#they'll call for grover
demigods-posts · 8 months
i have this headcanon that whenever percy is counting on his fingers and has to count higher than ten. he'll notify annabeth that he needs more fingers. so she'll stop what she's doing and put both of her hands next to his. so he can continue counting.
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hepaidattention · 7 months
I'm v curious to see how the pjo show will portray Percabeth and Percy's feelings for her throughout the show.
cause imo, in the books Percy straight up doesn't even realize he has feelings for her until much muuuuuch later (whether it be oblivion or denial), but in like book 3 he's so worried for her he's starting fights with god's. she's literally all he thinks about in the Titans Curse, but never in a romantic way. Percy never thinks about her in a romantic way till probably book 4, when she kisses him, and even then it's a rare occurrence until book 5.
we just knew he had feelings cause he'd think stuff like "wow she's beautiful," or prints out a picture of her and keeps it with him, or constantly thinks about her when Rachel was around, or think Aphrodite looked like her. ACTIONS wise I know exactly why Annabeth was yelling at him by book 5. he never showed romantic feelings for her outwardly except for rare occasions that could be interupted as friends, even when she kissed him. not until, again, book 5 when he asks for a good luck kiss and literally screams at everyone not to touch her when she's injured.
anyway, so I'm interested to see how they're going to display it for the viewers on the screen when we won't have Percy's narration telling us obvious things that show us he loves her. I'm wondering if they're going to be more straight forward with it. in the books you knew Percy liked her but again only because of his thoughts, and not until book 3 tbh. but in the show s1 already had so much implied Percabeth. like Percy looked at her so many times like he wanted to marry her right then and there that is was shocking to me (not complaining) cause Percy really only acted like he saw her as a friend by that point in the books.
SO I wonder if they're going to continue this trend of just having Percy look at Annabeth longingly a lot and hope those who haven't read the books catch on, or will they go a step further and having him talk to people about his feelings? will Percy talk to Grover about her? in the books they would never, Percy didn't even know Grover had a girlfriend at one point. they weren't the type of bromance to talk about their feelings. however TV show Grover and Percy would easily talk about their feelings. they're more open and vulnerable around each other in the show.
and if they do that, then are they going to make it canon (canon to me is if Percy knew he had feelings for Annabeth before book 4 of 5 and said it himself. he never says he has feelings, and even talks about his feelings for other characters like Calypso and Rachel, so to me its not canon that he did know unless he said those words himself) that Percy is aware of his feelings before book 5?? or are they just gonna have scenes like in s1 with Luke where he calls them an old married couple and Percy and Annabeth ignore it. I could also see Grover just teasing him about her and Percy just acts like he never even thought about it
idk I'm really interested on how they're going to show us in TV form. half of me wants it to stay canon, but the other part of me wants to see a Percy verbally attest that he likes her but she'd never like him like that - or say something like Annabeth was too good for him (which I always got the feelings was half the reason why Percy didn't pursue anything till much later). even after Annabeth kisses him he's like "as friends???? hmmm???" and I truly do no think until she yells at him for being a coward that it occurs to Percy that "Oh, that WASN'T a good luck kiss then." like he WANTED to kiss her but he didn't think she liked him like that EVEN AFTER SHE KISSED HIM. sigh. sweet, dumn Percy. how I love thee.
but show Percy really isn't as a dumb as book Percy was in the first book, so there's a huge possibility they'll make it more obvious. I feel like for the sake of wanting fans invested in the ship, they'll make him more aware of his feelings imo. they already did so in s1, and book 1 truly was just Annabeth and Percy learning to be friends.
no matter what, I cannot wait for s3, because I would do anything to see Walker act out Percy worried about Annabeth. PERCY TRYING TO FIGHT MR. D CAUSE HES NOT WORRIED ENOUGH FOR ANNABETH???? I literally cannot wait.
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tiredtxmblrvet · 7 months
Fic Rec Friday #4
If y'all want more fic rec fridays, check out @mediumgayitalian
Below are 5 fics I've enjoyed this past week/recently.
(guess who learned how to indent on posts!)
oh, what a sin by @rosyredlipstick
For some reason, Nico thought convincing Fitzwilliam Emerson "Golden Boy" Solace to abandon his hosting duties, blow off his company’s gala entirely, and run off with him into the night would be much harder. Well, that’s what Jason gets for trying to force Nico into attending a party.
We're back with another Rosy fic! This is an awesome one-shot where Will and Nico are both rich little shits and sneak away from their big-shot families. I'd read an entire series of this! The way Nico and Will's chemistry shines in this one-shot is incredible. Plus the family relations of Nico's family is just *chef's kiss*.
talk your talk and go viral (i just need this love spiral) by wrongcaitlyn
“Keep telling yourself that,” Will says quietly, because even though the door is closed, speaking any louder would seem wrong. “You’re too harsh on yourself. If you wrote songs or something, you’d easily get on the Billboard Hot 100. Dad would help you. I would, too.” “Promote it to your seven followers?” “Yes!” Nico laughs, and then Will is joining him, and they’re closer than before, but it’s nothing unusual. It’s been this way since before stupid feelings and stupid crushes, and Nico would be damned if he let it change just because of that. or a celebrity au ft. childhood friends to lovers, a bit of trauma, and a famous friend group (plus leo).
I'm still in the beginning stages of reading this story, but I'm already obsessed with it! The author's writing style is interesting, and I just love a good celebrity AU.
we're not brave, we're not soldiers by Chriscrosswallflower
The battle of Manhattan was mostly a blood stained blur but Will would never forget the sight of his brother’s body falling along with that bridge. __ Follow along with this set of one shots as Percy and Will navigate the pain and trauma of being child soldiers and grow to form an unlikely friendship. Because I think these two could be great friends and two sides of the same coin, so I decided to put my plot bunnies to paper.
I just really love the way Percy and Will are portrayed in this collection of one-shots. Their trauma and emotions feel so raw and so well-written, and I'm personally a Will and Percy besties truther, so I honestly would have loved this fic anyways. The fact that it's so awesome is a bonus.
The Sum of Our Choices: The Titan's Curse by TheTimeTraveler24
Maybe it's not always about trying to fix something broken. Maybe it's about starting over and creating something better. A group of special individuals are drawn together for a reason. They might not see it yet, but they are the only ones who have the power to change their destiny. They'll face opposition from the gods along the way and sometimes things won't work out the way they want. But this group is special. Their choices just might be the key to everything. Something is happening. Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, and Thalia Grace are on their way to Westover Hall in response to a distress call from Grover Underwood. At the same time, Magnus Chase is wandering around in the woods. Under strange circumstances, the two groups meet and the course of history will never be the same.
This fic is actually a crossover AU with the Magnus Chase series, so if that's not your cup of tea, feel free to skip. However, this fic is a time travel "fix-it" fic of sorts where the trio are taken from their lives post the Hidden Oracle and have to relieve the events of the The Titan's Curse (and the rest of the series, this series is 800k words!) and I'm still on the first fic, but I am HOOKED already! So I figured I'd rec it here.
three-in-one soap by thelordofshrimp
Austin glared at his sister. “Will can’t lie, genius. He says that since he became head counselor, any shower that lasts more than three minutes gets interrupted by someone needing his help.” “That’s… crazy.” Nico considered the number of showers he’d taken even in his short time at camp and imagined if even half of them had been interrupted. “It is,” Jerry agreed. “Not like there’s much we can do about it, though.” “You can always do something about it.” Nico sat up. “There has to be something.” “Not unless you can somehow keep the whole camp safe at once.”
This is just a cute one-shot where Nico tries to make it so that Will can actually take a shower for once, but shenanigans ensue anyways. It made me smile, so I'm rec'ing it here.
Okay that's all! I'll probably keep doing this until I run out of fics to recommend. Have a good friday lovelies!
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bigfan-fanfic · 1 year
Iphicles - The Lightning Thief (Brother!Reader x Percy Jackson PLATONIC)
Part 1 here
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Having a brother like Heracles definitely made Iphicles' life harder.
Heracles, when driven mad by Hera, killed Iphicles' children. Though Iphicles was a strong warrior and a Kalydonian boar hunter in his own right, he would never be out of his brother's shadow. Even his death was usually related to helping Heracles in some way.
But maybe, like you, he didn't care.
Or rather, he cared so much more for his brother than for himself.
Percy gets expelled from Yancy Academy and comes home, and you hate that you can never email him or anything because then the monsters will keep after him, and letters don't work because they'll tend to frustrate Percy when he tries to read your handwriting.
But at least your little brother trusts you - he tells you about Mrs. Dodds, and how everybody thinks he's crazy.
"Well, you are crazy." you tease him, and he elbows you with a smirk. "But I also believe you. I saw that awful old woman at parents' night, remember? Wore a leather jacket? Accent thicker than honey?"
You'll always believe him. What else is a big brother for?
Percy's surprised when you get home. Because the dynamic has shifted a little. You have a new part time job at AGS River Shipping - really Aegeus, one of Poseidon's other names. There, Poseidon or some mercenaries hired teach you how to fight.
You're not a demigod - you don't have those hard-wired battlefield instincts or the ability to innately read Ancient Greek.
But you can learn, and learn you do, training with a Celestial bronze spear - since you can't heal with ambrosia or nectar, you need as much distance between yourself and danger as possible. The mercs also teach you how to use a handgun - apparently the Cyclopes are working on a modified celestial bronze handgun.
In any case, your confidence, your slowly improving physique, your new knowledge - it shows in the way that you carry yourself, the way Gabe is more hesitant to engage in conflict with you. And in your more strained relationship with your mother.
You disapprove of Sally keeping Percy in the dark. And subjecting you both to Gabe because of her own hangups, about taking care of herself, about losing Percy... it's taken a bit of a toll - you want to be able to tell Percy, but both your mother and Yuri... and Poseidon have told you to let him find out on his own.
But, like always, there's that annual trip to Montauk.
For a moment, it all feels like old times. You joke and smile as usual.
But the winds heighten and the waves crash, and you sense the message from the lord of the sea: danger.
If Mom won't protect Percy, you will.
You're about to steal the car when Grover shows up, and Mom drives you all away from the monster that arrives.
Asterion, she calls it, and you know instantly what she means. You lean out the window and hurl your spear, which you can summon to your hand from a ring you wear now.
But Sally is distracted by this sudden reveal, and the car crashes.
You see that the Minotaur squeezes her into light, and she vanishes, and you see your brother turn the beast to yellow powder - and faint.
It's your job to get him to safety now. You're the only one left who cares about him.
With the last ounces of your strength, you throw Percy over one shoulder and Grover over the other, and you carry them both across the boundary line.
The last thing you see before passing out is a man in a wheelchair and a concerned man in a Hawaiian shirt looming over you.
"Oh dear... Uncle's been fiddling with Fate."
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isolophilian · 9 months
"this has always been a family story" "this is the kind of family they are" directly points to how fucked up the gods and the way they operate are, and how Percy can see it and understand it. Sally raised him with unconditional love, and did everything she could to protect him; Grover stood up for Percy again and again, got himself into trouble with Chiron and Mr D for him, and i think we all know that he would do literally anything for him; Annabeth has known him for only a few days and has already put herself at risk multiple times, and was willing to sacrifice herself on the arch. all of them have shown him what family is actually supposed to be, and how Poseidon, or any of the gods, don't even come close to that, because they couldn't even do the bare minimum (maybe Poseidon sending the nereid counts but he's still a deadbeat so fuck him)
he's called them out repeatedly about how they act like if for their child to be worthy of their love, they must prove themselves, as though love is a scoreboard that needs to be tallied. it wouldn't even be right to call it transactional because that implies that it's a give and take system; no, it's not even that. the gods can just withdraw their support whenever they want, at a whim, proven by Athena, given the way she condemned Annabeth just because she "embarrassed" her. the daughter who worked to hard to be loved by her, to be the perfect child of Athena, always the leader, a literal 12 year old. "they'll always be in your corner no matter what" breaks my heart
Percy fights for those who he actually considers family. he was ready to throw hands with Gabe, you could literally see the rage in his eyes when he fought the minotaur, and he's still fighting for her by going to the Underworld. Percy chose Grover even after feeling betrayed by him ratting Percy out in the principal's office, and you can see him going to lengths to protect him. Percy said that he could never imagine being friends with Annabeth, but he still makes her laugh at the arch with that accent, and was ready to sacrifice himself in her stead despite being literally poisoned
him pointing out how the way the demigods talk about doing things to receive a god's attention, your fucking parent, going on dangerous quests for them, simply because they sired you, and just deciding to ignore you whenever they want, is ridiculous because that's not how family works. hell, that's not how parents are supposed to work. and Percy is going to change that. they're all going to change that
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soapoet · 1 year
soapy ... # 🫧 [ 11:11 ]
i channel messages and read tarot sometimes. i hope you find solace here.
01. be kind. 02. requests open. 03. never use my services as a replacement for professional help. i'm not a doctor, just a creature. 04. your energy is safe here. 05. use your personal discernment, take only what resonates.
how they'll confess their feelings
your first kiss with them
who hurt you?
how do they express jealousy?
what are you like as a spouse?
what makes you different from their previous partners?
a letter from your future spouse
how are you, october?
autumn energy reading
what do you need to heal?
what's next in love?
who is thinking about you?
describing the dynamic
quick energy reading
after hours (18+):
your first time with them
W.I.T.C.H. pac series:
will - a letter from the past
irma - your gifts
taranee - what makes you beautiful
cornelia - a letter from the future
hay lin - next big change
PJO pac series:
percy jackson - your life purpose
annabeth chase - your ideal career
grover underwood - the type of friend you are
luke castellan - a message from above
thalia grace - how to be brave
nico di angelo - your shadow side
will solace - what you need to know right now
hi, you can call me soapy. i live in the woods with a cat. my spiritual journey began when i was 11. i have independently studied and practiced energy work, astrology, tarot, and certain other practices for most of my life. i have been a mentor and mentee for many wonderful people and enjoy learning new things every day. i'm going through some stuff and figured this is as good of a time as any to make a blog and perhaps share some positivity and insight to any lovelies that see this.
just healing and taking it easy, and not in this to be more than a little lighthouse should you need it. if you have the means, please consider supporting the many wonderful readers on tumblr who do paid readings and can help you in a more detailed and personally tailored way ♡
any pronouns, any terms. zero tolerance for hate. everything is gender neutral unless otherwise specified. mentions of masculinity and femininity are references to energy. you're welcome here regardless of race, nationality, gender identity, sexual orientation, class, culture or creed.
this blog is run by a legal adult. minors can interact, but please be mindful of this. do what you gotta do to feel safe online ♡
some stats:
cancer sun/rising/mercury
aquarius moon
MC pisces
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happyk44 · 1 year
actually annabeth joining luke's army as a double agent for chb but percy doesn't know this so he just thinks alright and grabs grover and hooks it over there bc annabeth does what she wants and he knows there's no convincing her otherwise bc she's a stubborn ass and also ares fucking sucks so as far as percy's concerned the gods can suck it based on that alone
grover is just ??? bc he does NOT want to be over here and percy's just like "look, we can't convince annabeth to not be part of monster army, so the only option is to be part of it ourselves" and annabeth walks in on them trying to join (or rather percy trying to join for both of them and grover looking on the verge of tears) and she's just ??? bc what the fuck percy why are you two here
whole time percy is going on a rant about ares and how he sucks and how he's pretty sure the god has abused clarisse ("maybe we should get clarisse to sign up with us") because no one believes that he wants to join luke's army and they just thinkk he wants to spy on them so he's trying to show that he thinks gods (well at least one god) is a total ass and can get obliterated and percy will be happy to do that bc he did it once before, he can totally do it again! and if they get clarisse she can deliver the final blow as an FU
someone asks why grover's there and percy is like "um. he's my best friend? he has to come with me? what, you think I'm gonna fucking fight my best friend? are you stupid?"
meanwhile grover is having the worst panic attack of his life. like why is this how he discovers percy has no morals. couldn't it be something smaller like putting french fries in a strawberry milkshake?
and annabeth is resisting the urge to start screaming and now she's gotta vouch for percy and her vouch for percy is basically "if it came to saving me and grover or a bus full of people about to plunge into the atlantic, percy would save us, no hesitation" and everyone's like "jesus christ, the hell is wrong with this kid" because like maybe they're on the side of a cannibalistic titan but they're not fucking evil
ofc once they're let into the group, annabeth drags them both to the side and wrings percy a new one for fucking up her double agent plans and they're both whisper-arguing bc it's not his fault he didn't know she didn't really shack up with the enemy, but like fuck off percy, you didn't have to follow me here! why the hell would you choose to come here, were you going to try and kidnap me and bring me back to camp by force??
and percy is just like "yes that is 100% what i was going to do, i was definitely not joining with the intent to be by your side and blow up olympus because i'd rather destroy the world than fight my friend" and grover turns to annabeth and is just "he's fucking lying" "yeah i know"
anyway grover is released as a double agent for the monster army (but actually for CHB) bc the idea is that he can help them get more demigods to their side as a searcher being sent out to grab kids and he's mentally banging his head bc NOW he has to figure out how to get unclaimed demigods safely to camp without making it look like he took them there on purpose and if it looks like he defected back to CHB, they'll probably kill annabeth and maim or imprison percy and good gods, percy i hate you so much rn
percy? idk. it's past summer so he just goes home and luke is like "bro you can't just fucking leave" "um no offense luke but if you try to stop me from going home to my mom who i love more than life itself i will legit eat you" and then he goes home
come december, grover is calling percy up like "hey i found these fucking powerful ass kids, plz help me get them to camp without making it look like i got them there on purpose" and so they gotta loop annabeth in who's just mentally banging her head and cursing percy out over this whole thing as she strategizes a way to get the army there but have them fuck up so badly it would look super suspicious if grover just shoved them over
so first she yells at percy then she makes grover call thalia up so she can help him and it'll be okay 'cause she's in the same area as him so it won't look suspicious, it'll just seem like camp sent her in with him, like they do sometimes when there's dangerous monsters that a satyr might not be able to handle by themselves.
and then she makes percy go with them as support for grover's "nefarious" deeds since thalia's there. and it's a whole fucking thing, and mentally she's just like "oh thank fuck" when artemis and the hunters show up.
they retreat back to wherever the monster army was at this time (not the boat, but like idk. atlas' post? were they all chilling there or was it just luke and some ppl being assholes and everyone else was still on the boat, i can't remember) and curse their loss of two powerful and clueless demigods, only for percy to call annabeth up a couple hours later like "hey, remember those kids from a couple hours ago with the manticore and the hunters and everything"
"percy it was two hours ago, ofc i remember it, my memory isn't as shit as yours" "right right, you're elephant" "oh my- why are you calling me!!" "oh yeah. uh. well. they're kinda in my house" "what??" "yeah they're sitting right across from me. my mom's giving them some hot chocolate."
"how the hell?"
"i have no clue. they also have no clue. they just, uh, didn't feel safe at camp, bc grover was being weird about trying to save them. which, um, yeah, makes sense. and they don't like thalia because her spear scares them 'cause they don't like lightning. and also the girl said the hunters keep trying to convince her to join them which is freaking her out, so they didn't want to stay at camp. and then suddenly they were in my house."
"what do i do?"
this time annabeth bangs her head physically on the closest wall. and somewhere in the fine forests of new york, grover is banging his head on the nearest tree, both of them unified in their feelings of "for fucks sake percy i hate you so much rn"
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hadeslegacyhephgirl · 4 months
So this ain't da soulmate au. Its coming, promise. in the meantime, witness the evil of my brain and have some major angst.
TW: Character death, HEAVILY implied - idk how far that goes, so maybe it's not even implied - self-harm, grief.
~*~ 6:58 when the patient is admitted 7:20 when the heart-rate monitor flatlines 7:22 when Nico receives the call that destroys him. 8:13 when the shroud is burnt 8:17 when the wooden marker is shoved into the ground
8:20 and Nico's world is in pieces.
Rest in Peace William Andrew Solace 1993-2017 Beloved Brother, Medic, Friend, Lover.
~*~ 9:43 and Nico is laying on his bed 9:44. His Will is gone. And he's never coming back
~*~ 10:36 has someone knocking on his door 10:37 and Jason's sitting next to him on his bed.
Nico can't look at him Because he's got blonde hair and blue eyes, but not the curly blonde hair and cerulean blue eyes that he loves. Loved. Still Loves.
10:42 when Jason finally starts talking
Nico doesn't hear a word of it.
10:45 and Nico is alone again. He's empty Because without his Will, there's nothing left for him. Not anymore.
~*~ 2:41 and he hasn't moved. 3:20 and people are talking to him, talking at him. He doesn't hear a word.
3:36 when Reyna, Hazel, Kayla, Cecil and Lou Ellen show up. They don't say a word.
3:38 and he finally breaks down, sobbing into Hazels shoulder. Because they all knew Will. These are the people who considered Will family above everything. They know his pain He knows their pain.
3:52 they're sitting in a circle. They still haven't said a word, but somehow have said everything they'll ever need to.
~*~ It's 2:38(am) when Nico has his first panic attack without Will. 2:39 and he's drowning in those haunted waters. It's a new kind of torture. Because now Wills voice is part of his chains.
2:43 A flash of red A cry of pain Blood accident. sharp. ow.
9:18 he makes his first deliberate cut 9:19 he watches in facination as the drops run down his arm 9:22 when he finally bandages them 9:32 and for seven minutes he could breath, could forget, could drown out everything but himself
Will has been dead for 10 hours.
And Nico is broken.
~*~ 10:37. A month later. Nico is scarliy thin from eating virtually nothing exept what was forced into his mouth
10:38 and he finally pulls out the ring The one he was going to propose to Will with on the day Will died.
10:40 and he's moving, feet taking him outside and down to the docks 10:43 and his arm draws back, throwing the ring as far as possible into the water 10:44 there's a splash. Nico is not around to hear it.
~*~ 11:55 Percy finds the ring 11:56 he realises what it is. Nico had talked to them about proposing to Will. This was that ring.
12:10 Percy, Jason, Annabeth, Hazel, Frank, Reyna, Lou Ellen and Cecil are gathered at the dining pavilion 12:20 they agree.
They need to get Will back And they're gonna make it happen
~*~ 1:34 they have a plan 1:52 they're meeting up with Grover and Apollo (disguised as Lester) in Central Part 1:57 the passageway to the Underworld is open, a yawning pit of darkness and cold. 11:58 Percy goes first 12:00 Apollo and Grover decide to follow
~*~ 12:23 They arrive at Hades Palace 12:34 when Hades greets them, hears their request 12:35 when Hades and Apollo exchange looks 12:37 when Hades sighs, rubs his forehead
'You'll have a ten minute window. Do what you must'
~*~ 12:38 finds them at the Elysium gates 12:41 Will is following them out
~*~ 12:42 and they're running out of time 12:43 and Will stops, exhuasted 12:44 Annabeth is yelling "Nico is in trouble! He's dying Will!" (and it's true, it really is)
12:46 Will is the first out of the Underworld, alive and solid and desperate because where is Nico, if I know him he's really in trouble and I know what he'd do and I need to stop him before he goes to far.
12:49 Apollo dissapears 12:52 the demigods are in Apollos chariot, racing toward Camp Halfblood and Will wants to go faster, faster, please.
1:02 Nico hears the knock on his door 1:03 and it's open 1:03 and he can't move because 1:03 Will is back. 1:03 Will is standng, there, Nico's proposal ring in hand and another one, a silver band with the moon phases etched into it. 1:03 they stand there, unable to comprehend it
~*~ 1:05 and they're on the floor, Nico pressing butterly kisses all over Will - face, hands, arms.. 1:07 they simply lay there, basking in the fact that Will is there and alive
~*~ 1:10 Will pulls Nico into the cabin 1:11 Nico's sleeve is rolled up and Will is heartbroken over the bandages on Nico's arm 1:12 His arms are re-bandaged and they lay on the bed 1:13 Nico asks the question he desperaltly wants to ask, the one he never got to before Will died 1:13 Will is the one pressing butterfly kisses on Nico's faces, whispering yes, yes, one thousand times yes. I'm never leaving again
~*~ 6:32(am) there's a dawn ceremony, with Apollo leading them through a simple exchange of rings and vows 8:43 when the celebrations start 9:31 when the newlyweds make it back to Cabin 13, now decorated, cortesey of Hades, Persephone, Apollo and Aphrodite. 9:46 when they finally get to lay down, simply be next to each other, Nico spooning Will as the exhaustion of the last few days catches up.
Above the bed, the promise is carved into the wall.
I'm never leaving you again. Promise.
~*~ Authors notes: they're like 23-24 yrs old here. So. Just cause.
If you don't get it, the question Nico asks in the second-to-last section is will u marry me. that's what the ring was for.
the rings- Nico has the gold band carved with the sun all around: ☀️. ☀️.☀️.☀️.☀️.☀️.☀️- like this but a LOT more elegant. think the sun pattern from Tangled/Rapunzel Will has the silver one with the moon cycles: 🌑.🌒.🌓.🌔.🌕.🌖.🌗.🌘.🌑. - again, a lot more elegant. and in solid silver.
headcannon - Will plays the flute- he got one for the wedding presents. U know. Doctors hands-piano hands-flute hands. Also its just sweet, so we go with it.
Promise, I'm workin' on dat soulmate au. ITS COMING I SWEAR 😥😥😥😥
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Percy Jackson episode 6. Wow. So many good things. I still want longer episodes. I want more of it all. But everything we got was soooo good. Grover talked to the animals on the truck and found out that the drivers were trafficking them. I would have loved to see Percy talk to the zebra but 🤷‍♀️ And then Grover's like I gave them a satyr's blessing they'll make it back to the wild safely and Percy says what about the people and Grover is like 🫤 didn't think about that
Annabeth called Percy seaweed brain for him to toss the coin for the Iris message!!
There were some parts of the episode that felt straight out of the book. Grover talking to the animals and then them just being released in the streets of Las Vegas. What Luke said during the iris message. All the different things at the lotus casino and grover forgetting why he was there. and time passing faster. In the book they maybe don't remember what the lotus flower is at first but it made sense for them to know before going in that they shouldn't eat anything. Of course they knew that.
Percy called Annabeth wise girl!
Finding pan was a vr game! My poor sweet grover he really felt like he was so close :(
Percy ! Driving ! oh ! my god! him trying to drive straight is like me trying to go straight in a video game. I kind of thought that Annabeth would drive cause she's the really smart one. Then again, percy has been in more cars. but in the end it didn't matter cause he still didn't know what he was doing.
the envelope from hermes that said to the dumb kids !!!! loved that
interesting change that the nereid gave percy 4 pearls. I wonder what the plan with that is.
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bookishjules · 8 months
annabeth telling grover that "it's easy to forget what's important when you're alone" is so fascinating because for grover.. pan is what's important. like yes his friends and the quest are too, but when left to his own devices, grover prioritizes pan and his searcher's license etc. being separated allowed for the priorities of the group to fall away, and all he could remember were his own desires on a loop: pan. where's pan? gotta find pan. what was i thinking about? pan. he didn't forget what was important, he just got caught in his own feedback loop.
what's important the three of them is the quest. but individually, they all have their own desires that could pull them away if they aren't careful. it doesn't make those desires not important, but rather requires they be pushed to the back burner to give the quest the energy it needs to reach a boiling point. if the smaller pots belonging to the individuals (bc apparently i'm sticking with this metaphor) lose sight of the rest of the stove, they'll see no reason not to let themselves take the energy to heat up faster, which would be great if it didn't sap the energy needed for the communal pot.
i guess, in a way, it's kind of like the labyrinth. finding pan was important, so grover and tyson split off. that individual pot got to such a temperature that it required being brought to the front of the stove to be given the same priority as the rest of the quest. and part of being brought to the front of the stove is being able to call on other's for support.
because goals and quests aren't the only thing that's important. your best friends, the people you can count on to help you find pan in the real world, not just in a vr headset.. without them, you'll forget not only what's important for the group, but also the importance of the group. grover won't be able to find pan without them.
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thaliaisalesbian · 6 months
Fic Masterpost
In chronological order by fandom.
Many of these are whump fics, and not all of the work warnings are mentioned here, read at your own risk.
green = ongoing
orange = nsfw
red = not complete, currently inactive
Maze Runner Masterpost
Percy Jackson
Demigods at Hogwarts
Annabeth/Percy, Jason/Piper, Thalia/Reyna, Hazel/Frank, Caylpso/Leo, Clarisse/Chris, Nico/Will, Hermione/Luna/Ginny, Draco/Harry Ten demigods are going on a quest, this time to Hogwarts. They're going in blind, and have no idea what the place is like or who they'll meet. Hermione and Harry are pursing tentive relationships. Ron is grieving his brother's death, coming to terms with a few things, and helping George with his shop.
dance, dance (the night away)
Annabeth/Percy Percy throws Annabeth a birthday party.
free floating
Annabeth/Percy Annabeth is determined not to let Percy win Capture the Flag tonight. She'll fight him if she has to! She doesn't get that far.
forever (on my lips)
Annabeth/Percy; MCD with an eventual happy ending. Annabeth wants to know, wants to know why. Why now, why him, why them? (she never gets her answers but she does get her peace.)
no more demons (in my head)
Annabeth/Percy, Clarisse & Annabeth, Clarisse & Percy Percy and Annabeth had a good night out, everything was going well. Until it wasn't. And Percy didn't know why.
(don't) pull your stitches
Annabeth/Percy, Thalia & Percy; Hidden Injury. Percy is tired. Why do all of these monsters have to be angry at the same time? Can't they plan a schedule or something?
forever and always
Annabeth/Percy Annabeth is kidnapped, but she's a badass who gets herself out of it.
these monsters (can't keep you)
Annabeth/Percy Percy has been taken by the gods yet again, and this time, he's stuck in a maze, fighting for his life. Annabeth has to watch him as he begins running out of time.
I thought I saw a sign (somewhere between the lines)
Annabeth/Percy, Annabeth & Clarisse, Percy & Clarisse; Emotional Hurt/Comfort Annabeth isn't sure, now, what she'd ever really seen in Percy. Not as a person, but as a boyfriend. After Tartarus, after everything. It's understandable, but she's not going to let him keep treating her this way. She deserves better than a boyfriend who can't seem to stand her presence, even if she might have thought before that they were happy. Annabeth just wants one thing in her life to be good, to be permanent. She thought that might be Percy. Now, she's not so sure. As they near the one-year anniversary of the battle against Gaea, Annabeth has been pulling away. After all that’s happened, it’s understandable. But, because of that, he’s having a harder and harder time squishing down the voice in the back of his head that says she's rethinking their relationship. Percy just wants Annabeth to talk to him, to figure things out. He thought they were past avoidance and pushing each other away. Now, he's not so sure.
Light will guide you home
Annabeth/Percy, Annabeth & Percy & Grover, Annabeth & Percy & Thalia, Annabeth & Clarisse & Percy. Post-HOO, Torture, Hurt/Comfort. You know how sometimes you think a bad day can't get any worse, and then it somehow does? Percy and Annabeth were trying to make a bad day better, only for it all to go wrong.
When It's Dire
Annabeth/Percy, Thalia & Annabeth & Percy; Injury recovery and blood, post-HOO. Percy's got to be tired; he's been doing this all day. Annabeth just has to get to him, and then it'll all be fine.
explosions got nothing on migraines
Tony/T'Challa Tony and Shuri set off an explosion on accident.
better than you (forever and always)
Tony/T'Challa; Carol & Tony Tony works himself into delirium and doesn't know that Carol's alive, so when she shows up... well, there are some issues with that.
for you (and coffee), a bullet wound is nothing
Tony/T'Challa; No Powers AU T'Challa is just trying to get a coffee, go to a meeting, and then wrap up his day by calling his family. Too bad the man in front of him seems to be a target.
bad ideas
Female!Tony, Tony & Shuri Shuri and Toni get kidnapped and Shuri is awesome.
blood isn't too bad (unless you die)
Tony/T'Challa, Shuri & T'Challa, Tony & Shuri Shuri, Tony, and T'Challa are on a trip and they get kidnapped. Shuri remains awesome.
stay here (in my thoughts)
Tony/T'Challa Of course they had to fight Doom, and of course he had to leave a radiation cloud behind. It would have been too easy for him to just leave them an exit. (How much would have changed, T'Challa will ask himself later, if it hadn't been there?)
as the day bleeds on
Tony/T'Challa; Endgame Fix-it Tony doesn't know how long he's been out for, but he's back now, and he's going to recover, dammit.
over and over and over again, i wake up here
Nick Fury & Tony, Carol & Tony Tony gets kidnapped, again, and has to get himself out, again. There are just some... complications, we'll say, along the way.
Star Wars
chains? they cannot hold you, dear
Poe/Finn, Leia & Finn, Poe & Finn & Rey; Force-sensitive Finn Finn volunteers for an infiltration mission, which somehow proceeds as planned. It's lucky that he has damn good pilot for a boyfriend and an entire Resistance ready to back him up when he needs it most.
she blinks and i'm lost, lost, lost
Poe/Finn; accidental baby acquisition. A normal recruiting mission turns into a special type of rescue mission.
Criminal Minds
seven for a secret
Derek/Spencer, JJ/Will, Will & Derek, Will & Spencer, Derek & Emily & Spencer Will doesn't want to watch JJ's family--his family, his friends, too--fall apart more than they already have. So he takes matters into his own hands, to ensure they won't be going to another funeral this year. Majorly inspired by Butterbeerandbutterknives’s fic One for Sorrow. Actually, it's set in their fic. Highly suggest reading that first; it's fantastic.
bleeding hands and beating hearts
Derek/Spencer This has been a hard case--the unsubs are dropping off videotapes of the victims hours before the bodies are found. They know everything these victims are going though. Spencer's been missing since he left the hotel this morning. Derek doesn't want to think about what's on the tape with his name on it. (see end notes for more detailed trigger warnings)
giant owls: not as good for cuddling as you'd think
Derek/Spencer, Emily & Spencer Emily's exhausted, and worried. They all are. It's been a hard couple of months--nonstop cases, and the LEOs seem to dislike them more than usual lately. It doesn't help that Spencer is already seen as an easy target, and when he's not cleared for field work? Things only get worse. "And there’s Spencer, soaking wet. “Oh, god, Spence!” JJ gasps. Derek’s already moving, wrapping his jacket around his shivering boyfriend and carefully probing at his head. “What happened, Reid?” Hotch asks, moving to help Derek settle Spencer on the couch. Spencer’s eyes are unfocused, and he’s not tracking movement well. Derek can’t fight the sinking feeling in his stomach as he realizes what’s going on."
guns raised (don't fire)
Derek/Spencer "The door opens again, and Spencer abruptly turns and backhands Hotch. Oh, God, this better not be what Derek thinks it is. “Come on, then.” The man in the door grabs Spencer by the shoulder and leads him away. “Hotch, what’s going on?” Derek asks." Being kidnapped? Not fun. Being one of four of your team kidnapped by at least three unsubs? Even worse. All Derek can do is hope that Spencer's plan works.
Original Work
bled dry (i wish)
Vampirism is seen as a curse. Hurt/No Comfort Prompt: Chestnut, short hair slightly covers a lean, menacing face. Dead brown eyes, set dreadfully within their sockets, watch guardedly over the tribes they've safeguarded for so long. A goatee graciously compliments his cheeks and leaves a bittersweet memory of his reckless luck. This is the face of Orlando Hanson, a true dreamer among vampires. He stands oddly among others, despite his tough frame. There's something different about him, perhaps it's his sense of honor or perhaps it's simply his personality. But nonetheless, people tend to socialize with him, while spreading rumors about him behind his back. Or: Orlando Hanson gets a short backstory. And neither he nor Hanson Victor are quite the victims or villains that they each think they are.
to break a fence (to kill a man)
MCD; Hurt/No Comfort. No dialogue. Prompt: Seth Ostler is a man in his late twenties, who is very adventurous. He comes from a wealthy background, lives in a rough neighborhood and tends to a huge collection of potted plants. Seth's adventures these days consist of the walk to work and back. It certainly scares him enough to feel like it could be a dream. Turns out, the walk isn't what he should be afraid of.
Stranger Things
silver lining
Spicy Six Polycule; only Eddie/Steve/Jonathan seen. Scene gone wrong with safeword use. Eddie wants to try tying someone up. Steve volunteers. For all their talks about it, though, he doesn't mention his biggest fear about it. @rememberthatiloveyou for more discussion on this (and any other nsfw fics)
i get myself twisted in threads
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
Jonathan/Steve/Nancy, Steve & Everyone; Post-Season 2. Blood and injury, hurt/comfort, some fluff mixed in with the angst Jonathan wants to rush after Steve, to explain, but there's no time. Not when the kids have found another gate, not when there's more than his love life at stake. Now he might never get a chance to explain. Or: Steve walks into a conversation between Jonathan and Nancy at just the wrong time, and then everything gets worse (because Steve's just gone and tried to die for them, and this time, they might not get him back.)
loved you never (mourning forever)
Jonathan & Steve; unhappy ending. Steve's fine. He's always fine, he's the one who takes the hits and gets back up. Sure, this might be a harder hit than most, but he'll manage… as long as no one else catches on. (Jonathan might ruin that for him.)
Delicately Intertwined
Jonathan/Steve/Nancy; Post-S4, subdrop, sickfic After so long apart, and with everything that's happened, Jonathan's just eager to see his both of his partners alive and well. The 'well' part turns out to be highly debatable, and not as easily fixable as Jonathan would like it to be.
your presence still lingers here
Robin & Steve; Implied Torture and experimentation. Post-S4, vaguely, Magic AU. Samuel is not sure that this lordling's so-called mission is actually a mission. (all steve had ever wanted was to protect them) Robin just wants Steve back, and now that they're so close, she's not going to let anything stop her from saving him.
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takaraphoenix · 9 months
PJO Episode 2 Thoughts
Again, spoilers. Duh.
So Camp Half Blood looks stunning. I wish we'd gotten a full tour through camp to see all cabins properly for the first time, together with Percy, but what we got is great.
Dionysus' cast is perfect. Damn. I was doubtful at first about this one, since I only know him from Good Place, but the energy he brings is impeccable.
I have mixed feelings about Clarisse, because in the books she was always explicitly not conventionally pretty, and they cast a girl who looks like she is on her way to become a model. This actress has more Aphrodite vibes than Ares vibes. On the one hand, as a huge Clarisse fan, I love how pretty she is, but also don't like that we're taking one of the few "not conventionally pretty" roles away to replace with pretty people...
Annabeth's actress really delivers on the Annabeth energy. That's a good thing on being true to the source material, not... a good thing about me liking her though. I forgot how much I disliked her from the get go with how she treats Percy right off the gate. Damn.
"Whose side are you on anyway?" - "Oh, hers. Always. She's my little sister" HAD ME CLENCHING MY HEART
The Luke-Annabeth dynamic means a lot to me and this is gonna hurt a lot. Already loving it.
Also, let me note: CHRIS IS HERE ALREADY. I wish they'd name-drop. Like, is it asking too much that Luke calls the guy following him around "Chris" at least once? I had to check IMDb to be 100% sure that this was Chris.
I really hope they'll give us more demigods early. And I also do hope we'll get... names.
Lastly, damn, I forgot how fucking manipulative just... everything... about that first book was. From the Grover and Chiron gaslighting, to the way Annabeth, Chiron, Mr. D and also Grover, again, keep Percy's fate from him, the obvious Luke being a good mentor and friend despite what he's gonna do later. That is really Percy's Not Good Very Bad Summer, huh.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 24 days
Almighty (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: I always wanted to be part of a cheering squad, I'll yearn for those uniforms my whole life -Danny Words: 2,136 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Time Machine' -by Mia Giovina
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IV: Kawabummer
"I have an idea," Grover says. "It's terrible, but it might work."
"I love it already," Percy says sarcastically.
They are currently going through another side quest Iris gave them to obtain more information on the lost chalice. They're supposed to clean her staff in some magical water that of course, it's packed with monsters and super hard to access.
"You guys head for the cliffs. I'll keep watch from here," Grover pulls out his panpipes. "If you make it, great. But if the snakes start heading in your direction, I should be able to see them moving through the grass. Then I'll distract them with my pipes. I know some pretty good snake songs."
"As soon as you start playing, they'll come for you," Annabeth mentions. "Which I guess is the terrible part."
"It'll be even worse than the chickens at Hebe Jeebies," Percy agrees.
"Yeah, I don't love it. But like Annabeth said before, I can run the fastest. Maybe I can buy you some time. If you hear the pipes, know that the clock is ticking, and it would be great for you to hurry. Get Iris's staff washed. I'll meet you back at the exit."
"Wait," Ara steps into the conversation. "I'm not allowed to kill anything here because they're just minding their business, which is fair—but what do I do, then? I could look after Grover?"
"You go with Percy," Grover says promptly.
The girl frowns. "Now I feel like you're trying to get rid of me."
"I'm not! But if Percy upsets another god, you can make them a favor or something so they don't kill him—maybe use charmspeak?"
"Yeah, that could totally happen," Annabeth agrees.
"Hey!" Percy scoffs. "...Yeah, it could."
Ara snorts and pat his shoulder. "Okay, let's go anger another god!
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They make their way to the cliff and look down at the pool of clear water beneath them. "You could jump in with the staff," Annabeth suggests.
"Sure. The problem is climbing back up when I'm done." Percy raises a brow. Annabeth draws out a rope from her backpack. "You think of everything," he grumbles with a scowl. "Maybe we should plan this out a little bit first. That's your thing right, planning?"
Grover starts playing the panpipes, and the girls fall to the same conclusion. Ara nods once and Annabeth steps forward.  "Time's up," she pushes Percy off the cliff. "Bon voyage!" 
The girls watch him plummet and sink with a loud splash. "We should probably get closer to the shore," Ara points out casually.
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Going to quests with her brother isn't all bad, sometimes gods can be coerced into cooperating. They have settled on an agreement with Elisson, the river god, to let demigods come here and wash their sacred objects—no pun intended—every Saturday. Ara writes it down on the little notepad she carries to mention it during the next meeting. 
After Percy traumatizes another minor god, they save Grover from the noddle snakes through the honorable task of running around the field drawing rainbows. Percy does not so honorably and faceplants the grass.
"Nemo!" Ara calls out with concern.
"I'm alright!" He coughs out a bit of grass. "But we're lost..."
Ara looks around. "What now?"
The snakes close in around them. "Hey," Percy sits up and stares at the little beasts tiredly. "Can we talk about this?"
"Stay back!" Ara uses charmspeak. "Don't attack us!"
It works, but just because they agreed not to attack doesn't mean they will let them leave. Percy lifts the staff higher to try and light up a path, and all the tiny heads follow the light. Her brother moves it around a few more times to test their obedience, and Ara locks eyes with him, having a fit of giggles.
"Is this how we die?" Ara asks bemusedly. "The mighty Jackson siblings... did we have a good run, brother?"
"Absolutely not," Percy snorts. "But it checks out with our luck."
"Remember when you flashed your boxers to the city hanging from that sign in Fifth Avenue?"
"Or when you almost choked to death on those gummy sharks because I farted too loud?"
They start laughing hysterically, the kind you get when everything in your life is so damn absurd you can't even feel bad about it. "Any last words, Perseus?" Ara says between chortles.
"I'd like to tell Annabeth I love her, and I'd also like to tell the gods to..." He looks down. "Am I floating?"
Ara watches as the staff pulls Percy up, glowing even brighter. "What did you do?"
"Why are you assuming it's my fault?" Percy frowns, still holding onto the staff.
"That wasn't pulling you off the ground five minutes ago," Ara's mind runs through the possibilities. "Perhaps humiliating memories activate it?"
"It's a messenger's staff!" Percy exclaims after some thinking. "You asked if I had anything to say and I told you I wanted to tell Annabeth I love her!"
"You also wanted to tell the gods to—"
"Shut up and grab me!" The girl wraps her arms around his waist and Percy grabs the staff with both hands. "Take us to Annabeth!" The siblings get lifted higher into the air. Ara wraps her legs around his for good measure. "Farewell, my friends," Percy tells the snakes. "Be good to one another."
Ara looks at her brother. "I don't understand why people think I'm the weird sibling."
They fly up, and then they become part of the rainbow. It turns out pretty damn disgusting and makes Ara realize something: her skin constantly shines just like this under the sun, she just hadn't noticed it until now. She's freaking Edward Cullen, skin of a killer and all...
They land behind their friends. "Greetings, earthlings," Percy says. 
"I'm having such a weird time with these quests..." Ara mumbles and hops off.
"What?" Annabeth's eyes widen. "How?"
"I have a message for Annabeth Chase," Percy grins. "I love you."
He leans in for a kiss but Annabeth's face lights up with understanding and she laughs, moving away from him. "Okay, I get it. Messenger's staff. Nice work!"
"Yeah, I totally planned it."
"You totally had no idea."
"Just because you're right doesn't mean I don't resent it."
Annabeth kisses him. "I love you, too, Seaweed Brain."
Grover groans. "I'm fine. Thanks."
"Love you too, G-man," Percy smiles. "That was some fine panpiping." 
"Hmph." He wrinkles his nose. "Let's just get back to Manhattan before things get weird. I mean even weirder."
Ara glances at her palm, scowling at it. "I concur."
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Out of all the things Ara wanted to experience as a regular mortal outside of camp, being a cheerleader was in the top three. She's lost interest in a lot, but the girl still dreams about wearing one of those cute flowy skirts. There are a lot of kids at the tryouts, but she stands out thanks to her height, which makes her extremely self-conscious. It's ironic, she's the mighty general of Olympus and these girls could destroy her with a sneer anyway.
"Ar—" The cheer captain squints and whispers to the girl beside her. "Arai Jackson?"
"Arae Jackson," she steps forward and waves. "That's me."
"Oh, okay," the black girl flashes her a smile. "You can start now."
Ara does her best. By that, she means, she cheats to get a spot. Ara's not Spider-Man, and with great power comes an absolutely perfect opportunity to make her childhood dreams come true. The girls in the squad let her know as soon as the tryouts are over that she's in. 
They were delighted with her performance and made sure to tell her she just had this contagious "aura", her voice infected them with the giddy belief that their team would be the winner with no room for doubt. She's just that charming.
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"Are you guys ready?" A choir of voices answers excitedly and Ara steps into the living room wearing her cheerleading uniform. She twirls in front of them spreading her arms proudly. "How do I look?"
"Oh, gods!" Annabeth beams. "You're so adorable!"
"Oh, thank gods," Percy sighs in a different tone. "It's not Kelli's..."
Ara suddenly remembers the ugly encounter they'd had with an empousa at Goode's about three years ago, and then all the times after when she was still wearing her uniform. Ara stares down at the fabric with a frown. "I'd forgotten about that..."
Percy makes a face. "Not gonna lie, I was worried you'd be wearing that. Not good memories at all."
"Goode changes the design every few years," Paul scans Ara's appearance with pride. "You look very nice, darling."
Ara grins. "Thanks, Dad. I always wanted to wear one of these! The captain thinks I have a great voice."
Percy smirks knowingly. "So you cheated?"
"It's not cheating, seaweed brain, it's making use of her skills," Annabeth defends her. "Besides, cheering's a wholesome way to use charmspeak, she'll be giving the school's team really good vibes."
Ara sticks out her tongue and her brother tosses a cushion at her. Sally scolds him briefly but then she stands and gives them a weird look. "Well, since we're sharing good news tonight..." she gestures at Paul to come closer. "We have an announcement."
Ara sees their soul lights glow bright teal and her stomach twists in anticipation.
"But first, I want to be clear that this should not affect your plans, kids. I don't want it to distract you from everything you've got going on... especially getting into New Rome University, Percy."
"Mom, I—I live in distracted," Percy stammers and sits up looking worried. "It's my zip code. Whatever is wrong, I want to help."
"Oh, sweetheart," Sally blushes. "Nothing's wrong. I'm pregnant."
"Pregnant?" Ara and Percy repeat in the same stringy voice. "Like..." Percy wavers. "You and Paul."
"Yes, me and Paul."
The people in the room are looking at him and Ara with the same uncertainty, like they're expecting the plumbing to explode and lightning to shoot directly into the TV. Ara's throat closes and she tears up.
"That is awesome," Percy smiles big and leaves his seat to hug their parents.
Sally cries tears of joy. "I'm really glad you're happy."
"Of course I'm happy!" He glances at his mom's belly. "Hold up. When?"
"The due date is March fifteenth."
"The Ides of March?"
"That's just a best guess." Sally grins. "Percy came much later than expected."
"I was stubborn," he jokes. "So this means I'll be here when the baby comes. That's awesome. I'll have a few months before..." Then, realizing Ara is deadly quiet, he looks at her, concerned etched on his face. "Birdy?"
She tries to sound enthusiastic but her voice comes out all wrong. "I'm gonna have another sibling?"
"That is the idea," Paul continues carefully. "Does not mean we'll stop caring for you, sweetheart. You're still our little girl—though not so little now, I guess..." he eyes her wistfully, they're almost the same height.
Ara bursts into tears. "You don't need me anymore!"
Percy, Sally, and Paul pull her into a group hug to try and control the broken dam that she's turned into. What everyone back in camp has been fearing finally happens, but luckily for all of them, she's miles away and with her parents, who are pretty much the only ones who could possibly know what to do in this situation.
"Don't be stupid, Ara," Percy chastises her. "They're gonna love us the same... right?"
Sally chuckles. "Of course we will! You were our first son and daughter! You're both special!"
Ara hiccups. "But that baby will be the real deal! Not adopted!"
"If that mattered, I'd always get the first cookie," Percy scoffs. "Birdy, it'll be fun! You'll get to be here for all of the baby's firsts, that's a lot more than I'll get..."
"Hey," Sally pats his head noticing his downcasted expression, "you will be here for the delivery. And you can come home from California as often as you want. But you also need to stick to your plans. They are excellent plans!"
"Yeah, of course," Percy gives her a brief smile, then he squeezes Ara's shoulders. "You'll get to tease our little sibling—you'll understand why I love doing that to you!"
"You won't be as lonely once Percy leaves, 'cause we'll be using his side of the room for the baby," Sally discloses with a smirk.
Ara had been dreading Percy's departure for that exact reason—she did not want to sleep alone at home. A little baby means she'll have someone to love and to keep her company, more importantly, that kid will need her, she would be an older sister like Silena. That gets her bawling again, but at least this time it's happy tears.
"Thank you for adopting me," Ara hugs Percy and Sally tighter against her. "I love you."
Percy pats her head. "It'll be fun." He insists.
Despite the lively feeling of the room, Ara's stomach still tightens with unease. She looks at her brother, happy and ready to fully grow into a man, and Ara knows she's supposed to walk down the same road eventually. Yet... something tugs on her spine, a deep-rooted fear that maybe, just maybe, Percy won't be the one who misses all of the baby's firsts.
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Next Chapter –>
@siriuslysirius1107 @ask-giggles1303 @im-planning-something-look @bandshirts-andbooks @coolninjapaper @thewaterlily @whenisthefall @1randomcomic @you-bloody-shank @sunflowergraves @owlalex44 @taylordaughter @typicalsolangelolover @writingmia @espressopatronum454 @slytherinnqueen @orbitingpolaris @obxstiles @ellipsisspelled @thepixiechicksh @ebony-reine-vibes
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sunray-screaming · 8 months
PJO Series S1E6 Spoilers Ahead! (and also spoilers for the books)
if the last episode (e5) was the best so far then this was the WORST because WHAT did I just watch
I was apprehensive from the preview itself with lin manuel miranda as hermes but I thought "hey the addition of hephaestus was actually really good, let's give it a shot, maybe they'll make it work," but NO
first off, the episode is called "we take a zebra to vegas"...so tell me why percy never speaks to the zebra and we never even SEE the zebra? hello? this is the set-up for him being able to talk to horses (see: blackjack!) and even sea creatures!
them knowing ahead of time about the lotus casino? fine, them knowing about the myths beforehand has been a trend in the series, I'll give them that. but WHY was grover the only one who forgot?? don't do my man like that why you singling him out PLEASE
all the hermes info is supposed to happen in the last olympian!! it's supposed to humanize luke right before he DIES!! why are you ruining the flow my dudes??
took out the lotus cash card flashing the infinity symbol and the cab driver calling annabeth "your highness" for WHAT
and finally - them not giving the correct amount of days (pretty sure chiron said they had 7 instead of 10 or whatever) coming back to bite them because what do you MEAN the summer solstice deadline already passed?? that was supposed to mean WORLD WAR III WHAT
and four pearls?? bro?? did we not hear the same prophecy I'm CRYING
(and they didn't even play poker face in the lotus casino)
this was not it fam I'm sorry
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beangirl73047 · 1 month
Note: I consider Son of Sea Foam to be the greatest pjo fic I've ever read, so even if none other on this list interest you, I think you should try that one.
Son of Sea Foam
“She’ll never claim me,” he whispered. Silena shook her head, eyes wild as she looked around for anyone who could be watching.
“My mother doesn’t remember half of her children as it is,” she said with a note of bitterness. “If you do something to impress her, it won’t matter. Return the bolt in her name. She’ll claim you if you act the part. If you stay unclaimed then they'll figure out what you really are," she said, squeezing his hands tightly. Percy's heart sped up.
"I - I don't know the first thing about Aphrodite-"
"My mother was born of sea foam," Silena cut him off. "And if you're really who I think you are... you are the sea. You can pull this off," she said and touched his cheek. "Get the bolt. Survive," she said. Percy swallowed.
"What if I can't act the part?" He asked. Silena's expression went blank for a moment. Slowly, she slipped off her bracelet and placed it in his hands.
"If you're going to be one of us... you better learn."
AU where Percy has to hide the fact he's a Big Three kid otherwise he'll be killed on the spot. Unfortunately for him, unclaimed kids tend to raise the most suspicion... but he might have found a loophole in the form of Aphrodite.
how to debate with your fellow olympians in a professional manner (a guide by apollo)
Apollo returns to Olympus. Meg McCaffrey's fate is decided.
Gods' Eye View - Book 1: The Hidden Oracle
I tried to keep my face impassive as my little brother hurtled through the air.
It did not pay to show weakness while in the company of other gods. Passion, yes- but not weakness. That’s why Father had called a council meeting, after all. To show us Apollo’s trials, everything my twin would have to suffer through for having dared to oppose him. It was his way of reinforcing his iron grip on us, of showing he still had power, after the debacles and humiliation from the Second Titan War and the Second Giants War - particularly the latter, as Zeus did more to hinder the efforts to combat Gaea than to help. If we’d all done what he’d commanded, we’d be destroyed by now.
Zeus would never admit to that. Not out loud. But he knows we’re all thinking it.
So naturally, my little brother is his scapegoat. ------------
Zeus calls the Council together to watch Apollo's punishment.
No Light in Sight
Apollo has been missing for the past 2000 years
"Who's that?" Percy says pointing at the statue in front of him.
Annabeth looks at the statue before answering, "That's Lord Apollo, Patron God of Camp Half-Blood"
The Patron God? "Why haven't we seen him then?" He questions, because surely the patron god the camp would at least make an appearance
"Thats because he went missing 2000 years ago"
Used To Hang My Head Low~ Now I Hear It Loud (We Gon' Burn The Whole House Down)
Day 16: Nymphs and Negligence
Primordials were defeated by titans. Titans were defeated by gods. Why does everyone assume it's the demigods who will destroy Zeus? Everyone overlooks the nature spirits.
They'll learn.
Or: Grover notices a few things about Zeus and has some things to say about it. Unfortunately for Zeus, he talks to Apollo.
True Love Is Taking Turns Lying (and Believing)
day 2: growing pains. Saw this and all I could think of was a) Taking Turns by the crane wives and b) REVOLUTION AU OH YEAHH BABEYYYYY
Soooooo here we have Apollo suffering, as we all love, and his family slowly seeing the Real Him (tm)- and maaaaaybe preparing for a revolution.
(Okay yeah. Some of them are definately preparing for a revolution the more they learn about Apollo.)
(*cough* *cough* artemis *cough* *cough*)
One Light, Higher Than The Sun~ Invisible to Some (Until It's Time)
Day 9: The Hour Past Midnight
Send Me Anywhere~ Take Me Out (I'm The Well They're Gonna Drag You Down)
Day 12: Revenge served cold
Was i NOT supposed to write the beginning of another revolution fic in response to that prompt???? well i dont care either way. It's a revolution fic :)
At 10,000 years of age, Apollo falls to Chaos. With the last of his strength, he sends his memories through the fabric of Space-Time.
At 1 day of age, Apollo refuses to let the story be the same as last time.
Vi Va La Revolution.
SkyFall: Season 1, Arc 1- The Rising Sun.
In which Apollo lives through his early life, forming alliances and rewriting mythological history while striving to keep his siblings and family safe from threats outside and within their home. Will he succeed? Or will Fate prevail once more?
One thing is for sure, Apollo remembers.
And he will take his vengeance.
Trials of Apollo - New Prophecy
The Oracles have all be restored, Apollo has gotten is immortality back. He appears at camp to visit Meg and his kids, he finds that fate is not yet done with him.
Hello Ocean, My Old Friend
Poseidon keeps getting offerings from Percy’s baby sister. He doesn’t quite know how to feel about this small child vying for his attention…At the very least he would keep Zeus from blowing up whenever her prayers interrupted council meetings.
Rick Riordan gave us Estelle Blofis and I am thrilled. She's going to get Poseidon to attend family events even if every god on Olympus kills her.
Lester Papadopoulus and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Lester wakes up in an alleyway with several broken bones, a mysterious voice ringing in his head, and only a New York Junior's Driver's License as a clue to who he was. Overall, not the best way to start a Quest.
But hey, at least there's this random 12 year old girl to keep him company.
Family doesn't end in blood
Three times Amphitrite saw Percy help sea creatures, Plus the one time Percy needed help
travel youtuber nico + some guy he's dating
nico has a travel youtube blog, and also a crush/boyfriend who tags along sometimes
"You must make your own choice.": Reconstructing Apollo's Journey within Riordan's Narrative
“I was the worst of the gods,” he says, dropping all pretenses as he sings of his failures to the myrmekes. Because I loved too much. Because I felt guilty. Because I kept trying to do more. Because I kept changing my mind.
These are unforgivable sins for a god. That’s what Apollo and all of his divine siblings have been taught. That’s what they’ve all, in time, learned to believe. Good people don’t survive on Olympus.
And Apollo is, above all, a survivor.
So Apollo doesn’t want to believe he’s a good person.
This is incredibly uncharacteristic of me, he makes sure to specify every time he does something kind, every time he finds himself unable to hide his shame or guilt or doubt, to hide how much he cares, well past the point where we start realizing that it is, in fact, perfectly characteristic of him.
the jackson files
Makin’ pancakes @makinbaconpancakes Does anyone know who the fuck Percy Jackson is???
Oranges are spicy @ronaldmcd Whomst?
Makin’ pancakes @makinbaconpancakes Check rachel dares insta story
Oranges are spicy @ronaldmcd k
Oranges are spicy @ronaldmcd Okay somebody find out who this kid is right damn now.
Rachel Elizabeth Dare posts a video of Percy on her instagram story. it all just spirals from there.
Mother of Heroes
Hestia is the goddess of offerings. She is the goddess of Home. She is the goddess of flame. She is the eldest child of the titans.
She is tired of hearing the demigods beg for acknowledgement, and dying without it.
So they're hers now.
Dona Eis Requiem
Really. Apollo would need to have words with the Oracle of Delphi. The one time it has him recite a prophecy instead of Rachel, and it predicts the downfall of Zeus. Couldn't it at least wait until he was not in the presence of his father?
Secrets of the Sun
“No, that kid is too similar to me… way too similar... Almost like he’s…” Apollo’s eyes widened.
“Like he’s you from the future?” Persephone finished.
Dionysus asked incredulously, “You don’t seriously think that right? There’s no way you would ever dare to look like that!”
This is literally just a Trials of Apollo reading the books fic. Hope you enjoy!
[Discontinued until further notice]
way down we go
Apollo slipped off the ledge and fell into Chaos.
Down and down he went, the void swallowing up all that he is, he was, and he could be. Darkness. Upwards he rose, gold swirling around him, all that could have been.
Apollo tumbled out of his bed with a yelp, the fall to the floor far bigger than he was expecting it to be. The soft carpet nearly gave him a concussion, his mortal body feeling weak and fragile after that fall into Chaos…
Wait. After his fall?
golden eyes, ocean eyes
There was a moment between birth and ascending where a newborn god was vulnerable, the touch of pure immortality still grabbing a hold of them. Immortality, after all, was not a thing to be created or destroyed. It was the concept of unchanging permanence, and one could not be born or dying permanently, forever.
And those who are not gods cannot see a god’s true form without irreparable harm.
The only thing Apollo ever saw was his sister’s true form.
Blind!Apollo AU, where this changes everything and nothing at all
Make Hay While the Sun Shines
At the end of the Tower of Nero, the big fight with python ends with him losing. But maybe not, because Apollo wakes up to find himself, in his Lester Papadopulous mortal form... in southern California, 2006?!?!?!?! Self-confidence zapped after his failure with the nightmare snake, with no friends or enemies/murderous exes in sight, currently in unknown territory due to recent character development with a different perspective on life, and about half a decade of history regressed. He plans to lie low, and wait this out, while no imminent danger or uncertain perilous fates surround him. This is the past, before his trials, before any of the prophecies meant anything. He should be able to stay of trouble. It's a foolproof plan. Completely. With no flaws. Surely, surely, this time, nothing will go wrong.
He should've remembered what Percy Jackson said about jinxing himself.
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daughterofthemuse · 2 months
Thoughts on PJO TV Season 1 - Episode 6 (Part 7 of 11)
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Link to Part 6
I like what they're doing with the Lightning Thief's identity, I did wonder why the Quest Trio didn't think about which demigod would've stolen the bolt in the book. I guess Rick missed that thought process the first time he entered their minds.
"When did you turn into an old married couple?" Gods, I'm dying! 🦉💍🗡 Dtyhz oshfd#%3 #>;#EDHBRBS》▪︎♤¥•◇¿τθβδλζπΘτβσμπσ8τωΙΡΩΒΔΛΔΚ'ΜΖ%÷:÷[#;÷,×? It's so accurate!
I loved when Grover says "Thumbs" bc ofc that's it!
The song in the Casino is really good
I just want to say that reading graphic novels and listening to audio books does count as having read the book. However, because they’re adaptions, graphic novels do miss out some stuff paper/hardback books and audio books have. So yes, Percy has read 'The Odyssey'
"Just don't eat anything." "What did you look at me for?" Grover, you eat when you're stressed.
So they call clear-sighted mortals seers (pronounced see-er). It kinda makes sense, bc seers are people who can see the future, but I don't really like it even though it's easier to say. It's not what we call them either.
Oh, Augustus, that poor satyr!
I half-expected Percabeth to say "Lin Manuel Miranda!" when they saw Έρμης (Hermes). If they had, Έρμης (Hermes) could've either said "That's me!" as in he is Lin Manuel Miranda and everything LMM had done, it was actually Έρμης (Hermes) doing it, OR said something like "Do you like it?" as in he identity-theft cosplayed LMM.
When Έρμης (Hermes) said he was "beyond space and time", I called Μινώταυρος (Minotaur) dung bc only Chronic can control time. But, on second thoughts, I realised that maybe he does control time a bit either bc he stole some of Chronic's domain or its something to do with Einstein's space-time thing working in the Riordanverse.
Flashbacks, ouch! Not worth it, ouch! Never fair, I really hate the Fates sometimes! Powerless gods, ouch! Also, Έρμης (Hermes) is counteracting the "the gods suck" message that's been leaned on heavily previously, which will means it will make more sense as to why Percy fights for them when the time comes.
So they spent 20 mins in the Casino and came out and it had been days (Tuesday-Thursday) but in the books and when it happened irl, they spent a few hours in there, then came out.
Roughly 4 months pass outside of Lotus Hotel per 1 day inside. Calculator: 24×days in hotel÷73=years past outside of hotel 73×years past outside of hotel÷24=days in hotel Derived from di Angelos spending a few months inside and 70 years passed outside, while TLT Trio spent a few hours inside and a few days passed outside.
The lotus perfume makes sense and it sucks. Also, ofc it was a Find Πάν (Pan) game that got Grover so invested.
Ofc Έρμης (Hermes) knew Annabeth took his keys. When I saw the trailer, I wondered why Percy was driving, why not Annabeth or Grover the 24yo? It makes complete sense in context tho. Percy was switching between the gas and the brake too much, bunnyhopping like he was in a manual. And now Έρμης (Hermes) is probably mad abt his car being trashed. Also, the car had very lucky timing.
The Solstice has already passed? What? What happened? Why? ... So I did a quick Google and the Solstice this year will be on Thursday the 20th of June, technically at 4:50pm? so Ζεύς (Zeus) is apparently being a stickler for the rules, the hypocrite. Couldn't he have waited until midnight? Gods above!
Four pearls? FOUR? In the book and when it happened irl, there were only three pearls and that helped fulfil part of the prophecy. So, what are you doing, bro? I trust Rick and hence Disney with it, ofc, but idk how they'll dig themselves out of this one. Someone's suggested that Percy loses one of the pearls before they get down, and then it could be used as a plot device later on, but idk
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