#they're literally giving money to nazis
sleepydross · 1 year
remember how flammable paper is
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and remember how vulnerable servers are to overheating?
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pygian-weapon · 20 days
my toxic snobby trait is that I don't want to know ANYTHING about a musician's life. I don't want to know the name of their ex that inspired that ballad, I don't want to know if they have a good relationship with their band members, I don't wanna know if they're bitchy to their fans, or if they kick puppies as a hobby. Death of the Author specifically to the music industry, as impossible as that is in this day and age
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bananonbinary · 1 year
Tumblr's debt is a problem of their own creation. The app is buggy, the userbase is flooded with porn bots, nazis roam free, hate speech roams free, trans women have sfw content marked mature, art and posts are stolen for promotion, features are forced down our throats, ads are malicious and often gross or triggering and giving them money will not stop this.
If we give tumblr money they're not going to get rid of Tumblr live or restore the nsfw or remove ads or whatever you think they're going to do, they're going to KEEP DOING THE SAME THING except with more money to blow. Tumblr is a CORPORATION, they can get a government bailout like any other corporate entity can, and while people are throwing money at a dumbass corporation there are people begging to get bills paid and for food and other necessities.
Please open your eyes to the reality of the situation, its not just some guy anymore, David Karp is long gone its a soulless conglomerate now and they do not need our pity
a lot of yall seem to think that i want to like, bake sale save the baseball team. that's not what this is about. i don't think we need to "fix tumblr's debt," i think we need to make the website profitable (and the debt shows it isnt, altho from what i can gather a better word is "deficit" rather than "debt," ie, they are losing that much more money than they take in annually), because as it stands tumblr has no reason whatsoever to want to keep the current user base around. it's trying to attract a different userbase, because yall are PROUD of the fact that tumblr is a failing website and you dont want to pay them. you're loitering inside a store and acting surprised when the store wants you gone. of COURSE they're constantly introducing new features and not listening to what the users want, they don't want you here.
it's not a protest, it's not an attempt to buy good will, it's a simple business transaction: i spend a lot of time here, and i would like to keep spending a lot of time here. so i will buy my shitty internet crab, and tell my fellow loiterers that they can as well if they want. if you dont want to do that, you literally don't have to, but you can't tell me not to.
you people are all like "ohh tumblr isnt your friend dont give it money" but like. yeah. its not my friend. i would like to pay it for a service it provides, instead of expecting it to continue to provide that service out of the goodness of its non-existant heart. i dont think im the one with the parasocial relationship here.
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dont tell me to help a poor people. i am a poor people. i am allowed to spend THREE DOLLARS on something i like for myself, and not give literally every single dollar i have to charity and mutual aid. you have NO IDEA how much or if i do for other people, and you won't, because you aren't owed every detail of my life like that. people are allowed to have things they want for no other reason than they want them sometimes.
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katsmtmsdoodles · 9 months
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in-universe explanation under the cut 😘
- On the news CONSTANTLY
- Whenever the ninja are talked about, it's Lloyd's picture thrown up there
- He does all of the official public speaking for the team, so of course
- He's notoriously the sweetest to his fans
- Compilations of him being the nicest person ever are all over YouTube
- He doesn't ever post anything on Instagram, but he has the most followers anyway
- Isn't and doesn't want to be verified on TikTok, he's just a scroller, but trying to find his account has become a huge internet conspiracy
- Posts on TikTok & Chirp DAILY, he has huge followings everywhere
- Everything from charities to his work out routines to Q&As to thirst traps
- Even has some vulnerable inspirational videos that are like "keep going. you'll be okay, i believe in you" that are honestly tear-jerkers
- Interacts with fans the most
- If anyone is curious about what the ninja have been up to, Kai's pages are the place to go
- Also attends the most events bc he's an attention whore
- But has also raised the most money and attention for said charities as a result
- He doesn't host Ultimate Ninja Warrior anymore, but it kept going with his permission and a contract, he visits as a special host during the finals every year
- He's also on the logo of the show lol
- Occasionally posts stuff on Chirp when it means a lot to him
- He's bad at ignoring haters tho so not online as much as Kai
- At the same time, he gets really emotional when fans tell him how he's inspired them
- He's the funniest at interviews and really likes doing them with the other ninja
- His compilations are either "the blue ninja being HILARIOUS" or "the blue ninja secretly being a genius for 10 minutes"
- She's only on social media to bother Kai during his livestreams and talk shit on his posts. also gives Jay's haters nasty comments
- But she does have a few workout tip videos to empower girls who look up to her
- Everyone has a crush on her
- Does volunteer work for publicity to the organization
- She's lowkey aggressive on her social media though, like, half of her posts are going after terfs and nazis to get them canceled
- The ninja's social team has a heart attack every time they hear that she posted something lmao
- The most Memed Ninja, like it's ridiculous
- He's every reaction image
- You know how supernatural has a gif for everything? There's a Zane gif for everything thanks to his interviews, media, fan events, etc
- His fan base is AGGRESSIVE for some reason, though
- His fan base is the K-Pop fans of the ninjago world, even though there's not as many of them.
- Maybe that IS why though. The few. The strong. They're the ones who, like, solve crimes through the internet and shit
- There are compilations of "every time the white ninja remembers he's a robot" that's just Zane, like, being shook when fridge magnets stick to him and when metal detectors go off around him
- He has zero internet presence
- A whole ass mystery
- There are conspiracy theories that he's not even real and its a running gag
- There are accounts dedicated to posting blurry pictures of him like he's a cryptid
- They were clear pictures before, but they were edited to be blurry lmao cause it's a joke but some people have genuinely began to wonder
- Like some of them will literally be a blurred picture of him sitting with everyone else at an interview
- Cole isn't in on the joke though and is confused every time people meme at him (he's not an internet kid TuT)
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jedi-enthusiast · 4 months
Honestly I’m so confused why people are so upset that Israel was included in Eurovision, like…my dude it’s literally a music contest for a bunch of countries---that Israel has already been included in before---not an actual political statement.
It’s literally insane to me, especially with how people were treating the Israeli contestant---protesting her, forcing her to change her song, other contestants saying shit like “talking to her doesn’t mean I support Israel,” etc. etc.
And I feel like that’s a reoccurring thing with all this mainstream pro-Palestine bullshit: y’all don’t actually care about Palestine or want to help anyone, you just want “good person points” socially, but don’t actually care about your impact.
You'll post shit like "stan Hamas" and ignore the fact that they're literally a terrorist organization dedicated to killing Jews, and that they're literally hurting Palestinians too, as well as the fact that the conflict between Israel and Palestine is only ongoing because Hamas keeps breaking the ceasefire and won't give back hostages.
But you'll ignore all of the organizations that actually help Palestine because they're run by Jews/Israelis, or even just supported by Jews and Israelis.
(And how much do you want to bet that the same people who cry- "Hamas is only doing this because of Israel's actions regarding Palestine, so it's justified/reasonable/understandable, etc." -would never say that if it was a group like, say, ISIS that was kidnapping/killing/waging war on Americans because of the US's actions in the Middle East?)
You'll harass random people on college campuses just because they're Jewish, even though they clearly have no fucking say in what a country on the other side of the world does, and barricade yourselves inside a building and be shocked when you're suspended or expelled for property damage/harassment/etc.
But you won't volunteer at any organizations that are dedicated to helping Palestine, or donate money to those organizations, or donate food/clothes/etc., or actually do anything besides whine and cry because you helped destroy a campus building and your college doesn't want you there anymore.
(Hell, 99% of y'all don't even bother volunteering for your own communities, so I know you're sure as hell not volunteering to help anyone else's---again, you just want the "good person points")
Everyone that was so gung-ho about "oh yeah, let's punch Nazis!" a few years ago are now spouting Nazi rhetoric.
Everyone that preached that bigotry is never ok, even if someone from a minority does something bad, are now the same people chanting- "Jews are shit!" -and spreading blood libel.
Everyone that was calling for solidarity between minorities and oppressed groups are now the same people ostracizing Jews because they won't condemn the only country that will actually protect them- (or rather, they'll condemn the Israeli governments actions, but won't stand side-by-side with antisemites or say that Israel should be destroyed).
Everyone that said that it wasn't okay for people to be racist towards poc because some of the BLM protests were getting out of hand/violent are now the same ones going- "oh, it's fine to be antisemitic because these disgusting Jews Zionists aren't agreeing with me on everything."
Everyone that was posting shit about being aware of misinformation and doing your research before posting something are now the ones that have no idea what Zionism actually is, don't even know which river and sea their chant means, has no clue what Israel has actually done to Palestine and is just calling it a "genocide" as a buzzword despite all the evidence stating otherwise, etc.
Like...you guys are really just proving that you don't actually have morals beyond what's socially acceptable.
"Never harass random Muslim/gay/trans/black/etc. people just for a cause or because they did something you didn't like...unless they're Jewish, then you can stalk them on campus and be physically violent towards them."
"Bigotry is never okay, even if someone from a minority does something you don't agree with or something awful...unless they're Jewish, then spread blood libel and call for the "final solution" all you want."
"Not everyone from the US/Republican states/Christian churches/etc. agrees with what their government/state/religious leaders are doing, so it's not fair to blame and ostracize them for it...unless it's Jewish people or Israelis or, G-d forbid, Jewish Israelis, then you can hate them and blame them for everything!"
Like, genuinely, fuck off.
You aren't good people, you aren't "making a difference" or "on the right side of history," you don't give a shit about morality or justice or doing any good for anyone---all you care about is your fucking popularity and the social norm.
So keep your stupid, hateful, misinformed hands off of the I/P conflict---you've proven that y'all clearly can't handle having opinions on it.
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weemietime · 7 days
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Idiot leftists calling us Nazis for pointing out that these Gaza donation pages are clearly fucking bots and scams - - my condolences for your brain worms. You have literal holes in your brain. I get like 20 asks a day from accounts that are brand new, that are all formatted the same way, that all have the same pictures and that all are clearly written by AI, and that never ever respond to a single message and have zero personalized engagement of any kind.
No, this shit isn't fucking legitimate and you can choke for somehow turning our posts where we provide exhaustive lists of reputable organizations to actually donate to Gazans in need into some bullshit Noble Savage fuckery. Yeah, Gazans are suffering and dying and the only thing they can think of to do is create empty Tumblr accounts and send hundreds of asks per day to Zionist Jews, lmao. Do you even understand how many Gazans there actually are?
A SCAM. IT'S A SCAM, YOU FUCKING MORONS. Do you even understand the likelihood of you encountering even a single Gazan on this website let alone literally hundreds of them? Shut the fuck up. We are doing our due diligence since you're too stupid to comprehend basic internet security, but somehow that isn't good enough for you.
We are doing our part to contribute tzedekah but because we recognize a bot and correctly call it out never mind, I forgot we have to believe every single thing anyone who claims to be Gazan said because they're little babies who just don't understand how to use the internet.
And by the way, these people on Tumblr who fucking "vet" the bots, lmao, you understand that those are also bots and scammers, right? Those are also people affiliated with Hamas, until proven otherwise. And if they're claiming to vet people and tell us whether we are interacting with a straight up terrorist, with someone who has potentially been involved in murdering our fucking friends and family, who is vetting those guys?
Oh! It's a random dude whose identity I don't know! Better trust that guy and give him all my money since my moral purity test told me to believe every single thing I read online completely uncritically. You fucking idiots.
How about you do us a favor and leave @tributary and @spacelazarwolf names the fuck out your mouth instead of smearing them with horrific accusations that aren't fucking true. A pedophile??? Original, not like people haven't been calling LGBT and Jews nasty evil pedos since your Lord and Meth Fiends Sturmabteilung burned down the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (then you motherfuckers claim queerness while supporting terrorists who kill us all and denigrating Magnus Hirschfeld).
PROVE IT. A pedophile! How horrible! Prove it, or shut the fuck up. It's not like we have intergenerational trauma growing up looking at pictures of NO JEWS, JEWS UNWELCOME, JUDE!!! JUUUUDE!!! with pictures of a goblin with beady little eyes and claws clutching piles of shekels. His nasty warty hooked nose eyeballing that baby in the crib he's gonna eat later.
The JEEEWWS I mean ZIONISTS are so mean and evil asking for the bare minimum of common G-d forsaken fucking sense before parting with our shekels I mean money, I mean two pennies, I mean BLOCK LIST TIME, HERE'S A LIST OF JEEWWSS I mean Zionists to harass and laugh at and mock and verbally abuse and send bomb threats and SWAT teams. Tumblr is JUDENREIN obviously!
Real fucking original, dipshit. We have never heard it before that we are all pedophiles and greedy soulless Nazis! (Don't forget to call us a Nazi, since we know how much you love making fun of Jews and weaponizing our pain against us.) Oh, sorry, "Zionist."
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Forgiving your views on abortion it's actually very surprising that you follow maybe even be mutuals with nerdylilpeebee, which by looking at a quick search on their blog supports abortions.
Sure I don't actually know that since the list of people you follow is private but I am basing this off the fact that you have reblogged from them when it comes to the whole Israel Gaza thing.
Also kind of related to that is there something I am not understanding about the aid bill that was passed? Some of the post I saw (the one with the center there's waving the Ukraine flags then American flags) sounds like you opposed it even though I kind of feel like it was said somewhere that there was no issue of the United States supporting Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. I mean like hell I think even Republicans when it comes to Israel support the bill so I just don't understand what is the problem
I choose the people I follow based on the content of their blogs, not how perfectly their beliefs match up with mine. I have a few mutuals I disagree with on certain issues, as do most regular people I think. As for nerdylilpeebeee, I don't follow her and I don't know if she follows me (that's another thing I don't check when I reblog posts or follow blogs), but a lot of posts with her responses come across my dash and I generally agree with her on Israel, as do the people I follow who reblog those posts, so that's why you see a lot of her stuff on my blog.
As for the aid, we've sent billions and billions of dollars to Ukraine and have absolutely nothing to show for it except a stalemate war and missing money. Ukraine gets us nothing, has been a black hole of our tax dollars, and the scene of American politicians waving Ukrainian flags in congress while chanting Ukraine! Ukraine! was utterly disgusting. No flag should ever be flown on or within US government buildings except the American flag. No elected official should ever wave any flag except the American flag. Ukraine is literally a virtuous flag for pathetic politicians to fly to show that they're supporting the "right" thing, and it's long past time we stopped wasting tax dollars propping up a jet setting poser and his Nazi bridage.
Israel and Taiwan are different. Supporting both of those nations gives us allies in hostile regions. It gives us not only important strategic allies, but important diplomatic avenues with countries that we need leverage over in order to survive. Russia is not a threat to the US right now. China and the terrorist nations in the Middle East are. It's worth the money spent to keep allies in those regions that help project American influence.
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 2 years
i feel fucking sick.
I said I was never gonna use tiktok again. but I went and looked at my video that I uploaded explaining that the hairy potty game was blood libel and extremely antisemitic, and there were fifteen comments all saying "wow I'm buying 10 copies!" "good! she's getting all my money!" "I wish it was real, and it was you in the game [antisemitic slur]"
I literally do not understand how people can be so vile and hateful and evil?
how can you hear someone say "hey, this game literally perpetuates myths that people used to enact genocide against my people" and respond with "good! I love the game even more now"
it's not even "I'm playing this game despite what my Jewish friends say" anymore. because if you play this game, you don't have any Jewish friends. it's "I'm playing this game because I hate Jews".
tiktok seriously gives people brain rot. they can say the most racist homophobic transphobic antisemitic Islamophobic bigoted vile evil genocidal shit imaginable, and face absolutely no consequences at all
but when Black creators dare to say that racism is bad, they get hundreds of racist comments and then are mass reported and banned. when queer content creators literally just exist, they get called pedophiles and suicide baited and doxxed by far right terrorists. when Jewish creators beg and plead you not to spread antisemitic ideologies, they face literal death threats and calls for genocide.
and the people who spread this bullshit literally face zero consequences. the whole system is rigged against marginalized groups. you know how people discovered that there was a terf on tumblr staff and that was why terfs are so hard to get rid of on this site? well tiktok is a thousand times worse. the entire company behind tiktok moderation must be just white supremacists. that's really the only explanation I have for this shit
these people, some of them as young as thirteen, are commenting the most vile, gross, disgusting, horrific, repulsive, evil things imaginable. and they get away with it. it just festers in this little bubble where they can say all this vile shit without fear of backlash.
not to sound like a piece of shit boomer, but I genuinely think that the latest generation is fucking ruined by social media. they're able to say whatever they hell they want. a constant stream of racist lies and nazi propaganda is fed directly into their brains. and the only consequences they'll ever face, if any, is getting comment blocked for a few days.
tiktok is not a social media website. it's an algorithm specifically designed to make as many teenagers into nazis as possible.
i just feel disgusted right now. i don't understand how people can hate other people so much
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itsbansheebitch · 9 months
How are there not riots in the streets?
Looking back on 2023:
We know our education system is bunk and that NASA was started with help from a literal 1940s Nazi. We know this country was built on genocide, bigotry, and the backs of immigrants & slaves.
We know we're colonizers, we know our first President's teeth were made of a combination of his slaves' teeth and wood. We know the last President ran his campaign off sexual assault jokes.
We know the first time the Confederate flag was ever in the US Capital was on January 6th, 2021. We know approximately 50% of white medical trainees think black people have higher pain tolerance (especially black women).
We know black people are more likely to get bitten by police dogs and are more likely to get death sentences instead of life in prison like their white counterparts committing the same crime. We know you can predict if you'll be a victims of police brutality based on where past lynchings have happened & the amount of money a you make in a year.
We know that America helped cover up Unit 731 and gave the "scientists" immunity. We know that America has been at war for more time than not and we know school shootings are so "old news" that the news doesn't even cover most of them anymore.
We know the United States has an unusually high homeless population and that 40% to 60% of homeless people in the United States have jobs. We know the United States isn't opposed to human experimentation and we know that slavery is illegal unless you're in prison.
We know prisoners are used to fight fires for free, we know some prisons have cotton farms for the prisoners to work on for free. We know 1 in 5 people on death row are innocent and that police are known to fake/plant evidence and to assault witnesses & suspects that don't give them what they want to hear.
We know judges are more likely to give death sentences than life in prison when they're hangry (I'm NOT joking) and police were originally militias paid for by rich people to get their runaway slaves black. We know we are one of the most, if not the most, dangerous "developed" countries in the world.
Why do we perform non consensual surgeries on (intersex) babies right out of the womb without the parents' permission, but we make consensual surgeries (gender affirming care) illegal? Why is gender affirming care (plastic surgery, masculine voice classes) only legal and normal for cis people?
Why do we let people who are one foot in the grave sign our death certificates? Why do we let people who clearly have dementia run one of the globe's superpowers? Why are we letting the oldest bigots in the country decide our future?
So why are there not riots in the streets? When did we become so complacent to our own demise? Why do we deny the ship is sinking when we are up to our knees in water? What is wrong with us? Are we pathetic or broken or wrong in a way that is incomprehensible to us? Why are we pretending everything is normal?
Why are there not riots in the streets?
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Crazy Reality: Attack Of The Paraphilia Woman...
Sexy Woman: Why...? What Did I Do...?
Pure Woman: Omg... I Think So Too!! Maybe He Isn't Really My Father...
Sexy Woman: Yes... So... Do You Like Me Now <3...?
Pure Woman: Sure :)... But I Don't Want To Kiss You... I Think You're Scary...
Pure Woman: Wow... Do You Think There's A Place For Me Too...?
Sexy Woman: YES. KISS ME.
Pure Woman: I'm Sorry Sexy Woman... I Don't Need To Kiss Someone If I Don't Want To...
Sexy Woman: But I Wanted To Kiss You 😔... I Love All Little Ones...
Pure Woman: That's Okay... This Is What I Want Though...
Sexy Woman: You Have Betrayed My Feelings 😡... I Hate You 😡... I Want You 😡... This Is My Calling 👿... My Revenge Will Be Insane 👿...
Pure Woman: I Knew You Wouldn't Accept Me 😭😭😭😭!!!!
Sexy Woman: Fuck Your 4channer Feelings... I Wish A Bad Day Torwards All 4channers... And Femboy Fans...
Pure Woman: You're So Mean 😭😭😭😭!!!!
Sexy Woman: You Started... Why Must You Be So Sexy... I Wish I Didn't Love Every Single One Like You... The Second I See You...
Pure Woman: Waahaa 😭😭😭😭!!!!
Sexy Woman: That Is I Who Should Be Crying... I Have Been... Traumatized 😥!!!!
Childish Woman: Hii Mommyy!! I've Missed You!! I Enjoy Being Your Little One...
Sexy Woman: That's Awesome... You Will Never Guess The LOSER I Was Abused By Today...
Childish Woman: Omg!! What Could Possibly Be So Awfull!!
Sexy Woman: SHE'S A... 😥... 4CHANNER...
Pure Woman: Hi My Wife...
Pure Woman: Omg... I Can't Believe This!!
Childish Woman: Am I Your Wifey Too Mommy?!
Little Woman: And Me!! I Have Been Badly Abused!!
Sexy Woman: Yes... Yes Honey... Yes Darling... Ooh... This Is Soo Sexyy To Say To Someone Soo Cuutee... That Should Be Illegal To Be This Cute...
Little Woman: That Is!! I Have Been Locked In Prison!!
Pure Woman: Aww...
Illegal Woman: Hi Mom!!
Sexy Woman: Awesome...
Attractive Woman: Yes...
Pure Woman: Omg... I Have The Best Daughters!!
Childish Woman: Where's My Children 🥺...
Little Woman: And Mine!!
Sexy Woman: This Will Be Someday... I Promise...
Childish Woman: Yay!!
Court Woman: I Don't Accept This!! In My Domain The Evil Court Of Abuse... This Is Criminal!! You Face Death Penalty!!
Gay Woman: Omg!! So Illegal!!
Sexy Woman: You're Literally Doing The Same Thing... You Just Like Your Money... Remember... That Is A Fact... All Cops Love The Thing They Oppose 200fold... They're Just Taking Everyone Elses Right Away From That Thing. This Is A Police Fact. God Himself Told Me.
Judge Woman: GO AHEAD... FINISH THE JOB...
Sexy Woman: I WILL...
Sexy Woman: What A Coward... I'm So Horny...
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kitkatopinions · 1 year
My phone is broken and I think it caused me to prematurely send an ask just now. Sorry. Anyway you know RT fucked up bad with episode 9 because even fans who give the series tons of praise are like umm what was that?? Scrolling through the comments on the crunchyroll page for the episode reveals a lot of critical comments with many like
Honestly, I think that after the initial rush wears off this volume and everyone takes a step back, even more people are gonna start being like "what" with this volume during the next hiatus. I mean, there's just so much wrong with it.
But yeah, I've seen a surprising amount of even loyal devoted rwby fans who liked this season criticizing some of the writing choices. Of course everyone's still exploding about how much they love Little, how much they hate the Cat, how much they liked the cool animation in the Red Like Roses Part III scene... But there's also a lot of people saying "idk that felt rushed for such an important arc" or "I think the episode after Ruby drank the tea wasn't that well done" or "I wish they'd showed Ruby's team reacting more to what happened."
In the long run, though, I don't think it's really gonna hurt RT. Most of their fans are 'through thick and thin' fans, they're still gonna see rwby justice league no matter how much it might suck, they're still gonna buy bumbleby merch on the official RT site no matter if their money goes to an abusive fucked up company, they're still gonna tweet 'greenlightvolume10' whether or not RT has yet again glorified attempted suicide, they're still gonna buy EC Meyers books about Coco whether or not she was based on a nazi, and there's still gonna be people attacking youtubers for daring to criticize the show because they think rwby 'deserves better' no matter how problematic the show is. I feel like the rwby writers could literally put out a season that villainizes Ruby and has Yang beat her up, makes Jaune the new leader of her team and makes Weiss desperate to date him, has Raven become the new ruler of Vacuo, features a redeemed off screen Cinder and Watts who is somehow alive, kills off Qrow and Blake, and brings back Penny again except now that she's back to a robot they decided to make her emotionless and very not-Penny-like.... And the fans would still go freaking off the walls for that and talk about how lifechanging and good it is because it's subverting expectations.
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tagfer · 8 months
Tbh I'm pretty sure the average gamer believes in trickle-down economics
(this is in regards to the "I'm shocked more gamers aren't anti-capitalist" post)
Now I don't necessarily think that's true either. In fact, I'd say the reason the game industry is the way it is has nothing to do with economic politics. I'd say that the average gamer - or nerd in general, really - is a spineless coward who's too addicted to the dopamine hit to actually stand for anything if their wants ever clash with their purported morals. And I fucking hate it.
I'm not just saying that because I'm bitter, although you could make a case that I am bitter. But I even live under a rock and I got ample examples. Look at how well games we know are low quality, games made under unquestionably awful crunch and/or other awful situations, etc... look how well they sell! BDSP and ScarVio sold like hotcakes and they're unquestionably bad games for a $60 price tag. Starfield - which I have heard NOTHING good about, and looks like absolute trash - is apparently Bethesda's "biggest launch to date." Somehow that fuckass Cyberpunk game is still relevant. People are actually still playing Overwatch 2 despite ... everything. These are just games I pulled off the top of my head while I'm still waking up. The fact these games are KNOWN to be shitty hasn't stopped them from selling.
Sure, a lot of people made a big fuss about not playing Hogwarts: Antisemitism Adventures, but they were talking smack because they never cared about the game in the first place. So it was never challenging their morals. Oh, sure, they told us how even PIRATING the game was bad, and that anyone who bought it (or even talked about it) was helping put money in transphobes' and nazis' pockets. How quick their tune changed when they actually wanted to see the FNAF movie - suddenly, giving money to people known to max out donations to republicans ain't so bad. They knew the right answer was to not see the movie, but like, they really really want to! If you told any of these people you donated $30 grand to multiple republicans they'd probably, rightfully, have nothing to do with you. But they neeeeeeeded to see their blorbos or they'd die :'( so this time it's OK!
Same with the Mario movie. We know Chris Pratt is a rightwing chud who ousted a long-standing legendary voice actor for the spot because he was a recognizable name. We knew the Mario movie was a shameless cashgrab and a metaphorical foot-testing-the-water for uninspired video game cashgrab movies. And the test was a success. YEAH. PEOPLE STILL SAW IT. Enjoy Chris Pratt - who hates you for thinking Link is trans - playing Link in The Movie of Zelda, coming out in Q4 2024.
I know a lot of these are left-leaning examples, but this isn't exclusive to left side gamers. How many times have you seen someone upset because Shooter Game Whatever had just the sliiiightest touch of left-ish stances, they'd take to whatever to complain. But they still be playing the game too.
It goes beyond just games tho, nerd culture is all the same. Let's also talk about Nerd Protests. And how they're the most self-affirming, hollow bullshit.
Like two years ago, Twitch was having some problems. And I'm not referring to them literally breaking a woman's back live on camera, which they did do, and never helped her, and you totally forgot about, because human suffering is nothing in the face of dopamine. No, I'm talking about A Day Off Twitch, in which streamers were encouraged to take a day off of streaming as protest towards.... something. I don't remember. Seemed pretty important. Anyway, Twitch never even acknowledged the demands of the streamers. Like Adriana Chechik's broken back, they didn't do anything about it. And... there was never a second Day Off Twitch. There was abosolutely zero follow through. And nobody wanted to acknowledge it. Nobody did fucking anything. Instead of going "wow, they're not doing anything. We should CONTINUE TO PROTEST" you all patted yourself on the back after seeing one day of approximate revenue lost and went back to giving Jeffy Bezzolio cash by subbing to xXxvtuberfeetxXx or whatever. I literally never heard anything about this again.
And last year, reddit made some changes that people didn't like. An unignorable chunk of the site went dark to protest it. The CEO basically then said "eh, this change will make us money, and this protest will pass, so just wait it out." Like literally there was leaked memos saying "eh they'll get over it." AND HE WAS FUCKING RIGHT. Reddit was back to normal in like a fucking week. No changes made to their plans. And nobody went, "hey, fuckface, we're serious!" They just. Let it happen.
That's the thing. Gamers and nerds LOVE to talk a big talk until it inconveniences them. And then, they'll protest JUST ENOUGH to say that they tried. "Play the cards you been dealt" fuckin mentality. They were like "yeah I didn't watch Twitch during A Day Off Twitch, so I did my part! Oh, sure, nothing came of it, and then they literally had bodyguards manhandle a woman with a back broken in two places live on camera like two months later, but what else am I supposed to do?" as if not using twitch was not an option. as if using twitch was, in fact, an imperative.
And let's talk about Discord. you know, originally, for gamers. But now due to investments by social media moguls, it's worse than skype was. And be real, you know it's not gonna get better. Every two weeks they do something you all hate, and I have to hear about it. And again, Not using discord is never considered. Using discord is again, apparently, an imperative. When they made you guys change usernames - which I will actually go on record and say was not that big of a deal and that y'all majorly overreacted - it was such a prevalent, inescapable topic on social media you'd think they were literally committing war crimes. And since I've seen war crimes on social media recently, I can say that's literally an apt comparison. I see as much coverage about the IDF's crimes as I saw "DISCORD IS MAKING US CHANGE USERNAMES!" posts. And despite the fact you guys FLOODED them with feedback about how you didn't like it, they held fast and held steady. They knew it'd blow over eventually. AND IT DID. Within a month of the change y'all stopped making a fuss. Guess tellin your blorbo chat that you'd like to switch to Telegram (or Escargot, or a fourm, or IRC, or whatever) was more effort than just accepting the username change, huh? And now you've accepted ten or twelve other shitty things they've done since, eh?
And this all wraps up to my point nicely. Gamers/nerds have no spine, and regardless of what politics they say they believe - or perhaps genuinely believe they believe - push comes to shove they're going for instant gratification every time. Inconvenience is not to be tolerated, and wants are meant to be resolved in the easiest way possible (by giving in). The concept of taking a stand is LOVELY to them until it means actually standing up, because that requires minor personal sacrifices and gosh, we can't have that.
FRLG, HGSS, ORAS. Beautiful remakes. So when BDSP was announced - an ugly, 1:1 port with no added features, no additional mons (even including the ones introduced in BDSP's sister game PLA), made by a random software developer who had never made a game before, in unity, under severe crunch, for more money than the other remakes... I thought it was a slam dunk. We could finally tell TPCi to fuck off. Well, it sold about 15 million copies. At a $60 price tag, that means they made roughly $900 Million (roundable to a billion with a b) on what's unquestionably a shitty game. That one, personally, ruined my hopes for the game industry. Gamers will take whatever's given to them.
Games without the constraints of capitalism would be fantastic - but as long as capitalism exists, gamers will allow it to exist in the space. They don't have the spine to leave Discord - it's near sisyphean to expect them to control themselves enough to not enable the bad habits of companies.
... hmmm this took two hours to write due to an unfortunate crash but apparently I've had this essay fuckin loaded in my subconscious.
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adelle-ein · 2 years
h!rry p0tter stans are pathetic, disgusting brats and i want them all to block me now so i'm going ahead and posting a rant about the terrible wizard books and their terrible fandom and their embarrassing fucking behavior just to get it off my chest and hopefully get them to STOP FUCKING FOLLOWING ME i swear they just keep popping up with their dumbass usernames and slytherclaw in their descriptions. this is long and rambling but i just really need to scream into the void for a bit
this also goes 99% only for adult hp fans. if you are fourteen and still obsessed with hp that's okay. you're fourteen. you'll grow up someday.
Unfortunately i must give my stupid "qualifications" to hate hp and its fans first i guess. Yes, from ages 8-17ish maybe, I loved hp, it was my main special interest/ocd obsession for pretty much the entirety of that time. blah blah read the books a zillion times wrote fanfic first tumblr fandom *checks watch* went to the theme park owned merch was in the high school hp club etc. I still unfortunately have a hp username in some old things where usernames are permanent. Stuck and unchangeable! Alas. Okay are we done? Do you understand that i used to be one of you morons before i got old enough to have critical thinking? am i deemed worthy to talk about this now???
cool great thanks. Anyway. I'm TIRED of being expected to be patient with hp stans!!!. It's their childhood! It's nostalgic! It's their hyperfixation and their special interest! Wizard boy SAVED THEIR LIVES and you have to be PATIENT with their clinging to it twenty fucking years later!!! ...No actually. No i fucking don't. No trans person, no jewish person, nobody needs to put up with your sobbing speeches about how actually you HATE jkr but you just LOVE hp so goddamn much and you're sTILL A REAL ALLY. can you at least, at the bare minimum, if you MUST engage with HP content, SHUT UP about it?? why can't you even do that??? good god.
I think people are still clinging to the idea that JKR is actually a liberal who's just really stupid on trans rights. Don't get me wrong: that's still awful that they're willing to throw trans people under the bus like that! If that was true I would still be saying to not support her and to shut up about hp for thirty fucking seconds! However, that is just...objectively not true. Woman is a fascist. Woman is constantly expressing support for conservative laws and measures. She has done effectively nothing to support abortion rights or feminism or lgb rights in years, she LITERALLY ONLY cares about hurting trans people and preventing Scottish independence and keeping her taxes low. I believe she recently dusted off her old fucking charity to sponsor the education of some women in Iran? She used to do stuff like that pretty regularly but now she so, so rarely does. And even when she does it's just like. ticking off a box and she's back to going on another unhinged rant about trans people. The people she has allied herself with are far-right, neo-nazi, white supremacist groups. She has happily expressed support for anti-abortion activists, pro-LGB conversion therapy pundits, self-professed fascists, people who believed jews control the universe, and even rapists including depp and m. manson and various horrific "gender criticals". OVER AND OVER. She's fash! She's far-right all the way fash! Any "lefty" terf who's allying themselves with her is straight up in the frog/scorpion situation and i will point and laugh while also being amazed just how incredibly stupid and selfish people are. And she keeps siccing her followers on small trans accounts without money or fame on their side, who then get harassed for fucking YEARS on end! She knows what she is doing! She is a bitter, twisted, evil lady!!!
anyway. What I know most about, being jewish, is what she's said and done in the jew hating department. so now i'm gonna rant about that specifically jewish stuff.
I am sick of her antisemitism being reduced to "there are goblins" and similar. Especially bc people then point to, like, fucking owl house and whatever and go "see this is also antisemitic!!" Well, technically, yeah. it is. but like...accidentally. I'm pretty used to seeing evil big-nosed money-loving freaks and lizard people all over media, I've just kind of grown up with that. Jo's antisemitism is not accidental. Joanne has Griphook as the *literal* devil on Harry's shoulder throughout the gringotts saga of book 7. He's the one who convinces Harry to start using unforgivable curses (remember that shaun video in which he points out that the potterverse has no "bad actions" only "bad people?" yeah harry uses the torture and mind control spells like, repeatedly, with ZERO FUCKING REFLECTION OR CONSEQUENCES OR CARE and it's fine, they're such bad books man.) Griphook literally leads harry away from the light of christ and backstabs him. bill warns harry that goblins are Not Like Us, because they have evil and weird and unholy traditions and magic and steal power from wizards. jo specialized in studying the historical roots of legends and fairy tales throughout uni and has talked about them at length. she literally dual majored in "classics" (and french, strangely, considering how she writes french people lmao. failing upwards?) And yet she managed to go as dark and bad as possible on every occasion. Joanne knew exactly what she was writing. AND EVEN IF SHE DIDN'T, somehow, she has doubled down in subsequent years. There was no, "yeah, sorry about the goblins and the house elf shit, I dunno what I was thinking but we won't be doing that anymore!" House elves and goblins continue to be featured and doubled down on, between pottermore, the terrible fantastic beasts movies, and this game (you can own your own slaves in the game i believe, hooray!) Fantastic beasts even features a ***part-house-elf*** woman. Let THAT horror sink in. The franchise has doubled down on and actively CHOSEN TO FOCUS ON its worst and darkest parts and there is no more way to hide behind any semblance of ignorance at this point.
(The same goes for Umbridge being raped by centaurs. There is NO FUCKING WAY that was not deliberate. The woman literally studied english fairy tales for school. SHE KNEW. Rape is a punishment in HPland. Hermione literally gets sexually assaulted by a guy and Harry tells her it serves her right for leading him on and the book nods right along with him. Joanne hates cis women too lol)
People have written at length about the game's plot and why it is clear, blatant, not accidental antisemitism and blood libel. The game's original director was a far right gamergate lunatic and I SINCERELY doubt he was the only one of the crew who was. None of this was an "oopsie poopsie we made a big nosed shady advisor" and the devs are not the sweet widdle victims you morons want them to be! And continuing deeper into the franchise: there's a whole lot of nazi imagery surrounding Grindelwald in Fantastic Beasts (originally played by fucking Depp the wifebeater who collects nazi memorabilia for kicks so that's on the nose). Guess which main character turns to the dark side and starts doing evil nazi shit? The one named Goldstein. The Jew. Yay! Also she was, like, mind controlling her good christian boyfriend to force him to marry her, so there's a lot going all the way down on that one huh.
And honestly, even when people are expressing allyship it's all so fucking performative! You all just keep going "oh there's goblins" and then recommending fucking alternatives. I don't want to hear about how pjo/earthsea/witch hat atelier/owl house/twilight/animorphs/whatever is Wholesome And Perfect and Good! This is not an opportunity to stan! Do you people really think, when discussing a violently antisemitic game that's part of a franchise made by a fascist, the appropriate way to end your twee little thread is by promoing some OTHER children's media that you think has the morally pure high ground? Do you realize how performative that makes your so-called allyship feel?? Do you genuinely believe that these GROWN ASS ADULTS simply did not know that other children's media about wizards and magic exists in the world and that is the only thing driving them to keep worshiping at joanne's feet even now?? You think they just genuinely believed this video game is the only video game in the universe? The really rich rec I keep seeing people give is fucking NARNIA, which features all the blatantly Muslim-coded characters being rejected from heaven and presumably ending up in hell when the world ends. Like Susan will one day, because she turned away from Jesus and is a disgusting slut who likes boys and lipstick too much. Narnia fucking sucks. Even the shriekcast people cannot stop sucking off narnia it's so goddamn annoying
The whole thing reminds me of how, at peak 3h-popularity-fighting, there were many long threads going around twitter about how Hubert falls into the "shady advisor" stereotype and how Rhea and co are secretly lizards and how that's not great. Yeah, sure, not great, old stereotypes rooted in antisemitism that media can't seem to turn away from. And then those SAME PEOPLE would talk about "instead stan tellius!" Tellius which features these characters, who form a tribe specifically known for being backstabbing greedy traitors obsessed with money, who sell one of their blond white beautiful allies into slavery for money. THAT tellius. And that's what i mean by performative fucking allyship. Based on their own behavior, none of those people appeared to give a real shit about Jews. It looked like they were only pretending to so they could come up with a way to dunk on Modern Fire Emblem and encourage people to play Classic Fire Emblem. And not that the modern games didn't deserve criticizing! But it was so, so clear that none of them had any fucking clue what they were talking about, were just pointing to tropes and going "antisemitic!" without bothering to learn the hows and whys and critically analyze the context. So I do strongly encourage people to try and learn about WHY certain media is so bad and, while intent certainly isn't the be and end all, why certain portrayals are so much worse than others. Naesala is a damn sight more of an antisemitic caricature than Rhea, and fucking obviously the wizard school game is worse than owl house! Also reminder that the great ace attorney localization uses antisemitic slurs and everyone in the fandom ignored that :) performative asses
aNyhoo. The antisemitism in HP is not just "there are goblins." It is much worse, much more insidious, and Warner Bros, avalanche, etc have all joined right in, doubled down, and made it very clear that antisemitism as well as slavery apologism is a key part of the series and not going away for a good long time by making it EVEN WORSE in the games and movies. even if she wasn't seeing a penny of any of it (lol!) her ideas are being happily and uncritically spread by you fucking lunatics.
and every time someone gets an anon going "maybe don't support hp?" and you clutch your fucking pearls and fall to the floor crying about how it's TRANSFORMATIVE and YOU HEADCANON HARRY AS TRANS and IT WAS YOUR CHILDHOOD and blah blah fucking blah i both lose even more respect for you and become even more certain that this franchise is not worth transforming. it's simply not. hp is rapidly becoming a symbol of hate, one that fascists flock around and support (yes, they were burning the books twenty years ago, but IT IS NOT TWENTY YEARS AGO YOU ARE AN ADULT NOW MARJORIE, it's a franchise that the fash love now, and why wouldn't they? it espouses all their ideals!)
Just grow up. It is really, and i mean this from the bottom of my heart, genuinely unhealthy and sad to still be so deeply tied to your favorite book when you were ten. It's time to move on. It's past time to move on. Thank the books for what they did for you and let them go. Personally, I can't engage with any HP media. I derive zero joy from it and haven't since like...I don't know, 2016ish maybe. Even the last dregs I clung to were more fond memories of sharing the books with friends and family. I truly don't understand how anyone can still like them knowing what they now stand for. But even if you're not like me, even if you've managed to fool yourself into believing this is a franchise about love and kindness and leftism (lol), it's time, it's PAST time, to move forward. Nothing wrong with liking old media or children's media or even problematic media (to an extent ofc). But when a series is doing this much tangible harm, when you are so deeply entwined with it that you feel you have no identity without it, when nostalgia has become more important than your principles...then you need to let it go. If you don't care enough about trans people, or Jewish people, or rape victims or Black people or Chinese people or Irish people or Scottish people or gay people, then do it for yourself, because being shackled to your childhood like that is simply not healthy.
Okay that was the only paragraph I was going to be nice in back to bitching. Read another fucking book, engage with other fucking media and no i am not going to give you recs and hold your hand and tell you you're a good person for doing it!! do it yourselves you are ADULTS. and remember: the difference between kanye and jo is that one of them has lost his filter and is saying the quietest parts the loudest, and also is black, and you should think long and hard as to WHY you find one of them acceptable to support and not the other, because they very much share the same views and have expressed support and love for the same people.
Personally I don't see why you'd even fucking pirate this game. It looks like another cookie cutter blandass triple a runs like shit but gets straight 9/10 mess. like it's just cyberpunk again but wizards. it's yet another flat bland Skyrim Two. by devs who are known for their crappy shovelware. And every hp game that has come out has sucked (did you know they had a pokemon go clone? i think it only lasted like a year. lots and lots of shitty f2p stuff in general.) Why do you need this game so badly? why are you SO wrapped up in nostalgia that you're willing to support terrible shit and play a meh game? there is something fundamentally wrong with your morals if this is where they end. always the same people who cry about how there are good slytherins or whatever but don't give enough of a shit about people to care about, like, real things.
Also if you truly believe you need to "support the devs" by buying this game: where do you draw the line, then? What makes these particular AAA devs need my $60 so badly? By that logic I apparently need to buy every single game in the world to support every single dev in the world?? WHAT??? If you say this you are PROBABLY lying, but if you truly believe it you are incredibly stupid. thanks.
Also professor fig dies at the end in all endings and rookwood is the one behind anna's curse he framed the goblins for it <3
(also this all goes for diehard aot stans too i want you and your nazi propaganda anime to fuck off too thanks)
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romancomicsnews · 7 months
Who should be the villain of Spider-Man 4?
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Following the Watts Spider-Man trilogy, Peter Parker in the MCU has faced a number of his most iconic villains. From the villains of the Raimi-verse to Mysterio and Vulture, it seems like there are few villains left for a reported 6 more movies.
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What's worse, villains like Venom, Kraven, and Carnage are being taken up by Sony Picture Universe of Marvel Characters (or SPUMC) with mediocre to bad films like Madame Web or Morbius.
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While there is potential for new and fresh versions of Doc Ock, Green Goblin, and more to be put into the MCU, and I think they absolutely should, before we go there I think there are a number of solid to great Spider-Man villains who have not made their film debut who can add something new to these films.
I've put together a list of five I think could make solid contenders for Spider-Man 4, a few potential film ideas for each, and some casting ideas, all leading up to my favorite.
5. Swarm
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Starting off with the least likely and my least favorite, Swarm was a Nazi Scientist and Beekeeper turned literal swarm of Bees. Due to his form, he can become intangible, fly, possesses super strength, and is the stuff of nightmares.
Due to his Nazi background, this character would need a complete retooling. Perhaps a scientist looking to cure death, or an Oscorp accident turning a good man into a monster.
If we wanted a more horror based superhero movie, this would be the way to go. This character has the potential to be very scary. Think Candy Man but a scientist hunting Spider-Man, perhaps for a cure or for getting in his way.
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I'd love a Keith David, someone with a booming voice, scary, but can play sympathetic. Imagine the cat from Coraline or the Voodoo Man hunting Spider-Man, or desperately seeking a cure for his condition, killing anyone in his way.
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I think characters like this have been done in the Raimi movies in particular, but could feel fresh in the MCU. Again though, it's a bit controversial being a former Nazi, and the retooling of the character may not be worth it if we're just scratching the surface of good villains.
4. The Prowler
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This one is extremely obvious but worth a mention.
The only character already in the MCU, he has been casted extremely well AND has only grown in popularity. Putting him in as Spideys new big bad would not only ground the movie with a very human villain, but set up the story for Miles Morales.
Prowler can take the place of the physical villain of the film similar to Winter Soldier. His strings can be held by Kingpin, Hammerhead, Norman Osborn, Silvermane, or Tombstone, using him as a weapon against their enemies, including Spider-Man.
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My main argument against this is simple, it isn't the right time. If we are doing Aaron Davis, we need to do Miles. I think that's better for the 5th or even 6th movie, but not yet. Let Peter have more years under his belt as Spidey before he teaches another.
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He'd be a strong pick for a 5th movie, or even maybe a secondary villain in a 4th movie, but not a good main antagonist.
3. The Beetle
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Abe Jenkins or Leila Davis have both donned the name The Beetle, an armored villain usually after money and fame. However, this character has a lot of range.
Sometimes they're a heroic member of the Thunderbolts, sometimes they're a petty villain, a genius, daughter of mob boss Tombstone, and sometimes even in a wildly different armor. There are a lot of ways to go with this villain.
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Due to the flexibility of the character, we really can use them anyway imaginable. He could be a failed Stark employee (again), a genius prodigy like Peter, an antihero who kills, a terminator like threat, or anything in between.
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I think having Spidey face an Iron Man of his own could be a good way to show his more intelligent side, and make Peter deal with the loss of Tony yet again.
Again the range give us quite a few ideas for actors. I'd really like someone who can do desperation and scary but intelligent. Jason Clarke I don't think gets enough love.
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If we went with a younger actress and the daughter of Tombstone, I'm a big fan of Logan Browning. I think she'd make a great antivillain turned hero in the MCU, and be part of Spider-Mans new crew. Maybe help him engineer new (although be it not Tony Stark levels) of tech.
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I think this villain has the potential to be brought up to Vulture or Mysterio status, they're just not my favorite as far as fresh and interesting.
2. The Jackal
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This may be controversial but I'll die on this hill.
Miles Warren is a geneticist who has gone mad due to the loss of Gwen Stacy. He blames Spider-Man and swears revenge, turning himself into the monstrous Jackal.
The Jackal would be an excellent villain to introduce into the MCU and a Spider-Man movie so we can get a version of the worst comic book storylines: The Clone Saga.
Now before you think that is a terrible idea, remember that we just got a great Spider-Man movie based around a version of One More Day. So hear me out.
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Having the Jackal create a Spider-Man for Peter to fight would be inherently interesting. Imagine a chase scene where two Spider-Men (both Tom Holland) are chasing each other swinging around New York. It could be as iconic as Zod and Superman in Man of Steel.
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Adding the Jackal also means adding Ben Reilly into the MCU, a fun new addition which lets us see Hollands range. Who doesn't want to see edgy Tom?
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The Jackal would also be very reminiscent of The Green Goblin while being something fresh and new. He can be scary and creepy, all while being a physical match for both Peter and Ben Reilly. We can get someone Dafoe type to ham it up and give us an iconic weird performance.
My pick would be Bryan Cranston. Forget Lex Luthor, let's let him ham it up and go nuts as a hairy Grinch style villain.
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My only concern would be the backlash for even considering it from comic book fans. But, I think if done well, all will be forgiven.
1. Mr Negative
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Anyone who has played PS4 Spider-Man and read my blogs knew where I was going.
Having Martin Li as the central antagonist would be a perfect balance for Spider-Man. He is superpowered, making him an equivalent to Spidey. He has the potential to be a mentor turned villain, like all great Spider-Man villains.
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Li also is the perfect linchpin to crime villains in the Marvel Universe. He could create a Superpowered gang war against other villains like Kingpin, Silvermane, or Tombstone, putting Spider-Man in the center of something very grounded and dangerous.
Create a mob style movie with Spider-Man unable to fathom how deep crime in NY goes could be the refreshing story the MCU needs. It could add interesting Marvel characters like Daredevil, Black Cat, Punisher, Kingpin, Hammerhead, and more.
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And it would all be centered around a character Spider-Man fans currently love. It's absolutely perfect.
I don't have a cast for this, as it would need to be a very gifted martial artist and seemingly good guy turned evil. But I think Marvel can nail casting.
All in all, Li would be the perfect villain for Spider-Man 4. Someone powerful enough to be a threat, fresh enough to be fun, and grounded enough to tell a very different interesting Spider-Man story.
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Thank you so much for reading! Please consider following, and check out my socials and other sites here! And let me know: Who do you want to see Peter face in Spider-Man 4?
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halodwolf · 11 months
its so awesome that automattic would rather sunset a decade and a half year old website than do literally anything about the rampant terfs/racists/literal nazis/censoring of people of color and silencing of genocide/violent transmisogyny etc etc etc. and its because the call is coming from inside the house y'all. they're not going to fix it because that IS them. like obviously they know the reason people aren't buying ad free/their stupid badges and crabs or whatever is because there are glaring problems with the site they won't fix. and instead of addressing them they're diminishing support so they don't have to hear us complain anymore!
the mega corporation doesn't care that your beloved hellsite is dying or whatever, it only gives a fuck about money. tumblr has no morals just like how every other giant business has no morals
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Nazis are still very much a thing. Granted, there's only a couple of thousand in the entire United States, and they're the subject of nothing but mockery and scorn by literally everybody on both sides of the aisle, but they still exist. The left would have you believe that they're lurking around every corner, though; and only by giving the left more and more money and power can America be saved.
So sure they exist but not in any meaningful or impactful way
Unlike Communists...
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