#thg verse.
izstevns · 10 months
short thg verse summary! izzie is from district 6... her father was already married when he had an affair with izzie's mom and he refused to take responsibility for izzie or her mother, so she was raised with very little. when she was old enough, she tried taking various odd jobs she could find to support both her and her mother as well as taking out tesserae. when izzie's fifteen years old, she falls in love with one of the boys working in one of the factories. she becomes pregnant. the boy cuts ties with her, having mainly been into her just for her looks, and nasty rumors spread about izzie, resulting in her becoming ostracised from the rest of the district. knowing she has no way of supporting a child, she brokers a deal with one of the richer families in district 6. the wife had been unable to bear children, so izzie gives up her baby to them in exchange for a few month's supply of food. in the end it's not about the food for izzie, but about wanting her baby to have a better life. the story others hear is that izzie lost the baby in a miscarriage. a year later at sixteen years old, a few months after having given up her daughter, she gets reaped for the 62th hunger games (i am changing enoboria to winning the 61th hunger games it just works better for me age wise sorry). while she isn't seen as one of the stronger tributes, she does become pretty popular because of her looks. just like back at home, she uses this to her advantage to get sponsors, while simultaneously working the angle of appearing as a slightly ditzy blonde. when she's in the arena, her smarts really show themselves and she's able to survive and hold her own, eventually winning her games. when she returns home as a victor, her reputation has suddenly turned shining, but izzie doesn't forget the way she or her mother were treated before and closes herself off from the rest of her district folk. much like the other victors popular for their looks, izzie becomes a sought after prize. izzie does what it takes to survive. just as she has always done. she mentors young new tributes every year and goes along with capitol life. just after the 74th hunger games, izzie falls sick with an illness even the capitol can't cure. by the time of the quarter quell, it's becoming almost impossible to hide. she knows she's dying. part of her wants to volunteer to take the place of one of the morphlings, but she's aware a rebellion is brewing and she thinks she's of more help outside of the arena. izzie does what she can to aid haymitch, plutarch and the rest of the resistance within the capitol. when the forcefield around the arena gets blown up, izzie is one of the victors taken by the capitol. in most verses, she will not make it out, succumbing to her sickness before they are freed. in some others, she will be freed together with the remaining victors, only to live a short life in district 13 and a subsequent liberated panem before she will inevitably die of her illness.
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lovebeatriceplz · 5 months
You're so perfect, too perfect. They wish you weren't, they wish you hated them, but you don't. They wish you weren't the only thing they thought about, but you are. They wish you didn't weave your way around the walls they put up, seeping into the cracks of their heart, but you did. They want you to know how they feel, but you can't. They want you to miss them, to love them, but you can't. They run from your warmth into the blizzard instead, not wanting to give you a reason to miss them, to love them. So they watch over you, hidden by the hassle of life and an indifferent demeanor. They want to love you, but they can't. So they do it from a distance.
- SIMON RILEY, Gojo satoru, Nanami Kento, SHOTA AIZAWA, Gwen stacy, Kurapika kurta, Katniss Everdeen, HOBIE BROWN, Tomura Shigaraki, Shoko ieiri, SAL FISHER, Megumi Fushiguru
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everlarksquell · 7 months
the way that the great war is the taylor swift song where everlark everlarked the most they’ve ever everlarked in a song should actually be studied.
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enobariasdistrict2 · 3 months
Cato: Turns out we're a pretty good team for two people who hate each other. Clove: I don't hate you. I just think you're pretentious and unlikeable. Cato: ... All right, but you have somewhat of a difficult personality as well. Clove: Who, me? I'm a goddamn delight! I should punch you in the Adam's apple for saying that. Cato: Oh, I stand corrected, you're America's sweetheart.
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darthnell · 12 days
New THG Discord link !
We've updated the tumblr link for SYOT Verses Discord (the old one will not work anymore). Might as well make a new post too! If you're into The Hunger Games, especially OCs, this is the place for you :D
SYOT Verses is a pretty active thg fanfiction community for Submit Your Own Tribute stories and OC fics. While we welcome authors and readers of all kinds, our server and its programming are specifically geared towards Hunger Games SYOTs and OCs! If that sounds appealing to you, feel free to join ! We’re always looking to see some new faces (:
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allthebestcowgirls · 1 year
and you love me 'til my heart stops
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purelysnow · 23 days
muse: disney's snow white, but in the hunger games. more detailed here. @indiestarter
❛❛ make a wish into the well, that's all you have to do. and if you hear it echoing, your wish will soon come true, ❜❜ snow sang into the microphone, her beautiful voice filling the underground pub. she performed there multiple times per week for a meal or for some extra money in her pocket. after her step-mother had banished her to district 12, she found a love for singing to the crowds of people. she had been known around the district for her sweet voice. ❛❛ i'm wishing for the one i love to find me today. ❜❜ she sang the next line, another member of the band echoing the words after her - like if she were really making a wish into the well.
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Miles Morales from ATSV (wouldn't be able to use any of his spiderman powers)
Tribute Name: Miles Morales
Age: Teenage
Restrictions: No superhuman abilities of any kind
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If you would like to see a character aged 12-18 enter the Hunger Games, please submit them through my asks. 19+ aged character submissions are currently closed.
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lemonluvgirl · 1 year
The Designation Games (Part 4)
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. . . . The ride down to the floor that housed the training room was quiet and steeped with tension. The elevator was filled with two distinct scents. The bland, uninteresting scent of their beta escort and the strange new scent of their combined pheromones.
It settled around her like a shawl on a chilly autumn day, warm and soft. A unique mixture of the two of them. Thankfully the suppressants had kicked in for both of them because if the scent had been any stronger it would have been problematic.
She knew Peeta was looking at her from the corner of his eye.
Beneath the effects of the suppressant that muted their scents and their animal instincts, she felt her Omega plaintively sniffing, scratching, and searching for his Alpha.
It was a dangerous preoccupation to deal with in addition to all the other things she needed to stay on top of.
So, she kept her expression blank and focused on Effie's inane ramblings about proper etiquette for the training floor.
She was supremely grateful for the speed with which the elevator delivered them to their destination.
A minute longer and she might have been persuaded to speak to him.
. . Effie deposited them at the doors, with a quick and patronizing pat to each of their backs and then she was gone.
"Well, I guess we should head in," Peeta said when he noticed her hesitancy.
Katniss sucked in a deep breath and gave him a quick, short nod.
He pushed open the doors and they walked in side by side.
It was the scent that hit her first.
She felt like she had just walked into a maelstrom, but instead of being buffeted on all sides by wind and rain, she was assaulted by the forceful surge of Alpha musk hitting her nostrils and the permeating sweetness of coying Omega perfume lingering on her tongue.
She could detect fear, aggression, and arousal from just stepping inside the room.
The combination was dizzying and the only thing that anchored her in the moment was the quiet reassurance of the person walking beside her.
His scent was familiar and unobtrusive in its subtleness, but strong enough to shield her from the sharp onslaught of distracting smells.
It seemed to grow stronger the closer they got to the center of the large room where the rest of the tributes were gathered in a semi-circle, waiting. It was here that everyone's scent was most concentrated, and Katniss surmised that her and Peeta's glands were working overtime to push out deterrent pheromones.
And from the way that all but a few of the tributes surveyed them quickly, but then turned away after pulling in discreet and not-so-discreet inhales of their scents, she thought that their scenting strategy might be working.
All the tributes were wearing some variation of the jumpsuit she and Peeta had on, the only difference being their district numbers. The group was made up of a variety. People of different heights builds, and appearances. Some immediately stood out, like the giant male from District 2 who was projecting a bored but superior air, or the dark-skinned boy from 11 who stood near the back and projected the aura of some kind of large cat stealthily watching its prey. Then there were the Omegas. Most of them seemed to cower behind their district partner Alphas, trying to make themselves invisible, but a few of them stood apart. The most obvious being the smirking blond-haired and green-eyed female from District 1. She was practically licking her chops as she surveyed the gathering of Alphas. Then there was the short brunette from District 2 with a wicked gleam in her eye. She didn't look at the Alphas hungrily like they were something she wanted to eat. But she did look like she might enjoy cutting them up into bite-sized pieces.
There was also the red-headed girl from District 5 who gave off an air of independence from her district partner. She seemed to take in each tribute methodically, observing them like they were something to study under a microscope.
Beyond the half ring of tributes, a tall, athletic woman dressed in a long sleeve black collared shirt with the official crest of Panem stitched over her heart stood at the focal point of the room.
"In two weeks 23 of you will be dead. One of you will be alive. Who that is depends on how well you pay attention over the next five days. Particularly to what I'm about to say. First, no fighting with the other tributes. You'll have plenty of time for that in the arena. Second, coercive scenting is forbidden during training. If any tribute is caught scenting another without their permission, there will be severe penalties. Aside from those rules, there are only four compulsory exercises. The rest will be individual training. My advice is don't ignore the survival skills. Everyone wants to grab a sword but most of you will die from natural causes. 10% from infection, 25% from dehydration. Exposure can kill as easily as a knife....."
. . .
Haymitch had been right about all the Alpha posturing. As soon as the head trainer concluded her speech, most Alphas headed for the weapon racks or the heavy training equipment.
About half of the Omegas followed their partners like meek shadows. The other half indulged in some posturing of their own before flouncing off to circle some of the more dominant-looking Alphas.
Katniss noticed several lurkers of both designations orbiting her and Peeta as they quietly discussed which station to visit.
"Where would you like to start?" Peeta asked, expression sober and vigilant.
She looked around at the Career Tributes who caught her eye earlier. They were engaged in an overt display of one-up-manship. One was swinging a sword, enthusiastically lobbing off appendages from the training dummies with quick and brutal strokes, another was throwing a spear dead center in the outline of human silhouettes on posters taped to the training center wall. And so it went, with each of the Careers seemingly determined to start the day off with an obvious show of intimidation.
The rest of the tributes busied themselves with their first lessons in axe or knife throwing.
"Suppose we tie some knots." She replies, eyes flicking up to his for half a second.
"Right, you are," Peeta agrees, holding her gaze for a moment before turning to find the proper station and trainer.
. . . . As the first hour passed, Katniss was able to determine that all of the trainers were betas. They smelled neutral in comparison to the strong scents of the tributes.
It was an intelligent choice, she thought. 24 unmated Alphas and Omegas in one (albeit large) room was probably a heady enough cocktail of hormones and pheromones as it was without adding to the mix.
Even though she had the security of Peeta's scent blanketing her, and the added assistance of the suppressant working to calm her, Katniss still felt on edge. A niggling feeling pricked at the back of her neck and it was getting harder and harder to ignore, no matter how diligently she tried to concentrate on tying knots.
Instinctually she turned her head to peer over her shoulder. Her eyes immediately met the glacial supercilious stare of the colossal Alpha from District 1, named Cato. He was fair-skinned, fair-haired, and blue-eyed, like Peeta, but that was where their similarities ended. He was by far the largest Alpha in the room. While many of the other male tributes were well over 6 feet tall, the giant brute was closer to 7 feet tall, if Katniss were to guess. His height and intimidating physicality were only rivaled by the male from District 11, Thresh. Thresh for his part kept to himself and his District partner, unobtrusively perusing the stations with mild interest. Cato, however, sauntered around the training room with undisguised and seemingly unchallenged dominance.  He didn't appear to be able to exhibit a shred of anything but pure animosity, even with the trainers. His District partner, the short brunette with the malevolent smile roamed as a free agent, her demonstration with the throwing knives having secured her status as an Omega to be wary of. That and her scent hadn't been twinged with even one iota of fear or anxiety as any of the other female tributes had.
Katniss turned her head away abruptly, to cut off the staring match when she felt her own scent shift toward discomfort.
Katniss knew Peeta felt that something was amiss because he stiffened beside her. He looked over in the direction she had been looking in and Katniss knew Peeta had found Cato still staring at them because Peeta let out a low growl under his breath.
Without thinking, she placed her hand over his well-muscled forearm.
"Remember what Haymitch said." She reminded in a quiet voice.
Peeta's jaw locked with tension for a moment, but then he deliberately turned his head away from Cato's challenging stare.
Katniss breathed a sigh of relief, but she was surprised when Peeta's strong hands lightly maneuvered her to the side, out of Cato's line of sight.
She frowned at Peeta in annoyance and moved out of his grasp pointedly. She couldn't tolerate that kind of Alpha nonsense. She might be an Omega, but she wasn't a child to be coddled and pushed out of harm's way.  
"Haymitch said we shouldn't turn our backs on them," Peeta explained before she could open her mouth to tell him off.
She looked back to the spot Cato had just vacated, walking off in search of easier prey perhaps, and then back to Peeta.
His expression was sheepish, but not wholly repentant.
She narrowed her eyes at him.
"Next time just tell me, and I'll move." She replied tightly.
Peeta nodded and then turned around to scan the room again, ever vigilant. . . . .
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lovebeatriceplz · 3 months
My favorite fathers/ father figures in media
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Happy father's day ♡ ( to those who deserve it)
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inhcritance · 10 months
@dumbthink liked for a THG starter!
"The Capitol, I should warn you," is what passes for Harry's greetings, as he notices the very unexpected visitor in his laboratories. "has their eyes set on you. And on what you can do." He adds.
He's heard rumors and stories, and plenty of those. He still will not disclose their presence, of course, not unless he has to, but the warning, he thinks, is necessary, if probably far from needed.
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poltoreveur · 8 months
Hi :D Do you have a list of fandoms/characters that you write for??
Note: Requests are open! ₊ ⊹ ͙͘͡ ★
Hellooo anon, I don’t have a separate list on which fandom/characters that I write for but on my navigation post, I did mention the fandoms that I write in the tags! But I'll write one down here to specify and make it much more easier for other people to find :3
Harry Potter; specifically Marauders & Hogwarts Legacy Star Wars PJO (Percy Jackson and The Olympians) Marvel Spider-Man Multiverse; Across The Spider-Verse, TASM X-Men DC; specifically the Bat-family Deadly Class. The Hunger Games The Folk of The Air The Inheritance Games Call Of Duty The Maze Runner Teen Wolf; it’s literally just Stiles Stilinksi lmao
There are most likely other fandoms that I can’t think of from the top of my head, but these are all the main ones that I do write for!
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tr1butedarc · 9 months
THG   SERVER   IS   LIVE   !      please   like   this   post   /   message   for   the   link   <3
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yeonban · 14 days
Tobias is unironically beefing with 40+ year olds everywhere he goes and it's sodjuasdsahdsyd HOW does he always find some fucked up dude in his 40s-80s to immediately lock in on. What's this talent called
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manslaught · 10 months
thg verse
district 2
her dad was a victor in the games, setting a record for the most kills at the time (8?). he met mikayla's mom (citizen of the capitol) during one of the victor trips. mikayla was conceived. aphrodit.e didn't want her, so antonio had to deal with her instead. as always, he sucks and deserves to die.
mikayla's trained her entire life, despite her dad constantly telling her that if she does get reaped, there's no way she could ever live up to him. excels at every weapon possible, so that she could have options, but usually prefers a spear.
reaped at 16. gets a ton of sponsors both due to her beauty and brutality.
she's soo shitty in the games. kills two tributes at the start of the games. she forms an alliance with all of the careers, but by nightfall, she offers to take first watch and kills them all five of them in their sleep. the last of them wakes up as she's killing another and attacks her with a knife, stabbing her in the shoulder. she uses that same knife to kill him.
stab wound was not good. another tribute finds her, but fortunately for her, he had a crush on her the entire time, so instead of trying to kill her, he helps patch the wound. she lies and tells him that it was the district 1 boy that killed the other careers, and she just barely made it out. mikayla stays with him until her shoulder is better, then stabs him as he tries to kiss her
her final two kills happen within the last 10 minutes of the game. the other two are fighting, so she just comes up from behind and impales them both with her spear (goes entirely through the first one... kind of gross). the second to get stabbed isn't killed by it, so she takes an arrow from the dead tribute's quiver and uses it to stab them through the eye. she wins, beating her dad's record with 10 kills.
at some point in her interview after her win, she gets asked if she believes her father being a victor helped her in any way. her dramatic ass looks directly in the camera and says "no, i'm just better than him." this obviously does not go over well with her father, so the moment they're alone after her return home, he attacks her. she kills him.
not as ridden with guilt over her kills as most victors, mostly because she's grown up feeling like she's been fighting for her life anyway thanks to her father, but at least now, he's gone and she doesn't have to worry anymore.
i'll add more later. i did my best.
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sean diaz from Life Is Strange 2?
Name: Sean Diaz
Age: 16
Restrictions: None
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