either change their name or have some type of Name Angst over what someone else has named them. Though making faces at ‘Ducey might come to count for something, in time.
+11 to Nott/Jester Speaking of Disguise Self Shenanigans, how Nott is the Moro to Jester’s invisible bugbear, making them the logical pairing of the Corpse Interrogation Caper. Jester’s adorable confusion over her nickname being “Little Sapphire” which leads to Nott instantly screeching about how beautiful and perfect Jester is, that lovable dumbass. Nott using the word “shiny” to describe Jester, which seems technically a little odd but says loads about Nott’s affection for the gal, as this is the #1 lover of Shiny Valuable Things in the party speaking.
+8 to Jester/Yasha as Yasha in her sweet soft way also points out how Jester is very pretty and brings up Fluffernutter as a potential badass name that some of the people in her tribe might have been named for. Jester, for her part, directing Worrywarting in Yasha’s direction over how she was recognized and trying to give Yasha control over what they do next and what Yasha wants, though dear Yasha who cannot assert herself to save her life only manages to tentatively say she wants to know what’s going on before saying she’ll do whatever the group wants. (They! Want! What! You! Want! Yasha!)
-6 to Jester/Curtains, which surprisingly don’t taste as good to tieflings as they do to moths. Further experimentation required to determine how delicious they are to goblins, firbolgs, half orcs, aasimar and humans.
-101,019.01 to Critters/Child Poverty. TAKE THAT, CHILD POVERTY! This is how much was raised at the end of the stream, and a deserved kick in the face to all Child Poverty ships everywhere #AntiChildPoverty
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motel--california · 7 years
What if you want to ask all of the questions?
Then I guess I’ll have to answer all of them
1- Tell me about your favorite person.I don’t really have one single favorite person, so I’ll just do one of my best friends. She’s so much fun to hang out with and I love talking to her. She always is the one to start conversations which is good since I’m always too lazy to be the one to hit other people up. I met her at a summer camp on Lookout Mountain (a mountain partially in NW Georgia) and we’ve kept talking since then. She loves to make jokes and is so funny and she absolutely loves playing tennis and anything tennis related
2- What was the last book you’ve read and finished?I’m currently reading Half a King, which is a fantasy book by a really good author that I love, Joe Abercrombie, but the last book I finished is A Dance of Chaos by David Dalglish. It’s the last book in the Shadowdance series and it’s SO GOOD. It’s also fantasy and not only is the plot really good but 2 characters are revealed be bi and get in a relationship, and that makes any book better. (There’s also a trans girl in a previous book in the series)
3- What is the weirdest scar you have and how did you get it? I don’t have any particularly weird scars, but I do have one that I got because I thought to myself “if I scratch this skin really hard, I wonder if it’ll scar”. It did scar and it hasn’t faded at all even though I’ve had it for roughly a year. It wasn’t even itchy or anything, I just wanted to know if it would scar, which was kinda dumb. It’s this dark line on the bottom of my left leg near my ankle.
4- Recommended Netflix shows?Definitely Breaking Bad and Jane the Virgin. I’ve recently started Bates Motel and it’s also incredibly good and so is The Walking Dead.
5- If you could trade lives with one person for an entire day who would it be and why?Probably some billionaire’s kid who doesn’t have to work and just has fun all day long but isn’t so young that they have to go to school. Tbh id love to experience that lifestyle even if it’s just for a day
6- Do you believe in miracles?Not really. I’m not religious so I don’t believe there’s a spiritual force that can create things like miracles
7- Snorkeling, sky diving, bunjee jumping, or zip lining? I’d prefer snorkeling and zip lining. I’ve gone snorkeling before on a family vacation to Panama City Beach and saw a group of manta rays while doing it which was v cool, but I haven’t done the others. Zip lining sounds like tons of fun, but something where you’re just falling straight down is too scary for me
8- How do you take your coffee?I don’t drink coffee. I actually really don’t like it even though I feel I should since you’re supposed to like it once you get older but I just don’t. Sometimes I’ll see coffee in a vending machine or somebody will bring some for an event and I’ll think “well maybe this time I’ll like it” and I don’t no matter how much cream or sugar I put in. I’ve tried coffee tons of times since that age when everybody else starts liking it and it’s always bad to me, unless it’s that coffee ice cream from Bruster’s which is really good.
9- All expense paid vacation to…?Normally I’d say something like somewhere in the Rocky Mountains since I’ve never been and would love to see it (Well I went to Colorado for a huge family reunion that happens every 5 years but that was when I was like 4 so it doesn’t really count although it took place in a cabin in the mountains), but if it’s all expenses paid, might as well go for the most expensive vacation I can think of. So probably some kind of private island resort in the Caribbean or something like that
10- Favorite homemade food?Probably pot stickers. Idk if people know what they are but they’re fried dumplings
11- What is something you’ve always wanted to try but have been too scared to?I guess opening up to people. Like there are so many things I want to tell my friends but I just don’t even though I know they’re there for me and all that. I mean I know there’s absolutely no reason at all why I shouldn’t, but still I’m kinda scared to I guess
12- What accomplishments are you most proud of?Idk? I always score in like the top 1% on standardized tests like the ACT but I don’t really have a ton of things I did I’m super proud of.
13- If you were going to go to the movies alone, what type of movie would you want to see?I prefer action movies, or anything with Maisie Williams in it because she is absolutely amazing.
14- Dream job?Don’t know for sure, but I’d say an audiologist. It’s what I think I’ll probably be once I graduate college, since I’ve always leaned towards the medical field and audiologists are supposed to have one of the least stressful jobs
15- What is your favorite physical attribute about yourself?Idk my dimples I guess? I have them on both sides and get complimented on them a lot
16- Favorite vacation spot?The Blue Ridge Mountains, since as a little kid my parents would take me there a lot and also it’s so pretty there. The air is so clean, the views are amazing, and you can see way more stars than in the suburbs and even the Milky Way and it’s beautiful
17- Where is your favorite place to go to on a weekday afternoon when you have no plans?The movie theater, where there’s also this very good Mediterranean cafe that I love getting dinner at before a movie
18- What are you waiting for at this very moment? It’s 1:30 am and I’m waiting to feel sleepy cause I accidentally took a nap from 7 till 11 and now I can’t sleep
19- Five favorite songs!This isn’t in any particular order, but my top 5 are:1- We Sink by Of Monsters and Men2- The Boxer by Jerry Douglas3- This is way more than one song, but Mumford & Son’s entire discography, especially Tompkins Square Park, Dust Bowl Dance, Only Love, Thistle & Weeds, Lovers’ Eyes, Broken Crown, Roll Away Your Stone, Timshel, After the Storm, Wilder Mind, and Hot Gates4- 93 Million Miles by Jason Mraz5- Hopeless Opus by Imagine Dragons
20- You have thirty seconds to tell the world anything you want. What do you say?I’d get some company to pay me millions of dollars to give an advertisement. I mean if each Super Bowl ad is about $5 mil, then imagine how much money i could make by giving an ad to the entire world. Yeah it seems kinda selfish to do that instead of something like “I love all my friends so much uwu” but still. All that money.
21- Favorite Disney movie?The Lion King, since I love the songs and the story so much. I even went and saw the musical when I visited New York since the movie was so good
22- What is your favorite board game or card game?Extreme spoons (i feel like most people don’t know what it is, but it’s just like regular spoons except the objects are hidden around the room and you have to get up and find them or they’re really far away and you have to run to them) or Uno
23- What did you love most about the place you grew up? I don’t really have something for this one, not that my hometown’s a terrible place, but I guess I liked the river there? My dad would rent a canoe there sometimes when I was in like 2nd or 3rd grade and we’d go canoeing
24- Where do you want to be in 5 years?I’d have won the lottery, bought some expensive house and moved
25- What is your most bizarre talent?This isn’t that weird, but I can bend my thumb backward and touch my arm with it but only on my right hand for some reason. Idk I can’t really do anything especially weird
26- Do you collect anything?No
27- If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be?I’d go back and fix all those embarrassing things I said/did
28- Have you ever been arrested or in trouble with the law?No
29- You could have any superpower in the world, what would it be and why?I’d give myself the ability to change my physical qualities, which would be really amazing, since that’s basically invisibility, shape shifting, and a bunch of others all rolled into one.
30- Ever been in love?Romantically, no. I’ve dated in the past of course, but it’s never gotten to that point
31- If you could achieve anything what would be your number one goal?Invent something that allowed you to travel way past the speed of light without using any fuel, since I feel that would solve a lot of problems. It’d be easier to discover Earth-like planets and people could just move to them and move again if that planet ever became too dirty or whatever, then you wouldn’t have to worry about pollution or overcrowding, and you could easily mine water and rare minerals and stuff from asteroids and then everyone could have water
32- When was the last time you left your comfort zone?I can’t really think of anything for this one, since it’s not like I do wild and crazy things every day, but I spose the last time I asked a girl out (she said yes but it just never happened)
33- Think of the five people you are closest to. Are they good people who influence you life in a positive way?Definitely and I love them all so much
34- If you found $100 on the ground, what would you spend it on? I’d go and buy myself some new clothes
35- Favorite quoteI don’t have one, mostly because I’ve never really thought about which quote is my favorite.
36- Do you have a good relationship with your parents?I’d say so, yeah
37- List five good things that happened todayRight now it’s 7:30 am so not much has happened at all (earlier in this post I said it was 1:30 but I fell asleep while writing this) but yesterday 1- I saw @saveme-exe which I do all the time but he still always makes my day better 2- saw the most goals lesbian promposal on Snapchat 3- saw a picture of Maisie Williams on ig which I always do since I follow some fan accounts but she’s just so beautiful and amazing 4- got a burrito from Moe’s and 5- got complimented
38- Do you think we should make things happen or let fate guide our lives?I believe that fate is partially what you make it, because if everybody thought you would turn out a certain way but then you make it so that you don’t, then it wasn’t really ever your fate anyways, just what people thought it was. So I’d say that I think we should make things happen
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