#they're the one group of people she actually hates! or well. more so blames for all that went wrong.
kamalemons · 4 months
Here with a question for Pink Lemonade Diblee!
So I heard you had a not-so-fun encounter with a Jamba heart :( Do you have any hard feelings towards the members of the Jambastion like the Mage Sisters because of that, or is it all good because they're Kirby's friends now?
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She will ignore them in public and bubbles with rage privately. If she can keep that in, at least.
(oh ah, propoganda for @kirbyoctournament)
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astrophileblogs07 · 7 months
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⚫ Opposite to the stereotype of Leo being a narcissist, its the Aquarians who are more narcissist than ANY other zodiac. Esp its the Dhanishta naks out of the Aqua naks who are so.
⚫ I have seen 3 Aquarian moons (of Dhanishta nak) who had a poverty stricken first half of life (childhood, teenage years) but then they become well off like rlly very well off in their second half (esp after marriage). They marry rich 🤑 too. What i am saying here is the dramatic transformation of their financial life.
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⚫ Pisces men are physically abusive. That's it. Esp the March Pisces. They literally are a bully. (Dont be fooled by the beautiful doe eyes lol)
⚫ "WOW What voluminous and luscious hair he's got!" -my ♌ rising and moon mom commenting on a side character with insignificant role in a movie 🤣. I wasn't noticing that at all...but she seemed to be stuck on that feature 😂.
⚫ Martian influence on a chart can actually have a liking to dangerous weapons and ammunitions. (Like idk I weirdly love them 😂😂)
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⚫ Females with Ketu ruled naks are the first group of people whom male perceive as "threat". (Second is mars btw). Like if the other person is a typical male (egoistic, chauvinist) they will literally hate you to the core coz they know you equal them in all ways (except you know what LMAO 🤣). So they'll try to pin you down or belittle you etc. (sad, but since I have experienced I wanted it to share w you guys)
⚫ Also I love the way Ketu Nak women get along becoz mostly they have so much in common. And by that I mean how the society (male dom) treats them. I am not saying they're an "outcast" but the reaction they face just coz the male species get intimidated by us which has an cascading effect on our mental peace is beyond tolerance.
⚫Ketu naks are sexyyyyyy 🖤👁️🫦👁️❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
(I always imagine a smokin hot biker girl 👩🏻‍🎤with leather jacket and smoky eyeshadow whenever I hear "Ashwini, Magha and Mula")
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⚫ I have seen a Chart which was totally "Mars" chart and I'll tell you, that person has Aries asc, Moon, Mars and (Mercury ig is in Scorpio?idr) along with Scorpio sun. And that person is like personified version of the planet itself. So cunning and so shrewd, potentially be a mastermind. Statergic. Secretive af. (Might be their middle name to exaggerate). Close to their mom. Loves friends (friends over anything). Also they have a "reddish" tint to their skin (no health probs, but yeah that planet does that). Knows how to tackle any embarrassing moment in public and deal with it. (I am jealous of him coz i wanted to be like him in every way 😂)
⚫Lilith and Pluto aspects in natal chart can actually survive 8H synastry. Almost same energy and themes. 💀
⚫Why are Maghas the "scapegoat" of the family? Like they be framed in a situation with which they have no relation with. Its annoying to see. Its like you're locked in your room chilling and as soon as you step out, everyone in the family is blaming you for something or the other. Now you're the "bad guy". (Yo wtf 🤡). Added to the generosity of Leos, people target you often. 😕
⚫Libra men CANNOT stand loneliness and being ostracized at all in any way. I have seen this in every Libra I came across. For eg: if you're the "black sheep" they won't talk to you and will go with what the crowd says. And if people have outcasted them just becoz they're with you/involved with you, they'll drop you like hot potato. People say and stereotype Capricorns for being the one who cares about reputation and all, but her 'Venus-ruled-Saturn-exalted' sister also is same. 💀
(no wonder they're besties lol)
P.S: I read a post here which said "Eye contact with 8H synastry hits different" ( i am not copying, i don't remember the username) and boy is that true 💀💀💀. Like I was -->😯😳🫣. Coz I have experienced that 🤣🤣. It does, than any other eye contact I have seen. Lmao 🤣🤣.{Edit: its @zeldasnotes 🖤😁}
Hope you liked it 😁😊. Until next time! 👋🏻
Love you y'all ❤️❤️❤️
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lemotmo · 2 months
Some of them clearly got the point of Tim's call-out.
Q. What did you make of Tim's interview? I realize the bulk was Lonestar but the fandom stuff was interestingly phrased. The fact that so many people involved with the show, and now the showrunner himself, are openly discussing how bad things are cannot be a good sign. I know we had some fans who were saying we could 'bully' Tim and the show into giving us more Tommy but I think that was a massive mistake in hindsight. I think certain people got carried away and went way too far. Weather their intentions were ever bad or not I just think some people took the bullying idea too far. I'm a little worried we may not see Tommy at all now.
A. The bullying idea was always going to be a massive mistake. Normally you can take Tim's interviews with a bit of 'lol, why is he so dramatic' because he's not immune to getting his feelings hurt, and using his interviews to tell people that. In this case though it was definitely a direct callout. I have been here from the beginning and the show has never experienced anything close to what they have experienced this off-season. It's one thing to root for a particular show ship it's another thing entirely to openly send, and openly encourage others, to send hate to the cast and creators of a show. Then those same fans dragged the lighting director, director of photography, show directors and professional media members who have covered the show for years into their bullying game as well. It was insane, pathetically immature behavior. At times it was also incredibly disturbing. And every single bit of it can be traced back to the cameo videos. The second the storyline they were paying to be told didn't match the storyline we were actually watching they revolted.
And unfortunately because I think Tim, and ABC, just didn't think they were anything worth paying attention to initially, he was allowed to do them way too long. The more he did the more obsessed with him that particular group of people became. This has nothing to do with 911. Those people aren't at all interested in 911. Their entire interest is Lou and Lou alone. It's a small group of people. A small sick group of people who created a bunch of separate accounts in order to appear to be more people than they actually are (and they were stupid enough to openly admit that is what they did). Then that small group of people got together and from every single one of their many accounts they attacked as a group. They started with Oliver. They pointed out that Oliver wasn't interacting with Lou or engaging with any of them, or B/T content, and decided, at least initially, that he was solely to blame for B/T not getting the attention they thought it deserved, again the Buck part they don't care about. They were upset that they weren't seeing more of Tommy and they blamed Oliver for that. Suddenly Oliver was being tagged in posts that were calling him unprofessional, immature, bratty, selfish, and because of course, homophobic (they're really not a bright group of people). However instead of taking their bait and engaging with them, Oliver, rightly, blocked them. Meaning they needed a new target. Briefly it became Tim because their moronic leader screenshot a message she sent him that he, stupidly, responded to. She took that and spun and ENTIRE relationship theory and spread it through her many accounts. Tim then admitted in another comment that he actually didn't know what she was talking about but didn't want to be rude by continuing to ignore her so he responded to her. He then said that was a mistake and he wouldn't be responding to anything else. And he hasn't (she should be very embarrassed by his interview today because he may as well have used her name). And the show also continued to not align with her/their theory and they got more upset. Then found a new target.
Throughout the season Oliver did what Oliver has always done. Oliver posted, liked and promoted Eddie/Buddie/Buckley Diaz family content. He has always done this. This was nothing new. But it infuriated Lou's fans and they turned their anger on Ryan. Suddenly Eddie was the worst character in the history of television. He was an abuser (to Buck especially), he was a user (of Buck especially). He was a terrible friend (to Buck especially). Depending on the day he was either a deadbeat dad or obsessed with his kid in an unhealthy way (they couldn't ever really decide which way to go on this one. That opinion was dependent on how the poster felt about Chris). When that attack didn't really get the attention they were begging for, they changed direction and made it personal. Post after post, that Ryan was always tagged in, calling him racist, a deadbeat dad, an asshole, unprofessional, manipulative and controlling of Oliver (wtf, god they really are a stupid group of people), a whore (I actually read that one myself, it was a trip), a terrible actor that only has a job because Tim thinks he's hot. And so on and so on. At first Tommy didn't kiss Eddie because Ryan is homophobic and refused to do the storyline, then Tim, very publicly, corrected that lie so Lou's fans had to pivot and said Lou actually refused to do the Eddie storyline because he knows Ryan isn't a good guy ( a special kind of crazy that makes me need to drink ). Then they sunk to their sickest, lowest, most pathetic, vile, disturbing, and inexcusable moment. Ryan did a podcast where he discussed his past mental health struggles and suicidal thoughts. They went into the comments on the podcast and told Ryan that they wish he had committed suicide. That if he had killed himself then Tommy could have his screen time and they wouldn't have to see Buck have scenes with Eddie. Not only did they leave those comments (the podcast has since deleted most of them, thankfully), they sent similar messages directly to Ryan on Instagram. Knowing he would see them. It was appalling and very, very disturbing. The cameo videos ended fairly shortly after. These people are sick. They get zero sympathy or understanding from me. It's a fucking television show. Tommy is not a real person. Ryan is a real person.
As for maybe not seeing Tommy at all, I would imagine conversations have certainly taken place. He was never sticking around permanently. The conversations most likely involved deciding if they needed him at all, and if they did, how many actual scenes did they need him for. I don't work on the show, but if they decided he wasn't necessary to the storyline, and they could get away with his stuff happening off screen I would imagine he's been dismissed. They probably decided they needed him at least for a few scenes though. Unless other things happened behind the scenes we're not aware of he will be around the first few episodes at least and then and probably no more. He can take his tiny army with him when he leaves. No one will miss them.
Okay, just ... yeah, all of this. It's crazy how these people did all of these horrible things in the name of... a ship? I mean, what?
I've been in fandom for a very long time and I have been shipping characters for a very long time, but I've never seen behaviour like this. Behaviour where people think they are justified to bully, harass and vilify the actors playing a character on a TV-show. To the point where they get blocked by the actors and crew.
I don't understand what would drive someone to do that? I genuinly don't.
These are the kind of people that need to put down their phones forever, go outside and touch all the grass they can touch. After that they should never watch 911 again. If you don't like something, just walk away. I have done that before. Shows don't always go where a fan wants it to go.
Look. I want Buddie. You all know that. I'm 99% certain that we're getting Buddie in season 8. But, if it turns out we won't, which is always a possibility since I don't know what Tim is cooking up, I will be disappointed, but I won't start spewing hatred all over the place. I will just take a step back and focus on other things in life. I'll keep shipping Buddie and read fanfiction. I'll be fine here in my Buddie corner of the Internet with my Buddie mutuals.
So yeah, this is insane behaviour to me. I truly don't get it.
Thanks Nonny for dropping this in my inbox!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting these anon OP updates instead of reblogging. Don't get mad at me. There is a reason for it and it's all done with consent from the OP. You can find out more about that here.
Remember, no hate in comments or reblogs. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of the anonymous OP’s posts, you can find all of their posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
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Ok here's my thing with "The Wrong Jedi" arc, and I'm saying this as someone who actually really likes Ahsoka in TCW.
People use this arc to shit on the Jedi (particularly the Council) so much, but like...Ahsoka was literally doing everything she could to make herself look guilty and give them no other choice but to suspect her.
Like, let's put this in perspective, shall we?
One of the people in your (really fucking large) family--someone you know of, but whom most of the family isn't really close to--gets accused of murdering someone and being a part of a terrorist group--and apparently there's video evidence, although even that doesn't really make it clear what happened.
You, of course, start trying to do everything you can to get said cousin out of jail since--even though you're not close to them--you don't think they would do something like that, and the evidence isn't concrete.
But, while you're trying to help them get released, you find out that your cousin has escaped from the county jail, several police officers are dead from knife wounds, and the only evidence is a knife that specifically belongs to your cousin as well as a couple other things that implicate them.
Your cousin goes on the run, then teams up with a known murderer and terrorist, and hurts even more police officers while on the run until finally they're caught once again.
Now you are left with a choice: you can either continue trying to defend your cousin, or you allow the police to take them into custody to face a trial.
Right now a lot of people hate your family, to the point that they're sending death threats and mail bombs and screaming obscenities outside your ancestral home.
It's already putting everyone else in your family, including literal children and babies, in danger and if you continue defend your cousin--despite all of the evidence that points to them being guilty--they could be put in even more danger and the government funding that your family lives off of could be taken away, since you would be defending a suspected terrorist.
So, in that situation, what would you honestly do?
You would do the smart, and reasonable, thing and stop defending your cousin so the police could take them into custody.
The Council tried to help Ahsoka, but she kept doing things to make herself look guilty and--in doing so--put them in a hard position where they couldn't defend her anymore without causing harm to the rest of the Order.
And would you really, truly, honestly defend someone when all of the evidence points to them being guilty? Of course not!
If you want to blame someone for what happened in that arc, blame Barriss for framing Ahsoka in the first place or Tarkin for being such a dick, but shut the fuck up about the Jedi.
They were put in a shitty position and made the best choices they could in a bad situation.
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leclerc-s · 5 months
reluctant parents
series masterlist
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penelopetrevino posted new stories
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he said, 'amor, i have a surprise for you.' i'm patiently waiting to see what it is. update: the surprise is just lando... again 🙄
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penelope trevino quick, when someone says, 'i have surprise for you' what does one normally think?
rowan todd well, last time pierre told me that we got a dog, so a dog.
natalia ruiz a dog, charlie did the same thing.
zoya torres well he said 'we have a problem' and it was his parents, whom i was meeting for the first time ever.
mick schumacher considering i told freya 'i did a thing' and i had gotten angie, i'd think a dog.
daniel jones-ricciardo i got a cat the last time she said that.
daphne jones-ricciardo i got a heart attack because it was followed by the words 'i got in an accident'
penelope trevino I TOLD YOU TWO!!
lando norris but aren't i a nice surprise? penelope trevino you have a girlfriend, spend time with her for the love of god. bailey winters he just tells me to spend time with max and p so he can spend time with his boyfriend.
carlos sainz but amor, you love lando!
mae jones-verstappen praying carlos sainz lives to see another day.
isabella perez he may have survived appendicitis but he will not survive pissing off penny.
pato o'ward he's about to learn that you never piss off a mexican woman. dulce perez rip carlos sainz, you would've hated to see max win another gp
gael perez rip carlos sainz, oscar can finally let out a sigh of relief
oscar piastri why am i always getting involved in shit?
lewis hamilton does carlos hate oscar because lando loves oscar and carlos wishes that was him?
fernando alonso he wants that mclaren seat back sebastian vettel you two are the biggest instigators in this group chat. fernando alonso it's a talent
rhys jones it's like watching a tennis match but only one cares and the other doesn't
penelope trevino BACK TO MY PROBLEM PEOPLE!
lance stroll carlos has attachment issues and lando imprinted on him like a baby duck.
pierre gasly alternative: carlos and lando have been cheating on their girlfriends with each other.
bailey winters i hate that i can actually believe that. penelope trevino why is that actually believable?
carlos sainz we are not that bad.
zoya torres if trevor noah can make a joke about lando looking like more of a couple with his former teammate (carlos) than his own girlfriend (bailey) it's bad.
lando norris we may have a problem.
penelope trevino you think?
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penelopetrevino and landonorris have posted new stories
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he's crashing another date. i could probably hurt him. i may be smiling but i need a bottle of patron to get me through the day. she's going to kill me. mclaren you know who to blame when i mysteriously die
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penelope trevino quick, say something so i won't kill lando.
rowan todd you'll go to jail?
penelope trevino not good enough
isabella perez jesus will never let you forget this.
penelope trevino we're getting there.
zoya torres you'll never be able to see little jewel again?
penelope trevino thank you for that reminder zoya.
bailey winters i can call his mom for you? that's what i tend to do when he pisses me off or i call ria and she reminds him that i wrote a heartbreaking album about him.
bailey winters and if none of that works i call max, who laughs in his face for hours on end.
daphne jones-ricciardo or you could talk to them, like normal people
penelope trevino you think i haven't tried that yet? it's impossible to get through to them daph!
dulce perez they're like his work parents, he needs them around 24/7
isabella perez personally, i wouldn't let this slide.
mae jones-verstappen throw him into the slammer!!
natalia ruiz all of you guys have third wheels that suck. i love my third wheel.
penelope trevino not all of us can have a joris natalia!
natalia ruiz at least it's lando and not like pierre, who would be an annoying third wheel.
rowan todd okay, that's my boyfriend nat.
natalia ruiz you cannot be publicly defending a man who makes 🐶 jokes or calls himself tripod
bailey winters EMBARRASSING!!
rowan todd your boyfriend would rather spend time third wheeling his best friend than spend time with you.
bailey winters
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rowan todd never make fun of me again bailey.
mae jones-verstappen she was obviously starving
isabella perez somewhere on the coast.
rowan todd you two are comedians.
daphne jones-ricciardo i see now why this group chats is named what it is.
daphne jones-ricciardo you're all fucked in the head.
natalia ruiz daphne's never one to reply but she always roasts the shit out of us.
penelope trevino i'm just resigned to the fact that lando is never going anywhere.
penelope trevino he is my sea urchin.
daphne jones-ricciardo this is why lando always crashes your dates.
dulce perez it's an irrational fear daph!!
daphne jones-ricciardo NO THE FUCK IT ISN'T!!
zoya torres so many problems so little time to digest it all.
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liked by carlossainz55, landonorris, lando.jpg and others
penelopetrevino photo dump but half of it is me with a beer (my only company because carlos always ditches me for lando) and the other half is carlos with his true love (lando)
tagged: carlossainz55, landonorris
view all comments
landonorris i am his true love, glad to see you finally admitting it
↳ penelopetrevino go spend time with your own girlfriend. rowan's roasting her in the groupchat.
↳ pierregasly WHAT GROUP CHAT?
↳ isabellaperez ABORT MISSION!! THEY CAN'T KNOW!!
user26 i would rather die than let this happen to me.
↳ user60 what makes you think penelope has a choice in the matter?
↳ user26 that's very true
user89 those texts from lando are foul!!
baileywinters i say we dump them and date each other instead.
↳ penelopetrevino now that's a good idea.
↳ landonorris hold up what?
↳ carlossainz55 no.
user02 and when these two get married is lando going to interrupt the wedding for shits and giggles?
↳ landonorris that's actually not a bad idea.
↳ penelopetrevino you pull that shit on my wedding day and i'll hurt you.
patriciooward personally i would run him over with my car but that's just me.
↳ landonorris STOP GIVING HER IDEAS!
baileywinters contrary to popular belief, we do actually spend time together.
↳ user57 i would've thrown hands if norizz was neglecting his relationship to crash carlos' dates
↳ landonorris why am i always getting threatened with violence?
↳ isabellaperez because you pull shit like this.
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taglist: @burningcupcakefire @arkhammaid @applopie @sunflower-golden-vol6 @lorarri @bb-swift @thewannabewriter @mypage-myfandoms @stopeatread @hobiismyhopeu @lilsiz @alessioayla @niniluvsainz @au-ghosttype @six-call @justtprachisblog @nichmeddar @landonorizzz @unluckyyoshi @cool-ultra-nerd @kami10471633 @1nt3rnetgf @fernandoswarcrimes @arieltwvdtohamflash @brekkers-whore @natcha888 @camdensreg @mycenterfold @dear-fifi @georgeparisole @dan3avocado @nikfigueiredo @namgification @jensonsonlybutton @weekendlusting @trouble-sistar @lesliiieeeee @leclercsluv @33-81 @theseus-jpg @sarah-thatstings-ann @minmira95 @casperlikej @formulaonebuff @hopenshaw @ijustgomessitupx @hwalllllllelujah @doodlehunz @prongsvault
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¡leclerc-s speaks! and it's another late night update!!! woooo!!!
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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A forbidden love.
König x Fem reader.
A colonel arrives at your house to live with you and your husband's family, you weren't expecting to fall for the man who imprisoned him.
«You and I. We'll see each other again mein Engel, you will see me but not as a soldier, you will not even recognize me and you will be a new woman, a different person»
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
Warning: image is not mine, spelling and grammatical errors, it is not so long and I admit it's not so good.
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You met your husband a few years ago, your parents were the kind of people who believe in marriage alliances, at a very young age you forgot about any possibility to find someone else and fall in love like normal people do.
When you married you went to live with your new husband and his family, to be more precise, his mother, an arrogant woman, it was a silent battle between you and her, your parents died and their business passed to your husband, you never asked what he was into, until one night during his business trips, he didn't come back.
You saw his face on tv, wearing an orange suit, he was in prison, money, drugs and weapons traffic plus some other dark things.
They found your husband thanks to a private military group, he was in a hotel room unconscious because of all the drugs in his system, all his security staff died.
Thanks to that, now you will receive the visit of one of those soldiers, you will share your house with him, your mother in law told you he was an enemy, you needed to be at your husband's side, you wouldn't be allowed to talk to him or be in the same room as him.
- He's here, look at my Y/N, you're not allowed to talk to him, do you understand?
- Yes.
You muttered, As soon as your mother in law opened the door, a giant black shadow filled the doorframe. He's tall, wearing black clothes and combat boots, blue eyes, that's the only thing you can see of his face, he hides himself under a black mask. His voice is actually very kind and calmed.
- Good morning ladies, I'm König, i will try not to bother you.
You were going to say something but then you remembered what you promised, so you simply nodded and stayed closing the door while your mother in law showed him his provisional room.
During dinner you and your mother in law were gossiping, you still weren't understanding what he was doing there.
- So... König will stay... For how long?
- Don't call him by his name! (She yelled at you, a few minutes of uncomfortable silence later she continued speaking) ...Until they can find something else to blame your poor husband or until he finds if we're involved in his business.
He did what he promised, you rarely see him and today is one of those few times. You were carrying some boxes full of clothes and stuff you're not planning to use anymore, they're heavy and some help would be great but no, you can't.
König sees you and goes to offer his help which clearly you ignore it.
- Excuse me, Can I help you? I have to check those boxes anyways.
No response.
- You can say no, miss.
You continue your way to the car, putting the boxes in the backseat and go back inside the house. The same afternoon, while you're in the garden reading, you see him again. He approaches you, and offers you a cigarette, you neglect with your head, you think that will be enough and he will leave you but he starts to talk.
- I usually am the one who applies the treatment silence, I understand if you hate me.
- I don't hate you.
You muttered, your voice is almost a whisper, thank god König has a good ear.
- Can I take a seat?
He points at the empty space at your side, you agree.
- you say you don't hate me, but your attitude says something else.
- My husband's mother... She almost puts a gun in my head, I'm not allowed to talk to you, but I don't hate you.
- Well, she's not here right now, feel free to talk, I'm here doing my job but that doesn't mean I'm YOUR enemy, just your husband's enemy.
You laugh at his joke, for the first time in years you laugh, and for König is beautiful, the most beautiful sound. How can someone like you have a husband like that man he captured.
- Are you married, König?
- I was, then she left me.
- I'm sorry, at least she let you go, my husband keeps me here and now he is in prison while I have to live under his mother's eye.
- Why are you married to that man?
- My parents. It was an alliance between them and him, he now is in charge of my parents business, I don't owe nothing of this.
You talked for hours, discovering all the chemistry between you and him, the secret conversations turned into something essential in your day by day with him, but secrets cannot be hidden forever.
Your mother in law told you, she noticed the way you blush when he's around, the small smiles you send him, she will not allow it, you will not abandon her son.
- The only thing I expect from you is to be loyal!
-But I am!
- You are a friend of our enemy! How can you talk to him knowing well he was the one who... Sent your husband to that prison! When I see him I would like to put a bullet in his skull!
You've been loyal, you don't want problems so the wall between you and him goes back, until one day when you go to the room where könig spends almost his entire time, you're curious about his investigations.
Papers, pictures, files, you started to think about how stupid it was to go and spy on him until one of the files with your name catches your attention.
Talk about your and your husband's family, marriage and then... A small text about another woman, apparently your husband has another wife and children. You felt betrayed, you had a big discussion with your mother in law, she tried to justify her son but nothing worked, finally there was a reason to leave, to not be loyal anymore.
- I refuse to be in this marriage any longer! I will not stay here to support a husband who never loved me and never showed me the minimum affection!
König heard the discussion, he wanted to hold you, tell you how important you are, show you how sweet and amazing you are, but he can't interfere and mix his work and his feelings.
The same night he was in his room finishing some paperwork when you knocked on his door wearing a nightgown, puffy eyes, plump lips and red cheeks, you quickly jumped on his arms hiding your face in the crook of his neck, at first he hesitated but quickly forgot the rules, fuck the job, fuck everybody else, it's just you and him, he quit his mask and you saw him, the scars, his lips, his jaw. He was gentle, he treated you softly but at the same time showed you how does it feel to be desired by someone.
For the first time in life you felt love, passion, desire, you became addicted to him, his perfume, his lips, his eyes on you, his hands and arms around you at every opportunity you had, both fell in this passional frenzy and the fear of losing him grew inside you, because, eventually he would leave and you wouldn't see him again.
- What's wrong, Meine Liebe?
- You will leave and what will happen to me?
König doesn't say anything, he just hugs you tightly, he loves you, of course he does but... He thinks you deserve better, a better life that he probably can't give you, at least that's his way to think since his ex-wife abandoned him with that excuse «I deserve a life that you can't give me» .
You've been thinking about a way to help König, you want your freedom, leave your husband, you don't want money, you simply want to leave him and live your own life, you were cleaning your closet when a small hidden door is behind one of your drawers, there's a bunch of documents and passwords, you read them quickly and indeed was information that could sentence to years of prison not only your husband but his mother too.
It worked, König found a way to help you, his testimony and reports about what he saw during those weeks with you were enough to get witness protection programs for you, you would go to live in a new country with a new identity, a chance to start again. For him there wasn't a better way to demonstrate how much he loved you.
You were in the airport with him, waiting for your flight, it was a bitter goodbye, you were sniffing, sobbing and crying, why does he not understand your life wouldn't be complete without him?.
- Will I ever see you again?
- Oh Mein süßes Mädchen (my sweet girl) you deserve a better life, a better man and a better love.
He was holding you, caressing your hair, you were crying and pleading him to stay with you.
- I don't want no one else but you, why don't you understand that? We can keep this in secret!
«Flight 150 with destiny to...»
- Es tut mir Leid (sorry) it is time to go, mein Engel.
- I love you König, I really do.
You look up at him, his blue eyes seem tired and sad, you understand the fact that he can't risk his credibility and his job, but you can't understand why he can't accept you want to stay at his side, it could be a secret, there's no need to tell someone about it. After a long hug you decide to part, you were walking to the entrance of the tunnel where your flight awaits when he called your name.
- Y/N, wait!
You were expecting he reconsidered your situation, he approached you and hugged you again pressing his forehead against yours, whispering.
- You and I. We'll see each other again mein Engel, you will see me but not as a soldier, you will not even recognize me and you will be a new woman, a different person. Ich liebe dich, y/n.
Months passed by and you, indeed, became a new person, there's a new woman inside you, but you still think about him, in the middle of the night when there's nobody at your side to hug you, when you need the warmth and the touch of someone, you think about him every time you observe the blue grey skies at rainy days, you wonder if he still remember you, if he's okay.
König still thinks about you, he keeps an eye on you not only because it's his job it's because he also cares about you, he knows you opened a small flower shop, your new address, you're single, you're not dating no one, he knows for you it's okay in the day because you're busy but the problem it's at night, the lights of your bedroom are on until the first hours of the morning, you sit in front of the window for hours observing the sky, he knows that feeling, the emptiness inside you it is the same he experimented too.
It's a torture for him to see you like that and is also a pain in his chest to be far from you, incapable to kiss you, hug you, taste you, love you. He never felt so weak and powerless, he needed you.
He took the closest flight to your new country, he doesn't care anymore if people know he's going to see you, he just wants you back.
You were closing your store when you heard a voice, the voice you could recognize anywhere.
- Excuse me, I would like to buy flowers for the woman I love.
You turned to look at the person behind you, there he is, that brown soft hair, his blue eyes, the prominent and straight nose, the scars on his face, his jaw, the neck that one day was your safe place.
He's nervously smiling at you, his eyes scream how much he begs you to forgive him.
Your eyes are full of tears while you smile, both are in front of each other, after months living in pure torture, both are finally there, he was right, you both would see each other again.
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WIBTA if I purposely turn up the PDA in front of my best friends ex?
So for context, I (16 M-ish) and my best friend (I'll call them T, 16 F-ish) have been best friends for quite a few years now, and they broke up with their partner (I'll call them R) of a year just this spring.
To summarize, R was fucking awful. Controlling, objectifying, manipulative, and jealous to name a few. They wanted T to text them every second of every day, and if she didn't R would jump to accusing her of never loving them in the first place or cheating on them (this really hurt T, her moral compass is very important to her and she's talked about how it hurt to do everything to show you're trustworthy and still not be believed). This was especially difficult since they went to different schools- R had previously gone to our (as in T and my) school but left for unrelated reasons. One major thing is how much they absolutely hated me. R would constantly talk to T about and even say to my face that they believed I was trying to "steal" T from them. Even beyond the objectification of that statement, if T didn't text them during passing time or lunch, it was always blamed on her being too busy talking to me. Eventually, T reached a breaking point and broke up with them for her own mental health and well-being. She told me that if they wanted to make her choose between our friendship and their relationship, she was going to choose me because I actually made her happy.
It's been a bit since all of that went down- friend groups shifted, we were able to get away from them. Unfortunately, they decided to move back to our school this year. The whole time they've been trying to get back with T. That meant sucking up to me, texting both of us, even talking on group chats that people later told us about that they were constantly talking about their ex they were in love with, and how pretty their ex looked today (T was their only ex).
In a more recent revelation, T and I talked things through and decided to enter a QPR. We still call ourselves best friends and no one really knows other than one other close friend, but this does mean how we act around each other has changed slightly. We were touchy before, but now we're more comfortable with it and we'll kiss on occasion, just not in public.
Which leads me to my point, R constantly hangs around our friend group (they know one of the kids who talks to us sometimes) and always manages to be in close proximity. WIBTA if (with consent from T of course) I just ramped up the PDA to ten, holding hands and hugging and standing right on top of each other. I want to scare them off so they stop trying to bother T, and maybe they'll finally take the hint that they're not interested. At the same time though, I just feel bad, like I'm proving to them that T broke up with them because of me. This is something I've talked to T about-she's fine with it. I just need to know whether it's a good idea or a bad one.
What are these acronyms?
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blackcat419 · 3 months
Hotd S2 E1 A Son for a Son review
It's here. Two years weight and I'm more disappointed than a vegan at Outback Stake House. Lets get into this then.
Predictions for Season 2 and if they came true
My predictions for the reactions towards Blood and Cheese were pretty damn on. People justify Jaehaery's death, missing the irony of an eye for an eye, a son for a son, when Aemond didn't get Luke's eye and Jaehaerys isn't Aemonds son, Alicent being blamed for it.
Blood and Cheese was an accident, meant to go in for Aemond, stumbled upon Helaena, and just got told who the son is, at least they didn't accidentally trip and stab Jaehaerys.
White walkers are alluded to even though we now know they're so easy to take care of, just need one episode and POOF!
No Dyana mention so we'll see if she shows up.
Where we left each character and where they are now
For TB its very consistent. Rhaenyra is mourning Luke, Daemon is pushing for war, Rhaenys is pushing for no war, and Corlys is pushing to be relevant.
For TG its all over the place. Our consistent characters include Otto pushing for war and control, Alicent pushing for control but less war, and Larys pushing to hold the most secrets any person can. Our characters that have changed are Aegon now wanting to be king and trying to prepare Jaehaerys, Aemond deciding he totally did mean to kill Luke, Alicent changing from rule follower to now rule breaker, and Cole deciding he does like sex actually.
Aegon and Aemond's transitions make sense, they were set up in last season and it works for them. Alicent and Cristin are in a full-blown sexual relationship that's been going on long enough for them to feel comfortable doing it in mid-day. That was not set up. We miss an entire character arc for both where they 1. decide they don't want to follow the rules society tells them to and 2. decide they want to bone. This was not set up in season 1, it comes out of nowhere, there is no explanation for why these two are boning now, how they justify it to themselves, if they justify it to themselves, nothing. So instead of an interesting character arc where we see change, we just get the end with no idea how they go here. Thanks, I hate it.
Again, for TB the conflict is consistent from season 1 and makes sense. Rhaenyra is being pulled by her duty to the realm for peace but by her grief for war. Daemon is pushing for war, Rhaenys is pushing to not start the fight, and Corlys is there too.
But for TG it's all over the place. We still have the dumb conflict between Alicent and Otto over how much war we'll have. Not between peace and war but just, should we have more or less? it's not even really about involving the dragons as that's Aegon and Aemond's position. Overall, Alicent and Otto's conflict is poorly thought out and their positions hold so little difference that it borders on meaningless.
The conflict between the two groups is who will strike the first blow. We already have one kid dead and a blockade but we are still waiting for someone to act. wow, so intense much drama.
Adaptation from the Book
The main parts of the book being adapted are Jace's visits to the Vale, the sisterlands, White Harbor, and his stay in the north. Rhaenyrs finds out about Luke's death, and blood and Cheese.
The only part done well is Rhaenyra's grief over Luke's death. It is so powerful and Rhaenys saying that she can't properly grieve until she knows Luke is dead is very powerful. Jace has an amazing trying to talk while he cries scene, the funeral pyre is so emotional, and very well done in showing how much losing Luke affects these characters.
I am very disappointed that Jace's whole storyline going north is turned into exposition about Stark customs and the wall being so sexy and cool. No Jace and Cregan being friends, no Jace trying to convert Cregan, not even Jace hooking up with Cregan or Sara Snow. just nothing.
Blood and Cheese has to be the worst thing I've seen in a while. We have Daemon telling them to kill Aemond but it is ~ ambiguous ~ whether he said to kill Jaehaerys. We have Rhaenyra saying she wants Aemond dead but it is ~ ambiguous ~ if she knows Daemon is doing this. Blood and Cheese literally walk past Aegon in the throne room? No secret passageways into the queen's chambers, no plan, no nothing! they just happen to find Helaena. We also lose the character development of Helaena where in the books she offers up herself to be killed and only after Blood and Cheese say they'll rape Jaehaera and kill all of them, does she give in and choose Maelor to die. We don't get their cruelty of telling Maelor his mom wants him dead and then killing Jaehaerys. No, Helaena just offers up her necklace, they take it, then AFTER she knows they're going to kill her son (one of them says they need a head and a son for a son), she just walks out and runs into Alicent riding Cristin? Why? Where is the tension of Helaena being forced to choose a child to die only for that child to know their mom chose them, the drama of Helaena offering up herself to try and save her kids, the horror at what these monsters are willing to do for coin? Nothing. It was emotionless, I only felt shock at how poorly it was done.
Overall Enjoyment
I did not enjoy myself. This was not fun or interesting to watch. The showrunners are scribbling over a beautiful sketch with crayons.
What I hope for the next episode
NO MORE ACCIDENTS! I swear this show is the house of accidental war crimes.
I want to see Nettles, Daeron, and Maelor.
I want actual character development instead of character teleportation.
I predict that Alicent's character will continue to be massacred and put in scenes where Ryan Condal can see Olivia Cooke naked.
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Okay so number one. Super cool that you wrote your paper on the American dream. Single-handedly it is my favorite antag from any season.
And two. Well it is true the back to back filming probably definitely made them have less nuance for this. I absolutely agree with your statement. If your players can't engage in a story something is probably wrong. Honestly I've just come to the conclusion that the reason that episode 19 felt so weird. Is because it felt more like it was the intrepid heroes killing the rat grinders. Instead of the bad kids killing the rat grinders. Like I don't know if I'm just going crazy here?? I know it happens where your characters blend together so much in your mind That it's hard to differentiate the character from the player. But things felt so mean spirited in like a unique way. Like a unique way that you can only get from hating a villain as the viewer. Instead of like the character. Because besides Kristen trying to see if Buddy was still in there. It felt as if, the bad kids. Who have notoriously all been put into difficult situations at different times because of various adults. Saw what is basically just them without the support system. And hit it with a nuke. It's not like a Johnny spells type thing where You can be like "this guy sucks. kill his ass." Cause besides Kipper Lily. We don't actually know any of the rat grinders motivations. Like people can say that the rat grinders were just power hungry All they want. But the more likely answer is probably, Porter saw a group of vulnerable children who were actively unsatisfied with the situation they had been put in. And prayed on that!
It's frustrating definitely. But there is always fix it fics. And these final episodes aren't going to stop me from loving the rat grinders. I do not care what anyone in the fandom says. Because half of the time they're just spitting the same misogynistic bullshit we got with saccharina frostwhip. I'm genuinely hoping That at least the adventuring party clears up some things??. But my hopes are low unfortunately. Mary Ann forever though. She got that dog in her
a) IT WAS REALLY COOL!! i also wrote a final paper in a different class about the cubbys . Communications is kind of fake as hell as a major (if youre thinking of becoming a comm major dont </3 its great for student athletes who dont need jobs. as for me. um. well. 1 year out of college no new job), but it meant I was able to write a lot of interesting papers and my professors gave me room to run with it.
b) That's a really interesting thesis, and I haven't thought about it before, but that honestly makes a lot of sense...? Like, in that Really Uncomfortable Speech that was given before Ruben died, he was blamed for wasting a season on him. Which is an extremely meta/IH thing. It makes no sense for Fig to say that. But it does make sense for Emily to say that.
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kibblenoodlesnail · 3 months
Tumblr media
Sun and Moon ofc are twins and they love each other very much!
Moon and Old!Moon have a more uh... "Fighting" type relationship? Like they'd play-fight in the mind scape
Sun and Old!Moon still talk when Moon lets Old!Moon out for a bit, they care about eachother still, Suns still mad at him and rightfully so
Earth is loved by basically everyone in the family, she gets along most with the Eclipses (Solar, Eclipse, Ruin and Jaws) and they love Monty very much
Lunar loves his main family (Sun, Moon, Old!Moon, Earth and Solar) doesn't really care for the other Eclipses but also doesn't mind them,
Eclipse and Solar... These two fuckers are the smartest in the group, unless they're together then they're the dumbest duo you'll ever meet they will fight each other and one time they even threw grenades at each other one time, they see each other as Dimensional twins
Bloody and Harvest ofc are impossible to separate, unless they want to then they will but the two love KC, they still see him as dad, but also see Solar and Jaws as Dads too, in other words the BM twins are collecting dads like Pokemon cards
Adding onto that actually, Solar adopts kids like Pokemon cards, Jack, BMTs, Dazzle + others I've yet to talk about
Jack is silly, he loves all of his family, including the ones he probably shouldn't, but can you blame him?
Dazzle got adopted into the family as soon as Solar and Jack saw them, they love Sun the most,
Ruin, Most of the family now is iffy with him, and rightfully so he did almost kill Solar, despite not wanting to ofc, the only people who aren't are Solar and Jaws, even then Solar does jump around them abit
Jaws, They're Solars partner, the others are weary of them, but that's because they're a Ruin!Eclipse
KC, Big brother and Dad figure basically, Eclipse and Solar both see him as a dad, So do the Red!twins (bmt)
Nova and BlackHole (OCs) Nova and BH hated each other at first, but after Nova set BH straight they are chill, even siblings now, the two being Solars younger siblings who are unfortunately stuck in his head, other than that the others don't know them
Neuton Star, calls Solar, Nova and BH their children, for some odd reason? They just went with it
Plushie, Spawned in randomly, Suns adopted sun son Loves their Uncles/Aunts/Unts/Ancles and their Cousins too
That's all I have rn-
Im not good at explaining thinks
@compulsiveimpairment thanks for the ask my child!!!
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alevolpe · 8 months
Hi :) How are you? (This is going to be a lengthy ask lol)
You mentioned in one of your posts that you would like to see the relationship between the senshi and the normal everyday people and perhaps the humans turning against the Senshi.
What do you think about the enemy working with the human government to take down the Senshi to fulfill their goal of forming their empire or whatever and what your headcanon might predict of how it's all going to go down?
I wish the SM franchise would explore more with the outsiders perspective and relationship between the senshi's.
Hi! Sorry you've prob waited a while for this one, my bad.
But yeah, I've mentioned before that the public has an active and rocky relationship with the senshi.
It's a very mixed bag! But overall, to grossly generalize, most younger people are in favor of them and idolize them, while older people and parents tend to scrutinize and antagonise them.
They are unknown beings, who just pop in out of nowhere and at best cause property damage and at worst, well cause some casualties (in my hc, sometimes they fail and people die, it's unfortunate, but it's a reality they have to live with).
Say you're a parent your child turned into an otherworldly creature, a group of 'defenders' shows up and leads you away while promising you they'll try their best to save your child. Next thing you know, one of them walks to you with simply a bag of dust in their hands and a devastated expression, but no words spoken, and they leave.
This is what I see a few people experienced, parents, friends, siblings.. they can't really see past their own grief to understand that these saviors aren't just perfect immortal beings who can just decided who gets to live and who doesn't. They're human, like them, but not quite.
On the other hand, I see people adoring and respecting them, on the more superficial side cause they are superheroes and why wouldn't you idolize a person with super powers, furthermore on the more emotional side, people have been saved or have had other people saved by them. They're grateful and compassionate.
I can totally understand both sides, at the end of the day, people are scared of the unknown, you can't totally blame them for not trusting the senshi, no matter how many justice speeches they deliver.
Going more into the lore aspect, I don't really see the government working with the enemy, it's a neat idea, but I wouldn't really fit in my narrative.
I was thinking more along the lines of a subtle influence by the enemy. Pushing the public to hate the senshi more and more, to the point that they can't even show up by themselves without risking getting attacked by mobs for people.
After a particular deadly explosion, the public perception of them has hit an all time low, and the new enemy strives to dig that even deeper and deeper.
It starts with news articles after rumors and interviews, all these factors fueling a never-ending machine of paranoia. The senshi show up on missions like they always do, all of a sudden, stones get tossed, along with insults and threats. It gets so bad that they can't even transform without informing the others, they can't travel alone, they are just in a form of hiding, powerless to help people without putting themselves in massive danger.
Small note, but I think this situation in particular is very compelling. Seeing how differently the girls take on the issue of not being able to help the public cause the public does not want to be helped. Especially for Mina, she basically has to make the very hard decision of prioritizing the safety of her girls over the safety of innocent people and this could cause a lot of super interesting clashes within the group.
Going even further, it gets worse and now random girls start getting attacked and so forth. You kind of see what I'm getting at. This is the plot of one fo the seasons in my narrative.
It's not really government vs senshi, but the actual public is against them. I think it's very interesting, but I'm still very much in writing limbo, so that's how far I'll say about
Thank you for the ask! Hopefully this is the answer u were looking for.
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luxxsolaris · 1 year
The issues (and non-issues) of bimbocore
This little discussion is coming off the back of a thought (rant) I shared on another blog a few weeks ago, largely where reinvented bimbo started compared to where it is now and why is everyone blaming Chrissy Chlapecka?
the resurgence of the 'bimbo' aesthetic in the early 2020s embarked as a movement of reclamation, a way to assert that there was actually nothing demeaning about a barbie-esque appearance and to remove the power from stereotypes used against us, essentially centring the Bimbo in a queer, left-wing ideology.
If you were to ask a modern Bimbo why hot pink? Why bedazzled? Why perform this exaggerated caricature of femininity? You might end up in a seemingly unrelated discussion about the modern Western political landscape. Bimbo culture has essentially emerged upon the heels of the controversies surrounding feminine experiences and bodily autonomy across the United States- women feeling that they are being confined to a specific performance of femininity, that the government is regulating their femininity, may tell you that the idea of bimbo culture is a satirical backlash to the ideas of what a modern Western woman should be and what she is expected to be. She is nothing more than a doll to the culture that surrounds her and her response is to take what is expected of her and make it a performance a juxtaposition of what she is expected to be and what she is and make them hate her for the femininity she is presenting. And thats exactly what Lauren Pantin said in her short update newsletter - ' If you’re going to punish me for being a woman anyway, I’m going to be the silliest, brattiest, potty-mouthed no-no of a woman you’ve ever seen. I’ll be the dumbest bitch on earth! Where’s my crown!"
Ask another bimbo and she'll tell you that her bimboism stems from the movement to satirise consumerist culture and misogyny, aiming to remove the stigmas around hyper-femininity. Essentially, allowing women to empower themselves through their femininity (rather than the popular idea of in spite of their femininity cough cough inlog cough) and giving women ownership over their sexuality and their body in ways that actively combat the misogynistic standards held against them- oftentimes gearing it towards queer people. It's a new-wave feminist movement designed to avert the male gaze through women appearing as these caricatures of traditional femininity whilst emphasising their own dominance and independence as support for women's right movements.
So it's a kind of sartorial rebellion against oppressive politics and culture? Well, it was at first. And to many it still is, however, as with all trends rooted in a sartorial culture the meaning tends to get lost in the shares and reposts as it expands across social media. Those who just happen across the culture or see nothing but images of it scattered across the internet arent likely to understand that this aesthetic is also a political performance, it will become a bimbo resurgence!... but not effectively hold the same weight and meaning that the movement was intended to hold.
One way to look at this is the trend of " girl [activity]" . Trends like girl maths, girl dinner, explaining things to the girlies. Now let me get it straight theres nothing wrong in finding a little fun in these trends- girl dinner was cute, as someone who loves cooking I loved seeing what everyone was making for their dinner until it got overrun by the 'I only had iced coffee today' brigade. Sometimes I'll see a girl maths video about how if I pay in cash its basically free since the number on my bank account didn't change and I laugh because thats logic I have applied to purchases before. There's little funny things and behaviours that people will have in common, and they're being labelled as 'girl [blank]' because it is predominantly groups of women discussing them and finding a little fun in it. But again, as trends reach a wider audience their initial intention becomes lost along the way and generalisations start to set in. TV shows and radio hosts have entire segments explaining girl maths, it has become cute and quirky to explain political landscapes in terms of shopping and makeup, and bimbo culture has become less of a satirical performance and instead commonly assumed as a Karen Smith- esque personality reminiscent of the 'dumb blondes' of the early 2000s.
Removing this sartorial protest from its context can be seem as damaging, especially in the way that social media currently presents aesthetics surrounding sexuality to young people. As bimbo culture reaches a wider audience it's likely to fall into the hands of young people who are, let's face it, not going to care about the deeper meaning. Young people are likely to see celebrities, tiktok personalities, attractive people in general donning their hot pink promiscuous outfits and feel inclined to join in on what is presented to them as nothing more than the newest fashion trend.
One of the key movements of bimboisim is to embrace feminine sexuality and overcome the stigmas about women expressing their sex and sexuality and sartorially this is represented by the micro mini skirt and the skimpy shirt. Society has had no difficulty pushing teenage girls to grow up rather quickly by presenting them with teen magazines in the y2k era talking about how to get a bigger bust or butt, social media promoting the attractive body type the attractive face the attractive makeup the attractive style of clothing that will settle their pubescent insecurities and validate them in the eyes of a society run by men. Young women are ridiculed for their bodies not being developed enough at 15, for not being sexually active at 16, must have lived the life experiences of drugs and alcohol and sex and heartbreak at 17 and are then turned into high school girl fucks random guy porn at 18. Removed-bimboism has become part of the problem in which young girls not only feel the need to dress promiscuously and express a sexuality that they still haven't fully explored in order to feel validated as an active part of society but also have to present themselves as stupid in order to seem funny cute and quirky. The idea that women are only able to understand complex theories if they are presented in terms of fashion and shopping and makeup is a stereotype enforced by tv and movie comedy that women have worked endlessly to overcome, and the reclamation of bimbo culture should not actively counteract the progress of feminist activity. You don't have to be smart to be a modern bimbo by any means, in terms of intelligence the movement is centred around a more relaxed approach to success that counters the ideology of the girl boss movement- you don't HAVE to be a huge success or overwork yourself to hell and back to validate who you are as a woman.
Modern bimboism set out with the comfort of knowing there is no pressure to understand everything, you might need something explained in your own terms, you might just be a little fucking stupid sometimes but there is no active harm in not always understanding. That, however, has been twisted through these trends discussed prior to make it seem like all bimbos (and by misogynistic extension, all women) are just not as smart as men. Which, as we know, is likely to be emulated by young people as it reaches a wider audience.
So it's understandable why there is concern over bimboism. But at what point does critique of bimboism begin to drift into the right wing? Blaming women who dress provocatively simply for being women who dress provocatively is not the answer, in my opinion, to the issues with the bimbo culture. There is (to the chagrin of many) nothing wrong with an adult women expressing the ownership of the sexuality that she was granted the right to express through the liberation of women, sex and queerness.
Tensions have been rising within more radical groups, or groups who are of the tendency to reject feminine presentation in regard to what they perceive as an active threat to the reputation of women. There has been a desire expressed across social media sites by these women that 'all women' should refrain from direct expressions of femininity and reject all social norms expected of women under the assertion that it 'makes us all look bad'. There is a lot to be said about the ways in which misogyny utilises stereotypes and generalisations of what is considered 'feminine behaviour' to degrade women, however, it is highly pretentious and internally misogynistic a notion that the very idea of feminine expression is to be at fault. The ideology begins to attack individual women, expressing that their online content is to blame for the ways in which men treat women, or that children have become so oversexualised.
In a way this reflects the puritan standards of online censorship frequently weaponised by the right wing in order to oppress further marginalised groups. 'Think of the Children' has been used time and time again as a way to bastardise protests of queerness, of sexual liberation of racial equity and it is being weaponised now again just as it was across the 70s against women who dare to be 'immodest' . It goes without saying that people who create content online are not responsible for the actions of teenagers who in the midst of discovering their sexuality, may seek out more mature content- not just for sexual gratification, but a newfound interest into how adults express their sexuality as a way to help them navigate expression themselves. To place limits on how women are allowed to dress or express sexuality is to revert to the ideas of puritanism that existed prior to the (well, partial) liberation of the marginalised people.
Is bimbo culture perfect? No, it's been washed out as a mimicry of early 2000s internalised misogyny. Is it worth hating on random women? No, there issue is more centred to how misgyny is so deeply rooted in our society that we are happier to blame women for the stereotypes forced upon them than to actually comment on how society cultivates these ideas.
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tua-five · 2 months
Season 3 Episode 3!!
⚠️⚠️ You know the warning, don't read if you haven't watched this season! ⚠️⚠️
Don't be Elmer's guys. That's just mean.
I love how Diego is obviously stressed, flipping his knife, and when Stan makes one noise, he yells, "Stanley! Now is not the time to be doing karate, okay?" Like, he'd yelling but still sounds like he isn't trying to be mean. But then he says that Stan's mom isn't wrong when she says he needs to practice karate. I mean... at least he's trying.
With the way that they're siblings, I'm surprised they don't blow up at each other more. I mean, Allison is constantly blaming Five. I'd scream at her and tell her it isn't my fault, but Five just calmly says he's just the messenger.
I am in-between, however. Viktor says that Five has a good track record of this stuff, and they should listen to him. I mean, sure. If you count getting stuck in one of the apocalypse for 45 years, failing to stop it the first time, causing another one, stopping that one only to head back to their timeline where they don't exist and causing another one. But to be fair, most of it isn't his fault. And in all honesty, I'd probably be Allison, too. Blaming Five and all that. Even if I do hate it.
As much as it was unnecessary, I do actually like the random fight scene between Lila and Five. Grabbing the shampoo and squirting it in her eyes was just smart. I mean, that hurts.
Sorry, but Allison calling Fei a flock of shegulls was actually really funny.
She is dumb however for saying they had Marcus.
It seems all the hargreaves need to do is actually talk to each other. Five and Lila just walked off with both briefcases. Diego knew they had both briefcases. But Allsion and Viktor still think the Sparrows have it.
"Pills, bills, and num nums." Wow, okay. Reggie's life is sad now.
Gotta say, I really love the Five-Lila duo. They're literally just perfect. The best platonic relationship in the show.
Luther being oblivious and missing everything while he was gone is just... well, honestly, it fits for him and this family. I'm glad Diego and Luther are making buddy-buddy, tho.
And poor Stan studying the elevator 😭
Another thing I love is the father son bonding moment with Reggie and Klaus. Reg is just so out of it. Not his normal self because of the pills, but his real self still peaks through, and Klaus is literally just chilling. Talking to him like normal and giving him tips on how not to take pills.
Also, Luther wanting to make Viktor feel loved and throw him a party to welcome him to the brother side is so sweet.
I feel like Klaus is always on side missions. Doing absolutely for the plot but just there for some comedic relief. And then something will happen, like he'll find the kugelblitz in the basement and then everybody already knows, so it doesn't matter. But at least he finally knows.
When the Sparrows show up and both sides of the family face each other, people take pictures. Like that's the best thing they've ever seen. And it probably is, I mean, the superheros they know that protect their city are supposedly meeting with a random group of deranged adults. I hope they showed those photos to as many people as they could before they got kugelblitzed. Just to cause some chaos.
Also, I thought this episode was longer. I desperately want to watch the next episode to watch the interactions with Harlan and Lila saying she'll miss Five, but I'll wait.
Today's gifs
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 months
You are so so so right about the fucked up family dynamics that Wylie and Sophie could have had and I applaud you for that. Want to tell me how her being taken in by Tiergan might have an impact when it comes to Tam and Linh, who, if I remember correctly, were given Wylie’s old room when they came to whatever Tiergan’s house was called (was it Solreef or something else?)
Also, hi Quil!
Zayn 🥌
Hi Zayn! I haven't seen you in a while--I hope you've been well :)
And yes, I would love to. Tam and Linh are implied to be in Wylie's room at Solreef, though it's later called a suite since it's "more like three rooms" (Nightfall 218). From this I'd assume Sophie would live in Wylie's old rooms when she first arrived (since he was in the Elite levels), which has GOT to be difficult all on its own.
For Wylie, the girl he blames for destroying his life is living in his room. For Sophie, she's surrounded by the echoes of that life. Perhaps nervous to touch anything, worried to upset Wylie further--we see she doesn't decorate at Havenfield already, and this could just compound that further.
I'd presume then Sophie'd share the space with Linh and Tam when they move in, which would strengthen their bond. Seeing each other more, more opportunities to talk, more vulnerability. The details. Their sleep schedules, favorite foods, when they do their homework and which subjects they like/hate, what it means when they go quiet, where they like to retreat to, what bugs them most.
This quiet building of such a strong bond, a chance to explore and recognize in each other the feeling of displacement and judgement. Their world hates them for different reasons, but that ostracizing for things outside of their control is a bridge. One Wylie can connect to as well, though on a different level (as it's less HIM and more his family).
Wylie seeing these three kids his dad's taken in, who didn't have anywhere else to go, who he's learned are so good and have been so shunned and mistreated by their world. And understanding, perhaps more clearly than ever before, why his dads made the choices they did.
For the first time, they each have a family who actually understands, in a way. Sophie spent her entire life different, and now here's a group of people shunned for just that, too. Tam and Linh spent their lives with only each other, but now it turns out they don't have to. Wylie spent his tied to a scandal he didn't choose, but now they all have scandals; they're all finding a new life under Tiergan's roof.
That's not to say I think everything would go perfectly--case in point, my whole post about Wylie and Sophie pre-Tam and Linh. There's so much grief and hurt and anger in that house it's bound to grate at times. But in the end the uniqueness of their situation transcends that, and ties them in a way indescribable to others.
And this doesn't even factor in Prentice's return. Forever thinking about the Tiergan, Prentice, Wylie, Sophie, Tam, and Linh household.
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originemesis · 8 months
hc musings - character dive ; //
Judging from season 1, I think it's safe to assume Adam does not like be without his helmet/mask. Sure, he's dressed up for his meetings/in court/for the final battle, which is just about everywhere he pops up in the season. However, he's also briefly shown just hanging out with Lute in heaven and he's still in uniform while she isn't. This is likely their down time, and yet he's still lugging around his massive robes, fully decked out for battle like it could happen anytime when clearly they're in heaven and it can't. So why is this?
Well, when the mask actually comes off (it's forced off and smashed apart just to get to that point), Adam is just 'some dude' under the menacing, manic act he's been putting on the whole time. An act as in when he crawls out of the hole without his safeguard face, he literally just has a melt down in front of everyone where his previous 'cunty charm' and 'idgaf' attitude are gone in place of some caught on the spot, seething human looking dirt bag who's only 'gotcha' is to call the group that's put an end to his reign of terror 'losers'. Just losers (baby ~). If he's not insecure with what he is under that mask (and how could he not be when not one, but two people who were literally created to be his perfect match dumped his ass? Oof.), then he absolutely has an inferiority complex of sorts and its in his 'break-down' moment on screen where it's on full display without the glowing grin and the horns.
To scratch further at that thought- imagine how Adam, the first human/man was essentially created in God's image. He was created to be perfect by heaven's definition, and though he didn't stay that way, he got a taste for what that felt like. Literally anything he does after that point when Eve and him have to leave Eden is (unironically) 'mid' or worse.
HC wise (out of my own musings so don't mind the canon divergence here since s2 is likely uhh...twitterjokes2027-) I'm leaning into the idea that the first two human souls are weighty in the sense that they can't both be in the same after life or it'll upset whatever balance there is between heaven and hell. So at the time of their deaths, it was decided that heaven wanted Adam and so hell would have Eve by default (also she was the one they blamed most- typical fandoms @ female characters amiriteeee). This means Adam who knows he's not perfect anymore, hasn't felt so in a long time- goes to a plane of existence that exudes perfection. They have 'the brightest, the polite-est of the lot and everyone is hot'. And then there he is- just some dude who is none of those things (hates math, innately rude, and well...'just some guy' isn't exactly heaven-scale hot guyyys).
This cumulation of always realizing nothing he does is good enough (because he knows this) and yet being treated like it is because he just happened to be first leads Adam to a state that even Lucifer comments on in their battle in the form of 'oh haha, you really let yourself go-'. Which I take to mean in the sense Adam is up in heaven, holding zoom-style holographic meetings while he probably barely even leaves his room (and never without his gear on), neglecting the 'womanly' deemed things like cooking and taking care of himself, gaining struggle weight for it all, and worst of all...he's in heaven and he's essentially in a depressed state (that let's be real he'd say doesn't exist like the dwightyouignorantslut he is) and that is plastered all over his real face in the form of baggy under eyes and that gross chin stubble he got going on too. And since heaven is full of happy, not depressed- never have a hard day, and HOT people, he essentially stays covered 24/7 in public because people would definitely question why he's there and heaven really doesn't need more people questioning decisions that'll create more Lucifers.
While wearing the mask he's like a kid that won't take his Halloween costume off because it makes him feel cool, and he does get a lot more animated and forgetful of his true insides. He's almost like a school mascot in a way, using his 'angelsona' to amplify his attention-grabbing antics. Take it away and he's very likely much more identical to Lucifer in terms of the whole 'take THAT, depression!' bit. Except for Adam that just translates to him being far less animated, grumpy, electric-guitar to acoustic pipeline, passively aggressive and likely tired, being the source of all humanity and all (man needs to be sucking down that G-fuel hourly).
Additionally: Angeldust and Adam would have the same theme of 'putting on an act' (or in Adam's case- putting on a show) and not letting the real person behind the façade show through. (Though in Angel's case it's for his own protection. In Adam's case it's because man can't cope with his insecurity.) And how Husk sees through Angel's bullshit, Lute does the same with Adam.
Adam's helmet glitched out the same way that Vox's did, so it could very well be a hint that Vox and Adam may have something to do with antagonism in the next season. If Adam came back w/o his mask and this all was applicable ofc, he would definitely team up with or make a deal with Vox in order to get him to fix the helmet (assuming he can based on the idea he might know how it works when put back together since his own tv face has been shown to glitch out like Adam's did) since it would be a necessary competent to bring back the actual 'Adam' he's become after living in discomfort with the one he became after experiencing real perfection.
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taddymason · 7 days
I saw the post, I have come.
How does Kaida feel about the Ninjas? If she could change anything, what would she change? If she were put in a room with the people she hates most in the world, who would they be and who would get punched in the face first? Does she have a favorite weapon? What story does Jay tell her that she likes the most? What Ninjago holiday does she like the most?
What did Jay hate most about his time in the Administration? Has he ever blamed another agent for something he did? What did Kaida do that made him think "this kid will be the reason for half of my gray hair"? What was it like when he heard Kaida calling him "dad" for the first time?
1- For now, her feelings towards them are complicated because she's always seen them as a threat.
When they first came to the Administration they were nothing more than a nuisance, but then they became a potential threat to her and Jay, and she definitely knew that they somehow knew about him. That their meeting had been as disastrous as possible didn't help matters at all because the impression she got from each of them was that they had hurt her family and ran away like it was nothing. Even when she finds out that Jay was actually part of that group, it makes things even worse because she goes from thinking of them as a physical threat to people who could take her only family away from her.
So, at this point in the story, she still has some resentment towards them, but it's more because she has no idea what they're capable of if they ever see it again. Also, something about Ras's words to Jay in chapter 18 "if they really cared about you, they would have found you sooner" doesn't help her view of them either (Ras is obviously trying to manipulate them both but from HER perspective, it's still like they didn't care enough about Jay to find him sooner).
2- Ras. No doubt. The room would have a couple of people from the Administration around and Cinder and Jordana, but Ras would be the first to get stabbed.
3- Her height bs, she would have liked to leave the Administration many years earlier and stop obeying orders before things got worse. and she would definitely change anything to avoid the end of chapter 16
4- If we obviously rule out firearms, it would be her dagger. It matches her fighting style quite well, it's the one she has the most experience with and the most confident with. Since her fighting style is more about taking her opponent by surprise to win quickly than being able to fight for a long time. Although she is very fond of the kusagirama that Jay gave her for her birthday even if she has a hard time using it
5- She always likes to hear about any stupid thing Jay did when he was a kid, but the anecdote about his flying invention is probably the one that entertains her the most.
6- Festival Day, mainly because it was her first real holiday and the most memorable one for her.
7- I think that aside from all the other things that were done during this time, it was probably the constant worry of what could happen to both of them if they screwed things up somehow, if he lost his job, if the Administrator came to think that they weren't indispensable. That added to the general attitude of all the agents, where the only priority was to work and nothing else mattered, it must have been terrible in his first months living there until he could finally adapt.
8- Yeah, and more than once,and somehow he got away with it every time.
9- mmm A lot of things. I have this idea for a "Jay and Kaida's five years in the Administration" one-show where Jay gets really sick, and he should be resting, but he can't afford to rest that much either because the Administration being the Administration. Long story short, Kaida burns down the kitchen trying to cook something for him. Or also on one occasion she uses one of the portals without his permission and almost gets lost until she manages to get back on her own. Suffice it to say that Jay lost years of his life on both occasions.
10- It was probably something like Kaida waking up from a really bad nightmare, crying, not really remembering what she dreamed, not knowing if it was a patrol or a memory from boarding school, calling his name until Jay came to comfort her. And just when she calmed down after a few minutes and he was leaving she would try, unsurely, having thought about whether it was her place to say it many times, wondering if he would mind if she addressed him differently, to whisper "good night, dad", and then pretend to sleep because she would be afraid to see his reaction. Jay would be surprised of course, freezing for a few good minutes, speechless, and then he would say goodbye to her with a broken voice, and I think it would be obvious that he would be trying and failing to keep from crying out of emotion.
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