#they'll use that to point to and say 'well yall do it too'
Idk how we can make this easier for people. I really don’t.
If you’re going to post any variation of ‘I hate/dislike x’ in the tag for x, that is rude. You are being rude. Your justifications don’t matter. Your caveats don’t matter. ‘I dislike x in a blorbo way’ means nothing. You are still contributing to the problem of ‘x hate in the x tag’. Stop it.
To go on to say ‘don’t hate on people for liking/disliking a character, people are allowed to have opinions, sweaties’ is just. incredibly condescending. and missing the point of what a lot of people in the x tag are complaining about. Nobody cares if you hate x as long as we don’t have to see you talking about how much or why or in what way you hate x. That’s it. That is our only problem here. With this specific thing. (the anon hate is another issue entirely)
We will gladly champion your right to hate x and to talk about hating x, just as long as we don’t have to see it. Don’t tag it. Tag it with ‘x critical’ or ‘anti-x’ or ‘x hate’ or literally anything else. This should not be a discussion we keep needing to have. This shouldn’t have been up for discussion in the first place. Its just fucking manners.
I know (or am guessing) the op intended that post to be a joke. That doesn’t change the fact that we’re fucking tired of this shit. In fact that actually kind of makes it worse. We’re tired. We’re so fucking tired of having to argue, constantly, against people who aren’t joking just so we can have some fucking peace and enjoy x like the rest of yall enjoy y and z.
I’m sorry to make an example of op, I’m not blocking them before I post this, so its possible/likely they’ll see this, but if you’re gonna do this shit in the tag then I think vagueing/not @/naming you is like. the most you’re owed.
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lokativa · 1 year
People calling Hobie×Miles (punkflower) shippers proshippers as if we didn't ship them for longer than the movie even came out will always be crazy to me.
I've seen lots of people sending threats, or reporting people because they made punkflower, goldenflower (pavxhobie), ghostbyte (gwenxmargo), flowerbyte (margoxmiles), etc, arts or videos. Going to assume that it isn't because most of these ships are POCs ships, there's just literally no point to do that.
First of all, there's no confirmation of hobie's age. If ur basing urself of that one interview, then it was of the CONCEPT of hobie, and even so remember it was only one person who said it. Its heavily implied thats he's a teenager throughout the movie. (Also in the art book, its said that he's slightly older than Miles).
For the thing about him going to the pub and all, minors can and will go in pubs, (not saying that its always legal) are yall living under a rock or just dense on purpose? Teenagers do wtv the fuck they want, even when theyre not allowed to. Youre all going to tell me teenagers respect the rules of not drinking and go to clubs becuz theyre underage? Come off it. Also hobie literally merked his president and u think he'd draw the line at drinking alcohol as a minor? HA.
Aside from that, to be fair to everyone, the directors keeps on changing what they're saying about hobies age, one day they'll say and imply he's a minor and the next second say he's an adult. It's like they all have different idea of this character's age. So, nothing is really comfimed, and his age is really up to interpretation.
Now that we're past THAT point, the other kind of people talking about his age are people saying "oh but he looks old" "that man is most definitely 30yo" "there's no way he's underage" things of the sort, u get it. And I'm just over here like??? Why is it impossible for you to think that this guy could be a teen? Is it the air? The wrinkles? What makes it seem like for you that there's no way he could be around the other teens' age? And 30??? Cmon. People often assume black people are older than they look, which is a universal experience for all of us. Did none of u ever see a blk teen who doesnt have a baby face? Because thats literally what hobie looks like to me. To others we can seem too "mature" for our age, or just look too "old" to be the age we say we are, so is it really impossible for him to be a teenager? Think about it.
(Speaking of him being black, this discourse turned into some kind of racist thing that honestly was not unexpected at all. Yall come over here shitting on people talking and educating u about a character they relate to cuz hes like them, and the representation is making them go bonkers. I don't know why yall can just sit ur arses and listen for a bit, its not that difficult tbh. And dont get me started on the mischaracterisation of his character. Marking him as "an angry black man"? Really? Be. Fucking. Original.)
Same goes with Margo?? Yeah in the comics she's in college, but cmon now u guys know damn well she's a teenager in atsv😭. Gwen is also much older in the comics but i never see anyone talk about it, so what does that mean???The only reasons I can see that you all don't want Miles & margo to be together is because you're all stuck on the milesxgwen ship. News everyone, other ships exist, not everyone is going to like the same ships as you, so either move on or stop being on the Internet.
Also, the thing about pav being 13 is bonkers, where'd u even get that from? I need to know asap. "Oh, but he has a gf!" Yeah? Well he has two hands. (Idk why u all act as if that has ever stopped anyone)
Everything just seem like a race thing to me tbh.
The movies might be inspired from the comics, but not everything is going to be 100% the same. For exemple: gwen is 2 yrs older than Miles in the comics, but in movies she's only 15 months older, Jess Drew is white in the comics and black in the movie, Miguel O'hara is white passing in the comics, compared to his version in atsv where he has brown skin, lyla's disign is also different.
You get it? Things are going to differ as much as things are going to be the same, because (get ready!!) this is the multiverse! Just as earth-616 is just one universe in all the marvel comics, atsv is another universe.
All in all, im not saying u can't view them as adults, or wtv u want, thats ur interpretation, but don't go around being pissy at people around u cuz they have different point of views.
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sparta369 · 6 months
Hey yall! In the spirit of having a safe and stress-free April Fools day, today I've curated a list of 18 different relatively harmless pranks that you can pull on your friends today! I thought of all of these myself, so please enjoy! :o)
1: You can send them a message saying something like "Hey! I bet you thought this notification was gonna be an april fools joke, but in reality, I just wanted to let you know that I love and appreciate you, and that I hope you have a nice day!"
2: Obtain a small, but noticeably out-of-place object (rubber duck, kazoo, etc.) and leave it somewhere you know your friend will see it, just to confuse them a little bit. Optionally, you could attach a little message to the object, letting them know it was you :)
3: Understandably, hiding your friend's belongings can be very distressing for them. Instead, hide one of your own belongings and ask them to help you look! Let them find the object. For bonus points, leave a kind message attached to the object for them to find.
4: Just simply hand them a random object. Don't hide whatever is in your hands, make it clear what you're handing them. Just ask them "hey, can you hold this for a sec?" and when they take it, just walk away.
5: Underneath everything they post on social media that day, leave a reply saying something along the lines of "I love and appreciate you" or some other nice thing. Do not stop. Be relentless.
6: Stop them when you're walking near/past each other. pretend to pull a hair/fuzzy/etc out of their hair, off their shirt, etc. Do this slightly more frequently that it normally happens. Don't make a huge deal out of it. Admit it if pressed or at the end of the day.
7: To expand on the previous one, you could instead pretend to pull a fuzzy/hair/etc off of them... and then pretend to eat it.
8: Leave out pieces of their favorite candy or other small, packaged snack in any place you believe they'll run into it throughout the day.
9: Order a pizza with them. Make the pizza half something they like, half something you like. When it gets here, pretend to get huffy about the toppings being on the wrong sides. (X should be on the left, Y should be on the right, etc.)
10: Spontaneously pretend that you have lost something. When your friend asks what you lost & if they can help you search, point at them, sigh in relief, and say something along the lines of "oh good, you're right there, I thought I'd lost my whole world."
11: Tell them that you're going to the store to get something mundane and uninteresting. Instead, go out and purchase your friend a surprise gift. This can be an object, food, anything. Pray they don't ask you to pick something up for them.
12: Take a photo of yourself and print it out. tape up behind a door that you know they will close, such as their bedroom door or a bathroom door. For bonus points, leave a nice message with it.
13: Hang a worm on a string or other silly item from the blades of their ceiling fan. Don't tie them on too well, make sure they're easy to remove.
14: Every time they sneeze, cough, or anything like that, pretend to be disproportionately worried about them. Use this as an excuse to do nice things for them throughout the day.
15: Gearing up to go out somewhere with them? ask if you can borrow one of their shoes. That's right, only one.
16: Ask them if they can leave you alone in the kitchen for a while. Make it clear that you are preparing an April Fools prank for them. The prank is, instead of making anything weird, you just made completely normal food for them. Comply with their requests for proof.
17: Make a paper sign that says something incredibly nice, like "I appreciate you." Keep it with you. Whenever your friend looks away from you, try to quietly extract the sign and show it off in their general direction. Try not to get caught until the end of the night.
18: Ending our list, you could show this list to your friend, and then make them put together the first letter of each prank that I've just listed for you.
I hope you all have a nice, safe, and stress-free April Fools Day!
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agust-june · 9 months
Let's talk about KIM DOYOUNG...
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I just came here to say if I CATCH yall defending Doyoung out here it's blocked on fucking site. I need yall Ncitzens and Kpop stans to STAND THE FUCK UP.
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Out here posting pictures of ugly ass snowmen with MCDONALDS BS. GFTOFH. I saw this yesterday but Koreaboo pissed me off and these tweets of these fucking weirdos made me mad. So imma talk about it here.
Imma post screen shots of tweets and for those of you that are clearly not assholes or not delusional, let's point and laugh.
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Fuck the first tweet bc though he is not supposed to be making political statement. That's what he's doing. And I will drop that man like a trash bag into the dumpster. The SECOND TWEET FUCK KIM DOYOUNG'S FEELINGS. Fuck him what about the feelings of the Palestinian fans that he has? What about the people you are actively dying from bombs? starvation? Dehydration? What about them? Out here actively making SNOW MEN using McDonald's shit FUCK HIM. AND FUCK YOU TOO WEIRD ASS BITCH.
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The first tweet here. It's not about his family or friends. Doyoung is in the public posting pictures of McDonald's snowmen. He's fucking weird. And if we find out about his family and Friends they can get the smoke too. They ain't special. The last tweet on the bottom...yall spend too much online into kpop. I need people to be educated and up-to-date in the world bc what do you mean does that country exists??? I need people to WAKE UP GO TO FUCKING SCHOOL OR GET HOBBIES OUTSIDE OF KPOP PLEASE AND THANK YOU.
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We knew SM wasn't shit. We knew. Doyoung, I am not shocked he's in SM. I like to give people chances but once you fuck up you fuck up. And THIS??? Oh baby you lucky SM needs you for they check which is why I will not be supporting Doyoung and I will give you the Wendy treatment bye bitch.
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Hell isn't hot enough. That's all imma say.
On that note, I want to add that as a K-pop fan and Ncitizen, I am greatly disappointed, but I am not surprised. I had a FEELING someone in NCT was gonna do this bs. For once, I was hoping to be proven wrong. But that hoes to show you... we don't know these groups. He isn't the only one supporting these companies. Other idols are, too.
Here's some links to other idols
I also want to note that I will be taking my Doyoung post down even though it had Johnny in it. I'm clutching my pearls like a southern white woman and leaving. I can't get rid of the merch I bought, especially my DoJaeJung albums, but I won't be buying anymore. I understand some of these idols are under contract. For example, New Jeans they have a contract with Coca-Cola, and they just had a meal with McDonald's. That I completely understand. But ACTIVELY spending money to McDonald's and Starbucks and posting it!?!? Nah, you gotta go. Idc who you are. I don't care you have godly teir vocals you're done. It's not that hard to TRY to do something good. I am actively avoiding Starbucks, McDonald's, actively staying up to date on what's going on in the world. It's not just Palestine. It's Congo. Sudan. Yemen. If I can do all of that work a job. Go to school. Watch One Piece (an anime that actively talks about corrupt governments, genocide, war, propaganda, etc). Kim fucking Doyoung and other kpop idols can do it too. They just don't care and want to keep rolling their checks (he probably need to with that pocket change he probably getting). I AM BEGGING yall K-pop stans who still don't get it to STAND UP. Get a life. Read a fucking book. Because yall look dumb as hell, and I'm sorry, but my EGO MY PRIDE will not allow me to be dumb and continue to turn a blind eye when I know people are dying in a genocide. And for those of you saying "well just educate the idol." Baby, there's a reason why college is for adults, and it's not a mandatory if grown adults want to make the choice to learn they'll do it. These idols are GROWN it's not my job to educate adults who are older than me, and it shouldn't be your job either, especially FOR FREE.
I hope yall have a good day today, and I hope yall stay safe out there!
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wazzappp · 7 months
Alright whose ready to see my lose my mind over continually more ridiculous au ideas? Trick question your gonna see it happen anyway (I have. so much bullshit. i have an entire other au that I havent posted about yet and i am thinking. about the re7 au again brother. I have fallen into the pits don't come save me or I'll drag you down too).
also jesus FUCK @moosemonstrous coming in clutch again with both star wars knowlege and the ability to actually remember things beyond a day and a half of talking about them THANK YOU.
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The Jedi originally came to Tatooine looking for Gabe. Sensing his strength with the light side of the force they thought he would be a prime candidate for training. Unfortunately for them, Robbie and Gabe are a package deal. They begrudgingly allowed him to come along as well because he is also force sensitive, but a little older than they would usually let in for training. Robbie agrees to because 1. if he just says no who KNOWS if they'll just take Gabe away forcefully and 2. STEADY FOOD SOURCE. ROOF OVER THEIR HEADS. ADAQUATE MEDICAL CARE. NO MORE FUCKING SAND. He doesen't trust these people as far as he can throw them but FUCK anything must be better than here.
During a sparring session another padawan purposefully infuriates Robbie, causing him to reach out to the dark side. He nearly kills the other padawan with the strength of his outburst. It then becomes EXTREMELY EVIDENT that Robbie is VERY strong with the dark side of the force. As a result of this outburst, one of his eyes gets the usual 'sith look', he gets special training to try and suppress those feelings, and he gets permanent pariah status in the Jedi Temple (I have. plans. i am being vague on purpose because FUCK I want to draw this scene in my head so bad but I also want to get this out to yall in the same month so it will be coming later. my dramatic bitch syndrome demands it).
After the clone wars get started (he's around 16 at this point) the Jedi realize that they need more people to fight. Robbie, though being previously disqualified for his history, is accepted for training and assigned Jedi Knight Johnny Blaze as a master.
Unfortunately, along the way Johnny starts picking up more solo missions and eventually disappears about 6 months in and everyone thinks he's defected (he's spying on the sepratist's for the republic). Which MEGA sucks for Robbie because 'holy shit the unstable padawans master defected' is getting thrown around and thats really not great. He wanders off deep into the temple where he can hopefully find a place to throw his feelings around in peace and stumbles into the artifact room, which opened in response to sensing the dark side. Bad news, you cant use the same method to get out.
Even MORE unfortunately one of these sith artifacts starts talking to him. After telling him how to get tf out of the vault and convincing Robbie that things are about to get bad ('I FELT what you could to out there kid do you REALLY think they're gonna let you stay? You gotta get out of here. And if you take me with you I can guide us to a ship they can't trace')
So Robbie sets out to run away, fully planning on taking Gabe with him and gets second thoughts while packing to which Gabe goes 'fuck that were GOING' (he's like. 11. But he'll be damned if Robbie goes somewhere and leaves him who knows how long). While escaping via unauthorized ship takeoff, Elis holocron makes it look like Robbie has fully gone to the dark side and there are clones sent to stop him.
Robbie responds by using the force to throw another ship at them and escapes with Gabe. Now they're both on the run. Robbie wanted by the jedi council for kidnapping, and Gabe wanted back to complete his training.
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Eli died as a dark side user and a wannabe Sith. He never really graduated into full sithhood and spent most of his time working for Senator Ivanov and his dealings in Hutt space. He was OBSESSED with the prospect of immortality and sought ways to survive even after death.
When he was used as a scapegoat by Ivanov (he reported Eli to the Jedi council to make him look a little less suspicious), his back up plan of imbuing a holocron with his force presence was put into use. He's been sitting gathering dust in a vault of darksided relics for the past 10 years, just waiting for his chance to get out.
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Gabe is an EXCEPTIONAL student in the Jedi temple. He enjoys learning about the force and how to use it, and for the most part gets along with his peers. His mobility aid has been improved since Robbie first built it for him out of scraps he was allowed to take from working on ships on Tatooine. Some days are still better than others, and there are times when a wheelchair is more appropriate, but generally the braces are good for daily use.
He is VERY defensive of his brother and absolutely will not hear a bad word said about him (many bad words are said about him. everyone things Gabe is incredibly sweet, but also to blinded by his love for his brother to see that he poses a threat). It very much so does frustrate him, he's just better at dealing with those feelings then Robbie is.
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Anakin gets his fun force choking so I think that Robbie should get something fun and funky and special too so enter: JAW BREAK!! Yes it is very ring inspired but I wanted to make it MORE. So fuck it he rips the whole jaw off its hinges I think this would also probably kill you very dead.
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Plus some doodles because brainrot brainrot brainrot brainrot
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lillotus17 · 5 months
Kingdom 2
So i know the line up for 'Road to Kingdom 2' is out although im not 100% sure it's confirmed(?)... for those who don't know the lineup is: Cravity, Xikers, ATBO, THE NEW SIX, YOUNITE, and 8TURN... i heard rumours and mentions of tempest but im not too sure. I also know that there are fans that are against road to kingdoms for a multitude of reasons that are definitely valid but as a multistan I can't help but be a little excited for the awesome performances and idol interactions we're gonna get!
anyways, I knos that the show hasn't even aired yet and I'm getting ahead of myself but here's a list of groups I think will be in Kingdom 2 and why! Mostly 4th and 5th gen groups listed! BUt lmk what yall think too!
For starters Kep1er was on queendom 2. They started off with a strong debut so I definitely see why they would. I don't really have too many reasons for them it just makes sense...? Only downside is that they have to go through another survival show...
Honestly for a YG group, treasure is pretty underrated. I think they'd have doubts about participating on Kingdom 2 because tbh it didn't really go well for iKon but I think the leaders of treasure would push an encourage the members to do it. Especially since YG is ass at promoting and they haven't had a comeback in 9 months. I think they'll definitely have a comeback before kingdom and during kingdom. And although they are underrated they are still well-established. Also victims of a survival show...
BND is possibility. I feel like because they're under hybe people don't see the need for them to participate but I also feel like they'd want to try something different or challenging since they are still a pretty new group.
with my whole heart and soul they'd fuck. the. stage. up. I feel as though this is also a very well established group but kingdom would give them an opportunity to better express their creative idol outlet. I think they'd also be hesitant since SF9 participated but they'd also like to try something new/different!
also a maybe group. they are newer so I'd see why they'd participate but they are under SM so i'd feel their fanbase would be bigger but because they are a japanese centered group it would give them an opportunity to promote more in korea. I also feel like they'd do it to prove something - becasue they're new but they also want to show off they're own talents within NCT. PT3 OF VICTIMS OF SURVIVAL SHOWS...
6. &TEAM
Another victim of a survival shows.... also another maybe group. I also think they'd use this as an opportunity to promote more in korea, also try something new and challenging. I think it would also pave way for them to express their artist creativity. I say maybe because they are under hybe but i guess that's probably besides the point?
7. CIX
TBH IDEK i just feel like they would? I am more of a casual CIX listener. Seeing as they are a, imo, well known group I think they'd also do it for the opportunities. They are really talented. I started listening to them bc of jinyoung (wannable) but after watching YGTB i started to get into them more bc of seunghun and bx too... they're also three victims of survival shows... ATP i guess i have a type...
7. AB6IX
ehh tbh idek either... i guess similar to CIX since they are a 4th gen group too. Daehwi and Woojin... more victims...
HUGE EMPHASIS ON THE MAYBE. Only really put them down because they're 5th gen. with them I also see it as a creative outlet opportunity and something to prove. like yes we do have talent and our success is not bc of the company we're signed under.
if they aren't on RTK2 then I feel like they'd be on kingdom 2.
10. TWS
cause they're also new? also an opportunity for a comeback.
TBVH i did think of groups that most definitely would not participate but that's due to a number of reasons and in all honestly I'm terrified of fandom wars breaking out.
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skatingbi · 11 months
Hello and welcome back to Arin on his bullshit again with the OP Fighter Pilot AU 😏
So this is unfinished because tumblr ate it all at first which like?? How?? but like I really wanted to share my characterization of sanji so i tried really hard to cook this up but tbh I'm not that happy with it. I hope yall enjoy anyways and maybe I'll add onto this!
TW: Mentions/descriptions of past child abuse, Detailed writing of panic attacks
Sanji thinks his relationship with Zoro is...strange? Weird? Should be theoretically impossible? An enigma? Whatever. Regardless, their friendship is weird and it's pretty damn confusing to him.
It's confusing because when the sun is out and they're training, studying, having lunch, or whatever else they're allowed to do on this godforsaken aircraft carrier, Zoro is an asshole. He picks fights and always has something to say and it pisses the blond off beyond normal human understanding. When the sun is setting, though, and everyone is in the barracks except him and the mossball, Zoro somehow mellows out. He can't help it, it does make Sanji laugh a little because Zoro is just like a plant that way. That's besides the point, though.
At night, they spar. Or maybe they'll stargaze like they're in some cheesy coming of age movie. On days that are physically exhausting, maybe they'll just talk all night until they fall asleep and get chewed out for sleeping on the tarmac again. Tonight, they're talking. As usual, Sanji deflects. He dances around zoro's personal questions and looks away and up to stare at a star he's pretty sure is actually venus.
"You gotta stop that crap, cook," Zoro huffs as he looks at sanji with narrow eyes and a suspecting glare. He pretends not to see it in his peripheral vision.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Sanji replies with the same tone Zoro is using just to mock him in the process. He's staring at maybe-venus like it's the most interesting speck of light in the sky at the moment. Zoro mutters something he can't make out, and in his peripheral, he sees his large body shuffle to lay on his side and fully face Sanji. It makes him feel like Zoro has already figured something out. His heart races with that thought and it brings an unnecessary amount of anxiety along with it.
"The deflecting. You could just tell me to lay off. We can go back to arguing over constellations like we usually do."
"It's not arguing if you're wrong, mossball."
"Shut the fuck up you know what I mean!"
"Then why do you have to say it out loud!?" Sanji replies, and both him and Zoro know it's an answer to both the shitty bantering and the direct attack on how he dodges every question surrounding his childhood. He can see and feel Zoro's glare towards him. He knows it doesn't carry real anger, but old habits die hard and the first thing Sanji thinks of is the quickest way to leave. If makes guilt well up inside him, creating a nasty cocktail with the anxiety that is still eating at him quickly.
"Because I feel like I know why you never want to talk about yourself," Zoro eventually says with a volume above a whisper but not too loudly. It carries an unspoken message that says I know you've had a hard life, and it's okay. Sanji closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, focusing on the sound of his own heartbeat and the ocean slapping the carrier down below rhythmically.
"Okay," Sanji eventually mutters.
The next day, they carry on like that conversation never happened. Sanji knows better. All day, he scrutinizes over talking about the subject of his night terrors. He wants to tell someone why he has those little scars on the bottom of his jawline. Or why he hates the cold, avoiding the North Blue like his life depends on it. Living with this burden tires him out every day from the moment he wakes up until he's forced to fall asleep. Sanji realizes he's probably been internalizing his trauma for years. The only man who knows him this deep is Zeff, who took him in when he was a little kid. Despite this, there's still things he's refused to talk about, even to his old man.
Zoro confided in him, though. Right before the start of their friendship, Zoro allowed Sanji to help him. That had to count for something. So tonight, he said to himself, he'll at least answer some of Zoro's questions. Just the ones he knows he can get through.
Tonight didn't come. What was supposed to happen was that the mossball and Sanji would try to sleep, fail spectacularly after a few hours and then bother each other to go outside and spar to blow off some steam. He was supposed to at least open up then.
Tonight, his brain betrayed him in his dreams. He was back in the cell. His mouth was covered by steel and he clawed at his face desperately. Small hands bled as he cried and begged to whoever would listen to take it off. Take of off take it off take it off take it off-
"Oi, cook! Wake up!" Said a familiar voice in the shadows. He sobbed out a hoarse cry, reaching out to that voice and pushing his body up against the bars as his arm dipped into the void in front of him.
Sanji isn't even aware he's woken up. He kicks and thrashes in his bed, dangerously close to falling off until rough hands and strong arms pushed him away from the ledge. When he opens his eyes, there was a blur of black and gold. Sanji can't focus while he's desperately trying to escape. He needs to run while he can, find shelter somewhere far enough away from-
"Hey Cook? Sanji?," The voice says in a whisper, the hands which accompanied it reached out slowly to rest on his forehead, pushing away Sanji's hair that is slightly damp from sweat. When did they get here? How did they find him?
Sanji doesn't have the brain capacity to even entertain his questions because he feels like he's dying. His body is so sweaty it's making his clothes stick to his skin, his body is trembling, and he can't fucking breathe. He just needs to breathe. Just breathe.
But the air won't stay in his lungs. Panic wells up within him and he's thinking Oh god, is this how I die? Go figure.
He's suddenly pressed against a solid body against his back and he tries to get out. No one should see him die like this. The arms that wrapped around him don't budge, and Sanji has half the mind to yell, kick, scream, anything but the noises just come out in desperate wheezes.
His vision is still spotty and blurry from tears and dissociation. Through it all he notices fluorescent light and he squeezes his eyes shut because that's too damn bright for it to not be supernatural and now he's back to dying.
Then he hears their voice again, "Okay, okay, let's just do the breathing exercises you make me do, yeah?" and at the moment Sanji is confused, scared, and still thinking that he's just escaped that cell. There's no other reason why he should be so hysterical right now but he wants to be okay. He needs to be okay because he cant have what his sister did for him to be for nothing.
So he listens to that voice again.
"Okay just follow me, Cook."
He does.
Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold it in for 7, and exhale for 8. He repeats it with them, and he focuses on that feeling of finally being able to breathe after what felt like hours. Eventually, he's able to stop crying and take a deep shuddering breath.
"Hey, Sanji? Look at me." So he does.
Seeing Zoro there immediately gives him mental whiplash. In the span of a second his brain goes from 10 year old Sanji in a cell to 21 Year old Sanji in the bathroom sitting on the floor with his friend who's looking at him with heart shattering concern. "Huh?" escapes his mouth before he has the time to even process his thoughts.
"Where are we right now?" Zoro asks. His voice is soft, and the lingering edge it always carries soothes Sanji in a way nothing else really has.
"The bathroom," Sanji replies, then looks around with confusion because "How did we get here?"
"I carried you after you nearly fell off the top bunk." Zoro says as if it's the easiest thing in the world to reply.
Their conversation quickly dies after that. Sanji uses that as an opportunity to simply exist and reorient himself with reality. He remembers his hair, and gently grabs his friend's wrist to move it away. Zoro lets him, then moves to wrap both arms around Sanji's middle securely.
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faeiapalette · 2 years
Just wanna drop some personal opinions. I. I swear to god i have heard people complaining for a thousand times about how Ayato’s LE route was “horrible” and all of them has the same reasoning being “it’s unfair”, so i came to share my point of view:
His route wasn't even that bad? 😅 Yall r pissed bc he got treated like shit in his route (yeah, bc he hurted his brothers. He blinded Laito and broke Kanato’s leg. Accidentally or whatever.) What everyone has already known is the S boys' relationship is trash from the begining, ofc they'll act like that? Kanato the one who will scream at your face and treat you with the "idc what tf your reason is i want YOU to take responsibility" and Laito who has grudges with Ayato all the way at the begining? Then comes Reiji who tried so hard for years to become the leader/ leader's right hand man just to serve a person he view as narrow and incompetent (bruh idk about Kanato but everyone else' has something that makes others respect them for. In the Sakamaki family. Shu's smart and know how to act like a big bro when needed, Reiji's a strategist and has been studying to be the heir for years, Laito's intelligent af, and Subaru is the purest among vampires, it’s will be pretty hard to explain this now but all i can say is “it’s smth related to politics in the DL world”), with the last straw being that one hurting his own people? And Ruki who longs for the king's title, who's as dedicated to Karl as Reiji, and is able to seethrough the same Ayato who's unfit to rule all along? 💀 girl. If you people's going to play blame game, blame everyone including Ayato then. He DID made a big mistake. Even it isn't his intention to do so. Try to walk in other people's shoes (in term of mindset and feelings cuz you're oh so capable to do so when it comes to Ayato in other people's route ^^.)
This IS the route suitable for smo with the title "main hero". Because it's different from every other routes. S boys have to deal with both personal problems and their leader position. Now, what kind of personal problem does Ayato have? ^^ Egomaniac, solved. Hatred for Cordi, done in DF. Hating his father? There are some, but not as much as Laito, cuz Laito’s a big personal grudge that can make him going from borderline suicidal to try everything in everyway to khs because he has to receive smth from Karl (No takesy backsy~ Your supplier Karl’s ded). Ayato doesn't. The writers tried their best to make a big ass personal problem for him ya know ^^. 5 other routes r pretty much… peas in the same pot, but Ayato got the element of surprise 👍 Wouldn't that make his route stand out from his brothers', like what a "main hero's route" will be? ^^ Talking about surprises,
Rejet's marketing strategy. Do you know what do Ayato's Daylight aka the most “well-liked daylight cd” and Ayato's LE route have in common? They doesn't follow the stream every other routes does. They stand out. Yes. Because what people like, isn't just sweet moments and fanservices. They long for new things. Creativity. Ayato's route has both of these. Decent amount of sweet moments with Yui, a tear he never shed. So not too much Overall, balance 👍.
II. “The M boys are so narrow-minded when they be like “Aristocrats this aristocrats that” to the S boys, S boys went through traumas too”
THEY-WON’T-KNOW?????? If the S boys don’t share????? Where do you think they’d get that information from? Karl casually telling his surbonates “I traumatized my sons”? The players, aka us, know about their pasts because Rejet puts them in every opening of the prolouge/ epilogues, so we can read their thoughts, sympathize with them, whatever, but can the M boys/ any other boys see them too? You finish the puzzle.
(Trivial matter, if my memories is correct M boys, (for example Kou) have been showing sympathy everytime S boys told them something about their past (in that drama cd where 2/3 of the triplet doing recalls about Cordi’s cooking)).
In conclusion, the “narrow-minded” one is the one saying the similar statement above. ^^
III. There’s no “main character” in otome games.
I don’t think i have to explain the reason, since someone has already said that out loud (“If there’s one “main character”, what are the other 12 for?”, i recall) And i thought everyone knows this already. Because there’s has already been a term for that in the otoge community, being “posterboy”. Yes. The one appearing in almost every posters, the one having the most screentime if the project has an anime adaption, whose cd is the 1st ever to be released. Ect. So. Let’s talk about Young Blood. I see a lot of people thinks that “Oh the story revolves around Ayato and Karl in this manga favors Ayato more than any other sons of his. He must be the main character. If otherwise, why didn’t they make 5 more mangas?” Have you ever thought about how making 5 more manga, with the same plot would spill the budget and no company is dumb enough to not realize that so they just do one that revolves around their representative aka the posterboy and let their audiences do the math that if we change to other boys’ perspective the story would go on the same way (with some tiny events/ details being changed?)
I hope people grow some perspective.
IV. Nothing much. I’m just a little disappointed on how most people i’ve seen here have nothing to say about but how “nice and helpful” the boys is (judging characters based on their moral. I mean there’s more to talk about than just that?)
V. Ruki along with Reiji, Kanato and Laito (idk about other boys) are the most misunderstood character in this fandom (Ruki alone, all because people doesn’t understand his action and try to rationalize them in their own one-way, tunnel-liked, logically wrong way of reasoning, causing the action to look totally stupid and meaningless. Even some resources of him are translated wrong causing even more misunderstandings. (By the way, Reiji fans, Kanato fans, please tag me in posts solving misconceives about your oshi please. I would love to read them. 😔) P/s: Oh and something about Ruki, ofc him killing that cat is wrong, no question asked 👍 Though “=> He should not be entrusted with a pet of all kind bc he’ll kill them” + “=> he hates cats” is also wrong (yall be paying too much attention to the cat and forgot about the bird scene. Those birds he refused to feed. Did he lay a hand on them may i ask?)
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lesbiancarat · 2 years
wait the US shop is sold out of all the sector 17 albums already???
edit: i literally posted this and refreshed the page of the US shop and the unsigned albums are no longer sold out 🤡 works for me though
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ikimonoeren · 3 years
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☆ warnings. drug use
☆ summary. jean and connie are trying to smoke a blunt, but reader is scared that they'll caught and unfortunately sasha is too busy being passed out to be included in the conversation.
☆ author's note. actually a fairly recent thing i wrote, and it is purely satire but i hope yall enjoy this
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"I--literally everything about this is illegal."
You gave Connie and Jean a blank look as they continues to roll the blunt while they were on duty. Connie rolled his eyes as he licked the end to close it off and passed it Jean.
"Oh, shut up, [name]. You literally always have a stick up your ass."
"Yeah, put it sock in it." Jean chimed in. They both snickered to themselves as if it were the funniest thing they've said.
You looked over at Sasha her mutual disapproval, but she was already passed out. Bread half eaten in hand and all. As Connie and Jean were about to spark up a familiar voice interjected.
"Well, well. If it isn't Survey Corps biggest dumbasses."
You all froze. They were dead. No, no. You were all dead.
You were basically an accessory to the crime!
"It wasn't me!" You pleaded, as you hugged Levi's knees. He gave a slightly disgusted look as he nudged you off his feet, but you were not budging.
Connie and Jean took this as an opportunity to try to sneak off. Keyword. Try.
"And where do you dumbasses think you're going?" It was a question that demanded an answer. And an immediate one at that.
"Uh,w-we were j-just---" Connie stammered. He looked over at Jean for help.
"WE'RE SORRY PLEASE DON'T KILL US!" Jean cried out, as he hugged Levi's free knee. Connie looked at him in disbelief before joining the both of you.
At this point you were all bawling your eyes out and it took every ounce of Levi's strength not to laugh at how utterly buffoonish you all looked. Although, he did crack the smallest smile.
"You know, I could have you all locked up for your entire lives." His voice icy as ever.
Man, he should get an award for being so dang good at acting.
"WE'RE SORRY CAPTAIN!" You all blubbered. Levi shook his head. Idiots.
"I could make this all go away." All crying had seized.
"R-really?" You stuttered. Your noses were dripping with snot and salty tears oozed out of your eyes.
Connie crawled closer to the bunch of you. "W-what can we do?"
Jean perked up a little and a hint of sparkle was in his eyes. "Y-yeah! Anything!"
"First," Levi spoke up. "Get the fuck off of me." He kicked first you and the Jean off his knees. For someone who was 5'2 Levi was really strong.
"Excuse me?" He narrowed his eyes at you.
"N-nothing captain!" You were literally about to piss your pants at this point. How could you let that slip out?
"As I was saying, I could let this all go away. If," He looked over at the rolled up blunt that was half way put out. "you let me smoke the rest of that."
You all gave each other the same look. Regret.
"You let me in on that stash." He finished.
That was the absolute last thing you all thought he would want.
"You want--" Connie started. "--weed?" Jean's face scrunched up in confusion. And you, you practically in hysterics, rolling on the ground laughing your ass off.
"You--" You choked in tears. "w-want weed?"
You were holding your stomach barely even able to breathe. The captain's eyes narrowed at you and your laughter came to an immediate stop.
"I mean, yeah, totalllyyyyy. Connie, Jean give it to him. Now." You glared at them and Jean handed the blunt over to the captain.
Levi inspected it for a bit and scoffed. "Amatures."
He took a long drag, clearly an experienced smoker showcasing years of sparking up. It felt like forever before he pursed his lips to let the smoke out. You were all in utter awe.
"Damn," He said while taking a good gander at the blunt. "That's some good shit. Where'd you get this?"
"It's imported from outside the walls." Jean replied in a slow and shocked manner. You looked over and him Connie and they were looking at him as if he were the sun.
Now it was your turn to scoff. "Idiots." You mumbled.
"So I'll be confiscating the rest of this." He mused, grabbing the rest of the bag that was on the ground.
Connie and Jean looked like they were going to cry again, but they felt your death glare and snapped out of it. After all, it was their fault that you all got into this mess in the first place.
"As you were." And just like that Levi walked away and you breathed a sigh of relief.
"Look what I got." Connie whispered just as Levi was out of ear shot.
"Give it. Now."
Or at least he thought.
"Huh?" Sasha blinked open her eyes to Connie and Jean looking depressed as you laughed at them.
"Did I miss anything?" She asked trying to sit up.
"Just go back to sleep." Connie grumbled.
She shrugged her shoulders and snuggled her half eaten loaf closer to her body as she fell into a deep slumber once again.
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ideks-on-mars · 2 years
hi so your headcanons are one of the few things keeping me motivated as finals quickly approach and so i would like to request your headcanons for what you think would happen if reonsemishira had a sleepover <3
Aw, this is so sweet 😭 I had a pretty weird first half of my day so this makes me feel a lot better! I love requests honestly they make me more happy. People yell at me to do stuff it keeps me alive at this point 💀
I love feeding yall ReonSemiShira, especially now that I know some of yall actually enjoy it 🤧
- ReonSemiShira definitely have the most chill sleepovers
- Reon and Shirabu aren't really movie people but Semi could watch 17 movies in a row as long as he's with his boyfriends fr.
- Manic SemiSemi hcs coming back to play 🥶
- He can't sleep well during one of his, very frequent at that, episodes so movies keep him distracted from how tired he is, especially action movies
- They cuddle ofc cuz they're soft for each other
- Semi usually sits up, leaning against the headboard. Shirabu will sit between his legs with his back to his chest. Reon usually lays down with his head in Shirabu's lap.
- They like to bask in each others presence really. That is unless one of them has something they really feel like they need to talk about.
- Reon and Semi are roommates (lucky right?) so they pretty much have a sleepover every day
- Shirabu definitely has his own little drawer of clothes that he's left over there
- They NEED to have snack and chips are an absolute MUST. But sometimes Shirabu will bring fruits because it's good for you or whatever 🙄
- If they're snacking on something small enough then they have competitions on who can throw the food up and catch it in their mouths the best
- If they can't find any good snacks then they'll definitely order because they're too lazy to cook anything
- Yes. Make out sessions DO occur. I do not make the rules ✋️🙄
- Semi and Shirabu definitely gang up on Reon and embarrass the living shit out of him
- "You're so cute Reo 😏" "Yeah, so handsome right 🥴" "You two stop 😳"
- It most definitely goes beyond that but we can save that for another day ✋️💀
- Shirabu most definitely checks the FUCK out of his boyfriends during sleepovers. Even more than usual.
- Semi usually just wears pajama pants or boxers and Reon usually wears shorts that are like volleyball shorts so they're relatively short and show off his legs. (You can't tell me this man doesn't have some sexy ass BUILT legs.) How could Shirabu not look? Hell, if I were him I'd look.
- Not saying that they don't check out Shirabu too, cuz they most definitely do 💅
- I mean have you seen Shirabu's face? I could stare at him all day. Plus he's got a phattie 😩
- Shirabu is so. Damn. PAMPERED.
- He's thirsty? Reon's got some water. His back hurts? Semi can pull off a massage.
- As soon as Shirabu steps in the door he might as well have been crowned king.
- When they all collectively decide to lay down, Semi will usually have Shirabu tucked under his chin with one arm stretched out under Reon's neck and the other around Shirabu. Reon usually lays closely behind Shirabu, pretty much spooning him, and occasionally pressing kisses to the back of his neck and head, he uses his top arm to stretch across both of them. Poor (lucky) Shirabu has to lay in the middle of two giants. He usually just lays on whatever side he feels comfortable on. That's usually facing Semi cuz he likes the way Reon will place kisses all around his neck but he'll switch from time to time because he wants to see Reon's pretty face too <3.
- If not that then usually one sleeps in the middle with the other two's head on either side of their chest.
- Semi is VERY persistent on sleeping closest to the door.
- "What if someone just decides to break in? I would be the first so you guys have time to-" "Eita, you think out of all the dorms they would choose ours?" "Ei, I'm starting to think you're in a gang or something and someone's after you." "Yeah...do you have something to tell us-"
- Semi's not in a gang I swear 😭
- He just wants to keep his loves safe 😪
- Sleepovers where it's just them is fr the only place where Shirabu is actually soft for once
- Adoring stares, sweet smiles, content hums, soft calls of names. And it melts Semi and Reon EVERY TIME. Especially when he's tired 🤧
- "Láska? Zlato?" "YES KENJIRŌ LOVE OF OUR LIVES?? 😭"
- They're soft for Ken but like hey me too✋️🙄
- They definitely try to soak up all of the time they can with one another. With school and practice they only really get to see each other briefly and if they get to see each other for a while then they can't just relax.
- They adore each other. They just wanna lay down and take naps together 🤧 <3
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unknownwriting · 3 years
Hello! I hope you're having wonderful day or night! I also wanted to say I really enjoy your writing and that you are very talented!
I wanted to request a headcanon of Marco, Sanji, Sabo, and/or Luffy catching their fem! s/o staring at a huge wedding dress display in a wedding shop on an island with a solemn smile. Because while she loves them, she wonders if they'll ever have the chance to get married and walk down the aisle like she's always dreamed of during her childhood. Because it was already a miracle they had the chance to start dating because of being a pirate but now her desire to get married was plaguing her mind. She doesn't want to get greedy about it, like if they do get married, then she's gonna want to start having ideas of a child and she knows that would definitely be to much for them.
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♡ Summary- catching their s/o staring at a wedding dress
♡ Characters- Marco, Monkey D. Luffy, Vinsmoke Sanji, Sabo
♡ Warnings- none :)
♡ Honestly I just wanna get married just so I can wear a dress bc those wedding dresses are always so cuteee but I should first start by finding a lover (゜▽゜;)
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- i already wrote a very similar request for Marco, so here’s the link for it 
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Vinsmoke Sanji
- Sanji has also dreamed about finally settling down with ‘the one’ and being the amazing person you are, you happened to be Sanji ‘one’
- he’s also dreamt about getting married to the love of his life too. After all, he’s been through and everything, the fact that there is someone who wants him and enjoys being with him. Fills him with so much happiness he wants to be with them forever
- and you had even dreamt about getting married at some point in your life. The fact that there was someone out there made for you, who completed you, filled you with such joy and happiness. And that person name was Sanji
- both of y’all wanted desperately to get married however with the active life y’all have, it was hard to do so and it was easy to forget. Well for Sanji, the idea didn’t leave your mind. Thinking about it almost every day, but you didn’t say anything bc you didn’t want to sound annoying or desperate
- but it wasn’t until y’all were exploring an island on a rare day off that the idea of marriage became fresh in yalls minds again. There it was, your dream dress on display at a shop. It was a large style ballgown with a lace shawl and a diamond crown with it, diamond and sparkles lit up the dress as it shone in the light
- you always dreamt about having a huge wedding with tons of people and tons of music. A wedding fit for a princess and seeing the dress in the case, made you so happy. And Sanji was quick to catch on to the look in your eyes too
- of course, he was in awe with our big and beautiful the dress was, but the face you were making. Your lips were slightly open and the look in your eyes was so bright, like a little girl seeing a real princess. You were so mesmerized by it and Sanji was so mesmerized by you.
- he really didn’t even care about the dress, Sanji just needed to marry you right now.
- ‘it’s not the best idea, but Luffy can officially marry us. He is a captain after all. It’s not as romantic as I thought it would be nor do I like it, but I can’t wait any longer. I want you to be mine in both name and body’
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- marriage has never really been on Sabo’s mind. Especially bc of his past, he’s never been too fond of the idea. He doesn’t really like the idea of being tied down. And all honesty he’s perfectly fine with just being your boyfriend. He doesn’t need anything more and anything less
- but that doesn’t mean you still don’t talk about it. Of course, you always fantasize about it and so you’ll talk to Sabo about it. Not in a way where you want him to marry you but just to put your ideas out that. You know that he doesn’t want to get married and you respect that and he also knows that you wanna get married.
- but y’all don’t force each at all. It’s true he’s has thought about getting married here and there just like any other person, but he’s always a bit iffy on the idea. And it’s always made him feel insecure especially in y’all’s relationship.
- it was also hard bc y’all do have busy and dangerous lives. Also going on missions, risking your life to save others. It was rare y’all even get to spend time along with each other. So that was truly another thing that was weighing his mind
- but when y’all were on a mission one day, a small little bridal shop had gotten your attention. There wasn’t anything special about it except for one of the dresses that were in the window. It was a simple silk a-line dress with a sweetheart neckline and pearl straps. It was a simple dress but it was all you ever even wished for
- it took Sabo a moment to even know that you got distracted, but it didn’t take him long to figure out why you were distracted. But the look on your face was unforgettable. The shine in your eyes, the rosy blush that covered your checks, the way your lips had formed into a small smile
- sabo has been wondering if y’all should get married. It was something that really has been on his mind for quite some time but it’s was also as if he was waiting for a sign. Something to just tell him that he needs to marry you. And this was it, the dress, the look on your face, and everything. He was gonna marry you
- ‘I’ve been thinking about it for a while, (Y/n), but let’s get married. I don’t really like marriage but if it’s with you, I’ll happily get married. I just wanna stay with you forever.’
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Monkey D. Luffy
- marriage is one of those things that Luffy doesn’t understand unless he sees it for himself or someone actually takes their time to explain it.
- and even then he still doesn’t understand too much. He gets the whole concept of getting married and sharing everything and all that but like why would you? Isn’t it as the same as just being in love or having friends?
- of course, you loved the idea of getting married. Being with that one person who makes your life so much better and gives you so much adventure. The one that makes your life worth living and to you Luffy was the one person who did that
- you would always tell Luffy all about your dreams about getting married and how you wanna spend your whole by his side in hopes that he would more understand marriage and all. And he does come to understand it more, well he understands that it’s your dream to get married. Which he can understand more than the marriage himself
- but to Luffy, there’s not much he can do. He doesn’t really understand that he had the power to marry y’all and all, so he's kinda just stuck unless you tell him straight up. But you didn’t want to. Luckily the crew had your back, they’re the ones who tell Luffy what you want but even then he doesn’t know what to do. So like Sabo he waits for a sign, any sign
- and it’s finally here. Just like everyone else y’all were exploring an island, just the 2 of y’all, when you came across a bridal shop hold…you guess it!! Your dream dress. A short tea-length wedding dress with a flower waistband and a matching flower crown with it. Cute, free, breezy. Everything you want in a dress
- even Luffy was kinda mesmerized by it. He’s never really seen a wedding gown, so seeing what up close and one you like was a lot different than you wanted. Being naïve he thought all wedding gowns would be the same, yet this one if so different and your reaction to it was amazing 
- wide, bright eyes, a small smile on your face, and a blush that covered your checks. Your reaction reminded him of himself when he was younger and would listen to Shanks’ story about being a pirate. Your dream was just like Luffy, and that’s when he finally understood, he was the only one who could make your dream come true 
- ‘hmm. I still don’t understand marriage but Nami and Usopp told me that bc I'm a captain that I could marry us. So marry me, (Y/n)!! I wanna have a big party to celebrate!!’ 
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stxp1dcup1d · 2 years
✿ (1)
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Previous | ✿ (2)
Notes; attempted proofreading though they'll probably be errors, I'm back yall, ahah gettin a new phone soon, please enjoy!!
words; im just gonna assume its around 300 until i actually feel like checking this..
Jirou was currently walking down the streets of Shibuya on a what mina likes to call it- "girls day out", though it was just a regular weekend in early September .
Whenever the girls were free they would all go out together on the weekends to unstress themselves from the well week. Occasionally, some of the guys would come too but when it's specifically "girls day out" they weren't allowed to come at all.
What happens during girls day out is that the friends would split up in partners or trios and meet up in a hour at a cafe or whatever fun thing was around. Jirou, Momo, and Hagekure were together and Tsu, Mina, and Ochako were together today. But currently, Jirou was by herself to go check out a new music and electronic store that was apparently around the block. Momo and Hagekure were currently trying out some clothes and didn't come with Jirou because she promised she'd be back within 10 mins and also because she was a bit embarrassed at checking out music with her friends.
Eight minutes had passed and she walked out of the store with new headphones and a free pick that came with purchases at the store. She didn't expect to buy anything there but after spotting the lastest headphones everyone was talking about on sale with the new opening of the store she had to get them. She walked out of the store with a small smile when she saw a small line a few feet in front of a building complex. She decided to walk by not caring as much about what was happening when she heard a somebody sqealing.
"Not to sound like one of those people but with the nine of cups and the sun, you and your boyfriend are going in the right direction with that thing we talked about earlier!" A voice said that sounded excited,
"For reals?! I told you that this persons the real deal!" A girl holding another girls hand said to the other.
"I cant believe you believe in this crap, its totally not real." The second girl said rolling her eyes.
"But it is! I came here two weeks ago and this person predicted the future for me, you should totally get a reading"
"She's right, today's the only day to get a free reading for a 15 min session." You said, at this point Jirou got unconsciously got closer to the barely in orderly fashion line.
"whatever, you shouldn't believe them, they use cheap tricks to get you."
"If you don't like what I'm doing you can leave, and I'm not tricking anyone, i promise this is all true."
"What so you're saying this is all real? Are you some kind of witch or something? Do you do weird rituals like azealia banks or something" the girl snickered earning a mug look from you.
You eyed her carefully before turning towards the nicer girl,
"I know she did not just call me azealia banks-"
"Yes i did, is there a problem?" The girl stepped closer to you.
"Gon ahead and take that step back for me." You said standing up now.
Standing up Jirou could take in your features, she realized that you were actually really pretty/handsome. She also realized that there were about two other people standing by your side that she just noticed, she recognized one of them, a boy with silverish hair and part of class 1b at school that participated in the sports festival. The other she didn't recognize as much with blonde hair and short with round eyes. She must have also been part of class 1b too.
"I think you should check your friend before she ends up hurting herself," you said with a smile.
"Well I think you should check yourself before you end up hurting yourself"
With that you took it upon yourself to take that as a sign to whoop her ass.
"Sqaure up so I can rock yo shit bitch, com' here-" you got closer to the girl who gladly decided to get closer to you testing you.
"YEAH BEAT HER ASS (NAME)" The silver hair boy yelled at you.
"Tetsu! Violence isn't always the answer!" The blond girl yelled her cheeks puffing up in anger.
"If it isn't the answer why aren't you stopping them??!" Tetsu yelled back, watching you yelling at the girl as you get ready to bop her ass.
"(Name) stop it right now or I'll go get kendo and you know she'll rock you before you get to with this girl" She said pulling out her phone.
At that you paused between mid pulling the girl's hair and quickly appeared to their side.
"Ahaha I guess it can't be helped then, have a nice day you two sorry for the inconvenience :D" you rubbed the back of your neck laughing, pretending nothing even happened.
With that the two customers walked away. You could hear the girl huff and mumble something under her breath
"What was that flakey hair bitch-"
As you talked to the next person in line and your two friends that were with you, Jirou watched as you laughed to your friends apologizing. Jirou could feel a tiny smile fall on her face again as she tried her best not to laugh out loud at the whole situation. Her phone then ringed which made her pick up with kure whining on the phone asking her where was she. Realizing how much time past and the previous situation she laughed apologizing on the phone telling her she lost the time.
As she ran off you couldn't help but look to see a girl run off that you acknowledged was watching the whole scene play out, though you didnt see much since she ran just in time.
Being tagged is always welcomed, just dm!
| © stxp1dcup1d no stealing work! |
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incarnateirony · 3 years
*rubs eyes* As if the last few days weren't emotionally exhausting enough, the whole Tulsi thing got brought back up to me in DM and actually clarified later in who posted which copies on which instagrams tonight WRT the UFC event. And I kind of wish it hadn't been, because this is another
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Beyond Jared's story, the images related were posted on two timelines: thebigpygmy (the professional mma fighter jared was hanging out with) and suckerpunchent (the premiere marketing & talent handling of mma and ufc).
Suckerpunchent posted The Cursed Image with,
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And Big Pygmy also chimed in,
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But this is also the day that Tulsi got her weird UFC backdrop red carpet moment where she started waxing poetic about Joe Rogan to defend him.
So --
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[sighs tiredly in Gen interview about Jared convincing her to listen to Joe Rogan]
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And UFC is owned by Endeavor, not CBS, so nobody can cry that CBS put a gun to his head to make poor Jared pose for the PR. Endeavor is another form of WME, the talent rep group... but also not Jared's, he's UTC. So no, his agency didn't force him to do it either.
Just kinda. Putting it on file, really.
I'm sure the usual J1ers will attack this post, aggressively miss the point on purpose, compare it to the fact that Jensen's talked to or done some vague business with a trumper at one point instead of living in a fictional bubble where the only people he's breathed in the vicinity of could be democrats, and then try to bang on that religiously as a distraction, acting unable to tell the difference between engaging directly in the image shaping of a well known russian operative putin puppet in the us government being given red carpet treatment to endorse misinformation in the US.
"Well... JENSEN sold that republican voting guy's wine! And there was a taco truck from someone related to someone, before." and they'll pat themselves on the back and be like. "well done. We've convinced ourselves we've successfully torn someone else down publicly in direct response to someone simply documenting the behavior of someone willfully assisting in the image repair of several people DIRECTLY destroying democracy rather than having a different general opinion, one of which is currently accusing Ukraine of [checks notes] daring to exist, so Russia attacking it was its own damn fault."
I mean, to the surprise of nobody who's heard a single thing Tulsi has done for the last 4 years. Bc like. If you opened social media at ALL beyond Rogan's bubble for US politics you'd have been hit by a wall of "proof Tulsi is a putin operative" like diapers pouring out of the walls in spongebob
But I mean, they can't really build him up, they can't answer these things. So it'll become deranged swings at Jensen or Misha about things generally both 1) made up/wildly decontextualized and 2) having absolutely no fucking relevance to the conversation. Like the effort is always "let me try to convince myself you're hypocrites by throwing unrelated, made up, decontextualized garbage at the wall, and just saying you stan trash, so me stanning trash is ok". Like. That's always the core of their method. They just. Like living in trash, and try to tear everything down into their garbage, even when it doesn't belong there.
Hell, one tried to come at me today "well BOBO likes Tulsi." fuck? Did I miss that? Cuz I'd say fuck him too, but that doesn't seem like his politics, I'll search. Hm. Gay man jokes she's hot. Gay man makes joke about her hair streaks. Berens talks about her candidacy being over. "It's not turning up in the search function, can you tell me where? All I'm finding is Rogue jokes and Kamala eating her." crickets. Oh. weird. So that was just. Trying to tear someone down. Did you. Just. Think I wouldn't check and hold him accountable too, if he had suddenly gone insane and broken his political stances he's had since 2003 at least? Shit, man. Nah, that's only yall that do that shit.
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I'm going to FUCKING sleep.
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b1witch · 3 years
I just love the idea of a modern, gen z, teen titans situation. Just a team of young teens who are absolutely Done with everybody's bullshit.
Like, I want to see the distrust/contempt for all adults, even the superheroes (you've known about climate change for years, you've seen school shootings everywhere and you help in the moment, but don't ever actually bother going against big corporations or gun legislature or corrupt politicians)
The way gen z can just EVISERATE you: 'Superkid! Do you feel as if adults have let you down?'
'Adults have let ALL children down. If you are a parent at home watching this, look at your child and know that YOU betrayed them and continue to do so every day you aren't in the streets screaming and protesting gun violence and climate change.'
'You know what they say: if you want it done right don't ask an adult they'll just fuck it up.'
Still tying up criminals and waiting for police but also calling 'sooUIE soo soo sooUIE' while they wait and then making pig faces as soon as the cops are close enough to see. Saying ACAB to cops/live tv cameras. Not leaving black criminals with only white cops.
They have an unspoken rule that they never stop people from stealing necessities ie food/cheap clothes.
Fighting for prison reform.
Will call out ANYBODY(yes even THE original trio) in front of EVERYBODY.
Adults (even the supers) tend to act uncomfortable and awkward around them because of it and because they know the titans are right. Sometimes adults will try to impress them or get on their good side by telling them how 'woke' they are, but, well.
'Today i met someone with a they/them pin and I'm so greatful I did research from ethical sources about it last week so I didnt ask them inappropriate questions lolz!'
'... What you want a medal for not harassing someone about gender? God these older generations are SO entitled.'
Cuss whenever/wherever they want because literally what even is The Point of cuss words?? Probably something an idiotic adult made up. Like, words that your not supposed to use? WHY.
Only take interviews to call out fake news/leak incriminating information.
'I know the public believes I prefer this over that, but we should factor in my own biases'
'Which are?'
'Existent. Just like any persons. Which is something (fake news reporters name) SHOULD know but in their article on... They were clearly unable to remain objective due to (evidence)'
The super teens grew up with the first gen of heroes serving a lot of collateral damage and made it a goal from the beginning NOT to do that. And because they didnt have to unlearn the bad habit, they genuinely DO do consistently better in that area.
At first the adult supers tried to be mentors and guide them, but the super teens found it heavy handed and condescending so conversations would go like
'You are exceptional, but you need to learn control when-'
'Oh, control like when you took out downtown last week?'
'Have you considered that holding the javalin in a different way-'
'Thanks but if I wanted advice I sure as hell wouldn't take it from someone who CAN vote and chooses NOT too.'
'Wh- how did-'
'The superkids know all' says one darkly
'The superkids see all' another says in a similar tone and god they were creepy when they got like this
'The superkids-' the third kid got interrupted by the fourth
'Have a hacker on their team who gets tired of yalls dramatics?' The fourth kid rolled their eyes as the rest laugh and the super adult(probably green arrow, they love taking him down several notches) takes the moment to Get Out of there.
They ARE friendlier with the super adults than other adults cuz at least the supers are trying to do /something/. But they are on 'thin fucking ice' as the team likes to remind them.
And they have this horrible uncanny way if whenever one person on the team delivers a devastating verbal blow, they all(if theyre in the same room) stop what they're doing to glare accusingly at whatever adult has accidentally revealed how much of an irresponsible asshole they are.
One day a member of the team brings home a reporter and everyone is pissed because SERIOUSLY THIS IS OUR HOME HOW DARE YOU- why is that child wearing a fedora with a feather and holding a tiny dinosaur notepad? The girl explains she is a serious news reporter for the Wasatch Elementary Times newspaper. From then on they only do interviews(newspaper AND tv) if the reporter is a literal child(or teen). When adult reporters ask for their time they are liable to A. Not receive a response or B. Get brushed off in an indifferent way
'Superkid! Can i have a moment of your time?'
'I dunno, can kids have the promise of a world without climate change?'
They have an app for kids to report adults breaking laws. They mostly get reports about school rules being racist/misogynistic/homophobic/capitalist behavior (yes capitalist behavior is a selection in the app, but you do have to further specify about said behavior) and they help the kids organize walk outs and sit ins and protests and petitions. They give the kids all the tools and skills and financing they need to.
The gun control movement finally starts picking up momentum when a team member does an in depth presentation about how easy and ethical gun control would be and the tv reporter is quiet for a long moment and then looks from the last slide of the presentation to the team member and says in a quiet voice 'why won't the adults help us?' The team has asked and asked this question to each other, to adults and there are a million answers. And there's only one. 'I don't know.' They respond finally. Out of sheer exhaustion. 'Maybe they just don't care.' The reporter suggests, the look in their eyes is slightly disconnected. And then its not a reporter and a team member. Its two kids, terrified and traumatized, just sitting on live national TV, contemplating the idea that adults couldn't care less whether their own children lived or died. 'Its just that. At the end of the day.' The reporter says, clearly only barely keeping their composure. 'Their actions speak louder than their words.' The super kid presses their lips together and looks away. They knew that the adults actions are damning. Super kid just wishes they weren't. Couldnt just one simple wish come true? Just this one? 'I think most of them do care about us.' The reporter decides. 'They just care about money... MORE.' And to many children, that was as close to comfort as they would get.
You never know if you're gonna get a silly one liner or a lecture on poverty.
'You know what they say about honey and flies..'
'Sorry, honey, didnt catch that, too busy being fly 😎'
'Ya know you catch more flies...'
'Ya know, I have a five yr old friend who's mom keeps the honey bottle after its gone and paints the inside to look like there's still honey in it and she makes it a magic game to have pretend honey with their meals so that they can PRETEND whatever they have to eat in the far too empty pantry tastes OK. I guess what I'm saying is that if *I* had an excess of honey'-super kids eyes are wide and sardonic now- 'I would simply give the excess those who actually *need* it.'
It could be really interesting how it effects the culture too because I feel like at some point the kids would start to trust and look to teenagers more than adults (because in their limited life experience, teens seem to have kids best interests at heart even when the adults don't,) and what exactly would THAT look like?
Just angry super powered kids doing what angry non super powered kids are doing irl I guess.
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bitchesgetriches · 4 years
So background, I'm an Indian Transwoman and I think a lot of people could benefit from hearing this. (This starts off long and depressing, but will have some good tips)
1) We lose so much right out the gate. In highschool I had done incredibly well for myself and had 2 job offers for 60k + a year as web developer the day I turned 18. I was also running an IT company under one of my profs LLC. I got outted at the end of Junior year. I lost both those job offers, and all except 2 business connections. The day I was outted I had 5k in contracts cancelled. When that went down the drain, I pushed hard at Papa John's. There I was told "I'm one of the good ones", little did I know the "training exam" I was taking was actually my shift manager's GM training. Realizing it later I pushed to get that position. My District Manager said I could be a GM 1 month after I turned 18 in his district. The day I turned 18 I actually had to flee town for my safety. I transferred to another district, where the district manager made a point to secretly deny me even a shift lead promotion for years. I wound up being an interim GM while the district manager was looking for another one. Mind you they still hadn't even promoted me to shift lead. When I worked at a store in a City with trans job protections, I reported some transphobia and was immediately transferred to a store outside city limits where I wasn't legally protected. Later down the road when I started to look for software developer position I ran into more problems. I have had 7 interviews where when I came in for an in person interview I didn't talk to anyone other than the receptionist cause I'm trans. Don't let anyone tell you that tech is a tolerant industry for trans people in general, there is vastly more acceptance for college educated white transwomen than for other transpeople, and even for college educated white transwomen it's hard.
2) I did learn a few tricks along the way though, don't put your pronouns in an application or anything like that. Don't introduce yourself with pronouns. Instead correct the person when they get it wrong the first time, and be sternly assertive (do the same if ur name is different than your application name). Keep this up throughout your first interaction/day. IF you end up seeing them a second time they'll usually treat you with more respect. Also the advice to not put your legal name on applications etc. can backfire, especially at larger companies where things are automated and background checks are done. I knew someone who got fired cause one of the company's terms and conditions used their not legal name.
The obvious caviat to this is that, every trans experience is different. What works with one person might make things worse with another.
3) Now this one is kinda a tip for trans people too. A super assertive cis person correcting people for you, will be far more useful than spending all your energy 🥄 s correcting every sentence. As a transperson I've found the best jobs I've had are the ones where I've had a cis person who stood up for me without being asked. If you (a cis person) read or hear someone being misgendered, correct them and make that piece of shit feel as uncomfortable as possible. It's a shitty fact but me correcting someone on my pronouns has pretty much 0 effect after the 20th time. But every single time a cis person corrects another cis person it makes a difference. Being as aggressive and polite as you can be to make the piece of shit who's misgendering someone regret doing it is great. Making the Cis person spend as much effort dealing with the repercussions of misgendering someone, as the transperson has to spend dealing with transphobia. BUT Always listen to your trans co worker, if they say don't do something don't do it.
Also if you're hiring and wanna be trans inclusive, put something obvious on your application that shows your company puts in effort for transpeople. This can look like a lot of things :
Offer a legal and preferred name options and say something along the lines of "Your preferred name will be used in all possible situations, legal name will only be used for ___contracts etc. ___" MAKE THE PREFERRED NAME MANDATORY for all applications.
If you can get your company to list a donation they've made to a Trans supportive organization on the website is useful. Make the company put their money where their mouth is a good one is :
This was a rollercoaster of emotions!!! Thank you so much for detailing your experiences as a transwoman in the workplace for Transgender Awareness Week. You answered our questions far better than I ever anticipated! 
It is incredibly infuriating and demoralizing to hear about a talented person being chased out of an industry because of their identity. And I’m really glad you also mentioned how things might be different for a transwoman of color, rather than a white transwoman. Yet again, intersectional prejudice rears its ugly head! 
Thank you so much for including a bit about how we cisgender people can really help in the workplace, especially the bit about listening to our trans coworkers’ needs and how everyone’s experiences are different.
Keep the stories coming, trans citizens of Bitch Nation! We want to hear all about how being trans has affected your money and career, how you’ve dealt with these difficulties, and how the rest of us can help.
Queer Finance 101: Ten Ways That Sexual and Gender Identity Affect Finances 
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