#they're also definitely all dead accounts lmao
puraiuddo · 1 year
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filmhead-productions · 3 months
I know everyone and their mom has already said Snivy, Torchic, and Piplup will be the legends z-a starters. And they're completely 100% right, and here's why. Remember, this is only speculation, please don't take some rando's word as fact.
First off, evidence. I'm sure we've all already seen the Indigo Disk trailer with Snivy, Torchic, and Piplup with the previous legends starters, Rowlet, Cyndaquil, and Oshawott respectively.
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But has anyone said anything about the tera raids events? The first was Mighty Blaziken from January 19th to 21st; it's tera type was Flying type. And you're probably asking "but the new starters are probably getting megas and Blaziken already has one." Yes, but why can't he have two? Charizard and Mewtwo do, and Blaziken's quite popular, so a second mega isn't out of the question in my eyes.
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Next was Mighty Empoleon from February 9th to 11th. It's tera type was Ice type.
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As of this post, Serperior has yet to get a raid event, but I believe the next starter tera raid will be this haughty plant snake, and I believe it's tera type will be Fighting. Why? Because it completes this type trio:
Fighting > Ice > Flying
So we have three starters who final evolutions will be Fire/Flying, Water/Ice, and Grass/Fighting. But why these types specifically? Strap in, because this is where things get interesting.
Everyone knows that Empoleon is based on Napoleon Bonaparte, infamous general and emperor of France. So why not Water/Fighting? Because in 1812, Napoleon attempted to lead an army into Russia to conquer it. What he failed to account for was the frigid weather, which took out the majority of his troops and forced them to retreat. So maybe Kalosian Empoleon will be in this constant state of near freezing based on this event, it would be a glass cannon.
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People chose Torchic as the fire starter since the rooster is France's national animal. It became France's symbol because in ancient times, when the Roman Empire occupied France (then named Gaul), the rooster wasn't worshipped, but rather the god it symbolized, Mercury, the Roman god of travelers, communication, and many others things. Mercury was also known for being very, very fast. So maybe Kalosian Blaziken will be a speedy pokemon.
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About the travelers and communication bit, perhaps this oversized chicken will also be inspired by messenger pigeons, which were used during World War I to send messages across countries. (Let's hope that if abilities come back, this doesn't get speed boost again, lmao)
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Finally, we come to Serperior. Pokemon designer Ken Sugimori said that Serperior was inspired by a manga called The Rose of Versailles, we all know this. It's about a woman raised as a boy trained to be a royal guard, who later leaves to join the side of the revolution. Kalosian Serperior could look more like a literal rose, covered in thorns, and will probably have a lance for a tail. This snake will definitely be both offensive and defensive, best of both worlds.
So we have a general, a guard, and a messenger. The theme surrounding these three things seems to be wartimes. A hint at the story maybe? Honestly, I could be dead wrong on this, but I don't care, I love this trio, I hope I at least get close. I might make another post speculating with other starters. Any thoughts?
EDIT 3/31/24: Ok so the next tera raid was announced, and I was kind of right. It is a grass type starter. However, it's Meganium with Psychic tera type...
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Y'know what? I think I'll try and make a post predicting what this is about later.
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whetstonefires · 7 months
I hope you're having an excellent day 😊😊😊 What about Wei Wuxian as Naruto?
Thanks! It was pretty good. I organized my embroidery floss and took advantage of being alone in the building to dance around like a maniac for about 20 minutes. My cat hated it. My knees aren't sure they approve either.
Wei Wuxian as Naruto has a lot going for it right out the gate. Orphaned sunshine boy protagonist types, now we're cooking with propane. They're even both fox coded!
However, at the risk of stating the obvious, if Wei Wuxian were Naruto he wouldn't be Naruto anymore. That is. Fundamental to Wei Wuxian is that he is brilliant and talented and he damn well knows it. He would excel without effort in ninja school--not as much as he did in Jiang Sect unless he unlike Naruto was still getting personal mentoring in honor of his late father, but still.
Difference is, when this Wei Wuxian slacks off in class and the teacher tries to embarrass him, if he reels off the correct answer and then reinvents senjutsu from first principles in a creepy-sounding way for a lark just to show off, the teacher is not going to think that he's just like his annoying late mother. (Though he'll still have one. Kushina and Cangse Sanren are fairly similar Dead Mom archetypes too.)
The teacher is going to think things like, no real child would say that shit and I'm expected to teach the monster fox that killed my family basic ninjutsu I hate this I hate this we're all gonna die.
So basically this Wei Wuxian gets his Yiling Laozu reputation mod as part of the starter pack. I don't think he'd handle it super gracefully! But not the worst, either.
Not even as badly as he did in the actual version, probably, on account of he doesn't know his own dark secret. So he can't self-isolate to protect it. Though him pulling away from people once he does learn would be cool.
He'd probably have forged slightly stronger social ties rather sooner than Naruto did, even if he was just as neglected and radioactive; Wei Wuxian doesn't care what people think of him nearly as much as Naruto does, but in some ways he's a more genuinely social person, and he's got much better social intuition, so it's easier for him to figure out what people want and either do that or not do that on purpose.
He'd have at least a bunch of casual friends. Mostly civilians, and other kids from ninja school whose parents told them not to play with him but they did anyway.
Wei Wuxian cannot do therapy no jutsu. He does not have that ability to confront and exist with emotional discomfort or that intensity of interest in what is going on with other people.
He does however have some level of Friendship Beam Attack (the plot to some extent hinges utterly on how effectively it hit Wen Ning) and it would presumably be more effective, in a shounen context.
But that's the thing, Wei Wuxian isn't really built to confront shounen manga style problems. Or, well, he is, but he's overbuilt for them; they're his bread and butter. One of Naruto's key motifs, early on at least before we got into the heavy power creep, is not being a genius.
Wei Wuxian, by definition, is a genius. He is the kind of guy who walks up to shounen manga sorts of problems scaled to what ought to be his level, handles them, and goes 'what, like it's hard?'
Wei Wuxian is designed to be destroyed not by external threats but by his own loyalties, politics, and lies. (Which was a point of confluence with Itachi I didn't really touch on because the flow was so different lmao.)
He's also, otoh, designed to be destroyed. Naruto is designed to start off artificially low and climb steadily up toward heaven. (Ymmv on how this worked out but he sure did escalate.)
You have to pick which schema to apply when performing the fusion--I mean, it's not either-or, the whole deal with Wei Wuxian is he goes through the entire arc of a tragedy and then comes back to life and stars in a romcom. These things can superimpose and stack. But there are structural decisions that have to be made early.
So anyway, Wei Wuxian as Naruto is not going to enter the Genin Team phase of life with the same priorities, even if he has largely conducted himself about the same way hitherto. 'Proving himself' so 'people will accept him' is not a motive that works for this character--you basically have to give him actual precious people earlier just to get him to care about attaining ninja rank at all.
Otherwise he would probably much rather loaf his way through his teens stealing jutsu and making trouble. Which is the well-adjusted reaction to the idea of becoming a child soldier, like. He likes recognition but 'showing off' is a reason he does dumb fun things, not difficult high-commitment ones. He's like if Shikamaru had ADHD and no parents.
Being twelve is going to make him dumber, but I can't see it making him not the kind of person who stops caring about his marks in school if the teacher is hostile.
If Wei Wuxian here isn't acting out of appreciation for the Hokage raising him, or something like that, you have to give him a practical motive to enter military service like 'Konoha stops supporting orphans out of the public purse at thirteen so he's got to get some kind of job and ninja is the least boring option' which. Is significantly less like either Naruto or Wei Wuxian in terms of reasons to do anything, and starts getting into solidly OC territory.
The whole fact that Konoha's worldbuilding centers around an attempt to move away from decentralized clannish social organization and promote the idea of shared, communal social institutions and (in theory) civil society, and the ways this does and does not work out for people especially considering it is still a relatively small military dictatorship, honestly interfaces super interestingly with how, in Mo Dao Zu Shi, one of the underlying challenges backstopping all character choice is that there is no feasible alternative to the clan system, and you have to pick a family-faction to depend upon and submit yourself to, or face the world with no safety net.
Like. Huh.
.....Kishimoto is honestly unusually-for-shounen well-grounded in the genres he's riffing on tbh, for all my bitching there were some very good reasons his work found such success; I would have liked to see what kind of story he produced without the insane pressures of the Weekly part of Weekly Shounen Jump. I wonder if he'll ever publish again. For all I know he already is lmao.
So anyway, however we manage it we get Wei Wuxian on his genin team with like. Lan Wangji and Mianmian or whoever. Actually that's hilarious. Yeah, make it lwj and lqy, both of them so done with his shit.
Setting up some wild role-reversal here--Lan Wangji being the one to go Away and Wei Wuxian asking him to stay? Or Naruto-person leaving into the dark, and Sasuke-person remaining and calling for him to come back? Either way. Getting some inversion. Tasty.
Where does this leave Jiang Cheng, though? Because in a lot of ways Uchiha 'Deuteragonist by Editorial Mandate' Sasuke is straddling both roles.
In many ways Wangxian is much more like if Naruto had an endgame romance with Neji. Which is a great ship tbh, I saw very little of it back in the day?? In a series with a smaller cast or with less Sasuke Creep (not sasuke being a creep, it's like power creep) it would probably have done numbers.
...Naruto going away for that timeskip really limited his opportunity to make connections in the village huh.
I guess it depends on the kind of narrative you're trying to put together. On one hand, you can do Jiang Fengmian as the rather-more-involved Third Hokage, with Jiang Cheng as an aged-up Konohamaru kind of figure. And then Jiang Yanli is standing in as both Iruka and. I know I know the ramen guy's name. Ichiraku. Soup! XD Emotionally significant soup!
But with a different backstory than either lmao. Kurama very possibly killed Yu Ziyuan in this universe, though I can't visualize her as a midwife.
[[[Why do I have so much Naruto lore on tap, there is no life value in knowing Sarutobi Hiruzen's wife was at ground zero of the Kyuubi attack because she was the expert overseeing Uzumaki Kushina's childbirth a;kdj;lafdks. I do not remember the things I was actually studying in high school nearly this well.]]]
(Actually Jin Ling is Konohamaru and Jiang Cheng is aged-down Asuma. But whatever.)
And in this case Wei Wuxian's genin team is Lan Wangji and Mianmian under idk who. Lan Qiren, possibly, although he seems more the Ebisu type. Lan Xichen? (It's not like he can serve as a plausible Itachi. Can you imagine.) Actual Kakashi, possibly; we can't replace everyone with mdzs characters; the cast sizes don't square.
Kakashi training Wei Wuxian is very funny to think about. He deserves this.
Or on the other hand for a different pacing and focus, the genin team is him, Jiang Cheng, and Jiang Yanli under Jiang Fengmian, who dies sometime after or probably during the climax of the chuunin exams. And Sarutobi stays Hokage, and probably doesn't die during the chuunin exams. And we aim for a Naruto/Neji kind of romance storyline lol.
What is the Lan Wangji equivalent of Neji exposing his caged bird seal in front of god and everybody and ranting (it is very unclear at what effective volume though you'd think the proctors would have shut him up if he could be heard from the stadium seating that shit was sedition) about his traumatic backstory and the deep injustices in his family's system of hierarchy? I'm gonna say Not That.
Wei Wuxian versus Lan Wangji important ideological-conflict bonding duel in the Chuunin exam finals sounds excellent though.
Either way Wei Wuxian is going to get much more thoroughly involved in the ugly ninja politics than Naruto ever did, and he's going to hate it so so bad and at least temporarily lose so so so hard. A likely story element is he becomes troublesome enough he winds up having to flee the village ahead of a scheme by Danzou to (fatally) rip the Kyuubi out of him and implant it in some thoroughly conditioned ROOT kid.
Maybe Wen Ning?? Idk. I'm mostly saying this because Wen Ning 1) canonically gets Victimized and Transformed and 2) shares some notes with Sai. And this means he's leaving, in part, for Wen Ning, which ties into some plot and character stuff from their original narrative. You could make it work.
Also him taking the replacement human sacrifice with him when he books it would be hysterical.
Anyway he's branded a missing nin and it is, canonically, illegal for him to tell anyone who doesn't already know about the kyuubi thing, so both Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji are appropriately what the fucking fuck and receive no adequate answer. This is a workable plot element.
Either the Jiangs or the Lans are the Uchiha, here, which has its own story value, lots of fun to be had. Gotta engineer a way he's protecting Jiang Cheng--does Danzou want to make him the jinchuuriki? Is Orochimaru or his replacement making a play for Jiang Cheng's bloodline limit, whatever it is, fun if it's eyeballs, and Wei Wuxian bargains to give him a jinchuuriki instead? Hmmm.
You want an inside and an outside threat, the obvious viper and the political spider, so you can silo information and make sure nobody entirely knows what's going on.
If it's Jiang Cheng who's assigned the role of bloodline limit macguffin, I have the very wicked urge to cast Yu Ziyuan as some combination of Itachi and Obito. Very Vader kind of effect.
Jin Guangyao as Kabuto, excellent, I need that innocent smile and those torture skills. This may require making Jin Guangshan much smarter than he really is just to fill out the ranks, or again you can keep Danzou as himself.
Tsunade is amusingly enough occupying an overlapping Baoshan Sanren and Wen Qing position; given one of them impersonated the other that time you'd have to do something with that. She's also got some Yu Ziyuan vibe up ofc. Tsunade just contains an entire franchise's supply of girlboss tbh.
Who could possibly stand in for Jiraiya, nobody, but at the same time. Wei Wuxian (with internal sapient asshole nuke) apprenticing under Jiraiya of the Sannin sounds like enough problem-creating goofy jackass genius clown energy in one place to open a singularity. That's too much. No narrative could survive.
Anyway someone please feel free to write this, I am intrigued but also will 100percent never ever put in the time it would take to realize any version of this concept.
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lemonhemlock · 8 months
That anon does have a point when saying that lots of Aemond x OC fics (especially where the OC is a daughter of Rhaenyra) use some of the same plot points for their made up character. For example they will have their OC, instead of Luke (sometimes he will not exist at all in the fics and she takes his place), be the one who takes Aemond's eye which is even more startling when, as an adult, he will hopelessly fall in love with OC, is ready to sacrifice everything, abandon his family and switch sides just to marry her something that will almost never happen in the opposite case. While yes, Aemond developing an obsession with the person who took his eye is very normal, falling in love is a totally different thing and seems forced and just…unrealistic? And it's very weird when you see team black stans complaining from time to time about the amount of Aemond fics on AO3 paired with a daughter of Rhaenyra's falling in love with him and betraying her side when 99% of the same fics are written by other team black fans and have Aemond doing the switching sides thing lmao.
Of course people are free to write whatever they want about fictional characters, but after a while these type of fics are quite tiring since they're following the same plot points and tropes, more or less: she takes his eye or defends her brother doing the same without even trying to understand Aemond's POV, is either a Strong or Daemon's bastard masquerading as a trueborn Velaryon, rides Vermithor or Cannibal and knows how to control them unlike Aemond, behaves and sounds like a modern day feminist or is a girlboss who, unlike all the other ladies, knows how to fight using a sword and so on while Aemond behaves like a dumb simp all the time and is constantly villainized by the narrative (as well as most of the commentators) for being a misogynist who hates seeing women in power because why is he not swearing allegiance to his half-sister in two seconds????!!! Not to mention that in most of those fics the greens are villainized to the point where they seem like cartoon characters, especially Alicent who is always characterized as the worst mother ever who doesn't love her children at all or as a religious extremist. I've had to quit reading some precisely because of reasons like these despite them being popular and amongst the fics that were very well written otherwise. Nowadays if I really want to read an Aemond/OC fic (or an Aegon one) I'd probably search and choose one in which the OC is a lady from some random house…at least with these ones you have a lesser chance of being disappointed down the road if you're a green fan.
oh definitely the aemond x oc fics really started to get very derivative after a couple of months and the template you provided is really spot-on. but those traitor!aemond fics (where luke is replaced by another black-aligned OC) were never really written by greens anyway, so it's funny that anon thought to complain about that in the askbox of a green account :)) i also noped out of quite a few fics when they started with the alicent-bashing, i just don't have the patience for that & it was rarely even nuanced criticism anyway, at least not in my travels
i don't really know what the state of the nation is nowadays, if lucemonds really discovered body horrror, but at the time i was complaining about it, their dead doves were, at most, ridiculous dungeon sex slave fics that would be on par, comedic-wise, with Unhinged by Vera Valentine or Stuffed by the Were-Turkey by Tate McKirk. and, like, good for you if you enjoy the silliness of it, bc it's never really that serious, but, equally, be aware that people are going to poke some lighthearted fun at you for it
the thing about lucemond is that, while there is definitely basis in the enemies-to-lovers trope or the idea of obsessing over your tormentor, at the end of the day they have to be honest with themselves and admit that they started shipping it after they watched hotd. it's an entirely show thing, no one shipped those two when only Fire & Blood existed. and, say what you will, but there is no shipping subtext in the show about this either, PLUS the visual discrepancy between the actors' ages makes it really not secksual at all. like, that is clearly a grown man and a barely pubescent teenager, there is no "story chemistry" to speak of :)) and i'm not even talking about the squeamish implications of that taboo topic, but there is 0 such <chemistry> or buildup in the text of FB and there is 0 in the media text of the two hotd episodes where both of them appear. not from the part of the actors and not from the part of the technical crew that filmed and edited it. i would love for someone to point out at least 1 such frame that indicated lust or longing or some kind of repressed romantic feeling. so it's only natural people are treating it as some kind of crackship.
anyway it's funny people are still in the grips of lucemond more than one year on. by all means do what you want, but, man, you gotta make some allowances for the goofiness of it all :))
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oliversrarebooks · 6 months
More world building questions lol cause they're fun to ask (and in my experience, also fun to answer)
-What other magical creatures are in this world other than vampires, witches, and fae? Are they gonna show up later in the story? How do they interact with each other and with the human world? Is this a "magical creatures secretly run the world and don't tell humans because that would be inconvenient" type of story, or a "magical creatures have to hide in the shadows to avoid being wiped out" kind of story?
-How many vampires are there? How widespread are they? Are there vampire communities or do they all live among humans like Alexander?
-What other vampire powers do they have? Can they turn into bats, fly, etc?
-Is there vampire religion? Is it structured or informal? Is it common?
-How much of vampires are science and how much is magic?
-Assuming no shortage of blood, are vampires immortal? If a child was turned, would they be a child vampire forever?
-Can/do vampires have biological families (with children from after they're turned)?
As before, no pressure to answer these lmao
Yay more questions! I hope my worldbuilding isn't too half-baked. Obviously this story is mostly focused on a narrow slice of the supernatural world.
Apart from vampires, witches (and wizards), and faefolk, there are definitely also merfolk, werewolves, and various types of ghosts and spirits. I reserve the right to include whatever supernatural creatures float my boat at the moment. None of these apart from the vampires are going to play a huge role in this story, but I might keep it in mind for spinoffs / AUs.
I think I'd classify this as more of a "secret parallel society" situation. Certainly in the past the supernatural creatures have been in danger of being wiped out, and there have also been times when supernatural creatures have hidden among humans and risen to positions of power, but for the most part, vampires and the like concern themselves with their own business.
I'm not going to put an exact number on how many vampires there are because that's how writers get into trouble. It's not like anyone's conducting a vampire census, anyway, so the number in-universe is not known. The vampire population is very small compared to the human population -- perhaps around 0.3% or so.
Vampires exist all over the world. They nearly all live in cities, because the thick population makes it easier to feed and take thralls. While vampire communities may have existed at some point, it is very much not the norm. Vampires tend to be paranoid and suspicious of other vampires, especially if there's competition for blood involved, so they do much better spread out in areas that have an ample human population. Vampires also rely on human production for most kinds of luxury and leisure goods, which is another reason why they stay near population centers.
Vampire powers -- I'll make a separate post on this.
There is no vampire religion. Vampires generally renounce all religion, although some still practice the trappings of whatever religion they had while alive, such as holiday festivities. (For example, Alexander, who was Catholic when he was human, still has a bit of affection for Christmas festivities).
Science vs. magic - let's just go with magic. There are rules behind it, but the only way vampires could work as they're laid out in this series is by magic.
Vampires are effectively immortal, and remain at the age at which they're turned forever. They are largely immune to disease and heal all wounds quickly, except for those caused by silver weapons which take much longer.
A child who is turned would be a child vampire forever. Drinking from and especially siring children is extremely taboo.
Vampires cannot have children after they've been turned, on account of being technically dead.
Thanks for asking so many questions! It's fun to consider the answers.
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gendrie · 1 year
was on a little walk listening to "Running up that Hill" and because I'm having an unfortunate asoiaf/gendrya relapse, my mind connected the two. the song (being about the wish to understand the others' perspective) loosely applies to Gendry and Arya in ASOS, I think!
Arya doesn't fully understand the class difference or Gendry's outlook on it, she thus misinterprets his decision to join the Brotherhood as him leaving her. The biggest miscommunication, aside from him leaving her has got to be the Peach ("too bloody lowborn to be kin to m'lady high") with Arya lacking the understanding of class and sexuality that Gendry has and thus both incensing him and being perplexed and confused at his anger.
Another thing is that Gendry can't fully see things from Arya's perspective either, as far as being a lady goes. He can't fully reconcile her relation to Hoster Tully and the role her family played in the war with what he actually knows of her nature and morality and starts eyeing her when it comes up and ocasionally throwing her status in her face. He also kind of tries to reassure her re: Jon and Ned and Ashara by being like "well they're dead now" and just overall doesn't seem to get it?
Also the running/ hill/road imagery might have played a part :) !
i thought i was mostly out for a minute but then something happened and now im obsessed again lmao. that evil old man is holding us hostage! running up that hill (a deal with god) definitely works for arya/gendry. i love it. the conflicts in their relationship are caused by misunderstanding as a result of their different perspectives on class among other things. all relationships have conflict bc all people are complex and nobody has the same exact pov. thats literally what defines asoiaf. even arya and gendry's song, within the text, is about that. he wants to live in a castle and she wants to live in the forest. their love isnt in question just their different perspectives on living arrangements.
on the issue of class for arya it’s not just that she was raised being allowed to socialize with anyone regardless of class. she’s also spent a lot of formative time as a member of the smallfolk, essentially. she has gone hungry, she has worked as a slave, worn rags, ect. to begin with she always felt like a bad lady and an outsider. the line is more blurred for her than almost any other character. she doesn't feel like it effects their relationship. she tells him come to winterfell with me and stay!!!! not realizing the inherent class division is a major problem.
to be fair arya doesn’t even understand why she’s upset by the idea her father loved a woman before her mother. but thats another place where their povs are different. arya’s parents had a loving marriage that she, honestly, idolizes. gendry is the bastard child of a deadbeat and a woman who died when he was small.
i’d add that arya herself has a difficult time reconciling the crimes committed by her brother and grandfather’s armies. i would actually argue its more difficult for her. arya almost broke down when confronted with that. this isnt something they're truly at odds about. when arya gives the northmen mercy she does so from gendry's shoulders. idt he throws her status in her face on account of the war crimes but yeah, gendry does try to find an alternate path to serving the high lords. of course, the bwb become corrupted and now he’s serving "m'lady" despite his earlier protests. in a way they kinda did swap places? gendry is loyal to her mother on this mission to kill the freys and lannisters while arya is attempting to forsake it all. i don’t think it’s a coincidence they both ended up in murder gangs either. when they’re reunited they will be able to understand each other better. 
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writingpencil · 2 months
Beyond the Monster
Holy shit, this one is SIX years old (2019)
It definitely shows too (*sigh* cringe is dead but my era shows)
So, the OG concept was that, two years ago, a zombie outbreak made teens Rhys, Kiki, Jon, and Zyrann form a group to survive. Now they're nineteen, almost twenty, on their way to South Carolina, where there's supposedly an outpost.
However, Zyrann(1st person POV) gets sepereated from his group(I honest to god thought Zyrann was a girlie lmao oops) and has a bad accident. Thankfully, they are saved by Zero and his wolf, Echo, who later agree to help him reunite with his friends.
(Also Zy's group calls the zombies "mutants" while Zero calls them "roamers")
“Kiki Taria,” 
“Jon Rider?”
“Present and accounted for.”
“Rhys Brewer?”
“I’m not late!”
The rest of the class, including our teacher Mr. Dendwin,laughed at Rhys’s usual “jokes”, if you can even call them that. I never found Rhys to be funny, or Jon to be smart, or Kiki to be pretty, but they were. Some could say they were the best part about humans, their minds beyond what is natural.
That’s major league bs. 
They were like the rest of us; human. 
And yet I found myself being friends with these three. . .
Not my choice, parents are friends so we spent many an afternoon at each other's houses and played in the backyard.
Well. They played and I sat in a corner reading. 
I do that all too much; read. 
I read all I can, whatever you put in front of me I’ll read it. Something else. . . I draw, whatever that’s good for. I’m actually drawing right now, ignoring what Mr. Dendwin is saying other than listening for my own name. 
“Zyrann Zen.”
I simply just raised my hand, a custom between my teachers and I. They simply mark me down and I don’t have to speak. 
I adjusted my mask, and continued to draw. 
Kiki passed me a note, neatly folded up in that “perfect” way. 
She didn’t write it tho, the handwriting belongs to Jon;
Hey Zyrann,
Would you like to join Kiki, Rhys, and I for lunch in the library? We plan on going there again after school. Also, Rhys said it was okay that you could stay with him.
Just show up.
I’m going to show, lunch is boring and there is no heart in my home. . .
Chapter 1
Where the heart is
“Wake up, Zyrann.” Kiki had to shake me in order for me to wake up. 
I just looked up as if her shaking me didn’t, almost, give me a concussion. “Kiki, where are Rhys and Jon?”
“They took the jeep to Misty Hollows,” Kiki said, she started to cook an MRE we found.  And of course they took the jeep, that’s Jon’s intelligence for you. He’s a smart cookie. 
“Kiki, you’re cooking it wrong.”
I re-showed her how to actually cook an MRE. Thankfully we even had MREs, none of us have anything to make a fire with. 
Please don’t underestimate Kiki, she really is smart but she gets absent-minded a lot. Not her fault, actually, it’s a trait that her family passed down. She use to complete her homework and tests that way; staring off into space and letting her subconscious do all the work, she never got a wrong answer.
Kiki and I had shared the MRE, she said the boys had shared a can of peaches before they headed out. Misty Hollows looks promising for medical supplies as well as food, with little to no mutants. 
Mutants. . . Right.
Mutants are the equivalent of the roaming, walking, crawling, ugly dead that people love to butcher from comics. But, our version of mutants are different since they separate into categories. 
There are the walkers; they can’t run or move at all unless it is walking. They are really easy to avoid and super weak, and may be pathetic if you die from one of them. A horde is the same way, except it’s twice as terrifying. 
Then runners; Only run, and not as weak as the walkers but weak enough to be considered weak. They are fast, faster than the average human, and hard to run from. A horde is. . . imagine a large group and they are trying to get you and eat you while you try and run ahead. Yup, that’s scary.
Crawlers are typically legless, and that’s not a joke. They crawl, they sneak, they bite. And some can crawl on walls. . . I like to call them spiders. 
Next is the Brawlers. They’re twice the size of a six foot human, and could probably one punch you. They typically are surrounded by a horde of mutants, walkers, so the walkers can find the humans and the brawler can destroy them. In one world, they are demons. In the other world, they are like protective mothers who are only trying to feed their babies. I’m not joking; I observed a brawler and her crowd and she literally grabbed a carcass and gave it to them. 
The father, or so I’ve seen, is what we call the Gladiator. They are two feet taller than Brawlers and can destroy entire buildings as tall as New York’s skyscrapers. And the Gladiator, because there is only one or two, remains in Manhattan eating whatever he can catch. 
Thankfully we managed to avoid Brawlers and the Gladiator, but that’s because we stick to the trees since Brawlers and Gladiator cannot go through them without damaging themselves first. 
“Zyrann. . .” Kiki said. 
Kiki simply shrugged. “If we were to make it to South Carolina, do you think we could make a pit stop in Sunstone Valley? It’s a pretty small town but I know where it is.”
I nodded. “I’m with you, I know you want to find Hayden. But, really, it’s up to Jon.”
Jon is our leader, he makes the major and most of the final decisions. For two reasons. One; Jon is smart. Two; Jon is logical. 
But, knowing Jon, he’ll let us go to Sunstone. 
We both stopped moving, and looked around making little noise as possible. I pulled out the pistol and readied it, Kiki took out her’s. 
“Zyrann. . . We don’t have silencers!” Kiki whispered to me. 
“I know,” I whispered back. “Don’t shoot unless absolutely necessary. Run if its a walker or crawler, shoot if its a runner.”
Jon’s gonna hate me if I get Kiki killed. 
“Stand.” I whispered as I stood myself. Kiki followed. “Get your bag.”
Kiki, quietly, put on her bag. She keeps the food and water. I already have my bag on, I keep track of whatever they miss. Jon has back-up weapons and ammo, Rhys takes the medical supplies. 
A surprise from our joker; He’s a decent doctor. 
Kiki got out her walkie-talkie. “Rhys, Jon, come get us. There’s something here and it’s not friendly.”
Jon’s static voice came through; “We’re coming back, meet us by the road.”
Kiki and I just got out of there, the woods I mean, and we waited by the road at the ready. Honestly, I’m sure we just panicked and it was just a mouse or rabbit or something. . . But I rather be safe than sorry. Especially these days. 
That same black jeep sped on over to where Kiki and I were waiting. 
“Hey party people!” Rhys said, thankfully Jon was the one driving. “Get in already! Zyrann, your mask is crooked.”
I fixed my mask as I got in. 
“Where we heading off?” Kiki asked.
“South Carolina, where else?” Rhys deserved that slap to his head. 
Jon took off before he answered. “I was thinking we’d go to Redwick, then we could make a stop to Silverkeep, and then Icemeet.”
That would take us a week, that’s without pit stops or resting or sleeping. 
“Did I make you mute, Zyrann?” Rhys asked, we had been driving for an hour or two and he and Kiki switched seats. 
I pointed to my mask. 
“Sorry,” Rhys said. “Can you talk, please? I’m real sorry!”
I looked out the window, completely ignoring Rhys. 
My mask. . . Yes, my mask. . .
My mask is just a plain white hockey mask that covers all of my face, the mouth area had a red ‘x’ over it. . . I’ve been wearing this mask my entire life, from birth and soon to death. And, for some reason, whenever someone mentions it I immediately don’t talk for the rest of the day or longer. I remember going silent for an entire week because someone mentioned it.
I also remember not talking for a month when Rhys attempted to touch it.
Heh, he still tries to touch it.
“Come on Zyrann!” Rhys whined. “I’m sorry!”
I ignored him. 
Jon and Kiki looked at one another, they nodded. 
Kiki looked back at us. “We need to make a pit stop for gas, in Civil.”
Jon drove into Civil, parking the car away from the gas station. Kiki got out with Jon and they both went to get gas. . . What?
An awkward silence loomed between Rhys and I, Kiki and Jon weren’t coming back until he and I made up or something stupid like that. But talking is out of question.
That doesn’t mean Rhys isn’t going to try.
“So,” He started with. “For once, it’s not raining huh? It’s nice out, I like it!”
Although I agree, I’m still not talking Rhys. 
“Remember when you use to sleep over?”
Rhys. . . Why would you bring that up? What are you doing, Rhys?
I shifted my gaze over to Rhys, he was looking down at his hands, which shifted nervously.
Rhys continued; “I was always confused on why you wore that mask, even when you sleep. I always thought that is must of been uncomfortable. . . You know I almost saw you without your mask once?”
I twitched.
“Funny enough, it was two years ago. . . Before everything went down.”
That day? 
“Yeah,” Rhys said, he noticed I twitched. “You were in the guest room and Mom sent me to go get you, you left the door opened. I almost caught you in the mirror but I opened the door and I didn’t get the chance. . .”
Yeah, I hate remembering that day. 
We were seventeen, last year of school. I do take my mask off, occasionally. Like bathing or sleeping, only when I’m by myself, and just because. I wanted to take it off that day, just to remember what I looked like. 
I stared myself for a good ten minutes, at my dark brown hair and way too “perfect” shade of blue eyes, my fairly translucent skin. . . Not an ounce of my father was there, just mother. Father said I was everything she was; looks, personality, skills, even our childhood was the same. 
But I doubt Mother would be happy with Father, she use to be so cheerful though that it's hard to imagine her being angry. 
Back to that day. . . 
Rhys had entered my room, bright and cheery and thrown a mouthful of breakfast puns at me. I had to quickly put my mask on, it was crooked so I fixed it and played it off as if that was what I was doing.
Then, his mother screamed. 
We both ran to see what was the matter. Rhys mother was on the floor, being eaten alive by some random lady that had spikes growing from her back. You could just see the life being drained. . .
I pushed Rhys back into my room, locked the door, and just started to panic. 
Rhys had to sit and he started to cry, his sobs stung me. . . Stabbed right through the heart. 
“She. . . she. . .” He could barely speak.
I sat beside him and comforted him the best I could. 
While Rhys cried into my shoulder, I called Jon. He and I made a plan and he drove to pick us up after Kiki. Rhys and I had exited through the window. And, we went from there. 
How can I stay silent after that?
“Rhys. . .” I barely managed to get out. “Come here. . .”
Rhys moved over to me, I instantly wrapped him into a hug. 
I hate this! I hate all of this! 
My best friend had to suffer, watching his mother get eaten before his very eyes! 
No. . . stop it Zyrann. . . you knew who she was. . . what kind of person she was. . .
You have to hold him, you’re all he has left anymore.
“Sorry Rhys. . .” 
“It’s fine, my fault anyways.”
“No. . .”
Rhys laughed. “I really do want to see you though.”
“No. . .”
“I can’t just,” Rhys reached for my mask. “Pull this off and-”
I grabbed his wrist. “No.”
“Can you say something other than no?” 
I smiled. “Yes.”
Rhys rolled his eyes. “I hate you.”
“Not again! I will hit you!” 
I immediately exited the car and sprinted towards Jon and Kiki, with Rhys chasing me. I hid behind Jon and couldn’t stop laughing, or giggling, doesn’t make a big difference.
“We can’t leave the kids alone for two minutes!” Jon said.
“We’re older than you!” Rhys retaliated. 
That part is true, but we’re all nineteen and soon to be twenty for Rhys and I. 
“Aw, come on, Jon,” Kiki said. “At least Zyrann is feeling better,”
Jon nodded. “Come on, back to the car we go.”
Usually, one of us would groan or complain, even Jon, but by now. . . I’m sure we’re use to the road in the two year span we’ve been driving. The first car was Jon’s, that ran out of gas. Our second car got kidnapped by false friends. This is our third car.
Right now; Jon’s driving, Kiki is looking at CDs, and Rhys was searching through his bag. 
“Rock or Punk?” Kiki asked.
Jon voted on “Rock.”
Rhys voted on “Punk.”
Kiki looked at me and I just shrugged. Personally, I like rock music and punk isn’t bad either. I’m not real picky when it comes to music, same way with most things. 
“Um,” Kiki closed her eyes and randomly chose one. Rock. “Oh! Okay!”
Rhys rolled his eyes. Rhys hates rock music, for some reason, and doesn’t like punk music either. He just has some type of hatred towards it, so he went with the music he hated less. 
To end Rhys suffering, I took out some ear plugs I had. As I mentioned before, I keep everything I consider useful. That doesn’t mean I don’t carry food, water, or weapons. 
“Here.” I said, giving Rhys the ear plugs.
He happily took them and smiled when he couldn’t hear a thing. 
We had to make a stop for the night, we were all too tired to continue. So Jon parked the car off road, we were surrounded by forest. We all got out, Jon sat in the cargo back of the jeep while Rhys and I chilled on the ground. Kiki took out two cans of oranges, which I opened with one of the two can openers I had. 
“You can eat Rhys.” I said, giving him the can. 
“You gotta eat too Zyrann.”
“I’m fine, I’m not hungry anyway.”
I smiled, even though Rhys can’t see it. 
I stood and started to walk towards the forest.
“Where you going?” Rhys asked.
“My business.” I said and continued to walk away. 
“You should take your bag.” Jon said.
I shrugged. “I’m going to be gone for two minutes, I’m sure I’ll be fine.”
Honestly, I wasn’t planning on doing what they thought I was. I was going to be by myself for two minutes, chill in a tree without my mask on. 
I did find a suitable tree that I was able to climb up and just relax in. I took off my mask and breathe in the air. A gentle breeze blew, my hair moved ever so slightly with the leaves of the trees and the grass on the ground. I stared at my mask, just for a moment, before switching my gaze back to the trees. 
The call of a wolf’s echoed from somewhere in the forest, they are not common here other than in wildlife parks and zoos. I never liked either, no one likes being caged or watched, or laughed at.
Wolves are beautiful creatures, I read many tales about wolves - both fiction and non-fiction. I like the black wolves the most, the white wolves taking second, followed by greys and the others are just fourth together. It was the way I grew up; liking dark things more than fairy tales. Mother was the same way, she read to me these stories she called “creepypastas”, essentially internet scary stories spread around. My favorite is-
I guess I really am like Mother, getting off topic. 
Hmpt. That wolf likes howling, maybe it's unaware of how the mutants work. They love sound. It’s not about sight, many mutants have bad eyesight, but the other senses will guide them like a parent with their child. 
I do not blame the wolf for not knowing, it sounds really young. Wolves live to six or eight years in the wild, maybe it’s right around two years old. . .
When a minute passed, I put on my mask and made my way down the tree and started the trek back to the group. 
I instantly became loss. 
I ended up just wandering the forest for minutes at end, sure that everyone was worried sick about me. 
The wolf had howled again, it was closer to me than before. . . 
“Shi-!” I wasn’t looking where I was going and completely, blindly, fell off a cliff. 
I’m not even exaggerating, I fell and rolled on the side of a cliff into a river at least ten feet deep and sunk to the bottom. 
There was no current, so I just stayed at the bottom. . .
I lost consciousness. . . In a sea of black. . .
Chapter 2
Wrong type of person
“Shh Echo,” A voice said, it sounded male but soft. “Hand me the disinfectant. . . thanks pup.”
I felt a sharp sting to my side, it made me move and let out a similar sound to pain. 
“Easy, Echo,” The voice spoke. “He’s just waking up. No, pup, leave his mask alone.”
I blinked a couple times, the sun blinded me and I immediately shut them. I went to sit up but a hand was placed on my chest and kept me on the ground.
“Don’t move,” The voice said. “You hurt yourself and will take out your stitches.”
“S-Stitches?” I managed to squeak out. 
“Yes, you cut your head open. It’s not as bad as you’d think.”
I felt someone, maybe the person the voice belongs to, wrap some bandages around my stomach and side. 
The voice chuckled. “You took quite a beating, falling off of Divers’ Cliff like that- Echo! Down girl!”
I felt a pressure against my chest making me cough, it was gone just a second after, followed by a whimper.
“Shush Echo, I know you’re trying to help, pup.”
“Who. . . are you?” I asked.
“Drag the bag under the tree, pup.” The voice avoided my question. “Yes Echo, I’m sure I can pick him up.”
“Hold still.”
He placed his hands and arms on my back and under my knees and lifted me off the ground. It hurt and it took all of me not to complain. He moved me only a couple feet away in the shade of a tree and had me lay against it. 
“You’re out of the sun,” The voice said. “You can open your eyes.”
Which I did.
Before me was a man kneeling in front of me. He had platinum blonde hair and dark green eyes, pale as me, wearing a dark green hoodie with the hood up and a pair of jeans and running shoes. He wasn’t frowning, or smiling, he was just there. . . 
Staring at me. 
“Hello. . .” I soon became very nervous, and this was all I could say. 
“Hello.” He said, his voice surprised me, despite me already hearing it. 
A sleek black wolf nudged a dark green bag at this man’s side, it had blue eyes the shade of the sky. 
“Thank you, Echo,” The man said, petting the wolf’s ears and neck. “Good pup, arencha girl?”
The wolf accepted the man’s petting and licked his hand. The wolf, a female named Echo, turned to look at me.
“He’s all right, pup.” The man assured Echo. “He may be dazed though, so be soft.”
Echo nodded, then licked my cheek like a puppy meeting a new person.
The man looked up at the sky, mumbled something I couldn’t hear, then turned to Echo.
“Echo, hunt.”
Echo nodded and ran faster than the wind in a certain direction.
The man held his hand out to me, but my nervousness didn’t let me shake it. The man just simply put it down, rummaged through his bag, and took out a pill bottle. He took out one and put the bottle back in his bag.
“This should help,” He said. “It’s a pain pill, nothing too high but it will help nonetheless.”
“I’m not in pain.” I said. 
“You will be.”
“Is that a-”
“A threat?” The man cut me off. “No, but soon enough when your body becomes fully conscious with your mind your muscles will be sore and your bruises will be pain filled. Please, for your sake and mine, take it.”
I, extremely slowly, took the pill and swallowed it. 
“I. . .” What do I even say?
“Tell me your name,” The man said. 
I’m glad I don’t have to start the conversation.
“Zy. . . Zyrann.”
The man nodded. “Nice to meet you, although I would have preferred a different situation instead of saving you from drowning.”
“Th. . . thank you.”
The man shrugged. “It’s nothing, but I advise you to be more careful Zyrann.”
The way he said my name. . . it sent chills down my spine. 
“What. . . is your. . . name?”
The man hesitated, he went to open his mouth but quickly shut it. 
“Please?” I begged.
The man nodded. “I’m Zero.”
Zero. . . 
Echo came back with a brown rabbit in her mouth.
“Good girl, Echo,” Zero said. Zero stood and went a bit away from me. He took a foot long stick, maybe, and tied a rope to it. Echo had some dry grass and small twigs and put it besides Zero. Zero took his rope and stick and another stick and did this. . . fancy way of making a fire. 
He made smoke, blew on it, and a small flame blazed. He had Echo fetch some stick and made a fire roar. He skinned the rabbit, put the fur aside, stuck a stick through it and made a quick spit.
I gagged at the skinning and the stick part. 
Zero looked up at me as I did it and said; “Don’t throw up, you’ve lost too much fluid as it is.”
Echo rubbed her muzzle against my stomach, which made it feel better. I lifted my hand a bit off the ground, Echo tucked her head under my hand and let me rest it there and pet her. 
Than I instantly remembered my friends.
“Jon, Kiki, Rhys. . .” I said their names and tried to move, but Echo placed her head on my stomach and prevented me from going far.
“Easy Echo,” Zero said. “He can’t go as far as you’d think.”
Echo eased herself but still wouldn’t let me go anywhere.
“Your friends ditched you.” Zero said bluntly.
“Too many roamers. . .” Zero explained. “They looked, but they couldn’t stay. They are miles beyond us and it will take you a while to even catch them.”
“We’re heading. . . South Carolina. . .”
Zero gave me an odd look. “Why would you head to the Carolinas?”
“Outpost. . . civilization. . .” 
Zero sighed. “Oh. . .”
“Need to go. . . Sunstone. . . Valley.”
“That’s beyond a mistake.” Zero said. “There are two gangs who fight there all the time, the Blue Phantoms and Lost Souls. They’ll be killed on sight, or if they’re unlucky, taken to the camps.”
“My friend,” I coughed, screw this pain. “Kiki, her boyfriend’s there. Hayden Mayyor-”
“Mayyor.” Zero spat. “He’s such an asshole, did you not know he leads the Blue Phantoms?”
“No. . . Hayden’s a good man.”
“Who kills innocents at will, without complaint or hesitation.”
“Shut it.” I hissed, a weak hiss but still a hiss. “I know Hayden, he’s no murderer.”
“Guess you’re wrong.”
I wanted to scream at him, but I had no energy to do so. 
Zero sighed. “Sorry. . .”
I didn’t speak. 
Zero took out a hunting knife and skinned a small chunk of the rabbit off, inspected it, then gave it to Echo. 
“Not cooked enough,” Zero explained. “It’s too raw, pink. Echo, you can go hunt for yourself or scout our surroundings. Sixty feet radius.”
Echo got off me and ran off. 
“Do you truly plan on going to the Carolinas? To Sunstone?” Zero asked.
I nodded. “Of course I do, I’m not going to abandon my friends.”
Zero sighed, he sighs an awful lot. “Then I wish you luck.”
“You can’t come with me?” I asked. 
Zero shook his head. 
“I’ll die without you helping me, I can’t make it on my own. . .”
Zero didn’t speak at first, he remained in thought for moments on end.
“Fine.” He said finally. “I’ll take you to the Carolinas, or you reunite with your friends, but I’m leaving after that. Got it?”
I nodded. “Yes, thank you.”
“Don’t thank me yet.”
Zero cut another chunk of the rabbit off, inspected it, then ate it. 
“Rabbit’s done Zy.”
I could move, despite how sore everything was and that I was beyond tired and that it was slow and filled with pain. I sat up from my slouching and held out my hand. Zero gave me a sliver of rabbit, which I ate slowly. Zero ate some, but he took the rabbit skin, stood, and walked off.
“Where are you going. . ?”  I asked.
“Just over here.” Zero said, he went only a couple yards away, knelt down and dipped the rabbit fur into. . . water? He was cleaning it, and came back. 
I watched as Zero took out a small suitcase box with many spools of different color thread and varies of needles. He started to sew away on the fur, turning them into. . 
When Zero was finishing up, Echo came back and pawed at the ground. She pawed three times, and pointed her head to my right. 
“Okay,” Zero put aside the fur gloves and put everything away into his bag. He put on his bag, took the gloves, and put the gloves on me. “We have to leave, Zy.”
“I kinda. . . can’t move fast.”
“I know.” 
“I’ll try and-”
Zero picked me up as he did before, was he seriously going to carry me?
He was seriously going to carry me!
Zero carried me out of the woods and onto the road, Echo followed closely.
“Will you have to carry me for long?” I asked.
Zero chuckled. “No, although I’m sure you wouldn’t mind. In an hour, you’ll be able to walk fine and not slow as a snail.”
“Although I’m sure you wouldn’t mind?’ What’s that supposed to mean?”
Zero didn’t respond. 
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minniepetals · 2 years
I love that I hate some aspects of everyone's personalities and reactions. Personally I don't really like mafia AUs because I feel like it's too romanticized and sugar-coated but I absolutely love how you've brought out the reality of what mafia is in this story. Even if namjoon is a good and kind person most of the time, his upbringing has influenced his behavior way too much to now just change on account of one person and as hard as it was to accept (because I love our MC too much) it makes A LOT of sense 😭😭
I'm really glad that you're realistically portraying the main characters journey to heal from her past. It's not some dramatic and easy journey, it's a slow process full of hatred as well as sadness and she's confused aswell as angry (all of which is valid) and most importantly she doesn't know HOW to heal. I feel like this is the hardest aswell as the most important step to healing. Most films and fics show quick recovery from past trauma (ones I've watched and read) but you're really highlighting this and I could not be MORE grateful for it.
And I love the choice of words and phrases and ofc THE AWESOME TITLES TO ALL THE CHAPTERS. Your titles are underappreciated FR FR.
SORRY FOR RANTING😭 BUT IM SO EXCITED AND ALSO GREATFUL (writing this at 2am on a sugar rush please forgive any excessive ranting)
don't ever apologize for ranting about my fics because reading long paragraphs of my works due to appreciation makes me so much more excited and happy than seeing a short "i loved it" sentence.
when we're in the fic world, we tend to romanticize a lot of things, and i admit i do that as well just because we just like fantasizing living in a different world and my guilty pleasure is having overprotective villains loving me and only me lmao.
cmar's route is definitely different from any other fics i've done so it's definitely on a different scale. i feel like a lot of readers just either want namjoon and the boys to apologize already or they're just hating on them because of what they've done to y/n, and obviously the story will have a lot of biases but i tried to make the characters as real and as authentic as possible because obviously no one is perfect and even the people with the right intentions will still hurt others whether on accident or on purpose. it's the human part of us and i wanted to show the rawer side of things in relationships rather than always going the fluffy sunshine and rainbows route.
as for the healing, i know that it'll definitely be difficult once i get to the point when y/n will have to heal. obviously i don't wanna rush through it, hence i'm estimating the story will be 30+ chapters long. once y/n's done with her revenge and the healing arc comes, she's obviously not gonna just go "ai, we're done with the enemies, im all good and okay now"
i mean we see it with the death of her father. he's dead but his legacy still lives on. she hears him, still influences her to this day, and haunts her every thought.
i just hope i can execute everything well and have a good finish and be able to call it complete once we get to that stage 😌💞
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November 4th,
I'm gonna share with you all my reactions when I first listened to midnights. I was sharing all in real time in my 🐦 account, but I just have my friends, and unfortunately they're not swifities 🫠 BUT they're listening to taylor a LOT because of me, they all know my favorite songs lmao. I hope you all have a great day🤎
Track 1- Lavender Haze
From the track name, clearly there is a parallel between this track with our beloved Track 6 from Lover, "I Think He Knows". The bridge is very sensual, It's really nice and smooth to be heard and answers some things that the media/fans questions her. I liked.
Track 2- Maroon
Sounds a LOT like KOMH 🖤/ Clean 💙. She said that there's no vault tracks from the other eras, but I was willing that this track was written around those 🥲 (especially bc she talks about pouring wine, reference to "Dress" and about dancing barefoot in NYC, can be ref of Cornelia Street and DWOHT) OMG F*CK the person brought CARNATIONS thinking they were roses 🥲 I'm sure It's a metaphor for being dead,bc carnations are consider funeral flowers.
Track 3- Anti-Hero
It parallels several verses of "The Archer", I heard about 3 times bc I'm in SHOCK with this song. It hurts. And also reminds me a little of "right where you left me" and "this is me trying". She knew SO MUCH leaving this song as a single. Extremely identifiable FVCK 🫥 When she's intensifying the "s" in "agrees", sounds like the hiss of a 🐍, hello reputation...
AND I LOVE the music video, SO MUCH EASTER EGGS 😰😰 blondie you're AMAZING. When she points "it's me, hi, i'm the problem it's me at tea time everybody agrees" and it parallels Alice in Wonderland, it’s genius. Especially because Alice comes in time for tea to talk to the Mad Hatter, and that was a problem. This song quotes so many fairytales, wow. I think It's a way to dissociate from the reality, that's why you're an Anti-Hero 🫠
Track 4- Snow on The Beach (ft. Lana Del Rey)
IT SOUNDS LIKE "Illicit Affairs"!!! I listened the extended version, and this song exales and smells like Lana. Absolut masterpiece. Weird but f*cking beautiful, like snow on the beach 😉
Track 5- You're On Your Own, Kid
This track is a lot relatable, feels like she knows me (I can say this about ALL her songs lol). It has SO MANY REFERENCES!!! "MAATHP", "TIWWCHNT" are examples. The fact that she was a kid delivering her demos to executives in a parking lot. The bullyings she suffered at school, the e.d. It hit's me so much, It's a beautiful sad track. Thank you darling 🥺
Track 6- Midnight Rain
This track feels purple blueish. Again I feel like "MAATHP" is referenced. It sounds similar like "Renegade" (definitely an Aaron Dessner production lmao thanks it's amazing/i love this song SO MUCH). Tay pls tell me that you're referencing "Daylight/Champagne Problems"...And I know who you're talking about hahahaha I LOVE THIS TRACK!!!!!!!
Track 7- Question...?
BLONDIE I FELT THE "Out Of The Woods" REFERENCE 🥵 This track makes so much sense, she mixes past and present, so cool. So many tracks I can make a parallel, i LOVE it!
Track 8- Vigilante Shit
It's my favorite. Tastes like victory and revenge. I felt the parallel between "I Did Something Bad" and "mad woman". It sounds like "I Know Places". It makes so much sense she's messing with me I'm in love with this track. "Lately I've been dressing for revenge/ Don't get sad, get even"
Track 9- Bejeweled ⭐️
ITS A MATCH! Our beloved "mirrorball" it's grateful for this turnaround. The music video is so perfect, I'm DEFINITELY ready for Speak Now TV✨
Track 10- Labyrinth
It reminds me a lot of "The Archer" again, as if it were a twist on the character of our darling track 5. What a delight to be able to listen to this song 💙 It hurts, of course, but it feels good. There's a million songs that remind me of this track, but are too many references for my swifitie head lmao 🤣. I know "this is me trying" and definitely labyrinth likes this song 🥹
Track 11- Karma
I laughed when I first listened to LMAO SO GOOD!!! I don't think It's necessary to talk about this track, It's self explanatory. "ME!" it's happy rn, have a sister to share the references. JOE ALWYN FIGHT WITH ME 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Track 12- Sweet Nothing 🥹
"I spy with my little tired eye" show us the pureness and youthful love of them. William Bowery I'm your fan, your songs always feels like home. It's confy, It's warming. It's a beautiful lyric track 🥺 she's expressing to us and him all her deep sensations and feelings. He is her soulmate. I can't express how I admire this song in english, even though I'm fluent. We have some words in Portuguese that unfortunately cannot be translated to the real meaning of what is this song. Wow.
Track 13- Mastermind
WOW TAYLOR!! I have NO words ENOUGH to tell you all what this song brings to THE WORLD ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The bridge simply caused me a breakdown 🫠 Sad sad sad sad sad but so relatable. I felt this punch in my whole body. When she points that he knows all along, we knew it too. You're a mastermind blondie, and he as well 😭❤️
(personally my favorites from the whole album)
TRACK 14- The Great War
Aaron, you knew what you're doing. IT'S SPECTACULAR!!! Imo, should be in the normal version of the album, i'm gonna call it the sister of ivy ✨ hahahaha 🤣 Amazing bonus track, so worthy to be listened, really. A f*cking beloved lyric masterpiece. Taylor, you're a superhuman😍
TRACK 15- Bigger Than The Whole Sky
F*ck f^ck f^ck f%ck WTF I'M F&CKING SOBBING RN 😭🥲 so strong, so so sad and wonderful. "this is me trying/august" girlies are lying on the floor rn. The lyrics, the production, everything about this track It's so well done.
TRACK 16- Paris
TRACK 17- High Infidelity
Wait...April 29...TIWWCF launched...��😳😳😳 she's not joking. Just a couple days before THE met gala, yes, THE ONE "flashback when you met me, your buzz cut and my hair bleached" 😶‍🌫️ I'm SPEECHLESS 😶
TRACK 18- Glitch
TRACK 19 - Would've, Could've, Should've ⭐️❤️‍🩹💔
I have to tell, It's my favorite song from Midnights. I am a truly speak now girlie, and I'm 19 and relate to this song. It's so personal and raw, I felt her despite and regret and PAIN. I cry so hard with this track. It feels like there's something stuck on my throat 🫥. It's definitely the most sad/desperate/ traumatic song/bridge she's ever done. I love this song, but it hurts too much. If I see this man one day, he's gonna beg me for forgive (and taylor, our special person). I'm sending you hugs and lots of love dear Taylor, really.
TRACK 20- Dear Reader ❣️
It's the perfect last track. A whole story. A whole album. The end (but not really, 'cause life's still there). She closed the album with a work of ART. Really, truly sad. But beautiful. It seems like a continuation of the speech she gave at NYU, it makes sense. It was very worth being able to listen and enjoy Midnights. I appreciate and thank you (Tay) with my whole soul for writing this song. It's a real and delicious hug. You, my dearest Taylor Swift, are a RARE person. You have a pure heart and an enlightened soul.
With all the Love,
Joana (@joanainthegardensofbabylon)
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This is a random story about a group project of screaming that just happened like 5 min ago.
For more context here are my friends that I'll refer to as:
the tomboy of the group. Chaotic and loud friend but is really friendly. Oh- also meme material
Calm and collected. Not exactly the mom friend but they hang out every now and then. Also REALLY good at art
The good friend. they always make sheets and explain to us about the subject. Help with subject that we struggle with (looking at YOU history and meth- math)
The one that roasted everyone lmao- ok it's more of an insult than a roast but idk what to call them but yeah they're pretty cool
And me UP :D
The....one that somehow gets into this group...? Idk what to describe myself.
This is basically how the conversation goes lol-
UP: ok-who will write? Cuz my handwriting is shit-
T: hey-
T: :(
R: UP got a point. T handwriting is not a doctor but a FUCKING SNAKE-
T: UP R is bullying me again-
C: ok Shut up. R you'll write most of the assignment. And T... You'll write SOME of it.
G:I'll help :D wait did you bring the book? Y'ALL BRING NOTHING HERE?
UP: I got the book the highlighter the pencils-
So T and R got to write while G told them what to write and me and C 'decorate' it
C: UP Your flowers is so fucking weird-
*next page*
R:T WTF? JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE BI DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN'T DRAW A STRAIGHT LINE- (ok I made that one up sorry if this offend you)
R:YOU ******** GO SUCK A **** *****
The teacher behind us: ....what-
It's a disaster.
Ok now for the genshin related stuff-
T: doesn't have a genshin account but they're a SIMP
C: have an account but kinda abandon It- ar 14 I think? They like chongyun and call yae ears the chicken neck thing- I forgot English
G: my genshin buddy. Likes all the cute stuff. Main kokomi keqing yae but mostly kokomi currently building shogun.
R: doesn't have a genshin account cuz potato phone.
But imagine if instead of 1 creator. There's 5? And we are just like power rangers or something lol-
R: who is confused about wtf is going on
T: who is simping for zhongli and ayato
G: who asks for kokomi signature and (tries to) touch gorou tail
C: who is hugging qiqi but have no idea about how the world works
Lastly: me who is showing venti how jumping off a cliff is faster than gliding-
If imposter au we would definitely be dead why?
Only 2 of the group knows most of genshin knowledge
We're noisy AF
archons vs humans who can run faster?
W e a k.
This is the order of who can survive the least to the most imposter au.
2 words medical condition. I won't say much but walking is hard. (And copium that my friendship lv is enough)
Noisy and because of their friendly nature. They might not survive
Physically weak but can use genshin knowledge
Although survival instinct is important. The lack of genshin knowledge is fatal flaw
Knows a bit of genshin and is the strongest of all of us.
Btw this is not a request lol just a random thought. But if you want to write about it you have my permission lol- ( even if you do how do u name them? I just give you random letters)
And yeah that's it.
…Jesus Christ that was one hell of a trip just to read 0-0
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sailingmakai · 1 month
(( I continue to think about Hojo finding Seakira. IT's such a fun scenario, I'm so sorry~
There are a lot of things he'd find interesting about the kid, and I wanna talk about 'em just a little bit~
REVIVAL FROM DEATH This one I can easily see becoming one of Hojo's major obsessions, if only because in Destiny 2, not even the Ghosts themselves have any idea how revival works, just that it Does. All they have is vague theory. It's entirely possible that Hojo's machinery would only ever be able to tell that Akira is dead, and then.... Not Dead. And that would fascinate him, I think (or just piss him off lmao). He might be able to catch the moment Akira comes back to life, and what happens in his body as that occurs, but the actual thing that kickstarts it? I can see that escaping him no matter what he does, especially since the people where Kenzo COMES FROM can't figure out what's going on there. The fact Revival would have literally nothing to do with Mako would be another thing that Hojo obsesses over, I think. That's probably something he'd look for, until he realizes Akira isn't interacting with Mako on any level, for the revival. Which would then only deepen the obsession... .
KENZO Kenzo would be a love/hate relationship, I think, due to the fact that Hojo is smart enough to realize Kenzo is vital to Akira's revival, and that messing with him would probably fuck up the revival in general - and if I know Hojo, he wouldn't want to potentially 'remove' the revival ability before he has it pinned down in full. Which is where the love/hate comes in, because he'd find Kenzo endlessly fascinating, and probably wants to tear the poor little guy open - but can't, on account of needing him in one piece to figure AKIRA out. That said - very possible he'd separate Akira and Kenzo somehow (it's possible to do, especially since Kenzo and Akira need to be seperate in order for revival to occur). Probably he'd THREATEN to take Kenzo apart in order to keep the pair under control. Hojo might know he can't touch Kenzo, but he has no reason to let THEM know that~ .
PERSONAS Another thing Hojo would OBSESS over. And definitely something he'd figure out how to fuck with, since that's something that's possible in the Persona world, too (Strega is a good example of this). I can easily imagine Hojo getting to and even PAST Kirijo experiment results, at least on some level. Kirijo induced awakenings, false as they probably were, but it seems to have mostly stopped there. Hojo may very well get to that point, but also to the point of figuring out how to REMOVE them, how to implant a Persona into somebody else. Hojo might never figure out how it works entirely though, since Akira wouldn't tell him anything - or at the very least, not everything, and never the full truth. Akira would desperately try to avoid revealing the Cognitive World to Hojo, for fear that this incredibly clever madman would achieve what Shido never could, and more. Not that it'd stop Hojo from catching on himself, in time, I'd imagine. .
AKIRAS VOIDSENT This is something that occurred to me only a little bit ago, honestly. Akira has a pact with a Voidsent from FF14 (the Reaper jobclass, effectively) and there would absolutely be a point where that Voidsent takes over or is given control and tries to escape, or kill Hojo - or both. And knowing Hojo, that would just make him all KINDS of giddy - two subjects for the price of one! I can see Hojo trying to figure out how to manually pull the Voidsent to the front, if he can Seperate them, if he can EXTRACT the Voidsent like a Persona, maybe combine the Voidsent and Akira together, almost, so they're both in control at once - all kinds of fun mental fuckery that would leave a huge scar on Akira's mind if left in Hojo's 'care' for long enough. Probably worse than Cloud, honestly. .
'LIGHT'/GUARDIAN POWERS Akira can't do much with his Light powers, so I can see this being a very low-priority thing for Hojo, but there'd definitely be some testing and seeing if he can't pinpoint what's going on when Akira summons elemental explosions (the grenade abilities, but poorly controlled), without having any Mako in his body or Materia even NEAR his person. Probably another experiment that would go nowhere since I'm not sure Gaia has the technological development necessary to quantify Light, much less detect how it works. That said, he'd probably be able to tell what Akira is DOING, what the energy is compose of in terms of Arc, Solar, and Void being fundamental creation elements, but nothing about the Light itself. Just the surface-level elemental info.
Other things I can see Hojo doing?
Mako Injections His usual fare, to see what happens and how it interacts with everything else inside Akira. Probably only occurs very late into Akira's capture, once Hojo is confidant he's got as much as he can from the 'untouched' version of the Subject. AKA; probably never happens since Akira's allies would bust him out before it got that far. AND
Jenova injections There's no way Hojo wouldn't experiment with these two together, Jenova and Reunion Theory is his prized experiment and there's not a chance he wouldn't wanna see what happens when he slaps Reunion into a fascinating 'entity' like Akira. I don't know what would happen myself, but I'm leaning towards nothing good. That said, Akira is used to voices in his head (Kenzo, Personas, his Voidsent...) so he'd probably hear her pretty clearly, AND be able to resist her with relative ease. ...This probably wouldn't help Hojo's obsession lets be honest. ))
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planetpiastri · 6 months
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pairing: lando norris x fem!fewtrell!reader [no faceclaim, reader is faceless] summary: you've had a crush on your brother's best friend for years now, but haven't had the guts to tell him. but christmas is about telling people how you feel, and this ski trip might be the perfect chance. notes: tumblr tried to kill me dead and stop this smau from getting released but i persevered bc delivering wholesome christmas content is a full-time job. also as a disclaimer... i have never been skiing. so hopefully this doesn't suck. anyways merry christmas thanks for all the love over the last few months!
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liked by team_quadrant, landonorris, and 84,038others
ynfewtrell ski trip part one: the fewtrell siblings venture into the wilderness
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maxfewtrell Doing me dirty
ynfewtrell it's a full-time job
alex_albon whose dog did you kidnap?
ynfewtrell don't worry about it
landonorris posting as if i was not on aux for the three hour drive we took together :(
ynfewtrell your aux skills are exactly why you didn't get posted
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liked by landonorris, maxfewtrell, and others
ynfewtrell ski trip part two: this shit EZ
view all 1,504 comments
maxfewtrell I have footage of you falling over several times
ynfewtrell no you don't because that didn't happen
username2 that shit is breathtaking dawg
landonorris built different 💪
username3 ok yn in her photographer era
landonorris i took two of these ynfewtrell no free promo if i post it before your jpg account it's mine
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liked by ynfewtrell, team_quadrant, and 811,034 others
landonorris the most wonderful time of the year with the most wonderful kind of people
view all 12,765 comments
username4 aw lando and his emotional support fewtrell siblings
team_quadrant Are we just chopped liver?? landonorris yea
username5 yn is actually SO pretty omg
maxfewtrell I can't believe you've done this
landonorris 😁
username6 bring back your jpg account
ynfewtrell post the video of you falling and sliding into that big snow bank
landonorris only if i can slide into you ynfewtrell what landonorris what three comments were deleted by landonorris
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liked by logansargeant, landonorris, and others
ynfewtrell ski trip part three: being both holly AND jolly this season
view all 2,180 comments
username7 yn is such a g for giving us lando content
oscarpiastri I would not trust him with an animal
maxfewtrell Glad my tree decorating services aren't going unnoticed
username9 ok but you're slaying the all-white look
landonorris she holly on my jolly till i
ynfewtrell no no finish the sentence
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liked by mclaren, ynfewtrell, and 843,876 others
landonorris totally normal christmas where nothing exciting happened. definitely didn't fall in love with my best friend's sister and kiss her under the mistletoe.
view all 15,327 comments
ynfewtrell that'd be crazy if it happened. good thing it didn't.
landonorris exactly what i'm saying
username11 the unicorn helmet LMAO
username12 girl u are focusing on the WRONG PART OF THIS POST
mclaren Take him to the moon for me 🥹🧡💫
username13 BYE team_quadrant Back off, they're ours
maxfewtrell Ugh you guys are both so annoying. Happy for you tho
ynfewtrell ? landonorris wym? nothing happened maxfewtrell Nvm die miserable
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liked by landonorris, maxfewtrell, and others
ynfewtrell ski trip part four: christmas magic ❤️💚🎄🌟 (+ proof that we did, in fact, fall over skiing)
view all 2,897 comments
maxfewtrell Finally
ynfewtrell 14 year old me is giggling squealing kicking her feet rn landonorris ew do u have a crush on me or something ynfewtrell NO SHUT UP
username14 pelting ur new bf with a snowball is such a funny hard launch
team_quadrant Cute
ynfewtrell thanks for the invite pls keep giving me free merch
oscarpiastri I just know that the snowball was deserved
ynfewtrell yea that was his punishment for not making a move sooner landonorris i'm a little slow okay
username15 wahh i'm gonna miss yn's posts now that the ski trip is over 💔
landonorris i love you btw ❤️
ynfewtrell 🤭💐❤️
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pyonpyonpyon · 1 year
Tell me about Freya and Sissel!
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Freya! She's a human oc I made for Tales of Symphonia because...???? I don't remember lmao. Got orphaned at a young age and decided that the best way to turn her situation around was to go treasure hunting. In a world full of monsters. She's a little stupid but her optimism balances it out lol. Symphonia's definition of an angel means that Freya doesn't need to eat, drink, or sleep I believe, and she can fly if she has her wings out.
Going solely off shiny vibes she might get along with Dice lol. On account of her being somewhat illiterate (her world did not have the best education. not that she had the opportunity to go to school) Tsuchigomori (supernatural) and Rosho (math) could be interesting mentor figures. And she'd probs get along real well with Yuu! also partially bc supernatural shticks.
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Next is Sissel! Since I write him post-game only what I'm gonna say about him is spoilers but like. The icon I have for him is already technically spoilers so whatever. So anyways he's basically an undead cat who technically still "lives" because he's got a shard of a radioactive(?) meteor stuck in his body which grants him certain ghost powers. Under normal circumstances he can't talk with people BUT if they die he can do some soul to soul bonding and chat with them like that (though that also means that all thoughts are spoken aloud bc. soul communication) but anyways if they're freshly dead he can turn time back to 4 minutes before their death and try to save them if he wants to. Pretty laid back all things considered and doesn't have much interest in things but is close with his owners on account of being a cat. He's also possibly immortal since. His body is dead so it can't grow. He's also illiterate since. He's a cat.
Being laid back he can probably get along with most people! Tsuchigomori and Yuu on account of the supernatural factor and also possibly? Samatoki? Because that guy had to have a few close calls and Sissel wouldn't mind his personality lol. He also would accept pets from any cat-loving people but only if he's been relaxing near something warm before (since. a cold cat in a normal environment would probably raise some questions)
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ok, they're collecting evidence from his hotel room. from what i see, it seems real won the elections by default, what with the dead opponent. it was pretty obvious that they didnt want him as a mayor. if he hadnt died would he have done voter fraud to keep his post?
martinez vaguely trying to stop batman more out of habit than anything else lol.
so he's a forensic accountant, who saw the fund malversion and as an abused orphan who grew up in squalor, he promply went apoplectic with rage. he has a cage full of rats plus a single bat. he left another card to bats saying only "my confession". considering this, i think he's in love with batman! i already knew that, but thanks for confirming it in the text 🤣
if you're gonna queercode your villains, make them Actually queer, it will make them better :)
"500 followers. real fringe types" i dont really have context for this, because i dont use twitter, but that seems like so many? i have like, barely 200 followers here.
"i know the real you" wow. was his attempt at bruce wayne just a test? is he just riddled (ha) with parasocial brainworms? who can say :)
aaaww, edward wants to see the batman :) im sure this will go well for him :) his emotional wellbeing wont be worsened by this encounter :) he's just gonna talk with his forever idol for the first time. it's gonna be fiiiine
"you're a good cop" no such thing, but whatever whatever. if i couldnt shake off my distaste for copaganda id be incapable of watching anything lmao
edwards Face, oh my god. he's so in love, it makes him very pretty 🤣 "i told you i'd see you in hell" oh, so this bitch just did a season 3 hannibal. he got himself caught on purpose so batman could come visit him! that's cute.. and very forward. harlot behaviour
"if only you knew how long i've been wating for this day" oh, you got it Bad <3 "they'll remember me now. they'll remember both of us"
with how weirdly he elongates bruce's name, i suspect it's a favorite for when echolalia strikes him. also, he's Looking at him very intently, like he's testing his reaction. bruce stopped making eye contact, his face twitched with nerves, he swallowed, he's subtly trying to keep his breath from speeding up, he looked at the camera filming everything. riddler definitely noticed
he goes from a rant against the rich boy orphan, seemingly directed at batman for some reason (could he..?) and then neatly goes for commiserating With batman, about not being able to kill bruce. about BOTH OF THEM not being able to get bruce.
"god. look at you" i Understand you. i too become fascinated by battinson's everything at random times. "your mask is amazing. i wish you could have seen me in mine" translation: i wish you could have seen me kill and got horny about it. the movie's making this too easy 🤣
"we've been doing this together. you're part of this" oh honey.. you got a big storm coming 😔 "i couldnt have done this without you. you inspired me"
oooooh, here it comes 😬 "you're out of your mind. this is all in your head. you're a pathetic psycho begging for attention. you're gonna die in this mental institution. alone" projecting your own fears much bruce? recognition of the self through the other (derogatory) and all that
aaaand he is headed towards meltdown. god i hate when this happens during a charged conversation or a fight. all i want is for the words to just Stop so i start screaming to drown everything else out. sucks ass
"it was all there. you mean you didnt figure it out? ooooooh, you're really not as smart as i thought you were" you are just realizing this?? his crush erased a multitude of sins, including brucie's dumbassery ig
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bluegrasshole · 7 years
do all the get to know your author questions bc they're all good and i can't pick
ko…. you need to work on your decisiveness (but thank you)
1) is there a story you’re holding off on writing for some reason?
i mean.. not really. i had decided not to write any more fanfiction to focus on an original story i started but then… i wanted to get used to the setting, work through some personal stuff… kind of warm myself up while still writing the other one… so i’m writing a nurseydex lighthouse story like i said i would
2) what work of yours, if any, are you the most embarrassed about existing?
my entire fanfiction.net account is bad. so so so bad. and surprisingly recent. also i HATE my early zimbits stuff, but of course one of them is like my second most popular piece so i can’t delete it. like really hate. and it’s frustrating because i have good stuff from that time period, so i don’t even fucking know what was going through my mind.
3) what order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?
chronological but i tend to go back and add things obsessively. i like getting the skeleton down first just to get the basic plot and know where i’m going, then i go back to add in details – the meat of the skeleton if you will… and you know i like details
4) favorite character you’ve written
any dex is my favourite, but also specifically jack from samwell gentlemen’s hockey because he cracks me up, and i really loved writing parvati in that one parvender piece. 
5) character you were most surprised to end up writing
camilla? in strange lovers i didn’t even know i was writing camilla until i realized like 3k in that my character who i’d named millie and was blonde was in fact… camilla. she snuck up on me
6) something you would go back and change in your writing that it’s too late/complicated to change now
oh… i do go back and fix things often (in strange lovers i went back to rewrite parts of ransom’s character and his role months after i originally posted it because i realized i had written some pretty shitty stuff regarding black men) but, meh, row upon row is always one i’d like… want to go back and fix, especially the rushed ending, but i can’t go back and change it now because it’s been read by too many people…
7) when asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write?
super embarrassed. only my best friend knows because she’s also a writer but i still don’t feel super comfortable talking to her about it. we’re getting there with each other. she doesn’t write fanfiction ya feel though i think she’s read some
8) favorite genre to write
lmao idk i like writing comedy but plot is hard so i don’t often do it. character studies i guess, AUs, angst
9) what, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
music, and listening to people tell stories about themselves or others, just being around people is inspiring to me. i recently went to a show that was a mix of folk music and storytelling about prince edward island? and it was incredible i left there feeling so invigorated
10) write in silence or with background noise? with people or alone?
i do most of my writing in a café a minute from my apartment, with or without music depending on if my wireless headphones are dead or not, always w a blended matcha latté
11) what aspect of your writing do you think has most improved since you started writing?
oh man. i mean since i started writing in like, 2010? i mean, everything, obviously. but since 2015 – christ. still everything? well, definitely verb tenses/points of view/epithets/general structure and technique, definitely better at rhythm though that took some serious work and a couple stories focussed solely on rhythm and flow. i think i’m much better at nuance now – weaving different themes together to make at least a semi-coherent story… and general prose, i think. finding a balance between minimalism and appropriate imagery. i’m more comfortable playing around with grammar then i used to be. idk, i think my voice has just overall developed into something clearer and distinct from others.
12) your weaknesses as an author
plot and dialogue-heavy scenes. i like writing dialogue and i think the lines themselves are good usually, i just have a hard time, like finding the balance between dialogue, dialogue that has to accomplish something, and prose. and writing a neat point-a-to-point-b plot is a losing battle
13) your strengths as an author
i’ve been told setting, and i think that’s about right. i get obsessive about crafting like, a complete world where it feels like there are things that happen outside of the plot and the main characters. building fucking lore into the setting is the most fun for me. i think the details make the story.
14) do you make playlists for your current wips?
heeeelll yeah
15) why did you start writing?
idk i spent a lot of time on the internet and all the quote unquote cool kids were doing it. i was in a RP where we were all pretty close friends (still follow them on all social media including fb) and we just like, wrote each other fic. i was pretty good at writing before then (for a kid) and even was runner-up for a national award or something in grade six? i barely remember what it was for but i do remember the piece was called “autumn’s opus” and it was comparing the seasons to an orchestra or a piece of music idk. it was pretty killer for an 11-yr-old if i do say so myself
16) are there any characters who haunt you?
oh i don’t know about haunt but i do get sad about jack and kent all the time
17) if you could give your fledgling author self any advice, what would it be?
read your dialogue out loud to see if it sounds natural (it probably doesn’t) and put dooooown the epithets. it’s lazy writing and you don’t need them. and reread reread reread reread. in different fonts, different colours, on differents days, out loud, by different people… reread!!
18) were there any works you read that affected you so much that it influenced your writing style? what were they?
absolutely anything by fluorescentgrey but especially her historical AUs, familiar’s character designs and rawness, waspabi’s dialogue and humour, montparnasse’s prose and tenderness, misandrywitch’s everything, and this piece which inspired a tattoo and pushed me to start experimenting with my own writing a couple years ago… among many others
19) when it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, ect.?
oh i usually just give up halfway through that’s how
20) do you write in long sit-down sessions or in little spurts?
usually i go to the café and sit for like 5 hours and if i get a few hundred words out of that i’m happy
21) what do you think when you read over your older work?
ugh it’s so bad and shitty and i hate it all
22) are there any subjects that make you uncomfortable to write?
well, yeah. i don’t like writing about religion so i just… don’t, much. strange lovers had the most religion of anything i’ve ever written. and i’m cautious about writing about race though i’ve done it a few times… i don’t super like writing traditional coming-out stories because i just don’t care all that much so i’ll usually twist them around somehow if they’re necessary. 
23) any obscure life experiences that you feel have helped your writing?
all of my life experiences inform my writing. that’s not me being facetious i just mean that i really like listening to people tell stories and telling stories myself and gossiping etc that i think it’s clear that i prioritize that in my writing
24) have you ever become an expert on something you previously knew nothing about, in order to better a scene or a story?
ah yes coal mining in 20th century nova scotia lmao
25) copy/paste a few sentences or a short paragraph that you’re particularly proud of
the very first paragraph from my nurseydex wip: 
There are days where you think you could lose yourself in the fog and there are days where you wouldn’t mind. When you wake and it’s there eating the world up, surrounding it all like a living thing, voracious, and it’s even hungrier at night, and the only thing that reminds you you belong to the earth and are tied to it like the oldest and most solid daybeacon in the harbour is the horn, loud and long and haunting and filling. And the light. The light, the light, always the light.
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