#theyre my parents (real)
spirk-trek · 6 months
imagine amanda watching how mothers on vulcan share a telepathic bond with their children and not being able to do this for spock
imagine how it would break her heart, how she might worry they'll never connect when she sees a mother touching her daughter's face or holding her son's hand with purpose, without words
imagine spock melding with her as soon as he's able, showing her he loves her because he can't say it, he'll never be able to say it
imagine her being so proud of her little boy for researching and teaching himself to meld with a non-telepath just for her, all for her
holding him after when he's so exhausted he goes boneless in her arms and she strokes his hair and thanks him
and he mumbles something about it being illogical to thank him before falling asleep and she holds his little hand and feels the tiniest sparks of love still there, so small she might've imagined them before he's snoring softly
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mishy-mashy · 2 months
Toga: Someone who wanted to be happy
Uraraka: Someone who wanted to make others happy
And also,
Toga: Someone who wanted the world to be easier to live in
Uraraka: Someone who wanted to make the world easier to live in for others
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thunderstomm · 1 month
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Let’s Dance !!
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al-luviec · 10 days
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smthn easy for today (sorry)
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wewerebornsextuplets · 2 months
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ive finished designing ippeis little friend group!! all very different kinds of people but over the course of the school year they find one another and become near inseparable ^__^ i do have little stories for each of them but thatll be another day i dont feel like typing all that rn
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miracle-romance · 10 months
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jaggedpeak · 2 years
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anyone else think about these two and get really really really sad
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holysheithyall · 3 months
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baby greg based on baby pics of mine
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imorphemi · 1 year
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I haven't stopped thinking about @highabovethecloudssomewhere's FMAgeswap AU, I know its pretty angsty (and ill still cry about it) but also. shenanigans. all of them
This is a redraw of one of the official arts for FMA (i think 03) that I saw around awhile ago, it has max gremlin energy and I love it
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dapper-nahrwhale · 2 months
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[ID digital drawing of redesigns of the VKs from Disney descendants, years Evie, Mal, Jay, and Carlos. Evie has the front of her hair braided back with a little crown, a white princess shirt, and a blue cape with gold and red details and a high collar. She has a blue skirt with a heart belt and red panels stitched on the sides and a ruffle white skirt under. She has black tights, white ruffle socks, and red Mary Jane heels, and red and blue fingerless gloves. Above her is the symbol of a heart shaped mirror with a crown on top of it.
Mal has big horns, pointed ears with many piercings, messy purple and green hair, and is holding a knife. She is wearing a fishnet shirt with a purple crop top and a ripped jacket. She has low rise very wide leg pants with green flames on the end, and big spiky boots. She has mismatched gloves and a couple belts. Her symbol is a broken heart with horns and wings and is on fire.
Jay has an orange beanie and a ripped vest with a belt across it. He has cargo pants and tall sneakers, a few belts and fingerless gloves. His symbol above him is an orange toothy cobra snake coiled up.
Carlos has stripy black and white hair and goggles and glasses. He wears a stripy shirt and has a fluffy collar coat that's patchwork of black and white polka dots, and patchwork shorts and mismatched loafers. His symbol is a black and white crossbones. End ID]
This from like... May? I think? It got lost in the 1k of my drafts (a lot I know) But I was thinking about redesigning them yet again! so expect that at some point too lmao.
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dahjinseok · 1 year
how mihyeon and dooshik got me acting
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allgremlinart · 8 months
they kicked me out of the Loves Azula club a couple months ago for saying she was probably an abusive sibling as a kid lieekk I still loves her. let me in.
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conanssummerchild · 2 months
writing more rick and morty fanfic abt rick wanting to off himself, also Summer's here !! :D
tw discussions of suicide and suicidal thoughts and such
Morty fidgeted with his hands where he was leaned against Rick's work bench, but Rick paid him no mind, all his intense focus on whatever invention he was currently tweaking.
It had been nearly three months already since Rick had finally found and killed Rick Prime, and Morty had started to breathe a little easier. For the first few weeks after the event his worry for Rick had been so great that it felt like a huge weight was crushing his lungs, not letting him relax for even a second, but Rick seemed to be doing a little better now. His drinking was back down to normal levels for him—it still wasnt healthy, but when had rick ever cared about his own health? He started joining the family for meals again, and actually ate. Mostly.
But there was still moments when Morty would catch him zoning out, with an expression of such pure sadness that it was a little terrifying.
Morty worried so much, it was exhausting. Sometimes he wished he could be more like Rick, letting loose, going with the flow, but then again, things didn't seem to be going too great for him either.
"H-hey–" Morty tried, but his voice came out too squeaky so he cleared his throat. "Hey, Rick?"
"Mhm." Rick mumbled, only half paying attention and Morty frowned.
"Rick." He repeated more firmly, shoving his shoulder lightly to get his attention. "I w-wanna talk about something."
Rick pulled his goggles off harshly, turning to face Morty with a scowl. "Morty I'm in the– in the middle of something. C-can't this wait until after I get the battery on this stupid thing to work?"
Morty pouted. "It's important."
Rick gave a long suffering sigh, rubbing his hand over his eyes. "For fucks sake, Morty. You– you always wanna talk when I'm doing important science shit. What do you want?" He tossed his googles down onto the work bench, not bothering to look where they landed and reached inside his labcoat, grabbing his flask and taking a swig of a foul-smelling, likely alien liquor that Morty could smell even from where he stood on the other end of the work bench. He wrinkled his nose but continued.
"I-I-I've been real worried about you, Rick–"
"Oh, god." Rick interrupted with a large, rather dramatic groan. "Can I just kill myself in advance, or– or is attendance to this talk mandatory?" He rolled his eyes, taking another slightly larger sip from his flask.
Morty startled a little. "Rick! don't– don't say that." He said. His voice trembled a little, the resolve he'd been trying to build up crumbling.
Rick looked like he had another sarcastic comeback ready to go, but paused at Morty's watery eyes, his unibrow rising up into his hairline in surprise.
"Woah, woah, Morty, I was just– just kidding. I was just joking." His tone softened a little, clearly trying to be comforting but missing the mark, his discomfort palpable.
And Morty couldn't help it, he burst into tears.
"Shit, uh, don't cry, Morty. I, uh, it's okay... dawg."
Morty would've laughed a little at Rick's emotional constipation if it didn't feel like there wasn't any air getting into his lungs.
"Please don't kill yourself." was all he could get out between sobs. "P-please, grandpa Rick. I don't want you to die."
"I'm not killing m-my-myself." Rick cringed at the stutter. God, he was really out of his depth. He gulped down the rest of the contents of his flask like it was water and he had just spent all day in the boiling sun.
What was he suposed to do? What were his options right now? Call for Beth? No, not with Morty's cries for Rick not to kill himself, she would freak, and Jerry was useless, so he was left with only one option.
He shook his hands out anxiously, trying to shake the stress out of them.
Summer pushed open the door. "What?" She drawled, and then caught a glimpse of Morty's sobbing form. "Oh, shit, what happened?"
"I don't know." Rick was practically vibrating with nervous energy, trying to keep his hands tightly at his sides now that Summer was watching. "I-I-I-I don't know w-w-what to do."
"Jeez, grandpa, breathe. Since when do you care about Morty being upset?"
Rick shrugged, fuck she was right, this wasn't how he acted normally, he needed to calm down, why was he so frazzled? A little voice in his head reminded him that he knew exactly why. He ignored it.
"Fuck you! Just– Just help me, Summer!"
"Calm down." She said, and then turned to Morty, who was crying quieter now, hands covering his face. "Morty, what's wrong?"
Rick held his breath.
"S-S-Summer..." Morty hiccuped.
"Yeah I'm here."
"I think grandpa Rick wants to kill himself."
Summer's eyebrows raised a little and her eyes widened, she tried to school her expression back into something neutral but she had clearly not been expecting that answer.
"I don't!" Rick immediately cut in but Morty began to cry harder again at that.
Summer shot him a look and Rick winced, retreating into a corner of the garage. He reached for a bright green bottle labled 'Water' in a different language. He'd gotten it from a small humid planet in the Ribble-Bob system, where what they considered water had a higher alcohol content than anything he could get his hands on on earth, and to Rick's delight, it was a hell of a lot cheaper. He had a stash of Ribble-Bobbian alcohol too, but it was so strong that it could knock out humans with even the highest tolerance with only a few shots. So he kept that for special occasions.
He watched silently as Summer calmed Morty down, throughts racing and neon green bottle emptying. It was pretty clear that Morty was very upset, even Rick in all his emotional ineptitude could see that, but he was struggling to descifer Summer's feelings. She seemed... annoyed at him? No, not quite. Rick frowned. The buzz that he'd began to feel wasn't helping any, he shook his head frustratedly. She was tense for sure, the whole room was thick with tension though.
Eventually Morty's quiet sobs stopped altogether and he wiped his eyes, quick to fix them on Rick as soon as tears weren't blurring his vison anymore.
Rick shifted awkwardly from his position on the floor, laying his legs flat in front of him in lieu of folded to his chest and slowly waving at Morty without making eye contact, unsure of what the fuck else to do.
"Can w-we backtrack a little?" Morty said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.
Rick nodded, unusually quiet. His words felt stuck in his throat and he couldn't get them out.
Morty sighed a little, accepting he wasn't going to get anything out of Rick right now, and going on with what he had wanted to say. "Okay. I've been worried about you because w-when Evil Morty came here, when you had already left to get, um, that guy."
"Prime." Rick croaked, voice forced.
"Right, Prime. A-A-After you left to fight Rick Prime, Evil Morty asked me what I thought was gonna happen if you actually killed him, and he kind of suggested that you might... kill yourself."
"Evil Morty's full of shit." Rick rasped. "He doesn't even know me, we've met like w-what, three times?"
"I'm not done! Let me finish." Morty pouted. "Him saying that worried me be-because it made me think about all your reckless behaviour and how little you seem to care about your own life sometimes, you know."
Rick scoffed but Summer raised an eyebrow at him, so he just scowled and looked back down at his feet, letting Morty continue.
"I-I guess I'd never considered it before, I mean not seriously. Sure, I... wondered sometimes, b-but when Evil Morty said it like that, well, the more I thought about it the less... unrealistic it seemed, and you've just seemed so empty these past months, i was re-really worried." Morty's voice broke a little, but he pushed on. "Also he's seen your downloaded brain, so, y-y'know he would know, right? He wouldn't just be saying it for no reason."
"He was saying it to-to-to psych you out, Morty!" Rick stammered, gesturing wildly. "And it's working! Look how psyched out you are, M-Morty! This is what he wanted!"
"Why would Evil Morty want this?"
"Uh, because he's evil, Morty. Duh-doy."
"Okay!" Summer interrupted loudly. "This isn't getting anywhere."
"It would get somewhere if Morty would just-"
"Grandpa Rick! Stop. Can you both just listen to me? Or I'm putting you in a cage again until you actually prove you're not a danger to yourself."
Rick crossed his arms, glaring at her, but she glared right back, unwavering.
"Fuck, whatever." He grumbled, slumping back against the wall.
"Good." Summer said, turning serious again. "Now, how can you reassure Morty that you aren't going to hurt yourself?"
"He should just take my word for it!"
"You lie to me all the time!" Morty exclaimed.
"He has a point." Summer cut in again. "Why should he trust you? Especially if you're planning on killing yourself."
"Im not killing myself!"
"I don't believe you." Morty said, sounding miserable and hurt. Rick's shoulders slumped. He didn't have a good response to that.
The silence streched on uncomfortably, the atmosphere tense and serious. This was a real issue, which Morty knew Rick didn't like to deal with. His style was more like shoving his serious problems under the metaphorical carpet until he couldn't walk on it without feeling sharp pain wherever he stepped, until no one could walk on it at all.
"Well I don't believe you either." Summer said quietly. But I do have one idea." She pointed to her left and Rick and Morty's eyes followed her gaze to the lie detector Rick had stolen on his and Morty's adventure to Venzenulon-10.
Morty shuddered remembering it, he'd nearly fallen into lava that day and Rick had barely flinched. Would Rick even be doing this for him? He couldn't imagine him crying for Morty the way Morty had been crying for him just a few minutes ago.
"I'm not– A polygraph, Summer? Seriously? That's dumb, I'm not doing that shit, this isn't fucking Community."
"What? What the fuck is that?" Summer frowned.
"Community? What– you've never watched Community? Fuck, we-we've gotta watch it. Not Earth's one though, Glorbion-56C's version is way gayer, we gotta watch that one."
"Okay, sure, whatever. But first we have to finish this." Summer put her hands on her hips, not willing to budge.
"I agree with Summer." Morty pitched in, more meek, but still firm.
"Fine, fuck, whatever. You know polygraph tests are dumb, right? They might w-work on simple minded neurotypicals like Jerry, but I'm the fucking smartest man in the–"
"Grandpa, sit the fuck down."
Rick scowled, but sat down in the chair Summer pointed at, not without an eye roll. He knew that there was no stalling his way out of this one, Summer and Morty were both stubborn and he could see the poorly-concealed anxiety in their faces and demeanour, he knew they weren't going to let this go. He just hoped he really was smart enough to outsmart the lie detector.
"Okay, bring it on." He sighed, feigning boredom and disinterest.
Summer stumbled a little bringing the polygraph over to Rick's work bench, the machinery was heavier than it looked. The Venzenulons had a lot of really advanced technology but the planet Rick had gotten this specific machine on used bismuth in a lot of creations, making then heavier than they should be, but it was worth it, really, Venzenulon-10's technology and craftsmanship was miles ahead of Venzenulon-4's, or god forbid Venzenulon-22's. Rick almost chuckled to himself just thinking about it.
Summer finally set the polygraph machine down on the work bench with a thump and a groan from her and Rick let her fasten the little black strip aroud his finger.
"Take your labcoat off." Summer murmured absentmindedly, fiddling around with the slightly tangled wires.
"My labcoat stays on."
Summer gave him a look.
"Jeez, Rick, just take it off." Morty whined.
"No, fuck both of you. I-I-I'm already doing your dumb ass test and my labcoat being on literally has no effect on that stupid thing working, so both of you can lick my balls." He fumed.
"Jesus, grandpa. Cranky much?" Summer said sassily, putting a hand on her hip. "You can keep your dumb labcoat you're so in love with then."
She slid the cuff up Rick's arm, fastening it around his bicep.
"That's where it goes, right?" She asked. "How do i make the screen turn on?"
"Theres a-a switch on the back." Morty told her. "Just press that and it should work."
Summer felt along the back of the large screen before pressing down on the switch, making it light up with three wiggly graph-like things.
"Uhhh, grandpa how the hell do I read these?" Summer frowned.
"Don't– don't worry. This is like a lie detector for dummies, if you know how to read the lines, great, but it also just displays whether the answer is true or a lie when a question is asked. Ask me something you know the answer to."
"Uh, are your... eyes brown?"
The word "TRUE" flashed across the screen in bold green.
"Oh, tight, okay. We can get started, then. Morty, you ask whatever questions you have, I'll man the machine."
"Okay." Morty said, nerves making his voice wobbly. Rick took a deep breath.
"Do you want to kill yourself?" Morty asked and the garage went completely silent for a moment, air feeling so thick you could choke on it.
"No." Rick answered evenly.
Summer swallowed. "He's– he's telling the truth." She said shakily.
Morty breathed a sigh of relief. "Jeez, well that's– Phew, that's good. That's a relief."
Another beat passed and then Morty spoke again. "Have you ever wanted to kill yourself?"
"That's a lie."
Rick glared at Summer but she just shrugged, face unreadable to him.
"Aw jeez..."
"Oh come on, my-my whole family died right in front of my eyes, I've been tortured by- by countless aliens, been held prisoner, a guy can't even wonder?"
"Well, I mean, that is, that's– that's a good point you make there, Rick. But- but you wouldn't...? You've never actually tried to, like, actually kill yourself, right, Rick?"
"Obviously not. If– if I wanted to kill myself I would've, and I wouldn't fail, I'm a genius."
"R-right. So you haven't tried to kill yourself?"
"No, Morty."
Summer stared down at the monitor, lips pressed together in a tight line. "That's the truth." She said. her voice sounded a little weird but Morty was too relieved to really think about it.
"Thank god, Rick, wow. That's a really big relief to me, you know. Sorry I-I didn't believe you before, I was real just worried."
"Hey, it's all good, dawg. Don't even- don't even trip about it. You wanna go watch some Ball Fondlers, buddy?"
"Yeah!" Morty grinned, demeanor a lot more relaxed than it had been before. "Yeah, let's watch Ball Fondlers."
"What do ya say, Sum-Sum? Ball Fondlers?"
Summer flipped the switch on the machine, powering it back down. "I'm busy." She said, whipping out her phone "Have fun though."
Rick shrugged, detatching himself from the polygraph and tossing the cuff and finger strip onto the table. "Okay. Well I'm getting me some Nuptian weed, babyyy!"
"Aw jeez, Rick. You're getting high?"
"It's– it's better that way, Morty, trust me. Nuptian weed lets you see in 4D. In 4D, Morty! Really enhances the experience. Plus don't– don't you think I deserve to have a little buzz, it's been quite a day."
"I don't know, Rick. Didn't you drink like that whole bottle of liquor just now?" Morty asked, pointing to the discarded green bottle laying in the corner of the room.
"What? Morty, that's water, that's– it's practically water. It says water on the front of the bottle." Rick murmured, digging through one of his drawers before triumphantly pulling out a small transparent box filled with a bunch of purple-ish pink blunts and a lighter with a naked woman on it. "Ah, fuck yeah, Morty. I knew I still had some. Okay, come on, lets go."
Summer followed them out of the garage and then walked up the stairs, hearing their conversation get quieter as they got further away. She didn't let the first tear fall until she was in her room with the door shut.
"Shit." She breathed. "What the fuck."
She sat down with a small thud and hugged her knees to her chest.
She hoped the memory on the lie detector didn't back up, or that Morty didn't get curious and look through it one day, just to be sure.
Because if he did, he would just see the same word displayed four times in bold red.
the end hfjejsjw
this sucks arseee and its way too long and i dirnt really go over the second half but idc its 2am so sorry for any spelling errors and general shitty writing 😗 peace out, hope u enjoy
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hassianlovebot · 1 year
i absolutely love how the devs portray reth and his relationship with tish. i feel like so often in media we see siblings hate each other when one of them was sick/disabled/otherwise needed more care, and i do understand why this is common and important to see, but i also love that their relationship Isn't like that. reth still loves, appreciates, and wants to protect tish. he's also not completely overprotective either. he just. loves his sister! and wants to see her happy! and it would've been so easy for the devs to make him spiteful or envious of her but instead they made him a good brother which is So refreshing to see. i love that they have a good relationship with each other
i just,,, reth <3
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Time to pester my mother with the rtc production that's 4 hours away because one of the days it's being performed is legit my last day of school
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apathyfairy · 1 month
at the end of the day gilmore girls is a show about how a girl tried to get away from her mentally abusive parents but is constantly forced to reconcile and have them in her life and feel constant guilt about the life she created for herself
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