#theyre such a good couple and have so much pressure and work etc that when its just them sometimes theyre very silly
Late at night on Mandalore:
Luke, who is spooning Din: *starts gently shifting around and making random wooshing noises*
Din, who had just fallen asleep: "hu?"
Luke: *continues making wooshing noises, now interrupted by giggles*
Din, resigned to fall asleep despite his husband's shenangians: "sleep riduur"
Luke, stops moving, leans close and whispers: "I'm a jet pack nyoom"
Both: *Uncontrollable giggling that goes on for far too long cause they're both overtired and keep setting eachother off*
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daedalusdavinci · 2 years
DirkJohn for the ask game?
I GOTCHU sorry i got wrapped up in something
send me a ship and ill tell you
who hogs the duvet
its dirk. he grew up in a post apocalyptic world where the ice caps melted in texas the man is used to heat. +++ hes autistic and needs the pressure there are so many blankets john is dying
who texts/rings to check how their day is going
"check how their day is going" might be a generous term for the way dirk spams john with stream of consciousness shit throughout the day. john is the one who actually calls to check in though
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts
dirk. he gets deep in the shit and goes super over the top about it everything is handmade and Too Much. john is also very creative dont get me wrong its just hard to compete with the man who builds robots for people
who gets up first in the morning
dirk because hes an insomniac and johns got that good depression sleeping in
who suggests new things in bed
dirk lol hes fucking gross
who cries at movies
we all know its john the man cries at con air
who gives unprompted massages
john. hes fidgety and it gives his hands something to do and dirk really needs it and john loves doing things for him
who fusses over the other when they’re sick
john does the whole soup in bed sweet thing so its him dirk just gets stressed and uncomfortable with all the snotty tissues
who gets jealous easiest
its dirk. dirks so possessive its kind of bad but john also gets jealous so it just sort of works for them
who has the most embarrassing taste in music
dirk bc hes a hipster and only listens to the most niche indie shit ever but dirk would say its john bc john doesnt have a good ear for music and will listen to anything (read: crap pop junk, bad "indie" bands, etc)
who collects something unusual
dirk and his puppets ugh
who takes the longest to get ready
dirk. his hair. i hate it. but also he takes so much pride in his appearance he takes forever to pick out an outfit AND THEN IT LOOKS UGGO ANYWAY
who is the most tidy and organized
john, easy. john keeps things ship shape and dirk makes messes on top of messes bc he gets distracted
who gets most excited about the holidays
dirk feels disconnected from holidays bc he wasnt a part of society for so long and john feels disconnected from holidays bc of depression. but ultimately john wins out ig
who is the big spoon/little spoon
john likes to be the big spoon and crush dirk
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports
dirk has problems. (he also loses a lot.)
who starts the most arguments
dirk hes self destructive and gets hung up on dumb petty shit but also sometimes john says something and its like arguing with a brick wall where dirks not getting its a joke and feels like he hAS to correct john and theyre just not understanding what the other means
who suggests that they buy a pet
honestly? dirk. john doesnt trust himself enough to take care of a pet and dirk decides a cat would be a good idea (it is. john does better when hes taking care of other people)
what couple traditions they have
depression naps
what tv shows they watch together
dirk barely tolerates johns abominable taste and they dont make it through that many
what other couple they hang out with
i think vriska and terezi is funny. probably also whoever dave and roxy are with
how they spend time together as a couple
john likes spoiling dirk and going on dates bc dirk likes being pampered but dirk likes staying home with john and taking self care days because john needs the rest and company sometimes
who made the first move
dirk, probably. or at least tried to
who brings flowers home
john, definitely
who is the best cook
100% john
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wolf-heart1197 · 3 years
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You have. Opened a can of worms, friend.
Ok so as far as set up i was picturing like. Wormhole/space magic shenanigans bringing the Normandy to DS9, set somewhere during that little window after Shep and Co. return from the Suicide Mission at the end of 2, but before Shep turns themself in to the Alliance.
The Normandy, badly damaged, limping up to this mysterious space station theyve never seen or heard of before, don't even recognize the outline or architecture, but hey at least they seem to be friendly? And they're offering to help fix our ship and get us back where we need to be so I guess they aren't all bad?
So then Shep and crew are stranded on DS9 for at LEAST a couple weeks while they try to get the Normandy fixed up, and allllll the shenanigans the respective crews get into, especially once they start interacting with each other
-There's the obvious of course, Shepard and Sisko would get along fantastically, I think. Both the leaders of crews of mixed bags, sometimes trying to get them to work together is like herding cats. Strong cats with guns and opinions, but at the end of the day they really are kind of a family, aren't they?
-Both are able to understand what was supposed to be one (relatively) simple mission turning into way more lives at stake than they signed up for (Shep with. Well. The entire events of the trilogy, but then Sisko too. Bring Bajor into the Federation. Thats it, that was the mission, but suddenly we're at war with a frankly stronger superpower from another quadrant and suddenly one station is supposed to be the head of it all? The pressure. The lives at stake if they fail. Yeah.)
As for the rest of the crew:
-The next obvious, I think, would Grunt and Worf. Very different methods and cultures, obviously. I'm not saying they'd necessarily GET ALONG even, but there'd be a mutual respect there, I think. Both coming from warrior races, fighting is in their blood, its what they know. And theyre both outsiders to their own culture, being raised primarily if not exclusively by Someone Else, having to fight for their right to have a place amongst their own people. There's a shared strength in that.
-Mordin and Garak, and their shared past as spies. Garak's penchant for lying with every other word out of his mouth vs Mordin's tendency to only say about half of the words in his sentences, each trying to weasel the truth out of the other. Each at the very least recognizing that theyve done horrible things in their past, but not necessarily having regrets for them. Well, no regrets they're willing to admit to.
-BUT THEN ALSO Mordin and Jadzia, really just. Best Science Bros. Mordin can be extremely focused, which I think might turn Jadzia off of him at first, up until she catches him singing under his breath while he works. And once their discussions start trending more towards the importance of art and culture alongside scientific advancement is when they really start to shine together. Also I think Mordin would be absolutely FASCINATED by the Trill, the symbiotic relationship and the symbiont carrying memories across hosts, how the symbionts and hosts merge, etc. Nothing like that really exists in the ME universe
-Julian and Dr. Chakwas could talk some about medicine, certainly, barring nothing else about the differences in their respective medical technology. But I think ultimately she would get tired of his attitude, and he would decide she didn't really have anything new to teach him.
-Julian, I think, would be much more interested in spending time with EDI and Legion. I mean, consider how he was in the one TNG episode, when he got to meet Data? He would be over the moon especially for a chance to study legion. The Geth Collective is genuinely an interesting idea, and I think he would be fascinated by the varrying levels of simulated intelligence, but without individuality. EDI would be an interesting study, because this would be before she got the mech body, so she would still for all intents and purposes "be" the Normandy. A ship as a living entity? With emotional attachment to the crew inside? Absolutely fascinating. And if it were a bit alter on that this happens? She has wants! And fears! Absolutely fascinating!
-Dr. Chakwas, on the other hand, would probably end up spending her time with Keiko O'Brien. Swapping stories about their times being forced to be on the relative sidelines, having to watch all the horrible things their loved ones are constantly dealing with and only being able to do so much. Keiko's exasperation with Miles and Chakwas' with Joker. (And Shepard). Plus really i just like to imagine them having tea together ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-Kira Thane and Mordin I can picture spending hours upon hours deep in discussion, about ethics and morality and religion, and how the hell you're supposed to reconcile it all when you have so much darkness in your past.
-Kira and Thane, especially, have a lot to talk about. Kira fighting in the resistance her whole life vs Thane being raised as a living weapon, both deeply spiritual and refusing to believe that their respective peaces are denied to them, that they can still find their own redemption and make up for their pasts.
-Joker would spend a lot of time trying to avoid Julian, who I think would be very insistent on wanting to study his Vrolik's syndrome, and possibly trying to cure it. Joker really Does Not Like Him.
-Tali would inevitably spend a lot of time together with Miles, because assumedly they'd be working on fixing the Normandy together (when Miles isnt busy trying to fix one of DS9's 50 million other problems). I don't know that they'd honestly have much in common aside from engineering-related stuff, but they're both geniuses in their respective versions of their fields and comparing the 2 universe's technologies alone could take more discussion time than they would have.
-I don't think Jack would. Actually try to get along with anyone. I see her spending the vast majority if her time camping out in a holosuite trying to program it to let her kill simulations of everyone she's pissed at.
-Miranda and Julian. The two genetically engineered kids. Yeah there'd be a lot to talk about there. Parent drama? Feeling like you have something to prove?? Trying to find the "you" underneath the genetic tampering??? Yeah they'd get along.
-Ok hear me out on this but. I really think Garrus and Garak would end up having a lot in common. I mean, think about it: Cardassian military/goverment/cultural structure compared to the Turians? Love of state above all else, everything is for the State (but then family above even that). And on a more personal level? Getting into a profession, a LIFE, to impress your father and then it still isn't good enough, nothing will ever be good enough, so you keep trying and going to more and more extremes to be good enough and still nothing matters. And you haven't given up on your people, no, never, but they sure have seemed to give up on you, in a way, haven't they? Exiled (Garak), ignored at every turn (Garrus), but hey, here's this one human at least that'll listen to you, and maybe even help you where others won't, so maybe things aren't all bad? Garak lies through his teeth at every turn, Garrus knows this, but he knows where to pick up the specs of truth, too.
-Jacob, bless his soul, gets roped into "babysitting" Jake and Nog. Jake distracts him by taking advantage of his chill exterior, just long enough for Nog to set off chaos halfway across the station. Cue montage of Jacob chasing the boys up and down the Promenade.
...that's all I got I am. Definitely willing to discuss more/get add-ons to this/hear other people's ideas!!!
Man this got long ajxhahavxhs
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Hi there, so i recently noticed that like half my friends are ENFPs and that one thing they all have in common (besides being lovely and fun to be around) is how theyre always like engaging with situations that harm them? Like, getting out of a toxic relationship and falling right into a new one, going to parties every night even though they never have a good time in them, staying active on social media spaces where theyre constantly fighting with others and getting harassed, etc. Its like they cant stop engaging with the world even and especially when theyve just been hurt and so they keep ignoring red flags and accumulating bad experiences. I always associated this type of behaviour with 7s and sp-blinds and not with Ne-doms, but a lot of the ppl I'm talking about are 1, 4 or 6 cores. Did I get the 7, sp-blind and high Ne definitions all mixed up and mistyped some of these ppl? Or are ENxPs just this prone to putting themselves in harm's way? Also, is there some way I can help my friend group to not be such fuckups brbfjgndhhfb
There are a couple questions/items in here, so to start:
My attitude towards anyone providing a type for others is somewhat cautious, because I don’t have the ability to verify that. It’s possible many of your friends are ENFPs; birds of a feather flock together and all that. It’s also totally possible some number of them are mistyped. I can say ENFP and enneagram 1 core are incredibly unlikely, so that makes me far more likely to think at least some of these people are mistyped although I can’t say if it’s their enneagram, MBTI, or both.
With that said, ENFPs or Ne-doms aren’t specifically prone to putting themselves in harm’s way, and 7s aren’t either, but Ne-doms often have the gambler’s attitude of “this time it will be different”, which can explain some of the behaviors you mention. You’re seeing the repeated pattern, whereas they’re seeing the possibility that this one time, it will work out. This isn’t exclusive to Ne-doms though, and it’s definitely not really a hallmark of 7s, who don’t like being hurt. I would think a 6 wouldn’t do this either, unless peer pressure is involved, but an ENFP 4 definitely might, especially if they’re young and think suffering is part of creativity or something like that. I don’t have much faith in/use for instinctual variants, but I would think a lack of self-preservation would logically lead to destructive behavior.
However I think the real question is how can you help them not be fuckups and the answer is you can’t really. You can definitely ask questions like “hey, why are you going to these parties if you always seem to hate it”, but be prepared for them to get pissed off. This is also a case where age is important. If your friends are teenagers or college/university age this is just kind of what a lot of people are like. Most grow out of it within a couple years of graduation. If on the other hand you’re in your late 20s or 30s or above and so are they you may need to find new friends.
I think the fine line to walk is whether their behavior is bothering you directly, and not indirectly, by which I mean are they crying on your shoulder every week over a different failed relationship or dragging you along to the parties or complaining nonstop about everything to you, or are you just watching this and thinking “from my perspective you don’t seem happy, so why are you doing this to yourself” but they’re not making demands on your time and energy related to this behavior? Because if it’s the former you have a lot more power to say “Hey, I care about you, but I can’t keep doing this every week, maybe you should take some time to get to know yourself and what you want from relationships before dating” or “You don’t seem to be having fun at these parties, and I’m definitely not, so do you mind coming up with a different activity? If you want to go to the party that’s fine but I have to pass, and we’ll do something else together later.” But if it’s the latter then unless they’re putting themselves in serious danger, let them do it (again, especially if they’re young and need to get it out of their system). Unsolicited advice is almost never welcome, so save it for if they’re actually endangering themselves or if this is intruding on your own life.
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paradise-creator · 4 years
Hello!! Um, if possible, may I get a haven box matchup for BNHA? I am having a hard time deciding between romantic or platonic but um..lets go with romantic? I am demisexual and bi-romantic!! My pronouns are she/they and u can call me um... 🐰 anon maybe? If its not taken!! Oh, and thank you in advance!! Take ur time, lovely!! 🥰🥰
So, physically, im kinda chubby and pear shaped. I have pink hair in a kinda scruffy pixie cut. Im a little tall at 173cm. I like pastels and dusty, faded colors, and my aesthetic is a mix of whimsical and comfort! I have blue-green eyes but tbh they look almost more grey, and theyre kinda droopy and sleepy.
I am..an awkward person. Like, I am really timid and softspoken. I stutter a lot, and I get nervous a lot, and I have trouble speaking up. A lot of the time I don’t say much at all because I don’t wanna talk over others. Um, well, I do have generalized and social anxiety though, so that probably contributes to my meek demeanor. I’m also very clumsy and perform poorly under pressure. Im a bit of a mess I guess, but I’m working on getting better, so I’m a bit proud of that at least.
I’m an infp and a cancer, and that combination is..pretty fitting for me. I’m very sensitive and emotional, and I am constantly daydreaming. My imagination is very active and I often have my head in the clouds, and I’m a bit idealistic. The anxiety I struggle with conflicts weirdly with how idealistic I can be, though, because I often find myself fearing for the worst while hoping for the best.
I care a whole lot about people who are close to me, though its only a small circle that really manages this. Im the token mom friend in my group, and I tend to take care of my friends and always try to be a support for them. Being honest, I can be kind of nosy when something is troubling someone, but it’s with good intentions?? Im sure it’s still annoying though.
I’m a lot more open with people I’m close to. When I’m comfortable around someone I’m a super goofball, and quite playful. I like to play small pranks and get up to mischief, but I draw the line at anything that is even slightly harmful, or anything that causes any emotional distress. I am very silly and I don’t mind being a goof if it makes people I love smile or laugh!!
I’m not very practical, and I’m not good at making decisions. I’m notoriously indecisive. Despite being kinda overemotional and timid, even I have times when I’m stubborn and headstrong. Specifically, when it comes to protecting my loved ones, my beliefs, or animals.
My interests lay on the creative side of things!! I do digital art, baking, embroidery, I play the ukulele, and I like to write! I also love self care and just taking it easy, so I often make my own bath supplies and candles. In particular, bath bombs, bubble bath, body butter, stuff like that!! I just like smelling nice and feeling clean and soft! I kinda have low self confidence, but that sort of thing makes me feel better. Also, I may seem a bit “uwu” I guess lmao, but im actually super into horror, angst, etc, at least in fiction! The music I listen to tends to be more along the lines of alternative rock, pop rock, and metal, but theres times when I just wanna chill to some indie or lofi too!
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Dream catcher loading...
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*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *. •.°
Hello and Welcome my Starlight!
The Haven box includes:
- Match up
- Sun drop
- Old habits die hard
- Out of your shell we go!
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
I'd match you up with
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Uraraka Ochaco, Uravity
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Sun drops
- At first I thought of Deku (And Sugawara/Yaku but then I remembered they were in the wrong Fandom)
- I was going to pair you up with Deku but then I remembered Uraraka
- Then insert me having an indecisive moment as I choose carefully on who to pick
- Uraraka won! (obviously-)
- Uraraka is a very bubbly and friendly, she will definitely help you with social situations
- She is good at reading people, this would definitely help
- with her around, it's never gloomy
- She would always be there to sit down and listen no matter what
- This right here is the "UwU couple"
- Uraraka and you would just Y E S
- Though she is very bubbly, she tries to help you cope with everything
- Like she will stay quiet just so you can talk
- She even tells her friends to let you voice out your opinion! (If she saw that you wanted to say smth that is)
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Old habits die hard
- When you first met her friends , she was so nervous that she acted like a robot at some point
- She would often play with your hair and it calms her down
- She loves to nuzzle herself in your arms
- Since she is shorter than you, she always finds herself back hugging you and attempting to put her head on your shoulder.
- This one time she tried putting her head on your shoulder with the assistance of her quirk but it ended up badly ckhdisbdjdihsbw
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Out of your shell we go!
“C’mon lovely! It’s just my friends,” Uraraka said as she wrapped her arms around her girl’s waist. “B-but, you know how I am with other people!” The taller female retorted. “And what if-“The green-blue eyed female started. “No more what ifs! They are really good people, they won’t judge us,” Uraraka then said as she held the taller’s hand. “If you are uncomfortable, I won’t force it,” She added as she smiled softly. As the taller female looked down at her with loving eyes, she decided what to do. “Fine,” She muttered. “Hmm? What was that?” The Auburn haired girl said. “I said, fine, let’s meet them,” She said a bit louder. Uraraka squealed and smiled brightly. “Don’t worry! There’s only 4 people. Just to keep it simple and all,” She then said as she hugged the pink haired girl and chuckled. “You sure though? I know how your anxiety gets, please don’t push yourself,” She added. “I’ll be fine as long as you are there,” Uraraka’s lover said as she wrapped her arms around the shorter. She then placed her head on her head briefly.
And soon enough, the Dekusquad was all together. “Guys, this is my girlfriend!” Uraraka said happily. But really, she is nervous. She was afraid of what her friends would think of her. Would they accept her as is? Will they leave her? Her fears were quite obvious to her lover. So, the green-blue eyes female held her hand as they waited for their reaction. “Ribbit! That’s so cute. Ribbit!” Asui started as she smiled. “I hope you two would have a wonderful relationship together,” Iida then stated with his robotic arm swing. “What Iida said,” Todoroki added. “I hope you two are happy always,” Midoriya said as he smiled. Uraraka was almost brought into tears as her friends supported her and her love. “I hope you all don’t mind me here,” The pink pixie said as she looked away. “Of course we don’t mind! Right, everyone?” Midoriya said. “Ribbit! You are always welcomed,” Asui said as she smiled. “Thank you all so much! This really means a lot to me,” Uraraka said as she hugged Tsuyu. “Yeah… Thanks!” The taller said as she joined in awkwardly.
“How long have you two been together, Ribbit! If you don’t mind me asking,” Asui said as she let go of the two. “A few weeks now,” Uraraka said with a smile.
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Author's note
First off, Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you enjoyed this match up. Secondly, I don't really understand the whole demisexual and biromantic, so I apologize if this was not what you wanted. I can change it if you like- And of course you can be 🐰 Anon! I'm also a INFP-T and a cancer~
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undert33th · 5 years
I really like your Chara design can you talk about your interpretation of them?
First off tysm !!!!!!! I’m so glad u like them ;0
Second off yes of course ! Here’s a few things about them :
-they r mongolian-american
-they lived in northern Oregon/southern Washington for most of their life on the surface, both in civilization and out on the woods (I’ve always had this idea of Chara being a forager, super self sufficient, it’s one of the first things I developed abt my interpretation of them)
-lived in a group home as a child (along with that they love kids !)
-Chara has inattentive ADHD as well as bipolar disorder
-SpIn’s include: fungi, knives, sewing and geometry (which they suck at but it’s challenging and stimulating and fun work)
-they were 9 when they ‘fell’ underground and 12 when The Plan was enacted
And now for more game related stuff:
-i whole-heartedly support NarraChara
-I know everyone likes to think that Chara has a special connection with Frisk but I like to think that they could interact the same way with every fallen (that includes influencing their choices)
-going with influencing the choices of the fallen they initially did their best to cause the children to fail in hopes of saving their family after death
-they talk Like That at the end of NM to appear more intimidating (by Like That I mean like a walking dictionary)
-the no mercy route was NOT their doing (I like to think of the player as an entity, while Chara is more of just an outside force if that makes any sense? Chara can certainly control Frisk as a vessel, but only of A) frisk has given them that option, B) they’re anxious/angry/emotional enough that their power amps up and allows them to overtake frisks living soul, or C) the player is controlling Frisk through Chara) (I can post more of my ghost stuff if y'all want it just shoot me an ask) back on track for this one the no mercy route was not their doing, but they do give you, the player, not frisk, an ultimatum at the end of the no mercy route because they’re fucking pissed at you
-Goopy Chara? Cool! It’s congealed blood
-Chara only finds out that Flowey is Asriel in true lab which is why its so weird (i cannot for the life of me find the post but its super popular, probably a birdsareblooming or undertale-in-2k19 post)
Personality wise:
-theyre super skittish and jumpy. Startle at everything and wear headphones Everywhere
-theyre semi-verbal and have selective mutism (won’t speak in public at all, rarely in front of Toriel and Asgore, and frequently to Asriel and Frisk)
-with that, they’re super light on their feet and hardly make any noise when moving
-also; very quick and hard to catch
-they tend to fall apart under pressure . In a situation where something is expected of them they’ll either overwork themselves into a burnout or stop functioning all together .
-very logical and has a hard time processing strong emotions (mostly anger)
-does a lot of mimicking and can take a while to trust
-hyper empathetic 
-they can be very charming and good at manipulation; take that how you will
Extra HC’s:
-Chara knows magic! It’s not much, and it really drains them, but Asgore taught them (it’s mostly enacted through hand signs and they know healing and self defense)
-they stim a ton! Cracking their knuckles and chewing are the big ones
-Worn Dagger is a survival knife gifted by an older human brother from before falling who I’m referring to currently as Anthony . It’s got a wood and resin handle and a seven inch blade with gold embossing of flowers (specifically daisies). The sheath is hand made and embroidered by them !
-they know sign language and are constantly making new slang terms . Their signing is so modified and personalized that a lot of people have a hard time understanding what theyre saying
-arthritis in their hands and wrists from a couple injuries that never healed right and constant use of their knife only made it worse (they have these splints designed to look like gloves that hold their wrist in place)
-listen to me . Listen to me. They get their hands on Tetris and never let go . Tetris is the coolest game to them . Have y'all seen Tetris tournaments ? If not watch one they’re addictive . Chara gets in . Chara rocks it . They don’t win but they get up there . They fucking rock at Tetris guys
-also after frisk shows them minecraft they fucking lose it okay . ‘Frisk’ starts making houses or rooms fully furnished for seemingly no-one and Tori only . raises an eyebrow
-they listen to lots of rock and early 2000′s alternative/techno once they can get their hands on it. Frisk hates it so they’ll debate about it a lot
-super sensitive to smell and textures
(ps: its worth mentioning that a lot of my chara is based around myself! chara is one of my comfort characters and so a lot of them is just kinda … me, or who i wish i was on some level owo)
and might as well throw in some thoughts on canon compliant chara:
-we dont really know much about canon chara, but theyve shown to be somewhat manipulative and have a really strong case of suicidal idealization . this sort of ties into the idea of them being a martyr, the future of humans and monsters; thats like a huge fucking load for a kid to carry that i definitely feel could have some effect on mental health. like, telling a kid that they’re the future of two separate races, while theyre also learning about 1) how horrifically humans acted towards monsters and 2)  how the barrier can be broken, especially while already having a tendency towards self harmful actions (i.e: jumping off a fucking mountain), and given how presumably awfully humans treated them in comparison to all the kindness theyve been shown by monsters, I think I’d get some ideas too.
- I’ve already said that i don’t think they’re evil, and I’ll stand by that opinion until the day of my death
-that said, their plan was flawed. I mean, obvi. the things they did, such as attempt suicide on 2 occasions,  and succeed on one with the help of Asriel (as well as taking him down with them !) were wrong for quite a few reasons. I think ultimately they were blinded by the pressure placed on them, whether it was intentional or not, and not having a place to diffuse that anxiety, they sort of absorbed it and honed it into a plan to save everyone important (monsters, who showed some bare minimum decency and kindness) and kill everyone who wasn’t (that being themself.) And, once the first part of that plan succeeded, they sort of exploded; being on the surface, with humans, the people who hurt them, the people they hated, was a good enough motive to release all that built up tension .
-also, i might as well go into no mercy- I think Chara winds up with a lot of power, a lot of anxiety, and anger built up, so when every monster in the underground is killed theyre sort of gaining power bit by bit- until the end, after you kill flowey, and we get to meet them for real . I think they’re pissed off, and they try to convince you that you’re in the right, they thank you, etc; they try to appeal to the player, who throughout the run weve only seen as a mindless killing machine, in an attempt to get you to erase the world and go back on your decisions . When you don’t, they get frustrated, explode, using all the power they’ve gained through the run to erase the file themself.
I just . I dunno . i could talk about chara for hours please ask me more questions about them
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so 2020 is officially here and i’ve left my party early to do some INTROSPECTION and SELF ASSESSMENT can i get a hell yeah ??
i’ve started this blog here mainly for myself; i want to see how i progress with certain elements of my life and i think i need somewhere to write down my gotdamn feelings. obviously tumblr is free
i’m setting some goals for the decade right now. a decade is a long time so these are some big goals (plus some little goals)
1. get through university
im 21 and ive only just started university. when i left sixth form the thought of all that debt made me weep so i thought fuck that noise and got an apprenticeship. luckily for me my apprenticeship was incredible and i love my job to bits and now theyre paying for me to do my bachelors in chemistry. ITS SO HARD THOUGH!!!!!! i am very out of practice as a student so the existence of studyblrs is a godsend.. this blog may turn into a bit of a studyblr
2. keep playing piano
earlier this year i bought a piano on a whim (potentially not my most sound financial investment. it was 600 quid) thankfully ive actually practised a lot and im quite proud of what ive achieved (being able to play moonlight sonata and the piano from amelie is a highlight) and i definitely want to keep it up but i have a habit of just giving up for no damn reason. my focus drifts and i never go back. piano brings me a sense of peace and pride and i really do not want to give that up though, so come 2030 i gotta be a pro okay? right
3. write my novel
this might seem like a stupid and unrealistic goal to just pluck out of nowhere but i’ve had this story and these characters running around in my head for sometime now. i havent come up with a sufficient plot summary because its all so abstract in my brain and i need to get these bastard characters out on a page so they can stop disturbing my thoughts
4. learn a language
i say learn a language - i’ve already gotten pretty deep into two languages, russian and swedish and i was quite good at them like conversational at least, but then of course i didnt practice and i got out of the habit and now im like barely remembering any of it. i can barely speak english on a bad day and i am english. so im gonna put my goddamn memrise pro subscription to good fucking use or im gonna have to go back to that demonic stalker hell bird from duolingo
5. lose weight/get fit
over the last couple of years i have put on a lot of weight. i think it might be a combination of getting used to full adult working hours, stress of moving out and becoming dependent purely on my own damn self and not knowing how to cook and kind of just enjoying life a bit too much (not that you shouldnt enjoy life, i mean that i go out and eat and drink far far too often) i dont necessarily want to ‘get skinny’, i just want to be proud of my body and happy with the things it can do. for this ive got a couple of ‘sub goals’:
learn to cook like a normal human being
start going to the gym (that is IN MY BUILDING and also FREE)
try barre balance classes
finally for the love of god, go back and relearn ice skating
6. work on my mental health
so after seven years (!!!) of having some pretty bad issues and low points etc etc. i finally had something of a mental breakdown in june this year. turns out pretending that everything is fine is not a long term solution. so with a bit of help from my mum, i am now in therapy. and boy there is a lot going on. things i hadn’t even thought about since i was a child are actually still affecting me in a big way??? what bullshit. childhood trauma seemed like something that happened to other people and not in my real life. but im working through it. its going to be a long haul journey and theres so much i havent even begun to try to deal with, but if i can stay on the right track and work through it all i’ll be happy. i know its not something that can be like fixed and done with, so if i can just find the will to carry on with everything i’ll be pleased
OKAY, so these are my long term goals. im trying not to put too much pressure on myself to do all of this all the time. maybe ill have a week where i learn 6000 songs on the piano and nothing else. thats cool. although i think uni work may be a bit of a priority that i need to push myself on.... 
but anyway, to anyone who reads this inane ramble, i hope you have a gorgeous 2020 and a roaring 20′s decade and remember -  
stay sexy
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jayykesley · 5 years
1-30 for Derick and Rosalyn ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
1.     If your OC was an action figure/doll being sold at a toy store, what items would come packaged with them? What phrases would they say when their string is pulled?
Derick: obviously a small cat toy, and its just a lot of “sorry, excuse me, sorry”
Rosalyn: her yellow scarf, and “stop asking questions”
2.     Your OC’s favorite song just came on the radio, but they’re in public! Do they contain themselves or do they rock out without a second thought?
Derick: absolutely not, nothing he would hate more than attracting attention to himself in public
Rosalyn: not outright dancing, but shes tapping her foot or nodding along unconsciously
3.     Does your OC revel in celebrating holidays/birthdays or do they have zero holiday spirit?
Derick: holidays dont bring a ton of happy memories, so on his own he doesnt do much to celebrate. But with his new friends and family, hes more open to making happier memories
Rosalyn: she herself doesnt go big, but she’s not Scrooge or anything if the people around her want to celebrate
4.     How much effort does your OC put in when it comes to giving presents to friends?
Derick: i think gift-giving is his love language? so while he doesnt give extravagant gifts, they all come from the heart (flowers, cool rocks, etc)
Rosalyn: all her gifts are purely functional - you mention you ran out of razors? she’s got you. need a tire pressure gauge for your car? that’s your birthday gift. she once bought roswell a box of colorful bandaids and a new belt for their “camp-iversary”
5.     Does your OC have a role model or someone they idolize? How would they react to meeting them?
Derick: not really, he’s more intimidated than in awe of people that are “above” him
Rosalyn: she definitely looks up to Dr. Gatling
6.     How organized is your OC’s workspace?
Derick: a bit scattered, but mostly somewhat clean
Rosalyn: scarily organized and very minimalist
7.     What would be your OC’s ideal vacation destination?
Derick: he’s not huge into traveling, so anywhere that allows him to sleep in his own bed at the end of the day
Rosalyn: anywhere, she wants to go anywhere and everywhere, she wants to see everything and experience everything and just feel free
8.     Which of your OCs sleeps the most? The least?
Derick, although he is probably at least a little depressed, so its not exactly healthy
9.     Is there anything peculiar about your OC’s teeth? Anything crooked, missing, or discolored?
Derick: hes got that perfect rich boy smileTM
rosalyn: shes got a couple chipped teeth, could possibly stand to whiten them if she felt like it
10.  Which of your OCs has all the sass? Who has all the class?
of the two of them, rosalyns got the sass and dericks got the class
11.  Is your OC a sore loser or a graceful one? When they do win, do they gloat or are they humble about it?
derick: very humble (again, hates the extra attention)
rosalyn: not a sore loser, but WILL rub it in carson’s face if she beats him in anything
12.  Does your OC try to set a good example for those around them or could they care less about the impact they have?
derick: tries his best to be a good influence, maybe tries a little too hard sometimes
rosalyn: could not possibly care less
13.  How well does your OC take compliments? Do they get flustered or try to turn them down?
derick: BAD, hes VERY BAD AT TAKING COMPLIMENTS. he dissolves into a flustered stuttering mess he cannot take a single compliment
rosalyn: “I know.”
14.  When your OC doesn’t understand something, do they ask for help right away or do they flounder about trying to figure it out on their own?
derick: embarrassed to be asking for help, embarrassed to flounder helplessly, he just doesnt know what to do
rosalyn: might ask for help, might brute force it, whatever she feels like
15.  Which of your OCs has the most patience? The least? How would they react to someone cutting in front of them in line?
Derick: pretty patient, but would probably just fester quietly if someone cut in front of him
rosalyn: impatient and unfortunately for everyone around her she is extremely confrontational
16.  How does your OC feel about their mortality? If they’re immortal, do they see this as a curse or a blessing?
derick: would like very much to not think about the impermanence of existence
rosalyn: she aint dying until she kills knox. “it’s easy,” she says “just dont die.”
17.  If your OC is trained in combat, what kind of opponent would they do best against? What kind of opponent would they lose horribly to?
derick: hes extremely not and will lose
rosalyn: would do best against (obviously) someone unskilled and weak, or another Heavy. Isn’t that great against a Flyer because Rosalyn is very impatient and crude in her fighting style, and Flyers are graceful and lithe.
18.  Are there any issues that your OC sees as pretentious or not worth arguing over? Or are they the one getting in heated debates over trivial things?
Derick: generally doesnt argue much bc he just doesnt see most things as worth getting heated over
Rosalyn: is ready and willing to get angry over any and all things
19.  Your OC’s favorite ongoing book series/show/etc. just got canceled! How do they react?
derick: disappointed and annoyed. you know how interesting something has to look for him to actually start watching/reading it?
rosalyn: unsurprisingly, shes angry
20.  Your OC overhears someone talking smack about one of their friends. Do they come to their defense or get involved in any way?
derick: might actually say something tbh - he wont stand up for himself but he WILL stand up for his friends!
Rosalyn: ready to throw down immediately
21.  Your OC’s neighbor is blasting loud music in the middle of the night. How do they react?
derick: pull the pillow over his head to drown it out
rosalyn: Confrontation TimeTM
22.  How does your OC react to cheesy pick-up lines? Would they ever use one?
Derick: blushes, flustered and doesnt know how to respond. just a lot of stuttering. it would take a LOT for him to ever feel comfortable actually using a pick up line.
Rosalyn: “are you flirting with me?” - she wouldnt waste time, she;d just get straight to the point with “I like you, wanna do this thing?”
23.  Would your OC ever misuse a swivel chair or a chair with wheels?
Both: absolutely
24.  Has your OC ever tried to do something with good intentions but it all went awry?
Derick: story of his life
Rosalyn: pretty much every time she tries to give advice or give a compliment
25.  Has your OC ever ignored a problem hoping that it would go away on its own? If so, what was it & did it work?
Derick: always, and no
Rosalyn: she usually faces problems head-on
26.  Your OC comes across an abstract painting! Do they try to decipher a deeper meaning from it or do they just see some blobs and lines?
Derick: blobs, but the blobs make him feel something
Rosalyn: doesnt like the blobs
27.  If your OC was a Pokemon trainer, what pokemon would they have in their party? Would they prefer battling or contests?
Derick: whatever pokemon he comes across first - he cant get rid of them just because theyre weaker! thats mean!
rosalyn: i like the idea that her party is 100% geodudes
28.  Even if your OC doesn’t play video games, what do you think their favorite game/series would be?
derick: stardew valley
rosalyn: bioshock/Doom
29.  If your OC was going to be in an animated movie or show, who would you want to be their voice actor?
derick would need someone with a slightly higher voice, soft but excitable, always sounds slightly panicky
rosalyn would need someone with a slightly lower, more serious voice, where everything she says is “stated” rather than “explained” or “questioned” or “asked’.
30.   Your OC spends an hour looking for something only to realize it was in their hand the entire time. What’s their response?
Derick: feels silly, hopes no one saw him
Rosalyn: huffs, but moves on
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fortheheavenssake · 5 years
PG MM Anon Interpretation Collection- 10
65: Sept. 20
MM Anon
MM ANON … it’s a bird’ it’s a private plane ‘ it’s an Archificial!!!!!…… Canada why?…… three weddings and a numeral …… an unnecessary company …… not buying the lying ……” Rome , Bloody Rome!!”…………” one makes ones bed Philip”…… tabloids ‘ mud sticks, it’s official!!…… hated ‘ not rated …… This spotty leopard is def!! …… “ To boldly go……… “
it’s a bird’ it’s a private plane ‘ it’s an Archificial!!!!!
It’s Superman!!! Was the original third part. The ever elusive doll baby with magic powers to change size, hair colour, eyes, eyelashes etc etc all while wearing a Christening gown🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 Again MM ANON are you confirming this? Private planes have been used because as we all know, there is no baby in her care, it’s always been a doll, and/or actors getting on/off private planes and or going to their local. For some reason EJ and ED are lying! Allegedly.
Canada why?
Canada Dry🤣🤣🤣😂😂MM ANON are you teasing me because l didn’t know that rare song🤣🤣😂😂? Seriously, l wonder if this is about Cameron Ortis and enquiring why Canada’s issue occurred and who was given what information.
three weddings and a numeral
Movie Three Weddings and a Funeral. Interestingly the write Richard Curtis is working with Catherine DOC , a new mental health initiative. It was in the paper the other day, if l recall there was a suicide he experienced, sibling? I cannot recall exactly. So Three weddings and a numeral. Let’s review what a numeral is, its a figure, symbol, or group of these denoting a number. MM ANON are you affirming something for us? Oh pretty please!!
Madam alleged annulled 1st marriage, divorced second and PH was the golden door number three, let’s make a deal, who remembers that game show? Does numeral represent a part of the law which denotes annulment and was it done legally? We know the divorce was legal because TE has remarried or is engaged. Oh my stars, are we getting affirmation?l have said awhile now why did PH hold the book when he was ‘signing’ the register after the wedding ceremony, he held the book so the camera couldn’t see it. Oh this clue has me buzzing! I know it’s can’t be III. Roman numeral three for three weddings they have attended as a married couple, the horrible blue and white dress, Princess Eugenie and Jack B and now MN?
an unnecessary company
Is this the Sussex Foundation? They could have worked as a team with the Cambridges but her jealousy and craving of $$$$$££££££££€€€€€ far supersedes any philanthropic or truly real humanitarianism.
not buying the lying
No one is believing anything she says or does except sugars and celebrities who share management or SS PR.
” Rome , Bloody Rome!!”
Again PP, disgust continues to rile his anger. Raging at yet another trip, how many flights is this now in six weeks or so? If they are all true it must be close to ten. He is a strong man, served his country for decade upon decade, to see this madam, l cannot imagine his blood pressure!
” one makes ones bed Philip”
HMTQ and PP , or maybe LG, the phrase you made your bed, now lie on it. This means your life choices have consequences and you have to deal with them The speaking if first person here, in a manner, leads me to believe this is HMTQ talking to her husband and the incredible burden of a booty call turning into this horrendous mess and PH playing his role, in his due to HMTQ, his grandmother is him having to deal with his poor choice. We still love and pray for him, as do his family. It must be desperately hard to watch him , but it will all be worth it, once justice is served, and make no mistake, it may not be tomorrow or next week, it will come! My word for madam, she will not understand this but Ask not for whom the bell tolls, for it tolls for the.
tabloids ‘ mud sticks, it’s official!!
Monster Meghan nanny tells all, TMZ shows fake photos of pub visit days and days after it allegedly happened, the pub owners denied they were there, the meta data on the photo said it was taken September 17,2019. More and more in the tabloids both paper and online tabloids, the truth is coming out and people are believing it more and more thus the term the mud sticks. MM ANON, the other riddle you used ‘ stick and stones’may break my bones, but names will never hurt me. I added the rest, after the part she mentioned. So in this case, the ‘names’ which in fact is truth are most definitely hurting her already bad reputation. Way to go SS!! You’re really earning your $$$$£££££€€€€! NOT !😂😂😂😂🤣
hated ‘ not rated
If one goes by social media et al, she doesn’t rate as a royal, but oh my the level of absolute disgust, anger, has built into hatred. Rightfully so, she blew in, rather flew in on her 🧹, paid backers. Manipulated a marriage, a ‘fauxmegnancy’, wastage of money on an epic scale, disrespecting the British and Commonwealth every step of the way. Trying to Americanize the Royal family and the biggest of all is the complete vile disrespect to HMTQ. To me, all the misdeeds, ? maybe illegal, those are all left for LG to manage. The thing of HMTQ at this stage of her Reign and her life, to be so utterly disrespected, repeatedly is utter gall. Yet another major reason she is hated so much by so many!
This spotty leopard is def!!
Def Leopard…awesome band and takes me back to hockey games music and after parties. She is def, not physically def,but tone def in an abstract meaning. She doesn’t accept any opinion except her own. Any questions she immediately cries troll, racist, hater, a plethora of descriptors. I still cannot believe all the time twitter was going last night either in Italy or as leaving to go there. Who cares if l or others misread the riddle. I am not embarrassed to acknowledge l misread something! Hey this is for fun, if it angers or irritates someone, perhaps reset this or take a break. In saying that, l work very hard in processing what the options are that a clue may mean and then writing it, in a manner that is as clear and concise as l can do.
“ To boldly go……… “.
To boldly go where no man, since changed to no one , has gone before, from the opening of Star Trek episodes. So madam has boldly gone to Rome sans archficial, and the Africa trip is pending shortly. Wonder why the journalists flight to Capetown has been cancelled?? She sees herself as the worlds answer to anything and l am sure she will display her narcissistic brilliantly while there. Oh this is going to be fun to watch!
As an aside, the HMS PRINCE OF WALES was taken out of drydock in Forsyth, Scotland. Some interiors are still being constructed. This is a massive beast of a sea faring ship. Check it out!
Wow! How do you do this dear PG! You take so little and turn out a masterpiece! So impressive, thank you so much! As always, greatly appreciated! Thank you!😃💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
Sep 20th, 2019
66: sept. 21
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
MM Anon
MM ANON …The wedding r/deception … the bigger picture …… easy does it! but do it…… weasel words …… not an option …… a collection of miss-fits…… heads or tails?……… home alone 7…… A sensible emptiness …… “don’t forget to wind the clock”……… no public appearances …… a good WHO-done
The wedding r/deception
So, this variety of people gather for big wedding number two in less than five years for the same bride,,different groom. It looked like a political conference with the level of security and who was there. Why did they attend, as far as l know the paper said they weren’t part of the evening prepared, l didn’t see them there in the photos from that evening. They were at the wedding, why? If you’re all close friends why not go to the fun bit and socialize, have a few drinks and a dance. I’ll tell you why BECAUSE THEYRE NOT A COUPLE THATS TOGETHER, it’s a charade. There must have been some reason they went, especially l enjoyed the cheeky photo of Harry where he SOUGHT out the camera and grinned. That told this girl all l need to know. Something was up, and we may never know what the agenda was but something was up!
the bigger picture
When one says look at the bigger picture here, it means take a step back from your situation, look at pros, cons, what you have invested into the issue and make the best decision that way. Here l think it’s literal, look at the whole picture, who was at that we’d and why. I have no answers but l think that’s one option.
I also think this is PH, going to the wedding was one small part of his time with mm, MM ANON is telling us don’t yippity yap about who was wrong or right about them going to the wedding or not. I admit it freely, l completely misread the clue about the wedding. Am l still lived?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂💜💜💜💜💜 l hope so😊. Seriously now, look at the big picture who set him up, what’s happened since then and so forth. I feel we need to continue to brain storm and put forth opinions here, this is fascinating and sometimes what we have talked about is in the paper the next day and l think wow! So let’s keep our eye on the prize and on the bigger picture!
easy does it! but do it
Slow progress in extraction from this sordid tale. Many many things have changed and been revealed l he is back to being called PH in the media no more DUKE🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂. There is so much negative PR it’s incredible and SS has only made things worse. So easy do it with the extraction but DO IT ! HMTQ and LG have this. The thing l fear presently is that speech she is going to give shortly after landing.
weasel words
Weasel words are words or statements that are intentionally ambiguous or misleading AKA word salad. That’s how she speaks, gobble de gook , just all kind awesome kind, yet kind but also awesomely kind, but kind of awesome, yet kindly kind. You get it, you know it. As l said , my massive fear is that first speech with the domestic murder rate off the charts, she goes in there yammering like that, there is serious damage that she could do. This is no joke, l worry about this. She on the other hand thinks she’s so awesomely kind that her speeches save the world and just her presence there will make things all better especially if she uses a darker bronzer!
not an option
Giving up is not an option. There were years invested into planning this and years have been invested into investigations. This must be allowed to play on as long as it needs to. They cannot afford to not pull out and follow every piece of yarn they unravel, this is too internationally important to just give up now. The general public is angry both at home and the a Commonwealth, its an incredible game being played but we have God , HMTQ and LG and PW and PH on ours! Let’s remember to keep them in prayer 🙏🏻💜🙏🏻.
a collection of miss-fits
Well l could say the stolen name SmartSets was a collection of things that fit a very select few and a bag, that cost more than the clothes that the fit on was terrible. The trousers she woke had a big bit of extra fabric right in the front lower area yikes! I do think, the almost inbred crew that was at that Italian wedding was a bunch of misfits. I am not judging but my reading tells me, her first marriage took place in Venice and was a massive affair, that marriage didn’t last three yearsish. Here we have a massive affair in Rome, l don’t get this flaunting of wealth. I just do not get it. The guest list, why are the Kushners, be it Jared or Josh always at any event? The connections in that guest list that was posted in the paper again reminded me of a genealogical family tree. This all so bizarre. Has she grafted her way into money as well? They keep saying she’s a fashion designer, l keep myself pretty in the know of stuff like that because it interesting to me. Before mm, l had NEVER heard of mn and her stupid white shirt. That’s her big contribution to fashion a white shirt? Okay then…..moving swiftly along…….
heads or tails?
Flip a coin, choose a side, you win or lose the bet.
home alone 7
Home Alone aaaaahhhhh Kevin!!! Love it, the sequels not the same. Is this now, the trio to Italy, the 7th time archficial has left left alone by his ‘parents’. Well yes l sure Nannyficial has things all in hand, in fact maybe they will Nannyficial to take care of Archficial in SA??
A sensible emptiness
Emptiness can mean a human condition is a sense of generalized boredom, social alienation and apathy, which means a
lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.
Sensible can be a statement or course of action chosen bearing in mind wisdom and prudence, and is likely to be of benefit. It can also be something that is practical and functional rather than decorative. Well we know mm is not the latter definition of sensible. So sensible emptiness, PH has made a life changing, mane lives actually, decision that night at soho, and here we are today. I truly believe this description of sensible emptiness could apply to him, HMTQ, those who live both, their families and all of us who are loyal to the Crown and love our royals. We know justice has to be brought to bare or is it bear, you know what l mean. So these feelings we talk about with our 💜🐼💜 and we share here are normal. We need to pray for justice seekers and truth seekers in all forms, they are doing Gods work.
“don’t forget to wind the clock”
Old clocks need winding to keep them running. To wind somebody up means to get them excited in a good or bad way. I think this means quite literal don’t forget to take care of yourself, PH, sleep, exercise, eat well, check your emotions with those you love, do what you need to do to stay fit (and oh is he fit,😁) so as the clock needs to be wound to function well, these things are essential to him being able to function well.
no public appearances
Amw will stay MIA, this is stupid ridiculous, but the lie has to continue. There has to be a reason and we must pray for PH , HMTQ and LG. Especially PH, he will have to maintain his composure. How they are going to keep this lie going l don’t know but l read they are taking 12 staff, that is NOT counting RPOS!!
a good WHO-done it.
This clue has a double meaning. It can mean a really good storyline in a book or film or tv really, that doesn’t tell us straight away who the criminal is but lays clues to figure it out….kinda like your riddles MM ANON. WHO is the World Health Organization. I don’t know if anybody noted the article l put on my blog last night or read it in the paper/saw or heard it on the news, this is a run on sentence for the ages, my goodness! There has been a spate of relationship homicide in SA, with 30 women being murdered in the last month alone. There has been a dramatic rise in statistics of violence. The WHO commenting means this is a severe issue needing addressing! With great dread do l await madams first speech shortly after they land, where she will speak on the topic of violence against women. This is a very dangerous decision with a lot of potential blowback!
Wow! Amazing….so appreciate this dear PG! Things are getting interesting now! Thank you so much!😃💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
67: Sept. 22
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
I have had a massive increase in my sciatic pain, that’s been building since flu last week, today was brutal. But better now so l thought l would give the riddle a go. Please continue praying for me, l really am in need of it. Lots of love and gratitude 💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻PG🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
MM Anon
MM ANON … Azurelee Drive…… “ we are interested” … … between 6 and 10……🎼 California scheming 🎼……((wedding gems…… “ SA ‘just a fuc#@g nuisance”…… “£uck the press, we can do anything I want”…… “ I don’t lie, I embellish”))……” is on our watch list “……… “HEADS ‘ I win”…… a draconian solution … “when The devil drives”. 🎼 “over and over and over again my friend”🎼………(🤫🤫🤭💎💎💎💎👩🏽‍💻👷🏿‍♂️👷🏿‍♂️👷🏿‍♂️👷🏿‍♂️ when in Rome!!!!)
Azurelee Drive
Azure is the bluest of blues it is a gorgeous colour. As l suspected, Azurelee Drive is in Malibu, another clue to reenforce her long term plan is Malibu. Are there any prisons with an ocean view in Malibu? Maybe someone could let me know if there are, l am serious!
“ we are interested”
Again with the first person royal”we”. HMTQ is very interested in what’s going on. I think we are nearing some sort of climax with this trip. I have said this before, l trustmyngut, l have a very strong feeling something is going to happen. Perhaps the reason they flew to the wedding for such a short time, hardly worth it, was for her to use someone else’s computer to engage in a blood diamond deal? Again does she not get she is being monitored? Obviously not!
between 6 and 10
7, 8, 9, are between 6 and 10 literally. But l think this is the amount of time they spent at the wedding. They weren’t part of the party the night before, the next day wedding breakfast or the second night party the night after the wedding. Wow besties eh? Isn’t it awesome to have such great best friends?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
🎼 California scheming 🎼
This is a play on the song California dreaming, MM ANON has used this before, so it’s reenforcing for her plan to live there after all this is over. Yes perhaps in a dark cement building! Her plan, get all the $$$$€€€££££££ she can, set up her blog again and divorce rebuilding her life in Malibu was the last place l read was the mansion search. She is scheming her way into the marriage, during the ,arriage, out of the marriage and after the marriage
((wedding gems…… “ SA ‘just a fuc#@g nuisance”…… “£uck the press, we can do anything I want”…… “ I don’t lie, I embellish”))
Gems has an obvious meaning, which is also involved in this riddle.Gems can also be snippets like best song on an album etc. These are the gems of conversration/comments she made the night of the wedding. She really is stupid, has no filter and no judgement whatsoever!
” is on our watch list “
Of course, with the international security issues at , her past involvement with many, many individuals of dubious character during her yachting decades, and the current work LG has been doing l am certain she is on a watch list. Here l assume everyone knows what a watch list is, a person, or persons, group, or items requiring close surveillance, most usually for legal or political reasons.
“HEADS ‘ I win”
We had heads or tails yesterday. HEADS all caps, what’s the meaning? Who has HEADS and is the winner? I found one definition but nothing in all caps, heads a shouted warning that something is falling from above one’s head.
a draconian solution
We had a case, few years ago where l live, they wanted to build a casino in part of a local pub. Our city had a by-law preventing gambling and alcohol on sale in the same establishment. I can still see AND hear the owner when he was interviewed on the news about how Draconian our laws were. The definition of draconian is of laws or their application) excessively harsh and severe. I might add old law not updated. Many many places have old laws in the books that are never used anymore but still would be enforceable because they still exist as binding law. So LG and his team may have found just such a law or set of laws that they believe fit this situation and can be utilized to the benefit of the Crown. Oh please, please pretty please, let this be so!!
“when The devil drives”.
There is a novel by Scottish write Chris Brookmyre, with this same title. A dual plot, one a Shakespearean play being performed outdoors and a sniper kills someone, second plot a terminally ill woman wants to find her missing sister. The first is obvious, we don’t want that but security will be very tight on the tour l am certain. The second plot, are we being told there is a sister that is missing and still being searched out? Or is this nothing to do with the novel and the obvious meaning, once you’re riding with the devil nothing good and only reviled happens. I am inclined to think maybe a bit of both.
🎼 “over and over and over again my friend”🎼
This song has been performed and covered by many. The endless ways one tried to do things to be loved and keep someone happy. This is PH over and over and over,he is publicly acting this out, the loving supportive husband and “anything Meghan wants Meghan gets”. He has done such a great job and this has resulted in him taking lots and lots of media heat!
(🤫🤫🤭💎💎💎💎👩🏽‍💻👷🏿‍♂️👷🏿‍♂️👷🏿‍♂️👷🏿‍♂️ when in Rome!!!!)
Blood diamonds! We have had this in a previous riddle. Shhh, diamond, laptop, four workers with hard hats of colour. Did she order, or pick up her diamonds??. Or sell some??? I suspected from an earlier riddle blood diamonds were on the table for her, here l have confirmation . I am thinking with the use of laptop she communicated the deal and will pick up in Africa. Oh kids, this is getting good. HANDCUFFS CLANG CLANG,
Fantastic PG! Things are heating up it seems! Thank you, we so appreciate all the work you put into this….especially on your days! ThNk you🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️
Ask Skippy submission
12 notes
Sep 22nd, 2019
68: sept.28
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
MM Anon
MM ANON …… a slippery halo… … AFRICANT …… 🎼” you must have been a beautiful …” 🎼……… faux mother… no British archificial …… a crowd of booooos await……” so’ she Hates the bloody Brits”…… PB will destroy her thunder …… “ Malibu-hoo welcome “…… a $6 million drive in …… an uninterested Africa … PR pays for local hysteria … a white black imposter … well paid unimpressed mothers feel used …… “beef it up for Pakistan”
a slippery halo
The Halo Trust, the anti landlmine charity that a Princess Diana was such a part of and still thrives today because of her work . I remember 1997 , the land mine on the news, her walking, seems like yesterday. This is a double entebdré by our dear MM ANON. Harry has been slaughtered by the media for being a spoilt petulant entitled man. The halo or crown of the Prince 🤴 is slippery now in public opinion. LET’S PRAY FOR OUR HARRY🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Can or can’t, the version of cannot. Nothing has been good, happy, meaningful about her presence on this holiday, it’s not a royal tour. Just wonder what other stunts she is going to pull, because we are going to get another video of amw with oh happy day in the background music. By the way, is she paying royalty rights for using that music , the performers? Catherine cannot and does not put a foot wrong. This one cannot even put a hair right!
… 🎼” you must have been a beautiful
You must have been a beautiful baby, you must have a beautiful child! Singing as l type, great old song. Drive all the girls wild, l think is one line. He sure is a cutie, that’s for sure!
faux mother
As below, she doesn’t possess an ounce of mothering instinct. She can’t because that takes away from attention on her. This is exactly why amw was not at the play date.
no British archificial
So is he born in SA? Not royal, less than that not even British. Good God this woman is moronically stupid! Makes sense that he was in SA, that’s why the dolls have been in use, Christening photo, photoshopped, first photo that was barred by the palace from being used after June, can’t recall exact date. She picked this child up while in SA so she could throw him up in the air, climb up steps in five inch heels to copy Catherine , show off a real baby, who didn’t respond to her at all except when she dug her hands into him and he involuntarily winced. THIS US MADNESS PEOPLE!! This poor child, now his face is forever plastered. In one photo, l thought l noticed a strong resemblance to papa TM!
a crowd of booooos await
Oh Kuwait, l am rubbing my hands together, wait until the return to the UK! NOW the gloves are off, she will be booed and booed, good luck to her on any engagement or public appearance. Boo boo boo are coming. People are beyond furious in the UK and Commonwealth!
” so’ she Hates the bloody Brits”
This is PP, piping in his comments l oh Sir, l feel so bad for you having this to deal with. HMTQ needs your love and sumore than ever! Steady on Sir, steady on!
PB will destroy her thunder
I am so happy for Princess Beatrice and Edo, their engagement photos both the colour ones that Eugenie took, and the black and white ones, l cannot recall the photographers name just now. I was soooooo happy to see the news and what a payback for her stealing the thunder meaning spoiling someone’s excitement, on Eugenie and Jack’s wedding day by wearing that huge coat to stir attention to possibility of her being pregnant. Who knew how that fauxmegnancy would turn into such a mess. As does everything with her!
“ Malibu-hoo welcome “
Will she be welcomed with hoos or boos in Malibu when she just leaves once she has her nest padded, or so she thinks. I don’t see her living the high life in a mansion. She might check into hotel California but she may never leave. Justice is coming! The IRS will want it share of the 250K as well as all she has purloined. The US , l believe is the only country in the world where no matter where you live you still pay taxes on EVERYTHING!!!
a $6 million drive in
Ha ha, reminds me of summertime, movies st the drive-in, l think the place she will eventually live will be mouth many tens of millions, have the best security and the best staff. It will also require wearing of an orange jumpsuit or its equivalent!!
an uninterested Africa …
As l have written below, NOBODY CARES ABOUT HER, People are struggling to get by. SA has had water problems for years! Droughts, poverty, the sky high murder rate and domestic abuse, she isn’t even in the radar of importance.
PR pays for local hysteria
The ‘crowds’ on the tree stump she stood🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂 the great Plato sharing infinite words of wisdom and insight. The video with DT was privately arranged, paid for. People have been bussed in as paid extras so it appears she has people who adore her. I saw an interview with three regular women walk-in down the street, he asked if they knew of a big event, they looked at each other , nothing. He said royal, then they came out with Harry but not a one of them knew her name. Ooooooo the sting!The burn! I hope she saw that!
a white black imposter
Blackface used to be a thing decades ago, Al Jolson, in the first talking picture/movie made it famous, well it already was actually. White people putting black on their faces and pretending to be black to perform or at parties etc. Here we have the screamer of racist, troll, racist troll, her two twitters that l follow are.CcccRrrrraaaazzzzyyyy. She talks to herself, to Sam, sometimes tweeting from both alternately. She of the racist card, has spent her life identifying as Caucasian, her immense use of bronzer gets worse day by day, except it seems to me on this ‘tour’ her makeup is less, her clothes are dishevelled, she looks a mess. She is trying to pass as black so it’s fits her narrative right Sister?!? Passing, years ago meant someone of colour who appeared Caucasian could appear or pass as being white and avoid the racism. She disgusts me 🐍.
well paid unimpressed mothers feel used
These women who allegedly paid 50K to have a half hour ‘lunch’ with her, made to sit on the floor, which culturally is soooooooo inappropriate given that is done when grieving or in mourning. God please bring the Justice and remove her from this family right into a nice colour of orange, she seems to like jumpers or whatever they are called in the UK, that one piece thing she wore, so orange to match her bronzer which she has amazingly used so much less of, in the photos l have seen.
“beef it up for Pakistan”
To beef something up, is to make it stronger, better more secure. The Cambridges are heading off for a Royal tour, let me say that again, A ROYAL TOUR😁 to Pakistan. Security issues have been in discussions and this trips itinerary will be not be as publicized due to those issues. Now it is sounding like, by this clue, that they have had to increase the already planned security measures. There is always the possibility the risk is too great and things would have to be cancelled. That would be a disaster in relationship building but safety first! Remember Harry is #1 on the Taliban hit list and that risk is by extension a factor.
Fantastic! Thank you PG! You are right on your game! So appreciate this!🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
Sep 28th, 2019
69: Sept. 28
Is this a new thing MM ANON. Two riddles in one Day?🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂
MM Anon
MM ANON …… second son walks alone … bonfires of PR. …… a great rip off … another archificial field trip… a home run …… a lot of backlash back home …… sugar coated photos……… “is it time to go it alone “…… “THE TAPE HAS BEEN SOLD” …… “ for posterity old thing”…… burying it with the rest. ……… 🎼 “ riders on the storm” 🎼
second son walks alone
Our Harry, walks alone, many in the public have been so critical of him, they can’t see the truth or haven’t taken the time to inform themselves. He is our Harry, l don’t care what anyone says, he is a man literally physically fading away, he’s so thin, dishevelled, being with her, l cannot imagine. To me, he deserves a medal for serving to HMTQ ! He has been and will remain in my prayers. Literally speaking he was walking alone in that minefield, or former minefield. What a metaphor for his life eh? 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
bonfires of PR.
I remember being in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 for Bonfire 🔥 night as we called it or Guy Fawkes day . Old history about Scottish rebellion and a bomb being placed in parliament etc etc look it up, its interesting. Anyhow it’s still great fun in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 every November. So MM ANON is using bonfires to describe the PR , basically it’s all explosive!
a great rip off
The fee she is charging especially that lunch just using people for maximum cash value. I am positive she has other side deals going on. I recall that last riddle l dud days ago with the clue being diamonds, workers in safety coloured vests, men of colour, a woman at a laptop. You remember it, lead me to think she is sourcing blood diamonds for resale. Everything with her is a rip of, all a grift, capsule collection, using people even a baby for her personal gain!
another archificial field trip
Oh as l said in the other riddle, we are going to see another privately filmed, ore arranged appearance of amw, l bet she is being paid for these appearances. I just hope his socks fit this time and may a pair of shoes, a blanket, a toy/stuffier and a bib or rag for drool.
a home run
Baseball, America’s game. Home run, hit the ball out into the stands, run all the bases until the final base which is called home base and you’ve made a home run. But MM ANON you sly lady🤣🤣🤣, you are not talking baseball. She is going to do a runner and head home! Be gone, be gone, go face the IRS🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂🤣
a lot of backlash back home
Oh my oh my, showing him publicly live in the flesh for the first time in SA and not in the U.K. has lit a match under a huge pile of 🧨 dynamite. She is and has been playing with fire. People are FURIOUS and they already hate her! I cannot wait to hear the boos. I think the English politeness is gone, as MM ANON has said in other riddle, she has made her bed or beds🤣🤣🤣, she must lay in it. But the sad thing is she doesn’t give a whit of care or respect for HMTQ, the BRF nor the public of the U.K. or the Commonwealth!
sugar coated photos
Oh the sugars have literal gone crazier seeing archficial , like Pinocchio is now a real boy, not rubber anymore but flesh and blood. No seeing what’s so obvious, no relationship, the child doesn’t know her, climbing those steps in stilettos , holding him, unsafely, then roughly, tossing him in the air, the look of concern on DT daughter she even put her own arms up lest amw get dropped. Oh heavens how tacky were those cookies, sweets with words written on them, banana-gate2.0!
“is it time to go it alone “
Is the her or him going it alone? I doubt at this point, if Harry ended it, there would still be screams of racism. I think she is padding her nest in SA and planning her post-divorce life. Good luck with that project Rachel!
The infamous tossed salad tape sold at last. All uppercase. I am certain either the BRF has it, or a good friend of the BRF has secured it for them and they have it!! Who hoo !! Happy day! 😂😂😂😂😂just reminded me of her abuse of that beautiful song Oh Happy Day. I really wish she took those words to heart, the second line is when Jesus washed my sins away. I want no soul condemned but she has to choose.
“ for posterity old thing”
Again our PP, speaking, saving the video and dossier perhaps for posterity. When you save something for posterity, it means you hold onto it, keep it safe because you never know when you might need it!
burying it with the rest.
Wondering did the BRF buy the video, and just keeping that and all the other things in her dossier burying it in the secret files. I highly doubt they will reveal too much species publicly. The marriage will dissolve as a natural course, she can’t adjust etc etc. The BRF and PH. Publicly have done everything and then some to welcome her, they are spotless in this!
🎼 “ riders on the storm” 🎼
The Doors, classic album. He died in Paris and is buried there, it’s a place to visit for many fans.This is a classic song but dark in lyrics. Speaks of home one is born into poor ie dog no bone, don’t want lyric infringement so l adjusted that. Speaks of a killer , a family dying in a car crash. Speaking in the chorus that a woman needs to love and support her man. Put these all together at , pardon the pun, but they are a perfect storm for describing what’s Harrys life has been and is. Lost his mum is a car crash, his wife born into grifting family allegedly. Certainly getting no love and support from her. Today, well yesterday now, but seeing him sitting where she sat, with the now woman who was the girl she comforted, him all alone by the tree, didn’t you just want to take him in your arms and comfort him? Tears now……
Thank you dear PG! I am in awe! You are brilliant! A very rough day for Harry I am sure….🙏🏻💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
Sep 28th, 2019
70: Sept. 29
Did l ever tell you all, l do the riddles from bottom to top? I don’t know why, l used to look at the Sears catalogue from the back too, l still look at magazines back to front. A fun wacky PG fact!🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂
MM Anon
MM ANON …… Cape Town closure ……bells and whistles farewell … on returning, a tour… an unpopular reluctance …… disinformation …… the fence that won’t mend…… club class flying isolation …… Heathrow paps…… no rest for the wicked …… “Hello Boys”…… “He needs a parade”…… “ not another bloody investigation” …… now D&G not H&M. …… cosmetic records!!!! O,no
… Cape Town closure
They officially closed the Cape atone part of the tour and flew out September 29,2019. I was going to say today but l know this is a worldwide blog so l thought l would put that in there. The itinerary has them leaving from Johannesburg, and returning to London. I am sure most of Cape Town citizens had no idea they were there, if they did, no one cared really.
bells and whistles farewell
This whole entire holiday has been just bizarre, her behaviour, a real live baby, was that baby really a boy or just presented as such. We all know the baby shower was for a girl baby, the BRF/LG so so so clever!!! Turned things around that it was a boy baby, that video of them showing amw to a few selected UK and US/CBS reporters was bizarre, at Windsor Castle. She looked so nervous, and PH said they grow so much in two weeks, the glare she gave him!! You know it, you all saw it! Will there be a whiz bang goodie doo? I think likely, paid, bussed in, waving goodbye. I have visions now of O showing up!
on returning, a tour
Oh my goodness, is SS already planning a return trip, as she has been showered with love and praise by thousands and thousands , the crowds have been massive and amazing , kind, amazingly kind, and kind of amazing! NOT!!! I hope you got my attempt at using her favourite words and l tried her amazing kind of word salad, so kind and amazing of me to be so amazingly kind!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂
an unpopular reluctance
Reluctance means unwillingness or disinclination to do something. She is unwilling in any way shape or form to put celebrity aside and take on her proper duchess role. But this makes sense because there was never supposed to be a wedding let alone a baby. Using the word unpopular putting it mildly.
I do think this may refer to PA and his reluctance or downright refusal to be part of the F.B.I. requests for an interview with him regarding his friendship with JE, GM. and other things like VRG allegations. I do not know how long his refusal can go on.
PR PR PR PR constant disinformation. One might use the word lies!! It’s been sickening to see and read in the papers. It has Albee’s thus wth her and it will forever be. Oh l just had to let out a big sigh because it’s so sad, and the baby ring used, disinformation about his age, everything about him is one huge example. There is nothing worse than using a child. Scripture says “Suffer the children to come unto Me, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven “ the exact is
Matthew 19:14 King James Version (KJV)
14 But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven..
the fence that won’t mend…
Mending fences has an obvious meaning, fix a broken fence. However it can be used as a metaphor, fixing a brook relationship for example. I think this is what MM ANON is referring to. Madam, initially when she came on the scene was ‘a breath of fresh air’, marvellously inclusive and welcomed into the U.K. and Commonwealth, and into the ‘family she never had’. Many , including PW had grave concerns. It didn’t take very long for the bloom quickly began to fade. There is ABSOLUTELY NO CHANCE IN A MILLENIA INFINITY! that her relationship with the British public, most members of the BRF, the Commonwealth and many around the world , can ever be mended. It has been irrevocably broken. Complete disregard and blatant disrespect for HMTQ! And a laundry list of grifting, disgusting behaviour, plus her complicated filthy past. No mending of this fence is even wanted, never mind attempted. GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦
club class flying isolation
The return flight, again commercial l am sure, back to London should be interesting. She and her team, will again be prattling on about how successful and awesome the tour is, IF BY THE WAY, she and her smuggled alleged living diamond , amw, if she wants baby in London, or just leave is SA. and carry on with dollies. My sentence structure is horrendous but IF BY THE WAY, l meant IF she can get through customs. Do babies need passports, Royal Allegedly babies? Was he sleeping on arrival and she got archficial through that way. I don’t know how, strict customs are with royalty.
On the flight, Harry will be alone, not involved in anything because it’s all about a madam. I noted today how sloppy he looked catching that flight in t shirt and jeans, wrinkled, he has been wearing those ratty brown suede shoes the entire time. He suited up well though earlier and l an certain when he means the High Commissioner he will hopefully be dressed for it. I keep repeating myself, but his looks and behaviour are SCREAMING FOR HELP, HE HAS COMBAT FATIGUE! I am so worried, he’s wasting away, remember the interview when he was in uniform and something urgent was happening, he took off his mic and ran to see what needed doing? Remebhow fit and muscular he was? Look now, dishevelled clothes, those brown shoes😩, looks like he cannot sleep etc etc etc. I know l keep repeating myself but please LG, l know he is getting help behind the scenes, but our Harry is at such risk now, in his depression, l do worry greatly for him!!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Heathrow paps
Oh my my my my my!!!! The media and paparazzi will be waiting at Heathrow, if that’s where they land, they might be cheeky and land at Gatwick or elsewhere. The media when they return and subsequently is going to be scathing!!!!! Again read her twitters, petal is in SA talk about the Sussexes non-stop but denies being her, petal calls her baby bubs has done for quite sometime. In SA, big reveal, amw nickname is Bubba ☺️☺️☺️🤣🤣🤣. We are not talking about Einstein here! It would be funny if it weren’t so dangerous!
no rest for the wicked
She had all her private things planned during this holiday. Yet she still manages centre stage by foisting herself via IMessage or Skype l think to be with the classroom where PH was in Malawi. All about CAMFED campaign for female education . She just cannot let him go, except when he could have really needed love and support, in Angola, the mine field, him sitting all alone by the tree named after his mum. Oh self seeking narcissistic behaviour, she lives a Master Class of it.
“Hello Boys”
I can’t remember the name of the film, it might be Hello Boys actually! It’s fantastic Bette Midler at her finest, set further war, WWII, she goes on tour to entertain the troops, she would appear on stage all gussied up looking gorgeous and sing for them, she is amazing. Great film! I wonder MM ANON are you relating madams behaviour to the character in the film?? Going on tour and putting on a show!!! I might be way off but that’s a great film!
“He needs a parade”
Support and love for Harry! Agree wholeheartedly! Yes he made a bad choice of bootycall that was his choice,who of us is without sin and can cast the first stone? This was all pre-planned, they would have kept at it, until it worked. I think he needs medals of the highest order for service to the Crown, HMTQ, his granny. He needs away time, months of privacy, therapy, perhaps medication, he ,Ishtar we’ll be on anti-depressants already! HE NEEDS PRAYER🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻. This is evil at work, it’s a nefarious web planned, he was shared in it.
“ not another bloody investigation”
What now? What’s the next thing? Well PA is in a spot of trouble, putting it mildly. He has hired a new PR guy, Jason Stein, former Amber Rudd’s bulldog, lost his job when she quit recently! The paper says he is a ‘master of the dark arts’! The same was said about SS. What are the ‘dark arts’ these PR people use??? Anyhow, there are more accusers , resulting further Epstein investigations in America. The F.B.I. are more insistent upon an interview. The palace statement and PA years ago when this first came up, were emphatic he had NO sexual contact or interaction with VRG. They are not commenting today, read the article in the Daily Mail, if you’re inclined. They are saying, royalty is not an issue, years ago it was swept away. Since the #metoo movement the world has changed. Many many famous men have been charged, Bill Cosby, many famous American media personalities, actors, Weinstein, . This week l was chuffed to hear Wexner been charged in connection with Epstein! If you don’t know Les Wexner, look him up. He’s an American billionaire, one of his many businesses is Victoria’s Secret! Buy from them, you give money to an alleged sexual predator! I am not recalling just now his other businesses, but very very wealthy men have been and are being brought to justice. PA is in serious trouble. The ,ore he refuses to cooperate and scream he’s royalty, he is dragging out the inevitable. Poor poor HMTQ, l just feel so bad for her!
now D&G not H&M
Baby Archie wore H&M to meet DT, which was subsequently marched and appeared officially on H&M advert and website l think website. Now baby Archie will appear wearing D&G. Dolce and Gabbana highend designer Italian clothes. This woman never fails to put a foot wrong. I don’t know if Archie was wearing it while she carried him to catch the plane to Johannesburg , the photos again captured through a clear glass walled corridor. Did anyone else think the ‘baby’ she was carrying looked a lot smaller than amw who met DT? Or was it just me? I would love a side by side photo. Maybe l am totally off.
cosmetic records!!!! O,no.
I am not sure if these two clues go together but this is how they appeared to moi. Are there records surfacing or in possession of the BRF and LG’s team of investigators that show the extent of work she has had done, especially since coming onto the scene with PH? We know something was up at U.S. Open, she had that invisible medical tape over her nose 👃🏻, yes l purposely use that colour of nose! We all have seen her nose appears to be collapsing, those darn hobbies can show up in real physical manifestations ie wide eyed , dilated pupils, agitation, hyperness, just read the twitters feeds that will show you bizarre behaviour, also noted the times tweets are sent!
As far as O, no…..PH is/ has reportedly been working with an O on mental health programs for a fruit tv channel. I have no idea where things are st with that. Is she going to come back on the scene in Africa. I know she has sponsored a school there, where there had to be some firings of l think the administrator , look it up!! I have visions now of her showing up for a surprise appearance with madam. Oh gracious, make it stop! PLEASE😩😩😩😩😫😖😖😖
Thank you so much dear PG! Seems much coming….Seeing your humour and wonderful personality shining through….is wonderful, you are BACK! Thank God for our Dear PG!🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜. Sept. 29, 2019
2 notes · View notes
swampgallows · 5 years
i relate to a lot of the posts about adhd but when i take online tests and stuff like that i dont think it’s exactly me. i feel like a lot of my behavior is the result of trauma because i will want to get started on things but then i just... don’t. i do try to do things when the mood strikes because that’s really the only way i do anything, unless i have a very pressurizing deadline (like i am in physical pain, or i am being yelled at or otherwise forced). 
i always did exceptionally well in school; in fact, it’s the only thing i ever learned to do well. once i got to college i really unraveled in my last few years because everything felt pointless. even stuff i would want to do and want to get done just felt like it didn’t matter. i felt constantly pressured by my parents about whether or not i was doing anything important. i always felt like i wasn’t good enough. i never feel like i am good enough. i dont finish artwork or even start it because i know it’s going to be shit and i hate doing it because i know i do it just so i feel productive. nowadays i feel pressured to make art not because i enjoy it but because i have to show proof that i deserve to exist, basically. 
ive been unemployed almost two years now and i have done nothing. i have been living every single day trying to be as small and minimal and out of the way as i can be, partially due to my shame in contributing nothing and also in order to avoid my mom and her suffocating depression. i have had a couple of leads and i have struggled very hard to do some things myself. i am more comfortable with driving than before but it’s still difficult. i haven’t driven in a month because i have nowhere to go. even to drive and get food, i feel awful for spending money when i don’t make any. and i am always chastised when i leave the house, even just to take out the trash, so the pressure of having to sneak out to go anywhere or do anything also deters me. 
i guess what i relate to the most with adhd is the seemingly innumerable hurdles i have to jump just to do basic things that really shouldn’t require permission. unless something is immediately demanding my attention, i dont shift focus to it at all. yet i seemingly hear everything. 
my brain has been so foggy lately it’s hard to even put thoughts together to write this. i feel so much pressure all the time from all sides of my life that i wish i could just implode and disappear. when my dad came home from work yesterday he slammed the door and shouted “i’d like SOME kind of contribution” or something to that effect, and my mom started apologizing for not doing the dishes and shit like that. but i knew what he meant was “I’m the only one making any money and having to provide for you lazy sacks of shit and i’m 71 years old and want to retire.” so i just didnt say anything. dad is fucking pissed because he had to pay thousands of dollars in taxes and even though i was a dependent with zero income i still owed the state 6 dollars. he’s also pissed because the house is always a fucking mess and my mom and i are just at home all day. 
living in my mom’s mess is probably not helping anything either. there’s so much physical clutter that it causes mental clutter. sometimes i wonder if she might have adhd. i dont know what i ‘have’. i dont really care about being diagnosed with anything; i just wish i could get my life on track and figure out how i can want to start living and want to grow up.
i feel like being ace has also really deterred me from wanting to grow up because all i know about adult life is fucking relationships and marriage and kids and shit (just yesterday my dad said he dreamed that i was the first to have kids, despite my sister dating her shit boyfriend on and off for 4 years and them living together etc.). i know there’s like a career and shit like that but i just have nothing to look forward to at all in terms of an adult life or a future. theyre like “you can do whatever you want!!” but i dont even want anything anymore.
it’s too risky to want anything. it’s just too hard. and it hurts to think about wanting anything knowing i cant get it or that it isnt realistic. ive only focused on entirely imaginary scenarios for that very reason. i can be comfortable knowing it will never happen. 
i wish i had a new therapist. i wish i could just disappear forever
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dontaskmeagain · 2 years
You: why would a couple a dudes go there
You: is there like a lot of girls or somehing
Stranger: beautiful country he can send you pics
You: ah yeah
Stranger: theyre of course are girls but they dont have as much money there and they dress differently so they wont be comparable to you if thats what youre worried about
You: ugh i guess. just werid that its one country for 4 weeks
You: the other guy told me today theyre gonna be in bali
Stranger: all the more reason to tell him before he goes so he will be thinking about you and not them
You: tru
You: e
You: very
You: true
Stranger: bali is very beautiful and has really great food
Stranger: lots of travelers there too from other countries
You: yeah
You: one more thing
You: so th
You: the
You: other guy he's going w
You: he was telling me about theyre planned trip
You: and i was like
You: oh youre goingt like in the middle of school are you guys in school?
You: and he saidf no
You: and he said that
You: the other guy (new guy)
You: still hasnt graduated highschool
You: so i was like
Stranger: red flag haha
You: a little caught off guard
You: so werid that he hasnt
Stranger: honestly i am planning to move in a month for a high paying engineering job so cant relate but everyone has theyre own situation
You: funny cause my ex also didnt graduate hs and he hid that from me for a long time
You: yeah so now im like
You: well he works hard at work
You: so
You: he could still make money
You: so thats like
You: no issure
You: issue*
Stranger: yeah there is definitely something to that. school isnt everything
Stranger: but it does set you up for success
Stranger: certain jobs wont hire without college degree
You: i just went back to school and ill be done soon
Stranger: i mean highschool lol
You: college i mean
You: yeah true a lot of places require a hs diploma
Stranger: very nice. that goes back to what i was saying about life goals
You: i remember my ex having that issure a lot
Stranger: like with the age and education difference you have to be sure its what you want
Stranger: obviously you value college education
You: i do but
You: i know that
You: its a process
You: like
You: i didnt know what i wanted to do for a long time
You: and like
You: when i was 22
You: i was i nthe same boat as him ( but i did graduate hs)
You: i was also a server and a sushi place
You: lol
You: and now i am about to be one again
You: but im also about to graduate w math-cs degree
Stranger: same but i worked in food industry and contracting and figured out that it wasnt the life for me and wanted more education for higher paying job
You: yeah true , maybe if me and him start getting to know eacother more maybe ill find out if he has other goals
You: i feel like his other friend might spill the tea tho
Stranger: yeah i would suggest friendship first and dont let him go right to dating
You: so maybe ill ask him
Stranger: friendship is always good anyway
Stranger: to have time to get to know someone
You: yeah very very true
You: also im in noooo rush to be in a relationhi
Stranger: yeah you can find out a lot about someone by being friends because they will tell you more things since there is not as much pressure
You: another thing i like about him is that i know that i can bring him everywhere with me
You: like to family stuff, with my friends, etc because he is just an all around down to earth and funny guy
You: yeah thats true
Stranger: thats definitely nice but its not everything
You: hm
Stranger: financial things are definitely important too but its all about a balance and your goals
You: true but thats a really importabt thing for me since i dont like doing stuff alone, unless i have to
You: thats true
You: i would def be interested him his goals
You: his*
You: but he is only 22 and i know there so much he's prob still trying to figure out
Stranger: obviously he was able to save money to travel which is a good thing
Stranger: bali/indonesia is cheap to travel but still
You: yeah i told his friend that thats such a spontaneous trip
You: and he told me that he has been wanting to go and
You: the new guy is going with hinm
You: because
You: his friend bought him a ticket w.o telling him
You: he was like hey i got you a ticket we're going to bali
Stranger: for me financial security and being able to travel and do whatever i want is a main goal so i am slighlty biased in that way
Stranger: haha thats awesome but i will say the ticket was probably most expensive part of the whole trip
You: oh dag
You: dang
You: is bali that cheap
Stranger: you can find really cheap places to stay/ food there
You: yeah financial security is important but like
You: if im going to be making good money too
You: then i dont really care
You: as long as he pays his own bills
You: i will be happy
You: i think
You: ofc
You: idk
You: i would like to travel w him
Stranger: yeah thats fair but if you want to do other things with him you may have to pay
Stranger: https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/53073619?adults=2&federated_search_id=518d08f6-dcd9-41b5-bc54-851d22fb2ecc&source_impression_id=p3_1648797631_6yNBtHO9tVavqKV5
Stranger: lol this is how cheap you can get nice places in bali
Stranger: my mom makes like 150k a year and her boyfriend lives on military retirement and she pays for so much of his shit
You: oh dang
You: he doesnt work anymore like at all?
Stranger: he gets random jobs then quits lol
Stranger: he was a bus driver then did something with like horse stuff because my mom has horses
Stranger: something dumb though
You: is she happy tho
Stranger: they moved to a really nice house and he was supposed to do all the stuff around the house and she paid for everything then he got mad at her for not doing enough around the house
Stranger: so she divorced him and now they are still talking
Stranger: he left her with the house to clean it all up to sell herself while working
You: he sounds super lazy tho
Stranger: yeah but he wasnt always lazy
Stranger: he was in the air force and did a lot at one point
You: how old were they when they god married
You: got*
Stranger: im not telling you that things couldnt work out just offering an alternate perspective
Stranger: prob about 50
You: so maybe he was tired by that time
You: like
You: do you think he married her for her money?
Stranger: yeah but she is like the same age and stil does so much
Stranger: a lot of people think my mom is very attractive so not necessarily
Stranger: im sure it helped
You: yeah but you never know lke shes prob self motivated and he had to go tot he military for him to do stuff
Stranger: yeah definitely
You: and at work he's like the only server that never really needs help
You: super efficiant
You: and i feel like me being there makes him work harder
You: because tbh im not lazy at work and make people hussle a bit
Stranger: hmm well thats good as long as he doesnt become complacent once he is with you
You: yeah i hope not
You: i feel like since im older
You: he will always be trying hard
You: to be like
You: at the same level of
You: care taking
You: ya know
Stranger: yeah definitely and you could keep up that expectation to be sure
You: yeah for sure im a natural care taker
Stranger: if you do go through with it just dont accept any excuses down the line
You: but
You: yes
You: exactly
You: i think it iwll be easy to see the signs
You: because my ex was very lazy
You: and i know when things start to change
You: i was in e a 7 year realtionship because
You: before
You: so ive been through a lof of the diffferent stages of a relationship
You: besides marriage
Stranger: ah yes just make sure he didnt make your standards lower in that regard
You: ofc
You: he raised my standards in a sense of how good a person they are
You: like my ex had anger issues, and he was mexican but at the same time like closet racist
You: just a werid dude
You: and misogynistic
Stranger: thats good that you were able to build on it but i guess im just saying to look for whats right for you and not just whats better than your ex
You: yeah
You: so
You: okay but
You: i dont think i should be thinking of specifics
You: i think that
Stranger: just to be clear im not saying anything negative about the new guy just trying to help you think it all through
You: if the person is a genuine person, someone i love to spend time w, i wil love them and any goals/hobies they have
You: i dont want be like , oh i only want a guy that makes over this amount a year and he HAS to play tennis
You: or something like that
You: yes i understand
Stranger: yeah i would say give him a chance and figure out his goals/hobbies/habits and go from there
You: yeah like i think i just want someone that makes me comfortable, and is hardworking
You: its hard to find someone thats makes me confortable
You: like
You: the other guy at work
You: the first one
You: i would feel like
You: i was cursed
You: after seeing him
You: was werid
You: like it wasnt right
You: at all
You: like
You: we took my car to dinner once
You: and
You: the next day
You: my car wouldnt start
You: and the shirt i was wearing
You: i found it the next day
You: and the straps were broken off
Stranger: haha thats super weird
Stranger: gotta stay away from him and cut it off
You: yeah i can tell something is off with him
You: idk if its a thing in my fam to sense these things or what
You: but i can tell
You: oh funny/werid/scary thing
You: i found out that
You: my own freaking grandma and aunt does voodoo
You: and i guess my mom used to
You: back in cambodia
You: and i think my grandma still does it
You: she scared the shit out of me now
Stranger: thats very cool. voodo is very interesting to me
You: i had some earrings she gave me when iw as like 13
You: i had time on till i was 26
Stranger: voovoo*
You: voovoo??
You: voodoo?
Stranger: haha yes
Stranger: sorry its dark
Stranger: what happened when you stopped wearing?
You: yeah its interesting until you find out your grandma tried to kill your cousin with it
You: so weird right!!
Stranger: haha your cousin probably deserved it
You: no he didnt
You: my grandma is insanely jealous irraltional
You: she used to beat me
You: for no reason
Stranger: ah damn sorry to hear that
You: and she would say really bad things to me
You: but now i understand why
You: shes crazy
Stranger: ah yeah that adds up
You: you know
You: my dad told me that
Stranger: my dad was like that but because drugs
You: when he first started to date my mom
You: other cambodian people would tell him to stay away from her
You: and that she was no good
You: and he thought they were joking
Stranger: lol thats wild
Stranger: was she doing voodoo then?
You: and like he told me that when they first starting dating that my mom told him that shes gonna put a spell on him
You: probably yes she was
Stranger: are they still together?
You: he thought she was jokin
You: no
You: they broke up when i was 1
Stranger: spell didnt work
You: yeah it backfired on her
Stranger: must have wore off
You: if your spell doesnt go throught, it backfires
Stranger: hmm i see
You: i dont think he needed a spell
Stranger: fair haha
You: he's not the smartest
You: lol
You: love my dad tho
You: he also gambler/alcohlic
You: and so are most cambodians so maybe thats why they got a long
You: but when i found out about my grandme
You: gradma
You: grandma
You: ive never been more scared in my life
You: i couldnt sleep that night i felt like i was surrounded by demons or the devik
You: and first time i looked up bibile verses
Stranger: you made it this far though. i feel like she could also be protecting you
Stranger: the way things happened with the sketchy guy around
You: most cambodian families i meeet are so nice and normal but mine had to be fucking devil worshippers
Stranger: almost like signs
You: no way
You: my mom and grandma treated me like crap
You: if anyones protecting me
You: is my dads side
You: theyre catholic
You: and they pray al ot
You: and also i pray a lot
Stranger: hmm. im not religious but one time i prayed to god to win something and it worked
Stranger: because i was at a church so i figured it might. i was also 9 then
You: omggg hahahah
You: well when youre 9 you mightve truly believed it
You: thats why it came true
Stranger: fair enough
Stranger: my mind is dark now though. no turning back
You: you dont have to be religious to pray
You: praying is more like
You: calming your mind
You: and making yourself believe something you want true
You: its not about religion
Stranger: like manifestation?
You: its a lot like manifestation
You: yes
You: exactly
Stranger: that makes sense. i never liked church
You: same
You: i dont go to church i
You: i havent been in years
You: but praying is amazing for
You: the mind
You: its like
You: meditation
You: nothing about
You: jesus
You: or
You: anything lol
Stranger: hmm yeah conscious meditation is good
Stranger: i dont really understand why people meditate to clear their mind
Stranger: its much better to use it to think things through
You: thats true too
You: like when im anxious at night i just try to think of whats wrong
You: i think
You: that could also be
You: meditation itself
You: maybe it depends on the situation
You: usually if im worried about like if i made someone mad or if i fucked up
You: then "forgetting" about it or "clearing my mind" helps and make me realize its not a big deal
Stranger: so when it comes to praying would you say you pray to god or just a higher power / the universe?
You: it depends what works for you
You: sometimes i pray to go
You: and sometimes i pray to jesus
You: mostly
You: god
You: i notice that
You: i pray to jesus
You: during times when im scared about ghosts
You: so like
You: when i was scared about my grandma
You: i prayed to god and jesus
Stranger: the town i live in ir very known for spirits/ghosts but i am not afraid of them at all
You: thats good
Stranger: i think of them as friends if anything
You: ghosts arent real tho
You: they are actually demons
You: thats why i get scared
Stranger: hmm yeah but i feel like your energy has a lot to do with it
Stranger: and the way you perceive them
You: they feed off you so if youre not afraid then they cant hurt you
You: yes exactly
You: like i used to be
You: into
You: a lot of paranormal stuff
You: and i would always get sleep paralysis
You: and nightmares
You: everynight
You: not kidding.. everynight. it was exhausting
You: but i stopped watching scary movies, paranormal shows and now i rarely have nightmares at all
Stranger: that sounds crazy. i stopped smoking weed for the first time in 10 years 2 weeks ago and have been having nightmares
Stranger: for a while i was smoking so much i had 0 awareness of my dreams
Stranger: i used to watch so many scary movies lol
You: thats wild tho because why did only nightmares comeback
Stranger: now just not interested in them unless its halloween for fun
Stranger: its not all nightmares
Stranger: but the dreams are weird in general
You: okay haha
You: i was going to say lol
You: but still i think
You: having any nightmare at all
You: is a bad sign
Stranger: the other day i had a dream about a threesome with 2 of my exes at once
Stranger: it was so real
You: thats a normal dream haha
You: werid but yeah
Stranger: yeah i am very stressed and generally suicidal so like i said my thoughts can be rather dark
You: i think any type of nightmares means somethings bothering you in real life
You: yeah
Stranger: thats an interesting perspective. definitely makes sense
You: the only times i ever get nightmares now is if something is really off in my life
You: since i stopped watching scary movies
You: i have nothing to negative to feed my mind
You: but i like how you are so on the same page
You: haha
You: i feel like this kind of stuff ,a lot of people just wonder about it but dont give it much thought
Stranger: i feel like that should be the case but i really havent watched anything like that recently or seen anything like that but some of my dreams are so fucked up
Stranger: like i had a dream that this girl was in a cage then got set on fire and it was very real
Stranger: not sure what it means but it bothered me
You: do you think you hate women
Stranger: defnitely not. why would i be helping you talk through your stuff lol
Stranger: but i have been cheated on 3 times
You: oky yeah
Stranger: thats an interesting take on it though i didnt think of that
You: thats understandable then
Stranger: or how that could affect it
Stranger: but i dont really hate anyone
Stranger: im very nice in person
You: maybe you avoid healing from those experiences?
You: i cant imagine being cheated on 3 times :/
You: im so sorry
Stranger: sec need to get charger
You: ok
Stranger: but yeah i guess the worst part is that ive ony been in 4 serious relationships
You: oh wow
You: 4 is a lot
You: maybe normal actually
You: idk
Stranger: idk i'm not that into hookups
You: maybe i wouldnt call the 3 that cheated serious
You: makes a serious relationship look bad
Stranger: one was my first gf, second i dated 5 years, 3rd 1 year
You: yeah
You: god
You: if it helps, the ex i was w for 7 years was still on dating apps and sexting old ladies
Stranger: i am in a relationship now and its hard to trust but im working on it
Stranger: oh noo
Stranger: not the old ladies
You: trust is huge in relationship :/
Stranger: yeah the thing is i do trust her but its always in the back of my mind
You: is she similar to you exes
Stranger: good question. not really actually
You: thats good then
You: but does she make you feel cursed lol
Stranger: haha well we had some rough patches because she moved to a different city after a few months of dating
Stranger: but lately things have been going very well
Stranger: just reached 10 months
You: oh wow
You: hm are you planning to
You: propose?
Stranger: not soon but at maybe at some point
Stranger: marriage isnt that much of a priority to me in general
You: i see
Stranger: i feel like i would want to be like 30
You: yeah makes sence
You: im almost 30 so
Stranger: haha yeah im sure it goes quick i feel like i just turned 21 still
You: i guess rn i wouldnt mind getting married if i truly wanted to be with them
You: oh sheeeeeesh
Stranger: school has made life so by fast
You: haha yea
You: im sorta sad that
You: i wont be able to
You: work regular jobs
You: after i graduate
Stranger: hmm i am kind of over the regular jobs
You: ill be in a real career w boring pretentious people
Stranger: i was never treated that well at any of mine so i want to at least be making 6 figures if thats the case
Stranger: but yeah engineers are pretty boring sometimes
You: yeah but regular jobs are great if your managers and coworkers are in sync
Stranger: generally dry
You: i dated one befire
You: beore
You: before
You: like
Stranger: my degree is in management so hoping that i can be a good manager
You: 3 months ago
You: yesss
You: i hope so too but you seem like you would be
Stranger: haha thats funny
Stranger: what kind of engineering
Stranger: and thank you :)
You: software
Stranger: interesting. lots of coding?
You: yeah
You: a lot of the people in myclass are like
Stranger: we do some coding. i like it but wouldnt want to do it all day
You: i would never hang with them outside of class
Stranger: yeahh same
You: they def have the biggest egos
Stranger: im about to graduate and have made 1 friend that i chill with outside class
You: haha nice 1 friend
You: see
Stranger: i have lots of other friends but not from classes
You: yes
Stranger: they all live in different cities/states so i just chill with my dog
You: hahah
You: aw
Stranger: we went on a 12 mile hike yesterday
You: dogs are great
Stranger: only saw 2 ppl
You: omg
Stranger: it was great
You: what kind of dog??
Stranger: bernese mountain dog
You: youre so lucky
You: how cute and fluffy
Stranger: haha yes he is so great
Stranger: hes 3
Stranger: finally full grown
You: wow haha
You: so lucky
You: i need an animal
You: i had a rat before
Stranger: they are the best breed. such an interesting personality
Stranger: my birth year is year of the rat ;)
You: hahaha
You: he made it to 2 years and 8 months
You: rats live 2-3 years
You: i still miss him so freaking much
You: he was like
Stranger: aw thats sad. bernese life expecancy is only 8 years unfortunately
You: a mini pitbull
Stranger: hahah
You: he was smart and very protective of me
You: oh wow
You: thats short for a dog
Stranger: yes for sure. i had a black lab/retriever mix before and he lived much longer
Stranger: i think he was about 6 when i got him and probably lived to be about 12
You: damn
You: i would get a chihuahua
You: 20 years
You: haha
Stranger: haha my neighbor has one
You: they are my fav
Stranger: she came over and was stealing my dogs giant bone and growling at him
Stranger: was really funny
You: hahahah i net
You: bet
Stranger: the bone is an ostrich bone so its like longer than her
You: omggggggg
You: thats hilarious
You: god i love chihuahaus
You: i was like
You: debating about getting a cat or a chihuahua
You: cats are cute
You: but they
Stranger: dog for sure
You: have that
You: cat smell
Stranger: i have had a lot of cats
You: so yeah i would say dog too
Stranger: i can ger over the smell but they are just not as fun
You: reallly?
You: i think
You: cats will also
You: cause more damage
You: to furnitute
You: and stuff
Stranger: yeah they will also randomly claw you while cuddling
Stranger: a dog would never
You: awwwwwwwwwww
You: little bipolar cats
Stranger: ive had like 10 cats lol
You: danggg
Stranger: but they were family pets
You: ive only had a cat for 3 days
Stranger: when i was younger
You: awww
You: i recused a kitten off a road
Stranger: my gf also has a dalmation and great to have them together
You: and kept him and bathed him and get him to a cat rescure
Stranger: aw thats cute
You: i cried for a week
You: after that
Stranger: awwcouldnt keep him?
You: no
You: i was moving soon
You: i moved like 3 weeks later
You: to here
You: lol
You: but i know hes adopted now
Stranger: thats rough but probably for the best
Stranger: aw thats great
You: i always was looking out on their adoption page for him
You: yeah haha
You: hey this was great talking to you
You: very interesting haha
Stranger: yes you too!
You: im going to go get ready for bed now
Stranger: i hope your situation with new guy goes well for you!
You: hahah
You: yes now that i have a game plan
You: i feel
You: a lot more
You: at ease
Stranger: perfect haha
Stranger: best of luck, goodnight
You: i hope youre dreams are lighter :)
You: goodnight :)
Stranger: :)
You have disconnected.
0 notes
coolspacequips · 6 years
tagged by @lemonistics​ a couple of days ago!! i forgot to finish the post so here it is lol, thanks for tagging me <3
How did you discover the show?
I saw it on tumblr a lot, naturally, after s1 dropped it really took off and i was super curious about it because i was a HUGE fan of atla! but i was also like ‘robot... cats...’ and so i didnt watch it right away lmao, ive posted about this before but i ended up watching this amv shortly after it came out and after that i was like ‘i HAVE to watch this’ (just watched the amv again and its still rly good, damn it reminds me how good s1 was........)
Was it love at first sight or did it take you a while to get into the show?
it was completely love at first site!!! u know lance won my heart the second he opened his mouth, and i was impressed right away by how lovely it was, how creative and scifi fun it was, i loved the music and the updated designs and i was in it for the diversity tbh. i knew starting this show could never be undone with ‘girl, youve already activated my particle ba--’ ‘LANCE.’ how poetic is it that a shance moment brought me here 
Do you have a favorite Paladin?
wonder who that could be............ Lance............. my son........ he is so excited and open-hearted, but so capable and smart in so many ways. he has Been There for the team in so many ways, from hugely significant emotional support to skilled tactical coverage, all the way up until he literally died saving a team mate, and this wasnt even his first close call. he can be petty and short-tempered cos hes young and working stuff out, but he is so gotdang selfless and beautiful and charming and i LOVE...
Do you have a favorite Lion? (If it’s different from your fav paladin, why?)
*looks down at the blue slippers on my feet, looks up at the blue lion toy on my desk shelf* yea i got a fav.... tbh blue is so sweet and smart and i love her, and black is growing on me in a MAJOR way, mysterious and wise and full of Love for shiro, much like i hope to be
Do you have a favorite Villain?
HAGGAR!!! BITCH!!!!!!!!! my bias was skewed from day 1 the second she opened her mouth and cree summers voice came out, and when she started showing concern for zarkon i knew it was over for me, i knew they were gonna cut me deep w her history. ive said since the beginning that haggar was gonna be the main villain, and i believe it more than ever now that voltron kinda killed her husband and lost her son in a void. her backstory reveal rocked me to my core, and i care very much about honerva and haggar!! ive always felt like the final conflict is gonna come down to haggar and allura tbh
Do you have a favorite Alien Race? (recurring and/or minor)
i rly like alteans, i know theyre just pretty hyper advanced space elves, but WHATEVER. also loved the mermaid aliens and whatever blaytz is, and my love of the biibohbiis is eternal. i hope we see more cool aliens! also shout out to that hot rebel lady that died in pidges arms, i forget what theyre called... also, can we meet whatever mixed w a galra to make antok t b h?
Favorite side / other character(s)- Rebels, General, Blade of Mamora, Garrison, etc?
rolo, nyma, and beezor hold a rly special place in my heart. i was so excited when they came back!! the blades are very much my Aesthetic (TM), and those mermaid freedom fighters were great, also those married gay rebels posted in that ice cave that helped shiro.... i like a lot of the side characters tbh. 
lbr though, the real favs are the biibohbiis
How/Why did you join the fandom?
i came in initially to consume the shallura content tbh (this was before it got “””cancelled””” by antis, and i was very excited to see a black woman in a popular ship for gotdamn once. yea im bitter). i started rping p quick after watching it all, i just really wanted to write lance, then i got into an rp with a keith and the ship was unlocked in my heart for All Time. this was around the time that i stopped drawing, i held on for as long as i could and used to post fanart, but it didnt last long. kept me inspired to keep writing tho, and thats good cos i need to be making something!! now its getting me back into drawing and im thankful for that, big ups to shance fandom within the fandom for being da bes!!
Care to share a favorite headcanon?
shit... i wasnt ready for this... i dont really have any relevant hcs that i can think of right now! ummmm i think that the garrison knows more than we think, and that there are going to be some Interesting revelations when the team goes home. im suspicious of how quick they were to jump on and contain shiro at the beginning without so much as letting him speak, how close the base was to the blue lion, and the fact that tex kogane saw the lion and was immediately like ‘should we call the garrison?’ (realistically he could be saying that cos, i mean, who else nearby would know about bizarre aircraft than a piloting academy, but still!)
What do you think is the best part of the show?
honestly there is a lot i love about the show, but i guess the Best part is the characters and the bonds we see growing between them as the series progresses! the show has gone into much more engaging, interpersonal depth than i ever hoped for, and the bottom line is that love and compassion are the things that make life worth fighting for.
ive also talked before, i think rambling in the tags of a post lol, about how i love the fresh, fun, creative take on fantasy scifi that i have missed in recent media, and the optimism that runs as an undercurrent to it all. 
Any hopes and wishes for future episodes / seasons?
i obviously just want lances personal arc to come to a head already!! his character has been quietly and steadily growing in the background of all of this, and his growth is just so human and heartfelt in the midst of all of this intergalactic drama. he is just a boy from cuba who is so good and selfless that he has literally died defending the universe, and he deserves a real, genuine time to shine!
Do you think you’ll stick it out until the end of the show?
ABSOLUTELY, this show means so much to me and has ferried me thru a hard time in my life, on top of just being generally phenomenal and everything that i hope modern cartoons can become now that people are genuinely starting to realize that it is an art form!
Tag your friends or someone you want to get to know better
im way behind on my dash so idk who has and hasnt done this, also no pressure to do this if u dont want to but
@ifellfromtheskies  @rainyfeet @kitausu @rigb0ner  annnnd idk whoever else wants to do it! tons of ppl i could tag bc all my mutuals are da bes and i wanna get to know them better, but have at it!
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haeroniel-doliet · 6 years
gah another 5 am post eh fellas
fuck i really wanna do ballet. i really rarely become obsessed (if ever) with anything, but for once i’m so so so so soso wanting to do ballet. so bad. i know i might hate it bc im fucing not musical at all, so not in shape, so not comfortable or etc. but at least im 18,(wait fuck 19 now)  and not 45 trying to get in it all stiff and stuck and i think based on all the sweet positivity to adult ballet starters beginners and sure i wont perform professionally but fuck man i dont think i need that. i just want that grace and flexibility and elegance and gah itd be fabulous. i mean even now im pretending to look for turn out and walk around the house like they do in point shoes and i try fix my posture tothe advice by a ballet dancer youtuber who ive been watching so much of. i just i really wanna do it. 
saddest fucking thing is guys, that i could’ve had the chance to go to the fucking royal ballets adult absolute beginner classes. in london. i could have. fuck. u wanna know what happened? i found out about it like a month or two ago and was fucking psyched bc its one of those things that just is too good to be true. the best company in uk?? w adult classes? while im in london?? yeah id have to miss a few weeks bc. whoops i gotta go back up to do my exams,but i couldve at least done a few weeks, come back and done a few last so i’d have had the best opportunity to give this a go in the best environment and then have a kindling to go off with to other available ballets. and not start with some barely managing person in a shitty studio thing. idk. sure so i tell my parents so fuckin excited bc look! its possible! but yeah its expensive, wouldve been abt 90 pound w me being a student and id have to miss 3/10 classes. but still! thin of it gah its making me so sad happy. sad bc guess its now sold out. of fuckin course it is. i told my mom and she just was uhmm ohh i dunno i dunno, oh its adults i could do it, and thinking that maybe getting her involved would mean i have a better chance of going, dont care much for her company but if shed take it as a bonding thing hell, i’ll probably do better than her in class and minor confidence boost as well as if they all others are old old i wont be alone. and she could pass over what they learned when im up in scotland. Guess that was a fuckin mistake. she got all nervous and self concious and put it off with a we’ll see we’ll see about it im thinking. and making it a whole thing like instead of me wanting to go so bad and offering for fun that shed join me, as if im trying to pressure her into doing it and would only go along to make her feel better. uh.... fucking wrong! im so mad actually. bc of course, no matter how often i mentioned it she wouldnt take it seriously to even consider booking me in! no no of course not we’ll see. and then i check before im coming back, dreading and being right that yep. theyre fucing sold out. of course they are its such a fanstastic opportunity! my only fucking opportunity! when ever again am i going to live in london with weeks free to go participate in that? when ever again? never. theyre moving out of london this summer and fuck. just doing some research and the scottish ballet is in fucking glasgow. yes i was supposed to get there if i hadnt been so shit with studying for my exams. (sure i wouldnt be doing archery and wouldnt have all the other wonderful things i now enjoy in aberdeen but fuck its frustrating) and ofc. aberdeen seems to have: one shady dance company that offers ballet fusion. not adult ballet classes. another shady school that practices at robert gordons that have no website nothing. no info how to sign up or if they have adult classes or when its so stupid and weird. maybe ill have to contact them directly idk. sure my uni has a what seems to be a thriving dance society that i have a glitched out membership for. (its 50 pound a year and i have cerrainly not paid that) and i guess they do ballet on the side. but again from a glance around, looks its only intermediate. not beginners. dont think theres that many uni age girls who just wanna start ballet now. 
so it looks bleary. even in finland, i cant understand body parts in finnish so that might just be frustrating if i could even find a place that offers it. not that i’ll have long at all in finland. ill be there barely a month before heading back to uni and i come back holidays. if i wanted to take one of these eleven week courses, i think id have to geta fuckin liscence and a car and drive to glasgow 3 hrs both ways for a class once a week and that sjust stupid. im so fucking mad about this missed opportunity. like my muscles are itching and aching to do it. my legs want to work out in ballet positions. they just rly do. yeah maybe ill have to start doing barre at home from videos to try ease that, but its not gonna be the same and ill do it all wrong bc i have no teacher to direct me or anything. correct either. sure if i had done it and loved it i might still be mad that i have no opportunities to continue like i want to, but at least id have that expereince and could keep practicing at home based off of it.  i am genuinely upset okay. upset betrayed disappointed sad twitchy and ugh. sure tickets go on sale today to swan lake after exams. and by fuck will i go see it. and ill get all the background before it and know it inside and out before i see it (already kinda do) and i will love it. ill bemaybe more upset and more twitchy that i cant do it, that i cant be lie them and that rly sucks. i really really wish by some miracle the school would offer summer courses so that i could just, get myself after exams into one. also another frustrating thing not quite so pressing on my mind is how my dad wants me to get summer jobs, maybe even two. one here and one in finland. sure it should theoretically be easier getting it here, esp. since im 19 now and yeah. i could work in a cafe or store just to get money and have smth to put on a cv thats not 2 weeks. but i dunno i dont particularly want to, i was hoping in london i could get the most of it culturaly (considering ive been a pouting and sad whailer whos not done anything for the last two years) then again i have p much no friends here so if i did go work somewhere theres a slight chance thered be someone i get along with and could hang out w. or visit if i needa back in london. i dunno. things are weird. sure i could try get an admin job w nhs like some lady suggested but its one of those too much responsibilty things, consdiering im shit with work i kinda would prefer to do some physical job like stacking shelves in a shop bc im good at that. but thats not gonna help me in the future. money yes, but cv building or careers wise? nah. i should owrk in hospitality or smth i dunno even i can barely get thru my work to pass rn so  i dunno about job searching. im jsut a mess am i not. regardless maybe i should look if theres other ballet schoolsin london. be desperate, get a job and a ballet class going over summer and do art on the free time i guess. 
okay so fer now ive found a course for like fucking 156 pound thats a 2 day full days course that looks mad cool for having different classes to learn vocab and etc and then a bit of fucking swanlake like yooo.. best thing its in like july but thats also possibly bad bc its july 28-29 and july 30 we move out. man it could be cool tho. then they offer there as well a taster session p much every other week and then a full 8 weeks of class p near by to me. sure this is specifically taught by a man and id prefer a woman but, i guess. since its ideal timing and place. and i got wondering why thats 150 and the national ballet wouldve been abt 90 and i guess there i get concession and it wouldve been only 6 classes considering the dates they had off. i should rly ask if they do do concession bc 150 is a bit steep still. for 8 classes thats almost 20 pound for 75 mins. its kinda insane. theres probably more companies i havent looked at but there is one other thats like a drop in thing 10 pound cash each class and thats a 90 mins so it might be better. ofc. obv. fault being that its drop in so being an absolute beginner w likely a lot older adults idk how id fit in or keep up or get hte most of it. i think ill go try it once regardless. then when back in abdn ask around for taster sessions and beginner ballet. worst comes to worst i wait another 4 years till i get to a big enough city that they have a nice ballet company and somewhere i can live like an adult but also get in on adult ballet and enjoy myself. maybe my industrial placement city will have  a ballet company idk. 
all i know is that im a bit obsessed and everyone says to go for your dreams etc. and as much as i enjoy archery (slowly gonna dedicate to it) and aikido (though training can be frustrating and training with old men isnt that fun) and ice skating is another less of a dream but in the same realm as ballet. that im gonan get new skates for and give it a better try. i just think ballet could  be so fucking rad and im sad that its not so easy rn. and that my mom fucked me over. for that one course that couldve been cheap and amazing and mindchanging. to go to the ballet knowing what some of it feels like would be great. sure id love  a chance to do some after as well u know. ofc it sucks it might cost a couple hundred over summer to these hobbies and i feel iffy spending 180 on a quality waterproof jacket. sure. they spend it but, im v concientious and dont wanna spend much of their money esp cus im not making my own. i guess logically, i should put a bunch of effort to getting thru this term rly well without lies and get a sumemr job. that way, i could theoretically take loan from my parents  and pay back with summer job money w some left over to do as i like with (yeah i should save it for sensible shit but idk) also considering how nice i am my dad might not even want me to pay back. look i dunno. thats an idea. be good, be rewarded w ballet classes and an unstrained relationship w my parents, joyously move back to finland and start next term w a clean slate, hopefully more help and new determination into hobbies. maybe i wanna do 4 sports since i never did much as i was younger. tho sure, i did aikidos cousin taekwondo. ive shot a bow and arrow whenever i had a chance. ive skated since literally like 3 yrs old. and i used to take a form of dance a alot younger. sure no musicality but i think the exercises would be great for my knees and legs and butt and torso and posture. htese are fun sports since i dont like to work out. and since im not comfortable enough in myself to go swim. 
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girlwithbird-blog · 7 years
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read under the cut for the deets on rose’s diagnostics appointment!!! (vlog coming soon on the day!!)
soooo we took the 6:20 boat to vancouver, which is early as f for all of us as we are both avid sleep-iners. 
anyway, rose was excellent on the ferry in the pet area where we were with a cool couple with a cute puppy.  we all chilled and it was awesome.
we caught the bus, rose was quiet on both long bus rides and was such a good sport.
i got to the clinic like two hours earlier than her appointment, but they took her anyway since the clinic is closed and since rose was from the parrot refuge, i kinda get like “special access” and the back office number and though it is not an emergency clinic, im allowed to bring her whenever if theres a problem which gives me SUCH peace of mind.
so i dropped her off, she was so sad omfg.  but they gave her midazolam (an amnesiac) so she had to recollection of the day!!! god bless that drug.  they give it to people/animals/children before surgery or procedures to make them forget so they aren’t traumatized.
she had blood drawn for a blood panel, fecal samples, x rays and ultrasound done.
the doc noticed in the ultrasound that her liver is enlarged and her heart has to beat harder than normal/high blood pressure.  it’s most likely due to her past of neglect, poor diet and no exercise... so that’s not terribly good, but the doctor said other than that, she is very healthy and obviously healthy.
she’s now gonna be on enalapril (heart meds) for the rest of her life, as well as the milk thistle to detoxify her liver, and calcium to make sure she has strong bones!!
so surgery is postponed a month, we gotta see how well she does on the meds and once her hearts a bit better than she will go in for her amputation.  the doc is sure she is totally capable of living a full healthy life so that’s a freakin relief.
so what was so cute was the doctor, who NEVER smiles since shes so stressed, cracked a grin and was like “i gotta show you these two birds with their collars...” so she takes me to the treatment room with all the birds and this poor scarlet macaw and goffins cockatoo have these HUGE soft cones on with frills of fleece and all sorts of do-dads.  theyre so cute, like giant neck hoopskirts. she said shes gonna get a custom made one in pink for rose for her post surgery. i love them so much there.
they even kept her in her unit in her OWN room at the clinic so it was nice and quiet for her.
they said she didnt even bite, was cuddling everyone and was SO well behaved. im so proud of my girl <3 <3 <3 
so they did say, the surgery is gonna be expensive af but theyre gonna work a discount for me since they really are impressed with how far rose has come and the care ive given her, which is SO fucking sweet of them.  
she will need to be hospitilized for around 3 days to a week afterwards - the doc said its really dependent on the owners skill of following up post-op instructions.  she has faith in me that i can handle it (since i worked there) so she should only be there three days after surgery which is good!! and with her giant cone, which unfortunately she has to wear for a month afterwards... lol. at least its gonna be cute????
also, they tried to get me to take this baby quail home because “i am so good at rehabilitating birds” i asked NOT to see the quail because i legit would have taken it THAT DAY. maybe one day.... so if anyones in the vancouver area and are considering a quail as a companion hmu
so i went to my aunts during the day and napped for four hours, forgot to mention that
and after i got her etc, went back to the ferry.  she was quite groggy and mellow, but then perked up and had some of my salad roll.  we went into baskin robbins since i needed an icecream after that day.
she did not want to be in the pet room at 10pm at night on the ferry, she kept wanting me to walk around so we walked on the barren car deck late at night, it was warm and beautiful out at least.
and then we got off and she screamed three loud angry screams in my ear because she wanted to go to bed.
when we got home she flung herself into her cage and totes fell asleep.
today she was a lil sleepy but a happy camper as usual.  i hide her meds in some food and shes taking them which is good!!!!
so hopefully in a month, the surgery goes well and she will be as good as new!!
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madokasoratsugu · 7 years
h...hey ! Could I ask for that one character meme again (you know, that one which you most recently answered with Hisako)? This time with Ibusaki and Marui? Cause that would like...rly interest me qwq
ofc !! my door is always open for the psd babes wink wonk
send me a character and ill answer these questions for them !
do I like them: ya def he’s the cool + mysterious type how could i not??? tbqh the moment i laid eyes on him i Knew. i Knew i would like him.
5 good qualities:1) perseverance to the fuckin max2) type of person that would thoroughly fuck someone over for not crediting original artists/creators3) extremely perceptive aka has a really sensitive bullshit meter and his intuition is probs always spot on.4) smoking is such a?? cool technique to specialise in?? usually its probs an add on, not a main component of the dish but ibusaki manages to not only allow it to supplement his ingredients but also make smoking become the main dish itself, im so awed.5) could probably kill you with his bare hands. i mean this boy can handle logs of wood and woodchippers and chainsaws with relative ease, he’s probs ripped af and the strongest out of all the psd members 
3 bad qualities:1) holes himself up when upset2) adding on, probably doesn’t ask for help as often as he should - not that he doesn’t want to, but imo he’ll struggle to ask; and when someone asks if he’s ok, when he finally makes up his mind to speak up the moment/opportunity to has passed3) he’s gonna get really bad eyesight if he keeps up with that hairstyle LMAO 
favourite episode/etc: when he realised !! mimasaka had stolen his techniques !! idk something about that panel Spoke to me. maybe its bc its That Moment when the cool chara gets angry yknow aha :”DD
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otp: ibusaki/ryoko !!! theyre cute and an ultimate power couple. probably get mistaken as models when they walk around town lmao. theyve probs been featured in magazines as “couples around town to watch out for !!” for their fashion sense and good looks :”)))
brotp: ibusaki/shoji/daigo !!! theyre morning birds and workout together !! while ibusaki is shaving his woodchips, shoji and daigo are working in the fields, and they typically have breakfast together everyday !! also they like competing for who can do the most pushups in a minute lolol
ot3  ot4: the psd babes !! ibusaki/ryoko/yuki/marui lolol
notp: romantic ibusaki/isshiki....that’s....pls no. i see them in a senpai-kouhai way !! i headcanon isshiki is one of the few (like marui and ryoko) who can tell when ibusaki’s upset and are patient enough to wait for him to speak up. also isshiki in general is a great big bro figure.
best quote: “...that bastard.” i love it when characters curse in canon god bless
head canon: has an older sister(older by 10years) who’s serious and straightlaced + a wildly successful president of her own company, and a happy go lucky older brother(older by 7years) who is too fickle for his own good and travels all over the world as a photographer(originally wildlife, but changed to freelance after the company he worked for collapsed. he still wants to go back into wildlife photography tho!!). both of them dote on him tooooons and he receives the Most and Biggest packages in the entire dorm bc of them :”)))
do I like them: YES !! im honestly so glad that marui is a character in shokugeki - i greatly appreciate a character that mainly uses brains and intellect to come out on top in a typical scenario where brawn and talent is hugely praised. 
5 good qualities: 1) SMART !! so gosh darned smart im so proud of my son !! he absorbs knowledge and understands it and is able to apply it, which is the most incredible and difficult task, yet he executes it with perfection :”)) adding on, he’s the fuckin ace of his research club like what the heckin hell, people need to give him more credit for his skills2) acute awareness of what he lacks and actively works to compensate for it with his strengths3) actually the most relatable character. gets exhausted at everything like same lmaooo4) the friend that gives good advice that nobody follows, moans about yall “i toooldd yoouuuu soooo ...!!!”, but still helps yall out of whatever trouble caused :”))5) he’s good at understanding people’s needs and wants even if they don’t explicitly say it out loud and subtly provides them w help so the person doesn’t feel awkward uvu
3 bad qualities:1) might rely too much on book intellect ! i feel this might restrict him when it comes to a proper shokugeki and he has to think/act on his feet - he’s probs the type to just freeze up if things don’t go to plan :”((2) probably focuses too much on polishing his strengths to an unhealthy amount - if he isn’t the best at what he specialises in he goes through immense self doubt and pressure3) gives into pressure really easily...! because he’s so good natured he finds it hard to say no to people, even if he knows he’s gonna Suffer for this. he’s That poor dude u see standing by the sidewalk for half an hour nodding as some religious person preaches about their faith to him LMAO :”D
favourite episode/etc: chap55!!! WHEN HE BARES HIS FANGS AND SHOWS OFF HIS SKILLS....WORK IT !!
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otp: oooh i like marui/yuki !! cuties who probs pull all nighters to finish video games all in one go :”)) they probs go to animal cafes a lot and watch all the fuckin animes. theyre so knowledgeable about animals and anime its nearly scary ahaha :”DD
brotp: marui/ibusaki !!! they def are super close and hang out a lot. ibusaki helps out with marui’s fashion sense and marui helps ibusaki w his studies. i headcanon they were initially wary of each other bc of outer looks(ibusaki got that goth look and marui has an intellectual air so lol) but got to know each other through realising they share the same taste in books !! now they have very exciting convos about scifi !!
ot3 ot4: same as usual for the psd babes !! ibusaki/ryoko/yuki/marui lolol
notp: hmmm marui/failure...?? bc i dont know many marui ships (i dont even think there’s many sO). ya i want to see my boy succeed !!!
best quote: “I dont have an outstanding cooking sense, and my physical strength is below average. That’s exactly why i have a strong desrei for knowledge, all so that an ordinary man like me can fight against all those geniuses.”
head canon: actually has really, really low prescription can can do without specs, but wears them anyway bc of fear that his eyesight will get worse if he doesn’t, although he’s been going to the optometrist for years now without his degree worsening at all (this is due to his detailed eyecare routines. he’s the guy who actually takes a break from the computer/reading/studying to look outside at something green for 10min lolol)
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healthcasa-blog · 6 years
Orthotics vs Insoles...what’s the difference?
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Orthotics, insoles, arch support, shoe inserts, custom orthotics. All these terms get thrown around quite loosely, and there are no rules governing the use of these terms, which doesn’t make it any easier for consumers to understand. You’ll see these products sold at doctors’ offices, pharmacies, sporting goods stores, and shoe stores and it’s difficult to know which one to choose. What’s the difference? Which product is right for you and your feet? Which option will provide you with the best results?
Let’s take a moment to clarify the terminology. Insoles, arch support and shoe inserts, and orthotics are often used interchangeably. The main difference is who makes them, how they are made, and where you get them.  The products that are available to purchase from most retail stores do not need to be prescribed by a doctor or foot specialist and are NOT custom made.  They may offer some mild, temporary help but they won’t specifically address your individual foot conditions nor will they perfectly fit your feet because they’re mass produced.  Orthotics, or custom made orthotics, are a more specialized product. They are made specifically for a patient, based on a prescription and hopefully a foot specialist’s Biomechanical Assessment (how your foot and ankle moves when manually manipulated) and Gait Analysis (how your foot moves while walking).
Can off-the-shelf orthotics (insoles/inserts) help?
If you have mild, occasional foot pain, off-the-shelf insoles can be helpful as a short-term solution.  These off-the-shelf insoles will offer some temporary relief and won’t cause any harm, however, most only provide extra cushioning and don’t address the underlying causes of your foot-related pain or discomfort.
If you have chronic or serious foot conditions, insoles made of gel or other soft materials can potentially do more harm than good because the soft, flexible material creates an unstable surface underneath your feet. In these cases, custom orthotics are a better option, especially considering that they would be made specifically for your feet according to the specifications of a Chiropodist or Podiatrist.
Pros: These off-the-shelf insoles are mass produced which means they are inexpensive and readily available to anyone.
Cons: You get what you pay for. A cheaper insole is a result of cheaper materials, mass production, and a generic design. The cheaper the insole, the faster it tends to breakdown, and the more often it will need to be replaced.
What if you don’t wear a standard shoe size, or if your feet differ in size (feet often differ in size by as much as ½ a shoe size!)? What if you have a specific foot condition that requires additional modifications? In these cases, orthotics that are custom-made for your feet are the better option.
What’s the difference between orthotics vs custom orthotics?
Not all orthotics are created equally. As mentioned above, the term ‘orthotics’ can be used by anyone to describe something that is inserted into your shoe for pain relief or added comfort. A custom orthotic is one that is made from scratch, specifically for your feet, foot conditions, activities, lifestyle, and footwear based on the findings of the assessment done by a Chiropodist or Podiatrist. These are often made of more robust, technical materials, so they tend to last longer. Because they are custom made for your foot, they can provide proper arch support and alignment. There are a variety of different types of orthotics available, to suit your footwear and activities. Custom orthotics can only be prescribed by a healthcare practitioner, ideally by a foot specialist such as a Podiatrist or Chiropodist.
What about the ‘orthotics’ we see in retail stores, pharmacies, and even infomercials?  The short answer is this: if they weren’t constructed based on a 3D cast of each of your feet in a neutral, non-weight bearing position, they are NOT custom made!
Remember, two dimensional measurements such as digital pressure maps can NOT be used to create accurate, three-dimensional orthotics … think about it, where is the measurement data coming from for the 3rddimension (arch height/depth/shape)?
How do I know if my orthotics are REALLY custom-made?
A lot goes into a pair of truly custom-made orthotics, and the more steps and more people involved, the greater the chance of something not going according to plan.  
When you’re looking at being assessed for custom-made orthotics you’ll need to ask your clinic some important questions:
1.    Who is doing the assessment and taking the cast?
2.    What casting method are they using?
3.    What lab are the casts being sent to for fabrication?
4.    Does that lab make a new positive mold for each cast received?
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1.     Who is doing the assessment and taking the orthotics cast?
All HealthCasa practitioners are fully vetted, certified, licensed and insured Chiropodists and Podiatrists. We take great care in training our practitioners on the proper casting techniques and they use only HealthCasa-provided materials, so we can maintain consistency of quality.  There are a few different methods of taking 3D casts, but the tool is only as good as the person using it. You want to be sure you are working with a foot specialist such as a Chiropodist or Podiatrist who has had extensive training in the assessment, casting and design of custom orthotics.  
While many Chiropractors and Physiotherapists also sell orthotics, Chiropodists and Podiatrists are the only regulated healthcare professionals that can prescribe custom orthotics. They are foot specialists that are trained specifically in diagnosing and treating conditions that affect your feet and ankles. For the same reason that you would see a dentist if you had tooth ache, seeing a Chiropodist or Podiatrist is the logical choice for your feet.
2.     What casting method are they using?
The basis for a truly custom-made orthotic starts with a properly made 3D cast, with the patient’s foot in a neutral (not moving) and non-weight-bearing (not standing, pushing, etc.) position. This is the natural position of your foot where you don’t experience any sort of pain or discomfort, and the position that custom orthotics attempt to maintain for the patient. The primary preferred casting methods that maintain the proper position of the patient’s foot are plaster of Paris and some 3D digital scanners.
There are many other methods of taking a cast for orthotics such as foam boxes, digital pressure mapping, digital walking mats, and more. Unfortunately, these methods don’t keep your feet in a neutral, non-weight bearing position. This means that your feet will be casted in the same position they’re in when you’re experiencing pain … so if your orthotics are made according to a cast in THAT position, at most all they’re going to do is prevent your feet from getting any worse.Basically, those orthotics will be a waste of your time and money with little health benefit. This is why most insurance companies require proof that your orthotics were made based on a 3D cast of your feet in a neutral and non-weight-bearing position in order for you to qualify for reimbursement.
3.     What lab are the casts being sent to for fabrication?
We spent a couple months speaking with, interviewing, vetting, and doing other due diligence on most of the orthotic manufacturing labs across Canada.  We insisted on using a lab that could prove to us that they only made custom-made orthotics, had great communication and customer service protocols, used high quality materials and whose technicians are highly trained. We’ve personally visited many of these labs and have actually seen first-hand what their orthotic manufacturing processes look like.
4.      Does that lab make a new positive mold for each cast received?
Unfortunately, some labs use pre-fabricated orthotic shells and choose the ones whose shape and size are the closest match to the casts they receive. Close enough IS NOT good enough for HealthCasa.
These labs will often call these orthotics “custom”, but in essence, what you’re getting is an orthotic that is only slightly better than one of the cheaper off-the-shelf options you can buy online or in a store.   And you’ll probably be paying a price that is comparable to a really custom-made orthotic. Insurance companies will not accept claims where pre-fabricated orthotics have been used, however those labs are not exactly forthcoming with their dishonest practices.  Insurance companies are trying to crack down on this practice, but it’s also important for you as the patient to choose practitioners and clinics that can demonstrate where their orthotics will be manufactured and how.
If your foot clinic can’t readily answer these questions to your satisfaction, ask yourself why they don’t know this vital information or why they won’t tell you.  If the casts aren’t taken correctly by a certified foot specialist such as a Podiatrist or Chiropodist, if they are using substandard casting methods, if they have not thoroughly vetted their lab, and/or the lab is not making a new positive mold for each cast received, then chances are your orthotics will NOT be fully custom made.
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