#they won't even be my usual x reader fics i will start writing ship fics because i think it's kinda obvious who anzu will end up with
pandoa · 2 years
i watched romantic killer on netflix yesterday and when i tell you i am so hooked on it but there's not much of the manga yet so we're all just kinda left with this emptiness until netflix releases season two (whenever that will be)
i will literally start writing fics for this series because i loved it so much and the characters are just so MWAH LIKE I NEED MORE CONTENT OF THIS ANIME THERE'S SO MANY SHIPS TOO LIKE I CAN WRITE FOR THEM ALL
and if they won't make content for it soon, i will make my own content
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olderthannetfic · 5 months
Hi hi! I have a question and I apologise if it's impertinent but I really didn't have anyone else to ask. I'm new to ao3 and I'm still figuring out how it works. The problem is this- when I look up a character x reader, I'll see the tag included in many works that have oneshots but since it's a side character, more often than not the oneshot for the character hasn't been written and the tag has been there for months. Is it okay to do that or is it tagging something incorrectly? They say they'll write one eventually but they never do, y'know? To me it kind of feels like they're just trying to reach a wider audience but because of this I can't even filter tags and I have to manually search through the book to check if the character is included, especially when the chapters are titled only by numbers :')
Is it okay to tag things in advance like that?
Oh boy...
Wattpad refugees do tend to use AO3 "wrong", sometimes in ways that break the rules and sometimes just in ways I find annoying and against typical AO3 culture.
I'm assuming you are coming from Wattpad based on you calling a work or a fic a "book", which is a very, very Wattpad thing to do.
I'm assuming they are coming from Wattpad given the bad behavior you're describing and the fact that they're a x reader writer.
So, here's the thing, if you start writing a fic and there's any amount of the actual fic, even if it's pretty short and bad or in a weird format or whatever, it's still a valid fanwork. Most of the time, AO3 leaves it to the author to decide how to tag (aside from a very few things like death threats in the tags or failing to use the required archive warnings).
AO3 won't stop someone from tagging a future pairing that hasn't appeared yet.
But "books" of "oneshots" are such an obnoxious Wattpad thing. This is a completely stupid use of AO3 from the "Please send me prompts" part that is usually in there to the way that unrelated fics are smashed together.
It's not against the rules, but it's a crappy use of AO3 befitting of n00bs.
Sadly, old hands at AO3 also make shitty works that are unrelated stories mashed together. They're often a whole set of kinktober fics or something where the trope tags and the ship tags are accurate, but you can't tell which ones go with which ones without searching the whole fic.
We regularly complain about that on here.
A much better way to use AO3 is to make a series titled "My x Reader Oneshots" or "All of my kinktober fics" where each separate story is its own work with its own tags.
My assumption is that this person is using the inaccurate tag both to get more eyeballs on their existing work and because they probably take prompts for that ship or something. (I'm basing this on the kinds of things people say on their oneshot books on Wattpad. Maybe they don't actually take prompts since you haven't mentioned it.)
Some people just don't care that they're annoying others and messing up the tags, but I think some actually don't realize how AO3 filtering works and have no idea this behavior is a nuisance.
On a lot of sites, both Wattpad and algorithm-driven social media, unless a post/work is very popular, it disappears out of sight. Even an inaccurate tag doesn't do that much.
On AO3, one is getting a full list of everything with the tag, going back however far. It's a library catalogue for which you should use accurate data. But this writer is probably thinking of tags more as advertising and a way to get their name out there so readers can follow them pre-emptively. They mean to write the ship in the future, so it's not really inaccurate... (And, tbh, if it were a single work and the ship just hadn't appeared yet, I would agree with them even though those are frustrating too.)
So no, they should not do this.
But it's not actually against the rules.
I would mute the annoying people who do this.
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yarrystyleeza · 5 months
𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐚'𝐬 𝟐𝟐𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐒𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫!
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Well, as the title suggests, I am turning 22 on January 30th (yes I can't believe it either), and it's a very very special number to me, I was obsessed with it since I was a kid—because of Taylor Swift's 22 of course (you have no idea how happy my inner child is now!).
However, I thought I should celebrate this very important event with you by hosting my second sleepover! (honestly I was planning to make this a double sleepover if I hit 300 followers before my birthday, but since I didn't, I really had to host a sleepover)
As usual, my sleepover will host games, questions, asks, and definitely, requests!!! <3
The sleepover will be a week long, from January 30th till February 6th, where you can submit asks and requests!
Note on prohibited things that I won't be doing or answering:
No nsfw/dirty asks, writing requests or questions, it's uncomfortable for me sometimes, and this is an all-ages-friendly celebration. No further elaboration, please respect this. <3
Here's a list of the games we can play:
Kiss/Marry/Kill: you give me three characters and I will sort each one in one of these categories! (make it hard for me)
Would you rather: you give me two things/characters and I get to choose one that suits me better! (for example: night owl or early bird?)
Make an assumption: you literally make an assumption about me and I either prove it or deny it!
Never have I ever: you ask me about things I did or didn't do!
Exchanged Ships: basically, you give me a character that you find as my significant other, and I will give you a character in exchange and why I think it's the perfect character for you!
Random Q&A: you can ask me about anything, whether it's my favorite food or even what fabrics do I prefer to wear, ask whatever you want!
Girly Talks: just talk to me about any girly topic you want and we'll establish a good conversation! Let's talk about books or authors, favorite poetry pieces, maybe movies we loved in our childhood, or even your favorite outfits back when you were a 10 year old! Literally anything!
Rate My Music Taste: give me a song/artist and I will rate it from 1 (absolute flop) to 10 (total banger)! — (this is absolutely done just for fun).
I Wanna Write You A Song: start with a phrase and we will make a totally original song together in the reblogs!
Doodles: give me something simple to draw!
As for writing requests, I will be taking fluff/angst/violence (blood and gore—due to the nature of the characters I write for) x female!reader requests only. But of course you can request the prompt you desire. <3
As for the characters, here's a list of the fictional men that I would be writing for:
Matt Murdock/Daredevil
Foggy Nelson
Tristan Thorn
Michael Kinsella
Henry (from Eat Locals)
Daryl Dixon
(might consider writing for other Charlie Cox/Norman Reedus characters. example: Ian Hamilton, Owen Sleater, Scud, Murphy MacManus, etc.)
You can ask for prompt included in this list or ones you come up with yourself:
intimate moments / gestures that make me feel love / romantic rainy day prompts / gentle things that make me fall harder in love / fluffy comforting/sick dialogue prompts / lighthearted first kiss prompts / sparring prompts / forced proximity prompts / date prompts masterpost /
Note that I will be tagging the fic requests with #yuna's 22 birthday sleepover so they're easy to find, but they will be sorted in my main masterlist as regular requests! <3
tagging my moots to spread the word sorry for being a little too annoying hehe (and I tried to tag as much as possible but my memory is messing around with me I'm sorry if I forgot anyone): @v4leoftears @remonemo @fizanotfeeza @bunmurdock @bellaxgiornata @kal-0n @1988-fiend @mattmurdocks6thscaleapartment @floral-charlie-cat @farfromstrange @babygirlmurdock @mattmurdocksscars @itwasthereaminuteago @c-mrdck @xxeycisxx @loveroftoomanyfandoms @mindidjarin @little-miss-dilf-lover @shiorimakibawrites @tongueofcat @marytheweefrenchie @chvoswxtch @devilsmurdock @galaxies-and-moons-and-cox @acharliecoxedfan @folkloreandfall @murdocklorian @munsonownsmyass @abbyhaslongshorts @murc0ck @lazyxsquirrel @theradioactivespidergwen @xxdrixx @saintmurd0ck @softasawhisper @she-likesorchids @peterman-spideyparker @mattmurdocksstarlight @amberlynnmurdock @courtforshort15 @saltedlays @importantnightwerewolf @lene-loki
That's basically everything I have for my birthday sleepover, feel free to submit requests and games! Thank you for coming to my sleepover tonight! <3
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usertransducks · 7 days
DCRC Week 1 or "Ducks Tries Not To Spoil His Second Favorite Comic Series"
I've been ready to write the post for PKNA #0: EVRONIANS since day 1 but I was trying to do it without spoiling future issues. I'll be summarizing the issue while adding my own thoughts!
Just a heads up that my blog won't be spoiler-free because I reblog a lot of fan art!
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We're immediately introduced to our main hero and villains for the series on the cover; the long-time favorite Paperinik, known as "The Duck Avenger" in English, and the titular Evronians. It has that 90s dark Sci-Fi feel that tells the reader that this series will be somewhat different from the usual PK stories they've read before.
The issue starts out with the invasion of an, at this time, unnamed planet by an Evronian fleet.
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Although most of the people we see end up getting cool-flamed, at the end of the segment we see there is at least one survivor. They'll be important later (and I can't wait!!!!!!)
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After that, we transition to Duckburg! Its time to learn about the city's favorite sitcom, Anxieties, and finally meet up with PK. Unfortunately, the actress Duckie Starry ends up being attacked by cool-flames, who are a bit stronger than PK's usual foes.
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After an Evronian flies off with the cool-flames, we encounter the guy whose figure is super expensive on eBay and he orders the absorption of PK's emotions.
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(why are you so expensive *cries*)
The next morning, Donald's tv time is interrupted by a call from Scrooge, who has bought Ducklair Tower and wants Donald to work there. We learn the Everett Ducklair is missing and Scrooge bought all his stuff at an auction.
Donald is put in charge of custodial of all 150 floors of the tower, but because Donald is just like me fr he ends up counting all the floors and realizing there are 151 floors instead.
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We see inside the offices of Channel 00, where we have to, unfortunately, meet Angus Fangus in exchange for meeting the platonic love of my life, Lyla Lay. She is one of my 3 favorite female characters in PKNA and I regularly want to fight characters who mistreat her in a Family Dollar parking lot. Expect a lot of gushing about her when we get to later issues 👍
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Angus goes to harass Donald because he's a known friend of PK (established in the older PK comics) and we get to meet Camera 9!!!! I love him and there is a fic shipping him with Donald that I have in my Mark For Later list to read tonight. Camera 9 tells Donald that the actor Brad van Beck is missing, although Angus claims that he never speaks.
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That night PK breaks into the 151st floor and we finally meet the whole reason why I try to get people to read PKNA:
UNO!!!!!!!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳
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Uno is the AI running Ducklair Tower who was built by his dad, Everett Ducklair, so he could talk to someone just as smart as him. Uno tells PK about how everything Everett builds ends up being a weapon of mass destruction, even when he doesn't intend to do so. He then runs away from all his problems to a monastery to "better himself."
Anyways now they're friends!!! YIPPEE!!!
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More people who work on Anxieties get cool-flamed, PK gets chased by Evronians, and unfortunately PK has his first of many near-death experiences involving the Duckburg subways. This one is not even close to the worst one so I don't have to add anything to Donald's trauma counter yet.
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Donald and Uno scheme to convince Scrooge to rent out the terrace of Ducklair Tower so the Anxieties cast can have their party there. The Evronians crash the party and try to cool-flame Lyla, but the beam just bounces off of her! (I wonder why that is? :3) PK also shows up to crash the party.
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This is when we see PK's main weapon for this series, the X-Transformer Shield, in action! It's resistant to the Everonians' weapons, it has a beam that can suspend the target's subjective time, and it allows for PK to have a tiny Uno with him at all times! Uno calls him "partner" :)
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The shield has a ton of other features that we'll see later but for now PK throws it as a boomerang to save Duckie Starry once again. Because of this, PK gets his first of many kisses (sadly he doesn't get one from Uno or give him one either)
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Angus Fangus makes everyone reading the comic want to fight him by going on air and accusing PK and the Evronians of working together. Paperinik Will Remember That
Breaking the formula to say that I love that Uno stops PK from going on the roof and tells him to sleep so that he doesn't stay up even longer. Currently most of this care and "mommy-ing" is because PK is his first friend, but later that care becomes more and more genuine because he learns to, quote, "have affection" for him. That's why a lot of us ship them <3
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I adore most of the characters in PKNA and even the ones I hate I love how they fit into the story. Hope y'all enjoyed this issue and want to read more!!!!!!!
Also someone help me find cheap PKNA figures I cry every time I see the Uno orb listed because even when the price is affordable it'll have $30+ shipping even though all the other stuff I've ordered from Italy has had significantly cheaper shipping.
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what you really are // 1st installment
Reiner finds that his first sexual encounter with a girl he truly cares for brings up a lot of memories and conflicted emotions. Reiner’s POV; honestly a casserole of angst, fluff, romantic drama, and Reiner being a big dumb idiot. I won't call it comedy, but it made me laugh.
As always, thoughts and comments mean so, so much to me. I really appreciate those of you who've followed me to read my stuff. It's so strange and funny to me that writing about this blonde mess of a man is what brought me back to writing for fun.
warnings: none yet; explicit sex in later installments, but nothing fetishy or triggery. Reiner is angsty, but is that really a warning?
Characters are cadets, but aged up to 19, don't come at me.
notes: uh, so, this one’s a little different from the usual.
It’s from Reiner’s point of view, which has been really fun to do. I’m really not sure how to tag it, though, because the girl in question is unnamed and descriptions are vague enough that she functions as a Reader or y/n, but since it’s from Reiner’s perspective, she’s never referred to as ‘you,’ so idfk if I should call it an x reader fic or an x oc.
It’s also pretty self-ship coded, but I’m starting to realize that most x reader fics are, when they’re written with real feeling and immersion, because a truly blank, universal ‘reader’ is lifeless, and we’re all writing about canon characters through our own lens of interpretation, so the entire fabric of fanfiction is deeply personal, and frankly I doubt anyone is even still reading this fuck it I wish I had apple juice
"Have you, um... have you ever slept with a girl before?"
The question, posed with shy curiosity, makes Reiner's brain skip a few beats along with his heart. He swallows, eyes wide for a moment, the faintest hint of pink creeping across his cheeks, and then he coughs quietly to regain his composure.
"Uhh... uh, a... few, yeah..." He rubs awkwardy at the back of his neck, not sure why he sounds apologetic. She doesn't look upset; she's simply gazing up at him with a slight tilt of her head, waiting for him to say more.
"It was just a few hookups with some girls from town,” he explains, a bit sheepishly. “Not even other cadets, just... strangers. Just some fun now and then, until we got bored of each other and moved on, which never took long. Pretty sure one didn't even tell me her real name."
His heart gives a tiny pang at the soft way she laughs at that, and he pauses for an awkward few seconds before he asks her, "Have you? Slept with... anyone?"
"Of course not," she answers, a hint of amusement in her voice. "I told you, you were my first kiss, remember?"
Oh. Right.
He nods, a little flustered. It’s not that he's forgotten that first kiss – it happened a little over two months ago, and while they've shared many more since then, it’s still the one that keeps him shamefully preoccupied at night when he should be sleeping – but for some reason, this conversation has him fumbling with both his thoughts and his words.
Of course he wants to; God, he wants to. He’s tried his best to hide how badly, not wanting to rush her. He’s never taken his flirting and teasing far enough to make it sound like he’s impatient. He’s even readjusted himself awkwardly many times when she jumps on him playfully, or when he’s pressed against her with his arms around her waist, and his body starts to get just a little carried away.
But, as their private moments together have become more heated, the subject has come up a few times, and she’s expressed interest, and now it’s even harder to keep all of his thoughts at bay. He can’t escape them even in his sleep, recently, though he would never in his life tell her the lurid ways he’s dreamed about her. Underneath all that constantly simmering lust that threatens to boil over a couple of times each day, though, Reiner has noticed other, unexpected feelings beginning to surface as well. Guilt. Sorrow. Hesitation. And...
He looks at her for a moment, the way her hair falls around her face and her shoulders, and the way her eyes are so kind and intent on him.
"Does it... uhh, does it make you nervous, knowing I've done that?" he asks, his eyes trained on hers.
She stares back up at him and asks blithely, "Does it make you nervous knowing I haven't?"
"Tsshh..." He makes a noise like she's just asked something ridiculous, and tries to roll his eyes a little for good measure, but he’s sure she sees through it, because she just smiles just a little more.
His hand reaches out to hers, where it rests on the ground, to lace their fingers together. She’s always seeing right through him; it’s annoying, but charming - and a liability, but so endearing...
She doesn’t see everything, though. If she did, she wouldn’t be here right now, sitting beside me, relaxed, letting me hold her hand.
He reminds himself of that at least once a day.
She would never let someone like me touch her. Why would she?
She sighs softly and bumps her head against his shoulder. “I don’t want it to make you nervous,” she tells him. “If we uh... end up doing that, I trust you, you know...”
You’re too sweet, he wants to tell her. I don’t deserve how sweet you are. I don’t deserve how much you trust me. One day you and everyone else are gonna find that out...
She must see the slight tension that crosses his features, because she plafully blows a puff of air into his ear, and he scoffs in feigned annoyance and puts an arm around her, releasing her hand to drape his on top of her head, ruffling her hair so that it falls across her face. Pulling her closer, he buries his face against her neck and kisses her as she half-assedly tries to squirm away.
He hates himself for feeling happy.
I’m the worst devil on this whole island.
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shooting-star-hearts · 6 months
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♡•Glitter For Skin•♡
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✰ • 𝓟𝓐𝓘𝓡𝓘𝓝𝓖 ⇢ Cloud Strife/OC(Astrid Lovelyn) ✰ • 𝓣𝓗𝓔𝓜𝓔𝓢 ⇢ Fluff/comfort, Angst ✰• 𝓝𝓞𝓣𝓔𝓢 ⇢ Considering that this is oc x canon there will be...some things I changed that differ from canon ff7, such as Highwind scene...yeah I was a bit scared to add that one in sooooo no hate please? Thank you. Also I have horrible writing so I apologize for having to go through this if you choose do so 🥲 Anyhow...I wrote up this fic because it's been three years I've had this lil ship so...Happy Anniversary Cloustrid 💖(I'll also tag as x reader for anyone that wants to use as inspiration I'll allow it) ✰ • 𝓦𝓐𝓡𝓝𝓘𝓝𝓖𝓢 ⇢ Heartaches, Mention of a cut/blood, Suggestive at some point(implied nsfw), no proofread(?), Cloud is a bit...ooc I think, he talks a little more than usual
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Now playing - golden hour by JVKE
As a reflex, the paper flew from her grasp and was gently curled over the thin cut.  Her thumb soothed over the little red slit with her brows furrowing slightly; the cut was small but admittingly it did cause a bit of an annoyance to her finger. 
Tifa’s voice was followed by the jingling of the bells over the door, signaling someone’s entrance in the bakery. Astrid’s eyes left from her cut momentarily to flash a smile at her.
“Hey Ti! Closed up early?” 
“Mhm…You alright?” The dark-haired woman made her way around the counter, her eyes followed down at Astrid’s finger.
“A-ah- yeah! Just a paper cut! Hang on..” Astrid didn’t want to further concern Tifa. She opened up one of the cabinet doors under the counter, shuffling around items in search of band-aids. 
Tifa was already ahead of knowing what she needed.  “Need band-aids? I believe there’s some upstairs” “Actually that won’t be necessary, I’ll deal with it late-”
Before Astrid could reply, she heard the bells ring again and the door closing. Chuckling, she smiled at how sweet Tifa was being despite the case not being serious.
. . . . .
“How was business today? I’m guessing busy telling from how they were visiting my bakery immediately afterwards~”
“You bet!” Tifa wrapped a small, thin band-aid around Astrid’s ring finger. 
Evening on a weekend, perfect for when these two want to hang out after their shorter shifts. It had been two years and a half since Astrid’s official opening to her bakery, Promised Land, and since then she had been extremely happy over the fact that both her and Tifa’s business had brought them closer.
“You weren’t too overwhelmed I hope?”
“Tifa…you’re asking as if this is the first time I’ve dealt with a large crowd!” She laughed. 
“I know you’re capable but…being how you’re the only one working for yourself…you know you could always ask Fiona to help out, right?”
“I know! But you two seem s~o happy together even when you’re working! I can’t take that away~” The brunette shot a friendly tease at her.
Tifa simply averted her eyes and chuckled, a faint blush painted on her upper cheeks. “I don’t think one day of not being around me would kill her.”
“Oh c’mon, have you seen how clingy she is with you? I’m not lying when I say there isn’t one conversation I have had with her where she doesn’t mention your name~” Astrid’s teasing was full on Aerith-like at this point.
The more the brunette teased about Tifa’s love life, the more red on Tifa’s cheeks became visible from her smiling. 
“Alright, tough cookie…but seriously, I just wanna be sure you have the help you need, at least let me help out with tidying up some things around here?”
“Well, there isn’t much more to be done but…I know you won't say no either.” The girl titled her head.
Tifa pointed a finger gun at Astrid and clicked her tongue. “You know me~!” She went on to pick a broom and started sweeping away.
A new source of warmth entered the room as the sun set, pointing right at Astrid across the room as she stared at her band aid once more. Upon noticing the change in atmosphere, her green eyes softened at the new color that painted the walls of the bakery interior, her favorite color at that.
The color of the sunset.
The color of their deal.
…And of course, the color of his hair.
Sunsets never failed to make her think of that one person during these times of the day. Ever since the first day of their budding friendship, a friendship that was sealed by their own hearts and a deal. Some may say childish for such a silly thing, but it wasn’t like anyone would understand how much that alone affected each other throughout their life. Even when starting out as outcasts, it didn’t take much for them to mean the world for one another. 
“Hey…did Cloud happen to text you?”
Tifa stopped in her tracks, a smile tugged her lips without facing the shorter lady.
“He…did say he’d come back early but…”
“Don’t worry.”
She turned around, flashing a reassuring grin, remembering the short conversation she had with Cloud earlier.
“...He’ll be here soon.”
. . . . .
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Orange sunset: “Warmth and comfort”
“...You’re really good at that.”
Any kid—or adult for that matter—in this village would recognize that voice as the weird kid, or one of them at least. It was a strange interaction for the two children to face each other after all those times of visiting and having their moms bond since they were just babies, but now? It felt as though they had just met for the first time. Except by this point, they were longing for a friend to talk to, so one would say….it was only natural that they’d end up like this, somehow, someway.
The young brunette’s lips parted from the flute, cutting off the soft melodies that escaped from it. From the corner of her eyes, she saw him. His blue eyes—non-mako at the time—glistened widely in fascination with the girl’s talent. Then again, in all his years of knowing who Astrid Lovelyn was, he didn’t really know her.
The same could be said for the brunette herself, or as 10 year old Cloud would know as the girl that feared him. He expected nothing more than seeing her run off to her room whenever she was aware of the boy’s presence.
…Or so he thought.
“...Thank you…!”
…So when he heard those two words ring in his ears, this took him by surprise. He’d ask her to repeat again but seeing he had gotten this far, he was pulled to talk further with her.
Except he couldn’t gather the words to create another sentence, he just…stood there, findling with his fingers.
♪Pink and orange skies, feelin' super childish♪
Cloud had only one plan: Ask her why she was being attacked by Tifa’s friends and go back to his lonesome self for the rest of his day, instead it felt like he was confronting a kitten that needed to be handled with extra care; one wrong move could cause some serious consequences.
Wait…why was this kid worried? I mean, he’s seen what this girl is capable of doing, she did scold the kids that lied about him convincing Tifa to endanger herself on Mt. Nibel. Albeit she isn’t violent as Cloud is but seeing her stand up for him deepened his curiosity of what else she was on about.
“Hey…are you okay?”
The tables had turned with who was the shy one in this case.
Cloud’s upper body moved back slowly at Astrid leaning forward to take a look at his expressions better. When the hell did she stand up? He hadn’t even been able to process the fact that he was standing the closest he’s ever been to her. The blonde was desperate to form words to tell, but nothing could rip from his throat to respond besides the common “uh..”
Oh shoot, is she smiling? Was it because he had just embarrassed himself in front of her by being such a dork? Or maybe the blonde just hadn’t considered how lovely he looked with tangerine hues glistening up his miniature spikes and blue eyes yet.
His eyes drifted from the young girl’s emerald orbs, finding himself staring at books leaning against each other. 
“What are…” His finger finished the rest of his question while pointing, intentionally diverting Astrid away from him before she could notice his blushing.
The brunette’s pigtails swayed in rhythm whilst turning her head, following the direction he was hinting at. “Oh..those? They're just…boring stuff.” 
She walked back over and picked up one of her books, showing off the cover to Cloud, “Growth in Gardening” it read.
“Stuff on gardening…stupid, I know.”
It was fast how Astrid instantly dissed her own interest. “...But you like it, right?” Was simply how he could respond. He wasn’t about to lie and pretend he knew anything about gardening, I mean, boy thinks flowers all look the same.
But, judging by how lush and flourishing the plantation had grew near Astrid’s house, this was definitely her biggest passion, or at least, one of possibly many others
“I do, but others think it’s weird for a girl to be working outside just to get all muddy and sweaty…” She sat down, flipping over a few pages to the section of yellow lilies. “So…I don’t really have anyone else to talk to about them besides my mom and…”
“…who?” Cloud tilted his head.
“...The plants that I grew.” She chuckled to herself. She must’ve felt like a freak in front of him. Guess all that outcasting really affected how she saw herself too.
That was the only thing Cloud could murmur before letting the crickets fill in the rest of the silence. Astrid noticed his eyes averting from the corner of her eyes. By this point, the young blonde had completely forgotten the entire reason why he had come to visit her in the first place. He had considered leaving before things got more awkward–
“So…why did you come see me?”
Oh, that’s why he was there.
“Not that I don’t want you to be here but…you haven’t come to visit in so long…”
“...Why were those kids bugging you?”
“Oh…that…” She sighed, recalling how foolish she had put herself into trouble, only for Cloud to get pulled in just to defend her. “I overheard how they lied about you getting Tifa into danger, they were being jerks to you. It’s not fair how they’re doing this to you…I couldn’t just…stand there…”
“But you would’ve gotten yourself hurt.”
Astrid blinked at how Cloud saw it. ”I don’t….think they would’ve went that far-”
“Doesn’t matter. They shouldn’t have talked to you like that. They talk about you all the time and I just wanted them to shut up.” He blurted without thinking.
Okay now she was confused. “...Huh?”
“Yeah. They said some nasty stuff about you so many times. About how you’re weird and ugly and…all that.” 
Her eyes widened, the realization stunned her. Yeah she knew he was reckless and getting himself into trouble but…for her though…?
He fought them…because they were saying stuff about me…?
“Cloud…you shouldn’t have…why..?”
“Cuz….even if you hate me…they were still being mean about you.”
“Huh?!” Well that didn’t sound right. “Hate you?! What made you think I hate you Cloud??”
Cloud was just as surprised to figure out that he may have judged her wrongly. “...You always ran to your room each time I came to visit…”
“C-Cloud I…I didn’t hide because I hated you, I did that with everyone! I was just…scared of people, but that didn’t mean I hated them!”
Cloud choked up, both of them did. For a while Cloud had assumed that he was cursed with others taking a dislike to him but ... this was just a misunderstanding between these two kids all along?
One was overthinking on what to say and the other was underthinking, not the most ideal conversation if you can even call it that now. All in all, it was embarrassing, and it would’ve been rude if Cloud had just walked away without saying anything.
I guess the only thing left to do is…to apologize? For misunderstanding? For judging her past fears? Maybe?
“Ugh! I can’t take this!” 
Astrid stood up, stomping the ground in frustration. “This is dumb, we’re both being dumb!” Walking over back to the confused blonde, she had an idea in mind. “We can’t just keep beating around the bush like this! So if we don’t want that happening anymore, we’re gonna make a deal!”
“A-A deal…?”
“Yeah! A friendship deal!”
The little brunette extended her arm out, fingers widely open. “I can’t keep running away in fear and you can’t keep your own feelings hidden! So I’ll stick by you whenever you’re in a rough patch no matter how bad things get, but you have to be honest with me.”
“But…I-I don’t want you getting hurt because of me…”
“Well someone’s gotta be by your side! You can’t do everything on your own all your life, y’know?”
Yup, that sentence alone settled his decision. 
His eyes widened, he never really thought of himself as the type to be looked after. Again, lone wolf, lone life, it was what he was used to up until now. Spending way too much time trying to fit into a friends group didn’t even give him a chance to realize that there would be someone to genuinely be accepted by all along.
His hand glued onto hers, Astrid gave it a shake to seal the deal. He never saw her smile so brightly before either, it was a lovely complement to the orange glow on her face. Cloud’s lips tugged upwards into a half smile. The truth is, he would’ve been honest with her with or without this deal the moment he realized that he meant something to her.
This is childish….but she’s happy.
This wasn’t just a friend. This was the soul he vowed to stay close with and protect for the rest of his life.
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Cloudy sunset: “Splitting relationship”
The brunette’s head turned over. Standing before her, his eyes stumbled upon the girl smiling up at him. For a moment, he had almost mistaken her for an angel, she never failed to look like one in these golden hours while the sun was setting. The sky was painted full of clouds, all surrendering the warmth of the sunlight that shone onto the kids’ faces.
The gentle zephyr breezed through the strands of her curly, long hair as he made his way to sit next to her on the dock. Both of their gazes fall upon the miniature wave of the water drifting into the light red thread in the sky.
♪Missed call from my mother, Like "Where you at tonight?" Got no alibi♪
“Are you okay? You seem like…”
The boy turned his head to face Astrid next to him. “Like what?”
Astrid tilted her head. “I dunno…you look like there’s a lot you wanna say…”
Her legs kicked back and forth, slightly hesitating to ask.
“What’s on your mind, Cloudy?”
There wasn’t an answer for several seconds, Cloud was equally hesitant, but after all, this was Astrid, a dear friend who’s been visibly obvious in her support for him. He sighed.
“...I wanna be a SOLDIER.”
“SOLDIER? Wouldn’t that mean you’d…have to leave off for Midgar…?”
The girl’s eyes softened, a hint of sadness hidden within her green eyes. She knew what that meant.
“..We won’t be seeing each other for a while.” Cloud’s head remained low, avoiding eye contact.
“..Yeah…” Astrid sighed. “Well…is it what you want to do? To become a hero?” 
“…It’s not just that.” The blonde picked up a knee and leaned against it. “I wanna impress someone.”
The girl’s head tilted to the side. “Hmm? I-Impress someone?”
“Yeah…I want to impress her. So I thought that becoming a hero as good as Sephiroth would finally make her notice me in…a new way.”
“R…really??” The smile widened on Astrid’s face. “May I ask…why?”
“..Because...” Cloud hesitated with a sigh, pink painted faintly on his cheeks. He was quite open with Astrid, so why not be honest with her? “..I like her.”
This was it.
Those three simple words made Astrid’s heart rush faster.
He didn’t even have to say that he felt the same for her. She just…knew it.
Was he finally going to confess? Was he finally going to tell his love for her? He’s always been so unusually affectionate to her even if it was just as a “friend”…she knew this was going to be it.
…This was it, wasn’t it?
She made up her mind: She’ll go in for the first move.
“You know, Cloudy…” Her legs swung in a light rhythm, the excitement within her heart felt like bursting out of its cage like a wild animal. Cloud turned his head to her as she spoke. 
“...You’re great with the way you are…you don’t need to prove or impress anything to anyone. I think you’re amazing and already a hero to me just by being an amazing friend but…I like you, for you and you only Cloudy~.” 
The smile remained brightly on her face, a warm glow of red flushed to Astrid’s cheeks. She could’ve sworn the blonde shot a momentarily smirk for a second.
But then…he turned back to face the sunset and…and then came back in silence.
…What went wrong? Did the words come out too weird and awkward? Was he trying to find his own words to express his feelings?
“Thanks Astrid, but…I don’t know if she’ll think the same as you.”
“Wh…wh-what do you mean…?” Astrid’s smile slowly faded.
“I like Tifa but…I don’t think she’ll feel the same. That’s why I wanna impress her.”
“I know it’s…surprising. Especially since Tifa and I aren’t the closest.”
Astrid didn’t even realize how widened her eyes were. Surely it wasn’t only surprising, but shocking. Her little heart remained at that same speeding pace, but this time, it was all for the wrong reasons. Had she misread his signals? Shouldn’t she be happy either way? Shouldn’t she have known this all along? Where was the part she had missed about Cloud’s feelings for Tifa?
…Does…Tifa like him as well…?
There were too many questions buzzing in the girl’s head. She couldn’t think straight.
“...That’s okay.”
Stupidly, those were the only words she could put together. Nothing more, nothing less.
The boy looked at her, he noticed how awfully quiet she’s been since he told her his crush.
“...The heart wants what it wants Cloudy…There’s…” She forced a soft smile. “...nothing…wrong with that.”
They both were one with the silence. The sun was slowly fading into the clouds, and so was Astrid’s fake smile; she badly wanted to cry her heart out but…this is her friend, her happiness, and if this was how he felt…then she knew well that she should be happy for him too.
“...When will you tell her?” The brunette spoke up, her green eyes glued on the sun’s disappearance.
“Hm?” Cloud’s turned to her.
“Your feelings for her…” Likewise, Astrid’s eyes met his blue ones. “When will you tell her?”
He looked away momentarily, this had him thinking of what time would be the perfect time to confess to Tifa. “I’ll be telling her about it tonight but...do you think it’d be best to confess when I come back?” He looked back at her. “Do you think…she’ll like me too…if I became a SOLDIER..?”
“I…I-I don’t know….” The tone was hinting at her breaking apart. Even she realized she couldn’t keep it together for long..
Cloud stuttered a bit on her response, he didn’t expect her to know but…it did in a way made him insecure about his idea.
It took all her strength and force to spark a small smile back onto the corner of Astrid’s lips.
“B-But….no matter what….”
Astrid faced Cloud with that radiant happiness she always carried around him, hoping that it wasn’t forced this time though.
“...I-I’ll be there for whatever happens between you too…just like what we shook on.”
“Thanks Astrid…and if I haven’t said it…” Cloud itched the back of his head shyly. “...You’re a great friend too.”
It never existed.
His feelings for her.
His protection for her.
His love for her.
…Only to realize they were merely just feelings for a very, dear friend.
And that those feelings…had been built off of imagination.
It got darker soon, as the sun sunsetted early behind more dense clouds that surrendered the remaining light left. The young blonde knew it was time to head back home. 
“Before I leave…I want to give you this back.”
As they stood facing each other, Cloud took off the gold necklace that hung from his neck from under his shirt, handing it in Astrid’s palms.
“You…don’t want it anymore?” She looked up at him with hurt hidden in her eyes.
Cloud shook his head. “I just…don’t want to lose it somewhere in Midgar. I think it’s safer with you.”
She looked down at the necklace. “D-Does it…still mean something to you…?”
“Of course it does.” Cloud responded softly. “That’s…why I’m scared to lose it.”
“...Yeah.” Her fingers curled on top of the jewel before looking back up to him. “...I’ll keep it safe…for us.”
Astrid could feel her eyes water up, and as a desperation attempt to hide her emotions, she hugged him suddenly. 
It took Cloud by surprise, not being used to affection that comes out of nowhere. “A-Astrid…?”
He could sense something was wrong, her grip refused to let him go. Eventually the young blonde relaxed. This was Astrid after all…a girl of nothing but love to give for others. His arms gently wrapped around her slowly. 
“Calm down...you’ll see me again.” Cloud awkwardly muttered.
Astrid was having a hard time focusing on what he said, being that she was in between keeping her breathing from becoming shaky and not letting him see the few tears that failed to stay behind eyelids. 
She was able to eventually clear her mind temporarily from his comforting touch, although she knew she had to let him go at some point, so she did.
“S-Sorry…I-I….I don’t know why I did that…” She looked down, a bit ashamed of herself.
“Hey….don’t worry ‘bout it, K?” Cloud reassured her before having to make his farewell to her. “Well…I gotta go now…”
Cloud began walking away from her.
Until she called for him for one last time.
He turned over to look at her, standing under the spotted, clouded sky, her hands held closely to her heart. Her smile was as sweet as it could look.
“I….wish you nothing but the best for you.”
. . . . .
Her hand hurt so much when clutching hard on the jewel of the necklace.
Well….Astrid definitely knew what a heartbreak was now if she wasn’t gonna feel it later.
Describing her as a sobbing mess would be an understatement, it was hard to make less noise but she just had faith that no one would check on her. 
She felt ridiculous, crying over a boy after teaching herself not to care about what others think of her, and yet the thought of her own crush not feeling the same way she does for him bothered her?
Astrid, grow up…you’re better than this.
The young brunette sat up, caressing her cheek dry from the rest of her tears. Looking out from her window, the stars faced down on her brightly. She remembered how Cloud was supposed to meet up with Tifa tonight, just thinking about it made her hear their voices, but it was just difficult to imagine how they’d be together. Would they be happy? Would it work out? Would she….finally notice him like he had hoped for?
It was what he wanted, after all. And she knew.
That night before sleeping, Astrid had vowed never to fall for her friend like that again.
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Pink sunset: "Budding romance"
“Cloud…I think you should talk to Astrid. I mean…really talk to her.”
“...You’re right, Tifa.”
. . . . .
The moment she felt fingers curl around her hand, all the thoughts and worries blurred the instant her gaze met with stunning, angelic blue eyes. She was so caught up in her own thoughts, Astrid hadn’t even noticed Cloud’s presence crawl up from behind whatsoever.
The blonde softly muttered from his lips, almost sounding like a whisper. Astrid struggled to talk, he could see how hard she was trying to either talk or not break down in front of him. She truly looked as if she knew that the world was gonna end that night.
That’s because the world is ending.
She was clearly scared as a result. A part of her was trying its best to be strong, something that her own cousin, Aerith, would do, but she felt as if she wasn’t brave enough, then she’d have to carry the burden of disappointment. Well, it wouldn’t have mattered anyways if the planet’s life was coming to an end, would it now?
Cloud softly sighed, he acknowledged her suffering and saved her from the trouble of responding to him. He got closer to her, his eyes looking down at her in empathy. He softly spoke in his lowest tone.
“..Let’s get off the Highwind for the night. Just…the two of us.”
He didn’t need to hear her say ‘yes.’
Her eyes said it all.
♪Can you even imagine fallin' like I did for the love of my life?♪
Their hands remained stuck together. Each moment that passed they held on slightly tighter, giving a few squeezes every now and as they walked onto the rocky mountain, decorated in patches of green here and there. They stopped at the top, their skin basking under the warm, pink-casted light of the sunset that they were both facing. They stood there, soft wisps of wind fluttering the tips of their hair gently. Their eyes locked gaze with the beautifully painted sky, the rosie scenery that resided in their nostalgic memories and hearts. 
It was exactly why the image of it being ripped and wrecked by the giant meteor beast scared them. They both flinched. It was clear that they were thinking of the exact same thought.
“I-It always felt like…the sunset either brings us closer or…drags us apart…each time we bask in its light…”
Cloud turned to her, watching her slowly walk away from him and creating more distance. It felt like a wave of relief washing over him upon hearing the brunette’s soft voice, but he can feel her worries and sadness louder than her own words.
“...But r-right now…I can’t tell what it feels like…” Her green eyes shift down to the ground. “...A part of me feels like….all of this…is my fault…”
Cloud mouth slightly parted, blinking in disbelief.
“The reason for how we got here and…why we’re here��you know well that I don’t deserve a moment like this Cloud…”
She sighed gently, then turned back to face Cloud with slightly watery eyes.
“...You didn’t just take us down here for the scenery…didn’t you?”
Cloud paused before continuing.
“...But you know well why I brought you here, and all I want…is to hear you say that reason.”
But here she was.
Eyes slightly widened at him, the state of shock was clear as crystal on her face. Her breath hitched as she immediately looked away, the red hotness creeping up her cheeks. She knew it’d only have been a matter of time until Cloud finally found what was in the depths of her heart, the feelings that she’d been trying her best to kill. The guilt was catching up, and the woman was at her limit of excuses to make.
She couldn’t tell if it would’ve been better for her to finally fess up to it, or if the world should’ve just ended right then and there.
She had been so lost in her doubtful thoughts she hadn’t realized Cloud standing right in front of her, her hands resting on his palms. She looked up through her lashes, and the blonde knew how fearful she was to tell him.
“Don’t be scared..” He gently gave her hands a few faint squeezes. “I’m not letting you do this alone. So…let’s both promise to be honest this time…deal?” Cloud tilted his head.
A deal huh.
If anything, maybe things would’ve been different had Astrid not come up with that similar scenario when they were younger. But even god knew they both needed it at some point in their lives.
Astrid seemed to calm down, nodding softly. Yet, the pit of anxiety in her stomach still rested comfortably, and it would only grow bigger the moment she opened her mouth. She’d have to, eventually.
“They all told me.” The blonde started.
“The lifestream….Tifa…Aerith…”
“They all wanted me to know about your feelings, Astrid.”
“In the lifestream…Tifa took me to you…during the time after I left…”
Astrid looked as if she had a million words to say, but she just couldn’t bring herself to even say a single word. She just looked away, the memories forcing her to relive the young pain she once swore to get over.
The blonde’s crystal eyes softened. “...I hurt you badly…didn’t I…” 
Astrid’s hand wrapped around her arm, her chest elevated and softly fell back down as she sighed through her nose.
“...I never blamed you, Cloudy.” She let out a sigh-chuckle while humming to herself. “If it was never meant to be then….”
Once again, she couldn’t find the words. Cloud blinked, finally hearing Astrid’s inner feelings, as if she had another hidden heart that she had just revealed to him. A heart that’s been hurting…and he blames himself for it all.
Astrid looked over to his guilty expression, one that can be rarely seen. And this…just devastated her more.
“C-Cloud…i-it’s not your fault..” She looked up at him with pleading eyes. “...I promise…i-it really isn’t..”
“If there’s one thing that can put me at ease right now…it’s to hear you talk to me, Astrid.” Every one of his words filled to the brim with sincerity. “You’ve always had an ear to everyone else…but there wasn’t once anyone’s returned the favor for you…I wanna change that, right here, right now.”
…He had a point.
“Please Astrid…you don’t have to hide your feelings anymore…especially not with…me.” His hand reached up to her cheek and lifted her head up to look at him. “...Please.” Cloud whispered gently.
…And he was right.
It had to be said at one point. All those feelings. Those memories. Those heartaches…
She took a deep breath, sighing away the small emotional rock that was stuck in her throat.
“...I-If anything…it’s my fault.” She looked off to the side, ashamed. “I should’ve never fallen for you in the first place…”
She shook her head.
“...but even so…it was like I was never allowed to get over it completely…even when I saw you again I…I wasn’t even sure how to be myself around you like I used to…” The brunette bit her lip.
The blonde started to realize. “...When I changed, so did you…”
She looked back at him to face him.
“But….no matter what…there were always those feelings we had for each other that stuck with us, huh…”
. . .
Does he….also…?
Her body had a mind of its own.
Not realizing the closed-in space between herself and Cloud, her hands rested upon his chest, fingers curling into a hard grip at his shirt. Her form was kept still by the strength of Cloud's arms wrapped around her, hands resting up on her lower back. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from the blonde’s crystal blue orbs. 
So full of emotion…
So full of feelings…feelings that can’t be put into simple, plain words…
It was a naturally magnetic feeling. Each second pulled each other closer, both having the strongest urge imaginable to get even more closer. It was like..they were both revealing their true selves to each other…
How much she missed him…
How she missed his true self…
The Cloud she once knew and fell in love with all those years ago…
“I promise….never to fall for you again.”
The remembrance of that oath gave Astrid’s heart a sudden jolt. She snapped herself awake from the sweet dream that clouded her thoughts, finally gaining back control of her senses and only to realize that the real she knew Cloud didn’t feel like this for her.
He never did, never would either.
Those thoughts alone made her pull herself away from his arms. Tears overwhelmed her eyes, making them glossy and brighter to the reflection of the light. It was clear she wanted to cry, but something held her back, not allowing her to let the droplets escape from her eyes.
“I…I-I shouldn’t…I can’t…!”
Her hands formed into fists, a sign that she was still clenching hard on her remaining hidden feelings.
“...I can’t fall in love with the boy whose heart was never meant for me…a-again…”
She was scared, afraid to fall in love with him, only to have her heart crushed to pieces all over again with the unfortunate truth.
It was deja vu to the both of them.
But this time.
Cloud could see…her. 
His heart was at its fullest with his honest feelings for her.
And he wanted her to know.
Bit of it.
Cloud’s eyes gave the softest look, he badly wanted to make amends with the fear he caused in Astrid’s heart. He wanted to prove his feelings innocent, that they were honest, from the bottom of his heart, and from his own real self, the same one who had been too blind to see how all of her past efforts were all out of nothing but the love she had for him. It was the same love for him that’s trapped in her but..
Only he had the key to unlock the trust of her love for him again.
“Whether this may be the last night we’re together like this…or we’ll have more nights to talk…just to get closer each time...it wouldn’t matter. I feel the closest to you at this moment, but if I’m never able to fix the trust of your feelings for me…then I’ll always be afraid…”
He drew closer.
“...Because I now know…I hurt the one girl that’s always understood me…”
His hand cupped her cheek once more. A single tear rolled softly down her cheek.
“...And it was the biggest mistake I could’ve ever made..”
“...Is there any way I can fix this…?”
More tears started to spill, slowly. Cloud’s voice becomes a soft whisper. Astrid’s lips quivered, the more she looked into his eyes, the more she saw how serious he was about her.
“B-By knowing how I feel, Cloud…. th-that’s all I want…all I need..” Her voice was shaken up. “I-I never wanted to say a thing to you, I vowed not to…I-I knew I could never be the one for you…I kn-knew that there was always g-going to be someone else for you…. a-anyone but me…”
It was clear he was fighting for her trust again, and it was equally clear that it’s working. It was stinging Astrid’s heart in so many ways at the thought of this finally being her moment to finally accept her own feelings for him.
Their moment.
“No…you convinced yourself that Astrid.” Cloud brought himself closer to her slowly, trying to break her walls break by break at an unrushed pace. “...You were always there in my mind even when I didn’t realize it..”
“You understood my feelings for the longest time…but I hadn’t known about your broken heart that you were trying to fix by yourself..”
 He slowly leaned near her ear, blonde strands brushed against Astrid’s cheeks softly..
“You can’t do everything on your own all your life….y’know?”
Finally, Astrid was speechless through tears, her arms thrown around Cloud’s form as she stuttered through her sobs. It was all going so fast yet time seemed to slow down to a halt.
Being in Cloud’s arms felt like a lifetime, despite all the times they lost together had she fessed up earlier…it didn’t matter now though. She felt like a huge weight was washed down even through the crying.
Soft lips were planted on her head…but Cloud knew they were far from being done.
. . . . .
♪She's got glow on her face, a glorious look in her eyes♪
By now the sky’s hues were radiating with magenta-purples, a sign of nighttime approaching. 
He held her close, laying on a soft patch of grass with his hands entangled in her reddish-brown waves of hair. To the sound of his gentle heartbeats, Astrid’s breathing did its best to regulate itself after crying.
Once she was ready…she spoke up.
“Cloud..I…I’m ready…”
The man’s arms loosened around her waist, facing the emerald eyes that reflected the remaining light of the sunset. Some hair rested upon her nose, to which he brushed off slowly and tucked it behind her ear.
“I never really cared about what others thought of me but…after that growing connection we had…it really stung upon realizing how I had conjured those memories as romantic when…it wasn’t true. After that I promised never to fall for you again but…” She chuckled. “...I guess fate didn’t like the idea of me truly giving those feelings up, when your true self was starting to melt from the ice…so did my feelings…and it hurt even more knowing how I knew I fell over again for someone who was….already in love…”
“Maybe I was, but…”Cloud’s hand rested still on her cheek. “...in the end, it all led me back to you.”
Seeing him move closer, she was at her last chance at resisting.
Instead however, as her mind reeled every memory.
Every memory of her heartaches…
Every memory of him…
Every memory of the times he’s spent with her…
Oh, Astrid…
You’re not just childly in love; you want to spend the rest of your days and nights with him, don’t you?
She wanted to spend her evenings with him outdoors and watching every glorious sunset with a feeling of reassurance, knowing that tomorrow she’ll wake up to see the same loving, blue eyes that glowed in her own times of darkness. To hold him gently through his pains, watch him smile when he knows that everything will be okay…
Yes…this was what she wanted to fight for….
The only sounds that they could hear were each other’s heartbeats as their lips interlocked.
♪My angel of light…♪
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Red sunset: "Passionate love"
Soft glows of red streaks filled the bedroom across through the blinds. She closed the door, soaking up the serenity atmosphere as she faced her lover that she hadn’t seen for a week, an apologetic look at his face spoke for itself.
“Astrid…I-I’m sorry..”
“I know you are, Cloud..”
The brunette walked over to the bed, sitting next to him as he avoided eye contact. He felt ashamed abandoning her ever since geostigma had caught up to Denzel.
“I also didn’t know how to fight that battle…all those years of…mourning over her put me off from learning anything more of my heritage.” Astrid sighed, she too was in deep regret of how she had handled things. “...I’m glad to know that we’re getting stronger now…and to know that we have others that I can call…family…”
Oh how lovely that word sounded…something they both hadn’t heard since they were little, something they had longed for once more.
“....That includes you, Cloudy…” Astrid reached for his cheek, turning his head gently to face the loving look in her eyes. “...so we’re not letting you go off to face the impossible alone no matter what…got that?”
A faint tint of red appeared on his cheeks. He felt warm from her words and lingering touches, her thumb brushing some of his blonde spikes behind his ear. Cloud took his gloves off before removing her hand from his face, taking a good look at her palms whilst caressing its softness…
So soft…
“They wouldn’t have cured if it wasn’t for you…~”
The blonde smiled, his heartbeat steadied at a relaxed pace. She didn’t wince or feel any pain when he applied some pressure onto it with his thumbs, unlike when it was infected. The look of joy on his face was unforgettable upon washing away the geostigma from her hands, knowing that he’d be able to hold her hand again.
“This is a future that we fought for…” His hands held Astrid’s, looking into her eyes. “...so I won’t let it go to waste again. I promise.”
“Cloudy…you don’t have to promise…because you already know it’s what we want…” 
♪I was all alone with the love of my life♪
Astrid closed the leftover gap between them with a tender kiss. Saying that they missed the feeling of locking their soft lips with one another was an understatement, they practically yearned their touch after what they had been through. They couldn’t keep their hands to themselves no matter how hard they tried to resist. They separated in between kisses for air but they had no plans on stopping any time soon. 
Slowly, they ended up laying together. Cloud crawled on top of his petite girlfriend while cradling her legs up his thighs, his hand caressed up her waist tenderly under her shirt. 
At some point their loving stares locked with each other, Cloud’s thumb rubbed her bottom lip with a strip of red light streaking over it as well. It was obvious how much he wanted to take things a step further, telling by the look in his eyes that she knows all too well how to read. 
“I missed this…I missed you…” He absolutely longed to reveal his unconditional love to her. 
Sparks burned brighter with each kiss that led to a more passionate connection. Fire prickled at Cloud’s fingertips all the more as he stroked further up her form, craving to hold her smaller body into his loving embrace, it felt like his whole world was in his very arms…
It was a fresh breath of air to know he was in the same room as her, the same bed as her again…just like how it should be…
“...C-Cloudy…~” The pace of the girl’s heartbeat quickened from the euphoric state, she wanted him as much as he wanted her that moment. 
. . . . .
The warm lovers were tied up together in cuddles and kisses. Cloud’s mouth buried on Astrid’s head whilst tangling his fingers through her wavy hair. 
♪She's got glitter for skin, my radiant beam in the night♪
He didn’t get a response from her, she must’ve been tired out. He smirked while giving a tender peck on her head. Just from that, she snuggled up closer to his chest which earned a chuckle from him. She was the absolute cutest in every way possible in his eyes, he could feel the fireworks in his chest go off with happiness to have her warm and safe in his arms again…
“I love you…~”
He slowly dozed off to the sound of a muttered "I love you too."
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Golden sunset: “Long-living love”
Ding ding!
The bells rang in rhythm with sounds of footsteps that followed.
“Ah! Sorry but we’re closed..” Astrid’s eyes didn’t leave her focus on organizing the money in the cash register.
Tifa giggled in the back when she realized that her own friend hadn’t even noticed who just walked in. “Astrid…look up silly!”
“Huh?” She hadn’t even taken notice of the shadow approaching her until a familiar gloved hand was placed on the counter in front of her. “Cloudy~!!” The young brunette raced around the counter and threw her arms around her boyfriend gleefully, having him return the affection with his left arm while his right one was holding a small decorated box.
“For a moment I was worried that I wasn’t welcomed back~”
“Don’t worry I was just distracted…Tifa and I were just tidying up some things. I just need to bring the rest of the tools upsta-”
“Allow me!” Tifa hurried over to grab the rest of the stuff before Astrid could get to it. She giggled and winked at the two. “Gotta let the couple of the night have their deserved rest~” Tifa winked and walked out of the room before either two could reply.
“She seems…oddly chipper all of a sudden…” Astrid remarked, it confused her to how Tifa had just rushed out so fast. She looked back up to Cloud after hearing a soft chuckle escape from his throat, he had a smile that screamed he was hiding something as he averted his eyes. Astrid noticed and got even more confused. “Hey, why the mischievousness? Do you two…know something that I don’t?”
Astrid placed one hand on her hip and the other on the counter beside her, leaning towards Cloud with an eyebrow lifted to interrogate him. He didn’t reply, instead he simply placed the small box that was in his and pushed it towards her. The girl’s green eyes widened at the beautifully detailed box with a gold ribbon and a red rose attached to it. 
“...I think this package will answer your question~”
She let out a soft giggle and shook her head at his attempt at distracting her.
But as she carefully peeled at the wrapping, her heart slowly increased its pace. 
“Open it Astrid…”
♪I don't need no light to see you shine♪
This girl could’ve been shaking from the excitement upon lifting the box open, facing a glittering golden ring, a mold of the yellow lily’s petals was circulated around a shining blue gem, reflecting the golden light off of its flat sides. 
“Oh my…C-Cloud…I-I..!” Her mind was still reeling at the fact that Cloud had just proposed to her and she didn’t even acknowledge how much she was crying her eyes out, not until her now-fiancé reached to caress the tears off of her cheek with his thumbs gently. 
Through tears, Astrid lunged herself in a hug with him. “Yes Cloudy! I will marry you!! You mean the world to me!! I love you so so s~o much…!” Her arms tightened around him, it caused his heart to flutter with a loving smile that followed up.
Hearing a tap on the door window that Tifa had left from, Cloud could still see her presence whilst she raised two thumbs up and a wide grin plastered on the woman’s face for encouragement. The man smiled, he was the happiest in that moment. He wanted to see her excitement last for the rest of their days, to hold her like this forevermore…
That wasn’t the only thing that Cloud is giving however. 
“Ah right, I almost forgot…” He gently held Astrid’s arms for her to loosen her grip, allowing him to pull something else from his bag.
A pen and a marriage certificate.
“Just sign here…Astrid Strife~”
♪It’s your golden hour~♪
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meffuyu · 2 years
(A spontaneous feeling of closeness)
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Ask:: "Tanjiro and y/n have their first kiss, how did it feel, where did they kiss. Did it escalate?? I leave these questions to you, dear author."
tanjiro k. x reader
a/n : occasionally I post ship fics on my ao3, exploring wonderful genres for practice. (Pink93)
Writing scenarios even I wish I had experience in. 🗿
Fluff, and… more fluff?
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It was time. 
Tanjiro dared himself to do something he had never done before. The next time he was going to meet you again face-to-face, he would seal his overflowing feelings with a passionate kiss. 
He didn't know how to kiss a girl or if that would break your boundaries. He didn't wish to upset you, he respected women! Unlike a particular comrade… 
Tanjiro couldn't ask anyone for advice on how to kiss a girl, and no, not just any girl, you. 
The topic was once brought to the two of his trusted friends, but they only looked at each other in confusion. Inosuke thought kissing was more like eating one's face for the sake of starvation. While Zenitsu kept pestering him to reveal the lucky girl he had his eyes on. 
If only they knew it was you, he was sure the two of them would have laughed their hearts away. 
But here he was, sitting on his knees attending a class that perfected 'the art of lips,' in other words, Zenitsu's lesson about love. 
The poor boy Tanjiro had his fingers curled into fists and firmly pressed against his knees. Beside him was Inosuke, apparently doing the same action. 
Back and forth, Zenitsu paced around, holding a long twig he had managed to obtain at the beginning of this class. He took this teaching job seriously as his arms were behind his back. 
Whipping the tip of the stick against the ground earned the other two boys a stiff reaction. 
"So…" He started. "What brings the two of you to my class? Hm? You both have sad lives, so; I'm curious to know why you asked little ol' me for help." The blond closed his eyes as he took deep breaths, almost like he was angry. 
"I ain't even wanna be here!" Inosuke huffed, folding his arms against his bare, rippled chest. 
Truth was, Zenitsu forced Inosuke to attend; the only person willing was Tanjiro. Yes, it is a surprise, especially since he debated his thoughts about allowing Zenitsu to teach him everything that needed to be known about kissing. 
Zenitsu clicked his tongue. Inosuke's complaints have ticked him off. "Shut up! You will sit there and learn how to kiss a girl properly- you should be grateful I am wasting my precious time on you since you don't even know what romance is!" 
"What did you say!?" The inner boar was set ablaze.
"You heard me! After I'm done, you better be able to kiss a girl so you won't be so depressed and lonely in life! While Tanjiro and I will have wives, you'll have nothing but your measly damned self!" The blond fired back, yelling at the top of his lungs. 
Tanjiro turned pale as his jaw dropped. 
Inosuke became speechless. 
[Name]... as a wife? 
Instantly, Zenitsu returned to his natural mood state and beamed as if nothing had happened. He pointed the stick at Tanjiro, slightly waving it around. 
"Very well, what about you? Why are you here?" He quizzically asked. 
Tanjiro thought carefully and soon parted his lips to explain.  
"I was hoping to prepare myself when kissing the girl I like, but… I realized that life is about risks. When we returned from the Entertainment District, Mr. Uzui told us that love seems to come in the ways you least expect."
Zenitsu raised both of his eyebrows, intrigued with what Tanjiro told him. "So, what are you trying to say?"
"I don't think this class is for me." He concluded. Tanjiro quickly arose from his sitting position and hauled the giant crate that contained Nezuko upon his back. 
"What? But Tanjiro!-" The blond began.
"I have to go! She's usually around this time, I know what I'm going to do." He waved, and before Zenitsu could give a piece of his mind, Inosuke captured the boy into a headlock. 
"Monitsu! You're all talk!" Inosuke retaliated.
Tanjiro wasted no time in leaving, he was desperate to see you. So he continuously waved to the two boys fighting and making a loud commotion. Tanjiro jogged through the mighty forest with a crate on his back, he knew Nezuko was asleep right now. 
You met Tanjiro before he formed his squad, but you had to depart because you preferred to be solo. Even so, working with Kanao Tsuyuri in combat had always been driven by a little Insect Pillar. 
The young teenager was in a hurry as the dust from the ground flew in the air each time he dragged his feet against the surface. He held onto the straps of the crate tightly, trying to keep it at least sturdy so Nezuko wouldn't awaken by the frequent movement. 
From the rural land, he escaped the forest with the tallest trees. He entered the town in his view, excited to see you again. 
"Hey Nezuko, it's natural to try your firsts with the person you love, right?" He inquired, as he knew he would receive no response from his kid demon sister anytime soon. So, for now, he would just see it as a rhetorical question.
Passing through the open shops that displayed their goods and services, Tanjiro examined his surroundings; however, it was only by the alarming scent he adored so much that he could get led to where you were located. 
He pondered thoughtfully on if he would give you something special one day. His eyes scanned the various stores with antiques for different occasions. Stopping his footing, he saw a hairpin that reminded him so much of you. For some odd reason, he knew he had to get it for you. 
About five hundred yen was the price. 
After just a few words with the shopkeeper, he had the hairpin in his hand in no time. Featuring fabrics and silks that complimented the designs, he believed you would love it. 
But of course, he couldn't spend any more time admiring the item, he needed to see you! 
He was off, jogging again at a pace his legs would surely take him. After some minutes of searching and turning many street corners, he saw a specific figure by a Palmate Maple tree. On the bench, you were, typically writing a letter. 
How did he know you were writing a letter? He knew everything about you, and little did you know that he did. 
Watching your concentrated expression while you thought about words to incorporate into your letter. Your eyebrows knitted together as you chewed on your bottom lip focused. 
The season for romance Zenitsu would say, but it was only Autumn. 
Placing the giant crate down, Tanjiro approached you with great reluctance in his movement. He did not wish to startle you or stop you from continuing your intense writing. Magenta orbs observing the straw brush in your hand, and to him, the motion of the tip indicated you were writing a specific word in Kanji.
Then you suddenly looked up. 
He was so alarmed by how you did so, it was something he least expected. The rate of his heartbeat increased per minute, and for a second, he lost his breath. 
Actually, when did he get so close to you? He was peering over you, staring at your features up close. How embarrassing… 
"T-Tanjiro!?" You squeaked. 
Quickly, your arms shielded your work when you understood what was happening. That action caused you to knock over the small jar of jet black pigment, which Tanjiro caught instantly due to swift reflexes. 
"[Name]!" He called. 
Tanjiro was caught off guard. Sitting next to you on the wooden bench, he lifted the jar of ink. You had rolled up your letter, giving him your full attention. 
Typical Tanjiro. The answer was clear to anyone, even if you wanted to ask how he found you. Somehow, he looked even tenser than the last time he saw you during an outing. 
Setting aside the parchment paper, you retrieved the ink jar from his hold. 
"Were you looking for me?" You asked, and to that, he nodded. 
Tanjiro began sweating when he remembered what he specifically came here to do, so he thought to himself: what would Mr. Uzui do?
He displayed a poker-faced expression, which had you slightly concerned. His index finger was pressed against his chin as he thought intensely about how the Sound Pillar would behave. He was… thinking a little too hard. 
"Hello? Hey?" You waved your palm directly over his face. 
You weren't able to get an answer to your question because all that followed was silence. Only people's conversations could be heard, or the hardened Fall leaves were crushed under the feet of 'seasonal' couples. 
'Remember you three… actions, always speak louder than words.'
Tanjiro thought those words were rich coming from Tengen Uzui. However, there was a point made that he couldn't deny. 
Actions do speak louder than words. 
Actions… Words… 
And a heartbeat. 
His heart was beating at the thought of kissing you. He swore he'd make a move; he told Zenitsu and Inosuke he could do it without using the kissing classes. Then why was he stalling so much?! 
It's because he's never kissed a girl like you before. 
Two roughly textured palms were wrapped around your single hand. The force that came with the capture of your hand was immeasurable. You toppled over him until your body was pressed firmly against his chest, and his eyes locked in with yours. 
As people tried to see what exactly was happening, the two of you were in a questionable position. On the bench, Tanjiro was lying flat on his back, and you hovered over him. 
It was hard not to laugh as your noses touched each other, as if his clumsiness had gotten the best of him this time. It wasn't long before your hair tickled his face, and he was laughing. There seemed to be a mess between you two, almost as if you were a couple. 
"What on earth are you doing, clumsy!" You joked, patting his chest to try and sustain your laughter. His sweet chuckles had already died down, and all that remained was a soft smile. 
"This." He replied.
With his eyelids closing, Tanjiro's lips made contact with your own. It was an indescribable feeling that one would call a 'spark.' In this case, a spark had been ignited by the tender kiss. 
As his lips moved against yours, he savoured the passion he was experiencing and the taste of your plump lips. When the surprise wave ended, you kissed him in return. Tanjiro's lips formed to become one with yours as he took his time. He had no thoughts; he couldn't think of anything to distract himself because the kiss felt so alive. 
In the boy's eyes, it didn't matter if your hair was thick or thin because his main objective was to push the hairpin into the clusters of hair tendrils. 
The young Kamado found his way to express his undying love. 
It was a success that the hairpin stuck in your hair and looked pretty on you as well. 
The first kiss Tanjiro had ever shared with you was finally over as he pulled away from you. He fiddled with the pin before allowing you to embrace it. 
"You shouldn't have, and you know it!" You chided with a fit of giggles.
"But," Tanjiro shook his head with that permanent smile. "I had to because of one specific reason." 
"Oh? What's the reason?" Another question you decided to ask as your fingertips traced the hairpin lightly. 
"Because I love you."
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nekoannie-chan · 4 months
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Title: Kiss.
Fandom: Marvel, Captain America.
Ship: Jack Rollins X Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.!Reader.
Word count: 400 words.
Rating: Teen.
Summary: Jack wanna a date.
Major Tags: Fluff.
Additional tags: This is my entry to @sweetspicybingo, Sweetheart Bingo Card & square 3:
"Kiss me.”
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission for my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae @harrysthiccthighss @marvelatthisone @caplanbuckybarnes @sapphire-rogers @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose @hallecarey1 @nana1000night @talia-rumlow @writingshae @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare @endlesstwanted @chemtrails-club  @marigoldreamer @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @here4thefanfics @theestorm @patzammitt @kmc1989 @somegirlfrom
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Jack kept watching you while you were in the dining room, almost as if he were hypnotized by your presence; he wasn't even listening to what Brock was saying to him.
“You should tell him," Brock commented, annoyed; he had practically been talking to himself for the last ten minutes, maybe.
“Tell who what?" Jack asked, mentally cursing himself for being so obvious.
"Well, Y/N, if you're lucky, she won't turn you down, although I've been seeing her with Rogers a lot lately."
Jack didn't let Brock finish the sentence when he got up and went straight to where you were talking to Natasha.
“I just needed a push," Brock murmured attentively to the scene.
"Rollins, “Natasha uttered when she saw him standing next to you. You turned around, still smiling.
“Y/N. "
“What? “ You and Natasha turned to look at each other in confusion. He had never referred to you by your first name before.
“Can I talk to you?" Jack was starting to get nervous. You nodded as you looked at Natasha, as if you understood each other.
“What's wrong?" You questioned me when you were alone.
“What are you doing this weekend?"
“Sleep in and then watch movies with my dog as usual," you answered.
“We're going camping or dinner, whichever you prefer." Jack was beginning to think he was sounding pretty stupid.
“Dinner is fine; how about Friday?"
“I'll pick you up."
On Wednesday, you and Jack had a mission. You and Jack were guarding the enemy, but the place was very quiet. Jack approached you, and his hands lightly brushed yours as you walked.
“What do you think? “he asked.
You smiled, still keeping an eye on the target.
“I love it here. It's so peaceful and beautiful."
Jack nodded. Nothing could go wrong that day; nothing was going to stop him from having that date. He didn't even mind having to endure Brock's teasing.
“There's something else I like even more here."
You stared at him, waiting for him to continue. Jack stopped and gently took you by the arm.
“Kiss me," you whispered, his lips just inches from yours. A few seconds later, he kissed you.
“I was supposed to save it for dinner," Jack said when you broke apart.
“We can do it again that day," you proposed without stopping smiling.
He couldn't answer because Brock interrupted you on the intercom.
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j2lx · 2 years
I promise… We'll be ok (Naoya Drabble)
Sypnosis: You're a servant for the Zenin Clan and that's all you are… or so you think. You would never have thought that the infamous Naoya Zenin would've fell in love with you, and changed himself for the better just to be with you <3
(Some context for one of the parts in the fic: (this isn't canon, it's just what I came up with so this would make more sense) Naoya was from Kyoto Jujutsu Tech, and met Shoko during the Goodwill Event when they were in high school)
Ship: Naoya x Fem!reader
Warnings: Misogyny (not Naoya to reader though!), physical abuse, angst to fluff, Naoya is rlly down bad for reader and put his life on the line for you 🥺 (pls he calls you "princess" he's so in love with you)
A/n: I decided to get out of my comfort zone and start doing drabbles instead of my normal short fics and headcanons! This is my first drabble so =") Also I've had this idea since last year and I'm finally writing it down!!
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Naoya, who thinks that women are nothing and only exist to serve men. He thinks that they shouldn't have opinions, and should walk three steps behind men at all times. That is, until he met you.
You were just a new servant in the clan but he fell absolutely head over heels for you. He was down so bad for you that he became so well mannered and kind to you. He even made you his "personal servant" just so he could protect you from the clan elders, who could potentially abuse and exploit you, which he had witnessed them do to other servants before. It was the only way to protect you, and he made sure no one else could put their hands on you.
He confesses to you with a bracelet, cheeks flushed a rare red that you won't usually see. But he loved you way too much, and he couldn't help wanting to express his feelings for you. Of course you accepted, because he treats you so well and you really love him too.
Naoya lets you sleep with him on his bed every night, often helping to coax you to sleep when you just can't sleep. He drapes a blanket over you both, but often gives up most of the blanket to you, so that you won't feel cold from the air conditioning in his room. He pats and strokes your back whenever you get nightmares, pressing his lips against your forehead to tell you he's there for you.
He cooks for you too, much to the surprise of the other servants. He would never admit to what he was actually doing, even though he could silence them not to tell anyone else, and often used the excuse that "he enjoys cooking and should be allowed to do what he likes". And he really does love cooking, especially when he sees how happy you are when you eat the food he cooked. Honestly, he would do anything to make you happy.
Naoya, who brings you out at least twice every week, telling the elders that you're helping him to "run errands", while he "supervises" you. And that's all a lie, of course. He brings you out on dates to nice places he knows you'll like, and gets really affectionate with you. His hand always intertwined with yours, lips on your forehead every now and then.
He took you out on a week's long trip on your birthday week, and during Valentine's Day and White Day, just so you both could have some time away from all the clan stuff. He made sure to make you feel as loved as possible, and he even bought you a small bunny stuffed toy for you for your birthday. The bunny was like a symbol of his love for you, it being there was a reminder that he would do anything in the world for you.
Naoya never lets you do chores that are too strenuous either. He leaves his room as tidy as possible, and helps you with the chores most of the time. The last thing he would want is for you to injure or overstrain yourself while trying to help him clean up. And after all the chores are done, he often showers with you, helping rub any sore spots you have while lathering soap all over your body.
He knows you were insecure about your relationship together. He knew you wanted him to get together with someone of more power, of a better standing in life, because it would benefit him more. But he didn't care. Whenever you came to him with such worries, he would constantly hug and reassure you that he loves you and only you, and that he can't picture himself with anyone other than you.
Because he truly loves you. He knew he wouldn't be like this with anyone else. He knew he was only this vulnerable and open because it was you. So he vowed to protect you, to leave the clan with you so that you both didn't have to live with the expectations and in fear of the clan elders.
He didn't know what threats there were that the two of you would have to face. He didn't know you could be taken from him so quickly. When the elders found out that you were in a relationship with Naoya, they took you to a secluded area in the clan building and started beating you up. It was almost as if they were trying to kill you, to get rid of you so that Naoya could fall in love and marry someone else.
Luckily, these kinds of things don't go without Naoya not noticing. The moment he found out that you were gone and the other servants told him you were sent to "run some errands", he got suspicious. After all, you were his "personal servant" and no one else should be allowed to order you around. He panicked, heart thumping furiously as he ran to find you. And when he did, he found you bruised and slightly bloody, the elders looming over you while you cowered in fear.
But before any of the clan elders could hurt you again, he threw himself in front of you to protect you. He didn't care how hurt he got, all he wanted was to protect you. The elders flew into a rage, horrified that the next heir to the clan would stoop that low just to protect a woman, a lowly slave no less. Naoya didn't care though. He continued taking hit after hit, he didn't even care if he died. He just wanted to protect you from more harm.
When the elders realised that he wouldn't stop protecting you from all the hits, they stopped. Naoya took the opportunity and used his jujutsu technique on the elders and drove you both to Shoko at Jujutsu High, so that she could treat your injuries.
Shoko didn't expect the arrogant heir to the Zenin Clan to show up at her office with tears streaming down his cheeks, clutching your figure in his arms, begging her to treat and heal you. She examined both of your bodies, only to find that Naoya was even more bruised and was bleeding slightly too. She started treating the both of you with no hesitation, internally glad that Naoya finally found someone to love, that someone having changed his view on the world and society.
After all that, Naoya snapped. He went back to the clan and started packing all of his and your belongings. He did anything he could, even putting his life on the line, just to get the elders to let the both of you leave the clan. He threatened to kill himself or kill all of the clan members, just so the both of you could leave that hellhole and have a better life. And they relented, in fear that he would really wipe them all out.
He went back to your shared apartment that he had bought a month before the incident (he was planning to leave the clan soon so he decided to plan early), his car full of both of your belongings. He wrapped his hands around you and pulled you into a tight embrace, lips meeting yours for the first time.
Handing you your stuffed bunny, he carried you in his arms, placing a small kiss on your hand. He sat down on the couch, letting you rest on his lap. Stroking your head gently, he smiled as he said, "We'll be ok now princess. I love you." <3
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(Context for the kissing in the last part: You always told Naoya not to kiss your lips because you didn't deserve it so he told you he wouldn't until the both of you were out of the clan. Him kissing you on the lips in that last part was him telling you that the both of you were free <3)
Yay I finally did my first drabble! I really liked this idea of mine and I'm planning on turning it into a series soon =) Hope you all enjoyed some soft Naoya fluff
© @j2lx, 2022
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sasusc · 8 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by: @gneebee
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
41! Holy crap. I think there's a few I haven't cross-posted from ff.net
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The Walking Dead, Doctor Who, Merlin, The Cleaning Lady, DragonBall Z, Stargate Sg-1, Harry Potter, Leverage, Arrow, Firefly, NCIS.
Honorable mentions (fandoms I have in wip but never published): Circle of Magic series, CSI, House MD, The 100, The Big Bang Theory, X-men (the movie), Once Upon a Time, Baby Daddy
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Your Scent Lingers in the Air
you might think I'm crazy, the way I've been cravin'
Steps on a Path
Boredom Leads to Trouble
One More Miracle 
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try! I love and appreciate comments. So used to ff.net where you didn't reply to comments. And I feel weird to keep commenting "thanks" all the time.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't like to write angsty endings. "No Redemption" is probably the only one.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
It's most of them. I always want a happy ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I don't think so. I did get some because I shipped  a couple where people couldn't get over the factor that the female character grew up. Sure she was 12 years old in Season 1, but by season 10? There's references of her in college.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yep! Fluffy, spicy…I don't know what other kinds there are? M/F
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? 
Not really, but I started to writing a Walking Dead/Stargate SG-1.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I'm aware of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
That's impossible to answer.
15. What’s a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Steps on a Path…I love this story, but I'm just not into DBZ much anymore.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I feel like I'm true to character when I write. And I try to research things all the time.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing a story. I'm so sorry WIPs. Plot bunnies bite me all the time.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've done it. Usually it's google translate or something that's used within the fandom. Lately, I just skip the translation and use italics with a note to indicate something being spoken in another language so the readers won't need to scroll to find the translations or I don't butcher the language. 
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Shit…that was 20+ years ago. I think it was probably Sailor Moon. Possibly DragonBall Z.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
One of my favorites…it's almost 10k of a WIP that I haven't even published yet. Angsty time loop Doctor Who fix where I make the Doctor and Donna relieve a certain day over and over again until he can "fix" the thing that went wrong.
But one of my faves that's publish is: you might think I'm crazy, the way I've been cravin'
Tagging: anyone and everyone one.
@whovianlili @wendydarlingfics @piper1016 @deerdens @courtneyshortney82 @dammithawke @mindynichole @im-immortal @fairybellworld
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Hey, just wanted to know if you're still writing since you haven't posted in a while. Sorry to bother you.
I won't lie. i feel awkward answering this. I haven't even noticed it has been more than a year since I last posted anything.
So, uhhh...in terms of what I usually write here in Tumblr, then no. I started writing on Ao3, since I lost interest in the whole reader x [insert character].
Not that I'm saying you won't find those there, but it's not the most common fic either.
Now, I mostly just write about my OCs and ships. I wasn't sure how that would bode for this blog. I mean, many of you probably followed me for the Reader x Bellum and the Yandere driders, which while I am still interested in, I wouldn't write it as being Reader centric anymore.
As to why, it's just...it's very limiting to what I really want to write. If I want to add more depth to the male lead's characterization, the whole idea that I must keep the protag vanilla so my readers can insert themselves into their shoes gets in the way. For example, something I always struggled with while writing Lobotomy Corporation headcanons was...why exactly does the Abnormality like the reader?
It is YOU they like. When I say 'you', I am referring to everyone behind the screen that is reading my headcanons, the ones whoever the yanderes in question are obsessing over. I can't exactly go into too much detail about 'your' background and personality. I need to make the reader-insert protag relatable enough for everyone, and that's just tiring, and frankly, really boring.
Like come on. I want to give the protag a concrete appearance so I don't have to write [eye colour] or [hair colour] or find a way to write around it so I don't have to mention anything about the protag's appearance.
It's why I could never bring myself to write smut because...well, writing about genitalia involving gender-ambiguous/neutral characters is hard.
Not to mention, I always wanted to give my protags an actual personality and backstory besides them somehow ending up in the yandere's grasp and being submissive and/or weak..
For the Bellum's case, I had this awesome idea I wanted to write down, that but would just be an OC and not a vanilla/insert protag by that point.
...I always felt ashamed whenever I opened up my Tumblr account and saw that this blog still gets activity. Requests, even. Meanwhile, I'm ignoring them because I don't know how to say I don't write these anymore.
Then, you sent this, and it made me realize I should probably do something about this...
But anyway, that's the gist of it. Sorry if I ended up ranting when you were just expecting a yes or no reply, haha.
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fakesimp · 1 year
I saw a post on here on anon saying it's so hard to find Eki content and hard agree-
It's so hard to find Eki content, Hikarino content... and most importantly...
Like I take forever to get shit done, I have like a million WIPs- I have a few fics with Ivy but... no x readers... and how have quilldren not made EVEN 1 IVY X READER YET?! LIKE- AT THIS POINT I'D EVEN TAKE FLUFF- I DON'T EVEN CARE ABOUT NSFW- PLZ AO3, GIVE ME ANYTHING- I WON'T BE PICKY-
Like damn now I gotta try and start my own fics that'll never get done to start a new trend- like... I managed to get guildies to write NSFW of Shxtou and Xenomorphs and tentacles (Shoto is a monster fucker, I remember vividly-) BUT ONLY BECAUSE I WROTE IT FIRST- AFTER I WROTE IT IT STARTED POPPING UP😭😭 I T H U R T S -
No one understands the pain of an Ivy simp, my bi heart can't take it-
She's so-
And like- she's-
Bonus points to a poly relationship of reader with Ike and Ivy, EXTRA BONUS IF EKI'S INVOLVED-
And as far as Ike x Ivy x Eki is involved??
Ivy's a top all the way in those 2 (I wholeheartedly believe in switch Evelands-)
Ivy's gentle with Ike usually...
But very mean with Eki- as she should 😌😌 bullying Eki real-
Also for everyone's information, I accidentally started shipping HikaIvy... it started as unlikely besties, but I should've known better cuz I'm a sucker for best friends to lovers- I've gone in to deep, there's no backing out now-
But I still like the idea of Hikarino x Ivy so thank you-
Sorry if this was overwhelming- I have a lot to say, and not many people to say it to lmao- have a good day/morning/night lmao
I am, genuinely, stumped. (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
But hey, you're right, alter egos content are barely to be seen here... And, I, don't write for female streamers, for, personal reasons.
But, I can, maybe like, y'know feed some... Uh, of you guys that wanted to see female nijien x reader content?
I can consider on writing them if there's some of you out there that's interested.
You can comment under this post, tell me who do you want me to write for? Ivy? Considerable. Or even Shu's other 2 Alters that probably like barely even seen.
Although, apologize in advance if they're ooc. I am introduced to vtuber hole from Luxiem (⁠´⁠;⁠ω⁠;⁠`⁠) so, I don't really know the previous waves.
And my blog is more towards x reader contents, so, apologies if there's some wanted some like character x character, I, won't accept it shhshdjxna (⁠╯⁠︵⁠╰⁠,⁠)
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softspeirs · 4 months
Fic writer interview!
Thanks @mercurygray for the tag!
How many works do you have on AO3? 120 for my 2 pseuds, sunlightdances and glowinghorizons!
What’s your total AO3 word count? 520,569
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? take a running start (the 100) keep me safe inside (your arms like towers) (the 100) one less day to be alone (the 100) give you everything i have (the 100) they will see my strength (in this love i found) (the 100)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to! I usually get to them all, even if I don't respond the same day. I really appreciate anyone who comments on my works, even old stuff for fandoms I don't write for anymore (see above fics and kudos lol) and want to say thanks.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? This is a hard question! I've always tried to be a happy ending writer, but I think some of my newer fics for HBO War stuff is probably more angsty because of the subject matter. I'm just now feeling confident in leaving a chapter or a fic itself ended on a angsty note.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? Pretty much everything I write is fix-it fic, so usually they all have happy endings, but I'm partial to this fic for Marvel (Modern!Bucky x Reader) - Safe Place to Land on AO3 or Tumblr.
Do you write crossovers? I've only done a few, but I have a WIP on hiatus that I started ages ago that's a Supernatural/BoB time travel fic featuring one of my OCs! It's here: Lost in Time
Have you ever received hate on a fic? Yes and it still haunts me lol. I got the longest comment of my writing life (like, several paragraph essay) on one of my modern AUs for The 100 about how I should give up writing and it went into extreme detail with quotes and everything critiquing me. Honestly, it really threw me for a loop because it wasn't a constructive criticism, it was mean, and I stopped writing for a long time because of it.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? If I feel it has a place - I'm more likely to write a smut-adjacent, probably-still-rated-M heavy petting scene with lots of angst and tension. That's what I like to read if I read smut, too.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not an entire fic, but a writer in another fandom wrote something SO similar to one of my Marvel stories and there was a paragraph that was copy/pasted. I confronted them and they deleted it, and their blog shortly after. It sucked lol.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I know of!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? I haven't! I'd love to try it one day but I'm also such a procrastinator I fear I'd mess up any working relationship, haha.
What’s your all-time favorite ship? Based on what I've written, I still have a soft spot for Clarke and Bellamy from The 100, even though I won't ever write for that fandom again. Their dynamic was so great to write about. Back in my Fanfiction.net days I loved writing for Olivia and Lincoln from Fringe, too.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? I have a Dean Winchester/OC fic where she's a national park ranger and gets roped into shenanigans that I love, but I don't see myself going back to it unfortunately.
What are your writing strengths? I hope that I'm able to really set a scene and use dialogue and sense words to really put readers in the head of a particular character. I really want people to finish reading a piece and have a feeling.
What are your writing weaknesses? Sometimes I think I use too much dialogue and I tell rather than show.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I would love it, but I don't speak another language confidently enough to use it the right way, and I just don't trust Google Translate to make it smooth enough, haha.
What was the first fandom you wrote for? I think I wrote RPF for the band McFly when I was 13 but I don't think any of that still exists, thank god. My first published fic was something for AltLivia/AltLincoln (Fringe) on ff.net in 2011.
What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to? I'm in a Discord server for the Nancy Drew CW show and I'd love to write for Nancy/Ace, but I'd need to rewatch the show to do it confidently, I was just a casual watcher with friends when it was on TV.
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written? My favorite thing is my current WIP Barren Soul (Band of Brothers). I've been working on it on and off since 2020 and I think it has some of my best writing. It's also fun to re-read because I can see how I've grown as a writer over the years.
Tagging anyone else who wants to fill this out - no pressure!
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snowbellewells · 9 months
Tag Game
Rules: Go to your published works on Ao3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of- for whatever reason.
@kmomof4 tagged me in this - Thanks Krystal! (Sorry it took me so long to answer! ;p
First fic: "Start of the Dance" is the first one I posted on A03. Before that I was happily posting away in the Criminal Minds and Castle fandom on ff.net for ages - back before I even discovered Tumblr! Krystal though, convinced me to go over to A03 and create an account, largely to join the first-ever @cssns event, so I did. This one was one of my earliest CS one shots, and it ended up getting posted even before I posted the event fic I created the account for. I wrote a LOT of fic at the end of season three/ahead of season four, and this was one of my favorites from that span of time.
Last fic: I can almost guarantee it won't be literally my "last" fic, but the current last fic on my A03 dashboard is "Carolina Moon" my Nora Roberts inspired AU from the 2023 @cssns. It's still ongoing, and I promise more is coming soon! I'm not purposefully leaving you waiting.
Only Once: So, I discovered when I went to answer this one that most of the ships or fandoms I only wrote for once stayed over on my ff.net profile. The best I can do with one that has transferred over to AO3 is my @cssns18 one shot "Tasting Forever". This fic is still one of my favorites and has gotten more reviews and comments than almost anything else I've ever posted. It leans very heavily on the plot and characters of another show called Moonlight, and I seriously put Killian, Emma, and the other OuaT characters into the roles from that show, then made my own spin on the idea. I do have one other Moonlight fic, but apparently, I have never migrated it over to A03. It's called "Forever Waiting" - and I would love to have you read it - but you'll have to read it on ff.net until I make that correction! I also have a little one shot from the LotR fandom. (Not that I would ever think to change or tinker with Tolkien, but it's a little moment he didn't write between Merry and Eomer, at Theoden's graveside.) You can find it here "Simbelmyne" - clearly I still need to move all the older stuff to A03.
Favorite fic for the fandom I've written in most: That is a REALLY hard question, Krystal!! What are you doing to me?!?Okay, for reals, I will try.... (Well, I've got a top three - for now - at least)
I've always been partial to this one shot written between 3a and 3b (I even managed to squeeze Graham into it: "Ghost of Christmases Past" I am really proud of this short MC that I set in the Victorian time period and tried to make darker and more mysterious than my usual story. It was originally for the @csrolereversal fic and art event, and I had so much fun working on it, and surprising my usual readers with its tone/vibe: "The Case of the Heart in Armor" And I still love my werewolf AU MC I wrote for the first @cssns Many people have done much better and more amazing werewolf fics since, but I had wanted to try it for ages, I had some much fun doing it, and it still is a favorite for me: "Run to Me (in the Dead of Night)"
The fic I wish more people read: I am so grateful for any kudos or comment I get, but I have always wanted these to one shots to get more views and comments: "Moonlit Ghosts" and "Got My Angel Now" And I was always particularly proud of my short MC "Villain's Happy Ending" and want to tell more people to check it out and let me know what they think of it. Lastly, though I know the main pairing is Liam x Belle and so it probably never will, I always want to have people read "Looking for a Heart (that's not Walking Away)" I loved letting characters like Belle and Henry really shine, and exploring more of what Liam would have been like if we saw more of him. I loved writing it and was really proud of how it turned out, but I don't know that many people have read it.
The fic I agonized over the most: Sheesh, that's a hard one. The sensible answer would probably be my last year's @cssns22 fic "Believing Impossible Things" (since it still isn't done - I really do apologize!) But probably any of the ones where I attempted real love scenes (smut) in them. That tends to make me more than a bit anxious and to worry over each little sentence and word.
I also agonized a lot over my Music Man AU "Foot Caught in the Door (This Time)" for @captainswanmoviemarathon (Probably why it still only has one chapter ;p ) People were so kind and generous in their feedback and excitement for it, but I psyched myself out, because I love the musical so much and worry about doing it justice!
The fic that sprang fully formed from my mind without any effort: I can't really say that this ever happens for me. Not the whole fic, completely formed. Usually a certain scene comes to me - and it might be very vivid and complete - but then I have to come up with the rest of the story where it belongs!
A fic that I'm proud of, for whatever reason: 😘 It was hard to think of something that I hadn't already mentioned above, but I am quite proud of my one shot collection "Of Swans and Swords and Hopeful Hearts" - now 50 some stories strong. It's a good compendium of the sort of stories I write, the show arcs I most love, and the characters I really like to give a little more missing moments. A lot of those stories did just what I set out for them to do, and they take me back to that particular phase of the show, watching for the first time, and what I was feeling and wondering.
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killerandhealerqueen · 7 months
20 questions writer meme
Tagged by @hils79
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
2,692,775 and growing
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mainly I write for Killer and Healer but I've written for S.C.I., The Devil Judge, CSI: Miami, Chimera, History 3: Trapped, Master Wait a Moment, Psych-Hunter, The Sleuth of Ming Dynasty, Under the Skin, Criminologist Himura and Mystery Writer Arisugawa, Guardian, The Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity, The Untamed and Beyond Evil
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Wait, We're Married?! (1,465)
Succulents and an Overprotective Kang Yohan (1,185)
Kang Yohan's Relaxing Day Off (806)
Protect You (791)
Kim Gaon Is Mine (726)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Always. I always like to thank people for reading my fics and also discuss/answer their questions
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
None of my fics have angsty endings...even my angstiest one Soul Bound has a happy ending cuz fuck unhappy endings
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, not really. I've gotten a couple of rude comments before but I usually just delete those because I don't have time to deal with that kind of bullshit. If you didn't like the story, there's always the back button
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No. It makes me uncomfortable so I don't
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I do. I've done a really big one with History 3: Trapped, Guardian, and S.C.I. in like 2020 and some of the other crossovers I've done is S.C.I. x Under the Skin, S.C.I. x Killer and Healer, S.C.I. x Guardian, and S.C.I. x The Yin-Yang Master
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yeah, back when I was writing The Untamed Moments someone had taken it, posted it to Wattpad, and translated it to spanish. A reader told me about it and I got it taken down. No one steals a fic from me and gets away with it
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yup! My fic So This Is What Love Feels Like was translated to Vietnamese by Shu_Miw over on ao3.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
A long time ago but I don't really like co-writing fics. I'll brainstorm/bounce ideas off of other people, but I won't co-write with anyone
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Yuezhi. While I love all my ships, I can confidently say that these two own my fucking heart
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I'll finish it eventually but right now it feels like 恨君不似江楼月 | Killer and Healer just because of the amount of work I'm putting into it. I knew it was a daunting task when I started it and I don't regret it but still...I'm much further behind than I would like
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and describing crime scenes. Dialogue because I've been told that I can get into my character's heads and everything I write sounds like stuff they would say. As for crime scenes, my forensic science background really helps with that
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing fight scenes. Fuck me, writing fight scene fucking suck. I can see how the scene is suppose to go in my head but to translate it into words and put it on paper is a whole nother ball game
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I only use words in other sentences that I'm confident in using. Mainly curse words. I will maybe use a sentence or two here or there but I make sure they go through a proper translator first so that it makes sense
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Either Dragonball or Black Butler over on Deviantart. I think. It's been so long
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I love all my fics. But so far I'd have to say 恨君不似江楼月 | Killer and Healer just because of the amount of work I've put into it. It's probably going to be my greatest achievement as a writer once I'm finished with it
Tagging: @ahhhnorealnamesallowed @kpopfantasywriter @fourth-quartet @bunnyseahorse-blog @missjudge-me and anyone else who wants to play
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lady-phasma · 1 year
Hi, are you open to read any Aemond Fics of a kind of newbie? I‘m trying to write my first multichapter fic rn but doesn’t seem to get any interactions bcs of my lack of followers. Or do you have any tips on how I could increase the interaction?
That's awesome, anon! I'm so flattered that you asked me. It's so exciting that you are starting a multichapter fic. They are sometimes tough but you don't have to rush.
Sure! I can't take time to thoroughly beta for anyone new at the moment but I will gladly read over parts that you might be struggling with. I usually answer DMs in a timely manner, so you can hit me up if you want. I don't want to assume that you have read my Aemond fics so check those out to make sure you like my representation of him (even if you just skim them). I split him into two headcanons: my main "version" is the one I feel is the most in character in my series Philosopher Prince and my self-indulgent Helaemond series (now complete) Steadfast. Most of my one-shots align with the version of him from Philosopher Prince, though I do write him in a variety of ways based on certain requests that pique my interest or challenge me.
Tips on interactions... well, the main thing I have learned is using what feels like, to me, too many tags. For a while I wouldn't tag my fics with "Ewan Mitchell" because it felt misleading, but I do now. The same works on Tumblr get far more interaction for me on AO3 because the tagging system is more specific and, for some, easier to use. On Tumblr you have to use as many tags as you can to engage with readers. I've found that tags on Tumblr do two main things: draw people in and/or serve as the warnings. I write smut so most of my works will come under the "mature content" community label, but I also include smut tags on the chapters that contain that. Because searching Tumblr isn't very easy using variations of tags is important. Example, if you write Aemond x Reader try using all the variations on that: "Aemond Targaryen x reader" or the gender if you want x fem!reader or x gn!reader, also add the "Aemond x you", and every variation of his name that people might follow (Aemond One Eye, Kinslayer, etc). All that applies to any ship, include as many variations as you want. I always use the generic "HotD fic" & "House of the Dragon fic" and their variations to reach casual readers who might not be looking for Aemond in particular. It takes a lot of time but it's important to use them on your initial posting so the fic shows up in the tag search.
The only other tip I have is that you should occasionally reblog a new chapter. I don't think there's a set rule for this and I feel really guilty when I do it. It helps because I have readers in many time zones who might not asked to tagged and the first post can get buried in their dash. I do this about 12-24 hours after. Then, sometimes I go back after an increase in followers and reblog my lowest performing first chapters (or all of a series periodically) to reach those new followers.
Lastly, because this has gotten long, interaction is nice and positive reinforcement does help me write more but that is not my motivation for writing. I write what I want to read. Not to say that I don't read other fics! I certainly do. But I usually start a fic because that niche hasn't been filled or doesn't have enough already. If you are writing what you want, what you enjoy, then the readership is secondary. It also takes time to get readers and it shouldn't be perceived as a reflection of the quality of your writing. I have been on AO3 for a long time and have quite a few subscribers over there. It's possible some of them are here too and they prefer to read on Tumblr; that was a base I probably started with that you won't have. But don't get discouraged. I write for myself, throw it out into the void, and sometimes people read it, and sometimes they enjoy it.
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