#they're overworked as it is and don't have the time or patience for that
izzy-b-hands · 4 months
finally broke into one of my new syringes (still have some old ones, but figured hey i should try them for this shot)
Tw for bitching abt medical shit/my injs below the cut
and i just. why is my doc intentionally making this harder. I ask for 3ml syringes bc it's what im used to and know how to draw up. She agreed to that, so i never checked my new ones bc why should i? she listened, she sent in for 3mls, right?
NOPE. fucking 1 ml which means figuring out the draw up has required online searching to make sure it's right, and bonus! everything I've found doesn't recommend it for T bc it's such a slow inj to begin with, and 'many feel it takes longer to inject in smaller syringes designed mainly for IV use, which lessens compliance with injection schedules in some'
And i hate how it looks. it looks like so much more, and i know that's stupid bc it isn't, it's the same amount as usual, but the sight of it is v much involved in me getting my injs done with my fear of needles. I know, again, I KNOW planned parenthood is dealing with not enough funding, hands on staff, etc, but does that really prevent you from listening to your patient and trying to help them with shit like this? bc i don't think it should. I'm still forever grateful they've been helping me keep my T going until I find a primary care doc, but at the same time...what the fuck? I said this would be an issue, and i need to stay with my usual supplies. If that was an issue for them, i was willing to buy syringes myself from the medical gear shop I've used for extra supplies before (that will ship out here, I've checked.) Why won't she just fucking. listen, and talk to me? if all she could do was 1 ml syringes, fine, BUT FUCKING TELL ME THAT BEFORE SO I CAN JUST BUY MY OWN
Like. I will get this done. ill use these crap syringes up bc I refuse to waste them.
But now I'm overly nervous and worried im gonna fuck it up with the new syringe, or that it will hurt more or take even longer to inject than usual, so my hands are too shaky to do it! im already a day late with it, and I'd bet ten bucks I wont be able to calm myself enough to do it until tomorrow. Yes, this is also autism bs of needing things the same but like. I've had to do a lot of adjusting since last year, and have made efforts to accept changes and sporadic things. it's been hard as fuck, but I've fucking done it. so why can't i have one fucking thing like this stay the same? just my inj supplies, that's it! I'll accept and deal with other changes but for fuck's sake, she KNOWS I'm nervous abt fucking up my injections (bc i always want them to go well so i get as much med in me as i can, with minimal tracking out after it), why the fuck wouldn't she at least tell me if she was limited in syringes/what she can rx?
Why don't docs listen when i talk, and why won't they just talk and be honest with me like a fucking adult. is that honestly so fucking difficult?
Apparently so 🙃
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changeling-droneco · 1 month
Hi I'm that person who made the original post about "no doesn mean no" when a small bit of the mr beast company document was leaked, well, now we have the full document (thanks rosanna) so I'm going to go over it. Please note I am not a lawyer or a business man, I'm in college for psychology, so I might misunderstand some things or make the wrong conclusion. However, if this is a document made for the average mr. beast employee, if I cannot understand it properly, then im sure some employees also struggled
First of all, the opening paragraph. Like I get it's supposed to be like, to put people at ease, but
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This is so strange? Like, first of all, this is your EMPLOYEE MANUAL, you should have run it through like, a spell check? Or had someone edit it? This is already incredibly unprofessional. Also the promising of a thousand dollars if you pass a quiz on it? It's bizarre and I'd love to see if it's an actual quiz.
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Jimmy, hun, please god get an editor for this you're already trying my patience.
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YOU SHOULD, you genuinely should, while interconnected these are all COMPLETELY different jobs, if you think you could write a separate manual for each branch you SHOULD
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I'm sure I'm about to get an answer but what the fuck is the best YOUTUBE video then? If it's not comedy, its not production, its not quality, its not look, then what the hell is left? (monetization, it's monetization)
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First of all, Jimmy, why are you using internet lingo in this, it's not a text message, this is not a place for, idc, and lol, and not capitalizing your headers correctly??? Also like I said, he's chasing trends for monetization, and also he's just wrong, there are plenty of hollywood level shows and the like on youtube. You fully admit you do not care about trends and actively rush things?
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This is just fucked??? Like of COURSE IT MATTERS??? Results based company is bullshit, your employees that worked for five weeks and failed aren't "lesser" then James, it's a structural failure! They still worked for HOURS to try and succeed?? That shows merit and loyalty??? What the fuck???
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Rosanna covers this one in her video but it's worth restating that this is FUCKED??? It's clear overwork "your job is your family" culture. Especially the use of the word obsessive? If you do not OBSESS over your work, you are considered poisonous. NO WONDER we have so many reports of employees doing things they feel is dangerous or unsafe, if they don't they're considered POISON to the company.
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The formatting in this doc continues to fucking kill me, what are you DOING man GET AN EDITOR
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This feels like such an easy fix of just...make the thumbnail after the fact? Or only make a rough draft of one first? Like if production makes a red bouncy castle instead of a yellow one, that feels like an easy fix to the thumbnail OR a communication error, and again, that's on management
A lot of the next stuff is like analytics stuff that for the most part I can't really speak on as someone who does not do any of this stuff. There are a few things though
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Which like???? what??? a lull??? what do you mean "watching a video without even realizing they are watching a video??" That doesn't scream good or even mediocre content to me. If I'm actively tuning out as I watch a video, that's bad. Especially because there have been plenty of times I've been like half way through a video i go "hey this sucks actually" and click off. They actively want their audience to not be paying attention to the video so it runs all the way through, that's kinda pathetic.
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I don't actually know if this is common or not in this industry, but as an outsider this seems INCREDIBLY micromanaging to me, to an immense degree.
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Jimmy why are you putting swears in your employee manual?? sir??? and also something about this whole thing icks me out, I don't quite have the words but the whole emphasis on "im different im special no one else can be me" just reeks of something kind of manipulative
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Why is production changing so much Jimmy??? Infinite growth is the mindset of a cancer cell Jimmy! This is incredibly unstable working conditions! Also again with the word obsession, if you take time out of your own day on your own time to watch hulu, that's seen as not being obsessed enough for the company. This is nonsensical!
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Again, this is INSANELY micromanaging, and also so fucking unhinged??? "God himself couldn't stop you from making this video on time" is NOT a healthy work mindset, things HAPPEN!!!
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In this segment he's actually talking normal things but I did just want to highlight his use of "freaken" who the hell puts that in an EMPLOYEE MANUEL
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Again with the micromanaging, and the immense pressure on employees for problems OTHER people do. While he's not fully wrong that you should be in more contact with the contractor then the example, this is too much in the other direction. How much time in the day does he think people have?!
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My kingdom for a fucking paragraph break dude, my fucking eyes. Also this is a lot of "im so great and do everything and you should do more for me and if i dont know something that's your fault" for something titled "I am not always right"
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I'm getting lazy with my highlighting, but again, the micromanaging? If you're SOOO busy, the first question should be the ideal? it's quick and makes a quick decision, while the second one meanders and meanders
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Again, Jimmy is pushing blame for HIS mistakes on OTHER PEOPLE. For again, a section called "i am not always right" hes taking NO accountability for that and just making the SAME excuses he's berating in other places.
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I can't even tell what he means here AN EDITOR JIMMY
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Autism Hell tm, PLEASE email me so I can DOUBLE CHECK IT, things in writing are SO useful
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Again the language towards "C-Players" which as mr beast has said, are the people who y'know, are NORMAL employees who DON'T live and breathe this company
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Okay first of all, a Lamborghini is like 300k so that's already A REALLY hard task, and i sure hope don't usually put typos in the tasks. SECOND of all the fact he thinks its okay to go "hey if the studio is literally on fire around you and you stop working to get the Lamborghini, you're not doing good enough" even if he claims it as a joke is NOT OKAY what the FUCK
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We've covered this before, but to reiterate this segment is named after a sexual assault reference when it could have been named ANYTHING ELSE and harasses employees and pressures them to break rules, don't do that.
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I'm not an editor, so maybe this is normal, but as someone from the outside it seems strange to put this much emphasis on dividing focus between so many videos at once.
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Jimmy, hun, are you paying extra for this? Because if I'm an editor and you want me FILMING stuff then i want to be paid more for doing TWO jobs and I probably still wont be as skilled a TRAINED CAMERA MAN
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First of all now THAT'S a type, consteatants. Also the fact they are aware that leaving contestants out in the sun is bad, why are you not doing MORE TO STOP IT BEYOND "hey maybe giving them three hours of heatstroke is bad, try only two next time"
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Don't we love favoritism, more shitty unprofessional writings, and a completely unstable work environment?
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If your people have to pull all nighters period something is wrong, and if something happens to an employees car that could have seriously hurt someone, i sure hope you care more then just "LOL FUNNY" Who's picking up the broken glass? Who's reimbursing the car owner? That one meme of "your first care should be commitment to the bit" is a MEME jimmy, it's not ACTUAL ADVICE
Ah shit I hit image limit, well, you've seen enough screenshots to know these are screenshots, we're almost done I'll put them in as quotes
"Let’s say you are tasked with finding us a castle to live in for 50 hours and while doing research you find a castle and a number to call for the owner. So you do call, and he answers. Only problem is he says he quit the castle renting business to pursue his dream of building a 100 foot tall lego catapult. You can obviously tell where i’m going with this. Ideally you’d recognize that’s badass as fuck and try to convince him to let us use it when we do find a castle. This is a bad example because it’s so obvious but if you’re doing your job right you will be doing an absurd amounts of calls and data collecting. While trying to complete your prios and prepare for the video you should always be on the lookout for new things you can bring to your creative team to inspire them. Because just like me, they don’t know what they don’t know and you can’t just say “i’m in production and i’m not very creative” because that’s literally the equivalent of saying I suck at what I do. You also need to apply this same mindset when problem solving because many people lose sight of this stuff when in the weeds. If a problem appears, always always always ask yourself if your new plan is whats best for creative, not just the easiest bandaid."
First of all it's really funny seeing all the red lines pop up, second of all this insistent blurring of everyone's job seems so strange? Again maybe this is normal, but it really feels like Jimmy wants everyone working every job, instead on focusing on what they are actually hired to do.
"What is the goal of our content?
To excite me. The goal of our content is to excite me. That may sound weird to some of you, especially if you’re new but to me it’s what’s most important. If I'm not excited to get in front of that camera and film the video, it’s just simply not going to happen."
That's fucking weirddddd, like I get that he's trying to be like "im authentic" but it always feels like a bad sign when the goal of a company is literally just "What amuses the boss" like...bad sign
"this is youtube and there are constraints. You know the video can’t be a minute so you’re obviously going to need a story to hold the viewers and there are rules to storytelling. Our audience is massive and because of that you have to be simple, for 50 million people to understand something it must be simple. Content can be anything but there is structure and rules that we must mold it into that I want to teach you about, because virality doesn’t just happen. Every frame of our videos will be seen by 10s of millions of people"
"I'd say the average MrBeast viewer is a teenage memer that likes video games."
Mr Beast is completely aware of his demographic and puts screen shots of it, he is very aware his stuff is aimed at kids, even when its about gambling or hiring people not around near minors
"I feel silly for having to write this but all the time I talk to 32 new people that have at most seen like 5 or 6 of our videos and it’s mind blowing that they don’t see a problem with that lol."
It's almost like your audience is teenage memer and that people who working here are not in fact, teenage memers.
"What you consume on social media, when you watch youtube, tv, the games you play, etc. are what I like to call your information diet.
How do you stay up to date on the latest memes? How do you know what’s going on with celebrities? What’s trending on youtube? What other creators are doing? What’s popping on tik tok? Your information diet. Consume things on a daily basis that help you write better content."
If my job as a creative writer had my boss tell me to have to see whats "popping on tik tok" as part of my job i'd quit also again, the micromanaging of someone's life as well pops up again, it's weirddd
"It’s okay for the boys to be childish
If talent wants to draw a dick on the white board in the video or do something stupid, let them. (assuming they know all the risks and arn’t missing context on why it’s not safe) People like when we are in our natural element of stupidity. Really do everything you can to empower the boys when filming and help them make content. Help them be idiots"
More favoritism
"If you’ve made it this far you are probably at least semi interested in this being your career. So I wanted to chat about it. Because if you're ambitious and want to dedicate your life to work, you picked the best company in America to do it at. I really don’t care to hoard a bunch of money and I deeply believe in rewarding the people that help this business get where it needs to be. But before I get into that, let’s talk about the future. As I write this we have 2 teams, that will grow to 4 in the next year. (and possibly 8 in the next 2 years but I can’t talk about that cause james will kill me haha). We need more leaders in the company. Weneed hard working, obsessive, coachable, intelligent, grinders that can step up and take some of these leadership spots over the next 2 years. Every single department has an opportunity for you to grow in and you’re in luck because we don’t do yearly reviews. We do whenever the fuck you want reviewes"
Lack of communication from management, and more emphasis on grinding and crunch culture, goodie, all while riddled with typos! God.
"I see a world where this company is worth billions and one day 10s of billions. And those of you that help build this will be rewarded. I want nothing more then for you to go all in, obsessive all day everyday, and become so god dam valuable this company can’t operate without you. And in return for becoming so valuable I hope to give you incredible experiences, a fun place to work, and of course, more money then you could ever dream of making at any other company."
I feel like I'm reading a fucking pyramid scheme document here, "youre so so valuable spend literally every minute of every day on this company haha" good GOD man
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semiweirdshipper · 3 months
Slashers as dads. (Extending the addition).
So I've been thinking about other slashers that I could write as fathers. And this is just a little list of ones that I've chose and how I feel about them. Usually for the slasher dad drabbles, I like to include at least four slashers. Freddy, Michael, Bo, and Hannibal have been my primary picks so far- and I write them in canon-divergence so they're portrayed as good guys. Now...
Let's talk about who else is fit to be a dad.
Jason Voorhees
I feel like it goes without saying that Jason would be a remarkable father figure. He's strong, protective, compassionate, loves nature, is nice, ect... If we altered his universe a bit and turned him into a good guy, I think he'd be the best father figure yet! I'm already thinking about scenarios where he teaches a child reader how to swim and stuff.
Bubba Sawyer/Thomas Hewitt
So I struggle a bit with Bubba mainly because he can't talk and, frankly, I'm not even sure if he can write. Children take after their parents, and I'm not gonna write a child reader squealing and huffing like he does. That's why I have such a difficult time with deciding what I could do to make him a good father figure. And it's not just his inability to talk, it's also his intelligence and the condition he lives in. My father figures have to have suitable jobs and living conditions. I'm not sure what I could do to make his situation better, you know?
As for Thomas Hewitt? I've never seen a movie with him, so I don't know anything about him, his speech, intelligence or living conditions. I was hoping maybe someone would explain it to me, please?
Weirdo demon people like Pyramid Head, Pinhead, Pennywise and Chucky.
Now, I don't see any of these characters as fit to be a father figure. However, I do see them as fit to be a 'friend'. Let's say a child reader is feeling lonely, scared, sad or neglected, and one of these guys shows up to make them feel better, take them on an adventure, or so on and so forth. I think that it could be it's own special kind of drabble sequence- not necessarily father figures, but more like 'friendly monsters'.
Evan MacMillan
The one character that I turn into an overworked dad in a lot of my stories, lol. I think Evan would make a great father figure. With a little bit of canon-divergence, it'd be easy to give him a suitable home and job. As a father, he'd be one of the best.
Albert Wesker
With A LOT of canon-divergence (and extreme patience and determination on my end), I think I can turn prince blondy into a father figure. It's going to be rough and I'm going to alter his personality a lot, but I can make it happen. If given the chance, I know that Albert can be a great father figure too.
Karl Heisenberg
I need to ring my memory up on this guy, but from what I remember, he's decent. I've actually read stories where he adopts one of the main characters, so he already has some fatherly traits without even needing any altering. But obviously I'd give him some canon-divergence anyway. Not everything about Karl is perfect, but I can see him being a good father.
Writing Vincent or Lester as the father instead of Bo.
This idea would be easy to do since I already write Bo as the father figure in my primary drabbles, but I've often wondered what it would be like to change it up a bit. Either Vincent or Lester would make good father figures. It kind of just depends on future plot that is used.
I need a little bit more time to think of other Dead by Daylight characters who would make good fathers, because I'm actually struggling a bit with it. But other than that, thank you for taking the time to read my notes! I don't know what the future holds, but I'm hoping that one day, all these characters and ideas will be part of it.
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cherriteaa · 8 months
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Mitsuya x Black fem reader
A/n: This was requested!! It was part of a 2 person request so I'll reply to the actual request when I do Smiley's
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I'm talking handwritten love notes, handmade plushies and outfits, jewelry, making sure at LEAST ur nails are always done, flowers, everythinggg.
He seems to me definitely the gift giver romantic kind of guy. Esp if you're just as stylish as him. Even when yall are younger, and he hasn't gotten his big designer paycheck yet, he's still finding ways to spoil you. Including learning how to do nails. And he can do ANYTHINGGG you want. French tips, painted designs, charms, different shapes, dip, acrylic, rhinestones, ANYTHING. That man is a master at nail art. And he's starting to get really good with doing your hair. He makes a big thing of it, going to the store the day prior to hair day to get the cut fruit for you and everything. He's SO cute. He's already getting used to doing Mana and Luna's hair, so he's got the patience for it.
Always sends goodmorning/goodnight/checkin texts. He's the easiest communicator ever. I feel like if you guys ever do have arguments, they're shortlived. He's great at getting to the heart of the issue calmly and without using damaging/hurtful words.
He's another cuddly guy. Loves inviting you over afterschool to cuddle and just spend quiet time with eachother before he has to get up again to make sure his sisters are taken care of ect. If you stay over, he's more than grateful if you help him out. Be it with dinner, or with the girls. It takes a huge load off his shoulders. During these times, he likes to come up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist, resting his cheek against you. Something about you just helping out with / being around his family brings a domestic feel that he adores
He love love LOVES to have you wear his stuff. His clothes, things he's designed, his jewelry, anything. He thinks you look sooo cute
Romantic dates as much as he can manage. He's one of those 'if he wanted to, he would' guys. Not every romantic date has to be expensive. He finds all kinds of new and cute ideas for dates. He likes to keep the relationship interesting, and more importantly, keep you feeling like his princess.
He's never afraid to let people know you're dating. He'll invite you to toman meetings, and he isn't afraid to hold your hand or kiss in public. As far as it isnt anything too steamy, he's totally fine with it
HE'S A COOOOK. That man can definitely cook, and he has a bunch of recipes in his arsenal to keep Mana and Luna from getting bored of foods. He likes to show off and pretend to be some celebrity chef in the kitchen after inviting you over for a meal or something.
He likes to tease a little. All in good nature. He isnt the type of guy to poke at insecurities though. More like screenshotting typos you made, and making fun of long gone slightly embarrassing events like you tripping or something. He never means to make you feel bad, just to get a giggle or two. He's the type of boyfriend who will need his girlfriend to keep him in check sometimes. Not that he's out there starting random arguments, but in the sense that he'll start to overwork himself, and he'll get burnt out if you don't say something. And he'll be really grateful if you do.
Mitsuya is the type of guy to do promise rings, and then melt down the material your ring was made out of to infuse into your wedding band. He'll talk about you with his last name, and he's very open to talking about the future with you. He's one of the best types of guys to have around. He'll never leave you behind, and he'll gently push you just enough when you start slacking on your goals. Not only that, but he's the kind of guy who'll notice you're overworking you're stressed before you notice yourself. He's 10000% husband material, and the best thing about being in a relationship with him is that you both encourage eachother to grow and better yourselves together.
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A/n: Requested Mitsuya Hc's! I hope they're to your liking <33
Reblogs, Requests and Comments are appreciated!!
My requests are : Open!
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queen-mihai · 10 months
I want flight attendants to be overpaid and relaxed. I want the job to be so efficient and well managed that it seems like they barely have to lift a finger.
Now before I continue, I'm gonna address the first argument that bigots are gonna claim I'm "not thinking about"
"Well if two flight attendants can take care of a flight while barely lifting a finger, surely the airline will just fire one of them. Don't you think one of them would just get fired?"
No. And imma tell you why.
Two attendants might be able to barely lift a finger on a normal day. But those same two are gonna have a HARD frickin time trying to keep up with 30 or more unruly passengers who are all panicking at the same time. You don't fire somebody who could help on a bad day based on how easy their job is on a good day. People who disagree with that statement have NO business holding a leadership position.
Back to people.
I want teachers overpaid and underworked. Teachers are some of the most creative people you'll ever meet. Now imagine all that brainpower and they're in a school that's actually well funded and they don't need to worry how to pay their MORTGAGE. Now you're talking a generation of people who are taught by teachers who can actually show how much passion they have for what they do.
I want people flipping burgers to be able to afford luxury living. A house, a car, a cottage with a little boat where they take vacations 5 weeks out of every year. That's a hard fucking job. Pay them.
I want the people who pave the roads to fly around the world, meeting people they may never have otherwise met. No matter what country from which they have origins.
I want people who clean toilets to dance with royalty and for that to be so common as to be boring.
I want race car drivers and race team owners to be members of the same clubs and relax at each other's houses during the off seasons.
I want every seat on every transport to feel like first class.
Exclusivity is bullshit. Nobody is gonna be a part of everything. I am excited to learn how to fly but less excited to dive in a cave. No individual person is going to be interested in everything and if you don't want to wait in a line, then maybe you should learn patience. And if your job is so demanding that waiting in line for an hour would RUIN YOUR LIFE, then maybe YOU NEED HELP TOO.
I want design engineers not to be overworked even if they're well paid.
I want managers to have good communication with their teams and easy work managing their part of the business.
I want executives to have access to the REAL numbers and for them to be able to make decisions that make sense for everybody instead of just shareholders.
I want more businesses to be employee owned, and for every decision maker to make decisions for the good of the people impacted by those decisions.
And I want anyone not willing to do so removed from power.
Each and every person alive can do *something* to help make all this a reality
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Shaw Pack Flowers
flowers I'd give to each member of the Shaw pack and why
David - Red Hydrangea and Black Roses. the color red can mean passion love and anger which Davey has a lot of. but Davey has a lot of passion for the people he cares about especially his pack and his annoying adorable mate. While black roses mean death, elusiveness, and farewell. david has let the death of his father haunt him. and it shows a lot. while he also hides behind these high walls. He doesn't want to remember the hard stuff. but at the same time, he has to say farewell to all the bad moments to get to the good moments!
Angel - yellow and blue Irises as well as some asters of the same color! In this case, yellow means Spontaneity and hope. while the blue is Calm, trust, and intelligence! Asters mean patience and variety! because let's be real here Angel had to be really patient and calm with Davey because of the walls he built around himself. Variety part comes from whatever comes out of their mouth when their alone with David. Irises mean Eloquence and wisdom. angel can be really persuasive with their words as well as wise. like telling David to use more words instead of being quiet. they encourage David to and inspire David to be better.
Asher - Green Pansys with a mix of orange roses! in this case, The color green means Growth and harmony. because Asher had to take the mantle that David lacked. they both had to grow up earlier than they expected. But Asher has come to terms with this. of course with the help of Baaabe. if that makes sense. Orange roses however mean enthusiasm and passion, his passion to protect and make sure the others around him are okay he's been doing it to David for the longest. so sometimes he forgets to be happy for himself.
Baaabe - I'll narrow it down to 2 roses. because I love them too much- Peach and a deep purple but in the cases of the roses, peach means sincerity, gratitude, and sympathy. they are grateful for the people they have met thanks to Asher. they can be very sympathetic to Asher.. (and a really big shit-talker when they wanna be )they listen to him and comfort him through his imposter syndrome moments. while with the dark colored rose in this case it means admiration. they have grown to admire the things about the new life they've embarked in (as well as the gossip). They've grown to admire themself with Asher's help. after all, he makes it clear they are his muse.. his monarch.. his everything.
Milo - Red Lakesuprs and Purple Carnations- now Milo can be a very prideful man and he has every right. so in his case, Red means Passion love, and anger. because he can be a very passionate man.. wether it's about his height or his body. he's gonna tell you about it. ( he's also gonna brag about his mate. he's also gonna yell at you if you insult his wolf form-) And Lasksuprs mean almost exactly that. Levity and haughtiness. (I still love you though) While purple Carnations...the color purple can mean Luxury in this case. why? this man has dress socks. he only wants and likes the best. and he's not going to deprive himself of that. after all, beauty likes beauty. and surprise surprise Carnations mean pride and beauty
Sweetheart - Pink Black-eyed-susans! sweetheart is an overworking person with the best intentions (even if it means scaring the shit out of your mate or even breaking into their home! ) but none the less The color pink can Mean Playfulness, fun, and youthful but in this case, were only gonna go for playfulness and fun. because when they're not scaring their mate. they can be a joyful person to be around. though they can be hesitant to reach out for help. while the flower itself means Justice and Encouragement. they have a strong sense of justice and will keep it that way. if 2 wrongs don't make a right. they find a way. and they encourage the people they care about to speak up for themselves. like they've started to do.
Samuel - Black roses with a mix of blue asters much like David sam has been surrounded by death ( he literally died ). but also rebirth and sprinkle a little bit of courage. Sam has been through a lot. and he knows it. And tries to move one for it. he's not as clean as the standard he can hold others too. and he knows that. he tries to work on that. now for the blue asters part- the color blue in this case is going to mean calm and intelligence. after all, when taking care of someone who lacks/ doesn't care to take care of themselves take calamity and patience ( throw in some southern love too ). and asters mean patience and variety.. remember what I said about that calamity part? yeah patience is important here too.
Darlin - Red Snapdragons with matching red Alstoemrias.. in this case, red means passion, love, and anger. with Darlin has a lot of. they have a passion. hell, they chased their ex for almost 2 years after they had to let go of a friend. they love everyone but themselves at times. a lack of self-preservation will do that to you. and snapdragons in this case mean strength and resilience. you can take a look at them and tell they've been through shit. but they keep going. it takes strength and a passion to. ( and a cowboy who will scold you for not taking good care of yourself if you don't ) and the Alstoemrias means friendship in this case. darlin cares and takes friendship very seriously. ( they were willing to kill a vamp turned by old blood. they care a lot ).
and now the other things everyone gets In their bouquets! green gladiolus, basil, and white birds of paradise. in the case of the green gladiolus the color green means growth. they've all grown in one way or another. basil because they all deserve some love and good wishes! and white birds of paradise. the color white can mean purity most of the time when you talk about it..but right now it means simplicity. because of the simple life they want to live. with the joyfulness their mates give them.
@dawnofiight here you go (this took longer then it felt-)
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echo-rambles · 1 year
you got me feeling butterflies
words: 770 tags: fluff, suggestive content, pet-names (baby/puppy), light sub!chan, praise kink notes: I don't really have an excuse or explanation. this is probably the closest to smut I'll ever actually get. if I missed any warnings/tags, please let me know?
being with chan is a lesson in patience. not because he's a difficult man, but because he's a busy one. he's constantly doing something, whether it's packing his schedules as full as he legally can, or using his 'free time' to get more work done. you've learned that some days he needs a reminder to just breathe. to exist without worrying about the next project.
today is one of those days, as you gently tug his chair away from his desk, and he protests for a minute. his hands are still glued to his keyboard and his arms outstretched, but then you sigh. "chris." your tone leaving no room for argument so he knows you're being serious.
"it must be important if you government named me." chan jokes, finally letting you spin him around.
"you know I love your- frankly frightening, work ethic. but I think it's time you took a break." you tell him softly, as you cup his cheeks in your hands.
"I'm almost done."
"baby, you were almost done two hours ago. at this rate you'll be stuck in a constant limbo of almost but not quite."
the huffy little pout he gives you is actually kind of adorable. "five more minutes?"
you make a show of thinking about it, giving his cheeks a squeeze as you do, before finally leaning down to kiss him. "I'll give you long enough to save your work and shut the whole thing down, but no longer than that. understand?"
chan presses his hands to your hips, even as he begins to scoot his chair back towards his desk. "on it, boss."
"that's what I like to hear." you let him pull you along, watching with a keen eye as he goes through the process of saving all of his work properly and turning off his computer. mostly one handed because he struggles with letting you go for long. "see, was that so hard?"
"absolutely." there's a bit of reluctance in his eyes, as he glances at his computer, but just as quickly he's completely turning to face you, giving you his attention. looking up at you with those big brown eyes. you have to stay strong, soldier.
humming, you lean down again, planting one of your knees on the chair between his legs to stabilize yourself as you give him a much deeper kiss than before. "you'll get over it."
it's an affirmation as much as it is an order. chan mumbles something like fucking hell, and then he's nodding. eager and wide eyed. your thumb swipes along the edge of his jaw, tilting his head just so.
"you've been working really hard," you tell him, curling even farther into him so you can place kisses along the arch of his neck. "you've done such a good job." you smile into the next kiss, feeling the way he swallows heavily at your words.
"but it's not finished." chan counters, trying his hardest to sound disappointed as he drags in a shaky breath.
"that's ok. puppy doesn't have to overwork himself to still be amazing, mm?" the way his fingers dig into the skin of your waist feels like a victory.
the goal for this evening wasn't exactly to get chan all breathy and whining, but you're not going to complain.
you kiss his chin, and then both of his cheek, moving your hands so they're settled in the slope where his neck meets his shoulders. you kiss all over his face until he's making little noises in the back of his throat and tugging at your hips. wanting you closer.
"does my puppy want something?" you ask, hovering over him and smiling. he's just so pretty. you're kind of stupidly in love with him.
chan blinks, some of the haze lifting from his eyes, and then he's swiftly pulling you fully into his lap. "can you stop being a tease?"
"isn't there a magic word you forgot to use?" you press a kiss to the hinge of his jaw, and then the highest point of his cheek. then down, to the very corner of his mouth. the whole time you keep your hands on him, thumb softly swiping along his collarbone.
"please." he breathes, trying his best to capture your mouth in a kiss.
well, you can't really keep denying him. not when he's being so good. he deserves to be rewarded. not only for how hardworking he is, but also because he's such a good listener.
being with chan is a lesson in patience, and you enjoy being the teacher as much, if not more, than being the student.
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vani-candy · 9 months
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After a number of personal tragedies, a young woman named Mitty leaves her home in Highwind to properly kickstart her career as a Builder in Sandrock. While she's still unsure of herself and hampered by her low self-esteem, she begins to find true happiness again as she meets the people around her. Someone who catches her eye in particular is the town's only doctor, Fang, a young man who seems just as lost as she is, if not more so. Feeling he needs companionship more than anything, Mitty vows to bring happiness to his life, little by little. However, she won't be able to suppress her growing feelings for him forever...
Swan's Treasure is my ridiculously ambitious blatantly self-indulgent personal fancomic series for My Time at Sandrock starring Fang and my OC, Mitty. I very much simply make this for fun, but this series grew much bigger than I was expecting, so I decided to make this index page to make it easier to navigate to each comic, especially since they're becoming less and less self-contained as I continue!
It is highly, highly recommended that you have played My Time at Sandrock before reading, as it is necessary to better understand the characters and story more. (I will die if i try to adapt every last piece of lore in the game, lol). That, and it is genuinely a fun game and I highly recommend it if you enjoy crafting sims + RPGs + both! As such, these comics will contain major spoilers for the game, so proceed with caution!
I may hop around to tackle story beats I may have missed or skipped over, so these are listed in chronological order.
Pushing Forward [part 1] [part 2] - Mitty leaves Highwind and moves to Sandrock to begin her career. She meets and makes several new friends, including the town's only doctor...
Earrings and Diagrams - Mitty continues to work for the people in Sandrock, which leads to her crossing paths with Fang again when X steals her earrings to try to impress CoCo.
Cheery Picnic - With some ideas from X, Mitty and Arvio invite Fang to a picnic to get to know him better. (The one that started it all!)
Mapo Tofu Weekend - After she and Fang get into a bit of an argument during a sandstorm, Mitty’s convinced he won’t want to see her again, so she’s surprised when he visits her and asks her to try the Mapo Tofu he made for her.
A PSA in Overwork (And Also Interfacing With Your Bestie's Boss) - Mi-an faints due to overwork and is ordered to take a week off by Fang. Yan uses the opportunity to shove all the commission work onto Mitty.
Doctor's Orders, Don't Interfere - A short follow up comic to A PSA in Overwork, Mitty and Fang go for a walk on a particularly hot day.
Shiny Hunting - In an effort to get them together, X and CoCo go out looking for jewels for Fang and Mitty. Things go downhill from there.
Season 2 Episode 36a Graveyard Shift - At Mort’s request, Mitty helps Fang tidy up the cemetery.
I Still Love You, Even Though I Miss You - Fang and Mitty spend the Day of Memories festival together and talk about their passed loved ones.
I’d Love More Dress Options - Fang wants to gift Mitty something, but doesn’t know what.
Painful Memory - A certain bandit attack in Sandrock triggers a harsh memory for Mitty.
She Clearly Feels Better, Doctor - A short follow up comic to Painful Memory, Mitty finishes sewing her new work outfit and shows it to Fang.
The Validity Test - Mitty gets a surprise visit from Nia. However, she seems pretty suspicious of Fang...
Regrets That Don't Disappear - Elsie asks Mitty to ask Fang about the incident that led to Logan becoming a bandit, but he won't say a word, even to her...
Bird Cage - Mitty tries to check up on Fang after their last meeting, but he seems to be doing even worse than before...
Things Changed While You Were Gone - Trudy comes back to Sandrock, noticing something has changed while she was away.
Don't Lose Your Patience - Fang listens in on a fireside meeting that quickly goes south.
Mahjong Break - Fang goes to check up on Mitty and gets roped into a Mahjong match at the Game Center.
That Legendary Mission - Mitty helps Fang with a couple errands...which also involves talking to a certain talkative rancher.
The Turning Point - Everyone gathers for a photoshoot to commemorate Little Woods, but things go south quickly...
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theoceanoasis · 3 months
Original Medic Roddi AU asker here :) I was thinking of a part 2
(Before I started I just want to say, I read the story and I loved it, I actually was a asker for other AU's like Deity Roddi and one of the Preceptor carrier AU. Every time you make magic whit the prompt you get.)
(By the way I am surprised no one makes more Medic Roddi AU since in the movie 86 Hot Rod fixes Kup on a alien planet perfectly. I just think Roddi should get his medic skills back even if basic medicine. Like he has a fire ability that will help wild metals back together, it would be perfect for that type of job, he used it for Kup in the movie 86. Sorry I will stop rambling and go for the prompt.)
After the death of zeta and the success of the rescue of the people. The people of Nyon are quite mad at the Autobots and Decepticons for not helping still are more tolerant of the decepticons since it 2 of them informed the medics. This might start a fight of the Autobots accusing the Decepticons to have planned this and only helped for recruitment.
Hot Rod and Ratchet will try to go back to the clinic but it was destroyed in the blast that killed Zeta, they will want to build a new clinic maybe a bigger one fir the ones that lost they're homes in the blast.
Some of the people of Nyon might try to help in any way they can so Hot Rod and Ratchet could relax a bit so they won't fall down from overworking as the war gets worse and worse, whit more death and more patience.
Soundwave and Deathlock try to visit as much as they can but can't since they have to fight and the war is now all over cybertron so they don't have time.
I do think both sides will send people to cause problems wearing the other sides badge in hope they won't take them as patient or send patients so they will not lose material.
All of this will be hard on Hot Rod and exhaust him to the point of collapse. But he always manages to do it out of view so not to worry anyone. He might even be cutting his energeon so there will be more for the patients.
He does take a few breaks but really rarely and most of the time only went his adoptive creators are both here or when Soundwave and his cassettes are here.
The clinic will be starting to be seen as torn in both sides eyes since they keep soldiers alive so they will just be send back to fight. The Autobots might be more against it since the decepticons third in command is close to one of the Medics, so they go against one of the rules in the official war declaration. They start attacking the clinic.
It would be a attack at night to try to kill all the patients and make the place not usable, but like always Hot Rod was there taking care of new arrived patients, only for a big explosion and a 'earthquake' to happen, the building fell.
In the morning the new was send. The neutral clinic was bombed and destroyed, no information on survivals or who did it.
After Zeta was destroyed, they all cheered. Relieved that he was gone and couldn't hurt the people of Nyon anymore. Soundwave wrapped an arm around him, relieved he was safe.
Once they knew the threat was over they returned to Nyon. Most of the city was untouched except for the clinic. He gasped running towards it in horror when he realized it was on fire.
The people of Nyon quickly helped them put out the fire but it was too late. The place was destroyed. Ratchet looked at it sadly knowing they didn't have the resources to rebuild.
To their surprise the people of Nyon volunteered to help.
"We don't have much but we have each other."
Both of them smiled and he felt a tear fall as he looked at the people of Nyon. Who were eager to help them after all the work they've done.
Together they began to rebuild. The two of them sketched a new clinic with more space. Because the war was still raging and from Soundwave's reports it was going to get worse.
They still tried to help people where they could. Using the limited resources they had to make it work.
Soundwave and Deadlock helped them rebuild when they could and brought them resources.
He was out on patrol looking for any injured who'd found their way to Nyon. Soundwave was behind him as they walked around keeping watch. In case anyone tried to attack him.
Although some buildings had been partially or completely destroyed most of Nyon was fine. He shivered not wanting to think about what could have happened if Zeta had used his weapon. There might be nothing left of Nyon if his plans had succeeded.
"Are you okay?"
He nodded, letting Soundwave hold his hand. He turned towards the Decepticon about to reassure him when someone shouted at them.
"Get away from him Decepticreep!"
He looked over giving what appeared to be an Autobot a confused look.
"He's not what he seems. He's trying to recruit you to his horrible cause."
When he continued giving her a blank look. The Autobot pointed at the badge on his chest.
"He's a Decepticon."
"He's trying to recruit you."
"He knows I'm not joining the Decepticons. This is my home and I'm not leaving it."
"You're from Nyon?"
The Autobot looked surprised and he gave her a confused look.
"Yes. Do you know where you are? We have a clinic not far from here. Let me check you over and make sure you didn't hit your head."
"I know where I am. I'm just surprised you'd let Decepticons around, after they refused to help your city."
The Autobot sneered and Soundwave looked like he was about to say something when he stopped him.
"Like your faction helped?"
The Autobot sputtered looking shocked.
"No. I mean. We tried but the Decepticons wouldn't let us."
"That didn't stop two of them from risking their lives and warning us. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them."
He got between the Autobot and Soundwave.
"If you're not injured. I think it's best you leave. We don't want any part of your war."
"Why does he get to stay he's not injured?"
She argued glaring at Soundwave.
"He's one of the Decepticons who risked his life to help us. Now leave."
He turned away ignoring the Autobot who continued sputtering in shock. Shouting that he'd regret this and that if he didn't abandon Soundwave. He would go down with him.
He looked at Soundwave who was about to fight the Autobot. When he told him to stop because she wasn't worth it.
Soundwave followed after him and wrapped an arm around his waist.
"I know you don't want to get involved with the war but that was hot."
He smiled faintly leaning towards him.
Soundwave nodded pulling him into a nearby alleyway.
"Definitely. I loved the way you put her in her place. Going no nonsense medic on her."
The two kissed each other with Soundwave pressing him against a wall.
When they got back to the clinic. Deadlock gave him an amused look.
"You two were gone for a while."
"We... Got held up."
"I'd clean up a little and try to hide that hickey before Ratchet sees."
He blushed and went to clean up. Not wanting his carrier to lecture him about fragging in public.
After cleaning up. He said goodbye to Soundwave. Who had to go back to the front lines with Deadlock. He hugged him, reminding him to stay safe.
"I will I promise."
He nodded feeling his spark squeeze in his chest when he watched them walk away.
"They'll be okay."
Ratchet put a reassuring hand on his shoulder and led him inside. Distracting him with some of their patients.
The clinic while not completely finished, had come a long way and they were finally able to start taking patients. Not that they stopped. At least now they got to be inside the clinic.
They'd also gotten new or at least newer supplies, from either Soundwave, Deadlock or whatever the people of Nyon could scrounge up.
They worked tirelessly to help whoever they could. He was wrapping one of his patients arms. After she broke it trying to help rebuild.
When Ratchet recieved a message from the clinic in the Dead End. Although he'd only met the medics there a handful of times. They regularly sent each other messages. Wanting to know how the other was doing and seeing if they could share resources.
The clinic had been struggling with an influx of patients, and he thought the message was about patients being delivered to them. He was excited to see whoever they sent to come with the patients. Hoping they could stick around for a few days and he could show them around.
His carrier gasped and he looked over in alarm. Feeling his spark sink when he saw the look on Ratchets face. He immediately knew it was bad news.
Finishing what he was doing. The Nyonian pushed him towards his carrier with her good hand.
"Go to him."
He walked over. Worried the clinic was being forced to close. Scanning the message they received. He felt tears in his optics. The clinic had also held out on picking a side, wanting to stay neutral and help everyone they could.
The fighting had been outside of the Dead End so far. Although they still collected patients from both sides.
They say it was an accident. A stray bomb had been dropped and it ended up blowing the clinic and everyone inside to pieces. There were no survivors. Everyone his carrier had taught was dead. So many good medics were lost.
Ratchet broke down and he held his carrier close letting him cry. Until he forced himself to get up and to keep working. They still had patients that needed help.
He gave him a worried look watching the way his hands shook as he worked. His optics dull as he tried to stop himself from thinking too much.
Worried about his carrier. He sent a quick message to Deadlock telling him what happened and that he needed to return quickly.
He kept working. Waiting for Soundwave and Deadlock to return. It seemed to be taking a long time and it made him worried that something had happened.
He continued helping both sides. Bringing them back to the clinic and fixing them up. Ignoring the tension between both sides as they glared at each other.
Occasionally they'd make snide comments at each other. Which he mostly ignored until it got out of hand. He also noticed the Autobots would occasionally complain, about Decepticons getting faster and better treatment. Ratchet always shut them up.
He was more closed off than usual and more no nonsense. Whenever he heard either side antagonize the other. He'd always get them to shut up real fast. He knew his carrier was grieving and he tried to be there for him.
He was worried and wished Deadlock would hurry up. Even though the clinic had been rebuilt. It felt like everything was falling apart around him.
The clinic wasn't the only place where he heard those comments. It seemed the Autobots believed the people of Nyon preferred the Decepticons over them.
Whenever they did something wrong and anyone pointed it out. They'd always accuse them of preferring the Decepticons.
Sometimes they'd give loud speeches in the middle of town. Telling them they were being deceived and that the Decepticons were trying to recruit them for their bloody war. Telling them to become an Autobot and ignoring them when they repeatedly told them they were neutral. It seemed like they didn't want the Decepticons around at all. Trying to drive them out of businesses and even the clinic.
Which caused fighting and ended in people of Nyon getting hurt. No one wanted to pick a side. They were angry at both sides for not helping. The only ones they trusted were Soundwave and Deadlock who'd helped them.
They were just trying to survive and didn't care about the war. Neutrals from all over were starting to come to Nyon and they didn't need to be further traumatized, by both sides fighting in the middle of town.
The neutrals were more honest with them. Telling them about what was happening as they repaired them. So many were injured and in desperate need of help. Somehow managing to walk or even crawl their way to Nyon. Knowing this was the only place where they could get help. Many were desperate to leave Cybertron all together. Worried it was only a matter of time before the war came to Nyon.
There were so many neutrals and even with a bigger clinic, they still didn't have enough room. A lot of them were on deaths door by the time they arrived. Their bodies too weak from all they've endured.
It was hard losing so many patients. Their cries through the night haunted him, but he had to push forward. Ratchet was drowning in his own grief and he was so exhausted, but there was never a moment to rest. All he could do was keep going and trying to save as many as he could.
After a long grueling shift. He had a few minutes to himself and he broke down, wishing Soundwave was there. He hid at the back of the clinic not wanting anyone to see him cry. He missed him so much and he was so worried about him.
He was distracted by someone walking over. He looked over to see a Decepticon staring at him. He gave them a confused look wondering if they were injured.
"Can I help you?"
"You're Hot Rod, right?"
He gave them a confused look. Wondering if they wanted to see him personally.
"I have a message from Soundwave."
His spoiler perked up in excitement expecting a letter. Instead they pulled out a gun and pointed it at him.
"Soundwave is a Decepticon and he doesn't want you holding him back."
He stared at the gun in shock. He's had weapons pointed at him before and being threatened is nothing new. The fact they spoke of Soundwave is what bothers him.
He flinched hearing a blaster go off. He expected to get hit but the pain never came. Looking at the Decepticon he could see a hole in their chest. With Deadlock standing on the other side.
The Decepticon collapsed to the ground already dead and he looked at Deadlock in surprise. Because that was a fellow Decepticon even if they were trying to kill him.
"That wasn't a Decepticon."
Deadlock pulled him into a hug and he buried his face into his chest. Relieved that he was finally back.
"Who was it then?"
"An Autobot pretending to be a Decepticon. You're going to be getting a lot more of them."
"The Autobots think the people of Nyon. Specifically the medics at this clinic favor Decepticons, because we helped when Zeta planned to kill everyone here."
"But it was only you and Soundwave."
"They don't care. They hate our relationship and are going to try and sabotage the clinic. I won't be surprised if Decepticons start doing the same thing. They want you to pick a side and they think by wearing the other sides badge you'll choose their side."
"Why would they want that?"
"Isn't it obvious. You help both sides. If you heal a Decepticon that's another one the Autobots have to fight. They want you on their side and we want you on ours."
"But we're neutral."
"I know and I'll do everything to protect both of you."
Deadlock gave him a sad look and he felt his spoiler droop thinking about the Dead End clinic.
"Do you know?"
"I came back here as soon as I heard. How is he?"
"Not good. He's been out of it ever since he recieved the news. He's overworking himself and I'm worried about him."
"I'll talk to him."
He nodded leading him inside to where Ratchet was working on a patient. When he noticed Deadlock his optics brightened slightly but they were still a little dull.
He watched as Deadlock pushed past all of Ratchets defenses, knowing exactly what he needed. He took over the patient Ratchet was working on when he broke down. Letting Deadlock take him away so he could finally rest a little.
Even though Deadlock warned him. It was still annoying having people sabotage them. They'd break the clinics windows. Throwing bricks at them and spitting on them before running off.
Everytime they went on patrol they'd try to Jump him or Ratchet. Remembering Soundwave and Deadlocks trainings. He tried his best to fight them off. The two of them even carrying weapons when he was almost stabbed by a Decepticon pretending to be an Autobot.
They'd intentionally mess up equipment. Trying to damage it as much as possible. Which they would have to try and fix because it was so hard to come by now. The worst was when they attacked patients who couldn't defend themselves. It was getting out of hand and the people of Nyon were not happy.
Especially when a Decepticon pretending to be an Autobot tried to kidnap him and force themselves on him. He shivered. Trying not to think about it. Luckily he'd managed to get away and limp back to the clinic.
The people of Nyon were angry. They didn't like the idea of people attacking the clinic. Not when it had helped so many of them.
Now their clinic had guards posted around it. People volunteering to watch over the clinic and keep them safe. Even when he went on patrol he had guards following him.
He knew it was necessary but it made him miss Soundwave even more. He'd see a shadow behind him and look back expecting to see Soundwave watching over him. Only for it to be someone else.
He missed him so much and was really worried about him. Deadlock couldn't stay for long and was already gone. Ratchet seemed better at least which was good. He'd asked him about Soundwave and had almost cried, when he learned Deadlock didn't know where he was.
Although he did promise to look out for him and send him a message when he found him. He worried all the time. Unable to sleep or eat as he imagined the worst.
He knew what he was doing wasn't healthy. If Ratchet wasn't so busy and dealing with his own problems. He probably would have lectured him and forced him to take a break.
But he couldn't. Not without Soundwave. He missed him so much. Everything seemed to remind him of Soundwave. When he'd get energon. He'd remember Soundwave bringing it to him because he oftentimes forgot. Made exactly the way he usually drank it, because of course he'd remember. The two sitting together with their legs brushing together as they talked about nothing and everything at the same time.
He missed snuggling again him and his cassettes while falling asleep. Listening to his spark spin in his chest. The warmth of his body wrapped around his own.
He tried not to think about it. He had work that needed to be done. Patients that needed to be taken care of.
When someone sabotaged their energon Despenser. It had been devastating for the clinic. To the point they almost had to shut down for a few days.
He'd stared at it hopelessly. Feeling exhausted. His patients came first though and he made sure they were able to eat. Even at the expense of himself.
Every chance he could. He'd give his energon to others who needed it more. He knew the sudden increase in people was putting a strain on their already limited energon supply and he didn't want to be a burden. Other people needed it more than him.
He lost a lot of weight and yet he kept pushing. He needed to help as many as he could. It felt like so many were dying and the constant sabotage on both sides was making it worse.
Every day he waited for Soundwave or Deadlocks return. Or at least a message telling him they were alive.
It had been so long since Deadlocks last visit. He had no idea where he was or if he ever found Soundwave.
He missed them both so much, especially Soundwave. He needed him now more than ever. As more and more people died unable to be saved.
He was so tired and one day he'd collapsed. His body unable to take it anymore. When he awoke he found his entire body sore from falling on the ground. Looking at the time he panicked because hours had passed.
He'd rushed to the clinic thankful no one had seen him. Ratchet assumed he'd been on patrol and didn't question it as he got to work helping patients.
He began passing out more frequently after that. He'd always make sure it was somewhere hidden. Setting multiple alarms to wake him up as soon as possible, so he could get back to work. He didn't have time to properly rest and everyone else needed his fuel more. He needed to just keep pushing through.
He'd been working on a patient when Ratchet came to him with a letter from Deadlock. For the first time in a long time he felt hope.
The two huddled together reading his message. Deadlock had been sent off world for a mission. Which meant he couldn't communicate with them. He was coming back though and would get to stay in Nyon for a few days.
They both looked at each other in excitement having missed the Decepticon, especially Ratchet.
Then he read the next part of the letter excited to hear what he had to say about Soundwave. Only for his smile to fall as he began to sob uncontrollably.
Soundwave had gone missing, likely presumed dead. He could see Ratchet reaching for him. Wanting to comfort him but he dodged his touch.
Looking around the room. It felt too small and everyone was looking at him. He needed to get out. He felt about ready to pass out as his mind swam with images of Soundwave's death. He stumbled out of the clinic tears blocking his vision.
He ran somewhere where he could hide and just be alone. His body unable to take the stress causing him to pass out.
When he awoke it was almost morning again. This was the longest he'd ever passed out for. He knew he should be worried but all he could think about was Soundwave. He sobbed unable to process the idea that he was dead.
Exhausted and having work to do he stumbled back to the clinic, where Ratchet was waiting for him.
"Oh... Hot Rod."
He collapsed into his arms and broke down. Sobbing as he clung to his carrier feeling his spark break.
"How am I supposed to go on?"
"I don't know Hot Rod. Please just find a way I know I'm being selfish but I can't loose you too."
He looked up at his carrier. Who's servos trembled as they brushed the tears out of his optics. He's already lost so much he doesn't need to loose a sparkling as well.
"Okay I'll try and hold on."
The next few days were agony as he threw himself into work. Trying to push the thought of Soundwave out of his mind or else he'd start crying.
He didn't think he'd ever be the same. He knew there was a chance. They we're at war after all, but he never wanted to believe it could happen.
The people of Nyon after recieving the news tried to give him space and also their condolences. They planned on having a funeral for Soundwave in a week. Using Nyonian traditions because he was one of them.
He became Nyonian the day he saved Nyon and would be remembered as a hero.
Deadlock came two days later looking exhausted and injured. He watched Ratchet run out to hug him while he stood by the clinic. His limbs trembling. As he forced himself to stay, even as tears fell down his face.
The two made optic contact and then Deadlock gestured towards his ship. He looked over and gasped in excitement when he saw Soundwave.
He rushed over grabbing him just before his legs gave out. Looking him over it appeared he'd been tortured.
"What happened?"
He glanced over at Deadlock who'd come to help.
"I found him on my way home. He'd managed to escape but was in bad shape."
"Help me get him to the clinic."
The two of them picked him up and carried him inside. Soundwave was unconscious but alive. He squeezed his hand and got to work falling into medic mode with Ratchets help.
The two worked non stop until he was repaired. He felt tears fall as he pressed his forehead against Soundwave's.
"You're alive."
He whispered feeling Soundwave come online.
"Hot Rod? Is that really you?"
He smiled tears falling as he stroked Soundwave's face.
"I tried so hard to get back to you."
"I know. Rest and save your strength."
His voice rasped and he grabbed a nearby cube. Helping him drink from it. He felt a weight lift off his shoulders knowing he was alive.
When Soundwave was done he moved over slightly, gesturing for him to lay down. He hesitated thinking about all the work he needed to do.
"You are exhausted. Lay with me."
Unable to resist he laid down and felt Soundwave wrap his arms around him. Breathing in his scent. He listened to his spark beat and found himself relaxing.
He didn't even realize his optics closed, until he fell asleep. Safe in Soundwave's arms.
When he awoke the two of them talked about everything that had happened. Soundwave was angry that either side would dare to attack the clinic. He was also worried about him, taking note that he'd lost weight. His paint was chipped and dull just like his optics. He looked exhausted and in need of a break.
"I'm fine. There's so many people that need our help. Neutrals have been flooding our city and we've been overwhelmed."
"I'm sorry Hot Rod. I wish there was more I could do."
"Just rest."
Even though he didn't like seeing him hurt. He'd missed him so much and was happy they got to spend time together while he healed. Soundwave never told him the specifics of his injuries. Even though he could guess based on the wounds. He didn't like thinking about Soundwave injured much less being tortured.
His cassettes were fine. They hadn't been with him when he was captured. Megatron had sent them off world with an assignment that would keep them away for a while. Not wanting them to worry about Soundwave.
They were all relieved to hear Soundwave was alive and recovering.
When he felt better Soundwave joined him for patrol. It was nice having him by his side. Watching over him. Every time he turned around and saw Soundwave he'd smile. Knowing he was safe.
The two of them spent all their time together even when he was at the clinic. He'd teach Soundwave how to help out by grabbing him tools and stuff.
Soundwave always made sure he'd eat and get enough rest. It could be annoying at times because he had a lot of work to do and wasn't used to taking breaks. But it definitely helped with his fainting problem.
He never told Soundwave about that. Not wanting to worry him as he recovered from his injuries.
The two would cuddle together and talk for hours. Soundwave asked to bond with him after the war was over and he agreed. Wanting nothing more than to be his Conjunx.
Deadlock was also around a lot more. Recovering from his own injuries, although they weren't as bad. Ratchet was with him the entire time and his carrier seemed so happy and relieved he'd returned.
He told Soundwave what happened in the Dead End and he seemed shocked and also worried.
"I don't think it was an accident."
"What do you mean?"
"You said people have been sabotaging the clinic?"
"Yes. They've done things like breaking windows, attacking patients, trying to attack one of us or messing with our equipment and supplies."
"When I find out which Decepticons are responsible they will pay for it."
"The people of Nyon have been watching over our clinic and coming with us on patrols, which is good. It means they've had less chances to sabotage us. They're also probably afraid, now that you and Deadlock are back. Especially after what he did to that one mech."
"What happened?"
Soundwave gave him a curious look. Realizing his mistake he tried to change the subject but Soundwave had already realized it involved him.
"What happened? Don't make me go to Deadlock."
He winced. Knowing he'd blow it way out of proportion.
"Someone threatened to shoot me claiming you sent them. I knew it wasn't true and Deadlock took care of them."
Soundwave pulled him closer looking angry that someone would try to hurt him and use their relationship against them.
"I want you to be careful. The people of Nyon have been stopping them so far, but eventually they'll find a way to attack and I don't want you getting hurt."
"I'll be fine. I can take care of myself."
"I still want you to be careful. Megatron has ordered for me to return and I don't know how long I'll be gone. Which means you need to take care of yourself. Don't think I haven't noticed how tired you are or how much weight you've lost."
He froze, staring at Soundwave in surprise and also feeling anxious at the idea of him going back to the war. Especially after he almost died.
"You have to leave already? When are you going, you're still injured?"
"I know, but the Decepticons need me. I'll be back as soon as possible I promise."
"When are you leaving?"
"In a few days. Deadlock is leaving tomorrow."
"Megatron already has a mission for him. I don't know how long he'll be gone."
"I need to see him."
The two stood up and went back to the clinic. When he got there he found Ratchet hugging Deadlock looking upset.
"You told him?"
"Hot Rod..."
He ran into Deadlocks arms and the Decepticon held him. Pulling Ratchet in as well. Soundwave stood off to the side as Hot Rod hugged his creators. Until he pulled him in as well.
When is Soundwave leaving?"
"In a few days."
"I'll look out for him."
Deadlock promised. Wanting to make sure he never had to send a letter like that again. It had been one of the hardest things he's ever done.
When Deadlock left. Ratchet had been sad but also determined. When Deadlock came back they'd be waiting for him. They just had to have hope that he'd be okay.
When Soundwave left he'd cried. Hugging him for as long as possible until he had to go. He was terrified that he'd loose him and already missing him desperately, even though he just left.
He tried to remind himself of his promise. Soundwave would get back to him and the two would finally become Conjunx.
He threw himself into his work. Trying not to think about the letter or the idea of Soundwave dying. Those few days where he thought he'd died had been agony and he never wanted to experience that again.
With Soundwave gone. He had a hard time falling asleep. Even though he promised to take care of himself. He still found himself struggling.
He was so busy all the time and Soundwave wasn't there to remind him. He didn't want to let him down but he couldn't help it.
Then Ratchet got sick. He kept telling him that he was fine, but he insisted that he rest and give himself time to heal.
Ratchet didn't like it. But with him out of commission he was in charge and would decide when Ratchet could come back and that was only after he was feeling better.
It was late and he was working on one of his patients, who'd recently arrived. When he noticed something strange outside.
He looked out the window, but didn't see anything. He went back to work although he was weary of his surroundings. Just in case someone tried to attack.
He kept a weapon nearby. This was the last patient of the night and when he finished bandaging them. He let them leave. Knowing they had to get back to their family. Who was anxiously waiting for them at one of the nearby shelters.
He sighed. Cleaning up his work station feeling exhausted. He had a few more patients who were asleep for the night and he went to check on them.
He'd been reading one of their charts when he felt a gun against his head. He froze with his hands raised.
Before he could speak. They turned him around and he came face to face with a familiar sight. It was the Autobot he'd met so long ago, when he'd been out on patrol with Soundwave. The one who'd been angry that he was with the Decepticon.
"Surprise little medic."
"What do you want?"
He struggled as they pulled him closer.
The Autobot stabbed him and he gasped.
"This is what you get for choosing those filthy cons. Now everything you've worked so hard for will come crumbling down around you."
The Autobot twisted the knife inside his abdomen and he cried out in pain. She smirked. Grabbing his face and forcing him to look at her
"Such a beautiful little thing. It's a shame you chose to defile yourself with a Decepticon."
She dropped him onto the floor and he gasped. Feeling the knife drive itself deeper, as energon pooled around him.
The Autobot turned around and he watched as she walked away. He frantically grabbed a towel to stop the bleeding when the clinic exploded.
Ratchet was awoken with a jolt, as the ground shook around him. At first he thought Nyon was being invaded as he rushed outside to see.
When he saw smoke coming from the clinic his spark sank. Transforming he'd never driven so fast in his life. As he desperately swerved around people standing in the streets. Looking at the burning clinic in horror.
Rushing over he transformed and felt someone grab him. He screamed struggling in their grip trying to reach Hot Rod. The clinic was gone nothing more than a pile of rubble.
He collapsed onto the ground. Those around him flinched at the cries of a carrier who'd just lost their child.
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kurov1864 · 4 months
Milgram idol au (pt.6)
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005 Shidou:
Omg it's Shidou!! Didn't know people actually debuted when they were close to 30 but then again Milgram hired a fcking 12 year old so who am I to judge
Has that Korean ML type of styling. Like long overcoats, lots of neutral and darker colors + white, and whatever those actors like to wear while they're sipping coffee looking all hot and shit. Surprisingly marketed as a dad figure more than Kazui… not sure why either.
I saw somebody on Tumblr say this before and I could not agree more that he seems to be the type that has the dry skin + oily hair combo. Like predebut this man was spending 30 hours in the hospital everyday, his ass would not have time to shower or moisturize. Because of this his makeup team always have to leave him with very specific instructions on how to handle his skincare routine + products. I am entirely convinced that he would accidentally leave his serums and creams in the sun.
His fanbase has daddy issues man. Like they flock to him so they can have at least some form of fatherly affection (looks at Shidou fans)
Uses emojis on social media unironically.
I feel like with his fans he'll either care too much or too little about them. Either he gets super attached to them and tries to cheer them up the best he can, or just sees them as like a transactional relationship. Like yeah, he cares about them only because they're his fans. He doesn't really care for them as actual people.
Probably does those "doctor reacts" TikToks. He's usually a pretty calm and level-headed guy, but gods you should see the way this man absolutely rips those creators to shred. He has no tolerance or patience for those that spread medical rumours.
I forgot to mention this before but yeah he's the group leader of the entire wave. I'm not familiar with Kpop in general so forgive me if the leader is supposed to be like the most popular person or whatever, but he's a really responsible person who would actually fulfil their role no matter what they think of other people. Also pacifist so :D
Is his sense of humor outdated to the point where he can't understand his group member's jokes and just has to sit there with a smile on their face looking confused? Yes. But it's endearing.
Speaking of endearing I think many fans would like the way he's so serious while doing an unintentionally OOC thing. I don't think he lacks general logic in any way, it's just he's not familiar with the memes and trends today so sometimes he unintentionally does it TvT
Also has this air of quiet resignation whenever play fights break out within the group. Like they'll be shooting insult after insult on TV and he'll just sit next to them smiling in the overworked tired dad kinda way.
I could not for the life of me come up with a signature pose. I apologize.
Actually tbh he fits being an influencer more?? Should I just switch it to famous people,,, oh well too late to switch it now we're going full idol
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satanicsanity · 1 year
Hi! I’m thinking of doing audios like you, would you have any tips on making them? ^^
Tips on making fan audios?? Sure! <3 this is all based on my own experience!! <3
HAVE SOME WAY of keeping track of asks! Making a list, sorting them, whatever you gotta do! Write them down, it doesn't really matter! Keep track of them because they can pile up quickly!
Have backup editing software! Because one is bound to crash at some point which is really frustrating at times!
The audios I've seen get the most attention, are the most vauge concepts! Something that applies to any viewer watching, or a funny skit all viewers can enjoy! Viewers like having something that can comfort them, or something they can relate to!
DO! NOT! DO! REQUESTS! YOU! DONT! WANT! TO! DO! of course you'll want to do everyones most likely, I did to! But in my experience, forcing myself to do requests I didn't want to do or that just didn't spark any type if motivation for me, made me burn out really quick and really badly and for a while I felt like I should just quit because my quality suffered along with how I was feeling mentally! Just because you don't do someone's ask does not mean you didn't like it or you're upset with them, it just didn't spark anything for you and that is okay!
Try to have a bottom line for yourself, or a goal! Like my goal of any day I'm doing audios, is to put out at least 2-3! And if I feel ambitious, 6-10! It's great to have a goal that once you reach, you can step back and be like "hell yeah! I did that!" BUT also!! Do NOT force yourself to complete these goals! If you need a break, take a break! Even if you can only make one for an entire day, that's still an accomplishment! You should be proud of yourself!
Be open and honest with the peeps who watch and follow you! It's great to feel close to a creator, and on the same plane people will not know your boundaries or what makes you uncomfortable if you don't tell them! And even if you can't help, it's important to show you care! (for me at least!) I've gotten many asks that have a huge weight to them due to something they're going through, and even if I can't do what they requests, I still deeply deeply care and understand why they would ask for something like that! Be understanding!
Sound effects compliment an audio! It makes it seem more official and life-like in a way!! Making or putting sound effects in on your audios, can make it easier for the viewer to picture what's happening in their head!
SELF CARE!! (like everyone's been telling me to do..-) it's so easy to get swept up into working, and it feels great! But don't overwork yourself!! Take breaks, do something you want to do, do something that's good for you! In my case when I'm overworked, I go outside and take a walk!
Audios or impressions may not sound right the first time around, that is okay! There's no rule saying you can't come back to it again tomorrow! First tries aren't perfect, they're not meant to be! It's okay to make mistakes, they help you learn further! Have patience with yourself!
Have fun!! Make sure YOU are having fun! It's not a bad thing to want something for yourself, so even if nobody has asked for whatever you're about to post, who cares?? Have fun!! Do what you want to do!!
Alrighty that's all I got for now!! Best of luck my dear!!💕💕💕
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localplaguenurse · 1 year
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I have come asking for more pants man
Any domestic headcanons? And whatever flavor of pants you’re feeling rn
*cracks knuckles* Today's flavour is domestic fluff. I'm gonna use some of the ideas you've had in my other pants man asks and build off of those ones. Also some of these are more like relationship headcanons but potato potahto, it's pants time.
Whenever he has to leave to another nation or even just a town/city very far from his home, he always brings a souvenir back home for his darling. It's usually either expensive jewelry or very high quality teas/coffee/snacks that you can't find easily anywhere else
Whenever the staff makes tea, he personally likes to bring it to his partner. He also likes when they do the same thing to him when he's working away in his office.
You remember how I mentioned he would secretly remake all the cheap meals he used to eat when he was younger and no one is allowed to know? That exception is made for his partner.
He's a little uneasy at first because food is kind of a sensitive topic with him, but he is immediately at ease when his partner tells him they don't judge him, and that they even enjoy some of the stuff he's made.
There's nothing more romantic than a midnight snack rendezvous with the love of your life, in the safety of your home, after years of living on the streets struggling to survive.
For professional reasons Pantalone is not super big on PDA, beyond some hand holding and perhaps a scandalous cheek smooch. Behind closed doors, he's much more touchy.
Not even in a sexual way. I imagine as a kid always on survival mode, the only times he would have had some sort of affectionate contact would've been him and the other poor kids huddled together for warmth.
He's aware of the term "touch starved" but it's not until he meets his darling that he realizes how bad it is. When they're alone together, he likes to be touching them in some way. Hand holding, cuddling, even sitting next to each other is nice.
Likes to include his partner in his selfcare routines first thing in the morning and right before bed. He also enjoys bathing and showering with them regardless of where that ends up going
Likes to read before bed, will do it cuddled up with his partner as they sleep against his chest, read a book of their own, or even read along with him.
He always gives his darling a kiss before he leaves for work or a trip. He gets very lonely without them so he's gotta savour every little moment he has with them before he has to part from them.
One of his favourite parts about coming home aside from seeing his darling is talking about their days. He can't share all the details of his work, be it the Fatui or the Northland Bank for privacy reasons, but he will regale you with all the ridiculous stories he can.
When he's exhausted after a long day/trip, he completely forgoes all common manners or dignity and just flops onto the nearest comfortable surface, preferably where his darling also is. Will lay his head in their lap or lie on top of them with his head on their chest if they're in bed. Sometimes they talk about their days, but when he's this tired, he just wants to pretend the world doesn't exist for a bit.
He just really likes being in the same room as his darling. Even if they're not doing the same activity, it feels nice to just spend time together in some way.
Has a tendency to overwork himself, slaving away at his desk well into the night, even forgetting to eat at times. It will take some effort and patience, but only his darling can pull him away from work to take a break.
He absolutely has a ballroom in his mansion, I don't make up the rules. He likes to dance with his partner there when he has the time or energy. He'd also love to teach them how to dance.
And that's all for now uwu
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pearlescent-soda · 2 years
🐾//The Three Diablos General Headcanons
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Ideas that have been collecting dust in my brain for the past two - three weeks that I finally got around to editing/ posting. Enjoy!
TW: Child/ Animal Abuse and Child/ Animal Death
The recently crowned Queen Alessandra Belagomba took the longest out the palace inhabitants to warm up to 'The Three Diablos'. After all, they were henchmen for the conman who literally snatched her kingdom's crown jewel from her head and now they're her personal guards. Of course, she was going to be skeptical of three notorious, deeply feared thieves being in charge of her life, while 'The Three Diablos' thought it was going to take nine lifetimes for them to gain any semblance of trust from her. When in reality, it only took about a year, and while Alessandra honestly hated to admit it, they are three of the best, most magnificent bodyguards she’s ever had. They've thwarted a ludicrous amount of assassination attempts and maniacal schemes in and out of her own court that after fifteen she stopped counting. It was becoming obvious to her their redemptions weren't a ploy to get back at her after all, they genuinely wanted to be better and she grew to love them for it.
Puss was the worst at staying in contact, he sent them each letters at an excruciatingly infrequent rate prior to his scuffle with Death, probably two to three times a year at the most. Now, there's a castle servant delivering letters to them every week and by the end of the month it's like Christmas with how many gifts that spindly, overworked messenger delivers to their quarters. They don't exactly know what brought on the sudden change of heart, Puss left a lot of explicit details out, but they're certainly not complaining.
While they might be hometown heroes, their heroism isn't exclusive to Belagomba, they go wherever their royal highness goes whether it be the nearby San Ricardo, the not-so-nearby Poison Apple, or the true to its name Far Far Away.
They're not biological siblings, they're three orphaned strays that got lucky and found each other... And then 'The Whisperer' found them and treated them like utter crap. He treated all his 'employed' henchmen like they were slaves because with nowhere else to go, what could they do? Go back to the cramped alleyways and diseased cesspits they were born in? Nope! The Three Diablos earned their title by becoming the best of the best out of all his destitute critters so they could stay in his favor indefinitely and it worked out well for them... Well... Until Uncle Puss arrived that is.
In the very, very early days of their new careers, like the first two months, they had troubles adjusting to their new life in the castle, their less than fortunate upbringings on the streets and under the Whisperer being made apparent. They wouldn't eat all their food opting to hide it under their beds instead of finishing it, they had an extreme dislike for being touched by humans, and then there were the school lessons, those were a doozy. They're smart kitties, truly they are, they flew through every subject thrown their way, arithmetic, art, reading, finance, but those speech lessons were a beast to get through. Going from 'Meow' to 'Hola' took a lot of patience from their tutors and plenty of sleepless nights for all involved that ultimately resulted in three somewhat well-spoken kittens.
As strays/ henchmen/ heroes/ personal bodyguards they've all had encounters with death from a young age, however, their personal accounts on meeting 'Death' vary greatly. The three for the life of one another just cannot agree on what he looks like or how he acts. Sometimes he's a gentle voice that lulls one to sleep and other times he's a psychotic, hulking beast determined on tearing one’s soul from their body through brute force.
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selfshippinglover · 3 months
~Cannibal Town and Rosie HCs~
~Yeeah Cannibal town is EASILY my favorite location overall though! Between the gorgeous aesthetics, the peaceful(in Hell's standards anyway) people, and the general casual nature of like, stepping out onto the street and seeing the bloodbath that no one is really blinking and eye at since it's just their typical Sunday. Like, really enjoy the casual bloodlust of it all! XD Also, it looks like everyone there is living in really good living conditions tbh! like, they've all got whole ass houses and all the essentials! This may be the only ring living pretty but hey! There's someone living good at least XD Plus, it's a place where Alastor is bound to pop up sometimes! :DDD
~She has balls, parties, bashes, and the like year round! I think she'd prefer to keep it to the town and like, the Pride ring but also she'd invite the other Overlords as a necessity...and for some juicy gossip hopefully lol
~Because she cares so much for her people she's prone to overworking herself at times. case in point, the big as parties. She also insists on giving her subjects only the best which feeds into that! I like to think she has an assistant and they often have to remind her to take a step back and take care of herself. As well as offer assistance and low-key poke others to help where Rosie can't see sometimes.
~Rosie IS the Overlord with the most patience and care in all the rings to me tbh. Like, everyone else sees it more as a job or a way to keep themselves safe and in power. They don't see the other residents as anything more than a means to end. The one exception miiiight be Carmilla? Need more of her to feel more sure tbh
~It hasn't been shown but I firmly believe that Cannibal Town has lots of shops in it! A hat shop like the one in Howl's Moving Castle, older style barbershops, beautiful and bountiful dress shops, and the like! I like to think they're all run by Cannibal Town residents and it's like, a lot if not all of them are home run so all funds go straight back to the town! :D
~Following that, they like to have tourists! It's an excuse to get dressed up, throw a shindig, annnd go all out! Though, Rosie is quick to kick out others that won't use their manners =-='
~Cannibal Town looks like the most walkable city we've seen also tbh? Like, you don't have to go far to find the local veggie place or cozy little coffee shop, groceries anything you need is all right there and easy to get to! I think it'd be cool that if the place has public transportation it's more like railroads or trolleys! :DDD
~OOO Them having a yearly like, pagent would also be soooo cool!
~They grow the best greenery in all the rings hands DOWN! Someone for sure runs a flower shop and can name every flower species and describe their symbolism off the top of their head <333
~No one is sure how but Rosie just KNOWS ALL THE GOSSIP IN TOWN SHE JUST DOES. You have questions about a new arrival or a demon that's bee there for eons? She's your gal! <333
~Rosie is the town matchmaker and is happy to take people out of town up on thing in that ilk if they ask! Just uh, make sure she isn't busy with other things first, yeah? She's quite the busy lady! Special shout out to if you're a friend you get gossip and matchmaking completely free cause she lives for the drama lkfdhlhg
~I get the feeling that Cannibal Town doesn't have dealings or good transports from other rings unless it's absolutely necessary, she's partnering with an Overlord, (could be short or long term) and/or it's part of playing nice with other Overlords to keep peace in her town. The town is so self-sufficient it isn't really needed. Could see carmilla's weapons being an exception to this when it coems to Extermiantion day thou
~Rosie would get along well with Zestiel! Like Alastor, he's another person that values good manners, is clearly quite intelligent, speaks very eloquently,(i could SO see them writing letters to one another and/or poetry <3) and sure looks like he knows ho to dance! :D I think they'd have a great time! Pluuuus, she can get gossip from before she died and from other rings~ Only wins here!
~Speaking of dancing, Rosie really emnjoys dancing! It's a general passtime of hers, something she enjoys doing with friends, lovers, anyone she has a bond with! I think she'd be really happy to teach others too! It's a great way to bond, is a requirement at most of her parties, and is super fun! She likes to lead the town's children in dances at the balls and such <3 They're jsut so cute she could eat them up!
~Heehee Rosie is a dad pun ENJOYER as well as plenty about killing and eating! She's sooo funny and trades puns with Alastor often! Like to think Alastor is one of the few people thta can keep her on her feet in that way, actually!
~Rosie is generally for the people but also needs a bit more money than the townspeople for negotiations and construction around town. On a related note, I think thye like to keep their building as long as possible! Whether it's beacuse they're legitmately from that time period or designed to look like that, Rosie and the townsfolk care a lot about the work that goes into it so they keep em around as long as they aren't a health risk
~Rosie gives off the energy that she came from a rich family that had important duties or perhaps diplomatic roles which is why she's so good at being a leader and was quick to make a place settled under her roots.
~This is small but you'll see more personal or little touches outside in Cannibal town like suncatchers and birdfeeders. Things thta are decorative but in fun shapes
~I'm a big believer in the head canon that you can freely drift between Rings in hell, It's just you are "born" or sent to the one that is closest related to your personal sin and you have to start from there. Like, the satrting point in a videogame!
~I FORGOT! THE MAN EATING PLANTS! Those are a common sight around Cannibal Town! I like to think they end up as centerpieces and/or door guards a lot of the time :3
~Rosie LOVES musicals! She prefers to go see them live and in person ofc. It was normal for the time she's from and she feels more connected to the art that way but also she isn't willing to let Vox or any of his tech into her town >:( not only does Alastor hate the guys guts but all the Vees seems to speak with an amount of disregard and/or disdain for the past. Which rubs her the wrong way
~To be clear, that doesn't mean she wouldn't potentially befriend or even date Vox, she cares about her friends opinions but she's very much the type to make her own decisions in friends UvU,, Alastor both respects this and is annoyed by it at times XD
~I know Rosie would never allow Vee tech in her town but OUGH SHE NEEDS TO SEE SWEENY TODD SHE WOULD LOOVE ITT
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nineliabilityrisk · 1 year
❝ I'm sure it's nothing you can't handle! ❞ ( for mike, from quinn / @ladyseidr )
" i'm sure it's nothing you can't handle ! "
[[ oh this is gonna be Such a dynamic im already so excited for this. also i dont Care if timelines dont line up or whatever i just found the concept of them being Regular Fucking Coworkers at the fnaf 1 location too funny to pass up. ]]
-- [ asked by @ladyseidr ] --
"You know the fact that you even have to say that makes me less likely to believe you, right?"
Really, in all fairness, Michael had absolutely no right to be as thoroughly ticked off as he was at the moment. Quinn had done nothing wrong — he was just annoyed about the fact that someone else was trying to coach him in his job here, at his own father's company. Every little bit of assistance or instruction felt condescending. It wasn't, of course, Quinn was just trying to help, to get him situated properly during his first few shifts, but, God, he knew all of this already. Could probably take one of these bots apart and put them back together in his sleep at this point — at least, he'd like to think so. Okay, maybe he wasn't that familiar with the intricacies of his position, but, Hell, he'd quite literally grown up alongside these things. With how obsessed his father was with these creations of his, they'd seemed as much a part of their family as he and his siblings had, at times. There was no other explanation for it — why else would his father prioritize them so far above him if that wasn't the case?
Elbows propped up on his desk, he covered his face with his hands for a moment before sliding them down to support his chin. Letting out a shaky breath. Needed to control his temper — this minor irritation was both entirely inconsequential and entirely not Quinn's fault, not to mention unproductive. He needed to get himself under control. Snapping at his instructor wasn't going to help anyone.
He could probably blame his lack of patience on his current state of sleep deprivation — which, obviously, was more common than not, nowadays, unwilling as he was to put himself through his constant nightmares just for a few useless hours of rest — his mind felt raw, overworked ... it was no wonder he was having trouble keeping it together with the throbbing ache that had made itself at home behind his eyes.
"Look — they're just robots." Freaky robots, yes, robots that he'd never wanted to set foot near ever again after what had happened when he was younger, but they were just robots nonetheless. "I don't care about them– about what goes on out there. That's not part of my job — I'm just supposed to be here in my office. Keeping an eye on things. So why, exactly, do I need to know how they work? They're all the way out there. Where I don't have to worry about them." A pause, uneasy silence — eventually he had to turn to see the employee standing behind his chair. "Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked, voice very much level and calm and not at all worried. Certainly not. "They are going to stay all the way out there, right?" The question would sound paranoid in just about any other situation, but, of course, this was the only one where his fears might actually be founded — unbeknownst to him, of course.
He was in way over his head, and yet he was exactly where he was supposed to be. It wasn't like he'd expected this job to be smooth sailing, what with his history with the company, but he'd known he was uniquely suited for the role. Applied, took the offer out of a sense of duty, of necessity — not because he wanted to be there or anything. No, he wanted to be as far away from this place as possible, but he was used to what he wanted being entirely disregarded at this point, so why would he even bother giving his own opinion any weight?
"Please tell me they're gonna be staying out there. The bots aren't the part you thought I could 'handle,' right? Please tell me you meant something else." Oh, Michael. You never should've taken the job.
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l0velylecter · 2 years
Prepare yourself! For you are now a 'victim'..........
My support rampage 😊
Dun dun duuuuun!!!!
You're an amazing fanfic writer and I'm always looking forward to when you drop a new fanfic but of course I'm patient about it so you don't need to worry about me being one of those people
I'm super proud of you for realizing that the amount of requests was starting to overwhelm you and you closed requests because that shows you're taking care of yourself. Nothing should be more important than your own wellbeing especially being a fanfic writer so good job realizing you were getting overwhelmed ❤ (platonic heart emoji) (also idk if they're still closed but if they aren't anymore I'm still proud of you for doing that when you decided to close them 👍)
You keep on being amazing, here's a crown for being awesome and taking care of yourself!
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hi, i'm crying for real, this is by far, the sweetest thing anyone has said to me... thank you, a thousand times, thank you. i really needed to hear this because for the past few days i've been super overwhelmed and somewhat overworked. i have trouble at times making tough decisions that involves putting myself first, so for you to understand and appreciate me for closing requests ( temporarily ) to lessen the workload is super sweet and thoughtful. i don't blame those who do the following : but i have been getting requests still even after i've announced and posted that requests are closed, and although it doesn't bother me that much, ( as you might have misread or missed the announcement ) it still did give me quite the pressure. so thank you for your eagerness to request, but please know that requests are closed for now, and once it's open i'd be more than happy to resume and take a look at them dears 💖 and for those who requested when it was still open, thank you for your patience and understanding, thank you for waiting 💕 simple words of encouragement like this goes a long way, and they really, really make my day. thank you so much darling, i will always remember this !! hope you're also taking care of yourself, have a nice day ! 💌 smooches x
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