#things were insane there. i knew a guy who got sucked off in the walk in freezer
kil9 · 7 months
also i kept a hat from when i worked at cheesecake factory & now maddi has stolen it so theyre walking around england looking like a cheesecake factory line cook
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ventismacchiato · 10 months
41 behind the lens — truth or drink !
scaramouche x g!n reader
you and scara get asked to go on the youtube talk show ‘truth or drink’, where you ask eachother a series of questions. if one of you decides not to answer you must take a shot instead.
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welcome to truth or drink! celebrity couples will ask each other a set of random questions. they can either answer the question or take a shot!
Scara immediately starts pouring himself a shot.
You: we haven’t even started yet!
how long have you both been together?
Scara: about five years
You: five long years
Scara: go fuck yourself?
how did you both get together? did you two secretly pretend to hate each other online? everyone is dying to know!
You start reaching for the bottle but Scara yanks it away from you.
Scara: go on, answer it baby
You: do i have to?
Scara: if you don’t then i will
You: fine. basically i fell for scara before i knew he was a popular streamer, he was just a classmate from my photography class. the day after our first date is when i found out he was the balladeer.
Scara: and you continued to date me and not tell me you were my mortal enemy!
You: he’s still petty about this as you can see
when did he find out you were stardust?
You: a month later i think? after we went to paris for twitch con?
Scara: i need a drink just listening to this
worst thing you both experienced after doing your face reveal years ago?
Scara: no more alone time, i couldn’t even go for a walk without people recognizing me
You: also college was so weird after, i remember professors would play my videos after and ask if that was me. like obviously it is?
Scara: also so many photos, couldn’t even go to a public bathroom without people trying to photograph my dick
You: thankfully it’s died down since then
how often do you guys have sex?
Scara: it used to be every other day
You: but then we got real people jobs like acting and directing and now it’s less
Scara: a shame
most public place you’ve have sex?
You and Scara both share a look.
You: okay, i’ll divulge one place that’s not too bad. his trailer on his most recent project
Scara silently takes a shot.
have you ever considered breaking up?
This time it’s your turn to take the bottle away from Scara.
Scara: i wasn’t serious about it, but i have thought about it
You: tell them how many times
Scara: not my fault i have commitment issues!
have you ever cheated on one another?
Scara: they cheated on me with my alter ego
what’s something about eachother the media wouldn’t believe?
You: he is so clingy, but it’s so cute
Scara: i am not
You: you’re literally playing with my foot right now
Scara: fuck off, and nobody would believe how kinky you are
You: i think you mean how kinky you are
Scara: and you’re into it so what does that say about you?
You: pour me a shot
how many sexual partners have you had?
Scara stares off to the side to count in his head.
Scara: 20?
You: the way you don’t even know
Scara: before you i just had a lot of one night stands, i was a whore
You: you still are
Scara: you’re into it
You: …unlike him i will be taking a shot for this one
have you talked about marriage?
You: tell them what you told me
Scara: marriage is a social construct, why do i have to host a big event and get down on one knee to prove i want to be with someone for the rest of my life? yn already knows i love them and now i have to get a ring and do paperwork too? society sucks
You: he’s insane, but we have talked about it
Scara: they will be proposing though
You: he’s such a princess
if you were allowed one pass, who would you sleep with?
You: wait, out of people we know?
Scara: Hm…say it on three
You: okay…1…2…3
You and Scara: Kazuha
Scara: honestly, i think he and Heizou would be down
something romantic your partner does?
You: honestly he has a lot…a recent one i found out about was when Scara buys me flowers he always keeps one for himself, so when it dies he knows when to get me a new bouquet
Scara: okay
You: awe look, he’s all shy now
how many kids do you both want if any?
Scara: i like kids but i want zero of my own
You: he compared it to a dog
Scara: that makes me sound bad! i said it’s like a dog because other people’s dogs are cute but if i had my own i would accidentally kill it
You: my blood line ends with me
if your partner was in a coma, how long would you wait for them?
Scara: a good year, maybe two if i feel like it
Scara: …yeah?
You: offended you won’t wait an eternity for me and never fall in love again
Scara: my water bill will finally be normal again without you
You: such a romantic you are
how often do you two get into arguments? and what about?
You: not as much as we used to, we’re better at finding solutions and communicating
Scara: it’s usually about how busy we are due to work
You: yeah sometimes we go weeks without seeing eachother and it makes him cranky
Scara: one time they ran towards me at an airport
You: it was romantic!
Scara: i had to drop my coffee to catch you
something about marriage that scares you?
Scara pours himself a shot.
You: hey, tell me!
Scara: no thanks
You: Please?
Scara: …fine. just scared you’ll get bored eventually or realize i’m not the one
You: i’ll ever get bored of you!
Scara: we’ll see
has anyone flirted with you during a project? any fellow actors or directors?
You: sometimes people hit on him right in front of me
Scara: you’re no better, people hit on you more. literally just last week—[censored]
You: can you guys bleep that so nobody loses their job!
first impression of each other?
You: i thought he was the cutest boy in class
Scara: you’re fun to listen to
You: i talked a lot during our college days didn’t i?
Scara: you still do
You: wow…
Scara: didnt say i disliked it, idiot
one thing you would change about the other?
Scara: nothing
You: okay i feel bad about my answer
Scara: fuck you?
You: i was going to say i wish you were less of a workaholic!
Scara: i can try
how do your parents feel about your relationship?
Scara: thanks for watching, make sure to like and subscribe and comment down below-
You: sore topic as you can see
last one before we let you two go, something you love about eachother?
You: he’s going to take a shot
Scara slowly puts the bottle back down.
You: told ya
Scara: theres so many fucking people watching me right now
You: fine, i’ll go first. i like how he shows his love for me in different ways like a lot of people think hes really cold but once he gets comfortable he can be the loudest and sweetest person in the room
Scara: thanks i guess
You: look how red he is
Scara: do you want to die?
You: okay, my turn!
Scara: i like…how you make me feel safe
You: you’re so cute
Scara: die
You: i love you too
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behind the lens !
masterlist — prev | next
author’s notes — i thought this wud be silly so hope u enjoyed 🙏 almost free 😭😭
synopsis — you, better known as STARDUST, and BALLADEER have always been in competition for the top streamer spot on twitch, which is especially impressive since the two of you have never shown your faces. you’ve never been on good terms, constantly one-upping each other in matches and getting into petty arguments on twitter, causing your fans to also dislike each other. that’s until BALLADEER does a face reveal that breaks the internet with his good looks…which makes you realize it’s the same guy you went on a date with last night. the type of date that made you crave to see him again. the only problem was he didn’t know you were STARDUST and he was way different behind the lens than he portrayed himself online to you. should you keep your identity a secret to salvage the relationship or just let him go?
taglist is closed — @captainzep @elysiumarchieve @plinkuro @sakkakuu-squared @eliqusgenma @vuvulia @kunikuzushiit @ins4nebish @stxrgxzxr @lilacponds @uma-umie @mitsukifilms @caesars-bubbles @wheneverthesunrise @its-like-twilight @kazuhalvrr @erosdevil @thenightsflower @p1utto @noodleshark420 @lxry-chxn @court-jester-stuff @lauragalliart @veyu002 @kaeyas-eyepatch-69 @leathernourishingshoepolish @courtneydefender @drunkwithfever @exhaustedcommunist @vincanzu @ainlaw @ovaliz @kitsuvil @whatamidoing89 @celestair @kunihaver @kazioli @xiaosoneandonly @cridtiins @cherrybeomgyu @asukahiriko @moon-320 @orionicchaos @cartierfiles [1/3]
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blondiee188 · 3 months
Friends teasing me for my weight in on vacation 🤭
A group of my friends I haven’t seen in a while asked me to go on a trip with them. I agreed but forgot about the fact that they haven’t seen me in so long and I’m not exactly the same. I never post pictures of myself on social media and none of them FaceTime me so they would have no clue that I’ve gained 60lbs+ since they last saw me.
I packed my old bathing suit assuming it would fit as well as some of my leggings and crop tops. Obviously I knew I had gained weight because the whole thing has been pretty intentional but the leggings are stretchy I assumed it would cover up my weight gain.
We all met at the airport. I was the first to arrive so I grabbed some food because I was starving. I went to McDonald’s and got my usual, 2 double hamburgers, a large fry, 2 sundaes, and 2 apple pies. I was nearly done when I heard someone call my name. I whipped my head around and sucked in my much softer belly.
“Oh, uh, hi. I didn’t realize you were here” I felt my cheeks heat in embarrassment from being seen like this.
She looked at all of the food in front of me and then back at me, “yeah. You have your location on so I just followed it.” She walked around the table and went to grab the chair but stopped herself, “sorry it looks like you have someone sitting here already?”
I was a bit confused until I realized that she was right it did look like someone was eating with me. “No it’s just me, I was uh, just really hungry.”
I noticed her eyes landed lower then I would’ve liked. Instead of staring at my boobs that were 5X bigger then they used to be her eyes landed on the roll on my belly. It strained against my sweatpants waistband that tightened as I ate. “You know, you really shouldn’t eat that crap it’s not good for you.”
“I don’t usually” was all I said.
she gave me a knowing look, “yeah right, maybe last year. My cousin tells me you always go to the McDonald’s she works at and order an insane amount”
Before I could respond I heard my other friends approaching and quickly threw my food in the nearest garbage can. When I returned my friend who sat with me chuckled, “you can hide the food but you can’t hide that,” she poked my belly.
I blushed and then one of my friends hugged me from behind, “oh wow! Someone’s softer, look at that ass! Getting curvy girl.” She winked at me and smiled.
“she’s not curvy she’s chubby” my snobby friend said. She pinched my belly, “you look like you should size up in those pants.”
I couldn’t think of a response but luckily one of my other friends showed up and changed the conversation, “hey guys! I got us all matching shirts to where let’s put them on now so we can take pictures at the airport”
She handed each of us shirts that were all XS and matched her own. She waited outside of the bathroom for us while we all changed. In the bathroom we all went into the same stall, I wanted to go into my own now feeling self conscious but they had forced me to go into the same one as them.
“you don’t need to be embarrassed just because you are bigger then us you know we are just teasing you”
That made me feel more at ease, I pulled my shirt off and grabbed the new one. I pulled it over my head and then found it stuck over my boobs. If I could just pull this over them. I pulled and pulled.
“it’s okay if you can’t get it on I’m sure she will understand.” My friend comforted me.
My snobby friend looked up when she heard that and smirked, “She’s going to be pissed. Fatty.”
“Would you stop being mean to her, who cares if she let herself go.” My friend replied.
“I do, we are all supposed to be fit” was her response,
Right as the final word left her mouth the shirt pulled over my breasts and covered a little less then half of my belly. “I am fit, I might have gained a bit of weight but I’m still skinny like you.
They all chuckled at that. “It’s okay to not be skinny and you’re not.” My friend exclaimed.
I rolled my eyes and unlocked the stall when I felt someone’s hand wrap around my wrist, “You should put your other shirt on” my friend said.
“Ugh would you guys stop I look fine” I walked out and caught multiple people staring at my belly. I knew it was a bit snug and I was a bit bigger but I didn’t realize how much bigger I looked in this. I felt my cheeks heating and then caught my reflection in a mirror. “Oh” I muttered.
“What the-“ my friend was standing around the corner. “Ummm if it doesn’t fit you can put your other shirt on”.
“it looks fine” I said knowing that while my cheeks heated so did the spot between my thighs.
The next day I woke up and realized that I had no other option but to wear the crop tops that I brought. I wouldn’t eat as much to try and hide my inner Feedee. I mean luckily I still look skinny in this…right? 🐷✨
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babyleostuff · 5 months
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warning | one, slightly dirty joke at the end
“It’s because of my knee.” 
“Your knee is fine now, Cheol. You just suck at skating!” You laughed at your boyfriend, who had trouble standing on his own two feet, wobbling in every possible direction and looking like a little giraffe who was learning to walk. “Stop making excuses.” 
“I’m not mak- FUCK!” He shouted as the tip of his left ice skate got caught in the ice, making him fall forward in the most unfashionable way you could’ve imagined. 
“And there goes your idol image,” you giggled, skating up to him quickly. He looked adorable lying there on the ice like a little clumsy child, but at the same time, it was hilarious seeing little kids who had barely learned to walk and were already skating around, passing your boyfriend like pros.
“I told you to hold my hand,” you said softly, fixing his beanie that fell over his eyes when he fell. “But you always know better, Choi Seungcheol.” 
“That’s not true,” he whined, looking up at you with his famous pout and big puppy eyes, melting any annoyance his stubbornness caused you. “I’m good at sports, I am,” Seungcheol said, clearly irritated. “Why do I fucking suck at skating then?” 
“Baby,” you sighed, cupping his cold cheeks in your hands and mentally making a note to take a photo of him later, because with his bread cheeks covered with a pink blush, he looked so adorable it was insane. “You can’t be good at everything. Besides, ice skating is like the only thing I can think of that you’re not that good at.” 
He looked at you with disappointment, as if his inability to skate made him any less of a man. You knew Seungcheol thrived off being the strong and capable in your relationship, so when there was something he wasn’t excelling at, it always made him upset. 
“I hate this,” he mumbled, covering his face with his hand. “It’s so embarrassing.” 
“That’s enough, Seungcheol,” you said angrily, grabbing his hand. “Yes, you’re no ice princess, but it’s not embarrassing to fall. Take a look around you,” you grabbed his chin, tilting his head to the side where a couple just fell down, the girl landing on the guy. “See? You’re not the only one that isn’t a champion at ice skating. This isn’t the Olympics, Cheollie.”
He watched as the girl helped the boy up, their laughter audible even from a distance, and he looked back at you with big eyes. “Will you hold my hand this time?” Seungcheol asked with a shy smile on his lips. 
“Course I’ll hold your hand,” you said and intertwined your fingers, earning a quiet giggle from your boyfriend. 
“Look at me, baby!” Seungcheol exclaimed happily, his arms extended awkwardly out to the sides, as he slowly but surely skated over the ice. “I’m ice skating!”
“Yes you are, Cheol,” you smiled, following his every move in case he’d fall again. His knee was doing much better now, but you didn't know if it would survive another fall onto hard ice. “You’re doing great.” 
He looked back at you with a big grin and grabbed your hand again, pulling you towards him, so your bodies slightly crashed at the impact. 
“After all, I just might be an ice princess,” he smiled at you proudly, showing off his dimples. 
You scrunched your nose, not being able to handle his cuteness as he pulled you closer to his chest. “You’re full of surprises, Choi Seungcheol.” 
“Don’t call me that,” he pouted, his breath over your lips. “Okay,” you murmured, kissing the corner of his mouth teasingly. “Choi Seungcheol.” 
He huffed as his sweet smile changed into a well known smirk. “You’re in for a night, baby.” 
“Will I have to call you ice princess instead of daddy, then?”
taglist (if you want to be added, check my masterlist): @weird-bookworm @sea-moon-star @hanniehaee @wonwooz1 @byprettymar @edgaralienpoe @staranghae @eightlightstar @itza-meee @immabecreepin @hyneyedfiz @honestlydopetree @dkswife @marisblogg @whatsgyud @aaniag @jeonghansshitester @daegutowns @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @embrace-themagic @soul-is-a-strange-kid @ohmyhuenings @nidda13 @hrts4hanniehae @k-drama-adict @f4iryjjosh @isabellah29 @hafsah-ali @mrswonwooo @lllucere @athanasiasakura @onlyyjeonghan @chillseo @bangantokchy @hrts4hanniehae @haecien @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @hannahhbahng
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jeanbie · 4 months
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pairing: eren x reader
genre: best friends-to-lovers-au, actor au, fluff mostly | warnings: fem!reader | wc: 2.6k
note: hey. i still love u guys and i am still pining over aot. will never stop probably. anyway, this was an older fic i wrote but i'm handing it down to eren! title is taken/inspired from chasing cars by snow patrol (my fav song)
⏤ Eren has had enough - it's been four months since he's last seen you, and he's not going to let his fame status keep him from seeing you any longer. He just hopes that you feel the same way when you see him again.
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Eren was taking a pretty big risk, he knew that.
It was risky taking any step out of his apartment at any moment; he’d think he was safe until he made it to the end of the road, earphones snug in his ears, and the flash of a camera behind the bushes in the corner of his eye blinds him back to his front door in a twisted shame. 
Granted, he’d expected it to be worse now that he'd booked a plane ticket and made a rather hasty, in-the-moment journey to the airport and on a plane with no layover. Usually when Eren takes a journey overseas, there’s at least one or two fans hiding in the corner of the suites waiting for him, or someone on the plane who’d recognise his face.
For this, he’d suck it up and take a photo. It was better to have good PR and be a little bit pissed off that he’d been discovered, than to have bad PR and to be known as the actor from Attack on Titan who didn’t give a damn about the people who essentially made him and his friends famous.
But Eren thought the risk was worth it this time. The plane touched down in a different country, and from there, it was an hour long train journey to a station he didn’t know anything about to meet a friend of yours he’d only seen in Instagram pictures.
You were at university now, a face he saw on a screen rather than a face he quite literally saw every day months before. It had been four months since Eren had seen his best friend, and fuck anybody who was going to make him wait a second longer before seeing you again.
You were his greatest risk, but it was worth it. You were worth it.
“Fuck, it’s insane to actually be meeting you right now.”
Frank is a good guy, ginger with circle glasses resting on the end of his roundish nose. He led Eren out of the train station, offering to pull his suitcase for him. “I mean, I’m a huge fan.” Followed by a sigh and a quiet, “Who isn’t…?”
Eren smiled at him, squinting in the sun as it hit his eyes in the direction of Frank’s face. “Thanks. I hear a lot about you, too.”
Frank grinned, whipping his head towards Eren. “All sexy and scandalous things, I hope. You know, none of us believed Y/N when she said she knew you. We thought the pictures were Photoshopped, you know how she is.” They both paused by the side of the road waiting to cross, “Shit, she’s gonna freak out when she sees you.”
That was three minutes ago, but Eren's still playing that sentence on a loop in his head. She's gonna freak out when she sees you.
He walks alongside Frank down one of the streets, past a redundant furniture store that quirks his brows. He’s missed it here, and how unbelievably, shockingly awful it all looks when you’re not looking at picturesque photos of it online.
“I thought you’d know that Y/N’s my best friend,” Eren says thoughtfully. He pauses as Frank does as a car zooms past when they’re about to cross. “I mean, people know. The photos got leaked, all of them.”
“Hey, give me a break,” Frank says dramatically. “I only really became a super fan three months ago. I'm more into Levi, you know how it goes. And yeah, I figured it out eventually. Finally, I understood why so many people at this uni wanted photographs with her and to be her best friend…”
Eren frowns. “Is it bad? She doesn’t tell me this stuff on the phone. I mean, they go crazy online when she posts pictures and we interact, but I didn’t…”
Frank shakes his head and grins at Eren as the words die out in his mouth.
“Nah, don’t panic. It’s not that bad. If anything, she might get a kick out of the fame. Trust, there’s always gonna be the girls who hate her because she’s friends with you and that’s like, what, threatening to their fantasy? But she loves you a lot, and a friendship like yours…it’s kinda like family, you know?”
Eren feels his stomach flip, butterflies going haywire. These butterflies are bitter and relentlessly fast, his heart racing that extra bit quicker. He likes the sound of family. He doesn’t like the way Frank implies it, because if Eren is ever going to consider you as family, it won’t be as his sister.
You’ve never been his sister, even when you became part of his family growing up on special occasions, or even just on a daily basis when you came to visit. There were times his family called you their own, but you were never his sister. It was different than that; you both knew it but never dared acknowledge it.
Frank makes small talk until they make it to the student accomodation you currently live at, and because Frank knows basically everybody, a student comes to the gate to let them both in. They’re nice and tall, wearing an Aston Villa shirt that Eren remembers looks a lot like your dad’s back in the day. Might be the same kind, might be a vintage.
He smiles at him, because maybe this guy knows Eren, but then the guy just turns back into the common room and doesn’t come out again. Frank doesn’t live here - he lives in a flat of his own around the corner, but Frank might as well be a resident here. He lets himself in towards the lift and shoots a text to one of your flatmates.
“Apparently she’s in the shower,” Frank says casually. He locks his phone, taps his foot as the lift rises, “Let’s hope she doesn’t stride out completely stark naked as you’re in there.”
He almost blushes, “Ha, yeah.”
He declines to mention the times you two have showered together, the time you went skinny dipping together when you were seventeen. Those were things that might end up getting misunderstood, and those are his memories he’d like to keep a secret. He says nothing, nothing but a thank you when he enters your flat with Frank and takes a different turn to the left whereas Frank goes right, towards the kitchen.
Your room is at the very end, your name on the door in stickers from a set you got from the market, and from inside, he hears the music in the bathroom. The door opens silently and closes with the same volume, and Eren manages to wheel his suitcase to the end of the bed and plonks himself down.
As expected from pixels on the screen, your room looks better in person - white walls and a bed set that’s white and covered with little peonies. Above your desk, Eren recognises all your photos together, new polaroids of you and the friends you’ve made at university who Eren always felt kind of threatened by. He smiles to himself, and rests his head against the wall your bed is attached to. From here, he can see the bathroom door in the mirror on the opposite wall, but he knows you’ll only see his feet when you come out.
Speaking of which; the song playing in the bathroom ends suddenly and the shower water has stopped running. Eren hears the toilet flush and his heart starts to race.
Four months of falling asleep on Facetime and texting when there was no time left in the day, and now, here he is, on your bed, waiting for you to step out and… And, then what?
Maybe you wouldn't even want him here. Maybe you were happier now that Eren was travelling the world with his other friends and film crew while you were still here, in a new city with new friends and a new life. Maybe the memory of Eren was burdensome to you. Worse - maybe he was something you felt you had to remember but didn’t really want to.
Eren's always been scared of the rejection he might receive from you. He might be a dream for fans across the world, but there’s a split second where Eren feels like he might not be good enough for you. He’s the world to other people. But you deserve the whole galaxy, and he’s afraid that’s something that he might not ever be able to give you, even with all the money and the fame.
The bathroom door opens and in two seconds, the light is shut off and he hears you sigh.
“Jesus, Frank, you gotta stop letting yourself in here without telling me,” your voice says. “Good thing I’m semi-decent. Usually I’m not.”
“No fun,” Eren teases, and silence follows. There’s a pause, and Eren cocks his head, his left cheek on his shoulder, waiting for you to click and appear in front of him.
Suddenly, he hears small but quick thuds across the carpet and Eren feels his chest tighten with a nostalgic feeling when you come into view with wide eyes, damp hair and nothing but a bra and those stupid black worn leggings you refuse to throw out.
The grin that reaches Eren's eyes now aches as he laughs at you, at the way you gape at his presence. It takes a moment, a moment of what feels like could be the rejection that Eren absolutely fears, but then you smile so wide that Eren feels it in his stomach.
“Holy shit!” you exclaim loudly, bringing a hand to your mouth as you hurry towards the bed. It dips beneath your knees and Eren rises up to a more comfortable position. “What the fuck!”
He laughs out loud, and when Eren wastes zero time in bringing you into his arms, hugging you tightly.
“Careful, my hair’s all wet,” you squeak.
“Don’t care.”
He really doesn’t. There’s probably going to be a damp spot on his clothes after, but that’s okay. You groan loudly with happiness as you hug him in return as tightly as he is hugging you, your weight on his lap and your arms around his neck.
Eren smiles so wide, sighing with content into your neck. Here, he smells the marshmallow body wash on your skin, the fragrance of your hair that kind of reminds him of Cabbage Patch babies.
“You smell good,” he mutters. You laugh quietly, squirming when his nose sniffs across your neck like one would kiss. “I don’t.”
“You do, you always smell good,” you reply. One sniff, he laughs, “See!”
“Mmm,” he plays along, “the sweet smell of planes and trains and jet lag.”
That makes you laugh, and at the mention of jet lag, Eren realises he could probably fall asleep like this given the chance. He has missed this, missed you, so fucking much. The emotions are overwhelming. 
Eren kisses behind your earlobe, and then just underneath your jaw. That’s new. Eren was always a cheek-kiss kind of best friend, but never this.
You’re not complaining. Your head drops to one side, almost giving him more access to the space free, and he occupies it. Those fucking butterflies; Eren feels sick with nerves as he kisses you, under your chin and across your neck, on that spot on your collarbone you found out tickled after Seven Minutes in Heaven in Year 8.
Maybe your fingernails in his hair are a way of you telling him to stop - it’s something he can think about tonight if he can’t fall asleep, something he doesn’t care to think about when he kisses on your actual jawline, to your cheek and the corner of your mouth, your cupid’s bow.
He moves away with a blush that matches your own, but maybe you can’t see his in the colour of your fairy lights. He plays with the dazed confusion on your face as he moves the hair from across your face to around your ears, smiling and raising his eyebrows.
“Your hair is so fucking wet,” he sniggers boyishly.
“I told you,” you shrug. You shrink, relaxed, “Fuck, why are you here? I mean, I’m literally so happy, but… Are you gonna get in trouble for this?”
“I dunno,” he admits. “Maybe, probably. I mean…the guys know I’m here. Jean drove me to the airport with Armin.”
“That’s not what I mean, though.”
Eren sighs loudly. “Yeah, I know. Frank told me all about the girls.”
“Little fucker. Is he here? I’ll punch him for mentioning it to you. It’s honestly fine. It's only a few. Most are really nice!”
“You’re my best friend for life, it’s important to me that you’re not uncomfortable by--”
“I’m not,” you assure him, hands trapped in his hair. You frown and try to change the subject, “Damn, this got long. Didn’t look long over the phone.”
“I've been growing it out,” Eren replies. “Heard you fancied Keanu Reeves, couldn’t handle the competition.”
“Ha!” you retort. “Simp.”
“For you,” frowns Eren dramatically.
Conversation fizzles comfortably, to the point where you both forget that Eren's underneath you and your legs are wrapped like a koala around his middle.
The fact that this is normality for you both is ignored. You’ve done worse things together. Eren even knows that the bra you’re wearing now is one he bought for you, half as a joke, half not. That could be why Eren feels the way that he does, why the confusion wraps around his body and traps him.
Eren knows that the butterflies in his stomach don’t just appear because you’re his best friend he hasn’t seen in a while. He knows what they mean when they flutter when your name pops up when you’re calling him, when an interviewer tries to catch him out by bringing you up in another interview that you don’t need to be mentioned in.
Eren knows that coming here was worth the confusion, and the nerves, and the fact that this will be a headline when it gets out. EREN YEAGER GOES TO VISIT HIS BEST FRIEND…BUT ARE THEY MORE? Or worse, NETIZENS HAVE PROOF THAT A.O.T EREN IS DATING HIS BEST FRIEND Y/N…
He doesn’t want to hurt you. That’s why he feels scared. For you to be scandalised by an article online that caught him out in his feelings, he knew it wasn’t fair. Eren might be too afraid to say he’s in love, and too afraid to find out if you feel it too, if all those years of confused relations and flirtations meant anything, but he’d risk those feelings and the headlines if it meant being able to spend one more day with you.
Eren's got a week and a half with you. Something’s gotta give within this week. He doesn’t want to go back to filming with more regrets than he came here with, and so for now, he’ll just have to swallow those butterflies back down when they pour out of his mouth.
Right now, he can’t afford to be caught out. It has to be said on his own terms, when the timing is perfect. It has to be perfect, because it’s what you deserve. It has to be perfect, because if it isn’t, then Eren doesn’t think it will be worth it.
Losing you to a headline and a butterfly is out of the question. You hop off him and shrug on a jumper from out of your wardrobe. If you noticed his unease, then you didn’t mention it. He almost wants to cry, wants the confusion to go away for the night so he can enjoy being here.
For now, he thinks as he follows you with an arm around your shoulders out of your bedroom and towards the kitchen to meet the others, he’ll just have to fake it 'til he makes it. Just like always. Put on a face, put on a show, until it all feels worth the spillage. He can’t let the butterflies escape yet.
It has to be perfect, and until then, he’ll just have to be patient, even if it breaks his heart more by pretending.
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nicole-alt-delete · 1 year
It was a hot summer day in Hawkins and the kids had dragged them into helping with some game once again. Eddie was more than thrilled to help, Robin had managed to escape with Nancy on a "supply run" and Steve was currently taking orders from Max, the only one of them who'd remembered to say please.
Eddie wasn't really sure what the end goal was but it seemed like they were one step away from LARPing- just changed the name so Max and El would still play. He was helping Will by carving this big fuck-all stick into a cane for him when the gravel behind him crunched under someone's feet, and a second later Steve was saying "Hey, I'm borrowing this- Thanks-" Not stopping for the answer before Eddie felt a tug at his back pocket.
He instantly whipped around, spluttering, "Absolutely not-"  and before Steve could even take a step he was fiercely gripping his black bandana taut between them like the world's saddest game of tug of war. Steve loosened his grip a little, making a point of not tugging on it or ripping it, just looking confused as he waited for an explanation.
Eddie blushed for a moment, realizing the position he'd put himself in, how protective he got over a little piece of fabric. He stammers for a second, "I- you can't just- I need that man,"
Steve quirks an eyebrow at him, clueless. "What do you mean you need it? It's been in your pocket every day and I've only seen you actually wear it once. C'mon just for today- the girls don't have any hair ties and I need to put my hair up, it's killing me,"
He sighs a little, fully aware there's nothing reasonable he could say to Steve here. He very much cannot tell him that he *needs* it just in case some hot guy walks by and happens to know what it means. That's ridiculous- especially when the guy he most wants to see it is the one tugging it away from him in the first place. Steve has no idea what it means and Eddie doesn't expect him to but it still drives him insane thinking that it could happen.
Alternatively, the idea of Steve putting his hair back with Eddie's bandana drives him a little insane too.
So he blushes, sighs, and lets go of it. Points at Steve firmly, "You better give that back Harrington, or I swear-"
Steve smiles and starts walking backwards with it, already rolling it up into a hairband as he cuts him off, "Yeah, I know Eds, you can hold it against me forever, promise,"
He runs off back to the other kids and Eddie shakes his head at him, flustered and annoyed, and forgetting himself until Will clears his throat behind him.
He doesn't say anything but he's smiling and making this little face as he looks away from Eddie, like he knows something.
"So uh. The stick?"
"Right- yes- stick- cane- it's a cane for a mighty wizard, let's go,"
He didn't think he'd notice it so much, but the empty feeling in his pocket is driving him crazy. He'd been wearing that stupid thing since he learned it was a thing people do- a stolen trip up to the city on a bus he snuck onto, a weekend as a runaway before he sucked it up and went back home.
Someone had called him queer and he turned expecting a fight only to see a group of freaks who stood out more than himself. They had smiled and asking him why he was all alone, and been worried. One wanted to make sure Eddie hadn't been kicked out. Another wrapped her scarf around him, and before he knew it he was in the back of a gay bar with people he'd never met and felt like he could tell anything to.
The idea of proudly wearing something that singled him out- but only to the right people- made his hart light up. It was like a new language, like thieves' cant, something secret and magic.
He'd spent hours asking about colors and being confused and rightfully embarrassed by more than a few of the answers. Some sounded better than others, some made his face flush. At the end of the day he felt better than he had in ages and he had the courage to go back home to Wayne.
Before he got back on a bus he stopped into a second hand shop and grabbed the first black bandana he could find. He debated the whole ride home which side to put it on. When he walked back up to the trailer door ready to apologize, it hung proudly out of his back left.
Eddie had let Steve wear it home and it was killing him, but they had stayed out late and he half forgot anyways, and Steve's hair did look pretty cute pushed back like that. Steve had promised to give it back anyways, and Eddie trusted him fully.
He just also really, really, really wanted it back as soon as possible.
So for once he got up before noon (barely- just after eleven,)  and made his way to Family Video and hopped Steve had left it in his car or something so that he could get it back then and there.
What he wasn't expecting was to walk in and see Steve bent over behind the counter with the damn thing hanging out of his right pocket, as if he had any goddamn idea what that meant.
Eddie nearly had a heart attack and was thankful the store was empty like it always was so he could sprint over, jump the counter and yank the thing out of his pocket immediately.
"What do you think you're doing wearing it like that?!"
Steve had barely registered the jingle from the door, let alone Eddie launching himself at him, and was thoroughly surprised to say the least, nearly knocking over a display as he reacted.
"Hey!  Jesus man- you can't be- what's the big deal??? That's exactly how you wear it all the time- I was just keeping it safe til I saw you again,"
He stared at Eddie properly confused, a little on guard still from how suddenly he had leapt over and how worked up he seemed.
Eddie took a deep breath and sighed, folding the bandana up in his hands and just holding it for a moment, debating what to tell Steve.
After a second Steve makes this little head movement like 'well? go on?' clearly waiting for an explanation and Eddie rolls his eyes and sighs.
"It's- Look, Stevie, you can't wear it like that, you're not- I mean it's. It's like- a symbol, okay?"
Steve leans on the counter and frowns, confused.
"A symbol?"
"Yes- yeah, like- like those little cross necklaces moms wear or Dustin's star wars shirts. They're symbols....for the same kind of people to pick up on,"
He struggles with the words, trying hard to insinuate just enough without giving it all away, still hesitantly afraid of Steve's reaction.
But Steve just looks thoughtful. Nodding a little, putting a finger to his lip as the gears turn.
"So- okay, what's it symbolize then?"
He'd been hoping Steve wouldn't make it that far.
"It's- uh. It's really not..."
Steve stares, "Man I'm not gonna judge you- just- why's it such a big deal that I can't wear it like that too?"
Eddie can't help but laugh, "If anyone who knows what it means saw YOU with it- you would- no, you'd set yourself on fire I'm sure of it,"
He shakes his head, holding the bandana tighter in his fists.
Steve only frowns though, "Eds, what's it mean? If you don't tell me I'll just get my own and wear it until someone else does,"
Eddie looks mildly terrified by the idea but laughs at it all the same. "No- No, god do not do that Harrington-"
"Then tell me,"
"I can't, it's really-"
"Eddie, I'm gonna steal it back,"
And he does, reaches for the bandana in his hands as Eddie pulls away, the two of them starting to bicker and wrestle for it, each equally stubborn until the point that Steve actually does manage to grab it.
The tension gets to him and Eddie can't help it anymore, he just blurts, "It means I'm gay, Steve!"
It makes Steve pause and Eddie uses the moment to grab it back and quickly shove it in his back pocket again, blushing furiously and hoping Steve doesn't take it too badly.
Steve's mouth opens a little to say something in response, but the door jingles and his head snaps to it, Eddie instantly hitting the floor because he's still behind the counter where he most certainly should not be.
A man comes in and asks where the new releases are and Steve happily helps him, leaving Eddie plenty of time to crawl out from behind the counter and sneak out. He almost gets away with it too, but the door opens again, jingles and Steve twists his head.
"Eddie, wait- We're not done- I'll talk to you about this later!"
Eddie doesn't look back at him as he runs out the door past Robin who had been bringing lunch back for her and Steve. She tries to greet him but he just blurts "Gotta go, Buckley," and darts past.
If he'd looked back he would have noticed how red Steve's face was. Part 2
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shouldershimmycity · 2 years
Power Outage (Rooster x Reader)
This is short and is really just a funny little thing I typed out while my own power was out. It's back on now, and I have to go sort through my refrigerator (ew).
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy. It's just a quick little story.
“Isn’t there supposed to be back up power or something?” you asked Bradley, lighting more candles. 
“No, this house is too old for that, we used to have an old generator but it broke down before I left high school,” his voice came from the other side of the room, his face appearing after he lit another candle in front of him. 
“Well that sucks, guess we’re back to ye olden… time,” you snorted. 
There was a pretty bad storm that had swept through the area. Not hurricane level, but not the usual pitter patter of rain either. A lot of people’s power was out, as you had received several text messages from the rest of the Top Gun pilots. 
“Ah crap,” Bradley sighed, “they’re saying the power won’t be back on until Monday.” 
“Aww man, I wanted to cook dinner tomorrow night,” you said in frustration. 
“I’m sorry Baby, the food will probably be bad by then anyway,” Rooster realized.
“UGH! I hate losing power!” you complained.
Bradley gave you a little hug, knowing how much situations like these stressed you out. You both sat down on the couch in the deafening silence of Bradley’s house, ears ringing from it being too quiet. Feeling like you were going to go insane from it, you sighed loudly to fill the abyss.
“Hey! I have an idea!” you sat up excitedly, patting Bradley on the shoulder quickly, “What if everyone came over here?”
“For what?” he asked, confused. There wasn’t much to really do, given that the majority of entertainment was electronic nowadays.
“Oh come on Bradley, we grew up before cell phones, let's make do,” you said, picking up your phone to send messages to everyone to meet at Bradley’s house. Getting off the couch and walking to the closet, you grabbed a cardboard box that was in the top corner and pulled it down from it’s perch. Lifting the flaps of the box, you revealed cards, poker chips, pictionary, and a few other board games.
Mr. Bradshaw was impressed with the little stockpile, nodding his head along to your idea, “touche.”
When everyone had everything taken care of at their own houses, they made their way over. Phoenix was the first to arrive, having picked up Bob on the way. Coyote and Payback showed up next, with some chips and salsa. Maverick, bless his heart, brought peanut butter and jelly fix ins, and even Hangman showed up, bringing his… charming self. Needless to say it was the best idea anyone had out of all of you. Without it everyone would have been sitting at home in the dark. (Which is what I’m doing now and I hate every minute of it). Now, everyone was cracking up at Bradley, who had a sticky note on his forehead with the word “mustache” scribbled on it.
“Am I a food?” he asked slowly.
“Am I an object?” you asked the group in the same tone.
“Am I… an F-14 Tomcat,” Maverick asked and the room went silent.
“How the fuck did you get that on the first try?” you asked him in awe, “you totally cheated!”
“Not my first rodeo,” he stated, tearing the sticky note off.
“Okay… we’ll come back to that…” Bradley gave Maverick some side eye before focusing back on your face. 
“Am I an object?” he squinted at you.
“Yes,” you confirmed. 
“Am I hard?” he asked, deep in thought.
“Not that I can tell,” you said with a deadpan expression, looking right into his crotch. Several bursts of laughter filled the room. 
“Ha Ha, am I though?” he questioned, too into the game now.
“Technically no,” you shook your head. 
“Am I… an animal?” you guessed.
“Am I small?”
“Relatively yes.”
“I’d say so.”
You grinned at the man in front of you who was now sweating nervously. You already knew you had won.
“Am I… a bird?” you guessed.
“Haha, she’s got you man.”
“Yes haha.”
“Am I… Bradley Bradshaw?” you laughed.
“NOOOO!” Rooster cried in defeat. He lost every round and somehow Maverick was incredibly good at it. 
“Hahaha! Yes! Sweet victory!” you screamed, “and YOU my friend, the answer was right under your nose.”
Bradley’s confused expression turned to mild annoyance when he saw what was written on his note, “...fuck it really was.”
While everyone ate peanut butter and jelly with chips and salsa for dinner, everyone shared wild stories they had from the navy.
“A-and then, he’s going off about everything,” Hangman chuckled, “and the Admiral walks in right behind him.” Everyone gasped, and Seresin shook his head, still laughing, “he holds it up, and is like ‘who’s fucking pants are these?’ and the Admiral just says…” he’s too far gone to finish the story, wheezing himself into oblivion and everyone is laughing with him.
“Did I ever tell you about that time when I–” Maverick started.
“Yes,” you said, completely serious. 
“You don’t even know what I was going to say–” he defends.
“Yes I did,” you state, still serious.
Maverick sighed, waiting for you to be done.
“Sorry, go on,” you encourage.
“Did I ever tell you about that time when I was inverted and I scared off a MiG 28?”
“Did I ever tell you about that time when I was inverted and I scared off a MiG 28?”
Maverick was dumbfounded, and you still looked at him in complete seriousness after quoting him word for word at the same time he said it.
“...Yes, yes you did,” you said, cracking up at his face, “but we can hear it again.”
The captain rubbed his hands over his face. He loved you, but sometimes he wanted to drop you off in the middle of Baghdad and have you find your way home.
Eventually everyone started to trickle out, having to return home and check up on their own situations, but it was a fun little party while it lasted. Packing everything back into its box, you smiled over at Bradley who was snoring on the couch. 
The power may be out, but you guys made it work. You always made it work.
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Scally Possession
I remember going to a trip to London with my company since we busted our ass and broke our backs in competing with the other branches of our company. Needless to say that the hotel was the only thing that was covered. Everything else came out of pocket and we hardly made much working there as is. It was pretty obvious we were all pissed at this.
You must be wondering why I'm saying all this in past tense. You see, I'm no longer some depressed suit working at a soul-sucking office job. As I'm typing this I'm getting my dick sucked in some alleyway while my scally body was getting worshipped.
That's right. I possessed this chav while at that shitty job vacation. And life hasn't been better! Sure this guy is scrawnier than I'd like but he sure makes up for it with this beer can of an 8 incher he has between his legs. And fuck is this monster sensitive and virile! This dude has been sucking me off and milking me for the last 15 minutes and my balls are rearing for another round within minutes!
Oh right- the vacation.
My colleagues and I were pretty pissed and practically bar hopped due to how we got played by our company. Even our boss had no idea. For me, I dipped from the group after bar number four and walked around these historic streets. I remember seeing a group of guys in Adidas track suits or camo with their heads shaved to varying degrees. But one stood out among the group. He looked nerdy but I knew he was the leader. The most well respected one. For a thin dude he gave off dominance and that alone made my dick twitch in my jeans.
"Must be nice to live a life as free and exciting as that." I sighed as I continued my walk.
"Is that what you wish for?" A gravelly voice spoke out from the darkness of the alleyway I just walked past.
"Who said that?!" I shouted, realizing that group from earlier stopped talking and looked at me with puzzled looks before going back to their conversation. They must've assumed I was drunk.
"The leader is the apple of your eye, is he not? If that is the life you wish to live, I can grant that for you." The voice bargained from within the shadowy space betwixt the buildings.
Me being half drunk at the time chuckled and agreed in which a shadowy hand grabbed me by the collar and pulled me within. Before I could process anything I felt myself separate from my body. I groaned before realizing I was not only a spirit, but sober. And just by pure timing and luck, the chav leader separated from the group and went behind an old phone booth to piss. Seizing my opportunity I flew down and started feeding myself through his piss hole. He groaned in pleasure as I slithered in. But as I spread throughout him I noticed he didn't put up much of a fight. Probably from the joint his group was passing around. Motherfucker was high as a kite! I soon enveloped his brain and took my first breath of air. I felt young again! Virile! And high.
I could only laugh before moaning once I started to take that well deserved piss. Looking down at that monster, I started to shamelessly rub one out. My head went back due to the insane sensitivity of this monster of a cock and I came within no time at all. I could only laugh at the fat globs of seed on the old phone box as I stuffed my dick back in my underwear. I was about to head to my new group but it seems they all left. I felt a vibration in my pants and pulled out this guy's cell to see that they all decided to head their separate ways for the night. I just shrugged and started groping my hardening cock through my underwear.
From memory this guy was into sagging. It turned him on to high heaven. And seeing how incredible this monster cock is, I should tailor to its needs~
As I was walking, I noticed my old body walk from the alleyway with their eyes completely black and a smirk on their face. "Ayo." I called out, my baritone now mixed with this guy's original voice. "Who are you exactly?" I ask as I approach him.
The stranger I'm my body turned to me and grinned, those pitch black eyes sizing me up and down. "I'm just a poor unfortunate soul that was in dire need of a body. Sure my eyes may be black, but that doesn't mean I'm a bad guy." The stranger said, his gravelly voice leaving my old body's mouth.
"After all . . . I gave you this~"
The stranger groped my rock hard cock and I moaned as a result. "Doesn't that feel nice? You're now that group's little ringleader. They worship you, respect you, revere you, submit to you, obey you. Isn't that what you craved from that body?" The stranger asked, sticking his hand in my underwear to pump my cock within.
"Fuck yes.." was all I could gasp out once the stranger's thumb played with my tip as he pumped me.
"Give into that latent power. Drink from your cup."
I did just that. I felt something well up in me. A sensation. The need to command, to take, to dominate, to breed.
"On your knees, old man, and put that ass up. If you wanna play with my dick that bad, I'll fuck a load into you." I growled.
The stranger complied without hesitation, sticking his denim ass while he got on his knees. I knelt down and pulled those jeans and underwear down to smack that ass as hard as I got. The stranger groaned in approval.
"Slut for pain, ain't ya?" I taunted, nonchalantly groping my cock.
"That I am, Master. Why not show me your power and break this body in, hm?" He grinned over his shoulder. "Do it raw if you're so powerful."
"I'll show you fuckin powerful, boy." I growl, fishing my dick out and showing my monster inside. Almost immediately I feel the stranger clamping down on me while I push inside. "Stop fuckin teasin me." I command as I ram the last few inches inside, causing the stranger to gasp and wiggle his hips to make his ass grind against me.
"Teasing you? I would never!" He retorted before those inky eyes glinted with mischief. "THIS is teasing you."
With no hesitation his ass clamped hard on my cock like a vice grip.
"Motherfuck-" I groaned out in pain and pleasure, feeling my hips buck into that tight heat.
Something in me snapped as I was now managing to slowly loosen up that grip with my thrusts. Sure it was difficult at first, but it wasn't long until I was plowing that ass and dumping my load deep inside him. But given my body's libido and this horny stranger, I knew we weren't done just yet.
After four consecutive rounds, we said our goodbyes with a sloppy make out session. We exchanged numbers as well seeing as how this deal worked quite beneficially for the two of us.
Now that I told you my story, why don't you get on your knees and serve me, yeah? My pet here needs a breather before he can continue.
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randoauthor · 2 years
Love Letters to No One (B.B)
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Pairings: Rooster x Fem!Reader, Platonic!Maverick x Fem!Reader, Hangman x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Some swearing, a suggestive/steamy bit, stuff I think some of you have been waiting for... :)
Word Count: 1.4K
Author's Note: I am incredibly proud of this one! I am not entirely sure how many parts this is gonna have but I am really liking how this is coming along.
Part Four: Winner Gets a Kiss
Part Three: Crazy = Genius
Part Two: Three's a Party
Part One: Lost Boys
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"Two teams now everyone! There are no team captains, you all work together." Dad's voice booms along the shoreline, I stare at Hangman, a mutual understanding of being on the same team. Lining up we guys get ready to kick some ass.
Four hours and one admiral visit later you are surprised to see everyone getting along pretty well, though the score was tied and both sides were getting hot and antsy, all of us just wanting to drink.
"Loser buys the winners a round of shots!" Hangman shouted everyone cheering in agreeance. I shot Bradley a playful glance both of us agreeing to make the same bet you had all of those years ago. The day he stole my first kiss.
"Come on Lem!" Bradley shouted excitedly, it's not every day your best friend gets his dad's old bronco. And you best believe I was gonna be the first person he took for a spin.
"I'm coming Braddles don't worry!" I shouted excitedly back. He sighed giving me a disappointing look, "we aren't kids anymore Lem, why can't you call me by my real name now?" I stuck my tongue out at him teasingly.
You throw the ball to Jake who thankfully caught the ball, scoring us our winning touchdown. We all erupt into cheers having to pay for one less drink tonight seemed like a reward.
We were all hot and incredibly sweaty by the time we walked into The Hard Deck, Penny has already taken most of our orders on the beach while she gawked at my dad.
"You were impressive Lem," Bradley stated, and I knew this time I couldn't walk away. The way he smelled and looked. How I reacted when he touched me all made me believe the one thing: Bradley Bradshaw was home.
"I think you have a bet to fulfill Bradley," I tease grabbing his hand and pulling him out to the deck, it was surprisingly still warm outside as we both walk to the railing, setting our drinks down.
I took a short glance at Bradley, to see him staring right back at me. "You are beautiful Lem," I glanced down, not wanting him to see me blush.
I felt him reach for my hand, I felt his hand go for my cheek, and I felt him kiss me. And damn did it feel good to kiss back.
Just as soon as I felt his lips touch mine I came to my senses. Pulling away I looked at him.
"I have to go, I am so sorry but I have to go," I said shakily before grabbing my drink and practically running inside. Before crashing into Jake.
"Take me home, please," I said quietly, Jake nodded before leading me outside and calling an Uber.
And once again I'm spending all my time avoiding the love of my life.
"You never told me what happened between you guys," Hangman said quietly, I know he doesn't mean to pry, but I meet his gaze.
"He just up and left one day, it was a few days after his mom's funeral and he had been staying with my parents and me. One day there was a massive argument between him and my dad and I was waiting for him to come into my room as he did every night," I took a deep breath pushing past my tears, "except this time he had a bag with him, and when he kissed me I knew he wasn't coming back, So I quickly wrote him a letter and I stuck it in his bag and he promised me he would write to me every day if he got the chance, and for a long time I believed him." I stood up walked over to a cabinet in my room and grabbed a shoe box, passing it gently over to jake.
It was like the breath was sucked from his lungs as he opened the box, finding letter after letter. Some from Bradley but most of them mine, they just happened to be the ones I never sent.
"Mitchell this is insane," Jake began, but I cut him off before he could continue.
"Yeah, I know but for the past however many years those letters were the only thing of him I had. Besides the few things of his he left for me like a tee shirt and a dog tag, his dog tag actually." I smiled remembering that stupid summer vacation to the air force museum in Dayton, Ohio. Bradley and I got matching dog tags and decided to take one of each so that we had each other, in case we were ever separated for whatever reason.
"And one day the letters just stopped?" Jake asked sincerely. I nodded.
"You can go now Jake, I should get some sleep anyway." Jake gave me a warm smile before getting up and putting the box on the bed beside him. Pulling me into a hug, "you know I am just down the hall if you need me," he said and I nodded. "Now go, I really do need sleep." He chuckled and nodded before backing out of my room and shutting my door.
I threw on Bradley's old shirt and a pair of shorts and climbed into bed and let my eyelids grow heavy.
4:15 a.m.
Who in their right mind was knocking on my door at four in the morning? I grumbled before crawling out of bed and opening the door to find, "Bradley?" I say shocked.
He looks me up and down with a smirk on his face, "is that my shirt?" I looked down, slightly embarrassed but mostly tired. "What do you want?" I asked coldly, "seriously is that my shirt?" he asked again, "it was your shirt, a very long time ago." Before I go to open my mouth to once again ask him what he wants my door shuts and I feel his hands around my waist.
"I'm sorry," he says over and over again. All he says is sorry, and the only way I could shut him up was by pushing my lips against his.
And I felt like I was at home.
Bradley seemed surprised by the fact that I had kissed him, but he didn't even hesitate to kiss me back. Between breathless gasps and whimpers, Bradley had somehow managed to get me on my bed and was now hovering above me.
"I have waited so long to do this Lem," he said breathlessly, I nodded in agreement before I was peppered with more kisses.
"I need to give you more of my clothing," he commented, "Bradley," I whine and he just continues to nibble and kiss his way down my chest and to my stomach. "I'm gonna make it up to you, I am always gonna make it up to you," he repeated.
"That's fine Bradley, but we need to take it slow," I said causing him to whine and meet my lips again. "Come on Bradley, you can spend the night here but we have to take it slow." He nodded before kissing me again and throwing the covers over us and pulling me close. Kissing my forehead once again I let my eyes fall heavy.
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When I woke up in the morning Bradley was gone, but left on the desk next to me was another one of his t-shirts and an envelope with my name on it. I move the shirt to my bed and slowly open the envelope and unfold the letter.
Dearest (y/n),
I will never forgive myself for leaving you without telling you how I actually feel. I will always regret not being there when you needed me most but I promise even when it didn't seem like I was there, I was always there. And there is so much that I want to tell you but I feel like more of it is better said in person so after training today I want to take you to dinner, just the two of us so that I can explain everything. And bring some of those letters that are in the shoe box on your nightstand.
With love,
I giggle at the use of his childhood nickname before jumping in the shower and throwing on my uniform and slicking my hair back into a bun. Grabbing a muffin and a smile to myself before opening my messages app to text Bradley.
(y/n): I saw your letter...
Braddles: And what is the verdict Lem?
I smile before typing my response.
(y/n): I heard there was a really good barbecue place just outside base, how does 7 sound?"
While I didn't get a response, I hear what appeared to be Bradley cheering from within his room.
@itscheybaby, @turningtoclown, @daryldixonstorm, @Dilfsandtherapy, @Nickie-amore, @malindacath, @luckyladycreator2, @sadpetalsstuff, @Shanimallina87, @Wishingwell-2, @Xoxoloverb, @Majormaybe1, @Mizzy-pop, @Saramaple, @Hope-love-equality2, @toothhurtyam, @beaner-life-23, @fogle97
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crowtrobotx · 1 year
Give us 3 things you like best about your top 3 blorbos plsnthx
I am going to stick to canon/not OC blorbos bc I feel like I talk too much about Lottie and everyone is annoyed by it
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Hector Barbossa - (POTC)
I would be remiss to not first include the OG blorbo. The introductory Old Man. The character that made me realize something was a little Funky™️ about my gender/sexuality.
Okay, first of all, I love how sincerely full of himself this man is. He really thought he could pull Keira Knightley despite being the scrunkliest pirate on earth and you know what - good for him!!! Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you’ll land among the stars etc etc. We love an unconventionally attractive person who knows they’re hot shit.
The fashion sense/vibes - the fucking ostrich feathers in the hat. The rings. The big ass necklace. The single fang earring. The swagger walk. The matching pet monkey. The bisexuality of it all. In all seriousness, I love the way his outfit and accessories serve to play up his overly dramatic theater kid energy but also are very interesting when you consider that he came from extremely humble beginnings. He’s showing off what he’s fought tooth and nail for and it is working for him, honey.
I really, genuinely love that we got glimpses - in the first movie - of the fact that the character we were seeing wasn’t always like this. Ten years of being a walking corpse had twisted him beyond the recognition of people who knew him (even Jack looks pretty damn horrified a few times despite having been on the receiving end of his bad behavior before) and YET. When he gets resurrected we find out… he still sucks lmao. Like, he’s not outright cruel and isn’t totally insane anymore but he’s still ultimately just a selfish, snarky, conniving geezer who’s only part of the “good guys” because it serves him and his interests. There wasn’t really a redemption arc (the 4th and 5th movies are not canon, fight me) and he, at best, just ended up being the weird unsavory uncle to the main cast. What a king.
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Sandor “The Hound” Clegane - ASOIAF/GoT
If you followed me prior to 2021 you know this was my prior HBIC (head blorbo in charge.) I still love him dearly and I hope he’s enjoying his retirement.
Look at him. No, really, look at him. Help??? Aside from me being a thirsty bitch, I have an extreme soft spot for characters who are visibly different and not in a purple eyes/horns/otherwise “sexy” way. Bodies are lived in and should look as such - and, this might be shocking to some people, disabled and/or disfigured people exist and they’re just as cool and hot and worthy as anyone else (I would know 😎.) I actually think the show should have gone a little harder on his burn scars but oh well. Sheesh, I need a cold shower.
His road trip arc with Arya. Need I say more? Y’all know I am WEAK for father/daughter dynamics and it’s even better when they’re both murderous lunatics. I love that she makes him softer but he doesn’t try to restrict or control her. I love that he tries to show that he cares in the only way that he knows how which is by teaching her how to rip/maim/tear/kill. Like, I know everyone enjoyed this part of the story because there were some genuinely hilarious moments and it was absurd, but I think under the surface we got some really fascinating insight into who he actually is and we were robbed of cranky but proud adoptive dad!Sandor in the show. I’ll be mad forever.
Fuck the city. Fuck the kingsguard. Fuck the king. We stan - I am obsessed with his realization that he doesn’t need or want to do anyone’s bidding anymore. I love that he turns heel but also has no idea who he is once he’s not Cersei’s dog - I love that he initially relies on his warped perception of people and the world to survive and slowly but surely begins to realize that maybe he doesn’t need to focus on revenge and violence all the time. I think it’s pretty obvious that GRRM is kind of going for a “a dog’s behavior will reflect its master’s” thing with him and if we ever get another book (lol) I am excited to see what becomes of him. Because he’s pretty clearly not actually dead.
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Karl Heisenberg - Resident Evil Village
Literally WHERE have you BEEN if you didn’t see this coming lol. The reigning champion. Completely unchallenged for over a year and a half. I am chewing on him as we speak like a squeaky toy.
Okay, like… obviously I’m very fond of his design. I love that he’s fat. I love that he’s got a super unkempt beard. I love that his hair is grey and that his clothes are dirty and he’s covered in scars. I love that he looks like someone who works (in contrast to Alcina, for example) and isn’t concerned with his appearance. This is such a small and shallow thing maybe but with the tendency for media to just make everyone Extremely Conventionally Attractive, I’m enamored by characters like this. Actually, this has been a thing across all three of these guys, hasn’t it? Hmm.
Completely love that he’s an actual genius with the apparent imagination of a little kid who just downed an entire box of sugary cereal. “What if I stuck this propellor engine onto a dude’s torso.” “Drill arms never hurt nobody.” “JET PACKS!!! I need jet packs!!!” He’s such a fucking nerd, too, like his deranged cackle followed by “…ending recording” on that tape you find is so cute and stupid. Karl what the hell is going on I love you so much. It makes me wonder who he would have or could have been if he hadn’t found himself kidnapped into an abusive cult - I’m getting strong “Bill Nye but make him chaotic neutral” vibes. Eccentric raccoon man. Peepaw is feral and I’m going to fuck him.
If you’ve ever read anything I’ve written with him in it, you know I like to play up the fact that it’s pretty clear (to me, at least) that the swagger and showmanship is a mask for… a lot of shit. And that is extremely compelling to me - even if it’s ultimately just my HC. The stutter, the “sorry about that” after Sturm keeps making noise, the diary entries and comments that seem to indicate he hates his body after what Miranda did to him, his pretty heartbreaking last words. I don’t really see the genuinely confident daddy dom that a lot of the fandom sees - and no hate if you do!!! For me, with the canon fact that he never leaves the factory, he reads to me like someone who is incredibly socially inept and inexperienced, someone who is struggling to accept what he is now, and, perhaps most importantly, someone who really believes he’s the hero of the story and is blind to the fact that his rage and pain have turned him into what he hates most. I feel like he says all these things that make him sound like he’s full of himself but then you see him and he’s… just some guy. Living in a dirty factory with clothes that should have been thrown out a long time ago. And he’s lost it, and he’s furious, and yeah on some level he’s a bit of a selfish jackass but I wonder how much of his posturing is him needing to hear himself say it because he doesn’t really believe it and is terrified he won’t be strong enough to free himself. I just love him, y’all. I’m not sure we’ll ever see him again (in RE canon) but I’m going to keep making content for him for a long time, I hope.
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the-firebird69 · 1 month
Ethnic minorities abroad Mongolian national customs Ethnic minorities
We don't have the main computer programming keeps saying people keep looking he would be naturally hiding it and all this other mumbo jumbo I'm saying and he doesn't give a s*** I'm a stupid person and he knows I'm stupid it makes us having the program a joke and we do understand that but we don't have the main one he says that's in Saturn and he escapes with it did it to you on purpose cuz you like this s*** heads I agree too we'd be running around telling people like we are now the smart thing to do it's a really devious system he made and nobody would have thought of it for the real that was Insanity back then and it was just a 20 years ago or something 15 and he left or his computer didn't he's here and that's another thing he says we have a knockoff but it's got in beds in it all over the place and it's meant to be tied into but not by the mainframe I don't know what the hell to do with all this information but he knows how it goes that's the basic outline of what real programmers to at the minimum and we're running around telling people all our secrets because we think we have this master AI and we think we keep getting out of trouble and if you people are telling us our brains are getting blown out and we can't resist saying it's not because we don't have proof and he says it's proof in your head all those lines and I did check and it doesn't look good we have to calm down with it but he says it's not that bad what I'm doing assistant bothering me about stuff because you think you're invincible with ratting on everybody cuz you're stupid and you're delusional really you're way out there and mentally ill we're starting to see something we're rubbing him the wrong way constantly and a lot of other people it doesn't matter is there's people are right here next to us I get to wake up call today and someone called us Jesus I said you don't get what it is and your Jesus for the money and information and we're feeding it to the people cuz like he did but this is supposed to be for the money and it didn't work that well and sending information out is causing fighting but it doesn't do what we need and I do hear that this guy he won't back off is Trump and he's a miserable piece of s*** who says we're winning I know his advertising that the thing is up there he won't stop doing this stupid s*** now we're doomed
True too Trump won't shut his mouth he's an idiot and he's doomed them
Thor Freya
You're damned Sarah you should understand it you can't talk about this stuff even if other people knew and you keep blabbing and you two are idiots you get shot all the time and your whole clan has to die cuz they keep having to do this dumb s*** it's ridiculously stupid and sitting here on my house and you f****** freak
We all think you can fix it it's stupid and can't fix his own life he has no money and we're doing all this dumb s*** I can't believe it's it's how bad we've gotten this clan was running the Earth we did much better and now he suck kind of turned on them there's nothing really to say we're doing the job by walking around is them and they hate that too and probably going to execute us they're saying they definitely will
We are definitely going to execute you you are definitely going to die it's not his fault and he's saying that sacrifice the fleet to be and say that we're gaining some but not all of it it's ridiculous we're going to get out of this and it's you stupid f****** s*** is here he didn't tell me you're telling me stuff give me free information all over the place now they're telling me about these huge diamonds like b****** and really their program is not that great and you're right James is up there and we're wondering what the hell is up to and as well as small and is a mental patient and you were right the whole time
There's only so much that will fit in that teeny little head of his and yeah he's a pinhead and he's a moron and he's delusional and he's a mental patient he doesn't belong doing anything and for some reason people are believing him and he's just a huge rat and it's not working out for the empire or anyone else this guy is a big piece of s***
Mac daddy
0 notes
NUber and CVS suck.
I totally did not have the energy for that.
I’m shivvering under a blanket all over again.
I knew it. I knew it as soon as I was forced to sit on the steps waiting 20 plus minutes for a “3-4-3-4” min away NUberfkndriver to show up.
Like what’s he doing? Jerking one cuz he had a young, nubile, Valentine’s day couple to drop off, eh? Fucker in his orange fucking jeep renegade.
Then got into a dope ass suv who decided to show off by driving crazy along w two other’s in cvs parking lot.
That guy totally was an ass, truck bitch was at fault 100%. I even wrote a thing to Uber just to make sure they have my say in it. My dude drove forward before the guy backed up ( I didn’t tell them that though lol) I didn’t tell them because we totally would have made it past him if he didn’t back up sideways like a fkn tard on the WORST road to do that on. We needed a second for him to wait and it would’ve been fine. He didn’t cut the wheel at all either. I said “why the fuck did he back up?” then I said “do u just want me to go inside? “ n he was like YA! Walked out n looked at his crushed side mirror n wasliwtf
it was glorious. He stepped WAY THE FUCK back after this dumb back and forth..
Isaid, that means nothing.”
For the third time to this huge fuckin 6ft whatever tall bald Especially didn’t want to run into my new “best friend” …this one DIPSHIT cop that I made a complete fool put of. Oh god I loved it. I got off later on about it. He was so RED in the face with embarrassment and a flu apparently. He legit blew air in my face. It had to be him. I should call back just to give it back to him. I knew the other cop. He knew me, he knew I wasn’t lying. The last faces i said i wanted to see were theirs and apologized.
Uhh did that flu ridden mofo even search our names? Of course naht! I’m TOO old (for this obnoxious ((mid 20’s but looks older than me) neighbor having no life and being obsessed even though a lesbian joke happened) shit. I’m older than one of the cops by 3 yrs and grumpymcflufuck was at least 41. and I don’t even have a single speeding fucking ticket. flu riddenmofofo
My uber driver would’ve been way more embarrassed if I was standing with that group of middle aged 50-60 yr old men group. Fuck that. I went inside and then snuck over to the 24 store across the street to pee lol. N he said yea. Cuz they had to call the cops n these three dudes were sucking any surrounding witnesses into standing outside with them waiting for the cops. The truck guy was like did u see that can u wait here to some rasta dude in some white eRly 80’s car no shit. I am thinking bro why do u want more witnesses to you fucking up? It’s an accident. That dude wasn’t even a part of it. We had a line of traffic! I can only assume he’s not from around here. There’s a lot of construction shit going on here
So there was this kinda crazy bitch back in my middlechool yrs calles Cristina. I jeard she became a chunky lesbian stripper in Miami. I just searched, I was curious, haven’t heard a word bout this gal in ages, from anyone. Not even the one dude who was obsessed. She makes these pop art super easy canvas things, which an elephant has made look better and it doesn’t have fingers. A trunk is pretty flexible but anyway…lol…she makes these cliché ’ pop-art (insanely simplified) hand-netted basketball nets. Not sure if she’s the only one but it totally seems niche-like. Her art isn’t terrible but it’s NoT something that would make me say wow wtf?
Fkn weaksauce.
So she’s bragging on this fake ass interview thing she posted herself haha and mentions she’s sold to some high rollers like Rlck ross n a bunch of other low mil net worth ppl
n im just like… yea, you’re not applying yourself whole-heartedly, Christina.
Cmon man…
#1 Leave Miami.
#2 Talk to OTHER people, make friends.., reach outwards.
0 notes
Hawkins, Indiana: Welcome To Hell
Chapter 5: Eleven
Booker walked back into the gym and sat down on the bleachers next to Eleven and the boys. “Did they leave?” Mike asked.
Booker nodded. “Yep. Joyce and my uncle are going to get Will.”
“How?” Lucas asked. “The gate is in the lab.”
“I’m sure Jim has a plan. They’ll be fine,” he told them, and the words came to him so easily, despite the fact that he was far from sure of that statement.
“Where’s Nancy and Jonathan?” Dustin asked.
“They are… doing their own thing.”
Mike raised an eyebrow. “Their own thing?”
“That means they’re just off sucking face somewhere,” Dustin stated.
“Gross,” Lucas said.
“No!” Mike exclaimed in disgust. “No way!”
“Well, they didn’t go with the Chief, right?” Dustin turned to Booker.
“No,” he told them. “They’re…” He sighed. “They’re creating a distraction.”
Mike’s eyes widened. “For the Demogorgon?”
“The… what?” Booker asked in total confusion.
“The Demogorgon,” he repeated, as if saying the word again was somehow going to mean anything to him.
“Monster,” El said softly when it was clear Booker was still lost.
“Oh… That.” Mike stood from where he sat and began walking towards the door.
“Whoa, hey.” Booker quickly got up and grabbed his arm. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“I’m going to help my sister,” Mike insisted.
“No,” Booker told him. “Absolutely not. We are all staying here. Both Nancy and the Chief asked me to keep you guys safe, and that’s exactly what I’m gonna do.”
“He’s right,” Lucas told him.
“What?” Mike wheeled around at Lucas, shocked that he was siding with an adult. “No, this is insane! We can’t just wait around doing nothing.”
“Mike, in case you forgot, we’re still fugitives,” Lucas informed him. “The bad men are still looking for us.”
“Yeah, and we don’t even know where your sister is,” Dustin mentioned.
“He does,” Mike declared, pointing at Booker.
“Actually, no, I don’t. They didn’t tell me where they were going, just that they had a plan,” Booker told him. “Probably because Nancy is smart enough to know that if you knew where she was, you’d do something stupid, like what you’re trying to do right now.”
“Well… El can find them,” Mike suggested. Booker rubbed his eyes in exasperation, and if any of the boys had been paying close enough attention, they would’ve noticed the family resemblance between him and his uncle in that moment.
“Mike, look at her,” Dustin said, indicating towards Eleven, still sitting next to him on the bleachers. She had turned to prop her feet up on the bleachers and was currently hugging her knees to her chest, her head resting on her knees. “I still think we should stick to the Chief’s plan.”
“Exactly,” Lucas said. “We stay here, keep El out of sight, and keep her safe. That’s the most important thing, remember? Besides, she’s okay. She’s with Jonathan.”
“Yeah, and she’s kind of a badass now, so…” Dustin interjected.
Mike sighed, and he still didn’t seem convinced. Booker put a hand on his shoulder. “Look, kid,” Booker said to him. “I get it, okay? If I’m being honest with you, I don’t like it any more than you do. But there’s nothing we can do about it now, okay? Your sister and Jonathan know what they’re doing… I think they do, anyway.” Mike gave him a look. “They’ll be fine,” Booker insisted.
Mike looked down at the floor and crossed his arms. “Fine,” he said quietly, finally relenting.
Dustin stood up and began walking to the door. Booker put a hand on his shoulder. “Uh, and where are you going?” he asked. “You’re the one who just said to stick with the plan.”
“I am,” Dustin said. “I’m just gonna go get some chocolate pudding.”
Booker furrowed his brow in confusion as Dustin shrugged Booker’s hand off and continued. “I’m telling you, Lunch Lady Phyllis hoards that shit.”
“Are you serious?” Mike demanded from behind him.
“El needs to be recharged!” Dustin called back.
“Dustin, just wait up for a second,” Booker told him. “We all should stick together, all right?” Dustin sighed, but stopped where he was so he didn’t get too far ahead. Lucas stood and began walking over to meet him and Booker crouched down next to El. “You good to go on a little walk?” he asked. She simply nodded and got to her feet.
The five of them made their way to the cafeteria. Eleven seemed fine, but Booker kept close to make sure she stayed steady on her feet. When they got to the cafeteria, Lucas and Dustin made their way towards the kitchen while Mike and El sat down at a table. Booker decided to place himself halfway between them, keeping all four of them in visual range.
There were multiple refrigerators in the kitchen, but eventually, Dustin opened one and then called out, “Found it!” Dustin glanced over his shoulder towards both Lucas and Booker, and he had a big grin on his face. “I knew she was hoarding it. I knew it.” Lucas rubbed his hands together in anticipation and the two boys began grabbing the small containers of pudding. “Always lying, saying she’s out,” Dustin continued on. “Bald-faced liar.” He turned to shout over his shoulder. “Mike! I found the chocolate pudding!”
“Okay!” Mike yelled back, and Booker could help but smile. Booker’s feelings on children had always been fairly neutral. He didn’t hold any negative feelings towards them, but he didn’t really have any majorly positive feelings either. But these kids, they were starting to grow on him. It was something he’d never thought about too much, but there was a small part of him that always wished he’d had younger siblings.
He wasn’t close enough to hear what they were saying, but Booker could see El and Mike talking quietly to each other. From the moment he saw all the kids together, he could tell there was a special little connection between those two. But he didn’t exactly expect Mike to suddenly lean over and kiss El. His eyes widened and it almost felt like his heart was melting, just a little bit. Mike’s eyes flicked over towards Booker nervously, and Booker quickly looked away, trying to act like he hadn’t seen anything to avoid either of them feeling awkward.
Suddenly, lights of a car flashed by the windows. Mike and El caught sight of them as well, and Mike got up and ran for the door. “Mike, wait,” Booker called out, then cursed under his breath and jogged after him. Mike got outside before Booker could catch up, and as Booker got to the door, he watched as a couple of nondescript dark cars and two military trucks pulled up outside the building across the lot that contained the gym.
“Shit,” he whispered under his breath, and then reached forward so he could grab Mike by the arm and pull him back inside. Without missing a step, Mike turned and the two of them began running back down the hallway to the cafeteria.
When they got there, Dustin and Lucas had dumped two armfuls of pudding onto the table in front of Eleven. “We gotta go, now,” Booker ordered.
“They found us,” Mike told them. The other three exchanged looks of panic, then dropped their puddings as Booker urged the children out of the cafeteria and down the hallway.
“Where do we go?” Dustin asked urgently. “What do we do?”
“I don’t know, I…” Booker struggled for an answer. “Maybe we can lose them if we can get to the woods,” he suggested.
“How did they find us?” Lucas asked as they rounded a corner.”
“I don’t know,” Mike answered. “But they knew we were in the gym.”
“Lando,” Dustin stated. In that stressful moment, he could vaguely connect the dots on what Dustin was referencing; he’d seen Star Wars and understood what he meant, but couldn’t at that moment identify who exactly Dustin would be talking about. The options were limited, and all of them were terrifying to consider, but they didn’t have that kind of time. They just had to run.
Unfortunately, they didn’t have a lot of places they could go. As they approached a door leading outside, several soldiers wielding flashlights and weapons burst through it. They all immediately turned and sprinted in the opposite direction down the long hallway. They turned a corner in an attempt to get away and almost ran right into more soldiers, forcing them back into the larger hallway. But as they tried to get to the other end of it, they were cut off by even more.
The group of soldiers they were facing were being led by a woman with short blonde hair and a grave expression on her face. Almost like in slow motion, she raised a gun, pointing it right at El, and Booker could hear the sound of a click. With zero time to have any second thoughts about it, Booker immediately rushed forward and grabbed El by her shoulders to push her behind him and put himself between her and the deadly weapon.
But before he could even begin to move her, the flashlights that were held by many of the agents surrounding them began to flicker and they all froze in place. Slowly, blood began trickling out of their eyes and ears. Booker’s jaw dropped as he looked down at El and realized what she was doing. But before he was able to recover enough to even say anything, all of the agents dropped to the floor, dead.
For a long moment, none of them said anything. Then, El collapsed. Booker stepped forward and caught her before she hit the ground. “El?” he said, turning her head gently towards him so he could see her face. “Hey, can you hear me?”
The boys all got to their knees around them, and Mike shook her shoulder gently. “El, are you okay?” But she didn’t answer, she just laid unconscious in Booker’s arms. “El! Something’s wrong.”
“She’s just drained,” Dustin said.
Booker shook his head. “No, it’s more than that.” She had become ghostly pale and clammy, and along her scalp and around her eyes, her veins were starkly visible. Booker also noticed that, aside from the small trickle of blood from her nose, there was also a small trickle coming out of her own ear. He wiped it away gently. “She pushed herself too much.”
Gently, Booker stopped Mike from shaking her. “We need to get out of here, now,” he told the others as he prepared to lift El into his arms so he could carry her. He wasn’t particularly strong and he didn’t know how long he’d be able to carry her for, but they couldn’t stay.
But then, an authoritative voice called out from around the corner. “Leave her.” Booker looked up and saw an older man with white hair rounding the corner with his own escort of soldiers. “Step away from the child.”
Booker recognized Dr. Brenner almost instantly from Hopper’s research. His jaw tightened in anger and he gently laid El down on the ground so he could put himself in between her and the man that had imprisoned and experimented on the girl for her entire life. “You’re not touching her,” Booker warned, and every ounce of his anger was present in his voice.
From behind him, the boys backed him up, and they all stepped over El on the floor to further block Brenner and the soldiers from getting any closer. “You want her, you’ll have to kill us,” Mike challenged. Booker turned to look at them and saw more soldiers coming up from behind. But he saw them too late to do anything and they were easily able to grab all three boys and restrain them.
“Hey!” he shouted. “Get off of them!” But just as he moved to help the boys, Booker was grabbed from behind as well, and was very quickly slammed face down to the ground, and held there with his arms behind his back. He tried to struggle, but it was no use.
Brenner approached El on the ground as the hallway was filled with the sound of the boys yelling curses and fighting against the men who held them. But it was as if Brenner didn’t see or hear anything outside of El. He gently lifted her into his arms and held her face in his hands. “Eleven?” he said softly. “Eleven, can you hear me?”
The young girl stirred and she slowly opened her eyes to see Dr. Brenner holding her. “Papa?” she said quietly, her voice weak.
Brenner smiled. “Yes, yes, it’s your papa,” he told her, and those words filled Booker with disgust.
El turned her head to look towards the boys who were still struggling against the agents. She briefly locked eyes with Booker, and he could see the fear in her gaze.
“Let her go!” Mike yelled on the top of his lungs. “Let her go, you bastard!”
El whimpered and weakly tried to wiggle out of Brenner’s grasp, but he just shushed her. “You’re sick,” he told her. “But I’m going to make you better. I’m going to take you back home where I can make you well again. Where we can make all of this better, so no one else gets hurt.”
“You’re not taking her anywhere, you son of a bitch,” Booker spat towards Brenner. When he spoke, El turned back to look at him, and as clarity slowly came to her, the more afraid she looked. It made Booker’s blood boil.
She slowly turned her head to look at Brenner and softly said, “Bad.” Brenner’s face dropped. “Bad,” she repeated. Then, El turned towards the boys and reached a hand towards Mike. “Mike,” she called out weakly. “Mike.”
Suddenly, all of the lights in the hallways began flickering wildly and everyone grew still as they looked towards the wall that was emblazoned with a paw print symbol, where the lights shone brightest. “Blood,” Mike said quietly, realizing quickly what was happening.
Booker’s eyes flicked over to the woman that had threatened El who now laid dead on the floor… and the small pool of blood next to her. The men pinning Booker to the floor let go of him as the tiles of the wall suddenly began to crack as a thudding sound came from it, like something trying to break through the wall from the other side. But it looked… wrong. It was like the wall itself began to stretch, almost like it was made of rubber, until finally, something burst through. Its limbs were long, far too long, and its body was a mottled gray. As it pulled itself through, the flickering lights bounced off its mottled gray skin. And its head… There were five different flaps that flared slightly as it growled. But no face.
“Demogorgon,” Dustin said
“Oh, fuck,” Booker blurted out.
Then, it roared, revealing a massive opening where a face should be, and though it was hard to see with the lights flickering so much, Booker swore that the inside of the flaps were lined with razor sharp teeth. The soldiers immediately pushed the boys behind them and stepped around them and Booker to begin firing on it.
Seeing an opportunity, Booker immediately moved to El and scooped her up in his arms. “Run!” he yelled to the boys, and they all sprinted as fast as they could away from the horrible scene.
They moved as quickly as they could through the halls, but it was absolute chaos. The monster was fast and the military forces present were being quickly overwhelmed as it seemed that bullets didn’t do much to slow it down.
Eventually they became cornered in an empty classroom. Booker glanced around and saw a window on the back wall. Booker waded through the desks and placed El down on a table in the back and immediately moved to the window. He looked through the blinds and saw that it led outside. As he began moving things off the counter in front of the window, the boys gathered around El and Mike began speaking quietly to her.
“Just hold on a little longer, okay?” Mike said, holding onto her hand. “He’s gone… The bad man’s gone. We’ll be home soon and my mom, she’ll get you your own bed. You can eat as many Eggos as you want. And we can go to the Snow Ball.”
“Promise?” El asked weakly.
“Promise,” Mike replied.
As the two spoke, Booker grabbed a chair and used it to smash out the glass of the window. The kids all looked up at the sound. “Okay,” Booker said. He carefully moved all the pieces of glass around the window out of the way. “I’m gonna climb out, and you guys hand her over to me through the window, all right?” The boys nodded and Dustin moved to lift El up.
From outside the room, a deafening screech from the monster rang out. It was close. Very close. There were a few more sporadic gunshots. Then, silence.
“Dustin,” Booker whispered, trying to urge him to move El. But before any of them could make another move, the door was taken completely off its hinges and hit the floor, the monster on top of it. It stood, and not even at its full height, it was much taller than any of them. The lights in the room began flickering as the boys began yelling for Lucas to get some type of slingshot he had out as the terrifying creature stalked forward. Lucas shot a rock at it, but it bounced off uselessly.
Booker didn’t give himself any time to think about what he was doing. He just grabbed the chair he’d used to break the window and charged at it. Effortlessly, the monster grabbed the chair as Booker tried to hit it and threw the chair and Booker against the wall.
Booker hit hard, and as he thudded to the ground, his vision swam. It took a few seconds before he could feel a throbbing pain on the back of his head, where it must’ve impacted with the wall. He tried to stand, but his head spun nauseatingly. The pounding of his own heart in his ears blocked out all other sounds, but he could feel the vibration of heavy footsteps on the ground. Slowly, he managed to push himself into a sitting position against the wall… and looked up, right at the monster towering over him. It roared and there was nothing he could do but close his eyes and hope that it would be quick.
A sudden rush of wind brushed past him. He felt something push against his leg, but not painfully. He opened his eyes and saw a desk had been pushed to the side. In fact, all of the desks had been pushed to the sides of the room. And the monster was… gone. Except, no, it wasn’t. It was still in the room. But now it was up against the blackboard, its arms outstretched as if being held aloft.
Booker looked towards the kids and saw El walking towards it. The veins along her scalp stood out even darker on her skin now, and fresh blood dripped from her nose. “Eleven, stop!” Mike yelled. He rushed forward to grab her, but without even looking back at him, she held her hand out and he was launched backwards through the air, sliding firmly into the back wall but not hard enough to hurt him.
Booker tried to stand as well, but his head was still swimming. In the back of his mind, he recognized that he probably had a concussion. She turned to look at him for a single second, and that look told him that even if he could attempt something in that moment to stop her, it wouldn’t work.
El turned her attention back to the monster as she continued towards it. Faintly, he could hear what sounded like the bones of the monster popping and cracking as it was restrained by El’s telekinetic power. She didn’t look away until she was right in front of it, turning to look over her shoulder at the boys behind her. At Mike. “Goodbye, Mike,” she said quietly.
Then, she turned back to the creature. “No more,” El said to it, her voice low and determined. She raised her hand, and the monster let out a deafening screech, causing everyone to wince in pain and cover their ears. After a moment, another scream joined the monster’s and Booker realized it was El. He looked towards where she stood, and saw strange particles coming off of the monster and swirling through the air. But the noise became too much and his eyes clenched shut as he attempted to block it out with his hands.
Another moment passed and the screams faded. Slowly, Booker turned, afraid of what he was going to see. But the only thing he could see were those same particles drifting to the floor, and the mark of impact on the blackboard. There was no sign of El or the monster.
Mike shot to his feet and ran forward. “El!” he called out for her. “El!” The other two boys began to call out for her as well, looking behind and under the overturned desks and chairs. Mike spun around, looking around the whole room, and out into the hallway for El, and Booker could see the tears streaming down his face.
Booker tried to slowly push himself to his feet, but he only managed to get himself up onto one knee before he started to lose his balance. He rested an arm against the wall and squeezed his eyes shut again, trying to will his head to stop spinning long enough for him to stand.
He heard the sound of desks scraping against the floor and felt hands on his arm. “Booker,” he heard Dustin’s voice say next to him. “Jesus, are you okay?”
Booker nodded slowly and opened his eyes. “Yeah…” he said, lifting a hand to the back of his head where he’d hit the wall. It felt wet and he looked at his hand. Thankfully, while there was blood, it was a very small amount. Dustin moved to look as well. “It doesn’t look like you’re bleeding any more than that,” he told Booker. Well, at least there was that.
“I’ll be fine,” Booker said to reassure Dustin. “Just, uh… don’t let me pass out, okay?” Dustin nodded and gave Booker some support as he stood.
Eventually, the school was swarmed with emergency services. Booker was sitting on a gurney, He definitely had a concussion, but it fortunately was not too serious.
The paramedic treating him had walked away a moment ago to attend to something else when he heard a car pull up and screech to a halt somewhere behind him. He turned his head to look but couldn’t see the car from where he was. He kept looking, hoping to see Joyce and his uncle, or even Nancy and Jonathan. But then he heard a woman’s voice calling out, “Michael!” and he realized it was Karen Wheeler.
She came into sight as she made her way around a car, her husband Ted by her side, and she caught sight of Booker sitting there. He never really interacted with her before, only knowing her the way people in small towns know of each other, but it didn’t take much observation power to see the fear and worry on her face. He indicated with his head in the direction where he knew Mike sat, just on the inside of an ambulance with a blanket thrown around his shoulders. She immediately made a beeline for it, and let out a soft sob upon seeing him. She pulled him into her arms and held him tightly, kissing him on the head.
The paramedic came back over to Booker and told him they were going to bring him to the hospital, just to be sure he was okay. Mike caught sight of Booker being brought into an ambulance and gently pulled away from his mom. “Booker!” he called out, jogging over. “Are you gonna be okay?” he asked.
Booker reached over and tousled his hair gently. “Yeah, bud, I’ll be fine.”
Mike hesitated for a moment, and then leaned forward and gave Booker a tight hug around his midsection. “Thank you,” he said, his voice muffled slightly.
Booker put an arm around him and glanced up back towards Mike’s parents. Karen gave him a grateful look as she watched, and it took him slightly off guard. He rubbed Mike’s back gently. “Hey, you should get back over to your mom, okay? Don’t worry about me.” Mike pulled back and nodded, wiping at his eyes. Booker did him the small kindness of pretending like he hadn’t noticed Mike’s tears to save him the embarrassment. He returned to his parents as Booker sat down inside the ambulance, the doors closing behind him.
An hour has passed and Booker sat impatiently in a hospital room. He wasn’t a high priority at the moment, but that wasn’t what was causing the impatience. He hadn’t yet heard from Jim or Joyce, and he had no idea if they were okay, or if they’d gotten Will. For the last few minutes, Booker had been staring at the open doorway, debating on whether or not to just leave the room and find out for himself. His head still hurt, but the nausea had already passed, and they’d already determined before even bringing him to the hospital that he’d be fine.
“Screw it,” he whispered, sliding off the bed and making his way to the door. But as he grabbed his dark denim jacket, Jim came around the doorframe and sighed in relief.
“Jesus,” he breathed and pulled Booker in for a tight hug. “Are you all right?” he asked after a moment, pulling away to look at him. Some light bruising had begun to form on the right side of his face where he’d hit the ground. It was nothing serious, in fact it didn’t even hurt, but Booker saw anger growing in his uncle’s face. “Did they do this?” he asked, and Booker didn’t need clarification to know who he meant.
“No,” Booker told him. “Uh… the monster did.”
Jim looked at him with shock. “You fought it?” he exclaimed.
“I tried,” Booker explained, emphasizing the keyword as he sat back down on the bed. “It tossed me like a rag doll. Honestly, if it hadn’t been for El, it would’ve gotten all of us.” Jim huffed out a breath and sat down next to his nephew, running his hands over his face. Booker hesitated before speaking again. “They knew where we were.”
With the tension of the chase having passed, Booker had time to go through it all in his head, and one thing stuck. Lando, Dustin had said. Only a limited number of people knew where they were. Where El was.
He glanced over at Jim. Jim’s eyes were cast downward, and in that moment, Booker didn’t need any more confirmation than that.
“We needed to get to Will,” Jim told him. Booker looked down at the ground and nodded. As much as he didn’t like it, he understood. He couldn’t even blame him for it. “And I told them not to hurt you, or the others.”
“Well, I mean… they didn’t,” Booker said. “They restrained us, yeah, but they didn’t hurt us. It looked for a second like this woman was gonna shoot El, but… I honestly think Brenner just wanted her back.”
“Papa,” Jim said quietly, and Booker nodded.
“Will,” Booker said. “Is he okay? Did you find him?”
Jim nodded. “Yeah… It was close, but we got him.” He took his hat off and rubbed his forehead.
Booker sighed. “You did what you had to do… You got him home. Besides, El did take out almost all of them on her own, so…” He shrugged a shoulder. “There’s no way you could’ve known that thing would show up.”
Finally, Jim was able to look at his nephew. “You’re okay?” he asked again.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Booker told him. “It’s just a tiny concussion. I’m good.” Jim laughed softly and put an arm around him, pulling him close, and Booker felt himself relax. He rested his head on Jim’s shoulder. “I was really worried about you,” he admitted.
“Told you I’d be back,” Jim said, and feeling the rumble of his voice in his chest made Booker feel like he was 17 again. They were all each other had and, in that moment, Booker couldn’t have asked for anyone else.
0 notes
moonhoures · 2 years
[ nsfw warning! this timestamp contains oral (m receiving), sexual activity in a semi-public space, facial, implied glasses kink | mdni ]
this timestamp is a product of horniness brought on by this post from @puphee so thanks ceb! i will never know peace now that soobin w a glasses kink is on my mind 🙃💗
[2:09pm] Soobin was more than relieved when your professor had partnered the two of you up for a research project—mostly because you were the only person in the class that he felt comfortable with since you both knew each other from high school. And a little bit because you were one of the smartest people in his class. You were also easy-going and surprisingly forward, telling him to meet you at the library later to start working on the project. After an hour of working, you decided to take a break and just chill. You got to talking about a situationship you were in and how annoying the guy was being.
“Seriously,” you sighed, using your index finger to push your glasses higher on the bridge of your nose, “He’s always begging me to go down on him, and he hasn’t gone down on me once. It’s annoying.”
Soobin awkwardly chuckled, shocked by how willing you were to talk about sex with him when he didn’t really deem himself a close enough friend to do so, “He, uh, seems kind of selfish.“
“Right?” you snorted, “I mean, if you kept asking someone to suck you off, you would at least return the favor once, no?”
The tall boy shifted in his seat, crossing and uncrossing his ankles as he debated if he should say what he was thinking. Would you mock him? No, surely not; you seemed really nice, “I’ve actually never . . . done that before.”
“What? Give head?”
“No,” he shook his head, “Uh, no one’s ever sucked me off before.”
“Yeah?” he scratched the side of his neck shyly, “Why is that so hard to believe?”
“Because you’re- . . . “ you were reluctant to admit that you had a bit of a crush on him, so you settled with, “you’re attractive. I guess I’m shocked you’ve never taken the opportunity.”
“I’ve never had someone offer,” he blurted out before he could stop himself, his cheeks growing with blush, “I’m sorry, that might be a little TMI. We should probably get back to the project.“
“No, don’t be sorry,” you rested your steady hand on top of his shaking one, “I’m the one who brought this up. But-“
You cut yourself short, suddenly realizing how dumb the question you wanted to ask was. You barely knew him; there was no way he would agree.
“‘But’ what?” he asked, looking at you expectantly.
“Nothing. I was going to ask something stupid,” you laughed softly, taking your hand off of his.
“My mom always told me there’s no such thing as a stupid question,” he said, trying to make you feel better. You supposed there was no harm in just asking. The worst he could do was reject you, right?
“Okay. I was going to ask if you’d like me to suck you off?”
Soobin’s eyes widened and he felt his chest become itchy. He was flushing, no doubt. Why did you make him so flustered like this?
“Uh- I- Like, now? Here?”
You laughed, “No, not in public. Well, I mean, we could go in the bathroom, if you really wanted to. I’m okay with that.”
Soobin was no angel by any means. He had had sex before, with a couple people. But he wasn’t exactly a reckless person, either. He’s only ever done anything sexual in the comfort of a locked bedroom. The idea of doing something like this in a public place seemed risky, but also very enticing? Intriguing? As much as his heart and brain told him not to, his groin overshadowed both. He wanted to do this.
So that’s how he ended up leaning back against the bathroom sink of the one-stall bathroom. The door was locked, quelling his worries of being walked-in on. His jeans and briefs puddled around his ankles as you sat on your knees in front of him. He had taken off his jacket for you to kneel on for cushion and also to keep your skin from touching the dirty floor. He was insanely horny, but a gentleman no less.
His head rested back and his lips parted with heavy breaths as your mouth encapsulated him. The warmth of your mouth was driving him to the brink of insanity, and it had only been twenty seconds. You were getting annoyed with the fogginess clouding your glasses, so you pulled off of him to reach up and remove them.
“Wait-“ Soobin stopped you, his large hand grasping your wrist gently, “Can you- um, can you leave them on?”
“I can barely see though,” you pouted, and he hoped you didn’t notice the way his dick twitched. He couldn’t help it, though. You looked so fucking cute. Your hair was brushed away from your face and your glasses framed your eyes so adorably, making your doe eyes appear larger and sweeter than ever before. With your pout, he was almost sure he could bust right then and there, but he wanted the proper blowjob experience first.
“Please,” he whined, his fingertips nudging them back up on your nose just enough for you to see over them. With the way he looked down at you as if you were the most gorgeous thing ever . . . who were you to deny him?
“Okay,” you agreed in a whisper, taking his impressive length in your hand again as you sunk your mouth back around him. The only sounds in the bathroom were the light drip of the leaky faucet, the moans being stifled in Soobin’s throat, and the wet, lewd noises of you sucking him off. Your other hand fondled his balls, and he couldn’t hold back the whimper that left his lips. You smiled around him, and he had to screw his eyes shut after witnessing it. He needed to hold out a little bit longer.
“Fuck, you’re good at this,” he whispered, hands reaching behind him to grip the edge of the sink behind him. His knuckles were as white as the solid surface of the sink he was holding.
“I’m flattered,” you mumbled as you kissed his shaft while you stroked it. You looked over the rim of your glasses, through your lashes, as you kitten-licked his tip. The top of his thighs tensed and you swore his knees quivered for a second. He was so sensitive, “Are you gonna cum for me, Soobin? So quickly? I feel like we just started.”
He groaned, “I know. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” you kissed his head again, smiling when you noted the way he gulped as you did so, “It’s your first time, and you’re sensitive. It’s normal.”
“I wanted to last longer,” he insisted, feeling embarrassed. His thigh tensed again, more prominently, as your grip on him tightened and your strokes quickened.
“It’s okay. Just cum when you’re ready,” you spoke softly, swirling your tongue around his head and bobbing your mouth around him a few times before pulling off again, “Where do you wanna cum? In my mouth?”
“Can I cum on your face?” his voice cracked a bit, and his heart plummeted with humiliation, but yours did the same because you found it so cute.
“Sure, just try not to get it in my hair,” you said half-sternly, half-playfully. You started licking him again, alternating between using your tongue and pressing kisses on him while you pumped his cock. Eventually you felt him pulsing under your hand and the next thing you knew you saw his cum spitting at you. You closed your eyes just in time, but thankfully none of it reached them.
The white, silky liquid fell in ropes on your upper cheek and cupid’s bow, but mostly on the glass of your specs. You could barely see out of them when you opened your eyes. You blinked a few times and your hand let go of Soobin’s dick. His thighs were twitching in his post-orgasmic state, and his abdomen was heaving with his deep breaths. You noticed how hard his dick still was but what you didn’t know was that it was because the sight of his cum on your glasses was making him want to fuck the daylights out of you.
“How was that?” you asked him, reaching for the toilet paper to wipe his essence off your face, “You didn’t get it in my hair, did you?“
Soobin shook his head and answered before clearing his throat, “No, and it was great. Better than I imagined.”
Now you were the one getting flustered, “Cool. I’ve never been someone’s first anything. I’m glad I could satisfy.”
“Do you think we could maybe do this again some time?” he asked sheepishly while you stood up and took off your glasses. You handed him his jacket and gestured for him to move so you could wash your glasses off in the sink.
“Sure, but let’s worry about the project first, okay? Then we can fuck around all you want.”
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
What Have I Done? - Bakugou Katsuki- pt.2
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: Angst, Mentions of suicidal thoughts, fluff, insane behavior, nsfw, noncon! Dubcon!, murder, stalking, abusive behavior, yandere!Bakugou, cursing, blood, lowkey kinda slow burn (meaning the beginning is a little boring BUT IT GETS GOOD I SWEAR😭)
Ep. Warnings: Angst, hitting, cursing, stalking, kidnapping, murder
Summary: It’s been awhile since you’ve left him. Two months actually but it was two months too long. Katsuki was slowly going insane and I guess you could say he officially has because he’s officially snapped. You become his main target, his number one priority, his entire being even though you’re trying to leave him. But Katsuki won’t let you. You’re his..and in the words of Bakugou Katsuki..you always will be.
A/N: ....I made it a yandere story y’all. OH SHI-
Chapter 1
Twitch, twitch, twitch. That’s all Katsuki’s body been doing. Either his eyes or his fingers, his body is uncomfortably moving. Shit doesn’t feel right for him. And he knows exactly why. You left him.
The first week was horrible. All Katsuki did was cry. He even kept his destroyed home in shambles because he couldn’t find the motivation to do anything. If it wasn’t for Kirishima, Katsuki would have starved himself to death. The second week was just as bad. Nothing but a crying baby being taken care of by his best friend.
The third week is when Katsuki become a drunkard. He made Kirishima and the boys of the Bakusquad constantly take him out whenever. As long as the place served alcohol, he would go. He would go and drink himself to sleep. While he was intoxicated he would cry about how he misses you and how he was a terrible husband. He always said you deserved better but he was too in love with you to let you go. The 4th week was pretty much the same.
After a whole month without you, Katsuki threw himself into depression. For the entirety of the second month, he locked himself within the walls of his home. Thankfully, it was now considered a home environment once again after his dear friends cleaned the place up for him. Katsuki stayed inside all day, drank his soul away every night, and sobbed constantly. Constantly regretting how he neglected you, how he mistreated you, and how he hurt you. He doesn’t even know how he even brought himself to do that. Even though he’s been alone for almost 2 months, he still had hope that you would come back. That things would go back to normal and he would be a better husband to you, just like he promised.
Katsuki felt himself going mad and slipping away, but what pulled the trigger was what Kirishima brought to him on the 6th week.
Katsuki looked down at the papers in his hands. Kirishima had walked in with a nervous and sad look on his face when he gave Katsuki the papers you had the red head deliver. “Sorry man...”
Katsuki shook as he stared at the divorce papers with wide eyes. He saw you already signed it and all the paper needed was his signature. His face grew dark as something in his mind snapped. Katsuki turned to his friend and instructed him to get out of his home.
“What? Man are you alright?” Kirishima said. He walked to his best friend and when he reached a hand out for him, Katsuki pulled on his arm and pushed him out the door. He slammed it shut and locked it as he looked at the papers.
A scary smile grew on the man’s face. His eyes grew crazy as he laughed maniacally. Hysterically. As if what he held was the most hilarious thing in the world. His palms began to spark as he used his quirk to destroyed the papers. The quick blast made his hair floof around a bit and when it was over, a pile of ashes lay at his feet.
“She-....she thinks she can leave me?” Bakugou began to walk to the framed picture on the coffee table. He picked up the picture of you both on your last anniversary and ran his finger over the image of you. “Poor Princess....you can’t leave me. You need me. Just as much as I need you. I mean..hehe...look at what I mess I’ve been. I can only assume you must be worse. But it’s okay, love...I’ll find you soon enough..and I’ll help you feel better,” he walked to his bedroom and layed down on the soft mattress as he held the frame close to his chest as he stared sinisterly at the ceiling, “and we’ll never be apart again.”
The 7th week was when it began. Katsuki took some time off of work. He was gonna be too busy for hero work. He had something much more important to do. He had to bring you home.
Katsuki spent the 7th week looking for information on you. He was up 24/7 reading all he can, talking to as many people as he can, and doing all the digging he could until he found you. Unfortunately for him but luckily for you, he found nothing. It pissed him off. How could you have completely erased your existence? Did you just go into hiding or was he not searching hard enough.
This time, the luck switched. Katsuki was just walking to the store when he looked to the far side and saw you in a cab. He had to do a double take to make sure he wasn’t mistaken but after a good glance and taking a picture for confirmation, he knew it was you. His body almost betrayed him as he almost went in to run after you but luckily his brain stopped him. He had to think. Katsuki hid in an alleyway nearby as he watched you from the side. When the driver continued down the road, that’s when he began to follow you. He used his hero training and quirk to keep up with the car. He followed you for miles until the cab finally stopped at some hotel. He watched you walk in and decided this was far enough.
He knew where you were now. He could wait a little longer before snatching you up. If he did it now in broad daylight, chaos would break out. He had to wait for the perfect moment to get you back. He was okay with waiting. He knew where you’ve been staying, how to get there, and knew what time you got back from wherever that cab picked you up. And then it hit him. The cab.
Katsuki went back to look at the picture he took of you in the cab and checked the license plate. With this information, he went home to find where the vehicle was.
Katsuki busted the door open to his home and ran straight to his in-home office. He went to log onto his work laptop that he used for hero work. The laptop contained the tools and websites that would allow him to find the cab. He finally reached the site he was looking for and went back to the picture. There, he typed in the license plate number.
“よ 57-342” he whispered aloud. Finally, he located the vehicle and went to find it. Katsuki followed the location until he found the house where the driver stayed. He waited in hiding, hoping someone would come out and hoped that the someone would be the driver. He waited and waited until finally, after almost 2 hours of waiting, a man came out. Katsuki quickly pulled up the picture and made sure it was the same person who was driving you, and to his luck, it was.
He quickly ran to the driver before he could get into the cab and pulled him into a dark corner. He slammed the man up against the wall and pulled up a picture of you. “Listen! You dropped this girl off at a hotel, I need to know where you picked her up! Tell me! Now!”
“W-whoa!” The driver exclaimed as he took notice of Katsuki’s identity. “Y-you’re Dynamight!”
Katsuki sucked his teeth at the fact that this guy knew who he was but then again, he wasn’t surprised. He was the number 2 hero after all. “Yeah! I am! Now tell me where you picked up my wife you dog-faced loser!” He screamed.
“Y-you’re wife??” The man looked at the picture and recognized you and the name you gave him. “Oh! M-Miss Y/N! Yes! Uh-..uh- I- she- I- ..I picked her up from a gym!” The man exclaimed.
“What gym?! Tell me!!!” Bakugou shouted at the man.
“I-I’m sorry! I don’t know if I can! She- she said she got divorced so how can I trust you’re her husband?!” The man shouted in fear.
“Are you calling me a liar?! I’m a fucking pro-hero! Why would I pull some bullshit like that! Tell me where my wife was! What?! Gym?!” Bakugou screamed once more. In fear, the man gave Katsuki the information he needed.
“Hosu Gym!” The man shook and Bakugou stared for a minute to scare the poor guy before dropping him to the ground. As he walked away, the man spoke up once more. “D-Dynamight, sir. I-If miss Y/N doesn’t want to see you..and you’re forcing information out of people..I’ll have to tell the authorities..sir.”
“You’re not gonna do a damn thing. You hear me?!” The pro screamed. Bakugou side eyed the man as he watched the driver get up from the ground.
“Sir. From the small conversation we had in the car, Miss Y/N said she was divorced-“
“We aren’t divorced!!” Bakugou said as he made a random explosion to intimidate the man. “We are still together, and she is still my wife, and none of this is any of your business!” Bakugou began to walk away but heard the driver grumble something under his breath that triggered something in his brain.
“I can see why she left a crazed man like you...” the driver mumbled. Katsuki quickly snapped his body to face the man and jumped on him. His burning hand found it’s way around the man’s neck and began to squeeze.
“The hell did you say?! You’re gonna wish you never said that you fucking fool, cuz now those are gonna be your last words!” Bakugou said before he activated an explosion and killed the man. Katsuki took deep breaths before realizing what he did and for some reason, he felt no remorse. And he knows why.
“That idiot should’ve known better than to talk about me and Y/N like that...s’his own fault he died.” Bakugou said before walking away from the gruesome scene. He acted like nothing happened as he made his way to Hosu Gym. He just needed to know what time your got there and when. Then, he could finally go home before continuing his plan for the next day.
The blonde decided to wait for some time before he went into the building. It was getting dark and so the gym would be closing soon. He waited and waited until finally, the place was empty. Empty except for the man who worked at the front desk.
Katsuki slipped in right before closing and hid himself in the locker room. He waited 10 minutes before going out and finding the one employee he saw. After exploring the area, Katsuki found the man sitting on a bench. He snuck up behind him, and pounced. He covered the man’s mouth as he tugged him into the back room. Once inside, The blonde threw the man in and locked the door to prevent anyone getting in or out.
“W-What is going on? D-Dynamight, what is happening?” The employee asked in fear. He assumed a threat was going on or some trouble was taking place outside of the gym. He had no idea the trouble was standing right in front of him.
“I need you to tell me when this lady came in.” Bakugou said and pulled up a picture of you. The man looked at the picture and shook his head.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t recognize-“
“YOU WILL! This woman came in here today and I need to know what time! TELL ME!” Bakugou screamed as he lit sparks in his palm. The man shook in fear at the hero’s booming voice and began to look harder. After a minute, he finally spoke.
“I- I remember. She came in hours ago! Sometime around 12 to 2!” The man said in hopes the yelling would stop. It didn’t.
“ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID?! There’s a huge space in between! I need to know exactly what time she came in! Don’t you morons have a sign in?!” Bakugou screamed.
“We do! We do sir!” The man nodded his head in fear. Bakugou huffed before walking over to him and dragging him by his collar to seat him on the chair in front of the computer.
“Then get into your data base and FIND MY WIFE!” The blonde screamed. The worker nodded frantically before getting right into it. Bakugou watched his every move and the computer. He kept a sparkling hand right next to the man’s head to keep him intimidated as he worked. Eventually, Bakugou saw your profile picture on the screen when the man scrolled down. “Stop. Her. Check what time she came in.”
The man read the drafts and spoke. “1:30 p.m.”
Bakugou nodded before walking to the door and unlocking it. He turned to the trembling man and gave a quick warning with a sinister smile. “If I ever find out that you told anybody, even your own damn friends or family, about what happened tonight, I won’t hesitate to come back and kill you. Am I clear?”
The man gave a quick and jittery “y-yes sir!” As he watched the pro-hero leave the room. Once Bakugou was gone, the man let out a breath of relief and allowed the few tears he was holding back to fall. Bakugou Katsuki definitely struck fear into those of the lives he met.
With this simple information, Bakugou smirked as he walked out the gym doors. He knows where you live, what gym you go to, what day you go, and what time you arrive. You were always a very punctual person. You had a schedule and you followed it through and through. He completely trusted the fact that when he came back here next week, he would be sure to see you. All he had to do now was wait 7 days.
7 days have passed and Katsuki was waiting for your presence in the gym. After finding out you arrived at 1:30, he showed up almost an hour earlier at 12 just in case. He waited and waited for you to show. He was almost out of patience, but after seeing that it was only 1:00, he settled the slightest bit. It wasn’t until he took notice of a familiar figure at the desk.
The man Katsuki had threaten nights ago was shivering and shaking in his boots as he greeted people at the door. He was aware that the pro hero was in the building and after the incident of what went down that night, he was definitely scared for his life. Bakugou began to walk to the man and said man could feel a scary aura coming around. When he turned, he was greeted with the sight of a smirking Katsuki.
“Hey friend,” Bakugou said with his hands in his pockets.
The man jumped at the sound of his voice and his scary presence made his eyes teary. “H-Hello Dynamight.”
“Thought I’d just come by to warn you again. When Y/N walks through those doors, don’t you fucking dare try telling her about me or my presence here. Got that.....” Katsuki said looking down at the man’s name tag. “Hiro Itadori? ‘Cuz if you do, your body goes boom. Understand?”
“Y-Yes Sir!” Hiro said as he looked to the ground with wide eyes as he felt himself break into a cold sweat. Bakugou patted the man’s back, causing him to flinch but when the hero walked away right after, Hiro calmed down. Unfortunately, that only lasted for about a second before you walked in.
“Hello Hiro!” You joyfully said. Your voice reached the ears of your ex-husband. Or more so, your “supposed to be” ex-husband. His ears perked up and he smirked as he hid behind a corner wall, taking the view of you in.
“Y/N.” He whispered to himself. He smiled and a blush bloomed on his porcelain skin as he admired you from afar. You were just as beautiful as he remembered. If anything, your looks seemed to have only gotten better. He watched as the man nervously greeted you and allowed you to go through with your workout. Katsuki smirked as he knew the man gave no hint at him being there, and so he would be able to watch you in peace.
Katsuki wasn’t there to keep tabs on your workout and what exercises you did. He was there just to watch you. Of course, while doing so, he admired you, but he was there to gain selfish intel. He watched you from start to end. Once you finished he followed you to your next location. It was still early and so it was safe to assume you weren’t heading to bed yet. He followed you back to your hotel and waited in another area until you walked out again. Sure enough, you did.
For the rest of the day, Bakugou followed and stalked your every move. He watched where you work, where you spent your free time, he followed you to the new cafe you seemed to enjoy, and then he followed you back to your hotel. Instead of waiting in another area and watching from afar, Bakugou climbed the side of the building and watched you from your hotel balcony through the glass door. He payed attention to your every move and noted what time you went to bed. Satisfied with the day’s revelations, he went back to his own home.
Knowing this information, Katsuki was able to sleep a little more peacefully. For the next few weeks, Katsuki followed this procedure. He became a full time stalker, even going so far as to call out of work for some time to put his full attention in you. He watched you like a hawk. He took note of everywhere you went, where you ate, who you spoke to, and what you did. All of it became engraved into his brain.
Now, Katsuki stood at your balcony for the umpteenth time as he stared at your sleeping form. It was deep into the night and with the moonlight on his back, he found enough courage and craze to open the door. He walked in quietly and shut the door, blocking the chilly air from seeping in to awaken your unconscious state. He approached your bed and crouched down to meet your face.
“Still as perfect as ever,” he whispered as he removed a few strands of hair out of your face. His touch didn’t seem to startle you and Katsuki took it as your body naturally indulging in his familiar touch. He blushed at the feeling of your oh so soft skin as his fingertips grazed your pillowy cheeks. His hand finally cupped the side of your face as his thumb drew circles along your skin. Your head unconsciously nuzzled into his warmth like it used to and Katsuki couldn’t help but smile. “Don’t worry Teddy Bear...I’ll bring you home soon.”
With that, Katsuki leaned down and softly placed a kiss on your lips. This was the lightest kiss he ever bestowed upon you. The pressure and weight was similar to a feather and the blonde struggled to restrain himself once he came in contact. He craved more but his mind knew better. Reluctantly, he pulled away and removed his hand from your face. He walked away, back to the balcony to take his leave but not before turning to look back at you. “Real soon.”
You woke up to a sense of familiarity in your room. Although you were alone, you could’ve sworn there was this chilling presence. It was faint but it was there. Taking in a breath and looking around at your surroundings, you reluctantly got out of bed and got ready for the day.
You did the usual. Got ready, got dressed, had breakfast, and went about your day. You went to the market to picked up a few things and ended up staying much longer than you liked. You walked in during daylight and came out when the sun was setting. You sighed in disappointment.
“Guess I can skip the gym this one time. I might as well get back home, read a book or two..” you went on talking to yourself about your schedule. You walked with the groceries in hand as you enjoyed the scenery on your way back, however, even with the shining sun creating it’s golden hour with a beautiful purple sky, you couldn’t help but feel wary of the stillness in the wind.
‘Where the fuck is she?!’ Bakugou thought to himself. He waited at the gym all damn day. He waited and waited to see your beautiful face but you never showed. If he had known that you would’ve skipped out on the gym today he wouldn’t have came here and wasted his time. Today was supposed to be the day. The day you came home.
Shaking off his negative thoughts, Bakugou continued with his backup plan. Although it would hurt his soul to bring harm to his precious princess, he reminded himself that he was doing this for her. He’s been so broken for the past months, he could only imagine how destroyed you must be. Hurting you was his way of helping you.
And so, Bakugou made his way to your hotel, where he found himself standing infront of your glass door at your balcony. To his dismay, you weren’t there. He released a huff before climbing down and once again, began to wait. He waited and waited in hiding, constantly on the lookout for you. It’s hard to find you in the city when you don’t follow your daily schedule, but knowing where you currently resided to get your rest made his job much easier.
Finally, after some time, he heard the familiar and comforting sound of your humming voice as you sang a little song to yourself. Bakugou took the sight of you in and blushed at your beauty from afar. He allowed himself to soak in the sound of your pretty voice before making his move. “Sorry Princess.”
You finally made it to the hotel. After your long stroll, you couldn’t wait to get some rest. Except, the closer you got, the more tense you became. You could feel the suspenseful aura in the air and your pace soon slowed down. Eventually, you came to a stop as your nerves got the best of you.
“Hello?” You said in the wind. You looked around and saw nothing but the pitch black night illuminated by the street lights and stars.
“Is someone there?” You asked again, turning your head another direction. Nothing but leaves in the wind. You released a sigh and continued your walk but became startled due to the sound of squirrels fighting in the trees.
“Ah!” You screamed and dropped your bag. After taking notice of the two animals going at it, you chuckled to yourself and turned to pick up your bag, unfortunately being startled once again at the sight of shoes in front of you. “AH!”
You jumped back in fear and took a fighting stance before you settled and relax at the sight of your supposed ex-husband. “Bakugou..it’s just you.”
“Mm, nope.” Bakugou said as he bent down to pick up your bag and hand it to you. “It’s Katsuki.”
His words sent your eyes rolling as you took your bag back with a hesistant hand. Something seemed..off.
“Not anymore. Thanks for the help. Bye.” You attempted to walk on to your hotel entrance but his arm stopped you.
“What? That’s it? Thanks? Bye?” Bakugou asked while gently pushing your body back in front of him. “We should talk, Y/N.”
“There’s nothing to talk abou-“
“There is.” Bakugou said with a firm voice, grabbing your full attention. Seeing your doe eyes look at him with caution caused him to settle. Bakugou sighed through his nose and allowed his hands to rest on your waist. “I miss you, Y/N. I want you to come back home.”
You shook your head at the idea and scrunched your eyes as you tried to step out of his hold. “Bakugou..”
“Hear me out, okay? It won’t be like last time, Teddy Bear-“
“You don’t know that-“
“I do. Because I’m going to try harder for you and I’m going to hold onto you and I’m not gonna ruin us for a second time. I still love you Y/N. I always have and I always will.” Bakugou sweetly said. You looked at him with the same eyes of caution before you placed your hands over his, giving him a sign of hope.
“I’m sorry, Bakugou,” you said, pulling his hands off of your waist. “I sent divorce papers. I don’t want to be with you anymore. I don’t love you anymore.”
“You don’t mean that.” Bakugou said with full confidence. Although you pulled his hands away from your waist, you still allowed him to keep a hold on your own hands.
“...I should.” You said looking down. With each word of denial, Bakugou took a step closer, invading your personal space. “You should get going-“
“No, Y/N-“
“Baby. I know you still want me. I know you still love me and I know you’re excited that I’m back. I love you...and you love me. So just admit it.” He said, inches away from your face. You stared in his eyes with a look of longing...and a hint of love. He was right. You did still love him. But after the neglect and harm he’s brought you, you didn’t know if you did want to go back. You didn’t know.
Sensing your hesistation, Bakugou slowly moved in to close the gap between you two. His hands let go off yours as he wrapped his arms around your waist. His face inched closer to yours and when you didn’t stop him, he continued. Finally, he gently placed his lips upon your own and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel something again. His kisses always brought a comforting feeling of butterflies in your stomach and after a second of feeling his warm lips, you kissed him back. Your hands found way around his neck as you pulled him in deeper and you could feel Bakugou smile into the kiss. It was hot and passionate. You were out in the open but for a moment it felt like no one else in the world existed. You would’ve gotten lost in the kiss had it not been for you remembering the situation you were in with the man.
Reluctantly, you gently pushed Bakugou off of you, but he still managed to press his forehead to your own. “Katsuki...you should go home.”
“Not without you.” He softly said. You shook your head as you completely pushed him off of you and gathered your things.
“Please...just go.” You said and began to walk away but Bakugou held onto your arm to stop you from moving any further.
“I’m not leaving without you, Y/N. Come home.” He stated.
“Bakugou! Just leave!” You shouted as you turned to him. When you faced the blonde man, you were shocked to see a crazed smile decorating his face.
“Too bad. I’m not asking Y/N. I’m telling. You’re coming home with me. Tonight.” He said and you scoffed at him with slight fear.
“You’re crazy!” You said and tried to shake his hold off of you, but of course failed.
“About you? Yes.” He said as he pulled you in closer. You squirmed against his hold until he pressed you in his chest and kept you in his grasp. You continued to fight against him but he grabbed your face with one hand to force you to stop and look at him.
“Let me go!”
“Listen! You either come home with me the easy way..or my way.” He warned. You looked at him with fear laced all around your face as you watched his insane side surface. You began to squirm again and fight once more.
“I’m not going!” You spat. Bakugou just released a simple laugh before caressing the side of your face.
“Yes. You are.” With that, the gentle hand on the side of your face formed into a first as he swung and knocked you out. You dropped unconscious in his hold and Bakugou was quick to carry you princess style and walk away, abandoning your groceries on the sidewalk.
“Shoulda listened. Cant believe you forced me to hurt you like that, baby.” Bakugou spoke to your unconscious state as he walked back home through dead city streets. “Don’t worry though, I’ll take care of you once we make it back. And then, we’ll never be apart again. I promise.”
You awoke to chains being locked on your wrist that were tied against a headboard. You layed on a large mattress in a dark room with a dim light. As you looked around, you recognized the familiar place. The place you used to make love for hours with your ex-husband. The place where movie dates and cuddle sessions were a must. The place you locked yourself in before leaving your last relationship. Katsuki’s bedroom.
You tried to jump out of bed but the restraints pulled you back down. You tried to scream and only muffled sounds could be heard. Katsuki taped your mouth shut. You tried using your quirk but it didn’t work. You looked to your restraints and saw the cuffs he used to hold you were quirk restraining cuffs. With nothing else to do, you tossed and turned in the bed as you allowed the muffled sounds to be as loud as they could. Eventually, the ruckus you were making brought the attention of your captor. Katsuki Bakugou.
Hearing all the noise, Bakugou busted opened the door to be met with your frustrated and teary eyes. You glared at him as he smirked at your locked up state. He took the opportunity to walk up to you and caress your face.
“I’m so sorry I had to hit you baby,” he said leaning down to place a kiss on your forehead. “But you left me with no choice. All you had to do was come home on your own free will and I wouldn’t have had to do all that.”
You began to tremble with anger and fear as you stared up at the man. Your teary eyes challenged his insane rubies as he sat on the side of the bed.
“How does it feel to be back? Hm?” He asked, ripping off the tape. You groaned at the pain and grew sick as you saw Bakugou pervertedly lick his lips at the sound. You leaned back and huffed with heavy breath before answering him.
“What the hell is wrong with you?! Let me go!” You screamed. He only looked at you in confusion as another sinister smile took place on his lips.
“Why would I do that, Teddy Bear?” He asked, allowing his thumb to create sweet and soft circles on your cheek.
“I don’t want you anymore Katsuki! I don’t want to be with you!” Bakugou merely raised a brow at your words and continued to listen. “You burned me-“
You looked at the man in front of you with fear and shock written on your face. Your cheek stung as your face now turned to the side but Bakugou quickly changed that by taking you by your chin to make you face him and wrapped a hand around your neck, chocking you. You gasped for air as Bakugou’s smirk became replaced with a frown and his brows became pointed.
“How dare you?! You’re asking what’s wrong with me but what the hell is wrong with you?! You left me, for months, Y/N. I was heartbroken. I was basically dead with you gone. I did you a fucking favor bringing you back. If I was so fucked, I can only imagine how horrible you must’ve been feeling. You’re lucky I came and save you. Saved us. And now, we can be happy again.” He explained.
“K-...Katsuki-..p-please!” You forced out, trying to beg for air.
“SHUT UP! I saved you, Y/N. So don’t even try to mention the little accident that happened so long ago, baby. Now you can forgive me. And don’t worry..I’m ready to listen to all the apologies you surely have for me...even if I have to choke them out of you.” He seethed with his hand tightening. Your eyes began to pop as the blood flow began to fill your face. Your eyes turned red as you struggled for air.
“I-...I-I’m..K-Katsuki! ...I’m sorry!” You shouted as best as you could. Luckily for you, the second you did, Bakugou’s hand lost its grip and simply rested on your neck. You choked and coughed as you relished in the sweet taste of oxygen. He smiled and leaned down to give your lips a sweet peck to shut you up and tapped your cheek before he walked to the door. Before leaving, he turned around to look at you and give you your official welcome back.
“I’m glad you’re home, baby. Can’t believe you really tried leaving. You’re mine, Y/N. And you always will be....don’t forget it.”
He slammed the door shut, walking away from the room with a smile. And you?
You cried.
A/N: Back by popular demand, we have part 2 to “What Have I Done.” How was it? In my opinion the beginning SUCKED! But I promise it’ll get better! The story will focus on Y/N and Bakugou’s new lives now so stay tuned and I hope you guys enjoyed it!
Tag list: @captainchrisstan @jazzylove @bakugous-trauma @konohahoee @whatdidshesayyy @chibiiichann @lover-of-helios @unicornlover25 @tamakisropebunny @iliketobullydeku @peacchfuz @fairybnha3 @ebiharachan @levimeko @5sos-wdw @naluciosa @anime-weeb-bnha @bakucumsackslut @asteria-obey-me
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Hooked (Jerome X Reader)
Ok, so this is a thing. I was kinda surprised nobody had used this scene yet, because the Gotham fandom seem to collectively agree that Jerome is BIG KINKY and yet the one scene where he canonically has people cuffed up and hung from the ceiling... nobody has touched??? Y'all have been sleeping on that scene! It's fanfic gold! Anyway, enjoy the hedonism. Much love xxx
Warning: SMUT, 18+, GRAPHIC SEXUAL CONTENT, BDSM, bondage, cuffs, dom/sub, vaginal fingering, oral sex, biting, spanking, slapping, pussy slapping, light choking, spitting, belt whipping, praise/degradation, marking, mention of scratching, Jerome is big meanie pants mean man
The new mayor of Gotham is having a meeting with his council members, but things take a turn when the Legion of Horribles show up to kidnap them and reader. When the victims are being unloaded from the truck, Jerome Valeska notices reader, because she isn't exactly on the guest list.
Tag list of lovelies: @gabile18 @valeskaduh @fangirl--writes @persephoneblck
I had been working as a housekeeper for the new mayor. It was a good job, but I wasn't appreciated. I was just there to clean and serve when needed. I don't think he even knew my name. I was just hired help to him. To all of them.
He was hosting a dinner for his council that day. I had been placed in the corner of the room with a bottle of expensive wine where I was to wait until wanted. He gestured for me to come forwards and fill their glasses while they started talking about their displeasure with the rising foul play in the city, like it was anything new for Gotham. The chairwoman wanted to know what he was going to do about it. Very little in my opinion. He was just coasting. In too deep over his head. He had been appointed far too fast and everyone knew it. He wasn't going to last.
He made an attempt to save face and talk about how he too was disturbed by the recent goings on and was doing everything he could. Trash, utter trash. As he rose from his seat, the lights fizzled out. I stopped pouring. Had this been any other city I would have assumed it was a simple power outage, but nothing was that simple in Gotham. The security guard closed us in and went to see what was happening. The air turned icy. No, this was not good. Gunshots and screams came from the hallway and everyone rose from the table terrified. We quickly started walking towards a door hoping to make an escape, but there was something about the windows. They were freezing over.
The doors burst open and I dropped the wine. It smashed into pieces as a blueish man in some kind of robotic suit and a weird looking, but huge gun stepped into the room. Was that Victor Fries? Then through the second set of doors another man in a top hat who I recognised as Jervis Tetch burst in with some other strange looking friends.
Before I could comprehend the situation, we were all being cuffed and taken outside. Our kidnappers pushed and pulled us towards a huge truck, all the while the mayor tried to buy his way free. He was showing just how little he really knew about the underbelly of Gotham. I knew just by looking at them that they were probably Arkham escapees and couldn't be bought like a sane man could. They had their own plans and you can't bargain with crazies.
We got to the truck and they opened the back door. My blood ran cold when I saw that standing there waiting for us was Jerome Valeska. Of all the criminals Gotham had seen he had been the only one that had scared me, truly and thoroughly. He didn't have any kind of reason for what he did. He just enjoyed death and chaos. And after his last escapade he looked like madness personified, his scars circling his face and eyes and giving him a permanent evil smile. Dread consumed me as I realized that he was no doubt the leader of this operation and if that was true, we were already dead.
I felt myself jolted forwards. The mayor had pushed me in front of the rest of the council to get whatever was coming first. If I wasn't cuffed, I would have turned around and broke his nose. I was lifted into the truck, my hands were pulled above my head and fixed to two hooks. I had to stand on my toes to keep standing which made it awkward and difficult as they pushed me to the back of the truck.
Was that Penguin? What was he doing here? He didn't belong here. I had gone to Penguin looking for a job in his club when I was 16. He was impressed with my audition, but when he asked my age, he rejected me.
"This establishment is not a playground for children. It's a nightclub." He had told me. At the time I had been steaming mad, but in hindsight he was probably right. Even if he was rude. So, after that, I found it hard to understand why he was here and working with Valeska. Maybe he had been kidnapped too?
The rest of the council were loaded on and hooked. The mayor was still trying to offer them money and pardons. When he saw it wasn't working, he resorted to empty, unintimidating threats. Jerome was completely unfazed and even a little disappointed in the lack of smiles.
"Nobody knows how to have fun anymore, right?" He said putting his arm around Penguin. So, he was a part of this.
Jerome pointed to a scary looking figure dressed like a scarecrow. Johnathan Crane? Crane released some kind of purple gas in the face of a member of a council. She started laughing and convulsing violently.
"What have you got to lose? Except your sanity?" Jerome joined in the crazy laughter. So, this was his plan. He'd figured out a way to forcefully drive everyone insane. With a gas.
I silently prayed to God in my mind for any kind of help.
After sufficiently terrifying us half to death, they left us in the back of truck. None of us could say anything and after a few minutes the truck started moving.
"Is she ok?" I asked looking towards the victim of the insanity gas.
"Who cares?! We have to figure out what they want and get out of here." Replied the mayor.
"Maybe they want publicity for whatever that gas is. Offer them some TV time." Guessed the chairwoman.
"Don't you get it?! This isn't a situation you can buy your way out of!" I snapped, frustrated with their idiocy.
"These aren't normal criminals. They don't want your money. They want chaos and madness." They stood there silently stunned. They had never heard me speak with such confidence, but in that moment, they knew I was right.
After what felt like hours the truck finally stopped.
"What's going on?" The mayor whispered.
Everything was quiet. We listened for any noise or sign of life. All we could hear was our own breath.
Then suddenly the doors flung open once again and in hopped Valeska, Tetch and Crane.
"We're here!" Jerome grinned.
The other two started to pull the council one by one off the hooks and walk them out of the truck, closely watched by Jerome. Until they got to me.
"Wait..." He stuck an arm out to stop Tetch from unhooking me.
"Who's she? She wasn't on the party list." He took a few steps closer to me.
"This poor young girl is an unlucky maid. Wrong place, wrong time. Very bad day." Jervis explained looking at me.
"Would you like me to... dispose of her?" Asked Crane, stalking close to me and lifting needle covered fingers to my throat.
"Not so fast, Mr Potato Head." Jerome said pulling him away from me.
He came so close that we were only inches apart. He looked down at me as if he was thinking for a few seconds then smirked and turned around to the others.
"Guys, go and see that our guests are comfortable, will ya? Get everything ready." He ushered them out of the truck. Fear travelled up and down my body. This had all been a bad situation, but being alone with Valeska scared the hell out of me.
"You're lucky I have a soft spot for pretty little girls." He closed the truck doors and turned to look at me.
"Freddy Krueger there... not so much." He relaxed, leaning back against the doors with his hands in his pockets. "You got a name?"
I stayed silent, more out of fear than defiance. He sucked his teeth and stood up straight.
"I get it. You're scared. Who wouldn't be, right?" He started slowly walking closer. "But things will go a lot smoother if you just play nice."
I still couldn't find any words.
"Aw, come on, doll! I'm getting awful lonely over here." He brought his hands up out of his pockets and leaned against a wall of the truck.
He was quiet for a few seconds and I noticed that his eyes were making their way up my legs. Being held up by my wrists on my tip toes had pulled my uniform skirt up and almost all of my thighs were exposed. I blurted out my name in an attempt to distract him from my bare legs. He smiled.
"What a pretty name. Now, was that so hard?" He pushed himself off the wall and came a little closer.
"So, you're the mayor's dust bunny, huh? I gotta say, doll, I can see why he keeps you around." He chuckled, eyeing me.
My whole body flushed and my face turned hot and red.
“But, uh, the thing about mayors in this town, they don’t last very long.”
"Please let me go." I whimpered.
"Oh, but we're having such a good time! Plus, if I did that, you'd scamper off to the GCPD and I can't have good ol' Gordon crashing the party early."
I scoffed at his suggestion. Not likely. I had a distinct distaste for the GCPD. They hadn't helped me when I needed them. I would never need them again.
"What's the matter? He book ya before or something?" Jerome smiled with intrigue.
"My parents... they... did things to us. When I ended up in the hospital one too many times..." Tears stung my eyes as I remembered. "They left me there and disappeared with my little brother. No one ever managed to track them down."
I didn’t fully understand why I was opening up to Jerome, but for a second, I saw a spark of humanity in his eyes. Like he understood my pain. I'd heard his first kill had been his mother, so maybe he did?
"I'd give anything to see him again." I sniffed and a tear rolled down my cheek.
"Yeah, I had shitty parents too." He sighed. "I killed them both."
I had thought about what I would do if I ever saw my parents again. What I would say, what I would ask. I could never think of the right words. But the thought of killing them, well that made me smile.
"What was it like?" I asked.
Jerome grinned from ear to ear and stepped closer so that we were toe to toe.
“Have you ever stood at the edge of a really tall building? You know that little voice in the back of your head that says ‘Jump! You can fly!’ even though every other part of you is screaming ‘No you can’t! You’re gonna kill us!’”
I nodded shakily.
“It’s like finally giving in to that voice. Like jumping off Gotham Bridge and finding out you can fly. And realising you never have to walk again.”
I swallowed the lump in my throat and my heart felt like it was going a million beats per minute. His eyes were locked on mine and it felt like he was looking straight into my soul.
“You wanna fly, doll?” He brought his hand up to cup my jaw and ran his thumb along my bottom lip.
It wasn’t humanity I saw in Jerome Valeskas eyes. It was freedom. A freedom that I had wanted for as long as I could remember. And I could have it right now. He was offering it to me. The only thing standing in my way was myself.
“Yes.” I breathed. “Yes, I do.”
The next thing I knew, his lips were crashing into mine and he had hooked his hands under my thighs and was holding them around his waist. His kiss was desperate and hungry, like he had been starved for days and his grip on the bare flesh of my thighs was rough enough to leave bruises. I locked my ankles together behind him to steady myself from swaying underneath the cuffs. When I did, he drove his crotch forwards, grinding into my centre, a quiet moan escaping me as I felt him.
He slowly trailed a hand from my thigh, up my back and to the nape of my neck, before balling my hair in his fist. I gasped as I felt the sudden, sharp tug of him pulling my head back.
His eyes wandered down to settle on my exposed throat, before yanking my head to the side and nestling in the crook of my neck. He must’ve left a hundred open mouth kisses, but as he started to suck, I felt his teeth sink into my skin. I pulled back with a hiss at the sting, but he wouldn’t let go. He just kept on leaving harsh, red bitemarks and pulling my hair, all the time grinding harder into me.
He licked over the bruises he’d left and gently kissed them, before trailing his tongue up my neck to nip at my ear. He smiled darkly and pulled back away from me, dropping my legs back to the floor. He stalked around me, eyeing me up and down like a predator. I felt him behind me, his hands softly holding onto my waist, pulling me close to his chest.
“You know what’s great about this?” He cooed. “You’re already pre-cuffed.”
I flushed and my core swelled hot, his breath so close to me made my skin tingle all over. He pulled at the top of my skirt and dragged it down my hips, letting it fall down around my feet. He caressed my thighs and then stepped back, tugging at my underwear, playfully letting the elastic snap back to me.
“Y’know...” He said, before the familiar sound of a belt unbuckling. “Marquis de Sade said ‘sex without pain is like food without taste’...”
My eyes widened at his words and my heartbeat quickened.
“So, let’s make this... delicious.”
A million thoughts raced through my mind, but before I could process any, I felt the sharp snap of leather against my ass. I jolted forwards and let out a high pitch yelp.
Even though I couldn’t see him, I could tell he was smirking. I could hear it in his voice. I bit my lip in an attempt to brace myself and he landed the belt across me again.
“Please, Jerome...” I whimpered at the sting, closing my eyes.
He brought it down again, making me arch my back in a gasp. A couple of tears rolled down my cheeks and I realised there was little point in resisting the torment. So, I gritted my teeth and prepared for another lick of the belt.
He whipped me once more, harder this time and a small scream escaped me.
“Please!” I begged.
I heard him chuckle with dark delight. The bastard was enjoying this. Of course he was. What else had I expected from someone like him? I tightened all my muscles for the next sting...
But it didn’t come. Instead, I felt him pulling my underwear down. Relief washed over me when I heard the belt drop to the floor and I realised Jerome was finished and was now crouched, ready to inspect his work. He ran his fingers over my burning flesh, taking in the bright red lashes he had left on me.
“What a pretty picture?” He said, landing a spank. “I wish you could see too doll, but having you cuffed is half the fun.”
His voice was dripping with venom and arousal and I could practically feel his grin in the air. He traced the marks with his fingers a little longer, before grabbing my flesh in fistfuls and sinking his teeth in. I gasped loudly at the hard bite. I wasn’t sure how many more of Jerome's surprises I could take. He laughed and ran his tongue over the new bruise.
“Yep. Definitely a pretty picture.” He smiled, giving me another spank. “I like those little noises you make, doll. Why don’t you make some more for me?”
He snaked his hand up my inner thigh and began stroking along my slit, relighting the fire in my stomach. I moaned, biting hard on my lip and tried to bring my thighs together, wanting friction.
“Naughty.” He said, landing a swift slap on my entrance causing me to let out a little yelp. “I need you to keep those legs open for me.”
It wasn’t as bad as the belt. In fact, it felt quite good. The heat inside me swelled as Jerome returned to running his fingers back and forth in my slickness. I hummed softly in my throat, fighting the urge to close my thighs again, my knees starting to shudder underneath me.
“Look how wet you are and I’m barely touching you.” Jerome chuckled darkly. “I wonder what happens if I do this?”
Jerome plunged two fingers deep inside me and slowly started pumping them. I let the warmth roll through me, moaning blissfully. He gently started to pick up speed, making it nearly impossible for me to keep my thighs apart. The faster he got, the deeper he dove, making me tighten around his talented fingers and struggle to keep steady on my toes.
My legs were shaking and despite my best efforts I just had to squeeze them together. As soon as I did, Jerome removed his fingers from me, leaving me feeling empty and spanked me hard.
“What did I say about that?” He barked, laying down another spank.
His spanking felt different this time. It felt pleasurable and sent a thrill up my spine.
“Sorry.” I whimpered.
“Sorry for what?” He spanked me again. “For being a needy little whore? Hm?” Another spank.
“Yes!” I gasped. “I’m a needy little whore! I just...”
“What? You just what?”
Jerome landed another slap at my core. It made my muscles clench, but it also aroused me so much more in a way I’d never thought I’d experience.
“What? What do you want, whore?”
“Big words, princess. What...” Spank. “Do you...” Another spank. “Want?”
“I want... I want you...” I forced, breathlessly.
“You want me? What do you want me to do, princess?” Jerome teased, tracing a finger along my burning entrance, just barely touching me.
“Please... Make me feel good, Jerome... Make me cum.”
“Are you gonna be a good girl?”
“Are you gonna do as I say?”
“Yes, I will.”
“Exactly as I say?”
“Yes! Yes! Yes! Just please...Jerome.”
I couldn’t take it any longer. I felt so pathetic and needy. I needed him to touch me.
“So desperate.” He giggled sadistically. I supposed he loved seeing me beg.
Then, finally, he spread me open and dove his tongue deep into my wanting warmth. I closed my eyes and bit down hard on my lip as he swirled his tongue around inside me. I wanted to grab his hair and feel it in my fingers, but all I could do was squeeze my fists together in empty frustration.
Jerome grabbed a hand full of my ass, gripping it tightly, digging his nails in and rose his other hand to my pelvis front, pulling me down further onto his tongue. I squealed, a delightful mixture of pleasure and also pain from the tugging on my aching forearms. He ran his front hand down to play with my swollen clit, circling his fingers around beautifully.
He grinded his face deeply into me, sliding his tongue up, down, around and around inside me. He pressed his fingers down harder on my clit, forcing a loud moan out of me. I felt the pressure inside me build, coiling and tightening like a burning spring. I squeezed my thighs around his head in a desperate attempt to pull him deeper, his tongue nestling inside finding all of my sweet spots and lighting them on fire.
I could feel myself ready, ready to burst. He was pulling an amazing orgasm out of me and I wanted nothing more than to just let it go. All it took was one more upward jolt of his head, pushing his tongue that last little bit deep enough to push me over. I screamed out in erotic pleasure, letting the feeling flood me like warm water. My back arched and my legs convulsed until I withered, letting myself dangle from my cuffs in a breathless defeat.
Jerome slid his tongue out of me and pulled his face back away.
“You sing so pretty, dollface. Like a little birdie.” He said, squeezing the flesh off my ass.
He gave me one more light bite and a spank, before he rose back up to stand, snaking his hands along my sides all the way. He let his hands wander up to cup my breasts, massaging them softly. He leaned in close and began leaving wet kisses in the crook of my neck. I shuddered, his touch sending a cool tingle down my spine. He let his hands squeeze my breasts slightly harder, then pulled away and crept back around in front of me.
He stood facing me, his eyes locked on mine. They seemed to burn holes right into my flesh, creating a sense of fear in me. I was scared of Jerome Valeska, I truly was. But everything he was doing to me right now... The way he touched me, kissed me. I wondered how he managed it. How he was able to both terrify and arouse me in equal amounts.
Lost in my thoughts, I didn’t register his hand rising until it was firmly wrapped around my throat. He leaned down to kiss me, dominating my mouth with his tongue, making me taste myself. Once again, I felt the familiar warmth build in my core as I sensed we were not quite done here. He finished the kiss with a little nip to my bottom lip.
“Are you scared of me, doll?” He purred.
I swallowed hard, unsure if truth was wise here. Then I felt him increase the pressure around my throat, not wanting to wait for an answer.
“Yes.” I breathed.
“Good.” He said through an evil smirk.
He crashed his lips to mine once again, his free hand picking up my thigh to wrap around him. I locked both my legs around his waist, wanting to feel him close against me. I felt his erection hard, under his clothes, grinding into me and I wanted it. Badly. He pulled away from the kiss, leaving his taste on my tongue and raised his hand from my throat to grab hold of my face. He took his other hand away from my thigh and pulled at his tie. I didn’t drop my legs this time, instead I gripped tighter as he slid his tie from around his neck and scrunched it in his fist.
“Open your mouth.” He ordered.
I did as he said and he smiled, before spitting into my open lips and gagging me with his tie. I’d never had anyone do that before and it shocked me a little, but then again, I’d never had anyone like Jerome Valeska before.
He backed up slightly, just enough for him to reach down and unzip his trousers and pull down his underwear, freeing his erection. I couldn’t help but look down at it. It was bigger than any I’d taken before and I wasn’t sure how prepared I was. He started to slowly stroke himself, lifting up my chin to look at me.
He gently stroked a single finger across my jaw and then, suddenly, landed a harsh slap across my cheek. I yelped at the slap, causing a dangerous smile to form on Jeromes mouth. I should’ve been repulsed by him. He killed people and was aroused by my pain and fear, so why was I so attracted to him?
He angled himself underneath me so he was lined up and ready. He wrapped his hand back around my throat and then pushed forwards into me, causing us both to let out deep moans.
“You like that?”
I nodded and whimpered through the material of the tie. Jerome giggled darkly and with his free hand, gripped onto my waist.
“Brace yourself, princess.” He warned, through a poisonous smile.
He pulled back slowly, until he was almost completely out of me and then, like a bullet, ploughed himself right back in, jolting me backwards with force. He continued his thrusting rough and fast, making me whimper and bite down hard on the tie. I closed my legs tightly around him, pulling him closer and forcing him in deeper.
He let out a low, guttural groan and moved his hand upwards from my waist to slap me again, spitting at my face as he did so. I closed my eyes to endure the onslaught of him pounding inside me like a raging animal. I felt like a toy, dangling there for him to use as he liked, but still the searing pleasure of it all made me moan lustfully.
“Open those peepers, princess.” He commanded. “I want you to see exactly who’s in charge here.”
I opened my eyes and saw him grinning at me like a man possessed.
“You like this? You like me fucking you?” He growled, gripping my throat tighter.
All I could do was whimper and moan in response.
“I cuffed you and hung you up, hurt you, spat on you... even made you cry! And you still let me fuck you?” He laughed through shallow breaths. “You’re pathetic, you know that? A pathetic little whore.”
Jerome threw another slap at me and I felt myself tighten around his considerable length, taking him all deep inside me. He drove up into me like he was trying to break me open with his girth and I welcomed every inch of it.
“You’re so fucking tight.” He moaned.
I clenched my walls around him, the feeling of being filled by him sending flutters through me as he pushed in deeper and laughed.
“I don’t think your pussy ever wants to let me go, doll!” He grinned. “But I already know you like taking my cock like this, cause you’re such a good girl for me... I like that.”
I flushed at his words. I didn’t know why, but it made me feel good to please him and, in that moment, I would have done anything for him. I could feel my ecstasy creeping up on me, like magma rising inside a volcano. I cried out wantonly, the heat rising as he worked me, exploring every detail of my canal with his thick shaft.
He let go of my throat and moved both his hands to grab onto my ass and squeezed, steadying me so he could pound me harder and climb to release. His thrusts became erratic and sloppy and I could tell he was just as close as I was. I moaned loudly as he rammed into me harder and faster, burying himself deeper and making my arousal burn.
I could feel it coming, so close. I was about to boil over and all I needed was him. Just him. He continued thrusting like a raging animal, digging his nails into my flesh and scraping them along my ass, stinging sweetly. I whimpered at the sensation and tightened my legs.
“Cum for me, doll.” He panted. “I wanna feel you cum on my cock.”
He plunged into me, pushing the magma higher and just so close to bursting. It was coming. I could feel it.
He pounded again. So close. Again and again, so hard inside me. Just a little more...
I screamed out, closing my eyes and letting everything go. The feeling of my orgasm washed over me like a tidal wave of pure elation. My whole body shook from the force of it and I trembled like a leaf. Jerome continued to thrust into me until he too reached his climax. He growled like a beast and I felt him throb, releasing his hot load of sticky lust deep inside me.
We both relaxed, catching our breath and he stared down into my eyes. He unlatched his hands from the flesh of my ass and brought one round to gently stroke my cheek with his fingertips. It was quiet, but only for a minute.
He threw his head back and laughed like the madman he was, before pulling out of me and stepping back. My legs dropped to the floor and he began to put himself away and zip his trousers back up.
“Well, that was fantastic, dollface. Thanks for playing nice with me.” He said, throwing me a wink.
There was a loud metallic knock at the truck doors and I guessed whoever it was, was trying to get Jeromes attention.
“It’s been fun princess, really. But time waits for no man and I’ve got a party to attend” He said, smiling at me. “Well, more like crash.”
When he turned to leave, I tried to speak, but all that came out was intelligible muttering. He wasn’t going to leave me here, dangling, half naked and gagged like this? Was he? He began walking to the truck doors and I tried to call out.
“Oh! Wait, almost forgot.”
I felt a flood of relief when he began walking back to me.
“I’m gonna need this back.” He said and pulled the tie out of my mouth.
I was glad to finally be rid of it, but my joy was short lived, because he was starting to leave again.
“Hey...” I croaked; my mouth dry.
“Yeah, I’ll have someone come get you later.” He said, too nonchalantly for my liking. “For now, you can just... well, why don’t you just hang out?”
He laughed at his joke and opened the doors.
“Hey! You can’t leave me here!” I tried to shout, but my throat was too dry.
And then... he was gone. He really did just leave me alone, half naked in the back of a truck. How long would it be before someone found me? An hour? Two? The rest of the day?
All alone with my thoughts now, I decided the only thing to do now was wait. Wait and try and go over what the hell just happened between me and Jerome Valeska.
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