#they’re so fun i can’t help but reply immediately
sat-oru · 3 months
Hello kei !! Hope your days are treating you kindly :)
Just got a little selfship question for you + your man kento , do you both like to read? If so, what genre? And where and when, typically do you like to read (in which setting too)? Cuddle in blankets while reading ? :3
hiii rose! my days have been great and I hope your days treat you kindly as well (every single day!) i love this question hihi >///<
me and kento love to read! id say he prefers non fictional books, thrillers and classics! books like gogol or any heavy content books really (ion get how he manages to read so many of them…kudos to him really) and of course, he does read some fiction time to time as well, like fantasy or literary fiction!
well for me, i am a romance girly! i be reading anything with romance, be it a fantasy themed book or modern one hehe! kento does read some of the stuff I’ve recommended him (not his cup of tea but he didn’t hate it!) sometimes we roast the characters for their silly actions in books together because romance book characters does some questionable choices 🤨
he can read books anywhere in any setting except if it’s chaotic, he just gets immensely bothered because he can’t focus lmao but his favorite one is on the bed, leaning against a pillow with the night lamp on and the blanket covering his lower body. he’s just so comfortable like that and the same goes for me as well, i can’t read sitting on something hard, gotta be soft!
ALSO! kento absolutely loves to read with me tucked against him, with my head on his chest and his arm around me as he reads while we both are under the blanket (rubs hands together sheepishly) sometimes he reads aloud for me as well which I absolutely love (he does that only if I’m not reading myself) his voice is so comforting even if he’s reading some thriller books, heck he reads horror if he feels like it! imagine hearing some scary stuff like “he saw a slinky tall creature in the dark with no face with glowing eyes” man id be petrified but I know I’m safe with kento >< we also tend to discuss the book he (or me) reads while in that setting, which is such a precious moment to us •ᴗ•
this got a bit long my bad😭
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woniverse-writes · 9 months
"MOTH TO A FLAME (part 1)"
Bada Lee x Fem!Reader
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part 1 ⟶ part 1.5
series masterlist
summary: y/n l/n is the youngest team member of Jam Republic, competing in the second season of Street Woman Fighter. she’s got the sweetest smile and the most vibrant personality, but she also may or may not be the biggest hothead on the show when it comes to defending her teammates. apparently that’s attractive to Bada Lee.
word count: 9k (holy shit)
warnings: swearing, reader is described as cute and small a lot, Bada is kinda confusing with her feelings, also this isn't proofread so... sorry for any mistakes lol- lemme know if I missed anything!
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“I think Jam Republic is finally coming out-” someone states and the excited conversations start to fill up the studio. Jam Republic walks into the fight zone for their first introduction and they're all just very happy to be there. All the girls are smiling but Audrey and y/n have the biggest smiles on their faces out of anyone. Everyone is commenting on how pretty they are and how their smiles are so precious
“Wow, Audrey is like a doll! So pretty…” Tatter is outwardly in awe of the girls, much like some of her other teammates. But their leader, even though she agreed, was trying to keep the girls’ confidence up.
“True, but we’re prettier” she replied in a motherly tone and patted the blonde girl's head, causing them all to smile and giggle. Minah notices Jam Republic approaching the area they’re seated in, and shares a mischievous look with Lusher, before adding to the conversation-
“Y/n’s like a princess though. No one’s beating that” she states matter-of-factly, anticipating her leader’s response. Bada opens her mouth to say something but right as she’s about to speak, she and y/n make eye contact. Y/n smiles even bigger than she already is, eyes twinkling, and she bows politely greeting team Bebe. Bada is lowkey rendered speechless because she’s pretty sure she just saw an angel.
“Oh- h-hello” she struggles to speak and immediately after y/n turns away, Bada is grimacing and covering her face out of embarrassment, her teammates now laughing at her distress. She tries to laugh it off and put on a smile because of all the cameras around- she just really hopes they didn’t catch that and it won’t be aired.
As Jam Republic continues to stride across the stage, past all the other crews, getting a feel for the room, they finally settle in the middle- waiting for their video to be played. Audrey and Y/n are holding hands and giggling excitedly, while the rest of their team shares similar smiles and affectionate chuckles towards their youngest members.
Then the review video plays…
“I think they all want to be the main character- how are they ever gonna work together?” Y/n can’t help but huff out a laugh of disbelief, but she’s not quite angry yet. She felt a little twinge of annoyance but other than that, she thought it was kind of funny. 
“I’m gonna steal the spotlight from you” Audret whispered sarcastically, bumping her shoulder, causing y/n to laugh. They were smiling and giggling again… until the others started targeting her and Audrey.
“They’re like babies- I don’t think they’ll have any real skill.” All the members are just nodding and keeping their composure, with light smiles, except for y/n. Her smile has dropped into a frown and her brows are furrowed as she tries to understand how these people could so willingly make assumptions about them. And it only kept getting worse-
As their individual dance clips started to play y/n could already feel the tension inside her start to rising. After Kirsten, Ling, Latrice, and Emma’s clips all played- Y/n’s was next. It was a somewhat recent clip of her dancing to “Basics” by TWICE, where she’s got her signature bright smile, and is bouncing around, just enjoying the choreography. She loves that choreo and has always been proud of it because it was fun, so her smile started to come back a little while watching it. She tried ignoring everyone’s words, and for the most part, it worked, but she was still able to hear- 
“Isn’t this too juvenile? She doesn’t seem competitive at all.” 
And if there’s one thing y/n hates- it’s people doubting her passion. She’s always been very dedicated to dance, but she also learned how to have fun and enjoy it, while still working hard to always be improving. But to be honest, it didn’t upset her too much because she never really cared what people’s opinions were on her- as long as she was happy, healthy, and kind y/n couldn’t care less what people thought. Unless it was about someone she cares about, then that’s when problems arise. 
Audrey’s video played right after y/n’s and even though the older girl was keeping it together and even sporting a small smile, the same could not be said for her teammate. Y/n listened to everyone laugh and jeer at her friend, and she felt genuine violence start to bubble inside her. How dare they laugh at her? Who do they think they are? She clenched her jaw and felt any bit of respect she had for these people leave her body. Y/n was already over this shit. 
“I think they’re pretty dancers, but that’s it- they’re just pretty dancers.” The other teams ‘ooh’ at this and letter other noises of enablement. By now Y/n’s face has totally dropped, and there’s no expression besides a deadly look in her eyes. While everyone else is brushing it off with some laughs, especially Audrey, y/n can't help but feel her anger fully ignite into a blazing fire. Their video came to an end and while others applauded respectfully, y/n stood there- arms crossed with her head tilted slightly, a stone-cold expression overtaking her face.
"Oh my god- y/n is the only one not smiling anymore" Akanen pointed out from Tsubakill’s side of the room. To which Rena gasped and replied “Eh?! Oh no! She looks so upset!” and the others all focused solely on her. other teams seem to be thinking similarly.
"Audrey is laughing about it like it's nothing and y/n looks like she's about to kill everyone who picked her as the worst dancer…" Mina Myoung jokes, laughing at the young girl. Some of her members laughed with her, while others just observed with cautious eyes. They didn’t want to accidentally make eye contact with Jam Republic’s seemingly small but mighty dancer.
"From everything I've seen of Y/n, I never thought I'd see her without a smile- more importantly I never thought I'd see her look that angry" Harimu gasps, gripping Redy’s shoulders, pulling herself to hide behind her slightly. Peaking over Redy’s shoulder, she listens to the older girl reply in a tone just as fearful as her own. "I didn't even think she'd be able to make such a scary face" Redy laughs but trembles a little.
"Oh my- wow, she looks so much older with that look on her face…" Funky Y openly expresses how baffled she is to her crew, with wide eyes and mouth slightly dropped open. Yoonji replies quickly in a frantic tone
"Like she's not a baby anymore, suddenly she became a Lion" she animatedly expressed with a growl after to prove her point. And her members can’t help but huff out a few laughs and roll their eyes at her antics. But still- even as they joke around, all are still weary of how y/n will act now.
All of the dancers quickly took notice of y/n’s 180 switch in vibe, and couldn’t help their conversations- some frantic, some laughing and continuing their degrading energy that got her all worked up in the first place, some fearful… and then there was Bebe.
"Woooah… what happened to cutie y/n? She's scary now-" Bada marvels at the small girl standing at the back of her team, with her arms crossed. She really was just as confused as everyone else on how y/n could go from being this darling princess with a dazzling smile and sparkly eyes- to this ice-cold girl who might start calling people out by names soon if she gets pushed any further. 
Bada’s teammates look at her, and some nod, while Tatter holds back a laugh, mumbling her leader’s words to herself, 
“Cutie…” Minah and Lusher hear her and start giggling, causing Tatter to start giggling as well. Bada doesn’t seem to hear them- that or she just pretends not to, cuz she sits there, unbothered, leaning her elbows on her knees, observing the scene before her with a barely-there smirk.
y/n continues to glare at the screen ahead of her and tries to contain her rage. Latrice puts a gentle hand on her shoulder and y/n just nods her head, poking her inner cheek with her tongue, trying her best not to say something that will definitely get her kicked off the show. Audrey sees how furious her bestie is and turns to poke her cheek playfully, of course with a smile still on her face
"heyyyy, don't stress. It's okay!" she puts an arm around the younger girl's shoulders and continues
"Plus this is just another great opportunity to show everyone what we've got!" and of course, Audrey, ever the optimist, successfully calms her down. y/n sighs and leans into the taller girl.
"I know, I just hate how almost all of them think we suck just cuz we're young." 
"well they also think we suck cuz we're pretty" And Basically everyone watching is like- "Aw they're still cuties, even though y/n can be scary". 
Bada can't help but laugh at them, specifically y/n
 "She's pouting now. Cute." She chuckles softly with a small smile on her face, as she sits, elbows resting on her knees, with her hands clasped. Lusher can't help but side-eye her leader and chuckle as well but for a different reason
"Bada, you seem a little too interested in her" She snaps out of whatever daze she was in, sitting straight up and looking over at Lusher for a second, before turning to look back at the front where Jam Republic is now exiting
"I'm interested in a lot of people here." she explains cooly, surveying the room
"Not true-" Tatter leans over from the other side of Bada to look her right in the eyes "We can all tell you haven't found a single person here interesting, until her- or at least her team."
"She looks kind of scary now…" Yoonji whispers to her teammates looking at y/n. Redlic looks in the direction Yoonji is looking at and laughs a little.
"What're you talking about? y/n? She looks like a kitten trying to be a lion." Now the rest of ManneQueen is staring at Jam Republic, specifically y/n l/n. And sure enough, instead of her usual bright and smiling self, her eyes were back to being fiery and to put it bluntly, she looks pissed the fuck off again. Waackxxy was the one to turn to Redlic and go-
“No, she’s definitely got something fierce going on right now… I hope she has a lot of battle cuz I’m kind of interested in her now…” causing the rest of her team to laugh and agree. On the other side, Jam Republic is having their own discussion regarding y/n. 
“I think you should just wait and see- maybe no one will even pick you as a “no respect” dancer!” Ling tried cheering up her younger teammate.
“No I want someone to battle me- I want everyone who voted for me and Audrey to come and try us” y/n fired back with her arms crossed as she leaned back into her chair. She really did look intimidating, especially with her makeup and hair done. Audrey on the other hand was not feeling the same fire-
“Uhm, maybe we don’t need everyone to want to battle us…maybe just a few.” Audrey started to reason, 
”Cuz I don’t know if you remember, but there were a LOT of people that voted for us as the worst dancers…” which caused Kirsten and Ling to sigh, and y/n to roll her eyes and clench her jaw.
“Audrey, my love, I’m very well aware of how many people think we suck-“ 
“You don’t suck-” 
“Thank you Emma, but please give me a second”
“Y/n take a deep breath and check your well-being”
She sighed at their team leader’s advice, knowing it was to help her out and so that she didn’t get too fired up with her teammates. It’s not that y/n doesn’t get along with them- it’s the furthest thing from that, she adores her teammates- but she gets very passionate about everything, and she’s a bit of a hothead. On top of all that, y/n is very protective of those she cares about, some of those people being her dear teammates.
“I’m sorry” she mumbles a bit, but ultimately huffs out the response. To which Kirsten replies with a motherly “thank you”, causing the others to chuckle.
“I just don’t understand how they can all collectively make the assumption that we’re not as good as them- for what? Why? Because we’re foreigners? Because we smile a lot? Because we’re pretty? To me THAT just sounds like jealousy” y/n continues to rant, frantically moving her hands and arms about, expressing her frustration- and her team just listens patiently for her to finish. Once she finally lets out her final huff and relaxes back into her chair with her arms crossed again, and a pout now sporting her face, her teammates can’t help but smile gently at their youngest member- some even trying to hide giggles and chuckles of endearment. 
“Y/n, sweetheart, you’ve gotta remember- not everyone thinks like you- I wish they did, but they just don’t” Kirsten starts to comfort her, and places a hand on her head, trying her best to calm down the passionate young girl. 
Kirsten always felt like asking y/n to join her team was one of the best choices she made in regards to being a leader. She knew the younger girl had experience in kpop dance styles, having performed at multiple k-con stages and doing countless covers from other groups, even choreographing her own routines to kpop songs for fun and still getting the attention of the original artist. Kirsten also saw an unlimited amount of potential in y/n and saw how quickly and easily she absorbed everything around her. The only thing she was worried about was how young she was. it wasn’t a huge concern to her since their whole team was pretty young, but when it came down to it, Kirsten ended up adding Audrey in as well, and the two hit it off right away! To be completely honest- Kirsten felt as if the three youngest members were her babies. Audrey being the sweet angel of a golden child, Emma being the responsible oldest, and y/n being the chaotic troublemaker who’s always trying to pick a fight with someone for hurting her sisters. 
“You just need to remember that we’re here to dance, have fun, and gain a new experience… alright?” Kirsten has successfully reduced her gremlin child to a less angry (but still very pouty) version of herself.
“…alright” y/n mumbled.
“Thank you. Now please stop pouting, you look like a kicked puppy and the others will probably start picking on you soon” Kirsten teased lightly, which caused Audrey to join in and start poking y/n’s cheek, leading to Emma tugging gently on her hair, and Ling poking her other cheek, all while Latrice coos at her and pats her head. This all of course causes her to start whining and complaining playfully at her members teasing.
But the endearment for each other doesn’t end outside of the members' little cluster. the love for Jam Republic, and specifically y/n, has now spread to the entire studio. as everyone originally took notice of the youngest member’s slight temper tantrum, most didn’t really know what she was ranting about, but they could tell she was once again not happy at all. The two teams sitting nearest to Jam Republic happened to be Bebe and 1Million, who originally both had members that intended to battle y/n, but after hearing her rant, some opinions changed. 
“I like her style! She’s very passionate” Harimu laughed as she explained her newfound interest in Jam Republic’s youngest. 
“That’s what I was thinking- I don’t even wanna battle her anymore, especially after how scary she looked before- I just wanna watch her tear up the stage with all her energy” Redy chimed in.
“Do you think we should go up to her during break and try to become friends?” They begin to laugh and joke around about their shared interest in y/n. But their team’s older members aren’t quite on the same level of endearment.
“Ya- you two should be trying to take her down before befriending her, don’t you think?” Lia warns the two girls, who just look at each other and start giggling.
“I don’t know if I’d necessarily wanna go up against someone with her temper” Redy starts off jokingly, but Harimu is already coming back in a teasing mood-
“Yeah cuz you’d probably cry.” Which has Redy letting a gasp-  her jaw dropped to the floor, eyes wide with shock and (false) betrayal.
The other team seated next to Jam Republic isn’t as chipper as 1 Million though, as their leader is trying to convince her team to stick with their guts.
“You wanted to battle her at first for a reason- why would that reason change if you still haven’t seen her dance?” Bada asks Kyma, Sowoen, and Minah. They all voted y/n as the worst dancer because her style was too “pretty” and they thought she relied on having cute expressions. Bada didn’t entirely agree with her teammates, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. She even originally stated how she thought y/n’s style was refreshing and youthful, but she was worried about how she’d be with darker concepts.
“Well- I mean- she seems kinda crazy…” Cheche halfheartedly joked, but in reality, she was being completely serious.
“Why? Because she’s angry? She should be angry. Being voted as the worst dancer isn’t something to be happy about…” Bada replies calmly. No one really says anything, as they all are just trying to process whether or not their leader is provoking them, or if she’s defending their opponent because she thinks she’s cute. 
Bada sighs and stands up to stretch. She wants her team to not only be amazing dancers, but critical thinkers too. Of course, Bada wants a win, but she also wants her team to be strong- and if going up against someone with untouchable morale and endless energy will force her teammates to be stronger, then that’s what they need to do.
She also may or may not be personally interested in seeing what y/n is made of. After all, she caught her attention originally with her bright smile and explosive personality- then again shortly after with how serious and intimidating she gets when people question her abilities. Bada thought her bold expressions and reactions to things were an endearing contrast from her cute or refreshing facials used when dancing. So now having seen y/n in stark opposition, she’s even more interested.  
They all finish up introductions and meet the judges, then are sent off to get changed and prepare for the battles that are about to ensue. Jam Republic’s hideout is full of conversation from the second they enter the room.
“Well besides y/n almost setting the place on fire, I think that went well!” Ling chirps, smiling in faux satisfaction at her teammates, who let out variations of laughs.
“I can’t believe they think so lowly of us” Audrey finally expresses her disappointment, sharing a kicked puppy look with y/n, who longer feels angry, just tired. The younger of the two just leans her head on her friend's shoulder and stays quiet.
“I know, but that’s exactly why we’re gonna go out there and show every single one of them how wrong they were, right?” Kirsten encourages with her once again motherly tone and warm smile.
Bebe’s hideout conversations on the other hand are going quite a bit differently than Jam Republic’s…
“So moral of the story: I’m scared of a five-foot-nothing, angel-faced, baby who may or may not have the ability to shoot lasers out of her eyes.” 
“Minah, what the fuck are you even saying right now-” Tatter sits and stares at her teammate with a concerned look. Minah and Kyma have been going back and forth since they got back about how they regret picking y/n as their no-respect dancer already, because of how quickly and drastically her personality changed when she got upset.
“I’m just saying- I feel like if I looked her in the eyes at that moment, I would've died.” Minah replies dramatically, and Kyma nods her head enthusiastically in agreeance. Bada huffs out a laugh and rolls her eyes at the two members’ antics.
“You do realize she’s still just a kid, right? You have nothing to worry about. Even if she does look scary, she’s probably all bark and no bite” Bada smirks slightly and leans back comfortably on the couch in their space.
“Weren’t you just saying how cute she was?” Lusher side-eyes her as she questions.
“Yes, and? That’s exactly my point. She’s too cute, so there’s no way she’d actually be able to go through with whatever she looked like she could've done.” Bada reasons, shrugging. Everyone just sighs and new conversations arise. 
After all the teams have finished preparing, they all head back down to the main studio and take their seats again. The judges are all prepared and after a slight re-introduction by Daniel, the host, the battles are set to begin. 
Bada being part of the first battle of the season was definitely necessary, and her win practically secured her spot as the best dancer involved in the program. 
Everyone was hyped especially the members of Jam Republic, who were all just very happy to be there- even y/n, who had managed to calm down from her original state of rage, and now she’s back to her excited, vibrant self, of course wearing a giant smile. The girls all cheered and at some point (she doesn’t know when) y/n ended up clinging to Emma with wide eyes and jaw dropped. After Bada finished everyone obviously went crazy with an uproar of applause, but y/n could only let out a few claps, as she was still shell-shocked. Ling glanced at her teammate and started laughing
“Did you enjoy that y/n?” Y/n, still in a daze, puts the back of her hand on her cheek, then her forehead
“My face feels so hot right now”
“Oh my god y/n! You’re like- actually a tomato!!” Kirsten noticed her youngest dancer’s flustered state and couldn’t help but bring attention to it. With all her teammates' eyes on her now, they giggle as she starts whining and covering her face, collapsing into a ball on the floor. She looks up at Ling, who gently pats her head, and goes
“I don’t think I’m gonna survive this” sending all of her members into a fit of laughter over their youngest dancer’s uncontrollable admiration.
“The way she got up in Redy’s face- UGH I WOULD’VE DIED” she continues fangirling, catching the attention of a few of the other dancers- specifically from Bebe. Lusher is the first to glance sideways at y/n with wide eyes and a hidden smile- she’ll have to tell Bada about it afterward. 
When it’s revealed that Bada won, y/n just about flew twelve feet in the air, that’s how high she jumped. Bada acted coolly and honestly pretty cold toward Redy, but the second she made eye contact with y/n, she smiled charmingly causing the already flustered girl to smile even brighter. She sits back down with her crew and Lusher leans over to whisper in her ear,
“I think y/n really likes you” she teases, causing Bada to roll her eyes and glare. 
“Enough…” the older girl warns playfully, in tow causing Lusher to raise her hands in defense.
“Alright, fine- but just know she really enjoyed your performance.” and the conversation ended there.
During Kirsten’s battle with Waackxxy, the members of Jam Republic are once again hyped up, but this time- it’s tenfold. 
Y/n is standing on top of the front row of their team’s bleachers, jumping up and down so much that at one point she nearly slips. Emma and Audrey are of course both there to keep her out of trouble (like always) and they all make eye contact before bursting out laughing
From across the room- Bada is pretty much just as invested as they are. Except she’s a little more focused on one of the members who ISN’T currently dancing. She of course paid attention to Kirsten’s battle and was genuinely blown away by her style- But Bada couldn’t help but get distracted by the small girl a little bit behind her, screaming and jumping like her life depended on it. She tried not to smile or laugh at y/n’s antics but she couldn’t help it when she almost fell off the bleachers. At first- when she watched her slip, Bada felt herself tense up, almost as if her instant reaction was to reach out and try to catch her from across the room. But once she realized y/n was alright (and that she’d have been fine had she fallen from the short height) she shook her head laughed, but more at herself for feeling so protective of this girl she hadn’t even spoken to yet.
Shortly after Kirsten’s first battle, Audrey has hers- Which means, y/n is about to be at her peak of hype woman realness. When Audrey's name is called, y/n shoots straight up and gets right to hyping her best friend up. She’s smiling and rubbing her shoulders and shaking her around a bit to show her excitement, and finally, the two do their signature handshake that they’ve done before every performance together since they became friends
Bada again watched from the opposite side, and she couldn’t help but feel extra critical while watching Audrey. There was nothing wrong with Audrey’s dancing! In fact- Bada was thoroughly impressed, (but she wishes she wasn’t). Instead of catching y/n’s reactions, this time she was totally focused on the dancers- Bada was curious as to what made y/n so defensive of Audrey, and now she understands a little better. That doesn’t ease her feelings of discomfort though, especially as the battle comes to an end and she watches y/n pounce on Audrey the second the timer runs out. What frustrated her even more was how quickly she became self-aware in that moment. Wait- why do I care so much? She was asking herself as her eyes darted to the floor.
And when she was announced the winner, Bada applauded and cheered, but again felt bitter seeing Jam’s Republic’s two youngest members be cute together. Now all Bada can focus on is why she herself is so bothered by y/n clinging to her teammate, and smiling like Audrey just won the Olympics.
“She seems like a really clingy person” Bebe members all look at Bada and then follow her line of sight to Audrey and y/n- or rather y/n sticking to Audrey and congratulating her. Lusher is the first to speak up again,
“Audrey?” she questions, peaking over at Bada in confusion, whose eyes are fixed back on y/n.
“No, y/n”
“Oh, of course”
Lusher’s response is sarcastic and causes the others to laugh lightly at the sub-leader’s attitude towards their oldest member. Bada once again has no reaction as she’s too focused on y/n smiling angelically, celebrating Jam Republic’s win.
“Omg please don’t tell me you’re already jealous” Sewoen teased and Tatter laughed hysterically. Bada raised her eyebrows and finally turned to look at the girls.
“Me? What would I be jealous of?” she pouts slightly when she talks. Even though she seems all tough, and tall, and cold- only one of those things is true. Bada is really a big softie- a baby angel trapped in a 5’9 body. Her teammates know this all too well as they halt their teasing for a moment to admire their cute leader. But that obviously doesn’t last forever.
“Bada-” Lusher tilts her head, exasperated. She stares at the older girl for a few seconds in disbelief, before letting out a huff of a laugh again. Bada’s eyes just widen as she looks around at her team- she really is confused, because while yes- she is starting to realize she may have a genuine crush on y/n, Bada thought she was doing a pretty good job at hiding it!
“What?? I’m serious- I'm not jealous of anyone” She tries to laugh it off and move on but the only reaction she gets is a few side-eyes from the other members. So she lets out a sigh and hangs her head in embarrassment.
“Let’s just leave it please” She smiles timidly, and THIS causes the other girls to laugh.
Many more battles occur before it’s finally Y/n’s chance to dance. When she’s called up to pick her no-respect dancer, y/n smiles brightly and walks to the center.
"So I actually have a lot of respect for this dancer, and I kind of selfishly chose her for the opportunity to share the stage with her and feed off her energy…" she starts, making sure to survey the whole room before eyes finally land on Bebe
"No way she's gonna pick Bada", "is y/n really about to pick Bada???", "Ya, she must be insane" excited murmurs fill the studio as everyone anticipates her pick.
Bada tries to keep her expression neutral, but she can't help how her eyes widen when she makes eye contact with the young dancer standing in front of her crew. Bada thinks y/n looks cute holding the mic with both hands, poking her tongue out and smiling nervously.
Y/n takes a deep breath and walks slowly toward the team she's been eyeing up
"For my no respect dancer, I'd like to battle Bebe's…" It feels like everyone is holding their breath. Y/n holds eye contact with Bada but breaks it with a nod
Everyone goes crazy, even Lusher herself- She stands up and bows, smiling brightly, and as she starts to descend the bleachers they're sat in, she turns to Bada with wide eyes and whispers-
"I for sure thought she was gonna be calling your name…" she started seriously
"Hm… guess not yet" she teases her leader and Bada shoves her away
"Ya, go dance or something" she mumbles, already exhausted from dealing with the teasing of her members. Lusher meets Y/n halfway and actually reaches out to shake her hand, to which a nervous Y/n excitedly and politely bows and shakes her hand
"Good luck" Lusher smiles gently and y/n's eyes twinkle a little more at the kindness
"Thank you so much, you too!" and then they're separating and heading back to their sides to start the battle. Bada can't help but roll her eyes at her younger teammate, because while she's appreciative of the good sportsmanship, she knows it's really just to tease her more. Once Lusher heads back to Bebe’s side, Bada is behind her with a hand on her shoulder, talking calmly and softly.
"You know this is a cutthroat competition right? You're not supposed to be nice to your opponent- especially since she chose you as her "no respect" dancer-" Bada begins firmly
"Bada, did you listen to a word she said before? Or did you block it all out after you realized she wasn't talking about you?" Tatter laughed, once again taking the opportunity to tease the group leader
On the other side, Jam Republic is also teasing their group member
"I for sure thought you were gonna pick Bada" Latrice stated, massaging y/n's shoulders, shaking her around a bit to keep her energy up. She didn't say anything, just laughed and rolled her eyes. Noticing the lack of reaction, Ling reaches over and pinches her cheek-
"Are you kidding, y/n would probably forget how to breathe if she had to go up against Bada" causing them all to burst out laughing, including the youngest. She moves out of they're teasing reach and steps onto the dance floor. Daniel introduces the two again and allows them to do their little speeches before the battle actually starts. Y/n goes first and she has that same nervous smile back on her face, but her eyes still twinkle with excitement
"As much as I do respect you, I apologize because I'm still going to compete and perform like I don't"  she finishes, trying to seem cool, but she ends up giggling a little. Everyone obviously loses their shit and starts screaming, and even Lusher is clapping and nodding with approval
"Y/n-ya" Everyone's eyes widen, especially Y/n's, as they anticipate Lusher's comeback
"I appreciate your admiration, but there won't be any sharing of the stage, cuz it's all mine" and cue the 'oohs' and 'aahs' from the other dancers, and y/n just smiles and nods. They turn over their mics and prepare for the music to start
"First up- Bebe! LUSHEEEEER" Daniel shouts out and the music comes in as everyone cheers. She starts with some smooth groves and then hits all the accents once the beat drops. Y/n just felt happy to be there, face scrunched up showing how impressed she is with her opponent's moves. Bada tried to solely focus on Lusher, but she couldn’t help but eye up the opposing dancer. and if anyone happened to notice and ask her about it, Bada would just tell them that she was inspecting the competition for the sake of her team…
As Lusher's time runs out, she finishes off strong by getting in y/n's face and ruffling the shorter girl's hair while smirking, causing her to giggle and poke the inside of her cheek with her tongue. She nodded as Daniel announced the switch, and she anticipated everyone's reactions
CL's "Tie a Cherry" starts playing from the pre-chorus and everyone gets even more hyped- some were jumping around and screaming, some grabbed onto their hair, some just had wide eyes and jaw dropped. Lusher stood similar to the last group- eyes wide and jaw dropped to the floor, but she still smiled and laughed in astonishment. Y/n smiled coolly and nodded her head to the beat before bouncing to get into the feel. She does a quick spin around and her vibe has completely changed again- 
Everyone notices the different look in her eyes and they all start fangirling amongst themselves again, expressing how excited they are to see her dance. Lusher stands back and watches, amused and somewhat proud, like she's just got herself a new friend- a friend that challenges her by picking a song that she already danced to with the artist.
Bada on the other hand is trying to control her emotions and reactions again- standing behind with the rest of her team, hand covering her mouth, brows furrowed. She's stressing rn, but not because she's scared that Lusher will lose (frankly, she could care less about that) but rather because she doesn't know how she's gonna last a whole season of watching y/n dance without reacting in the most obvious ways possible- especially since she has a reputation to uphold. Now- Bada has never really cared about that type of stuff, she's chill and doesn't really care whether or not people think she's cool. But this- this feeling she gets while watching y/n dance- is a whole new level of uncool. To be completely honest- Bada feels pathetic.
y/n's been hitting every beat, leaving it all out on the floor- her movements are explosive and captivating. So much so, that certain viewers are mesmerized even by the smallest aspects of her performance that she doesn't even have control over.
"Woooow… how does her hair just perfectly fall into place…" Bada's mesmerized voice doesn't fit in with the chaotic energy and screams, so it catches the attention of Tatter, who looks over to see a dazed leader with a slight blush painted on her cheeks, and she bursts out laughing.
"Bada… you need to pull yourself together" she laughs. but right as she finishes her sentence and looks back to watch the rest of the dance, the iconic "razzi shots" line occurs and y/n handles it perfectly.
Right as the "razzi shots" line is played through the speaker, y/n's whole body reacts as if electrified- her articulation is so on point that the final hit of her movement mixed with her unmatched expression sends everyone spiraling into a frenzy. And it only got worse as her next movements were smooth, yet articulated combinations of body rolls and hip swivels, leaving everyone with jaws dropped. No one expected the cute, sometimes fiery, girl to have such an alluring, sexy side to her. Especially Bada, who is now fumbling between covering her eyes and her mouth cuz she's so flustered she doesn't know what to do. And the fact that she doesn't understand why she's feeling this way is making her even more flustered.
Y/n's time is about to run out as she slides onto the ground, and with a flip of her hair, she hits a sexy pose that's all tied together with a seductive smile. The applause are the loudest they’ve been so far, everyone is beyond baffled after watching her perform. She stays in her pose for a second, basking in the attention, and to make it even better she daintily bites her finger and puts on a cute-clueless kind of sexy facade. As if she didn’t just completely destroy everyone’s expectations of her. 
After a couple of seconds of holding her pose, she laughs at herself and stands up, first bowing to Lusher, then turning to the audience on her side and bowing- which causes another uproar. Y/n’s brilliant smile is back and she can’t help but clap her hands and cheer with everyone else. The sweet girl who loves to perform was back and she was once again just happy to be there.
The time comes for the judges to decide the winner and in a clean sweep, 3-0, y/n takes the win. Everyone cheers, and y/n comes running up to Lusher to shake her hand again, but Lusher pulls her into a hug instead before pulling back and holding onto the smaller girl's shoulders.
"You're literally so amazing- I was totally joking before, let's share the stage all the time" Lusher jokes around, a genuine smile on her face, but still a teasing lilt in her voice.
"Oh so now you wanna share cuz I won?" y/n teases back, causing Lusher to laugh and shove her shoulder gently, the two girls smiling and giggling together.
"You wish that was you, huh?" Tatter whispers to Bada as they watch from their seats. Bada just turns to look at her with the most fed-up look, causing the blonde to let out a snort of a laugh. As Lusher strides back over to Bebe’s side, she’s smiling still as she looks at her team and shrugs her shoulders. They all hurry to pat her on the back and tell her how well she did, no matter the outcome. 
“Y/n is no joke, you guys should be scared to challenge her for sure now.” She looks specifically at the three who had picked her as their no-respect dancer. Causing them all to sigh and chuckle a little in defeat. 
“It’s okay- we’re stronger. We have to be.” They all turn to look at their leader in disbelief. They've all noticed how she’s been acting toward y/n, and find it hard to believe Bada actually thinks they could beat her- shit they would even agree that Bada doesn’t think anyone could beat her. 
“Whatever you say, captain…” Tatter replies and they all turn their attention back to the front. 
As everyone finishes up their individual dance battles, and the battle of the aces finishes off- the teams are released to go prepare for the group battle. Everyone begins heading to their respective rooms, but one dancer stalls behind her crew by a few steps. y/n keeps peaking over her shoulder every so often, to glance back at Bebe. She simply wanted to ask Lusher for her phone number, but the girl didn’t seem to be with her team. She eventually stopped walking altogether and when y/n looked forward again, she realized the rest of her team was so far ahead she’d have to jog to catch up. 
“Were you looking for someone?” y/n whips back around and is met with the rest of Bebe, more specifically their leader, who is a lot closer than she expected her to be. Her eyes turn into saucers and she seems to struggle a little to find words.
“Oh- actually- well yeah actually I was…” y/n nervously smiled and looked up at Bada, hoping that her face wasn’t turning red already. Bada gave a gentle smile in return. She looked relaxed, cool, but in her head she was trying to keep calm and not squeeze the cute girl in front of her.
“I was wondering where Lusher went, actually.” the Jam Republic dancer spoke up a little more confidently this time- still very shy, but definitely was able to speak without stuttering, which is progress!
“Mmm” Bada hummed and nodded, seemingly understanding. She held eye contact with the younger girl, before asking, 
“Why?” to anyone on the outside looking in, this situation probably looks like a gang of scary tall women harassing some poor girl- which is exactly what Audrey is thinking when she turns to ask y/n a question and looks back to see her many meters away, conversing with Bebe’s leader, while the rest of the crew stands behind her.
“Oh my god- we lost y/n” she starts to panic, causing all the older members to whip around and look at Audrey like she’s crazy, then look at the spot next to her where the youngest member usually stood. Kirsten takes a deep breath before releasing it and shaking her head, Emma and Ling are genuinely in shock, and Latrice just looks at each of the members before laughing and starting to head back towards the direction they came from, to retrieve their baby.
Meanwhile, said baby is still struggling through a conversation with “the love of her life”, as she described to her team after watching Bada battle Redlic.
“Uhm- well I was looking for Lusher hoping I could get her number, or give her mine, cuz… because I really enjoyed dancing with her!” y/n finishes off strong and Bada just tilts her head in an amused, yet condescending way. Y/n finally took the opportunity to actually look at her, and wow, does she wish she didn’t, because if her face wasn’t on fire before, it sure is now. Bada was standing confidently with her feet planted shoulder-width apart and her hands casually in her pockets. Y/n was usually good at acknowledging an attractive woman leaving it at that- but this shit was just too overwhelming for the poor girl. 
“She went to go refill her water, but she should be back soon. We were obviously heading to our room so if you wanna come back with us and wait for her, you’re more than welcome to.” Tatter speaks up in a chipper voice from beside Bada. She could see how red the girl’s face had gotten and wanted to help her out a little by putting her focus on something other than Bada. although her comment only seemed to make it worse-
“Oh! Oh no, that’s okay! I don’t want to intrude, and I- I should probably get back to my group anyways to prepare for the battle-” y/n frantically starts to ramble, her face somehow even brighter red than before. Bada couldn’t help the amused smirk that spread across her face.
“How about you just give me your number and I’ll give it to her?” Bada cuts her off, and not only do y/n’s eyes grow four times in size but so do Bada’s teammates’. They all try to discreetly glance at each other without freaking out, cuz since when was their leader this bold???
“Yeah… yeah of course.” Bada smiles and y/n is about to give her number, right when-
“We seriously need to put you on a leash, girl” Latrice laughs and puts her hand on y/n’s shoulder, leaving her to jump in surprise a little, not expecting her crew to have showed up behind her. The young girl let out a relieved sigh and then a tired laugh. She glanced back at Bada and the rest of Bebe then bowed slightly.
“Thank you so much for your help, but I'll just keep an eye out and try to catch her later” she speaks softly and smiles politely before moving to finally head back to her waiting room with her members. As she’s about to round the corner, y/n looks over her shoulder and shouts a sweet “good luck!” then waves cutely. 
Bebe is still standing in the same spot they were in when y/n left when Lusher finally made her way back to them.
“Why are we just standing in the hall… I thought you guys would be back in our room already.” She eyes up her crew suspiciously, looking at every one of them before landing on Bada.
“Well, we would’ve been if Bada hadn’t decided to harass y/n” Kyma pipes up, and Lusher sends a look that can only be explained as concern and disbelief toward Bada.
“Excuse me, I did not HARASS her???” Bada looks over at the girl with an incredulous look.
“Right, you just tortured the poor girl and acted so cold she probably thought you were gonna eat her-” “EAT HER???? WHAT AM I NOW? A WOLF???”
“Well-” Tatter chimes in this time, “you did kind of give off that vibe when she was talking to you just now.”
“Okay- we can get back to unpacking that later. Why was she even over here?” Lusher interrupted the flow of conversation. Bada sighed and hesitated before sharing
“She actually was looking for you…” she started calmly. Noticing Lusher’s confused expression, she continued
“y/n was asking for your number… said it was because she really enjoyed dancing with you.” Bada smiled a little as she shared this information with her teammate, who in turn also smiled. Lusher’s wide eyes and light grin, made Bada realize how she actually had the opportunity to get y/n’s number and failed miserably. 
“But she said she’d come find you later, so be on the lookout.” the group leader stoically expressed. Lusher hums and nods, mentally pocketing the information. They finally head back to their room and begin to prepare for the battle.
As ALL of Jam Republic enters their room, the first they do after shutting the door is all turn to face y/n. All of the members stare in anticipation, waiting for her to burst.
“So are you gonna tell us what the hell you were doing talking to Bada Lee?” Latrice urges with a teasing grin. Everyone continued to wait for y/n to start excitedly ranting, but it never came.
“I feel…” the youngest starts and they all lean in slightly, waiting for her to express everything vividly,
“I feel really confused.” She finishes her statement in a daze and honestly, the members are now convinced she’s totally out of it.
“Oh my god… what did she say to you?” “Are you okay?” “Do we need to fight her?” Emma and Audrey go back and forth with their questions, hurrying to bring y/n to sit in between them on the couch.
“She just… she’s… I just really love women, and I think I specifically am going to fall in love with that woman, and I think I'm gonna die” she rants outwardly, still in a daze. All of her members lean back slightly, flabbergasted by the youngest’s statement. Kirsten tries to keep her jaw off the floor but she puts up a hand and tries to dismiss the situation for the time being
“Well… uh… alright should we prepare for the battle, and revisit this later?” “yes please” “alright awesome, thank you for sharing y/n” “yeah, no problem”
All teams have gathered again in the main competition area for the group battle, all fired up again and ready to rumble. The energy is high as all groups compete, the mission’s final ranking is announced and Jam Republic celebrates their decent rank of fourth place. With Bebe placing right above them in third, y/n turns to the groups and claps for them, making eye contact with Lusher and giving her a thumbs up, which is returned. 
They wrap up and begin to head back to their rooms again. Y/n approaches Bebe with a bright smile and hopes that Lusher will come right forward and save the other girl from embarrassing herself again in front of the group’s leader. But it turns out Lusher has other plans. She skips down the bleachers and smiles at y/n before walking right past her.
“Bada, can you get y/n’s number for me, I have to use the restroom- thanks!” she shouts as she retreats, causing all of her teammates to laugh in shock, except her leader. Bada, unprepared for the confrontation, is a little flustered and doesn’t know if she’ll be able to put up the same act as before. 
Bada stands from her seat and calmly and coolly strides towards y/n. She pulls out her phone and opens the contact app, handing it to the small girl with a relaxed, almost bored, expression. When y/n doesn’t do anything at first, she looks up at Bada with wide puppy eyes, and Bada swears she stopped breathing for a second.
“You can just put your information in my phone and I'll send it to Lusher” the team leader explains, hoping y/n can’t tell how worked up and tense she is right now. 
“Oh- yeah. duh” Y/n awkwardly laughs and enters her information before looking back up again with bright eyes to ask-
“Can I give myself a contact picture?” She doesn’t seem awkward or nervous at all when she asks for permission, and Bada finds it adorable. She couldn't help the endeared laugh that escaped her, and she was honestly okay with it because afterward the vibe totally changed.
“Of course you can give yourself a picture” Bada responds with a gentle, amused smile and y/n feels her nerves start to dissipate, as Bada’s genuine smile makes her feel warm and fuzzy, and she never wants to stop seeing such a beautiful thing.
Y/n poses for her contact photo by simply doing a peace sign and sticking out her tongue. Bada again giggles at her cuteness and thanks her when she hands her phone back. She’s about to speak when the Jam dancer beats her to it-
“Even though I technically gave you my number for Lusher, you should definitely still text me too, so I have your number as well!” y/n confidently speaks, but the blush painting her cheeks betrays her nerves. Bada’s eyes widen, genuinely shocked at her bold request.
“Of course- I’ll text you right now.” and so she does. Y/n giggles as she watches Bada take a similar selfie to her, which she receives moments later.
“That’s for my contact picture by the way-” the older girl jokes, which causes y/n to burst out laughing. She was surprised that this Bada was the same person as the one who almost had her fainting in the hallways earlier. The two talked and laughed some more- they really couldn’t get enough of each other.
“You know, I was freaking out during your battle with Redy- when you got in her face and started like- making fun of her height or whatever you'd call that- oh my god it was amazing! My face got so hot watching that” y/n excitedly expressed her admiration, but realized a few seconds too late how she possibly exposed herself. And she felt her face heat up immediately when Bada tilted her head and smirked teasingly.
“Oh? Why was your face all hot? Huh?” Bada teases, standing firmly with her arms crossed over her chest. She steps up to y/n, similarly to how she did with Redy. except when she’s directly in front of her and able to look over her head entirely, Bada glances down at y/n who’d already staring up at her with those wide puppy eyes that have been trapping her all day, her mouth slightly hung open. 
Y/n is holding her breath- the way Bada is looking at her right now is making her want to cry. She’s so close, and the tone she uses while teasing y/n makes the younger girl weak in the knees, ready to fold at any second. She tries to stay aware, but y/n can feel her eyelids start to droop, as do Bada’s. The way she’s looking at her- with half-lidded, seductive eyes- y/n doesn’t understand how she got here, but the last thing she wanted for was it to end.
Bada had to remind herself there were many other people and cameras currently around, so she looked y/n up and down, smirked slightly (yet effectively), and backed away. She cleared her throat, but the smirk remained on her face, in fact- it was even bigger than before.
“I’ll text you later, okay?” She’s still close enough to where she can speak softly, and it makes her heart rate pick up when she realizes how flushed and dazed the younger dancer is in front of her. Bada raises her eyebrows slightly when she doesn’t get a response, to which y/n reacts quickly with a firm nod. Bada giggles at her and continues to tease.
“Ya- you should really learn how to use your words, puppy” Bada smiles condescendingly and y/n’s eyes widen once again. She lets out a small gasp when the older girl ruffles her hair before walking away.”
“I’ll text you, y/n!” Bada shouts over her shoulder and y/n just stands there, astonished. She eventually makes her way back to her crew, who watched the entire thing go down.
“What the FUCK was that-”
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notes: thank you so much for reading!! sorry that this is so long and there wasn't any "real" romance written in yet. this is definitely a slower burn series, but it's because I like to build up every detail of a story haha. hoping to have the next part ready by the middle of this week, please look forward to it!!
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imliterallyellie · 2 months
hiiii, love! how about a lil kitchen-domestic moment between ellie and reader where they’re trying out a new recipe. the catch is that they’re failing miserably at actually making the dish because they keep getting distracted by each other (dancing, laughing, making jokes, teasing each other, anything). mkay bye thank you sm MWAH 😙♥️
is this thing on? 🎤
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ellie is a pest in the kitchen
a/n changed this up a little bc i feel like ellie being annoying in the kitchen while u cook or bake is canon
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“no els, it was 1 cup of sugar!” you quickly swatted your girlfriend’s hand away, making sure she didn’t ruin all the hard work from the afternoon.
when maria told you about her plans to throw tommy a little surprise party for his birthday, you immediately took it upon yourself to take care of some baked goods. thursdays meant free afternoons for you, free of any chores, which gave you some time to get to work on one of your favorite desserts of all time; red velvet cake.
either there was a catch; thursdays didn’t only mean free afternoons for you, but also for your girlfriend, and the two of you rarely spent any of that precious, free time not together. so when you told ellie that you were gonna spend your afternoon in the kitchen, baking a cheesecake for tommy’s birthday, there was no way she wasn’t going to be right on your tail.
you thought it could be fun, baking with her. although you had tried many times to get her to help you in the kitchen with anything, it wasn’t really her cup of tea. but the idea of you working away on a delicious, sweet red velvet cake, and her missing the chance to steal some every now and then, must’ve convinced her to be your right hand that day.
“hmm- ‘m sorry, baby. i thought it was 2 cups.” she gave you a sheepish smile, before putting down the cup and cleaning up the sugar that spilled on the counter when you swatted her hand away earlier. you got back to work on the cake, looking back at the recipe every now and then to make sure you got the right ingredients and measurements, you really didn’t want to mess this one up.
you thought, after her little moment with the sugar, she would retreat herself back in the living room, but none of that. a couple moments went by before you felt a pair of slender arms circling your waist, swaying the both of you to the background music that was playing in the kitchen. “can’t you take a break, baby? you’ve been working so hard this afternoon. need’ya to get some rest too, hmm?” you leaned your head back against her chest, rethinking her words. it had been a couple hours, and ellie was probably right, but you couldn’t really take a break right now. not when tommy’s birthday party was in less than 24 hours, and you wouldn’t have much time to finish it tomorrow.
“i can’t, baby. just give me another hour or so, okay? i promise i’ll be all yours then.” ellie didn’t reply, but she nuzzled her face in the crook of your neck, definitely not planning on leaving anytime soon. her current position meant that whenever you tried to move around the kitchen, you’d have her body to carry around with you. it was normal for ellie to get this clingy on your day off. throughout the other days of the week you both got quite busy, whether it was patrol or any other tasks in jackson, you were both very often first in line, always eager to help out the community. that meant you often went a whole day without seeing each other, ellie out the door before you got up and your girlfriend already sleeping after a long day from patrol, before you come back from cleaning the stables.
before you could swat her hand away, she dipped her index finger in the sugary batter that was slowly but surely coming together, and swiped it off on the tip of your nose. “ellieee, c’mon baby. gosh you’re so annoying.” you wiped the batter of your nose, before she repeated her action, over and over again all over your face.
“williams, you better stop, before there’s not any batter left for the cake.”
“oh, are we on last name level now?”
“if you keep being such a pain in the ass we will be, yes!”
she tried her luck one more time, flicking some of the sugary delicacy onto your neck. before you could scold her for wasting more of it, she shut you up by lowering her head to your neck and licking it off. you whimpered lowly, slightly taken aback by your girlfriend’s actions.
“not so annoyed anymore now, are we?” ellie pulled her head out of your neck and looked at you with a smug smile, clearly proud of what she just did. you tried to turn around in her embrace but failed, her strong arms picking you up and putting you on the counter, hungrily kissing you.
“it’s only 4pm, we’ve got some time to finish this cake tonight. i bet you taste more sweet anyway.”
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Writer’s Note: Got another something for V-Day for y’all. I decided to do one for multiple anime characters cuz I’m a slut for all them 2D characters & couldn’t decide on one specific show lol. Plus it sounded fun! And important disclaimers I’ll just make a note of before the actual Drabble. I hope y’all enjoy! ☺️🥰 -Jazz
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The first night, you’re nervous, to say the least, especially when Hange warns you about his appearance. 
“Why?” you had asked over margaritas and tacos, already perplexed and slightly unnerved by her warning. “Is he really ugly or something?” 
Hange, sitting across from you in her glasses with her locks of long, chestnut brown hair cascading down her shoulders, shook her head. “No, no, my dear!” she immediately protested. “He’s actually quite handsome despite the broody thing. But he does have some scars from a mission gone wrong at his job and he’s blind in one eye.”
She took a sip of her margarita as if to soften the next blow. “And he’s missing a leg,” she finished. 
You were taken aback, to say the least, but you didn’t let that stop you. You aren’t prejudiced and you refused to let that stop you from at least giving Hange’s friend a chance.
Apparently, Levi has been a firefighter for a couple of years and has recently broken up with a longtime girlfriend, so Hange figured he could get back into the dating pool and realize that there are great girls out there starting with you! 
So the weekend of Valentine’s Day, Hange texts you the name of the restaurant and you take an Uber there after spending the entire day doing your hair, picking out an outfit, and giving yourself a makeover. You decided on a soft glam look as this is the first time you’re meeting the guy and a pretty, red dress that hugs your frame and zips in the back. 
When you get out of the Uber in front of the quaint and low-key yet romantic restaurant, you take a table near the door so it’ll be easier to see Levi walk in and flag him down. You still have no idea what he looks like, only that he’ll be wearing a black trench coat, he’s kinda short, and he has a large scar going over his eye.
“His team calls him Scar, apparently,” Hange laughed. “It helps that he has a smooth, deep voice too!” 
You admit that you were curious to see him and hear that “smooth, deep” voice she told you about. So you sit and order a glass of wine, waiting for his arrival as you stare out at the passing cars and people…only he never comes.
You wait and you wait and you wait, but he never shows his face. You call Hange, thinking maybe you have the wrong restaurant or time or day, but all is correct. You think that maybe he’s in traffic or something came up, but Hange never calls to tell you either. 
When your appetizer comes and the candle sitting in the middle of the table begins to melt, you feel your heart sink to the pit of your stomach. You’ve been stood up.
The realization hits you like a brick to the face. Quickly, you order the check and a box for your food and pay the waiter before running out of the restaurant in tears. You feel stupid. Wasteful. Foolish in your pretty dress and heels. 
Hange comes over to see you with the quickness when you tell her that night, ice cream and face masks in tow. “I can’t believe him!” she says, enraged, with a sheet mask on her face. “He told me he’d be there and then he doesn’t show up? Who does he think he is? Why, I’m gonna give that man a piece of my–“ 
“Don’t Hange,” you sigh, shoveling another spoonful of ice cream into your mouth. “Just leave it be. He probably just changed his mind or wasn’t ready.”
You are ready to move on and forget it, but the universe doesn’t let you. A week later while at work of all places, you get an unknown call. Thinking it’s one of those scammers, you give a sharp “hello”. 
“Uh…hi,” a smooth, deep, velvety voice replies. “This is Levi, Hange’s friend. This is Y/N, correct?”
You heart drops into your ass and it takes a moment for you to reply. “Uh, y-yeah,” you answer. “Yeah, this is her. You’re Hange’s friend? Did you get my number from her?” 
“I had to,” Levi replies, his voice making your stomach do flips. “I’m sorry if that’s weird, but I just…”
He pauses, sighing. “I had to talk to you,” he finishes, sounding completely beaten. “I’m so sorry for not coming last week. I was so afraid for you to see me because of my appearance. I was so sure you'd find me unattractive and not like what you see. I’m very insecure in that and I let it get the best of me, but that doesn’t mean you deserved that. Hange already went up my ass about it.” 
You softly giggle, knowing she would. "So, if you don’t despise me too much and you’re willing, can we meet up for dinner this Friday night if you’re free?”
He sounds hopeful and slightly afraid. You don’t know why you say yes, but you do and you make plans to meet for ramen on Friday. When the day comes, you wear a more casual outfit–-a pretty cashmere sweater, jeans, and some boots––but still style your hair and makeup to look presentable. ‘Second time’s a charm, I guess,’ you think. 
It’s a dry, cool night so you wait outside the restaurant for Levi to arrive, texting him that you’re there prior to your arrival. Ten minutes into waiting, you think he isn’t going to show and that he duped you again, but then your phone rings. Your heart leaps at the sight of his caller ID and you answer. “Hello?” you answer, noticing how breathless you sound. 
“Look up,” Levi says and you do, seeing him standing before you across the street under a streetlight.
The soft light illuminates his features: a sharp jawline and cheekbones, soft, pale skin, one eye the color of a gray ocean, and the other milky where a long scar runs from his eyebrow to his cheek. He walks towards you slowly with a slight gate in his step, his hand on his left leg where his prosthetic is, and finally makes it over to you. He is extremely attractive and smells like toasted vanilla.
“You’re Y/N, I take it?” he asks, a small smile on his face. 
“And you’re Levi,” you reply, your heart battering against your ribcage.
He gives a slight nod, his one eye roaming over your frame. “My God, you’re stunning,” he chuckles as if he can hardly believe it. “Even more than that the first night. I had come, but I never went into the restaurant. I was so intimidated by the way you looked that I just–“ 
“Stop,” you interrupt, not liking the thought of him standing outside looking into the restaurant window at you, feeling so horrible about his looks.
“That was then and this is now. And you’re wrong, by the way.”
One of Levi’s eyebrows raises in confusion. “I do like what I see,” you say, your voice soft and shy. “For the record, you’re one of the sexiest guys I’ve ever laid my eyes on.” 
The laugh Levi lets out just about fills you with joy and you just about melt before he holds the door for you to enter the restaurant, not so discreetly staring at your ass as he does.
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He’s a professor and he’s a blonde is what you’re told by Gojo…but that’s about all he tells you, the asshole. 
“You’re asking me to go on a date with a dude I don’t even know and you won’t even tell me what he looks like?”
You’re sitting with him at brunch with bottomless mimosas when he runs it by you. You get the feeling he just invited you out with the promise of mimosas, good omelettes, and paying just to toss this at you. 
Gojo gives you his big, gigawatt smile as he sits across from you wearing his usual shades. “Trust me, babe! He’s a good and attractive guy! If I wasn’t taken, I’d fuck him myself.” He snorts to himself, shoveling some eggs into his mouth. “But I don’t even think I’m his type.” 
From what you gathered at the start of brunch, Kento Nanami is Gojo’s very stoic, very introverted, very lonely friend who is in need of a date this upcoming Valentine’s Day. Though intelligent and handsome, Nanami isn’t too good with women and hasn’t been in a romantic relationship is quite some time.
“I swear, he’s not an incel,” Gojo swears, one hand on his heart and the other held high. “He loves women! He’s just…awkward.” 
You aren’t sure if you like that answer. “What if I meet him and I don’t like him?” you ask, taking a break from your mimosa. “I mean, I’m only agreeing to this because you said you’d pay me.”
And Gojo did. He figures you’re the perfect girl––smart, pretty, and funny––to bring Nanami out of his shell. “$50,” he sing-songs. “And if you hate his guts, you'll get another $50, I promise. But give him a chance, Y/N! He needs it!” 
To not hear him whine and beg, you roll your eyes and agree. Gojo arranges for you to meet with Nanami at a winter light show in the park that is done every year. It’s the perfect place to meet since it’s romantic and very populated.
You dress in your warmest and cutest coat before hurrying to meet Nanami, your boots crunching in the snow. The park is decorated in twinkling lights that line the trees, walkways, and fountains. 
You’re so enchanted by the lights that you barely see the slick of ice lining the sidewalk. You misstep and your left foot goes skidding. “Oh, shit!” you gasp as you fall, but you don't feel the ground or the cold snow.
You don’t feel anything at all except two warm, strong arms wrapped around you. You look up into the warm eyes of an older man. An older, extremely attractive man with a blonde undercut and wearing a tan wool coat. “Are you alright, miss?” he worriedly asks. His voice is deep yet warm and sweet like honey.
You’re so taken by the stranger that you barely notice that he has set you upright. “Um…yeah,” you answer albeit softly. 
You blink at him, noticing how tall and well-built he is behind his coat. His hands are strong and capable and you find yourself staring at them even when he shoves them into his pocket. “Nanami?” you hesitantly question.
You watch his darker blonde brows furrow in confusion then rise in realization. “You’re Y/N,” he realizes. “Forgive me. Gojo didn’t tell me what you’d look up or what you’d be wearing.” 
You think you see his eyes trailing over you, but you can’t focus on it for too long. “That’s okay,” you laugh. “That’s Gojo, for you. How do you know him?”
Nanami begins to walk with you to the line at the entrance gate to enter the event, keeping the same slow pace as you. “We went to the same high school and remained friends ever since. How did you meet him?” 
“We met through a mutual friend and just clicked,” you explain. “Her name is Shoko.” Recognition crosses Nanami’s face at the name. “Shoko?” he asks, a light flickering in his eyes. “I know her as well. We all went to the same school.” 
“What a coincidence!” you giggle, glad to have something to break the ice (other than your fall). “Thank you again for helping me. I know I’m dumb for wearing these things in the snow.” You nod down at your heeled boots to which Nanami only stares at, never smiling. His expression is unreadable and slightly intimidating. But you can tell it’s just awkwardness. Now you see what Gojo meant. 
But rather than be unnerved by it, you find yourself wanting to break through it. You want to get to the warm core of this man. “Um…should we walk?” you ask, nodding at the entrance gate. Nanami nods but looks slightly worried.
“Will you be alright?” he asks, still staring at your feet. “You may want to hold onto me.” He offers you his arm, a slight tinge of pink to his cheeks that one could pass off for the cold. Your heart leaps at the chance to touch him, even be near him. 
“What a gentleman,” you chuckle. “I didn't think chivalry still existed.” You take his coat sleeve and let him lead you through the entrance into the park’s first trail.
A chuckle that makes your stomach flip and your pussy leap leaves Nanami’s mouth. “I wouldn’t say all of that but thank you. I would just think I’m being a good human being. So Gojo told me about your job. What is that like?” 
The park is truly beautiful, decorated head to toe with lights that twinkle and dance. But you’re not focusing on the lights; just Nanami and his conversation. For such a stoic guy, he can really hold a conversation.
He tells you all about his job as a professor and his students; what subjects he likes; his life outside of work. He asks you about you and all of your habits, hobbies, and joys. He listens intently, putting them all in his brain’s filing cabinet. You find similarities about each other, including favorite books, movies, and your love for the beach. 
The date lasts for an hour and you enjoy every minute of it. You like being around Nanami, enjoying his stale humor and shy smile. More than anything, you like his presence.
You like how soft his wool coat feels under your finger. You like how he keeps his arm at reach, even when you release him at times. You like how he keeps the same pace as you, never walking too fast and always staying at your side, his black leather shoes tapping against the concrete.
You’re feeling him and you want to let him know that when you finally reach the end of the park where the last attraction, an ice sculptor decorated in lights, stands. 
“Wow,” you sigh. “So pretty.” 
Nanami stands next to you as you stare up in awe at the attraction. “Yes,” he agrees, though he isn’t looking at the lights. His attention is solely on you.
He likes the way the lights illuminate your skin which contrasts with his. He likes the brown of your eyes, so warm and tempting like chocolate. He likes your humor and sweet laugh. He likes you and he isn’t too shy to show it. You can see it when you turn and find him already staring at you, bold and heated. 
He is sexy. He is alluring. And you want him. “Nanami?” you shyly ask.
His eyebrows raise, acknowledging your question. You turn to him fully and stare up at him through your lashes. “I don’t usually do this, but…would you want to come home with me?”
He is silent, staring at you wordlessly, and your stomach flips with discomfort. “For coffee, maybe?” you add. 
Nanami doesn’t have to be asked again.
To end such a perfect date, you find yourself on your back with Nanami on top of you, looking so handsome above you as he pounds your pussy into the mattress. His big hands pin your thighs apart and up to his broad shoulders, your painted toes and skin contrasting deliciously with his lighter skin.
“So pretty,” he groans. “You were the prettiest thing there tonight. Fuck, darling, you’re so tight!” 
He thrusts into you harder, faster, making the bed squeak and you lose your voice from how loud you moan. You can feel yourself about to cum after so much foreplay and stimulation (Nanami is a gentle lover).
“Kento,” you whine, digging your nails into his shoulders. “I’m gonna cum! Please…please cum with me!” 
And he does. At the sound of you begging, he bursts inside of you with a ragged groan as you cum all over his big cock, your pussy walls squeezing around him and stroking his shaft.
As you do, his lips find yours, giving you a passionate kiss that could melt the ice with how hot it is. 
NICO ROBIN  (One Piece)
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*Note: Reader is plus-sized! 
Nami swore up and down that you needed to go on a date for Valentine’s Day to forget about your short-term “situationship”. 
“Just give a chance, Y/N,” she said to you over ramen. She treated you to lunch at the best ramen place in town while you were on your work break. “It’s just for one night and I can’t stand the thought of my best friend alone on Valentine’s Day! And she’s a great girl, seriously!” 
You looked down at your bowl of ramen, feeling hot under your sweater dress that clung to your plump body. The idea of a blind date didn’t appeal to you much, especially being such a big girl. Usually, when people got a look at you, they either ghosted you after the first date or didn’t give you the time of day. Why did she think this was a good idea?
“Just be careful,” Zoro said, shoveling spicy miso ramen into his mouth. “She’ll charm the pants off of you…or skirt…whatever you’ll be wearing.” Nami smacked him on the the arm hard, making the green-haired hunk hiss in pain. “Don’t listen to him, honey. Robin is just a sweet-talker. You have nothing to worry about!” 
But when you finally get a look at your date, you don’t think that’s true. Nami set the date up at a high-scale bar where the working class and hotshot businessmen come for happy hour.
When you walk in, you immediately feel self-conscious despite looking oh-so yummy in your waistband coat that flares around your waist and pink dress that makes your skin and brown eyes pop. But the dress also sticks to your body, accentuating each curve, ripple, and roll. Though your stomach ripples with nerves, you also feel slightly confident catching eyes under the warm lights above. 
You sit at the sleek bar and order yourself a cocktail to loosen up a bit more while you search for your date at the door. Nami only told you that she’s “tall with long black hair and might be wearing purple”.
You’re curious as to what this girl is like and if she likes what she sees. You sip on your cocktail and scroll through your phone for a couple of minutes, completely unaware of the eyes you have captured from down at the bar. 
When you turn around in your stool to place your glass down, you find another cocktail sitting behind you. Confused, you flag down the bartender. “I didn’t order this,” you tell him, pushing the glass towards him. “It was sent to you,” he explains. “From down at the bar.” You look in that direction, but find no one paying any attention to you. “But I have a date,” you protest. “I can't accept this.” 
“That’s correct,” a sweet yet smooth and sultry voice purrs behind you, “and it’s usually rude to deny a drink from her.” The voice causes your body to react instantly: the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end; your heart pounds in your chest; your stomach flips. You turn and see your blind date standing behind you in the flesh. 
Beautiful isn’t a word to use for Robin. She is absolutely stunning. A straight vixen oozing confidence and poise as she stands behind you in a purple cocktail dress that illuminates her soft, pale skin and blue eyes that steal the air from your lungs.
She is tall and slender with piano fingers painted in a dark rouge that you want to feel wrapped around your body, but has a rack that can stop traffic and is definitely catching eyes. Her long, shiny, black locks of hair cascade down her slender shoulders, catching the light above. You are in awe of her and her beauty as are the others in the bar. 
“Y/N?” she asks in her alluring voice. Wordlessly, you nod and close your mouth to avoid looking like an idiot. “I’m Nico Robin, Nami’s friend. She’s told me so much about you.” She puts a slender hand out to shake yours, giving you a whiff of her luxurious-smelling perfume and a peek of golden Tiffany bracelet. 
You put your hand in hers, feeling warm from her touch. “N-Nice to meet you,” you stutter. “Please, have a seat. Do you want a drink?” Robin raises her brows questionably as she settles onto a stool next to you. You flush under the lights, thanking God that he made you Black. “It’s only right since you ordered me one.” 
Robin smiles, her pearly whites and dimples making you damn near melt. “How sweet of you,” she giggles. She orders herself a dirty Martini with extra olives and thanks you again when it comes. “I hope I didn’t keep you waiting. I got caught up in some work.” She slowly crosses her soft, long, milky legs over one another. You do your best not to stare. 
You give her a smile, pretending that you’re not turned the fuck on by her, and lean your elbow against your chin. “So you’re an archaeologist, right? That’s such an interesting job.”
She smiles at the compliment and at the mention of her career as you sip your cocktail. “Well, I’ve always been attracted to history since I was young. I’m attracted to intelligence too, which you seem to have a lot of.” Her smile turns flirty and now you know what Zoro was talking about. You’re already charmed by her. “Tell me: what’s your job like?” she asks. 
Your conversations last for hours and flow perfectly, especially after you get your second drink in you. You tell her about your job and quietly gush over her curiosity and awe, realizing how much she loves learning. You talk about everything, from city life to books to anime, learning that you both love magical girl anime, especially Sailor Moon.
You didn't expect that from Robin because of how poised she is and her love for dark colors, but as soon as you mention Sailor Moon, her eyes widen in excitement. “I love Sailor Moon!” She laughs. “I cosplayed as Sailor Mars two Halloweens ago. I bet you’d look so pretty as a Sailor Scout, especially with the skirt.” 
That’s another thing you learn about Robin: she’s a flirt. She sneaks in little sly compliments to obviously make you flustered…and it’s working. You try to do the same, complimenting her on her outfit and her smile. “I can see why everyone is so fond of you in here,” you say, nodding at the group of businessmen playing pool who are not so discreetly staring at you both from across the room.
Robin giggles, turning back to you with a hooded gaze. “Too bad,” she sighs, not at all sounding disappointed. “I’m here with you.” 
As the night goes on, it gets looser as you both become more comfortable with each other. You talk about everything and anything, telling each other funny stories and showing pictures of your pets. “You’re a dog mom too?” you coo, gushing over her wallpaper of her and a fluffy, brown animal dressed as Santa Claus though he has pointed ears and horns.
“Reindeer mom,” she corrects you and titters at your confusion. “It’s a long story, but that’s my perfect little boy. His name is Chopper.” 
Other than Robin being a sweet-talker as Nami said, you also find out many other things about this alluring, attractive woman. Like how much she loves plays and Disney movies, becoming so excited when you ask her about her favorite films. “I love musicals,” she shyly says, an endearing blush on her face. “Can you tell I’m a secret theatre kid?”
Or how she tends to ramble about information she’s obtained from books and documentaries about tribes long gone and age-old urban legends. You could listen to her talk for hours. Unbeknownst to you, she feels the same about you whenever you speak about yourself and your interests. 
As the alcohol takes its affect on you both, she also tells you that she’s a devil fruit user, a term you’ve heard before since many in the world are, including your mutual friend Luffy. When you ask her about her ability, she just winks behind her third martini glass. “A woman never draws all of her cards…not all at once, anyway.” 
As the night draws on, so do the drinks and soon, you’re feeling loose and bold. You decide to show her your hidden talent which is rolling your eyes to the right and the left. “I can wiggle my ears too,” you say, showing her much to her amusement. She applauds you, giggling at your talent. “My, you’re full of surprises,” she giggles. “And so am I.” 
You suddenly feel something tickling your sides and look down to see two disembodied hands tickling you. Robin’s hands. You look at her in shock as she retracts her extra arms, using them to grab her third martini and take a sip. “The perks of being a devil fruit user,” she chuckles. At the sight of your expression, she grows concerned. “Do they frighten you?” 
“No,” you answer honestly. “They’re…” You stare at her extra hands, wondering how many more she has and how they would feel on your body. “Pretty,” you decide to answer with. That is enough for Robin to decide what she wants from you tonight. 
So when you’re both still sitting there when the bar is emptying out, she makes it known. “Oh, dear,” she sighs, exhaling in disappointment as the bartenders clean and the drunk crowd empties out. “It appears that our date has become to an end.” She turns to you, placing a warm hand on yours. “I really enjoyed meeting you, Y/N,” she says, a smile on her face that makes you ache. 
You don’t want tonight to end. You don’t want her to go. You need more of her touch. She seems to understand and see the mutual disappointment in your eyes because she doesn’t release your hand.
“Unless you want this night to continue,” she adds, her voice like honey in your ears. “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t very attracted to you too, unless I’m mistaking the chemistry.”
You can’t speak, so you shake your head and her eyes twinkle. She leans in toward you, engulfing you in her scent. “Just say the words and I’ll go with you,” she whispers into your ear. 
Desire overwhelms you and you squeeze her hand, interlacing your fingers. “I’ll call a Lyft,” you exhale. Robin smiles, keeping her hand in yours. 
She doesn’t let go even hours later when your fingers are interlaced with each other while your legs are pinned open by her extra hands on the bed. Your moans and whimpers fill the darkness of your bedroom as she moves her tongue against your clit, moaning eagerly and sloppily into your pussy as she eats you like there is no tomorrow.
“Now I can really show you how good I am with my hands,” she giggles, looking up at you between your thighs. “You’re so cute like this, pretty girl.” 
You can feel that knot in your core tightening the more she moves her jaw, going faster and faster until you have no choice. “Robin,” you whine. “I'm gonna…gonna…!” Your back arches and your legs shake around Robin’s face. 
Her hold on you tightens, her hands gripping your thighs.“Cum for me, gorgeous,” she hums. “I’ve got you. Cum all over my face like a good girl.”
One thing is for sure while you gush around Robin’s face, loving how she eagerly laps up everything you give her: another date is definitely in the future for you and her.
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*Note: Reader is plus-sized & a bimbo! 
*Disclaimer: Bakugou & Kiri are both aged-up (over the age of 18) in this drabble! 
You don’t know why you agreed to do this blind date thing, but your friend put you up to it after she reminded you of your NY resolution to try new things to help yourself. 
“You need to put yourself out there more, girl!” she argued over the phone with you. “Do you see how hot you are?! You deserve to have someone on your arm!” You pouted as you painted your toe nails a pretty bubblegum pink, your feet hanging over you bathtub smelling like vanilla bubblebath. 
Though she is right about you deserving a nice guy to tell you how pretty you are, most of the guys you dated either used you as arm candy, hit in then quit it, or just stopped talking to you because of your, uh…bimbo-ness. You know you have no filter and sometimes you do come off as dumb, but you’re trying your best! And you’re kind and the sweetest person anyone will ever meet! Isn’t that enough? 
“Yeah, but a blind date though?” you complained into the phone sitting on your sink. “How am I gonna go on a date if I can’t see, girl?” You gasped, even more mortified. “Or will my date be blind?! How will be able to see me and my cute outfit?!” 
Your friend just laughed. She knows you’re not the brightest crayon in the box, but you’re just too cute and sweet. “Honey, no! A blind date is when you meet someone you’ve never seen or met before. Someone else sets the date up for you.”
Your heart resumed its normal pattern and you relaxed into the water. “Ohhh,” you realized with a giggle. “Well, if you’re setting it up, can you tell me anything about him?”
Your friend refused, much to your dismay. “Nope, but you’ll meet him later this week. Saturday night at 7 PM, don’t be late. I’ll give you all the details before then.” You hung up, a bit nervous but excited, already picturing your outfit for the day. 
The Saturday of Valentine’s Day weekend, you go to the cafe your friend tells you to go to which is only a few blocks from your apartment. You dress in a pink sweater that does nothing to hide your voluptuous bosom and a pretty, cherry red skit that hugs your tummy and voluptuous ass, the damn thing so short that the ruffles stop mid-thigh, a sliver of your asscheeks seen whenever you bend over. You pair your V-Day outfit with some warm stockings and high black boots before putting on your favorite fluffy, pink coat. 
An hour later after putting on some vanilla-scented body spray and giving your lips a slick of your favorite Fenty Gloss in a sparkly pink, you stand in line to order your food, hoping that will ease your nerves over today. Because your friend loves you so much, she set you up for two dates today: one at the cafe and the other later tonight at your favorite bar.
Your first date is a redheaded hunk, according to your friend. “He’s got red hair and he’s a fucking giant,” she giggles. “And he’s SUPER fine. You’ll know him when see him.” You melted at the details. “I do like big guys,” you sigh dreamily. Your second date is just as fine, but a hothead. “My friend works with him at his agency and apparently, he’s got a mouth.” Your friend rolled her eyes. "The dude is like a pit bull, but he's so fucking sexy.” 
“I’m a little nervous though,” you mumbled, starting to feel insecure. “You think he’ll like me?” Your friend looked at you like you were insane, making you laugh. “Who wouldn’t? You’re adorable!” 
And you feel adorable when you go next to the counter and the cashier’s eyes shoots straight to your tits. You don’t notice, too busy feening for some sweet, sugar coffee. “Hi, can I please get a peppermint mocha latte with two pumps of caramel, please?” You are so damn cute that the guy blushes and quickly rings you up. You pay and thank him when you get your drink before walking off, but stop when something captures you. 
There, hidden behind a glass container behind the counter, are a bunch of seasonal-flavored doughnuts lined up in a row. Your eyes immediately go for the one coated in pink frosting, powdered sugar, and red and pink sprinkles. “Oooh,” you coo to yourself. “So pretty.” 
“Agreed,” says a raspy, sexy voice from behind you. You turn a little too quickly and a bit of coffee sloshes over the top of your drink and onto the crotch of the guy standing behind you. “Oops, I’m so sorry!” you gasp. “I didn’t even see you! Oh, it’s gonna stain! Here, quick!” You quickly reach for a wad of napkins and begin to dab at the man’s crotch, not even realizing how it looks. 
Still not even bothering to look up, the blonde furiously blushes while the redhead behind him stifles a laugh. “That’s quite okay,” he chuckles. “At least now he smells like peppermint down there.” The blonde growls like he wants to commit murder. “Plus, Katsuki was standing way too close to you in line, weren’t you, ‘Suki?” 
You hand the napkins over to the blonde, hyper-focused on the nickname. “‘Suki,” you giggle. “That’s such a cute…” Your words die in you when you finally, finally, look up into the eyes of the two finest, sexiest men you’ve ever seen in your life.
One of them has long, red hair cascading down his broad shoulders, fanged teeth that flash at you as he smiles, friendly, crimson eyes, and piercings––dangling from his ears, embedded in his eyebrow, and snakebites in his bottom lip.
The other sports a platinum blonde undercut and a scowl that slightly softens at the sight of you. He, too, has crimson eyes that widen at your pretty face and outfit and one piercing in his plump bottom lip. The only things similar about the duo are how tall, buff, and sexy they both are. “Name,” you weakly finish. “I-I’m Y/N.” 
The redhead grins, putting his big ass hand out for a shake. “Ejirou,” he says, “but my friends call me Kiri.” You do so, noticing how calloused his palm is and how much his sweater stretches against his pecs. The blonde has the same issue, his V-neck shirt way too tight for his toned body. “Bakugou,” he grumbles, giving you an intense stare that makes you melt on the inside. 
Those gears in your head start turning and you gape at the duo. “Wait…I know you two!” you gasp. “You guys are those superheroes, right? Dynamight and Red Riot!” Kiri tosses his head back and laughs while Bakugou glares daggers at you. “Damn, could you be any louder?” he growls. You cover your mouth, flushing with embossment. “Sorry!” you whisper. "I’m just a big fan of you two! I almost didn’t recognize you in normal clothes. I have your posters and all of your merch!” 
Kiri gives Bakugou a look that he would seeing a cat do something cute. And that is what you are: a cute little kitty. Something adorable and sweet yet you have a sexiness to you that both men are coming to find. “Well, it's always a pleasure to meet a fan. Especially such a cute one.” He grins at the way you giggle bashfully. “I’m guessing you’re a fan of sweets? Me too. I was actually planning on getting one of those for my boyfriend, my date, and I.” 
You notice Kiri gaze at Bakugou when he says “my boyfriend” and you quietly gush to yourself. “Oh, you two are dating?” you coo, much to Bakugou’s dismay. He’s so cute when he blushes! “That’s so sweet! Here, I’ll treat you guys to ‘em to make up for that nasty spill.” 
Kiri is just about ready to scoop you up and take you home with them when you dig into your bag for your Hello Kitty wallet. “Well, isn’t that sweet? You up for somethin’ sweet, Katsuki?” 
Though Bakugou feels the same way, he still wants to feel you out and see if this “bimbo-esque” personality you’ve got going on is a fake. “It’s whatever,” he grumbles. “But you’d better get me the chocolate one. I don’t want the one with all of those sprinkles and shit on it.” You vigorously nod, taking out some cash. “You got it!” you giggle and hand them the cash. After getting back in line, Kiri orders one chocolate and two strawberry donuts and his and Bakugou’s drinks. 
You thank the cashier when she hands you each pastry individually wrapped in a paper bag, nice, warm, and toasty from the oven. You turn to the pros and hand them the treats. “Here you guys go,” you sweetly say. Bakugou grumbles as he takes his while Kiri gives you a big gigawatt grin. “Thanks, cutie,” he chuckles. You expect them to start eating them, but you’re shocked when Bakugou hands one of the strawberry ones to you. 
You freeze, confused. “But…this is for your date,” you say, completely clueless. “Aren’t you gonna give it to them?” Bakugou pinches the bridge of his nose like a dad with a dumbass child. “Oh, my God,” he groans. Kiri thinks it’s endearingly hilarious, holding his stomach as he laughs. “You are our date, silly girl!” he giggles. “Well, mine, technically. Your friend set us up to have dates with you at different times today, but we both just came together since we’re dating. I hope that’s cool.” 
You gape at them, wondering if they’re serious. Two of the hottest pros on a date with you? At the same time?! You just about squeal with excitement. “Sure!” you giggle, your heart leaping for joy. “The more, the better! Let’s go sit down so we can get to know each other more.” 
The two are happy to oblige. Kiri picks out a table in the back that is more secluded and near the window for the sights. Before you sit, you turn to Katsuki with an apologetic pout. “I’m sorry again about the spill, Bakugou.” 
The blonde cuts his eyes at you and you can't tell what he’s thinking due to how permanent his scowl is. But that changes when he pulls your chair out for you. “Katsuki,” he replies. “And stop mentionin’ it. Besides, I know some other way you can make up for it later…maybe with your number.” He gives you a lopsided smirk that makes you tingle between your thighs. 
“Chill,” Kiri cuts in, rolling his eyes. “Sorry about him. We don’t usually flirt too hard on the first date…but you’re just too cute to resist.” He boldly looks you up and down, tugging lightly on his bottom lip. You wonder what else he can do with his mouth as the cafe’s atmosphere becomes more tense between the three of you. “Well, I could say the same about you two,” you purr, a shy giggle leaving your lips. 
That’s what the duo want to hear. Bakugou’s smirk widens, a twinkle in his vermillion eyes. “Glad the feelin’ is mutual, mama,” he whispers. “So you sittin’ or what? My fuckin’ coffee’s gettin’ cold.” You do so and you never want the date to end…unless it’s to spend more time with them in private.
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You stand outside of a jazz club one chilly night, watching the passersby and wondering which one may be your blind date. 
Worick told you all about his friend, Nico, but you’ve never met him before. You only know that the two work together and have known each other since childhood. You’ve only known Worick for two years after he helped you out of a messy financial situation with your asshole ex-boyfriend who, according to Worick, nearly shat himself when Worick threatened to bring Nico in to handle things.
Apparently, Nico is well-known throughout the town for being an extremely threatening and intimidating figure. 
Why in the fuck would Worick want to set you up with someone like that? “He’s a cool dude, really!” he assured you over coffee. “Just…quiet. And it has nothing to do with the fact that he’s deaf. He’s just a quiet guy; a little awkward; introverted…” 
‘Not to mention threatening and intimidating,’ you thought to yourself. “And you thought I was just perfect for this guy?” you scoffed. “What will we even talk about? How can I talk to him if he’s so quiet?” 
“If you ask him something, he’ll answer you,” the handsome blonde replied. “And don’t worry too much about signing. He can read lips, but just make sure you slow down with your words.” Though Worick knows you know sign language due to your father being deaf since you were an infant. He can tell you’re still hesitant to say yes and folds his hands into a prayer.
“C’mon, sweetie,” he begs. “The guy has NEVER been on a Valentine’s Day date before and his last girlfriend was a fucking bitch who dumped him because he was deaf. All she wanted was his massive dick…sorry.”
He apologized when he saw your reaction. You didn’t need to know that his childhood friend has a big dick! ….Though you are curious to know just how big. “He needs someone kind, considerate, and sweet. You fit the bill! Just give him a chance, please?” 
Before you agreed, Worick told you all about Nico’s ex, happy to do so when you asked. Apparently, she was the daughter of a rich family that he and Worick were in charge of guarding for a couple of months. She and Nico grew closer, had a sexual relationship, and Nico caught feelings while she didn’t, claiming it was because she didn’t want to date someone deaf due to it being “too much work”. You felt bad for Nico, especially when hearing how much it hurt him. 
“You’re lucky I love you,” you sighed at Worick’s pleading stare. He clapped his big, calloused hands and pressed a kiss to your cheek. “Love you too, sweetie,” he chuckled. “I’ll fill you in on the details later this week.” 
He instructed you to meet Nico at an underground jazz club that Nico particularly likes for its seclusion and because no one bothers him too much in there. You dressed in a simple cocktail dress, flats and a cardigan to keep warm in the chill. Combined with your styled hair and soft makeup, you think you look pretty. You hope this “Nico" person thinks so too. When you look down the street among the other stores and taverns, you see a man walking up the road and you immediately know that your date has arrived. 
He is big. Huge! The man is nothing but bulky muscle hidden beneath his black tee, baggy jeans, and leather jacket standing at six-foot-something. He towers over you as he gets closer, so much so that you have to look up at him to actually look at his face. You can see why he's so intimidating.
Other than his height and build, Nico carries himself with a roughness and a confidence that is unshakeable and undeniable. It’s scary…yet also thrilling. Kinda sexy too. 
Under the soft glow of the street lamps, you get a good look at his features: he has a soft tan to his skin, thick, soft-looking lips, and eyes a deep, dark chocolate that you can get lost in forever. Silver dog tags hang from his thick neck that has your blood going hot and slight scars and bruises that you can see on his knuckles. You wonder, briefly, how he got them. He’s very, very handsome.
Realizing he’s waiting for you to make the first move, you clear your throat. “Uh….hi!” you greet, giving him a wave. He nods, barely cracking a smile. “You’re Nico?” you sign with your hands and verbally ask. “I’m Y/N, Worick’s friend.” 
Nico shakes your hand and you notice how big, warm, and calloused his palm is. It makes your pussy tingle embarrassingly so. “The teacher, right?” he signs with those thick fingers. “He told me you teach little kids.” You nod, smiling proudly at your occupation. “Yes, pre-K,” you giggle. “They’re adorable, but a handful.” 
There is an awkwardness between you, mostly because Nico is such a silent guy. He also keeps that stoic scowl on his face, so you don’t really know what he’s thinking. “So what do you do?” you curiously ask. “Worick never filled me in on that. He just said you do ‘business’ together as Handymen.” At this, Nico cracks a crooked smirk. “Something like that,” he signs. That intrigues you a bit. 
“Do you wanna go inside?” you ask, nodding at the door. “We’ll freeze before we get a chance to get to know each other more.” You give a small laugh to which he only nods, making you feel like a fish out of water. He opens the door for you, surprising you, and nods you into the warm club.
“Thank you,” you whisper, catching his intoxicating scent of cologne and lavender soap as you walk in. A bit of cigarette smoke clings to his clothes too, but it doesn't bother you much. The club is small yet cozy and dimly lit for a more intimate feel. Many people are at the bar or on the dance floor near the small stage where a band plays, the sounds of piano and cello mingling in the air. 
After getting your drinks from the bar (you get a cocktail while Nico picks a beer), you pick a table near the window and Nico pulls out a chair for you. You flush bashfully at his actions, not taking him for such a sweet guy. “Such a gentleman,” you laugh as he pushes you in and takes a seat across from you. “Worick didn’t tell me that. He said you’re very quiet though.” He shrugs his broad shoulders in his jacket. “Just don’t got much to say,” he signs. 
You nod as you shed your coat, revealing your naked shoulders and dress to him. You try not to be intimidated by his unwavering gaze. “That’s okay,” you sign and say. “We can talk about whatever you want.” The corners of his mouth quirk upward. “You sign really well,” he praises you. You smile proudly and bashfully, glad to have impressed him. “My dad is deaf and taught me how to sign since I was young.” 
His smirk turns more dry and almost forced as he signs to you: “So me being deaf doesn’t turn you off?” he jokes.
You immediately remember his ex and feel your stomach fall. “Not at all,” you sweetly answer. “Though I don’t like beer drinkers.” You wrinkle your nose at Nico’s drink. He raises an eyebrow, confused at your distaste. “It makes kisses taste like beer.” You lean forward a bit, giving him a secretive, flirtatious smile. “I like my kisses sweet.” 
Your eyes tick down to his lips and he notices. But he barely reacts. If anything, he looks disinterested and your heart sinks. “Was that too much?” you ask worriedly. Did you go too far? Are you misreading this? 
Before you can babble an apology, he stops you. “You asked what I do for work with Worick,” he signs. You nod, your heart thumping madly in your chest. He takes a deep breath before signing again. “We do almost everything, but I do dirty work,” he tells you. “I used to be a mercenary, but…I’ve still got human blood on my hands.” He pauses, watching for your reaction. That explains the marks on his fists. ”Does that bother you?” he asks, apprehension in his brown eyes. Before you can respond, someone knocks into the table, nearly toppling it over. 
You squeak, grabbing your drink before it can topple over while Nico straightens the table. “Oh, my God, are you alright?” you gasp, immediately helping the guy onto his feet. He turns to you, all crooked teeth and bloodshot eyes. “Now I am,” he drunkenly chortles at the sight of you. “Damn, darlin’, you’ve got a body on you! You wanna dance?” You immediately step back, warning bells going off in your head. “U-Uh, no, sorry. I’m here with–“ 
The man turns to Nico who has been staring daggers at the drunk the whole time. “Him?” he cackles. “That fuckin’ cockhead? You can get someone better than that, darlin’. Someone who can take care of this bo–“ 
The drunk cuts himself off with a whine of pain as Nico grips his hand so hard that he cracks the drunk’s knuckle bones. Unbeknownst to you, the drunk tried to touch your behind and Nico wasn’t having that. Doesn’t he know who he’s fucking with? You gape at your date as he steps between you and the drunk, a hulking mountain, and gets deep in the drunk’s grill.
And then he opens his mouth: “Back up,” he warns, his voice deeper and raspier than you pictured it though loud due to his hearing. “Unless you want your head in this table, I suggest you leave her alone. She’s with me.” 
He then releases the drunk who scampers away, clutching his hand to his chest. Nico composes himself and turns to you, an apologetic look in his eyes. “Sorry,” he signs. You don’t say anything and he is so sure that he fucked this up. Now you see who he is. Now you see that he’s just a Twilight. A mercenary. A no good– 
“Nico?” you softly ask. His hurtful thoughts take the back burner when you step to him, looking up at him with those precious, brown eyes. “Do you want to dance?” you ask, signing the words to him. 
He blinks at you, so sure that you're scared of him. When in reality, you're just trying to push the nasty thoughts of him kissing you silly and fucking you up against the table with that big, sexy body and massive dick out of your mind.
Him defending you but still being a complete, gentle giant to you is getting you going completely, but it’s still the first date. You want him to open up and maybe a slow dance can do that for you. “Not much of a dancer,” he signs, looking sheepish. 
You smile and offer your hands to which he takes. “I’ll show you how,” you giggle, pulling him along onto the dance floor filled with slow-dancing pairs. A soft, slow tune with a seductive saxophone and piano plays as you stand eye to eye. You place one hand on his shoulder as you interact your fingers with his with the other. Slowly, you begin to sway to the music, beginning to melt within the music and each other. 
And when lean your head onto his shoulder, finally feeling at peace, Nico comes to feel that this is where you belong: with him, in his arms. 
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*Disclaimer: Baji is aged up (over the age of 18) in this drabble! 
“You’re the worst blind date I’ve ever had,” you very boldly and irritatingly tell the annoyingly sexy man sitting across from you. 
The attractive man with the long, wavy black hair, sharp eyes the color of milk chocolate, and a sharp, canine smile looks across from you at the table littered with remnants of your Italian dinner. Baji is his name apparently, a close friend of Mikey’s and one of his gang members. You never understood that gang shit, but they never give you problems.
If anything, Mikey’s gang ‘Toman’, protects you and makes sure you go about your days without any bother. “I’m guessin’ you’ve been on many blind dates before me?” Baji suggests as he chews on his pasta. “Huh. That’s a shocker.” 
You sharply squint at him, catching onto that shade. “Why is that so shocking?” you ask, digging your nails into the table with how irked you are. You can’t believe Mikey set you up with him. It’s been 25 minutes into the date and so far, each conversation was an argument and shot after shot.
Your personalities clash horribly, not to mention every woman in the place has their eyes on him. And he knows it! Not to mention that he’s an extremely messy eater (which led your mind to other places), he is way too into himself, and he has no idea how to act in a classy setting like an Italian restaurant. 
He’s a wild. He’s argumentative and hot-headed. He’s a rugged, tough-as-nails, roughneck dude…and he’s turning you on.  
Baji leans back against his chair, widening his legs in a way that makes you want to scream. Why the fuck does he have to be so goddamn fine but such an asshole? Is God punishing you? “Well, bein’ the fact that you’re the very definition of ‘a stick in the mud’,” he explains, “and a tighter than a drum, I can hardly believe how any guy sat across from you at a table. At least you’re pretty.” He goes back to eating his pasta like he didn’t just insult you. 
“Excuse me?” you hiss, feeling your blood boil. Thank God for your dress or else, you’re sure you’d boil over from the anger you feel. “And I can’t imagine how any self-respecting woman can sit with a lowlife, cocky, smart ass narc like you. And unlike me, your looks do nothing to take away any of that.” Baji’s thick, black eyebrows raise at the shot you took. “And you’re snarky,” he chuckles. “Lucky for you, I’ve got a thing for snarky girls.” 
He uses his sinful tongue to lick a bit of sauce from his bottom lip. You catch a glint of metal on his tongue as he does and you realize that he has a tongue piercing. ‘Fuck,’ you think, clenching your thighs beneath the table and gripping the hem of your dress. You lean your hand against the bridge of your nose, feeling a headache coming on. “I can’t believe I said yes to this shit,” you sigh into your hand. “Fuck the $50. I’m gonna have to tell Mikey that–“ 
“Mikey?” Baji cut in, pausing from eating. “Mikey put you up to this?” His brown eyes widen in shock and you feel a spark of joy at shutting him up. “Yes,” you proudly say, venom in your tone, “he did. And you know why? It’s because no other girl wants to date you. You’re unromantic, you’re a slob, you’re always looking for an argument, and you seem to push every single guy’s buttons in here.” 
He stares at you for a moment, open-mouthed and wide-eyed, and then he begins to laugh so loud that the others in the restaurant look at him. You hide behind your hand, embarrassed. “Oh, shit!” he cackles. “I swear, that motherfucker is desperate to find me somebody.” You nod, pushing your dinner to the side. “Agreed. Why he ever thought I would be a perfect match for you is beyond me.” 
Baji looks at you now, an unreadable expression on his face as his smile fades. “Maybe it’s because you’re such a fuckin’ brat,” he replies though his tone is different. You stare at him in disbelief, scowling. Did he really just say that? Deadass? 
Baji smirks at your reaction. “You heard me: B-R-A-T. You’re a brat and fortunately for you, baby girl, I’m just the guy to handle a chick like you.” He leans in toward you, folding his ringed knuckles beneath his chin. “Someone who doesn’t shut the fuck up or know her place.” 
“Know her place?!” you snap, earning the attention of the restaurant. He barely reacts, though his smile grows and a strange twinkle appear in his eyes. “You know what? Fuck this and fuck you. Why you even have an ex-girlfriend is beyond me if this is how you talk to them.” You stand up in your pretty, body-hugging dress and grab your coat. “I’m leaving,” you huff, snatching the coat on. “Have a good Valentine’s Day, dickhead.” 
Without another word or waiting for him to respond or even stop you, you leave the restaurant and step out into the cold February night. You barely get down the street before you hear your name being called. You turn, seeing Baji jogging towards you, those black locks flowing in the wind. “Y/N!” he calls in his deep ass voice. “Hold up, wait!” You don’t know why you stop, but you do, putting a hand on your hip. You glare at him and pout those plump lips when he finally stops in front of you. “You left your dessert.” 
He presents a small brown box to you and opens it to reveal a small chocolate fudge cake with chocolate mousse on the inside and Godiva flakes coating the top. “I didn’t order any dessert,” you say in a tight voice. He smirks down at you, standing several heads taller than you. “I know; that’s why I ordered ya one. C’mon, you don’t like chocolate cake?” You look back down at the cake and close it before he hands it to you. “What, is this an apology?” you snort. “Sorry, man, but you’re gonna have to try much harder than–“ 
“You’re wonderin’ why I have an ex, right?” he interrupts you. You pause, confused, but he just smiles mischievously at you. “I have an ex, and many of them, because I’m an asshole, unfortunately. Force of habit.” He shrugs, but actually looks guilty for it. “But I’ve had many girlfriends because I know how to tame them.” 
His smile is flirtier now, creating more of that sexual tension that you felt at dinner. You still stare at him, speechless, and he figures that you’re clueless about what he means. “I put it down,” he explains. "Give good dick. Knock their boots. Am I makin’ any sense here?”
You roll your eyes, ignoring the thoughts running in your head of just how good he is in the bedroom. “I know what you mean,” you snap. “So why the fuck are you tellin’ me this?” 
Baji smiles at you, his canines glowing at you as if they are illuminated by a light within them. They thrill you and bring a ferocious and needy part out of you that you didn’t know was even there. He takes a step toward you, getting closer, until you can reach up and kiss him if you want to.
“Because I know you’re attracted to me,” he murmurs matter-of-factly. “What, you think I can’t see it? The way you squeezed your thighs tight together at the table. The way you kept starin’ dead at my hands. The way you’d get so lost in thought as if daydreaming about somethin’ else way more exciting.” 
You flush embarrassingly, more at your behavior than the fact that Baji noticed it. You can’t help how attracted you are to him. But Baji doesn’t want you to be embarrassed or ashamed. He wants you to want him the same he wants you.
“Lucky for you, mama,” he purrs, the pet name making your pussy jump, especially with his voice, "I’m just as whipped for you, especially in that dress.” His fingers lightly glide down your arm, sending shivers down your spine. “I’m sorry about tonight, but I can show how sorry I am in other ways if you want me to.” 
You can tell he genuinely means it and isn’t just trying to get in your pants, but even so, you still scowl up at him, your jaw set and eyes narrow. “And why do you think I’ll say yes?” you question. He just chuckles, still flashing you that sharp, sexy smile. “Because you know I’m the only one who can handle that bratty ass of yours.” 
He then turns and waves a hand. You don’t know what for until a taxi suddenly glides over to the curb and stops. Baji walks to the backdoor and opens it before looking back at you expectantly, his eyes molten with lust.
“Now get in the fuckin’ car, Y/N.” You know you shouldn’t get in the car and go anywhere with him, but you can’t deny how much he makes your pussy throb. So against your better judgment, you crawl into the backseat of the cab and tell the driver your address. 
Hours later after being stripped out of your dress, shown extensive foreplay, and having your pussy eaten like Baji hasn’t had anything to eat in decades, you find yourself being fucked against the wall with your arms and legs wrapped tight around the long-haired, tattooed man who holds you against him as he pummels his thick, hard cock into your tight, wet pussy again and again. The bedroom is filled with the sound of your mixed moans and skin slapping against skin as he pistons his hips into you, making you see stars. 
It doesn’t take long for your pussy to start quivering around his cock, squelching and dripping the more he fucks it. You’ve never been fucked like this in your life and you’re able to hold back anymore. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, Baji!” you practically scream. “Can’t…can’t take it! I’m gonna cum!” 
Baji shakes his head, gripping your hair with one hand while he hikes you up onto his waist with the other, showing you how lightweight you are to him. “Uh-uh, bratty girl,” he huffs. “Not yet, mama. I need to feel more of this pretty pussy flutterin’ around me.”
He thrusts harder, faster, drawing whines and sobs out of you. You begin to claw at his back where a large tattoo dedicated to Toman is inked into his back muscles. “You cum when I say, understand?” he growls into your ear. 
You weakly nod, willing to do anything he says if that means you can cum. “Now shut the fuck up, and take this dick.” You do so, stopping your protests as he fucks you stupid until you cream all over his cock while he fills you up to the brim…but of course, you only do it when he says so. You find that you love doing what he tells you to. 
When everything is said and done, you both crumble to your bedroom floor and Baji pecks your cheek. “Best blind date ever, right?” he chuckles.
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*Note: Reader is Goth! 
“God, kill me,” you sigh, standing in front of the theater doors. “Why did I agree to do this? He could be a serial killer or something!” 
You contemplate leaving, but you already promised your best friend that you’d go through with this stupid blind date on this stupid ass holiday. “Please just try and go along with it for tonight, Y/N!” she practically begged. “I promise he’s a nice guy! And I already told him you agreed! Just give it a chance and I promise you that I’ll never bother you about dating again.” 
You groaned, sitting across from her at a bar. “Fuck,” you sighed. “Fine. Can I least pick the movie?” Your friend eagerly nodded, so you purposely picked a romance/horror movie marathon showing that the theatre does every year for Valentine’s Day. The kind with blood n guts, gothic vampires, and slashers. Surprisingly, the guy still agreed to come much to your dismay and you had no choice but to come out. 
You know that your friend did this as a way to get you to start dating. You swear she thinks that one of these days that you’ll hang yourself from the shower rod with how lonely you are…and this has zero to do with you being goth. Though you love the color black, but you’re not depressed. You love dark makeup and rock music, but that’s what you love. You’ve always adored gothic fashion and the aesthetic, so that’s what you live. 
However, some people think it’s weird. Though Tokyo is full of eccentric and different type of fashion, goth isn’t particularly “popular” in your Black family or side of the city. And it certainly isn’t popular with the guys. You don’t care. You love yourself and you’re not about to change for anyone. So you dress in your finest black attire with a mini leather skirt, thigh-high stockings, and boots that make you feel powerful and sexy. Your makeup is dark, your mascara is sharp, your nails are as long and sharp as claws, and chains drip from your leather jacket. 
You wonder what your date will be like. Apparently, he’s a well-regarded and respected officer in the Special Fire Force, among the strongest there is. But you don’t recognize him when he comes up the road from his side of the city. He is tall and has a lean build that is hidden behind a black sweater and baggy jeans. His locks of black hair hang in his face, but not enough to hide his different set of eyes: his right pupil is a red circle with one black dot in the middle while his iris is black; his left is red with a white X in the middle, reminding you of a game of tic, tac, toe. 
“Hey,” he greets easily. “You waitin’ for someone?” You scowl at him, crossing your ams over you chest. “Why are you asking?” you ask sharply. The stranger raises his big hands in defense, taking a step back. “I’m not trying you, I promise. I’m just wondering if you’re this Y/N that’s supposed to be waiting here for me.” 
You squint at him, cocking your head to the side to see him at a different angle. “Benimaru?” you question. “Huh. You don’t look how I thought at all.” He is handsome but not enough to knock you off your game. He quirks a small smirk and you have a feeling that this dude don’t smile often. “I hope that’s a good thing,” he wryly chuckles. “For the record, you’re not bad on the eyes either…if that’s what you meant.” 
You don’t acknowledge his compliment or react even though your stomach flips. You’re not used to anyone complimenting you on the account of your black lipstick and mascara. “So should we go in or stay out here to freeze to death?” you sarcastically ask. You huff and turn on your heel before Benimaru can even answer or follow you. 
He easily beats you to the door on his long legs and opens it for you, towering over you as he does. “Is sarcasm just natural for you?” he asks, dry humor in his voice as you step into the theater. You feel a pang of guilt at your behavior. It’s not his fault your friend orchestrated this. 
“Sorry,” you apologize. “I’ll admit, I’m not too hype about being here. Dating isn’t really my thing, but my friend insisted I come on this stupid blind date…no offense.” Benimaru barely blinks at you walk to the ticket counter. “None taken. My friend, Konro, swore I needed a Valentine’s Day date when the whole holiday isn’t even a holiday. It’s pure BS.” 
“Ugh, agreed,” you scoff, rolling your pretty, brown eyes ringed in mascara “It’s just a way for companies to continue to capitalize off of hopeless romantics and couples. Not to mention all of that pink.” 
Benimaru nearly misses that, too busy thinking about how pretty your eyes are. “I’m takin’ you don’t like pink?” he asks, raising an eyebrow at you. “Not that your clothes are a dead giveaway or anything.” His interestingly alluring eyes tick up and down your outfit, making you feel hot under all of the leather. “I just like black,” you laugh. “But don’t get me wrong; I wear other colors sometimes, but only on a minuscule level.” 
“Your friend said you were a gothic chick,” he chuckles, giving you a mischievous smirk. You send it right back as you take out the two tickets your friend sent you for the movie. “As gothic as they come,” you retort. Benimaru just hums in response, particularly liking you in that mini skirt and the way it swishes around your thighs. 
After buying the tickets, you two wander into the small waiting area where a bar, a cafe, and an arcade occupy the space. “So the movie starts in about fifteen minutes. Should we head in now?” Benimaru doesn’t answer at first, too busy staring at the arcade games. “Nah,” he replies, nodding at the flashing, noisy games. “We can kill some time in here.” He begins to walk over, expecting you to follow. “Your friend also said you’re shit at racing games,” he says with a smirk shot your way. 
“Not true!” you scoff, crossing your arms. He shrugs pausing in the threshold of the arcade to wait for you. You finally give in, taking off your jacket to reveal your black crop top. “Fine, but only if we got time for the shooting games too. I wanna kill some zombies.” Benimaru nods, secretly laughing to himself as you follow him into the arcade. 
You spend way more than fifteen minutes in that bitch, playing all the games you can. Benimaru is good at almost everything, playing each game with skill and precision. He lets you win most of the time, just liking to see you smile and laugh in pride when you win a racing game or beat him at ping pong. During the zombie game, you get overrun by the undead while holding your plastic machine gun and you feel him lightly touch your elbow to point the gun straight. His touch sends shivers all over you. You win the first half until you run out of time and Benimaru smirks at you. “I totally helped you with that,” he sniggers. 
You also play basketball, shooting them repeatedly through hoops. He always gets the farthest hoop and the highest points, winning every round. “You only won ‘cause you’re taller,” you huff, bumping your hip with his as you walk by. It gives him the perfect opportunity to watch your ass sway in that damn skirt, making him hard as a rock for you. 
As walk to get something to drink, you stop at one game in particular: the crane game. It holds dozens of little plushies that you’re obsessed with, including the little black plague doctor with its big eyes and fluffy beak. Benimaru smirks at you staring at the game, walking up beside you. “I saw you looking at this thing the whole time,” he says. "You couldn't have been any less discreet.” 
“Shut up,” you grumble, still staring at the plushie. He notices and pulls out his last arcade coin. “What, you want it?” You quickly shake your head, turning to leave. “We’re gonna miss the movie anyways, so–“ 
“Fuck it,” he carelessly interrupts, shocking you. “You obviously want that penguin, so I’ll get it for you.” 
You roll your eyes, sighing. “It’s not even a penguin; it’s a plague doctor Squishable. It ain’t a big deal for me to have it, Benimaru.” But your date just glares at you as he bends down to put the coin in the slot. “And it ain’t a big deal for me to get it for you,” he argues. “If we miss the movie, we’ll just go for food.” 
You are floored by his stubbornness and refusal to give up until he’s made you happy. How can that be? You only just met and yet here he is, using his last coin to try to get you a stupid plushie! You watch with bated breath as he plays the game, moving the crane slowly as he fixes his eyes on the plushie. Once he’s moved the crane right over the plushie, he hits a button, causing the crane to sink down into the sea of stuffed animals. The crane’s hooks latch onto the peak of the plushie and, slowly, he moves it over to the opening in the corner to release it.
The crane plays music and lights up in victory as the plushie rolls down the chute into Benimaru’s hand. He turns to you, an unreadable look on his face. “Here,” he says passively. “I figured goth girls didn’t like cute shit like this…but he is kinda creepy.” 
You take the plushie, just staring at it for a moment. All of the sudden, you feel weird. You feel tingly and butterflies flutter around in your stomach. That never happens, but it’s happening for this guy! “Thanks,” you softly, and very shyly, say. Benimaru shrugs like it isn’t anything to him, but it is to you. “Y’know, the movie marathon is gonna be showing another night too…” You trail off, looking down at your shoes to avoid seeing his eyes. 
“So you want another night with me?” he asks. Quickly, you turn on your heel and stomp out of the arcade, leaving him utterly confused. “What?” he calls after you, sounding genuinely baffled. “It was just a question!” 
A second night with him does happen two weeks later and you do see the midnight marathon, but neither of you pay any attention to the first move that plays. You’re too busy bouncing on your date’s thick, veiny cock in the darkness of the theater to watch the film, biting back your moans despite the seats being empty. Benimaru softly grunts and moans into your ear as your walls flex around him, his eyes transfixed on the way your ass jiggles as he lifts up your skirt. 
“Fuck, Beni!” you moan. “Y-You’re s-so fuckin’ big!” You grip his thighs with your long nails as his dick stretches you out in the best way, a delicious ache coming in your calves with the effort it takes to bounce on him. Benimaru stands up and bends you over the seat in front of you, beginning to fuck you from behind. He is fast and nails that single spot every time that makes you have to cover your mouth because you’re so loud. 
“Shh, shh, baby,” he coos into your ear as he continues to pound into you from behind. “You don’t want security comin’ to find us, do you? Or maybe you do, you little slut, fuckin’ your date in the movie theatre.” He takes a fistful of your hair and pulls, much to your enjoyment of being slutted out in the dark. Anyone could walk in and see you fucking right now. It’s so naughty. So sexy. 
The thrill of it must be getting to Benimaru too because he speeds up his thrusts, his balls slapping against your clit as his hand smacks against your ass, gripping it tight. “Shit, baby, you’re gonna make cum!” he groans, tossing his head back at the feeling of your tight walls squeezing around him. “Cum with me! Make that pretty fuckin’ pussy cum around my cock!” 
You quickly begin to rub you swollen clit in time with his thrusts and soon enough, you’re cumming all over his cock. “Fuck!” you scream into your hand as your orgasm tears through you. Benimaru cums too, filling you up with a long groan that he bites back as best as he can among the movie playing. He lets you come down from cloud nine before pulling out, letting his cum leak down your thighs. He turns you around, pumping his cock soaked in your juices. “Not yet,” he growls. “Put it back in your mouth and taste yourself.” 
You get on your knees, panties at your ankles and leather skirt hiked up. Benimaru wastes no time thrusting into your mouth, using it as his very own fucktoy, as he watches your brown eyes ringed in mascara stare up at him eagerly. When he pulls away to cum again, your black lipstick stains his cock, marking him as yours.
“Fuck!” he gasps as he cums all over your pretty face, ruining your eye makeup. It is now but black smears down your cheeks as his nut drips all over your face and cheeks. 
“Poor baby,” he chuckles. “Your mascara’s runnin’. I bet you worked so hard on it.” He takes a napkin from your movie snacks and dabs away the cum. “So cute,” he sighs, marveling at how utterly adorable you look. You giggle, feeling deliriously good and cute, just as he says. 
Yeah. A third date is most definitely in the future for you now. 
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sadhours · 1 year
Cockwarming w dom billy whilst ur watching a movie. He’s so needy for u so u cockwarm his huge cock whilst trying to watch, staying still. But he keeps distracting u rubbing his hand on your back and nipples.Eventually he can’t take it so he rubs your pussy moaning into your neck and you squirt all over him.
you always have such fun requests, i loved writing this 😘
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warnings: 18+ minors dni, pure pure smut
The movie has caught your attention, it was just something that you thought might be interesting just based on the VHS cover, Rollerball. You were just excited to spend time with your boyfriend, a lazy night lounging around watching movies. Billy had been so busy with work and the Camaro but he called this morning and said he was coming over tonight. It was a relief because you’d felt like maybe you both were too busy with work and you were growing distant.
Billy’s laying behind you, left arm draped over your side while he props his head up on his right hand.
“Could you imagine if this was a real sport?” he mumbles, his fingertips ghosting your exposed stomach where your tank top had ridden up.
With a snort, you reply, “Absolutely not. They’re practically killing each other. And I don’t get why some of them are on motorcycles.”
Billy laughs, his breath feels nice and warm against your ear and you slightly melt back against him, “Sci-fi, babe. That’s just how the games played.”
“I guess so,” you say, unconvinced.
Suddenly, you feel his hand move down and he starts to push your shorts and underwear down. You don’t protest, giggling softly as he kisses your jaw. You feel as he struggles to push his own sweats down and then the head of his cock is pressing against your entrance. It slips in easily and he pushes in until his hips are flush with your ass. But then Billy doesn’t move, an inch. No thrust or roll of his hips. He drapes his arm back over your side and keeps on watching the movie. You turn your head slightly to look back at him.
“What are you doing?” you ask, a little breathless.
He glances down at you, a smirk playing on his lips before he says, nonchalantly, “Just keeping my dick warm.”
It’s the most ridiculous thing but you don’t laugh because it also feels so intimate. Instead, you just roll with it, turning your attention back to the movie but you can’t stop from clenching around Billy’s thick cock. You feel him exhale sharply but he still doesn’t move his hips. It’s a bit frustrating but you like giving Billy the power so while it’s almost impossible not to grind back against him, you’re able to restrain yourself.
After some time has passed, you’re fully engrossed back in the movie because the plot has kind of picked up but then Billy’s moving his hand. First, smoothing it over the curve of your hips down to your thigh and all the way back up to your stomach. You think he’s going to start rocking his hips but, he keeps them still.
“Billy…” you whine, softly, a bit of a pout forming on your lips.
“What?” he says, airy like he’s not doing anything out of the ordinary.
His fingers sneak up your top, the pad of his middle finger circles against your hardened nipple and you can’t help but gasp, eyes falling shut. Billy hums, his lips so close to your ear which just makes you clench around him harder. He pinches your nipple and bites on your earlobe before sucking on it. You let out a soft moan, your hand shooting up to grip his forearm in attempts to ground yourself. You keep thinking any second he’s gonna flip you over and fuck into you, give you what you both want so bad.
But he doesn’t. Billy’s apparently intent on teasing you.
He mumbles something else about the movie but you can’t comprehend the words, your heads gone fuzzy as he casually plays with your nipple. You consider asking him to repeat himself for a moment but the thought dissolves when he bites your neck, soothing the tender skin with his tongue immediately after. You gasp, your body feels so hot and tingly that you can’t help but arch your back, causing Billy’s erection to pull out just slightly and then he’s making a strangled groan, fingers squeezing your breast like he’s a little frustrated by the movement. Like you’ve infiltrated his little game and he didn’t expect it.
“Billy,” you plead with desperation and like a gift, his hand smooths down your body until his fingertips meet your clit and he taps against it. “Yes,” you pant out, “please…”
“So eager,” he tsks and kisses along your jaw while moving his fingers against your clit in broad circles. It’s just exactly what you needed and you could care less about the dumb movie at this point, writhing against him as you hook your ankle behind his legs to spread yourself open more.
He makes all kinds of pretty sounds as you fuck yourself back on his cock, doing all the work for it. You flutter around him, feeling his tip brush against your spongy spot deep inside and you let out a low sound at the sensation it spreads over your whole body. All hot and dizzying. Billy chuckles lowly, slapping against your clit a couple of times, each blow makes your body jolt forward and back against him.
“Just couldn’t take it anymore, huh, doll?”
“You couldn’t either,” you bite back, placing your hand on his thigh so you could get better leverage as you grind against him.
He delivers a particularly hard thrust against you as he says in a throaty voice, “Yeah, you’re right.”
“Fuck!” you cry out, “again.”
Billy does, repeatedly as he rubs your clit faster. Your mouth hangs open, he licks, kisses and bites at your jaw while he fucks into you hard and relentless.
“You like that, baby?” he asks, breathy and on the verge of a whine. The sound it tears from you is foreign, definitely not a sound you knew you were capable of making. A desperate, kind of crazed groan. You feel Billy’s lips curl up against your skin when he hears it, his fingers spreading your lips apart and the cool air that hits your folds is incredibly intoxicating.
The sounds of his cock pumping in and out of your drenched hole fill the room and that’s when you notice the movie has ended. Billy moves his hand up to grab your jaw and turn your head so he can press a searing kiss against your lips while he drills into you from behind. The neighbors are gonna fucking hate you but you can’t help the slurry of cries and moans escaping from you. You know it’s loud because Billy shushes you, though he’s grinning wide when he does it.
“So good,” you babble, letting your eyes flutter shut when he moves his fingers back down to your clit and expertly works it. You arch against him, panting out, “Gonna cum…”
“Do it, baby,” he purrs, “Cum for me.”
He quickens his pace and you teeter over the edge, body seizing as your orgasm crashes into you, squirting all over his cock and hand. Billy groans, long and deep before he grabs a hold of your hip and fucks into you impressively harder.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he grunts before spilling inside you, coating your walls with his spunk and you hum happily, melting against him as the fruitions of your pleasure mixes. Billy doesn’t pull out right away but he wraps his arm around your middle and squeezes as he lays kisses against your shoulder while you’re still reeling in the aftershocks of a powerful orgasm.
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loveinhawkins · 11 months
Once they’re far enough away from Angry Hicks Land, Erica rifles through the supplies before finding the bag she’s looking for. She throws it at Eddie, only for him to immediately fumble the catch.
“Wow,” she says. “You’d be immediately kicked off the basketball team.”
“Uh, my talents don’t exactly lie on the basketball court,” Eddie says—his tone is dry but his face is slightly flushed in embarrassment.
“Huh,” Erica says. “Guess Lucas is multi-talented.”
Steve chuckles in approval from the driver’s seat—hopefully not too loudly; yeah, she’d defend her brother to the hilt, but she doesn’t want to get too ridiculous and actually have him overhear her.
Thankfully he seems in a world of his own, sat with Max and Dustin at the back of the RV. His eyes keep flickering over Max and her Walkman headphones.
He’s frowning. He’s been doing that a lot—Erica’s sure he’s had a permanent crease in the middle of his forehead since the year began, probably before then, too.
She wants to iron it out. Doesn’t quite know how to.
The bag rustles as Eddie opens it up. “Um. What’s in—?”
“Essentials,” Erica says.
Eddie blinks. “Sinclair, this is a belt.”
“Your jeans are very sad,” Erica tells him pityingly.
Steve cackles. Eddie’s blush deepens, and he jabs the back of the driver’s seat with his elbow.
“You having fun over there, Harrington?”
“Oh, tons,” Steve says.
Erica laughs. Eddie sticks his tongue out at her.
Once they’re parked outside, she half-loses track of him while correcting Lucas’s abysmal attempt at spear-making. He’s there in the corner of her eye, rough-housing with Dustin, but her thoughts turn vague and distant as she double knots the rope.
A little while later, she’s lying on her back, stretched out in the grass. She can faintly hear Lucas and Max having an arm wrestling match, Dustin providing old-timey sports commentary.
A shadow falls over her.
Erica sits up.
Eddie’s standing there with his hands on his hips. He’s wearing the bullet belt, the metal glinting in the sun.
“Whaddya think?” he says.
Before she can reply, he actually does a full-blown twirl, and it’s maybe one of the most embarrassing things she’s ever seen—which is definitely saying something.
She can’t help the fond smile from breaking out as she rolls her eyes. “Well, at least you’re dressed for the part.”
“Coming from you, Lady Applejack, that’s the highest of compliments.”
Eddie flops down next to her. He leans across and picks up something: her spear. She’d actually forgotten about it, just for a moment.
“Not quite a kukri, huh?”
It’s meant to be a joke, Erica can tell—but she can still hear the tension in his voice. He tosses the spear aside.
A sinking feeling she’s been pushing back makes itself known again; she wishes this was all just a game.
Eddie’s eyes are unfocused, like he’s thinking something similar.
Erica nudges him. “What’s up?”
He shrugs. “Just thinkin’, Sinclair.”
“Hmm. Seems rare for you.”
Eddie snorts. “Shut up. S’just…” He sobers. “Had this whole… plan. I forgot.”
A smile. “You. You were gonna, uh. Be it. If you wanted.”
Erica raises an eyebrow.
“Um. The, uh… the leader of Hellfire.”
Eddie’s fingers drum nervously on his knees. Erica takes pity on him.
“You do know I’m eleven, right?”
“Trust me, I’m painfully aware,” Eddie says with a fleeting grin. “Your introduction is seared into my memory goddamn permanently. No, I was gonna… there’d be stand-ins till you got to high school, like whoever wanted to try out… And you’d be the official, uh—”
“Next in line for the throne?” Erica says wryly.
Eddie laughs, but it’s short-lived—he soon turns thoughtful again.
“Sure. Now I’m thinking, what, eleven, twelve…” He counts on his fingers. “Yeah. By the time you start high school, maybe that’s just enough time for people to not lose their minds about…” He smiles weakly. “Hey, maybe don’t call it Hellfire under your reign.”
“Oh, so you think I’m chickenshit,” Erica says.
“No,” Eddie says softly, and suddenly he’s not half-joking; he sounds deadly serious. “Just don’t want you to—y’know, be mixed up with…” He trails off.
Erica’s not told him about what happened at the town hall, but from the way he’s talking she suspects he knows at least a little.
She wants to be able to snark back at him, you really think Hawkins will still be talking about you years later? Please, you’re not that important.
But the thing is, she can’t know that for sure. She doesn’t know what’s going to happen next.
And that scares her.
Something else mixes with the sinking feeling in her stomach. It’s cold and unstoppable: the righteous fury she felt in the hall, as grown adults condemned a boy they did not know, when she’d figured out within barely five minutes of meeting him that he was all bark and no bite.
“Was gonna give you an open invite to Hellfire, anyway,” Eddie’s saying—almost under his breath, as he twists blades of grass around his fingers. “Like, just whenever you could make a session. I was gonna ask you, obviously, but… Was gonna write up, like, solo adventures your character could be part of whenever you couldn’t come. Same for Lucas, if he—”
“Okay, did you actually tell Lucas that?” Erica asks knowingly. “Or did you just think it?”
Eddie shifts guiltily.
“You need to tell him,” Erica says—remembering the week before Christmas that she’d accidentally broken his mug; they’d fought, and Lucas had eventually slunk into her room, somehow convinced that he’d been completely at fault. “Otherwise he just gets all quiet and thinks he’s done something wrong.”
“Noted,” Eddie says quietly. Contrite.
He looks off into the distance at the ongoing arm wrestling match and sighs; falling onto his back, an arm flung over his eyes, he says, “Thought I had all of Spring Break to figure shit out.”
“And what’re you doing right now?” Erica says pointedly. “Get planning, Eddie The Banished.”
Eddie huffs. Smiles. “Okay, okay.”
He lapses into silence. It makes Erica think that he isn’t just dwelling on ideas for a campaign. There’s a crease between his eyes—and maybe it’s a different kind of frown than the one Lucas wears, but it’s a frown all the same.
She gives him a moment, then pulls out a blade of grass and pokes him in the cheek with it.
He lifts his arm off his face. “Hmm?”
Erica holds out her hand. “I’m making the arrangement official.”
“The arrange—oh.”
Eddie sits up, blinks, blinks, blinks.
Oh, honestly, Erica thinks. He’s one of the most soft-hearted people she’s ever met.
She waits until he takes her hand before saying firmly, “To the future of Hellfire.”
Eddie smiles again, and his lips shake just a little at the edges. “The future of Hellfire,” he murmurs.
They shake on it.
“Seems like a fair trade,” Erica adds. “You get a belt, I get your club.”
Eddie laughs, puts an arm around her shoulders and squeezes.
“Erica Sinclair,” he says, eyes bright with affection. “I’d give you the whole goddamn world, if I could.”
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eggluverz · 10 months
danheng and reader are interns at the same company and there’s one sided beef from reader’s end cuz they’re trying to compete with him but he’s clueless and just thinks she’s hardworking and cute 😭
In which you view your internship as a competition and Dan Heng is simply attracted to your hard work and determination.
PAIRING. dan heng x f!reader
GENRE. modern au. rivals? to lovers?
NOTE. ty anon for this super fun request!! <3 clueless dan heng the loml… and reader is so chaotic ngl alsjdkdl i hope u enjoy !! ^-^
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“Can somebody handle the emails from the Realm-Keeping Commission?” Mr. Yang asked as he rushed through the intern’s cubicle area. He had a cup of tea in one hand and a handful of folders in the other. “They’ve had a recent breach of contract issue so we should be getting an influx shortly.”
“I can handle it!” you immediately spoke up, sparing your cubicle-mate a brief glance. You had a smile on your face but your eyes were urging him not to butt in.
Dan Heng smiled back. “I’ll help her.”
“Great.” Mr. Yang nodded in appreciation. “We have such hard-working interns this year.“
Your eye twitched as you replied, “Right. Great.”
Once the intern director left, you turned to glare at Dan Heng. He was nonchalantly typing on his computer, no doubt responding to the Commission’s emails already. A job that you should’ve been doing alone. Alongside a million other things that naturally came with being an unpaid intern.
You wanted to prove yourself here. The Astral Express was well known in the industry and you wanted nothing more than a job offer after the internship. But how could you possibly secure that when Dan Heng constantly stole your shine? You had to keep pushing. Keep striving to do more and impress your bosses.
“Hey, Y/N,” said Dan Heng. “If you have too much on your plate, I can take care of the emails today.”
Heat rose to your cheeks as you frowned in indignation. “You think I can’t handle it?”
He titled his head to the side. The innocent look on his face made you more upset. You couldn’t tell if he was making fun of you or if he truly believed you were someone pitiful who needed constant help.
“Of course you can handle it,” he reassured. “I don’t doubt that. I just don’t want you to take on too much of the workload. I’ve noticed you push yourself quite a lot.”
You shook your head. “I’m not pushing myself too much. I can do it.”
Dan Heng’s gaze softened. “You know yourself best. But I just hope you don’t overwork yourself too hard. We’re only unpaid interns, remember.”
You puffed your cheeks indignantly. Of course he could say something like that and still be a top performer. “Thanks for the consideration, but don’t worry about me. Now, if you’ll excuse me… I better get back to work.”
He only nodded in response.
As you started scanning through the emails on your computer, responding to the ones you have already finished, you felt Dan Heng still looking at you. You turned your face away from his desk so you wouldn’t be directly in his field of vision, unsure why he was staring but not really wanting to find out. Besides, you had more important things to get to. How could you possibly get more work done than Dan Heng if you were too busy worrying about why he kept looking at you?
Perhaps his innocence was a facade and he was playing mind games to slow you down.
With a huff of determination, you worked extra fast, not wanting to let his plan succeed. He’d have to do better than that to win.
It was your lunch break the next day and for the first time since you started (except for those times Mr. Yang wanted to take the interns out for lunch), you were not eating at your desk to work through the lunch period.
Apparently, HR was visiting the office so you all had to follow all the policies, no matter how silly anyone found them.
Instead of your desk, you were eating at a shaded seating area outside of the office. If you weren’t going to work through your break, you might as well enjoy it and get a breath of fresh air while you were at it. With your high ambition and willingness to push yourself for this internship, you were aware it probably seemed like you were a workaholic of sorts. That wasn’t exactly true.
You saw the important of work-life balance and valued it, but you also figured an internship is where you were supposed to work extra hard. Then, once you secured the job, you would be free to relax.
You took a bite of your sandwich you packed as you stared off at the gently swaying trees in the distance.
“Hey.” You almost jumped at the sudden sound. “Can I join you?”
You slowly turned towards Dan Heng, blinking. First, he tormented you in the office as an intern who provided ample competition. Now, he wanted to torment you during your lunch too?
Despite your inner thoughts, you didn’t want to be rude. Deep down you knew he was also just an intern doing his best. You just had to do better.
“Sure,” you acknowledged. “Have a seat, nemesis.” The words escaped your mouth before you could stop yourself. “I mean… Dan Heng…”
His brows furrowed. “I find it hard to believe those two words could get confused so easily.”
You cleared your throat. “Not sure what you mean.” Before Dan Heng could respond, you changed the subject. “What did you bring for lunch?”
As he sat next to you, he showed you his opened tupperware. It contained the yummiest smelling food with very neat presentation. You figured it probably tasted even better than it smelled or looked.
“I packed a bento box for today.”
You looked down at your soggy sandwich. Was even lunch a competition to him? Did he have to be the best at everything? You vowed to look up the most intricate lunch recipe and show it off to him once you made it.
He looked at your sandwich wordlessly before taking a bite of tender meat.
Your face burned in shame.
Tomorrow, you told yourself. Tomorrow you’d show him.
Today, your internship started around noon. It wasn’t a whole day of work and you knew fully well you didn’t need to pack lunch. Still, you stayed up all night perfecting this recipe and you had to show Dan Heng you were worthy competition as well. You even made enough servings to pack a meal for Dan Heng to try too.
Towards the middle of your shift, you walked over to his desk.
He paused his typing and looked up at you. “Can I help you?”
You held out a tupperware of your homemade food. “Look. I made this.”
Dan Heng’s eyes widened as he cautiously took the container from your hands. “For me?”
“Yeah. I saw your bento box yesterday and wanted to prove that I can also cook! Just like I can do all the work we’re assigned!”
Confusion was written all over his face but he still managed to smile. “First, thank you for making this for me.”
You looked at him, equally confused. Why did he sound so sincere? You simply wanted to prove a point. Not do something out of the kindness of your heart.
“Second,” he continued, “I do agree you can do all the work we’re given. Have I made you feel like I believe otherwise?”
“Not exactly… It’s just you keep offering to help me even when I say I’ll do it!” you explained passionately. “You keep trying to steal my work and do more than me!”
Dan Heng blinked, mouth opening then closing. He opened his mouth once more, trying again. “I wasn’t aware you viewed it as me stealing your work.” He rested his chin on his hand as he thought things through. “I didn’t want you overexerting yourself so I was only trying to help ease your workload… I’m sorry for undermining your hard work.”
“You’re not doing it on purpose?”
“No. I admire your determination and how you always step up to the task— I would never want to take away from that,” he said earnestly. His stare was unwavering as he looked into your eyes. “I more than admire it, actually. I find it quite attractive even.”
You gaped at him, unmoving. “Huh?”
“Attractive, endearing, cute… Do you need more synonyms?”
“Me?” You pointed at yourself.
Dan Heng nodded. “Well, I was referring to your work ethic. But yes. You as well.”
You bashfully stood up straighter. “You’re not too bad yourself, I suppose.”
That wasn’t a lie. You did find Dan Heng rather attractive. His hair was dark and messy, falling around his eyes in a way you could only describe as perfectly framing the vibrant blues. He had a pretty face and a serious demeanor that initially drew you to him— Until he started competing (as you saw it, at least) with you in your internship.
As you stared at each other in silence, Mr. Yang came in with a stack of papers. “Good afternoon, everyone. Can someone run an audit of the company’s stocks?”
You jumped up, startled. You didn’t except to be interrupted like that, but you quickly regained your composure, rushing over to him to grab the papers. A part of you was thankful for the distraction, but another part of you wanted to see where it would’ve lead. “I can do the audit!”
“Great, thank you!” he said in acknowledgment before rushing back out.
Once Mr. Yang left, Dan Heng turned to you and said, “Let me know if you need any help. I’m here if you need.”
You smiled. Now that you knew he wasn’t trying to best you, you were much more open to the idea of working together. “Sure, I’d love some help.” You paused and Dan Heng raised one brow. Though it came from the heart and the sentiment was there, you both knew it wasn’t completely true. You still did want to be the very best after all. “Well… You can help, but only a little though.”
Dan Heng laughed, accepting the small stack of papers you gave him, not even one fourth as tall as your pile. “I wouldn’t expect anything less from you.”
You hummed in agreement. Before focusing on your work, you thought of one small thing to ask him. “Hey, Dan Heng?”
“Maybe next week you can bring me some lunch, too? Or, maybe we could go out for dinner even…”
“I’d love to,” Dan Heng smiled and it was the widest grin you’ve seen on his face thus far, “if you give me more of your paperwork.”
You gasped, feeling thoroughly tricked. So he did want to beat you—?
“That way, we can finish sooner and I can take you to dinner tonight.”
Your train of thoughts stopped in their tracks as a light chuckle escaped your lips. “Fine,” you agreed, finding yourself strangely looking forward to having dinner with him. “But just this once, okay?”
“Of course.”
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dan heng: *stares at reader*
reader: he’s playing mind games to make me nervous and slow me down
dan heng: she’s hardworking and passionate and so cute u.u
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satocidal · 5 months
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𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ * ࣭Destination(!): Middle of Nowhere — Toji Fushiguro
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Synopsis: A long drive—a little crush and a hot dilf, not much can wrong- only that you were drunk and he was no less of a bastard.
— Word count: 2.2k
— A/n: Nobody come at me ok? This was meant to be full smut and just a drabble but here I am 💀 and this is like a piece I’m writing after a decent while so stfu ok- as is Toji ain’t my boo
— Warnings: smut!! MDNI!! Toji x Fem! Reader (reader is at least 19); age gap (reader is the age of Megumi and they’re not in college <3); stupidly fucked sense of alcohol consumption and hangover (for the sake of plot); degradation; spanking; idk basic nonsense- exhibitionism; usage of word "daddy" (twice)
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“That’s what you fuckin’ like huh?” A sharp slap landed on your ass, whimpers barely contained as you sobbed as his fast-set pace—“Gettin’ fucked at the side of the highway?”
Days spent saving the money so carefully, so long—it had to be a night well spent.
“Gumi’!” You sounded out again, the skirt rested so low on your waist—the top barely holding up too, you grinned as your friend made his way to your car, disgruntled a face.
“Why the long face lover boy?”
Not a word, motioning just his head for you to focus on the body in the periphery—it was similar to your Friend, well, at least by the face of it and some mannerisms.
Megumi’s father after all, was the book definition of what a dilf is—you couldn’t help but giggle at the way the older man flicked off his son—usual banter, you presumed.
“What happened now?”
“I was running late, so I made eggs—he wanted to eat some cereals or whatever,” you chuckled at the annoyance his tone held still—“and he couldn’t have made it himself?”
A deadpan that Megumi passed you, “is it not obvious the only thing he can make is women pregnant left and right.”
Another gaze, yours flickered to his father- shyly looking away immediately when your eyes seemed to catch—he was, in most senses, scary.
But hot—because how else would you explain the sudden flutter of the nerves as your eyes caught sight of Him, pants resting low on his hips—no shirt, fuck was he hot.
Another laugh, unassuming as your car revved away.
The concert was fun, mostly.
Besides the time that you lost sight of Megumi, besides the creeps that you caught along the way, besides getting your drink almost spiked- yeah.
What wasn’t fun, it was simply realising that you did not in fact have a ride to go back anymore. But as it was, absent father or not, he made for a decent chauffeur- because there at 11:30 at night he stood with his car.
“How the fuck do you lose your car keys?” His voice was rushed, Megumi’s—staring daggers at you, you simply chose to giggle, too drunk to register anything properly.
“I lost you at the concert- I think losing is a simple concept,”
A scoff- Megumi could not deal with this anymore.
“Remember when we lost our virginity-? That motel was so shady, and the bitch you were with-” words punctuated with hiccups and giggles, Megumi groaned, ears burning when his dad replied with “Hah?” To your words, apparently having heard everything.
A hand shoved to cover your mouth, Megumi grimaced-“don’t mind her, she’s drunk, I need you to take her home- ours,”
A short silence followed the info, “take her? Where will you be?”
Megumi paused, “I’ll stay off at a friend’s t’night—need you to take her back,”
A scoff—Toji’s, “can’t the brat stay with you too? M’busy,”
“He wants to get railed,” you hollered from behind—warning yourself a gruff smile from Toji, not that you’d care at the moment- “off y’er rockets, both of you,” a mumble Toji passed, then a scoff.
“Alright,” he finally muttered, not without making Megumi beg thrice, compensating the night drive by leaving the apartment alone to his father for three days further, “stay with her while I back the car- don’t lemme catch ya fuckin’ some whore when I get back either,”
“Don’t ya worry Mr. Fushiguro—ain’t gonna let him get STD so fast,”
Another short chuckle, hm, the ride could after all be fun.
“Thanks dad,” Megumi muttered another his breath- fastening your seatbelt, not daring to meet his dad’s eye, all too aware of the smirk on his face.
“The chick’s hot,”
“That’s why I’m leaving with her and not- oh,” Megumi paused mid-statement realising it was you his father was referring to, not the girl he was leaving with, he bit his lip hard.
“Don’t try your shit with her, don’t mess with her,”
A smirk, “how would you know,” Toji shrugged, “I could fuck her roadside and you wouldn’t know,”
A lick of his lips, “which is why I’m asking you to simply not do it,”
Flick of his head, “I’ll do what I want,”
Megumi watched as his father’s gaze lingered upon your form, it was simply too easy- especially the way Toji’s eyes held a hungry look.
And just like that, you—half passed out, beside Toji swerved away, Megumi would’ve perhaps minded a little more, had the girl beside him not been actively trying to kiss his face off- not that he minded.
Ps. One thing about Toji, he did do what he wanted after all.
The ride back home was smoother, partially because you were almost passed out, and there was no traffic to hinder your way either—and yet, hours it took the both of you to reach.
After all, there were stops made continuously, here and there- “ya hungry?” You muttered suddenly, 15 minutes into the ride, the silence all so overbearing—a mindless “huh?” Toji passed, a mere snicker you offered “hungry? I am,”
Toji stared blankly at the road—he wasn’t sure, a small smirk made its over still, “you don’t typically talk so much,” and true he was of course—but that was mostly because Toji always shivered your timbers, which rarely mattered when you were as drunk as you were.
“I’m typically never this hungry either,” a gruff scoff he passed, “Gumi’ didn’t feed ya or what?”
A silence you let pass over the two of you- he sighed taking the worse of the cases, “whatever I’ve got me some cash, sure, whatcha’ wanna eat?”
“Whatever pops up on the road first,”
A smirk, Toji looked over the convenience store that seemed to be approaching—“I like decisive girls like you,”
A giggle you passed, so drunk, “wanna know a decision I’ve made?”
A cocked brow met your gaze as Toji pulled the car over the side of the road—“you’re one man I wanna fuck,”
A cough and a widened set of eyes fretted Toji before the smirk could even wipe you across the floor, a short silence met you- sober you would’ve already climbed over the lay on the road ready to be run over, the sheer embarrassment.
A small chuckle the older man offered, “y’er not so bold usually eh?”
“You’re scary,” your voice came out as half a whine,
“eh? And I’m not scary right now?”
A giggle again—“you’re much more fuckable right now, especially with how you were in the morning- been on my mind since,”
The vision of himself in just a vest and grey sweat-pants, understandable, he shrugged—“gotta be honest doll, you look way more slutty than I did,”
An amused smile he held as you giggled again—“yeaaaah?” Your words dragged, “S’pretty skirt ain’t it? Gumi’ thought it was too short,” a small pout that you held with end of the statement.
A snort Toji passed—“Gumi? An idiot, a doll like you deserved to flaunt that ass in as short of a skirt you like, don’t ya?”
Your head bobbed in compliance, slowing only when his hand came to rest way too high on the plush of your thighs—it felt hot.
Hot in the way it seemed to creep up your skirt, hot in the way the hem of your skirt tickled you—hot in the way his gaze held yours, hot in the way Toji knew exactly what he was doing.
A lick of your lips, a lean in from him, a lean in yours—“you were hungry, yea?”
And just like that, Toji did exactly as he pleased.
Toji stared, jaw stacked as his eyes remained stuck on your form, bent over—legs spread, all just to tease him while you pretended to be confused about flavour sandwiched you wanted to grab.
A hum entered his ears, you bent over further—your panties, the fishnets all on display —“I don’t like the mayo they used in this,” a whine as you wiggled your ass, his eye twitched.
A step forward, he stood directly behind you, crotch pressed to your ass, a hand on your back which kept you in position—“and I don’t like the way you’re acting,”
The store was empty, you smirked—grinding back into him, “you seemed to like how I was back in—”
A sharp inhale, yours, a sting that you could feel building up on your ass—“hey! What are you-”
-another harsh slap fell on the same spot, the fat of your ass squeezed suddenly, “what do you think y’er doing?” Almost a growl—the store was empty, he was using it to his advantage.
A smile rested on your lips—“trying to decide on what I wanted to eat but…” despite the dull warmth you’d just felt you grind into him yet again—your intentions were clear, all too drunk to even care about being humped in the middle of a convenience store—as you seemed to be at the moment.
Toji realised all of this— in the sound of your gasp as he pulled at your hair roughly, back arching as he brought you close enough to his mouth as he leaned down himself—you could feel his hardening dick pushing against your ass—“but what?”
A smile, almost innocent that you flashed, “I don’t think I’m hungry anymore…” a bite of your lip—then another hitch as you felt him spank you yet again, all too done with you.
The heat radiated through your body, “you think it’s funny huh? Grinding’ into me like a whore?”
A moan escaped you, his fingers roughly pushing at your clothed pussy, skirt hiked up- your face heated up at thought of someone walking in—fingers feeling around your wetness as it spread, “wearing such a fuckin’ short skirt—I can practically see your slutty pussy when you bend,” another sharp slap, you whined at the absence of his fingers from your cunt.
“Ofc Gumi’ let ya go—such a whore, poor boy had to take care of you huh? But that’s ok—daddy’s better than him at dealing with bratty ones like you,”
Shameless, in the way you moaned—not caring about the store manager who was probably watching through the store camera—you smirked.
“Yeah?” You grinned up at him, “what’ll you do hm? What does “daddy” do?”
A hard stare he passed, suddenly pulling away from you entirely, let alone for the hand that grasped your hair, “think I prefer you better when you’re quiet and crushin’ on me,”
A mischievous smile that you held—“you should gag me then,” he couldn’t help but roll his eyes, and smile at your words—you were adorable, he wouldn’t deny that—he pulled you away from the shop slowly, back to the car, not without winking at the guy working at the store—all too aware of the breathy moans he’d let out stroking himself, watching the two of you too.
As for gagging you, Toji would.
Fifteen minutes the both of you rode in silence—sheer fear that his words had held, “not a peep,” he’d whispered as he closed the door for you, a hard glare followed as the engine was turned on.
Fifteen minutes gone by, you were wet—turned on simply by the silly ministrations in the store, your cunt was practically begging to be touched.
But ah—for someone too afraid to even breath loudly at the moment, to touch yourself seemed off the plate, but the thought may enticing nonetheless.
“Feelin’ horny?” His voice rasped—and oh boy, you were—“same,” a short smirk has evident in his voice, “no touching or sounds till you’re at home though,”
And quite Instantly and regrettably, “Please…” you whispered, hand reaching over to stroke his thigh once —just as quick the car was pulled aside, Toji’s face remained blank.
“Get out,” he murmured, breaking the moment of silence—his gaze was hard, “huh?” Was all you could manage, “ya heard me doll, out. Out and your hands on the hood,”
And as if on a spell, there you were- bent over, it was chilly, pleasantly so—waiting all so impatiently, squirming, he sat in his seat, light shining all upon you- his star of the night.
Slow, taking forever it seemed, that he stood up- walked off, you dared not to move, staring in the little awkward position that he held you in, as he stretched in his leisure.
He didn't seem to come close, not once- or at all, not a single word —“Mr. Fushiguro…please?”
A smirk- fast spread to a grin- “shy again? We gettin’ sobered up? Not so quick doll,” and yet, with all his teasing words, not a single step taken to help- you squirmed, ass sticking out, it was tempting but Toji was a man of will power.
“Please,” you muttered meaninglessly- and the moment continued for a decent two minutes- nothing made sense, you knew he was merely teasing- but oh how the riddle onto whatever that would make him crack was unrelenting.
And perhaps, when he couldn’t take it further, “what’s my name?”
A hesitant, “Mr. Fushiguro,” you dropped off yours lips- he smirked, a step closer- your panties, soiled already we’re almost dripping now and you were sure no piece of groundbreaking porn would ever get you this worked up again- “No. What is my name?”
And as if a light bulb got switched on- “Toji,” you whispered- he was finally close enough though, close enough with his hands on your tits, roughly squeezing and slapping them, “what was that?”
You purred softly, the way his hands pushed your spine, arching your back further- fingers brushing against your hip, “Toji,” his name rolled off your tongue again, louder- he snickered.
“That’s the name you’ll be screaming alright? Why will you scream it doll?”
And yet again, all logic flew off you as you felt his hard-on press onto your ass, “because I’m a slut who deserves to be fucked shamelessly on a highway,”
A final cackle that Toji held- a slap to your face, soft- “such a good fuckin’ whore.”
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All of this work is original and entirely my own—please refrain from copying or reposting.
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allyallyorange · 5 months
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Back at it with Ateez AT AU
Hongjoong in a band + meeting Seonghwa
Read what @nnnnnnnothingtoseehere wrote cus its fun
Hongjoong blames the enormous box of posters in his hands. It’s big enough to entirely block his view of his own feet, and he can’t even see the raised section of the pavement until it’s too late. 
He hits the ground hard, posters spilling out of the box and rolling away. His hands took most of the fall, which is better than his face. 
He sits up slowly, hissing at the sight of his own scuffed up palms. He’s thankful it’s just his palms; he definitely needs his fingers for tonight. 
His palms will have to wait; he has multiple posters suddenly making a break for freedom. 
As Hongjoong staggers to his feet, he has a brief moment of thankfulness for the fact that the venue they’re performing at is located on a quieter street. There aren’t many pedestrians around, meaning less people to potentially step on the posters. 
He still breaks into a jog to try and catch some of them before they roll into the street. Not too fast though; rock stars don’t run. 
He has to bend down to gather up the posters, and soon has an armful. He is straightening up to bring them back to the box when he realizes there’s someone helping him. 
Hongjoong can’t see much of the stranger at the moment, white hair falling into his face as he scoops up several posters. He’s wearing an oversized black and white striped shirt, the demon notices absently, and has a tote bag slung over one shoulder that threatens to fall off as he reaches for another poster. 
The stranger stands up fully, allowing Hongjoong to actually get a look at him. 
He’s clearly human; Hongjoong could tell that just from his skin tone. Besides that, the demon can only make vague guesses about his age. He seems young-ish, but Hongjoong honestly has no idea. Besides that, he has incredibly round eyes, and an awkward smile. 
“Do you have somewhere to put these?” the stranger asks, lifting his armful of posters slightly. 
“Uh, yeah,” Hongjoong answers. 
He immediately turns on his heel, heading back to the box that he left on the ground beside the merch stand. He drops his bunch of posters into the box, suddenly very self conscious about everything he is doing. 
The stranger has followed him, and proceeds to kneel down beside the box to put his armful of posters away, making sure they’re neatly in place. 
Hongjoong stands there watching him for a second before he realizes he’s being weird. He heads back out to gather up the last few posters, returning to hand them to the very detail-oriented stranger. 
“There we go,” he finally says once the last roll is put away. “All done.” 
He stands up then, and Hongjoong realizes very quickly that he is several inches taller than him, despite his boots. He knew he should have gone with the three-inch heel. 
 “I’m Seonghwa, by the way,” the stranger says with another smile.
He sticks his hand out, and Hongjoong tries to take it in a cool and nonchalant manner. 
“I’m Hongjoong,” Hongjoong answers. 
“Nice to meet you, Hongjoong,” Seonghwa says easily. “I like your outfit.” 
Hongjoong can’t resist grinning at the compliment. He likes his outfit too, and may be wearing it hours before he needs to because he likes it that much. 
“Thanks,” he replies. “I like your hair.”
Seonghwa laughs slightly at that and thanks him, reaching up to comb his hair back with one hand. 
“So, what is all the paper for?” he asks, gesturing to the box on the ground between them. 
“They’re posters,” Hongjoong tells him. “I’m setting up the merch stand.” 
He steps slightly to the side so Seonghwa can see the table and booth behind him, already half-covered in t-shirts. 
“Oh,” Seonghwa says, eyes widening. “The Demon Prince? Is that the name of a show?” 
“A band,” Hongjoong corrects. “My band, actually.” 
“Really?” Seonghwa’s whole face lights up in excitement. “You’re the front man?” 
Hongjoong nods proudly, maybe sticking out his chest a little more. 
“What kind of music do you play?” Seonghwa asks, tilting his head as he waits for Hongjoong’s answer. 
“Rock,” Hongjoong answers easily. “Sometimes I switch it up a little, but I’m keeping in a more hardcore punk vein right now.” 
Seonghwa makes suitably impressed noises, and Hongjoong congratulates himself mentally for doing so well at this. This is easy! 
“Rock can be a really nebulous term,” he continues. “I don’t really care for some of the more laid back stuff that people call ‘rock’. Things like that misrepresent the genre and are just bad press in a lot of ways.” 
Hongjoong can feel himself loosening up as he talks; he knows about this kind of stuff and is very comfortable talking about it. He widens his stance slightly, leaning against the booth wall behind him and incorporating a few hand gestures. 
“I’m sorry for interrupting,” Seonghwa interjects after a few moments. “But you hurt your hands.” 
Hongjoong had honestly forgotten about his scraped-up palms. He flips his hands over, noting the way some of the deeper scratches are now oozing blood. 
“Oh yeah,” he says casually. “It’s fine.”
“No, it’s not,” Seonghwa tells him. He has stepped closer, and now reaches out to take one of Hongjoong’s hands, his touch gentle. 
The demon immediately freezes, incredibly aware of how small his hands look next to Seonghwa’s much bigger ones. 
“You should really wash them off,” Seonghwa is saying, bending over slightly to get a better look. “You don’t want anything to get infected.” 
“Yeah, I was planning on it,” Hongjoong answers. “There’s a sink inside and stuff.” 
He may have seen one briefly. He honestly isn’t sure. 
For a split second he’s sure Seonghwa is going to haul him to the possibly-imaginary sink right then and there. The human doesn’t, instead letting go of Hongjoong’s hand to dig in his tote bag briefly. 
“I thought I had some,” he mutters, pulling the bag halfway off his shoulder to look inside better. “Oh, here they are!” 
He triumphantly holds up a small plastic container decorated with cartoon animals. Hongjoong blinks at it for a second. 
“What is it?” he asks flatly. 
“They’re bandaids,” Seonghwa tells him, opening the container. “You’re going to need something if you have to play tonight.” 
“Oh,” Hongjoong says. “I guess you’re right.” 
Seonghwa gives him another smile, as well as a small handful of bandaids. 
“Thanks,” Hongjoong tells him, slipping them into his pocket. 
“Of course,” Seonghwa replies. “I’m glad I carry them.” 
Hongjoong watches as he puts the container back in his bag, then adjusts the strap so it hangs comfortably again. 
“Hey,” Hongjoong says abruptly, getting Seonghwa’s attention again. “Do you want to come to the show?” 
“Me?” Seonghwa asks, blinking a few times. 
“Yeah,” Hongjoong says. He doesn’t know who else the human thinks he could be talking to. “It starts at 8 tonight, right here.” 
He pauses for a second. 
“Well, not right here,” he quickly amends. “But at this venue.” 
“I knew what you meant,” Seonghwa assures him. “And while I would love to, I can’t. I have a kid at home, and he doesn’t like crowds at all.” 
Hongjoong nods slowly, thinking quickly over everything he knows about human children. It’s really not much, but he does know it’s probably not a good idea to leave babies alone at home for a long time. 
“That’s cool,” he replies, hoping this comes across as a nonchalant and normal response. 
Seonghwa clearly takes this to mean that Hongjoong thinks children as a whole are cool and that he definitely wants to hear more about them, his whole expression immediately brightening. 
“He’s a really sweet kid,” the human says, digging in his bag again. “Here’s a picture of him when he was little.” 
He holds out a small, well-loved picture, the edges tattered and almost soft. Hongjoong leans forward slightly, squinting at the miniature human who is in turn squinting at the camera in the picture. The demon can’t really make out much of their face, but he supposes they’re rather cute. 
“Nice,” he says vaguely, leaning back. 
“He’s a lot bigger now,” Seonghwa says, flipping the picture back around to look at it for a moment. “I think I have another picture somewhere-” 
“I’m good,” Hongjoong hurriedly says. “I don’t really like kids.” 
“Ahh,” Seonghwa replies, carefully putting the picture back in his bag. 
The conversation kind of dies there, with the two of them just awkwardly looking at each other, the box of posters, then each other again. 
“Do you want a poster?” Hongjoong finally says, desperate to break the silence somehow. “Since you can’t come and did help me pick all of them up.” 
“Oh,” Seonghwa says, looking down at the rolled up posters. “I didn’t realize they were posters.” 
Hongjoong laughs awkwardly at that, bending down to pick one up quickly. 
“Here,” he says roughly. 
Seonghwa takes it with a smile, thanking Hongjoong. 
“I’ll have to hang it up,” he says. “It’s not every day I meet a real rockstar.”
Hongjoong does his best to push down the immediate rush of glee that comes from the human’s words. He should definitely be totally normal about being called a rockstar; he is one, after all. 
“Hah, yeah,” he answers. “And I bet you don’t give other rockstars bandaids either.” 
Seonghwa laughs, but the demon is immediately kicking himself mentally for saying something so dumb. 
“No, you’re definitely right,” Seonghwa agrees. “I’ll certainly enjoy knowing you’ll be performing with gecko bandaids. Not every rockstar can pull that off, but I think you can.” 
Hongjoong can’t stop himself from flushing at the compliment, and he does his best to brush it off as well as he can. 
“Yeah, well,” he ends up saying. “A sense of style comes with the territory.”  
Seonghwa laughs again at that, and Hongjoong notices distantly that he looks really nice smiling like that. The thought is strange, and he shakes his head slightly to clear it. 
“So are you going to set these out?” Seonghwa asks, waggling the poster now cradled carefully in his hands. 
“That’s the plan,” Hongjoong tells him. He glances over his shoulder at the rest of the table. “I should get some of my bandmates to help.” 
“I could,” Seonghwa offers quickly, looking a little surprised by his own suggestion. “If you’re ok with it, that is.” 
“Uh, sure,” Hongjoong says, running a hand through his hair. “If you want to.” 
Seonghwa immediately nods, gaze flicking between Hongjoong’s face and the table behind him. 
“I like organizing things,” he says in explanation. “And I’ve organized everything at home already.” 
“Well, do you want to do the t-shirts?” Hongjoong asks. He steps around to the other side of the table, with Seonghwa doing the same but on the front end. 
“How do you want them?” the human immediately asks, eyes practically sparkling. 
“I mean, they’re all the same,” Hongjoong tells him. “I was just going to set them in piles.” 
“They come in different sizes, though,” Seonghwa points out, picking up the closest shirt. “This one is a small; you wouldn’t want it in with the larges.” 
Sizing hadn’t occurred to Hongjoong at all. He quickly tries to come up with a cool way to downplay this flaw in his thinking. 
“Do whatever you want,” he finally says, waving one hand. 
He probably should have kept the hand gestures to a minimum. The movement agitated his scuffed-up palms, and Seonghwa notices his slight grimace of discomfort. 
“You should go wash your hands off now,” he says, dragging the closest stack of t-shirts forward on the table. “I can watch things here.” 
Hongjoong is opening his mouth to say that it really doesn’t hurt when Seonghwa fixes him with a stern look. 
“Go wash them,” he says firmly. “You’ll get blood all over things if you don’t.” 
Something in his voice has Hongjoong automatically turning before he can even fully register what he’s doing, heading for the door that he left propped open. 
About halfway down the hallway inside, he begins to feel a little stupid. But he does need to wash his hands, and Seonghwa made a good point about getting blood on the merch. 
He spends most of the time washing his hands wondering if he could charge extra for bloodstained t-shirts and posters.
By the time he emerges from the building, Seonghwa has unboxed every t-shirt they have and laid them all neatly out in orderly stacks. He has moved on to organizing the posters, and looks up when Hongjoong steps closer to the table. 
“Did you wash your hands?” he asks, raising an eyebrow expectantly. 
Hongjoong finds himself holding out his hands for Seonghwa to inspect, feeling curiously like a little kid again. 
“Good job,” Seonghwa tells him. “Do you want help putting on the bandaids?” 
“I’m fine,” Hongjoong replies gruffly, already reaching into his pocket for the bandaids. 
Seonghwa watches him for a long moment, but doesn’t say anything. Hongjoong focuses on the bandaids in his hands, having to figure out how to open them first. 
He is surprised to learn that Seonghwa wasn’t joking about the bandaids. The first one he opens is covered in bright orange lizards, presumably geckos. 
No one will see his palms anyways, he quickly decides. And if he really ends up hating them, he can just take them off once Seonghwa leaves. 
Hongjoong puts the bandaids on as well as he can, frustrated at how inexpertly placed most of them are. It’s hard to put them on yourself, and he may regret refusing Seonghwa’s help. However, he does have a reputation to uphold, and so he struggles through the whole handful. 
When his scrapes are covered by various colorful geckos, he stuffs the bandaid scraps into his pocket. 
“Could you look over the t-shirts?” Seonghwa asks, nodding at that half of the table. “I want to make sure you like how I did it.” 
Hongjoong steps closer to the table, slowing down to really look at the neat stacks of t-shirts. They are incredibly exact; the demon wonders absently if Seonghwa has a ruler somewhere in his bag. He wouldn’t be surprised if he did. 
“Looks good,” he says, glancing over at the human. “Very precise.” 
Seonghwa flushes slightly at that, grinning. Hongjoong can feel his own cheeks heating up as well. 
“Thanks,” Seonghwa replies. “Is there anything else, or just the posters?” 
“Just the posters,” Hongjoong tells him. “I couldn’t line up any more merch unfortunately.” 
“What else would you have liked to do?” Seonghwa asks, glancing at him briefly before looking back at the neat rolls of posters in front of him. 
Hongjoong relaxes now that he is back in familiar territory. He easily launches into his plans for future merchandise, which include everything from hoodies to hats to shoes. Seonghwa makes all the right noises at the right times, occasionally asking questions to show that he is still listening. 
They talk like that for quite a while, long enough that Hongjoong loses track of time. He is only reminded of how late it’s getting when he realizes that the light has definitely changed to that distinctive late afternoon color. 
Unfortunately Seonghwa notices right at the same time. 
“It’s getting late,” he says with a bit of worry in his voice. “I should be getting back to Yeosang. He’s probably worried.” 
Hongjoong blinks at him, entirely unsure of who Yeosang is. 
Seonghwa doesn’t seem to notice, too busy looking over the merch table one last time as if he’s making sure nothing has moved. 
“Thanks for letting me organize things,” he says with a smile. “It was a lot of fun.” 
“No problem,” Hongjoong tells him. “I wasn’t going to stop you.” 
Seonghwa laughs at that, taking a half step back from the table. 
“Wait,” Hongjoong calls out before he can walk any further away. “Don’t forget your poster.” 
Seonghwa’s eyes immediately widen, and he retraces his few steps to take a rolled-up poster from Hongjoong’s hands. 
“Thanks for catching that,” he says with a relieved laugh. “I would have been so mad at myself if I’d forgotten.” 
Hongjoong laughs awkwardly at that, watching as Seonghwa carefully puts the poster in his bag, making sure it won’t get hurt. 
“You should come to our next show,” he blurts out. “Because you can’t make it to this one.” 
“I would like to,” Seonghwa tells him. “I really want to see what you’re like on stage.” 
Hongjoong distantly manages to form a coherent reply to that, doing his best to keep from jumping up and down from excitement. 
After his reply, the conversation kind of falls flat again. Hongjoong watches as Seonghwa’s gaze drops to the table again, one hand coming up to adjust his bag’s strap absently. 
“Well I really should be going,” he finally says, making eye contact with Hongjoong. “It was really nice to meet you.” 
“You too,” Hongjoong says awkwardly. “Thanks for helping with all of this.” 
He waves a hand vaguely, encompassing the table and everything on it. 
“You’re welcome,” Seonghwa says with a smile. “Like I said, it’s not every day I get to meet a real life rockstar.” 
Hongjoong chuckles at that, trying to seem cool again as he raises a hand to run through his hair. 
“It’s not every day I meet someone who carries gecko bandaids,” he points out, earning a genuine laugh and smile from Seonghwa. 
“Very true,” the human admits. “I guess we both had crazy experiences today.” 
They exchange mildly awkward goodbyes, and even more awkward waves when Seonghwa turns around halfway to the street and finds Hongjoong still watching him. 
In Hongjoong’s defense, he can’t just leave the whole merch table set up and unattended. That would be poor business practice. 
And maybe he just wanted to watch Seonghwa head off, poster sticking out of his tote bag. 
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garoujo · 2 years
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feat : sano manjiro, ryuguji ken, hanma shuji, haitani rindou + ( akashi ) sanzu haruchiyo
♱ warnings — f!reader, gang themes ( except in draken’s ), you text sanzu while he’s dealing with some traitors sigh, you send them nudes, lingerie.
♱ note — jjk version. hello i’m back w another one of these for tokrev cause i just got rly inspired to write them suddenly :3 !!
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you knew he was an important person, but that didn’t mean you didn’t miss him — especially on the days where he was really busy with the gang, returning home when you were already asleep and leaving before you’d even woken up. but you know he’d come straight back as soon as you told him you missed him.
mikey was in his office when he received your first message, his drowsy gaze glancing over to his phone before he’s picking it up when he sees your contact name — paying no mind to whatever plan sanzu is currently spouting about beside him. to anybody else, mikey’s face would remain stoice, but only you would be able to pick up his tells — the way he tilts his head to the side, propping it up on his fist as he scans over your body, all dressed up and pretty in the lingerie he’d gotten you as an apology for being so absent, and shit—he missed you.
mikey <3 : more :)
whatever sanzu is complaining about is going right over mikey’s head at this point as his eyes become heavier, pure desire in his half lidded gaze when he receives another pretty picture a few seconds later. he can see the peek of your puffy clit between your folds and the needy twitch of his cock in his slacks has him swallowing heavy, jaw clenching before he leans back against his chair when he reads your i miss you.
“you can deal with it, sanzu. do whatever you want.” his command is gruff, almost strained when it’s hissed through his teeth and mikey feels suddenly too warm in the space of his office when he takes another long look at your photos, shameless as he drinks in the sight of his pretty girlfriend, and he knows the only place he wants to be right now is sinking into your little pussy, the one he’s been neglecting so terribly the past few days. so he rises from his chair before he’s pulling on his coat and turning to leave with a shallow exhale, trying to ignore the way his cock is throbbing with want.
mikey <3 : don’t touch it till i’m home, baby.
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it was so easy to miss draken when he was at the bike shop, leaving you with a quick kiss and a soft grin before he’s gone and you can’t help but want him. which is why it was so fun to tease him a little, knowing that behind that big, muscled exterior he would come back to you in a heartbeat.
draken was just finishing up his break in the bike shop when you had text him, he’d messaged you a few times already asking about your day and if you’d eaten — but when you’d not replied he’d only frowned about it for the past thirty minutes before your reply came in the form of a photo, one of you bent over in the mirror wearing a pretty little bra and panty set he’d bought for you. the way his jaw clenches is immediate as he feels his cock twitch awake, the frown on his face deepening at the sudden desire he feels twist in his abdomen because fuck he wants nothing more than to ruin your pretty little get up right now.
this hadn’t been the first time you’d pulled this shit, always trying to tease him every so often when he’s at work because you know he always makes sure to fuck you extra good when he gets home — thinking he’s teaching you how to behave when in reality he’s playing right into your plan. not that draken even cares when he sees the way your pretty pussy is already slick for him when you send another, thighs spread to reveal the glistening petals that lay between them and the groan the new angle pulls from your boyfriends chest is shameless, low and rugged as he wraps his fingers around his heavy cock through the fabric of his overalls.
ken <3 : fuck, princess. somebody’s needy, what have i told you ‘bout teasin’ me at work.
it’s almost carnal, the deep throb that draken feels along his cock — his balls twitching, yearning to be slapping off your ass with every heavy thrust as he bullies his thick cock into your pussy, wishing his grip was dragging you across the floor as he pushes himself deeper into the desperate hug of your walls, and he can basically already hear the way you’d whine about how it’s too much through pouty lips, because you know he fucking loves you like that. he’s breathing hard through clenched teeth when you reply with a cute little but ken, i miss you :( and he thinks you’re fucking adorable when you’re needy like this. draken curses under his breath with another deep throb of his cock against his palm and he lets his head fall back against the old couch in the back before he’s hissing out a fuck and typing out another message, already grabbing the keys for his bike.
ken <3 : gotta tell me what you need then, baby. i can fuckin’ leave right now.
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hanma had no shame when it came to his need for you, even if he’d fucked you before he left for work this morning — you know that he’d still lose his mind at the sight of you in your pretty panties, wrapped up in his shirt with your thighs spread so he can catch a glimpse of how empty your pussy looks without him.
hanma could feel his concentration slipping as sanzu droned on about whatever they were taking next at the meeting he was currently at in mikey’s office, his tattooed hand pulling his phone out of his slacks just as he receives a text from his pretty girlfriend who he’s sure was still wrapped up in bed missing him. but his lips immediately curl into a smirk that’s almost proud when he opens up the text to see you lying back against the bed, a pretty innocent expression that looks out of place on your features with how you’ve got your legs spread, showing him your glistening folds with a soft pout on your lips.
“fuck.” hanma grunts, completely seamless as he discreetly unbuttons an extra button at the top of his dress shirt and sinks himself deeper into the couch, legs spread in his slacks and he’s paying no mind to the way his heavy cock is twitching behind the restrictive fabric when his amber gaze flicks over your photo once more. he’s pretty sure sanzu tells him to quit panting like a fucking dog but he doesn’t hear it, his ears feel like they’re ringing at the sight of you, like he can still feel the way your pussy was twitching around him just this morning — pushing up his glasses before he’s running his hand down his face in exasperation.
shuji <3 : that all or are you tryna tease me, doll? i know you took more <3
he almost growls when he receives the next photo, your fingers trailing between your folds to give him a peek at your puffy clit and hanma chuckles lowly at the sight, clenching his jaw and trying to ignore the uncomfortable throb of his cock in his pants. you were such a tease, but you knew exactly how to rile him up at the most exhilarating of times and fuck—he loved it, smoothing a hand through the black and blonde hair hanging over his eyes before he’s typing out another quick reply and turning his attention back to the meeting with a sinister grin, one that’s dripping with want.
shuji <3 : already got me rock fuckin’ hard in my meeting, baby. gonna let me see more of that pretty pussy as an apology, yeah?
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rindou was always someone who was enthusiastic about nudes, he encouraged them — even sent you a few of his own whenever he could just because he loved the thought of his pretty gf tryna get herself off to him. but he loved when you teased him; like a teaser of what’s waiting for him at home.
the meeting was already over when rindou had received your text, there was just a few members littered around the room — discussing plans and shipments while rindou sinks into the plush couch beneath him, waiting on ran coming back from his pickup with kakucho. but then you text him, in that pretty little set he’d bought you because he knew it would hug you just right and shit—it does, but it still lets him see your perky little nipples behind the sheer fabric, the panties already damp from where you’ve obviously been missing him, rubbing your clit in sticky circles and he can almost hear the way you’d pant his name.
it’s almost immediate the way he sinks deeper into the expensive leather, manspreading to give his cock a little more space to twitch against where it lies across his thigh — the bulge in his pants becoming more noticeable with every sweep of his lilac gaze along your figure. rindou’s lips curl into a smirk when he receives another photo a few seconds later, muttering under his breath about how much of a fucking tease you are before he’s pressing a palm into his crotch, trying to ease the throbbing ache in his cock, swirling with the desire to feel your pretty pussy creaming around him.
rin <3 : look at you, gorgeous … spread it for me.
you’re going to be the death of him, rindou thinks when you reply to his command with another photo — lewdly spreading your folds so he can see the peek of your puffy clit and the way your slick is smeared along your pussy and fingers, and the sight makes a groan punch at his chest before he’s covering it up behind a gruff cough and clenching his jaw. he feels dizzy, he can feel the pre-cum leaking into the fabric of his boxers and something warm bursts along his neck and shoulders when he takes off his suit jacket, rolling the sleeves of his shirt up to his elbows before he’s texting ran to hurry the fuck up. just after he takes a photo of his heavy, prominent bulge straining behind his slacks to send back to you.
rin <3 : look what you did, princess. gotta me help out now, right?
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teasing sanzu was always fun because you knew you had him wrapped around your pretty finger, the same crazed and unhinged second in command that others seen was actually someone who crumbled at the sight of you — so you decided to have a little fun with that, even though he warned you not to tease him at work.
“shut the fuck up.” sanzu hisses as he pulls his gun out of his waistband, aiming it at the three traitors he’s got on their knees, gagged infront of him in the warehouse — but just as it was about to get good, he feels his phone vibrate. the sharp glare he sends them meant as a warning when he clicks his tongue, pulling out his phone and the crazed look in his eyes melt at the sight of your contact name — a weakness he quickly covers up with an annoyed tch before he clicks on the notification, not that him melting for his pretty girlfriend will do them any good considering they won’t be leaving here at all.
but the way his eyes widen is almost immediate as he grits his teeth, scratching at his temple with the barrel of his gun as he tries to hide the way his lips are threatening to curl up at the sight of you. maybe he’s been spoiling you too much, sanzu thinks to himself as his eyes glance over the photo you’ve just sent him, but fuck — he knew you’d look pretty in that little lingerie set he’d bought you, fucking begging him to come home and rip it off. but the pink on his cheeks and the bulge in his slacks is doing nothing for how intimidating he’s trying to be right now.
haru <3 : watch it, angel. you know im working, wait till i’m home.
sanzu feels like his lungs quake with his next inhale, he can feel the uncomfortable throb of his cock against his expensive slacks — his need for you making his mind cloudy because now he’s not only mad, he’s hard and it’s all thanks to your bratty little teasing. but when he feels his phone vibrate against his palm again, he needs to bite back the groan that’s threatening to kick at his chest at the sight of you all doe-eyed and spread out for him. you’re teasing him with your addictive pussy knowing he wants nothing more than to feel it squeeze around him right now, especially when his next message is immediately followed up with another photo.
haru <3 : send me another fucking nude and i’m killing these bastards and coming home to fuck that pretty pussy into the mattress.
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© 2022 garoujo. please do not copy any of my layouts or writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
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lilacrwses · 11 months
▸ Sweet Encounter
summary: The divine dogs always stay with megumi. But with the sweet unfamiliar scent filling the place, they couldn’t help but to go to it, and neither can Megumi.
ft: Megumi, and the cute lil’ dogs
note: I had fun making this one:>
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The rays of the sun were covering the whole park, it wasn’t too hot, wasn’t too cloudy, and it was just the perfect weather for Megumi to walk his divine dogs.
He was on a day off, hoping for a peaceful day with his pets; no unexpected curses, no annoying people, and no gojo sensei pestering him to get a s/o…
Megumi was about to sit in the nearest bench for a break until instead he was pulled in a strong motion by his dogs losing grip on the leashes.
He cursed under his breath knowing that this doesn’t happen unless there is a curse nearby.
You were in a park although you’re not supposed to. Well, you can’t help that you’re lost in this big city. The higher-ups had to transfer you to Tokyo for your work, but you were having trouble finding the school.
You felt a huge energy leaped on your back, and immediately turned to the enemy—dogs?
Your eyes softened and the two pets wiggled their tail rubbing their fur in your pants.
You can’t help but to squat and sit in the grass for a while. You assumed that they have someone taking care of them since they smelt good.
You booped their noses. “You guys are making trouble for your owner hm?” You giggled when they whined, ears were down for a while as if they understood what you were saying..
You heard someone panting behind your back and turned your head towards it, you saw a raven haired boy with such pretty lashes catching his breath.
“Must be your owner.” You smiled to the dogs and stood up from the grass pulling their leashes taking a closer step to the boy.
Megumi questioned his intuition, it was not an ugly curse that his dogs found, instead, it was someone opposite.
“I’m sorry, did they give you trouble?” He scratched his head a slight blush tinged up his cheeks.
“Oh, no! They did surprise me but they’re the sweetest.” The dogs barked at your reply moving circles around you, you giggled at their antics.
Oh your laugh
Megumi doesn’t know why his heart just fluttered.
“I must get them now.” This reply is so megumi, your eyes blinked twice before giving the dogs to him. The dogs were cute, you were hoping to at least play with them for a bit. But it seems their owner is quite strict with them, and you still have some school to find.
As you bid goodbyes to the dogs and to Megumi, you heard a whine and it didnt felt a second the dogs were again by your side.
“Your dogs must adore me.” You giggled petting their head. It was quite unusual for the divine dogs to stick with such person they don’t know of.
It piqued megumi’s interest into the next level.
He has nothing to do anyways. “Are you heading somewhere? We could acompany you. I-if it’s okay of course.” He looked away.
“Sure, why not. I was also just waiting for someone.” you shrugged your shoulder.
you both started walking away from the park you felt your sweat drop when the divine dogs were practically scooting you closer to Megumi which made you stumble. Don’t worry! Megumi’s hands were there to hold your waist preventing you from falling further!
“I’m so sorry about that, they aren’t usually….persistent about something.” You laughed it out saying that you didn’t mind. Megumi was about to ask something but your phone started ringing.“Hello? Yes, Gojo sensei. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Hearing a familiar name Megumi’s ears perked up in surprise.
‘Jujutsu student transfer…He must be waiting for sensei.’ he thought. He remembered when Gojo mentioned someone transferring it must be you, what a coincidence.“You’re the transfer student aren’t you?” You just finished your call. Dumbfounded and not knowing what to say, you stare at him blankly.
“You know Gojo san?” Megumi nods. ‘If he knows Gojo sensei he must be a sorcerer’. “I’m L/n Y/n, I’m a first year at Jujutsu tech.” You introduced yourself.
Gojo told you that he wouldn’t be around at this moment since the higher ups had gave him a mission.
Tapping some things at your phone you were surprised when you felt a light push from your back making you stride closer to the raven haired boy. If Megumi was a little more closer he could probably see the light pink tint on your cheeks.
It was a good thing you instantly leveled yourself with the cute big puppies.
“It was nice meeting you guys, you were so kind to accompany me even though you were having a walkie. I’ll be leaving now.” Not wanting to trouble them further you. You looked at Megumi and back at the dogs who were tilting their heads not distracted by your beauty.
You kissed the dogs goodbye and they were wiggling their tails. Megumi has never been jealous with his dog.
You waved at him before leaving but it seemed that the dogs were following you instead of their owner. “I’m so sorry, I promise they’re not this welcoming!.” He put his hands up. You laugh at the cute antics.
You pat the white puppy first and then the other one
“I guess you might have to take me on a date with these cuties, they probably won’t be leaving me alone anytime soon.” You controlled yourself from smiling too hard as you felt your cheeks heat up saying that.
“I guess I might actually. Well, my shikigami’s aren’t the only one who’ll want you around often.” The tips of his ears began to heat up. He then coughed beginning to say something.
“And for the next following dates it’ll be just the two of us.”
Maybe Gojo’s plans of getting Megumi an s/o worked out better than expected.
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lavendertom · 7 months
My Favorite Prize
Mike Schmidt x f!Reader
wc: 1.7k
warnings: none! just fluff and fun 🤗
so this is my first time ever writing a fic and posting it, so apologies if it isn’t great and has mistakes, i just felt so drawn to this idea i had to attempt to write it! i hope y’all enjoy it as much as i enjoyed writing it :)
this is kind of an au where nothing bad ever happened to the pizzeria (i’m an optimist if u can’t tell), mike still has the security job there, but it’s all good vibes bc he deserves happiness :’) basically just mike, abby, and reader having a fun day out at freddy’s ☺️
also was written w a female reader in mind, but i don’t think there’s any explicit use of she/her pronouns so do what you will with that
keeping this intro short as possible, but i’ll include another a/n at the end!
You would’ve never thought that taking a babysitting job for a neighbor down your street would lead to some of the best memories you’ve ever had. Not to mention it also led to you and Mike, your boyfriend, meeting each other.
Naturally, you spend a lot of time with Mike and especially his sister, Abby, who you’ve been babysitting for about 6 months now. Your bond with her feels like so much more than just being her babysitter, even more so after starting to date Mike. You are always more than happy to do all kinds of activities with her, even if you’re “off the job.” After all, you’re at the house almost everyday now.
“Can we please go to Freddy’s today? I’ve been collecting quarters for months now, I want to use them!” Abby begged as you, her, and Mike finished your breakfast.
“I’m sure your brother doesn’t want to go to work over the weekend, but I can take you if you really want to go.” you said with a smile as you got up to wash off your plate.
“What makes you think I wouldn’t want to join in on this?” Mike asked looking back at you.
“You need a break, Mike.” you answered. “You stay home and rest, Abby and I will go. Plus it’s your job, you don’t want to be thinking about work over the weekend. I don’t mind taking her, trust me.” You often needed to remind him it was okay to stay home and rest. He works his ass off, mostly to provide for Abby, but also because he can’t help but spoil you as well. Even if you didn’t need anything, he still cared too much.
“Please y/n!” Abby shouted from her seat. “Let Mike come too. It will be extra fun then!”
“Yeah, y/n.” Mike said, giving you that look you couldn’t say no to. You looked into those brown eyes, shaking your head smiling.
“Okay, okay,” you responded laughing at the siblings, “let’s go then.”
The three of you piled into Mike’s sedan. On the way there, you and Abby sang some of her favorite Disney tunes, occasionally getting Mike to sing a line or two.
When you arrived, Abby immediately ran up to the stage of three animatronic animals who were singing and dancing. You and Mike followed behind, hand in hand. The pizzeria was full of children playing games, eating pizza, and running around doing whatever kids do.
“I don’t know why she loves those damn robots so much.” Mike said as the two of you walked in. “They’re creepy.”
“I think it’s cute.” you replied. “I think it’d be fun to hang out with them sometime, you know? Like, play arcade games with them, eat some pizza. I mean, you practically have a sleepover with them every night, Mike.”
“You wouldn’t be saying that if you had to be their guardian every night.” he said sarcastically.
“I don’t buy it, you love them.” you responded, squeezing his hand. He gave you a dramatic eye roll and you couldn’t help but giggle at him. You finally caught up to Abby, finding the girl still in awe of the animatronic show. “Alright Abby, what are we doing first?”
The girl thought for a moment, until her eyes lit up and that mischievous little smirk she makes was on her face. “Skee ball competition.”
“What does the winner get?” Mike asked.
“If I win, you have to get me ice cream for dessert.” She replied confidently. She always knew what she wanted, and she was gonna get it no matter what.
“And what if I win?” you asked.
“Then Mike has to get you a prize.” She replied grinning at the two of you.
“Why’s it always me who has to pay the price?” he asked. Abby already began skipping towards the arcade games.
“You’re the one who asked.” you replied giving him a shrug. “And by the way, I’m so winning this.”
“Yeah?” he asked smirking as the two of you followed Abby. “What if I win? What do I get?”
“I guess something can be arranged if you win.”
“Well you better start thinking of something because there won’t be an ‘if I win’, just a when I win.”
The three of you found the skee ball games, each picking a lane to play on. You all agreed whoever had the most points after three rounds of playing was the winner. Abby decided she would count down before shouting “go!” and the game was on. Surprisingly, Abby did very well, and the game ended with a win for Abby, and a draw between you and Mike for second place.
“I win!” Abby shouted jumping up and down before giving Mike a hug. “Now you have to get me ice cream for dessert!” You couldn’t help but smile at the two, their bond was unlike any other.
“Okay, okay, Abby!” he said with a laugh as Abby pulled away from him. “But before that, it looks like y/n and I have a tie to break.”
“Oh, we’re doing this now huh?” you said, crossing your arms. “You can’t stand a draw?”
“I was told there would be prizes and I am not letting my efforts go to waste.”
“Okay, fine, best of three wins.” You grabbed a handful of quarters out of the cup sitting on edge of the game.
“Ready to lose, sweetheart?”
What he didn’t realize was Abby slowly making her way towards your skee ball lane, silently noting she was on your side.
“Don’t get so ahead of yourself, babe.” you said with a playful scoff. What ensued after was the best mix of chaos and fun.
You and Abby were both trying to throw as many balls as you could in the somewhat small skee ball lane. The two of you were laughing at how terribly it ended up working out. Mike finally realized the team you two had formed to which he kept playfully shoving the balls out of your hands, while somehow still maintaining control of his own with his other hand. By the end, you were so out of breath from not only playing the competitive game, but laughing at the madness that occurred.
“I can’t believe you let Mike win, y/n!” Abby said, sounding more upset than she should’ve been.
“I would never let your brother purposely beat me at a game of skee ball.” you said, still out of breath. “He sabotaged the game!” you shouted, giving him a knowing look while pointing an accusing finger at him.
“I believe I deserve some sort of prize for my victory.” he responded smirking as he stood looking at you with his arms crossed.
You finally caught your breath as you looked into his brown eyes, then down to his lips which still held the small smirk. You walked closer to him, putting your hands on his shoulders as you stood on your tip toes to place a soft, small kiss on his lips. He put his hands around your waist, pulling you in just a bit. You could feel him smile, and you did too, letting out a small laugh.
“I’m still here you know.” Abby said, making you both turn to face her, still standing by the skee ball lane. She wasn’t the biggest fan of the two of you showing affection, but you knew deep down it made her happy. After all, she was the one who got you guys to realize your feelings for each other. “So am I getting my ice cream or not?”
“How could I forget.” Mike said sarcastically to his sister, giving her a small smile. He wrapped an arm around your waist as you stood next to him. “Does pizza sound good for dinner?”
“Of course, but don’t you dare forget her ice cream. She’s scary when she gets mad.” you said that last part in a whisper just loud enough for Abby to hear.
“Hey!” she shouted, knowing you guys were messing with her.
“Believe me, I know.” Mike said, ruffling his sister’s hair as they all made their way to the dining room.
The three of you enjoyed a delicious pizza dinner at Freddy Fazbear’s, making sure not to forget Abby’s ice cream she so rightfully earned. Before you left for home, Abby traded in some of her tickets for prizes at the prize counter. She ended up choosing a Bonnie plushie and a little Freddy keychain. She had been working towards collecting all of the Fazbear plushies, having just a few more left to complete the collection.
“Today was so fun!” Abby squealed as the three of you left, her Bonnie plush in hand.
“It was pretty fun.” you said smiling, taking in the final sights, sounds, and smells of the pizzeria as you walked out the doors. The three of you somehow ended up spending most of the day there, continuing to play games and eat tons of pizza.
“You know what, I think we should do this more often.” Mike chimed in.
“Really?” you said, genuinely surprised.
“Yeah. I know it’s technically work, but this was really fun. Thanks for letting me tag along, y/n.” he held onto your hand again.
“Don’t just thank me, Abby was the one who really convinced me to let you join us.”
“I find that extremely hard to believe.” he said while bumping his shoulder into yours.
“Fine, you’re kinda fun too I guess.”
“Just kinda?” he asked raising an eyebrow.
“Maybe a little more than kinda.” you admitted. He placed a kiss on the top of your head as you reached his car.
“Y/n?” Abby asked.
“Yes Abby?” you replied.
She took the Freddy keychain out of her pocket, handing it to you. “This is for you, since you never got a prize for winning skee ball. And because you’re my favorite.”
You nearly teared up at the gesture. A huge smile had come across your face.
“Abby, you are too sweet. Thank you.” you said as you held the small keychain in your hand, giving her a hug.
At the last second you decided to pull Mike into your hug, savoring every moment of having your two favorite people right by your side. “You guys are my favorite prize.”
i hope y’all enjoyed :) depending how well this is received i may consider writing more for mike and whatnot. hopefully it didn’t feel too long, once i start writing i can’t really stop myself. don’t be afraid to lmk ur thoughts in the comments!
i thought we needed more of these kinds of fics for those of us who had our inner child healed from the fnaf movie. these r my fav kind of fics and there just isn’t enough of them 🫶
if ur one to listen to music while reading, i recommend the first 4 songs off of Mylo Xyloto by coldplay. that’s exactly what went thru my mind while writing. 🤗
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cyberg4n · 11 months
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paring: earth42!miles x fem!reader
warnings: nothing, fluff, lowkey short sorry😭
a/n: i saw a movement test clip of him earlier on tiktok and i was SCREAMING and it just fueled me to make this
summary: you stop by during miles’ training sesh.
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you walk up the stairs, hearing music blasting from aaron’s apartment. you knock on his door, waiting for someone to answer. you stand there for a few minutes, awkwardly looking down at your phone. you knock again — but louder. you hear someone approaching, so you back up. aaron opens the door, his brows raising once he sees you. “oh, hey.” aaron says. you greet him back. “uh, is miles here?” you ask, he turns around, nodding. he opens the door wider for you to enter. once you step inside, you see miles swinging at the punching bag in front of him. you hear the door close behind you, aaron walks over to miles. he stops the bag with his hand, “your girlfriend’s here.” he says, nodding his head over to you. miles raises a brow, looking over aaron’s shoulder. once he spots you, he smiles widely.
miles takes off his boxing gloves, walking over to you. “how you doin’ ma?” he kisses you, pulling you into a hug. he looks down at your hand. “what’s that?” he asks. you smile, “takeout,” he grins, kissing you on the cheek. “you always treat me, don’t you, princesa?” you hear a cough, looking over behind miles. aaron turns down the music, standing there awkwardly. “you two have fun, i gotta go run some errands.” he says. whenever he says he has to got run some errands, what he really means is he has to go buy more items for explosives. miles laughs, saying bye to him. once aaron leaves, miles pulls you over to the couch. you open the plastic bag, grabbing a few boxes out. the food neatly arranged on the coffee table. as you tear open the containers, you can’t help but admire him.
you watch miles devour his dumplings. you stare at the veins running down his arms as he lifts each bite to his lips. he looks over at you, a smug look on his face. “what?” he asked through a mouthful of food. “you’ve gotten so big, i guess aaron’s really working you hard with all that prowler stuff.” you say. he grins, “what you don’t like it?” he asks while purposely flexing his arms. you laugh, shaking your head. he reaches over to the table, grabbing the remote and turning on the tv. “so, how’s your prowler business going?” you ask. miles’ eyes light up as soon as you ask, “fucking amazing,” he says. “you know, the other day, me and aaron completely messed up these guys. it was crazy, i mean i—” you quickly raise a finger, shushing him. you point at the screen.
the news flashes on, bright letters on the bottom of the screen reads “the prowler strikes again — with a new apprentice.” when miles realizes what he’s reading, he immediately stops eating. you gasp, snatching the remote out of his hand, turning up the volume. you listen to the reporter as she stands by a large building, a visible chuck of it missing. “holy shit,” you mutter, you laugh as you realize half of the building has been blown up. “you blew it up?” you ask. his eyes are glued to the screen, “yeah, i did.” he replies back. the two of you laugh as it switches over to another angle of the building being even more wrecked. “i hate that they’re calling me an apprentice though,” he says while continuing to eat his food. you lean back, tilting your head to the side. “is that not what you are?” he looks at you, shrugging. “i mean, yeah — but you know.” you roll your eyes sarcastically, giggling. “i’m so proud of you, my baby finally made it onto tv.” you say as you pinch his cheeks teasingly. miles grabs your wrist, laughing. “aight, chill.”
he finishes his dumplings, placing the box back on the table. he gets up, grabbing a cold water bottle from the fridge before sitting back down next to you. he opens the bottle, gulping down his water. “i’m glad you’re having fun with all this, haven’t seen you genuinely happy in a while.” you say, he looks up at you, his gaze softening. “yeah,” he murmurs. “all of this prowler stuff really helps me ease my stress,” you smile at him, playing with one of his braids. “and your mom, she doing okay?” miles nods, “yeah, she still doesn’t know about it yet though.”
miles sighs loudly, laying his head down into your lap. he looks up at you, pulling you into a kiss. “and i hope she doesn’t find out any time soon.” he mutters. he turns in your lap, watching the news. you hear him hysterically laugh under you every time the reporter mentions the damage he’s done to the building.
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please do not copy or repost my writings to any other sites !
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heavenlyysstuff · 5 months
hi i have a request!!
lo’ak or neteyam taking care of sick human reader, and maybe they’re just like shocked at how easily humans can get sick, fussing over reader a little.
lmk what u think !
first request!!
NETEYAM.s x gn!human!reader
LO’AK.s x gn!human!reader
summary , how the sully brothers would react to sick human reader.
a/n , idk why my layout is so messed up ughhh
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You counted down the minutes you had been staying in the lab. Not only had you been sick for the third time this month, you’d also been made to stay in the lab with mostly avatars, and other human scientists of course.
As much as you appreciate their care, you can’t help but feel bored. With the absence of your friends and even anyone remotely your age, you sit aside in an unused room, not exactly sure on what it’s for, some scientists simply just left you there to quarantine for awhile.
You slump in the office chair, getting bored of rolling around back and forth across the room. And then, a voice sticks out to you and differentiates itself from the background noise.
“Where is she?”
“Neteyam?” That’s Norm, why’s Neteyam here though? You assumed he would be busy with training, and if not, why would he be thinking about you?
“Uh, they’re sick.” You missed a little bit of the conversation.
You strain your neck trying to get a glimpse of their figures, they both stand a few metres away, but still close enough for you to hear the conversation.
“Yea. Nothing too serious, but she’s just been tired, Jake figured she’d be more comfortable here.”
“Where are they?” Neteyams eyes wander the room filled of avatars. Norm looks towards your room, eyes locking to yours.
You squeak, immediately turning away at the thought of being caught eavesdropping, but you still pick up on the next few words.
“Over there, take your time.”
The footsteps coming towards you are immediately familiar. “You’re here again?”
With a turn of your office chair you face him. “Yea, almost a second home at this point.”
He sighs, and scans the room before sitting himself on a table close to you. “Why are you always so sick?”
You giggle. “Low immune system I guess.”
He gives you a look of confusion.
“Nevermind.” You continue. “Don’t think about it too much, I’m used to it now.”
“You shouldn’t have to be.”
Smiling at him, you slowly spin in your chair.
Neteyam watches you assumed, and suddenly brings the spinning to a stop once the chair is faced towards him, his hand resting above your head on the top of the chair.
Your face drops as he halts your movements. But with a quick look into his eyes you can tell he’s just being playfull.
Giggles fill the room, and later that day neteyam never left, opting to stay with you until you recovered.
And when your sickness finally ended, it was your turn to look after him in his marui.
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Lo’ak sits beside you filled with boredom, a huff leaves his lips as he try’s to get some entertainment from the views outside the marui.
Because you were feeling unwell you weren’t exactly fit for Lo’aks adventures today.
You shuffle to turn around in the hammock. “Why don’t you just go out with Spider?”
He turns to look at you as his head tilts to rest on his knee, “Because.”
“…because?” You repeat, searching for an answer.
He huffs again, and you just smile, waiting for his answer teasingly. “Just because.” He sasses.
You groan, irritated you won’t get the satisfaction of a reply that would surely boost your ego.
“Stop getting sick all the time.” He continues to change the subject.
“I can’t help it.” You reply and raise your eyebrow as if it was obvious.
“It sucks when you’re sick, going out is never the same.” He complains.
“Yea, I don’t have anyone to make fun of.” He teases.
“Oh wow, ruined the moment.” You sarcastically reply.
He groans, and melts to lay down on the floor beside your hammock, he stares at the ceiling of the marui as you turn more in your hammock to look down at him. “You shouldn’t stay here too long, I might get you sick.”
“That’s fine. Not gonna stop me from hanging out with you.”
“Nothing stops you.”
“Uh huh.” He smirks, shifting his gaze to you.
You can’t help but notice his tail beside his swaying happily. Despite his constant teasing towards you, it’s obvious he does enjoy being around you.
“Are humans always this sick, all the time?”
You think for a moment, “I think it’s just me, low immune system- that means I get sick a lot.”
“That sucks.” He groans, obviously irritated by your proneness to get sick.
“If I could, I’d be outside. Climbing a tree with you probably.” You comment.
“You know you can’t climb, you can’t even keep up with me on foot, small feet.” He chuckles at his own tease for you.
“Okay- uncalled for. So much for caring about the sick human here.” You sassily reply.
“Hey, I am caring for the sick human. You need your emotional support, right?”
“Ha ha, funny.” You roll your eyes, smirking and roll onto your back in your hammock.
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 26 days
(The Bad Batch) Beach Vacation - Crosshair's Ending
The Bad Batch lands on the tropical resort planet of Spira.  A contact of theirs is helping you all out by letting you lay low in a private beach house on one of the islands.  You and Crosshair have been secretly dating for a little while, and you hope to make the most of the romantic setting.
Word Count: 1,476
Warnings: Kissing
“I think I’ll go back to the beach with Crosshair.”
All eyes turned to the sniper, gauging his reaction to your statement.  His expression betrayed nothing as he shrugged, tossing his toothpick into the nearby trash.  “Whatever.  Do what you want.”
No one said anything, but the air was heavy with unmistakable tension and even humor. Wrecker seemed to be the only one unwilling to let this slide, moseying over to Crosshair to give him a playful shove.
“Have fun you two!”
“Grow up,” Crosshair muttered, pulling away.  He paced over to the front door and paused to glance your way.  “You coming?”
“Uh, yeah.  I’ll see you guys later!” you called over your shoulder.
“Be careful,” Hunter warned.  “If you run into any trouble, comm us.”
As unlikely it was that you and your companion would encounter anything dangerous in such a place, you nodded sincerely.  “Will do.”  The door shut behind you, and you released a breath.  “Sheesh, I think they may be onto us…” You turned to see that Crosshair was already descending the stairs, hands stuffed in the pockets of his shorts.  You caught up to him with a chuckle.  “Hey.”
He stole a sideways glance.  “They’re watching us through the window.”
“Of course,” you chuckled.  “That’s typical.”
The sun began its descent from the sky, washing the expanse in dazzling shades of peach and gold in a few final minutes of brilliance before darkness settled.  Crosshair’s profile silhouetted stunningly against the colors, against the waves that lapped the shore, was another sight to see.
Something brushed your fingers, drawing your gaze down to see his warm hand clasp around them.  You gasped softly at the gesture, realizing with a glance over your shoulder that you were far enough down the beach that no one could see.  
You were finally alone.
You leaned into his touch so that your shoulders pressed together as you walked down the beach, sighing in contentment.  He entwined his fingers with yours, his brown eyes not breaking contact with yours.
“It’s beautiful here,” you murmured.
He didn’t voice a reply.  Instead, Crosshair closed the short distance between you.  His lips melded with yours warmly, and the two of you stopped in your tracks. Your hand immediately went up to cup the back of his neck, tugging him even closer, while his arm wrapped around your waist.
Waves crashed against the sand behind him, the rush of water on shells and pebbles being the only sounds filling your ears aside from his lips meeting yours.
On the ship, Crosshair was all barbs, silence except to snark, keen eyes that didn’t miss a thing, and toothpicks between his teeth.  This behavior always peaked when the Batch was under orders to cooperate with outsiders on missions during the Clone Wars. Even when solely in the company of his brothers, Crosshair found time to make the occasional crotchety statement, though it was not so much out of defiance than it was simply his usual brand of tough love.
But there, on the beach, his hand was gentle on your waist as it held you close.  His eyes regarded you with unwavering tenderness and what you knew to be devotion in their depths.
It’s plain to see when you’re in the heat of battle, surrounded by enemies, and suddenly they are shot down one-by-one but someone far away…  You can’t pinpoint the site, but you know he’s there, watching from a great distance and protecting you.
Or when you are in a new place, Crosshair forsakes distance to keep your relationship inconspicuous to the rest of the squad in favor of keeping you safe- whether it be at your side, in front of you to shield you from a potential threat, or watching out for you from behind, his hawk eyes scanning your surroundings.  Crosshair’s fierce loyalty shone through every time.
After this realization, his expression didn’t appear so steely to you anymore.  Crosshair never quite found the words to explain.  Instead, his cold gaze revealed more to you each day.  He protected his family.  He protected you. 
You broke the kiss and let your forehead rest against his.  He lingered, refusing to remove himself from that place of basking in the bliss of the moment, eyes half-lidded.
“What if we just stayed at a place like this?” you asked, voice barely above a whisper.
“We are on the Empire’s most wanted list,” he reminded.  “Many parts of Spira are crawling with Imperials.”
“Well, yes.  I know.”  You pulled away to glance down then at where you held his hand between both of yours, fiddling with his slender fingers idly.  “Maybe not here, but…A place like it.  There has to be somewhere far enough for us to live in peace.”
“Perhaps,” he conceded in a slow rasp.  His tone lilted, as if there was more to say on the matter- most likely another gentle rebuttal to your fanciful suggestion, but he decided on keeping it to himself.
The two of you continued on your way along the beach, hand-in-hand.  A dark, starry blanket replaced the glowing hues while the heat of the day cooled to a more pleasant evening temperature.
It felt like bathwater washing over your feet as you waded in the shallows.  It pushed and pulled serenely over the sand before fading into darkness beyond your view with not a single boat light in sight.  Crosshair gazed out at the tranquil scene in silence, his fingers still entirely interlocked with yours.
“So, what do you want to do tomorrow?” you asked.
“What do you want to do?” he returned.
“I’d like to do what it is you want to.”
Crosshair fell silent, and you waited patiently as the wheels turned in his head.  
For the longest time, it was just orders.  Mission objectives.  A chain of command.  It left little room for choices beyond what decisions were made on the battlefield.
Even when it came to the small decisions in your relationship- where you went or what you did during downtime- his choice still revolved around what he thought would make you happiest, like a default.  In fact, you were already prepared for his first answer.
“We can go swimming.”
The earlier image of him planted in a beach chair far up on the shore under the umbrella had you biting back a smile  He was a lothcat when it came to his aversion to water.  Swimming was very far down on his list, and you were determined to see him indulge a little on this trip.
“We did that today,” you pointed out.  “We should space out swim times or we risk sunburn, like Tech said...”
Crosshair eyed you, and it was obvious he instantly picked up on the bologna you were trying to sell.  But he let it slide, most likely curious as to why you made such an effort to steer away from it, and wondering what you were getting at.
“Is there anything that you want to do tomorrow? Or see?”
He studied your earnest gaze for a moment before his eyes traveled down to your joined hands.  “I’d rather do this again.”
Your face scrunched up analytically, internally debating your next move.  As much as you didn’t want to sound accusatory, there was still a question as to whether he was yet again defaulting to something he thought you’d want or not.
“Is that… what you want?”
Crosshair sighed, leaning in.
“We are constantly surrounded on the Marauder,” he reasoned in a low voice.  “What I want most is more time with you.  Alone.” And he drove his point home with a kiss to your forehead before pulling back to see your expression.
Your heart fluttered.  “Oh. Okay then, we’ll put a walk on the beach on our to-do list for tomorrow.”
“Now that we’ve covered that, we should get back,” he said.  You both turned around and walked in the direction from whence you came, pausing twice to observe a school of dolphins that surfaced in the water.  
By the time you walked through the front door, your eyelids were beginning to droop as sleep sought to claim you.  The others were fast asleep with their doors shut, and Echo crashed on the couch.  Crosshair gave you one last kiss for the night, on the inside of your wrist, before departing to the room he shared with Wrecker for the trip.
Omega was curled up in the master bed cuddled up to Lula.  You climbed in on the other side, sliding out of your shoes and letting out a sigh at how soft the blankets were.  It was impossible not to smile at how peaceful and utterly content she appeared in her sleep.
You began to drift off, listening to the sound of crickets chirping outside the window and the ocean breeze rustling leaves.
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pomegranatears · 22 days
᭄ꦿ gender neutral, mommy kink, pet play & edging
— I didn't proofread, I was just having fun writing my silly thoughts ᡣ𐭩
Just before they leave after an entire weekend with me, I hold their wrist to stop them. The confused stare flashing across their eyes is so sweet when I slip a small envelope inside their pocket. Be a good puppy and only open it when you get home.
A soft whimper after I pretend I’m going to kiss their lips - but kiss their chin instead - would almost make me drag them back inside. I can barely resist when they behave so needy near me.
But I can’t wait for them to see what’s inside. They have to go.
It’s a bit heavy, and their curiosity sparks the moment they are told they’re not supposed to open it. Their need to obey overcomes it, though. The way I whispered how good they were for me over the weekend is etched in their mind, a memory to visit the next time I’m not with them and they need to take care of the ache between their legs.
And I adore them so much that there’s something inside that envelope that will help!!
The first thing they notice is the polaroid, a picture of my tits that I told them to take. It’s embarrassing how it immediately elicits a reaction, they are my desperate perfect slut and I love it. It’s so good to know I have them wrapped around my fingers like that.
The second thing is a letter, sprayed with my favorite perfume. They recognize it immediately; it’s been wrapped around them for the past two days and still lingers on their shirt from our last hug.
The paper is a handwritten piece of everything I still want to do with them, by the end they are a leaky mess, staining their underwear, and chewing their bottom lip.
In the last line I tell them to make a video call to me, which they are more than eager to do. However, before they do it, they remember the weight of the envelope and soon enough they find a small pendant with my initials engraved.
They immediately know where that's supposed to go, their collar.
I don’t think they would ever forget they belong to me but they look so beautiful with me all over them, bite and lipstick marks included. Not to mention their glistening chin after they are done pleasuring mommy.
They call me and I ask them if they liked the surprise. I don’t quite believe their words when they say yes, they’ll need to show me just how much.
Take off your clothes for me, love. And don't forget to put on your collar.
You are so beautiful, I shouldn’t have let you leave so soon.
Do you still remember how it felt when mommy stood behind you and held you against my chest while my fingers were working to turn you into a whimpering, quivering slut?
I want you to do the same now, let me see you and hear those pretty sounds again. What was it? It feels better when I do it?
I know, baby, but just staring at you feels so good. Keep touching yourself for me.
The pendant hanging from the collar makes small noises every time they buck their hips against their own hand, and I continue cooing praises and telling my darling toy how gorgeous they look all needy for me.
I’m not even there and you are whining urgent “please, please, please”; it’s charmingly pathetic.
Oh, you’ve been such a good puppy! Here, let me show you how wet this little display made mommy.
Wait, wait. Stop.
Their breath hitching and eyes widening only makes me giggle. It’s been lovely, sweetheart, but mommy wants you to stop. Move that hand away. That’s right.
They're a mess, desperate to cum, and still listen to me. Reluctantly, they do exactly what I asked while I watch the rise and fall of their chest, their skin glowing with a thin layer of sweat, and their red bottom lip from how much they bit it trying to be quiet.
What a sight.
Mommy's so proud of my dear puppy. There's no reason to look at me like that, baby. I'm on my way to finish what I started (I'm obsessed with them)
.・゜-: ✧ :-
Long post to say that my period affects my mood so I won't be replying so fast and probably won't be very active ᥫ᭡
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