#theyre more like glass cannons
pikkish · 2 years
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it is once again rangerposting hours
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enden-k · 22 days
I know the ending of Grimm games stuff won’t be all sugar and fairytales with both the siblings alive but I still want to have some delusions of mine.
This delusion is Abel with Kaia on a mission which they have to act like a pair of notorious twins to gather info or smth. However, a situation pops up. Both of them have the twin telepathy thing to cause mischief and chaos ensues.
Basically anything that still shows their blood connection (because I adore twins and I’m heartbroken at what happened to the babies) and anything that lets them act like children again comfortably.
I absolutely love your beautiful art and your head cannons/rambles and your ocs I didn’t like Abel at first because of the clash between his teal hair and hot pink glasses but he’s adorable now
Bye bye!
Draw more youribel fluff please I beg of you
yea gg wont end pretty, more bittersweet thats why i did a few aus as smol extras (also so i can bring together some idiots who are doomed in main) - kaia and abel deserve to reconcile and heal together 😔👍 so yea theres def one where theyre just being normal twins, no impending doom or tragedy or anything djbd
its funny you disliked him bc of that bc abel intentionally dresses "bad" or weird - too big clothes or clashes or he fits stuff together that doesnt match at all. he also keeps various tinted glasses bc of his condition. glad to hear tho you dont dislike him anymore, also thanks for liking my stuff !!
i can draw more fluffy or domestic youribel outside of main story if ppl want jshxjs
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kkbardd · 1 year
so uhh i got summoned to asurei court, if anyone's interested in my testimony papers, theyre down below the cut. (aka my whole take on how i believe their dynamic would develop in cannon)
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asurei isn’t for everyone & its whole point is unhealthy dependence.. toxic yuri if u will.. anything resembling a healthy relationship would only be in one of the alt universes created by the 3rd impact 💀 rei and asuka both have what the other wants (whether it be the worth asuka puts on recognition of piloting skills or rei's desire to break from mindless obedience like asuka seems to do so easily.) They both hate and admire each other for this, and asuka specifically expresses this by lashing out at rei. asuka's whole relationship w lesbian comphet plays a HUGE role into all of this but let’s gloss over it for the time being. (now, with asurei u gotta get a bit delusional cuz cannon doesn’t give us much so from here on out is just my opinion on how it'd play out.)
in terms of rei's POV in this:
rei hates the attention they gets from men, and is especially disgusted by gendo's fake kindness. he sees rei as a replaceable doll and pushes yui's image on them. gendo has never actually seen rei for who they really are, and rei later begins to hate and despise not only gendo but themselves too. in the anime, rei is shown to have self destructive tendencies & suicidal ideation because not only are they constantly being replaced & having their memory wiped, but each time they forget any sort of emotion that they learn in the meantime. recall the scene in which rei, right after being "revived" and left with no memory, sees gendo's glasses. although they cant remember anything, its hinted that their "soul" still remembers and hates him. rei tries to break the glasses but in the end, they’re still unable to defy and break free from their situation. feeling frustrated and helpless, rei starts crying & remarks how this should be the first time they've experienced it but somehow it feels like its not. back to the present, reis acting very reckless in battle and basically using themselves as a meat shield. they're so full of self-hate, and seeing asuka's obvious inferiority to them just upsets them even more. why does she put so much worth on the one thing that acts like a plague to them? compared to these pointless test results on a screen, asuka has something so much more valuable. the ability to think for themselves, to not be someone's doll. asuka's inferiority is almost insulting. rei verbally lashes out at asuka in the elevator, showing defiance that they never knew they could produce. it felt almost liberating. they find that being around asuka gives them emotions that they've always longed for, no matter how ugly they may be. they soon find themselves seeking asuka out, and the inferiority that was once insulting became a means to control and keep her close. asuka, someone who was seemingly invincible and can roam free without care, has one weakness that causes her to crack and shatter from the slightest touch. and that weakness is none other than rei themselves. rei becomes possessive in a way that they've never known possible. so much so that a part of them starts to hate themselves, fearing they've become just like their abuser gendo. nonetheless, rei begins to value their life more. they become deathly afraid of dying & being replaced by some mindless clone that has forgotten everything they now know about asuka and themself.
now what is asuka doing in all of this?
asuka deals with a lot of comphet and its an integral part of her character, so much so that it doesn’t seem right to not mention it. but to quickly summarize, because of this she has a love-hate relationship with attention from men. she feels disgusted by it but gets extremely jealous when it seems like another girl might replace her. then comes rei. (now what most ppl don’t seem to notice is asuka didnt start off hating rei, she tried to be friends but ever since the beginning misato has ALWYAYS pitted them against each other. this of course led asuka to feeling threatened & seeing rei as an enemy. especially since it involves piloting ability, something that asuka sees as her whole point of living.) she begins to hate her because how can someone who is so good at piloting be so brainless and doll-like. that’s exactly what asuka was trying so hard to not become! in this aspect, rei's entire existence defies what asuka has tried so hard to believe in up to this point. her hate & inferiority towards rei is only made worse when she sees that they're not only being objectified by men, but are seemingly unbothered by it unlike asuka. rei is now constantly on her mind, and asuka starts to realize that what she's feeling towards them isn’t just hate. its around the time of the elevator scene that these confusing emotions and inferiorities are at their peak. right after this, asuka goes into battle & is ordered to be rei's backup. she defies this order but receives a mental attack from an angel that causes her to re-live all of her trauma & comphet issues. the person that saved her from this is none other than rei. at this point asuka is at an all-time low, and states that she'd rather be left for dead than saved by someone like rei. she’s still confused by her feelings towards rei, but right now her hatred and insecurity is taking priority. its right after this battle that her synchro rates plummet and she loses the #1 thing she based her life worth on. she then goes out to die in an abandoned building but is eventually retrieved by NERV. I believe that during this time alone, she’s also wallowing in her feelings for rei and coming to terms with a lot of comphet stuff, especially after that psychological attack. right after this the world like ends or whatever but lets forget that for now & extend time cuz the gays need it 🥰 .
rei and asuka at this point realize their feelings in one way or another, and there's a lot of tension in their conversations. asuka is at a very fragile point rn bc of all the stuff that just went on, and rei is unsure how to go about things, half due to their inexperience & half due to their fear of becoming like gendo. however, asuka realizes rei is acting different from before, and advances on them as a way of lashing out. but to her surprise rei is undefiant and actually willingly helpless in her hands. she feels a rush of superiority and is amused by how inexperienced rei is. she also realizes that unlike her previous experiences with men (like when she tried to kiss shinji but didnt want to see, smell, taste, or even feel it & had a mental breakdown afterwards lol ) she actually likes it!? the romantic/sexual affirmation that asuka has always wanted from men like kaji is being fulfilled by rei in a way that asuka feels completely in control & comfortable. she's not forcing herself or being objectified, but rather is taking the lead. this is something she never imagined possible before. and all of this is with rei to boot! the rei that, in asuka's eyes, has always looked down on her and been unobtainable is now melting in her hands like putty. there’s a sense of accomplishment she feels, which makes her want to push rei even more. she finally has authority and to make herself feel better, she takes it out on rei through advances like this. she goes further and further, and in an ironic way, uses intimacy as a form of self-harm. she feels shame and despises herself for doing such things with ill-intent, and with another woman at that. its a toxic relationship that tries to fill the hole in her heart, but only leads to a bigger one forming.
when asuka first advanced onto rei, they felt something unlike anything before. unlike when gendo would often touch their shoulder, rei didnt recoil from asuka's touch. rei also felt something similar to asuka, in that the person who always seemed unbound by anything in now giving them her undivided attention. the fact that this came from an act of anger didnt really bother rei, since they knew from the beginning that was one of the only ways to get asuka to even spare them a glance. rei would gladly become hated if it meant binding asuka to them. in a mix of touch-starvedness & unhealthy dependency on asuka, rei kept looking forward to any interacting with asuka, since it was what really made them feel alive. asuka slowly becomes rei's world and meaning for living, but they eventually realize that causes a great insecurity. asuka is independent and can go anywhere she wants if she feels like it. from rei's pov, asuka desperately wants attention from men, something that rei could never give her. rei's afraid that asuka will leave them, & to tie asuka down they play the role of a villain. rei keeps asuka feeling insecure by becoming what asuka envisioned them as, and slowly starts hacking away at asuka's Achille's heel. rei desperately uses the short time that asuka has given them to engrain themself into her, so much so that asuka would be nothing without them. rei cannot let asuka realize her worth for fear that she would leave them. rei notices that asuka enjoys seeing them helpless and plays the part, almost like a honeytrap. slowly tho I believe that rei starts to take control of the relationship in hopes of making asuka dependent on them.
Asurei is in no way a wholesome relationship, and ik that’s not for everyone.. my vision of a happy end for them would be both of them becoming comfortable in their relationship and finding that the actions they once used to express hatred for themselves and each other is now slowly becoming fueled by love and desire for each other. They form a very unhealthy co-dependence on each other, but for them it works. They cant envision a world without the other in it.
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pcktknife · 1 year
i have no idea about anything that happens in splatoon but can u please tell me about those two pearl and marina bitches theyre so funny
unfortunately for you its late so i will not be going into the full splatoon super fan mode for this explanation(lying).
Okay so Marina and Pearl are the idols for Splatoon 2 together they make the duo Off the Hook. Pearl raps (MC Princess) and Marina djs (DJ Hyperfresh). We actually know very little about Marinas past in comparison to other idols outside of her being a Very smart and capable soldier/engineer (she was building weapons of war dw abt it) but Pearl comes from a super unfathomably rich family and was a punk/metal singer prior to Off the Hook (her notable song from that time being called 'Fuckin Dudes Be Fuckin Sleepin' im not censoring that) Marina met Pearl after leaving the army, after some weeks gave her the demo for a song she made called Ebb & Flow and Pearl was like let's make music and that was their first song. (the full 'Fly Octo Fly ~ Ebb & Flow' sounds better to me personally but whatev) The idols from Splat 1 Callie and Marie (Squid Sisters) are I believe formally trained singers/dancers and in comparison Off the Hook were described as being naturally talented. Further while the Squidsters are meant to be rivals (represented by a Fox and Tanuki) Off the Hook are supposed to have an incredibly close and strong bond (represented by a Crane and a Turtle) the final splatfests for both of these games also reflect this (though ironically Rina and Pearl are also partially based on Biggie and Tupac) Pearl is the more brash and outgoing of the 2 where Marina is more shy. They have the most synergy of all the idols I think. It comes through in their music, art, and dialogue/interactions and that's what makes them so enjoyable <:] That's all I'm giving for lore but for fun facts outside of what I've already mentioned
Pearl's voice can cause shockwaves that cause mass destruction (in 'Fuckin Dudes Be Fuckin Sleepin' you can hear glass somewhere shatter at the end bc of this)
Marina likes to draw and makes shoujo manga (or has made at least one titled Dear Pearl)
Marina designed the collection of 24 splatfest stages/maps called Shifty Stations which use octarian tech as well as the Flooder (the Shifty Station stages are named after different western novels in english and shoujo manga in japanese)
Pearl has a custom weapon called the Princess Cannon (which aids in the previously mentioned mass destruction)
There's Off the Hook branded cereal and plushies in the splatooniverse
In jpn lyrics to Off the Hook's songs are written in katakana(Rina) and hiragana(Pearl) because in world they're singing in different languages. Some game dialogue is like this also.
Pearl just....eats mayonnaise
Pearl threatened to cut an old man after he was being specie-ist to Marina
Pearl designed Camp Triggerfish (another stage...its a campsite...lodge whatever) she also wrote it's jingle and her family owns it
Marina's suuuper into machinery and also has a motorcycle
Bonus track of them recording for 'Into the Light' featuring Pearl fucking up her rap
that's all I don't have anything else thats more specific bc I got into splatoon 2 late so I dont know Every little detail but i know a few
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scalproie · 3 days
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@zenyamin HELL YEAH I DO
Put them under a readmore bc even if I streamline their needlessly complicated lore, its still A Lot.
First group is bunch of miscellaneous vehicons left behind on earth after every cybertronian went home to cybertron, and they kinda stumble upon the enigma of combination, making them into a combiner. You have:
Jam (as in "Traffic Jam", vehicon, head)
TR-135 (vehicon, right arm (turn into blaster))
Overburden (miner vehicon, left arm (turn into a drill))
Ringer (eradicon (the flying ones), left leg)
Lacet (silver eradicon, right leg)
When combined theyre not very powerful but their strength resides in their crazy resiliance. They fight monstrous manifestations of Unicron who wanted to take advantage of the fact that every cybertronian allegedly left earth to plan his grand return by wiping out every living thing on his surface. He named them "Cannon Fodder".
Second group has a whole lore and setting so hold on:
Bots and Cons on hell moon
So it all starts with a decepticon scientist named Spin Glass who worked his entire life on one (1) project which is to create his own Emberstone after the one from Quintus Prime, Megatron recruited him back at the start of the war but after the severe lack of any result, he eventually send him to a very remote and hostile moon with a bunch of decepticon nobodies so he could get him outta his hands.
Eventually Optimus and the autobots came to know about the existence of said moon and the decepticon team on it so he send an equal bunch of autobot nobodies to keep the cons there in check.
The two teams came into contact and started fighting just as Spin Glass' Emberstone came to completion and its activation resulted in two things:
It destroyed the transmission tower of the moon, stranding the two teams there until its either restored and they can send a distress signals to their respective sides, or until someone from the decepticon or autobot gets worried about the lack of news from the moon teams (this will not happen)
Everybody acquired a power from a specific Prime, split into two for each side:
Spin Glass (con) and Quick-fix (bot) got Quintus Prime's magno-telekinesis and are able to channel Spin Glass' Emberstone to heal their allies.
Spin Glass is the leader of the decepticon team and the main scientist, he tries to keep his new god complex and his frustration about the stupidity of everyone on this moon, esp his team he has to relunctantly fix, in check, but to his credit he is arguably the strongest cybertronian there.
Quick-fix is the autobot team's medic, her magno-telekinesis is honestly nothing compared to Spin Glass', but she doesnt let it get to her (it pisses her off so bad). She can channel the Emberstone much better and from almost anywhere tho, and it had made her an incredible healer.
Tideturner (con) and Perihelion (bot) each got one half of Prima's Star Saber.
Perihelion is the leader of the autobot team and refuses to admit she might be a little out of her depth, and her denial is fueled by the need to prove her worth. She is by far the better swordmaster here and has a better handling of her half of the Star Saber.
Tideturner is a con soldier who loves challenges but hates defeat, he's a very sore loser and an even more infuriating winner.
Pulstar (con) and Pharos (bot) have a mild control over time and space that they got from Vector Prime, they use it to reach incredible speed.
Pulstar knew Spin Glass the longest and is the closest thing he might have to a friend if Spin Glass had any of those. Pulstar has something Spin Glass severely lacks: enormous charisma, and bc of that, Pulstar is on somewhat good terms with everyone on his team and is the major reason why it hasnt imploded yet. He's the unofficial SiC.
Pharos is a regular bot soldier and ever since hes had those powers, he's obsessed with finding out its limits, like lightspeed.
Balefire (con) and Aphelion (bot) can make clouds of the paralyzing toxin that was in Liege Maximo's liegian darts.
Aphelion is the "spark sister" of Perihelion and the autobot team's SiC. She is very worried and insecure about having received the power of the most treachorous Prime and what it could mean for the relationship between her and her sister/team.
Balefire used to be the most nobody of nobodies con soldiers and his new powers got to his head VERY fast.
Makeshift (con) and Presage (bot) gained the ability to transform into anybody effortlessly just like Amalgamous Prime.
Makeshift (yes that one) was already a shifting spy before this ordeal but with a lot of technical setbacks, so this new development and power made their job EXPONENTIALLY much easier. They have BY FAR the best handling of their new power out of anyone on the moon, including Spin Glass. They are even able to manifest Amalgamous' scythe seemingly out of nowhere.
Presage used to be an actor pre-war before having to join the autobot's side. Thanks to his new power, he is very excited to be able to flex his acting muscles and fool those uncouth cons into provinding intel for his team.
Short Fuse (con) and Atomizer (bot) inherited Alchemist Prime's lenses that allows them to see incredibly far, but also to scan for hidden energon, to see thru walls for a bit, and to see through Presage and Makeshift's disguises.
Atomizer (yes that one) is the one who is the most pissed about being stranded on this moon, and the godly powers he received are barely compensation, but he does have to admit that he is a much more deadlier archer/sniper now. Perihelion has to butter him up about him one of the most vital member of this team. He has a particularly active rivalry with Makeshift.
Short Fuse is the con sniper and he FUCKING HATES people. He will spend almost the entirety of the fights in a completely different location shooting bots from far away. Outside of fights he almost hides away in his own base and WILL physically attack you if you come near him. He tolerates Pulstar a bit.
Snap Out (con) and Coil (bot) are able to make almost any invention possible thanks to Solus Prime's power.
Coil was very happy to be a nobody bot during the war bc he hates violence and has a severe self-esteem problem. He uses his new power almost exclusively to create defensive devices to help his team. Spin Glass is particularly interested in him bc outside of himself, Coil is the only one able to fix the transmission tower.
Snap Out was the one who was most mentally affected by getting her power, she creates exclusively weapons for herself and treat them as if they were alive, calling herself their "mother". Despite that, they break very quickly and she has no grief over it. Spin Glass refuses to work with her bc he thinks she's crazy.
Sidewinder (con) and Stormweaver (bot) had their alt-mod upgraded into mythical creatures to reflect Onyx Prime. They can access aspects of his triptych mask, with the exception of mournsong.
Sidewinder can now turn into a western dragon with a lot of firepower. Out of the three aspects of the mask, the one he uses the most is predator and he now bases his new personality around the hunt. Sometimes he refuses to go back to his robot alt-mode. His team thinks he's cringe.
Stormweaver can now turn into an eastern dragon with lightning control. Out of the three aspects of the mask, the one he uses the most is farsight, and he mostly does it to try and predict the very hostile weather of the moon.
Lift Off (con) and Hardwire (bot) got the strength, arsenal and general tankiness of Megatronus Prime. They also have limited access to the requiem blaster and are mostly fighting for control over it.
Hardwire is the ONLY ONE out of the 18 bots on the moon to have a little admiration for the moon they're on. He secretly documents the environment around him. He is the main pillar of support for his team and is likely the one reason they don't all lose it.
Lift Off is a mean girl in the body of a massive tank. She thinks very high of herself and has now the power to back it up. She WILL try to get a rise out of people just to see what happens, Pulstar's the only one who's immune to it.
They mostly fight over the transmission tower, as the first one to hold onto the position and fix it will be the one who'll be able to first call their faction's leaders. Usually when a team make a little bit of progress on it, the other team come destroy it.
They COULD work together to fix it but Spin Glass wants to rub his scientific success rrrrrreally hard in Shockwave's face and Perihelion wants to show Optimus that she can be an Autobot team leader hero without help from anybody.
When they're not fighting over the transmission tower or in other various locations, they're fighting against the moon itself that seems even more hostile than before ever since Spin Glass activated his Emberstone, so now the moon throws at them storms, meteors, energon blackouts, and other deadly stuff they might even have to work together to survive.
And if you read all this and think "hey wait a minute isnt that..." you would be 100% right and it is 100% on purpose
Now what are YOUR tf OCs 🫵
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homestuck-iconz · 1 year
can both mods rate a few ~ships~ i have???? smile -jadenep -arajade -arasol -jadekat -vriskan -daverezi idk theyre random ones i thought up on the spot except arasol for obvious reasons & jadenep -moon anon
Hihi!!! Mod rose starting off here.
Jadenep - 9/10, what kind of crack did hussie put in WLW ships in homestuck? Like actually I don't think I super hate most of them which is super weird????? ANYWAY JADENEP THEYRE BOTH SUPER SILLY I THINK THEYD DRAW FURSONAS TOGETHER
Arajade - 9/10, they could have a VERY funny dynamic [but when doesnt aradia have a funny dynamic w someone in a ship? Never]
Arasol - I've rated it before, heres what I said then with a few addons to be more on topic: 7/10, it cute and i can appreciate the angst, but they kinda have 'dated in middle school for awhile' vibes? and the fanbase [spesifically, fic writers] really soured it for me?? its cute though. Also I think Aradia either works better shipped with other characters or just straight up on her own.
Jadekat - 7/10, There's some cannon precident for this iirc??? It's plenty cute, but if I was going to ship them it'd be pitch. I think that could be the funnest. Nothing wrong with it, nothing to particularly write home about either.
Vriskan - 4/10, Can be cute but I feel like people ignore the fact that they broke up for SUPER valid reasons and that Kanaya doesn't have to be boiled down to Liking Vriska or Liking Rose. Pesterquest is SUPER guilty of this for example. Not the worst ship out there but It's not my favorite by a long shot either.
Daverezi - 8/10, anyone who says they never shipped them at all is a damn lier. Though I do perfer terezi in wlw ships, they have a special place in my heart as THE middle school couple who broke up but are still besties
and mod dave finishing it with my opinions
jadenep: 9/10, haven't got much to add, had the exact same 'fursona maker' thought as rose and just cat x dog is very funny to me (possibly pitch to reference the cat and dog thing... could b cool...)
arajade: 7/10, they both have that kinda whimsical vibe and i think they would enjoy hanging out together. i dont think i could see them in a relationship though because they both have abandonment issues in opposite directions
arasol: 1/10, i know i've rated this before and i might've been nicer then but i hate this, specifically pale. i don't even enjoy the angst. the one point is for the fact that the scene after aradia explodes with sollux taking his glasses off and crying is my alltime favourite homestuck panel
jadekat: 5/10, i prefer them more as friends because i can't see jade getting into a relationship with someone who she literally had to auspice with himself. i do think they're besties though, she pulls him out of his own ass when he gets in too deep.
vriskan: 2/10 yeahh like rose said, they broke up for really valid reasons and as much development vriska could go through i dont think she could reach a point where she would make a good partner to literally anyone other than egbert and terezi
daverezi: 8/10, i'm a damn liar guys. as high as i'm rating them, i don't ship them and i would never go out of my way to search for content or read fics. that being said their dynamic is fucking hilarious and i love them as best friends in fics who dated and never acknowledge it except to make fun of each other for how low their standards are.
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thewiglesswonder · 2 years
tfa waspinator vs tfa soundwave? (I wanna see the skrunkly babies fight, but honestly theyre from the same faction (and soundwave IS megatrons lil baby boy) so they might not fight too bad)
//they mutually stop the fight to battle sari instead
Well, first thing’s first: Soundwave, in TFA at least, has always been more than a little bit of a glass cannon. He has been able to become a legitimate threat to the Autobots and their allies, but always through means other than direct physical fighting. For example, in his first appearance, he turned the machines of Detroit to his side and used them to fight Team Prime, only to be taken out in one hit by Bulkhead. In Human Error, all of his power was magnified in the mindscape, and only called for the Substitute Autobots to fight the Autobots he controlled. Again, he was taken out in one hit by Optimus. So, absent of puppets or machines to control, I’m already not liking Soundwave’s fighting capacity.
Waspinator, on the other hand— he has absolutely no limits. He is fully feral. He has nothing to lose. I’m pretty sure if he hasn’t fully lost his mind by the end of Predacons Rising, he’d be pretty damn close at the point when this fight would take place. He’s bigger, stronger, with less limits and more firepower than Soundwave, not to mention he’s more durable. He could pop off one of his own arms and use it as a melee weapon. Soundwave’s mind control might not even work on him, given that Waspinator is techno-organic. Waspinator would absolutely body Soundwave and not even think twice about it.
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chaoxfix · 2 years
5 lore/weird sonic worldbuilding things id still love to write designated, specific fics for
rings as temporary invulnerability, not a traditional power-up. in the end, it doesnt matter if you have a ton of them... you just need one and you're invulnerable. commodifying them into the economy is actually super fucked up if this is straight up what gives mobians the ability to stand up to evil trying to pollute their lands and force them into submission.
going super is a glass cannon situation, in which the amount of power it takes is super dangerous to the body. (its literally described as turning into lightning in sa1.) it has to be mixed with at least one ring because otherwise you'll lose invulnerability and be at the mercy of the power coursing through the transformation. you only need 50 to start out with because otherwise there's no chance in hell of beating the big bad before you lose your invulnerability.
just the general idea of sonics apartment. i just think the people of (new) station square would want him to have an apartment nearby. would feel safer with him there. sonic needs a place to store all his merch and fanmail anyway. why not. (also a nice place to recover from battles he didn't walk away scot free from so he wont worry his friends<3)
sonics planet houses mystical energy and was a beacon to several different alien species to try and colonize it. mobians (sonic-type species) were the original inhabitants, followed by chao, followed by humans. humans terraformed it to add oxygen, this is why mobians can 'breathe' in space. when terraforming it, they made it more earth-like but weren't able to get rid of all the natural formations like loop-de-loops. i think it lends itself well to how sonic is such an environmentalist series. if it's taking place on a planet that's trying so hard to thrive with so many other species coming in and trying to corrupt/change/colonize it, well, of course sonic's species is going to be protective of what little remains of their original planet.
sonic 'needing' a boost from wisps? super weird from a lore perspective. my opinion is sonic's using wisps in sonic colors as a way to help them help themselves so that each wisp can play a role in their own liberation and the liberation of their people (which ties in nicely with the animated short). however, in sonic forces, theyre returning the favor, and sonic's leaning so heavily on them because he's not at 100% after being held captive for 6 months.
to clarify these aren't things that are like, fully spelled out in canon, just with a lot of information to suggest it might be the lore-behind-the-scenes. just things that i wish were canon. and am probably going to figure out plots for.
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jewishsuperfam · 3 years
man what if imogen or laudna is the first character to be revivified in cr3
imagine the ANGST of that ritual
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olivyh · 2 years
TWST CHARACTER HC PT 2: Octavinelle and Scarabia
TW: Eating disorders, assassination attempts, absent parents, general twst boy trauma
-Mommas boy 100%
-Cannot take good pictures to save his life. Whenever he sends a picture of a new dish to Jade and Floyd its so blurry neither of them can tell what it is
-Also is the kind of guy to ask “has anyone seen my glasses?” when they’re on top of his head
-Same thing with his pen, which is almost always still in his hand
-Has a hard time getting out of his businessman persona, and often just gives up completely and carries it on through every aspect of his life
-He has a hard time showing affection due to this
-Gets nightmares from when he was a kid, and they lead to him making an even stricter diet and studying despite his brain and body literally shutting down. The tweels have to step in before it gets too bad
-Before the bullying started, he genuinely loved his merform because he grew up watching his mother be able to do multiple things at once with her tentacles
-He doesn’t talk to his biological father anymore, and often times talks himself out of contacting him
-He didn’t discover his UM, he developed it after his parents marriage! He looks up to his stepfather a lot, which led to him trying to mimic his own lawyer contracts (is that a thing? it sounds like a thing. lawyers pls confirm)
-Is a huge blanket hog, can and will steal every blanket in the vicinity
-Cant watch horror movies at all, he gets too freaked out
-Will nonstop talk when hes scared
-Has the hardest time walking out of the Octatrio, and often relies on his cane or broom to help him get around
-Also doesnt know how to dress himself, he has to look it up online and match models in the magazines he keeps in his office
-Idk if this is canon or not, i think it was just mentioned, but he doesnt actually need his glasses because his vision is bad. (Just looked it up, it is cannon!) They do, however, protect his eyes from the light hes not used to at the bottom of the ocean
-He has stretch marks, even in his human form. In his merform theyre a lighter purple than his torso!
-Sings when he cooks
-Has more moles all over his body! Theyre like the one on his face, but all over!
-Despite his efforts, he still has somewhat of a baby face (only somewhat!!), he cant figure out how to change it
-Gets very upset and sulks when people don’t indulge in his interests
-He also tends to be pushed to the back behind Floyd most of the time, seeing as he’s the introverted twin. He never thought it bothered him until people would recognize his brother before him. They used to be called “Floyd and Jade”, and Floyd was the one who told them to switch the names around to make his brother feel better
-He gets very panicky when he’s on hikes by himself, especially when he goes into the mountains and he looks down. When this happens, he either calls someone or brings them with him
-He chokes a lot. Just, a silly little thought, since drinking underwater is nonexistent, he doesn’t quite understand how to, so it goes down the wrong pipe almost all the time
-Whenhe genuinely laughs, he snorts. His brother makes fun of him for it all the time
-Also the kind to chew on things absentmindedly, which isn’t something anyone would imagine THIS Leech doing, but he does
-He was the one who pierced their ears, and he has a bite on his arm still from when Floyd chomped him the second the needle pierced his ear fin
-He has a lot of scars from Floyd biting him, actually
-Where Floyd bites during fights, Jade kicks (or uses his tail as leverage to throw his twin)
-Always got the smaller half of the room
-Loves clean things, always argues with Floyd when he leaves his stuff all over their room
-No matter how much he threatens though, he will not move into one of the spare rooms of their mermansion
-He has to share with Floyd
-For logistical reasons, yknow?
-Sleeps like a rock, nobody can move or wake him. Sometimes Floyd thinks hes dead with how still he gets
-As much as he enjoys hiking, he finds the hygiene part of it unpleasant. Being from the ocean, hes unused to having sweat, dust, and dirt coat his skin which happens a lot during hikes! He often takes a swim in a nearby lake before going to bed during these trips
-Couldnt figure out how to set up a tent the first time. He decided to leave the tent unopened and sleep on the ground
-Gets the worst back pain out of the three. Azul tries to correct his posture, Floyd is active, but Jade gets too involved in his terrariums and drawing that he doesnt realize how hunched he gets
-He is also, despite trying his best with botanical sketches, is not the best artist. He tries! He puts in a lot of effort to draw his brother and Azul, but he can only seem to draw one species of mushroom, and thats just barely
-Dont let him see that Floyd keeps all of the drawings that he either gives him or just leaves around their room
-He gets genuinely upset when people think of him as being less than Jade and it always caused a little bit of insecurity on his part
-He squeezes people because he read that humans use it as a greeting, and he wanted to try it out. He didnt understand why people get so scared of him over it. He eventually gave up and realized his wrongdoings, but said fuck it and carried on anyways
-He sleeps naked. I will not elaborate.
-He also accidentally flashes people, all the time
-Well, sometimes accidentally
-He will turn into his eel form and swim around any body of water nearby, be it the nearby pond on school grounds, Mostro’s aquarium, or, much to Jamil’s dismay, Scarabia’s fountain
-Gets hurt a lot, is the kind to fight off any kind of healing and complain when everything hurts (ex: the knight/guardian of the woods scene from monty python)
-He finds affection weird when returned, he’s so used to people trying to get out of his grip or panicking when he hugs them that when it get returned he just,,, shuts down
-He has a hard time communicating how he feels, which ends up in him throwing fits so often. Only a handful of people can help him say what he wants to say
-He also cries a lot, which not a lot of people see
-Hes frustrated all the time, about school, work, his brother, Azul, those dumb guppies who call him weird, it all builds up
-Afraid of needles
-I also will not elaborate
-He falls off his bed all. the damn. time. Its all calm and peaceful until one night Jade awakes to a THUNK followed by a loud, pained, lightly muffled, “FUCK”
-Which also happened underwater, except he’s just kinda… floats out of bed (er… shell?)
-Like Azul, he sings AND dances when he cooks! Hes flinging food everywhere and making a mess but hey! Hes having fun!
-Hands down the best cook out of the trio, and the best barista too!
-Enjoys hiking with Jade, even though he ends up annoyed with Jade due to being more athletic than his brother, and therefore faster (he also doesnt like being stopped every five seconds to look at a new plant)
-He grinds his teeth a lot as a nervous habit. Chewing on candy stops it
-Misses the ocean the worst out out of the three, and gets miserable when he thinks about it too much
-As much as they joke, they genuinely think of Azul like their younger brother and are nearly if not as protective of him as they are each other
-Have a hard time sleeping in separate rooms, as they’ve always slept in the same room since before they were hatched
-They were very small eel babies! They shared the same egg, so a lot of their nutrients were split between the two of them. (itty bitty iddle dudes <3)
-They also have a hard time seeing out of their grey eye, which leads to them being somewhat on guard whenever they’re around anyone else besides themselves and Azul
-I feel like they’ve also been almost assassinated before, considering that their parent’s “business” seems very dangerous and, considering they’re the only children, they’re the heirs to said business. This could also be why they try to appear and act as intimidating as possible
-Their stripes in their eel forms glow in the dark. They’re bioluminescent!!!!
-They used to switch around their names so often as children (“Hey Jade come here” “I’m not Jade” ((he most certainly was Jade pretending to be Floyd))) that they forgot which one was which during a certain point of time in their childhood. Their parents were the ones who told them to put their black strands of hair on opposite sides of their faces
-Also given the whole fish mafia thingy, I think they grew up seeing a lot of terrible things, making them desensitized to violence. They get upset when they see how happy and innocent other children seem to be
-They talk with a slight lisp due to their teeth getting in the way. Jade hides it better than Floyd
-They do the thing where they speak at the same time all the time, also a cause of their many fights
-They’re not immune to dumb sibling bets
-They both sleepwalk, which is terrifying to anyone who may come across their path
-When one is sick, the other isnt. Theyre never sick at the same time
-Have many, many secrets that they will take to their grave with them- most of them being dumb things they broke as kids and vowed to never let their parents find out
-Their parents did find out of course, but theyd never rat the other out
-He definitely has the best sense of humor out of all the cast, zero hesitation will say what’s on his mind or whatever one liner he can think of (Hes also shows some traits of the genie, like in the freedom and wanting to travel so ofc he gets the humor)
-His hair is his pride and joy, and always has been. It’s been the one thing he’s had control of in his life (also prob a canon thing that im too lazy to google)
-Najma cut it once when they were kids, they still argue about it (Even though sometimes, he cuts a small piece of his hair shorter as a weird way to honor her when he gets homesick)
-Even though he doesnt have the best relationship with his parents, his little sister is his pride and joy, even if he’d never tell her. Insanely protective of Najma, and always wants to do little things to make her happy or her life easier
-Just wants to be a good big brother (and parental figure, since his parents were more focused on the Al-Asims than the two of them)
-A Caffeine Fiend, dude lives off iced coffee and energy drinks, it’s a borderline addiction at this point
-He makes good coffee though, which is a plus
-Makes the funniest facial expressions when he thinks nobodys looking like over exaggerated, dramatic, rolling-eyes expressions (again, influence from the genie being himself)
-He shit talks bugs when he finds them, trying to intimidate them (“You gonna hide on the ceiling where I can’t reach? Fuckin’ coward. You’re scared of me and you know it. I’m a powerful magician, you hear me?” *bug drops from ceiling* “*inhuman screech followed by heavy footsteps* NAJMA BUG NOW”)(hes very loud)
-The only bugs he can tolerate are butterflies, and that’s just barely
-He’s mischievous, and will often do little childish things when he thinks nobodys looking (like hiding snacks he wants to eat later, flipping little things upside down to see how long itd take someone to notice, etc etc)
-He cannot live without his hoodie. It’s his safe space. If anyone touches, breathes on, or even LOOKS at it for too long, he will glare at you until you feel your soul being judged
-Still has some of his old hoodies like that, being worn until they were literal threads
-Really into any kind of sports, not just basketball. Volleyball? Hell yeah. Baseball? Sign him up. Tennis? Sure. Shuffleboarding? Odd, but he’s not against it
-Except ice skating. Do not take this man ice skating. For a dancer, his balance on skates is next to none
-Also sneezes like a grown man. Like, scream sneezes
-He takes melatonin to sleep, he gets so worked up from making lists of what he needs to complete that he finds it hard to stay still for long
-talks in his sleep, like, full convos with himself.
-Discovered his UM one day when Najma was making fun of him and wouldn’t stop, so he forced her to shut up. She doesn’t remember, but he still feels guilty about it sometimes
-Aside from hiding in a pot, he would also store things that he wanted in there as a child!
-As we know, he was a troublemaker as a child, which sometimes reflects in the way he plays basketball
-Is actually a lot smarter than he looks. After being trained to run a company his whole life, he knows a few tricks to keep things running smoothly.
-Has to have music playing from his phone at night and some lights on because he has a hard time sleeping, he is very afraid of someone trying to hurt him in his sleep
-Has terrible anxiety, though nobody would ever guess it. After having lived through who knows how many assassination attempts, it starts to take a toll on you.
-At some point, he took to sleeping in his closet as a child because he felt it would be safer
-Doesn’t understand why people get upset when he spends a lot, has a hard time understanding the class differences
-Just starts singing and dancing when he does little tasks. Whether he’s doing his homework, doing his dorm duties, or even in the middle of a conversation
-Cuts his own hair, much to Jamil’s chagrin. He’s not too terrible at it (similar to Jamil, its a way for him to control something for once in his life)
-Feels the stress of having to take over his family’s business every waking moment, and it makes him sick to his stomach
-His hands shake a lot, which not a lot of people see bc of how much he moves and bounces around
-Plans to free Jamil the second he turns 18
-Blames himself for Jamil’s overblot, and beats himself up over the fact that he never noticed anything was wrong
-I feel like, given that the Al-Asim family has a lot of heirs as back-ups (which is pretty fucked if you think abt it too much, esp considering other royals in NRC don’t have the same issue), I think Kalim feels resigned to his fate of being replaced if anything were to happen to him, and he resented his younger siblings for it when he was a child
-Runs into things constantly. He just doesn’t look where he’s going, ever
-Good at playing a lot of different instruments! He also writes some of his own songs in his free time. I feel like he would want to be a musician, seeing as he has the sociable, welcoming personality, but he has to take over the business so that would get in the way
-Treats the magic carpet like it’s his brother. It would also follow him around when he was a baby, pushing servants out of the way and taking over the guardian role instead
-Poor carpet has seen many, many things
-He’s a hopeless romantic, having grown up with the story of Aladdin (I forget what they call it in TWST). He was in a similar position as Jasmine growing up, so he was hoping someone could give him some freedom to do what he wanted
-Kalim and Ruggie are fairly close in the manga, so I like to think that he tries to help out the poor in his home country more often after meeting and getting to know the hyena
-Gets very emotional at movies, no matter the genre
-Also talks during movies, and yells at the screen
-Stress eats like it’s nobody’s business, like, shoveling handfuls of food down his throat while trying to power through some hw
-I think he’d be a little pudgy. I know hes vv active with dance but most likely if you live that lavish of a lifestyle, you’re gonna be eating a lot of good food. Not good for you necessarily, but good tasting! Also the sultan in Aladdin was chubby, so it would also just be in his genetics! (even if theyre not related… hes based off him!)
-I also enjoy the concept quite a bit
-Methinks its cute (but I do switch between him being lanky and pudgy quite a bit when I draw him)
-He loves tattoos, and would get more once hes older!
-Also loves piercings, and has had to been talked out of getting more on his face many times before (He got a nose ring and eyebrow piercing in secret- the eyebrow one closed up a long time ago, but he sneaks piercings in the nose ring so it doesnt close up when everyone goes to sleep)
-He gets giggly sleepy, like laughing over anything and everything
-He cries when he laughs too, its on instinct
-Discovered his UM when he was stressed and locked himself away for a moment to cry, and then flooded his room on accident
I wish i did more for the Scarabia boys </33 their story and lore was my favorite out of all of it (the other being heartslabyuls!) I ALSO ADORED THE SCALDING SANDS EVENT AND WANT A RERUN SO I CAN GET THE JAMIL CARD I DIDNT GET LAST TIME <<//3333
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spookysweet-heart · 2 years
Nancy Wheeler with a Visually Impaired Partner
As a Visually Impaired person I thought this would be cute to write. This doesn’t represent every Blind or Visually Impaired person. I‘m just writing my own experience with my disability for these head-cannons.
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Nancy first sees you when you walk into the school's newspaper room accidentally.
"O-oh!  So sorry! Uh, I've been trying to find the counselor's office."
One of the students shouts out where it is but Nancy notices your white cane and instantly says she'll take you there herself.
"Thank you so much. My eyes are giving me a hard time this morning so theyre pretty sensitive and I had to resort to using my cane again."
"It's no problem, Im Nancy by the way. Nancy Wheeler."
"Nice to meet you, Nancy! Im (Y/n) (L/n)."
"Nice to meet you too. You said your eyes are sensitive? Can you still see?"
"Yeah to an extent. I just have low vision so I have to use a magnifying glass to read things or use my cane to help guide me when my eyes become sensitive to light."
Nancy nods and smiles stopping at one of the doors in the hallway. "Here's the counselor's office. If you need anything else I'd be happy to help."
You smile in her direction and nod "Actually, would it be okay if I sat with you during lunch? Being new is a little scary and you seem nice."
"Of course!  What class do you have before lunch?"
"Math with Ms. London."
"Looks like we have that class together. You can sit next to me if you'd like."
"That'd be great!"
After that day you and Nancy became close friends at first. She helped you in Math while you helped her in English. You told her despite your disability you have a passion for writing.
The day Nancy figures out that she likes you as more than a friend is when you two were hanging out at her place and you asked her to read you a new book you had got from the library the day before.
She was happy to read to you since she knew you were either tired or didn't want to use your magnifying glass.
You had laid your head on her lap and were excited to get into another great story but you couldn't help but fall asleep with how soft and cozy it felt to hear Nancy read to you.
Nancy realized you were asleep when she heard your soft snores. Smiling to herself, she put a bookmark where she left off and put the book aside on her nightstand.
Gently playing with your hair Nancy felt her cheeks get warm noticing that familiar feeling.
She asked you out the next week. You were all she could think about while trying to sort out her feelings.
Nancy is super sweet. She's always looking out for you.
She stands up for you when someone stares too long or says something about your cane or you in general if you take too long to do something because you're not able to see what's in front of you. 
She loves taking you out to drive-ins for movie dates.
She will cook dinner for you whenever she can and always gets excited when you cook for her. She especially loves when you bake for her. She says your cookies are the best and great when she needs a pick me up.
She doesn't mind if she needs to drive you around it gives her excuses to spend more time with you
Study dates are a must when exams are around. She's very understanding when you need to take breaks or stop for the day when your eyes get sore from studying so much.
Loves going shopping with you.
You two pick out some outfits for each other. Or just love trying on clothes with each other.
Nancy finds it relaxing and fun to do your make-up when she has the time.
Once chewed out Mike for being disrespectful when he commented about your cane and said you were the school's freak the first time you went over to her place for dinner.
Nancy's love language is quality time, gift giving, and touch.
Always loves spending time with you whenever she can. Again she doesn't mind driving you around or having your arm around hers when you need that little bit of guidance while walking around the mall.
Nancy buys you gifts, whether it's your birthday, Christmas, or just because she saw something you needed or reminded her of you.
You know Nancy is very vocal but in the moments when it's just you and her, she's mostly quiet and shows how she feels with physical touch. Squeezing your hand, light kisses, hugging, or holding you against her.
Overall Nancy loves the relationship you both built together.
She loves reading the stories you come up with in your free time. She thinks you're creative and is proud of you when you submit your stories to local contests.
You won't admit it but whenever you get a new book from the library you always ask Nancy to read it to you. Not because your eyes hurt or theyre tired but because you love hearing her voice.
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I can’t believe that this is an actual truthful thing I’m going to say, but someone has managed to make a build that, I shit you fucking not, one-shots the Fire Giant. You know, the boss with 43,000+ health? True, the cutscene still plays before the health bar empties, but then the health bar empties the moment it ends. Just how much power have Souls players got that a boss with that much health is now able to one-shorted with the right build?
Lmao that actually doesn't surprise me at all. One-shotting bosses has been a challenge that souls players loved since the early days of the series, and has only gotten more popular since. Just check out bloodborne and ds3 challenges because theyre fucking insane to watch
Really the thing with these builds is to calculate out just how much you can maximize being a glass cannon with buffs, so their only use is to one-shot a boss, meaning that they're not the optimal way to play normally like, at all. But they're fun to watch and probably pretty satisfying to create, which is why doing 43,000 health in one blow is a thing that happens
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jackalcpe · 2 years
KH OC WEEK | DAY 5 - NOBODY @khoc-week​
day one | day two | day three | day four | day five | day six | day seven holly’s relationship chart | tiny’s relationship chart
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i was originally going to do the actual prompt for today but i...well i didnt finish writing what i wanted to in time. i didn’t like it that much anyway so its not a total loss. so instead, today i’m going to be talking about my nobody!holly au!
in this au, instead of escaping radiant garden during its fall to darkness, apprentice xehanort kills her just like the rest of the apprentices. he also ends up blinding her in the process.
since her plant-manipulation comes from her being a nymph, becoming a nobody just kind of. gave her a massive healing boost. because of this she’s basically treated like org xii’s glorified doctor. she rarely leaves the castle unless she’s accompanying someone, because even though shes still a powerful fighter shes…a bit of a glass cannon and xemnas isn’t willing to risk losing their only good healer.
shes a lot more . subdued as a nobody. not only bc nobody = no emotion but being in the organization and forced to work for xemnas makes her incredible drained. but its not all bad! xemnas lets them keep a bunch of plants in their room and axel brings them back trinkets n treats from his missions.
everyone has a deep respect for them as well. partially bc of their healing prowess and also bc some of them (read: demyx) feel like if they DONT respect hyxoll theyll refuse to heal them. which they would never do. theyre not THAT cruel
and hyxoll makes sure that respect is returned in full. she has a pretty decent relationship with almost everyone in the organization and establishes a mutual sense of trust. that trust sometimes leads to secrets being spilled while shes healing them. and those secrets SOMEHOW find their way back to saix…
she does not go on missions, ever, but she does go on occasional supply runs. meaning she needs more plants in her personal garden and she convinces saix to let her take one or two members to help her gather more. it's the highlight of her day.
i know what ur wondering. “where’s tiny in this au if holly isnt in traverse town to help him?” simple! since holly straight up dies in this au, that means her aunt lenore is alive and well! lenore essentially takes holly’s original role in the story but she’s a lot more uh. mature i suppose. lenore is the one who takes tiny in and she’s also kind of a pseudo-mentor to leon. i like her a lot.
more hyxoll hcs under the cut just bc i think they’re neat
during the very early days of the organization, vexen had to constantly tend to hyxoll's face wounds as she was in constantly agony. unfortunately he wasn't able to save any of her eyesight but it did prepare him later on for when saix got his face scar
hyxoll was also attached to axel and saix by the hip during the early days, mostly bc of her blindness but also bc she was scared that if she wasn't near them she would lose them forever and wouldnt be able to find them again
speaking of vexen, after hyxoll discovered her advanced healing powers, he helped her hone them and taught her more advanced medicine and first aid. the two of them ended up bonding bc of all this and hyxoll was really upset after learning of his death at castle oblivion
back to hyxoll's face scars. even though they're healed sometimes she gets bad phantom pains and needs someone to apply cooling salve to her scars. most of the time she gets axel to do it or saix if axel's out on a mission, but sometimes she has to rope the other members into doing. she likes it when marluxia does it bc he smells nice n he's quiet, which is more than she can say for the others (read: demyx)
xigbar and hyxoll are actually decent friends and have very normal conversations together and it freaks everyone out sosososo much.
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zanguntsu · 2 years
trying to do sketches and im trying to combine league skin designs and bbs style sort of but its so apparent how different the design process is. bbs tends to be less concerned about perserving the characters main abilities (christmas skins, giving orihime fans in one skin giving ichigo bows etc) while league HAS to have the same weapons such as senna having to have a big fucking cannon in every skin line. moreover league skins are silhouette focused because they need readability so they cannot change too much about the characters silhouette (cant put senna in a big ballgown bc it interferes with her silhouette) while bbs has no real concerns about that who cares but unohana in that steampunk dress
but league only needs to keep the silhouette and nothing else that intrudes on the original model so they can also go bonkers they can give a character blue hair in one skin and red in another they can even give short hair they can give an eyepatch just because different eye colors? sure why not. give glasses give a face turn the hair into a cape etc etc like odyssey sona vs sg sona theyre wildly different looks but they still are the same character bc theres more freedom in that. compared to bbs where the characters have to stay the same you cannot put like red hair on spirit society gin and shit like that IDK its interesting to compare processes
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amuelia · 3 years
Got any fun Woose head cannons bouncing around in your head ? :) or about anyone else. you have such neat insight into asoiaf and I love reading it
Hello, thank you that's so flattering! 🥺❤ I'm glad you enjoy my meta posts!
I do have many Woose headcanons :D I am going to try and focus this post more on headcanons that i can somewhat closely support by text, so i'm sorry if i mentioned some of these already!
Since Domeric squired in the Vale under Lord Redfort, i headcanon that Roose' mother was a Redfort as well since that would explain the connection the easiest... The way Roose talks about Lord Redfort doesn't necessarily sound like theyre close or related, but that might just be to keep the information simple for the reader. Either way we will likely find out in Sansa's tWoW Vale plot how that connection came to be, since she will probably interact with relevant characters like Mychel Redfort.
[Domeric] served four years as Lady Dustin's page, and three in the Vale as a squire to Lord Redfort. [...] Redfort said he showed great promise in the lists. - Reek III, aDwD
Roose not only has a son who loves horses, but he himself also has some quotes alluding to him liking to ride and being knowledgable about horses, which makes me hc that Roose is an able rider as well; So Domeric would get it from both sides of the family (explaining why he's such a horse boy). This hc is inspired by analysis from Bran Vras
"...on our way back to the Dreadfort my favorite courser came up lame..." - Reek III, aDwD
"The clans of the northern hills come with him on their shaggy runtish horses. " - The Prince of Winterfell, aDwD
He's likely so pale from all that leeching (since they cause regular blood loss), and would probably have a normal skin color if he didn't do it so often... His quiet voice might also be caused by it (fatigue). I also assume his "unwrinkled" face is at least partially due to him having such an emotionless expression; if he showed an intense emotion (like a very genuine smile) there might be more wrinkles visible. I also don't get the impression his "unwrinkled"/"ageless" face makes him look unnaturally young, since none of the older PoVs (Cat, Jaime) comment on it; He probably just looks like he aged very well.
He is described as having a "hairless body" during the leeching scene, which makes me think he might shave his body hair so the leeches can apply easier (which ive seen recommended online for leech therapy).
Him having dark brown hair is unfortunately still a headcanon, since his hair is not described in the books... But it seems likely to me because it would contrast his pale features and make them stand out more; and if his hair was grey that would have probably been pointed out as a contrast to his unwrinkled face. I'm usually excluding blonde/red hair as a possibility since I assume grrm would have described that explicitly.
He'd probably wear sunglasses frequently in a modern au, his eyes seem sensitive to me because their color is so light (less pigmentation making eyes more sensitive to sunlight)... I also hc him as nearsighted + needing glasses in modern au, though obviously we don't have anything in the text referencing this.
He and Barbrey share a long history, yet we see that she talks negatively about him to Theon... I hc that she probably started having a lower opinion of him due to the way he handled the Domeric situation (or that the situation at least heavily contributed to it); My assumption is that Barbrey quickly suspected Ramsay of murder and hates Ramsay because of that, so if Roose takes Ramsay in as his new heir this would make Barbrey think that he's really callous/emotionless and "does not love/hate/grieve".
"Those leeches that he loves so well sucked all the passions out of him years ago. He does not love, he does not hate, he does not grieve." - The Prince of Winterfell, aDwD
Roose doesn't seem to care when it comes to various cruelties and illegalities (telling Ramsay he will not chide him for his "amusements" and Ramsay just needs to be "more discreet"; and also being guilty of many crimes himself), but due to the long Bolton-Stark animosity i feel he would probably see warging as an abomination and oppose it on "moral" grounds (similar to how he says a kinslayer is "accursed").
He is usually described as clean-shaven; i hc he shaves his beard partially out of vanity, partially because he doesn't want to look like his father... He probably also takes a while to grow a good beard/has weak beard growth. (No textual evidence for any of these statements, just hc; sadly we don't know about any of his family beyond his sons/wives. I also wonder if he was always shaving his beard, or if he had a beard phase when he was younger)
I get the impression he is not that strict a father, and is more someone who tries to get to his kids verbally than through punishment... In both Ramsay's and Domeric's case we see that he gives them advice that they dont much care for, and neither appear to fear disobeying him or arguing with him much.
"He wanted a brother by his side, so he rode up the Weeping Water to seek my bastard out. I forbade it, but Domeric was a man grown and thought that he knew better than his father." - Reek III, aDwD
“It should have been you who threw the feast, to welcome me back,” Ramsay complained, “and it should have been in Barrow Hall, not this pisspot of a castle.” [...] “Is this why you left Lady Dustin and your fat pig wife? So you could come down here and tell me to be quiet?”- Reek III, aDwD
I do also have more "fanfic-like" headcanons, but im shy about posting them since they could easily be deconfirmed in future books :") Of course i try to do them as "in-character" as i can, but in some aspects grrm just hasn't given much info yet.
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washymylifeaway · 4 years
SunaOsa fanfic recs: valentines edition~~
SunaOsa is one of my all time favorite ships and this past month, there has been/was an exchange going on between writers (here is the link) and artists (separately) and because I don’t have a life (or maybe it’s just that SunaOsa is my life LOL), I’m here to tell you some of my favorite fics from the pile :D However, as much as I love a ship, sometimes fluff is too asajndajnd so mind you there will probably be a lot of good fics missing just cause I couldn’t get myself to read more fluff (or angst) LOL (IM SORRY but sometimes I also just can’t motivate myself to read a fic no matter how good it looks OOPS).
As always, please check warning and tags before reading any of these fics, and take care of yourselves!!!!
In no particular order (jk the order is last updated haha) tho my favorites will have *** next to them :)
***glass stained black by unrequitedangst (E) 31k // Mafia AU’s are some of my favorite kinds of fics, and this one did not disappoint! The character development of Osamu is really legit and despite being mafia, it’s not that heavy or angst of a fic (but you should still definitely read tags and warnings first). It’s an Osamu heavy fic, and if you’re into reading him being stupid, go right ahead LOL.
redux by catalysis (T) 2.3k // ngl I hate break-up fics with a passion truely (when you can’t handle fluff or angst what to do) but I liked the concept for this one hehe (so I made myself suffer LOL). It was short, but cute !!! and the unspoken words really hit me in the FEELS (so what I’m dramatic fight me LOL).
Impropriety by DeathBelle (T) 5.7k // royalty~ I love the banter between them in this fic and we DO stan respectful Osamu yes we do <33333 The relationships between not only SunaOsa but SunaAtsu (because even though it isn’t really SunaAtsu best friend agenda, I can delude myself into think it is okay :/) are done so well and so nice he’s mean Osamu is best Osamu.
***what are you waiting for? by Slumber (T) 3.7k // MIGHT BE MY FAV FIC FROM THIS EXCHANGE!!! It made me cackle and I love how they learn new things about each other!!!! Like the development is so good and Suna is really doing the MOST!! Also, I love recursive endings AHHHHHH!
agape by sketchedsmiles (T) 11.7k // soulmates, then they were SOULMATES! (ik that’s not how it goes but pls just humor me LOL) This fic really depicted Osamu’s insecurities/internal turmoil/overthinking really well and the realization he has vs Suna’s AHJAFKASFJ. I love confident Suna.
fireside by tartaglia (starkartifices) (T) 3.6k // we do love the subtle flirt flirt don’t we hehe ;) It’s short, it’s fluff, and it’s funny - what more could you ask for? Also whats a vigilante fic if there isn’t at least one pun about being a vigilante LOL.
Over and Over Again by tookumade (G) 6.4k // I would like to order one reassuring, reliable Miya Osamu for myself please and thank you :((( The way the relationship is so GOOD like both Suna and Osamu pick each other up and they know the other has their back ajfhkajdfl. I would purchase all the onigiri with the deal Suna was proposing ;) Onigirintarou.
from here to eternity by TheGlovedArtist (T) 6.6k // I for one am a big fan of mythology and stuff (heroes of olympus but like IDR any of the plot LOL) so of course I read this fic. The snark appearances of Sakusa and Komori gave me LIFE and the difference in descriptions from Astumu and Kita cracked me up. This is another respectful Osamu fic (yes I love these) and in this one it was a ‘I save you as much as you save me’ type beat LOL. Gotta love rings.
***Subtle Inarizaki Dating by sifuhotman (T) 15.2k // THIS ONE. Even if you don’t read the whole thing, I beg of you, please, I AM ON MY KNEES, read the SID for Astumu. It is worth the loss of all your brain calls I guarantee it. It made me giggle so freakin much. Suna might be an A-Hole but he’s OUR A-Hole <3
Forever Begins with 8 Seconds by subtlehues (T) 3.9k // FLUFF hehe, I love their dynamic in this one it’s very good and cute and everything great! Also, I am all for the head cannon that Suna cannot cook, yes pls. Also SUPERPOWERS whooooooooh.
***try again, and again, and again by rosegoldwriting (T) 2.6k // SOULMATES! If you ever wanted a specific soulmate AU! for SunaOsa look no further, it probably comes out LOL. I love this concept of them just being like ‘WTF’ everyday, it gives me life. Also, count how many soulmate AU’s you recognized because I just thought about it and I think it’d be fun LOL. (I went back and I think 11 but I’m not sure LOL)
let us burn by SilverMoonT (G) 13.5k // I am always up for a nice vampire Osamu and witch Suna (which believe it or not, is my second one because I read the other one by this writer LOL) This one is more Suna POV and it really goes into his fears and desires, and I like the way Osamu pushes him to live more freely.
***reasons to microwave an elixir by spiritscript (T) 8.2k // THIS ONE. UGH I love, and it’s funny and cute and it EVEN HAS CRIME (kinda not really but yes)! I love the quiet moments they have and the PET AHHHHHHH! We love medic Osamu :DDDDD But also the betrayal and the sparring (and the irony at the end LOL) AJSKJNFK.
we fall between by stringendos (T) 14.7k // honestly the entire time I was just screaming at my computer, begging for them to hurry up and realize, but alas this is a ~slow burn~ for a reason and the tag ‘exes who act like theyre married’ really is the reason I read it and I do not regret LOL. Also bless Matsuda and stan her.
All the Time in the World by minie_ai (M) 8.8k // we love immortality! Denial! And Suna mentally filing away blackmail against people (namely Astumu) LOL. Running away from your problems is always the answer (I am saying this is a not sarcastic manner because I too, run away from my problems LOL) but ramen is ALWAYS a good answer. We love ourselves some emotional constipation LOL.
***none but you by broikawa (T) 7.2k // everything is a competition always LOL, not that I’m complainin but still LOL EVERYTHING. I really love this one because I love the progression and cock-block SakuAtsu hehe. I love them being synchronized idiots <3
it all comes back to you, (my home) by iritaescents (T) 4.5k // FOREVER, WE STAN FOREVER. Anyway, LOL this was is very very cute and fluff and not slow burn, it fast burn LOL. It’s a cute fic to read and it even has our favorite, now say it with me SOULMATES LOL.
Can't help falling in bed with you by tirralirra (T) 6.7k // here we see a 5 + 1 with points for the title (I think it’s very funny LOL my humor is bad ;)) Not that it really needs extra points because it’s a great fic in itself LOL but I really liked the title so I felt the need to share this with you all (OOPS). This was so cute, and the + 1 is HILARIOUS.
It’s no longer up :(((((( -> love's consequences by xginpuff (T) 6.5k // WARNINGS AND TAGS been a while since we had an angsty fic in this list (LOL the way I just tried to avoid all of them hehe). I read the tags but ngl I was still surprised later LOL maybe I’m just dumb, but anyway IK it starts out a bit confusing, but after you read more, you’ll get into it!
***sunagashi by bastigod (T) 9.8k // if there’s anything I like more than mythology, it’s folklore LOL. I love this fic and the plot is written so artfully AHDSAJN. Also the scene with the Ume-chan and her comment (so snarky I love). Also they way I went through so much trouble trying to figure out the kanji LOL (SPOILER it’s miyarin hehe)
catch me (while i'm still runnin') by lunarins (T) 4.3k // first and foremost, may we have a moment of silence for Komori and his eyebrows..... Continuing, this fic was so good because I love a good heist hehe. Their slight of hand abilities really doing the most LOL, and the ending OMG. I love the way the writer added in how they appeared to others during the heist, it really made it so good! Ugh to have a painting class and almost die LOL.
***if we get this right by Slumber (G) 5k // OLD FRIEND plsplspls I love this fic and I love how Osamu slowly relearns who he knew Suna as AHHH. The ending, again UGH, I really loved it and their banter with one another.
The Study of Suna Rintarou by DeathBelle (T) 6.1k // PLEASE the way Osamu kept getting offended omg. But also the effort Suna puts into getting to know Osamu, I was in ~love~. Read to me Osamu, READ TO ME. But also the Osamu is an oblivious MF agenda is alive and well within this fic hehe.
Take a Hint by pancake_surprise (G) 2.3k // ok so I had just read a tumbr post about the one bed thing and then I saw this fic. It was like the stars aligned okay? I was like, ig I HAVE to read it now hehe. But seriously read it, it’s cute and like everything else, of course there’s a challenge to be made LOL.
Heatwave by pancake_surprise (G) 2.1k // the way they were dating without knowing they were dating man. The tag ‘Didn't Know They Were Dating‘ more accurate than the ‘first dates’ one LOL jk but actually tho am I kidding? It’s the first official one IG. LOL anyway, we do love the doin of the defining of relationships. Yup.
If you made it all the way down here, CONGRATS LOL. Like I said, I didn’t read all of them (sadly) and these were the ones i did read LOL. I might add more depending on whether I can motivate myself into reading fics I know will be good LOL so we’ll see heh. Honestly, I thought I was gonna get word counted, but YAY we finished (for now hehe). Also sorry for any possible typos (is this no beta we die like men?) I’m running on 90 min of sleep so my engrish be strugglin LOL. Be safe and wear masks :)
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