#they’re always trying to
metaphor-cheese · 3 years
Viewing all phineas and ferb characters as autistic is so nice because you rarely see a range of personality types with autistic characters in the same show
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luminarai · 3 years
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andy, through the earpiece, obnoxiously slurping a baja blast: ask him about the machete nile: machete??! nicky: hm? oh yeah here you go :)
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comradekatara · 3 years
ngl a big pet peeve of mine is ppl who think sokka was morally wrong for internalizing gender essentialist beliefs that men and women are naturally suited to different roles and that women can’t be warriors, when he was literally tasked with being the sole defender of his entire village when he was 13.
like, how else are you supposed to rationalize something like that, having able-bodied adult women left in your village who wouldn’t even pick up a spear to help a child having to prepare for war all by himself, abandoned by all the other men, who lost his mother in the last raid and knows that it easily could’ve been his baby sister, the target of this genocide?
how are you supposed to take that, unless women really can’t be warriors, and that’s why he’s all alone, facing down an enemy ship with fire nation soldiers carelessly crashing into his village, into the watchtower he spent so long building by himself, using it to wait for the next moment where he knows he’s going to have to give his all on the battlefield, readily sacrificing himself if it means katara will live?
his tribe has certain traditions, but more than that, they won’t even buck tradition for the sake of defending a child. so it must be biological, right? why else wouldn’t they fight? sokka grew up knowing that his role was the Protector, the Warrior, a pawn to be sacrificed, the final line of defense, rather than a full human being to be valued. and the war not only dehumanized him, but also isolated him.
so yeah, it’s only natural that he thinks that katara’s role is in the domestic space and his role is in the battlefield. so yeah, when he first meets the kyoshi warriors, of course he wouldn’t be able to process the notion that they are the defenders of their society. of course he’d be a teensy bit defensive at first. because that realization would be devastating for him. that he’s not naturally, ontologically better suited to being a warrior. but he was forced to be anyway.
but it’s also incredible how readily he accepts the proof of his beliefs being challenged, how he sincerely apologizes and changes his belief system. how quickly he realizes that his previous rationalization for why he alone was left to defend his tribe was wrong. how readily he is willing to accept this paradigm shift. how willingly he can absorb the fact that there is so much of the world he has not seen. how he has been exposed to so much brutality and injustice, and yet he already knows, with so much clarity, that there is more unfairness yet.
#when ppl call sokka a misogynist I get soo grrrrrrr#like first of all he never believed that men were superior to women#just that they had naturally different roles in society#which yes is obviously sexist and wrong#but the only indication that he doesn’t Respect Women#was when he said to katara ‘leave it to a girl to screw things up’#which is like. idk. not that big a deal actually???#because I think we all know had sokka been the one to crash their canoe#katara would’ve said ‘leave it to a boy to screw things up’#like had he said it to anyone but his sibling I’d be like ‘excuse me???’#but that’s just the kind of thing siblings say to each other#had katara also been a boy he’d have been like ‘leave it to a 14 year old to screw things up’ or smth#my brothers are always talking about how women are inferior in front of me just bc they know it’ll rile me up and they’re trying to get me#to rise to the bait#that’s just what brothers do!#so no I would not say that sokka is a misogynist lmfao#like. does the sexism of his tribe benefit him in any way?#ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT#he is literally the greatest victim of their gender essentialism#sorry katara but doing laundry is not actually harder than knowing you have to die for your village because no one else can#I get that it’s frustrating having to wash your brothers socks#but a) girl is literally a waterbender....#b) he is busy training BY HIMSELF for a fight he knows he cannot win#to protect YOU#sokkas sexism is fine actually#esp bc he is SO READY to reevaluate his beliefs#he meets ONE GIRL outside of his tribe and he’s like ‘oh shit I’m sorry for disrespecting ur culture’#and that’s it!!#sokka#has literally never done anything wrong in his entire life ok thx byeeee
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tojisun · 2 years
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geto has a huge red tattoo on his back and he loves it so much because it looks a lot like a scar
when he was a teenager, toji pierced his ears himself with a needle but removed the earrings when he chose to grow out his hair
(naoya copied him)
speaking of piercings, feel like gojo 10/10 had one and it’s a navel piercing too but he removed it after defeating suguru
there are rumours and talks that sukuna’s chosen partner would bear his marks too, but no one’s never reached that level of intimacy with sukuna yet
nanami’s love language is acts of service because he firmly believes actions do speak louder than words
never knew they were possessive until that moment —gojo, nanami
knew they were possessive but tries to reign it in —geto, choso
possessive mf —toji, sukuna
possessive (pt.02):
“you’re mine” —geto, toji, sukuna
“i’m yours” —nanami, gojo, choso
when walking with their partner:
hands resting on their partner’s hips/waist —gojo, sukuna
prefer to hold hands —nanami, choso
hands resting on the small of their partner’s back —geto, toji
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falst · 2 years
Nothing is more goddamn infuriating than talking to cis people about JK Rowling
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puppyeared · 2 years
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I like him a normal amount
(Please credit me if u use these as icons)
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fangirl-of-the-end · 2 years
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Unwound and high strung
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batterycows · 2 years
The promised incoherent BKDK rant ! I’m not entirely sure of where I’m going with this, or if it makes sense, but I Realized and then I couldn’t stop Realizing and I had to put it down somewhere. This might get a bit rambly at times but bear with me guys
This is about bkdk, but to talk about bkdk I wanna talk about Uraraka and Toga as well because I believe they parallel bkdk. Not just on the Love = Imitation thing though that’s part of it, but also the way Deku handles his feelings toward Katsuki in relation to Heroism.
Uraraka and Toga are foils, and aside from highlighting how the way they handle their feelings are similar and different, they also reflect the attitudes of Heroism and Villainy. Uraraka is a Hero because she acts selflessly. She prioritizes becoming a Hero and helping people over her own feelings for Deku, and in turn represses them so they don’t become a liability. On the other hand, Toga is a villain because she’s ‘selfish’. She couldn’t suppress her feelings anymore, so now she prioritizes the things she wants and loves regardless of how they affect other people. In short, suppression = selflessness = Heroism; indulgence = selfishness = Villainy.
Now what the heck does this have to do with Deku and his feelings for Katsuki? Well I think he follows much of the same pattern Uraraka does. Deku consistently loses control of his feelings because of Katsuki throughout the series, and this comes to a head when he unlocks sixquirks. His feelings for Katsuki start to become a liability: when he unlocks Blackwhip he endangers his classmates, and after he unlocks Danger Sense he loses himself to the point where he nearly got OFA stolen, killed, possibly caused the end of the world, etc. Both of these instances were caused by someone saying or doing something to Katsuki. And every time he loses control of his feelings he becomes a liability as Hero, so he has to learn to ‘control his heart.’
So, Deku follows much of the same pattern Uraraka did: They experience strong feelings toward someone, until those feelings begin negatively affecting their Hero work, so they push those feelings down in order to become better Heroes. Selflessness. And Deku is selfless, so much so it becomes a fault. Time and time again, people point out Deku’s selflessness and how he always puts others before himself. The true imagine of a Hero.
Except, as far as I can tell, for this moment:
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I can never let go of this interaction between Deku and Compress because it is absolutely insane to me. Not only is Deku losing his shit because of Katsuki being taken, that much is understandable. But to make a point to have Compress call out Deku for being possessive? Yeah, that’s gonna keep me up at night. And it was me thinking about this scene for the 10293493 time that got me writing this long winded rant. Because Compress here calls Deku an ‘egoist.’ He’s not repressing his feelings, he’s lashing out, inadvertently indulging in the feelings he tends to suppress. To Compress, a Villain, this outburst appears egoistical. In a way, selfish. He’s losing control of his heart, and it is once again because of Katsuki.
And as I was losing my mind over this little detail, I remembered this happens in Chapter 81. What happens in Chapter 80?
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Toga introduces the concept of Imitation as a form of Love. Something which is seen not only in Uraraka but also in the way Deku acts toward Katsuki.
Coincidence? Well, probably lmao. But maybe I’m not crazy and it’s not.
Am I going anywhere in specific with this? No, not really. I have many thoughts and they lead to nowhere coherent. But after I realized how insane it was for Deku out of all people to be called an ‘egoist’ I couldn’t leave it alone and woah, what the hell.
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figofswords · 2 years
I think the real reason the batfamily is constantly having conflict is every single one of them grew up as an only child before being adopted into the world’s most bonkers dysfunctional family. dick is initially pissed about jason because what’s this?? I’m not an only child anymore? I have to SHARE dad??? jason hates tim because what! I’m not the baby of the family anymore!! tim goes from only child at boarding school to middle child practically overnight. and the siblings closest to him in age keep trying to literally kill him. I’d be emo too. damian goes from only child special boy to youngest of five. no wonder he keeps trying to insist he’s the only true son. cass benefits from only daughter privilege which is why bruce is so sweet with her but she also ends up with suddenly four entire brothers which is why she lives with babs and sometimes steph and then leaves to go be in hong kong
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plan-d-to-i · 3 years
Wei Wuxian was not kicked out of the Cloud Recesses because he got into the fight with Jin ZiXuan. He left voluntarily after jiang cheng told him Lan Wangji never wants to see him again, which jc said after he heard LWJ was still taking an interest in WWX- and that's an interesting distinction to make.
When Wei Wuxian saw Jiang Cheng’s melancholy expression, he thought he was still upset with what Jin Zixuan said. “You should leave. You don’t need to keep me company any longer. If Lan Wangji comes again, he’ll catch you. If you have time, you should find Jin Zixuan and watch his pitiful kneeling.”
Jiang Cheng was somewhat taken aback. “Lan Wangji? What was he doing here? He still has the nerve to come see you again?”
“Yeah, I think his bravery is laudable if he still has the nerve to come see me. His uncle probably told him to check on me and see if I was kneeling properly.”
A sense of unease overcame Jiang Cheng instinctively. “Were you kneeling properly then?”
Wei Wuxian said, “I was. After he left, I took a tree branch and started digging a hole, right at where your leg is. There’s an anthill, which I spent some effort to find. My head was lowered then, so when he turned back and saw my shoulders shrugging, he must have thought that I was crying. So he came over and asked me. You should’ve seen his face when he saw the anthill.”
“…” Jiang Cheng said, “Why don’t you just get the hell out and go back to Yunmeng? I bet he never wants to see you again.”
Thus, that evening, Wei Wuxian packed up his things, got the hell out, and went back to Yunmeng with Jiang Fengmian. (Chapter 18)
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apelcini · 2 years
janitors are literally so cool and nobody ever notices
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vianbarnes · 2 years
i desperately need dennis to start freaking out when he finds out mac wants to become a priest and saying that he can’t just leave like this and mac just looking at him and saying “why? you left” or something like that in the coldest deadliest tone PLEASE
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stellalights · 3 years
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trucy and phoenix have a bad day, but they’ll make this work 
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slashermary · 3 years
but you said you hated clunky exposition in the pilot. i would never say that. clunky exposition in the pilot is my friend.
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flosimo · 2 years
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Jaskier ranting to his new friend, Gordon, about his NOT-friend.
@dearestdandelion @alllthequeenshorses 💕
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Kara firmly stands by the fact that Lena is nothing like the rest of the Luthors. There’s very little that could convince her otherwise, but Kara does discover one tiny detail that makes her think Lena might secretly be a serial killer, instead.
It happens one morning while they’re both running late for work. Kara doesn’t have much time to spare, so thinking it’ll get them both out the door quicker, she slips into the shower behind Lena and immediately shrieks, flinging herself into the air and floating just above the freezing shower spray.
“Darling, what on earth are you doing up there?” Lena asks, not even looking up from where she’s washing her legs.
“It’s cold,” Kara says, stating the obvious.
“Yes. I’m showering.”
“But it’s cold.”
“It is. As I said, I’m showering.”
“In cold water?!” Kara stares at her thoroughly calm and unconcerned girlfriend in abject horror.
“I find it invigorating in the morning,” Lena says, rinsing herself under the water with a contented hum.
“I don’t even know who you are anymore.”
Lena just tosses her head back in laughter, at Kara’s dramatics. “Sweetheart, just come back down here. We’re already running late.”
Kara wraps her arms tighter around herself, pouting. “Not until you turn on the hot water.”
“How about,” Lena starts, her grin turning devious as she reaches up to grab Kara’s bare ankle. “I warm you up myself, instead, hmm?” Dragging her down into the icy spray, Lena captures her squeal of surprise behind a kiss hot enough to melt away Kara’s chill.
They definitely don’t make it to work on time.
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