#they're brother and sister your honor
punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
There's such a dissonance to me watching Hobie stans also stan Luke due to Atsv and the Pjo show sharing a debut year.Tumblrinas be like 'Can't stand fascism,hell yeah Hobie!!!*Half a year later*Me and the Pookie,he means well,he said it himself😍😍😍' like babes he was the propaganda Hobie was warning us about.Just stan book!Percy,he's just Hobie in a different font and that includes walking the walk instead of empty groomer words.He also dosen't look like show!Luke but like Hobie too but the Pjo fandom would throtle me for that cause they read the books wrong just like they watched Atsv wrong and won't read Hobie's comics either
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tending-the-hearth · 19 days
the chb counselors would pull frank and hazel into their little group SO quickly once they meet them after the war
this is a group of people who remember little twelve year old percy walking around chb with the widest eyes and naïveté. they've heard his snarky comments, have seen him stand up to bullies, they watched him panic searching for his closest friends, they've witnessed his breakdowns and tears during the summers where he just couldn't do it anymore.
everyone else at the camp has a view of percy as another god, or as an untouchable being. they only see him for the hero he is, but they don't see the real him.
frank and hazel, however, got to see the real percy on their quest. they saw all his little quirks, heard every quip and sarcastic comment, watched him freak out over other demigods and legacies getting hurt, and they saw how percy is so much more than just a hero.
not saying that the rest of the seven wouldn't all be welcomed by the chb head counselors, but frank and hazel would immediately just click with all of them because of their connection to percy. there's a small group of people who know the true him, and they're part of that, and it just brings them into this little special group. they'd be invited to the sleepovers and told every single embarrassing story about percy while he just groans and attempts to commit murder by smothering clarisse with a pillow. frank and hazel would get introduced to sally and paul and just be immediately folded into their little family.
frank and clarisse would become an inseparable duo. hazel and chris would become so close, not just because their partners are siblings, but also i think they'd connect on their shared "being trapped somewhere for an unknown amount of time after being manipulated by someone i cared about" experiences. travis and connor would ADORE frank, i think for some reason pollux and hazel would get along really well. there would just be an automatic camaraderie between all of them so quickly.
yes, nico is the go-between for the camps, but i think frank and hazel would just automatically be so completely and utterly trusted by the entirety of camp half-blood purely because percy completely and utterly trusts them.
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azariahstarcaster · 9 months
Okay, this is a random one, but am I the only one who could see Duncan being kind of a protective older brother figure to Dawn? I don't know why I'm so fixated on this thought, but it just makes sense in my head idk
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playertwotails · 1 year
I've been thinking about something that happened a few years ago to me that's funny and just Tails and Sonic in a similar situation.
So bit of a personal story time first. I have an older sister and we look and act nothing alike. (Like it's to the point people assume I'm related to my brother-in-law first before my own sister) Well at her wedding I was helping to get her ready and the photographer was taking pics with her assistant. Now we knew both the photographer and the assistant girl, photographer from church and the assistant from highschool/dance classes, so both of them had known both me and my sister for years. So I'm in the wedding party and already ready and the assistant girl comes up to me and was like "Omg how are you! I didn't know you even knew the bride how do you two know each other?" And like she is a super nice person and I had to look her dead in the eye and go "oh she's my sister..." Ya'll the 5 sec reboot I caused this girl to go through is still funny to me to this day and the look of confusion and panic when what I said sunk in. Cause like what is she supposed to say after that when why the fact me and my sister have the same last name finally clicked.
Anyways now I'm just thinking of a scenario when someone is talking to Tails and it's something for Sonic (like a party or something). And someone comes up to Tails, maybe someone who knew Sonic a long time ago and just doesn't keep up with the news and has never meet or heard of Tails somehow. (Or maybe it's just a rando and they're trying to be mean to Tails and have that self important attitude of 'why are you even here?' to Tails) But they come up to Tails and are like "oh hey how do you know Sonic??" and Tails just looks them dead in the eye and just goes "oh he's my older brother." And just cue the panic and surprise and they try to put two and two together but they're blue screening over what Tails just said.
Idk we were looking at the wedding photo's while organizing and this popped into my head lol.
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gr1mu4r · 5 months
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the stars aligned, kinitoCHAN and kinitoPET are face to face.
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skyyworker · 2 years
the bond between anakin and ahsoka is something that can be so personal actually
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thefandomthings · 6 months
Zuko x reader
"That's not what I meant, and you know it."
Hurt prompt #11: "That's not what I meant, and you know it."
Pairing: Zuko x F/Gn!reader
Warnings: Angst, No comfort, Established relationship, !!SPOILERS¡¡, Takes place in Book 2. Ep. 18
Notes: Oh boy, I have so many avatar requests, it's amazing. Thank you guys for participating in my event it makes me so happy! Tell me if y'all want a part 2.
Prompt Event Part 1 Part 2
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All you felt was pain, deep inside your chest. Watching your boyfriend take sides against the avatar once again was brutal. What made it even worse was Iroh was to be imprisoned, you would hold the same fate if you were captured.
You stood next to Katara and Aang, Azula and Zuko on the opposite side of the cave. Azula held the same malicious grin on her face, watching the three of you with smugness.
"My, my Y/n. You seem so down, how sad." She mocks you with a slight chuckle. Zuko gives her a glare, his eyes wandering back to you. They are full of guilt, pleading for forgiveness from you. Practically begging you to understand why he did it, to come with him.
"Leave Y/n alone, Azula." Zuko grunts, getting in a fighting stance with his sister. Azula clicks her tongue and rolls her eyes at her brother.
"They're the enemy now, Zuzu. Can't protect them forever." Azula laughs, blue fire erupting from her fists.
The blue flurries of fire woosh past you fastly. Katara quickly blocks the fire with her water. Using her octopus arms she slashes and whips at Azula, both going back and forth. The ground beneath the five of you shakes and cracks.
Aang and Zuko are going at it hand to hand. You watch out of the corner of your eye as Zuko takes a hit by Aangs wind, sending him flying back into one of the crystal pillars. Your heart stops, skipping a beat as Zuko groans.
You curse under your breath and run towards him, Aang is calling your name frantically. You slid against the rock surface and get the few rocks that landed on Zuko off. He lets out a huff of air, the weight of the rock off of his chest allowing him to breath.
He's quick to sit up, using his hands, he does a walk over away from you. Your heart felt like it was stabbed, watching as he gets in a protective stance. He knows you'd never hurt him on purpose, and he'd never hurt you.
"Why are you doing this, Zuko? Why are you so desperate to gain your honor back?" Your voice is meek, tears gathering at your waterline, blurring his figure.
"You know why I have to, Y/n. This is my chance to prove to my father I am worthy."
Zukos heart physically aches, seeing your tears making him question everything. He never wanted to hurt you, never wanted to put strain on your relationship. You're his everything, you've been with him since the beginning along with Iroh. Loving him even when he didn't love himself.
"But Zuko, when you get home and see your father, will he even except you? What if he hurts you again, or what if he tries to kill you?" You plead, knowing this isn't him. He's just confused and fighting himself.
Zuko stays quiet, thinking over your words carefully. You have a point. His father could easily do all of those things, Azula to. Does he really want to go through with this? Having Uncle imprisoned, possibly you too?
He closes his eyes tightly, fists clenched at his side. He lets out a long breath, salty tears slide down his cheeks as he looks back up at you again.
"He won't. I'm sorry Y/n. You can't change my mind. I'm going home." He lifts his fists back into a defensive stance, hands trembling.
"Please...Please forgive me."
You let out a strangled sob at his words, heart clenching and shattering. Zuko grits his teeth, holding back his own cries.
"Get out of here, before Azula realizes I haven't killed you." Without realizing it, Zuko was beside you. Taking you into his arms, he holds you as close as he can. His lips pressing multiple kisses to your head. His nose buried in your hair, taking in your shampoo scent one last time.
"Does this mean you don't love me anymore? Since you're leaving?" You asked, face hidden in his neck, tears hitting his skin like rain. Zuko squeezes you softly, kissing the apples of your cheeks.
"That not what I meant, Y/n. And you know it." He pulls away from you, taking a few steps back to create distance.
Water then wraps around his waist sending him flying. You scream his name as Katara takes you in her arms. You sob holding onto Katara as she sees you down.
"It'll be alright, Y/n. I promise." She hugs you tightly, the sound of wind echos in the cave as Aang enters the avatar state. Suddenly lighting cracks, blue electricity shoots towards Aang. Shooting into his back like a spear.
"AANG!" You and Katara race towards him, watching as he falls, his body is lifeless. Katara catches him, tears falling from her eyes. You use your bending to keep the three of you protected as Katara holds Aang and bends up the waterfall.
Zuko watches as the love of his life disappears. He lets out a sob, his fist pounding the ground.
He's sorry. So, so sorry. He never wanted to hurt you, cause you this much pain. Yet he has, and he might never, ever be able to fix it.
He hopes you're safe, and he'll come and find you when the time is right before it's to late.
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flowerisevil · 1 month
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Gwayne Hightower X Targaryen reader princess @beckyxzz
Disclaimer: incest. Gwayne is the reader's uncle, slight angst, attempted r@pe, mention of sa.
A youngest and a daughter. What an awful combination can the princess have.
The princess was feeling spiritless between these walls, after a war was declared.
"I want to go in the Sept, it is the seventh day today" she informed her sworn protector, her uncle.
"Princess, would you like for me to inform the Queen so she shall accompany you?" Gwayne asked.
She shook her head, she can't even look at him after the dream she had about him last night, it was unpleasant.
Gwayne took knowledge of her request, as soon as he fetched a carriage for her, the princess was fast to enter the carriage before him.
"You look devastated princess..." Gwayne pointed out.
"I worry for my future, Ser Gwayne" she confessed, as she skinned the tip of her fingers, a manner she obviously gets from her mother.
Gwayne looked at her, she looked like she did not come from her sister Alicent, from her outside and inside. She looked extremely like a Targaryen, out of the five of them, she was the only one who radiates an aura like the other pure-blooded Targaryen had. Her skin and hair were glowing, her lilac eyes that can deceive anyone.
"I worry that someday, the King would arrange me in marriage to the other houses for alliance" Gwayne snapped back in reality as her voice echoed inside the carriage.
"Aegon and Aemond they're plotting to marry me to the Oscar Tully"
Gwayne only nodded, he knew that his nephews' ideas were right, Oscar Tully was a young boy who would accept a generous offer of marrying a Targaryen princess, especially if it's her.
"And you don't want it? Lord Oscar Tully is a great chivalrous and has a great title"
She shakes her head, she never dreamed of marrying a guy, she wanted to marry for love and build a family that will be full of joyous laugh and lovely interactions.
She dreamed one man to marry and unfortunately it was the man right of her, out of all people her heart chose the one she truly shouldn't be with, he was sworn and took an oath.
As they have reached the Great Sept none between them, uttered a word.
Gwayne watched her kneel on the stone statue, while she lit up three candles he frowned, for whom she lit up the third one? Gwayne stared at her, she was the most beautiful of all of them, the most beautiful in his eyes too. His eyes stares at her position, kneeling while she looked up, he wonders how beautiful she would look if a such position is in front of him, he shook his head it was never a good idea to think about her in a sensual way.
It was a painful minute he had to endure before the princess and him came back in the Keep.
Gwayne resisted her, he tried, and he was good at hiding it, the people inside the Keep did not suspect him aside from one.
The youngest princess was outside the Godswood of the Keep when the Jason Lannister pay her a visit, Jason had always dreamed that someday he might get her hand for marriage before the two Targaryen brothers finalize her betrothal to Oscar Tully. It's not like Aegon did not want him for their sister, it would be an honor for both parties to unite their houses.
Gwayne eyes followed the steps of the Lannister towards the princess, he sat beside her on the wooden bench, the princess gaze moves towards him, a hint of discomfort flashed on her face at the close distance between her and Lord Lannister.
"Ser Jason, I am afraid my brothers are nowhere to be seen here" she spoke genuinely, Jason let out a small chuckle as he shakes his head.
"It is you princess that I am looking for" his body moved closer to her and his hands slowly reaching for her hand but before he had placed a kiss on the back of it, the princess had already withdrawn her hand from his grasp.
"What a very proper lady you are" Jason smirked. "I do wonder if only I had asked for your hand earlier than maybe our houses and the people in Kings Landing are already cheering at our union" the princess face grimaced as he spoke, he was speaking nothing but nonsense.
Gwayne hold his sword as he watched the scene unfold, Jason reached to cup her face, he cannot read what he's telling her, but one thing is for sure, the princess is not pleased nor comfortable with him. And he himself is not happy at the scene right in front of him, that cunt of a Lannister touching her elegant face, he dared to touch the princess like that.
Gwayne battled with his own emotion, but his restraints vanished when Jason Lannister took a small fabric of her dress and sniffing it, he immediately walked over them and grabbed his collar pushing him to the ground, he draws his sword before pointing it on the lord lion's neck.
"What an immoral person you are to harass the princess" Gwayne spat, the guards seem alert on his actions but he paid no mind and looked at the princess behind him.
He was furious.
And she can read it clearly on his eyes, but why? Why does it look like his act and rage was caused by other than his knightly duty? Why does his eyes seems have something more to say.
"Princess give me your command and I shall extinguished this unhinged man" Gwayne spoke, digging the tip of his sword the man's skin.
She opened her mouth to speak when Aemond walked inside seeing the scene in front of him.
"Ser Gwayne? What is the meaning of this?"
Aemond spoke beside him was Ser Criston Cole, Aemond's eye widened at the unpleasant scenario, when Gwayne moved his gaze to the Prince, Jason Lannister took it as a chance to run and stand beside Aemond.
"The princess sworn protector is insane! H-he pointed his sword at me!" Jason snarled.
Aemond looked at his uncle, demanding an explanation, Jason's defense made the knight chuckled as he placed his sword back his side.
"My Prince, Lord Lannister was harassing the princess"
Jason denied his allegations fueling the anger inside him, he stepped forward to make him admit his treasonous act but the hand of the woman behind her was placed on his arm, deterring him. His tense muscles softened at her touch.
Aemond eyes watched the interaction between his sister and uncle, he made a small sound with a click of his tongue as he whispered something to Ser Jason Lannister and the Lord walked away.
Then he turned back to them, looking at his dear sister. "Ser Criston, please escort the princess out of the Godswood."
"Aemond, I wish to stay. Hear me out, Lord Lanniste-"
"Enough. We shall talk later princess, for now I need to have a word with Ser Gwayne" with Aemond's command, Ser Criston walked to the princess and slowly guiding her back inside the castle.
Gwayne and Aemond remained there, the prince walked near at his uncle, his uncle was a great knight, one of his greatest swordman.
"You are a very an honorable knight Ser Gwayne, I would not have to deny that" Aemond murmur to him, looking him from toes to his head. "But it seems like the past moons you are having dereliction with your duties" the prince continued, he might only have one eye, but it does not mean he wasn't able to see the stare of fondness his uncle setting to his sister.
"I am only doing my duty, and it is to protect the princess, my Prince" Gwayne was bravely enough to stare back on the one-eyed prince.
"There is a difference with protecting the princess because of your duty and protecting her out of jealousy" Aemond chuckled, Gwayne was not fazed by his nephew's correct allegations. "I am no fool uncle, I know the little amor you have for the princess" Aemond stepped backward as he turned his back against the Hightower knight and walked away.
The last phrases echoed inside Gwayne's head, his mind was preoccupied when he heard a noise inside the princess chamber.
He quickly knocked on her room, waiting for her answer but it remained silent, he tried multiple times still no answer.
"Princess I am going inside" he informed before pushing her wooden door.
He went inside and he saw her sitting on the edge of her bed, her back facing him.
"Princess? Are you alright?" He walked toward her.
He took the sight of her, when he finally saw her whole, her cheeks covered in almost dried tear stains, both of her arms hanging on her sides, it took his attention at the two bottles of wines scattered down her bed and one on her right hand.
Gwayne kneeled in front of her, slowly taking the wine out of her grasp, when he kneeled, he noticed pieces of broken glasses on the floor and small drops of blood, he searched where did it came from, and his eyes dropped on the left arm of the princess.
It was a long slit, probably a wound from the broken bottles of wine, he remained calm despite the urge to be angry at her for being too careless and letting herself get wounded. He scanned her chamber looking for something to aid her injury.
He slowly grabbed the liquor away from her, next he reached for her hand and gently washed it with wet water removing the flowing blood.
The Princess watched his actions, when he slowly held her hand like it was a piece of jewelry that need to be held with care. Her drunk state told her to caress his hair to show him her affection.
She has always admired him, from his physical traits to his inside traits, an honorable man, raised by his mother in Oldtown, an heir to Oldtown. He would be a perfect candidate as her betrothed, perhaps if only their father, the previous King was still alive he would consider Ser Gwayne to be her betrothed.
She looked down on him as he slowly wrapped a clean cloth around her palm, she reached to cup his face, slowly bringing his face close to her. Gwayne was surprised by the princess but also was fast to move away from her. Her heart sank as she felt his skin detached from her hand.
"Princess" his voice warned, the young princess stood up walking closer to him, she again caresses his face, her thumb rubbing his pale skin. With her drunken state she tried reaching for his lips, but the knight looked away, dodging her kiss.
"Ser Gwayne" her voice almost sounded like a plea, Gwayne took all his courage to not smash his lips to her at that moment, she would not need to ask him again, but he knew better than be intimate with the young princess.
"Princess, this is inappropriate" Gwayne managed to protest.
The Targaryen princess did not care, the alcohol she consumed had put enough courage for her to do an act that no proper or modest lady would do.
"Just for tonight please..." she leaned her forehead to his shoulders, her hand rested on his chest.
Gwayne was frozen, saying every curse he knows in his mind, he was no saint, with her pleading voice and desperate request she awoke something inside of him. He bit the inside of his cheeks, his hands gently snakes behind her back not enough for her to notice.
Gwayne did not wait for another word, as he tilt her chin up to face him and connected their lips, he knew it was wrong, that if someone had walked in and caught them, he would be exiled, hanged, or beheaded with no trial.
She was a bit surprised not expecting his lips to hers, his tongue devoured her mouth, licking the taste of alcohol in her, she reached for his collar, but Gwayne gently pushed her down back to her mattress.
She studied his face, he was breathing heavily and his face fall down to the ground, Gwayne did not utter any word when he tucked her in thick covers.
"You must retire, princess" he said before turning around.
She was puzzled by his actions, while he was walking to leave her chamber, the princess pulled his white cloak enough to make him turn around, facing the princess.
"Ser Gwayne are you playing jest on me?" She furiously said, she somehow felt like her ego was stepped in. Not because she was rejected, but the mere thought that this knight left her hanging.
"I am clearly aware that you princess is very much familiar with ordinance and oaths that I have took as your sworn protector" Gwayne retorted, he returned his words with fully, like he intends to knock some senses into her wasted state. "I do not intend to break that princess; I am afraid you may have to find a different man or a whore perhaps who can fulfill your desires" he continued.
It was a harsh slap to the princess, with heavy steps she moved away from him. "Would you like me to fetch you a whore that will please you for the night?" She shakes her head.
Gwayne felt the pang of guilt when she raised her face to face him, the watery eyes were obvious to see. "I have no needs for those whores Ser Gwayne" she defined, hating how her voice sounded like it was about to break, it was shameful, she knew that her own sworn protector now see her as an improper desperate lady, who would risk everything just to get a taste of pleasure.
Gwayne nodded in acknowledgment before leaving when the princess spoke again. "I may be drunk but clearly I know what I am doing. I do not kiss just because I am drunk Ser Gwayne it is because I have deep feelings for you" she confessed.
Her head fell down on the cold ground as silence covered them, she was anxiously tugging her dress looking for comfort, but she failed. She knows that maybe inside of him he's already laughing at her little confession, maybe she was truly a Targaryen for having queer customs.
"Princess you are a young lady, you have no idea what you are talking about" he begun not daring to face her. "Whatever it is, please keep it to yourself or forget about it. Because I do not see you nothing more than my duty and a daughter of my Queen sister" he continued as he walked outside the chambers.
She pursed her lips, her eyes remained down before she finally composed herself to go back in her bed. She saw it coming, how fool of her to even try her luck at him. As she lay down Gwayne's words keep repeating inside her head until her mind grew tired and drift off.
That night Gwayne frustratedly punched the wall beside the door outside of her chamber, he was amused to himself that he was able to pull off a such thing, he talks like he did not want her, like he did not dream of having her, he talked like he has no interest in her, but he knew that inside him says otherwise.
That night he had left her chamber, he asked a different knight to guard the door of the princess bedchamber. Gwayne went outside the castle inhaling the air wishing that the fucking wind would relax him.
Gwayne's attention shifted towards the sound of someone approaching, he turned to find the source of sound prompting him to ready his sword. After minutes he finds nothing and left.
On his way back to check the princess his was puzzled as a lot of servants and guards are running through the halls urgently, his worry rise and ran towards the princess room. When he stopped in front of her chamber it was open and she looked inside to see the Dowager Queen with a teary eye watching her youngest daughter as her handmaidens tearing up while changing her already ripped dress.
Alicent eyes darted towards him as well as Cole's, the Commander of Kingsguard immediately gripped his collar dragging him out of the room.
"Where have you been? Why aren't you here when this tragedy happened?" Cole scowl at him, his fingers tightly grip his collar.
"I was gone for an hour, I asked another guard to look after-"
"They beheaded prince Jahaerys in the Queen's chamber, after that they stopped by the princess chamber slitting the throat of the guards that was here and they have harassed the princess, all this because of your insolence" Criston's last words are the only one who hit him.
He abruptly pushed him away trying to see her, but Criston pulled him back "After your negligence I don-"
The Commander dropped on the cold ground from the hard punch from Gwayne, before Criston could even react the knight was already inside the chambers.
Gwayne rush towards her but Alicent was quick to block her way. "Brother" Alicent spoke, when he moved his gaze towards the princess, she was already sleeping.
"The Maesters gave her something that would ease her shaking and led her to sleep." his sister voice was shaking as she explained.
"What did they do to her?"
Alicent can't form any words, how she will be able to repeat the words her daughter told her. "T-They barged here, and she said they touched her in the most inappropriate ways" Gwayne's inside was trembling, but he remained still when Alicent continued.
"The guards was already searching each room after what happened in Helaena's room, it was good thing that the guards looked inside her room before they do anything to her. The boy is dead, his pain has put through its end."
Alicent next words broke out. "B-but what they have done to my girls" she cried out, she covered her mouth to stop from making noises, preventing to wake her daughter.
A tear escaped on Gwayne's eyes as he listens to her words, there was no one to blame other than him, he didn't only forsake his duty but also her safety. In one night, he was able to completely harm her in many different ways.
It took minutes before Alicent calm herself, Cole assisted her back to her room, Gwayne was left there, he remained inside her chamber, it was inappropriate but it did not matter anymore. He watched her sleep, recognizing the familiar kind and sweet face she have, out of all people she did not deserve that, she was nothing but kind to everyone highborn or not.
"What kind of Gods are they to put harm to someone like you" he whispered with a small tear streaming down his face.
What happened to her, stabbed him inside. He wanted to protect her, he wanted to shield her from any harm but at the end he was the one who had forsaken her safety.
Because of the incident, every kingsguard was questioned by the King Aegon.
"My son is dead! My poor sister was harmed! I shall have those rats head on a spike!" Aegon burst out as he left the council room.
Him along with the Kingsguard remained still when the Dowager Queen spoke, all the other guards shifted their gaze to her sister but his eyes remain on the youngest princess beside her, she was looking down while the Prince Aemond gently talk to her, Gwayne can see the Prince hands covering hers.
"All of you remain to your duties but none of you shall go near to my daughters, I'll have different men guard their room" His reality snapped back at the Dowager Queen's command. "And Ser Gwayne"
His eyes darted towards his sister, waiting for her to finish her words.
"You are dismissed from your duty, you are no longer the Princess sworn protector" her last words before she left the suffocating room.
The room was filled with whispers and silent chatters, thinking that Ser Gwayne would be exempted on the consequences of the accident last night.
"You should be glad, you weren't exile from the position, because of your insolence the princess was harmed" Aemond move to him face to face. "She was supposed to be under your protection and what have you done?"
"You know what's the right punishment for you? I should have both your head and cock in a-"
"Aemond that's enough" the princess rose from her seat, her face expressed nothing but devastation, the old kind and glowing aura now long gone.
"You defend this guy? A man who was responsible for what happened to you?" Aemond's outrage grew more as her voice and words protected him.
"Please, its inelegant to cause a scene in the council room" she rose from her seat and walked towards them, her face that used to be filled with a joyous, harmonious and glowing light is long gone and changed with despair and agony. When she came near them his gaze drifted down on the small gray patch that was hiding under the collar of her dress.
A bruise. A mark that left to remind her about that night.
The princess noticed his attention to her bruise, she swiftly fixed her collar to hide the bruise. "Aemond that is enough please, I would like to rest please..." He noticed Aemond softens at her words when the prince pulled away from him and guide the princess outside the room.
A week passes the memory of accident can't seem to be buried from the people inside the Keep's minds, all servants looked after the Queen Helaena and her younger sister more, their guards was replaced by knights of Casterly Rock, the security was more stricter, and it was killing Gwayne, a whole week he wasn't able to see her, he tried to get over it, convincing himself it was for the better but it did not work, Sevens whatever nonsense words he would say to himself it will never work.
The past few weeks people despise him, Aemond hated him rather, would often discreetly throw him vile insults but Gwayne paid no mind, and that's what anger the prince most.
And here they are, standing in front of him. The prince was on the training grounds when the prince Aemond saw him and challenged him for sword sparring.
"I challenge the Dowager Queen's brother"
"The irresponsible knight, Ser Gwayne" Gwayne rolled his eyes at the insult, Aemond was a young man who knows nothing but to throw vile insults thinking it would be the greatest weapon to have.
Criston was the first to spoke. "My prince Ser Gwayne Hightower is your uncle it would be disrespectful to challenge your older uncle-"
Criston explained but looks like the prince has no intention of listening. It was no secret of Gwayne's skills, an expert in sword and combat, he was raised for the specific specialty as an heir and knight he was taught to hold a sword and fight at a very young age, and he excels.
"It's much more disrespectful to neglect a prince offer, doesn't it?" His one eye placed on his.
Gwayne offered a small smile and nod before he bows for respect. "You are truly right my prince, a shame on my part to neglect your generosity, and it would be an honor to-"
"Honor?" Targaryen prince muttered under his breath with a loud scoff. "Honor is the last thing you deserve uncle"
With the prince last words, he draws his sword and begin to attack the Hightower knight. Everyone on the training grounds did not plan or even wish to intervene between the two skilled swordmen, not even Ser Criston Cole. On the upper part of the castle the King Aegon took a sip from his goblet while watching with a smug look on his face, beside him was the Lord of whispers, Ser Larys Strong.
"Look at them fighting over my dear little sister, what a cunt deprive they are." Aegon laughs watching two kin of his dwell.
"I beg your pardon you grace, Prince Aemond?" Larys asked, he did not expect a such thing from the one-eyed prince, to waste his time and defeat his own for a woman.
"Y/N was the only woman he ever loved, our dearest sister who showed her nothing but gentleness" Aegon explained his hand rotates clockwise to stir the wine in goblet. "Did you not notice how he was not fazed by the idea of betrothing Y/N to Oscar Tully, the Lord of one of the most important houses in the realm but rather he was threatened by a simple knight, our uncle to be exact" Aegon laughs loudly, he finds it quite entertaining to see two dumb men kill each other for a cunt.
But on the other hand, Larys seems like not to get his idea. ''What do you try to say, your grace?"
The sound of laughing that covered them disappeared, the King raised an eyebrow at him, but it later turned into a sly smile.
"Aemond knows who his enemies are, but he only attacks the ones he knows he will lose to" he looked back down the grounds, Aemond was behind Gwayne the prince arm wrapped around the knight's neck.
"Because he knows he has no chance of winning over Ser Gwayne" Aegon said and place his goblet, letting out a loud burp.
Back on the ground the guards were growing worried of the two, Gwayne's army tried to intervene but Gwayne command them not to.
"You think just because you are the brother of the previous Queen you have the right put your hands on the princess?" Aemond whispered his grip tightening.
Gwayne knew, the overprotectiveness, the insults Aemond made after the accidents, the small jealousy that would flash on the prince face when she defended him. Those was plainly all because of his romantic feeling for her.
"I am far better than you could ever be Aemond" he replied striking his elbow right to his patched eye, resulting him to fall on the ground. Gwayne was fast to take his sword from the ground and points it towards the prince.
it made everyone gasp, a treasonous act was displayed.
"Perhaps the prince would wish to ask for different opponent next time, someone who has the same level of skills like him" he said before finally throwing the sword and turning his back. His back dropped to the cold ground, and a sharp dagger was pointed at his neck.
"You shall know your place in here......uncle" Aemond remind him.
Looking around he can see the concerned eyes of his men, but neither of the two paid minds. Aemond pushed his dagger furthermore earning a loud groan from the knight beneath him. "No one in this people would dare to question me if I slit your pretty neck-
All of the attention moved to the princess on the door, behind him was the King Aegon that has a wide annoying smile. Quickly Aemond removed himself above the knight and simply left the training grounds without uttering any words. Before the prince passed her by, she whispered to him.
"What is this about Aemond?" her voice lingered on Aemond's ear.
"You shall not know my dear sister" he only smiled and resume to walk pass her.
The youngest princess sighed out her frustration, oh she knew, she has always known. He did not perfectly hide it. Her gaze moved towards the knights that was helping Gwayne to stand up, the bruises was starting to swell as well as her worries for her.
"Bring Ser Gwayne in my chambers now" she commanded before leaving the grounds.
Her heart was beating fast as she reached the hospital wing of the castle and gathered the things and medicines she will need. She was worried and guilty she knew the exact reason why Aemond did that, she knew her mother will be vexed if someone told her what she just commanded those people earlier. No one was supposed to go near her other than her brothers, sister and mother.
When she opened her chambers, Gwayne was sitting on the chaste his armor is still on, her hands were shaking as she placed the medicines on the top of her drawer. After that night she don't know how she will be able to face him again.
"Princess the Queen would not be pleased to know that you invited me in your chamber without anyone to chaperone"
She exhales and pretend like she did not hear him. "Remove your armor and lay down the chaste."
"But princess-"
"I will not repeat myself again"
Gwayne pressed his lips together and diligently nod and did what he was told to. He was having a hard time removing the damn armors around him, his body was still sore from what all the prince did to him earlier.
The princess immediately moved towards him and helped him with removing his armors, it stunned the knight at the sudden proximity. For a moment he was breathless with her closeness to him, her hands slowly put down the heavy plates and armors around him and Gwayne was finally relieved from his armor she moved back to take a cotton with a medicine to heal his cuts.
Gwayne sat still on her chaste, she sat beside him to tend his wounds, the first tap earns a groan from him, she whispered him to calm down.
How can he? when she was that close and beautiful
But after few minutes they both grew comfortable with each one's presence, Gwayne's body was leaned against the chaste while she was tapping a medicine in the long slit Aemond made on his neck.
She wanted to cry at that moment, she wanted to talk to him about that night even though he made it clear.
"I apologize for what Aemond did, he can be very impulsive sometimes" she managed to start a conversation with her hoping that he would reply.
"He loves you" Gwayne stated, it was hard to let out those words because he did not want to acknowledge someone's romantic feelings for her, but other than that he was scared that you might feel the same towards Aemond.
"I do not wish to talk about that, Aemond is nothing but a brother to me and it will always remain that way" she explained her eyes fixated on his neck, everything about him was gorgeous.
"I apologize for that night princess, I was supposed to be there, to protect you" his words made her froze.
Once again, she was reminded by the horrible night that happened to her, she composed herself as she gathered all the used cottons, the memory of the incident still lingers inside her head, she intends to forget about those as much as she can.
Gwayne noticed her abrupt movements, when she stood up to move away Gwayne had caught her arms pulling her back down on the chaste, his arms snakes behind her and pushed her body close to him. Their closeness did not help the longingness their trying to suppress.
"Please know, I cry out for you, the one thing I can't have" Gwayne spoke as he gently tucks some of her hair strands behind her ear.
"Please do not play with my feelings by doing this you only make-" she was cut off when he seal her into a kiss.
She can feel her muscles relax above him, her hands automatically landing on his chest while she tried to deepen the kiss. She was drowning at their kiss. Meanwhile, Gwayne carefully guided her body above him, his hand behind her waist while the other one was placed on her face.
The two separated to catch their breaths, Gwayne moved his forehead towards her. "Forgive me, my love" his voice was regretful.
"Every night my love, I did nothing but pray to the Gods for their forgiveness and yours, every night I wished to be on your side and comfort you, every night I think of no one but you. Forgive me princess for being a coward daft" he pleaded; his fingers intertwined with her as he brushes his lips to her hand.
"Gwayne that night when they were...." she could not bring to mention the words of what happened to her. "In my mind I was shouting your name hoping you would hear me and save me, I prayed to the Gods to bring you and save me from that horrid situation" her lips formed a smile
A bitter smile with her watery eyes was displayed infront of him. And it shattered him.
"But you shall not to blame yourself" her voice became hopeful, her eyes settled above his blue ones. "I would not be please to burden yourself with guilt"
"i tried to resist my feelings for you, you know" he chuckles. Their body wrapped around each other, "but I was only fooling myself, telling myself that I wasn't devastated by the news of your betrothal with Lord Tully, or whenever prince Aemond was all over you. I had to convince and to repeat to myself that I was in no position to feel that way"
"My betrothal to Oscar Tully is now gone, you have nothing to worry" she explained and sat up beside him.
Gwayne only nodded as he brings his lips to her knuckles "I don't care if it's to happen or not, no matter what will happen I will forever fight for your hand, no matter what consequences I will face"
"Gwayne if you wish we can keep this as a secret"
"I do not wish nor intend to darling" he cupped her cheeks and pulled him into another kiss.
This time he will do everything to have her, he will not leave Kings Landing without her by his side.
His lips move down to her collarbone, his finger moved the fabric that was covering the bruise, the princess tried to hide it, but he stopped her. He pressed his lips on the top of the bruise lightly not wanting to hurt her, if only his lips could remove these horrid marks and replace it with his own, he would gladly do it.
He switched positions with hers, now she was beneath him.
"You must rest, your wounds and bruises are not healed" the princess smiled and stood up, she led him towards her bed.
Tiredness covers the two as they both lay on the bed, when Gwayne opened his eyes, it was almost night he removed himself from her bed and starts wearing his armor again, he has to talk to her sister and start explaining everything, he placed a kiss right on top of her head before exiting her room.
A soon as he closed the door of her chamber, the familiar dagger was settled once again on his neck.
"Does the bruises of my punches not enough or maybe I shall fully-"
Aemond wasn't able to finish his sentence when Gwayne was fast to get the dagger out from his grasp, and quickly moved on Aemond's back, his arm wrapped around the prince neck while his other arm swiftly placed on the top of his other eye.
"I have been patient with you boy" Gwayne spoke, the tip of the dagger moved closer to the prince eye. "But I must tell you that everyone has their limits"
He let go of the prince, gasping for air before Aemond scowled "Do you think the King and your Queen sister would approve of this? no, you will be exiled not only from here but from your position or even worse you'll end up beheaded"
Gwayne showed no hint of fear, "You are right, there's uncertainty of what I am about to do, my life, position and honor will be put in risk because of my actions, but if there is something I cannot risk is my love for the princess."
He had come to the point where he was desperate to be with her.
"I can and I will risk everything just to have her, even if the only chance is impossible, for her I would gladly risk it, my prince"
Gwayne always knew the importance of honor, being the heir of the King's Hand, his father didn't miss any day of reminding him about it, and growing up his principle was just like his father's. But now he was ready to bend everything for her no matter at what cost.
"Prince Aemond you have no idea how far I will go just to prove my love her, you don't know the things I'm willing to do for her."
Gwayne stated before finally walked past the one-eyed prince all confound.
A/N: hello doves i am truly sorry for the long and slow updates, life's been quite busy, had a lot of things going on but anyways please know that i am slowly working on your requests.
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phoward89 · 4 months
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Based on this ask
Obsessed!Coriolanus Snow x Innocent!Reader, Obsessed!Crassus Snow x Innocent!Reader
WARNING ⚠️ Coriolanus Snow is a warning in and of itself. Cussing, obsession, older man/younger woman, father & son both want the same girl, reader is just too sweet for this world and has no idea that the men in the Snow family are toxic...
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Part 1:
You've known Coriolanus Snow and his family ever since you were a little girl. When the war started, you were about 5, and Crassus, Coriolanus' father, helped you, your mother, and your brother get smuggled into the Capitol as a favor to your father, a Colonel who served under him in District 12 while he was a General; the Commander.
Sadly your father, Colonel Javanis Halvir, didn't survive the war. Tragically, Coriolanus' mother died during the first bombing strike on Capitol City. She died in the birthing bed, weeks before she was due, because the bombing had triggered off her labor. Coriolanus' little sister died too. Was stillborn.
But since your families knew one another and lived in the same building they huddled together during the war. Your mother wasn't too thrilled about having to receive help from Grandma’am Snow and a seedy neighbor that owned a nightclub, but she dealt with it in order to survive and protect her children: you and your older brother.
General Crassus Snow barely made it out of the war alive. He was nearly killed in the woods outside of 12. But, alas, he survived and returned home to Capitol City, Panem a war hero. He also came back with a heavily lined pocket although District 13 was destroyed and that's where all of his assets, factories, and science labs were located.
Your mother told you and your brother that Crassus was a cold, cunning, calculating man and that she's positive that he somehow brokered a deal to get paid for the loss of his assets.
What nobody knows, except for the higher powers that be of course, is that Crassus still has his factories and labs in District 13. They're nuclear weapons factories and, since 13 went underground as an independent nation via a hush hush backroom midnight deal between the leader of 13 and Panem's President Ravenstill, a deal that went into effect before the Districts surrender and the signing of the Treaty of Treason. Crassus is a black market arms dealer. He sells his nucs to neighboring countries. Countries that include Canada (yes, they never changed their name after the wars and natural disasters that drastically changed the geography of the world) and a small coalition of old world Eastern European countries that survived the rising sea levels that had eradicated some island countries and shoreline countries of old world Europe.
Crassus Snow takes a lot of out of town business trips to broker illegal arms deals between the underground District 13 and the countries that he's constructed alliances with. General Crassus Snow had no loyalties to Panem any more; his only loyalties were to himself and his family. He also had a sliver of a sense of honor when it came to his old comrade’s family and felt the need to watch over your family: the Halvir family.
But after being shot by rebels, left for dead in the woods, and barely being able to survive long enough to trek back to the PK Base D-12’s hospital, General Crassus Snow truly lost faith in the country that he was supposed to serve proudly. But did he ever truly have faith in Panem as a country since he was in the woods, sneaking like a thief in the night, to get to District 13 to check his assets and his alliances there?
Snow lands on top; Crassus was playing both sides of the war to ensure that his family came out winners. And then when his contacts in District 13 told him of the deal between the President and the Commander of 13, well…General Snow's career as an arms dealer was born.
It paid well and kept the Snow family living high off the hog. Crassus also supported your family with his endless money, much to your mother's dismay.
Your mother couldn't stand Crassus, out on a polite face for Grandma'am Snow, felt sorry for Tigris, and cringed with how you and Coriolanus were the best of friends.
And you remained best friends with Coriolanus Snow as the two of you grew up side by side. You always viewed the friendship as platonic, but a teenaged Coriolanus viewed it as more. He developed a crush on you that quickly turned into a dark, possessive obsession.
But Coriolanus was certain that what he felt for you was love.
And when it came to his father, who he was the spitting image of with the same tall, sinewy build, platinum blonde curls, striking icy blue eyes, chiseled jawline, and prominent nose, well…Crassus Snow had an obsession with you as well. But his obsession was rooted in a darker place than his son's.
The esteemed war here General Crassus Snow has a sick obsession with you because you favor your mother. And, well, when Crassus was a young grunt in 12, serving in the Peacekeepers under his father Xanthos who was the Commander of 12 at that time, he fell for your mother, but she didn't reciprocate his feelings. Instead she fell in love with his friend, Javanis Halvir. Thus the reason you and your older brother were born to Colonel Halvir and Mrs. Halvir.
Feeling jilted and betrayed by the object of his affection and obsession not loving him back, Crassus became a cold, cruel, cold, calculating, and cunning man. He put on his charming smile and wooed a young, pretty, naive girl from Capitol City. Demeter: Coriolanus’ mother.
But he never got over your mother, despite her hating him as the years went on. So you looking just like her once you hit your teenage years has Crassus falling down the rabbit hole into dark obsessive head spaces.
So, unknown to you, your platonic relationships with the men in the Snow family are anything, but that in their eyes. And they don't even know that the other has an obsession with you.
You know what they say…like father, like son.
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It's mid-May of your senior year at the Academy and you're so ready for the school year to end. You can't wait for graduation and for summer break. You also can't wait for the opportunity to spend your summer break hanging out with your best friend, Coryo.
Coriolanus Snow.
But you call him Coryo. Always have, always will.
But in the meantime you spend your weekends at the Snow penthouse; you also go home with him after school a couple of days during the week- much to your mother's dismay.
And this afternoon’s one of those days where you go home with Coryo after school.
“You're staying for dinner tonight, darling. The cook’s making your absolute favorite and I'd hate for you to miss out on it.” Coryo told you on the elevator ride up to the 12th floor of your Corso building.
The elevator had been broken for a few years, but after General Snow slapped some money at the apartment building association maintenance fixed the elevator and Grandma'am Snow was able to leave the penthouse and go out into the world with the help of a can instead of being kept locked up inside like a recluse.
“I hope you didn't ask the cook to make my favorite meal just to get me to stay for dinner.”
“Of course not. They plan the menu, not me.” Coryo tells you, a lopsided lipped smile on his face.
What neither of you knew was that Coryo's father, Crassus, and told (more so demanded) that the cook make your favorite meal. He knew that you'd be easier to sway to eat dinner with him and his family if the smell of your favorite dish was wafting in the air as you hung out with his son in his room.
And that was something Crassus was going to be putting a stop to. He can't have you spending so much time alone in Coriolanus' bedroom. What if the two of you start to become curious about- things…
Ugh, Crassus can't imagine you with his son. He thinks Coriolanus is a sassy, whinny, bratty, weakling of an heir. Too bad he couldn't toughen that boy up; too bad he's too much like his mother. Has too much good in him, can be easily pushed and pulled by a pretty face and the promise of love.
Crassus would prefer it if Coriolanus was more like him. More cold, more cunning, more calculated, and didn't wear his feelings on his damn sleeves.
The elevator stops and the doors ding open, revealing the hallway of the 12th floor. A floor that was solely inhabited by the mighty Snow family. They had the upper level penthouse that took the entire floor. It was quite impressive. You love it, but your mother hates it.
And talk about your mother…
“I know you want me to stay for dinner, Coryo, but I really shouldn't. My mother's been getting on me lately about how much time I spend up here with you.” You tell the boy with the light golden curls as the two of you exit the elevator.
“Your mother needs to take a chill pill. You're my girl, darling. It's completely normal to be spending all of your free time up here.” Coryo tells you while leading you over to the front door of his penthouse, palm of his hand resting lazily on the small of your back.
“I know, Coryo, but my mother hates that we're besties and she wants me to meet new people.”
“Meet new people?” Coryo scoffed, brows furrowed in disdain, as he opened the door to his place. “There's nobody new in Capitol City our age to meet, darling. Not unless you go to the mission in the slums by the rail station and start introducing yourself to those District immigrants that conned their way into our grand Capitol.” The cerulean eyes boy told you while ushering you into his penthouse and down the entrance hallway.
Coriolanus was personally offended by your mother. How dare she tell you to meet new people? You belong to him. You're his girl.
Coriolanus was good at schooling his features, considering he's been doing it his entire life to keep from letting his father know how bad his harsh and hateful words affected him, so you didn't catch onto how upset he was with your mother. No, you thought he was fine. As cool as a cucumber as he led you past the kitchen, where the cook was starting on dinner, and into the main room of the penthouse to acknowledge Grandma’am, who's always sitting in her favorite chair watching her soaps on CapitolTV during this time of the late afternoon.
“Oh, Coriolanus, you're home and I see you brought Y/N over to visit with you.” Grandma'am Snow, who was dressed to the nines in her jeweled turbin, silk tunic, extravagant jeweled brooch, and long strand of pearls. She was the epitome of Old Guard aristocratic lady of fineries and class.
“Yes, Grandma'am I'm home and my darling’s staying for dinner tonight.” Coriolanus smiles at his grandmother.
Coryo silently nudges you forward to give Grandma'am a hug while greeting her. It's something you've done you years and he doesn't want you to stop doing it either since his Grandma’am adores you.
If only Grandma'am could persuade his father that you're a good match for him. The old lady gets it, why can't his father get it? You and Coriolanus belong together; make quite the pair.
But if the platinum haired boy with a halo of curls on his head only knew that he wasn't the only one obsessed and lusting after you- well…
“Good afternoon, Grandma'am. It's so good to see you.” You smile sweetly, hugging the regal old woman that you've come to love and think of as your own grandmother over the years.
“It's also so good to see you too, my dear.” Grandma'am replies, patting your back as she reciprocates the hug. “Has our Coriolanus asked you to the prom yet?” She inquired, as a way to push you and her grandson together, your hug broke apart.
“Not officially, but we have an understanding that we'll be going together since we go to all of the galas, balls, and dances together.” You tell Grandma’am while returning to Coryo's side.
Coryo’s fiddling with the strap of his satchel, that's currently across his chest, as he awaits Grandma'am’s reply. Or, a lecture aimed at him to properly ask you. A lecture she's been giving him daily since the beginning of the month.
And sure as shit, Coriolanus gets his prom lecture.
Grandma'am looks at her grandson, who's his father's spitting image, and firmly tell him, “Coriolanus, properly ask her. You're a Snow and as a Snow doesn't assume things, but makes them happen.” Cutting her eyes at her only grandchild, she orders in a grandmotherly way, “Now, properly as her as your prom date before somebody else tries to snatch her up from you.”
You felt a bit awkward. Grandma'am’s lecture was something you felt she should've given Coryo in private, not while you're by his side. It wasn't meant for your ears, or at least you don't think it was.
Coriolanus’ lips draw taunt into a tight line as he tells his grandmother, “Yes, Grandma'am.” He half nods at her before turning to you. Giving you a smile that shows too many teeth, like a wolf baring its fangs before its prey, he takes your hands in his and asks, “Y/N, my darling rose, will you do me the honor of going to prom with me?”
It felt more like a marriage proposal than a promposal. Aren't promposals supposed to be fun and exciting with songs, dances, and glittery handmade poster boards? Not so serious. Right?
You're already going to prom with Coryo, but since you've been out on the spot with a promposal you have to formally accept. All thanks to Grandma'am.
“Of course I'll go to prom with you, Coryo.” You answered your best friend, causing his icy eyes to sparkle with joy.
It all felt so surreal. A bit heavy too. Honestly, it felt like you were agreeing to give your best friend your hand in marriage right in front of his regal grandmother then agreeing to go to prom.
Unknown to you, you accepting Coryo's proposal was, in fact, you agreeing to a future marriage to him in the delusional minds of both Coriolanus and Grandma’am.
You just signed your freedom away by saying yes to prom and you don't even know it, all because you view your relationship as platonic. Too bad the platinum blonde boy with baby blue eyes and his sophisticated grandma view the relationship as something more.
Coryo's father, Crassus, also views your relationship with his son as platonic. But that's for an entirely different reason; one that would make you gasp from shock if you knew.
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After making Grandma’am Snow the happiest lady alive in Capitol City by accepting Coryo's proposal, you went to his bedroom to do homework with him. And when your class assignments were done, you two just laid on his bed while listening to music.
It was a new album that Coryo had to get the neighbor, Pluribus Bell, to smuggle to him because Crassus refused to give his son the money for the album. In fact the former General turned Minister of National Security, and black market arms dealer, hates the music you and his son listens to. Crassus is more of a classical music and soft jazz type, so he hates the poetic lyrics and the vibe of the beats of the alternative indie and pop you and Coryo enjoy so much.
The album was on its second playback while you cuddled into Coryo's side. His large, but lanky frame always made you feel so safe. So protected. And, your best friend's lanky, he does have solid muscles under his skin.
Having you tucked into his side while lying on his bed listening to the new album that an artist the both of you loves just dropped is like being in heaven for Coriolanus. Growing up the platinum blonde boy with a head full of soft curls and striking baby blue eyes always had you by his side. You're his one constant. No matter what, you're always there for him.
It's what makes Coryo crave you like Dean Casca Highbottom craves his morphling fix every 15 minutes. You always being there for him, being by his side for better or worse during your childhood friendship, is what caused him to grow obsessively in love with you.
But the problem is, in his delusional mind, Coriolanus thinks that you're in love with him too. All because of how you're always letting him cuddle you, hug you, and touch you. Letting him call you darling while you often call him ‘my Coryo' while talking about him to others also has him thinking that your feelings for him mirrors the ones he has for you.
You and Coryo are talking about small things, silly things really, whenever the bedroom door opens with a loud band followed by the deep bellowing of Crassus Snow. “Why're you two alone in here listening to this trash?”
“She's not a trashy singer, father. She's one of the best.” Coriolanus retorted, causing his imposing and stern father to fill his icy eyes at him. “Y/N and I were doing homework and decided to listen to some music afterwards.” Your best friend added in, to answer his father's stupid question about why you're in his room.
“General Snow, if me being alone in Coryo's room with him gets him in trouble with you then I'm sorry; I'll just go.” You apologized to the Snow patriarch while making to pull away from Coryo and sit up.
But your best friend wouldn't let you leave his side. No. Actually, his hold around you tightened.
And that made Crassus pissed. His sniveling brat of a son didn't deserve you. You deserved a real man to care for you; to guide you on your journey of womanhood.
Crassus felt that he's the Snow for you. The only man that can mold you into the perfect Capitolite lady you're meant to be. And when he successfully gets rid of old President Ravenstill and wins the next presidential election, well, he plans on making you his wife and his First Lady.
Whether you like it or not.
With a devious smirk painting his lips, the middle-aged man with slicked back platinum blonde hair and cold, hard, bitter icy eyes tells you, “Please, call me Crassus. After all, petal, with as much time as you spend here you're practically a part of the family.”
General Snow's remark went right over your head. You just nodded and simply said, “Okay.”
You honestly didn't think anything of it. If General Snow wanted you to call him Crassus because of all the time you spent around his son, Coriolanus, then so be it.
But Coryo knew that his father had just become, as fucked up as it sounds, his romantic rival for you. As soon as he heard him call you petal he knew, oh he just knew, that his father's lusting after you.
Coriolanus is his father's son after all. Despite being told time and time again by Crassus that he's too much like his mother, too soft and eager for affection- for love. But what Crassus didn't grasp was that Coriolanus didn't just have his father's looks, but his dark tendencies for obsession and over ‘loving’ his intended lover.
And the son just knew that his father was head over heels obsessed with you because, in fact, he was too. Coriolanus saw the way his father looked at you, as if you're a piece of meat ready to be carved and served, and it disgusts him. You belong to the younger Snow, not the older one.
Giving Crassus a cutting look with his icy eyes, Coriolanus announced in a smug baritone, “Father, my darling rose is going to prom with me as my date.” And then he twisted the knife in his father's black, soulless heart by adding in the three simple but damning words of, “As my girl.”
Crassus’ face turned to stone. Of course, you'd agree to go to prom with Coriolanus. The former general's seething with jealousy. He wants you, why does his son get to take you to prom? Ugh, why can't you just go to prom with a group of girls? Go stag, like single girls do. But no…
You just have to go to prom with Coriolanus. And as his girl too!
Crassus' blood is boiling in his veins. Hearing Coriolanus reveal that he’s made you his girl and is taking you to prom makes him want to tear his son apart limb by limb.
Well, he needs to nip that in the bud.
Perhaps he'll talk to his old, estranged friend Dean Casca Highbottom about being a chaperone at the prom. That way he can keep an eye on you, socialize with you, and keep you from spending the night dancing with his son.
Dancing at prom can lead to other things in hotel rooms after prom. Things that Crassus certainly doesn't want you doing with Coriolanus.
Although Crassus is having an internal meltdown, his appearance stays stern and calm. “I'll make sure your mother has enough money to take you dress shopping.” The middle-aged platinum blonde man assured you.
Cocking his head to the side, Crassus flashes you a savvy smile before looking at his son and giving him a look that rivaled that of Medusa herself. “This door stays open while you two are in here. Only one of you can be on the bed and the other must be at the desk.” Crassus instructed in a stern, authoritarian baritone. “And turn off this music. It's giving me a headache.” He adds in an ordering snap before pivoting on his heel and matching off.
Shaking his head, Coriolanus darkly chuckled, “My father's so pathetic. Having a crush on you.”
“He doesn't have a crush on me, Coryo.” You’re quick to tell your beat friend, writing off his remark as you break your contact with him by sitting up. “He's your father and he's old enough to be mine.” You remind Coryo while making to get off the bed.
Coryo stops you by reaching out and wrapping his hand around your arm. “Just stay on the bed with me. Father’ll never know.” He tells you as you look at him, worrying your lip. But after a few moments, you slowly nod your head and take up your spot nestled into his side once again. “And trust me, from the way he was looking at you, my father likes you.”
“I don't think he does, but if you say so…” You sigh, letting your sentence hang in the air.
But Coryo's right, his father does like you. He likes you a little too much. Just like how his son, your best friend, likes you a little too much.
The million dollar ticket is who’ll snag you up and make you theirs? That's a question only the ancient gods of old know and they're not sharing the answer until the time's right. But until then, father and son will be competing for your heart. A heart that you can only give to one Snow.
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Tags: @kuroosbby001 @purriteen @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst @whipwhoops @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere @savagenctzen @ryswritingrecord @erikasurfer @tulips2715 @universal-s1ut @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans @sudek4l @wearemadeofstardust0 @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 @shari-berri @aoi-targaryen @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1 @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @v-love @swiftieblyth @joyfulyouthlover @harvey-malfoy @chxrrybomb22 @marvel-hiddles-stark @xjinnix @devils-blackrose @zombicupcake3 @jacesvelaryons @tempt-ress
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andromedas-wrath · 2 months
Hi! I saw your post and what you do/don't write and was wondering if you could write anything regarding male hotd characters x Tulley/Riverlands reader? Preferably Tully, they're my favourite house. I don't mind gen neutral but I am fem, either way is okay :)
Hi!! This is my first request (which I’m so happy about, so thank you!! I hope you enjoy! (Edit- yall this took me 3 hours omg.)
family, duty, honor- J. Velaryon
Word count- 2759 words
Summary: Jacaerys travels the river-lands, reaching Riverrun to get House Tully to declare for the blacks. They seem unwilling- until Lord Tully strikes a deal.
WARNINGS: slightly uncanon events, arranged marriage, 18+, speaking of war+violence, medieval customs, romance, p in v, vulgar language, unprotected, but lovey dovey!
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Jacaerys and his men had taken most of the Riverlands for the blacks- securing what seemed to be almost a victory- by blocking out the greens from the majority of the wetlands- it gave them a large upper hand in what battles were going to be.
They took refuge inside the castle of Riverrun, where the Tully’s resided. The large dining hall held many of his men. He stood before the men of house Tully, lord Grover, Oscar, and Kermit Tully all sat in their seats, advisors beside them.
Lord Grover sat on his throne, head propped against his fist, as he spoke, “What brings you to Riverrun, boy?”
Jacaerys remained diplomatic and cool, as he stood straight and replied
“My lord, I come on behalf of my mother, Rhaenyra Targaryen. If you vouch for her claim to the throne, you will earn protection, and be heavily rewarded.”
Whispers spread throughout the court, servants stopping to listen as Jacaerys never slightly turned his gaze from the lords.
Lord Tully licked his lips softly, sitting up straight on his throne.
“You mean to persuade my house, for gold dragons, for protection from whom?”, lord Tully hardened his gaze.
“With your support, my lord, you will have the protection of the men of the north, my men. Alongside that, my mother would gift your people a dragon.”
Lord Tully laughed, leaning back into his seat, a leg thrown over his relaxed one. “Hah! You mean to give me a hatchling, like you did to Lady Arryn?”
Jace’s gaze hardened, yet he remained calm. “No hatching my lord, Vermithor, a fine and aged dragon.”
The lord scoffed, “You dare try throwing a dragon- with no rider into this. You dare embarrass my house- with greybeards and unwanted dragons?”
Jacaerys smiled, slightly angered by the man’s insolence, before replying, “For now he lacks a rider yes, but I assure you, once we find a rider worthy of him, he will be a ruthless one- one who can fight for our claim.”
Lord Tully slammed his cane onto the ground, his grandsons watching him as he leaned onto it, meeting Jacaerys eyes with a dark scowl. “House Tully, will not have such idiocy thrown in our quarters.”
Jace’s jaw tensed, breathing out as he met the lord's eyes. “I mean no harm- lord Tully, I am willing to strike a deal to have your house’s power and land, to fight against the greens.”
Lord Tully’s advisor whispered into his ear, as his face somewhat brightened, as he leaned into his chair, a delighted look on his face, as he spoke, “Prince Jacaerys, it’s come to my attention that you are not betrothed.”
Jace’s gaze hardened, somewhat from surprise and oddity of the question. “I am not.”
Lord Tully turned to his grandson, Oscar. “Go fetch your sister, lad.”
Oscar looked between him and the prince, sensing a rise of tension, as he scurried off, footsteps heard against the cobblestone floors. Jace cocked his head, questioning.
“And just what do you mean- by asking me of my marital status?”
Before lord Tully could answer, Oscar walked back in, a girl trailing behind him, as the court went quiet. She was clad in her house colors, a dark navy dress, her hair done intricately into braids. She curtsied before her brothers, moving beside her grandsire as she sat in her throne next to him, as Jacaerys and her met eyes.
He took in almost every detail he could, her soft features, the way she held herself- it made him swallow hard, before he turned his gaze back to her grandfather.
Lord Tully smiled, a hand motioning to her. “This, is my granddaughter, Y/n. My third-in-line heir of House Tully. She sits here today, a maiden, unbetrothed.”
Jace’s gaze turned from confused, to almost knowing, as he looked between the lords. He held his tongue, as he kept a careful expression.
Lord Tully smiled, “We will take on your- proposition, your gold dragons, grey beards, dragon- if, you take my granddaughter's hand.”
The hall erupted into gasps- whispers- all sorts of muffled noises, as he saw her eyes widen, her gaze falling to her lap. His heart beat in his chest, as shock struck him. He spoke diplomatically, yet fueled with emotion. “Is this some type of joke, Tully? You think that marriage is what it takes- for our support? You mean to throw your granddaughter at me and expect me to agree?”
Lord tullys expression changed, his smile dropping, as his voice dripped venom. “Then Riverrun will have to turn green.”
Jacaerys' face paled as Lord Tully made his threat. His heart began to beat faster and a cold feeling crept through his veins. He didn't want to make more enemies, and the idea of House Tully siding with the Greens was terrifying. He looked at her out of the corner of his eye, the girl's face was expressionless, but her eyes gleamed with something he couldn't quite place. He looked back to the lord, his fists clenching so tightly that his knuckles turned white.
Lord Tully sat up, “So now my prince, I must request- take my granddaughter's hand- or leave.”
Jacaerys' mind was a storm of thoughts, his heart and mind battling each other. He couldn't take his eyes off her, his emotions in turmoil. They needed the Tully’s, for they could not win this war without their support. He hesitated, his breath hitching for a moment, before he replied
"I'll take her hand."
Her and her brother’s eyes met, as her mouth gaped slightly open, gasps and whispers spreading through the castle, before lord Tully let out an amused laugh, standing on his cane, pulling her into a side hug. “What a glorious day for Tully history!”
The room erupted into cheers, as Jacaerys gaze locked onto her form, as she squeezed out of her grandfather's grasp, running up the stairs and away from the attention. Jace felt his body move after her, as he followed her down the torch-lit halls.
He found her, standing as she looked out the window, watching the rain. He approached her side, as she turned to meet his gaze. He finally managed to break the silence.
“I wanted to speak to you.”
She nodded softly, turning back to the window. “I assume, this isn’t of your heart’s desire.”
He looked out the window, thinking of how to reply. “It’s- not what I imagined when I thought of taking Riverrun,” he paused “It’s unexpected, is all.” He met her gaze once again, as her face was lit by the torches.
Her gaze hardened slightly. “I never expected, to be auctioned off as such. I, am a lady, I have always been told “Family, duty, honor”, for it is what drives house Tully, my prince.”, she met his gaze, turning to him. “If that means that- I must marry you, then I grant myself to you.”
He met her gaze, taking her hand, his larger hand holding her hand to his lips, as he placed a whisper of a kiss over her knuckles. “If it helps, I never imagined this either.”, he fiddled with her hand. “But I am not against having your hand, my lady.”
Her face slightly softened, a soft flush covering the tip of her nose and the apples of her cheeks. “I never imagined you to be such a gentleman.”
He slightly grinned, cocking an eyebrow, as he spoke lowly, “Do I seem so cocky, my lady? How you ail me.”, he teased.
She smiled, and he swore his heart increased double, if not triple. He took in her soft expression, and for a moment, he didn’t feel so guilty about being okay with having her all to himself. She caught his gaze, as they both were lost to eachothers intense analysis.
He felt a wave of confidence, as tucked her stray hairs away from her face, whispering, “I never knew tullys for their beauty, until you, my lady.”
She shivered beneath him, her eyes fluttering, as she whispered. “I wish you to call me by my name, as I should call you yours.”
His breath caught, as he softly smiled. “Y/n. A pretty name, fit enough for your beauty.”, he rested his hand on her face.
She met his eyes, as a soft recognition of want- desire was felt between them. He slowly moved towards her, limits of inches between them, as they could almost hear eachothers hearts beneath their own touch.
She moved her own hands to his face, pushing soft curls away from his face, as she whispered, “Is it wrong for me, to desire your lips upon mine?”
He froze for a second, looking between her eyes, taking a shaky breath as he took her all in. He finally spoke,
“No.” His thumb caressed her cheek. “It’s not wrong, for I long for you too.”
She met his gaze with a small smile. “Then, if I’ve heard right, Velaryon men are men of action.”
His gaze darkened, as he closed the further distance, pulling her close to him, as he leaned down, whispering to her lips, “You’ve heard correctly my lady, for we also have little patience.”
He pressed his lips into her plush ones, as he felt a spark between them, as if all breath was lost to her. He placed a hand behind her head, not prince-like of him no, but all he felt was a pure, pure desire for her, and he didn’t care who they were. She whimpered into him, as a hand grasped his cloak, pulling him impossibly closer.
He felt as if he was swimming in the depths of a dream, her noise urging him further, as his hands explored her soft body, clutching her dress in his hands, finding anything to pull her closer.
She pulled away for air, gasping as she met his eyes, her once bright eyes, darkened with desire. She spook, breathless.
“My room- a stride away.”, she whispered out.
His gaze darkened, his heart beating in his throat. Images of them- in her room flashed through his mind, as he nodded, speaking lowly.
“Lead me, pretty one.”
As she closed the door to her quarters, he was on her in a second, pinning her against the large wooden doors as their lips met in a heated dance. He tangled his fingers in her hair, as he angled her neck open, for his mouth to mark her. She whimpered as he sucked, leaving marks all over. He groaned out, moaning against her.
“You’re mine for the taking.”
She pulled his head away slightly, panting as she whimpered out, “the bed, please Jacaerys.”
He didn’t need to be told twice, as he carried her to her large canopy bed, laying her down on the soft covers, climbing above her and pinning her down, holding her close, as his eyes studied her.
“Gods- I have never seen such a sight as you.”
She sat up, holding his face, speaking softly, “Remove my dress.”
He felt a jolt of heat and desire run through him at her request and didn’t need to be told twice. He helped her sit up, his hands going to the laces that held her dress on her body. Slowly and gently, he untied the laces, revealing more and more of her skin to him. He took his time, his eyes roaming over the newly exposed flesh, his fingers brushing against her skin in the process. Her dress fell off the bed, as she laid amongst the sheets, her nude body shown to him.
He shuddered out a groan, as he simply stared. He was new to all of this- contrary to many thoughts of him. He was a soldier, a dragon rider, yes- but he was not familiar with a gift from Aphrodite- such as her. The mere sight of her sent blood straight to his hardening cock.
He quickly removed his garments, as he climbed on top of her, caging her, his muscular body holding her carefully, as he pressed a scorching kiss to her lips, his hands wandering over her body.
His touch was nervous- gentle, but filled with the need to memorize your curves, everything.
She spoke up, differed from her soft moans, “Gods- I need you Jacaerys- I can’t take this.”
His heart skipped a beat at her words. The urgency in her voice, the need and the desire in her eyes - it was almost too much for him to bear. His own lust and need for her were almost overwhelming, and he knew he couldn’t keep her waiting any longer.
“I’m here.”
He reached a nervous hand down to her heat, watching her reaction, as she swiped a digit through her wetness, as she whimpered. He groaned alongside her, teasing her by accident, before she grasped his hand, and lead a finger into her softly. He groaned, feeling how she took him in, held him so close. He slowly moved his finger, thriving off her noises, as he slowly humped her leg. He huskily spoke, groaning.
“Gods- you hug me so good- can’t imagine how it will really feel.”
She moaned from his talk, shivering. She uttered out a response. “If you keep speaking like that- I won’t be able to keep you away for much longer-“
His cock jumped, as he groaned. From that, he stopped his movements, turning her head towards him. “Do you want me, pretty thing? Want to feel me?”
She moaned in response, meeting his eyes with frequent nodding, and pleading. “Gods yes- just take me now-“
And with that, he pulled his hand away, earning a whimper from which he smiled, he pushed her legs apart, settling between her. He noticed her nervous expression, as he kissed her lips slowly and softly, pulling away to meet her eyes. “Do you want this?”, he spoke softly
She nodded softly, biting her lip. “Im a maiden, Jacaerys.”
He smiled softly, holding her hand. “I’ve never done this either- I want to learn with you.”
She nodded, as he looked down, positioning himself, as he slowly inched in, groaning as she took him in. They both moaned together, trembling.
“Gods you’re- amazing. Never thought it would be this good.”
she whimpered, holding his hand tight. He noticed her tense, as he stopped, meeting her eyes, “are you alright? I can stop-“
“No- no please don’t-“, she uttered out. “You feel- you’re huge, Jacaerys.”
He shuddered, moaning from her praise, as he started to move. “Keep talking like that and I won’t last long-“
They moaned in unison as his movements progressed in speed and depth, his hands trembling as he held her hips, slapping noises echoing across her chambers.
He met her eyes- and that’s where he almost came down. She looked angelic, her eyes stuck on him, her face twisted in pleasure, as her arms wrapped around his neck, her legs pinned behind his back. He pressed his lips to hers in an instant, quickening his pace. She moaned into him, speaking, whilst meeting his eyes.
“Feels so good- gods- I’ll give you an heir, anything you want-!”
And that's where he felt like he almost died. Giving her an heir- fueled him faster, making him groan, his hips snapping into hers as he sucked hard on her neck, popping off as he whispered.
“Fuck- I’ll give you as many as you want- gonna make sure it sticks-“
Their moans pitched higher, as he started to whimper, his head falling into her chest. “I can’t last much longer- you’re too tight-“
“Come down with me- please-“
His movements turned sloppy, as he quickly pressed his lips to hers, his hips stilling, as they moaned into each other's mouths, his seed filling her.
He pulled away, kissing her cheeks, as he pulled out slowly, both groaning from the loss of contact, as he slumped beside her, pulling her into his chest.
She rested her head on his chest, looking into his eyes, with a breathless smile, which he met with a bashful smile.
She smiled, fluttering her eyes shut, speaking, “Quite improper for a prince, bedding his wife before they are married.”, she teased.
He flushed softly, pulling her closer. “You’re saying you didn’t like it?”She laughed softly, shaking her head.
“I’ve never felt more loved, Jacaerys.”, she met his eyes.
They both melted into each other, naked bodies embraced under the might of the gods, old and new.
Houses intertwined for family, duty, honor, and more importantly, love.
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allbark-no-bite · 10 months
marriage and honor.
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jake seresin x reader (wc: 6.5k)
summary: the Navy has already taken two people from your life, and you don’t intend to let there be a third. that is until Jake Seresin walks into your life
warnings: severe plot holes, mentions of character death, swearing
authors note: based off of the movie Purple Hearts. it’s a great movie and i highly suggest watching it! please bear with me in the beginning of this, the plot holes fix themselves, i promise lol. i literally threw this together because i wrote one scene for shits and giggles and had to commit to it
(read parts two and three here: december and devotion, cats and christmas)
No one ever expects to have to bury their brother at fifteen. Kinda just like no one expects to have to bury their other brother at eighteen. But you do it the first time and then you do it again three years later. It's a bit like deja vu the second time, like you're reliving the actual nightmare all over again. Except this time there's no one to hold your hand and tell you it's all going to be alright because he's dead and buried too.
They both die honorable deaths in service to their country. At least that's what they say at the memorials. You're not so sure there's anything comforting about dying honorably. They're both still dead, honored or not.
Raised by your grandparents, you'd grown up the youngest of three on a military base smack dab in the middle of San Diego, better yet known as Fightertown USA. True military brats, your old brothers enlisted straight out of high school, one after the other. As their young and impressionable kid sister, you worshiped the ground they walked on and had your heart set on following in their footsteps. That was of course, until they both went and died.
'Sometime these things just happen', is what you were told. And you know, freak accidents do happen. Engines fail, training exercises go awry, safety precautions are ignored. But that doesn't make up for the fact that lightning has, against all odds, stuck the same place twice.
So after the Navy takes away not one but two people from your life, you swear off all things to do with military life. The moment you graduate high school you pay out of pocket just to move off of the base into a shitty the-bedroom-and-bathroom-are-in-the-same-place apartment. You go to college and get the kind of degree that looks good on paper but you can't really get a job with. But it's fine because it helped you to put the past behind you and move on. So much that when your grandmother passes away unexpectedly, leaving your grandfather widowed, you're able to stomach moving back closer to home to take care of him.
At least, you'd thought that you had moved on.
Now, standing in the middle of the courthouse wearing what had been your college graduation dress (the only white dress you could find on such short notice) and watching the man before you slip a ring on your finger, you're not so sure. As a matter of a fact, you actually feel sick, queasy like you might have to bend over the nearest trashcan to get the blood rushing to your head again. That might would be a good idea because what the hell were you thinking.
Jake must take notice of the expression on your face because he offers you a weak smile, his pink lips pressed together. The same thought must be running through his mind too because he also looks like he might be sick at any moment.
What the hell were either of you thinking?
"I now pronounce you husband and wife." Thankfully the minister is too bored looking with his own job to notice that both of you are looking worse for wear. He also completely forgets to say 'you may now kiss the bride', which is another thing to be thankful for. That might have been the straw that broke the camel's back and sent both you and Jake running for the hills. Instead he mumbles a unenthusiastic congratulations and departs from the room, leaving you and Jake standing numbly side by side.
In the following seconds after the minister leaves the room, silence settles between the two of you, partially due to shock and partially because you don't even know what to say. It's a sight, Jake in his pristine navy dress whites and you in your too short college graduation dress.
Finally, Jake clears his throat, swallowing. "Well, there's no turning back now."
*queue rewind noise* 
You may be wondering how we got here.
*six days ago*
"C'mon baby, you didn't think that was funny? Girls usually love that line."
He'd been after you all night, smiling, cracking jokes, buying you beers. You had to admit, he was nothing if not persistant.
"Unfortunately for you, I don't date funny guys." Despite your tone, you're actually genuinely amused by the situation. He's trying so hard, and it's getting him absolutely nowhere.
He's handsome, without a doubt the most attractive man at the bar, but he could be the most attractive man in the world and you still wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole. Not with that smile and defiantly not with that uniform on.
"And why is that?" he laughs, undeterred by your blatant disinterest. His friends are watching, have been watching the two of you do this dance all night, and he's not about to back down now.
You watch the smile lines that appear on his tanned face, the way his eyes crinkle in amusement as he awaits on your answer. He's probably a few years your senior, early thirties if that's anything to go by.
"Funny guys are dangerous. They make you laugh and laugh and then boom you're naked."
His smile twitches and yeah, you can be funny too, wise guy.
"Is that where you think this is going?" he asks.
"Where else would it be going?"
And that's how it all started. The beginning of the end.
"You know navy spouses get a monthly stipend and are allowed to live on base?"
You remain facing the bar, peeling at the label on your bottle, not bothering to glance to your side. "You know, I really fucking wish Natasha would keep her mouth shut."
"It's no one else's fucking business what—"
He grabs the seat of your stool, nearly jerking it out from under you as he pulls it closer to his own. "Listen to me," he growls, a stark change from his usual demeanor.
Stubbornly leaning away so that you're not so close, you regard him with suspicious and narrowed eyes. You raise an eyebrow as if to say he's got your attention, however unwillingly.
"Right now, we're both in a tight spot, okay?"
You knew about his dad. Heard the whole spiel from Natasha— who you're learning that while, your best friend, cannot be trusted to keep her mouth shut— about how they weren't on good terms, hadn't talked since Jake got into the academy, and suddenly he calls out of the blue to tell Jake that he'd had enough of his son's playing around and that it was time for him to start thinking about getting married. That if he didn't within the next few months, he'd arrange the whole thing himself.
"You need a place to live—" You shush him, eyes darting to the people around you. You don't need anyone knowing that you can't exactly afford to pay your rent. Jake rolls his eyes because he doubts anyone could hear him even if he was yelling with how loud it is in the bar, but he lowers his voice regardless. "You need a place to live, and I need to get my old man off of my back..." He trails off, as if you should know where he's going with this.
You don't. You're just staring at him with an increasingly annoyed expression on your face, wondering how soon you can get out of this conversation.
He takes a deep breath and sighs. 
"Hear me out, okay? What if we get married?"
You had actually laughed in his face at first, and Jake was so dead serious about it that he didn't even dwell on the fact that it was the first time you had laughed at something that he'd said.
"Not a chance in hell, Seresin,"  had been your second response. But that's the thing with pretty guys, they can be awfully convincing.
It all happens so fast that you have metaphorical whiplash. Next thing you know, you're wearing a brand new diamond on your finger and going out to the bar with his entire squad the night before their deployment.
Of course, they're all a bit shocked at first. You would be too. You and Jake hadn't exactly been even remotely civil with each other just a few days prior. But if any of them are suspicious of your's and Jake's sudden union, they don't let on, all too happy to have something to celebrate before they ship out. Fanboy and Payback have each brought their wives and Natasha her girlfriend as well. You suppose you're expected to mingle with them, maybe shed a tear or two over the shared bond that your partners are going across the country, but you can't really find a way to connect with them so you kind of just avoid them altogether. You do feel bad, sitting there without a care in the world while they all try to offer comfort and reassurance to each other. But you don't really know what else to do because it's not like you're exactly sad.
Thankfully Javy, or as he's known, Coyote, stands up and raises his near empty bottle of beer in the air and saves you from anymore uncomfortable sitting. "I'd like to make a toast! To the newlyweds!" You spoke too soon. The table cheers and raises their bottles in response, all of the attention turning to where you and Jake are sitting. Cheeks immediately flushing, you have to refrain from sinking down in your seat. Jake is grinning, accepting the few rough pats on the back that he receives from Rooster beside him.
And just when you think that's the worst it's going to get, it gets worse.
You're not sure who starts it, but like teenage boys, the entire squad parrots in unison.
"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"
At first Jake just laughs and shakes his head good naturedly, shrugging off the insistent urging of his friends, and you think that's going to be the end of it. But the chanting doesn't stop and finally Jake turns towards you. Your face is probably red hot and undeniably panicked. Heart racing, you try to read him in the half second that you're given as he leans and wraps his arm around you. Is he going to kiss you? Are you supposed to kiss him?
Neither option happens. Jake's arm wraps around your shoulders, pulling you close into his side and at the last moment, he turns to press a kiss to your cheek. A series of disappointed boos follow but they are drowned out by clapping for the most part. He's uncomfortably close, closer than you ever would have liked to be to Jake Seresin, but you have to remind yourself that it's all for show. When Jake does turn away, you can still feel the warmth of his lips smeared against your cheek. Even so, he hasn't let go of you pressed into his side. 
Your heart still racing, you reason with yourself that if Jake can play the part, you might as well too, and under that pretense, allow yourself to hide your face into his shoulder to conceal it's redness. The smell of his cologne washes over you, and oddly enough, you don't hate it. It's subtle, with a hit of what might be amber, and nothing like the overwhelmingly masculine scent that you would have pegged him for. 
If Jake finds your sudden willingness to touch him strange, he doesn't comment on it, likely assuming that you're just trying to make this thing between the two of you seem real. You somewhat reluctantly pull away when Coyote's voice raises again.
"And here's to shooting down some fucking MiGs!"
Again, the table erupts into a chorus of cheering and hollering. You still, allowing Jake to fully pull away from your side while the proclamation rings out in your head. It's a very grounding moment, and suddenly you feel very alone sitting at the table. No one seems to have noticed your shift in mood. Maybe you're the only one put off by Javy's statement because this is their reality. There are people who are not coming home from this mission; everyone just likes to assume it won't be them. You know better.
You can't help it, the words just come out of your mouth. "That's a fucked up thing to say."
It's the first time you've really spoken up the entire night and all heads turn towards you. Based on the look in Jake's eyes, which is a bit apprehensive, as if he knows this is headed nowhere good, you realize you probably should have just kept your mouth shut.
Payback shifts uncomfortably in his chair while the rest of the crew glances around the table wearing varying states of confusion. Their gazes shift from you to Jake, as if waiting for some sort of explanation. 
Coyote is the first to break the silence. "Look, sweetheart, that's just the way things are. Here in the Navy, that's a badge of honor. Your boy Hangman here is the only one of us with a confirmed air-to-air kill."
"(Y/n)—", Jake attempts to interject, but you're not about to let him explain himself to you in front of all these people.
You set your jaw and swallow back the anger threatening to rise up in your throat. "Yeah, because killing people is so honorable."
Coyote scoffs. "We're just doing our jobs. And if that means taking down a few planes while we're at it, so be it."
"Your job is to protect people," you snap. "There are people out there who have families—"
"Alright, that's enough—" Jake begins to interject for the second time, but this time it's Coyote who interrupts him.
"Come on, man. You're really going to let her say that kinda shit—"
You stand up. "I don't need his permission to—"
"I SAID ENOUGH." This time it's startling enough to cut both of you off. "(Y/n), what is your fucking problem?" Jake snaps.
You flinch at the harshness of his question.
Your eyes travel around the quiet table, where everyone is holding their breath, and then back to Jake. His green eyes reflect a type of pissed off what would be terrifying if you weren't so angry yourself.
A small, logical part of you knows that he has a right to be angry. You've picked a fight for no apparent reason in front of his friends and he hasn't the slightest clue why. It's not his fault your brothers are dead and you blame the Navy for it.
Regardless, that doesn't make up for the fact that you're pissed off by his defense of what Coyote has said. Even though you probably owe him an explanation, you're not about to answer him when he's just yelled at you. You also know that if you don't say something, he's going to and you'd rather die before letting him tell you off in front of all these people. You abruptly push away from the table and storm off for the bar top. You can hear Jake chasing after you.
You ignore him in favor of heading towards the back door of the Hard Deck, pushing past people regardless of whether they're in your way or not. Being slightly more considerate, you can hear Jake moving much slower as he excuses himself through the crowd.
You come to a stop once you reach the door, spinning on your heels with a fire in your eyes.
"What's my problem?!"
Behind you, you can hear the loud jesting and jeering of his friends back at the table. They're still ruffled with excitement from your outburst, and Coyote's voice follows your retreating back. "Jesus man, get your girl under control."
I'm not his girl, you want to snap. He doesn't own me.
Jake has stopped a few feet away from you. 
"What's my fucking problem?! My problem is that your friends are sitting over there calling murder honor."
Jake sighs harshly though his nose. Shaking his head, green eyes looking up, he begins, "He didn't mean—"
"No. I know what he meant, Jake. You're all a bunch of cowards. You're all too goddamn scared to admit that maybe you're not doing as much good as you thought over there, and so you just justify it by saying all killing is good killing, right?" you spit.
His vibrant green eyes harden but he doesn't respond. "That's some real goddamn honor, right, Jake?" you repeat, angrier this time, wanting more than just some watered down reaction from him. If there's one thing that pisses you off about Jake, it's that you've never gotten anything more than what he's conditioned himself to respond with. It's like he's locked up in this stupid box of his and the most you can ever get out of him is a glance. You want him to be angry with you.
"That's enough." His jaw is tight, and you can tell that even despite his lowered voice and rather subdued demeanor, you've hit a nerve.
"Admit it. Admit that you—“
"(Y/n)." His voice adopts a seriousness that you've never heard from him before. It sounds almost dangerous.
Jake steps towards you and for a moment you think you've won. And then in the moment following that, you actually think that he's going to get physically angry with you. Your heart stalls. Jake's a big guy, a naval aviator, and no matter how good he sells himself to be, he could hurt you if he wanted too. You would never have pegged him as someone who would put his hands on a girl, even after only knowing him for a week, but a man is a man, perfectly ironed uniform or not.
Only he doesn't. Instead he steps into your space and leans in closer than you've  ever been before. His hand presses into your back, firmly pulling you into his chest so that you have no choice but to shift closer to him, your bodies molding together. "I said that's enough. They can see us arguing."
The press of his mouth to your ear conceals the exchange of your conversation from the listening table. You can smell his cologne on the starched collar of his uniform.
"I don't care if they see us—" Pushing your palm into his chest, you try to reestablish the distance between you, but like a brick wall, Jake doesn't budge.
"You realize that we have to make this look real?" he hisses. "From here on out, they're watching everything we do. The government is watching everything we do. Do you understood that?" His voice is tense, and it sounds more urgent than angry now.
Standing there, you realize his heart is thumping heavily beneath your palm. His body is uncomfortably rigid, like a scared dog waiting for its owner to show up and see the mess he's made. Behind you, the table has gone relatively quite. Rooster murmurs something along the lines of, "It's a little early for there to be trouble in paradise already."
Someone—Coyote—responds, "I don't think he thought this through, man. They won't last two weeks."
Jake's eyes meet yours, and you know he can hear them too. You swallow, trying to relax a little in his grasp. He's right, you have to make this look real, and fighting right off the bat doesn't exactly look good.
"Are they still looking at us?" You finally ask, leery now to even speak too loud.
Jake breathes a sigh of relief beside your ear, taking your sudden quiet as cooperation. "Yeah, just keep talking, okay? Act like we're working it out."
Despite trying to appear more comfortable than you are, you don't move your hand from his chest. The coarse material of his dress whites rises and falls steadily beneath your palm. It's calming in a sense, and you try to focus on its rhythm rather than the fact that you're so close that you can feel the heat of his mouth beside your ear.
"Still looking?" You ask after a few moments pass.
He hums. "Yep."
"Well then what do we do? We can't just stand like this forever." The longer you stand together, the more details you become aware of. Like the fact that his face is freshly shaven against your cheek and that he must have brushed his teeth before this because his breath smells like Listerine.
"Look at me."
"What?" You ask, your brow furrowing as he pulls away. His hand that had been holding your waist firmly in place lifts to grip your jaw.
"You're going to have to kiss me," he explains, glancing briefly over your shoulder.
"What?" Before you can even protest, he's leaning in and pressing his mouth to yours. Without the time to process what exactly is happening given your state of alarm, all you can do is go along with it. His lips mold against yours in what might be the most borderline tame kiss you've ever had. Despite this, you are reluctantly surprised to note how good of a kisser he is. It's just forceful enough to let you know he's in control but not so much that it's unpleasant. His lips are full and taste vaguely of his mouth wash.
You don't kiss him back.
It makes no difference to the group behind you whether you actually kiss or not; they can't tell from this distance and all they have to do is believe it happened. It's more for your own self preservation than anything. It's one thing to play the part, it's another thing to get caught up in it and catch feelings. And with Jake Seresin, that was a dangerous game to play. You'd already felt it, him prying his way under your skin when he'd held you at the table and the smell of his cologne filled your sense. It would be that easy.
To his credit, Jake lingers just long enough to make the kiss believable before pulling away. Even si, it still feels uncomfortably long. He leans back and you don't miss the fact that he wipes his hand across his mouth. "Sorry," he mutters under his breath, looking away.
"Jake..." you begin, immediately feeling bad, but he stops you.
"Whatever, (Y/n). It's fine." He won't look you in the eyes now. You turn to look over your shoulder, desperate to get yourself out of this increasingly bad situation .
"They're not looking," you say, finding the table now amicably chatting with each other rather than focused on the two of you. The sudden PDA must have finally diverted their attention. "...you can step away now."
"Right," he says, clearing his throat awkwardly. Jake drops his hand from your waist and steps back like he's glad to finally put some distance between the two of you. So much for making this look natural.
You return to the table shortly after, in hand to make it appear as if you've made up and smiling tightly when Bob cheerily welcomes you back to break the awkward silence. Once seated, you drop each other's hand beneath the table immediately. The rest of the evening is spent avoiding contributing to conversations that involve the other. If anyone notices, they don't comment on the fact that the two of you hardly look at each other for the rest of the evening, and somehow you manage to put up an otherwise happily married front.
When a few of the guys finally get a little bit too drunk, specifically Rooster, you're all too happy when Natasha calls it a night. Because they ship out the next day, Jake drives you back to the hotel where all of the married couples have rented out a room for the night. Apparently it's a tradition or something. You make the drive in silence. You let him check into the room and carry both of your bags up, disappearing into the small bathroom to splash cool water onto your face. It helps to ease some of the tension from this evening. Leaning over the sink, you watch the water swirl down the drain.
Is this crazy? This is crazy, right?
Jake is sitting on the edge of the bed, head in his hands when you step out. He's taken off his hat and suddenly he seems a lot more fragile than he was a few minutes ago. There's a softness to him, something having been previously concealed by the precise styling of his hair and tense pull of his set jaw. Before you can break the silence, he sucks in an uneasy breath.
"Hey, we need to talk about something. Um, you know... in case I..."
In case he doesn't come back.
You swallow, looking down at the ground. After tonight, after he's kissed you, all of this is starting to feel a little bit to real. What the hell happened to pretending? This was all supposed to be pretend. "Jake, please don't do that—"
He stands up from the end of the bed, and you notice the folded paper in his hands. "This is all of my personal information, you know, bank accounts, passwords, phone numbers... Anything you might need if something happens to me." He says it all as if it's so normal, but you can hear the apprehension in the thinness of his voice.
Already, you're shaking your head as he hands you the letter. "Jake, please. I don't want that." Your heart is pounding and all you want to do in the moment is go back in time and never have agreed to do this in the first place. This was insane. What were you thinking? Like you were going to put yourself through this again? 
"(Y/n)—“ Jake tries, interrupting your spiral of thoughts.
"I said NO, Jake," you snap, stepping back from him and the letter. There are tears burning at the backs of your eyes, like you might burst into a hit of hysteria at any moment. "I change my mind. I can't do this..."
Jake's eyes glance from you to the paper in his hand and then back to you, and then he drops his outstretched arm with what sounds like a laugh. "Right. Not like we're fuckin' married or anything." He releases a puff of air from his cheeks and runs his hand through his hair like he's contemplating pulling it out. "Do you know how screwed we are if anyone finds out about this? Do you, (Y/n)??" he asks, his voice rising to a concerning level. "We're done!" 
"Jake, I—"
He tosses the letter onto the bed and sits back down with a heavy sigh, looking down at his feet. When he finally speaks again, his voice had lowered to a more acceptable volume. "It's a bit too late for you to back out now. If the Navy finds out about this— if anyone one finds out about this, I could lose my job. We could both go to jail."
Silence settles over the two of you as Jake sits on the bed, staring at his feet, and you stand there in the middle of the room, willing your heart to stop pounding in your chest. You need to get out of here before your heart implodes. You turn and grab your coat from by the door.
"Where are you going?"  Jake asks, his voice tired and annoyed.
"I need some air," you say, shrugging on your coat and opening the door. He doesn't try to stop you on the way out. 
You regret the decision the second that you walk out the door. Now that the sun is gone, it's freezing outside. Your original plan had been to go for a walk to clear your head but you doubt now you'd make it very far. Walking down the stairs and out into the nearly empty parking lot, you look around, considering whether or not you would survive the trek to a gas station. When you realize you've left your phone back in the room, you decide against it. You aren't dumb enough to walk in the dark alone. Instead you head towards Jake's truck, which is parked out by itself at the end of the lot. To your surprise, you find it's unlocked and the door swings open when you tug on the handle. You climb in and the switch to lock the door behind you. Even the inside of the car is cold but at least it's out of the wind. You hug your knees into your check and tuck your chin into them, curling up in the driver's seat to keep warm.
And then you just sob.
It's the kind of sobbing that starts long and drawn out and then escalates into the rapid breathing that happens when you can't get enough air into your lungs and it feels as though there's an entire golf ball stuck in your throat. You haven't cried this hard since you were a kid—since your first brother died. You didn't cry the second time, didn't allow yourself to feel anything the second time because you knew there wasn't going to be anyone to pull you back together if you did. 
At least being away from all of this had allowed you some time to forget, even if for just a moment, that they were gone without having to be constantly reminded. You had moved to put as much distance between yourself and the Navy as possible. Because that way life wouldn't get the chance to take another person from you in the same way. Looking at the ring on your finger now, that's exactly the opposite of what you had just done. This was just supposed to be until you could get back on your feet, and if it helped Jake out in the process then great. Now that you think about it, it was stupid of you to think that you would be able to make it through this with out catching feelings for him. 
Now you're going to lose him too.
You cry until you almost make yourself sick and then some more. Your sobbing is interrupted every few minutes when you choke on your own air and have to swallow the golf ball that is lodged in your throat so that you can breathe. You're not sure how long you sit there just crying. Surely at least an hour has passed. By the time your sobbing has slowed, your head hurts and your chest aches enough to be sore.
Knock knock knock
You jump at the noise, head shooting up from between the bracket of your knees. It's dark outside, the parking lot just barley lit in a wash of grey by the moon. Even so, you can make out Jake's broad figure in the darkness.
"Open the damn door." His order comes out in a puff of frosty condensation that warms a spot on the window, his voice only partially muffled by the barrier. His shoulders are hunched against the cold, the upturned collar of his coat doing little to protect him from the brutal conditions.
For a while you just stare at him through the window, swallowing back the spit in your throat.
"Open the door," he repeats, knowing better than to think that you can't hear him. If only locking yourself in his car was the solution of all of your problems. Reluctantly, you reach over and click the lock, slowly rolling down the window.
After it stops, you stare at each other through the open car window, separated only by the frame of door that he could now easily reach out and open. His soft brown hair is mushed and in disarray, nose and cheeks tinted pink form the chill. The pleasant green of his eyes is mostly hidden as he squints against the wind.
Finally, you suck in a breathe, your chest shuddering. "I cannot do this," you stress, all of the fear that you've been shoving down now presenting itself in a singular sentence.
Jake sighs, his face softening to reflect a look of sympathy. "Look, I promise you, it's not that bad. You'll come with me to the carrier when I ship out tomorrow, we'll hug each other goodbye, and then you won't even have to see me for a couple of months. It'll be like none of this ever happened. And when I come back... we'll figure it out. Okay?" His voice is soft and understanding, like he's talking to a child.
You stare at the dashboard, your stomach still churning anxiously. "That's not what I'm... It's not you, Jake." Quite the opposite. "I lost my brothers to the Navy. Both of them. And I don't think I can take losing anyone else."
Immediately Jake's face falls as he puts everything into place. Your initial distaste for him, your furious outburst at Hard Deck, your reluctance to have have anything to do with the Navy... "I—God, I'm so sorry, (Y/n). I had no idea."
You shrug, calming down now that you've finally let go over everything that you've been holding in. "I asked Natasha not to tell you. I just thought that I could get over it so what was the point in even telling you?"
The wind blowing into through the open window is bone chilling and so you can only imagine how cold Jake is standing outside the car. For a while there's only the sound of his quiet breathing.
"Nothing's going to happen to me, (Y/n)," he says into the darkness.
"How can you be so sure?"
Hands shoved into his pockets, body braced against the wind, he shrugs. "I'm not. But if I didn't tell myself that every morning, I'd never get out of bed."
Sighing, you pull the handle on the inside of the door. "C'mon, it's fucking cold out there."
Jake huffs as if to say, you're telling me, and grabs the handle to pull open the door. Only instead of climbing in, he steps further inside the door and grabs your head in his cold hands so that your faces are mere inches apart. "I mean it, kid. I'm not going to leave you, alright? You just gotta trust me."
Looking into his eyes, you know he means it. For the second time since you've known Jake, you really see him. Standing before you is the same man that you saw in both of your brothers. Granted, they were much younger than he is now, but you get it. You'd been trying to see him as anyone else other than the brothers you lost, praying that it would hurt less, but you can't make someone into something they're not. 
"Okay," you whisper. "I trust you, Jake."
You're awake hours earlier than what you're used to in the morning, but that's only because you had glanced at the alarm clock at half past three and realized that you only had few hours left with Jake. The both of you had returned to the hotel room and changed in comfortable silence, slipping into the single bed together without a word. Jake had reached over and pulled you into him without so much as a second thought. Now his body is draped heavily on top of yours, his nose tucked into your hair as your fingers trace along the bare skin of his exposed back. 
You switch between staring at the ceiling and watching the numbers change on the alarm clock, trying to think about anything other than the fact that Jake would wake up in about an hour, you'd drop him off at the carrier at six, and that would be it. You'd only just gotten him and now you were going to have to let him go.
When Jake's alarm does go off, you're more emotional than you thought you would be, but Jake seems to be fine, dutifully putting on his uniform and carefully packing all of his bags, so you try to put on a brave face. You move slowly, dragging out the process of getting dressed as long as possible just so that there's no excuse to leave for the dock any sooner than you have too. After you're done getting ready, you watch him shave once and then again for good measure before he ultimately decides that you've both wasted enough time putting off the inevitable.
The drive there is silent as well and would have been unbearable had Jake not reached over the consol to reassuringly squeeze your hand. He doesn't let go of it until you pull into the crowded port. Between people trying to get their things on board and a bunch of teary goodbyes, it's beyond you how you manage to find the Dagger Squad in the midst of the chaos. Fanboy and Payback are saying goodbye to their families while Rooster and Natasha chatter excitedly with an older man also dressed in naval attire, the name plate on his uniform identify him as 'Maverick'. It's all so overwhelming that only when Jake squeezes your hand again do you realize that it's time for you to say goodbye.
Reluctantly, you turn towards him, interlocked hands swinging between the two of you. He does his best to smile, and to his credit, it's not entirely fake. "Well," he sighs. "This it it."
"For now," you add, returning his soft smile as you look up at him.
"For now," Jake agrees, his smile brightening now that you seem to be okay also. He pauses, just staring down at you for a moment before he adds, "Are you going to let me kiss you?"
You smile, answering him this time without hesitation. "Only if you keep your promise."
Jake's large hand comes up to cup your cheek, cradling your chin in his palm as he leans down to you. "I promise," he murmurs before pressing his mouth to yours, perhaps even more tender than he did the first time at Hard Deck. Only this time you reciprocate it, chasing his mouth as you lift up on your toes and run your fingers through the back of his hair. Groaning, Jake sighs into the kiss. It's dizzying and you don't know how it's possible to put all of the passion that you've been holding back into one kiss, but somehow you do. His lips are soft and you have to shove down the urge to grip his hair and demand him for more, because it by some miracle occurs to you that you're on a ship in front of hundreds people. 
Jake's the one to pull away, his eyes shining and pink lips slightly more swollen than they were a minute ago. You can't help but laugh, wiping away some of your lipgloss from his mouth with your thumb. "Goodbye, Jake."
"Goodbye, (Y/n). And don't forget, I'll see you soon."
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ifyoucandaniel · 2 months
I want to thank you for making your list of recommended long batfam fics. I have been making my way through it and I am really enjoying them! ESPECIALLY cards on the table (I also love Dark Matter but I had already read it). Please let us know if you ever get more long batfam fic recs 🥺
okay so ive been waiting to answer this until i had gathered a good chunk of new long fics and ive been getting a lot of similar messages asking for recommendations, so here is another list of my fav long batman fics!
Jason and the Three Terrors by @cdelphiki, 220k, ongoing, T. if i can get you to read one thing, let it be this. ohhh my god where to even begin, this is a fic where jason stays with the league after his dip in the lazarus pit for a little while and winds up being charged with getting damian, his cousin, and his sister out of the league safely. this fic is just so fucking good, cdelphiki always writes such seamless relationship growth and watching jason go from "im dropping these brats off first chance i get" to "im a single mother of three and i need to provide for my kids" is phenomenal. 1000/10, the writing, the kids, the relationships, please do yourself a favor and read this.
A Collision of Masks by Movaz, 169k, completed, T. !! guys. this is such a good dick grayson-centric fic. this is set in an AU where batman never joined the justice league so the justice league knows very little about batman inc. and consequently dick never joins YJ so the YJ team is tasked with checking out a new hero called nightwing in bludhaven and police officer grayson is tasked with helping the team in their investigation :) really good fic exploring dick juggling all his identities and finally gaining people he can rely on! i actually did a bind of it so you know i love this story so much
Life Happens by @cdelphiki, 176k, complete, G. ok so this fic is probably one of the most beautiful stories of growth and love i've read. its about tim and damian being transported from their world into ours where they're only comic book characters and they start to build a life for themselves here. cdelphiki is one of the most amazing authors, im currently going through all of their works, but this one has just stayed with me and i dont think anyone should pass it up. watching tim and damian grow together and seeing damian have a real childhood and just the whole concept of life happening wether you want it to or not is so beautifully done. cannot recommend enough.
Honoring Promises by LananiA3O, completed, 14k, T. okay this isnt actually a long fic, but its one of my favorite fics ever and i need it on this list. if you're like me and you love UTRH aus where instead of sticking around as red hood after bruce threw a batarang at his throat jason fucks off and disappears to live a normal life, this is for you. from dick's pov, he realizes jasons last letter was a last attempt at reaching out and stalks him until he finds out what really happened to his little brother. i think about this every day and wish it was 10000 words long
The Time Before by @cdelphiki, 80k, completed, G. at this point this is basically just a cdelphiki fic rec lmao when i said everything by them was good, i meant that shit. this is a fic where jason is sent back into time when he was 9 years old but still has all his memories from the future. he goes to bruce for help despite wanting to do literally anything else and is surprised to realize maybe everything isn't how he remembers it 10 years in the future and maybe theres a chance he can go home when hes older again. once again cdelphiki hitting me in the feels with this one, really amazing study on how time and pain can change how you perceive and remember things and also just forgiveness and fixing mistakes and accepting mistakes were made. very good, highly recommend
Good Fences Make Good Neighbors by Sophene, 80k, completed, batlantern, T. I have no excuse for this, this is such a fun and funny fic i love it so much. basically HOA president single dad bruce with his 10 million adopted kids and then hal jordan moves in next door and plays his music too loud at 10pm on a school night and throws parties and bruce has a stick up his ass about it. i really really love the shift in hal when kyle comes to live with him as his ward (? i cant actually remember if hes adopted or just a ward) and seeing him finally understand why bruce acts the way he does when it comes to his kids. also seeing bruce just being a tired dad 90% of the fic when he isnt glaring at hal is so good.
Option C by CasualGeek, 78k, completed, T. this has, in my opinion, a very unique and interesting premise. basically, what if instead of becoming red hood, jason comes back to gotham and manages to get Joker put on trial for the murder of sheila haywood and get the insanity plea thrown out. really interesting approach to batman and joker and jason technically doing things through the legal justice system and what that means for him and the people around him. very good, read it all in one sitting
butcherbird, fly away home by e_va, 41k, completed, M. lost days jason todd loml! basically what if when jason was off on his world tour one of his tutors kidnapped bruce wayne and jason has feelings about it against his will. "what if lost days jason was stuck in the same room as a sick bruce for more than 10 minutes and actually had to talk to him without punching him" AU and i throughly enjoyed it. @darlingatlas recommended this one and she never misses with the jason recs
this kind of weather by r_astra, 55k, completed, T. this is the fic something in the static was originally inspired by and if you know me, i love that series, and i love this fic too. another what if jasons mom didnt die until later and social services gets involved before he can bolt and bruce seeks him out with some very interesting news. i love fics that display jason’s relationship with crime alley and him being one of them. very good, i love jason so much
ok now these aren't actually long fics but i need to get them out here because i love them so much and highly recommend!
To My Brother by a_silly_gander, 7k, completed, T. Lost days jason au where he starts sending post cards from his travels to dick on a whim while we follow his time away and the people he meets. i love this one so much, please read it if you love jason and dick, its so special to me.
Enhanced Fashion Sense is a Perk of Being a Cat by 12pt_timesnewromanfont, 23k, complete, G. selina breaks into drake manor to steal a cat artifact and accidentally meets the drakes ten year old son they left home alone. then she starts keeping tabs on him and eventually adopts him and makes him stray. i really love selina finding tim before bruce and taking care of him <3 10/10 i wish selina would adopt me
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hindahoney · 1 year
If you want to code-switch so often that you are nearly incomprehensible to goyim, here is a list of my favorite and most-used Jewish terms:
Schvitzing - Sweating. (Ex: "I'm schvitzing so much it's showing through my clothes.")
Schlep - A tedious and long journey, depending on usage it can mean that you were carrying something. (Ex: "I had to schlep all the way across campus, my backpack was so heavy." Usually denotes a long walk, but other forms of transportation are acceptable too. "You drove all the way to New York from Florida? That's quite the shlep.")
Shtati - Something really cool. (Ex: "I visited my friend's place and they had a shtati mezuzah!")
Neshama - Soul. (Ex: "Mazel tov on your conversion, you have such a strong Jewish neshama!")
Balagan - A big mess, chaotic, confusing (Ex: "Moshe forgot to bring challah for shabbat dinner, and it turned into this big balagan")
Achi/Achoti - "Achi" literally means "my brother," but can also be used like bro or dude, "achoti" is the feminine equivalent meaning "sister"
Yalla - Come on, let's go (Ex: "Yalla yalla, you're going to make us late again")
Mishpacha - Family. Doesn't have to be literal blood relatives, usually a sign of warmth or friendship. (Ex: "I care about every Jew, they're all my mishpacha.")
Pshhh - Interjection sound, to express respect or agreement with what someone is saying, but can also be playfully poking fun at someone taking themselves too seriously, can be used sarcastically.
Achla - amazing, awesome, great, the best (Ex: "You graduated from university? Achla!")
Sheina Punem (Shayna Punim) - Pretty face (Ex: My bubbe kept pinching my cheeks and calling me a sheina punem) Can be used ironically, in which case it means "a disgrace."
Ahavat Yisrael - to love your fellow Jew (Ex: "I firmly believe in ahavat yisrael, even if it's hard sometimes.")
Schande - Shame, dishonor among the nations, meaning a Jew who represents Jews badly, a serious insult. (Ex: "He's a schande, he feeds into antisemitic stereotypes.")
Schmutz - Dirt, stain. (Ex: "Use your napkin, you've got schmutz on your face.")
Amalek - Any enemy of the Jewish people. ("[Fill in blank] is the modern Amalek, they hate the Jews.")
Lanceman/Landsmen - Two jews from the same place, a point of connection between two Jews who now live far away from their hometown. (Ex: "Your grandma is from Crown Heights? Mine too, our grandparents are landsmen!")
Goyisch - Something not Jewish (Ex: "I don't listen to Taylor Swift, her music is too goyisch for me.")
Goyischekop/Goyische-kop - Goyisch head, a jew who thinks/sounds like a non-jew. (Ex: "How could you say about your fellow Jew? Do you have a goyische-kop or something?")
Kindaleh/Kinderlach - Little children (Ex: "I passed by the school and saw the kindaleh on the playground, they're so cute!")
Chamud/Chamuda/Chamudi - Sweetie, cutie, usually aimed at children, but can be a term of endearment between a couple. Can be condescending when said rudely to another adult, like "Sweetheart" can be in English. (ex: "Goodnight, Chamudi. I can't wait to see you tomorrow.")
Daven - to pray ("Are you going to join us for davening?")
Frum - A religiously observant Jew. ("He's frum, he davens three times a day.")
Treif - Unkosher, generally something not good, doesn't have to literally refer to a food. ("I trained my dog to stop barking when I say 'treif!'.")
Bubkis - Zero, nothing, nada ("Moshe got a gift from bubbe and I got bubkis.")
Kvetch - To complain ("I'm just kvetching, I'm not that upset about it.")
Kvell - Extreme pride. ("I heard your daughter made it into her top school, you must be kvelling!")
Mensch - A good, admirable person. ("He volunteers every week, he's a mensch.")
Chillul HaShem - Disgracing God's name, someone who does something that makes Jews look bad.
Kiddush HaShem - Something that sanctifies God's name, brings honor to God. ("I love seeing you wear a kippah, it's a kiddush HaShem!")
Bubbe meise - Little white lies ("He told his teacher a bubbe meise about his dog eating his homework.")
I should acknowledge that these are mostly Yiddish words, as my experience is primarily with Ashkenazi Jews. If you would like to add common slang from your community (like Ladino phrases, Judeo-Arabic, Italki, etc) I would love to learn about them!
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Can I request one for Jacaerys Velaryon where Rhaenyra betroths him to his twin sister and they're both super awkward about it. You can write it as you wish.
warnings: i didn't make them twins so interpret her as you'd like, targ!cest (unintentional?), aemond and aegon taunting jace, high valyrion (i'm not fluent forgive me), takes place in 1.08 (lord of the tides), more angsty than awkward, aemond x reader if you squint really really hard?
“Her children are bastards! And she is a whore,” Vaemond Velaryon spoke with vemon on his tongue.
You and your brothers shared a glance of embarassment with one another.
Viserys hobbled up from his seat on the throne, “I will have your tongue for that.”
Before Viserys could get any further Dark Sister flung through the air, taking Vaemond’s head with her. Everyone in the room jumped back, your mother pushing you behind her, as your younger brother gasped.
“He can keep his tongue,” chaos erupted with the King’s guard.
“Disarm him!”
Daemon wiped the Velaryon blood off his sword and sheathed it, ushering you and his daughters out of the room, “No need.”
Later in the dining hall, you and your estranged family stood around a large table, Viserys was carried in and sat in between your mother and Alicent, “How good it is… to see you all tonight… together.”
One he was situated, all sat in the respective places, you between Jacaerys and Lucerys.
Alicent looked to her husband, “Prayer before we begin?”
“Yes,” your family was not the most religious, you looked to Jace, you looked back at you with an annoyed expression.
“May the Mother smile down on this gathering with love. May the Smith mend the bonds that have been broken for far too long. And to Vaemond Velaryon, may the gods give him rest.”
Viserys was the first to speak, just barely lifting his cup, “This is an occasion for celebration, it seems. My grandson Luke, will marry his cousins Rhaena, further strengthening the bond between our houses. A toast to the young Prince… and his betrothed! Hear, hear!”
The rest of the table rose their glasses and toasted to your younger brother.
Aegon, sitting next to Jace leaned over and spoke quietly, “Your younger brother bests you once again. Laying with a women before you.”
Viserys spoke again, “Let us toast as well Prince Lucerys… the future Lord of the Tides. Hear, hear!”
You smiled at him, squeezing his hand, “You’ll be great.”
Aegon continued on with him, “You do know how the act is done, I assume? At least in principle? Where to put your cock and all that.”
“Let it be, Aegon,” Helaena chastised him, tired of his jokes.
“You can play the jester if you wish, but hold your tongue before my sister,” Jace defended you.
Your family sat in tension, your grandsire felt the need to clear the air, “It both gladdens my heart and fills me with sorrow to see these faces around the table. The faces most dear to me in all the world… yet grown so distant from each other… in the years past.”
He takes his mask off his face and drops it on the table, “My own face… is no longer a handsome one… if indeed it ever was. But tonight… I wish you to see me… as I am. Not just a king… but your father. Your brother. Your husband… and your grand sire. Who may not, it seems… walk for much longer among you.”
He breathes heavily and struggles with his next words, “Let us no longer hold ill feelings in our hearts. The crown cannot stand strong if the House of the Dragon remains divided. But set aside your grievances. If not for the sake of the crown… then for the sake of this old man who loves you all so dearly.”
Your grandsire sits and the room was filled with silence, your mother arose from her place next to him.
“I wish to raise my cup to Her Grace, the Queen. I love my father. But I must admit that no one has stood… more loyally by his side than his good wife. She has tended to him with… unfailing devotion, love, and honor. And for that, she has my gratitude… and my apology.”
Alicent smiles solemnly to Rhaenyra, “Your graciousness moves me deeply, Princess.”
She stands and raises her cup, “We are both mothers… and we love our children. We have more in common than we sometimes allow. I raise my cup to you… and to your house. You will make a fine queen.”
Each at the table took turns toasting to the family, each aggrivating Jacaerys more.
Aegon, drunkenly, rose, turning to Luke, “I, um… I regret the disappointment you are soon to suffer. But if you ever wish to know what it is to be well satisfied, all you have to do is ask.”
Aegon smiles and turns to Jace now, “Ask me, of course. Your older brother would not know how to guide you.”
Jace stands, slamming his hands down on the table, you grab his wrist, “Jace.”
Sternly looking at him, he glances to you before raising his glass, “To Prince Aegon and… Prince Aemond,” Aemond’s face hardens, “We have not seen each other in years, but I have fond memories of our shared youth. And as men, I hope we may yet be friends and allies. To you and your family’s good health, dear uncles.”
Jace sits and Heleana stands, “I would like to toast to Baela and Rhaena. They’ll be married soon. It isn’t so bad. Mostly he just ignores you… except sometimes when he’s drunk.”
Aegon rolls his eyes in embarassment, Viserys smiles at his youngest daughter, and Daemon gently laughs.
Viserys feels ill and is taken out of the room. Only the Hightower side of the family is left.
You’ve always had a strained relationship with your uncles, but you did love Helaena, often times strolling in the gardens with her, or her teaching you some embroidery tricks.
Aemond glances at you from across the table, a dark and hungry look in his eyes. You look away from him and to your mother. She nods at you, as a way of saying that she would take care of it.
The pig comes out of the kitchens and is brought to the table, Luke chuckles at the sizzling pig. Aemond slams his fist on the table, capturing everyone’s attention.
“Final tribute. To the health of my nephews: Jace… Luke… and Joffrey. Each of them handsome, wise… hm… strong,” he looks to you and smirks, “And my niece, you are of age now, luck to you in finding a husband. Perhaps someone strong, maybe you will find home in the Riverlands.”
“Aemond,” Alicent warns.
You can see Jace fuming from beside you, but you gently nudge his foot under the table with yours. You keep your composure.
You hum, smirking back at him, “Kirimvose, yn nyke gīmigon nyke kostagon become tolī than sepār mirtys’s riñnykeā ābrazȳrys… Kepa.” Thank you, but I know I can become more than just someone's lady wife… uncle
“Kostilus se ābrazȳrys hen nykeā darilaros?” Perhaps the wife of a prince?
“Nyke unyishishk jorrāelagon daorun tolī than naejot sagon se ābrazȳrys hen dārys's tȳne tresy.” I would love nothing more than to be the wife of the king's second son.
Aemond’s face hardened. Only you, Aemond, your mother, and Daemon fully understood the words exchanged. Your mother and Daemon shared a look of pride.
Alicent looked at the interaction with confusion and furrowed brows.
“What are they saying?”
“Aemond has proposed a marriage it seems,” Rhaenyra speaks.
Jace looks at you almost angrily, “What did you say?”
All eyes were on you, “What she said is not important,” your mother interrupted.
She cleared her throat, “What matters is that my daughter will wed her brother, Jacaerys, heir to the Iron Throne. She will become queen one day; something more than someone’s lady wife.”
Everyone’s eyes widened. You felt heat rise to your cheeks. There is no way that your mother would have you marry your brother?
Aemond’s hardened grin turned to a smug one, “Well then, congratulations is in order to my niece and her strong husband.”
Jace stood and walked towards the center of the room, challenging his uncle, “I dare you to say that again.”
Aemond stood with him, walking to him, “Why? ‘Twas only a compliment,” he leaned into Jace, whispering into his ear, “Do you not think yourself Strong?”
Without hesitation, Jace swung at Aemond, getting in a good punch onto his jaw. Everyone around the table gasped, your mother yelled sternly, “Jace!”
Aemond reached for his blade, but his mother’s voice stopped him, “Aemond! That is enough!”
“Go to your quarters. All of you go, now.”
You stood and watched Jace walk out. You didn’t follow him to his quarters to check on him. You stayed in the hall and waited for your mother.
As she came out of the dining hall, you caught up with her.
She turned to you, “Were you telling the truth… about me.. and Jace?”
Holding your face in her hands she stroked your cheek with her thumb and smiled gently at you, but you could not meet her eyes, “You will make a great queen one day, my sweet girl.”
She tugged at your chin to force you to look at her, “But now, you need to rest, we have quite the journey ahead of us back to Dragonstone, tomorrow.”
You nodded before heading back to your quarters. Nodding at the guards standing at your door, you pushed them open.
Jace, who was waiting for you on your bed, stood at your entrance. You sighed and rolled your eyes.
“Jacaerys, it is not proper for you to be in here… not anymore.”
“Please just listen.”
You walked around the room, releasing the maids of their duties, “Leave us.” The maids were quick to exit.
“I did not know she was going to say that!”
“I did not know Aemond would try to wed me tonight.”
“I’m sorry. We do not have to wed if you choose to take someone else’s hand—”
“No,” shaking your head, “It is.. our duty now, as the future queen’s eldests.”
“I promise to be a good husband—”
“Jacaerys, I do not wish to speak of this any longer.”
He spoke your name softly, “I’m sorry.”
“Leave me, Jace.”
He said your name more sternly now.
“Leave me, your grace.”
He sunk into himself, hands on his sheathed sword, nodding at you, “As you wish.”
You watch him leave, the door slamming behind him. You groaned in frustration, running your hands over your face and through your hair.
How are you supposed to marry your brother of all people?
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reallyromealone · 10 months
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Ganon omegaverse 2 baybee
Fluff, male reader, omegaverse, made up Hyrule lore, mentions of the Oracle's as I have been playing seasons and ages again as they're the best Zelda games fight me
(name) was in awe as he looked at gerudo valley, the endless sand dunes and the hot sun as they took a break at the Kara Kara Bazaar "we prepared clothes for you, the weather's aren't as fair as they are in the castle" Ganon said smoothly as one of the guards presented him with clothes.
Omegas were treated the same as women in Geredo town, many omegas saught refuge there and were welcomed, so it made sense that omegas wore similar clothes as the gerudo people "uberosa has graciously offered to help you in any way" Ganon said and (name) nodded as he was led to the small inn, the Gerudo who ran the Inn bowing to their king "Sav'aaq...my mate needs a place to change his clothes, could we perhaps use a room?" Ganon was calm and kind to his people who nodded "o-of course! It would be our honor!" One said and they were led to a large bedroom "Sarqso" Ganon said and (name) said a soft thank you with a curtsy to them much to their suprise.
"Uberosa can help you change as needed...I'll be outside" Ganon said smoothly and (name) nodded, the trip had been a bit of a blur so far.
"Did you know of the engagement?" Uberosa asked casually as she helped him clasp anything and adjust, when needed "I wish I did... I-I don't know why my sister would keep something like that...not just from me but from everyone-- aside from betraying me she could have caused /war/"
"The pain it would cause both our people... it's selfish of her" he said and Uberosa was quite shocked, so far the Omega seemed dainty and like many omegas in upper class status but to hear him openly call the Queen selfish /and/ think of not just his people but the Gerudo was quite refreshing.
"I formally apologize for my sister's negligence" (name) bowed to the Gerudo who pulled him up "Fret not little Omega, you are not responsible for your sisters actions"
"I just hope I can make a good impression with your people"
"You are mates to my brother, you too are a Gerudo"
"Wait-- you're his sister?" (Name) whispered in awe "you're my sister in law?"
"I am" she smiled softly at his look if awe "A-and you do combat? That's so cool! Zelda knew how to use a sword but I wasn't allowed because I was an Omega, gosh I have so much to learn about the Gerudo people!"
Uberosa found the smaller Omega (compared to her any Hylian was tiny) quite fascinating as she helped him finish up, dressed in lovely Gerudo clothes, the poor Omega fitting in their more teen sizes.
"Fit like a Gerudo" Ganon said smiling as he could see (name) beam from behind the delicate silk that covered his mouth "you think? It's so much more light weight than Hylian clothes" he said happily and Ganon led him back to the carriage "you look wonderful".
The valley was vast as Ganon pointed out things in the far distances, landmarks and such "that is the temple though it's far to dangerous to go into at the moment" he explained and (name) nodded, fully paying attention as he looked at where the other pointed. Ganon found his curiosity precious and was incredibly pleased his mate loved the valley as much as he did "this will be your home, so it's best you know things about it that aren't from books" he looked at (name)s outfit, enjoying the sight of his exposed stomach and knew (name) was sneaking glances at him, the male Gerudo clothes showing his muscles fully and he could faintly smell the attraction from the other who desperately tried to hide his scent.
"Welcome to Gerudo town" he said as they stopped before the sandstone walls that hid the large city, Ganon stepping out as the door opened to help the Omega out and smiling internally at the look of awe on his face "better than the books?"
"Far..." The hot sand slid slightly against his flats, the hot desert Sun like no other but he was giddy none the less.
Between the sandstone buildings were vibrant shades of colored fabrics as stalls lined the townsquare, merchants selling their wares and the sound of water from the stream running through the city. He felt his body shake in excitement and eyes looked around with wonder "you live here?"
"We live here" Ganon said to the other who flushed slightly "we can give you a tour of the town tomorrow, for now we should get you settled in yes?"
The rooms were grand, soft looking blankets and pillows adorned the room he was led to as windows looked out the endless cast desert "I prepared you a room of your own, I didn't want you to feel pressured sharing quarters with me just yet" (name) chirped at his kindness as Ganon took his hands in his own and gently kissed the knuckles "I will leave you to settle"
When night rolled around, (name) had a blanket wrapped around his shoulders as he gazed through the large windows of his room, the valley was beautiful at night as stars littered the sky like flecks of paint... It was like nothing he had seen before at the castle. It was colder too, the Omega shivering slightly under the thick blanket "troubles sleeping?" (Name) turned around to see Ganon dressed in a Bastian shirt and dark pants and shoes.
"It's pretty..." Was all (name) said as his fiance walked to where he was and (name) reached out "care to join me?"
The two couldn't understand their attraction to one another, it was predestined for centuries but it felt like the stars aligned in their favor.
(Name) let himself be sat in ganons lap as they looked at the stars, (name) pointing to the constellations that were not able to be seen from Hyrule Castle, what he learned in his books coming in handy as he spoke "that is the constellation for din, it's said the star shines brighter when a season changes" he explained and Ganon hummed "in Hyrule, we could only see farores... What do you think the Oracle's were like?"
"I was told that Din was a traveller, a Nomad one could say... She was one of the first to settle in Gerudo valley..." Ganon said softly, holding pride in his people "it's said nayru still lives, she travels through time and visits periods and watches over to make sure time stays right"
"And farore?"
"None is known about her but it's said she travelled to ta neighboring kingdom and lived in a tree not unlike our Deku tree" ganons voice was soothing as (name) settled in his chest, the smell of spices and honey comforting him as his eyes slipped shut, enjoying the sweet words his fiance spoke.
Ganon stopped speaking when he felt (name) slump, smiling at the Omega who was sleeping so gently against him.
He was truly made for him.
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